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Releases: darrenkopp/SassyStudio

0.8.5 - Source Control Integration

04 Dec 15:32
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This release brings support for Visual Studio enabled source control providers (TFS and perhaps the new git support in 2013).

Fixes in this and previous releases:

0.8.2 - Sass Compiler

21 Nov 23:26
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Due to some recent issues with libsass I now support the sass compiler if it is installed. You can enable this the same was as you would enable compass support by installing the sass gem and then adding the ruby install path to the options for SassyStudio.

SassyStudio picks which compiler to use in the order of Compass > Sass > NSass/libsass.


17 Nov 07:20
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New in this release

  • Templates for adding new files and partials (fixes #19)
  • Intellisense for @import directives (you will see intellisense for files and folders)

Improvements in this release

  • Format Document now only modifies lines that are not already correctly formatted

Fixed in this release

  • An exception may have occurred when rapidly deleting code (ctrl + delete)
  • Prevent css properties showing up in blocks where they shouldn't
  • Fix variable resolution so that you will see function / mixin variables in the body of the function / mixin

v0.8 - SCSS Intellisense

09 Nov 04:31
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The major new feature in v0.8 is smarter css property intellisense for nested properties.
Consider the following style, you will now get intellisense suggesting values like family
and weight when in the font block.

body {
    font: {
        size: 14px;


02 Nov 05:10
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Format Document Support

Very basic support for fixing indentation problems in a SCSS document right now. You can control the indentation options in Tools > Options > Text Editor > SCSS. In addition to this, you can now configure whether or not line numbers should be displayed.

Unfortunately right now you'll need to restart visual studio after changing the indent options as I'm not exactly sure how to detect that the setting changed.

Closes #15

0.7.7 - CSS Generation Enhancements and Partial Compass support

18 Oct 02:28
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Fixes and improvements in this release

Issue #12 - Dependent Documents

Support for re-generating the .css files for all root level documents when you modify a file that is imported is now possible. For example, if you have app.scss like this

@import "variables","global_functions";

When you modify _variables.scss, app.scss will be generated.

Issue #13 - Compass Support

There is support for compass now by specifying the Ruby Install path in the options. SassyStudio will automatically find the version of compass that is installed (you can install it by typing gem install compass).

Currently, this is a compilation time feature only, and thus you will not get intellisense support for files in these directories. This will be resolved in a future release.

0.7.6 - Extending Intellisense

12 Oct 20:41
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Bug Fixes

  • Comment / Uncomment Selection would result in messed up formatting (issue #11)


  • You can now get intellisense from other files in the current file you are working on without using an @import directive by adding /// <reference path="../some/file" />.

0.7.5 - Intellisense improvements

06 Oct 00:19
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This release should improve intellisense accuracy.

0.7.4 - Parsing Enhancements and Customizable output paths

03 Oct 04:56
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This release brings support for saving generated css files into another folder instead of the current folder. You can enable this by specifying the folder name in the options and all files will be saved in a top-level sibling folder.

0.7.3 - Minification of CSS files

25 Sep 17:05
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When enabled in options (enabled by default) a minified css file will be generated in for the css file that is generated from the .scss file.