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Tinkers' Construct 3 Roadmap

KnightMiner edited this page Sep 30, 2024 · 140 revisions

Next 1.19.2 Release

Last updated after this commit

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See also #5064

1.19.2 is currently considered stable. It is undecided on how many future features will target 1.19.2 as opposed to a future version. 1.20.1 is our next version target, though as always there is no timeline.

1.18.2 will continue to receive support for now, though baring any significant issues being reported another release is unlikely.

Slimemetal Casting

Slimesteel and King's Slime will be usable to make late game fluid mechanics.

King's Slime

  • New tier 3 material alloyed from gold, ichor, and scorched stone.
  • Trait boosts damage/velocity/protection provided the tool has its overslime bar non-empty.
  • Requires ichor being added as a fluid, now that plans for it are more settled.

Inverted Channels

  • Slimesteel and King's Slime can make channels and faucets.
  • They work identically to seared/scorched channels/faucet except for one small difference: downwards pouring is replaced with upwards pouring.

Casting Tank

  • Crafted from slimesteel.
  • This tank has a slot that accepts an item via automation such as hoppers.
  • Tank will immediately fill/empty the item if possible, or wait to empty if the tank is full/unable to accept the fluid.
  • After interacting with the item, its moved to the "output slot" so it won't interact again. Automation can then extract it and insert a new item.
  • Useful to automatically fill or empty buckets/copper cans.

Tinker Tank

  • Crafted from King's Slime.
  • Tank has a single slot that can hold an item with a fluid handler.
  • Any interactions to the tank will interact with the item's fluid handler, essentially proxying it.
  • Useful to automatically fill or empty variable sized tanks or tools.


The sublimery is currently targeted for an early 1.20 build, likely before the first stable 1.20 release.

  • Upside-down smeltery unlocked at the beginning of the end.
  • Created using slimestone (slime on end stone) and slimesteel/king's slime/queen's slime (undecided).
  • Third variant of the multiblock melting structure, after the smeltery and foundry.
  • Will support melting entities into gaseous experience instead of transitional entity melting.
  • Will likely not support alloying (smeltery exclusive) or byproducts (foundry exclusive).
  • Will likely have the same ore output rate as smelteries, though it will be configurable in case a modpack wishes it to be higher.

Tool Part Tweaks

  • Round Plate becomes an Adze Head
  • Add new tool part: plate binding, meant for large tools to have a binding.
  • Idea still under consideration.

Soul Forge

The soul forge at earliest will come in 1.20, though 1.21 or later is more likely.

  • Multiblock made from all the dimensions. Allows advanced manipulation of traits and creation of unique materials.

Soul Extractor

  • Requires materials from ancient cities to build.
  • Allows you to remove the soul from materials, granting hollow.
    • Hollow is a tier 4 material with pretty solid stats, but a hollow trait (+1 soul slot).
    • You can fill it with traits using the other parts of the soul forge, with some risk.
  • Also allows creation of hollow gems. Hollow gems are inverted diamonds, reducing a variety of stats in exchange for +1 soul slot.

Soul Infuser

  • Requires materials from bastions to build.
  • Allows you to add a soul to an existing material.
  • Using alone only works with liquid soul, which can be infused into a few things including iron to make soulsteel.
    • Soulsteel is a tier 4 special material, with a trait that consumes your XP to mine faster and do more damage.

Soul Movement

  • Souls are axis aligned projectiles similar to shulker bullets
  • The soul extractor shoots out a soul after extracting.
  • Souls can hit "soul refractors" to be redirected down a different axis.
  • Souls can also be split into multiple smaller souls if hitting the right block.
  • Souls decay if they exist too long, or if they hit a block where they lack interactions.
  • Refracting into soul forge blocks will continue the recipe.

Soul Slots

  • Combining the soul extractor and the soul infuser lets you fill soul slots on tools.
  • Simply extract the relevant material soul then connect it into the infuser using some hollow wires to fill a tool.
  • The first soul slot filled on a tool has no consequences.
  • Every soul slot filled after the first also adds a random curse alongside the intended trait.
    • The curse is randomly chosen from a list, some will be relatively tame and some pretty horrible.
  • Soul slots can be obtained in several ways:
    • Every tool can get a soul slot from a hollow gem, which reduces its stats.
    • Tools with materials can use hollow to get a soul slot.
    • Rebalanced can grant a soul slot.
    • Possibly include a 4th way that can be repeated for more curses.
  • New way to add modifiers to tools, replacing embossments from 1.12.

Soul Merger

  • Combining multiple souls together allows creating "soul alloys" of sorts.
  • This requires both hollow and soulsteel to construct.
  • Used for many tier 4 and tier 5 materials.

Soul Staff

  • Originally, enderslime staffs were going to get 3 starting soul slots, however further consideration suggested a new staff was better suited.
    • The addition of the soul forge will lead to enderslime staffs starting with 1 soul slot.
  • Crafted from a hollow gem, hollow ingots, and whatever in hollow seems most like wood.
  • Starts with 2 upgrade slots, 2 ability slots, and 3 soul slots.

