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New features

This document describes the major changes occurring between versions of Modules. It provides an overview of the new features and changed behaviors that will be encountered when upgrading.

v5.4 (not yet released)

This new version is backward-compatible with previous version 5 release. It fixes bugs but also introduces new functionalities that are described in this section. See the :ref:`5.4 release notes<5.4 release notes>` for a complete list of the changes between Modules v5.3 and v5.4.

Purging sticky modules

The :mconfig:`sticky_purge` configuration option is added to define the behavior of :subcmd:`purge` sub-command when unloading a sticky or super-sticky module.

By default an error is raised. :mconfig:`sticky_purge` can be changed to emit a warning message instead or to be silent.

$ module purge
Unloading :sgrshi:`foo/1.0`
  :sgrer:`ERROR`: Unload of sticky module skipped
$ module config sticky_purge warning
$ module purge
Unloading :sgrshi:`foo/1.0`
  :sgrwa:`WARNING`: Unload of sticky module skipped
$ module config sticky_purge silent
$ module purge
$ module list
Currently Loaded Modulefiles:
 1) :sgrs:`foo/1.0`


Specific modulepath labels

:mfcmd:`modulepath-label` command is introduced to define a label to use to designate modulepath in module :subcmd:`avail` output. This new command should be used in global or modulepath-specific rc files.

:ps:`$` cat /path/to/modulefiles/.modulerc
modulepath-label . Tools
:ps:`$` module avail foo
---------------------- :sgrdi:`Tools` ----------------------
foo/1.0  foo/2.0

Unique module name loaded

The configuration option :mconfig:`unique_name_loaded` is introduced to allow only one module loaded per module name. It is similar to the One name rule feature introduced by the Lmod project.

When enabled, :mconfig:`unique_name_loaded` produces a conflict definition at the start of modulefile evaluation for each actual and alternative module root name. For instance when loading a module named foo/sub/1.0 with a qux/1.0 alias, it produces a conflict against foo and qux.

When loading a module that shares a name with an already loaded module, an error is raised due to the conflict definition. This error aborts the module load evaluation.

:ps:`$` cat /path/to/modulefiles/bar/1.0
:ps:`$` cat /path/to/modulefiles/bar/2.0
:ps:`$` module config unique_name_loaded 1
:ps:`$` module load bar/1.0
:ps:`$` module load bar/2.0
Loading :sgrhi:`bar/2.0`
  :sgrer:`ERROR`: Module cannot be loaded due to a conflict.
    HINT: Might try "module unload bar" first.

:mconfig:`unique_name_loaded` is disabled by default. It can be changed with module :subcmd:`config` sub-command or at installation time with :instopt:`--enable-unique-name-loaded` configure script option.


This new version is backward-compatible with previous version 5 release. It fixes bugs but also introduces new functionalities that are described in this section. See the :ref:`5.3 release notes<5.3 release notes>` for a complete list of the changes between Modules v5.2 and v5.3.

Module cache

A module cache file can be created under each modulepath directory with new :subcmd:`cachebuild` sub-command. Cache file is named :file:`.modulecache` and contains in one file all modulefiles and modulercs found in modulepath directory.

When cache file is available, module search mechanism uses this file rather walking through the content of modulepath directory. I/O operations are saved this way which reduces search processing time.

When searching for available modules without cache, each file contained in enabled modulepaths is opened to check if it is a modulefile or not. Such checks lead to a large number of I/O operations on large module setup like in the below example where a total of 1051 modulefiles are available:

:ps:`$` module -o "" avail -t | wc -l
:ps:`$` syscall_list=access,close,getdents64,newfstatat,openat,read
:ps:`$` strace -f -e $syscall_list -c $MODULES_CMD bash avail
% time     seconds  usecs/call     calls    errors syscall
------ ----------- ----------- --------- --------- ----------------
 31.09    0.003776           2      1424         9 openat
 28.56    0.003469           2      1649         3 newfstatat
 14.08    0.001710           1      1421           close
 11.85    0.001439           3       460           getdents64
 10.88    0.001321           0      1505           read
  3.54    0.000430           4       107         5 access
------ ----------- ----------- --------- --------- ----------------
100.00    0.012145           1      6566        17 total

After building cache file for every enabled modulepaths in this example setup, a lot of I/O operations are saved when searching for available modules:

:ps:`$` module cachebuild
Creating :sgrhi:`/path/to/modulefiles/.modulecache`
Creating :sgrhi:`/path/to/modulefiles.2/.modulecache`
Creating :sgrhi:`/path/to/modulefiles.3/.modulecache`
:ps:`$` module config cache_buffer_bytes 1000000
:ps:`$` strace -f -e $syscall_list -c $MODULES_CMD bash avail
% time     seconds  usecs/call     calls    errors syscall
------ ----------- ----------- --------- --------- ----------------
 70.19    0.000544           2       255           read
 13.16    0.000102           2        38         9 openat
  8.90    0.000069           1        35           close
  6.06    0.000047           1        31         2 newfstatat
  1.68    0.000013           1        11         2 access
------ ----------- ----------- --------- --------- ----------------
100.00    0.000775           2       370        13 total

A significant execution time drop may be noticed, especially if modulepath directories are stored on heavily loaded network filesystem.

To further optimize I/O operation count, the :mconfig:`cache_buffer_bytes` configuration option can be set like in the above example to use fewer number of read operation to load cache file content.

To build cache file, user should be granted write access on modulepath directory. Modulefiles or directories that are not accessible for everyone are not recorded in cache. An indication is saved instead to test these limited access elements when cache is loaded to determine if they are available to currently running user.

Cache file can be ignored with :option:`--ignore-cache` command line switch or more permanently with :mconfig:`ignore_cache` configuration option.

Cache file is valid indefinitely by default but :mconfig:`cache_expiry_secs` configuration option can be used to define the number of seconds a cache file is considered valid after being generated. Expired cache file is ignored.

Cache file of enabled modulepaths can be deleted all at once with :subcmd:`cacheclear` sub-command.

Querying available module variants

A new mechanism named :ref:`Extra match search` is introduced to evaluate modulefiles during a module search to find those matching an extra query on a variant value, a dependency or an environment variable definition.

During this specific evaluation, modulefiles are interpreted in scan mode to collect the different Tcl modulefile commands they use. Special care should be given when writing modulefiles to ensure they cope with such evaluation mode.

:ref:`Extra match search` mechanism is available on :subcmd:`avail`, :subcmd:`whatis` and :subcmd:`paths` sub-commands.

With this new mechanism, it is possible to list all available variant defined in modulefiles with their associated values:

:ps:`$` module config avail_output modulepath:alias:dirwsym:sym:tag:key:variant
:ps:`$` module config variant_shortcut toolchain=%
:ps:`$` module avail
--------------------- :sgrdi:`/path/to/modulefiles` ---------------------
bar/1.0{:sgrva:`%a`,:sgrva:`b`}  foo/1.0{:sgrvade:`%a`}      qux/1.0{:sgrva:`%a`,:sgrva:`b`}
bar/2.0{:sgrvade:`%b`}    foo/2.0{:sgrva:`%a`,:sgrva:`b`,:sgrva:`c`}  qux/2.0{:sgrva:`%b`,:sgrva:`c`}

:sgrdi:`modulepath`       {:sgrva:`%value`}={:sgrva:`toolchain=value`}
:sgrde:`default-version`  {:sgrva:`variant=value`}

You can also search for modules defining a specific variant value:

:ps:`$` module avail %a
--------------------- :sgrdi:`/path/to/modulefiles` ---------------------
bar/1.0{:sgrvahi:`%a`,:sgrva:`b`}  foo/1.0{:sgrvadehi:`%a`}  foo/2.0{:sgrvahi:`%a`,:sgrva:`b`,:sgrva:`c`}  qux/1.0{:sgrvahi:`%a`,:sgrva:`b`}

:sgrdi:`modulepath`       {:sgrva:`%value`}={:sgrva:`toolchain=value`}
:sgrde:`default-version`  {:sgrva:`variant=value`}


As extra match search implies additional modulefile evaluations, it is advised to build and use Module cache to improve search speed.

Two new elements, variant and variantifspec, are added to the allowed value list of :mconfig:`avail_output` and :mconfig:`avail_terse_output` configuration options. The latter is set in the default value list of both options. When variant is set, variants and their possible values are reported along module they are associated to. When variantifspec is set, available variants are reported only if a variant is specified in search query.

:ps:`$` module config --reset avail_output
:ps:`$` module config avail_output
Modules Release 5.3.0 (2023-05-14)

- :sgrhi:`Config. name` ---------.- :sgrhi:`Value (set by if default overridden)` ---------------
avail_output              modulepath:alias:dirwsym:sym:tag:variantifspec:key
:ps:`$` module avail foo
--------------------- :sgrdi:`/path/to/modulefiles` ---------------------
:sgrhi:`foo`/1.0  :sgrhi:`foo`/2.0

:ps:`$` module avail foo %a
--------------------- :sgrdi:`/path/to/modulefiles` ---------------------
:sgrhi:`foo`/1.0{:sgrvadehi:`%a`}  :sgrhi:`foo`/2.0{:sgrvahi:`%a`,:sgrva:`b`,:sgrva:`c`}

:sgrdi:`modulepath`       {:sgrva:`%value`}={:sgrva:`toolchain=value`}
:sgrde:`default-version`  {:sgrva:`variant=value`}

Extra specifiers

Extra specifiers are introduced to query content of modulefiles. They can be specified with element:name syntax as part of module specification on module search commands (:subcmd:`avail`, :subcmd:`paths` and and :subcmd:`whatis`).

Extra specifiers trigger :ref:`Extra match search` mechanism when found in module specification. Available modulefiles are evaluated in scan mode to collect the different Tcl modulefile commands they use.

:ps:`$` module avail variant:toolchain
--------------------- :sgrdi:`/path/to/modulefiles` ---------------------
bar/1.0  bar/2.0  foo/1.0  foo/2.0  qux/1.0  qux/2.0

In the above example, all modulefiles defining a toolchain variant are returned.

Most Tcl modulefile commands can be queried with extra specifiers: variant, setenv, unsetenv, append-path, prepend-path, remove-path, pushenv, complete, uncomplete, set-alias, unset-alias, set-function, unset-function, chdir, family, prereq, prereq-any, prereq-all, depends-on, always-load, load, load-any, try-load, switch, switch-on, switch-off, conflict and unload. Commands that handle environment variables may be aliased envvar. Commands that define a module requirement may be aliased require and those that define a module incompatibility may be aliased incompat.

When several extra specifiers are set in query, modules returned are those matching both conditions. In the following example, all modulefiles interacting with :envvar:`PATH` environment variable and requiring foo module are returned.

:ps:`$` module avail envvar:PATH require:foo
--------------------- :sgrdi:`/path/to/modulefiles` ---------------------
bar/1.0  bar/2.0

Extra specifiers related to module requirement or incompatibility may leverage the :ref:`Advanced module version specifiers` syntax. On following example, modulefiles returned are those defining a requirement on foo module with version higher or equal to 1.2 and variant toolchain=a selected.

:ps:`$` module avail "require:[email protected]: toolchain=a"
--------------------- :sgrdi:`/path/to/modulefiles` ---------------------


Module aliases or symbolic versions used either in modulefile definitions or as extra specifier values are not resolved.

Append or subtract elements to current option value

For command-line switches and configuration options whose value is a colon-separated list, it is now possible to append or subtract elements to the current value. With a + prefix elements are appended and with a - prefix elements are subtracted.

This new feature applies to :option:`--output`/:option:`-o` command-line switches and :mconfig:`avail_output`, :mconfig:`avail_terse_output`, :mconfig:`list_output`, :mconfig:`list_terse_output`, :mconfig:`colors`, :mconfig:`protected_envvars`, :mconfig:`shells_with_ksh_fpath`, :mconfig:`tag_abbrev`, :mconfig:`tag_color_name`, :mconfig:`variant_shortcut` configuration options.

For instance, to output available foo modules without modulepath and tag information:

:ps:`$` module -o -modulepath:tag avail foo
:sgrhi:`foo`/1.0  :sgrhi:`foo`/2.0

On following example, terse output mode of list sub-command is permanently updated to report variant information:

:ps:`$` module config list_terse_output
Modules Release 5.3.0 (2023-05-14)

- :sgrhi:`Config. name` ---------.- :sgrhi:`Value (set by if default overridden)` ---------------
list_terse_output         header
:ps:`$` module config list_terse_output +variant
:ps:`$` module config list_terse_output
Modules Release 5.3.0 (2023-05-14)

- :sgrhi:`Config. name` ---------.- :sgrhi:`Value (set by if default overridden)` ---------------
list_terse_output         header:variant (env-var)


This new version is backward-compatible with previous version 5 release. It fixes bugs but also introduces new functionalities that are described in this section. See the :ref:`5.2 release notes<5.2 release notes>` for a complete list of the changes between Modules v5.1 and v5.2.

Optional requirements

The --optional option has been added to the :mfcmd:`prereq`, :mfcmd:`prereq-all`, :mfcmd:`depends-on` and :mfcmd:`always-load` modulefile commands to indicate that specified requirement is optional. An automatic load attempt is also performed for optional requirements. If requirement is not found or cannot be loaded, the dependency is yet considered satisfied as it is optional.

:ps:`$` module show foo

:sgrcm:`prereq`          --optional bar
:ps:`$` module load foo
Loading :sgrhi:`foo`
  :sgrin:`Loading requirement`: bar

If the optional requirement is unloaded or loaded afterward, the dependent module is automatically reloaded thanks to the :mconfig:`auto_handling` mechanism.

:ps:`$` module unload bar
Unloading :sgrhi:`bar`
  :sgrin:`Unloading dependent`: foo
  :sgrin:`Reloading dependent`: foo
:ps:`$` module list
Currently Loaded Modulefiles:
 1) foo
:ps:`$` module load bar
Loading :sgrhi:`bar`
  :sgrin:`Unloading dependent`: foo
  :sgrin:`Reloading dependent`: foo

Modules loaded by other modules with the :mfcmd:`module try-load<module>` command are now considered optional requirements. Dependent module can be loaded without the try-load modules, but now it gets automatically reloaded if try-load module is loaded afterward, to take it into account.

Linting modulefiles

Static analysis of modulefile, modulerc and global/user rc is now possible with :subcmd:`lint` sub-command. It relies on an external program defined with :mconfig:`tcl_linter` configuration option. Modules or files specified on the command-line are resolved then passed to the Tcl linter program.

:ps:`$` cat /path/to/modulefiles/foo/1.0
if {"str" eq} {
 else {
:ps:`$` module lint foo/1.0
Linting :sgrhi:`/path/to/modulefiles/foo/1.0`
  :sgrer:`ERROR   line 2`: Could not complete statement.
    One close brace would complete the first line
    One close brace would complete at end of line 4.
    One close brace would complete the script body at line 5.
    Assuming completeness for further processing.
  :sgrer:`ERROR   line 2`: Bad expression: missing operand at _@_
    in expression ""str" eq_@_"
  :sgrwa:`WARNING line 3`: Unknown command "else"
  :sgrin:`NOTICE  line 4`: Close brace not aligned with line 3 (1 0)

Nagelfar is the Tcl linter recommended for Modules and set by default. This default can be changed at installation time with :instopt:`--with-tcl-linter` and :instopt:`--with-tcl-linter-opts` options. It can also be configured later on through :mconfig:`tcl_linter` config option.

