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npm install djwt


async function sign(payload: Payload, signer: Signer, options Partial<SignOptions>) : Promise<string>

(Asynchronous) Return a JSON Web Token (string) after signing the payload.header with the signer().


parameter required/optional type description
payload required Payload JWT Payload
signer required Signer Function that will sign the payload.header (see function signature below)
options required SignOptions JWT Creation Options (must contain header or algorithm)

Type Payload fields:

  • iss (string) - Issuer claim, address of the issuer of the JWT.
  • nonce (number) - Random signature nonce.
  • exp (string) - Expiration claim, expiration timestamp of the JWT.
  • iat (number) (optional) - Issued at claim, issuance timestamp of the JWT.
  • nbf (number) (optional) - Not before claim, the time span before which the JWT is invalid.
  • sub (string) (optional) - Subject claim, the subject of the JWT.
  • jti (string) (optional) - The JWT ID claim, unique identifier for the JWT.
  • aud (string | string[]) (optional) - The Audience claim, recipient or group of recipients of the JWT.

Interface Signer:

  • Signer is your JWT (payload.header) signing function which must satisfy this call signature :
(payload: string): Promise<string> | string; 

For example, signBitcoin is a valid Signer.

Type SignOptions fields:

  • algorithm (string) - The algorithm used for signing payload.header by signer().
  • header (Header) - The Header object of the JWT.
  • encoding (BufferEncoding) (optional) - The encoding of the JWT.
  • noTimestamp (boolean) (optional): iat (issued at) field is not included in the payload if noTimestamp is set true.
  • expiresIn (number | string) (optional): The time span of JWT expiration. All inputs for ms are valid.
  • notBefore (number | string) (optional): The time span before which the JWT is invalid. All inputs for ms are valid.

Return Type

  • Returns the JWT string as Promise<string>.


async function test() {
  const address = "0x29c76e6ad8f28bb1004902578fb108c507be341b";
  const algorithm = "ES256k";

  const payload = {
    nonce: 654321,
    iat: 1582062696,
    exp: 1782098690,
    iss: address,
    nbf: 100000000,
    sub: address,
    jti: "324221",
    aud: ["0x75FaBc80c774614C424ffC1d7017b4a534607935"]
  const token = await sign(payload, metamaskSign, { algorithm });

// metamaskSign.ts
import {personalSign} from "@metamask/eth-sig-util";

function metamaskSign(message: string): string{
    const key = Buffer.from("4af1bceebf7f3634ec3cff8a2c38e51178d5d4ce585c52d6043e5e2cc3418bb0", 'hex');
    const signature = personalSign({ privateKey: key, data: message });
    return signature;

function verify(jwtString: string, verifier: Verifier, options?: Partial<VerifyOptions>): TokenOrPayload

Verifies the JWT string for claims and signature and returns the entire token object or just the payload object. Signature verification is done using the verifier function.


parameter required/optional type description
jwtString required string The JWT
verifier required Verifier Fuction that will verify the signature in the JWT.
options optional Partial<VerifyOptions> JWT Verification Options

Interface Verifier:

  • Verifier is your JWT signature verification function which must satisfy this call signature :
(payload: string, signature: string, address: string): boolean | string;
  • If verifier returns a string then that string will be matched with address(payload.iss), you can pass in a function with signature call (payload: string, signature: string): string in case you are using some address recovery function (used in ECDSA in the EVM-based chains), for e.g. web3Verify and metamaskVerify.
  • verifyPolkadot is a also valid Verifier.

Type VerifyOptions fields:

  • algorithm (string) - To be matched with header.alg during verification.
  • complete (boolean) - verify returns theToken object if options.complete=true otherwise it returns just the Payload object.
  • issuer (string | string[]) - Will be matched with the Issuer claim: token.payload.iss.
  • subject (string) - Will be matched with the Subject claim: token.payload.sub.
  • jwtid (string) - Will be matched with the JWT ID claim: token.payload.jti.
  • audience (string | string[]) - Will be matched with the Audience claim: token.payload.aud.
  • nonce (number) - Will be matched with the signature nonce: token.payload.nonce.
  • maxage (number | string) - The timestamp till which the token is valid. All inputs for ms are valid.
  • clockTimestamp (number): The time in seconds, to be used as the current time.
  • clockTolerance (number): The number of seconds to tolerate when checking for all time-based claims: nbf, exp and maxage.
  • ignoreExpiration (boolean): If true, ignore the Expiration claim: token.payload.exp.
  • ignoreNotBefore (boolean): If true, ignore the Not Before claim: token.payload.nbf.

Note: Since options are of the type Partial<VerifyOptions>, all these fields are optional.

Return Type Returns the either the Token object if options.complete=true otherwise just returns the Payload object.

Type Token fields:

  • header (Header) - The Header object of the JWT.
  • payload (Payload) - The Payload object of the (see above for Payload type fields).
  • signature (String) - The signature string of the JWT.


  import {verifyMessage} from "ethers";
  const address = "0x145831eba8085d78c1d30A9C108aAD8A1501d6e0";
  const algorithm = "ES256k";

  const receivedToken = verify(tokenString, verifyMessage, {
    complete: true,
    nonce: 654321,
    maxAge: 10000000000,
    issuer: address,
    jwtid: "324221",
    subject: address,
    audience: "0x75FaBc80c774614C424ffC1d7017b4a534607935",

function decode(jwtString: string, options?: Partial<DecodeOptions>): TokenOrPayload

Decodes the JWT string.


parameter required/optional type description
jwtString required string The JWT
options optional Partial<DecodeOptions> JWT Decoding Options

Type DecodeOptions fields:

  • complete (boolean) - decode returns theToken object if options.complete=true otherwise it returns just the Payload object.
  • encoding (BufferEncoding) (optional) - The encoding of the JWT.

Note: Since options are of the type Partial<DecodeOptions>, both of these fields are optional.

Return Type Returns the either the Token object if options.complete=true otherwise just returns the Payload object.


  const payloadDecoded = decode(tokenString);