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This document lists a couple of useful information for development and deployment purpose.

Table of content


Following terminal commands are useful to deploy frontend and backend.

Local development

To perform local development, you'll need a .env.development file.

npm run deploy


For macOS, you might need to manually install llvm and patch clang lib path. See example for zsh shell:

brew install llvm

echo 'export CC=$(brew --prefix llvm)/bin/clang' >> ~/.zshrc
echo 'export AR=$(brew --prefix llvm)/bin/llvm-ar' >> ~/.zshrc
echo 'export PATH=$(brew --prefix llvm)/bin:$PATH' >> ~/.zshrc


To perform staging development, you'll need a .env.staging file.

ENV=staging dfx deploy frontend --network staging --wallet cvthj-wyaaa-aaaad-aaaaq-cai
ENV=staging ./scripts/


To perform staging development, you'll need a .env.beta file. Note that beta frontend points to production (IC) backend.

ENV=beta dfx deploy frontend --network beta --wallet yit3i-lyaaa-aaaan-qeavq-cai


To perform production development, you'll need a .env.production file.

ENV=ic dfx deploy frontend --network ic --wallet yit3i-lyaaa-aaaan-qeavq-cai
ENV=ic ./scripts/


Translations are handled in JSON file - for example en.json. We selected this format because they can easily be edited by third parties even without developer skills.

To add support for an additional language, proceed as following:

Note that OISY's repo does not accept external contributions yet.

  1. Copy en.json to a new filename reflecting the language ISO code (such as for example zh-cn.json for simplified Chinese).
  2. Translate each key of the newly created file.
  3. Replace the file imported in

In the future, OISY might be extended to support multiple languages on production.

Adding additional keys

Translations are handled in JSON files but, as we are consuming these through a store, their representation have to exist as interfaces. To ease the process we have developed a script which extracts the declarations automatically. In case you would add new keys, run npm run i18n to generate the interfaces.


A list of useful faucets and ERC20 tokens on Sepolia:


This section provides information about testing procedures.

E2E visual comparisons

To implement a test that compares snapshots, follow these steps:

  1. Add an e2e test in the ./e2e directory.
  2. Implement the test using await expect(page).toHaveScreenshot() to compare screenshots.
  3. Run the e2e test locally using npm run e2e:snapshots to generate the screenshots.
  4. Run the e2e test locally again using npm run e2e to validate the test.
  5. Add the generated screenshots to Git.
  6. Create a PR for your changes.
  7. Open the GitHub Actions page and navigate to Update E2E snapshots.
  8. Manually trigger the generation of screenshots for the CI by running the workflow using your PR or branch.

This last step will generate the screenshots for the CI and add them to your PR. You can trigger this job again anytime you make changes, regardless of whether the test itself changes.


  • We develop on macOS, while GitHub Actions use Linux. Therefore, there are two sets of screenshots: darwin for macOS and linux for Linux.
  • For more information, refer to the Playwright documentation.

Integrate ckERC20 Tokens

While the weekly GitHub Action that runs the job [./scripts/build.tokens.ckerc20.mjs] helps discover new ckERC20 tokens deployed on the IC mainnet for testnet purposes or through proposals for effective production usage, some manual steps are still required to integrate them within OISY.

The steps are as follows:

  1. Collect the Ethereum logo for the specific token as an SVG, ideally from an official source. Ensure using the logo in OISY respects brand/trade guidelines.
  2. Verify the SVG asset size is acceptable (small) and copy it into [src/frontend/src/icp-eth/assets].
  3. Create a new source environment file in [src/frontend/src/env] by cloning [src/frontend/src/env/tokens.usdc.env.ts] and renaming usdc to the token's name.
  4. Adapt the content of the tokens:
    1. Find the contract address on the ckETH dashboard production or testnet in the table "Supported ckERC20 tokens".
    2. Obtain the token name, decimals, and symbol on Etherscan using the contract address (Select "Contract > Read contract" to query various information from the ABI).
  5. Set up the token for the Ethereum network by listing the new token in the twin tokens arrays of [src/frontend/src/env/tokens.erc20.env.ts].
  6. Create the mapping for the new token in [src/frontend/src/env/networks.icrc.env.ts]. This step sets up the token as a ck token, statically establishes the link between the token on the Ethereum network and its twin token on the IC network, and lists the token in the ICRC tokens and ledgers.

