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Language Reference

println "Kay let's go!";


line comments start with # and ignore everything until the end of the line:

# lines starting with the `#` symbol will be ignored by the compiler

multiline comments start with #{ and ignore everthing until the closing #}:

these lines
will be
the compiler

# blocks inside other statements will be ignored
println #{ lucky #} 12;

#} # Error: unopened multiline comment


Each valid statement must end in a semicolon:

"Kay " # Error: missing semicolon
"let's go";

UTF-8 support

The language will only support ASCII characters in the source code, and will eventually allow UTF-8, UTF-16 and UTF-32 characters only in specific and selected places, such as in comments and in string and character literals.

As of now UTF-8 characters are only allowed in comments:

# UTF-8 characters 🤪 are allowed in comments

# will eventually be supported in strings and character literals
"hi 👋";

# Error: UTF-8 characters will not be allowed in any other place


Integers, of type int, are represented in source code as base 10 numbers, and are represented in memory as signed 64 bit values:

21;      # valid number
021;     # leading zeroes are allowed
1_2_3_4; # separating underscores are allowed
21a;     # Error: integer literals cannot contain non-digit characters

Alternative number literals bases

Number literals can be written in other bases other than the default decimal namely, binay, octal and hexadecimal, with the appropriate prefixes:

number system base valid digits prefix example
decimal (default) 10 0..=9 21
binary 2 0..=1 0b 0b1100
octal 8 0..=7 0o 0o14
hexadecimal 16 0..=9, A..=F or a..=f 0x 0xc or 0xC


empty numbers in bases other than decimal are not allowed, i.e. 0b, 0o and 0x


Boolean values, of type bool, are represented in source code as true and false, and are represented in memory as unsigned 8 bit values:

ASCII Characters

Characters, of type ascii, are used to represent a single ASCII character, and are are represented in source code as being surrounded by ':

'f';  # must contain a single ASCII characters
'\n'; # or a valid escape character
'';   # Error: empty characters are not allowed
'f;   # Error: unclosed character
'\f;  # Error: unclosed escape character

Escape sequences

It is also possible to represent special characters by escaping them with back slashes. These are the available escaped characters:

'\\'; # backslash
'\''; # single quote
'\"'; # double quote
'\n'; # newline
'\r'; # carriage return
'\t'; # tab character
'\0'; # null character

'\f'; # anything not in the previous list is considered an invalid escape sequence

ASCII Strings

Strings, of type str, are used to represent strings of ASCII text, and are represented in source code as being surrounded by " and contain any number of regular or escaped characters:

"Kay\nlet's go";

# Error: unclosed string
"Kay\nlet's go

It is also possible to represent special characters by escaping them with back slashes, just like with character literals escape sequences.

Strings can also be configured as raw strings with the r prefix, where the only valid escape sequences would be escaped double quotes \" for consistency with regular strings escapes:


# taken 'as is' from source code

# taken 'as is' from source code, except for `\"` escapes

# Error: unclosed string
r"Kay let's go\"

Strings can also be indexed with zero-based indexing to gain access to individual character:

"01234"[3]; # will return the character '3'


Arrays are a collection of at least 2 values of the same type under a single variable, so an array of three int would be of type int[3].

Arrays of 0 elements are not allowed because they are phantom values not even occupying any memory, while arrays of 1 element are not allowed becasue they are functionally equivalent to that element if it was outside of the array.

Arrays are defined as comma-separated lists of items, as follows:

[];                       # Error: arrays of zero items are not allowed
[19];                     # Error: arrays of one item are not allowed
[12, 21];                 # this declares an array of two items, namely `int[2]`
["Kay", "let's", "go!",]; # trailing commas are allowed, thus the array would be of type `str[3]]

Arrays can also be indexed with zero-based indexing, to gain access to individual items:

[0, 1, 2, 3, 4][3]; # will return the integer 3
["01234", "56789"][0][3]; # will return the string "01234", and access the character '3'


Variables are typed containers, that hold values for later use, and follow these definition rules:

  1. mutability class:
    • let: immutable variable, once set cannot be changed later
    • var: mutable variable, can be changed at any moment
  2. variable name that can be made of (up to a maximum of 63 characters):
    • letters
    • numbers (but not starting with)
    • underscores
  3. value:
    • type annotation: : followed by the type of the variable
    • variable value: = followed by the value we wish the variable to hold
    • both type annotation and variable value

So following the specified rules here are a few examples on how to create variables:

# 1. mutability class
let kay = "kay"; # immutable variable named `kay` with value "kay"
kay = "let's go!"; # Error: cannot mutate immutable variable

var one = 1; # mutable variable named `one` with value 1
one = 2; # `one` will from now on contain the value 2

# 2. variable names
let kay_lets_go = "kay, let's go!"; # can contain underscores
let two_plus_2 = "two + 2"; # can contain numbers
let 2plus2 = "2 + 2"; # Error: not a valid name, cannot start with a number
let longlonglonglonglonglonglonglonglonglonglonglonglonglonglonglong; # Error: over the limit of 63 characters

# 3. optional type annotations
let inferred = 42; # the type will be inferred as `int` by the expression to the right of the `=` sign
let explicit: int = 42; # with the type annotation the type is specified to be `int
let mismatched: int = "42"; # Error: annotated type differs from actual value, expected `int` but got `str`

# 4. optional variable values
# when no initial value is specified a default value will be assigned base on the annotated type
let default_initialized_int: int; # 0 is the default value for `int`
let default_initialized_ascii: ascii; # '\0' is the default value for `ascii`
let default_initialized_bool: bool; # `false` is the default value for `bool`
let default_initialized_str: str; # "" is the default value for `str`

# since all variables must hold a concrete type, there need to be specified either a type annotation
# or an initial value to be able to determine the type of the variable
let cannot_infer_type; # Error: missing either type annotation or initial value to determine the type of the variable



Here are some usefull definitions to keep in mind

let INT_MIN = -9223372036854775808;
let INT_MAX = 9223372036854775807;


Some operators support *op*= variations (i.e.: +=, -=, ...)

var twentyone = 9;
twentyone += 10; # equivalent to "twentyone = twentyone + 10;"


Some operantors support saturating *op*| and wrapping *op*\ variations (i.e.: +\, -|, ...)

Expressions follow this order of operations (precedence from highest to lowest):

  • primary expressions:

    • unary string and array length operator len:

      len [12, 21, 42, 19] # -> 4
      len "kay" # -> 3
    • unary integer negation -, -\, -|:

      -twelve # -> -12
      -INT_MIN # -> crash: overflow, -INT_MIN -> INT_MAX + 1
      -\twelve # -> -12
      -\INT_MIN # -> INT_MAX + 1 -> INT_MIN
      -|twelve # -> -12
      -|INT_MIN # -> INT_MAX + 1 -> INT_MAX
    • unary integer absolute value +, +\, +|:

      +twelve # |12| == +12 -> 12
      +(-twelve) #|-12| == +(-12) -> 12
      +INT_MIN # -> crash: overflow, +INT_MIN -> INT_MAX + 1
      +\twelve # -> -12
      +\(-twelve) #|-12| == +\(-12) -> 12
      +\INT_MIN # -> INT_MAX + 1 -> INT_MAX
      +|twelve # -> 12
      +|(-twelve) #|-12| == +|(-12) -> 12
      +|INT_MIN # -> INT_MAX + 1 -> INT_MIN
    • unary integer bitwise one's complement and boolean negation !:

      !4 # 0100 -> !0100 == 1011
      !true # -> false
    • round brackets \(, )

  • binary exponentiation **, **\, **|:

    3 ** 2 # -> 9
    INT_MAX ** 2 # -> crash: overflow
    3 **\ 2 # -> 9
    INT_MAX **\ 2 # -> 1
    3 **| 2 # -> 9
    INT_MAX **| 2 # -> INT_MAX
  • binary multiplication *, *\, *|, binary division /, /\, /| and binary remainder %:

