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File metadata and controls

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Pika Metric Exporter

Prometheus exporter for nosql Qihoo360/pika metrics.

Pika-Exporter is based on Redis-Exporter


Build and run locally:

To start using pika_exporter, install Go and run go get

$ go get
$ cd $GOPATH/src/
$ make
$ ./bin/pika_exporter <flags>

For example:

$ nohup ./bin/pika_exporter -pika.addr &

Prometheus Configuration:

Add a block to the scrape_configs of your prometheus.yml config file:

  - job_name: pika
    scrape_interval: 15s
      - targets: ['']
          group: 'test'

Run prometheus:

prometheus --config.file=./grafana/prometheus.yml


Name Environment Variables Default Description Example PIKA_HOST_FILE Path to file containing one or more pika nodes, separated by newline. NOTE: mutually exclusive with pika.addr.Each line can optionally be comma-separated with the fields <addr>,<password>,<alias>. See here for an example file. ./pika_hosts_file.txt
pika.addr PIKA_ADDR Address of one or more pika nodes, separated by comma. --pika.addr,
pika.password PIKA_PASSWORD Password for one or more pika nodes, separated by comma. --pika.password,
pika.alias PIKA_ALIAS Pika instance alias for one or more pika nodes, separated by comma. --pika.alias a,b
namespace PIKA_EXPORTER_NAMESPACE pika Namespace for metrics --namespace pika
keyspace-stats-clock PIKA_EXPORTER_KEYSPACE_STATS_CLOCK -1 Stats the number of keys at keyspace-stats-clock o'clock every day, in the range [0, 23]. If < 0, not open this feature. --keyspace-stats-clock 0
check.key-patterns PIKA_EXPORTER_CHECK_KEY_PARTTERNS Comma separated list of key-patterns to export value and length/size, searched for with SCAN. --check.key-patterns db0=test*,db0=abc
check.keys PIKA_EXPORTER_CHECK_KEYS Comma separated list of keys to export value and length/size. --check.keys abc,test,wasd
check.scan-count PIKA_EXPORTER_CHECK_SCAN_COUNT 100 When check keys and executing SCAN command, scan-count assigned to COUNT. --check.scan-count 200
web.listen-address PIKA_EXPORTER_WEB_LISTEN_ADDRESS :9121 Address to listen on for web interface and telemetry. --web.listen-address ":9121"
web.telemetry-path PIKA_EXPORTER_WEB_TELEMETRY_PATH /metrics Path under which to expose metrics. --web.telemetry-path "/metrics"
log.level PIKA_EXPORTER_LOG_LEVEL info Log level, valid options:panic fatal error warn warning info debug. --log.level "debug"
log.format PIKA_EXPORTER_LOG_FORMAT json Log format, valid options:txt json. --log.format "json"
version false Show version information and exit. --version

Pika Metrics Definition

Pika Server Info

Metrics Name Metric Type Labels Metrics Value Metric Desc
namespace_build_info Gauge {addr="", alias="", "os"="", "arch_bits"="", "pika_version"="", "pika_git_sha"="","pika_build_compile_date"=""} 1 pika binary file build info
namespace_server_info Gauge {addr="", alias="", "process_id"="", "tcp_port"="", "config_file"="", "server_id"="", "role"=""} 1 pika instance's info, the label role is the role in replication info
namespace_uptime_in_seconds Gauge {addr="", alias=""} the value of uptime_in_seconds pika instance's uptime in seconds
namespace_thread_num Gauge {addr="", alias=""} the value of thread_num pika instance's thread num
namespace_sync_thread_num Gauge {addr="", alias=""} the value of sync_thread_num pika instance's thread num for syncing

Pika Data Info

Metrics Name Metric Type Labels Metrics Value Metric Desc
namespace_db_size Gauge {addr="", alias="", "compression"=""} the value of db_size total db data size (in bytes) of the pika instance, statistics of all files under the configured db-path
namespace_log_size Gauge {addr="", alias=""} the value of log_size total log data size (in bytes) of the pika instance, statistics of all files under the configured log-path witch contains INFO, WARNING, ERROR logs and binlog (write2fine) files for synchronization
namespace_used_memory Gauge {addr="", alias=""} the value of used_memory total used memory size (in bytes) of the pika instance
namespace_db_memtable_usage Gauge {addr="", alias=""} the value of db_memtable_usage total memtable used memory size (in bytes) of the pika instance
namespace_db_tablereader_usage Gauge {addr="", alias=""} the value of db_tablereader_usage total tablereader used memory size (in bytes) of the pika instance
(new)namespace_db_fatal Gauge {addr="", alias=""} the value of db_fatal the metrics value: 1 means errors occurred, 0 means no error

