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File metadata and controls

407 lines (342 loc) · 14.8 KB


Das2dlm is an IDL (Interactive Data Language) DLM (Dynamically Loadable Module) that provides bindings for the das2C library. It is compatable with IDL 8.5 or newer. Once installed, das2dlm functions are new IDL system rountines and thus do not require any specific initialization calls such as "linkimage".

Note: This project has submodules, to clone them to use --recursive.

git clone --recursive [email protected]:das-developers/das2dlm.git

(or the https equivalent)

Current Functionality

As of v0.5, two intended API functions have not been written (see the wiki) for details. Furthermore FFTW based spectral densities from das2C are not yet accessable.

Package Install

Das2DLM is an IDL package and may be installed using the, IDL Package Manager (IPM). The IPM command only installs releases (does not use clone). If you are using IDL 8.7.1 or higher, das2pro can be downloaded and installed by issuing the single IDL command:

IPM, /install, ''

The IPM command automatically handles updating your IDL_DLM_PATH.

To update Das2DLM to the latest version run the IPM command:

IPM, /update, 'Das2DLM'

and to remove Das2DLM from your packages directory issue:

IPM, /remove, 'Das2DLM'

Manual Binary Install

If you are not running IDL 8.7.1 or higher, but are using at least IDL 8.5, Das2DLM binary releases will still work, but you'll have to download and unzip them manually. The contents of the zip file must be placed somewhere on your IDL_DLM_PATH. Note, the contents of the zip go directly into the directory, do not make a sub-directory.

To find your current IDL_DLM_PATH issue:

print, !DLM_PATH

If none of the directories output above seem suitable (or you just can't) write to them, then add a custom directory to the IDL_DLM_PATH. Here's an example of doing so:

export IDL_DLM_PATH="$HOME/my_dlms:<IDL_DEFAULT>"

The text <IDL_DEFAULT> is a flag that must be included as the last item in the path or else IDL will not be able to find it's own modules. See DLMs in the IDL documentation for details.


This repository has submodules. To get them automatically issue:

git clone --recursive [email protected]:das-developers/das2dlm.git

or http equilavent. If you forget to use --recursive then issue:

git submodule update --init --recursive

To compile Das2DLM from source code, first install necessary dependencies first, as described here,

Then start IDL at the root of the project directory and issue the following command to build on a POSIX system (Linux, MacOS).


Since Windows does not have standard install paths, you'll need to set a couple variable first.

vcvars='C:\vs\2019_community\VC\Auxiliary\Build\vcvars64.bat' ; If on windows, path varies
vcpkg='C:\Your\Vcpkg\Top\Directory'                           ; if on windows, path varies

After creating the shared object (.so) or dynamic load library (.dll), copy it, along with the das2c.dlm file into some directory on your IDL_DLM_PATH.


The das2 DLM communicates with das2 servers. Each server provides access to one or more data sources, each of which can produce a data stream. The following example lists all the data sources on a server commonly used for the Juno Mission to Jupiter.

IDL> das2c_srclist("")


    "PATH": "Juno/Ephemeris/GanymedeCoRotational",
    "PROVIDES": "Juno Ganymede Co-Rotational orbit parameters"
    "PATH": "Juno/WAV/Survey",
    "PROVIDES": "Survey Mode Electric or Magnetic Spectral Densities"

among other items.

Once a server and data source are known, HTTP GET URLs can be formed to retrieve data from a particular resource.

The following exmaples downloads data from a Galileo mission data source at the University of Iowa, saves the results, and outputs a DAS2C_RESULT structure that can be used to access the data values.

IDL> s = '' + $
IDL> '&dataset=Galileo/PWS/Survey_Electric&start_time=2001-001&end_time=2001-002'
IDL> result = das2c_readhttp(s)
IDL> result

You should get the output:

    "RESULT": 1,
    "SERVER": "",
    "SOURCE": "Galileo/PWS/Survey_Electric",
    "BEGIN": "2001-001",
    "END": "2001-002",
    "RES": "",
    "EXTRA": "",
    "N_DSETS": 1,
    "N_VALS": 686051

The structure printed above is a DAS2C_RESULT structure. Notice that value of the N_DSETS field is 1. That means this query returned one dataset. Datasets are not broken up by time. A dataset does not represent a "files worth" of data. Files don't exist as an exposed concept for das2 clients. Rather, a dataset is defined as a set of arrays correlated in index space. Most das2 queries will return a single dataset, but that is not required and should not be expected by clients.

