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555 lines (374 loc) · 13.4 KB


© 2012 - 2013 Dave Parfitt

riak-ocaml-client is a Riak Protobuffs-only client for OCaml.

Pretty docs here.


Building from source

make install

# To test, run this:
./configure --enable-tests
make test

Note: Testing requires a running instance of Riak 1.2+. By default, it tries to connect to Riak on, port 8081. To override these values, simply export the following two environment variables:


Installing via OPAM

opam install riak

This will also install the riak-pb dependency


Hello world

The following program makes a connection to Riak and sends a ping message.

open Riak
open Sys
open Lwt
open Lwt_unix

let test_ping conn =
  match_lwt riak_ping conn with
    | true ->
        print_endline "Pong";
        return ()
    | false ->
        return ()

let _ =
  run (
    let pbip = 10017 in
      lwt conn = riak_connect_with_defaults "" pbip in
      lwt _result = test_ping conn in
      riak_disconnect conn;
    with Unix.Unix_error (e, _, _) ->
      print_endline "Pang";
      return ()

Note: Change the IP/port to the value defined in the Riak app.config pb_port and pb_ip.

Note: The default protobuffs port in Riak 1.3 may change.

Development Guide

A note on types

Throughout the docs, you will find the following types. Almost all are strings:

type riak_bucket = string
type riak_key = string
type riak_client_id = string
type riak_mr_query = string
type riak_mr_content_type = Riak_MR_Json | Riak_MR_Erlang
type riak_2i_name = string
type riak_2i_range_min = string
type riak_2i_range_max = string
type riak_search_query = string
type riak_search_index = string
type riak_node_id = string
type riak_version = string
type riak_vclock = string

See ./src/Riak.mli for the complete interface.


val riak_connection_defaults : riak_connection_options

val riak_connect_with_defaults : string -> int -> riak_connection Lwt.t

val riak_connect : string -> int -> riak_connection_options -> riak_connection Lwt.t

val riak_disconnect : riak_connection -> unit Lwt.t

To connect using default connection properties:

    lwt conn = riak_connect_with_defaults "" 8081
  • Note: Pooling of connections isn't implemented, but feel free to roll your own (and submit a PR when you do!)

#####Default connection properties: The following defaults are used when calling riak_connect_with_defaults.

  • disable Nagle's algorithm for better performance
  • try an operation 3 times before an exception is thrown
  • throw an exception if siblings are encountered

To override these values:

	let options = 
	    { riak_connection_defaults with riak_conn_retries=5 } in
	lwt conn = riak_connect "" 8081 options in

To disconnect:

riak_disconnect conn


	val riak_ping : riak_connection -> bool Lwt.t


	match_lwt riak_ping conn with
    	| true -> return ()
    	| false -> assert_failure("Can't connect to Riak")

Client ID

val riak_get_client_id : riak_connection -> riak_client_id Lwt.t

val riak_set_client_id : riak_connection -> riak_client_id -> unit Lwt.t


	let test_client_id = "foo" in
	lwt _ = riak_set_client_id conn test_client_id in
	lwt client_id = riak_get_client_id conn in

Server Info

val riak_get_server_info : riak_connection -> (riak_node_id * riak_version) Lwt.t


	lwt (node, version) = riak_get_server_info conn in


val riak_get :
  riak_connection -> 
  riak_bucket -> 
  riak_key -> 
  riak_get_option list -> 
  riak_object option Lwt.t


lwt result = riak_get conn "my_bucket" "my_key" [Get_basic_quorum false; Get_head true] in

type riak_get_option =

  • Get_r of riak_tunable_cap

    Read quorum. How many replicas need to agree when retrieving the object. Default is defined per bucket. See the Tunable CAP Options section below.

  • Get_pr of riak_tunable_cap

    Primary read quorum. How many primary replicas need to be available when retrieving the object. Default is defined per bucket. See the Tunable CAP Options section below.

