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771 lines (640 loc) · 35.7 KB

File metadata and controls

771 lines (640 loc) · 35.7 KB

Change Log for SD.Next

Update for 2023-08-17

  • general:
    • update all metadata saved with images
      see for details
    • improved amd installer with support for navi 2x & 3x and rocm 5.4/5.5/5.6
      thanks @evshiron
    • fix img2img resizing (applies to original, diffusers, hires)
    • config change: main config.json no longer contains entire configuration
      but only differences from defaults (simmilar to recent change performed to ui-config.json)
  • diffusers:
    • enable batch img2img workflows
  • original:
    • new samplers: dpm++ 3M sde (standard and karras variations)
      enable in settings -> samplers -> show samplers
    • expose always/never discard penultimage sigma
      enable in settings -> samplers

Update for 2023-08-11

This is a big one that's been cooking in dev for a while now, but finally ready for release...

  • diffusers:
    • pipeline autodetect if pipeline is set to autodetect (default for new installs), app will try to autodetect pipeline based on selected model
      this should reduce user errors such as loading sd-xl model when sd pipeline is selected
    • quick vae decode as alternative to full vae decode which is very resource intensive
      quick decode is based on taesd and produces lower quality, but its great for tests or grids as it runs much faster and uses far less vram
      disabled by default, selectable in txt2img/img2img -> advanced -> full quality
    • prompt attention for sd and sd-xl
      supports both full parser and native compel
      thanks @ai-casanova
    • advanced lora load/apply methods
      in addition to standard lora loading that was recently added to sd-xl using diffusers, now we have
      • sequential apply (load & apply multiple loras in sequential manner) and
      • merge and apply (load multiple loras and merge before applying to model)
        see settings -> diffusers -> lora methods
        thanks @hameerabbasi and @ai-casanova
    • sd-xl vae from safetensors now applies correct config
      result is that 3rd party vaes can be used without washed out colors
    • options for optimized memory handling for lower memory usage
      see settings -> diffusers
  • general:
    • new civitai model search and download
      native support for civitai, integrated into ui as models -> civitai
    • updated requirements
      this time its a bigger change so upgrade may take longer to install new requirements
    • improved extra networks performance with large number of networks

Update for 2023-08-05

Another minor update, but it unlocks some cool new items...

  • diffusers:
    • vaesd live preview (sd and sd-xl)
    • fix inpainting (sd and sd-xl)
  • general:
    • new torch 2.0 with ipex (intel arc)
    • additional callbacks for extensions
      enables latest comfyui extension

Update for 2023-07-30

Smaller release, but IMO worth a post...

  • diffusers:
    • sd-xl lora's are now supported!
    • memory optimizations: Enhanced sequential CPU offloading, model CPU offload, FP16 VAE
      • significant impact if running SD-XL (for example, but applies to any model) with only 8GB VRAM
    • update packages
  • minor bugfixes

Update for 2023-07-26

This is a big one, new models, new diffusers, new features and updated UI...

First, SD-XL 1.0 is released and yes, SD.Next supports it out of the box!

Also fresh is new Kandinsky 2.2 model that does look quite nice:

Actual changelog is:

  • general:

    • new loading screens and artwork
    • major ui simplification for both txt2img and img2img
      nothing is removed, but you can show/hide individual sections
      default is very simple interface, but you can enable any sections and save it as default in settings
    • themes: add additional built-in theme, amethyst-nightfall
    • extra networks: add add/remove tags to prompt (e.g. lora activation keywords)
    • extensions: fix couple of compatibility items
    • firefox compatibility improvements
    • minor image viewer improvements
    • add backend and operation info to metadata
  • diffusers:

