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Creating a JupyterHub on Jetstream with the Zero to JupyterHub Project

Kubernetes Cluster and the related are convenience scripts similar to to give you access to a pre-configured environment that will allow you to build and/or run a Zero to JupyterHub cluster. It also relies on the same Docker container as the script. takes the following required arguments:

-n, --name JupyterHub name
-p, --ip JupyterHub IP
-o, --openrc absolute path

Important: The --name argument is used to set the names of the instances (VMs) of the cluster, which in turn is used to define the DNS name of assigned to the floating IP of the master node (see here). Ensure that the name provided to results in a domain name that is less than 64 characters long, else LetsEncrypt will not be able to issue a certificate (see here).

Invoke from the science-gateway/openstack directory. and the related ensure the information for this Zero to JupyterHub cluster is persisted outside the container via Docker file mounts – otherwise all the information about this cluster would be confined in memory inside the Docker container. The vital information will be persisted in a local jhub directory.

Create Cluster

Create a Kubernetes cluster with the desired number of nodes and VM sizes. Lock down the master node of the cluster per Unidata security procedures. Work with sys admin staff to obtain a DNS name (e.g.,, and a certificate from a certificate authority for the master node. Alternatively, you can use JetStream2's dynamic DNS and acquire a self signed certificate with LetsEncrypt.

Docker Image for JupyterHub User Environment

Build the Docker container that will be employed by the user environment on their JupyterHub instance. This Docker image will be referenced in the secrets.yaml. Uniquely tag the image with a date and ID for sane retrieval and referencing. For example:

docker build -t unidata/unidatahub:`date +%Y%b%d_%H%M%S`_`openssl rand -hex 4` . > /tmp/docker.out 2>&1 &
docker push unidata/unidatahub:<container id>

Configure and Deploy the JupyterHub

From the client host where you created the Kubernetes cluster, follow Andrea Zonca's instructions here:

After you have created the secrets.yaml as instructed, customize it with the choices below

SSL Certificates


Follow Andrea's instructions on setting up letsencrypt using cert-manager. Due to a network change between JS1 and JS2, the cert-manager pods must be run on the k8s master node in order to successfully complete the challenges required by letsencrypt to issue the certificate. Pay special attention to the Bind the pods to the master node section.

For further reading:

Certificate from Certificate Authority

Work with Unidata system administrator staff to obtain a certificate from a trusted certificate authority.

Follow Andrea's instructions on setting up HTTPS with custom certificates. Note that when adding the key with

kubectl create secret tls <cert-secret> --key ssl.key --cert ssl.crt -n jhub

supply the base and intermediate certificates and not the full chain certificate (i.e., with root certificates). You can find these certificates here.

Here is a snippet of what the ingress configuration will look like in the secrets.yaml.

  enabled: true
  annotations: "incommon"
      - <jupyterhub-host>
      - hosts:
         - <jupyterhub-host>
        secretName: <secret_name>

Certificate Expiration and Renewal

When these certificates expire, they can be updated with the snippet below, but be careful to update the certificate on the correct JupyterHub deployment. Otherwise, you will be in cert-manger hell.

kubectl create secret tls cert-secret --key ssl.key --cert ssl.crt -n jhub \
    --dry-run=client -o yaml | kubectl apply -f -

Redoing the Kubernetes cert-manager

Sometimes when working with the Kubernetes cert-manager, you can get yourself into a pickle for one reason or another. If you just want to "do over" the cert-manager installation, you can:

kubectl delete namespace cert-manager
kubectl delete clusterissuer letsencrypt
kubectl delete certificates --all --all-namespaces
kubectl delete --all --all-namespaces

As of this writing, ensure the deploymentPatch.yml looks like:

# deploymentPatch.yml referenced in
        "": ""
        - key: ""
          operator: "Exists"
          effect: "NoSchedule"
        - key: ""
          operator: "Exists"
          effect: "NoSchedule"

Then you can redo the cert-manger with:

kubectl apply -f \<version>/cert-manager.yaml
bash setup_https/
kubectl create -f setup_https/https_cluster_issuer.yml

OAuth Authentication


Globus OAuth capability is available for user authentication. The instructions here are relatively straightforward.

  type: globus
    clientId: "xxx"
    clientSecret: "xxx"
    callbackUrl: "https://<jupyterhub-host>:443/oauth_callback"
    identityProvider: ""
      - adminuser1


Setup an OAuth app on GitHub

  type: github
    clientId: "xxx"
    clientSecret: "xxx"
    callbackUrl: "https://<jupyterhub-host>:443/oauth_callback"
      - adminuser1

Docker Image and Other Configuration

Reference the previously built Docker image (e.g., unidata/unidatahub:2022Dec15_031132_fe2ea584). Customize the desired CPU / RAM usage. This spreadsheet will help you determine the size of the cluster based on number of users, desired cpu/user, desired RAM/user. Duplicate it and adjust it for your purposes.

    capacity: 3Gi
  startTimeout: 600
    guarantee: 4G
    limit: 4G
    guarantee: 1
    limit: 2
  defaultUrl: "/lab"
    name: unidata/unidatahub
    tag: 2022Dec15_031132_fe2ea584
            - "sh"
            - "-c"
            - >
              gitpuller main python-training;
              cp /README_FIRST.ipynb /home/jovyan;
              cp /Acknowledgements.ipynb /home/jovyan;
              cp /.condarc /home/jovyan

JupyterHub Profiles

A JupyterHub may be configured to give users different profile options when logging in. This can be useful when, for example, a faculty member is using JupyterHub for multiple courses and wants to keep them seperate. Another use case is for creating "high power" or "low power" environments, which are allocated varying levels of computational resources, i.e., RAM and CPU. This can be applied in an undergraduate research setting where an instructor and their students use the low power environments during synchronous instruction and the high power environment for asynchronous workflows.

