From 67849abc78fef6c64425557b185591e9a409c922 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Xiangzaoh <> Date: Wed, 24 Apr 2024 12:35:38 +0300 Subject: [PATCH] Delete lib directory --- lib/Asta.js | 500 -- lib/Dockerfile | 7 - lib/Session/md | 1 - lib/class/init.js | 66 - lib/class/md | 1 - lib/database/alive.js | 1 - lib/database/group.js | 1 - lib/database/md | 1 - lib/database/tempdb.js | 1 - lib/database/user.js | 1 - lib/exif.js | 10000 ------------------------- lib/index.js | 10000 ------------------------- lib/koyeb.js | 10000 ------------------------- lib/plugins.js | 10000 ------------------------- lib/runner.js | 1957 ----- lib/schemes.js | 10010 ------------------------- lib/scraper.js | 10010 ------------------------- lib/serialized.js | 10000 ------------------------- lib/ | 5 - lib/stylish-font.js | 15577 --------------------------------------- lib/ttt.d.ts | 15 - lib/ttt.js | 90 - 22 files changed, 88244 deletions(-) delete mode 100644 lib/Asta.js delete mode 100644 lib/Dockerfile 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generateSticker(_0x53029e,_0x48a2c6,_0x5dacf3={'pack':Config['packname'],'author':Config['author']}){try{const {Sticker:_0x56b32c,createSticker:_0x17a567,StickerTypes:_0x5328eb}=require('wa-sticker-formatter');let _0x4be9eb=new _0x56b32c(_0x48a2c6,{..._0x5dacf3});return await _0x53029e['bot']['sendMessage'](_0x53029e['chat'],{'sticker':await _0x4be9eb['toBuffer']()},{'quoted':_0x53029e,'messageId':_0x53029e['bot']['messageId']()});}catch(_0x8183ea){return await _0x53029e['error'](_0x8183ea+'\x0a\x0afileName:\x20generateSticker->s.js\x0a');}}async function getRandom(_0x26628d='.jpg',_0x3f3076=0x2710){return''+Math['floor'](Math['random']()*_0x3f3076)+_0x26628d;}async function randomeFunfacts(_0x3f0850){try{if(_0x3f0850==='question')return await random_question();else{if(_0x3f0850==='truth')return await truth();else{if(_0x3f0850==='dare')return await dare();else{if(_0x3f0850==='joke'){const _0x134326=await(await fetch(''))['json']();return'*Joke\x20:*\x20'+_0x134326['setup']+'\x0a*Punchline:*\x20\x20'+_0x134326['punchline'];}else{if(_0x3f0850==='joke2'){const _0xa93ab6=await(await fetch(''))['json']();return'*joke\x20:*\x20'+_0xa93ab6['joke'];}else{if(_0x3f0850==='fact'){const {data:_0x7527c1}=await axios['get']('');return'*Fact:*\x20'+_0x7527c1['fact'];}else{if(_0x3f0850==='quotes'){const {data:_0x308d09}=await axios['get']('');return'╔════◇\x0a║\x20*🎗️Content:*\x20'+_0x308d09['quote']['body']+'\x0a║\x20*👤Author:*\x20'+_0x308d09['quote']['author']+'\x0a║\x0a╚════════════╝';}}}}}}}}catch(_0x1c975b){return await msg['error'](_0x1c975b),console['log']('./lib/Asta.js/randomeFunfacts()\x0a',_0x1c975b);}}async function audioEditor(_0x12e0fc,_0x14fa86='bass',_0x3e54d9=''){if(!_0x12e0fc['quoted'])return await _0x12e0fc['send']('*_Uhh\x20Dear,\x20Reply\x20to\x20audio!!!_*');let _0x2b4006=_0x12e0fc['quoted']['mtype']||_0x12e0fc['mtype'];if(!/audio/['test'](_0x2b4006))return await _0x12e0fc['send']('*_Reply\x20to\x20the\x20audio\x20you\x20want\x20to\x20change\x20with_*',{},'',_0x3e54d9);try{let _0x449c3f='-af\x20equalizer=f=54:width_type=o:width=2:g=20';/bass/['test'](_0x14fa86)&&(_0x449c3f='-af\x20equalizer=f=54:width_type=o:width=2:g=20');/blown/['test'](_0x14fa86)&&(_0x449c3f='-af\x20acrusher=.1:1:64:0:log');/deep/['test'](_0x14fa86)&&(_0x449c3f='-af\x20atempo=4/4,asetrate=44500*2/3');/earrape/['test'](_0x14fa86)&&(_0x449c3f='-af\x20volume=12');/fast/['test'](_0x14fa86)&&(_0x449c3f='-filter:a\x20\x22atempo=1.63,asetrate=44100\x22');/fat/['test'](_0x14fa86)&&(_0x449c3f='-filter:a\x20\x22atempo=1.6,asetrate=22100\x22');/nightcore/['test'](_0x14fa86)&&(_0x449c3f='-filter:a\x20atempo=1.06,asetrate=44100*1.25');/reverse/['test'](_0x14fa86)&&(_0x449c3f='-filter_complex\x20\x22areverse\x22');/robot/['test'](_0x14fa86)&&(_0x449c3f='-filter_complex\x20\x22afftfilt=real=\x27hypot(re,im)*sin(0)\x27:imag=\x27hypot(re,im)*cos(0)\x27:win_size=512:overlap=0.75\x22');/slow/['test'](_0x14fa86)&&(_0x449c3f='-filter:a\x20\x22atempo=0.7,asetrate=44100\x22');/smooth/['test'](_0x14fa86)&&(_0x449c3f='-filter:v\x20\x22minterpolate=\x27mi_mode=mci:mc_mode=aobmc:vsbmc=1:fps=120\x27\x22');/tupai/['test'](_0x14fa86)&&(_0x449c3f='-filter:a\x20\x22atempo=0.5,asetrate=65100\x22');let 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send(_0xe4265d,_0x3ffe30,_0x2e7445={'packname':'','author':'Asta-Md'},_0x14385d='',_0x119152='',_0x336e7c=''){if(!_0x3ffe30||!_0xe4265d)return;try{let _0x3fec37=_0x336e7c?_0x336e7c:_0xe4265d['chat'];return await _0xe4265d['send'](_0x3ffe30,_0x2e7445,_0x14385d,_0x119152,_0x3fec37);}catch(_0x3449ab){return console['log']('./lib/Asta.js/send()\x0a',_0x3449ab);}}async function react(_0x4be2f4,_0xc560f7,_0x14cf82=''){try{if(!_0xc560f7||!_0x4be2f4)return;let _0x406ba7=_0x14cf82&&_0x14cf82['key']?_0x14cf82['key']:_0x4be2f4['key'];return await _0x4be2f4['bot']['sendMessage'](_0x4be2f4['chat'],{'react':{'text':_0xc560f7,'key':_0x406ba7}},{'messageId':_0x4be2f4['bot']['messageId']()});}catch(_0x515ada){return console['log']('./lib/Asta.js/react()\x0a',_0x515ada);}}let note={'info':'make\x20sure\x20to\x20provide\x201st\x20parameter\x20of\x20bot\x20number\x20as\x20{user:botNumber}\x20,and\x202nd\x20as\x20note\x20text|id'};note['addnote']=async(_0x1a2095,_0x265d2b)=>{try{let _0x305fc4=await 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bot_['updateOne']({'id':'bot_'+_0x9f0908['user']},{'notes':_0x401ec4}),_0x2e766b='*Note\x20with\x20Id:'+_0x217c7a+'\x20deleted\x20successfully!*'),{'status':!![],'msg':_0x2e766b};}catch(_0x564167){return console['log']('note.delnote\x20\x20ERROR\x20:\x20\x20',_0x564167),{'status':![],'error':_0x564167,'msg':'*Can\x27t\x20delete\x20notes\x20due\x20to\x20error!!*'};}},note['delallnote']=async(_0x37bc02,_0x37322f='')=>{try{return await bot_['updateOne']({'id':'bot_'+_0x37bc02['user']},{'notes':{}}),{'status':!![],'msg':'*All\x20saved\x20notes\x20deleted\x20from\x20server!*'};}catch(_0x555bcb){return console['log']('note.delnote\x20\x20ERROR\x20:\x20\x20',_0x555bcb),{'status':![],'error':_0x555bcb,'msg':'*Request\x20not\x20be\x20proceed,\x20Sorry!*'};}},note['allnotes']=async(_0x153a6a,_0x102e6a='')=>{try{let _0x438b4e=await bot_['findOne']({'id':'bot_'+_0x153a6a['user']})||await 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_0x465604['error'](_0x583f72+'\x0a\x0acommand:\x20aitts',_0x583f72);}}module['exports']={'yt':yt,'sendAnimeReaction':sendAnimeReaction,'sendGImages':sendGImages,'AudioToBlackVideo':AudioToBlackVideo,'textToLogoGenerator':textToLogoGenerator,'photoEditor':photoEditor,'updateProfilePicture':updateProfilePicture,'randomeFunfacts':randomeFunfacts,'plugins':plugins,'getRandom':getRandom,'generateSticker':generateSticker,'forwardMessage':forwardMessage,'audioEditor':audioEditor,'send':send,'react':react,'note':note,'sendWelcome':sendWelcome,'aitts':aitts}; \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/Dockerfile b/lib/Dockerfile deleted file mode 100644 index 023e47d..0000000 --- a/lib/Dockerfile +++ /dev/null @@ -1,7 +0,0 @@ -FROM -RUN git clone /root/Xiangzaoh -WORKDIR /root/Xiangzaoh/ -RUN npm install npm@latest -RUN npm install -EXPOSE 8000 -CMD ["npm", "start"] diff --git a/lib/Session/md b/lib/Session/md deleted file mode 100644 index 8b13789..0000000 --- a/lib/Session/md +++ /dev/null @@ -1 +0,0 @@ - diff --git a/lib/class/init.js b/lib/class/init.js deleted file mode 100644 index 83f76e8..0000000 --- a/lib/class/init.js +++ /dev/null @@ -1,66 +0,0 @@ -"use strict"; -var fetch = require("node-fetch"); -var FormData = require("form-data"); -var crypto = require("crypto"); -var acr = /** @class */ (function () { - function acr(config) { - this.endpoint = "/v1/identify"; - this.signature_version = "1"; - var host =, access_key = config.access_key, access_secret = config.access_secret, data_type = config.data_type, audio_format = config.audio_format, sample_rate = config.sample_rate, audio_channels = config.audio_channels; - = host || ""; - this.access_key = access_key; - this.access_secret = access_secret; - this.data_type = data_type || "audio"; - // Optional settings - this.audio_format = audio_format || ""; - this.sample_rate = sample_rate || ""; - this.audio_channels = audio_channels || 2; - } - //ASTA - // Builds a signature string for making API requests - acr.prototype.buildStringToSign = function (method, uri, accessKey, dataType, signatureVersion, timestamp) { - return [method, uri, accessKey, dataType, signatureVersion, timestamp].join("\n"); - }; - // Signs a signature string - acr.prototype.sign = function (string, access_secret) { - return crypto - .createHmac("sha1", access_secret) - .update(Buffer.from(string, "utf-8")) - .digest() - .toString("base64"); - }; - // Generates form data from an object - acr.prototype.generateFormData = function (object) { - var form = new FormData(); - Object.keys(object).forEach(function (key) { - form.append(key, object[key]); - }); - return form; - }; - /** - * Identify an audio track from a file path - * @param {Buffer} audio_sample A file path to an audio file or a buffer from an audio sample of the audio you want to identify - * @returns {Promise} response JSON from ACRCloud - */ - acr.prototype.identify = function (audio_sample) { - var current_date = new Date(); - var timestamp = current_date.getTime() / 1000; - var stringToSign = this.buildStringToSign("POST", this.endpoint, this.access_key, this.data_type, this.signature_version, timestamp); - var signature = this.sign(stringToSign, this.access_secret); - var formData = { - sample: audio_sample, - access_key: this.access_key, - data_type: this.data_type, - signature_version: this.signature_version, - signature: signature, - sample_bytes: audio_sample.length, - timestamp: timestamp - }; - return fetch("https://" + + "/" + this.endpoint, { - method: "POST", - body: this.generateFormData(formData) - }).then(function (response) { return response.json(); }); - }; - return acr; -}()); -module.exports = acr; \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/class/md b/lib/class/md deleted file mode 100644 index 8b13789..0000000 --- a/lib/class/md +++ /dev/null @@ -1 +0,0 @@ - diff --git a/lib/database/alive.js b/lib/database/alive.js deleted file mode 100644 index 7c0ffa4..0000000 --- a/lib/database/alive.js +++ 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_0x83790f=-parseInt(_0x56e197(0xf3))/0x1*(-parseInt(_0x56e197(0xe9))/0x2)+-parseInt(_0x56e197(0xf5))/0x3*(-parseInt(_0x56e197(0xee))/0x4)+parseInt(_0x56e197(0xf0))/0x5*(-parseInt(_0x56e197(0xec))/0x6)+-parseInt(_0x56e197(0xe4))/0x7*(-parseInt(_0x56e197(0xf2))/0x8)+-parseInt(_0x56e197(0xe8))/0x9+parseInt(_0x56e197(0xed))/0xa*(parseInt(_0x56e197(0xf4))/0xb)+-parseInt(_0x56e197(0xf1))/0xc;if(_0x83790f===_0x1d950d)break;else _0x2109b1['push'](_0x2109b1['shift']());}catch(_0x486ad1){_0x2109b1['push'](_0x2109b1['shift']());}}}(_0xe624,0xaa8ce));function _0x50ee(_0x61e8e7,_0x45c4b6){const _0xe624e7=_0xe624();return _0x50ee=function(_0x50eed8,_0x1fc930){_0x50eed8=_0x50eed8-0xe4;let _0x47d67d=_0xe624e7[_0x50eed8];return _0x47d67d;},_0x50ee(_0x61e8e7,_0x45c4b6);}let options={'temp':{'type':Object,'default':{}},'rent':{'type':Object,'default':{}}};const mongoose=require(_0x59f026(0xf6)),Alive=new mongoose[(_0x59f026(0xf8))]({'id':{'type':String,'unique':!![],'required':!![],'default':'Suhail_Md'},'alive_text':{'type':String,'default':_0x59f026(0xea)},'alive_get':{'type':String,'default':_0x59f026(0xe6)},'alive_url':{'type':String,'default':''},'alive_image':{'type':Boolean,'default':![]},'alive_video':{'type':Boolean,'default':![]},'antiviewonce':{'type':String,'default':_0x59f026(0xe7)},'antidelete':{'type':String,'default':'false'},'autobio':{'type':String,'default':_0x59f026(0xe7)},'levelup':{'type':String,'default':_0x59f026(0xe5)},'anticall':{'type':String,'default':_0x59f026(0xe7)},'autoreaction':{'type':String,'default':'true'},'permit':{'type':Boolean,'default':![]},'permit_values':{'type':String,'default':'all'},'chatbot':{'type':String,'default':'false'},'bgm':{'type':Boolean,'default':![]},'bgmarray':{'type':Object,'default':{}},'plugins':{'type':Object,'default':{}},'notes':{'type':Object,'default':{}},'mention':{'type':Object,'default':{}},'filter':{'type':Object,'default':{'suhail_':'yes\x20bruh?'}},'afk':{'type':Object,'default':{}},...options}),alive=mongoose[_0x59f026(0xeb)](_0x59f026(0xef),Alive);module[_0x59f026(0xf7)]={'alive':alive}; 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mongoose[(_0x418afa(0xc1))]({'id':{'type':String,'unique':!![],'required':!![]},'events':{'type':String,'default':'false'},'nsfw':{'type':String,'default':_0x418afa(0xc0)},'pdm':{'type':String,'default':'false'},'antipromote':{'type':String,'default':_0x418afa(0xc0)},'antidemote':{'type':String,'default':'false'},'goodbye':{'type':String,'default':global[_0x418afa(0xb8)]},'welcome':{'type':String,'default':global[_0x418afa(0xb9)]},'welcometext':{'type':String,'default':_0x418afa(0xba)},'goodbyetext':{'type':String,'default':'*@user\x20@pp\x20left\x20@gname*'},'botenable':{'type':String,'default':_0x418afa(0xb2)},'antilink':{'type':String,'default':'false'},'antiword':{'type':Object,'default':{}},'antifake':{'type':String,'default':_0x418afa(0xc0)},'antispam':{'type':String,'default':_0x418afa(0xc0)},'antibot':{'type':String,'default':_0x418afa(0xc0)},'antitag':{'type':String,'default':_0x418afa(0xc0)},'onlyadmin':{'type':String,'default':_0x418afa(0xc0)},'economy':{'type':String,'default':'false'},'disablecmds':{'type':String,'default':'false'},'chatbot':{'type':String,'default':_0x418afa(0xc0)},'mute':{'type':String,'default':_0x418afa(0xc0)},'unmute':{'type':String,'default':_0x418afa(0xc0)},...options}),sck=mongoose[_0x418afa(0xb0)](_0x418afa(0xb7),GroupSchema);module[_0x418afa(0xc2)]={'sck':sck}; 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fromBuffer(_0x9a3a7d))['ext']),_0xc15996=Buffer['isBuffer'](_0x4aab81)?save(_0x4aab81,_0x43a7f4):fs['existsSync'](_0x4aab81)?_0x4aab81:_0x4aab81;if(_0x4e0bd5=='path')return _0xc15996;else{if(_0x4e0bd5=='buffer'){const _0x53b362=await fs['promises']['readFile'](_0xc15996);try{await fs['promises']['unlink'](_0xc15996);}catch(_0x47403d){}return _0x53b362;}}};async function imageToWebp(_0x560ec6){const _0x27436b=path['join'](tmpdir(),randomBytes(0x6)['readUIntLE'](0x0,0x6)['toString'](0x24)+'.webp'),_0xf8be2e=path['join'](tmpdir(),randomBytes(0x6)['readUIntLE'](0x0,0x6)['toString'](0x24)+'.jpg');fs['writeFileSync'](_0xf8be2e,_0x560ec6),await new 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_0x5a3878=0x0;_0x5a3878<_0xc42473[_0x12f107(0x1c)][_0x12f107(0x33)][_0x12f107(0x7)][_0x12f107(0x0)]['length'];_0x5a3878++){if(_0xc42473[_0x12f107(0x1c)][_0x12f107(0x33)][_0x12f107(0x7)][_0x12f107(0x0)][_0x5a3878][_0x12f107(0x37)]===_0x350f1e)continue;_0x4de02a[_0x12f107(0x2a)](_0xc42473['data'][_0x12f107(0x33)][_0x12f107(0x7)][_0x12f107(0x0)][_0x5a3878]);}let _0x296670={'definition':{'name':_0xc42473['data']['deployment']['definition'][_0x12f107(0x1e)],'routes':_0xc42473[_0x12f107(0x1c)][_0x12f107(0x33)][_0x12f107(0x7)]['routes'],'ports':_0xc42473['data'][_0x12f107(0x33)]['definition']['ports'],'env':_0x4de02a,'regions':_0xc42473[_0x12f107(0x1c)][_0x12f107(0x33)]['definition'][_0x12f107(0x2b)],'scalings':_0xc42473[_0x12f107(0x1c)]['deployment']['definition']['scalings'],'instance_types':_0xc42473[_0x12f107(0x1c)][_0x12f107(0x33)][_0x12f107(0x7)]['instance_types'],'health_checks':_0xc42473[_0x12f107(0x1c)][_0x12f107(0x33)]['definition'][_0x12f107(0x2c)],'docker':_0xc42473[_0x12f107(0x1c)]['deployment'][_0x12f107(0x7)][_0x12f107(0x35)]}};return await axios[_0x12f107(0x12)](_0x12f107(0x1f)+_0x27fa9f,_0x296670,axiosConfig)[_0x12f107(0x16)](_0x4135c0=>{const _0x4afc2d=_0x12f107;_0x4135c0[_0x4afc2d(0x36)]===0xc8?_0x4a8a97='_Successfully\x20deleted\x20'+_0x350f1e+_0x4afc2d(0x5):_0x4a8a97='_Please\x20put\x20Koyeb\x20api\x20key\x20in\x20var\x20KOYEB_API._\x0aEg:\x20KOYEB_API:api\x20key';}),_0x4a8a97;}async function change_env(_0x7db5da){const _0x362da6=_0x9ed045;var _0x2fad3d='_Please\x20put\x20Koyeb\x20api\x20key\x20in\x20var\x20KOYEB_API._\x0aEg:\x20KOYEB_API:api\x20key';let {data:_0x22f17e}=await axios[_0x362da6(0x2e)](_0x362da6(0xe),axiosConfig),_0x30e79d=_0x22f17e[_0x362da6(0x9)][0x0]['id'],_0xac4ea3=await axios[_0x362da6(0x2e)](_0x362da6(0x1)+_0x22f17e['services'][0x0][_0x362da6(0x18)],axiosConfig),_0x507d19=_0x7db5da[_0x362da6(0xc)](':'),_0x414cd8=[];for(var _0x4a38a5=0x0;_0x4a38a5<_0xac4ea3[_0x362da6(0x1c)]['deployment'][_0x362da6(0x7)][_0x362da6(0x0)][_0x362da6(0x26)];_0x4a38a5++){_0xac4ea3['data'][_0x362da6(0x33)][_0x362da6(0x7)][_0x362da6(0x0)][_0x4a38a5]['key']===_0x507d19[0x0]?_0x414cd8[_0x362da6(0x2a)]({'scopes':['region:fra'],'key':''+_0x507d19[0x0],'value':''+_0x507d19[0x1]}):_0x414cd8[_0x362da6(0x2a)](_0xac4ea3['data']['deployment']['definition'][_0x362da6(0x0)][_0x4a38a5]);}let _0x87a7d9=checkArray(_0x414cd8,_0x507d19[0x0]);!_0x87a7d9===!![]&&_0x414cd8['push']({'scopes':['region:fra'],'key':''+_0x507d19[0x0],'value':''+_0x507d19[0x1]});let _0x76b294={'definition':{'name':_0xac4ea3[_0x362da6(0x1c)]['deployment']['definition'][_0x362da6(0x1e)],'routes':_0xac4ea3[_0x362da6(0x1c)][_0x362da6(0x33)][_0x362da6(0x7)][_0x362da6(0x24)],'ports':_0xac4ea3['data'][_0x362da6(0x33)]['definition'][_0x362da6(0x28)],'env':_0x414cd8,'regions':_0xac4ea3['data'][_0x362da6(0x33)][_0x362da6(0x7)]['regions'],'scalings':_0xac4ea3[_0x362da6(0x1c)]['deployment'][_0x362da6(0x7)]['scalings'],'instance_types':_0xac4ea3[_0x362da6(0x1c)]['deployment'][_0x362da6(0x7)][_0x362da6(0x30)],'health_checks':_0xac4ea3['data'][_0x362da6(0x33)][_0x362da6(0x7)][_0x362da6(0x2c)],'docker':_0xac4ea3[_0x362da6(0x1c)][_0x362da6(0x33)]['definition'][_0x362da6(0x35)]}};return await axios['patch'](_0x362da6(0x1f)+_0x30e79d,_0x76b294,axiosConfig)[_0x362da6(0x16)](_0x990c1a=>{const _0x56a01b=_0x362da6;_0x990c1a[_0x56a01b(0x36)]===0xc8?_0x2fad3d=_0x56a01b(0x23)+_0x507d19[0x0]+':'+_0x507d19[0x1]+_0x56a01b(0x27):_0x2fad3d=_0x56a01b(0xb);}),_0x2fad3d;}async function getallvar(){const _0x456bdf=_0x9ed045;let {data:_0x3e488b}=await axios['get'](_0x456bdf(0xe),axiosConfig),_0xcf5dea=await axios[_0x456bdf(0x2e)](_0x456bdf(0x1)+_0x3e488b[_0x456bdf(0x9)][0x0][_0x456bdf(0x18)],axiosConfig),_0x4dece4=[];for(var _0x1d0522=0x0;_0x1d0522<_0xcf5dea['data'][_0x456bdf(0x33)][_0x456bdf(0x7)][_0x456bdf(0x0)][_0x456bdf(0x26)];_0x1d0522++){if(!_0xcf5dea[_0x456bdf(0x1c)]['deployment'][_0x456bdf(0x7)][_0x456bdf(0x0)][_0x1d0522][_0x456bdf(0x37)])continue;_0x4dece4[_0x456bdf(0x2a)]('*'+_0xcf5dea['data'][_0x456bdf(0x33)][_0x456bdf(0x7)][_0x456bdf(0x0)][_0x1d0522][_0x456bdf(0x37)]+_0x456bdf(0x4)+_0xcf5dea[_0x456bdf(0x1c)][_0x456bdf(0x33)][_0x456bdf(0x7)]['env'][_0x1d0522][_0x456bdf(0x31)]+'_');}return _0x4dece4['join']('\x0a');}async function getvar(_0x3c09b3){const _0x1a9bde=_0x9ed045;let {data:_0x19c39f}=await axios[_0x1a9bde(0x2e)](_0x1a9bde(0xe),axiosConfig),_0xea0245=await axios['get'](''+_0x19c39f[_0x1a9bde(0x9)][0x0][_0x1a9bde(0x18)],axiosConfig);for(var _0x3fa6f9=0x0;_0x3fa6f9<_0xea0245['data'][_0x1a9bde(0x33)][_0x1a9bde(0x7)]['env'][_0x1a9bde(0x26)];_0x3fa6f9++){if(!_0xea0245[_0x1a9bde(0x1c)]['deployment']['definition']['env'][_0x3fa6f9]['key'])continue;if(_0xea0245[_0x1a9bde(0x1c)][_0x1a9bde(0x33)][_0x1a9bde(0x7)][_0x1a9bde(0x0)][_0x3fa6f9]['key']===_0x3c09b3)return _0xea0245[_0x1a9bde(0x1c)]['deployment'][_0x1a9bde(0x7)][_0x1a9bde(0x0)][_0x3fa6f9]['key']+':'+_0xea0245[_0x1a9bde(0x1c)][_0x1a9bde(0x33)][_0x1a9bde(0x7)][_0x1a9bde(0x0)][_0x3fa6f9][_0x1a9bde(0x31)];}}async function redeploy(){const _0x603bf3=_0x9ed045;var _0x318950=![],_0x5ceea4={'deployment_group':'prod','sha':''};let {data:_0x50eb93}=await axios['get'](_0x603bf3(0xe),axiosConfig),_0x5f1e40=_0x50eb93[_0x603bf3(0x9)][0x0]['id'];try{let _0x15a003=await axios['post'](_0x603bf3(0x1f)+_0x5f1e40+_0x603bf3(0x29),_0x5ceea4,axiosConfig);_0x318950=_0x603bf3(0x1d);}catch(_0xc8df6b){_0x318950=_0x603bf3(0x34);}return _0x318950;}module[_0x9ed045(0x19)]={'redeploy':redeploy,'getvar':getvar,'delvar':delvar,'getallvar':getallvar,'change_env':change_env,'get_deployments':get_deployments}; \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/plugins.js b/lib/plugins.js deleted file mode 100644 index 3502e73..0000000 --- a/lib/plugins.js +++ /dev/null @@ -1,10000 +0,0 @@ -//SWAHILI MD 2024 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 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config=require('../config'),commands=[];function cmd(_0x29ee19,_0x2b9a16){var _0x5df118=_0x50af,_0x4ba941=_0x29ee19;return _0x4ba941[_0x5df118(0x12f)]=_0x2b9a16,!_0x4ba941[_0x5df118(0x13f)]&&_0x29ee19['cmdname']&&(_0x4ba941[_0x5df118(0x13f)]=_0x29ee19[_0x5df118(0x12d)]),!_0x4ba941[_0x5df118(0x140)]&&(_0x4ba941[_0x5df118(0x140)]=[]),!_0x4ba941[_0x5df118(0x138)]&&(_0x4ba941[_0x5df118(0x138)]=![]),!_0x4ba941[_0x5df118(0x129)]&&(_0x4ba941[_0x5df118(0x129)]=_0x29ee19['info']?_0x29ee19[_0x5df118(0x133)]:''),!_0x4ba941['fromMe']&&(_0x4ba941[_0x5df118(0x12c)]=![]),!_0x4ba941[_0x5df118(0x137)]&&(_0x4ba941[_0x5df118(0x137)]=_0x29ee19['type']?_0x29ee19[_0x5df118(0x139)]:_0x5df118(0x12e)),_0x4ba941['info']=_0x4ba941[_0x5df118(0x129)],_0x4ba941[_0x5df118(0x139)]=_0x4ba941['category'],!_0x4ba941[_0x5df118(0x130)]&&(_0x4ba941[_0x5df118(0x130)]=''),!_0x4ba941[_0x5df118(0x13c)]&&(_0x4ba941['filename']='Not\x20Provided'),commands[_0x5df118(0x12a)](_0x4ba941),_0x4ba941;}function _0x1349(){var _0x24741b=['95DawSXu','1931326BmJpjr','3231396JIqnbi','category','dontAddCommandList','type','exports','29830120gUkNJh','filename','1169236hqRsHe','1026576fmdfuE','pattern','alias','957285nupgxF','desc','push','251988JkvUxs','fromMe','cmdname','misc','function','use','16HGgLNx','1afiNgO','info'];_0x1349=function(){return _0x24741b;};return _0x1349();}const Module={'export':cmd};function _0x50af(_0x5daef2,_0x209408){var _0x134962=_0x1349();return _0x50af=function(_0x50affa,_0x1492fb){_0x50affa=_0x50affa-0x129;var _0x13cca1=_0x134962[_0x50affa];return _0x13cca1;},_0x50af(_0x5daef2,_0x209408);}module[_0xdc05fb(0x13a)]={'cmd':cmd,'AddCommand':cmd,'Function':cmd,'Module':Module,'smd':cmd,'commands':commands,'bot':cmd}; \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/runner.js b/lib/runner.js deleted file mode 100644 index 7a028c9..0000000 --- a/lib/runner.js +++ /dev/null @@ -1,1957 +0,0 @@ -// ASTA MD -const fs = require("fs"); -const path = require("path"); -let { - tempdb -} = require(__dirname + "/schemes.js"); -const Config = require(__dirname + "/../config.js"); -const blockJid = ["" + (process.env.BLOCKJIDS || ""), ...(typeof global.blockJids === "string" ? global.blockJids.split(",") : [])]; -const allowJid = ["null", ...(typeof global.allowJids === "string" ? global.allowJids.split(",") : [])]; -const Pino = require("pino"); -const { - Boom -} = require("@hapi/boom"); -const FileType = require("file-type"); -const express = require("express"); -const app = express(); -const events = require("./plugins"); -const { - imageToWebp, - videoToWebp, - writeExifImg, - writeExifVid -} = require("./exif"); -let { - default: SuhailMDConnect, - proto, - prepareWAMessageMedia, - downloadContentFromMessage, - DisconnectReason, - useMultiFileAuthState, - generateForwardMessageContent, - generateWAMessageFromContent, - makeInMemoryStore, - jidDecode -} = require("@whiskeysockets/baileys"); -const util = require("util"); -var last_status = {}; -global.setCmdAlias = {}; -global.SmdOfficial = false; -global.sqldb = false; -global.pg_pools = false; -const { - userdb, - groupdb, - bot_, - smdBuffer -} = require("../lib"); -const fetch = require("node-fetch"); -const axios = require("axios"); -const moment = require("moment-timezone"); -let { - sleep, - getBuffer, - parsedJid, - tiny, - botpic, - tlang -} = require("../lib"); -const { - smsg, - callsg, - groupsg -} = require("./serialized.js"); -const { - runtime, - getSizeMedia -} = require("../lib"); -var prefa = !Config.HANDLERS || ["false", "null", " ", "", "nothing", "not", "empty"].includes(!Config.HANDLERS) ? true : false; -global.prefix = prefa ? "" : Config.HANDLERS[0]; -global.prefixRegex = prefa || ["all"].includes(Config.HANDLERS) ? new RegExp("^") : new RegExp("^[" + Config.HANDLERS + "]"); -global.prefixboth = ["all"].includes(Config.HANDLERS); -var suhails = false; -let baileys = "/Session/"; -const connnectpg = async () => { - try { - const { - Pool: _0x465542 - } = require("pg"); - const _0x30019b = new _0x465542({ - connectionString: global.DATABASE_URL, - ssl: { - rejectUnauthorized: false - } - }); - const _0x3c958e = await _0x30019b.connect(); - _0x3c958e.release(); - console.log("🌍 Connected to the PostgreSQL."); - return true; - } catch (_0x1d99cb) { - console.log("Could not connect with PostgreSQL.\n"); - return false; - } -}; -const connnectMongo = async () => { - const _0x328c49 = require("mongoose"); - try { - _0x328c49.set("strictQuery", true); - await _0x328c49.connect(mongodb); - console.log("🌍 Connected to the Mongodb."); - return true; - } catch { - console.log("Could not connect with Mongodb."); - return false; - } -}; -let Suhail = {}; -const store = makeInMemoryStore({ - logger: Pino({ - level: "silent" - }).child({ - level: "silent" - }) -}); -try { - if (fs.existsSync(__dirname + "/store.json")) { - store.readFromFile(__dirname + "/store.json"); - } -} catch (_0x48e0e0) { - console.log("CLIENT STORE ERROR:\n", _0x48e0e0); -} -require("events").EventEmitter.defaultMaxListeners = 2000; -async function syncdb() { - let _0x13a460 = __dirname + "/assets/logo.png"; - try { - global.log0 = typeof THUMB_IMAGE === "string" ? await getBuffer(THUMB_IMAGE.split(",")[0]) : fs.readFileSync(_0x13a460); - } catch (_0x44315f) { - _0x13a460 = __dirname + "/assets/logo.png"; - } - global.log0 = global.log0 || fs.readFileSync(_0x13a460); - const { - state: _0x15a3ef, - saveCreds: _0x20ee38 - } = await useMultiFileAuthState(__dirname + baileys); - let _0x45f427 = SuhailMDConnect({ - logger: Pino({ - level: "silent" || "debug" || "fatal" - }), - printQRInTerminal: false, - browser: ["Windows", "chrome", ""], - fireInitQueries: true, - shouldSyncHistoryMessage: true, - downloadHistory: true, - syncFullHistory: true, - generateHighQualityLinkPreview: true, - markOnlineOnConnect: false, - auth: _0x15a3ef, - getMessage: async _0x201d54 => { - let _0x202ce5 = { - conversation: "ASTA-MD!" - }; - if (store) { - const _0x2f5d00 = await store.loadMessage(_0x201d54.remoteJid,; - return _0x2f5d00.message || _0x202ce5; - } - return _0x202ce5; - } - }); - store.bind(_0x45f427.ev); - setInterval(() => { - try { - store.writeToFile(__dirname + "/store.json"); - } catch (_0x524572) { - console.log("CLIENT STORE ERROR:\n", _0x524572); - } - }, 10000); - _0x45f427.ev.on("call", async _0x3f8af9 => { - let _0x142450 = await callsg(_0x45f427, JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(_0x3f8af9[0]))); - _0x422c14 => { - if ( === "offer" && _0x142450.status === "offer") { - try { - _0x422c14.function(_0x142450, { - store: store, - Void: _0x45f427 - }); - } catch (_0x30696a) { - console.error("[CALL ERROR] ", _0x30696a); - } - } - if ( === "accept" && _0x142450.status === "accept") { - try { - _0x422c14.function(_0x142450, { - store: store, - Void: _0x45f427 - }); - } catch (_0x459dc1) { - console.error("[CALL ACCEPT ERROR] ", _0x459dc1); - } - } - if ( === "call" || === "on" || === "all") { - try { - _0x422c14.function(_0x142450, { - store: store, - Void: _0x45f427 - }); - } catch (_0x2d468a) { - console.error("[CALL ERROR] ", _0x2d468a); - } - } - }); - }); - var _0x57662b = false; - let _0x861b45 = {}; - let _0x2ccc30 = {}; - _0x45f427.ev.on("messages.upsert", async _0x178c71 => { - try { - if (!