    • we're out of experimental phase and diffusers backend is considered stable
    • sd-xl: support for sd-xl 1.0 official model
    • sd-xl: loading vae now applies to both base and refiner and saves a bit of vram
    • sd-xl: denoising_start/denoising_end
    • sd-xl: enable dual prompts
      dual prompt is used if set regardless if refiner is enabled/loaded
      if refiner is loaded & enabled, refiner prompt will also be used for refiner pass
    • kandinsky 2.2 support
      note: kandinsky model must be downloaded using model downloader, not as safetensors due to specific model format
    • refiner: fix batch processing
    • vae: enable loading of pure-safetensors vae files without config
      also enable automatic selection to work with diffusers
    • sd-xl: initial lora support
      right now this applies to official lora released by stability-ai, support for kohya's lora is expected soon
    • implement img2img and inpainting (experimental)
      actual support and quality depends on model
      it works as expected for sd 1.5, but not so much for sd-xl for now
    • implement limited stop/interrupt for diffusers works between stages, not within steps
    • add option to save image before refiner pass
    • option to set vae upcast in settings
    • enable fp16 vae decode when using optimized vae
      this pretty much doubles performance of decode step (delay after generate is done)
  • original

    • fix hires secondary sampler
      this now fully obsoletes fallback_sampler and force_latent_sampler

Update for 2023-07-18

While we're waiting for official SD-XL release, here's another update with some fixes and enhancements...

  • global
    • image save: option to add invisible image watermark to all your generated images
      disabled by default, can be enabled in settings -> image options
      watermark information will be shown when loading image such as in process image tab
      also additional cli utility /cli/ to read/write/strip watermarks from images
    • batch processing: fix metadata saving, also allow to drag&drop images for batch processing
    • ui configuration: you can modify all ui default values from settings as usual,
      but only values that are non-default will be written to ui-config.json
    • startup: add cmd flag to skip all torch checks
    • startup: force requirements check on each server start
      there are too many misbehaving extensions that change system requirements
    • internal: safe handling of all config file read/write operations
      this allows sdnext to run in fully shared environments and prevents any possible configuration corruptions
  • diffusers:
    • sd-xl: remove image watermarks autocreated by 0.9 model
    • vae: enable loading of external vae, documented in diffusers wiki
      and mix&match continues, you can even use sd-xl vae with sd 1.5 models!
    • samplers: add concept of default sampler to avoid needing to tweak settings for primary or second pass
      note that sampler details will be printed in log when running in debug level
    • samplers: allow overriding of sampler beta values in settings
    • refiner: fix refiner applying only to first image in batch
    • refiner: allow using direct latents or processed output in refiner
    • model: basic support for one more model: UniDiffuser
      download using model downloader: thu-ml/unidiffuser-v1
      and set resolution to 512x512

Update for 2023-07-14

Trying to unify settings for both original and diffusers backend without introducing duplicates...

  • renamed hires fix to second pass
    as that is what it actually is, name hires fix is misleading to start with
  • actual hires fix and refiner are now options inside second pass section
  • obsoleted settings -> sampler -> force_latent_sampler
    it is now part of second pass options and it works the same for both original and diffusers backend
    which means you can use different scheduler settings for txt2img and hires if you want
  • sd-xl refiner will run if its loaded and if second pass is enabled
    so you can quickly enable/disable refiner by simply enabling/disabling second pass
  • you can mix&match model and refiner
    for example, you can generate image using sd 1.5 and still use sd-xl refiner as second pass
  • reorganized settings -> samplers to show which section refers to which backend
  • added diffusers lmsd sampler

Update for 2023-07-13

Another big one, but now improvements to both diffusers and original backends as well plus ability to dynamically switch between them!

  • swich backend between diffusers and original on-the-fly
    • you can still use --backend <backend> and now that only means in which mode app will start, but you can change it anytime in ui settings
    • for example, you can even do things like generate image using sd-xl,
      then switch to original backend and perform inpaint using a different model
  • diffusers backend:
    • separate ui settings for refiner pass with sd-xl
      you can specify: prompt, negative prompt, steps, denoise start
    • fix loading from pure safetensors files
      now you can load sd-xl from safetensors file or from huggingface folder format
    • fix kandinsky model (2.1 working, 2.2 was just released and will be soon)
  • original backend:
    • improvements to vae/unet handling as well as cross-optimization heads
      in non-technical terms, this means lower memory usage and higher performance
      and you should be able to generate higher resolution images without any other changes
  • other:
    • major refactoring of the javascript code
      includes fixes for text selections and navigation
    • system info tab now reports on nvidia driver version as well
    • minor fixes in extra-networks
    • installer handles origin changes for submodules

big thanks to @huggingface team for great communication, support and fixing all the reported issues asap!