Teantium Ore

  • Unstable ore of the end
  • Will explode if mined improperly
  • To properly mine the ore, you need to use the melting modifier and obtain it as a liquid
  • If casted into ingots, the ingots will explode after a short time
  • To process the ore:
    • Place the teantium ingot in the soul forge, and extract the shaluth and soulsteel souls. This leaves behind hollow
    • Place the two souls back into separate hollow ingots to use
  • Shaluth and soulsteel will be tier 4 materials used in alloys. Unstable may be used in other crafting recipes but cannot be used as a material

Soul Splitter

  • Crafted from materials found in the end.
  • Required to process teantium into a usable form.
  • Can also split alloys into their core components for recycling.
  • Input is liquids instead of items

Tool materials

  • Soulsteel
    • Tier 4 melee material made from forcing a lot of liquid soul into an ingot.
    • Temporarily lowers the targets max health at the cost of consuming the attackers XP.
    • Can also ignore a portion of mined blocks's hardness.
    • If the attacker runs out of XP, their max health will lower.
  • Hollow
    • Tier 4 special material made from removing the soul from metals.
    • Grants the tool 1 additional soul slot.
  • Shaluth
    • Tier 4 material made from splitting teantium.
    • Trait will increase drops from mobs at the cost of damage.
  • Ardite
    • Tier 4 material made from splitting teantium.
    • Trait will increase tool speed against all blocks (even ineffective) at the cost of loss of block drops (like blasting in 1.12).
  • Gardite
    • Tier 5 gem made from ((((ardite + earthslime) + skyslime) + ichor) + enderslime) into a hollow gem in the soul forge.
  • KnightSlime
    • Tier 5 composite, from pouring shaluth (possibly combined with other stuff) onto slimestone.
  • Ebonite
    • Tier 5 weapon material made by forging the souls of blazing bone, venombone, and shaluth.
    • Charges as the player takes wither damage, then unleashes powerful effects based on the charge.
  • Matthium
    • Tier 5 harvest material alloyed using soulsteel, ardite, hollow, and gaseous XP
    • Temporarily boosts mining speed after attacking, and boosts attack speed after mining.
  • Alexandrite
    • Tier 5 special material made by forging the souls of diamond, emerald, and shaluth into an ender pearl.


  • Hollow gem
    • Grants a tool an additional soul slot.
  • Soul Gem
    • Modifier that removes a single curse from the tool.
    • Requires 1 soul slot to apply.
  • Gardite
    • Modifier in a soul merging sing all the slime into a hollow gem.
    • Applies a stat boost to the tool based on how many low tier materials it contains.
  • Soul slots
    • Obtained using either hollow gems, or the hollow material.
    • Can be filled with souls from various materials, granting their trait.
    • May have additional methods of adding more soul slots at the cost of applying curses to your tool.
  • ????
    • Trait is raging (previously belonging to bloodbone) which increases tool damage at low player health.

Ancient Tools

Ancient tools are being considered for 1.20, but may be held off until longer.

  • Ancient tools are unique tools that appear as loot and cannot be crafted.
  • Each type of tool will have a unique method of obtaining.
  • Each tool features a randomized head material which determines stats and repair material. They can additionally be modified, and may start with some random modifiers.
  • Each tool combines two functions in a way not previously seen in craftable tools.
  • New tools potentially include:
    • War Pick: a cross between a pickaxe and a bow, can be discovered in illager outposts or raids
    • Knight's Shovel: the shovel wielded by one of the greatest warriors of the past, found in dungeons or in the hands of zombies
    • Battle Sign: The Zisteaonian combat shield of legend, found in nether fortresses and pigmen hands
    • Ancient Trident: a throwable high range weapon, found in deep sea chests and wielded by drowned
    • And more!
  • Expect the tools to be slightly stronger than craftable tools on average but weaker than a well designed crafted tool.
  • Tools will have some randomized stats balancing them in favor of one of the two functions.

Slimesuit Slimy 2.0

More Slime

  • Instead of making the slimesuit from enderslime, make it from any slime type
  • Use the soul forge to craft it.
  • Each slime has different effects! Like clay for armor!

More Materials

  • All parts will work like slimeskulls, having multiple bases!
  • Chestplates use bones to boost melee effects, or elytra for flight.
  • Leggings and boots do other neat stuff, will write more on it here later.

Other future content

This section contains ideas with no direct target on the roadmap. They may get included at random times among other features discussed above.

Smeltery interface

  • Allows accessing the UI fluid tank
  • Comparator signal for tank level
  • On pulse, switches fluid order (bottom to top? Top to bottom?)


Ichor Islands

  • Ichor slimes?
  • Ichor slime islands?
  • Would all be on the ceiling
  • Geodes may partially replace this, not sure

Throwing weapons


  • Replacement for shurikens
  • Way to deal melee damage from far away
  • Should come back, hopefully


  • Bring back multipart ammo reworked
  • No durability and no modifier slots, but 2 materials granting material traits
  • Exist as shurikens and arrows
  • Will have a curated set of materials to ensure each one is unique

Improved Plate Armor

  • Make plate armor from 2 tool parts: armor plating (variant for helmet, chestplate, leggings, and boots), and armor mail
  • Will have a curated set of metal materials to ensure each one is unique
  • Port over Makeshift Armor from Tinkers' JSON Things to act as the base for the casts.

Future modifiers


  • Consumes experience fluid from the tools tank to repair the tool
  • Replaces mending moss
  • May end up being a trait of one of the tier 4 or 5 materials

Some modifier with a cool name

  • Consumes experience orbs to fill the tool's tank with XP
  • Pairs well with mendings, hint hint
  • You may also wish to pair some tanks with mending, goal is for mending to take fewer slots than unbreakable but more than overslime


  • Shiny is obsessed with this modifier
  • Will be cool, but will never live up to Shiny's expectations
  • Ideally will have different effects based on the tool

Dual Harvesting

  • Like dual wielding, but for harvest
  • Will let you harvest blocks with the tool in the offhand in some way. May just clone the 1.12 logic, may require you to hold right click.

Charge attack

  • Way to upgrade broad tools by granting them a special ability on holding right click

Quick ability

  • Way to upgrade small tools by granting them a non-combat ability on pressing right click
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