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Autometrics specification v1.0.0

This is a specification for Autometrics. Its high level goal is to enable operability between the various different Autometrics libraries and consumers.

This specification uses the conventions described in RFC 2119.


Libraries SHOULD expose a decorator, macro, wrapper function, or use another meta-programming technique offered by the language to instrument functions and methods in the user's source code. Ideally, the function attribute SHOULD be called autometrics or Autometrics, but libraries MAY append a suffix to the name if necessary.

Libraries MAY enable the decorator, macro, etc to apply to an entire class definition. If they do, they SHOULD provide an option for users to skip or ignore particular methods.

Libraries MAY need an initialization function.

Libraries SHOULD expose functionality to make the metrics available to the user in either the Prometheus text format or the OpenTelemetry Protocol (otlp). It is up to the user to decide whether they want to implement a push or pull based model. Libraries MAY provide higher level implementations to expose the metrics in a push or pull based model.

Service-Level Objectives (SLOs)

Libraries SHOULD expose functionality to create objectives within the source code. Objectives can be "attached" to functions by passing the objective to the Autometrics decorator, macro, etc for one or more functions.

Objectives can relate to functions' success rate and/or latencies.

Success rate objectives MUST add the and objective.percentile labels to the function.calls metric.

Latency objectives MUST add the, objective.percentile, and objective.latency_threshold labels to the function.calls.duration metric.


Autometrics uses the OpenTelemetry Metric Semantic Conventions for naming metrics, including using .'s as separators.

When the metrics are exported to Prometheus, all dot (.) separators in the metric name and label keys are replaced by underscores (_). Suffixes are appended where required by Prometheus/OpenMetrics.

Label values MAY contain any Unicode characters.

All environment variables MUST be evaluated during runtime (if available in the language), a library MAY capture a default value during a compilation step if this is available for the library, this value MUST be overwritten by a runtime environment variable if it is set.


The following is a list of metrics that MUST be exported when annotated by an autometrics library. The only exception is the function.calls.concurrent metrics, which a library MAY support.


This metric is a 64-bit monotonic counter that tracks the number of times a given function was invoked. It stores information about the result of the function, and optionally which function called the given function.

Metric type: Counter

OTEL metric name: function.calls

Prometheus metric name: function_calls_total

Label Optional/required Notes
function required
module required required
result required
caller.function optional
caller.module optional optional if an objective is attached to the given function
objective.percentile optional if an objective is attached to the given function

If the library is unable to determine whether a function was successful or not, then it MUST always set the result to ok.

If the library is able to determine which function called the given function, then it MUST set the caller information in the caller.function and caller.module labels. If the caller is not known, either it is the entrypoint or the library is unable to determine the caller, in which case the caller.function and caller.module labels MAY be absent or empty ("").


This metric is a 64-bit floating point histogram that tracks the duration or latency of function calls.

Metric type: Histogram

OTEL metric name: function.calls.duration

Prometheus Name: function_calls_duration_seconds

Label Optional/required Notes
function required
module required required optional if an objective is attached to the given function
objective.percentile optional if an objective is attached to the given function
objective.latency_threshold optional if an objective is attached to the given function

A library MUST track the duration in seconds.

Libraries SHOULD support the following bucket boundaries by default: [ 0.005, 0.01, 0.025, 0.05, 0.075, 0.1, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 1.0, 2.5, 5.0, 7.5, 10.0, ]. The Library SHOULD allow the user to override these default buckets.


A metric that contains metadata related to the application. It should be possible to join this metric with other metrics to enrich other metrics.

Metric type: Gauge

OTEL metric name: build_info

Prometheus Name: build_info

Label Optional/required Notes
version optional
commit optional
branch optional required
autometrics.version required
repository.url optional
repository.provider optional

This is a gauge or up/down counter. It MUST always have the value of 1.0.


An optional metric that tracks the number of concurrent calls to a given function.

Metric type: Gauge

OTEL metric name: function.calls.concurrent

Prometheus Name: function_calls_concurrent

Label Optional/required Notes
function required
module required required


The following is a list of labels and their intended use.


Used with metrics: build_info

The version of the specification that the library targets. This version MUST contain the full version without the v prefix.

Consumers MAY only use the major and minor version, as the patch version changes SHOULD be made in a backwards compatible way.

For the current specification this SHOULD be 1.0.0.


Used with metrics: build_info

The Git branch of the user's project. If this information is not available, this label MAY be absent or empty ("").


Used with metrics: function.calls

The name of the function that invoked the given function. If the caller is not known, this label MUST be absent or empty ("").

This SHOULD refer to Autometrics-instrumented functions. Therefore, if Function A calls Function B, which calls Function C and only Functions A and C are instrumented but not B, the caller of Function C would be Function A.

Libraries MAY make this label optional (on an opt-out basis) if collecting this information has a non-negligible performance overhead.