Update for 2023-07-10

Service release with some fixes and enhancements:

  • diffusers:
    • option to move base and/or refiner model to cpu to free up vram
    • model downloader options to specify model variant / revision / mirror
    • now you can download fp16 variant directly for reduced memory footprint
    • basic img2img workflow (sketch and inpaint are not supported yet)
      note that sd-xl img2img workflows are architecturaly different so it will take longer to implement
    • updated hints for settings
  • extra networks:
    • fix corrupt display on refesh when new extra network type found
    • additional ui tweaks
    • generate thumbnails from previews only if preview resolution is above 1k
  • image viewer:
    • fixes for non-chromium browsers and mobile users and add option to download image
    • option to download image directly from image viewer
  • general
    • fix startup issue with incorrect config
    • installer should always check requirements on upgrades

Update for 2023-07-08

This is a massive update which has been baking in a dev branch for a while now

  • merge experimental diffusers support

TL;DR: Yes, you can run SD-XL model in SD.Next now
For details, see Wiki page: Diffusers
Note this is still experimental, so please follow Wiki
Additional enhancements and fixes will be provided over the next few days
Thanks to @huggingface team for making this possible and our internal @team for all the early testing

Release also contains number of smaller updates:

  • add pan & zoom controls (touch and mouse) to image viewer (lightbox)
  • cache extra networks between tabs
    this should result in neat 2x speedup on building extra networks
  • add settings -> extra networks -> do not automatically build extra network pages
    speeds up app start if you have a lot of extra networks and you want to build them manually when needed
  • extra network ui tweaks

Update for 2023-07-01

Small quality-of-life updates and bugfixes:

  • add option to disallow usage of ckpt checkpoints
  • change lora and lyco dir without server restart
  • additional filename template fields: uuid, seq, image_hash
  • image toolbar is now shown only when image is present
  • image Zip button gone and its not optional setting that applies to standard Save button
  • folder Show button is present only when working on localhost,
    otherwise its replaced with Copy that places image URLs on clipboard so they can be used in other apps

Update for 2023-06-30

A bit bigger update this time, but contained to specific areas...

  • change in behavior
    extensions no longer auto-update on startup
    using --upgrade flag upgrades core app as well as all submodules and extensions
  • live server log monitoring in ui
    configurable via settings -> live preview
  • new extra networks interface
    note: if you're using a 3rd party ui extension for extra networks, it will likely need to be updated to work with new interface
    • display in front of main ui, inline with main ui or as a sidebar
    • lazy load thumbnails
      drastically reduces load times for large number of extra networks
    • auto-create thumbnails from preview images in extra networks in a background thread
      significant load time saving on subsequent restarts
    • support for info files in addition to description files
    • support for variable aspect-ratio thumbnails
    • new folder view
  • extensions sort by trending
  • add requirements check for training

Update for 2023-06-26

  • new training tab interface
    • redesigned preprocess, train embedding, train hypernetwork
  • new models tab interface
    • new model convert functionality, thanks @akegarasu
    • new model verify functionality
  • lot of ipex specific fixes/optimizations, thanks @disty0

Update for 2023-06-20

This one is less relevant for standard users, but pretty major if you're running an actual server
But even if not, it still includes bunch of cumulative fixes since last release - and going by number of new issues, this is probably the most stable release so far... (next one is not going to be as stable, but it will be fun :) )

  • minor improvements to extra networks ui
  • more hints/tooltips integrated into ui
  • new dedicated api server
    • but highly promising for high throughput server
  • improve server logging and monitoring with
    • server log file rotation
    • ring buffer with api endpoint /sdapi/v1/log
    • real-time status and load endpoint /sdapi/v1/system-info/status

Update for 2023-06-14

Second stage of a jumbo merge from upstream plus few minor changes...

