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Haskell Coding Style

The goals of a coding style are as follows:

  • to have a uniform coding style across a project
  • to make the code easy to read

In some cases there are reasons for choosing a particular style over the other, in other cases we just choose one particular style without any strong reasons just for the sake of uniformity. The choices could be subjective, not all may agree but we need to have one style nevertheless. As far as possible we try to keep style conventions consistent across different language constructs as well.

As long as possible please try to match the style of the file or the surrounding code. Sometimes we may have copied a file from somewhere else and we do not want to change the style, so its important to adhere to the local style rather than mixing styles.

Define before use

Define top level declarations before their first use in the file. In other words, use the bottom up style to organize top level declarations.

There are two rationales for this rule, (1) choose an order instead of a random ordering, (2) facilitate easier type error debugging on new changes.

When refactoring, e.g. changing a fundamental type, comment out all the exports and all the top level declarations in the file using a block comment. Then uncomment the first top level declaration, change it, fix the errors, then uncomment the next one, change it and fix the errors and so on, this way we can incrementally expose the declarations and fix them. This works because we have defined each declaration before its use. Reduced scope of type inferencing makes the type errors localized.

If you use type signatures on all top level declarations commenting out code may not be necessary for localized inferencing. However, define before use results in a better order of type errors.

Also, you can test the code in a similar incremental fashion. You can make a lower level piece of code working and tested first and then move on to the code using it by moving further down in the file.

To summarize, this is useful when refactoring or changing code in bulk.

List modules in dependency order

Use the dependency order principle as described in the previous section for listing modules in the cabal file as well. When refactoring, start refactoring the module higher most in the list first and comment out the rest, the whole library still keeps compiling.


Do not try to reduce whitespace and make the code dense, instead make liberal use of horizontal or vertical whitespace to make the code clearer and easier to read.


Indent each level by 4 spaces. 2 spaces makes the code look cluttered, I would prefer 8 spaces but it often makes lines too long in Haskell with multiple indentation levels. As a reference, Linux kernel uses 8 spaces and it looks very neat.

If expressions or lines become too long or there are too many indentation levels then it means you need to one of the following:

  • Use a let clause to name parts of your expression
  • Use a where clause to factor out some definitions
  • Use top level definitions

Line Length

Maximum 80 columns. This is very helpful when seeing diffs side by side.

Sequence of items

Wherever there is a sequence of items of the same kind they are either placed on the same line (when the list is short) or each of them is on its own line. This principle also helps in reducing the size of diff automatically when new items are inserted in the sequence.

In the following sections, we have listed styles of different constructs for single line and multi line cases. The single line case is used when the whole construct fits into a single line and multi line when it becomes longer than 80 columns and needs to be broken into more than one line.

Try to apply the same style to all the items in a sequence. For example, do not use this:

f x y
    | x > y =
        do something
    | x == y = do something -- should be on the next line
    | otherwise =
        do something

Its preferable to not mix single line and multi-line formats, but sometimes you can, especially the first or last line could be in a single line format even if the rest are in multiline format.

Do not try to align the items with each other based on some separator on each line. Aligning becomes a headache when new entries are added in the sequence, it requires changing all the lines and produces unnecessary diffs.

In the file use comments as follows to delineate different logical sections, dashes are up to 79 columns:

-- Type

where clause is used in many constructs to separate a list of definitions from the main part of the construct. For clarity, and to explicitly indicate that a list of definition follows it is preferable to use where clause on its own line with a preceding and following blank line. However, it is acceptable to end or start a line with where in some cases:

-- when there is a single line LHS in the clause
module Streamly.Internal.Data.Stream (Step (..)) where


class Functor f where

-- when there is a single line RHS in the clause
f x =

    where f1 = ...

Multi line, do not indent the body of where clause:

f x =


    f1 = ...

    f2 y = do
        putStrLn x

Single line definitions within where may omit blank lines between them:

f x =


    f1 = ...
    f2 y = ...

Keep the lines sorted by the pragma name, do not align the ends of lines:

{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ConstraintKinds #-}

Single line

module Streamly.Internal.Data.Stream (Step (..))




module Streamly.Internal.Data.Stream
    -- * The stream type
      Step (..)

    -- * Construction
    , nil
    , nilM
    , cons

  • Export symbols explicitly. Rationale:

    • If not explicitly exported, you may miss unused functions in the module as all functions get exported by default. For example, you defined a benchmarking function but did not add it to benchmarks list. It will never be reported as it is treated as used via implicit exports.
    • Compiler optimizations get impacted due to exporting because the compiler has to optimize the function and put it in the interface files. Optimizations work better and are more efficient if you explictly export.
  • When reading code we want to find out where a symbol is coming from. Import symbols explicitly by names or import the modules qualified as long as possible.
  • If the number of symbols imported is too long and we do not want to import qualified, then we have to import all symbols from a module implicitly. To help the reader find out where a symbol may be coming from we place all the implicit imports together as a separate group.
  • To add a new symbol or import to existing imports, we need to figure out where to add it, for this case sorting of imports is useful. Placing the qualified imports as a separate group may also help in this.
  • Having many import groups makes one think about the groups/grouping scheme every time you have to insert an import, making it difficult to maintain.

