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Collin edited this page Aug 8, 2022 · 13 revisions
    Muzzle_Flash: <true/false>
    Splash_Mechanics: <Mechanics>
      Maximum_Distance: <distance>
        - <sound*> <volume*> <pitch*> <delay> <randomness>
      Break_Blocks: <true/false>
      Ticks_Before_Regenerate: <ticks>
      Damage_Per_Hit: <amount>
      Default_Block_Durability: <amount>
      Blacklist: <true/false>
      Drop_Broken_Block_Chance: 50%
        - <material*> <durability>
        - <material*> <durability*>

Muzzle_Flash: <true/false>

When set to true, the weapon will spawn and instantly destroy a fake torch. For player's who use optifine, they will see a brief flash of light from the gun. PLAYERS WITHOUT OPTIFINE CANNOT SEE THIS EFFECT!

Note that if the shooter looks at their feet while shooting, they will probably see this torch for 50 milliseconds. If this bothers you or your users, I recommend setting this to false.

Splash_Mechanics: <Mechanics>

These mechanics are played whenever a projectile from this weapon enters water. It's nice to have a quick splash sound and splash particle.

        - entity_generic_splash 1 1.85 0 0.15
          Type: WATER_SPLASH
          Count: 20
          Noise: 0.2-0.2-0.2


When a bullet flies past your ear, since it is moving so fast, you hear a "zip" sound. This adds an important layer of immersion to your guns... It allows players to "feel" the bullets flying past them.

  • Maximum_Distance: <distance>
    • How far away can the player hear the "zip" from.
    • This MUST be a small number... Less then 8 blocks for best results.
  • Sounds: <Mechanics>
    • The Sounds to play.
    • The resource pack comes with a custom sound for this: custom:fx.whiz
      Maximum_Distance: 4.0
        - custom:fx.whiz 1 1 0 0.02


This allows you to control how bullets damage blocks. If you want blocks to appear cracked after being shot, you can use this feature. Additionally, you can use this feature to break blocks. For example, you may want to let bullets break glass in 1 shot, but only break bricks after 100 shots.

  • Break_Blocks:
    • true if you want blocks to break.
    • false will only show the block crack effect.
  • Ticks_Before_Regenerate:
    • The time, in ticks, before the blocks may regenerate.
    • Only use this when Break_Blocks: true
    • Use -1 for the blocks to never regenerate (This will cause greifing!)
    • Consider using world guard flags to prevent damage in regions.
  • Drop_Broken_Block_Chance:
    • The chance of spawning an item from breaking a block.
    • This probably shouldn't be used with Ticks_Before_Regenerate, since the block will be duplicated.
    • Set this to a number between 0.0 and 1.0.
  • Damage_Per_Hit:
    • How much damage to deal to the block. Defaults to 1.
  • Default_Block_Durability:
    • Default durability of each block that isn't defined in Block_List. Defaults to 1.
  • Blacklist:
    • If true, blocks in Block_List cannot be broken (and Shots_To_Break_Blocks will be used for block durability since they can't be added to the Block_List).
    • If false, only blocks in Block_List can be broken.
  • Block_List:
    • List follows format: <Material>:<Data>~<Integer>.
    • See Materials for your version.
    • Examples:
      • - DIRT Destroys dirt with one shot.
      • - OBSIDIAN~5 Destroys obsidian with 5 shots.
      • - STAINED_GLASS_PANE~1 Destroys all stained-glass panes with 1 shot (1.12 and lower).
      • - STAINED_GLASS_PANE:7~2 Overrides ^, destroys gray stained-glass panes with 2 shots (1.12 and lower).
      • - GRAY_STAINED_GLASS_PANE Destroys gray stained-glass panes with 1 shot (1.13 and higher).
  • Shots_To_Break_Blocks:
    • Same thing as Block_List, but is only used if Blacklist: true.

In this example, bedrock, obsidian, and netherite cannot be damaged. Any material that has "glass" in the name is broken in 2 shots, except for any material with "glass_pane" in the name, which can be broken in 1 shot. Any material with "wood" in the name can be broken in 6 shots, and dirt can be broken in 4 shots. All other materials can be broken in 12 shots. 10 seconds after a block is broken, it is regenerated.

      Break_Blocks: true
      Regenerate_After_Ticks: 200 # 10 seconds
      Blacklist: true
      Default_Block_Durability: 12
        - bedrock
        - obsidian
        - netherite_block
        - $glass 2
        - $glass_pane 1
        - $wood 6
        - dirt 4
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