  • simplify token merging
  • reorganize some settings
  • all updates from upstream: A1111 v1.3.2 [df004be] (latest release)
    pretty much nothing major that i haven't released in previous versions, but its still a long list of tiny changes
    • skipped/did-not-port:
      add separate hires prompt: unnecessarily complicated and spread over large number of commits due to many regressions
      allow external scripts to add cross-optimization methods: dangerous and i don't see a use case for it so far
      load extension info in threads: unnecessary as other optimizations i've already put place perform equally good
    • broken/reverted:
      sub-quadratic optimization changes

Update for 2023-06-13

Just a day later and one bigger update... Both some new functionality as well as massive merges from upstream

  • new cache for models/lora/lyco metadata: metadata.json
    drastically reduces disk access on app startup
  • allow saving/resetting of ui default values
    settings -> ui defaults
  • ability to run server without loaded model
    default is to auto-load model on startup, can be changed in settings -> stable diffusion
    if disabled, model will be loaded on first request, e.g. when you click generate
    useful when you want to start server to perform other tasks like upscaling which do not rely on model
  • updated accelerate and xformers
  • huge nubmer of changes ported from A1111 upstream
    this was a massive merge, hopefully this does not cause any regressions
    and still a bit more pending...

Update for 2023-06-12

  • updated ui labels and hints to improve clarity and provide some extra info
    this is 1st stage of the process, more to come...
    if you want to join the effort, see vladmandic#1246
  • new localization and hints engine
    how hints are displayed can be selected in settings -> ui
  • reworked installer sequence
    as some extensions are loading packages directly from their preload sequence
    which was preventing some optimizations to take effect
  • updated settings tab functionality, thanks @gegell
    with real-time monitor for all new and/or updated settings
  • launcher will now warn if application owned files are modified
    you are free to add any user files, but do not modify app files unless you're sure in what you're doing
  • add more profiling for scripts/extensions so you can see what takes time
    this applies both to initial load as well as execution
  • experimental sd_model_dict setting which allows you to load model dictionary
    from one model and apply weights from another model specified in sd_model_checkpoint
    results? who am i to judge :)

Update for 2023-06-05

Few new features and extra handling for broken extensions
that caused my phone to go crazy with notifications over the weekend...

  • added extra networks to xyz grid options
    now you can have more fun with all your embeddings and loras :)
  • new vae decode method to help with larger batch sizes, thanks @bigdog
  • new setting -> lora -> use lycoris to handle all lora types
    this is still experimental, but the goal is to obsolete old built-in lora module
    as it doesn't understand many new loras and built-in lyco module can handle it all
  • somewhat optimize browser page loading
    still slower than i'd want, but gradio is pretty bad at this
  • profiling of scripts/extensions callbacks
    you can now see how much or pre/post processing is done, not just how long generate takes
  • additional exception handling so bad exception does not crash main app
  • additional background removal models
  • some work on bfloat16 which nobody really should be using, but why not 🙂

Update for 2023-06-02

Some quality-of-life improvements while working on larger stuff in the background...

  • redesign action box to be uniform across all themes
  • add pause option next to stop/skip
  • redesigned progress bar
  • add new built-in extension: agent-scheduler
    very elegant way to getting full queueing capabilities, thank @artventurdev
  • enable more image formats
    note: not all are understood by browser so previews and images may appear as blank
    unless you have some browser extensions that can handle them
    but they are saved correctly. and cant beat raw quality of 32-bit tiff or psd :)
  • change in behavior: xformers will be uninstalled on startup if they are not active
    if you do have xformers selected as your desired cross-optimization method, then they will be used
    reason is that a lot of libaries try to blindly import xformers even if they are not selected or not functional

Update for 2023-05-30

Another bigger one...And more to come in the next few days...

  • new live preview mode: taesd
    i really like this one, so its enabled as default for new installs
  • settings search feature
  • new sampler: dpm++ 2m sde
  • fully common save/zip/delete (new) options in all tabs
    which (again) meant rework of process image tab
  • system info tab: live gpu utilization/memory graphs for nvidia gpus
  • updated controlnet interface
  • minor style changes
  • updated lora, swinir, scunet and ldsr code from upstream
  • start of merge from a1111 v1.3

Update for 2023-05-26

Some quality-of-life improvements...