Pika Clients Info

Metrics Name Metric Type Labels Metrics Value Metric Desc
namespace_connected_clients Gauge {addr="", alias=""} the value of connected_clients total count of connected clients in pika instance

Pika Stats Info

Metrics Name Metric Type Labels Metrics Value Metric Desc
namespace_total_connections_received Counter {addr="", alias=""} the value of total_connections_received total count of received connections from clients in pika instance
namespace_instantaneous_ops_per_sec `Gauge {addr="", alias=""} the value of instantaneous_ops_per_sec the count of prcessed operations in per seconds by pika instance
namespace_total_commands_processed Counter {addr="", alias=""} the value of total_commands_processed total count of processed commands in pika instance
namespace_is_bgsaving Gauge {addr="", alias=""} 0 or 1 the metrics value: 1 means bgsave is in progress, 0 means bgsave is not in progress
namespace_is_scaning_keyspace Gauge {addr="", alias=""} 0 or 1 the metrics value: 1 means the keyspace is scanning, 0 means not scanning
namespace_compact Gauge {addr="", alias="", compact_cron"="", "compact_interval":""} 0 or 1 the metrics value: 1 means compact is in progress, 0 means compact is not in progress

Pika Command Exec Count Info

Metrics Name Metric Type Labels Metrics Value Metric Desc
namespace_command_exec_count Counter {addr="", alias="", "command"=""} the value of the command executed count the count of each command executed in pika instance

Pika CPU Info

Metrics Name Metric Type Labels Metrics Value Metric Desc
namespace_used_cpu_user_children Counter {addr="", alias=""} the value of used_cpu_user_children total user CPU usage time (in seconds) of pika children instance
namespace_used_cpu_user Counter {addr="", alias=""} the value of used_cpu_user total user CPU usage time (in seconds) of pika instance
namespace_used_cpu_sys_children Counter {addr="", alias=""} the value of used_cpu_sys_children total system CPU usage time (in seconds) of pika children instance
namespace_used_cpu_sys Counter {addr="", alias=""} the value of used_cpu_sys total system CPU usage time (in seconds) of pika instance

Pika Replication Info

Metrics Name Metric Type Labels Metrics Value Metric Desc
namespace_connected_slaves Gauge {addr="", alias=""} the value of connected_slaves the count of connected slaves, when pika instance's role is master
(no exists)namespace_partition_slave_lag Gauge {addr="", alias="", "slave_conn_fd"="", slave_ip"="", "slave_port"="", "partition"=""} parse master slave info's lag the binlog lag of all slaves of the pika instance
namespace_master_link_status Gauge {addr="", alias="", "master_host"="", "master_port"=""} 0 or 1 connection state between slave and master(1 means all partitions sync ok), when pika instance's role is slave
namespace_slave_read_only Gauge {addr="", alias="", "master_host"="", "master_port"=""} 0 or 1 is slave read only, when pika instance's role is slave
namespace_slave_priority Gauge {addr="", alias="", "master_host"="", "master_port"=""} the value of slave_priority slave priority, when pika instance's role is slave
(no exists)namespace_partition_repl_state Gauge {addr="", alias="", "master_host"="", "master_port"="", "partition"="", "repl_state"=""} 0 sync connection state between slave and master for each partition, when pika instance's role is slave
(no exists)namespace_db_binlog_offset_filenum Gauge {addr="", alias="", "db"=""} the value of binlog_offset filenum each db binlog file num for each db
(no exists)namespace_db_binlog_offset Gauge {addr="", alias="", "db"="", "safety_purge"=""} the value of binlog_offset offset each db binlog offset for each db
(new)namespace_db_consensus_last_log Gauge {addr="", alias="", "db"="", "last_log"=""} the value of consensus last_log each db consensus last_log for each db when consensus-level is enabled

Pika Keyspace Info

Metrics Name Metric Type Labels Metrics Value Metric Desc
(new)namespace_keyspace_last_start_time Gauge {addr="", alias=""} the value of Keyspace Time convert to unix seconds the start time(unix seconds) of the last statistical keyspace
namespace_keys Gauge {addr="", alias="", "db"="", "type"=""} the value of keys total count of the key-type keys for each db
namespace_expire_keys Gauge {addr="", alias="", "db"="", "type"=""} the value of expire_keys total count of the key-type expire keys for each db
namespace_invalid_keys Gauge {addr="", alias="", "db"="", "type"=""} the value of invalid_keys total count of the key-type invalid keys for each db