Specific syntax databases and plugins for Nagelfar are added by Modules to precisely lint modulefile commands syntax in addition to regular Tcl syntax. The installation of these specific files is controlled with :instopt:`--enable-nagelfar-addons` option (enabled by default). Their location is controlled by the :instopt:`--nagelfardatadir` option.

:ps:`$` module lint bar@:1 /path/to/modulefiles/.modulerc
Linting :sgrhi:`/path/to/modulefiles/.modulerc`
  :sgrer:`ERROR   line 35`: Wrong number of arguments (3) to "module-alias"
  :sgrer:`ERROR   line 41`: Wrong number of arguments (3) to "module-virtual"

Linting :sgrhi:`/path/to/modulefiles/bar/1.2`
  :sgrwa:`WARNING line 19`: Unknown command "unk"
:ps:`$` module lint ~/.modulerc
Linting :sgrhi:`/home/user/.modulerc`
  :sgrwa:`WARNING line 2`: Command "setenv" should not be be used in global rc file

:subcmd:`lint` sub-command outputs messages returned by the Tcl linter program. Nagelfar produces NOTICE, WARNING and ERROR messages. If linter does not report a thing, :subcmd:`lint` sub-command will be silent, unless if the :option:`--verbose`/:option:`-v` is set.

:ps:`$` module lint /path/to/modulefiles/bar/.version bar/1.4
:ps:`$` module lint -v /path/to/modulefiles/bar/.version bar/1.4
Linting :sgrhi:`/path/to/modulefiles/bar/.version`
Linting :sgrhi:`/path/to/modulefiles/bar/1.4`

When no file is specified to :subcmd:`lint` sub-command, all the global/user rc files and all the modulefiles and modulercs from enabled modulepaths are analyzed. If the :option:`--all`/:option:`-a` option is set, all hidden modulefiles are also linted.

:ps:`$` module lint
Linting :sgrhi:`/home/user/.modulerc`
  :sgrwa:`WARNING line 2`: Command "setenv" should not be be used in global rc file

Linting :sgrhi:`/path/to/modulefiles/.modulerc`
  :sgrer:`ERROR   line 35`: Wrong number of arguments (3) to "module-alias"
  :sgrer:`ERROR   line 41`: Wrong number of arguments (3) to "module-virtual"

Linting :sgrhi:`/path/to/modulefiles/bar/1.2`
  :sgrwa:`WARNING line 19`: Unknown command "unk"

To use Nagelfar as Tcl linter for Modules, this open source tool has to be installed on your system. When installing from tarball distribution, make sure :command:`nagelfar.tcl` command is found through a :envvar:`PATH` lookup or that :mconfig:`tcl_linter` option is set to its full path location. Nagelfar is also made available as a RPM package in EPEL and Fedora repositories.

mod-to-sh sub-command

New sub-command is added to translate modulefile into shell code: :subcmd:`mod-to-sh`. It evaluates modulefiles passed as argument and produces code for specified shell.

:ps:`$` cat /path/to/modulefiles/foo
setenv FOO value
set-function foo {echo foo}
:ps:`$` module mod-to-sh bash foo
FOO=value; export FOO;
foo () { echo foo; }; export -f foo;

Designated modulefiles are evaluated as if they were loading. But instead of producing shell code that is evaluated in current shell session, :command:`module` command outputs this shell code.

:ps:`$` cat /path/to/modulefiles/bar
setenv BAR othervalue
set-alias bar {echo bar}
:ps:`$` module mod-to-sh fish foo bar
set -xg FOO value;
set -xg BAR othervalue;
alias bar echobar;
function foo; echo foo; end;
:ps:`$` module list
No Modulefiles Currently Loaded.

All shells supported by :file:`modulecmd.tcl` script are supported by :subcmd:`mod-to-sh`.

:ps:`$` module mod-to-sh python foo bar
import os
os.environ['FOO'] = 'value'
os.environ['BAR'] = 'othervalue'

Initial environment

When Modules initializes, it evaluates the :file:`initrc` and :file:`modulespath` configuration files to enable default modulepaths and load default modules. Initial environment corresponds to the environment state after this initialization.

Initial environment is now saved in an environment variable (:envvar:`__MODULES_LMINIT`) in current shell session to remember what are the initial modulepaths and initial modules with their tags and variants if any.

:subcmd:`reset` sub-command is introduced, in a similar fashion than on Lmod, to restore the initial environment. Here, :subcmd:`reset` relies on the :ref:`collection<collections>` mechanism based and the content of :envvar:`__MODULES_LMINIT`. Currently enabled modulepaths and loaded modules are respectively unused and unloaded to use the modulepaths and load the modules with tags and variants as described by initial environment.

:ps:`$` module list
Currently Loaded Modulefiles:
 1) foo/1.0   2) bar/1.0
:ps:`$` module switch bar/1.0 qux/1.0
:ps:`$` module reset
Unloading :sgrhi:`qux/1.0`
Loading :sgrhi:`bar/1.0`

:subcmd:`restore` sub-command has been adapted to reinitialize the environment to its initial state when no collection name is provided and no default collection exists or if __init__ virtual collection name is provided.

It is possible to view the content of the initial environment with :subcmd:`saveshow` sub-command. It is displayed when no argument is provided and no collection exists or if __init__ name is provided.

:ps:`$` module saveshow __init__
:sgrhi:`initial environment`:

:sgrcm:`module` use --append /path/to/modulefiles
:sgrcm:`module` load foo/1.0
:sgrcm:`module` load bar/1.0


Users have the ability to define what is their initial environment state and thus adapt the behavior of :subcmd:`reset` sub-command with :mconfig:`reset_target_state` configuration option. Default value is __init__ and it corresponds to the behavior described above. When set to __purge__, a :subcmd:`purge` command is performed when resetting. Any other value corresponds to the name of a collection to restore.

:ps:`$` module config reset_target_state __purge__
:ps:`$` module reset
Unloading bar/1.0
Unloading foo/1.0

Stashing environment

The ability to stash current environment is added with the introduction of the :subcmd:`stash` sub-command. When called current environment is saved in a stash collection then initial environment is restored.

:ps:`$` module list
Currently Loaded Modulefiles:
 1) bar/2.0   2) foo/2.0
:ps:`$` module stash
Unloading :sgrhi:`foo/2.0`
Unloading :sgrhi:`bar/2.0`
:ps:`$` module list
No Modulefiles Currently Loaded.

Sub-commands are added to specifically handle stash collections. Their names are prefixed with stash, like :subcmd:`stashlist` to list existing stash collections or :subcmd:`stashshow` to display their content.

:ps:`$` module stashlist
Stash collection list:
 0) stash-1665377597432   1) stash-1664946764252
:ps:`$` module stashshow

:sgrcm:`module` use --append /path/to/modulefiles
:sgrcm:`module` load bar
:sgrcm:`module` load foo


Stash collections can be designated on sub-commands by their collection name or stash index. Most recent stash collection has index 0, the one after is designated with index 1, and so on. When no stash collection is specified, most recent one is assumed.

:ps:`$` module stashshow 1

:sgrcm:`module` use --append /path/to/modulefiles
:sgrcm:`module` load foobar


Stash collections are restored with the :subcmd:`stashpop` sub-command. It changes the user environment to match the stash definition, then it deletes the stash collection file.

:ps:`$` module stashpop
Loading :sgrhi:`bar/2.0`
Loading :sgrhi:`foo/2.0`
:ps:`$` module stashlist
Stash collection list:
 0) stash-1664946764252

Stash collections can be deleted one by one with :subcmd:`stashrm` sub-command or all together with :subcmd:`stashclear`.

:ps:`$` module stashrm
:ps:`$` module stashlist
No stash collection.

Siteconfig hook variables

Several Tcl variables are introduced for :ref:`Site-specific configuration` script to define specific commands and variables in the evaluation context of modulefiles and modulercs. These commands and variables setup in :file:`siteconfig.tcl` can be used in modulefile or modulerc. Sites can easily extend modulefile and modulerc syntax with specific elements.

:sitevar:`modulefile_extra_cmds` variable defines a list of commands to expose in the modulefile evaluation context and the associated procedure to run when this command is called. This variable has to be defined in :file:`siteconfig.tcl` located for instance at |file etcdir_siteconfig|.

In the following example :sitevar:`modulefile_extra_cmds` is used to define the sys command and bound it to the sys procedure that is also defined in :file:`siteconfig.tcl`.

proc sys {mode} {
   switch -- $mode {
      name    { return myhost-$::tcl_platform(machine) }
      default { error "Unknown mode '$mode'" }
set modulefile_extra_cmds {sys sys}

Once :file:`siteconfig.tcl` is setup, the sys command can be called by modulefiles. In the following example it is used to determine the application path.

:ps:`$` cat /path/to/modulefiles/foo/1.2
append-path PATH /path/to/apps/foo-1.2/[sys name]/bin

:ps:`$` module show foo/1.2

:sgrcm:`append-path`     PATH /path/to/apps/foo-1.2/myhost-x86_64/bin

:sitevar:`modulerc_extra_cmds` follows the same approach than :sitevar:`modulefile_extra_cmds` and makes specific commands available during modulerc evaluation.

:sitevar:`modulefile_extra_vars` variable defines a list of variables to expose in the modulefile evaluation context and their associated value. This variable has to be defined in :file:`siteconfig.tcl`.

In the following example :sitevar:`modulefile_extra_vars` is used to define the APP_ROOT variable with /path/to/apps as value.

set modulefile_extra_vars {APP_ROOT /path/to/apps}

Once :file:`siteconfig.tcl` is setup, the APP_ROOT variable can be used in modulefiles.

:ps:`$` cat /path/to/modulefiles/bar/2.1
append-path PATH $APP_ROOT/bar-2.1/[sys name]/bin

:ps:`$` module show bar/2.1

:sgrcm:`append-path`     PATH /path/to/apps/bar-2.1/myhost-x86_64/bin

:sitevar:`modulerc_extra_vars` follows the same approach than :sitevar:`modulefile_extra_vars` and makes specific variables available during modulerc evaluation.


This new version is backward-compatible with previous version 5 release. It fixes bugs but also introduces new functionalities that are described in this section. See the :ref:`5.1 release notes<5.1 release notes>` for a complete list of the changes between Modules v5.0 and v5.1.

Control output redirection

Since version 4.0, the :command:`module` function is initialized differently on sh, bash, ksh, zsh and fish shells when their session is found interactive. In such situation :command:`module` redirects its output from stderr to stdout. Once initialized the redirection behavior is inherited in sub-sessions.

The :mconfig:`redirect_output` configuration option is introduced in version 5.1, to supersede the default behavior set at initialization time.

:ps:`$` module load unknown >/dev/null
:ps:`$` module config redirect_output 0
:ps:`$` module load unknown >/dev/null
:sgrer:`ERROR`: Unable to locate a modulefile for 'unknown'

The :option:`--redirect` and :option:`--no-redirect` command-line switches are also added to change the output redirection behavior for a single command:

:ps:`$` module load unknown --redirect >/dev/null
:ps:`$` module load unknown --no-redirect >/dev/null
:sgrer:`ERROR`: Unable to locate a modulefile for 'unknown'

Change modulefile command behavior

Depending on the evaluation mode of the modulefile (e.g. load, unload, display, etc) commands have different behavior. Most common example is the :mfcmd:`setenv` command that sets an environment variable when modulefile is loaded and unsets it when it is unloaded. A different behavior may be wished sometimes for commands. This is why options are introduced for some modulefile commands to control what happens on particular evaluation mode.

The --return-value option is added to the :mfcmd:`getenv` and :mfcmd:`getvariant` modulefile commands to ensure that the value of the designated environment variable or variant is returned even if modulefile is evaluated in display mode:

:ps:`$` cat /path/to/modulefiles/foo/1.0
if {[getenv --return-value VAR] eq {}} {
    setenv VAR value
:ps:`$` module display foo/1.0

:sgrcm:`setenv`          VAR value

--remove-on-unload, --append-on-unload, --prepend-on-unload and --noop-on-unload options are added to the :mfcmd:`remove-path` and :mfcmd:`module unuse<module>` modulefile commands to control the behavior applied when modulefile is unloaded. With these options it is possible for instance to restore the paths unset at load time or to set other paths:

:ps:`$` module display bar/1.0

:sgrcm:`module`          unuse --prepend-on-unload /path/to/dir1
:sgrcm:`module`          use /path/to/dir2
:ps:`$` module use
Search path for module files (in search order):
:ps:`$` module bar/1.0
:ps:`$` module use
Search path for module files (in search order):
:ps:`$` module unload bar/1.0
:ps:`$` module use
Search path for module files (in search order):

Following the same trend, the --unset-on-unload and --noop-on-unload options are added to the :mfcmd:`unsetenv` modulefile command to be able to choose between unsetting variable, setting a value or performing no operation when modulefile is unloaded.

Reducing number of I/O operations

A new configuration option named :mconfig:`mcookie_check` is introduced to control the verification made to files to determine if they are modulefiles. By default this configuration option is set to always and when searching for modulefiles within enabled modulepaths each file below these directories is opened to check if it starts with the Modules magic cookie (i.e., #%Module file signature).

These historical checks lead to a large number of I/O operations on large module setup like in the below example where a total of 1098 modulefiles are available:

:ps:`$` module -o "" avail -t | wc -l
:ps:`$` module config mcookie_check always
:ps:`$` strace -f -e open,openat,read,close -c $MODULES_CMD bash avail
% time     seconds  usecs/call     calls    errors syscall
------ ----------- ----------- --------- --------- ----------------
 44.29    0.044603          25      1734       166 open
 34.15    0.034389          16      2056           close
 11.87    0.011949          24       483         5 openat
  9.69    0.009761           4      2146           read
------ ----------- ----------- --------- --------- ----------------
100.00    0.100702                  6419       171 total

For each file, 3 I/O operations (open, read and close) are achieved to determine if it is a modulefile and include it in search results. When modulefiles are located in a shared filesystem concurrently accessed by hundreds of users, a module avail command may take some time to finish.

When setting the :mconfig:`mcookie_check` configuration option to the eval value, files are not checked anymore when searching for modulefiles, only when evaluating them. All files under modulepaths are considered modulefiles, so the content of these directories must be carefully checked to use this :mconfig:`mcookie_check` mode which lead to a significant reduction of I/O operations:

:ps:`$` module config mcookie_check eval
:ps:`$` strace -f -e open,openat,read,close -c $MODULES_CMD bash avail
% time     seconds  usecs/call     calls    errors syscall
------ ----------- ----------- --------- --------- ----------------
 30.56    0.013717          14       944           close
 28.76    0.012911          21       612       156 open
 26.41    0.011857          24       483         5 openat
 14.26    0.006403           6      1034           read
------ ----------- ----------- --------- --------- ----------------
100.00    0.044888                  3073       161 total

A substantial reduction of execution time may be noticed depending on the storage setup used to host the modulepath directories. A special care should be given to the content of these directories to ensure they only contain modulefiles (see :envvar:`MODULES_MCOOKIE_CHECK`).

