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Topology Mutation Hook

Topology Mutation Hook

Table of Contents


Refer to the Cluster API Book Glossary.

  • Inline patches: are defined inline in a ClusterClass and implemented by the core CAPI controller.
  • External patches: are patches generated by an external component.
  • Topology Mutation Hook: is the hook defined in this proposal that allows users to plug in an external component that generates patches.
  • External patch extension: is an external component that generates patches.


This proposal introduces the Topology Mutation Hook, which makes it possible to mutate objects of the Cluster topology by generating patches externally. The patches are applied to templates defined in a ClusterClass.


A ClusterClass is used to create a set of Clusters of a similar shape, with the shape being defined by a set of templates. ClusterClasses are more valuable when they are flexible enough to be used for many variants of the same base Cluster shape. E.g. when they allow the deployment of Clusters in different regions or with different Machine types.

The current solution to make ClusterClasses flexible is to use inline patches based on the JSON Patch RFC6902 specification in order to customize templates for each Cluster. Inline patches are valuable for users approaching ClusterClass, or users not willing to develop and manage additional components. But the underlying technology has some limitations for the most complicated use cases:

  • Inline patches are verbose and thus hard to understand
  • Inline patches cannot be individually written, unit tested and released/versioned
  • Inline patches cannot be reused across different ClusterClasses
  • Inline patches cannot use external data
  • JSON patch syntax might be unfamiliar to many users
  • JSON patch has known limitations, e.g. for array modifications (as it is not a full programming language)

This proposal overcomes these limitations by introducing the Topology Mutation Hook, which makes it possible to mutate objects of the Cluster topology by providing externally generated patches to be applied to templates defined in a ClusterClass.

The main idea behind Topology Mutation Hook is to move the complexity that is currently encoded in YAML to a separate component where the user can leverage the full power of a programming language. This is achieved by leveraging the Runtime SDK and implementing a new Runtime Hook, the Topology Mutation Hook, that will allow users to create Runtime Extensions to provide externally generated patches (hereafter referred to as External Patch Extensions).


  • Define the OpenAPI specification of the Topology Mutation Hook
  • Document when the corresponding External Patch Extensions are called
  • Provide guidelines for developer implementing an External Patch Extension
  • Define how to configure which External Patch Extensions apply to a ClusterClass
  • Explore how External Patch Extensions can be validated using clusterctl alpha topology plan


  • To replace or deprecate inline patches
  • Prescribe how exactly an External Patch Extension has to be implemented

Future work

  • Explore a solution how External Patch Extensions can bring their own variable definitions to shift the responsibility of variable definition and management from ClusterClass authors to External Patch Extension authors. For now it’s the responsibility of the ClusterClass author.
  • Explore a solution to detect and prevent an External Patch Extension to trigger infinite reconciles


User Stories

As ClusterClass author:

  • I want to enable an External Patch Extension which injects an HTTP proxy configuration into my Cluster topology.
  • I want to enable an External Patch Extension which computes Machine images for my Cluster topology given the Kubernetes version and the region.
  • I want to enable an External Patch Extension which enables image pulls from a private registry by injecting certificates into the Machines of my Cluster topology.
  • I want to easily reuse an External Patch Extension in many ClusterClasses.

As an External Patch Extension developer:

  • I want to use my preferred programming language to implement my External Patch Extension.
  • I want to unit test the code/logic which generates external patches.
  • I want to be able to generate external patches in either JSON Patch or JSON Merge Patch format.
  • I want to generate external patches based on external data, for example by querying a cloud API.
  • I want to validate the templates after all patches have been applied, so I can be sure that other External Patch Extensions didn't overwrite my changes.

Cluster Operator guide

As a Cluster operator, to use ClusterClasses with an External Patch Extensions you have to deploy and register it. You can find the full documentation on how to deploy a Runtime Extension in the Runtime SDK proposal.

An External Patch Extension can be registered by applying:

kind: Extension
  name: "my-awesome-patch"
      namespace: "capi-extensions"
      name: "my-awesome-patch"

Once the extension is registered the discovery hook is called and the Extension CR is updated with the list of the Runtime Extensions supported by the server. Most notably each Runtime Extension will get a unique name assigned, which is then used in the ClusterClass. For more details on discovery please see the Runtime SDK proposal.