An example of high and low power environments is shown below.

  # Set defaults and options shared by all profiles
    capacity: 5Gi
  startTimeout: 600
    name: "unidata/someImage"
    tag: "someTag"
  # Profile definitions
    - display_name: "High Power (default)"
      description: "12 GB of memory; up to 4 vCPUs"
        mem_guarantee: 12G
        mem_limit: 12G
        cpu_guarantee: 2
        cpu_limit: 4
      default: true
    - display_name: "Low Power"
      description: "6 GB of memory; up to 2 vCPUS"
        mem_guarantee: 6G
        mem_limit: 6G
        cpu_guarantee: 1
        cpu_limit: 2

Note, however, that while one would typically provide secrets.yaml with the CPU and memory guarantees/limits as shown below, when using the kubespawner_override object to set these options for various profiles, you must provide the names of the fields as Kubespawner will recognize them.

# Typical manner of configuring CPU and memory options
    guarantee: 4G
    limit: 4G
    guarantee: 1
    limit: 2

# Kubespawner override
    - kubespawner_override:
      mem_guarantee: 16G
      mem_limit: 16G
      cpu_guarantee: 4
      cpu_limit: 4

See this GitHub issue for a description of the discrepancy, and the Kubespawner docs for the appropriate names to use for the various options when creating profiles.

Using gitpuller for Private Repos

Sometimes, a science gateway user may request their JupyterHub to pull in a private GitHub repository. This is possible using gitpuller, as it's simply a wrapper around git. Two things need to happen for this to be accomplished:

  1. The owner of the repository must create an appropriately scoped Personal Access Token. Here, "appropriately scoped" means one that has the minimum permissions allowed to it in order for it to perform its function (see NOTE below), typically read-only. Follow the instructions linked above to create a token with "Read-Only" access to the "Contents" under "Repository Permissions".
  2. The JupyterHub must be configured appropriately to use this PAT

The second of these is done via singleuser.lifecycleHooks.postStart.exec.command in secrets.yaml. First, we configure git to use the PAT, which will be stored in a file. We then create this file, if it does not already exist. Finally, we run gitpuller on the private repo.

          - "bash"
          - "-c"
          - >
            [ "$(git config credential.helper)" == "store" ] || git config --global credential.helper store;
            [ -f .git-credentials ] || echo 'https://<PAT-owners-username>:<PAT>' > .git-credentials;
            [ -f .git-credentials ] && gitpuller <private-repo-url> <branch> <destination>;

NOTE: This PAT will be stored in plain text in each user's home directory. Thus, anybody with an account on the JupyterHub cluster will be able to read this PAT and use it outside of the cluster with the correct know-how. Therefore, to prevent this token for being used for anything other than its intended purpose, we scope it appropriately, i.e., set the PAT to only be able to read the contents of the intended private repo.

Create a Large Data Directory That Can Be Shared Among All Users

Andrea has a tutorial about sharing a directory (e.g., /share/data) via Kubernetes and NFS. The instructions basically work as advertised with the KubeSpray option (not Magnum – I have not tried that), e.g.,

    # for Magnum
    # server:
    # for Kubespray
    path: /

The clusterIP is arbitrary and the one in the jupyterhub-deploy-kubernetes-jetstream/nfs/ directory works. That IP is referenced in multiple locations in that directory. Make sure you get them all.

Define the size of the shared volume in create_nfs_volume.yaml, e.g.,:

    storage: 300Gi

Verify nfs-common is installed on the worker nodes (more recent versions of AZ's jetstream_kubespray project will have this already so you won't have to manually install the package), e.g.,

sudo apt install -y nfs-common

Ensure "Core" Pods Are Scheduled on a Dedicated Node

When a JupyterHub is expected to be used for especially resource intensive tasks, for example running WRF from within JupyterHub, by multiple users simultaneously, their single user pods can use all of a worker node's resources. This is a problem when these worker nodes also contain the JupyterHub's core pods, which all perform some essential function of a healthy Zero-to-JupyterHub cluster. In particular, it's been observed that if the proxy pod, the component which routes both internal and external requests to the Hub and single user servers, does not have the necessary resources, the JupyterHub will crash.

To prevent this from happening, we can ensure all core pods are scheduled on a dedicated node. This is accomplished by assigning to a chosen node a taint, an attribute which prevents pods from spawning unless they have the corresponding toleration. This alone is not enough however, as a pod's node affinity must require it to spawn on that specific node. The process is described below.

Add the taint to <node-name>:

kubectl taint nodes <node-name>

This taint can then be viewed by doing:

kubectl describe nodes | less

and searching for Taints. You will be able to see which nodes the taints are attached to.