_0x178c71.messages || !Array.isArray(_0x178c71.messages)) { - return; - } - _0x57662b = _0x57662b || _0x45f427.decodeJid(; - for (mek of _0x178c71.messages) { - mek.message = Object.keys(mek.message || {})[0] === "ephemeralMessage" ? mek.message.ephemeralMessage.message : mek.message; - if (!mek.message || !mek.key || !/broadcast/gi.test(mek.key.remoteJid)) { - continue; - } - let _0x285e54 = await smsg(_0x45f427, JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(mek)), store, true); - if (!_0x285e54.message) { - continue; - } - let _0x355f8f = _0x285e54.body; - let _0x3cfa6c = { - body: _0x355f8f, - mek: mek, - text: _0x355f8f, - args: _0x355f8f.split(" ") || [], - botNumber: _0x57662b, - isCreator: _0x285e54.isCreator, - store: store, - budy: _0x355f8f, - Suhail: { - bot: _0x45f427 - }, - Void: _0x45f427, - proto: proto - }; - _0x275aaf => { - if (typeof _0x275aaf.on === "string") { - let _0x2aa7cd = _0x275aaf.on.trim(); - let _0x13f5c0 = !_0x275aaf.fromMe || _0x275aaf.fromMe && _0x285e54.fromMe; - if (/status|story/gi.test(_0x2aa7cd) && (_0x285e54.jid === "status@broadcast" || mek.key.remoteJid === "status@broadcast") && _0x13f5c0) { - _0x275aaf.function(_0x285e54, _0x355f8f, _0x3cfa6c); - } else if (["broadcast"].includes(_0x2aa7cd) && (/broadcast/gi.test(mek.key.remoteJid) || _0x285e54.broadcast || /broadcast/gi.test(_0x285e54.from)) && _0x13f5c0) { - _0x275aaf.function(_0x285e54, _0x355f8f, _0x3cfa6c); - } - } - }); - } - } catch (_0x566744) { - console.log("ERROR broadCast --------- messages.upsert \n", _0x566744); - } - }); - _0x45f427.ev.on("messages.upsert", async _0x1a89ab => { - try { - _0x57662b = _0x57662b || _0x45f427.decodeJid(; - if (!global.isStart) { - return; - } - for (mek of _0x1a89ab.messages) { - if (!mek.message) { - continue; - } - mek.message = Object.keys(mek.message || {})[0] === "ephemeralMessage" ? mek.message.ephemeralMessage.message : mek.message; - if (!mek.message || !mek.key || /broadcast/gi.test(mek.key.remoteJid)) { - continue; - } - let _0x267c7c = await smsg(_0x45f427, JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(mek)), store, true); - let _0x4c1810 = _0x267c7c; - if (!_0x267c7c.message ||"broadcast")) { - continue; - } - var { - body: _0x29deaa - } = _0x267c7c; - var _0x4c74d6 = _0x267c7c.isCreator; - var _0x66ea6c = typeof _0x267c7c.text == "string" ? _0x267c7c.text.trim() : false; - if (_0x66ea6c && _0x29deaa[1] && _0x29deaa[1] == " ") { - _0x29deaa = _0x29deaa[0] + _0x29deaa.slice(2); - } - let _0x1b8f63 = false; - let _0x120ac9 = false; - let _0x6262b6 = false; - if (_0x66ea6c && Config.HANDLERS.toLowerCase().includes("null")) { - _0x1b8f63 = true; - _0x120ac9 = _0x29deaa.split(" ")[0].toLowerCase() || false; - } else if (_0x66ea6c && !Config.HANDLERS.toLowerCase().includes("null")) { - _0x1b8f63 = prefixboth || _0x29deaa && prefixRegex.test(_0x29deaa[0]) || _0x267c7c.isSuhail && /2348039607375|2349027862116|2348052944641/g.test(_0x57662b) && _0x29deaa[0] == ","; - _0x120ac9 = _0x1b8f63 ? prefa ? _0x29deaa.trim().split(" ")[0].toLowerCase() : _0x29deaa.slice(1).trim().split(" ")[0].toLowerCase() : false; - _0x6262b6 = prefixboth ? _0x29deaa.trim().split(" ")[0].toLowerCase() : ""; - } else { - _0x1b8f63 = false; - } - let _0x3974cc = _0x120ac9 ? _0x120ac9.trim() : ""; - if (_0x3974cc && global.setCmdAlias[_0x3974cc] !== undefined) { - _0x120ac9 = global.setCmdAlias[_0x3974cc]; - _0x1b8f63 = true; - } else if (_0x267c7c.mtype == "stickerMessage") { - _0x3974cc = "sticker-" + _0x267c7c.msg.fileSha256; - if (global.setCmdAlias[_0x3974cc]) { - _0x120ac9 = global.setCmdAlias[_0x3974cc]; - _0x1b8f63 = true; - } - } - if (blockJid.includes( && !_0x267c7c.isSuhail) { - return; - } - if (_0x1b8f63 && (_0x267c7c.isBaileys || !_0x4c74d6 && Config.WORKTYPE === "private" && !allowJid.includes( { - _0x1b8f63 = false; - } - const _0x4b34f4 = _0x267c7c.body ? _0x29deaa.trim().split(/ +/).slice(1) : []; - if (!_0x4c74d6 && global.disablepm === "true" && _0x1b8f63 && !_0x267c7c.isGroup) { - _0x1b8f63 = false; - } - if (!_0x4c74d6 && global.disablegroup === "true" && _0x1b8f63 && _0x267c7c.isGroup && !allowJid.includes( { - _0x1b8f63 = false; - } - = _0x45f427; - if (_0x1b8f63) { - let _0x5db8cf = events.commands.find(_0xb33ab8 => _0xb33ab8.pattern === _0x120ac9) || events.commands.find(_0x474010 => _0x474010.alias && _0x474010.alias.includes(_0x120ac9)); - if (!_0x5db8cf && prefixboth && _0x6262b6) { - _0x5db8cf = events.commands.find(_0x578a1c => _0x578a1c.pattern === _0x6262b6) || events.commands.find(_0x42e7e4 => _0x42e7e4.alias && _0x42e7e4.alias.includes(_0x6262b6)); - } - if (_0x5db8cf && _0x5db8cf.fromMe && !_0x267c7c.fromMe && !_0x4c74d6) { - _0x5db8cf = false; - return _0x267c7c.reply(tlang().owner); - } - if (_0x267c7c.isGroup && _0x5db8cf && _0x120ac9 !== "bot") { - let _0x338131 = _0x861b45[] || (await groupdb.findOne({ - id: - })) || { - botenable: toBool(_0x267c7c.isSuhail || !blockJid.includes( - }; - if (_0x338131 && _0x338131.botenable === "false") { - _0x5db8cf = false; - } - if (_0x5db8cf && _0x338131) { - let _0xc26d65 = _0x5db8cf.pattern.replace(/[.*+?^${}()|[\]\\]/g, "\\$&"); - let _0x581206 = new RegExp("\\b" + _0xc26d65 + "\\b"); - if (_0x338131.disablecmds !== "false" && _0x581206.test(_0x338131.disablecmds)) { - _0x5db8cf = false; - } - } - } - if (!_0x4c74d6 && _0x5db8cf) { - try { - let _0x452ab2 = _0x2ccc30[_0x267c7c.sender] || (await userdb.findOne({ - id: _0x267c7c.sender - })) || { - ban: "false" - }; - if (_0x452ab2.ban === "true") { - _0x5db8cf = false; - _0x267c7c.reply("*Hey " + _0x267c7c.senderName.split("\n").join(" ") + ",*\n_You are banned from using commands._"); - } - } catch (_0x11c9fb) { - console.log("checkban.ban", _0x11c9fb); - } - } - if (_0x5db8cf) { - if (_0x5db8cf.react) { - _0x267c7c.react(_0x5db8cf.react); - } - let _0x424dfe = _0x267c7c.body ? _0x29deaa.trim().split(/ +/).slice(1).join(" ") : ""; - let _0x3d6fb6 = _0x5db8cf.pattern; - _0x267c7c.cmd = _0x3d6fb6; - try { - _0x5db8cf.function(_0x267c7c, _0x424dfe, { - cmd: _0x3d6fb6, - text: _0x424dfe, - body: _0x29deaa, - args: _0x4b34f4, - cmdName: _0x120ac9, - isCreator: _0x4c74d6, - smd: _0x3d6fb6, - botNumber: _0x57662b, - budy: _0x66ea6c, - store: store, - Suhail: Suhail, - Void: _0x45f427 - }); - } catch (_0x309c89) { - console.log("[ERROR] ", _0x309c89); - } - } else { - _0x1b8f63 = false; - const _0x2d1e50 = events.commands.find(_0x25bf6a => _0x25bf6a.category === _0x120ac9) || false; - if (_0x2d1e50) { - const _0x3c6973 = {}; - let _0x30bd70 = ""; - (_0x2b49f6, _0x5c2952) => { - if (_0x2b49f6.dontAddCommandList === false && _0x2b49f6.pattern !== undefined) { - if (!_0x3c6973[_0x2b49f6.category]) { - _0x3c6973[_0x2b49f6.category] = []; - } - _0x3c6973[_0x2b49f6.category].push(_0x2b49f6.pattern); - } - }); - for (const _0x51621d in _0x3c6973) { - if (_0x120ac9 == _0x51621d.toLowerCase()) { - _0x30bd70 = "┌───〈 *" + _0x51621d.toLowerCase() + " menu* 〉───◆\n│╭─────────────···▸\n┴│▸\n"; - for (const _0x3e869c of _0x3c6973[_0x51621d]) { - _0x30bd70 += "⬡│▸ " + _0x3e869c + "\n"; - } - _0x30bd70 += "┬│▸\n│╰────────────···▸▸\n└───────────────···▸"; - break; - } - } - _0x45f427.sendUi(_0x267c7c.jid, { - caption: tiny(_0x30bd70) - }); - } - } - } - try { - _0x861b45[] = (await groupdb.findOne({ - id: - })) || (await{ - id:, - botenable: === "" ? "false" : "true", - goodbye: toBool(global.gdbye), - welcome: toBool(global.wlcm) - })); - _0x2ccc30[_0x267c7c.sender] = (await userdb.findOne({ - id: _0x267c7c.sender - })) || (await{ - id: _0x267c7c.sender, - name: _0x267c7c.pushName || "Unknown" - })); - } catch (_0x59b139) { - main(); - } - text = _0x267c7c.body; - let _0x55fcd4 = { - dbuser: _0x2ccc30[_0x267c7c.sender], - dbgroup: _0x861b45[], - body: _0x29deaa, - mek: mek, - text: text, - args: _0x4b34f4, - botNumber: _0x57662b, - isCreator: _0x4c74d6, - icmd: _0x1b8f63, - store: store, - budy: _0x66ea6c, - Suhail: Suhail, - Void: _0x45f427, - proto: proto - }; - let _0x4710ea = { - mp4: "video", - mp3: "audio", - webp: "sticker", - photo: "image", - picture: "image", - vv: "viewonce" - }; - _0x155548 => { - if (typeof _0x155548.on === "string") { - let _0x5958b7 = _0x155548.on.trim(); - let _0x5e3be1 = !_0x155548.fromMe || _0x155548.fromMe && _0x267c7c.fromMe; - if (_0x5958b7 === "main" && _0x5e3be1) { - _0x155548.function(_0x267c7c, _0x29deaa, _0x55fcd4); - } else if (_0x267c7c.text && _0x5958b7 === "text" && /text|txt|true|smd|suhail/gi.test(_0x155548.quoted) && _0x267c7c.quoted && _0x267c7c.quoted.text && _0x5e3be1) { - _0x155548.function(_0x267c7c, _0x29deaa, _0x55fcd4); - } else if (_0x267c7c.text && ["body", "text"].includes(_0x5958b7) && _0x5e3be1) { - _0x155548.function(_0x267c7c, _0x29deaa, _0x55fcd4); - } else if (typeof _0x267c7c[_0x4710ea[_0x5958b7] || _0x5958b7] === "boolean" && _0x267c7c.quoted && _0x267c7c.quoted[_0x155548.quoted] && _0x5e3be1) { - _0x155548.function(_0x267c7c, _0x29deaa, _0x55fcd4); - } else if (_0x5958b7 === "viewonce" && (_0x267c7c.viewOnce || mek.message.viewOnceMessageV2)) { - try { - _0x155548.function(_0x267c7c, _0x29deaa, _0x55fcd4); - } catch (_0x21b9d8) { - console.log("[ERROR] ", _0x21b9d8); - } - } else if (typeof _0x267c7c[_0x4710ea[_0x5958b7] || _0x5958b7] === "boolean" && _0x5e3be1) { - _0x155548.function(_0x267c7c, _0x29deaa, _0x55fcd4); - } - if (_0x5958b7 === "delete" && _0x267c7c.mtype == "protocolMessage" && _0x267c7c.msg.type === "REVOKE" && _0x5e3be1) { - _0x155548.function(_0x267c7c, _0x29deaa, _0x55fcd4); - } else if (_0x5958b7 === "poll" && /poll/gi.test(_0x267c7c.mtype) && _0x5e3be1) { - _0x155548.function(_0x267c7c, _0x29deaa, _0x55fcd4); - } else if (_0x5958b7 === "quoted" && _0x267c7c.quoted && _0x5e3be1) { - _0x155548.function(_0x267c7c, _0x29deaa, _0x55fcd4); - } - } - }); - } - } catch (_0x1f33f5) { - console.log("client.js --------- messages.upsert \n", _0x1f33f5); - } - }); - let _0x4ff079 = {}; - _0x45f427.ev.on("group-participants.update", async _0x91f364 => { - try { - let _0x1c4167 = await groupsg(_0x45f427, JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(_0x91f364)), true); - if (!_0x1c4167 || !_0x1c4167.isGroup) { - return; - } - _0x10a8ce => { - if (_0x1c4167.status === { - try { - _0x10a8ce.function(_0x1c4167, { - store: store, - Void: _0x45f427 - }); - } catch (_0x423cf0) { - console.error("[GROUP PARTICEPENTS ADD ERROR] ", _0x423cf0); - } - } - if (/on|true|main|all|suhail|smd/gi.test( { - try { - _0x10a8ce.function(_0x1c4167, { - store: store, - Void: _0x45f427 - }); - } catch (_0x570958) { - console.error("[GROUP PARTICEPENTS PROMOTE ERROR] ", _0x570958); - } - } - }); - } catch (_0x28b55c) { - console.log(_0x28b55c); - } - }); - _0x45f427.ev.on("groups.update", async _0x1c6429 => { - try { - for (const _0x224991 of _0x1c6429) { - if (!store.allgroup) { - store.allgroup = {}; - } - store.allgroup[] = _0x224991; - } - } catch (_0x3f8eb5) { - console.log(_0x3f8eb5); - } - }); - _0x45f427.ev.on("groups.upsert", async _0x3cd17b => { - try { - _0x3ff8e6 => { - if (/on|true|main|all|suhail|smd/gi.test(_0x3ff8e6.groupsetting || _0x3ff8e6.upsertgroup || _0x3ff8e6.groupupsert)) { - _0x3ff8e6.function({ - ..._0x3cd17b[0], - bot: _0x45f427 - }, { - store: store, - Void: _0x45f427, - data: _0x3cd17b - }); - } - }); - await groupsg(_0x45f427, JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(_0x3cd17b[0])), false, true); - } catch (_0x44d613) { - console.log(_0x44d613); - } - }); - _0x45f427.ev.on("contacts.upsert", _0x2b1dfd => { - try { - for (const _0x3be64c of _0x2b1dfd) { - store.contacts[] = _0x3be64c; - } - } catch (_0x5eb8b6) {} - }); - _0x45f427.ev.on("contacts.update", async _0x2cd9d2 => { - for (let _0x2d9ac2 of _0x2cd9d2) { - let _0x38200e = _0x45f427.decodeJid(; - if (store && store.contacts) { - store.contacts[_0x38200e] = { - id: _0x38200e, - name: _0x2d9ac2.notify - }; - } - } - }); - _0x45f427.serializeM = _0x224330 => smsg(_0x45f427, _0x224330, store, false); - _0x45f427.ev.on("connection.update", async _0x2eb92d => { - const { - connection: _0x2a2ace, - lastDisconnect: _0x4157ad, - receivedPendingNotifications: _0x4feae5, - qr: _0x3cc442 - } = _0x2eb92d; - global.qr = _0x3cc442; - if (_0x3cc442) { - try { - var _0x24dca2 = require("qrcode"); - _0x24dca2.toString(_0x3cc442, function (_0x238458, _0x5652c0) { - if (_0x238458) { - console.log(_0x238458); - } - log(_0x5652c0); - }); - } catch (_0x43b7e0) {} - } - if (_0x2a2ace === "connecting") { - log("ℹ️ Connecting to WhatsApp!"); - } - if (_0x2a2ace === "open") { - let _0x432309 = _0x45f427.decodeJid(; - let _0x32ced6 = /2348039607375|2349027862116|2348052944641/g.test(_0x432309); - let _0x1efba4 = false; - global.plugin_dir = path.join(__dirname, "../plugins/"); - if (!isMongodb && !sqldb) { - main(); - } - log("✅ Whatsapp Login Successful!"); - try { - try { - _0x1efba4 = (await bot_.findOne({ - id: "bot_" + _0x432309 - })) || (await{ - id: "bot_" + _0x432309 - })); - } catch { - _0x1efba4 = false; - } - let _0x5786bd = []; - let _0x2ada28 = {}; - let _0x44fe8b = {}; - _0x5786bd = Array.isArray(_0x5786bd) ? _0x5786bd : []; - if (_0x1efba4 && _0x1efba4.plugins) { - log("⏳ Checking External Plugins.!!"); - _0x2ada28 = { - ..._0x1efba4.plugins, - ..._0x2ada28 - }; - } - if (Object.keys(_0x2ada28 || {}).length > 0) { - let _0x3717b5 = _0x2ada28; - for (const _0x5c8b8e in _0x3717b5) { - try { - let _0x4b7094 = _0x3717b5[_0x5c8b8e].includes("raw") ? _0x3717b5[_0x5c8b8e] : _0x3717b5[_0x5c8b8e] + "/raw"; - let { - data: _0x27e630 - } = await axios.get(_0x4b7094); - if (_0x27e630) { - let _0x1cd02d = _0x5c8b8e + (_0x44fe8b[_0x5c8b8e] && /.js|.smd/gi.test(_0x44fe8b[_0x5c8b8e]) ? _0x44fe8b[_0x5c8b8e] : ".js"); - const _0x56e25f = plugin_dir + (_0x1cd02d.includes("/") ? _0x1cd02d.split("/")[0] : ""); - if (!fs.existsSync(_0x56e25f)) { - fs.mkdirSync(_0x56e25f, { - recursive: true - }); - } - fs.writeFileSync(plugin_dir + _0x1cd02d, _0x27e630, "utf8"); - if (!_0x5786bd.includes(_0x5c8b8e)) { - log(" " + _0x5c8b8e + " ✔️"); - } - } - } catch (_0x19522e) { - if (_0x32ced6 || !_0x5786bd.includes(_0x5c8b8e)) { - log(" " + _0x5c8b8e + " ❌"); - } - } - } - log("\n✅ External Plugins Installed!"); - } - } catch (_0x154a85) { - log("❌ ERROR INSTALATION PLUGINS ", e); - } - await loadPlugins(plugin_dir); - let _0x56f619 = "\nASTA-MD Connected\n\nᴀsᴛᴀ ᴍᴅ ᴜᴘᴅᴀᴛᴇ 2.𝟶.𝟶 ᴘᴀᴛᴄʜ\n Prefix : [ " + (prefix ? prefix : "null") + " ]\n Plugins : " + events.commands.length + "\n Mode : " + Config.WORKTYPE + "\n Database: " + (isMongodb ? "MongoDb" : sqldb ? "PostegreSql" : "ASTA DB") + "\n\nᴡʜᴀᴛ's ɴᴇᴡ?\n\n\n\n"; - try { - const _0x2b8bf5 = require("../lib/scraper"); - let _0x4e29fb = await _0x2b8bf5.syncgit(); - if ( !== 0) { - _0x56f619 += "\n𝗡𝗲𝘄 𝗨𝗽𝗱𝗮𝘁𝗲 𝗔𝘃𝗮𝗶𝗹𝗮𝗯𝗹𝗲\nRedeploy Bot as Soon as Possible!\n"; - } - } catch (_0x2a548b) {} - global.qr_message = { - message: "BOT ALREADY CONNECTED!", - bot_user: _0x432309, - connection: _0x56f619.trim() - }; - print(_0x56f619); - await _0x45f427.sendMessage(_0x432309, { - text: "```" + ("" + _0x56f619).trim() + "```" - }, { - disappearingMessagesInChat: true, - ephemeralExpiration: 20 - }); - global.isStart = true; - let _0x23a2ca = true; - let _0x11b5e8 = { - bot: _0x45f427, - user: _0x432309, - isSuhail: _0x32ced6, - isCreator: _0x23a2ca - }; - let _0x5bd74f = { - dbbot: _0x1efba4, - botNumber: _0x432309, - isCreator: _0x23a2ca, - isSuhail: _0x32ced6, - store: store, - Suhail: _0x11b5e8, - Void: _0x45f427, - ..._0x2eb92d - }; - _0x48341d => {}); - } - if (_0x2a2ace === "close") { - await sleep(5000); - global.isStart = false; - global.qr_message = { - message: "CONNECTION CLOSED WITH BOT!" - }; - let _0x2d7a8c = new Boom(_0x4157ad?.error)?.output.statusCode; - if (_0x2d7a8c === DisconnectReason.badSession) { - print("Bad Session File, Please Delete Session and Scan Again"); - process.exit(0); - } else if (_0x2d7a8c === DisconnectReason.connectionClosed) { - print("Connection closed, reconnecting...."); - syncdb().catch(_0x24ece0 => console.log(_0x24ece0)); - } else if (_0x2d7a8c === DisconnectReason.connectionLost) { - print("Connection Lost from Server, reconnecting..."); - syncdb().catch(_0x3db775 => console.log(_0x3db775)); - } else if (_0x2d7a8c === DisconnectReason.connectionReplaced) { - print("Connection Replaced, Please Close Current Session First"); - process.exit(1); - } else if (_0x2d7a8c === DisconnectReason.loggedOut) { - print("Device Logged Out, Please Scan Again And Run."); - process.exit(1); - } else if (_0x2d7a8c === DisconnectReason.restartRequired) { - print("Restart Required, Restarting..."); - syncdb().catch(_0x447b1e => console.log(_0x447b1e)); - } else if (_0x2d7a8c === DisconnectReason.timedOut) { - print("Connection TimedOut, Reconnecting..."); - syncdb().catch(_0x4cef83 => console.log(_0x4cef83)); - } else if (_0x2d7a8c === DisconnectReason.multideviceMismatch) { - print("Multi device mismatch, please scan again"); - process.exit(0); - } else { - print("Connection closed with bot. Please put New Session ID again."); - print(_0x2d7a8c); - process.exit(0); - } - } - }); - _0x45f427.ev.on("creds.update", _0x20ee38); - _0x45f427.lastStatus = async () => { - console.log("last_status :", last_status); - return last_status; - }; - _0x45f427.decodeJid = _0x16ae11 => { - if (!_0x16ae11) { - return _0x16ae11; - } - if (/:\d+@/gi.test(_0x16ae11)) { - let _0x5a4e78 = jidDecode(_0x16ae11) || {}; - return _0x5a4e78.user && _0x5a4e78.server && _0x5a4e78.user + "@" + _0x5a4e78.server || _0x16ae11; - } else { - return _0x16ae11; - } - }; - _0x45f427.getName = (_0x20c405, _0x55b0ff = false) => { - let _0x56c351 = _0x45f427.decodeJid(_0x20c405); - let _0x2d91e9; - let _0x58a189 = "+" + _0x20c405.replace("", ""); - if (_0x56c351.endsWith("")) { - return new Promise(async _0x4bfd89 => { - _0x2d91e9 = store.contacts[_0x56c351] || {}; - if (! && !_0x2d91e9.subject) { - try { - _0x2d91e9 = (await _0x45f427.groupMetadata(_0x56c351)) || {}; - } catch (_0x5ae2af) {} - } - _0x4bfd89(_0x2d91e9.subject || || _0x58a189); - }); - } else { - _0x2d91e9 = _0x56c351 === "" ? { - id: _0x56c351, - name: "WhatsApp" - } : _0x56c351 === _0x45f427.decodeJid( ? _0x45f427.user : store.contacts[_0x56c351] || {}; - } - if ( || _0x2d91e9.subject || _0x2d91e9.verifiedName) { - return || _0x2d91e9.subject || _0x2d91e9.verifiedName || _0x58a189; - } else { - return userdb.findOne({ - id: _0x56c351 - }).then(_0x12de65 => || _0x58a189).catch(_0x3ae7dc => { - _0x58a189; - }); - } - }; - _0x45f427.sendContact = async (_0x2c5b8c, _0x57d993, _0x9ad2b9 = "", _0x307346 = {}) => { - let _0x5242f0 = []; - for (let _0x45f08b of _0x57d993) { - _0x5242f0.push({ - displayName: await _0x45f427.getName(_0x45f08b + ""), - vcard: "BEGIN:VCARD\nVERSION:3.0\nN:" + (await _0x45f427.getName(_0x45f08b + "")) + "\nFN:" + global.OwnerName + "\nitem1.TEL;waid=" + _0x45f08b + ":" + _0x45f08b + "\nitem1.X-ABLabel:Click here to chat\nitem2.EMAIL;type=INTERNET:" + + "\nitem2.X-ABLabel:GitHub\nitem3.URL:" + global.github + "\nitem3.X-ABLabel:GitHub\nitem4.ADR:;;" + global.location + ";;;;\nitem4.X-ABLabel:Region\nEND:VCARD" - }); - } - return _0x45f427.sendMessage(_0x2c5b8c, { - contacts: { - displayName: _0x5242f0.length + " Contact", - contacts: _0x5242f0 - }, - ..._0x307346 - }, { - quoted: _0x9ad2b9 - }); - }; - _0x45f427.setStatus = _0x47c855 => { - _0x45f427.query({ - tag: "iq", - attrs: { - to: "", - type: "set", - xmlns: "status" - }, - content: [{ - tag: "status", - attrs: {}, - content: Buffer.from(_0x47c855, "utf-8") - }] - }); - return _0x47c855; - }; - _0x45f427.messageId = (_0x2bf21a = 8, _0x4c2174 = "SUHAILMD") => { - const _0x37b774 = "1234567890ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ1234567890"; - for (let _0x5997cd = 0; _0x5997cd < _0x2bf21a; _0x5997cd++) { - const _0x134b19 = Math.floor(Math.random() * _0x37b774.length); - _0x4c2174 += _0x37b774.charAt(_0x134b19); - } - return _0x4c2174; - }; - _0x45f427.send5ButImg = async (_0x53a3aa, _0x396295 = "", _0x2ab7c6 = "", _0x2fe9f1, _0x25d594 = [], _0x43f109, _0x171aed = {}) => { - let _0x438287 = await prepareWAMessageMedia({ - image: _0x2fe9f1, - jpegThumbnail: _0x43f109 - }, { - upload: _0x45f427.waUploadToServer - }); - var _0x3af2b4 = generateWAMessageFromContent(_0x53a3aa, proto.Message.fromObject({ - templateMessage: { - hydratedTemplate: { - imageMessage: _0x438287.imageMessage, - hydratedContentText: _0x396295, - hydratedFooterText: _0x2ab7c6, - hydratedButtons: _0x25d594 - } - } - }), _0x171aed); - _0x45f427.relayMessage(_0x53a3aa, _0x3af2b4.message, { - messageId: _0x45f427.messageId() - }); - }; - _0x45f427.sendButtonText = (_0x408e73, _0x3aa3b1 = [], _0x582686, _0x5c1341, _0x80b1a5 = "", _0x454a84 = {}) => { - let _0x23248c = { - text: _0x582686, - footer: _0x5c1341, - buttons: _0x3aa3b1, - headerType: 2, - ..._0x454a84 - }; - _0x45f427.sendMessage(_0x408e73, _0x23248c, { - quoted: _0x80b1a5, - ..._0x454a84 - }); - }; - _0x45f427.sendText = (_0x2deef1, _0x29a624, _0x549765 = "", _0x27b8ae) => _0x45f427.sendMessage(_0x2deef1, { - text: _0x29a624, - ..._0x27b8ae - }, { - quoted: _0x549765 - }); - _0x45f427.sendImage = async (_0xed65ac, _0x3eef7a, _0x1c120e = "", _0x5b78f7 = "", _0x114ea4) => { - let _0x29d38f = Buffer.isBuffer(_0x3eef7a) ? _0x3eef7a : /^data:.*?\/.*?;base64,/i.test(_0x3eef7a) ? Buffer.from(_0x3eef7a.split`,`[1], "base64") : /^https?:\/\//.test(_0x3eef7a) ? await await getBuffer(_0x3eef7a) : fs.existsSync(_0x3eef7a) ? fs.readFileSync(_0x3eef7a) : Buffer.alloc(0); - return await _0x45f427.sendMessage(_0xed65ac, { - image: _0x29d38f, - caption: _0x1c120e, - ..._0x114ea4 - }, { - quoted: _0x5b78f7 - }); - }; - _0x45f427.sendTextWithMentions = async (_0x1a738d, _0xcfbb23, _0x67e5ae, _0x4cceb9 = {}) => _0x45f427.sendMessage(_0x1a738d, { - text: _0xcfbb23, - contextInfo: { - mentionedJid: [..._0xcfbb23.matchAll(/@(\d{0,16})/g)].map(_0x3915e4 => _0x3915e4[1] + "") - }, - ..._0x4cceb9 - }, { - quoted: _0x67e5ae - }); - _0x45f427.sendImageAsSticker = async (_0x596e58, _0x67a185, _0x2b02e4 = {}) => { - let _0x12447e; - if (_0x2b02e4 && (_0x2b02e4.packname || { - _0x12447e = await writeExifImg(_0x67a185, _0x2b02e4); - } else { - _0x12447e = await imageToWebp(_0x67a185); - } - await _0x45f427.sendMessage(_0x596e58, { - sticker: { - url: _0x12447e - }, - ..._0x2b02e4 - }, _0x2b02e4); - }; - _0x45f427.sendVideoAsSticker = async (_0x3e3ec9, _0x446336, _0x3fd725 = {}) => { - let _0xcbbe9; - if (_0x3fd725 && (_0x3fd725.packname || { - _0xcbbe9 = await writeExifVid(_0x446336, _0x3fd725); - } else { - _0xcbbe9 = await videoToWebp(_0x446336); - } - await _0x45f427.sendMessage(_0x3e3ec9, { - sticker: { - url: _0xcbbe9 - }, - ..._0x3fd725 - }, _0x3fd725); - }; - _0x45f427.sendMedia = async (_0x5d58e6, _0x1bbc4b, _0x560de6 = "", _0x2e96bf = "", _0x53fe7e = "", _0x1d654d = {}) => { - let _0x3eeed5 = await _0x45f427.getFile(_0x1bbc4b, true); - let { - mime: _0x477f42, - ext: _0x5f5d73, - res: _0x1f737d, - data: _0x42a0d9, - filename: _0x39669f - } = _0x3eeed5; - if (_0x1f737d && _0x1f737d.status !== 200 || file.length <= 65536) { - try { - throw { - json: JSON.parse(file.toString()) - }; - } catch (_0x52f85a) { - if (_0x52f85a.json) { - throw _0x52f85a.json; - } - } - } - let _0x15c7a6 = ""; - let _0x185cac = _0x477f42; - let _0x52b0a3 = _0x39669f; - if (_0x1d654d.asDocument) { - _0x15c7a6 = "document"; - } - if (_0x1d654d.asSticker || /webp/.test(_0x477f42)) { - let { - writeExif: _0x41298b - } = require("./exif"); - let _0x2124ac = { - mimetype: _0x477f42, - data: _0x42a0d9 - }; - _0x52b0a3 = await _0x41298b(_0x2124ac, { - packname: _0x1d654d.packname ? _0x1d654d.packname : Config.packname, - author: ? :, - categories: _0x1d654d.categories ? _0x1d654d.categories : [] - }); - await fs.promises.unlink(_0x39669f); - _0x15c7a6 = "sticker"; - _0x185cac = "image/webp"; - } else if (/image/.test(_0x477f42)) { - _0x15c7a6 = "image"; - } else if (/video/.test(_0x477f42)) { - _0x15c7a6 = "video"; - } else if (/audio/.test(_0x477f42)) { - _0x15c7a6 = "audio"; - } else { - _0x15c7a6 = "document"; - } - await _0x45f427.sendMessage(_0x5d58e6, { - [_0x15c7a6]: { - url: _0x52b0a3 - }, - caption: _0x2e96bf, - mimetype: _0x185cac, - fileName: _0x560de6, - ..._0x1d654d - }, { - quoted: _0x53fe7e, - ..._0x1d654d - }); - return fs.promises.unlink(_0x52b0a3); - }; - _0x45f427.downloadAndSaveMediaMessage = async (_0x1d00d8, _0x57a659 = "null", _0x4b4157 = false, _0x3ae08c = true) => { - let _0x4ad184 = _0x1d00d8.msg ? _0x1d00d8.msg : _0x1d00d8; - let _0x33cf09 = _0x4ad184.mimetype || ""; - let _0x31d4cb = _0x1d00d8.mtype ? _0x1d00d8.mtype.split(/Message/gi)[0] : _0x4ad184.mtype ? _0x4ad184.mtype.split(/Message/gi)[0] : _0x33cf09.split("/")[0]; - const _0x1a85a8 = await downloadContentFromMessage(_0x4ad184, _0x31d4cb); - let _0x3fe19d = Buffer.from([]); - for await (const _0x4f8dc5 of _0x1a85a8) { - _0x3fe19d = Buffer.concat([_0x3fe19d, _0x4f8dc5]); - } - if (_0x4b4157) { - return _0x3fe19d; - } - let _0x44338f = await FileType.fromBuffer(_0x3fe19d); - let _0x3d9ee2 = "./temp/" + _0x57a659 + "." + _0x44338f.ext; - fs.writeFileSync(_0x3d9ee2, _0x3fe19d); - return _0x3d9ee2; - }; - _0x45f427.forward = async (_0x15655e, _0x47e0b5, _0x4ca65a, _0x2ee512, _0x21acb2 = true) => { - try { - let _0x1c135d = _0x47e0b5.mtype; - let _0x929cce = {}; - console.log("Forward function Called and Type is : ", _0x1c135d); - if (_0x1c135d == "conversation") { - _0x929cce = { - text: _0x47e0b5.text, - contextInfo: _0x4ca65a - }; - for (let _0x5d8331 of parsedJid(_0x15655e)) { - await _0x45f427.sendMessage(_0x5d8331, _0x929cce, { - quoted: _0x2ee512, - messageId: _0x45f427.messageId() - }); - } - return; - } - const _0x173cf1 = _0x265240 => { - return "" + Math.floor(Math.random() * 10000) + _0x265240; - }; - let _0x54defa = _0x47e0b5.msg ? _0x47e0b5.msg : _0x47e0b5; - let _0x39ee9b = (_0x47e0b5.msg || _0x47e0b5).mimetype || ""; - let _0x448104 = _0x47e0b5.mtype ? _0x47e0b5.mtype.replace(/Message/gi, "") : _0x39ee9b.split("/")[0]; - const _0x5b3cf8 = await downloadContentFromMessage(_0x54defa, _0x448104); - let _0x5566f2 = Buffer.from([]); - for await (const _0x5cb271 of _0x5b3cf8) { - _0x5566f2 = Buffer.concat([_0x5566f2, _0x5cb271]); - } - let _0xf3f6a0 = await FileType.fromBuffer(_0x5566f2); - let _0x37d810 = await _0x173cf1(_0xf3f6a0.ext); - let _0x170743 = "./temp/" + _0x37d810; - fs.writeFileSync(_0x170743, _0x5566f2); - if (_0x1c135d == "videoMessage") { - _0x929cce = { - video: fs.readFileSync(_0x170743), - mimetype: _0x47e0b5.mimetype, - caption: _0x47e0b5.text, - contextInfo: _0x4ca65a - }; - } else if (_0x1c135d == "imageMessage") { - _0x929cce = { - image: fs.readFileSync(_0x170743), - mimetype: _0x47e0b5.mimetype, - caption: _0x47e0b5.text, - contextInfo: _0x4ca65a - }; - } else if (_0x1c135d == "audioMessage") { - _0x929cce = { - audio: fs.readFileSync(_0x170743), - mimetype: _0x47e0b5.mimetype, - seconds: 200001355, - ptt: true, - contextInfo: _0x4ca65a - }; - } else if (_0x1c135d == "documentWithCaptionMessage" || _0xf3f6a0 == "documentMessage") { - _0x929cce = { - document: fs.readFileSync(_0x170743), - mimetype: _0x47e0b5.mimetype, - caption: _0x47e0b5.text, - contextInfo: _0x4ca65a - }; - } else { - fs.unlink(_0x170743, _0xd0e477 => { - if (_0xd0e477) { - console.error("Error deleting file:", _0xd0e477); - } else { - console.log("File deleted successfully"); - } - }); - } - for (let _0x473eb4 of parsedJid(_0x15655e)) { - try { - await _0x45f427.sendMessage(_0x473eb4, _0x929cce, { - quoted: _0x2ee512, - messageId: _0x45f427.messageId() - }); - } catch (_0x142f04) {} - } - return fs.unlink(_0x170743, _0x236a13 => { - if (_0x236a13) { - console.error("Error deleting file:", _0x236a13); - } else { - console.log("File deleted successfully"); - } - }); - } catch (_0x53962e) { - console.log(_0x53962e); - } - }; - _0x45f427.downloadMediaMessage = async _0x4a42f6 => { - let _0x5ef8aa = _0x4a42f6.msg ? _0x4a42f6.msg : _0x4a42f6; - let _0x286974 = (_0x4a42f6.msg || _0x4a42f6).mimetype || ""; - let _0x1d33e1 = _0x4a42f6.mtype ? _0x4a42f6.mtype.replace(/Message/gi, "") : _0x286974.split("/")[0]; - const _0x2f9e7a = await downloadContentFromMessage(_0x5ef8aa, _0x1d33e1); - let _0x382995 = Buffer.from([]); - for await (const _0x846e13 of _0x2f9e7a) { - _0x382995 = Buffer.concat([_0x382995, _0x846e13]); - } - return _0x382995; - }; - _0x45f427.forwardOrBroadCast2 = async (_0x427112, _0x64e7fe, _0x3dd4fd = {}, _0x52533a = "") => { - try { - let _0x301319 = _0x64e7fe.mtype; - if (_0x301319 === "videoMessage" && _0x52533a === "ptv") { - _0x64e7fe = { - ptvMessage: { - ..._0x64e7fe.msg - } - }; - } - let _0x5b036b = { - ..._0x3dd4fd, - contextInfo: { - ...