ClusterClass author guide

A ClusterClass author can use an External Patch Extension by referencing it in a ClusterClass and adding the corresponding variable definitions.

A ClusterClass can have external patches, inline patches or both. The patches will then be applied in the order in which they are defined. The extension fields of the external patch must match the unique name of RuntimeExtensions assigned during discovery.

kind: ClusterClass
  name: quick-start
  # external patch
  - name: external-patch-1
      generateExtension: ""
      validateExtension: ""
  # inline patch
  - name: region

If the External Patch Extension requires variable definitions, they have to be added to ClusterClass.spec.variables. It is up to the External Patch Extension developer to document them including their OpenAPI schema. As future work we will explore a solution to discover variable definitions from External Patch Extensions automatically.

Developer guide

This section provides guidance for developers on the implementation of an External Patch Extension. We are assuming that this extension will be implemented following the general guidelines in the Runtime SDK proposal.

Cluster topology reconciliation

This section documents when the Topology Mutation Hook is going to be called during each Cluster topology reconciliation.

Cluster topology reconciliation

The remainder of this section has been moved to the Cluster API book to avoid duplication.


This section has been moved to the Cluster API book to avoid duplication.


This section has been moved to the Cluster API book to avoid duplication.

clusterctl alpha topology plan

We want to be able to use clusterctl alpha topology plan to validate External Patch Extensions. To make this possible we will extend the command so users can point to locally running External Patch Extensions without having to deploy a full management cluster.

Security Model

For the general Runtime Extension security model please refer to the developer guide in the Runtime SDK proposal.

Risks and Mitigations

Invalid Cluster topology

Externally generated patches just like inline patches can lead to an invalid Cluster topology. For example, a patch might set a field to an invalid value.


  • An External Patch Extension should be extensively unit and e2e tested to ensure it behaves as expected.
  • Variable schemas should be used to configure validation on variable values provided by users on the Cluster.

Infinite reconciles

An infinite reconcile state occurs when the Cluster topology controller is unable to reconcile to the desired state, e.g. because the desired state changes on each reconciliation. This can occur when an External Patch Extension is non-deterministic, e.g. if it sets a field to a random generated value.


  • An External Patch Extension should be extensively unit and e2e tested to ensure it behaves as expected.
  • Infinite reconciles can be triggered independent of external patching, thus we will explore a generic mechanism to detect infinite reconciles as future work.

External Patch extension slows down Cluster topology reconciliation

A slow External Patch Extension slows down the entire Cluster topology reconciliation. This can even lead to congestion in the Cluster topology controller.


  • External Patch Extension developers should ensure fast responses under all circumstances.
  • Cluster operators can set a timeout on the RuntimeExtensionConfiguration to ensure Cluster topology reconciliation for all Clusters is not slowed down by one slow External Patch Extension. This only helps if the slow External Patch Extension is not used for all Clusters.


Extending inline patches vs. introducing external patches

As outlined in Motivation inline patches have limitations. An alternative to implementing external patches would have been to extend inline patches to make them more powerful. But we think that is not possible given the inherent limitations of JSON patches. YAML is not a programming language.

Upgrade Strategy

Cluster API version upgrade

This proposal does not affect the Cluster API upgrade strategy.

If a new ClusterAPI version introduces a new Topology Mutation Hook version, External Patch Extensions should be adapted, to avoid issues when older Topology Mutation Hook versions are eventually removed. For details about the deprecation rules please refer to the Runtime SDK.

If a new ClusterAPI or ClusterAPI provider version introduces a new version of their API, External Patch extensions should be adapted to be able to handle the new APIs.

Kubernetes version upgrade

This proposal does not affect the Cluster API cluster upgrade strategy. However External Patch Extensions should be able to handle different Kubernetes versions.

Additional Details

Test Plan

While in alpha phase it is expected that the Topology Mutation Hook will have unit and integration tests covering the topology reconciliation with external patches.

With the increasing adoption of this feature we expect E2E test coverage for topology reconciliation with a Runtime Extension generating external patches.

Graduation Criteria

Main criteria for graduating this feature is adoption; further detail about graduation criteria will be added in future iterations of this document.

Version Skew Strategy

See upgrade strategy.

Implementation History