Pika Command Execution Time

Rocksdb Metrics

Serial Number Metric Meaning
55 rocksdb.cfstats The all metrics of compaction_L<N>: compaction.L<N>.AvgSec Average time spent per Compact. compaction.L<N>.CompCount The number of times Compact has been accumulated. compaction.L<N>.CompMergeCPU CPU time used in compression, in seconds. compaction.L<N>.CompSec Compact cumulative time, in seconds. compaction.L<N>.CompactedFiles Number of files that have completed compact. compaction.L<N>.KeyDrop Number of keys deleted in compact. compaction.L<N>.KeyIn Number of records compared during the compaction process. compaction.L<N>.MovedGB During the compaction process, the number of bytes moved to level n+1. compaction.L<N>.NumFiles Total number of sst files. compaction.L<N>.RblobGB The size of data read from the blob file by the compaction, in GB. compaction.L<N>.ReadGB Read size in GB. compaction.L<N>.ReadMBps Read rate in MBps. compaction.L<N>.RnGB When performing compact, read the size of the current layer file in GB. compaction.L<N>.Rnp1GB When performing compact, read the size of the next level file in GB. compaction.L<N>.Score Score, the higher the score, the higher the priority. compaction.L<N>.SizeBytes Total size of SST in bytes. compaction.L<N>.WblobGB The size of the blob file written during compaction, in GB. compaction.L<N>.WnewGB WNP1- Rnp1. compaction.L<N>.WriteAmp Total bytes written to level<N+1>/(total bytes read from level<N>). compaction.L<N>.WriteGB The size of the table file written during the compaction period, in GB. compaction.L<N>.WriteMBps Data write rate in compaction.
11 rocksdb.num-immutable-mem-table Number of immutable memtables not yet flushed.
12 rocksdb.num-immutable-mem-table-flushed Number of immutable memtables that have been flushed.
13 rocksdb.mem-table-flush-pending Returns 1 if there is a pending memtable flush; otherwise returns 0.
14 rocksdb.num-running-flushes Number of currently running flush operations.
15 rocksdb.compaction-pending Returns 1 if at least one compaction operation is pending; otherwise returns 0.
16 rocksdb.num-running-compactions Number of running compactions.
17 rocksdb.background-errors Total number of background errors.
18 rocksdb.cur-size-active-mem-table Approximate size, in bytes, of the active memtable.
19 rocksdb.cur-size-all-mem-tables Total size in bytes of memtables not yet flushed, including the current active memtable and the unflushed immutable memtables.
20 rocksdb.size-all-mem-tables Total size in bytes of all memtables, including the active memtable, unflushed immutable memtables, and pinned immutable memtables.
25 rocksdb.estimate-num-keys Estimated number of keys in active memtable, unflushed immutable memtables, and flushed SST files.
26 rocksdb.estimate-table-readers-mem Estimated memory size used for reading SST files, excluding block cache (such as filter and index blocks).
28 rocksdb.num-snapshots Number of unreleased snapshots in the database.
31 rocksdb.num-live-versions Number of current versions. More current versions usually indicate more SST files being used by iterators or incomplete compactions.
32 rocksdb.current-super-version-number Current number of the LSM version. It is a uint64_t integer that increments after any changes in the LSM tree. This number is not preserved after restarting the database and starts from 0 after a database restart.
33 rocksdb.estimate-live-data-size Estimated size of the activity data in bytes.For BlobDB, it also includes the actual live bytes in the version's blob file.
36 Total size (in bytes) of all SST files.Note: If there are too many files, it may slow down the online query.
37 Total size in bytes of all SST files belonging to the latest LSM tree.
47 rocksdb.block-cache-capacity The capacity of the block cache.
48 rocksdb.block-cache-usage Memory size occupied by entries in the block cache.
49 rocksdb.block-cache-pinned-usage Memory size occupied by pinned entries in the block cache.
51 rocksdb.num-blob-files The number of blob files in the current version.
52 rocksdb.blob-stats The total and size of all blob files, and the total amount of garbage (in bytes) in blob files in the current version.
53 The total size of all blob files across all versions.
54 The total size of all blob files in the current version.

Grafana Dashboard

See here

Screenshots: Overview Overview