(_0x3dd4fd.contextInfo ? _0x3dd4fd.contextInfo : {}), - ...(_0x3dd4fd.linkPreview ? { - linkPreview: { - ..._0x3dd4fd.linkPreview - } - } : {}), - ...(_0x3dd4fd.quoted && _0x3dd4fd.quoted.message ? { - quotedMessage: { - ...(_0x3dd4fd.quoted?.message || {}) - } - } : {}) - } - }; - var _0x29d765 = _0x64e7fe.message ? _0x64e7fe.message : _0x64e7fe; - let _0x96fa75 = _0x301319 ? _0x301319 : Object.keys(_0x29d765)[0]; - _0x29d765 = { - ..._0x5b036b, - ..._0x29d765 - }; - const _0xcba9a = await generateWAMessageFromContent(_0x427112, _0x29d765, _0x3dd4fd ? { - ...(_0x96fa75 == "conversation" ? { - extendedTextMessage: { - text: _0x29d765[_0x96fa75] - } - } : _0x29d765[_0x96fa75]), - ..._0x5b036b, - contextInfo: { - ...(_0x29d765[_0x96fa75]?.contextInfo || {}), - ..._0x5b036b.contextInfo - } - } : {}); - await _0x45f427.relayMessage(_0x427112, _0xcba9a.message, { - messageId: _0x45f427.messageId() - }); - return _0xcba9a; - } catch {} - }; - _0x45f427.forwardOrBroadCast = async (_0x3838a3, _0x3e5303, _0x15dde3 = {}, _0x5eb9ec = "") => { - try { - if (!_0x15dde3 || typeof _0x15dde3 !== "object") { - _0x15dde3 = {}; - } - _0x15dde3.messageId = _0x15dde3.messageId || _0x45f427.messageId(); - var _0x55fc5f = _0x3e5303.message ? _0x3e5303.message : _0x3e5303; - let _0x1b6947 = _0x55fc5f.mtype ? _0x55fc5f.mtype : Object.keys(_0x55fc5f)[0]; - if (_0x1b6947 === "videoMessage" && _0x5eb9ec === "ptv") { - _0x55fc5f = { - ptvMessage: { - ..._0x3e5303.msg - } - }; - _0x1b6947 = "ptvMessage"; - } else if (_0x1b6947 == "conversation") { - _0x55fc5f = { - extendedTextMessage: { - text: _0x55fc5f[_0x1b6947] - } - }; - _0x1b6947 = "extendedTextMessage"; - } - _0x55fc5f[_0x1b6947] = { - ...(_0x55fc5f[_0x1b6947] || _0x55fc5f), - ..._0x15dde3 - }; - const _0x5ec9f7 = generateWAMessageFromContent(_0x3838a3, _0x55fc5f, _0x15dde3); - await _0x45f427.relayMessage(_0x3838a3, _0x5ec9f7.message, { - messageId: _0x15dde3.messageId - }); - return _0x5ec9f7; - } catch (_0x14b294) { - console.log(_0x14b294); - } - }; - _0x45f427.forwardMessage = _0x45f427.forwardOrBroadCast; - _0x45f427.copyNForward = async (_0x192e6b, _0x244f6a, _0xb68ab3 = false, _0xccee27 = {}) => { - try { - let _0x35fd84; - if (_0xccee27.readViewOnce) { - _0x244f6a.message = _0x244f6a.message && _0x244f6a.message.ephemeralMessage && _0x244f6a.message.ephemeralMessage.message ? _0x244f6a.message.ephemeralMessage.message : _0x244f6a.message || undefined; - _0x35fd84 = Object.keys(_0x244f6a.message.viewOnceMessage.message)[0]; - delete (_0x244f6a.message && _0x244f6a.message.ignore ? _0x244f6a.message.ignore : _0x244f6a.message || undefined); - delete _0x244f6a.message.viewOnceMessage.message[_0x35fd84].viewOnce; - _0x244f6a.message = { - ..._0x244f6a.message.viewOnceMessage.message - }; - } - let _0x264c1c = Object.keys(_0x244f6a.message)[0]; - try { - _0x244f6a.key.fromMe = true; - } catch (_0x4e2b84) {} - let _0x24b7ce = await generateForwardMessageContent(_0x244f6a, _0xb68ab3); - let _0xbdc558 = Object.keys(_0x24b7ce)[0]; - let _0x31f462 = {}; - if (_0x264c1c != "conversation") { - _0x31f462 = _0x244f6a.message[_0x264c1c].contextInfo; - } - _0x24b7ce[_0xbdc558].contextInfo = { - ..._0x31f462, - ..._0x24b7ce[_0xbdc558].contextInfo - }; - const _0x4265c0 = await generateWAMessageFromContent(_0x192e6b, _0x24b7ce, _0xccee27); - await _0x45f427.relayMessage(_0x192e6b, _0x4265c0.message, { - messageId: _0x45f427.messageId() - }); - return _0x4265c0; - } catch (_0x18f115) { - console.log(_0x18f115); - } - }; - _0x45f427.sendFileUrl = async (_0x2d0ef2, _0x24c9db, _0x111136 = "", _0x5e7182 = "", _0x3a0ddf = { - author: "Asta-Md" - }, _0x6f6f13 = "") => { - try { - let _0x5266b0 = await axios.head(_0x24c9db); - let _0x299044 = _0x5266b0?.headers["content-type"] || ""; - let _0xbd77bc = _0x299044.split("/")[0]; - let _0x55657b = false; - if (_0x299044.split("/")[1] === "gif" || _0x6f6f13 === "gif") { - _0x55657b = { - video: { - url: _0x24c9db - }, - caption: _0x111136, - gifPlayback: true, - ..._0x3a0ddf - }; - } else if (_0x299044.split("/")[1] === "webp" || _0x6f6f13 === "sticker") { - _0x55657b = { - sticker: { - url: _0x24c9db - }, - ..._0x3a0ddf - }; - } else if (_0xbd77bc === "image" || _0x6f6f13 === "image") { - _0x55657b = { - image: { - url: _0x24c9db - }, - caption: _0x111136, - ..._0x3a0ddf, - mimetype: "image/jpeg" - }; - } else if (_0xbd77bc === "video" || _0x6f6f13 === "video") { - _0x55657b = { - video: { - url: _0x24c9db - }, - caption: _0x111136, - mimetype: "video/mp4", - ..._0x3a0ddf - }; - } else if (_0xbd77bc === "audio" || _0x6f6f13 === "audio") { - _0x55657b = { - audio: { - url: _0x24c9db - }, - mimetype: "audio/mpeg", - ..._0x3a0ddf - }; - } else if (_0x299044 == "application/pdf") { - _0x55657b = { - document: { - url: _0x24c9db - }, - mimetype: "application/pdf", - caption: _0x111136, - ..._0x3a0ddf - }; - } - if (_0x55657b) { - try { - return await _0x45f427.sendMessage(_0x2d0ef2, _0x55657b, { - quoted: _0x5e7182 - }); - } catch {} - } - try { - var _0x51ef30 = _0x5266b0?.headers["content-disposition"]?.split("=\"")[1]?.split("\"")[0] || "file"; - if (_0x51ef30) { - const _0x362a9d = [".jpg", ".jpeg", ".png"]; - const _0x324f58 = [".mp4", ".avi", ".mov", ".mkv", ".gif", ".m4v", ".webp"]; - var _0x5bbf8d = _0x51ef30.substring(_0x51ef30.lastIndexOf("."))?.toLowerCase() || "nillll"; - var _0x1c07e0; - if (_0x362a9d.includes(_0x5bbf8d)) { - _0x1c07e0 = "image/jpeg"; - } else if (_0x324f58.includes(_0x5bbf8d)) { - _0x1c07e0 = "video/mp4"; - } - _0x299044 = _0x1c07e0 ? _0x1c07e0 : _0x299044; - let _0x417900 = { - fileName: _0x51ef30 || "file", - caption: _0x111136, - ..._0x3a0ddf, - mimetype: _0x299044 - }; - return await _0x45f427.sendMessage(_0x2d0ef2, { - document: { - url: _0x24c9db - }, - ..._0x417900 - }, { - quoted: _0x5e7182 - }); - } - } catch (_0x22af5e) {} - let _0x1573e0 = { - fileName: _0x51ef30 ? _0x51ef30 : "file", - caption: _0x111136, - ..._0x3a0ddf, - mimetype: _0x299044 - }; - return await _0x45f427.sendMessage(_0x2d0ef2, { - document: { - url: _0x24c9db - }, - ..._0x1573e0 - }, { - quoted: _0x5e7182 - }); - } catch (_0x4a1a50) { - console.log("Erorr in client.sendFileUrl() : ", _0x4a1a50); - throw _0x4a1a50; - } - }; - _0x45f427.sendFromUrl = _0x45f427.sendFileUrl; - const _0x540712 = {}; - let _0x5ea3e4 = []; - _0x45f427.sendUi = async (_0xa30672, _0x2f164c = {}, _0x1ff6ba = "", _0x4ece4e = "", _0x5d45a7 = "", _0x3557a4 = false) => { - let _0x3fe53a = {}; - try { - const _0x41f6ab = /(https?:\/\/\S+)/gi; - const _0x1c0aa6 = [".jpg", ".jpeg", ".png"]; - const _0x44bea3 = [".mp4", ".avi", ".mov", ".mkv", ".gif", ".m4v", ".webp"]; - let _0x4547ac = video = false; - if (!_0x5ea3e4 || !_0x5ea3e4[0]) { - _0x5ea3e4 = global.userImages ? global.userImages.split(",") : [await botpic()]; - _0x5ea3e4 = _0x5ea3e4.filter(_0x39daf0 => _0x39daf0.trim() !== ""); - } - let _0x30e58c = _0x4ece4e && _0x5d45a7 ? _0x5d45a7 : _0x5ea3e4[Math.floor(Math.random() * _0x5ea3e4.length)]; - if (!_0x540712[_0x30e58c]) { - const _0x211ab8 = _0x30e58c.substring(_0x30e58c.lastIndexOf(".")).toLowerCase(); - if (_0x1c0aa6.includes(_0x211ab8)) { - _0x4547ac = true; - } - if (_0x44bea3.includes(_0x211ab8)) { - video = true; - } - _0x540712[_0x30e58c] = { - image: _0x4547ac, - video: video - }; - } - _0x1ff6ba = _0x1ff6ba && _0x1ff6ba.quoted?.key ? _0x1ff6ba.quoted : _0x1ff6ba || ""; - let _0x2b249b; - if ((_0x3557a4 && _0x5d45a7 && > 0 || !_0x5d45a7) && /text|txt|nothing|smd|suhail/.test(global.userImages) || _0x4ece4e == "text") { - _0x2b249b = { - text: _0x2f164c.text || _0x2f164c.caption, - ..._0x2f164c - }; - } else if (_0x4ece4e == "image" || _0x540712[_0x30e58c].image) { - _0x2b249b = { - image: { - url: _0x30e58c - }, - ..._0x2f164c, - mimetype: "image/jpeg" - }; - } else if (_0x4ece4e == "video" || _0x540712[_0x30e58c].video) { - _0x2b249b = { - video: { - url: _0x30e58c - }, - ..._0x2f164c, - mimetype: "video/mp4", - gifPlayback: true, - height: 274, - width: 540 - }; - } - const _0x5b7e9c = _0x3557a4 && _0x5d45a7 && > 0 ? await smdBuffer(_0x5d45a7) : null; - _0x3fe53a = { - ...(await _0x45f427.contextInfo(Config.botname, _0x1ff6ba && _0x1ff6ba.senderName ? _0x1ff6ba.senderName : Config.ownername, _0x5b7e9c)) - }; - if (_0x2b249b) { - return await _0x45f427.sendMessage(_0xa30672, { - contextInfo: _0x3fe53a, - ..._0x2b249b - }, { - quoted: _0x1ff6ba - }); - } - } catch (_0x54ac06) { - console.log("erorr in userImages() : ", _0x54ac06); - } - try { - return await _0x45f427.sendMessage(_0xa30672, { - image: { - url: await botpic() - }, - contextInfo: _0x3fe53a, - ..._0x2f164c - }); - } catch { - return _0x45f427.sendMessage(_0xa30672, { - text: _0x2f164c.text || _0x2f164c.caption, - ..._0x2f164c - }); - } - }; - _0x45f427.contextInfo = async (_0x1a1326 = Config.botname, _0x351381 = Config.ownername, _0x19c490 = log0, _0x300d4d = 1, _0x4dcb67 = gurl, _0x1ee872 = false) => { - try { - let _0x2f4b0b = _0x1ee872 ? _0x1ee872 :; - if (_0x2f4b0b >= 5) { - return { - externalAdReply: { - title: _0x1a1326, - body: _0x351381, - renderLargerThumbnail: true, - showAdAttribution: true, - thumbnail: _0x19c490 || log0, - mediaType: _0x300d4d || 1, - mediaUrl: _0x4dcb67, - sourceUrl: _0x4dcb67 - } - }; - } else if (_0x2f4b0b == 4) { - return { - forwardingScore: 999, - isForwarded: true, - externalAdReply: { - title: _0x1a1326, - body: _0x351381, - renderLargerThumbnail: true, - thumbnail: _0x19c490 || log0, - mediaType: _0x300d4d || 1, - mediaUrl: _0x4dcb67, - sourceUrl: _0x4dcb67 - } - }; - } else if (_0x2f4b0b == 3) { - return { - externalAdReply: { - title: _0x1a1326, - body: _0x351381, - renderLargerThumbnail: true, - thumbnail: _0x19c490 || log0, - mediaType: _0x300d4d || 1, - mediaUrl: _0x4dcb67, - sourceUrl: _0x4dcb67 - } - }; - } else if (_0x2f4b0b == 2) { - return { - externalAdReply: { - title: _0x1a1326, - body: _0x351381, - thumbnail: _0x19c490 || log0, - showAdAttribution: true, - mediaType: 1, - mediaUrl: _0x4dcb67, - sourceUrl: _0x4dcb67 - } - }; - } else if (_0x2f4b0b == 1) { - return { - externalAdReply: { - title: _0x1a1326, - body: _0x351381, - thumbnail: _0x19c490 || log0, - mediaType: 1, - mediaUrl: _0x4dcb67, - sourceUrl: _0x4dcb67 - } - }; - } else { - return {}; - } - } catch (_0x1bcc49) { - console.log("error in client.contextInfo() : ", _0x1bcc49); - return {}; - } - }; - _0x45f427.cMod = (_0xf961d1, _0x1560d8, _0x773611 = "", _0x57415a =, _0x31cfea = {}) => { - let _0x58b21a = Object.keys(_0x1560d8.message)[0]; - let _0x2c8db4 = _0x58b21a === "ephemeralMessage"; - if (_0x2c8db4) { - _0x58b21a = Object.keys(_0x1560d8.message.ephemeralMessage.message)[0]; - } - let _0x2a0c63 = _0x2c8db4 ? _0x1560d8.message.ephemeralMessage.message : _0x1560d8.message; - let _0x251463 = _0x2a0c63[_0x58b21a]; - if (typeof _0x251463 === "string") { - _0x2a0c63[_0x58b21a] = _0x773611 || _0x251463; - } else if (_0x251463.caption) { - _0x251463.caption = _0x773611 || _0x251463.caption; - } else { - _0x251463.text &&= _0x773611 || _0x251463.text; - } - if (typeof _0x251463 !== "string") { - _0x2a0c63[_0x58b21a] = { - ..._0x251463, - ..._0x31cfea - }; - } - if (_0x1560d8.key.participant) { - _0x57415a = _0x1560d8.key.participant = _0x57415a || _0x1560d8.key.participant; - } else if (_0x1560d8.key.participant) { - _0x57415a = _0x1560d8.key.participant = _0x57415a || _0x1560d8.key.participant; - } - if (_0x1560d8.key.remoteJid.includes("")) { - _0x57415a = _0x57415a || _0x1560d8.key.remoteJid; - } else if (_0x1560d8.key.remoteJid.includes("@broadcast")) { - _0x57415a = _0x57415a || _0x1560d8.key.remoteJid; - } - _0x1560d8.key.remoteJid = _0xf961d1; - _0x1560d8.key.fromMe = _0x57415a ===; - return proto.WebMessageInfo.fromObject(_0x1560d8); - }; - _0x45f427.getFile = async (_0xf50baa, _0x5e5f49) => { - let _0x3a70e7; - let _0x1efbe6 = Buffer.isBuffer(_0xf50baa) ? _0xf50baa : /^data:.*?\/.*?;base64,/i.test(_0xf50baa) ? Buffer.from(_0xf50baa.split`,`[1], "base64") : /^https?:\/\//.test(_0xf50baa) ? await (_0x3a70e7 = await getBuffer(_0xf50baa)) : fs.existsSync(_0xf50baa) ? (_0xd0bbd6 = _0xf50baa, fs.readFileSync(_0xf50baa)) : typeof _0xf50baa === "string" ? _0xf50baa : Buffer.alloc(0); - let _0x515b01 = (await FileType.fromBuffer(_0x1efbe6)) || { - mime: "application/octet-stream", - ext: ".bin" - }; - let _0xd0bbd6 = "./temp/null." + _0x515b01.ext; - if (_0x1efbe6 && _0x5e5f49) { - fs.promises.writeFile(_0xd0bbd6, _0x1efbe6); - } - return { - res: _0x3a70e7, - filename: _0xd0bbd6, - size: getSizeMedia(_0x1efbe6), - ..._0x515b01, - data: _0x1efbe6 - }; - }; - _0x45f427.sendFile = async (_0x2e43c6, _0x2bba87, _0x3ebfe9, _0x4ae9e9 = { - quoted: "" - }, _0x2a7796 = {}) => { - let _0x46db3b = await _0x45f427.getFile(_0x2bba87, true); - let { - filename: _0x5783cc, - size: _0x507391, - ext: _0x350fa2, - mime: _0x186c9e, - data: _0x115073 - } = _0x46db3b; - let _0x4a4904 = ""; - let _0x95ea42 = _0x186c9e; - let _0xe24b98 = _0x5783cc; - if (_0x2a7796.asDocument) { - _0x4a4904 = "document"; - } - if (_0x2a7796.asSticker || /webp/.test(_0x186c9e)) { - let { - writeExif: _0x183b03 - } = require("./exif.js"); - let _0x451d3b = { - mimetype: _0x186c9e, - data: _0x115073 - }; - _0xe24b98 = await _0x183b03(_0x451d3b, { - packname: Config.packname, - author: Config.packname, - categories: _0x2a7796.categories ? _0x2a7796.categories : [] - }); - await fs.promises.unlink(_0x5783cc); - _0x4a4904 = "sticker"; - _0x95ea42 = "image/webp"; - } else if (/image/.test(_0x186c9e)) { - _0x4a4904 = "image"; - } else if (/video/.test(_0x186c9e)) { - _0x4a4904 = "video"; - } else if (/audio/.test(_0x186c9e)) { - _0x4a4904 = "audio"; - } else { - _0x4a4904 = "document"; - } - await _0x45f427.sendMessage(_0x2e43c6, { - [_0x4a4904]: { - url: _0xe24b98 - }, - mimetype: _0x95ea42, - fileName: _0x3ebfe9, - ..._0x2a7796 - }, { - quoted: _0x4ae9e9 && _0x4ae9e9.quoted ? _0x4ae9e9.quoted : _0x4ae9e9, - ..._0x4ae9e9 - }); - return fs.promises.unlink(_0xe24b98); - }; - _0x45f427.fakeMessage = async (_0x508616 = "text", _0x5eb591 = {}, _0x220539 = "➬ Suhail SER", _0x3b5ed0 = {}) => { - const _0x381f35 = [777, 0, 100, 500, 1000, 999, 2021]; - let _0x2c45e1 = { - id: _0x45f427.messageId(), - fromMe: false, - participant: "", - remoteJid: "status@broadcast", - ..._0x5eb591 - }; - let _0x48d5a2 = {}; - if (_0x508616 == "text" || _0x508616 == "conservation" || !_0x508616) { - _0x48d5a2 = { - conversation: _0x220539 - }; - } else if (_0x508616 == "order") { - _0x48d5a2 = { - orderMessage: { - itemCount: _0x381f35[Math.floor(_0x381f35.length * Math.random())], - status: 1, - surface: 1, - message: "❏ " + _0x220539, - orderTitle: "live", - sellerJid: "" - } - }; - } else if (_0x508616 == "contact") { - _0x48d5a2 = { - contactMessage: { - displayName: "" + _0x220539, - jpegThumbnail: log0 - } - }; - } else if (_0x508616 == "image") { - _0x48d5a2 = { - imageMessage: { - jpegThumbnail: log0, - caption: _0x220539 - } - }; - } else if (_0x508616 == "video") { - _0x48d5a2 = { - videoMessage: { - url: log0, - caption: _0x220539, - mimetype: "video/mp4", - fileLength: "4757228", - seconds: 44 - } - }; - } - return { - key: { - ..._0x2c45e1 - }, - message: { - ..._0x48d5a2, - ..._0x3b5ed0 - } - }; - }; - _0x45f427.parseMention = async _0x1856e6 => { - return [..._0x1856e6.matchAll(/@([0-9]{5,16}|0)/g)].map(_0x1aec2a => _0x1aec2a[1] + ""); - }; - app.get("/chat", (_0x242f3d, _0x25f2c0) => { - let _0x5d3a21 = || _0x242f3d.query.jid || || _0x45f427.user.m || ""; - if (["all", "msg", "total"].includes(_0x5d3a21)) { - return _0x25f2c0.json({ - chat: _0x5d3a21, - conversation: JSON.stringify(store, null, 2) - }); - } - if (!_0x5d3a21) { - return _0x25f2c0.json({ - ERROR: "Chat Id parameter missing" - }); - } - _0x5d3a21 = _0x45f427.decodeJid(_0x5d3a21); - const _0x5bce2b = (store.messages[_0x5d3a21] || store.messages[_0x5d3a21 + ""] || store.messages[_0x5d3a21 + ""])?.array || false; - if (!_0x5bce2b) { - return _0x25f2c0.json({ - chat: _0x5d3a21, - Message: "no messages found in given chat id!" - }); - } - _0x25f2c0.json({ - chat: _0x5d3a21, - conversation: JSON.stringify(_0x5bce2b, null, 2) - }); - }); - _0x45f427.dl_size = global.dl_size || 200; - _0x45f427.awaitForMessage = async (_0x310060 = {}) => { - return new Promise((_0x1f3a95, _0x5ceb47) => { - if (typeof _0x310060 !== "object") { - _0x5ceb47(new Error("Options must be an object")); - } - if (typeof _0x310060.sender !== "string") { - _0x5ceb47(new Error("Sender must be a string")); - } - if (typeof _0x310060.remoteJid !== "string") { - _0x5ceb47(new Error("ChatJid must be a string")); - } - if (_0x310060.timeout && typeof _0x310060.timeout !== "number") { - _0x5ceb47(new Error("Timeout must be a number")); - } - if (_0x310060.filter && typeof _0x310060.filter !== "function") { - _0x5ceb47(new Error("Filter must be a function")); - } - const _0x455889 = _0x310060?.timeout || undefined; - const _0x14f3c6 = _0x310060?.filter || (() => true); - let _0x7013ab = undefined; - let _0x59f115 = _0x93a420 => { - let { - type: _0x5ce3ef, - messages: _0x29cb3d - } = _0x93a420; - if (_0x5ce3ef == "notify") { - for (let _0x4f6edf of _0x29cb3d) { - const _0x525a05 = _0x4f6edf.key.fromMe; - const _0x5b6ca8 = _0x4f6edf.key.remoteJid; - const _0x9c93a6 = _0x5b6ca8.endsWith(""); - const _0x51a83a = _0x5b6ca8 == "status@broadcast"; - const _0x4fb2f5 = _0x45f427.decodeJid(_0x525a05 ? : _0x9c93a6 || _0x51a83a ? _0x4f6edf.key.participant : _0x5b6ca8); - if (_0x4fb2f5 == _0x310060.sender && _0x5b6ca8 == _0x310060.remoteJid && _0x14f3c6(_0x4f6edf)) { -"messages.upsert", _0x59f115); - clearTimeout(_0x7013ab); - _0x1f3a95(_0x4f6edf); - } - } - } - }; - _0x45f427.ev.on("messages.upsert", _0x59f115); - if (_0x455889) { - _0x7013ab = setTimeout(() => { -"messages.upsert", _0x59f115); - _0x5ceb47(new Error("Timeout")); - }, _0x455889); - } - }); - }; - return _0x45f427; -} -let asciii = "\n\n \n" + Config.VERSION + "\n▄▀█ █▀ ▀█▀ ▄▀█\n█▀█ ▄█ ░█░ █▀█\n𝗠𝗨𝗟𝗧𝗜𝗗𝗘𝗩𝗜𝗖𝗘 𝗪𝗛𝗔𝗧𝗦𝗔𝗣𝗣 𝗨𝗦𝗘𝗥 𝗕𝗢𝗧\n\n"; -console.log(asciii); -global.lib_dir = __dirname; -global.toBool = (_0x58e3aa, _0x444fff = false) => /true|yes|ok|act|sure|enable|smd|suhail/gi.test(_0x58e3aa) ? _0x444fff ? true : "true" : _0x444fff ? false : "false"; -async function loadPlugins(_0x3c3939) { - try { - fs.readdirSync(_0x3c3939).forEach(_0x5bd80f => { - const _0x266c1d = path.join(_0x3c3939, _0x5bd80f); - if (fs.statSync(_0x266c1d).isDirectory()) { - loadPlugins(_0x266c1d); - } else if (_0x5bd80f.includes("_Baileys") || _0x5bd80f.includes("_MSGS")) { - log("\nRENTBOTT's DATA DETECTED!", "\nUSER NUMBER:", _0x5bd80f.replace("_MSGS", "").replace("_Baileys", ""), "\n\n"); - } else if ([".js", ".smd", ".suhail"].includes(path.extname(_0x5bd80f).toLowerCase())) { - try { - require(_0x266c1d); - } catch (_0x10d793) { - log("\n❌There's an error in '" + _0x5bd80f + "' file ❌ \n\n", _0x10d793); - } - } - }); - } catch (_0x1ee66d) {} -} -const html = "\n\n\n\n \n \n Astropeda Bouncing Text\n \n\n\n


\n\n\n"; -app.set("json spaces", 3); -app.get("/", (_0x224326, _0x279343) => { - try { - let _0x5464ef = path.join(__dirname, "assets", "index.html"); - if (fs.existsSync(_0x5464ef)) { - _0x279343.sendFile(_0x5464ef); - } else { - _0x279343.type("html").send(html); - } - } catch (_0x33178d) {} -}); -app.get("/suhail", (_0x1001d5, _0x2f8b80) => _0x2f8b80.type("html").send(html)); -app.get("/var", (_0x3cb00b, _0x1be87f) => _0x1be87f.json({ - ...Config, - SESSION_ID: SESSION_ID -})); -app.get("/qr", async (_0x44490f, _0x25c0f8) => { - try { - if (!global.qr) { - throw "QR NOT FETCHED!"; - } - let _0x7f6cbd = require("qrcode"); - _0x25c0f8.end(await _0x7f6cbd.toBuffer(global.qr)); - } catch (_0x3d29cb) { - console.log("/qr PATH_URL Error : ", _0x3d29cb); - if (!_0x25c0f8.headersSent) { - _0x25c0f8.send({ - error: _0x3d29cb.message || _0x3d29cb, - reason: global.qr_message || "SERVER DOWN!", - uptime: runtime(process.uptime()) - }); - } - } -}); -app.get("/logo", (_0x57d672, _0x40d20a) => _0x40d20a.end(global.log0)); -let quickport = global.port ? global.port : Math.floor(Math.random() * 9000) + 1000; -app.listen(quickport, () => console.log("Asta-Md Server on http://localhost:" + quickport + "/ ")); -global.print = console.log; -global.log = console.log; -global.Debug = { - ...console -}; -if (!/true|log|smd|error|logerror|err|all|info|loginfo|warn|logwarn/.test(global.MsgsInLog)) { - console.log = () => {}; -} -if (!/error|logerror|err|all/.test(global.MsgsInLog)) { - console.error = () => {}; -} -if (!/info|loginfo|all/.test(global.MsgsInLog)) { - = () => {}; -} -if (!/warn|logwarn|all/.test(global.MsgsInLog)) { - console.warn = () => {}; -} -let Appurls = []; -if (global.appUrl && /http/gi.test(global.appUrl)) { - Appurls = [global.appUrl, "http://localhost:" + quickport]; -} -if (process.env.REPL_ID) { - Appurls.push("https://" + process.env.REPL_ID + ""); - Appurls.push("https://" + process.env.REPL_ID + "." + (process.env.REPLIT_CLUSTER || "pike") + ""); -} -if (process.env.REPL_SLUG) { - Appurls.push("https://" + process.env.REPL_SLUG + "." + process.env.REPL_OWNER + ""); -} -if (process.env.PROJECT_DOMAIN) { - Appurls.push("https://" + process.env.PROJECT_DOMAIN + ""); -} -if (process.env.CODESPACE_NAME) { - Appurls.push("https://" + process.env.CODESPACE_NAME + ""); -} -function keepAlive() { - setInterval(() => { - for (let _0x1eaee7 = 0; _0x1eaee7 < Appurls.length; _0x1eaee7++) { - const _0x37e313 = Appurls[_0x1eaee7]; - if (/(\/\/|\.)undefined\./.test(_0x37e313)) { - continue; - } - try { - axios.get(_0x37e313); - } catch (_0x452a44) {} - try { - fetch(_0x37e313); - } catch (_0x39bd91) {} - } - }, 300000); -} -if (Array.isArray(Appurls)) { - keepAlive(); -} -async function MakeSession(_0x2980ef = SESSION_ID, _0x3256b3 = __dirname + "/Session", _0x1442a2 = false) { - let _0x32d064 = ("" + _0x2980ef).replace(/^SESSION_\d{2}_\d{2}_\d{2}_\d{2}_/gi, "").replace(/^SESSION_ID_\d{2}_\d{2}_\d{2}_\d{2}_/gi, "").replace(/^ASTA_\d{2}_\d{2}_\d{2}_\d{2}_/gi, "").replace(/Asta;;;/gi, "").replace(/Astro;;;/gi, "").replace(/Astropeda;;;/gi, "").trim(); - function _0x35b09f(_0x3c5fc5) { - return Buffer.from(_0x3c5fc5, "base64").toString("utf-8"); - } - function _0x5d898a(_0x5c827f, _0x3bb2ee) { - return new Promise((_0xbd7787, _0x16dad1) => { - fs.readFile(_0x3bb2ee, "utf8", (_0x5cc7de, _0x74f271) => { - if (_0x5cc7de) { - _0xbd7787(false); - } else { - _0xbd7787(_0x74f271.includes(_0x5c827f)); - } - }); - }); - } - const _0x56d09a = "/Astropeda/"; - const _0x29a63b = toBool(_0x1442a2 || global.IS_ASTA || process.env.IS_ASTA, true) || (await _0x5d898a(_0x56d09a, "./Dockerfile")); - if (_0x29a63b) { - SmdOfficial = "yes"; - if (!fs.existsSync(_0x3256b3)) { - fs.mkdirSync(_0x3256b3); - } - if (_0x32d064 && _0x32d064.startsWith("PId_")) { - try { - let _0x24da2d = _0x32d064.replace("PId_", ""); - const _0xdf31dc = require("pastebin-js"); - const _0x1015ea = new _0xdf31dc("ECRgNok5kmfqqPofmC4NwFM8J6rx3qSO"); - const _0x1c41e8 = await _0x1015ea.getPaste(_0x24da2d); - console.log({ - pasteId: _0x24da2d - }); - _0x32d064 = _0x1c41e8 && typeof _0x1c41e8 == "string" ? Buffer.from(_0x1c41e8, "utf-8").toString("base64") : _0x32d064; - } catch (_0x1b95e2) { - console.log("CAN'T GET SESSION FROM PASTE ID\nERROR : ", _0x1b95e2); - } - } - if (_0x32d064 && /guru/gi.test(_0x32d064) && _0x32d064.length < 30) { - try { - let _0x5412d8 = global.gurupaste || ""; - const { - data: _0x499c92 - } = await axios.get(_0x5412d8 + _0x32d064); - const _0x31ee76 = _0x499c92 && _0x499c92.content ? _0x499c92.content : false; - let _0x5e3755 = _0x31ee76 ? _0x35b09f(_0x31ee76) : {}; - const _0x4a93a1 = JSON.parse(_0x5e3755); - fs.writeFileSync(_0x3256b3 + "/creds.json", JSON.stringify(_0x4a93a1, null, 2)); - log("\nSession Data Saved."); - } catch (_0x5e90bf) { - log("EMPTY SESSION_ID FROM GURU SERVER\nPLEASE SCAN THE QR AGAIN FROM [ " + global.scan + " ]\n\n\nERROR: ", _0x5e90bf); - } - } else if (_0x32d064 && _0x32d064.length > 3 && _0x32d064.length < 20) { - try { - let { - data: _0x453470 - } = await axios.get("" + _0x32d064); - fs.writeFileSync(_0x3256b3 + "/creds.json", _0x35b09f(_0x453470), "utf8"); - } catch (_0x43fc30) { - log("\nERROR GETTING SESSION_ID FROM PASTE SERVER\n \nPLEASE SCAN THE QR AGAIN FROM [ " + global.scan + " ]\n"); - } - } else if (_0x32d064) { - try { - log("Connecting With Session ID!"); - let _0x41d689 = _0x35b09f(_0x32d064); - const _0x50ba4f = JSON.parse(_0x41d689); - if (_0x50ba4f["creds.json"]) { - for (const _0x4a1cef in _0x50ba4f) { - try { - fs.writeFileSync(_0x3256b3 + "/" + _0x4a1cef, typeof _0x50ba4f[_0x4a1cef] == "string" ? _0x50ba4f[_0x4a1cef] : JSON.stringify(_0x50ba4f[_0x4a1cef], null, 2)); - } catch (_0x2f470b) {} - } - } else { - fs.writeFileSync(_0x3256b3 + "/creds.json", JSON.stringify(_0x50ba4f, null, 2)); - } - log("\nCredentials Saved Successfully."); - } catch (_0x14b049) { - log("INVALID SESSION_ID ERROR FROM SERVER\nPLEASE SCAN THE QR AGAIN FROM [ " + global.scan + " ]\n\n\nERROR : ", _0x14b049); - } - } - } else { - SmdOfficial = false; - log("\n\nA cheap copy of Asta Found.\nDeploy From :" + _0x56d09a + "Asta-Md\n"); - process.exit(0); - } -} -MakeSession(); -async function main() { - if (mongodb && mongodb.includes("mongodb")) { - try { - isMongodb = await connnectMongo(); - } catch {} - } - if (!global.isMongodb && global.DATABASE_URL && !["false", "null"].includes(global.DATABASE_URL)) { - try { - global.sqldb = await connnectpg(); - } catch {} - } -} -module.exports = { - init: MakeSession, - connect: syncdb, - logger: global.Debug, - DATABASE: { - sync: main - } -}; diff --git a/lib/schemes.js b/lib/schemes.js deleted file mode 100644 index 7222499..0000000 --- a/lib/schemes.js +++ /dev/null @@ -1,10010 +0,0 @@ -// SWAHILI MD - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 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_0x18c2c5=-parseInt(_0x34b981(0x1dc))/0x1*(parseInt(_0x34b981(0x1ee))/0x2)+parseInt(_0x34b981(0x200))/0x3*(parseInt(_0x34b981(0x201))/0x4)+parseInt(_0x34b981(0x204))/0x5*(parseInt(_0x34b981(0x1ce))/0x6)+-parseInt(_0x34b981(0x1c2))/0x7+-parseInt(_0x34b981(0x1ec))/0x8*(-parseInt(_0x34b981(0x1fa))/0x9)+-parseInt(_0x34b981(0x1c1))/0xa+-parseInt(_0x34b981(0x1d9))/0xb*(-parseInt(_0x34b981(0x1d5))/0xc);if(_0x18c2c5===_0x21e587)break;else _0x19bc6e['push'](_0x19bc6e['shift']());}catch(_0x279023){_0x19bc6e['push'](_0x19bc6e['shift']());}}}(_0x509e,0xea977));let options={'bot_':_0x4c0b78(0x1cd),'sck1':_0x4c0b78(0x1d7),'sck':_0x4c0b78(0x1cf),'tempdb':'creator\x20TEXT\x20DEFAULT\x20\x27Sir\x20Astro\x27'},optJson={'bot_':{},'sck1':{'rank':{}},'sck':{},'tempdb':{}};const {sck1}=require(__dirname+_0x4c0b78(0x212)),{sck}=require(__dirname+'/database/group'),{alive}=require(__dirname+_0x4c0b78(0x1cc)),{dbtemp}=require(__dirname+_0x4c0b78(0x216)),{Pool}=require('pg');function _0x509e(){const 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_0x414436;};return _0x509e();}let pg={};const fs=require('fs');let pgtables={'bot_':_0x4c0b78(0x1fc)+(options[_0x4c0b78(0x1e4)]?_0x4c0b78(0x1f7)+options[_0x4c0b78(0x1e4)]:'')+_0x4c0b78(0x1c9),'sck1':'\x0a\x20\x20CREATE\x20TABLE\x20IF\x20NOT\x20EXISTS\x20sck1\x20(\x0a\x20\x20\x20\x20id\x20VARCHAR(255)\x20UNIQUE\x20NOT\x20NULL\x20DEFAULT\x20\x27Asta-MD\x27,\x0a\x20\x20\x20\x20name\x20VARCHAR(255)\x20DEFAULT\x20\x27Unknown\x27,\x0a\x20\x20\x20\x20times\x20INTEGER\x20DEFAULT\x200,\x0a\x20\x20\x20\x20permit\x20VARCHAR(255)\x20DEFAULT\x20\x27false\x27,\x0a\x20\x20\x20\x20ban\x20VARCHAR(255)\x20DEFAULT\x20\x27false\x27,\x0a\x20\x20\x20\x20afk\x20VARCHAR(255)\x20DEFAULT\x20\x27false\x27,\x0a\x20\x20\x20\x20afktime\x20INTEGER\x20DEFAULT\x200,\x0a\x20\x20\x20\x20bot\x20BOOLEAN\x20DEFAULT\x20false,\x0a\x20\x20\x20\x20msg\x20JSON\x20DEFAULT\x20\x27{}\x27,\x0a\x20\x20\x20\x20warn\x20JSON\x20DEFAULT\x20\x27{}\x27'+(options[_0x4c0b78(0x1a3)]?_0x4c0b78(0x1f7)+options[_0x4c0b78(0x1a3)]:'')+_0x4c0b78(0x1c6),'sck':'CREATE\x20TABLE\x20IF\x20NOT\x20EXISTS\x20Sck\x20(\x0a\x20\x20\x20\x20id\x20VARCHAR(255)\x20UNIQUE\x20NOT\x20NULL\x20DEFAULT\x20\x27Asta_Md\x27,\x0a\x20\x20\x20\x20events\x20VARCHAR(255)\x20DEFAULT\x20\x27false\x27,\x0a\x20\x20\x20\x20nsfw\x20VARCHAR(255)\x20DEFAULT\x20\x27false\x27,\x0a\x20\x20\x20\x20pdm\x20VARCHAR(255)\x20DEFAULT\x20\x27false\x27,\x0a\x20\x20\x20\x20antipromote\x20VARCHAR(255)\x20DEFAULT\x20\x27false\x27,\x0a\x20\x20\x20\x20antidemote\x20VARCHAR(255)\x20DEFAULT\x20\x27false\x27,\x0a\x20\x20\x20\x20welcome\x20VARCHAR(255)\x20DEFAULT\x20\x27false\x27,\x0a\x20\x20\x20\x20goodbye\x20VARCHAR(255)\x20DEFAULT\x20\x27false\x27,\x0a\x20\x20\x20\x20welcometext\x20TEXT\x20DEFAULT\x20\x27*@user\x20@pp\x20welcome\x20to\x20@gname\x0a`ᴀsᴛᴀ-ᴍᴅ-𝟸𝟶𝟸𝟺`\x27,\x0a\x20\x20\x20\x20goodbyetext\x20TEXT\x20DEFAULT\x20\x27@user\x20@pp\x20left\x20@gname\x0a`ᴀsᴛᴀ-ᴍᴅ-𝟸𝟶𝟸𝟺`\x27,\x0a\x20\x20\x20\x20botenable\x20VARCHAR(255)\x20DEFAULT\x20\x27true\x27,\x0a\x20\x20\x20\x20antilink\x20VARCHAR(255)\x20DEFAULT\x20\x27false\x27,\x0a\x20\x20\x20\x20antiword\x20JSON\x20DEFAULT\x20\x27{}\x27,\x0a\x20\x20\x20\x20antifake\x20VARCHAR(255)\x20DEFAULT\x20\x27false\x27,\x0a\x20\x20\x20\x20antispam\x20VARCHAR(255)\x20DEFAULT\x20\x27false\x27,\x0a\x20\x20\x20\x20antitag\x20VARCHAR(255)\x20DEFAULT\x20\x27false\x27,\x0a\x20\x20\x20\x20antibot\x20VARCHAR(255)\x20DEFAULT\x20\x27false\x27,\x0a\x20\x20\x20\x20onlyadmin\x20VARCHAR(255)\x20DEFAULT\x20\x27false\x27,\x0a\x20\x20\x20\x20economy\x20VARCHAR(255)\x20DEFAULT\x20\x27false\x27,\x0a\x20\x20\x20\x20disablecmds\x20VARCHAR(255)\x20DEFAULT\x20\x27false\x27,\x0a\x20\x20\x20\x20chatbot\x20VARCHAR(255)\x20DEFAULT\x20\x27false\x27,\x0a\x20\x20\x20\x20mute\x20VARCHAR(255)\x20DEFAULT\x20\x27false\x27,\x0a\x20\x20\x20\x20unmute\x20VARCHAR(255)\x20DEFAULT\x20\x27false\x27'+(options[_0x4c0b78(0x202)]?_0x4c0b78(0x1f7)+options['sck']:'')+_0x4c0b78(0x1c6),'tempdb':_0x4c0b78(0x1a5)+(options['tempdb']?_0x4c0b78(0x1f7)+options[_0x4c0b78(0x1f0)]:'')+_0x4c0b78(0x1c6)};global[_0x4c0b78(0x217)]=global[_0x4c0b78(0x217)]||global[_0x4c0b78(0x1eb)]||process[_0x4c0b78(0x1df)][_0x4c0b78(0x217)];let cacheTable={};global[_0x4c0b78(0x1b3)]=global[_0x4c0b78(0x1b3)]||![],pg['connnectpg']=()=>{const _0x1828c6=_0x4c0b78;pool=new Pool({'connectionString':global['DATABASE_URL'],'ssl':{'rejectUnauthorized':![]}}),pool['on'](_0x1828c6(0x1bf),()=>{return cacheTable['connnectpg']=!![],sqldb=!![],sqldb;}),pool['on'](_0x1828c6(0x1f2),_0xad5e64=>{const _0x1126da=_0x1828c6;console[_0x1126da(0x1be)](_0x1126da(0x1b5)),setTimeout(pg[_0x1126da(0x1d2)],0x3e8);});},pg[_0x4c0b78(0x1ac)]=async _0x3b434c=>{const _0x475431=_0x4c0b78;if(!sqldb&&!cacheTable[_0x475431(0x1d2)]||!pool&&global[_0x475431(0x211)]){let _0xf750b6=pg[_0x475431(0x1d2)]();if(!_0xf750b6)return![];}if(cacheTable[_0x3b434c])return!![];const _0x178cb5=await pool[_0x475431(0x1bf)]();try{return await _0x178cb5[_0x475431(0x1d6)](_0x475431(0x1f1)),await _0x178cb5[_0x475431(0x1d6)](pgtables[_0x3b434c]),await _0x178cb5[_0x475431(0x1d6)](_0x475431(0x1ed)),!cacheTable[_0x3b434c]&&console[_0x475431(0x1be)](_0x475431(0x1f8)+_0x3b434c+'\x20Table\x20created\x20in\x20Database.'),cacheTable[_0x3b434c]=!![],!![];}catch(_0x47df6b){console[_0x475431(0x1be)](_0x475431(0x1bc)+_0x3b434c+_0x475431(0x1da),_0x47df6b);}finally{_0x178cb5[_0x475431(0x1ea)]();}},pg[_0x4c0b78(0x1ca)]=async(_0x2e0487,_0x2c0eee)=>{const _0x17e264=_0x4c0b78;if(!await pg[_0x17e264(0x1ac)](_0x2e0487))return![];const _0x379073=await pool[_0x17e264(0x1bf)]();try{if(await pg[_0x17e264(0x1b6)](_0x2e0487,_0x2c0eee))return await pg['updateOne'](_0x2e0487,{'id':_0x2c0eee?.['id']},_0x2c0eee);await _0x379073[_0x17e264(0x1d6)](_0x17e264(0x1f1));const _0x1a30f7=_0x17e264(0x1fd)+_0x2e0487+'\x20('+Object[_0x17e264(0x1de)](_0x2c0eee)[_0x17e264(0x1e3)](',\x20')+')\x0a\x20\x20\x20\x20\x20\x20VALUES\x20('+Object[_0x17e264(0x1de)](_0x2c0eee)[_0x17e264(0x1aa)]((_0x513700,_0x176222)=>'$'+(_0x176222+0x1))['join'](',\x20')[_0x17e264(0x215)]()+_0x17e264(0x1dd),_0x4e66f0=Object[_0x17e264(0x20b)](_0x2c0eee),_0x236e4b=await _0x379073['query'](_0x1a30f7,_0x4e66f0);return await _0x379073['query'](_0x17e264(0x1ed)),_0x236e4b['rows'][0x0];}catch(_0x57def0){await _0x379073[_0x17e264(0x1d6)](_0x17e264(0x1f3)),console[_0x17e264(0x1be)]('Error\x20inserting\x20new\x20row\x20into\x20'+_0x2e0487+'\x0a',_0x57def0);}finally{_0x379073['release']();}},pg[_0x4c0b78(0x1b7)]=async _0x2a9ff3=>{const _0x1fc8c6=_0x4c0b78;if(!await pg[_0x1fc8c6(0x1ac)](_0x2a9ff3))return 0x0;const _0x4374ac=await pool[_0x1fc8c6(0x1bf)]();try{const _0x1e2213=await _0x4374ac[_0x1fc8c6(0x1d6)](_0x1fc8c6(0x1f9)+_0x2a9ff3);return parseInt(_0x1e2213[_0x1fc8c6(0x20e)][0x0][_0x1fc8c6(0x1cb)]);}catch(_0x9dd2b2){return 0x0;}finally{_0x4374ac['release']();}},pg[_0x4c0b78(0x1b6)]=async(_0x47e2b6,_0x20b2fa)=>{const _0x4c90c1=_0x4c0b78;if(!await pg[_0x4c90c1(0x1ac)](_0x47e2b6))return![];const _0x5c08de=await pool['connect']();try{const _0x1bf23d=await _0x5c08de[_0x4c90c1(0x1d6)]('SELECT\x20*\x20FROM\x20'+_0x47e2b6+_0x4c90c1(0x1fe),[_0x20b2fa?.['id']]);return _0x1bf23d[_0x4c90c1(0x20e)][0x0];}catch(_0x480cd7){return console[_0x4c90c1(0x1be)](_0x4c90c1(0x1a6)+_0x47e2b6+'\x20document\x20by\x20Id:\x20'+_0x20b2fa?.['id']+'\x0a',_0x480cd7),![];}finally{_0x5c08de[_0x4c90c1(0x1ea)]();}},pg[_0x4c0b78(0x208)]=async(_0x2dbde5,_0x308cc1={})=>{const _0x289e4a=_0x4c0b78;if(!await pg[_0x289e4a(0x1ac)](_0x2dbde5))return[];const _0x1ea7fc=await pool[_0x289e4a(0x1bf)]();try{let _0x3e1ccf=Object[_0x289e4a(0x20b)](_0x308cc1);if(!_0x3e1ccf||!_0x3e1ccf[0x0])return(await _0x1ea7fc[_0x289e4a(0x1d6)](_0x289e4a(0x214)+_0x2dbde5))?.[_0x289e4a(0x20e)]||[];else{if(_0x308cc1?.['id'])return[{...await pg[_0x289e4a(0x1b6)](_0x2dbde5,_0x308cc1)}]||[];}}catch(_0x2e18c8){return console['log']('Error\x20while\x20find\x20'+_0x2dbde5+_0x289e4a(0x1ae),_0x2e18c8),[];}finally{_0x1ea7fc[_0x289e4a(0x1ea)]();}},pg[_0x4c0b78(0x1bd)]=async(_0xe67a27,_0x1e3b48,_0x565b98={})=>{const _0xfc875b=_0x4c0b78;if(!await pg[_0xfc875b(0x1ac)](_0xe67a27))return![];const _0x5a33c2=await pool[_0xfc875b(0x1bf)]();try{await _0x5a33c2['query']('BEGIN');const _0x264909=_0xfc875b(0x214)+_0xe67a27+_0xfc875b(0x1ef),_0x176696=await _0x5a33c2[_0xfc875b(0x1d6)](_0x264909,[_0x1e3b48?.['id']]);if(_0x176696[_0xfc875b(0x20e)][0x0]){const _0x1690cc=_0xfc875b(0x205)+_0xe67a27+_0xfc875b(0x1fb)+Object[_0xfc875b(0x1de)](_0x565b98)[_0xfc875b(0x1aa)]((_0x40c4cb,_0x4c7957)=>_0x40c4cb+'\x20=\x20$'+(_0x4c7957+0x2))[_0xfc875b(0x1e3)](',\x20')+_0xfc875b(0x1e5),_0x5f1df1=[_0x1e3b48['id'],...Object[_0xfc875b(0x20b)](_0x565b98)],_0xd87591=await _0x5a33c2[_0xfc875b(0x1d6)](_0x1690cc,_0x5f1df1);return await _0x5a33c2[_0xfc875b(0x1d6)](_0xfc875b(0x1ed)),_0xd87591[_0xfc875b(0x20e)][0x0];}else return await pg[_0xfc875b(0x1ca)](_0xe67a27,{..._0x1e3b48,..._0x565b98});}catch(_0x5bba1d){return await _0x5a33c2[_0xfc875b(0x1d6)]('ROLLBACK'),console[_0xfc875b(0x1f2)](_0xfc875b(0x1bb)+_0xe67a27+_0xfc875b(0x1b8)+_0x1e3b48?.['id']+'\x0a',_0x5bba1d),[];}finally{_0x5a33c2[_0xfc875b(0x1ea)]();}},pg[_0x4c0b78(0x1b2)]=async(_0x3083bc,_0x2a16aa)=>{const _0x1167a9=_0x4c0b78;if(!await pg['createTable'](_0x3083bc))return![];const _0x3b416f=await pool[_0x1167a9(0x1bf)]();try{await _0x3b416f[_0x1167a9(0x1d6)](_0x1167a9(0x1f1));const _0x188f4c=await _0x3b416f[_0x1167a9(0x1d6)]('SELECT\x20*\x20FROM\x20'+_0x3083bc+_0x1167a9(0x1ef),[_0x2a16aa?.['id']]);if(_0x188f4c[_0x1167a9(0x20e)][0x0]){const _0x29d302=await _0x3b416f[_0x1167a9(0x1d6)](_0x1167a9(0x1b9)+_0x3083bc+_0x1167a9(0x1a7),[_0x2a16aa['id']]);return await _0x3b416f[_0x1167a9(0x1d6)](_0x1167a9(0x1ed)),_0x29d302[_0x1167a9(0x20e)][0x0];}else return!![];}catch(_0x8352ba){return await _0x3b416f[_0x1167a9(0x1d6)](_0x1167a9(0x1f3)),console[_0x1167a9(0x1f2)](_0x1167a9(0x1f6)+_0x3083bc+_0x1167a9(0x1b8)+_0x2a16aa?.['id']+'\x0a',_0x8352ba),![];}finally{_0x3b416f[_0x1167a9(0x1ea)]();}},pg[_0x4c0b78(0x1b1)]={'drop':async _0x2cf121=>{const _0x204716=_0x4c0b78;if(!await pg['createTable'](_0x2cf121))return![];const _0xfaa052=await pool[_0x204716(0x1bf)]();try{return await _0xfaa052[_0x204716(0x1d6)]('BEGIN'),await _0xfaa052[_0x204716(0x1d6)]('DROP\x20TABLE\x20IF\x20EXISTS\x20'+_0x2cf121),await _0xfaa052[_0x204716(0x1d6)](_0x204716(0x1ed)),delete cacheTable[_0x2cf121],!![];}catch(_0x451f02){return await _0xfaa052[_0x204716(0x1d6)](_0x204716(0x1f3)),console[_0x204716(0x1f2)](_0x204716(0x1c5)+_0x2cf121+_0x204716(0x1a2),_0x451f02),![];}finally{_0xfaa052[_0x204716(0x1ea)]();}}};let 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_0x4d5f5f=await dbs[_0x23b69c(0x1c7)](_0x1f5c77);return!_0x4d5f5f[_0x2f0fac['id']]?(_0x4d5f5f[_0x2f0fac['id']]={...dbs['newtables'][_0x1f5c77],..._0x2f0fac},await dbs['saveGroupData'](_0x1f5c77,_0x4d5f5f),_0x4d5f5f[_0x2f0fac['id']]):_0x4d5f5f[_0x2f0fac['id']];}catch(_0x5c7f81){return console[_0x23b69c(0x1be)](_0x23b69c(0x1b0)+_0x1f5c77+_0x23b69c(0x1c3),_0x5c7f81),{};}},dbs[_0x4c0b78(0x1b6)]=async(_0x3fdfa7,_0x5dc8cf)=>{const _0x359dfd=_0x4c0b78;try{let _0x215dfa=await dbs['loadGroupData'](_0x3fdfa7);if(_0x215dfa[_0x5dc8cf['id']])return _0x215dfa[_0x5dc8cf['id']];else return;}catch(_0x38d7cf){console[_0x359dfd(0x1be)](_0x359dfd(0x1a9)+_0x3fdfa7+_0x359dfd(0x1c3),_0x38d7cf);return;}},dbs['find']=async(_0x2184c4,_0x455f4e={})=>{const _0x4ffd12=_0x4c0b78;try{let _0x5c69aa=Object['values'](_0x455f4e),_0x1d3b2a=await dbs[_0x4ffd12(0x1c7)](_0x2184c4);if(_0x1d3b2a[_0x455f4e['id']])return[{..._0x1d3b2a[_0x455f4e['id']]}];else{if(!_0x5c69aa[0x0])return 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console[_0x595d15(0x1be)](_0x595d15(0x1e1)+_0x2faec8+_0x595d15(0x1c3),_0x2db5f6),null;}},dbs[_0x4c0b78(0x1c4)]=dbs[_0x4c0b78(0x1b2)],dbs[_0x4c0b78(0x1b1)]={'drop':async _0x23e134=>{const _0x10da0d=_0x4c0b78;try{let _0x4e11da=await dbs[_0x10da0d(0x1c7)](_0x23e134);return Object['keys'](_0x4e11da)[_0x10da0d(0x1d8)](_0x3fe35b=>delete _0x4e11da[_0x3fe35b]),await dbs[_0x10da0d(0x1e2)](_0x23e134,_0x4e11da),!![];}catch(_0x24107f){return console[_0x10da0d(0x1be)](_0x10da0d(0x1e8),_0x24107f),null;}}},dbs[_0x4c0b78(0x1ab)]=dbs[_0x4c0b78(0x1b1)]['drop'];let groupdb={};groupdb[_0x4c0b78(0x1b7)]=async()=>{const _0x16ca8e=_0x4c0b78;try{if(!global[_0x16ca8e(0x1c0)])return;if(isMongodb)return await sck['countDocuments']();else return sqldb&&pg?await pg[_0x16ca8e(0x1b7)]('sck'):await dbs[_0x16ca8e(0x1b7)](_0x16ca8e(0x202));}catch(_0x24b7ee){return console['log'](_0x16ca8e(0x203),_0x24b7ee),0x0;}},groupdb[_0x4c0b78(0x1ca)]=async _0x55e68d=>{const _0x237a06=_0x4c0b78;try{if(!global['SmdOfficial'])return;if(isMongodb){let _0x39bc65=await sck[_0x237a06(0x1b6)]({'id':_0x55e68d['id']})||await new sck({'id':_0x55e68d['id'],..._0x55e68d})['save']();return _0x39bc65;}else{if(sqldb&&pg){var _0x2e4927=await pg[_0x237a06(0x1b6)](_0x237a06(0x202),{'id':_0x55e68d['id']})||await pg['new'](_0x237a06(0x202),_0x55e68d);return _0x2e4927;}else{var _0x2e4927=await dbs[_0x237a06(0x1b6)](_0x237a06(0x202),{'id':_0x55e68d['id']})||await dbs[_0x237a06(0x1ca)](_0x237a06(0x202),_0x55e68d);return _0x2e4927;}}}catch(_0x2b45f5){return console[_0x237a06(0x1be)](_0x237a06(0x203),_0x2b45f5),{};}},groupdb[_0x4c0b78(0x1b6)]=async _0x40a515=>{const _0x420143=_0x4c0b78;try{if(!global[_0x420143(0x1c0)])return;if(isMongodb)return await sck[_0x420143(0x1b6)]({'id':_0x40a515['id']});else{if(sqldb&&pg)return await pg[_0x420143(0x1b6)](_0x420143(0x202),_0x40a515);else{var _0xd1cd95=await dbs['findOne'](_0x420143(0x202),{'id':_0x40a515['id']});return _0xd1cd95;}}}catch(_0x107f93){console[_0x420143(0x1be)](_0x420143(0x20a),_0x107f93);return;}},groupdb['find']=async _0x2f5b11=>{const _0x32ded4=_0x4c0b78;try{if(!global[_0x32ded4(0x1c0)])return;if(isMongodb){let _0x51725c=await sck[_0x32ded4(0x208)](_0x2f5b11);return _0x51725c;}else return sqldb&&pg?await pg[_0x32ded4(0x208)]('sck',_0x2f5b11):await dbs[_0x32ded4(0x208)](_0x32ded4(0x202),_0x2f5b11);}catch(_0x17f4bf){return console['log']('Error\x20while\x20finding\x20user\x20in\x20database,\x0a',_0x17f4bf),[];}},groupdb[_0x4c0b78(0x1bd)]=async(_0x50e773,_0x4e38eb={})=>{const _0x6a6f2=_0x4c0b78;try{if(!global[_0x6a6f2(0x1c0)])return;if(!_0x50e773['id'])return{};if(isMongodb)return await sck[_0x6a6f2(0x1bd)]({'id':_0x50e773['id']},{..._0x4e38eb});else return sqldb&&pg?await pg['updateOne'](_0x6a6f2(0x202),{'id':_0x50e773['id']},_0x4e38eb):await dbs[_0x6a6f2(0x1bd)](_0x6a6f2(0x202),_0x50e773,_0x4e38eb);}catch(_0x52a602){return console[_0x6a6f2(0x1be)]('Error\x20while\x20updateOne\x20user\x20in\x20database,\x0a',_0x52a602),{};}},groupdb['findOneAndDelete']=async _0x1b99fa=>{const _0x520cb6=_0x4c0b78;try{if(!global['SmdOfficial'])return;if(!_0x1b99fa['id'])return[];if(isMongodb)return await sck['findOneAndDelete']({'id':_0x1b99fa['id']});else return sqldb&&pg?await pg[_0x520cb6(0x1b2)](_0x520cb6(0x202),_0x1b99fa):await dbs[_0x520cb6(0x1b2)]('sck',_0x1b99fa);}catch(_0x145c6b){return console[_0x520cb6(0x1be)]('Error\x20while\x20findOneAndDelete\x20user\x20in\x20database,\x0a',_0x145c6b),null;}},groupdb[_0x4c0b78(0x1c4)]=groupdb[_0x4c0b78(0x1b2)],groupdb[_0x4c0b78(0x1b1)]={'drop':async()=>{const _0x2e4f3e=_0x4c0b78;try{if(!global[_0x2e4f3e(0x1c0)])return;if(isMongodb)return await sck['collection'][_0x2e4f3e(0x1ad)]();else return sqldb&&pg?await pg[_0x2e4f3e(0x1b1)][_0x2e4f3e(0x1ad)](_0x2e4f3e(0x202)):await dbs['collection']['drop']('sck');}catch(_0x3bc5d2){return console[_0x2e4f3e(0x1be)](_0x2e4f3e(0x1e8),_0x3bc5d2),null;}}};let userdb={};userdb[_0x4c0b78(0x1b7)]=async()=>{const _0xba3aec=_0x4c0b78;try{if(!global['SmdOfficial'])return;if(isMongodb)return await sck1[_0xba3aec(0x1b7)]();else return sqldb&&pg?await pg[_0xba3aec(0x1b7)](_0xba3aec(0x1a3)):await dbs[_0xba3aec(0x1b7)]('sck1');}catch(_0x296696){return console[_0xba3aec(0x1be)]('Error\x20from\x20userdb.countDocuments()\x20in\x20user\x20database,\x0a',_0x296696),0x0;}},userdb[_0x4c0b78(0x1ca)]=async _0x120946=>{const _0x5e341e=_0x4c0b78;try{if(!global[_0x5e341e(0x1c0)])return;if(isMongodb){let _0x383f2c=await sck1[_0x5e341e(0x1b6)]({'id':_0x120946['id']})||await new sck1({'id':_0x120946['id'],..._0x120946})[_0x5e341e(0x1f4)]();return _0x383f2c;}else{if(sqldb&&pg){var _0x5c4a31=await pg['findOne'](_0x5e341e(0x1a3),{'id':_0x120946['id']})||await pg['new'](_0x5e341e(0x1a3),_0x120946);return _0x5c4a31;}else{var _0x5c4a31=await dbs['findOne'](_0x5e341e(0x1a3),{'id':_0x120946['id']})||await dbs['new'](_0x5e341e(0x1a3),_0x120946);return _0x5c4a31;}}}catch(_0x16daff){return console[_0x5e341e(0x1be)](_0x5e341e(0x1b4),_0x16daff),{};}},userdb[_0x4c0b78(0x1b6)]=async _0x3fcc41=>{const _0x588fb8=_0x4c0b78;try{if(!global[_0x588fb8(0x1c0)])return;if(isMongodb)return await sck1['findOne']({'id':_0x3fcc41['id']});else{if(sqldb&&pg)return await pg[_0x588fb8(0x1b6)](_0x588fb8(0x1a3),_0x3fcc41);else{var _0x2aa933=await dbs[_0x588fb8(0x1b6)](_0x588fb8(0x1a3),{'id':_0x3fcc41['id']});return _0x2aa933;}}}catch(_0x2ce7ff){console[_0x588fb8(0x1be)](_0x588fb8(0x1e9),_0x2ce7ff);return;}},userdb[_0x4c0b78(0x208)]=async _0x55891b=>{const _0x39cb5d=_0x4c0b78;try{if(!global[_0x39cb5d(0x1c0)])return;if(isMongodb){let _0x554afe=await sck1[_0x39cb5d(0x208)](_0x55891b);return _0x554afe;}else return sqldb&&pg?await pg[_0x39cb5d(0x208)](_0x39cb5d(0x1a3),_0x55891b):await dbs[_0x39cb5d(0x208)](_0x39cb5d(0x1a3),_0x55891b);}catch(_0x307f32){return console[_0x39cb5d(0x1be)]('Error\x20userdb.find()\x20in\x20user\x20database,\x0a',_0x307f32),[];}},userdb[_0x4c0b78(0x1bd)]=async(_0x1cc56c,_0x6605dc={})=>{const _0x7e19ea=_0x4c0b78;try{if(!global[_0x7e19ea(0x1c0)])return;if(!_0x1cc56c['id'])return{};if(isMongodb)return await sck1[_0x7e19ea(0x1bd)]({'id':_0x1cc56c['id']},{..._0x6605dc});else return sqldb&&pg?await pg[_0x7e19ea(0x1bd)](_0x7e19ea(0x1a3),{'id':_0x1cc56c['id']},_0x6605dc):await dbs[_0x7e19ea(0x1bd)](_0x7e19ea(0x1a3),_0x1cc56c,_0x6605dc);}catch(_0x5c5e7f){return console[_0x7e19ea(0x1be)](_0x7e19ea(0x1f5),_0x5c5e7f),{};}},userdb[_0x4c0b78(0x1b2)]=async _0x4299d1=>{const _0x2b52fa=_0x4c0b78;try{if(!global[_0x2b52fa(0x1c0)])return;if(!_0x4299d1['id'])return[];if(isMongodb)return await sck1[_0x2b52fa(0x1b2)]({'id':_0x4299d1['id']});else return sqldb&&pg?await pg[_0x2b52fa(0x1b2)](_0x2b52fa(0x1a3),_0x4299d1):await dbs[_0x2b52fa(0x1b2)](_0x2b52fa(0x1a3),_0x4299d1);}catch(_0x20bdea){return console[_0x2b52fa(0x1be)]('Error\x20userdb.findOneAndDelete()\x20in\x20user\x20database,\x0a',_0x20bdea),null;}},userdb[_0x4c0b78(0x1c4)]=userdb['findOneAndDelete'],userdb[_0x4c0b78(0x1b1)]={'drop':async()=>{const _0x39751e=_0x4c0b78;try{if(!global[_0x39751e(0x1c0)])return;if(isMongodb)return await sck1[_0x39751e(0x1b1)][_0x39751e(0x1ad)]();else return sqldb&&pg?await pg[_0x39751e(0x1b1)]['drop'](_0x39751e(0x1a3)):await dbs[_0x39751e(0x1b1)][_0x39751e(0x1ad)](_0x39751e(0x1a3));}catch(_0x581b40){return console[_0x39751e(0x1be)](_0x39751e(0x20f),_0x581b40),null;}}};let alivedb={};alivedb[_0x4c0b78(0x1b7)]=async()=>{const _0xc5f24c=_0x4c0b78;try{if(!global['SmdOfficial'])return;if(isMongodb)return await alive['countDocuments']();else return sqldb&&pg?await pg[_0xc5f24c(0x1b7)](_0xc5f24c(0x1e4)):await dbs[_0xc5f24c(0x1b7)](_0xc5f24c(0x1e4));}catch(_0x3d0101){return console['log'](_0xc5f24c(0x203),_0x3d0101),0x0;}},alivedb[_0x4c0b78(0x1ca)]=async _0x23e365=>{const _0x2f6095=_0x4c0b78;try{if(!global[_0x2f6095(0x1c0)])return;if(isMongodb){let _0xe6553a=await alive[_0x2f6095(0x1b6)]({'id':_0x23e365['id']})||await new alive({'id':_0x23e365['id'],..._0x23e365})[_0x2f6095(0x1f4)]();return _0xe6553a;}else{if(sqldb&&pg)return await pg[_0x2f6095(0x1b6)](_0x2f6095(0x1e4),{'id':_0x23e365['id']})||await pg['new'](_0x2f6095(0x1e4),_0x23e365);else{var _0x58f20a=await dbs[_0x2f6095(0x1b6)](_0x2f6095(0x1e4),{'id':_0x23e365['id']})||await dbs['new'](_0x2f6095(0x1e4),_0x23e365);return _0x58f20a;}}}catch(_0x1f5a89){return console[_0x2f6095(0x1be)]('Error\x20while\x20Creating\x20BOT\x20INFO\x20in\x20database,\x0a',_0x1f5a89),{};}},alivedb['findOne']=async _0x501601=>{const _0x34f33c=_0x4c0b78;try{if(!global[_0x34f33c(0x1c0)])return;if(isMongodb)return await alive['findOne']({'id':_0x501601['id']});else{if(sqldb&&pg)return await pg[_0x34f33c(0x1b6)]('bot_',_0x501601);else{var _0x4ff177=await dbs['findOne'](_0x34f33c(0x1e4),{'id':_0x501601['id']});return _0x4ff177;}}}catch(_0x5687ca){console[_0x34f33c(0x1be)](_0x34f33c(0x20a),_0x5687ca);return;}},alivedb['find']=async _0x134c10=>{const _0xa47c55=_0x4c0b78;try{if(!global[_0xa47c55(0x1c0)])return;if(isMongodb){let _0x125f95=await alive[_0xa47c55(0x208)](_0x134c10);return _0x125f95;}else return sqldb&&pg?await pg[_0xa47c55(0x208)](_0xa47c55(0x1e4),_0x134c10):await dbs[_0xa47c55(0x208)](_0xa47c55(0x1e4),_0x134c10);}catch(_0xd5743f){return console[_0xa47c55(0x1be)]('Error\x20while\x20finding\x20user\x20in\x20database,\x0a',_0xd5743f),[];}},alivedb[_0x4c0b78(0x1bd)]=async(_0x5d0ba0,_0x2d8bd4={})=>{const _0x413d7f=_0x4c0b78;try{if(!global['SmdOfficial'])return;if(!_0x5d0ba0['id'])return{};if(isMongodb)return await alive[_0x413d7f(0x1bd)]({'id':_0x5d0ba0['id']},{..._0x2d8bd4});else return sqldb&&pg?await pg[_0x413d7f(0x1bd)](_0x413d7f(0x1e4),{'id':_0x5d0ba0['id']},_0x2d8bd4):await dbs[_0x413d7f(0x1bd)](_0x413d7f(0x1e4),_0x5d0ba0,_0x2d8bd4);}catch(_0x19b9ab){return console[_0x413d7f(0x1be)]('Error\x20while\x20updateOne\x20user\x20in\x20database,\x0a',_0x19b9ab),{};}},alivedb[_0x4c0b78(0x1b2)]=async _0x4481e8=>{const _0x375b40=_0x4c0b78;try{if(!global[_0x375b40(0x1c0)])return;if(!_0x4481e8['id'])return[];if(isMongodb)return await alive[_0x375b40(0x1b2)]({'id':_0x4481e8['id']});else return sqldb&&pg?await pg[_0x375b40(0x1b2)](_0x375b40(0x1e4),_0x4481e8):await dbs[_0x375b40(0x1b2)](_0x375b40(0x1e4),_0x4481e8);}catch(_0x282632){return console['log']('Error\x20while\x20findOneAndDelete\x20user\x20in\x20database,\x0a',_0x282632),null;}},alivedb[_0x4c0b78(0x1c4)]=alivedb[_0x4c0b78(0x1b2)],alivedb[_0x4c0b78(0x1b1)]={'drop':async()=>{const _0x531a88=_0x4c0b78;try{if(!global[_0x531a88(0x1c0)])return;if(isMongodb)return await alive[_0x531a88(0x1b1)][_0x531a88(0x1ad)]();else return sqldb&&pg?await pg[_0x531a88(0x1b1)][_0x531a88(0x1ad)](_0x531a88(0x1e4)):await dbs[_0x531a88(0x1b1)]['drop'](_0x531a88(0x1e4));}catch(_0x7fe9b8){return console[_0x531a88(0x1be)](_0x531a88(0x1e8),_0x7fe9b8),null;}}};let tempdb={};function _0x58fc(_0x3bc852,_0x1399b5){const _0x509e24=_0x509e();return _0x58fc=function(_0x58fca3,_0x2eaaf6){_0x58fca3=_0x58fca3-0x1a2;let _0x1ba651=_0x509e24[_0x58fca3];return _0x1ba651;},_0x58fc(_0x3bc852,_0x1399b5);}tempdb[_0x4c0b78(0x1b7)]=async()=>{const _0x1a56ee=_0x4c0b78;try{if(!global[_0x1a56ee(0x1c0)])return;if(isMongodb)return await dbtemp['countDocuments']();else return sqldb&&pg?await pg[_0x1a56ee(0x1b7)](_0x1a56ee(0x1f0)):await dbs[_0x1a56ee(0x1b7)]('tempdb');}catch(_0x30a1ae){return console[_0x1a56ee(0x1be)](_0x1a56ee(0x203),_0x30a1ae),0x0;}},tempdb[_0x4c0b78(0x1ca)]=async _0x2f752a=>{const _0x15d109=_0x4c0b78;try{if(!global['SmdOfficial'])return;if(isMongodb){let _0x313dc0=await dbtemp['findOne']({'id':_0x2f752a['id']})||await new dbtemp({'id':_0x2f752a['id'],..._0x2f752a})[_0x15d109(0x1f4)]();return _0x313dc0;}else{if(sqldb&&pg){var _0x3d2955=await pg[_0x15d109(0x1b6)](_0x15d109(0x1f0),{'id':_0x2f752a['id']})||await pg['new'](_0x15d109(0x1f0),_0x2f752a);return _0x3d2955;}else{var _0x3d2955=await dbs[_0x15d109(0x1b6)](_0x15d109(0x1f0),{'id':_0x2f752a['id']})||await dbs[_0x15d109(0x1ca)](_0x15d109(0x1f0),_0x2f752a);return _0x3d2955;}}}catch(_0x1f8abb){return console[_0x15d109(0x1be)](_0x15d109(0x203),_0x1f8abb),{};}},tempdb[_0x4c0b78(0x1b6)]=async _0x1adad7=>{const _0x1ab3eb=_0x4c0b78;try{if(!global[_0x1ab3eb(0x1c0)])return;if(isMongodb)return await dbtemp[_0x1ab3eb(0x1b6)]({'id':_0x1adad7['id']});else{if(sqldb&&pg)return await pg['findOne'](_0x1ab3eb(0x1f0),_0x1adad7);else{var _0x27017a=await dbs[_0x1ab3eb(0x1b6)](_0x1ab3eb(0x1f0),{'id':_0x1adad7['id']});return _0x27017a;}}}catch(_0x1a1bc7){console[_0x1ab3eb(0x1be)](_0x1ab3eb(0x20a),_0x1a1bc7);return;}},tempdb[_0x4c0b78(0x208)]=async _0xa3e6f1=>{const _0x1757c9=_0x4c0b78;try{if(!global[_0x1757c9(0x1c0)])return;if(isMongodb){let _0x4f3d66=await dbtemp['find'](_0xa3e6f1);return _0x4f3d66;}else return sqldb&&pg?await pg['find'](_0x1757c9(0x1f0),_0xa3e6f1):await dbs[_0x1757c9(0x208)]('tempdb',_0xa3e6f1);}catch(_0x244e39){return console[_0x1757c9(0x1be)](_0x1757c9(0x20a),_0x244e39),[];}},tempdb[_0x4c0b78(0x1bd)]=async(_0x374d52,_0x593858={})=>{const _0x594dde=_0x4c0b78;try{if(!global[_0x594dde(0x1c0)])return;if(!_0x374d52['id'])return{};if(isMongodb)return await dbtemp[_0x594dde(0x1bd)]({'id':_0x374d52['id']},{..._0x593858});else return sqldb&&pg?await pg[_0x594dde(0x1bd)](_0x594dde(0x1f0),{'id':_0x374d52['id']},_0x593858):await dbs[_0x594dde(0x1bd)]('tempdb',_0x374d52,_0x593858);}catch(_0x17377d){return console[_0x594dde(0x1be)]('Error\x20while\x20updateOne\x20user\x20in\x20database,\x0a',_0x17377d),{};}},tempdb[_0x4c0b78(0x1b2)]=async _0x35f7de=>{const _0x526de5=_0x4c0b78;try{if(!global['SmdOfficial'])return;if(!