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The OpenAM SAML Implementation

Known Compliance Issues

Issue Section Specification Snippet
Does not respond with SAML error responses with a top-level status code but throws an exception instead Core If the responder is unable to authenticate the presenter or does not recognize the requested subject, or if prevented from providing an assertion by policies in effect at the identity provider (for example the intended subject has prohibited the identity provider from providing assertions to the relying party), then it MUST return a <Response> with an error <Status>.
Uses post instead of POST as the action attribute on POST SAML Responses Bindings 3.5.4 The action attribute of the form MUST be the recipient's HTTP endpoint for the protocol or profile using this binding to which the SAML message is to be delivered. The method attribute MUST be "POST".
Does not use errorless Base64 encryption Bindings 3.5.4 A SAML protocol message is form-encoded by applying the base-64 encoding rules to the XML representation of the message and placing the result in a hidden form control within a form as defined by [HTML401] Section 17.
Does not validate that Relay States are less than or equal to 80 bytes Bindings 3.4.3 RelayState data MAY be included with a SAML protocol message transmitted with this binding. The value MUST NOT exceed 80 bytes.
Does not validate the <Subject> element on the <AuthnRequest> Profiles Note that the service provider MAY include a element in the request that names the actual identity about which it wishes to receive an assertion. This element MUST NOT contain any elements. If the identity provider does not recognize the principal as that identity, then it MUST respond with a message containing an error status and no assertions.
Does not sign POST Logout Responses Profiles The responder MUST authenticate itself to the requester and ensure message integrity, either by signing the message or using a binding-specific mechanism.
Does not use the same NameID given from the AuthRequest in the Logout Request Profiles The principal MUST be identified in the request using an identifier that strongly matches the identifier in the authentication assertion the requester issued or received regarding the session being terminated, per the matching rules defined in Section 3.3.4 of [SAMLCore].
Does not respond with the SAML Request's relay state Bindings 3.5.4 If a "RelayState" value is to accompany the SAML protocol message, it MUST be placed in an additional hidden form control named RelayState within the same form with the SAML message.
Does not return a SAML Error Response when given a Non-Matching destination Core 3.2.1 If [Destination] is present, the actual recipient MUST check that the URI reference identifies the location at which the message was received. If it does not, the request MUST be discarded.

Steps to Test OpenAM's IdP

Installing OpenAM

  • Follow the steps here up to the Policy Configuration step.

NOTE The below steps are provided to provide an alternative solution for those who run into problems during the Preparations step of the above guide.

  • Download Apache Tomcat.
  • Download the OpenAM .war files from OpenAM Releases.
  • Rename OpenAM-<version>.war to OpenAM.war.
  • Unzip Apache Tomcat and move all OpenAm .war files into <tomcat>/webapps.
  • Run the following commands to start tomcat and OpenAM will be available at localhost/openAM:8080.
chmod -R 755 <tomcat>/bin
export CATALINA_HOME="<tomcat>"
sh <tomcat>/bin/
# Make sure your JAVA_HOME is set

Setup OpenAM as a hosted IdP

  • Once you've logged in as amAdmin, navigate to Create Hosted Identify Provider, (Top Level Realm ➡️ Configure SAMLv2 Provider ➡️ Create Hosted Identify Provider).

  • Fill out the form (shown below) by picking a signing key, entering a name for the Circle of Trust (CoT) and clicking Configure. Create A Hosted IdP

Registering and Configuring the SamlCTK

  • Register a new Service Provider under the same Circle of Trust (CoT) and give it the following metadata: samlconf-sp-metadata.xml

  • Navigate to the SAML2 page on OpenAM, (Realm ➡️ Applications ➡️ SAML 2.0).

  • Click on the CoT that was just made containing the OpenAM IdP.

  • Ensure that both https://samlhost:8993 and https://samlhostdsa:8994 are added to the CoT.

  • Setup a new user for the SamlCTK to connect as, (Realm ➡️ Subjects ➡️ New...).

    • ID: admin
    • Password: changeIt
  • Add the OpenAM IdP metadata to the SamlCTK

    • Add the IdP metadata to the SamlCTK by going to <baseUrl>/saml2/jsp/exportmetadata.jsp?realm=<realmName>
    • Copy that XML into the openam-idp-metadata.xml file found under deployment/distribution/build/install/samlconf/implementations/openam/, replacing the pre-existing contents.
  • Configure the SamlCTK to your OpenAM setup by filling out and modifying the following XML: OpenAMLoginData.xml found under deployment/distribution/build/install/samlconf/implementations/openam/.

  • You're all set, run the samlconf script under deployment/distribution/build/install/samlconf/bin with -i ../implementations/openam -l -u admin:changeIt.