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538 lines (384 loc) · 26.8 KB

File metadata and controls

538 lines (384 loc) · 26.8 KB


Version 0.1.113

  • Fix

    • fix Kqlmagic failure (pandas exception) when auto_dataframe option is set to True

Version 0.1.112

  • New Feature -enable_curly_brackets_params option

    • when set, strings within curly brackets will be evaluated as a python expression, and if evaluation succeeds result will replace the string (including the curly brackets).
    • if evaluation fails it won't be modified, including the curly brackets.
    • to escape curly brackets they must be doubled {{something}}.
    • Abbreviation: 'ecbp'
    • type mapping from python to KQL types is as follows:
      • int -> long
      • float -> real
      • str -> string
      • bool -> bool
      • datetime -> datetime
      • timedelta -> timespan
      • dict, list, set, tuple -> dynamic (only if can be serialized to json)
      • pandas dataframe -> view table
      • None -> null
      • unknown, str(value) == 'nan' -> real(null)
      • unknown, str(value) == 'NaT' -> datetime(null)
      • unknown str(value) == 'nat' -> time(null)
      • other -> string
    • for example:
      • count = 10

      • interval = timedelta(days=5, hours=3)

      • %kql -ecbp requests | where timestamp > ago({interval}) | limit {count+5}

      • p_dict = {'p_limit':20, 'p_not_state':'IOWA'}

      • %%kql

        • -ecbp -params_dict=p_dict
        • StormEvents
        • | where State != {p_not_state}
        • | summarize count() by State
        • | sort by count_
        • | limit {p_limit}
  • New Feature: enable KQL style // comments in commands and options

    • comments can be used within all lines of Kqlmagic, not only in query part
    • for example:
      • %kql azureDataExplorer://code;cluster='help';database='Samples' // -try_azcli_login

      • %%kql

        • //-show_query
        • requests
        • | where timestamp > ago({interval})
        • | limit {count+5}
      • %kql // --version

  • New Feature +timespan query property

    • enables to set the 'timespan' property in requests to Log Analytics or Application Insights.
    • The timespan over which to query data. This is an ISO8601 time period value. This timespan is applied in addition to any that are specified in the query expression.
    • see:
    • for example:
      • %kql +timespan="P1Y2M10DT2H30M/2008-05-11T15:30:00Z" ...your-query...
      • %kql +timespan="2007-03-01T13:00:00Z/P1Y2M10DT2H30M" ...your-query...
      • %kql +timespan="2007-03-01T13:00:00Z/2008-05-11T15:30:00Z" ...your-query...
      • %kql +timespan=timedelta(days=5,minutes=22,seconds=2) ...your-query...
      • %kql +timespan=[timedelta(days=5,minutes=22,seconds=2),] ...your-query...
      • %kql +timespan=["P1Y2M10DT2H30M",] ...your-query...
      • %kql +timespan=[ten_years_ago,"P1Y2M10DT2H30M"] ...your-query...
  • New Feature +workspaces query property

    • enables to set the 'workspaces' property in requests to Log Analytics.
    • For either implicit or explicit cross-application queries, specify resources you will be accessing
    • see
    • for example:
      • %kql +workspaces=["AIFabrikamDemo1", "AIFabrikamDemo2"] ...your-query...
      • %kql +workspaces='3cc2e581-5032-4ccf-ac05-844b2867ee15' ...your-query...
  • New Feature +applications query property

  • New Feature -try_azcli_login option

    • Before authenticating with the specified connection string, try first to get token from Azure CLI.
    • It will use the connection string tenant id (if specified) as a parameter to Azcli
    • if socket not found use the connection string to authenticate
    • for example:
      • %kql azureDataExplorer://code;cluster='help';database='Samples' -try_azcli_login
  • New Feature -try_azcli_login_subscription option

    • Before authenticating with the specified connection string, try first to get token from Azure CLI using the subscription as a parameter to get the right token.
      • if socket not found use the connection string to authenticate
      • for example:
        • %kql azureDataExplorer://code;cluster='help';database='Samples' -try_azcli_login_subscription='49998620-4d47-4ab8-88d1-d92ea58902e9'
  • New Feature -plotly_layout option

    • enables to specify plotly layout properties, when set they override the defualt layout properties (see plotly documentation on the layout properties)
    • Abbreviation: 'pl'
    • for example:
      • %kql -pl={"width":900"} ...your-query...
  • New Feature -dynamic_to_dataframe option

    • controls to what dataframe type should an kql dynamic value be translated.
    • Either 'object' or 'str'
    • for example:
      • %kql --config 'dynamic_to_dataframe=str'
      • %kql -dynamic_to_dataframe='str' ...your-query...
  • New Feature -temp_folder_location option

    • Set the location of the temp_folder, either within starting working directory or user workspace directory.
    • value values are: ["auto", "starting_dir", "user_dir"]
      • starting_dir - is the location from where jupyter was launched
      • user_dir - is user's home location
    • if set to 'auto' (default), location will be based on the notebook application
    • for example:
      • %env KQLMAGIC_CONFIGURATION='temp_folder_location=starting_dir'
  • Enhancements

    • support ymin and ymax KQL render operator attributes
    • added to table_package: "auto" and "pandas_html_table_schema"
      • when set to 'auto' (default) table package will be based on the notebook application
      • 'pandas_html_table_schema' is an interactive object supported by only some by some to the applications (i.e nteract, azure data studio) (see pandas documentation)
    • added title to all popup windows
  • Improvements

    • Auto detection of Azure Data Studio, nteract and Azure Notebooks
    • Auto detect local/remote kernel location
    • local files server for Azure Data Studion, Visual Studio Code and nteract
    • logs
    • error messages
  • Fix

    • open 'what's new' popup window in Azure Data Studio, Visual Studio Code and nteract
    • deep linking to Kusto.Explorer and Kusto.Webexplorer in Azure Data Studio, Visual Studio Code and nteract
    • popwindow for Visual Studio Code
    • create temporary file in folder that user have permission to access
    • close zombie popup windows
    • option parsing of type dict
    • option parsing accept None value
    • display of dynamic column by pandas when using pandas_show_schema mode
    • surpress pandas warnings
    • 'out of bounds nanoseconds timestamp' converting datetime to panndas dataframe
    • 'can't subtract offset-naive and offset-aware datetimes' converting datetime to panndas dataframe
    • decimal type convertion to python
    • set query properties using the '+' prefix
    • json serialization of bytes, decimal, datetime and timedelta

Version 0.1.111

  • New Jupyter front end supported

    • Kqlmagic can be now used within desktop "nteract"
  • New Feature --banner command

    • --banner command
      • displays the Kqlmagic banner. Useful when Kqlmagic is loaded in silent mode, or is preloaded or when Kqlmagic is used just as a module.
      • %kql -did ... # display the rendered chart bundked to a display id
  • Improvements

    • Hide temporary files server if used
    • Pospone lauch of temporary files server till first kql command (support kqlmagic pre load)
  • Fix

    • Enables multiple notebook in parallel share temp files (now use kernel_id)
    • accurate detection of the jupypter application
    • fixed deep linking to Kusto explorer

Version 0.1.110

  • Fix

    • Remove debug print messages

Version 0.1.109

  • New popup_interaction options

    • defines mechanism to be used for popup interaction.
    • The valid options are "auto", "button", "reference", "webbrowser_open_at_kernel", "reference_popup"
    • When default "auto" is set, Kqlmagic choose based on the Jupyter front end used.
  • New Jupyter front end supported

    • Kqlmagic can be now used in "azure data studio" and "visual studio code"
    • Kqlmagic autodetect that it is running within Azure Data Studio
    • Kqlmagic will be pre installed in future Azure Data Studio version
    • Kqlmagic will be pre loaded in future Azure Data Studio version (no need to %reload_ext)
  • New plot package supported

    • "plotly_widget" was added to plot_package option (default "plotly"):
      • Generates the plot as widget image (useful to customize chart after plotted)
      • kql_raw_result.plotly_fig contains the rendered widget
      • all aspects of the plotted chart can be modified by modifying the plotly widget properties
      • plotly plot_package will be used instead of plotly_widget in case ipywidgets module is not found
      • $config Kqlmagic.plot_package=plotly_widget # sets the default plotly_package to plotly_widget
      • %kql -pp 'plotly_widget' ... # sets plotly_package to plotly_widget for thsi query
  • New feature - Kqlmagic can be used as a Module

    • Kqlmagic can be now used as a python Module (useful in environments that don't allow custom magics)
      • from Kqlmagic import kql # import the kql function
      • *kql({kqlmagic line/cell text}) # execute the text as %kql / %% kql
      • the kql signature is: kql(text:str='', options:dict=None, query_properties:dict=None, vars:dict=None, conn:str=None, global_ns=None, local_ns=None)
        • options will override options parsed from text
        • query_properties will override query_properties parsed from text
        • conn will override default current connection or connection string parsed from text
        • vars will override python variables used to parametrized the query
        • global_ns and local_ns will override user namespace as derived from shell (not recommended, rare use)
  • New feature - support Jupyter display_id

    • When display_id is set to True, refresh will override the original chart
    • %kql -did ... # display the rendered chart bundked to a display id
    • *kql_raw_result.refresh() # will override the original chart
  • New feature - refresh and submit functions support override_options, override_query_properties, override_vars and override_connection

    • kql_raw_result.refresh(override_options=options_dict) # will refresh the original query, using original options overriden by the override options.
    • ipywidgetsrefresh(override_query_properties=query_properties_dict)* # will refresh the original query, using original query properties overriden by the override query properties.
    • kql_raw_result.refresh(override_vars=vars_dict) # will refresh the original parametrised query, using python vars overriden by the override vars.
    • kql_raw_result.refresh(override_connection=conn_str) # will refresh the original query, but to database as specified in the override connection string.
  • Fix

    • Fix parameterizer to better handle strings and to also handle pandas Series as a list
    • Use repr in parameterizer to safely quote string

Version 0.1.108

  • New help information

    • help on how to enable logging. try %kql --help "logging"
  • Fix

    • Fixed KQLMAGIC_CONNECTION_STR missing options bug
    • Fixed missing Orca bug
    • Fixed deep linking bug
    • Fixed faq display bug

Version 0.1.107

  • New feature - request headers tagging

    • Enables to tag x-ms-app, x-ms-user and x-ms-client-request-id request headers with a custom string.
    • To get more information execute: ```%kql --help 'request-tags'
  • New help information

    • help on how to tag request headers. try %kql --help "request-tags"
    • Started a FAQ page. try %kql --faq

Version 0.1.106

  • New support for Azure Data Explorer Client Request Properties

    • Many client request properties can be set using the set operator, as part of the query. However, some properties can be set only in the request.

    • To set client request properties in the request, use the same syntax as kqlmagic options, but instead of using the '-' prefix use the '+' as prefix.

      • example: %kql +servertimeout='30m' {your-query}
    • Client request properties can also be set by using the query_properties option. It should be set as a dictionary with the properties values.

    • to see the full list of the client request properties try %kql --help "client-request-properties"

  • New help information

    • help on how to use Kqlmagic behind proxies. try %kql --help "proxies"
    • help on how to use Client Request Properties, and properties list. try %kql --help "client-request-properties"
    • help on installing Kqlmagic. try %kql --help "kqlmagic-install"
    • help to quick access Kqlmagic source. opens Kqlmagic github. try %kql --help "kqlmagic-github"
    • help to quick access Kqlmagic readme. Opens Kqlmagic readme file. try %kql --help "kqlmagic-readme"
    • help to quick access Kqlmagic license. Opens Kqlmagic license file. try %kql --help "kqlmagic-license"
    • help to quick access Kqlmagic contributors list. Opens Kqlmagic contributors file. try %kql --help "kqlmagic-contributors"
  • Fix

    • allow file names with spaces

Version 0.1.105

  • New device_code login notification options

    • device_code login notification for device_code authentication.

    • Notification can be sent to 'frontend', 'terminal', 'browser' and 'email'

    • note: the 'browser' will open on the ipykernel server.

    • note: for email option to work, device_code_notification_email option have to be set too.

      • device_code_login_notification (default: "frontend", Abbreviation: dcln)

        • Specifies device_code login notification method
        • "frontend" - displays a message with device code, and a button that when clicked opens an authentication page in the frontend browser.
        • "terminal" - displays a message with device code and link to the authentication page.
        • "browser" - displays a message with device code, and open an authentication page in a webbrowse on the ipykernel host.
        • "email" - send an email with device code and link to the authencitaion page.
      • device_code_notification_email (default: '', Abbreviation: dcne)

        • Email details string. initialized by environmental variable KQLMAGIC_DEVICE_CODE_NOTIFICATION_EMAIL.
        • The email details string format: SMTPEndPoint='endpoint';SMTPPort='port';sendFrom='email';sendFromPassword='password';sendTo='email';context='text'
        • note: context text is optional, is a free text that will be added to the email subject and email body.
  • New deep_link method in result object

    • deep_link method opens query link tool provided as a parameter or the default tool as set in query_link_destination option, and execute the query in the tool.
    • note: see show_query_link and query_link_destination options
    • note: supported only for Azure Data Explorer queries, will be ignored for Application Insights or Log Analytics queries
    • for example:

    kql_raw_result.deep_link() # will launch the default deep link tool and execute the query in the tool.

    kql_raw_result.deep_link("Kusto.WebExplorer") # will launch Kusto.WebExplorer and execute the query in Kusto.WebExplorer.

    kql_raw_result.deep_link("Kusto.Explorer") # will launch Kusto.Explorer and execute the query in Kusto.Explorer.

  • query errors displayed in pretty json

    • Show query errors in pretty json for better read.

Version 0.1.104

  • Fix import missing FernetCrypto

Version 0.1.103

  • New message appended to init banner

    • A what's new message with a 'what' new' button.
      • When clicked a window is opened with all Kqlmagic release notes history.
  • New init options (on Kqlmagic load) that can be set by environment variable KQLMAGIC_CONFIGURATION

    • check_magic_version (default True):

      • On Kqlmagic load, check whether new version of Kqlmagic exist, and add a notification message to init banner if a new version exist
    • show_what_new (default True):

      • On Kqlmagic load, loads history file of Kqlmagic from repository, and adds a "what's new" button to open it in a window.
    • show_init_banner (default True):

      • On Kqlmagic load, show init banner
  • New query options

    • show_query_link (default False, abbreviation sql):

      • Add query deep link button after query result, clicking the button will open the tool (see query_link_destination option) and execute the query in the tool.
        • note: supported only for Azure Data Explorer queries, will be ignored for Application Insights or Log Analytics queries
    • query_link_destination (default "Kusto.WebExplorer", abbreviation qld):

      • Specifies the destination of the query link tool (see show_query_link option)
        • note: only two Azure Data Explorer tools are supported "Kusto.WebExplorer" and "Kusto.Explorer"
  • New plot package supported

    • "plotly_orca" was added to plot_package option (default "plotly"):

      • Generates the plot as png image (useful for static front ends)
      • note: requires plotly orca to be installed in the backend server.
    • "None" was added to plot_package option (default "plotly"):

      • disable plot, table is returned

Version 0.1.102

  • New query options

    • show_query (default False, abbreviation sq):

      • Add parametrized query message before query results.

Version 0.1.101

  • support Souvereign Clouds

    • Supports "public", "mooncake", "fairfax", "blackforest", "usnat", "ussec", "test" clouds.
  • New query options

    • cloud (default "public", other: [ "public", "mooncake", "fairfax", "blackforest", "usnat", "ussec", "test"]):

      • Specifies the cloud to be used when a new connection is created
    • data-source-url

      • Override the cloud default data source url
    • aad-url

      • Override the cloud default aad login url
        • note: only two Azure Data Explorer tools are supported "Kusto.WebExplorer" and "Kusto.Explorer"
  • Connection string enhanced

    • clientId
      • Client id can be specified in all connection string variation to override the default clientId

Version <= 0.1.100

  • Fixed nbsp; bug + allow multiple options in connection string Aug 12, 2019
  • Adding support to plotly version 4 Jul 21, 2019
  • Adding another test Jul 21, 2019
  • Changed testing framework from nose to pytest Jun 3, 2019
  • Update setup module versions Jun 3, 2019
  • Version 0.96 - added queryproperties option and "+" specific query properties for Kusto queries (supports all set customers properties)
  • fix query caching to support non standard database names; support separate logging; log Kqlmagic steps; log requests; log adal request; add env KQLMAGIC [-LOG_LEVEL, _LOG_FILE, _LOG_FILE_PREFIX, _LOG_FILE_MODE]; add experimental sso, to enable KQLMAGIC_ENABLE_SSO=TRUE; fix parametrized dataframe types long and real; - 0.1.95 - Apr 06, 2019
  • fix and other not standard cluster name
  • fix missing module dependency in; created history.rst file; updated based on azure notebooks image - 0.1.93 - Mar 24, 2019
  • support database names with whitespaces; support ADX proxy over AI/LA cluster names; fix charts based on firest quantity column - 0.1.92 - Mar 18, 2019
  • allow v1 response from kusto api v2, support adx-proxy, - 0.1.91 - Feb 20, 2019
  • fix to_dataframe bool - 0.1.90 - Jan 25, 2019
  • update binder requirements to 0.1.88 - Jan 16, 2019
  • version 01.88, added --schema command - 0.1.88 - Jan 16, 2019
  • added test_notebook_app for testing, , commands instead of show_window return html object result. - 0.1.87 - Dec 25, 2018
  • added run_upgrade.bat; enhanced run_tests.bat - Dec 24, 2018
  • fixed run_tests.bat - fixed run_tests.bat - Dec 20, 2018
  • update binder requirements - update binder requirements - Dec 20, 2018
  • Adjusted to support VisualStudioCode (Jupyter) notebook - 0.1.86 - Dec 18, 2018
  • added support to "ipython" notebook_app, started a tests suits - 0.1.85 - Dec 17, 2018
  • update binder requirements to 0.1.84 - Dec 16, 2018
  • Fix dynamic columns that are not strict json - 0.1.84 - Dec 11, 2018
  • Align to Kusto new V2 dynamic field response; fix kql.submit() - 0.1.83 - Dec 10, 2018
  • binder to use 0.1.82 - Dec 9, 2018
  • added binder folder, with requirements - Dec 9, 2018
  • fixed env KQLMAGIC_CONNECTION_STR - 0.1.82 - Dec 6, 2018
  • update notebooks with anonymous authentication - Dec 3, 2018
  • removed tell_format; added anonymous authentication (for the case of local data source) - 0.1.81 - Dec 3, 2018
  • Removed dependency on azure.kusto sdk, use rest api to kusto. - 0.1.80 - Nov 13, 2018
  • changed cache management via commands, modified caches to be named, added option -save_to folder,; support datetime as linear value in charts, support kql render attributes; support fully qualified cluster; prepare to remove kusto sdk - 0.1.79 - Nov 13, 2018
  • support query option -timout / -wait / -to in seconds - 0.1.78 - Nov 8, 2018
  • fix popup for clusters or databases with special characters, fix .ingest online, version - 0.1.77 - Nov 8, 2018
  • restrict Kqlmagic to python >= 3.6 - 0.1.76 - Nov 8, 2018
  • support command --help without params - 0.1.75 - Nov 7, 2018
  • version 0.1.74 - 0.1.74 - Nov 7, 2018
  • support .show database DB schema as json - Nov 7, 2018
  • fix parametrization of df column of type object but is actually bytes 0.1.73 - 0.1.73 - Nov 5, 2018
  • fixed parametrizaton to .set management queries, fixed javascript error when old out cell displays - 0.1.72 - Nov 5, 2018
  • prepare support all visualization properties - 0.1.71 - Nov 3, 2018
  • minor changes in readme and help - Oct 31, 2018
  • support pandas dataframe as parameter, add support null values in conversion to dataframes, fixed pretty print of dynamic cols; improved parametrization. - 0.1.70 - Oct 31, 2018
  • make keys as caseinsensitive, ignore underscore and hyphen-minus, covert some options to commands, modify kusto kql logo, and remove kusto name. 0.1.69 - 0.1.69 - Oct 29, 2018
  • fix clors notebook - Oct 25, 2018
  • popup_window option to all commands, fixed banner, update notebooks, 0.1.68 - 0.1.68 - Oct 25, 2018