You can remove the taint with (note the `-` at the end of the key:effect argument):

kubectl taint nodes <node-name>

Add the label that the pods will look for when being scheduled on a node:

kubectl label nodes <node-name>

You can view this label with:

kubectl get nodes --show-labels | grep -i core

No kubectl commands need to be explicitly executed to modify the core pods. The toleration is applied to the core pods by default, however add the following to the secrets.yaml in order to make our intentions explicit. It is also noted that, by default, pods are preferred, not required, to spawn on this dedicated core node. Thus, ensure that scheduling.corePods.nodeAffinity.matchNodePurpose is set to require.

      - key:
        operator: Equal
        value: core
        effect: NoSchedule
      - key: hub.jupyter.org_dedicated
        operator: Equal
        value: core
        effect: NoSchedule
      matchNodePurpose: require

After all these changes have been made, run bash once again to apply them, and run a kubectl get pods -n jhub -o wide to confirm that core pods are running on the intended node. Single user pods should no longer be spawned on the dedicated core node, but any preexisting single user pods will may still reside on this node until they are eventually culled by the Hub.

Bug Fix: Remove Username Based Labels from Pods and PVCs

Description of Bug

Admin users have the ability to add usernames to the JupyterHub allow list via the admin panel. This can result in admins adding usernames that start with certain characters that will be escaped by the Kubespawner, the portion of the JupyterHub that creates single user JupyterLab Pods. The escape character used is a hyphen (-), and Kubespawner escapes anything that isn't an ascii_lowercase string or a digits string (perform a grep -Rie "safe_chars" in the kubespawner/kubespawner sub-directory to confirm).

When a user logs in, the Kubespawner will create a Pod and PVC (if one does not already exist) with labels based on a user's username (see here, here, here, here, and here). If the first character of this username is escaped, the label will begin with a character that is invalid and rejected by Kubernetes. If the user attempts to spawn their server and repeatedly fails (default 5 times), the entire JupyterHub will crash. This is a known bug.

"Fixing" The Bug

The bug fix consists of simply throwing the label away by creating a subclass from the kubespawner class, overriding the _build_common_labels method, and telling the JupyterHub configuration to use this new spawner class. You do this by setting the extraConfig field in secrets.yaml, the Zero to JupyterHub config file.

    01-no-labels: |
      from kubespawner import KubeSpawner
      class CustomSpawner(KubeSpawner):
        def _build_common_labels(self, extra_labels):
          labels = super()._build_common_labels(extra_labels)
          # Until
          # is fixed
          del labels['']
          return labels
      c.JupyterHub.spawner_class = CustomSpawner

This should not have any unintended consequences, as this username label is meant for gathering metrics on individual users, which we don't partake in.

Navigate to JupyterHub

In a web browser, navigate to your newly minted JupyterHub and see if it is as you expect.

Tearing Down JupyterHub

Total Destructive Tear Down

Undo NFS Mounts

If you set up any NFS mounts, tear those down to ensure resources are not orphaned. First, look for any NFS pods with kubectl get pods -A. Then,

cd ~/jupyterhub-deploy-kubernetes-jetstream/nfs/
kubectl delete -f nfs_server.yaml
kubectl delete -f service_nfs.yaml
kubectl delete -f create_nfs_volume.yaml

Uninstall and Delete Namespace

Tearing down the JupyterHub including user OpenStack volumes is possible. From the Helm and Kubernetes client:

helm uninstall jhub -n jhub
# Think before you type !
echo $CLUSTER; sleep 60; kubectl delete namespace jhub

To further tear down the Kubernetes cluster see Tearing Down the Cluster.

What to Do If Deleting the jhub Namespace Gets Stuck

kubectl edit svc proxy-public -n jhub




  finalizers: []

Save the file and exit

Tear Down While Preserving User Volumes

A gentler tear down that preserves the user volumes is described in Andrea's documentation. See the section on "persistence of user data".

Locating and Deleting Orphaned PVCs

Inevitably, when launching and tearing down numerous JupyterHub clusters, there will be times when Persistent Volume Claims (PVCs) and associated OpenStack volumes are orphaned, i.e., not attached to any JupyterHub cluster. These should be periodically cleaned up to not consume the OpenStack volume allocation.

The following set of commands should be done on the JupyterHub control VM where all the clusters are managed from various docker containers, e.g.,:

$ docker ps
CONTAINER ID   IMAGE                         COMMAND       CREATED        STATUS       PORTS     NAMES
a3b0c55520e9   unidata/science-gateway-gpu   "/bin/bash"   4 weeks ago    Up 4 weeks             unidata-jupyterhub
12769e052f2e   unidata/science-gateway       "/bin/bash"   3 months ago   Up 3 weeks             mvu-test
84625056d84d   unidata/science-gateway       "/bin/bash"   3 months ago   Up 4 weeks             ou23s
ead47ea3eb99   unidata/science-gateway       "/bin/bash"   3 months ago   Up 4 weeks             mvu23s
196a6308afdb   unidata/science-gateway       "/bin/bash"   3 months ago   Up 4 weeks             fsu-s23

Also make sure that list is accurate and complete, i.e., all JupyterHub clusters currently running are accounted for (e.g., docker ps -a). Otherwise, you may miss active PVC volumes that you could potentially accidentally delete.

Obtain PVCs That Are in Use

This command chain performs several actions to get a list of all Kubernetes Persistent Volume Claims (PVCs) within multiple Docker containers, each managing a JupyterHub cluster. The output is then sorted, cleaned of white space, and saved to a file. The end result is that you have a list of all PVCs that are currently in use.

docker ps -q | xargs -I {} -n1 docker exec -t {} bash -c \
                     'kubectl get pvc -A | tail -n +2' | \
    awk '{print $4}' | sort | tr -d "[:blank:]" > /tmp/pvc.out

Obtain All the OpenStack Volumes

This command chain performs several actions to get a list of all the OpenStack volume names related to PVCs (active or orphaned) from within a specific Docker container. The output is then sorted, cleaned of blanks, and saved to a file. The container_id can be chosen from the list of containers described above. It does not matter which one as long as it has access to the OpenStack CLI.

docker exec -t <container_id> bash -c \
       'source ~/.bashrc && openstack volume list' | grep pvc | \
    awk -F'|' '{print $3}' | sort | tr -d "[:blank:]" > /tmp/pvc-total.out

Find the Orphaned Volumes

Find the orphaned volumes by taking the set difference of the files generated by the last two commands:

comm -23 /tmp/pvc-total.out /tmp/pvc.out > /tmp/pvc-orphaned.out

Important: Scrutinize the contents of /tmp/pvc-orphaned.out to ensure they are not, in fact, being used anywhere.

Delete Orphaned Volumes

Copy this file into one of the Docker containers listed above. It does not matter which one as long as you have an OpenStack CLI.

docker ps -q | xargs -I {} -n1 docker cp /tmp/pvc-orphaned.out {}:/tmp/pvc-orphaned.out

Sanity check in each container to make sure the PVCs you are about to delete are not in use.

cat /tmp/pvc-orphaned.out | \
   xargs -I {} sh -c \
   'kubectl get pvc --all-namespaces | grep -q {} && \
   echo "PVC {} is present in the cluster." || \
   echo "PVC {} is NOT present in the cluster."'

You can now delete the orphaned volumes with a script the looks like this. Again, think before you type as you are about to delete a number of OpenStack volumes.


# Source your OpenStack credentials
# source openrc

# Read the file line by line
while IFS= read -r volume_name
  # Use the OpenStack CLI to get the volume ID
  volume_id=$(openstack volume show "$volume_name" -f value -c id)
  echo "$volume_name: $volume_id"
  # openstack volume delete $volume_id
done < /tmp/pvc-orphaned.out

"Soft Scaling" a Cluster

Often we deploy long lived JupyterHub clusters (e.g., pyaos-workshop) that receive heavy itermittent use. Some examples are: a two part workshop where each part takes place once a week; or a cluster is used for a Unidata sponsored workshop, and another independent workshop will be given 2 weeks from the first. In cases such as these, it is preferrable to keep the clusters up and running so as to not have to expend the effort of tearing down and reprovisioning the cluster. At the same time, it is desirable to scale down the cluster to conserve JS2 service units.

While it's possible to remove nodes from a Kubernetes cluster, the scale down, and subsequent scale up, can be time consuming as it involves running ansible playbooks that can take up to a half hour each or more. Instead, it's possible to do a "soft scale down" (not a technical term; one of our own creation) of the cluster by setting a node as unschedulable, migrating pods to any nodes that will still be available after the scale down, and shelving the appropriate nodes.

Scaling Down

Cordon off the nodes to be shelved. This will set their status to Ready,SchedulingDisabled and prevent new pods from being spawned on them:

kubectl cordon <node>

Pods that are currently running on those nodes, i.e., a JupyterHub, proxy, or user-scheduler pod, must now be migrated to another node. This can be accomplished by "draining" the node:

kubectl drain <node> --ignore-daemonsets

The --ignore-daemonsets flag is necessary if any pods on that node were provisioned as part of a DaemonSet, a set of pods that are scheduled to be ran on every node of a cluster.

You may run into an error that looks like the following:

[openstack@e2080e1eaea6 .ssh]$ kubectl drain --ignore-daemonsets mines23f-k8s-node-nf-3
node/mines23f-k8s-node-nf-3 cordoned
error: unable to drain node "mines23f-k8s-node-nf-3" due to error:cannot delete Pods with local storage (use --delete-emptydir-data to override): kube-system/csi-cinder-controllerplugin-648ffdc6db-xgzgw, continuing command...

Some Pods use an emptyDir to store what is nominally temporary data. This emptyDir is stored on the node itself, and is permanently deleted when its associated Pod is deleted. If you are sure that the data found in an emptyDir can be deleted without any loss of important information, add the --delete-emptydir-data as instructed by the error to proceed with the draining of the node.

You can now perform a kubectl get pods -A -o wide to ensure that nothing is running on the cordoned nodes.

Shelve the cordoned nodes with the usual openstack command:

openstack server shelve <node>

A kubectl get nodes should reveal the status of the shelved nodes as NotReady,SchedulingDisabled

Scaling Back Up

To re-add the nodes to the cluster, first unshelve them:

openstack server unshelve <node>

After the nodes are back online, Kubernetes should recognize them as Ready,SchedulingDisabled once more. Uncordon the nodes, making them schedulable once more, with:

kubectl uncordon <node>


When performing these scaling operations, it's likely that you want to operate on more than 1 node. To reduce typing and waiting, you can use a bash for loop to accomplish these operations in one command. For example, to soft up scale multiple nodes with just a few commands:

$ for i in $(seq 2 4); do openstack server unshelve mines23f-k8s-node-nf-${i}; done
$ sleep 60 && kubectl get nodes -o wide # wait for nodes to come back online
$ for i in $(seq 2 4); do kubectl uncordon mines23f-k8s-node-nf-${i}; done


Unresponsive JupyterHub

Preliminary Work

If a JupyterHub becomes unresponsive (e.g., 504 Gateway Time-out), login in to the Kubernetes client and do preliminary backup work in case things go badly. First:

kubectl get pvc -n jhub -o yaml >
kubectl get pv -n jhub -o yaml >
chmod 400

Make read only since these files could become precious in case you have to do data recovery for users. More on this subject below.

Delete jhub Pods

Next, start investigating by issuing:

kubectl get pods -o wide -n jhub

this command will yield something like

NAME                      READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
hub-5bdccd4784-lzw87      1/1     Running   0          17h
jupyter-joe               1/1     Running   0          4h51m
proxy-7b986cdb75-mhl86    1/1     Running   0          29d

Now start deleting the jhub pods starting with the user pods (e.g., jupyter-joe).

kubectl delete pod <pod name> -n jhub

Check to see if the JupyterHub is reachable. If it is not, keep deleting pods checking for reachability after each pod deletion.

Delete jhub, But Do Not Purge Namespace

If the JupyterHub is still not reachable, you can try deleting and recreating the JupyterHub but do not delete the namespace as you will wipe out user data.

helm uninstall jhub -n jhub
# But DO NOT issue this command
# kubectl delete namespace jhub

Then try reinstalling with


Now, try recover user volumes as described at the end of the section here with the saved earlier (make writable copies of those ro files). If that still does not work, you can try destroying the entire cluster and recreating it as described in that same link.

Volumes Stuck in Reserved State


Occasionally, when logging into a JupyterHub the user will encounter a volume attachment error that causes a failure in the login process. This is an ongoing issue on Jetstream that we have never been able to get to the bottom of. The user will see an error that looks something like:

2020-03-27 17:54:51+00:00 [Warning] AttachVolume.Attach failed for volume "pvc-5ce953e4-6ad9-11ea-a62a-fa163ebb95dd" : Volume "0349603a-967b-44e2-98d1-0ba1d42c37d8" is attaching, can't finish within the alloted time

When you then do an openstack volume list, you will see something like this where a volume is stuck in "reserved":

| ID                                   | Name                                     | Status   |
| 25c25c5d-75cb-48fd-a9c4-4fd680bea79b | pvc-41d76080-6ad7-11ea-a62a-fa163ebb95dd | reserved |

You (or if you do not have permission, Jetstream staff) can reset the volume with:

openstack volume set --state available <volume uuid>

or with

openstack volume list | grep -i reserved | awk \
    'BEGIN { FS = "|" } ; { print $2 }' | xargs -n1 openstack volume set \
--state available

The problem is that once a volume gets stuck like this, it tends to happen again and again. In this scenario, you have to provide a long term solution to the user.

Script to Mitigate Problem

Invoking this script (e.g., call it from crontab, maybe every three minutes or so, can help mitigate the problem and give you faster notification of the issue. Note iftt is a push notification service with webhooks available that can notify your smart phone triggered by a curl invocation as demonstrated below. You'll have to create an ifttt login and download the app on your smart phone.


source /home/rocky/.bash_profile

VAR=$(openstack volume list -f value -c ID -c Status | grep -i reserved | wc -l)

MSG="Subject: Volume Stuck in Reserved on Jetstream"

if [[ $VAR -gt 0 ]]
    echo $MSG | /usr/sbin/sendmail [email protected]
    openstack volume list | grep -i reserved >> /tmp/stuck.txt
    curl -X POST
    openstack volume list -f value -c ID -c Status | grep -i reserved | awk \
        '{ print $1 }' | xargs -n1 openstack volume set --state available

you can invoke this script from crontab:

*/3 * * * * /home/rocky/notify.bash > /dev/null 2>&1

Note, again, this is just a temporary solution. You still have to provide a longer-term workaround described in the next section:

Not a Solution but a Longer Term Workaround

With the volume ID obtained earlier, issue:

openstack volume attachment list --os-volume-api-version 3.27 | grep -i d910c7fae38b

which will yield something like:

| 67dbf5c3-c190-4f9e-a2c9-78da44df6c75 | cf1a7adf-7b0a-422f-8843-d910c7fae38b | reserved  | 0593faaf-8ba0-4eb5-84ad-b7282ce5aac2 |

At this point, you may see two entries (even though only one is shown here). One attachment in reserved and one that is attached.

Next, delete the reserved attachment:

openstack volume attachment delete --os-volume-api-version 3.27 67dbf5c3-c190-4f9e-a2c9-78da44df6c75

Renew Expired K8s Certificates


Kubernetes clusters use PKI certificates to allow the different components of K8s to communicate and authenticate with one another. See the official docs for more information. When firing up a JupyterHub cluster using the procedures outlined in this documentation, the certificates are automatically generated for us on cluster creation, however they expire after a full year. You can check the expiration date of your current certificates by running the following on the master node of the cluster:

sudo kubeadm alpha certs check-expiration

Once the certificates have expired, you will be unable to run, for example, kubectl commands, and the control plane components will not be able to, for example, fire up new pods, ie new JupyterLab servers, nor perform helm upgrades to the server. Example output of running kubectl commands with expired certificates is:

# kubectl get pods -n jhub
Unable to connect to the server: x509: certificate has expired or is not yet valid: current time 2022-06-29T23:09:31Z is after 2022-06-28T17:38:37Z


There are a number of ways to renew certificates outlined in the official docs. Here, the manual renewal method is outlined. While this procedure should be non-destructive, it is recommended to have users backup data/notebooks before this is done. In addition, one of the steps requires a manual restart of the control plane pods, which means the Hub (and potentially user servers) may suffer a small amount of downtime.

All commands are ran on the master node of the cluster. In addition, the documentation does not include the alpha portion of the kubeadm commands outlined below. This is required: see the answer to this question.

First, confirm that your certificates truly are expired:

sudo kubeadm alpha certs check-expiration

Then, run the renewal command to renew all certs:

sudo kubeadm alpha certs renew all

Double check the certificates were renewed:

sudo kubeadm alpha certs check-expiration

Now, we must restart the control plane pods. We do this by moving the files found in /etc/kubernetes/manifests to a temporary place, waiting for the kubelet to recognize the change in the manifests, and tear down the pods. Once this is done, the files can be moved back into /etc/kubernetes/manifests, and we can wait for the kubelet to respawn the pods. Finally, reset the ~/.kube/config file and run kubectl commands.

# All commands ran on the master node

# Copy manifests
mkdir ~/manifestsBackup_yyyy_mm_dd
sudo cp /etc/kubernetes/manifests/* ~/manifestsBackup_yyyy_mm_dd/

# Sanity check
ls ~/manifestsBackup_yyyy_mm_dd

# Navigate to /etc/kubernetes/manifests and list files, to ensure we're removing
# what we think we are
cd /etc/kubernetes/manifests

# Verify the containers you are about to remove are currently running
sudo docker ps

# Remove files
rm ./*

# Wait until the containers are removed
sudo docker ps

# Replace files
sudo cp ~/manifestsBackup_yyyy_mm_dd/* /etc/kubernetes/manifests/

# Wait until containers are respawned
sudo docker ps

# Reset the config
mkdir -p $HOME/.kube
sudo cp -i /etc/kubernetes/admin.conf $HOME/.kube/config
sudo chown $(id -u):$(id -g) $HOME/.kube/config

# Cross your fingers and hope you can now run kubectl commands again!
kubectl get pods --all-namespaces

If you want to run kubectl commands from another machine, for example the machine where we launch JupyterHubs from within docker containers, you must copy this config file to that machine's $HOME/.kube directory.

You should have the IP and ssh access of/to the master node. Copy over the config through scp:

# On the appropriate "Jupyter control center" docker container

# Directory probably already exists, but try creating the directory anyways
mkdir $HOME/.kube
scp ubuntu@<ip>:~/.kube/config $HOME/.kube/config

Finally, edit the server value in the $HOME/.kube/config to point to, as kubectl will communicate with the api-server through a tunnel created on the Jupyter control container. See this script and the reference therein for the reason behind doing this.

# Change a line that looks like the following
server: https://<some-ip>:6443
# to

You should now be able to run kubectl commands, fire up new user servers, and run helm upgrades.

Evicted Pods Due to Node Pressure

If a node starts to run out of resources and you try to fire up new pods on it, the pods will have the "evicted" status associated with them. This can happen when trying to update a JupyterHub whose single user JupyterLab images are large, as Jetstream2's m3.medium instances only have 60GB of disk storage.

This problem was first noticed when updating MVU's JupyterHub, whose single user image was on the order of 10GB. The new JupyterLab image was going to be similarly large.

Unless otherwise stated, all output of shell commands are from the mvu-test cluster.

This is what a "healthy" cluster looks like:

$ kubectl get pods -n jhub
NAME                              READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
continuous-image-puller-kc4v5     1/1     Running   0          21h
hub-64747d5848-x6z7s              1/1     Running   0          21h
proxy-6675c69dd4-47b4d            1/1     Running   0          10d
user-scheduler-79c85f98dd-r7gl4   1/1     Running   0          10d
user-scheduler-79c85f98dd-vqz24   1/1     Running   0          10d

$ kubectl get nodes -n jhub
NAME                     STATUS   ROLES                  AGE   VERSION
mvu-test-1               Ready    control-plane,master   10d   v1.22.5
mvu-test-k8s-node-nf-1   Ready    <none>                 10d   v1.22.5

If we inspect the worker node, we will see the following relevant information:

$ kubectl describe node -n jhub mvu-test-k8s-node-nf-1 | less
  Type                 Status  LastHeartbeatTime                 LastTransitionTime                Reason                       Message
  ----                 ------  -----------------                 ------------------                ------                       -------
  NetworkUnavailable   False   Mon, 06 Feb 2023 03:39:57 +0000   Mon, 06 Feb 2023 03:39:57 +0000   FlannelIsUp                  Flannel is running on this node
  MemoryPressure       False   Thu, 16 Feb 2023 23:39:42 +0000   Mon, 06 Feb 2023 03:39:25 +0000   KubeletHasSufficientMemory   kubelet has sufficient memory available
  DiskPressure         False   Thu, 16 Feb 2023 23:39:42 +0000   Thu, 16 Feb 2023 01:43:51 +0000   KubeletHasNoDiskPressure     kubelet has no disk pressure
  PIDPressure          False   Thu, 16 Feb 2023 23:39:42 +0000   Mon, 06 Feb 2023 03:39:25 +0000   KubeletHasSufficientPID      kubelet has sufficient PID available
  Ready                True    Thu, 16 Feb 2023 23:39:42 +0000   Mon, 06 Feb 2023 03:39:59 +0000   KubeletReady                 kubelet is posting ready status. AppArmor enabled

The "Conditions" field describes that the node is undergoing no Node Pressure. If the node were experiencing some kind of node pressure, attempting to create any pods would cause them to become stuck in the "evicted" state. By default, pods will be evicted from a node if the available storage space on the node falls below 10%.

Attempting to re-deploy the JupyterHub with a new image will cause the JupyterHub to pull in the new image. If this results in disk pressure, you will see Kubernetes create pods that receive the "Evicted" state:

$ bash

# In a seperate shell
$ kubectl get pods -n jhub
NAME                              READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
continuous-image-puller-hm25g     0/1     Evicted   0          36s
hook-image-awaiter--1-4zmsc       0/1     Pending   0          43s
hook-image-puller-f4ffs           0/1     Evicted   0          12s
hub-85c77d5fd-9zhb5               0/1     Pending   0          98s
jupyter-robertej09                1/1     Running   0          19m
proxy-6675c69dd4-47b4d            1/1     Running   0          10d
user-scheduler-79c85f98dd-r7gl4   1/1     Running   0          10d
user-scheduler-79c85f98dd-vqz24   1/1     Running   0          10d

The node will show that it is indeed experiencing disk pressure:

$ kubectl describe node -n jhub <node-name> | less # and scroll down
  Type                 Status  LastHeartbeatTime                 LastTransitionTime                Reason                       Message
  ----                 ------  -----------------                 ------------------                ------                       -------
  NetworkUnavailable   False   Mon, 06 Feb 2023 03:39:57 +0000   Mon, 06 Feb 2023 03:39:57 +0000   FlannelIsUp                  Flannel is running on this node
  MemoryPressure       False   Fri, 17 Feb 2023 00:48:47 +0000   Mon, 06 Feb 2023 03:39:25 +0000   KubeletHasSufficientMemory   kubelet has sufficient memory available
  DiskPressure         True    Fri, 17 Feb 2023 00:48:47 +0000   Fri, 17 Feb 2023 00:45:37 +0000   KubeletHasDiskPressure       kubelet has disk pressure
  PIDPressure          False   Fri, 17 Feb 2023 00:48:47 +0000   Mon, 06 Feb 2023 03:39:25 +0000   KubeletHasSufficientPID      kubelet has sufficient PID available
  Ready                True    Fri, 17 Feb 2023 00:48:47 +0000   Mon, 06 Feb 2023 03:39:59 +0000   KubeletReady                 kubelet is posting ready status. AppArmor enabled

Scrolling to the "Events" section of the describe node output, you may find that Kubernetes is attempting to salvage the install by freeing up storage space. This particular output was created while JupyterHub was being upgraded on the "main" mvu-23s cluster:

  Type     Reason                 Age                From     Message
  ----     ------                 ----               ----     -------
  Warning  EvictionThresholdMet   55m (x4 over 17d)  kubelet  Attempting to reclaim ephemeral-storage
  Normal   NodeHasDiskPressure    55m (x4 over 17d)  kubelet  Node mvu23s-k8s-node-nf-9 status is now: NodeHasDiskPressure
  Normal   NodeHasNoDiskPressure  50m (x5 over 29d)  kubelet  Node mvu23s-k8s-node-nf-9 status is now: NodeHasNoDiskPressure

In this case, Kubernetes successfully performed garbage collection and was able to recover enough storage space to complete the install after some period of waiting.

If Kubernetes is taking too long to want to perform garbage collection, there is a very hacky work-around to this. Cancel the installation (ctrl-c), and run helm uninstall jhub -n jhub. This will uninstall the JupyterHub from the cluster, however, importantly it will keep user data intact.

Through some inspection, you may find that the worker nodes contain a cache of not only the single user image which is currently deployed, but the previous one as well:

$ kubectl get nodes -o yaml | less # after scrolling down you'll eventually see in the worker node
    - names:
      sizeBytes: 2656565418
    - names:
      sizeBytes: 2653100806

The work-around is to force the removal of one of the images by installing a small single user image in the JupyterHub that you know will fit on the node's available storage space. The jupyter/base-notebook image is a good candidate for this. Edit the appropriate sections of secrets.yaml to install this smaller image, run bash, and watch kubectl get pods -n jhub to ensure everything installs correctly. Kubernetes should have purged one of the previous images and freed up storage space. Now, re-edit secrets.yaml and install the image you desire.

Updating Openstack Credentials for Kubernetes

If your openstack credentials expire, you will be unable to run even basic openstack commands such as openstack server list. Generally, this would not be a pressing issue, as instances that are already running should stay running. However, expired openstack credentials pose a large problem for JupyterHubs that have been deployed using Kubernetes, as K8s uses openstack credentials to communicate with the Jetstream2 cloud and perform essential functions such as mounting openstack volumes on pods. This results in the user receiving a message such as the following when attempting to spawn their single user server:

Your server is starting up.
You will be redirected automatically when it's ready for you.
72% Complete
2023-04-14T16:39:44Z [Warning] Unable to attach or mount volumes: unmounted volumes=[volume-<user>], unattached volumes=[volume-<user>]: timed out waiting for the condition
Event log

Doing a kubectl describe pod -n jhub <single-user-pod> on the offending pod will reveal that the volume is failing to attach due to an authentication issue.

Creating New Credentials

Follow the instructions in the Jetstream2 docs to navigate to the "Application Credentials" page of the Horizon interface. From here, you can verify that your credentials are expired and create a new set of credentials.

Once you've created the new credentials, you can update any necessary files. Note that it is important to use a text editor, such as nano, that will not change the inode of the file being edited, as docker mounts files by their inode and not their file name. Once this has been done, you will have to re-source for the changes to take effect: source /path/to/ Ensure you are able to use these new credentials to run openstack commands: openstack server list.

Updating Credentials in K8s

Start a shell with kubectl capabilities for the cluster. Follow Andrea Zonca's instructions to update the credentials. The procedure is outlined below, and has to be repeated for two Kubernetes Secrets, external-openstack-cloud-config and cloud-config.

# Print out the base64 encoded secret
kubectl get secret -n kube-system <secret-name> -o jsonpath='{.data}'

# Copy/paste the secret to decode it; dump to file
echo <secret> | base64 --decode > /tmp/cloud.conf

# Update the temporary with the new credentials
vim /tmp/cloud.conf

# Re-encode the secret; copy the terminal output
cat /tmp/cloud.conf | base64 -w0

# Edit update the K8s secret
kubectl edit secret -n kube-system <secret-name>

Once both secrets have been updated, restart the cluster via openstack for changes to take effect

# Ensure you're rebooting what you think you are
for INSTANCE in $(openstack server list -c Name -f value | grep <PATTERN>); do echo "openstack server reboot $INSTANCE"; done
# Reboot
for INSTANCE in $(openstack server list -c Name -f value | grep <PATTERN>); do openstack server reboot $INSTANCE; done

Persistent File/Directory Permissions e.g., ~/.ssh

If a user changes ownership or permissions to files/directories in their home directories, for example by using chmod, they will be surprised to find that these file permissions have been reset the next time they spawn their server (i.e., Pod). This situation can arise when, for example, an instructor uses the JupyterHub to push updated material to GitHub using ssh key authentication, in which the permissions of the ~/.ssh directory, as well as the private and public key pair, need to be set in a certain manner. First, a brief explanation for why this happens is presented, followed by a simple workaround.

Why This Occurs

A user's data exists on Openstack volumes which are created and managed by Kubernetes via the cinder-csi storage class and driver. Ultimately, Kubernetes exposes these volumes to pods via PersistentVolumeClaims. When a user logs into the JupyterHub, their persistent volume is mounted onto the pod as it spins up. According to the Kubernetes docs on configuring pods, "Kubernetes recursively changes ownership and permissions for the contents of each volume to match the fsGroup specified in a Pod's securityContext when that volume is mounted." Thus, this behavior is a consequence of Kubernetes re-mounting an openstack volume onto a user's pod.

Simple Workaround

This security context described can be specified when installing the JupyterHub (see default value here). However, it seems fine grained permissions are either difficult or highly inconvenient to accommodate. To work around this there is a solution for two cases:

  1. If the permissions change is desired for a single user, that user can include their chmod commands in one of the profile files read by bash (see NOTE below).
  2. If the permission change is desired for all users, have the user contact the Unidata Science Gateway team with a request for the permissions change. Science Gateway staff will then be able to make this chmod command take place on pod startup via secrets.yaml. See the example below which updates the permissions for the ~/.ssh directory:
# secrets.yaml
          - "sh"
          - "-c"
          - >
            <other startup commands>;
            [ -d $dir ] && { chmod 700 $dir && chmod -f 600 $dir/* && chmod -f 644 $dir/*.pub; } || true

NOTE: See the INVOCATION section of man 1 bash for a full explanation of which configuration files are sourced, and in what order they are searched for.

Deleting Kubernetes Pods That Have Failed

When a cluster is "sick" because of node pressure or other issues, you will see, sometimes hundreds of pods that have failed, been evicted etc. It is unwieldy to investigate all these failed pods and sometimes it is necessary to get them out of the way to better diagnose root problems. In order to delete these pods, you can

kubectl delete pods --all-namespaces --field-selector=status.phase==Failed

JupyterHub URL Not Working

After JupyterHub launch, when navigating to the Hub, you may get a "This site can't be reached" error. You may have simply entered the wrong URL. The Jetstream2 automatic DNS name is formed by the VM name and the network it is attached to. For example:

$ openstack server show fsu24s-1 -c name -c addresses
| Field     | Value                                              |
| addresses | auto_allocated_network=, |
| name      | fsu24s-1                                           |

$ openstack network show auto_allocated_network -c dns_domain
| Field      | Value                                   |
| dns_domain | |

would result in the following URL: