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Collin Barber edited this page Feb 5, 2023 · 13 revisions
    Muzzle_Flash: <true/false>
    Hit_Marker: <message>
    Splash_Mechanics: <Mechanics>
      Maximum_Distance: <distance>
      Sounds: <Mechanics>
      Ticks_Before_Regenerate: <ticks>
      Drop_Broken_Block_Chance: <Chance>
      Damage_Per_Hit: <Integer>
      Default_Block_Durability: <Integer>
      Default_Mode: <CANCEL/BREAK/CRACK>
      Default_Mask: <Material>
        - <Material*> <CANCEL/BREAK/CRACK*> <ShotsToBreakBlock> <Mask>
      Item: <ItemSerializer>
      Only_When_Scoping: <true/false>
      Copy_Custom_Model_Data: <true/false>

Muzzle_Flash: <true/false>

A fake torch item will be dropped and instantly removed when set to true. Players who use Optifine will see a brief flash of light from the gun. PLAYERS WITHOUT OPTIFINE CAN NOT SEE THIS EFFECT!

If the shooter looks at their feet while shooting, they will probably see this torch for 50 milliseconds. If this bothers you or your users, I recommend setting this to false.

Hit_Marker: <message>

Spawns a temporary fake armor stand showing how much damage a hit dealt. You can use the %damage% variable for the amount of damage rounded to 2 decimal places. You can use color codes.

Example: <red>%damage%

Splash_Mechanics: <Mechanics>

These mechanics are played whenever a projectile from this weapon enters the water. It's nice to have a quick splash sound and splash particle.

@Target{} targets the point the projectile hit the water.

      - "Sound{sound=ENTITY_GENERIC_SPLASH, pitch=1.85, noise=0.15} @Target{}"
      - "Particle{particle=WATER_SPLASH, count=20, noise=0.2 0.2 0.2} @Target{}"


When a bullet flies past your ear, since it is moving so fast, you hear a "zip" sound. This adds an essential layer of immersion to your guns... It allows players to "feel" the bullets flying past them.

  • Maximum_Distance: <distance>
    • Defines how far away the player can hear the "zip" from.
    • This MUST be a small number... Less than eight blocks for best results.
  • Sounds: <Mechanics>
    • The Sounds to play.
    • The resource pack comes with a custom sound for this: custom:fx.whiz
    • @Target{} targets the entity that should hear the sound and the point the projectile zips by at.
      Maximum_Distance: 4.0
        - "CustomSound{sound=fx.whiz, noise=0.02, listeners=Target{}} @Target{}"


Block_Damage allows control over how damage applies to blocks. For example, if you only want blocks to crack instead of break, or if you want blocks like stone/concrete/bricks/etc to take more damage before breaking.

You can change block damage particles/sounds for all weapons in the config.yml section.

  • Ticks_Before_Regenerate:
    • The time, in ticks, before the broken block will regenerate.
    • Delete this line if you don't want blocks to regenerate (This causes permanent damage!).
    • 1 minute = 60 * 20 = 1200 ticks.
  • Drop_Broken_Block_Chance:
    • The chance of spawning an item from breaking a block.
    • This probably shouldn't be used with block regeneration (Since the block might regenerate AND drop).
    • Set this to a number between 0% and 100% (make sure to include the %)
  • Damage_Per_Hit:
    • How much damage to deal to the block. Defaults to 1.
  • Default_Block_Durability:
    • Defines how many hits it takes to break blocks.
    • This can be overridden per block in the Blocks list.
  • Default_Mode:
    • Defines how blocks should be damaged.
    • CANCEL: Don't apply any damage to blocks.
    • CRACK: Show block cracking animation, but don't break the blocks.
    • BREAK: Show block cracking animation, then break the blocks.
    • This can be overridden per block in the Blocks list.
  • Default_Mask:
    • Defines the material used to replace the block.
    • Default value is AIR, which breaks the blocks.
    • For paintball-style guns, you could set this to RED_CONCRETE.
    • This can be overridden per block in the Blocks list.
  • Block_List:
    • Format is: <Material> <CANCEL/CRACK/BREAK> <Integer>~<Material>
    • See Materials for your version.
    • Examples:
      • - BEDROCK CANCEL Stops bedrock from being broken
      • - DIRT BREAK Destroys dirt with one shot.
      • - OBSIDIAN CRACK 5 Shows the full crack animation after 5 shots but doesn't break.
      • - GRAY_STAINED_GLASS_PANE BREAK 1 DIRT Destroys gray stained-glass panes and replaces it with dirt with 1 shot (1.13 and higher).
      • - $glass BREAK 2 breaks all glass block types in 2 shots.

In this example, bedrock, obsidian, and netherite cannot be damaged. Any material that has "glass" in the name is broken in 2 shots, except for any material with "glass_pane" in the name, which can be broken in 1 shot. Any material with "wood" in the name can be broken in 6 shots, and dirt can be broken in 4 shots. All other materials cannot be broken, but they appear to take 12 shots of damage and show the crack animation. 10 seconds after a block is broken, it is regenerated.

      Ticks_Before_Regenerate: 200  # 10 seconds
      Default_Block_Durability: 12
      Default_Mode: CRACK
        - bedrock CANCEL
        - obsidian CANCEL
        - netherite_block CANCEL
        - $glass BREAK 2
        - $glass_pane BREAK 1
        - $wood BREAK 6
        - dirt BREAK 4


This feature only works for OTHER PLAYERS who are looking at you. You CANNOT see this effect in the third person. This is due to a Minecraft limitation, and it will not be fixed.

Crossbow allows other players to see the gun held upward as if the player is aiming the weapon from the shoulder. You need to configure the crossbow.json file in your resource pack. Check the example below.

  • Item:
    • This is the item shown to other players.
    • This defaults to the item defined in Skin
    • Your item should be Type: CROSSBOW
  • Only_When_Scoping:
    • When true, the crossbow pose will only be shown if the player aims with the weapon.
  • Copy_Custom_Model_Data:
    • When true, the custom model data of the held weapon will be applied to the crossbow.
Example + .json information
      Only_When_Scoping: true

To create the crossbow.json file...

  1. Find the .json file containing all of your models (This is feather.json for the WM pack)
  2. Copy and paste the file, and rename it to crossbow.json
  3. Open your new crossbow.json file
  4. Delete lines from the START of the file up until "overrides"
  5. Replace that with the following:
    "parent": "item/generated",
    "textures": {
        "layer0": "item/crossbow_standby"
    "display": {
        "thirdperson_righthand": {
            "rotation": [ -90, 0, -60 ],
            "translation": [ 2, 0.1, -3 ],
            "scale": [ 0.9, 0.9, 0.9 ]
        "thirdperson_lefthand": {
            "rotation": [ -90, 0, 30 ],
            "translation": [ 2, 0.1, -3 ],
            "scale": [ 0.9, 0.9, 0.9 ]
        "firstperson_righthand": {
            "rotation": [ -90, 0, -55 ],
            "translation": [ 1.13, 3.2, 1.13],
            "scale": [ 0.68, 0.68, 0.68 ]
        "firstperson_lefthand": {
            "rotation": [ -90, 0, 35 ],
            "translation": [ 1.13, 3.2, 1.13],
            "scale": [ 0.68, 0.68, 0.68 ]
    "overrides": [
        {"predicate": {"pulling": 1}, "model": "item/crossbow_pulling_0"},
        {"predicate": {"pulling": 1, "pull": 0.58}, "model": "item/crossbow_pulling_1"},
        {"predicate": {"pulling": 1, "pull": 1.0}, "model": "item/crossbow_pulling_2"},
        {"predicate": {"charged": 1}, "model": "item/crossbow_arrow"},
        {"predicate": {"charged": 1, "firework": 1}, "model": "item/crossbow_firework"},
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