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This is a Lambda that processes CloudTrail log files from S3 and writes the events to an OpenSearch/Elasticsearch cluster.

Warnings and Caveats

This version of the program works with Amazon OpenSearch, or Elasticsearch versions 7.x and above. Version 7 introduced a breaking change, in which it no longer supports defining mapping types when creating an index.

You will incur charges for the OpenSearch cluster and Lambda invocations, as well as for S3 storage of the raw CloudTrail events. The provided CloudFormation template creates a stack using a single instance and 64 GB of disk. This costs approximately $34/month in US zones.

Amazon OpenSearch does not automatically clean up its indexes. You can use an Index State Management Policy to delete old indexes, or manually delete them with an HTTP DELETE request. As configured, the Lambda creates one index for each month of data. How many indexes you can support will depend on your AWS API volume and the size of the cluster.

Deleting the Lambda function -- either manually or by deleting the CloudFormation stack -- does not delete the event trigger. You must explicitly delete it by going to the S3 bucket holding your CloudTrail events, clicking "Events" under the "Properties" tab, and then removing the notification.

Building and Deploying

This project consists of a single Lambda, written in Python. It has multiple modules, and uses the third-party requests and aws-requests-auth libraries to access OpenSearch.

The easiest way to build is with make, and there are two Makefiles:

  • Makefile.pip uses pip to install the external dependencies.

  • Makefile.poetry uses Poetry for dependency management. In my opinion Poetry is preferable to pip because it also provides a virtual environment for running tests or the REPL.

Both Makefiles provide the following targets (the first four are shown in dependency order, the last two are independent):

  • init installs the third-party libraries.

  • test runs tests. At this time there are only a few tests, intended to demonstrate the build process rather than exercise the code.

  • package creates the Lambda deployment bundle

  • deploy uses the AWS CLI to upload the Lambda deployment bundle.

  • quicktest runs tests without invoking the init dependency. This allows fast turnaround when you're actively modifying the code.

  • clean deletes the deployment bundle and all working directories. It does not delete the Poetry virtual environment.

Deploying is a multi-step process:

  1. Enable CloudTrail

    For this example, I'm going to assume that you already have CloudTrail enabled, and an S3 bucket configured to accept its output. If not, go here. While it would simplify the example if my CloudFormation script created the trail and bucket, it would put me in the position of either delivering an insecure and incomplete solution, or one that could not easily be torn down.

    Here are some things to consider when creating your own trail:

    • Use a dedicated bucket.

    • Use server-side encryption on this bucket.

    • Enable Compliance Mode Object Lock on that bucket, to ensure that an intruder can't delete the events that show their activity. When you turn on object lock, you need to pick a default retention period. I recommend 90 90 days.

      Beware: compliance mode means that you can not delete the object until the retention period expires. This is good from a security perspective, but bad from a cost perspective if you pick an over-long period.

    • Create a cross-region trail. By default, CloudTrail only records events from the current region. You want to capture all of the events for your account.

    • If you're in an organization, create the bucket and trail in the organization root account, and enable for all child accounts.

  2. Create the OpenSearch cluster and Lambda

    The provided CloudFormation template creates an Amazon OpenSearch cluster and Lambda outside a VPC. This template has several parameters, most of which are optional:

    • LambdaName: (optional) The name of the Lambda function. This is also used to name the function's execution role. Default: CloudTrail_to_OpenSearch.

    • CloudTrailBucket: The name of the S3 bucket where CloudTrail is saving event logs. No default.

    • CloudTrailPrefix: (optional) The prefix within this bucket for the log files. Yes, this goes against my recommendation above for a dedicated bucket, but the real world sometimes has different ideas. If used, you must include the trailing slash on this value (eg, "cloudtrail/", not "cloudtrail").

    • OpenSearchDomainName: (optional) The domain name for the OpenSearch cluster. This must comply with DNS naming rules (ie, lowercase and with hyphens but no underscores). Default: cloudtrail-events.

    • OpenSearchInstanceType: (optional) The type of instance to use for the OpenSearch cluster. The default is, which is sufficient for a few million events per month, but will need to be increased if you're in a high-activity organization.

    • OpenSearchStorageType: The type of storage volume. This defaults to gp3, which gives a reasonable baseline performance. The only reason that this is exposed as a parementer is that some instance types do not support all storage types.

    • OpenSearchStorageSize: (optional) The size of the storage volume, in gigabytes. The maximum size depends on the selected instance type; the default is 64.

    • AllowedIPs: (optional) Used to construct a permissions policy for the OpenSearch cluster that allows access from browsers. You should specify the public IP address of your local network, which you can find by Googleing for "what's my IP". If you have multiple public IP addresses, list them all, separated by a comma. No default.

  3. Build and deploy the Lambda.

    One of the annoying things about CloudFormation is that the AWS::Lambda::Function resource can either specify the Lambda deployment as 4k of literal text (confusingly named ZipFile) or as a reference to a deployment bundle stored on S3. There's no way to deploy a local file. As a result, I use a hack: the CloudFormation template deploys a dummy Lambda, which you must then replace.

    You can build and deploy the Lambda this in one step using make (changing to Makefile.pip if that's your preference):

    make -f Makefile.poetry deploy

    If you changed the LambdaName parameter when creating your stack, you'll need to pass the new name to the deploy target:

    make -f Makefile.poetry deploy LAMBDA_NAME=MyFunctionName
  4. Create the event trigger.

    CloudFormation requires you to configure bucket notifications at the time you create the bucket. Since this post is about uploading CloudTrail events to OpenSearch, and not about configuring CloudTrail, I'm leaving this as a manual step.

    Start by selecting the bucket in the Console, go to the "Properties" tab, scroll down to "Event notifications", and click the "Create event notification" button. Then configure as follos:

    • Event name: up to you; choose something like New_File_SQS_Notification
    • Prefix: AWSLogs/
    • Suffix: leave this blank
    • Event types: select "All object create events"
    • Destination: select "SQS queue", and either select the "Notifications" queue or paste the ARN from the CloudFormation output

    Within a few minutes, you should be able to go to the OpenSearch cluster and see a new index named "cloudtrail-YYYY-MM" (where YYYY-MM is the current year and month). You can then configure this index in Kibana, and start to explore your API events.

  5. Configure OpenSearch Dashboards

    The easiest way to explore your data is via OpenSearch Dashboards, known as Kibana in the Elasticsearch world. To open Dashboards, go to the cluster's page in the Console; the link is in the "General Information" section. However, before you can use Dashboards, you must set up an index pattern -- and as of this writing, the OpenSearch Developer Guide doesn't describe how to do that!

    When you first go to Dashboards, you'll see a welcome page, and in the top of that page you'll see a link titled "Manage". Clicking that link takes you to the "Stack Management" page, and on the left-nav you'll see "Index Patterns". If you need to make changes once you've configured your dashboard (and you will, see note below), you can get to the Stack Management page from the menu icon in the top left of the page.

    Clicking on "Index Patterns" and then on "Create index pattern" will take you to a wizard that lets you create the pattern. For index pattern name, enter "cloudtrail-*": that will tell Dashboards that the pattern works with any index starting with "cloudtrail". Moving to the next step, you'll be asked for a time field; select eventTime.

    Note: you must wait until data is available in your cluster before setting up Dashboards, because the index pattern is built from currently-indexed fields. This means that you will almost certainly have to re-create the index pattern as events accumulate. I recommend re-creating the index pattern after the first month of use -- or when/if you can't search for a field that you know should be in the index.

    Beware: if you have a large number of different events in your cluster, you may not be able to re-create the index pattern; instead, you will see the error "request entity too large." This happens because Dashboards has a limit on HTTP request sizes, and it's exceeded once you've indexed around 5,000 distinct field names. Unfortunately, when you see this message it's too late: Dashboards is unusable without an index pattern. The only solution that I've found is to delete some indexes, then bulk-load them again once you've successfully created the index pattern (if an AWS product manager is reading this, it would be really nice to expose the server.maxPayloadBytes configuration parameter!).

Bulk Upload

If you already had CloudTrail enabled, then you can use a bulk upload process to load all existing events into your cluster (this will be much faster and easier than trying to trigger the Lambda).

From within the project directory:

  1. Install all of the dependencies. You can use either of the Makefiles to do this. I recommend first creating a virtual environment.

  2. Set the necessary environment variables:

    • ES_HOSTNAME: the hostname of the OpenSearch cluster
    • AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID: your AWS access key
    • AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY: your AWS secret key
    • AWS_SESSION_TOKEN if you have assumed a role (eg, from using IAM Identity Center to get credentials).
    • AWS_REGION: region where the OpenSearch cluster resides

    Note 1: the AWS keys are used to explicitly authorize the OpenSearch HTTPS requests, so you can't use a configured profile.

    Note 2: the provided AWS credentials must have the es:ESHttpGet, es:ESHttpPost, and es:ESHttpPut permissions on the OpenSearch cluster.

  3. Run the program:

    PYTHONPATH=`pwd`/build python -m cloudtrail_to_elasticsearch.bulk_upload --dates 2022-04-01 2022-04-30 --s3 BUCKET_NAME CLOUDTRAIL_PREFIX

    The PYTHONPATH configuration makes your dependencies available (if you're using Poetry, you could alternatively use poetry run).

    The --dates option specifies a starting and ending date; you should start with the date of the first CloudTrail events loaded to your S3 bucket, and end with the current date. Updates are idempotent, so you can (and should) overlap with any events that are already in OpenSearch. If you don't specify this parameter, the program will load all events in your bucket -- which may take quite some time.

    The --s3 option tells the program to read from an S3 bucket and prefix. To avoid reading lots of directory entries from S3, the prefix should be as specific as possible. For example, AWSLogs/o-7e8xfub22q/123456789012/CloudTrail/us-east-1/2022/04/ rather than just AWSLogs/. If you have a lot of accounts and/or regions, you'll find it much easier to store the list of prefixes in a file and loop over them in the shell.

    If you've downloaded events, you can instead use the option --local with the path of your download directory, and the program will read event files from there.

Assuming that you've done everything right, you should see a series of "processing" messages that let you know what file is being processed, interspersed with "writing events" messages that tell you how many events have been written in each batch. The number of files may be quite long; I recommend using the tee program and saving the output to a file to make sure there are no errors.

Implementation Notes

Event transformation

The big challenge with storing CloudTrail events in Elasticsearch is that the events have a large variety of sub-objects, with arbitrary nesting. The requestParameters and responseElements sub-objects are a particular challenge: not only are there a lot of distinct fields in these objects (causing what the Elastic docs call a "mapping explosion"), but they also contain arrays of objects, which Elasticsearch doesn't handle well (in my experience, it gives up and leaves the sub-object unindexed).

While the Lambda could explicitly transform each event into a standard format, that would be an endless task: AWS constantly adds new API calls. Moreover, dynamic mapping is one of Elasticsearch's strengths; we should use it.

My solution is to "flatten" the requestParameters, responseElements, serviceEventDetails, and resources sub-objects before writing the event. This is best explained by example: the RunInstances API call returns an array of objects, one per instance created. The CloudTrail event looks like this (showing only the fields relevant to this example):

    "eventID": "8d483369-df03-4497-a339-963fb9e1cb40",
    "eventName": "RunInstances",
    "eventTime": "2020-01-03T14:41:10Z",
    "awsRegion": "us-west-2",
    "userIdentity": {
    "requestParameters": {
    "responseElements": {
        "instancesSet": {
            "reservationId": "r-06faea10dec62634f",
            "items": [{
                "instanceId": "i-0a7badded743619b6",
                "placement": {
                    "availabilityZone": "us-west-2a",
                    "tenancy": "default"

"Flattening" the event transforms the responseElements child object into this:

"responseElements_flattened": {
    "reservationId": [ "r-06faea10dec62634f" ],
    "instanceId": [ "i-0a7badded743619b6" ],
    "availabilityZone": [ "us-west-2a" ],
    "tenancy": [ "default" ]

There are a few things to notice: first, the instancesSet, items, and placement keys have disappeared entirely, as they weren't leaf keys. Second is that each sub-key references an array of values. Lastly, all of those values are strings, even if the source value was a number (unfortunately, Elasticsearch sometimes tries to be smart about parsing strings, which causes an occasional field conflict; see below).

In my opinion, this transformation is easier to use than one that attempts to maintain the hierarchical structure: if I need to find the RunInstances event that created an instance, I don't want to remember the specific hierarchy of field names where that event holds an instance ID, I just want to filter on instanceId. This format does, however, lead to some strangeness: for example, the RunInstances event has an instanceState.code value and a stateReason.code value; both are flattened into code, and the former is converted to a string.

Note: the non-open-source version of Elasticsearch provides flattened fields. If you are self-hosting, and are willing to pre-create your mappings, you could take advantage of them.

Lastly, the transformation preserves the "raw" values of these fields as JSON strings, using the keys requestParameters_raw, responseElements_raw, and resources_raw. You can use these fields to identify specific hierarchical values, and they're also indexed as free-form text.

Elasticsearch index creation

As I mentioned earlier, we rely on dynamic mapping to handle the wide variety of fields in a CloudTrail event. However, this can cause Elasticsearch to make the wrong choice for field type. For example, if it sees something that it can parse as a date, it will chose the date field type. If it later sees something in that field that can't be parsed as a date, it will reject the record.

The apiVersion field behaves just this way: its values actually represent dates, but different services use different formats. The "flattened" fields described above are another case: even though I write them into the JSON as strings, they sometimes get parsed as something else.

The solution to these problems is to make some explicit mapping decisions when creating the index -- and to explicitly create it, rather than let Elasticsearch create it the first time you try to write data.

Here is the default mapping that we use, which specifies an explicit mapping for apiVersion and dynamic templates for the various "flattened" fields. These dynamic templates tell Elasticsearch that any fields that match the pattern should be indexed as text, regardless of what it thinks they should be.

'mappings': {
    'dynamic_templates': [
            'flattened_requestParameters': {
                    'path_match': 'requestParameters_flattened.*',
                    'mapping': { 'type': 'text' }
            'flattened_responseElements': {
                    'path_match': 'responseElements_flattened.*',
                    'mapping': { 'type': 'text' }
            'flattened_serviceEventDetails': {
                    'path_match': 'serviceEventDetails_flattened.*',
                    'mapping': { 'type': 'text' }
            'flattened_resources': {
                    'path_match': 'resources_flattened.*',
                    'mapping': { 'type': 'text' }
    'properties': {
        'apiVersion': { 'type': 'text' }

The Lambda also configures some basic index settings:

  • 'index.mapping.total_fields.limit': 8192

    One thing that I learned early-on is that there are a lot of different field names in CloudTrail, and that the default value of 1,000 for this setting is way too low. Across all indexes, we currenty have 4,695 distinct field names; you may have more or fewer based on the services that you use.

  • 'index.number_of_shards': 1

    Sizing of Elasticsearch indexes, including picking the number of shards for an index, is somehing of a dark art. However, if you're using the default CloudFormation template in this project, it doesn't make sense to have more than one shard per index, because all of them will live on a single node.

    If you have sufficient CloudTrail volume that you require more than one node to store the events, then I recommend picking a number of shards equal to the number of nodes. The reasoning for this is that most of your queries will be against relatively recent data, so you will get a bigger benefit from running those queries on all nodes.

  • 'index.number_of_replicas': 0

    By default, AWS Opensearch creates indexes with replicas. On a single-node cluster there's no place for those replicas to go. And given that the raw event data is stored in S3, I think that there's little need for replicas. That will, of course, mean some amount of downtime if your cluster ever fails, while you repopulate a new cluster.

One last thing about index creation: the code will check to see if the index exists before trying to create it. That works great during "normal" operation, in which CloudTrail delivers one file at a time to S3. However, if you upload a large number of files at once, Lambda will scale up the number of executing functions to match the number of files, and this can cause a race condition between index creation and use that results in an error.

To solve this, I recommend setting reserved concurrency on the Lambda to 1, which will prevent concurrent executions. And if you have a large number of CloudTrail files that already live on S3, Ir recommend using bulk upload.

Index names

As noted above, we create one index per month, but how do we give the index a relevant name?

The optimal way would be to base the index name on the timestamp of the events it contains. Unfortunately, the files that we receive from S3 may contain events from different days, so it would increase the complexity of the code if we had to split each file into multiple uploads.

So instead, we extract the year and month from the S3 object, via regular expression. These values are then inserted into the cloudtrail-YYYY-MM template string.


If you upgrade or modify the cluster

AWS requires regular upgrades of an OpenSearch cluster. Or you might want to change the cluster yourself, for example to add disk space. When that happens, you will lose events.

OpenSearch does a blue-green deployment: it copies the old server data to the new cluster, and then switches the DNS entry. The old server will continue to accept updates right up to the point that it shuts down. Unfortunately, those updates will not find their way to the new server.

To avoid losing events, disable the SQS trigger on the Lambda before updating the cluster, and re-enable it when the upgrade is complete. The Lambda will work its way through the queue of outstanding events.

Note: the notification queue uses the default retention period of four days. A cluster upgrade should complete in well under this time, but it takes long enough that you might forget to re-enable the trigger. Once the events are lost from the queue, you'll need to run a bulk upload as described above.

If you change the instance type

The "t3" instance types, used in the example CloudFormation template, do not support all of the features of OpenSearch (such as auto-tune). If you use the Console to change your instance type to a "standard" instance, then you may not be able to switch back: those unsupported features will be enabled when upgrading, and cannot be disabled when downgrading.