Used with metrics: function.calls

The module of the function that invoked the given function. If the caller is not known, this label MUST be absent or empty ("").

See caller.function


Used with metrics: build_info

The Git commit hash identifying the snapshot of the user's project. The library MAY truncate the commit hash to its short representation. If this information is not available, this label MUST be absent or empty ("").


Used with metrics: function.calls, function.calls.duration, function.calls.concurrent

The name of the function or method, exactly as it appears in the source code.


Used with metrics: function.calls, function.calls.duration, function.calls.concurrent

The fully-qualified module or file path of the function.

The combination of the function and module labels MUST be sufficient to uniquely identify the function within the project's source code.

The exact contents of these label values (module and function) are assumed to be language-specific. Notably, for type (classes, structs, enums...) methods libraries SHOULD include the type/prototype name as a prefix in the function label with a language-specific separator (e.g. :: in Rust), but if it is technically difficult, libraries MAY include the type/prototype name as part of the module value.

In all cases, libraries MUST include type name in either module or function label, they MUST consistently use the same label all the time, and SHOULD document the choice so that users know how to query "all metrics for a given class".

Used with metrics: function.calls, function.calls.duration

If a function has an SLO attached, this label MUST contain the user-specified name of the objective. If there is no SLO attached, this label MUST be absent or empty ("").

The library SHOULD warn users when an objective name contains characters other than alphanumeric characters, _, -, or a space.

The library SHOULD warn users when an objective name does not start with an alphanumeric character.


Used with metrics: function.calls, function.calls.duration

If a function has an SLO attached, this label MUST specifies the percentage of requests that should return the result="ok" OR the percentage of requests that should meet the specified objective.latency_threshold.

The value MUST be expressed as a percentage, so 99.9% would be "99.9" (without the % symbol).

If there is no SLO attached, this label MUST be absent or empty ("").

Libraries SHOULD support the following percentiles: "90", "95", "99", "99.9". Libraries MAY allow users to specify custom percentiles but care should be taken to ensure that users generate separate Prometheus recording rules for the custom percentiles.


Used with metrics: function.calls.duration

If a function has an SLO attached, this MUST specify the maximum duration of function calls that are considered meeting the objective.

This MUST be specified in seconds (not milliseconds).

Libraries SHOULD support the following bucket boundaries by default: [ 0.005, 0.01, 0.025, 0.05, 0.075, 0.1, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 1.0, 2.5, 5.0, 7.5, 10.0, ]. Libraries MAY allow users to specify custom latencies, but care should be taken to ensure that the value of this label matches one of the histogram buckets supported by the function.calls.duration metric.


Used with metrics: function.calls

Whether the function executed successfully or errored. An error MAY either mean that the function returned an error or that it threw an exception.

The value of this label MUST either be "ok" or "error".

Libraries MAY offer users the ability to override the default behavior for determining whether the result label should be "ok" or "error", for example to allow users to treat client-side errors as "ok".

Used with metrics: build_info, function.calls, function.calls.duration, function.calls.concurrent

The logical name of a service. This matches the OpenTelemetry Service specification.

All metrics produced by a library from a given instance SHOULD use a single All instances of a horizontally scaled service SHOULD also use the same

Libraries SHOULD support setting the using environment variables (AUTOMETRICS_SERVICE_NAME and OTEL_SERVICE_NAME, with the first taking precedence if both are set). Libraries MAY also support configuring this value in an initialization function. If the service name is not set by the user, then the library MUST set a default based on the user's project, this could be something like a package name or the binary name.


Used with metrics: build_info

The version of the user's project, ideally using Semantic Versioning. It SHOULD only contain the version number and SHOULD NOT start with a v.


Used with metrics: build_info

A URL to the user's project git or other scm repository. This SHOULD be a URL that makes sense for the repository type. For example, for a git repository, it MAY be a HTTP URL or a SSH URL.

A library SHOULD use the value from the AUTOMETRICS_REPOSITORY_URL environment variable, if set. It SHOULD also allow for a value to be specified in the initialization function. A library MAY also attempt to determine the repository by itself, but the user MUST be able to opt-out of this behavior.


Used with metrics: build_info

A hint to which provider is being used to host the repository. A consumer can use this to provider deeper integration. The value MUST be a freeform string to allow users to specify their own values.

A library MAY try to parse the repository.url to determine the provider. It SHOULD allow the user to specify their own value using the AUTOMETRICS_REPOSITORY_PROVIDER environment variable. The library MAY use the initialization function to override this value as well.



  • Rewrite of the original specification
  • Add module to caller information
    • Add caller.module label to function.calls metric
    • Rename caller label to caller.function in function.calls metric
  • Add repository.url and repository.provider labels to build_info metric
  • Add guidance on the objective_name label, and suggest to warn library users if they use anything other than alphanumeric characters, _, -, or a space
  • Relax requirements of environment variables from MUST to SHOULD