  • Get_basic_quorum of bool

    Whether to return early in some failure cases (eg. when r=1 and you get 2 errors and a success basic_quorum=true would return an error). Default is defined per bucket.

  • Get_notfound_ok of bool

    Whether to treat notfounds as successful reads for the purposes of R (default is defined per the bucket). Default is defined per bucket.

  • Get_if_modified of string

    When a vclock is supplied as this option only return the object if the vclocks don't match

  • Get_head of bool

    Return the object with the value(s) set as empty - allows you to get the metadata without a potentially large value

  • Get_deleted_vclock of bool

    Return the tombstone's vclock, if applicable


val riak_put :
  riak_connection ->
  riak_bucket ->
  riak_key option ->
  ?links:Riak_kv_piqi.rpb_link list ->
  ?usermeta:Riak_piqi.rpb_pair list ->
  string ->
  riak_put_option list -> riak_object option Lwt.t

val riak_put_raw :
  riak_connection ->
  riak_bucket ->
  riak_key option ->
  ?links:Riak_kv_piqi.rpb_link list ->
  ?usermeta:Riak_piqi.rpb_pair list ->
  string ->
  riak_put_option list -> riak_vclock option -> riak_object option Lwt.t

If you plan on inserting new key/values, use riak_put_raw. If you aren't sure if your key/value is new, use riak_put. riak_put will try and fetch the vclock before updating to limit sibling explosion.


 let newkey = "foo" in
 let newval = "bar" in
 lwt objs = riak_put conn bucket (Some newkey) newval [Put_return_body true]
 let newkey = "foo" in
 let newval = "bar" in
 let existing_vclock = (*Some vclock *)
 lwt objs = riak_put_raw conn bucket (Some newkey) newval [Put_return_body true] existing_vclock

type riak_put_option =

  • Put_w of riak_tunable_cap

    Write quorum. How many replicas to write to before returning a successful response. Default is defined per bucket. See the Tunable CAP Options section below.

  • Put_dw of riak_tunable_cap

    How many replicas to commit to durable storage before returning a successful response. Default is defined per bucket. See the Tunable CAP Options section below.

  • Put_return_body of bool

    Whether to return the contents of the stored object. Defaults to false.

  • Put_pw of riak_tunable_cap

    How many primary nodes must be up when the write is attempted. Default is defined per bucket. See the Tunable CAP Options section below.

  • Put_if_not_modified of bool

    Update the value only if the vclock in the supplied object matches the one in the database.

  • Put_if_none_match of bool

    Store the value only if this bucket/key combination are not already defined.

  • Put_return_head of bool

    Like *return_body" except that the value(s) in the object are blank to avoid returning potentially large value(s).


val riak_del :
  riak_connection ->
  riak_bucket ->
  riak_key -> riak_del_option list -> unit Lwt.t


	lwt _ = riak_del conn bucket "del_test" [] in

type riak_del_option =

  • Del_rw of riak_tunable_cap

    How many replicas to delete before returning a successful response. Default is defined per bucket. See the Tunable CAP Options section below.

  • Del_vclock of string

    Opaque vector clock provided by an earlier Get request. Use to prevent deleting of objects that have been modified since the last get request.

  • Del_r of riak_tunable_cap

    Read quorum. How many replicas need to agree when retrieving the object. Default is defined per bucket. See the Tunable CAP Options section below.

  • Del_w of riak_tunable_cap

    Write quorum. How many replicas to write to before returning a successful response. Default is defined per bucket. See the Tunable CAP Options section below.

  • Del_pr of riak_tunable_cap

    Primary read quorum. How many primary replicas need to be available when retrieving the object. Default is defined per bucket. See the Tunable CAP Options section below.

  • Del_pw of riak_tunable_cap

    How many primary nodes must be up when the write is attempted. Default is defined per bucket. See the Tunable CAP Options section below.

  • Del_dw of riak_tunable_cap

    How many replicas to commit to durable storage before returning a successful response. Default is defined per bucket. See the Tunable CAP Options section below.

Tunable CAP Options

type riak_tunable_cap =

  • Riak_value_one
  • Riak_value_quorum
  • Riak_value_all
  • Riak_value_default
  • Riak_value of Riak_kv_piqi.uint32

List Buckets

Listing buckets is not recommended in a production environment

val riak_list_buckets : riak_connection -> riak_bucket list Lwt.t


 lwt buckets = riak_list_buckets conn in

List Keys

Listing keys is not recommended in a production environment

val riak_list_keys : riak_connection -> riak_bucket -> riak_key list Lwt.t


 lwt keys = riak_list_keys conn "mybucket" in

Get Bucket Props (limited)

At the moment, Riak Protobuffs only implement 2 bucket properties,

  • n_val
  • allow_mult
val riak_get_bucket : 
	riak_connection -> 
	riak_bucket -> 
	(int32 option * bool option) Lwt.t


 lwt (n, multi) = riak_get_bucket conn bucket in
      (match n with
        | Some nval -> assert_bool "Valid bucket n value" (nval > 0l)
        | None -> assert_failure "Unexpected default N value");
      (match multi with
        | Some multival -> assert_equal false multival
        | None -> assert_failure "Unexpected default multi value")

Set Bucket Props (limited)

At the moment, Riak Protobuffs only implement 2 bucket properties,

  • n_val
  • allow_mult
val riak_set_bucket : 
    riak_connection -> 
    riak_bucket -> 
    int32 option -> 
    bool option -> 
    unit Lwt.t


  let n_val = 2l in
  let allow_mult = (Some true) in
  lwt _ = riak_set_bucket conn bucket n_val allow_mult in


val riak_mapred :
  riak_connection ->
  riak_mr_query ->
  riak_mr_content_type ->
  (string option * int32 option) list Lwt.t


See src/ for an example.

Index Query

Secondary index (2i) exact match query:

val riak_index_eq :
  riak_connection ->
  riak_bucket ->
  riak_2i_name ->
  riak_key option -> string list Lwt.t

Secondary index (2i) range query:

val riak_index_range :
  riak_connection ->
  riak_bucket ->
  riak_2i_name ->
  riak_2i_range_min option ->
  riak_2i_range_max option -> string list Lwt.t

Riak Search

val riak_search_query :
  riak_connection ->
  string ->
  string ->
  riak_search_option list ->
  ((string * string option) list list *
  Riak_search_piqi.Riak_search_piqi.float32 option *
  Riak_search_piqi.Riak_search_piqi.uint32 option) Lwt.t

type riak_search_option =

  • Search_rows of Riak_kv_piqi.uint32

    Specify the maximum number of results to return. Default is 10.

  • Search_start of Riak_kv_piqi.uint32

    Specify the starting result of the query. Useful for paging. Default is 0.

  • Search_sort of string

    Sort on the specified field name. Default is “none”, which causes the results to be sorted in descending order by score.

  • Search_filter of string

    Filters the search by an additional query scoped to inline fields.

  • Search_df of string

    Use the provided field as the default. Overrides the “default_field” setting in the schema file.

  • Search_op of string

    Allowed settings are either “and” or “or”. Overrides the “default_op” setting in the schema file. Default is “or”.

  • Search_fl of string list

    Return fields limit (for ids only, generally).

  • Search_presort of string

    Presort (key / score)

A note on HTTP operations

As most official Riak clients will only support Protobuffs in the future, HTTP operations aren't supported in the OCaml client (and won't ever be). This does NOT mean that the HTTP interface for Riak is going away.


  • Please report all bugs and feature requests via Github Issues.
  • Friendly pull requests accepted. Please create a new branch for your features (checkout -b my_branch).


See THANKS file for more details.

##TODO * test search, index * better error handling * Next version: officially test with OCaml 4

© 2012 - 2014 Dave Parfitt

Portions of the documentation are © 2012 - 2014 Basho Technologies