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CodePath group project. Bring the WWCode experience mobile.

Problem/Opportunity: Currently, our reach happens through expanding networks and our weekly Code Review. We want to be able to reach an engineer even if we don’t have a network in their area, more directly, and make it so they feel like they are apart of WWCode regardless of where they are in the world. Our goal is to reach 1 million engineers.

Product Overview: This experience will leverage existing internal data: WWCode events, event streaming, resources, internal blogs, job posts, inbound conference data. We will also provide the ability to connect with other like minded engineers through in app direct messaging and event driven groups.

We are going to find out what interests our members based on a personalization flow in order to feed them proper data and connect them with like minded members in their area and around the world. This is creating a more immediate, and direct way to connect regardless of where you are located.

Member Stories

The following required functionality is completed:


  • On app install we will ask user if we can access their location settings
  • Member will go through a personalization flow that is persisted via parse
    • Personalization flow will include 3 views questions with checkbox options (you can check on or many)
      • Engineering area of interest: Architecture, Security, Data Science/ Analytics, Opensource, Other (will be a text box)
      • What do you hope to get out of WWCode: enhance technical skills, leadership skills, career development e.g. negotiation, interviewing…, friends and professional network, other (will be text box)
      • What skill-set level would you say you are currently: Advanced technical 3+, Intermediate technical 1-3 years, Beginner technical under 1 year, other (will be text box)
  • Member will be taken to a view where they can click an option to create an account via github oauth or with email
    • When a member clicks on sign up with email, render a view so a member can sign up with email, persist on the server via parse
    • member model will include a fullname, geo location, image_url, password, job description
    • personalization_details: user_id, answers (hash with key (question): values (array of answers submitted)) --- check if this is supported in parse.
  • After successful account creation, take user to profile preview: render user details, include image, password field (we may not need this), full name, job description field. Auto display whatever we have and leave what we don't have blank for the user to fill in.
    • Add functionality so the user can upload their image
    • Add functionality so the user can take a photo of themselves


  • Timeline is the first listview page/fragment the member is taken to after they confirm profile details, it will be the first tab in a 3 tab view.
  • member will see a listview of posts
  • member can make a post awesome or unawesome
  • Initial timeline view for each member will include posts

Posts (directly relates to timeline):

  • Each item in the timeline view is a post that belongs to a feature or event.
    • Persist a post model, post will include user_id, subscription_id, title, details/description, awesome_count
    • We will pre-seed posts for now

Subscribing (tab in mock that says features):

  • Member can tab to see the feature they are subscribed to and can join
  • feature will be modeled locally and pushed to parsed
    • each feature will be a local data seed (pending from Zassmin)
      • A feature has title/name, description, joined_count
      • A member belongs to many features
  • feature fragment will include a listview with feature attributes
  • member can choose which feature to join by clicking the feature and being taken to a detail view
    • In the detail view the member can subscribe or unsubscribe
  • on click of a feature will take them to a details view of that feature
  • detail view:
    • member can see the title, description, number of people joined
    • feature detail view will also render the post history timeline for the given feature


  • listview fragment for only event details
  • on click of the event will render a view with event details
  • event data will be from meetup api (w/o user oauth)
    • Event model (based on meetup data): network_id, event_date, event_date, location, url, title, featured (boolean), meetup_event_id, rsvp_count, rsvp_limit

The following optional features are implemented: Onboarding:

  • When a member clicks sign up with github, take member through github oauth sign up flow (
    • On successful log in we will push the Member data and personalization data to server via parse
    • get image url from user's github profile save it to image_url
  • on successful signup member will be auto subscribed to WWCode specific features
  • If the members signs in via github, we will make additional calls to the api to better learn member's interests
  • add a character limit to the option stuff


  • Member will see posts in priority based on location and interest based data and location settings
  • On click of an listview post will take them to the details view of that feature.


  • The subscription view will now a include a group chat for anyone joined to that subscription
  • Member can chat to that subscription directly from that view


  • Model the ability to chat:
    • A member can write many posts to the subscriptions they are a part of
  • Member will see a list of all the places it can currently chat in, there is a chat group for each subscription they are in, member can chat in the group.

The following bonus features are implemented: Onboarding

  • Member can type a secret access token to continue using the app
  • Only if a member types in a secret access token, they can go to the log in page
  • If Member types an incorrect access token, they can try again, or request to be on the wait list, by adding email and fullname
    • We will also push their personalization data with name and email to parse


  • Add new posts based on relevent converstations!


  • Member can swipe the item on the listview to see subscribe or unsubscribe button depending on whether they are currently subscribed or not


  • 1-1 direct chatting - (this feature needs wireframing)

Profile/Privacy Settings:

  • Member will be able to see privacy, profile, and setting/preferences via a navigation drawer layout which contains a framelayout with displays the contents of the fragment selected.
  • Drawers list items will include an item for each subscription category:
    • programming language preferences, when a member clicks, a fragment will be rended and it will include list of language options the member can use from: ruby, java, android, rails, C, C#, html5, objective-c, python. The member will able to click and hit save at the bottom to update their language preferences.
    • events, when a member clicks, a fragment will be rendered displaying subscription by category
    • applaud her, this fragment will include a form submission to post an applaud her nomination to server
      • form will include applauding, story, email, twitter handle, accomplishment_blurb, and date_of_accomplishment
    • ...this list will grow depending on the number of categories we end up with
  • Include a fragment that allow's a member to authenticate with oauth from other apps
  • Include an about WWCode fragment and make it accessible in the drawer

Sprint 2 Demo


Sprint 1 Demo