See the :ref:`reduce-io-load` cookbook recipe to learn additional features of Modules that could be leveraged to lower the number of I/O operations.

Shell command completion

New modulefile commands :mfcmd:`complete` and :mfcmd:`uncomplete` are added to get the ability to respectively define and unset command completion. bash, tcsh and fish shells are supported.

:ps:`>` module display foo

:sgrcm:`append-path`     PATH /path/to/foo-1.0/bin
:sgrcm:`complete`        fish foo {-s V -l version --description 'Command version'}
:sgrcm:`complete`        fish foo {-s h -l help --description 'Command help'}
:ps:`>` module load foo
:ps:`>` foo -<TAB>
-h  --help  (Command help)  -V  --version  (Command version)

:subcmd:`sh-to-mod` sub-command and :mfcmd:`source-sh` modulefile command have also been updated to track shell completion changes.

:ps:`$` module sh-to-mod bash /path/to/foo-1.0/share/
:sgrcm:`complete`        bash foo {-o default -F _foo}
:sgrcm:`append-path`     PATH /path/to/foo-1.0/bin
:sgrcm:`set-function`    _foo {
    ...bash completion code...}

Lmod Tcl modulefile support

With this new version, Modules now supports Tcl modulefiles written for Lmod, the alternative :command:`module` implementation developed in Lua. Such modulefiles can be safely evaluated by Modules without raising error.

Support has been added for the following modulefile commands introduced by Lmod: :mfcmd:`depends-on`, :mfcmd:`prereq-any`, :mfcmd:`always-load`, :mfcmd:`module load-any<module>`, :mfcmd:`pushenv`, :mfcmd:`require-fullname` and :mfcmd:`family`.

The :ref:`Compatibility with Lmod Tcl modulefile` section in the :ref:`modulefile(4)` man page describes the differences existing between the two implementations.

Note that when processing a :mfcmd:`family` command, the :envvar:`LMOD_FAMILY_\<NAME\>` environment variable is defined by Modules to be compatible with existing modulefiles or scripts relying on such variable.

More tagging capabilities

The new :option:`--tag` option helps to define extra tags onto a loading module. These tags comes in addition to those inherited from the module state or those associated with the :mfcmd:`module-tag` modulefile command.

The :option:`--tag` option is available on :subcmd:`load`, :subcmd:`load-any`, :subcmd:`switch` and :subcmd:`try-load` sub-commands and on :mfcmd:`always-load`, :mfcmd:`depends-on`, :mfcmd:`module`, :mfcmd:`prereq`, :mfcmd:`prereq-all` and :mfcmd:`prereq-any` modulefile commands.

Informational messages of module evaluation have been updated to mention in module denomination the tags applying to it, as it is done in :subcmd:`list` sub-command output:

:ps:`$` module load -v --tag=sticky:bar foo/1.0
Loading :sgrshi:`foo/1.0` <bar>

In case the designated module is already loaded, the additional tags are added to the list of tags already applied to this module.

:ps:`$` module list
Currently Loaded Modulefiles:
 1) foo/1.0
:ps:`$` module load -v --tag=sticky:bar foo/1.0
Tagging :sgrshi:`foo/1.0` <bar>

The keep-loaded tag is introduced in this version. It avoids an auto-loaded module to get automatically unloaded when its dependent modules are unloaded. This new tag can be set with the :mfcmd:`module-tag` modulefile command or when module is loaded with the :mfcmd:`always-load` modulefile command. Default :mconfig:`tag_abbrev` configuration option has been updated to add the kL abbreviation for keep-loaded tag. Default dark and light color palettes have been updated too.

:ps:`$` module show bar/1.0

:sgrcm:`always-load`     foo/1.0
:ps:`$` module load bar/1.0
Loading :sgrhi:`bar/1.0`
  :sgrin:`Loading requirement`: foo/1.0
:ps:`$` module unload bar/1.0
:ps:`$` module list
Currently Loaded Modulefiles:
 1) :sgral:`foo`:sgrkl:`/1.0`

:sgral:`auto-loaded`  :sgrkl:`keep-loaded`

When saving a collection, the tags defined with :option:`--tag` option are recorded to set them again when collection is restored. Tags resulting from module load state, like auto-loaded and keep-loaded, are also recorded.

:ps:`$` module load --tag=sticky bar/1.0
Loading :sgrshi:`bar/1.0`
  :sgrin:`Loading requirement`: foo/1.0
:ps:`$` module save
:ps:`$` module saveshow

:sgrcm:`module` use --append /path/to/modulefiles
:sgrcm:`module` load --tag=auto-loaded:keep-loaded foo
:sgrcm:`module` load --tag=sticky bar


The :mconfig:`collection_pin_tag` configuration option is added to record in collection all tags set on loaded modules. This configuration option is disabled by default.


Collection saved now starts with a #%Module5.1 file signature if :option:`--tag` option is recorded in it. Such collection could only be handled by Modules version 5.1 and above.


With this new major version the :command:`module` experience has been updated to benefit by default from all the advanced behaviors and features developed over the Modules 4 versions. Modules 5.0 also introduces some breaking changes to improve the consistency of the whole solution. See the :ref:`5.0 release notes<5.0 release notes>` for a complete list of the changes between Modules v4.8 and v5.0. The :ref:`changes<Modules 5 changes>` document gives an in-depth view of the modified behaviors.

Upgraded default configuration

Release after release, new advanced features were added on Modules 4. They were set off by default to avoid breaking change during the version 4 cycle. With the move to a new major release, these features are set on to improve by default usages for everybody. These features enabled by default are:

Some other features that were enabled by default during the Modules 4 cycle have been turned off as they may not be useful for basic usages. Among other things setting off the following features makes the definition of the :command:`module` function simpler. Even if off by default, these features can now be enabled once Modules is installed through the :file:`initrc` configuration file.

Removing compatibility version

The ability to co-install version 3.2 of Modules along newer version is discontinued. The installation option --enable-compat-version, :command:`switchml` shell function and :envvar:`MODULES_USE_COMPAT_VERSION` environment variables are thus removed.

The interesting features of Modules 3.2 that were missing in the initial Modules 4 release in 2017 have been reintroduced progressively (like :subcmd:`clear` sub-command or :option:`--icase` search). With Modules 5.0, the :subcmd:`refresh` sub-command is even changed to the behavior it had on Modules 3.2. So it is a good time for the big jump.

If you are still using Modules 3.2, please refer to the :ref:`changes` document that describes the differences of this version compared to the newer releases.

Improving Modules initialization

Modules initialization files are now installed by default in the etc directory designated by the :instopt:`--etcdir` installation option. The initialization configuration file is named :file:`initrc` in this directory, and the modulepath-specific configuration file is named :file:`modulespath`. When both files exist, now they are both evaluated instead of just the :file:`modulespath` file.

Modules magic cookie (i.e., #%Module file signature) is now required at the start of :file:`initrc`. An error is produced if the magic cookie is missing or if the optional version number placed after the cookie string is higher than the version of the :file:`modulecmd.tcl` script in use.

Note that :file:`initrc` configuration file can host more than :subcmd:`module use<use>` and :subcmd:`module load<load>` commands. :command:`module` configuration can also be achieved with this file through the use of :subcmd:`module config<config>` commands.

Modules initialization has been enhanced for situations where a module environment is found already defined. In this case the loaded modules are automatically refreshed which is useful to re-apply the non-persistent environment configuration (i.e., shell alias and function that are not exported to the sub-shell). For instance when starting a sub-shell session it ensures that the loaded environment is fully inherited from parent shell:

:ps:`$` ml show foo/1.0

:sgrcm:`set-alias`       foo {echo foo}
:ps:`$` ml foo/1.0
:ps:`$` alias foo
alias foo='echo foo'
:ps:`$` bash
:ps:`$` ml
Currently Loaded Modulefiles:
 1) foo/1.0
:ps:`$` alias foo
alias foo='echo foo'

Simplifying path-like variable reference counting

The reference counting mechanism used for path-like environment variable enables to determine if a path entry has been added several times (by several loaded modules for instance) to know whether or not this path entry should be unset when unloading a module. Entry is not removed if multiple loaded modules rely on it.

The mechanism is not applied anymore to the Modules-specific path variables (like :envvar:`LOADEDMODULES`) as an element entry in these variables cannot be added multiple times without duplication. For instance, a given module name and version cannot be added twice in :envvar:`LOADEDMODULES` as this module is only loaded once. With this change a thinner environment is produced by :command:`module`. An exception is made for :envvar:`MODULEPATH` environment variable where the mechanism still applies.

:ps:`$` $MODULES_CMD bash load foo/2.0
_LMFILES_=/path/to/modulefiles/foo/2.0; export _LMFILES_;
__MODULES_LMTAG=foo/2.0&mytag; export __MODULES_LMTAG;
test 0;

Reference counting mechanism has also been simplified for entries in path-like variable that are only referred once. For such entries no entry is set in the reference counting variable (which are now called :envvar:`__MODULES_SHARE_\<VAR\>`). A reference count entry is set only if the entry in the path-like variable is referred more than one time.

:ps:`$` ml foo/3.0
:ps:`$` echo $PATHVAR

:ps:`$` ml bar/1.0
:ps:`$` echo $PATHVAR
:ps:`$` ml -foo/3.0
:ps:`$` echo $PATHVAR


When the :subcmd:`use` and :subcmd:`unuse` module sub-commands are not called during a modulefile evaluation, the reference counter associated with each entry in :envvar:`MODULEPATH` environment variable is ignored. In such context, a :subcmd:`module use<use>` will not increase the reference counter of a path entry already defined and a :subcmd:`module unuse<unuse>` will remove specified path whatever its reference counter value. Same change applies for :subcmd:`append-path`, :subcmd:`prepend-path` and :subcmd:`remove-path` module sub-commands when called from the command-line.

:ps:`$` echo $MODULEPATH
:ps:`$` ml use /path/to/modulefiles
:ps:`$` ml unuse /path/to/modulefiles
:ps:`$` echo $MODULEPATH




This new version is backward-compatible with previous version 4 releases. It fixes bugs but also introduces new functionalities that are described in this section. See the :ref:`4.8 release notes<4.8 release notes>` for a complete list of the changes between Modules v4.7 and v4.8.

Editing modulefiles

:subcmd:`edit` sub-command is introduced to give the ability to open modulefiles in a text editor. Modulefiles can be specified like with any other sub-command: using regular, symbolic or aliased names or using advanced version specifiers.

:ps:`$` ml edit foo

:subcmd:`edit` sub-command resolves the path toward the designated modulefile then call configured text editor to open this modulefile with it. Below, the modulefile is opened with the vi command:

module-whatis [module-info name]
setenv PATH /path/to/foo-1.0/bin
"/path/to/modulefiles/foo/1.0" 3L, 42B 1,1           All

The :mconfig:`editor` configuration option controls the editor command to use. This option can be configured at installation time with the :instopt:`--with-editor` installation option. If not set, :mconfig:`editor` configuration option is set by default to vi.

:mconfig:`editor` configuration option can be changed with the :subcmd:`config` sub-command. Which sets the :envvar:`MODULES_EDITOR` environment variable.

The :envvar:`VISUAL` or the :envvar:`EDITOR` environment variables override the default value of :mconfig:`editor` configuration option but are overridden by the :envvar:`MODULES_EDITOR` environment variable.

Using version range in version list

The :ref:`Advanced module version specifiers` mechanism has been improved to allow the use of version range (@:version, @vers1:vers2 or @version:) within version list (@version1,version2,...).

It is now possible to write for instance mod@:1.2,1.4:1.6,1.8: to designate all versions of module mod, except versions 1.3 and 1.7.

This improvement is available where the advanced version specifier syntax is supported. Thus it can be either used from the command-line or when writing modulefiles, for instance to hide or tag modules or to declare requirements.

Try module load with no complain if not found

Add the :subcmd:`try-load` sub-command that tries to load the modulefile passed as argument, like the :subcmd:`load` sub-command, but does not raise an error if this modulefile cannot be found.

:ps:`$` module load unknown
:sgrer:`ERROR`: Unable to locate a modulefile for 'unknown'
:ps:`$` echo $?
:ps:`$` module try-load unknown
:ps:`$` echo $?
:ps:`$` module list
No Modulefiles Currently Loaded.

This sub-command first introduced by the Lmod project is added to Modules to improve the compatibility between the two module implementations.

:subcmd:`try-load` is also available within modulefile context to continue the evaluation of a modulefile in case no module is found in its attempt to load another modulefile

:ps:`$` module display foo/1.0

:sgrcm:`module`   try-load unknown/1.0
:ps:`$` module load foo/1.0
:ps:`$` module list
Currently Loaded Modulefiles:
 1) foo/1.0

Module variants

:ref:`Module variants` is a new mechanism that allows to pass arguments to evaluated modulefiles in order to achieve different environment variable or module requirement setup with a single modulefile.

Variant specification relies on the :ref:`Advanced module version specifiers` mechanism, which leverages the variant syntax of the Spack package manager:

:ps:`$` module config advanced_version_spec 1
:ps:`$` module load -v bar/1.2 toolchain=a -debug
Loading :sgrhi:`bar/1.2`:sgrse:`{`:sgrva:`-debug`:sgrse:`:`:sgrva:`toolchain=a`:sgrse:`}`

Variants are defined in modulefile with the :mfcmd:`variant` command, which defines the variant type and its accepted values:

variant toolchain a b c
variant --boolean --default off debug

# select software build depending on variant values
set suffix -[getvariant toolchain]
if {$ModuleVariant(debug)} {
    append suffix -dbg

prepend-path PATH /path/to/bar-1.2$suffix/bin
prepend-path LD_LIBRARY_PATH /path/to/bar-1.2$suffix/lib

The bar/1.2 modulefile defines a toolchain variant, which accepts the a, b and c values, and a debug Boolean variant, which is set off by default. Once these two variants are declared, their value specified on module designation are instantiated in the :mfvar:`ModuleVariant` array variable which could also be queried with the :mfcmd:`getvariant` modulefile command. Selected variant values enable to define a specific installation build path for the bar/1.2 software.

If a variant is not specified when designating module and if this variant is not declared with a default value, an error is obtained:

:ps:`$` module purge
:ps:`$` module load :noparse:`[email protected]`
Loading :sgrhi:`bar/1.2`
  :sgrer:`ERROR`: No value specified for variant 'toolchain'
    Allowed values are: a b c

Once module is loaded, selected variants are reported on the :subcmd:`list` sub-command output:

:ps:`$` module load :noparse:`[email protected]` toolchain=b
:ps:`$` module list
Currently Loaded Modulefiles:
 1) bar/1.2:sgrse:`{`:sgrva:`-debug`:sgrse:`:`:sgrva:`toolchain=b`:sgrse:`}`

:sgrse:`{`:sgrva:`-variant`:sgrse:`}`=:sgrse:`{`:sgrva:`variant=off`:sgrse:`}`  :sgrse:`{`:sgrva:`variant=value`:sgrse:`}`


The default value of the :instopt:`--with-list-output` installation option has been updated to include variant information.