Note that setting up the twin token counterpart or collecting their logo is unnecessary. This information is automatically fetched at runtime from the ckETH orchestrator and the related ledger.

To help with steps 3 to 5, one can use the script [./scripts/add.tokens.erc20.mjs] (or [./scripts/]) to generate the environment files for the new tokens. It requires the EtherScan API key to fetch the token information from the Ethereum network, to be set in the .env file as VITE_ETHERSCAN_API_KEY. The script will run through the supported ckERC20 tokens in the production dashboard and will automatically generate the necessary environment files for the new tokens that have a respective testnet token, and that do not yet exist in the repository. Please be aware of the instructions provided by the script and follow them accordingly, if there are any, and possibly double-check the generated files.


Some setup is necessary to be able to develop locally with Bitcoin tokens.

There are three necessary items before starting to develop locally:

  • Environment variables.
  • Local Bitcoin node running (regtest).
  • Start dfx with bitcoin.

Bitcoin Environment Variables

You need to set the following variables in the file .env.development.

VITE_BITCOIN_MAINNET_DISABLED=false    # or remove this line

Bitcoin Development

There are some important notes related to the BTC development:

  1. Wallet workers:
    • Locally, only the Regex network wallet worker is launched
    • On all other ens (staging, beta, prod), we launch Testnet and Mainnet workers
  2. Transactions:
    • To test them locally, you need to hardcode a mainnet BTC address with some txs inside. In the future, we plan to create mocks and use them during the local development.
    • Currently, only Mainnet transactions (uncertified) can be loaded on staging/beta/prod, since the Blockchain API we're using to fetch this data doesn't provide txs for testnet.

Local Bitcoin Node (Or Regtest)

To interact with a Bitcoun network, we can set up a local test node.

The script to set it up and start running it is ./scripts/

The first time you will run it withuot arguments:


This script will download and set up a local bitcoin node from

Running this script again will start the node without doing the initial setup again.

Resetting Node:

It's recommended to reset the node from time to time:

./scripts/ --reset

Start dfx with Bitcoin

Dfx needs to be aware that a Bitcoin node is running.

There is a script to run dfx with Bitcoin:


You can also run it by cleaning up the state:

./scripts/ --clean

You would normally do this along resetting the bitcoin node as mentioned before.

IMPORTANT: If you were running a local replica before without bitcoin, use the --clean flag.

Mining Bitcoins

To start testing Bitcoin feature you'll need some tokens.

For that, you can get the address of your test user from the UI and get yourlsef some bitcoins:

./scripts/ --amount <amount-in-blocks> --address <test-user-address>

One block equals 50 Bitcoin.

Mining After Transactions

Tokens transferred are not immediately available in the new destination.

Before they become available, there must be a new block mined. You can mine one:


Routes Styles

The designer, or the foundation, might want to use different background colors for specific routes, such as using white generally speaking in the wallet and light blue on the signer (/sign) route.

On the other hand, we want to prerender the background color because, if we don’t, the user will experience a "glitchy" loading effect where the dapp initially loads with a white background before applying the correct color.

That's why, when there is such a specific requests, some CSS can be defined at the route level. CSS which is then prerendered within the generated HTML page at build time.

For example, if I wanted to add a route /hello with a red background, we would add the following files in src:


And in the CSS:

:root {
	background: red;

Furthermore, given that parsing happens at build time, the developer might want to load the style at runtime for local development purposes. This can be achieved by importing the style in the related +layout.svelte:

<script lang="ts">
	import { LOCAL } from '$lib/constants/app.constants';

	onMount(async () => {
		if (!LOCAL) {
		await import('./');