  • updated README
  • created CHANGELOG
    this will be the source for all info about new things moving forward
    and cross-posted to Discussions#99 as well as discord announcements
  • optimize model loading on startup
    this should reduce startup time significantly
  • set default cross-optimization method for each platform backend
    applicable for new installs only
    • cuda => Scaled-Dot-Product
    • rocm => Sub-quadratic
    • directml => Sub-quadratic
    • ipex => InvokeAI's
    • mps => Doggettx's
    • cpu => Doggettx's
  • optimize logging
  • optimize profiling
    now includes startup profiling as well as cuda profiling during generate
  • minor lightbox improvements
  • bugfixes...i don't recall when was a release with at least several of those

other than that - first stage of Diffusers integration is now in master branch
i don't recommend anyone to try it (and dont even think reporting issues for it)
but if anyone wants to contribute, take a look at project page

Update for 2023-05-23

Major internal work with perhaps not that much user-facing to show for it ;)

  • update core repos: stability-ai, taming-transformers, k-diffusion, blip, codeformer
    note: to avoid disruptions, this is applicable for new installs only
  • tested with torch 2.1, cuda 12.1, cudnn 8.9
    (production remains on torch2.0.1+cuda11.8+cudnn8.8)
  • fully extend support of --data-dir
    allows multiple installations to share pretty much everything, not just models
    especially useful if you want to run in a stateless container or cloud instance
  • redo api authentication
    now api authentication will use same user/pwd (if specified) for ui and strictly enforce it using httpbasicauth
    new authentication is also fully supported in combination with ssl for both sync and async calls
    if you want to use api programatically, see examples in cli/
  • add dark/light theme mode toggle
  • redo some clip-skip functionality
  • better matching for vae vs model
  • update to xyz grid to allow creation of large number of images without creating grid itself
  • update gradio (again)
  • more prompt parser optimizations
  • better error handling when importing image settings which are not compatible with current install
    for example, when upscaler or sampler originally used is not available
  • fixes...amazing how many issues were introduced by porting a1111 v1.20 code without adding almost no new functionality
    next one is v1.30 (still in dev) which does bring a lot of new features

Update for 2023-05-17

This is a massive one due to huge number of changes,
but hopefully it will go ok...

  • new prompt parsers
    select in UI -> Settings -> Stable Diffusion
    • Full: my new implementation
    • A1111: for backward compatibility
    • Compel: as used in ComfyUI and InvokeAI (a.k.a Temporal Weighting)
    • Fixed: for really old backward compatibility
  • monitor extensions install/startup and
    log if they modify any packages/requirements
    this is a deep-experimental python hack, but i think its worth it as extensions modifying requirements
    is one of most common causes of issues
  • added --safe command line flag mode which skips loading user extensions
    please try to use it before opening new issue
  • reintroduce --api-only mode to start server without ui
  • port all upstream changes from A1111
    up to today - commit hash 89f9faa

Update for 2023-05-15

  • major work on prompt parsing this can cause some differences in results compared to what you're used to, but its all about fixes & improvements
    • prompt parser was adding commas and spaces as separate words and tokens and/or prefixes
    • negative prompt weight using [word:weight] was ignored, it was always 0.909
    • bracket matching was anything but correct. complex nested attention brackets are now working.
    • btw, if you run with --debug flag, you'll now actually see parsed prompt & schedule
  • updated all scripts in /cli
  • add option in settings to force different latent sampler instead of using primary only
  • add interrupt/skip capabilities to process images

Update for 2023-05-13

This is mostly about optimizations...