The Juno Waves Survey data source is an example of a das2 data source that usually returns multiple datasets for a single query. Often all electric field data from the instrument are desired for a given time period; however, Waves has multiple receiver bands. Each band is taking measurements at different times, thus four different time value arrays are needed to provide the time tags for the four different amplitude arrays. A single dataset groups together the time, frequency, and amplitude arrays for a given band. Thus Waves E-field data are transmitted as four sets of correlated arrays, i.e. four datasets.

DAS2C_RESULT structures are also generated by the das2c_results() function. All stored query results can be summarized by calling das2c_results() with no arguments.

IDL> das2c_results()

Inspecting Datasets

Ask the result for dataset 0 and print some a human readable description.

IDL> ds = das2c_datasets(result, 0)
IDL> das2c_dsinfo(ds)
Dataset: 'electric_10' from group 'electric' | i:0..4483, j:0..152
   Property: String | title | Galileo PWS - LRS Electric

   Data Dimension: electric
      Property: String | label | Spectral Density (V!a2!n m!a-2!n Hz!a-1!n)
      Property: String | scaleType | log
      Property: DatumRange | range | 1.0e-17 to 1.0e-4 V**2 m**-2 Hz**-1
      Property: double | fill | 0.0
      Variable: center | electric[i][j] V**2 m**-2 Hz**-1 | i:0..4483, j:0..152
   Coordinate Dimension: time
      Property: Datum | tagWidth | 80 s
      Property: DatumRange | cacheRange | 2001-01-01T00:00:00.000 to 2001-01-02T00:00:00.000 UTC
      Property: String | label | %{RANGE}
      Variable: center | time[i] us2000 | i:0..4483, j:-
   Coordinate Dimension: frequency
      Property: String | label | Frequency (Hz)
      Property: String | scaleType | log
      Property: DatumRange | range | 5 to 6000000 Hz
      Property: Datum | tagWidth | 1.4 lo
      Variable: center | frequency[j] Hz | i:-, j:0..152

The following call provides a summary of all the datasets in the query result.

IDL> das2c_datasets(result)
  "RESULT":   1,
  "DSET":     0,
  "NAME":     "electric_10",
  "RANK":     2,
  "SHAPE":    [-99, -99, -99, -99, -99, -99, 4483, 152], 
  "N_PDIMS":  3,
  "N_PROPS":  10,
  "N_VALS":   686051 

The SHAPE field bears explanation. This is the overall extent of the dataset in index space. Due to a limitation in the IDL DLM interface for structure arrays, all SHAPE fields must be the same size. Since IDL arrays may accessed by up to 8 indexes (i.e have up to 8 array dimensions), the SHAPE value always has 8 elements, however only the last RANK elements are valid. A bit of IDL code will cut out the unneeded elements:

IDL> ds.shape[ 8 - ds.rank : -1 ]

Inspecting Physical Dimensions (i.e. Variable Groups)

The following call will provide a summary of all physical dimensions involved in the dataset. (output manually collapsed)

IDL> das2c_pdims(ds)
  {"RESULT":1, "DSET":0, "PDIM":"time",      "USE":"COORD", "N_VARS": 1, "N_PROPS": 3, "N_VALS": 4483 },
  {"RESULT":1, "DSET":0, "PDIM":"frequency", "USE":"COORD", "N_VARS": 1, "N_PROPS": 4, "N_VALS": 152 },
  {"RESULT":1, "DSET":0, "PDIM":"electric",  "USE":"DATA",  "N_VARS": 1, "N_PROPS": 4, "N_VALS": 681416 }

Since "physical dimension" is a long term, we'll shorten it to p-dim. Each p-dim usually corresponds to a degree of freedom in the real world. For example location, time, wave-amplitude etc. These may happen to correspond to an array dimension, but that is only a happenstance. Array dimensions are merely book keeping, as all datasets can be flattened into a set of 1-D arrays with out affecting their physical meaning.

The p-dims in play for this dataset are:

  • time - a coordinate space
  • frequency - another coordinate space
  • electric - a data space

Listing Variables

In each p-dim there are 1-N variables that supply data values. Each variable provides values for a particular purpose. The most common purpose is to provide bin-center values. The following code lists all the variables for the 'frequency' dimension.

IDL> pd_freq = das2c_pdims(ds, 'frequency')
IDL> das2c_vars(pd_freq)
   "RESULT": 1,
   "DSET":   0,
   "PDIM":   "frequency",
   "VAR":    "center", 
   "UNITS":  "Hz"
   "SHAPE":  [-3, 152],
   "TYPE":   "FLOAT",
   "N_VALS": 152 

Turns out there is only one. Also, since all variables have the same shape as the overall dataset, SHAPE fields for variables are only as long as the RANK of the dataset. The -3 in the SHAPE array above is a degeneracy flag. It means that the value of the first index does affect the output from the das2c_data() function. The 'TYPE' field gives the IDL data type for data values provided by this variable

Accessing Data Arrays

The following code will get a single IDL array for all the center point values in the time dimension. It will return an array that is 4483 by 152 values long, for a total of 686051 values.

IDL> pd_freq = das2c_pdims(ds, 'frequency')
IDL> v_freq = das2c_vars(pd_freq, 'center')
IDL> ary = das2c_data(v_freq)

Though this is straight-forward, it is not memory efficent. Since the SHAPE field for the frequency centers has a degenerate flag in the first index, we can spare ourselves alot of unnecessary memory usage if we just get a slice of frequencies for any valid first index. The code below illustrates a slice the frequency array on the first time point:

IDL> ary = das2c_data(v_freq, {I:0, J:'*'})

The anonymous structure given for the second argument is a slice structure. The slice structure above indicates that a rank 1 array should be output and this is to be accomplished by holding the first index constant at 0 and letting the second index vary over all valid values. The recognized fields in a slice structure are:

  • I - The first index
  • J - The second index
  • K - The third index
  • L - The fourth index
  • M - The fifth index
  • N - The sixth index
  • 0 - The seventh index
  • P - The eighth index

Fields for indexes larger than the RANK of the dataset are ignored. Currently only integers, two-element arrays, and the string '*' are undersood by the das2c_data function. So for example -1 could have been used for field I to indicate the highest valid first index value, whatever that happened to be.

Given this interface, the following two lines of code are equivalent:

IDL> ary = das2c_data(v_freq)
IDL> ary = das2c_data(v_freq, {I:'*', J:'*'})

Further array slicing examples follow:

IDL> pd_spec = das2c_pdims(ds, 'electric')
IDL> v_spec  = das2c_vars(pd_spec, 'center')       ;Center point electric spectral densities

IDL> ary = das2c_data(v_spec, {i:0,j:0})           ;Slice struct tag names are case insensitive
IDL> ary = das2c_data(v_spec, {I:0})               ;Here the J range defaults to '*' 
IDL> ary = das2c_data(v_spec, {J:[-10,-1]})        ;get all I's, and last 10 J's
IDL> ary = das2c_data(v_spec, {J:[2,4], K:6, L:7}) ;dataset rank = 2, so K and L are ignored

Hint Building slice structures in a loop can be accomplished using the IDL CREATE_STRUCT function. As you iterate over each element in SHAPE, use CREATE_STRUCT to add fields to a slice structure.

Reading Metadata

Datasets contain metadata properties, such as titles and labels. Metadata may be attached either for the dataset as a whole, such as the 'title' property above or to physical dimension variable groups. The following gathers all properties for the dataset

IDL> das2c_props(ds)
   {"KEY":"title", "TYPE":"String", "VALUE":"Galileo PWS - LRS Electric"}

Physical dimensions also have properties, these may be accessed in the same manner.

IDL> pd_amp = das2c_pdims(ds, 'electric')
IDL> das2c_props(pd_amp)
  {"KEY":"label",     "TYPE":"String",     "VALUE":"Spectral Density (V!a2!n m!a-2!n Hz!a-1!n)"},
  {"KEY":"scaleType", "TYPE":"String",     "VALUE":"log"},
  {"KEY":"range",     "TYPE":"DatumRange", "VALUE":"1.0e-17 to 1.0e-4 V**2 m**-2 Hz**-1"},
  {"KEY":"fill",      "TYPE":"double",     "VALUE":"0.0"}

IDL> pd_time = das2c_pdims(ds, 'time')
IDL> das2c_props(pd_time)
   {"KEY":"tagWidth",   "TYPE":"Datum",      "VALUE":"80 s"},
   {"KEY":"cacheRange", "TYPE":"DatumRange", "VALUE":"2001-01-01T00:00 to 2001-01-02T00:00 UTC"}
IDL> pd_freq = das2c_pdims(ds, 'frequency')
IDL> das2c_props(pd_freq)

   {"KEY":"label",     "TYPE":"String",     "VALUE":"Frequency (Hz)"},
   {"KEY":"scaleType", "TYPE":"String",     "VALUE":"log"},
   {"KEY":"range",     "TYPE":"DatumRange", "VALUE":"5 to 6000000 Hz"}

Cleaning Up

To delete a das2c result and free it's memory use the das2c_free function as illustrated below:

IDL> das2c_free(result)

Calling das2c_free on a query result releases all internal data structures and memory associated with the result; however, it will not pull the rug out from under your code. Any internal data arrays that have been wrapped by IDL_ImportArray will not be deleted until IDL is done with them.

Next Steps

The Das2DLM wiki provides documentation for each function.

The examples directory contains working examples of using this module to generate various plots.