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1. About

This document specifies how to install a development version of CDS for the first time. Production grade deployment is not covered here.

2. Docker

Please only use for development and testing.

The docker container is based on the Invenio docker container.

For more information please check Read the Docs (Invenio / Docker).

2.1 Prerequisites

Please install docker and docker-compose:

# Install docker
$ sudo apt-get install curl
$ curl -sSL | sh

# Use docker without sudo
$ sudo usermod -aG docker *your_user*

# Verify docker is installed correctly.
$ docker run hello-world

# Install docker-compose
$ sudo pip install docker-compose

If the Docker container cant connect to the Internet you probably have to specify the dns server in the Docker config.

As example (inside the CERN network):

$ cat /etc/default/docker

# Use DOCKER_OPTS to modify the daemon startup options.
DOCKER_OPTS="--dns --dns --dns --dns"

2.2 OS X prerequisites

Install docker for OS X.


  • Change the port binding in docker-compose.yml the docker-machine IP-Address.
  • Change the CFG_SITE_URL.

2.3 docker-machine

As alternative you can also use docker-machine to automatically create a docker host.

For example in the CERN OpenStack cloud:

  • Please be aware that the volume mounting is not working from your locale machine.
  • You have to create an ssh tunnel to the docker host to access the exported Ports.

First you need to install the newest docker-machine version. At the moment please use , otherwise you will get timeout problems in the CERN OpenStack.

To configure the access to OpenStack, create a .openstack file in your home folder, source it and type your cern password in:

$ vim ~/.openstack
export OS_AUTH_URL=
export OS_USERNAME=`id -un`


$ source ~/.openstack

Create the OpenStack docker machine (replace the DOCKER_OPENSTACK_HOSTNAME). The Installation will take a while.

$ docker-machine -D create --driver openstack --openstack-ssh-user centos \
        --openstack-image-id 217fdcb1-19ca-42b0-946c-5d51fe57c500 \
        --openstack-flavor-name m1.medium --engine-storage-driver "aufs" \
        --openstack-active-timeout 9999999 \

After your docker host is created you can access it with this command. Please be aware that you have to execute this command in all new terminals.

$ eval "$(docker-machine env dev)"
$ docker ps

Now you can use the docker and docker-compose commands in the rest of the tutorial.

2.2 Quick start

2.2.1 Getting the source code

First go to GitHub and fork the CDS repositories if you have not already done so (see Step 1 in Fork a Repo):

Next, clone your forks to get the development versions of CDS.

$ cd $HOME/src/
$ git clone<username>/cds.git
$ cd $HOME/src/cds
$ git checkout -b cdslabs cds/cdslabs

2.2.2 Optional - Using a different invenio version

Using Invenio form your own source repository also activates live reloading of changed Python files.

So you might want to use git-new-workdir to create a separate invenio_cdslabs folder.

In the cds/docker-compose.yml file under the web container change the mapped volumes to match you local source path:

Uncomment the 3 lines and change the path corresponding to you installation.

    # - ../invenio_cdslabs/invenio:/code/invenio:ro
    # - ../invenio_cdslabs/docs:/code/docs:rw
    # - ../invenio_cdslabs/scripts:/code/scripts:ro
    - ./cds:/code-cds/cds
    - /home/invenio

2.3 Build and run the Docker image

To build the cdslabs image go to the cds source folder and execute:

$ docker-compose build

Run cdslabs with:

$ docker-compose up

The first time Docker will need some time to download all the images (elastisearch, mysql, redis).

When the containers are running you can access the invenio Website under: (The Port can be changed in the docker-compose.yml file)

Load the demo records (Optinal):

$ docker-compose run --rm web inveniomanage records create -t marcxml < cds/demosite/data/cds-demobibdata.xml

Access / explore the Docker container:

# Find the container name
$ docker ps
# Access the container
$ docker exec -it `CONTAINER NAME` bash

Now you got a shell inside the container. Where you can run iPython and other things.

Remove the containers:

$ docker-compose rm -v

2.4 Develop

For development on the cds overlay is the cds/cds folder directly mapped into the container.

Changes in Python files will be automatically detected and trigger a reload.

If other file are changed the container has to be recreated.

$ docker-compose build
$ docker-compose up

To everything including the database:

$ docker-compose rm -v
$ docker-compose build
$ docker-compose up

2.5 Docker Hints

  • Read

  • Docker demon not running:

    $ docker run hello-world
    Post http:///var/run/docker.sock/v1.20/containers/create: dial unix /var/run/docker.sock: no such file or directory.
    * Are you trying to connect to a TLS-enabled daemon without TLS?
    * Is your docker daemon up and running?
        Make sure that docker is running

    To fix this error you have to start you docker daemon

  • Always remove container with the option -v! Otherwise the created volumes wont be deleted and will fill up your disk.

