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Cartesi Machine Emulator

The Cartesi Machine Emulator is the reference off-chain implementation of the Cartesi Machine Specification. It's written in C/C++ with POSIX dependencies restricted to the terminal, process, and memory-mapping facilities. It is distributed as a library and scriptable in the Lua programming language.

The emulator implements RISC-V's RV64IMASU ISA. The letters after RV specify the extension set. This selection corresponds to a 64-bit machine, Integer arithmetic with Multiplication and division, Atomic operations, as well as the optional Supervisor and User privilege levels. In addition, Cartesi Machines support the Sv48 mode of address translation and memory protection.

Getting Started

Run make help for a list of target options. Here are some of them:

Main targets:
* all                                 - Build the src/ code. To build from a clean clone, run: make submodules all
  uarch                               - Build microarchitecture (requires riscv64-cartesi-linux-gnu-* toolchain)
  uarch-with-linux-env                - Build microarchitecture using the linux-env docker image
  build-tests-all                     - Build all tests (machine, uarch and misc)
  build-tests-machine                 - Build machine emulator tests (requires rv64gc-lp64d riscv64-cartesi-linux-gnu-* toolchain)
  build-tests-machine-with-toolchain  - Build machine emulator tests using the rv64gc-lp64d toolchain docker image
  build-tests-uarch                   - Build microarchitecture rv64i instruction tests (requires rv64ima-lp64 riscv64-cartesi-linux-gnu-* toolchain)
  build-tests-uarch-with-toolchain    - Build microarchitecture rv64i instruction tests using the rv64ima-lp64 toolchain docker image
  build-tests-misc                    - Build miscellaneous tests
  build-tests-misc-with-builder-image - Build miscellaneous tests using the cartesi/machine-emulator:builder image
  test-machine                        - Run machine emulator tests
  test-uarch                          - Run uarch tests
  test-misc                           - Run miscellaneous tests
  test                                - Run all tests
  doc                                 - Build the doxygen documentation (requires doxygen)
Docker images targets:
  build-emulator-image                - Build the machine-emulator debian based docker image
  build-debian-package                - Build the cartesi-machine.deb package from image
  build-linux-env                     - Build the linux environment docker image
  create-generated-files-patch        - Create patch that adds generated files to source tree
Cleaning targets:
  clean                               - Clean the src/ artifacts
  depclean                            - Clean + dependencies
  distclean                           - Depclean + profile information and downloads


  • C++ Compiler with support for C++17 (tested with GCC >= 8+ and Clang >= 8.x).
  • GNU Make >= 3.81
  • Lua >= 5.4.4
  • Libslirp >= 4.6.0
  • Boost >= 1.81

Obs: Please note that Apple Clang Version number does not follow upstream LLVM/Clang.

Debian Bookworm

sudo apt-get install build-essential wget git clang-tidy-16 clang-format-16 \
        libboost1.81-dev libssl-dev libslirp-dev \
        ca-certificates pkg-config lua5.4 liblua5.4-dev \

sudo luarocks install --lua-version=5.4 lpeg
sudo luarocks install --lua-version=5.4 dkjson
sudo luarocks install --lua-version=5.4 luasocket
sudo luarocks install --lua-version=5.4 luasec
sudo luarocks install --lua-version=5.4 luaposix

For more information, see the Configuring Lua 5.4 section.


sudo port install clang-16 boost181 wget pkgconfig lua54 lua-luarocks libslirp

sudo luarocks install --lua-version=5.4 lpeg
sudo luarocks install --lua-version=5.4 dkjson
sudo luarocks install --lua-version=5.4 luasocket
sudo luarocks install --lua-version=5.4 luasec
sudo luarocks install --lua-version=5.4 luaposix

For more information, see the Configuring Lua 5.4 section.

brew install llvm@16 boost wget pkg-config openssl lua luarocks libslirp

luarocks --lua-dir=$(brew --prefix)/opt/lua install lpeg
luarocks --lua-dir=$(brew --prefix)/opt/lua install dkjson
luarocks --lua-dir=$(brew --prefix)/opt/lua install luasocket
luarocks --lua-dir=$(brew --prefix)/opt/lua install luasec
luarocks --lua-dir=$(brew --prefix)/opt/lua install luaposix

For more information, see the Configuring Lua 5.4 section.

Configuring Lua 5.4

For emulator scripts to function properly, it is necessary for the lua5.4 binary to be available in the system PATH. If your operating system or package manager provides a Lua binary under a different name (e.g., lua instead of lua5.4, which is common on Homebrew), you will need to create a symbolic link or an alias named lua5.4. This can be done as follows:

ln -s $(which lua) /usr/local/bin/lua5.4  # Create a symbolic link (adjust as needed for your system)
# or
alias lua5.4='lua'  # Create an alias (add this line to your shell profile file like .bashrc or .zshrc)
Setting Up LuaRocks Modules

To use features that require LuaRocks modules, you must ensure your environment is configured to find these modules. Export the output of luarocks path --lua-version=5.4 to your environment by executing them or adding it to your .bashrc or .zshrc file. E.g.:

eval "$(luarocks path --lua-version=5.4)"

This command adjusts the environment variables for your shell sessions, ensuring LuaRocks-installed modules are correctly discovered by Lua scripts.


git clone --recurse-submodules -j3


make clean


If you want to use a pre-built uarch RAM image instead of building one, use the variable UARCH_RAM_IMAGE to specify the path to the desired image file.