_0x35f7de['id'])return[];if(isMongodb)return await dbtemp['findOneAndDelete']({'id':_0x35f7de['id']});else return sqldb&&pg?await pg['findOneAndDelete']('tempdb',_0x35f7de):await dbs[_0x526de5(0x1b2)](_0x526de5(0x1f0),_0x35f7de);}catch(_0xe706ae){return console[_0x526de5(0x1be)](_0x526de5(0x210),_0xe706ae),null;}},tempdb[_0x4c0b78(0x1c4)]=tempdb[_0x4c0b78(0x1b2)],tempdb[_0x4c0b78(0x1b1)]={'drop':async()=>{const _0x4910e7=_0x4c0b78;try{if(!global[_0x4910e7(0x1c0)])return;if(isMongodb)return await dbtemp[_0x4910e7(0x1b1)][_0x4910e7(0x1ad)]();else return sqldb&&pg?await pg[_0x4910e7(0x1b1)]['drop'](_0x4910e7(0x1f0)):await dbs[_0x4910e7(0x1b1)][_0x4910e7(0x1ad)](_0x4910e7(0x1f0));}catch(_0x58b3be){return console[_0x4910e7(0x1be)](_0x4910e7(0x1e8),_0x58b3be),null;}}},module['exports']={'tempdb':tempdb,'pg':pg,'dbs':dbs,'groupdb':groupdb,'userdb':userdb,'alivedb':alivedb,'bot_':alivedb}; \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/scraper.js b/lib/scraper.js deleted file mode 100644 index 0f6f98a..0000000 --- a/lib/scraper.js +++ /dev/null @@ -1,10010 +0,0 @@ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 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_0x84eb1[_0x5445c8(0xc5)]([_0x5445c8(0x120)]);return _0x390033;}async function sync(){const _0x4abc08=_0x8c93bf,_0x3b76bf=require(_0x4abc08(0xd8)),_0x53659b=_0x3b76bf();await _0x53659b['fetch']();var _0xc6771f=await _0x53659b[_0x4abc08(0xc5)](['main..origin/main']),_0x1284ac='';return _0xc6771f[_0x4abc08(0x102)][_0x4abc08(0x126)](_0x456f96=>{const _0x952360=_0x4abc08;_0x1284ac+=_0x952360(0xfd)+_0x456f96[_0x952360(0x12a)]['substring'](0x0,0xa)+']:\x20'+_0x456f96['message']+_0x952360(0x13e)+_0x456f96['author_name']+'\x0a';}),_0x1284ac;}function ringtone(_0x4ff2a7){return new Promise((_0x22913d,_0x24472e)=>{const _0x212de1=_0x2baa;axios['get'](_0x212de1(0x10f)+_0x4ff2a7)['then'](_0x13b61f=>{const _0x223679=_0x212de1;let _0x4d1852=cheerio[_0x223679(0xd4)](_0x13b61f[_0x223679(0x136)]),_0x1c53ee=[];_0x4d1852(_0x223679(0x108))['each'](function(_0x4a323c,_0x2905eb){const 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ughts\x20appear\x20in\x20thought\x20bubbles\x20above\x20your\x20head\x20for\x20everyone\x20to\x20read\x20which\x20would\x20you\x20choose?,Have\x20you\x20ever\x20walked\x20in\x20on\x20your\x20parents\x20doing\x20it?,After\x20you\x27ve\x20dropped\x20a\x20piece\x20of\x20food\x20what\x27s\x20the\x20longest\x20time\x20you\x27ve\x20left\x20it\x20on\x20the\x20ground\x20and\x20then\x20ate\x20it?,Have\x20you\x20ever\x20tasted\x20a\x20booger?,Have\x20you\x20ever\x20played\x20Cards\x20Against\x20Humanity\x20with\x20your\x20parents?,What\x27s\x20the\x20first\x20thing\x20you\x20would\x20do\x20if\x20you\x20woke\x20up\x20one\x20day\x20as\x20the\x20opposite\x20sex?,Have\x20you\x20ever\x20peed\x20in\x20the\x20pool?,Who\x20do\x20you\x20think\x20is\x20the\x20worst\x20dressed\x20person\x20in\x20this\x20room?,Have\x20you\x20ever\x20farted\x20in\x20an\x20elevator?,Of\x20the\x20people\x20in\x20this\x20room\x20who\x20do\x20you\x20want\x20to\x20trade\x20lives\x20with?,What\x20are\x20some\x20things\x20you\x20think\x20about\x20when\x20sitting\x20on\x20the\x20toilet?,Did\x20you\x20have\x20an\x20imaginary\x20friend\x20growing\x20up?,Do\x20you\x20cover\x20your\x20eyes\x20during\x20a\x20scary\x20part\x20in\x20a\x20movie?,Have\x20you\x20ever\x20practiced\x20kissing\x20in\x20a\x20mirror?,Did\x20your\x20parents\x20ever\x20give\x20you\x20the\x20“birds\x20and\x20the\x20bees”\x20talk?,What\x20is\x20your\x20guilty\x20pleasure?,What\x20is\x20your\x20worst\x20habit?,Has\x20anyone\x20ever\x20walked\x20in\x20on\x20you\x20when\x20going\x20#2\x20in\x20the\x20bathroom?,Have\x20you\x20ever\x20had\x20a\x20wardrobe\x20malfunction?,Have\x20you\x20ever\x20walked\x20into\x20a\x20wall?,Do\x20you\x20pick\x20your\x20nose?,Do\x20you\x20sing\x20in\x20the\x20shower?,Have\x20you\x20ever\x20peed\x20yourself?,What\x20was\x20your\x20most\x20embarrassing\x20moment\x20in\x20public?,Have\x20you\x20ever\x20farted\x20loudly\x20in\x20class?,Do\x20you\x20ever\x20talk\x20to\x20yourself\x20in\x20the\x20mirror?,You’re\x20in\x20a\x20public\x20restroom\x20and\x20just\x20went\x20#2\x20then\x20you\x20realized\x20your\x20stall\x20has\x20no\x20toilet\x20paper.\x20What\x20do\x20you\x20do?,What\x20would\x20be\x20in\x20your\x20web\x20history\x20that\x20you’d\x20be\x20embarrassed\x20if\x20someone\x20saw?,Have\x20you\x20ever\x20tried\x20to\x20take\x20a\x20sexy\x20picture\x20of\x20yourself?,Do\x20you\x20sleep\x20with\x20a\x20stuffed\x20animal?,Do\x20you\x20drool\x20in\x20your\x20sleep?,Do\x20you\x20talk\x20in\x20your\x20sleep?,Who\x20is\x20your\x20secret\x20crush?,Who\x20do\x20you\x20like\x20the\x20least\x20in\x20this\x20room\x20and\x20why?,What\x20does\x20your\x20dream\x20boy\x20or\x20girl\x20look\x20like?,What\x20is\x20your\x20go-to\x20song\x20for\x20the\x20shower?,Who\x20is\x20the\x20sexiest\x20person\x20in\x20this\x20room?,How\x20would\x20you\x20rate\x20your\x20looks\x20on\x20a\x20scale\x20of\x201\x20to\x2010?,Would\x20you\x20rather\x20have\x20sex\x20with\x20[insert\x20name]\x20in\x20secret\x20or\x20not\x20have\x20sex\x20with\x20that\x20person\x20but\x20everyone\x20thinks\x20you\x20did?,What\x20don\x27t\x20you\x20like\x20about\x20me?,What\x20color\x20underwear\x20are\x20you\x20wearing\x20right\x20now?,What\x20was\x20the\x20last\x20thing\x20you\x20texted?,If\x20you\x20were\x20rescuing\x20people\x20from\x20a\x20burning\x20building\x20and\x20you\x20had\x20to\x20leave\x20one\x20person\x20behind\x20from\x20this\x20room\x20who\x20would\x20it\x20be?,Do\x20you\x20think\x20you\x27ll\x20marry\x20your\x20current\x20girlfriend/boyfriend?,How\x20often\x20do\x20you\x20wash\x20your\x20undergarments?,Have\x20you\x20ever\x20tasted\x20ear\x20wax?,Have\x20you\x20ever\x20farted\x20and\x20then\x20blamed\x20someone\x20else?,Have\x20you\x20ever\x20tasted\x20your\x20sweat?,What\x20is\x20the\x20most\x20illegal\x20thing\x20you\x20have\x20ever\x20done?,Who\x20is\x20your\x20favorite?\x20Mom\x20or\x20Dad?,Would\x20you\x20trade\x20your\x20sibling\x20in\x20for\x20a\x20million\x20dollars?,Would\x20you\x20trade\x20in\x20your\x20dog\x20for\x20a\x20million\x20dollars?,What\x20is\x20your\x20biggest\x20pet\x20peeve?,If\x20you\x20were\x20allowed\x20to\x20marry\x20more\x20than\x20one\x20person\x20would\x20you?\x20Who\x20would\x20you\x20choose\x20to\x20marry?,Would\x20you\x20rather\x20lose\x20your\x20sex\x20organs\x20forever\x20or\x20gain\x20200\x20pounds?,Would\x20you\x20choose\x20to\x20save\x20100\x20people\x20without\x20anyone\x20knowing\x20about\x20it\x20or\x20not\x20save\x20them\x20but\x20have\x20everyone\x20praise\x20you\x20for\x20it?,If\x20you\x20could\x20only\x20hear\x20one\x20song\x20for\x20the\x20rest\x20of\x20your\x20life\x20what\x20would\x20it\x20be?,If\x20you\x20lost\x20one\x20day\x20of\x20your\x20life\x20every\x20time\x20you\x20said\x20a\x20swear\x20word\x20would\x20you\x20try\x20not\x20to\x20do\x20it?,Who\x20in\x20this\x20room\x20would\x20be\x20the\x20worst\x20person\x20to\x20date?\x20Why?,Would\x20you\x20rather\x20live\x20with\x20no\x20internet\x20or\x20no\x20A/C\x20or\x20heating?,If\x20someone\x20offered\x20you\x20$1\x20million\x20to\x20break\x20up\x20with\x20your\x20girlfriend/boyfriend\x20would\x20you\x20do\x20it?,If\x20you\x20were\x20reborn\x20what\x20decade\x20would\x20you\x20want\x20to\x20be\x20born\x20in?,If\x20you\x20could\x20go\x20back\x20in\x20time\x20in\x20erase\x20one\x20thing\x20you\x20said\x20or\x20did\x20what\x20would\x20it\x20be?,Has\x20your\x20boyfriend\x20or\x20girlfriend\x20ever\x20embarrassed\x20you?,Have\x20you\x20ever\x20thought\x20about\x20cheating\x20on\x20your\x20partner?,If\x20you\x20could\x20suddenly\x20become\x20invisible\x20what\x20would\x20you\x20do?,Have\x20you\x20ever\x20been\x20caught\x20checking\x20someone\x20out?,Have\x20you\x20ever\x20waved\x20at\x20someone\x20thinking\x20they\x20saw\x20you\x20when\x20really\x20they\x20didn\x27t?\x20What\x20did\x20you\x20do\x20when\x20you\x20realized\x20it?,What\x27s\x20the\x20longest\x20time\x20you\x27ve\x20stayed\x20in\x20the\x20bathroom\x20and\x20why\x20did\x20you\x20stay\x20for\x20that\x20long?,What\x27s\x20the\x20most\x20unflattering\x20school\x20picture\x20of\x20you?,Have\x20you\x20ever\x20cried\x20because\x20you\x20missed\x20your\x20parents\x20so\x20much?,Would\x20you\x20rather\x20be\x20caught\x20picking\x20your\x20nose\x20or\x20picking\x20a\x20wedgie?,Describe\x20the\x20strangest\x20dream\x20you\x27ve\x20ever\x20had.\x20Did\x20you\x20like\x20it?,Have\x20you\x20ever\x20posted\x20something\x20on\x20social\x20media\x20that\x20you\x20regret?,What\x20is\x20your\x20biggest\x20fear?,Do\x20you\x20pee\x20in\x20the\x20shower?,Have\x20you\x20ever\x20ding\x20dong\x20ditched\x20someone?,The\x20world\x20ends\x20next\x20week\x20and\x20you\x20can\x20do\x20anything\x20you\x20want\x20(even\x20if\x20it\x27s\x20illegal).\x20What\x20would\x20you\x20do?,Would\x20you\x20wear\x20your\x20shirt\x20inside\x20out\x20for\x20a\x20whole\x20day\x20if\x20someone\x20paid\x20you\x20$100?,What\x20is\x20the\x20most\x20childish\x20thing\x20that\x20you\x20still\x20do?,How\x20far\x20would\x20you\x20go\x20to\x20land\x20the\x20guy\x20or\x20girl\x20of\x20your\x20dreams?,Tell\x20us\x20about\x20a\x20time\x20you\x20embarrassed\x20yourself\x20in\x20front\x20of\x20a\x20crush.,Have\x20you\x20ever\x20kept\x20a\x20library\x20book?,Who\x20is\x20one\x20person\x20you\x20pretend\x20to\x20like\x20but\x20actually\x20don’t?,What\x20children’s\x20movie\x20could\x20you\x20watch\x20over\x20and\x20over\x20again?,Do\x20you\x20have\x20bad\x20foot\x20odor?,Do\x20you\x20have\x20any\x20silly\x20nicknames?,When\x20was\x20the\x20last\x20time\x20you\x20wet\x20the\x20bed?,How\x20many\x20pancakes\x20have\x20you\x20eaten\x20in\x20a\x20single\x20sitting?,Have\x20you\x20ever\x20accidentally\x20hit\x20something\x20with\x20your\x20car?,If\x20you\x20had\x20to\x20make\x20out\x20with\x20any\x20Disney\x20character\x20who\x20would\x20it\x20be?,Have\x20you\x20ever\x20watched\x20a\x20movie\x20you\x20knew\x20you\x20shouldn’t?,Have\x20you\x20ever\x20wanted\x20to\x20try\x20LARP\x20(Live\x20Action\x20Role-Play)?,What\x20app\x20on\x20your\x20phone\x20do\x20you\x20waste\x20the\x20most\x20time\x20on?,Have\x20you\x20ever\x20pretended\x20to\x20be\x20sick\x20to\x20get\x20out\x20of\x20something?\x20If\x20so\x20what\x20was\x20it?,What\x20is\x20the\x20most\x20food\x20you’ve\x20eaten\x20in\x20a\x20single\x20sitting?,Do\x20you\x20dance\x20when\x20you’re\x20by\x20yourself?,Would\x20you\x20have\x20voted\x20for\x20or\x20against\x20Trump?,What\x20song\x20on\x20the\x20radio\x20do\x20you\x20sing\x20with\x20every\x20time\x20it\x20comes\x20on?,Do\x20you\x20sleep\x20with\x20a\x20stuffed\x20animal?,Do\x20you\x20own\x20a\x20pair\x20of\x20footie\x20pajamas?,Are\x20you\x20scared\x20of\x20the\x20dark?,What\x20‘As\x20seen\x20on\x20TV’\x20product\x20do\x20you\x20secretly\x20want\x20to\x20buy?,Do\x20you\x20still\x20take\x20bubble\x20baths?,If\x20you\x20were\x20home\x20by\x20yourself\x20all\x20day\x20what\x20would\x20you\x20do?,How\x20many\x20selfies\x20do\x20you\x20take\x20a\x20day?,What\x20is\x20something\x20you’ve\x20done\x20to\x20try\x20to\x20be\x20‘cooler’?,When\x20was\x20the\x20last\x20time\x20you\x20brushed\x20your\x20teeth?,Have\x20you\x20ever\x20used\x20self-tanner?,What\x20do\x20your\x20favorite\x20pajamas\x20look\x20like?,Do\x20you\x20have\x20a\x20security\x20blanket?,Have\x20you\x20ever\x20eaten\x20something\x20off\x20the\x20floor?,Have\x20you\x20ever\x20butt-dialed\x20someone?,Do\x20you\x20like\x20hanging\x20out\x20with\x20your\x20parents?,Have\x20you\x20ever\x20got\x20caught\x20doing\x20something\x20you\x20shouldn’t?,What\x20part\x20of\x20your\x20body\x20do\x20you\x20love\x20and\x20which\x20part\x20do\x20you\x20hate?,Have\x20you\x20ever\x20had\x20lice?,Have\x20you\x20ever\x20pooped\x20your\x20pants?,What\x20was\x20the\x20last\x20R-rated\x20movie\x20you\x20watched?,Do\x20you\x20lick\x20your\x20plate?,What\x20is\x20something\x20that\x20no\x20one\x20else\x20knows\x20about\x20you?,Do\x20you\x20write\x20in\x20a\x20diary?','form-data','','split','108MWISzu','header\x20>\x20div.entry-after-title\x20>\x20p\x20>\x20span.entry-shares','groupMet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mime=_0xf07e45['split']('.'),mime=mime[0x1],_0x10993c[_0x2e31f5(0xc7)]({'nama':_0xf07e45,'mime':mime,'size':_0x433bc4,'link':_0x247c2d}),_0x10993c;},embarrassing_questions_truth=_0x8c93bf(0x10d)['split'](','),truth_girl_questions=_0x8c93bf(0x138)[_0x8c93bf(0x110)](','),tord_friend_questions=_0x8c93bf(0x129)[_0x8c93bf(0x110)](','),truth_guy_questions='If\x20you\x20had\x20to\x20choose\x20between\x20dating\x20someone\x20ugly\x20who\x20was\x20good\x20in\x20bed\x20or\x20dating\x20someone\x20hot\x20who\x20was\x20bad\x20in\x20bed\x20which\x20would\x20you\x20choose?,If\x20you\x20could\x20be\x20invisible\x20who\x20would\x20you\x20spy\x20on?,Who\x20are\x20the\x20top\x205\x20hottest\x20girls\x20at\x20our\x20school?\x20In\x20our\x20class?,Who\x20in\x20this\x20room\x20would\x20you\x20make\x20out\x20with?,If\x20you\x20could\x20date\x20one\x20of\x20your\x20bro\x27s\x20girlfriends\x20who\x20would\x20it\x20be?,What\x20your\x20favorite\x20body\x20part?,When\x20was\x20the\x20last\x20time\x20you\x20flexed\x20in\x20the\x20mirror?,Describe\x20your\x20perfect\x20partner.,Have\x20you\x20ever\x20been\x20in\x20love?,Blonde\x20or\x20brunette?,What\x20turns\x20you\x20on\x20the\x20most?,If\x20your\x20parents\x20hated\x20your\x20girlfriend\x20would\x20you\x20dump\x20her?,If\x20your\x20girlfriend\x20hated\x20your\x20best\x20friend\x20what\x20would\x20you\x20do?,Who\x20is\x20your\x20biggest\x20celebrity\x20crush?,Would\x20you\x20take\x20steroids?,Have\x20you\x20ever\x20had\x20a\x20crush\x20on\x20a\x20friend\x27s\x20girlfriend?,Who\x20are\x20you\x20jealous\x20of?,Who\x20do\x20you\x20think\x20is\x20the\x20hottest\x20in\x20our\x20group?,What\x20is\x20your\x20biggest\x20turn-off?,Have\x20you\x20ever\x20been\x20rejected\x20by\x20someone?,If\x20you\x20had\x20to\x20choose\x20between\x20being\x20poor\x20and\x20smart\x20or\x20being\x20rich\x20and\x20dumb\x20what\x20would\x20you\x20choose?,What\x20have\x20you\x20lied\x20to\x20your\x20partner\x20about?,Have\x20you\x20ever\x20cheated\x20on\x20your\x20partner?,Would\x20you\x20go\x20out\x20with\x20an\x20older\x20woman?,Do\x20you\x20have\x20a\x20crush\x20on\x20someone\x20from\x20another\x20school?,Boxers\x20or\x20briefs?,When\x20was\x20the\x20last\x20time\x20you\x20cried?,Have\x20you\x20ever\x20had\x20a\x20crush\x20on\x20a\x20friend\x27s\x20girlfriend?,If\x20you\x20could\x20make\x20out\x20with\x20someone\x20else\x27s\x20girl\x20who\x20would\x20it\x20be?,If\x20every\x20time\x20you\x20checked\x20out\x20a\x20girl\x27s\x20body\x20you\x20would\x20gain\x205\x20pounds\x20how\x20often\x20would\x20you\x20do\x20it?,Have\x20you\x20ever\x20lied\x20about\x20your\x20age?,Have\x20you\x20ever\x20fallen\x20in\x20love\x20at\x20first\x20sight?,If\x20a\x20girl\x20you\x20didn\x27t\x20like\x20had\x20a\x20crush\x20on\x20you\x20how\x20would\x20you\x20act\x20around\x20her?,What\x20if\x20she\x20was\x20your\x20friend?,What\x20would\x20you\x20do\x20if\x20you\x20found\x20out\x20your\x20girlfriend\x20liked\x20someone\x20else?,If\x20we\x20formed\x20a\x20boy\x20band\x20who\x20here\x20would\x20make\x20the\x20best\x20lead\x20singer?'[_0x8c93bf(0x110)](','),flirty_questions='Who\x20do\x20you\x20want\x20to\x20make\x20out\x20with\x20the\x20most?,If\x20you\x20had\x20to\x20flash\x20just\x20one\x20person\x20in\x20this\x20room\x20who\x20would\x20it\x20be?,If\x20you\x20haven\x27t\x20had\x20your\x20first\x20kiss\x20yet\x20who\x20in\x20this\x20room\x20do\x20you\x20want\x20to\x20have\x20your\x20first\x20kiss\x20with?,Of\x20the\x20people\x20in\x20this\x20room\x20who\x20would\x20you\x20go\x20out\x20with?,Describe\x20the\x20most\x20attractive\x20thing\x20about\x20each\x20person\x20in\x20this\x20room.,Who\x20here\x20do\x20you\x20think\x20is\x20the\x20best\x20flirt?,Who\x20has\x20the\x20best\x20smile?,Who\x20has\x20the\x20cutest\x20nose?,How\x20about\x20prettiest\x20eyes?,Who\x27s\x20the\x20funniest\x20in\x20this\x20room?,What\x27s\x20one\x20thing\x20you\x20would\x20never\x20do\x20in\x20front\x20of\x20someone\x20you\x20had\x20a\x20crush\x20on?,How\x20often\x20do\x20you\x20check\x20yourself\x20out\x20in\x20the\x20mirror\x20when\x20you\x27re\x20on\x20a\x20date?,Who\x20here\x20do\x20you\x20think\x20would\x20be\x20the\x20best\x20kisser?,Who\x20has\x20the\x20best\x20dance\x20moves?,If\x20you\x20could\x20have\x20one\x20physical\x20feature\x20of\x20someone\x20in\x20this\x20room\x20what\x20would\x20that\x20be?,What\x20is\x20your\x20wildest\x20fantasy?,How\x20far\x20would\x20you\x20go\x20with\x20someone\x20you\x20just\x20met\x20and\x20will\x20never\x20see\x20again?,Rate\x20me\x20on\x20a\x20scale\x20of\x201\x20to\x2010\x20with\x2010\x20being\x20the\x20hottest.,If\x20I\x20was\x20a\x20food\x20what\x20would\x20I\x20be\x20and\x20how\x20would\x20you\x20eat\x20me?,Would\x20you\x20choose\x20a\x20wild\x20hot\x20relationship\x20or\x20a\x20calm\x20and\x20stable\x20one?,If\x20you\x20had\x20one\x20week\x20to\x20live\x20and\x20you\x20had\x20to\x20marry\x20someone\x20in\x20this\x20room\x20who\x20would\x20it\x20be?,If\x20you\x20only\x20had\x2024\x20hours\x20to\x20live\x20and\x20you\x20could\x20do\x20anything\x20with\x20anyone\x20in\x20this\x20room\x20who\x20would\x20it\x20be\x20and\x20what\x20would\x20you\x20do\x20with\x20that\x20person?,What\x27s\x20your\x20biggest\x20turn-on?,And\x20your\x20biggest\x20turn-off?,Would\x20you\x20go\x20out\x20with\x20me\x20if\x20I\x20was\x20the\x20last\x20person\x20on\x20earth?,What\x27s\x20the\x20most\x20flirtatious\x20thing\x20you\x27ve\x20ever\x20done?,What\x27s\x20the\x20sexiest\x20thing\x20about\x20[fill\x20in\x20the\x20name\x20of\x20a\x20person\x20in\x20the\x20room]?,If\x20you\x20could\x20go\x20on\x20a\x20romantic\x20date\x20with\x20anyone\x20in\x20this\x20room\x20who\x20would\x20you\x20pick?'[_0x8c93bf(0x110)](','),dirty_questions=_0x8c93bf(0x105)['split'](','),dare_normal_questions='Do\x20a\x20free-style\x20rap\x20for\x20the\x20next\x20minute.,Let\x20another\x20person\x20post\x20a\x20status\x20on\x20your\x20behalf.,Hand\x20over\x20your\x20phone\x20to\x20another\x20player\x20who\x20can\x20send\x20a\x20single\x20text\x20saying\x20anything\x20they\x20want\x20to\x20anyone\x20they\x20want.,Let\x20the\x20other\x20players\x20go\x20through\x20your\x20phone\x20for\x20one\x20minute.,Smell\x20another\x20player\x27s\x20armpit.,Smell\x20another\x20player\x27s\x20bare\x20foot.,Eat\x20a\x20bite\x20of\x20a\x20banana\x20peel.,Do\x20an\x20impression\x20of\x20another\x20player\x20until\x20someone\x20can\x20figure\x20out\x20who\x20it\x20is.,Say\x20pickles\x20at\x20the\x20end\x20of\x20every\x20sentence\x20you\x20say\x20until\x20it\x27s\x20your\x20turn\x20again.,Imitate\x20a\x20YouTube\x20star\x20until\x20another\x20player\x20guesses\x20who\x20you\x27re\x20portraying.,Act\x20like\x20a\x20chicken\x20until\x20your\x20next\x20turn.,Talk\x20in\x20a\x20British\x20accent\x20until\x20your\x20next\x20turn.,Call\x20a\x20friend,\x20pretend\x20it\x27s\x20their\x20birthday,\x20and\x20sing\x20them\x20Happy\x20Birthday\x20to\x20You.,Name\x20a\x20famous\x20person\x20that\x20looks\x20like\x20each\x20player\x20in\x20the\x20room.,Show\x20us\x20your\x20best\x20dance\x20moves.,Eat\x20a\x20packet\x20of\x20hot\x20sauce\x20straight.,Let\x20another\x20person\x20draw\x20a\x20tattoo\x20on\x20your\x20back\x20with\x20a\x20permanent\x20marker.,Put\x20on\x20a\x20blindfold\x20and\x20touch\x20the\x20other\x20players\x27\x20faces\x20until\x20you\x20can\x20figure\x20out\x20who\x27s\x20who.,Serenade\x20the\x20person\x20to\x20your\x20right\x20for\x20a\x20full\x20minute.,Do\x2020\x20squats.,Let\x20the\x20other\x20players\x20redo\x20your\x20hairstyle.,Gulp\x20down\x20a\x20raw\x20egg.,Dump\x20out\x20your\x20purse\x27\x20backpack\x27\x20or\x20pockets\x20and\x20do\x20a\x20show\x20and\x20tell\x20of\x20what\x27s\x20inside.,Let\x20the\x20player\x20to\x20your\x20right\x20redo\x20your\x20makeup.,Do\x20a\x20prank\x20call\x20on\x20one\x20of\x20your\x20family\x20members.,Let\x20another\x20player\x20create\x20a\x20hat\x20out\x20of\x20toilet\x20paper\x20—\x20and\x20you\x27ve\x20got\x20to\x20wear\x20it\x20for\x20the\x20rest\x20of\x20the\x20game.,Do\x20a\x20plank\x20for\x20a\x20full\x20minute.,Let\x20someone\x20give\x20you\x20a\x20wedgie.,Put\x20five\x20cubes\x20in\x20your\x20mouth\x20(you\x20can\x27t\x20chew\x20them,\x20you\x20just\x20have\x20to\x20let\x20them\x20melt—brrr).,Bark\x20like\x20a\x20dog.,Draw\x20your\x20favorite\x20movie\x20and\x20have\x20the\x20other\x20person\x20guess\x20it\x20(Pictionary-style).,Repeat\x20everything\x20the\x20person\x20to\x20your\x20right\x20says\x20until\x20your\x20next\x20turn.,Demonstrate\x20how\x20you\x20style\x20your\x20hair\x20in\x20the\x20mirror\x20(without\x20actually\x20using\x20the\x20mirror).,Play\x20air\x20guitar\x20for\x20one\x20minute.,Empty\x20a\x20glass\x20of\x20cold\x20water\x20onto\x20your\x20head\x20outside.,Lay\x20on\x20the\x20floor\x20and\x20act\x20like\x20a\x20sizzling\x20piece\x20of\x20bacon.,In\x20the\x20next\x20ten\x20minutes,\x20find\x20a\x20way\x20to\x20scare\x20another\x20player\x20and\x20make\x20it\x20a\x20surprise.,Lick\x20a\x20bar\x20of\x20soap.,Eat\x20a\x20teaspoon\x20of\x20mustard.'[_0x8c93bf(0x110)](','),more_normal_dare_questions='Show\x20the\x20most\x20embarrassing\x20photo\x20on\x20your\x20phone,Show\x20the\x20last\x20five\x20people\x20you\x20texted\x20and\x20what\x20the\x20messages\x20said,Let\x20the\x20rest\x20of\x20the\x20group\x20DM\x20someone\x20from\x20your\x20Instagram\x20account,Eat\x20a\x20raw\x20piece\x20of\x20garlic,Do\x20100\x20squats,Show\x20us\x20your\x20screen\x20time\x20report,Keep\x20three\x20ice\x20cubes\x20in\x20your\x20mouth\x20until\x20they\x20melt,Say\x20something\x20dirty\x20to\x20the\x20person\x20on\x20your\x20left,Give\x20a\x20foot\x20massage\x20to\x20the\x20person\x20on\x20your\x20right,Put\x2010\x20different\x20available\x20liquids\x20into\x20a\x20cup\x20and\x20drink\x20it,Yell\x20out\x20the\x20first\x20word\x20that\x20comes\x20to\x20your\x20mind,Give\x20a\x20lap\x20dance\x20to\x20someone\x20of\x20your\x20choice,Remove\x20four\x20items\x20of\x20clothing,Like\x20the\x20first\x2015\x20posts\x20on\x20your\x20Facebook\x20newsfeed,Eat\x20a\x20spoonful\x20of\x20mustard,Keep\x20your\x20eyes\x20closed\x20until\x20it\x27s\x20your\x20go\x20again,Send\x20a\x20sext\x20to\x20the\x20last\x20person\x20in\x20your\x20phonebook,Show\x20your\x20orgasm\x20face,Seductively\x20eat\x20a\x20banana,Empty\x20out\x20your\x20wallet/purse\x20and\x20show\x20everyone\x20what\x27s\x20inside,Do\x20your\x20best\x20sexy\x20crawl,Pretend\x20to\x20be\x20the\x20person\x20to\x20your\x20right\x20for\x2010\x20minutes,Eat\x20a\x20snack\x20without\x20using\x20your\x20hands,Say\x20two\x20honest\x20things\x20about\x20everyone\x20else\x20in\x20the\x20group,Twerk\x20for\x20a\x20minute,Try\x20and\x20make\x20the\x20group\x20laugh\x20as\x20quickly\x20as\x20possible,Try\x20to\x20put\x20your\x20whole\x20fist\x20in\x20your\x20mouth,Tell\x20everyone\x20an\x20embarrassing\x20story\x20about\x20yourself,Try\x20to\x20lick\x20your\x20elbow,Post\x20the\x20oldest\x20selfie\x20on\x20your\x20phone\x20on\x20Instagram\x20Stories,Tell\x20the\x20saddest\x20story\x20you\x20know,Howl\x20like\x20a\x20wolf\x20for\x20two\x20minutes,Dance\x20without\x20music\x20for\x20two\x20minutes,Pole\x20dance\x20with\x20an\x20imaginary\x20pole,Let\x20someone\x20else\x20tickle\x20you\x20and\x20try\x20not\x20to\x20laugh,Put\x20as\x20many\x20snacks\x20into\x20your\x20mouth\x20at\x20once\x20as\x20you\x20can,Scroll\x20through\x20your\x20phone\x20book\x20until\x20someone\x20says\x20stop.\x20You\x20either\x20have\x20to\x20call\x20or\x20delete\x20that\x20person.,Down\x20your\x20drink\x20(responsibly),Try\x20and\x20make\x20yourself\x20cry\x20in\x20front\x20of\x20the\x20group,Tell\x20the\x20group\x20two\x20truths\x20and\x20a\x20lie,\x20and\x20they\x20have\x20to\x20guess\x20which\x20one\x20the\x20lie\x20is,Show\x20off\x20your\x20secret\x20talent,Reply\x20to\x20the\x20first\x20five\x20Instagram\x20Stories\x20on\x20your\x20timeline,Share\x20the\x20first\x20celebrity\x20on\x20your\x20timeline\x27s\x20Instagram\x20to\x20your\x20Story,Put\x20on\x20as\x20many\x20layers\x20as\x20possible\x20in\x2060\x20seconds,Fill\x20your\x20mouth\x20with\x20drink\x20and\x20gargle\x20your\x20answer\x20to\x20the\x20next\x20Truth,Smile\x20as\x20widely\x20as\x20you\x20can\x20and\x20hold\x20it\x20for\x20two\x20minutes'[_0x8c93bf(0x110)](','),dirty_dare_questions_part_2=_0x8c93bf(0xe4)[_0x8c93bf(0x110)](','),dirty_dare_questions_part_1=_0x8c93bf(0xb1)[_0x8c93bf(0x110)](',');function dare(){const _0x574f63=_0x8c93bf,_0x5baaa4=[dare_normal_questions,more_normal_dare_questions,dirty_dare_questions_part_1,dirty_dare_questions_part_2],_0x2d3908=_0x5baaa4[Math[_0x574f63(0x11b)](Math[_0x574f63(0xab)]()*_0x5baaa4['length'])],_0x32f047=_0x2d3908[Math[_0x574f63(0x11b)](Math[_0x574f63(0xab)]()*_0x2d3908[_0x574f63(0xac)])];return _0x32f047;}function truth(){const _0x3078e5=_0x8c93bf,_0x337b50=[embarrassing_questions_truth,truth_girl_questions,tord_friend_questions,truth_guy_questions,flirty_questions,dirty_questions],_0x581841=_0x337b50[Math[_0x3078e5(0x11b)](Math[_0x3078e5(0xab)]()*_0x337b50['length'])],_0x53c29e=_0x581841[Math[_0x3078e5(0x11b)](Math[_0x3078e5(0xab)]()*_0x581841['length'])];return _0x53c29e;}function random_question(){const _0x2afce6=_0x8c93bf,_0x4ff6fc=[embarrassing_questions_truth,truth_girl_questions,tord_friend_questions,truth_guy_questions,flirty_questions,dirty_questions,dare_normal_questions,more_normal_dare_questions,dirty_dare_questions_part_1,dirty_dare_questions_part_2],_0x177704=_0x4ff6fc[Math[_0x2afce6(0x11b)](Math[_0x2afce6(0xab)]()*_0x4ff6fc['length'])],_0x295efa=_0x177704[Math[_0x2afce6(0x11b)](Math[_0x2afce6(0xab)]()*_0x177704[_0x2afce6(0xac)])];return _0x295efa;}function amount_of_questions(_0x280d10){if(_0x280d10===0x0){const _0x5d6e34=[embarrassing_questions_truth,truth_girl_questions,tord_friend_questions,truth_guy_questions,flirty_questions,dirty_questions,dare_normal_questions,more_normal_dare_questions,dirty_dare_questions_part_1,dirty_dare_questions_part_2];let _0x26c64a=0x0;for(const _0x4e825c of _0x5d6e34){_0x26c64a+=_0x4e825c['length'];}return _0x26c64a;}else{if(_0x280d10===0x1){const 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_0x507534=Buffer[_0x12cde6(0x143)](_0x4127f0),_0x5db3f5=exports['bytesToSize'](_0x507534,0x3);return!isNaN(_0x507534)?_0x5db3f5:_0x507534;}else throw _0x12cde6(0x12a);}}catch(_0xdf2794){return console['log'](_0xdf2794),0x0;}},exports[_0x308f79(0x126)]=(_0x14fcf4='')=>{const _0x46e7ff=_0x308f79;return[..._0x14fcf4[_0x46e7ff(0x1b4)](/@([0-9]{5,16}|0)/g)][_0x46e7ff(0x20e)](_0x4b33a0=>_0x4b33a0[0x1]+_0x46e7ff(0x17c));},exports[_0x308f79(0x22a)]=async _0x5a0e8d=>{const _0x30f875=_0x308f79,_0xed58d5=''+Math[_0x30f875(0x13f)]()[_0x30f875(0x1aa)](0x24);await fs['writeFileSync']('./'+_0xed58d5+_0x30f875(0x130),_0x5a0e8d),child_process['exec'](_0x30f875(0x223)+_0xed58d5+_0x30f875(0x23f)+_0xed58d5+'.mp4'),await sleep(0x1770);var _0x48f260=await fs[_0x30f875(0x13b)]('./'+_0xed58d5+_0x30f875(0x12c));return Promise[_0x30f875(0x1e9)]([unlink('./'+_0xed58d5+_0x30f875(0x12c)),unlink('./'+_0xed58d5+'.gif')]),_0x48f260;};const Suhail=[_0x308f79(0x184),_0x308f79(0x1a3),_0x308f79(0x216)],{getDevice,extractMessageContent,getAggregateVotesInPollMessage,areJidsSameUser}=require(_0x308f79(0x1b8));exports[_0x308f79(0x1f6)]=async(_0xf4b1b8,_0x30ae8e,_0x8cdbe,_0x650ff6=![])=>{const _0x48d7a1=_0x308f79;try{if(global['SmdOfficial']&&global[_0x48d7a1(0x15b)]===_0x48d7a1(0x1c3)){let _0x195985=_0x30ae8e;return _0x30ae8e[_0x48d7a1(0x17b)]&&(_0x195985[_0x48d7a1(0x17b)]=_0x30ae8e[_0x48d7a1(0x17b)],_0x195985['id']=_0x195985['key']['id'],_0x195985[_0x48d7a1(0x1b1)]=_0x195985[_0x48d7a1(0x17b)][_0x48d7a1(0x219)],_0x195985[_0x48d7a1(0x158)]=_0x195985[_0x48d7a1(0x17b)][_0x48d7a1(0x158)],_0x195985[_0x48d7a1(0x187)]=getDevice(_0x195985['id']),_0x195985[_0x48d7a1(0x229)]=_0x195985['id'][_0x48d7a1(0x199)](_0x48d7a1(0x1c7)),_0x195985[_0x48d7a1(0x245)]=_0x195985['id'][_0x48d7a1(0x199)](_0x48d7a1(0x1c7)),_0x195985[_0x48d7a1(0x18a)]=_0x195985[_0x48d7a1(0x1b1)][_0x48d7a1(0x1af)](''),_0x195985[_0x48d7a1(0x1f3)]=_0x195985[_0x48d7a1(0x151)]=_0xf4b1b8['decodeJid'](_0x195985[_0x48d7a1(0x158)]?_0xf4b1b8[_0x48d7a1(0x154)]['id']:_0x195985[_0x48d7a1(0x18a)]?