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DevNOps : We serve devops with coffee

Mastering DevOps is a comprehensive journey that involves both technical and cultural aspects. DevOps is not just about tools; it's a cultural shift that emphasizes collaboration, communication, and automation. Continuously seek feedback and adapt your practices accordingly. This plan should provide a solid foundation, but your learning journey should extend far beyond these 90 days. Stay curious and keep exploring new DevOps practices and technologies as they emerge.

Here's a 90-day plan to help you progressively learn and apply DevOps practices through hands-on experience,

  • This daily plan is intense,
  • and it's crucial to adjust the pace to match your own learning style and prior experience. DevOps is a broad and evolving field, so would this list be ever evolving and keeping you all up with ever evolving field of DevOps and its ever evolving challenges.

Before you start

Prerequisite training or knowledge before starting your DevOps learning journey can be beneficial for several reasons:

Context and Understanding:

  • DevOps is an approach that involves collaboration between development and operations teams. Having a foundational understanding of both development and IT operations (SysAdmin, Network, Security, etc.) provides context for why DevOps practices are valuable.

Efficient Learning:

  • DevOps builds on various IT practices and tools. If you have prior knowledge of version control systems (e.g., Git), scripting or programming languages (e.g., Python, Bash), and basic system administration, you can learn DevOps concepts more efficiently.

Effective Troubleshooting:

  • DevOps often involves diagnosing and troubleshooting issues in complex environments. Prerequisite training in IT concepts and problem-solving skills will be valuable when you encounter issues in your DevOps work.

Security Awareness:

  • Understanding basic security principles is crucial in DevOps, as security should be integrated into every stage of the development and deployment pipeline. Prerequisite training can help you grasp security best practices.

Tool Familiarity:

  • DevOps relies on a wide range of tools for automation, configuration management, and deployment. Prior exposure to these tools can make it easier to grasp more advanced DevOps concepts.


  • DevOps is about breaking down silos and fostering collaboration between teams. Prerequisite training can help you understand the different perspectives and challenges faced by developers, operations, and other stakeholders.

Continuous Learning:

  • DevOps is a continuously evolving field. Having a strong foundation in IT and development principles will make it easier to adapt to new tools and practices as they emerge.

While prerequisite training can be beneficial, it's not always mandatory. Some individuals start their DevOps journey with little or no prior knowledge and learn as they go. However, be prepared to spend extra time on foundational concepts if you choose this path.

Ultimately, the decision to pursue prerequisite training or start from scratch depends on your background, your learning style, and your specific career goals. Whichever path you choose, a willingness to learn, adapt, and embrace a DevOps mindset of collaboration and continuous improvement is essential.

Day 0: Getting ready for DevOps Learning and Practice

Month 1: Building Foundations

Days 1-3: DevOps Introduction and Setup

  • Day 1: Research DevOps principles and read introductory materials.
  • Day 2: Choose a Linux-based OS, install it on a virtual machine, and set up basic configurations.
  • Day 3: Install Git and create your first repository.

Days 4-10: Git Proficiency

  • Days 4-7: Learn Git basics and practice commands.
  • Days 8-10: Create a simple project, commit changes, and push to your Git repository.

Days 11-15: Version Control and Collaboration

  • Days 11-12: Explore Git branching strategies.
  • Days 13-15: Collaborate with others on a Git project.

Days 16-30: Automation and Scripting

  • Days 16-20: Learn shell scripting (e.g., Bash).
  • Days 21-25: Begin exploring infrastructure as code (IaC) concepts and tools like Terraform.
  • Days 26-30: Automate a basic infrastructure task using IaC principles.

Month 2: Essential Tools and Practices

Days 31-40: CI/CD Pipeline Setup

  • Days 31-35: Choose a CI/CD tool (e.g., Jenkins) and set up a basic pipeline.
  • Days 36-40: Automate the build and deployment of a sample application.

Days 41-50: Containerization with Docker

  • Days 41-45: Learn Docker fundamentals.
  • Days 46-50: Create Dockerfiles and run containers for different applications.

Month 3: Advanced DevOps Practices

Days 51-60: Cloud Platforms and Kubernetes

  • Days 51-55: Explore a cloud platform (e.g., AWS).
  • Days 56-60: Learn Kubernetes basics and deploy an application on a local cluster.

Days 61-70: Monitoring and Incident Response

  • Days 61-65: Set up monitoring tools (e.g., Prometheus and Grafana).
  • Days 66-70: Create alerting rules and practice incident response.

Days 71-90: Real-world Projects and Continuous Learning

  • Days 71-80: Work on real-world projects, collaborate with others, and contribute to open-source if possible.
  • Days 81-90: Continuously explore advanced DevOps topics, attend webinars, and document your journey.

Throughout your 90-day plan, engage with DevOps communities, forums, and blogs to stay updated and seek guidance. Remember that DevOps is a continuous learning process, and beyond this plan, you should keep refining your skills and adapting to new technologies and practices.