  • update notebooks with --version,; allow =setting in options, more quotes flexibility with values, support option dict type; - 0.1.67 - Oct 25, 2018
  • support partial result, add command concept, added commands, 0.1.66 - 0.1.66 - Oct 25, 2018
  • options and connection key values can be parametyrize from python and env variables, new -query and -conn option - 0.1.65 - Oct 23, 2018
  • parametrized options, add file://folder, update color notebook, 0.1.64 - 0.1.64 - Oct 22, 2018
  • fix notebooks - Oct 22, 2018
  • run black on code, version 0.1.63 - 0.1.63 - Oct 22, 2018
  • bug fix, code refactor, version 0.1.62 - 0.1.62 - Oct 21, 2018
  • moved the saved_as earlier in the pipe, to capture raw results even if there is an error later. version 0.1.61 - 0.1.61 - Oct 20, 2018
  • fix to pandas convertion, for the case of missing int64 or missing bool, version 0.1.60 - 0.1.60 - Oct 18, 2018
  • update notebooks, added support to certificate pem_file, version 0.1.59 - 0.1.59 - Oct 18, 2018
  • restructure local files - Oct 18, 2018
  • Update notebooks, created QuikStart fro log analytics notebook, updated README, version 0.1.58 - 0.1.58 - Oct 18, 2018
  • update notebooks - Oct 18, 2018
  • update notebooks - Oct 18, 2018
  • update notebooks with new connection string format - Oct 18, 2018
  • Fixed long description to show properly work on PyPI - 0.1.57 - Oct 17, 2018
  • removed setup dwonload_url - Oct 17, 2018
  • update setup description and README titles - Oct 17, 2018
  • update README - Oct 17, 2018
  • update README - Oct 17, 2018
  • update README - Oct 17, 2018
  • updated README, and setup - 0.1.56 - Oct 17, 2018
  • fix - fix
  • removed version restriction on traitlets - 0.1.55 - Oct 17, 2018
  • removed psutil version restriction in setup - 0.1.54 - Oct 17, 2018
  • fixed pallette notebook; adjuset to azure-kusto-data version 0.0.15 changes (tenant is a must parameter, for clienid) - 0.1.53 - Oct 16, 2018
  • Fixed development status, updated setup, version 0.1.52 - 0.1.52 - Oct 16, 2018
  • changes state from 1-alpha to 3-beta; published in PyPI; modified notebooks to reflect the changes; changed structure of files. Version 0.1.50 - 0.1.50 - Oct 16, 2018
  • support alt schema names; simplify code; improve connection inheritance; ; added warning to upgrade version with PyPI; added alias to connection string; added alias_magics 'adxql'; - 0.1.47 - Oct 15, 2018
  • removed order restriction on connection string, simplified and unified connections string code parsing, improved error presentation, added friendly_ to connection string (for case id is a uuid) - 0.1.46 - Oct 10, 2018
  • AAD Authentication Code() and Clientid/Clientsecret, added to ApplicationInsights and Loganalytics - 0.1.45 - Oct 9, 2018
  • add aad auth support for lognalytics and applicationinsights; simplified code - 0.1.44 - Oct 8, 2018
  • support getting generic database schema from all engines - 0.1.43 - Oct 7, 2018
  • fixed fork charts, adjusted to work on Jupyter Lab - 0.1.42 - Oct 7, 2018
  • fixed linechart and timechart multidimetional and not sorted, and not ordered, 0.1.41 - 0.1.41 - Oct 4, 2018
  • bump version 0.1.40
  • bump 0.1.39
  • fix - Oct 3, 2018
  • bump version 0.1.38
  • patch to support plotly in Azure notebook, till it will support plotly MIME - Oct 3, 2018
  • comment local usage - Oct 3, 2018
  • add ParametrizeYourQuery notebook - Oct 3, 2018
  • added parametrization feature, added saved_as option, added params_dict option, fixed options validation, added parametrized_query attribute to results object, updated - 0.1.37 - Sep 30, 2018
  • simplified code, fixed cahing schema - 0.1.36 - Sep 24, 2018
  • Fixed timespan - 0.1.35 - Sep 23, 2018
  • fixed ref to github - Sep 20, 2018
  • Added copyright file header to all files, version 0.1.34 - 0.1.34 - Sep 20, 2018
  • fix notebooks - 0.1.33 - Sep 19, 2018
  • fix - 0.1.32 - Sep 19, 2018
  • bump version - 0.1.31 - Sep 19, 2018