  • improved torch-directml support
    especially interesting for amd users on windows where torch+rocm is not yet available
    dont forget to run using --use-directml or default is cpu
  • improved compatibility with nvidia rtx 1xxx/2xxx series gpus
  • fully working torch.compile with torch 2.0.1
    using inductor compile takes a while on first run, but does result in 5-10% performance increase
  • improved memory handling
    for highest performance, you can also disable aggressive gc in settings
  • improved performance
    especially after generate as image handling has been moved to separate thread
  • allow per-extension updates in extension manager
  • option to reset configuration in settings

Update for 2023-05-11

  • brand new extension manager
    this is pretty much a complete rewrite, so new issues are possible
  • support for torch 2.0.1
    note that if you are experiencing frequent hangs, this may be a worth a try
  • updated gradio to 3.29.0
  • added --reinstall flag to force reinstall of all packages
  • auto-recover & re-attempt when --upgrade is requested but fails
  • check for duplicate extensions

Update for 2023-05-08

Back online with few updates:

  • bugfixes. yup, quite a lot of those
  • auto-detect some cpu/gpu capabilities on startup
    this should reduce need to tweak and tune settings like no-half, no-half-vae, fp16 vs fp32, etc
  • configurable order of top level tabs
  • configurable order of scripts in txt2img and img2img
    for both, see sections in ui-> settings -> user interface

Update for 2023-05-04

Again, few days later...

  • reviewed/ported all commits from A1111 upstream
    some a few are not applicable as i already have alternative implementations
    and very few i choose not to implement (save/restore last-known-good-config is a bad hack)
    otherwise, we're fully up to date (its doesn't show on fork status as code merges were mostly manual due to conflicts)
    but...due to sheer size of the updates, this may introduce some temporary issues
  • redesigned server restart function
    now available and working in ui
    actually, since server restart is now a true restart and not ui restart, it can be used much more flexibly
  • faster model load
    plus support for slower devices via stream-load function (in ui settings)
  • better logging
    this includes new --debug flag for more verbose logging when troubleshooting

Update for 2023-05-01

Been a bit quieter for last few days as changes were quite significant, but finally here we are...

  • Updated core libraries: Gradio, Diffusers, Transformers
  • Added support for Intel ARC GPUs via Intel OneAPI IPEX (auto-detected)
  • Added support for TorchML (set by default when running on non-compatible GPU or on CPU)
  • Enhanced support for AMD GPUs with ROCm
  • Enhanced support for Apple M1/M2
  • Redesigned command params: run webui --help for details
  • Redesigned API and script processing
  • Experimental support for multiple Torch compile options
  • Improved sampler support
  • Google Colab:
    Maintained by
  • Fixes, fixes, fixes...

To take advantage of new out-of-the-box tunings, its recommended to delete your config.json so new defaults are applied. Its not necessary, but otherwise you may need to play with UI Settings to get the best of Intel ARC, TorchML, ROCm or Apple M1/M2.

Update for 2023-04-27

a bit shorter list as:

  • i've been busy with bugfixing
    there are a lot of them, not going to list each here.
    but seems like critical issues backlog is quieting down and soon i can focus on new features development.
  • i've started collaboration with couple of major projects, hopefully this will accelerate future development.

what's new:

  • ability to view/add/edit model description shown in extra networks cards
  • add option to specify fallback sampler if primary sampler is not compatible with desired operation
  • make clip skip a local parameter
  • remove obsolete items from UI settings
  • set defaults for AMD ROCm
    if you have issues, you may want to start with a fresh install so configuration can be created from scratch
  • set defaults for Apple M1/M2
    if you have issues, you may want to start with a fresh install so configuration can be created from scratch

Update for 2023-04-25

  • update process image -> info
  • add VAE info to metadata
  • update GPU utility search paths for better GPU type detection
  • update git flags for wider compatibility
  • update environment tuning
  • update ti training defaults
  • update VAE search paths
  • add compatibility opts for some old extensions
  • validate script args for always-on scripts
    fixes: deforum with controlnet

Update for 2023-04-24

  • identify race condition where generate locks up while fetching preview
  • add pulldowns to x/y/z script
  • add VAE rollback feature in case of NaNs
  • use samples format for live preview
  • add token merging
  • use Approx NN for live preview
  • create default styles.csv
  • fix setup not installing tensorflow dependencies
  • update default git flags to reduce number of warnings

Update for 2023-04-23

  • fix VAE dtype
    should fix most issues with NaN or black images
  • add built-in Gradio themes
  • reduce requirements
  • more AMD specific work
  • initial work on Apple platform support
  • additional PR merges
  • handle torch cuda crashing in setup
  • fix setup race conditions
  • fix ui lightbox
  • mark tensorflow as optional
  • add additional image name templates

Update for 2023-04-22

  • autodetect which system libs should be installed
    this is a first pass of autoconfig for nVidia vs AMD environments
  • fix parse cmd line args from extensions
  • only install xformers if actually selected as desired cross-attention method
  • do not attempt to use xformers or sdp if running on cpu
  • merge tomesd token merging
  • merge 23 PRs pending from a1111 backlog (!!)

expect shorter updates for the next few days as i'll be partially ooo

Update for 2023-04-20

  • full CUDA tuning section in UI Settings
  • improve exif/pnginfo metadata parsing
    it can now handle 3rd party images or images edited in external software
  • optimized setup performance and logging
  • improve compatibility with some 3rd party extensions for example handle extensions that install packages directly from github urls
  • fix initial model download if no models found
  • fix vae not found issues
  • fix multiple git issues

note: if you previously had command line optimizations such as --no-half, those are now ignored and moved to ui settings

Update for 2023-04-19

  • fix live preview
  • fix model merge
  • fix handling of user-defined temp folders
  • fix submit benchmark
  • option to override torch and xformers installer
  • separate benchmark data for system-info extension
  • minor css fixes
  • created initial merge backlog from pending prs on a1111 repo
    see #258 for details

Update for 2023-04-18

  • reconnect ui to active session on browser restart
    this is one of most frequently asked for items, finally figured it out
    works for text and image generation, but not for process as there is no progress bar reported there to start with
  • force unload xformers when not used
    improves compatibility with AMD/M1 platforms
  • add styles.csv to UI settings to allow customizing path
  • add --skip-git to cmd flags for power users that want
    to skip all git checks and operations and perform manual updates
  • add --disable-queue to cmd flags that disables Gradio queues (experimental) this forces it to use HTTP instead of WebSockets and can help on unreliable network connections
  • set scripts & extensions loading priority and allow custom priorities
    fixes random extension issues:
    ScuNet upscaler disappearing, Additional Networks not showing up on XYZ axis, etc.
  • improve html loading order
  • remove some asserts causing runtime errors and replace with user-friendly messages
  • update
  • update

Update for 2023-04-17

  • themes are now dynamic and discovered from list of available gradio themes on huggingface
    its quite a list of 30+ supported themes so far
  • added option to see theme preview without the need to apply it or restart server
  • integrated image info functionality into process image tab and removed separate image info tab
  • more installer improvements
  • fix urls
  • updated github integration
  • make model download as optional if no models found

Update for 2023-04-16

  • support for ui themes! to to settings -> user interface -> "ui theme* includes 12 predefined themes
  • ability to restart server from ui
  • updated requirements
  • removed styles.csv from repo, its now fully under user control
  • removed model-keyword extension as overly aggressive
  • rewrite of the fastapi middleware handlers
  • install bugfixes, hopefully new installer is now ok
    i really want to focus on features and not troubleshooting installer

Update for 2023-04-15

  • update default values
  • remove ui-config.json from repo, its not fully under user control
  • updated extensions manager
  • updated locon/lycoris plugin
  • enable quick launch by default
  • add multidiffusion upscaler extensions
  • add model keyword extension
  • enable strong linting
  • fix circular imports
  • fix extensions updated
  • fix git update issues
  • update github templates

Update for 2023-04-14

  • handle duplicate extensions
  • redo exception handler
  • fix generate forever
  • enable cmdflags compatibility
  • change default css font
  • fix ti previews on initial start
  • enhance tracebacks
  • pin transformers version to last known good version
  • fix extension loader

Update for 2023-04-12

This has been pending for a while, but finally uploaded some massive changes

  • New launcher
    • webui.bat and
      Platform specific wrapper scripts that starts in Python virtual environment
      Note: Server can run without virtual environment, but it is recommended to use it
      This is carry-over from original repo
      If you're unsure which launcher to use, this is the one you want
      Main startup script
      Can be used directly to start server in manually activated venv or to run it without venv
      Main installer, used by
      Main server script
  • New logger
  • New exception handler
  • Built-in performance profiler
  • New requirements handling
  • Move of most of command line flags into UI Settings