    3 * 2 # -> 6
    INT_MAX * 2 # -> crash: overlflow
    INT_MIN * -1 # -> equivalent to -INT_MIN
    3 *\ 2 # -> 6
    INT_MAX *\ 2 # -> -2
    INT_MIN *\ -1 # equivalent to -\INT_MIN
    3 *| 2 # -> 6
    INT_MAX *| 2 # -> -2
    INT_MIN *| -1 # equivalent to -|INT_MIN
    6 / 2 # -> 3
    INT_MIN / -1 # -> crash: overflow, equivalent to -INT_MIN
    6 /\ 2 # -> 3
    INT_MIN /\ -1 # -> INT_MIN, equivalent to -\INT_MIN
    6 /| 2 # -> 3
    INT_MIN /| -1 # -> INT_MAX, equivalent to -|INT_MIN
  • binary addition + and binary subtraction -:

    12 + 21 # -> 33
    42 - 12 # -> 30
    INT_MAX + 1 # -> error
  • binary left shift << and binary right shift >>:

    1 << 2 # 0001 << 2 == 0100
  • binary bitwise and &

  • binary bitwise xor ^

  • binary bitwise or |

  • comparison operators:

    • binary comparison <=>: -1 if less than, 0 if equals, 1 if greater

    • binary boolean comparisons (cannot be chained, i.e.: 3 > 2 > 1 is not a valid boolean expression):

      • equals to ==
      • not equals to !=
      • greater than >
      • greater or equals than >=
      • less than <
      • less or equals than <=

      [!NOTE] arrays and strings can be compared following the Lexicographic order

  • binary boolean expressions (opearands must be boolean values):

    • logical and &&
    • logical or ||


boolean expressions implicit convert to 1 if true or 0 if false inside math expressions,

1 + true; # -> 2: 1 + true -> 1 + 1
1 + false; # -> 1: 1 + false -> 1 + 0


The only way to print values is using the temporary print or println keywords:

var ten = 5 * 2;
let nine = 3 ** 2;
let lucky = ten + nine;

println lucky;
print 42;
println; # omitting the println argument will just print a newline


print and println print to stdout, printing to stderr is done using the eprint and eprintln keywords.


They are enclosed by { and }, and contain a series of statements, where variables are only accessible in the scope they were defined in:

let ten = 10;
print "ten = "; println ten;

    let nine = 9;
    print "nine = "; println nine;

        let twentyone = nine + ten;
        print "twentyone = "; println twentyone;

        print "nine in the inner scope = "; println nine;

    print "ten in the inner scope = "; println ten;

print "ten in the inner scope = "; println ten;

# Error: "nine" was not defined in this scope
print "nine in the inner scope = "; println nine;

If statements

Executes a block of code based on a condition

  • if statement:

    let lucky = 42;
    if lucky == 19 {
        println "well done!";
  • if-else statement:

    let lucky = 42;
    if lucky == 19 {
        println "well done!";
    else {
        println "too bad!";
  • if, else-if, else statement:

    let lucky = 42;
    if lucky == 19 {
        println "well done!";
    else if lucky == 42 {
        println "awesome!";
    else {
        println "too bad!";
  • single statement version:

    let lucky = 42;
    if lucky == 19 do println "well done!";
    else if lucky == 12 do { println "nice"; } # Error: blocks are not allowed in do statements
    else if lucky == 42 do println "awesome!";
    else do println "too bad!";


Executes a block until a condition is not satisfied

var i = 0;
loop i < 10 {
    println i;
    i += 1;

can also make use of the do statement syntax:

var i = 0;
loop i < 10 do i += 1;
println i;

C-style do-while loops

C-style do-while loop can be used to let the body/statement of the loop run at least once:

var i = 0;
loop false do i += 1;
println i; # will print 0 since the increment inside the loop was never executed

var j = 0;
do loop false do j += 1;
println j; # will print 1 since the increment inside the loop was executed at least once

break and continue statements

They can be used to alter the normal flow of the loop:

var i = 0;
loop i < 10 {
    # Warning: this will never reach the increment statement, thus creating an infinite loop
    if i == 3 do continue;

    # Correct way of skipping an iteration
    if i == 4 {
        i += 1; # incrementint the loop counter variable to avoid an infinite loop

    # numbers 7, 8, 9 will not be printed
    if i == 6 do break;

    println i;
    i += 1;