Based on the above, we can have:

  • Explicit import group
  • qualified import group
  • implicit import group

Single line:

import Control.Concurrent (killThread, myThreadId, takeMVar, threadDelay)

Multi line, list style to avoid rearrangement when adding new items:

import Control.Exception
    ( AsyncException
    , Exception
    , SomeException
    , assert
    , fromException
    , mask_
  • Use verbs for functions and nouns for values.
  • Use camelCase.
  • Do not capitalize all letters of an abbreviation, it may become problematic if capitals are next to each other e.g. decodeHTTPUTF8 vs decodeHttpUtf8.
  • Use shorter variable names for shorter scopes, and longer variable names for bigger scopes.
  • In general, avoid using a prime on the variable names, e.g. use step1 instead of step'. Numbered indexing is better because it is easier on the eyes especially when there are many of them sprinkled around and we can represent multiple generations of the variables without adding more characters e.g. we can write step2 instead of step''.
  • All top level Declarations should be separated by a blank line. Multiple single line declarations may not have a blank line between them.
  • Pragmas must be placed before the declaration it applies to
  • haddock comments should come before the pragmas
  • There should be no blank lines between haddock comment, pragmas, and the declaration.

The LHS and RHS can be combined on the same line when the whole definition fits in a single line. Otherwise, RHS should start on a separate line. Some constructs like do have an exception to this rule, in which case the keyword do could be on the same line as LHS.

Example of multiple declarations separated by a blank line:

-- | An empty 'Stream'.
{-# INLINE nil #-}
nil :: Monad m => Stream m a
nil = Stream (\_ _ -> return Stop) ()

-- | An empty 'Stream' with a side effect.
{-# INLINE nilM #-}
nilM :: Monad m => m b -> Stream m a
nilM m = Stream (\_ _ -> m >> return Stop) ()

Single line:

nil = Stream (\_ _ -> return Stop) ()

Two line:

-- fit in two lines when one line is too long
nil =
    Stream (\_ _ -> return Stop) ()

Multi line:

f x =
    case x of
        1 -> ...
        2 -> ...
        _ -> ...

INLINE/SPECIALIZE pragmas are important for performance, those (and pragmas in general) are placed before the signature so that they are clearly visible (compared to placement after the function definition).

Separate data declarations by a blank line.

Single line:

data Step s a = Yield a s | Skip s | Stop

data Person = Person String String Int

-- Single field records
data Person = Person {firstName :: String}

Two line:

data Step s a =
    Yield a s | Skip s | Stop

Multi line:

-- | Sum types
data Step s a =
      Yield a s -- ^ Yield
    | Skip s    -- ^ Skip
    | Stop      -- ^ Stop

-- | Product types (prefer records when there are too many fields)
data Person = Person
    String String Int

data Person = Person
    String -- ^ First name
    String -- ^ Last name
    Int    -- ^ Age

-- | Records
data Person = Person
    { firstName :: String  -- ^ First name
    , lastName  :: String  -- ^ Last name
    , age       :: Int     -- ^ Age
    } deriving (Eq, Show)

-- | Records, with long comments for fields
data Person = Person
      -- | First name
      firstName :: String

      -- | Last name
    , lastName  :: String

      -- | Age
    , age       :: Int
    } deriving (Eq, Show)

To keep signatures consistent with function definition formatting style, we keep the :: on the same line as the function name as we keep = on the same line in definitions.

Single line:

f :: (Monad m, IsStream m, Num a) => a -> t m a

Two line:

-- Constraint can be combined with the LHS line as long as it is not broken
-- on more than one line.
f :: (Monad m, IsStream m, Num a)
    => a -> t m a

Multi line:

f ::
    (Monad m, IsStream m, Num a)
    => a -> t m a

f ::
       (a -> b)
    -> t m a
    -> t m b

f ::
    ( Monad m    -- ^ Monad
    , IsStream m -- ^ Stream
    , Num a      -- ^ Num
    => a         -- ^ a
    -> t m a     -- ^ t m a

Single line:

list = [One, Two, Three]

tuple = (One, Two, Three)

Multi line:

list =
    [ One
    , Two
    , Three

tuple =
    ( One
    , Two
    , Three


list =
    [ Group1
        [ One
        , Two
        , Three
    , Group2
        [ One
        , Two
        , Three

tuple =
        ( One
        , Two
        , Three
        ( One
        , Two
        , Three

Use single whitespace to separate operators and terms. Do not use whitespace after opening and before closing parentheses. Do not use whitespace between lambda and the first argument.

a + b          -- single whitespace around operators
(a + b)        -- no whitespace around parenthesis
[1, 2]         -- no whitespace around square brackets
\x -> return x -- no whitespace after "\"

Avoid creating long expressions, name parts of a long expression using let, where or top level binding and use those names to make the expression shorter.


foobar = case x of
    Just j -> foo
    Nothing -> bar

Use this instead

foobar =
    case x of
        Just y -> foo
        Nothing -> bar

Nested/multi line case alternatives:

foobar =
    case x of
        Just y ->
            case y of
                Just z -> ...
                Nothing -> ...
        Nothing -> bar

do block

foobar =
    case x of
        Just y -> do
            case y of
                Just z -> ...
                Nothing -> ...
            putStrLn "hello"
        Nothing -> bar

Do not align the arrows.

