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Hannes Hirzel edited this page Jan 15, 2015 · 43 revisions

How do I install the latest Amber version?

'Latest' often means the 'latest stable'. If this is the case go for

  npm -g install amber-cli

If you mean really the prereleases,

  npm -g install amber-cli@bleedingedge 

should install the last prerelease (but not the stable version even if it is newer).

Use npm info amber-cli to find out which version is latest and which one is bleedingedge, if you are unsure.

How do I add another package in version 0.13 (legacy IDE)?

  • Click on any class
  • In the code browser pane change the code to
    Object subclass: #SomeNewClass
        instanceVariableNames: ''
        package: 'Myapp-NewPackage'
  • Click on Save
  • Select the package Myapp-NewPackage
  • Click on Commit
  • Edit deploy.js if this is package with production code (or devel.js if this package contains tests or other non-production code) to include the new package 'amber-myapp/Myapp-NewPackage'
  • Run grunt devel
  • Reload localhost:4000
  • The new package Myapp-NewPackage shows up in the Browser.

Example of the new deploy.js file:

        // --- packages to be deployed begin here ---
        // --- packages to be deployed end here ---
    ], function (amber) {
        return amber;

Note: Helios version should be added here as well.

How do I extend core classes?

If you wish to extend core Amber classes with extra methods, and commit those changes without overwriting the Kernel-Objects.js file (for example), you must set a "Method Protocol" for the method and enter the protocol of "*MyPackage" where "MyPackage" is the package you want to commit that method to. This is exactly like "class extensions" in Monticello in Pharo/Squeak etc and makes sure that the method belongs in the MyPackage package and not in the package of the extended class.

The Method Protocol drop-down

How to insert raw html?

You have to use JQuery for doing that:

html p asJQuery html: '<p>hello world</p>'

How can I insert link in the produced html?

Following the Seaside convention:

    html p with: [
        html a
            href: '';
            with: 'Google' ]

How can I fire and receive events?

Events are fired and consumed in Amber via the "Announcements" system. To use announcements, first you need an instance of Announcer. There is already a SystemAnnouncer for example, which can be obtained through:

    announcerInstance := SystemAnnouncer current

You can also create your own single instance of Announcer or a subclass of it.

Then you need a class for each announcement (see SystemAnnouncement and subclasses). Announcement classes don't necessarily need any methods.

Sending announcements is as easy as:

    announcerInstance announce: AnnouncementClass new

For receiving announcements you have to register a callback for the desired announcement class like the following:

    announcerInstance on: AnnouncementClass do: [:announcement | "do something when announcement occurs"]

How can I access Smalltalk instance variables in inline JavaScript?

All Smalltalk instance variables can be accessed as JavaScript properties by adding an @ sign in front of their name. For example, to access the counter variable of class Counter you would do the following:

        < self[ "@counter" ] = 2; >

I have an error "Commit failed... "

I have an error Commit failed for namespace "test_amber". Do you want to commit to another path?

Directory (\new_test\src) exists. In the directory there are two files ( & AmberTest.js) created by the wizard initialization (amber init).

Answer: Make sure you have started amber serve from within the project directory or in case you did that if it is still running.

Note: Dots are not allowed in the namespace.

How do I get the text value of an input field?

Assuming I have a field with an id of #field1, how do I get the text value of it?


'#field1' asJQuery val


All Javascript methods in jQuery are available to you this way.

Multi parameter functions are then mapped like:

aQuery.sampleFunc (a,b,c);

aQuery sampleFunc: a and: b and: c.

The and: can be whatever. The only thing that matters is the first part of the keyword selector which has to match the function name.

What is the receiver object for a global function?

What would the receiver be in the case of a global JavaScript function like this?


Answer in Amber Smalltalk:

 btoa value: aValue

more see

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