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Server Installation

This document describes how to build, install and upgrade the lorawan-server. After installation, please follow the Configuration Instructions to correctly setup your server.


Using the Debian package

On the Debian Linux and its clones like Raspbian you can use the .deb package.

Unless you have Debian 10 (Buster) you have to install the Erlang/OTP 21.0 or later from Erlang Solutions first:

sudo dpkg -i erlang-solutions_1.0_all.deb
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install erlang-base erlang-crypto erlang-syntax-tools erlang-inets \
    erlang-mnesia erlang-runtime-tools erlang-ssl erlang-public-key erlang-asn1 \
    erlang-os-mon erlang-snmp erlang-xmerl

Download the Debian package lorawan-server-*.deb and install it by:

dpkg -i lorawan-server-<VERSION>.deb

If you want the server to start automatically after system reboot, run systemctl enable lorawan-server.

Then start the server by systemctl start lorawan-server.

Using the Binary Release on Linux

You will need the Erlang/OTP 21.0 or higher. Try typing yum install erlang or apt-get install erlang.

Check your Erlang/OTP version by typing erl. If your Linux distribution includes some older version of Erlang/OTP, install an update from Erlang Solutions.

Then download the latest binary release lorawan-server-*.tar.gz and (on Linux) unpack it by:

mkdir lorawan-server
mv lorawan-server-<VERSION>.tar.gz lorawan-server/
cd lorawan-server
tar -zxvf lorawan-server-<VERSION>.tar.gz

You can run the server by:


By default the database directory Mnesia.lorawan@* is stored in the lorawan-server directory you created. If you want to store the run-time information to another directory, set the LORAWAN_HOME environment variable.

The log files are by default stored in the same directory. If you want to store the log files elsewhere, set the LORAWAN_LOG_ROOT variable.

The lorawan-server can be started in background as a daemon. On Linux systems with systemd you should:

  • Unpack the binary release to /usr/lib/lorawan-server
  • Copy bin/lorawan-server.service to /lib/systemd/system
  • Create a dedicated user by useradd --home-dir /var/lib/lorawan-server --create-home lorawan
  • Create the /var/log/lorawan-server directory and make sure it is owned by the user lorawan
  • Start the server by systemctl start lorawan-server

This will put the database into /var/lib/lorawan-server and server logs into /var/log/lorawan-server.

Using the Binary Release on Windows

Install the 32-bit or 64-bit Binary File of Erlang/OTP 21.0 or later.

Unpack the binary release lorawan-server-*.tar.gz using the 7-Zip to a new folder (e.g. lorawan-server) and then run the server by double-clicking lorawan-server.bat in the lorawan-server/bin folder.

You can also run the lorawan-server as a Windows service. The service can be managed from a Command Prompt (cmd) using lorawan-service.bat <command>, where the <command> could be:

  • add to add the service. Once added you can use the standard Windows control panel administrative tools to start/stop or enable/disable the service.
  • remove to remove the previously added service.
  • list to display parameters of a previously added service.

Using the Binary Release on Mac OS

Install Erlang by brew install erlang.

Unpack and run the binary release

mkdir lorawan-server
mv lorawan-server-<VERSION>.tar.gz lorawan-server/
cd lorawan-server
tar -zxvf lorawan-server-<VERSION>.tar.gz


The server binaries are stored in three subdirectories: bin, lib and releases. These files are either:

  • In /usr/lib/lorawan-server when using the official releases
  • In lorawan-server/_build/default/rel/lorawan-server when you build the server from sources
  • Or wherever you extracted them

The server run-time files are automatically created during the first run. It includes the database in Mnesia.lorawan@* and log files. These files are either:

  • In /var/lib/lorawan-server when using the official releases
  • In the directory specified by the LORAWAN_HOME environment variable
  • Otherwise it is in the same directory as the server binaries

To upgrade your server binaries:

  • Stop the lorawan-server
  • Backup or make sure you don't delete the Mnesia.lorawan@* sub-directory.
  • Delete the existing bin, lib and releases sub-directories and replace them by bin, lib and releases from the new binary release. You can simply unpack the content of the binary release e.g. in /usr/lib/lorawan-server.
  • Copy bin/lorawan-server.service to /lib/systemd/system
  • Reload the services by sudo systemctl daemon-reload
  • Start the lorawan-server

Build Instructions

Manual Installation

You will need the following prerequisites:

  • Rebar3, the Erlang build tool.
    • On Linux it will download automatically.
    • On Windows follow the installation instructions.
    • On Mac OS, run brew install rebar.
  • npm, the JavaScript package manager.
    • On Linux follow the instructions below.
    • On Windows, install the Node.js.
    • On Mac OS, run brew install node.

Make sure you have the run-time prerequisites:

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install policykit-1 make wget curl
sudo apt-get install erlang-base erlang-crypto erlang-syntax-tools erlang-inets \
    erlang-mnesia erlang-runtime-tools erlang-ssl erlang-public-key erlang-asn1 \
    erlang-os-mon erlang-snmp erlang-xmerl

Required npm can be installed from here. On Debian, add the following to your /etc/apt/sources.list and run apt-get update before installation:

deb stretch main
deb-src stretch main

Then, obtain the build prerequisites:

sudo apt-get install git erlang-dev erlang-parsetools erlang-src erlang-eunit \
     nodejs rsync

Get the latest lorawan-server sources by:

git clone
cd lorawan-server

If you already obtained the sources you can upgrade to the latest version by:

cd lorawan-server
git pull
make upgrade

Then build and release the lorawan-server by:

make release

The release will be created in lorawan-server/_build/default/rel/lorawan-server.

If you encounter issues with npm, please try to:

  • Update your npm with sudo npm install -g npm
  • Make sure is listed in the list of known hosts by running ssh, which will fail but will also add to your .ssh/known_hosts:
    The authenticity of host ' (' can't be established.
    RSA key fingerprint is SHA256:xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.
    Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)? yes
    Warning: Permanently added ',' (RSA) to the list of known hosts.
    Permission denied (publickey).

According to the above installation instructions the server binaries are under /usr/lib/lorawan-server. To upgrade your installation you shall replace the content of the bin, lib and releases sub-directories with the newly created content.

Creating the Debian package

On the Debian Linux and its clones like Raspbian you can use the .deb package.

Build the Debian package bu running make release dpkg. This will create lorawan-server/_build/default/rel/lorawan-server/lorawan-server_<VERSION>.deb.

You can then install the package by:

dpkg -i lorawan-server_*.deb

You can start the server by systemctl start lorawan-server.