Single line:

f x = g $ h $ \y -> putStrLn y

Multi line:

f x =
    g $ h $ \y -> do
        putStrLn "hello "
        return y

f x =
    ( g
    $ h
    $ \y -> do
        putStrLn "hello "
        return y

Single line

if x then y else z

Multi line

if x
then y
else z

if x
    case y of
        True -> ...
        False ...
else z

One way branching in a cascading conditional clause can be flattened to reduce indentation, this is just another way writing a multi-way if without using the extension:

if x
then y
else if z
then u
else v
  • See the "top level declarations" section earlier for general guidelines and examples.
  • Each declaration must have a type signature
  • Do not use a blank line between multiple equations of the same function.

Single line

let x = f x in x

Multi line, align the end of let with end of in, this alignment is compatible with do blocks which require in to be nested inside let:

let x = f x
 in x

Multi line with single line definitions:

let f x = x
    g x = x
 in f y + g y

Multi line, indent the body within the definition, separate the multi line definitions with a blank line:

let f x y =
        case x of
            True -> x
            False -> y

    g x y =
        case x of
            True -> x
            False -> y
 in f a b || g c d

Usually the do keyword can be combined with the previous line:

parselMx' pstep initial extract (Stream step state) = do
    initial >>= go SPEC state []

if x == y
then do
else do

let f x y = do
        putStrLn x
        putStrLn y
 in f y

If not, start a do like this:

    putStrLn "hello"
    putStrLn "hello"

Single line

f (One x)
    | x < y = True
    | otherwise = False

Multi line

f (One x)
    | x < y =
        case x of
          1 -> ...
          2 -> ...
          _ -> ...
    | otherwise = False

In case

case x of
    One y
        | y < z1 ->
            f z1
        | y < z2 -> do
        | otherwise ->
            f y
    Two y ->

Its preferable to not mix single line and multi-line formats, but sometimes you can (especially, the first line or the last line could be in single line format), use your judgement.

Single line:

scanlM sstep (return szero) (return . sessionOutputStream) flush stream

k x = f (g (h x))
k x = f $ g $ h x
k x = h x & g & f
k = f . g . h

Two line:

    sstep (return szero) (return . sessionOutputStream) flush stream

scanlM sstep (return szero) (return . sessionOutputStream) flush stream
    arg1 arg2 ...

Multi line:

    (return szero)
    (return . sessionOutputStream)

lookup e m =
        (\(a, b) xs -> if e == a then return (Just b) else xs)
        (return Nothing)

func =
                (S.concatMapWith parallel use
                    (S.unfold TCP.acceptOnPort 8090

func =
    $ encodeLatin1Lax
    $ S.concatUnfold
    $ S.concatMapWith parallel use
    $ S.unfold TCP.acceptOnPort 8090

func =
    ( S.drain
    $ encodeLatin1Lax
    $ S.concatUnfold
    $ S.concatMapWith parallel use
    $ S.unfold TCP.acceptOnPort 8090

func =
    ( S.drain
    . encodeLatin1Lax
    . S.concatUnfold
    . S.concatMapWith parallel use
    . S.unfold TCP.acceptOnPort
    ) 8090

-- non-aligning operators
func =
    ( S.drain
    `op` encodeLatin1Lax
    `ope` S.concatUnfold
    `oper` S.concatMapWith parallel use
    `opera` S.unfold TCP.acceptOnPort 8090

Multi line in do block:

func = do
    putStrLn "do block"
    S.unfold TCP.acceptOnPort 8090
        & S.concatMapWith parallel use
        & S.concatUnfold
        & encodeLatin1Lax
        & S.drain

The first line can collapse multiple items in the same line and the last line could be a multi line expr:

    putStrLn "do"
    return $ Skip $      -- multiple `$` applications in a single line
        if done
        then (FromSVarDone sv)
        else (FromSVarRead sv)

f x =
    g $ h $ \y -> do
        putStrLn "hello "
        return y

-- alternatively it can be formatted like a sequence

    putStrLn "do"
        $ Skip
        $ if done
          then (FromSVarDone sv)
          else (FromSVarRead sv)

f x =
    ( g
    $ h
    $ \y -> do
        putStrLn "hello "
        return y
  • User visible (exported and not internal) declarations must have haddock documentation.
  • Add examples, annotations like See also, Unsafe, Time complexity, Space complexity, since where applicable.
-- | Create an @Array Word8@ of the given length from a machine address
-- 'Addr#'.
-- >>> fromAddr# 5 "hello world!"#
-- > [104,101,108,108,111]
-- /See also: 'fromString#'/
-- /Unsafe/
-- /Time complexity: O(1)/
-- /Space complexity: O(1)/
-- @since 0.8.0
{-# INLINE fromAddr# #-}
fromAddr# :: Int -> Addr# -> IO (Array Word8)
fromAddr# n addr# = do