Variant specification could be used where the :ref:`Advanced module version specifiers` is supported. For instance a module may express a dependency over a specific module variant:

:ps:`$` module show foo/2.1 toolchain=c

:sgrcm:`variant`         toolchain a b c
:sgrcm:`prereq`          :noparse:`[email protected] toolchain=`:sgrva:`{toolchain}`
:sgrcm:`prepend-path`    PATH /path/to/foo-2.1-:sgrva:`{toolchain}`/bin
:sgrcm:`prepend-path`    LD_LIBRARY_PATH /path/to/foo-2.1-:sgrva:`{toolchain}`/lib

In this example, foo/2.1 module depends on bar/1.2 and the same toolchain variant should be selected for both modules in order to load two software builds that are compatible between each other.

:ps:`$` module purge
:ps:`$` module config auto_handling 1
:ps:`$` module load foo/2.1 toolchain=a
Loading :sgrhi:`foo/2.1`:sgrse:`{`:sgrva:`toolchain=a`:sgrse:`}`
  :sgrin:`Loading requirement`: bar/1.2:sgrse:`{`:sgrva:`-debug`:sgrse:`:`:sgrva:`toolchain=a`:sgrse:`}`

Variant shortcuts

The :mconfig:`variant_shortcut` configuration option is added to define shortcut characters for easily specifying variants. Instead of writing the variant name to specify it in module designation (e.g., name=value), the shortcut associated to this variant could be used (i.e., <shortcut>value):

:ps:`$` module purge
:ps:`$` module config variant_shortcut toolchain=%
:ps:`$` module load foo/2.1 %a
Loading :sgrhi:`foo/2.1`:sgrse:`{`:sgrva:`%a`:sgrse:`}`
  :sgrin:`Loading requirement`: bar/1.2:sgrse:`{`:sgrva:`-debug`:sgrse:`:`:sgrva:`%a`:sgrse:`}`

Configured shortcuts are also used to report the loaded variant on :subcmd:`list` sub-command output (shortcuts are explained in key section):

:ps:`$` module list
Currently Loaded Modulefiles:
 1) :sgral:`bar/1.2`:sgrse:`{`:sgrva:`-debug`:sgrse:`:`:sgrva:`%a`:sgrse:`}`  2) foo/2.1:sgrse:`{`:sgrva:`%a`:sgrse:`}`

:sgral:`auto-loaded`  :sgrse:`{`:sgrva:`-variant`:sgrse:`}`=:sgrse:`{`:sgrva:`variant=off`:sgrse:`}`  :sgrse:`{`:sgrva:`%value`:sgrse:`}`=:sgrse:`{`:sgrva:`toolchain=value`:sgrse:`}`  :sgrse:`{`:sgrva:`variant=value`:sgrse:`}`


This new version is backward-compatible with previous version 4 releases. It fixes bugs but also introduces new functionalities that are described in this section. See the :ref:`4.7 release notes<4.7 release notes>` for a complete list of the changes between Modules v4.6 and v4.7.

Determining module implementation and version

New Modules variables are introduced to determine during the evaluation of a modulefile or a modulerc what module implementation is currently in use. The :mfvar:`ModuleTool` variable corresponds to the name of the module implementation and is set to Modules for this project. The :mfvar:`ModuleToolVersion` variable corresponds to the version number of the implementation (e.g. 4.7.0).

With these new variables it is possible to precisely know what module command is in use then adapt modulefile code to handle a specific behavior or leverage a new feature.

The modulefile command :mfcmd:`versioncmp` is also introduced to provide a simple way to compare two version strings and return if first version string is less than, equal to or greater than second one.

if {[info exists ModuleTool] && $ModuleTool eq {Modules}
    && [versioncmp $ModuleToolVersion 4.7] >= 0} {
    # here some code specific for Modules 4.7 and later versions

The :mfvar:`ModuleTool` and :mfvar:`ModuleToolVersion` variables and the :mfcmd:`versioncmp` modulefile command are supported by the Lmod project starting version 8.4.8.

Symbolic version to designate module loaded version

When the Advanced module version specifiers is enabled, the loaded symbolic version may be used to designate the currently loaded version of specified module.

:ps:`$` ml display :noparse:`foo@loaded`

:sgrcm:`module-whatis`   foo/1.0

If no version of specified module can be found loaded, an error is returned.

:ps:`$` ml display :noparse:`foo@loaded`
:sgrer:`ERROR`: No loaded version found for 'foo' module

Module tags

Module tags are piece of information that can be associated to individual modulefiles. Tags could be purely informational or may lead to specific behaviors.

Module tags may be inherited from the module state set by a modulefile command or consequence of a module action. Tags may also be associated to modules by using the new :mfcmd:`module-tag` modulefile command.

Module tags are reported along the module they are associated to on :subcmd:`avail` and :subcmd:`list` sub-command results. Tags could be reported either:

  • along the module name, all tags set within angle brackets, each tag separated from the others with a colon character (e.g., foo/1.2 <tag1:tag2>).
:ps:`$` cat /path/to/modulefiles/foo/.modulerc
module-tag mytag foo
module-tag othertag foo/1.0
:ps:`$` ml av
--------------- :sgrdi:`/path/to/modulefiles` ---------------
foo/1.0 <mytag:othertag>  foo/2.0 <mytag>
:ps:`$` ml foo/1.0
:ps:`$` ml
Currently Loaded Modulefiles:
 1) foo/1.0 <mytag:othertag>
  • graphically rendered over the module name for each tag associated to a Select Graphic Rendition (SGR) code in the color palette (see :envvar:`MODULES_COLORS`)
:ps:`$` # set SGR code to report 'mytag' with blue background color
:ps:`$` ml config colors "hi=1:di=94:L=90;47:mytag=102"
:ps:`$` ml av
--------------- :sgrdi:`/path/to/modulefiles` ---------------
:sgrl:`foo`:sgrss:`/1.0` <othertag>  :sgrss:`foo/2.0`
:ps:`$` ml
Currently Loaded Modulefiles:
 1) :sgrl:`foo`:sgrss:`/1.0` <othertag>

The :mconfig:`tag_abbrev` configuration option is available to define abbreviated strings for module tags and then use these abbreviations instead of tag names when reporting tags on :subcmd:`avail` and :subcmd:`list` command results.

:ps:`$` # add abbreviation for 'othertag' tag
:ps:`$` ml config tag_abbrev loaded=L:othertag=oT
:ps:`$` ml av
--------------- :sgrdi:`/path/to/modulefiles` ---------------
:sgrl:`foo`:sgrss:`/1.0` <oT>  :sgrss:`foo/2.0`
:ps:`$` ml
Currently Loaded Modulefiles:
 1) :sgrl:`foo`:sgrss:`/1.0` <oT>

When a SGR code is set for a tag in the color palette, this graphical rendition is applied by default over the module name and the tag name or its abbreviation is not displayed. If tag name or abbreviation is added to the :mconfig:`tag_color_name` configuration option, graphical rendering is applied to the tag name or abbreviation rather than over the module name they are attached to.

:ps:`$` # add SGR code for 'oT' tag and set rendition over tag name
:ps:`$` ml config colors "hi=1:di=94:L=90;47:mytag=44:oT=41"
:ps:`$` ml config tag_color_name oT
:ps:`$` ml av
--------------- :sgrdi:`/path/to/modulefiles` ---------------
:sgrl:`foo`:sgrss:`/1.0` <:sgrf:`oT`>  :sgrss:`foo/2.0`
:ps:`$` ml
Currently Loaded Modulefiles:
 1) :sgrl:`foo`:sgrss:`/1.0` <:sgrf:`oT`>

Tags inherited from module state, consequence of a module action or set by using :mfcmd:`module-tag` but that have a special meaning currently are:

Tag Description Set with Abbr. Color
auto-loaded Module has been loaded automatically Inherited aL
forbidden Module cannot be loaded Inherited from :mfcmd:`module-forbid` F
hidden Module is not visible on :subcmd:`avail` Inherited from :mfcmd:`module-hide` H
hidden-loaded See Hiding loaded modules Inherited from :mfcmd:`module-hide` H
loaded Module is currently loaded Inherited L
nearly-forbidden Module will soon not be able to load anymore Inherited from :mfcmd:`module-forbid` nL
sticky See Sticky modules :mfcmd:`module-tag` S
super-sticky See Sticky modules :mfcmd:`module-tag` sS

Hiding loaded modules

The --hidden-loaded option has been added to the :mfcmd:`module-hide` modulefile command and it indicates that designated hidden modules remain hidden after being loaded.

:ps:`$` cat /path/to/modulefiles/foo/1.0
module load bar
:ps:`$` cat /path/to/modulefiles/bar/.modulerc
module-hide --soft --hidden-loaded bar

In this example, foo depends on bar which is set soft hidden and hidden once loaded. As a consequence, automated load of bar module will not be reported and bar/1.0 will not appear in loaded module list by default:

:ps:`$` ml foo
:ps:`$` ml
Currently Loaded Modulefiles:
 1) foo/1.0

However bar/1.0 is loaded. Hidden loaded modules can be unveiled with the :option:`--all`/:option:`-a` option set on the :subcmd:`list` sub-command. hidden-loaded tag (abbreviated by default to H when colored output is disabled) applies to such modules.

:ps:`$` ml -a
Currently Loaded Modulefiles:
 1) :sgral:`bar`:sgrh:`/1.0`   2) foo/1.0

To also get the informational messages about hidden loaded module automated load or unload, the new verbosity level verbose2 can be used (with :option:`-vv` option for instance):

:ps:`$` ml purge
:ps:`$` ml -vv foo
Loading bar/1.0

Loading :sgrhi:`foo/1.0`
  :sgrin:`Loading requirement`: bar/1.0

Sticky modules

Module stickiness is introduced, in a similar fashion than on the Lmod project, to allow to glue modules to the loaded environment. A sticky module cannot be unloaded, unless if the unload action is forced or if the module reloads after being unloaded.

A modulefile is declared sticky by applying it the sticky tag with the :mfcmd:`module-tag` modulefile command.

:ps:`$` cat /path/to/modulefiles/foo/.modulerc
module-tag sticky foo/1.0
:ps:`$` ml
Currently Loaded Modulefiles:
 1) :sgrs:`foo/1.0`
:ps:`$` ml -foo
Unloading :sgrhi:`foo/1.0`
  :sgrer:`ERROR`: Unload of sticky module 'foo/1.0' skipped
:ps:`$` ml
Currently Loaded Modulefiles:
 1) :sgrs:`foo/1.0`
:ps:`$` ml --force -foo
Unloading :sgrhi:`foo/1.0`
  :sgrwa:`WARNING`: Unload of sticky module 'foo/1.0' forced
:ps:`$` ml
No Modulefiles Currently Loaded.

Modulefile can also be defined super-sticky by applying the corresponding module tag. Super-sticky module cannot be unloaded even if the unload action is forced. It can only be unloaded if the module reloads afterward.

:ps:`$` cat /path/to/modulefiles/bar/.modulerc
module-tag super-sticky bar/1.0
:ps:`$` ml
Currently Loaded Modulefiles:
 1) :sgrss:`bar/1.0`
:ps:`$` ml purge
Unloading :sgrhi:`bar/1.0`
  :sgrer:`ERROR`: Unload of super-sticky module 'bar/1.0' skipped
:ps:`$` ml purge -f
Unloading :sgrhi:`bar/1.0`
  :sgrer:`ERROR`: Unload of super-sticky module 'bar/1.0' skipped
:ps:`$` ml
Currently Loaded Modulefiles:
 1) :sgrss:`bar/1.0`

Modulefiles targeted by a sticky or a super-sticky tag are colored on :subcmd:`avail` and :subcmd:`list` sub-command outputs to indicate such tag applies. If colored output is disabled a tag abbreviation is reported along module designation (respectively S and sS).

In case the stickiness applies to the generic module name (and does not target a specific module version or version-set), one version of the sticky or super-sticky module can be swapped by another version of this same module:

:ps:`$` cat /path/to/modulefiles/baz/.modulerc
module-tag sticky baz
:ps:`$` ml
Currently Loaded Modulefiles:
 1) :sgrs:`baz/2.0`
:ps:`$` ml switch baz/1.0
:ps:`$` ml
Currently Loaded Modulefiles:
 1) :sgrs:`baz/1.0`

Explaining avail/list output

A Key section is added at the end of the :subcmd:`avail` and :subcmd:`list` sub-commands output to give hints on the meaning of the graphical rendition applied to elements or what the elements set in parentheses or chevrons along module name stand for.

:ps:`$` ml av
------------------ :sgrdi:`/path/to/modulefiles` ------------------
:sgrs:`foo`:sgrl:`/1.0` <oT>  :sgrde:`foo/2.0`  :sgrali:`foo/3.0`

:sgrl:`loaded`      :sgrde:`default-version`  :sgrs:`sticky`        <oT>=othertag
:sgrdi:`modulepath`  :sgrali:`module-alias`     <module-tag>

Configuring avail/list output

New configuration options are introduced to control what content to output in addition to modules names on the regular and terse output modes of the :subcmd:`avail` and :subcmd:`list` sub-commands.

These new configuration options named :mconfig:`avail_output`, :mconfig:`avail_terse_output`, :mconfig:`list_output` and :mconfig:`list_terse_output` can be updated using the :subcmd:`config` sub-command or set at installation time respectively with the :instopt:`--with-avail-output`, :instopt:`--with-avail-terse-output`, :instopt:`--with-list-output` and :instopt:`--with-list-terse-output` configure options.

The four options accept a colon separated list of elements as value. Accepted elements for the :subcmd:`avail`-related options are: modulepath, alias, dirwsym, sym, tag and key. Accepted elements for the :subcmd:`list`-related options are: header, idx, sym, tag and key.

In the following example, default output configuration for the :subcmd:`avail` sub-command is checked then module tags and key section are removed to get a simpler output:

:ps:`$` ml config avail_output
Modules Release 4.7.0 (2021-02-19)

- Config. name ---------.- Value (set by if default overridden) ---------------
avail_output              modulepath:alias:dirwsym:sym:tag:key
:ps:`$` ml av
------------------ :sgrdi:`/path/to/modulefiles` ------------------
:sgrde:`bar/1.0`  bar/2.0  :sgrf:`foo/1.0`  :sgrs:`foo/2.0`  :sgrali:`foo/2.2`

:sgrdi:`modulepath`       :sgrali:`module-alias`  :sgrs:`sticky`
:sgrde:`default-version`  :sgrf:`forbidden`
:ps:`$` ml config avail_output modulepath:alias:dirwsym:sym
:ps:`$` ml av
------------------ :sgrdi:`/path/to/modulefiles` ------------------
:sgrde:`bar/1.0`  bar/2.0  foo/1.0  foo/2.0  :sgrali:`foo/2.2`

The :option:`--output`/:option:`-o` switches are added to define a specific output configuration for the duration of the associated command line. The following example shows how to limit the content reported on a module :subcmd:`list` to the loaded index and the symbolic versions in addition to the module names:

:ps:`$` ml
Currently Loaded Modulefiles:
 1) :sgrde:`bar/1.0`   2) :sgrs:`foo/2.0`

:sgrde:`default-version`  :sgrs:`sticky`
:ps:`$` ml -o idx:sym
 1) :sgrde:`bar/1.0`   2) foo/2.0

When the new configuration options or command line switches are set to an empty value, the module names are the sole information reported:

:ps:`$` ml -t -o ""

In case the modulepath element is withdrawn from the :subcmd:`avail` sub-command output configuration, the available modules from all enabled modulepaths are reported as a single list:

:ps:`$` ml av
--------------- :sgrdi:`/path/to/other/modulefiles` ---------------
baz/1.0  baz/2.0

------------------ :sgrdi:`/path/to/modulefiles` ------------------
:sgrde:`bar/1.0`  bar/2.0  :sgrf:`foo/1.0`  :sgrs:`foo/2.0`  :sgrali:`foo/2.2`

:sgrdi:`modulepath`       :sgrali:`module-alias`  :sgrs:`sticky`
:sgrde:`default-version`  :sgrf:`forbidden`
:ps:`$` ml av --output=alias:tag
bar/1.0  baz/1.0  :sgrf:`foo/1.0`  :sgrali:`foo/2.2`
bar/2.0  baz/2.0  :sgrs:`foo/2.0`


The avail_report_dir_sym and avail_report_mfile_sym locked configuration options have been removed. Their behaviors can now be obtained by respectively adding the dirwsym and sym elements to the :mconfig:`avail_output` or :mconfig:`avail_terse_output` configuration options.


This new version is backward-compatible with previous version 4 releases. It fixes bugs but also introduces new functionalities that are described in this section. See the :ref:`4.6 release notes<4.6 release notes>` for a complete list of the changes between Modules v4.5 and v4.6.

sh-to-mod sub-command

The :subcmd:`sh-to-mod` sub-command is added to output as a modulefile content the environment changes done by the evaluation of a shell script passed as argument. :subcmd:`sh-to-mod` is especially useful for software providing a shell script for their enablement in shell session: it can convert these scripts into modulefiles.

Say for instance, a foo software has been installed and it provides a script to activate foo software in user environment:

:ps:`$` cat /path/to/foo-1.2/
export FOOENV="$1"
export PATH=/path/to/foo-1.2/bin:$PATH
alias foo='foobin -q -l'

Calling module sh-to-mod on this shell script outputs the environment changes it performs as a modulefile content:

:ps:`$` module sh-to-mod sh /path/to/foo-1.2/ arg1
prepend-path    PATH /path/to/foo-1.2/bin
set-alias       foo {foobin -q -l}
setenv          FOOENV arg1

Changes on environment variables, shell aliases, shell functions and current working directory are tracked. The following shells are supported: sh, dash, csh, tcsh, bash, ksh, ksh93, zsh and fish.

:subcmd:`sh-to-mod` acts as a full replacement for the standalone :command:`` and :command:`` scripts. However those two scripts are currently still provided for compatibility purpose.

source-sh modulefile command

The :mfcmd:`source-sh` modulefile command is introduced to source environment changes done by the evaluation of a shell script passed as argument. With newly introduced :subcmd:`sh-to-mod` sub-command resulting environment changes done by script are output as modulefile commands. :mfcmd:`source-sh` applies those modulefile commands as if they were directly written in loading modulefile.

:mfcmd:`source-sh` is useful for software providing a shell script for their enablement. If you want to enable such software with :command:`module` yet using shell script provided by software for this task, just write a modulefile using :mfcmd:`source-sh` command to call the shell script.

Keeping the same example used to describe :subcmd:`sh-to-mod` sub-command: foo software provides a script for its activation. Create a modulefile foo/1.2 that calls this script:

:ps:`$` cat /path/to/modulefiles/foo/1.2
source-sh sh /path/to/foo-1.2/ arg1

Displaying this modulefile indicates the environment changes done by script:

:ps:`$` module display foo/1.2

:sgrcm:`prepend-path`    PATH /path/to/foo-1.2/bin
:sgrcm:`set-alias`       foo {foobin -q -l}
:sgrcm:`setenv`          FOOENV arg1

Loading the modulefile applies the environment changes seen above:

:ps:`$` module load -v foo/1.2
Loading :sgrhi:`foo/1.2`
:ps:`$` echo $FOOENV
:ps:`$` alias foo
alias foo='foobin -q -l'

Track of these changes is kept in user environment to be able to undo them when modulefile is unloaded:

:ps:`$` module unload -v foo/1.2
Unloading :sgrhi:`foo/1.2`
:ps:`$` echo $FOOENV

:ps:`$` alias foo
bash: alias: foo: not found

Changes on environment variables, shell aliases, shell functions and current working directory are tracked. The following shells are supported: sh, dash, csh, tcsh, bash, ksh, ksh93, zsh and fish.

Querying user's name and groups membership

Two new sub-commands are introduced for the :mfcmd:`module-info` modulefile command: username and usergroups. They respectively fetch the name of the user currently running :file:`modulecmd.tcl` or the name of all the groups this user is member of.

These two new modulefile commands can help to adapt code to specific users or groups. Like for instance to instantiate a modulefile for each group the user is member of:

:ps:`$` cat /path/to/modulefiles/foo/.modulerc
foreach grp [module-info usergroups] {
    module-virtual foo/$grp .common
:ps:`$` id -G -n
grp1 grp2 grp3
:ps:`$` module avail
--------------- :sgrdi:`/path/to/modulefiles` ---------------
foo/grp1  foo/grp2  foo/grp3

username and usergroups sub-commands of :mfcmd:`module-info` modulefile command are only supported on Unix platform.

Hiding modules

The newly introduced :mfcmd:`module-hide` modulefile command enables to dynamically hide modulefiles, module aliases or symbolic versions specified to it:

:ps:`$` cat /path/to/modulefiles/bar/.modulerc
module-version bar/1.0 old
# hide 'old' symbolic version
module-hide bar/old
# hide all version 2 and above
module-hide bar@2:
:ps:`$` cat /path/to/modulefiles/.modulerc
# hide all versions of foo module
module-hide foo

:mfcmd:`module-hide` commands should be placed in module rc files and can leverage the Advanced module version specifiers syntax as shown in the above example.

Hidden modules are excluded from available module search or module selection unless query refers to hidden module by its exact name:

:ps:`$` ml av
--------------- :sgrdi:`/path/to/modulefiles` ---------------
bar/1.0  bar/2.0
:ps:`$` module load -v foo
:sgrer:`ERROR`: Unable to locate a modulefile for 'foo'
:ps:`$` module load -v foo/1.0
Loading foo/1.0
:ps:`$` module avail bar/old
--------------- :sgrdi:`/path/to/modulefiles` ---------------

:mfcmd:`module-hide` command accepts a --soft option to apply a lighter of hiding to modules:

:ps:`$` cat /path/to/modulefiles/qux/.modulerc
# softly hide all qux modules
module-hide --soft qux

The soft hiding mode enables to hide modules from full availability listing yet keeping the ability to select such module for load without having to use module exact name:

:ps:`$` ml av
--------------- :sgrdi:`/path/to/modulefiles` ---------------
bar/1.0  bar/2.0
:ps:`$` ml av qux
--------------- :sgrdi:`/path/to/modulefiles` ---------------
qux/1.0  qux/2.0
:ps:`$` module load -v qux
Loading :sgrhi:`qux/2.0`

Alternatively, a --hard option can be set on :mfcmd:`module-hide` command to ensure designated modules do not unveil even if referred by their exact name:

:ps:`$` cat /path/to/modulefiles/qux/.modulerc
# softly hide all qux modules
module-hide --soft qux
# set highest version of qux hard hidden
module-hide --hard qux/3.0
:ps:`$` ml av qux/3.0
:ps:`$` ml qux/3.0
:sgrer:`ERROR`: Unable to locate a modulefile for 'qux/3.0'

Some users or groups can be set unaffected by hiding mechanism with the --not-user or --not-group options:

:ps:`$` cat /path/to/modulefiles/quuz/.modulerc
# hiding does not apply to grp1 and grp2 groups
module-hide --not-group {grp1 grp2} quuz
:ps:`$` id --groups --name
grp1 grp7
:ps:`$` ml av quuz
--------------- :sgrdi:`/path/to/modulefiles` ---------------
quuz/1.0  quuz/2.0
:ps:`$` ml -v quuz
Loading :sgrhi:`quuz/2.0`

Hiding mechanism can also be set effective only before or after a given date time with the --before and --after options. Accepted date time format is YYYY-MM-DD[THH:MM].

:ps:`$` cat /path/to/modulefiles/fum/.modulerc
# hide only before a given date
module-hide --hard --before 2020-09-01T12:00 fum/1.0
# hide only after a given date
module-hide --hard --after 2020-09-01 fum/2.0
:ps:`$` date
Fri 04 Sep 2020 06:21:48 AM CEST
:ps:`$` ml av fum
--------------- :sgrdi:`/path/to/modulefiles` ---------------

Hidden modules can be included in available module searches if option :option:`--all`/:option:`-a` is set on :subcmd:`avail`, :subcmd:`aliases`, :subcmd:`whatis` or :subcmd:`search` sub-commands. Hard hidden modules are unaffected by this option and stay hidden.

:ps:`$` ml av -a
--------------- :sgrdi:`/path/to/modulefiles` ---------------
bar/1.0:sgrse:`(`:sgrsy:`old`:sgrse:`)`  foo/1.0  fum/1.0   quuz/2.0  qux/2.0
bar/2.0       foo/2.0  quuz/1.0  qux/1.0

Forbidding use of modules

The :mfcmd:`module-forbid` modulefile command is added to dynamically forbid the evaluation of modulefiles it specifies. When forbidden, a module cannot be loaded and an access error is returned when an attempt is made to evaluate it.

:ps:`$` cat /path/to/modulefiles/foo/.modulerc
module-forbid foo@1:
:ps:`$` ml foo/1.0
:sgrer:`ERROR`: Access to module 'foo/1.0' is denied
:ps:`$` ml
No Modulefiles Currently Loaded.

:mfcmd:`module-forbid` statements can be coupled with :mfcmd:`module-hide` statements to hide modules in addition to forbid their use. :mfcmd:`module-forbid` supports the --not-user, --not-group, --before and --after options to still allow some users or forbid modules before or after a given date time.

An additional error message can be defined with the --message option to guide for instance users when they try to evaluate a forbidden module:

:ps:`$` cat /path/to/modulefiles/bar/.modulerc
module-forbid --message {Software bar/1.0 is decommissioned, please now use\
    bar/2.0} --after 2020-09-01 bar/1.0
:ps:`$` ml bar/1.0
:sgrer:`ERROR`: Access to module 'bar/1.0' is denied
  Software bar/1.0 is decommissioned, please now use bar/2.0

When an evaluated module will soon be forbidden, a message is returned to the user to warn him/her of the near limit. An additional warning message can also be defined here with the --nearly-message option to guide users.

:ps:`$` cat /path/to/modulefiles/qux/.modulerc
module-forbid --nearly-message {Version 1.0 will soon expire, please now use\
    version 2.0} --after 2020-09-15 qux/1.0
:ps:`$` date
Tue 08 Sep 2020 06:49:43 AM CEST
:ps:`$` ml qux/1.0
Loading :sgrhi:`qux/1.0`
  :sgrwa:`WARNING`: Access to module will be denied starting '2020-09-15'
    Version 1.0 will soon expire, please now use version 2.0

The range of time the nearly forbidden warning appears can be controlled with the :mconfig:`nearly_forbidden_days` configuration option, whose value equals to the number of days prior the module starts to be forbidden. This configuration is set to 14 (days) by default and this value can be controlled at :file:`configure` time with :instopt:`--with-nearly-forbidden-days` option. When the :mconfig:`nearly_forbidden_days` configuration is set through the :subcmd:`config` sub-command, the :envvar:`MODULES_NEARLY_FORBIDDEN_DAYS` environment variable is set.

Tracing module execution

The trace verbosity is introduced between the verbose and debug levels to report details on module searches, resolutions, selections and evaluations. Trace mode can be enabled by setting the :mconfig:`verbosity` config to the trace value or by using the :option:`-T`/:option:`--trace` command-line switches.

To specifically render trace messages, the tr key is added to the color palette with a default value of 2 (decreased intensity).

:ps:`$` ml -T foo
:sgrtr:`Evaluate modulerc: '/path/to/modulefiles/.modulerc'`
:sgrtr:`Get modules: {foo} matching 'foo' in '/path/to/modulefiles'`
:sgrtr:`Resolve: 'foo' into 'bar'`
:sgrtr:`Get modules: {bar bar/1.0} matching 'bar' in '/path/to/modulefiles'`
:sgrtr:`Select module: 'bar/1.0' (/path/to/modulefiles/bar/1.0) matching 'bar/1.0'`

Loading :sgrhi:`bar/1.0`
  :sgrtr:`Evaluate modulefile: '/path/to/modulefiles/bar/1.0' as 'bar/1.0'`


This new version is backward-compatible with previous version 4 releases. It fixes bugs but also introduces new functionalities that are described in this section. See the :ref:`4.5 release notes<4.5 release notes>` for a complete list of the changes between Modules v4.4 and v4.5.

ml command

The ml command is added to Modules. ml is a frontend to the module command that reduces the number of characters to type to trigger module actions.

With no argument provided ml is equivalent to module list, ml foo corresponds to module load foo and ml -foo means module unload foo:

:ps:`$` ml foo
:ps:`$` ml
Currently Loaded Modulefiles:
 1) foo/2
:ps:`$` ml -foo
:ps:`$` ml
No Modulefiles Currently Loaded.

Multiple modules to either load or unload can be combined on a single command. The unloads are first processed then the loads.

ml accepts all command-line switches and sub-commands accepted by module command:

:ps:`$` ml avail -t foo

This handy interface has been originally developed by the Lmod project. Having this command line interface also supported on Modules helps to provide a similar user experience whatever the module implementation used.

JSON format output

The -j and --json command line switches are added for the avail, list, savelist, whatis and search module sub-commands. When set, the output result of these sub-commands is rendered in JSON format:

:ps:`$` module avail --json bar | python -mjson.tool
    "/path/to/modulefiles": {
        "bar/2.3": {
            "name": "bar/2.3",
            "pathname": "/path/to/modulefiles/bar/2.3",
            "symbols": [
            "type": "modulefile"
        "bar/3.4": {
            "name": "bar/3.4",
            "pathname": "/path/to/modulefiles/bar/3.4",
            "symbols": [],
            "type": "modulefile"
:ps:`$` ml whatis -j foo/1.2.3 | python -mjson.tool
    "/path/to/modulefiles": {
        "foo/1.2.3": {
            "name": "foo/1.2.3",
            "whatis": [
                "The foo/1.2.3 modulefile"

Improved Windows support

A new option to the ./configure script named :instopt:`--enable-windows-support` is introduced to install additional files relative to the enablement of Modules on the Windows platform. When set, this option installs module.cmd, ml.cmd and envml.cmd scripts in bindir and initialization script cmd.cmd in initdir. With these four files the Modules installation may be used from either a Unix or a Windows platform.

module.cmd, ml.cmd and envml.cmd scripts respectively provide the module, ml and envml commands for Windows cmd terminal shell, relying on modulecmd.tcl script which was already able to produce shell code for this Windows shell. Initialization script cmd.cmd adds the directory of module.cmd, ml.cmd and envml.cmd to PATH.