$ make UARCH_RAM_IMAGE=<path-to-your-uarch-ram.bin>


sudo make install PREFIX=/usr/local

Build C libraries in standalone

Both libcartesi and libcartes_jsonrpc C libraries can be compiled in standalone, either as static or shared library:

make bundle-boost
make -C src libcartesi.a libcartesi_jsonrpc.a

The .a and .so files will be available in src directory, you can use any of them to link your application.

You can even use other toolchains to cross compile targeting other platforms:

# Target WASM with Emscripten toolchain
make -C src \
  CC=emcc CXX=em++ AR="emar rcs" \

# Target WASM with WASI SDK toolchain
make -C src \
  CC=/opt/wasi-sdk/bin/clang CXX=/opt/wasi-sdk/bin/clang++ AR="/opt/wasi-sdk/bin/llvm-ar rcs" \

# Target Windows with mingw-w64 toolchain
make -C src \
  CC=x86_64-w64-mingw32-gcc \
  CXX=x86_64-w64-mingw32-g++ \
  AR="x86_64-w64-mingw32-ar rcs" \

Running Tests

To build and execute the all tests run:

make build-tests-all
make test

To execute the machine test suite run:

make build-tests-machine-with-toolchain
make test-machine

To execute the uarch test suite run:

make build-tests-uarch-with-toolchain
make test-uarch


We use clang-tidy 15 as the linter.


Debian Bookworm

You need to install the package clang-tidy-16 and set it as the default executable with update-alternatives.

apt install clang-tidy-16
update-alternatives --install /usr/bin/clang-tidy clang-tidy /usr/bin/clang-tidy-16 120

Running Lint

make lint -j$(nproc)

Code format

We use clang-format to format the code base.


Debian Bookworm

You need to install the package clang-format-16 and set is as the default executable with update-alternatives.

apt install clang-format-16
update-alternatives --install /usr/bin/clang-format clang-format /usr/bin/clang-format-16 120

Formatting code

make format

Checking whether the code is formatted

make check-format



Debian Bookworm

If you want to run the GCC-based coverage, you should install the lcov package with the following command.

sudo apt install lcov

If you want to run the clang-based coverage, you should install the clang package with the following command.

sudo apt install clang llvm


Before running the coverage, you should build the emulator with the flag coverage-toolchain=gcc or coverage-toolchain=clang. Make sure you run make clean to clean up any previous compilation. For GCC-based coverage run the following command.

make coverage=yes COVERAGE_TOOLCHAIN=gcc -j$(nproc)
make build-tests-all coverage=yes COVERAGE_TOOLCHAIN=gcc -j$(nproc)

For clang-based coverage run the following command.

make coverage=yes COVERAGE_TOOLCHAIN=clang -j$(nproc)
make build-tests-all coverage=yes COVERAGE_TOOLCHAIN=clang -j$(nproc)

Running coverage

After building the emulator with coverage enable, you should run the following command. For instance:

make test coverage-report coverage=yes COVERAGE_TOOLCHAIN=gcc

This command will generate a coverage report in the src directory. For clang coverage, repeat the same command but with the flag coverage-toolchain=clang.


Thank you for your interest in Cartesi! Head over to our Contributing Guidelines for instructions on how to sign our Contributors Agreement and get started with Cartesi!

Please note we have a Code of Conduct, please follow it in all your interactions with the project.


The machine-emulator repository and all contributions to it are licensed under the LGPL 3.0, unless otherwise specified below or in subdirectory LICENSE / COPYING files. Please review our COPYING file for the LGPL 3.0 license.

Submodules and Dependencies

This project includes several submodules and dependencies, each with its own licensing:

Debian Packages

The project releases several Debian packages, each subject to its specific licensing terms:

  • cartesi-machine-[VERSION]_[ARCHITECTURE].deb and cartesi-machine-tests-[VERSION]_[ARCHITECTURE].deb packages are licensed under LGPL v3.0 and may include or link to other software components with different licenses.
  • cartesi-machine-tests-data-[VERSION].deb: This package contains files that are individually licensed under various terms, including but not limited to Apache-2.0, BSD-3-Clause-Regents, BSD-3-Clause, and GPL-2.0-only. For a comprehensive overview of the licenses applicable to specific files within this package, please refer to its copyright file, e.g., tools/template/tests-data-copyright.template.

For detailed licensing information of each Debian package, please refer to the copyright file included within the package.

Additional Notes

This project may include or link to other software components with different licenses. Contributors and users are responsible for ensuring compliance with each component's licensing terms. For detailed information, please refer to the individual LICENSE files within each directory or submodule, and for the Debian packages, please review the respective copyright and licensing details as mentioned above.