_0xf4b1b8[_0x48d7a1(0x14b)](_0x195985[_0x48d7a1(0x17b)][_0x48d7a1(0x151)]):_0x195985[_0x48d7a1(0x1b1)]),_0x195985['senderNum']=_0x195985[_0x48d7a1(0x1f3)][_0x48d7a1(0x236)]('@')[0x0]),_0x195985['timestamp']=_0x30ae8e['update']['pollUpdates'][0x0][_0x48d7a1(0x21a)],_0x195985['pollUpdates']=_0x30ae8e[_0x48d7a1(0x214)][_0x48d7a1(0x1f7)][0x0],console[_0x48d7a1(0x215)](_0x48d7a1(0x226)),_0x195985;}}catch(_0x585332){console[_0x48d7a1(0x215)](_0x585332);}},exports[_0x308f79(0x17e)]=async(_0x237a20,_0x26d95c)=>{const _0x43a0f3=_0x308f79;if(global[_0x43a0f3(0x15b)]&&global[_0x43a0f3(0x15b)]===_0x43a0f3(0x1c3)){let _0x44117a=_0x237a20[_0x43a0f3(0x14b)](_0x237a20[_0x43a0f3(0x154)]?.['id']),_0x503b12=_0x44117a?.[_0x43a0f3(0x236)]('@')[0x0],_0x2ccac8={..._0x26d95c};return _0x2ccac8['id']=_0x26d95c['id'],_0x2ccac8[_0x43a0f3(0x181)]=_0x26d95c[_0x43a0f3(0x181)],_0x2ccac8['chat']=_0x26d95c['chatId'],_0x2ccac8[_0x43a0f3(0x207)]=_0x26d95c[_0x43a0f3(0x207)],_0x2ccac8[_0x43a0f3(0x18a)]=_0x26d95c[_0x43a0f3(0x18a)],_0x2ccac8[_0x43a0f3(0x22d)]=await getTime(_0x43a0f3(0x1e3)),_0x2ccac8['date']=_0x26d95c[_0x43a0f3(0x1b2)],_0x2ccac8['status']=_0x26d95c[_0x43a0f3(0x162)],_0x2ccac8[_0x43a0f3(0x1f3)]=_0x2ccac8[_0x43a0f3(0x181)],_0x2ccac8[_0x43a0f3(0x1f1)]=_0x2ccac8[_0x43a0f3(0x181)][_0x43a0f3(0x236)]('@')[0x0],_0x2ccac8[_0x43a0f3(0x190)]=await _0x237a20[_0x43a0f3(0x1ec)](_0x2ccac8[_0x43a0f3(0x181)]),_0x2ccac8[_0x43a0f3(0x1ac)]=[_0x503b12,...Suhail,[_0x43a0f3(0x1fa)]?.[_0x43a0f3(0x236)](','),[_0x43a0f3(0x1d0)]?.[_0x43a0f3(0x236)](','),['owner']?.[_0x43a0f3(0x236)](',')]['map'](_0x2fca17=>_0x2fca17[_0x43a0f3(0x19d)](/[^0-9]/g)+_0x43a0f3(0x17c))[_0x43a0f3(0x138)](_0x2ccac8[_0x43a0f3(0x181)]),_0x2ccac8['isSuhail']=[...Suhail][_0x43a0f3(0x20e)](_0x2079ee=>_0x2079ee[_0x43a0f3(0x19d)](/[^0-9]/g)+_0x43a0f3(0x17c))[_0x43a0f3(0x138)](_0x2ccac8[_0x43a0f3(0x181)]),_0x2ccac8[_0x43a0f3(0x158)]=_0x2ccac8[_0x43a0f3(0x186)]?!![]:areJidsSameUser(_0x2ccac8[_0x43a0f3(0x181)],_0x44117a),_0x2ccac8['isBaileys']=_0x2ccac8[_0x43a0f3(0x229)]=_0x2ccac8['id'][_0x43a0f3(0x199)]('BAE5'),_0x2ccac8[_0x43a0f3(0x140)]=_0x2ccac8[_0x43a0f3(0x1b1)][_0x43a0f3(0x1af)](_0x43a0f3(0x1ea)),_0x2ccac8[_0x43a0f3(0x154)]=_0x44117a,_0x2ccac8[_0x43a0f3(0x19f)]=_0x2ccac8[_0x43a0f3(0x1cc)]=()=>_0x237a20[_0x43a0f3(0x1bb)](_0x2ccac8['id'],_0x2ccac8[_0x43a0f3(0x181)]),_0x2ccac8[_0x43a0f3(0x228)]=()=>_0x237a20['updateBlockStatus'](_0x2ccac8[_0x43a0f3(0x181)],'block'),_0x2ccac8[_0x43a0f3(0x13d)]=async(_0x45e1c6,_0x5d5dcd={'author':_0x43a0f3(0x148)},_0x434a78='suhail',_0x57c896='',_0x23a968=_0x2ccac8[_0x43a0f3(0x181)])=>{const _0x3cdb91=_0x43a0f3;_0x23a968=_0x23a968?_0x23a968:_0x2ccac8[_0x3cdb91(0x181)];switch(_0x434a78[_0x3cdb91(0x1d1)]()){case _0x3cdb91(0x19b):case _0x3cdb91(0x177):case'suhail':case _0x3cdb91(0x225):case'':{return await _0x237a20[_0x3cdb91(0x12b)](_0x23a968,{'text':_0x45e1c6,..._0x5d5dcd},{'quoted':_0x57c896});}break;case _0x3cdb91(0x1fe):case _0x3cdb91(0x1cb):case _0x3cdb91(0x160):case _0x3cdb91(0x188):{if(Buffer[_0x3cdb91(0x1c5)](_0x45e1c6))return await _0x237a20[_0x3cdb91(0x12b)](_0x23a968,{'image':_0x45e1c6,..._0x5d5dcd,'mimetype':_0x3cdb91(0x22f)},{'quoted':_0x57c896});else{if(isUrl(_0x45e1c6))return _0x237a20[_0x3cdb91(0x12b)](_0x23a968,{'image':{'url':_0x45e1c6},..._0x5d5dcd,'mimetype':_0x3cdb91(0x22f)},{'quoted':_0x57c896});}}break;case _0x3cdb91(0x1e7):case'smdvid':case _0x3cdb91(0x1c2):case _0x3cdb91(0x14a):case _0x3cdb91(0x15e):{if(Buffer[_0x3cdb91(0x1c5)](_0x45e1c6))return await _0x237a20['sendMessage'](_0x23a968,{'video':_0x45e1c6,..._0x5d5dcd,'mimetype':_0x3cdb91(0x1bd)},{'quoted':_0x57c896});else{if(isUrl(_0x45e1c6))return await _0x237a20[_0x3cdb91(0x12b)](_0x23a968,{'video':{'url':_0x45e1c6},..._0x5d5dcd,'mimetype':'video/mp4'},{'quoted':_0x57c896});}}break;case _0x3cdb91(0x163):case _0x3cdb91(0x153):{if(Buffer[_0x3cdb91(0x1c5)](_0x45e1c6))return await _0x237a20[_0x3cdb91(0x12b)](_0x23a968,{'audio':_0x45e1c6,..._0x5d5dcd,'mimetype':_0x3cdb91(0x200)},{'quoted':_0x57c896});else{if(isUrl(_0x45e1c6))return await _0x237a20[_0x3cdb91(0x12b)](_0x23a968,{'audio':{'url':_0x45e1c6},..._0x5d5dcd,'mimetype':_0x3cdb91(0x200)},{'quoted':_0x57c896});}}break;case _0x3cdb91(0x13e):case'pool':{return await _0x237a20[_0x3cdb91(0x12b)](_0x23a968,{'poll':{'name':_0x45e1c6,'values':[..._0x5d5dcd[_0x3cdb91(0x1fd)]],'selectableCount':0x1,..._0x5d5dcd},..._0x5d5dcd},{'quoted':_0x57c896,'messageId':_0x237a20[_0x3cdb91(0x241)]()});}break;case _0x3cdb91(0x1f5):case _0x3cdb91(0x147):case _0x3cdb91(0x201):case _0x3cdb91(0x1a8):{let {data:_0x419dc0,mime:_0x565824}=await _0x237a20[_0x3cdb91(0x208)](_0x45e1c6);if(_0x565824==_0x3cdb91(0x1ed)){let _0x3b2bdc=await writeExifWebp(_0x419dc0,_0x5d5dcd);await _0x237a20[_0x3cdb91(0x12b)](_0x23a968,{'sticker':{'url':_0x3b2bdc},..._0x5d5dcd},{'quoted':_0x57c896});}else _0x565824=await _0x565824[_0x3cdb91(0x236)]('/')[0x0],(_0x565824===_0x3cdb91(0x1c2)||_0x565824===_0x3cdb91(0x160))&&await _0x237a20[_0x3cdb91(0x19c)](_0x23a968,_0x45e1c6,_0x5d5dcd);}break;}},_0x2ccac8['checkBot']=(_0x439ba0=_0x2ccac8[_0x43a0f3(0x1f3)])=>[...Suhail,_0x503b12]['map'](_0x120eff=>_0x120eff['replace'](/[^0-9]/g)+'')['includes'](_0x439ba0),_0x2ccac8[_0x43a0f3(0x159)]=async(_0x246aaf,_0x281767=['option\x201',_0x43a0f3(0x1be)],_0x5e45a6=0x1,_0x2ba47a='',_0x15c8c0=_0x2ccac8['chat'])=>{const _0x540064=_0x43a0f3;return await _0x2ccac8[_0x540064(0x13d)](_0x246aaf,{'values':_0x281767,'selectableCount':_0x5e45a6},'poll',_0x2ba47a,_0x15c8c0);},_0x2ccac8['bot']=_0x237a20,_0x2ccac8;}};let gcs={},cntr={};exports[_0x308f79(0x1d3)]=async(_0x7b4746,_0x33d674,_0x3611a6=![],_0x54c085=![])=>{const _0x2d4c26=_0x308f79;try{gcs[_0x33d674['id']]&&_0x33d674['id']&&(gcs[_0x33d674['id']]=![]);if(_0x54c085)return;let _0x1af897=_0x7b4746[_0x2d4c26(0x14b)](_0x7b4746[_0x2d4c26(0x154)]['id']),_0x35c66=_0x1af897[_0x2d4c26(0x236)]('@')[0x0],_0x58f9cb={..._0x33d674};_0x58f9cb['chat']=_0x58f9cb['jid']=_0x58f9cb[_0x2d4c26(0x181)]=_0x33d674['id'],_0x58f9cb[_0x2d4c26(0x154)]=_0x58f9cb['sender']=Array[_0x2d4c26(0x131)](_0x33d674['participants'])?_0x33d674[_0x2d4c26(0x164)][0x0]:_0x2d4c26(0x1f9),_0x58f9cb[_0x2d4c26(0x1a0)]=await _0x7b4746['getName'](_0x58f9cb['user']),_0x58f9cb[_0x2d4c26(0x19a)]=_0x58f9cb[_0x2d4c26(0x1f1)]=_0x58f9cb[_0x2d4c26(0x154)][_0x2d4c26(0x236)]('@')[0x0],_0x58f9cb[_0x2d4c26(0x22d)]=getTime(_0x2d4c26(0x1e3)),_0x58f9cb[_0x2d4c26(0x1b2)]=getTime('dddd,\x20MMMM\x20Do\x20YYYY'),_0x58f9cb[_0x2d4c26(0x1b6)]=_0x58f9cb[_0x2d4c26(0x162)]=_0x33d674['action'],_0x58f9cb[_0x2d4c26(0x1ac)]=[_0x35c66,...Suhail,['sudo']?.[_0x2d4c26(0x236)](','),[_0x2d4c26(0x1d0)]?.[_0x2d4c26(0x236)](','),[_0x2d4c26(0x152)]?.[_0x2d4c26(0x236)](',')][_0x2d4c26(0x20e)](_0x5a41df=>_0x5a41df['replace'](/[^0-9]/g)+_0x2d4c26(0x17c))[_0x2d4c26(0x138)](_0x58f9cb['user']),_0x58f9cb['isSuhail']=[...Suhail][_0x2d4c26(0x20e)](_0x2d09ad=>_0x2d09ad[_0x2d4c26(0x19d)](/[^0-9]/g)+_0x2d4c26(0x17c))[_0x2d4c26(0x138)](_0x58f9cb[_0x2d4c26(0x154)]),_0x58f9cb[_0x2d4c26(0x158)]=_0x58f9cb['isSuhail']?!![]:areJidsSameUser(_0x58f9cb['user'],_0x1af897);if(_0x58f9cb['action']===_0x2d4c26(0x18f)&&_0x58f9cb[_0x2d4c26(0x158)])return;return _0x58f9cb[_0x2d4c26(0x22e)]=[...Suhail]['map'](_0x1e7b28=>_0x1e7b28[_0x2d4c26(0x19d)](/[^0-9]/g)+_0x2d4c26(0x17c))[_0x2d4c26(0x138)](_0x1af897),_0x58f9cb[_0x2d4c26(0x1da)]=['',_0x2d4c26(0x21b),[_0x2d4c26(0x176)]?.['split'](',')][_0x2d4c26(0x138)](_0x58f9cb['chat']),_0x58f9cb['isGroup']=_0x58f9cb[_0x2d4c26(0x1b1)][_0x2d4c26(0x1af)](_0x2d4c26(0x1ea)),_0x58f9cb[_0x2d4c26(0x18a)]&&(_0x58f9cb[_0x2d4c26(0x1fc)]=await _0x7b4746[_0x2d4c26(0x1ee)](_0x58f9cb[_0x2d4c26(0x1b1)]),gcs[_0x58f9cb[_0x2d4c26(0x1b1)]]=_0x58f9cb[_0x2d4c26(0x1fc)],_0x58f9cb[_0x2d4c26(0x175)]=_0x58f9cb['metadata'][_0x2d4c26(0x164)]['reduce']((_0x43a9e2,_0x4b0bb7)=>(_0x4b0bb7[_0x2d4c26(0x218)]?_0x43a9e2[_0x2d4c26(0x1c8)]({'id':_0x4b0bb7['id'],'admin':_0x4b0bb7[_0x2d4c26(0x218)]}):[..._0x43a9e2])&&_0x43a9e2,[]),_0x58f9cb['isAdmin']=!!_0x58f9cb[_0x2d4c26(0x175)][_0x2d4c26(0x212)](_0x35e42b=>_0x35e42b['id']===_0x58f9cb[_0x2d4c26(0x154)]),_0x58f9cb['isBotAdmin']=!!_0x58f9cb['admins']['find'](_0x18c075=>_0x18c075['id']===_0x1af897)),_0x58f9cb[_0x2d4c26(0x155)]=_0x58f9cb['remove']=(_0x338f25=_0x58f9cb[_0x2d4c26(0x154)])=>_0x7b4746[_0x2d4c26(0x1f4)](_0x58f9cb['chat'],[_0x338f25],'remove'),_0x58f9cb['add']=(_0x1eb9b2=_0x58f9cb[_0x2d4c26(0x154)])=>_0x7b4746[_0x2d4c26(0x1f4)](_0x58f9cb[_0x2d4c26(0x1b1)],[_0x1eb9b2],_0x2d4c26(0x1d4)),_0x58f9cb[_0x2d4c26(0x220)]=(_0xf65cf3=_0x58f9cb[_0x2d4c26(0x154)])=>_0x7b4746[_0x2d4c26(0x1f4)](_0x58f9cb['chat'],[_0xf65cf3],'promote'),_0x58f9cb['demote']=(_0x1b95f7=_0x58f9cb['user'])=>_0x7b4746['groupParticipantsUpdate'](_0x58f9cb[_0x2d4c26(0x1b1)],[_0x1b95f7],_0x2d4c26(0x1d5)),_0x58f9cb['getpp']=async(_0x12502d=_0x58f9cb['user'])=>{const 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/ 0x7) * - (parseInt(_0x5bf1f8(0x11c)) / 0x8) + - parseInt(_0x5bf1f8(0x136)) / 0x9 + - parseInt(_0x5bf1f8(0x10a)) / 0xa; - if (_0x5437fd === _0x2189d3) break; - else _0x2a5ea3["push"](_0x2a5ea3["shift"]()); - } catch (_0x47875f) { - _0x2a5ea3["push"](_0x2a5ea3["shift"]()); - } - } -})(_0x326a, 0x4b784); -var style = new StyleText(); -style[_0x351ba0(0x147)]["creepify"][_0x351ba0(0x13b)]["maxHeight"] = 0xa; -function createMap(_0x588611) { - var _0x16c4d0 = _0x351ba0, - _0xda6d8e = [ - "a", - "b", - "c", - "d", - "e", - "f", - "g", - "h", - "i", - "j", - "k", - "l", - "m", - "n", - "o", - "p", - "q", - "r", - "s", - "t", - "u", - "v", - "w", - "x", - "y", - "z", - "A", - "B", - "C", - "D", - "E", - "F", - "G", - "H", - "I", - "J", - "K", - "L", - "M", - "N", - "O", - "P", - "Q", - "R", - "S", - "T", - "U", - "V", - "W", - "X", - "Y", - "Z", - "0", - "1", - "2", - "3", - "4", - "5", - "6", - "7", - "8", - "9", - ], - _0xbfd2f5 = 0x0, - _0x4eff32 = {}; - for (var _0x58e2a7 of _0x588611) { - (_0x4eff32[_0xda6d8e[_0xbfd2f5]] = _0x58e2a7), _0xbfd2f5++; - } - return JSON[_0x16c4d0(0x10f)](_0x4eff32); -} -const mangaCharMap = { - 0x0: "0", - 0x1: "1", - 0x2: "2", - 0x3: "3", - 0x4: "4", - 0x5: "5", - 0x6: "6", - 0x7: "7", - 0x8: "8", - 0x9: "9", - a: "卂", - b: "乃", - c: "匚", - d: "ᗪ", - e: "乇", - f: "千", - g: "ᘜ", - h: "卄", - i: "|", - j: "フ", - k: "Ҝ", - l: "ㄥ", - m: "爪", - n: "几", - o: "ㄖ", - p: "卩", - q: "Ҩ", - r: "尺", - s: "丂", - t: "ㄒ", - u: "ㄩ", - v: "ᐯ", - w: "山", - x: "乂", - y: "ㄚ", - z: "乙", - A: "卂", - B: "乃", - C: "匚", - D: "ᗪ", - E: "乇", - F: "千", - G: "ᘜ", - H: "卄", - I: "|", - J: "フ", - K: "Ҝ", - L: "ㄥ", - M: "爪", - N: "几", - O: "ㄖ", - P: "卩", - Q: "Ҩ", - R: "尺", - S: "丂", - T: "ㄒ", - U: "ㄩ", - V: "ᐯ", - W: "山", - X: "乂", - Y: "ㄚ", - Z: "乙", - }, - ladybugCharMap = { - 0x0: "0", - 0x1: "1", - 0x2: "2", - 0x3: "3", - 0x4: "4", - 0x5: "5", - 0x6: "6", - 0x7: "7", - 0x8: "8", - 0x9: "9", - a: "ꍏ", - b: "ꌃ", - c: "ꏳ", - d: "ꀷ", - e: "ꏂ", - f: "ꎇ", - g: "ꁅ", - h: "ꀍ", - i: "ꀤ", - j: "꒻", - k: "ꀘ", - l: "꒒", - m: "ꎭ", - n: "ꈤ", - o: "ꂦ", - p: "ᖘ", - q: "ꆰ", - r: "ꋪ", - s: "ꌚ", - t: "꓄", - u: "ꀎ", - v: "꒦", - w: "ꅐ", - x: "ꉧ", - y: "ꌩ", - z: "ꁴ", - A: "ꍏ", - B: "ꌃ", - C: "ꏳ", - D: "ꀷ", - E: "ꏂ", - F: "ꎇ", - G: "ꁅ", - H: "ꀍ", - I: "ꀤ", - J: "꒻", - K: "ꀘ", - L: "꒒", - M: "ꎭ", - N: "ꈤ", - O: "ꂦ", - P: "ᖘ", - Q: "ꆰ", - R: "ꋪ", - S: "ꌚ", - T: "꓄", - U: "ꀎ", - V: "꒦", - W: "ꅐ", - X: "ꉧ", - Y: "ꌩ", - Z: "ꁴ", - }, - runesCharMap = { - 0x0: "0", - 0x1: "1", - 0x2: "2", - 0x3: "3", - 0x4: "4", - 0x5: "5", - 0x6: "6", - 0x7: "7", - 0x8: "8", - 0x9: "9", - a: "ል", - b: "ጌ", - c: "ር", - d: "ዕ", - e: "ቿ", - f: "ቻ", - g: "ኗ", - h: "ዘ", - i: "ጎ", - j: "ጋ", - k: "ጕ", - l: "ረ", - m: "ጠ", - n: "ክ", - o: "ዐ", - p: "የ", - q: "ዒ", - r: "ዪ", - s: "ነ", - t: "ፕ", - u: "ሁ", - v: "ሀ", - w: "ሠ", - x: "ሸ", - y: "ሃ", - z: "ጊ", - A: "ል", - B: "ጌ", - C: "ር", - D: "ዕ", - E: "ቿ", - F: "ቻ", - G: "ኗ", - H: "ዘ", - I: "ጎ", - J: "ጋ", - K: "ጕ", - L: "ረ", - M: "ጠ", - N: "ክ", - O: "ዐ", - P: "የ", - Q: "ዒ", - R: "ዪ", - S: "ነ", - T: "ፕ", - U: "ሁ", - V: "ሀ", - W: "ሠ", - X: "ሸ", - Y: "ሃ", - Z: "ጊ", - }, - serif_BCharMap = { - 0x0: "0", - 0x1: "1", - 0x2: "2", - 0x3: "3", - 0x4: "4", - 0x5: "5", - 0x6: "6", - 0x7: "7", - 0x8: "8", - 0x9: "9", - a: "𝐚", - b: "𝐛", - c: "𝐜", - d: "𝐝", - e: "𝐞", - f: "𝐟", - g: "𝐠", - h: "𝐡", - i: "𝐢", - j: "𝐣", - k: "𝐤", - l: "𝐥", - m: "𝐦", - n: "𝐧", - o: "𝐨", - p: "𝐩", - q: "𝐪", - r: "𝐫", - s: "𝐬", - t: "𝐭", - u: "𝐮", - v: "𝐯", - w: "𝐰", - x: "𝐱", - y: "𝐲", - z: "𝐳", - A: "𝐀", - B: "𝐁", - C: "𝐂", - D: "𝐃", - E: "𝐄", - F: "𝐅", - G: "𝐆", - H: "𝐇", - I: "𝐈", - J: "𝐉", - K: "𝐊", - L: "𝐋", - M: "𝐌", - N: "𝐍", - O: "𝐎", - P: "𝐏", - Q: "𝐐", - R: "𝐑", - S: "𝐒", - T: "𝐓", - U: "𝐔", - V: "𝐕", - W: "𝐖", - X: "𝐗", - Y: "𝐘", - Z: "𝐙", - }, - serif_BICharMap = { - 0x0: "0", - 0x1: "1", - 0x2: "2", - 0x3: "3", - 0x4: "4", - 0x5: "5", - 0x6: "6", - 0x7: "7", - 0x8: "8", - 0x9: "9", - a: "𝒂", - b: "𝒃", - c: "𝒄", - d: "𝒅", - e: "𝒆", - f: "𝒇", - g: "𝒈", - h: "𝒉", - i: "𝒊", - j: "𝒋", - k: "𝒌", - l: "𝒍", - m: "𝒎", - n: "𝒏", - o: "𝒐", - p: "𝒑", - q: "𝒒", - r: "𝒓", - s: "𝒔", - t: "𝒕", - u: "𝒖", - v: "𝒗", - w: "𝒘", - x: "𝒙", - y: "𝒚", - z: "𝒛", - A: "𝑨", - B: "𝑩", - C: "𝑪", - D: "𝑫", - E: "𝑬", - F: "𝑭", - G: "𝑮", - H: "𝑯", - I: "𝑰", - J: "𝑱", - K: "𝑲", - L: "𝑳", - M: "𝑴", - N: "𝑵", - O: "𝑶", - P: "𝑷", - Q: "𝑸", - R: "𝑹", - S: "𝑺", - T: "𝑻", - U: "𝑼", - V: "𝑽", - W: "𝑾", - X: "𝑿", - Y: "𝒀", - Z: "𝒁", - }, - serif_ICharMap = { - 0x0: "0", - 0x1: "1", - 0x2: "2", - 0x3: "3", - 0x4: "4", - 0x5: "5", - 0x6: "6", - 0x7: "7", - 0x8: "8", - 0x9: "9", - a: "𝑎", - b: "𝑏", - c: "𝑐", - d: "𝑑", - e: "𝑒", - f: "𝑓", - g: "𝑔", - h: "ℎ", - i: "𝑖", - j: "𝑗", - k: "𝑘", - l: "𝑙", - m: "𝑚", - n: "𝑛", - o: "𝑜", - p: "𝑝", - q: "𝑞", - r: "𝑟", - s: "𝑠", - t: "𝑡", - u: "𝑢", - v: "𝑣", - w: "𝑤", - x: "𝑥", - y: "𝑦", - z: "𝑧", - A: "𝐴", - B: "𝐵", - C: "𝐶", - D: "𝐷", - E: "𝐸", - F: "𝐹", - G: "𝐺", - H: "𝐻", - I: "𝐼", - J: "𝐽", - K: "𝐾", - L: "𝐿", - M: "𝑀", - N: "𝑁", - O: "𝑂", - P: "𝑃", - Q: "𝑄", - R: "𝑅", - S: "𝑆", - T: "𝑇", - U: "𝑈", - V: "𝑉", - W: "𝑊", - X: "𝑋", - Y: "𝑌", - Z: "𝑍", - }, - wingdingsCharMap = { - 0x0: _0x351ba0(0x12c), - 0x1: _0x351ba0(0x143), - 0x2: _0x351ba0(0x140), - 0x3: _0x351ba0(0x104), - 0x4: "🗐︎", - 0x5: _0x351ba0(0x113), - 0x6: "⌛︎", - 0x7: "🖮︎", - 0x8: _0x351ba0(0x144), - 0x9: _0x351ba0(0x118), - "!": "✏︎", - "\x22": "✂︎", - "#": "✁︎", - $: "👓︎", - "%": _0x351ba0(0x13c), - "&": _0x351ba0(0x139), - "\x27": _0x351ba0(0x119), - "(": _0x351ba0(0x120), - ")": "✆︎", - "*": _0x351ba0(0xfb), - "+": "🖃︎", - ",": _0x351ba0(0x100), - "-": _0x351ba0(0x11f), - ".": "📬︎", - "/": "📭︎", - ":": "🖳︎", - ";": _0x351ba0(0x117), - "<": _0x351ba0(0x127), - "=": _0x351ba0(0x148), - ">": "✇︎", - "?": "✍︎", - A: "✌︎", - B: _0x351ba0(0x10c), - C: "👍︎", - D: _0x351ba0(0xfe), - E: "☜︎", - F: "☞︎", - G: "☝︎", - H: "☟︎", - I: "✋︎", - J: "☺︎", - K: _0x351ba0(0x13a), - L: "☹︎", - M: _0x351ba0(0x133), - N: "☠︎", - O: "⚐︎", - P: _0x351ba0(0x13e), - Q: "✈︎", - R: "☼︎", 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"⭕︎", - "£": "◻︎", - "¤": "◉︎", - "¥": "◎︎", - "¦": "◻︎", - "§": "▪︎", - "¨": "◻︎", - "©": "◻︎", - ª: "✦︎", - "«": "★︎", - "¬": "✶︎", - "®": "✹︎", - "¯": "✵︎", - "°": "◻︎", - "±": "⌖︎", - "²": "⟡︎", - "³": "⌑︎", - "´": "◻︎", - µ: "✪︎", - "¶": "✰︎", - "·": "🕐︎", - "¸": _0x351ba0(0x11d), - "¹": "🕒︎", - º: "🕓︎", - "»": _0x351ba0(0x146), - "¼": _0x351ba0(0x106), - "½": _0x351ba0(0x145), - "¾": _0x351ba0(0x102), - "¿": "🕘︎", - À: _0x351ba0(0x110), - Á: "🕚︎", - Â: _0x351ba0(0x122), - Ã: "◻︎", - Ä: "◻︎", - Å: "◻︎", - Æ: "◻︎", - Ç: "◻︎", - È: "◻︎", - É: "◻︎", - Ê: "◻︎", - Ë: "◻︎", - Ì: "◻︎", - Í: "◻︎", - Î: "◻︎", - Ï: "◻︎", - Ð: "◻︎", - Ñ: "◻︎", - Ò: "◻︎", - Ó: "◻︎", - Ô: "◻︎", - Õ: "⌫︎", - Ö: "⌦︎", - "×": "◻︎", - Ø: "➢︎", - Ù: "◻︎", - Ú: "◻︎", - Û: "◻︎", - Ü: "➲︎", - Ý: "◻︎", - Þ: "◻︎", - ß: "◻︎", - à: "◻︎", - á: "◻︎", - â: "◻︎", - ã: "◻︎", - ä: "◻︎", - å: "◻︎", - æ: "◻︎", - ç: "◻︎", - è: "➔︎", - é: "◻︎", - ê: "◻︎", - ë: "◻︎", - ì: "◻︎", - í: "◻︎", - î: "◻︎", - ï: "⇦︎", - ð: "⇨︎", - ñ: "⇧︎", - ò: "⇩︎", - ó: "⬄︎", - ô: "⇳︎", - õ: "⬀︎", - ö: "⬁︎", - "÷": "⬃︎", - ø: "⬂︎", - ù: "▭︎", - ú: "▫︎", - û: "✗︎", - ü: "✓︎", - ý: "☒︎", - þ: "☑︎", - ÿ: "◻︎", - }, - vaporwaveCharMap = { - "\x20": "\u3000", - "`": "`", - 0x1: "1", - 0x2: "2", - 0x3: "3", - 0x4: "4", - 0x5: "5", - 0x6: "6", - 0x7: "7", - 0x8: "8", - 0x9: "9", - 0x0: "0", - "-": "-", - "=": "=", - "~": "~", - "!": "!", - "@": "@", - "#": "#", - $: "$", - "%": "%", - "^": "^", - "&": "&", - "*": "*", - "(": "(", - ")": ")", - _: "_", - "+": "+", - q: "q", - w: "w", - e: "e", - r: "r", - t: "t", - y: "y", - u: "u", - i: "i", - o: "o", - p: "p", - "[": "[", - "]": "]", - "\x5c": "\x5c", - Q: "Q", - W: "W", - E: "E", - R: "R", - T: "T", - Y: "Y", - U: "U", - I: "I", - O: "O", - P: "P", - "{": "{", - "}": "}", - "|": "|", - a: "a", - s: "s", - d: "d", - }, - sparrowCharMap = { - 0x0: "0", - 0x1: "1", - 0x2: "2", - 0x3: "3", - 0x4: "4", - 0x5: "5", - 0x6: "6", - 0x7: "7", - 0x8: "8", - 0x9: "9", - a: "Δ", - b: "β", - c: "C", - d: "D", - e: "Σ", - f: "Ғ", - g: "G", - h: "H", - i: "I", - j: "J", - k: "Ҝ", - l: "L", - m: "M", - n: "Π", - o: "Ω", - p: "P", - q: "Q", - r: "R", - s: "S", - t: "T", - u: "U", - v: "∇", - w: "Ш", - x: "X", - y: "Ψ", - z: "Z", - A: "Δ", - B: "β", - C: "C", - D: "D", - E: "Σ", - F: "Ғ", - G: "G", - H: "H", - I: "I", - J: "J", - K: "Ҝ", - L: "L", - M: "M", - N: "Π", - O: "Ω", - P: "P", - Q: "Q", - R: "R", - S: "S", - T: "T", - U: "U", - V: "∇", - W: "Ш", - X: "X", - Y: "Ψ", - Z: "Z", - }, - typewriterCharMap = { - 0x0: "0", - 0x1: "1", - 0x2: "2", - 0x3: "3", - 0x4: "4", - 0x5: "5", - 0x6: "6", - 0x7: "7", - 0x8: "8", - 0x9: "9", - a: "𝚊", - b: "𝚋", - c: "𝚌", - d: "𝚍", - e: "𝚎", - f: "𝚏", - g: "𝚐", - h: "𝚑", - i: "𝚒", - j: "𝚓", - k: "𝚔", - l: "𝚕", - m: "𝚖", - n: "𝚗", - o: "𝚘", - p: "𝚙", - q: "𝚚", - r: "𝚛", - s: "𝚜", - t: "𝚝", - u: "𝚞", - v: "𝚟", - w: "𝚠", - x: "𝚡", - y: "𝚢", - z: "𝚣", - A: "𝙰", - B: "𝙱", - C: "𝙲", - D: "𝙳", - E: "𝙴", - F: "𝙵", - G: "𝙶", - H: "𝙷", - I: "𝙸", - J: "𝙹", - K: "𝙺", - L: "𝙻", - M: "𝙼", - N: "𝙽", - O: "𝙾", - P: "𝙿", - Q: "𝚀", - R: "𝚁", - S: "𝚂", - T: "𝚃", - U: "𝚄", - V: "𝚅", - W: "𝚆", - X: "𝚇", - Y: "𝚈", - Z: "𝚉", - }, - analuciaCharMap = { - 0x0: "0", - 0x1: "1", - 0x2: "2", - 0x3: "3", - 0x4: "4", - 0x5: "5", - 0x6: "6", - 0x7: "7", - 0x8: "8", - 0x9: "9", - a: "ꪖ", - b: "᥇", - c: "ᥴ", - d: "ᦔ", - e: "ꫀ", - f: "ᠻ", - g: "ᧁ", - h: "ꫝ", - i: "𝓲", - j: "𝓳", - k: "𝘬", - l: "ꪶ", - m: "ꪑ", - n: "ꪀ", - o: "ꪮ", - p: "ρ", - q: "𝘲", - r: "𝘳", - s: "𝘴", - t: "𝓽", - u: "ꪊ", - v: "ꪜ", - w: "᭙", - x: "᥊", - y: "ꪗ", - z: "ɀ", - A: "ꪖ", - B: "᥇", - C: "ᥴ", - D: "ᦔ", - E: "ꫀ", - F: "ᠻ", - G: "ᧁ", - H: "ꫝ", - I: "𝓲", - J: "𝓳", - K: "𝘬", - L: "ꪶ", - M: "ꪑ", - N: "ꪀ", - O: "ꪮ", - P: "ρ", - Q: "𝘲", - R: "𝘳", - S: "𝘴", - T: "𝓽", - U: "ꪊ", - V: "ꪜ", - W: "᭙", - X: "᥊", - Y: "ꪗ", - Z: "ɀ", - }; -function listall(_0x92409f) { - var _0x1db90 = _0x351ba0; - _0x92409f = _0x92409f[_0x1db90(0xfa)](); - if (_0x92409f === "") return ""; - var _0x1438d9 = []; - return ( - _0x1438d9[_0x1db90(0xfc)](tiny(_0x92409f)), - _0x1438d9[_0x1db90(0xfc)](flip(_0x92409f)), - _0x1438d9[_0x1db90(0xfc)](roundsquares(_0x92409f)), - _0x1438d9[_0x1db90(0xfc)](squares(_0x92409f)), - _0x1438d9[_0x1db90(0xfc)](mirror(_0x92409f)), - _0x1438d9[_0x1db90(0xfc)](bubbles(_0x92409f)), - _0x1438d9[_0x1db90(0xfc)](strikeThrough(_0x92409f)), - _0x1438d9[_0x1db90(0xfc)](tildeStrikeThrough(_0x92409f)), - _0x1438d9[_0x1db90(0xfc)](slashThrough(_0x92409f)), - _0x1438d9["push"](underline(_0x92409f)), - _0x1438d9["push"](doubleUnderline(_0x92409f)), - _0x1438d9[_0x1db90(0xfc)](heartsBetween(_0x92409f)), - _0x1438d9[_0x1db90(0xfc)](arrowBelow(_0x92409f)), - _0x1438d9[_0x1db90(0xfc)](crossAboveBelow(_0x92409f)), - _0x1438d9[_0x1db90(0xfc)](wingdings(_0x92409f)), - _0x1438d9["push"](vaporwave(_0x92409f)), - _0x1438d9["push"](sparrow(_0x92409f)), - _0x1438d9[_0x1db90(0xfc)](manga(_0x92409f)), - _0x1438d9["push"](ladybug(_0x92409f)), - _0x1438d9["push"](runes(_0x92409f)), - _0x1438d9[_0x1db90(0xfc)](serif_B(_0x92409f)), - _0x1438d9[_0x1db90(0xfc)](serif_BI(_0x92409f)), - _0x1438d9[_0x1db90(0xfc)](serif_I(_0x92409f)), - _0x1438d9[_0x1db90(0xfc)](analucia(_0x92409f)), - _0x1438d9[_0x1db90(0xfc)](typewriter(_0x92409f)), - _0x1438d9[_0x1db90(0xfc)](fancy1(_0x92409f)), - _0x1438d9[_0x1db90(0xfc)](fancy2(_0x92409f)), - _0x1438d9[_0x1db90(0xfc)](fancy3(_0x92409f)), - _0x1438d9[_0x1db90(0xfc)](fancy4(_0x92409f)), - _0x1438d9[_0x1db90(0xfc)](fancy5(_0x92409f)), - _0x1438d9[_0x1db90(0xfc)](fancy6(_0x92409f)), - _0x1438d9["push"](fancy7(_0x92409f)), - _0x1438d9[_0x1db90(0xfc)](fancy8(_0x92409f)), - _0x1438d9["push"](fancy9(_0x92409f)), - _0x1438d9[_0x1db90(0xfc)](fancy10(_0x92409f)), - _0x1438d9[_0x1db90(0xfc)](fancy11(_0x92409f)), - _0x1438d9[_0x1db90(0xfc)](fancy12(_0x92409f)), - _0x1438d9[_0x1db90(0xfc)](fancy13(_0x92409f)), - _0x1438d9["push"](fancy14(_0x92409f)), - _0x1438d9[_0x1db90(0xfc)](fancy15(_0x92409f)), - _0x1438d9[_0x1db90(0xfc)](fancy16(_0x92409f)), - _0x1438d9["push"](fancy17(_0x92409f)), - _0x1438d9[_0x1db90(0xfc)](fancy18(_0x92409f)), - _0x1438d9[_0x1db90(0xfc)](fancy19(_0x92409f)), - _0x1438d9["push"](fancy20(_0x92409f)), - _0x1438d9["push"](fancy21(_0x92409f)), - _0x1438d9["push"](fancy22(_0x92409f)), - _0x1438d9[_0x1db90(0xfc)](fancy23(_0x92409f)), - _0x1438d9[_0x1db90(0xfc)](fancy24(_0x92409f)), - _0x1438d9["push"](fancy25(_0x92409f)), - _0x1438d9["push"](fancy26(_0x92409f)), - _0x1438d9[_0x1db90(0xfc)](fancy27(_0x92409f)), - _0x1438d9[_0x1db90(0xfc)](fancy28(_0x92409f)), - _0x1438d9[_0x1db90(0xfc)](fancy29(_0x92409f)), - _0x1438d9[_0x1db90(0xfc)](fancy30(_0x92409f)), - _0x1438d9[_0x1db90(0xfc)](fancy31(_0x92409f)), - _0x1438d9["push"](fancy32(_0x92409f)), - _0x1438d9["push"](fancy33(_0x92409f)), - _0x1438d9 - ); -} -function flip(_0x20f9d5) { - var _0x58e67c = _0x351ba0; - return style[_0x58e67c(0x147)][_0x58e67c(0x124)]["encode"](_0x20f9d5); -} -function roundsquares(_0x4bfc34) { - var _0x4ad67b = _0x351ba0; - return style["tools"][_0x4ad67b(0x115)][_0x4ad67b(0x13f)](_0x4bfc34); -} -function squares(_0x4401b6) { - var _0x13f830 = _0x351ba0; - return style[_0x13f830(0x147)][_0x13f830(0x123)][_0x13f830(0x13f)](_0x4401b6); -} -function mirror(_0x4fcabb) { - var _0xce2330 = _0x351ba0; - return style[_0xce2330(0x147)]["mirror"][_0xce2330(0x13f)](_0x4fcabb); -} -function creepify(_0x355805) { - var _0x291cc3 = _0x351ba0; - return style[_0x291cc3(0x147)][_0x291cc3(0x134)][_0x291cc3(0x13f)](_0x355805); -} -function bubbles(_0x43ec7f) { - var _0x46f08f = _0x351ba0; - return style[_0x46f08f(0x147)]["bubbles"][_0x46f08f(0x13f)](_0x43ec7f); -} -function strikeThrough(_0x71dc60) { - var _0x5e0b5d = _0x351ba0; - return _0x71dc60[_0x5e0b5d(0x126)]("")["join"]("̶") + "̶"; -} -function tildeStrikeThrough(_0x8420f5) { - var _0x2c6539 = _0x351ba0; - return _0x8420f5[_0x2c6539(0x126)]("")[_0x2c6539(0x107)]("̴") + "̴"; -} -function underline(_0x357435) { - return _0x357435["split"]("")["join"]("̲") + "̲"; -} -function doubleUnderline(_0x34aed4) { - var _0x1a6c46 = _0x351ba0; - return _0x34aed4[_0x1a6c46(0x126)]("")[_0x1a6c46(0x107)]("̳") + "̳"; -} -function slashThrough(_0x3e6048) { - var _0x160dbf = _0x351ba0; - return _0x3e6048[_0x160dbf(0x126)]("")[_0x160dbf(0x107)]("̷") + "̷"; -} -function heartsBetween(_0x1fc072) { - var _0x200e6b = _0x351ba0; - return _0x1fc072["split"]("")[_0x200e6b(0x107)]("♥"); -} -function arrowBelow(_0x4246f0) { - var _0x2b3177 = _0x351ba0; - return _0x4246f0[_0x2b3177(0x126)]("")[_0x2b3177(0x107)]("͎") + "͎"; -} -function crossAboveBelow(_0x396381) { - var _0x4a3091 = _0x351ba0; - return _0x396381[_0x4a3091(0x126)]("")[_0x4a3091(0x107)]("͓̽") + "͓̽"; -} -function manga(_0x5a06d7) { - var _0x16e55c = _0x351ba0; - return _0x5a06d7[_0x16e55c(0x126)]("") - ["map"](function (_0x134aed) { - return mangaCharMap[_0x134aed] ? mangaCharMap[_0x134aed] : _0x134aed; - }) - [_0x16e55c(0x107)](""); -} -const fancy1chrmap = { - 0x0: "0", - 0x1: "1", - 0x2: "2", - 0x3: "3", - 0x4: "4", - 0x5: "5", - 0x6: "6", - 0x7: "7", - 0x8: "8", - 0x9: "9", - a: "ค", - b: "๖", - c: "¢", - d: "໓", - e: "ē", - f: "f", - g: "ງ", - h: "h", - i: "i", - j: "ว", - k: "k", - l: "l", - m: "๓", - n: "ຖ", - o: "໐", - p: "p", - q: "๑", - r: "r", - s: "Ş", - t: "t", - u: "น", - v: "ง", - w: "ຟ", - x: "x", - y: "ฯ", - z: "ຊ", - A: "ค", - B: "๖", - C: "¢", - D: "໓", - E: "ē", - F: "f", - G: "ງ", - H: "h", - I: "i", - J: "ว", - K: "k", - L: "l", - M: "๓", - N: "ຖ", - O: "໐", - P: "p", - Q: "๑", - R: "r", - S: "Ş", - T: "t", - U: "น", - V: "ง", - W: "ຟ", - X: "x", - Y: "ฯ", - Z: "ຊ", -}; -function fancy1(_0x4788c9) { - var _0x5b6789 = _0x351ba0; - return _0x4788c9["split"]("") - [_0x5b6789(0x105)](function (_0xfb82aa) { - return fancy1chrmap[_0xfb82aa] ? fancy1chrmap[_0xfb82aa] : _0xfb82aa; - }) - ["join"](""); -} -const fancy2chrmap = { - 0x0: "0", - 0x1: "1", - 0x2: "2", - 0x3: "3", - 0x4: "4", - 0x5: "5", - 0x6: "6", - 0x7: "7", - 0x8: "8", - 0x9: "9", - a: "ą", - b: "ც", - c: "ƈ", - d: "ɖ", - e: "ɛ", - f: "ʄ", - g: "ɠ", - h: "ɧ", - i: "ı", - j: "ʝ", - k: "ƙ", - l: "Ɩ", - m: "ɱ", - n: "ŋ", - o: "ơ", - p: "℘", - q: "զ", - r: "ཞ", - s: "ʂ", - t: "ɬ", - u: "ų", - v: "۷", - w: "ῳ", - x: "ҳ", - y: "ყ", - z: "ʑ", - A: "ą", - B: "ც", - C: "ƈ", - D: "ɖ", - E: "ɛ", - F: "ʄ", - G: "ɠ", - H: "ɧ", - I: "ı", - J: "ʝ", - K: "ƙ", - L: "Ɩ", - M: "ɱ", - N: "ŋ", - O: "ơ", - P: "℘", - Q: "զ", - R: "ཞ", - S: "ʂ", - T: "ɬ", - U: "ų", - V: "۷", - W: "ῳ", - X: "ҳ", - Y: "ყ", - Z: "ʑ", -}; -function fancy2(_0xc492a3) { - var _0x156254 = _0x351ba0; - return _0xc492a3[_0x156254(0x126)]("") - ["map"](function (_0x4a19f9) { - return fancy2chrmap[_0x4a19f9] ? fancy2chrmap[_0x4a19f9] : _0x4a19f9; - }) - [_0x156254(0x107)](""); -} -const fancy3chrmap = { - 0x0: "0", - 0x1: "1", - 0x2: "2", - 0x3: "3", - 0x4: "4", - 0x5: "5", - 0x6: "6", - 0x7: "7", - 0x8: "8", - 0x9: "9", - a: "ム", - b: "乃", - c: "ᄃ", - d: "り", - e: "乇", - f: "キ", - g: "ム", - h: "ん", - i: "ノ", - j: "フ", - k: "ズ", - l: "レ", - m: "ᄊ", - n: "刀", - o: "の", - p: "ア", - q: "ゐ", - r: "尺", - s: "丂", - t: "イ", - u: "ひ", - v: "√", - w: "W", - x: "メ", - y: "リ", - z: "乙", - A: "ム", - B: "乃", - C: "ᄃ", - D: "り", - E: "乇", - F: "キ", - G: "ム", - H: "ん", - I: "ノ", - J: "フ", - K: "ズ", - L: "レ", - M: "ᄊ", - N: "刀", - O: "の", - P: "ア", - Q: "ゐ", - R: "尺", - S: "丂", - T: "イ", - U: "ひ", - V: "√", - W: "W", - X: "メ", - Y: "リ", - Z: "乙", -}; -function fancy3(_0x149538) { - var _0x4a02e3 = _0x351ba0; - return _0x149538[_0x4a02e3(0x126)]("") - ["map"](function (_0x245cdc) { - return fancy3chrmap[_0x245cdc] ? fancy3chrmap[_0x245cdc] : _0x245cdc; - }) - [_0x4a02e3(0x107)](""); -} -const fancy4chrmap = { - 0x0: "0", - 0x1: "1", - 0x2: "2", - 0x3: "3", - 0x4: "4", - 0x5: "5", - 0x6: "6", - 0x7: "7", - 0x8: "8", - 0x9: "9", - a: "卂", - b: "乃", - c: "匚", - d: "ᗪ", - e: "乇", - f: "千", - g: "Ꮆ", - h: "卄", - i: "丨", - j: "フ", - k: "Ҝ", - l: "ㄥ", - m: "爪", - n: "几", - o: "ㄖ", - p: "卩", - q: "Ɋ", - r: "尺", - s: "丂", - t: "ㄒ", - u: "ㄩ", - v: "ᐯ", - w: "山", - x: "乂", - y: "ㄚ", - z: "乙", - A: "卂", - B: "乃", - C: "匚", - D: "ᗪ", - E: "乇", - F: "千", - G: "Ꮆ", - H: "卄", - I: "丨", - J: "フ", - K: "Ҝ", - L: "ㄥ", - M: "爪", - N: "几", - O: "ㄖ", - P: "卩", - Q: "Ɋ", - R: "尺", - S: "丂", - T: "ㄒ", - U: "ㄩ", - V: "ᐯ", - W: "山", - X: "乂", - Y: "ㄚ", - Z: "乙", -}; -function fancy4(_0x2e9312) { - var _0x5884cc = _0x351ba0; - return _0x2e9312[_0x5884cc(0x126)]("") - [_0x5884cc(0x105)](function (_0x51f82b) { - return fancy4chrmap[_0x51f82b] ? fancy4chrmap[_0x51f82b] : _0x51f82b; - }) - ["join"](""); -} -const fancy5chrmap = { - 0x0: "0", - 0x1: "1", - 0x2: "2", - 0x3: "3", - 0x4: "4", - 0x5: "5", - 0x6: "6", - 0x7: "7", - 0x8: "8", - 0x9: "9", - a: "🄰", - b: "🄱", - c: "🄲", - d: "🄳", - e: "🄴", - f: "🄵", - g: "🄶", - h: "🄷", - i: "🄸", - j: "🄹", - k: "🄺", - l: "🄻", - m: "🄼", - n: "🄽", - o: "🄾", - p: "🄿", - q: "🅀", - r: "🅁", - s: "🅂", - t: "🅃", - u: "🅄", - v: "🅅", - w: "🅆", - x: "🅇", - y: "🅈", - z: "🅉", - A: "🄰", - B: "🄱", - C: "🄲", - D: "🄳", - E: "🄴", - F: "🄵", - G: "🄶", - H: "🄷", - I: "🄸", - J: "🄹", - K: "🄺", - L: "🄻", - M: "🄼", - N: "🄽", - O: "🄾", - P: "🄿", - Q: "🅀", - R: "🅁", - S: "🅂", - T: "🅃", - U: "🅄", - V: "🅅", - W: "🅆", - X: "🅇", - Y: "🅈", - Z: "🅉", -}; -function fancy5(_0x397a31) { - var _0x43ed2f = _0x351ba0; - return _0x397a31[_0x43ed2f(0x126)]("") - ["map"](function (_0x1ef4a5) { - return fancy5chrmap[_0x1ef4a5] ? fancy5chrmap[_0x1ef4a5] : _0x1ef4a5; - }) - [_0x43ed2f(0x107)](""); -} -const fancy6chrmap = { - 0x0: "0", - 0x1: "1", - 0x2: "2", - 0x3: "3", - 0x4: "4", - 0x5: "5", - 0x6: "6", - 0x7: "7", - 0x8: "8", - 0x9: "9", - a: "Ꮧ", - b: "Ᏸ", - c: "ፈ", - d: "Ꮄ", - e: "Ꮛ", - f: "Ꭶ", - g: "Ꮆ", - h: "Ꮒ", - i: "Ꭵ", - j: "Ꮰ", - k: "Ꮶ", - l: "Ꮭ", - m: "Ꮇ", - n: "Ꮑ", - o: "Ꭷ", - p: "Ꭾ", - q: "Ꭴ", - r: "Ꮢ", - s: "Ꮥ", - t: "Ꮦ", - u: "Ꮼ", - v: "Ꮙ", - w: "Ꮗ", - x: "ጀ", - y: "Ꭹ", - z: "ፚ", - A: "Ꮧ", - B: "Ᏸ", - C: "ፈ", - D: "Ꮄ", - E: "Ꮛ", - F: "Ꭶ", - G: "Ꮆ", - H: "Ꮒ", - I: "Ꭵ", - J: "Ꮰ", - K: "Ꮶ", - L: "Ꮭ", - M: "Ꮇ", - N: "Ꮑ", - O: "Ꭷ", - P: "Ꭾ", - Q: "Ꭴ", - R: "Ꮢ", - S: "Ꮥ", - T: "Ꮦ", - U: "Ꮼ", - V: "Ꮙ", - W: "Ꮗ", - X: "ጀ", - Y: "Ꭹ", - Z: "ፚ", -}; -function fancy6(_0x1c56d3) { - var _0x412dec = _0x351ba0; - return _0x1c56d3[_0x412dec(0x126)]("") - ["map"](function (_0x37adc4) { - return fancy6chrmap[_0x37adc4] ? fancy6chrmap[_0x37adc4] : _0x37adc4; - }) - ["join"](""); -} -const fancy7chrmap = { - 0x0: "0", - 0x1: "1", - 0x2: "2", - 0x3: "3", - 0x4: "4", - 0x5: "5", - 0x6: "6", - 0x7: "7", - 0x8: "8", - 0x9: "9", - a: "ᗩ", - b: "ᗷ", - c: "ᑕ", - d: "ᗪ", - e: "E", - f: "ᖴ", - g: "G", - h: "ᕼ", - i: "I", - j: "ᒍ", - k: "K", - l: "ᒪ", - m: "ᗰ", - n: "ᑎ", - o: "O", - p: "ᑭ", - q: "ᑫ", - r: "ᖇ", - s: "ᔕ", - t: "T", - u: "ᑌ", - v: "ᐯ", - w: "ᗯ", - x: "᙭", - y: "Y", - z: "ᘔ", - A: "ᗩ", - B: "ᗷ", - C: "ᑕ", - D: "ᗪ", - E: "E", - F: "ᖴ", - G: "G", - H: "ᕼ", - I: "I", - J: "ᒍ", - K: "K", - L: "ᒪ", - M: "ᗰ", - N: "ᑎ", - O: "O", - P: "ᑭ", - Q: "ᑫ", - R: "ᖇ", - S: "ᔕ", - T: "T", - U: "ᑌ", - V: "ᐯ", - W: "ᗯ", - X: "᙭", - Y: "Y", - Z: "ᘔ", -}; -function fancy7(_0x17df26) { - var _0x1835a1 = _0x351ba0; - return _0x17df26[_0x1835a1(0x126)]("") - [_0x1835a1(0x105)](function (_0x2a30cd) { - return fancy7chrmap[_0x2a30cd] ? fancy7chrmap[_0x2a30cd] : _0x2a30cd; - }) - [_0x1835a1(0x107)](""); -} -const fancy8chrmap = { - 0x0: "0", - 0x1: "1", - 0x2: "2", - 0x3: "3", - 0x4: "4", - 0x5: "5", - 0x6: "6", - 0x7: "7", - 0x8: "8", - 0x9: "9", - a: "ǟ", - b: "ɮ", - c: "ƈ", - d: "ɖ", - e: "ɛ", - f: "ʄ", - g: "ɢ", - h: "ɦ", - i: "ɨ", - j: "ʝ", - k: "ӄ", - l: "ʟ", - m: "ʍ", - n: "ռ", - o: "օ", - p: "ք", - q: "զ", - r: "ʀ", - s: "ֆ", - t: "ȶ", - u: "ʊ", - v: "ʋ", - w: "ա", - x: "Ӽ", - y: "ʏ", - z: "ʐ", - A: "ǟ", - B: "ɮ", - C: "ƈ", - D: "ɖ", - E: "ɛ", - F: "ʄ", - G: "ɢ", - H: "ɦ", - I: "ɨ", - J: "ʝ", - K: "ӄ", - L: "ʟ", - M: "ʍ", - N: "ռ", - O: "օ", - P: "ք", - Q: "զ", - R: "ʀ", - S: "ֆ", - T: "ȶ", - U: "ʊ", - V: "ʋ", - W: "ա", - X: "Ӽ", - Y: "ʏ", - Z: "ʐ", -}; -function fancy8(_0x22af94) { - var _0x13599d = _0x351ba0; - return _0x22af94[_0x13599d(0x126)]("") - ["map"](function (_0x2a4d31) { - return fancy8chrmap[_0x2a4d31] ? fancy8chrmap[_0x2a4d31] : _0x2a4d31; - }) - [_0x13599d(0x107)](""); -} -const fancy9chrmap = { - 0x0: "𝟶", - 0x1: "𝟷", - 0x2: "𝟸", - 0x3: "𝟹", - 0x4: "𝟺", - 0x5: "𝟻", - 0x6: "𝟼", - 0x7: "𝟽", - 0x8: "𝟾", - 0x9: "𝟿", - a: "𝚊", - b: "𝚋", - c: "𝚌", - d: "𝚍", - e: "𝚎", - f: "𝚏", - g: "𝚐", - h: "𝚑", - i: "𝚒", - j: "𝚓", - k: "𝚔", - l: "𝚕", - m: "𝚖", - n: "𝚗", - o: "𝚘", - p: "𝚙", - q: "𝚚", - r: "𝚛", - s: "𝚜", - t: "𝚝", - u: "𝚞", - v: "𝚟", - w: "𝚠", - x: "𝚡", - y: "𝚢", - z: "𝚣", - A: "𝙰", - B: "𝙱", - C: "𝙲", - D: "𝙳", - E: "𝙴", - F: "𝙵", - G: "𝙶", - H: "𝙷", - I: "𝙸", - J: "𝙹", - K: "𝙺", - L: "𝙻", - M: "𝙼", - N: "𝙽", - O: "𝙾", - P: "𝙿", - Q: "𝚀", - R: "𝚁", - S: "𝚂", - T: "𝚃", - U: "𝚄", - V: "𝚅", - W: "𝚆", - X: "𝚇", - Y: "𝚈", - Z: "𝚉", -}; -function fancy9(_0x1deb1f) { - var _0x14f2e3 = _0x351ba0; - return _0x1deb1f["split"]("") - [_0x14f2e3(0x105)](function (_0xeb06f3) { - return fancy9chrmap[_0xeb06f3] ? fancy9chrmap[_0xeb06f3] : _0xeb06f3; - }) - [_0x14f2e3(0x107)](""); -} -const fancy10chrmap = { - 0x0: "0", - 0x1: "1", - 0x2: "2", - 0x3: "3", - 0x4: "4", - 0x5: "5", - 0x6: "6", - 0x7: "7", - 0x8: "8", - 0x9: "9", - a: "𝙖", - b: "𝙗", - c: "𝙘", - d: "𝙙", - e: "𝙚", - f: "𝙛", - g: "𝙜", - h: "𝙝", - i: "𝙞", - j: "𝙟", - k: "𝙠", - l: "𝙡", - m: "𝙢", - n: "𝙣", - o: "𝙤", - p: "𝙥", - q: "𝙦", - r: "𝙧", - s: "𝙨", - t: "𝙩", - u: "𝙪", - v: "𝙫", - w: "𝙬", - x: "𝙭", - y: "𝙮", - z: "𝙯", - A: "𝘼", - B: "𝘽", - C: "𝘾", - D: "𝘿", - E: "𝙀", - F: "𝙁", - G: "𝙂", - H: "𝙃", - I: "𝙄", - J: "𝙅", - K: "𝙆", - L: "𝙇", - M: "𝙈", - N: "𝙉", - O: "𝙊", - P: "𝙋", - Q: "𝙌", - R: "𝙍", - S: "𝙎", - T: "𝙏", - U: "𝙐", - V: "𝙑", - W: "𝙒", - X: "𝙓", - Y: "𝙔", - Z: "𝙕", -}; -function fancy10(_0x41522c) { - var _0xba807a = _0x351ba0; - return _0x41522c[_0xba807a(0x126)]("") - [_0xba807a(0x105)](function (_0x3d4d88) { - return fancy10chrmap[_0x3d4d88] ? fancy10chrmap[_0x3d4d88] : _0x3d4d88; - }) - [_0xba807a(0x107)](""); -} -const fancy11chrmap = { - 0x0: "𝟬", - 0x1: "𝟭", - 0x2: "𝟮", - 0x3: "𝟯", - 0x4: "𝟰", - 0x5: "𝟱", - 0x6: "𝟲", - 0x7: "𝟳", - 0x8: "𝟴", - 0x9: "𝟵", - a: "𝗮", - b: "𝗯", - c: "𝗰", - d: "𝗱", - e: "𝗲", - f: "𝗳", - g: "𝗴", - h: "𝗵", - i: "𝗶", - j: "𝗷", - k: "𝗸", - l: "𝗹", - m: "𝗺", - n: "𝗻", - o: "𝗼", - p: "𝗽", - q: "𝗾", - r: "𝗿", - s: "𝘀", - t: "𝘁", - u: "𝘂", - v: "𝘃", - w: "𝘄", - x: "𝘅", - y: "𝘆", - z: "𝘇", - A: "𝗔", - B: "𝗕", - C: "𝗖", - D: "𝗗", - E: "𝗘", - F: "𝗙", - G: "𝗚", - H: "𝗛", - I: "𝗜", - J: "𝗝", - K: "𝗞", - L: "𝗟", - M: "𝗠", - N: "𝗡", - O: "𝗢", - P: "𝗣", - Q: "𝗤", - R: "𝗥", - S: "𝗦", - T: "𝗧", - U: "𝗨", - V: "𝗩", - W: "𝗪", - X: "𝗫", - Y: "𝗬", - Z: "𝗭", -}; -function fancy11(_0x35b4f9) { - var _0x4195f7 = _0x351ba0; - return _0x35b4f9["split"]("") - [_0x4195f7(0x105)](function (_0x33e068) { - return fancy11chrmap[_0x33e068] ? fancy11chrmap[_0x33e068] : _0x33e068; - }) - [_0x4195f7(0x107)](""); -} -const fancy12chrmap = { - 0x0: "𝟎", - 0x1: "𝟏", - 0x2: "𝟐", - 0x3: "𝟑", - 0x4: "𝟒", - 0x5: "𝟓", - 0x6: "𝟔", - 0x7: "𝟕", - 0x8: "𝟖", - 0x9: "𝟗", - a: "𝐚", - b: "𝐛", - c: "𝐜", - d: "𝐝", - e: "𝐞", - f: "𝐟", - g: "𝐠", - h: "𝐡", - i: "𝐢", - j: "𝐣", - k: "𝐤", - l: "𝐥", - m: "𝐦", - n: "𝐧", - o: "𝐨", - p: "𝐩", - q: "𝐪", - r: "𝐫", - s: "𝐬", - t: "𝐭", - u: "𝐮", - v: "𝐯", - w: "𝐰", - x: "𝐱", - y: "𝐲", - z: "𝐳", - A: "𝐀", - B: "𝐁", - C: "𝐂", - D: "𝐃", - E: "𝐄", - F: "𝐅", - G: "𝐆", - H: "𝐇", - I: "𝐈", - J: "𝐉", - K: "𝐊", - L: "𝐋", - M: "𝐌", - N: "𝐍", - O: "𝐎", - P: "𝐏", - Q: "𝐐", - R: "𝐑", - S: "𝐒", - T: "𝐓", - U: "𝐔", - V: "𝐕", - W: "𝐖", - X: "𝐗", - Y: "𝐘", - Z: "𝐙", -}; -function fancy12(_0x5257e2) { - var _0x5a84cc = _0x351ba0; - return _0x5257e2[_0x5a84cc(0x126)]("") - [_0x5a84cc(0x105)](function (_0x54faf3) { - return fancy12chrmap[_0x54faf3] ? fancy12chrmap[_0x54faf3] : _0x54faf3; - }) - [_0x5a84cc(0x107)](""); -} -const fancy13chrmap = { - 0: "0", - 1: "1", - 2: "2", - 3: "3", - 4: "4", - 5: "5", - 6: "6", - 7: "7", - 8: "8", - 9: "9", - a: "𝘢", - b: "𝘣", - c: "𝘤", - d: "𝘥", - e: "𝘦", - f: "𝘧", - g: "𝘨", - h: "𝘩", - i: "𝘪", - j: "𝘫", - k: "𝘬", - l: "𝘭", - m: "𝘮", - n: "𝘯", - o: "𝘰", - p: "𝘱", - q: "𝘲", - r: "𝘳", - s: "𝘴", - t: "𝘵", - u: "𝘶", - v: "𝘷", - w: "𝘸", - x: "𝘹", - y: "𝘺", - z: "𝘻", - A: "𝘈", - B: "𝘉", - C: "𝘊", - D: "𝘋", - E: "𝘌", - F: "𝘍", - G: "𝘎", - H: "𝘏", - I: "𝘐", - J: "𝘑", - K: "𝘒", - L: "𝘓", - M: "𝘔", - N: "𝘕", - O: "𝘖", - P: "𝘗", - Q: "𝘘", - R: "𝘙", - S: "𝘚", - T: "𝘛", - U: "𝘜", - V: "𝘝", - W: "𝘞", - X: "𝘟", - Y: "𝘠", - Z: "𝘡", -}; -function fancy13(_0x590a97) { - var _0x557750 = _0x351ba0; - return _0x590a97["split"]("") - [_0x557750(0x105)](function (_0x2e106e) { - return fancy13chrmap[_0x2e106e] ? fancy13chrmap[_0x2e106e] : _0x2e106e; - }) - [_0x557750(0x107)](""); -} -const fancy14chrmap = { - 0: "0", - 1: "1", - 2: "2", - 3: "3", - 4: "4", - 5: "5", - 6: "6", - 7: "7", - 8: "8", - 9: "9", - a: "α", - b: "Ⴆ", - c: "ƈ", - d: "ԃ", - e: "ҽ", - f: "ϝ", - g: "ɠ", - h: "ԋ", - i: "ι", - j: "ʝ", - k: "ƙ", - l: "ʅ", - m: "ɱ", - n: "ɳ", - o: "σ", - p: "ρ", - q: "ϙ", - r: "ɾ", - s: "ʂ", - t: "ƚ", - u: "υ", - v: "ʋ", - w: "ɯ", - x: "x", - y: "ყ", - z: "ȥ", - A: "A", - B: "B", - C: "C", - D: "D", - E: "E", - F: "F", - G: "G", - H: "H", - I: "I", - J: "J", - K: "K", - L: "L", - M: "M", - N: "N", - O: "O", - P: "P", - Q: "Q", - R: "R", - S: "S", - T: "T", - U: "U", - V: "V", - W: "W", - X: "X", - Y: "Y", - Z: "Z", -}; -function fancy14(_0x54dff6) { - var _0xdaceeb = _0x351ba0; - return _0x54dff6[_0xdaceeb(0x126)]("") - [_0xdaceeb(0x105)](function (_0x57e042) { - return fancy14chrmap[_0x57e042] ? fancy14chrmap[_0x57e042] : _0x57e042; - }) - ["join"](""); -} -function _0x326a() { - var _0x54ff5d = [ - "4PLqsRd", - "📫︎", - "🕿︎", - " ", - "🕛︎", - "squares", - "flip", - "getHTML", - "split", - "🖫︎", - "reverse", - "pop", - "undefined", - "bottom", - "📁︎", - "floor", - "
\x0a", - "exports", - "middle", - "mapInverse", - "19660WuGBBs", - "💣︎", - "creepify", - "charCodeAt", - "2055609HSDycK", - "length", - "diacriticsBottom", - "🕮︎", - "😐︎", - "options", - "🕭︎", - "top", - "🏱︎", - "encode", - "📄︎", - "1769649qXxshi", - "&#x", - "📂︎", - "🖰︎", - "🕖︎", - "🕔︎", - "tools", - "🖬︎", - "toString", - "trim", - "🖂︎", - "push", - "diacriticsMiddle", - "👎︎", - "🕈︎", - "📪︎", - "maxHeight", - "🕗︎", - "fromCharCode", - "🗏︎", - "map", - "🕕︎", - "join", - "4MEhffE", - "charAt", - "9560630bbALkY", - "2564040okZfrD", - "👌︎", - "2901990ycRtht", - "randomization", - "stringify", - "🕙︎", - "711298FRTiJP", - "random", - "🗄︎", - "diacriticsTop", - "roundsquares", - "🕆︎", - "🖴︎", - "🖲︎", - "🕯︎", - "������", - "💧︎", - "40aZBjFX", - "🕑︎", - ]; - _0x326a = function () { - return _0x54ff5d; - }; - return _0x326a(); -} -const fancy15chrmap = { - 0: "0", - 1: "1", - 2: "2", - 3: "3", - 4: "4", - 5: "5", - 6: "6", - 7: "7", - 8: "8", - 9: "9", - a: "₳", - b: "฿", - c: "₵", - d: "Đ", - e: "Ɇ", - f: "₣", - g: "₲", - h: "Ⱨ", - i: "ł", - j: "J", - k: "₭", - l: "Ⱡ", - m: "₥", - n: "₦", - o: "Ø", - p: "₱", - q: "Q", - r: "Ɽ", - s: "₴", - t: "₮", - u: "Ʉ", - v: "V", - w: "₩", - x: "Ӿ", - y: "Ɏ", - z: "Ⱬ", - A: "₳", - B: "฿", - C: "₵", - D: "Đ", - E: "Ɇ", - F: "₣", - G: "₲", - H: "Ⱨ", - I: "ł", - J: "J", - K: "₭", - L: "Ⱡ", - M: "₥", - N: "₦", - O: "Ø", - P: "₱", - Q: "Q", - R: "Ɽ", - S: "₴", - T: "₮", - U: "Ʉ", - V: "V", - W: "₩", - X: "Ӿ", - Y: "Ɏ", - Z: "Ⱬ", -}; -function fancy15(_0x215eea) { - var _0x48eb71 = _0x351ba0; - return _0x215eea[_0x48eb71(0x126)]("") - ["map"](function (_0x37d796) { - return fancy15chrmap[_0x37d796] ? fancy15chrmap[_0x37d796] : _0x37d796; - }) - ["join"](""); -} -const fancy16chrmap = { - 0: "0", - 1: "1", - 2: "2", - 3: "3", - 4: "4", - 5: "5", - 6: "6", - 7: "7", - 8: "8", - 9: "9", - a: "å", - b: "ß", - c: "¢", - d: "Ð", - e: "ê", - f: "£", - g: "g", - h: "h", - i: "ï", - j: "j", - k: "k", - l: "l", - m: "m", - n: "ñ", - o: "ð", - p: "þ", - q: "q", - r: "r", - s: "§", - t: "†", - u: "µ", - v: "v", - w: "w", - x: "x", - y: "¥", - z: "z", - A: "Ä", - B: "ß", - C: "Ç", - D: "Ð", - E: "È", - F: "£", - G: "G", - H: "H", - I: "Ì", - J: "J", - K: "K", - L: "L", - M: "M", - N: "ñ", - O: "Ö", - P: "þ", - Q: "Q", - R: "R", - S: "§", - T: "†", - U: "Ú", - V: "V", - W: "W", - X: "×", - Y: "¥", - Z: "Z", -}; -function fancy16(_0x17c0bb) { - var _0x5ed3fc = _0x351ba0; - return _0x17c0bb[_0x5ed3fc(0x126)]("") - [_0x5ed3fc(0x105)](function (_0x24bd55) { - return fancy16chrmap[_0x24bd55] ? fancy16chrmap[_0x24bd55] : _0x24bd55; - }) - ["join"](""); -} -const fancy17chrmap = { - 0: "0", - 1: "1", - 2: "2", - 3: "3", - 4: "4", - 5: "5", - 6: "6", - 7: "7", - 8: "8", - 9: "9", - a: "α", - b: "в", - c: "¢", - d: "∂", - e: "є", - f: "ƒ", - g: "g", - h: "н", - i: "ι", - j: "נ", - k: "к", - l: "ℓ", - m: "м", - n: "η", - o: "σ", - p: "ρ", - q: "q", - r: "я", - s: "ѕ", - t: "т", - u: "υ", - v: "ν", - w: "ω", - x: "χ", - y: "у", - z: "z", - A: "α", - B: "в", - C: "¢", - D: "∂", - E: "є", - F: "ƒ", - G: "g", - H: "н", - I: "ι", - J: "נ", - K: "к", - L: "ℓ", - M: "м", - N: "η", - O: "σ", - P: "ρ", - Q: "q", - R: "я", - S: "ѕ", - T: "т", - U: "υ", - V: "ν", - W: "ω", - X: "χ", - Y: "у", - Z: "z", -}; -function fancy17(_0x1d22da) { - var _0x20cbd8 = _0x351ba0; - return _0x1d22da["split"]("") - [_0x20cbd8(0x105)](function (_0xdf89bd) { - return fancy17chrmap[_0xdf89bd] ? fancy17chrmap[_0xdf89bd] : _0xdf89bd; - }) - [_0x20cbd8(0x107)](""); -} -const fancy18chrmap = { - 0: "0", - 1: "1", - 2: "2", - 3: "3", - 4: "4", - 5: "5", - 6: "6", - 7: "7", - 8: "8", - 9: "9", - a: "Λ", - b: "B", - c: "ᄃ", - d: "D", - e: "Σ", - f: "F", - g: "G", - h: "Ή", - i: "I", - j: "J", - k: "K", - l: "ᄂ", - m: "M", - n: "П", - o: "Ө", - p: "P", - q: "Q", - r: "Я", - s: "Ƨ", - t: "Ƭ", - u: "Ц", - v: "V", - w: "Щ", - x: "X", - y: "Y", - z: "Z", - A: "Λ", - B: "B", - C: "ᄃ", - D: "D", - E: "Σ", - F: "F", - G: "G", - H: "Ή", - I: "I", - J: "J", - K: "K", - L: "ᄂ", - M: "M", - N: "П", - O: "Ө", - P: "P", - Q: "Q", - R: "Я", - S: "Ƨ", - T: "Ƭ", - U: "Ц", - V: "V", - W: "Щ", - X: "X", - Y: "Y", - Z: "Z", -}; -function fancy18(_0x1b2296) { - var _0x4243ec = _0x351ba0; - return _0x1b2296[_0x4243ec(0x126)]("") - [_0x4243ec(0x105)](function (_0x536be6) { - return fancy18chrmap[_0x536be6] ? fancy18chrmap[_0x536be6] : _0x536be6; - }) - ["join"](""); -} -const fancy19chrmap = { - 0: "⊘", - 1: "𝟙", - 2: "ϩ", - 3: "Ӡ", - 4: "५", - 5: "Ƽ", - 6: "Ϭ", - 7: "7", - 8: "𝟠", - 9: "९", - a: "ą", - b: "ҍ", - c: "ç", - d: "ժ", - e: "ҽ", - f: "ƒ", - g: "ց", - h: "հ", - i: "ì", - j: "ʝ", - k: "ҟ", - l: "Ӏ", - m: "ʍ", - n: "ղ", - o: "օ", - p: "ք", - q: "զ", - r: "ɾ", - s: "ʂ", - t: "է", - u: "մ", - v: "ѵ", - w: "ա", - x: "×", - y: "վ", - z: "Հ", - A: "Ⱥ", - B: "β", - C: "↻", - D: "Ꭰ", - E: "Ɛ", - F: "Ƒ", - G: "Ɠ", - H: "Ƕ", - I: "į", - J: "ل", - K: "Ҡ", - L: "Ꝉ", - M: "Ɱ", - N: "ហ", - O: "ට", - P: "φ", - Q: "Ҩ", - R: "འ", - S: "Ϛ", - T: "Ͳ", - U: "Ա", - V: "Ỽ", - W: "చ", - X: "ჯ", - Y: "Ӌ", - Z: "ɀ", -}; -function fancy19(_0x2152b0) { - var _0x5e154a = _0x351ba0; - return _0x2152b0[_0x5e154a(0x126)]("") - [_0x5e154a(0x105)](function (_0x4bfb1c) { - return fancy19chrmap[_0x4bfb1c] ? fancy19chrmap[_0x4bfb1c] : _0x4bfb1c; - }) - [_0x5e154a(0x107)](""); -} -const fancy20chrmap = { - 0: "₀", - 1: "₁", - 2: "₂", - 3: "₃", - 4: "₄", - 5: "₅", - 6: "₆", - 7: "₇", - 8: "₈", - 9: "₉", - a: "ₐ", - b: "b", - c: "c", - d: "d", - e: "ₑ", - f: "f", - g: "g", - h: "ₕ", - i: "ᵢ", - j: "ⱼ", - k: "ₖ", - l: "ₗ", - m: "ₘ", - n: "ₙ", - o: "ₒ", - p: "ₚ", - q: "q", - r: "ᵣ", - s: "ₛ", - t: "ₜ", - u: "ᵤ", - v: "ᵥ", - w: "w", - x: "ₓ", - y: "y", - z: "z", - A: "ₐ", - B: "B", - C: "C", - D: "D", - E: "ₑ", - F: "F", - G: "G", - H: "ₕ", - I: "ᵢ", - J: "ⱼ", - K: "ₖ", - L: "ₗ", - M: "ₘ", - N: "ₙ", - O: "ₒ", - P: "ₚ", - Q: "Q", - R: "ᵣ", - S: "ₛ", - T: "ₜ", - U: "ᵤ", - V: "ᵥ", - W: "W", - X: "ₓ", - Y: "Y", - Z: "Z", -}; -function fancy20(_0x2a180e) { - var _0x5c8f55 = _0x351ba0; - return _0x2a180e[_0x5c8f55(0x126)]("") - [_0x5c8f55(0x105)](function (_0x43aaed) { - return fancy20chrmap[_0x43aaed] ? fancy20chrmap[_0x43aaed] : _0x43aaed; - }) - [_0x5c8f55(0x107)](""); -} -const fancy21chrmap = { - 0: "⁰", - 1: "¹", - 2: "²", - 3: "³", - 4: "⁴", - 5: "⁵", - 6: "⁶", - 7: "⁷", - 8: "⁸", - 9: "⁹", - a: "ᵃ", - b: "ᵇ", - c: "ᶜ", - d: "ᵈ", - e: "ᵉ", - f: "ᶠ", - g: "ᵍ", - h: "ʰ", - i: "ⁱ", - j: "ʲ", - k: "ᵏ", - l: "ˡ", - m: "ᵐ", - n: "ⁿ", - o: "ᵒ", - p: "ᵖ", - q: "q", - r: "ʳ", - s: "ˢ", - t: "ᵗ", - u: "ᵘ", - v: "ᵛ", - w: "ʷ", - x: "ˣ", - y: "ʸ", - z: "ᶻ", - A: "ᴬ", - B: "ᴮ", - C: "ᶜ", - D: "ᴰ", - E: "ᴱ", - F: "ᶠ", - G: "ᴳ", - H: "ᴴ", - I: "ᴵ", - J: "ᴶ", - K: "ᴷ", - L: "ᴸ", - M: "ᴹ", - N: "ᴺ", - O: "ᴼ", - P: "ᴾ", - Q: "Q", - R: "ᴿ", - S: "ˢ", - T: "ᵀ", - U: "ᵁ", - V: "ⱽ", - W: "ᵂ", - X: "ˣ", - Y: "ʸ", - Z: "ᶻ", -}; -function fancy21(_0x51703f) { - var _0x5e54d0 = _0x351ba0; - return _0x51703f[_0x5e54d0(0x126)]("") - [_0x5e54d0(0x105)](function (_0x719623) { - return fancy21chrmap[_0x719623] ? fancy21chrmap[_0x719623] : _0x719623; - }) - ["join"](""); -} -const fancy22chrmap = { - 0: "0", - 1: "1", - 2: "2", - 3: "3", - 4: "4", - 5: "5", - 6: "6", - 7: "7", - 8: "8", - 9: "9", - a: "ค", - b: "๒", - c: "ς", - d: "๔", - e: "є", - f: "Ŧ", - g: "ﻮ", - h: "ђ", - i: "เ", - j: "ן", - k: "к", - l: "ɭ", - m: "๓", - n: "ภ", - o: "๏", - p: "ק", - q: "ợ", - r: "г", - s: "ร", - t: "Շ", - u: "ย", - v: "ש", - w: "ฬ", - x: "א", - y: "ץ", - z: "չ", - A: "ค", - B: "๒", - C: "ς", - D: "๔", - E: "є", - F: "Ŧ", - G: "ﻮ", - H: "ђ", - I: "เ", - J: "ן", - K: "к", - L: "ɭ", - M: "๓", - N: "ภ", - O: "๏", - P: "ק", - Q: "ợ", - R: "г", - S: "ร", - T: "Շ", - U: "ย", - V: "ש", - W: "ฬ", - X: "א", - Y: "ץ", - Z: "չ", -}; -function fancy22(_0x26b855) { - var _0x4825d1 = _0x351ba0; - return _0x26b855[_0x4825d1(0x126)]("") - ["map"](function (_0x2b3e06) { - return fancy22chrmap[_0x2b3e06] ? fancy22chrmap[_0x2b3e06] : _0x2b3e06; - }) - [_0x4825d1(0x107)](""); -} -const fancy23chrmap = { - 0: "𝟘", - 1: "𝟙", - 2: "𝟚", - 3: "𝟛", - 4: "𝟜", - 5: "𝟝", - 6: "𝟞", - 7: "𝟟", - 8: "𝟠", - 9: "𝟡", - a: "𝕒", - b: "𝕓", - c: "𝕔", - d: "𝕕", - e: "𝕖", - f: "𝕗", - g: "𝕘", - h: "𝕙", - i: "𝕚", - j: "𝕛", - k: "𝕜", - l: "𝕝", - m: "𝕞", - n: "𝕟", - o: "𝕠", - p: "𝕡", - q: "𝕢", - r: "𝕣", - s: "𝕤", - t: "𝕥", - u: "𝕦", - v: "𝕧", - w: "𝕨", - x: "𝕩", - y: "𝕪", - z: "𝕫", - A: "𝔸", - B: "𝔹", - C: "ℂ", - D: "𝔻", - E: "𝔼", - F: "𝔽", - G: "𝔾", - H: "ℍ", - I: "𝕀", - J: "𝕁", - K: "𝕂", - L: "𝕃", - M: "𝕄", - N: "ℕ", - O: "𝕆", - P: "ℙ", - Q: "ℚ", - R: "ℝ", - S: "𝕊", - T: "𝕋", - U: "𝕌", - V: "𝕍", - W: "𝕎", - X: "𝕏", - Y: "𝕐", - Z: "ℤ", -}; -function fancy23(_0x306242) { - var _0xd294e3 = _0x351ba0; - return _0x306242["split"]("") - ["map"](function (_0x5d362d) { - return fancy23chrmap[_0x5d362d] ? fancy23chrmap[_0x5d362d] : _0x5d362d; - }) - [_0xd294e3(0x107)](""); -} -const fancy24chrmap = { - 0: "0", - 1: "1", - 2: "2", - 3: "3", - 4: "4", - 5: "5", - 6: "6", - 7: "7", - 8: "8", - 9: "9", - a: "𝖆", - b: "𝖇", - c: "𝖈", - d: "𝖉", - e: "𝖊", - f: "𝖋", - g: "𝖌", - h: "𝖍", - i: "𝖎", - j: "𝖏", - k: "𝖐", - l: "𝖑", - m: "𝖒", - n: "𝖓", - o: "𝖔", - p: "𝖕", - q: "𝖖", - r: "𝖗", - s: "𝖘", - t: "𝖙", - u: "𝖚", - v: "𝖛", - w: "𝖜", - x: "𝖝", - y: "𝖞", - z: "𝖟", - A: "𝕬", - B: "𝕭", - C: "𝕮", - D: "𝕯", - E: "𝕰", - F: "𝕱", - G: "𝕲", - H: "𝕳", - I: "𝕴", - J: "𝕵", - K: "𝕶", - L: "𝕷", - M: "𝕸", - N: "𝕹", - O: "𝕺", - P: "𝕻", - Q: "𝕼", - R: "𝕽", - S: "𝕾", - T: "𝕿", - U: "𝖀", - V: "𝖁", - W: "𝖂", - X: "𝖃", - Y: "𝖄", - Z: "𝖅", -}; -function fancy24(_0x44bad4) { - var _0x1c98f8 = _0x351ba0; - return _0x44bad4["split"]("") - [_0x1c98f8(0x105)](function (_0xa1f61a) { - return fancy24chrmap[_0xa1f61a] ? fancy24chrmap[_0xa1f61a] : _0xa1f61a; - }) - ["join"](""); -} -const fancy25chrmap = { - 0: "0", - 1: "1", - 2: "2", - 3: "3", - 4: "4", - 5: "5", - 6: "6", - 7: "7", - 8: "8", - 9: "9", - a: "🅰", - b: "🅱", - c: "🅲", - d: "🅳", - e: "🅴", - f: "🅵", - g: "🅶", - h: "🅷", - i: "🅸", - j: "🅹", - k: "🅺", - l: "🅻", - m: "🅼", - n: "🅽", - o: "🅾", - p: "🅿", - q: "🆀", - r: "🆁", - s: "🆂", - t: "🆃", - u: "🆄", - v: "🆅", - w: "🆆", - x: "🆇", - y: "🆈", - z: "🆉", - A: "🅰", - B: "🅱", - C: "🅲", - D: "🅳", - E: "🅴", - F: "🅵", - G: "🅶", - H: "🅷", - I: "🅸", - J: "🅹", - K: "🅺", - L: "🅻", - M: "🅼", - N: "🅽", - O: "🅾", - P: "🅿", - Q: "🆀", - R: "🆁", - S: "🆂", - T: "🆃", - U: "🆄", - V: "🆅", - W: "🆆", - X: "🆇", - Y: "🆈", - Z: "🆉", -}; -function fancy25(_0x914c7d) { - var _0x4df9e5 = _0x351ba0; - return _0x914c7d[_0x4df9e5(0x126)]("") - ["map"](function (_0x3b8f6b) { - return fancy25chrmap[_0x3b8f6b] ? fancy25chrmap[_0x3b8f6b] : _0x3b8f6b; - }) - [_0x4df9e5(0x107)](""); -} -const fancy26chrmap = { - 0: "0", - 1: "1", - 2: "2", - 3: "3", - 4: "4", - 5: "5", - 6: "6", - 7: "7", - 8: "8", - 9: "9", - a: "𝓪", - b: "𝓫", - c: "𝓬", - d: "𝓭", - e: "𝓮", - f: "𝓯", - g: "𝓰", - h: "𝓱", - i: "𝓲", - j: "𝓳", - k: "𝓴", - l: "𝓵", - m: "𝓶", - n: "𝓷", - o: "𝓸", - p: "𝓹", - q: "𝓺", - r: "𝓻", - s: "𝓼", - t: "𝓽", - u: "𝓾", - v: "𝓿", - w: "𝔀", - x: "𝔁", - y: "𝔂", - z: "𝔃", - A: "𝓐", - B: "𝓑", - C: "𝓒", - D: "𝓓", - E: "𝓔", - F: "𝓕", - G: "𝓖", - H: "𝓗", - I: "𝓘", - J: "𝓙", - K: "𝓚", - L: "𝓛", - M: "𝓜", - N: "𝓝", - O: "𝓞", - P: "𝓟", - Q: "𝓠", - R: "𝓡", - S: "𝓢", - T: "𝓣", - U: "𝓤", - V: "𝓥", - W: "𝓦", - X: "𝓧", - Y: "𝓨", - Z: "𝓩", -}; -function fancy26(_0x4d8279) { - var _0x479f18 = _0x351ba0; - return _0x4d8279[_0x479f18(0x126)]("") - [_0x479f18(0x105)](function (_0x5da658) { - return fancy26chrmap[_0x5da658] ? fancy26chrmap[_0x5da658] : _0x5da658; - }) - ["join"](""); -} -const fancy27chrmap = { - 0: "0", - 1: "1", - 2: "2", - 3: "3", - 4: "4", - 5: "5", - 6: "6", - 7: "7", - 8: "8", - 9: "9", - a: "𝔞", - b: "𝔟", - c: "𝔠", - d: "𝔡", - e: "𝔢", - f: "𝔣", - g: "𝔤", - h: "𝔥", - i: "𝔦", - j: "𝔧", - k: "𝔨", - l: "𝔩", - m: "𝔪", - n: "𝔫", - o: "𝔬", - p: "𝔭", - q: "𝔮", - r: "𝔯", - s: "𝔰", - t: "𝔱", - u: "𝔲", - v: "𝔳", - w: "𝔴", - x: "𝔵", - y: "𝔶", - z: "𝔷", - A: "𝔄", - B: "𝔅", - C: "ℭ", - D: "𝔇", - E: "𝔈", - F: "𝔉", - G: "𝔊", - H: "ℌ", - I: "ℑ", - J: "𝔍", - K: "𝔎", - L: "𝔏", - M: "𝔐", - N: "𝔑", - O: "�", - P: "𝔓", - Q: "𝔔", - R: "ℜ", - S: "𝔖", - T: "𝔗", - U: "𝔘", - V: "𝔙", - W: "𝔚", - X: "𝔛", - Y: "𝔜", - Z: "ℨ", -}; -function fancy27(_0x50eb93) { - var _0x502d54 = _0x351ba0; - return _0x50eb93[_0x502d54(0x126)]("") - [_0x502d54(0x105)](function (_0x26559f) { - return fancy27chrmap[_0x26559f] ? fancy27chrmap[_0x26559f] : _0x26559f; - }) - ["join"](""); -} -const fancy28chrmap = { - 0: "0", - 1: "1", - 2: "2", - 3: "3", - 4: "4", - 5: "5", - 6: "6", - 7: "7", - 8: "8", - 9: "9", - a: "a", - b: "b", - c: "c", - d: "d", - e: "e", - f: "f", - g: "g", - h: "h", - i: "i", - j: "j", - k: "k", - l: "l", - m: "m", - n: "n", - o: "o", - p: "p", - q: "q", - r: "r", - s: "s", - t: "t", - u: "u", - v: "v", - w: "w", - x: "x", - y: "y", - z: "z", - A: "A", - B: "B", - C: "C", - D: "D", - E: "E", - F: "F", - G: "G", - H: "H", - I: "I", - J: "J", - K: "K", - L: "L", - M: "M", - N: "N", - O: "O", - P: "P", - Q: "Q", - R: "R", - S: "S", - T: "T", - U: "U", - V: "V", - W: "W", - X: "X", - Y: "Y", - Z: "Z", -}; -function fancy28(_0x21bb41) { - var _0x2fa902 = _0x351ba0; - return _0x21bb41[_0x2fa902(0x126)]("") - [_0x2fa902(0x105)](function (_0x3481a1) { - return fancy28chrmap[_0x3481a1] ? fancy28chrmap[_0x3481a1] : _0x3481a1; - }) - ["join"](""); -} -const fancy29chrmap = { - 0: "0", - 1: "1", - 2: "2", - 3: "3", - 4: "4", - 5: "5", - 6: "6", - 7: "7", - 8: "8", - 9: "9", - a: "𝒂", - b: "𝒃", - c: "𝒄", - d: "𝒅", - e: "𝒆", - f: "𝒇", - g: "𝒈", - h: "𝒉", - i: "𝒊", - j: "𝒋", - k: "𝒌", - l: "𝒍", - m: "𝒎", - n: "𝒏", - o: "𝒐", - p: "𝒑", - q: "𝒒", - r: "𝒓", - s: "𝒔", - t: "𝒕", - u: "𝒖", - v: "𝒗", - w: "𝒘", - x: "𝒙", - y: "𝒚", - z: "𝒛", - A: "𝑨", - B: "𝑩", - C: "𝑪", - D: "𝑫", - E: "𝑬", - F: "𝑭", - G: "𝑮", - H: "𝑯", - I: "𝑰", - J: "𝑱", - K: "𝑲", - L: "𝑳", - M: "𝑴", - N: "𝑵", - O: "𝑶", - P: "𝑷", - Q: "𝑸", - R: "𝑹", - S: "𝑺", - T: "𝑻", - U: "𝑼", - V: "𝑽", - W: "𝑾", - X: "𝑿", - Y: "𝒀", - Z: "𝒁", -}; -function fancy29(_0x2b3163) { - var _0x275a81 = _0x351ba0; - return _0x2b3163[_0x275a81(0x126)]("") - [_0x275a81(0x105)](function (_0x2290f7) { - return fancy29chrmap[_0x2290f7] ? fancy29chrmap[_0x2290f7] : _0x2290f7; - }) - ["join"](""); -} -const fancy30chrmap = { - 0: "0", - 1: "1", - 2: "2", - 3: "3", - 4: "4", - 5: "5", - 6: "6", - 7: "7", - 8: "8", - 9: "9", - a: "𝛥", - b: "𝐵", - c: "𝐶", - d: "𝐷", - e: "𝛯", - f: "𝐹", - g: "𝐺", - h: "𝛨", - i: "𝛪", - j: "𝐽", - k: "𝛫", - l: "𝐿", - m: "𝛭", - n: "𝛮", - o: "𝛩", - p: "𝛲", - q: "𝑄", - r: "𝑅", - s: "𝑆", - t: "𝑇", - u: "𝑈", - v: "𝛻", - w: "𝑊", - x: "𝛸", - y: "𝑌", - z: "𝛧", - A: "𝛥", - B: "𝐵", - C: "𝐶", - D: "𝐷", - E: "𝛯", - F: "𝐹", - G: "𝐺", - H: "𝛨", - I: "𝛪", - J: "𝐽", - K: "𝛫", - L: "𝐿", - M: "𝛭", - N: "𝛮", - O: "𝛩", - P: "𝛲", - Q: "𝑄", - R: "𝑅", - S: "𝑆", - T: "𝑇", - U: "𝑈", - V: "𝛻", - W: "𝑊", - X: "𝛸", - Y: "𝑌", - Z: "𝛧", -}; -function fancy30(_0x1045cb) { - var _0x293927 = _0x351ba0; - return _0x1045cb[_0x293927(0x126)]("") - [_0x293927(0x105)](function (_0x2f0d4c) { - return fancy30chrmap[_0x2f0d4c] ? fancy30chrmap[_0x2f0d4c] : _0x2f0d4c; - }) - [_0x293927(0x107)](""); -} -const fancy31chrmap = { - 0: "𝟬", - 1: "𝟭", - 2: "𝟮", - 3: "𝟯", - 4: "𝟰", - 5: "𝟱", - 6: "𝟲", - 7: "𝟳", - 8: "𝟴", - 9: "𝟵", - a: "𝞓", - b: "𝞑", - c: "𝘾", - d: "𝘿", - e: "𝞢", - f: "𝙁", - g: "𝙂", - h: "𝞖", - i: "𝞘", - j: "𝙅", - k: "𝞙", - l: "𝙇", - m: "𝞛", - n: "𝞜", - o: "𝞗", - p: "𝞠", - q: "𝙌", - r: "𝞒", - s: "𝙎", - t: "𝙏", - u: "𝙐", - v: "𝝯", - w: "𝙒", - x: "𝞦", - y: "𝙔", - z: "𝙕", - A: "𝞓", - B: "𝞑", - C: "𝘾", - D: "𝘿", - E: "𝞢", - F: "𝙁", - G: "𝙂", - H: "𝞖", - I: "𝞘", - J: "𝙅", - K: "𝞙", - L: "𝙇", - M: "𝞛", - N: "𝞜", - O: "𝞗", - P: "𝞠", - Q: "𝙌", - R: "𝞒", - S: "𝙎", - T: "𝙏", - U: "𝙐", - V: "𝝯", - W: "𝙒", - X: "𝞦", - Y: "𝙔", - Z: "𝙕", -}; -function fancy31(_0xc90ef8) { - return _0xc90ef8["split"]("") - ["map"](function (_0x39d68f) { - return fancy31chrmap[_0x39d68f] ? fancy31chrmap[_0x39d68f] : _0x39d68f; - }) - ["join"](""); -} -function _0x459c(_0x54ddda, _0x35a21d) { - var _0x326a3a = _0x326a(); - return ( - (_0x459c = function (_0x459cb6, _0x4b7774) { - _0x459cb6 = _0x459cb6 - 0xfa; - var _0x24e0e3 = _0x326a3a[_0x459cb6]; - return _0x24e0e3; - }), - _0x459c(_0x54ddda, _0x35a21d) - ); -} -const fancy32chrmap = { - 0: "0", - 1: "1", - 2: "2", - 3: "3", - 4: "4", - 5: "5", - 6: "6", - 7: "7", - 8: "8", - 9: "9", - a: "𝚫", - b: "𝚩", - c: "𝐂", - d: "𝐃", - e: "𝚵", - f: "𝐅", - g: "𝐆", - h: "𝚮", - i: "𝚰", - j: "𝐉", - k: "𝐊", - l: "𝐋", - m: "𝚳", - n: "𝚴", - o: "𝚯", - p: "𝚸", - q: "𝐐", - r: "𝚪", - s: "𝐒", - t: "𝚻", - u: "𝐔", - v: "𝛁", - w: "𝐖", - x: "𝚾", - y: "𝐘", - z: "𝚭", - A: "𝚫", - B: "𝚩", - C: "𝐂", - D: "𝐃", - E: "𝚵", - F: "𝐅", - G: "𝐆", - H: "𝚮", - I: "𝚰", - J: "𝐉", - K: "𝐊", - L: "𝐋", - M: "𝚳", - N: "𝚴", - O: "𝚯", - P: "𝚸", - Q: "𝐐", - R: "𝚪", - S: "𝐒", - T: "𝚻", - U: "𝐔", - V: "𝛁", - W: "𝐖", - X: "𝚾", - Y: "𝐘", - Z: "𝚭", -}; -function fancy32(_0x43a052) { - var _0x49d925 = _0x351ba0; - return _0x43a052[_0x49d925(0x126)]("") - [_0x49d925(0x105)](function (_0x5c80bf) { - return fancy32chrmap[_0x5c80bf] ? fancy32chrmap[_0x5c80bf] : _0x5c80bf; - }) - [_0x49d925(0x107)](""); -} -const fancy33chrmap = { - 0: "0", - 1: "1", - 2: "2", - 3: "3", - 4: "4", - 5: "5", - 6: "6", - 7: "7", - 8: "8", - 9: "9", - a: "ᗩ", - b: "ᗷ", - c: "ᑕ", - d: "ᗞ", - e: "ᗴ", - f: "ᖴ", - g: "Ꮐ", - h: "ᕼ", - i: "Ꮖ", - j: "ᒍ", - k: "Ꮶ", - l: "し", - m: "ᗰ", - n: "ᑎ", - o: "ᝪ", - p: "ᑭ", - q: "ᑫ", - r: "ᖇ", - s: "ᔑ", - t: "Ꭲ", - u: "ᑌ", - v: "ᐯ", - w: "ᗯ", - x: "᙭", - y: "Ꭹ", - z: "Ꮓ", - A: "ᗩ", - B: "ᗷ", - C: "ᑕ", - D: "ᗞ", - E: "ᗴ", - F: "ᖴ", - G: "Ꮐ", - H: "ᕼ", - I: "Ꮖ", - J: "ᒍ", - K: "Ꮶ", - L: "し", - M: "ᗰ", - N: "ᑎ", - O: "ᝪ", - P: "ᑭ", - Q: "ᑫ", - R: "ᖇ", - S: "ᔑ", - T: "Ꭲ", - U: "ᑌ", - V: "ᐯ", - W: "ᗯ", - X: "᙭", - Y: "Ꭹ", - Z: "Ꮓ", -}; -function fancy33(_0x11bbed) { - var _0x14b318 = _0x351ba0; - return _0x11bbed[_0x14b318(0x126)]("") - ["map"](function (_0x4e4a87) { - return fancy33chrmap[_0x4e4a87] ? fancy33chrmap[_0x4e4a87] : _0x4e4a87; - }) - [_0x14b318(0x107)](""); -} -const tinyChrmap = { - 0: "0", - 1: "1", - 2: "2", - 3: "3", - 4: "4", - 5: "5", - 6: "6", - 7: "7", - 8: "8", - 9: "9", - a: "ᴀ", - b: "ʙ", - c: "ᴄ", - d: "ᴅ", - e: "ᴇ", - f: "ғ", - g: "ɢ", - h: "ʜ", - i: "ɪ", - j: "ᴊ", - k: "ᴋ", - l: "ʟ", - m: "ᴍ", - n: "ɴ", - o: "ᴏ", - p: "ᴘ", - q: "ǫ", - r: "ʀ", - s: "s", - t: "ᴛ", - u: "ᴜ", - v: "ᴠ", - w: "ᴡ", - x: "x", - y: "ʏ", - z: "ᴢ", - A: "A", - B: "ʙ", - C: "C", - D: "D", - E: "E", - F: "F", - G: "G", - H: "H", - I: "I", - J: "J", - K: "K", - L: "L", - M: "M", - N: "N", - O: "O", - P: "P", - Q: "Q", - R: "R", - S: "S", - T: "T", - U: "U", - V: "V", - W: "W", - X: "X", - Y: "Y", - Z: "Z", -}; -function tiny(_0x1cb80c) { - var _0x3232a7 = _0x351ba0; - return _0x1cb80c[_0x3232a7(0x126)]("") - [_0x3232a7(0x105)](function (_0x5d9e9c) { - return tinyChrmap[_0x5d9e9c] ? tinyChrmap[_0x5d9e9c] : _0x5d9e9c; - }) - [_0x3232a7(0x107)](""); -} -function ladybug(_0x1fff46) { - var _0x5ec617 = _0x351ba0; - return _0x1fff46[_0x5ec617(0x126)]("") - [_0x5ec617(0x105)](function (_0xfa281a) { - return ladybugCharMap[_0xfa281a] ? ladybugCharMap[_0xfa281a] : _0xfa281a; - }) - [_0x5ec617(0x107)](""); -} -function runes(_0x306f7d) { - var _0x11872b = _0x351ba0; - return _0x306f7d[_0x11872b(0x126)]("") - [_0x11872b(0x105)](function (_0x20460c) { - return runesCharMap[_0x20460c] ? runesCharMap[_0x20460c] : _0x20460c; - }) - [_0x11872b(0x107)](""); -} -function serif_B(_0x582e31) { - var _0x5dab54 = _0x351ba0; - return _0x582e31[_0x5dab54(0x126)]("") - [_0x5dab54(0x105)](function (_0x2db854) { - return serif_BCharMap[_0x2db854] ? serif_BCharMap[_0x2db854] : _0x2db854; - }) - [_0x5dab54(0x107)](""); -} -function serif_BI(_0x101cfd) { - var _0xd16d2c = _0x351ba0; - return _0x101cfd[_0xd16d2c(0x126)]("") - [_0xd16d2c(0x105)](function (_0x4f272f) { - return serif_BICharMap[_0x4f272f] - ? serif_BICharMap[_0x4f272f] - : _0x4f272f; - }) - [_0xd16d2c(0x107)](""); -} -function serif_I(_0x5e746c) { - var _0x3a9216 = _0x351ba0; - return _0x5e746c["split"]("") - [_0x3a9216(0x105)](function (_0x4de071) { - return serif_ICharMap[_0x4de071] ? serif_ICharMap[_0x4de071] : _0x4de071; - }) - [_0x3a9216(0x107)](""); -} -function wingdings(_0x385dd4) { - var _0x10552a = _0x351ba0; - return _0x385dd4[_0x10552a(0x126)]("") - [_0x10552a(0x105)](function (_0x50cb3d) { - return wingdingsCharMap[_0x50cb3d] - ? wingdingsCharMap[_0x50cb3d] - : _0x50cb3d; - }) - [_0x10552a(0x107)](""); -} -function vaporwave(_0x50e855) { - var _0x3cc2c4 = _0x351ba0; - return _0x50e855[_0x3cc2c4(0x126)]("") - [_0x3cc2c4(0x105)](function (_0xecf796) { - return vaporwaveCharMap[_0xecf796] - ? vaporwaveCharMap[_0xecf796] - : _0xecf796; - }) - [_0x3cc2c4(0x107)](""); -} -function sparrow(_0x5b0223) { - var _0x1890bb = _0x351ba0; - return _0x5b0223["split"]("") - [_0x1890bb(0x105)](function (_0x4402b6) { - return sparrowCharMap[_0x4402b6] ? sparrowCharMap[_0x4402b6] : _0x4402b6; - }) - ["join"](""); -} -function typewriter(_0xdadbc3) { - var _0x5de935 = _0x351ba0; - return _0xdadbc3[_0x5de935(0x126)]("") - [_0x5de935(0x105)](function (_0x49f23f) { - return typewriterCharMap[_0x49f23f] - ? typewriterCharMap[_0x49f23f] - : _0x49f23f; - }) - [_0x5de935(0x107)](""); -} -function analucia(_0x440640) { - var _0x5ef601 = _0x351ba0; - return _0x440640[_0x5ef601(0x126)]("") - [_0x5ef601(0x105)](function (_0x327331) { - return analuciaCharMap[_0x327331] - ? analuciaCharMap[_0x327331] - : _0x327331; - }) - ["join"](""); -} -function StyleText() { - var _0x355f23 = _0x351ba0; - this["tools"] = { - flip: { - init: function () { - var _0x124779 = _0x459c; - for (i in this[_0x124779(0x105)]) { - this[_0x124779(0x105)][this[_0x124779(0x105)][i]] = i; - } - }, - encode: function (_0x59bb2b) { - var _0x375bba = _0x459c, - _0x16101a = [], - _0x31a18a; - for ( - var _0x3086b3 = 0x0, _0x264d17 = _0x59bb2b[_0x375bba(0x137)]; - _0x3086b3 < _0x264d17; - _0x3086b3++ - ) { - (_0x31a18a = _0x59bb2b[_0x375bba(0x109)](_0x3086b3)), - _0x3086b3 > 0x0 && - (_0x31a18a == "̤" || - _0x31a18a == "̗" || - _0x31a18a == "̖" || - _0x31a18a == "̮") - ? ((_0x31a18a = - this[_0x375bba(0x105)][ - _0x59bb2b[_0x375bba(0x109)](_0x3086b3 - 0x1) + _0x31a18a - ]), - _0x16101a[_0x375bba(0x129)]()) - : ((_0x31a18a = this[_0x375bba(0x105)][_0x31a18a]), - typeof _0x31a18a == _0x375bba(0x12a) && - (_0x31a18a = _0x59bb2b[_0x375bba(0x109)](_0x3086b3))), - _0x16101a[_0x375bba(0xfc)](_0x31a18a); - } - return _0x16101a["reverse"]()[_0x375bba(0x107)](""); - }, - decode: function (_0x82c03c) { - var _0x44fee8 = _0x459c, - _0x1df757 = [], - _0x57b1c6; - for ( - var _0x9dfc35 = 0x0, _0x9c7f18 = _0x82c03c["length"]; - _0x9dfc35 < _0x9c7f18; - _0x9dfc35++ - ) { - (_0x57b1c6 = _0x82c03c[_0x44fee8(0x109)](_0x9dfc35)), - _0x9dfc35 > 0x0 && - (_0x57b1c6 == "̤" || - _0x57b1c6 == "̗" || - _0x57b1c6 == "̖" || - _0x57b1c6 == "̮") - ? ((_0x57b1c6 = - this[_0x44fee8(0x105)][ - _0x82c03c[_0x44fee8(0x109)](_0x9dfc35 - 0x1) + _0x57b1c6 - ]), - _0x1df757["pop"]()) - : ((_0x57b1c6 = this[_0x44fee8(0x105)][_0x57b1c6]), - typeof _0x57b1c6 == _0x44fee8(0x12a) && - (_0x57b1c6 = _0x82c03c[_0x44fee8(0x109)](_0x9dfc35))), - _0x1df757["push"](_0x57b1c6); - } - return _0x1df757[_0x44fee8(0x128)]()["join"](""); - }, - map: { - a: "ɐ", - b: "q", - c: "ɔ", - d: "p", - e: "ǝ", - f: "ɟ", - g: "ɓ", - h: "ɥ", - i: "ı", - j: "ɾ", - k: "ʞ", - l: "l", - m: "ɯ", - n: "u", - r: "ɹ", - t: "ʇ", - v: "ʌ", - w: "ʍ", - y: "ʎ", - A: "∀", - B: "ᙠ", - C: "Ɔ", - D: "ᗡ", - E: "Ǝ", - F: "Ⅎ", - G: "⅁", - J: "ſ", - K: "⋊", - L: "˥", - M: "W", - P: "Ԁ", - Q: "Ό", - R: "ᴚ", - T: "⊥", - U: "∩", - V: "Λ", - Y: "⅄", - 0x1: "⇂", - 0x2: "ᄅ", - 0x3: "Ɛ", - 0x4: "ㄣ", - 0x5: "ގ", - 0x6: "9", - 0x7: "ㄥ", - "&": "⅋", - ".": "˙", - "\x22": "„", - ";": "؛", - "[": "]", - "(": ")", - "{": "}", - "?": "¿", - "!": "¡", - "\x27": ",", - "<": ">", - "‾": "_", - "¯": "_", - "‿": "⁀", - "⁅": "⁆", - "∴": "∵", - "\x0d": "\x0a", - ß: "ᙠ", - "̈": "̤", - ä: "ɐ̤", - ö: "o̤", - ü: "n̤", - Ä: "∀̤", - Ö: "O̤", - Ü: "∩̤", - "´": "\x20̗", - é: "ǝ̗", - á: "ɐ̗", - ó: "o̗", - ú: "n̗", - É: "Ǝ̗", - Á: "∀̗", - Ó: "O̗", - Ú: "∩̗", - "`": "\x20̖", - è: "ǝ̖", - à: "ɐ̖", - ò: "o̖", - ù: "n̖", - È: "Ǝ̖", - À: "∀̖", - Ò: "O̖", - Ù: "∩̖", - "^": "\x20̮", - ê: "ǝ̮", - â: "ɐ̮", - ô: "o̮", - û: "n̮", - Ê: "Ǝ̮", - Â: "∀̮", - Ô: "O̮", - Û: "∩̮", - }, - }, - mirror: { - init: function () { - var _0x1a370d = _0x459c; - for (i in this["map"]) { - this["map"][this[_0x1a370d(0x105)][i]] = i; - } - }, - encode: function (_0x42240d) { - var _0x3ae563 = _0x459c, - _0x296ed5 = [], - _0x532ffb, - _0x544afb = []; - for ( - var _0x4fdb7b = 0x0, _0xd1ce9b = _0x42240d["length"]; - _0x4fdb7b < _0xd1ce9b; - _0x4fdb7b++ - ) { - (_0x532ffb = _0x42240d[_0x3ae563(0x109)](_0x4fdb7b)), - _0x4fdb7b > 0x0 && - (_0x532ffb == "̈" || - _0x532ffb == "̀" || - _0x532ffb == "́" || - _0x532ffb == "̂") - ? ((_0x532ffb = - this["map"][ - _0x42240d[_0x3ae563(0x109)](_0x4fdb7b - 0x1) + _0x532ffb - ]), - _0x296ed5[_0x3ae563(0x129)]()) - : ((_0x532ffb = this[_0x3ae563(0x105)][_0x532ffb]), - typeof _0x532ffb == _0x3ae563(0x12a) && - (_0x532ffb = _0x42240d[_0x3ae563(0x109)](_0x4fdb7b))), - _0x532ffb == "\x0a" - ? (_0x544afb["push"]( - _0x296ed5[_0x3ae563(0x128)]()[_0x3ae563(0x107)]("") - ), - (_0x296ed5 = [])) - : _0x296ed5[_0x3ae563(0xfc)](_0x532ffb); - } - return ( - _0x544afb[_0x3ae563(0xfc)](_0x296ed5["reverse"]()["join"]("")), - _0x544afb[_0x3ae563(0x107)]("\x0a") - ); - }, - decode: function (_0x4a278b) { - var _0xe95f03 = _0x459c, - _0x152698 = [], - _0x284694, - _0x2867ab = []; - for ( - var _0xccfb29 = 0x0, _0x1b686b = _0x4a278b["length"]; - _0xccfb29 < _0x1b686b; - _0xccfb29++ - ) { - (_0x284694 = _0x4a278b[_0xe95f03(0x109)](_0xccfb29)), - _0xccfb29 > 0x0 && - (_0x284694 == "̈" || - _0x284694 == "̀" || - _0x284694 == "́" || - _0x284694 == "̂") - ? ((_0x284694 = - this["map"][ - _0x4a278b[_0xe95f03(0x109)](_0xccfb29 - 0x1) + _0x284694 - ]), - _0x152698["pop"]()) - : ((_0x284694 = this["map"][_0x284694]), - typeof _0x284694 == "undefined" && - (_0x284694 = _0x4a278b[_0xe95f03(0x109)](_0xccfb29))), - _0x284694 == "\x0a" - ? (_0x2867ab[_0xe95f03(0xfc)]( - _0x152698[_0xe95f03(0x128)]()[_0xe95f03(0x107)]("") - ), - (_0x152698 = [])) - : _0x152698[_0xe95f03(0xfc)](_0x284694); - } - return ( - _0x2867ab[_0xe95f03(0xfc)]( - _0x152698[_0xe95f03(0x128)]()[_0xe95f03(0x107)]("") - ), - _0x2867ab[_0xe95f03(0x107)]("\x0a") - ); - }, - map: { - a: "ɒ", - b: "d", - c: "ɔ", - e: "ɘ", - f: "Ꮈ", - g: "ǫ", - h: "ʜ", - j: "ꞁ", - k: "ʞ", - l: "|", - n: "ᴎ", - p: "q", - r: "ɿ", - s: "ꙅ", - t: "ƚ", - y: "ʏ", - z: "ƹ", - B: "ᙠ", - C: "Ɔ", - D: "ᗡ", - E: "Ǝ", - F: "ꟻ", - G: "Ꭾ", - J: "Ⴑ", - K: "⋊", - L: "⅃", - N: "Ͷ", - P: "ꟼ", - Q: "Ọ", - R: "Я", - S: "Ꙅ", - Z: "Ƹ", - 0x1: "", - 0x2: "", - 0x3: "", - 0x4: "", - 0x5: "", - 0x6: "", - 0x7: "", - "&": "", - ";": "", - "[": "]", - "(": ")", - "{": "}", - "?": "⸮", - "<": ">", - ä: "ɒ̈", - ß: "ᙠ", - "´": "`", - é: "ɘ̀", - á: "ɒ̀", - ó: "ò", - ú: "ù", - É: "Ǝ̀", - Á: "À", - Ó: "Ò", - Ú: "Ù", - "`": "´", - è: "ɘ́", - à: "ɒ́", - È: "Ǝ́", - ê: "ɘ̂", - â: "ɒ̂", - Ê: "Ǝ̂", - Ø: "ᴓ", - ø: "ᴓ", - }, - }, - creepify: { - init: function () { - var _0x1fb3e3 = _0x459c; - for (var _0x26488a = 0x300; _0x26488a <= 0x315; _0x26488a++) { - this["diacriticsTop"][_0x1fb3e3(0xfc)]( - String[_0x1fb3e3(0x103)](_0x26488a) - ); - } - for (var _0x26488a = 0x316; _0x26488a <= 0x333; _0x26488a++) { - _0x26488a != 0x31a && - _0x26488a != 0x31b && - this[_0x1fb3e3(0x138)][_0x1fb3e3(0xfc)]( - String[_0x1fb3e3(0x103)](_0x26488a) - ); - } - this["diacriticsTop"][_0x1fb3e3(0xfc)](String["fromCharCode"](0x31a)), - this[_0x1fb3e3(0x114)][_0x1fb3e3(0xfc)]( - String[_0x1fb3e3(0x103)](0x31b) - ); - for (var _0x26488a = 0x334; _0x26488a <= 0x338; _0x26488a++) { - this[_0x1fb3e3(0xfd)]["push"](String["fromCharCode"](_0x26488a)); - } - for (var _0x26488a = 0x339; _0x26488a <= 0x33c; _0x26488a++) { - this["diacriticsBottom"][_0x1fb3e3(0xfc)]( - String[_0x1fb3e3(0x103)](_0x26488a) - ); - } - for (var _0x26488a = 0x33d; _0x26488a <= 0x344; _0x26488a++) { - this[_0x1fb3e3(0x114)][_0x1fb3e3(0xfc)]( - String[_0x1fb3e3(0x103)](_0x26488a) - ); - } - this[_0x1fb3e3(0x114)][_0x1fb3e3(0xfc)]( - String[_0x1fb3e3(0x103)](0x344) - ), - this[_0x1fb3e3(0x138)][_0x1fb3e3(0xfc)]( - String["fromCharCode"](0x345) - ), - this[_0x1fb3e3(0x114)][_0x1fb3e3(0xfc)]( - String["fromCharCode"](0x346) - ), - this[_0x1fb3e3(0x138)][_0x1fb3e3(0xfc)]( - String["fromCharCode"](0x347) - ), - this[_0x1fb3e3(0x138)]["push"](String[_0x1fb3e3(0x103)](0x348)), - this[_0x1fb3e3(0x138)][_0x1fb3e3(0xfc)]( - String[_0x1fb3e3(0x103)](0x349) - ), - this[_0x1fb3e3(0x114)]["push"](String[_0x1fb3e3(0x103)](0x34a)), - this[_0x1fb3e3(0x114)][_0x1fb3e3(0xfc)]( - String[_0x1fb3e3(0x103)](0x34b) - ), - this[_0x1fb3e3(0x114)][_0x1fb3e3(0xfc)]( - String[_0x1fb3e3(0x103)](0x34c) - ), - this["diacriticsBottom"][_0x1fb3e3(0xfc)]( - String[_0x1fb3e3(0x103)](0x34d) - ), - this[_0x1fb3e3(0x138)][_0x1fb3e3(0xfc)]( - String[_0x1fb3e3(0x103)](0x34e) - ), - this[_0x1fb3e3(0x114)][_0x1fb3e3(0xfc)]( - String[_0x1fb3e3(0x103)](0x350) - ), - this[_0x1fb3e3(0x114)][_0x1fb3e3(0xfc)]( - String["fromCharCode"](0x351) - ), - this[_0x1fb3e3(0x114)][_0x1fb3e3(0xfc)]( - String[_0x1fb3e3(0x103)](0x352) - ), - this["diacriticsBottom"][_0x1fb3e3(0xfc)]( - String[_0x1fb3e3(0x103)](0x353) - ), - this[_0x1fb3e3(0x138)][_0x1fb3e3(0xfc)]( - String["fromCharCode"](0x354) - ), - this["diacriticsBottom"][_0x1fb3e3(0xfc)]( - String[_0x1fb3e3(0x103)](0x355) - ), - this["diacriticsBottom"]["push"](String[_0x1fb3e3(0x103)](0x356)), - this["diacriticsTop"]["push"](String[_0x1fb3e3(0x103)](0x357)), - this[_0x1fb3e3(0x114)][_0x1fb3e3(0xfc)]( - String[_0x1fb3e3(0x103)](0x358) - ), - this[_0x1fb3e3(0x138)][_0x1fb3e3(0xfc)]( - String[_0x1fb3e3(0x103)](0x359) - ), - this[_0x1fb3e3(0x138)][_0x1fb3e3(0xfc)]( - String[_0x1fb3e3(0x103)](0x35a) - ), - this[_0x1fb3e3(0x114)]["push"](String["fromCharCode"](0x35b)), - this[_0x1fb3e3(0x138)][_0x1fb3e3(0xfc)]( - String[_0x1fb3e3(0x103)](0x35c) - ), - this[_0x1fb3e3(0x114)][_0x1fb3e3(0xfc)]( - String[_0x1fb3e3(0x103)](0x35d) - ), - this["diacriticsTop"][_0x1fb3e3(0xfc)]( - String[_0x1fb3e3(0x103)](0x35d) - ), - this["diacriticsBottom"][_0x1fb3e3(0xfc)]( - String[_0x1fb3e3(0x103)](0x35f) - ), - this[_0x1fb3e3(0x114)][_0x1fb3e3(0xfc)]( - String["fromCharCode"](0x360) - ), - this[_0x1fb3e3(0x114)][_0x1fb3e3(0xfc)]( - String[_0x1fb3e3(0x103)](0x361) - ); - }, - encode: function (_0x1c3f0c) { - var _0x45b516 = _0x459c, - _0xd07e2 = "", - _0x1e09d0; - for (i in _0x1c3f0c) { - _0x1e09d0 = _0x1c3f0c[i]; - this["options"][_0x45b516(0x130)] && - (_0x1e09d0 += - this[_0x45b516(0xfd)][ - Math["floor"]( - Math[_0x45b516(0x112)]() * - this[_0x45b516(0xfd)][_0x45b516(0x137)] - ) - ]); - if (this["options"][_0x45b516(0x13d)]) { - var _0x1c2228 = this[_0x45b516(0x114)]["length"] - 0x1; - for ( - var _0x3de167 = 0x0, - _0x1cf3aa = - this["options"]["maxHeight"] - - Math[_0x45b516(0x112)]() * - ((this[_0x45b516(0x13b)][_0x45b516(0x10e)] / 0x64) * - this[_0x45b516(0x13b)][_0x45b516(0x101)]); - _0x3de167 < _0x1cf3aa; - _0x3de167++ - ) { - _0x1e09d0 += - this[_0x45b516(0x114)][ - Math[_0x45b516(0x12d)](Math[_0x45b516(0x112)]() * _0x1c2228) - ]; - } - } - if (this[_0x45b516(0x13b)][_0x45b516(0x12b)]) { - var _0x5f0ff0 = this[_0x45b516(0x138)][_0x45b516(0x137)] - 0x1; - for ( - var _0x3de167 = 0x0, - _0x1cf3aa = - this[_0x45b516(0x13b)][_0x45b516(0x101)] - - Math[_0x45b516(0x112)]() * - ((this[_0x45b516(0x13b)][_0x45b516(0x10e)] / 0x64) * - this[_0x45b516(0x13b)][_0x45b516(0x101)]); - _0x3de167 < _0x1cf3aa; - _0x3de167++ - ) { - _0x1e09d0 += - this[_0x45b516(0x138)][ - Math[_0x45b516(0x12d)](Math[_0x45b516(0x112)]() * _0x5f0ff0) - ]; - } - } - _0xd07e2 += _0x1e09d0; - } - return _0xd07e2; - }, - decode: function (_0x508eee) { - var _0x89a73e = "", - _0x5a3e6a; - for (i in _0x508eee) { - (_0x5a3e6a = _0x508eee[i]["charCodeAt"](0x0)), - (_0x5a3e6a < 0x300 || _0x5a3e6a > 0x361) && - (_0x89a73e += _0x508eee[i]); - } - return _0x89a73e; - }, - diacriticsTop: [], - diacriticsMiddle: [], - diacriticsBottom: [], - options: { - top: !![], - middle: !![], - bottom: !![], - maxHeight: 0xf, - randomization: 0x64, - }, - }, - bubbles: { - init: function () { - var _0x4b80d5 = _0x459c; - for (var _0x10428a = 0x31; _0x10428a <= 0x39; _0x10428a++) { - this["map"][String[_0x4b80d5(0x103)](_0x10428a)] = String[ - _0x4b80d5(0x103) - ](_0x10428a + 0x242f); - } - this[_0x4b80d5(0x105)]["0"] = "⓪"; - for (var _0x10428a = 0x41; _0x10428a <= 0x5a; _0x10428a++) { - this["map"][String[_0x4b80d5(0x103)](_0x10428a)] = String[ - "fromCharCode" - ](_0x10428a + 0x2475); - } - for (var _0x10428a = 0x61; _0x10428a <= 0x7a; _0x10428a++) { - this[_0x4b80d5(0x105)][String["fromCharCode"](_0x10428a)] = String[ - _0x4b80d5(0x103) - ](_0x10428a + 0x246f); - } - for (_0x10428a in this[_0x4b80d5(0x105)]) { - this["mapInverse"][this[_0x4b80d5(0x105)][_0x10428a]] = _0x10428a; - } - }, - encode: function (_0x3662c2) { - var _0x3ae917 = _0x459c, - _0x38d7ae = "", - _0xb16e1, - _0x2568fa = !![]; - for (i in _0x3662c2) { - (_0xb16e1 = this[_0x3ae917(0x105)][_0x3662c2[i]]), - typeof _0xb16e1 == "undefined" && - (_0x3662c2[i]["charCodeAt"](0x0) >= 0x21 - ? ((_0xb16e1 = _0x3662c2[i] + String[_0x3ae917(0x103)](0x20dd)), - !_0x2568fa && - (_0xb16e1 = - String[_0x3ae917(0x103)](0x202f) + - String[_0x3ae917(0x103)](0xa0) + - String[_0x3ae917(0x103)](0xa0) + - String[_0x3ae917(0x103)](0x202f) + - _0xb16e1)) - : (_0xb16e1 = _0x3662c2[i])), - (_0x38d7ae += _0xb16e1), - (_0x2568fa = _0xb16e1 == "\x0a"); - } - return _0x38d7ae; - }, - decode: function (_0x1e9f5d) { - var _0x1ccc28 = _0x459c, - _0x31a047 = "", - _0x4676f3, - _0x303f73 = ""; - for (i in _0x1e9f5d) { - (_0x4676f3 = this[_0x1ccc28(0x131)][_0x1e9f5d[i]]), - (_0x31a047 += - typeof _0x4676f3 == _0x1ccc28(0x12a) ? _0x1e9f5d[i] : _0x4676f3); - } - for (i in _0x31a047) { - (_0x4676f3 = _0x31a047[i]["charCodeAt"](0x0)), - _0x4676f3 != 0xa0 && - _0x4676f3 != 0x202f && - _0x4676f3 != 0x20dd && - (_0x303f73 += _0x31a047[i]); - } - return _0x303f73; - }, - map: {}, - mapInverse: {}, - }, - squares: { - init: function () {}, - encode: function (_0x257987) { - var _0xb2c41c = _0x459c, - _0x3155a9 = "", - _0x1a4038, - _0x11db16 = !![]; - for (i in _0x257987) { - _0x257987[i]["charCodeAt"](0x0) >= 0x21 - ? ((_0x1a4038 = _0x257987[i] + String["fromCharCode"](0x20de)), - !_0x11db16 && - (_0x1a4038 = - String[_0xb2c41c(0x103)](0x202f) + - String["fromCharCode"](0xa0) + - String[_0xb2c41c(0x103)](0xa0) + - String[_0xb2c41c(0x103)](0x202f) + - _0x1a4038)) - : (_0x1a4038 = _0x257987[i]), - (_0x3155a9 += _0x1a4038), - (_0x11db16 = _0x1a4038 == "\x0a"); - } - return _0x3155a9; - }, - decode: function (_0x5aab4c) { - var _0x16d508 = _0x459c, - _0x227eca = "", - _0xdd4e43; - for (i in _0x5aab4c) { - (_0xdd4e43 = _0x5aab4c[i][_0x16d508(0x135)](0x0)), - _0xdd4e43 != 0xa0 && - _0xdd4e43 != 0x202f && - _0xdd4e43 != 0x20de && - (_0x227eca += _0x5aab4c[i]); - } - return _0x227eca; - }, - }, - roundsquares: { - init: function () {}, - encode: function (_0x41387a) { - var _0x4e1a60 = _0x459c, - _0x14bd97 = "", - _0x3e392c, - _0x33b2d9 = !![]; - for (i in _0x41387a) { - _0x41387a[i][_0x4e1a60(0x135)](0x0) >= 0x21 - ? ((_0x3e392c = _0x41387a[i] + String[_0x4e1a60(0x103)](0x20e3)), - !_0x33b2d9 && - (_0x3e392c = - String[_0x4e1a60(0x103)](0xa0) + - String[_0x4e1a60(0x103)](0xa0) + - String[_0x4e1a60(0x103)](0xa0) + - _0x3e392c)) - : (_0x3e392c = _0x41387a[i]), - (_0x14bd97 += _0x3e392c), - (_0x33b2d9 = _0x3e392c == "\x0a"); - } - return _0x14bd97; - }, - decode: function (_0x353d52) { - var _0xdc7bcb = _0x459c, - _0x3c097f = "", - _0xdfdbf; - for (i in _0x353d52) { - (_0xdfdbf = _0x353d52[i][_0xdc7bcb(0x135)](0x0)), - _0xdfdbf != 0xa0 && - _0xdfdbf != 0x202f && - _0xdfdbf != 0x20e3 && - (_0x3c097f += _0x353d52[i]); - } - return _0x3c097f; - }, - }, - bent: { - init: function () { - for (i in this["map"]) { - this["map"][this["map"][i]] = i; - } - }, - encode: function (_0x112caa) { - var _0xa0ba50 = _0x459c, - _0x5ecebb = "", - _0x1b4b99; - for ( - var _0x7d5a37 = 0x0, _0x1722a0 = _0x112caa["length"]; - _0x7d5a37 < _0x1722a0; - _0x7d5a37++ - ) { - (_0x1b4b99 = this[_0xa0ba50(0x105)][_0x112caa["charAt"](_0x7d5a37)]), - typeof _0x1b4b99 == "undefined" && - (_0x1b4b99 = _0x112caa["charAt"](_0x7d5a37)), - (_0x5ecebb += _0x1b4b99); - } - return _0x5ecebb; - }, - decode: function (_0x2493f5) { - var _0x1c11f7 = _0x459c, - _0x33c7ea = "", - _0x110d76; - for ( - var _0x78daab = 0x0, _0x1abeb8 = _0x2493f5[_0x1c11f7(0x137)]; - _0x78daab < _0x1abeb8; - _0x78daab++ - ) { - (_0x110d76 = - this[_0x1c11f7(0x105)][_0x2493f5[_0x1c11f7(0x109)](_0x78daab)]), - typeof _0x110d76 == _0x1c11f7(0x12a) && - (_0x110d76 = _0x2493f5[_0x1c11f7(0x109)](_0x78daab)), - (_0x33c7ea += _0x110d76); - } - return _0x33c7ea; - }, - map: { - a: "ą", - b: "ҍ", - c: "ç", - d: "ժ", - e: "ҽ", - f: "ƒ", - g: "ց", - h: "հ", - i: "ì", - j: "ʝ", - k: "ҟ", - l: "Ӏ", - m: "ʍ", - n: "ղ", - o: "օ", - p: "ք", - q: "զ", - r: "ɾ", - s: "ʂ", - t: "է", - u: "մ", - v: "ѵ", - w: "ա", - x: "×", - y: "վ", - z: "Հ", - A: "Ⱥ", - B: "β", - C: "↻", - D: "Ꭰ", - E: "Ɛ", - F: "Ƒ", - G: "Ɠ", - H: "Ƕ", - I: "į", - J: "ل", - K: "Ҡ", - L: "Ꝉ", - M: "Ɱ", - N: "ហ", - O: "ට", - P: "φ", - Q: "Ҩ", - R: "འ", - S: "Ϛ", - T: "Ͳ", - U: "Ա", - V: "Ỽ", - W: "చ", - X: "ჯ", - Y: "Ӌ", - Z: "ɀ", - 0x0: "⊘", - 0x1: _0x355f23(0x11a), - 0x2: "ϩ", - 0x3: "Ӡ", - 0x4: "५", - 0x5: "Ƽ", - 0x6: "Ϭ", - 0x7: "7", - 0x8: "������", - 0x9: "९", - "&": "⅋", - "(": "{", - ")": "}", - "{": "(", - "}": ")", - ä: "ą̈", - ö: "օ̈", - ü: "մ̈", - Ä: "Ⱥ̈", - Ö: "ට̈", - Ü: "Ա̈", - é: "ҽ́", - á: "ą́", - ó: "օ́", - ú: "մ́", - É: "Ɛ́", - Á: "Ⱥ́", - Ó: "ට́", - Ú: "Ա́", - è: "ҽ̀", - à: "ą̀", - ò: "օ̀", - ù: "մ̀", - È: "Ɛ̀", - À: "Ⱥ̀", - Ò: "ට̀", - Ù: "Ա̀", - ê: "ҽ̂", - â: "ą̂", - ô: "օ̂", - û: "մ̂", - Ê: "Ɛ̂", - Â: "Ⱥ̂", - Ô: "ට̂", - Û: "Ա̂", - }, - }, - tiny: { - init: function () { - var _0x227fdf = _0x355f23; - for (i in this[_0x227fdf(0x105)]) { - this[_0x227fdf(0x105)][this[_0x227fdf(0x105)][i]] = i; - } - }, - encode: function (_0x5764cb) { - var _0x57445b = _0x355f23, - _0x4d81d0 = "", - _0x5173d2; - _0x5764cb = _0x5764cb["toUpperCase"](); - for ( - var _0x4e81b2 = 0x0, _0x49ca66 = _0x5764cb["length"]; - _0x4e81b2 < _0x49ca66; - _0x4e81b2++ - ) { - (_0x5173d2 = this[_0x57445b(0x105)][_0x5764cb["charAt"](_0x4e81b2)]), - typeof _0x5173d2 == _0x57445b(0x12a) && - (_0x5173d2 = _0x5764cb["charAt"](_0x4e81b2)), - (_0x4d81d0 += _0x5173d2); - } - return _0x4d81d0; - }, - decode: function (_0x1b07fd) { - var _0x243891 = _0x355f23, - _0x3b8424 = "", - _0x4f0e2f; - for ( - var _0x23e78d = 0x0, _0x5a9470 = _0x1b07fd[_0x243891(0x137)]; - _0x23e78d < _0x5a9470; - _0x23e78d++ - ) { - (_0x4f0e2f = this["map"][_0x1b07fd[_0x243891(0x109)](_0x23e78d)]), - typeof _0x4f0e2f == _0x243891(0x12a) && - (_0x4f0e2f = _0x1b07fd[_0x243891(0x109)](_0x23e78d)), - (_0x3b8424 += _0x4f0e2f); - } - return _0x3b8424; - }, - map: { - A: "ᴀ", - B: "ʙ", - C: "ᴄ", - D: "ᴅ", - E: "ᴇ", - F: "ꜰ", - G: "ɢ", - H: "ʜ", - I: "ɪ", - J: "ᴊ", - K: "ᴋ", - L: "ʟ", - M: "ᴍ", - N: "ɴ", - O: "ᴏ", - P: "ᴘ", - Q: "Q", - R: "ʀ", - S: "ꜱ", - T: "ᴛ", - U: "ᴜ", - V: "ᴠ", - W: "ᴡ", - X: "x", - Y: "ʏ", - Z: "ᴢ", - }, - }, - }; - for (i in this[_0x355f23(0x147)]) { - this["tools"][i]["init"](); - } - this[_0x355f23(0x125)] = function (_0x38ddae) { - var _0x2a5164 = _0x355f23, - _0x3361ef = "", - _0x53f5c3, - _0x2fa2f2 = !![], - _0x53e91b = 0x0, - _0x142f2b = 0x0; - for ( - var _0x38f478 = 0x0, _0x8e0d4e = _0x38ddae[_0x2a5164(0x137)]; - _0x38f478 < _0x8e0d4e; - _0x38f478++ - ) { - _0x53f5c3 = _0x38ddae[_0x2a5164(0x135)](_0x38f478); - if (_0x53f5c3 == 0xa || _0x53f5c3 == 0xd) - (_0x3361ef += _0x2a5164(0x12e)), (_0x2fa2f2 = !![]); - else { - if (_0x53f5c3 == 0x20) - _0x2fa2f2 - ? ((_0x3361ef += "\x20"), (_0x2fa2f2 = ![])) - : ((_0x3361ef += _0x2a5164(0x121)), (_0x2fa2f2 = !![])); - else { - if (_0x53f5c3 >= 0xd800 && _0x53f5c3 <= 0xdbff) - (_0x53e91b = _0x53f5c3), (_0x142f2b = 0x0); - else - _0x53e91b > 0x0 - ? (_0x53f5c3 >= 0xdc00 && - _0x53f5c3 <= 0xdfff && - (_0x142f2b = - (_0x53e91b - 0xd800) * 0x400 + - (_0x53f5c3 - 0xdc00) + - 0x10000), - (_0x53e91b = 0x0)) - : (_0x142f2b = _0x53f5c3); - _0x142f2b != 0x0 && - ((_0x3361ef += - _0x2a5164(0x142) + _0x142f2b[_0x2a5164(0x149)](0x10) + ";"), - (_0x2fa2f2 = !![])); - } - } - } - return _0x3361ef; - }; -} -module[_0x351ba0(0x12f)] = { - StyleText: new StyleText(), - randomStyle: (_0xaa55f2) => { - var _0x1b07b2 = _0x351ba0; - let _0x421300 = listall(_0xaa55f2); - return _0x421300[ - Math[_0x1b07b2(0x12d)](Math["random"]() * _0x421300[_0x1b07b2(0x137)]) - ]; - }, - listall: listall, - strikeThrough: strikeThrough, - wingdings: wingdings, - vaporwave: vaporwave, - typewriter: typewriter, - analucia: analucia, - tildeStrikeThrough: tildeStrikeThrough, - underline: underline, - doubleUnderline: doubleUnderline, - slashThrough: slashThrough, - sparrow: sparrow, - heartsBetween: heartsBetween, - arrowBelow: arrowBelow, - crossAboveBelow: crossAboveBelow, - creepify: creepify, - bubbles: bubbles, - mirror: mirror, - squares: squares, - roundsquares: roundsquares, - flip: flip, - tiny: tiny, - createMap: createMap, - serif_I: serif_I, - manga: manga, - ladybug: ladybug, - runes: runes, - serif_B: serif_B, - serif_BI: serif_BI, - serif_I: serif_I, - fancy1: fancy1, - fancy2: fancy2, - fancy3: fancy3, - fancy4: fancy4, - fancy5: fancy5, - fancy6: fancy6, - fancy7: fancy7, - fancy8: fancy8, - fancy9: fancy9, - fancy10: fancy10, - fancy11: fancy11, - fancy12: fancy12, - fancy13: fancy13, - fancy14: fancy14, - fancy15: fancy15, - fancy16: fancy16, - fancy17: fancy17, - fancy18: fancy18, - fancy19: fancy19, - fancy20: fancy20, - fancy21: fancy21, - fancy22: fancy22, - fancy23: fancy23, - fancy24: fancy24, - fancy25: fancy25, - fancy26: fancy26, - fancy27: fancy27, - fancy28: fancy28, - fancy29: fancy29, - fancy30: fancy30, - fancy31: fancy31, - fancy32: fancy32, - fancy33: fancy33, -}; diff --git a/lib/ttt.d.ts b/lib/ttt.d.ts deleted file mode 100644 index 846fe73..0000000 --- a/lib/ttt.d.ts +++ /dev/null @@ -1,15 +0,0 @@ -export declare class TicTacToe { - /* X PlayerName */ - playerX: string; - /* Y PlayerName */ - playerY: string; - /* X if true, Y if false */ - _currentTurn: boolean; - _x: number; - _y: number; - _turns: number; - constructor(playerX: string, playerY: string); - get board(): number; - turn(player, index: number): boolean; - turn(player, x: number, y: number): boolean; -} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/ttt.js b/lib/ttt.js deleted file mode 100644 index de9e5af..0000000 --- a/lib/ttt.js +++ /dev/null @@ -1,90 +0,0 @@ -class TicTacToe { - constructor(playerX = "x", playerO = "o") { - this.playerX = playerX; - this.playerO = playerO; - this._currentTurn = false; - this._x = 0; - this._o = 0; - this.turns = 0; - } - - - - - get board() { return this._x | this._o; } - get currentTurn() {return this._currentTurn ? this.playerO : this.playerX;} - - get enemyTurn() { return this._currentTurn ? this.playerX : this.playerO; } - - static check(state) { - for (let combo of [7, 56, 73, 84, 146, 273, 292, 448]) - if ((state & combo) === combo) return !0; - return !1; - } - - /** - * ```js - * TicTacToe.toBinary(1, 2) // 0b010000000 - * ``` - */ - static toBinary(x = 0, y = 0) { - if (x < 0 || x > 2 || y < 0 || y > 2) throw new Error("invalid position"); - return 1 << (x + 3 * y); - } - - /** - * @param player `0` is `X`, `1` is `O` - * - * - `-3` `Game Ended ` - * - `-2` `Invalid` - * - `-1` `Invalid Position` - * - ` 0` `Position Occupied` - * - ` 1` `Sucess` - * @returns {-3|-2|-1|0|1} - */ - turn(player = 0, x = 0, y) { - if (this.board === 511) return -3; - let pos = 0; - if (y == null) { - if (x < 0 || x > 8) return -1; - pos = 1 << x; - } else { - if (x < 0 || x > 2 || y < 0 || y > 2) return -1; - pos = TicTacToe.toBinary(x, y); - } - if (this._currentTurn ^ player) return -2; - if (this.board & pos) return 0; - this[this._currentTurn ? "_o" : "_x"] |= pos; - this._currentTurn = !this._currentTurn; - this.turns++; - return 1; - } - - /** - * @returns {('X'|'O'|1|2|3|4|5|6|7|8|9)[]} - */ - static render(boardX = 0, boardO = 0) { - let x = parseInt(boardX.toString(2), 4); - let y = parseInt(boardO.toString(2), 4) * 2; - return [...(x + y).toString(4).padStart(9, "0")] - .reverse() - .map((value, index) => (value == 1 ? "X" : value == 2 ? "O" : ++index)); - } - - /** - * @returns {('X'|'O'|1|2|3|4|5|6|7|8|9)[]} - */ - render() { - return TicTacToe.render(this._x, this._o); - } - - get winner() { - let x = TicTacToe.check(this._x); - let o = TicTacToe.check(this._o); - return x ? this.playerX : o ? this.playerO : false; - } -} - -new TicTacToe().turn; - -module.exports = TicTacToe;