These Windows-specific files are relocatable: module.cmd, ml.cmd and envml.cmd scripts expect to find initialization script cmd.cmd in the init directory next to them (to setup Modules-specific variables in current environment) and cmd.cmd expects modulecmd.tcl to be found in libexec directory and the 3 commands in bin directory next to it.

Starting from this 4.5 release a distribution zipball is published to install Modules on Windows. This zip archive ships an install and an uninstall scripts (INSTALL.bat and UNINSTALL.bat). The zipball can be built locally from Modules sources by running make dist-win.

The :ref:`INSTALL-win` document describes how to install Modules on Windows from the distribution zipball.

Error stack trace

Error messages will now embed a stack trace for unknown errors to help localize the root cause of issues. This change applies to modulefile evaluation:

Loading :sgrhi:`foo/1.2`
  :sgrme:`Module ERROR`: add-path cannot handle path equals to separator string
        while executing
    "append-path PATH :"
        (file "/path/to/modulefiles/foo/1.2" line 24)
    Please contact <:noparse:`root@localhost`>

A stack trace is also returned when an unknown error occurs in modulecmd.tcl script, which facilitates issue report and analysis:

:ps:`$` module load bar
:sgrer:`ERROR`: invalid command name "badcommand"
      while executing
      (procedure "module" line 14)
      invoked from within
  "module load bar"
      ("eval" body line 1)
      invoked from within
  "eval $execcmdlist"
  Please report this issue at :noparse:``

Automatic default and latest symbolic versions

When the implicit default mechanism and the Advanced module version specifiers are both enabled, a default and a latest symbolic versions are automatically defined for each module name.

This new feature gives the ability to select the highest version available for a module, without knowing beforehand this version name:

:ps:`$` module load -v :noparse:`foo@latest`
Loading foo/1.10

The symbolic versions are automatically defined unless a symbolic version, an alias or a regular module version already exists for these default or latest version names.


This new version is backward-compatible with previous version 4 releases. It fixes bugs but also introduces new functionalities that are described in this section. See the :ref:`4.4 release notes<4.4 release notes>` for a complete list of the changes between Modules v4.3 and v4.4.


Modules configuration option handling has been reworked internally to provide a unified way for all options to get initialized, retrieved or set. Existing site-specific configuration script should be reviewed to make use of the new getConf, setConf, unsetConf and lappendConf procedures to manipulate configuration options.

Specify modules in a case insensitive manner

The ability to match module name in a case insensitive manner has been added. This feature can be enabled at different level with the following values set to the icase configuration option:

  • never: a case sensitive match is applied in any cases
  • search: a case insensitive match is applied to the avail, whatis and paths sub-commands
  • always: a case insensitive match is applied to search contexts and also to the other module sub-commands and modulefile Tcl commands for the module specification they receive as argument.

It can help for instance to load a module without knowing the case used to name its relative modulefile:

:ps:`$` module config icase always
:ps:`$` module load -v mysoftware
Loading :sgrhi:`MySoftware/1.0`

Insensitive case match activation can be controlled at configure time with the --with-icase option, which could be passed any of the above activation levels. This option could be superseded with the MODULES_ICASE environment variable, which could be set through the config sub-command with the icase option. Command-line switch --icase supersedes in turns any other icase configurations. When this command-line switch is passed, icase mode equals always.

Extended default

The extended default mechanism has been introduced to help selecting a module when only the first numbers in its version are specified. Starting portion of the version, part separated from the rest of the version string by a . character, could be used to refer to a more precise version number.

This mechanism is activated through the new configuration option extended_default. It enables to refer to a module named foo/1.2.3 as foo/1.2 or foo/1:

:ps:`$` module config extended_default 1
:ps:`$` module load -v foo/1
Loading :sgrhi:`foo/1.2.3`

When multiple versions match partial version specified and only one module should be selected, the default version (whether implicitly or explicitly defined) among matches is returned. The following example shows that foo/1.1.1, the foo module default version, is selected when it matches query. Elsewhere the highest version (also called the latest version or the implicit default) among matching modules is returned:

:ps:`$` module av foo
--------------- :sgrdi:`/path/to/modulefiles` ---------------
foo/1.1.1:sgrse:`(`:sgrsy:`default`:sgrse:`)`  foo/1.2.1  foo/1.10
foo/1.1.10          foo/1.2.3
:ps:`$` module load -v foo/1.1
Loading :sgrhi:`foo/1.1.1`
:ps:`$` module purge
:ps:`$` module load -v foo/1.2
Loading :sgrhi:`foo/1.2.3`
:ps:`$` module purge
:ps:`$` module load -v foo/1
Loading :sgrhi:`foo/1.1.1`

In case implicit_default option is disabled and no explicit default is found among matches, an error is returned:

:ps:`$` module config implicit_default 0
:ps:`$` module load -v foo/1.2
:sgrer:`ERROR`: No default version defined for 'foo/1.2'

When it is enabled, extended default applies everywhere a module could be specified, which means it could be used with any module sub-command or any modulefile Tcl command receiving a module specification as argument. It may help for instance to declare dependencies between modules:

:ps:`$` module show bar/3

:sgrcm:`prereq`             foo/1.2
:ps:`$` module load --auto bar/3
Loading :sgrhi:`bar/3.4`
  :sgrin:`Loading requirement`: foo/1.2.3

Extended default activation can be controlled at configure time with the --enable-extended-default option. This option could be superseded with the MODULES_EXTENDED_DEFAULT environment variable, which could be set through the config sub-command with the extended_default option.

Advanced module version specifiers

The ability to specify finer constraints on module version has been added to Modules. It enables to filter the module selection to a given version list or range by specifying after the module name a version constraint prefixed by the @ character.

This new feature leverages the version specifier syntax of the Spack package manager as this syntax covers all the needs for a fine-grained selection of module versions. It copes very well with command-line typing, by avoiding characters having a special meaning on shells. Moreover the users of Spack that also are users of Modules may already be familiar with this syntax.

The mechanism introduced here is called advanced module version specifier and it can be activated through the new configuration option advanced_version_spec. Constraints can be expressed to refine the selection of module version to:

  • a single version with the @version syntax, for instance [email protected] syntax will select module foo/1.2.3
  • a list of versions with the @version1,version2,... syntax, for instance [email protected],1.10 will match modules foo/1.2.3 and foo/1.10
  • a range of versions with the @version1:, @:version2 and @version1:version2 syntaxes, for instance [email protected]: will select all versions of module foo greater than or equal to 1.2, foo@:1.3 will select all versions less than or equal to 1.3 and [email protected]:1.3 matches all versions between 1.2 and 1.3 including 1.2 and 1.3 versions

This new feature enables for instance to list available versions of module foo higher or equal to 1.2:

:ps:`$` module config advanced_version_spec 1
:ps:`$` module av foo
--------------- :sgrdi:`/path/to/modulefiles` ---------------
foo/1.1.1:sgrse:`(`:sgrsy:`default`:sgrse:`)`  foo/1.2.1  foo/1.10
foo/1.1.10          foo/1.2.3
:ps:`$` module av :noparse:`[email protected]:`
--------------- :sgrdi:`/path/to/modulefiles` ---------------
foo/1.2.1  foo/1.2.3  foo/1.10

Then choose to load for instance a version higher than or equal to 1.2 and less than or equal to 1.3. Default version is selected if it corresponds to a version included in the range, elsewhere the highest version (also called latest version or implicit default) is selected:

:ps:`$` module load -v :noparse:`[email protected]:1.3`
Loading :sgrhi:`foo/1.2.3`

In case implicit_default option is disabled and no explicit default is found among version specifier matches, an error is returned:

:ps:`$` module config implicit_default 0
:ps:`$` module load -v :noparse:`[email protected]:1.3`
:sgrer:`ERROR`: No default version defined for ':noparse:`[email protected]:1.3`'

When advanced module version specifier is enabled, it applies everywhere a module could be specified, which means it could be used with any module sub-command or any modulefile Tcl command receiving a module specification as argument. It may help for instance to declare smoother dependencies between modules:

:ps:`$` module show bar@:2

:sgrcm:`prereq`          :noparse:`[email protected],1.2.1`
:ps:`$` module load --auto bar@:2
Loading :sgrhi:`bar/2.3`
  :sgrin:`Loading requirement`: foo/1.2.1

Advanced specification of single version or list of versions may benefit from the activation of the Extended default mechanism (range of versions natively handles abbreviated versions):

:ps:`$` module config extended_default 1
:ps:`$` module load -v :noparse:`[email protected]`
Loading :sgrhi:`foo/1.2.3`
:ps:`$` module unload -v foo @1.2,1.5
Unloading :sgrhi:`foo/1.2.3`

Advanced module version specifier activation can be controlled at configure time with the --enable-advanced-version-spec option. This option could be superseded with the MODULES_ADVANCED_VERSION_SPEC environment variable, which could be set through the config sub-command with the advanced_version_spec option.


This new version is backward-compatible with previous version 4 releases. It fixes bugs but also introduces new functionalities that are described in this section. See the :ref:`4.3 release notes<4.3 release notes>` for a complete list of the changes between Modules v4.2 and v4.3.

Modulepath rc file

A .modulerc file found at the root of an enabled modulepath directory is now evaluated when modulepath is walked through to locate modulefiles. This modulepath rc file gives for instance the ability to define module alias whose name does not correspond to any module directory in this modulepath. Thus this kind of module alias would not be found unless if it is defined at the modulepath global scope.

Further I/O operations optimization

Additional work has been performed to save a significant number of filesystem I/O operations made to search and evaluate modulefiles.

When fully read, the content of a modulefile is now cached in memory to avoid new I/O operations in case this modulefile should be read one more time during the same module command evaluation.

Except for path, paths, list, avail and aliases module commands always fully read a modulefile whether its full content is needed or just its header to verify its validity. This way modulefiles are only read once on commands that first check modulefile validity then read again valid files to get their full content.

Last but not least, Modules Tcl extension library is introduced to extend the Tcl language in order to provide more optimized I/O commands to read a file or a directory content than native Tcl commands do. This library is built and enabled in modulecmd.tcl script with --enable-libtclenvmodules configure argument (it is enabled by default). As this library is written in C, it must be compiled and --with-tcl or --with-tclinclude configure arguments may be used to indicate where to find Tcl development files.

Modules Tcl extension library greatly reduces the number of filesystem I/O operations by removing unneeded ioctl, fcntl and lstat system calls done (by Tcl open command) to read each modulefile. Directory content read is also improved by fetching hidden and regular files in one pass. Moreover .modulerc and .version read access is tested only if these files are found in the directory.

Colored output

The ability to graphically enhance some part of the produced output has been added to improve readability. Among others, error, warning and info message prefixes can be colored as well as modulepath, module alias and symbolic version.

Color mode can be set to never, auto or always. When color mode is set to auto, output is colored only if the standard error output channel is attached to a terminal.

Default color mode could be controlled at configure time with the --enable-color and the --disable-color option, which respectively correspond to the auto and never color mode. This default mode could be superseded with the CLICOLOR, CLICOLOR_FORCE and MODULES_COLOR environment variables and the --color command-line switch.

Color to apply to each element can be controlled with the MODULES_COLORS environment variable or the --with-dark-background-colors and --with-light-background-colors configure options. These variable and options take as value a colon-separated list in the same fashion LS_COLORS does. In this list, output item that should be highlighted is designated by a key which is associated to a Select Graphic Rendition (SGR) code.

The MODULES_TERM_BACKGROUND environment variable and the --with-terminal-background configure option help Modules to determine if the color set for dark background or the color set for light background should be used to color output in case no specific color set is defined with the MODULES_COLORS variable.

Output items able to be colorized and their relative key are: highlighted element (hi), debug information (db), tag separator (se); Error (er), warning (wa), module error (me) and info (in) message prefixes; Modulepath (mp), directory (di), module alias (al), module symbolic version (sy), module default version (de) and modulefile command (cm).

For instance the default color set for a terminal with dark background is defined to:


When colored output is enabled and a specific graphical rendition is defined for module default version, the default symbol is omitted and instead the defined graphical rendition is applied to the relative modulefile. When colored output is enabled and a specific graphical rendition is defined for module alias, the @ symbol is omitted.

CLICOLOR and CLICOLOR_FORCE environment variables are also honored to define color mode. The never mode is set if CLICOLOR equals to 0. If CLICOLOR is set to another value, it corresponds to the auto mode. The always mode is set if CLICOLOR_FORCE is set to a value different than 0. Color mode set with these two variables is superseded by mode set with MODULES_COLOR environment variable.

Configure modulecmd with config sub-command

The config sub-command has been added to module to help getting or setting the modulecmd.tcl options. With no additional command-line argument, this sub-command reports the current value of all existing options with a mention to indicate if this value has been overridden from a command-line switch or from an environment variable.

See the description of this sub-command in the :ref:`module(1)` man page for a complete reference on existing configuration options.

Most of the options can be altered by passing the option name and a value to the sub-command. Setting an option by this mean overrides its default value, set at installation time in modulecmd.tcl script, by defining the environment variable which supersedes this default.:

:ps:`$` module config auto_handling 1
:ps:`$` module config auto_handling
Modules Release 4.3.0 (2019-07-26)

- Config. name ---------.- Value (set by if default overridden) ---------------
auto_handling             1 (env-var)

Setting options with module config could be done in the Modules initialization RC file to change default value of options when module command is initialized.

When command-line switch --reset and an option name is passed to the config sub-command, it restores default value for configuration option by unsetting related environment variable.

With command-line switch --dump-state, the config sub-command reports, in addition to currently set options, the current state of modulecmd.tcl script and Modules-related environment variables. Providing the output of the module config --dump-state command when submitting an issue to the Modules project will help to analyze the situation.

Control module command verbosity

The ability to control message verbosity has been added so module command can be configured whether it should display more or less information. Available verbosity levels from the least to the most verbose are:

  • silent: turn off error, warning and informational messages but does not affect module command output result.
  • concise: enable error and warning messages but disable informational messages.
  • normal: turn on informational messages, like a report of the additional module evaluations triggered by loading or unloading modules, aborted evaluation issues or a report of each module evaluation occurring during a restore or source sub-commands.
  • verbose: add additional informational messages, like a systematic report of the loading or unloading module evaluations.
  • debug: print debugging messages about module command execution.