  • If docker-compose up fails the first time, execute it again.

  • The build or run of the cds container is failing?

    Just use the cdslabs/cdslabs docker image! In the docker-compose.yml file change the web and worker container from build to use an image.

    $ vim docker-compose.yml
        # Comment out
        # build: .
        # And remove the comment from
        image: cdslabs/cdslabs
        # Comment out
        # build: .
        # And remove the comment from
        image: cdslabs/cdslabs
  • Docker cleanup:

    # Delete all stopped docker containers with volumes
    $ docker rm -v `docker ps --no-trunc -aq`
    # Delete all images with no tags
    $ docker images | grep "<none>" | awk '{print $3}' | xargs docker rmi

    #Delete all unused volumes (BE CAREFUL)

GREAT! You finished the Docker installation, you don't have to read the Virtual environment chapter.

3. Virtual enviroment

3.1 Prerequisites

If you haven't done it already, follow the section "2. Prerequisites" in First Steps with Invenio

3.1.1 OS X prerequisites

For OS X it is recommended to install dependencies via Homebrew. First install Homebrew and make sure you have the XCode command-line tools (note you may need to install XCode via AppStore if you did not already do so):

$ ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL"
$ xcode-select --install

Next install dependencies via Homebrew:

$ brew install python redis mysql libxml2 libxslt nodejs git rabbitmq
$ npm install -g [email protected] clean-css requirejs uglify-js bower
$ pip install virtualenv virtualenv-wrapper

3.1.2 MySQL configuration (Needs review)

The default MySQL configuration needs to be modified otherwise the database loading will fail. Please add the following lines to my.cnf (located in /etc/my.cnf or /usr/local/etc/my.cnf):


Additionally on OS X developer machines you will need to limit number of open files (defaults to 256 per process in OS X):

# ...

Alternatively, you can also increase number of allowed files per process using:

$ launchctl limit maxfiles 65536

See and for how to persist the change.

3.2. Quick start

3.2.1. Getting the source code

First go to GitHub and fork both Invenio and CDS repositories if you have not already done so (see Step 1 in Fork a Repo):

Next, clone your forks to get development versions of Invenio and CDS.

$ cd $HOME/src/
$ git clone<username>/invenio.git
$ git clone<username>/cds.git

Make sure you configure upstream remote for the repository so you can fetch updates to the repository.

$ cd $HOME/src/invenio
$ git remote add upstream
$ git fetch upstream
$ git remote add cds
$ git fetch cds
$ cd $HOME/src/cds
$ git remote add cds
$ git fetch cds

3.2.2 Working environment

We recommend to work using virtual environments so packages are installed in an isolated environment . (cdslabs)$ tells that your cdslabs environment is the active one.

$ mkvirtualenv cdslabs
(cdslabs)$ # we are in the cdslabs environment now and
(cdslabs)$ # can leave it using the deactivate command.
(cdslabs)$ deactivate
$ # Now join it back, recreating it would fail.
$ workon cdslabs
(cdslabs)$ # That's all there is to know about it.

Let's create a working copy of the Invenio and CDS overlay source code in the just created environment.

(cdslabs)$ cdvirtualenv
(cdslabs)$ mkdir src; cd src
(cdslabs)$ git-new-workdir $HOME/src/invenio/ invenio cdslabs
(cdslabs)$ git-new-workdir $HOME/src/cds/ cds cdslabs

By default we checkout the development branches cdslabs for CDS and cdslabs for Invenio.

TODO: Finish docs!

3.2.3 Installation

The steps for installing CDS are nearly identical to a normal Invenio installation:

(cdslabs)$ cdvirtualenv src/cds
(cdslabs)$ pip install -r requirements.txt --exists-action i


The option --exists-action i for pip install is needed to ensure that the Invenio source code we just cloned will not be overwritten. If you omit it, you will be prompted about which action to take.

If the Invenio is installed in development mode, you will need to compile the translations manually.

(cdslabs)$ cdvirtualenv src/invenio
(cdslabs)$ python compile_catalog


Translation catalog is compiled automatically if you install using python install.

For development environments you should install our git commit hooks that checks code according to our code quality standards:

(cdslabs)$ cd $HOME/src/invenio/
(cdslabs)$ kwalitee githooks install
(cdslabs)$ cd $HOME/src/cds/
(cdslabs)$ kwalitee githooks install

3.2.4. Configuration

Generate the secret key for your installation.

(cdslabs)$ inveniomanage config create secret-key

If you are planning to develop locally in multiple environments please run the following commands.

(cdslabs)$ inveniomanage config set CFG_EMAIL_BACKEND flask_email.backends.console.Mail
(cdslabs)$ inveniomanage config set CFG_BIBSCHED_PROCESS_USER $USER

By default the database name and username is set to cds. You mau want to change that especially if you have multiple local installations:

(cdslabs)$ inveniomanage config set CFG_DATABASE_NAME <name>
(cdslabs)$ inveniomanage config set CFG_DATABASE_USER <username>

Sometimes, depending on what is the final purpose of the installation, enabling the debug mode could be usefull:

(cdslabs)$ inveniomanage config set DEBUG True

3.2.5. Assets

Assets in non-development mode may be combined and minified using various filters. We need to set the path to the binaries if they are not in the environment $PATH already.

# Global installation
$ sudo npm install -g [email protected] clean-css requirejs uglify-js bower

# Local installation
$ workon cdslabs
(cdslabs)$ cdvirtualenv
(cdslabs)$ inveniomanage config set LESS_BIN `find $PWD/node_modules -iname lessc | head -1`
(cdslabs)$ inveniomanage config set CLEANCSS_BIN `find $PWD/node_modules -iname cleancss | head -1`
(cdslabs)$ inveniomanage config set REQUIREJS_BIN `find $PWD/node_modules -iname r.js | head -1`
(cdslabs)$ inveniomanage config set UGLIFYJS_BIN `find $PWD/node_modules -iname uglifyjs | head -1`

Install the external JavaScript and CSS libraries:

(cdslabs)$ cdvirtualenv src/cds
(cdslabs)$ inveniomanage bower -o bower.json
(cdslabs)$ bower install

inveniomanage collect will create the static folder with all the required assets (JavaScript, CSS and images) from each module static folder and bower. inveniomanage assets build will build minified and cleaned assets using the once that have been copied to the static folder.

(cdslabs)$ inveniomanage config set COLLECT_STORAGE
(cdslabs)$ inveniomanage collect
(cdslabs)$ inveniomanage assets build

3.2.6. Initial data

Troubleshooting: As a developer, you may want to use the provided Procfile with honcho. It starts all the services at once with nice colors. Be default, it also runs flower which offers a web interface to monitor the Celery tasks.

(cdslabs)$ cdvirtualenv src/cds
(cdslabs)$ honcho start

Once you have everything installed and the __services running__ you can create the database and populate it with initial data.


It is important to have all serices running as database init and database create will insert information already in Elasticseach anr will use celery as well to run tasks inside the redis queue.

$ # in a new terminal
$ workon cdslabs
(cdslabs)$ inveniomanage database init --user=root --password=$MYSQL_ROOT --yes-i-know
(cdslabs)$ inveniomanage database create

When you have the servers running, it is possible to upload the demo records.

$ workon cdslabs
(cdslabs)$ cdvirtualenv src/cds
(cdslabs)$ inveniomanage records create -t marcxml < cds/demosite/data/cds-demobibdata.xml


Sometimes the changes doesn't appear inmediatly when running the development server, simply stop honcho and start it again.

And you may now open your favourite web browser on

3.3. Updating existing installation

First step update both Invenio and CDS repositories inside the virtualenv:

$ workon cdslabs
(cdslabs)$ cdvirtualenv src/invenio
(cdslabs)$ git fetch cds
(cdslabs)$ git reset --hard cds/cdslabs
(cdslabs)$ cdvirtualenv src/cds
(cdslabs)$ git fetch cds
(cdslabs)$ git pull # be carefull if you have local change, --rebase should help

With the new code in place run the installation process:

(cdslabs)$ cdvirtualenv src/cds
(cdslabs)$ pip install -r requirements.txt --exists-action i

It might be the there are some new assets:

(cdslabs)$ cdvirtualenv src/cds
(cdslabs)$ inveniomanage bower -o bower.json
(cdslabs)$ bower install
(cdslabs)$ inveniomanage collect
(cdslabs)$ inveniomanage assets build

And it could be that the database schema has change:

(cdslabs)$ inveniomanage upgrader check
# If any upgrade recepie is pending
(cdslabs)$ inveniomanage upgrader run

4. Fetching pull requests

$ cd $HOME/src/invenio/
$ vim .git/config

Add fetch = +refs/pull/*/head:refs/remotes/upstream/pr/* to the remote upstream and cds

[remote "upstream"]
    url = git://
    fetch = +refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/upstream/*
    fetch = +refs/pull/*/head:refs/remotes/upstream/pr/*

[remote "cds"]
    url = git://
    fetch = +refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/upstream/*
    fetch = +refs/pull/*/head:refs/remotes/upstream/pr/*
$ cd $HOME/src/cds/
$ vim .git/config

Add fetch = +refs/pull/*/head:refs/remotes/upstream/pr/* to the remote cds.

[remote "cds"]
    url =
    fetch = +refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/upstream/*
    fetch = +refs/pull/*/head:refs/remotes/upstream/pr/*