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Creating test or performance reproducers

Paul Jolly edited this page Jan 13, 2022 · 7 revisions

When you run into an issue with CUE, reducing this down to a simple example helps others who have no context quickly understand where the issue might be.

But sometimes that's simply not possible: it's too complex to reduce, spread across multiple files, etc. In such cases, providing a means by which someone can easily and precisely reproduce your setup locally on their machine is critical. These details should be included in a GitHub bug report.

Here are two ways in which you can provide such steps:

Sequences of shell commands

One way is to provide a sequence of shell commands that can be copy-pasted locally. For example:

cd $(mktemp -d)
set -e
git clone
cd preguide
git checkout 9dcd6cce2ddbe9e8d44649815bb6916830da8cb7
cue def

Points to note from this approach:

  • the entire block above can be copy-pasted an run locally - no need to remove any shell prompt text like $
  • the reproduction is run within a new temporary directory, cd $(mktemp -d)
  • the main command block is run in a subshell, denoted by the outer parentheses. set -e causes the subshell to exit on any subsequent command errors
  • we git checkout to a specific commit so anyone investigating can be sure of running exactly the same code (otherwise we can't be sure we're not running another commit, because branch references like main/master etc move)
  • the version of cue is given by the GitHub bug report issue template (which should also be completed)

Best practice is to include the output from copy-pasting this same block locally on your machine. That way you can be sure the reproduction is a genuine reproduction.

Creating a txtar archive

Another way is to provide an entirely hermetic reproduction file in the form of a txtar archive. txtar is a trivial text-based file archive format. You can use txtar-c to create a txtar file from an existing directory structure of files.

To quickly demonstrate the use of txtar-c, let's create a setup locally which contains a problem we want to report:

cd $(mktemp -d)
set -e
cue mod init
cat <<EOD > x.cue
package x

a: 41
a: 42

If we now run txtar-c we get the following output:

-- cue.mod/module.cue --
module: ""
-- x.cue --
package x

a: 41
a: 42

Each file in the archive is delineated by -- filename -- blocks. You can optionally put the commands you ran above the first file in the archive:

cue def

-- cue.mod/module.cue --
module: ""
-- x.cue --
package x

a: 41
a: 42

Alternatively, simply include the command(s) run in a separate part of the bug report.

Given the above report (assuming the bug report told use we should test against cue v0.2.2) we should see the output:

a: conflicting values 41 and 42:

Someone investigating the problem can then trivially run txtar-x to do the reverse, expanding this archive, at which point they will have an identical local setup and should be able to reproduce the problem.

Testing a repro using cmd/testscript

Alternatively, cmd/testscript can be passed a filename argument that contains the reproducer, or the contents passed directly as stdin:

$ testscript <<'EOD'
exec cue def

-- cue.mod/module.cue --
module: ""
-- x.cue --
package x

a: 41
a: 42

Note: the exec command is used here because cmd/testscript only makes the default testscript commands available. exec cue runs cue from your PATH.

Comparing against golden files

In cases where you need to compare output vs a golden file/content, you can use testscript's cmp and friends. For example, given the following repro:

exec cue version
exec cue export
cmp stdout stdout.golden

-- cue.mod/module.cue --
module: ""
-- x.cue --
package x

#A: {
        a: string
        b: *a | string

s: [Name=string]: #A & {
        a: Name

s: foo: b: "123"
s: bar: _

foo: [
        for _, a in s if a.b != _|_ {a},
-- stdout.golden --
    "s": {
        "foo": {
            "a": "foo",
            "b": "123"
        "bar": {
            "a": "bar",
            "b": "bar"
    "foo": [
            "a": "foo",
            "b": "123"
            "a": "bar",
            "b": "bar"

the output using cmd/testscript is:

$ testscript repro.txt

> exec cue version
cue version 0.3.0-beta.5 linux/amd64
> exec cue export
    "s": {
        "foo": {
            "a": "foo",
            "b": "123"
        "bar": {
            "a": "bar",
            "b": "bar"
    "foo": [
            "a": "foo",
            "b": "123"
> cmp stdout stdout.golden
[diff -stdout +stdout.golden]
     "s": {
         "foo": {
             "a": "foo",
             "b": "123"
         "bar": {
             "a": "bar",
             "b": "bar"
     "foo": [
             "a": "foo",
             "b": "123"
+        },
+        {
+            "a": "bar",
+            "b": "bar"

FAIL: /tmp/testscript922374216/repro.txt/script.txt:3: stdout and stdout.golden differ

go.sum files in txtar repros

go.sum files make txtar repros incredibly unwieldy. There are also unnecessary for the purposes of the repro: (almost) all repros necessarily resolve via the proxy and we are comfortable that is a sufficiently reliable source of code (for repros) so as not to require an independent check via go.sum.

go.sum files can therefore be ommited from repros, and instead a go mod tidy step included as the first command in order to populate the now missing go.sum file (following it is an error for go.sum to not exist if it is required).

go mod tidy
go run main.go

-- cue.mod/module.cue --
module: ""
-- go.mod --

go 1.16

require v0.4.0
-- main.go --
package main

import (


func main() {
	ctx := cuecontext.New()
	v := ctx.CompileString("x: 5")
	fmt.Printf("x: %v\n", v.LookupPath(cue.MakePath(cue.Str("x"))))
-- stdout.golden --
x: 5
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