Default verbosity level can be controlled at configure time with the --with-verbosity option, which could be passed any of the above level names. This default verbosity level could be superseded with the MODULES_VERBOSITY environment variable, which could be set through the config sub-command with the verbosity option. Command-line switches --silent, --verbose and --debug supersede in turns any other verbosity configuration to respectively set module command silent, verbose or in debug mode.

Other new sub-commands, command-line switches and environment variables

  • The avail sub-command gets two new command-line switches: --indepth and --no-indepth. These options control whether search results should recursively include or not modulefiles from directories matching search query. Shell completion scripts have been updated to complete available modulefiles in the no in depth mode.
  • The MODULES_AVAIL_INDEPTH environment variable defines if the avail sub-command should include or exclude by default the modulefiles from directories matching search query. Its value is superseded by the use of the --indepth and --no-indepth command-line switches.
  • The clear sub-command, which was available on Modules version 3.2, has been reintroduced. This sub-command resets the Modules runtime information but does not apply further changes to the environment at all. This sub-command now leverages the --force command-line switch to skip its confirmation dialog.
  • The MODULES_SITECONFIG environment variable defines an additional siteconfig script which is loaded if it exists after the siteconfig script configured at build time in modulecmd.tcl. This ability is enabled by default and could be disabled with configure option --with-locked-configs=extra_siteconfig.
  • The MODULES_UNLOAD_MATCH_ORDER environment variable sets whether the firstly or the lastly loaded module should be selected for unload when multiple loaded modules match unload request. Configure option --with-unload-match-order defines this setting which can be superseded by the environment variable. By default, lastly loaded module is selected and it is recommended to keep this behavior when used modulefiles express dependencies between each other.
  • The MODULES_IMPLICIT_DEFAULT environment variable sets whether an implicit default version should be defined for modules with no default version explicitly defined. When enabled, which is the default behavior, a module version is automatically selected (latest one) when the generic name of the module is passed. When implicit default is disabled and no default version is explicitly defined for a module, the name of this module to evaluate should be fully qualified elsewhere an error is returned. Configure option --enable-implicit-default defines this setting which can be superseded by the environment variable. This superseding mechanism can be disabled with configure option --with-locked-configs=implicit_default.
  • The MODULES_SEARCH_MATCH environment variable defines the matching style to perform when searching for available modules. With starts_with value, modules whose name begins by search query string are returned. When search match style is set to contains, modules returned are those whose fully qualified name contains search query string. Configure option --with-search-match defines this setting which can be superseded by the environment variable, which in turns can be superseded by the --starts-with and --contains command-line switches of avail module sub-command.
  • The MODULES_SET_SHELL_STARTUP environment variable controls whether or not shell startup file should be set to ensure module command is defined once shell has been initialized. When enabled, the ENV and BASH_ENV environment variables are set, when module function is defined, to the Modules bourne shell initialization script. Configure options --enable-set-shell-startup and --disable-set-shell-startup define this setting which can be superseded by the environment variable.
  • When initializing the module command in a shell session, initialization configuration files stored in the defined configuration directory are taken into account if present instead of the configuration files stored in the initialization script directory. When they are stored in the configuration directory, these configuration files are named initrc and modulespath instead of respectively modulerc and .modulespath. The location of the installation of those files can be controlled with configure option --with-initconf-in, which accepts etcdir and initdir values.
  • The MODULES_WA_277 environment variable helps to define an alternative module alias on Tcsh shell when set to 1. It workarounds an issue on Tcsh history mechanism occurring with default module command alias: erroneous history entries are recorded each time the module command is called. However the alternative definition of the module alias weakens shell evaluation of the code produced by modulefiles. Characters with special meaning for Tcsh shell (like { and }) may not be used anymore in shell alias definition elsewhere the evaluation of the code produced by modulefiles will return a syntax error.


This new version is backward-compatible with previous version 4 releases. It fixes bugs but also introduces new functionalities that are described in this section. See the :ref:`4.2 release notes<4.2 release notes>` for a complete list of the changes between Modules v4.1 and v4.2.

Modulefile conflict constraints consistency

With the conflict modulefile command, a given modulefile can list the other modulefiles it conflicts with. To load this modulefile, the modulefiles it conflicts with cannot be loaded.

This constraint was until now satisfied when loading the modulefile declaring the conflict but it vanished as soon as this modulefile was loaded. In the following example a modulefile declares a conflict with b:

:ps:`$` module load b a
WARNING: a cannot be loaded due to a conflict.
HINT: Might try "module unload b" first.
:ps:`$` module list
Currently Loaded Modulefiles:
 1) b
:ps:`$` module purge
:ps:`$` module load a b
:ps:`$` module list
Currently Loaded Modulefiles:
 1) a   2) b

Consistency of the declared conflict is now ensured to satisfy this constraint even after the load of the modulefile declaring it. This is achieved by keeping track of the conflict constraints of the loaded modulefiles in an environment variable called MODULES_LMCONFLICT:

:ps:`$` module load a b
ERROR: WARNING: b cannot be loaded due to a conflict.
HINT: Might try "module unload a" first.
:ps:`$` module list
Currently Loaded Modulefiles:
 1) a

An environment variable is used to keep track of this conflict information to proceed the same way than used to keep track of the loaded modulefiles with the LOADEDMODULES environment variable.

In case a conflict constraint toward a modulefile is set by an already loaded modulefile, loading the conflicting modulefile will lead to a load evaluation attempt in order for this modulefile to get the chance to solve the constraint violation. If at the end of the load evaluation, the conflict has not been solved, modulefile load will be discarded.


On versions 4.2.0 and 4.2.1, a conflict constraint set by an already loaded modulefile forbade the load of the conflicting modulefile. This has been changed starting version 4.2.2 to better cope with behaviors of previous Modules version: an evaluation attempt of the conflicting modulefile is made to give it the opportunity to solve this conflict by using module unload modulefile command.

Modulefile prereq constraints consistency

With the prereq modulefile command, a given modulefile can list the other modulefiles it pre-requires. To load this modulefile, the modulefiles it pre-requires must be loaded prior its own load.

This constraint was until now satisfied when loading the modulefile declaring the prereq but, as for the declared conflict, it vanished as soon as this modulefile was loaded. In the following example c modulefile declares a prereq on a:

:ps:`$` module load c
WARNING: c cannot be loaded due to missing prereq.
HINT: the following module must be loaded first: a
:ps:`$` module list
No Modulefiles Currently Loaded.
:ps:`$` module load a c
:ps:`$` module list
Currently Loaded Modulefiles:
 1) a   2) c
:ps:`$` module unload a
:ps:`$` module list
Currently Loaded Modulefiles:
 1) c

Consistency of the declared prereq is now ensured to satisfy this constraint even after the load of the modulefile declaring it. This is achieved, like for the conflict consistency, by keeping track of the prereq constraints of the loaded modulefiles in an environment variable called MODULES_LMPREREQ:

:ps:`$` module load a c
:ps:`$` module list
Currently Loaded Modulefiles:
 1) a   2) c
:ps:`$` module unload a
ERROR: WARNING: a cannot be unloaded due to a prereq.
HINT: Might try "module unload c" first.
:ps:`$` module list
Currently Loaded Modulefiles:
 1) a   2) c

By-passing module defined constraints

The ability to by-pass a conflict or a prereq constraint defined by modulefiles is introduced with the --force command line switch (-f for short notation) for the load, unload and switch sub-commands.

With this new command line switch, a given modulefile is loaded even if it conflicts with other loaded modulefiles or even if the modulefiles it pre-requires are not loaded. Some example reusing the same modulefiles a, b and c than above:

:ps:`$` module load b
:ps:`$` module load --force a
WARNING: a conflicts with b
:ps:`$` module list
Currently Loaded Modulefiles:
 1) b   2) a
:ps:`$` module purge
:ps:`$` module load --force c
WARNING: c requires a loaded
:ps:`$` module list
Currently Loaded Modulefiles:
 1) c

--force also enables to unload a modulefile required by another loaded modulefiles:

:ps:`$` module load a c
:ps:`$` module list
Currently Loaded Modulefiles:
 1) a   2) c
:ps:`$` module unload --force a
WARNING: a is required by c
:ps:`$` module list
Currently Loaded Modulefiles:
 1) c

In a situation where some of the loaded modulefiles have unsatisfied constraints corresponding to the prereq and conflict they declare, the save and reload sub-commands do not perform and return an error.

Automated module handling mode

An automatic management of the dependencies between modulefiles has been added and it is called automated module handling mode. This new mode consists in additional actions triggered when loading or unloading a modulefile to satisfy the constraints it declares.

When loading a modulefile, following actions are triggered:

  • Requirement Load (ReqLo): load of the modulefiles declared as a prereq of the loading modulefile.
  • Dependent Reload (DepRe): reload of the modulefiles declaring a prereq onto loaded modulefile or declaring a prereq onto a modulefile part of this reloading batch.

When unloading a modulefile, following actions are triggered:

  • Dependent Unload (DepUn): unload of the modulefiles declaring a non-optional prereq onto unloaded modulefile or declaring a non-optional prereq onto a modulefile part of this unloading batch. A prereq modulefile is considered optional if the prereq definition order is made of multiple modulefiles and at least one alternative modulefile is loaded.
  • Useless Requirement Unload (UReqUn): unload of the prereq modulefiles that have been automatically loaded for either the unloaded modulefile, an unloaded dependent modulefile or a modulefile part of this useless requirement unloading batch. Modulefiles are added to this unloading batch only if they are not required by any other loaded modulefiles. MODULES_LMNOTUASKED environment variable helps to keep track of these automatically loaded modulefiles and to distinguish them from modulefiles asked by user.
  • Dependent Reload (DepRe): reload of the modulefiles declaring a conflict or an optional prereq onto either the unloaded modulefile, an unloaded dependent or an unloaded useless requirement or declaring a prereq onto a modulefile part of this reloading batch.

In case a loaded modulefile has some of its declared constraints unsatisfied (pre-required modulefile not loaded or conflicting modulefile loaded for instance), this loaded modulefile is excluded from the automatic reload actions described above.

For the specific case of the switch sub-command, where a modulefile is unloaded to then load another modulefile. Dependent modulefiles to Unload are merged into the Dependent modulefiles to Reload that are reloaded after the load of the switched-to modulefile.

This automated module handling mode integrates concepts (like the Dependent Reload mechanism) of the Flavours extension, which was designed for Modules compatibility version. As a whole, automated module handling mode can be seen as a generalization and as an expansion of the Flavours concepts.

This new feature can be controlled at build time with the --enable-auto-handling configure option. This default configuration can be superseded at run-time with the MODULES_AUTO_HANDLING environment variable or the command line switches --auto and --no-auto.

By default, automated module handling mode is disabled and will stay so until the next major release version (5.0) where it will be enabled by default. This new feature is currently considered experimental and the set of triggered actions will be refined over the next feature releases.

Consistency of module load/unload commands in modulefile

With the module load modulefile command, a given modulefile can automatically load a modulefile it pre-requires. Similarly with the module unload modulefile command, a given modulefile can automatically unload a modulefile it conflicts with.

Both commands imply additional actions on the loaded environment (loading or unloading extra modulefiles) that should cope with the constraints defined by the loaded environment.

Additionally module load and module unload modulefile commands express themselves constraints on loaded environment that should stay satisfied to ensure consistency.

To ensure the consistency of module load modulefile command once the modulefile defining it has been loaded, this command is assimilated to a prereq command. Thus the defined constraint is recorded in the MODULES_LMPREREQ environment variable. Same approach is used for module unload modulefile command which is assimilated to a conflict command. Thus the defined constraint is recorded in the MODULES_LMCONFLICT environment variable.

To ensure the consistency of the loaded environment, the additional actions of the module load and module unload modulefile commands have been adapted in particular situations:

  • When unloading modulefile, module load command will unload the modulefile it targets only if no other loaded modulefile requires it and if this target has not been explicitly loaded by user.
  • When unloading modulefile, module unload command does nothing as the relative conflict registered at load time ensure environment consistency and will forbid conflicting modulefile load.

Please note that loading and unloading results may differ than from previous Modules version now that consistency is checked:

  • Modulefile targeted by a module load modulefile command may not be able to load due to a registered conflict in the currently loaded environment. Which in turn will break the load of the modulefile declaring the module load command.
  • Modulefile targeted by a module unload modulefile command may not be able to unload due to a registered prereq in the loaded environment. Which in turn will break the load of the modulefile declaring the module unload command.
  • If automated module handling mode is enabled, module load modulefile command is interpreted when unloading modulefile as part of the Useless Requirement Unload (UReqUn) mechanism not through modulefile evaluation. As a consequence, an error occurring when unloading the modulefile targeted by the module load command does not break the unload of the modulefile declaring this command. Moreover unload of the module load targets is done in the reverse loaded order, not in the module load command definition order.

Modulefile alias and symbolic modulefile name consistency

With the module-alias and module-version modulefile commands, alternative names can be given to a modulefile. When these names are used to load for instance a modulefile, they are resolved to the modulefile they target which is then processed for the load action.

Until now, the alias and symbolic version names were correctly resolved for the load and unload actions and also for the querying sub-commands (like avail or whatis). However this alternative name information vanishes once the modulefile it resolves to is loaded. As a consequence there was no consistency over these alternative designations. In the following example f modulefile declares a conflict on e alias which resolves to d modulefile:

:ps:`$` module load e
:ps:`$` module list
Currently Loaded Modulefiles:
 1) d
:ps:`$` module info-loaded e
:ps:`$` module load f
:ps:`$` module list
Currently Loaded Modulefiles:
 1) d   2) f

Consistency of the alternative names set on a modulefile with module-alias and module-version commands is now ensured to enable modulefile commands prereq, conflict, is-loaded and module-info loaded using these alternative designations as argument. This consistency is achieved, like for the conflict and prereq consistencies, by keeping track of the alternative names of the loaded modulefiles in an environment variable called MODULES_LMALTNAME:

:ps:`$` module load e
:ps:`$` module list
Currently Loaded Modulefiles:
 1) d
:ps:`$` module info-loaded e
:ps:`$` module load f
WARNING: f cannot be loaded due to a conflict.
HINT: Might try "module unload e" first.
:ps:`$` module list
Currently Loaded Modulefiles:
 1) d

Environment variable change through modulefile evaluation context

All environment variable edition commands (setenv, unsetenv, append-path, prepend-path and remove-path) have been updated to:

  • Reflect environment variable value change on the environment of the current modulefile Tcl interpreter. So using $env(VAR) will return the currently defined value for environment variable VAR, not the one found prior modulefile evaluation.
  • Clear environment variable content instead of unsetting it on the environment of the current modulefile Tcl interpreter to avoid raising error about accessing an undefined element in $env(). Code is still produced to purely unset environment variable in shell environment.

Exception is made for the whatis evaluation mode: environment variables targeted by variable edition commands are not set to the defined value in the evaluation context during this whatis evaluation. These variables are only initialized to an empty value if undefined. This exception is made to save performances on this global evaluation mode.

Express Modules compatibility of modulefile with versioned magic cookie

Any modulefile should start with the #%Module file signature (also called the Modules magic cookie) and sometimes a version number may be placed right after this string. Until now this version number corresponded to a modulefile format version but it was never checked.

Starting with this new Modules release, this version number reflects the minimum version of Modules required to interpret the modulefile. If the version number is set along the magic cookie string it is now checked and the modulefile is interpreted only if Modules version is greater or equal to this version number. For instance, if a modulefile begins with the #%Module4.3 string, it can only be evaluated by Modules version 4.3 and above. Elsewhere the modulefile is ignored like files without the #%Module magic cookie set.

Improved module message report

Module sub-commands like load, unload or switch, may perform multiple load or unload modulefile evaluations in a row. Also these kind of evaluation modes may sometimes trigger additional load or unload evaluations, when for instance a modulefile contains a module load command.

To improve the readability of the module messages produced relatively to a load or an unload evaluation, these messages are now stacked under a Loading or an Unloading message block that gathers all the messages produced for a given modulefile evaluation:

:ps:`$` module load --no-auto foo
Loading foo/1.2
  ERROR: foo/1.2 cannot be loaded due to missing prereq.
    HINT: the following module must be loaded first: bar/4.5

In addition, foreground load, unload, switch and restore actions (i.e., asked on the command-line) now report a summary of the additional load and unload evaluations that were eventually triggered in the process:

:ps:`$` module load --auto foo
Loading foo/1.2
  Loading requirement: bar/4.5

New modulefile commands

2 new modulefile Tcl commands have been introduced:

  • set-function: define a shell function on sh-kind and fish shells.
  • unset-function: unset a shell function on sh-kind and fish shells.


This new version is backward-compatible with previous version 4 releases. It fixes bugs but also introduces new functionalities that are described in this section. See the :ref:`4.1 release notes<4.1 release notes>` for a complete list of the changes between Modules v4.0 and v4.1.

Virtual modules

A virtual module stands for a module name associated to a modulefile. The modulefile is the script interpreted when loading or unloading the virtual module which appears or can be found with its virtual name.

The module-virtual modulefile command is introduced to give the ability to define these virtual modules. This new command takes a module name as first argument and a modulefile location as second argument:

module-virtual app/1.2.3 /path/to/virtualmod/app

With this feature it is now possible to dynamically define modulefiles depending on the context.

Extend module command with site-specific Tcl code

module command can now be extended with site-specific Tcl code. modulecmd.tcl now looks at a siteconfig.tcl file in an etcdir defined at configure time (by default $prefix/etc). If it finds this Tcl script file, it is sourced within modulecmd.tcl at the beginning of the main procedure code.

siteconfig.tcl enables to supersede any global variable or procedure definitions made in modulecmd.tcl with site-specific code. A module sub-command can for instance be redefined to make it fit local needs without having to touch the main modulecmd.tcl.

Quarantine mechanism to protect module execution

To protect the module command run-time environment from side effect coming from the current environment definition a quarantine mechanism is introduced. This mechanism, sets within module function definition and shell initialization script, modifies the modulecmd.tcl run-time environment to sanitize it.

The mechanism is piloted by environment variables. First of all MODULES_RUN_QUARANTINE, a space-separated list of environment variable names. Every variable found in MODULES_RUN_QUARANTINE will be set in quarantine during the modulecmd.tcl run-time. Their value will be set empty or set to the value of the corresponding MODULES_RUNENV_<VAR> environment variable if defined. Once modulecmd.tcl is started it restores quarantine variables to their original values.

MODULES_RUN_QUARANTINE and MODULES_RUNENV_<VAR> environment variables can be defined at build time by using the following configure option:

--with-quarantine-vars='VARNAME[=VALUE] ...'

Quarantine mechanism is available for all supported shells except csh and tcsh.

Pager support

The informational messages Modules sends on the stderr channel may sometimes be quite long. This is especially the case for the avail sub-command when hundreds of modulefiles are handled. To improve the readability of those messages, stderr output can now be piped into a paging command.

This new feature can be controlled at build time with the --with-pager and --with-pager-opts configure options. Default pager command is set to less and its relative options are by default -eFKRX. Default configuration can be supersedes at run-time with MODULES_PAGER environment variables or command-line switches (--no-pager, --paginate).


On version 4.1.0, the PAGER environment variable was taken in consideration to supersede pager configuration at run-time. Since version 4.1.1, PAGER environment variable is ignored to avoid side effects coming from the system general pager configuration.

Module function to return value in scripting languages

On Tcl, Perl, Python, Ruby, CMake and R scripting shells, module function was not returning value and until now an occurred error led to raising a fatal exception.

To make module function more friendly to use on these scripting shells it now returns a value. False in case of error, true if everything goes well.

As a consequence, returned value of a module sub-command can be checked. For instance in Python:

if module('load', 'foo'):
  # success
  # failure

New modulefile commands

4 new modulefile Tcl commands have been introduced:

  • is-saved: returns true or false whether a collection, corresponding to currently set collection target, exists or not.
  • is-used: returns true or false whether a given directory is currently enabled in MODULEPATH.
  • is-avail: returns true or false whether a given modulefile exists in currently enabled module paths.
  • module-info loaded: returns the exact name of the modulefile currently loaded corresponding to the name argument.

Multiple collections, paths or modulefiles can be passed respectively to is-saved, is-used and is-avail in which case true is returned if at least one argument matches condition (acts as a OR boolean operation). No argument may be passed to is-loaded, is-saved and is-used commands to return if anything is respectively loaded, saved or used.

If no loaded modulefile matches the module-info loaded query, an empty string is returned.

New module sub-commands

Modulefile-specific commands are sometimes wished to be used outside of a modulefile context. Especially for the commands managing path variables or commands querying current environment context. So the following modulefile-specific commands have been made reachable as module sub-commands with same arguments and properties as if called from within a modulefile:

  • append-path
  • prepend-path
  • remove-path
  • is-loaded
  • info-loaded

The is-loaded sub-command returns a boolean value. Small Python example:

if module('is-loaded', 'app'):
  print 'app is loaded'
  print 'app not loaded'

info-loaded returns a string value and is the sub-command counterpart of the module-info loaded modulefile command:

:ps:`$` module load app/0.8
:ps:`$` module info-loaded app


Major evolution occurs with this v4.0 release as the traditional module command implemented in C is replaced by the native Tcl version. This full Tcl rewrite of the Modules package was started in 2002 and has now reached maturity to take over the binary version. This flavor change enables to refine and push forward the module concept.

This document provides an outlook of what is changing when migrating from v3.2 to v4.0 by first describing the introduced new features. Both v3.2 and v4.0 are quite similar and transition to the new major version should be smooth. Slights differences may be noticed in a few use-cases. So the second part of the document will help to learn about them by listing the features that have been discontinued in this new major release or the features where a behavior change can be noticed.

New features

On its overall this major release brings a lot more robustness to the module command with now more than 4000 non-regression tests crafted to ensure correct operations over the time. This version 4.0 also comes with fair amount of improved functionalities. The major new features are described in this section.

Additional shells supported

Modules v4 introduces support for fish, lisp, tcl and R code output.

Non-zero exit code in case of error

All module sub-commands will now return a non-zero exit code in case of error whereas Modules v3.2 always returned zero exit code even if issue occurred.

Output redirect

Traditionally the module command output text that should be seen by the user on stderr since shell commands are output to stdout to change shell's environment. Now on sh, bash, ksh, zsh and fish shells, output text is redirected to stdout after shell command evaluation if shell is in interactive mode.

Filtering avail output

Results obtained from the avail sub-command can now be filtered to only get the default version of each module name with use of the --default or -d command line switch. Default version is either the explicitly set default version or the highest numerically sorted modulefile or module alias if no default version set.

It is also possible to filter results to only get the highest numerically sorted version of each module name with use of the --latest or -L command line switch.

Extended support for module alias and symbolic version

Module aliases are now included in the result of the avail, whatis and apropos sub-commands. They are displayed in the module path section where they are defined or in a global/user modulerc section for aliases set in user's or global modulerc file. A @ symbol is added in parenthesis next to their name to distinguish them from modulefiles.

Search may be performed with an alias or a symbolic version-name passed as argument on avail, whatis and apropos sub-commands.

Modules v4 resolves module alias or symbolic version passed to unload command to then remove the loaded modulefile pointed by the mentioned alias or symbolic version.

A symbolic version sets on a module alias is now propagated toward the resolution path to also apply to the relative modulefile if it still correspond to the same module name.

Hiding modulefiles

Visibility of modulefiles can be adapted by use of file mode bits or file ownership. If a modulefile should only be used by a given subset of persons, its mode an ownership can be tailored to provide read rights to this group of people only. In this situation, module only reports the modulefile, during an avail command for instance, if this modulefile can be read by the current user.

These hidden modulefiles are simply ignored when walking through the modulepath content. Access issues (permission denied) occur only when trying to access directly a hidden modulefile or when accessing a symbol or an alias targeting a hidden modulefile.

Improved modulefiles location

When looking for an implicit default in a modulefile directory, aliases are now taken into account in addition to modulefiles and directories to determine the highest numerically sorted element.

Modules v4 resolves module alias or symbolic version when it points to a modulefile located in another modulepath.

Access issues (permission denied) are now distinguished from find issues (cannot locate) when trying to access directly a directory or a modulefile as done on load, display or whatis commands. In addition, on this kind of access not readable .modulerc or .version files are ignored rather producing a missing magic cookie error.

Module collection

Modules v4 introduces support for module collections. Collections describe a sequence of module use then module load commands that are interpreted by Modules to set the user environment as described by this sequence. When a collection is activated, with the restore sub-command, modulepaths and loaded modules are unused or unloaded if they are not part or if they are not ordered the same way as in the collection.

Collections are generated by the save sub-command that dumps the current user environment state in terms of modulepaths and loaded modules. By default collections are saved under the $HOME/.module directory. Collections can be listed with savelist sub-command, displayed with saveshow and removed with saverm.

Collections may be valid for a given target if they are suffixed. In this case these collections can only be restored if their suffix correspond to the current value of the MODULES_COLLECTION_TARGET environment variable. Saving collection registers the target footprint by suffixing the collection filename with .$MODULES_COLLECTION_TARGET.

Path variable element counter

Modules 4 provides path element counting feature which increases a reference counter each time a given path entry is added to a given path-like environment variable. As consequence a path entry element is removed from a path-like variable only if the related element counter is equal to 1. If this counter is greater than 1, path element is kept in variable and reference counter is decreased by 1.

This feature allows shared usage of particular path elements. For instance, modulefiles can append /usr/local/bin to PATH, which is not unloaded until all the modulefiles that loaded it unload too.

Optimized I/O operations

Substantial work has been done to reduce the number of I/O operations done during global modulefile analysis commands like avail or whatis. stat, open, read and close I/O operations have been cut down to the minimum required when walking through the modulepath directories to check if files are modulefiles or to resolve module aliases.

Interpretation of modulefiles and modulerc are handled by the minimum required Tcl interpreters. Which means a configured Tcl interpreter is reused as much as possible between each modulefile interpretation or between each modulerc interpretation.

Sourcing modulefiles

Modules 4 introduces the possibility to source a modulefile rather loading it. When it is sourced, a modulefile is interpreted into the shell environment but then it is not marked loaded in shell environment which differ from load sub-command.

This functionality is used in shell initialization scripts once module function is defined. There the etc/modulerc modulefile is sourced to setup the initial state of the environment, composed of module use and module load commands.

Removed features and substantial behavior changes

Following sections provide list of Modules v3.2 features that are discontinued on Modules v4 or features with a substantial behavior change that should be taken in consideration when migrating to v4.

Package initialization

MODULESBEGINENV environment snapshot functionality is not supported anymore on Modules v4. Modules collection mechanism should be used instead to save and restore sets of enabled modulepaths and loaded modulefiles.

Command line switches

Some command line switches are not supported anymore on v4.0. When still using them, a warning message is displayed and the command is ran with these unsupported switches ignored. Following command line switches are concerned:

  • --force, -f
  • --human
  • --verbose, -v
  • --silent, -s
  • --create, -c
  • --icase, -i
  • --userlvl lvl, -u lvl

Module sub-commands

During an help sub-command, Modules v4 does not redirect output made on stdout in ModulesHelp Tcl procedure to stderr. Moreover when running help, version 4 interprets all the content of the modulefile, then call the ModulesHelp procedure if it exists, whereas Modules 3.2 only interprets the ModulesHelp procedure and not the rest of the modulefile content.

When load is asked on an already loaded modulefiles, Modules v4 ignores this new load order whereas v3.2 refreshed shell alias definitions found in this modulefile.

When switching on version 4 an old modulefile by a new one, no error is raised if old modulefile is not currently loaded. In this situation v3.2 threw an error and abort switch action. Additionally on switch sub-command, new modulefile does not keep the position held by old modulefile in loaded modules list on Modules v4 as it was the case on v3.2. Same goes for path-like environment variables: replaced path component is appended to the end or prepended to the beginning of the relative path-like variable, not appended or prepended relatively to the position hold by the swapped path component.

During a switch command, version 4 interprets the swapped-out modulefile in unload mode, so the sub-modulefiles loaded, with module load order in the swapped-out modulefile are also unloaded during the switch.

Modules 4 provides path element counting feature which increases a reference counter each time a given path entry is added to a given environment variable. This feature also applies to the MODULEPATH environment variable. As consequence a modulepath entry element is removed from the modulepath enabled list only if the related element counter is equal to 1. When unusing a modulepath if its reference counter is greater than 1, modulepath is kept enabled and reference counter is decreased by 1.

On Modules 3.2 paths composing the MODULEPATH environment variable may contain reference to environment variable. These variable references are resolved dynamically when MODULEPATH is looked at during module sub-command action. This feature has been discontinued on Modules v4.

Following Modules sub-commands are not supported anymore on v4.0:

  • clear
  • update

Modules specific Tcl commands

Modules v4 provides path element counting feature which increases a reference counter each time a given path entry is added to a given environment variable. As a consequence a path entry element is not always removed from a path-like variable when calling to remove-path or calling to append-path or append-path at unloading time. The path element is removed only if its related element counter is equal to 1. If this counter is greater than 1, path element is kept in variable and reference counter is decreased by 1.

On Modules v4, module-info mode returns during an unload sub-command the unload value instead of remove on Modules v3.2. However if mode is tested against remove value, true will be returned. During a switch sub-command on Modules v4, unload then load is returned instead of switch1 then switch2 then switch3 on Modules v3.2. However if mode is tested against switch value, true will be returned.

When using set-alias, Modules v3.2 defines a shell function when variables are in use in alias value on Bourne shell derivatives, Modules 4 always defines a shell alias never a shell function.

Some Modules specific Tcl commands are not supported anymore on v4.0. When still using them, a warning message is displayed and these unsupported Tcl commands are ignored. Following Modules specific Tcl commands are concerned:

  • module-info flags
  • module-info trace
  • module-info tracepat
  • module-info user
  • module-log
  • module-trace
  • module-user
  • module-verbosity

Further reading

To get a complete list of the differences between Modules v3.2 and v4, please read the :ref:`changes` document.

A significant number of issues reported for v3.2 have been closed on v4. List of these closed issues can be found at: