diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/classes.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/classes.html index c0e22fcf50..3d4ba8a761 100644 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/classes.html +++ b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/classes.html @@ -1 +1 @@ - Skript Documentation - 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c


Attribute Type



  • generic attack speed, luck, max health, generic movement speed, flying speed, attack damage, horse jump strength, generic attack damage, generic luck, generic armor, generic flying speed, follow range, generic knockback resistance, movement speed, generic follow range, zombie spawn reinforcements, armor, generic attack knockback, attack speed, armor toughness, knockback resistance, generic max health, attack knockback, generic armor toughness
Since: 2.5
Represents the type of an attribute. Note that this type does not contain any numerical values.See attribute types for more info.


Missing examples.




  • roofed forest, old growth pine taiga, mesa forest, the void, snowy taiga, hell, jagged peaks, spiked ice plains, crimson forest, stone shore, birch forest, cold taiga, cold beach, savanna, giant tree taiga, marsh, windswept forest, wooded badlands, sky, nether, void, cold ocean, giant spruce taiga, lush caves, deep lukewarm ocean, deep frozen ocean, small end islands, ice spikes, old growth birch forest, badlands, badlands forest, ocean, lukewarm ocean, ice plains spikes, gravelly mountains, frozen peaks, stony peaks, jungle, basalt deltas, snowy beach, frozen ocean, mountains, forest, wooded mesa, eroded mesa, the end, dripstone caves, swampland, end barrens, ice plains with spikes, windswept hills, sea, unknown, black forest, soul sand valley, deep dark, mesa, plains, eroded badlands, mushroom fields, windswept gravelly hills, mushroom island, wooded mountains, shattered savanna, sunflower plains, snowy plains, meadow, snowy slopes, flower forest, windswept savanna, nether wastes, stony shore, taiga, frozen river, warm ocean, custom, old growth spruce taiga, deep cold ocean, swamp, mangrove swamp, deep ocean, end highlands, end midlands, cherry grove, sparse jungle, dark forest, jungle edge, grove, snowy tundra, beach, bamboo jungle, savanna plateau, river, tall birch forest, warped forest, desert
Since: 1.4.4
All possible biomes Minecraft uses to generate a world.


biome at the player is desert




  • Missing patterns.
Since: 1.0
A block in a world. It has a location and a type, and can also have a direction (mostly a facing), an inventory, or other special properties.


Missing examples.

Block Data



  • Missing patterns.
Since: 2.5
Block data is the detailed information about a block, referred to in Minecraft as BlockStates, allowing for the manipulation of different aspects of the block, including shape, waterlogging, direction the block is facing, and so much more. Information regarding each block's optional data can be found on Minecraft's Wiki. Find the block you're looking for and scroll down to 'Block States'. Different states must be separated by a semicolon (see examples). The 'minecraft:' namespace is optional, as well as are underscores.


set block at player to campfire[lit=false]
set target block of player to oak stairs[facing=north;waterlogged=true]
set block at player to grass_block[snowy=true]
set loop-block to minecraft:chest[facing=north]
set block above player to oak_log[axis=y]
set target block of player to minecraft:oak_leaves[distance=2;persistent=false]




  • true/yes/on or false/no/off
Since: 1.0
A boolean is a value that is either true or false. Other accepted names are 'on' and 'yes' for true, and 'off' and 'no' for false.


set {config.%player%.use mod} to false

Cat Type



  • red, all black, british shorthair, ragdoll, white, jellie, siamese, black, tabby, calico, persian
Since: 2.4
Requirements: Minecraft 1.14 or newer
Represents the race/type of a cat entity.


Missing examples.




  • Missing patterns.
Since: 2.0
A chunk is a cuboid of 16×16×128 (x×z×y) blocks. Chunks are spread on a fixed rectangular grid in their world.


Missing examples.

Click Type



  • lmb, number key, mmb, rmb, drop item, drop key, window border using left mouse button, unknown, window border using right mouse, shift+rmb, unsupported, shift+lmb, ctrl+q, swap shield, left mouse button, left mouse with shift, left mouse, 0-9, double click, double click using mouse, border using rmb, right mouse button, right mouse button with shift, border using lmb, middle mouse, drop key with control, window border using right mouse button, swap offhand, custom, q, right mouse with shift, middle mouse button, drop stack, left mouse button with shift, right mouse, creative action
Since: 2.2-dev16b, 2.2-dev35 (renamed to click type)
Click type, mostly for inventory events. Tells exactly which keys/buttons player pressed, assuming that default keybindings are used in client side.


Missing examples.




  • black, dark grey/dark gray, grey/light grey/gray/light gray/silver, white, blue/dark blue, cyan/aqua/dark cyan/dark aqua, light blue/light cyan/light aqua, green/dark green, light green/lime/lime green, yellow/light yellow, orange/gold/dark yellow, red/dark red, pink/light red, purple/dark purple, magenta/light purple, brown/indigo
Since: Unknown
Wool, dye and chat colors.


color of the sheep is red or black
set the color of the block to green
message "You're holding a <%color of tool%>%color of tool%<reset> wool block"

Command Sender



Since: 1.0
A player or the console.


command /push [<player>]:
        if arg-1 is not set:
            if command sender is console:
                send "You can't push yourself as a console :\" to sender
            push sender upwards with force 2
            send "Yay!"
            push arg-1 upwards with force 2
            send "Yay!" to sender and arg-1

Damage Cause



  • sweep attack, thorns, the void, magma, a lightning, drowning, dragonfire, an attack, drown, an entity attack, melt, freeze, falling block, contact, fire, an entity explosion, lightning, a fall, entity explosion, void, a lightning strike, suffocation, suicide, wither effect, a plugin, lightning strike, entity attack, a potion, a wither, sweeping, melting, a falling block, unknown, starvation, lava, fall, hot floor, attack, a block explosion, dryout, burn, hitting wall while flying, potion, world border, flying into a wall, cramming, poison, sonic boom, suffocate, custom, kill, killed, a fire, burning, a projectile, plugin, wither potion effect, block explosion, projectile, wither, dragon's breath
Since: 2.0
The cause/type of a damage event, e.g. lava, fall, fire, drowning, explosion, poison, etc. Please note that support for this type is very rudimentary, e.g. lava, fire and burning, as well as projectile and attack are considered different types.


Missing examples.




  • Missing patterns.
Since: 1.4
A date is a certain point in the real world's time which can be obtained with now expression, unix date expression and date function. See time and timespan for the other time types of Skript.


set {_yesterday} to now
subtract a day from {_yesterday}
# now {_yesterday} represents the date 24 hours before now




  • normal, medium, hard, easy, peaceful
Since: 2.3
The difficulty of a world.


Missing examples.




Since: 2.0
A direction, e.g. north, east, behind, 5 south east, 1.3 meters to the right, etc. Locations and some blocks also have a direction, but without a length. Please note that directions have changed extensively in the betas and might not work perfectly. They can also not be used as command arguments.


set the block below the victim to a chest
loop blocks from the block infront of the player to the block 10 below the player:
    set the block behind the loop-block to water




  • Efficiency, Looting, Soul Speed, Silk Touch, Quick Charge, Flame, Fortune, Aqua Affinity, Multishot, Channeling, Loyalty, Curse of Binding, Punch, Projectile Protection, Power, Sharpness, Frost Walker, Fire Protection, Impaling, Luck of The Sea, Riptide, Protection, Mending, Respiration, Piercing, Unbreaking, Swift Sneak, Feather Falling, Lure, Smite, Fire Aspect, Knockback, Depth Strider, Sweeping Edge, Infinity, Curse of Vanishing, Blast Protection, Bane of Arthropods, Thorns
Since: 1.4.6
An enchantment, e.g. 'sharpness' or 'fortune'. Unlike enchantment type this type has no level, but you usually don't need to use this type anyway.


Missing examples.

Enchantment Offer



  • Missing patterns.
Since: 2.5
The enchantmentoffer in an enchant prepare event.


on enchant prepare:
    set enchant offer 1 to sharpness 1
    set the cost of enchant offer 1 to 10 levels

Enchantment Type



  • <enchantment> [<level>]
Since: 1.4.6
An enchantment with an optional level, e.g. 'sharpness 2' or 'fortune'.


enchant the player's tool with sharpness 5
helmet is enchanted with waterbreathing




  • player, op, wolf, tamed ocelot, powered creeper, zombie, unsaddled pig, fireball, arrow, dropped item, item frame, etc.
Since: 1.0
An entity is something in a world that's not a block, e.g. a player, a skeleton, or a zombie, but also projectiles like arrows, fireballs or thrown potions, or special entities like dropped items, falling blocks or paintings.


entity is a zombie or creeper
player is an op
projectile is an arrow
shoot a fireball from the player

Entity Type



  • Detailed usage will be added eventually
Since: 1.3
The type of an entity, e.g. player, wolf, powered creeper, etc.


victim is a cow
spawn a creeper

Entity Type with Amount



Since: 1.3
An entity type with an amount, e.g. '2 zombies'. I might remove this type in the future and make a more general 'type' type, i.e. a type that has a number and a type.


spawn 5 creepers behind the player




  • [<number>] ([e]xp|experience [point[s]])
Since: 2.0
Experience points. Please note that Bukkit only allows to give XP, but not remove XP from players. You can however change a player's level and level progress freely.


give 10 xp to the player

Firework Effect



Since: 2.4
A configuration of effects that defines the firework when exploded which can be used in the launch firework effect. See the firework effect expression for detailed patterns.


launch flickering trailing burst firework colored blue and green at player
launch trailing flickering star colored purple, yellow, blue, green and red fading to pink at target entity
launch ball large colored red, purple and white fading to light green and black at player's location with duration 1

Firework Type



  • small, ball, star shaped, large, star, creeper face, small ball, large ball, burst, ball large, creeper
Since: 2.4
The type of a fireworkeffect.


Missing examples.

Game Mode



  • adventure, survival, spectator, creative
Since: 1.0
The game modes survival, creative, adventure and spectator.


player's gamemode is survival
set the player argument's game mode to creative




  • doWardenSpawning, tntExplosionDropDecay, globalSoundEvents, doFireTick, maxCommandChainLength, doVinesSpread, fireDamage, reducedDebugInfo, waterSourceConversion, disableElytraMovementCheck, lavaSourceConversion, announceAdvancements, drowningDamage, commandBlockOutput, forgiveDeadPlayers, doMobSpawning, maxEntityCramming, disableRaids, doWeatherCycle, mobExplosionDropDecay, doDaylightCycle, showDeathMessages, doTileDrops, universalAnger, playersSleepingPercentage, snowAccumulationHeight, doInsomnia, doImmediateRespawn, blockExplosionDropDecay, naturalRegeneration, doMobLoot, fallDamage, keepInventory, doEntityDrops, doLimitedCrafting, mobGriefing, randomTickSpeed, spawnRadius, freezeDamage, doTraderSpawning, commandModificationBlockLimit, logAdminCommands, spectatorsGenerateChunks, sendCommandFeedback, doPatrolSpawning
Since: 2.5
Requirements: Minecraft 1.13 or newer
A gamerule


Missing examples.

Gamerule Value



  • Missing patterns.
Since: 2.5
A wrapper for the value of a gamerule for a world.


Missing examples.




  • normal, lazy, happy, worried, worrisome, aggressive, brown, brownish, savage, playful, wild, weak
Since: 2.4
Requirements: Minecraft 1.14 or newer
Represents a Panda's main or hidden gene. See genetics for more info.


Missing examples.

Heal Reason



  • an ender crystal, magic, a magic regeneration, magic regeneration, fed, sated, a magic regen, regen potion, a wither spawn, peaceful, unknown, a regeneration potion, consuming, a wither effect, peaceful regeneration, wither summoning, healing potion, wither potion, an end crystal, satiated, regeneration potion, potion, satisfied, ingesting, withered, custom, a wither spawning, end crystal, eating, wither spawning, a wither summoning, wither effect, a plugin, a regen potion, plugin, withering, a potion, wither spawn, a healing potion, ender crystal, magic regen, wither, peaceful regen
Since: 2.5
The heal reason in a heal event.


Missing examples.




  • Missing patterns.
Since: 1.0
An inventory of a player or block. Inventories have many effects and conditions regarding the items contained. An inventory has a fixed amount of slots which represent a specific place in the inventory, e.g. the helmet slot for players (Please note that slot support is still very limited but will be improved eventually).


Missing examples.

Inventory Action



  • drop stack from slot, swap items with hotbar, swap cursor stack, pickup single item, pickup some, drop all from cursor, move to other inventory, drop cursor stack, pickup all, swap with hotbar, nothing, drop all from slot, swap cursor, drop cursor, pickup all items, drop slot item, place all, drop cursor item, drop slot stack, drop single item from slot, swap with cursor, place some, pickup one item, drop single item from cursor, collect items to cursor, unknown, clone stack, drop stack from cursor, drop one item from slot, drop one item from cursor, unsupported, do nothing, drop one from cursor, pickup half, drop items from slot, swap stack with cursor, place all items, collect to cursor, pickup some items, drop slot, drop items from cursor, hotbar move and readd, shift move, custom, pickup single, place one item, hotbar swap items, drop one from slot, place some items, place one, pickup half stack, instant move, hotbar swap
Since: 2.2-dev16
What player just did in inventory event. Note that when in creative game mode, most actions do not work correctly.


Missing examples.

Inventory Close Reasons



  • disconnect, death, teleport, cannot use, new opened, unknown, can't use, unloaded, disconnected, plugin, can not use, open new, player
Requirements: Paper
The inventory close reason in an inventory close event.


Missing examples.

Inventory Slot



  • Missing patterns.
Since: Unknown
Represents a single slot of an inventory. Notable slots are the armour slots and furnace slots. The most important property that distinguishes a slot from an item is its ability to be changed, e.g. it can be set, deleted, enchanted, etc. (Some item expressions can be changed as well, e.g. items stored in variables. For that matter: slots are never saved to variables, only the items they represent at the time when the variable is set). Please note that tool can be regarded a slot, but it can actually change it's position, i.e. doesn't represent always the same slot.


set tool of player to dirt
delete helmet of the victim
set the color of the player's tool to green
enchant the player's chestplate with projectile protection 5

Inventory Type



  • barrel inventory, a loom inventory, a blast furnace inventory, workbench inventory, ender chest inventory, loom inventory, a workbench inventory, hopper inventory, a merchant inventory, a hopper inventory, chiseled bookshelf, an ender chest inventory, new smithing table, bookshelf, a jukebox, beacon inventory, shulker box inventory, a barrel inventory, a shulker box inventory, lectern inventory, chest inventory, a villager inventory, a smoker inventory, a brewing stand inventory, a smithing inventory, grindstone inventory, a crafting table inventory, a player inventory, furnace inventory, a creative inventory, blast furnace inventory, upgrade gear, a composter inventory, an enchanting table inventory, jukebox, a dropper inventory, a cartography table inventory, a upgrade gear, smoker inventory, composter inventory, a chest inventory, upgrade gear table, a upgrade gear table, dispenser inventory, player inventory, stonecutter inventory, a stonecutter inventory, a lectern inventory, merchant inventory, cartography table inventory, a chiseled bookshelf, a new smithing table, a furnace inventory, anvil inventory, a dispenser inventory, a grindstone inventory, smithing inventory, dropper inventory, brewing stand inventory, villager inventory, enchanting table inventory, a beacon inventory, a bookshelf, creative inventory, crafting table inventory, an anvil inventory
Since: 2.2-dev32
Minecraft has several different inventory types with their own use cases.


Missing examples.




  • [<number> [of]] <alias> [of <enchantment> <level>], Where <alias> must be an alias that represents exactly one item (i.e cannot be a general alias like 'sword' or 'plant')
Since: 1.0
An item, e.g. a stack of torches, a furnace, or a wooden sword of sharpness 2. Unlike item type an item can only represent exactly one item (e.g. an upside-down cobblestone stair facing west), while an item type can represent a whole range of items (e.g. any cobble stone stairs regardless of direction). You don't usually need this type except when you want to make a command that only accepts an exact item. Please note that currently 'material' is exactly the same as 'item', i.e. can have an amount & enchantments.


set {_item} to type of the targeted block
{_item} is a torch

Item Type



  • [<number> [of]] [all/every] <alias> [of <enchantment> [<level>] [,/and <more enchantments...>]]
Since: 1.0
An item type is an alias, e.g. 'a pickaxe', 'all plants', etc., and can result in different items when added to an inventory, and unlike items they are well suited for checking whether an inventory contains a certain item or whether a certain item is of a certain type. An item type can also have one or more enchantments with or without a specific level defined, and can optionally start with 'all' or 'every' to make this item type represent all types that the alias represents, including data ranges.


give 4 torches to the player
add all slabs to the inventory of the block
player's tool is a diamond sword of sharpness
remove a pickaxes of fortune 4 from {stored items::*}
set {_item} to 10 of every upside-down stair
block is dirt or farmland

Living Entity



  • see entity, but ignore inanimate objects
Since: 1.0
A living entity, i.e. a mob or player, not inanimate entities like projectiles or dropped items.


spawn 5 powered creepers
shoot a zombie from the creeper




  • Missing patterns.
Since: 1.0
A location in a world. Locations are world-specific and even store a direction, e.g. if you save a location and later teleport to it you will face the exact same direction you did when you saved the location.


Missing examples.

Metadata Holder



  • Missing patterns.
Since: 2.2-dev36
Something that can hold metadata (e.g. an entity or block)


set metadata value "super cool" of player to true




  • <number> $ or $ <number>, where '$' is your server's currency, e.g. '10 rupees' or '£5.00'
Since: 2.0
Requirements: Vault, an economy plugin that supports Vault
A certain amount of money. Please note that this differs from numbers as it includes a currency symbol or name, but usually the two are interchangeable, e.g. you can both add 100$ to the player's balance and add 100 to the player's balance.


add 10£ to the player's account
remove Fr. 9.95 from the player's money
set the victim's money to 0
increase the attacker's balance by the level of the victim * 100

Moon Phase



  • last quarter, waning crescent, waxing gibbous, full moon, waning gibbous, waxing crescent, new moon, first quarter
Since: 2.7
Requirements: Paper 1.16+
Represents the phase of a moon.


Missing examples.




  • [-]###[.###] (any amount of digits; very large numbers will be truncated though)
Since: 1.0
A number, e.g. 2.5, 3, or -9812454. Please note that many expressions only need integers, i.e. will discard any fractional parts of any numbers without producing an error.


set the player's health to 5.5
set {_temp} to 2*{_temp} - 2.5




  • Missing patterns.
Since: 1.0
The supertype of all types, meaning that if %object% is used in e.g. a condition it will accept all kinds of expressions.


Missing examples.

Offline Player



  • Missing patterns.
Since: Unknown
A player that is possibly offline. See player for more information. Please note that while all effects and conditions that require a player can be used with an offline player as well, they will not work if the player is not actually online.


Missing examples.




  • Missing patterns.
Since: 1.0
A player. Depending on whether a player is online or offline several actions can be performed with them, though you won't get any errors when using effects that only work if the player is online (e.g. changing their inventory) on an offline player. You have two possibilities to use players as command arguments: <player> and <offline player>. The first requires that the player is online and also accepts only part of the name, while the latter doesn't require that the player is online, but the player's name has to be entered exactly.


Missing examples.

Potion Effect



  • speed of tier 1 for 10 seconds
Since: 2.5.2
A potion effect, including the potion effect type, tier and duration.


Missing examples.

Potion Effect Type



  • null, speed, slowness, haste, mining fatigue, strength, instant health, instant damage, jump boost, nausea, regeneration, resistance, fire resistance, water breathing, invisibility, blindness, night vision, hunger, weakness, poison, wither, health boost, absorption, saturation, glowing, levitation, luck, bad luck, slow falling, conduit power, dolphins grace, bad omen, hero of the village, darkness
Since: Unknown
A potion effect type, e.g. 'strength' or 'swiftness'.


apply swiftness 5 to the player
apply potion of speed 2 to the player for 60 seconds
remove invisibility from the victim




  • arrow, fireball, snowball, thrown potion, etc.
Since: 1.0
A projectile, e.g. an arrow, snowball or thrown potion.


projectile is a snowball
shoot an arrow at speed 5 from the player

Quit Reason



  • disconnected, erroneous state, kicked, quit, timed out, erroneous
Requirements: Paper 1.16.5+
Represents a quit reason from a player quit server event.


Missing examples.




  • "region name"
Since: 2.1
Requirements: Supported regions plugin
A region of a regions plugin. Skript currently supports WorldGuard, Factions, GriefPrevention and PreciousStones. Please note that some regions plugins do not have named regions, some use numerical ids to identify regions, and some may have regions with the same name in different worlds, thus using regions like "region name" in scripts may or may not work.


Missing examples.

Resource Pack State



  • refused, rejected, accepted, failed, failed to download, successfully loaded, accept, fail, successfully load, refuse, declined, successfully install, success, reject, decline, successfully installed, download fail
Since: 2.4
The state in a resource pack request response event.


Missing examples.

Server Icon



  • Missing patterns.
Since: 2.3
A server icon that was loaded using the load server icon effect.


Missing examples.

Sound Category



  • hostile creatures category, speech category, records category, friendly creature category, noteblock category, hostile creature category, note block category, voice category, ambient category, noteblocks category, note blocks category, weather category, block category, friendly mob category, jukebox category, hostile mob category, master category, master volume category, hostile category, record category, blocks category, environment category, jukeboxes category, player category, players category, hostile mobs category, friendly mobs category, music category, friendly creatures category, neutral category
Since: 2.4
The category of a sound, they are used for sound options of Minecraft. See the play sound and stop sound effects.


Missing examples.

Spawn Reason



  • dispense egg, egg, village defense, ocelot baby, silverfish trap, village invading, trap, dispensing egg, shoulder, drowned, metamorphosis, lightning, silverfish reveal, spell, built iron golem, natural, village invasion, frozen, mount, build wither, built wither, iron golem defense, ender pearl, creature spawner, reinforcements, build snowman, build iron golem, breeding, raid, infection, customized, spawn egg, jockey, beehive, default, golem defense, patrol, slime split, infected, sheared, mob spawner, nether portal, shear, perching, custom, built snowman, chunk generation, breed, command, duplication, explosion, spawner, cured, customised, piglin zombification
Since: 2.3
The spawn reason in a spawn event.


Missing examples.

Teleport Cause



  • bed exit, nether portal, ender gateway, exiting bed, chorus fruit, ender portal, command, unknown, plugin, dismounted, ender pearl, spectator, spectate, end gateway, chorus, exit bed, gateway, dismount, end portal
Since: 2.2-dev35
The teleport cause in a teleport event.


Missing examples.




  • simple: "..."
  • quotes: "...""..."
  • expressions: "...%expression%..."
  • percent signs: "...%%..."
Since: 1.0
Text is simply text, i.e. a sequence of characters, which can optionally contain expressions which will be replaced with a meaningful representation (e.g. %player% will be replaced with the player's name). Because scripts are also text, you have to put text into double quotes to tell Skript which part of the line is an effect/expression and which part is the text. Please read the article on Texts and Variable Names to learn more.


broadcast "Hello World!"
message "Hello %player%"
message "The id of ""%type of tool%"" is %id of tool%."




  • ##:##
  • ##[:##][ ]am/pm
Since: 1.0
A time is a point in a minecraft day's time (i.e. ranges from 0:00 to 23:59), which can vary per world. See date and timespan for the other time types of Skript.


at 20:00:
    time is 8 pm
    broadcast "It's %time%"




  • ##:## - ##:##
  • dusk/day/dawn/night
Since: 1.0
A period of time between two times. Mostly useful since you can use this to test for whether it's day, night, dusk or dawn in a specific world. This type might be removed in the future as you can use 'time of world is between x and y' as a replacement.


time in world is night




  • <number> [minecraft/mc/real/rl/irl] ticks/seconds/minutes/hours/days/weeks/months/years [[,/and] <more...>]
  • [###:]##:##[.####] ([hours:]minutes:seconds[.milliseconds])
Since: 1.0, 2.6.1 (weeks, months, years)
A timespan is a difference of two different dates or times, e.g '10 minutes'. Timespans are always displayed as real life time, but can be defined as minecraft time, e.g. '5 minecraft days and 12 hours'. NOTE: Months always have the value of 30 days, and years of 365 days. See date and time for the other time types of Skript.


every 5 minecraft days:
    wait a minecraft second and 5 ticks
every 10 mc days and 12 hours:
    halt for 12.7 irl minutes, 12 hours and 120.5 seconds

Tree Type



  • [any] <general tree/mushroom type>, e.g. tree/any jungle tree/etc.
  • <specific tree/mushroom species>, e.g. red mushroom/small jungle tree/big regular tree/etc.
Since: Unknown
A tree type represents a tree species or a huge mushroom species. These can be generated in a world with the generate tree effect.


grow any regular tree at the block
grow a huge red mushroom above the block




  • See the type name patterns of all types - including this one
Since: 2.0
Represents a type, e.g. number, object, item type, location, block, world, entity type, etc. This is mostly used for expressions like 'event-<type>', '<type>-argument', 'loop-<type>', etc., e.g. event-world, number-argument and loop-player.


{variable} is a number # check whether the variable contains a number, e.g. -1 or 5.5
{variable} is a type # check whether the variable contains a type, e.g. number or player
{variable} is an object # will always succeed if the variable is set as everything is an object, even types.
disable PvP in the event-world
kill the loop-entity




  • vector(x, y, z)
Since: 2.2-dev23
Vector is a collection of numbers. In Minecraft, 3D vectors are used to express velocities of entities.


Missing examples.

Visual Effect



  • smoke, potion break, ender signal, mobspawner flames, arrow particles, jumping rabbit, hurt, wolf smoke, wolf hearts, wolf shaking, sheep eating, iron golem offering rose, villager hearts, angry villager entity, happy villager entity, witch magic, zombie turning to a villager, firework explosion, love hearts, squid rotation reset, entity poof, guardian target, block with shield, shield break, armor stand hit, hurt by thorns, iron golem sheathing rose, resurrection by totem, hurt by drowning, hurt by explosion, explosion, large explosion, huge explosion, firework's spark, water bubble, water splash, water wake, suspended, void fog, critical hit, magical critical hit, smoke particle, large smoke, spell, spell, potion swirl, transparent potion swirl, witch spell, water drip, lava drip, angry villager, happy villager, small smoke, note, portal, flying glyph, flame, lava pop, cloud, coloured dust, snowball break, snow shovel, slime, heart, item crack, block break, block dust, water drop, mob appearance, dragon breath, end rod, damage indicator, sweep attack, falling dust, totem, spit, squid ink, bubble pop, current down, bubble column up, nautilus, dolphin, sneeze, campfire cosy smoke, campfire signal smoke, composter, flash, falling lava, landing lava, falling water, dripping honey, falling honey, landing honey, falling nectar, soul fire flame, ash, crimson spore, warped spore, soul, dripping obsidian tear, falling obsidian tear, landing obsidian tear, reverse portal, white ash, falling spore blossom, spore blossom air, small flame, snowflake, dripping dripstone lava, falling dripstone lava, dripping dripstone water, falling dripstone water, glow squid ink, glow, wax on, wax off, electric spark, scrape, sonic boom, sculk soul, sculk charge, sculk charge pop, shriek
Since: 2.1
A visible effect, e.g. particles.


show wolf hearts on the clicked wolf
play mob spawner flames at the targeted block to the player

Weather Type



  • clear/sun/sunny, rain/rainy/raining, and thunder/thundering/thunderstorm
Since: 1.0
The weather types sunny, rainy, and thundering.


is raining
is sunny in the player's world
message "It is %weather in the argument's world% in %world of the argument%"




  • "world_name", e.g. "world"
Since: 1.0, 2.2 (alternate syntax)
One of the server's worlds. Worlds can be put into scripts by surrounding their name with double quotes, e.g. "world_nether", but this might not work reliably as text uses the same syntax.


broadcast "Hello!" to the world "world_nether"

World Environment



  • normal, nether, the end, the overworld, custom, the nether, end, overworld
Since: 2.7
Represents the environment of a world.


Missing examples.
\ No newline at end of file + Skript Documentation - 2.8.0-dev-nightly-235b97a


Attribute Type



  • generic attack speed, luck, max health, generic movement speed, flying speed, attack damage, horse jump strength, generic attack damage, generic luck, generic armor, generic flying speed, follow range, generic knockback resistance, movement speed, generic follow range, zombie spawn reinforcements, armor, generic attack knockback, attack speed, armor toughness, knockback resistance, generic max health, attack knockback, generic armor toughness
Since: 2.5
Represents the type of an attribute. Note that this type does not contain any numerical values.See attribute types for more info.


Missing examples.




  • roofed forest, old growth pine taiga, mesa forest, the void, snowy taiga, hell, jagged peaks, spiked ice plains, crimson forest, stone shore, birch forest, cold taiga, cold beach, savanna, giant tree taiga, marsh, windswept forest, wooded badlands, sky, nether, void, cold ocean, giant spruce taiga, lush caves, deep lukewarm ocean, deep frozen ocean, small end islands, ice spikes, old growth birch forest, badlands, badlands forest, ocean, lukewarm ocean, ice plains spikes, gravelly mountains, frozen peaks, stony peaks, jungle, basalt deltas, snowy beach, frozen ocean, mountains, forest, wooded mesa, eroded mesa, the end, dripstone caves, swampland, end barrens, ice plains with spikes, windswept hills, sea, unknown, black forest, soul sand valley, deep dark, mesa, plains, eroded badlands, mushroom fields, windswept gravelly hills, mushroom island, wooded mountains, shattered savanna, sunflower plains, snowy plains, meadow, snowy slopes, flower forest, windswept savanna, nether wastes, stony shore, taiga, frozen river, warm ocean, custom, old growth spruce taiga, deep cold ocean, swamp, mangrove swamp, deep ocean, end highlands, end midlands, cherry grove, sparse jungle, dark forest, jungle edge, grove, snowy tundra, beach, bamboo jungle, savanna plateau, river, tall birch forest, warped forest, desert
Since: 1.4.4
All possible biomes Minecraft uses to generate a world.


biome at the player is desert




  • Missing patterns.
Since: 1.0
A block in a world. It has a location and a type, and can also have a direction (mostly a facing), an inventory, or other special properties.


Missing examples.

Block Data



  • Missing patterns.
Since: 2.5
Block data is the detailed information about a block, referred to in Minecraft as BlockStates, allowing for the manipulation of different aspects of the block, including shape, waterlogging, direction the block is facing, and so much more. Information regarding each block's optional data can be found on Minecraft's Wiki. Find the block you're looking for and scroll down to 'Block States'. Different states must be separated by a semicolon (see examples). The 'minecraft:' namespace is optional, as well as are underscores.


set block at player to campfire[lit=false]
set target block of player to oak stairs[facing=north;waterlogged=true]
set block at player to grass_block[snowy=true]
set loop-block to minecraft:chest[facing=north]
set block above player to oak_log[axis=y]
set target block of player to minecraft:oak_leaves[distance=2;persistent=false]




  • true/yes/on or false/no/off
Since: 1.0
A boolean is a value that is either true or false. Other accepted names are 'on' and 'yes' for true, and 'off' and 'no' for false.


set {config.%player%.use mod} to false

Cat Type



  • red, all black, british shorthair, ragdoll, white, jellie, siamese, black, tabby, calico, persian
Since: 2.4
Requirements: Minecraft 1.14 or newer
Represents the race/type of a cat entity.


Missing examples.




  • Missing patterns.
Since: 2.0
A chunk is a cuboid of 16×16×128 (x×z×y) blocks. Chunks are spread on a fixed rectangular grid in their world.


Missing examples.

Click Type



  • lmb, number key, mmb, rmb, drop item, drop key, window border using left mouse button, unknown, window border using right mouse, shift+rmb, unsupported, shift+lmb, ctrl+q, swap shield, left mouse button, left mouse with shift, left mouse, 0-9, double click, double click using mouse, border using rmb, right mouse button, right mouse button with shift, border using lmb, middle mouse, drop key with control, window border using right mouse button, swap offhand, custom, q, right mouse with shift, middle mouse button, drop stack, left mouse button with shift, right mouse, creative action
Since: 2.2-dev16b, 2.2-dev35 (renamed to click type)
Click type, mostly for inventory events. Tells exactly which keys/buttons player pressed, assuming that default keybindings are used in client side.


Missing examples.




  • black, dark grey/dark gray, grey/light grey/gray/light gray/silver, white, blue/dark blue, cyan/aqua/dark cyan/dark aqua, light blue/light cyan/light aqua, green/dark green, light green/lime/lime green, yellow/light yellow, orange/gold/dark yellow, red/dark red, pink/light red, purple/dark purple, magenta/light purple, brown/indigo
Since: Unknown
Wool, dye and chat colors.


color of the sheep is red or black
set the color of the block to green
message "You're holding a &amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;lt;%color of tool%&amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;gt;%color of tool%&amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;lt;reset&amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;gt; wool block"

Command Sender



Since: 1.0
A player or the console.


command /push [&amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;lt;player&amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;gt;]:
        if arg-1 is not set:
            if command sender is console:
                send "You can't push yourself as a console :\" to sender
            push sender upwards with force 2
            send "Yay!"
            push arg-1 upwards with force 2
            send "Yay!" to sender and arg-1

Damage Cause



  • sweep attack, thorns, the void, magma, a lightning, drowning, dragonfire, an attack, drown, an entity attack, melt, freeze, falling block, contact, fire, an entity explosion, lightning, a fall, entity explosion, void, a lightning strike, suffocation, suicide, wither effect, a plugin, lightning strike, entity attack, a potion, a wither, sweeping, melting, a falling block, unknown, starvation, lava, fall, hot floor, attack, a block explosion, dryout, burn, hitting wall while flying, potion, world border, flying into a wall, cramming, poison, sonic boom, suffocate, custom, kill, killed, a fire, burning, a projectile, plugin, wither potion effect, block explosion, projectile, wither, dragon's breath
Since: 2.0
The cause/type of a damage event, e.g. lava, fall, fire, drowning, explosion, poison, etc. Please note that support for this type is very rudimentary, e.g. lava, fire and burning, as well as projectile and attack are considered different types.


Missing examples.




  • Missing patterns.
Since: 1.4
A date is a certain point in the real world's time which can be obtained with now expression, unix date expression and date function. See time and timespan for the other time types of Skript.


set {_yesterday} to now
subtract a day from {_yesterday}
# now {_yesterday} represents the date 24 hours before now




  • normal, medium, hard, easy, peaceful
Since: 2.3
The difficulty of a world.


Missing examples.




Since: 2.0
A direction, e.g. north, east, behind, 5 south east, 1.3 meters to the right, etc. Locations and some blocks also have a direction, but without a length. Please note that directions have changed extensively in the betas and might not work perfectly. They can also not be used as command arguments.


set the block below the victim to a chest
loop blocks from the block infront of the player to the block 10 below the player:
    set the block behind the loop-block to water




  • Efficiency, Looting, Soul Speed, Silk Touch, Quick Charge, Flame, Fortune, Aqua Affinity, Multishot, Channeling, Loyalty, Curse of Binding, Punch, Projectile Protection, Power, Sharpness, Frost Walker, Fire Protection, Impaling, Luck of The Sea, Riptide, Protection, Mending, Respiration, Piercing, Unbreaking, Swift Sneak, Feather Falling, Lure, Smite, Fire Aspect, Knockback, Depth Strider, Sweeping Edge, Infinity, Curse of Vanishing, Blast Protection, Bane of Arthropods, Thorns
Since: 1.4.6
An enchantment, e.g. 'sharpness' or 'fortune'. Unlike enchantment type this type has no level, but you usually don't need to use this type anyway.


Missing examples.

Enchantment Offer



  • Missing patterns.
Since: 2.5
The enchantmentoffer in an enchant prepare event.


on enchant prepare:
    set enchant offer 1 to sharpness 1
    set the cost of enchant offer 1 to 10 levels

Enchantment Type



  • <enchantment> [<level>]
Since: 1.4.6
An enchantment with an optional level, e.g. 'sharpness 2' or 'fortune'.


enchant the player's tool with sharpness 5
helmet is enchanted with waterbreathing




  • player, op, wolf, tamed ocelot, powered creeper, zombie, unsaddled pig, fireball, arrow, dropped item, item frame, etc.
Since: 1.0
An entity is something in a world that's not a block, e.g. a player, a skeleton, or a zombie, but also projectiles like arrows, fireballs or thrown potions, or special entities like dropped items, falling blocks or paintings.


entity is a zombie or creeper
player is an op
projectile is an arrow
shoot a fireball from the player

Entity Type



  • Detailed usage will be added eventually
Since: 1.3
The type of an entity, e.g. player, wolf, powered creeper, etc.


victim is a cow
spawn a creeper

Entity Type with Amount



Since: 1.3
An entity type with an amount, e.g. '2 zombies'. I might remove this type in the future and make a more general 'type' type, i.e. a type that has a number and a type.


spawn 5 creepers behind the player




  • [<number>] ([e]xp|experience [point[s]])
Since: 2.0
Experience points. Please note that Bukkit only allows to give XP, but not remove XP from players. You can however change a player's level and level progress freely.


give 10 xp to the player

Firework Effect



Since: 2.4
A configuration of effects that defines the firework when exploded which can be used in the launch firework effect. See the firework effect expression for detailed patterns.


launch flickering trailing burst firework colored blue and green at player
launch trailing flickering star colored purple, yellow, blue, green and red fading to pink at target entity
launch ball large colored red, purple and white fading to light green and black at player's location with duration 1

Firework Type



  • small, ball, star shaped, large, star, creeper face, small ball, large ball, burst, ball large, creeper
Since: 2.4
The type of a fireworkeffect.


Missing examples.

Game Mode



  • adventure, survival, spectator, creative
Since: 1.0
The game modes survival, creative, adventure and spectator.


player's gamemode is survival
set the player argument's game mode to creative




  • doWardenSpawning, tntExplosionDropDecay, globalSoundEvents, doFireTick, maxCommandChainLength, doVinesSpread, fireDamage, reducedDebugInfo, waterSourceConversion, disableElytraMovementCheck, lavaSourceConversion, announceAdvancements, drowningDamage, commandBlockOutput, forgiveDeadPlayers, doMobSpawning, maxEntityCramming, disableRaids, doWeatherCycle, mobExplosionDropDecay, doDaylightCycle, showDeathMessages, doTileDrops, universalAnger, playersSleepingPercentage, snowAccumulationHeight, doInsomnia, doImmediateRespawn, blockExplosionDropDecay, naturalRegeneration, doMobLoot, fallDamage, keepInventory, doEntityDrops, doLimitedCrafting, mobGriefing, randomTickSpeed, spawnRadius, freezeDamage, doTraderSpawning, commandModificationBlockLimit, logAdminCommands, spectatorsGenerateChunks, sendCommandFeedback, doPatrolSpawning
Since: 2.5
Requirements: Minecraft 1.13 or newer
A gamerule


Missing examples.

Gamerule Value



  • Missing patterns.
Since: 2.5
A wrapper for the value of a gamerule for a world.


Missing examples.




  • normal, lazy, happy, worried, worrisome, aggressive, brown, brownish, savage, playful, wild, weak
Since: 2.4
Requirements: Minecraft 1.14 or newer
Represents a Panda's main or hidden gene. See genetics for more info.


Missing examples.

Heal Reason



  • an ender crystal, magic, a magic regeneration, magic regeneration, fed, sated, a magic regen, regen potion, a wither spawn, peaceful, unknown, a regeneration potion, consuming, a wither effect, peaceful regeneration, wither summoning, healing potion, wither potion, an end crystal, satiated, regeneration potion, potion, satisfied, ingesting, withered, custom, a wither spawning, end crystal, eating, wither spawning, a wither summoning, wither effect, a plugin, a regen potion, plugin, withering, a potion, wither spawn, a healing potion, ender crystal, magic regen, wither, peaceful regen
Since: 2.5
The heal reason in a heal event.


Missing examples.




  • Missing patterns.
Since: 1.0
An inventory of a player or block. Inventories have many effects and conditions regarding the items contained. An inventory has a fixed amount of slots which represent a specific place in the inventory, e.g. the helmet slot for players (Please note that slot support is still very limited but will be improved eventually).


Missing examples.

Inventory Action



  • drop stack from slot, swap items with hotbar, swap cursor stack, pickup single item, pickup some, drop all from cursor, move to other inventory, drop cursor stack, pickup all, swap with hotbar, nothing, drop all from slot, swap cursor, drop cursor, pickup all items, drop slot item, place all, drop cursor item, drop slot stack, drop single item from slot, swap with cursor, place some, pickup one item, drop single item from cursor, collect items to cursor, unknown, clone stack, drop stack from cursor, drop one item from slot, drop one item from cursor, unsupported, do nothing, drop one from cursor, pickup half, drop items from slot, swap stack with cursor, place all items, collect to cursor, pickup some items, drop slot, drop items from cursor, hotbar move and readd, shift move, custom, pickup single, place one item, hotbar swap items, drop one from slot, place some items, place one, pickup half stack, instant move, hotbar swap
Since: 2.2-dev16
What player just did in inventory event. Note that when in creative game mode, most actions do not work correctly.


Missing examples.

Inventory Close Reasons



  • disconnect, death, teleport, cannot use, new opened, unknown, can't use, unloaded, disconnected, plugin, can not use, open new, player
Requirements: Paper
The inventory close reason in an inventory close event.


Missing examples.

Inventory Type



  • barrel inventory, a loom inventory, a blast furnace inventory, workbench inventory, ender chest inventory, loom inventory, a workbench inventory, hopper inventory, a merchant inventory, a hopper inventory, chiseled bookshelf, an ender chest inventory, new smithing table, bookshelf, a jukebox, beacon inventory, shulker box inventory, a barrel inventory, a shulker box inventory, lectern inventory, chest inventory, a villager inventory, a smoker inventory, a brewing stand inventory, a smithing inventory, grindstone inventory, a crafting table inventory, a player inventory, furnace inventory, a creative inventory, blast furnace inventory, upgrade gear, a composter inventory, an enchanting table inventory, jukebox, a dropper inventory, a cartography table inventory, a upgrade gear, smoker inventory, composter inventory, a chest inventory, upgrade gear table, a upgrade gear table, dispenser inventory, player inventory, stonecutter inventory, a stonecutter inventory, a lectern inventory, merchant inventory, cartography table inventory, a chiseled bookshelf, a new smithing table, a furnace inventory, anvil inventory, a dispenser inventory, a grindstone inventory, smithing inventory, dropper inventory, brewing stand inventory, villager inventory, enchanting table inventory, a beacon inventory, a bookshelf, creative inventory, crafting table inventory, an anvil inventory
Since: 2.2-dev32
Minecraft has several different inventory types with their own use cases.


Missing examples.




  • [<number> [of]] <alias> [of <enchantment> <level>], Where <alias> must be an alias that represents exactly one item (i.e cannot be a general alias like 'sword' or 'plant')
Since: 1.0
An item, e.g. a stack of torches, a furnace, or a wooden sword of sharpness 2. Unlike item type an item can only represent exactly one item (e.g. an upside-down cobblestone stair facing west), while an item type can represent a whole range of items (e.g. any cobble stone stairs regardless of direction). You don't usually need this type except when you want to make a command that only accepts an exact item. Please note that currently 'material' is exactly the same as 'item', i.e. can have an amount & enchantments.


set {_item} to type of the targeted block
{_item} is a torch

Item Type



  • [<number> [of]] [all/every] <alias> [of <enchantment> [<level>] [,/and <more enchantments...>]]
Since: 1.0
An item type is an alias, e.g. 'a pickaxe', 'all plants', etc., and can result in different items when added to an inventory, and unlike items they are well suited for checking whether an inventory contains a certain item or whether a certain item is of a certain type. An item type can also have one or more enchantments with or without a specific level defined, and can optionally start with 'all' or 'every' to make this item type represent all types that the alias represents, including data ranges.


give 4 torches to the player
add all slabs to the inventory of the block
player's tool is a diamond sword of sharpness
remove a pickaxes of fortune 4 from {stored items::*}
set {_item} to 10 of every upside-down stair
block is dirt or farmland

Living Entity



  • see entity, but ignore inanimate objects
Since: 1.0
A living entity, i.e. a mob or player, not inanimate entities like projectiles or dropped items.


spawn 5 powered creepers
shoot a zombie from the creeper




  • Missing patterns.
Since: 1.0
A location in a world. Locations are world-specific and even store a direction, e.g. if you save a location and later teleport to it you will face the exact same direction you did when you saved the location.


Missing examples.

Metadata Holder



  • Missing patterns.
Since: 2.2-dev36
Something that can hold metadata (e.g. an entity or block)


set metadata value "super cool" of player to true




  • <number> $ or $ <number>, where '$' is your server's currency, e.g. '10 rupees' or '£5.00'
Since: 2.0
Requirements: Vault, an economy plugin that supports Vault
A certain amount of money. Please note that this differs from numbers as it includes a currency symbol or name, but usually the two are interchangeable, e.g. you can both add 100$ to the player's balance and add 100 to the player's balance.


add 10£ to the player's account
remove Fr. 9.95 from the player's money
set the victim's money to 0
increase the attacker's balance by the level of the victim * 100

Moon Phase



  • last quarter, waning crescent, waxing gibbous, full moon, waning gibbous, waxing crescent, new moon, first quarter
Since: 2.7
Requirements: Paper 1.16+
Represents the phase of a moon.


Missing examples.




  • [-]###[.###] (any amount of digits; very large numbers will be truncated though)
Since: 1.0
A number, e.g. 2.5, 3, or -9812454. Please note that many expressions only need integers, i.e. will discard any fractional parts of any numbers without producing an error.


set the player's health to 5.5
set {_temp} to 2*{_temp} - 2.5




  • Missing patterns.
Since: 1.0
The supertype of all types, meaning that if %object% is used in e.g. a condition it will accept all kinds of expressions.


Missing examples.

Offline Player



  • Missing patterns.
Since: Unknown
A player that is possibly offline. See player for more information. Please note that while all effects and conditions that require a player can be used with an offline player as well, they will not work if the player is not actually online.


Missing examples.




  • Missing patterns.
Since: 1.0
A player. Depending on whether a player is online or offline several actions can be performed with them, though you won't get any errors when using effects that only work if the player is online (e.g. changing their inventory) on an offline player. You have two possibilities to use players as command arguments: <player> and <offline player>. The first requires that the player is online and also accepts only part of the name, while the latter doesn't require that the player is online, but the player's name has to be entered exactly.


Missing examples.

Potion Effect



  • speed of tier 1 for 10 seconds
Since: 2.5.2
A potion effect, including the potion effect type, tier and duration.


Missing examples.

Potion Effect Type



  • null, speed, slowness, haste, mining fatigue, strength, instant health, instant damage, jump boost, nausea, regeneration, resistance, fire resistance, water breathing, invisibility, blindness, night vision, hunger, weakness, poison, wither, health boost, absorption, saturation, glowing, levitation, luck, bad luck, slow falling, conduit power, dolphins grace, bad omen, hero of the village, darkness
Since: Unknown
A potion effect type, e.g. 'strength' or 'swiftness'.


apply swiftness 5 to the player
apply potion of speed 2 to the player for 60 seconds
remove invisibility from the victim




  • arrow, fireball, snowball, thrown potion, etc.
Since: 1.0
A projectile, e.g. an arrow, snowball or thrown potion.


projectile is a snowball
shoot an arrow at speed 5 from the player

Quit Reason



  • disconnected, erroneous state, kicked, quit, timed out, erroneous
Requirements: Paper 1.16.5+
Represents a quit reason from a player quit server event.


Missing examples.




  • "region name"
Since: 2.1
Requirements: Supported regions plugin
A region of a regions plugin. Skript currently supports WorldGuard, Factions, GriefPrevention and PreciousStones. Please note that some regions plugins do not have named regions, some use numerical ids to identify regions, and some may have regions with the same name in different worlds, thus using regions like "region name" in scripts may or may not work.


Missing examples.

Resource Pack State



  • refused, rejected, accepted, failed, failed to download, successfully loaded, accept, fail, successfully load, refuse, declined, successfully install, success, reject, decline, successfully installed, download fail
Since: 2.4
The state in a resource pack request response event.


Missing examples.

Server Icon



  • Missing patterns.
Since: 2.3
A server icon that was loaded using the load server icon effect.


Missing examples.




  • Missing patterns.
Since: Unknown
Represents a single slot of an inventory. Notable slots are the armour slots and furnace slots. The most important property that distinguishes a slot from an item is its ability to be changed, e.g. it can be set, deleted, enchanted, etc. (Some item expressions can be changed as well, e.g. items stored in variables. For that matter: slots are never saved to variables, only the items they represent at the time when the variable is set). Please note that tool can be regarded a slot, but it can actually change it's position, i.e. doesn't represent always the same slot.


set tool of player to dirt
delete helmet of the victim
set the color of the player's tool to green
enchant the player's chestplate with projectile protection 5

Sound Category



  • hostile creatures category, speech category, records category, friendly creature category, noteblock category, hostile creature category, note block category, voice category, ambient category, noteblocks category, note blocks category, weather category, block category, friendly mob category, jukebox category, hostile mob category, master category, master volume category, hostile category, record category, blocks category, environment category, jukeboxes category, player category, players category, hostile mobs category, friendly mobs category, music category, friendly creatures category, neutral category
Since: 2.4
The category of a sound, they are used for sound options of Minecraft. See the play sound and stop sound effects.


Missing examples.

Spawn Reason



  • dispense egg, egg, village defense, ocelot baby, silverfish trap, village invading, trap, dispensing egg, shoulder, drowned, metamorphosis, lightning, silverfish reveal, spell, built iron golem, natural, village invasion, frozen, mount, build wither, built wither, iron golem defense, ender pearl, creature spawner, reinforcements, build snowman, build iron golem, breeding, raid, infection, customized, spawn egg, jockey, beehive, default, golem defense, patrol, slime split, infected, sheared, mob spawner, nether portal, shear, perching, custom, built snowman, chunk generation, breed, command, duplication, explosion, spawner, cured, customised, piglin zombification
Since: 2.3
The spawn reason in a spawn event.


Missing examples.

Teleport Cause



  • bed exit, nether portal, ender gateway, exiting bed, chorus fruit, ender portal, command, unknown, plugin, dismounted, ender pearl, spectator, spectate, end gateway, chorus, exit bed, gateway, dismount, end portal
Since: 2.2-dev35
The teleport cause in a teleport event.


Missing examples.




  • simple: "..."
  • quotes: "...""..."
  • expressions: "...%expression%..."
  • percent signs: "...%%..."
Since: 1.0
Text is simply text, i.e. a sequence of characters, which can optionally contain expressions which will be replaced with a meaningful representation (e.g. %player% will be replaced with the player's name). Because scripts are also text, you have to put text into double quotes to tell Skript which part of the line is an effect/expression and which part is the text. Please read the article on Texts and Variable Names to learn more.


broadcast "Hello World!"
message "Hello %player%"
message "The id of ""%type of tool%"" is %id of tool%."




  • ##:##
  • ##[:##][ ]am/pm
Since: 1.0
A time is a point in a minecraft day's time (i.e. ranges from 0:00 to 23:59), which can vary per world. See date and timespan for the other time types of Skript.


at 20:00:
    time is 8 pm
    broadcast "It's %time%"




  • ##:## - ##:##
  • dusk/day/dawn/night
Since: 1.0
A period of time between two times. Mostly useful since you can use this to test for whether it's day, night, dusk or dawn in a specific world. This type might be removed in the future as you can use 'time of world is between x and y' as a replacement.


time in world is night




  • <number> [minecraft/mc/real/rl/irl] ticks/seconds/minutes/hours/days/weeks/months/years [[,/and] <more...>]
  • [###:]##:##[.####] ([hours:]minutes:seconds[.milliseconds])
Since: 1.0, 2.6.1 (weeks, months, years)
A timespan is a difference of two different dates or times, e.g '10 minutes'. Timespans are always displayed as real life time, but can be defined as minecraft time, e.g. '5 minecraft days and 12 hours'. NOTE: Months always have the value of 30 days, and years of 365 days. See date and time for the other time types of Skript.


every 5 minecraft days:
    wait a minecraft second and 5 ticks
every 10 mc days and 12 hours:
    halt for 12.7 irl minutes, 12 hours and 120.5 seconds

Tree Type



  • [any] <general tree/mushroom type>, e.g. tree/any jungle tree/etc.
  • <specific tree/mushroom species>, e.g. red mushroom/small jungle tree/big regular tree/etc.
Since: Unknown
A tree type represents a tree species or a huge mushroom species. These can be generated in a world with the generate tree effect.


grow any regular tree at the block
grow a huge red mushroom above the block




  • See the type name patterns of all types - including this one
Since: 2.0
Represents a type, e.g. number, object, item type, location, block, world, entity type, etc. This is mostly used for expressions like 'event-<type>', '<type>-argument', 'loop-<type>', etc., e.g. event-world, number-argument and loop-player.


{variable} is a number # check whether the variable contains a number, e.g. -1 or 5.5
{variable} is a type # check whether the variable contains a type, e.g. number or player
{variable} is an object # will always succeed if the variable is set as everything is an object, even types.
disable PvP in the event-world
kill the loop-entity




  • vector(x, y, z)
Since: 2.2-dev23
Vector is a collection of numbers. In Minecraft, 3D vectors are used to express velocities of entities.


Missing examples.

Visual Effect



  • smoke, potion break, ender signal, mobspawner flames, arrow particles, jumping rabbit, hurt, wolf smoke, wolf hearts, wolf shaking, sheep eating, iron golem offering rose, villager hearts, angry villager entity, happy villager entity, witch magic, zombie turning to a villager, firework explosion, love hearts, squid rotation reset, entity poof, guardian target, block with shield, shield break, armor stand hit, hurt by thorns, iron golem sheathing rose, resurrection by totem, hurt by drowning, hurt by explosion, explosion, large explosion, huge explosion, firework's spark, water bubble, water splash, water wake, suspended, void fog, critical hit, magical critical hit, smoke particle, large smoke, spell, spell, potion swirl, transparent potion swirl, witch spell, water drip, lava drip, angry villager, happy villager, small smoke, note, portal, flying glyph, flame, lava pop, cloud, coloured dust, snowball break, snow shovel, slime, heart, item crack, block break, block dust, water drop, mob appearance, dragon breath, end rod, damage indicator, sweep attack, falling dust, totem, spit, squid ink, bubble pop, current down, bubble column up, nautilus, dolphin, sneeze, campfire cosy smoke, campfire signal smoke, composter, flash, falling lava, landing lava, falling water, dripping honey, falling honey, landing honey, falling nectar, soul fire flame, ash, crimson spore, warped spore, soul, dripping obsidian tear, falling obsidian tear, landing obsidian tear, reverse portal, white ash, falling spore blossom, spore blossom air, small flame, snowflake, dripping dripstone lava, falling dripstone lava, dripping dripstone water, falling dripstone water, glow squid ink, glow, wax on, wax off, electric spark, scrape, sonic boom, sculk soul, sculk charge, sculk charge pop, shriek
Since: 2.1
A visible effect, e.g. particles.


show wolf hearts on the clicked wolf
play mob spawner flames at the targeted block to the player

Weather Type



  • clear/sun/sunny, rain/rainy/raining, and thunder/thundering/thunderstorm
Since: 1.0
The weather types sunny, rainy, and thundering.


is raining
is sunny in the player's world
message "It is %weather in the argument's world% in %world of the argument%"




  • "world_name", e.g. "world"
Since: 1.0, 2.2 (alternate syntax)
One of the server's worlds. Worlds can be put into scripts by surrounding their name with double quotes, e.g. "world_nether", but this might not work reliably as text uses the same syntax.


broadcast "Hello!" to the world "world_nether"

World Environment



  • normal, nether, the end, the overworld, custom, the nether, end, overworld
Since: 2.7
Represents the environment of a world.


Missing examples.
\ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/conditions.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/conditions.html index 766e8e4371..704dbc5e82 100644 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/conditions.html +++ b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/conditions.html @@ -1 +1 @@ - Skript Documentation - 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c





  • %texts% (is|are) alphanumeric
  • %texts% (isn't|is not|aren't|are not) alphanumeric
Since: 2.4
Checks if the given string is alphanumeric.


if the argument is not alphanumeric:
    send "Invalid name!"

Can Build



Since: 2.0
Requirements: Supported regions plugin
Tests whether a player is allowed to build at a certain location. This condition requires a supported regions plugin to be installed.


command /setblock &lt;material&gt;:
    description: set the block at your crosshair to a different type
        player cannot build at the targeted block:
            message "You do not have permission to change blocks there!"
        set the targeted block to argument

Can Fly



Since: 2.3
Whether a player is allowed to fly.


player can fly

Can Hold



Since: 1.0
Tests whether a player or a chest can hold the given item.


block can hold 200 cobblestone
player has enough space for 64 feathers

Can Pick Up Items



Whether living entities are able to pick up items off the ground or not.


if player can pick items up:
    send "You can pick up items!" to player

on drop:
    if player can't pick    up items:
        send "Be careful, you won't be able to pick that up!" to player

Can See



Since: 2.3
Checks whether the given players can see another players.


if the player can't see the player-argument:
    message "&lt;light red&gt;The player %player-argument% is not online!"




Since: 1.0
A condition that randomly succeeds or fails. Valid values are between 0% and 100%, or if the percent sign is omitted between 0 and 1.


chance of 50%:
    drop a diamond
chance of {chance}% # {chance} between 0 and 100
chance of {chance} # {chance} between 0 and 1




  • [(neither)] %objects% ((is|are)[(n't| not| neither)] ((greater|more|higher|bigger|larger) than|above)|>) %objects%
  • [(neither)] %objects% ((is|are)[(n't| not| neither)] (greater|more|higher|bigger|larger|above) [than] or (equal to|the same as)|>=) %objects%
  • [(neither)] %objects% ((is|are)[(n't| not| neither)] ((less|smaller|lower) than|below)|<) %objects%
  • [(neither)] %objects% ((is|are)[(n't| not| neither)] (less|smaller|lower|below) [than] or (equal to|the same as)|<=) %objects%
  • [(neither)] %objects% ((is|are) (not|neither)|isn't|aren't|!=) [equal to] %objects%
  • [(neither)] %objects% (is|are|=) [(equal to|the same as)] %objects%
  • [(neither)] %objects% (is|are) between %objects% and %objects%
  • [(neither)] %objects% (is not|are not|isn't|aren't) between %objects% and %objects%
  • [(neither)] %objects% (was|were)[(n't| not| neither)] ((greater|more|higher|bigger|larger) than|above) %objects%
  • [(neither)] %objects% (was|were)[(n't| not| neither)] (greater|more|higher|bigger|larger|above) [than] or (equal to|the same as) %objects%
  • [(neither)] %objects% (was|were)[(n't| not| neither)] ((less|smaller|lower) than|below) %objects%
  • [(neither)] %objects% (was|were)[(n't| not| neither)] (less|smaller|lower|below) [than] or (equal to|the same as) %objects%
  • [(neither)] %objects% ((was|were) (not|neither)|wasn't|weren't) [equal to] %objects%
  • [(neither)] %objects% (was|were) [(equal to|the same as)] %objects%
  • [(neither)] %objects% (was|were) between %objects% and %objects%
  • [(neither)] %objects% (was not|were not|wasn't|weren't) between %objects% and %objects%
  • [(neither)] %objects% (will be|(will (not|neither) be|won't be)) ((greater|more|higher|bigger|larger) than|above) %objects%
  • [(neither)] %objects% (will be|(will (not|neither) be|won't be)) (greater|more|higher|bigger|larger|above) [than] or (equal to|the same as) %objects%
  • [(neither)] %objects% (will be|(will (not|neither) be|won't be)) ((less|smaller|lower) than|below) %objects%
  • [(neither)] %objects% (will be|(will (not|neither) be|won't be)) (less|smaller|lower|below) [than] or (equal to|the same as) %objects%
  • [(neither)] %objects% ((will (not|neither) be|won't be)|(isn't|aren't|is not|are not) (turning|changing) [in]to) [equal to] %objects%
  • [(neither)] %objects% (will be [(equal to|the same as)]|(is|are) (turning|changing) [in]to) %objects%
  • [(neither)] %objects% will be between %objects% and %objects%
  • [(neither)] %objects% (will not be|won't be) between %objects% and %objects%
Since: 1.0
A very general condition, it simply compares two values. Usually you can only compare for equality (e.g. block is/isn't of <type>), but some values can also be compared using greater than/less than. In that case you can also test for whether an object is between two others. Note: This is the only element where not all patterns are shown. It has actually another two sets of similar patters, but with (was|were) or will be instead of (is|are) respectively, which check different time states of the first expression.


the clicked block is a stone slab or a double stone slab
time in the player's world is greater than 8:00
the creature is not an enderman or an ender dragon




Since: 1.0
Checks whether an inventory contains an item, a text contains another piece of text, or a list (e.g. {list variable::*} or 'drops') contains another object.


block contains 20 cobblestone
player has 4 flint and 2 iron ingots
{list::*} contains 5

Damage Cause



  • [the] damage (was|is|has)[n('|o)t] [been] (caused|done|made) by %damage cause%
Since: 2.0
Tests what kind of damage caused a damage event. Refer to the Damage Cause type for a list of all possible causes.


# make players use their potions of fire resistance whenever they take any kind of fire damage
on damage:
    damage was caused by lava, fire or burning
    victim is a player
    victim has a potion of fire resistance
    cancel event
    apply fire resistance to the victim for 30 seconds
    remove 1 potion of fire resistance from the victim
# prevent mobs from dropping items under certain circumstances
on death:
    entity is not a player
    damage wasn't caused by a block explosion, an attack, a projectile, a potion, fire, burning, thorns or poison
    clear drops

Do Respawn Anchors Work



  • respawn anchors [do[(n't| not)]] work in %worlds%
Since: 2.7
Requirements: Minecraft 1.16+
Checks whether or not respawn anchors work in a world.


respawn anchors work in world "world_nether"

Egg Will Hatch



  • [the] egg (will|will not|won't) hatch
Since: 2.7
Usable in events: Egg Throw
Whether the egg will hatch in a Player Egg Throw event.


on player egg throw:
    if an entity won't hatch:
        send "Better luck next time!" to the player

Entity is Wet



Since: 2.6.1
Requirements: Paper 1.16+
Checks whether an entity is wet or not (in water, rain or a bubble column).


if player is wet:

Entity is in Liquid



  • %entities% (is|are) in (water|lava|[a] bubble[ ]column|rain)
  • %entities% (isn't|is not|aren't|are not) in (water|lava|[a] bubble[ ]column|rain)
Since: 2.6.1
Requirements: Minecraft 1.16+ (in water), Paper 1.16+ (in rain, lava and bubble column)
Checks whether an entity is in rain, lava, water or a bubble column.


if player is in rain:
if player is in water:
player is in lava:
player is in bubble column

Event Cancelled



  • [the] event is cancel[l]ed
  • [the] event (is not|isn't) cancel[l]ed
Since: 2.2-dev36
Checks whether or not the event is cancelled.


on click:
    if event is cancelled:
        broadcast "no clicks allowed!"

Exists/Is Set



  • %~objects% (exist[s]|(is|are) set)
  • %~objects% (do[es](n't| not) exist|(is|are)(n't| not) set)
Since: 1.2
Checks whether a given expression or variable is set.


{teams::%player's uuid%::preferred-team} is not set
on damage:
    projectile exists
    broadcast "%attacker% used a %projectile% to attack %victim%!"

Has AI



Since: 2.5
Checks whether an entity has AI.


target entity has ai

Has Client Weather



  • %players% (has|have) [a] (client|custom) weather [set]
  • %players% (doesn't|does not|do not|don't) have [a] (client|custom) weather [set]
Since: 2.3
Checks whether the given players have a custom client weather


if the player has custom weather:
    message "Your custom weather is %player's weather%"

Has Custom Model Data



  • %item types% (has|have) [custom] model data
  • %item types% (doesn't|does not|do not|don't) have [custom] model data
Since: 2.5
Requirements: 1.14+
Check if an item has a custom model data tag


player's tool has custom model data

Has Item Cooldown



Check whether a cooldown is active on the specified material for a specific player.


if player has player's tool on cooldown:
    send "You can't use this item right now. Wait %item cooldown of player's tool for player%"

Has Line of Sight



Checks whether living entities have an unobstructed line of sight to other entities or locations.


player has direct line of sight to location 5 blocks to the right of player
victim has line of sight to attacker
player has no line of sight to location 100 blocks in front of player

Has Metadata



Since: 2.2-dev36
Checks whether a metadata holder has a metadata tag.


if player has metadata value "healer":

Has Permission



Since: 1.0
Test whether a player has a certain permission.


player has permission "skript.tree"
victim has the permission "admin":
    send "You're attacking an admin!" to attacker

Has Played Before



  • %offline players% [(has|have|did)] [already] play[ed] [on (this|the) server] (before|already)
  • %offline players% (has not|hasn't|have not|haven't|did not|didn't) [(already|yet)] play[ed] [on (this|the) server] (before|already|yet)
Since: 1.4, 2.7 (multiple players)
Checks whether a player has played on this server before. You can also use on first join if you want to make triggers for new players.


player has played on this server before
player hasn't played before

Has Potion



Since: 2.6.1
Checks whether the given living entities have specific potion effects.


if player has potion speed:
    send "You are sonic!"

if all players have potion effects speed and haste:
    broadcast "You are ready to MINE!"

Has Resource Pack



  • %players% (has|have) [a] resource pack [(loaded|installed)]
  • %players% (doesn't|does not|do not|don't) have [a] resource pack [(loaded|installed)]
Since: 2.4
Requirements: Paper 1.9 or newer
Checks whether the given players have a server resource pack loaded. Please note that this can't detect player's own resource pack, only the resource pack that sent by the server.


if the player has a resource pack loaded:

Has Scoreboard Tag



  • %entities% (has|have) [the] score[ ]board tag[s] %texts%
  • %entities% (doesn't|does not|do not|don't) have [the] score[ ]board tag[s] %texts%
Since: 2.3
Checks whether the given entities has the given scoreboard tags.


if the targeted armor stand has the scoreboard tag "test tag":

Ignition Process



  • [creeper[s]] %living entities% ((is|are)|(isn't|is not|aren't|are not)) going to explode
  • [creeper[s]] %living entities% ((is|are)|(isn't|is not|aren't|are not)) in the (ignition|explosion) process
  • creeper[s] %living entities% ((is|are)|(isn't|is not|aren't|are not)) ignited
Since: 2.5
Requirements: Paper 1.13 or newer
Checks if a creeper is going to explode.


if the last spawned creeper is going to explode:
    loop all players in radius 3 of the last spawned creeper
        send "RUN!!!" to the loop-player

Is Alive



  • %entities% (is|are) (alive|dead)
  • %entities% (isn't|is not|aren't|are not) (alive|dead)
Since: 2.0, 2.4-alpha4 (non-living entity support)
Checks whether an entity is alive. Works for non-living entities too.


if {villager-buddy::%player's uuid%} is not dead:

on shoot:
    while the projectile is alive:

Is Banned



Since: 1.4
Checks whether a player or IP is banned.


player is banned
victim is not IP-banned
"" is banned

Is Bed/Anchor Spawn



  • [the] respawn location (was|is)[(n'| no)t] [a] (bed|respawn anchor)
Since: 2.7
Usable in events: respawn
Requirements: Minecraft 1.16+
Checks what the respawn location of a player in the respawn event is.


on respawn:
    the respawn location is a bed
    broadcast "%player% is respawning in their bed! So cozy!"

Is Block



  • %item types% (is|are) ([a] block|blocks)
  • %item types% (isn't|is not|aren't|are not) ([a] block|blocks)
Since: 2.4
Checks whether an item is a block.


player's held item is a block
{list::*} are blocks

Is Block Redstone Powered



  • %blocks% (is|are) redstone powered
  • %blocks% (is|are) indirectly redstone powered
  • %blocks% (is|are)(n't| not) redstone powered
  • %blocks% (is|are)(n't| not) indirectly redstone powered
Since: 2.5
Checks if a block is indirectly or directly powered by redstone


if clicked block is redstone powered:
    send "This block is well-powered by redstone!"
if clicked block is indirectly redstone powered:
    send "This block is indirectly redstone powered."

Is Blocking



  • %players% (is|are) (blocking|defending) [with [a] shield]
  • %players% (isn't|is not|aren't|are not) (blocking|defending) [with [a] shield]
Since: unknown (before 2.1)
Checks whether a player is blocking with their shield.


on damage of player:
    victim is blocking
    damage attacker by 0.5 hearts

Is Burning



  • %entities% (is|are) (burning|ignited|on fire)
  • %entities% (isn't|is not|aren't|are not) (burning|ignited|on fire)
Since: 1.4.4
Checks whether an entity is on fire, e.g. a zombie due to being in sunlight, or any entity after falling into lava.


# increased attack against burning targets
victim is burning:
    increase damage by 2

Is Charged



Since: 2.5
Checks if a creeper is charged (powered).


if the last spawned creeper is charged:
    broadcast "A charged creeper is at %location of last spawned creeper%"

Is Climbing



Requirements: Minecraft 1.17+
Whether a living entity is climbing, such as a spider up a wall or a player on a ladder.


spawn a spider at location of spawn
wait a second
if the last spawned spider is climbing:
    message"The spider is now climbing!"

Is Edible



Since: 2.2-dev36
Checks whether an item is edible.


steak is edible
player's tool is edible

Is Empty



Since: unknown (before 2.1)
Checks whether an inventory, an inventory slot, or a text is empty.


player's inventory is empty

Is Enchanted



Since: 1.4.6
Checks whether an item is enchanted.


tool of the player is enchanted with efficiency 2
helm, chestplate, leggings or boots are enchanted

Is Flammable



Since: 2.2-dev36
Checks whether an item is flammable.


wood is flammable
player's tool is flammable

Is Flying



  • %players% (is|are) flying
  • %players% (isn't|is not|aren't|are not) flying
Since: 1.4.4
Checks whether a player is flying.


player is not flying

Is Frozen



Since: 2.7
Checks whether an entity is frozen.


if player is frozen:
    kill player

Is Fuel



Since: 2.5.1
Requirements: Minecraft 1.11.2+
Checks whether an item can be used as fuel in a furnace.


on right click on furnace:
    if player's tool is not fuel:
        send "Please hold a valid fuel item in your hand"
        cancel event

Is Gliding



Since: 2.7
Checks whether a living entity is gliding.


if player is gliding

Is Holding



Since: 1.0
Checks whether a player is holding a specific item. Cannot be used with endermen, use 'entity is [not] an enderman holding <item type>' instead.


player is holding a stick
victim isn't holding a sword of sharpness

Is Incendiary



  • %entities% ((is|are) incendiary|cause[s] a[n] (incendiary|fiery) explosion)
  • %entities% ((is not|are not|isn't|aren't) incendiary|(does not|do not|doesn't|don't) cause[s] a[n] (incendiary|fiery) explosion)
  • the [event(-| )]explosion (is|(is not|isn't)) (incendiary|fiery)
Since: 2.5
Checks if an entity will create fire when it explodes. This condition is also usable in an explosion prime event.


on explosion prime:
    if the explosion is fiery:
        broadcast "A fiery explosive has been ignited!"

Is Interactable



Since: 2.5.2
Requirements: Minecraft 1.13+
Checks wether or not a block is interactable.


on block break:
    if event-block is interactable:
        cancel event
        send "You cannot break interactable blocks!"

Is Invisible



Since: 2.7
Checks whether a living entity is invisible.


target entity is invisible

Is Invulnerable



  • %entities% (is|are) invulnerable
  • %entities% (isn't|is not|aren't|are not) invulnerable
Since: 2.5
Checks whether an entity is invulnerable.


target entity is invulnerable

Is Jumping



Requirements: Paper 1.15+
Checks whether a living entity is jumping. This condition does not work on players.


on spawn of zombie:
    while event-entity is not jumping:
        wait 5 ticks
    push event-entity upwards

Is Leashed



Since: 2.5
Checks to see if an entity is currently leashed.


target entity is leashed

Is Loaded



Since: 2.3, 2.5 (revamp with chunk at location/coords)
Checks whether or not a chunk/world is loaded. 'chunk at 1, 1' uses chunk coords, which are location coords divided by 16.


if chunk at {home::%player's uuid%} is loaded:
if chunk 1, 10 in world "world" is loaded:
if world("lobby") is loaded:

Is Member/Owner of Region



Since: 2.1
Requirements: Supported regions plugin
Checks whether a player is a member or owner of a particular region. This condition requires a supported regions plugin to be installed.


on region enter:
    player is the owner of the region
    message "Welcome back to %region%!"
    send "%player% just entered %region%!" to all members of the region

Is Normalized



  • %vectors% (is|are) normalized
  • %vectors% (isn't|is not|aren't|are not) normalized
Since: 2.5.1
Requirements: Minecraft 1.13.2+
Checks whether a vector is normalized i.e. length of 1


vector of player's location is normalized

Is Occluding



Since: 2.5.1
Checks whether an item is a block and completely blocks vision.


player's tool is occluding

Is Online



Since: 1.4
Checks whether a player is online.


player is online
player-argument is offline

Is Operator



Since: 2.7
Checks whether a player is a server operator.


player is an operator

Is Passable



  • %blocks% (is|are) passable
  • %blocks% (isn't|is not|aren't|are not) passable
Since: 2.5.1
Requirements: Minecraft 1.13.2+
Checks whether a block is passable. A block is passable if it has no colliding parts that would prevent players from moving through it. Blocks like tall grass, flowers, signs, etc. are passable, but open doors, fence gates, trap doors, etc. are not because they still have parts that can be collided with.


if player's targeted block is passable

Is Plugin Enabled



  • plugin[s] %texts% (is|are) enabled
  • plugin[s] %texts% (is|are)(n't| not) enabled
  • plugin[s] %texts% (is|are) disabled
Since: 2.6
Check if a plugin is enabled/disabled on the server. Plugin names can be found in the plugin's 'plugin.yml' file or by using the '/plugins' command, they are NOT the name of the plugin's jar file. When checking if a plugin is not enabled, this will return true if the plugin is either disabled or not on the server. When checking if a plugin is disabled, this will return true if the plugin is on the server and is disabled.


if plugin "Vault" is enabled:
if plugin "WorldGuard" is not enabled:
if plugins "Essentials" and "Vault" are enabled:
if plugin "MyBrokenPlugin" is disabled:

Is Poisoned



Since: 1.4.4
Checks whether an entity is poisoned.


player is poisoned:
    cure the player from poison
    message "You have been cured!"

Is Preferred Tool



Since: 2.7
Requirements: 1.16.5+, Paper 1.19.2+ (blockdata)
Checks whether an item is the preferred tool for a block. A preferred tool is one that will drop the block's item when used. For example, a wooden pickaxe is a preferred tool for grass and stone blocks, but not for iron ore.


on left click:
    event-block is set
    if player's tool is the preferred tool for event-block:
        break event-block naturally using player's tool
        cancel event

Is Riding



Since: 2.0
Tests whether an entity is riding another or is in a vehicle.


player is riding a saddled pig

Is Riptiding



Since: 2.5
Checks to see if an entity is currently using the Riptide enchantment.


target entity is riptiding

Is Script Loaded



  • script[s] [%texts%] (is|are) loaded
  • script[s] [%texts%] (isn't|is not|aren't|are not) loaded
Since: 2.2-dev31
Check if the current script, or another script, is currently loaded.


script is loaded
script "example.sk" is loaded

Is Silent



Since: 2.5
Checks whether an entity is silent i.e. its sounds are disabled.


target entity is silent

Is Sleeping



  • %players% (is|are) sleeping
  • %players% (isn't|is not|aren't|are not) sleeping
Since: 1.4.4
Checks whether a player is sleeping.


# cut your enemies' throats in their sleep >=)
on attack:
    attacker is holding a sword
    victim is sleeping
    increase the damage by 1000

Is Slime Chunk



  • %chunk% (is|are) ([a] slime chunk|slime chunks|slimey)
  • %chunk% (isn't|is not|aren't|are not) ([a] slime chunk|slime chunks|slimey)
Since: 2.3
Tests whether a chunk is a so-called slime chunk. Slimes can generally spawn in the swamp biome and in slime chunks. For more info, see the Minecraft wiki.


command /slimey:
        if chunk at player is a slime chunk:
            send "Yeah, it is!"
            send "Nope, it isn't"

Is Sneaking



  • %players% (is|are) sneaking
  • %players% (isn't|is not|aren't|are not) sneaking
Since: 1.4.4
Checks whether a player is sneaking.


# prevent mobs from seeing sneaking players if they are at least 4 meters apart
on target:
    target is sneaking
    distance of target and the entity is bigger than 4
    cancel the event

Is Solid



Since: 2.2-dev36
Checks whether an item is solid.


grass block is solid
player's tool isn't solid

Is Sprinting



  • %players% (is|are) sprinting
  • %players% (isn't|is not|aren't|are not) sprinting
Since: 1.4.4
Checks whether a player is sprinting.


player is not sprinting

Is Stackable



Since: 2.7
Checks whether an item is stackable.


diamond axe is stackable
birch wood is stackable
torch is stackable

Is Swimming



Since: 2.3
Requirements: 1.13 or newer
Checks whether a living entity is swimming.


player is swimming

Is Tameable



Since: 2.5
Check if an entity is tameable.


on damage:
    if victim is tameable:
        cancel event

Is Transparent



Since: 2.2-dev36
Checks whether an item is transparent. Note that this condition may not work for all blocks, due to the transparency list used by Spigot not being completely accurate.


player's tool is transparent.

Is Unbreakable



Since: 2.5.1
Requirements: Minecraft 1.11+
Checks whether an item is unbreakable.


if event-item is unbreakable

Is Valid



Since: 2.7
Checks whether an entity has died or been despawned for some other reason.


if event-entity is valid

Is Wearing



Since: 1.0
Checks whether a player is wearing some armour.


player is wearing an iron chestplate and iron leggings
player is wearing all diamond armour

Is Whitelisted



  • [the] server (is|is(n't| not)) white[ ]listed
  • %players% (is|are)[(n't| not)] white[ ]listed
Since: 2.5.2
Whether or not the server or a player is whitelisted.


if server is whitelisted:
if player is whitelisted

Is Within



Since: 2.7
Requirements: MC 1.17+ (within block)
Whether a location is within something else. The "something" can be a block, an entity, a chunk, a world, or a cuboid formed by two other locations. Note that using the is between condition will refer to a straight line between locations, while this condition will refer to the cuboid between locations.


if player's location is within {_loc1} and {_loc2}:
    send "You are in a PvP zone!" to player

if player is in world("world"):
    send "You are in the overworld!" to player

if attacker's location is inside of victim:
    cancel event
    send "Back up!" to attacker and victim

Is Within Radius



Since: 2.7
Checks whether a location is within a certain radius of another location.


on damage:
    if attacker's location is within 10 blocks around {_spawn}:
        cancel event
        send "You can't PVP in spawn."

Is a Skript command



  • %text% (is|are) [a] s(k|c)ript (command|cmd)
  • %text% (isn't|is not|aren't|are not) [a] s(k|c)ript (command|cmd)
Since: 2.6
Checks whether a command/string is a custom Skript command.


# Example 1
on command:
    command is a skript command

# Example 2
"sometext" is a skript command

Is of Type



Since: 1.4
Checks whether an item of an entity is of the given type. This is mostly useful for variables, as you can use the general 'is' condition otherwise (e.g. 'victim is a creeper').


tool is of type {selected type}
victim is of type {villager type}

Is on Ground



  • %entities% (is|are) on [the] ground
  • %entities% (isn't|is not|aren't|are not) on [the] ground
Since: 2.2-dev26
Checks whether an entity is on ground.


player is not on ground

Left Handed



Requirements: Paper 1.17.1+ (entities)
Checks if living entities or players are left or right-handed. Armor stands are neither right nor left-handed. Paper 1.17.1+ is required for non-player entities.


on damage of player:
    if victim is left handed:
        cancel event




  • %texts% (match[es]|do[es](n't| not) match) %texts%
  • %texts% (partially match[es]|do[es](n't| not) partially match) %texts%
Since: 2.5.2
Checks whether the defined strings match the input regexes (Regular expressions).


on chat:
    if message partially matches "\d":
        send "Message contains a digit!"
    if message doesn't match "[A-Za-z]+":
        send "Message doesn't only contain letters!"

Method Exists



  • method[s] %texts% [do(esn't|n't)] exist[s]
Since: 2.7
Checks if a method exists


if method "org.bukkit.Bukkit#getPluginCommand(java.lang.String)

Projectile Can Bounce



Since: 2.5.1
Whether or not a projectile can bounce.


on shoot:
    send "Boing!" to all players if projectile can bounce




  • (is PvP|PvP is) enabled [in %worlds%]
  • (is PvP|PvP is) disabled [in %worlds%]
Since: 1.3.4
Checks the PvP state of a world.


PvP is enabled
PvP is disabled in "world"

Region Contains



Since: 2.1
Requirements: Supported regions plugin
Checks whether a location is contained in a particular region. This condition requires a supported regions plugin to be installed.


player is in the region {regions::3}

on region enter:
    region contains {flags.%world%.red}
    message "The red flag is near!"

Resource Pack



Since: 2.4
Usable in events: resource pack request response
Checks state of the resource pack in a resource pack request response event.


on resource pack response:
    if the resource pack wasn't accepted:
        kick the player due to "You have to install the resource pack to play in this server!"

Running Minecraft



  • running [below] minecraft %text%
Since: 2.5
Checks if current Minecraft version is given version or newer.


running minecraft "1.14"

Starts/Ends With



  • %texts% (start|end)[s] with %texts%
  • %texts% (doesn't|does not|do not|don't) (start|end) with %texts%
Since: 2.2-dev36, 2.5.1 (multiple strings support)
Checks if a text starts or ends with another.


if the argument starts with "test" or "debug":
    send "Stop!"




Since: 2.0
Tests whether a given real time was more or less than some time span ago.


command /command-with-cooldown:
        {command::%player's uuid%::last-usage} was less than a minute ago:
            message "Please wait a minute between uses of this command."
        set {command::%player's uuid%::last-usage} to now
        # ... actual command trigger here ...
\ No newline at end of file + Skript Documentation - 2.8.0-dev-nightly-235b97a





  • %texts% (is|are) alphanumeric
  • %texts% (isn't|is not|aren't|are not) alphanumeric
Since: 2.4
Checks if the given string is alphanumeric.


if the argument is not alphanumeric:
    send "Invalid name!"

Can Build



Since: 2.0
Requirements: Supported regions plugin
Tests whether a player is allowed to build at a certain location. This condition requires a supported regions plugin to be installed.


command /setblock &lt;material&gt;:
    description: set the block at your crosshair to a different type
        player cannot build at the targeted block:
            message "You do not have permission to change blocks there!"
        set the targeted block to argument

Can Fly



Since: 2.3
Whether a player is allowed to fly.


player can fly

Can Hold



Since: 1.0
Tests whether a player or a chest can hold the given item.


block can hold 200 cobblestone
player has enough space for 64 feathers

Can Pick Up Items



Whether living entities are able to pick up items off the ground or not.


if player can pick items up:
    send "You can pick up items!" to player

on drop:
    if player can't pick    up items:
        send "Be careful, you won't be able to pick that up!" to player

Can See



Since: 2.3
Checks whether the given players can see another players.


if the player can't see the player-argument:
    message "&lt;light red&gt;The player %player-argument% is not online!"




Since: 1.0
A condition that randomly succeeds or fails. Valid values are between 0% and 100%, or if the percent sign is omitted between 0 and 1.


chance of 50%:
    drop a diamond
chance of {chance}% # {chance} between 0 and 100
chance of {chance} # {chance} between 0 and 1




  • [(neither)] %objects% ((is|are)[(n't| not| neither)] ((greater|more|higher|bigger|larger) than|above)|>) %objects%
  • [(neither)] %objects% ((is|are)[(n't| not| neither)] (greater|more|higher|bigger|larger|above) [than] or (equal to|the same as)|>=) %objects%
  • [(neither)] %objects% ((is|are)[(n't| not| neither)] ((less|smaller|lower) than|below)|<) %objects%
  • [(neither)] %objects% ((is|are)[(n't| not| neither)] (less|smaller|lower|below) [than] or (equal to|the same as)|<=) %objects%
  • [(neither)] %objects% ((is|are) (not|neither)|isn't|aren't|!=) [equal to] %objects%
  • [(neither)] %objects% (is|are|=) [(equal to|the same as)] %objects%
  • [(neither)] %objects% (is|are) between %objects% and %objects%
  • [(neither)] %objects% (is not|are not|isn't|aren't) between %objects% and %objects%
  • [(neither)] %objects% (was|were)[(n't| not| neither)] ((greater|more|higher|bigger|larger) than|above) %objects%
  • [(neither)] %objects% (was|were)[(n't| not| neither)] (greater|more|higher|bigger|larger|above) [than] or (equal to|the same as) %objects%
  • [(neither)] %objects% (was|were)[(n't| not| neither)] ((less|smaller|lower) than|below) %objects%
  • [(neither)] %objects% (was|were)[(n't| not| neither)] (less|smaller|lower|below) [than] or (equal to|the same as) %objects%
  • [(neither)] %objects% ((was|were) (not|neither)|wasn't|weren't) [equal to] %objects%
  • [(neither)] %objects% (was|were) [(equal to|the same as)] %objects%
  • [(neither)] %objects% (was|were) between %objects% and %objects%
  • [(neither)] %objects% (was not|were not|wasn't|weren't) between %objects% and %objects%
  • [(neither)] %objects% (will be|(will (not|neither) be|won't be)) ((greater|more|higher|bigger|larger) than|above) %objects%
  • [(neither)] %objects% (will be|(will (not|neither) be|won't be)) (greater|more|higher|bigger|larger|above) [than] or (equal to|the same as) %objects%
  • [(neither)] %objects% (will be|(will (not|neither) be|won't be)) ((less|smaller|lower) than|below) %objects%
  • [(neither)] %objects% (will be|(will (not|neither) be|won't be)) (less|smaller|lower|below) [than] or (equal to|the same as) %objects%
  • [(neither)] %objects% ((will (not|neither) be|won't be)|(isn't|aren't|is not|are not) (turning|changing) [in]to) [equal to] %objects%
  • [(neither)] %objects% (will be [(equal to|the same as)]|(is|are) (turning|changing) [in]to) %objects%
  • [(neither)] %objects% will be between %objects% and %objects%
  • [(neither)] %objects% (will not be|won't be) between %objects% and %objects%
Since: 1.0
A very general condition, it simply compares two values. Usually you can only compare for equality (e.g. block is/isn't of <type>), but some values can also be compared using greater than/less than. In that case you can also test for whether an object is between two others. Note: This is the only element where not all patterns are shown. It has actually another two sets of similar patters, but with (was|were) or will be instead of (is|are) respectively, which check different time states of the first expression.


the clicked block is a stone slab or a double stone slab
time in the player's world is greater than 8:00
the creature is not an enderman or an ender dragon




Since: 1.0
Checks whether an inventory contains an item, a text contains another piece of text, or a list (e.g. {list variable::*} or 'drops') contains another object.


block contains 20 cobblestone
player has 4 flint and 2 iron ingots
{list::*} contains 5

Damage Cause



  • [the] damage (was|is|has)[n('|o)t] [been] (caused|done|made) by %damage cause%
Since: 2.0
Tests what kind of damage caused a damage event. Refer to the Damage Cause type for a list of all possible causes.


# make players use their potions of fire resistance whenever they take any kind of fire damage
on damage:
    damage was caused by lava, fire or burning
    victim is a player
    victim has a potion of fire resistance
    cancel event
    apply fire resistance to the victim for 30 seconds
    remove 1 potion of fire resistance from the victim
# prevent mobs from dropping items under certain circumstances
on death:
    entity is not a player
    damage wasn't caused by a block explosion, an attack, a projectile, a potion, fire, burning, thorns or poison
    clear drops

Do Respawn Anchors Work



  • respawn anchors [do[(n't| not)]] work in %worlds%
Since: 2.7
Requirements: Minecraft 1.16+
Checks whether or not respawn anchors work in a world.


respawn anchors work in world "world_nether"

Egg Will Hatch



  • [the] egg (will|will not|won't) hatch
Since: 2.7
Usable in events: Egg Throw
Whether the egg will hatch in a Player Egg Throw event.


on player egg throw:
    if an entity won't hatch:
        send "Better luck next time!" to the player

Entity is Wet



Since: 2.6.1
Requirements: Paper 1.16+
Checks whether an entity is wet or not (in water, rain or a bubble column).


if player is wet:

Entity is in Liquid



  • %entities% (is|are) in (water|lava|[a] bubble[ ]column|rain)
  • %entities% (isn't|is not|aren't|are not) in (water|lava|[a] bubble[ ]column|rain)
Since: 2.6.1
Requirements: Minecraft 1.16+ (in water), Paper 1.16+ (in rain, lava and bubble column)
Checks whether an entity is in rain, lava, water or a bubble column.


if player is in rain:
if player is in water:
player is in lava:
player is in bubble column

Event Cancelled



  • [the] event is cancel[l]ed
  • [the] event (is not|isn't) cancel[l]ed
Since: 2.2-dev36
Checks whether or not the event is cancelled.


on click:
    if event is cancelled:
        broadcast "no clicks allowed!"

Exists/Is Set



  • %~objects% (exist[s]|(is|are) set)
  • %~objects% (do[es](n't| not) exist|(is|are)(n't| not) set)
Since: 1.2
Checks whether a given expression or variable is set.


{teams::%player's uuid%::preferred-team} is not set
on damage:
    projectile exists
    broadcast "%attacker% used a %projectile% to attack %victim%!"

Has AI



Since: 2.5
Checks whether an entity has AI.


target entity has ai

Has Client Weather



  • %players% (has|have) [a] (client|custom) weather [set]
  • %players% (doesn't|does not|do not|don't) have [a] (client|custom) weather [set]
Since: 2.3
Checks whether the given players have a custom client weather


if the player has custom weather:
    message "Your custom weather is %player's weather%"

Has Custom Model Data



  • %item types% (has|have) [custom] model data
  • %item types% (doesn't|does not|do not|don't) have [custom] model data
Since: 2.5
Requirements: 1.14+
Check if an item has a custom model data tag


player's tool has custom model data

Has Item Cooldown



Check whether a cooldown is active on the specified material for a specific player.


if player has player's tool on cooldown:
    send "You can't use this item right now. Wait %item cooldown of player's tool for player%"

Has Line of Sight



Checks whether living entities have an unobstructed line of sight to other entities or locations.


player has direct line of sight to location 5 blocks to the right of player
victim has line of sight to attacker
player has no line of sight to location 100 blocks in front of player

Has Metadata



Since: 2.2-dev36
Checks whether a metadata holder has a metadata tag.


if player has metadata value "healer":

Has Permission



Since: 1.0
Test whether a player has a certain permission.


player has permission "skript.tree"
victim has the permission "admin":
    send "You're attacking an admin!" to attacker

Has Played Before



  • %offline players% [(has|have|did)] [already] play[ed] [on (this|the) server] (before|already)
  • %offline players% (has not|hasn't|have not|haven't|did not|didn't) [(already|yet)] play[ed] [on (this|the) server] (before|already|yet)
Since: 1.4, 2.7 (multiple players)
Checks whether a player has played on this server before. You can also use on first join if you want to make triggers for new players.


player has played on this server before
player hasn't played before

Has Potion



Since: 2.6.1
Checks whether the given living entities have specific potion effects.


if player has potion speed:
    send "You are sonic!"

if all players have potion effects speed and haste:
    broadcast "You are ready to MINE!"

Has Resource Pack



  • %players% (has|have) [a] resource pack [(loaded|installed)]
  • %players% (doesn't|does not|do not|don't) have [a] resource pack [(loaded|installed)]
Since: 2.4
Requirements: Paper 1.9 or newer
Checks whether the given players have a server resource pack loaded. Please note that this can't detect player's own resource pack, only the resource pack that sent by the server.


if the player has a resource pack loaded:

Has Scoreboard Tag



  • %entities% (has|have) [the] score[ ]board tag[s] %texts%
  • %entities% (doesn't|does not|do not|don't) have [the] score[ ]board tag[s] %texts%
Since: 2.3
Checks whether the given entities has the given scoreboard tags.


if the targeted armor stand has the scoreboard tag "test tag":

Ignition Process



  • [creeper[s]] %living entities% ((is|are)|(isn't|is not|aren't|are not)) going to explode
  • [creeper[s]] %living entities% ((is|are)|(isn't|is not|aren't|are not)) in the (ignition|explosion) process
  • creeper[s] %living entities% ((is|are)|(isn't|is not|aren't|are not)) ignited
Since: 2.5
Requirements: Paper 1.13 or newer
Checks if a creeper is going to explode.


if the last spawned creeper is going to explode:
    loop all players in radius 3 of the last spawned creeper
        send "RUN!!!" to the loop-player

Is Alive



  • %entities% (is|are) (alive|dead)
  • %entities% (isn't|is not|aren't|are not) (alive|dead)
Since: 2.0, 2.4-alpha4 (non-living entity support)
Checks whether an entity is alive. Works for non-living entities too.


if {villager-buddy::%player's uuid%} is not dead:

on shoot:
    while the projectile is alive:

Is Banned



Since: 1.4
Checks whether a player or IP is banned.


player is banned
victim is not IP-banned
"" is banned

Is Bed/Anchor Spawn



  • [the] respawn location (was|is)[(n'| no)t] [a] (bed|respawn anchor)
Since: 2.7
Usable in events: respawn
Requirements: Minecraft 1.16+
Checks what the respawn location of a player in the respawn event is.


on respawn:
    the respawn location is a bed
    broadcast "%player% is respawning in their bed! So cozy!"

Is Block



  • %item types% (is|are) ([a] block|blocks)
  • %item types% (isn't|is not|aren't|are not) ([a] block|blocks)
Since: 2.4
Checks whether an item is a block.


player's held item is a block
{list::*} are blocks

Is Block Redstone Powered



  • %blocks% (is|are) redstone powered
  • %blocks% (is|are) indirectly redstone powered
  • %blocks% (is|are)(n't| not) redstone powered
  • %blocks% (is|are)(n't| not) indirectly redstone powered
Since: 2.5
Checks if a block is indirectly or directly powered by redstone


if clicked block is redstone powered:
    send "This block is well-powered by redstone!"
if clicked block is indirectly redstone powered:
    send "This block is indirectly redstone powered."

Is Blocking



  • %players% (is|are) (blocking|defending) [with [a] shield]
  • %players% (isn't|is not|aren't|are not) (blocking|defending) [with [a] shield]
Since: unknown (before 2.1)
Checks whether a player is blocking with their shield.


on damage of player:
    victim is blocking
    damage attacker by 0.5 hearts

Is Burning



  • %entities% (is|are) (burning|ignited|on fire)
  • %entities% (isn't|is not|aren't|are not) (burning|ignited|on fire)
Since: 1.4.4
Checks whether an entity is on fire, e.g. a zombie due to being in sunlight, or any entity after falling into lava.


# increased attack against burning targets
victim is burning:
    increase damage by 2

Is Charged



Since: 2.5
Checks if a creeper is charged (powered).


if the last spawned creeper is charged:
    broadcast "A charged creeper is at %location of last spawned creeper%"

Is Climbing



Requirements: Minecraft 1.17+
Whether a living entity is climbing, such as a spider up a wall or a player on a ladder.


spawn a spider at location of spawn
wait a second
if the last spawned spider is climbing:
    message"The spider is now climbing!"

Is Edible



Since: 2.2-dev36
Checks whether an item is edible.


steak is edible
player's tool is edible

Is Empty



Since: unknown (before 2.1)
Checks whether an inventory, an inventory slot, or a text is empty.


player's inventory is empty

Is Enchanted



Since: 1.4.6
Checks whether an item is enchanted.


tool of the player is enchanted with efficiency 2
helm, chestplate, leggings or boots are enchanted

Is Flammable



Since: 2.2-dev36
Checks whether an item is flammable.


wood is flammable
player's tool is flammable

Is Flying



  • %players% (is|are) flying
  • %players% (isn't|is not|aren't|are not) flying
Since: 1.4.4
Checks whether a player is flying.


player is not flying

Is Frozen



Since: 2.7
Checks whether an entity is frozen.


if player is frozen:
    kill player

Is Fuel



Since: 2.5.1
Requirements: Minecraft 1.11.2+
Checks whether an item can be used as fuel in a furnace.


on right click on furnace:
    if player's tool is not fuel:
        send "Please hold a valid fuel item in your hand"
        cancel event

Is Gliding



Since: 2.7
Checks whether a living entity is gliding.


if player is gliding

Is Holding



Since: 1.0
Checks whether a player is holding a specific item. Cannot be used with endermen, use 'entity is [not] an enderman holding <item type>' instead.


player is holding a stick
victim isn't holding a sword of sharpness

Is Incendiary



  • %entities% ((is|are) incendiary|cause[s] a[n] (incendiary|fiery) explosion)
  • %entities% ((is not|are not|isn't|aren't) incendiary|(does not|do not|doesn't|don't) cause[s] a[n] (incendiary|fiery) explosion)
  • the [event(-| )]explosion (is|(is not|isn't)) (incendiary|fiery)
Since: 2.5
Checks if an entity will create fire when it explodes. This condition is also usable in an explosion prime event.


on explosion prime:
    if the explosion is fiery:
        broadcast "A fiery explosive has been ignited!"

Is Infinite



Checks whether potion effects are infinite.


all of the active potion effects of the player are infinite

Is Interactable



Since: 2.5.2
Requirements: Minecraft 1.13+
Checks wether or not a block is interactable.


on block break:
    if event-block is interactable:
        cancel event
        send "You cannot break interactable blocks!"

Is Invisible



Since: 2.7
Checks whether a living entity is invisible.


target entity is invisible

Is Invulnerable



  • %entities% (is|are) invulnerable
  • %entities% (isn't|is not|aren't|are not) invulnerable
Since: 2.5
Checks whether an entity is invulnerable.


target entity is invulnerable

Is Jumping



Requirements: Paper 1.15+
Checks whether a living entity is jumping. This condition does not work on players.


on spawn of zombie:
    while event-entity is not jumping:
        wait 5 ticks
    push event-entity upwards

Is Leashed



Since: 2.5
Checks to see if an entity is currently leashed.


target entity is leashed

Is Loaded



Since: 2.3, 2.5 (revamp with chunk at location/coords)
Checks whether or not a chunk/world is loaded. 'chunk at 1, 1' uses chunk coords, which are location coords divided by 16.


if chunk at {home::%player's uuid%} is loaded:
if chunk 1, 10 in world "world" is loaded:
if world("lobby") is loaded:

Is Member/Owner of Region



Since: 2.1
Requirements: Supported regions plugin
Checks whether a player is a member or owner of a particular region. This condition requires a supported regions plugin to be installed.


on region enter:
    player is the owner of the region
    message "Welcome back to %region%!"
    send "%player% just entered %region%!" to all members of the region

Is Normalized



  • %vectors% (is|are) normalized
  • %vectors% (isn't|is not|aren't|are not) normalized
Since: 2.5.1
Requirements: Minecraft 1.13.2+
Checks whether a vector is normalized i.e. length of 1


vector of player's location is normalized

Is Occluding



Since: 2.5.1
Checks whether an item is a block and completely blocks vision.


player's tool is occluding

Is Online



Since: 1.4
Checks whether a player is online.


player is online
player-argument is offline

Is Operator



Since: 2.7
Checks whether a player is a server operator.


player is an operator

Is Passable



  • %blocks% (is|are) passable
  • %blocks% (isn't|is not|aren't|are not) passable
Since: 2.5.1
Requirements: Minecraft 1.13.2+
Checks whether a block is passable. A block is passable if it has no colliding parts that would prevent players from moving through it. Blocks like tall grass, flowers, signs, etc. are passable, but open doors, fence gates, trap doors, etc. are not because they still have parts that can be collided with.


if player's targeted block is passable

Is Plugin Enabled



  • plugin[s] %texts% (is|are) enabled
  • plugin[s] %texts% (is|are)(n't| not) enabled
  • plugin[s] %texts% (is|are) disabled
Since: 2.6
Check if a plugin is enabled/disabled on the server. Plugin names can be found in the plugin's 'plugin.yml' file or by using the '/plugins' command, they are NOT the name of the plugin's jar file. When checking if a plugin is not enabled, this will return true if the plugin is either disabled or not on the server. When checking if a plugin is disabled, this will return true if the plugin is on the server and is disabled.


if plugin "Vault" is enabled:
if plugin "WorldGuard" is not enabled:
if plugins "Essentials" and "Vault" are enabled:
if plugin "MyBrokenPlugin" is disabled:

Is Poisoned



Since: 1.4.4
Checks whether an entity is poisoned.


player is poisoned:
    cure the player from poison
    message "You have been cured!"

Is Preferred Tool



Since: 2.7
Requirements: 1.16.5+, Paper 1.19.2+ (blockdata)
Checks whether an item is the preferred tool for a block. A preferred tool is one that will drop the block's item when used. For example, a wooden pickaxe is a preferred tool for grass and stone blocks, but not for iron ore.


on left click:
    event-block is set
    if player's tool is the preferred tool for event-block:
        break event-block naturally using player's tool
        cancel event

Is Riding



Since: 2.0
Tests whether an entity is riding another or is in a vehicle.


player is riding a saddled pig

Is Riptiding



Since: 2.5
Checks to see if an entity is currently using the Riptide enchantment.


target entity is riptiding

Is Script Loaded



  • script[s] [%texts%] (is|are) loaded
  • script[s] [%texts%] (isn't|is not|aren't|are not) loaded
Since: 2.2-dev31
Check if the current script, or another script, is currently loaded.


script is loaded
script "example.sk" is loaded

Is Silent



Since: 2.5
Checks whether an entity is silent i.e. its sounds are disabled.


target entity is silent

Is Sleeping



  • %players% (is|are) sleeping
  • %players% (isn't|is not|aren't|are not) sleeping
Since: 1.4.4
Checks whether a player is sleeping.


# cut your enemies' throats in their sleep >=)
on attack:
    attacker is holding a sword
    victim is sleeping
    increase the damage by 1000

Is Slime Chunk



  • %chunk% (is|are) ([a] slime chunk|slime chunks|slimey)
  • %chunk% (isn't|is not|aren't|are not) ([a] slime chunk|slime chunks|slimey)
Since: 2.3
Tests whether a chunk is a so-called slime chunk. Slimes can generally spawn in the swamp biome and in slime chunks. For more info, see the Minecraft wiki.


command /slimey:
        if chunk at player is a slime chunk:
            send "Yeah, it is!"
            send "Nope, it isn't"

Is Sneaking



  • %players% (is|are) sneaking
  • %players% (isn't|is not|aren't|are not) sneaking
Since: 1.4.4
Checks whether a player is sneaking.


# prevent mobs from seeing sneaking players if they are at least 4 meters apart
on target:
    target is sneaking
    distance of target and the entity is bigger than 4
    cancel the event

Is Solid



Since: 2.2-dev36
Checks whether an item is solid.


grass block is solid
player's tool isn't solid

Is Sprinting



  • %players% (is|are) sprinting
  • %players% (isn't|is not|aren't|are not) sprinting
Since: 1.4.4
Checks whether a player is sprinting.


player is not sprinting

Is Stackable



Since: 2.7
Checks whether an item is stackable.


diamond axe is stackable
birch wood is stackable
torch is stackable

Is Swimming



Since: 2.3
Requirements: 1.13 or newer
Checks whether a living entity is swimming.


player is swimming

Is Tameable



Since: 2.5
Check if an entity is tameable.


on damage:
    if victim is tameable:
        cancel event

Is Transparent



Since: 2.2-dev36
Checks whether an item is transparent. Note that this condition may not work for all blocks, due to the transparency list used by Spigot not being completely accurate.


player's tool is transparent.

Is Unbreakable



Since: 2.5.1
Requirements: Minecraft 1.11+
Checks whether an item is unbreakable.


if event-item is unbreakable

Is Valid



Since: 2.7
Checks whether an entity has died or been despawned for some other reason.


if event-entity is valid

Is Wearing



Since: 1.0
Checks whether a player is wearing some armour.


player is wearing an iron chestplate and iron leggings
player is wearing all diamond armour

Is Whitelisted



  • [the] server (is|is(n't| not)) white[ ]listed
  • %players% (is|are)[(n't| not)] white[ ]listed
Since: 2.5.2
Whether or not the server or a player is whitelisted.


if server is whitelisted:
if player is whitelisted

Is Within



Since: 2.7
Requirements: MC 1.17+ (within block)
Whether a location is within something else. The "something" can be a block, an entity, a chunk, a world, or a cuboid formed by two other locations. Note that using the is between condition will refer to a straight line between locations, while this condition will refer to the cuboid between locations.


if player's location is within {_loc1} and {_loc2}:
    send "You are in a PvP zone!" to player

if player is in world("world"):
    send "You are in the overworld!" to player

if attacker's location is inside of victim:
    cancel event
    send "Back up!" to attacker and victim

Is Within Radius



Since: 2.7
Checks whether a location is within a certain radius of another location.


on damage:
    if attacker's location is within 10 blocks around {_spawn}:
        cancel event
        send "You can't PVP in spawn."

Is a Skript command



  • %text% (is|are) [a] s(k|c)ript (command|cmd)
  • %text% (isn't|is not|aren't|are not) [a] s(k|c)ript (command|cmd)
Since: 2.6
Checks whether a command/string is a custom Skript command.


# Example 1
on command:
    command is a skript command

# Example 2
"sometext" is a skript command

Is of Type



Since: 1.4
Checks whether an item of an entity is of the given type. This is mostly useful for variables, as you can use the general 'is' condition otherwise (e.g. 'victim is a creeper').


tool is of type {selected type}
victim is of type {villager type}

Is on Ground



  • %entities% (is|are) on [the] ground
  • %entities% (isn't|is not|aren't|are not) on [the] ground
Since: 2.2-dev26
Checks whether an entity is on ground.


player is not on ground

Left Handed



Requirements: Paper 1.17.1+ (entities)
Checks if living entities or players are left or right-handed. Armor stands are neither right nor left-handed. Paper 1.17.1+ is required for non-player entities.


on damage of player:
    if victim is left handed:
        cancel event




  • %texts% (match[es]|do[es](n't| not) match) %texts%
  • %texts% (partially match[es]|do[es](n't| not) partially match) %texts%
Since: 2.5.2
Checks whether the defined strings match the input regexes (Regular expressions).


on chat:
    if message partially matches "\d":
        send "Message contains a digit!"
    if message doesn't match "[A-Za-z]+":
        send "Message doesn't only contain letters!"

Projectile Can Bounce



Since: 2.5.1
Whether or not a projectile can bounce.


on shoot:
    send "Boing!" to all players if projectile can bounce




  • (is PvP|PvP is) enabled [in %worlds%]
  • (is PvP|PvP is) disabled [in %worlds%]
Since: 1.3.4
Checks the PvP state of a world.


PvP is enabled
PvP is disabled in "world"

Region Contains



Since: 2.1
Requirements: Supported regions plugin
Checks whether a location is contained in a particular region. This condition requires a supported regions plugin to be installed.


player is in the region {regions::3}

on region enter:
    region contains {flags.%world%.red}
    message "The red flag is near!"

Resource Pack



Since: 2.4
Usable in events: resource pack request response
Checks state of the resource pack in a resource pack request response event.


on resource pack response:
    if the resource pack wasn't accepted:
        kick the player due to "You have to install the resource pack to play in this server!"

Starts/Ends With



  • %texts% (start|end)[s] with %texts%
  • %texts% (doesn't|does not|do not|don't) (start|end) with %texts%
Since: 2.2-dev36, 2.5.1 (multiple strings support)
Checks if a text starts or ends with another.


if the argument starts with "test" or "debug":
    send "Stop!"




Since: 2.0
Tests whether a given real time was more or less than some time span ago.


command /command-with-cooldown:
        {command::%player's uuid%::last-usage} was less than a minute ago:
            message "Please wait a minute between uses of this command."
        set {command::%player's uuid%::last-usage} to now
        # ... actual command trigger here ...
\ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/docs.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/docs.html index e58d5a9d04..2c3af20fbd 100644 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/docs.html +++ b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/docs.html @@ -1 +1 @@ - Skript Documentation - 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c

All Elements




  • aliases
Since: 1.0
Used for registering custom aliases for a script.


    blacklisted items = TNT, bedrock, obsidian, mob spawner, lava, lava bucket
    shiny swords = gold sword, iron sword, diamond sword




  • command <.+>
Required Entries: trigger
Optional Entries: usage, description, prefix, permission, permission message, aliases, executable by, cooldown, cooldown message, cooldown bypass, cooldown storage
Since: 1.0
Used for registering custom commands.


command /broadcast <string>:
    usage: A command for broadcasting a message to all players.
    permission: skript.command.broadcast
    permission message: You don't have permission to broadcast messages
    aliases: /bc
    executable by: players and console
    cooldown: 15 seconds
    cooldown message: You last broadcast a message %elapsed time% ago. You can broadcast another message in %remaining time%.
    cooldown bypass: skript.command.broadcast.admin
    cooldown storage: {cooldown::%player%}
        broadcast the argument




  • [local] function <([\p{IsAlphabetic}][\p{IsAlphabetic}\p{IsDigit}_]*)\((.*)\)(\s*(::| returns )\s*(.+))?>
Since: 2.2, 2.7 (local functions)
Functions are structures that can be executed with arguments/parameters to run code. They can also return a value to the trigger that is executing the function. Note that local functions come before global functions execution


function sayMessage(message: text):
    broadcast {_message} # our message argument is available in '{_message}'

local function giveApple(amount: number) :: item:
    return {_amount} of apple

function getPoints(p: player) returns number:
    return {points::%{_p}%}




  • options
Since: 1.0
Options are used for replacing parts of a script with something else. For example, an option may represent a message that appears in multiple locations. Take a look at the example below that showcases this.


    no_permission: You're missing the required permission to execute this command!

command /ping:
    permission: command.ping
    permission message: {@no_permission}
        message "Pong!"

command /pong:
    permission: command.pong
    permission message: {@no_permission}
        message "Ping!"




  • variables
Since: 1.0
Used for defining variables present within a script. This section is not required, but it ensures that a variable has a value if it doesn't exist when the script is loaded.


    {joins} = 0
    {balance::%player%} = 0

on join:
    add 1 to {joins}
    message "Your balance is %{balance::%player%}%"

Absorbed blocks



  • [the] absorbed blocks
Since: 2.5
Usable in events: sponge absorb
Return Type: Block
The blocks absorbed by a sponge block.


the absorbed blocks

Affected Entities



  • [the] affected entities
Since: 2.4
Return Type: Living Entity
The affected entities in the area cloud effect event.


on area cloud effect:
    loop affected entities:
        if loop-value is a player:
            send "WARNING: you've step on an area effect cloud!" to loop-value

Age of Block/Entity



Since: 2.7
Return Type: integer
Returns the age or maximum age of blocks and age for entities (there in no maximum age for entities). For blocks, 'Age' represents the different growth stages that a crop-like block can go through. A value of 0 indicates that the crop was freshly planted, whilst a value equal to 'maximum age' indicates that the crop is ripe and ready to be harvested. For entities, 'Age' represents the time left for them to become adults and it's in minus increasing to be 0 which means they're adults, e.g. A baby cow needs 20 minutes to become an adult which equals to 24,000 ticks so their age will be -24000 once spawned.


# Set targeted crop to fully grown crop
set age of targeted block to maximum age of targeted block

# Spawn a baby cow that will only need 1 minute to become an adult
spawn a baby cow at player
set age of last spawned entity to -1200 # in ticks = 60 seconds

All Banned Players/IPs



  • [all [[of] the]|the] banned (players|(ips|ip addresses))
Since: 2.7
Return Type: Object
Obtains the list of all banned players or IP addresses.


command /banlist:
        send all the banned players

All Groups



  • all groups
Since: 2.2-dev35
Requirements: Vault, a permission plugin that supports Vault
Return Type: Text
All the groups a player can have. This expression requires Vault and a compatible permissions plugin to be installed.


command /group &lt;text&gt;:
        if argument is "list":
            send "%all groups%"

All Operators



  • [all [[of] the]|the] [server] [non(-| )]op[erator]s
Since: 2.7
Return Type: Offline Player
The list of operators on the server.


set {_ops::*} to all operators

All Permissions



  • [(all [[of] the]|the)] permissions (from|of) %players%
  • [(all [[of] the]|the)] %players%'[s] permissions
Since: 2.2-dev33
Return Type: Text
Returns all permissions of the defined player(s). Note that the modifications to resulting list do not actually change permissions.


set {_permissions::*} to all permissions of the player

All Scripts



  • [all [of the]] scripts [(without ([subdirectory] paths|parents))]
  • [all [of the]] (enabled|loaded) scripts [(without ([subdirectory] paths|parents))]
  • [all [of the]] (disabled|unloaded) scripts [(without ([subdirectory] paths|parents))]
Since: 2.5
Return Type: Text
Returns all of the scripts, or just the enabled or disabled ones.


command /scripts:
        send "All Scripts: %scripts%" to player
        send "Loaded Scripts: %enabled scripts%" to player
        send "Unloaded Scripts: %disabled scripts%" to player

All commands



  • [(all|the|all [of] the)] [registered] [script] commands
Since: 2.6
Return Type: Text
Returns all registered commands or all script commands.


send "Number of all commands: %size of all commands%"
send "Number of all script commands: %size of all script commands%"

Alphabetical Sort



  • alphabetically sorted %texts%
Since: 2.2-dev18b
Return Type: Text
Sorts given strings in alphabetical order.


set {_list::*} to alphabetically sorted {_strings::*}




Since: 1.4.3
Return Type: Number
Effectively an alias of 'y-coordinate of …', it represents the height of some object above bedrock.


on damage:
    altitude of the attacker is higher than the altitude of the victim
    set damage to damage * 1.2




  • [the] (amount|number|size) of %objects%
  • [the] recursive (amount|number|size) of %objects%
Since: 1.0
Return Type: long
The amount of something. Please note that amount of %items% will not return the number of items, but the number of stacks, e.g. 1 for a stack of 64 torches. To get the amount of items in a stack, see the item amount expression.

Also, you can get the recursive size of a list, which will return the recursive size of the list with sublists included, e.g.

 {list::*} Structure
├──── {list::1}: 1
├──── {list::2}: 2
│ ├──── {list::2::1}: 3
│ │ └──── {list::2::1::1}: 4
│ └──── {list::2::2}: 5
└──── {list::3}: 6

Where using %size of {list::*}% will only return 3 (the first layer of indices only), while %recursive size of {list::*}% will return 6 (the entire list) Please note that getting a list's recursive size can cause lag if the list is large, so only use this expression if you need to!


message "There are %number of all players% players online!"

Amount of Items



Since: 2.0
Return Type: long
Counts how many of a particular item type are in a given inventory.


message "You have %number of ores in the player's inventory% ores in your inventory."

Anvil Repair Cost



  • [the] [anvil] [item] [max[imum]] repair cost [of %inventories%]
  • %inventories%'[s] [anvil] [item] [max[imum]] repair cost
Return Type: integer
Returns the experience cost (in levels) to complete the current repair or the maximum experience cost (in levels) to be allowed by the current repair. The default value of max cost set by vanilla Minecraft is 40.


on inventory click:
    if {AnvilRepairSaleActive} = true:
        wait a tick # recommended, to avoid client bugs
        set anvil repair cost to anvil repair cost * 50%
        send "Anvil repair sale is ON!" to player

on inventory click:
    player have permission "anvil.repair.max.bypass"
    set max repair cost of event-inventory to 99999

Anvil Text Input



  • [the] anvil [inventory] (rename|text) input of %inventories%
  • %inventories%'[s] anvil [inventory] (rename|text) input
Since: 2.7
Return Type: Text
An expression to get the name to be applied to an item in an anvil inventory.


on inventory click:
    type of event-inventory is anvil inventory
    if the anvil input text of the event-inventory is "FREE OP":
        ban player

Applied Enchantments



  • [the] applied enchant[ment]s
Since: 2.5
Usable in events: enchant
Return Type: Enchantment Type
The applied enchantments in an enchant event. Deleting or removing the applied enchantments will prevent the item's enchantment.


on enchant:
    set the applied enchantments to sharpness 10 and fire aspect 5




  • [the] last arg[ument]
  • [the] arg[ument](-| )<(\d+)>
  • [the] <(\d*1)st|(\d*2)nd|(\d*3)rd|(\d*[4-90])th> arg[ument][s]
  • [(all [[of] the]|the)] arg[ument][s]
  • [the] %*type%( |-)arg[ument][( |-)<\d+>]
  • [the] arg[ument]( |-)%*type%[( |-)<\d+>]
Since: 1.0, 2.7 (support for command events)
Return Type: Object
Usable in script commands and command events. Holds the value of an argument given to the command, e.g. if the command "/tell <player> <text>" is used like "/tell Njol Hello Njol!" argument 1 is the player named "Njol" and argument 2 is "Hello Njol!". One can also use the type of the argument instead of its index to address the argument, e.g. in the above example 'player-argument' is the same as 'argument 1'. Please note that specifying the argument type is only supported in script commands.


give the item-argument to the player-argument
damage the player-argument by the number-argument
give a diamond pickaxe to the argument
add argument 1 to argument 2
heal the last argument




Since: 1.4.2
Return Type: Number
Arithmetic expressions, e.g. 1 + 2, (health of player - 2) / 3, etc.


set the player's health to 10 - the player's health
loop (argument + 2) / 5 times:
    message "Two useless numbers: %loop-num * 2 - 5%, %2^loop-num - 1%"
message "You have %health of player * 2% half hearts of HP!"

Armour Slot



  • [the] (boot[s]|shoe[s]|leg[ging][s]|chestplate[s]|helm[et][s]) [(item|slot)] of %living entities%
  • %living entities%'[s] (boot[s]|shoe[s]|leg[ging][s]|chestplate[s]|helm[et][s]) [(item|slot)]
Since: 1.0
Return Type: Inventory Slot
A part of a player's armour, i.e. the boots, leggings, chestplate or helmet.


set chestplate of the player to a diamond chestplate
helmet of player is neither a helmet nor air # player is wearing a block, e.g. from another plugin

Arrow Attached Block



Return Type: Block
Returns the attached block of an arrow.


set hit block of last shot arrow to diamond block

Arrow Knockback Strength



Since: 2.5.1
Return Type: long
An arrow's knockback strength.


on shoot:
    event-projectile is an arrow
    set arrow knockback strength of event-projectile to 10

Arrows Stuck



Since: 2.5
Return Type: long
The number of arrows stuck in a living entity.


set arrows stuck in player to 5

Attack Cooldown



Since: 2.6.1
Requirements: Minecraft 1.15+
Return Type: float
Returns the current cooldown for a player's attack. This is used to calculate damage, with 1.0 representing a fully charged attack and 0.0 representing a non-charged attack. NOTE: Currently this can not be set to anything.


on damage:
    if attack cooldown of attacker < 1:
        set damage to 0
        send "Your hit was too weak! wait until your weapon is fully charged next time." to attacker




  • [the] (attacked|damaged|victim) [<(.+)>]
Since: 1.3, 2.6.1 (projectile hit event)
Usable in events: damage, death, projectile hit
Return Type: Entity
The victim of a damage event, e.g. when a player attacks a zombie this expression represents the zombie. When using Minecraft 1.11+, this also covers the hit entity in a projectile hit event.


on damage:
    victim is a creeper
    damage the attacked by 1 heart




  • [the] (attacker|damager)
Since: 1.3
Usable in events: damage, death, destroy
Return Type: Entity
The attacker of a damage event, e.g. when a player attacks a zombie this expression represents the player. Please note that the attacker can also be a block, e.g. a cactus or lava, but this expression will not be set in these cases.


on damage:
    attacker is a player
    health of attacker is less than or equal to 2
    damage victim by 1 heart




  • [the] [((safe|valid)|(unsafe|invalid))] bed[s] [location[s]] of %offline players%
  • %offline players%'[s] [((safe|valid)|(unsafe|invalid))] bed[s] [location[s]]
Since: 2.0, 2.7 (offlineplayers, safe bed)
Return Type: Location
Returns the bed location of a player, i.e. the spawn point of a player if they ever slept in a bed and the bed still exists and is unobstructed however, you can set the unsafe bed location of players and they will respawn there even if it has been obstructed or doesn't exist anymore and that's the default behavior of this expression otherwise you will need to be specific i.e. safe bed location.

NOTE: Offline players can not have their bed location changed, only online players.


if bed of player exists:
    teleport player the the player's bed
    teleport the player to the world's spawn point

set the bed location of player to spawn location of world("world") # unsafe/invalid bed location
set the safe bed location of player to spawn location of world("world") # safe/valid bed location




Since: 1.4.4, 2.6.1 (3D biomes)
Return Type: Biome
The biome at a certain location. Please note that biomes are only defined for x/z-columns (i.e. the altitude (y-coordinate) doesn't matter), up until Minecraft 1.15.x. As of Minecraft 1.16, biomes are now 3D (per block vs column).


# damage player in deserts constantly
every real minute:
    loop all players:
        biome at loop-player is desert
        damage the loop-player by 1




  • [the] [event-]block
Since: 1.0
Return Type: Block
The block involved in the event, e.g. the clicked block or the placed block. Can optionally include a direction as well, e.g. 'block above' or 'block in front of the player'.


block is ore
set block below to air
spawn a creeper above the block
loop blocks in radius 4:
    loop-block is obsidian
    set loop-block to water
block is a chest:
    clear the inventory of the block




Since: 1.0
Return Type: Block
The block involved in the event, e.g. the clicked block or the placed block. Can optionally include a direction as well, e.g. 'block above' or 'block in front of the player'.


block is ore
set block below to air
spawn a creeper above the block
loop blocks in radius 4:
    loop-block is obsidian
    set loop-block to water
block is a chest:
    clear the inventory of the block

Block Break Speed



Since: 2.7
Requirements: 1.17+
Return Type: float
Gets the speed at which the given player would break this block, taking into account tools, potion effects, whether or not the player is in water, enchantments, etc. The returned value is the amount of progress made in breaking the block each tick. When the total breaking progress reaches 1.0, the block is broken. Note that the break speed can change in the course of breaking a block, e.g. if a potion effect is applied or expires, or the player jumps/enters water.


on left click using diamond pickaxe:
    event-block is set
    send "Break Speed: %break speed for player%" to player

Block Data



Since: 2.5, 2.5.2 (set)
Requirements: Minecraft 1.13+
Return Type: Block Data
Get the block data associated with a block. This data can also be used to set blocks.


set {data} to block data of target block
set block at player to {data}
set block data of target block to oak_stairs[facing=south;waterlogged=true]

Block Hardness



Since: 2.6
Requirements: Minecraft 1.13+
Return Type: Number
Obtains the block's hardness level (also known as "strength"). This number is used to calculate the time required to break each block.


set {_hard} to block hardness of target block
if block hardness of target block > 5:

Block Sphere



  • [(all [[of] the]|the)] blocks in radius %number% [(of|around) %location%]
  • [(all [[of] the]|the)] blocks around %location% in radius %number%
Since: 1.0
Return Type: Block
All blocks in a sphere around a center, mostly useful for looping.


loop blocks in radius 5 around the player:
    set loop-block to air




Since: 1.0, 2.5.1 (within/cuboid/chunk)
Return Type: Block
Blocks relative to other blocks or between other blocks. Can be used to get blocks relative to other blocks or for looping. Blocks from/to and between will return a straight line whereas blocks within will return a cuboid.


loop blocks above the player:
loop blocks between the block below the player and the targeted block:
set the blocks below the player, the victim and the targeted block to air
set all blocks within {loc1} and {loc2} to stone
set all blocks within chunk at player to air

Blocks in Region



  • [(all|the)] blocks (in|of) [[the] region[s]] %regions%
Since: 2.1
Requirements: Supported regions plugin
Return Type: Block
All blocks in a region. This expression requires a supported regions plugin to be installed.


loop all blocks in the region {arena.%{faction.%player%}%}:
    clear the loop-block

Book Author



  • [the] [book] (author|writer|publisher) of %item types%
  • %item types%'[s] [book] (author|writer|publisher)
Since: 2.2-dev31
Return Type: Text
The author of a book.


on book sign:
    message "Book Title: %author of event-item%"

Book Pages



Since: 2.2-dev31, 2.7 (changers)
Return Type: Text
The pages of a book (Supports Skript's chat format) Note: In order to modify the pages of a new written book, you must have the title and author of the book set. Skript will do this for you, but if you want your own, please set those values.


on book sign:
    message "Book Pages: %pages of event-item%"
    message "Book Page 1: %page 1 of event-item%"

set page 1 of player's held item to "Book writing"

Book Title



Since: 2.2-dev31
Return Type: Text
The title of a book.


on book sign:
    message "Book Title: %title of event-item%"

Burn/Cook Time



  • [the] burn[ing] time
  • [the] (burn|cook)[ing] time of %blocks%
  • %blocks%'[s] (burn|cook)[ing] time
Since: 2.3
Return Type: Timespan
The time a furnace takes to burn an item in a fuel burn event. Can also be used to change the burn/cook time of a placed furnace.


on fuel burn:
    if fuel slot is coal:
        set burning time to 1 tick

Case Text



  • %texts% in (upper|lower)[ ]case
  • (upper|lower)[ ]case %texts%
  • capitali(s|z)ed %texts%
  • %texts% in [(lenient|strict) ](proper|title)[ ]case
  • [(lenient|strict) ](proper|title)[ ]case %texts%
  • %texts% in [(lenient|strict) ]camel[ ]case
  • [(lenient|strict) ]camel[ ]case %texts%
  • %texts% in [(lenient|strict) ]pascal[ ]case
  • [(lenient|strict) ]pascal[ ]case %texts%
  • %texts% in [(lower|upper|capital|screaming)[ ]]snake[ ]case
  • [(lower|upper|capital|screaming)[ ]]snake[ ]case %texts%
  • %texts% in [(lower|upper|capital)[ ]]kebab[ ]case
  • [(lower|upper|capital)[ ]]kebab[ ]case %texts%
Since: 2.2-dev16 (lowercase and uppercase), 2.5 (advanced cases)
Return Type: Text
Copy of given text in Lowercase, Uppercase, Proper Case, camelCase, PascalCase, Snake_Case, and Kebab-Case


"Oops!" in lowercase # oops!
"oops!" in uppercase # OOPS!
"hellO i'm steve!" in proper case # HellO I'm Steve!
"hellO i'm steve!" in strict proper case # Hello I'm Steve!
"spAwn neW boSs ()" in camel case # spAwnNeWBoSs()
"spAwn neW boSs ()" in strict camel case # spawnNewBoss()
"geneRate ranDom numBer ()" in pascal case # GeneRateRanDomNumBer()
"geneRate ranDom numBer ()" in strict pascal case # GenerateRandomNumber()
"Hello Player!" in snake case # Hello_Player!
"Hello Player!" in lower snake case # hello_player!
"Hello Player!" in upper snake case # HELLO_PLAYER!
"What is your name?" in kebab case # What-is-your-name?
"What is your name?" in lower kebab case # what-is-your-name?
"What is your name?" in upper kebab case # WHAT-IS-YOUR-NAME?

Chat Format



  • [the] (message|chat) format[ting]
Since: 2.2-dev31
Return Type: Text
Can be used to get/retrieve the chat format. The sender of a message is represented by [player] or [sender], and the message by [message] or [msg].


set the chat format to "&lt;yellow&gt;[player]&lt;light gray&gt;: &lt;green&gt;[message]"

Chat Recipients



  • [chat][( |-)]recipients
Since: 2.2-Fixes-v7, 2.2-dev35 (clearing recipients)
Return Type: Player
Recipients of chat events where this is called.


chat recipients




Since: 2.0, INSERT VERSION (loaded chunks)
Return Type: Chunk
Returns the chunk of a block, location or entity is in, or a list of the loaded chunks of a world.


add the chunk at the player to {protected chunks::*}
set {_chunks::*} to the loaded chunks of the player's world

Clicked Block/Entity/Inventory/Slot



  • [the] (clicked [enchant[ment]] (button|option)|clicked (block|%*item type/entity type%)|clicked slot|clicked inventory|click (type|action)|inventory action)
Since: 1.0, 2.2-dev35 (more clickable things)
Usable in events: click, inventory click
Return Type: Object
The clicked block, entity, inventory, inventory slot, inventory click type or inventory action.


message "You clicked on a %type of clicked entity%!"
if the clicked block is a chest:
    show the inventory of the clicked block to the player

Color of



Since: 1.2
Return Type: Color
The color of an item, can also be used to color chat messages with "<%color of ...%>this text is colored!".


on click on wool:
    message "This wool block is <%color of block%>%color of block%<reset>!"
    set the color of the block to black

Colored / Uncolored



  • (colo[u]r-|colo[u]red )%texts%
  • (format-|formatted )%texts%
  • (un|non)[-](colo[u]r-|colo[u]red |format-|formatted )%texts%
Since: 2.0
Return Type: Text
Parses <color>s and, optionally, chat styles in a message or removes any colors and chat styles from the message. Parsing all chat styles requires this expression to be used in same line with the send effect.


on chat:
    set message to colored message # Safe; only colors get parsed
command /fade &lt;player&gt;:
        set display name of the player-argument to uncolored display name of the player-argument
command /format &lt;text&gt;:
        message formatted text-argument # Safe, because we're sending to whoever used this command




  • [the] (full|complete|whole) command
  • [the] command [(label|alias)]
Since: 2.0, 2.7 (support for script commands)
Usable in events: command
Return Type: Text
The command that caused an 'on command' event (excluding the leading slash and all arguments)


# prevent any commands except for the /exit command during some game
on command:
    if {game::%player%::playing} is true:
        if the command is not "exit":
            message "You're not allowed to use commands during the game"
            cancel the event

Command Info



  • [the] main command [label] of command %texts%
  • command %texts%'[s] main command [name]
  • [the] description of command %texts%
  • command %texts%'[s] description
  • [the] label of command %texts%
  • command %texts%'[s] label
  • [the] usage of command %texts%
  • command %texts%'[s] usage
  • [(all|the|all [of] the)] aliases of command %texts%
  • command %texts%'[s] aliases
  • [the] permission of command %texts%
  • command %texts%'[s] permission
  • [the] permission message of command %texts%
  • command %texts%'[s] permission message
  • [the] plugin [owner] of command %texts%
  • command %texts%'[s] plugin [owner]
Since: 2.6
Return Type: Text
Get information about a command.


main name of command "skript"
description of command "help"
label of command "pl"
usage of command "help"
aliases of command "bukkit:help"
permission of command "/op"
command "op"'s permission message
command "sk"'s plugin owner

Command Sender



  • [the] [command['s]] (sender|executor)
Since: 2.0
Usable in events: command
Return Type: Command Sender
The player or the console who sent a command. Mostly useful in commands and command events. If the command sender is a command block, its location can be retrieved by using %block's location%


make the command sender execute "/say hi!"
on command:
    log "%executor% used command /%command% %arguments%" to "commands.log"

Compass Target



Since: 2.0
Return Type: Location
The location a player's compass is pointing at.


# make all player's compasses target a player stored in {compass::target::%player%}
every 5 seconds:
    loop all players:
        set the loop-player's compass target to location of {compass::target::%%loop-player%}




  • [the] (console|server)
Since: 1.3.1
Return Type: Command Sender
Represents the server's console which can receive messages and execute commands


execute console command "/stop"
send "message to console" to the console

Cooldown Time/Remaining Time/Elapsed Time/Last Usage/Bypass Permission



  • [the] remaining [time] [of [the] (cooldown|wait) [(of|for) [the] [current] command]]
  • [the] elapsed [time] [of [the] (cooldown|wait) [(of|for) [the] [current] command]]
  • [the] ((cooldown|wait) time|[wait] time of [the] (cooldown|wait) [(of|for) [the] [current] command])
  • [the] last usage [date] [of [the] (cooldown|wait) [(of|for) [the] [current] command]]
  • [the] [cooldown] bypass perm[ission] [of [the] (cooldown|wait) [(of|for) [the] [current] command]]
Since: 2.2-dev33
Return Type: Object
Only usable in command events. Represents the cooldown time, the remaining time, the elapsed time, the last usage date, or the cooldown bypass permission.


command /home:
    cooldown: 10 seconds
    cooldown message: You last teleported home %elapsed time% ago, you may teleport home again in %remaining time%.
        teleport player to {home::%player%}




  • [the] (x|y|z)(-| )(coord[inate]|pos[ition]|loc[ation])[s] of %locations%
  • %locations%'[s] (x|y|z)(-| )(coord[inate]|pos[ition]|loc[ation])[s]
Since: 1.4.3
Return Type: Number
Represents a given coordinate of a location.


player's y-coordinate is smaller than 40:
    message "Watch out for lava!"

Creature/Entity/Player/Projectile/Villager/Powered Creeper/etc.



  • [the] [event-]<.+>
Since: 1.0
Return Type: Entity
The entity involved in an event (an entity is a player, a creature or an inanimate object like ignited TNT, a dropped item or an arrow). You can use the specific type of the entity that's involved in the event, e.g. in a 'death of a creeper' event you can use 'the creeper' instead of 'the entity'.


give a diamond sword of sharpness 3 to the player
kill the creeper
kill all powered creepers in the wolf's world
projectile is an arrow

Cursor Slot



Since: 2.2-dev17
Return Type: Inventory Slot
The item which the player has on their cursor. This slot is always empty if player has no inventories open.


cursor slot of player is dirt
set cursor slot of player to 64 diamonds

Custom Chest Inventory



  • [a] [new] chest inventory (named|with name) %text% [with %number% row[s]]
  • [a] [new] chest inventory with %number% row[s] [(named|with name) %text%]
Since: 2.2-dev34
Return Type: Inventory
Returns a chest inventory with the given amount of rows and the name. Use the open inventory effect to open it.


open chest inventory with 1 row named "test" to player
set {_inventory} to chest inventory with 1 row

Custom Model Data



Since: 2.5
Requirements: 1.14+
Return Type: long
Get/set the CustomModelData tag for an item. (Value is an integer between 0 and 99999999)


set custom model data of player's tool to 3
set {_model} to custom model data of player's tool




  • [the] damage
Since: 1.3.5
Usable in events: damage
Return Type: Number
How much damage is done in a damage event, possibly ignoring armour, criticals and/or enchantments. Can be changed (remember that in Skript '1' is one full heart, not half a heart).


increase the damage by 2

Damage Cause



  • [the] damage (cause|type)
Since: 2.0
Return Type: Damage Cause
The damage cause of a damage event. Please click on the link for more information.


damage cause is lava, fire or burning

Damage Value/Durability



Since: 1.2, 2.7 (durability reversed)
Return Type: long
The damage value/durability of an item.


set damage value of player's tool to 10
reset the durability of {_item}
set durability of player's held item to 0

Damaged Item



Since: 2.4
Return Type: Item Type
Directly damages an item. In MC versions 1.12.2 and lower, this can be used to apply data values to items/blocks


give player diamond sword with damage value 100
set player's tool to diamond hoe damaged by 250
give player diamond sword with damage 700 named "BROKEN SWORD"
set {_item} to diamond hoe with damage value 50 named "SAD HOE"
set target block of player to wool with data value 1
set target block of player to potato plant with data value 7

Date Ago/Later



Since: 2.2-dev33
Return Type: Date
A date the specified timespan before/after another date.


set {_yesterday} to 1 day ago
set {_hourAfter} to 1 hour after {someOtherDate}
set {_hoursBefore} to 5 hours before {someOtherDate}

Default Value



Since: 2.2-dev36
Return Type: Object
A shorthand expression for giving things a default value. If the first thing isn't set, the second thing will be returned.


broadcast {score::%player's uuid%} otherwise "%player% has no score!"




Since: 1.4
Return Type: Object
The difference between two values, e.g. numbers, dates or times.


if difference between {command::%player%::lastuse} and now is smaller than a minute:
    message "You have to wait a minute before using this command again!"




  • [the] difficult(y|ies) of %worlds%
  • %worlds%'[s] difficult(y|ies)
Since: 2.3
Return Type: Difficulty
The difficulty of a world.


set the difficulty of "world" to hard




  • [%number% [(block|met(er|re))[s]] [to the]] (north[[(-| )](east|west)][(ward[(s|ly)]|er[(n|ly)])] [of]|south[[(-| )](east|west)][(ward[(s|ly)]|er[(n|ly)])] [of]|(east|west)[(ward[(s|ly)]|er[(n|ly)])] [of]|above|over|(up|down)[ward[(s|ly)]]|below|under[neath]|beneath) [%direction%]
  • [%number% [(block|met(er|re))[s]]] in [the] (direction|horizontal direction|facing|horizontal facing) of %entity/block% [(of|from)]
  • [%number% [(block|met(er|re))[s]]] in %entity/block%'[s] (direction|horizontal direction|facing|horizontal facing) [(of|from)]
  • [%number% [(block|met(er|re))[s]]] (in[ ]front [of]|forward[s]|behind|backwards|[to the] (right|left) [of])
  • [%number% [(block|met(er|re))[s]]] horizontal[ly] (in[ ]front [of]|forward[s]|behind|backwards|to the (right|left) [of])
Since: 1.0 (basic), 2.0 (extended)
Return Type: Direction
A helper expression for the direction type.


thrust the player upwards
set the block behind the player to water
loop blocks above the player:
    set {_rand} to a random integer between 1 and 10
    set the block {_rand} meters south east of the loop-block to stone
block in horizontal facing of the clicked entity from the player is air
spawn a creeper 1.5 meters horizontally behind the player
spawn a TNT 5 meters above and 2 meters horizontally behind the player
thrust the last spawned TNT in the horizontal direction of the player with speed 0.2
push the player upwards and horizontally forward at speed 0.5
push the clicked entity in in the direction of the player at speed -0.5
open the inventory of the block 2 blocks below the player to the player
teleport the clicked entity behind the player
grow a regular tree 2 meters horizontally behind the player




Since: 1.0
Return Type: Number
The distance between two points.


if the distance between the player and {home::%uuid of player%} is smaller than 20:
    message "You're very close to your home!"




  • [the] drops
Since: 1.0
Usable in events: death
Return Type: Item Type
Only works in death events. Holds the drops of the dying creature. Drops can be prevented by removing them with "remove ... from drops", e.g. "remove all pickaxes from the drops", or "clear drops" if you don't want any drops at all.


clear drops
remove 4 planks from the drops

Drops Of Block



Since: 2.5.1
Requirements: Minecraft 1.15+ ('as %entity%')
Return Type: Item Type
A list of the items that will drop when a block is broken.


on break of block:
    give drops of block using player's tool to player

Element of



  • ([the] first|[the] last|[a] random|[the] %number%(st|nd|rd|th)|[the] %number%(st|nd|rd|th) [to] last) element [out] of %objects%
Since: 2.0, 2.7 (relative to last element)
Return Type: Object
The first, last or a random element of a set, e.g. a list variable. See also: random


give a random element out of {free items::*} to the player

Enchant Item



  • [the] enchant[ed] item
Since: 2.5
Usable in events: enchant prepare, enchant
Return Type: Item Type
The enchant item in an enchant prepare event or enchant event. It can be modified, but enchantments will still be applied in the enchant event.


on enchant:
    set the enchanted item to a diamond chestplate
on enchant prepare:
    set the enchant item to a wooden sword

Enchanting Experience Cost



  • [the] [displayed] ([e]xp[erience]|enchanting) cost
Since: 2.5
Usable in events: enchant
Return Type: long
The cost of enchanting in an enchant event. This is number that was displayed in the enchantment table, not the actual number of levels removed.


on enchant:
    send "Cost: %the displayed enchanting cost%" to player

Enchantment Bonus



  • [the] enchantment bonus
Since: 2.5
Usable in events: enchant prepare
Return Type: long
The enchantment bonus in an enchant prepare event. This represents the number of bookshelves affecting/surrounding the enchantment table.


on enchant:
    send "There are %enchantment bonus% bookshelves surrounding this enchantment table!" to player

Enchantment Level



Since: 2.0
Return Type: long
The level of a particular enchantment on an item.


player's tool is a sword of sharpness:
    message "You have a sword of sharpness %level of sharpness of the player's tool% equipped"

Enchantment Offer



  • [all [of]] [the] enchant[ment] offers
  • enchant[ment] offer[s] %numbers%
  • [the] %number%(st|nd|rd|th) enchant[ment] offer
Since: 2.5
Usable in events: enchant prepare
Requirements: 1.11 or newer
Return Type: Enchantment Offer
The enchantment offer in enchant prepare events.


on enchant prepare:
    send "Your enchantment offers are: %the enchantment offers%" to player

Enchantment Offer Cost



Since: 2.5
Requirements: 1.11 or newer
Return Type: long
The cost of an enchantment offer. This is displayed to the right of an enchantment offer. If the cost is changed, it will always be at least 1. This changes how many levels are required to enchant, but does not change the number of levels removed. To change the number of levels removed, use the enchant event.


set cost of enchantment offer 1 to 50

Ender Chest



Since: 2.0
Return Type: Inventory
The ender chest of a player.


open the player's ender chest to the player




Since: 1.2.1, 2.5 (chunks)
Return Type: Entity
All entities in all worlds, in a specific world, in a chunk or in a radius around a certain location, e.g. all players, all creepers in the player's world, or players in radius 100 of the player.


kill all creepers in the player's world
send "Psst!" to all players within 100 meters of the player
give a diamond to all ops
heal all tamed wolves in radius 2000 around {town center}
delete all monsters in chunk at player

Entity AI



Since: 2.5
Return Type: Boolean
Returns whether an entity has AI.


set artificial intelligence of target entity to false

Entity Attribute



Since: 2.5, 2.6.1 (final attribute value)
Return Type: Number
The numerical value of an entity's particular attribute. Note that the movement speed attribute cannot be reliably used for players. For that purpose, use the speed expression instead. Resetting an entity's attribute is only available in Minecraft 1.11 and above.


on damage of player:
    send "You are wounded!"
    set victim's attack speed attribute to 2

Entity Fire Burn Duration



  • [the] (burn[ing]|fire) (time|duration) of %entities%
  • %entities%'[s] (burn[ing]|fire) (time|duration)
Since: 2.7
Return Type: Timespan
How much time an entity will be burning for.


send "You will stop burning in %fire time of player%"

Entity Owner



Since: 2.5
Return Type: Offline Player
The owner of a tameable entity, such as a horse or wolf.


set owner of target entity to player
delete owner of target entity
set {_t} to uuid of tamer of target entity




Since: 2.2-dev35
Return Type: Number
The exhaustion of a player. This is mainly used to determine the rate of hunger depletion.


set exhaustion of all players to 1




  • [the] [(spawned|dropped)] [e]xp[erience] [orb[s]]
Since: 2.1, 2.5.3 (block break event), 2.7 (experience change event)
Usable in events: experience spawn, break / mine, experience change
Return Type: Experience
How much experience was spawned in an experience spawn or block break event. Can be changed.


on experience spawn:
    add 5 to the spawned experience
on break of coal ore:
    clear dropped experience
on break of diamond ore:
    if tool of player = diamond pickaxe:
        add 100 to dropped experience

Exploded Blocks



  • [the] exploded blocks
Since: 2.5
Usable in events: explode
Return Type: Block
Get all the blocks that were destroyed in an explode event


on explode:
    loop exploded blocks:
        add loop-block to {exploded::blocks::*}

Explosion Block Yield



  • [the] [explosion['s]] block (yield|amount)
  • [the] percentage of blocks dropped
Since: 2.5
Usable in events: explosion
Return Type: Number
The percentage of exploded blocks dropped in an explosion event. When changing the yield, a value greater than 1 will function the same as using 1. Attempting to change the yield to a value less than 0 will have no effect.


on explode:
set the explosion's block yield to 10%

Explosion Yield



  • [the] explosion (yield|radius|size)
  • [the] (yield|radius|size) of [the] explosion
Since: 2.5
Usable in events: explosion prime
Return Type: Number
The yield of the explosion in an explosion prime event. This is how big the explosion is. When changing the yield, values less than 0 will be ignored. Read this wiki page for more information


on explosion prime:
    set the yield of the explosion to 10

Explosive Yield



  • [the] explosive (yield|radius|size) of %entities%
  • %entities%'[s] explosive (yield|radius|size)
Since: 2.5
Requirements: Minecraft 1.12 or newer for creepers
Return Type: Number
The yield of an explosive (creeper, primed tnt, fireball, etc.). This is how big of an explosion is caused by the entity. Read this wiki page for more information


on spawn of a creeper:
    set the explosive yield of the event-entity to 10




Since: 1.4
Return Type: Direction
The facing of an entity or block, i.e. exactly north, south, east, west, up or down (unlike direction which is the exact direction, e.g. '0.5 south and 0.7 east')


# makes a bridge
loop blocks from the block below the player in the horizontal facing of the player:
    set loop-block to cobblestone

Fall Distance



  • [the] fall[en] (distance|height) of %entities%
  • %entities%'[s] fall[en] (distance|height)
Since: 2.5
Return Type: Number
The distance an entity has fallen for.


set all entities' fall distance to 10
on damage:
    send "%victim's fall distance%" to victim

Fertilized Blocks



  • [all] [the] fertilized blocks
Since: 2.5
Usable in events: block fertilize
Requirements: Minecraft 1.13 or newer
Return Type: Block
The blocks fertilized in block fertilize events.


the fertilized blocks




  • %objects% (where|that match) \[<.+>\]
Since: 2.2-dev36
Return Type: Object
Filters a list based on a condition. For example, if you ran 'broadcast "something" and "something else" where [string input is "something"]', only "something" would be broadcast as it is the only string that matched the condition.


send "congrats on being staff!" to all players where [player input has permission "staff"]

Filter Input



  • input
  • %*type% input
Since: 2.2-dev36
Return Type: Object
Represents the input in a filter expression. For example, if you ran 'broadcast "something" and "something else" where [input is "something"]the condition would be checked twice, using "something" and "something else" as the inputs.


send "congrats on being staff!" to all players where [input has permission "staff"]

Final Damage



  • [the] final damage
Since: 2.2-dev19
Usable in events: damage
Return Type: Number
How much damage is done in a damage event, considering all types of damage reduction. Can NOT be changed.


send "%final damage%" to victim

Firework Effect



  • [(flickering|trailing|flickering trailing|trailing flickering)] %firework type% [firework [effect]] colo[u]red %colors%
  • [(flickering|trailing|flickering trailing|trailing flickering)] %firework type% [firework [effect]] colo[u]red %colors% fad(e|ing) [to] %colors%
Since: 2.4
Return Type: Firework Effect
Represents a 'firework effect' which can be used in the launch firework effect.


launch flickering trailing burst firework colored blue and green at player
launch trailing flickering star colored purple, yellow, blue, green and red fading to pink at target entity
launch ball large colored red, purple and white fading to light green and black at player's location with duration 1

Flight Mode



  • [the] fl(y[ing]|ight) (mode|state) of %players%
  • %players%'[s] fl(y[ing]|ight) (mode|state)
Since: 2.2-dev34
Return Type: Boolean
Whether the player(s) are allowed to fly. Use Make Fly effect to force player(s) to fly.


set flight mode of player to true
send "%flying state of all players%"

Food Level



  • [the] (food|hunger)[[ ](level|met(er|re)|bar)] [of %players%]
  • %players%'[s] (food|hunger)[[ ](level|met(er|re)|bar)]
Since: 1.0
Return Type: Number
The food level of a player from 0 to 10. Has several aliases: food/hunger level/meter/bar.


set the player's food level to 10

Formatted Date



  • %dates% formatted [human-readable] [(with|as) %text%]
  • [human-readable] formatted %dates% [(with|as) %text%]
Since: 2.2-dev31, 2.7 (support variables in format)
Return Type: Text
Converts date to human-readable text format. By default, 'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss z' (e.g. '2018-03-30 16:03:12 +01') will be used. For reference, see this Wikipedia article.


command /date:
        send "Full date: %now formatted human-readable%" to sender
        send "Short date: %now formatted as "yyyy-MM-dd"%" to sender

Former/Future State



  • [the] (former|past|old) [state] [of] %~object%
  • %~object% before [the event]
  • [the] (future|to-be|new) [state] [of] %~object%
  • %~object%(-to-be| after[(wards| the event)])
Since: 1.1
Return Type: Object
Represents the value of an expression before an event happened or the value it will have directly after the event, e.g. the old or new level respectively in a level change event. Note: The past, future and present states of an expression are sometimes called 'time states' of an expression. Note 2: If you don't specify whether to use the past or future state of an expression that has different values, its default value will be used which is usually the value after the event.


on teleport:
    former world was "world_nether" # or 'world was'
    world will be "world" # or 'world after the event is'
on tool change:
    past tool is an axe
    the tool after the event will be air
on weather change:
    set {weather::%world%::old} to past weather
    set {weather::%world%::current} to the new weather

Freeze Time



Since: 2.7
Return Type: Timespan
How much time an entity has been in powdered snow for.


player's freeze time is less than 3 seconds:
    send "you're about to freeze!" to the player

Furnace Slot



  • (fuel|result) [slot]
  • (ore|fuel|result)[s] [slot[s]] of %blocks%
  • %blocks%'[s] (ore|fuel|result)[s] [slot[s]]
Since: 1.0
Usable in events: smelt, fuel burn
Return Type: Inventory Slot
A slot of a furnace, i.e. either the ore, fuel or result slot. Remember to use 'block' and not 'furnace', as 'furnace' is not an existing expression.


set the fuel slot of the clicked block to a lava bucket
set the block's ore slot to 64 iron ore
give the result of the block to the player
clear the result slot of the block

Game Mode



Since: 1.0
Return Type: Game Mode
The gamemode of a player. (Gamemodes)


player's gamemode is survival
set the player's gamemode to creative

Gamerule Value



Since: 2.5
Requirements: Minecraft 1.13+
Return Type: Gamerule Value
The gamerule value of a world.


set the gamerule commandBlockOutput of world "world" to false

Gliding State



Since: 2.2-dev21
Return Type: Boolean
Sets of gets gliding state of player. It allows you to set gliding state of entity even if they do not have an Elytra equipped.


set gliding of player to off




Since: 2.2-dev18
Return Type: Boolean
Indicates if targeted entity is glowing (new 1.9 effect) or not. Glowing entities can be seen through walls.


set glowing of player to true




Since: 2.2-dev21
Return Type: Boolean
If entity is affected by gravity or not, i.e. if it has Minecraft 1.10+ NoGravity flag.


set gravity of player off




Since: 2.2-dev35
Requirements: Vault, a permission plugin that supports Vault
Return Type: Text
The primary group or all groups of a player. This expression requires Vault and a compatible permissions plugin to be installed. If you have LuckPerms, ensure you have vault integration enabled in the luck perms configurations.


on join:
    broadcast "%group of player%" # this is the player's primary group
    broadcast "%groups of player%" # this is all of the player's groups

Hanging Entity/Remover



  • [the] hanging (entity|remover)
Since: 2.6.2
Return Type: Entity
Returns the hanging entity or remover in hanging break and place events.


on break of item frame:
    if item of hanging entity is diamond pickaxe:
        cancel event
        if hanging remover is a player:
            send "You can't break that item frame!" to hanging remover




  • %texts% hash[ed] with (MD5|SHA-256)
Since: 2.0, 2.2-dev32 (SHA-256 algorithm)
Return Type: Text
Hashes the given text using the MD5 or SHA-256 algorithms. Each algorithm is suitable for different use cases.

MD5 is provided mostly for backwards compatibility, as it is outdated and not secure. SHA-256 is more secure, and can used to hash somewhat confidental data like IP addresses and even passwords. It is not that secure out of the box, so please consider using salt when dealing with passwords! When hashing data, you must specify algorithms that will be used for security reasons!

Please note that a hash cannot be reversed under normal circumstanses. You will not be able to get original value from a hash with Skript.


command /setpass &lt;text&gt;:
        set {password::%uuid of player%} to text-argument hashed with SHA-256
command /login &lt;text&gt;:
        if text-argument hashed with SHA-256 is {password::%uuid of player%}:
            message "Login successful."
            message "Wrong password!"

Hatching Entity Type



  • [the] hatching entity [type]
Since: 2.7
Usable in events: Egg Throw
Return Type: Entity Type
The type of the entity that will be hatched in a Player Egg Throw event.


on player egg throw:
    set the hatching entity type to a primed tnt

Hatching Number



  • [the] hatching number
Since: 2.7
Usable in events: Egg Throw
Return Type: byte
The number of entities that will be hatched in a Player Egg Throw event. Please note that no more than 127 entities can be hatched at once.


on player egg throw:
    set the hatching number to 10

Head location



Since: 2.0
Return Type: Location
The location of an entity's head, mostly useful for players and e.g. looping blocks in the player's line of sight. Please note that this location is only accurate for entities whose head is exactly above their center, i.e. players, endermen, zombies, skeletons, etc., but not sheep, pigs or cows.


set the block at the player's head to air
set the block in front of the player's eyes to glass
loop blocks in front of the player's head:

Heal Amount



  • [the] heal amount
Since: 2.5.1
Usable in events: heal
Return Type: Number
The amount of health healed in a healing event.


increase heal amount by 2
remove 0.5 from heal amount

Heal Reason



  • (regen|health regain|heal) (reason|cause)
Since: 2.5
Return Type: Heal Reason
The heal reason of a heal event. Please click on the link for more information.


on heal:
    if heal reason = satiated:
        send "You ate enough food and gained health back!" to player




Since: 1.0
Usable in events: damage
Return Type: Number
The health of a creature, e.g. a player, mob, villager, etc. The minimum value is 0, and the maximum is the creature's max health (e.g. 10 for players).


message "You have %health% HP left."

Hidden Players



  • [(all [[of] the]|the)] hidden players (of|for) %players%
  • [(all [[of] the]|the)] players hidden (from|for|by) %players%
Since: 2.3
Return Type: Player
The players hidden from a player that were hidden using the player visibility effect.


message "&lt;light red&gt;You are currently hiding: &lt;light gray&gt;%hidden players of the player%"

Highest Solid Block



  • highest [(solid|non-air)] block at %locations%
Since: 2.2-dev34
Return Type: Block
Returns the highest solid block at the x and z coordinates of the world of a given location.


highest block at location of arg-player




  • [the] (host|domain)[ ][name]
Since: 2.6.1
Return Type: Text
The hostname used by the connecting player to connect to the server in a connect event.


on connect:
    hostname is "testers.example.com"
    send "Welcome back tester!"

Hotbar Button



  • [the] hotbar button
Since: 2.5
Return Type: long
The hotbar button clicked in an inventory click event.


on inventory click:
    send "You clicked the hotbar button %hotbar button%!"

Hotbar Slot



  • [the] [the] [([currently] selected|current)] hotbar slot[s] [of %players%]
  • %players%'[s] [the] [([currently] selected|current)] hotbar slot[s]
Since: 2.2-dev36
Return Type: Inventory Slot
The currently selected hotbar slot. To retrieve its number use Slot Index expression. Use future and past tense to grab the previous slot in an item change event, see example.


message "%player's current hotbar slot%"
set player's selected hotbar slot to slot 4 of player

send "index of player's current hotbar slot = 1" # second slot from the left

on item held change:
    if the selected hotbar slot was a diamond:
        set the currently selected hotbar slot to slot 5 of player

Hover List



  • [the] [custom] [(player|server)] (hover|sample) ([message] list|message)
  • [the] [custom] player [(hover|sample)] list
Since: 2.3
Usable in events: server list ping
Requirements: Paper 1.12.2 or newer
Return Type: Text
The list when you hover on the player counts of the server in the server list. This can be changed using texts or players in a server list ping event only. Adding players to the list means adding the name of the players. And note that, for example if there are 5 online players (includes fake online count) in the server and the hover list is set to 3 values, Minecraft will show "... and 2 more ..." at end of the list.


on server list ping:
    clear the hover list
    add "&aWelcome to the &6Minecraft &aserver!" to the hover list
    add "" to the hover list # A blank line
    add "&cThere are &6%online players count% &conline players!" to the hover list




  • [the] humidit(y|ies) of %blocks%
  • %blocks%'[s] humidit(y|ies)
Since: 2.2-dev35
Return Type: Number
Humidity of given blocks.


set {_humidity} to event-block's humidity




  • IP[s][( |-)address[es]] of %players%
  • %players%'[s] IP[s][( |-)address[es]]
  • IP[( |-)address]
Since: 1.4, 2.2-dev26 (when used in connect event), 2.3 (when used in server list ping event)
Return Type: Text
The IP address of a player, or the connected player in a connect event, or the pinger in a server list ping event.


ban the IP address of the player
broadcast "Banned the IP %IP of player%"

on connect:
    log "[%now%] %player% (%ip%) is connected to the server."

on server list ping:
    send "%IP-address%" to the console

Index Of



  • [the] [(first|last)] index of %text% in %text%
Since: 2.1
Return Type: long
The first or last index of a character (or text) in a text, or -1 if it doesn't occur in the text. Indices range from 1 to the length of the text.


set {_first} to the first index of "@" in the text argument
if {_s} contains "abc":
    set {_s} to the first (index of "abc" in {_s} + 3) characters of {_s} # removes everything after the first "abc" from {_s}

Indices of List



  • [(the|all [[of] the])] (indexes|indices) of %~objects%
  • %~objects%'[s] (indexes|indices)
  • [sorted] (indices|indexes) of %~objects% in (ascending|descending) order
  • [sorted] %~objects%'[s] (indices|indexes) in (ascending|descending) order
Since: 2.4 (indices), 2.6.1 (sorting)
Return Type: Text
Returns all the indices of a list variable, optionally sorted by their values. To sort the indices, all objects in the list must be comparable; Otherwise, this expression will just return the unsorted indices.


set {l::*} to "some", "cool" and "values"
broadcast "%indices of {l::*}%" # result is 1, 2 and 3

set {_leader-board::first} to 17
set {_leader-board::third} to 30
set {_leader-board::second} to 25
set {_leader-board::fourth} to 42
set {_ascending-indices::*} to sorted indices of {_leader-board::*} in ascending order
broadcast "%{_ascending-indices::*}%" #result is first, second, third, fourth
set {_descending-indices::*} to sorted indices of {_leader-board::*} in descending order
broadcast "%{_descending-indices::*}%" #result is fourth, third, second, first

Initiator Inventory



  • [the] [event-]initiator[( |-)inventory]
Usable in events: Inventory Item Move
Return Type: Inventory
Returns the initiator inventory in an on inventory item move event.


on inventory item move:
    if holder of event-initiator-inventory is a chest:
broadcast "Item transport requested at %location at holder of event-initiator-inventory%..."




  • [the] inventor(y|ies) of %inventoryholders%
  • %inventoryholders%'[s] inventor(y|ies)
Since: 1.0
Return Type: Object
The inventory of a block or player. You can usually omit this expression and can directly add or remove items to/from blocks or players.


add a plank to the player's inventory
clear the player's inventory
remove 5 wool from the inventory of the clicked block

Inventory Action



  • [the] inventory action
Since: 2.2-dev16
Return Type: Inventory Action
The inventory action of an inventory event. Please click on the link for more information.


inventory action is pickup all

Inventory Close Reason



  • [the] inventory clos(e|ing) (reason|cause)
Usable in events: Inventory Close
Requirements: Paper
Return Type: Inventory Close Reasons


on inventory close:
    inventory close reason is teleport
    send "Your inventory closed due to teleporting!" to player

Inventory Holder/Viewers/Rows/Slots



  • (holder[s]|viewers|[amount of] rows|[amount of] slots) of %inventories%
  • %inventories%'[s] (holder[s]|viewers|[amount of] rows|[amount of] slots)
Since: 2.2-dev34, 2.5 (slots)
Return Type: Object
Gets the amount of rows/slots, viewers and holder of an inventory.

NOTE: 'Viewers' expression returns a list of players viewing the inventory. Note that a player is considered to be viewing their own inventory and internal crafting screen even when said inventory is not open.


event-inventory's amount of rows
holder of player's top inventory
{_inventory}'s viewers

Inventory Slot



Since: 2.2-dev24
Return Type: Inventory Slot
Represents a slot in an inventory. It can be used to change the item in an inventory too.


if slot 0 of player is air:
    set slot 0 of player to 2 stones
    remove 1 stone from slot 0 of player
    add 2 stones to slot 0 of player
    clear slot 1 of player




  • [the] item
Since: unknown (before 2.1)
Return Type: Item
The item involved in an event, e.g. in a drop, dispense, pickup or craft event.


on dispense:
    item is a clock
    set the time to 6:00

Item Amount



Since: 2.2-dev24
Return Type: long
The amount of an item stack.


send "You have got %item amount of player's tool% %player's tool% in your hand!" to player

Item Cooldown



Return Type: Timespan
Change the cooldown of a specific material to a certain amount of Timespan.


on right click using stick:
    set item cooldown of player's tool for player to 1 minute
    set item cooldown of stone and grass for all players to 20 seconds
    reset item cooldown of cobblestone and dirt for all players

Item Enchantments



Since: 2.2-dev36
Return Type: Enchantment Type
All the enchantments an item type has.


clear enchantments of event-item

Item of an Entity



Since: 2.2-dev35, 2.2-dev36 (improved), 2.5.2 (throwable projectiles)
Requirements: Minecraft 1.15.2+ (throwable projectiles)
Return Type: Inventory Slot
An item associated with an entity. For dropped item entities, it gets, obviously, the item that was dropped. For item frames, the item inside the frame is returned. For throwable projectiles (snowballs, enderpearls etc.),it gets the displayed item. Other entities do not have items associated with them.


Missing examples.

Item with CustomModelData



Since: 2.5
Requirements: 1.14+
Return Type: Item Type
Get an item with a CustomModelData tag. (Value is an integer between 0 and 99999999)


give player a diamond sword with custom model data 2
set slot 1 of inventory of player to wooden hoe with custom model data 357

Item with Lore



Since: 2.3
Return Type: Item Type
Returns the given item type with the specified lore added to it. If multiple strings are passed, each of them will be a separate line in the lore.


set {_test} to stone with lore "line 1" and "line 2"
give {_test} to player




  • [all [[of] the]|the] block[[ ]type]s
  • every block[[ ]type]
  • [all [[of] the]|the|every] block[s] of type[s] %item types%
  • [all [[of] the]|the|every] item[s] of type[s] %item types%
Since: 1.0 pre-5
Return Type: Item Type
Items or blocks of a specific type, useful for looping.


loop items of type ore and log:
    block contains loop-item
    message "Theres at least one %loop-item% in this block"
drop all blocks at the player # drops one of every block at the player

Items In



  • [(all [[of] the]|the)] items ([with]in|of|contained in|out of) [inventor(y|ies)] %inventories%
Since: 2.0
Return Type: Inventory Slot
All items in an inventory. Useful for looping or storing in a list variable. Please note that the positions of the items in the inventory are not saved, only their order is preserved.


loop all items in the player's inventory:
    loop-item is enchanted
    remove loop-item from the player
set {inventory::%uuid of player%::*} to items in the player's inventory

Join & Split



  • (concat[enate]|join) %texts% [(with|using|by) [[the] delimiter] %text%]
  • split %text% (at|using|by) [[the] delimiter] %text% [with case sensitivity]
  • %text% split (at|using|by) [[the] delimiter] %text% [with case sensitivity]
  • regex split %text% (at|using|by) [[the] delimiter] %text%
  • regex %text% split (at|using|by) [[the] delimiter] %text%
Since: 2.1, 2.5.2 (regex support), 2.7 (case sensitivity)
Return Type: Text
Joins several texts with a common delimiter (e.g. ", "), or splits a text into multiple texts at a given delimiter.


message "Online players: %join all players with "" | ""%" # %all players% would use the default "x, y, and z"
set {_s::*} to the string argument split at ","




  • [the] [([currently] selected|current)] [game] (language|locale) [setting] of %players%
  • %players%'[s] [([currently] selected|current)] [game] (language|locale) [setting]
Since: 2.3
Return Type: Text
Currently selected game language of a player. The value of the language is not defined properly. The vanilla Minecraft client will use lowercase language / country pairs separated by an underscore, but custom resource packs may use any format they wish.


message player's current language

Last Attacker



  • [the] last attacker of %entity%
  • %entity%'[s] last attacker
Since: 2.5.1
Return Type: Object
The last block or entity that attacked an entity.


send "%last attacker of event-entity%"

Last Color



  • [the] last color[s] of %texts%
  • %texts%'[s] last color[s]
Since: 2.6
Return Type: Text
The colors used at the end of a string. The colors of the returned string will be formatted with their symbols.


set {_color} to the last colors of "<red>hey<blue>yo"

Last Damage



Since: 2.5.1
Return Type: Number
The last damage that was done to an entity. Note that changing it doesn't deal more/less damage.


set last damage of event-entity to 2

Last Damage Cause



Since: 2.2-Fixes-V10
Return Type: Damage Cause
Cause of last damage done to an entity


set last damage cause of event-entity to fire tick

Last Loaded Server Icon



  • [the] [last[ly]] loaded server icon
Since: 2.3
Requirements: Paper 1.12.2 or newer
Return Type: Server Icon
Returns the last loaded server icon with the load server icon effect.


set {server-icon} to the last loaded server icon

Last Resource Pack Response



  • [the] [last] resource pack response[s] of %players%
  • %players%'[s] [last] resource pack response[s]
Since: 2.4
Requirements: Paper 1.9 or newer
Return Type: Resource Pack State
Returns the last resource pack response received from a player.


if player's last resource pack response is deny or download fail:

Last Spawned Entity



  • [the] [last[ly]] (spawned|shot) %*entity type%
  • [the] [last[ly]] dropped (item)
  • [the] [last[ly]] (created|struck) (lightning)
  • [the] [last[ly]] (launched|deployed) (firework)
Since: 1.3 (spawned entity), 2.0 (shot entity), 2.2-dev26 (dropped item), 2.7 (struck lightning, firework)
Return Type: Entity
Holds the entity that was spawned most recently with the spawn effect (section), dropped with the drop effect, shot with the shoot effect or created with the lightning effect. Please note that even though you can spawn multiple mobs simultaneously (e.g. with 'spawn 5 creepers'), only the last spawned mob is saved and can be used. If you spawn an entity, shoot a projectile and drop an item you can however access all them together.


spawn a priest
set {healer::%spawned priest%} to true
shoot an arrow from the last spawned entity
ignite the shot projectile
drop a diamond sword
push last dropped item upwards
teleport player to last struck lightning
delete last launched firework

Last/First Login Time



Since: 2.5
Return Type: Date
When a player last/first logged in the server. 'last login' requires paper to get the last login, otherwise it will get the last time they were seen on the server.


command /onlinefor:
        send "You have been online for %difference between player's last login and now%."
        send "You first joined the server %difference between player's first login and now% ago."

Leash Holder



Since: 2.3
Return Type: Entity
The leash holder of a living entity.


set {_example} to the leash holder of the target mob




Since: 2.1
Return Type: long
The length of a text, in number of characters.


set {_l} to length of the string argument




Since: unknown (before 2.1)
Usable in events: level change
Return Type: long
The level of a player.


reduce the victim's level by 1
set the player's level to 0

Level Progress



Since: 2.0
Usable in events: level change
Return Type: Number
The player's progress in reaching the next level, this represents the experience bar in the game. Please note that this value is between 0 and 1 (e.g. 0.5 = half experience bar). Changing this value can cause the player's level to change if the resulting level progess is negative or larger than 1, e.g. increase the player's level progress by 0.5 will make the player gain a level if their progress was more than 50%.


# use the exp bar as mana
on rightclick with a blaze rod:
    player's level progress is larger than 0.2
    shoot a fireball from the player
    reduce the player's level progress by 0.2
every 2 seconds:
    loop all players:
        level progress of loop-player is smaller than 0.9:
            increase level progress of the loop-player by 0.1
            set level progress of the loop-player to 0.99
on xp spawn:
    cancel event

Light Level



Since: 1.3.4
Return Type: byte
Gets the light level at a certain location which ranges from 0 to 15. It can be separated into sunlight (15 = direct sunlight, 1-14 = indirect) and block light (torches, glowstone, etc.). The total light level of a block is the maximum of the two different light types.


# set vampire players standing in bright sunlight on fire
every 5 seconds:
    loop all players:
        {vampire::%uuid of loop-player%} is true
        sunlight level at the loop-player is greater than 10
        ignite the loop-player for 5 seconds

Loaded Plugins



  • [(all [[of] the]|the)] [loaded] plugins
Since: 2.7
Return Type: Text
An expression to obtain a list of the names of the server's loaded plugins.


if the loaded plugins contains "Vault":
    broadcast "This server uses Vault plugin!"

send "Plugins (%size of loaded plugins%): %plugins%" to player




  • [the] [event-](location|position)
Since: 2.0
Return Type: Location
The location where an event happened (e.g. at an entity or block), or a location relative to another (e.g. 1 meter above another location).


drop 5 apples at the event-location # exactly the same as writing 'drop 5 apples'
set {_loc} to the location 1 meter above the player




Since: 2.0
Return Type: Location
The location where an event happened (e.g. at an entity or block), or a location relative to another (e.g. 1 meter above another location).


drop 5 apples at the event-location # exactly the same as writing 'drop 5 apples'
set {_loc} to the location 1 meter above the player




Since: Unknown
Return Type: Location
The location of a block or entity. This not only represents the x, y and z coordinates of the location but also includes the world and the direction an entity is looking (e.g. teleporting to a saved location will make the teleported entity face the same saved direction every time). Please note that the location of an entity is at it's feet, use head location to get the location of the head.


set {home::%uuid of player%} to the location of the player
message "You home was set to %player's location% in %player's world%."

Location At



  • [the] (location|position) [at] [\(][x[ ][=[ ]]]%number%, [y[ ][=[ ]]]%number%, [and] [z[ ][=[ ]]]%number%[\)] [[(in|of) [[the] world]] %world%]
Since: 2.0
Return Type: Location
Allows to create a location from three coordinates and a world.


set {_loc} to the location at arg-1, arg-2, arg-3 of the world arg-4
distance between the player and the location (0, 0, 0) is less than 200

Loop Iteration



  • [the] loop(-| )(counter|iteration)[-%*number%]
Return Type: long
Returns the loop's current iteration count (for both normal and while loops).


while player is online:
    give player 1 stone
    wait 5 ticks
    if loop-counter > 30:
        stop loop

loop {top-balances::*}:
    if loop-iteration <= 10:
        broadcast "##%loop-iteration% %loop-index% has $%loop-value%"

Loop value



  • [the] loop-<.+>
Since: 1.0, INSERT VERSION (loop-counter)
Return Type: Object
Returns the currently looped value.


# Countdown
loop 10 times:
    message "%11 - loop-number%"
    wait a second

# Generate a 10x10 floor made of randomly colored wool below the player
loop blocks from the block below the player to the block 10 east of the block below the player:
    loop blocks from the loop-block to the block 10 north of the loop-block:
        set loop-block-2 to any wool

loop {top-balances::*}:
    loop-iteration <= 10
    send "##%loop-iteration% %loop-index% has $%loop-value%"




  • [the] loot
Since: 2.7
Requirements: MC 1.16+
Return Type: Item
The loot that will be generated in a 'loot generate' event.


on loot generate:
    chance of %10
    add 64 diamonds
    send "You hit the jackpot!!"




Since: 2.1
Return Type: Text
An item's lore.


set the 1st line of the item's lore to "&lt;orange&gt;Excalibur 2.0"




  • [the] [(default)|(shown|displayed)] (MOTD|message of [the] day)
Since: 2.3
Return Type: Text
The message of the day in the server list. This can be changed in a server list ping event only. 'default MOTD' returns the default MOTD always and can't be changed.


on server list ping:
    set the motd to "Join now!"

Max Durability



Since: 2.5
Return Type: long
The maximum durability of an item.


maximum durability of diamond sword
if max durability of player's tool is not 0: # Item is damageable

Max Health



Since: 2.0
Usable in events: damage, death
Return Type: Number
The maximum health of an entity, e.g. 10 for a player.


on join:
    set the maximum health of the player to 100
spawn a giant
set the last spawned entity's max health to 1000

Max Minecart Speed



  • [the] max[imum] minecart (speed|velocity) of %entities%
  • %entities%'[s] max[imum] minecart (speed|velocity)
Since: 2.5.1
Return Type: Number
The maximum speed of a minecart.


on right click on minecart:
    set max minecart speed of event-entity to 1

Max Players



  • [the] [(real|default)|(fake|shown|displayed)] max[imum] player[s] [count|amount|number|size]
  • [the] [(real|default)|(fake|shown|displayed)] max[imum] (count|amount|number|size) of players
Since: 2.3, 2.7 (modify max real players)
Requirements: Paper 1.16+ (modify max real players)
Return Type: integer
The count of max players. This can be changed in a server list ping event only. 'real max players' returns the real count of max players of the server and can be modified on Paper 1.16 or later.


on server list ping:
    set the max players count to (online players count + 1)

Maximum Freeze Time



  • [the] max[imum] freeze time of %entities%
  • %entities%'[s] max[imum] freeze time
Since: 2.7
Return Type: Timespan
The maximum amount of time an entity can spend in powdered snow before taking damage.


difference between player's freeze time and player's max freeze time is less than 1 second:
    send "you're about to freeze!" to the player

Maximum Stack Size



Since: 2.1
Return Type: long
The maximum stack size of the specified material, e.g. 64 for torches, 16 for buckets, and 1 for swords.


send "You can only pick up %max stack size of player's tool% of %type of (player's tool)%" to player




  • me
  • my[self]
Since: 2.1.1
Return Type: Player
A 'me' expression that can be used in players' effect commands only.


!heal me
!kick myself
!give a diamond axe to me

Mending Repair Amount



  • [the] [mending] repair amount
Since: 2.5.1
Return Type: long
The number of durability points an item is to be repaired in a mending event. Modifying the repair amount will affect how much experience is given to the player after mending.


on item mend:
    set the mending repair amount to 100




  • [the] [chat( |-)]message
  • [the] (join|log[ ]in)( |-)message
  • [the] (quit|leave|log[ ]out|kick)( |-)message
  • [the] death( |-)message
Since: 1.4.6 (chat message), 1.4.9 (join & quit messages), 2.0 (death message)
Usable in events: chat, join, quit, death
Return Type: Text
The (chat) message of a chat event, the join message of a join event, the quit message of a quit event, or the death message on a death event. This expression is mostly useful for being changed.


on chat:
    player has permission "admin"
    set message to "&c%message%"

on first join:
    set join message to "Welcome %player% to our awesome server!"

on join:
    player has played before
    set join message to "Welcome back, %player%!"

on quit:
    set quit message to "%player% left this awesome server!"

on death:
    set the death message to "%player% died!"




Since: 2.2-dev36
Return Type: Object
Metadata is a way to store temporary data on entities, blocks and more that disappears after a server restart.


set metadata value "healer" of player to true
broadcast "%metadata value ""healer"" of player%"
clear metadata value "healer" of player

Middle of Location



  • [the] (middle|center) [point] of %location%
  • %location%'[s] (middle|center) [point]
Since: 2.6.1
Return Type: Location
Returns the middle/center of a location. In other words, returns the middle of the X, Z coordinates and the floor value of the Y coordinate of a location.


command /stuck:
    executable by: players
        teleport player to the center of player's location
        send "You're no longer stuck."

Minecart Derailed / Flying Velocity



  • [the] [minecart] (derailed|flying) velocity of %entities%
  • %entities%'[s] [minecart] (derailed|flying) velocity
Since: 2.5.1
Return Type: Vector
The velocity of a minecart as soon as it has been derailed or as soon as it starts flying.


on right click on minecart:
    set derailed velocity of event-entity to vector 2, 10, 2




Since: 2.0, 2.5 (offline players)
Requirements: Vault, an economy plugin that supports Vault
Return Type: Money
How much virtual money a player has (can be changed).


message "You have %player's money%" # the currency name will be added automatically
remove 20$ from the player's balance # replace '$' by whatever currency you use
add 200 to the player's account # or omit the currency altogether

Moon Phase



  • [the] (lunar|moon) phase[s] of %worlds%
  • %worlds%'[s] (lunar|moon) phase[s]
Since: 2.7
Requirements: Paper 1.16+
Return Type: Moon Phase
The current moon phase of a world.


if moon phase of player's world is full moon:
    send "Watch for the wolves!"

Moved blocks



  • [the] moved blocks
Since: 2.2-dev27
Return Type: Block
Blocks which are moved in a piston event. Cannot be used outside of piston events.


the moved blocks

Name / Display Name / Tab List Name



Since: before 2.1, 2.2-dev20 (inventory name), 2.4 (non-living entity support, changeable inventory name), 2.7 (worlds)
Return Type: Text
Represents the Minecraft account, display or tab list name of a player, or the custom name of an item, entity, block, inventory, gamerule or world.

  • Players         
    • Name: The Minecraft account name of the player. Can't be changed, but 'display name' can be changed.
    • Display Name: The name of the player that is displayed in messages. This name can be changed freely and can include color codes, and is shared among all plugins (e.g. chat plugins will use the display name).
  • Entities         
    • Name: The custom name of the entity. Can be changed. But for living entities, the players will have to target the entity to see its name tag. For non-living entities, the name will not be visible at all. To prevent this, use 'display name'.
    • Display Name: The custom name of the entity. Can be changed, which will also enable custom name visibility of the entity so name tag of the entity will be visible always.
  • Items         
    • Name and Display Name: The custom name of the item (not the Minecraft locale name). Can be changed.
  • Inventories         
    • Name and Display Name: The name/title of the inventory. Changing name of an inventory means opening the same inventory with the same contents but with a different name to its current viewers.
  • Gamerules (1.13+)         
    • Name: The name of the gamerule. Cannot be changed.
  • Worlds         
    • Name: The name of the world. Cannot be changed.


on join:
    player has permission "name.red"
    set the player's display name to "&lt;red&gt;[admin] &lt;gold&gt;%name of player%"
    set the player's tab list name to "&lt;green&gt;%player's name%"
set the name of the player's tool to "Legendary Sword of Awesomeness"

Name / Display Name / Tab List Name



  • [the] ((player|tab)[ ]list name[s]) of %players%
  • %players%'[s] ((player|tab)[ ]list name[s])
Since: before 2.1, 2.2-dev20 (inventory name), 2.4 (non-living entity support, changeable inventory name), 2.7 (worlds)
Return Type: Text
Represents the Minecraft account, display or tab list name of a player, or the custom name of an item, entity, block, inventory, gamerule or world.

  • Players         
    • Name: The Minecraft account name of the player. Can't be changed, but 'display name' can be changed.
    • Display Name: The name of the player that is displayed in messages. This name can be changed freely and can include color codes, and is shared among all plugins (e.g. chat plugins will use the display name).
  • Entities         
    • Name: The custom name of the entity. Can be changed. But for living entities, the players will have to target the entity to see its name tag. For non-living entities, the name will not be visible at all. To prevent this, use 'display name'.
    • Display Name: The custom name of the entity. Can be changed, which will also enable custom name visibility of the entity so name tag of the entity will be visible always.
  • Items         
    • Name and Display Name: The custom name of the item (not the Minecraft locale name). Can be changed.
  • Inventories         
    • Name and Display Name: The name/title of the inventory. Changing name of an inventory means opening the same inventory with the same contents but with a different name to its current viewers.
  • Gamerules (1.13+)         
    • Name: The name of the gamerule. Cannot be changed.
  • Worlds         
    • Name: The name of the world. Cannot be changed.


on join:
    player has permission "name.red"
    set the player's display name to "&lt;red&gt;[admin] &lt;gold&gt;%name of player%"
    set the player's tab list name to "&lt;green&gt;%player's name%"
set the name of the player's tool to "Legendary Sword of Awesomeness"

Named Item/Inventory



Since: 2.0, 2.2-dev34 (inventories)
Return Type: Object
Directly names an item/inventory, useful for defining a named item/inventory in a script. If you want to (re)name existing items/inventories you can either use this expression or use set name of <item/inventory> to <text>.


give a diamond sword of sharpness 100 named "&lt;gold&gt;Excalibur" to the player
set tool of player to the player's tool named "&lt;gold&gt;Wand"
set the name of the player's tool to "&lt;gold&gt;Wand"
open hopper inventory named "Magic Hopper" to player

Nearest Entity



Since: 2.7
Return Type: Entity
Gets the entity nearest to a location or another entity.


kill the nearest pig and cow relative to player
teleport player to the nearest cow relative to player
teleport player to the nearest entity relative to player

on click:
    kill nearest pig

New Line



  • n[ew]l[ine]
  • line[ ]break
Since: 2.5
Return Type: Text
Returns a line break separator.


send "Hello%nl%Goodbye!" to player

No Damage Ticks



Since: 2.5
Return Type: long
The number of ticks that an entity is invulnerable to damage for.


on damage:
    set victim's invulnerability ticks to 20 #Victim will not take damage for the next second




  • now
Since: 1.4
Return Type: Date
The current system time of the server. Use time to get the Minecraft time of a world.


broadcast "Current server time: %now%"

Number of Characters



  • number of upper[ ]case char(acters|s) in %text%
  • number of lower[ ]case char(acters|s) in %text%
  • number of digit char(acters|s) in %text%
Since: 2.5
Return Type: long
The number of uppercase, lowercase, or digit characters in a string.


#Simple Chat Filter
on chat:
    if number of uppercase chars in message / length of message > 0.5
        cancel event
        send "&lt;red&gt;Your message has to many caps!" to player




  • [(all [[of] the]|the)] (numbers|integers|decimals) (between|from) %number% (and|to) %number%
Since: 1.4.6 (integers & numbers), 2.5.1 (decimals)
Return Type: Number
All numbers between two given numbers, useful for looping. Use 'numbers' if your start is not an integer and you want to keep the fractional part of the start number constant, or use 'integers' if you only want to loop integers. You may also use 'decimals' if you want to use the decimal precision of the start number. You may want to use the 'times' expression instead, for instance 'loop 5 times:'


loop numbers from 2.5 to 5.5: # loops 2.5, 3.5, 4.5, 5.5
loop integers from 2.9 to 5.1: # same as '3 to 5', i.e. loops 3, 4, 5
loop decimals from 3.94 to 4: # loops 3.94, 3.95, 3.96, 3.97, 3.98, 3.99, 4

Offline players



  • [(all [[of] the]|the)] offline[ ]players
Since: 2.2-dev35
Return Type: Offline Player
All players that have ever joined the server. This includes the players currently online.


send "Size of all players who have joined the server: %size of all offline players%"

Online Player Count



  • [the] [((real|default)|(fake|shown|displayed))] [online] player (count|amount|number)
  • [the] [((real|default)|(fake|shown|displayed))] (count|amount|number|size) of online players
Since: 2.3
Return Type: long
The amount of online players. This can be changed in a server list ping event only to show fake online player amount. 'real online player count' always returns the real count of online players and can't be changed.

Fake online player count requires PaperSpigot 1.12.2+.


on server list ping:
    # This will make the max players count 5 if there are 4 players online.
    set the fake max players count to (online players count + 1)

Opened Inventory



  • [the] (current|open|top) inventory [of %players%]
  • %players%'[s] (current|open|top) inventory
Since: 2.2-dev24, 2.2-dev35 (Just 'current inventory' works in player events)
Return Type: Inventory
Return the currently opened inventory of a player. If no inventory is open, it returns the own player's crafting inventory.


set slot 1 of player's current inventory to diamond sword




Since: 2.0
Return Type: Object
Parses text as a given type, or as a given pattern. This expression can be used in two different ways: One which parses the entire text as a single instance of a type, e.g. as a number, and one that parses the text according to a pattern. If the given text could not be parsed, this expression will return nothing and the parse error will be set if some information is available. Some notes about parsing with a pattern: - The pattern must be a Skript pattern, e.g. percent signs are used to define where to parse which types, e.g. put a %number% or %items% in the pattern if you expect a number or some items there. - You have to save the expression's value in a list variable, e.g. set {parsed::*} to message parsed as "...". - The list variable will contain the parsed values from all %types% in the pattern in order. If a type was plural, e.g. %items%, the variable's value at the respective index will be a list variable, e.g. the values will be stored in {parsed::1::*}, not {parsed::1}.


set {var} to line 1 parsed as number
on chat:
    set {var::*} to message parsed as "buying %items% for %money%"
    if parse error is set:
        message "%parse error%"
    else if {var::*} is set:
        cancel event
        remove {var::2} from the player's balance
        give {var::1::*} to the player

Parse Error



  • [the] [last] [parse] error
Since: 2.0
Return Type: Text
The error which caused the last parse operation to fail, which might not be set if a pattern was used and the pattern didn't match the provided text at all.


set {var} to line 1 parsed as integer
if {var} is not set:
    parse error is set:
        message "&lt;red&gt;Line 1 is invalid: %last parse error%"
        message "&lt;red&gt;Please put an integer on line 1!"




Since: 2.0, 2.2-dev26 (Multiple passengers for 1.11.2+)
Return Type: Entity
The passenger of a vehicle, or the rider of a mob. For 1.11.2 and above, it returns a list of passengers and you can use all changers in it. See also: vehicle


#for 1.11 and lower
passenger of the minecart is a creeper or a cow
the saddled pig's passenger is a player
#for 1.11.2+
passengers of the minecart contains a creeper or a cow
the boat's passenger contains a pig
add a cow and a zombie to passengers of last spawned boat
set passengers of player's vehicle to a pig and a horse
remove all pigs from player's vehicle
clear passengers of boat




  • (pi|π)
Since: 2.7
Return Type: double
Returns the mathematical constant pi. (approx. 3.1415926535)


set {_tau} to pi * 2

Pickup Delay



Since: 2.7
Return Type: Timespan
The amount of time before a dropped item can be picked up by an entity.


drop diamond sword at {_location} without velocity
set pickup delay of last dropped item to 5 seconds




Since: 2.2-dev36
Return Type: long
Pings of players, as Minecraft server knows them. Note that they will almost certainly be different from the ones you'd get from using ICMP echo requests. This expression is only supported on some server software (PaperSpigot).


command /ping <player=%player%>:
        send "%arg-1%'s ping is %arg-1's ping%"

Plain Item



Since: 2.6
Return Type: Item Type
A plain item is an item with no modifications. It can be used to convert items to their default state or to match with other default items.


if the player's tool is a plain diamond: # check if player's tool has no modifications
    send "You are holding a plain diamond!"

Player List Header and Footer



  • [the] (player|tab)[ ]list (header|footer) [(text|message)] of %players%
  • %players%'[s] (player|tab)[ ]list (header|footer) [(text|message)]
Since: 2.4
Requirements: Minecraft 1.13 or newer
Return Type: Text
The message above and below the player list in the tab menu.


set all players' tab list header to "Welcome to the Server!"
send "%the player's tab list header%" to player
reset all players' tab list header

Player Protocol Version



Since: 2.6.2
Requirements: Paper 1.12.2 or newer
Return Type: integer
Player's protocol version. For more information and list of protocol versions visit wiki.vg.


command /protocolversion &ltplayer&gt:
        send "Protocol version of %arg-1%: %protocol version of arg-1%"

Player Skull



Since: 2.0
Return Type: Item Type
Gets a skull item representing a player. Skulls for other entities are provided by the aliases.


give the victim's skull to the attacker
set the block at the entity to the entity's skull

Player Weather



  • [the] [(client|custom)] weather of %players%
  • %players%'[s] [(client|custom)] weather
Since: 2.2-dev34
Return Type: Weather Type
The weather for a player.


set weather of arg-player to rainy
reset player's weather
if arg-player's weather is rainy




  • [the] portal['s] blocks
  • [the] blocks of [the] portal
Since: 2.4
Usable in events: portal_create
Return Type: Block
The blocks associated with a portal in the portal creation event.


on portal creation:
    loop portal blocks:
        broadcast "%loop-block% is part of a portal!"

Portal Cooldown



Return Type: Timespan
The amount of time before an entity can use a portal. By default, it is 15 seconds after exiting a nether portal or end gateway. Players in survival/adventure get a cooldown of 0.5 seconds, while those in creative get no cooldown. Resetting will set the cooldown back to the default 15 seconds for non-player entities and 0.5 seconds for players.


on portal:
    wait 1 tick
    set portal cooldown of event-entity to 5 seconds

Potion Effect



  • [new] potion effect of %potion% [potion] [[[of] tier] %number%] [without particles] [for %time span%]
  • [new] ambient potion effect of %potion% [potion] [[[of] tier] %number%] [without particles] [for %time span%]
Since: 2.5.2
Return Type: Potion Effect
Create a new potion effect to apply to an entity or item type. Do note that when applying potion effects to tipped arrows/lingering potions, Minecraft reduces the timespan.


set {_p} to potion effect of speed of tier 1 without particles for 10 minutes
add {_p} to potion effects of player's tool
add {_p} to potion effects of target entity
add potion effect of speed 1 to potion effects of player

Potion Effect Tier



Since: 2.7
Return Type: integer
An expression to obtain the amplifier of a potion effect applied to an entity.


if the amplifier of haste of player >= 3:

Potion Effects



Since: 2.5.2
Return Type: Potion Effect
Represents the active potion effects of entities and itemtypes. You can clear all potion effects of an entity/itemtype and add/remove a potion effect/type to/from an entity/itemtype. Do note you will not be able to clear the base potion effects of a potion item. In that case, just set the item to a water bottle. When adding a potion effect type (rather than a potion effect), it will default to 15 seconds with tier 1.


set {_p::*} to active potion effects of player
clear all the potion effects of player
clear all the potion effects of player's tool
add potion effects of player to potion effects of player's tool
add speed to potion effects of target entity
remove speed and night vision from potion effects of player




  • [the] [chat] (prefix|suffix) of %players%
  • %players%'[s] [chat] (prefix|suffix)
Since: 2.0
Requirements: Vault, a chat plugin that supports Vault
Return Type: Text
The prefix or suffix as defined in the server's chat plugin.


on chat:
    cancel event
    broadcast "%player's prefix%%player's display name%%player's suffix%: %message%" to the player's world

set the player's prefix to "[&lt;red&gt;Admin<reset>] "

Projectile Bounce State



  • [the] projectile bounce (state|ability|mode) of %projectiles%
  • %projectiles%'[s] projectile bounce (state|ability|mode)
Since: 2.5.1
Return Type: Boolean
A projectile's bounce state.


on projectile hit:
    set projectile bounce mode of event-projectile to true

Projectile Critical State



  • [the] (projectile|arrow) critical (state|ability|mode) of %projectiles%
  • %projectiles%'[s] (projectile|arrow) critical (state|ability|mode)
Since: 2.5.1
Return Type: Boolean
A projectile's critical state. The only currently accepted projectiles are arrows and tridents.


on shoot:
    event-projectile is an arrow
    set projectile critical mode of event-projectile to true

Protocol Version



  • [the] [server] [(sent|required|fake)] protocol version [number]
Since: 2.3
Usable in events: server list ping
Requirements: Paper 1.12.2 or newer
Return Type: long
The protocol version that will be sent as the protocol version of the server in a server list ping event. For more information and list of protocol versions visit wiki.vg. If this protocol version doesn't match with the protocol version of the client, the client will see the version string. But please note that, this expression has no visual effect over the version string. For example if the server uses PaperSpigot 1.12.2, and you make the protocol version 107 (1.9), the version string will not be "Paper 1.9", it will still be "Paper 1.12.2". But then you can customize the version string as you wish. Also if the protocol version of the player is higher than protocol version of the server, it will say "Server out of date!", and if vice-versa "Client out of date!" when you hover on the ping bars.

This can be set in a server list ping event only (increase and decrease effects cannot be used because that wouldn't make sense).


on server list ping:
    set the version string to "&lt;light green&gt;Version: &lt;orange&gt;%minecraft version%"
    set the protocol version to 0 # 13w41a (1.7) - so the player will see the custom version string almost always

Quit Reason



  • [the] (quit|disconnect) (cause|reason)
Requirements: Paper 1.16.5+
Return Type: Quit Reason
The quit reason as to why a player disconnected in a quit event.


on quit:
    quit reason was kicked
    player is banned
    clear {server::player::%uuid of player%::*}




Since: 1.4.9
Return Type: Object
Gets a random item out of a set, e.g. a random player out of all players online.


give a diamond to a random player out of all players
give a random item out of all items to the player

Random Number



  • [a] random (integer|number) (from|between) %number% (to|and) %number%
Since: 1.4
Return Type: Number
A random number or integer between two given numbers. Use 'number' if you want any number with decimal parts, or use use 'integer' if you only want whole numbers. Please note that the order of the numbers doesn't matter, i.e. random number between 2 and 1 will work as well as random number between 1 and 2.


set the player's health to a random number between 5 and 10
send "You rolled a %random integer from 1 to 6%!" to the player

Random UUID



  • [a] random uuid
Since: 2.5.1
Return Type: Text
Returns a random UUID.


set {_uuid} to random uuid

Raw Name



Since: unknown (2.2)
Return Type: Text
The raw Minecraft material name of the given item. Note that this is not guaranteed to give same results on all servers.


raw name of tool of player

Raw String



Since: 2.7
Return Type: Text
Returns the string without formatting (colors etc.) and without stripping them from it, e.g. raw "&aHello There!" would output &aHello There!


send raw "&aThis text is unformatted!" to all players

Redstone Block Power



  • [the] redstone power of %blocks%
  • %blocks%'[s] redstone power
Since: 2.5
Return Type: long
Power of a redstone block


if redstone power of targeted block is 15:
    send "This block is very powerful!"




  • [the] [event-]region
Since: 2.1
Requirements: Supported regions plugin
Return Type: Region
The region involved in an event. This expression requires a supported regions plugin to be installed.


on region enter:
    region is {forbidden region}
    cancel the event

Region Members & Owners



  • [(all|the)] (members|owner[s]) of [[the] region[s]] %regions%
  • [[the] region[s]] %regions%'[s] (members|owner[s])
Since: 2.1
Requirements: Supported regions plugin
Return Type: Offline Player
A list of members or owners of a region. This expression requires a supported regions plugin to be installed.


on entering of a region:
    message "You're entering %region% whose owners are %owners of region%"

Regions At



Since: 2.1
Requirements: Supported regions plugin
Return Type: Region
All regions at a particular location. This expression requires a supported regions plugin to be installed.


On click on a sign:
    line 1 of the clicked block is "[region info]"
    set {_regions::*} to regions at the clicked block
    if {_regions::*} is empty:
        message "No regions exist at this sign."
        message "Regions containing this sign: &lt;gold&gt;%{_regions::*}%<r>."

Remaining Air



Since: unknown (before 2.1)
Return Type: Timespan
How much time a player has left underwater before starting to drown.


player's remaining air is less than 3 seconds:
    send "hurry, get to the surface!" to the player

Respawn Anchor Charges



  • [the] [max[imum]] charge[s] of %blocks%
  • %blocks%'[s] [max[imum]] charge[s]
Since: 2.7
Requirements: Minecraft 1.16+
Return Type: integer
The charges of a respawn anchor.


set the charges of event-block to 3

Respawn location



  • [the] respawn location
Since: 2.2-dev35
Return Type: Location
The location that a player should respawn at. This is used within the respawn event.


on respawn:
    set respawn location to {example::spawn}

Reversed List



Since: 2.4
Return Type: Object
Reverses given list.


set {_list::*} to reversed {_list::*}




  • [(a|the)] round[ed] down %number%
  • [(a|the)] round[ed] %number%
  • [(a|the)] round[ed] up %number%
Since: 2.0
Return Type: long
Rounds numbers normally, up (ceiling) or down (floor) respectively.


set {var} to rounded health of player
set line 1 of the block to rounded "%(1.5 * player's level)%"
add rounded down argument to the player's health




Since: 2.2-Fixes-v10, 2.2-dev35 (fully modifiable), 2.6.2 (syntax pattern changed)
Return Type: Number
The saturation of a player. If used in a player event, it can be omitted and will default to event-player.


set saturation of player to 20

Scoreboard Tags



  • [(all [[of] the]|the)] scoreboard tags of %entities%
  • %entities%'[s] scoreboard tags
Since: 2.3
Return Type: Text
Scoreboard tags are simple list of texts stored directly in the data of an entity. So this is a Minecraft related thing, not Bukkit, so the tags will not get removed when the server stops. You can visit visit Minecraft Wiki for more info. This is changeable and valid for any type of entity. Also you can use use the Has Scoreboard Tag condition to check whether an entity has the given tags.

Requires Minecraft 1.11+ (actually added in 1.9 to the game, but added in 1.11 to Spigot).


on spawn of a monster:
    if the spawn reason is mob spawner:
        add "spawned by a spawner" to the scoreboard tags of event-entity

on death of a monster:
    if the attacker is a player:
        if the victim doesn't have the scoreboard tag "spawned by a spawner":
            add 1$ to attacker's balance

Script Name



  • [the] script[['s] name]
  • name of [the] script
Since: 2.0
Usable in events: Script Load/Unload
Return Type: Text
Holds the current script's name (the file name without '.sk').


on script load:
    set {running::%script%} to true
on script unload:
    set {running::%script%} to false

Sea Level



Since: 2.5.1
Return Type: long
Gets the sea level of a world.


send "The sea level in your world is %sea level in player's world%"

Sea Pickles



  • [the] [(min|max)[imum]] [sea] pickle(s| (count|amount)) of %blocks%
  • %blocks%'[s] [(min|max)[imum]] [sea] pickle(s| (count|amount))
Since: 2.7
Return Type: integer
An expression to obtain or modify data relating to the pickles of a sea pickle block.


on block break:
    type of block is sea pickle
    send "Wow! This stack of sea pickles contained %event-block's sea pickle count% pickles!"
    send "It could've contained a maximum of %event-block's maximum sea pickle count% pickles!"
    send "It had to have contained at least %event-block's minimum sea pickle count% pickles!"
    cancel event
    set event-block's sea pickle count to event-block's maximum sea pickle count
    send "This bad boy is going to hold so many pickles now!!"

Server Icon



  • [the] [((default)|(shown|sent))] [server] icon
Since: 2.3
Requirements: Paper 1.12.2 or newer
Return Type: Server Icon
Icon of the server in the server list. Can be set to an icon that loaded using the load server icon effect, or can be reset to the default icon in a server list ping. 'default server icon' returns the default server icon (server-icon.png) always and cannot be changed.


on script load:
    set {server-icons::default} to the default server icon




  • [all [[of] the]|the|every] %*type%
Since: unknown (before 1.4.2), 2.7 (colors)
Return Type: Object
Returns a list of all the values of a type; useful for looping.


loop all attribute types:
    set loop-value attribute of player to 10
    message "Set attribute %loop-value% to 10!"




Since: 1.3.7
Return Type: Living Entity
The shooter of a projectile.


shooter is a skeleton

Shuffled List



Since: 2.2-dev32
Return Type: Object
Shuffles given list randomly. This is done by replacing indices by random numbers in resulting list.


set {_list::*} to shuffled {_list::*}

Sign Text



  • [the] line %number% [of %block%]
  • [the] (1st|first|2nd|second|3rd|third|4th|fourth) line [of %block%]
Since: 1.3
Return Type: Text
A line of text on a sign. Can be changed, but remember that there is a 16 character limit per line (including color codes that use 2 characters each).


on rightclick on sign:
    line 2 of the clicked block is "[Heal]":
        heal the player
    set line 3 to "%player%"

Slot Index



Since: 2.2-dev35
Return Type: long
Index of an an inventory slot. Other types of slots may or may not have indices. Note that comparing slots with numbers is also possible; if index of slot is same as the number, comparisonsucceeds. This expression is mainly for the cases where you must for some reason save the slot numbers.


if index of event-slot is 10:
    send "You bought a pie!"

Sorted List



Since: 2.2-dev19
Return Type: Object
Sorts given list in natural order. All objects in list must be comparable; if they're not, this expression will return nothing.


set {_sorted::*} to sorted {_players::*}

Source Block



  • [the] source block
Since: 2.7
Usable in events: Spread
Return Type: Block
The source block in a spread event.


on spread:
    if the source block is a grass block:
        set the source block to a dirt block




  • [the] spawn[s] [(point|location)[s]] [of %worlds%]
  • %worlds%'[s] spawn[s] [(point|location)[s]]
Since: 1.4.2
Return Type: Location
The spawn point of a world.


teleport all players to spawn
set the spawn point of "world" to the player's location

Spawn Reason



  • [the] spawn[ing] reason
Since: 2.3
Return Type: Spawn Reason
The spawn reason in a spawn event.


on spawn:
    spawn reason is reinforcements or breeding

Spawner Type



  • [the] (spawner|entity|creature) type[s] of %blocks%
  • %blocks%'[s] (spawner|entity|creature) type[s]
Since: 2.4
Return Type: Entity Type
Retrieves, sets, or resets the spawner's entity type


on right click:
    if event-block is spawner:
        send "Spawner's type is %target block's entity type%"

Special Number



  • (NaN|[(-|minus)](infinity|∞)) value
  • value of (NaN|[(-|minus)](infinity|∞))
Since: 2.2-dev32d
Return Type: Number
Special number values, namely NaN, Infinity and -Infinity


if {_number} is NaN value:

Spectator Target



Since: 2.4-alpha4, 2.7 (Paper Spectator Event)
Requirements: Paper
Return Type: Entity
Grabs the spectator target entity of the players.


on player start spectating of player:
    message "&c%spectator target% currently has %{game::kills::%spectator target%}% kills!" to the player

on player stop spectating:
    past spectator target was a zombie
    set spectator target to the nearest skeleton




  • [the] (walk[ing]|fl(y[ing]|ight))[( |-)]speed of %players%
  • %players%'[s] (walk[ing]|fl(y[ing]|ight))[( |-)]speed
Since: unknown (before 2.1)
Return Type: Number
A player's walking or flying speed. Both can be changed, but values must be between -1 and 1 (excessive values will be changed to -1 or 1 respectively). Negative values reverse directions. Please note that changing a player's speed will change their FOV just like potions do.


set the player's walk speed to 1
increase the argument's fly speed by 0.1




  • [the] (part|sub[ ](text|string)) of %texts% (between|from) [ind(ex|ices)|character[s]] %number% (and|to) [(index|character)] %number%
  • [the] (first|last) [%number%] character[s] of %texts%
  • [the] %number% (first|last) characters of %texts%
  • [the] character[s] at [(index|position|indexes|indices|positions)] %numbers% (in|of) %texts%
Since: 2.1, 2.5.2 (character at, multiple strings support)
Return Type: Text
Extracts part of a text. You can either get the first <x> characters, the last <x> characters, the character at index <x>, or the characters between indices <x> and <y>. The indices <x> and <y> should be between 1 and the length of the text (other values will be fit into this range).


set {_s} to the first 5 characters of the text argument
message "%subtext of {_s} from characters 2 to (the length of {_s} - 1)%" # removes the first and last character from {_s} and sends it to the player or console
set {_characters::*} to characters at 1, 2 and 7 in player's display name
send the last character of all players' names

TPS (ticks per second)



  • tps from [the] last ([1] minute|1[ ]m[inute])
  • tps from [the] last 5[ ]m[inutes]
  • tps from [the] last 15[ ]m[inutes]
  • [the] tps
Since: 2.2-dev36
Return Type: Number
Returns the 3 most recent TPS readings, like the /tps command. This expression is only supported on some server software (PaperSpigot).


broadcast "%tps%"




  • [the] tamer
Since: 2.2-dev25
Return Type: Player
The tamer of an entity. Can only be used in entity tame events. You can use 'event-entity' to refer tamed entity itself.


on tame:
    if the tamer is a player:
        send "someone tamed something!" to console




Since: 1.4.2, 2.7 (Reset)
Return Type: Entity
For players this is the entity at the crosshair. For mobs and experience orbs this is the entity they are attacking/following (if any).


on entity target:
    if entity's target is a player:
        send "You're being followed by an %entity%!" to target of entity

reset target of entity # Makes the entity target-less
delete targeted entity of player # for players it will delete the target
delete target of last spawned zombie # for entities it will make them target-less

Targeted Block



  • [the] target[ed] block[s] [of %players%]
  • %players%'[s] target[ed] block[s]
  • [the] actual[ly] target[ed] block[s] [of %players%]
  • %players%'[s] actual[ly] target[ed] block[s]
Since: 1.0
Return Type: Block
The block at the crosshair. This regards all blocks that are not air as fully solid, e.g. torches will be like a solid stone block for this expression.


# A command to set the block a player looks at to a specific type:
command /setblock &lt;material&gt;:
        set targeted block to argument

Teleport Cause



  • [the] teleport (cause|reason|type)
Since: 2.2-dev35
Return Type: Teleport Cause
The teleport cause within a player teleport event.


on teleport:
    teleport cause is nether portal, end portal or end gateway




  • [the] temperature[s] of %blocks%
  • %blocks%'[s] temperature[s]
Since: 2.2-dev35
Return Type: Number
Temperature at given block.


message "%temperature of the targeted block%"




Since: 2.2-dev36
Return Type: Object
A shorthand expression for returning something based on a condition.


set {points} to 500 if {admin::%player's uuid%} is set else 100

The Egg



  • [the] [thrown] egg
Since: 2.7
Usable in events: Egg Throw
Return Type: Projectile
The egg thrown in a Player Egg Throw event.


spawn an egg at the egg




  • [the] time[s] [([with]in|of) %worlds%]
  • %worlds%'[s] time[s]
Since: 1.0
Return Type: Time
The time of a world.


time in world is between 18:00 and 6:00:
    broadcast "It's night-time, watch out for monsters!"

Time Played



Since: 2.5, 2.7 (offline players)
Requirements: MC 1.15+ (offline players)
Return Type: Timespan
The amount of time a player has played for on the server. This info is stored in the player's statistics in the main world's data folder. Changing this will also change the player's stats which can be views in the client's statistics menu. Using this expression on offline players on Minecraft 1.14 and below will return nothing <none>.


set {_t} to time played of player
if player's time played is greater than 10 minutes:
    give player a diamond sword

set player's time played to 0 seconds

Time Since



  • [the] time since %dates%
Since: 2.5
Return Type: Timespan
The time that has passed since a date. If the given date is in the future, a value will not be returned.


send "%time since 5 minecraft days ago% has passed since 5 minecraft days ago!" to player




  • [the] ((tool|held item|weapon)|(off[ ]hand (tool|item))) [of %living entities%]
  • %living entities%'[s] ((tool|held item|weapon)|(off[ ]hand (tool|item)))
Since: 1.0
Return Type: Inventory Slot
The item an entity is holding in their main or off hand.


player's tool is a pickaxe
player's off hand tool is a shield
set tool of all players to a diamond sword
set offhand tool of target entity to a bow

Total Experience



Since: 2.7
Return Type: integer
The total experience, in points, of players or experience orbs. Adding to a player's experience will trigger Mending, but setting their experience will not.


set total experience of player to 100

add 100 to player's experience

if player's total experience is greater than 100:
    set player's total experience to 0
    give player 1 diamond

Type of



Since: 1.4, 2.5.2 (potion effect), 2.7 (block datas)
Return Type: Object
Type of a block, item, entity, inventory or potion effect. Types of items, blocks and block datas are item types similar to them but have amounts of one, no display names and, on Minecraft 1.13 and newer versions, are undamaged. Types of entities and inventories are entity types and inventory types known to Skript. Types of potion effects are potion effect types.


on rightclick on an entity:
    message "This is a %type of clicked entity%!"




Since: 2.1.2, 2.2 (offline players' UUIDs), 2.2-dev24 (other entities' UUIDs)
Return Type: Text
The UUID of a player, entity or world. In the future there will be an option to use a player's UUID instead of the name in variable names (i.e. when %player% is used), but for now this can be used. Please note that this expression does not work for offline players if you are under 1.8!


# prevents people from joining the server if they use the name of a player
# who has played on this server at least once since this script has been added
on login:
    if {uuid::%name of player%} exists:
        {uuid::%name of player%} is not uuid of player
        kick player due to "Someone with your name has played on this server before"
        set {uuid::%name of player%} to uuid of player

Unbreakable Items



Since: 2.2-dev13b
Return Type: Item Type
Creates unbreakable copies of given items.


unbreakable iron sword #Creates unbreakable iron sword

Unix Date



Since: 2.5
Return Type: Date
Converts given Unix timestamp to a date. The Unix timespan represents the number of seconds elapsed since 1 January 1970.


unix date of 946684800 #1 January 2000 12:00 AM (UTC Time)

Unix Timestamp



  • [the] unix timestamp of %dates%
  • %dates%'[s] unix timestamp
Since: 2.2-dev31
Return Type: Number
Converts given date to Unix timestamp. This is roughly how many seconds have elapsed since 1 January 1970.


unix timestamp of now

Value Within



Since: 2.7
Return Type: Object
Gets the value within objects. Usually used with variables to get the value they store rather than the variable itself, or with lists to get the values of a type.


set {_entity} to a random entity out of all entities
delete entity within {_entity} # This deletes the entity itself and not the value stored in the variable

set {_list::*} to "something", 10, "test" and a zombie
broadcast the strings within {_list::*} # "something", "test"

Vectors - Angle Between



Since: 2.2-dev28
Return Type: Number
Gets the angle between two vectors.


send "%the angle between vector 1, 0, 0 and vector 0, 1, 1%"

Vectors - Arithmetic



Since: 2.2-dev28
Return Type: Vector
Arithmetic expressions for vectors.


set {_v} to vector 1, 2, 3 // 5
set {_v} to {_v} ++ {_v}
set {_v} to {_v} ++ 5
set {_v} to {_v} -- {_v}
set {_v} to {_v} -- 5
set {_v} to {_v} ** {_v}
set {_v} to {_v} ** 5
set {_v} to {_v} // {_v}
set {_v} to {_v} // 5

Vectors - Create from Direction



Return Type: Vector
Creates vectors from given directions. Relative directions are relative to the origin, (0, 0, 0). Therefore, the vector from the direction 'forwards' is (0, 0, 1).


set {_v} to vector from direction upwards
set {_v} to vector in direction of player
set {_v} to vector in horizontal direction of player
set {_v} to vector from facing of player
set {_v::*} to vectors from north, south, east, and west

Vectors - Create from XYZ



Since: 2.2-dev28
Return Type: Vector
Creates a vector from x, y and z values.


set {_v} to vector 0, 1, 0

Vectors - Cross Product



Since: 2.2-dev28
Return Type: Vector
Gets the cross product between two vectors.


send "%vector 1, 0, 0 cross vector 0, 1, 0%"

Vectors - Cylindrical Shape



  • [a] [new] cylindrical vector [(from|with)] [radius] %number%, [yaw] %number%(,| and) [height] %number%
Since: 2.2-dev28
Return Type: Vector
Forms a 'cylindrical shaped' vector using yaw to manipulate the current point.


loop 360 times:
    set {_v} to cylindrical vector radius 1, yaw loop-value, height 2
set {_v} to cylindrical vector radius 1, yaw 90, height 2

Vectors - Dot Product



Since: 2.2-dev28
Return Type: Number
Gets the dot product between two vectors.


set {_v} to {_v2} dot {_v3}

Vectors - Length



  • [the] (vector|standard|normal) length[s] of %vectors%
  • %vectors%'[s] (vector|standard|normal) length[s]
Since: 2.2-dev28
Return Type: Number
Gets or sets the length of a vector.


send "%standard length of vector 1, 2, 3%"
set {_v} to vector 1, 2, 3
set standard length of {_v} to 2
send "%standard length of {_v}%"

Vectors - Location Vector Offset



Since: 2.2-dev28
Return Type: Location
Returns the location offset by vectors.


set {_loc} to {_loc} ~ {_v}

Vectors - Normalized



Since: 2.2-dev28
Return Type: Vector
Returns the same vector but with length 1.


set {_v} to normalized {_v}

Vectors - Random Vector



  • [a] random vector
Since: 2.2-dev28, 2.7 (signed components)
Return Type: Vector
Creates a random unit vector.


set {_v} to a random vector

Vectors - Spherical Shape



  • [new] spherical vector [(from|with)] [radius] %number%, [yaw] %number%(,| and) [pitch] %number%
Since: 2.2-dev28
Return Type: Vector
Forms a 'spherical shaped' vector using yaw and pitch to manipulate the current point.


loop 360 times:
    set {_v} to spherical vector radius 1, yaw loop-value, pitch loop-value
set {_v} to spherical vector radius 1, yaw 45, pitch 90

Vectors - Squared Length



  • [the] squared length[s] of %vectors%
  • %vectors%'[s] squared length[s]
Since: 2.2-dev28
Return Type: Number
Gets the squared length of a vector.


send "%squared length of vector 1, 2, 3%"

Vectors - Vector Between Locations



Since: 2.2-dev28
Return Type: Vector
Creates a vector between two locations.


set {_v} to vector between {_loc1} and {_loc2}

Vectors - Vector Projection



Return Type: Vector
An expression to get the vector projection of two vectors.


set {_projection} to vector projection of vector(1, 2, 3) onto vector(4, 4, 4)

Vectors - Vector from Location



Since: 2.2-dev28
Return Type: Vector
Creates a vector from a location.


set {_v} to vector of {_loc}

Vectors - Vector from Pitch and Yaw



  • [a] [new] vector (from|with) yaw %number% and pitch %number%
Since: 2.2-dev28
Return Type: Vector
Creates a vector from a yaw and pitch value.


set {_v} to vector from yaw 45 and pitch 45

Vectors - Velocity



Since: 2.2-dev31
Return Type: Vector
Gets or changes velocity of an entity.


set player's velocity to {_v}

Vectors - XYZ Component



  • [the] [vector] (x|y|z) [component[s]] of %vectors%
  • %vectors%'[s] [vector] (x|y|z) [component[s]]
Since: 2.2-dev28
Return Type: Number
Gets or changes the x, y or z component of a vector.


set {_v} to vector 1, 2, 3
send "%x of {_v}%, %y of {_v}%, %z of {_v}%"
add 1 to x of {_v}
add 2 to y of {_v}
add 3 to z of {_v}
send "%x of {_v}%, %y of {_v}%, %z of {_v}%"
set x component of {_v} to 1
set y component of {_v} to 2
set z component of {_v} to 3
send "%x component of {_v}%, %y component of {_v}%, %z component of {_v}%"




Since: 2.0
Return Type: Entity
The vehicle an entity is in, if any. This can actually be any entity, e.g. spider jockeys are skeletons that ride on a spider, so the spider is the 'vehicle' of the skeleton. See also: passenger


vehicle of the player is a minecart




  • ([craft]bukkit|minecraft|skript)( |-)version
Since: 2.0
Return Type: Text
The version of Bukkit, Minecraft or Skript respectively.


message "This server is running Minecraft %minecraft version% on Bukkit %bukkit version%"
message "This server is powered by Skript %skript version%"

Version String



  • [the] [shown|custom] version [string|text]
Since: 2.3
Usable in events: Server List Ping
Requirements: Paper 1.12.2+
Return Type: Text
The text to show if the protocol version of the server doesn't match with protocol version of the client. You can check the protocol version expression for more information about this. This can only be set in a server list ping event.


on server list ping:
    set the protocol version to 0 # 13w41a (1.7), so it will show the version string always
    set the version string to "&lt;light green&gt;Version: &lt;orange&gt;%minecraft version%"

View Distance



Since: 2.4
Requirements: Paper
Return Type: integer
The view distance of a player as set by the server. Can be changed. NOTE: This is the view distance sent by the server to the player. This has nothing to do with client side view distance settings NOTE: This may not work on some versions (such as MC 1.14.x). The return value in this case will be the view distance set in system.properties.


set view distance of player to 10
set {_view} to view distance of player
reset view distance of all players
add 2 to view distance of player

View Distance of Client



  • [the] client view distance[s] of %players%
  • %players%'[s] client view distance[s]
Since: 2.5
Requirements: 1.13.2+
Return Type: long
The view distance of the client. Can not be changed. This differs from the server side view distance of player as this will retrieve the view distance the player has set on their client.


set {_clientView} to the client view distance of player
set view distance of player to client view distance of player




Since: 1.0
Usable in events: weather change
Return Type: Weather Type
The weather in the given or the current world.


set weather to clear
weather in "world" is rainy




  • [the] white[ ]list
Since: 2.5.2
Return Type: Offline Player
A server's whitelist.This expression can be used to add/remove players to/from the whitelist, to enable it and disable it (set whitelist to true / set whitelist to false), and to empty it (reset whitelist)


set whitelist to false
add all players to whitelist
reset the whitelist




Since: 1.0
Return Type: World
The world the event occurred in.


world is "world_nether"
teleport the player to the world's spawn
set the weather in the player's world to rain
set {_world} to world of event-chunk

World Environment



  • [the] [world] environment of %worlds%
  • %worlds%'[s] [world] environment
Since: 2.7
Return Type: World Environment
The environment of a world


if environment of player's world is nether:
    apply fire resistance to player for 10 minutes

World Seed



Since: 2.2-dev35
Return Type: long
The seed of given world. Note that it will be returned as Minecraft internally treats seeds, not as you specified it in world configuration.


broadcast "Seed: %seed of player's world%"

World from Name



  • [the] world [(named|with name)] %text%
Since: 2.6.1
Return Type: World
Returns the world from a string.


world named {game::world-name}
the world "world"




  • [(all [[of] the]|the)] worlds
Since: 1.0
Return Type: World
All worlds of the server, useful for looping.


loop all worlds:
    broadcast "You're in %loop-world%" to loop-world

X Times



Since: 1.4.6
Return Type: long
Integers between 1 and X, used in loops to loop X times.


loop 20 times:
    broadcast "%21 - loop-number% seconds left.."
    wait 1 second

X of Item



Since: 1.2
Return Type: Object
An expression to be able to use a certain amount of items where the amount can be any expression. Please note that this expression is not stable and might be replaced in the future.


give level of player of pickaxes to the player

Yaw / Pitch



Since: 2.0, 2.2-dev28 (vector yaw/pitch)
Return Type: Number
The yaw or pitch of a location or vector.


log "%player%: %location of player%, %player's yaw%, %player's pitch%" to "playerlocs.log"
set {_yaw} to yaw of player
set {_p} to pitch of target entity

Action Bar



  • send [the] action[ ]bar [with text] %text% [to %players%]
Since: 2.3
Sends an action bar message to the given player(s).


send action bar "Hello player!" to player




Since: 1.4, 2.1.1 (ban reason), 2.5 (timespan)
Bans or unbans a player or an IP address. If a reason is given, it will be shown to the player when they try to join the server while banned. A length of ban may also be given to apply a temporary ban. If it is absent for any reason, a permanent ban will be used instead. We recommend that you test your scripts so that no accidental permanent bans are applied.

Note that banning people does not kick them from the server. Consider using the kick effect after applying a ban.


unban player
ban ""
IP-ban the player because "he is an idiot"
ban player due to "inappropriate language" for 2 days

Break Block



Since: 2.4
Breaks the block and spawns items as if a player had mined it

You can add a tool, which will spawn items based on how that tool would break the block (ie: When using a hand to break stone, it drops nothing, whereas with a pickaxe it drops cobblestone)


on right click:
    break clicked block naturally
loop blocks in radius 10 around player:
    break loop-block using player's tool
loop blocks in radius 10 around player:
    break loop-block naturally using diamond pickaxe




Since: 1.0, 2.6 (broadcasting objects), 2.6.1 (using advanced formatting)
Broadcasts a message to the server.


broadcast "Welcome %player% to the server!"
broadcast "Woah! It's a message!"

Cancel Command Cooldown



  • (cancel|ignore) [the] [current] [command] cooldown
  • un(cancel|ignore) [the] [current] [command] cooldown
Since: 2.2-dev34
Only usable in commands. Makes it so the current command usage isn't counted towards the cooldown.


command /nick &lt;text&gt;:
    executable by: players
    cooldown: 10 seconds
        if length of arg-1 is more than 16:
            # Makes it so that invalid arguments don't make you wait for the cooldown again
            cancel the cooldown
            send "Your nickname may be at most 16 characters."
        set the player's display name to arg-1

Cancel Drops



  • (cancel|clear|delete) [the] drops [of (items|[e]xp[erience][s])]
  • (cancel|clear|delete) [the] (item|[e]xp[erience]) drops
Since: 2.4
Usable in events: death, break / mine
Requirements: 1.12.2 or newer (cancelling item drops of blocks)
Cancels drops of items or experiences in a death or block break event. Please note that this doesn't keep items or experiences of a dead player. If you want to do that, use the Keep Inventory / Experience effect.


on death of a zombie:
    if name of the entity is "&cSpecial":
        cancel drops of items

on break of a coal ore:
    cancel the experience drops

Cancel Event



  • cancel [the] event
  • uncancel [the] event
Since: 1.0
Cancels the event (e.g. prevent blocks from being placed, or damage being taken).


on damage:
    victim is a player
    victim has the permission "skript.god"
    cancel the event

Change: Set/Add/Remove/Delete/Reset



Since: 1.0 (set, add, remove, delete), 2.0 (remove all)
A very general effect that can change many expressions. Many expressions can only be set and/or deleted, while some can have things added to or removed from them.


# set:
Set the player's display name to "&lt;red&gt;%name of player%"
set the block above the victim to lava
# add:
add 2 to the player's health # preferably use '<a href='#EffHealth'>heal</a>' for this
add argument to {blacklist::*}
give a diamond pickaxe of efficiency 5 to the player
increase the data value of the clicked block by 1
# remove:
remove 2 pickaxes from the victim
subtract 2.5 from {points::%uuid of player%}
# remove all:
remove every iron tool from the player
remove all minecarts from {entitylist::*}
# delete:
delete the block below the player
clear drops
delete {variable}
# reset:
reset walk speed of player
reset chunk at the targeted block

Charge Creeper



  • make %living entities% [a[n]] (charged|powered|((un|non[-])charged|(un|non[-])powered)) [creeper[s]]
  • (charge|power|(uncharge|unpower)) %living entities%
Since: 2.5
Charges or uncharges a creeper. A creeper is charged when it has been struck by lightning.


on spawn of creeper:
    charge the event-entity

Color Items



Since: 2.0, 2.2-dev26 (maps and potions)
Colors items in a given color. You can also use RGB codes if you feel limited with the 16 default colors. RGB codes are three numbers from 0 to 255 in the order (red, green, blue), where (0,0,0) is black and (255,255,255) is white. Armor is colorable for all Minecraft versions. With Minecraft 1.11 or newer you can also color potions and maps. Note that the colors might not look exactly how you'd expect.


dye player's helmet blue
color the player's tool red




Since: 1.0, INSERT VERSION (bungeecord command)
Executes a command. This can be useful to use other plugins in triggers. If the command is a bungeecord side command, you can use the [bungeecord] option to execute command on the proxy.


make player execute command "/home"
execute console command "/say Hello everyone!"
execute player bungeecord command "/alert &6Testing Announcement!"




Since: 2.3
Connects a player to another bungeecord server


connect all players to "hub"




  • continue [loop]
Since: 2.2-dev37, 2.7 (while loops)
Immediately moves the (while) loop on to the next iteration.


# Broadcast online moderators
loop all players:
    if loop-value does not have permission "moderator":
        continue # filter out non moderators
    broadcast "%loop-player% is a moderator!" # Only moderators get broadcast

# Game starting counter
set {_counter} to 11
while {_counter} > 0:
    remove 1 from {_counter}
    wait a second
    if {_counter} != 1, 2, 3, 5 or 10:
        continue # only print when counter is 1, 2, 3, 5 or 10
    broadcast "Game starting in %{_counter}% second(s)"




Since: 1.0
Damage/Heal/Repair an entity, or item.


damage player by 5 hearts
heal the player
repair tool of player




Since: 1.4
Delays the script's execution by a given timespan. Please note that delays are not persistent, e.g. trying to create a tempban script with ban player → wait 7 days → unban player will not work if you restart your server anytime within these 7 days. You also have to be careful even when using small delays!


wait 2 minutes
halt for 5 minecraft hours
wait a tick

Do If



  • <.+> if <.+>
Since: 2.3
Execute an effect if a condition is true.


on join:
    give a diamond to the player if the player has permission "rank.vip"




Since: 1.0
Drops one or more items.


on death of creeper:
    drop 1 TNT

Enable/Disable/Reload Script File



  • ((enable|load)|reload|(disable|unload)) s(c|k)ript [file] %text%
Since: 2.4
Enables, disables, or reloads a script file.


reload script "test"
enable script file "testing"
unload script file "script.sk"




Since: 2.0
Enchant or disenchant an existing item.


enchant the player's tool with sharpness 5
disenchant the player's tool




Since: 1.0, 2.7 (multiple entities, unequip)
Equips or unequips an entity with some given armor. This will replace any armor that the entity is wearing.


equip player with diamond helmet
equip player with all diamond armor
unequip diamond chestplate from player
unequip all armor from player
unequip player's armor




  • (exit|stop) [trigger]
  • (exit|stop) [(1|a|the|this)] (section|loop|conditional)
  • (exit|stop) <\d+> (section|loop|conditional)s
  • (exit|stop) all (section|loop|conditional)s
Since: unknown (before 2.1)
Exits a given amount of loops and conditionals, or the entire trigger.


if player has any ore:
message "%player% has no ores!"
loop blocks above the player:
    loop-block is not air:
        exit 2 sections
    set loop-block to water

Explode Creeper



Since: 2.5
Requirements: Paper 1.13 or newer/Spigot 1.14 or newer. Ignition can be stopped on Paper 1.13 or newer.
Starts the explosion process of a creeper or instantly explodes it.


start explosion of the last spawned creeper
stop ignition of the last spawned creeper




Since: 1.0
Creates an explosion of a given force. The Minecraft Wiki has an article on explosions which lists the explosion forces of TNT, creepers, etc. Hint: use a force of 0 to create a fake explosion that does no damage whatsoever, or use the explosion effect introduced in Skript 2.0. Starting with Bukkit 1.4.5 and Skript 2.0 you can use safe explosions which will damage entities but won't destroy any blocks.


create an explosion of force 10 at the player
create an explosion of force 0 at the victim




Since: 2.2-dev34
Feeds the specified players.


feed all players
feed the player by 5 beefs

Force Attack



Since: 2.5.1
Requirements: Minecraft 1.15.2+
Makes a living entity attack an entity with a melee attack.


spawn a wolf at player's location
make last spawned wolf attack player

Force Respawn



Since: 2.2-dev21
Forces player(s) to respawn if they are dead. If this is called without delay from death event, one tick is waited before respawn attempt.


on death of player:
    force event-player to respawn




Requirements: Paper 1.17.1+
Make mobs left or right-handed. This does not affect players.


spawn skeleton at spawn of world "world":
    make entity left handed

make all zombies in radius 10 of player right handed

Hide Player from Server List



  • hide %players% (in|on|from) [the] server list
  • hide %players%'[s] info[rmation] (in|on|from) [the] server list
Since: 2.3
Hides a player from the hover list and decreases the online players count (only if the player count wasn't changed before).


on server list ping:
    hide {vanished::*} from the server list




Since: 1.4
Lights entities on fire or extinguishes them.


ignite the player
extinguish the player

Keep Inventory / Experience



  • keep [the] (inventory|items) [(and [e]xp[erience][s] [point[s]])]
  • keep [the] [e]xp[erience][s] [point[s]] [(and (inventory|items))]
Since: 2.4
Usable in events: death
Keeps the inventory or/and experiences of the dead player in a death event.


on death of a player:
    if the victim is an op:
        keep the inventory and experiences




  • kick %players% [(by reason of|because [of]|on account of|due to) %text%]
Since: 1.0
Kicks a player from the server.


on place of TNT, lava, or obsidian:
    kick the player due to "You may not place %block%!"
    cancel the event




Since: 1.0
Kills an entity. Note: This effect does not set the entity's health to 0 (which causes issues), but damages the entity by 100 times its maximum health.


kill the player
kill all creepers in the player's world
kill all endermen, witches and bats




Since: 2.7
Requirements: Paper 1.19.2+
Apply the same velocity as a knockback to living entities in a direction. Mechanics such as knockback resistance will be factored in.


knockback player north
knock victim (vector from attacker to victim) with strength 10

Launch firework



Since: 2.4
Launch firework effects at the given location(s).


launch ball large colored red, purple and white fading to light green and black at player's location with duration 1

Leash entities



Since: 2.3
Leash living entities to other entities.


leash the player to the target entity




Since: 1.4
Strike lightning at a given location. Can use 'lightning effect' to create a lightning that does not harm entities or start fires.


strike lightning at the player
strike lightning effect at the victim

Load Server Icon



  • load [the] server icon (from|of) [the] [image] [file] %text%
Since: 2.3
Requirements: Paper 1.12.2 or newer
Loads server icons from the given files. You can get the loaded icon using the last loaded server icon expression. Please note that the image must be 64x64 and the file path starts from the server folder.


on load:
    clear {server-icons::*}
    loop 5 times:
        load server icon from file "icons/%loop-number%.png"
        add the last loaded server icon to {server-icons::*}

on server list ping:
    set the icon to a random server icon out of {server-icons::*}

Locally Suppress Warning



  • [local[ly]] suppress [the] (conflict|variable save|[missing] conjunction[s]|starting [with] expression[s]) warning[s]
Since: 2.3
Suppresses target warnings from the current script.


locally suppress missing conjunction warnings
suppress the variable save warnings




Since: 2.0
Writes text into a .log file. Skript will write these files to /plugins/Skript/logs. NB: Using 'server.log' as the log file will write to the default server log. Omitting the log file altogether will log the message as '[Skript] [<script>.sk] <message>' in the server log.


on place of TNT:
    log "%player% placed TNT in %world% at %location of block%" to "tnt/placement.log"

Look At



Since: 2.7
Requirements: Paper 1.17+, Paper 1.19.1+ (Players & Look Anchors)
Forces the mob(s) or player(s) to look at an entity, vector or location. Vanilla max head pitches range from 10 to 50.


force the head of the player to look towards event-entity's feet

on entity explosion:
    set {_player} to the nearest player
    {_player} is set
    distance between {_player} and the event-location is less than 15
    make {_player} look towards vector from the {_player} to location of the event-entity

force {_enderman} to face the block 3 meters above {_location} at head rotation speed 100.5 and max head pitch -40

Make Egg Hatch



  • make [the] egg [not] hatch
Since: 2.7
Usable in events: Egg Throw
Makes the egg hatch in a Player Egg Throw event.


on player egg throw:
    make the egg hatch

Make Fly



Since: 2.2-dev34
Forces a player to start/stop flying.


make player fly
force all players to stop flying

Make Incendiary



  • make %entities% [not] incendiary
  • make %entities%'[s] explosion [not] (incendiary|fiery)
  • make [the] [event(-| )]explosion [not] (incendiary|fiery)
Since: 2.5
Sets if an entity's explosion will leave behind fire. This effect is also usable in an explosion prime event.


on explosion prime:
    make the explosion fiery

Make Invisible



Since: 2.7
Makes a living entity visible/invisible. This is not a potion and therefore does not have features such as a time limit or particles. When setting an entity to invisible while using an invisibility potion on it, the potion will be overridden and when it runs out the entity keeps its invisibility.


make target entity invisible

Make Invulnerable



Since: 2.5
Makes an entity invulnerable/not invulnerable.


make target entity invulnerable

Make Say



Since: 2.3
Forces a player to send a message to the chat. If the message starts with a slash it will force the player to use command.


make the player say "Hello."
force all players to send the message "I love this server"




Since: 1.0, 2.2-dev26 (advanced features), 2.5.2 (optional sender), 2.6 (sending objects)
Requirements: Minecraft 1.16.4+ for optional sender
Sends a message to the given player. Only styles written in given string or in formatted expressions will be parsed. Adding an optional sender allows the messages to be sent as if a specific player sent them. This is useful with Minecraft 1.16.4's new chat ignore system, in which players can choose to ignore other players, but for this to work, the message needs to be sent from a player.


message "A wild %player% appeared!"
message "This message is a distraction. Mwahaha!"
send "Your kill streak is %{kill streak::%uuid of player%}%." to player
if the targeted entity exists:
    message "You're currently looking at a %type of the targeted entity%!"
on chat:
    cancel event
    send "[%player%] >> %message%" to all players from player

Open Book



Since: 2.5.1
Requirements: Minecraft 1.14.2+
Opens a written book to a player.


open book player's tool to player

Open/Close Inventory



  • (open|show) (((crafting [table]|workbench)|chest|anvil|hopper|dropper|dispenser) [(view|window|inventory)]|%inventory/inventory type%) (to|for) %players%
  • close [the] inventory [view] (to|of|for) %players%
  • close %players%'[s] inventory [view]
Since: 2.0, 2.1.1 (closing), 2.2-Fixes-V10 (anvil), 2.4 (hopper, dropper, dispenser
Opens an inventory to a player. The player can then access and modify the inventory as if it was a chest that he just opened. Please note that currently 'show' and 'open' have the same effect, but 'show' will eventually show an unmodifiable view of the inventory in the future.


show the victim's inventory to the player
open the player's inventory for the player




Since: 2.7
Requirements: Paper
Make an entity pathfind towards a location or another entity. Not all entities can pathfind. If the pathfinding target is another entity, the entities may or may not continuously follow the target.


make all creepers pathfind towards player
make all cows stop pathfinding
make event-entity pathfind towards player at speed 1

Play Effect



Since: 2.1
Plays a visual effect at a given location or on a given entity. Please note that some effects can only be played on entities, e.g. wolf hearts or the hurt effect, and that these are always visible to all players.


play wolf hearts on the clicked wolf
show mob spawner flames at the targeted block to the player

Play Sound



Since: 2.2-dev28, 2.4 (sound categories)
Plays a sound at given location for everyone or just for given players, or plays a sound to specified players. Both Minecraft sound names and Spigot sound names are supported. Playing resource pack sounds are supported too. The sound category is 'master' by default.

Please note that sound names can get changed in any Minecraft or Spigot version, or even removed from Minecraft itself.


play sound "block.note_block.pling" # It is block.note.pling in 1.12.2
play sound "entity.experience_orb.pickup" with volume 0.5 to the player
play sound "custom.music.1" in jukebox category at {speakerBlock}

Player Info Visibility



  • hide [all] player [related] info[rmation] [(in|on|from) [the] server list]
  • (show|reveal) [all] player [related] info[rmation] [(in|to|on|from) [the] server list]
Since: 2.3
Usable in events: server list ping
Requirements: Paper 1.12.2 or newer
Sets whether all player related information is hidden in the server list. The Vanilla Minecraft client will display ??? (dark gray) instead of player counts and will not show the hover hist when hiding player info. The version string can override the ???. Also the Online Players Count and Max Players expressions will return -1 when hiding player info.


hide player info
hide player related information in the server list
reveal all player related info

Player Visibility



Since: 2.3
Change visibility of a player for the given players. When reveal is used in combination of the hidden players expression and the viewers are not specified, this will default it to the given player in the hidden players expression.

Note: if a player was hidden and relogs, this player will be visible again.


on join:
    if {vanished::%player's uuid%} is true:
        hide the player from all players

reveal hidden players of {_player}




Since: 1.3.2
Poison or cure a creature.


poison the player
poison the victim for 20 seconds
cure the player from poison

Potion Effects



Since: 2.0, 2.2-dev27 (ambient and particle-less potion effects), 2.5 (replacing existing effect), 2.5.2 (potion effects)
Apply or remove potion effects to/from entities.


apply swiftness 2 to the player
remove haste from the victim
on join:
    apply potion of strength of tier {strength.%player%} to the player for 999 days
apply potion effects of player's tool to player




Since: 1.4.6
Push entities around.


push the player upwards
push the victim downwards at speed 0.5




Since: 1.3.4
Set the PvP state for a given world.


enable PvP #(current world only)
disable PvP in all worlds




Since: 2.0, 2.2-dev24 (replace in multiple strings and replace items in inventory), 2.5 (replace first, case sensitivity)
Replaces all occurrences of a given text with another text. Please note that you can only change variables and a few expressions, e.g. a message or a line of a sign.


replace "<item>" in {textvar} with "%item%"
replace every "&" with "§" in line 1
# The following acts as a simple chat censor, but it will e.g. censor mass, hassle, assassin, etc. as well:
on chat:
    replace all "kys", "idiot" and "noob" with "****" in the message

replace all stone and dirt in player's inventory and player's top inventory with diamond




Since: 2.2, INSERT VERSION (returns aliases)
Makes a function return a value


function double(i: number) :: number:
    return 2 * {_i}

function divide(i: number) returns number:
    return {_i} / 2

Send Block Change



Since: 2.2-dev37c, 2.5.1 (block data support)
Makes a player see a block as something it really isn't. BlockData support is only for MC 1.13+


make player see block at player as dirt
make player see target block as campfire[facing=south]

Send Resource Pack



  • send [the] resource pack [from [[the] URL]] %text% to %players%
  • send [the] resource pack [from [[the] URL]] %text% with hash %text% to %players%
Since: 2.4
Request that the player's client download and switch resource packs. The client will download the resource pack in the background, and will automatically switch to it once the download is complete. The URL must be a direct download link.

The hash is used for caching, the player won't have to re-download the resource pack that way. The hash must be SHA-1, you can get SHA-1 hash of your resource pack using this online tool.

The resource pack request action can be used to check status of the sent resource pack request.


on join:
    send the resource pack from "URL" with hash "hash" to the player




Since: 2.0
Shears or 'un-shears' a sheep. Please note that no wool is dropped, this only sets the 'sheared' state of the sheep.


on rightclick on a sheep holding a sword:
    shear the clicked sheep




Since: 1.4
Shoots a projectile (or any other entity) from a given entity.


shoot an arrow
make the player shoot a creeper at speed 10
shoot a pig from the creeper

Silence Entity



Since: 2.5
Controls whether or not an entity is silent.


make target entity silent

Stop Server



  • (stop|shut[ ]down) [the] server
  • restart [the] server
Since: 2.5
Stops or restarts the server. If restart is used when the restart-script spigot.yml option isn't defined, the server will stop instead.


stop the server
restart server

Stop Sound



Since: 2.4, 2.7 (stop all sounds)
Requirements: MC 1.17.1 (stop all sounds)
Stops specific or all sounds from playing to a group of players. Both Minecraft sound names and Spigot sound names are supported. Resource pack sounds are supported too. The sound category is 'master' by default. A sound can't be stopped from a different category.

Please note that sound names can get changed in any Minecraft or Spigot version, or even removed from Minecraft itself.


stop sound "block.chest.open" for the player
stop playing sounds "ambient.underwater.loop" and "ambient.underwater.loop.additions" to the player
stop all sound for all players
stop sound in record category

Swing Hand



Since: 2.5.1
Requirements: Minecraft 1.15.2+
Makes an entity swing their hand. This does nothing if the entity does not have an animation for swinging their hand.


make player swing their main hand




Since: 1.0
Teleport an entity to a specific location. This effect is delayed by default on Paper, meaning certain syntax such as the return effect for functions cannot be used after this effect. The keyword 'force' indicates this effect will not be delayed, which may cause lag spikes or server crashes when using this effect to teleport entities to unloaded chunks.


teleport the player to {homes.%player%}
teleport the attacker to the victim

Title - Reset



  • reset [the] title[s] [of %players%]
  • reset [the] %players%'[s] title[s]
Since: 2.3
Resets the title of the player to the default values.


reset the titles of all players
reset the title

Title - Send



Since: 2.3
Sends a title/subtitle to the given player(s) with optional fadein/stay/fadeout times for Minecraft versions 1.11 and above.

If you're sending only the subtitle, it will be shown only if there's a title displayed at the moment, otherwise it will be sent with the next title. To show only the subtitle, use: send title " " with subtitle "yourtexthere" to player.

Note: if no input is given for the times, it will keep the ones from the last title sent, use the reset title effect to restore the default values.


send title "Competition Started" with subtitle "Have fun, Stay safe!" to player for 5 seconds
send title "Hi %player%" to player
send title "Loot Drop" with subtitle "starts in 3 minutes" to all players
send title "Hello %player%!" with subtitle "Welcome to our server" to player for 5 seconds with fadein 1 second and fade out 1 second
send subtitle "Party!" to all players




  • (close|turn off|de[-]activate) %blocks%
  • (toggle|switch) [[the] state of] %blocks%
  • (open|turn on|activate) %blocks%
Since: 1.4
Toggle the state of a block.


# use arrows to toggle switches, doors, etc.
on projectile hit:
    projectile is arrow
    toggle the block at the arrow

Toggle Flight



  • (allow|enable) (fly|flight) (for|to) %players%
  • (disallow|disable) (fly|flight) (for|to) %players%
Since: 2.3
Toggle the flight mode of a player.


allow flight to event-player

Toggle Picking Up Items



Determines whether living entities are able to pick up items or not


forbid player from picking up items
send "You can no longer pick up items!" to player

on drop:
    if player can't pick    up items:
        allow player to pick up items




Since: 1.0
Creates a tree. This may require that there is enough space above the given location and that the block below is dirt/grass, but it is possible that the tree will just grow anyways, possibly replacing every block in its path.


grow a tall redwood tree above the clicked block

Vectors - Rotate Around Vector



Since: 2.2-dev28
Rotates a vector around another vector


rotate {_v} around vector 1, 0, 0 by 90

Vectors - Rotate around XYZ



Since: 2.2-dev28
Rotates a vector around x, y, or z axis by some degrees


rotate {_v} around x-axis by 90
rotate {_v} around y-axis by 90
rotate {_v} around z-axis by 90 degrees




  • (make|let|force) %entities% [to] (ride|mount) [(in|on)] %entities/entity types%
  • (make|let|force) %entities% [to] (dismount|(dismount|leave) [(from|of)] [(any|the[ir]|his|her)] vehicle[s])
  • (eject|dismount) [(any|the)] passenger[s] (of|from) %entities%
Since: 2.0
Makes an entity ride another entity, e.g. a minecart, a saddled pig, an arrow, etc.


make the player ride a saddled pig
make the attacker ride the victim




Since: 1.0
Grant/revoke a user operator state.


op the player
deop all players




Since: 1.0, 2.6.1 (with section)
Spawn a creature. This can be used as an effect and as a section. If it is used as a section, the section is run before the entity is added to the world. You can modify the entity in this section, using for example 'event-entity' or 'cow'. Do note that other event values, such as 'player', won't work in this section.


spawn 3 creepers at the targeted block
spawn a ghast 5 meters above the player
spawn a zombie at the player:
    set name of the zombie to ""




  • %texts% (is|are) alphanumeric
  • %texts% (isn't|is not|aren't|are not) alphanumeric
Since: 2.4
Checks if the given string is alphanumeric.


if the argument is not alphanumeric:
    send "Invalid name!"

Can Build



Since: 2.0
Requirements: Supported regions plugin
Tests whether a player is allowed to build at a certain location. This condition requires a supported regions plugin to be installed.


command /setblock &lt;material&gt;:
    description: set the block at your crosshair to a different type
        player cannot build at the targeted block:
            message "You do not have permission to change blocks there!"
        set the targeted block to argument

Can Fly



Since: 2.3
Whether a player is allowed to fly.


player can fly

Can Hold



Since: 1.0
Tests whether a player or a chest can hold the given item.


block can hold 200 cobblestone
player has enough space for 64 feathers

Can Pick Up Items



Whether living entities are able to pick up items off the ground or not.


if player can pick items up:
    send "You can pick up items!" to player

on drop:
    if player can't pick    up items:
        send "Be careful, you won't be able to pick that up!" to player

Can See



Since: 2.3
Checks whether the given players can see another players.


if the player can't see the player-argument:
    message "&lt;light red&gt;The player %player-argument% is not online!"




Since: 1.0
A condition that randomly succeeds or fails. Valid values are between 0% and 100%, or if the percent sign is omitted between 0 and 1.


chance of 50%:
    drop a diamond
chance of {chance}% # {chance} between 0 and 100
chance of {chance} # {chance} between 0 and 1




  • [(neither)] %objects% ((is|are)[(n't| not| neither)] ((greater|more|higher|bigger|larger) than|above)|>) %objects%
  • [(neither)] %objects% ((is|are)[(n't| not| neither)] (greater|more|higher|bigger|larger|above) [than] or (equal to|the same as)|>=) %objects%
  • [(neither)] %objects% ((is|are)[(n't| not| neither)] ((less|smaller|lower) than|below)|<) %objects%
  • [(neither)] %objects% ((is|are)[(n't| not| neither)] (less|smaller|lower|below) [than] or (equal to|the same as)|<=) %objects%
  • [(neither)] %objects% ((is|are) (not|neither)|isn't|aren't|!=) [equal to] %objects%
  • [(neither)] %objects% (is|are|=) [(equal to|the same as)] %objects%
  • [(neither)] %objects% (is|are) between %objects% and %objects%
  • [(neither)] %objects% (is not|are not|isn't|aren't) between %objects% and %objects%
  • [(neither)] %objects% (was|were)[(n't| not| neither)] ((greater|more|higher|bigger|larger) than|above) %objects%
  • [(neither)] %objects% (was|were)[(n't| not| neither)] (greater|more|higher|bigger|larger|above) [than] or (equal to|the same as) %objects%
  • [(neither)] %objects% (was|were)[(n't| not| neither)] ((less|smaller|lower) than|below) %objects%
  • [(neither)] %objects% (was|were)[(n't| not| neither)] (less|smaller|lower|below) [than] or (equal to|the same as) %objects%
  • [(neither)] %objects% ((was|were) (not|neither)|wasn't|weren't) [equal to] %objects%
  • [(neither)] %objects% (was|were) [(equal to|the same as)] %objects%
  • [(neither)] %objects% (was|were) between %objects% and %objects%
  • [(neither)] %objects% (was not|were not|wasn't|weren't) between %objects% and %objects%
  • [(neither)] %objects% (will be|(will (not|neither) be|won't be)) ((greater|more|higher|bigger|larger) than|above) %objects%
  • [(neither)] %objects% (will be|(will (not|neither) be|won't be)) (greater|more|higher|bigger|larger|above) [than] or (equal to|the same as) %objects%
  • [(neither)] %objects% (will be|(will (not|neither) be|won't be)) ((less|smaller|lower) than|below) %objects%
  • [(neither)] %objects% (will be|(will (not|neither) be|won't be)) (less|smaller|lower|below) [than] or (equal to|the same as) %objects%
  • [(neither)] %objects% ((will (not|neither) be|won't be)|(isn't|aren't|is not|are not) (turning|changing) [in]to) [equal to] %objects%
  • [(neither)] %objects% (will be [(equal to|the same as)]|(is|are) (turning|changing) [in]to) %objects%
  • [(neither)] %objects% will be between %objects% and %objects%
  • [(neither)] %objects% (will not be|won't be) between %objects% and %objects%
Since: 1.0
A very general condition, it simply compares two values. Usually you can only compare for equality (e.g. block is/isn't of <type>), but some values can also be compared using greater than/less than. In that case you can also test for whether an object is between two others. Note: This is the only element where not all patterns are shown. It has actually another two sets of similar patters, but with (was|were) or will be instead of (is|are) respectively, which check different time states of the first expression.


the clicked block is a stone slab or a double stone slab
time in the player's world is greater than 8:00
the creature is not an enderman or an ender dragon




Since: 1.0
Checks whether an inventory contains an item, a text contains another piece of text, or a list (e.g. {list variable::*} or 'drops') contains another object.


block contains 20 cobblestone
player has 4 flint and 2 iron ingots
{list::*} contains 5

Damage Cause



  • [the] damage (was|is|has)[n('|o)t] [been] (caused|done|made) by %damage cause%
Since: 2.0
Tests what kind of damage caused a damage event. Refer to the Damage Cause type for a list of all possible causes.


# make players use their potions of fire resistance whenever they take any kind of fire damage
on damage:
    damage was caused by lava, fire or burning
    victim is a player
    victim has a potion of fire resistance
    cancel event
    apply fire resistance to the victim for 30 seconds
    remove 1 potion of fire resistance from the victim
# prevent mobs from dropping items under certain circumstances
on death:
    entity is not a player
    damage wasn't caused by a block explosion, an attack, a projectile, a potion, fire, burning, thorns or poison
    clear drops

Do Respawn Anchors Work



  • respawn anchors [do[(n't| not)]] work in %worlds%
Since: 2.7
Requirements: Minecraft 1.16+
Checks whether or not respawn anchors work in a world.


respawn anchors work in world "world_nether"

Egg Will Hatch



  • [the] egg (will|will not|won't) hatch
Since: 2.7
Usable in events: Egg Throw
Whether the egg will hatch in a Player Egg Throw event.


on player egg throw:
    if an entity won't hatch:
        send "Better luck next time!" to the player

Entity is Wet



Since: 2.6.1
Requirements: Paper 1.16+
Checks whether an entity is wet or not (in water, rain or a bubble column).


if player is wet:

Entity is in Liquid



  • %entities% (is|are) in (water|lava|[a] bubble[ ]column|rain)
  • %entities% (isn't|is not|aren't|are not) in (water|lava|[a] bubble[ ]column|rain)
Since: 2.6.1
Requirements: Minecraft 1.16+ (in water), Paper 1.16+ (in rain, lava and bubble column)
Checks whether an entity is in rain, lava, water or a bubble column.


if player is in rain:
if player is in water:
player is in lava:
player is in bubble column

Event Cancelled



  • [the] event is cancel[l]ed
  • [the] event (is not|isn't) cancel[l]ed
Since: 2.2-dev36
Checks whether or not the event is cancelled.


on click:
    if event is cancelled:
        broadcast "no clicks allowed!"

Exists/Is Set



  • %~objects% (exist[s]|(is|are) set)
  • %~objects% (do[es](n't| not) exist|(is|are)(n't| not) set)
Since: 1.2
Checks whether a given expression or variable is set.


{teams::%player's uuid%::preferred-team} is not set
on damage:
    projectile exists
    broadcast "%attacker% used a %projectile% to attack %victim%!"

Has AI



Since: 2.5
Checks whether an entity has AI.


target entity has ai

Has Client Weather



  • %players% (has|have) [a] (client|custom) weather [set]
  • %players% (doesn't|does not|do not|don't) have [a] (client|custom) weather [set]
Since: 2.3
Checks whether the given players have a custom client weather


if the player has custom weather:
    message "Your custom weather is %player's weather%"

Has Custom Model Data



  • %item types% (has|have) [custom] model data
  • %item types% (doesn't|does not|do not|don't) have [custom] model data
Since: 2.5
Requirements: 1.14+
Check if an item has a custom model data tag


player's tool has custom model data

Has Item Cooldown



Check whether a cooldown is active on the specified material for a specific player.


if player has player's tool on cooldown:
    send "You can't use this item right now. Wait %item cooldown of player's tool for player%"

Has Line of Sight



Checks whether living entities have an unobstructed line of sight to other entities or locations.


player has direct line of sight to location 5 blocks to the right of player
victim has line of sight to attacker
player has no line of sight to location 100 blocks in front of player

Has Metadata



Since: 2.2-dev36
Checks whether a metadata holder has a metadata tag.


if player has metadata value "healer":

Has Permission



Since: 1.0
Test whether a player has a certain permission.


player has permission "skript.tree"
victim has the permission "admin":
    send "You're attacking an admin!" to attacker

Has Played Before



  • %offline players% [(has|have|did)] [already] play[ed] [on (this|the) server] (before|already)
  • %offline players% (has not|hasn't|have not|haven't|did not|didn't) [(already|yet)] play[ed] [on (this|the) server] (before|already|yet)
Since: 1.4, 2.7 (multiple players)
Checks whether a player has played on this server before. You can also use on first join if you want to make triggers for new players.


player has played on this server before
player hasn't played before

Has Potion



Since: 2.6.1
Checks whether the given living entities have specific potion effects.


if player has potion speed:
    send "You are sonic!"

if all players have potion effects speed and haste:
    broadcast "You are ready to MINE!"

Has Resource Pack



  • %players% (has|have) [a] resource pack [(loaded|installed)]
  • %players% (doesn't|does not|do not|don't) have [a] resource pack [(loaded|installed)]
Since: 2.4
Requirements: Paper 1.9 or newer
Checks whether the given players have a server resource pack loaded. Please note that this can't detect player's own resource pack, only the resource pack that sent by the server.


if the player has a resource pack loaded:

Has Scoreboard Tag



  • %entities% (has|have) [the] score[ ]board tag[s] %texts%
  • %entities% (doesn't|does not|do not|don't) have [the] score[ ]board tag[s] %texts%
Since: 2.3
Checks whether the given entities has the given scoreboard tags.


if the targeted armor stand has the scoreboard tag "test tag":

Ignition Process



  • [creeper[s]] %living entities% ((is|are)|(isn't|is not|aren't|are not)) going to explode
  • [creeper[s]] %living entities% ((is|are)|(isn't|is not|aren't|are not)) in the (ignition|explosion) process
  • creeper[s] %living entities% ((is|are)|(isn't|is not|aren't|are not)) ignited
Since: 2.5
Requirements: Paper 1.13 or newer
Checks if a creeper is going to explode.


if the last spawned creeper is going to explode:
    loop all players in radius 3 of the last spawned creeper
        send "RUN!!!" to the loop-player

Is Alive



  • %entities% (is|are) (alive|dead)
  • %entities% (isn't|is not|aren't|are not) (alive|dead)
Since: 2.0, 2.4-alpha4 (non-living entity support)
Checks whether an entity is alive. Works for non-living entities too.


if {villager-buddy::%player's uuid%} is not dead:

on shoot:
    while the projectile is alive:

Is Banned



Since: 1.4
Checks whether a player or IP is banned.


player is banned
victim is not IP-banned
"" is banned

Is Bed/Anchor Spawn



  • [the] respawn location (was|is)[(n'| no)t] [a] (bed|respawn anchor)
Since: 2.7
Usable in events: respawn
Requirements: Minecraft 1.16+
Checks what the respawn location of a player in the respawn event is.


on respawn:
    the respawn location is a bed
    broadcast "%player% is respawning in their bed! So cozy!"

Is Block



  • %item types% (is|are) ([a] block|blocks)
  • %item types% (isn't|is not|aren't|are not) ([a] block|blocks)
Since: 2.4
Checks whether an item is a block.


player's held item is a block
{list::*} are blocks

Is Block Redstone Powered



  • %blocks% (is|are) redstone powered
  • %blocks% (is|are) indirectly redstone powered
  • %blocks% (is|are)(n't| not) redstone powered
  • %blocks% (is|are)(n't| not) indirectly redstone powered
Since: 2.5
Checks if a block is indirectly or directly powered by redstone


if clicked block is redstone powered:
    send "This block is well-powered by redstone!"
if clicked block is indirectly redstone powered:
    send "This block is indirectly redstone powered."

Is Blocking



  • %players% (is|are) (blocking|defending) [with [a] shield]
  • %players% (isn't|is not|aren't|are not) (blocking|defending) [with [a] shield]
Since: unknown (before 2.1)
Checks whether a player is blocking with their shield.


on damage of player:
    victim is blocking
    damage attacker by 0.5 hearts

Is Burning



  • %entities% (is|are) (burning|ignited|on fire)
  • %entities% (isn't|is not|aren't|are not) (burning|ignited|on fire)
Since: 1.4.4
Checks whether an entity is on fire, e.g. a zombie due to being in sunlight, or any entity after falling into lava.


# increased attack against burning targets
victim is burning:
    increase damage by 2

Is Charged



Since: 2.5
Checks if a creeper is charged (powered).


if the last spawned creeper is charged:
    broadcast "A charged creeper is at %location of last spawned creeper%"

Is Climbing



Requirements: Minecraft 1.17+
Whether a living entity is climbing, such as a spider up a wall or a player on a ladder.


spawn a spider at location of spawn
wait a second
if the last spawned spider is climbing:
    message"The spider is now climbing!"

Is Edible



Since: 2.2-dev36
Checks whether an item is edible.


steak is edible
player's tool is edible

Is Empty



Since: unknown (before 2.1)
Checks whether an inventory, an inventory slot, or a text is empty.


player's inventory is empty

Is Enchanted



Since: 1.4.6
Checks whether an item is enchanted.


tool of the player is enchanted with efficiency 2
helm, chestplate, leggings or boots are enchanted

Is Flammable



Since: 2.2-dev36
Checks whether an item is flammable.


wood is flammable
player's tool is flammable

Is Flying



  • %players% (is|are) flying
  • %players% (isn't|is not|aren't|are not) flying
Since: 1.4.4
Checks whether a player is flying.


player is not flying

Is Frozen



Since: 2.7
Checks whether an entity is frozen.


if player is frozen:
    kill player

Is Fuel



Since: 2.5.1
Requirements: Minecraft 1.11.2+
Checks whether an item can be used as fuel in a furnace.


on right click on furnace:
    if player's tool is not fuel:
        send "Please hold a valid fuel item in your hand"
        cancel event

Is Gliding



Since: 2.7
Checks whether a living entity is gliding.


if player is gliding

Is Holding



Since: 1.0
Checks whether a player is holding a specific item. Cannot be used with endermen, use 'entity is [not] an enderman holding <item type>' instead.


player is holding a stick
victim isn't holding a sword of sharpness

Is Incendiary



  • %entities% ((is|are) incendiary|cause[s] a[n] (incendiary|fiery) explosion)
  • %entities% ((is not|are not|isn't|aren't) incendiary|(does not|do not|doesn't|don't) cause[s] a[n] (incendiary|fiery) explosion)
  • the [event(-| )]explosion (is|(is not|isn't)) (incendiary|fiery)
Since: 2.5
Checks if an entity will create fire when it explodes. This condition is also usable in an explosion prime event.


on explosion prime:
    if the explosion is fiery:
        broadcast "A fiery explosive has been ignited!"

Is Interactable



Since: 2.5.2
Requirements: Minecraft 1.13+
Checks wether or not a block is interactable.


on block break:
    if event-block is interactable:
        cancel event
        send "You cannot break interactable blocks!"

Is Invisible



Since: 2.7
Checks whether a living entity is invisible.


target entity is invisible

Is Invulnerable



  • %entities% (is|are) invulnerable
  • %entities% (isn't|is not|aren't|are not) invulnerable
Since: 2.5
Checks whether an entity is invulnerable.


target entity is invulnerable

Is Jumping



Requirements: Paper 1.15+
Checks whether a living entity is jumping. This condition does not work on players.


on spawn of zombie:
    while event-entity is not jumping:
        wait 5 ticks
    push event-entity upwards

Is Leashed



Since: 2.5
Checks to see if an entity is currently leashed.


target entity is leashed

Is Loaded



Since: 2.3, 2.5 (revamp with chunk at location/coords)
Checks whether or not a chunk/world is loaded. 'chunk at 1, 1' uses chunk coords, which are location coords divided by 16.


if chunk at {home::%player's uuid%} is loaded:
if chunk 1, 10 in world "world" is loaded:
if world("lobby") is loaded:

Is Member/Owner of Region



Since: 2.1
Requirements: Supported regions plugin
Checks whether a player is a member or owner of a particular region. This condition requires a supported regions plugin to be installed.


on region enter:
    player is the owner of the region
    message "Welcome back to %region%!"
    send "%player% just entered %region%!" to all members of the region

Is Normalized



  • %vectors% (is|are) normalized
  • %vectors% (isn't|is not|aren't|are not) normalized
Since: 2.5.1
Requirements: Minecraft 1.13.2+
Checks whether a vector is normalized i.e. length of 1


vector of player's location is normalized

Is Occluding



Since: 2.5.1
Checks whether an item is a block and completely blocks vision.


player's tool is occluding

Is Online



Since: 1.4
Checks whether a player is online.


player is online
player-argument is offline

Is Operator



Since: 2.7
Checks whether a player is a server operator.


player is an operator

Is Passable



  • %blocks% (is|are) passable
  • %blocks% (isn't|is not|aren't|are not) passable
Since: 2.5.1
Requirements: Minecraft 1.13.2+
Checks whether a block is passable. A block is passable if it has no colliding parts that would prevent players from moving through it. Blocks like tall grass, flowers, signs, etc. are passable, but open doors, fence gates, trap doors, etc. are not because they still have parts that can be collided with.


if player's targeted block is passable

Is Plugin Enabled



  • plugin[s] %texts% (is|are) enabled
  • plugin[s] %texts% (is|are)(n't| not) enabled
  • plugin[s] %texts% (is|are) disabled
Since: 2.6
Check if a plugin is enabled/disabled on the server. Plugin names can be found in the plugin's 'plugin.yml' file or by using the '/plugins' command, they are NOT the name of the plugin's jar file. When checking if a plugin is not enabled, this will return true if the plugin is either disabled or not on the server. When checking if a plugin is disabled, this will return true if the plugin is on the server and is disabled.


if plugin "Vault" is enabled:
if plugin "WorldGuard" is not enabled:
if plugins "Essentials" and "Vault" are enabled:
if plugin "MyBrokenPlugin" is disabled:

Is Poisoned



Since: 1.4.4
Checks whether an entity is poisoned.


player is poisoned:
    cure the player from poison
    message "You have been cured!"

Is Preferred Tool



Since: 2.7
Requirements: 1.16.5+, Paper 1.19.2+ (blockdata)
Checks whether an item is the preferred tool for a block. A preferred tool is one that will drop the block's item when used. For example, a wooden pickaxe is a preferred tool for grass and stone blocks, but not for iron ore.


on left click:
    event-block is set
    if player's tool is the preferred tool for event-block:
        break event-block naturally using player's tool
        cancel event

Is Riding



Since: 2.0
Tests whether an entity is riding another or is in a vehicle.


player is riding a saddled pig

Is Riptiding



Since: 2.5
Checks to see if an entity is currently using the Riptide enchantment.


target entity is riptiding

Is Script Loaded



  • script[s] [%texts%] (is|are) loaded
  • script[s] [%texts%] (isn't|is not|aren't|are not) loaded
Since: 2.2-dev31
Check if the current script, or another script, is currently loaded.


script is loaded
script "example.sk" is loaded

Is Silent



Since: 2.5
Checks whether an entity is silent i.e. its sounds are disabled.


target entity is silent

Is Sleeping



  • %players% (is|are) sleeping
  • %players% (isn't|is not|aren't|are not) sleeping
Since: 1.4.4
Checks whether a player is sleeping.


# cut your enemies' throats in their sleep >=)
on attack:
    attacker is holding a sword
    victim is sleeping
    increase the damage by 1000

Is Slime Chunk



  • %chunk% (is|are) ([a] slime chunk|slime chunks|slimey)
  • %chunk% (isn't|is not|aren't|are not) ([a] slime chunk|slime chunks|slimey)
Since: 2.3
Tests whether a chunk is a so-called slime chunk. Slimes can generally spawn in the swamp biome and in slime chunks. For more info, see the Minecraft wiki.


command /slimey:
        if chunk at player is a slime chunk:
            send "Yeah, it is!"
            send "Nope, it isn't"

Is Sneaking



  • %players% (is|are) sneaking
  • %players% (isn't|is not|aren't|are not) sneaking
Since: 1.4.4
Checks whether a player is sneaking.


# prevent mobs from seeing sneaking players if they are at least 4 meters apart
on target:
    target is sneaking
    distance of target and the entity is bigger than 4
    cancel the event

Is Solid



Since: 2.2-dev36
Checks whether an item is solid.


grass block is solid
player's tool isn't solid

Is Sprinting



  • %players% (is|are) sprinting
  • %players% (isn't|is not|aren't|are not) sprinting
Since: 1.4.4
Checks whether a player is sprinting.


player is not sprinting

Is Stackable



Since: 2.7
Checks whether an item is stackable.


diamond axe is stackable
birch wood is stackable
torch is stackable

Is Swimming



Since: 2.3
Requirements: 1.13 or newer
Checks whether a living entity is swimming.


player is swimming

Is Tameable



Since: 2.5
Check if an entity is tameable.


on damage:
    if victim is tameable:
        cancel event

Is Transparent



Since: 2.2-dev36
Checks whether an item is transparent. Note that this condition may not work for all blocks, due to the transparency list used by Spigot not being completely accurate.


player's tool is transparent.

Is Unbreakable



Since: 2.5.1
Requirements: Minecraft 1.11+
Checks whether an item is unbreakable.


if event-item is unbreakable

Is Valid



Since: 2.7
Checks whether an entity has died or been despawned for some other reason.


if event-entity is valid

Is Wearing



Since: 1.0
Checks whether a player is wearing some armour.


player is wearing an iron chestplate and iron leggings
player is wearing all diamond armour

Is Whitelisted



  • [the] server (is|is(n't| not)) white[ ]listed
  • %players% (is|are)[(n't| not)] white[ ]listed
Since: 2.5.2
Whether or not the server or a player is whitelisted.


if server is whitelisted:
if player is whitelisted

Is Within



Since: 2.7
Requirements: MC 1.17+ (within block)
Whether a location is within something else. The "something" can be a block, an entity, a chunk, a world, or a cuboid formed by two other locations. Note that using the is between condition will refer to a straight line between locations, while this condition will refer to the cuboid between locations.


if player's location is within {_loc1} and {_loc2}:
    send "You are in a PvP zone!" to player

if player is in world("world"):
    send "You are in the overworld!" to player

if attacker's location is inside of victim:
    cancel event
    send "Back up!" to attacker and victim

Is Within Radius



Since: 2.7
Checks whether a location is within a certain radius of another location.


on damage:
    if attacker's location is within 10 blocks around {_spawn}:
        cancel event
        send "You can't PVP in spawn."

Is a Skript command



  • %text% (is|are) [a] s(k|c)ript (command|cmd)
  • %text% (isn't|is not|aren't|are not) [a] s(k|c)ript (command|cmd)
Since: 2.6
Checks whether a command/string is a custom Skript command.


# Example 1
on command:
    command is a skript command

# Example 2
"sometext" is a skript command

Is of Type



Since: 1.4
Checks whether an item of an entity is of the given type. This is mostly useful for variables, as you can use the general 'is' condition otherwise (e.g. 'victim is a creeper').


tool is of type {selected type}
victim is of type {villager type}

Is on Ground



  • %entities% (is|are) on [the] ground
  • %entities% (isn't|is not|aren't|are not) on [the] ground
Since: 2.2-dev26
Checks whether an entity is on ground.


player is not on ground

Left Handed



Requirements: Paper 1.17.1+ (entities)
Checks if living entities or players are left or right-handed. Armor stands are neither right nor left-handed. Paper 1.17.1+ is required for non-player entities.


on damage of player:
    if victim is left handed:
        cancel event




  • %texts% (match[es]|do[es](n't| not) match) %texts%
  • %texts% (partially match[es]|do[es](n't| not) partially match) %texts%
Since: 2.5.2
Checks whether the defined strings match the input regexes (Regular expressions).


on chat:
    if message partially matches "\d":
        send "Message contains a digit!"
    if message doesn't match "[A-Za-z]+":
        send "Message doesn't only contain letters!"

Method Exists



  • method[s] %texts% [do(esn't|n't)] exist[s]
Since: 2.7
Checks if a method exists


if method "org.bukkit.Bukkit#getPluginCommand(java.lang.String)

Projectile Can Bounce



Since: 2.5.1
Whether or not a projectile can bounce.


on shoot:
    send "Boing!" to all players if projectile can bounce




  • (is PvP|PvP is) enabled [in %worlds%]
  • (is PvP|PvP is) disabled [in %worlds%]
Since: 1.3.4
Checks the PvP state of a world.


PvP is enabled
PvP is disabled in "world"

Region Contains



Since: 2.1
Requirements: Supported regions plugin
Checks whether a location is contained in a particular region. This condition requires a supported regions plugin to be installed.


player is in the region {regions::3}

on region enter:
    region contains {flags.%world%.red}
    message "The red flag is near!"

Resource Pack



Since: 2.4
Usable in events: resource pack request response
Checks state of the resource pack in a resource pack request response event.


on resource pack response:
    if the resource pack wasn't accepted:
        kick the player due to "You have to install the resource pack to play in this server!"

Running Minecraft



  • running [below] minecraft %text%
Since: 2.5
Checks if current Minecraft version is given version or newer.


running minecraft "1.14"

Starts/Ends With



  • %texts% (start|end)[s] with %texts%
  • %texts% (doesn't|does not|do not|don't) (start|end) with %texts%
Since: 2.2-dev36, 2.5.1 (multiple strings support)
Checks if a text starts or ends with another.


if the argument starts with "test" or "debug":
    send "Stop!"




Since: 2.0
Tests whether a given real time was more or less than some time span ago.


command /command-with-cooldown:
        {command::%player's uuid%::last-usage} was less than a minute ago:
            message "Please wait a minute between uses of this command."
        set {command::%player's uuid%::last-usage} to now
        # ... actual command trigger here ...




  • else
  • else [parse] if <.+>
  • else [parse] if (any|at least one [of])
  • else [parse] if [all]
  • [parse] if (any|at least one [of])
  • [parse] if [all]
  • [parse] if <.+>
  • then [run]
  • implicit:<.+>
Since: 1.0
Conditional sections if: executed when its condition is true else if: executed if all previous chained conditionals weren't executed, and its condition is true else: executed if all previous chained conditionals weren't executed

parse if: a special case of 'if' condition that its code will not be parsed if the condition is not true else parse if: another special case of 'else if' condition that its code will not be parsed if all previous chained conditionals weren't executed, and its condition is true


if player's health is greater than or equal to 4:
    send "Your health is okay so far but be careful!"

else if player's health is greater than 2:
    send "You need to heal ASAP, your health is very low!"

else: # Less than 2 hearts
    send "You are about to DIE if you don't heal NOW. You have only %player's health% heart(s)!"

parse if plugin "SomePluginName" is enabled: # parse if %condition%
    # This code will only be executed if the condition used is met otherwise Skript will not parse this section therefore will not give any errors/info about this section




Since: 1.0
Loop sections repeat their code with multiple values.

A loop will loop through all elements of the given expression, e.g. all players, worlds, items, etc. The conditions & effects inside the loop will be executed for every of those elements, which can be accessed with ‘loop-’, e.g. send "hello" to loop-player. When a condition inside a loop is not fulfilled the loop will start over with the next element of the loop. You can however use stop loop to exit the loop completely and resume code execution after the end of the loop.

Loopable Values All expressions that represent more than one value, e.g. ‘all players’, ‘worlds’, etc., as well as list variables, can be looped. You can also use a list of expressions, e.g. loop the victim and the attacker, to execute the same code for only a few values.

List Variables When looping list variables, you can also use loop-index in addition to loop-value inside the loop. loop-value is the value of the currently looped variable, and loop-index is the last part of the variable's name (the part where the list variable has its asterisk *).


loop all players:
    send "Hello %loop-player%!" to loop-player

loop items in player's inventory:
    if loop-item is dirt:
        set loop-item to air

loop 10 times:
    send title "%11 - loop-value%" and subtitle "seconds left until the game begins" to player for 1 second # 10, 9, 8 etc.
    wait 1 second

loop {Coins::*}:
    set {Coins::%loop-index%} to loop-value + 5 # Same as "add 5 to {Coins::%loop-index%}" where loop-index is the uuid of the player and loop-value is the actually coins value such as 200

While Loop



  • [do] while <.+>
Since: 2.0, 2.6 (do while)
While Loop sections are loops that will just keep repeating as long as a condition is met.


while size of all players < 5:
    send "More players are needed to begin the adventure" to all players
    wait 5 seconds

set {_counter} to 1
do while {_counter} > 1: # false but will increase {_counter} by 1 then get out
    add 1 to {_counter}

# Be careful when using while loops with conditions that are almost
# always true for a long time without using 'wait %timespan%' inside it,
# otherwise it will probably hang and crash your server.
while player is online:
    give player 1 dirt
    wait 1 second # without using a delay effect the server will crash

At Time



Since: 1.3.4
An event that occurs at a given minecraft time in every world or only in specific worlds.


at 18:00
at 7am in "world"

On Anvil Damage



  • [on] anvil damag(e|ing)
Since: 2.7
Requirements: Paper
Called when an anvil is damaged/broken from being used to repair/rename items. Note: this does not include anvil damage from falling.


on anvil damage:
    cancel the event

On Anvil Prepare



  • [on] anvil prepar(e|ing)
Since: 2.7
Called when an item is put in a slot for repair by an anvil. Please note that this event is called multiple times in a single item slot move.


on anvil prepare:
    event-item is set # result item
    chance of 5%:
        set repair cost to repair cost * 50%
        send "You're LUCKY! You got 50% discount." to player

On AoE Cloud Effect



  • [on] (area|AoE) [cloud] effect
Since: 2.2-dev21
Called when area effect cloud applies its potion effect. This happens every 5 ticks by default.


on area cloud effect:

On Arm Swing



  • [on] [player] arm swing
Since: 2.5.1
Called when a player swings his arm.


on arm swing:
    send "You swung your arm!"

On Armor Change



  • [on] [player] armor change[d]
Since: 2.5
Requirements: Paper
Called when armor pieces of a player are changed.


on armor change:
    send "You equipped %event-item%!"

On Bed Enter



  • [on] bed enter[ing]
  • [on] [player] enter[ing] [a] bed
Since: 1.0
Called when a player starts sleeping.


on bed enter:

On Bed Leave



  • [on] bed leav(e|ing)
  • [on] [player] leav(e|ing) [a] bed
Since: 1.0
Called when a player leaves a bed.


on player leaving a bed:

On Block Damage



  • [on] block damag(ing|e)
Since: 1.0
Called when a player starts to break a block. You can usually just use the leftclick event for this.


on block damaging:
    if block is log:
        send "You can't break the holy log!"

On Block Fertilize



  • [on] [block] fertilize
Since: 2.5
Requirements: Minecraft 1.13 or newer
Called when a player fertilizes blocks.


on block fertilize:
    send "Fertilized %size of fertilized blocks% blocks got fertilized."

On Block Growth



  • [on] (plant|crop|block) grow[(th|ing)] [[of] %item types%]
Since: 2.2-Fixes-V10
Called when a crop grows. Alternative to new form of generic grow event.


on crop growth:

On Book Edit



  • [on] book (edit|change|write)
Since: 2.2-dev31
Called when a player edits a book.


on book edit:

On Book Sign



  • [on] book sign[ing]
Since: 2.2-dev31
Called when a player signs a book.


on book sign:

On Break / Mine



Since: 1.0 (break), unknown (mine), 2.6 (BlockData support)
Called when a block is broken by a player. If you use 'on mine', only events where the broken block dropped something will call the trigger.


on mine:
on break of stone:
on mine of any ore:
on break of chest[facing=north]:
on break of potatoes[age=7]:

On Bucket Empty



  • [on] bucket empty[ing]
  • [on] [player] empty[ing] [a] bucket
Since: 1.0
Called when a player empties a bucket. You can also use the place event with a check for water or lava.


on bucket empty:

On Bucket fill



  • [on] bucket fill[ing]
  • [on] [player] fill[ing] [a] bucket
Since: 1.0
Called when a player fills a bucket.


on player filling a bucket:

On Burn



Since: 1.0, 2.6 (BlockData support)
Called when a block is destroyed by fire.


on burn:
on burn of wood, fences, or chests:
on burn of oak_log[axis=y]:

On Can Build Check



  • [on] [block] can build check
Since: 1.0 (basic), 2.0 ([un]cancellable)
Called when a player rightclicks on a block while holding a block or a placeable item. You can either cancel the event to prevent the block from being built, or uncancel it to allow it. Please note that the data value of the block to be placed is not available in this event, only its ID.


on block can build check:
    cancel event

On Chat



  • [on] chat
Since: 1.4.1
Called whenever a player chats. Use chat format to change message format. Use chat recipients to edit chat recipients.


on chat:
    if player has permission "owner":
        set chat format to "&amp;lt;red&amp;gt;[player]&amp;lt;light gray&amp;gt;: &amp;lt;light red&amp;gt;[message]"
    else if player has permission "admin":
        set chat format to "&amp;lt;light red&amp;gt;[player]&amp;lt;light gray&amp;gt;: &amp;lt;orange&amp;gt;[message]"
    else: #default message format
        set chat format to "&amp;lt;orange&amp;gt;[player]&amp;lt;light gray&amp;gt;: &amp;lt;white&amp;gt;[message]"

On Chunk Generate



  • [on] chunk (generat|populat)(e|ing)
Since: 1.0
Called after a new chunk was generated.


on chunk generate:

On Chunk Load



  • [on] chunk load[ing]
Since: 1.0
Called when a chunk loads. The chunk might or might not contain mobs when it's loaded.


on chunk load:

On Chunk Unload



  • [on] chunk unload[ing]
Since: 1.0
Called when a chunk is unloaded due to not being near any player.


on chunk unload:

On Click



Since: 1.0
Called when a user clicks on a block, an entity or air with or without an item in their hand. Please note that rightclick events with an empty hand while not looking at a block are not sent to the server, so there's no way to detect them. Also note that a leftclick on an entity is an attack and thus not covered by the 'click' event, but the 'damage' event.


on click:
on rightclick holding a fishing rod:
on leftclick on a stone or obsidian:
on rightclick on a creeper:
on click with a sword:

On Combust



  • [on] combust[ing]
Since: 1.0
Called when an entity is set on fire, e.g. by fire or lava, a fireball, or by standing in direct sunlight (zombies, skeletons).


on combust:

On Command



  • [on] command [%text%]
Since: 2.0
Called when a player enters a command (not necessarily a Skript command) but you can check if command is a skript command, see Is a Skript command condition.


on command:
on command "/stop":
on command "pm Njol ":

On Connect



  • [on] [player] connect[ing]
Since: 2.0
Called when the player connects to the server. This event is called before the player actually joins the server, so if you want to prevent players from joining you should prefer this event over on join.


on connect:
    player doesn't have permission "VIP"
    number of players is greater than 15
    kick the player due to "The last 5 slots are reserved for VIP players."

On Consume



  • [on] [player] ((eat|drink)[ing]|consum(e|ing)) [[of] %item types%]
Since: 2.0
Called when a player is done eating/drinking something, e.g. an apple, bread, meat, milk or a potion.


on consume:

On Craft



Since: unknown (before 2.1)
Called when a player crafts an item.


on craft:

On Creeper Power



  • [on] creeper power
Since: 1.0
Called when a creeper is struck by lighting and gets powered. Cancel the event to prevent the creeper from being powered.


on creeper power:

On Damage



Since: 1.0, 2.7 (by entity)
Called when an entity receives damage, e.g. by an attack from another entity, lava, fire, drowning, fall, suffocation, etc.


on damage:
on damage of a player:
on damage of player by zombie:

On Death



Since: 1.0
Called when a living entity (including players) dies.


on death:
on death of player:
on death of a wither or ender dragon:
    broadcast "A %entity% has been slain in %world%!"

On Dispense



Since: unknown (before 2.1)
Called when a dispenser dispenses an item.


on dispense of iron block:
    send "that'd be 19.99 please!"

On Drop



  • [on] [player|entity] drop[ping] [[of] %item types%]
Since: unknown (before 2.1), 2.7 (entity)
Called when a player drops an item from their inventory, or an entity drops an item, such as a chicken laying an egg.


on drop:
    if event-item is compass:
        cancel event

on entity drop of an egg:
    if event-entity is a chicken:
        set item of event-dropped item to a diamond

On Egg Throw



  • [on] throw[ing] [of] [an] egg
  • [on] [player] egg throw
Since: 1.0
Called when a player throws an egg and it lands. You can just use the shoot event in most cases. However, this event allows modification of properties like the hatched entity type and the number of entities to hatch.


on throw of an egg:

On Enchant



  • [on] [item] enchant
Since: 2.5
Called when a player successfully enchants an item. To get the enchanted item, see the enchant item expression


on enchant:
    if the clicked button is 1: # offer 1
        set the applied enchantments to sharpness 10 and unbreaking 10

On Enchant Prepare



  • [on] [item] enchant prepare
Since: 2.5
Called when a player puts an item into enchantment table. This event may be called multiple times. To get the enchant item, see the enchant item expression


on enchant prepare:
    set enchant offer 1 to sharpness 1
    set the cost of enchant offer 1 to 10 levels

On Enderman/Sheep/Silverfish/Falling Block



  • [on] enderman place
  • [on] enderman pickup
  • [on] sheep eat
  • [on] silverfish enter
  • [on] silverfish exit
  • [on] falling block fall[ing]
  • [on] falling block land[ing]
Since: unknown, 2.5.2 (falling block)
Called when an enderman places or picks up a block, a sheep eats grass, a silverfish boops into/out of a block or a falling block lands and turns into a block respectively.


on sheep eat:
    kill event-entity
    broadcast "A sheep stole some grass!"

on falling block land:
    event-entity is a falling dirt
    cancel event

On Entity Dismount



  • [on] dismount[ing]
Since: 2.2-dev13b
Called when an entity dismounts.


on dismount:
    kill event-entity

On Entity Jump



  • [on] entity jump[ing]
Since: 2.7
Requirements: Paper 1.15.2+
Called when an entity jumps.


on entity jump:
    if entity is a wither skeleton:
        cancel event

On Entity Mount



  • [on] mount[ing]
Since: 2.2-dev13b
Called when entity starts riding another.


on mount:
    cancel event

On Entity Portal



  • [on] entity portal
Since: 2.5.3
Called when an entity uses a nether or end portal. Cancel the event to prevent the entity from teleporting.


on entity portal:
    broadcast "A %type of event-entity% has entered a portal!

On Experience Change



  • [on] [player] (level progress|[e]xp|experience) (change|update|increase|decrease)
Since: 2.7
Called when a player's experience changes.


on level progress change:
    set {_xp} to event-experience
    broadcast "%{_xp}%"

On Experience Spawn



  • [on] [e]xp[erience] [orb] spawn
  • [on] spawn of [a[n]] [e]xp[erience] [orb]
Since: 2.0
Called whenever experience is about to spawn. Please note that this event will not fire for xp orbs spawned by plugins (including Skript) with Bukkit.


on xp spawn:
    world is "minigame_world"
    cancel event

On Explode



  • [on] explo(d(e|ing)|sion)
Since: 1.0
Called when an entity (a primed TNT or a creeper) explodes.


on explosion:

On Explosion Prime



  • [on] explosion prime
Since: 1.0
Called when an explosive is primed, i.e. an entity will explode shortly. Creepers can abort the explosion if the player gets too far away, while TNT will explode for sure after a short time.


on explosion prime:

On Fade



Since: 1.0, 2.6 (BlockData support)
Called when a block 'fades away', e.g. ice or snow melts.


on fade of snow or ice:
on fade of snow[layers=2]

On Firework Explode



  • [on] [a] firework explo(d(e|ing)|sion) [colo[u]red %colors%]
Since: 2.4
Called when a firework explodes.


on firework explode
on firework exploding colored red, light green and black
on firework explosion colored light green:
    broadcast "A firework colored %colors% was exploded at %location%!"

On First Join



  • [on] first (join|login)
Since: 1.3.7
Called when a player joins the server for the first time.


on first join:
    broadcast "Welcome %player% to the server!"

On Fishing



  • [on] [player] fish[ing]
Since: 1.0
Called when a player fishes something. This is not of much use yet.


on fish:

On Flight Toggle



  • [on] [player] flight toggl(e|ing)
  • [on] [player] toggl(e|ing) flight
Since: 2.2-dev36
Called when a players stops/starts flying.


on flight toggle:
    if {game::%player%::playing} exists:
        cancel event

On Flow



  • [on] [block] flow[ing]
  • [on] block mov(e|ing)
Since: 1.0
Called when a blocks flows or teleports to another block. This not only applies to water and lava, but teleporting dragon eggs as well.


on block flow:
    if event-block is water:
        broadcast "Build more dams! It's starting to get wet in here"

On Form



Since: 1.0, 2.6 (BlockData support)
Called when a block is created, but not by a player, e.g. snow forms due to snowfall, water freezes in cold biomes. This isn't called when block spreads (mushroom growth, water physics etc.), as it has its own event (see spread event).


on form of snow:
on form of a mushroom:

On Fuel Burn



  • [on] fuel burn[ing]
Since: 1.0
Called when a furnace burns an item from its fuel slot.


on fuel burning:

On Gamemode Change



  • [on] game[ ]mode change [to %gamemode%]
Since: 1.0
Called when a player's gamemode changes.


on gamemode change:
on gamemode change to adventure:

On Gliding State Change



  • [on] (gliding state change|toggl(e|ing) gliding)
Since: 2.2-dev21
Called when an entity toggles glider on or off, or when server toggles gliding state of an entity forcibly.


on toggling gliding:
    cancel the event # bad idea, but you CAN do it!

On Grow



Since: 1.0 (2.2-dev20 for plants)
Called when a tree, giant mushroom or plant grows to next stage.


on grow:
on grow of a tree:
on grow of a huge jungle tree:

On Hand Item Swap



  • [on] swap[ping of] [(hand|held)] item[s]
Since: 2.3
Called whenever a player swaps the items in their main- and offhand slots. Works also when one or both of the slots are empty. The event is called before the items are actually swapped, so when you use the player's tool or player's offtool expressions, they will return the values before the swap - this enables you to cancel the event before anything happens.


on swap hand items:
    event-player's tool is a diamond sword
    cancel event

On Heal



  • [on] heal[ing]
Since: 1.0
Called when an entity is healed, e.g. by eating (players), being fed (pets), or by the effect of a potion of healing (overworld mobs) or harm (nether mobs).


on heal:

On Horse Jump



  • [on] horse jump
Since: 2.5.1
Called when a horse jumps.


on horse jump:
    push event-entity upwards at speed 2

On Hunger Meter Change



  • [on] (food|hunger) (level|met(er|re)|bar) chang(e|ing)
Since: 1.4.4
Called when the hunger bar of a player changes, i.e. either increases by eating or decreases over time.


on food bar change:

On Ignition



  • [on] [block] ignit(e|ion)
Since: 1.0
Called when a block starts burning, i.e. a fire block is placed next to it and this block is flammable. The burn event will be called when the block is about do be destroyed by the fire.


on block ignite:
    if event-block is a ladder:
        cancel event

On Inventory Click



  • [on] [player] inventory(-| )click[ing] [[at] %item types%]
Since: 2.2-Fixes-V10
Called when clicking on inventory slot.


on inventory click:
    if event-item is stone:
        give player 1 stone
        remove 20$ from player's balance

On Inventory Close



  • [on] inventory clos(ing|e[d])
Since: 2.2-dev21
Called when player's currently viewed inventory is closed.


on inventory close:
    if player's location is {location}:
        send "You exited the shop!"

On Inventory Drag



  • [on] inventory drag[ging]
Called when a player drags an item in their cursor across the inventory.


on inventory drag:
    if player's current inventory is {_gui}:
        send "You can't drag your items here!" to player
        cancel event

On Inventory Item Move



  • [on] inventory item (move|transport)
Called when an entity or block (e.g. hopper) tries to move items directly from one inventory to another. When this event is called, the initiator may have already removed the item from the source inventory and is ready to move it into the destination inventory. If this event is cancelled, the items will be returned to the source inventory.


on inventory item move:
    broadcast "%holder of past event-inventory% is transporting %event-item% to %holder of event-inventory%!"

On Inventory Open



  • [on] inventory open[ed]
Since: 2.2-dev21
Called when an inventory is opened for player.


on inventory open:
    close player's inventory

On Inventory Pickup



  • [on] inventory pick[ ]up
Since: 2.5.1
Called when an inventory (a hopper, a hopper minecart, etc.) picks up an item


on inventory pickup:

On Inventory Slot Change



  • [on] [player] inventory slot chang(e|ing)
Since: 2.7
Requirements: Paper 1.19.2+
Called when a slot in a player's inventory is changed. Warning: setting the event-slot to a new item can result in an infinite loop.


on inventory slot change:
    if event-item is a diamond:
        send "You obtained a diamond!" to player

On Item Break



  • [on] [player] tool break[ing]
  • [on] [player] break[ing] [(a|the)] tool
Since: 2.1.1
Called when a player breaks their tool because its damage reached the maximum value. This event cannot be cancelled.


on tool break:

On Item Damage



  • [on] item damag(e|ing)
Since: 2.5
Called when an item is damaged. Most tools are damaged by using them; armor is damaged when the wearer takes damage.


on item damage:
    cancel event

On Item Despawn



  • [on] (item[ ][stack]|[item] %item types%) despawn[ing]
  • [on] [item[ ][stack]] despawn[ing] [[of] %item types%]
Since: 2.2-dev35
Called when an item is about to be despawned from the world, usually 5 minutes after it was dropped.


on item despawn of diamond:
    send "Not my precious!"
    cancel event

On Item Mend



  • [on] item mend[ing]
Since: 2.5.1
Requirements: Minecraft 1.13 or newer
Called when a player has an item repaired via the Mending enchantment.


on item mend:
    chance of 50%:
        cancel the event
        send "Oops! Mending failed!" to player

On Item Merge



  • [on] (item[ ][stack]|[item] %item types%) merg(e|ing)
  • [on] item[ ][stack] merg(e|ing) [[of] %item types%]
Since: 2.2-dev35
Called when dropped items merge into a single stack. event-entity will be the entity which is trying to merge, and future event-entity will be the entity which is being merged into.


on item merge of gold blocks:
    cancel event

On Item Spawn



Since: unknown (before 2.1)
Called whenever an item stack is spawned in a world, e.g. as drop of a block or mob, a player throwing items out of their inventory, or a dispenser dispensing an item (not shooting it).


on item spawn of iron sword:
    broadcast "Someone dropped an iron sword!"

On Join



  • [on] [player] (login|logging in|join[ing])
Since: 1.0
Called when the player joins the server. The player is already in a world when this event is called, so if you want to prevent players from joining you should prefer on connect over this event.


on join:
    message "Welcome on our awesome server!"
    broadcast "%player% just joined the server!"

On Jump



  • [on] [player] jump[ing]
Since: 2.3
Called whenever a player jumps. This event requires PaperSpigot.


on jump:
    event-player does not have permission "jump"
    cancel event

On Kick



  • [on] [player] (kick|being kicked)
Since: 1.0
Called when a player is kicked from the server. You can change the kick message or cancel the event entirely.


on kick:

On Language Change



  • [on] [player] (language|locale) chang(e|ing)
  • [on] [player] chang(e|ing) (language|locale)
Since: 2.3
Called after a player changed their language in the game settings. You can use the language expression to get the current language of the player. This event requires Minecraft 1.12+.


on language change:
    if player's language starts with "en":
        send "Hello!"

On Leaves Decay



  • [on] leaves decay[ing]
Since: 1.0
Called when a leaf block decays due to not being connected to a tree.


on leaves decay:

On Level Change



  • [on] [player] level (change|up|down)
Since: 1.0, 2.4 (level up/down)
Called when a player's level changes, e.g. by gathering experience or by enchanting something.


on level change:

On Lightning Strike



  • [on] lightning [strike]
Since: 1.0
Called when lightning strikes.


on lightning:
    spawn a zombie at location of event-entity

On Loot Generate



  • [on] loot generat(e|ing)
Since: 2.7
Requirements: MC 1.16+
Called when a loot table of an inventory is generated in the world. For example, when opening a shipwreck chest.


on loot generate:
    chance of 10%
    add 64 diamonds to the loot
    send "You hit the jackpot at %event-location%!"

On Move



Since: 2.6
Requirements: Paper 1.16.5+ (entity move)
Called when a player or entity moves. NOTE: Move event will only be called when the entity/player moves position, not orientation (ie: looking around). NOTE: These events can be performance heavy as they are called quite often. If you use these events, and later remove them, a server restart is recommended to clear registered events from Skript.


on player move:
    if player does not have permission "player.can.move":
        cancel event
on skeleton move:
    if event-entity is not in world "world":
        kill event-entity

On Move On



Since: 2.0
Called when a player moves onto a certain type of block. Please note that using this event can cause lag if there are many players online.


on walking on dirt or grass:
on stepping on stone:

On Physics



  • [on] [block] physics
Since: 1.4.6
Called when a physics check is done on a block. By cancelling this event you can prevent some things from happening, e.g. sand falling, dirt turning into grass, torches dropping if their supporting block is destroyed, etc.Please note that using this event might cause quite some lag since it gets called extremely often.


# prevents sand from falling
on block physics:
    block is sand
    cancel event

On Pick Up



  • [on] [(player|entity)] (pick[ ]up|picking up) [[of] %item types%]
Since: unknown (before 2.1), 2.5 (entity)
Called when a player/entity picks up an item. Please note that the item is still on the ground when this event is called.


on pick up:
on entity pickup of wheat:

On Pig Zap



  • [on] pig[ ]zap
Since: 1.0
Called when a pig is stroke by lightning and transformed into a zombie pigman. Cancel the event to prevent the transformation.


on pig zap:

On Piston Extend



  • [on] piston extend[ing]
Since: 1.0
Called when a piston is about to extend.


on piston extend:
    broadcast "A piston is extending!"

On Piston Retract



  • [on] piston retract[ing]
Since: 1.0
Called when a piston is about to retract.


on piston retract:
    broadcast "A piston is retracting!"

On Place



Since: 1.0, 2.6 (BlockData support)
Called when a player places a block.


on place:
on place of a furnace, workbench or chest:
on break of chest[type=right] or chest[type=left]

On Player Chunk Enters



  • [on] [player] (enter[s] [a] chunk|chunk enter[ing])
Since: 2.7
Called when a player enters a chunk. Note that this event is based on 'player move' event, and may be called frequent internally.


on player enters a chunk:
    send "You entered a chunk: %past event-chunk% -&gt; %event-chunk%!" to player

On Player Deep Sleep



  • [on] [player] deep sleep[ing]
Since: 2.7
Requirements: Paper 1.16+
Called when a player has slept long enough to count as passing the night/storm. Cancelling this event will prevent the player from being counted as deeply sleeping unless they exit and re-enter the bed.


on player deep sleeping:
    send "Zzzz.." to player

On Player Pickup Arrow



  • [on] [player] (pick[ing| ]up [an] arrow|arrow pick[ing| ]up)
Requirements: Minecraft 1.14+ (event-projectile)
Called when a player picks up an arrow from the ground.


on arrow pickup:
    cancel the event
    teleport event-projectile to block 5 above event-projectile

On Player Trade



  • [on] player trad(e|ing)
Since: 2.7
Requirements: Paper 1.16.5+
Called when a player has traded with a villager.


on player trade:
    chance of 50%:
        cancel event
        send "The trade was somehow denied!" to player

On Player World Change



  • [on] [player] world chang(ing|e[d])
Since: 2.2-dev28
Called when a player enters a world. Does not work with other entities!


on player world change:
    world is "city"
    send "Welcome to the City!"

On Portal



  • [on] [player] portal
Since: 1.0
Called when a player uses a nether or end portal. Cancel the event to prevent the player from teleporting.


on player portal:

On Portal Create



  • [on] portal creat(e|ion)
Since: 1.0, 2.5.3 (event-entity support)
Requirements: Minecraft 1.14+ (event-entity support)
Called when a portal is created, either by a player or mob lighting an obsidian frame on fire, or by a nether portal creating its teleportation target in the nether/overworld. In Minecraft 1.14+, you can use the player in this event. Please note that there may not always be a player (or other entity) in this event.


on portal create:

On Portal Enter



  • [on] portal enter[ing]
  • [on] entering [a] portal
Since: 1.0
Called when an entity enters a nether portal or an end portal. Please note that this event will be fired many times for a nether portal.


on portal enter:

On Prepare Craft



  • [on] [player] (preparing|beginning) craft[ing] [[of] %item types%]
Since: 2.2-Fixes-V10
Called just before displaying crafting result to player. Note that setting the result item might or might not work due to Bukkit bugs.


on preparing craft of torch:

On Pressure Plate / Trip



  • [on] [step[ping] on] [a] [pressure] plate
  • [on] (trip|[step[ping] on] [a] tripwire)
Since: 1.0 (pressure plate), 1.4.4 (tripwire)
Called when a player steps on a pressure plate or tripwire respectively.


on step on pressure plate:

On Projectile Collide



  • [on] projectile collide
Since: 2.5
Requirements: Paper
Called when a projectile collides with an entity.


on projectile collide:
    teleport shooter of event-projectile to event-entity

On Projectile Hit



  • [on] projectile hit
Since: 1.0
Called when a projectile hits an entity or a block. Use the damage event with a check for a projectile to be able to use the entity that got hit in the case when the projectile hit a living entity. A damage event will even be fired if the damage is 0, e.g. when throwing snowballs at non-nether mobs.


on projectile hit:
    event-projectile is arrow
    delete event-projectile

On Quit



  • [on] (quit[ting]|disconnect[ing]|log[ ]out|logging out|leav(e|ing))
Since: 1.0 (simple disconnection)
Called when a player leaves the server.


on quit:
on disconnect:

On Redstone



  • [on] redstone [current] [chang(e|ing)]
Since: 1.0
Called when the redstone current of a block changes. This event is of not much use yet.


on redstone change:
    send "someone is using redstone" to console

On Region Enter/Leave



  • [on] (enter[ing]|leav(e|ing)|exit[ing]) [of] ([a] region|[[the] region] %regions%)
  • [on] region (enter[ing]|leav(e|ing)|exit[ing])
Since: 2.1
Requirements: Supported regions plugin
Called when a player enters or leaves a region. This event requires a supported regions plugin to be installed.


on region exit:
    message "Leaving %region%."

On Resource Pack Request Response



Since: 2.4
Called when a player takes action on a resource pack request sent via the send resource pack effect. The resource pack condition can be used to check the resource pack state.

This event will be triggered once when the player accepts or declines the resource pack request, and once when the resource pack is successfully installed or failed to download.


on resource pack request response:
    if the resource pack was declined or failed to download:

on resource pack deny:
    kick the player due to "You have to install the resource pack to play in this server!"

On Respawn



  • [on] [player] respawn[ing]
Since: 1.0
Called when a player respawns. You should prefer this event over the death event as the player is technically alive when this event is called.


on respawn:

On Resurrect Attempt



  • [on] [entity] resurrect[ion] [attempt]
Since: 2.2-dev28
Called when an entity dies, always. If they are not holding a totem, this is cancelled - you can, however, uncancel it.


on resurrect attempt:
    entity is player
    entity has permission "admin.undying"
    uncancel the event

On Riptide



  • [on] [use of] riptide [enchant[ment]]
Since: 2.5
Called when the player activates the riptide enchantment, using their trident to propel them through the air. Note: the riptide action is performed client side, so manipulating the player in this event may have undesired effects.


on riptide:
    send "You are riptiding!"

On Script Load/Unload



  • [on] [async] [script] (load|init|enable)
  • [on] [async] [script] (unload|stop|disable)
Since: 2.0
Called directly after the trigger is loaded, or directly before the whole script is unloaded. The keyword 'async' indicates the trigger can be ran asynchronously,


on load:
    set {running::%script%} to true
on unload:
    set {running::%script%} to false

On Server List Ping



  • [on] server [list] ping
Since: 2.3
Called when a server list ping is coming in, generally when a Minecraft client pings the server to show its information in the server list. The IP expression can be used to get the IP adress of the pinger. This event can be cancelled on PaperSpigot 1.12.2+ only and this means the player will see the server as offline (but still can join).

Also you can use MOTD, Max Players, Online Players Count, Protocol Version, Version String, Hover List and Server Icon expressions, and Player Info Visibility and Hide Player from Server List effects to modify the server list.


on server list ping:
    set the motd to "Welcome %{player-by-IP::%ip%}%! Join now!" if {player-by-IP::%ip%} is set, else "Join now!"
    set the fake max players count to (online players count + 1)
    set the shown icon to a random server icon out of {server-icons::*}

On Server Start/Stop



  • [on] (server|skript) (start|load|enable)
  • [on] (server|skript) (stop|unload|disable)
Since: 2.0
Called when the server starts or stops (actually, when Skript starts or stops, so a /reload will trigger these events as well).


on skript start:
on server stop:

On Sheep Regrow Wool



  • [on] sheep [re]grow[ing] wool
Since: 2.2-dev21
Called when sheep regrows its sheared wool back.


on sheep grow wool:
    cancel event

On Shoot



  • [on] [projectile] shoot
Since: 1.0
Called whenever a projectile is shot. Use the shooter expression to get who shot the projectile.


on shoot:
    if projectile is an arrow:
        send "you shot an arrow!" to shooter

On Sign Change



  • [on] sign (chang[e]|edit)[ing]
  • [on] [player] (chang[e]|edit)[ing] [a] sign
Since: 1.0
As signs are placed empty, this event is called when a player is done editing a sign.


on sign change:
    line 2 is empty
    set line 1 to "&amp;lt;red&amp;gt;%line 1%"

On Slime Split



  • [on] slime split[ting]
Since: 2.2-dev26
Called when a slime splits. Usually this happens when a big slime dies.


on slime split:

On Smelt



  • [on] [ore] smelt[ing]
  • [on] smelt[ing] of ore
Since: 1.0
Called when a furnace smelts an item in its ore slot.


on smelt:

On Sneak Toggle



  • [on] [player] toggl(e|ing) sneak
  • [on] [player] sneak toggl(e|ing)
Since: 1.0
Called when a player starts or stops sneaking. Use is sneaking to get whether the player was sneaking before the event was called.


# make players that stop sneaking jump
on sneak toggle:
    player is sneaking
    push the player upwards at speed 0.5

On Spawn



Since: 1.0, 2.5.1 (non-living entities)
Called when an entity spawns (excluding players).


on spawn of a zombie:
on spawn of an ender dragon:
    broadcast "A dragon has been sighted in %world%!"

On Spawn Change



  • [on] [world] spawn change
Since: 1.0
Called when the spawn point of a world changes.


on spawn change:
    broadcast "someone changed the spawn!"

On Spectate



Since: 2.7
Requirements: Paper
Called with a player starts, stops or swaps spectating an entity.


on player start spectating of a zombie:

On Sponge Absorb



  • [on] sponge absorb
Since: 2.5
Requirements: Minecraft 1.13 or newer
Called when a sponge absorbs blocks.


on sponge absorb:
    loop absorbed blocks:
        broadcast "%loop-block% was absorbed by a sponge"!

On Spread



  • [on] spread[ing]
Since: 1.0
Called when a new block forms as a result of a block that can spread, e.g. water or mushrooms.


on spread:

On Sprint Toggle



  • [on] [player] toggl(e|ing) sprint
  • [on] [player] sprint toggl(e|ing)
Since: 1.0
Called when a player starts or stops sprinting. Use is sprinting to get whether the player was sprinting before the event was called.


on sprint toggle:
    player is not sprinting
    send "Run!"

On Swim Toggle



  • [on] [entity] toggl(e|ing) swim
  • [on] [entity] swim toggl(e|ing)
Since: 2.3
Requirements: 1.13 or newer
Called when an entity swims or stops swimming.


on swim toggle:
    event-entity does not have permission "swim"
    cancel event

On Tame



  • [on] [entity] tam(e|ing)
Since: 1.0
Called when a player tames a wolf or ocelot. Can be cancelled to prevent the entity from being tamed.


on tame:

On Target



  • [on] [entity] target
  • [on] [entity] un[-]target
Since: 1.0
Called when a mob starts/stops following/attacking another entity, usually a player.


on entity target:
    target is a player

On Teleport



  • [on] [player] teleport[ing]
Since: 1.0
Called whenever a player is teleported, either by a nether/end portal or other means (e.g. by plugins).


on teleport:

On Test Case



  • [on] test %text% [when <.+>]
Since: 2.5
Contents represent one test case.


Missing examples.

On Tool Change



  • [on] [player['s]] (tool|item held|held item) chang(e|ing)
Since: 1.0
Called whenever a player changes their held item by selecting a different slot (e.g. the keys 1-9 or the mouse wheel), not by dropping or replacing the item in the current slot.


on player's held item change:

On Vehicle Create



  • [on] vehicle create
  • [on] creat(e|ing|ion of) [a] vehicle
Since: 1.0
Called when a new vehicle is created, e.g. when a player places a boat or minecart.


on vehicle create:

On Vehicle Damage



  • [on] vehicle damage
  • [on] damag(e|ing) [a] vehicle
Since: 1.0
Called when a vehicle gets damage. Too much damage will destroy the vehicle.


on vehicle damage:

On Vehicle Destroy



  • [on] vehicle destroy
  • [on] destr(oy[ing]|uction of) [a] vehicle
Since: 1.0
Called when a vehicle is destroyed. Any passenger will be ejected and the vehicle might drop some item(s).


on vehicle destroy:
    cancel event

On Vehicle Enter



  • [on] vehicle enter
  • [on] enter[ing] [a] vehicle
Since: 1.0
Called when an entity enters a vehicle, either deliberately (players) or by falling into them (mobs).


on vehicle enter:
    entity is a player
    cancel event

On Vehicle Exit



  • [on] vehicle exit
  • [on] exit[ing] [a] vehicle
Since: 1.0
Called when an entity exits a vehicle.


on vehicle exit:
    if event-entity is a spider:
        kill event-entity

On Weather Change



Since: 1.0
Called when a world's weather changes.


on weather change:
on weather change to sunny:

On World Init



  • [on] world init[ialization]
Since: 1.0
Called when a world is initialised. As all default worlds are initialised before any scripts are loaded, this event is only called for newly created worlds. World management plugins might change the behaviour of this event though.


on world init:

On World Load



  • [on] world load[ing]
Since: 1.0
Called when a world is loaded. As with the world init event, this event will not be called for the server's default world(s).


on world load:
    send "World is loading..." to console

On World Save



  • [on] world sav(e|ing)
Since: 1.0
Called when a world is saved to disk. Usually all worlds are saved simultaneously, but world management plugins could change this.


on world saving:
    broadcast "World has been saved!"

On World Unload



  • [on] world unload[ing]
Since: 1.0
Called when a world is unloaded. This event might never be called if you don't have a world management plugin.


on world unload:
    cancel event

On Zombie Break Door



  • [on] zombie break[ing] [a] [wood[en]] door
Since: 1.0
Called when a zombie is done breaking a wooden door. Can be cancelled to prevent the zombie from breaking the door.


on zombie breaking a wood door:




Since: 1.0
An event that is called periodically.


every 2 seconds:
every minecraft hour:
every tick: # can cause lag depending on the code inside the event
every minecraft days:




Since: 1.0
An event that is called periodically.


every 2 seconds in "world":
every minecraft hour in "flatworld":
every tick in "world": # can cause lag depending on the code inside the event
every minecraft days in "plots":

Attribute Type



  • generic attack speed, luck, max health, generic movement speed, flying speed, attack damage, horse jump strength, generic attack damage, generic luck, generic armor, generic flying speed, follow range, generic knockback resistance, movement speed, generic follow range, zombie spawn reinforcements, armor, generic attack knockback, attack speed, armor toughness, knockback resistance, generic max health, attack knockback, generic armor toughness
Since: 2.5
Represents the type of an attribute. Note that this type does not contain any numerical values.See attribute types for more info.


Missing examples.




  • roofed forest, old growth pine taiga, mesa forest, the void, snowy taiga, hell, jagged peaks, spiked ice plains, crimson forest, stone shore, birch forest, cold taiga, cold beach, savanna, giant tree taiga, marsh, windswept forest, wooded badlands, sky, nether, void, cold ocean, giant spruce taiga, lush caves, deep lukewarm ocean, deep frozen ocean, small end islands, ice spikes, old growth birch forest, badlands, badlands forest, ocean, lukewarm ocean, ice plains spikes, gravelly mountains, frozen peaks, stony peaks, jungle, basalt deltas, snowy beach, frozen ocean, mountains, forest, wooded mesa, eroded mesa, the end, dripstone caves, swampland, end barrens, ice plains with spikes, windswept hills, sea, unknown, black forest, soul sand valley, deep dark, mesa, plains, eroded badlands, mushroom fields, windswept gravelly hills, mushroom island, wooded mountains, shattered savanna, sunflower plains, snowy plains, meadow, snowy slopes, flower forest, windswept savanna, nether wastes, stony shore, taiga, frozen river, warm ocean, custom, old growth spruce taiga, deep cold ocean, swamp, mangrove swamp, deep ocean, end highlands, end midlands, cherry grove, sparse jungle, dark forest, jungle edge, grove, snowy tundra, beach, bamboo jungle, savanna plateau, river, tall birch forest, warped forest, desert
Since: 1.4.4
All possible biomes Minecraft uses to generate a world.


biome at the player is desert




  • Missing patterns.
Since: 1.0
A block in a world. It has a location and a type, and can also have a direction (mostly a facing), an inventory, or other special properties.


Missing examples.

Block Data



  • Missing patterns.
Since: 2.5
Block data is the detailed information about a block, referred to in Minecraft as BlockStates, allowing for the manipulation of different aspects of the block, including shape, waterlogging, direction the block is facing, and so much more. Information regarding each block's optional data can be found on Minecraft's Wiki. Find the block you're looking for and scroll down to 'Block States'. Different states must be separated by a semicolon (see examples). The 'minecraft:' namespace is optional, as well as are underscores.


set block at player to campfire[lit=false]
set target block of player to oak stairs[facing=north;waterlogged=true]
set block at player to grass_block[snowy=true]
set loop-block to minecraft:chest[facing=north]
set block above player to oak_log[axis=y]
set target block of player to minecraft:oak_leaves[distance=2;persistent=false]




  • true/yes/on or false/no/off
Since: 1.0
A boolean is a value that is either true or false. Other accepted names are 'on' and 'yes' for true, and 'off' and 'no' for false.


set {config.%player%.use mod} to false

Cat Type



  • red, all black, british shorthair, ragdoll, white, jellie, siamese, black, tabby, calico, persian
Since: 2.4
Requirements: Minecraft 1.14 or newer
Represents the race/type of a cat entity.


Missing examples.




  • Missing patterns.
Since: 2.0
A chunk is a cuboid of 16×16×128 (x×z×y) blocks. Chunks are spread on a fixed rectangular grid in their world.


Missing examples.

Click Type



  • lmb, number key, mmb, rmb, drop item, drop key, window border using left mouse button, unknown, window border using right mouse, shift+rmb, unsupported, shift+lmb, ctrl+q, swap shield, left mouse button, left mouse with shift, left mouse, 0-9, double click, double click using mouse, border using rmb, right mouse button, right mouse button with shift, border using lmb, middle mouse, drop key with control, window border using right mouse button, swap offhand, custom, q, right mouse with shift, middle mouse button, drop stack, left mouse button with shift, right mouse, creative action
Since: 2.2-dev16b, 2.2-dev35 (renamed to click type)
Click type, mostly for inventory events. Tells exactly which keys/buttons player pressed, assuming that default keybindings are used in client side.


Missing examples.




  • black, dark grey/dark gray, grey/light grey/gray/light gray/silver, white, blue/dark blue, cyan/aqua/dark cyan/dark aqua, light blue/light cyan/light aqua, green/dark green, light green/lime/lime green, yellow/light yellow, orange/gold/dark yellow, red/dark red, pink/light red, purple/dark purple, magenta/light purple, brown/indigo
Since: Unknown
Wool, dye and chat colors.


color of the sheep is red or black
set the color of the block to green
message "You're holding a &amp;lt;%color of tool%&amp;gt;%color of tool%&amp;lt;reset&amp;gt; wool block"

Command Sender



Since: 1.0
A player or the console.


command /push [&amp;amp;lt;player&amp;amp;gt;]:
        if arg-1 is not set:
            if command sender is console:
                send "You can't push yourself as a console :\" to sender
            push sender upwards with force 2
            send "Yay!"
            push arg-1 upwards with force 2
            send "Yay!" to sender and arg-1

Damage Cause



  • sweep attack, thorns, the void, magma, a lightning, drowning, dragonfire, an attack, drown, an entity attack, melt, freeze, falling block, contact, fire, an entity explosion, lightning, a fall, entity explosion, void, a lightning strike, suffocation, suicide, wither effect, a plugin, lightning strike, entity attack, a potion, a wither, sweeping, melting, a falling block, unknown, starvation, lava, fall, hot floor, attack, a block explosion, dryout, burn, hitting wall while flying, potion, world border, flying into a wall, cramming, poison, sonic boom, suffocate, custom, kill, killed, a fire, burning, a projectile, plugin, wither potion effect, block explosion, projectile, wither, dragon's breath
Since: 2.0
The cause/type of a damage event, e.g. lava, fall, fire, drowning, explosion, poison, etc. Please note that support for this type is very rudimentary, e.g. lava, fire and burning, as well as projectile and attack are considered different types.


Missing examples.




  • Missing patterns.
Since: 1.4
A date is a certain point in the real world's time which can be obtained with now expression, unix date expression and date function. See time and timespan for the other time types of Skript.


set {_yesterday} to now
subtract a day from {_yesterday}
# now {_yesterday} represents the date 24 hours before now




  • normal, medium, hard, easy, peaceful
Since: 2.3
The difficulty of a world.


Missing examples.




Since: 2.0
A direction, e.g. north, east, behind, 5 south east, 1.3 meters to the right, etc. Locations and some blocks also have a direction, but without a length. Please note that directions have changed extensively in the betas and might not work perfectly. They can also not be used as command arguments.


set the block below the victim to a chest
loop blocks from the block infront of the player to the block 10 below the player:
    set the block behind the loop-block to water




  • Efficiency, Looting, Soul Speed, Silk Touch, Quick Charge, Flame, Fortune, Aqua Affinity, Multishot, Channeling, Loyalty, Curse of Binding, Punch, Projectile Protection, Power, Sharpness, Frost Walker, Fire Protection, Impaling, Luck of The Sea, Riptide, Protection, Mending, Respiration, Piercing, Unbreaking, Swift Sneak, Feather Falling, Lure, Smite, Fire Aspect, Knockback, Depth Strider, Sweeping Edge, Infinity, Curse of Vanishing, Blast Protection, Bane of Arthropods, Thorns
Since: 1.4.6
An enchantment, e.g. 'sharpness' or 'fortune'. Unlike enchantment type this type has no level, but you usually don't need to use this type anyway.


Missing examples.

Enchantment Offer



  • Missing patterns.
Since: 2.5
The enchantmentoffer in an enchant prepare event.


on enchant prepare:
    set enchant offer 1 to sharpness 1
    set the cost of enchant offer 1 to 10 levels

Enchantment Type



  • <enchantment> [<level>]
Since: 1.4.6
An enchantment with an optional level, e.g. 'sharpness 2' or 'fortune'.


enchant the player's tool with sharpness 5
helmet is enchanted with waterbreathing




  • player, op, wolf, tamed ocelot, powered creeper, zombie, unsaddled pig, fireball, arrow, dropped item, item frame, etc.
Since: 1.0
An entity is something in a world that's not a block, e.g. a player, a skeleton, or a zombie, but also projectiles like arrows, fireballs or thrown potions, or special entities like dropped items, falling blocks or paintings.


entity is a zombie or creeper
player is an op
projectile is an arrow
shoot a fireball from the player

Entity Type



  • Detailed usage will be added eventually
Since: 1.3
The type of an entity, e.g. player, wolf, powered creeper, etc.


victim is a cow
spawn a creeper

Entity Type with Amount



Since: 1.3
An entity type with an amount, e.g. '2 zombies'. I might remove this type in the future and make a more general 'type' type, i.e. a type that has a number and a type.


spawn 5 creepers behind the player




  • [<number>] ([e]xp|experience [point[s]])
Since: 2.0
Experience points. Please note that Bukkit only allows to give XP, but not remove XP from players. You can however change a player's level and level progress freely.


give 10 xp to the player

Firework Effect



Since: 2.4
A configuration of effects that defines the firework when exploded which can be used in the launch firework effect. See the firework effect expression for detailed patterns.


launch flickering trailing burst firework colored blue and green at player
launch trailing flickering star colored purple, yellow, blue, green and red fading to pink at target entity
launch ball large colored red, purple and white fading to light green and black at player's location with duration 1

Firework Type



  • small, ball, star shaped, large, star, creeper face, small ball, large ball, burst, ball large, creeper
Since: 2.4
The type of a fireworkeffect.


Missing examples.

Game Mode



  • adventure, survival, spectator, creative
Since: 1.0
The game modes survival, creative, adventure and spectator.


player's gamemode is survival
set the player argument's game mode to creative




  • doWardenSpawning, tntExplosionDropDecay, globalSoundEvents, doFireTick, maxCommandChainLength, doVinesSpread, fireDamage, reducedDebugInfo, waterSourceConversion, disableElytraMovementCheck, lavaSourceConversion, announceAdvancements, drowningDamage, commandBlockOutput, forgiveDeadPlayers, doMobSpawning, maxEntityCramming, disableRaids, doWeatherCycle, mobExplosionDropDecay, doDaylightCycle, showDeathMessages, doTileDrops, universalAnger, playersSleepingPercentage, snowAccumulationHeight, doInsomnia, doImmediateRespawn, blockExplosionDropDecay, naturalRegeneration, doMobLoot, fallDamage, keepInventory, doEntityDrops, doLimitedCrafting, mobGriefing, randomTickSpeed, spawnRadius, freezeDamage, doTraderSpawning, commandModificationBlockLimit, logAdminCommands, spectatorsGenerateChunks, sendCommandFeedback, doPatrolSpawning
Since: 2.5
Requirements: Minecraft 1.13 or newer
A gamerule


Missing examples.

Gamerule Value



  • Missing patterns.
Since: 2.5
A wrapper for the value of a gamerule for a world.


Missing examples.




  • normal, lazy, happy, worried, worrisome, aggressive, brown, brownish, savage, playful, wild, weak
Since: 2.4
Requirements: Minecraft 1.14 or newer
Represents a Panda's main or hidden gene. See genetics for more info.


Missing examples.

Heal Reason



  • an ender crystal, magic, a magic regeneration, magic regeneration, fed, sated, a magic regen, regen potion, a wither spawn, peaceful, unknown, a regeneration potion, consuming, a wither effect, peaceful regeneration, wither summoning, healing potion, wither potion, an end crystal, satiated, regeneration potion, potion, satisfied, ingesting, withered, custom, a wither spawning, end crystal, eating, wither spawning, a wither summoning, wither effect, a plugin, a regen potion, plugin, withering, a potion, wither spawn, a healing potion, ender crystal, magic regen, wither, peaceful regen
Since: 2.5
The heal reason in a heal event.


Missing examples.




  • Missing patterns.
Since: 1.0
An inventory of a player or block. Inventories have many effects and conditions regarding the items contained. An inventory has a fixed amount of slots which represent a specific place in the inventory, e.g. the helmet slot for players (Please note that slot support is still very limited but will be improved eventually).


Missing examples.

Inventory Action



  • drop stack from slot, swap items with hotbar, swap cursor stack, pickup single item, pickup some, drop all from cursor, move to other inventory, drop cursor stack, pickup all, swap with hotbar, nothing, drop all from slot, swap cursor, drop cursor, pickup all items, drop slot item, place all, drop cursor item, drop slot stack, drop single item from slot, swap with cursor, place some, pickup one item, drop single item from cursor, collect items to cursor, unknown, clone stack, drop stack from cursor, drop one item from slot, drop one item from cursor, unsupported, do nothing, drop one from cursor, pickup half, drop items from slot, swap stack with cursor, place all items, collect to cursor, pickup some items, drop slot, drop items from cursor, hotbar move and readd, shift move, custom, pickup single, place one item, hotbar swap items, drop one from slot, place some items, place one, pickup half stack, instant move, hotbar swap
Since: 2.2-dev16
What player just did in inventory event. Note that when in creative game mode, most actions do not work correctly.


Missing examples.

Inventory Close Reasons



  • disconnect, death, teleport, cannot use, new opened, unknown, can't use, unloaded, disconnected, plugin, can not use, open new, player
Requirements: Paper
The inventory close reason in an inventory close event.


Missing examples.

Inventory Slot



  • Missing patterns.
Since: Unknown
Represents a single slot of an inventory. Notable slots are the armour slots and furnace slots. The most important property that distinguishes a slot from an item is its ability to be changed, e.g. it can be set, deleted, enchanted, etc. (Some item expressions can be changed as well, e.g. items stored in variables. For that matter: slots are never saved to variables, only the items they represent at the time when the variable is set). Please note that tool can be regarded a slot, but it can actually change it's position, i.e. doesn't represent always the same slot.


set tool of player to dirt
delete helmet of the victim
set the color of the player's tool to green
enchant the player's chestplate with projectile protection 5

Inventory Type



  • barrel inventory, a loom inventory, a blast furnace inventory, workbench inventory, ender chest inventory, loom inventory, a workbench inventory, hopper inventory, a merchant inventory, a hopper inventory, chiseled bookshelf, an ender chest inventory, new smithing table, bookshelf, a jukebox, beacon inventory, shulker box inventory, a barrel inventory, a shulker box inventory, lectern inventory, chest inventory, a villager inventory, a smoker inventory, a brewing stand inventory, a smithing inventory, grindstone inventory, a crafting table inventory, a player inventory, furnace inventory, a creative inventory, blast furnace inventory, upgrade gear, a composter inventory, an enchanting table inventory, jukebox, a dropper inventory, a cartography table inventory, a upgrade gear, smoker inventory, composter inventory, a chest inventory, upgrade gear table, a upgrade gear table, dispenser inventory, player inventory, stonecutter inventory, a stonecutter inventory, a lectern inventory, merchant inventory, cartography table inventory, a chiseled bookshelf, a new smithing table, a furnace inventory, anvil inventory, a dispenser inventory, a grindstone inventory, smithing inventory, dropper inventory, brewing stand inventory, villager inventory, enchanting table inventory, a beacon inventory, a bookshelf, creative inventory, crafting table inventory, an anvil inventory
Since: 2.2-dev32
Minecraft has several different inventory types with their own use cases.


Missing examples.




  • [<number> [of]] <alias> [of <enchantment> <level>], Where <alias> must be an alias that represents exactly one item (i.e cannot be a general alias like 'sword' or 'plant')
Since: 1.0
An item, e.g. a stack of torches, a furnace, or a wooden sword of sharpness 2. Unlike item type an item can only represent exactly one item (e.g. an upside-down cobblestone stair facing west), while an item type can represent a whole range of items (e.g. any cobble stone stairs regardless of direction). You don't usually need this type except when you want to make a command that only accepts an exact item. Please note that currently 'material' is exactly the same as 'item', i.e. can have an amount & enchantments.


set {_item} to type of the targeted block
{_item} is a torch

Item Type



  • [<number> [of]] [all/every] <alias> [of <enchantment> [<level>] [,/and <more enchantments...>]]
Since: 1.0
An item type is an alias, e.g. 'a pickaxe', 'all plants', etc., and can result in different items when added to an inventory, and unlike items they are well suited for checking whether an inventory contains a certain item or whether a certain item is of a certain type. An item type can also have one or more enchantments with or without a specific level defined, and can optionally start with 'all' or 'every' to make this item type represent all types that the alias represents, including data ranges.


give 4 torches to the player
add all slabs to the inventory of the block
player's tool is a diamond sword of sharpness
remove a pickaxes of fortune 4 from {stored items::*}
set {_item} to 10 of every upside-down stair
block is dirt or farmland

Living Entity



  • see entity, but ignore inanimate objects
Since: 1.0
A living entity, i.e. a mob or player, not inanimate entities like projectiles or dropped items.


spawn 5 powered creepers
shoot a zombie from the creeper




  • Missing patterns.
Since: 1.0
A location in a world. Locations are world-specific and even store a direction, e.g. if you save a location and later teleport to it you will face the exact same direction you did when you saved the location.


Missing examples.

Metadata Holder



  • Missing patterns.
Since: 2.2-dev36
Something that can hold metadata (e.g. an entity or block)


set metadata value "super cool" of player to true




  • <number> $ or $ <number>, where '$' is your server's currency, e.g. '10 rupees' or '£5.00'
Since: 2.0
Requirements: Vault, an economy plugin that supports Vault
A certain amount of money. Please note that this differs from numbers as it includes a currency symbol or name, but usually the two are interchangeable, e.g. you can both add 100$ to the player's balance and add 100 to the player's balance.


add 10£ to the player's account
remove Fr. 9.95 from the player's money
set the victim's money to 0
increase the attacker's balance by the level of the victim * 100

Moon Phase



  • last quarter, waning crescent, waxing gibbous, full moon, waning gibbous, waxing crescent, new moon, first quarter
Since: 2.7
Requirements: Paper 1.16+
Represents the phase of a moon.


Missing examples.




  • [-]###[.###] (any amount of digits; very large numbers will be truncated though)
Since: 1.0
A number, e.g. 2.5, 3, or -9812454. Please note that many expressions only need integers, i.e. will discard any fractional parts of any numbers without producing an error.


set the player's health to 5.5
set {_temp} to 2*{_temp} - 2.5




  • Missing patterns.
Since: 1.0
The supertype of all types, meaning that if %object% is used in e.g. a condition it will accept all kinds of expressions.


Missing examples.

Offline Player



  • Missing patterns.
Since: Unknown
A player that is possibly offline. See player for more information. Please note that while all effects and conditions that require a player can be used with an offline player as well, they will not work if the player is not actually online.


Missing examples.




  • Missing patterns.
Since: 1.0
A player. Depending on whether a player is online or offline several actions can be performed with them, though you won't get any errors when using effects that only work if the player is online (e.g. changing their inventory) on an offline player. You have two possibilities to use players as command arguments: <player> and <offline player>. The first requires that the player is online and also accepts only part of the name, while the latter doesn't require that the player is online, but the player's name has to be entered exactly.


Missing examples.

Potion Effect



  • speed of tier 1 for 10 seconds
Since: 2.5.2
A potion effect, including the potion effect type, tier and duration.


Missing examples.

Potion Effect Type



  • null, speed, slowness, haste, mining fatigue, strength, instant health, instant damage, jump boost, nausea, regeneration, resistance, fire resistance, water breathing, invisibility, blindness, night vision, hunger, weakness, poison, wither, health boost, absorption, saturation, glowing, levitation, luck, bad luck, slow falling, conduit power, dolphins grace, bad omen, hero of the village, darkness
Since: Unknown
A potion effect type, e.g. 'strength' or 'swiftness'.


apply swiftness 5 to the player
apply potion of speed 2 to the player for 60 seconds
remove invisibility from the victim




  • arrow, fireball, snowball, thrown potion, etc.
Since: 1.0
A projectile, e.g. an arrow, snowball or thrown potion.


projectile is a snowball
shoot an arrow at speed 5 from the player

Quit Reason



  • disconnected, erroneous state, kicked, quit, timed out, erroneous
Requirements: Paper 1.16.5+
Represents a quit reason from a player quit server event.


Missing examples.




  • "region name"
Since: 2.1
Requirements: Supported regions plugin
A region of a regions plugin. Skript currently supports WorldGuard, Factions, GriefPrevention and PreciousStones. Please note that some regions plugins do not have named regions, some use numerical ids to identify regions, and some may have regions with the same name in different worlds, thus using regions like "region name" in scripts may or may not work.


Missing examples.

Resource Pack State



  • refused, rejected, accepted, failed, failed to download, successfully loaded, accept, fail, successfully load, refuse, declined, successfully install, success, reject, decline, successfully installed, download fail
Since: 2.4
The state in a resource pack request response event.


Missing examples.

Server Icon



  • Missing patterns.
Since: 2.3
A server icon that was loaded using the load server icon effect.


Missing examples.

Sound Category



  • hostile creatures category, speech category, records category, friendly creature category, noteblock category, hostile creature category, note block category, voice category, ambient category, noteblocks category, note blocks category, weather category, block category, friendly mob category, jukebox category, hostile mob category, master category, master volume category, hostile category, record category, blocks category, environment category, jukeboxes category, player category, players category, hostile mobs category, friendly mobs category, music category, friendly creatures category, neutral category
Since: 2.4
The category of a sound, they are used for sound options of Minecraft. See the play sound and stop sound effects.


Missing examples.

Spawn Reason



  • dispense egg, egg, village defense, ocelot baby, silverfish trap, village invading, trap, dispensing egg, shoulder, drowned, metamorphosis, lightning, silverfish reveal, spell, built iron golem, natural, village invasion, frozen, mount, build wither, built wither, iron golem defense, ender pearl, creature spawner, reinforcements, build snowman, build iron golem, breeding, raid, infection, customized, spawn egg, jockey, beehive, default, golem defense, patrol, slime split, infected, sheared, mob spawner, nether portal, shear, perching, custom, built snowman, chunk generation, breed, command, duplication, explosion, spawner, cured, customised, piglin zombification
Since: 2.3
The spawn reason in a spawn event.


Missing examples.

Teleport Cause



  • bed exit, nether portal, ender gateway, exiting bed, chorus fruit, ender portal, command, unknown, plugin, dismounted, ender pearl, spectator, spectate, end gateway, chorus, exit bed, gateway, dismount, end portal
Since: 2.2-dev35
The teleport cause in a teleport event.


Missing examples.




  • simple: "..."
  • quotes: "...""..."
  • expressions: "...%expression%..."
  • percent signs: "...%%..."
Since: 1.0
Text is simply text, i.e. a sequence of characters, which can optionally contain expressions which will be replaced with a meaningful representation (e.g. %player% will be replaced with the player's name). Because scripts are also text, you have to put text into double quotes to tell Skript which part of the line is an effect/expression and which part is the text. Please read the article on Texts and Variable Names to learn more.


broadcast "Hello World!"
message "Hello %player%"
message "The id of ""%type of tool%"" is %id of tool%."




  • ##:##
  • ##[:##][ ]am/pm
Since: 1.0
A time is a point in a minecraft day's time (i.e. ranges from 0:00 to 23:59), which can vary per world. See date and timespan for the other time types of Skript.


at 20:00:
    time is 8 pm
    broadcast "It's %time%"




  • ##:## - ##:##
  • dusk/day/dawn/night
Since: 1.0
A period of time between two times. Mostly useful since you can use this to test for whether it's day, night, dusk or dawn in a specific world. This type might be removed in the future as you can use 'time of world is between x and y' as a replacement.


time in world is night




  • <number> [minecraft/mc/real/rl/irl] ticks/seconds/minutes/hours/days/weeks/months/years [[,/and] <more...>]
  • [###:]##:##[.####] ([hours:]minutes:seconds[.milliseconds])
Since: 1.0, 2.6.1 (weeks, months, years)
A timespan is a difference of two different dates or times, e.g '10 minutes'. Timespans are always displayed as real life time, but can be defined as minecraft time, e.g. '5 minecraft days and 12 hours'. NOTE: Months always have the value of 30 days, and years of 365 days. See date and time for the other time types of Skript.


every 5 minecraft days:
    wait a minecraft second and 5 ticks
every 10 mc days and 12 hours:
    halt for 12.7 irl minutes, 12 hours and 120.5 seconds

Tree Type



  • [any] <general tree/mushroom type>, e.g. tree/any jungle tree/etc.
  • <specific tree/mushroom species>, e.g. red mushroom/small jungle tree/big regular tree/etc.
Since: Unknown
A tree type represents a tree species or a huge mushroom species. These can be generated in a world with the generate tree effect.


grow any regular tree at the block
grow a huge red mushroom above the block




  • See the type name patterns of all types - including this one
Since: 2.0
Represents a type, e.g. number, object, item type, location, block, world, entity type, etc. This is mostly used for expressions like 'event-<type>', '<type>-argument', 'loop-<type>', etc., e.g. event-world, number-argument and loop-player.


{variable} is a number # check whether the variable contains a number, e.g. -1 or 5.5
{variable} is a type # check whether the variable contains a type, e.g. number or player
{variable} is an object # will always succeed if the variable is set as everything is an object, even types.
disable PvP in the event-world
kill the loop-entity




  • vector(x, y, z)
Since: 2.2-dev23
Vector is a collection of numbers. In Minecraft, 3D vectors are used to express velocities of entities.


Missing examples.

Visual Effect



  • smoke, potion break, ender signal, mobspawner flames, arrow particles, jumping rabbit, hurt, wolf smoke, wolf hearts, wolf shaking, sheep eating, iron golem offering rose, villager hearts, angry villager entity, happy villager entity, witch magic, zombie turning to a villager, firework explosion, love hearts, squid rotation reset, entity poof, guardian target, block with shield, shield break, armor stand hit, hurt by thorns, iron golem sheathing rose, resurrection by totem, hurt by drowning, hurt by explosion, explosion, large explosion, huge explosion, firework's spark, water bubble, water splash, water wake, suspended, void fog, critical hit, magical critical hit, smoke particle, large smoke, spell, spell, potion swirl, transparent potion swirl, witch spell, water drip, lava drip, angry villager, happy villager, small smoke, note, portal, flying glyph, flame, lava pop, cloud, coloured dust, snowball break, snow shovel, slime, heart, item crack, block break, block dust, water drop, mob appearance, dragon breath, end rod, damage indicator, sweep attack, falling dust, totem, spit, squid ink, bubble pop, current down, bubble column up, nautilus, dolphin, sneeze, campfire cosy smoke, campfire signal smoke, composter, flash, falling lava, landing lava, falling water, dripping honey, falling honey, landing honey, falling nectar, soul fire flame, ash, crimson spore, warped spore, soul, dripping obsidian tear, falling obsidian tear, landing obsidian tear, reverse portal, white ash, falling spore blossom, spore blossom air, small flame, snowflake, dripping dripstone lava, falling dripstone lava, dripping dripstone water, falling dripstone water, glow squid ink, glow, wax on, wax off, electric spark, scrape, sonic boom, sculk soul, sculk charge, sculk charge pop, shriek
Since: 2.1
A visible effect, e.g. particles.


show wolf hearts on the clicked wolf
play mob spawner flames at the targeted block to the player

Weather Type



  • clear/sun/sunny, rain/rainy/raining, and thunder/thundering/thunderstorm
Since: 1.0
The weather types sunny, rainy, and thundering.


is raining
is sunny in the player's world
message "It is %weather in the argument's world% in %world of the argument%"




  • "world_name", e.g. "world"
Since: 1.0, 2.2 (alternate syntax)
One of the server's worlds. Worlds can be put into scripts by surrounding their name with double quotes, e.g. "world_nether", but this might not work reliably as text uses the same syntax.


broadcast "Hello!" to the world "world_nether"

World Environment



  • normal, nether, the end, the overworld, custom, the nether, end, overworld
Since: 2.7
Represents the environment of a world.


Missing examples.




  • abs(n: number)
Since: 2.2
Return Type: Number
Returns the absolute value of the argument, i.e. makes the argument positive.


abs(3) = 3
abs(-2) = 2




  • acos(n: number)
Since: 2.2
Return Type: Number
The inverse of the cosine, also called arccos. Returns result in degrees, not radians. Only returns values from 0 to 180.


acos(0) = 90
acos(1) = 0
acos(0.5) = 30




  • asin(n: number)
Since: 2.2
Return Type: Number
The inverse of the sine, also called arcsin. Returns result in degrees, not radians. Only returns values from -90 to 90.


asin(0) = 0
asin(1) = 90
asin(0.5) = 30




  • atan(n: number)
Since: 2.2
Return Type: Number
The inverse of the tangent, also called arctan. Returns result in degrees, not radians. Only returns values from -90 to 90.


atan(0) = 0
atan(1) = 45
atan(10000) = 89.9943




  • atan2(x: number, y: number)
Since: 2.2
Return Type: Number
Similar to atan, but requires two coordinates and returns values from -180 to 180. The returned angle is measured counterclockwise in a standard mathematical coordinate system (x to the right, y to the top).


atan2(0, 1) = 0
atan2(10, 0) = 90
atan2(-10, 5) = -63.4349




  • calcExperience(level: long)
Since: 2.2-dev32
Return Type: long
Calculates the total amount of experience needed to achieve given level from scratch in Minecraft.


Missing examples.




  • caseEquals(strs: strings)
Since: 2.5
Return Type: Boolean
Checks if the contents of a list of strings are strictly equal with case sensitivity.


caseEquals("hi", "Hi") = false
caseEquals("text", "text", "text") = true
caseEquals({some list variable::*})




  • ceil(n: number)
Since: 2.2
Return Type: long
Rounds a number up, i.e. returns the closest integer larger than or equal to the argument.


ceil(2.34) = 3
ceil(2) = 2
ceil(2.99) = 3




  • ceiling(n: number)
Since: 2.2
Return Type: long
Alias of ceil.


ceiling(2.34) = 3
ceiling(2) = 2
ceiling(2.99) = 3




  • clamp(values: numbers, min: number, max: number)
Return Type: Number
Clamps one or more values between two numbers.


clamp(5, 0, 10) = 5
clamp(5.5, 0, 5) = 5
clamp(0.25, 0, 0.5) = 0.25
clamp(5, 7, 10) = 7
clamp((5, 0, 10, 9, 13), 7, 10) = (7, 7, 10, 9, 10)
set {_clamped::*} to clamp({_values::*}, 0, 10)




  • cos(n: number)
Since: 2.2
Return Type: Number
The cosine function. This is basically the sine shifted by 90°, i.e. cos(a) = sin(a + 90°), for any number a. Uses degrees, not radians.


cos(0) = 1
cos(90) = 0




  • date(year: number, month: number, day: number, hour: number = [[integer:0]], minute: number = [[integer:0]], second: number = [[integer:0]], millisecond: number = [[integer:0]], zone_offset: number = [[double:NaN]], dst_offset: number = [[double:NaN]])
Since: 2.2
Return Type: Date
Creates a date from a year, month, and day, and optionally also from hour, minute, second and millisecond. A time zone and DST offset can be specified as well (in minutes), if they are left out the server's time zone and DST offset are used (the created date will not retain this information).


date(2014, 10, 1) # 0:00, 1st October 2014
date(1990, 3, 5, 14, 30) # 14:30, 5th May 1990
date(1999, 12, 31, 23, 59, 59, 999, -3*60, 0) # almost year 2000 in parts of Brazil (-3 hours offset, no DST)




  • exp(n: number)
Since: 2.2
Return Type: Number
The exponential function. You probably don't need this if you don't know what this is.


exp(0) = 1
exp(1) = 2.7183




  • floor(n: number)
Since: 2.2
Return Type: long
Rounds a number down, i.e. returns the closest integer smaller than or equal to the argument.


floor(2.34) = 2
floor(2) = 2
floor(2.99) = 2




  • ln(n: number)
Since: 2.2
Return Type: Number
The natural logarithm. You probably don't need this if you don't know what this is. Returns NaN (not a number) if the argument is negative.


ln(1) = 0
ln(exp(5)) = 5
ln(2) = 0.6931




  • location(x: number, y: number, z: number, world: world = event-world, yaw: number = [[integer:0]], pitch: number = [[integer:0]])
Since: 2.2
Return Type: Location
Creates a location from a world and 3 coordinates, with an optional yaw and pitch. If for whatever reason the world is not found, it will fallback to the server's main world.


location(0, 128, 0)
location(player's x-coordinate, player's y-coordinate + 5, player's z-coordinate, player's world, 0, 90)
location(0, 64, 0, world "world_nether")
location(100, 110, -145, world("my_custom_world"))




  • log(n: number, base: number = [[integer:10]])
Since: 2.2
Return Type: Number
A logarithm, with base 10 if none is specified. This is the inverse operation to exponentiation (for positive bases only), i.e. log(base ^ exponent, base) = exponent for any positive number 'base' and any number 'exponent'. Another useful equation is base ^ log(a, base) = a for any numbers 'base' and 'a'. Please note that due to how numbers are represented in computers, these equations do not hold for all numbers, as the computed values may slightly differ from the correct value. Returns NaN (not a number) if any of the arguments are negative.


log(100) = 2 # 10^2 = 100
log(16, 2) = 4 # 2^4 = 16




  • max(ns: numbers)
Since: 2.2
Return Type: Number
Returns the maximum number from a list of numbers.


max(1) = 1
max(1, 2, 3, 4) = 4
max({some list variable::*})




  • min(ns: numbers)
Since: 2.2
Return Type: Number
Returns the minimum number from a list of numbers.


min(1) = 1
min(1, 2, 3, 4) = 1
min({some list variable::*})




  • mod(d: number, m: number)
Since: 2.2
Return Type: Number
Returns the modulo of the given arguments, i.e. the remainder of the division d/m, where d and m are the arguments of this function. The returned value is always positive. Returns NaN (not a number) if the second argument is zero.


mod(3, 2) = 1
mod(256436, 100) = 36
mod(-1, 10) = 9




  • offlineplayer(nameoruuid: string)
Return Type: Offline Player
Returns a offline player from their name or UUID. This function will still return the player if they're online.


set {_p} to offlineplayer("Notch")
set {_p} to offlineplayer("069a79f4-44e9-4726-a5be-fca90e38aaf5")




  • player(nameoruuid: string, getexactplayer: boolean = [[boolean:false]])
Return Type: Player
Returns an online player from their name or UUID, if player is offline function will return nothing. Setting 'getExactPlayer' parameter to true will return the player whose name is exactly equal to the provided name instead of returning a player that their name starts with the provided name.


set {_p} to player("Notch") # will return an online player whose name is or starts with 'Notch'
set {_p} to player("Notch", true) # will return the only online player whose name is 'Notch'
set {_p} to player("069a79f4-44e9-4726-a5be-fca90e38aaf5") # &amp;amp;lt;none&amp;amp;gt; if player is offline




  • product(ns: numbers)
Since: 2.2
Return Type: Number
Calculates the product of a list of numbers.


product(1) = 1
product(2, 3, 4) = 24
product({some list variable::*})
product(2, {_v::*}, and the player's y-coordinate)




  • rgb(red: long, green: long, blue: long)
Since: 2.5
Return Type: Color
Returns a RGB color from the given red, green and blue parameters.


dye player's leggings rgb(120, 30, 45)




  • round(n: number, d: number = [[integer:0]])
Since: 2.2, 2.7 (decimal placement)
Return Type: Number
Rounds a number, i.e. returns the closest integer to the argument. Place a second argument to define the decimal placement.


round(2.34) = 2
round(2) = 2
round(2.99) = 3
round(2.5) = 3




  • sin(n: number)
Since: 2.2
Return Type: Number
The sine function. It starts at 0° with a value of 0, goes to 1 at 90°, back to 0 at 180°, to -1 at 270° and then repeats every 360°. Uses degrees, not radians.


sin(90) = 1
sin(60) = 0.866




  • sqrt(n: number)
Since: 2.2
Return Type: Number
The square root, which is the inverse operation to squaring a number (for positive numbers only). This is the same as (argument) ^ (1/2) – other roots can be calculated via number ^ (1/root), e.g. set {_l} to {_volume}^(1/3). Returns NaN (not a number) if the argument is negative.


sqrt(4) = 2
sqrt(2) = 1.4142
sqrt(-1) = NaN




  • sum(ns: numbers)
Since: 2.2
Return Type: Number
Sums a list of numbers.


sum(1) = 1
sum(2, 3, 4) = 9
sum({some list variable::*})
sum(2, {_v::*}, and the player's y-coordinate)




  • tan(n: number)
Since: 2.2
Return Type: Number
The tangent function. This is basically sin(arg)/cos(arg). Uses degrees, not radians.


tan(0) = 0
tan(45) = 1
tan(89.99) = 5729.5779




  • vector(x: number, y: number, z: number)
Since: 2.2-dev23
Return Type: Vector
Creates a new vector, which can be used with various expressions, effects and functions.


vector(0, 0, 0)




  • world(name: string)
Since: 2.2
Return Type: World
Gets a world from its name.


set {_nether} to world("%{_world}%_nether")
\ No newline at end of file + Skript Documentation - 2.8.0-dev-nightly-235b97a

All Elements




  • aliases
Since: 1.0
Used for registering custom aliases for a script.


    blacklisted items = TNT, bedrock, obsidian, mob spawner, lava, lava bucket
    shiny swords = gold sword, iron sword, diamond sword




  • command <.+>
Required Entries: trigger
Optional Entries: usage, description, prefix, permission, permission message, aliases, executable by, cooldown, cooldown message, cooldown bypass, cooldown storage
Since: 1.0
Used for registering custom commands.


command /broadcast <string>:
    usage: A command for broadcasting a message to all players.
    permission: skript.command.broadcast
    permission message: You don't have permission to broadcast messages
    aliases: /bc
    executable by: players and console
    cooldown: 15 seconds
    cooldown message: You last broadcast a message %elapsed time% ago. You can broadcast another message in %remaining time%.
    cooldown bypass: skript.command.broadcast.admin
    cooldown storage: {cooldown::%player%}
        broadcast the argument




  • [local] function <([\p{IsAlphabetic}][\p{IsAlphabetic}\p{IsDigit}_]*)\((.*)\)(\s*(::| returns )\s*(.+))?>
Since: 2.2, 2.7 (local functions)
Functions are structures that can be executed with arguments/parameters to run code. They can also return a value to the trigger that is executing the function. Note that local functions come before global functions execution


function sayMessage(message: text):
    broadcast {_message} # our message argument is available in '{_message}'

local function giveApple(amount: number) :: item:
    return {_amount} of apple

function getPoints(p: player) returns number:
    return {points::%{_p}%}




  • options
Since: 1.0
Options are used for replacing parts of a script with something else. For example, an option may represent a message that appears in multiple locations. Take a look at the example below that showcases this.


    no_permission: You're missing the required permission to execute this command!

command /ping:
    permission: command.ping
    permission message: {@no_permission}
        message "Pong!"

command /pong:
    permission: command.pong
    permission message: {@no_permission}
        message "Ping!"




  • variables
Since: 1.0
Used for defining variables present within a script. This section is not required, but it ensures that a variable has a value if it doesn't exist when the script is loaded.


    {joins} = 0
    {balance::%player%} = 0

on join:
    add 1 to {joins}
    message "Your balance is %{balance::%player%}%"

Absorbed blocks



  • [the] absorbed blocks
Since: 2.5
Usable in events: sponge absorb
Return Type: Block
The blocks absorbed by a sponge block.


the absorbed blocks

Affected Entities



  • [the] affected entities
Since: 2.4
Return Type: Living Entity
The affected entities in the area cloud effect event.


on area cloud effect:
    loop affected entities:
        if loop-value is a player:
            send "WARNING: you've step on an area effect cloud!" to loop-value

Age of Block/Entity



Since: 2.7
Return Type: integer
Returns the age or maximum age of blocks and age for entities (there in no maximum age for entities). For blocks, 'Age' represents the different growth stages that a crop-like block can go through. A value of 0 indicates that the crop was freshly planted, whilst a value equal to 'maximum age' indicates that the crop is ripe and ready to be harvested. For entities, 'Age' represents the time left for them to become adults and it's in minus increasing to be 0 which means they're adults, e.g. A baby cow needs 20 minutes to become an adult which equals to 24,000 ticks so their age will be -24000 once spawned.


# Set targeted crop to fully grown crop
set age of targeted block to maximum age of targeted block

# Spawn a baby cow that will only need 1 minute to become an adult
spawn a baby cow at player
set age of last spawned entity to -1200 # in ticks = 60 seconds

All Banned Players/IPs



  • [all [[of] the]|the] banned (players|(ips|ip addresses))
Since: 2.7
Return Type: Object
Obtains the list of all banned players or IP addresses.


command /banlist:
        send all the banned players

All Groups



  • all groups
Since: 2.2-dev35
Requirements: Vault, a permission plugin that supports Vault
Return Type: Text
All the groups a player can have. This expression requires Vault and a compatible permissions plugin to be installed.


command /group &lt;text&gt;:
        if argument is "list":
            send "%all groups%"

All Operators



  • [all [[of] the]|the] [server] [non(-| )]op[erator]s
Since: 2.7
Return Type: Offline Player
The list of operators on the server.


set {_ops::*} to all operators

All Permissions



  • [(all [[of] the]|the)] permissions (from|of) %players%
  • [(all [[of] the]|the)] %players%'[s] permissions
Since: 2.2-dev33
Return Type: Text
Returns all permissions of the defined player(s). Note that the modifications to resulting list do not actually change permissions.


set {_permissions::*} to all permissions of the player

All Scripts



  • [all [of the]] scripts [(without ([subdirectory] paths|parents))]
  • [all [of the]] (enabled|loaded) scripts [(without ([subdirectory] paths|parents))]
  • [all [of the]] (disabled|unloaded) scripts [(without ([subdirectory] paths|parents))]
Since: 2.5
Return Type: Text
Returns all of the scripts, or just the enabled or disabled ones.


command /scripts:
        send "All Scripts: %scripts%" to player
        send "Loaded Scripts: %enabled scripts%" to player
        send "Unloaded Scripts: %disabled scripts%" to player

All commands



  • [(all|the|all [of] the)] [registered] [script] commands
Since: 2.6
Return Type: Text
Returns all registered commands or all script commands.


send "Number of all commands: %size of all commands%"
send "Number of all script commands: %size of all script commands%"

Alphabetical Sort



  • alphabetically sorted %texts%
Since: 2.2-dev18b
Return Type: Text
Sorts given strings in alphabetical order.


set {_list::*} to alphabetically sorted {_strings::*}




Since: 1.4.3
Return Type: Number
Effectively an alias of 'y-coordinate of …', it represents the height of some object above bedrock.


on damage:
    altitude of the attacker is higher than the altitude of the victim
    set damage to damage * 1.2




  • [the] (amount|number|size) of %objects%
  • [the] recursive (amount|number|size) of %objects%
Since: 1.0
Return Type: long
The amount of something. Please note that amount of %items% will not return the number of items, but the number of stacks, e.g. 1 for a stack of 64 torches. To get the amount of items in a stack, see the item amount expression.

Also, you can get the recursive size of a list, which will return the recursive size of the list with sublists included, e.g.

 {list::*} Structure
├──── {list::1}: 1
├──── {list::2}: 2
│ ├──── {list::2::1}: 3
│ │ └──── {list::2::1::1}: 4
│ └──── {list::2::2}: 5
└──── {list::3}: 6

Where using %size of {list::*}% will only return 3 (the first layer of indices only), while %recursive size of {list::*}% will return 6 (the entire list) Please note that getting a list's recursive size can cause lag if the list is large, so only use this expression if you need to!


message "There are %number of all players% players online!"

Amount of Items



Since: 2.0
Return Type: long
Counts how many of a particular item type are in a given inventory.


message "You have %number of ores in the player's inventory% ores in your inventory."

Anvil Repair Cost



  • [the] [anvil] [item] [max[imum]] repair cost [of %inventories%]
  • %inventories%'[s] [anvil] [item] [max[imum]] repair cost
Return Type: integer
Returns the experience cost (in levels) to complete the current repair or the maximum experience cost (in levels) to be allowed by the current repair. The default value of max cost set by vanilla Minecraft is 40.


on inventory click:
    if {AnvilRepairSaleActive} = true:
        wait a tick # recommended, to avoid client bugs
        set anvil repair cost to anvil repair cost * 50%
        send "Anvil repair sale is ON!" to player

on inventory click:
    player have permission "anvil.repair.max.bypass"
    set max repair cost of event-inventory to 99999

Anvil Text Input



  • [the] anvil [inventory] (rename|text) input of %inventories%
  • %inventories%'[s] anvil [inventory] (rename|text) input
Since: 2.7
Return Type: Text
An expression to get the name to be applied to an item in an anvil inventory.


on inventory click:
    type of event-inventory is anvil inventory
    if the anvil input text of the event-inventory is "FREE OP":
        ban player

Applied Enchantments



  • [the] applied enchant[ment]s
Since: 2.5
Usable in events: enchant
Return Type: Enchantment Type
The applied enchantments in an enchant event. Deleting or removing the applied enchantments will prevent the item's enchantment.


on enchant:
    set the applied enchantments to sharpness 10 and fire aspect 5




  • [the] last arg[ument]
  • [the] arg[ument](-| )<(\d+)>
  • [the] <(\d*1)st|(\d*2)nd|(\d*3)rd|(\d*[4-90])th> arg[ument][s]
  • [(all [[of] the]|the)] arg[ument][s]
  • [the] %*type%( |-)arg[ument][( |-)<\d+>]
  • [the] arg[ument]( |-)%*type%[( |-)<\d+>]
Since: 1.0, 2.7 (support for command events)
Return Type: Object
Usable in script commands and command events. Holds the value of an argument given to the command, e.g. if the command "/tell <player> <text>" is used like "/tell Njol Hello Njol!" argument 1 is the player named "Njol" and argument 2 is "Hello Njol!". One can also use the type of the argument instead of its index to address the argument, e.g. in the above example 'player-argument' is the same as 'argument 1'. Please note that specifying the argument type is only supported in script commands.


give the item-argument to the player-argument
damage the player-argument by the number-argument
give a diamond pickaxe to the argument
add argument 1 to argument 2
heal the last argument




Since: 1.4.2
Return Type: Number
Arithmetic expressions, e.g. 1 + 2, (health of player - 2) / 3, etc.


set the player's health to 10 - the player's health
loop (argument + 2) / 5 times:
    message "Two useless numbers: %loop-num * 2 - 5%, %2^loop-num - 1%"
message "You have %health of player * 2% half hearts of HP!"

Armour Slot



  • [the] (boot[s]|shoe[s]|leg[ging][s]|chestplate[s]|helm[et][s]) [(item|slot)] of %living entities%
  • %living entities%'[s] (boot[s]|shoe[s]|leg[ging][s]|chestplate[s]|helm[et][s]) [(item|slot)]
Since: 1.0
Return Type: Slot
A part of a player's armour, i.e. the boots, leggings, chestplate or helmet.


set chestplate of the player to a diamond chestplate
helmet of player is neither a helmet nor air # player is wearing a block, e.g. from another plugin

Arrow Attached Block



Return Type: Block
Returns the attached block of an arrow.


set hit block of last shot arrow to diamond block

Arrow Knockback Strength



Since: 2.5.1
Return Type: long
An arrow's knockback strength.


on shoot:
    event-projectile is an arrow
    set arrow knockback strength of event-projectile to 10

Arrows Stuck



Since: 2.5
Return Type: long
The number of arrows stuck in a living entity.


set arrows stuck in player to 5

Attack Cooldown



Since: 2.6.1
Requirements: Minecraft 1.15+
Return Type: float
Returns the current cooldown for a player's attack. This is used to calculate damage, with 1.0 representing a fully charged attack and 0.0 representing a non-charged attack. NOTE: Currently this can not be set to anything.


on damage:
    if attack cooldown of attacker < 1:
        set damage to 0
        send "Your hit was too weak! wait until your weapon is fully charged next time." to attacker




  • [the] (attacked|damaged|victim) [<(.+)>]
Since: 1.3, 2.6.1 (projectile hit event)
Usable in events: damage, death, projectile hit
Return Type: Entity
The victim of a damage event, e.g. when a player attacks a zombie this expression represents the zombie. When using Minecraft 1.11+, this also covers the hit entity in a projectile hit event.


on damage:
    victim is a creeper
    damage the attacked by 1 heart




  • [the] (attacker|damager)
Since: 1.3
Usable in events: damage, death, destroy
Return Type: Entity
The attacker of a damage event, e.g. when a player attacks a zombie this expression represents the player. Please note that the attacker can also be a block, e.g. a cactus or lava, but this expression will not be set in these cases.


on damage:
    attacker is a player
    health of attacker is less than or equal to 2
    damage victim by 1 heart




  • [the] [((safe|valid)|(unsafe|invalid))] bed[s] [location[s]] of %offline players%
  • %offline players%'[s] [((safe|valid)|(unsafe|invalid))] bed[s] [location[s]]
Since: 2.0, 2.7 (offlineplayers, safe bed)
Return Type: Location
Returns the bed location of a player, i.e. the spawn point of a player if they ever slept in a bed and the bed still exists and is unobstructed however, you can set the unsafe bed location of players and they will respawn there even if it has been obstructed or doesn't exist anymore and that's the default behavior of this expression otherwise you will need to be specific i.e. safe bed location.

NOTE: Offline players can not have their bed location changed, only online players.


if bed of player exists:
    teleport player the the player's bed
    teleport the player to the world's spawn point

set the bed location of player to spawn location of world("world") # unsafe/invalid bed location
set the safe bed location of player to spawn location of world("world") # safe/valid bed location




Since: 1.4.4, 2.6.1 (3D biomes)
Return Type: Biome
The biome at a certain location. Please note that biomes are only defined for x/z-columns (i.e. the altitude (y-coordinate) doesn't matter), up until Minecraft 1.15.x. As of Minecraft 1.16, biomes are now 3D (per block vs column).


# damage player in deserts constantly
every real minute:
    loop all players:
        biome at loop-player is desert
        damage the loop-player by 1




  • [the] [event-]block
Since: 1.0
Return Type: Block
The block involved in the event, e.g. the clicked block or the placed block. Can optionally include a direction as well, e.g. 'block above' or 'block in front of the player'.


block is ore
set block below to air
spawn a creeper above the block
loop blocks in radius 4:
    loop-block is obsidian
    set loop-block to water
block is a chest:
    clear the inventory of the block




Since: 1.0
Return Type: Block
The block involved in the event, e.g. the clicked block or the placed block. Can optionally include a direction as well, e.g. 'block above' or 'block in front of the player'.


block is ore
set block below to air
spawn a creeper above the block
loop blocks in radius 4:
    loop-block is obsidian
    set loop-block to water
block is a chest:
    clear the inventory of the block

Block Break Speed



Since: 2.7
Requirements: 1.17+
Return Type: float
Gets the speed at which the given player would break this block, taking into account tools, potion effects, whether or not the player is in water, enchantments, etc. The returned value is the amount of progress made in breaking the block each tick. When the total breaking progress reaches 1.0, the block is broken. Note that the break speed can change in the course of breaking a block, e.g. if a potion effect is applied or expires, or the player jumps/enters water.


on left click using diamond pickaxe:
    event-block is set
    send "Break Speed: %break speed for player%" to player

Block Data



Since: 2.5, 2.5.2 (set)
Requirements: Minecraft 1.13+
Return Type: Block Data
Get the block data associated with a block. This data can also be used to set blocks.


set {data} to block data of target block
set block at player to {data}
set block data of target block to oak_stairs[facing=south;waterlogged=true]

Block Hardness



Since: 2.6
Requirements: Minecraft 1.13+
Return Type: Number
Obtains the block's hardness level (also known as "strength"). This number is used to calculate the time required to break each block.


set {_hard} to block hardness of target block
if block hardness of target block > 5:

Block Sphere



  • [(all [[of] the]|the)] blocks in radius %number% [(of|around) %location%]
  • [(all [[of] the]|the)] blocks around %location% in radius %number%
Since: 1.0
Return Type: Block
All blocks in a sphere around a center, mostly useful for looping.


loop blocks in radius 5 around the player:
    set loop-block to air




Since: 1.0, 2.5.1 (within/cuboid/chunk)
Return Type: Block
Blocks relative to other blocks or between other blocks. Can be used to get blocks relative to other blocks or for looping. Blocks from/to and between will return a straight line whereas blocks within will return a cuboid.


loop blocks above the player:
loop blocks between the block below the player and the targeted block:
set the blocks below the player, the victim and the targeted block to air
set all blocks within {loc1} and {loc2} to stone
set all blocks within chunk at player to air

Blocks in Region



  • [(all|the)] blocks (in|of) [[the] region[s]] %regions%
Since: 2.1
Requirements: Supported regions plugin
Return Type: Block
All blocks in a region. This expression requires a supported regions plugin to be installed.


loop all blocks in the region {arena.%{faction.%player%}%}:
    clear the loop-block

Book Author



  • [the] [book] (author|writer|publisher) of %item types%
  • %item types%'[s] [book] (author|writer|publisher)
Since: 2.2-dev31
Return Type: Text
The author of a book.


on book sign:
    message "Book Title: %author of event-item%"

Book Pages



Since: 2.2-dev31, 2.7 (changers)
Return Type: Text
The pages of a book (Supports Skript's chat format) Note: In order to modify the pages of a new written book, you must have the title and author of the book set. Skript will do this for you, but if you want your own, please set those values.


on book sign:
    message "Book Pages: %pages of event-item%"
    message "Book Page 1: %page 1 of event-item%"

set page 1 of player's held item to "Book writing"

Book Title



Since: 2.2-dev31
Return Type: Text
The title of a book.


on book sign:
    message "Book Title: %title of event-item%"

Burn/Cook Time



  • [the] burn[ing] time
  • [the] (burn|cook)[ing] time of %blocks%
  • %blocks%'[s] (burn|cook)[ing] time
Since: 2.3
Return Type: Timespan
The time a furnace takes to burn an item in a fuel burn event. Can also be used to change the burn/cook time of a placed furnace.


on fuel burn:
    if fuel slot is coal:
        set burning time to 1 tick

Case Text



  • %texts% in (upper|lower)[ ]case
  • (upper|lower)[ ]case %texts%
  • capitali(s|z)ed %texts%
  • %texts% in [(lenient|strict) ](proper|title)[ ]case
  • [(lenient|strict) ](proper|title)[ ]case %texts%
  • %texts% in [(lenient|strict) ]camel[ ]case
  • [(lenient|strict) ]camel[ ]case %texts%
  • %texts% in [(lenient|strict) ]pascal[ ]case
  • [(lenient|strict) ]pascal[ ]case %texts%
  • %texts% in [(lower|upper|capital|screaming)[ ]]snake[ ]case
  • [(lower|upper|capital|screaming)[ ]]snake[ ]case %texts%
  • %texts% in [(lower|upper|capital)[ ]]kebab[ ]case
  • [(lower|upper|capital)[ ]]kebab[ ]case %texts%
Since: 2.2-dev16 (lowercase and uppercase), 2.5 (advanced cases)
Return Type: Text
Copy of given text in Lowercase, Uppercase, Proper Case, camelCase, PascalCase, Snake_Case, and Kebab-Case


"Oops!" in lowercase # oops!
"oops!" in uppercase # OOPS!
"hellO i'm steve!" in proper case # HellO I'm Steve!
"hellO i'm steve!" in strict proper case # Hello I'm Steve!
"spAwn neW boSs ()" in camel case # spAwnNeWBoSs()
"spAwn neW boSs ()" in strict camel case # spawnNewBoss()
"geneRate ranDom numBer ()" in pascal case # GeneRateRanDomNumBer()
"geneRate ranDom numBer ()" in strict pascal case # GenerateRandomNumber()
"Hello Player!" in snake case # Hello_Player!
"Hello Player!" in lower snake case # hello_player!
"Hello Player!" in upper snake case # HELLO_PLAYER!
"What is your name?" in kebab case # What-is-your-name?
"What is your name?" in lower kebab case # what-is-your-name?
"What is your name?" in upper kebab case # WHAT-IS-YOUR-NAME?

Chat Format



  • [the] (message|chat) format[ting]
Since: 2.2-dev31
Return Type: Text
Can be used to get/retrieve the chat format. The sender of a message is represented by [player] or [sender], and the message by [message] or [msg].


set the chat format to "&lt;yellow&gt;[player]&lt;light gray&gt;: &lt;green&gt;[message]"

Chat Recipients



  • [chat][( |-)]recipients
Since: 2.2-Fixes-v7, 2.2-dev35 (clearing recipients)
Return Type: Player
Recipients of chat events where this is called.


chat recipients




Since: 2.0, INSERT VERSION (loaded chunks)
Return Type: Chunk
Returns the chunk of a block, location or entity is in, or a list of the loaded chunks of a world.


add the chunk at the player to {protected chunks::*}
set {_chunks::*} to the loaded chunks of the player's world

Clicked Block/Entity/Inventory/Slot



  • [the] (clicked [enchant[ment]] (button|option)|clicked (block|%*item type/entity type%)|clicked slot|clicked inventory|click (type|action)|inventory action)
Since: 1.0, 2.2-dev35 (more clickable things)
Usable in events: click, inventory click
Return Type: Object
The clicked block, entity, inventory, inventory slot, inventory click type or inventory action.


message "You clicked on a %type of clicked entity%!"
if the clicked block is a chest:
    show the inventory of the clicked block to the player

Color of



Since: 1.2
Return Type: Color
The color of an item, can also be used to color chat messages with "<%color of ...%>this text is colored!".


on click on wool:
    message "This wool block is <%color of block%>%color of block%<reset>!"
    set the color of the block to black

Colored / Uncolored



  • (colo[u]r-|colo[u]red )%texts%
  • (format-|formatted )%texts%
  • (un|non)[-](colo[u]r-|colo[u]red |format-|formatted )%texts%
Since: 2.0
Return Type: Text
Parses <color>s and, optionally, chat styles in a message or removes any colors and chat styles from the message. Parsing all chat styles requires this expression to be used in same line with the send effect.


on chat:
    set message to colored message # Safe; only colors get parsed
command /fade &lt;player&gt;:
        set display name of the player-argument to uncolored display name of the player-argument
command /format &lt;text&gt;:
        message formatted text-argument # Safe, because we're sending to whoever used this command




  • [the] (full|complete|whole) command
  • [the] command [(label|alias)]
Since: 2.0, 2.7 (support for script commands)
Usable in events: command
Return Type: Text
The command that caused an 'on command' event (excluding the leading slash and all arguments)


# prevent any commands except for the /exit command during some game
on command:
    if {game::%player%::playing} is true:
        if the command is not "exit":
            message "You're not allowed to use commands during the game"
            cancel the event

Command Info



  • [the] main command [label] of command %texts%
  • command %texts%'[s] main command [name]
  • [the] description of command %texts%
  • command %texts%'[s] description
  • [the] label of command %texts%
  • command %texts%'[s] label
  • [the] usage of command %texts%
  • command %texts%'[s] usage
  • [(all|the|all [of] the)] aliases of command %texts%
  • command %texts%'[s] aliases
  • [the] permission of command %texts%
  • command %texts%'[s] permission
  • [the] permission message of command %texts%
  • command %texts%'[s] permission message
  • [the] plugin [owner] of command %texts%
  • command %texts%'[s] plugin [owner]
Since: 2.6
Return Type: Text
Get information about a command.


main name of command "skript"
description of command "help"
label of command "pl"
usage of command "help"
aliases of command "bukkit:help"
permission of command "/op"
command "op"'s permission message
command "sk"'s plugin owner

Command Sender



  • [the] [command['s]] (sender|executor)
Since: 2.0
Usable in events: command
Return Type: Command Sender
The player or the console who sent a command. Mostly useful in commands and command events. If the command sender is a command block, its location can be retrieved by using %block's location%


make the command sender execute "/say hi!"
on command:
    log "%executor% used command /%command% %arguments%" to "commands.log"

Compass Target



Since: 2.0
Return Type: Location
The location a player's compass is pointing at.


# make all player's compasses target a player stored in {compass::target::%player%}
every 5 seconds:
    loop all players:
        set the loop-player's compass target to location of {compass::target::%%loop-player%}




  • [the] (console|server)
Since: 1.3.1
Return Type: Command Sender
Represents the server's console which can receive messages and execute commands


execute console command "/stop"
send "message to console" to the console

Cooldown Time/Remaining Time/Elapsed Time/Last Usage/Bypass Permission



  • [the] remaining [time] [of [the] (cooldown|wait) [(of|for) [the] [current] command]]
  • [the] elapsed [time] [of [the] (cooldown|wait) [(of|for) [the] [current] command]]
  • [the] ((cooldown|wait) time|[wait] time of [the] (cooldown|wait) [(of|for) [the] [current] command])
  • [the] last usage [date] [of [the] (cooldown|wait) [(of|for) [the] [current] command]]
  • [the] [cooldown] bypass perm[ission] [of [the] (cooldown|wait) [(of|for) [the] [current] command]]
Since: 2.2-dev33
Return Type: Object
Only usable in command events. Represents the cooldown time, the remaining time, the elapsed time, the last usage date, or the cooldown bypass permission.


command /home:
    cooldown: 10 seconds
    cooldown message: You last teleported home %elapsed time% ago, you may teleport home again in %remaining time%.
        teleport player to {home::%player%}




  • [the] (x|y|z)(-| )(coord[inate]|pos[ition]|loc[ation])[s] of %locations%
  • %locations%'[s] (x|y|z)(-| )(coord[inate]|pos[ition]|loc[ation])[s]
Since: 1.4.3
Return Type: Number
Represents a given coordinate of a location.


player's y-coordinate is smaller than 40:
    message "Watch out for lava!"

Creature/Entity/Player/Projectile/Villager/Powered Creeper/etc.



  • [the] [event-]<.+>
Since: 1.0
Return Type: Entity
The entity involved in an event (an entity is a player, a creature or an inanimate object like ignited TNT, a dropped item or an arrow). You can use the specific type of the entity that's involved in the event, e.g. in a 'death of a creeper' event you can use 'the creeper' instead of 'the entity'.


give a diamond sword of sharpness 3 to the player
kill the creeper
kill all powered creepers in the wolf's world
projectile is an arrow

Cursor Slot



Since: 2.2-dev17
Return Type: Slot
The item which the player has on their cursor. This slot is always empty if player has no inventories open.


cursor slot of player is dirt
set cursor slot of player to 64 diamonds

Custom Chest Inventory



  • [a] [new] chest inventory (named|with name) %text% [with %number% row[s]]
  • [a] [new] chest inventory with %number% row[s] [(named|with name) %text%]
Since: 2.2-dev34
Return Type: Inventory
Returns a chest inventory with the given amount of rows and the name. Use the open inventory effect to open it.


open chest inventory with 1 row named "test" to player
set {_inventory} to chest inventory with 1 row

Custom Model Data



Since: 2.5
Requirements: 1.14+
Return Type: long
Get/set the CustomModelData tag for an item. (Value is an integer between 0 and 99999999)


set custom model data of player's tool to 3
set {_model} to custom model data of player's tool




  • [the] damage
Since: 1.3.5
Usable in events: damage
Return Type: Number
How much damage is done in a damage event, possibly ignoring armour, criticals and/or enchantments. Can be changed (remember that in Skript '1' is one full heart, not half a heart).


increase the damage by 2

Damage Cause



  • [the] damage (cause|type)
Since: 2.0
Return Type: Damage Cause
The damage cause of a damage event. Please click on the link for more information.


damage cause is lava, fire or burning

Damage Value/Durability



Since: 1.2, 2.7 (durability reversed)
Return Type: long
The damage value/durability of an item.


set damage value of player's tool to 10
reset the durability of {_item}
set durability of player's held item to 0

Damaged Item



Since: 2.4
Return Type: Item Type
Directly damages an item. In MC versions 1.12.2 and lower, this can be used to apply data values to items/blocks


give player diamond sword with damage value 100
set player's tool to diamond hoe damaged by 250
give player diamond sword with damage 700 named "BROKEN SWORD"
set {_item} to diamond hoe with damage value 50 named "SAD HOE"
set target block of player to wool with data value 1
set target block of player to potato plant with data value 7

Date Ago/Later



Since: 2.2-dev33
Return Type: Date
A date the specified timespan before/after another date.


set {_yesterday} to 1 day ago
set {_hourAfter} to 1 hour after {someOtherDate}
set {_hoursBefore} to 5 hours before {someOtherDate}

Default Value



Since: 2.2-dev36
Return Type: Object
A shorthand expression for giving things a default value. If the first thing isn't set, the second thing will be returned.


broadcast {score::%player's uuid%} otherwise "%player% has no score!"




Since: 1.4
Return Type: Object
The difference between two values, e.g. numbers, dates or times.


if difference between {command::%player%::lastuse} and now is smaller than a minute:
    message "You have to wait a minute before using this command again!"




  • [the] difficult(y|ies) of %worlds%
  • %worlds%'[s] difficult(y|ies)
Since: 2.3
Return Type: Difficulty
The difficulty of a world.


set the difficulty of "world" to hard




  • [%number% [(block|met(er|re))[s]] [to the]] (north[[(-| )](east|west)][(ward[(s|ly)]|er[(n|ly)])] [of]|south[[(-| )](east|west)][(ward[(s|ly)]|er[(n|ly)])] [of]|(east|west)[(ward[(s|ly)]|er[(n|ly)])] [of]|above|over|(up|down)[ward[(s|ly)]]|below|under[neath]|beneath) [%direction%]
  • [%number% [(block|met(er|re))[s]]] in [the] (direction|horizontal direction|facing|horizontal facing) of %entity/block% [(of|from)]
  • [%number% [(block|met(er|re))[s]]] in %entity/block%'[s] (direction|horizontal direction|facing|horizontal facing) [(of|from)]
  • [%number% [(block|met(er|re))[s]]] (in[ ]front [of]|forward[s]|behind|backwards|[to the] (right|left) [of])
  • [%number% [(block|met(er|re))[s]]] horizontal[ly] (in[ ]front [of]|forward[s]|behind|backwards|to the (right|left) [of])
Since: 1.0 (basic), 2.0 (extended)
Return Type: Direction
A helper expression for the direction type.


thrust the player upwards
set the block behind the player to water
loop blocks above the player:
    set {_rand} to a random integer between 1 and 10
    set the block {_rand} meters south east of the loop-block to stone
block in horizontal facing of the clicked entity from the player is air
spawn a creeper 1.5 meters horizontally behind the player
spawn a TNT 5 meters above and 2 meters horizontally behind the player
thrust the last spawned TNT in the horizontal direction of the player with speed 0.2
push the player upwards and horizontally forward at speed 0.5
push the clicked entity in in the direction of the player at speed -0.5
open the inventory of the block 2 blocks below the player to the player
teleport the clicked entity behind the player
grow a regular tree 2 meters horizontally behind the player




Since: 1.0
Return Type: Number
The distance between two points.


if the distance between the player and {home::%uuid of player%} is smaller than 20:
    message "You're very close to your home!"




  • [the] drops
Since: 1.0
Usable in events: death
Return Type: Item Type
Only works in death events. Holds the drops of the dying creature. Drops can be prevented by removing them with "remove ... from drops", e.g. "remove all pickaxes from the drops", or "clear drops" if you don't want any drops at all.


clear drops
remove 4 planks from the drops

Drops Of Block



Since: 2.5.1
Requirements: Minecraft 1.15+ ('as %entity%')
Return Type: Item Type
A list of the items that will drop when a block is broken.


on break of block:
    give drops of block using player's tool to player

Element of



  • ([the] first|[the] last|[a] random|[the] %number%(st|nd|rd|th)|[the] %number%(st|nd|rd|th) [to] last) element [out] of %objects%
Since: 2.0, 2.7 (relative to last element)
Return Type: Object
The first, last or a random element of a set, e.g. a list variable. See also: random


give a random element out of {free items::*} to the player

Enchant Item



  • [the] enchant[ed] item
Since: 2.5
Usable in events: enchant prepare, enchant
Return Type: Item Type
The enchant item in an enchant prepare event or enchant event. It can be modified, but enchantments will still be applied in the enchant event.


on enchant:
    set the enchanted item to a diamond chestplate
on enchant prepare:
    set the enchant item to a wooden sword

Enchanting Experience Cost



  • [the] [displayed] ([e]xp[erience]|enchanting) cost
Since: 2.5
Usable in events: enchant
Return Type: long
The cost of enchanting in an enchant event. This is number that was displayed in the enchantment table, not the actual number of levels removed.


on enchant:
    send "Cost: %the displayed enchanting cost%" to player

Enchantment Bonus



  • [the] enchantment bonus
Since: 2.5
Usable in events: enchant prepare
Return Type: long
The enchantment bonus in an enchant prepare event. This represents the number of bookshelves affecting/surrounding the enchantment table.


on enchant:
    send "There are %enchantment bonus% bookshelves surrounding this enchantment table!" to player

Enchantment Level



Since: 2.0
Return Type: long
The level of a particular enchantment on an item.


player's tool is a sword of sharpness:
    message "You have a sword of sharpness %level of sharpness of the player's tool% equipped"

Enchantment Offer



  • [all [of]] [the] enchant[ment] offers
  • enchant[ment] offer[s] %numbers%
  • [the] %number%(st|nd|rd|th) enchant[ment] offer
Since: 2.5
Usable in events: enchant prepare
Requirements: 1.11 or newer
Return Type: Enchantment Offer
The enchantment offer in enchant prepare events.


on enchant prepare:
    send "Your enchantment offers are: %the enchantment offers%" to player

Enchantment Offer Cost



Since: 2.5
Requirements: 1.11 or newer
Return Type: long
The cost of an enchantment offer. This is displayed to the right of an enchantment offer. If the cost is changed, it will always be at least 1. This changes how many levels are required to enchant, but does not change the number of levels removed. To change the number of levels removed, use the enchant event.


set cost of enchantment offer 1 to 50

Ender Chest



Since: 2.0
Return Type: Inventory
The ender chest of a player.


open the player's ender chest to the player




Since: 1.2.1, 2.5 (chunks)
Return Type: Entity
All entities in all worlds, in a specific world, in a chunk or in a radius around a certain location, e.g. all players, all creepers in the player's world, or players in radius 100 of the player.


kill all creepers in the player's world
send "Psst!" to all players within 100 meters of the player
give a diamond to all ops
heal all tamed wolves in radius 2000 around {town center}
delete all monsters in chunk at player

Entity AI



Since: 2.5
Return Type: Boolean
Returns whether an entity has AI.


set artificial intelligence of target entity to false

Entity Attribute



Since: 2.5, 2.6.1 (final attribute value)
Return Type: Number
The numerical value of an entity's particular attribute. Note that the movement speed attribute cannot be reliably used for players. For that purpose, use the speed expression instead. Resetting an entity's attribute is only available in Minecraft 1.11 and above.


on damage of player:
    send "You are wounded!" to victim
    set victim's attack speed attribute to 2

Entity Fire Burn Duration



  • [the] (burn[ing]|fire) (time|duration) of %entities%
  • %entities%'[s] (burn[ing]|fire) (time|duration)
Since: 2.7
Return Type: Timespan
How much time an entity will be burning for.


send "You will stop burning in %fire time of player%"

Entity Owner



Since: 2.5
Return Type: Offline Player
The owner of a tameable entity, such as a horse or wolf.


set owner of target entity to player
delete owner of target entity
set {_t} to uuid of tamer of target entity




Since: 2.2-dev35
Return Type: Number
The exhaustion of a player. This is mainly used to determine the rate of hunger depletion.


set exhaustion of all players to 1




  • [the] [(spawned|dropped)] [e]xp[erience] [orb[s]]
Since: 2.1, 2.5.3 (block break event), 2.7 (experience change event)
Usable in events: experience spawn, break / mine, experience change
Return Type: Experience
How much experience was spawned in an experience spawn or block break event. Can be changed.


on experience spawn:
    add 5 to the spawned experience
on break of coal ore:
    clear dropped experience
on break of diamond ore:
    if tool of player = diamond pickaxe:
        add 100 to dropped experience

Exploded Blocks



  • [the] exploded blocks
Since: 2.5
Usable in events: explode
Return Type: Block
Get all the blocks that were destroyed in an explode event


on explode:
    loop exploded blocks:
        add loop-block to {exploded::blocks::*}

Explosion Block Yield



  • [the] [explosion['s]] block (yield|amount)
  • [the] percentage of blocks dropped
Since: 2.5
Usable in events: explosion
Return Type: Number
The percentage of exploded blocks dropped in an explosion event. When changing the yield, a value greater than 1 will function the same as using 1. Attempting to change the yield to a value less than 0 will have no effect.


on explode:
set the explosion's block yield to 10%

Explosion Yield



  • [the] explosion (yield|radius|size)
  • [the] (yield|radius|size) of [the] explosion
Since: 2.5
Usable in events: explosion prime
Return Type: Number
The yield of the explosion in an explosion prime event. This is how big the explosion is. When changing the yield, values less than 0 will be ignored. Read this wiki page for more information


on explosion prime:
    set the yield of the explosion to 10

Explosive Yield



  • [the] explosive (yield|radius|size) of %entities%
  • %entities%'[s] explosive (yield|radius|size)
Since: 2.5
Requirements: Minecraft 1.12 or newer for creepers
Return Type: Number
The yield of an explosive (creeper, primed tnt, fireball, etc.). This is how big of an explosion is caused by the entity. Read this wiki page for more information


on spawn of a creeper:
    set the explosive yield of the event-entity to 10




Since: 1.4
Return Type: Direction
The facing of an entity or block, i.e. exactly north, south, east, west, up or down (unlike direction which is the exact direction, e.g. '0.5 south and 0.7 east')


# makes a bridge
loop blocks from the block below the player in the horizontal facing of the player:
    set loop-block to cobblestone

Fall Distance



  • [the] fall[en] (distance|height) of %entities%
  • %entities%'[s] fall[en] (distance|height)
Since: 2.5
Return Type: Number
The distance an entity has fallen for.


set all entities' fall distance to 10
on damage:
    send "%victim's fall distance%" to victim

Fertilized Blocks



  • [all] [the] fertilized blocks
Since: 2.5
Usable in events: block fertilize
Requirements: Minecraft 1.13 or newer
Return Type: Block
The blocks fertilized in block fertilize events.


the fertilized blocks




  • %objects% (where|that match) \[<.+>\]
Since: 2.2-dev36
Return Type: Object
Filters a list based on a condition. For example, if you ran 'broadcast "something" and "something else" where [string input is "something"]', only "something" would be broadcast as it is the only string that matched the condition.


send "congrats on being staff!" to all players where [player input has permission "staff"]

Filter Input



  • input
  • %*type% input
Since: 2.2-dev36
Return Type: Object
Represents the input in a filter expression. For example, if you ran 'broadcast "something" and "something else" where [input is "something"]the condition would be checked twice, using "something" and "something else" as the inputs.


send "congrats on being staff!" to all players where [input has permission "staff"]

Final Damage



  • [the] final damage
Since: 2.2-dev19
Usable in events: damage
Return Type: Number
How much damage is done in a damage event, considering all types of damage reduction. Can NOT be changed.


send "%final damage%" to victim

Firework Effect



  • [(flickering|trailing|flickering trailing|trailing flickering)] %firework type% [firework [effect]] colo[u]red %colors%
  • [(flickering|trailing|flickering trailing|trailing flickering)] %firework type% [firework [effect]] colo[u]red %colors% fad(e|ing) [to] %colors%
Since: 2.4
Return Type: Firework Effect
Represents a 'firework effect' which can be used in the launch firework effect.


launch flickering trailing burst firework colored blue and green at player
launch trailing flickering star colored purple, yellow, blue, green and red fading to pink at target entity
launch ball large colored red, purple and white fading to light green and black at player's location with duration 1

Flight Mode



  • [the] fl(y[ing]|ight) (mode|state) of %players%
  • %players%'[s] fl(y[ing]|ight) (mode|state)
Since: 2.2-dev34
Return Type: Boolean
Whether the player(s) are allowed to fly. Use Make Fly effect to force player(s) to fly.


set flight mode of player to true
send "%flying state of all players%"

Food Level



  • [the] (food|hunger)[[ ](level|met(er|re)|bar)] [of %players%]
  • %players%'[s] (food|hunger)[[ ](level|met(er|re)|bar)]
Since: 1.0
Return Type: Number
The food level of a player from 0 to 10. Has several aliases: food/hunger level/meter/bar.


set the player's food level to 10

Formatted Date



  • %dates% formatted [human-readable] [(with|as) %text%]
  • [human-readable] formatted %dates% [(with|as) %text%]
Since: 2.2-dev31, 2.7 (support variables in format)
Return Type: Text
Converts date to human-readable text format. By default, 'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss z' (e.g. '2018-03-30 16:03:12 +01') will be used. For reference, see this Wikipedia article.


command /date:
        send "Full date: %now formatted human-readable%" to sender
        send "Short date: %now formatted as "yyyy-MM-dd"%" to sender

Former/Future State



  • [the] (former|past|old) [state] [of] %~object%
  • %~object% before [the event]
  • [the] (future|to-be|new) [state] [of] %~object%
  • %~object%(-to-be| after[(wards| the event)])
Since: 1.1
Return Type: Object
Represents the value of an expression before an event happened or the value it will have directly after the event, e.g. the old or new level respectively in a level change event. Note: The past, future and present states of an expression are sometimes called 'time states' of an expression. Note 2: If you don't specify whether to use the past or future state of an expression that has different values, its default value will be used which is usually the value after the event.


on teleport:
    former world was "world_nether" # or 'world was'
    world will be "world" # or 'world after the event is'
on tool change:
    past tool is an axe
    the tool after the event will be air
on weather change:
    set {weather::%world%::old} to past weather
    set {weather::%world%::current} to the new weather

Free / Max / Total Memory



  • [the] [server] (free|max[imum]|total) (memory|ram)
Return Type: double
The free, max or total memory of the server in Megabytes.


while player is online:
    send action bar "Memory left: %free memory%/%max memory%MB" to player
    wait 5 ticks

Freeze Time



Since: 2.7
Return Type: Timespan
How much time an entity has been in powdered snow for.


player's freeze time is less than 3 seconds:
    send "you're about to freeze!" to the player

Furnace Slot



  • (fuel|result) [slot]
  • (ore|fuel|result)[s] [slot[s]] of %blocks%
  • %blocks%'[s] (ore|fuel|result)[s] [slot[s]]
Since: 1.0
Usable in events: smelt, fuel burn
Return Type: Slot
A slot of a furnace, i.e. either the ore, fuel or result slot. Remember to use 'block' and not 'furnace', as 'furnace' is not an existing expression.


set the fuel slot of the clicked block to a lava bucket
set the block's ore slot to 64 iron ore
give the result of the block to the player
clear the result slot of the block

Game Mode



Since: 1.0
Return Type: Game Mode
The gamemode of a player. (Gamemodes)


player's gamemode is survival
set the player's gamemode to creative

Gamerule Value



Since: 2.5
Requirements: Minecraft 1.13+
Return Type: Gamerule Value
The gamerule value of a world.


set the gamerule commandBlockOutput of world "world" to false

Gliding State



Since: 2.2-dev21
Return Type: Boolean
Sets of gets gliding state of player. It allows you to set gliding state of entity even if they do not have an Elytra equipped.


set gliding of player to off




Since: 2.2-dev18
Return Type: Boolean
Indicates if targeted entity is glowing (new 1.9 effect) or not. Glowing entities can be seen through walls.


set glowing of player to true




Since: 2.2-dev21
Return Type: Boolean
If entity is affected by gravity or not, i.e. if it has Minecraft 1.10+ NoGravity flag.


set gravity of player off




Since: 2.2-dev35
Requirements: Vault, a permission plugin that supports Vault
Return Type: Text
The primary group or all groups of a player. This expression requires Vault and a compatible permissions plugin to be installed. If you have LuckPerms, ensure you have vault integration enabled in the luck perms configurations.


on join:
    broadcast "%group of player%" # this is the player's primary group
    broadcast "%groups of player%" # this is all of the player's groups

Hanging Entity/Remover



  • [the] hanging (entity|remover)
Since: 2.6.2
Return Type: Entity
Returns the hanging entity or remover in hanging break and place events.


on break of item frame:
    if item of hanging entity is diamond pickaxe:
        cancel event
        if hanging remover is a player:
            send "You can't break that item frame!" to hanging remover




  • %texts% hash[ed] with (MD5|SHA-256)
Since: 2.0, 2.2-dev32 (SHA-256 algorithm)
Return Type: Text
Hashes the given text using the MD5 or SHA-256 algorithms. Each algorithm is suitable for different use cases.

MD5 is provided mostly for backwards compatibility, as it is outdated and not secure. SHA-256 is more secure, and can used to hash somewhat confidental data like IP addresses and even passwords. It is not that secure out of the box, so please consider using salt when dealing with passwords! When hashing data, you must specify algorithms that will be used for security reasons!

Please note that a hash cannot be reversed under normal circumstanses. You will not be able to get original value from a hash with Skript.


command /setpass &lt;text&gt;:
        set {password::%uuid of player%} to text-argument hashed with SHA-256
command /login &lt;text&gt;:
        if text-argument hashed with SHA-256 is {password::%uuid of player%}:
            message "Login successful."
            message "Wrong password!"

Hatching Entity Type



  • [the] hatching entity [type]
Since: 2.7
Usable in events: Egg Throw
Return Type: Entity Type
The type of the entity that will be hatched in a Player Egg Throw event.


on player egg throw:
    set the hatching entity type to a primed tnt

Hatching Number



  • [the] hatching number
Since: 2.7
Usable in events: Egg Throw
Return Type: byte
The number of entities that will be hatched in a Player Egg Throw event. Please note that no more than 127 entities can be hatched at once.


on player egg throw:
    set the hatching number to 10

Head location



Since: 2.0
Return Type: Location
The location of an entity's head, mostly useful for players and e.g. looping blocks in the player's line of sight. Please note that this location is only accurate for entities whose head is exactly above their center, i.e. players, endermen, zombies, skeletons, etc., but not sheep, pigs or cows.


set the block at the player's head to air
set the block in front of the player's eyes to glass
loop blocks in front of the player's head:

Heal Amount



  • [the] heal amount
Since: 2.5.1
Usable in events: heal
Return Type: Number
The amount of health healed in a healing event.


increase heal amount by 2
remove 0.5 from heal amount

Heal Reason



  • (regen|health regain|heal) (reason|cause)
Since: 2.5
Return Type: Heal Reason
The heal reason of a heal event. Please click on the link for more information.


on heal:
    if heal reason = satiated:
        send "You ate enough food and gained health back!" to player




Since: 1.0
Usable in events: damage
Return Type: Number
The health of a creature, e.g. a player, mob, villager, etc. The minimum value is 0, and the maximum is the creature's max health (e.g. 10 for players).


message "You have %health% HP left."

Hidden Players



  • [(all [[of] the]|the)] hidden players (of|for) %players%
  • [(all [[of] the]|the)] players hidden (from|for|by) %players%
Since: 2.3
Return Type: Player
The players hidden from a player that were hidden using the player visibility effect.


message "&lt;light red&gt;You are currently hiding: &lt;light gray&gt;%hidden players of the player%"

Highest Solid Block



  • highest [(solid|non-air)] block at %locations%
Since: 2.2-dev34
Return Type: Block
Returns the highest solid block at the x and z coordinates of the world of a given location.


highest block at location of arg-player




  • [the] (host|domain)[ ][name]
Since: 2.6.1
Return Type: Text
The hostname used by the connecting player to connect to the server in a connect event.


on connect:
    hostname is "testers.example.com"
    send "Welcome back tester!"

Hotbar Button



  • [the] hotbar button
Since: 2.5
Return Type: long
The hotbar button clicked in an inventory click event.


on inventory click:
    send "You clicked the hotbar button %hotbar button%!"

Hotbar Slot



  • [the] [the] [([currently] selected|current)] hotbar slot[s] [of %players%]
  • %players%'[s] [the] [([currently] selected|current)] hotbar slot[s]
Since: 2.2-dev36
Return Type: Slot
The currently selected hotbar slot. To retrieve its number use Slot Index expression. Use future and past tense to grab the previous slot in an item change event, see example.


message "%player's current hotbar slot%"
set player's selected hotbar slot to slot 4 of player

send "index of player's current hotbar slot = 1" # second slot from the left

on item held change:
    if the selected hotbar slot was a diamond:
        set the currently selected hotbar slot to slot 5 of player

Hover List



  • [the] [custom] [(player|server)] (hover|sample) ([message] list|message)
  • [the] [custom] player [(hover|sample)] list
Since: 2.3
Usable in events: server list ping
Requirements: Paper 1.12.2 or newer
Return Type: Text
The list when you hover on the player counts of the server in the server list. This can be changed using texts or players in a server list ping event only. Adding players to the list means adding the name of the players. And note that, for example if there are 5 online players (includes fake online count) in the server and the hover list is set to 3 values, Minecraft will show "... and 2 more ..." at end of the list.


on server list ping:
    clear the hover list
    add "&aWelcome to the &6Minecraft &aserver!" to the hover list
    add "" to the hover list # A blank line
    add "&cThere are &6%online players count% &conline players!" to the hover list




  • [the] humidit(y|ies) of %blocks%
  • %blocks%'[s] humidit(y|ies)
Since: 2.2-dev35
Return Type: Number
Humidity of given blocks.


set {_humidity} to event-block's humidity




  • IP[s][( |-)address[es]] of %players%
  • %players%'[s] IP[s][( |-)address[es]]
  • IP[( |-)address]
Since: 1.4, 2.2-dev26 (when used in connect event), 2.3 (when used in server list ping event)
Return Type: Text
The IP address of a player, or the connected player in a connect event, or the pinger in a server list ping event.


ban the IP address of the player
broadcast "Banned the IP %IP of player%"

on connect:
    log "[%now%] %player% (%ip%) is connected to the server."

on server list ping:
    send "%IP-address%" to the console

Index Of



  • [the] [(first|last)] index of %text% in %text%
Since: 2.1
Return Type: long
The first or last index of a character (or text) in a text, or -1 if it doesn't occur in the text. Indices range from 1 to the length of the text.


set {_first} to the first index of "@" in the text argument
if {_s} contains "abc":
    set {_s} to the first (index of "abc" in {_s} + 3) characters of {_s} # removes everything after the first "abc" from {_s}

Indices of List



  • [(the|all [[of] the])] (indexes|indices) of %~objects%
  • %~objects%'[s] (indexes|indices)
  • [sorted] (indices|indexes) of %~objects% in (ascending|descending) order
  • [sorted] %~objects%'[s] (indices|indexes) in (ascending|descending) order
Since: 2.4 (indices), 2.6.1 (sorting)
Return Type: Text
Returns all the indices of a list variable, optionally sorted by their values. To sort the indices, all objects in the list must be comparable; Otherwise, this expression will just return the unsorted indices.


set {l::*} to "some", "cool" and "values"
broadcast "%indices of {l::*}%" # result is 1, 2 and 3

set {_leader-board::first} to 17
set {_leader-board::third} to 30
set {_leader-board::second} to 25
set {_leader-board::fourth} to 42
set {_ascending-indices::*} to sorted indices of {_leader-board::*} in ascending order
broadcast "%{_ascending-indices::*}%" #result is first, second, third, fourth
set {_descending-indices::*} to sorted indices of {_leader-board::*} in descending order
broadcast "%{_descending-indices::*}%" #result is fourth, third, second, first

Initiator Inventory



  • [the] [event-]initiator[( |-)inventory]
Usable in events: Inventory Item Move
Return Type: Inventory
Returns the initiator inventory in an on inventory item move event.


on inventory item move:
    if holder of event-initiator-inventory is a chest:
broadcast "Item transport requested at %location at holder of event-initiator-inventory%..."




  • [the] inventor(y|ies) of %inventoryholders%
  • %inventoryholders%'[s] inventor(y|ies)
Since: 1.0
Return Type: Object
The inventory of a block or player. You can usually omit this expression and can directly add or remove items to/from blocks or players.


add a plank to the player's inventory
clear the player's inventory
remove 5 wool from the inventory of the clicked block

Inventory Action



  • [the] inventory action
Since: 2.2-dev16
Return Type: Inventory Action
The inventory action of an inventory event. Please click on the link for more information.


inventory action is pickup all

Inventory Close Reason



  • [the] inventory clos(e|ing) (reason|cause)
Usable in events: Inventory Close
Requirements: Paper
Return Type: Inventory Close Reasons


on inventory close:
    inventory close reason is teleport
    send "Your inventory closed due to teleporting!" to player

Inventory Holder/Viewers/Rows/Slots



  • (holder[s]|viewers|[amount of] rows|[amount of] slots) of %inventories%
  • %inventories%'[s] (holder[s]|viewers|[amount of] rows|[amount of] slots)
Since: 2.2-dev34, 2.5 (slots)
Return Type: Object
Gets the amount of rows/slots, viewers and holder of an inventory.

NOTE: 'Viewers' expression returns a list of players viewing the inventory. Note that a player is considered to be viewing their own inventory and internal crafting screen even when said inventory is not open.


event-inventory's amount of rows
holder of player's top inventory
{_inventory}'s viewers

Inventory Slot



Since: 2.2-dev24
Return Type: Slot
Represents a slot in an inventory. It can be used to change the item in an inventory too.


if slot 0 of player is air:
    set slot 0 of player to 2 stones
    remove 1 stone from slot 0 of player
    add 2 stones to slot 0 of player
    clear slot 1 of player




  • [the] item
Since: unknown (before 2.1)
Return Type: Item
The item involved in an event, e.g. in a drop, dispense, pickup or craft event.


on dispense:
    item is a clock
    set the time to 6:00

Item Amount



Since: 2.2-dev24
Return Type: long
The amount of an item stack.


send "You have got %item amount of player's tool% %player's tool% in your hand!" to player

Item Cooldown



Return Type: Timespan
Change the cooldown of a specific material to a certain amount of Timespan.


on right click using stick:
    set item cooldown of player's tool for player to 1 minute
    set item cooldown of stone and grass for all players to 20 seconds
    reset item cooldown of cobblestone and dirt for all players

Item Enchantments



Since: 2.2-dev36
Return Type: Enchantment Type
All the enchantments an item type has.


clear enchantments of event-item

Item of an Entity



Since: 2.2-dev35, 2.2-dev36 (improved), 2.5.2 (throwable projectiles)
Requirements: Minecraft 1.15.2+ (throwable projectiles)
Return Type: Slot
An item associated with an entity. For dropped item entities, it gets, obviously, the item that was dropped. For item frames, the item inside the frame is returned. For throwable projectiles (snowballs, enderpearls etc.),it gets the displayed item. Other entities do not have items associated with them.


Missing examples.

Item with CustomModelData



Since: 2.5
Requirements: 1.14+
Return Type: Item Type
Get an item with a CustomModelData tag. (Value is an integer between 0 and 99999999)


give player a diamond sword with custom model data 2
set slot 1 of inventory of player to wooden hoe with custom model data 357

Item with Lore



Since: 2.3
Return Type: Item Type
Returns the given item type with the specified lore added to it. If multiple strings are passed, each of them will be a separate line in the lore.


set {_test} to stone with lore "line 1" and "line 2"
give {_test} to player




  • [all [[of] the]|the] block[[ ]type]s
  • every block[[ ]type]
  • [all [[of] the]|the|every] block[s] of type[s] %item types%
  • [all [[of] the]|the|every] item[s] of type[s] %item types%
Since: 1.0 pre-5
Return Type: Item Type
Items or blocks of a specific type, useful for looping.


loop items of type ore and log:
    block contains loop-item
    message "Theres at least one %loop-item% in this block"
drop all blocks at the player # drops one of every block at the player

Items In



  • [(all [[of] the]|the)] items ([with]in|of|contained in|out of) [inventor(y|ies)] %inventories%
Since: 2.0
Return Type: Slot
All items in an inventory. Useful for looping or storing in a list variable. Please note that the positions of the items in the inventory are not saved, only their order is preserved.


loop all items in the player's inventory:
    loop-item is enchanted
    remove loop-item from the player
set {inventory::%uuid of player%::*} to items in the player's inventory

Join & Split



  • (concat[enate]|join) %texts% [(with|using|by) [[the] delimiter] %text%]
  • split %text% (at|using|by) [[the] delimiter] %text% [with case sensitivity]
  • %text% split (at|using|by) [[the] delimiter] %text% [with case sensitivity]
  • regex split %text% (at|using|by) [[the] delimiter] %text%
  • regex %text% split (at|using|by) [[the] delimiter] %text%
Since: 2.1, 2.5.2 (regex support), 2.7 (case sensitivity)
Return Type: Text
Joins several texts with a common delimiter (e.g. ", "), or splits a text into multiple texts at a given delimiter.


message "Online players: %join all players with "" | ""%" # %all players% would use the default "x, y, and z"
set {_s::*} to the string argument split at ","




  • [the] [([currently] selected|current)] [game] (language|locale) [setting] of %players%
  • %players%'[s] [([currently] selected|current)] [game] (language|locale) [setting]
Since: 2.3
Return Type: Text
Currently selected game language of a player. The value of the language is not defined properly. The vanilla Minecraft client will use lowercase language / country pairs separated by an underscore, but custom resource packs may use any format they wish.


message player's current language

Last Attacker



  • [the] last attacker of %entity%
  • %entity%'[s] last attacker
Since: 2.5.1
Return Type: Object
The last block or entity that attacked an entity.


send "%last attacker of event-entity%"

Last Color



  • [the] last color[s] of %texts%
  • %texts%'[s] last color[s]
Since: 2.6
Return Type: Text
The colors used at the end of a string. The colors of the returned string will be formatted with their symbols.


set {_color} to the last colors of "<red>hey<blue>yo"

Last Damage



Since: 2.5.1
Return Type: Number
The last damage that was done to an entity. Note that changing it doesn't deal more/less damage.


set last damage of event-entity to 2

Last Damage Cause



Since: 2.2-Fixes-V10
Return Type: Damage Cause
Cause of last damage done to an entity


set last damage cause of event-entity to fire tick

Last Loaded Server Icon



  • [the] [last[ly]] loaded server icon
Since: 2.3
Requirements: Paper 1.12.2 or newer
Return Type: Server Icon
Returns the last loaded server icon with the load server icon effect.


set {server-icon} to the last loaded server icon

Last Resource Pack Response



  • [the] [last] resource pack response[s] of %players%
  • %players%'[s] [last] resource pack response[s]
Since: 2.4
Requirements: Paper 1.9 or newer
Return Type: Resource Pack State
Returns the last resource pack response received from a player.


if player's last resource pack response is deny or download fail:

Last Spawned Entity



  • [the] [last[ly]] (spawned|shot) %*entity type%
  • [the] [last[ly]] dropped (item)
  • [the] [last[ly]] (created|struck) (lightning)
  • [the] [last[ly]] (launched|deployed) (firework)
Since: 1.3 (spawned entity), 2.0 (shot entity), 2.2-dev26 (dropped item), 2.7 (struck lightning, firework)
Return Type: Entity
Holds the entity that was spawned most recently with the spawn effect (section), dropped with the drop effect, shot with the shoot effect or created with the lightning effect. Please note that even though you can spawn multiple mobs simultaneously (e.g. with 'spawn 5 creepers'), only the last spawned mob is saved and can be used. If you spawn an entity, shoot a projectile and drop an item you can however access all them together.


spawn a priest
set {healer::%spawned priest%} to true
shoot an arrow from the last spawned entity
ignite the shot projectile
drop a diamond sword
push last dropped item upwards
teleport player to last struck lightning
delete last launched firework

Last/First Login Time



Since: 2.5
Return Type: Date
When a player last/first logged in the server. 'last login' requires paper to get the last login, otherwise it will get the last time they were seen on the server.


command /onlinefor:
        send "You have been online for %difference between player's last login and now%."
        send "You first joined the server %difference between player's first login and now% ago."

Leash Holder



Since: 2.3
Return Type: Entity
The leash holder of a living entity.


set {_example} to the leash holder of the target mob




Since: 2.1
Return Type: long
The length of a text, in number of characters.


set {_l} to length of the string argument




Since: unknown (before 2.1)
Usable in events: level change
Return Type: long
The level of a player.


reduce the victim's level by 1
set the player's level to 0

Level Progress



Since: 2.0
Usable in events: level change
Return Type: Number
The player's progress in reaching the next level, this represents the experience bar in the game. Please note that this value is between 0 and 1 (e.g. 0.5 = half experience bar). Changing this value can cause the player's level to change if the resulting level progess is negative or larger than 1, e.g. increase the player's level progress by 0.5 will make the player gain a level if their progress was more than 50%.


# use the exp bar as mana
on rightclick with a blaze rod:
    player's level progress is larger than 0.2
    shoot a fireball from the player
    reduce the player's level progress by 0.2
every 2 seconds:
    loop all players:
        level progress of loop-player is smaller than 0.9:
            increase level progress of the loop-player by 0.1
            set level progress of the loop-player to 0.99
on xp spawn:
    cancel event

Light Level



Since: 1.3.4
Return Type: byte
Gets the light level at a certain location which ranges from 0 to 15. It can be separated into sunlight (15 = direct sunlight, 1-14 = indirect) and block light (torches, glowstone, etc.). The total light level of a block is the maximum of the two different light types.


# set vampire players standing in bright sunlight on fire
every 5 seconds:
    loop all players:
        {vampire::%uuid of loop-player%} is true
        sunlight level at the loop-player is greater than 10
        ignite the loop-player for 5 seconds

Loaded Plugins



  • [(all [[of] the]|the)] [loaded] plugins
Since: 2.7
Return Type: Text
An expression to obtain a list of the names of the server's loaded plugins.


if the loaded plugins contains "Vault":
    broadcast "This server uses Vault plugin!"

send "Plugins (%size of loaded plugins%): %plugins%" to player




  • [the] [event-](location|position)
Since: 2.0
Return Type: Location
The location where an event happened (e.g. at an entity or block), or a location relative to another (e.g. 1 meter above another location).


drop 5 apples at the event-location # exactly the same as writing 'drop 5 apples'
set {_loc} to the location 1 meter above the player




Since: 2.0
Return Type: Location
The location where an event happened (e.g. at an entity or block), or a location relative to another (e.g. 1 meter above another location).


drop 5 apples at the event-location # exactly the same as writing 'drop 5 apples'
set {_loc} to the location 1 meter above the player




Since: Unknown
Return Type: Location
The location of a block or entity. This not only represents the x, y and z coordinates of the location but also includes the world and the direction an entity is looking (e.g. teleporting to a saved location will make the teleported entity face the same saved direction every time). Please note that the location of an entity is at it's feet, use head location to get the location of the head.


set {home::%uuid of player%} to the location of the player
message "You home was set to %player's location% in %player's world%."

Location At



  • [the] (location|position) [at] [\(][x[ ][=[ ]]]%number%, [y[ ][=[ ]]]%number%, [and] [z[ ][=[ ]]]%number%[\)] [[(in|of) [[the] world]] %world%]
Since: 2.0
Return Type: Location
Allows to create a location from three coordinates and a world.


set {_loc} to the location at arg-1, arg-2, arg-3 of the world arg-4
distance between the player and the location (0, 0, 0) is less than 200

Loop Iteration



  • [the] loop(-| )(counter|iteration)[-%*number%]
Return Type: long
Returns the loop's current iteration count (for both normal and while loops).


while player is online:
    give player 1 stone
    wait 5 ticks
    if loop-counter > 30:
        stop loop

loop {top-balances::*}:
    if loop-iteration <= 10:
        broadcast "##%loop-iteration% %loop-index% has $%loop-value%"

Loop value



  • [the] loop-<.+>
Since: 1.0, INSERT VERSION (loop-counter)
Return Type: Object
Returns the currently looped value.


# Countdown
loop 10 times:
    message "%11 - loop-number%"
    wait a second

# Generate a 10x10 floor made of randomly colored wool below the player
loop blocks from the block below the player to the block 10 east of the block below the player:
    loop blocks from the loop-block to the block 10 north of the loop-block:
        set loop-block-2 to any wool

loop {top-balances::*}:
    loop-iteration <= 10
    send "##%loop-iteration% %loop-index% has $%loop-value%"




  • [the] loot
Since: 2.7
Requirements: MC 1.16+
Return Type: Item
The loot that will be generated in a 'loot generate' event.


on loot generate:
    chance of %10
    add 64 diamonds
    send "You hit the jackpot!!"




Since: 2.1
Return Type: Text
An item's lore.


set the 1st line of the item's lore to "&lt;orange&gt;Excalibur 2.0"




  • [the] [(default)|(shown|displayed)] (MOTD|message of [the] day)
Since: 2.3
Return Type: Text
The message of the day in the server list. This can be changed in a server list ping event only. 'default MOTD' returns the default MOTD always and can't be changed.


on server list ping:
    set the motd to "Join now!"

Max Durability



Since: 2.5
Return Type: long
The maximum durability of an item.


maximum durability of diamond sword
if max durability of player's tool is not 0: # Item is damageable

Max Health



Since: 2.0
Usable in events: damage, death
Return Type: Number
The maximum health of an entity, e.g. 10 for a player.


on join:
    set the maximum health of the player to 100
spawn a giant
set the last spawned entity's max health to 1000

Max Minecart Speed



  • [the] max[imum] minecart (speed|velocity) of %entities%
  • %entities%'[s] max[imum] minecart (speed|velocity)
Since: 2.5.1
Return Type: Number
The maximum speed of a minecart.


on right click on minecart:
    set max minecart speed of event-entity to 1

Max Players



  • [the] [(real|default)|(fake|shown|displayed)] max[imum] player[s] [count|amount|number|size]
  • [the] [(real|default)|(fake|shown|displayed)] max[imum] (count|amount|number|size) of players
Since: 2.3, 2.7 (modify max real players)
Requirements: Paper 1.16+ (modify max real players)
Return Type: integer
The count of max players. This can be changed in a server list ping event only. 'real max players' returns the real count of max players of the server and can be modified on Paper 1.16 or later.


on server list ping:
    set the max players count to (online players count + 1)

Maximum Freeze Time



  • [the] max[imum] freeze time of %entities%
  • %entities%'[s] max[imum] freeze time
Since: 2.7
Return Type: Timespan
The maximum amount of time an entity can spend in powdered snow before taking damage.


difference between player's freeze time and player's max freeze time is less than 1 second:
    send "you're about to freeze!" to the player

Maximum Stack Size



Since: 2.1
Return Type: long
The maximum stack size of the specified material, e.g. 64 for torches, 16 for buckets, and 1 for swords.


send "You can only pick up %max stack size of player's tool% of %type of (player's tool)%" to player




  • me
  • my[self]
Since: 2.1.1
Return Type: Player
A 'me' expression that can be used in players' effect commands only.


!heal me
!kick myself
!give a diamond axe to me

Mending Repair Amount



  • [the] [mending] repair amount
Since: 2.5.1
Return Type: long
The number of durability points an item is to be repaired in a mending event. Modifying the repair amount will affect how much experience is given to the player after mending.


on item mend:
    set the mending repair amount to 100




  • [the] [chat( |-)]message
  • [the] (join|log[ ]in)( |-)message
  • [the] (quit|leave|log[ ]out|kick)( |-)message
  • [the] death( |-)message
Since: 1.4.6 (chat message), 1.4.9 (join & quit messages), 2.0 (death message)
Usable in events: chat, join, quit, death
Return Type: Text
The (chat) message of a chat event, the join message of a join event, the quit message of a quit event, or the death message on a death event. This expression is mostly useful for being changed.


on chat:
    player has permission "admin"
    set message to "&c%message%"

on first join:
    set join message to "Welcome %player% to our awesome server!"

on join:
    player has played before
    set join message to "Welcome back, %player%!"

on quit:
    set quit message to "%player% left this awesome server!"

on death:
    set the death message to "%player% died!"




Since: 2.2-dev36
Return Type: Object
Metadata is a way to store temporary data on entities, blocks and more that disappears after a server restart.


set metadata value "healer" of player to true
broadcast "%metadata value ""healer"" of player%"
clear metadata value "healer" of player

Middle of Location



  • [the] (middle|center) [point] of %location%
  • %location%'[s] (middle|center) [point]
Since: 2.6.1
Return Type: Location
Returns the middle/center of a location. In other words, returns the middle of the X, Z coordinates and the floor value of the Y coordinate of a location.


command /stuck:
    executable by: players
        teleport player to the center of player's location
        send "You're no longer stuck."

Minecart Derailed / Flying Velocity



  • [the] [minecart] (derailed|flying) velocity of %entities%
  • %entities%'[s] [minecart] (derailed|flying) velocity
Since: 2.5.1
Return Type: Vector
The velocity of a minecart as soon as it has been derailed or as soon as it starts flying.


on right click on minecart:
    set derailed velocity of event-entity to vector 2, 10, 2




Since: 2.0, 2.5 (offline players)
Requirements: Vault, an economy plugin that supports Vault
Return Type: Money
How much virtual money a player has (can be changed).


message "You have %player's money%" # the currency name will be added automatically
remove 20$ from the player's balance # replace '$' by whatever currency you use
add 200 to the player's account # or omit the currency altogether

Moon Phase



  • [the] (lunar|moon) phase[s] of %worlds%
  • %worlds%'[s] (lunar|moon) phase[s]
Since: 2.7
Requirements: Paper 1.16+
Return Type: Moon Phase
The current moon phase of a world.


if moon phase of player's world is full moon:
    send "Watch for the wolves!"

Moved blocks



  • [the] moved blocks
Since: 2.2-dev27
Return Type: Block
Blocks which are moved in a piston event. Cannot be used outside of piston events.


the moved blocks

Name / Display Name / Tab List Name



Since: before 2.1, 2.2-dev20 (inventory name), 2.4 (non-living entity support, changeable inventory name), 2.7 (worlds)
Return Type: Text
Represents the Minecraft account, display or tab list name of a player, or the custom name of an item, entity, block, inventory, gamerule or world.

  • Players         
    • Name: The Minecraft account name of the player. Can't be changed, but 'display name' can be changed.
    • Display Name: The name of the player that is displayed in messages. This name can be changed freely and can include color codes, and is shared among all plugins (e.g. chat plugins will use the display name).
  • Entities         
    • Name: The custom name of the entity. Can be changed. But for living entities, the players will have to target the entity to see its name tag. For non-living entities, the name will not be visible at all. To prevent this, use 'display name'.
    • Display Name: The custom name of the entity. Can be changed, which will also enable custom name visibility of the entity so name tag of the entity will be visible always.
  • Items         
    • Name and Display Name: The custom name of the item (not the Minecraft locale name). Can be changed.
  • Inventories         
    • Name and Display Name: The name/title of the inventory. Changing name of an inventory means opening the same inventory with the same contents but with a different name to its current viewers.
  • Gamerules (1.13+)         
    • Name: The name of the gamerule. Cannot be changed.
  • Worlds         
    • Name: The name of the world. Cannot be changed.


on join:
    player has permission "name.red"
    set the player's display name to "&lt;red&gt;[admin] &lt;gold&gt;%name of player%"
    set the player's tab list name to "&lt;green&gt;%player's name%"
set the name of the player's tool to "Legendary Sword of Awesomeness"

Name / Display Name / Tab List Name



  • [the] ((player|tab)[ ]list name[s]) of %players%
  • %players%'[s] ((player|tab)[ ]list name[s])
Since: before 2.1, 2.2-dev20 (inventory name), 2.4 (non-living entity support, changeable inventory name), 2.7 (worlds)
Return Type: Text
Represents the Minecraft account, display or tab list name of a player, or the custom name of an item, entity, block, inventory, gamerule or world.

  • Players         
    • Name: The Minecraft account name of the player. Can't be changed, but 'display name' can be changed.
    • Display Name: The name of the player that is displayed in messages. This name can be changed freely and can include color codes, and is shared among all plugins (e.g. chat plugins will use the display name).
  • Entities         
    • Name: The custom name of the entity. Can be changed. But for living entities, the players will have to target the entity to see its name tag. For non-living entities, the name will not be visible at all. To prevent this, use 'display name'.
    • Display Name: The custom name of the entity. Can be changed, which will also enable custom name visibility of the entity so name tag of the entity will be visible always.
  • Items         
    • Name and Display Name: The custom name of the item (not the Minecraft locale name). Can be changed.
  • Inventories         
    • Name and Display Name: The name/title of the inventory. Changing name of an inventory means opening the same inventory with the same contents but with a different name to its current viewers.
  • Gamerules (1.13+)         
    • Name: The name of the gamerule. Cannot be changed.
  • Worlds         
    • Name: The name of the world. Cannot be changed.


on join:
    player has permission "name.red"
    set the player's display name to "&lt;red&gt;[admin] &lt;gold&gt;%name of player%"
    set the player's tab list name to "&lt;green&gt;%player's name%"
set the name of the player's tool to "Legendary Sword of Awesomeness"

Named Item/Inventory



Since: 2.0, 2.2-dev34 (inventories)
Return Type: Object
Directly names an item/inventory, useful for defining a named item/inventory in a script. If you want to (re)name existing items/inventories you can either use this expression or use set name of <item/inventory> to <text>.


give a diamond sword of sharpness 100 named "&lt;gold&gt;Excalibur" to the player
set tool of player to the player's tool named "&lt;gold&gt;Wand"
set the name of the player's tool to "&lt;gold&gt;Wand"
open hopper inventory named "Magic Hopper" to player

Nearest Entity



Since: 2.7
Return Type: Entity
Gets the entity nearest to a location or another entity.


kill the nearest pig and cow relative to player
teleport player to the nearest cow relative to player
teleport player to the nearest entity relative to player

on click:
    kill nearest pig

New Line



  • n[ew]l[ine]
  • line[ ]break
Since: 2.5
Return Type: Text
Returns a line break separator.


send "Hello%nl%Goodbye!" to player

No Damage Ticks



Since: 2.5
Return Type: long
The number of ticks that an entity is invulnerable to damage for.


on damage:
    set victim's invulnerability ticks to 20 #Victim will not take damage for the next second




  • now
Since: 1.4
Return Type: Date
The current system time of the server. Use time to get the Minecraft time of a world.


broadcast "Current server time: %now%"

Number of Characters



  • number of upper[ ]case char(acters|s) in %text%
  • number of lower[ ]case char(acters|s) in %text%
  • number of digit char(acters|s) in %text%
Since: 2.5
Return Type: long
The number of uppercase, lowercase, or digit characters in a string.


#Simple Chat Filter
on chat:
    if number of uppercase chars in message / length of message > 0.5
        cancel event
        send "&lt;red&gt;Your message has to many caps!" to player




  • [(all [[of] the]|the)] (numbers|integers|decimals) (between|from) %number% (and|to) %number%
Since: 1.4.6 (integers & numbers), 2.5.1 (decimals)
Return Type: Number
All numbers between two given numbers, useful for looping. Use 'numbers' if your start is not an integer and you want to keep the fractional part of the start number constant, or use 'integers' if you only want to loop integers. You may also use 'decimals' if you want to use the decimal precision of the start number. You may want to use the 'times' expression instead, for instance 'loop 5 times:'


loop numbers from 2.5 to 5.5: # loops 2.5, 3.5, 4.5, 5.5
loop integers from 2.9 to 5.1: # same as '3 to 5', i.e. loops 3, 4, 5
loop decimals from 3.94 to 4: # loops 3.94, 3.95, 3.96, 3.97, 3.98, 3.99, 4

Offline players



  • [(all [[of] the]|the)] offline[ ]players
Since: 2.2-dev35
Return Type: Offline Player
All players that have ever joined the server. This includes the players currently online.


send "Size of all players who have joined the server: %size of all offline players%"

Online Player Count



  • [the] [((real|default)|(fake|shown|displayed))] [online] player (count|amount|number)
  • [the] [((real|default)|(fake|shown|displayed))] (count|amount|number|size) of online players
Since: 2.3
Return Type: long
The amount of online players. This can be changed in a server list ping event only to show fake online player amount. 'real online player count' always returns the real count of online players and can't be changed.

Fake online player count requires PaperSpigot 1.12.2+.


on server list ping:
    # This will make the max players count 5 if there are 4 players online.
    set the fake max players count to (online players count + 1)

Opened Inventory



  • [the] (current|open|top) inventory [of %players%]
  • %players%'[s] (current|open|top) inventory
Since: 2.2-dev24, 2.2-dev35 (Just 'current inventory' works in player events)
Return Type: Inventory
Return the currently opened inventory of a player. If no inventory is open, it returns the own player's crafting inventory.


set slot 1 of player's current inventory to diamond sword




Since: 2.0
Return Type: Object
Parses text as a given type, or as a given pattern. This expression can be used in two different ways: One which parses the entire text as a single instance of a type, e.g. as a number, and one that parses the text according to a pattern. If the given text could not be parsed, this expression will return nothing and the parse error will be set if some information is available. Some notes about parsing with a pattern: - The pattern must be a Skript pattern, e.g. percent signs are used to define where to parse which types, e.g. put a %number% or %items% in the pattern if you expect a number or some items there. - You have to save the expression's value in a list variable, e.g. set {parsed::*} to message parsed as "...". - The list variable will contain the parsed values from all %types% in the pattern in order. If a type was plural, e.g. %items%, the variable's value at the respective index will be a list variable, e.g. the values will be stored in {parsed::1::*}, not {parsed::1}.


set {var} to line 1 parsed as number
on chat:
    set {var::*} to message parsed as "buying %items% for %money%"
    if parse error is set:
        message "%parse error%"
    else if {var::*} is set:
        cancel event
        remove {var::2} from the player's balance
        give {var::1::*} to the player

Parse Error



  • [the] [last] [parse] error
Since: 2.0
Return Type: Text
The error which caused the last parse operation to fail, which might not be set if a pattern was used and the pattern didn't match the provided text at all.


set {var} to line 1 parsed as integer
if {var} is not set:
    parse error is set:
        message "&lt;red&gt;Line 1 is invalid: %last parse error%"
        message "&lt;red&gt;Please put an integer on line 1!"




Since: 2.0, 2.2-dev26 (Multiple passengers for 1.11.2+)
Return Type: Entity
The passenger of a vehicle, or the rider of a mob. For 1.11.2 and above, it returns a list of passengers and you can use all changers in it. See also: vehicle


#for 1.11 and lower
passenger of the minecart is a creeper or a cow
the saddled pig's passenger is a player
#for 1.11.2+
passengers of the minecart contains a creeper or a cow
the boat's passenger contains a pig
add a cow and a zombie to passengers of last spawned boat
set passengers of player's vehicle to a pig and a horse
remove all pigs from player's vehicle
clear passengers of boat

Percent of



Return Type: Number
Returns a percentage of one or more numbers.


set damage to 10% of victim's health
set damage to 125 percent of damage
set {_result} to {_percent} percent of 999
set {_result::*} to 10% of {_numbers::*}
set experience to 50% of player's total experience




  • (pi|π)
Since: 2.7
Return Type: double
Returns the mathematical constant pi. (approx. 3.1415926535)


set {_tau} to pi * 2

Pickup Delay



Since: 2.7
Return Type: Timespan
The amount of time before a dropped item can be picked up by an entity.


drop diamond sword at {_location} without velocity
set pickup delay of last dropped item to 5 seconds




Since: 2.2-dev36
Return Type: long
Pings of players, as Minecraft server knows them. Note that they will almost certainly be different from the ones you'd get from using ICMP echo requests. This expression is only supported on some server software (PaperSpigot).


command /ping <player=%player%>:
        send "%arg-1%'s ping is %arg-1's ping%"

Plain Item



Since: 2.6
Return Type: Item Type
A plain item is an item with no modifications. It can be used to convert items to their default state or to match with other default items.


if the player's tool is a plain diamond: # check if player's tool has no modifications
    send "You are holding a plain diamond!"

Player List Header and Footer



  • [the] (player|tab)[ ]list (header|footer) [(text|message)] of %players%
  • %players%'[s] (player|tab)[ ]list (header|footer) [(text|message)]
Since: 2.4
Requirements: Minecraft 1.13 or newer
Return Type: Text
The message above and below the player list in the tab menu.


set all players' tab list header to "Welcome to the Server!"
send "%the player's tab list header%" to player
reset all players' tab list header

Player Protocol Version



Since: 2.6.2
Requirements: Paper 1.12.2 or newer
Return Type: integer
Player's protocol version. For more information and list of protocol versions visit wiki.vg.


command /protocolversion &ltplayer&gt:
        send "Protocol version of %arg-1%: %protocol version of arg-1%"

Player Skull



Since: 2.0
Return Type: Item Type
Gets a skull item representing a player. Skulls for other entities are provided by the aliases.


give the victim's skull to the attacker
set the block at the entity to the entity's skull

Player Weather



  • [the] [(client|custom)] weather of %players%
  • %players%'[s] [(client|custom)] weather
Since: 2.2-dev34
Return Type: Weather Type
The weather for a player.


set weather of arg-player to rainy
reset player's weather
if arg-player's weather is rainy




  • [the] portal['s] blocks
  • [the] blocks of [the] portal
Since: 2.4
Usable in events: portal_create
Return Type: Block
The blocks associated with a portal in the portal creation event.


on portal creation:
    loop portal blocks:
        broadcast "%loop-block% is part of a portal!"

Portal Cooldown



Return Type: Timespan
The amount of time before an entity can use a portal. By default, it is 15 seconds after exiting a nether portal or end gateway. Players in survival/adventure get a cooldown of 0.5 seconds, while those in creative get no cooldown. Resetting will set the cooldown back to the default 15 seconds for non-player entities and 0.5 seconds for players.


on portal:
    wait 1 tick
    set portal cooldown of event-entity to 5 seconds

Potion Effect



  • [new] potion effect of %potion% [potion] [[[of] tier] %number%] [without particles] [for %time span%]
  • [new] ambient potion effect of %potion% [potion] [[[of] tier] %number%] [without particles] [for %time span%]
Since: 2.5.2
Return Type: Potion Effect
Create a new potion effect to apply to an entity or item type. Do note that when applying potion effects to tipped arrows/lingering potions, Minecraft reduces the timespan.


set {_p} to potion effect of speed of tier 1 without particles for 10 minutes
add {_p} to potion effects of player's tool
add {_p} to potion effects of target entity
add potion effect of speed 1 to potion effects of player

Potion Effect Tier



Since: 2.7
Return Type: integer
An expression to obtain the amplifier of a potion effect applied to an entity.


if the amplifier of haste of player >= 3:

Potion Effects



Since: 2.5.2
Return Type: Potion Effect
Represents the active potion effects of entities and itemtypes. You can clear all potion effects of an entity/itemtype and add/remove a potion effect/type to/from an entity/itemtype. Do note you will not be able to clear the base potion effects of a potion item. In that case, just set the item to a water bottle. When adding a potion effect type (rather than a potion effect), it will default to 15 seconds with tier 1.


set {_p::*} to active potion effects of player
clear all the potion effects of player
clear all the potion effects of player's tool
add potion effects of player to potion effects of player's tool
add speed to potion effects of target entity
remove speed and night vision from potion effects of player




  • [the] [chat] (prefix|suffix) of %players%
  • %players%'[s] [chat] (prefix|suffix)
Since: 2.0
Requirements: Vault, a chat plugin that supports Vault
Return Type: Text
The prefix or suffix as defined in the server's chat plugin.


on chat:
    cancel event
    broadcast "%player's prefix%%player's display name%%player's suffix%: %message%" to the player's world

set the player's prefix to "[&lt;red&gt;Admin<reset>] "

Projectile Bounce State



  • [the] projectile bounce (state|ability|mode) of %projectiles%
  • %projectiles%'[s] projectile bounce (state|ability|mode)
Since: 2.5.1
Return Type: Boolean
A projectile's bounce state.


on projectile hit:
    set projectile bounce mode of event-projectile to true

Projectile Critical State



  • [the] (projectile|arrow) critical (state|ability|mode) of %projectiles%
  • %projectiles%'[s] (projectile|arrow) critical (state|ability|mode)
Since: 2.5.1
Return Type: Boolean
A projectile's critical state. The only currently accepted projectiles are arrows and tridents.


on shoot:
    event-projectile is an arrow
    set projectile critical mode of event-projectile to true

Protocol Version



  • [the] [server] [(sent|required|fake)] protocol version [number]
Since: 2.3
Usable in events: server list ping
Requirements: Paper 1.12.2 or newer
Return Type: long
The protocol version that will be sent as the protocol version of the server in a server list ping event. For more information and list of protocol versions visit wiki.vg. If this protocol version doesn't match with the protocol version of the client, the client will see the version string. But please note that, this expression has no visual effect over the version string. For example if the server uses PaperSpigot 1.12.2, and you make the protocol version 107 (1.9), the version string will not be "Paper 1.9", it will still be "Paper 1.12.2". But then you can customize the version string as you wish. Also if the protocol version of the player is higher than protocol version of the server, it will say "Server out of date!", and if vice-versa "Client out of date!" when you hover on the ping bars.

This can be set in a server list ping event only (increase and decrease effects cannot be used because that wouldn't make sense).


on server list ping:
    set the version string to "&lt;light green&gt;Version: &lt;orange&gt;%minecraft version%"
    set the protocol version to 0 # 13w41a (1.7) - so the player will see the custom version string almost always

Quit Reason



  • [the] (quit|disconnect) (cause|reason)
Requirements: Paper 1.16.5+
Return Type: Quit Reason
The quit reason as to why a player disconnected in a quit event.


on quit:
    quit reason was kicked
    player is banned
    clear {server::player::%uuid of player%::*}




Since: 1.4.9
Return Type: Object
Gets a random item out of a set, e.g. a random player out of all players online.


give a diamond to a random player out of all players
give a random item out of all items to the player

Random Number



  • [a] random (integer|number) (from|between) %number% (to|and) %number%
Since: 1.4
Return Type: Number
A random number or integer between two given numbers. Use 'number' if you want any number with decimal parts, or use use 'integer' if you only want whole numbers. Please note that the order of the numbers doesn't matter, i.e. random number between 2 and 1 will work as well as random number between 1 and 2.


set the player's health to a random number between 5 and 10
send "You rolled a %random integer from 1 to 6%!" to the player

Random UUID



  • [a] random uuid
Since: 2.5.1
Return Type: Text
Returns a random UUID.


set {_uuid} to random uuid

Raw Name



Since: unknown (2.2)
Return Type: Text
The raw Minecraft material name of the given item. Note that this is not guaranteed to give same results on all servers.


raw name of tool of player

Raw String



Since: 2.7
Return Type: Text
Returns the string without formatting (colors etc.) and without stripping them from it, e.g. raw "&aHello There!" would output &aHello There!


send raw "&aThis text is unformatted!" to all players

Redstone Block Power



  • [the] redstone power of %blocks%
  • %blocks%'[s] redstone power
Since: 2.5
Return Type: long
Power of a redstone block


if redstone power of targeted block is 15:
    send "This block is very powerful!"




  • [the] [event-]region
Since: 2.1
Requirements: Supported regions plugin
Return Type: Region
The region involved in an event. This expression requires a supported regions plugin to be installed.


on region enter:
    region is {forbidden region}
    cancel the event

Region Members & Owners



  • [(all|the)] (members|owner[s]) of [[the] region[s]] %regions%
  • [[the] region[s]] %regions%'[s] (members|owner[s])
Since: 2.1
Requirements: Supported regions plugin
Return Type: Offline Player
A list of members or owners of a region. This expression requires a supported regions plugin to be installed.


on entering of a region:
    message "You're entering %region% whose owners are %owners of region%"

Regions At



Since: 2.1
Requirements: Supported regions plugin
Return Type: Region
All regions at a particular location. This expression requires a supported regions plugin to be installed.


On click on a sign:
    line 1 of the clicked block is "[region info]"
    set {_regions::*} to regions at the clicked block
    if {_regions::*} is empty:
        message "No regions exist at this sign."
        message "Regions containing this sign: &lt;gold&gt;%{_regions::*}%<r>."

Remaining Air



Since: unknown (before 2.1)
Return Type: Timespan
How much time a player has left underwater before starting to drown.


player's remaining air is less than 3 seconds:
    send "hurry, get to the surface!" to the player

Respawn Anchor Charges



  • [the] [max[imum]] charge[s] of %blocks%
  • %blocks%'[s] [max[imum]] charge[s]
Since: 2.7
Requirements: Minecraft 1.16+
Return Type: integer
The charges of a respawn anchor.


set the charges of event-block to 3

Respawn location



  • [the] respawn location
Since: 2.2-dev35
Return Type: Location
The location that a player should respawn at. This is used within the respawn event.


on respawn:
    set respawn location to {example::spawn}

Reversed List



Since: 2.4
Return Type: Object
Reverses given list.


set {_list::*} to reversed {_list::*}




  • [(a|the)] round[ed] down %number%
  • [(a|the)] round[ed] %number%
  • [(a|the)] round[ed] up %number%
Since: 2.0
Return Type: long
Rounds numbers normally, up (ceiling) or down (floor) respectively.


set {var} to rounded health of player
set line 1 of the block to rounded "%(1.5 * player's level)%"
add rounded down argument to the player's health




Since: 2.2-Fixes-v10, 2.2-dev35 (fully modifiable), 2.6.2 (syntax pattern changed)
Return Type: Number
The saturation of a player. If used in a player event, it can be omitted and will default to event-player.


set saturation of player to 20

Scoreboard Tags



  • [(all [[of] the]|the)] scoreboard tags of %entities%
  • %entities%'[s] scoreboard tags
Since: 2.3
Return Type: Text
Scoreboard tags are simple list of texts stored directly in the data of an entity. So this is a Minecraft related thing, not Bukkit, so the tags will not get removed when the server stops. You can visit visit Minecraft Wiki for more info. This is changeable and valid for any type of entity. Also you can use use the Has Scoreboard Tag condition to check whether an entity has the given tags.

Requires Minecraft 1.11+ (actually added in 1.9 to the game, but added in 1.11 to Spigot).


on spawn of a monster:
    if the spawn reason is mob spawner:
        add "spawned by a spawner" to the scoreboard tags of event-entity

on death of a monster:
    if the attacker is a player:
        if the victim doesn't have the scoreboard tag "spawned by a spawner":
            add 1$ to attacker's balance

Script Name



  • [the] script[['s] name]
  • name of [the] script
Since: 2.0
Usable in events: Script Load/Unload
Return Type: Text
Holds the current script's name (the file name without '.sk').


on script load:
    set {running::%script%} to true
on script unload:
    set {running::%script%} to false

Sea Level



Since: 2.5.1
Return Type: long
Gets the sea level of a world.


send "The sea level in your world is %sea level in player's world%"

Sea Pickles



  • [the] [(min|max)[imum]] [sea] pickle(s| (count|amount)) of %blocks%
  • %blocks%'[s] [(min|max)[imum]] [sea] pickle(s| (count|amount))
Since: 2.7
Return Type: integer
An expression to obtain or modify data relating to the pickles of a sea pickle block.


on block break:
    type of block is sea pickle
    send "Wow! This stack of sea pickles contained %event-block's sea pickle count% pickles!"
    send "It could've contained a maximum of %event-block's maximum sea pickle count% pickles!"
    send "It had to have contained at least %event-block's minimum sea pickle count% pickles!"
    cancel event
    set event-block's sea pickle count to event-block's maximum sea pickle count
    send "This bad boy is going to hold so many pickles now!!"

Server Icon



  • [the] [((default)|(shown|sent))] [server] icon
Since: 2.3
Requirements: Paper 1.12.2 or newer
Return Type: Server Icon
Icon of the server in the server list. Can be set to an icon that loaded using the load server icon effect, or can be reset to the default icon in a server list ping. 'default server icon' returns the default server icon (server-icon.png) always and cannot be changed.


on script load:
    set {server-icons::default} to the default server icon




  • [all [[of] the]|the|every] %*type%
Since: unknown (before 1.4.2), 2.7 (colors)
Return Type: Object
Returns a list of all the values of a type; useful for looping.


loop all attribute types:
    set loop-value attribute of player to 10
    message "Set attribute %loop-value% to 10!"




Since: 1.3.7
Return Type: Living Entity
The shooter of a projectile.


shooter is a skeleton

Shuffled List



Since: 2.2-dev32
Return Type: Object
Shuffles given list randomly. This is done by replacing indices by random numbers in resulting list.


set {_list::*} to shuffled {_list::*}

Sign Text



  • [the] line %number% [of %block%]
  • [the] (1st|first|2nd|second|3rd|third|4th|fourth) line [of %block%]
Since: 1.3
Return Type: Text
A line of text on a sign. Can be changed, but remember that there is a 16 character limit per line (including color codes that use 2 characters each).


on rightclick on sign:
    line 2 of the clicked block is "[Heal]":
        heal the player
    set line 3 to "%player%"

Slot Index



  • [the] [(raw|unique)] index of %slots%
  • %slots%'[s] [(raw|unique)] index
Since: 2.2-dev35, INSERT VERSION (raw index)
Return Type: long
Index of an an inventory slot. Other types of slots may or may not have indices. Note that comparing slots with numbers is also possible; if index of slot is same as the number, comparisonsucceeds. This expression is mainly for the cases where you must for some reason save the slot numbers.

Raw index of slot is unique for the view, see Minecraft Wiki


if index of event-slot is 10:
    send "You bought a pie!"

if display name of player's top inventory is "Custom Menu": # 3 rows inventory
    if raw index of event-slot > 27: # outside custom inventory
        cancel event

Sorted List



Since: 2.2-dev19
Return Type: Object
Sorts given list in natural order. All objects in list must be comparable; if they're not, this expression will return nothing.


set {_sorted::*} to sorted {_players::*}

Source Block



  • [the] source block
Since: 2.7
Usable in events: Spread
Return Type: Block
The source block in a spread event.


on spread:
    if the source block is a grass block:
        set the source block to a dirt block




  • [the] spawn[s] [(point|location)[s]] [of %worlds%]
  • %worlds%'[s] spawn[s] [(point|location)[s]]
Since: 1.4.2
Return Type: Location
The spawn point of a world.


teleport all players to spawn
set the spawn point of "world" to the player's location

Spawn Reason



  • [the] spawn[ing] reason
Since: 2.3
Return Type: Spawn Reason
The spawn reason in a spawn event.


on spawn:
    spawn reason is reinforcements or breeding

Spawner Type



  • [the] (spawner|entity|creature) type[s] of %blocks%
  • %blocks%'[s] (spawner|entity|creature) type[s]
Since: 2.4
Return Type: Entity Type
Retrieves, sets, or resets the spawner's entity type


on right click:
    if event-block is spawner:
        send "Spawner's type is %target block's entity type%"

Special Number



  • (NaN|[(-|minus)](infinity|∞)) value
  • value of (NaN|[(-|minus)](infinity|∞))
Since: 2.2-dev32d
Return Type: Number
Special number values, namely NaN, Infinity and -Infinity


if {_number} is NaN value:

Spectator Target



Since: 2.4-alpha4, 2.7 (Paper Spectator Event)
Requirements: Paper
Return Type: Entity
Grabs the spectator target entity of the players.


on player start spectating of player:
    message "&c%spectator target% currently has %{game::kills::%spectator target%}% kills!" to the player

on player stop spectating:
    past spectator target was a zombie
    set spectator target to the nearest skeleton




  • [the] (walk[ing]|fl(y[ing]|ight))[( |-)]speed of %players%
  • %players%'[s] (walk[ing]|fl(y[ing]|ight))[( |-)]speed
Since: unknown (before 2.1)
Return Type: Number
A player's walking or flying speed. Both can be changed, but values must be between -1 and 1 (excessive values will be changed to -1 or 1 respectively). Negative values reverse directions. Please note that changing a player's speed will change their FOV just like potions do.


set the player's walk speed to 1
increase the argument's fly speed by 0.1




  • [the] (part|sub[ ](text|string)) of %texts% (between|from) [ind(ex|ices)|character[s]] %number% (and|to) [(index|character)] %number%
  • [the] (first|last) [%number%] character[s] of %texts%
  • [the] %number% (first|last) characters of %texts%
  • [the] character[s] at [(index|position|indexes|indices|positions)] %numbers% (in|of) %texts%
Since: 2.1, 2.5.2 (character at, multiple strings support)
Return Type: Text
Extracts part of a text. You can either get the first <x> characters, the last <x> characters, the character at index <x>, or the characters between indices <x> and <y>. The indices <x> and <y> should be between 1 and the length of the text (other values will be fit into this range).


set {_s} to the first 5 characters of the text argument
message "%subtext of {_s} from characters 2 to (the length of {_s} - 1)%" # removes the first and last character from {_s} and sends it to the player or console
set {_characters::*} to characters at 1, 2 and 7 in player's display name
send the last character of all players' names

TPS (ticks per second)



  • tps from [the] last ([1] minute|1[ ]m[inute])
  • tps from [the] last 5[ ]m[inutes]
  • tps from [the] last 15[ ]m[inutes]
  • [the] tps
Since: 2.2-dev36
Return Type: Number
Returns the 3 most recent TPS readings, like the /tps command. This expression is only supported on some server software (PaperSpigot).


broadcast "%tps%"




  • [the] tamer
Since: 2.2-dev25
Return Type: Player
The tamer of an entity. Can only be used in entity tame events. You can use 'event-entity' to refer tamed entity itself.


on tame:
    if the tamer is a player:
        send "someone tamed something!" to console




Since: 1.4.2, 2.7 (Reset)
Return Type: Entity
For players this is the entity at the crosshair. For mobs and experience orbs this is the entity they are attacking/following (if any).


on entity target:
    if entity's target is a player:
        send "You're being followed by an %entity%!" to target of entity

reset target of entity # Makes the entity target-less
delete targeted entity of player # for players it will delete the target
delete target of last spawned zombie # for entities it will make them target-less

Targeted Block



  • [the] target[ed] block[s] [of %players%]
  • %players%'[s] target[ed] block[s]
  • [the] actual[ly] target[ed] block[s] [of %players%]
  • %players%'[s] actual[ly] target[ed] block[s]
Since: 1.0
Return Type: Block
The block at the crosshair. This regards all blocks that are not air as fully solid, e.g. torches will be like a solid stone block for this expression.


# A command to set the block a player looks at to a specific type:
command /setblock &lt;material&gt;:
        set targeted block to argument

Teleport Cause



  • [the] teleport (cause|reason|type)
Since: 2.2-dev35
Return Type: Teleport Cause
The teleport cause within a player teleport event.


on teleport:
    teleport cause is nether portal, end portal or end gateway




  • [the] temperature[s] of %blocks%
  • %blocks%'[s] temperature[s]
Since: 2.2-dev35
Return Type: Number
Temperature at given block.


message "%temperature of the targeted block%"




Since: 2.2-dev36
Return Type: Object
A shorthand expression for returning something based on a condition.


set {points} to 500 if {admin::%player's uuid%} is set else 100

The Egg



  • [the] [thrown] egg
Since: 2.7
Usable in events: Egg Throw
Return Type: Projectile
The egg thrown in a Player Egg Throw event.


spawn an egg at the egg




  • [the] time[s] [([with]in|of) %worlds%]
  • %worlds%'[s] time[s]
Since: 1.0
Return Type: Time
The time of a world.


time in world is between 18:00 and 6:00:
    broadcast "It's night-time, watch out for monsters!"

Time Played



Since: 2.5, 2.7 (offline players)
Requirements: MC 1.15+ (offline players)
Return Type: Timespan
The amount of time a player has played for on the server. This info is stored in the player's statistics in the main world's data folder. Changing this will also change the player's stats which can be views in the client's statistics menu. Using this expression on offline players on Minecraft 1.14 and below will return nothing <none>.


set {_t} to time played of player
if player's time played is greater than 10 minutes:
    give player a diamond sword

set player's time played to 0 seconds

Time Since



  • [the] time since %dates%
Since: 2.5
Return Type: Timespan
The time that has passed since a date. If the given date is in the future, a value will not be returned.


send "%time since 5 minecraft days ago% has passed since 5 minecraft days ago!" to player




  • [the] ((tool|held item|weapon)|(off[ ]hand (tool|item))) [of %living entities%]
  • %living entities%'[s] ((tool|held item|weapon)|(off[ ]hand (tool|item)))
Since: 1.0
Return Type: Slot
The item an entity is holding in their main or off hand.


player's tool is a pickaxe
player's off hand tool is a shield
set tool of all players to a diamond sword
set offhand tool of target entity to a bow

Total Experience



Since: 2.7
Return Type: integer
The total experience, in points, of players or experience orbs. Adding to a player's experience will trigger Mending, but setting their experience will not.


set total experience of player to 100

add 100 to player's experience

if player's total experience is greater than 100:
    set player's total experience to 0
    give player 1 diamond

Type of



Since: 1.4, 2.5.2 (potion effect), 2.7 (block datas)
Return Type: Object
Type of a block, item, entity, inventory or potion effect. Types of items, blocks and block datas are item types similar to them but have amounts of one, no display names and, on Minecraft 1.13 and newer versions, are undamaged. Types of entities and inventories are entity types and inventory types known to Skript. Types of potion effects are potion effect types.


on rightclick on an entity:
    message "This is a %type of clicked entity%!"




Since: 2.1.2, 2.2 (offline players' UUIDs), 2.2-dev24 (other entities' UUIDs)
Return Type: Text
The UUID of a player, entity or world. In the future there will be an option to use a player's UUID instead of the name in variable names (i.e. when %player% is used), but for now this can be used. Please note that this expression does not work for offline players if you are under 1.8!


# prevents people from joining the server if they use the name of a player
# who has played on this server at least once since this script has been added
on login:
    if {uuid::%name of player%} exists:
        {uuid::%name of player%} is not uuid of player
        kick player due to "Someone with your name has played on this server before"
        set {uuid::%name of player%} to uuid of player

Unbreakable Items



Since: 2.2-dev13b
Return Type: Item Type
Creates unbreakable copies of given items.


unbreakable iron sword #Creates unbreakable iron sword

Unix Date



Since: 2.5
Return Type: Date
Converts given Unix timestamp to a date. The Unix timespan represents the number of seconds elapsed since 1 January 1970.


unix date of 946684800 #1 January 2000 12:00 AM (UTC Time)

Unix Timestamp



  • [the] unix timestamp of %dates%
  • %dates%'[s] unix timestamp
Since: 2.2-dev31
Return Type: Number
Converts given date to Unix timestamp. This is roughly how many seconds have elapsed since 1 January 1970.


unix timestamp of now

Value Within



Since: 2.7
Return Type: Object
Gets the value within objects. Usually used with variables to get the value they store rather than the variable itself, or with lists to get the values of a type.


set {_entity} to a random entity out of all entities
delete entity within {_entity} # This deletes the entity itself and not the value stored in the variable

set {_list::*} to "something", 10, "test" and a zombie
broadcast the strings within {_list::*} # "something", "test"

Vectors - Angle Between



Since: 2.2-dev28
Return Type: Number
Gets the angle between two vectors.


send "%the angle between vector 1, 0, 0 and vector 0, 1, 1%"

Vectors - Arithmetic



Since: 2.2-dev28
Return Type: Vector
Arithmetic expressions for vectors.


set {_v} to vector 1, 2, 3 // 5
set {_v} to {_v} ++ {_v}
set {_v} to {_v} ++ 5
set {_v} to {_v} -- {_v}
set {_v} to {_v} -- 5
set {_v} to {_v} ** {_v}
set {_v} to {_v} ** 5
set {_v} to {_v} // {_v}
set {_v} to {_v} // 5

Vectors - Create from Direction



Return Type: Vector
Creates vectors from given directions. Relative directions are relative to the origin, (0, 0, 0). Therefore, the vector from the direction 'forwards' is (0, 0, 1).


set {_v} to vector from direction upwards
set {_v} to vector in direction of player
set {_v} to vector in horizontal direction of player
set {_v} to vector from facing of player
set {_v::*} to vectors from north, south, east, and west

Vectors - Create from XYZ



Since: 2.2-dev28
Return Type: Vector
Creates a vector from x, y and z values.


set {_v} to vector 0, 1, 0

Vectors - Cross Product



Since: 2.2-dev28
Return Type: Vector
Gets the cross product between two vectors.


send "%vector 1, 0, 0 cross vector 0, 1, 0%"

Vectors - Cylindrical Shape



  • [a] [new] cylindrical vector [(from|with)] [radius] %number%, [yaw] %number%(,| and) [height] %number%
Since: 2.2-dev28
Return Type: Vector
Forms a 'cylindrical shaped' vector using yaw to manipulate the current point.


loop 360 times:
    set {_v} to cylindrical vector radius 1, yaw loop-value, height 2
set {_v} to cylindrical vector radius 1, yaw 90, height 2

Vectors - Dot Product



Since: 2.2-dev28
Return Type: Number
Gets the dot product between two vectors.


set {_v} to {_v2} dot {_v3}

Vectors - Length



  • [the] (vector|standard|normal) length[s] of %vectors%
  • %vectors%'[s] (vector|standard|normal) length[s]
Since: 2.2-dev28
Return Type: Number
Gets or sets the length of a vector.


send "%standard length of vector 1, 2, 3%"
set {_v} to vector 1, 2, 3
set standard length of {_v} to 2
send "%standard length of {_v}%"

Vectors - Location Vector Offset



Since: 2.2-dev28
Return Type: Location
Returns the location offset by vectors.


set {_loc} to {_loc} ~ {_v}

Vectors - Normalized



Since: 2.2-dev28
Return Type: Vector
Returns the same vector but with length 1.


set {_v} to normalized {_v}

Vectors - Random Vector



  • [a] random vector
Since: 2.2-dev28, 2.7 (signed components)
Return Type: Vector
Creates a random unit vector.


set {_v} to a random vector

Vectors - Spherical Shape



  • [new] spherical vector [(from|with)] [radius] %number%, [yaw] %number%(,| and) [pitch] %number%
Since: 2.2-dev28
Return Type: Vector
Forms a 'spherical shaped' vector using yaw and pitch to manipulate the current point.


loop 360 times:
    set {_v} to spherical vector radius 1, yaw loop-value, pitch loop-value
set {_v} to spherical vector radius 1, yaw 45, pitch 90

Vectors - Squared Length



  • [the] squared length[s] of %vectors%
  • %vectors%'[s] squared length[s]
Since: 2.2-dev28
Return Type: Number
Gets the squared length of a vector.


send "%squared length of vector 1, 2, 3%"

Vectors - Vector Between Locations



Since: 2.2-dev28
Return Type: Vector
Creates a vector between two locations.


set {_v} to vector between {_loc1} and {_loc2}

Vectors - Vector Projection



Return Type: Vector
An expression to get the vector projection of two vectors.


set {_projection} to vector projection of vector(1, 2, 3) onto vector(4, 4, 4)

Vectors - Vector from Location



Since: 2.2-dev28
Return Type: Vector
Creates a vector from a location.


set {_v} to vector of {_loc}

Vectors - Vector from Pitch and Yaw



  • [a] [new] vector (from|with) yaw %number% and pitch %number%
Since: 2.2-dev28
Return Type: Vector
Creates a vector from a yaw and pitch value.


set {_v} to vector from yaw 45 and pitch 45

Vectors - Velocity



Since: 2.2-dev31
Return Type: Vector
Gets or changes velocity of an entity.


set player's velocity to {_v}

Vectors - XYZ Component



  • [the] [vector] (x|y|z) [component[s]] of %vectors%
  • %vectors%'[s] [vector] (x|y|z) [component[s]]
Since: 2.2-dev28
Return Type: Number
Gets or changes the x, y or z component of a vector.


set {_v} to vector 1, 2, 3
send "%x of {_v}%, %y of {_v}%, %z of {_v}%"
add 1 to x of {_v}
add 2 to y of {_v}
add 3 to z of {_v}
send "%x of {_v}%, %y of {_v}%, %z of {_v}%"
set x component of {_v} to 1
set y component of {_v} to 2
set z component of {_v} to 3
send "%x component of {_v}%, %y component of {_v}%, %z component of {_v}%"




Since: 2.0
Return Type: Entity
The vehicle an entity is in, if any. This can actually be any entity, e.g. spider jockeys are skeletons that ride on a spider, so the spider is the 'vehicle' of the skeleton. See also: passenger


vehicle of the player is a minecart




  • ([craft]bukkit|minecraft|skript)( |-)version
Since: 2.0
Return Type: Text
The version of Bukkit, Minecraft or Skript respectively.


message "This server is running Minecraft %minecraft version% on Bukkit %bukkit version%"
message "This server is powered by Skript %skript version%"

Version String



  • [the] [shown|custom] version [string|text]
Since: 2.3
Usable in events: Server List Ping
Requirements: Paper 1.12.2+
Return Type: Text
The text to show if the protocol version of the server doesn't match with protocol version of the client. You can check the protocol version expression for more information about this. This can only be set in a server list ping event.


on server list ping:
    set the protocol version to 0 # 13w41a (1.7), so it will show the version string always
    set the version string to "&lt;light green&gt;Version: &lt;orange&gt;%minecraft version%"

View Distance



Since: 2.4
Requirements: Paper
Return Type: integer
The view distance of a player as set by the server. Can be changed. NOTE: This is the view distance sent by the server to the player. This has nothing to do with client side view distance settings NOTE: This may not work on some versions (such as MC 1.14.x). The return value in this case will be the view distance set in system.properties.


set view distance of player to 10
set {_view} to view distance of player
reset view distance of all players
add 2 to view distance of player

View Distance of Client



  • [the] client view distance[s] of %players%
  • %players%'[s] client view distance[s]
Since: 2.5
Requirements: 1.13.2+
Return Type: long
The view distance of the client. Can not be changed. This differs from the server side view distance of player as this will retrieve the view distance the player has set on their client.


set {_clientView} to the client view distance of player
set view distance of player to client view distance of player




Since: 1.0
Usable in events: weather change
Return Type: Weather Type
The weather in the given or the current world.


set weather to clear
weather in "world" is rainy




  • [the] white[ ]list
Since: 2.5.2
Return Type: Offline Player
A server's whitelist.This expression can be used to add/remove players to/from the whitelist, to enable it and disable it (set whitelist to true / set whitelist to false), and to empty it (reset whitelist)


set whitelist to false
add all players to whitelist
reset the whitelist




Since: 1.0
Return Type: World
The world the event occurred in.


world is "world_nether"
teleport the player to the world's spawn
set the weather in the player's world to rain
set {_world} to world of event-chunk

World Environment



  • [the] [world] environment of %worlds%
  • %worlds%'[s] [world] environment
Since: 2.7
Return Type: World Environment
The environment of a world


if environment of player's world is nether:
    apply fire resistance to player for 10 minutes

World Seed



Since: 2.2-dev35
Return Type: long
The seed of given world. Note that it will be returned as Minecraft internally treats seeds, not as you specified it in world configuration.


broadcast "Seed: %seed of player's world%"

World from Name



  • [the] world [(named|with name)] %text%
Since: 2.6.1
Return Type: World
Returns the world from a string.


world named {game::world-name}
the world "world"




  • [(all [[of] the]|the)] worlds
Since: 1.0
Return Type: World
All worlds of the server, useful for looping.


loop all worlds:
    broadcast "You're in %loop-world%" to loop-world

X Times



Since: 1.4.6
Return Type: long
Integers between 1 and X, used in loops to loop X times.


loop 20 times:
    broadcast "%21 - loop-number% seconds left.."
    wait 1 second

X of Item



Since: 1.2
Return Type: Object
An expression to be able to use a certain amount of items where the amount can be any expression. Please note that this expression is not stable and might be replaced in the future.


give level of player of pickaxes to the player

Yaw / Pitch



Since: 2.0, 2.2-dev28 (vector yaw/pitch)
Return Type: Number
The yaw or pitch of a location or vector.


log "%player%: %location of player%, %player's yaw%, %player's pitch%" to "playerlocs.log"
set {_yaw} to yaw of player
set {_p} to pitch of target entity

Action Bar



  • send [the] action[ ]bar [with text] %text% [to %players%]
Since: 2.3
Sends an action bar message to the given player(s).


send action bar "Hello player!" to player

Apply Bone Meal



Requirements: MC 1.16.2+
Applies bone meal to a crop, sapling, or composter


apply 3 bone meal to event-block




Since: 1.4, 2.1.1 (ban reason), 2.5 (timespan)
Bans or unbans a player or an IP address. If a reason is given, it will be shown to the player when they try to join the server while banned. A length of ban may also be given to apply a temporary ban. If it is absent for any reason, a permanent ban will be used instead. We recommend that you test your scripts so that no accidental permanent bans are applied.

Note that banning people does not kick them from the server. Consider using the kick effect after applying a ban.


unban player
ban ""
IP-ban the player because "he is an idiot"
ban player due to "inappropriate language" for 2 days

Break Block



Since: 2.4
Breaks the block and spawns items as if a player had mined it

You can add a tool, which will spawn items based on how that tool would break the block (ie: When using a hand to break stone, it drops nothing, whereas with a pickaxe it drops cobblestone)


on right click:
    break clicked block naturally
loop blocks in radius 10 around player:
    break loop-block using player's tool
loop blocks in radius 10 around player:
    break loop-block naturally using diamond pickaxe




Since: 1.0, 2.6 (broadcasting objects), 2.6.1 (using advanced formatting)
Broadcasts a message to the server.


broadcast "Welcome %player% to the server!"
broadcast "Woah! It's a message!"

Cancel Command Cooldown



  • (cancel|ignore) [the] [current] [command] cooldown
  • un(cancel|ignore) [the] [current] [command] cooldown
Since: 2.2-dev34
Only usable in commands. Makes it so the current command usage isn't counted towards the cooldown.


command /nick &lt;text&gt;:
    executable by: players
    cooldown: 10 seconds
        if length of arg-1 is more than 16:
            # Makes it so that invalid arguments don't make you wait for the cooldown again
            cancel the cooldown
            send "Your nickname may be at most 16 characters."
        set the player's display name to arg-1

Cancel Drops



  • (cancel|clear|delete) [the] drops [of (items|[e]xp[erience][s])]
  • (cancel|clear|delete) [the] (item|[e]xp[erience]) drops
Since: 2.4
Usable in events: death, break / mine
Requirements: 1.12.2 or newer (cancelling item drops of blocks)
Cancels drops of items or experiences in a death or block break event. Please note that this doesn't keep items or experiences of a dead player. If you want to do that, use the Keep Inventory / Experience effect.


on death of a zombie:
    if name of the entity is "&cSpecial":
        cancel drops of items

on break of a coal ore:
    cancel the experience drops

Cancel Event



  • cancel [the] event
  • uncancel [the] event
Since: 1.0
Cancels the event (e.g. prevent blocks from being placed, or damage being taken).


on damage:
    victim is a player
    victim has the permission "skript.god"
    cancel the event

Change: Set/Add/Remove/Delete/Reset



Since: 1.0 (set, add, remove, delete), 2.0 (remove all)
A very general effect that can change many expressions. Many expressions can only be set and/or deleted, while some can have things added to or removed from them.


# set:
Set the player's display name to "&lt;red&gt;%name of player%"
set the block above the victim to lava
# add:
add 2 to the player's health # preferably use '<a href='#EffHealth'>heal</a>' for this
add argument to {blacklist::*}
give a diamond pickaxe of efficiency 5 to the player
increase the data value of the clicked block by 1
# remove:
remove 2 pickaxes from the victim
subtract 2.5 from {points::%uuid of player%}
# remove all:
remove every iron tool from the player
remove all minecarts from {entitylist::*}
# delete:
delete the block below the player
clear drops
delete {variable}
# reset:
reset walk speed of player
reset chunk at the targeted block

Charge Creeper



  • make %living entities% [a[n]] (charged|powered|((un|non[-])charged|(un|non[-])powered)) [creeper[s]]
  • (charge|power|(uncharge|unpower)) %living entities%
Since: 2.5
Charges or uncharges a creeper. A creeper is charged when it has been struck by lightning.


on spawn of creeper:
    charge the event-entity

Color Items



Since: 2.0, 2.2-dev26 (maps and potions)
Colors items in a given color. You can also use RGB codes if you feel limited with the 16 default colors. RGB codes are three numbers from 0 to 255 in the order (red, green, blue), where (0,0,0) is black and (255,255,255) is white. Armor is colorable for all Minecraft versions. With Minecraft 1.11 or newer you can also color potions and maps. Note that the colors might not look exactly how you'd expect.


dye player's helmet blue
color the player's tool red




Since: 1.0, INSERT VERSION (bungeecord command)
Executes a command. This can be useful to use other plugins in triggers. If the command is a bungeecord side command, you can use the [bungeecord] option to execute command on the proxy.


make player execute command "/home"
execute console command "/say Hello everyone!"
execute player bungeecord command "/alert &6Testing Announcement!"




Since: 2.3
Connects a player to another bungeecord server


connect all players to "hub"




  • continue [loop]
Since: 2.2-dev37, 2.7 (while loops)
Immediately moves the (while) loop on to the next iteration.


# Broadcast online moderators
loop all players:
    if loop-value does not have permission "moderator":
        continue # filter out non moderators
    broadcast "%loop-player% is a moderator!" # Only moderators get broadcast

# Game starting counter
set {_counter} to 11
while {_counter} > 0:
    remove 1 from {_counter}
    wait a second
    if {_counter} != 1, 2, 3, 5 or 10:
        continue # only print when counter is 1, 2, 3, 5 or 10
    broadcast "Game starting in %{_counter}% second(s)"




Since: 1.0
Damage/Heal/Repair an entity, or item.


damage player by 5 hearts
heal the player
repair tool of player




Since: 1.4
Delays the script's execution by a given timespan. Please note that delays are not persistent, e.g. trying to create a tempban script with ban player → wait 7 days → unban player will not work if you restart your server anytime within these 7 days. You also have to be careful even when using small delays!


wait 2 minutes
halt for 5 minecraft hours
wait a tick

Do If



  • <.+> if <.+>
Since: 2.3
Execute an effect if a condition is true.


on join:
    give a diamond to the player if the player has permission "rank.vip"




Since: 1.0
Drops one or more items.


on death of creeper:
    drop 1 TNT

Enable/Disable/Reload Script File



  • ((enable|load)|reload|(disable|unload)) s(c|k)ript [file] %text%
Since: 2.4
Enables, disables, or reloads a script file.


reload script "test"
enable script file "testing"
unload script file "script.sk"




Since: 2.0
Enchant or disenchant an existing item.


enchant the player's tool with sharpness 5
disenchant the player's tool




Since: 1.0, 2.7 (multiple entities, unequip)
Equips or unequips an entity with some given armor. This will replace any armor that the entity is wearing.


equip player with diamond helmet
equip player with all diamond armor
unequip diamond chestplate from player
unequip all armor from player
unequip player's armor




  • (exit|stop) [trigger]
  • (exit|stop) [(1|a|the|this)] (section|loop|conditional)
  • (exit|stop) <\d+> (section|loop|conditional)s
  • (exit|stop) all (section|loop|conditional)s
Since: unknown (before 2.1)
Exits a given amount of loops and conditionals, or the entire trigger.


if player has any ore:
message "%player% has no ores!"
loop blocks above the player:
    loop-block is not air:
        exit 2 sections
    set loop-block to water

Explode Creeper



Since: 2.5
Requirements: Paper 1.13 or newer/Spigot 1.14 or newer. Ignition can be stopped on Paper 1.13 or newer.
Starts the explosion process of a creeper or instantly explodes it.


start explosion of the last spawned creeper
stop ignition of the last spawned creeper




Since: 1.0
Creates an explosion of a given force. The Minecraft Wiki has an article on explosions which lists the explosion forces of TNT, creepers, etc. Hint: use a force of 0 to create a fake explosion that does no damage whatsoever, or use the explosion effect introduced in Skript 2.0. Starting with Bukkit 1.4.5 and Skript 2.0 you can use safe explosions which will damage entities but won't destroy any blocks.


create an explosion of force 10 at the player
create an explosion of force 0 at the victim




Since: 2.2-dev34
Feeds the specified players.


feed all players
feed the player by 5 beefs

Force Attack



Since: 2.5.1
Requirements: Minecraft 1.15.2+
Makes a living entity attack an entity with a melee attack.


spawn a wolf at player's location
make last spawned wolf attack player

Force Respawn



Since: 2.2-dev21
Forces player(s) to respawn if they are dead. If this is called without delay from death event, one tick is waited before respawn attempt.


on death of player:
    force event-player to respawn




Requirements: Paper 1.17.1+
Make mobs left or right-handed. This does not affect players.


spawn skeleton at spawn of world "world":
    make entity left handed

make all zombies in radius 10 of player right handed

Hide Player from Server List



  • hide %players% (in|on|from) [the] server list
  • hide %players%'[s] info[rmation] (in|on|from) [the] server list
Since: 2.3
Hides a player from the hover list and decreases the online players count (only if the player count wasn't changed before).


on server list ping:
    hide {vanished::*} from the server list




Since: 1.4
Lights entities on fire or extinguishes them.


ignite the player
extinguish the player

Keep Inventory / Experience



  • keep [the] (inventory|items) [(and [e]xp[erience][s] [point[s]])]
  • keep [the] [e]xp[erience][s] [point[s]] [(and (inventory|items))]
Since: 2.4
Usable in events: death
Keeps the inventory or/and experiences of the dead player in a death event.


on death of a player:
    if the victim is an op:
        keep the inventory and experiences




  • kick %players% [(by reason of|because [of]|on account of|due to) %text%]
Since: 1.0
Kicks a player from the server.


on place of TNT, lava, or obsidian:
    kick the player due to "You may not place %block%!"
    cancel the event




Since: 1.0
Kills an entity. Note: This effect does not set the entity's health to 0 (which causes issues), but damages the entity by 100 times its maximum health.


kill the player
kill all creepers in the player's world
kill all endermen, witches and bats




Since: 2.7
Requirements: Paper 1.19.2+
Apply the same velocity as a knockback to living entities in a direction. Mechanics such as knockback resistance will be factored in.


knockback player north
knock victim (vector from attacker to victim) with strength 10

Launch firework



Since: 2.4
Launch firework effects at the given location(s).


launch ball large colored red, purple and white fading to light green and black at player's location with duration 1

Leash entities



Since: 2.3
Leash living entities to other entities.


leash the player to the target entity




Since: 1.4
Strike lightning at a given location. Can use 'lightning effect' to create a lightning that does not harm entities or start fires.


strike lightning at the player
strike lightning effect at the victim

Load Server Icon



  • load [the] server icon (from|of) [the] [image] [file] %text%
Since: 2.3
Requirements: Paper 1.12.2 or newer
Loads server icons from the given files. You can get the loaded icon using the last loaded server icon expression. Please note that the image must be 64x64 and the file path starts from the server folder.


on load:
    clear {server-icons::*}
    loop 5 times:
        load server icon from file "icons/%loop-number%.png"
        add the last loaded server icon to {server-icons::*}

on server list ping:
    set the icon to a random server icon out of {server-icons::*}

Locally Suppress Warning



  • [local[ly]] suppress [the] (conflict|variable save|[missing] conjunction[s]|starting [with] expression[s]) warning[s]
Since: 2.3
Suppresses target warnings from the current script.


locally suppress missing conjunction warnings
suppress the variable save warnings




Since: 2.0
Writes text into a .log file. Skript will write these files to /plugins/Skript/logs. NB: Using 'server.log' as the log file will write to the default server log. Omitting the log file altogether will log the message as '[Skript] [<script>.sk] <message>' in the server log.


on place of TNT:
    log "%player% placed TNT in %world% at %location of block%" to "tnt/placement.log"

Look At



Since: 2.7
Requirements: Paper 1.17+, Paper 1.19.1+ (Players & Look Anchors)
Forces the mob(s) or player(s) to look at an entity, vector or location. Vanilla max head pitches range from 10 to 50.


force the head of the player to look towards event-entity's feet

on entity explosion:
    set {_player} to the nearest player
    {_player} is set
    distance between {_player} and the event-location is less than 15
    make {_player} look towards vector from the {_player} to location of the event-entity

force {_enderman} to face the block 3 meters above {_location} at head rotation speed 100.5 and max head pitch -40

Make Egg Hatch



  • make [the] egg [not] hatch
Since: 2.7
Usable in events: Egg Throw
Makes the egg hatch in a Player Egg Throw event.


on player egg throw:
    make the egg hatch

Make Fly



Since: 2.2-dev34
Forces a player to start/stop flying.


make player fly
force all players to stop flying

Make Incendiary



  • make %entities% [not] incendiary
  • make %entities%'[s] explosion [not] (incendiary|fiery)
  • make [the] [event(-| )]explosion [not] (incendiary|fiery)
Since: 2.5
Sets if an entity's explosion will leave behind fire. This effect is also usable in an explosion prime event.


on explosion prime:
    make the explosion fiery

Make Invisible



Since: 2.7
Makes a living entity visible/invisible. This is not a potion and therefore does not have features such as a time limit or particles. When setting an entity to invisible while using an invisibility potion on it, the potion will be overridden and when it runs out the entity keeps its invisibility.


make target entity invisible

Make Invulnerable



Since: 2.5
Makes an entity invulnerable/not invulnerable.


make target entity invulnerable

Make Say



Since: 2.3
Forces a player to send a message to the chat. If the message starts with a slash it will force the player to use command.


make the player say "Hello."
force all players to send the message "I love this server"




Since: 1.0, 2.2-dev26 (advanced features), 2.5.2 (optional sender), 2.6 (sending objects)
Requirements: Minecraft 1.16.4+ for optional sender
Sends a message to the given player. Only styles written in given string or in formatted expressions will be parsed. Adding an optional sender allows the messages to be sent as if a specific player sent them. This is useful with Minecraft 1.16.4's new chat ignore system, in which players can choose to ignore other players, but for this to work, the message needs to be sent from a player.


message "A wild %player% appeared!"
message "This message is a distraction. Mwahaha!"
send "Your kill streak is %{kill streak::%uuid of player%}%." to player
if the targeted entity exists:
    message "You're currently looking at a %type of the targeted entity%!"
on chat:
    cancel event
    send "[%player%] >> %message%" to all players from player

Open Book



Since: 2.5.1
Requirements: Minecraft 1.14.2+
Opens a written book to a player.


open book player's tool to player

Open/Close Inventory



  • (open|show) (((crafting [table]|workbench)|chest|anvil|hopper|dropper|dispenser) [(view|window|inventory)]|%inventory/inventory type%) (to|for) %players%
  • close [the] inventory [view] (to|of|for) %players%
  • close %players%'[s] inventory [view]
Since: 2.0, 2.1.1 (closing), 2.2-Fixes-V10 (anvil), 2.4 (hopper, dropper, dispenser
Opens an inventory to a player. The player can then access and modify the inventory as if it was a chest that he just opened. Please note that currently 'show' and 'open' have the same effect, but 'show' will eventually show an unmodifiable view of the inventory in the future.


show the victim's inventory to the player
open the player's inventory for the player




Since: 2.7
Requirements: Paper
Make an entity pathfind towards a location or another entity. Not all entities can pathfind. If the pathfinding target is another entity, the entities may or may not continuously follow the target.


make all creepers pathfind towards player
make all cows stop pathfinding
make event-entity pathfind towards player at speed 1

Play Effect



Since: 2.1
Plays a visual effect at a given location or on a given entity. Please note that some effects can only be played on entities, e.g. wolf hearts or the hurt effect, and that these are always visible to all players.


play wolf hearts on the clicked wolf
show mob spawner flames at the targeted block to the player

Play Sound



Since: 2.2-dev28, 2.4 (sound categories)
Plays a sound at given location for everyone or just for given players, or plays a sound to specified players. Both Minecraft sound names and Spigot sound names are supported. Playing resource pack sounds are supported too. The sound category is 'master' by default.

Please note that sound names can get changed in any Minecraft or Spigot version, or even removed from Minecraft itself.


play sound "block.note_block.pling" # It is block.note.pling in 1.12.2
play sound "entity.experience_orb.pickup" with volume 0.5 to the player
play sound "custom.music.1" in jukebox category at {speakerBlock}

Player Info Visibility



  • hide [all] player [related] info[rmation] [(in|on|from) [the] server list]
  • (show|reveal) [all] player [related] info[rmation] [(in|to|on|from) [the] server list]
Since: 2.3
Usable in events: server list ping
Requirements: Paper 1.12.2 or newer
Sets whether all player related information is hidden in the server list. The Vanilla Minecraft client will display ??? (dark gray) instead of player counts and will not show the hover hist when hiding player info. The version string can override the ???. Also the Online Players Count and Max Players expressions will return -1 when hiding player info.


hide player info
hide player related information in the server list
reveal all player related info

Player Visibility



Since: 2.3
Change visibility of a player for the given players. When reveal is used in combination of the hidden players expression and the viewers are not specified, this will default it to the given player in the hidden players expression.

Note: if a player was hidden and relogs, this player will be visible again.


on join:
    if {vanished::%player's uuid%} is true:
        hide the player from all players

reveal hidden players of {_player}




Since: 1.3.2
Poison or cure a creature.


poison the player
poison the victim for 20 seconds
cure the player from poison

Potion Effects



  • apply %potion effects% to %living entities%
  • apply infinite [ambient] [potion of] %potions% [potion] [[[of] tier] %number%] [without [any] particles] [(whilst hiding [the]|without (the|a)) [potion] icon] to %living entities% [replacing [the] existing effect]
  • apply [ambient] [potion of] %potions% [potion] [[[of] tier] %number%] [without [any] particles] [(whilst hiding [the]|without (the|a)) [potion] icon] to %living entities% [for %time span%] [replacing [the] existing effect]
Since: 2.0, 2.2-dev27 (ambient and particle-less potion effects), 2.5 (replacing existing effect), 2.5.2 (potion effects), INSERT VERSION (icon and infinite)
Apply or remove potion effects to/from entities.


apply ambient swiftness 2 to the player
remove haste from the victim

on join:
    apply infinite potion of strength of tier {strength::%uuid of player%} to the player
    apply potion of strength of tier {strength::%uuid of player%} to the player for 999 days # Before 1.19.4

apply potion effects of player's tool to player
apply haste potion of tier 3 without any particles to the player whilst hiding the potion icon # Hide potions




Since: 1.4.6
Push entities around.


push the player upwards
push the victim downwards at speed 0.5




Since: 1.3.4
Set the PvP state for a given world.


enable PvP #(current world only)
disable PvP in all worlds




Since: 2.0, 2.2-dev24 (replace in multiple strings and replace items in inventory), 2.5 (replace first, case sensitivity)
Replaces all occurrences of a given text with another text. Please note that you can only change variables and a few expressions, e.g. a message or a line of a sign.


replace "<item>" in {textvar} with "%item%"
replace every "&" with "§" in line 1
# The following acts as a simple chat censor, but it will e.g. censor mass, hassle, assassin, etc. as well:
on chat:
    replace all "kys", "idiot" and "noob" with "****" in the message

replace all stone and dirt in player's inventory and player's top inventory with diamond




Since: 2.2, INSERT VERSION (returns aliases)
Makes a function return a value


function double(i: number) :: number:
    return 2 * {_i}

function divide(i: number) returns number:
    return {_i} / 2

Send Block Change



Since: 2.2-dev37c, 2.5.1 (block data support)
Makes a player see a block as something it really isn't. BlockData support is only for MC 1.13+


make player see block at player as dirt
make player see target block as campfire[facing=south]

Send Resource Pack



  • send [the] resource pack [from [[the] URL]] %text% to %players%
  • send [the] resource pack [from [[the] URL]] %text% with hash %text% to %players%
Since: 2.4
Request that the player's client download and switch resource packs. The client will download the resource pack in the background, and will automatically switch to it once the download is complete. The URL must be a direct download link.

The hash is used for caching, the player won't have to re-download the resource pack that way. The hash must be SHA-1, you can get SHA-1 hash of your resource pack using this online tool.

The resource pack request action can be used to check status of the sent resource pack request.


on join:
    send the resource pack from "URL" with hash "hash" to the player




Since: 2.0
Shears or 'un-shears' a sheep. Please note that no wool is dropped, this only sets the 'sheared' state of the sheep.


on rightclick on a sheep holding a sword:
    shear the clicked sheep




Since: 1.4
Shoots a projectile (or any other entity) from a given entity.


shoot an arrow
make the player shoot a creeper at speed 10
shoot a pig from the creeper

Silence Entity



Since: 2.5
Controls whether or not an entity is silent.


make target entity silent

Stop Server



  • (stop|shut[ ]down) [the] server
  • restart [the] server
Since: 2.5
Stops or restarts the server. If restart is used when the restart-script spigot.yml option isn't defined, the server will stop instead.


stop the server
restart server

Stop Sound



Since: 2.4, 2.7 (stop all sounds)
Requirements: MC 1.17.1 (stop all sounds)
Stops specific or all sounds from playing to a group of players. Both Minecraft sound names and Spigot sound names are supported. Resource pack sounds are supported too. The sound category is 'master' by default. A sound can't be stopped from a different category.

Please note that sound names can get changed in any Minecraft or Spigot version, or even removed from Minecraft itself.


stop sound "block.chest.open" for the player
stop playing sounds "ambient.underwater.loop" and "ambient.underwater.loop.additions" to the player
stop all sounds for all players
stop sound in the record category

Swing Hand



Since: 2.5.1
Requirements: Minecraft 1.15.2+
Makes an entity swing their hand. This does nothing if the entity does not have an animation for swinging their hand.


make player swing their main hand




Since: 1.0
Teleport an entity to a specific location. This effect is delayed by default on Paper, meaning certain syntax such as the return effect for functions cannot be used after this effect. The keyword 'force' indicates this effect will not be delayed, which may cause lag spikes or server crashes when using this effect to teleport entities to unloaded chunks.


teleport the player to {homes.%player%}
teleport the attacker to the victim

Title - Reset



  • reset [the] title[s] [of %players%]
  • reset [the] %players%'[s] title[s]
Since: 2.3
Resets the title of the player to the default values.


reset the titles of all players
reset the title

Title - Send



Since: 2.3
Sends a title/subtitle to the given player(s) with optional fadein/stay/fadeout times for Minecraft versions 1.11 and above.

If you're sending only the subtitle, it will be shown only if there's a title displayed at the moment, otherwise it will be sent with the next title. To show only the subtitle, use: send title " " with subtitle "yourtexthere" to player.

Note: if no input is given for the times, it will keep the ones from the last title sent, use the reset title effect to restore the default values.


send title "Competition Started" with subtitle "Have fun, Stay safe!" to player for 5 seconds
send title "Hi %player%" to player
send title "Loot Drop" with subtitle "starts in 3 minutes" to all players
send title "Hello %player%!" with subtitle "Welcome to our server" to player for 5 seconds with fadein 1 second and fade out 1 second
send subtitle "Party!" to all players




  • (close|turn off|de[-]activate) %blocks%
  • (toggle|switch) [[the] state of] %blocks%
  • (open|turn on|activate) %blocks%
Since: 1.4
Toggle the state of a block.


# use arrows to toggle switches, doors, etc.
on projectile hit:
    projectile is arrow
    toggle the block at the arrow

Toggle Flight



  • (allow|enable) (fly|flight) (for|to) %players%
  • (disallow|disable) (fly|flight) (for|to) %players%
Since: 2.3
Toggle the flight mode of a player.


allow flight to event-player

Toggle Picking Up Items



Determines whether living entities are able to pick up items or not


forbid player from picking up items
send "You can no longer pick up items!" to player

on drop:
    if player can't pick    up items:
        allow player to pick up items




Since: 1.0
Creates a tree. This may require that there is enough space above the given location and that the block below is dirt/grass, but it is possible that the tree will just grow anyways, possibly replacing every block in its path.


grow a tall redwood tree above the clicked block

Vectors - Rotate Around Vector



Since: 2.2-dev28
Rotates a vector around another vector


rotate {_v} around vector 1, 0, 0 by 90

Vectors - Rotate around XYZ



Since: 2.2-dev28
Rotates a vector around x, y, or z axis by some degrees


rotate {_v} around x-axis by 90
rotate {_v} around y-axis by 90
rotate {_v} around z-axis by 90 degrees




  • (make|let|force) %entities% [to] (ride|mount) [(in|on)] %entities/entity types%
  • (make|let|force) %entities% [to] (dismount|(dismount|leave) [(from|of)] [(any|the[ir]|his|her)] vehicle[s])
  • (eject|dismount) [(any|the)] passenger[s] (of|from) %entities%
Since: 2.0
Makes an entity ride another entity, e.g. a minecart, a saddled pig, an arrow, etc.


make the player ride a saddled pig
make the attacker ride the victim




Since: 1.0
Grant/revoke a user operator state.


op the player
deop all players




Since: 1.0, 2.6.1 (with section)
Spawn a creature. This can be used as an effect and as a section. If it is used as a section, the section is run before the entity is added to the world. You can modify the entity in this section, using for example 'event-entity' or 'cow'. Do note that other event values, such as 'player', won't work in this section.


spawn 3 creepers at the targeted block
spawn a ghast 5 meters above the player
spawn a zombie at the player:
    set name of the zombie to ""




  • %texts% (is|are) alphanumeric
  • %texts% (isn't|is not|aren't|are not) alphanumeric
Since: 2.4
Checks if the given string is alphanumeric.


if the argument is not alphanumeric:
    send "Invalid name!"

Can Build



Since: 2.0
Requirements: Supported regions plugin
Tests whether a player is allowed to build at a certain location. This condition requires a supported regions plugin to be installed.


command /setblock &lt;material&gt;:
    description: set the block at your crosshair to a different type
        player cannot build at the targeted block:
            message "You do not have permission to change blocks there!"
        set the targeted block to argument

Can Fly



Since: 2.3
Whether a player is allowed to fly.


player can fly

Can Hold



Since: 1.0
Tests whether a player or a chest can hold the given item.


block can hold 200 cobblestone
player has enough space for 64 feathers

Can Pick Up Items



Whether living entities are able to pick up items off the ground or not.


if player can pick items up:
    send "You can pick up items!" to player

on drop:
    if player can't pick    up items:
        send "Be careful, you won't be able to pick that up!" to player

Can See



Since: 2.3
Checks whether the given players can see another players.


if the player can't see the player-argument:
    message "&lt;light red&gt;The player %player-argument% is not online!"




Since: 1.0
A condition that randomly succeeds or fails. Valid values are between 0% and 100%, or if the percent sign is omitted between 0 and 1.


chance of 50%:
    drop a diamond
chance of {chance}% # {chance} between 0 and 100
chance of {chance} # {chance} between 0 and 1




  • [(neither)] %objects% ((is|are)[(n't| not| neither)] ((greater|more|higher|bigger|larger) than|above)|>) %objects%
  • [(neither)] %objects% ((is|are)[(n't| not| neither)] (greater|more|higher|bigger|larger|above) [than] or (equal to|the same as)|>=) %objects%
  • [(neither)] %objects% ((is|are)[(n't| not| neither)] ((less|smaller|lower) than|below)|<) %objects%
  • [(neither)] %objects% ((is|are)[(n't| not| neither)] (less|smaller|lower|below) [than] or (equal to|the same as)|<=) %objects%
  • [(neither)] %objects% ((is|are) (not|neither)|isn't|aren't|!=) [equal to] %objects%
  • [(neither)] %objects% (is|are|=) [(equal to|the same as)] %objects%
  • [(neither)] %objects% (is|are) between %objects% and %objects%
  • [(neither)] %objects% (is not|are not|isn't|aren't) between %objects% and %objects%
  • [(neither)] %objects% (was|were)[(n't| not| neither)] ((greater|more|higher|bigger|larger) than|above) %objects%
  • [(neither)] %objects% (was|were)[(n't| not| neither)] (greater|more|higher|bigger|larger|above) [than] or (equal to|the same as) %objects%
  • [(neither)] %objects% (was|were)[(n't| not| neither)] ((less|smaller|lower) than|below) %objects%
  • [(neither)] %objects% (was|were)[(n't| not| neither)] (less|smaller|lower|below) [than] or (equal to|the same as) %objects%
  • [(neither)] %objects% ((was|were) (not|neither)|wasn't|weren't) [equal to] %objects%
  • [(neither)] %objects% (was|were) [(equal to|the same as)] %objects%
  • [(neither)] %objects% (was|were) between %objects% and %objects%
  • [(neither)] %objects% (was not|were not|wasn't|weren't) between %objects% and %objects%
  • [(neither)] %objects% (will be|(will (not|neither) be|won't be)) ((greater|more|higher|bigger|larger) than|above) %objects%
  • [(neither)] %objects% (will be|(will (not|neither) be|won't be)) (greater|more|higher|bigger|larger|above) [than] or (equal to|the same as) %objects%
  • [(neither)] %objects% (will be|(will (not|neither) be|won't be)) ((less|smaller|lower) than|below) %objects%
  • [(neither)] %objects% (will be|(will (not|neither) be|won't be)) (less|smaller|lower|below) [than] or (equal to|the same as) %objects%
  • [(neither)] %objects% ((will (not|neither) be|won't be)|(isn't|aren't|is not|are not) (turning|changing) [in]to) [equal to] %objects%
  • [(neither)] %objects% (will be [(equal to|the same as)]|(is|are) (turning|changing) [in]to) %objects%
  • [(neither)] %objects% will be between %objects% and %objects%
  • [(neither)] %objects% (will not be|won't be) between %objects% and %objects%
Since: 1.0
A very general condition, it simply compares two values. Usually you can only compare for equality (e.g. block is/isn't of <type>), but some values can also be compared using greater than/less than. In that case you can also test for whether an object is between two others. Note: This is the only element where not all patterns are shown. It has actually another two sets of similar patters, but with (was|were) or will be instead of (is|are) respectively, which check different time states of the first expression.


the clicked block is a stone slab or a double stone slab
time in the player's world is greater than 8:00
the creature is not an enderman or an ender dragon




Since: 1.0
Checks whether an inventory contains an item, a text contains another piece of text, or a list (e.g. {list variable::*} or 'drops') contains another object.


block contains 20 cobblestone
player has 4 flint and 2 iron ingots
{list::*} contains 5

Damage Cause



  • [the] damage (was|is|has)[n('|o)t] [been] (caused|done|made) by %damage cause%
Since: 2.0
Tests what kind of damage caused a damage event. Refer to the Damage Cause type for a list of all possible causes.


# make players use their potions of fire resistance whenever they take any kind of fire damage
on damage:
    damage was caused by lava, fire or burning
    victim is a player
    victim has a potion of fire resistance
    cancel event
    apply fire resistance to the victim for 30 seconds
    remove 1 potion of fire resistance from the victim
# prevent mobs from dropping items under certain circumstances
on death:
    entity is not a player
    damage wasn't caused by a block explosion, an attack, a projectile, a potion, fire, burning, thorns or poison
    clear drops

Do Respawn Anchors Work



  • respawn anchors [do[(n't| not)]] work in %worlds%
Since: 2.7
Requirements: Minecraft 1.16+
Checks whether or not respawn anchors work in a world.


respawn anchors work in world "world_nether"

Egg Will Hatch



  • [the] egg (will|will not|won't) hatch
Since: 2.7
Usable in events: Egg Throw
Whether the egg will hatch in a Player Egg Throw event.


on player egg throw:
    if an entity won't hatch:
        send "Better luck next time!" to the player

Entity is Wet



Since: 2.6.1
Requirements: Paper 1.16+
Checks whether an entity is wet or not (in water, rain or a bubble column).


if player is wet:

Entity is in Liquid



  • %entities% (is|are) in (water|lava|[a] bubble[ ]column|rain)
  • %entities% (isn't|is not|aren't|are not) in (water|lava|[a] bubble[ ]column|rain)
Since: 2.6.1
Requirements: Minecraft 1.16+ (in water), Paper 1.16+ (in rain, lava and bubble column)
Checks whether an entity is in rain, lava, water or a bubble column.


if player is in rain:
if player is in water:
player is in lava:
player is in bubble column

Event Cancelled



  • [the] event is cancel[l]ed
  • [the] event (is not|isn't) cancel[l]ed
Since: 2.2-dev36
Checks whether or not the event is cancelled.


on click:
    if event is cancelled:
        broadcast "no clicks allowed!"

Exists/Is Set



  • %~objects% (exist[s]|(is|are) set)
  • %~objects% (do[es](n't| not) exist|(is|are)(n't| not) set)
Since: 1.2
Checks whether a given expression or variable is set.


{teams::%player's uuid%::preferred-team} is not set
on damage:
    projectile exists
    broadcast "%attacker% used a %projectile% to attack %victim%!"

Has AI



Since: 2.5
Checks whether an entity has AI.


target entity has ai

Has Client Weather



  • %players% (has|have) [a] (client|custom) weather [set]
  • %players% (doesn't|does not|do not|don't) have [a] (client|custom) weather [set]
Since: 2.3
Checks whether the given players have a custom client weather


if the player has custom weather:
    message "Your custom weather is %player's weather%"

Has Custom Model Data



  • %item types% (has|have) [custom] model data
  • %item types% (doesn't|does not|do not|don't) have [custom] model data
Since: 2.5
Requirements: 1.14+
Check if an item has a custom model data tag


player's tool has custom model data

Has Item Cooldown



Check whether a cooldown is active on the specified material for a specific player.


if player has player's tool on cooldown:
    send "You can't use this item right now. Wait %item cooldown of player's tool for player%"

Has Line of Sight



Checks whether living entities have an unobstructed line of sight to other entities or locations.


player has direct line of sight to location 5 blocks to the right of player
victim has line of sight to attacker
player has no line of sight to location 100 blocks in front of player

Has Metadata



Since: 2.2-dev36
Checks whether a metadata holder has a metadata tag.


if player has metadata value "healer":

Has Permission



Since: 1.0
Test whether a player has a certain permission.


player has permission "skript.tree"
victim has the permission "admin":
    send "You're attacking an admin!" to attacker

Has Played Before



  • %offline players% [(has|have|did)] [already] play[ed] [on (this|the) server] (before|already)
  • %offline players% (has not|hasn't|have not|haven't|did not|didn't) [(already|yet)] play[ed] [on (this|the) server] (before|already|yet)
Since: 1.4, 2.7 (multiple players)
Checks whether a player has played on this server before. You can also use on first join if you want to make triggers for new players.


player has played on this server before
player hasn't played before

Has Potion



Since: 2.6.1
Checks whether the given living entities have specific potion effects.


if player has potion speed:
    send "You are sonic!"

if all players have potion effects speed and haste:
    broadcast "You are ready to MINE!"

Has Resource Pack



  • %players% (has|have) [a] resource pack [(loaded|installed)]
  • %players% (doesn't|does not|do not|don't) have [a] resource pack [(loaded|installed)]
Since: 2.4
Requirements: Paper 1.9 or newer
Checks whether the given players have a server resource pack loaded. Please note that this can't detect player's own resource pack, only the resource pack that sent by the server.


if the player has a resource pack loaded:

Has Scoreboard Tag



  • %entities% (has|have) [the] score[ ]board tag[s] %texts%
  • %entities% (doesn't|does not|do not|don't) have [the] score[ ]board tag[s] %texts%
Since: 2.3
Checks whether the given entities has the given scoreboard tags.


if the targeted armor stand has the scoreboard tag "test tag":

Ignition Process



  • [creeper[s]] %living entities% ((is|are)|(isn't|is not|aren't|are not)) going to explode
  • [creeper[s]] %living entities% ((is|are)|(isn't|is not|aren't|are not)) in the (ignition|explosion) process
  • creeper[s] %living entities% ((is|are)|(isn't|is not|aren't|are not)) ignited
Since: 2.5
Requirements: Paper 1.13 or newer
Checks if a creeper is going to explode.


if the last spawned creeper is going to explode:
    loop all players in radius 3 of the last spawned creeper
        send "RUN!!!" to the loop-player

Is Alive



  • %entities% (is|are) (alive|dead)
  • %entities% (isn't|is not|aren't|are not) (alive|dead)
Since: 2.0, 2.4-alpha4 (non-living entity support)
Checks whether an entity is alive. Works for non-living entities too.


if {villager-buddy::%player's uuid%} is not dead:

on shoot:
    while the projectile is alive:

Is Banned



Since: 1.4
Checks whether a player or IP is banned.


player is banned
victim is not IP-banned
"" is banned

Is Bed/Anchor Spawn



  • [the] respawn location (was|is)[(n'| no)t] [a] (bed|respawn anchor)
Since: 2.7
Usable in events: respawn
Requirements: Minecraft 1.16+
Checks what the respawn location of a player in the respawn event is.


on respawn:
    the respawn location is a bed
    broadcast "%player% is respawning in their bed! So cozy!"

Is Block



  • %item types% (is|are) ([a] block|blocks)
  • %item types% (isn't|is not|aren't|are not) ([a] block|blocks)
Since: 2.4
Checks whether an item is a block.


player's held item is a block
{list::*} are blocks

Is Block Redstone Powered



  • %blocks% (is|are) redstone powered
  • %blocks% (is|are) indirectly redstone powered
  • %blocks% (is|are)(n't| not) redstone powered
  • %blocks% (is|are)(n't| not) indirectly redstone powered
Since: 2.5
Checks if a block is indirectly or directly powered by redstone


if clicked block is redstone powered:
    send "This block is well-powered by redstone!"
if clicked block is indirectly redstone powered:
    send "This block is indirectly redstone powered."

Is Blocking



  • %players% (is|are) (blocking|defending) [with [a] shield]
  • %players% (isn't|is not|aren't|are not) (blocking|defending) [with [a] shield]
Since: unknown (before 2.1)
Checks whether a player is blocking with their shield.


on damage of player:
    victim is blocking
    damage attacker by 0.5 hearts

Is Burning



  • %entities% (is|are) (burning|ignited|on fire)
  • %entities% (isn't|is not|aren't|are not) (burning|ignited|on fire)
Since: 1.4.4
Checks whether an entity is on fire, e.g. a zombie due to being in sunlight, or any entity after falling into lava.


# increased attack against burning targets
victim is burning:
    increase damage by 2

Is Charged



Since: 2.5
Checks if a creeper is charged (powered).


if the last spawned creeper is charged:
    broadcast "A charged creeper is at %location of last spawned creeper%"

Is Climbing



Requirements: Minecraft 1.17+
Whether a living entity is climbing, such as a spider up a wall or a player on a ladder.


spawn a spider at location of spawn
wait a second
if the last spawned spider is climbing:
    message"The spider is now climbing!"

Is Edible



Since: 2.2-dev36
Checks whether an item is edible.


steak is edible
player's tool is edible

Is Empty



Since: unknown (before 2.1)
Checks whether an inventory, an inventory slot, or a text is empty.


player's inventory is empty

Is Enchanted



Since: 1.4.6
Checks whether an item is enchanted.


tool of the player is enchanted with efficiency 2
helm, chestplate, leggings or boots are enchanted

Is Flammable



Since: 2.2-dev36
Checks whether an item is flammable.


wood is flammable
player's tool is flammable

Is Flying



  • %players% (is|are) flying
  • %players% (isn't|is not|aren't|are not) flying
Since: 1.4.4
Checks whether a player is flying.


player is not flying

Is Frozen



Since: 2.7
Checks whether an entity is frozen.


if player is frozen:
    kill player

Is Fuel



Since: 2.5.1
Requirements: Minecraft 1.11.2+
Checks whether an item can be used as fuel in a furnace.


on right click on furnace:
    if player's tool is not fuel:
        send "Please hold a valid fuel item in your hand"
        cancel event

Is Gliding



Since: 2.7
Checks whether a living entity is gliding.


if player is gliding

Is Holding



Since: 1.0
Checks whether a player is holding a specific item. Cannot be used with endermen, use 'entity is [not] an enderman holding <item type>' instead.


player is holding a stick
victim isn't holding a sword of sharpness

Is Incendiary



  • %entities% ((is|are) incendiary|cause[s] a[n] (incendiary|fiery) explosion)
  • %entities% ((is not|are not|isn't|aren't) incendiary|(does not|do not|doesn't|don't) cause[s] a[n] (incendiary|fiery) explosion)
  • the [event(-| )]explosion (is|(is not|isn't)) (incendiary|fiery)
Since: 2.5
Checks if an entity will create fire when it explodes. This condition is also usable in an explosion prime event.


on explosion prime:
    if the explosion is fiery:
        broadcast "A fiery explosive has been ignited!"

Is Infinite



Checks whether potion effects are infinite.


all of the active potion effects of the player are infinite

Is Interactable



Since: 2.5.2
Requirements: Minecraft 1.13+
Checks wether or not a block is interactable.


on block break:
    if event-block is interactable:
        cancel event
        send "You cannot break interactable blocks!"

Is Invisible



Since: 2.7
Checks whether a living entity is invisible.


target entity is invisible

Is Invulnerable



  • %entities% (is|are) invulnerable
  • %entities% (isn't|is not|aren't|are not) invulnerable
Since: 2.5
Checks whether an entity is invulnerable.


target entity is invulnerable

Is Jumping



Requirements: Paper 1.15+
Checks whether a living entity is jumping. This condition does not work on players.


on spawn of zombie:
    while event-entity is not jumping:
        wait 5 ticks
    push event-entity upwards

Is Leashed



Since: 2.5
Checks to see if an entity is currently leashed.


target entity is leashed

Is Loaded



Since: 2.3, 2.5 (revamp with chunk at location/coords)
Checks whether or not a chunk/world is loaded. 'chunk at 1, 1' uses chunk coords, which are location coords divided by 16.


if chunk at {home::%player's uuid%} is loaded:
if chunk 1, 10 in world "world" is loaded:
if world("lobby") is loaded:

Is Member/Owner of Region



Since: 2.1
Requirements: Supported regions plugin
Checks whether a player is a member or owner of a particular region. This condition requires a supported regions plugin to be installed.


on region enter:
    player is the owner of the region
    message "Welcome back to %region%!"
    send "%player% just entered %region%!" to all members of the region

Is Normalized



  • %vectors% (is|are) normalized
  • %vectors% (isn't|is not|aren't|are not) normalized
Since: 2.5.1
Requirements: Minecraft 1.13.2+
Checks whether a vector is normalized i.e. length of 1


vector of player's location is normalized

Is Occluding



Since: 2.5.1
Checks whether an item is a block and completely blocks vision.


player's tool is occluding

Is Online



Since: 1.4
Checks whether a player is online.


player is online
player-argument is offline

Is Operator



Since: 2.7
Checks whether a player is a server operator.


player is an operator

Is Passable



  • %blocks% (is|are) passable
  • %blocks% (isn't|is not|aren't|are not) passable
Since: 2.5.1
Requirements: Minecraft 1.13.2+
Checks whether a block is passable. A block is passable if it has no colliding parts that would prevent players from moving through it. Blocks like tall grass, flowers, signs, etc. are passable, but open doors, fence gates, trap doors, etc. are not because they still have parts that can be collided with.


if player's targeted block is passable

Is Plugin Enabled



  • plugin[s] %texts% (is|are) enabled
  • plugin[s] %texts% (is|are)(n't| not) enabled
  • plugin[s] %texts% (is|are) disabled
Since: 2.6
Check if a plugin is enabled/disabled on the server. Plugin names can be found in the plugin's 'plugin.yml' file or by using the '/plugins' command, they are NOT the name of the plugin's jar file. When checking if a plugin is not enabled, this will return true if the plugin is either disabled or not on the server. When checking if a plugin is disabled, this will return true if the plugin is on the server and is disabled.


if plugin "Vault" is enabled:
if plugin "WorldGuard" is not enabled:
if plugins "Essentials" and "Vault" are enabled:
if plugin "MyBrokenPlugin" is disabled:

Is Poisoned



Since: 1.4.4
Checks whether an entity is poisoned.


player is poisoned:
    cure the player from poison
    message "You have been cured!"

Is Preferred Tool



Since: 2.7
Requirements: 1.16.5+, Paper 1.19.2+ (blockdata)
Checks whether an item is the preferred tool for a block. A preferred tool is one that will drop the block's item when used. For example, a wooden pickaxe is a preferred tool for grass and stone blocks, but not for iron ore.


on left click:
    event-block is set
    if player's tool is the preferred tool for event-block:
        break event-block naturally using player's tool
        cancel event

Is Riding



Since: 2.0
Tests whether an entity is riding another or is in a vehicle.


player is riding a saddled pig

Is Riptiding



Since: 2.5
Checks to see if an entity is currently using the Riptide enchantment.


target entity is riptiding

Is Script Loaded



  • script[s] [%texts%] (is|are) loaded
  • script[s] [%texts%] (isn't|is not|aren't|are not) loaded
Since: 2.2-dev31
Check if the current script, or another script, is currently loaded.


script is loaded
script "example.sk" is loaded

Is Silent



Since: 2.5
Checks whether an entity is silent i.e. its sounds are disabled.


target entity is silent

Is Sleeping



  • %players% (is|are) sleeping
  • %players% (isn't|is not|aren't|are not) sleeping
Since: 1.4.4
Checks whether a player is sleeping.


# cut your enemies' throats in their sleep >=)
on attack:
    attacker is holding a sword
    victim is sleeping
    increase the damage by 1000

Is Slime Chunk



  • %chunk% (is|are) ([a] slime chunk|slime chunks|slimey)
  • %chunk% (isn't|is not|aren't|are not) ([a] slime chunk|slime chunks|slimey)
Since: 2.3
Tests whether a chunk is a so-called slime chunk. Slimes can generally spawn in the swamp biome and in slime chunks. For more info, see the Minecraft wiki.


command /slimey:
        if chunk at player is a slime chunk:
            send "Yeah, it is!"
            send "Nope, it isn't"

Is Sneaking



  • %players% (is|are) sneaking
  • %players% (isn't|is not|aren't|are not) sneaking
Since: 1.4.4
Checks whether a player is sneaking.


# prevent mobs from seeing sneaking players if they are at least 4 meters apart
on target:
    target is sneaking
    distance of target and the entity is bigger than 4
    cancel the event

Is Solid



Since: 2.2-dev36
Checks whether an item is solid.


grass block is solid
player's tool isn't solid

Is Sprinting



  • %players% (is|are) sprinting
  • %players% (isn't|is not|aren't|are not) sprinting
Since: 1.4.4
Checks whether a player is sprinting.


player is not sprinting

Is Stackable



Since: 2.7
Checks whether an item is stackable.


diamond axe is stackable
birch wood is stackable
torch is stackable

Is Swimming



Since: 2.3
Requirements: 1.13 or newer
Checks whether a living entity is swimming.


player is swimming

Is Tameable



Since: 2.5
Check if an entity is tameable.


on damage:
    if victim is tameable:
        cancel event

Is Transparent



Since: 2.2-dev36
Checks whether an item is transparent. Note that this condition may not work for all blocks, due to the transparency list used by Spigot not being completely accurate.


player's tool is transparent.

Is Unbreakable



Since: 2.5.1
Requirements: Minecraft 1.11+
Checks whether an item is unbreakable.


if event-item is unbreakable

Is Valid



Since: 2.7
Checks whether an entity has died or been despawned for some other reason.


if event-entity is valid

Is Wearing



Since: 1.0
Checks whether a player is wearing some armour.


player is wearing an iron chestplate and iron leggings
player is wearing all diamond armour

Is Whitelisted



  • [the] server (is|is(n't| not)) white[ ]listed
  • %players% (is|are)[(n't| not)] white[ ]listed
Since: 2.5.2
Whether or not the server or a player is whitelisted.


if server is whitelisted:
if player is whitelisted

Is Within



Since: 2.7
Requirements: MC 1.17+ (within block)
Whether a location is within something else. The "something" can be a block, an entity, a chunk, a world, or a cuboid formed by two other locations. Note that using the is between condition will refer to a straight line between locations, while this condition will refer to the cuboid between locations.


if player's location is within {_loc1} and {_loc2}:
    send "You are in a PvP zone!" to player

if player is in world("world"):
    send "You are in the overworld!" to player

if attacker's location is inside of victim:
    cancel event
    send "Back up!" to attacker and victim

Is Within Radius



Since: 2.7
Checks whether a location is within a certain radius of another location.


on damage:
    if attacker's location is within 10 blocks around {_spawn}:
        cancel event
        send "You can't PVP in spawn."

Is a Skript command



  • %text% (is|are) [a] s(k|c)ript (command|cmd)
  • %text% (isn't|is not|aren't|are not) [a] s(k|c)ript (command|cmd)
Since: 2.6
Checks whether a command/string is a custom Skript command.


# Example 1
on command:
    command is a skript command

# Example 2
"sometext" is a skript command

Is of Type



Since: 1.4
Checks whether an item of an entity is of the given type. This is mostly useful for variables, as you can use the general 'is' condition otherwise (e.g. 'victim is a creeper').


tool is of type {selected type}
victim is of type {villager type}

Is on Ground



  • %entities% (is|are) on [the] ground
  • %entities% (isn't|is not|aren't|are not) on [the] ground
Since: 2.2-dev26
Checks whether an entity is on ground.


player is not on ground

Left Handed



Requirements: Paper 1.17.1+ (entities)
Checks if living entities or players are left or right-handed. Armor stands are neither right nor left-handed. Paper 1.17.1+ is required for non-player entities.


on damage of player:
    if victim is left handed:
        cancel event




  • %texts% (match[es]|do[es](n't| not) match) %texts%
  • %texts% (partially match[es]|do[es](n't| not) partially match) %texts%
Since: 2.5.2
Checks whether the defined strings match the input regexes (Regular expressions).


on chat:
    if message partially matches "\d":
        send "Message contains a digit!"
    if message doesn't match "[A-Za-z]+":
        send "Message doesn't only contain letters!"

Projectile Can Bounce



Since: 2.5.1
Whether or not a projectile can bounce.


on shoot:
    send "Boing!" to all players if projectile can bounce




  • (is PvP|PvP is) enabled [in %worlds%]
  • (is PvP|PvP is) disabled [in %worlds%]
Since: 1.3.4
Checks the PvP state of a world.


PvP is enabled
PvP is disabled in "world"

Region Contains



Since: 2.1
Requirements: Supported regions plugin
Checks whether a location is contained in a particular region. This condition requires a supported regions plugin to be installed.


player is in the region {regions::3}

on region enter:
    region contains {flags.%world%.red}
    message "The red flag is near!"

Resource Pack



Since: 2.4
Usable in events: resource pack request response
Checks state of the resource pack in a resource pack request response event.


on resource pack response:
    if the resource pack wasn't accepted:
        kick the player due to "You have to install the resource pack to play in this server!"

Starts/Ends With



  • %texts% (start|end)[s] with %texts%
  • %texts% (doesn't|does not|do not|don't) (start|end) with %texts%
Since: 2.2-dev36, 2.5.1 (multiple strings support)
Checks if a text starts or ends with another.


if the argument starts with "test" or "debug":
    send "Stop!"




Since: 2.0
Tests whether a given real time was more or less than some time span ago.


command /command-with-cooldown:
        {command::%player's uuid%::last-usage} was less than a minute ago:
            message "Please wait a minute between uses of this command."
        set {command::%player's uuid%::last-usage} to now
        # ... actual command trigger here ...




  • else
  • else [parse] if <.+>
  • else [parse] if (any|at least one [of])
  • else [parse] if [all]
  • [parse] if (any|at least one [of])
  • [parse] if [all]
  • [parse] if <.+>
  • then [run]
  • implicit:<.+>
Since: 1.0
Conditional sections if: executed when its condition is true else if: executed if all previous chained conditionals weren't executed, and its condition is true else: executed if all previous chained conditionals weren't executed

parse if: a special case of 'if' condition that its code will not be parsed if the condition is not true else parse if: another special case of 'else if' condition that its code will not be parsed if all previous chained conditionals weren't executed, and its condition is true


if player's health is greater than or equal to 4:
    send "Your health is okay so far but be careful!"

else if player's health is greater than 2:
    send "You need to heal ASAP, your health is very low!"

else: # Less than 2 hearts
    send "You are about to DIE if you don't heal NOW. You have only %player's health% heart(s)!"

parse if plugin "SomePluginName" is enabled: # parse if %condition%
    # This code will only be executed if the condition used is met otherwise Skript will not parse this section therefore will not give any errors/info about this section




Since: 1.0
Loop sections repeat their code with multiple values.

A loop will loop through all elements of the given expression, e.g. all players, worlds, items, etc. The conditions & effects inside the loop will be executed for every of those elements, which can be accessed with ‘loop-’, e.g. send "hello" to loop-player. When a condition inside a loop is not fulfilled the loop will start over with the next element of the loop. You can however use stop loop to exit the loop completely and resume code execution after the end of the loop.

Loopable Values All expressions that represent more than one value, e.g. ‘all players’, ‘worlds’, etc., as well as list variables, can be looped. You can also use a list of expressions, e.g. loop the victim and the attacker, to execute the same code for only a few values.

List Variables When looping list variables, you can also use loop-index in addition to loop-value inside the loop. loop-value is the value of the currently looped variable, and loop-index is the last part of the variable's name (the part where the list variable has its asterisk *).


loop all players:
    send "Hello %loop-player%!" to loop-player

loop items in player's inventory:
    if loop-item is dirt:
        set loop-item to air

loop 10 times:
    send title "%11 - loop-value%" and subtitle "seconds left until the game begins" to player for 1 second # 10, 9, 8 etc.
    wait 1 second

loop {Coins::*}:
    set {Coins::%loop-index%} to loop-value + 5 # Same as "add 5 to {Coins::%loop-index%}" where loop-index is the uuid of the player and loop-value is the actually coins value such as 200

While Loop



  • [do] while <.+>
Since: 2.0, 2.6 (do while)
While Loop sections are loops that will just keep repeating as long as a condition is met.


while size of all players < 5:
    send "More players are needed to begin the adventure" to all players
    wait 5 seconds

set {_counter} to 1
do while {_counter} > 1: # false but will increase {_counter} by 1 then get out
    add 1 to {_counter}

# Be careful when using while loops with conditions that are almost
# always true for a long time without using 'wait %timespan%' inside it,
# otherwise it will probably hang and crash your server.
while player is online:
    give player 1 dirt
    wait 1 second # without using a delay effect the server will crash

At Time



Since: 1.3.4
An event that occurs at a given minecraft time in every world or only in specific worlds.


at 18:00
at 7am in "world"

On Anvil Damage



  • [on] anvil damag(e|ing)
Since: 2.7
Requirements: Paper
Called when an anvil is damaged/broken from being used to repair/rename items. Note: this does not include anvil damage from falling.


on anvil damage:
    cancel the event

On Anvil Prepare



  • [on] anvil prepar(e|ing)
Since: 2.7
Called when an item is put in a slot for repair by an anvil. Please note that this event is called multiple times in a single item slot move.


on anvil prepare:
    event-item is set # result item
    chance of 5%:
        set repair cost to repair cost * 50%
        send "You're LUCKY! You got 50% discount." to player

On AoE Cloud Effect



  • [on] (area|AoE) [cloud] effect
Since: 2.2-dev21
Called when area effect cloud applies its potion effect. This happens every 5 ticks by default.


on area cloud effect:

On Arm Swing



  • [on] [player] arm swing
Since: 2.5.1
Called when a player swings his arm.


on arm swing:
    send "You swung your arm!"

On Armor Change



  • [on] [player] armor change[d]
Since: 2.5
Requirements: Paper
Called when armor pieces of a player are changed.


on armor change:
    send "You equipped %event-item%!"

On Bed Enter



  • [on] bed enter[ing]
  • [on] [player] enter[ing] [a] bed
Since: 1.0
Called when a player starts sleeping.


on bed enter:

On Bed Leave



  • [on] bed leav(e|ing)
  • [on] [player] leav(e|ing) [a] bed
Since: 1.0
Called when a player leaves a bed.


on player leaving a bed:

On Block Damage



  • [on] block damag(ing|e)
Since: 1.0
Called when a player starts to break a block. You can usually just use the leftclick event for this.


on block damaging:
    if block is log:
        send "You can't break the holy log!"

On Block Fertilize



  • [on] [block] fertilize
Since: 2.5
Requirements: Minecraft 1.13 or newer
Called when a player fertilizes blocks.


on block fertilize:
    send "Fertilized %size of fertilized blocks% blocks got fertilized."

On Block Growth



  • [on] (plant|crop|block) grow[(th|ing)] [[of] %item types%]
Since: 2.2-Fixes-V10
Called when a crop grows. Alternative to new form of generic grow event.


on crop growth:

On Book Edit



  • [on] book (edit|change|write)
Since: 2.2-dev31
Called when a player edits a book.


on book edit:

On Book Sign



  • [on] book sign[ing]
Since: 2.2-dev31
Called when a player signs a book.


on book sign:

On Break / Mine



Since: 1.0 (break), unknown (mine), 2.6 (BlockData support)
Called when a block is broken by a player. If you use 'on mine', only events where the broken block dropped something will call the trigger.


on mine:
on break of stone:
on mine of any ore:
on break of chest[facing=north]:
on break of potatoes[age=7]:

On Bucket Empty



  • [on] bucket empty[ing]
  • [on] [player] empty[ing] [a] bucket
Since: 1.0
Called when a player empties a bucket. You can also use the place event with a check for water or lava.


on bucket empty:

On Bucket fill



  • [on] bucket fill[ing]
  • [on] [player] fill[ing] [a] bucket
Since: 1.0
Called when a player fills a bucket.


on player filling a bucket:

On Burn



Since: 1.0, 2.6 (BlockData support)
Called when a block is destroyed by fire.


on burn:
on burn of wood, fences, or chests:
on burn of oak_log[axis=y]:

On Can Build Check



  • [on] [block] can build check
Since: 1.0 (basic), 2.0 ([un]cancellable)
Called when a player rightclicks on a block while holding a block or a placeable item. You can either cancel the event to prevent the block from being built, or uncancel it to allow it. Please note that the data value of the block to be placed is not available in this event, only its ID.


on block can build check:
    cancel event

On Chat



  • [on] chat
Since: 1.4.1
Called whenever a player chats. Use chat format to change message format. Use chat recipients to edit chat recipients.


on chat:
    if player has permission "owner":
        set chat format to "&amp;lt;red&amp;gt;[player]&amp;lt;light gray&amp;gt;: &amp;lt;light red&amp;gt;[message]"
    else if player has permission "admin":
        set chat format to "&amp;lt;light red&amp;gt;[player]&amp;lt;light gray&amp;gt;: &amp;lt;orange&amp;gt;[message]"
    else: #default message format
        set chat format to "&amp;lt;orange&amp;gt;[player]&amp;lt;light gray&amp;gt;: &amp;lt;white&amp;gt;[message]"

On Chunk Generate



  • [on] chunk (generat|populat)(e|ing)
Since: 1.0
Called after a new chunk was generated.


on chunk generate:

On Chunk Load



  • [on] chunk load[ing]
Since: 1.0
Called when a chunk loads. The chunk might or might not contain mobs when it's loaded.


on chunk load:

On Chunk Unload



  • [on] chunk unload[ing]
Since: 1.0
Called when a chunk is unloaded due to not being near any player.


on chunk unload:

On Click



Since: 1.0
Called when a user clicks on a block, an entity or air with or without an item in their hand. Please note that rightclick events with an empty hand while not looking at a block are not sent to the server, so there's no way to detect them. Also note that a leftclick on an entity is an attack and thus not covered by the 'click' event, but the 'damage' event.


on click:
on rightclick holding a fishing rod:
on leftclick on a stone or obsidian:
on rightclick on a creeper:
on click with a sword:

On Combust



  • [on] combust[ing]
Since: 1.0
Called when an entity is set on fire, e.g. by fire or lava, a fireball, or by standing in direct sunlight (zombies, skeletons).


on combust:

On Command



  • [on] command [%text%]
Since: 2.0
Called when a player enters a command (not necessarily a Skript command) but you can check if command is a skript command, see Is a Skript command condition.


on command:
on command "/stop":
on command "pm Njol ":

On Connect



  • [on] [player] connect[ing]
Since: 2.0
Called when the player connects to the server. This event is called before the player actually joins the server, so if you want to prevent players from joining you should prefer this event over on join.


on connect:
    player doesn't have permission "VIP"
    number of players is greater than 15
    kick the player due to "The last 5 slots are reserved for VIP players."

On Consume



  • [on] [player] ((eat|drink)[ing]|consum(e|ing)) [[of] %item types%]
Since: 2.0
Called when a player is done eating/drinking something, e.g. an apple, bread, meat, milk or a potion.


on consume:

On Craft



Since: unknown (before 2.1)
Called when a player crafts an item.


on craft:

On Creeper Power



  • [on] creeper power
Since: 1.0
Called when a creeper is struck by lighting and gets powered. Cancel the event to prevent the creeper from being powered.


on creeper power:

On Damage



Since: 1.0, 2.7 (by entity)
Called when an entity receives damage, e.g. by an attack from another entity, lava, fire, drowning, fall, suffocation, etc.


on damage:
on damage of a player:
on damage of player by zombie:

On Death



Since: 1.0
Called when a living entity (including players) dies.


on death:
on death of player:
on death of a wither or ender dragon:
    broadcast "A %entity% has been slain in %world%!"

On Dispense



Since: unknown (before 2.1)
Called when a dispenser dispenses an item.


on dispense of iron block:
    send "that'd be 19.99 please!"

On Drop



  • [on] [player|entity] drop[ping] [[of] %item types%]
Since: unknown (before 2.1), 2.7 (entity)
Called when a player drops an item from their inventory, or an entity drops an item, such as a chicken laying an egg.


on drop:
    if event-item is compass:
        cancel event

on entity drop of an egg:
    if event-entity is a chicken:
        set item of event-dropped item to a diamond

On Egg Throw



  • [on] throw[ing] [of] [an] egg
  • [on] [player] egg throw
Since: 1.0
Called when a player throws an egg and it lands. You can just use the shoot event in most cases. However, this event allows modification of properties like the hatched entity type and the number of entities to hatch.


on throw of an egg:

On Enchant



  • [on] [item] enchant
Since: 2.5
Called when a player successfully enchants an item. To get the enchanted item, see the enchant item expression


on enchant:
    if the clicked button is 1: # offer 1
        set the applied enchantments to sharpness 10 and unbreaking 10

On Enchant Prepare



  • [on] [item] enchant prepare
Since: 2.5
Called when a player puts an item into enchantment table. This event may be called multiple times. To get the enchant item, see the enchant item expression


on enchant prepare:
    set enchant offer 1 to sharpness 1
    set the cost of enchant offer 1 to 10 levels

On Enderman/Sheep/Silverfish/Falling Block



  • [on] enderman place
  • [on] enderman pickup
  • [on] sheep eat
  • [on] silverfish enter
  • [on] silverfish exit
  • [on] falling block fall[ing]
  • [on] falling block land[ing]
Since: unknown, 2.5.2 (falling block)
Called when an enderman places or picks up a block, a sheep eats grass, a silverfish boops into/out of a block or a falling block lands and turns into a block respectively.


on sheep eat:
    kill event-entity
    broadcast "A sheep stole some grass!"

on falling block land:
    event-entity is a falling dirt
    cancel event

On Entity Dismount



  • [on] dismount[ing]
Since: 2.2-dev13b
Called when an entity dismounts.


on dismount:
    kill event-entity

On Entity Jump



  • [on] entity jump[ing]
Since: 2.7
Requirements: Paper 1.15.2+
Called when an entity jumps.


on entity jump:
    if entity is a wither skeleton:
        cancel event

On Entity Mount



  • [on] mount[ing]
Since: 2.2-dev13b
Called when entity starts riding another.


on mount:
    cancel event

On Entity Portal



  • [on] entity portal
Since: 2.5.3
Called when an entity uses a nether or end portal. Cancel the event to prevent the entity from teleporting.


on entity portal:
    broadcast "A %type of event-entity% has entered a portal!

On Experience Change



  • [on] [player] (level progress|[e]xp|experience) (change|update|increase|decrease)
Since: 2.7
Called when a player's experience changes.


on level progress change:
    set {_xp} to event-experience
    broadcast "%{_xp}%"

On Experience Spawn



  • [on] [e]xp[erience] [orb] spawn
  • [on] spawn of [a[n]] [e]xp[erience] [orb]
Since: 2.0
Called whenever experience is about to spawn. Please note that this event will not fire for xp orbs spawned by plugins (including Skript) with Bukkit.


on xp spawn:
    world is "minigame_world"
    cancel event

On Explode



  • [on] explo(d(e|ing)|sion)
Since: 1.0
Called when an entity (a primed TNT or a creeper) explodes.


on explosion:

On Explosion Prime



  • [on] explosion prime
Since: 1.0
Called when an explosive is primed, i.e. an entity will explode shortly. Creepers can abort the explosion if the player gets too far away, while TNT will explode for sure after a short time.


on explosion prime:

On Fade



Since: 1.0, 2.6 (BlockData support)
Called when a block 'fades away', e.g. ice or snow melts.


on fade of snow or ice:
on fade of snow[layers=2]

On Firework Explode



  • [on] [a] firework explo(d(e|ing)|sion) [colo[u]red %colors%]
Since: 2.4
Called when a firework explodes.


on firework explode
on firework exploding colored red, light green and black
on firework explosion colored light green:
    broadcast "A firework colored %colors% was exploded at %location%!"

On First Join



  • [on] first (join|login)
Since: 1.3.7
Called when a player joins the server for the first time.


on first join:
    broadcast "Welcome %player% to the server!"

On Fishing



  • [on] [player] fish[ing]
Since: 1.0
Called when a player fishes something. This is not of much use yet.


on fish:

On Flight Toggle



  • [on] [player] flight toggl(e|ing)
  • [on] [player] toggl(e|ing) flight
Since: 2.2-dev36
Called when a players stops/starts flying.


on flight toggle:
    if {game::%player%::playing} exists:
        cancel event

On Flow



  • [on] [block] flow[ing]
  • [on] block mov(e|ing)
Since: 1.0
Called when a blocks flows or teleports to another block. This not only applies to water and lava, but teleporting dragon eggs as well.


on block flow:
    if event-block is water:
        broadcast "Build more dams! It's starting to get wet in here"

On Form



Since: 1.0, 2.6 (BlockData support)
Called when a block is created, but not by a player, e.g. snow forms due to snowfall, water freezes in cold biomes. This isn't called when block spreads (mushroom growth, water physics etc.), as it has its own event (see spread event).


on form of snow:
on form of a mushroom:

On Fuel Burn



  • [on] fuel burn[ing]
Since: 1.0
Called when a furnace burns an item from its fuel slot.


on fuel burning:

On Gamemode Change



  • [on] game[ ]mode change [to %gamemode%]
Since: 1.0
Called when a player's gamemode changes.


on gamemode change:
on gamemode change to adventure:

On Gliding State Change



  • [on] (gliding state change|toggl(e|ing) gliding)
Since: 2.2-dev21
Called when an entity toggles glider on or off, or when server toggles gliding state of an entity forcibly.


on toggling gliding:
    cancel the event # bad idea, but you CAN do it!

On Grow



Since: 1.0 (2.2-dev20 for plants)
Called when a tree, giant mushroom or plant grows to next stage.


on grow:
on grow of a tree:
on grow of a huge jungle tree:

On Hand Item Swap



  • [on] swap[ping of] [(hand|held)] item[s]
Since: 2.3
Called whenever a player swaps the items in their main- and offhand slots. Works also when one or both of the slots are empty. The event is called before the items are actually swapped, so when you use the player's tool or player's offtool expressions, they will return the values before the swap - this enables you to cancel the event before anything happens.


on swap hand items:
    event-player's tool is a diamond sword
    cancel event

On Heal



  • [on] heal[ing]
Since: 1.0
Called when an entity is healed, e.g. by eating (players), being fed (pets), or by the effect of a potion of healing (overworld mobs) or harm (nether mobs).


on heal:

On Horse Jump



  • [on] horse jump
Since: 2.5.1
Called when a horse jumps.


on horse jump:
    push event-entity upwards at speed 2

On Hunger Meter Change



  • [on] (food|hunger) (level|met(er|re)|bar) chang(e|ing)
Since: 1.4.4
Called when the hunger bar of a player changes, i.e. either increases by eating or decreases over time.


on food bar change:

On Ignition



  • [on] [block] ignit(e|ion)
Since: 1.0
Called when a block starts burning, i.e. a fire block is placed next to it and this block is flammable. The burn event will be called when the block is about do be destroyed by the fire.


on block ignite:
    if event-block is a ladder:
        cancel event

On Inventory Click



  • [on] [player] inventory(-| )click[ing] [[at] %item types%]
Since: 2.2-Fixes-V10
Called when clicking on inventory slot.


on inventory click:
    if event-item is stone:
        give player 1 stone
        remove 20$ from player's balance

On Inventory Close



  • [on] inventory clos(ing|e[d])
Since: 2.2-dev21
Called when player's currently viewed inventory is closed.


on inventory close:
    if player's location is {location}:
        send "You exited the shop!"

On Inventory Drag



  • [on] inventory drag[ging]
Called when a player drags an item in their cursor across the inventory.


on inventory drag:
    if player's current inventory is {_gui}:
        send "You can't drag your items here!" to player
        cancel event

On Inventory Item Move



  • [on] inventory item (move|transport)
Called when an entity or block (e.g. hopper) tries to move items directly from one inventory to another. When this event is called, the initiator may have already removed the item from the source inventory and is ready to move it into the destination inventory. If this event is cancelled, the items will be returned to the source inventory.


on inventory item move:
    broadcast "%holder of past event-inventory% is transporting %event-item% to %holder of event-inventory%!"

On Inventory Open



  • [on] inventory open[ed]
Since: 2.2-dev21
Called when an inventory is opened for player.


on inventory open:
    close player's inventory

On Inventory Pickup



  • [on] inventory pick[ ]up
Since: 2.5.1
Called when an inventory (a hopper, a hopper minecart, etc.) picks up an item


on inventory pickup:

On Inventory Slot Change



  • [on] [player] inventory slot chang(e|ing)
Since: 2.7
Requirements: Paper 1.19.2+
Called when a slot in a player's inventory is changed. Warning: setting the event-slot to a new item can result in an infinite loop.


on inventory slot change:
    if event-item is a diamond:
        send "You obtained a diamond!" to player

On Item Break



  • [on] [player] tool break[ing]
  • [on] [player] break[ing] [(a|the)] tool
Since: 2.1.1
Called when a player breaks their tool because its damage reached the maximum value. This event cannot be cancelled.


on tool break:

On Item Damage



  • [on] item damag(e|ing)
Since: 2.5
Called when an item is damaged. Most tools are damaged by using them; armor is damaged when the wearer takes damage.


on item damage:
    cancel event

On Item Despawn



  • [on] (item[ ][stack]|[item] %item types%) despawn[ing]
  • [on] [item[ ][stack]] despawn[ing] [[of] %item types%]
Since: 2.2-dev35
Called when an item is about to be despawned from the world, usually 5 minutes after it was dropped.


on item despawn of diamond:
    send "Not my precious!"
    cancel event

On Item Mend



  • [on] item mend[ing]
Since: 2.5.1
Requirements: Minecraft 1.13 or newer
Called when a player has an item repaired via the Mending enchantment.


on item mend:
    chance of 50%:
        cancel the event
        send "Oops! Mending failed!" to player

On Item Merge



  • [on] (item[ ][stack]|[item] %item types%) merg(e|ing)
  • [on] item[ ][stack] merg(e|ing) [[of] %item types%]
Since: 2.2-dev35
Called when dropped items merge into a single stack. event-entity will be the entity which is trying to merge, and future event-entity will be the entity which is being merged into.


on item merge of gold blocks:
    cancel event

On Item Spawn



Since: unknown (before 2.1)
Called whenever an item stack is spawned in a world, e.g. as drop of a block or mob, a player throwing items out of their inventory, or a dispenser dispensing an item (not shooting it).


on item spawn of iron sword:
    broadcast "Someone dropped an iron sword!"

On Join



  • [on] [player] (login|logging in|join[ing])
Since: 1.0
Called when the player joins the server. The player is already in a world when this event is called, so if you want to prevent players from joining you should prefer on connect over this event.


on join:
    message "Welcome on our awesome server!"
    broadcast "%player% just joined the server!"

On Jump



  • [on] [player] jump[ing]
Since: 2.3
Called whenever a player jumps. This event requires PaperSpigot.


on jump:
    event-player does not have permission "jump"
    cancel event

On Kick



  • [on] [player] (kick|being kicked)
Since: 1.0
Called when a player is kicked from the server. You can change the kick message or cancel the event entirely.


on kick:

On Language Change



  • [on] [player] (language|locale) chang(e|ing)
  • [on] [player] chang(e|ing) (language|locale)
Since: 2.3
Called after a player changed their language in the game settings. You can use the language expression to get the current language of the player. This event requires Minecraft 1.12+.


on language change:
    if player's language starts with "en":
        send "Hello!"

On Leaves Decay



  • [on] leaves decay[ing]
Since: 1.0
Called when a leaf block decays due to not being connected to a tree.


on leaves decay:

On Level Change



  • [on] [player] level (change|up|down)
Since: 1.0, 2.4 (level up/down)
Called when a player's level changes, e.g. by gathering experience or by enchanting something.


on level change:

On Lightning Strike



  • [on] lightning [strike]
Since: 1.0
Called when lightning strikes.


on lightning:
    spawn a zombie at location of event-entity

On Loot Generate



  • [on] loot generat(e|ing)
Since: 2.7
Requirements: MC 1.16+
Called when a loot table of an inventory is generated in the world. For example, when opening a shipwreck chest.


on loot generate:
    chance of 10%
    add 64 diamonds to the loot
    send "You hit the jackpot at %event-location%!"

On Move



Since: 2.6
Requirements: Paper 1.16.5+ (entity move)
Called when a player or entity moves. NOTE: Move event will only be called when the entity/player moves position, not orientation (ie: looking around). NOTE: These events can be performance heavy as they are called quite often. If you use these events, and later remove them, a server restart is recommended to clear registered events from Skript.


on player move:
    if player does not have permission "player.can.move":
        cancel event
on skeleton move:
    if event-entity is not in world "world":
        kill event-entity

On Move On



Since: 2.0
Called when a player moves onto a certain type of block. Please note that using this event can cause lag if there are many players online.


on walking on dirt or grass:
on stepping on stone:

On Physics



  • [on] [block] physics
Since: 1.4.6
Called when a physics check is done on a block. By cancelling this event you can prevent some things from happening, e.g. sand falling, dirt turning into grass, torches dropping if their supporting block is destroyed, etc.Please note that using this event might cause quite some lag since it gets called extremely often.


# prevents sand from falling
on block physics:
    block is sand
    cancel event

On Pick Up



  • [on] [(player|entity)] (pick[ ]up|picking up) [[of] %item types%]
Since: unknown (before 2.1), 2.5 (entity)
Called when a player/entity picks up an item. Please note that the item is still on the ground when this event is called.


on pick up:
on entity pickup of wheat:

On Pig Zap



  • [on] pig[ ]zap
Since: 1.0
Called when a pig is stroke by lightning and transformed into a zombie pigman. Cancel the event to prevent the transformation.


on pig zap:

On Piston Extend



  • [on] piston extend[ing]
Since: 1.0
Called when a piston is about to extend.


on piston extend:
    broadcast "A piston is extending!"

On Piston Retract



  • [on] piston retract[ing]
Since: 1.0
Called when a piston is about to retract.


on piston retract:
    broadcast "A piston is retracting!"

On Place



Since: 1.0, 2.6 (BlockData support)
Called when a player places a block.


on place:
on place of a furnace, workbench or chest:
on break of chest[type=right] or chest[type=left]

On Player Chunk Enter



  • [on] [player] (enter[s] [a] chunk|chunk enter[ing])
Since: 2.7
Called when a player enters a chunk. Note that this event is based on 'player move' event, and may be called frequent internally.


on player enters a chunk:
    send "You entered a chunk: %past event-chunk% -&gt; %event-chunk%!" to player

On Player Deep Sleep



  • [on] [player] deep sleep[ing]
Since: 2.7
Requirements: Paper 1.16+
Called when a player has slept long enough to count as passing the night/storm. Cancelling this event will prevent the player from being counted as deeply sleeping unless they exit and re-enter the bed.


on player deep sleeping:
    send "Zzzz.." to player

On Player Pickup Arrow



  • [on] [player] (pick[ing| ]up [an] arrow|arrow pick[ing| ]up)
Requirements: Minecraft 1.14+ (event-projectile)
Called when a player picks up an arrow from the ground.


on arrow pickup:
    cancel the event
    teleport event-projectile to block 5 above event-projectile

On Player Trade



  • [on] player trad(e|ing)
Since: 2.7
Requirements: Paper 1.16.5+
Called when a player has traded with a villager.


on player trade:
    chance of 50%:
        cancel event
        send "The trade was somehow denied!" to player

On Player World Change



  • [on] [player] world chang(ing|e[d])
Since: 2.2-dev28
Called when a player enters a world. Does not work with other entities!


on player world change:
    world is "city"
    send "Welcome to the City!"

On Portal



  • [on] [player] portal
Since: 1.0
Called when a player uses a nether or end portal. Cancel the event to prevent the player from teleporting.


on player portal:

On Portal Create



  • [on] portal creat(e|ion)
Since: 1.0, 2.5.3 (event-entity support)
Requirements: Minecraft 1.14+ (event-entity support)
Called when a portal is created, either by a player or mob lighting an obsidian frame on fire, or by a nether portal creating its teleportation target in the nether/overworld. In Minecraft 1.14+, you can use the player in this event. Please note that there may not always be a player (or other entity) in this event.


on portal create:

On Portal Enter



  • [on] portal enter[ing]
  • [on] entering [a] portal
Since: 1.0
Called when an entity enters a nether portal or an end portal. Please note that this event will be fired many times for a nether portal.


on portal enter:

On Prepare Craft



  • [on] [player] (preparing|beginning) craft[ing] [[of] %item types%]
Since: 2.2-Fixes-V10
Called just before displaying crafting result to player. Note that setting the result item might or might not work due to Bukkit bugs.


on preparing craft of torch:

On Pressure Plate / Trip



  • [on] [step[ping] on] [a] [pressure] plate
  • [on] (trip|[step[ping] on] [a] tripwire)
Since: 1.0 (pressure plate), 1.4.4 (tripwire)
Called when a player steps on a pressure plate or tripwire respectively.


on step on pressure plate:

On Projectile Collide



  • [on] projectile collide
Since: 2.5
Requirements: Paper
Called when a projectile collides with an entity.


on projectile collide:
    teleport shooter of event-projectile to event-entity

On Projectile Hit



  • [on] projectile hit
Since: 1.0
Called when a projectile hits an entity or a block. Use the damage event with a check for a projectile to be able to use the entity that got hit in the case when the projectile hit a living entity. A damage event will even be fired if the damage is 0, e.g. when throwing snowballs at non-nether mobs.


on projectile hit:
    event-projectile is arrow
    delete event-projectile

On Quit



  • [on] (quit[ting]|disconnect[ing]|log[ ]out|logging out|leav(e|ing))
Since: 1.0 (simple disconnection)
Called when a player leaves the server.


on quit:
on disconnect:

On Redstone



  • [on] redstone [current] [chang(e|ing)]
Since: 1.0
Called when the redstone current of a block changes. This event is of not much use yet.


on redstone change:
    send "someone is using redstone" to console

On Region Enter/Leave



  • [on] (enter[ing]|leav(e|ing)|exit[ing]) [of] ([a] region|[[the] region] %regions%)
  • [on] region (enter[ing]|leav(e|ing)|exit[ing])
Since: 2.1
Requirements: Supported regions plugin
Called when a player enters or leaves a region. This event requires a supported regions plugin to be installed.


on region exit:
    message "Leaving %region%."

On Resource Pack Request Response



Since: 2.4
Called when a player takes action on a resource pack request sent via the send resource pack effect. The resource pack condition can be used to check the resource pack state.

This event will be triggered once when the player accepts or declines the resource pack request, and once when the resource pack is successfully installed or failed to download.


on resource pack request response:
    if the resource pack was declined or failed to download:

on resource pack deny:
    kick the player due to "You have to install the resource pack to play in this server!"

On Respawn



  • [on] [player] respawn[ing]
Since: 1.0
Called when a player respawns. You should prefer this event over the death event as the player is technically alive when this event is called.


on respawn:

On Resurrect Attempt



  • [on] [entity] resurrect[ion] [attempt]
Since: 2.2-dev28
Called when an entity dies, always. If they are not holding a totem, this is cancelled - you can, however, uncancel it.


on resurrect attempt:
    entity is player
    entity has permission "admin.undying"
    uncancel the event

On Riptide



  • [on] [use of] riptide [enchant[ment]]
Since: 2.5
Called when the player activates the riptide enchantment, using their trident to propel them through the air. Note: the riptide action is performed client side, so manipulating the player in this event may have undesired effects.


on riptide:
    send "You are riptiding!"

On Script Load/Unload



  • [on] [async] [script] (load|init|enable)
  • [on] [async] [script] (unload|stop|disable)
Since: 2.0
Called directly after the trigger is loaded, or directly before the whole script is unloaded. The keyword 'async' indicates the trigger can be ran asynchronously,


on load:
    set {running::%script%} to true
on unload:
    set {running::%script%} to false

On Server List Ping



  • [on] server [list] ping
Since: 2.3
Called when a server list ping is coming in, generally when a Minecraft client pings the server to show its information in the server list. The IP expression can be used to get the IP adress of the pinger. This event can be cancelled on PaperSpigot 1.12.2+ only and this means the player will see the server as offline (but still can join).

Also you can use MOTD, Max Players, Online Players Count, Protocol Version, Version String, Hover List and Server Icon expressions, and Player Info Visibility and Hide Player from Server List effects to modify the server list.


on server list ping:
    set the motd to "Welcome %{player-by-IP::%ip%}%! Join now!" if {player-by-IP::%ip%} is set, else "Join now!"
    set the fake max players count to (online players count + 1)
    set the shown icon to a random server icon out of {server-icons::*}

On Server Start/Stop



  • [on] (server|skript) (start|load|enable)
  • [on] (server|skript) (stop|unload|disable)
Since: 2.0
Called when the server starts or stops (actually, when Skript starts or stops, so a /reload will trigger these events as well).


on skript start:
on server stop:

On Sheep Regrow Wool



  • [on] sheep [re]grow[ing] wool
Since: 2.2-dev21
Called when sheep regrows its sheared wool back.


on sheep grow wool:
    cancel event

On Shoot



  • [on] [projectile] shoot
Since: 1.0
Called whenever a projectile is shot. Use the shooter expression to get who shot the projectile.


on shoot:
    if projectile is an arrow:
        send "you shot an arrow!" to shooter

On Sign Change



  • [on] sign (chang[e]|edit)[ing]
  • [on] [player] (chang[e]|edit)[ing] [a] sign
Since: 1.0
As signs are placed empty, this event is called when a player is done editing a sign.


on sign change:
    line 2 is empty
    set line 1 to "&amp;lt;red&amp;gt;%line 1%"

On Slime Split



  • [on] slime split[ting]
Since: 2.2-dev26
Called when a slime splits. Usually this happens when a big slime dies.


on slime split:

On Smelt



  • [on] [ore] smelt[ing]
  • [on] smelt[ing] of ore
Since: 1.0
Called when a furnace smelts an item in its ore slot.


on smelt:

On Sneak Toggle



  • [on] [player] toggl(e|ing) sneak
  • [on] [player] sneak toggl(e|ing)
Since: 1.0
Called when a player starts or stops sneaking. Use is sneaking to get whether the player was sneaking before the event was called.


# make players that stop sneaking jump
on sneak toggle:
    player is sneaking
    push the player upwards at speed 0.5

On Spawn



Since: 1.0, 2.5.1 (non-living entities)
Called when an entity spawns (excluding players).


on spawn of a zombie:
on spawn of an ender dragon:
    broadcast "A dragon has been sighted in %world%!"

On Spawn Change



  • [on] [world] spawn change
Since: 1.0
Called when the spawn point of a world changes.


on spawn change:
    broadcast "someone changed the spawn!"

On Spectate



Since: 2.7
Requirements: Paper
Called with a player starts, stops or swaps spectating an entity.


on player start spectating of a zombie:

On Sponge Absorb



  • [on] sponge absorb
Since: 2.5
Requirements: Minecraft 1.13 or newer
Called when a sponge absorbs blocks.


on sponge absorb:
    loop absorbed blocks:
        broadcast "%loop-block% was absorbed by a sponge"!

On Spread



  • [on] spread[ing]
Since: 1.0
Called when a new block forms as a result of a block that can spread, e.g. water or mushrooms.


on spread:

On Sprint Toggle



  • [on] [player] toggl(e|ing) sprint
  • [on] [player] sprint toggl(e|ing)
Since: 1.0
Called when a player starts or stops sprinting. Use is sprinting to get whether the player was sprinting before the event was called.


on sprint toggle:
    player is not sprinting
    send "Run!"

On Swim Toggle



  • [on] [entity] toggl(e|ing) swim
  • [on] [entity] swim toggl(e|ing)
Since: 2.3
Requirements: 1.13 or newer
Called when an entity swims or stops swimming.


on swim toggle:
    event-entity does not have permission "swim"
    cancel event

On Tame



  • [on] [entity] tam(e|ing)
Since: 1.0
Called when a player tames a wolf or ocelot. Can be cancelled to prevent the entity from being tamed.


on tame:

On Target



  • [on] [entity] target
  • [on] [entity] un[-]target
Since: 1.0
Called when a mob starts/stops following/attacking another entity, usually a player.


on entity target:
    target is a player

On Teleport



  • [on] [player] teleport[ing]
Since: 1.0
Called whenever a player is teleported, either by a nether/end portal or other means (e.g. by plugins).


on teleport:

On Tool Change



  • [on] [player['s]] (tool|item held|held item) chang(e|ing)
Since: 1.0
Called whenever a player changes their held item by selecting a different slot (e.g. the keys 1-9 or the mouse wheel), not by dropping or replacing the item in the current slot.


on player's held item change:

On Vehicle Create



  • [on] vehicle create
  • [on] creat(e|ing|ion of) [a] vehicle
Since: 1.0
Called when a new vehicle is created, e.g. when a player places a boat or minecart.


on vehicle create:

On Vehicle Damage



  • [on] vehicle damage
  • [on] damag(e|ing) [a] vehicle
Since: 1.0
Called when a vehicle gets damage. Too much damage will destroy the vehicle.


on vehicle damage:

On Vehicle Destroy



  • [on] vehicle destroy
  • [on] destr(oy[ing]|uction of) [a] vehicle
Since: 1.0
Called when a vehicle is destroyed. Any passenger will be ejected and the vehicle might drop some item(s).


on vehicle destroy:
    cancel event

On Vehicle Enter



  • [on] vehicle enter
  • [on] enter[ing] [a] vehicle
Since: 1.0
Called when an entity enters a vehicle, either deliberately (players) or by falling into them (mobs).


on vehicle enter:
    entity is a player
    cancel event

On Vehicle Exit



  • [on] vehicle exit
  • [on] exit[ing] [a] vehicle
Since: 1.0
Called when an entity exits a vehicle.


on vehicle exit:
    if event-entity is a spider:
        kill event-entity

On Weather Change



Since: 1.0
Called when a world's weather changes.


on weather change:
on weather change to sunny:

On World Init



  • [on] world init[ialization]
Since: 1.0
Called when a world is initialised. As all default worlds are initialised before any scripts are loaded, this event is only called for newly created worlds. World management plugins might change the behaviour of this event though.


on world init:

On World Load



  • [on] world load[ing]
Since: 1.0
Called when a world is loaded. As with the world init event, this event will not be called for the server's default world(s).


on world load:
    send "World is loading..." to console

On World Save



  • [on] world sav(e|ing)
Since: 1.0
Called when a world is saved to disk. Usually all worlds are saved simultaneously, but world management plugins could change this.


on world saving:
    broadcast "World has been saved!"

On World Unload



  • [on] world unload[ing]
Since: 1.0
Called when a world is unloaded. This event might never be called if you don't have a world management plugin.


on world unload:
    cancel event

On Zombie Break Door



  • [on] zombie break[ing] [a] [wood[en]] door
Since: 1.0
Called when a zombie is done breaking a wooden door. Can be cancelled to prevent the zombie from breaking the door.


on zombie breaking a wood door:




Since: 1.0
An event that is called periodically.


every 2 seconds:
every minecraft hour:
every tick: # can cause lag depending on the code inside the event
every minecraft days:




Since: 1.0
An event that is called periodically.


every 2 seconds in "world":
every minecraft hour in "flatworld":
every tick in "world": # can cause lag depending on the code inside the event
every minecraft days in "plots":

Attribute Type



  • generic attack speed, luck, max health, generic movement speed, flying speed, attack damage, horse jump strength, generic attack damage, generic luck, generic armor, generic flying speed, follow range, generic knockback resistance, movement speed, generic follow range, zombie spawn reinforcements, armor, generic attack knockback, attack speed, armor toughness, knockback resistance, generic max health, attack knockback, generic armor toughness
Since: 2.5
Represents the type of an attribute. Note that this type does not contain any numerical values.See attribute types for more info.


Missing examples.




  • roofed forest, old growth pine taiga, mesa forest, the void, snowy taiga, hell, jagged peaks, spiked ice plains, crimson forest, stone shore, birch forest, cold taiga, cold beach, savanna, giant tree taiga, marsh, windswept forest, wooded badlands, sky, nether, void, cold ocean, giant spruce taiga, lush caves, deep lukewarm ocean, deep frozen ocean, small end islands, ice spikes, old growth birch forest, badlands, badlands forest, ocean, lukewarm ocean, ice plains spikes, gravelly mountains, frozen peaks, stony peaks, jungle, basalt deltas, snowy beach, frozen ocean, mountains, forest, wooded mesa, eroded mesa, the end, dripstone caves, swampland, end barrens, ice plains with spikes, windswept hills, sea, unknown, black forest, soul sand valley, deep dark, mesa, plains, eroded badlands, mushroom fields, windswept gravelly hills, mushroom island, wooded mountains, shattered savanna, sunflower plains, snowy plains, meadow, snowy slopes, flower forest, windswept savanna, nether wastes, stony shore, taiga, frozen river, warm ocean, custom, old growth spruce taiga, deep cold ocean, swamp, mangrove swamp, deep ocean, end highlands, end midlands, cherry grove, sparse jungle, dark forest, jungle edge, grove, snowy tundra, beach, bamboo jungle, savanna plateau, river, tall birch forest, warped forest, desert
Since: 1.4.4
All possible biomes Minecraft uses to generate a world.


biome at the player is desert




  • Missing patterns.
Since: 1.0
A block in a world. It has a location and a type, and can also have a direction (mostly a facing), an inventory, or other special properties.


Missing examples.

Block Data



  • Missing patterns.
Since: 2.5
Block data is the detailed information about a block, referred to in Minecraft as BlockStates, allowing for the manipulation of different aspects of the block, including shape, waterlogging, direction the block is facing, and so much more. Information regarding each block's optional data can be found on Minecraft's Wiki. Find the block you're looking for and scroll down to 'Block States'. Different states must be separated by a semicolon (see examples). The 'minecraft:' namespace is optional, as well as are underscores.


set block at player to campfire[lit=false]
set target block of player to oak stairs[facing=north;waterlogged=true]
set block at player to grass_block[snowy=true]
set loop-block to minecraft:chest[facing=north]
set block above player to oak_log[axis=y]
set target block of player to minecraft:oak_leaves[distance=2;persistent=false]




  • true/yes/on or false/no/off
Since: 1.0
A boolean is a value that is either true or false. Other accepted names are 'on' and 'yes' for true, and 'off' and 'no' for false.


set {config.%player%.use mod} to false

Cat Type



  • red, all black, british shorthair, ragdoll, white, jellie, siamese, black, tabby, calico, persian
Since: 2.4
Requirements: Minecraft 1.14 or newer
Represents the race/type of a cat entity.


Missing examples.




  • Missing patterns.
Since: 2.0
A chunk is a cuboid of 16×16×128 (x×z×y) blocks. Chunks are spread on a fixed rectangular grid in their world.


Missing examples.

Click Type



  • lmb, number key, mmb, rmb, drop item, drop key, window border using left mouse button, unknown, window border using right mouse, shift+rmb, unsupported, shift+lmb, ctrl+q, swap shield, left mouse button, left mouse with shift, left mouse, 0-9, double click, double click using mouse, border using rmb, right mouse button, right mouse button with shift, border using lmb, middle mouse, drop key with control, window border using right mouse button, swap offhand, custom, q, right mouse with shift, middle mouse button, drop stack, left mouse button with shift, right mouse, creative action
Since: 2.2-dev16b, 2.2-dev35 (renamed to click type)
Click type, mostly for inventory events. Tells exactly which keys/buttons player pressed, assuming that default keybindings are used in client side.


Missing examples.




  • black, dark grey/dark gray, grey/light grey/gray/light gray/silver, white, blue/dark blue, cyan/aqua/dark cyan/dark aqua, light blue/light cyan/light aqua, green/dark green, light green/lime/lime green, yellow/light yellow, orange/gold/dark yellow, red/dark red, pink/light red, purple/dark purple, magenta/light purple, brown/indigo
Since: Unknown
Wool, dye and chat colors.


color of the sheep is red or black
set the color of the block to green
message "You're holding a &amp;lt;%color of tool%&amp;gt;%color of tool%&amp;lt;reset&amp;gt; wool block"

Command Sender



Since: 1.0
A player or the console.


command /push [&amp;amp;lt;player&amp;amp;gt;]:
        if arg-1 is not set:
            if command sender is console:
                send "You can't push yourself as a console :\" to sender
            push sender upwards with force 2
            send "Yay!"
            push arg-1 upwards with force 2
            send "Yay!" to sender and arg-1

Damage Cause



  • sweep attack, thorns, the void, magma, a lightning, drowning, dragonfire, an attack, drown, an entity attack, melt, freeze, falling block, contact, fire, an entity explosion, lightning, a fall, entity explosion, void, a lightning strike, suffocation, suicide, wither effect, a plugin, lightning strike, entity attack, a potion, a wither, sweeping, melting, a falling block, unknown, starvation, lava, fall, hot floor, attack, a block explosion, dryout, burn, hitting wall while flying, potion, world border, flying into a wall, cramming, poison, sonic boom, suffocate, custom, kill, killed, a fire, burning, a projectile, plugin, wither potion effect, block explosion, projectile, wither, dragon's breath
Since: 2.0
The cause/type of a damage event, e.g. lava, fall, fire, drowning, explosion, poison, etc. Please note that support for this type is very rudimentary, e.g. lava, fire and burning, as well as projectile and attack are considered different types.


Missing examples.




  • Missing patterns.
Since: 1.4
A date is a certain point in the real world's time which can be obtained with now expression, unix date expression and date function. See time and timespan for the other time types of Skript.


set {_yesterday} to now
subtract a day from {_yesterday}
# now {_yesterday} represents the date 24 hours before now




  • normal, medium, hard, easy, peaceful
Since: 2.3
The difficulty of a world.


Missing examples.




Since: 2.0
A direction, e.g. north, east, behind, 5 south east, 1.3 meters to the right, etc. Locations and some blocks also have a direction, but without a length. Please note that directions have changed extensively in the betas and might not work perfectly. They can also not be used as command arguments.


set the block below the victim to a chest
loop blocks from the block infront of the player to the block 10 below the player:
    set the block behind the loop-block to water




  • Efficiency, Looting, Soul Speed, Silk Touch, Quick Charge, Flame, Fortune, Aqua Affinity, Multishot, Channeling, Loyalty, Curse of Binding, Punch, Projectile Protection, Power, Sharpness, Frost Walker, Fire Protection, Impaling, Luck of The Sea, Riptide, Protection, Mending, Respiration, Piercing, Unbreaking, Swift Sneak, Feather Falling, Lure, Smite, Fire Aspect, Knockback, Depth Strider, Sweeping Edge, Infinity, Curse of Vanishing, Blast Protection, Bane of Arthropods, Thorns
Since: 1.4.6
An enchantment, e.g. 'sharpness' or 'fortune'. Unlike enchantment type this type has no level, but you usually don't need to use this type anyway.


Missing examples.

Enchantment Offer



  • Missing patterns.
Since: 2.5
The enchantmentoffer in an enchant prepare event.


on enchant prepare:
    set enchant offer 1 to sharpness 1
    set the cost of enchant offer 1 to 10 levels

Enchantment Type



  • <enchantment> [<level>]
Since: 1.4.6
An enchantment with an optional level, e.g. 'sharpness 2' or 'fortune'.


enchant the player's tool with sharpness 5
helmet is enchanted with waterbreathing




  • player, op, wolf, tamed ocelot, powered creeper, zombie, unsaddled pig, fireball, arrow, dropped item, item frame, etc.
Since: 1.0
An entity is something in a world that's not a block, e.g. a player, a skeleton, or a zombie, but also projectiles like arrows, fireballs or thrown potions, or special entities like dropped items, falling blocks or paintings.


entity is a zombie or creeper
player is an op
projectile is an arrow
shoot a fireball from the player

Entity Type



  • Detailed usage will be added eventually
Since: 1.3
The type of an entity, e.g. player, wolf, powered creeper, etc.


victim is a cow
spawn a creeper

Entity Type with Amount



Since: 1.3
An entity type with an amount, e.g. '2 zombies'. I might remove this type in the future and make a more general 'type' type, i.e. a type that has a number and a type.


spawn 5 creepers behind the player




  • [<number>] ([e]xp|experience [point[s]])
Since: 2.0
Experience points. Please note that Bukkit only allows to give XP, but not remove XP from players. You can however change a player's level and level progress freely.


give 10 xp to the player

Firework Effect



Since: 2.4
A configuration of effects that defines the firework when exploded which can be used in the launch firework effect. See the firework effect expression for detailed patterns.


launch flickering trailing burst firework colored blue and green at player
launch trailing flickering star colored purple, yellow, blue, green and red fading to pink at target entity
launch ball large colored red, purple and white fading to light green and black at player's location with duration 1

Firework Type



  • small, ball, star shaped, large, star, creeper face, small ball, large ball, burst, ball large, creeper
Since: 2.4
The type of a fireworkeffect.


Missing examples.

Game Mode



  • adventure, survival, spectator, creative
Since: 1.0
The game modes survival, creative, adventure and spectator.


player's gamemode is survival
set the player argument's game mode to creative




  • doWardenSpawning, tntExplosionDropDecay, globalSoundEvents, doFireTick, maxCommandChainLength, doVinesSpread, fireDamage, reducedDebugInfo, waterSourceConversion, disableElytraMovementCheck, lavaSourceConversion, announceAdvancements, drowningDamage, commandBlockOutput, forgiveDeadPlayers, doMobSpawning, maxEntityCramming, disableRaids, doWeatherCycle, mobExplosionDropDecay, doDaylightCycle, showDeathMessages, doTileDrops, universalAnger, playersSleepingPercentage, snowAccumulationHeight, doInsomnia, doImmediateRespawn, blockExplosionDropDecay, naturalRegeneration, doMobLoot, fallDamage, keepInventory, doEntityDrops, doLimitedCrafting, mobGriefing, randomTickSpeed, spawnRadius, freezeDamage, doTraderSpawning, commandModificationBlockLimit, logAdminCommands, spectatorsGenerateChunks, sendCommandFeedback, doPatrolSpawning
Since: 2.5
Requirements: Minecraft 1.13 or newer
A gamerule


Missing examples.

Gamerule Value



  • Missing patterns.
Since: 2.5
A wrapper for the value of a gamerule for a world.


Missing examples.




  • normal, lazy, happy, worried, worrisome, aggressive, brown, brownish, savage, playful, wild, weak
Since: 2.4
Requirements: Minecraft 1.14 or newer
Represents a Panda's main or hidden gene. See genetics for more info.


Missing examples.

Heal Reason



  • an ender crystal, magic, a magic regeneration, magic regeneration, fed, sated, a magic regen, regen potion, a wither spawn, peaceful, unknown, a regeneration potion, consuming, a wither effect, peaceful regeneration, wither summoning, healing potion, wither potion, an end crystal, satiated, regeneration potion, potion, satisfied, ingesting, withered, custom, a wither spawning, end crystal, eating, wither spawning, a wither summoning, wither effect, a plugin, a regen potion, plugin, withering, a potion, wither spawn, a healing potion, ender crystal, magic regen, wither, peaceful regen
Since: 2.5
The heal reason in a heal event.


Missing examples.




  • Missing patterns.
Since: 1.0
An inventory of a player or block. Inventories have many effects and conditions regarding the items contained. An inventory has a fixed amount of slots which represent a specific place in the inventory, e.g. the helmet slot for players (Please note that slot support is still very limited but will be improved eventually).


Missing examples.

Inventory Action



  • drop stack from slot, swap items with hotbar, swap cursor stack, pickup single item, pickup some, drop all from cursor, move to other inventory, drop cursor stack, pickup all, swap with hotbar, nothing, drop all from slot, swap cursor, drop cursor, pickup all items, drop slot item, place all, drop cursor item, drop slot stack, drop single item from slot, swap with cursor, place some, pickup one item, drop single item from cursor, collect items to cursor, unknown, clone stack, drop stack from cursor, drop one item from slot, drop one item from cursor, unsupported, do nothing, drop one from cursor, pickup half, drop items from slot, swap stack with cursor, place all items, collect to cursor, pickup some items, drop slot, drop items from cursor, hotbar move and readd, shift move, custom, pickup single, place one item, hotbar swap items, drop one from slot, place some items, place one, pickup half stack, instant move, hotbar swap
Since: 2.2-dev16
What player just did in inventory event. Note that when in creative game mode, most actions do not work correctly.


Missing examples.

Inventory Close Reasons



  • disconnect, death, teleport, cannot use, new opened, unknown, can't use, unloaded, disconnected, plugin, can not use, open new, player
Requirements: Paper
The inventory close reason in an inventory close event.


Missing examples.

Inventory Type



  • barrel inventory, a loom inventory, a blast furnace inventory, workbench inventory, ender chest inventory, loom inventory, a workbench inventory, hopper inventory, a merchant inventory, a hopper inventory, chiseled bookshelf, an ender chest inventory, new smithing table, bookshelf, a jukebox, beacon inventory, shulker box inventory, a barrel inventory, a shulker box inventory, lectern inventory, chest inventory, a villager inventory, a smoker inventory, a brewing stand inventory, a smithing inventory, grindstone inventory, a crafting table inventory, a player inventory, furnace inventory, a creative inventory, blast furnace inventory, upgrade gear, a composter inventory, an enchanting table inventory, jukebox, a dropper inventory, a cartography table inventory, a upgrade gear, smoker inventory, composter inventory, a chest inventory, upgrade gear table, a upgrade gear table, dispenser inventory, player inventory, stonecutter inventory, a stonecutter inventory, a lectern inventory, merchant inventory, cartography table inventory, a chiseled bookshelf, a new smithing table, a furnace inventory, anvil inventory, a dispenser inventory, a grindstone inventory, smithing inventory, dropper inventory, brewing stand inventory, villager inventory, enchanting table inventory, a beacon inventory, a bookshelf, creative inventory, crafting table inventory, an anvil inventory
Since: 2.2-dev32
Minecraft has several different inventory types with their own use cases.


Missing examples.




  • [<number> [of]] <alias> [of <enchantment> <level>], Where <alias> must be an alias that represents exactly one item (i.e cannot be a general alias like 'sword' or 'plant')
Since: 1.0
An item, e.g. a stack of torches, a furnace, or a wooden sword of sharpness 2. Unlike item type an item can only represent exactly one item (e.g. an upside-down cobblestone stair facing west), while an item type can represent a whole range of items (e.g. any cobble stone stairs regardless of direction). You don't usually need this type except when you want to make a command that only accepts an exact item. Please note that currently 'material' is exactly the same as 'item', i.e. can have an amount & enchantments.


set {_item} to type of the targeted block
{_item} is a torch

Item Type



  • [<number> [of]] [all/every] <alias> [of <enchantment> [<level>] [,/and <more enchantments...>]]
Since: 1.0
An item type is an alias, e.g. 'a pickaxe', 'all plants', etc., and can result in different items when added to an inventory, and unlike items they are well suited for checking whether an inventory contains a certain item or whether a certain item is of a certain type. An item type can also have one or more enchantments with or without a specific level defined, and can optionally start with 'all' or 'every' to make this item type represent all types that the alias represents, including data ranges.


give 4 torches to the player
add all slabs to the inventory of the block
player's tool is a diamond sword of sharpness
remove a pickaxes of fortune 4 from {stored items::*}
set {_item} to 10 of every upside-down stair
block is dirt or farmland

Living Entity



  • see entity, but ignore inanimate objects
Since: 1.0
A living entity, i.e. a mob or player, not inanimate entities like projectiles or dropped items.


spawn 5 powered creepers
shoot a zombie from the creeper




  • Missing patterns.
Since: 1.0
A location in a world. Locations are world-specific and even store a direction, e.g. if you save a location and later teleport to it you will face the exact same direction you did when you saved the location.


Missing examples.

Metadata Holder



  • Missing patterns.
Since: 2.2-dev36
Something that can hold metadata (e.g. an entity or block)


set metadata value "super cool" of player to true




  • <number> $ or $ <number>, where '$' is your server's currency, e.g. '10 rupees' or '£5.00'
Since: 2.0
Requirements: Vault, an economy plugin that supports Vault
A certain amount of money. Please note that this differs from numbers as it includes a currency symbol or name, but usually the two are interchangeable, e.g. you can both add 100$ to the player's balance and add 100 to the player's balance.


add 10£ to the player's account
remove Fr. 9.95 from the player's money
set the victim's money to 0
increase the attacker's balance by the level of the victim * 100

Moon Phase



  • last quarter, waning crescent, waxing gibbous, full moon, waning gibbous, waxing crescent, new moon, first quarter
Since: 2.7
Requirements: Paper 1.16+
Represents the phase of a moon.


Missing examples.




  • [-]###[.###] (any amount of digits; very large numbers will be truncated though)
Since: 1.0
A number, e.g. 2.5, 3, or -9812454. Please note that many expressions only need integers, i.e. will discard any fractional parts of any numbers without producing an error.


set the player's health to 5.5
set {_temp} to 2*{_temp} - 2.5




  • Missing patterns.
Since: 1.0
The supertype of all types, meaning that if %object% is used in e.g. a condition it will accept all kinds of expressions.


Missing examples.

Offline Player



  • Missing patterns.
Since: Unknown
A player that is possibly offline. See player for more information. Please note that while all effects and conditions that require a player can be used with an offline player as well, they will not work if the player is not actually online.


Missing examples.




  • Missing patterns.
Since: 1.0
A player. Depending on whether a player is online or offline several actions can be performed with them, though you won't get any errors when using effects that only work if the player is online (e.g. changing their inventory) on an offline player. You have two possibilities to use players as command arguments: <player> and <offline player>. The first requires that the player is online and also accepts only part of the name, while the latter doesn't require that the player is online, but the player's name has to be entered exactly.


Missing examples.

Potion Effect



  • speed of tier 1 for 10 seconds
Since: 2.5.2
A potion effect, including the potion effect type, tier and duration.


Missing examples.

Potion Effect Type



  • null, speed, slowness, haste, mining fatigue, strength, instant health, instant damage, jump boost, nausea, regeneration, resistance, fire resistance, water breathing, invisibility, blindness, night vision, hunger, weakness, poison, wither, health boost, absorption, saturation, glowing, levitation, luck, bad luck, slow falling, conduit power, dolphins grace, bad omen, hero of the village, darkness
Since: Unknown
A potion effect type, e.g. 'strength' or 'swiftness'.


apply swiftness 5 to the player
apply potion of speed 2 to the player for 60 seconds
remove invisibility from the victim




  • arrow, fireball, snowball, thrown potion, etc.
Since: 1.0
A projectile, e.g. an arrow, snowball or thrown potion.


projectile is a snowball
shoot an arrow at speed 5 from the player

Quit Reason



  • disconnected, erroneous state, kicked, quit, timed out, erroneous
Requirements: Paper 1.16.5+
Represents a quit reason from a player quit server event.


Missing examples.




  • "region name"
Since: 2.1
Requirements: Supported regions plugin
A region of a regions plugin. Skript currently supports WorldGuard, Factions, GriefPrevention and PreciousStones. Please note that some regions plugins do not have named regions, some use numerical ids to identify regions, and some may have regions with the same name in different worlds, thus using regions like "region name" in scripts may or may not work.


Missing examples.

Resource Pack State



  • refused, rejected, accepted, failed, failed to download, successfully loaded, accept, fail, successfully load, refuse, declined, successfully install, success, reject, decline, successfully installed, download fail
Since: 2.4
The state in a resource pack request response event.


Missing examples.

Server Icon



  • Missing patterns.
Since: 2.3
A server icon that was loaded using the load server icon effect.


Missing examples.




  • Missing patterns.
Since: Unknown
Represents a single slot of an inventory. Notable slots are the armour slots and furnace slots. The most important property that distinguishes a slot from an item is its ability to be changed, e.g. it can be set, deleted, enchanted, etc. (Some item expressions can be changed as well, e.g. items stored in variables. For that matter: slots are never saved to variables, only the items they represent at the time when the variable is set). Please note that tool can be regarded a slot, but it can actually change it's position, i.e. doesn't represent always the same slot.


set tool of player to dirt
delete helmet of the victim
set the color of the player's tool to green
enchant the player's chestplate with projectile protection 5

Sound Category



  • hostile creatures category, speech category, records category, friendly creature category, noteblock category, hostile creature category, note block category, voice category, ambient category, noteblocks category, note blocks category, weather category, block category, friendly mob category, jukebox category, hostile mob category, master category, master volume category, hostile category, record category, blocks category, environment category, jukeboxes category, player category, players category, hostile mobs category, friendly mobs category, music category, friendly creatures category, neutral category
Since: 2.4
The category of a sound, they are used for sound options of Minecraft. See the play sound and stop sound effects.


Missing examples.

Spawn Reason



  • dispense egg, egg, village defense, ocelot baby, silverfish trap, village invading, trap, dispensing egg, shoulder, drowned, metamorphosis, lightning, silverfish reveal, spell, built iron golem, natural, village invasion, frozen, mount, build wither, built wither, iron golem defense, ender pearl, creature spawner, reinforcements, build snowman, build iron golem, breeding, raid, infection, customized, spawn egg, jockey, beehive, default, golem defense, patrol, slime split, infected, sheared, mob spawner, nether portal, shear, perching, custom, built snowman, chunk generation, breed, command, duplication, explosion, spawner, cured, customised, piglin zombification
Since: 2.3
The spawn reason in a spawn event.


Missing examples.

Teleport Cause



  • bed exit, nether portal, ender gateway, exiting bed, chorus fruit, ender portal, command, unknown, plugin, dismounted, ender pearl, spectator, spectate, end gateway, chorus, exit bed, gateway, dismount, end portal
Since: 2.2-dev35
The teleport cause in a teleport event.


Missing examples.




  • simple: "..."
  • quotes: "...""..."
  • expressions: "...%expression%..."
  • percent signs: "...%%..."
Since: 1.0
Text is simply text, i.e. a sequence of characters, which can optionally contain expressions which will be replaced with a meaningful representation (e.g. %player% will be replaced with the player's name). Because scripts are also text, you have to put text into double quotes to tell Skript which part of the line is an effect/expression and which part is the text. Please read the article on Texts and Variable Names to learn more.


broadcast "Hello World!"
message "Hello %player%"
message "The id of ""%type of tool%"" is %id of tool%."




  • ##:##
  • ##[:##][ ]am/pm
Since: 1.0
A time is a point in a minecraft day's time (i.e. ranges from 0:00 to 23:59), which can vary per world. See date and timespan for the other time types of Skript.


at 20:00:
    time is 8 pm
    broadcast "It's %time%"




  • ##:## - ##:##
  • dusk/day/dawn/night
Since: 1.0
A period of time between two times. Mostly useful since you can use this to test for whether it's day, night, dusk or dawn in a specific world. This type might be removed in the future as you can use 'time of world is between x and y' as a replacement.


time in world is night




  • <number> [minecraft/mc/real/rl/irl] ticks/seconds/minutes/hours/days/weeks/months/years [[,/and] <more...>]
  • [###:]##:##[.####] ([hours:]minutes:seconds[.milliseconds])
Since: 1.0, 2.6.1 (weeks, months, years)
A timespan is a difference of two different dates or times, e.g '10 minutes'. Timespans are always displayed as real life time, but can be defined as minecraft time, e.g. '5 minecraft days and 12 hours'. NOTE: Months always have the value of 30 days, and years of 365 days. See date and time for the other time types of Skript.


every 5 minecraft days:
    wait a minecraft second and 5 ticks
every 10 mc days and 12 hours:
    halt for 12.7 irl minutes, 12 hours and 120.5 seconds

Tree Type



  • [any] <general tree/mushroom type>, e.g. tree/any jungle tree/etc.
  • <specific tree/mushroom species>, e.g. red mushroom/small jungle tree/big regular tree/etc.
Since: Unknown
A tree type represents a tree species or a huge mushroom species. These can be generated in a world with the generate tree effect.


grow any regular tree at the block
grow a huge red mushroom above the block




  • See the type name patterns of all types - including this one
Since: 2.0
Represents a type, e.g. number, object, item type, location, block, world, entity type, etc. This is mostly used for expressions like 'event-<type>', '<type>-argument', 'loop-<type>', etc., e.g. event-world, number-argument and loop-player.


{variable} is a number # check whether the variable contains a number, e.g. -1 or 5.5
{variable} is a type # check whether the variable contains a type, e.g. number or player
{variable} is an object # will always succeed if the variable is set as everything is an object, even types.
disable PvP in the event-world
kill the loop-entity




  • vector(x, y, z)
Since: 2.2-dev23
Vector is a collection of numbers. In Minecraft, 3D vectors are used to express velocities of entities.


Missing examples.

Visual Effect



  • smoke, potion break, ender signal, mobspawner flames, arrow particles, jumping rabbit, hurt, wolf smoke, wolf hearts, wolf shaking, sheep eating, iron golem offering rose, villager hearts, angry villager entity, happy villager entity, witch magic, zombie turning to a villager, firework explosion, love hearts, squid rotation reset, entity poof, guardian target, block with shield, shield break, armor stand hit, hurt by thorns, iron golem sheathing rose, resurrection by totem, hurt by drowning, hurt by explosion, explosion, large explosion, huge explosion, firework's spark, water bubble, water splash, water wake, suspended, void fog, critical hit, magical critical hit, smoke particle, large smoke, spell, spell, potion swirl, transparent potion swirl, witch spell, water drip, lava drip, angry villager, happy villager, small smoke, note, portal, flying glyph, flame, lava pop, cloud, coloured dust, snowball break, snow shovel, slime, heart, item crack, block break, block dust, water drop, mob appearance, dragon breath, end rod, damage indicator, sweep attack, falling dust, totem, spit, squid ink, bubble pop, current down, bubble column up, nautilus, dolphin, sneeze, campfire cosy smoke, campfire signal smoke, composter, flash, falling lava, landing lava, falling water, dripping honey, falling honey, landing honey, falling nectar, soul fire flame, ash, crimson spore, warped spore, soul, dripping obsidian tear, falling obsidian tear, landing obsidian tear, reverse portal, white ash, falling spore blossom, spore blossom air, small flame, snowflake, dripping dripstone lava, falling dripstone lava, dripping dripstone water, falling dripstone water, glow squid ink, glow, wax on, wax off, electric spark, scrape, sonic boom, sculk soul, sculk charge, sculk charge pop, shriek
Since: 2.1
A visible effect, e.g. particles.


show wolf hearts on the clicked wolf
play mob spawner flames at the targeted block to the player

Weather Type



  • clear/sun/sunny, rain/rainy/raining, and thunder/thundering/thunderstorm
Since: 1.0
The weather types sunny, rainy, and thundering.


is raining
is sunny in the player's world
message "It is %weather in the argument's world% in %world of the argument%"




  • "world_name", e.g. "world"
Since: 1.0, 2.2 (alternate syntax)
One of the server's worlds. Worlds can be put into scripts by surrounding their name with double quotes, e.g. "world_nether", but this might not work reliably as text uses the same syntax.


broadcast "Hello!" to the world "world_nether"

World Environment



  • normal, nether, the end, the overworld, custom, the nether, end, overworld
Since: 2.7
Represents the environment of a world.


Missing examples.




  • abs(n: number)
Since: 2.2
Return Type: Number
Returns the absolute value of the argument, i.e. makes the argument positive.


abs(3) = 3
abs(-2) = 2




  • acos(n: number)
Since: 2.2
Return Type: Number
The inverse of the cosine, also called arccos. Returns result in degrees, not radians. Only returns values from 0 to 180.


acos(0) = 90
acos(1) = 0
acos(0.5) = 30




  • asin(n: number)
Since: 2.2
Return Type: Number
The inverse of the sine, also called arcsin. Returns result in degrees, not radians. Only returns values from -90 to 90.


asin(0) = 0
asin(1) = 90
asin(0.5) = 30




  • atan(n: number)
Since: 2.2
Return Type: Number
The inverse of the tangent, also called arctan. Returns result in degrees, not radians. Only returns values from -90 to 90.


atan(0) = 0
atan(1) = 45
atan(10000) = 89.9943




  • atan2(x: number, y: number)
Since: 2.2
Return Type: Number
Similar to atan, but requires two coordinates and returns values from -180 to 180. The returned angle is measured counterclockwise in a standard mathematical coordinate system (x to the right, y to the top).


atan2(0, 1) = 0
atan2(10, 0) = 90
atan2(-10, 5) = -63.4349




  • calcExperience(level: long)
Since: 2.2-dev32
Return Type: long
Calculates the total amount of experience needed to achieve given level from scratch in Minecraft.


Missing examples.




  • caseEquals(strs: strings)
Since: 2.5
Return Type: Boolean
Checks if the contents of a list of strings are strictly equal with case sensitivity.


caseEquals("hi", "Hi") = false
caseEquals("text", "text", "text") = true
caseEquals({some list variable::*})




  • ceil(n: number)
Since: 2.2
Return Type: long
Rounds a number up, i.e. returns the closest integer larger than or equal to the argument.


ceil(2.34) = 3
ceil(2) = 2
ceil(2.99) = 3




  • ceiling(n: number)
Since: 2.2
Return Type: long
Alias of ceil.


ceiling(2.34) = 3
ceiling(2) = 2
ceiling(2.99) = 3




  • clamp(values: numbers, min: number, max: number)
Return Type: Number
Clamps one or more values between two numbers.


clamp(5, 0, 10) = 5
clamp(5.5, 0, 5) = 5
clamp(0.25, 0, 0.5) = 0.25
clamp(5, 7, 10) = 7
clamp((5, 0, 10, 9, 13), 7, 10) = (7, 7, 10, 9, 10)
set {_clamped::*} to clamp({_values::*}, 0, 10)




  • cos(n: number)
Since: 2.2
Return Type: Number
The cosine function. This is basically the sine shifted by 90°, i.e. cos(a) = sin(a + 90°), for any number a. Uses degrees, not radians.


cos(0) = 1
cos(90) = 0




  • date(year: number, month: number, day: number, hour: number = [[integer:0]], minute: number = [[integer:0]], second: number = [[integer:0]], millisecond: number = [[integer:0]], zone_offset: number = [[double:NaN]], dst_offset: number = [[double:NaN]])
Since: 2.2
Return Type: Date
Creates a date from a year, month, and day, and optionally also from hour, minute, second and millisecond. A time zone and DST offset can be specified as well (in minutes), if they are left out the server's time zone and DST offset are used (the created date will not retain this information).


date(2014, 10, 1) # 0:00, 1st October 2014
date(1990, 3, 5, 14, 30) # 14:30, 5th May 1990
date(1999, 12, 31, 23, 59, 59, 999, -3*60, 0) # almost year 2000 in parts of Brazil (-3 hours offset, no DST)




  • exp(n: number)
Since: 2.2
Return Type: Number
The exponential function. You probably don't need this if you don't know what this is.


exp(0) = 1
exp(1) = 2.7183




  • floor(n: number)
Since: 2.2
Return Type: long
Rounds a number down, i.e. returns the closest integer smaller than or equal to the argument.


floor(2.34) = 2
floor(2) = 2
floor(2.99) = 2




  • ln(n: number)
Since: 2.2
Return Type: Number
The natural logarithm. You probably don't need this if you don't know what this is. Returns NaN (not a number) if the argument is negative.


ln(1) = 0
ln(exp(5)) = 5
ln(2) = 0.6931




  • location(x: number, y: number, z: number, world: world = event-world, yaw: number = [[integer:0]], pitch: number = [[integer:0]])
Since: 2.2
Return Type: Location
Creates a location from a world and 3 coordinates, with an optional yaw and pitch. If for whatever reason the world is not found, it will fallback to the server's main world.


location(0, 128, 0)
location(player's x-coordinate, player's y-coordinate + 5, player's z-coordinate, player's world, 0, 90)
location(0, 64, 0, world "world_nether")
location(100, 110, -145, world("my_custom_world"))




  • log(n: number, base: number = [[integer:10]])
Since: 2.2
Return Type: Number
A logarithm, with base 10 if none is specified. This is the inverse operation to exponentiation (for positive bases only), i.e. log(base ^ exponent, base) = exponent for any positive number 'base' and any number 'exponent'. Another useful equation is base ^ log(a, base) = a for any numbers 'base' and 'a'. Please note that due to how numbers are represented in computers, these equations do not hold for all numbers, as the computed values may slightly differ from the correct value. Returns NaN (not a number) if any of the arguments are negative.


log(100) = 2 # 10^2 = 100
log(16, 2) = 4 # 2^4 = 16




  • max(ns: numbers)
Since: 2.2
Return Type: Number
Returns the maximum number from a list of numbers.


max(1) = 1
max(1, 2, 3, 4) = 4
max({some list variable::*})




  • min(ns: numbers)
Since: 2.2
Return Type: Number
Returns the minimum number from a list of numbers.


min(1) = 1
min(1, 2, 3, 4) = 1
min({some list variable::*})




  • mod(d: number, m: number)
Since: 2.2
Return Type: Number
Returns the modulo of the given arguments, i.e. the remainder of the division d/m, where d and m are the arguments of this function. The returned value is always positive. Returns NaN (not a number) if the second argument is zero.


mod(3, 2) = 1
mod(256436, 100) = 36
mod(-1, 10) = 9




  • offlineplayer(nameoruuid: string)
Return Type: Offline Player
Returns a offline player from their name or UUID. This function will still return the player if they're online.


set {_p} to offlineplayer("Notch")
set {_p} to offlineplayer("069a79f4-44e9-4726-a5be-fca90e38aaf5")




  • player(nameoruuid: string, getexactplayer: boolean = [[boolean:false]])
Return Type: Player
Returns an online player from their name or UUID, if player is offline function will return nothing. Setting 'getExactPlayer' parameter to true will return the player whose name is exactly equal to the provided name instead of returning a player that their name starts with the provided name.


set {_p} to player("Notch") # will return an online player whose name is or starts with 'Notch'
set {_p} to player("Notch", true) # will return the only online player whose name is 'Notch'
set {_p} to player("069a79f4-44e9-4726-a5be-fca90e38aaf5") # &lt;none&gt; if player is offline




  • product(ns: numbers)
Since: 2.2
Return Type: Number
Calculates the product of a list of numbers.


product(1) = 1
product(2, 3, 4) = 24
product({some list variable::*})
product(2, {_v::*}, and the player's y-coordinate)




  • rgb(red: long, green: long, blue: long)
Since: 2.5
Return Type: Color
Returns a RGB color from the given red, green and blue parameters.


dye player's leggings rgb(120, 30, 45)




  • round(n: number, d: number = [[integer:0]])
Since: 2.2, 2.7 (decimal placement)
Return Type: Number
Rounds a number, i.e. returns the closest integer to the argument. Place a second argument to define the decimal placement.


round(2.34) = 2
round(2) = 2
round(2.99) = 3
round(2.5) = 3




  • sin(n: number)
Since: 2.2
Return Type: Number
The sine function. It starts at 0° with a value of 0, goes to 1 at 90°, back to 0 at 180°, to -1 at 270° and then repeats every 360°. Uses degrees, not radians.


sin(90) = 1
sin(60) = 0.866




  • sqrt(n: number)
Since: 2.2
Return Type: Number
The square root, which is the inverse operation to squaring a number (for positive numbers only). This is the same as (argument) ^ (1/2) – other roots can be calculated via number ^ (1/root), e.g. set {_l} to {_volume}^(1/3). Returns NaN (not a number) if the argument is negative.


sqrt(4) = 2
sqrt(2) = 1.4142
sqrt(-1) = NaN




  • sum(ns: numbers)
Since: 2.2
Return Type: Number
Sums a list of numbers.


sum(1) = 1
sum(2, 3, 4) = 9
sum({some list variable::*})
sum(2, {_v::*}, and the player's y-coordinate)




  • tan(n: number)
Since: 2.2
Return Type: Number
The tangent function. This is basically sin(arg)/cos(arg). Uses degrees, not radians.


tan(0) = 0
tan(45) = 1
tan(89.99) = 5729.5779




  • vector(x: number, y: number, z: number)
Since: 2.2-dev23
Return Type: Vector
Creates a new vector, which can be used with various expressions, effects and functions.


vector(0, 0, 0)




  • world(name: string)
Since: 2.2
Return Type: World
Gets a world from its name.


set {_nether} to world("%{_world}%_nether")
\ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/docs.json b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/docs.json index b49218bda2..4742cf37a8 100644 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/docs.json +++ b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/docs.json @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ { - "skriptVersion" : "2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c", + "skriptVersion" : "2.8.0-dev-nightly-235b97a", "classes" : [ { @@ -108,7 +108,7 @@ ], "since" : "Unknown", "description" : "Wool, dye and chat colors.", - "examples" : "color of the sheep is red or black\\nset the color of the block to green\\nmessage \"You're holding a &amp;amp;amp;amp;lt;%color of tool%&amp;amp;amp;amp;gt;%color of tool%&amp;amp;amp;amp;lt;reset&amp;amp;amp;amp;gt; wool block\"" + "examples" : "color of the sheep is red or black\\nset the color of the block to green\\nmessage \"You're holding a &amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;lt;%color of tool%&amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;gt;%color of tool%&amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;lt;reset&amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;gt; wool block\"" }, { "id" : "commandsender", @@ -121,7 +121,7 @@ ], "since" : "1.0", "description" : "A player or the console.", - "examples" : "command /push [&amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;lt;player&amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;gt;]:\\n trigger:\\n if arg-1 is not set:\\n if command sender is console:\\n send \"You can't push yourself as a console :\\\" to sender\\n stop\\n push sender upwards with force 2\\n send \"Yay!\"\\n else:\\n push arg-1 upwards with force 2\\n send \"Yay!\" to sender and arg-1" + "examples" : "command /push [&amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;lt;player&amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;gt;]:\\n trigger:\\n if arg-1 is not set:\\n if command sender is console:\\n send \"You can't push yourself as a console :\\\" to sender\\n stop\\n push sender upwards with force 2\\n send \"Yay!\"\\n else:\\n push arg-1 upwards with force 2\\n send \"Yay!\" to sender and arg-1" }, { "id" : "damagecause", @@ -375,18 +375,6 @@ "description" : "The inventory close reason in an inventory close event.", "examples" : "Missing examples." }, -{ - "id" : "slot", - "name" : "Inventory Slot", - "patterns" : [ - "Missing patterns.", - - "pattern_end" - ], - "since" : "Unknown", - "description" : "Represents a single slot of an inventory. Notable slots are the armour slots and furnace slots. \\nThe most important property that distinguishes a slot from an item is its ability to be changed, e.g. it can be set, deleted, enchanted, etc. (Some item expressions can be changed as well, e.g. items stored in variables. For that matter: slots are never saved to variables, only the items they represent at the time when the variable is set).\\nPlease note that tool can be regarded a slot, but it can actually change it's position, i.e. doesn't represent always the same slot.", - "examples" : "set tool of player to dirt\\ndelete helmet of the victim\\nset the color of the player's tool to green\\nenchant the player's chestplate with projectile protection 5" -}, { "id" : "inventorytype", "name" : "Inventory Type", @@ -615,6 +603,18 @@ "description" : "A server icon that was loaded using the load server icon effect.", "examples" : "Missing examples." }, +{ + "id" : "slot", + "name" : "Slot", + "patterns" : [ + "Missing patterns.", + + "pattern_end" + ], + "since" : "Unknown", + "description" : "Represents a single slot of an inventory. Notable slots are the armour slots and furnace slots. \\nThe most important property that distinguishes a slot from an item is its ability to be changed, e.g. it can be set, deleted, enchanted, etc. (Some item expressions can be changed as well, e.g. items stored in variables. For that matter: slots are never saved to variables, only the items they represent at the time when the variable is set).\\nPlease note that tool can be regarded a slot, but it can actually change it's position, i.e. doesn't represent always the same slot.", + "examples" : "set tool of player to dirt\\ndelete helmet of the victim\\nset the color of the player's tool to green\\nenchant the player's chestplate with projectile protection 5" +}, { "id" : "soundcategory", "name" : "Sound Category", @@ -1445,6 +1445,19 @@ Note: This is the only element where not all patterns are shown. It has actually "description" : "Checks if an entity will create fire when it explodes. This condition is also usable in an explosion prime event.", "examples" : "on explosion prime:\\n if the explosion is fiery:\\n broadcast \"A fiery explosive has been ignited!\"" }, +{ + "id" : "CondIsInfinite", + "name" : "Is Infinite", + "patterns" : [ + "%potion effects% (is|are) infinite", +"%potion effects% (isn't|is not|aren't|are not) infinite", + + "pattern_end" + ], + "since" : "INSERT VERSION", + "description" : "Checks whether potion effects are infinite.", + "examples" : "all of the active potion effects of the player are infinite" +}, { "id" : "CondIsInteractable", "name" : "Is Interactable", @@ -1968,18 +1981,6 @@ Paper 1.17.1+ is required for non-player entities.", "description" : "Checks whether the defined strings match the input regexes (Regular expressions).", "examples" : "on chat:\\n if message partially matches \"\\d\":\\n send \"Message contains a digit!\"\\n if message doesn't match \"[A-Za-z]+\":\\n send \"Message doesn't only contain letters!\"" }, -{ - "id" : "CondMethodExists", - "name" : "Method Exists", - "patterns" : [ - "method[s] %texts% [do(esn't|n't)] exist[s]", - - "pattern_end" - ], - "since" : "2.7", - "description" : "Checks if a method exists", - "examples" : "if method \"org.bukkit.Bukkit#getPluginCommand(java.lang.String)" -}, { "id" : "CondProjectileCanBounce", "name" : "Projectile Can Bounce", @@ -2035,18 +2036,6 @@ This condition requires a supported regions plugin to be installed.", "description" : "Checks state of the resource pack in a resource pack request response event.", "examples" : "on resource pack response:\\n if the resource pack wasn't accepted:\\n kick the player due to \"You have to install the resource pack to play in this server!\"" }, -{ - "id" : "CondMinecraftVersion", - "name" : "Running Minecraft", - "patterns" : [ - "running [below] minecraft %text%", - - "pattern_end" - ], - "since" : "2.5", - "description" : "Checks if current Minecraft version is given version or newer.", - "examples" : "running minecraft \"1.14\"" -}, { "id" : "CondStartsEndsWith", "name" : "Starts/Ends With", @@ -2090,6 +2079,18 @@ This condition requires a supported regions plugin to be installed.", "description" : "Sends an action bar message to the given player(s).", "examples" : "send action bar \"Hello player!\" to player" }, +{ + "id" : "EffApplyBoneMeal", + "name" : "Apply Bone Meal", + "patterns" : [ + "apply [%number%] bone[ ]meal[s] [to %blocks%]", + + "pattern_end" + ], + "since" : "INSERT VERSION", + "description" : "Applies bone meal to a crop, sapling, or composter", + "examples" : "apply 3 bone meal to event-block" +}, { "id" : "EffBan", "name" : "Ban", @@ -2189,7 +2190,7 @@ You can add a tool, which will spawn items based on how that tool would break th "set %~objects% to %objects%", "remove (all|every) %objects% from %~objects%", "(remove|subtract) %objects% from %~objects%", -"reduce %~objects% by %objects%", +"(reduce|decrease) %~objects% by %objects%", "(delete|clear) %~objects%", "reset %~objects%", @@ -2836,15 +2837,14 @@ Note: if a player was hidden and relogs, this player will be visible again.", "name" : "Potion Effects", "patterns" : [ "apply %potion effects% to %living entities%", -"apply [potion of] %potions% [potion] [[[of] tier] %number%] to %living entities% [for %time span%] [(replacing [the] existing effect)]", -"apply ambient [potion of] %potions% [potion] [[[of] tier] %number%] to %living entities% [for %time span%] [(replacing [the] existing effect)]", -"apply [potion of] %potions% [potion] [[[of] tier] %number%] without [any] particles to %living entities% [for %time span%] [(replacing [the] existing effect)]", +"apply infinite [ambient] [potion of] %potions% [potion] [[[of] tier] %number%] [without [any] particles] [(whilst hiding [the]|without (the|a)) [potion] icon] to %living entities% [replacing [the] existing effect]", +"apply [ambient] [potion of] %potions% [potion] [[[of] tier] %number%] [without [any] particles] [(whilst hiding [the]|without (the|a)) [potion] icon] to %living entities% [for %time span%] [replacing [the] existing effect]", "pattern_end" ], - "since" : "2.0, 2.2-dev27 (ambient and particle-less potion effects), 2.5 (replacing existing effect), 2.5.2 (potion effects)", + "since" : "2.0, 2.2-dev27 (ambient and particle-less potion effects), 2.5 (replacing existing effect), 2.5.2 (potion effects), INSERT VERSION (icon and infinite)", "description" : "Apply or remove potion effects to/from entities.", - "examples" : "apply swiftness 2 to the player\\nremove haste from the victim\\non join:\\n apply potion of strength of tier {strength.%player%} to the player for 999 days\\napply potion effects of player's tool to player" + "examples" : "apply ambient swiftness 2 to the player\\nremove haste from the victim\\n\\non join:\\n apply infinite potion of strength of tier {strength::%uuid of player%} to the player\\n apply potion of strength of tier {strength::%uuid of player%} to the player for 999 days # Before 1.19.4\\n\\napply potion effects of player's tool to player\\napply haste potion of tier 3 without any particles to the player whilst hiding the potion icon # Hide potions" }, { "id" : "EffPush", @@ -2992,8 +2992,8 @@ status of the sent resource pack request.", "id" : "EffStopSound", "name" : "Stop Sound", "patterns" : [ - "stop (all sound[s]|sound[s] %texts%) [(in|from) %sound category%] [(from playing to|for) %players%]", -"stop playing sound[s] %texts% [(in|from) %sound category%] [(to|for) %players%]", + "stop (all sound[s]|sound[s] %texts%) [(in [the]|from) %sound category%] [(from playing to|for) %players%]", +"stop playing sound[s] %texts% [(in [the]|from) %sound category%] [(to|for) %players%]", "pattern_end" ], @@ -3001,7 +3001,7 @@ status of the sent resource pack request.", "description" : "Stops specific or all sounds from playing to a group of players. Both Minecraft sound names and Spigot sound names are supported. Resource pack sounds are supported too. The sound category is 'master' by default. A sound can't be stopped from a different category. Please note that sound names can get changed in any Minecraft or Spigot version, or even removed from Minecraft itself.", - "examples" : "stop sound \"block.chest.open\" for the player\\nstop playing sounds \"ambient.underwater.loop\" and \"ambient.underwater.loop.additions\" to the player\\nstop all sound for all players\\nstop sound in record category" + "examples" : "stop sound \"block.chest.open\" for the player\\nstop playing sounds \"ambient.underwater.loop\" and \"ambient.underwater.loop.additions\" to the player\\nstop all sounds for all players\\nstop sound in the record category" }, { "id" : "EffSwingHand", @@ -3416,7 +3416,7 @@ Do note that other event values, such as 'player', won't work in this section.", ], "since" : "1.4.1", "description" : "Called whenever a player chats.\\nUse chat format to change message format.\\nUse chat recipients to edit chat recipients.", - "examples" : "on chat:\\n if player has permission \"owner\":\\n set chat format to \"&amp;amp;lt;red&amp;amp;gt;[player]&amp;amp;lt;light gray&amp;amp;gt;: &amp;amp;lt;light red&amp;amp;gt;[message]\"\\n else if player has permission \"admin\":\\n set chat format to \"&amp;amp;lt;light red&amp;amp;gt;[player]&amp;amp;lt;light gray&amp;amp;gt;: &amp;amp;lt;orange&amp;amp;gt;[message]\"\\n else: #default message format\\n set chat format to \"&amp;amp;lt;orange&amp;amp;gt;[player]&amp;amp;lt;light gray&amp;amp;gt;: &amp;amp;lt;white&amp;amp;gt;[message]\"" + "examples" : "on chat:\\n if player has permission \"owner\":\\n set chat format to \"&amp;amp;amp;amp;lt;red&amp;amp;amp;amp;gt;[player]&amp;amp;amp;amp;lt;light gray&amp;amp;amp;amp;gt;: &amp;amp;amp;amp;lt;light red&amp;amp;amp;amp;gt;[message]\"\\n else if player has permission \"admin\":\\n set chat format to \"&amp;amp;amp;amp;lt;light red&amp;amp;amp;amp;gt;[player]&amp;amp;amp;amp;lt;light gray&amp;amp;amp;amp;gt;: &amp;amp;amp;amp;lt;orange&amp;amp;amp;amp;gt;[message]\"\\n else: #default message format\\n set chat format to \"&amp;amp;amp;amp;lt;orange&amp;amp;amp;amp;gt;[player]&amp;amp;amp;amp;lt;light gray&amp;amp;amp;amp;gt;: &amp;amp;amp;amp;lt;white&amp;amp;amp;amp;gt;[message]\"" }, { "id" : "chunk_generate", @@ -4286,8 +4286,8 @@ Do note that other event values, such as 'player', won't work in this section.", "examples" : "on place:\\non place of a furnace, workbench or chest:\\non break of chest[type=right] or chest[type=left]" }, { - "id" : "player_chunk_enters", - "name" : "On Player Chunk Enters", + "id" : "player_chunk_enter", + "name" : "On Player Chunk Enter", "patterns" : [ "[on] [player] (enter[s] [a] chunk|chunk enter[ing])", @@ -4295,7 +4295,7 @@ Do note that other event values, such as 'player', won't work in this section.", ], "since" : "2.7", "description" : "Called when a player enters a chunk. Note that this event is based on 'player move' event, and may be called frequent internally.", - "examples" : "on player enters a chunk:\\n send \"You entered a chunk: %past event-chunk% -&amp;gt; %event-chunk%!\" to player" + "examples" : "on player enters a chunk:\\n send \"You entered a chunk: %past event-chunk% -&amp;amp;amp;gt; %event-chunk%!\" to player" }, { "id" : "player_deep_sleep", @@ -4590,7 +4590,7 @@ Do note that other event values, such as 'player', won't work in this section.", ], "since" : "1.0", "description" : "As signs are placed empty, this event is called when a player is done editing a sign.", - "examples" : "on sign change:\\n line 2 is empty\\n set line 1 to \"&amp;amp;lt;red&amp;amp;gt;%line 1%\"" + "examples" : "on sign change:\\n line 2 is empty\\n set line 1 to \"&amp;amp;amp;amp;lt;red&amp;amp;amp;amp;gt;%line 1%\"" }, { "id" : "slime_split", @@ -4755,18 +4755,6 @@ Do note that other event values, such as 'player', won't work in this section.", "description" : "Called whenever a player is teleported, either by a nether/end portal or other means (e.g. by plugins).", "examples" : "on teleport:" }, -{ - "id" : "test_case", - "name" : "On Test Case", - "patterns" : [ - "[on] test %text% [when <.+>]", - - "pattern_end" - ], - "since" : "2.5", - "description" : "Contents represent one test case.", - "examples" : "Missing examples." -}, { "id" : "tool_change", "name" : "On Tool Change", @@ -6069,7 +6057,7 @@ To change the number of levels removed, use the enchant event.", "description" : "The numerical value of an entity's particular attribute. Note that the movement speed attribute cannot be reliably used for players. For that purpose, use the speed expression instead. Resetting an entity's attribute is only available in Minecraft 1.11 and above.", - "examples" : "on damage of player:\\n send \"You are wounded!\"\\n set victim's attack speed attribute to 2" + "examples" : "on damage of player:\\n send \"You are wounded!\" to victim\\n set victim's attack speed attribute to 2" }, { "id" : "ExprFireTicks", @@ -6322,6 +6310,18 @@ Note: The past, future and present states of an expression are sometimes called Note 2: If you don't specify whether to use the past or future state of an expression that has different values, its default value will be used which is usually the value after the event.", "examples" : "on teleport:\\n former world was \"world_nether\" # or 'world was'\\n world will be \"world\" # or 'world after the event is'\\non tool change:\\n past tool is an axe\\n the tool after the event will be air\\non weather change:\\n set {weather::%world%::old} to past weather\\n set {weather::%world%::current} to the new weather" }, +{ + "id" : "ExprMemory", + "name" : "Free / Max / Total Memory", + "patterns" : [ + "[the] [server] (free|max[imum]|total) (memory|ram)", + + "pattern_end" + ], + "since" : "INSERT VERSION", + "description" : "The free, max or total memory of the server in Megabytes.", + "examples" : "while player is online:\\n send action bar \"Memory left: %free memory%/%max memory%MB\" to player\\n wait 5 ticks" +}, { "id" : "ExprFreezeTicks", "name" : "Freeze Time", @@ -7664,6 +7664,18 @@ For 1.11.2 and above, it returns a list of passengers and you can use all change See also: vehicle", "examples" : "#for 1.11 and lower\\npassenger of the minecart is a creeper or a cow\\nthe saddled pig's passenger is a player\\n#for 1.11.2+\\npassengers of the minecart contains a creeper or a cow\\nthe boat's passenger contains a pig\\nadd a cow and a zombie to passengers of last spawned boat\\nset passengers of player's vehicle to a pig and a horse\\nremove all pigs from player's vehicle\\nclear passengers of boat" }, +{ + "id" : "ExprPercent", + "name" : "Percent of", + "patterns" : [ + "%number%(\\%| percent) of %numbers%", + + "pattern_end" + ], + "since" : "INSERT VERSION", + "description" : "Returns a percentage of one or more numbers.", + "examples" : "set damage to 10% of victim's health\\nset damage to 125 percent of damage\\nset {_result} to {_percent} percent of 999\\nset {_result::*} to 10% of {_numbers::*}\\nset experience to 50% of player's total experience" +}, { "id" : "LitPi", "name" : "Pi", @@ -8223,14 +8235,16 @@ or can be reset to the default icon in a "id" : "ExprSlotIndex", "name" : "Slot Index", "patterns" : [ - "[the] index of %slots%", -"%slots%'[s] index", + "[the] [(raw|unique)] index of %slots%", +"%slots%'[s] [(raw|unique)] index", "pattern_end" ], - "since" : "2.2-dev35", - "description" : "Index of an an inventory slot. Other types of slots may or may not have indices. Note that comparing slots with numbers is also possible; if index of slot is same as the number, comparisonsucceeds. This expression is mainly for the cases where you must for some reason save the slot numbers.", - "examples" : "if index of event-slot is 10:\\n send \"You bought a pie!\"" + "since" : "2.2-dev35, INSERT VERSION (raw index)", + "description" : "Index of an an inventory slot. Other types of slots may or may not have indices. Note that comparing slots with numbers is also possible; if index of slot is same as the number, comparisonsucceeds. This expression is mainly for the cases where you must for some reason save the slot numbers. + +Raw index of slot is unique for the view, see Minecraft Wiki", + "examples" : "if index of event-slot is 10:\\n send \"You bought a pie!\"\\n\\nif display name of player's top inventory is \"Custom Menu\": # 3 rows inventory\\n if raw index of event-slot > 27: # outside custom inventory\\n cancel event" }, { "id" : "ExprSortedList", diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/effects.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/effects.html index c96b6a5a09..8e7f3f00d5 100644 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/effects.html +++ b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/effects.html @@ -1 +1 @@ - Skript Documentation - 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c


Action Bar



  • send [the] action[ ]bar [with text] %text% [to %players%]
Since: 2.3
Sends an action bar message to the given player(s).


send action bar "Hello player!" to player




Since: 1.4, 2.1.1 (ban reason), 2.5 (timespan)
Bans or unbans a player or an IP address. If a reason is given, it will be shown to the player when they try to join the server while banned. A length of ban may also be given to apply a temporary ban. If it is absent for any reason, a permanent ban will be used instead. We recommend that you test your scripts so that no accidental permanent bans are applied.

Note that banning people does not kick them from the server. Consider using the kick effect after applying a ban.


unban player
ban ""
IP-ban the player because "he is an idiot"
ban player due to "inappropriate language" for 2 days

Break Block



Since: 2.4
Breaks the block and spawns items as if a player had mined it

You can add a tool, which will spawn items based on how that tool would break the block (ie: When using a hand to break stone, it drops nothing, whereas with a pickaxe it drops cobblestone)


on right click:
    break clicked block naturally
loop blocks in radius 10 around player:
    break loop-block using player's tool
loop blocks in radius 10 around player:
    break loop-block naturally using diamond pickaxe




Since: 1.0, 2.6 (broadcasting objects), 2.6.1 (using advanced formatting)
Broadcasts a message to the server.


broadcast "Welcome %player% to the server!"
broadcast "Woah! It's a message!"

Cancel Command Cooldown



  • (cancel|ignore) [the] [current] [command] cooldown
  • un(cancel|ignore) [the] [current] [command] cooldown
Since: 2.2-dev34
Only usable in commands. Makes it so the current command usage isn't counted towards the cooldown.


command /nick &lt;text&gt;:
    executable by: players
    cooldown: 10 seconds
        if length of arg-1 is more than 16:
            # Makes it so that invalid arguments don't make you wait for the cooldown again
            cancel the cooldown
            send "Your nickname may be at most 16 characters."
        set the player's display name to arg-1

Cancel Drops



  • (cancel|clear|delete) [the] drops [of (items|[e]xp[erience][s])]
  • (cancel|clear|delete) [the] (item|[e]xp[erience]) drops
Since: 2.4
Usable in events: death, break / mine
Requirements: 1.12.2 or newer (cancelling item drops of blocks)
Cancels drops of items or experiences in a death or block break event. Please note that this doesn't keep items or experiences of a dead player. If you want to do that, use the Keep Inventory / Experience effect.


on death of a zombie:
    if name of the entity is "&cSpecial":
        cancel drops of items

on break of a coal ore:
    cancel the experience drops

Cancel Event



  • cancel [the] event
  • uncancel [the] event
Since: 1.0
Cancels the event (e.g. prevent blocks from being placed, or damage being taken).


on damage:
    victim is a player
    victim has the permission "skript.god"
    cancel the event

Change: Set/Add/Remove/Delete/Reset



Since: 1.0 (set, add, remove, delete), 2.0 (remove all)
A very general effect that can change many expressions. Many expressions can only be set and/or deleted, while some can have things added to or removed from them.


# set:
Set the player's display name to "&lt;red&gt;%name of player%"
set the block above the victim to lava
# add:
add 2 to the player's health # preferably use '<a href='#EffHealth'>heal</a>' for this
add argument to {blacklist::*}
give a diamond pickaxe of efficiency 5 to the player
increase the data value of the clicked block by 1
# remove:
remove 2 pickaxes from the victim
subtract 2.5 from {points::%uuid of player%}
# remove all:
remove every iron tool from the player
remove all minecarts from {entitylist::*}
# delete:
delete the block below the player
clear drops
delete {variable}
# reset:
reset walk speed of player
reset chunk at the targeted block

Charge Creeper



  • make %living entities% [a[n]] (charged|powered|((un|non[-])charged|(un|non[-])powered)) [creeper[s]]
  • (charge|power|(uncharge|unpower)) %living entities%
Since: 2.5
Charges or uncharges a creeper. A creeper is charged when it has been struck by lightning.


on spawn of creeper:
    charge the event-entity

Color Items



Since: 2.0, 2.2-dev26 (maps and potions)
Colors items in a given color. You can also use RGB codes if you feel limited with the 16 default colors. RGB codes are three numbers from 0 to 255 in the order (red, green, blue), where (0,0,0) is black and (255,255,255) is white. Armor is colorable for all Minecraft versions. With Minecraft 1.11 or newer you can also color potions and maps. Note that the colors might not look exactly how you'd expect.


dye player's helmet blue
color the player's tool red




Since: 1.0, INSERT VERSION (bungeecord command)
Executes a command. This can be useful to use other plugins in triggers. If the command is a bungeecord side command, you can use the [bungeecord] option to execute command on the proxy.


make player execute command "/home"
execute console command "/say Hello everyone!"
execute player bungeecord command "/alert &6Testing Announcement!"




Since: 2.3
Connects a player to another bungeecord server


connect all players to "hub"




  • continue [loop]
Since: 2.2-dev37, 2.7 (while loops)
Immediately moves the (while) loop on to the next iteration.


# Broadcast online moderators
loop all players:
    if loop-value does not have permission "moderator":
        continue # filter out non moderators
    broadcast "%loop-player% is a moderator!" # Only moderators get broadcast

# Game starting counter
set {_counter} to 11
while {_counter} > 0:
    remove 1 from {_counter}
    wait a second
    if {_counter} != 1, 2, 3, 5 or 10:
        continue # only print when counter is 1, 2, 3, 5 or 10
    broadcast "Game starting in %{_counter}% second(s)"




Since: 1.0
Damage/Heal/Repair an entity, or item.


damage player by 5 hearts
heal the player
repair tool of player




Since: 1.4
Delays the script's execution by a given timespan. Please note that delays are not persistent, e.g. trying to create a tempban script with ban player → wait 7 days → unban player will not work if you restart your server anytime within these 7 days. You also have to be careful even when using small delays!


wait 2 minutes
halt for 5 minecraft hours
wait a tick

Do If



  • <.+> if <.+>
Since: 2.3
Execute an effect if a condition is true.


on join:
    give a diamond to the player if the player has permission "rank.vip"




Since: 1.0
Drops one or more items.


on death of creeper:
    drop 1 TNT

Enable/Disable/Reload Script File



  • ((enable|load)|reload|(disable|unload)) s(c|k)ript [file] %text%
Since: 2.4
Enables, disables, or reloads a script file.


reload script "test"
enable script file "testing"
unload script file "script.sk"




Since: 2.0
Enchant or disenchant an existing item.


enchant the player's tool with sharpness 5
disenchant the player's tool




Since: 1.0, 2.7 (multiple entities, unequip)
Equips or unequips an entity with some given armor. This will replace any armor that the entity is wearing.


equip player with diamond helmet
equip player with all diamond armor
unequip diamond chestplate from player
unequip all armor from player
unequip player's armor




  • (exit|stop) [trigger]
  • (exit|stop) [(1|a|the|this)] (section|loop|conditional)
  • (exit|stop) <\d+> (section|loop|conditional)s
  • (exit|stop) all (section|loop|conditional)s
Since: unknown (before 2.1)
Exits a given amount of loops and conditionals, or the entire trigger.


if player has any ore:
message "%player% has no ores!"
loop blocks above the player:
    loop-block is not air:
        exit 2 sections
    set loop-block to water

Explode Creeper



Since: 2.5
Requirements: Paper 1.13 or newer/Spigot 1.14 or newer. Ignition can be stopped on Paper 1.13 or newer.
Starts the explosion process of a creeper or instantly explodes it.


start explosion of the last spawned creeper
stop ignition of the last spawned creeper




Since: 1.0
Creates an explosion of a given force. The Minecraft Wiki has an article on explosions which lists the explosion forces of TNT, creepers, etc. Hint: use a force of 0 to create a fake explosion that does no damage whatsoever, or use the explosion effect introduced in Skript 2.0. Starting with Bukkit 1.4.5 and Skript 2.0 you can use safe explosions which will damage entities but won't destroy any blocks.


create an explosion of force 10 at the player
create an explosion of force 0 at the victim




Since: 2.2-dev34
Feeds the specified players.


feed all players
feed the player by 5 beefs

Force Attack



Since: 2.5.1
Requirements: Minecraft 1.15.2+
Makes a living entity attack an entity with a melee attack.


spawn a wolf at player's location
make last spawned wolf attack player

Force Respawn



Since: 2.2-dev21
Forces player(s) to respawn if they are dead. If this is called without delay from death event, one tick is waited before respawn attempt.


on death of player:
    force event-player to respawn




Requirements: Paper 1.17.1+
Make mobs left or right-handed. This does not affect players.


spawn skeleton at spawn of world "world":
    make entity left handed

make all zombies in radius 10 of player right handed

Hide Player from Server List



  • hide %players% (in|on|from) [the] server list
  • hide %players%'[s] info[rmation] (in|on|from) [the] server list
Since: 2.3
Hides a player from the hover list and decreases the online players count (only if the player count wasn't changed before).


on server list ping:
    hide {vanished::*} from the server list




Since: 1.4
Lights entities on fire or extinguishes them.


ignite the player
extinguish the player

Keep Inventory / Experience



  • keep [the] (inventory|items) [(and [e]xp[erience][s] [point[s]])]
  • keep [the] [e]xp[erience][s] [point[s]] [(and (inventory|items))]
Since: 2.4
Usable in events: death
Keeps the inventory or/and experiences of the dead player in a death event.


on death of a player:
    if the victim is an op:
        keep the inventory and experiences




  • kick %players% [(by reason of|because [of]|on account of|due to) %text%]
Since: 1.0
Kicks a player from the server.


on place of TNT, lava, or obsidian:
    kick the player due to "You may not place %block%!"
    cancel the event




Since: 1.0
Kills an entity. Note: This effect does not set the entity's health to 0 (which causes issues), but damages the entity by 100 times its maximum health.


kill the player
kill all creepers in the player's world
kill all endermen, witches and bats




Since: 2.7
Requirements: Paper 1.19.2+
Apply the same velocity as a knockback to living entities in a direction. Mechanics such as knockback resistance will be factored in.


knockback player north
knock victim (vector from attacker to victim) with strength 10

Launch firework



Since: 2.4
Launch firework effects at the given location(s).


launch ball large colored red, purple and white fading to light green and black at player's location with duration 1

Leash entities



Since: 2.3
Leash living entities to other entities.


leash the player to the target entity




Since: 1.4
Strike lightning at a given location. Can use 'lightning effect' to create a lightning that does not harm entities or start fires.


strike lightning at the player
strike lightning effect at the victim

Load Server Icon



  • load [the] server icon (from|of) [the] [image] [file] %text%
Since: 2.3
Requirements: Paper 1.12.2 or newer
Loads server icons from the given files. You can get the loaded icon using the last loaded server icon expression. Please note that the image must be 64x64 and the file path starts from the server folder.


on load:
    clear {server-icons::*}
    loop 5 times:
        load server icon from file "icons/%loop-number%.png"
        add the last loaded server icon to {server-icons::*}

on server list ping:
    set the icon to a random server icon out of {server-icons::*}

Locally Suppress Warning



  • [local[ly]] suppress [the] (conflict|variable save|[missing] conjunction[s]|starting [with] expression[s]) warning[s]
Since: 2.3
Suppresses target warnings from the current script.


locally suppress missing conjunction warnings
suppress the variable save warnings




Since: 2.0
Writes text into a .log file. Skript will write these files to /plugins/Skript/logs. NB: Using 'server.log' as the log file will write to the default server log. Omitting the log file altogether will log the message as '[Skript] [<script>.sk] <message>' in the server log.


on place of TNT:
    log "%player% placed TNT in %world% at %location of block%" to "tnt/placement.log"

Look At



Since: 2.7
Requirements: Paper 1.17+, Paper 1.19.1+ (Players & Look Anchors)
Forces the mob(s) or player(s) to look at an entity, vector or location. Vanilla max head pitches range from 10 to 50.


force the head of the player to look towards event-entity's feet

on entity explosion:
    set {_player} to the nearest player
    {_player} is set
    distance between {_player} and the event-location is less than 15
    make {_player} look towards vector from the {_player} to location of the event-entity

force {_enderman} to face the block 3 meters above {_location} at head rotation speed 100.5 and max head pitch -40

Make Egg Hatch



  • make [the] egg [not] hatch
Since: 2.7
Usable in events: Egg Throw
Makes the egg hatch in a Player Egg Throw event.


on player egg throw:
    make the egg hatch

Make Fly



Since: 2.2-dev34
Forces a player to start/stop flying.


make player fly
force all players to stop flying

Make Incendiary



  • make %entities% [not] incendiary
  • make %entities%'[s] explosion [not] (incendiary|fiery)
  • make [the] [event(-| )]explosion [not] (incendiary|fiery)
Since: 2.5
Sets if an entity's explosion will leave behind fire. This effect is also usable in an explosion prime event.


on explosion prime:
    make the explosion fiery

Make Invisible



Since: 2.7
Makes a living entity visible/invisible. This is not a potion and therefore does not have features such as a time limit or particles. When setting an entity to invisible while using an invisibility potion on it, the potion will be overridden and when it runs out the entity keeps its invisibility.


make target entity invisible

Make Invulnerable



Since: 2.5
Makes an entity invulnerable/not invulnerable.


make target entity invulnerable

Make Say



Since: 2.3
Forces a player to send a message to the chat. If the message starts with a slash it will force the player to use command.


make the player say "Hello."
force all players to send the message "I love this server"




Since: 1.0, 2.2-dev26 (advanced features), 2.5.2 (optional sender), 2.6 (sending objects)
Requirements: Minecraft 1.16.4+ for optional sender
Sends a message to the given player. Only styles written in given string or in formatted expressions will be parsed. Adding an optional sender allows the messages to be sent as if a specific player sent them. This is useful with Minecraft 1.16.4's new chat ignore system, in which players can choose to ignore other players, but for this to work, the message needs to be sent from a player.


message "A wild %player% appeared!"
message "This message is a distraction. Mwahaha!"
send "Your kill streak is %{kill streak::%uuid of player%}%." to player
if the targeted entity exists:
    message "You're currently looking at a %type of the targeted entity%!"
on chat:
    cancel event
    send "[%player%] >> %message%" to all players from player

Open Book



Since: 2.5.1
Requirements: Minecraft 1.14.2+
Opens a written book to a player.


open book player's tool to player

Open/Close Inventory



  • (open|show) (((crafting [table]|workbench)|chest|anvil|hopper|dropper|dispenser) [(view|window|inventory)]|%inventory/inventory type%) (to|for) %players%
  • close [the] inventory [view] (to|of|for) %players%
  • close %players%'[s] inventory [view]
Since: 2.0, 2.1.1 (closing), 2.2-Fixes-V10 (anvil), 2.4 (hopper, dropper, dispenser
Opens an inventory to a player. The player can then access and modify the inventory as if it was a chest that he just opened. Please note that currently 'show' and 'open' have the same effect, but 'show' will eventually show an unmodifiable view of the inventory in the future.


show the victim's inventory to the player
open the player's inventory for the player




Since: 2.7
Requirements: Paper
Make an entity pathfind towards a location or another entity. Not all entities can pathfind. If the pathfinding target is another entity, the entities may or may not continuously follow the target.


make all creepers pathfind towards player
make all cows stop pathfinding
make event-entity pathfind towards player at speed 1

Play Effect



Since: 2.1
Plays a visual effect at a given location or on a given entity. Please note that some effects can only be played on entities, e.g. wolf hearts or the hurt effect, and that these are always visible to all players.


play wolf hearts on the clicked wolf
show mob spawner flames at the targeted block to the player

Play Sound



Since: 2.2-dev28, 2.4 (sound categories)
Plays a sound at given location for everyone or just for given players, or plays a sound to specified players. Both Minecraft sound names and Spigot sound names are supported. Playing resource pack sounds are supported too. The sound category is 'master' by default.

Please note that sound names can get changed in any Minecraft or Spigot version, or even removed from Minecraft itself.


play sound "block.note_block.pling" # It is block.note.pling in 1.12.2
play sound "entity.experience_orb.pickup" with volume 0.5 to the player
play sound "custom.music.1" in jukebox category at {speakerBlock}

Player Info Visibility



  • hide [all] player [related] info[rmation] [(in|on|from) [the] server list]
  • (show|reveal) [all] player [related] info[rmation] [(in|to|on|from) [the] server list]
Since: 2.3
Usable in events: server list ping
Requirements: Paper 1.12.2 or newer
Sets whether all player related information is hidden in the server list. The Vanilla Minecraft client will display ??? (dark gray) instead of player counts and will not show the hover hist when hiding player info. The version string can override the ???. Also the Online Players Count and Max Players expressions will return -1 when hiding player info.


hide player info
hide player related information in the server list
reveal all player related info

Player Visibility



Since: 2.3
Change visibility of a player for the given players. When reveal is used in combination of the hidden players expression and the viewers are not specified, this will default it to the given player in the hidden players expression.

Note: if a player was hidden and relogs, this player will be visible again.


on join:
    if {vanished::%player's uuid%} is true:
        hide the player from all players

reveal hidden players of {_player}




Since: 1.3.2
Poison or cure a creature.


poison the player
poison the victim for 20 seconds
cure the player from poison

Potion Effects



Since: 2.0, 2.2-dev27 (ambient and particle-less potion effects), 2.5 (replacing existing effect), 2.5.2 (potion effects)
Apply or remove potion effects to/from entities.


apply swiftness 2 to the player
remove haste from the victim
on join:
    apply potion of strength of tier {strength.%player%} to the player for 999 days
apply potion effects of player's tool to player




Since: 1.4.6
Push entities around.


push the player upwards
push the victim downwards at speed 0.5




Since: 1.3.4
Set the PvP state for a given world.


enable PvP #(current world only)
disable PvP in all worlds




Since: 2.0, 2.2-dev24 (replace in multiple strings and replace items in inventory), 2.5 (replace first, case sensitivity)
Replaces all occurrences of a given text with another text. Please note that you can only change variables and a few expressions, e.g. a message or a line of a sign.


replace "<item>" in {textvar} with "%item%"
replace every "&" with "§" in line 1
# The following acts as a simple chat censor, but it will e.g. censor mass, hassle, assassin, etc. as well:
on chat:
    replace all "kys", "idiot" and "noob" with "****" in the message

replace all stone and dirt in player's inventory and player's top inventory with diamond




Since: 2.2, INSERT VERSION (returns aliases)
Makes a function return a value


function double(i: number) :: number:
    return 2 * {_i}

function divide(i: number) returns number:
    return {_i} / 2

Send Block Change



Since: 2.2-dev37c, 2.5.1 (block data support)
Makes a player see a block as something it really isn't. BlockData support is only for MC 1.13+


make player see block at player as dirt
make player see target block as campfire[facing=south]

Send Resource Pack



  • send [the] resource pack [from [[the] URL]] %text% to %players%
  • send [the] resource pack [from [[the] URL]] %text% with hash %text% to %players%
Since: 2.4
Request that the player's client download and switch resource packs. The client will download the resource pack in the background, and will automatically switch to it once the download is complete. The URL must be a direct download link.

The hash is used for caching, the player won't have to re-download the resource pack that way. The hash must be SHA-1, you can get SHA-1 hash of your resource pack using this online tool.

The resource pack request action can be used to check status of the sent resource pack request.


on join:
    send the resource pack from "URL" with hash "hash" to the player




Since: 2.0
Shears or 'un-shears' a sheep. Please note that no wool is dropped, this only sets the 'sheared' state of the sheep.


on rightclick on a sheep holding a sword:
    shear the clicked sheep




Since: 1.4
Shoots a projectile (or any other entity) from a given entity.


shoot an arrow
make the player shoot a creeper at speed 10
shoot a pig from the creeper

Silence Entity



Since: 2.5
Controls whether or not an entity is silent.


make target entity silent

Stop Server



  • (stop|shut[ ]down) [the] server
  • restart [the] server
Since: 2.5
Stops or restarts the server. If restart is used when the restart-script spigot.yml option isn't defined, the server will stop instead.


stop the server
restart server

Stop Sound



Since: 2.4, 2.7 (stop all sounds)
Requirements: MC 1.17.1 (stop all sounds)
Stops specific or all sounds from playing to a group of players. Both Minecraft sound names and Spigot sound names are supported. Resource pack sounds are supported too. The sound category is 'master' by default. A sound can't be stopped from a different category.

Please note that sound names can get changed in any Minecraft or Spigot version, or even removed from Minecraft itself.


stop sound "block.chest.open" for the player
stop playing sounds "ambient.underwater.loop" and "ambient.underwater.loop.additions" to the player
stop all sound for all players
stop sound in record category

Swing Hand



Since: 2.5.1
Requirements: Minecraft 1.15.2+
Makes an entity swing their hand. This does nothing if the entity does not have an animation for swinging their hand.


make player swing their main hand




Since: 1.0
Teleport an entity to a specific location. This effect is delayed by default on Paper, meaning certain syntax such as the return effect for functions cannot be used after this effect. The keyword 'force' indicates this effect will not be delayed, which may cause lag spikes or server crashes when using this effect to teleport entities to unloaded chunks.


teleport the player to {homes.%player%}
teleport the attacker to the victim

Title - Reset



  • reset [the] title[s] [of %players%]
  • reset [the] %players%'[s] title[s]
Since: 2.3
Resets the title of the player to the default values.


reset the titles of all players
reset the title

Title - Send



Since: 2.3
Sends a title/subtitle to the given player(s) with optional fadein/stay/fadeout times for Minecraft versions 1.11 and above.

If you're sending only the subtitle, it will be shown only if there's a title displayed at the moment, otherwise it will be sent with the next title. To show only the subtitle, use: send title " " with subtitle "yourtexthere" to player.

Note: if no input is given for the times, it will keep the ones from the last title sent, use the reset title effect to restore the default values.


send title "Competition Started" with subtitle "Have fun, Stay safe!" to player for 5 seconds
send title "Hi %player%" to player
send title "Loot Drop" with subtitle "starts in 3 minutes" to all players
send title "Hello %player%!" with subtitle "Welcome to our server" to player for 5 seconds with fadein 1 second and fade out 1 second
send subtitle "Party!" to all players




  • (close|turn off|de[-]activate) %blocks%
  • (toggle|switch) [[the] state of] %blocks%
  • (open|turn on|activate) %blocks%
Since: 1.4
Toggle the state of a block.


# use arrows to toggle switches, doors, etc.
on projectile hit:
    projectile is arrow
    toggle the block at the arrow

Toggle Flight



  • (allow|enable) (fly|flight) (for|to) %players%
  • (disallow|disable) (fly|flight) (for|to) %players%
Since: 2.3
Toggle the flight mode of a player.


allow flight to event-player

Toggle Picking Up Items



Determines whether living entities are able to pick up items or not


forbid player from picking up items
send "You can no longer pick up items!" to player

on drop:
    if player can't pick    up items:
        allow player to pick up items




Since: 1.0
Creates a tree. This may require that there is enough space above the given location and that the block below is dirt/grass, but it is possible that the tree will just grow anyways, possibly replacing every block in its path.


grow a tall redwood tree above the clicked block

Vectors - Rotate Around Vector



Since: 2.2-dev28
Rotates a vector around another vector


rotate {_v} around vector 1, 0, 0 by 90

Vectors - Rotate around XYZ



Since: 2.2-dev28
Rotates a vector around x, y, or z axis by some degrees


rotate {_v} around x-axis by 90
rotate {_v} around y-axis by 90
rotate {_v} around z-axis by 90 degrees




  • (make|let|force) %entities% [to] (ride|mount) [(in|on)] %entities/entity types%
  • (make|let|force) %entities% [to] (dismount|(dismount|leave) [(from|of)] [(any|the[ir]|his|her)] vehicle[s])
  • (eject|dismount) [(any|the)] passenger[s] (of|from) %entities%
Since: 2.0
Makes an entity ride another entity, e.g. a minecart, a saddled pig, an arrow, etc.


make the player ride a saddled pig
make the attacker ride the victim




Since: 1.0
Grant/revoke a user operator state.


op the player
deop all players




Since: 1.0, 2.6.1 (with section)
Spawn a creature. This can be used as an effect and as a section. If it is used as a section, the section is run before the entity is added to the world. You can modify the entity in this section, using for example 'event-entity' or 'cow'. Do note that other event values, such as 'player', won't work in this section.


spawn 3 creepers at the targeted block
spawn a ghast 5 meters above the player
spawn a zombie at the player:
    set name of the zombie to ""
\ No newline at end of file + Skript Documentation - 2.8.0-dev-nightly-235b97a


Action Bar



  • send [the] action[ ]bar [with text] %text% [to %players%]
Since: 2.3
Sends an action bar message to the given player(s).


send action bar "Hello player!" to player

Apply Bone Meal



Requirements: MC 1.16.2+
Applies bone meal to a crop, sapling, or composter


apply 3 bone meal to event-block




Since: 1.4, 2.1.1 (ban reason), 2.5 (timespan)
Bans or unbans a player or an IP address. If a reason is given, it will be shown to the player when they try to join the server while banned. A length of ban may also be given to apply a temporary ban. If it is absent for any reason, a permanent ban will be used instead. We recommend that you test your scripts so that no accidental permanent bans are applied.

Note that banning people does not kick them from the server. Consider using the kick effect after applying a ban.


unban player
ban ""
IP-ban the player because "he is an idiot"
ban player due to "inappropriate language" for 2 days

Break Block



Since: 2.4
Breaks the block and spawns items as if a player had mined it

You can add a tool, which will spawn items based on how that tool would break the block (ie: When using a hand to break stone, it drops nothing, whereas with a pickaxe it drops cobblestone)


on right click:
    break clicked block naturally
loop blocks in radius 10 around player:
    break loop-block using player's tool
loop blocks in radius 10 around player:
    break loop-block naturally using diamond pickaxe




Since: 1.0, 2.6 (broadcasting objects), 2.6.1 (using advanced formatting)
Broadcasts a message to the server.


broadcast "Welcome %player% to the server!"
broadcast "Woah! It's a message!"

Cancel Command Cooldown



  • (cancel|ignore) [the] [current] [command] cooldown
  • un(cancel|ignore) [the] [current] [command] cooldown
Since: 2.2-dev34
Only usable in commands. Makes it so the current command usage isn't counted towards the cooldown.


command /nick &lt;text&gt;:
    executable by: players
    cooldown: 10 seconds
        if length of arg-1 is more than 16:
            # Makes it so that invalid arguments don't make you wait for the cooldown again
            cancel the cooldown
            send "Your nickname may be at most 16 characters."
        set the player's display name to arg-1

Cancel Drops



  • (cancel|clear|delete) [the] drops [of (items|[e]xp[erience][s])]
  • (cancel|clear|delete) [the] (item|[e]xp[erience]) drops
Since: 2.4
Usable in events: death, break / mine
Requirements: 1.12.2 or newer (cancelling item drops of blocks)
Cancels drops of items or experiences in a death or block break event. Please note that this doesn't keep items or experiences of a dead player. If you want to do that, use the Keep Inventory / Experience effect.


on death of a zombie:
    if name of the entity is "&cSpecial":
        cancel drops of items

on break of a coal ore:
    cancel the experience drops

Cancel Event



  • cancel [the] event
  • uncancel [the] event
Since: 1.0
Cancels the event (e.g. prevent blocks from being placed, or damage being taken).


on damage:
    victim is a player
    victim has the permission "skript.god"
    cancel the event

Change: Set/Add/Remove/Delete/Reset



Since: 1.0 (set, add, remove, delete), 2.0 (remove all)
A very general effect that can change many expressions. Many expressions can only be set and/or deleted, while some can have things added to or removed from them.


# set:
Set the player's display name to "&lt;red&gt;%name of player%"
set the block above the victim to lava
# add:
add 2 to the player's health # preferably use '<a href='#EffHealth'>heal</a>' for this
add argument to {blacklist::*}
give a diamond pickaxe of efficiency 5 to the player
increase the data value of the clicked block by 1
# remove:
remove 2 pickaxes from the victim
subtract 2.5 from {points::%uuid of player%}
# remove all:
remove every iron tool from the player
remove all minecarts from {entitylist::*}
# delete:
delete the block below the player
clear drops
delete {variable}
# reset:
reset walk speed of player
reset chunk at the targeted block

Charge Creeper



  • make %living entities% [a[n]] (charged|powered|((un|non[-])charged|(un|non[-])powered)) [creeper[s]]
  • (charge|power|(uncharge|unpower)) %living entities%
Since: 2.5
Charges or uncharges a creeper. A creeper is charged when it has been struck by lightning.


on spawn of creeper:
    charge the event-entity

Color Items



Since: 2.0, 2.2-dev26 (maps and potions)
Colors items in a given color. You can also use RGB codes if you feel limited with the 16 default colors. RGB codes are three numbers from 0 to 255 in the order (red, green, blue), where (0,0,0) is black and (255,255,255) is white. Armor is colorable for all Minecraft versions. With Minecraft 1.11 or newer you can also color potions and maps. Note that the colors might not look exactly how you'd expect.


dye player's helmet blue
color the player's tool red




Since: 1.0, INSERT VERSION (bungeecord command)
Executes a command. This can be useful to use other plugins in triggers. If the command is a bungeecord side command, you can use the [bungeecord] option to execute command on the proxy.


make player execute command "/home"
execute console command "/say Hello everyone!"
execute player bungeecord command "/alert &6Testing Announcement!"




Since: 2.3
Connects a player to another bungeecord server


connect all players to "hub"




  • continue [loop]
Since: 2.2-dev37, 2.7 (while loops)
Immediately moves the (while) loop on to the next iteration.


# Broadcast online moderators
loop all players:
    if loop-value does not have permission "moderator":
        continue # filter out non moderators
    broadcast "%loop-player% is a moderator!" # Only moderators get broadcast

# Game starting counter
set {_counter} to 11
while {_counter} > 0:
    remove 1 from {_counter}
    wait a second
    if {_counter} != 1, 2, 3, 5 or 10:
        continue # only print when counter is 1, 2, 3, 5 or 10
    broadcast "Game starting in %{_counter}% second(s)"




Since: 1.0
Damage/Heal/Repair an entity, or item.


damage player by 5 hearts
heal the player
repair tool of player




Since: 1.4
Delays the script's execution by a given timespan. Please note that delays are not persistent, e.g. trying to create a tempban script with ban player → wait 7 days → unban player will not work if you restart your server anytime within these 7 days. You also have to be careful even when using small delays!


wait 2 minutes
halt for 5 minecraft hours
wait a tick

Do If



  • <.+> if <.+>
Since: 2.3
Execute an effect if a condition is true.


on join:
    give a diamond to the player if the player has permission "rank.vip"




Since: 1.0
Drops one or more items.


on death of creeper:
    drop 1 TNT

Enable/Disable/Reload Script File



  • ((enable|load)|reload|(disable|unload)) s(c|k)ript [file] %text%
Since: 2.4
Enables, disables, or reloads a script file.


reload script "test"
enable script file "testing"
unload script file "script.sk"




Since: 2.0
Enchant or disenchant an existing item.


enchant the player's tool with sharpness 5
disenchant the player's tool




Since: 1.0, 2.7 (multiple entities, unequip)
Equips or unequips an entity with some given armor. This will replace any armor that the entity is wearing.


equip player with diamond helmet
equip player with all diamond armor
unequip diamond chestplate from player
unequip all armor from player
unequip player's armor




  • (exit|stop) [trigger]
  • (exit|stop) [(1|a|the|this)] (section|loop|conditional)
  • (exit|stop) <\d+> (section|loop|conditional)s
  • (exit|stop) all (section|loop|conditional)s
Since: unknown (before 2.1)
Exits a given amount of loops and conditionals, or the entire trigger.


if player has any ore:
message "%player% has no ores!"
loop blocks above the player:
    loop-block is not air:
        exit 2 sections
    set loop-block to water

Explode Creeper



Since: 2.5
Requirements: Paper 1.13 or newer/Spigot 1.14 or newer. Ignition can be stopped on Paper 1.13 or newer.
Starts the explosion process of a creeper or instantly explodes it.


start explosion of the last spawned creeper
stop ignition of the last spawned creeper




Since: 1.0
Creates an explosion of a given force. The Minecraft Wiki has an article on explosions which lists the explosion forces of TNT, creepers, etc. Hint: use a force of 0 to create a fake explosion that does no damage whatsoever, or use the explosion effect introduced in Skript 2.0. Starting with Bukkit 1.4.5 and Skript 2.0 you can use safe explosions which will damage entities but won't destroy any blocks.


create an explosion of force 10 at the player
create an explosion of force 0 at the victim




Since: 2.2-dev34
Feeds the specified players.


feed all players
feed the player by 5 beefs

Force Attack



Since: 2.5.1
Requirements: Minecraft 1.15.2+
Makes a living entity attack an entity with a melee attack.


spawn a wolf at player's location
make last spawned wolf attack player

Force Respawn



Since: 2.2-dev21
Forces player(s) to respawn if they are dead. If this is called without delay from death event, one tick is waited before respawn attempt.


on death of player:
    force event-player to respawn




Requirements: Paper 1.17.1+
Make mobs left or right-handed. This does not affect players.


spawn skeleton at spawn of world "world":
    make entity left handed

make all zombies in radius 10 of player right handed

Hide Player from Server List



  • hide %players% (in|on|from) [the] server list
  • hide %players%'[s] info[rmation] (in|on|from) [the] server list
Since: 2.3
Hides a player from the hover list and decreases the online players count (only if the player count wasn't changed before).


on server list ping:
    hide {vanished::*} from the server list




Since: 1.4
Lights entities on fire or extinguishes them.


ignite the player
extinguish the player

Keep Inventory / Experience



  • keep [the] (inventory|items) [(and [e]xp[erience][s] [point[s]])]
  • keep [the] [e]xp[erience][s] [point[s]] [(and (inventory|items))]
Since: 2.4
Usable in events: death
Keeps the inventory or/and experiences of the dead player in a death event.


on death of a player:
    if the victim is an op:
        keep the inventory and experiences




  • kick %players% [(by reason of|because [of]|on account of|due to) %text%]
Since: 1.0
Kicks a player from the server.


on place of TNT, lava, or obsidian:
    kick the player due to "You may not place %block%!"
    cancel the event




Since: 1.0
Kills an entity. Note: This effect does not set the entity's health to 0 (which causes issues), but damages the entity by 100 times its maximum health.


kill the player
kill all creepers in the player's world
kill all endermen, witches and bats




Since: 2.7
Requirements: Paper 1.19.2+
Apply the same velocity as a knockback to living entities in a direction. Mechanics such as knockback resistance will be factored in.


knockback player north
knock victim (vector from attacker to victim) with strength 10

Launch firework



Since: 2.4
Launch firework effects at the given location(s).


launch ball large colored red, purple and white fading to light green and black at player's location with duration 1

Leash entities



Since: 2.3
Leash living entities to other entities.


leash the player to the target entity




Since: 1.4
Strike lightning at a given location. Can use 'lightning effect' to create a lightning that does not harm entities or start fires.


strike lightning at the player
strike lightning effect at the victim

Load Server Icon



  • load [the] server icon (from|of) [the] [image] [file] %text%
Since: 2.3
Requirements: Paper 1.12.2 or newer
Loads server icons from the given files. You can get the loaded icon using the last loaded server icon expression. Please note that the image must be 64x64 and the file path starts from the server folder.


on load:
    clear {server-icons::*}
    loop 5 times:
        load server icon from file "icons/%loop-number%.png"
        add the last loaded server icon to {server-icons::*}

on server list ping:
    set the icon to a random server icon out of {server-icons::*}

Locally Suppress Warning



  • [local[ly]] suppress [the] (conflict|variable save|[missing] conjunction[s]|starting [with] expression[s]) warning[s]
Since: 2.3
Suppresses target warnings from the current script.


locally suppress missing conjunction warnings
suppress the variable save warnings




Since: 2.0
Writes text into a .log file. Skript will write these files to /plugins/Skript/logs. NB: Using 'server.log' as the log file will write to the default server log. Omitting the log file altogether will log the message as '[Skript] [<script>.sk] <message>' in the server log.


on place of TNT:
    log "%player% placed TNT in %world% at %location of block%" to "tnt/placement.log"

Look At



Since: 2.7
Requirements: Paper 1.17+, Paper 1.19.1+ (Players & Look Anchors)
Forces the mob(s) or player(s) to look at an entity, vector or location. Vanilla max head pitches range from 10 to 50.


force the head of the player to look towards event-entity's feet

on entity explosion:
    set {_player} to the nearest player
    {_player} is set
    distance between {_player} and the event-location is less than 15
    make {_player} look towards vector from the {_player} to location of the event-entity

force {_enderman} to face the block 3 meters above {_location} at head rotation speed 100.5 and max head pitch -40

Make Egg Hatch



  • make [the] egg [not] hatch
Since: 2.7
Usable in events: Egg Throw
Makes the egg hatch in a Player Egg Throw event.


on player egg throw:
    make the egg hatch

Make Fly



Since: 2.2-dev34
Forces a player to start/stop flying.


make player fly
force all players to stop flying

Make Incendiary



  • make %entities% [not] incendiary
  • make %entities%'[s] explosion [not] (incendiary|fiery)
  • make [the] [event(-| )]explosion [not] (incendiary|fiery)
Since: 2.5
Sets if an entity's explosion will leave behind fire. This effect is also usable in an explosion prime event.


on explosion prime:
    make the explosion fiery

Make Invisible



Since: 2.7
Makes a living entity visible/invisible. This is not a potion and therefore does not have features such as a time limit or particles. When setting an entity to invisible while using an invisibility potion on it, the potion will be overridden and when it runs out the entity keeps its invisibility.


make target entity invisible

Make Invulnerable



Since: 2.5
Makes an entity invulnerable/not invulnerable.


make target entity invulnerable

Make Say



Since: 2.3
Forces a player to send a message to the chat. If the message starts with a slash it will force the player to use command.


make the player say "Hello."
force all players to send the message "I love this server"




Since: 1.0, 2.2-dev26 (advanced features), 2.5.2 (optional sender), 2.6 (sending objects)
Requirements: Minecraft 1.16.4+ for optional sender
Sends a message to the given player. Only styles written in given string or in formatted expressions will be parsed. Adding an optional sender allows the messages to be sent as if a specific player sent them. This is useful with Minecraft 1.16.4's new chat ignore system, in which players can choose to ignore other players, but for this to work, the message needs to be sent from a player.


message "A wild %player% appeared!"
message "This message is a distraction. Mwahaha!"
send "Your kill streak is %{kill streak::%uuid of player%}%." to player
if the targeted entity exists:
    message "You're currently looking at a %type of the targeted entity%!"
on chat:
    cancel event
    send "[%player%] >> %message%" to all players from player

Open Book



Since: 2.5.1
Requirements: Minecraft 1.14.2+
Opens a written book to a player.


open book player's tool to player

Open/Close Inventory



  • (open|show) (((crafting [table]|workbench)|chest|anvil|hopper|dropper|dispenser) [(view|window|inventory)]|%inventory/inventory type%) (to|for) %players%
  • close [the] inventory [view] (to|of|for) %players%
  • close %players%'[s] inventory [view]
Since: 2.0, 2.1.1 (closing), 2.2-Fixes-V10 (anvil), 2.4 (hopper, dropper, dispenser
Opens an inventory to a player. The player can then access and modify the inventory as if it was a chest that he just opened. Please note that currently 'show' and 'open' have the same effect, but 'show' will eventually show an unmodifiable view of the inventory in the future.


show the victim's inventory to the player
open the player's inventory for the player




Since: 2.7
Requirements: Paper
Make an entity pathfind towards a location or another entity. Not all entities can pathfind. If the pathfinding target is another entity, the entities may or may not continuously follow the target.


make all creepers pathfind towards player
make all cows stop pathfinding
make event-entity pathfind towards player at speed 1

Play Effect



Since: 2.1
Plays a visual effect at a given location or on a given entity. Please note that some effects can only be played on entities, e.g. wolf hearts or the hurt effect, and that these are always visible to all players.


play wolf hearts on the clicked wolf
show mob spawner flames at the targeted block to the player

Play Sound



Since: 2.2-dev28, 2.4 (sound categories)
Plays a sound at given location for everyone or just for given players, or plays a sound to specified players. Both Minecraft sound names and Spigot sound names are supported. Playing resource pack sounds are supported too. The sound category is 'master' by default.

Please note that sound names can get changed in any Minecraft or Spigot version, or even removed from Minecraft itself.


play sound "block.note_block.pling" # It is block.note.pling in 1.12.2
play sound "entity.experience_orb.pickup" with volume 0.5 to the player
play sound "custom.music.1" in jukebox category at {speakerBlock}

Player Info Visibility



  • hide [all] player [related] info[rmation] [(in|on|from) [the] server list]
  • (show|reveal) [all] player [related] info[rmation] [(in|to|on|from) [the] server list]
Since: 2.3
Usable in events: server list ping
Requirements: Paper 1.12.2 or newer
Sets whether all player related information is hidden in the server list. The Vanilla Minecraft client will display ??? (dark gray) instead of player counts and will not show the hover hist when hiding player info. The version string can override the ???. Also the Online Players Count and Max Players expressions will return -1 when hiding player info.


hide player info
hide player related information in the server list
reveal all player related info

Player Visibility



Since: 2.3
Change visibility of a player for the given players. When reveal is used in combination of the hidden players expression and the viewers are not specified, this will default it to the given player in the hidden players expression.

Note: if a player was hidden and relogs, this player will be visible again.


on join:
    if {vanished::%player's uuid%} is true:
        hide the player from all players

reveal hidden players of {_player}




Since: 1.3.2
Poison or cure a creature.


poison the player
poison the victim for 20 seconds
cure the player from poison

Potion Effects



  • apply %potion effects% to %living entities%
  • apply infinite [ambient] [potion of] %potions% [potion] [[[of] tier] %number%] [without [any] particles] [(whilst hiding [the]|without (the|a)) [potion] icon] to %living entities% [replacing [the] existing effect]
  • apply [ambient] [potion of] %potions% [potion] [[[of] tier] %number%] [without [any] particles] [(whilst hiding [the]|without (the|a)) [potion] icon] to %living entities% [for %time span%] [replacing [the] existing effect]
Since: 2.0, 2.2-dev27 (ambient and particle-less potion effects), 2.5 (replacing existing effect), 2.5.2 (potion effects), INSERT VERSION (icon and infinite)
Apply or remove potion effects to/from entities.


apply ambient swiftness 2 to the player
remove haste from the victim

on join:
    apply infinite potion of strength of tier {strength::%uuid of player%} to the player
    apply potion of strength of tier {strength::%uuid of player%} to the player for 999 days # Before 1.19.4

apply potion effects of player's tool to player
apply haste potion of tier 3 without any particles to the player whilst hiding the potion icon # Hide potions




Since: 1.4.6
Push entities around.


push the player upwards
push the victim downwards at speed 0.5




Since: 1.3.4
Set the PvP state for a given world.


enable PvP #(current world only)
disable PvP in all worlds




Since: 2.0, 2.2-dev24 (replace in multiple strings and replace items in inventory), 2.5 (replace first, case sensitivity)
Replaces all occurrences of a given text with another text. Please note that you can only change variables and a few expressions, e.g. a message or a line of a sign.


replace "<item>" in {textvar} with "%item%"
replace every "&" with "§" in line 1
# The following acts as a simple chat censor, but it will e.g. censor mass, hassle, assassin, etc. as well:
on chat:
    replace all "kys", "idiot" and "noob" with "****" in the message

replace all stone and dirt in player's inventory and player's top inventory with diamond




Since: 2.2, INSERT VERSION (returns aliases)
Makes a function return a value


function double(i: number) :: number:
    return 2 * {_i}

function divide(i: number) returns number:
    return {_i} / 2

Send Block Change



Since: 2.2-dev37c, 2.5.1 (block data support)
Makes a player see a block as something it really isn't. BlockData support is only for MC 1.13+


make player see block at player as dirt
make player see target block as campfire[facing=south]

Send Resource Pack



  • send [the] resource pack [from [[the] URL]] %text% to %players%
  • send [the] resource pack [from [[the] URL]] %text% with hash %text% to %players%
Since: 2.4
Request that the player's client download and switch resource packs. The client will download the resource pack in the background, and will automatically switch to it once the download is complete. The URL must be a direct download link.

The hash is used for caching, the player won't have to re-download the resource pack that way. The hash must be SHA-1, you can get SHA-1 hash of your resource pack using this online tool.

The resource pack request action can be used to check status of the sent resource pack request.


on join:
    send the resource pack from "URL" with hash "hash" to the player




Since: 2.0
Shears or 'un-shears' a sheep. Please note that no wool is dropped, this only sets the 'sheared' state of the sheep.


on rightclick on a sheep holding a sword:
    shear the clicked sheep




Since: 1.4
Shoots a projectile (or any other entity) from a given entity.


shoot an arrow
make the player shoot a creeper at speed 10
shoot a pig from the creeper

Silence Entity



Since: 2.5
Controls whether or not an entity is silent.


make target entity silent

Stop Server



  • (stop|shut[ ]down) [the] server
  • restart [the] server
Since: 2.5
Stops or restarts the server. If restart is used when the restart-script spigot.yml option isn't defined, the server will stop instead.


stop the server
restart server

Stop Sound



Since: 2.4, 2.7 (stop all sounds)
Requirements: MC 1.17.1 (stop all sounds)
Stops specific or all sounds from playing to a group of players. Both Minecraft sound names and Spigot sound names are supported. Resource pack sounds are supported too. The sound category is 'master' by default. A sound can't be stopped from a different category.

Please note that sound names can get changed in any Minecraft or Spigot version, or even removed from Minecraft itself.


stop sound "block.chest.open" for the player
stop playing sounds "ambient.underwater.loop" and "ambient.underwater.loop.additions" to the player
stop all sounds for all players
stop sound in the record category

Swing Hand



Since: 2.5.1
Requirements: Minecraft 1.15.2+
Makes an entity swing their hand. This does nothing if the entity does not have an animation for swinging their hand.


make player swing their main hand




Since: 1.0
Teleport an entity to a specific location. This effect is delayed by default on Paper, meaning certain syntax such as the return effect for functions cannot be used after this effect. The keyword 'force' indicates this effect will not be delayed, which may cause lag spikes or server crashes when using this effect to teleport entities to unloaded chunks.


teleport the player to {homes.%player%}
teleport the attacker to the victim

Title - Reset



  • reset [the] title[s] [of %players%]
  • reset [the] %players%'[s] title[s]
Since: 2.3
Resets the title of the player to the default values.


reset the titles of all players
reset the title

Title - Send



Since: 2.3
Sends a title/subtitle to the given player(s) with optional fadein/stay/fadeout times for Minecraft versions 1.11 and above.

If you're sending only the subtitle, it will be shown only if there's a title displayed at the moment, otherwise it will be sent with the next title. To show only the subtitle, use: send title " " with subtitle "yourtexthere" to player.

Note: if no input is given for the times, it will keep the ones from the last title sent, use the reset title effect to restore the default values.


send title "Competition Started" with subtitle "Have fun, Stay safe!" to player for 5 seconds
send title "Hi %player%" to player
send title "Loot Drop" with subtitle "starts in 3 minutes" to all players
send title "Hello %player%!" with subtitle "Welcome to our server" to player for 5 seconds with fadein 1 second and fade out 1 second
send subtitle "Party!" to all players




  • (close|turn off|de[-]activate) %blocks%
  • (toggle|switch) [[the] state of] %blocks%
  • (open|turn on|activate) %blocks%
Since: 1.4
Toggle the state of a block.


# use arrows to toggle switches, doors, etc.
on projectile hit:
    projectile is arrow
    toggle the block at the arrow

Toggle Flight



  • (allow|enable) (fly|flight) (for|to) %players%
  • (disallow|disable) (fly|flight) (for|to) %players%
Since: 2.3
Toggle the flight mode of a player.


allow flight to event-player

Toggle Picking Up Items



Determines whether living entities are able to pick up items or not


forbid player from picking up items
send "You can no longer pick up items!" to player

on drop:
    if player can't pick    up items:
        allow player to pick up items




Since: 1.0
Creates a tree. This may require that there is enough space above the given location and that the block below is dirt/grass, but it is possible that the tree will just grow anyways, possibly replacing every block in its path.


grow a tall redwood tree above the clicked block

Vectors - Rotate Around Vector



Since: 2.2-dev28
Rotates a vector around another vector


rotate {_v} around vector 1, 0, 0 by 90

Vectors - Rotate around XYZ



Since: 2.2-dev28
Rotates a vector around x, y, or z axis by some degrees


rotate {_v} around x-axis by 90
rotate {_v} around y-axis by 90
rotate {_v} around z-axis by 90 degrees




  • (make|let|force) %entities% [to] (ride|mount) [(in|on)] %entities/entity types%
  • (make|let|force) %entities% [to] (dismount|(dismount|leave) [(from|of)] [(any|the[ir]|his|her)] vehicle[s])
  • (eject|dismount) [(any|the)] passenger[s] (of|from) %entities%
Since: 2.0
Makes an entity ride another entity, e.g. a minecart, a saddled pig, an arrow, etc.


make the player ride a saddled pig
make the attacker ride the victim




Since: 1.0
Grant/revoke a user operator state.


op the player
deop all players




Since: 1.0, 2.6.1 (with section)
Spawn a creature. This can be used as an effect and as a section. If it is used as a section, the section is run before the entity is added to the world. You can modify the entity in this section, using for example 'event-entity' or 'cow'. Do note that other event values, such as 'player', won't work in this section.


spawn 3 creepers at the targeted block
spawn a ghast 5 meters above the player
spawn a zombie at the player:
    set name of the zombie to ""
\ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/events.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/events.html index e47976b8ca..ca0a4d426f 100644 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/events.html +++ b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/events.html @@ -1 +1 @@ - Skript Documentation - 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c



You can specify the event priority after each event syntax using the following syntax [with priority (lowest|low|normal|high|highest|monitor)] e.g. on spawn with priority lowest.
Note that not all of the events support event priority feature and they will throw an error.

At Time



Since: 1.3.4
An event that occurs at a given minecraft time in every world or only in specific worlds.


at 18:00
at 7am in "world"

On Anvil Damage



  • [on] anvil damag(e|ing)
Since: 2.7
Requirements: Paper
Called when an anvil is damaged/broken from being used to repair/rename items. Note: this does not include anvil damage from falling.


on anvil damage:
    cancel the event

On Anvil Prepare



  • [on] anvil prepar(e|ing)
Since: 2.7
Called when an item is put in a slot for repair by an anvil. Please note that this event is called multiple times in a single item slot move.


on anvil prepare:
    event-item is set # result item
    chance of 5%:
        set repair cost to repair cost * 50%
        send "You're LUCKY! You got 50% discount." to player

On AoE Cloud Effect



  • [on] (area|AoE) [cloud] effect
Since: 2.2-dev21
Called when area effect cloud applies its potion effect. This happens every 5 ticks by default.


on area cloud effect:

On Arm Swing



  • [on] [player] arm swing
Since: 2.5.1
Called when a player swings his arm.


on arm swing:
    send "You swung your arm!"

On Armor Change



  • [on] [player] armor change[d]
Since: 2.5
Requirements: Paper
Called when armor pieces of a player are changed.


on armor change:
    send "You equipped %event-item%!"

On Bed Enter



  • [on] bed enter[ing]
  • [on] [player] enter[ing] [a] bed
Since: 1.0
Called when a player starts sleeping.


on bed enter:

On Bed Leave



  • [on] bed leav(e|ing)
  • [on] [player] leav(e|ing) [a] bed
Since: 1.0
Called when a player leaves a bed.


on player leaving a bed:

On Block Damage



  • [on] block damag(ing|e)
Since: 1.0
Called when a player starts to break a block. You can usually just use the leftclick event for this.


on block damaging:
    if block is log:
        send "You can't break the holy log!"

On Block Fertilize



  • [on] [block] fertilize
Since: 2.5
Requirements: Minecraft 1.13 or newer
Called when a player fertilizes blocks.


on block fertilize:
    send "Fertilized %size of fertilized blocks% blocks got fertilized."

On Block Growth



  • [on] (plant|crop|block) grow[(th|ing)] [[of] %item types%]
Since: 2.2-Fixes-V10
Called when a crop grows. Alternative to new form of generic grow event.


on crop growth:

On Book Edit



  • [on] book (edit|change|write)
Since: 2.2-dev31
Called when a player edits a book.


on book edit:

On Book Sign



  • [on] book sign[ing]
Since: 2.2-dev31
Called when a player signs a book.


on book sign:

On Break / Mine



Since: 1.0 (break), unknown (mine), 2.6 (BlockData support)
Called when a block is broken by a player. If you use 'on mine', only events where the broken block dropped something will call the trigger.


on mine:
on break of stone:
on mine of any ore:
on break of chest[facing=north]:
on break of potatoes[age=7]:

On Bucket Empty



  • [on] bucket empty[ing]
  • [on] [player] empty[ing] [a] bucket
Since: 1.0
Called when a player empties a bucket. You can also use the place event with a check for water or lava.


on bucket empty:

On Bucket fill



  • [on] bucket fill[ing]
  • [on] [player] fill[ing] [a] bucket
Since: 1.0
Called when a player fills a bucket.


on player filling a bucket:

On Burn



Since: 1.0, 2.6 (BlockData support)
Called when a block is destroyed by fire.


on burn:
on burn of wood, fences, or chests:
on burn of oak_log[axis=y]:

On Can Build Check



  • [on] [block] can build check
Since: 1.0 (basic), 2.0 ([un]cancellable)
Called when a player rightclicks on a block while holding a block or a placeable item. You can either cancel the event to prevent the block from being built, or uncancel it to allow it. Please note that the data value of the block to be placed is not available in this event, only its ID.


on block can build check:
    cancel event

On Chat



  • [on] chat
Since: 1.4.1
Called whenever a player chats. Use chat format to change message format. Use chat recipients to edit chat recipients.


on chat:
    if player has permission "owner":
        set chat format to "&amp;amp;amp;amp;lt;red&amp;amp;amp;amp;gt;[player]&amp;amp;amp;amp;lt;light gray&amp;amp;amp;amp;gt;: &amp;amp;amp;amp;lt;light red&amp;amp;amp;amp;gt;[message]"
    else if player has permission "admin":
        set chat format to "&amp;amp;amp;amp;lt;light red&amp;amp;amp;amp;gt;[player]&amp;amp;amp;amp;lt;light gray&amp;amp;amp;amp;gt;: &amp;amp;amp;amp;lt;orange&amp;amp;amp;amp;gt;[message]"
    else: #default message format
        set chat format to "&amp;amp;amp;amp;lt;orange&amp;amp;amp;amp;gt;[player]&amp;amp;amp;amp;lt;light gray&amp;amp;amp;amp;gt;: &amp;amp;amp;amp;lt;white&amp;amp;amp;amp;gt;[message]"

On Chunk Generate



  • [on] chunk (generat|populat)(e|ing)
Since: 1.0
Called after a new chunk was generated.


on chunk generate:

On Chunk Load



  • [on] chunk load[ing]
Since: 1.0
Called when a chunk loads. The chunk might or might not contain mobs when it's loaded.


on chunk load:

On Chunk Unload



  • [on] chunk unload[ing]
Since: 1.0
Called when a chunk is unloaded due to not being near any player.


on chunk unload:

On Click



Since: 1.0
Called when a user clicks on a block, an entity or air with or without an item in their hand. Please note that rightclick events with an empty hand while not looking at a block are not sent to the server, so there's no way to detect them. Also note that a leftclick on an entity is an attack and thus not covered by the 'click' event, but the 'damage' event.


on click:
on rightclick holding a fishing rod:
on leftclick on a stone or obsidian:
on rightclick on a creeper:
on click with a sword:

On Combust



  • [on] combust[ing]
Since: 1.0
Called when an entity is set on fire, e.g. by fire or lava, a fireball, or by standing in direct sunlight (zombies, skeletons).


on combust:

On Command



  • [on] command [%text%]
Since: 2.0
Called when a player enters a command (not necessarily a Skript command) but you can check if command is a skript command, see Is a Skript command condition.


on command:
on command "/stop":
on command "pm Njol ":

On Connect



  • [on] [player] connect[ing]
Since: 2.0
Called when the player connects to the server. This event is called before the player actually joins the server, so if you want to prevent players from joining you should prefer this event over on join.


on connect:
    player doesn't have permission "VIP"
    number of players is greater than 15
    kick the player due to "The last 5 slots are reserved for VIP players."

On Consume



  • [on] [player] ((eat|drink)[ing]|consum(e|ing)) [[of] %item types%]
Since: 2.0
Called when a player is done eating/drinking something, e.g. an apple, bread, meat, milk or a potion.


on consume:

On Craft



Since: unknown (before 2.1)
Called when a player crafts an item.


on craft:

On Creeper Power



  • [on] creeper power
Since: 1.0
Called when a creeper is struck by lighting and gets powered. Cancel the event to prevent the creeper from being powered.


on creeper power:

On Damage



Since: 1.0, 2.7 (by entity)
Called when an entity receives damage, e.g. by an attack from another entity, lava, fire, drowning, fall, suffocation, etc.


on damage:
on damage of a player:
on damage of player by zombie:

On Death



Since: 1.0
Called when a living entity (including players) dies.


on death:
on death of player:
on death of a wither or ender dragon:
    broadcast "A %entity% has been slain in %world%!"

On Dispense



Since: unknown (before 2.1)
Called when a dispenser dispenses an item.


on dispense of iron block:
    send "that'd be 19.99 please!"

On Drop



  • [on] [player|entity] drop[ping] [[of] %item types%]
Since: unknown (before 2.1), 2.7 (entity)
Called when a player drops an item from their inventory, or an entity drops an item, such as a chicken laying an egg.


on drop:
    if event-item is compass:
        cancel event

on entity drop of an egg:
    if event-entity is a chicken:
        set item of event-dropped item to a diamond

On Egg Throw



  • [on] throw[ing] [of] [an] egg
  • [on] [player] egg throw
Since: 1.0
Called when a player throws an egg and it lands. You can just use the shoot event in most cases. However, this event allows modification of properties like the hatched entity type and the number of entities to hatch.


on throw of an egg:

On Enchant



  • [on] [item] enchant
Since: 2.5
Called when a player successfully enchants an item. To get the enchanted item, see the enchant item expression


on enchant:
    if the clicked button is 1: # offer 1
        set the applied enchantments to sharpness 10 and unbreaking 10

On Enchant Prepare



  • [on] [item] enchant prepare
Since: 2.5
Called when a player puts an item into enchantment table. This event may be called multiple times. To get the enchant item, see the enchant item expression


on enchant prepare:
    set enchant offer 1 to sharpness 1
    set the cost of enchant offer 1 to 10 levels

On Enderman/Sheep/Silverfish/Falling Block



  • [on] enderman place
  • [on] enderman pickup
  • [on] sheep eat
  • [on] silverfish enter
  • [on] silverfish exit
  • [on] falling block fall[ing]
  • [on] falling block land[ing]
Since: unknown, 2.5.2 (falling block)
Called when an enderman places or picks up a block, a sheep eats grass, a silverfish boops into/out of a block or a falling block lands and turns into a block respectively.


on sheep eat:
    kill event-entity
    broadcast "A sheep stole some grass!"

on falling block land:
    event-entity is a falling dirt
    cancel event

On Entity Dismount



  • [on] dismount[ing]
Since: 2.2-dev13b
Called when an entity dismounts.


on dismount:
    kill event-entity

On Entity Jump



  • [on] entity jump[ing]
Since: 2.7
Requirements: Paper 1.15.2+
Called when an entity jumps.


on entity jump:
    if entity is a wither skeleton:
        cancel event

On Entity Mount



  • [on] mount[ing]
Since: 2.2-dev13b
Called when entity starts riding another.


on mount:
    cancel event

On Entity Portal



  • [on] entity portal
Since: 2.5.3
Called when an entity uses a nether or end portal. Cancel the event to prevent the entity from teleporting.


on entity portal:
    broadcast "A %type of event-entity% has entered a portal!

On Experience Change



  • [on] [player] (level progress|[e]xp|experience) (change|update|increase|decrease)
Since: 2.7
Called when a player's experience changes.


on level progress change:
    set {_xp} to event-experience
    broadcast "%{_xp}%"

On Experience Spawn



  • [on] [e]xp[erience] [orb] spawn
  • [on] spawn of [a[n]] [e]xp[erience] [orb]
Since: 2.0
Called whenever experience is about to spawn. Please note that this event will not fire for xp orbs spawned by plugins (including Skript) with Bukkit.


on xp spawn:
    world is "minigame_world"
    cancel event

On Explode



  • [on] explo(d(e|ing)|sion)
Since: 1.0
Called when an entity (a primed TNT or a creeper) explodes.


on explosion:

On Explosion Prime



  • [on] explosion prime
Since: 1.0
Called when an explosive is primed, i.e. an entity will explode shortly. Creepers can abort the explosion if the player gets too far away, while TNT will explode for sure after a short time.


on explosion prime:

On Fade



Since: 1.0, 2.6 (BlockData support)
Called when a block 'fades away', e.g. ice or snow melts.


on fade of snow or ice:
on fade of snow[layers=2]

On Firework Explode



  • [on] [a] firework explo(d(e|ing)|sion) [colo[u]red %colors%]
Since: 2.4
Called when a firework explodes.


on firework explode
on firework exploding colored red, light green and black
on firework explosion colored light green:
    broadcast "A firework colored %colors% was exploded at %location%!"

On First Join



  • [on] first (join|login)
Since: 1.3.7
Called when a player joins the server for the first time.


on first join:
    broadcast "Welcome %player% to the server!"

On Fishing



  • [on] [player] fish[ing]
Since: 1.0
Called when a player fishes something. This is not of much use yet.


on fish:

On Flight Toggle



  • [on] [player] flight toggl(e|ing)
  • [on] [player] toggl(e|ing) flight
Since: 2.2-dev36
Called when a players stops/starts flying.


on flight toggle:
    if {game::%player%::playing} exists:
        cancel event

On Flow



  • [on] [block] flow[ing]
  • [on] block mov(e|ing)
Since: 1.0
Called when a blocks flows or teleports to another block. This not only applies to water and lava, but teleporting dragon eggs as well.


on block flow:
    if event-block is water:
        broadcast "Build more dams! It's starting to get wet in here"

On Form



Since: 1.0, 2.6 (BlockData support)
Called when a block is created, but not by a player, e.g. snow forms due to snowfall, water freezes in cold biomes. This isn't called when block spreads (mushroom growth, water physics etc.), as it has its own event (see spread event).


on form of snow:
on form of a mushroom:

On Fuel Burn



  • [on] fuel burn[ing]
Since: 1.0
Called when a furnace burns an item from its fuel slot.


on fuel burning:

On Gamemode Change



  • [on] game[ ]mode change [to %gamemode%]
Since: 1.0
Called when a player's gamemode changes.


on gamemode change:
on gamemode change to adventure:

On Gliding State Change



  • [on] (gliding state change|toggl(e|ing) gliding)
Since: 2.2-dev21
Called when an entity toggles glider on or off, or when server toggles gliding state of an entity forcibly.


on toggling gliding:
    cancel the event # bad idea, but you CAN do it!

On Grow



Since: 1.0 (2.2-dev20 for plants)
Called when a tree, giant mushroom or plant grows to next stage.


on grow:
on grow of a tree:
on grow of a huge jungle tree:

On Hand Item Swap



  • [on] swap[ping of] [(hand|held)] item[s]
Since: 2.3
Called whenever a player swaps the items in their main- and offhand slots. Works also when one or both of the slots are empty. The event is called before the items are actually swapped, so when you use the player's tool or player's offtool expressions, they will return the values before the swap - this enables you to cancel the event before anything happens.


on swap hand items:
    event-player's tool is a diamond sword
    cancel event

On Heal



  • [on] heal[ing]
Since: 1.0
Called when an entity is healed, e.g. by eating (players), being fed (pets), or by the effect of a potion of healing (overworld mobs) or harm (nether mobs).


on heal:

On Horse Jump



  • [on] horse jump
Since: 2.5.1
Called when a horse jumps.


on horse jump:
    push event-entity upwards at speed 2

On Hunger Meter Change



  • [on] (food|hunger) (level|met(er|re)|bar) chang(e|ing)
Since: 1.4.4
Called when the hunger bar of a player changes, i.e. either increases by eating or decreases over time.


on food bar change:

On Ignition



  • [on] [block] ignit(e|ion)
Since: 1.0
Called when a block starts burning, i.e. a fire block is placed next to it and this block is flammable. The burn event will be called when the block is about do be destroyed by the fire.


on block ignite:
    if event-block is a ladder:
        cancel event

On Inventory Click



  • [on] [player] inventory(-| )click[ing] [[at] %item types%]
Since: 2.2-Fixes-V10
Called when clicking on inventory slot.


on inventory click:
    if event-item is stone:
        give player 1 stone
        remove 20$ from player's balance

On Inventory Close



  • [on] inventory clos(ing|e[d])
Since: 2.2-dev21
Called when player's currently viewed inventory is closed.


on inventory close:
    if player's location is {location}:
        send "You exited the shop!"

On Inventory Drag



  • [on] inventory drag[ging]
Called when a player drags an item in their cursor across the inventory.


on inventory drag:
    if player's current inventory is {_gui}:
        send "You can't drag your items here!" to player
        cancel event

On Inventory Item Move



  • [on] inventory item (move|transport)
Called when an entity or block (e.g. hopper) tries to move items directly from one inventory to another. When this event is called, the initiator may have already removed the item from the source inventory and is ready to move it into the destination inventory. If this event is cancelled, the items will be returned to the source inventory.


on inventory item move:
    broadcast "%holder of past event-inventory% is transporting %event-item% to %holder of event-inventory%!"

On Inventory Open



  • [on] inventory open[ed]
Since: 2.2-dev21
Called when an inventory is opened for player.


on inventory open:
    close player's inventory

On Inventory Pickup



  • [on] inventory pick[ ]up
Since: 2.5.1
Called when an inventory (a hopper, a hopper minecart, etc.) picks up an item


on inventory pickup:

On Inventory Slot Change



  • [on] [player] inventory slot chang(e|ing)
Since: 2.7
Requirements: Paper 1.19.2+
Called when a slot in a player's inventory is changed. Warning: setting the event-slot to a new item can result in an infinite loop.


on inventory slot change:
    if event-item is a diamond:
        send "You obtained a diamond!" to player

On Item Break



  • [on] [player] tool break[ing]
  • [on] [player] break[ing] [(a|the)] tool
Since: 2.1.1
Called when a player breaks their tool because its damage reached the maximum value. This event cannot be cancelled.


on tool break:

On Item Damage



  • [on] item damag(e|ing)
Since: 2.5
Called when an item is damaged. Most tools are damaged by using them; armor is damaged when the wearer takes damage.


on item damage:
    cancel event

On Item Despawn



  • [on] (item[ ][stack]|[item] %item types%) despawn[ing]
  • [on] [item[ ][stack]] despawn[ing] [[of] %item types%]
Since: 2.2-dev35
Called when an item is about to be despawned from the world, usually 5 minutes after it was dropped.


on item despawn of diamond:
    send "Not my precious!"
    cancel event

On Item Mend



  • [on] item mend[ing]
Since: 2.5.1
Requirements: Minecraft 1.13 or newer
Called when a player has an item repaired via the Mending enchantment.


on item mend:
    chance of 50%:
        cancel the event
        send "Oops! Mending failed!" to player

On Item Merge



  • [on] (item[ ][stack]|[item] %item types%) merg(e|ing)
  • [on] item[ ][stack] merg(e|ing) [[of] %item types%]
Since: 2.2-dev35
Called when dropped items merge into a single stack. event-entity will be the entity which is trying to merge, and future event-entity will be the entity which is being merged into.


on item merge of gold blocks:
    cancel event

On Item Spawn



Since: unknown (before 2.1)
Called whenever an item stack is spawned in a world, e.g. as drop of a block or mob, a player throwing items out of their inventory, or a dispenser dispensing an item (not shooting it).


on item spawn of iron sword:
    broadcast "Someone dropped an iron sword!"

On Join



  • [on] [player] (login|logging in|join[ing])
Since: 1.0
Called when the player joins the server. The player is already in a world when this event is called, so if you want to prevent players from joining you should prefer on connect over this event.


on join:
    message "Welcome on our awesome server!"
    broadcast "%player% just joined the server!"

On Jump



  • [on] [player] jump[ing]
Since: 2.3
Called whenever a player jumps. This event requires PaperSpigot.


on jump:
    event-player does not have permission "jump"
    cancel event

On Kick



  • [on] [player] (kick|being kicked)
Since: 1.0
Called when a player is kicked from the server. You can change the kick message or cancel the event entirely.


on kick:

On Language Change



  • [on] [player] (language|locale) chang(e|ing)
  • [on] [player] chang(e|ing) (language|locale)
Since: 2.3
Called after a player changed their language in the game settings. You can use the language expression to get the current language of the player. This event requires Minecraft 1.12+.


on language change:
    if player's language starts with "en":
        send "Hello!"

On Leaves Decay



  • [on] leaves decay[ing]
Since: 1.0
Called when a leaf block decays due to not being connected to a tree.


on leaves decay:

On Level Change



  • [on] [player] level (change|up|down)
Since: 1.0, 2.4 (level up/down)
Called when a player's level changes, e.g. by gathering experience or by enchanting something.


on level change:

On Lightning Strike



  • [on] lightning [strike]
Since: 1.0
Called when lightning strikes.


on lightning:
    spawn a zombie at location of event-entity

On Loot Generate



  • [on] loot generat(e|ing)
Since: 2.7
Requirements: MC 1.16+
Called when a loot table of an inventory is generated in the world. For example, when opening a shipwreck chest.


on loot generate:
    chance of 10%
    add 64 diamonds to the loot
    send "You hit the jackpot at %event-location%!"

On Move



Since: 2.6
Requirements: Paper 1.16.5+ (entity move)
Called when a player or entity moves. NOTE: Move event will only be called when the entity/player moves position, not orientation (ie: looking around). NOTE: These events can be performance heavy as they are called quite often. If you use these events, and later remove them, a server restart is recommended to clear registered events from Skript.


on player move:
    if player does not have permission "player.can.move":
        cancel event
on skeleton move:
    if event-entity is not in world "world":
        kill event-entity

On Move On



Since: 2.0
Called when a player moves onto a certain type of block. Please note that using this event can cause lag if there are many players online.


on walking on dirt or grass:
on stepping on stone:

On Physics



  • [on] [block] physics
Since: 1.4.6
Called when a physics check is done on a block. By cancelling this event you can prevent some things from happening, e.g. sand falling, dirt turning into grass, torches dropping if their supporting block is destroyed, etc.Please note that using this event might cause quite some lag since it gets called extremely often.


# prevents sand from falling
on block physics:
    block is sand
    cancel event

On Pick Up



  • [on] [(player|entity)] (pick[ ]up|picking up) [[of] %item types%]
Since: unknown (before 2.1), 2.5 (entity)
Called when a player/entity picks up an item. Please note that the item is still on the ground when this event is called.


on pick up:
on entity pickup of wheat:

On Pig Zap



  • [on] pig[ ]zap
Since: 1.0
Called when a pig is stroke by lightning and transformed into a zombie pigman. Cancel the event to prevent the transformation.


on pig zap:

On Piston Extend



  • [on] piston extend[ing]
Since: 1.0
Called when a piston is about to extend.


on piston extend:
    broadcast "A piston is extending!"

On Piston Retract



  • [on] piston retract[ing]
Since: 1.0
Called when a piston is about to retract.


on piston retract:
    broadcast "A piston is retracting!"

On Place



Since: 1.0, 2.6 (BlockData support)
Called when a player places a block.


on place:
on place of a furnace, workbench or chest:
on break of chest[type=right] or chest[type=left]

On Player Chunk Enters



  • [on] [player] (enter[s] [a] chunk|chunk enter[ing])
Since: 2.7
Called when a player enters a chunk. Note that this event is based on 'player move' event, and may be called frequent internally.


on player enters a chunk:
    send "You entered a chunk: %past event-chunk% -&amp;amp;amp;gt; %event-chunk%!" to player

On Player Deep Sleep



  • [on] [player] deep sleep[ing]
Since: 2.7
Requirements: Paper 1.16+
Called when a player has slept long enough to count as passing the night/storm. Cancelling this event will prevent the player from being counted as deeply sleeping unless they exit and re-enter the bed.


on player deep sleeping:
    send "Zzzz.." to player

On Player Pickup Arrow



  • [on] [player] (pick[ing| ]up [an] arrow|arrow pick[ing| ]up)
Requirements: Minecraft 1.14+ (event-projectile)
Called when a player picks up an arrow from the ground.


on arrow pickup:
    cancel the event
    teleport event-projectile to block 5 above event-projectile

On Player Trade



  • [on] player trad(e|ing)
Since: 2.7
Requirements: Paper 1.16.5+
Called when a player has traded with a villager.


on player trade:
    chance of 50%:
        cancel event
        send "The trade was somehow denied!" to player

On Player World Change



  • [on] [player] world chang(ing|e[d])
Since: 2.2-dev28
Called when a player enters a world. Does not work with other entities!


on player world change:
    world is "city"
    send "Welcome to the City!"

On Portal



  • [on] [player] portal
Since: 1.0
Called when a player uses a nether or end portal. Cancel the event to prevent the player from teleporting.


on player portal:

On Portal Create



  • [on] portal creat(e|ion)
Since: 1.0, 2.5.3 (event-entity support)
Requirements: Minecraft 1.14+ (event-entity support)
Called when a portal is created, either by a player or mob lighting an obsidian frame on fire, or by a nether portal creating its teleportation target in the nether/overworld. In Minecraft 1.14+, you can use the player in this event. Please note that there may not always be a player (or other entity) in this event.


on portal create:

On Portal Enter



  • [on] portal enter[ing]
  • [on] entering [a] portal
Since: 1.0
Called when an entity enters a nether portal or an end portal. Please note that this event will be fired many times for a nether portal.


on portal enter:

On Prepare Craft



  • [on] [player] (preparing|beginning) craft[ing] [[of] %item types%]
Since: 2.2-Fixes-V10
Called just before displaying crafting result to player. Note that setting the result item might or might not work due to Bukkit bugs.


on preparing craft of torch:

On Pressure Plate / Trip



  • [on] [step[ping] on] [a] [pressure] plate
  • [on] (trip|[step[ping] on] [a] tripwire)
Since: 1.0 (pressure plate), 1.4.4 (tripwire)
Called when a player steps on a pressure plate or tripwire respectively.


on step on pressure plate:

On Projectile Collide



  • [on] projectile collide
Since: 2.5
Requirements: Paper
Called when a projectile collides with an entity.


on projectile collide:
    teleport shooter of event-projectile to event-entity

On Projectile Hit



  • [on] projectile hit
Since: 1.0
Called when a projectile hits an entity or a block. Use the damage event with a check for a projectile to be able to use the entity that got hit in the case when the projectile hit a living entity. A damage event will even be fired if the damage is 0, e.g. when throwing snowballs at non-nether mobs.


on projectile hit:
    event-projectile is arrow
    delete event-projectile

On Quit



  • [on] (quit[ting]|disconnect[ing]|log[ ]out|logging out|leav(e|ing))
Since: 1.0 (simple disconnection)
Called when a player leaves the server.


on quit:
on disconnect:

On Redstone



  • [on] redstone [current] [chang(e|ing)]
Since: 1.0
Called when the redstone current of a block changes. This event is of not much use yet.


on redstone change:
    send "someone is using redstone" to console

On Region Enter/Leave



  • [on] (enter[ing]|leav(e|ing)|exit[ing]) [of] ([a] region|[[the] region] %regions%)
  • [on] region (enter[ing]|leav(e|ing)|exit[ing])
Since: 2.1
Requirements: Supported regions plugin
Called when a player enters or leaves a region. This event requires a supported regions plugin to be installed.


on region exit:
    message "Leaving %region%."

On Resource Pack Request Response



Since: 2.4
Called when a player takes action on a resource pack request sent via the send resource pack effect. The resource pack condition can be used to check the resource pack state.

This event will be triggered once when the player accepts or declines the resource pack request, and once when the resource pack is successfully installed or failed to download.


on resource pack request response:
    if the resource pack was declined or failed to download:

on resource pack deny:
    kick the player due to "You have to install the resource pack to play in this server!"

On Respawn



  • [on] [player] respawn[ing]
Since: 1.0
Called when a player respawns. You should prefer this event over the death event as the player is technically alive when this event is called.


on respawn:

On Resurrect Attempt



  • [on] [entity] resurrect[ion] [attempt]
Since: 2.2-dev28
Called when an entity dies, always. If they are not holding a totem, this is cancelled - you can, however, uncancel it.


on resurrect attempt:
    entity is player
    entity has permission "admin.undying"
    uncancel the event

On Riptide



  • [on] [use of] riptide [enchant[ment]]
Since: 2.5
Called when the player activates the riptide enchantment, using their trident to propel them through the air. Note: the riptide action is performed client side, so manipulating the player in this event may have undesired effects.


on riptide:
    send "You are riptiding!"

On Script Load/Unload



  • [on] [async] [script] (load|init|enable)
  • [on] [async] [script] (unload|stop|disable)
Since: 2.0
Called directly after the trigger is loaded, or directly before the whole script is unloaded. The keyword 'async' indicates the trigger can be ran asynchronously,


on load:
    set {running::%script%} to true
on unload:
    set {running::%script%} to false

On Server List Ping



  • [on] server [list] ping
Since: 2.3
Called when a server list ping is coming in, generally when a Minecraft client pings the server to show its information in the server list. The IP expression can be used to get the IP adress of the pinger. This event can be cancelled on PaperSpigot 1.12.2+ only and this means the player will see the server as offline (but still can join).

Also you can use MOTD, Max Players, Online Players Count, Protocol Version, Version String, Hover List and Server Icon expressions, and Player Info Visibility and Hide Player from Server List effects to modify the server list.


on server list ping:
    set the motd to "Welcome %{player-by-IP::%ip%}%! Join now!" if {player-by-IP::%ip%} is set, else "Join now!"
    set the fake max players count to (online players count + 1)
    set the shown icon to a random server icon out of {server-icons::*}

On Server Start/Stop



  • [on] (server|skript) (start|load|enable)
  • [on] (server|skript) (stop|unload|disable)
Since: 2.0
Called when the server starts or stops (actually, when Skript starts or stops, so a /reload will trigger these events as well).


on skript start:
on server stop:

On Sheep Regrow Wool



  • [on] sheep [re]grow[ing] wool
Since: 2.2-dev21
Called when sheep regrows its sheared wool back.


on sheep grow wool:
    cancel event

On Shoot



  • [on] [projectile] shoot
Since: 1.0
Called whenever a projectile is shot. Use the shooter expression to get who shot the projectile.


on shoot:
    if projectile is an arrow:
        send "you shot an arrow!" to shooter

On Sign Change



  • [on] sign (chang[e]|edit)[ing]
  • [on] [player] (chang[e]|edit)[ing] [a] sign
Since: 1.0
As signs are placed empty, this event is called when a player is done editing a sign.


on sign change:
    line 2 is empty
    set line 1 to "&amp;amp;amp;amp;lt;red&amp;amp;amp;amp;gt;%line 1%"

On Slime Split



  • [on] slime split[ting]
Since: 2.2-dev26
Called when a slime splits. Usually this happens when a big slime dies.


on slime split:

On Smelt



  • [on] [ore] smelt[ing]
  • [on] smelt[ing] of ore
Since: 1.0
Called when a furnace smelts an item in its ore slot.


on smelt:

On Sneak Toggle



  • [on] [player] toggl(e|ing) sneak
  • [on] [player] sneak toggl(e|ing)
Since: 1.0
Called when a player starts or stops sneaking. Use is sneaking to get whether the player was sneaking before the event was called.


# make players that stop sneaking jump
on sneak toggle:
    player is sneaking
    push the player upwards at speed 0.5

On Spawn



Since: 1.0, 2.5.1 (non-living entities)
Called when an entity spawns (excluding players).


on spawn of a zombie:
on spawn of an ender dragon:
    broadcast "A dragon has been sighted in %world%!"

On Spawn Change



  • [on] [world] spawn change
Since: 1.0
Called when the spawn point of a world changes.


on spawn change:
    broadcast "someone changed the spawn!"

On Spectate



Since: 2.7
Requirements: Paper
Called with a player starts, stops or swaps spectating an entity.


on player start spectating of a zombie:

On Sponge Absorb



  • [on] sponge absorb
Since: 2.5
Requirements: Minecraft 1.13 or newer
Called when a sponge absorbs blocks.


on sponge absorb:
    loop absorbed blocks:
        broadcast "%loop-block% was absorbed by a sponge"!

On Spread



  • [on] spread[ing]
Since: 1.0
Called when a new block forms as a result of a block that can spread, e.g. water or mushrooms.


on spread:

On Sprint Toggle



  • [on] [player] toggl(e|ing) sprint
  • [on] [player] sprint toggl(e|ing)
Since: 1.0
Called when a player starts or stops sprinting. Use is sprinting to get whether the player was sprinting before the event was called.


on sprint toggle:
    player is not sprinting
    send "Run!"

On Swim Toggle



  • [on] [entity] toggl(e|ing) swim
  • [on] [entity] swim toggl(e|ing)
Since: 2.3
Requirements: 1.13 or newer
Called when an entity swims or stops swimming.


on swim toggle:
    event-entity does not have permission "swim"
    cancel event

On Tame



  • [on] [entity] tam(e|ing)
Since: 1.0
Called when a player tames a wolf or ocelot. Can be cancelled to prevent the entity from being tamed.


on tame:

On Target



  • [on] [entity] target
  • [on] [entity] un[-]target
Since: 1.0
Called when a mob starts/stops following/attacking another entity, usually a player.


on entity target:
    target is a player

On Teleport



  • [on] [player] teleport[ing]
Since: 1.0
Called whenever a player is teleported, either by a nether/end portal or other means (e.g. by plugins).


on teleport:

On Test Case



  • [on] test %text% [when <.+>]
Since: 2.5
Contents represent one test case.


Missing examples.

On Tool Change



  • [on] [player['s]] (tool|item held|held item) chang(e|ing)
Since: 1.0
Called whenever a player changes their held item by selecting a different slot (e.g. the keys 1-9 or the mouse wheel), not by dropping or replacing the item in the current slot.


on player's held item change:

On Vehicle Create



  • [on] vehicle create
  • [on] creat(e|ing|ion of) [a] vehicle
Since: 1.0
Called when a new vehicle is created, e.g. when a player places a boat or minecart.


on vehicle create:

On Vehicle Damage



  • [on] vehicle damage
  • [on] damag(e|ing) [a] vehicle
Since: 1.0
Called when a vehicle gets damage. Too much damage will destroy the vehicle.


on vehicle damage:

On Vehicle Destroy



  • [on] vehicle destroy
  • [on] destr(oy[ing]|uction of) [a] vehicle
Since: 1.0
Called when a vehicle is destroyed. Any passenger will be ejected and the vehicle might drop some item(s).


on vehicle destroy:
    cancel event

On Vehicle Enter



  • [on] vehicle enter
  • [on] enter[ing] [a] vehicle
Since: 1.0
Called when an entity enters a vehicle, either deliberately (players) or by falling into them (mobs).


on vehicle enter:
    entity is a player
    cancel event

On Vehicle Exit



  • [on] vehicle exit
  • [on] exit[ing] [a] vehicle
Since: 1.0
Called when an entity exits a vehicle.


on vehicle exit:
    if event-entity is a spider:
        kill event-entity

On Weather Change



Since: 1.0
Called when a world's weather changes.


on weather change:
on weather change to sunny:

On World Init



  • [on] world init[ialization]
Since: 1.0
Called when a world is initialised. As all default worlds are initialised before any scripts are loaded, this event is only called for newly created worlds. World management plugins might change the behaviour of this event though.


on world init:

On World Load



  • [on] world load[ing]
Since: 1.0
Called when a world is loaded. As with the world init event, this event will not be called for the server's default world(s).


on world load:
    send "World is loading..." to console

On World Save



  • [on] world sav(e|ing)
Since: 1.0
Called when a world is saved to disk. Usually all worlds are saved simultaneously, but world management plugins could change this.


on world saving:
    broadcast "World has been saved!"

On World Unload



  • [on] world unload[ing]
Since: 1.0
Called when a world is unloaded. This event might never be called if you don't have a world management plugin.


on world unload:
    cancel event

On Zombie Break Door



  • [on] zombie break[ing] [a] [wood[en]] door
Since: 1.0
Called when a zombie is done breaking a wooden door. Can be cancelled to prevent the zombie from breaking the door.


on zombie breaking a wood door:




Since: 1.0
An event that is called periodically.


every 2 seconds:
every minecraft hour:
every tick: # can cause lag depending on the code inside the event
every minecraft days:




Since: 1.0
An event that is called periodically.


every 2 seconds in "world":
every minecraft hour in "flatworld":
every tick in "world": # can cause lag depending on the code inside the event
every minecraft days in "plots":
\ No newline at end of file + Skript Documentation - 2.8.0-dev-nightly-235b97a



You can specify the event priority after each event syntax using the following syntax [with priority (lowest|low|normal|high|highest|monitor)] e.g. on spawn with priority lowest.
Note that not all of the events support event priority feature and they will throw an error.

At Time



Since: 1.3.4
An event that occurs at a given minecraft time in every world or only in specific worlds.


at 18:00
at 7am in "world"

On Anvil Damage



  • [on] anvil damag(e|ing)
Since: 2.7
Requirements: Paper
Called when an anvil is damaged/broken from being used to repair/rename items. Note: this does not include anvil damage from falling.


on anvil damage:
    cancel the event

On Anvil Prepare



  • [on] anvil prepar(e|ing)
Since: 2.7
Called when an item is put in a slot for repair by an anvil. Please note that this event is called multiple times in a single item slot move.


on anvil prepare:
    event-item is set # result item
    chance of 5%:
        set repair cost to repair cost * 50%
        send "You're LUCKY! You got 50% discount." to player

On AoE Cloud Effect



  • [on] (area|AoE) [cloud] effect
Since: 2.2-dev21
Called when area effect cloud applies its potion effect. This happens every 5 ticks by default.


on area cloud effect:

On Arm Swing



  • [on] [player] arm swing
Since: 2.5.1
Called when a player swings his arm.


on arm swing:
    send "You swung your arm!"

On Armor Change



  • [on] [player] armor change[d]
Since: 2.5
Requirements: Paper
Called when armor pieces of a player are changed.


on armor change:
    send "You equipped %event-item%!"

On Bed Enter



  • [on] bed enter[ing]
  • [on] [player] enter[ing] [a] bed
Since: 1.0
Called when a player starts sleeping.


on bed enter:

On Bed Leave



  • [on] bed leav(e|ing)
  • [on] [player] leav(e|ing) [a] bed
Since: 1.0
Called when a player leaves a bed.


on player leaving a bed:

On Block Damage



  • [on] block damag(ing|e)
Since: 1.0
Called when a player starts to break a block. You can usually just use the leftclick event for this.


on block damaging:
    if block is log:
        send "You can't break the holy log!"

On Block Fertilize



  • [on] [block] fertilize
Since: 2.5
Requirements: Minecraft 1.13 or newer
Called when a player fertilizes blocks.


on block fertilize:
    send "Fertilized %size of fertilized blocks% blocks got fertilized."

On Block Growth



  • [on] (plant|crop|block) grow[(th|ing)] [[of] %item types%]
Since: 2.2-Fixes-V10
Called when a crop grows. Alternative to new form of generic grow event.


on crop growth:

On Book Edit



  • [on] book (edit|change|write)
Since: 2.2-dev31
Called when a player edits a book.


on book edit:

On Book Sign



  • [on] book sign[ing]
Since: 2.2-dev31
Called when a player signs a book.


on book sign:

On Break / Mine



Since: 1.0 (break), unknown (mine), 2.6 (BlockData support)
Called when a block is broken by a player. If you use 'on mine', only events where the broken block dropped something will call the trigger.


on mine:
on break of stone:
on mine of any ore:
on break of chest[facing=north]:
on break of potatoes[age=7]:

On Bucket Empty



  • [on] bucket empty[ing]
  • [on] [player] empty[ing] [a] bucket
Since: 1.0
Called when a player empties a bucket. You can also use the place event with a check for water or lava.


on bucket empty:

On Bucket fill



  • [on] bucket fill[ing]
  • [on] [player] fill[ing] [a] bucket
Since: 1.0
Called when a player fills a bucket.


on player filling a bucket:

On Burn



Since: 1.0, 2.6 (BlockData support)
Called when a block is destroyed by fire.


on burn:
on burn of wood, fences, or chests:
on burn of oak_log[axis=y]:

On Can Build Check



  • [on] [block] can build check
Since: 1.0 (basic), 2.0 ([un]cancellable)
Called when a player rightclicks on a block while holding a block or a placeable item. You can either cancel the event to prevent the block from being built, or uncancel it to allow it. Please note that the data value of the block to be placed is not available in this event, only its ID.


on block can build check:
    cancel event

On Chat



  • [on] chat
Since: 1.4.1
Called whenever a player chats. Use chat format to change message format. Use chat recipients to edit chat recipients.


on chat:
    if player has permission "owner":
        set chat format to "&amp;amp;amp;lt;red&amp;amp;amp;gt;[player]&amp;amp;amp;lt;light gray&amp;amp;amp;gt;: &amp;amp;amp;lt;light red&amp;amp;amp;gt;[message]"
    else if player has permission "admin":
        set chat format to "&amp;amp;amp;lt;light red&amp;amp;amp;gt;[player]&amp;amp;amp;lt;light gray&amp;amp;amp;gt;: &amp;amp;amp;lt;orange&amp;amp;amp;gt;[message]"
    else: #default message format
        set chat format to "&amp;amp;amp;lt;orange&amp;amp;amp;gt;[player]&amp;amp;amp;lt;light gray&amp;amp;amp;gt;: &amp;amp;amp;lt;white&amp;amp;amp;gt;[message]"

On Chunk Generate



  • [on] chunk (generat|populat)(e|ing)
Since: 1.0
Called after a new chunk was generated.


on chunk generate:

On Chunk Load



  • [on] chunk load[ing]
Since: 1.0
Called when a chunk loads. The chunk might or might not contain mobs when it's loaded.


on chunk load:

On Chunk Unload



  • [on] chunk unload[ing]
Since: 1.0
Called when a chunk is unloaded due to not being near any player.


on chunk unload:

On Click



Since: 1.0
Called when a user clicks on a block, an entity or air with or without an item in their hand. Please note that rightclick events with an empty hand while not looking at a block are not sent to the server, so there's no way to detect them. Also note that a leftclick on an entity is an attack and thus not covered by the 'click' event, but the 'damage' event.


on click:
on rightclick holding a fishing rod:
on leftclick on a stone or obsidian:
on rightclick on a creeper:
on click with a sword:

On Combust



  • [on] combust[ing]
Since: 1.0
Called when an entity is set on fire, e.g. by fire or lava, a fireball, or by standing in direct sunlight (zombies, skeletons).


on combust:

On Command



  • [on] command [%text%]
Since: 2.0
Called when a player enters a command (not necessarily a Skript command) but you can check if command is a skript command, see Is a Skript command condition.


on command:
on command "/stop":
on command "pm Njol ":

On Connect



  • [on] [player] connect[ing]
Since: 2.0
Called when the player connects to the server. This event is called before the player actually joins the server, so if you want to prevent players from joining you should prefer this event over on join.


on connect:
    player doesn't have permission "VIP"
    number of players is greater than 15
    kick the player due to "The last 5 slots are reserved for VIP players."

On Consume



  • [on] [player] ((eat|drink)[ing]|consum(e|ing)) [[of] %item types%]
Since: 2.0
Called when a player is done eating/drinking something, e.g. an apple, bread, meat, milk or a potion.


on consume:

On Craft



Since: unknown (before 2.1)
Called when a player crafts an item.


on craft:

On Creeper Power



  • [on] creeper power
Since: 1.0
Called when a creeper is struck by lighting and gets powered. Cancel the event to prevent the creeper from being powered.


on creeper power:

On Damage



Since: 1.0, 2.7 (by entity)
Called when an entity receives damage, e.g. by an attack from another entity, lava, fire, drowning, fall, suffocation, etc.


on damage:
on damage of a player:
on damage of player by zombie:

On Death



Since: 1.0
Called when a living entity (including players) dies.


on death:
on death of player:
on death of a wither or ender dragon:
    broadcast "A %entity% has been slain in %world%!"

On Dispense



Since: unknown (before 2.1)
Called when a dispenser dispenses an item.


on dispense of iron block:
    send "that'd be 19.99 please!"

On Drop



  • [on] [player|entity] drop[ping] [[of] %item types%]
Since: unknown (before 2.1), 2.7 (entity)
Called when a player drops an item from their inventory, or an entity drops an item, such as a chicken laying an egg.


on drop:
    if event-item is compass:
        cancel event

on entity drop of an egg:
    if event-entity is a chicken:
        set item of event-dropped item to a diamond

On Egg Throw



  • [on] throw[ing] [of] [an] egg
  • [on] [player] egg throw
Since: 1.0
Called when a player throws an egg and it lands. You can just use the shoot event in most cases. However, this event allows modification of properties like the hatched entity type and the number of entities to hatch.


on throw of an egg:

On Enchant



  • [on] [item] enchant
Since: 2.5
Called when a player successfully enchants an item. To get the enchanted item, see the enchant item expression


on enchant:
    if the clicked button is 1: # offer 1
        set the applied enchantments to sharpness 10 and unbreaking 10

On Enchant Prepare



  • [on] [item] enchant prepare
Since: 2.5
Called when a player puts an item into enchantment table. This event may be called multiple times. To get the enchant item, see the enchant item expression


on enchant prepare:
    set enchant offer 1 to sharpness 1
    set the cost of enchant offer 1 to 10 levels

On Enderman/Sheep/Silverfish/Falling Block



  • [on] enderman place
  • [on] enderman pickup
  • [on] sheep eat
  • [on] silverfish enter
  • [on] silverfish exit
  • [on] falling block fall[ing]
  • [on] falling block land[ing]
Since: unknown, 2.5.2 (falling block)
Called when an enderman places or picks up a block, a sheep eats grass, a silverfish boops into/out of a block or a falling block lands and turns into a block respectively.


on sheep eat:
    kill event-entity
    broadcast "A sheep stole some grass!"

on falling block land:
    event-entity is a falling dirt
    cancel event

On Entity Dismount



  • [on] dismount[ing]
Since: 2.2-dev13b
Called when an entity dismounts.


on dismount:
    kill event-entity

On Entity Jump



  • [on] entity jump[ing]
Since: 2.7
Requirements: Paper 1.15.2+
Called when an entity jumps.


on entity jump:
    if entity is a wither skeleton:
        cancel event

On Entity Mount



  • [on] mount[ing]
Since: 2.2-dev13b
Called when entity starts riding another.


on mount:
    cancel event

On Entity Portal



  • [on] entity portal
Since: 2.5.3
Called when an entity uses a nether or end portal. Cancel the event to prevent the entity from teleporting.


on entity portal:
    broadcast "A %type of event-entity% has entered a portal!

On Experience Change



  • [on] [player] (level progress|[e]xp|experience) (change|update|increase|decrease)
Since: 2.7
Called when a player's experience changes.


on level progress change:
    set {_xp} to event-experience
    broadcast "%{_xp}%"

On Experience Spawn



  • [on] [e]xp[erience] [orb] spawn
  • [on] spawn of [a[n]] [e]xp[erience] [orb]
Since: 2.0
Called whenever experience is about to spawn. Please note that this event will not fire for xp orbs spawned by plugins (including Skript) with Bukkit.


on xp spawn:
    world is "minigame_world"
    cancel event

On Explode



  • [on] explo(d(e|ing)|sion)
Since: 1.0
Called when an entity (a primed TNT or a creeper) explodes.


on explosion:

On Explosion Prime



  • [on] explosion prime
Since: 1.0
Called when an explosive is primed, i.e. an entity will explode shortly. Creepers can abort the explosion if the player gets too far away, while TNT will explode for sure after a short time.


on explosion prime:

On Fade



Since: 1.0, 2.6 (BlockData support)
Called when a block 'fades away', e.g. ice or snow melts.


on fade of snow or ice:
on fade of snow[layers=2]

On Firework Explode



  • [on] [a] firework explo(d(e|ing)|sion) [colo[u]red %colors%]
Since: 2.4
Called when a firework explodes.


on firework explode
on firework exploding colored red, light green and black
on firework explosion colored light green:
    broadcast "A firework colored %colors% was exploded at %location%!"

On First Join



  • [on] first (join|login)
Since: 1.3.7
Called when a player joins the server for the first time.


on first join:
    broadcast "Welcome %player% to the server!"

On Fishing



  • [on] [player] fish[ing]
Since: 1.0
Called when a player fishes something. This is not of much use yet.


on fish:

On Flight Toggle



  • [on] [player] flight toggl(e|ing)
  • [on] [player] toggl(e|ing) flight
Since: 2.2-dev36
Called when a players stops/starts flying.


on flight toggle:
    if {game::%player%::playing} exists:
        cancel event

On Flow



  • [on] [block] flow[ing]
  • [on] block mov(e|ing)
Since: 1.0
Called when a blocks flows or teleports to another block. This not only applies to water and lava, but teleporting dragon eggs as well.


on block flow:
    if event-block is water:
        broadcast "Build more dams! It's starting to get wet in here"

On Form



Since: 1.0, 2.6 (BlockData support)
Called when a block is created, but not by a player, e.g. snow forms due to snowfall, water freezes in cold biomes. This isn't called when block spreads (mushroom growth, water physics etc.), as it has its own event (see spread event).


on form of snow:
on form of a mushroom:

On Fuel Burn



  • [on] fuel burn[ing]
Since: 1.0
Called when a furnace burns an item from its fuel slot.


on fuel burning:

On Gamemode Change



  • [on] game[ ]mode change [to %gamemode%]
Since: 1.0
Called when a player's gamemode changes.


on gamemode change:
on gamemode change to adventure:

On Gliding State Change



  • [on] (gliding state change|toggl(e|ing) gliding)
Since: 2.2-dev21
Called when an entity toggles glider on or off, or when server toggles gliding state of an entity forcibly.


on toggling gliding:
    cancel the event # bad idea, but you CAN do it!

On Grow



Since: 1.0 (2.2-dev20 for plants)
Called when a tree, giant mushroom or plant grows to next stage.


on grow:
on grow of a tree:
on grow of a huge jungle tree:

On Hand Item Swap



  • [on] swap[ping of] [(hand|held)] item[s]
Since: 2.3
Called whenever a player swaps the items in their main- and offhand slots. Works also when one or both of the slots are empty. The event is called before the items are actually swapped, so when you use the player's tool or player's offtool expressions, they will return the values before the swap - this enables you to cancel the event before anything happens.


on swap hand items:
    event-player's tool is a diamond sword
    cancel event

On Heal



  • [on] heal[ing]
Since: 1.0
Called when an entity is healed, e.g. by eating (players), being fed (pets), or by the effect of a potion of healing (overworld mobs) or harm (nether mobs).


on heal:

On Horse Jump



  • [on] horse jump
Since: 2.5.1
Called when a horse jumps.


on horse jump:
    push event-entity upwards at speed 2

On Hunger Meter Change



  • [on] (food|hunger) (level|met(er|re)|bar) chang(e|ing)
Since: 1.4.4
Called when the hunger bar of a player changes, i.e. either increases by eating or decreases over time.


on food bar change:

On Ignition



  • [on] [block] ignit(e|ion)
Since: 1.0
Called when a block starts burning, i.e. a fire block is placed next to it and this block is flammable. The burn event will be called when the block is about do be destroyed by the fire.


on block ignite:
    if event-block is a ladder:
        cancel event

On Inventory Click



  • [on] [player] inventory(-| )click[ing] [[at] %item types%]
Since: 2.2-Fixes-V10
Called when clicking on inventory slot.


on inventory click:
    if event-item is stone:
        give player 1 stone
        remove 20$ from player's balance

On Inventory Close



  • [on] inventory clos(ing|e[d])
Since: 2.2-dev21
Called when player's currently viewed inventory is closed.


on inventory close:
    if player's location is {location}:
        send "You exited the shop!"

On Inventory Drag



  • [on] inventory drag[ging]
Called when a player drags an item in their cursor across the inventory.


on inventory drag:
    if player's current inventory is {_gui}:
        send "You can't drag your items here!" to player
        cancel event

On Inventory Item Move



  • [on] inventory item (move|transport)
Called when an entity or block (e.g. hopper) tries to move items directly from one inventory to another. When this event is called, the initiator may have already removed the item from the source inventory and is ready to move it into the destination inventory. If this event is cancelled, the items will be returned to the source inventory.


on inventory item move:
    broadcast "%holder of past event-inventory% is transporting %event-item% to %holder of event-inventory%!"

On Inventory Open



  • [on] inventory open[ed]
Since: 2.2-dev21
Called when an inventory is opened for player.


on inventory open:
    close player's inventory

On Inventory Pickup



  • [on] inventory pick[ ]up
Since: 2.5.1
Called when an inventory (a hopper, a hopper minecart, etc.) picks up an item


on inventory pickup:

On Inventory Slot Change



  • [on] [player] inventory slot chang(e|ing)
Since: 2.7
Requirements: Paper 1.19.2+
Called when a slot in a player's inventory is changed. Warning: setting the event-slot to a new item can result in an infinite loop.


on inventory slot change:
    if event-item is a diamond:
        send "You obtained a diamond!" to player

On Item Break



  • [on] [player] tool break[ing]
  • [on] [player] break[ing] [(a|the)] tool
Since: 2.1.1
Called when a player breaks their tool because its damage reached the maximum value. This event cannot be cancelled.


on tool break:

On Item Damage



  • [on] item damag(e|ing)
Since: 2.5
Called when an item is damaged. Most tools are damaged by using them; armor is damaged when the wearer takes damage.


on item damage:
    cancel event

On Item Despawn



  • [on] (item[ ][stack]|[item] %item types%) despawn[ing]
  • [on] [item[ ][stack]] despawn[ing] [[of] %item types%]
Since: 2.2-dev35
Called when an item is about to be despawned from the world, usually 5 minutes after it was dropped.


on item despawn of diamond:
    send "Not my precious!"
    cancel event

On Item Mend



  • [on] item mend[ing]
Since: 2.5.1
Requirements: Minecraft 1.13 or newer
Called when a player has an item repaired via the Mending enchantment.


on item mend:
    chance of 50%:
        cancel the event
        send "Oops! Mending failed!" to player

On Item Merge



  • [on] (item[ ][stack]|[item] %item types%) merg(e|ing)
  • [on] item[ ][stack] merg(e|ing) [[of] %item types%]
Since: 2.2-dev35
Called when dropped items merge into a single stack. event-entity will be the entity which is trying to merge, and future event-entity will be the entity which is being merged into.


on item merge of gold blocks:
    cancel event

On Item Spawn



Since: unknown (before 2.1)
Called whenever an item stack is spawned in a world, e.g. as drop of a block or mob, a player throwing items out of their inventory, or a dispenser dispensing an item (not shooting it).


on item spawn of iron sword:
    broadcast "Someone dropped an iron sword!"

On Join



  • [on] [player] (login|logging in|join[ing])
Since: 1.0
Called when the player joins the server. The player is already in a world when this event is called, so if you want to prevent players from joining you should prefer on connect over this event.


on join:
    message "Welcome on our awesome server!"
    broadcast "%player% just joined the server!"

On Jump



  • [on] [player] jump[ing]
Since: 2.3
Called whenever a player jumps. This event requires PaperSpigot.


on jump:
    event-player does not have permission "jump"
    cancel event

On Kick



  • [on] [player] (kick|being kicked)
Since: 1.0
Called when a player is kicked from the server. You can change the kick message or cancel the event entirely.


on kick:

On Language Change



  • [on] [player] (language|locale) chang(e|ing)
  • [on] [player] chang(e|ing) (language|locale)
Since: 2.3
Called after a player changed their language in the game settings. You can use the language expression to get the current language of the player. This event requires Minecraft 1.12+.


on language change:
    if player's language starts with "en":
        send "Hello!"

On Leaves Decay



  • [on] leaves decay[ing]
Since: 1.0
Called when a leaf block decays due to not being connected to a tree.


on leaves decay:

On Level Change



  • [on] [player] level (change|up|down)
Since: 1.0, 2.4 (level up/down)
Called when a player's level changes, e.g. by gathering experience or by enchanting something.


on level change:

On Lightning Strike



  • [on] lightning [strike]
Since: 1.0
Called when lightning strikes.


on lightning:
    spawn a zombie at location of event-entity

On Loot Generate



  • [on] loot generat(e|ing)
Since: 2.7
Requirements: MC 1.16+
Called when a loot table of an inventory is generated in the world. For example, when opening a shipwreck chest.


on loot generate:
    chance of 10%
    add 64 diamonds to the loot
    send "You hit the jackpot at %event-location%!"

On Move



Since: 2.6
Requirements: Paper 1.16.5+ (entity move)
Called when a player or entity moves. NOTE: Move event will only be called when the entity/player moves position, not orientation (ie: looking around). NOTE: These events can be performance heavy as they are called quite often. If you use these events, and later remove them, a server restart is recommended to clear registered events from Skript.


on player move:
    if player does not have permission "player.can.move":
        cancel event
on skeleton move:
    if event-entity is not in world "world":
        kill event-entity

On Move On



Since: 2.0
Called when a player moves onto a certain type of block. Please note that using this event can cause lag if there are many players online.


on walking on dirt or grass:
on stepping on stone:

On Physics



  • [on] [block] physics
Since: 1.4.6
Called when a physics check is done on a block. By cancelling this event you can prevent some things from happening, e.g. sand falling, dirt turning into grass, torches dropping if their supporting block is destroyed, etc.Please note that using this event might cause quite some lag since it gets called extremely often.


# prevents sand from falling
on block physics:
    block is sand
    cancel event

On Pick Up



  • [on] [(player|entity)] (pick[ ]up|picking up) [[of] %item types%]
Since: unknown (before 2.1), 2.5 (entity)
Called when a player/entity picks up an item. Please note that the item is still on the ground when this event is called.


on pick up:
on entity pickup of wheat:

On Pig Zap



  • [on] pig[ ]zap
Since: 1.0
Called when a pig is stroke by lightning and transformed into a zombie pigman. Cancel the event to prevent the transformation.


on pig zap:

On Piston Extend



  • [on] piston extend[ing]
Since: 1.0
Called when a piston is about to extend.


on piston extend:
    broadcast "A piston is extending!"

On Piston Retract



  • [on] piston retract[ing]
Since: 1.0
Called when a piston is about to retract.


on piston retract:
    broadcast "A piston is retracting!"

On Place



Since: 1.0, 2.6 (BlockData support)
Called when a player places a block.


on place:
on place of a furnace, workbench or chest:
on break of chest[type=right] or chest[type=left]

On Player Chunk Enter



  • [on] [player] (enter[s] [a] chunk|chunk enter[ing])
Since: 2.7
Called when a player enters a chunk. Note that this event is based on 'player move' event, and may be called frequent internally.


on player enters a chunk:
    send "You entered a chunk: %past event-chunk% -&amp;amp;gt; %event-chunk%!" to player

On Player Deep Sleep



  • [on] [player] deep sleep[ing]
Since: 2.7
Requirements: Paper 1.16+
Called when a player has slept long enough to count as passing the night/storm. Cancelling this event will prevent the player from being counted as deeply sleeping unless they exit and re-enter the bed.


on player deep sleeping:
    send "Zzzz.." to player

On Player Pickup Arrow



  • [on] [player] (pick[ing| ]up [an] arrow|arrow pick[ing| ]up)
Requirements: Minecraft 1.14+ (event-projectile)
Called when a player picks up an arrow from the ground.


on arrow pickup:
    cancel the event
    teleport event-projectile to block 5 above event-projectile

On Player Trade



  • [on] player trad(e|ing)
Since: 2.7
Requirements: Paper 1.16.5+
Called when a player has traded with a villager.


on player trade:
    chance of 50%:
        cancel event
        send "The trade was somehow denied!" to player

On Player World Change



  • [on] [player] world chang(ing|e[d])
Since: 2.2-dev28
Called when a player enters a world. Does not work with other entities!


on player world change:
    world is "city"
    send "Welcome to the City!"

On Portal



  • [on] [player] portal
Since: 1.0
Called when a player uses a nether or end portal. Cancel the event to prevent the player from teleporting.


on player portal:

On Portal Create



  • [on] portal creat(e|ion)
Since: 1.0, 2.5.3 (event-entity support)
Requirements: Minecraft 1.14+ (event-entity support)
Called when a portal is created, either by a player or mob lighting an obsidian frame on fire, or by a nether portal creating its teleportation target in the nether/overworld. In Minecraft 1.14+, you can use the player in this event. Please note that there may not always be a player (or other entity) in this event.


on portal create:

On Portal Enter



  • [on] portal enter[ing]
  • [on] entering [a] portal
Since: 1.0
Called when an entity enters a nether portal or an end portal. Please note that this event will be fired many times for a nether portal.


on portal enter:

On Prepare Craft



  • [on] [player] (preparing|beginning) craft[ing] [[of] %item types%]
Since: 2.2-Fixes-V10
Called just before displaying crafting result to player. Note that setting the result item might or might not work due to Bukkit bugs.


on preparing craft of torch:

On Pressure Plate / Trip



  • [on] [step[ping] on] [a] [pressure] plate
  • [on] (trip|[step[ping] on] [a] tripwire)
Since: 1.0 (pressure plate), 1.4.4 (tripwire)
Called when a player steps on a pressure plate or tripwire respectively.


on step on pressure plate:

On Projectile Collide



  • [on] projectile collide
Since: 2.5
Requirements: Paper
Called when a projectile collides with an entity.


on projectile collide:
    teleport shooter of event-projectile to event-entity

On Projectile Hit



  • [on] projectile hit
Since: 1.0
Called when a projectile hits an entity or a block. Use the damage event with a check for a projectile to be able to use the entity that got hit in the case when the projectile hit a living entity. A damage event will even be fired if the damage is 0, e.g. when throwing snowballs at non-nether mobs.


on projectile hit:
    event-projectile is arrow
    delete event-projectile

On Quit



  • [on] (quit[ting]|disconnect[ing]|log[ ]out|logging out|leav(e|ing))
Since: 1.0 (simple disconnection)
Called when a player leaves the server.


on quit:
on disconnect:

On Redstone



  • [on] redstone [current] [chang(e|ing)]
Since: 1.0
Called when the redstone current of a block changes. This event is of not much use yet.


on redstone change:
    send "someone is using redstone" to console

On Region Enter/Leave



  • [on] (enter[ing]|leav(e|ing)|exit[ing]) [of] ([a] region|[[the] region] %regions%)
  • [on] region (enter[ing]|leav(e|ing)|exit[ing])
Since: 2.1
Requirements: Supported regions plugin
Called when a player enters or leaves a region. This event requires a supported regions plugin to be installed.


on region exit:
    message "Leaving %region%."

On Resource Pack Request Response



Since: 2.4
Called when a player takes action on a resource pack request sent via the send resource pack effect. The resource pack condition can be used to check the resource pack state.

This event will be triggered once when the player accepts or declines the resource pack request, and once when the resource pack is successfully installed or failed to download.


on resource pack request response:
    if the resource pack was declined or failed to download:

on resource pack deny:
    kick the player due to "You have to install the resource pack to play in this server!"

On Respawn



  • [on] [player] respawn[ing]
Since: 1.0
Called when a player respawns. You should prefer this event over the death event as the player is technically alive when this event is called.


on respawn:

On Resurrect Attempt



  • [on] [entity] resurrect[ion] [attempt]
Since: 2.2-dev28
Called when an entity dies, always. If they are not holding a totem, this is cancelled - you can, however, uncancel it.


on resurrect attempt:
    entity is player
    entity has permission "admin.undying"
    uncancel the event

On Riptide



  • [on] [use of] riptide [enchant[ment]]
Since: 2.5
Called when the player activates the riptide enchantment, using their trident to propel them through the air. Note: the riptide action is performed client side, so manipulating the player in this event may have undesired effects.


on riptide:
    send "You are riptiding!"

On Script Load/Unload



  • [on] [async] [script] (load|init|enable)
  • [on] [async] [script] (unload|stop|disable)
Since: 2.0
Called directly after the trigger is loaded, or directly before the whole script is unloaded. The keyword 'async' indicates the trigger can be ran asynchronously,


on load:
    set {running::%script%} to true
on unload:
    set {running::%script%} to false

On Server List Ping



  • [on] server [list] ping
Since: 2.3
Called when a server list ping is coming in, generally when a Minecraft client pings the server to show its information in the server list. The IP expression can be used to get the IP adress of the pinger. This event can be cancelled on PaperSpigot 1.12.2+ only and this means the player will see the server as offline (but still can join).

Also you can use MOTD, Max Players, Online Players Count, Protocol Version, Version String, Hover List and Server Icon expressions, and Player Info Visibility and Hide Player from Server List effects to modify the server list.


on server list ping:
    set the motd to "Welcome %{player-by-IP::%ip%}%! Join now!" if {player-by-IP::%ip%} is set, else "Join now!"
    set the fake max players count to (online players count + 1)
    set the shown icon to a random server icon out of {server-icons::*}

On Server Start/Stop



  • [on] (server|skript) (start|load|enable)
  • [on] (server|skript) (stop|unload|disable)
Since: 2.0
Called when the server starts or stops (actually, when Skript starts or stops, so a /reload will trigger these events as well).


on skript start:
on server stop:

On Sheep Regrow Wool



  • [on] sheep [re]grow[ing] wool
Since: 2.2-dev21
Called when sheep regrows its sheared wool back.


on sheep grow wool:
    cancel event

On Shoot



  • [on] [projectile] shoot
Since: 1.0
Called whenever a projectile is shot. Use the shooter expression to get who shot the projectile.


on shoot:
    if projectile is an arrow:
        send "you shot an arrow!" to shooter

On Sign Change



  • [on] sign (chang[e]|edit)[ing]
  • [on] [player] (chang[e]|edit)[ing] [a] sign
Since: 1.0
As signs are placed empty, this event is called when a player is done editing a sign.


on sign change:
    line 2 is empty
    set line 1 to "&amp;amp;amp;lt;red&amp;amp;amp;gt;%line 1%"

On Slime Split



  • [on] slime split[ting]
Since: 2.2-dev26
Called when a slime splits. Usually this happens when a big slime dies.


on slime split:

On Smelt



  • [on] [ore] smelt[ing]
  • [on] smelt[ing] of ore
Since: 1.0
Called when a furnace smelts an item in its ore slot.


on smelt:

On Sneak Toggle



  • [on] [player] toggl(e|ing) sneak
  • [on] [player] sneak toggl(e|ing)
Since: 1.0
Called when a player starts or stops sneaking. Use is sneaking to get whether the player was sneaking before the event was called.


# make players that stop sneaking jump
on sneak toggle:
    player is sneaking
    push the player upwards at speed 0.5

On Spawn



Since: 1.0, 2.5.1 (non-living entities)
Called when an entity spawns (excluding players).


on spawn of a zombie:
on spawn of an ender dragon:
    broadcast "A dragon has been sighted in %world%!"

On Spawn Change



  • [on] [world] spawn change
Since: 1.0
Called when the spawn point of a world changes.


on spawn change:
    broadcast "someone changed the spawn!"

On Spectate



Since: 2.7
Requirements: Paper
Called with a player starts, stops or swaps spectating an entity.


on player start spectating of a zombie:

On Sponge Absorb



  • [on] sponge absorb
Since: 2.5
Requirements: Minecraft 1.13 or newer
Called when a sponge absorbs blocks.


on sponge absorb:
    loop absorbed blocks:
        broadcast "%loop-block% was absorbed by a sponge"!

On Spread



  • [on] spread[ing]
Since: 1.0
Called when a new block forms as a result of a block that can spread, e.g. water or mushrooms.


on spread:

On Sprint Toggle



  • [on] [player] toggl(e|ing) sprint
  • [on] [player] sprint toggl(e|ing)
Since: 1.0
Called when a player starts or stops sprinting. Use is sprinting to get whether the player was sprinting before the event was called.


on sprint toggle:
    player is not sprinting
    send "Run!"

On Swim Toggle



  • [on] [entity] toggl(e|ing) swim
  • [on] [entity] swim toggl(e|ing)
Since: 2.3
Requirements: 1.13 or newer
Called when an entity swims or stops swimming.


on swim toggle:
    event-entity does not have permission "swim"
    cancel event

On Tame



  • [on] [entity] tam(e|ing)
Since: 1.0
Called when a player tames a wolf or ocelot. Can be cancelled to prevent the entity from being tamed.


on tame:

On Target



  • [on] [entity] target
  • [on] [entity] un[-]target
Since: 1.0
Called when a mob starts/stops following/attacking another entity, usually a player.


on entity target:
    target is a player

On Teleport



  • [on] [player] teleport[ing]
Since: 1.0
Called whenever a player is teleported, either by a nether/end portal or other means (e.g. by plugins).


on teleport:

On Tool Change



  • [on] [player['s]] (tool|item held|held item) chang(e|ing)
Since: 1.0
Called whenever a player changes their held item by selecting a different slot (e.g. the keys 1-9 or the mouse wheel), not by dropping or replacing the item in the current slot.


on player's held item change:

On Vehicle Create



  • [on] vehicle create
  • [on] creat(e|ing|ion of) [a] vehicle
Since: 1.0
Called when a new vehicle is created, e.g. when a player places a boat or minecart.


on vehicle create:

On Vehicle Damage



  • [on] vehicle damage
  • [on] damag(e|ing) [a] vehicle
Since: 1.0
Called when a vehicle gets damage. Too much damage will destroy the vehicle.


on vehicle damage:

On Vehicle Destroy



  • [on] vehicle destroy
  • [on] destr(oy[ing]|uction of) [a] vehicle
Since: 1.0
Called when a vehicle is destroyed. Any passenger will be ejected and the vehicle might drop some item(s).


on vehicle destroy:
    cancel event

On Vehicle Enter



  • [on] vehicle enter
  • [on] enter[ing] [a] vehicle
Since: 1.0
Called when an entity enters a vehicle, either deliberately (players) or by falling into them (mobs).


on vehicle enter:
    entity is a player
    cancel event

On Vehicle Exit



  • [on] vehicle exit
  • [on] exit[ing] [a] vehicle
Since: 1.0
Called when an entity exits a vehicle.


on vehicle exit:
    if event-entity is a spider:
        kill event-entity

On Weather Change



Since: 1.0
Called when a world's weather changes.


on weather change:
on weather change to sunny:

On World Init



  • [on] world init[ialization]
Since: 1.0
Called when a world is initialised. As all default worlds are initialised before any scripts are loaded, this event is only called for newly created worlds. World management plugins might change the behaviour of this event though.


on world init:

On World Load



  • [on] world load[ing]
Since: 1.0
Called when a world is loaded. As with the world init event, this event will not be called for the server's default world(s).


on world load:
    send "World is loading..." to console

On World Save



  • [on] world sav(e|ing)
Since: 1.0
Called when a world is saved to disk. Usually all worlds are saved simultaneously, but world management plugins could change this.


on world saving:
    broadcast "World has been saved!"

On World Unload



  • [on] world unload[ing]
Since: 1.0
Called when a world is unloaded. This event might never be called if you don't have a world management plugin.


on world unload:
    cancel event

On Zombie Break Door



  • [on] zombie break[ing] [a] [wood[en]] door
Since: 1.0
Called when a zombie is done breaking a wooden door. Can be cancelled to prevent the zombie from breaking the door.


on zombie breaking a wood door:




Since: 1.0
An event that is called periodically.


every 2 seconds:
every minecraft hour:
every tick: # can cause lag depending on the code inside the event
every minecraft days:




Since: 1.0
An event that is called periodically.


every 2 seconds in "world":
every minecraft hour in "flatworld":
every tick in "world": # can cause lag depending on the code inside the event
every minecraft days in "plots":
\ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/expressions.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/expressions.html index c5c24238f8..5af75a7ed8 100644 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/expressions.html +++ b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/expressions.html @@ -1 +1 @@ - Skript Documentation - 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c


Absorbed blocks



  • [the] absorbed blocks
Since: 2.5
Usable in events: sponge absorb
Return Type: Block
The blocks absorbed by a sponge block.


the absorbed blocks

Affected Entities



  • [the] affected entities
Since: 2.4
Return Type: Living Entity
The affected entities in the area cloud effect event.


on area cloud effect:
    loop affected entities:
        if loop-value is a player:
            send "WARNING: you've step on an area effect cloud!" to loop-value

Age of Block/Entity



Since: 2.7
Return Type: integer
Returns the age or maximum age of blocks and age for entities (there in no maximum age for entities). For blocks, 'Age' represents the different growth stages that a crop-like block can go through. A value of 0 indicates that the crop was freshly planted, whilst a value equal to 'maximum age' indicates that the crop is ripe and ready to be harvested. For entities, 'Age' represents the time left for them to become adults and it's in minus increasing to be 0 which means they're adults, e.g. A baby cow needs 20 minutes to become an adult which equals to 24,000 ticks so their age will be -24000 once spawned.


# Set targeted crop to fully grown crop
set age of targeted block to maximum age of targeted block

# Spawn a baby cow that will only need 1 minute to become an adult
spawn a baby cow at player
set age of last spawned entity to -1200 # in ticks = 60 seconds

All Banned Players/IPs



  • [all [[of] the]|the] banned (players|(ips|ip addresses))
Since: 2.7
Return Type: Object
Obtains the list of all banned players or IP addresses.


command /banlist:
        send all the banned players

All Groups



  • all groups
Since: 2.2-dev35
Requirements: Vault, a permission plugin that supports Vault
Return Type: Text
All the groups a player can have. This expression requires Vault and a compatible permissions plugin to be installed.


command /group &lt;text&gt;:
        if argument is "list":
            send "%all groups%"

All Operators



  • [all [[of] the]|the] [server] [non(-| )]op[erator]s
Since: 2.7
Return Type: Offline Player
The list of operators on the server.


set {_ops::*} to all operators

All Permissions



  • [(all [[of] the]|the)] permissions (from|of) %players%
  • [(all [[of] the]|the)] %players%'[s] permissions
Since: 2.2-dev33
Return Type: Text
Returns all permissions of the defined player(s). Note that the modifications to resulting list do not actually change permissions.


set {_permissions::*} to all permissions of the player

All Scripts



  • [all [of the]] scripts [(without ([subdirectory] paths|parents))]
  • [all [of the]] (enabled|loaded) scripts [(without ([subdirectory] paths|parents))]
  • [all [of the]] (disabled|unloaded) scripts [(without ([subdirectory] paths|parents))]
Since: 2.5
Return Type: Text
Returns all of the scripts, or just the enabled or disabled ones.


command /scripts:
        send "All Scripts: %scripts%" to player
        send "Loaded Scripts: %enabled scripts%" to player
        send "Unloaded Scripts: %disabled scripts%" to player

All commands



  • [(all|the|all [of] the)] [registered] [script] commands
Since: 2.6
Return Type: Text
Returns all registered commands or all script commands.


send "Number of all commands: %size of all commands%"
send "Number of all script commands: %size of all script commands%"

Alphabetical Sort



  • alphabetically sorted %texts%
Since: 2.2-dev18b
Return Type: Text
Sorts given strings in alphabetical order.


set {_list::*} to alphabetically sorted {_strings::*}




Since: 1.4.3
Return Type: Number
Effectively an alias of 'y-coordinate of …', it represents the height of some object above bedrock.


on damage:
    altitude of the attacker is higher than the altitude of the victim
    set damage to damage * 1.2




  • [the] (amount|number|size) of %objects%
  • [the] recursive (amount|number|size) of %objects%
Since: 1.0
Return Type: long
The amount of something. Please note that amount of %items% will not return the number of items, but the number of stacks, e.g. 1 for a stack of 64 torches. To get the amount of items in a stack, see the item amount expression.

Also, you can get the recursive size of a list, which will return the recursive size of the list with sublists included, e.g.

 {list::*} Structure
├──── {list::1}: 1
├──── {list::2}: 2
│ ├──── {list::2::1}: 3
│ │ └──── {list::2::1::1}: 4
│ └──── {list::2::2}: 5
└──── {list::3}: 6

Where using %size of {list::*}% will only return 3 (the first layer of indices only), while %recursive size of {list::*}% will return 6 (the entire list) Please note that getting a list's recursive size can cause lag if the list is large, so only use this expression if you need to!


message "There are %number of all players% players online!"

Amount of Items



Since: 2.0
Return Type: long
Counts how many of a particular item type are in a given inventory.


message "You have %number of ores in the player's inventory% ores in your inventory."

Anvil Repair Cost



  • [the] [anvil] [item] [max[imum]] repair cost [of %inventories%]
  • %inventories%'[s] [anvil] [item] [max[imum]] repair cost
Return Type: integer
Returns the experience cost (in levels) to complete the current repair or the maximum experience cost (in levels) to be allowed by the current repair. The default value of max cost set by vanilla Minecraft is 40.


on inventory click:
    if {AnvilRepairSaleActive} = true:
        wait a tick # recommended, to avoid client bugs
        set anvil repair cost to anvil repair cost * 50%
        send "Anvil repair sale is ON!" to player

on inventory click:
    player have permission "anvil.repair.max.bypass"
    set max repair cost of event-inventory to 99999

Anvil Text Input



  • [the] anvil [inventory] (rename|text) input of %inventories%
  • %inventories%'[s] anvil [inventory] (rename|text) input
Since: 2.7
Return Type: Text
An expression to get the name to be applied to an item in an anvil inventory.


on inventory click:
    type of event-inventory is anvil inventory
    if the anvil input text of the event-inventory is "FREE OP":
        ban player

Applied Enchantments



  • [the] applied enchant[ment]s
Since: 2.5
Usable in events: enchant
Return Type: Enchantment Type
The applied enchantments in an enchant event. Deleting or removing the applied enchantments will prevent the item's enchantment.


on enchant:
    set the applied enchantments to sharpness 10 and fire aspect 5




  • [the] last arg[ument]
  • [the] arg[ument](-| )<(\d+)>
  • [the] <(\d*1)st|(\d*2)nd|(\d*3)rd|(\d*[4-90])th> arg[ument][s]
  • [(all [[of] the]|the)] arg[ument][s]
  • [the] %*type%( |-)arg[ument][( |-)<\d+>]
  • [the] arg[ument]( |-)%*type%[( |-)<\d+>]
Since: 1.0, 2.7 (support for command events)
Return Type: Object
Usable in script commands and command events. Holds the value of an argument given to the command, e.g. if the command "/tell <player> <text>" is used like "/tell Njol Hello Njol!" argument 1 is the player named "Njol" and argument 2 is "Hello Njol!". One can also use the type of the argument instead of its index to address the argument, e.g. in the above example 'player-argument' is the same as 'argument 1'. Please note that specifying the argument type is only supported in script commands.


give the item-argument to the player-argument
damage the player-argument by the number-argument
give a diamond pickaxe to the argument
add argument 1 to argument 2
heal the last argument




Since: 1.4.2
Return Type: Number
Arithmetic expressions, e.g. 1 + 2, (health of player - 2) / 3, etc.


set the player's health to 10 - the player's health
loop (argument + 2) / 5 times:
    message "Two useless numbers: %loop-num * 2 - 5%, %2^loop-num - 1%"
message "You have %health of player * 2% half hearts of HP!"

Armour Slot



  • [the] (boot[s]|shoe[s]|leg[ging][s]|chestplate[s]|helm[et][s]) [(item|slot)] of %living entities%
  • %living entities%'[s] (boot[s]|shoe[s]|leg[ging][s]|chestplate[s]|helm[et][s]) [(item|slot)]
Since: 1.0
Return Type: Inventory Slot
A part of a player's armour, i.e. the boots, leggings, chestplate or helmet.


set chestplate of the player to a diamond chestplate
helmet of player is neither a helmet nor air # player is wearing a block, e.g. from another plugin

Arrow Attached Block



Return Type: Block
Returns the attached block of an arrow.


set hit block of last shot arrow to diamond block

Arrow Knockback Strength



Since: 2.5.1
Return Type: long
An arrow's knockback strength.


on shoot:
    event-projectile is an arrow
    set arrow knockback strength of event-projectile to 10

Arrows Stuck



Since: 2.5
Return Type: long
The number of arrows stuck in a living entity.


set arrows stuck in player to 5

Attack Cooldown



Since: 2.6.1
Requirements: Minecraft 1.15+
Return Type: float
Returns the current cooldown for a player's attack. This is used to calculate damage, with 1.0 representing a fully charged attack and 0.0 representing a non-charged attack. NOTE: Currently this can not be set to anything.


on damage:
    if attack cooldown of attacker < 1:
        set damage to 0
        send "Your hit was too weak! wait until your weapon is fully charged next time." to attacker




  • [the] (attacked|damaged|victim) [<(.+)>]
Since: 1.3, 2.6.1 (projectile hit event)
Usable in events: damage, death, projectile hit
Return Type: Entity
The victim of a damage event, e.g. when a player attacks a zombie this expression represents the zombie. When using Minecraft 1.11+, this also covers the hit entity in a projectile hit event.


on damage:
    victim is a creeper
    damage the attacked by 1 heart




  • [the] (attacker|damager)
Since: 1.3
Usable in events: damage, death, destroy
Return Type: Entity
The attacker of a damage event, e.g. when a player attacks a zombie this expression represents the player. Please note that the attacker can also be a block, e.g. a cactus or lava, but this expression will not be set in these cases.


on damage:
    attacker is a player
    health of attacker is less than or equal to 2
    damage victim by 1 heart




  • [the] [((safe|valid)|(unsafe|invalid))] bed[s] [location[s]] of %offline players%
  • %offline players%'[s] [((safe|valid)|(unsafe|invalid))] bed[s] [location[s]]
Since: 2.0, 2.7 (offlineplayers, safe bed)
Return Type: Location
Returns the bed location of a player, i.e. the spawn point of a player if they ever slept in a bed and the bed still exists and is unobstructed however, you can set the unsafe bed location of players and they will respawn there even if it has been obstructed or doesn't exist anymore and that's the default behavior of this expression otherwise you will need to be specific i.e. safe bed location.

NOTE: Offline players can not have their bed location changed, only online players.


if bed of player exists:
    teleport player the the player's bed
    teleport the player to the world's spawn point

set the bed location of player to spawn location of world("world") # unsafe/invalid bed location
set the safe bed location of player to spawn location of world("world") # safe/valid bed location




Since: 1.4.4, 2.6.1 (3D biomes)
Return Type: Biome
The biome at a certain location. Please note that biomes are only defined for x/z-columns (i.e. the altitude (y-coordinate) doesn't matter), up until Minecraft 1.15.x. As of Minecraft 1.16, biomes are now 3D (per block vs column).


# damage player in deserts constantly
every real minute:
    loop all players:
        biome at loop-player is desert
        damage the loop-player by 1




  • [the] [event-]block
Since: 1.0
Return Type: Block
The block involved in the event, e.g. the clicked block or the placed block. Can optionally include a direction as well, e.g. 'block above' or 'block in front of the player'.


block is ore
set block below to air
spawn a creeper above the block
loop blocks in radius 4:
    loop-block is obsidian
    set loop-block to water
block is a chest:
    clear the inventory of the block




Since: 1.0
Return Type: Block
The block involved in the event, e.g. the clicked block or the placed block. Can optionally include a direction as well, e.g. 'block above' or 'block in front of the player'.


block is ore
set block below to air
spawn a creeper above the block
loop blocks in radius 4:
    loop-block is obsidian
    set loop-block to water
block is a chest:
    clear the inventory of the block

Block Break Speed



Since: 2.7
Requirements: 1.17+
Return Type: float
Gets the speed at which the given player would break this block, taking into account tools, potion effects, whether or not the player is in water, enchantments, etc. The returned value is the amount of progress made in breaking the block each tick. When the total breaking progress reaches 1.0, the block is broken. Note that the break speed can change in the course of breaking a block, e.g. if a potion effect is applied or expires, or the player jumps/enters water.


on left click using diamond pickaxe:
    event-block is set
    send "Break Speed: %break speed for player%" to player

Block Data



Since: 2.5, 2.5.2 (set)
Requirements: Minecraft 1.13+
Return Type: Block Data
Get the block data associated with a block. This data can also be used to set blocks.


set {data} to block data of target block
set block at player to {data}
set block data of target block to oak_stairs[facing=south;waterlogged=true]

Block Hardness



Since: 2.6
Requirements: Minecraft 1.13+
Return Type: Number
Obtains the block's hardness level (also known as "strength"). This number is used to calculate the time required to break each block.


set {_hard} to block hardness of target block
if block hardness of target block > 5:

Block Sphere



  • [(all [[of] the]|the)] blocks in radius %number% [(of|around) %location%]
  • [(all [[of] the]|the)] blocks around %location% in radius %number%
Since: 1.0
Return Type: Block
All blocks in a sphere around a center, mostly useful for looping.


loop blocks in radius 5 around the player:
    set loop-block to air




Since: 1.0, 2.5.1 (within/cuboid/chunk)
Return Type: Block
Blocks relative to other blocks or between other blocks. Can be used to get blocks relative to other blocks or for looping. Blocks from/to and between will return a straight line whereas blocks within will return a cuboid.


loop blocks above the player:
loop blocks between the block below the player and the targeted block:
set the blocks below the player, the victim and the targeted block to air
set all blocks within {loc1} and {loc2} to stone
set all blocks within chunk at player to air

Blocks in Region



  • [(all|the)] blocks (in|of) [[the] region[s]] %regions%
Since: 2.1
Requirements: Supported regions plugin
Return Type: Block
All blocks in a region. This expression requires a supported regions plugin to be installed.


loop all blocks in the region {arena.%{faction.%player%}%}:
    clear the loop-block

Book Author



  • [the] [book] (author|writer|publisher) of %item types%
  • %item types%'[s] [book] (author|writer|publisher)
Since: 2.2-dev31
Return Type: Text
The author of a book.


on book sign:
    message "Book Title: %author of event-item%"

Book Pages



Since: 2.2-dev31, 2.7 (changers)
Return Type: Text
The pages of a book (Supports Skript's chat format) Note: In order to modify the pages of a new written book, you must have the title and author of the book set. Skript will do this for you, but if you want your own, please set those values.


on book sign:
    message "Book Pages: %pages of event-item%"
    message "Book Page 1: %page 1 of event-item%"

set page 1 of player's held item to "Book writing"

Book Title



Since: 2.2-dev31
Return Type: Text
The title of a book.


on book sign:
    message "Book Title: %title of event-item%"

Burn/Cook Time



  • [the] burn[ing] time
  • [the] (burn|cook)[ing] time of %blocks%
  • %blocks%'[s] (burn|cook)[ing] time
Since: 2.3
Return Type: Timespan
The time a furnace takes to burn an item in a fuel burn event. Can also be used to change the burn/cook time of a placed furnace.


on fuel burn:
    if fuel slot is coal:
        set burning time to 1 tick

Case Text



  • %texts% in (upper|lower)[ ]case
  • (upper|lower)[ ]case %texts%
  • capitali(s|z)ed %texts%
  • %texts% in [(lenient|strict) ](proper|title)[ ]case
  • [(lenient|strict) ](proper|title)[ ]case %texts%
  • %texts% in [(lenient|strict) ]camel[ ]case
  • [(lenient|strict) ]camel[ ]case %texts%
  • %texts% in [(lenient|strict) ]pascal[ ]case
  • [(lenient|strict) ]pascal[ ]case %texts%
  • %texts% in [(lower|upper|capital|screaming)[ ]]snake[ ]case
  • [(lower|upper|capital|screaming)[ ]]snake[ ]case %texts%
  • %texts% in [(lower|upper|capital)[ ]]kebab[ ]case
  • [(lower|upper|capital)[ ]]kebab[ ]case %texts%
Since: 2.2-dev16 (lowercase and uppercase), 2.5 (advanced cases)
Return Type: Text
Copy of given text in Lowercase, Uppercase, Proper Case, camelCase, PascalCase, Snake_Case, and Kebab-Case


"Oops!" in lowercase # oops!
"oops!" in uppercase # OOPS!
"hellO i'm steve!" in proper case # HellO I'm Steve!
"hellO i'm steve!" in strict proper case # Hello I'm Steve!
"spAwn neW boSs ()" in camel case # spAwnNeWBoSs()
"spAwn neW boSs ()" in strict camel case # spawnNewBoss()
"geneRate ranDom numBer ()" in pascal case # GeneRateRanDomNumBer()
"geneRate ranDom numBer ()" in strict pascal case # GenerateRandomNumber()
"Hello Player!" in snake case # Hello_Player!
"Hello Player!" in lower snake case # hello_player!
"Hello Player!" in upper snake case # HELLO_PLAYER!
"What is your name?" in kebab case # What-is-your-name?
"What is your name?" in lower kebab case # what-is-your-name?
"What is your name?" in upper kebab case # WHAT-IS-YOUR-NAME?

Chat Format



  • [the] (message|chat) format[ting]
Since: 2.2-dev31
Return Type: Text
Can be used to get/retrieve the chat format. The sender of a message is represented by [player] or [sender], and the message by [message] or [msg].


set the chat format to "&lt;yellow&gt;[player]&lt;light gray&gt;: &lt;green&gt;[message]"

Chat Recipients



  • [chat][( |-)]recipients
Since: 2.2-Fixes-v7, 2.2-dev35 (clearing recipients)
Return Type: Player
Recipients of chat events where this is called.


chat recipients




Since: 2.0, INSERT VERSION (loaded chunks)
Return Type: Chunk
Returns the chunk of a block, location or entity is in, or a list of the loaded chunks of a world.


add the chunk at the player to {protected chunks::*}
set {_chunks::*} to the loaded chunks of the player's world

Clicked Block/Entity/Inventory/Slot



  • [the] (clicked [enchant[ment]] (button|option)|clicked (block|%*item type/entity type%)|clicked slot|clicked inventory|click (type|action)|inventory action)
Since: 1.0, 2.2-dev35 (more clickable things)
Usable in events: click, inventory click
Return Type: Object
The clicked block, entity, inventory, inventory slot, inventory click type or inventory action.


message "You clicked on a %type of clicked entity%!"
if the clicked block is a chest:
    show the inventory of the clicked block to the player

Color of



Since: 1.2
Return Type: Color
The color of an item, can also be used to color chat messages with "<%color of ...%>this text is colored!".


on click on wool:
    message "This wool block is <%color of block%>%color of block%<reset>!"
    set the color of the block to black

Colored / Uncolored



  • (colo[u]r-|colo[u]red )%texts%
  • (format-|formatted )%texts%
  • (un|non)[-](colo[u]r-|colo[u]red |format-|formatted )%texts%
Since: 2.0
Return Type: Text
Parses <color>s and, optionally, chat styles in a message or removes any colors and chat styles from the message. Parsing all chat styles requires this expression to be used in same line with the send effect.


on chat:
    set message to colored message # Safe; only colors get parsed
command /fade &lt;player&gt;:
        set display name of the player-argument to uncolored display name of the player-argument
command /format &lt;text&gt;:
        message formatted text-argument # Safe, because we're sending to whoever used this command




  • [the] (full|complete|whole) command
  • [the] command [(label|alias)]
Since: 2.0, 2.7 (support for script commands)
Usable in events: command
Return Type: Text
The command that caused an 'on command' event (excluding the leading slash and all arguments)


# prevent any commands except for the /exit command during some game
on command:
    if {game::%player%::playing} is true:
        if the command is not "exit":
            message "You're not allowed to use commands during the game"
            cancel the event

Command Info



  • [the] main command [label] of command %texts%
  • command %texts%'[s] main command [name]
  • [the] description of command %texts%
  • command %texts%'[s] description
  • [the] label of command %texts%
  • command %texts%'[s] label
  • [the] usage of command %texts%
  • command %texts%'[s] usage
  • [(all|the|all [of] the)] aliases of command %texts%
  • command %texts%'[s] aliases
  • [the] permission of command %texts%
  • command %texts%'[s] permission
  • [the] permission message of command %texts%
  • command %texts%'[s] permission message
  • [the] plugin [owner] of command %texts%
  • command %texts%'[s] plugin [owner]
Since: 2.6
Return Type: Text
Get information about a command.


main name of command "skript"
description of command "help"
label of command "pl"
usage of command "help"
aliases of command "bukkit:help"
permission of command "/op"
command "op"'s permission message
command "sk"'s plugin owner

Command Sender



  • [the] [command['s]] (sender|executor)
Since: 2.0
Usable in events: command
Return Type: Command Sender
The player or the console who sent a command. Mostly useful in commands and command events. If the command sender is a command block, its location can be retrieved by using %block's location%


make the command sender execute "/say hi!"
on command:
    log "%executor% used command /%command% %arguments%" to "commands.log"

Compass Target



Since: 2.0
Return Type: Location
The location a player's compass is pointing at.


# make all player's compasses target a player stored in {compass::target::%player%}
every 5 seconds:
    loop all players:
        set the loop-player's compass target to location of {compass::target::%%loop-player%}




  • [the] (console|server)
Since: 1.3.1
Return Type: Command Sender
Represents the server's console which can receive messages and execute commands


execute console command "/stop"
send "message to console" to the console

Cooldown Time/Remaining Time/Elapsed Time/Last Usage/Bypass Permission



  • [the] remaining [time] [of [the] (cooldown|wait) [(of|for) [the] [current] command]]
  • [the] elapsed [time] [of [the] (cooldown|wait) [(of|for) [the] [current] command]]
  • [the] ((cooldown|wait) time|[wait] time of [the] (cooldown|wait) [(of|for) [the] [current] command])
  • [the] last usage [date] [of [the] (cooldown|wait) [(of|for) [the] [current] command]]
  • [the] [cooldown] bypass perm[ission] [of [the] (cooldown|wait) [(of|for) [the] [current] command]]
Since: 2.2-dev33
Return Type: Object
Only usable in command events. Represents the cooldown time, the remaining time, the elapsed time, the last usage date, or the cooldown bypass permission.


command /home:
    cooldown: 10 seconds
    cooldown message: You last teleported home %elapsed time% ago, you may teleport home again in %remaining time%.
        teleport player to {home::%player%}




  • [the] (x|y|z)(-| )(coord[inate]|pos[ition]|loc[ation])[s] of %locations%
  • %locations%'[s] (x|y|z)(-| )(coord[inate]|pos[ition]|loc[ation])[s]
Since: 1.4.3
Return Type: Number
Represents a given coordinate of a location.


player's y-coordinate is smaller than 40:
    message "Watch out for lava!"

Creature/Entity/Player/Projectile/Villager/Powered Creeper/etc.



  • [the] [event-]<.+>
Since: 1.0
Return Type: Entity
The entity involved in an event (an entity is a player, a creature or an inanimate object like ignited TNT, a dropped item or an arrow). You can use the specific type of the entity that's involved in the event, e.g. in a 'death of a creeper' event you can use 'the creeper' instead of 'the entity'.


give a diamond sword of sharpness 3 to the player
kill the creeper
kill all powered creepers in the wolf's world
projectile is an arrow

Cursor Slot



Since: 2.2-dev17
Return Type: Inventory Slot
The item which the player has on their cursor. This slot is always empty if player has no inventories open.


cursor slot of player is dirt
set cursor slot of player to 64 diamonds

Custom Chest Inventory



  • [a] [new] chest inventory (named|with name) %text% [with %number% row[s]]
  • [a] [new] chest inventory with %number% row[s] [(named|with name) %text%]
Since: 2.2-dev34
Return Type: Inventory
Returns a chest inventory with the given amount of rows and the name. Use the open inventory effect to open it.


open chest inventory with 1 row named "test" to player
set {_inventory} to chest inventory with 1 row

Custom Model Data



Since: 2.5
Requirements: 1.14+
Return Type: long
Get/set the CustomModelData tag for an item. (Value is an integer between 0 and 99999999)


set custom model data of player's tool to 3
set {_model} to custom model data of player's tool




  • [the] damage
Since: 1.3.5
Usable in events: damage
Return Type: Number
How much damage is done in a damage event, possibly ignoring armour, criticals and/or enchantments. Can be changed (remember that in Skript '1' is one full heart, not half a heart).


increase the damage by 2

Damage Cause



  • [the] damage (cause|type)
Since: 2.0
Return Type: Damage Cause
The damage cause of a damage event. Please click on the link for more information.


damage cause is lava, fire or burning

Damage Value/Durability



Since: 1.2, 2.7 (durability reversed)
Return Type: long
The damage value/durability of an item.


set damage value of player's tool to 10
reset the durability of {_item}
set durability of player's held item to 0

Damaged Item



Since: 2.4
Return Type: Item Type
Directly damages an item. In MC versions 1.12.2 and lower, this can be used to apply data values to items/blocks


give player diamond sword with damage value 100
set player's tool to diamond hoe damaged by 250
give player diamond sword with damage 700 named "BROKEN SWORD"
set {_item} to diamond hoe with damage value 50 named "SAD HOE"
set target block of player to wool with data value 1
set target block of player to potato plant with data value 7

Date Ago/Later



Since: 2.2-dev33
Return Type: Date
A date the specified timespan before/after another date.


set {_yesterday} to 1 day ago
set {_hourAfter} to 1 hour after {someOtherDate}
set {_hoursBefore} to 5 hours before {someOtherDate}

Default Value



Since: 2.2-dev36
Return Type: Object
A shorthand expression for giving things a default value. If the first thing isn't set, the second thing will be returned.


broadcast {score::%player's uuid%} otherwise "%player% has no score!"




Since: 1.4
Return Type: Object
The difference between two values, e.g. numbers, dates or times.


if difference between {command::%player%::lastuse} and now is smaller than a minute:
    message "You have to wait a minute before using this command again!"




  • [the] difficult(y|ies) of %worlds%
  • %worlds%'[s] difficult(y|ies)
Since: 2.3
Return Type: Difficulty
The difficulty of a world.


set the difficulty of "world" to hard




  • [%number% [(block|met(er|re))[s]] [to the]] (north[[(-| )](east|west)][(ward[(s|ly)]|er[(n|ly)])] [of]|south[[(-| )](east|west)][(ward[(s|ly)]|er[(n|ly)])] [of]|(east|west)[(ward[(s|ly)]|er[(n|ly)])] [of]|above|over|(up|down)[ward[(s|ly)]]|below|under[neath]|beneath) [%direction%]
  • [%number% [(block|met(er|re))[s]]] in [the] (direction|horizontal direction|facing|horizontal facing) of %entity/block% [(of|from)]
  • [%number% [(block|met(er|re))[s]]] in %entity/block%'[s] (direction|horizontal direction|facing|horizontal facing) [(of|from)]
  • [%number% [(block|met(er|re))[s]]] (in[ ]front [of]|forward[s]|behind|backwards|[to the] (right|left) [of])
  • [%number% [(block|met(er|re))[s]]] horizontal[ly] (in[ ]front [of]|forward[s]|behind|backwards|to the (right|left) [of])
Since: 1.0 (basic), 2.0 (extended)
Return Type: Direction
A helper expression for the direction type.


thrust the player upwards
set the block behind the player to water
loop blocks above the player:
    set {_rand} to a random integer between 1 and 10
    set the block {_rand} meters south east of the loop-block to stone
block in horizontal facing of the clicked entity from the player is air
spawn a creeper 1.5 meters horizontally behind the player
spawn a TNT 5 meters above and 2 meters horizontally behind the player
thrust the last spawned TNT in the horizontal direction of the player with speed 0.2
push the player upwards and horizontally forward at speed 0.5
push the clicked entity in in the direction of the player at speed -0.5
open the inventory of the block 2 blocks below the player to the player
teleport the clicked entity behind the player
grow a regular tree 2 meters horizontally behind the player




Since: 1.0
Return Type: Number
The distance between two points.


if the distance between the player and {home::%uuid of player%} is smaller than 20:
    message "You're very close to your home!"




  • [the] drops
Since: 1.0
Usable in events: death
Return Type: Item Type
Only works in death events. Holds the drops of the dying creature. Drops can be prevented by removing them with "remove ... from drops", e.g. "remove all pickaxes from the drops", or "clear drops" if you don't want any drops at all.


clear drops
remove 4 planks from the drops

Drops Of Block



Since: 2.5.1
Requirements: Minecraft 1.15+ ('as %entity%')
Return Type: Item Type
A list of the items that will drop when a block is broken.


on break of block:
    give drops of block using player's tool to player

Element of



  • ([the] first|[the] last|[a] random|[the] %number%(st|nd|rd|th)|[the] %number%(st|nd|rd|th) [to] last) element [out] of %objects%
Since: 2.0, 2.7 (relative to last element)
Return Type: Object
The first, last or a random element of a set, e.g. a list variable. See also: random


give a random element out of {free items::*} to the player

Enchant Item



  • [the] enchant[ed] item
Since: 2.5
Usable in events: enchant prepare, enchant
Return Type: Item Type
The enchant item in an enchant prepare event or enchant event. It can be modified, but enchantments will still be applied in the enchant event.


on enchant:
    set the enchanted item to a diamond chestplate
on enchant prepare:
    set the enchant item to a wooden sword

Enchanting Experience Cost



  • [the] [displayed] ([e]xp[erience]|enchanting) cost
Since: 2.5
Usable in events: enchant
Return Type: long
The cost of enchanting in an enchant event. This is number that was displayed in the enchantment table, not the actual number of levels removed.


on enchant:
    send "Cost: %the displayed enchanting cost%" to player

Enchantment Bonus



  • [the] enchantment bonus
Since: 2.5
Usable in events: enchant prepare
Return Type: long
The enchantment bonus in an enchant prepare event. This represents the number of bookshelves affecting/surrounding the enchantment table.


on enchant:
    send "There are %enchantment bonus% bookshelves surrounding this enchantment table!" to player

Enchantment Level



Since: 2.0
Return Type: long
The level of a particular enchantment on an item.


player's tool is a sword of sharpness:
    message "You have a sword of sharpness %level of sharpness of the player's tool% equipped"

Enchantment Offer



  • [all [of]] [the] enchant[ment] offers
  • enchant[ment] offer[s] %numbers%
  • [the] %number%(st|nd|rd|th) enchant[ment] offer
Since: 2.5
Usable in events: enchant prepare
Requirements: 1.11 or newer
Return Type: Enchantment Offer
The enchantment offer in enchant prepare events.


on enchant prepare:
    send "Your enchantment offers are: %the enchantment offers%" to player

Enchantment Offer Cost



Since: 2.5
Requirements: 1.11 or newer
Return Type: long
The cost of an enchantment offer. This is displayed to the right of an enchantment offer. If the cost is changed, it will always be at least 1. This changes how many levels are required to enchant, but does not change the number of levels removed. To change the number of levels removed, use the enchant event.


set cost of enchantment offer 1 to 50

Ender Chest



Since: 2.0
Return Type: Inventory
The ender chest of a player.


open the player's ender chest to the player




Since: 1.2.1, 2.5 (chunks)
Return Type: Entity
All entities in all worlds, in a specific world, in a chunk or in a radius around a certain location, e.g. all players, all creepers in the player's world, or players in radius 100 of the player.


kill all creepers in the player's world
send "Psst!" to all players within 100 meters of the player
give a diamond to all ops
heal all tamed wolves in radius 2000 around {town center}
delete all monsters in chunk at player

Entity AI



Since: 2.5
Return Type: Boolean
Returns whether an entity has AI.


set artificial intelligence of target entity to false

Entity Attribute



Since: 2.5, 2.6.1 (final attribute value)
Return Type: Number
The numerical value of an entity's particular attribute. Note that the movement speed attribute cannot be reliably used for players. For that purpose, use the speed expression instead. Resetting an entity's attribute is only available in Minecraft 1.11 and above.


on damage of player:
    send "You are wounded!"
    set victim's attack speed attribute to 2

Entity Fire Burn Duration



  • [the] (burn[ing]|fire) (time|duration) of %entities%
  • %entities%'[s] (burn[ing]|fire) (time|duration)
Since: 2.7
Return Type: Timespan
How much time an entity will be burning for.


send "You will stop burning in %fire time of player%"

Entity Owner



Since: 2.5
Return Type: Offline Player
The owner of a tameable entity, such as a horse or wolf.


set owner of target entity to player
delete owner of target entity
set {_t} to uuid of tamer of target entity




Since: 2.2-dev35
Return Type: Number
The exhaustion of a player. This is mainly used to determine the rate of hunger depletion.


set exhaustion of all players to 1




  • [the] [(spawned|dropped)] [e]xp[erience] [orb[s]]
Since: 2.1, 2.5.3 (block break event), 2.7 (experience change event)
Usable in events: experience spawn, break / mine, experience change
Return Type: Experience
How much experience was spawned in an experience spawn or block break event. Can be changed.


on experience spawn:
    add 5 to the spawned experience
on break of coal ore:
    clear dropped experience
on break of diamond ore:
    if tool of player = diamond pickaxe:
        add 100 to dropped experience

Exploded Blocks



  • [the] exploded blocks
Since: 2.5
Usable in events: explode
Return Type: Block
Get all the blocks that were destroyed in an explode event


on explode:
    loop exploded blocks:
        add loop-block to {exploded::blocks::*}

Explosion Block Yield



  • [the] [explosion['s]] block (yield|amount)
  • [the] percentage of blocks dropped
Since: 2.5
Usable in events: explosion
Return Type: Number
The percentage of exploded blocks dropped in an explosion event. When changing the yield, a value greater than 1 will function the same as using 1. Attempting to change the yield to a value less than 0 will have no effect.


on explode:
set the explosion's block yield to 10%

Explosion Yield



  • [the] explosion (yield|radius|size)
  • [the] (yield|radius|size) of [the] explosion
Since: 2.5
Usable in events: explosion prime
Return Type: Number
The yield of the explosion in an explosion prime event. This is how big the explosion is. When changing the yield, values less than 0 will be ignored. Read this wiki page for more information


on explosion prime:
    set the yield of the explosion to 10

Explosive Yield



  • [the] explosive (yield|radius|size) of %entities%
  • %entities%'[s] explosive (yield|radius|size)
Since: 2.5
Requirements: Minecraft 1.12 or newer for creepers
Return Type: Number
The yield of an explosive (creeper, primed tnt, fireball, etc.). This is how big of an explosion is caused by the entity. Read this wiki page for more information


on spawn of a creeper:
    set the explosive yield of the event-entity to 10




Since: 1.4
Return Type: Direction
The facing of an entity or block, i.e. exactly north, south, east, west, up or down (unlike direction which is the exact direction, e.g. '0.5 south and 0.7 east')


# makes a bridge
loop blocks from the block below the player in the horizontal facing of the player:
    set loop-block to cobblestone

Fall Distance



  • [the] fall[en] (distance|height) of %entities%
  • %entities%'[s] fall[en] (distance|height)
Since: 2.5
Return Type: Number
The distance an entity has fallen for.


set all entities' fall distance to 10
on damage:
    send "%victim's fall distance%" to victim

Fertilized Blocks



  • [all] [the] fertilized blocks
Since: 2.5
Usable in events: block fertilize
Requirements: Minecraft 1.13 or newer
Return Type: Block
The blocks fertilized in block fertilize events.


the fertilized blocks




  • %objects% (where|that match) \[<.+>\]
Since: 2.2-dev36
Return Type: Object
Filters a list based on a condition. For example, if you ran 'broadcast "something" and "something else" where [string input is "something"]', only "something" would be broadcast as it is the only string that matched the condition.


send "congrats on being staff!" to all players where [player input has permission "staff"]

Filter Input



  • input
  • %*type% input
Since: 2.2-dev36
Return Type: Object
Represents the input in a filter expression. For example, if you ran 'broadcast "something" and "something else" where [input is "something"]the condition would be checked twice, using "something" and "something else" as the inputs.


send "congrats on being staff!" to all players where [input has permission "staff"]

Final Damage



  • [the] final damage
Since: 2.2-dev19
Usable in events: damage
Return Type: Number
How much damage is done in a damage event, considering all types of damage reduction. Can NOT be changed.


send "%final damage%" to victim

Firework Effect



  • [(flickering|trailing|flickering trailing|trailing flickering)] %firework type% [firework [effect]] colo[u]red %colors%
  • [(flickering|trailing|flickering trailing|trailing flickering)] %firework type% [firework [effect]] colo[u]red %colors% fad(e|ing) [to] %colors%
Since: 2.4
Return Type: Firework Effect
Represents a 'firework effect' which can be used in the launch firework effect.


launch flickering trailing burst firework colored blue and green at player
launch trailing flickering star colored purple, yellow, blue, green and red fading to pink at target entity
launch ball large colored red, purple and white fading to light green and black at player's location with duration 1

Flight Mode



  • [the] fl(y[ing]|ight) (mode|state) of %players%
  • %players%'[s] fl(y[ing]|ight) (mode|state)
Since: 2.2-dev34
Return Type: Boolean
Whether the player(s) are allowed to fly. Use Make Fly effect to force player(s) to fly.


set flight mode of player to true
send "%flying state of all players%"

Food Level



  • [the] (food|hunger)[[ ](level|met(er|re)|bar)] [of %players%]
  • %players%'[s] (food|hunger)[[ ](level|met(er|re)|bar)]
Since: 1.0
Return Type: Number
The food level of a player from 0 to 10. Has several aliases: food/hunger level/meter/bar.


set the player's food level to 10

Formatted Date



  • %dates% formatted [human-readable] [(with|as) %text%]
  • [human-readable] formatted %dates% [(with|as) %text%]
Since: 2.2-dev31, 2.7 (support variables in format)
Return Type: Text
Converts date to human-readable text format. By default, 'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss z' (e.g. '2018-03-30 16:03:12 +01') will be used. For reference, see this Wikipedia article.


command /date:
        send "Full date: %now formatted human-readable%" to sender
        send "Short date: %now formatted as "yyyy-MM-dd"%" to sender

Former/Future State



  • [the] (former|past|old) [state] [of] %~object%
  • %~object% before [the event]
  • [the] (future|to-be|new) [state] [of] %~object%
  • %~object%(-to-be| after[(wards| the event)])
Since: 1.1
Return Type: Object
Represents the value of an expression before an event happened or the value it will have directly after the event, e.g. the old or new level respectively in a level change event. Note: The past, future and present states of an expression are sometimes called 'time states' of an expression. Note 2: If you don't specify whether to use the past or future state of an expression that has different values, its default value will be used which is usually the value after the event.


on teleport:
    former world was "world_nether" # or 'world was'
    world will be "world" # or 'world after the event is'
on tool change:
    past tool is an axe
    the tool after the event will be air
on weather change:
    set {weather::%world%::old} to past weather
    set {weather::%world%::current} to the new weather

Freeze Time



Since: 2.7
Return Type: Timespan
How much time an entity has been in powdered snow for.


player's freeze time is less than 3 seconds:
    send "you're about to freeze!" to the player

Furnace Slot



  • (fuel|result) [slot]
  • (ore|fuel|result)[s] [slot[s]] of %blocks%
  • %blocks%'[s] (ore|fuel|result)[s] [slot[s]]
Since: 1.0
Usable in events: smelt, fuel burn
Return Type: Inventory Slot
A slot of a furnace, i.e. either the ore, fuel or result slot. Remember to use 'block' and not 'furnace', as 'furnace' is not an existing expression.


set the fuel slot of the clicked block to a lava bucket
set the block's ore slot to 64 iron ore
give the result of the block to the player
clear the result slot of the block

Game Mode



Since: 1.0
Return Type: Game Mode
The gamemode of a player. (Gamemodes)


player's gamemode is survival
set the player's gamemode to creative

Gamerule Value



Since: 2.5
Requirements: Minecraft 1.13+
Return Type: Gamerule Value
The gamerule value of a world.


set the gamerule commandBlockOutput of world "world" to false

Gliding State



Since: 2.2-dev21
Return Type: Boolean
Sets of gets gliding state of player. It allows you to set gliding state of entity even if they do not have an Elytra equipped.


set gliding of player to off




Since: 2.2-dev18
Return Type: Boolean
Indicates if targeted entity is glowing (new 1.9 effect) or not. Glowing entities can be seen through walls.


set glowing of player to true




Since: 2.2-dev21
Return Type: Boolean
If entity is affected by gravity or not, i.e. if it has Minecraft 1.10+ NoGravity flag.


set gravity of player off




Since: 2.2-dev35
Requirements: Vault, a permission plugin that supports Vault
Return Type: Text
The primary group or all groups of a player. This expression requires Vault and a compatible permissions plugin to be installed. If you have LuckPerms, ensure you have vault integration enabled in the luck perms configurations.


on join:
    broadcast "%group of player%" # this is the player's primary group
    broadcast "%groups of player%" # this is all of the player's groups

Hanging Entity/Remover



  • [the] hanging (entity|remover)
Since: 2.6.2
Return Type: Entity
Returns the hanging entity or remover in hanging break and place events.


on break of item frame:
    if item of hanging entity is diamond pickaxe:
        cancel event
        if hanging remover is a player:
            send "You can't break that item frame!" to hanging remover




  • %texts% hash[ed] with (MD5|SHA-256)
Since: 2.0, 2.2-dev32 (SHA-256 algorithm)
Return Type: Text
Hashes the given text using the MD5 or SHA-256 algorithms. Each algorithm is suitable for different use cases.

MD5 is provided mostly for backwards compatibility, as it is outdated and not secure. SHA-256 is more secure, and can used to hash somewhat confidental data like IP addresses and even passwords. It is not that secure out of the box, so please consider using salt when dealing with passwords! When hashing data, you must specify algorithms that will be used for security reasons!

Please note that a hash cannot be reversed under normal circumstanses. You will not be able to get original value from a hash with Skript.


command /setpass &lt;text&gt;:
        set {password::%uuid of player%} to text-argument hashed with SHA-256
command /login &lt;text&gt;:
        if text-argument hashed with SHA-256 is {password::%uuid of player%}:
            message "Login successful."
            message "Wrong password!"

Hatching Entity Type



  • [the] hatching entity [type]
Since: 2.7
Usable in events: Egg Throw
Return Type: Entity Type
The type of the entity that will be hatched in a Player Egg Throw event.


on player egg throw:
    set the hatching entity type to a primed tnt

Hatching Number



  • [the] hatching number
Since: 2.7
Usable in events: Egg Throw
Return Type: byte
The number of entities that will be hatched in a Player Egg Throw event. Please note that no more than 127 entities can be hatched at once.


on player egg throw:
    set the hatching number to 10

Head location



Since: 2.0
Return Type: Location
The location of an entity's head, mostly useful for players and e.g. looping blocks in the player's line of sight. Please note that this location is only accurate for entities whose head is exactly above their center, i.e. players, endermen, zombies, skeletons, etc., but not sheep, pigs or cows.


set the block at the player's head to air
set the block in front of the player's eyes to glass
loop blocks in front of the player's head:

Heal Amount



  • [the] heal amount
Since: 2.5.1
Usable in events: heal
Return Type: Number
The amount of health healed in a healing event.


increase heal amount by 2
remove 0.5 from heal amount

Heal Reason



  • (regen|health regain|heal) (reason|cause)
Since: 2.5
Return Type: Heal Reason
The heal reason of a heal event. Please click on the link for more information.


on heal:
    if heal reason = satiated:
        send "You ate enough food and gained health back!" to player




Since: 1.0
Usable in events: damage
Return Type: Number
The health of a creature, e.g. a player, mob, villager, etc. The minimum value is 0, and the maximum is the creature's max health (e.g. 10 for players).


message "You have %health% HP left."

Hidden Players



  • [(all [[of] the]|the)] hidden players (of|for) %players%
  • [(all [[of] the]|the)] players hidden (from|for|by) %players%
Since: 2.3
Return Type: Player
The players hidden from a player that were hidden using the player visibility effect.


message "&lt;light red&gt;You are currently hiding: &lt;light gray&gt;%hidden players of the player%"

Highest Solid Block



  • highest [(solid|non-air)] block at %locations%
Since: 2.2-dev34
Return Type: Block
Returns the highest solid block at the x and z coordinates of the world of a given location.


highest block at location of arg-player




  • [the] (host|domain)[ ][name]
Since: 2.6.1
Return Type: Text
The hostname used by the connecting player to connect to the server in a connect event.


on connect:
    hostname is "testers.example.com"
    send "Welcome back tester!"

Hotbar Button



  • [the] hotbar button
Since: 2.5
Return Type: long
The hotbar button clicked in an inventory click event.


on inventory click:
    send "You clicked the hotbar button %hotbar button%!"

Hotbar Slot



  • [the] [the] [([currently] selected|current)] hotbar slot[s] [of %players%]
  • %players%'[s] [the] [([currently] selected|current)] hotbar slot[s]
Since: 2.2-dev36
Return Type: Inventory Slot
The currently selected hotbar slot. To retrieve its number use Slot Index expression. Use future and past tense to grab the previous slot in an item change event, see example.


message "%player's current hotbar slot%"
set player's selected hotbar slot to slot 4 of player

send "index of player's current hotbar slot = 1" # second slot from the left

on item held change:
    if the selected hotbar slot was a diamond:
        set the currently selected hotbar slot to slot 5 of player

Hover List



  • [the] [custom] [(player|server)] (hover|sample) ([message] list|message)
  • [the] [custom] player [(hover|sample)] list
Since: 2.3
Usable in events: server list ping
Requirements: Paper 1.12.2 or newer
Return Type: Text
The list when you hover on the player counts of the server in the server list. This can be changed using texts or players in a server list ping event only. Adding players to the list means adding the name of the players. And note that, for example if there are 5 online players (includes fake online count) in the server and the hover list is set to 3 values, Minecraft will show "... and 2 more ..." at end of the list.


on server list ping:
    clear the hover list
    add "&aWelcome to the &6Minecraft &aserver!" to the hover list
    add "" to the hover list # A blank line
    add "&cThere are &6%online players count% &conline players!" to the hover list




  • [the] humidit(y|ies) of %blocks%
  • %blocks%'[s] humidit(y|ies)
Since: 2.2-dev35
Return Type: Number
Humidity of given blocks.


set {_humidity} to event-block's humidity




  • IP[s][( |-)address[es]] of %players%
  • %players%'[s] IP[s][( |-)address[es]]
  • IP[( |-)address]
Since: 1.4, 2.2-dev26 (when used in connect event), 2.3 (when used in server list ping event)
Return Type: Text
The IP address of a player, or the connected player in a connect event, or the pinger in a server list ping event.


ban the IP address of the player
broadcast "Banned the IP %IP of player%"

on connect:
    log "[%now%] %player% (%ip%) is connected to the server."

on server list ping:
    send "%IP-address%" to the console

Index Of



  • [the] [(first|last)] index of %text% in %text%
Since: 2.1
Return Type: long
The first or last index of a character (or text) in a text, or -1 if it doesn't occur in the text. Indices range from 1 to the length of the text.


set {_first} to the first index of "@" in the text argument
if {_s} contains "abc":
    set {_s} to the first (index of "abc" in {_s} + 3) characters of {_s} # removes everything after the first "abc" from {_s}

Indices of List



  • [(the|all [[of] the])] (indexes|indices) of %~objects%
  • %~objects%'[s] (indexes|indices)
  • [sorted] (indices|indexes) of %~objects% in (ascending|descending) order
  • [sorted] %~objects%'[s] (indices|indexes) in (ascending|descending) order
Since: 2.4 (indices), 2.6.1 (sorting)
Return Type: Text
Returns all the indices of a list variable, optionally sorted by their values. To sort the indices, all objects in the list must be comparable; Otherwise, this expression will just return the unsorted indices.


set {l::*} to "some", "cool" and "values"
broadcast "%indices of {l::*}%" # result is 1, 2 and 3

set {_leader-board::first} to 17
set {_leader-board::third} to 30
set {_leader-board::second} to 25
set {_leader-board::fourth} to 42
set {_ascending-indices::*} to sorted indices of {_leader-board::*} in ascending order
broadcast "%{_ascending-indices::*}%" #result is first, second, third, fourth
set {_descending-indices::*} to sorted indices of {_leader-board::*} in descending order
broadcast "%{_descending-indices::*}%" #result is fourth, third, second, first

Initiator Inventory



  • [the] [event-]initiator[( |-)inventory]
Usable in events: Inventory Item Move
Return Type: Inventory
Returns the initiator inventory in an on inventory item move event.


on inventory item move:
    if holder of event-initiator-inventory is a chest:
broadcast "Item transport requested at %location at holder of event-initiator-inventory%..."




  • [the] inventor(y|ies) of %inventoryholders%
  • %inventoryholders%'[s] inventor(y|ies)
Since: 1.0
Return Type: Object
The inventory of a block or player. You can usually omit this expression and can directly add or remove items to/from blocks or players.


add a plank to the player's inventory
clear the player's inventory
remove 5 wool from the inventory of the clicked block

Inventory Action



  • [the] inventory action
Since: 2.2-dev16
Return Type: Inventory Action
The inventory action of an inventory event. Please click on the link for more information.


inventory action is pickup all

Inventory Close Reason



  • [the] inventory clos(e|ing) (reason|cause)
Usable in events: Inventory Close
Requirements: Paper
Return Type: Inventory Close Reasons


on inventory close:
    inventory close reason is teleport
    send "Your inventory closed due to teleporting!" to player

Inventory Holder/Viewers/Rows/Slots



  • (holder[s]|viewers|[amount of] rows|[amount of] slots) of %inventories%
  • %inventories%'[s] (holder[s]|viewers|[amount of] rows|[amount of] slots)
Since: 2.2-dev34, 2.5 (slots)
Return Type: Object
Gets the amount of rows/slots, viewers and holder of an inventory.

NOTE: 'Viewers' expression returns a list of players viewing the inventory. Note that a player is considered to be viewing their own inventory and internal crafting screen even when said inventory is not open.


event-inventory's amount of rows
holder of player's top inventory
{_inventory}'s viewers

Inventory Slot



Since: 2.2-dev24
Return Type: Inventory Slot
Represents a slot in an inventory. It can be used to change the item in an inventory too.


if slot 0 of player is air:
    set slot 0 of player to 2 stones
    remove 1 stone from slot 0 of player
    add 2 stones to slot 0 of player
    clear slot 1 of player




  • [the] item
Since: unknown (before 2.1)
Return Type: Item
The item involved in an event, e.g. in a drop, dispense, pickup or craft event.


on dispense:
    item is a clock
    set the time to 6:00

Item Amount



Since: 2.2-dev24
Return Type: long
The amount of an item stack.


send "You have got %item amount of player's tool% %player's tool% in your hand!" to player

Item Cooldown



Return Type: Timespan
Change the cooldown of a specific material to a certain amount of Timespan.


on right click using stick:
    set item cooldown of player's tool for player to 1 minute
    set item cooldown of stone and grass for all players to 20 seconds
    reset item cooldown of cobblestone and dirt for all players

Item Enchantments



Since: 2.2-dev36
Return Type: Enchantment Type
All the enchantments an item type has.


clear enchantments of event-item

Item of an Entity



Since: 2.2-dev35, 2.2-dev36 (improved), 2.5.2 (throwable projectiles)
Requirements: Minecraft 1.15.2+ (throwable projectiles)
Return Type: Inventory Slot
An item associated with an entity. For dropped item entities, it gets, obviously, the item that was dropped. For item frames, the item inside the frame is returned. For throwable projectiles (snowballs, enderpearls etc.),it gets the displayed item. Other entities do not have items associated with them.


Missing examples.

Item with CustomModelData



Since: 2.5
Requirements: 1.14+
Return Type: Item Type
Get an item with a CustomModelData tag. (Value is an integer between 0 and 99999999)


give player a diamond sword with custom model data 2
set slot 1 of inventory of player to wooden hoe with custom model data 357

Item with Lore



Since: 2.3
Return Type: Item Type
Returns the given item type with the specified lore added to it. If multiple strings are passed, each of them will be a separate line in the lore.


set {_test} to stone with lore "line 1" and "line 2"
give {_test} to player




  • [all [[of] the]|the] block[[ ]type]s
  • every block[[ ]type]
  • [all [[of] the]|the|every] block[s] of type[s] %item types%
  • [all [[of] the]|the|every] item[s] of type[s] %item types%
Since: 1.0 pre-5
Return Type: Item Type
Items or blocks of a specific type, useful for looping.


loop items of type ore and log:
    block contains loop-item
    message "Theres at least one %loop-item% in this block"
drop all blocks at the player # drops one of every block at the player

Items In



  • [(all [[of] the]|the)] items ([with]in|of|contained in|out of) [inventor(y|ies)] %inventories%
Since: 2.0
Return Type: Inventory Slot
All items in an inventory. Useful for looping or storing in a list variable. Please note that the positions of the items in the inventory are not saved, only their order is preserved.


loop all items in the player's inventory:
    loop-item is enchanted
    remove loop-item from the player
set {inventory::%uuid of player%::*} to items in the player's inventory

Join & Split



  • (concat[enate]|join) %texts% [(with|using|by) [[the] delimiter] %text%]
  • split %text% (at|using|by) [[the] delimiter] %text% [with case sensitivity]
  • %text% split (at|using|by) [[the] delimiter] %text% [with case sensitivity]
  • regex split %text% (at|using|by) [[the] delimiter] %text%
  • regex %text% split (at|using|by) [[the] delimiter] %text%
Since: 2.1, 2.5.2 (regex support), 2.7 (case sensitivity)
Return Type: Text
Joins several texts with a common delimiter (e.g. ", "), or splits a text into multiple texts at a given delimiter.


message "Online players: %join all players with "" | ""%" # %all players% would use the default "x, y, and z"
set {_s::*} to the string argument split at ","




  • [the] [([currently] selected|current)] [game] (language|locale) [setting] of %players%
  • %players%'[s] [([currently] selected|current)] [game] (language|locale) [setting]
Since: 2.3
Return Type: Text
Currently selected game language of a player. The value of the language is not defined properly. The vanilla Minecraft client will use lowercase language / country pairs separated by an underscore, but custom resource packs may use any format they wish.


message player's current language

Last Attacker



  • [the] last attacker of %entity%
  • %entity%'[s] last attacker
Since: 2.5.1
Return Type: Object
The last block or entity that attacked an entity.


send "%last attacker of event-entity%"

Last Color



  • [the] last color[s] of %texts%
  • %texts%'[s] last color[s]
Since: 2.6
Return Type: Text
The colors used at the end of a string. The colors of the returned string will be formatted with their symbols.


set {_color} to the last colors of "<red>hey<blue>yo"

Last Damage



Since: 2.5.1
Return Type: Number
The last damage that was done to an entity. Note that changing it doesn't deal more/less damage.


set last damage of event-entity to 2

Last Damage Cause



Since: 2.2-Fixes-V10
Return Type: Damage Cause
Cause of last damage done to an entity


set last damage cause of event-entity to fire tick

Last Loaded Server Icon



  • [the] [last[ly]] loaded server icon
Since: 2.3
Requirements: Paper 1.12.2 or newer
Return Type: Server Icon
Returns the last loaded server icon with the load server icon effect.


set {server-icon} to the last loaded server icon

Last Resource Pack Response



  • [the] [last] resource pack response[s] of %players%
  • %players%'[s] [last] resource pack response[s]
Since: 2.4
Requirements: Paper 1.9 or newer
Return Type: Resource Pack State
Returns the last resource pack response received from a player.


if player's last resource pack response is deny or download fail:

Last Spawned Entity



  • [the] [last[ly]] (spawned|shot) %*entity type%
  • [the] [last[ly]] dropped (item)
  • [the] [last[ly]] (created|struck) (lightning)
  • [the] [last[ly]] (launched|deployed) (firework)
Since: 1.3 (spawned entity), 2.0 (shot entity), 2.2-dev26 (dropped item), 2.7 (struck lightning, firework)
Return Type: Entity
Holds the entity that was spawned most recently with the spawn effect (section), dropped with the drop effect, shot with the shoot effect or created with the lightning effect. Please note that even though you can spawn multiple mobs simultaneously (e.g. with 'spawn 5 creepers'), only the last spawned mob is saved and can be used. If you spawn an entity, shoot a projectile and drop an item you can however access all them together.


spawn a priest
set {healer::%spawned priest%} to true
shoot an arrow from the last spawned entity
ignite the shot projectile
drop a diamond sword
push last dropped item upwards
teleport player to last struck lightning
delete last launched firework

Last/First Login Time



Since: 2.5
Return Type: Date
When a player last/first logged in the server. 'last login' requires paper to get the last login, otherwise it will get the last time they were seen on the server.


command /onlinefor:
        send "You have been online for %difference between player's last login and now%."
        send "You first joined the server %difference between player's first login and now% ago."

Leash Holder



Since: 2.3
Return Type: Entity
The leash holder of a living entity.


set {_example} to the leash holder of the target mob




Since: 2.1
Return Type: long
The length of a text, in number of characters.


set {_l} to length of the string argument




Since: unknown (before 2.1)
Usable in events: level change
Return Type: long
The level of a player.


reduce the victim's level by 1
set the player's level to 0

Level Progress



Since: 2.0
Usable in events: level change
Return Type: Number
The player's progress in reaching the next level, this represents the experience bar in the game. Please note that this value is between 0 and 1 (e.g. 0.5 = half experience bar). Changing this value can cause the player's level to change if the resulting level progess is negative or larger than 1, e.g. increase the player's level progress by 0.5 will make the player gain a level if their progress was more than 50%.


# use the exp bar as mana
on rightclick with a blaze rod:
    player's level progress is larger than 0.2
    shoot a fireball from the player
    reduce the player's level progress by 0.2
every 2 seconds:
    loop all players:
        level progress of loop-player is smaller than 0.9:
            increase level progress of the loop-player by 0.1
            set level progress of the loop-player to 0.99
on xp spawn:
    cancel event

Light Level



Since: 1.3.4
Return Type: byte
Gets the light level at a certain location which ranges from 0 to 15. It can be separated into sunlight (15 = direct sunlight, 1-14 = indirect) and block light (torches, glowstone, etc.). The total light level of a block is the maximum of the two different light types.


# set vampire players standing in bright sunlight on fire
every 5 seconds:
    loop all players:
        {vampire::%uuid of loop-player%} is true
        sunlight level at the loop-player is greater than 10
        ignite the loop-player for 5 seconds

Loaded Plugins



  • [(all [[of] the]|the)] [loaded] plugins
Since: 2.7
Return Type: Text
An expression to obtain a list of the names of the server's loaded plugins.


if the loaded plugins contains "Vault":
    broadcast "This server uses Vault plugin!"

send "Plugins (%size of loaded plugins%): %plugins%" to player




  • [the] [event-](location|position)
Since: 2.0
Return Type: Location
The location where an event happened (e.g. at an entity or block), or a location relative to another (e.g. 1 meter above another location).


drop 5 apples at the event-location # exactly the same as writing 'drop 5 apples'
set {_loc} to the location 1 meter above the player




Since: 2.0
Return Type: Location
The location where an event happened (e.g. at an entity or block), or a location relative to another (e.g. 1 meter above another location).


drop 5 apples at the event-location # exactly the same as writing 'drop 5 apples'
set {_loc} to the location 1 meter above the player




Since: Unknown
Return Type: Location
The location of a block or entity. This not only represents the x, y and z coordinates of the location but also includes the world and the direction an entity is looking (e.g. teleporting to a saved location will make the teleported entity face the same saved direction every time). Please note that the location of an entity is at it's feet, use head location to get the location of the head.


set {home::%uuid of player%} to the location of the player
message "You home was set to %player's location% in %player's world%."

Location At



  • [the] (location|position) [at] [\(][x[ ][=[ ]]]%number%, [y[ ][=[ ]]]%number%, [and] [z[ ][=[ ]]]%number%[\)] [[(in|of) [[the] world]] %world%]
Since: 2.0
Return Type: Location
Allows to create a location from three coordinates and a world.


set {_loc} to the location at arg-1, arg-2, arg-3 of the world arg-4
distance between the player and the location (0, 0, 0) is less than 200

Loop Iteration



  • [the] loop(-| )(counter|iteration)[-%*number%]
Return Type: long
Returns the loop's current iteration count (for both normal and while loops).


while player is online:
    give player 1 stone
    wait 5 ticks
    if loop-counter > 30:
        stop loop

loop {top-balances::*}:
    if loop-iteration <= 10:
        broadcast "##%loop-iteration% %loop-index% has $%loop-value%"

Loop value



  • [the] loop-<.+>
Since: 1.0, INSERT VERSION (loop-counter)
Return Type: Object
Returns the currently looped value.


# Countdown
loop 10 times:
    message "%11 - loop-number%"
    wait a second

# Generate a 10x10 floor made of randomly colored wool below the player
loop blocks from the block below the player to the block 10 east of the block below the player:
    loop blocks from the loop-block to the block 10 north of the loop-block:
        set loop-block-2 to any wool

loop {top-balances::*}:
    loop-iteration <= 10
    send "##%loop-iteration% %loop-index% has $%loop-value%"




  • [the] loot
Since: 2.7
Requirements: MC 1.16+
Return Type: Item
The loot that will be generated in a 'loot generate' event.


on loot generate:
    chance of %10
    add 64 diamonds
    send "You hit the jackpot!!"




Since: 2.1
Return Type: Text
An item's lore.


set the 1st line of the item's lore to "&lt;orange&gt;Excalibur 2.0"




  • [the] [(default)|(shown|displayed)] (MOTD|message of [the] day)
Since: 2.3
Return Type: Text
The message of the day in the server list. This can be changed in a server list ping event only. 'default MOTD' returns the default MOTD always and can't be changed.


on server list ping:
    set the motd to "Join now!"

Max Durability



Since: 2.5
Return Type: long
The maximum durability of an item.


maximum durability of diamond sword
if max durability of player's tool is not 0: # Item is damageable

Max Health



Since: 2.0
Usable in events: damage, death
Return Type: Number
The maximum health of an entity, e.g. 10 for a player.


on join:
    set the maximum health of the player to 100
spawn a giant
set the last spawned entity's max health to 1000

Max Minecart Speed



  • [the] max[imum] minecart (speed|velocity) of %entities%
  • %entities%'[s] max[imum] minecart (speed|velocity)
Since: 2.5.1
Return Type: Number
The maximum speed of a minecart.


on right click on minecart:
    set max minecart speed of event-entity to 1

Max Players



  • [the] [(real|default)|(fake|shown|displayed)] max[imum] player[s] [count|amount|number|size]
  • [the] [(real|default)|(fake|shown|displayed)] max[imum] (count|amount|number|size) of players
Since: 2.3, 2.7 (modify max real players)
Requirements: Paper 1.16+ (modify max real players)
Return Type: integer
The count of max players. This can be changed in a server list ping event only. 'real max players' returns the real count of max players of the server and can be modified on Paper 1.16 or later.


on server list ping:
    set the max players count to (online players count + 1)

Maximum Freeze Time



  • [the] max[imum] freeze time of %entities%
  • %entities%'[s] max[imum] freeze time
Since: 2.7
Return Type: Timespan
The maximum amount of time an entity can spend in powdered snow before taking damage.


difference between player's freeze time and player's max freeze time is less than 1 second:
    send "you're about to freeze!" to the player

Maximum Stack Size



Since: 2.1
Return Type: long
The maximum stack size of the specified material, e.g. 64 for torches, 16 for buckets, and 1 for swords.


send "You can only pick up %max stack size of player's tool% of %type of (player's tool)%" to player




  • me
  • my[self]
Since: 2.1.1
Return Type: Player
A 'me' expression that can be used in players' effect commands only.


!heal me
!kick myself
!give a diamond axe to me

Mending Repair Amount



  • [the] [mending] repair amount
Since: 2.5.1
Return Type: long
The number of durability points an item is to be repaired in a mending event. Modifying the repair amount will affect how much experience is given to the player after mending.


on item mend:
    set the mending repair amount to 100




  • [the] [chat( |-)]message
  • [the] (join|log[ ]in)( |-)message
  • [the] (quit|leave|log[ ]out|kick)( |-)message
  • [the] death( |-)message
Since: 1.4.6 (chat message), 1.4.9 (join & quit messages), 2.0 (death message)
Usable in events: chat, join, quit, death
Return Type: Text
The (chat) message of a chat event, the join message of a join event, the quit message of a quit event, or the death message on a death event. This expression is mostly useful for being changed.


on chat:
    player has permission "admin"
    set message to "&c%message%"

on first join:
    set join message to "Welcome %player% to our awesome server!"

on join:
    player has played before
    set join message to "Welcome back, %player%!"

on quit:
    set quit message to "%player% left this awesome server!"

on death:
    set the death message to "%player% died!"




Since: 2.2-dev36
Return Type: Object
Metadata is a way to store temporary data on entities, blocks and more that disappears after a server restart.


set metadata value "healer" of player to true
broadcast "%metadata value ""healer"" of player%"
clear metadata value "healer" of player

Middle of Location



  • [the] (middle|center) [point] of %location%
  • %location%'[s] (middle|center) [point]
Since: 2.6.1
Return Type: Location
Returns the middle/center of a location. In other words, returns the middle of the X, Z coordinates and the floor value of the Y coordinate of a location.


command /stuck:
    executable by: players
        teleport player to the center of player's location
        send "You're no longer stuck."

Minecart Derailed / Flying Velocity



  • [the] [minecart] (derailed|flying) velocity of %entities%
  • %entities%'[s] [minecart] (derailed|flying) velocity
Since: 2.5.1
Return Type: Vector
The velocity of a minecart as soon as it has been derailed or as soon as it starts flying.


on right click on minecart:
    set derailed velocity of event-entity to vector 2, 10, 2




Since: 2.0, 2.5 (offline players)
Requirements: Vault, an economy plugin that supports Vault
Return Type: Money
How much virtual money a player has (can be changed).


message "You have %player's money%" # the currency name will be added automatically
remove 20$ from the player's balance # replace '$' by whatever currency you use
add 200 to the player's account # or omit the currency altogether

Moon Phase



  • [the] (lunar|moon) phase[s] of %worlds%
  • %worlds%'[s] (lunar|moon) phase[s]
Since: 2.7
Requirements: Paper 1.16+
Return Type: Moon Phase
The current moon phase of a world.


if moon phase of player's world is full moon:
    send "Watch for the wolves!"

Moved blocks



  • [the] moved blocks
Since: 2.2-dev27
Return Type: Block
Blocks which are moved in a piston event. Cannot be used outside of piston events.


the moved blocks

Name / Display Name / Tab List Name



Since: before 2.1, 2.2-dev20 (inventory name), 2.4 (non-living entity support, changeable inventory name), 2.7 (worlds)
Return Type: Text
Represents the Minecraft account, display or tab list name of a player, or the custom name of an item, entity, block, inventory, gamerule or world.

  • Players         
    • Name: The Minecraft account name of the player. Can't be changed, but 'display name' can be changed.
    • Display Name: The name of the player that is displayed in messages. This name can be changed freely and can include color codes, and is shared among all plugins (e.g. chat plugins will use the display name).
  • Entities         
    • Name: The custom name of the entity. Can be changed. But for living entities, the players will have to target the entity to see its name tag. For non-living entities, the name will not be visible at all. To prevent this, use 'display name'.
    • Display Name: The custom name of the entity. Can be changed, which will also enable custom name visibility of the entity so name tag of the entity will be visible always.
  • Items         
    • Name and Display Name: The custom name of the item (not the Minecraft locale name). Can be changed.
  • Inventories         
    • Name and Display Name: The name/title of the inventory. Changing name of an inventory means opening the same inventory with the same contents but with a different name to its current viewers.
  • Gamerules (1.13+)         
    • Name: The name of the gamerule. Cannot be changed.
  • Worlds         
    • Name: The name of the world. Cannot be changed.


on join:
    player has permission "name.red"
    set the player's display name to "&lt;red&gt;[admin] &lt;gold&gt;%name of player%"
    set the player's tab list name to "&lt;green&gt;%player's name%"
set the name of the player's tool to "Legendary Sword of Awesomeness"

Name / Display Name / Tab List Name



  • [the] ((player|tab)[ ]list name[s]) of %players%
  • %players%'[s] ((player|tab)[ ]list name[s])
Since: before 2.1, 2.2-dev20 (inventory name), 2.4 (non-living entity support, changeable inventory name), 2.7 (worlds)
Return Type: Text
Represents the Minecraft account, display or tab list name of a player, or the custom name of an item, entity, block, inventory, gamerule or world.

  • Players         
    • Name: The Minecraft account name of the player. Can't be changed, but 'display name' can be changed.
    • Display Name: The name of the player that is displayed in messages. This name can be changed freely and can include color codes, and is shared among all plugins (e.g. chat plugins will use the display name).
  • Entities         
    • Name: The custom name of the entity. Can be changed. But for living entities, the players will have to target the entity to see its name tag. For non-living entities, the name will not be visible at all. To prevent this, use 'display name'.
    • Display Name: The custom name of the entity. Can be changed, which will also enable custom name visibility of the entity so name tag of the entity will be visible always.
  • Items         
    • Name and Display Name: The custom name of the item (not the Minecraft locale name). Can be changed.
  • Inventories         
    • Name and Display Name: The name/title of the inventory. Changing name of an inventory means opening the same inventory with the same contents but with a different name to its current viewers.
  • Gamerules (1.13+)         
    • Name: The name of the gamerule. Cannot be changed.
  • Worlds         
    • Name: The name of the world. Cannot be changed.


on join:
    player has permission "name.red"
    set the player's display name to "&lt;red&gt;[admin] &lt;gold&gt;%name of player%"
    set the player's tab list name to "&lt;green&gt;%player's name%"
set the name of the player's tool to "Legendary Sword of Awesomeness"

Named Item/Inventory



Since: 2.0, 2.2-dev34 (inventories)
Return Type: Object
Directly names an item/inventory, useful for defining a named item/inventory in a script. If you want to (re)name existing items/inventories you can either use this expression or use set name of <item/inventory> to <text>.


give a diamond sword of sharpness 100 named "&lt;gold&gt;Excalibur" to the player
set tool of player to the player's tool named "&lt;gold&gt;Wand"
set the name of the player's tool to "&lt;gold&gt;Wand"
open hopper inventory named "Magic Hopper" to player

Nearest Entity



Since: 2.7
Return Type: Entity
Gets the entity nearest to a location or another entity.


kill the nearest pig and cow relative to player
teleport player to the nearest cow relative to player
teleport player to the nearest entity relative to player

on click:
    kill nearest pig

New Line



  • n[ew]l[ine]
  • line[ ]break
Since: 2.5
Return Type: Text
Returns a line break separator.


send "Hello%nl%Goodbye!" to player

No Damage Ticks



Since: 2.5
Return Type: long
The number of ticks that an entity is invulnerable to damage for.


on damage:
    set victim's invulnerability ticks to 20 #Victim will not take damage for the next second




  • now
Since: 1.4
Return Type: Date
The current system time of the server. Use time to get the Minecraft time of a world.


broadcast "Current server time: %now%"

Number of Characters



  • number of upper[ ]case char(acters|s) in %text%
  • number of lower[ ]case char(acters|s) in %text%
  • number of digit char(acters|s) in %text%
Since: 2.5
Return Type: long
The number of uppercase, lowercase, or digit characters in a string.


#Simple Chat Filter
on chat:
    if number of uppercase chars in message / length of message > 0.5
        cancel event
        send "&lt;red&gt;Your message has to many caps!" to player




  • [(all [[of] the]|the)] (numbers|integers|decimals) (between|from) %number% (and|to) %number%
Since: 1.4.6 (integers & numbers), 2.5.1 (decimals)
Return Type: Number
All numbers between two given numbers, useful for looping. Use 'numbers' if your start is not an integer and you want to keep the fractional part of the start number constant, or use 'integers' if you only want to loop integers. You may also use 'decimals' if you want to use the decimal precision of the start number. You may want to use the 'times' expression instead, for instance 'loop 5 times:'


loop numbers from 2.5 to 5.5: # loops 2.5, 3.5, 4.5, 5.5
loop integers from 2.9 to 5.1: # same as '3 to 5', i.e. loops 3, 4, 5
loop decimals from 3.94 to 4: # loops 3.94, 3.95, 3.96, 3.97, 3.98, 3.99, 4

Offline players



  • [(all [[of] the]|the)] offline[ ]players
Since: 2.2-dev35
Return Type: Offline Player
All players that have ever joined the server. This includes the players currently online.


send "Size of all players who have joined the server: %size of all offline players%"

Online Player Count



  • [the] [((real|default)|(fake|shown|displayed))] [online] player (count|amount|number)
  • [the] [((real|default)|(fake|shown|displayed))] (count|amount|number|size) of online players
Since: 2.3
Return Type: long
The amount of online players. This can be changed in a server list ping event only to show fake online player amount. 'real online player count' always returns the real count of online players and can't be changed.

Fake online player count requires PaperSpigot 1.12.2+.


on server list ping:
    # This will make the max players count 5 if there are 4 players online.
    set the fake max players count to (online players count + 1)

Opened Inventory



  • [the] (current|open|top) inventory [of %players%]
  • %players%'[s] (current|open|top) inventory
Since: 2.2-dev24, 2.2-dev35 (Just 'current inventory' works in player events)
Return Type: Inventory
Return the currently opened inventory of a player. If no inventory is open, it returns the own player's crafting inventory.


set slot 1 of player's current inventory to diamond sword




Since: 2.0
Return Type: Object
Parses text as a given type, or as a given pattern. This expression can be used in two different ways: One which parses the entire text as a single instance of a type, e.g. as a number, and one that parses the text according to a pattern. If the given text could not be parsed, this expression will return nothing and the parse error will be set if some information is available. Some notes about parsing with a pattern: - The pattern must be a Skript pattern, e.g. percent signs are used to define where to parse which types, e.g. put a %number% or %items% in the pattern if you expect a number or some items there. - You have to save the expression's value in a list variable, e.g. set {parsed::*} to message parsed as "...". - The list variable will contain the parsed values from all %types% in the pattern in order. If a type was plural, e.g. %items%, the variable's value at the respective index will be a list variable, e.g. the values will be stored in {parsed::1::*}, not {parsed::1}.


set {var} to line 1 parsed as number
on chat:
    set {var::*} to message parsed as "buying %items% for %money%"
    if parse error is set:
        message "%parse error%"
    else if {var::*} is set:
        cancel event
        remove {var::2} from the player's balance
        give {var::1::*} to the player

Parse Error



  • [the] [last] [parse] error
Since: 2.0
Return Type: Text
The error which caused the last parse operation to fail, which might not be set if a pattern was used and the pattern didn't match the provided text at all.


set {var} to line 1 parsed as integer
if {var} is not set:
    parse error is set:
        message "&lt;red&gt;Line 1 is invalid: %last parse error%"
        message "&lt;red&gt;Please put an integer on line 1!"




Since: 2.0, 2.2-dev26 (Multiple passengers for 1.11.2+)
Return Type: Entity
The passenger of a vehicle, or the rider of a mob. For 1.11.2 and above, it returns a list of passengers and you can use all changers in it. See also: vehicle


#for 1.11 and lower
passenger of the minecart is a creeper or a cow
the saddled pig's passenger is a player
#for 1.11.2+
passengers of the minecart contains a creeper or a cow
the boat's passenger contains a pig
add a cow and a zombie to passengers of last spawned boat
set passengers of player's vehicle to a pig and a horse
remove all pigs from player's vehicle
clear passengers of boat




  • (pi|π)
Since: 2.7
Return Type: double
Returns the mathematical constant pi. (approx. 3.1415926535)


set {_tau} to pi * 2

Pickup Delay



Since: 2.7
Return Type: Timespan
The amount of time before a dropped item can be picked up by an entity.


drop diamond sword at {_location} without velocity
set pickup delay of last dropped item to 5 seconds




Since: 2.2-dev36
Return Type: long
Pings of players, as Minecraft server knows them. Note that they will almost certainly be different from the ones you'd get from using ICMP echo requests. This expression is only supported on some server software (PaperSpigot).


command /ping <player=%player%>:
        send "%arg-1%'s ping is %arg-1's ping%"

Plain Item



Since: 2.6
Return Type: Item Type
A plain item is an item with no modifications. It can be used to convert items to their default state or to match with other default items.


if the player's tool is a plain diamond: # check if player's tool has no modifications
    send "You are holding a plain diamond!"

Player List Header and Footer



  • [the] (player|tab)[ ]list (header|footer) [(text|message)] of %players%
  • %players%'[s] (player|tab)[ ]list (header|footer) [(text|message)]
Since: 2.4
Requirements: Minecraft 1.13 or newer
Return Type: Text
The message above and below the player list in the tab menu.


set all players' tab list header to "Welcome to the Server!"
send "%the player's tab list header%" to player
reset all players' tab list header

Player Protocol Version



Since: 2.6.2
Requirements: Paper 1.12.2 or newer
Return Type: integer
Player's protocol version. For more information and list of protocol versions visit wiki.vg.


command /protocolversion &ltplayer&gt:
        send "Protocol version of %arg-1%: %protocol version of arg-1%"

Player Skull



Since: 2.0
Return Type: Item Type
Gets a skull item representing a player. Skulls for other entities are provided by the aliases.


give the victim's skull to the attacker
set the block at the entity to the entity's skull

Player Weather



  • [the] [(client|custom)] weather of %players%
  • %players%'[s] [(client|custom)] weather
Since: 2.2-dev34
Return Type: Weather Type
The weather for a player.


set weather of arg-player to rainy
reset player's weather
if arg-player's weather is rainy




  • [the] portal['s] blocks
  • [the] blocks of [the] portal
Since: 2.4
Usable in events: portal_create
Return Type: Block
The blocks associated with a portal in the portal creation event.


on portal creation:
    loop portal blocks:
        broadcast "%loop-block% is part of a portal!"

Portal Cooldown



Return Type: Timespan
The amount of time before an entity can use a portal. By default, it is 15 seconds after exiting a nether portal or end gateway. Players in survival/adventure get a cooldown of 0.5 seconds, while those in creative get no cooldown. Resetting will set the cooldown back to the default 15 seconds for non-player entities and 0.5 seconds for players.


on portal:
    wait 1 tick
    set portal cooldown of event-entity to 5 seconds

Potion Effect



  • [new] potion effect of %potion% [potion] [[[of] tier] %number%] [without particles] [for %time span%]
  • [new] ambient potion effect of %potion% [potion] [[[of] tier] %number%] [without particles] [for %time span%]
Since: 2.5.2
Return Type: Potion Effect
Create a new potion effect to apply to an entity or item type. Do note that when applying potion effects to tipped arrows/lingering potions, Minecraft reduces the timespan.


set {_p} to potion effect of speed of tier 1 without particles for 10 minutes
add {_p} to potion effects of player's tool
add {_p} to potion effects of target entity
add potion effect of speed 1 to potion effects of player

Potion Effect Tier



Since: 2.7
Return Type: integer
An expression to obtain the amplifier of a potion effect applied to an entity.


if the amplifier of haste of player >= 3:

Potion Effects



Since: 2.5.2
Return Type: Potion Effect
Represents the active potion effects of entities and itemtypes. You can clear all potion effects of an entity/itemtype and add/remove a potion effect/type to/from an entity/itemtype. Do note you will not be able to clear the base potion effects of a potion item. In that case, just set the item to a water bottle. When adding a potion effect type (rather than a potion effect), it will default to 15 seconds with tier 1.


set {_p::*} to active potion effects of player
clear all the potion effects of player
clear all the potion effects of player's tool
add potion effects of player to potion effects of player's tool
add speed to potion effects of target entity
remove speed and night vision from potion effects of player




  • [the] [chat] (prefix|suffix) of %players%
  • %players%'[s] [chat] (prefix|suffix)
Since: 2.0
Requirements: Vault, a chat plugin that supports Vault
Return Type: Text
The prefix or suffix as defined in the server's chat plugin.


on chat:
    cancel event
    broadcast "%player's prefix%%player's display name%%player's suffix%: %message%" to the player's world

set the player's prefix to "[&lt;red&gt;Admin<reset>] "

Projectile Bounce State



  • [the] projectile bounce (state|ability|mode) of %projectiles%
  • %projectiles%'[s] projectile bounce (state|ability|mode)
Since: 2.5.1
Return Type: Boolean
A projectile's bounce state.


on projectile hit:
    set projectile bounce mode of event-projectile to true

Projectile Critical State



  • [the] (projectile|arrow) critical (state|ability|mode) of %projectiles%
  • %projectiles%'[s] (projectile|arrow) critical (state|ability|mode)
Since: 2.5.1
Return Type: Boolean
A projectile's critical state. The only currently accepted projectiles are arrows and tridents.


on shoot:
    event-projectile is an arrow
    set projectile critical mode of event-projectile to true

Protocol Version



  • [the] [server] [(sent|required|fake)] protocol version [number]
Since: 2.3
Usable in events: server list ping
Requirements: Paper 1.12.2 or newer
Return Type: long
The protocol version that will be sent as the protocol version of the server in a server list ping event. For more information and list of protocol versions visit wiki.vg. If this protocol version doesn't match with the protocol version of the client, the client will see the version string. But please note that, this expression has no visual effect over the version string. For example if the server uses PaperSpigot 1.12.2, and you make the protocol version 107 (1.9), the version string will not be "Paper 1.9", it will still be "Paper 1.12.2". But then you can customize the version string as you wish. Also if the protocol version of the player is higher than protocol version of the server, it will say "Server out of date!", and if vice-versa "Client out of date!" when you hover on the ping bars.

This can be set in a server list ping event only (increase and decrease effects cannot be used because that wouldn't make sense).


on server list ping:
    set the version string to "&lt;light green&gt;Version: &lt;orange&gt;%minecraft version%"
    set the protocol version to 0 # 13w41a (1.7) - so the player will see the custom version string almost always

Quit Reason



  • [the] (quit|disconnect) (cause|reason)
Requirements: Paper 1.16.5+
Return Type: Quit Reason
The quit reason as to why a player disconnected in a quit event.


on quit:
    quit reason was kicked
    player is banned
    clear {server::player::%uuid of player%::*}




Since: 1.4.9
Return Type: Object
Gets a random item out of a set, e.g. a random player out of all players online.


give a diamond to a random player out of all players
give a random item out of all items to the player

Random Number



  • [a] random (integer|number) (from|between) %number% (to|and) %number%
Since: 1.4
Return Type: Number
A random number or integer between two given numbers. Use 'number' if you want any number with decimal parts, or use use 'integer' if you only want whole numbers. Please note that the order of the numbers doesn't matter, i.e. random number between 2 and 1 will work as well as random number between 1 and 2.


set the player's health to a random number between 5 and 10
send "You rolled a %random integer from 1 to 6%!" to the player

Random UUID



  • [a] random uuid
Since: 2.5.1
Return Type: Text
Returns a random UUID.


set {_uuid} to random uuid

Raw Name



Since: unknown (2.2)
Return Type: Text
The raw Minecraft material name of the given item. Note that this is not guaranteed to give same results on all servers.


raw name of tool of player

Raw String



Since: 2.7
Return Type: Text
Returns the string without formatting (colors etc.) and without stripping them from it, e.g. raw "&aHello There!" would output &aHello There!


send raw "&aThis text is unformatted!" to all players

Redstone Block Power



  • [the] redstone power of %blocks%
  • %blocks%'[s] redstone power
Since: 2.5
Return Type: long
Power of a redstone block


if redstone power of targeted block is 15:
    send "This block is very powerful!"




  • [the] [event-]region
Since: 2.1
Requirements: Supported regions plugin
Return Type: Region
The region involved in an event. This expression requires a supported regions plugin to be installed.


on region enter:
    region is {forbidden region}
    cancel the event

Region Members & Owners



  • [(all|the)] (members|owner[s]) of [[the] region[s]] %regions%
  • [[the] region[s]] %regions%'[s] (members|owner[s])
Since: 2.1
Requirements: Supported regions plugin
Return Type: Offline Player
A list of members or owners of a region. This expression requires a supported regions plugin to be installed.


on entering of a region:
    message "You're entering %region% whose owners are %owners of region%"

Regions At



Since: 2.1
Requirements: Supported regions plugin
Return Type: Region
All regions at a particular location. This expression requires a supported regions plugin to be installed.


On click on a sign:
    line 1 of the clicked block is "[region info]"
    set {_regions::*} to regions at the clicked block
    if {_regions::*} is empty:
        message "No regions exist at this sign."
        message "Regions containing this sign: &lt;gold&gt;%{_regions::*}%<r>."

Remaining Air



Since: unknown (before 2.1)
Return Type: Timespan
How much time a player has left underwater before starting to drown.


player's remaining air is less than 3 seconds:
    send "hurry, get to the surface!" to the player

Respawn Anchor Charges



  • [the] [max[imum]] charge[s] of %blocks%
  • %blocks%'[s] [max[imum]] charge[s]
Since: 2.7
Requirements: Minecraft 1.16+
Return Type: integer
The charges of a respawn anchor.


set the charges of event-block to 3

Respawn location



  • [the] respawn location
Since: 2.2-dev35
Return Type: Location
The location that a player should respawn at. This is used within the respawn event.


on respawn:
    set respawn location to {example::spawn}

Reversed List



Since: 2.4
Return Type: Object
Reverses given list.


set {_list::*} to reversed {_list::*}




  • [(a|the)] round[ed] down %number%
  • [(a|the)] round[ed] %number%
  • [(a|the)] round[ed] up %number%
Since: 2.0
Return Type: long
Rounds numbers normally, up (ceiling) or down (floor) respectively.


set {var} to rounded health of player
set line 1 of the block to rounded "%(1.5 * player's level)%"
add rounded down argument to the player's health




Since: 2.2-Fixes-v10, 2.2-dev35 (fully modifiable), 2.6.2 (syntax pattern changed)
Return Type: Number
The saturation of a player. If used in a player event, it can be omitted and will default to event-player.


set saturation of player to 20

Scoreboard Tags



  • [(all [[of] the]|the)] scoreboard tags of %entities%
  • %entities%'[s] scoreboard tags
Since: 2.3
Return Type: Text
Scoreboard tags are simple list of texts stored directly in the data of an entity. So this is a Minecraft related thing, not Bukkit, so the tags will not get removed when the server stops. You can visit visit Minecraft Wiki for more info. This is changeable and valid for any type of entity. Also you can use use the Has Scoreboard Tag condition to check whether an entity has the given tags.

Requires Minecraft 1.11+ (actually added in 1.9 to the game, but added in 1.11 to Spigot).


on spawn of a monster:
    if the spawn reason is mob spawner:
        add "spawned by a spawner" to the scoreboard tags of event-entity

on death of a monster:
    if the attacker is a player:
        if the victim doesn't have the scoreboard tag "spawned by a spawner":
            add 1$ to attacker's balance

Script Name



  • [the] script[['s] name]
  • name of [the] script
Since: 2.0
Usable in events: Script Load/Unload
Return Type: Text
Holds the current script's name (the file name without '.sk').


on script load:
    set {running::%script%} to true
on script unload:
    set {running::%script%} to false

Sea Level



Since: 2.5.1
Return Type: long
Gets the sea level of a world.


send "The sea level in your world is %sea level in player's world%"

Sea Pickles



  • [the] [(min|max)[imum]] [sea] pickle(s| (count|amount)) of %blocks%
  • %blocks%'[s] [(min|max)[imum]] [sea] pickle(s| (count|amount))
Since: 2.7
Return Type: integer
An expression to obtain or modify data relating to the pickles of a sea pickle block.


on block break:
    type of block is sea pickle
    send "Wow! This stack of sea pickles contained %event-block's sea pickle count% pickles!"
    send "It could've contained a maximum of %event-block's maximum sea pickle count% pickles!"
    send "It had to have contained at least %event-block's minimum sea pickle count% pickles!"
    cancel event
    set event-block's sea pickle count to event-block's maximum sea pickle count
    send "This bad boy is going to hold so many pickles now!!"

Server Icon



  • [the] [((default)|(shown|sent))] [server] icon
Since: 2.3
Requirements: Paper 1.12.2 or newer
Return Type: Server Icon
Icon of the server in the server list. Can be set to an icon that loaded using the load server icon effect, or can be reset to the default icon in a server list ping. 'default server icon' returns the default server icon (server-icon.png) always and cannot be changed.


on script load:
    set {server-icons::default} to the default server icon




  • [all [[of] the]|the|every] %*type%
Since: unknown (before 1.4.2), 2.7 (colors)
Return Type: Object
Returns a list of all the values of a type; useful for looping.


loop all attribute types:
    set loop-value attribute of player to 10
    message "Set attribute %loop-value% to 10!"




Since: 1.3.7
Return Type: Living Entity
The shooter of a projectile.


shooter is a skeleton

Shuffled List



Since: 2.2-dev32
Return Type: Object
Shuffles given list randomly. This is done by replacing indices by random numbers in resulting list.


set {_list::*} to shuffled {_list::*}

Sign Text



  • [the] line %number% [of %block%]
  • [the] (1st|first|2nd|second|3rd|third|4th|fourth) line [of %block%]
Since: 1.3
Return Type: Text
A line of text on a sign. Can be changed, but remember that there is a 16 character limit per line (including color codes that use 2 characters each).


on rightclick on sign:
    line 2 of the clicked block is "[Heal]":
        heal the player
    set line 3 to "%player%"

Slot Index



Since: 2.2-dev35
Return Type: long
Index of an an inventory slot. Other types of slots may or may not have indices. Note that comparing slots with numbers is also possible; if index of slot is same as the number, comparisonsucceeds. This expression is mainly for the cases where you must for some reason save the slot numbers.


if index of event-slot is 10:
    send "You bought a pie!"

Sorted List



Since: 2.2-dev19
Return Type: Object
Sorts given list in natural order. All objects in list must be comparable; if they're not, this expression will return nothing.


set {_sorted::*} to sorted {_players::*}

Source Block



  • [the] source block
Since: 2.7
Usable in events: Spread
Return Type: Block
The source block in a spread event.


on spread:
    if the source block is a grass block:
        set the source block to a dirt block




  • [the] spawn[s] [(point|location)[s]] [of %worlds%]
  • %worlds%'[s] spawn[s] [(point|location)[s]]
Since: 1.4.2
Return Type: Location
The spawn point of a world.


teleport all players to spawn
set the spawn point of "world" to the player's location

Spawn Reason



  • [the] spawn[ing] reason
Since: 2.3
Return Type: Spawn Reason
The spawn reason in a spawn event.


on spawn:
    spawn reason is reinforcements or breeding

Spawner Type



  • [the] (spawner|entity|creature) type[s] of %blocks%
  • %blocks%'[s] (spawner|entity|creature) type[s]
Since: 2.4
Return Type: Entity Type
Retrieves, sets, or resets the spawner's entity type


on right click:
    if event-block is spawner:
        send "Spawner's type is %target block's entity type%"

Special Number



  • (NaN|[(-|minus)](infinity|∞)) value
  • value of (NaN|[(-|minus)](infinity|∞))
Since: 2.2-dev32d
Return Type: Number
Special number values, namely NaN, Infinity and -Infinity


if {_number} is NaN value:

Spectator Target



Since: 2.4-alpha4, 2.7 (Paper Spectator Event)
Requirements: Paper
Return Type: Entity
Grabs the spectator target entity of the players.


on player start spectating of player:
    message "&c%spectator target% currently has %{game::kills::%spectator target%}% kills!" to the player

on player stop spectating:
    past spectator target was a zombie
    set spectator target to the nearest skeleton




  • [the] (walk[ing]|fl(y[ing]|ight))[( |-)]speed of %players%
  • %players%'[s] (walk[ing]|fl(y[ing]|ight))[( |-)]speed
Since: unknown (before 2.1)
Return Type: Number
A player's walking or flying speed. Both can be changed, but values must be between -1 and 1 (excessive values will be changed to -1 or 1 respectively). Negative values reverse directions. Please note that changing a player's speed will change their FOV just like potions do.


set the player's walk speed to 1
increase the argument's fly speed by 0.1




  • [the] (part|sub[ ](text|string)) of %texts% (between|from) [ind(ex|ices)|character[s]] %number% (and|to) [(index|character)] %number%
  • [the] (first|last) [%number%] character[s] of %texts%
  • [the] %number% (first|last) characters of %texts%
  • [the] character[s] at [(index|position|indexes|indices|positions)] %numbers% (in|of) %texts%
Since: 2.1, 2.5.2 (character at, multiple strings support)
Return Type: Text
Extracts part of a text. You can either get the first <x> characters, the last <x> characters, the character at index <x>, or the characters between indices <x> and <y>. The indices <x> and <y> should be between 1 and the length of the text (other values will be fit into this range).


set {_s} to the first 5 characters of the text argument
message "%subtext of {_s} from characters 2 to (the length of {_s} - 1)%" # removes the first and last character from {_s} and sends it to the player or console
set {_characters::*} to characters at 1, 2 and 7 in player's display name
send the last character of all players' names

TPS (ticks per second)



  • tps from [the] last ([1] minute|1[ ]m[inute])
  • tps from [the] last 5[ ]m[inutes]
  • tps from [the] last 15[ ]m[inutes]
  • [the] tps
Since: 2.2-dev36
Return Type: Number
Returns the 3 most recent TPS readings, like the /tps command. This expression is only supported on some server software (PaperSpigot).


broadcast "%tps%"




  • [the] tamer
Since: 2.2-dev25
Return Type: Player
The tamer of an entity. Can only be used in entity tame events. You can use 'event-entity' to refer tamed entity itself.


on tame:
    if the tamer is a player:
        send "someone tamed something!" to console




Since: 1.4.2, 2.7 (Reset)
Return Type: Entity
For players this is the entity at the crosshair. For mobs and experience orbs this is the entity they are attacking/following (if any).


on entity target:
    if entity's target is a player:
        send "You're being followed by an %entity%!" to target of entity

reset target of entity # Makes the entity target-less
delete targeted entity of player # for players it will delete the target
delete target of last spawned zombie # for entities it will make them target-less

Targeted Block



  • [the] target[ed] block[s] [of %players%]
  • %players%'[s] target[ed] block[s]
  • [the] actual[ly] target[ed] block[s] [of %players%]
  • %players%'[s] actual[ly] target[ed] block[s]
Since: 1.0
Return Type: Block
The block at the crosshair. This regards all blocks that are not air as fully solid, e.g. torches will be like a solid stone block for this expression.


# A command to set the block a player looks at to a specific type:
command /setblock &lt;material&gt;:
        set targeted block to argument

Teleport Cause



  • [the] teleport (cause|reason|type)
Since: 2.2-dev35
Return Type: Teleport Cause
The teleport cause within a player teleport event.


on teleport:
    teleport cause is nether portal, end portal or end gateway




  • [the] temperature[s] of %blocks%
  • %blocks%'[s] temperature[s]
Since: 2.2-dev35
Return Type: Number
Temperature at given block.


message "%temperature of the targeted block%"




Since: 2.2-dev36
Return Type: Object
A shorthand expression for returning something based on a condition.


set {points} to 500 if {admin::%player's uuid%} is set else 100

The Egg



  • [the] [thrown] egg
Since: 2.7
Usable in events: Egg Throw
Return Type: Projectile
The egg thrown in a Player Egg Throw event.


spawn an egg at the egg




  • [the] time[s] [([with]in|of) %worlds%]
  • %worlds%'[s] time[s]
Since: 1.0
Return Type: Time
The time of a world.


time in world is between 18:00 and 6:00:
    broadcast "It's night-time, watch out for monsters!"

Time Played



Since: 2.5, 2.7 (offline players)
Requirements: MC 1.15+ (offline players)
Return Type: Timespan
The amount of time a player has played for on the server. This info is stored in the player's statistics in the main world's data folder. Changing this will also change the player's stats which can be views in the client's statistics menu. Using this expression on offline players on Minecraft 1.14 and below will return nothing <none>.


set {_t} to time played of player
if player's time played is greater than 10 minutes:
    give player a diamond sword

set player's time played to 0 seconds

Time Since



  • [the] time since %dates%
Since: 2.5
Return Type: Timespan
The time that has passed since a date. If the given date is in the future, a value will not be returned.


send "%time since 5 minecraft days ago% has passed since 5 minecraft days ago!" to player




  • [the] ((tool|held item|weapon)|(off[ ]hand (tool|item))) [of %living entities%]
  • %living entities%'[s] ((tool|held item|weapon)|(off[ ]hand (tool|item)))
Since: 1.0
Return Type: Inventory Slot
The item an entity is holding in their main or off hand.


player's tool is a pickaxe
player's off hand tool is a shield
set tool of all players to a diamond sword
set offhand tool of target entity to a bow

Total Experience



Since: 2.7
Return Type: integer
The total experience, in points, of players or experience orbs. Adding to a player's experience will trigger Mending, but setting their experience will not.


set total experience of player to 100

add 100 to player's experience

if player's total experience is greater than 100:
    set player's total experience to 0
    give player 1 diamond

Type of



Since: 1.4, 2.5.2 (potion effect), 2.7 (block datas)
Return Type: Object
Type of a block, item, entity, inventory or potion effect. Types of items, blocks and block datas are item types similar to them but have amounts of one, no display names and, on Minecraft 1.13 and newer versions, are undamaged. Types of entities and inventories are entity types and inventory types known to Skript. Types of potion effects are potion effect types.


on rightclick on an entity:
    message "This is a %type of clicked entity%!"




Since: 2.1.2, 2.2 (offline players' UUIDs), 2.2-dev24 (other entities' UUIDs)
Return Type: Text
The UUID of a player, entity or world. In the future there will be an option to use a player's UUID instead of the name in variable names (i.e. when %player% is used), but for now this can be used. Please note that this expression does not work for offline players if you are under 1.8!


# prevents people from joining the server if they use the name of a player
# who has played on this server at least once since this script has been added
on login:
    if {uuid::%name of player%} exists:
        {uuid::%name of player%} is not uuid of player
        kick player due to "Someone with your name has played on this server before"
        set {uuid::%name of player%} to uuid of player

Unbreakable Items



Since: 2.2-dev13b
Return Type: Item Type
Creates unbreakable copies of given items.


unbreakable iron sword #Creates unbreakable iron sword

Unix Date



Since: 2.5
Return Type: Date
Converts given Unix timestamp to a date. The Unix timespan represents the number of seconds elapsed since 1 January 1970.


unix date of 946684800 #1 January 2000 12:00 AM (UTC Time)

Unix Timestamp



  • [the] unix timestamp of %dates%
  • %dates%'[s] unix timestamp
Since: 2.2-dev31
Return Type: Number
Converts given date to Unix timestamp. This is roughly how many seconds have elapsed since 1 January 1970.


unix timestamp of now

Value Within



Since: 2.7
Return Type: Object
Gets the value within objects. Usually used with variables to get the value they store rather than the variable itself, or with lists to get the values of a type.


set {_entity} to a random entity out of all entities
delete entity within {_entity} # This deletes the entity itself and not the value stored in the variable

set {_list::*} to "something", 10, "test" and a zombie
broadcast the strings within {_list::*} # "something", "test"

Vectors - Angle Between



Since: 2.2-dev28
Return Type: Number
Gets the angle between two vectors.


send "%the angle between vector 1, 0, 0 and vector 0, 1, 1%"

Vectors - Arithmetic



Since: 2.2-dev28
Return Type: Vector
Arithmetic expressions for vectors.


set {_v} to vector 1, 2, 3 // 5
set {_v} to {_v} ++ {_v}
set {_v} to {_v} ++ 5
set {_v} to {_v} -- {_v}
set {_v} to {_v} -- 5
set {_v} to {_v} ** {_v}
set {_v} to {_v} ** 5
set {_v} to {_v} // {_v}
set {_v} to {_v} // 5

Vectors - Create from Direction



Return Type: Vector
Creates vectors from given directions. Relative directions are relative to the origin, (0, 0, 0). Therefore, the vector from the direction 'forwards' is (0, 0, 1).


set {_v} to vector from direction upwards
set {_v} to vector in direction of player
set {_v} to vector in horizontal direction of player
set {_v} to vector from facing of player
set {_v::*} to vectors from north, south, east, and west

Vectors - Create from XYZ



Since: 2.2-dev28
Return Type: Vector
Creates a vector from x, y and z values.


set {_v} to vector 0, 1, 0

Vectors - Cross Product



Since: 2.2-dev28
Return Type: Vector
Gets the cross product between two vectors.


send "%vector 1, 0, 0 cross vector 0, 1, 0%"

Vectors - Cylindrical Shape



  • [a] [new] cylindrical vector [(from|with)] [radius] %number%, [yaw] %number%(,| and) [height] %number%
Since: 2.2-dev28
Return Type: Vector
Forms a 'cylindrical shaped' vector using yaw to manipulate the current point.


loop 360 times:
    set {_v} to cylindrical vector radius 1, yaw loop-value, height 2
set {_v} to cylindrical vector radius 1, yaw 90, height 2

Vectors - Dot Product



Since: 2.2-dev28
Return Type: Number
Gets the dot product between two vectors.


set {_v} to {_v2} dot {_v3}

Vectors - Length



  • [the] (vector|standard|normal) length[s] of %vectors%
  • %vectors%'[s] (vector|standard|normal) length[s]
Since: 2.2-dev28
Return Type: Number
Gets or sets the length of a vector.


send "%standard length of vector 1, 2, 3%"
set {_v} to vector 1, 2, 3
set standard length of {_v} to 2
send "%standard length of {_v}%"

Vectors - Location Vector Offset



Since: 2.2-dev28
Return Type: Location
Returns the location offset by vectors.


set {_loc} to {_loc} ~ {_v}

Vectors - Normalized



Since: 2.2-dev28
Return Type: Vector
Returns the same vector but with length 1.


set {_v} to normalized {_v}

Vectors - Random Vector



  • [a] random vector
Since: 2.2-dev28, 2.7 (signed components)
Return Type: Vector
Creates a random unit vector.


set {_v} to a random vector

Vectors - Spherical Shape



  • [new] spherical vector [(from|with)] [radius] %number%, [yaw] %number%(,| and) [pitch] %number%
Since: 2.2-dev28
Return Type: Vector
Forms a 'spherical shaped' vector using yaw and pitch to manipulate the current point.


loop 360 times:
    set {_v} to spherical vector radius 1, yaw loop-value, pitch loop-value
set {_v} to spherical vector radius 1, yaw 45, pitch 90

Vectors - Squared Length



  • [the] squared length[s] of %vectors%
  • %vectors%'[s] squared length[s]
Since: 2.2-dev28
Return Type: Number
Gets the squared length of a vector.


send "%squared length of vector 1, 2, 3%"

Vectors - Vector Between Locations



Since: 2.2-dev28
Return Type: Vector
Creates a vector between two locations.


set {_v} to vector between {_loc1} and {_loc2}

Vectors - Vector Projection



Return Type: Vector
An expression to get the vector projection of two vectors.


set {_projection} to vector projection of vector(1, 2, 3) onto vector(4, 4, 4)

Vectors - Vector from Location



Since: 2.2-dev28
Return Type: Vector
Creates a vector from a location.


set {_v} to vector of {_loc}

Vectors - Vector from Pitch and Yaw



  • [a] [new] vector (from|with) yaw %number% and pitch %number%
Since: 2.2-dev28
Return Type: Vector
Creates a vector from a yaw and pitch value.


set {_v} to vector from yaw 45 and pitch 45

Vectors - Velocity



Since: 2.2-dev31
Return Type: Vector
Gets or changes velocity of an entity.


set player's velocity to {_v}

Vectors - XYZ Component



  • [the] [vector] (x|y|z) [component[s]] of %vectors%
  • %vectors%'[s] [vector] (x|y|z) [component[s]]
Since: 2.2-dev28
Return Type: Number
Gets or changes the x, y or z component of a vector.


set {_v} to vector 1, 2, 3
send "%x of {_v}%, %y of {_v}%, %z of {_v}%"
add 1 to x of {_v}
add 2 to y of {_v}
add 3 to z of {_v}
send "%x of {_v}%, %y of {_v}%, %z of {_v}%"
set x component of {_v} to 1
set y component of {_v} to 2
set z component of {_v} to 3
send "%x component of {_v}%, %y component of {_v}%, %z component of {_v}%"




Since: 2.0
Return Type: Entity
The vehicle an entity is in, if any. This can actually be any entity, e.g. spider jockeys are skeletons that ride on a spider, so the spider is the 'vehicle' of the skeleton. See also: passenger


vehicle of the player is a minecart




  • ([craft]bukkit|minecraft|skript)( |-)version
Since: 2.0
Return Type: Text
The version of Bukkit, Minecraft or Skript respectively.


message "This server is running Minecraft %minecraft version% on Bukkit %bukkit version%"
message "This server is powered by Skript %skript version%"

Version String



  • [the] [shown|custom] version [string|text]
Since: 2.3
Usable in events: Server List Ping
Requirements: Paper 1.12.2+
Return Type: Text
The text to show if the protocol version of the server doesn't match with protocol version of the client. You can check the protocol version expression for more information about this. This can only be set in a server list ping event.


on server list ping:
    set the protocol version to 0 # 13w41a (1.7), so it will show the version string always
    set the version string to "&lt;light green&gt;Version: &lt;orange&gt;%minecraft version%"

View Distance



Since: 2.4
Requirements: Paper
Return Type: integer
The view distance of a player as set by the server. Can be changed. NOTE: This is the view distance sent by the server to the player. This has nothing to do with client side view distance settings NOTE: This may not work on some versions (such as MC 1.14.x). The return value in this case will be the view distance set in system.properties.


set view distance of player to 10
set {_view} to view distance of player
reset view distance of all players
add 2 to view distance of player

View Distance of Client



  • [the] client view distance[s] of %players%
  • %players%'[s] client view distance[s]
Since: 2.5
Requirements: 1.13.2+
Return Type: long
The view distance of the client. Can not be changed. This differs from the server side view distance of player as this will retrieve the view distance the player has set on their client.


set {_clientView} to the client view distance of player
set view distance of player to client view distance of player




Since: 1.0
Usable in events: weather change
Return Type: Weather Type
The weather in the given or the current world.


set weather to clear
weather in "world" is rainy




  • [the] white[ ]list
Since: 2.5.2
Return Type: Offline Player
A server's whitelist.This expression can be used to add/remove players to/from the whitelist, to enable it and disable it (set whitelist to true / set whitelist to false), and to empty it (reset whitelist)


set whitelist to false
add all players to whitelist
reset the whitelist




Since: 1.0
Return Type: World
The world the event occurred in.


world is "world_nether"
teleport the player to the world's spawn
set the weather in the player's world to rain
set {_world} to world of event-chunk

World Environment



  • [the] [world] environment of %worlds%
  • %worlds%'[s] [world] environment
Since: 2.7
Return Type: World Environment
The environment of a world


if environment of player's world is nether:
    apply fire resistance to player for 10 minutes

World Seed



Since: 2.2-dev35
Return Type: long
The seed of given world. Note that it will be returned as Minecraft internally treats seeds, not as you specified it in world configuration.


broadcast "Seed: %seed of player's world%"

World from Name



  • [the] world [(named|with name)] %text%
Since: 2.6.1
Return Type: World
Returns the world from a string.


world named {game::world-name}
the world "world"




  • [(all [[of] the]|the)] worlds
Since: 1.0
Return Type: World
All worlds of the server, useful for looping.


loop all worlds:
    broadcast "You're in %loop-world%" to loop-world

X Times



Since: 1.4.6
Return Type: long
Integers between 1 and X, used in loops to loop X times.


loop 20 times:
    broadcast "%21 - loop-number% seconds left.."
    wait 1 second

X of Item



Since: 1.2
Return Type: Object
An expression to be able to use a certain amount of items where the amount can be any expression. Please note that this expression is not stable and might be replaced in the future.


give level of player of pickaxes to the player

Yaw / Pitch



Since: 2.0, 2.2-dev28 (vector yaw/pitch)
Return Type: Number
The yaw or pitch of a location or vector.


log "%player%: %location of player%, %player's yaw%, %player's pitch%" to "playerlocs.log"
set {_yaw} to yaw of player
set {_p} to pitch of target entity
\ No newline at end of file + Skript Documentation - 2.8.0-dev-nightly-235b97a


Absorbed blocks



  • [the] absorbed blocks
Since: 2.5
Usable in events: sponge absorb
Return Type: Block
The blocks absorbed by a sponge block.


the absorbed blocks

Affected Entities



  • [the] affected entities
Since: 2.4
Return Type: Living Entity
The affected entities in the area cloud effect event.


on area cloud effect:
    loop affected entities:
        if loop-value is a player:
            send "WARNING: you've step on an area effect cloud!" to loop-value

Age of Block/Entity



Since: 2.7
Return Type: integer
Returns the age or maximum age of blocks and age for entities (there in no maximum age for entities). For blocks, 'Age' represents the different growth stages that a crop-like block can go through. A value of 0 indicates that the crop was freshly planted, whilst a value equal to 'maximum age' indicates that the crop is ripe and ready to be harvested. For entities, 'Age' represents the time left for them to become adults and it's in minus increasing to be 0 which means they're adults, e.g. A baby cow needs 20 minutes to become an adult which equals to 24,000 ticks so their age will be -24000 once spawned.


# Set targeted crop to fully grown crop
set age of targeted block to maximum age of targeted block

# Spawn a baby cow that will only need 1 minute to become an adult
spawn a baby cow at player
set age of last spawned entity to -1200 # in ticks = 60 seconds

All Banned Players/IPs



  • [all [[of] the]|the] banned (players|(ips|ip addresses))
Since: 2.7
Return Type: Object
Obtains the list of all banned players or IP addresses.


command /banlist:
        send all the banned players

All Groups



  • all groups
Since: 2.2-dev35
Requirements: Vault, a permission plugin that supports Vault
Return Type: Text
All the groups a player can have. This expression requires Vault and a compatible permissions plugin to be installed.


command /group &lt;text&gt;:
        if argument is "list":
            send "%all groups%"

All Operators



  • [all [[of] the]|the] [server] [non(-| )]op[erator]s
Since: 2.7
Return Type: Offline Player
The list of operators on the server.


set {_ops::*} to all operators

All Permissions



  • [(all [[of] the]|the)] permissions (from|of) %players%
  • [(all [[of] the]|the)] %players%'[s] permissions
Since: 2.2-dev33
Return Type: Text
Returns all permissions of the defined player(s). Note that the modifications to resulting list do not actually change permissions.


set {_permissions::*} to all permissions of the player

All Scripts



  • [all [of the]] scripts [(without ([subdirectory] paths|parents))]
  • [all [of the]] (enabled|loaded) scripts [(without ([subdirectory] paths|parents))]
  • [all [of the]] (disabled|unloaded) scripts [(without ([subdirectory] paths|parents))]
Since: 2.5
Return Type: Text
Returns all of the scripts, or just the enabled or disabled ones.


command /scripts:
        send "All Scripts: %scripts%" to player
        send "Loaded Scripts: %enabled scripts%" to player
        send "Unloaded Scripts: %disabled scripts%" to player

All commands



  • [(all|the|all [of] the)] [registered] [script] commands
Since: 2.6
Return Type: Text
Returns all registered commands or all script commands.


send "Number of all commands: %size of all commands%"
send "Number of all script commands: %size of all script commands%"

Alphabetical Sort



  • alphabetically sorted %texts%
Since: 2.2-dev18b
Return Type: Text
Sorts given strings in alphabetical order.


set {_list::*} to alphabetically sorted {_strings::*}




Since: 1.4.3
Return Type: Number
Effectively an alias of 'y-coordinate of …', it represents the height of some object above bedrock.


on damage:
    altitude of the attacker is higher than the altitude of the victim
    set damage to damage * 1.2




  • [the] (amount|number|size) of %objects%
  • [the] recursive (amount|number|size) of %objects%
Since: 1.0
Return Type: long
The amount of something. Please note that amount of %items% will not return the number of items, but the number of stacks, e.g. 1 for a stack of 64 torches. To get the amount of items in a stack, see the item amount expression.

Also, you can get the recursive size of a list, which will return the recursive size of the list with sublists included, e.g.

 {list::*} Structure
├──── {list::1}: 1
├──── {list::2}: 2
│ ├──── {list::2::1}: 3
│ │ └──── {list::2::1::1}: 4
│ └──── {list::2::2}: 5
└──── {list::3}: 6

Where using %size of {list::*}% will only return 3 (the first layer of indices only), while %recursive size of {list::*}% will return 6 (the entire list) Please note that getting a list's recursive size can cause lag if the list is large, so only use this expression if you need to!


message "There are %number of all players% players online!"

Amount of Items



Since: 2.0
Return Type: long
Counts how many of a particular item type are in a given inventory.


message "You have %number of ores in the player's inventory% ores in your inventory."

Anvil Repair Cost



  • [the] [anvil] [item] [max[imum]] repair cost [of %inventories%]
  • %inventories%'[s] [anvil] [item] [max[imum]] repair cost
Return Type: integer
Returns the experience cost (in levels) to complete the current repair or the maximum experience cost (in levels) to be allowed by the current repair. The default value of max cost set by vanilla Minecraft is 40.


on inventory click:
    if {AnvilRepairSaleActive} = true:
        wait a tick # recommended, to avoid client bugs
        set anvil repair cost to anvil repair cost * 50%
        send "Anvil repair sale is ON!" to player

on inventory click:
    player have permission "anvil.repair.max.bypass"
    set max repair cost of event-inventory to 99999

Anvil Text Input



  • [the] anvil [inventory] (rename|text) input of %inventories%
  • %inventories%'[s] anvil [inventory] (rename|text) input
Since: 2.7
Return Type: Text
An expression to get the name to be applied to an item in an anvil inventory.


on inventory click:
    type of event-inventory is anvil inventory
    if the anvil input text of the event-inventory is "FREE OP":
        ban player

Applied Enchantments



  • [the] applied enchant[ment]s
Since: 2.5
Usable in events: enchant
Return Type: Enchantment Type
The applied enchantments in an enchant event. Deleting or removing the applied enchantments will prevent the item's enchantment.


on enchant:
    set the applied enchantments to sharpness 10 and fire aspect 5




  • [the] last arg[ument]
  • [the] arg[ument](-| )<(\d+)>
  • [the] <(\d*1)st|(\d*2)nd|(\d*3)rd|(\d*[4-90])th> arg[ument][s]
  • [(all [[of] the]|the)] arg[ument][s]
  • [the] %*type%( |-)arg[ument][( |-)<\d+>]
  • [the] arg[ument]( |-)%*type%[( |-)<\d+>]
Since: 1.0, 2.7 (support for command events)
Return Type: Object
Usable in script commands and command events. Holds the value of an argument given to the command, e.g. if the command "/tell <player> <text>" is used like "/tell Njol Hello Njol!" argument 1 is the player named "Njol" and argument 2 is "Hello Njol!". One can also use the type of the argument instead of its index to address the argument, e.g. in the above example 'player-argument' is the same as 'argument 1'. Please note that specifying the argument type is only supported in script commands.


give the item-argument to the player-argument
damage the player-argument by the number-argument
give a diamond pickaxe to the argument
add argument 1 to argument 2
heal the last argument




Since: 1.4.2
Return Type: Number
Arithmetic expressions, e.g. 1 + 2, (health of player - 2) / 3, etc.


set the player's health to 10 - the player's health
loop (argument + 2) / 5 times:
    message "Two useless numbers: %loop-num * 2 - 5%, %2^loop-num - 1%"
message "You have %health of player * 2% half hearts of HP!"

Armour Slot



  • [the] (boot[s]|shoe[s]|leg[ging][s]|chestplate[s]|helm[et][s]) [(item|slot)] of %living entities%
  • %living entities%'[s] (boot[s]|shoe[s]|leg[ging][s]|chestplate[s]|helm[et][s]) [(item|slot)]
Since: 1.0
Return Type: Slot
A part of a player's armour, i.e. the boots, leggings, chestplate or helmet.


set chestplate of the player to a diamond chestplate
helmet of player is neither a helmet nor air # player is wearing a block, e.g. from another plugin

Arrow Attached Block



Return Type: Block
Returns the attached block of an arrow.


set hit block of last shot arrow to diamond block

Arrow Knockback Strength



Since: 2.5.1
Return Type: long
An arrow's knockback strength.


on shoot:
    event-projectile is an arrow
    set arrow knockback strength of event-projectile to 10

Arrows Stuck



Since: 2.5
Return Type: long
The number of arrows stuck in a living entity.


set arrows stuck in player to 5

Attack Cooldown



Since: 2.6.1
Requirements: Minecraft 1.15+
Return Type: float
Returns the current cooldown for a player's attack. This is used to calculate damage, with 1.0 representing a fully charged attack and 0.0 representing a non-charged attack. NOTE: Currently this can not be set to anything.


on damage:
    if attack cooldown of attacker < 1:
        set damage to 0
        send "Your hit was too weak! wait until your weapon is fully charged next time." to attacker




  • [the] (attacked|damaged|victim) [<(.+)>]
Since: 1.3, 2.6.1 (projectile hit event)
Usable in events: damage, death, projectile hit
Return Type: Entity
The victim of a damage event, e.g. when a player attacks a zombie this expression represents the zombie. When using Minecraft 1.11+, this also covers the hit entity in a projectile hit event.


on damage:
    victim is a creeper
    damage the attacked by 1 heart




  • [the] (attacker|damager)
Since: 1.3
Usable in events: damage, death, destroy
Return Type: Entity
The attacker of a damage event, e.g. when a player attacks a zombie this expression represents the player. Please note that the attacker can also be a block, e.g. a cactus or lava, but this expression will not be set in these cases.


on damage:
    attacker is a player
    health of attacker is less than or equal to 2
    damage victim by 1 heart




  • [the] [((safe|valid)|(unsafe|invalid))] bed[s] [location[s]] of %offline players%
  • %offline players%'[s] [((safe|valid)|(unsafe|invalid))] bed[s] [location[s]]
Since: 2.0, 2.7 (offlineplayers, safe bed)
Return Type: Location
Returns the bed location of a player, i.e. the spawn point of a player if they ever slept in a bed and the bed still exists and is unobstructed however, you can set the unsafe bed location of players and they will respawn there even if it has been obstructed or doesn't exist anymore and that's the default behavior of this expression otherwise you will need to be specific i.e. safe bed location.

NOTE: Offline players can not have their bed location changed, only online players.


if bed of player exists:
    teleport player the the player's bed
    teleport the player to the world's spawn point

set the bed location of player to spawn location of world("world") # unsafe/invalid bed location
set the safe bed location of player to spawn location of world("world") # safe/valid bed location




Since: 1.4.4, 2.6.1 (3D biomes)
Return Type: Biome
The biome at a certain location. Please note that biomes are only defined for x/z-columns (i.e. the altitude (y-coordinate) doesn't matter), up until Minecraft 1.15.x. As of Minecraft 1.16, biomes are now 3D (per block vs column).


# damage player in deserts constantly
every real minute:
    loop all players:
        biome at loop-player is desert
        damage the loop-player by 1




  • [the] [event-]block
Since: 1.0
Return Type: Block
The block involved in the event, e.g. the clicked block or the placed block. Can optionally include a direction as well, e.g. 'block above' or 'block in front of the player'.


block is ore
set block below to air
spawn a creeper above the block
loop blocks in radius 4:
    loop-block is obsidian
    set loop-block to water
block is a chest:
    clear the inventory of the block




Since: 1.0
Return Type: Block
The block involved in the event, e.g. the clicked block or the placed block. Can optionally include a direction as well, e.g. 'block above' or 'block in front of the player'.


block is ore
set block below to air
spawn a creeper above the block
loop blocks in radius 4:
    loop-block is obsidian
    set loop-block to water
block is a chest:
    clear the inventory of the block

Block Break Speed



Since: 2.7
Requirements: 1.17+
Return Type: float
Gets the speed at which the given player would break this block, taking into account tools, potion effects, whether or not the player is in water, enchantments, etc. The returned value is the amount of progress made in breaking the block each tick. When the total breaking progress reaches 1.0, the block is broken. Note that the break speed can change in the course of breaking a block, e.g. if a potion effect is applied or expires, or the player jumps/enters water.


on left click using diamond pickaxe:
    event-block is set
    send "Break Speed: %break speed for player%" to player

Block Data



Since: 2.5, 2.5.2 (set)
Requirements: Minecraft 1.13+
Return Type: Block Data
Get the block data associated with a block. This data can also be used to set blocks.


set {data} to block data of target block
set block at player to {data}
set block data of target block to oak_stairs[facing=south;waterlogged=true]

Block Hardness



Since: 2.6
Requirements: Minecraft 1.13+
Return Type: Number
Obtains the block's hardness level (also known as "strength"). This number is used to calculate the time required to break each block.


set {_hard} to block hardness of target block
if block hardness of target block > 5:

Block Sphere



  • [(all [[of] the]|the)] blocks in radius %number% [(of|around) %location%]
  • [(all [[of] the]|the)] blocks around %location% in radius %number%
Since: 1.0
Return Type: Block
All blocks in a sphere around a center, mostly useful for looping.


loop blocks in radius 5 around the player:
    set loop-block to air




Since: 1.0, 2.5.1 (within/cuboid/chunk)
Return Type: Block
Blocks relative to other blocks or between other blocks. Can be used to get blocks relative to other blocks or for looping. Blocks from/to and between will return a straight line whereas blocks within will return a cuboid.


loop blocks above the player:
loop blocks between the block below the player and the targeted block:
set the blocks below the player, the victim and the targeted block to air
set all blocks within {loc1} and {loc2} to stone
set all blocks within chunk at player to air

Blocks in Region



  • [(all|the)] blocks (in|of) [[the] region[s]] %regions%
Since: 2.1
Requirements: Supported regions plugin
Return Type: Block
All blocks in a region. This expression requires a supported regions plugin to be installed.


loop all blocks in the region {arena.%{faction.%player%}%}:
    clear the loop-block

Book Author



  • [the] [book] (author|writer|publisher) of %item types%
  • %item types%'[s] [book] (author|writer|publisher)
Since: 2.2-dev31
Return Type: Text
The author of a book.


on book sign:
    message "Book Title: %author of event-item%"

Book Pages



Since: 2.2-dev31, 2.7 (changers)
Return Type: Text
The pages of a book (Supports Skript's chat format) Note: In order to modify the pages of a new written book, you must have the title and author of the book set. Skript will do this for you, but if you want your own, please set those values.


on book sign:
    message "Book Pages: %pages of event-item%"
    message "Book Page 1: %page 1 of event-item%"

set page 1 of player's held item to "Book writing"

Book Title



Since: 2.2-dev31
Return Type: Text
The title of a book.


on book sign:
    message "Book Title: %title of event-item%"

Burn/Cook Time



  • [the] burn[ing] time
  • [the] (burn|cook)[ing] time of %blocks%
  • %blocks%'[s] (burn|cook)[ing] time
Since: 2.3
Return Type: Timespan
The time a furnace takes to burn an item in a fuel burn event. Can also be used to change the burn/cook time of a placed furnace.


on fuel burn:
    if fuel slot is coal:
        set burning time to 1 tick

Case Text



  • %texts% in (upper|lower)[ ]case
  • (upper|lower)[ ]case %texts%
  • capitali(s|z)ed %texts%
  • %texts% in [(lenient|strict) ](proper|title)[ ]case
  • [(lenient|strict) ](proper|title)[ ]case %texts%
  • %texts% in [(lenient|strict) ]camel[ ]case
  • [(lenient|strict) ]camel[ ]case %texts%
  • %texts% in [(lenient|strict) ]pascal[ ]case
  • [(lenient|strict) ]pascal[ ]case %texts%
  • %texts% in [(lower|upper|capital|screaming)[ ]]snake[ ]case
  • [(lower|upper|capital|screaming)[ ]]snake[ ]case %texts%
  • %texts% in [(lower|upper|capital)[ ]]kebab[ ]case
  • [(lower|upper|capital)[ ]]kebab[ ]case %texts%
Since: 2.2-dev16 (lowercase and uppercase), 2.5 (advanced cases)
Return Type: Text
Copy of given text in Lowercase, Uppercase, Proper Case, camelCase, PascalCase, Snake_Case, and Kebab-Case


"Oops!" in lowercase # oops!
"oops!" in uppercase # OOPS!
"hellO i'm steve!" in proper case # HellO I'm Steve!
"hellO i'm steve!" in strict proper case # Hello I'm Steve!
"spAwn neW boSs ()" in camel case # spAwnNeWBoSs()
"spAwn neW boSs ()" in strict camel case # spawnNewBoss()
"geneRate ranDom numBer ()" in pascal case # GeneRateRanDomNumBer()
"geneRate ranDom numBer ()" in strict pascal case # GenerateRandomNumber()
"Hello Player!" in snake case # Hello_Player!
"Hello Player!" in lower snake case # hello_player!
"Hello Player!" in upper snake case # HELLO_PLAYER!
"What is your name?" in kebab case # What-is-your-name?
"What is your name?" in lower kebab case # what-is-your-name?
"What is your name?" in upper kebab case # WHAT-IS-YOUR-NAME?

Chat Format



  • [the] (message|chat) format[ting]
Since: 2.2-dev31
Return Type: Text
Can be used to get/retrieve the chat format. The sender of a message is represented by [player] or [sender], and the message by [message] or [msg].


set the chat format to "&lt;yellow&gt;[player]&lt;light gray&gt;: &lt;green&gt;[message]"

Chat Recipients



  • [chat][( |-)]recipients
Since: 2.2-Fixes-v7, 2.2-dev35 (clearing recipients)
Return Type: Player
Recipients of chat events where this is called.


chat recipients




Since: 2.0, INSERT VERSION (loaded chunks)
Return Type: Chunk
Returns the chunk of a block, location or entity is in, or a list of the loaded chunks of a world.


add the chunk at the player to {protected chunks::*}
set {_chunks::*} to the loaded chunks of the player's world

Clicked Block/Entity/Inventory/Slot



  • [the] (clicked [enchant[ment]] (button|option)|clicked (block|%*item type/entity type%)|clicked slot|clicked inventory|click (type|action)|inventory action)
Since: 1.0, 2.2-dev35 (more clickable things)
Usable in events: click, inventory click
Return Type: Object
The clicked block, entity, inventory, inventory slot, inventory click type or inventory action.


message "You clicked on a %type of clicked entity%!"
if the clicked block is a chest:
    show the inventory of the clicked block to the player

Color of



Since: 1.2
Return Type: Color
The color of an item, can also be used to color chat messages with "<%color of ...%>this text is colored!".


on click on wool:
    message "This wool block is <%color of block%>%color of block%<reset>!"
    set the color of the block to black

Colored / Uncolored



  • (colo[u]r-|colo[u]red )%texts%
  • (format-|formatted )%texts%
  • (un|non)[-](colo[u]r-|colo[u]red |format-|formatted )%texts%
Since: 2.0
Return Type: Text
Parses <color>s and, optionally, chat styles in a message or removes any colors and chat styles from the message. Parsing all chat styles requires this expression to be used in same line with the send effect.


on chat:
    set message to colored message # Safe; only colors get parsed
command /fade &lt;player&gt;:
        set display name of the player-argument to uncolored display name of the player-argument
command /format &lt;text&gt;:
        message formatted text-argument # Safe, because we're sending to whoever used this command




  • [the] (full|complete|whole) command
  • [the] command [(label|alias)]
Since: 2.0, 2.7 (support for script commands)
Usable in events: command
Return Type: Text
The command that caused an 'on command' event (excluding the leading slash and all arguments)


# prevent any commands except for the /exit command during some game
on command:
    if {game::%player%::playing} is true:
        if the command is not "exit":
            message "You're not allowed to use commands during the game"
            cancel the event

Command Info



  • [the] main command [label] of command %texts%
  • command %texts%'[s] main command [name]
  • [the] description of command %texts%
  • command %texts%'[s] description
  • [the] label of command %texts%
  • command %texts%'[s] label
  • [the] usage of command %texts%
  • command %texts%'[s] usage
  • [(all|the|all [of] the)] aliases of command %texts%
  • command %texts%'[s] aliases
  • [the] permission of command %texts%
  • command %texts%'[s] permission
  • [the] permission message of command %texts%
  • command %texts%'[s] permission message
  • [the] plugin [owner] of command %texts%
  • command %texts%'[s] plugin [owner]
Since: 2.6
Return Type: Text
Get information about a command.


main name of command "skript"
description of command "help"
label of command "pl"
usage of command "help"
aliases of command "bukkit:help"
permission of command "/op"
command "op"'s permission message
command "sk"'s plugin owner

Command Sender



  • [the] [command['s]] (sender|executor)
Since: 2.0
Usable in events: command
Return Type: Command Sender
The player or the console who sent a command. Mostly useful in commands and command events. If the command sender is a command block, its location can be retrieved by using %block's location%


make the command sender execute "/say hi!"
on command:
    log "%executor% used command /%command% %arguments%" to "commands.log"

Compass Target



Since: 2.0
Return Type: Location
The location a player's compass is pointing at.


# make all player's compasses target a player stored in {compass::target::%player%}
every 5 seconds:
    loop all players:
        set the loop-player's compass target to location of {compass::target::%%loop-player%}




  • [the] (console|server)
Since: 1.3.1
Return Type: Command Sender
Represents the server's console which can receive messages and execute commands


execute console command "/stop"
send "message to console" to the console

Cooldown Time/Remaining Time/Elapsed Time/Last Usage/Bypass Permission



  • [the] remaining [time] [of [the] (cooldown|wait) [(of|for) [the] [current] command]]
  • [the] elapsed [time] [of [the] (cooldown|wait) [(of|for) [the] [current] command]]
  • [the] ((cooldown|wait) time|[wait] time of [the] (cooldown|wait) [(of|for) [the] [current] command])
  • [the] last usage [date] [of [the] (cooldown|wait) [(of|for) [the] [current] command]]
  • [the] [cooldown] bypass perm[ission] [of [the] (cooldown|wait) [(of|for) [the] [current] command]]
Since: 2.2-dev33
Return Type: Object
Only usable in command events. Represents the cooldown time, the remaining time, the elapsed time, the last usage date, or the cooldown bypass permission.


command /home:
    cooldown: 10 seconds
    cooldown message: You last teleported home %elapsed time% ago, you may teleport home again in %remaining time%.
        teleport player to {home::%player%}




  • [the] (x|y|z)(-| )(coord[inate]|pos[ition]|loc[ation])[s] of %locations%
  • %locations%'[s] (x|y|z)(-| )(coord[inate]|pos[ition]|loc[ation])[s]
Since: 1.4.3
Return Type: Number
Represents a given coordinate of a location.


player's y-coordinate is smaller than 40:
    message "Watch out for lava!"

Creature/Entity/Player/Projectile/Villager/Powered Creeper/etc.



  • [the] [event-]<.+>
Since: 1.0
Return Type: Entity
The entity involved in an event (an entity is a player, a creature or an inanimate object like ignited TNT, a dropped item or an arrow). You can use the specific type of the entity that's involved in the event, e.g. in a 'death of a creeper' event you can use 'the creeper' instead of 'the entity'.


give a diamond sword of sharpness 3 to the player
kill the creeper
kill all powered creepers in the wolf's world
projectile is an arrow

Cursor Slot



Since: 2.2-dev17
Return Type: Slot
The item which the player has on their cursor. This slot is always empty if player has no inventories open.


cursor slot of player is dirt
set cursor slot of player to 64 diamonds

Custom Chest Inventory



  • [a] [new] chest inventory (named|with name) %text% [with %number% row[s]]
  • [a] [new] chest inventory with %number% row[s] [(named|with name) %text%]
Since: 2.2-dev34
Return Type: Inventory
Returns a chest inventory with the given amount of rows and the name. Use the open inventory effect to open it.


open chest inventory with 1 row named "test" to player
set {_inventory} to chest inventory with 1 row

Custom Model Data



Since: 2.5
Requirements: 1.14+
Return Type: long
Get/set the CustomModelData tag for an item. (Value is an integer between 0 and 99999999)


set custom model data of player's tool to 3
set {_model} to custom model data of player's tool




  • [the] damage
Since: 1.3.5
Usable in events: damage
Return Type: Number
How much damage is done in a damage event, possibly ignoring armour, criticals and/or enchantments. Can be changed (remember that in Skript '1' is one full heart, not half a heart).


increase the damage by 2

Damage Cause



  • [the] damage (cause|type)
Since: 2.0
Return Type: Damage Cause
The damage cause of a damage event. Please click on the link for more information.


damage cause is lava, fire or burning

Damage Value/Durability



Since: 1.2, 2.7 (durability reversed)
Return Type: long
The damage value/durability of an item.


set damage value of player's tool to 10
reset the durability of {_item}
set durability of player's held item to 0

Damaged Item



Since: 2.4
Return Type: Item Type
Directly damages an item. In MC versions 1.12.2 and lower, this can be used to apply data values to items/blocks


give player diamond sword with damage value 100
set player's tool to diamond hoe damaged by 250
give player diamond sword with damage 700 named "BROKEN SWORD"
set {_item} to diamond hoe with damage value 50 named "SAD HOE"
set target block of player to wool with data value 1
set target block of player to potato plant with data value 7

Date Ago/Later



Since: 2.2-dev33
Return Type: Date
A date the specified timespan before/after another date.


set {_yesterday} to 1 day ago
set {_hourAfter} to 1 hour after {someOtherDate}
set {_hoursBefore} to 5 hours before {someOtherDate}

Default Value



Since: 2.2-dev36
Return Type: Object
A shorthand expression for giving things a default value. If the first thing isn't set, the second thing will be returned.


broadcast {score::%player's uuid%} otherwise "%player% has no score!"




Since: 1.4
Return Type: Object
The difference between two values, e.g. numbers, dates or times.


if difference between {command::%player%::lastuse} and now is smaller than a minute:
    message "You have to wait a minute before using this command again!"




  • [the] difficult(y|ies) of %worlds%
  • %worlds%'[s] difficult(y|ies)
Since: 2.3
Return Type: Difficulty
The difficulty of a world.


set the difficulty of "world" to hard




  • [%number% [(block|met(er|re))[s]] [to the]] (north[[(-| )](east|west)][(ward[(s|ly)]|er[(n|ly)])] [of]|south[[(-| )](east|west)][(ward[(s|ly)]|er[(n|ly)])] [of]|(east|west)[(ward[(s|ly)]|er[(n|ly)])] [of]|above|over|(up|down)[ward[(s|ly)]]|below|under[neath]|beneath) [%direction%]
  • [%number% [(block|met(er|re))[s]]] in [the] (direction|horizontal direction|facing|horizontal facing) of %entity/block% [(of|from)]
  • [%number% [(block|met(er|re))[s]]] in %entity/block%'[s] (direction|horizontal direction|facing|horizontal facing) [(of|from)]
  • [%number% [(block|met(er|re))[s]]] (in[ ]front [of]|forward[s]|behind|backwards|[to the] (right|left) [of])
  • [%number% [(block|met(er|re))[s]]] horizontal[ly] (in[ ]front [of]|forward[s]|behind|backwards|to the (right|left) [of])
Since: 1.0 (basic), 2.0 (extended)
Return Type: Direction
A helper expression for the direction type.


thrust the player upwards
set the block behind the player to water
loop blocks above the player:
    set {_rand} to a random integer between 1 and 10
    set the block {_rand} meters south east of the loop-block to stone
block in horizontal facing of the clicked entity from the player is air
spawn a creeper 1.5 meters horizontally behind the player
spawn a TNT 5 meters above and 2 meters horizontally behind the player
thrust the last spawned TNT in the horizontal direction of the player with speed 0.2
push the player upwards and horizontally forward at speed 0.5
push the clicked entity in in the direction of the player at speed -0.5
open the inventory of the block 2 blocks below the player to the player
teleport the clicked entity behind the player
grow a regular tree 2 meters horizontally behind the player




Since: 1.0
Return Type: Number
The distance between two points.


if the distance between the player and {home::%uuid of player%} is smaller than 20:
    message "You're very close to your home!"




  • [the] drops
Since: 1.0
Usable in events: death
Return Type: Item Type
Only works in death events. Holds the drops of the dying creature. Drops can be prevented by removing them with "remove ... from drops", e.g. "remove all pickaxes from the drops", or "clear drops" if you don't want any drops at all.


clear drops
remove 4 planks from the drops

Drops Of Block



Since: 2.5.1
Requirements: Minecraft 1.15+ ('as %entity%')
Return Type: Item Type
A list of the items that will drop when a block is broken.


on break of block:
    give drops of block using player's tool to player

Element of



  • ([the] first|[the] last|[a] random|[the] %number%(st|nd|rd|th)|[the] %number%(st|nd|rd|th) [to] last) element [out] of %objects%
Since: 2.0, 2.7 (relative to last element)
Return Type: Object
The first, last or a random element of a set, e.g. a list variable. See also: random


give a random element out of {free items::*} to the player

Enchant Item



  • [the] enchant[ed] item
Since: 2.5
Usable in events: enchant prepare, enchant
Return Type: Item Type
The enchant item in an enchant prepare event or enchant event. It can be modified, but enchantments will still be applied in the enchant event.


on enchant:
    set the enchanted item to a diamond chestplate
on enchant prepare:
    set the enchant item to a wooden sword

Enchanting Experience Cost



  • [the] [displayed] ([e]xp[erience]|enchanting) cost
Since: 2.5
Usable in events: enchant
Return Type: long
The cost of enchanting in an enchant event. This is number that was displayed in the enchantment table, not the actual number of levels removed.


on enchant:
    send "Cost: %the displayed enchanting cost%" to player

Enchantment Bonus



  • [the] enchantment bonus
Since: 2.5
Usable in events: enchant prepare
Return Type: long
The enchantment bonus in an enchant prepare event. This represents the number of bookshelves affecting/surrounding the enchantment table.


on enchant:
    send "There are %enchantment bonus% bookshelves surrounding this enchantment table!" to player

Enchantment Level



Since: 2.0
Return Type: long
The level of a particular enchantment on an item.


player's tool is a sword of sharpness:
    message "You have a sword of sharpness %level of sharpness of the player's tool% equipped"

Enchantment Offer



  • [all [of]] [the] enchant[ment] offers
  • enchant[ment] offer[s] %numbers%
  • [the] %number%(st|nd|rd|th) enchant[ment] offer
Since: 2.5
Usable in events: enchant prepare
Requirements: 1.11 or newer
Return Type: Enchantment Offer
The enchantment offer in enchant prepare events.


on enchant prepare:
    send "Your enchantment offers are: %the enchantment offers%" to player

Enchantment Offer Cost



Since: 2.5
Requirements: 1.11 or newer
Return Type: long
The cost of an enchantment offer. This is displayed to the right of an enchantment offer. If the cost is changed, it will always be at least 1. This changes how many levels are required to enchant, but does not change the number of levels removed. To change the number of levels removed, use the enchant event.


set cost of enchantment offer 1 to 50

Ender Chest



Since: 2.0
Return Type: Inventory
The ender chest of a player.


open the player's ender chest to the player




Since: 1.2.1, 2.5 (chunks)
Return Type: Entity
All entities in all worlds, in a specific world, in a chunk or in a radius around a certain location, e.g. all players, all creepers in the player's world, or players in radius 100 of the player.


kill all creepers in the player's world
send "Psst!" to all players within 100 meters of the player
give a diamond to all ops
heal all tamed wolves in radius 2000 around {town center}
delete all monsters in chunk at player

Entity AI



Since: 2.5
Return Type: Boolean
Returns whether an entity has AI.


set artificial intelligence of target entity to false

Entity Attribute



Since: 2.5, 2.6.1 (final attribute value)
Return Type: Number
The numerical value of an entity's particular attribute. Note that the movement speed attribute cannot be reliably used for players. For that purpose, use the speed expression instead. Resetting an entity's attribute is only available in Minecraft 1.11 and above.


on damage of player:
    send "You are wounded!" to victim
    set victim's attack speed attribute to 2

Entity Fire Burn Duration



  • [the] (burn[ing]|fire) (time|duration) of %entities%
  • %entities%'[s] (burn[ing]|fire) (time|duration)
Since: 2.7
Return Type: Timespan
How much time an entity will be burning for.


send "You will stop burning in %fire time of player%"

Entity Owner



Since: 2.5
Return Type: Offline Player
The owner of a tameable entity, such as a horse or wolf.


set owner of target entity to player
delete owner of target entity
set {_t} to uuid of tamer of target entity




Since: 2.2-dev35
Return Type: Number
The exhaustion of a player. This is mainly used to determine the rate of hunger depletion.


set exhaustion of all players to 1




  • [the] [(spawned|dropped)] [e]xp[erience] [orb[s]]
Since: 2.1, 2.5.3 (block break event), 2.7 (experience change event)
Usable in events: experience spawn, break / mine, experience change
Return Type: Experience
How much experience was spawned in an experience spawn or block break event. Can be changed.


on experience spawn:
    add 5 to the spawned experience
on break of coal ore:
    clear dropped experience
on break of diamond ore:
    if tool of player = diamond pickaxe:
        add 100 to dropped experience

Exploded Blocks



  • [the] exploded blocks
Since: 2.5
Usable in events: explode
Return Type: Block
Get all the blocks that were destroyed in an explode event


on explode:
    loop exploded blocks:
        add loop-block to {exploded::blocks::*}

Explosion Block Yield



  • [the] [explosion['s]] block (yield|amount)
  • [the] percentage of blocks dropped
Since: 2.5
Usable in events: explosion
Return Type: Number
The percentage of exploded blocks dropped in an explosion event. When changing the yield, a value greater than 1 will function the same as using 1. Attempting to change the yield to a value less than 0 will have no effect.


on explode:
set the explosion's block yield to 10%

Explosion Yield



  • [the] explosion (yield|radius|size)
  • [the] (yield|radius|size) of [the] explosion
Since: 2.5
Usable in events: explosion prime
Return Type: Number
The yield of the explosion in an explosion prime event. This is how big the explosion is. When changing the yield, values less than 0 will be ignored. Read this wiki page for more information


on explosion prime:
    set the yield of the explosion to 10

Explosive Yield



  • [the] explosive (yield|radius|size) of %entities%
  • %entities%'[s] explosive (yield|radius|size)
Since: 2.5
Requirements: Minecraft 1.12 or newer for creepers
Return Type: Number
The yield of an explosive (creeper, primed tnt, fireball, etc.). This is how big of an explosion is caused by the entity. Read this wiki page for more information


on spawn of a creeper:
    set the explosive yield of the event-entity to 10




Since: 1.4
Return Type: Direction
The facing of an entity or block, i.e. exactly north, south, east, west, up or down (unlike direction which is the exact direction, e.g. '0.5 south and 0.7 east')


# makes a bridge
loop blocks from the block below the player in the horizontal facing of the player:
    set loop-block to cobblestone

Fall Distance



  • [the] fall[en] (distance|height) of %entities%
  • %entities%'[s] fall[en] (distance|height)
Since: 2.5
Return Type: Number
The distance an entity has fallen for.


set all entities' fall distance to 10
on damage:
    send "%victim's fall distance%" to victim

Fertilized Blocks



  • [all] [the] fertilized blocks
Since: 2.5
Usable in events: block fertilize
Requirements: Minecraft 1.13 or newer
Return Type: Block
The blocks fertilized in block fertilize events.


the fertilized blocks




  • %objects% (where|that match) \[<.+>\]
Since: 2.2-dev36
Return Type: Object
Filters a list based on a condition. For example, if you ran 'broadcast "something" and "something else" where [string input is "something"]', only "something" would be broadcast as it is the only string that matched the condition.


send "congrats on being staff!" to all players where [player input has permission "staff"]

Filter Input



  • input
  • %*type% input
Since: 2.2-dev36
Return Type: Object
Represents the input in a filter expression. For example, if you ran 'broadcast "something" and "something else" where [input is "something"]the condition would be checked twice, using "something" and "something else" as the inputs.


send "congrats on being staff!" to all players where [input has permission "staff"]

Final Damage



  • [the] final damage
Since: 2.2-dev19
Usable in events: damage
Return Type: Number
How much damage is done in a damage event, considering all types of damage reduction. Can NOT be changed.


send "%final damage%" to victim

Firework Effect



  • [(flickering|trailing|flickering trailing|trailing flickering)] %firework type% [firework [effect]] colo[u]red %colors%
  • [(flickering|trailing|flickering trailing|trailing flickering)] %firework type% [firework [effect]] colo[u]red %colors% fad(e|ing) [to] %colors%
Since: 2.4
Return Type: Firework Effect
Represents a 'firework effect' which can be used in the launch firework effect.


launch flickering trailing burst firework colored blue and green at player
launch trailing flickering star colored purple, yellow, blue, green and red fading to pink at target entity
launch ball large colored red, purple and white fading to light green and black at player's location with duration 1

Flight Mode



  • [the] fl(y[ing]|ight) (mode|state) of %players%
  • %players%'[s] fl(y[ing]|ight) (mode|state)
Since: 2.2-dev34
Return Type: Boolean
Whether the player(s) are allowed to fly. Use Make Fly effect to force player(s) to fly.


set flight mode of player to true
send "%flying state of all players%"

Food Level



  • [the] (food|hunger)[[ ](level|met(er|re)|bar)] [of %players%]
  • %players%'[s] (food|hunger)[[ ](level|met(er|re)|bar)]
Since: 1.0
Return Type: Number
The food level of a player from 0 to 10. Has several aliases: food/hunger level/meter/bar.


set the player's food level to 10

Formatted Date



  • %dates% formatted [human-readable] [(with|as) %text%]
  • [human-readable] formatted %dates% [(with|as) %text%]
Since: 2.2-dev31, 2.7 (support variables in format)
Return Type: Text
Converts date to human-readable text format. By default, 'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss z' (e.g. '2018-03-30 16:03:12 +01') will be used. For reference, see this Wikipedia article.


command /date:
        send "Full date: %now formatted human-readable%" to sender
        send "Short date: %now formatted as "yyyy-MM-dd"%" to sender

Former/Future State



  • [the] (former|past|old) [state] [of] %~object%
  • %~object% before [the event]
  • [the] (future|to-be|new) [state] [of] %~object%
  • %~object%(-to-be| after[(wards| the event)])
Since: 1.1
Return Type: Object
Represents the value of an expression before an event happened or the value it will have directly after the event, e.g. the old or new level respectively in a level change event. Note: The past, future and present states of an expression are sometimes called 'time states' of an expression. Note 2: If you don't specify whether to use the past or future state of an expression that has different values, its default value will be used which is usually the value after the event.


on teleport:
    former world was "world_nether" # or 'world was'
    world will be "world" # or 'world after the event is'
on tool change:
    past tool is an axe
    the tool after the event will be air
on weather change:
    set {weather::%world%::old} to past weather
    set {weather::%world%::current} to the new weather

Free / Max / Total Memory



  • [the] [server] (free|max[imum]|total) (memory|ram)
Return Type: double
The free, max or total memory of the server in Megabytes.


while player is online:
    send action bar "Memory left: %free memory%/%max memory%MB" to player
    wait 5 ticks

Freeze Time



Since: 2.7
Return Type: Timespan
How much time an entity has been in powdered snow for.


player's freeze time is less than 3 seconds:
    send "you're about to freeze!" to the player

Furnace Slot



  • (fuel|result) [slot]
  • (ore|fuel|result)[s] [slot[s]] of %blocks%
  • %blocks%'[s] (ore|fuel|result)[s] [slot[s]]
Since: 1.0
Usable in events: smelt, fuel burn
Return Type: Slot
A slot of a furnace, i.e. either the ore, fuel or result slot. Remember to use 'block' and not 'furnace', as 'furnace' is not an existing expression.


set the fuel slot of the clicked block to a lava bucket
set the block's ore slot to 64 iron ore
give the result of the block to the player
clear the result slot of the block

Game Mode



Since: 1.0
Return Type: Game Mode
The gamemode of a player. (Gamemodes)


player's gamemode is survival
set the player's gamemode to creative

Gamerule Value



Since: 2.5
Requirements: Minecraft 1.13+
Return Type: Gamerule Value
The gamerule value of a world.


set the gamerule commandBlockOutput of world "world" to false

Gliding State



Since: 2.2-dev21
Return Type: Boolean
Sets of gets gliding state of player. It allows you to set gliding state of entity even if they do not have an Elytra equipped.


set gliding of player to off




Since: 2.2-dev18
Return Type: Boolean
Indicates if targeted entity is glowing (new 1.9 effect) or not. Glowing entities can be seen through walls.


set glowing of player to true




Since: 2.2-dev21
Return Type: Boolean
If entity is affected by gravity or not, i.e. if it has Minecraft 1.10+ NoGravity flag.


set gravity of player off




Since: 2.2-dev35
Requirements: Vault, a permission plugin that supports Vault
Return Type: Text
The primary group or all groups of a player. This expression requires Vault and a compatible permissions plugin to be installed. If you have LuckPerms, ensure you have vault integration enabled in the luck perms configurations.


on join:
    broadcast "%group of player%" # this is the player's primary group
    broadcast "%groups of player%" # this is all of the player's groups

Hanging Entity/Remover



  • [the] hanging (entity|remover)
Since: 2.6.2
Return Type: Entity
Returns the hanging entity or remover in hanging break and place events.


on break of item frame:
    if item of hanging entity is diamond pickaxe:
        cancel event
        if hanging remover is a player:
            send "You can't break that item frame!" to hanging remover




  • %texts% hash[ed] with (MD5|SHA-256)
Since: 2.0, 2.2-dev32 (SHA-256 algorithm)
Return Type: Text
Hashes the given text using the MD5 or SHA-256 algorithms. Each algorithm is suitable for different use cases.

MD5 is provided mostly for backwards compatibility, as it is outdated and not secure. SHA-256 is more secure, and can used to hash somewhat confidental data like IP addresses and even passwords. It is not that secure out of the box, so please consider using salt when dealing with passwords! When hashing data, you must specify algorithms that will be used for security reasons!

Please note that a hash cannot be reversed under normal circumstanses. You will not be able to get original value from a hash with Skript.


command /setpass &lt;text&gt;:
        set {password::%uuid of player%} to text-argument hashed with SHA-256
command /login &lt;text&gt;:
        if text-argument hashed with SHA-256 is {password::%uuid of player%}:
            message "Login successful."
            message "Wrong password!"

Hatching Entity Type



  • [the] hatching entity [type]
Since: 2.7
Usable in events: Egg Throw
Return Type: Entity Type
The type of the entity that will be hatched in a Player Egg Throw event.


on player egg throw:
    set the hatching entity type to a primed tnt

Hatching Number



  • [the] hatching number
Since: 2.7
Usable in events: Egg Throw
Return Type: byte
The number of entities that will be hatched in a Player Egg Throw event. Please note that no more than 127 entities can be hatched at once.


on player egg throw:
    set the hatching number to 10

Head location



Since: 2.0
Return Type: Location
The location of an entity's head, mostly useful for players and e.g. looping blocks in the player's line of sight. Please note that this location is only accurate for entities whose head is exactly above their center, i.e. players, endermen, zombies, skeletons, etc., but not sheep, pigs or cows.


set the block at the player's head to air
set the block in front of the player's eyes to glass
loop blocks in front of the player's head:

Heal Amount



  • [the] heal amount
Since: 2.5.1
Usable in events: heal
Return Type: Number
The amount of health healed in a healing event.


increase heal amount by 2
remove 0.5 from heal amount

Heal Reason



  • (regen|health regain|heal) (reason|cause)
Since: 2.5
Return Type: Heal Reason
The heal reason of a heal event. Please click on the link for more information.


on heal:
    if heal reason = satiated:
        send "You ate enough food and gained health back!" to player




Since: 1.0
Usable in events: damage
Return Type: Number
The health of a creature, e.g. a player, mob, villager, etc. The minimum value is 0, and the maximum is the creature's max health (e.g. 10 for players).


message "You have %health% HP left."

Hidden Players



  • [(all [[of] the]|the)] hidden players (of|for) %players%
  • [(all [[of] the]|the)] players hidden (from|for|by) %players%
Since: 2.3
Return Type: Player
The players hidden from a player that were hidden using the player visibility effect.


message "&lt;light red&gt;You are currently hiding: &lt;light gray&gt;%hidden players of the player%"

Highest Solid Block



  • highest [(solid|non-air)] block at %locations%
Since: 2.2-dev34
Return Type: Block
Returns the highest solid block at the x and z coordinates of the world of a given location.


highest block at location of arg-player




  • [the] (host|domain)[ ][name]
Since: 2.6.1
Return Type: Text
The hostname used by the connecting player to connect to the server in a connect event.


on connect:
    hostname is "testers.example.com"
    send "Welcome back tester!"

Hotbar Button



  • [the] hotbar button
Since: 2.5
Return Type: long
The hotbar button clicked in an inventory click event.


on inventory click:
    send "You clicked the hotbar button %hotbar button%!"

Hotbar Slot



  • [the] [the] [([currently] selected|current)] hotbar slot[s] [of %players%]
  • %players%'[s] [the] [([currently] selected|current)] hotbar slot[s]
Since: 2.2-dev36
Return Type: Slot
The currently selected hotbar slot. To retrieve its number use Slot Index expression. Use future and past tense to grab the previous slot in an item change event, see example.


message "%player's current hotbar slot%"
set player's selected hotbar slot to slot 4 of player

send "index of player's current hotbar slot = 1" # second slot from the left

on item held change:
    if the selected hotbar slot was a diamond:
        set the currently selected hotbar slot to slot 5 of player

Hover List



  • [the] [custom] [(player|server)] (hover|sample) ([message] list|message)
  • [the] [custom] player [(hover|sample)] list
Since: 2.3
Usable in events: server list ping
Requirements: Paper 1.12.2 or newer
Return Type: Text
The list when you hover on the player counts of the server in the server list. This can be changed using texts or players in a server list ping event only. Adding players to the list means adding the name of the players. And note that, for example if there are 5 online players (includes fake online count) in the server and the hover list is set to 3 values, Minecraft will show "... and 2 more ..." at end of the list.


on server list ping:
    clear the hover list
    add "&aWelcome to the &6Minecraft &aserver!" to the hover list
    add "" to the hover list # A blank line
    add "&cThere are &6%online players count% &conline players!" to the hover list




  • [the] humidit(y|ies) of %blocks%
  • %blocks%'[s] humidit(y|ies)
Since: 2.2-dev35
Return Type: Number
Humidity of given blocks.


set {_humidity} to event-block's humidity




  • IP[s][( |-)address[es]] of %players%
  • %players%'[s] IP[s][( |-)address[es]]
  • IP[( |-)address]
Since: 1.4, 2.2-dev26 (when used in connect event), 2.3 (when used in server list ping event)
Return Type: Text
The IP address of a player, or the connected player in a connect event, or the pinger in a server list ping event.


ban the IP address of the player
broadcast "Banned the IP %IP of player%"

on connect:
    log "[%now%] %player% (%ip%) is connected to the server."

on server list ping:
    send "%IP-address%" to the console

Index Of



  • [the] [(first|last)] index of %text% in %text%
Since: 2.1
Return Type: long
The first or last index of a character (or text) in a text, or -1 if it doesn't occur in the text. Indices range from 1 to the length of the text.


set {_first} to the first index of "@" in the text argument
if {_s} contains "abc":
    set {_s} to the first (index of "abc" in {_s} + 3) characters of {_s} # removes everything after the first "abc" from {_s}

Indices of List



  • [(the|all [[of] the])] (indexes|indices) of %~objects%
  • %~objects%'[s] (indexes|indices)
  • [sorted] (indices|indexes) of %~objects% in (ascending|descending) order
  • [sorted] %~objects%'[s] (indices|indexes) in (ascending|descending) order
Since: 2.4 (indices), 2.6.1 (sorting)
Return Type: Text
Returns all the indices of a list variable, optionally sorted by their values. To sort the indices, all objects in the list must be comparable; Otherwise, this expression will just return the unsorted indices.


set {l::*} to "some", "cool" and "values"
broadcast "%indices of {l::*}%" # result is 1, 2 and 3

set {_leader-board::first} to 17
set {_leader-board::third} to 30
set {_leader-board::second} to 25
set {_leader-board::fourth} to 42
set {_ascending-indices::*} to sorted indices of {_leader-board::*} in ascending order
broadcast "%{_ascending-indices::*}%" #result is first, second, third, fourth
set {_descending-indices::*} to sorted indices of {_leader-board::*} in descending order
broadcast "%{_descending-indices::*}%" #result is fourth, third, second, first

Initiator Inventory



  • [the] [event-]initiator[( |-)inventory]
Usable in events: Inventory Item Move
Return Type: Inventory
Returns the initiator inventory in an on inventory item move event.


on inventory item move:
    if holder of event-initiator-inventory is a chest:
broadcast "Item transport requested at %location at holder of event-initiator-inventory%..."




  • [the] inventor(y|ies) of %inventoryholders%
  • %inventoryholders%'[s] inventor(y|ies)
Since: 1.0
Return Type: Object
The inventory of a block or player. You can usually omit this expression and can directly add or remove items to/from blocks or players.


add a plank to the player's inventory
clear the player's inventory
remove 5 wool from the inventory of the clicked block

Inventory Action



  • [the] inventory action
Since: 2.2-dev16
Return Type: Inventory Action
The inventory action of an inventory event. Please click on the link for more information.


inventory action is pickup all

Inventory Close Reason



  • [the] inventory clos(e|ing) (reason|cause)
Usable in events: Inventory Close
Requirements: Paper
Return Type: Inventory Close Reasons


on inventory close:
    inventory close reason is teleport
    send "Your inventory closed due to teleporting!" to player

Inventory Holder/Viewers/Rows/Slots



  • (holder[s]|viewers|[amount of] rows|[amount of] slots) of %inventories%
  • %inventories%'[s] (holder[s]|viewers|[amount of] rows|[amount of] slots)
Since: 2.2-dev34, 2.5 (slots)
Return Type: Object
Gets the amount of rows/slots, viewers and holder of an inventory.

NOTE: 'Viewers' expression returns a list of players viewing the inventory. Note that a player is considered to be viewing their own inventory and internal crafting screen even when said inventory is not open.


event-inventory's amount of rows
holder of player's top inventory
{_inventory}'s viewers

Inventory Slot



Since: 2.2-dev24
Return Type: Slot
Represents a slot in an inventory. It can be used to change the item in an inventory too.


if slot 0 of player is air:
    set slot 0 of player to 2 stones
    remove 1 stone from slot 0 of player
    add 2 stones to slot 0 of player
    clear slot 1 of player




  • [the] item
Since: unknown (before 2.1)
Return Type: Item
The item involved in an event, e.g. in a drop, dispense, pickup or craft event.


on dispense:
    item is a clock
    set the time to 6:00

Item Amount



Since: 2.2-dev24
Return Type: long
The amount of an item stack.


send "You have got %item amount of player's tool% %player's tool% in your hand!" to player

Item Cooldown



Return Type: Timespan
Change the cooldown of a specific material to a certain amount of Timespan.


on right click using stick:
    set item cooldown of player's tool for player to 1 minute
    set item cooldown of stone and grass for all players to 20 seconds
    reset item cooldown of cobblestone and dirt for all players

Item Enchantments



Since: 2.2-dev36
Return Type: Enchantment Type
All the enchantments an item type has.


clear enchantments of event-item

Item of an Entity



Since: 2.2-dev35, 2.2-dev36 (improved), 2.5.2 (throwable projectiles)
Requirements: Minecraft 1.15.2+ (throwable projectiles)
Return Type: Slot
An item associated with an entity. For dropped item entities, it gets, obviously, the item that was dropped. For item frames, the item inside the frame is returned. For throwable projectiles (snowballs, enderpearls etc.),it gets the displayed item. Other entities do not have items associated with them.


Missing examples.

Item with CustomModelData



Since: 2.5
Requirements: 1.14+
Return Type: Item Type
Get an item with a CustomModelData tag. (Value is an integer between 0 and 99999999)


give player a diamond sword with custom model data 2
set slot 1 of inventory of player to wooden hoe with custom model data 357

Item with Lore



Since: 2.3
Return Type: Item Type
Returns the given item type with the specified lore added to it. If multiple strings are passed, each of them will be a separate line in the lore.


set {_test} to stone with lore "line 1" and "line 2"
give {_test} to player




  • [all [[of] the]|the] block[[ ]type]s
  • every block[[ ]type]
  • [all [[of] the]|the|every] block[s] of type[s] %item types%
  • [all [[of] the]|the|every] item[s] of type[s] %item types%
Since: 1.0 pre-5
Return Type: Item Type
Items or blocks of a specific type, useful for looping.


loop items of type ore and log:
    block contains loop-item
    message "Theres at least one %loop-item% in this block"
drop all blocks at the player # drops one of every block at the player

Items In



  • [(all [[of] the]|the)] items ([with]in|of|contained in|out of) [inventor(y|ies)] %inventories%
Since: 2.0
Return Type: Slot
All items in an inventory. Useful for looping or storing in a list variable. Please note that the positions of the items in the inventory are not saved, only their order is preserved.


loop all items in the player's inventory:
    loop-item is enchanted
    remove loop-item from the player
set {inventory::%uuid of player%::*} to items in the player's inventory

Join & Split



  • (concat[enate]|join) %texts% [(with|using|by) [[the] delimiter] %text%]
  • split %text% (at|using|by) [[the] delimiter] %text% [with case sensitivity]
  • %text% split (at|using|by) [[the] delimiter] %text% [with case sensitivity]
  • regex split %text% (at|using|by) [[the] delimiter] %text%
  • regex %text% split (at|using|by) [[the] delimiter] %text%
Since: 2.1, 2.5.2 (regex support), 2.7 (case sensitivity)
Return Type: Text
Joins several texts with a common delimiter (e.g. ", "), or splits a text into multiple texts at a given delimiter.


message "Online players: %join all players with "" | ""%" # %all players% would use the default "x, y, and z"
set {_s::*} to the string argument split at ","




  • [the] [([currently] selected|current)] [game] (language|locale) [setting] of %players%
  • %players%'[s] [([currently] selected|current)] [game] (language|locale) [setting]
Since: 2.3
Return Type: Text
Currently selected game language of a player. The value of the language is not defined properly. The vanilla Minecraft client will use lowercase language / country pairs separated by an underscore, but custom resource packs may use any format they wish.


message player's current language

Last Attacker



  • [the] last attacker of %entity%
  • %entity%'[s] last attacker
Since: 2.5.1
Return Type: Object
The last block or entity that attacked an entity.


send "%last attacker of event-entity%"

Last Color



  • [the] last color[s] of %texts%
  • %texts%'[s] last color[s]
Since: 2.6
Return Type: Text
The colors used at the end of a string. The colors of the returned string will be formatted with their symbols.


set {_color} to the last colors of "<red>hey<blue>yo"

Last Damage



Since: 2.5.1
Return Type: Number
The last damage that was done to an entity. Note that changing it doesn't deal more/less damage.


set last damage of event-entity to 2

Last Damage Cause



Since: 2.2-Fixes-V10
Return Type: Damage Cause
Cause of last damage done to an entity


set last damage cause of event-entity to fire tick

Last Loaded Server Icon



  • [the] [last[ly]] loaded server icon
Since: 2.3
Requirements: Paper 1.12.2 or newer
Return Type: Server Icon
Returns the last loaded server icon with the load server icon effect.


set {server-icon} to the last loaded server icon

Last Resource Pack Response



  • [the] [last] resource pack response[s] of %players%
  • %players%'[s] [last] resource pack response[s]
Since: 2.4
Requirements: Paper 1.9 or newer
Return Type: Resource Pack State
Returns the last resource pack response received from a player.


if player's last resource pack response is deny or download fail:

Last Spawned Entity



  • [the] [last[ly]] (spawned|shot) %*entity type%
  • [the] [last[ly]] dropped (item)
  • [the] [last[ly]] (created|struck) (lightning)
  • [the] [last[ly]] (launched|deployed) (firework)
Since: 1.3 (spawned entity), 2.0 (shot entity), 2.2-dev26 (dropped item), 2.7 (struck lightning, firework)
Return Type: Entity
Holds the entity that was spawned most recently with the spawn effect (section), dropped with the drop effect, shot with the shoot effect or created with the lightning effect. Please note that even though you can spawn multiple mobs simultaneously (e.g. with 'spawn 5 creepers'), only the last spawned mob is saved and can be used. If you spawn an entity, shoot a projectile and drop an item you can however access all them together.


spawn a priest
set {healer::%spawned priest%} to true
shoot an arrow from the last spawned entity
ignite the shot projectile
drop a diamond sword
push last dropped item upwards
teleport player to last struck lightning
delete last launched firework

Last/First Login Time



Since: 2.5
Return Type: Date
When a player last/first logged in the server. 'last login' requires paper to get the last login, otherwise it will get the last time they were seen on the server.


command /onlinefor:
        send "You have been online for %difference between player's last login and now%."
        send "You first joined the server %difference between player's first login and now% ago."

Leash Holder



Since: 2.3
Return Type: Entity
The leash holder of a living entity.


set {_example} to the leash holder of the target mob




Since: 2.1
Return Type: long
The length of a text, in number of characters.


set {_l} to length of the string argument




Since: unknown (before 2.1)
Usable in events: level change
Return Type: long
The level of a player.


reduce the victim's level by 1
set the player's level to 0

Level Progress



Since: 2.0
Usable in events: level change
Return Type: Number
The player's progress in reaching the next level, this represents the experience bar in the game. Please note that this value is between 0 and 1 (e.g. 0.5 = half experience bar). Changing this value can cause the player's level to change if the resulting level progess is negative or larger than 1, e.g. increase the player's level progress by 0.5 will make the player gain a level if their progress was more than 50%.


# use the exp bar as mana
on rightclick with a blaze rod:
    player's level progress is larger than 0.2
    shoot a fireball from the player
    reduce the player's level progress by 0.2
every 2 seconds:
    loop all players:
        level progress of loop-player is smaller than 0.9:
            increase level progress of the loop-player by 0.1
            set level progress of the loop-player to 0.99
on xp spawn:
    cancel event

Light Level



Since: 1.3.4
Return Type: byte
Gets the light level at a certain location which ranges from 0 to 15. It can be separated into sunlight (15 = direct sunlight, 1-14 = indirect) and block light (torches, glowstone, etc.). The total light level of a block is the maximum of the two different light types.


# set vampire players standing in bright sunlight on fire
every 5 seconds:
    loop all players:
        {vampire::%uuid of loop-player%} is true
        sunlight level at the loop-player is greater than 10
        ignite the loop-player for 5 seconds

Loaded Plugins



  • [(all [[of] the]|the)] [loaded] plugins
Since: 2.7
Return Type: Text
An expression to obtain a list of the names of the server's loaded plugins.


if the loaded plugins contains "Vault":
    broadcast "This server uses Vault plugin!"

send "Plugins (%size of loaded plugins%): %plugins%" to player




  • [the] [event-](location|position)
Since: 2.0
Return Type: Location
The location where an event happened (e.g. at an entity or block), or a location relative to another (e.g. 1 meter above another location).


drop 5 apples at the event-location # exactly the same as writing 'drop 5 apples'
set {_loc} to the location 1 meter above the player




Since: 2.0
Return Type: Location
The location where an event happened (e.g. at an entity or block), or a location relative to another (e.g. 1 meter above another location).


drop 5 apples at the event-location # exactly the same as writing 'drop 5 apples'
set {_loc} to the location 1 meter above the player




Since: Unknown
Return Type: Location
The location of a block or entity. This not only represents the x, y and z coordinates of the location but also includes the world and the direction an entity is looking (e.g. teleporting to a saved location will make the teleported entity face the same saved direction every time). Please note that the location of an entity is at it's feet, use head location to get the location of the head.


set {home::%uuid of player%} to the location of the player
message "You home was set to %player's location% in %player's world%."

Location At



  • [the] (location|position) [at] [\(][x[ ][=[ ]]]%number%, [y[ ][=[ ]]]%number%, [and] [z[ ][=[ ]]]%number%[\)] [[(in|of) [[the] world]] %world%]
Since: 2.0
Return Type: Location
Allows to create a location from three coordinates and a world.


set {_loc} to the location at arg-1, arg-2, arg-3 of the world arg-4
distance between the player and the location (0, 0, 0) is less than 200

Loop Iteration



  • [the] loop(-| )(counter|iteration)[-%*number%]
Return Type: long
Returns the loop's current iteration count (for both normal and while loops).


while player is online:
    give player 1 stone
    wait 5 ticks
    if loop-counter > 30:
        stop loop

loop {top-balances::*}:
    if loop-iteration <= 10:
        broadcast "##%loop-iteration% %loop-index% has $%loop-value%"

Loop value



  • [the] loop-<.+>
Since: 1.0, INSERT VERSION (loop-counter)
Return Type: Object
Returns the currently looped value.


# Countdown
loop 10 times:
    message "%11 - loop-number%"
    wait a second

# Generate a 10x10 floor made of randomly colored wool below the player
loop blocks from the block below the player to the block 10 east of the block below the player:
    loop blocks from the loop-block to the block 10 north of the loop-block:
        set loop-block-2 to any wool

loop {top-balances::*}:
    loop-iteration <= 10
    send "##%loop-iteration% %loop-index% has $%loop-value%"




  • [the] loot
Since: 2.7
Requirements: MC 1.16+
Return Type: Item
The loot that will be generated in a 'loot generate' event.


on loot generate:
    chance of %10
    add 64 diamonds
    send "You hit the jackpot!!"




Since: 2.1
Return Type: Text
An item's lore.


set the 1st line of the item's lore to "&lt;orange&gt;Excalibur 2.0"




  • [the] [(default)|(shown|displayed)] (MOTD|message of [the] day)
Since: 2.3
Return Type: Text
The message of the day in the server list. This can be changed in a server list ping event only. 'default MOTD' returns the default MOTD always and can't be changed.


on server list ping:
    set the motd to "Join now!"

Max Durability



Since: 2.5
Return Type: long
The maximum durability of an item.


maximum durability of diamond sword
if max durability of player's tool is not 0: # Item is damageable

Max Health



Since: 2.0
Usable in events: damage, death
Return Type: Number
The maximum health of an entity, e.g. 10 for a player.


on join:
    set the maximum health of the player to 100
spawn a giant
set the last spawned entity's max health to 1000

Max Minecart Speed



  • [the] max[imum] minecart (speed|velocity) of %entities%
  • %entities%'[s] max[imum] minecart (speed|velocity)
Since: 2.5.1
Return Type: Number
The maximum speed of a minecart.


on right click on minecart:
    set max minecart speed of event-entity to 1

Max Players



  • [the] [(real|default)|(fake|shown|displayed)] max[imum] player[s] [count|amount|number|size]
  • [the] [(real|default)|(fake|shown|displayed)] max[imum] (count|amount|number|size) of players
Since: 2.3, 2.7 (modify max real players)
Requirements: Paper 1.16+ (modify max real players)
Return Type: integer
The count of max players. This can be changed in a server list ping event only. 'real max players' returns the real count of max players of the server and can be modified on Paper 1.16 or later.


on server list ping:
    set the max players count to (online players count + 1)

Maximum Freeze Time



  • [the] max[imum] freeze time of %entities%
  • %entities%'[s] max[imum] freeze time
Since: 2.7
Return Type: Timespan
The maximum amount of time an entity can spend in powdered snow before taking damage.


difference between player's freeze time and player's max freeze time is less than 1 second:
    send "you're about to freeze!" to the player

Maximum Stack Size



Since: 2.1
Return Type: long
The maximum stack size of the specified material, e.g. 64 for torches, 16 for buckets, and 1 for swords.


send "You can only pick up %max stack size of player's tool% of %type of (player's tool)%" to player




  • me
  • my[self]
Since: 2.1.1
Return Type: Player
A 'me' expression that can be used in players' effect commands only.


!heal me
!kick myself
!give a diamond axe to me

Mending Repair Amount



  • [the] [mending] repair amount
Since: 2.5.1
Return Type: long
The number of durability points an item is to be repaired in a mending event. Modifying the repair amount will affect how much experience is given to the player after mending.


on item mend:
    set the mending repair amount to 100




  • [the] [chat( |-)]message
  • [the] (join|log[ ]in)( |-)message
  • [the] (quit|leave|log[ ]out|kick)( |-)message
  • [the] death( |-)message
Since: 1.4.6 (chat message), 1.4.9 (join & quit messages), 2.0 (death message)
Usable in events: chat, join, quit, death
Return Type: Text
The (chat) message of a chat event, the join message of a join event, the quit message of a quit event, or the death message on a death event. This expression is mostly useful for being changed.


on chat:
    player has permission "admin"
    set message to "&c%message%"

on first join:
    set join message to "Welcome %player% to our awesome server!"

on join:
    player has played before
    set join message to "Welcome back, %player%!"

on quit:
    set quit message to "%player% left this awesome server!"

on death:
    set the death message to "%player% died!"




Since: 2.2-dev36
Return Type: Object
Metadata is a way to store temporary data on entities, blocks and more that disappears after a server restart.


set metadata value "healer" of player to true
broadcast "%metadata value ""healer"" of player%"
clear metadata value "healer" of player

Middle of Location



  • [the] (middle|center) [point] of %location%
  • %location%'[s] (middle|center) [point]
Since: 2.6.1
Return Type: Location
Returns the middle/center of a location. In other words, returns the middle of the X, Z coordinates and the floor value of the Y coordinate of a location.


command /stuck:
    executable by: players
        teleport player to the center of player's location
        send "You're no longer stuck."

Minecart Derailed / Flying Velocity



  • [the] [minecart] (derailed|flying) velocity of %entities%
  • %entities%'[s] [minecart] (derailed|flying) velocity
Since: 2.5.1
Return Type: Vector
The velocity of a minecart as soon as it has been derailed or as soon as it starts flying.


on right click on minecart:
    set derailed velocity of event-entity to vector 2, 10, 2




Since: 2.0, 2.5 (offline players)
Requirements: Vault, an economy plugin that supports Vault
Return Type: Money
How much virtual money a player has (can be changed).


message "You have %player's money%" # the currency name will be added automatically
remove 20$ from the player's balance # replace '$' by whatever currency you use
add 200 to the player's account # or omit the currency altogether

Moon Phase



  • [the] (lunar|moon) phase[s] of %worlds%
  • %worlds%'[s] (lunar|moon) phase[s]
Since: 2.7
Requirements: Paper 1.16+
Return Type: Moon Phase
The current moon phase of a world.


if moon phase of player's world is full moon:
    send "Watch for the wolves!"

Moved blocks



  • [the] moved blocks
Since: 2.2-dev27
Return Type: Block
Blocks which are moved in a piston event. Cannot be used outside of piston events.


the moved blocks

Name / Display Name / Tab List Name



Since: before 2.1, 2.2-dev20 (inventory name), 2.4 (non-living entity support, changeable inventory name), 2.7 (worlds)
Return Type: Text
Represents the Minecraft account, display or tab list name of a player, or the custom name of an item, entity, block, inventory, gamerule or world.

  • Players         
    • Name: The Minecraft account name of the player. Can't be changed, but 'display name' can be changed.
    • Display Name: The name of the player that is displayed in messages. This name can be changed freely and can include color codes, and is shared among all plugins (e.g. chat plugins will use the display name).
  • Entities         
    • Name: The custom name of the entity. Can be changed. But for living entities, the players will have to target the entity to see its name tag. For non-living entities, the name will not be visible at all. To prevent this, use 'display name'.
    • Display Name: The custom name of the entity. Can be changed, which will also enable custom name visibility of the entity so name tag of the entity will be visible always.
  • Items         
    • Name and Display Name: The custom name of the item (not the Minecraft locale name). Can be changed.
  • Inventories         
    • Name and Display Name: The name/title of the inventory. Changing name of an inventory means opening the same inventory with the same contents but with a different name to its current viewers.
  • Gamerules (1.13+)         
    • Name: The name of the gamerule. Cannot be changed.
  • Worlds         
    • Name: The name of the world. Cannot be changed.


on join:
    player has permission "name.red"
    set the player's display name to "&lt;red&gt;[admin] &lt;gold&gt;%name of player%"
    set the player's tab list name to "&lt;green&gt;%player's name%"
set the name of the player's tool to "Legendary Sword of Awesomeness"

Name / Display Name / Tab List Name



  • [the] ((player|tab)[ ]list name[s]) of %players%
  • %players%'[s] ((player|tab)[ ]list name[s])
Since: before 2.1, 2.2-dev20 (inventory name), 2.4 (non-living entity support, changeable inventory name), 2.7 (worlds)
Return Type: Text
Represents the Minecraft account, display or tab list name of a player, or the custom name of an item, entity, block, inventory, gamerule or world.

  • Players         
    • Name: The Minecraft account name of the player. Can't be changed, but 'display name' can be changed.
    • Display Name: The name of the player that is displayed in messages. This name can be changed freely and can include color codes, and is shared among all plugins (e.g. chat plugins will use the display name).
  • Entities         
    • Name: The custom name of the entity. Can be changed. But for living entities, the players will have to target the entity to see its name tag. For non-living entities, the name will not be visible at all. To prevent this, use 'display name'.
    • Display Name: The custom name of the entity. Can be changed, which will also enable custom name visibility of the entity so name tag of the entity will be visible always.
  • Items         
    • Name and Display Name: The custom name of the item (not the Minecraft locale name). Can be changed.
  • Inventories         
    • Name and Display Name: The name/title of the inventory. Changing name of an inventory means opening the same inventory with the same contents but with a different name to its current viewers.
  • Gamerules (1.13+)         
    • Name: The name of the gamerule. Cannot be changed.
  • Worlds         
    • Name: The name of the world. Cannot be changed.


on join:
    player has permission "name.red"
    set the player's display name to "&lt;red&gt;[admin] &lt;gold&gt;%name of player%"
    set the player's tab list name to "&lt;green&gt;%player's name%"
set the name of the player's tool to "Legendary Sword of Awesomeness"

Named Item/Inventory



Since: 2.0, 2.2-dev34 (inventories)
Return Type: Object
Directly names an item/inventory, useful for defining a named item/inventory in a script. If you want to (re)name existing items/inventories you can either use this expression or use set name of <item/inventory> to <text>.


give a diamond sword of sharpness 100 named "&lt;gold&gt;Excalibur" to the player
set tool of player to the player's tool named "&lt;gold&gt;Wand"
set the name of the player's tool to "&lt;gold&gt;Wand"
open hopper inventory named "Magic Hopper" to player

Nearest Entity



Since: 2.7
Return Type: Entity
Gets the entity nearest to a location or another entity.


kill the nearest pig and cow relative to player
teleport player to the nearest cow relative to player
teleport player to the nearest entity relative to player

on click:
    kill nearest pig

New Line



  • n[ew]l[ine]
  • line[ ]break
Since: 2.5
Return Type: Text
Returns a line break separator.


send "Hello%nl%Goodbye!" to player

No Damage Ticks



Since: 2.5
Return Type: long
The number of ticks that an entity is invulnerable to damage for.


on damage:
    set victim's invulnerability ticks to 20 #Victim will not take damage for the next second




  • now
Since: 1.4
Return Type: Date
The current system time of the server. Use time to get the Minecraft time of a world.


broadcast "Current server time: %now%"

Number of Characters



  • number of upper[ ]case char(acters|s) in %text%
  • number of lower[ ]case char(acters|s) in %text%
  • number of digit char(acters|s) in %text%
Since: 2.5
Return Type: long
The number of uppercase, lowercase, or digit characters in a string.


#Simple Chat Filter
on chat:
    if number of uppercase chars in message / length of message > 0.5
        cancel event
        send "&lt;red&gt;Your message has to many caps!" to player




  • [(all [[of] the]|the)] (numbers|integers|decimals) (between|from) %number% (and|to) %number%
Since: 1.4.6 (integers & numbers), 2.5.1 (decimals)
Return Type: Number
All numbers between two given numbers, useful for looping. Use 'numbers' if your start is not an integer and you want to keep the fractional part of the start number constant, or use 'integers' if you only want to loop integers. You may also use 'decimals' if you want to use the decimal precision of the start number. You may want to use the 'times' expression instead, for instance 'loop 5 times:'


loop numbers from 2.5 to 5.5: # loops 2.5, 3.5, 4.5, 5.5
loop integers from 2.9 to 5.1: # same as '3 to 5', i.e. loops 3, 4, 5
loop decimals from 3.94 to 4: # loops 3.94, 3.95, 3.96, 3.97, 3.98, 3.99, 4

Offline players



  • [(all [[of] the]|the)] offline[ ]players
Since: 2.2-dev35
Return Type: Offline Player
All players that have ever joined the server. This includes the players currently online.


send "Size of all players who have joined the server: %size of all offline players%"

Online Player Count



  • [the] [((real|default)|(fake|shown|displayed))] [online] player (count|amount|number)
  • [the] [((real|default)|(fake|shown|displayed))] (count|amount|number|size) of online players
Since: 2.3
Return Type: long
The amount of online players. This can be changed in a server list ping event only to show fake online player amount. 'real online player count' always returns the real count of online players and can't be changed.

Fake online player count requires PaperSpigot 1.12.2+.


on server list ping:
    # This will make the max players count 5 if there are 4 players online.
    set the fake max players count to (online players count + 1)

Opened Inventory



  • [the] (current|open|top) inventory [of %players%]
  • %players%'[s] (current|open|top) inventory
Since: 2.2-dev24, 2.2-dev35 (Just 'current inventory' works in player events)
Return Type: Inventory
Return the currently opened inventory of a player. If no inventory is open, it returns the own player's crafting inventory.


set slot 1 of player's current inventory to diamond sword




Since: 2.0
Return Type: Object
Parses text as a given type, or as a given pattern. This expression can be used in two different ways: One which parses the entire text as a single instance of a type, e.g. as a number, and one that parses the text according to a pattern. If the given text could not be parsed, this expression will return nothing and the parse error will be set if some information is available. Some notes about parsing with a pattern: - The pattern must be a Skript pattern, e.g. percent signs are used to define where to parse which types, e.g. put a %number% or %items% in the pattern if you expect a number or some items there. - You have to save the expression's value in a list variable, e.g. set {parsed::*} to message parsed as "...". - The list variable will contain the parsed values from all %types% in the pattern in order. If a type was plural, e.g. %items%, the variable's value at the respective index will be a list variable, e.g. the values will be stored in {parsed::1::*}, not {parsed::1}.


set {var} to line 1 parsed as number
on chat:
    set {var::*} to message parsed as "buying %items% for %money%"
    if parse error is set:
        message "%parse error%"
    else if {var::*} is set:
        cancel event
        remove {var::2} from the player's balance
        give {var::1::*} to the player

Parse Error



  • [the] [last] [parse] error
Since: 2.0
Return Type: Text
The error which caused the last parse operation to fail, which might not be set if a pattern was used and the pattern didn't match the provided text at all.


set {var} to line 1 parsed as integer
if {var} is not set:
    parse error is set:
        message "&lt;red&gt;Line 1 is invalid: %last parse error%"
        message "&lt;red&gt;Please put an integer on line 1!"




Since: 2.0, 2.2-dev26 (Multiple passengers for 1.11.2+)
Return Type: Entity
The passenger of a vehicle, or the rider of a mob. For 1.11.2 and above, it returns a list of passengers and you can use all changers in it. See also: vehicle


#for 1.11 and lower
passenger of the minecart is a creeper or a cow
the saddled pig's passenger is a player
#for 1.11.2+
passengers of the minecart contains a creeper or a cow
the boat's passenger contains a pig
add a cow and a zombie to passengers of last spawned boat
set passengers of player's vehicle to a pig and a horse
remove all pigs from player's vehicle
clear passengers of boat

Percent of



Return Type: Number
Returns a percentage of one or more numbers.


set damage to 10% of victim's health
set damage to 125 percent of damage
set {_result} to {_percent} percent of 999
set {_result::*} to 10% of {_numbers::*}
set experience to 50% of player's total experience




  • (pi|π)
Since: 2.7
Return Type: double
Returns the mathematical constant pi. (approx. 3.1415926535)


set {_tau} to pi * 2

Pickup Delay



Since: 2.7
Return Type: Timespan
The amount of time before a dropped item can be picked up by an entity.


drop diamond sword at {_location} without velocity
set pickup delay of last dropped item to 5 seconds




Since: 2.2-dev36
Return Type: long
Pings of players, as Minecraft server knows them. Note that they will almost certainly be different from the ones you'd get from using ICMP echo requests. This expression is only supported on some server software (PaperSpigot).


command /ping <player=%player%>:
        send "%arg-1%'s ping is %arg-1's ping%"

Plain Item



Since: 2.6
Return Type: Item Type
A plain item is an item with no modifications. It can be used to convert items to their default state or to match with other default items.


if the player's tool is a plain diamond: # check if player's tool has no modifications
    send "You are holding a plain diamond!"

Player List Header and Footer



  • [the] (player|tab)[ ]list (header|footer) [(text|message)] of %players%
  • %players%'[s] (player|tab)[ ]list (header|footer) [(text|message)]
Since: 2.4
Requirements: Minecraft 1.13 or newer
Return Type: Text
The message above and below the player list in the tab menu.


set all players' tab list header to "Welcome to the Server!"
send "%the player's tab list header%" to player
reset all players' tab list header

Player Protocol Version



Since: 2.6.2
Requirements: Paper 1.12.2 or newer
Return Type: integer
Player's protocol version. For more information and list of protocol versions visit wiki.vg.


command /protocolversion &ltplayer&gt:
        send "Protocol version of %arg-1%: %protocol version of arg-1%"

Player Skull



Since: 2.0
Return Type: Item Type
Gets a skull item representing a player. Skulls for other entities are provided by the aliases.


give the victim's skull to the attacker
set the block at the entity to the entity's skull

Player Weather



  • [the] [(client|custom)] weather of %players%
  • %players%'[s] [(client|custom)] weather
Since: 2.2-dev34
Return Type: Weather Type
The weather for a player.


set weather of arg-player to rainy
reset player's weather
if arg-player's weather is rainy




  • [the] portal['s] blocks
  • [the] blocks of [the] portal
Since: 2.4
Usable in events: portal_create
Return Type: Block
The blocks associated with a portal in the portal creation event.


on portal creation:
    loop portal blocks:
        broadcast "%loop-block% is part of a portal!"

Portal Cooldown



Return Type: Timespan
The amount of time before an entity can use a portal. By default, it is 15 seconds after exiting a nether portal or end gateway. Players in survival/adventure get a cooldown of 0.5 seconds, while those in creative get no cooldown. Resetting will set the cooldown back to the default 15 seconds for non-player entities and 0.5 seconds for players.


on portal:
    wait 1 tick
    set portal cooldown of event-entity to 5 seconds

Potion Effect



  • [new] potion effect of %potion% [potion] [[[of] tier] %number%] [without particles] [for %time span%]
  • [new] ambient potion effect of %potion% [potion] [[[of] tier] %number%] [without particles] [for %time span%]
Since: 2.5.2
Return Type: Potion Effect
Create a new potion effect to apply to an entity or item type. Do note that when applying potion effects to tipped arrows/lingering potions, Minecraft reduces the timespan.


set {_p} to potion effect of speed of tier 1 without particles for 10 minutes
add {_p} to potion effects of player's tool
add {_p} to potion effects of target entity
add potion effect of speed 1 to potion effects of player

Potion Effect Tier



Since: 2.7
Return Type: integer
An expression to obtain the amplifier of a potion effect applied to an entity.


if the amplifier of haste of player >= 3:

Potion Effects



Since: 2.5.2
Return Type: Potion Effect
Represents the active potion effects of entities and itemtypes. You can clear all potion effects of an entity/itemtype and add/remove a potion effect/type to/from an entity/itemtype. Do note you will not be able to clear the base potion effects of a potion item. In that case, just set the item to a water bottle. When adding a potion effect type (rather than a potion effect), it will default to 15 seconds with tier 1.


set {_p::*} to active potion effects of player
clear all the potion effects of player
clear all the potion effects of player's tool
add potion effects of player to potion effects of player's tool
add speed to potion effects of target entity
remove speed and night vision from potion effects of player




  • [the] [chat] (prefix|suffix) of %players%
  • %players%'[s] [chat] (prefix|suffix)
Since: 2.0
Requirements: Vault, a chat plugin that supports Vault
Return Type: Text
The prefix or suffix as defined in the server's chat plugin.


on chat:
    cancel event
    broadcast "%player's prefix%%player's display name%%player's suffix%: %message%" to the player's world

set the player's prefix to "[&lt;red&gt;Admin<reset>] "

Projectile Bounce State



  • [the] projectile bounce (state|ability|mode) of %projectiles%
  • %projectiles%'[s] projectile bounce (state|ability|mode)
Since: 2.5.1
Return Type: Boolean
A projectile's bounce state.


on projectile hit:
    set projectile bounce mode of event-projectile to true

Projectile Critical State



  • [the] (projectile|arrow) critical (state|ability|mode) of %projectiles%
  • %projectiles%'[s] (projectile|arrow) critical (state|ability|mode)
Since: 2.5.1
Return Type: Boolean
A projectile's critical state. The only currently accepted projectiles are arrows and tridents.


on shoot:
    event-projectile is an arrow
    set projectile critical mode of event-projectile to true

Protocol Version



  • [the] [server] [(sent|required|fake)] protocol version [number]
Since: 2.3
Usable in events: server list ping
Requirements: Paper 1.12.2 or newer
Return Type: long
The protocol version that will be sent as the protocol version of the server in a server list ping event. For more information and list of protocol versions visit wiki.vg. If this protocol version doesn't match with the protocol version of the client, the client will see the version string. But please note that, this expression has no visual effect over the version string. For example if the server uses PaperSpigot 1.12.2, and you make the protocol version 107 (1.9), the version string will not be "Paper 1.9", it will still be "Paper 1.12.2". But then you can customize the version string as you wish. Also if the protocol version of the player is higher than protocol version of the server, it will say "Server out of date!", and if vice-versa "Client out of date!" when you hover on the ping bars.

This can be set in a server list ping event only (increase and decrease effects cannot be used because that wouldn't make sense).


on server list ping:
    set the version string to "&lt;light green&gt;Version: &lt;orange&gt;%minecraft version%"
    set the protocol version to 0 # 13w41a (1.7) - so the player will see the custom version string almost always

Quit Reason



  • [the] (quit|disconnect) (cause|reason)
Requirements: Paper 1.16.5+
Return Type: Quit Reason
The quit reason as to why a player disconnected in a quit event.


on quit:
    quit reason was kicked
    player is banned
    clear {server::player::%uuid of player%::*}




Since: 1.4.9
Return Type: Object
Gets a random item out of a set, e.g. a random player out of all players online.


give a diamond to a random player out of all players
give a random item out of all items to the player

Random Number



  • [a] random (integer|number) (from|between) %number% (to|and) %number%
Since: 1.4
Return Type: Number
A random number or integer between two given numbers. Use 'number' if you want any number with decimal parts, or use use 'integer' if you only want whole numbers. Please note that the order of the numbers doesn't matter, i.e. random number between 2 and 1 will work as well as random number between 1 and 2.


set the player's health to a random number between 5 and 10
send "You rolled a %random integer from 1 to 6%!" to the player

Random UUID



  • [a] random uuid
Since: 2.5.1
Return Type: Text
Returns a random UUID.


set {_uuid} to random uuid

Raw Name



Since: unknown (2.2)
Return Type: Text
The raw Minecraft material name of the given item. Note that this is not guaranteed to give same results on all servers.


raw name of tool of player

Raw String



Since: 2.7
Return Type: Text
Returns the string without formatting (colors etc.) and without stripping them from it, e.g. raw "&aHello There!" would output &aHello There!


send raw "&aThis text is unformatted!" to all players

Redstone Block Power



  • [the] redstone power of %blocks%
  • %blocks%'[s] redstone power
Since: 2.5
Return Type: long
Power of a redstone block


if redstone power of targeted block is 15:
    send "This block is very powerful!"




  • [the] [event-]region
Since: 2.1
Requirements: Supported regions plugin
Return Type: Region
The region involved in an event. This expression requires a supported regions plugin to be installed.


on region enter:
    region is {forbidden region}
    cancel the event

Region Members & Owners



  • [(all|the)] (members|owner[s]) of [[the] region[s]] %regions%
  • [[the] region[s]] %regions%'[s] (members|owner[s])
Since: 2.1
Requirements: Supported regions plugin
Return Type: Offline Player
A list of members or owners of a region. This expression requires a supported regions plugin to be installed.


on entering of a region:
    message "You're entering %region% whose owners are %owners of region%"

Regions At



Since: 2.1
Requirements: Supported regions plugin
Return Type: Region
All regions at a particular location. This expression requires a supported regions plugin to be installed.


On click on a sign:
    line 1 of the clicked block is "[region info]"
    set {_regions::*} to regions at the clicked block
    if {_regions::*} is empty:
        message "No regions exist at this sign."
        message "Regions containing this sign: &lt;gold&gt;%{_regions::*}%<r>."

Remaining Air



Since: unknown (before 2.1)
Return Type: Timespan
How much time a player has left underwater before starting to drown.


player's remaining air is less than 3 seconds:
    send "hurry, get to the surface!" to the player

Respawn Anchor Charges



  • [the] [max[imum]] charge[s] of %blocks%
  • %blocks%'[s] [max[imum]] charge[s]
Since: 2.7
Requirements: Minecraft 1.16+
Return Type: integer
The charges of a respawn anchor.


set the charges of event-block to 3

Respawn location



  • [the] respawn location
Since: 2.2-dev35
Return Type: Location
The location that a player should respawn at. This is used within the respawn event.


on respawn:
    set respawn location to {example::spawn}

Reversed List



Since: 2.4
Return Type: Object
Reverses given list.


set {_list::*} to reversed {_list::*}




  • [(a|the)] round[ed] down %number%
  • [(a|the)] round[ed] %number%
  • [(a|the)] round[ed] up %number%
Since: 2.0
Return Type: long
Rounds numbers normally, up (ceiling) or down (floor) respectively.


set {var} to rounded health of player
set line 1 of the block to rounded "%(1.5 * player's level)%"
add rounded down argument to the player's health




Since: 2.2-Fixes-v10, 2.2-dev35 (fully modifiable), 2.6.2 (syntax pattern changed)
Return Type: Number
The saturation of a player. If used in a player event, it can be omitted and will default to event-player.


set saturation of player to 20

Scoreboard Tags



  • [(all [[of] the]|the)] scoreboard tags of %entities%
  • %entities%'[s] scoreboard tags
Since: 2.3
Return Type: Text
Scoreboard tags are simple list of texts stored directly in the data of an entity. So this is a Minecraft related thing, not Bukkit, so the tags will not get removed when the server stops. You can visit visit Minecraft Wiki for more info. This is changeable and valid for any type of entity. Also you can use use the Has Scoreboard Tag condition to check whether an entity has the given tags.

Requires Minecraft 1.11+ (actually added in 1.9 to the game, but added in 1.11 to Spigot).


on spawn of a monster:
    if the spawn reason is mob spawner:
        add "spawned by a spawner" to the scoreboard tags of event-entity

on death of a monster:
    if the attacker is a player:
        if the victim doesn't have the scoreboard tag "spawned by a spawner":
            add 1$ to attacker's balance

Script Name



  • [the] script[['s] name]
  • name of [the] script
Since: 2.0
Usable in events: Script Load/Unload
Return Type: Text
Holds the current script's name (the file name without '.sk').


on script load:
    set {running::%script%} to true
on script unload:
    set {running::%script%} to false

Sea Level



Since: 2.5.1
Return Type: long
Gets the sea level of a world.


send "The sea level in your world is %sea level in player's world%"

Sea Pickles



  • [the] [(min|max)[imum]] [sea] pickle(s| (count|amount)) of %blocks%
  • %blocks%'[s] [(min|max)[imum]] [sea] pickle(s| (count|amount))
Since: 2.7
Return Type: integer
An expression to obtain or modify data relating to the pickles of a sea pickle block.


on block break:
    type of block is sea pickle
    send "Wow! This stack of sea pickles contained %event-block's sea pickle count% pickles!"
    send "It could've contained a maximum of %event-block's maximum sea pickle count% pickles!"
    send "It had to have contained at least %event-block's minimum sea pickle count% pickles!"
    cancel event
    set event-block's sea pickle count to event-block's maximum sea pickle count
    send "This bad boy is going to hold so many pickles now!!"

Server Icon



  • [the] [((default)|(shown|sent))] [server] icon
Since: 2.3
Requirements: Paper 1.12.2 or newer
Return Type: Server Icon
Icon of the server in the server list. Can be set to an icon that loaded using the load server icon effect, or can be reset to the default icon in a server list ping. 'default server icon' returns the default server icon (server-icon.png) always and cannot be changed.


on script load:
    set {server-icons::default} to the default server icon




  • [all [[of] the]|the|every] %*type%
Since: unknown (before 1.4.2), 2.7 (colors)
Return Type: Object
Returns a list of all the values of a type; useful for looping.


loop all attribute types:
    set loop-value attribute of player to 10
    message "Set attribute %loop-value% to 10!"




Since: 1.3.7
Return Type: Living Entity
The shooter of a projectile.


shooter is a skeleton

Shuffled List



Since: 2.2-dev32
Return Type: Object
Shuffles given list randomly. This is done by replacing indices by random numbers in resulting list.


set {_list::*} to shuffled {_list::*}

Sign Text



  • [the] line %number% [of %block%]
  • [the] (1st|first|2nd|second|3rd|third|4th|fourth) line [of %block%]
Since: 1.3
Return Type: Text
A line of text on a sign. Can be changed, but remember that there is a 16 character limit per line (including color codes that use 2 characters each).


on rightclick on sign:
    line 2 of the clicked block is "[Heal]":
        heal the player
    set line 3 to "%player%"

Slot Index



  • [the] [(raw|unique)] index of %slots%
  • %slots%'[s] [(raw|unique)] index
Since: 2.2-dev35, INSERT VERSION (raw index)
Return Type: long
Index of an an inventory slot. Other types of slots may or may not have indices. Note that comparing slots with numbers is also possible; if index of slot is same as the number, comparisonsucceeds. This expression is mainly for the cases where you must for some reason save the slot numbers.

Raw index of slot is unique for the view, see Minecraft Wiki


if index of event-slot is 10:
    send "You bought a pie!"

if display name of player's top inventory is "Custom Menu": # 3 rows inventory
    if raw index of event-slot > 27: # outside custom inventory
        cancel event

Sorted List



Since: 2.2-dev19
Return Type: Object
Sorts given list in natural order. All objects in list must be comparable; if they're not, this expression will return nothing.


set {_sorted::*} to sorted {_players::*}

Source Block



  • [the] source block
Since: 2.7
Usable in events: Spread
Return Type: Block
The source block in a spread event.


on spread:
    if the source block is a grass block:
        set the source block to a dirt block




  • [the] spawn[s] [(point|location)[s]] [of %worlds%]
  • %worlds%'[s] spawn[s] [(point|location)[s]]
Since: 1.4.2
Return Type: Location
The spawn point of a world.


teleport all players to spawn
set the spawn point of "world" to the player's location

Spawn Reason



  • [the] spawn[ing] reason
Since: 2.3
Return Type: Spawn Reason
The spawn reason in a spawn event.


on spawn:
    spawn reason is reinforcements or breeding

Spawner Type



  • [the] (spawner|entity|creature) type[s] of %blocks%
  • %blocks%'[s] (spawner|entity|creature) type[s]
Since: 2.4
Return Type: Entity Type
Retrieves, sets, or resets the spawner's entity type


on right click:
    if event-block is spawner:
        send "Spawner's type is %target block's entity type%"

Special Number



  • (NaN|[(-|minus)](infinity|∞)) value
  • value of (NaN|[(-|minus)](infinity|∞))
Since: 2.2-dev32d
Return Type: Number
Special number values, namely NaN, Infinity and -Infinity


if {_number} is NaN value:

Spectator Target



Since: 2.4-alpha4, 2.7 (Paper Spectator Event)
Requirements: Paper
Return Type: Entity
Grabs the spectator target entity of the players.


on player start spectating of player:
    message "&c%spectator target% currently has %{game::kills::%spectator target%}% kills!" to the player

on player stop spectating:
    past spectator target was a zombie
    set spectator target to the nearest skeleton




  • [the] (walk[ing]|fl(y[ing]|ight))[( |-)]speed of %players%
  • %players%'[s] (walk[ing]|fl(y[ing]|ight))[( |-)]speed
Since: unknown (before 2.1)
Return Type: Number
A player's walking or flying speed. Both can be changed, but values must be between -1 and 1 (excessive values will be changed to -1 or 1 respectively). Negative values reverse directions. Please note that changing a player's speed will change their FOV just like potions do.


set the player's walk speed to 1
increase the argument's fly speed by 0.1




  • [the] (part|sub[ ](text|string)) of %texts% (between|from) [ind(ex|ices)|character[s]] %number% (and|to) [(index|character)] %number%
  • [the] (first|last) [%number%] character[s] of %texts%
  • [the] %number% (first|last) characters of %texts%
  • [the] character[s] at [(index|position|indexes|indices|positions)] %numbers% (in|of) %texts%
Since: 2.1, 2.5.2 (character at, multiple strings support)
Return Type: Text
Extracts part of a text. You can either get the first <x> characters, the last <x> characters, the character at index <x>, or the characters between indices <x> and <y>. The indices <x> and <y> should be between 1 and the length of the text (other values will be fit into this range).


set {_s} to the first 5 characters of the text argument
message "%subtext of {_s} from characters 2 to (the length of {_s} - 1)%" # removes the first and last character from {_s} and sends it to the player or console
set {_characters::*} to characters at 1, 2 and 7 in player's display name
send the last character of all players' names

TPS (ticks per second)



  • tps from [the] last ([1] minute|1[ ]m[inute])
  • tps from [the] last 5[ ]m[inutes]
  • tps from [the] last 15[ ]m[inutes]
  • [the] tps
Since: 2.2-dev36
Return Type: Number
Returns the 3 most recent TPS readings, like the /tps command. This expression is only supported on some server software (PaperSpigot).


broadcast "%tps%"




  • [the] tamer
Since: 2.2-dev25
Return Type: Player
The tamer of an entity. Can only be used in entity tame events. You can use 'event-entity' to refer tamed entity itself.


on tame:
    if the tamer is a player:
        send "someone tamed something!" to console




Since: 1.4.2, 2.7 (Reset)
Return Type: Entity
For players this is the entity at the crosshair. For mobs and experience orbs this is the entity they are attacking/following (if any).


on entity target:
    if entity's target is a player:
        send "You're being followed by an %entity%!" to target of entity

reset target of entity # Makes the entity target-less
delete targeted entity of player # for players it will delete the target
delete target of last spawned zombie # for entities it will make them target-less

Targeted Block



  • [the] target[ed] block[s] [of %players%]
  • %players%'[s] target[ed] block[s]
  • [the] actual[ly] target[ed] block[s] [of %players%]
  • %players%'[s] actual[ly] target[ed] block[s]
Since: 1.0
Return Type: Block
The block at the crosshair. This regards all blocks that are not air as fully solid, e.g. torches will be like a solid stone block for this expression.


# A command to set the block a player looks at to a specific type:
command /setblock &lt;material&gt;:
        set targeted block to argument

Teleport Cause



  • [the] teleport (cause|reason|type)
Since: 2.2-dev35
Return Type: Teleport Cause
The teleport cause within a player teleport event.


on teleport:
    teleport cause is nether portal, end portal or end gateway




  • [the] temperature[s] of %blocks%
  • %blocks%'[s] temperature[s]
Since: 2.2-dev35
Return Type: Number
Temperature at given block.


message "%temperature of the targeted block%"




Since: 2.2-dev36
Return Type: Object
A shorthand expression for returning something based on a condition.


set {points} to 500 if {admin::%player's uuid%} is set else 100

The Egg



  • [the] [thrown] egg
Since: 2.7
Usable in events: Egg Throw
Return Type: Projectile
The egg thrown in a Player Egg Throw event.


spawn an egg at the egg




  • [the] time[s] [([with]in|of) %worlds%]
  • %worlds%'[s] time[s]
Since: 1.0
Return Type: Time
The time of a world.


time in world is between 18:00 and 6:00:
    broadcast "It's night-time, watch out for monsters!"

Time Played



Since: 2.5, 2.7 (offline players)
Requirements: MC 1.15+ (offline players)
Return Type: Timespan
The amount of time a player has played for on the server. This info is stored in the player's statistics in the main world's data folder. Changing this will also change the player's stats which can be views in the client's statistics menu. Using this expression on offline players on Minecraft 1.14 and below will return nothing <none>.


set {_t} to time played of player
if player's time played is greater than 10 minutes:
    give player a diamond sword

set player's time played to 0 seconds

Time Since



  • [the] time since %dates%
Since: 2.5
Return Type: Timespan
The time that has passed since a date. If the given date is in the future, a value will not be returned.


send "%time since 5 minecraft days ago% has passed since 5 minecraft days ago!" to player




  • [the] ((tool|held item|weapon)|(off[ ]hand (tool|item))) [of %living entities%]
  • %living entities%'[s] ((tool|held item|weapon)|(off[ ]hand (tool|item)))
Since: 1.0
Return Type: Slot
The item an entity is holding in their main or off hand.


player's tool is a pickaxe
player's off hand tool is a shield
set tool of all players to a diamond sword
set offhand tool of target entity to a bow

Total Experience



Since: 2.7
Return Type: integer
The total experience, in points, of players or experience orbs. Adding to a player's experience will trigger Mending, but setting their experience will not.


set total experience of player to 100

add 100 to player's experience

if player's total experience is greater than 100:
    set player's total experience to 0
    give player 1 diamond

Type of



Since: 1.4, 2.5.2 (potion effect), 2.7 (block datas)
Return Type: Object
Type of a block, item, entity, inventory or potion effect. Types of items, blocks and block datas are item types similar to them but have amounts of one, no display names and, on Minecraft 1.13 and newer versions, are undamaged. Types of entities and inventories are entity types and inventory types known to Skript. Types of potion effects are potion effect types.


on rightclick on an entity:
    message "This is a %type of clicked entity%!"




Since: 2.1.2, 2.2 (offline players' UUIDs), 2.2-dev24 (other entities' UUIDs)
Return Type: Text
The UUID of a player, entity or world. In the future there will be an option to use a player's UUID instead of the name in variable names (i.e. when %player% is used), but for now this can be used. Please note that this expression does not work for offline players if you are under 1.8!


# prevents people from joining the server if they use the name of a player
# who has played on this server at least once since this script has been added
on login:
    if {uuid::%name of player%} exists:
        {uuid::%name of player%} is not uuid of player
        kick player due to "Someone with your name has played on this server before"
        set {uuid::%name of player%} to uuid of player

Unbreakable Items



Since: 2.2-dev13b
Return Type: Item Type
Creates unbreakable copies of given items.


unbreakable iron sword #Creates unbreakable iron sword

Unix Date



Since: 2.5
Return Type: Date
Converts given Unix timestamp to a date. The Unix timespan represents the number of seconds elapsed since 1 January 1970.


unix date of 946684800 #1 January 2000 12:00 AM (UTC Time)

Unix Timestamp



  • [the] unix timestamp of %dates%
  • %dates%'[s] unix timestamp
Since: 2.2-dev31
Return Type: Number
Converts given date to Unix timestamp. This is roughly how many seconds have elapsed since 1 January 1970.


unix timestamp of now

Value Within



Since: 2.7
Return Type: Object
Gets the value within objects. Usually used with variables to get the value they store rather than the variable itself, or with lists to get the values of a type.


set {_entity} to a random entity out of all entities
delete entity within {_entity} # This deletes the entity itself and not the value stored in the variable

set {_list::*} to "something", 10, "test" and a zombie
broadcast the strings within {_list::*} # "something", "test"

Vectors - Angle Between



Since: 2.2-dev28
Return Type: Number
Gets the angle between two vectors.


send "%the angle between vector 1, 0, 0 and vector 0, 1, 1%"

Vectors - Arithmetic



Since: 2.2-dev28
Return Type: Vector
Arithmetic expressions for vectors.


set {_v} to vector 1, 2, 3 // 5
set {_v} to {_v} ++ {_v}
set {_v} to {_v} ++ 5
set {_v} to {_v} -- {_v}
set {_v} to {_v} -- 5
set {_v} to {_v} ** {_v}
set {_v} to {_v} ** 5
set {_v} to {_v} // {_v}
set {_v} to {_v} // 5

Vectors - Create from Direction



Return Type: Vector
Creates vectors from given directions. Relative directions are relative to the origin, (0, 0, 0). Therefore, the vector from the direction 'forwards' is (0, 0, 1).


set {_v} to vector from direction upwards
set {_v} to vector in direction of player
set {_v} to vector in horizontal direction of player
set {_v} to vector from facing of player
set {_v::*} to vectors from north, south, east, and west

Vectors - Create from XYZ



Since: 2.2-dev28
Return Type: Vector
Creates a vector from x, y and z values.


set {_v} to vector 0, 1, 0

Vectors - Cross Product



Since: 2.2-dev28
Return Type: Vector
Gets the cross product between two vectors.


send "%vector 1, 0, 0 cross vector 0, 1, 0%"

Vectors - Cylindrical Shape



  • [a] [new] cylindrical vector [(from|with)] [radius] %number%, [yaw] %number%(,| and) [height] %number%
Since: 2.2-dev28
Return Type: Vector
Forms a 'cylindrical shaped' vector using yaw to manipulate the current point.


loop 360 times:
    set {_v} to cylindrical vector radius 1, yaw loop-value, height 2
set {_v} to cylindrical vector radius 1, yaw 90, height 2

Vectors - Dot Product



Since: 2.2-dev28
Return Type: Number
Gets the dot product between two vectors.


set {_v} to {_v2} dot {_v3}

Vectors - Length



  • [the] (vector|standard|normal) length[s] of %vectors%
  • %vectors%'[s] (vector|standard|normal) length[s]
Since: 2.2-dev28
Return Type: Number
Gets or sets the length of a vector.


send "%standard length of vector 1, 2, 3%"
set {_v} to vector 1, 2, 3
set standard length of {_v} to 2
send "%standard length of {_v}%"

Vectors - Location Vector Offset



Since: 2.2-dev28
Return Type: Location
Returns the location offset by vectors.


set {_loc} to {_loc} ~ {_v}

Vectors - Normalized



Since: 2.2-dev28
Return Type: Vector
Returns the same vector but with length 1.


set {_v} to normalized {_v}

Vectors - Random Vector



  • [a] random vector
Since: 2.2-dev28, 2.7 (signed components)
Return Type: Vector
Creates a random unit vector.


set {_v} to a random vector

Vectors - Spherical Shape



  • [new] spherical vector [(from|with)] [radius] %number%, [yaw] %number%(,| and) [pitch] %number%
Since: 2.2-dev28
Return Type: Vector
Forms a 'spherical shaped' vector using yaw and pitch to manipulate the current point.


loop 360 times:
    set {_v} to spherical vector radius 1, yaw loop-value, pitch loop-value
set {_v} to spherical vector radius 1, yaw 45, pitch 90

Vectors - Squared Length



  • [the] squared length[s] of %vectors%
  • %vectors%'[s] squared length[s]
Since: 2.2-dev28
Return Type: Number
Gets the squared length of a vector.


send "%squared length of vector 1, 2, 3%"

Vectors - Vector Between Locations



Since: 2.2-dev28
Return Type: Vector
Creates a vector between two locations.


set {_v} to vector between {_loc1} and {_loc2}

Vectors - Vector Projection



Return Type: Vector
An expression to get the vector projection of two vectors.


set {_projection} to vector projection of vector(1, 2, 3) onto vector(4, 4, 4)

Vectors - Vector from Location



Since: 2.2-dev28
Return Type: Vector
Creates a vector from a location.


set {_v} to vector of {_loc}

Vectors - Vector from Pitch and Yaw



  • [a] [new] vector (from|with) yaw %number% and pitch %number%
Since: 2.2-dev28
Return Type: Vector
Creates a vector from a yaw and pitch value.


set {_v} to vector from yaw 45 and pitch 45

Vectors - Velocity



Since: 2.2-dev31
Return Type: Vector
Gets or changes velocity of an entity.


set player's velocity to {_v}

Vectors - XYZ Component



  • [the] [vector] (x|y|z) [component[s]] of %vectors%
  • %vectors%'[s] [vector] (x|y|z) [component[s]]
Since: 2.2-dev28
Return Type: Number
Gets or changes the x, y or z component of a vector.


set {_v} to vector 1, 2, 3
send "%x of {_v}%, %y of {_v}%, %z of {_v}%"
add 1 to x of {_v}
add 2 to y of {_v}
add 3 to z of {_v}
send "%x of {_v}%, %y of {_v}%, %z of {_v}%"
set x component of {_v} to 1
set y component of {_v} to 2
set z component of {_v} to 3
send "%x component of {_v}%, %y component of {_v}%, %z component of {_v}%"




Since: 2.0
Return Type: Entity
The vehicle an entity is in, if any. This can actually be any entity, e.g. spider jockeys are skeletons that ride on a spider, so the spider is the 'vehicle' of the skeleton. See also: passenger


vehicle of the player is a minecart




  • ([craft]bukkit|minecraft|skript)( |-)version
Since: 2.0
Return Type: Text
The version of Bukkit, Minecraft or Skript respectively.


message "This server is running Minecraft %minecraft version% on Bukkit %bukkit version%"
message "This server is powered by Skript %skript version%"

Version String



  • [the] [shown|custom] version [string|text]
Since: 2.3
Usable in events: Server List Ping
Requirements: Paper 1.12.2+
Return Type: Text
The text to show if the protocol version of the server doesn't match with protocol version of the client. You can check the protocol version expression for more information about this. This can only be set in a server list ping event.


on server list ping:
    set the protocol version to 0 # 13w41a (1.7), so it will show the version string always
    set the version string to "&lt;light green&gt;Version: &lt;orange&gt;%minecraft version%"

View Distance



Since: 2.4
Requirements: Paper
Return Type: integer
The view distance of a player as set by the server. Can be changed. NOTE: This is the view distance sent by the server to the player. This has nothing to do with client side view distance settings NOTE: This may not work on some versions (such as MC 1.14.x). The return value in this case will be the view distance set in system.properties.


set view distance of player to 10
set {_view} to view distance of player
reset view distance of all players
add 2 to view distance of player

View Distance of Client



  • [the] client view distance[s] of %players%
  • %players%'[s] client view distance[s]
Since: 2.5
Requirements: 1.13.2+
Return Type: long
The view distance of the client. Can not be changed. This differs from the server side view distance of player as this will retrieve the view distance the player has set on their client.


set {_clientView} to the client view distance of player
set view distance of player to client view distance of player




Since: 1.0
Usable in events: weather change
Return Type: Weather Type
The weather in the given or the current world.


set weather to clear
weather in "world" is rainy




  • [the] white[ ]list
Since: 2.5.2
Return Type: Offline Player
A server's whitelist.This expression can be used to add/remove players to/from the whitelist, to enable it and disable it (set whitelist to true / set whitelist to false), and to empty it (reset whitelist)


set whitelist to false
add all players to whitelist
reset the whitelist




Since: 1.0
Return Type: World
The world the event occurred in.


world is "world_nether"
teleport the player to the world's spawn
set the weather in the player's world to rain
set {_world} to world of event-chunk

World Environment



  • [the] [world] environment of %worlds%
  • %worlds%'[s] [world] environment
Since: 2.7
Return Type: World Environment
The environment of a world


if environment of player's world is nether:
    apply fire resistance to player for 10 minutes

World Seed



Since: 2.2-dev35
Return Type: long
The seed of given world. Note that it will be returned as Minecraft internally treats seeds, not as you specified it in world configuration.


broadcast "Seed: %seed of player's world%"

World from Name



  • [the] world [(named|with name)] %text%
Since: 2.6.1
Return Type: World
Returns the world from a string.


world named {game::world-name}
the world "world"




  • [(all [[of] the]|the)] worlds
Since: 1.0
Return Type: World
All worlds of the server, useful for looping.


loop all worlds:
    broadcast "You're in %loop-world%" to loop-world

X Times



Since: 1.4.6
Return Type: long
Integers between 1 and X, used in loops to loop X times.


loop 20 times:
    broadcast "%21 - loop-number% seconds left.."
    wait 1 second

X of Item



Since: 1.2
Return Type: Object
An expression to be able to use a certain amount of items where the amount can be any expression. Please note that this expression is not stable and might be replaced in the future.


give level of player of pickaxes to the player

Yaw / Pitch



Since: 2.0, 2.2-dev28 (vector yaw/pitch)
Return Type: Number
The yaw or pitch of a location or vector.


log "%player%: %location of player%, %player's yaw%, %player's pitch%" to "playerlocs.log"
set {_yaw} to yaw of player
set {_p} to pitch of target entity
\ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/functions.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/functions.html index b763329f42..0393011ba5 100644 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/functions.html +++ b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/functions.html @@ -1 +1 @@ - Skript Documentation - 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c



These functions are defined by Skript. You may also create your own functions! Tutorial for doing so is planned, but right now you need to seek it elsewhere.




  • abs(n: number)
Since: 2.2
Return Type: Number
Returns the absolute value of the argument, i.e. makes the argument positive.


abs(3) = 3
abs(-2) = 2




  • acos(n: number)
Since: 2.2
Return Type: Number
The inverse of the cosine, also called arccos. Returns result in degrees, not radians. Only returns values from 0 to 180.


acos(0) = 90
acos(1) = 0
acos(0.5) = 30




  • asin(n: number)
Since: 2.2
Return Type: Number
The inverse of the sine, also called arcsin. Returns result in degrees, not radians. Only returns values from -90 to 90.


asin(0) = 0
asin(1) = 90
asin(0.5) = 30




  • atan(n: number)
Since: 2.2
Return Type: Number
The inverse of the tangent, also called arctan. Returns result in degrees, not radians. Only returns values from -90 to 90.


atan(0) = 0
atan(1) = 45
atan(10000) = 89.9943




  • atan2(x: number, y: number)
Since: 2.2
Return Type: Number
Similar to atan, but requires two coordinates and returns values from -180 to 180. The returned angle is measured counterclockwise in a standard mathematical coordinate system (x to the right, y to the top).


atan2(0, 1) = 0
atan2(10, 0) = 90
atan2(-10, 5) = -63.4349




  • calcExperience(level: long)
Since: 2.2-dev32
Return Type: long
Calculates the total amount of experience needed to achieve given level from scratch in Minecraft.


Missing examples.




  • caseEquals(strs: strings)
Since: 2.5
Return Type: Boolean
Checks if the contents of a list of strings are strictly equal with case sensitivity.


caseEquals("hi", "Hi") = false
caseEquals("text", "text", "text") = true
caseEquals({some list variable::*})




  • ceil(n: number)
Since: 2.2
Return Type: long
Rounds a number up, i.e. returns the closest integer larger than or equal to the argument.


ceil(2.34) = 3
ceil(2) = 2
ceil(2.99) = 3




  • ceiling(n: number)
Since: 2.2
Return Type: long
Alias of ceil.


ceiling(2.34) = 3
ceiling(2) = 2
ceiling(2.99) = 3




  • clamp(values: numbers, min: number, max: number)
Return Type: Number
Clamps one or more values between two numbers.


clamp(5, 0, 10) = 5
clamp(5.5, 0, 5) = 5
clamp(0.25, 0, 0.5) = 0.25
clamp(5, 7, 10) = 7
clamp((5, 0, 10, 9, 13), 7, 10) = (7, 7, 10, 9, 10)
set {_clamped::*} to clamp({_values::*}, 0, 10)




  • cos(n: number)
Since: 2.2
Return Type: Number
The cosine function. This is basically the sine shifted by 90°, i.e. cos(a) = sin(a + 90°), for any number a. Uses degrees, not radians.


cos(0) = 1
cos(90) = 0




  • date(year: number, month: number, day: number, hour: number = [[integer:0]], minute: number = [[integer:0]], second: number = [[integer:0]], millisecond: number = [[integer:0]], zone_offset: number = [[double:NaN]], dst_offset: number = [[double:NaN]])
Since: 2.2
Return Type: Date
Creates a date from a year, month, and day, and optionally also from hour, minute, second and millisecond. A time zone and DST offset can be specified as well (in minutes), if they are left out the server's time zone and DST offset are used (the created date will not retain this information).


date(2014, 10, 1) # 0:00, 1st October 2014
date(1990, 3, 5, 14, 30) # 14:30, 5th May 1990
date(1999, 12, 31, 23, 59, 59, 999, -3*60, 0) # almost year 2000 in parts of Brazil (-3 hours offset, no DST)




  • exp(n: number)
Since: 2.2
Return Type: Number
The exponential function. You probably don't need this if you don't know what this is.


exp(0) = 1
exp(1) = 2.7183




  • floor(n: number)
Since: 2.2
Return Type: long
Rounds a number down, i.e. returns the closest integer smaller than or equal to the argument.


floor(2.34) = 2
floor(2) = 2
floor(2.99) = 2




  • ln(n: number)
Since: 2.2
Return Type: Number
The natural logarithm. You probably don't need this if you don't know what this is. Returns NaN (not a number) if the argument is negative.


ln(1) = 0
ln(exp(5)) = 5
ln(2) = 0.6931




  • location(x: number, y: number, z: number, world: world = event-world, yaw: number = [[integer:0]], pitch: number = [[integer:0]])
Since: 2.2
Return Type: Location
Creates a location from a world and 3 coordinates, with an optional yaw and pitch. If for whatever reason the world is not found, it will fallback to the server's main world.


location(0, 128, 0)
location(player's x-coordinate, player's y-coordinate + 5, player's z-coordinate, player's world, 0, 90)
location(0, 64, 0, world "world_nether")
location(100, 110, -145, world("my_custom_world"))




  • log(n: number, base: number = [[integer:10]])
Since: 2.2
Return Type: Number
A logarithm, with base 10 if none is specified. This is the inverse operation to exponentiation (for positive bases only), i.e. log(base ^ exponent, base) = exponent for any positive number 'base' and any number 'exponent'. Another useful equation is base ^ log(a, base) = a for any numbers 'base' and 'a'. Please note that due to how numbers are represented in computers, these equations do not hold for all numbers, as the computed values may slightly differ from the correct value. Returns NaN (not a number) if any of the arguments are negative.


log(100) = 2 # 10^2 = 100
log(16, 2) = 4 # 2^4 = 16




  • max(ns: numbers)
Since: 2.2
Return Type: Number
Returns the maximum number from a list of numbers.


max(1) = 1
max(1, 2, 3, 4) = 4
max({some list variable::*})




  • min(ns: numbers)
Since: 2.2
Return Type: Number
Returns the minimum number from a list of numbers.


min(1) = 1
min(1, 2, 3, 4) = 1
min({some list variable::*})




  • mod(d: number, m: number)
Since: 2.2
Return Type: Number
Returns the modulo of the given arguments, i.e. the remainder of the division d/m, where d and m are the arguments of this function. The returned value is always positive. Returns NaN (not a number) if the second argument is zero.


mod(3, 2) = 1
mod(256436, 100) = 36
mod(-1, 10) = 9




  • offlineplayer(nameoruuid: string)
Return Type: Offline Player
Returns a offline player from their name or UUID. This function will still return the player if they're online.


set {_p} to offlineplayer("Notch")
set {_p} to offlineplayer("069a79f4-44e9-4726-a5be-fca90e38aaf5")




  • player(nameoruuid: string, getexactplayer: boolean = [[boolean:false]])
Return Type: Player
Returns an online player from their name or UUID, if player is offline function will return nothing. Setting 'getExactPlayer' parameter to true will return the player whose name is exactly equal to the provided name instead of returning a player that their name starts with the provided name.


set {_p} to player("Notch") # will return an online player whose name is or starts with 'Notch'
set {_p} to player("Notch", true) # will return the only online player whose name is 'Notch'
set {_p} to player("069a79f4-44e9-4726-a5be-fca90e38aaf5") # &lt;none&gt; if player is offline




  • product(ns: numbers)
Since: 2.2
Return Type: Number
Calculates the product of a list of numbers.


product(1) = 1
product(2, 3, 4) = 24
product({some list variable::*})
product(2, {_v::*}, and the player's y-coordinate)




  • rgb(red: long, green: long, blue: long)
Since: 2.5
Return Type: Color
Returns a RGB color from the given red, green and blue parameters.


dye player's leggings rgb(120, 30, 45)




  • round(n: number, d: number = [[integer:0]])
Since: 2.2, 2.7 (decimal placement)
Return Type: Number
Rounds a number, i.e. returns the closest integer to the argument. Place a second argument to define the decimal placement.


round(2.34) = 2
round(2) = 2
round(2.99) = 3
round(2.5) = 3




  • sin(n: number)
Since: 2.2
Return Type: Number
The sine function. It starts at 0° with a value of 0, goes to 1 at 90°, back to 0 at 180°, to -1 at 270° and then repeats every 360°. Uses degrees, not radians.


sin(90) = 1
sin(60) = 0.866




  • sqrt(n: number)
Since: 2.2
Return Type: Number
The square root, which is the inverse operation to squaring a number (for positive numbers only). This is the same as (argument) ^ (1/2) – other roots can be calculated via number ^ (1/root), e.g. set {_l} to {_volume}^(1/3). Returns NaN (not a number) if the argument is negative.


sqrt(4) = 2
sqrt(2) = 1.4142
sqrt(-1) = NaN




  • sum(ns: numbers)
Since: 2.2
Return Type: Number
Sums a list of numbers.


sum(1) = 1
sum(2, 3, 4) = 9
sum({some list variable::*})
sum(2, {_v::*}, and the player's y-coordinate)




  • tan(n: number)
Since: 2.2
Return Type: Number
The tangent function. This is basically sin(arg)/cos(arg). Uses degrees, not radians.


tan(0) = 0
tan(45) = 1
tan(89.99) = 5729.5779




  • vector(x: number, y: number, z: number)
Since: 2.2-dev23
Return Type: Vector
Creates a new vector, which can be used with various expressions, effects and functions.


vector(0, 0, 0)




  • world(name: string)
Since: 2.2
Return Type: World
Gets a world from its name.


set {_nether} to world("%{_world}%_nether")
\ No newline at end of file + Skript Documentation - 2.8.0-dev-nightly-235b97a



These functions are defined by Skript. You may also create your own functions! Tutorial for doing so is planned, but right now you need to seek it elsewhere.




  • abs(n: number)
Since: 2.2
Return Type: Number
Returns the absolute value of the argument, i.e. makes the argument positive.


abs(3) = 3
abs(-2) = 2




  • acos(n: number)
Since: 2.2
Return Type: Number
The inverse of the cosine, also called arccos. Returns result in degrees, not radians. Only returns values from 0 to 180.


acos(0) = 90
acos(1) = 0
acos(0.5) = 30




  • asin(n: number)
Since: 2.2
Return Type: Number
The inverse of the sine, also called arcsin. Returns result in degrees, not radians. Only returns values from -90 to 90.


asin(0) = 0
asin(1) = 90
asin(0.5) = 30




  • atan(n: number)
Since: 2.2
Return Type: Number
The inverse of the tangent, also called arctan. Returns result in degrees, not radians. Only returns values from -90 to 90.


atan(0) = 0
atan(1) = 45
atan(10000) = 89.9943




  • atan2(x: number, y: number)
Since: 2.2
Return Type: Number
Similar to atan, but requires two coordinates and returns values from -180 to 180. The returned angle is measured counterclockwise in a standard mathematical coordinate system (x to the right, y to the top).


atan2(0, 1) = 0
atan2(10, 0) = 90
atan2(-10, 5) = -63.4349




  • calcExperience(level: long)
Since: 2.2-dev32
Return Type: long
Calculates the total amount of experience needed to achieve given level from scratch in Minecraft.


Missing examples.




  • caseEquals(strs: strings)
Since: 2.5
Return Type: Boolean
Checks if the contents of a list of strings are strictly equal with case sensitivity.


caseEquals("hi", "Hi") = false
caseEquals("text", "text", "text") = true
caseEquals({some list variable::*})




  • ceil(n: number)
Since: 2.2
Return Type: long
Rounds a number up, i.e. returns the closest integer larger than or equal to the argument.


ceil(2.34) = 3
ceil(2) = 2
ceil(2.99) = 3




  • ceiling(n: number)
Since: 2.2
Return Type: long
Alias of ceil.


ceiling(2.34) = 3
ceiling(2) = 2
ceiling(2.99) = 3




  • clamp(values: numbers, min: number, max: number)
Return Type: Number
Clamps one or more values between two numbers.


clamp(5, 0, 10) = 5
clamp(5.5, 0, 5) = 5
clamp(0.25, 0, 0.5) = 0.25
clamp(5, 7, 10) = 7
clamp((5, 0, 10, 9, 13), 7, 10) = (7, 7, 10, 9, 10)
set {_clamped::*} to clamp({_values::*}, 0, 10)




  • cos(n: number)
Since: 2.2
Return Type: Number
The cosine function. This is basically the sine shifted by 90°, i.e. cos(a) = sin(a + 90°), for any number a. Uses degrees, not radians.


cos(0) = 1
cos(90) = 0




  • date(year: number, month: number, day: number, hour: number = [[integer:0]], minute: number = [[integer:0]], second: number = [[integer:0]], millisecond: number = [[integer:0]], zone_offset: number = [[double:NaN]], dst_offset: number = [[double:NaN]])
Since: 2.2
Return Type: Date
Creates a date from a year, month, and day, and optionally also from hour, minute, second and millisecond. A time zone and DST offset can be specified as well (in minutes), if they are left out the server's time zone and DST offset are used (the created date will not retain this information).


date(2014, 10, 1) # 0:00, 1st October 2014
date(1990, 3, 5, 14, 30) # 14:30, 5th May 1990
date(1999, 12, 31, 23, 59, 59, 999, -3*60, 0) # almost year 2000 in parts of Brazil (-3 hours offset, no DST)




  • exp(n: number)
Since: 2.2
Return Type: Number
The exponential function. You probably don't need this if you don't know what this is.


exp(0) = 1
exp(1) = 2.7183




  • floor(n: number)
Since: 2.2
Return Type: long
Rounds a number down, i.e. returns the closest integer smaller than or equal to the argument.


floor(2.34) = 2
floor(2) = 2
floor(2.99) = 2




  • ln(n: number)
Since: 2.2
Return Type: Number
The natural logarithm. You probably don't need this if you don't know what this is. Returns NaN (not a number) if the argument is negative.


ln(1) = 0
ln(exp(5)) = 5
ln(2) = 0.6931




  • location(x: number, y: number, z: number, world: world = event-world, yaw: number = [[integer:0]], pitch: number = [[integer:0]])
Since: 2.2
Return Type: Location
Creates a location from a world and 3 coordinates, with an optional yaw and pitch. If for whatever reason the world is not found, it will fallback to the server's main world.


location(0, 128, 0)
location(player's x-coordinate, player's y-coordinate + 5, player's z-coordinate, player's world, 0, 90)
location(0, 64, 0, world "world_nether")
location(100, 110, -145, world("my_custom_world"))




  • log(n: number, base: number = [[integer:10]])
Since: 2.2
Return Type: Number
A logarithm, with base 10 if none is specified. This is the inverse operation to exponentiation (for positive bases only), i.e. log(base ^ exponent, base) = exponent for any positive number 'base' and any number 'exponent'. Another useful equation is base ^ log(a, base) = a for any numbers 'base' and 'a'. Please note that due to how numbers are represented in computers, these equations do not hold for all numbers, as the computed values may slightly differ from the correct value. Returns NaN (not a number) if any of the arguments are negative.


log(100) = 2 # 10^2 = 100
log(16, 2) = 4 # 2^4 = 16




  • max(ns: numbers)
Since: 2.2
Return Type: Number
Returns the maximum number from a list of numbers.


max(1) = 1
max(1, 2, 3, 4) = 4
max({some list variable::*})




  • min(ns: numbers)
Since: 2.2
Return Type: Number
Returns the minimum number from a list of numbers.


min(1) = 1
min(1, 2, 3, 4) = 1
min({some list variable::*})




  • mod(d: number, m: number)
Since: 2.2
Return Type: Number
Returns the modulo of the given arguments, i.e. the remainder of the division d/m, where d and m are the arguments of this function. The returned value is always positive. Returns NaN (not a number) if the second argument is zero.


mod(3, 2) = 1
mod(256436, 100) = 36
mod(-1, 10) = 9




  • offlineplayer(nameoruuid: string)
Return Type: Offline Player
Returns a offline player from their name or UUID. This function will still return the player if they're online.


set {_p} to offlineplayer("Notch")
set {_p} to offlineplayer("069a79f4-44e9-4726-a5be-fca90e38aaf5")




  • player(nameoruuid: string, getexactplayer: boolean = [[boolean:false]])
Return Type: Player
Returns an online player from their name or UUID, if player is offline function will return nothing. Setting 'getExactPlayer' parameter to true will return the player whose name is exactly equal to the provided name instead of returning a player that their name starts with the provided name.


set {_p} to player("Notch") # will return an online player whose name is or starts with 'Notch'
set {_p} to player("Notch", true) # will return the only online player whose name is 'Notch'
set {_p} to player("069a79f4-44e9-4726-a5be-fca90e38aaf5") # &amp;amp;lt;none&amp;amp;gt; if player is offline




  • product(ns: numbers)
Since: 2.2
Return Type: Number
Calculates the product of a list of numbers.


product(1) = 1
product(2, 3, 4) = 24
product({some list variable::*})
product(2, {_v::*}, and the player's y-coordinate)




  • rgb(red: long, green: long, blue: long)
Since: 2.5
Return Type: Color
Returns a RGB color from the given red, green and blue parameters.


dye player's leggings rgb(120, 30, 45)




  • round(n: number, d: number = [[integer:0]])
Since: 2.2, 2.7 (decimal placement)
Return Type: Number
Rounds a number, i.e. returns the closest integer to the argument. Place a second argument to define the decimal placement.


round(2.34) = 2
round(2) = 2
round(2.99) = 3
round(2.5) = 3




  • sin(n: number)
Since: 2.2
Return Type: Number
The sine function. It starts at 0° with a value of 0, goes to 1 at 90°, back to 0 at 180°, to -1 at 270° and then repeats every 360°. Uses degrees, not radians.


sin(90) = 1
sin(60) = 0.866




  • sqrt(n: number)
Since: 2.2
Return Type: Number
The square root, which is the inverse operation to squaring a number (for positive numbers only). This is the same as (argument) ^ (1/2) – other roots can be calculated via number ^ (1/root), e.g. set {_l} to {_volume}^(1/3). Returns NaN (not a number) if the argument is negative.


sqrt(4) = 2
sqrt(2) = 1.4142
sqrt(-1) = NaN




  • sum(ns: numbers)
Since: 2.2
Return Type: Number
Sums a list of numbers.


sum(1) = 1
sum(2, 3, 4) = 9
sum({some list variable::*})
sum(2, {_v::*}, and the player's y-coordinate)




  • tan(n: number)
Since: 2.2
Return Type: Number
The tangent function. This is basically sin(arg)/cos(arg). Uses degrees, not radians.


tan(0) = 0
tan(45) = 1
tan(89.99) = 5729.5779




  • vector(x: number, y: number, z: number)
Since: 2.2-dev23
Return Type: Vector
Creates a new vector, which can be used with various expressions, effects and functions.


vector(0, 0, 0)




  • world(name: string)
Since: 2.2
Return Type: World
Gets a world from its name.


set {_nether} to world("%{_world}%_nether")
\ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/index.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/index.html index 4118c2b2d3..929ec5c389 100644 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/index.html +++ b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/index.html @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ - Skript Documentation - 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c


Skript is (surprise, surprise) a scripting plugin for the Bukkit platform. It is easy to use for simple tasks, but you can also create really complex things with it. The syntax of Skript is close to English, but it is still not magic. While you might succeed with experimentation for simple tasks, for anything more complex you will need some guidance.

This is Skript's documentation. You will find all supported features of the plugin here, along with some useful examples. We don't have tutorials yet, but you can find good ones using whatever search engine you prefer.

Quick Look

 command /sethome:
+              Skript Documentation - 2.8.0-dev-nightly-235b97a            


Skript is (surprise, surprise) a scripting plugin for the Bukkit platform. It is easy to use for simple tasks, but you can also create really complex things with it. The syntax of Skript is close to English, but it is still not magic. While you might succeed with experimentation for simple tasks, for anything more complex you will need some guidance.

This is Skript's documentation. You will find all supported features of the plugin here, along with some useful examples. We don't have tutorials yet, but you can find good ones using whatever search engine you prefer.

Quick Look

 command /sethome:
      permission: skript.home # Permission required for this command
      description: Set your home # Description of this command
      executable by: players # Console won't be able to run this command
@@ -19,4 +19,4 @@
          # Teleport the player to their home
          teleport player to {home::%uuid of player%}
          send "&aYou have been teleported."

Latest Stable Version

Skript ${stable-version}

Latest Version

Skript ${latest-version}

Found something incorrect in this documentation? Please report it to the issue tracker.

We are looking for docs authors! Currently, the only documentation is generated automatically. It would be nice to have some hand-written content such as tutorials on the docs as well. For example, currently we don't have a tutorial on how to use loops here; This makes it harder for newcomers to learn. Check this issue for more details and if you're interested in helping out.

Documentation Repo • Site developed by Ayham Al-Ali • Site Version ${site-version} • Generated on 27/08/2023

\ No newline at end of file +

Latest Stable Version

Skript ${stable-version}

Latest Version

Skript ${latest-version}

Found something incorrect in this documentation? Please report it to the issue tracker.

We are looking for docs authors! Currently, the only documentation is generated automatically. It would be nice to have some hand-written content such as tutorials on the docs as well. For example, currently we don't have a tutorial on how to use loops here; This makes it harder for newcomers to learn. Check this issue for more details and if you're interested in helping out.

Documentation Repo • Site developed by Ayham Al-Ali • Site Version ${site-version} • Generated on 17/09/2023

\ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/allclasses-index.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/allclasses-index.html index 5374aaebf9..57b77aec70 100644 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/allclasses-index.html +++ b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/allclasses-index.html @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ -All Classes and Interfaces (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) +All Classes and Interfaces (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-235b97a API) @@ -109,10 +109,6 @@

All Classes and Interfaces<
Represents arithmetic for certain two types.
- -
- -
A simple iterator to iterate over an array.
@@ -140,7 +136,7 @@

All Classes and Interfaces<

Main usage is ExprInventoryInfo +
Main usage is ExprInventoryInfo This class allows Skript to return a block while being able to recognize it as InventoryHolder, You may only use this class if a expression's return type is an InventoryHolder.
@@ -307,198 +303,10 @@

All Classes and Interfaces<
Comparators are used to provide Skript with specific instructions for comparing two objects.
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A condition which must be fulfilled for the trigger to continue.
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Represents a config file.
@@ -594,69 +402,33 @@

All Classes and Interfaces<
- -
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+ +
A block that gets all data from the world, but either delays any changes by 1 tick of reflects them on a given BlockState depending on which constructor is used.
- -
+ +
Provides a description for annotated element in documentation.
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+ +
+ +
TODO list special expressions for events and event values TODO compare doc in code with changed one of the webserver and warn about differences?
- -
+ +
Sets documentation id for the annotated element.
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+ +
+ +
Represents an item of dropped item entity.
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An effect which is unconditionally executed when reached, and execution will usually continue with the next item of the trigger after this effect is executed (the stop effect @@ -671,142 +443,6 @@

All Classes and Interfaces<

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@@ -870,277 +506,32 @@

All Classes and Interfaces<
EnumUtils<E extends Enum<E>>
- -
Test environment information.
- -
- +
Resource that needs to be downloaded for the environment.
- -
Represents equipment slot of an entity.
- -
- -
+ +
+ +
Does nothing but print messages before the first error encountered and/or a message at the end if no error were encountered.
- -
+ +
The quality of a parse error.
- -
- -
A useful class for creating default expressions.
+ +
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+ +
Provides a list of examples to be used in documentation for annotated element.
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Cursor item slot is not actually an inventory slot, but an item which the player - has in their cursor when any inventory is open for them.
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- +
@@ -1148,468 +539,18 @@

All Classes and Interfaces<

A type of KeyValueEntryData designed to parse its value as an Expression.
- -
- -
A list of expressions.
- -
Used to define in which order to parse expressions.
- -
TODO actually allow to have triggers execute for cancelled events
- -
Provided for convenience: one can write 'event-world' instead of only 'world' to distinguish between the event-world and the loop-world.
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FIXME doesn't parse - update documentation when fixed
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Used to access a loop's current value.
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TODO make a 'line %number% of %text%' expression and figure out how to deal with signs (4 lines, delete = empty, etc...)
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- +
A type of KeyValueEntryData designed to parse its value as an Expression.
+ +
A list of expressions.
+ +
Used to define in which order to parse expressions.
@@ -1673,17 +614,13 @@

All Classes and Interfaces<
- -
- -
+ +
A PatternElement that represents a group, for example (test).
- -
- +
Hook<P extends org.bukkit.plugin.Plugin>
@@ -1692,164 +629,152 @@

All Classes and Interfaces<

- -
- -
- -
+ +
+ +
A line of a config that could not be parsed.
- -
+ +
Represents a slot in some inventory.
- -
Deprecated. + +
This class is no longer exposed in newer versions.
- -
- -
+ +
+ +
Represents old ItemData (before aliases rework and MC 1.13).
- -
+ +
Contains bit mask flags for some item properties.
- -
+ +
Represents contents of an item frame.
- -
- -
+ +
+ +
Miscellaneous static utility methods related to items.
- -
- +
- +
- -
+ +
+ +
Handles common JRE-related incompatible field types.
- -
- -
+ +
+ +
An entry based on SimpleNodes containing a key and a value.
- -
+ +
Provides a list of keywords that will allow for easier documentation searching.
- -
+ +
A three-valued logic type (true, unknown, false), named after Stephen Cole Kleene.
- -
- -
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- -
+ +
+ +
+ +
+ +
Parse mode for links in chat messages.
- -
- +
- -
- -
+ +
A literal, e.g.
- -
+ +
A specific KeyValueEntryData type designed to parse the entry's value as a supported literal type.
- -
+ +
A list of literals.
- -
+ +
A PatternElement that contains a literal string to be matched, for example hello world.
- -
+ +
A class that contains methods based around making it easier to deal with UnparsedLiteral objects.
- -
- +
- +
- +
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- -
+ +
A log handler is used to handle Skripts logging.
- -
- -
+ +
+ +
Represents a loop section.
- -
- -
+ +
+ +
Marks the annotated element as being subject to removal in the future.
- -
+ +
How well two items match each other.
- -
+ +
A result from pattern matching.
- -
+ +
This class is not to be used by addons.
- -
+ +
Basic class to get text from the language file(s).
- -
+ +
Component for chat messages.
- -
- -
- -
- -
- -
- +
- + +
+ +
+ +
+ +
@@ -1904,16 +829,12 @@

All Classes and Interfaces<
- +
- -
- -
+ +
A object that can both be opened and closed.
- -
@@ -1977,49 +898,20 @@

All Classes and Interfaces<

- +
Main entry point of test platform.
- -
Contains utility methods related to players
- -
+ +
An ArgsMessage that pluralises words following numbers.
- -
- -
- + +
- -
This event has no guarantee of being on the main thread.
- -
This class can be used for an easier writing of conditions that contain only one type in the pattern, - and are in one of the following forms: - - something is something - something can something - something has something - - The plural and negated forms are also supported.
- -
See PropertyCondition for more info
- -
Represents an expression which represents a property of another one.
A class that acts as a "pseudo-enum", i.e.
@@ -2036,47 +928,33 @@

All Classes and Interfaces<
A PatternElement that contains a regex Pattern, for example <.+>.
- -
- -
RegionsPlugin<P extends org.bukkit.plugin.Plugin>
- -
+ +
Represents a relation between two objects.
- -
+ +
Allows checking whether releases are in this channel or not.
- -
+ +
Describes a Skript release.
- -
+ +
Status of currently installed release.
- -
+ +
Provides a list of plugins other than Skript that the annotated element requires to be used.
- -
Hook for Residence protection plugin.
- -
- -
Scripts are the primary container of all code.
@@ -2095,61 +973,53 @@

All Classes and Interfaces<
To be implemented on data objects for Script's Data API.
- -
- -
+ +
A ScriptEvent is used for listening to and performing actions for different Script events.
- -
+ +
A ScriptEvent that is called when a Script is made active in a ParserInstance.
- -
+ +
A ScriptEvent that is called when a Script is made inactive in a ParserInstance.
- -
- -
+ +
+ +
The main class for loading, unloading and reloading scripts.
- -
+ +
A class for keeping track of the general content of a script: The amount of files The amount of structures
- -
+ +
An enum containing Script warnings that can be suppressed.
- -
- -
- -
+ +
A section that can decide what it does with its contents, as code isn't parsed by default.
- -
- -
+ +
+ +
A simple entry data class for handling SectionNodes.
- -
- -
+ +
+ +
To be used in sections that delay the execution of their code through a Trigger.
- -
- +
Deprecated. @@ -2194,28 +1064,22 @@

All Classes and Interfaces<
A very basic SkriptEvent which returns true for all events (i.e.
- -
- -
+ +
An implementation of the Expression interface.
- -
+ +
A JavaFunction which doesn't make use of the FunctionEvent instance and that cannot accept empty / null parameters.
- -
+ +
Represents a literal, i.e.
- -
- -
A base class for property expressions that requires only few overridden methods
+ +
Provides the version of plugin when was the annotated element added.
@@ -2265,16 +1129,8 @@

All Classes and Interfaces<

- -
Class that helps the JUnit test communicate with Skript.
- -
- -
Internally used for parsing `parse if` sections
+ +
Used for parsing my custom patterns.
@@ -2287,65 +1143,43 @@

All Classes and Interfaces<
- -
Called when Skript starts (after everything was loaded)
- -
Called when Skript stops (before anything is unloaded)
- +
Raised by Skript when tests are run.
- -
Static utils for Skript timings.
- -
+ +
Skript's update checker.
- -
Deprecated. + +
Slot stuff got its own package.
- -
+ +
Represents a container for a single item.
- -
+ +
Represents a slot which has index.
- -
- +
- -
+ +
+ +
TODO create a metadata table to store some properties (e.g.
- -
+ +
Supertype of conditions and effects
- -
- -
- -
- -
- -
- +
- -
- + +
@@ -2363,10 +1197,6 @@

All Classes and Interfaces<

- -
- -
@@ -2379,22 +1209,6 @@

All Classes and Interfaces<
- -
Functions available only to testing scripts.
- -
Static utilities for Skript's 'test mode'.
- -
Contains test results: successes, failures and doc failure.
- -
Tracks failed and succeeded tests.
Represents the displayed item of a throwable projectile.
@@ -2481,94 +1295,86 @@

All Classes and Interfaces<
A type of KeyValueEntryData designed to parse its value as a VariableString.
- +
- +
- -
- -
- -
- + +
- +
- +
- +
- -
+ +
+ +
An empty line or a comment.
- -
- -
- + +
Utility class for Bukkit worlds
- -
Represents an expression which is a wrapper of another one.
- -
- -
+ +
+ +
Yggdrasil is a simple data format to store object graphs.
- -
+ +
Thrown if the object(s) that should be saved/loaded with Yggdrasil do not comply with its requirements, or if Yggdrasil is used incorrectly.
- -
+ +
Can be used to set a class's or field's id used by Yggdrasil.
- -
- +
- -
+ +
+ +
Marks a class as serialisable by Yggdrasil.
- -
+ +
A class that has transient fields or more generally wants to exactly define which fields to write to/read from stream should implement this interface.
- -
+ +
Provides a method to resolve missing enum constants.
- -
+ +
A class that has had fields added, changed, or removed from it should implement this interface to handle the now invalid/missing fields that may still be read from stream.
- -
+ +
Serializer that allows Yggdrasil to automatically serialize classes that extend YggdrasilSerializable.
- -
+ +
Utility to be able to save and load classes with Yggdrasil that the user has no control of, e.g.
- -
Deprecated. + +
XML has so many quirks that storing arbitrary data cannot be guaranteed.
- -
Deprecated. + +
XML has so many quirks that storing arbitrary data cannot be guaranteed.
- -
+ +
diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/allpackages-index.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/allpackages-index.html index c3582a614f..353b45d0da 100644 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/allpackages-index.html +++ b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/allpackages-index.html @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ -All Packages (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) +All Packages (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-235b97a API) @@ -82,12 +82,6 @@

All Packages

Code related to handling commands, either Skript commands or custom script commands.
- -
Contains the default conditions of Skript.
- -
Code for loading & saving Skript's custom configuration files (actual configs & scripts).
@@ -98,54 +92,10 @@

All Packages

Code related to generation a documentation to be published on a website for example.
- +
Contains the default effects of Skript.
- -
Contains definitions of Minecraft's various entity types.
- -
Contains the default events of Skript.
- -
Custom Bukkit events.
- -
Contains the default expression of Skript.
- -
Contains the default expression of Skript.
- -
- -
Hook interface & implementations for specific plugins.
- -
- -
- -
- -
- -
- -
- -
- -
- -
Contains all code related to parsing scripts.
@@ -174,88 +124,68 @@

All Packages

Contains classes used for registering new stuff to Skript.
- -
Code related to logging.
- -
Support for script-based testing.
- +
Support for script-based testing.
- -
Support for script-based testing.
- -
Utils for script-based testing.
Code related to item aliases.
- +
Code related to item aliases.
- +
Code related to item aliases.
Various utility classes and methods.
- +
Various utility classes and methods.
- +
Various utility classes and methods.
- -
Various utility classes and methods.
- -
- -
diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/PatcherTool.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/PatcherTool.html index d422579dee..4df76e017f 100644 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/PatcherTool.html +++ b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/PatcherTool.html @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ -PatcherTool (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) +PatcherTool (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-235b97a API) diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/ScriptLoader.ScriptInfo.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/ScriptLoader.ScriptInfo.html index 71186cbcd7..a705245539 100644 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/ScriptLoader.ScriptInfo.html +++ b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/ScriptLoader.ScriptInfo.html @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ -ScriptLoader.ScriptInfo (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) +ScriptLoader.ScriptInfo (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-235b97a API) diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/ScriptLoader.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/ScriptLoader.html index a2b7c3a99b..17a1834237 100644 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/ScriptLoader.html +++ b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/ScriptLoader.html @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ -ScriptLoader (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) +ScriptLoader (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-235b97a API) @@ -166,7 +166,7 @@

Method Summary

static List<SecLoop>
static List<ch.njol.skript.sections.SecLoop>
Deprecated. @@ -364,7 +364,7 @@

Method Summary

static void
setCurrentLoops(List<SecLoop> currentLoops)
setCurrentLoops(List<ch.njol.skript.sections.SecLoop> currentLoops)
Never use this method, it has no effect.
@@ -639,7 +639,7 @@



public static String replaceOptions(String string)
Replaces options in a string. - Options are obtained from a Script's StructOptions.OptionsData. + Options are obtained from a Script's StructOptions.OptionsData. Example: script.getData(OptionsData.class)
@@ -693,37 +693,37 @@


  • -




    @Deprecated -public static CompletableFuture<ScriptLoader.ScriptInfo> reloadScript(File scriptFile, - OpenCloseable openCloseable)
    +public static ScriptLoader.ScriptInfo unloadScript(File scriptFile)
  • -
    Reloads a single script.
    Unloads the provided script.
    scriptFile - The file representing the script to reload.
    scriptFile - The file representing the script to unload.
    Future of statistics of the newly loaded script.
    Statistics for the unloaded script.
  • -




    @Deprecated -public static ScriptLoader.ScriptInfo unloadScript(File scriptFile)
    +public static CompletableFuture<ScriptLoader.ScriptInfo> reloadScript(File scriptFile, + OpenCloseable openCloseable)
  • -
    Unloads the provided script.
    Reloads a single script.
    scriptFile - The file representing the script to unload.
    scriptFile - The file representing the script to reload.
    Statistics for the unloaded script.
    Future of statistics of the newly loaded script.
    @@ -889,7 +889,7 @@



    @Deprecated -public static List<SecLoop> getCurrentLoops()
    +public static List<ch.njol.skript.sections.SecLoop> getCurrentLoops()
    @@ -899,7 +899,7 @@



    @Deprecated -public static void setCurrentLoops(List<SecLoop> currentLoops)
    +public static void setCurrentLoops(List<ch.njol.skript.sections.SecLoop> currentLoops)
    Never use this method, it has no effect.
    diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/ServerPlatform.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/ServerPlatform.html index e1309a9ffa..2c9541a8a9 100644 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/ServerPlatform.html +++ b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/ServerPlatform.html @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ -ServerPlatform (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) +ServerPlatform (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-235b97a API) diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/Skript.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/Skript.html index 682b1176d6..1a24c41038 100644 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/Skript.html +++ b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/Skript.html @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ -Skript (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) +Skript (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-235b97a API) @@ -219,7 +219,7 @@

    Method Summary

    debug(String info)
    static void
    disableHookRegistration(Class<? extends Hook<?>>... hooks)
    disableHookRegistration(Class<? extends ch.njol.skript.hooks.Hook<?>>... hooks)
    Disables the registration for the given hook classes.
    @@ -354,7 +354,7 @@

    Method Summary

    static boolean
    isHookEnabled(Class<? extends Hook<?>> hook)
    isHookEnabled(Class<? extends ch.njol.skript.hooks.Hook<?>> hook)
    Checks whether a hook has been enabled.
    @@ -713,7 +713,7 @@


  • isHookEnabled

    public static boolean isHookEnabled(Class<? extends Hook<?>> hook)
    public static boolean isHookEnabled(Class<? extends ch.njol.skript.hooks.Hook<?>> hook)
    Checks whether a hook has been enabled.
    @@ -744,7 +744,7 @@



    @SafeVarargs -public static void disableHookRegistration(Class<? extends Hook<?>>... hooks)
    +public static void disableHookRegistration(Class<? extends ch.njol.skript.hooks.Hook<?>>... hooks)
  • Disables the registration for the given hook classes. If Skript has been enabled, this method will throw an API exception. It should be used in something like JavaPlugin.onLoad().
    diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/SkriptAPIException.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/SkriptAPIException.html index ea5208e282..ced85ed9d5 100644 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/SkriptAPIException.html +++ b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/SkriptAPIException.html @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ -SkriptAPIException (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) +SkriptAPIException (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-235b97a API) diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/SkriptAddon.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/SkriptAddon.html index f9ef32f73d..2aaea5b8bd 100644 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/SkriptAddon.html +++ b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/SkriptAddon.html @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ -SkriptAddon (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) +SkriptAddon (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-235b97a API) diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/SkriptCommand.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/SkriptCommand.html index 2d2ff868cc..425b3095a0 100644 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/SkriptCommand.html +++ b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/SkriptCommand.html @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ -SkriptCommand (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) +SkriptCommand (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-235b97a API) diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/SkriptCommandTabCompleter.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/SkriptCommandTabCompleter.html index c4df65fb81..d3b4b8578a 100644 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/SkriptCommandTabCompleter.html +++ b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/SkriptCommandTabCompleter.html @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ -SkriptCommandTabCompleter (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) +SkriptCommandTabCompleter (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-235b97a API) diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/SkriptConfig.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/SkriptConfig.html index 07fd8112a1..90dbef8806 100644 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/SkriptConfig.html +++ b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/SkriptConfig.html @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ -SkriptConfig (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) +SkriptConfig (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-235b97a API) diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/SkriptEventHandler.PriorityListener.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/SkriptEventHandler.PriorityListener.html index 8a5a54da66..618f479fb3 100644 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/SkriptEventHandler.PriorityListener.html +++ b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/SkriptEventHandler.PriorityListener.html @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ -SkriptEventHandler.PriorityListener (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) +SkriptEventHandler.PriorityListener (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-235b97a API) diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/SkriptEventHandler.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/SkriptEventHandler.html index 0d633ec81c..a2033e85ac 100644 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/SkriptEventHandler.html +++ b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/SkriptEventHandler.html @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ -SkriptEventHandler (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) +SkriptEventHandler (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-235b97a API) diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/SkriptUpdater.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/SkriptUpdater.html index 9c8523d2f2..5e9a21dd8f 100644 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/SkriptUpdater.html +++ b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/SkriptUpdater.html @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ -SkriptUpdater (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) +SkriptUpdater (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-235b97a API) diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/aliases/Aliases.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/aliases/Aliases.html index 7a3a26c364..cf262ab897 100644 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/aliases/Aliases.html +++ b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/aliases/Aliases.html @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ -Aliases (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) +Aliases (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-235b97a API) diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/aliases/AliasesMap.AliasData.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/aliases/AliasesMap.AliasData.html index f0a131d74d..77bde50b7f 100644 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/aliases/AliasesMap.AliasData.html +++ b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/aliases/AliasesMap.AliasData.html @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ -AliasesMap.AliasData (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) +AliasesMap.AliasData (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-235b97a API) diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/aliases/AliasesMap.Match.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/aliases/AliasesMap.Match.html index dae1156e3c..543f00fb98 100644 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/aliases/AliasesMap.Match.html +++ b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/aliases/AliasesMap.Match.html @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ -AliasesMap.Match (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) +AliasesMap.Match (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-235b97a API) diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/aliases/AliasesMap.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/aliases/AliasesMap.html index d7d71c1430..2292d1b7d4 100644 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/aliases/AliasesMap.html +++ b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/aliases/AliasesMap.html @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ -AliasesMap (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) +AliasesMap (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-235b97a API) diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/aliases/AliasesParser.PatternSlot.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/aliases/AliasesParser.PatternSlot.html index 702daa2e0c..719f266bec 100644 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/aliases/AliasesParser.PatternSlot.html +++ b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/aliases/AliasesParser.PatternSlot.html @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ -AliasesParser.PatternSlot (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) +AliasesParser.PatternSlot (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-235b97a API) diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/aliases/AliasesParser.VariationSlot.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/aliases/AliasesParser.VariationSlot.html index ae4bdc9cda..68ae75852e 100644 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/aliases/AliasesParser.VariationSlot.html +++ b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/aliases/AliasesParser.VariationSlot.html @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ -AliasesParser.VariationSlot (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) +AliasesParser.VariationSlot (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-235b97a API) diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/aliases/AliasesParser.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/aliases/AliasesParser.html index 86d194cbbe..5751225a6d 100644 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/aliases/AliasesParser.html +++ b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/aliases/AliasesParser.html @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ -AliasesParser (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) +AliasesParser (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-235b97a API) diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/aliases/AliasesProvider.AliasName.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/aliases/AliasesProvider.AliasName.html index 014d147b9e..11e4f3c261 100644 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/aliases/AliasesProvider.AliasName.html +++ b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/aliases/AliasesProvider.AliasName.html @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ -AliasesProvider.AliasName (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) +AliasesProvider.AliasName (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-235b97a API) diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/aliases/AliasesProvider.Variation.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/aliases/AliasesProvider.Variation.html index 7ad24cdf9b..83527a5c98 100644 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/aliases/AliasesProvider.Variation.html +++ b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/aliases/AliasesProvider.Variation.html @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ -AliasesProvider.Variation (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) +AliasesProvider.Variation (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-235b97a API) diff --git 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b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/aliases/AliasesProvider.html @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ -AliasesProvider (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) +AliasesProvider (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-235b97a API) diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/aliases/InvalidMinecraftIdException.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/aliases/InvalidMinecraftIdException.html index e679dc3e08..61f637cc08 100644 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/aliases/InvalidMinecraftIdException.html +++ b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/aliases/InvalidMinecraftIdException.html @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ -InvalidMinecraftIdException (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) +InvalidMinecraftIdException (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-235b97a API) diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/aliases/ItemData.OldItemData.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/aliases/ItemData.OldItemData.html index 39cf6554a0..68cc4192f2 100644 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/aliases/ItemData.OldItemData.html +++ b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/aliases/ItemData.OldItemData.html @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ -ItemData.OldItemData (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) +ItemData.OldItemData (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-235b97a API) diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/aliases/ItemData.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/aliases/ItemData.html index 154ef49ec9..c6e3c57890 100644 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/aliases/ItemData.html +++ b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/aliases/ItemData.html @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ -ItemData (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) +ItemData (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-235b97a API) @@ -238,7 +238,7 @@

    Method Summary

    Checks if this item type was created through ExprPlain +
    Checks if this item type was created through ExprPlain and thus has no modifications made to it.
    @@ -577,7 +577,7 @@



    public boolean isPlain()
    Checks if this item type was created through ExprPlain +
    Checks if this item type was created through ExprPlain and thus has no modifications made to it.
    @@ -610,7 +610,7 @@


    See Also:
    diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/aliases/ItemFlags.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/aliases/ItemFlags.html index 4941a90304..7188a3000f 100644 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/aliases/ItemFlags.html +++ b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/aliases/ItemFlags.html @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ -ItemFlags (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) +ItemFlags (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-235b97a API) diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/aliases/ItemType.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/aliases/ItemType.html index d6f18882f2..02ab2613db 100644 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/aliases/ItemType.html +++ b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/aliases/ItemType.html @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ -ItemType (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) +ItemType (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-235b97a API) diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/aliases/MatchQuality.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/aliases/MatchQuality.html index 5e307b6a43..7179befd21 100644 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/aliases/MatchQuality.html +++ b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/aliases/MatchQuality.html @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ -MatchQuality (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) +MatchQuality (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-235b97a API) diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/aliases/ScriptAliases.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/aliases/ScriptAliases.html index cfd45e9837..81bf9000cb 100644 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/aliases/ScriptAliases.html +++ 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2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) +BukkitUnsafe (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-235b97a API) diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/bukkitutil/BurgerHelper.Blocks.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/bukkitutil/BurgerHelper.Blocks.html index f3ae1ff67e..201d8c069c 100644 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/bukkitutil/BurgerHelper.Blocks.html +++ b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/bukkitutil/BurgerHelper.Blocks.html @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ -BurgerHelper.Blocks (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) +BurgerHelper.Blocks (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-235b97a API) diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/bukkitutil/BurgerHelper.Burger.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/bukkitutil/BurgerHelper.Burger.html index dc8f27da37..62e7e82c3f 100644 --- 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+2,7 @@ -ch.njol.skript.bukkitutil.block Class Hierarchy (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) +ch.njol.skript.bukkitutil.block Class Hierarchy (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-235b97a API) diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/bukkitutil/package-summary.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/bukkitutil/package-summary.html index 68ed2524ce..ef1d98d7e0 100644 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/bukkitutil/package-summary.html +++ b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/bukkitutil/package-summary.html @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ -ch.njol.skript.bukkitutil (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) +ch.njol.skript.bukkitutil (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-235b97a API) diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/bukkitutil/package-tree.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/bukkitutil/package-tree.html index 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a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/classes/ChainedConverter.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/classes/ChainedConverter.html index 2b5bcf8c31..3f2c12b8f1 100644 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/classes/ChainedConverter.html +++ b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/classes/ChainedConverter.html @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ -ChainedConverter (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) +ChainedConverter (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-235b97a API) diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/classes/Changer.ChangeMode.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/classes/Changer.ChangeMode.html index 0d9ec03821..2d108e61a8 100644 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/classes/Changer.ChangeMode.html +++ b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/classes/Changer.ChangeMode.html @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ -Changer.ChangeMode (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) +Changer.ChangeMode (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-235b97a API) diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/classes/Changer.ChangerUtils.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/classes/Changer.ChangerUtils.html index 71fa2f0956..9a567de8b6 100644 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/classes/Changer.ChangerUtils.html +++ b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/classes/Changer.ChangerUtils.html @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ -Changer.ChangerUtils (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) +Changer.ChangerUtils (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-235b97a API) diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/classes/Changer.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/classes/Changer.html index b914ac2907..3c310aea27 100644 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/classes/Changer.html +++ b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/classes/Changer.html @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ -Changer (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) +Changer (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-235b97a API) diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/classes/ClassInfo.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/classes/ClassInfo.html index 46ac75bc3d..1f3ba4880e 100644 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/classes/ClassInfo.html +++ b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/classes/ClassInfo.html @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ -ClassInfo (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) +ClassInfo (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-235b97a API) @@ -433,7 +433,7 @@


    See Also:
    diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/classes/Cloner.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/classes/Cloner.html index 8c54adaada..106a8eb4be 100644 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/classes/Cloner.html +++ b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/classes/Cloner.html @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ -Cloner (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) +Cloner (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-235b97a API) diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/classes/Comparator.ComparatorInfo.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/classes/Comparator.ComparatorInfo.html index 276b3075e1..fa429db2db 100644 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/classes/Comparator.ComparatorInfo.html +++ b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/classes/Comparator.ComparatorInfo.html @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ -Comparator.ComparatorInfo (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) +Comparator.ComparatorInfo (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-235b97a API) diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/classes/Comparator.Relation.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/classes/Comparator.Relation.html index 864f704a31..1d2ab38ae8 100644 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/classes/Comparator.Relation.html +++ b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/classes/Comparator.Relation.html @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ -Comparator.Relation (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) +Comparator.Relation (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-235b97a API) diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/classes/Comparator.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/classes/Comparator.html index 6f9a40e54e..9846b9f442 100644 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/classes/Comparator.html +++ b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/classes/Comparator.html @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ -Comparator (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) +Comparator (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-235b97a API) diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/classes/ConfigurationSerializer.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/classes/ConfigurationSerializer.html index ad0500405f..e1db8dfbbe 100644 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/classes/ConfigurationSerializer.html +++ b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/classes/ConfigurationSerializer.html @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ -ConfigurationSerializer (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) +ConfigurationSerializer (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-235b97a API) diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/classes/Converter.ConverterInfo.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/classes/Converter.ConverterInfo.html index d4325717eb..8393d520a8 100644 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/classes/Converter.ConverterInfo.html +++ b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/classes/Converter.ConverterInfo.html @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ -Converter.ConverterInfo (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) +Converter.ConverterInfo (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-235b97a API) diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/classes/Converter.ConverterUtils.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/classes/Converter.ConverterUtils.html index 1feb6d149c..d28fab7ab6 100644 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/classes/Converter.ConverterUtils.html +++ b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/classes/Converter.ConverterUtils.html @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ -Converter.ConverterUtils (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) +Converter.ConverterUtils (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-235b97a API) diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/classes/Converter.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/classes/Converter.html index 6cd0dd4e95..d772eba1d4 100644 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/classes/Converter.html +++ b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/classes/Converter.html @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ -Converter (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) +Converter (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-235b97a API) @@ -79,7 +79,7 @@

    Interface Converter<F,T>

    All Known Implementing Classes:
    ChainedConverter, ExprAge, ExprAI, ExprAltitude, ExprAnvilRepairCost, ExprAnvilText, ExprArmorSlot, ExprArrowKnockbackStrength, ExprArrowPierceLevel, ExprArrowsStuck, ExprAttachedBlock, ExprAttackCooldown, ExprBalance, ExprBed, ExprBlockData, ExprBlockHardness, ExprBookAuthor, ExprBookTitle, ExprCharges, ExprClientViewDistance, ExprCompassTarget, ExprCoordinate, ExprCreeperMaxFuseTicks, ExprCursorSlot, ExprCustomModelData, ExprDifficulty, ExprDurability, ExprEnchantmentOfferCost, ExprEnderChest, ExprEntityTamer, ExprExhaustion, ExprExplosiveYield, ExprEyeLocation, ExprFacing, ExprFallDistance, ExprFireTicks, ExprFlightMode, ExprFreezeTicks, ExprGlidingState, ExprGlowing, ExprGravity, ExprHighestSolidBlock, ExprHumidity, ExprItemAmount, ExprItemFrameSlot, ExprLanguage, ExprLastAttacker, ExprLastColor, ExprLastDamage, ExprLastLoginTime, ExprLastResourcePackResponse, ExprLeashHolder, ExprLength, ExprLevel, ExprLevelProgress, ExprMaxDurability, ExprMaxFreezeTicks, ExprMaxHealth, ExprMaxMinecartSpeed, ExprMaxStack, ExprMiddleOfLocation, ExprMinecartDerailedFlyingVelocity, ExprMoonPhase, ExprName, ExprNoDamageTicks, ExprPickupDelay, ExprPing, ExprPlayerlistHeaderFooter, ExprPlayerProtocolVersion, ExprPlayerViewDistance, ExprPlayerWeather, ExprPortalCooldown, ExprPrefixSuffix, ExprProjectileBounceState, ExprProjectileCriticalState, ExprRedstoneBlockPower, ExprRemainingAir, ExprSaturation, ExprSeaLevel, ExprSeaPickles, ExprSkull, ExprSlotIndex, ExprSpawnerType, ExprSpeed, ExprTemperature, ExprTimePlayed, ExprTimeSince, ExprTotalExperience, ExprTypeOf, ExprUnixDate, ExprUnixTicks, ExprUUID, ExprVectorLength, ExprVectorSquaredLength, ExprVectorXYZ, ExprVehicle, ExprVelocity, ExprWorldEnvironment, ExprYawPitch, Getter, SerializableGetter, SimplePropertyExpression
    ChainedConverter, Getter, SerializableGetter

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API) +ch.njol.skript.classes Class Hierarchy (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-235b97a API) diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/command/Argument.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/command/Argument.html index 9789a1e83b..66414977f3 100644 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/command/Argument.html +++ b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/command/Argument.html @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ -Argument (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) +Argument (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-235b97a API) diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/command/CommandEvent.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/command/CommandEvent.html index a0e9a35d96..e27e11883d 100644 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/command/CommandEvent.html +++ 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index 3f85de1a05..ba3e8fa46e 100644 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/command/Commands.CommandAliasHelpTopic.html +++ b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/command/Commands.CommandAliasHelpTopic.html @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ -Commands.CommandAliasHelpTopic (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) +Commands.CommandAliasHelpTopic (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-235b97a API) diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/command/Commands.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/command/Commands.html index 36cb6addac..c7092b7b98 100644 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/command/Commands.html +++ b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/command/Commands.html @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ -Commands (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) +Commands (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-235b97a API) diff --git 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b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/command/package-summary.html index 4c8d3c8096..17a5a7a7d1 100644 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/command/package-summary.html +++ b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/command/package-summary.html @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ -ch.njol.skript.command (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) +ch.njol.skript.command (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-235b97a API) diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/command/package-tree.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/command/package-tree.html index 542bc10413..eafde83f1e 100644 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/command/package-tree.html +++ b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/command/package-tree.html @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ -ch.njol.skript.command Class Hierarchy (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) +ch.njol.skript.command Class Hierarchy (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-235b97a API) diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/conditions/CondAI.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/conditions/CondAI.html deleted file mode 100644 index 498a214a09..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/conditions/CondAI.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,223 +0,0 @@ - - - - -CondAI (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -
    - -
    - -

    Class CondAI

    - -
    All Implemented Interfaces:
    Debuggable, SyntaxElement, Checker<org.bukkit.entity.LivingEntity>
    @Name("Has AI") -@Description("Checks whether an entity has AI.") -@Examples("target entity has ai") -@Since("2.5") -public class CondAI -extends PropertyCondition<org.bukkit.entity.LivingEntity>
    - -
      - -
    • -

      Constructor Details

      • -


        public CondAI()
      • -
    • - -
    • -

      Method Details

      • -


        public boolean check(org.bukkit.entity.LivingEntity entity)
        Specified by:
        check in interface Checker<org.bukkit.entity.LivingEntity>
        Specified by:
        check in class PropertyCondition<org.bukkit.entity.LivingEntity>
      • -
      • -


        protected String getPropertyName()
        Specified by:
        getPropertyName in class PropertyCondition<org.bukkit.entity.LivingEntity>
      • -
    • -
    - -
    - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/conditions/CondAlphanumeric.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/conditions/CondAlphanumeric.html deleted file mode 100644 index 4b1a8fa10a..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/conditions/CondAlphanumeric.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,258 +0,0 @@ - - - - -CondAlphanumeric (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -
    - -
    - -

    Class CondAlphanumeric

    - -
    All Implemented Interfaces:
    Debuggable, SyntaxElement
    @Name("Alphanumeric") -@Description("Checks if the given string is alphanumeric.") -@Examples({"if the argument is not alphanumeric:","\tsend \"Invalid name!\""}) -@Since("2.4") -public class CondAlphanumeric -extends Condition
    - -
      - -
    • -

      Constructor Details

      • -


        public CondAlphanumeric()
      • -
    • - -
    • -

      Method Details

      • -


        public boolean init(Expression<?>[] exprs, - int matchedPattern, - Kleenean isDelayed, - SkriptParser.ParseResult parseResult)
        Description copied from interface: SyntaxElement
        Called just after the constructor.
        exprs - all %expr%s included in the matching pattern in the order they appear in the pattern. If an optional value was left out it will still be included in this list - holding the default value of the desired type which usually depends on the event.
        matchedPattern - The index of the pattern which matched
        isDelayed - Whether this expression is used after a delay or not (i.e. if the event has already passed when this expression will be called)
        parseResult - Additional information about the match.
        Whether this expression was initialised successfully. An error should be printed prior to returning false to specify the cause.
        See Also:
        - -
      • -
      • -


        public boolean check(org.bukkit.event.Event e)
        Description copied from class: Condition
        Checks whether this condition is satisfied with the given event. This should not alter the event or the world in any way, as conditions are only checked until one returns - false. All subsequent conditions of the same trigger will then be omitted.
        - You might want to use SimpleExpression.check(Event, Checker)
        Specified by:
        check in class Condition
        e - the event to check
        true if the condition is satisfied, false otherwise or if the condition doesn't apply to this event.
      • -
      • -


        public String toString(@Nullable org.bukkit.event.Event e, - boolean debug)
        e - The event to get information to. This is always null if debug == false.
        debug - If true this should print more information, if false this should print what is shown to the end user
        String representation of this object
      • -
    • -
    - -
    - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/conditions/CondAnchorWorks.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/conditions/CondAnchorWorks.html deleted file mode 100644 index 697775c4b1..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/conditions/CondAnchorWorks.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,259 +0,0 @@ - - - - -CondAnchorWorks (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -
    - -
    - -

    Class CondAnchorWorks

    - -
    All Implemented Interfaces:
    Debuggable, SyntaxElement
    @Name("Do Respawn Anchors Work") -@Description("Checks whether or not respawn anchors work in a world.") -@Examples("respawn anchors work in world \"world_nether\"") -@RequiredPlugins("Minecraft 1.16+") -@Since("2.7") -public class CondAnchorWorks -extends Condition
    - -
      - -
    • -

      Constructor Details

      • -


        public CondAnchorWorks()
      • -
    • - -
    • -

      Method Details

      • -


        public boolean init(Expression<?>[] exprs, - int matchedPattern, - Kleenean isDelayed, - SkriptParser.ParseResult parseResult)
        Description copied from interface: SyntaxElement
        Called just after the constructor.
        exprs - all %expr%s included in the matching pattern in the order they appear in the pattern. If an optional value was left out it will still be included in this list - holding the default value of the desired type which usually depends on the event.
        matchedPattern - The index of the pattern which matched
        isDelayed - Whether this expression is used after a delay or not (i.e. if the event has already passed when this expression will be called)
        parseResult - Additional information about the match.
        Whether this expression was initialised successfully. An error should be printed prior to returning false to specify the cause.
        See Also:
        - -
      • -
      • -


        public boolean check(org.bukkit.event.Event event)
        Description copied from class: Condition
        Checks whether this condition is satisfied with the given event. This should not alter the event or the world in any way, as conditions are only checked until one returns - false. All subsequent conditions of the same trigger will then be omitted.
        - You might want to use SimpleExpression.check(Event, Checker)
        Specified by:
        check in class Condition
        event - the event to check
        true if the condition is satisfied, false otherwise or if the condition doesn't apply to this event.
      • -
      • -


        public String toString(@Nullable org.bukkit.event.Event event, - boolean debug)
        event - The event to get information to. This is always null if debug == false.
        debug - If true this should print more information, if false this should print what is shown to the end user
        String representation of this object
      • -
    • -
    - -
    - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/conditions/CondCanFly.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/conditions/CondCanFly.html deleted file mode 100644 index a1ee09f424..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/conditions/CondCanFly.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,236 +0,0 @@ - - - - -CondCanFly (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -
    - -
    - -

    Class CondCanFly

    - -
    All Implemented Interfaces:
    Debuggable, SyntaxElement, Checker<org.bukkit.entity.Player>
    @Name("Can Fly") -@Description("Whether a player is allowed to fly.") -@Examples("player can fly") -@Since("2.3") -public class CondCanFly -extends PropertyCondition<org.bukkit.entity.Player>
    - -
    - -
    - -
    - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/conditions/CondCanHold.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/conditions/CondCanHold.html deleted file mode 100644 index 23976a7ff0..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/conditions/CondCanHold.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,258 +0,0 @@ - - - - -CondCanHold (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -
    - -
    - -

    Class CondCanHold

    - -
    All Implemented Interfaces:
    Debuggable, SyntaxElement
    @Name("Can Hold") -@Description("Tests whether a player or a chest can hold the given item.") -@Examples({"block can hold 200 cobblestone","player has enough space for 64 feathers"}) -@Since("1.0") -public class CondCanHold -extends Condition
    - -
      - -
    • -

      Constructor Details

      • -


        public CondCanHold()
      • -
    • - -
    • -

      Method Details

      • -


        public boolean init(Expression<?>[] exprs, - int matchedPattern, - Kleenean isDelayed, - SkriptParser.ParseResult parser)
        Description copied from interface: SyntaxElement
        Called just after the constructor.
        exprs - all %expr%s included in the matching pattern in the order they appear in the pattern. If an optional value was left out it will still be included in this list - holding the default value of the desired type which usually depends on the event.
        matchedPattern - The index of the pattern which matched
        isDelayed - Whether this expression is used after a delay or not (i.e. if the event has already passed when this expression will be called)
        parser - Additional information about the match.
        Whether this expression was initialised successfully. An error should be printed prior to returning false to specify the cause.
        See Also:
        - -
      • -
      • -


        public boolean check(org.bukkit.event.Event e)
        Description copied from class: Condition
        Checks whether this condition is satisfied with the given event. This should not alter the event or the world in any way, as conditions are only checked until one returns - false. All subsequent conditions of the same trigger will then be omitted.
        - You might want to use SimpleExpression.check(Event, Checker)
        Specified by:
        check in class Condition
        e - the event to check
        true if the condition is satisfied, false otherwise or if the condition doesn't apply to this event.
      • -
      • -


        public String toString(@Nullable org.bukkit.event.Event e, - boolean debug)
        e - The event to get information to. This is always null if debug == false.
        debug - If true this should print more information, if false this should print what is shown to the end user
        String representation of this object
      • -
    • -
    - -
    - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/conditions/CondCanPickUpItems.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/conditions/CondCanPickUpItems.html deleted file mode 100644 index 147f4561ea..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/conditions/CondCanPickUpItems.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,236 +0,0 @@ - - - - -CondCanPickUpItems (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -
    - -
    - -

    Class CondCanPickUpItems

    - -
    All Implemented Interfaces:
    Debuggable, SyntaxElement, Checker<org.bukkit.entity.LivingEntity>
    @Name("Can Pick Up Items") -@Description("Whether living entities are able to pick up items off the ground or not.") -@Examples({"if player can pick items up:","\tsend \"You can pick up items!\" to player","","on drop:","\tif player can\'t pick\tup items:","\t\tsend \"Be careful, you won\'t be able to pick that up!\" to player"}) -@Since("INSERT VERSION") -public class CondCanPickUpItems -extends PropertyCondition<org.bukkit.entity.LivingEntity>
    - -
      - -
    • -

      Constructor Details

      • -


        public CondCanPickUpItems()
      • -
    • - -
    • -

      Method Details

      - -
    • -
    - -
    - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/conditions/CondCanSee.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/conditions/CondCanSee.html deleted file mode 100644 index 829b509f51..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/conditions/CondCanSee.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,258 +0,0 @@ - - - - -CondCanSee (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -
    - -
    - -

    Class CondCanSee

    - -
    All Implemented Interfaces:
    Debuggable, SyntaxElement
    @Name("Can See") -@Description("Checks whether the given players can see another players.") -@Examples({"if the player can\'t see the player-argument:","\tmessage \"&lt;light red&gt;The player %player-argument% is not online!\""}) -@Since("2.3") -public class CondCanSee -extends Condition
    - -
      - -
    • -

      Constructor Details

      • -


        public CondCanSee()
      • -
    • - -
    • -

      Method Details

      • -


        public boolean init(Expression<?>[] exprs, - int matchedPattern, - Kleenean isDelayed, - SkriptParser.ParseResult parseResult)
        Description copied from interface: SyntaxElement
        Called just after the constructor.
        exprs - all %expr%s included in the matching pattern in the order they appear in the pattern. If an optional value was left out it will still be included in this list - holding the default value of the desired type which usually depends on the event.
        matchedPattern - The index of the pattern which matched
        isDelayed - Whether this expression is used after a delay or not (i.e. if the event has already passed when this expression will be called)
        parseResult - Additional information about the match.
        Whether this expression was initialised successfully. An error should be printed prior to returning false to specify the cause.
        See Also:
        - -
      • -
      • -


        public boolean check(org.bukkit.event.Event e)
        Description copied from class: Condition
        Checks whether this condition is satisfied with the given event. This should not alter the event or the world in any way, as conditions are only checked until one returns - false. All subsequent conditions of the same trigger will then be omitted.
        - You might want to use SimpleExpression.check(Event, Checker)
        Specified by:
        check in class Condition
        e - the event to check
        true if the condition is satisfied, false otherwise or if the condition doesn't apply to this event.
      • -
      • -


        public String toString(@Nullable org.bukkit.event.Event e, - boolean debug)
        e - The event to get information to. This is always null if debug == false.
        debug - If true this should print more information, if false this should print what is shown to the end user
        String representation of this object
      • -
    • -
    - -
    - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/conditions/CondCancelled.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/conditions/CondCancelled.html deleted file mode 100644 index 80777b57a6..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/conditions/CondCancelled.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,258 +0,0 @@ - - - - -CondCancelled (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -
    - -
    - -

    Class CondCancelled

    - -
    All Implemented Interfaces:
    Debuggable, SyntaxElement
    @Name("Event Cancelled") -@Description("Checks whether or not the event is cancelled.") -@Examples({"on click:","\tif event is cancelled:","\t\tbroadcast \"no clicks allowed!\""}) -@Since("2.2-dev36") -public class CondCancelled -extends Condition
    - -
      - -
    • -

      Constructor Details

      • -


        public CondCancelled()
      • -
    • - -
    • -

      Method Details

      • -


        public boolean init(Expression<?>[] exprs, - int matchedPattern, - Kleenean isDelayed, - SkriptParser.ParseResult parseResult)
        Description copied from interface: SyntaxElement
        Called just after the constructor.
        exprs - all %expr%s included in the matching pattern in the order they appear in the pattern. If an optional value was left out it will still be included in this list - holding the default value of the desired type which usually depends on the event.
        matchedPattern - The index of the pattern which matched
        isDelayed - Whether this expression is used after a delay or not (i.e. if the event has already passed when this expression will be called)
        parseResult - Additional information about the match.
        Whether this expression was initialised successfully. An error should be printed prior to returning false to specify the cause.
        See Also:
        - -
      • -
      • -


        public boolean check(org.bukkit.event.Event e)
        Description copied from class: Condition
        Checks whether this condition is satisfied with the given event. This should not alter the event or the world in any way, as conditions are only checked until one returns - false. All subsequent conditions of the same trigger will then be omitted.
        - You might want to use SimpleExpression.check(Event, Checker)
        Specified by:
        check in class Condition
        e - the event to check
        true if the condition is satisfied, false otherwise or if the condition doesn't apply to this event.
      • -
      • -


        public String toString(@Nullable org.bukkit.event.Event e, - boolean debug)
        e - The event to get information to. This is always null if debug == false.
        debug - If true this should print more information, if false this should print what is shown to the end user
        String representation of this object
      • -
    • -
    - -
    - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/conditions/CondChance.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/conditions/CondChance.html deleted file mode 100644 index 5a00ca3ffe..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/conditions/CondChance.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,258 +0,0 @@ - - - - -CondChance (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -
    - -
    - -

    Class CondChance

    - -
    All Implemented Interfaces:
    Debuggable, SyntaxElement
    @Name("Chance") -@Description({"A condition that randomly succeeds or fails.","Valid values are between 0% and 100%, or if the percent sign is omitted between 0 and 1."}) -@Examples({"chance of 50%:","\tdrop a diamond","chance of {chance}% # {chance} between 0 and 100","chance of {chance} # {chance} between 0 and 1"}) -@Since("1.0") -public class CondChance -extends Condition
    - -
      - -
    • -

      Constructor Details

      • -


        public CondChance()
      • -
    • - -
    • -

      Method Details

      • -


        public boolean init(Expression<?>[] exprs, - int matchedPattern, - Kleenean isDelayed, - SkriptParser.ParseResult parser)
        Description copied from interface: SyntaxElement
        Called just after the constructor.
        exprs - all %expr%s included in the matching pattern in the order they appear in the pattern. If an optional value was left out it will still be included in this list - holding the default value of the desired type which usually depends on the event.
        matchedPattern - The index of the pattern which matched
        isDelayed - Whether this expression is used after a delay or not (i.e. if the event has already passed when this expression will be called)
        parser - Additional information about the match.
        Whether this expression was initialised successfully. An error should be printed prior to returning false to specify the cause.
        See Also:
        - -
      • -
      • -


        public boolean check(org.bukkit.event.Event e)
        Description copied from class: Condition
        Checks whether this condition is satisfied with the given event. This should not alter the event or the world in any way, as conditions are only checked until one returns - false. All subsequent conditions of the same trigger will then be omitted.
        - You might want to use SimpleExpression.check(Event, Checker)
        Specified by:
        check in class Condition
        e - the event to check
        true if the condition is satisfied, false otherwise or if the condition doesn't apply to this event.
      • -
      • -


        public String toString(@Nullable org.bukkit.event.Event e, - boolean debug)
        e - The event to get information to. This is always null if debug == false.
        debug - If true this should print more information, if false this should print what is shown to the end user
        String representation of this object
      • -
    • -
    - -
    - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/conditions/CondCompare.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/conditions/CondCompare.html deleted file mode 100644 index 597742f9e5..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/conditions/CondCompare.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,267 +0,0 @@ - - - - -CondCompare (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -
    - -
    - -

    Class CondCompare

    - -
    All Implemented Interfaces:
    Debuggable, SyntaxElement
    @Name("Comparison") -@Description({"A very general condition, it simply compares two values. Usually you can only compare for equality (e.g. block is/isn\'t of &lt;type&gt;), but some values can also be compared using greater than/less than. In that case you can also test for whether an object is between two others.","Note: This is the only element where not all patterns are shown. It has actually another two sets of similar patters, but with <code>(was|were)</code> or <code>will be</code> instead of <code>(is|are)</code> respectively, which check different <a href=\'expressions.html#ExprTimeState\'>time states</a> of the first expression."}) -@Examples({"the clicked block is a stone slab or a double stone slab","time in the player\'s world is greater than 8:00","the creature is not an enderman or an ender dragon"}) -@Since("1.0") -public class CondCompare -extends Condition
    - -
      - -
    • -

      Constructor Details

      • -


        public CondCompare()
      • -
    • - -
    • -

      Method Details

      • -


        public boolean init(Expression<?>[] vars, - int matchedPattern, - Kleenean isDelayed, - SkriptParser.ParseResult parser)
        Description copied from interface: SyntaxElement
        Called just after the constructor.
        vars - all %expr%s included in the matching pattern in the order they appear in the pattern. If an optional value was left out it will still be included in this list - holding the default value of the desired type which usually depends on the event.
        matchedPattern - The index of the pattern which matched
        isDelayed - Whether this expression is used after a delay or not (i.e. if the event has already passed when this expression will be called)
        parser - Additional information about the match.
        Whether this expression was initialised successfully. An error should be printed prior to returning false to specify the cause.
        See Also:
        - -
      • -
      • -


        public static String f(Expression<?> e)
      • -
      • -


        public boolean check(org.bukkit.event.Event e)
        Description copied from class: Condition
        Checks whether this condition is satisfied with the given event. This should not alter the event or the world in any way, as conditions are only checked until one returns - false. All subsequent conditions of the same trigger will then be omitted.
        - You might want to use SimpleExpression.check(Event, Checker)
        Specified by:
        check in class Condition
        e - the event to check
        true if the condition is satisfied, false otherwise or if the condition doesn't apply to this event.
      • -
      • -


        public String toString(@Nullable org.bukkit.event.Event e, - boolean debug)
        e - The event to get information to. This is always null if debug == false.
        debug - If true this should print more information, if false this should print what is shown to the end user
        String representation of this object
      • -
    • -
    - -
    - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/conditions/CondContains.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/conditions/CondContains.html deleted file mode 100644 index 1c0feac8de..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/conditions/CondContains.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,258 +0,0 @@ - - - - -CondContains (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -
    - -
    - -

    Class CondContains

    - -
    All Implemented Interfaces:
    Debuggable, SyntaxElement
    @Name("Contains") -@Description("Checks whether an inventory contains an item, a text contains another piece of text, or a list (e.g. {list variable::*} or \'drops\') contains another object.") -@Examples({"block contains 20 cobblestone","player has 4 flint and 2 iron ingots","{list::*} contains 5"}) -@Since("1.0") -public class CondContains -extends Condition
    - -
      - -
    • -

      Constructor Details

      • -


        public CondContains()
      • -
    • - -
    • -

      Method Details

      • -


        public boolean init(Expression<?>[] exprs, - int matchedPattern, - Kleenean isDelayed, - SkriptParser.ParseResult parseResult)
        Description copied from interface: SyntaxElement
        Called just after the constructor.
        exprs - all %expr%s included in the matching pattern in the order they appear in the pattern. If an optional value was left out it will still be included in this list - holding the default value of the desired type which usually depends on the event.
        matchedPattern - The index of the pattern which matched
        isDelayed - Whether this expression is used after a delay or not (i.e. if the event has already passed when this expression will be called)
        parseResult - Additional information about the match.
        Whether this expression was initialised successfully. An error should be printed prior to returning false to specify the cause.
        See Also:
        - -
      • -
      • -


        public boolean check(org.bukkit.event.Event e)
        Description copied from class: Condition
        Checks whether this condition is satisfied with the given event. This should not alter the event or the world in any way, as conditions are only checked until one returns - false. All subsequent conditions of the same trigger will then be omitted.
        - You might want to use SimpleExpression.check(Event, Checker)
        Specified by:
        check in class Condition
        e - the event to check
        true if the condition is satisfied, false otherwise or if the condition doesn't apply to this event.
      • -
      • -


        public String toString(@Nullable org.bukkit.event.Event e, - boolean debug)
        e - The event to get information to. This is always null if debug == false.
        debug - If true this should print more information, if false this should print what is shown to the end user
        String representation of this object
      • -
    • -
    - -
    - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/conditions/CondDamageCause.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/conditions/CondDamageCause.html deleted file mode 100644 index 1184e049a4..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/conditions/CondDamageCause.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,258 +0,0 @@ - - - - -CondDamageCause (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -
    - -
    - -

    Class CondDamageCause

    - -
    All Implemented Interfaces:
    Debuggable, SyntaxElement
    @Name("Damage Cause") -@Description("Tests what kind of damage caused a <a href=\'events.html#damage\'>damage event</a>. Refer to the <a href=\'classes.html#damagecause\'>Damage Cause</a> type for a list of all possible causes.") -@Examples({"# make players use their potions of fire resistance whenever they take any kind of fire damage","on damage:","\tdamage was caused by lava, fire or burning","\tvictim is a player","\tvictim has a potion of fire resistance","\tcancel event","\tapply fire resistance to the victim for 30 seconds","\tremove 1 potion of fire resistance from the victim","# prevent mobs from dropping items under certain circumstances","on death:","\tentity is not a player","\tdamage wasn\'t caused by a block explosion, an attack, a projectile, a potion, fire, burning, thorns or poison","\tclear drops"}) -@Since("2.0") -public class CondDamageCause -extends Condition
    - -
      - -
    • -

      Constructor Details

      • -


        public CondDamageCause()
      • -
    • - -
    • -

      Method Details

      • -


        public boolean init(Expression<?>[] exprs, - int matchedPattern, - Kleenean isDelayed, - SkriptParser.ParseResult parseResult)
        Description copied from interface: SyntaxElement
        Called just after the constructor.
        exprs - all %expr%s included in the matching pattern in the order they appear in the pattern. If an optional value was left out it will still be included in this list - holding the default value of the desired type which usually depends on the event.
        matchedPattern - The index of the pattern which matched
        isDelayed - Whether this expression is used after a delay or not (i.e. if the event has already passed when this expression will be called)
        parseResult - Additional information about the match.
        Whether this expression was initialised successfully. An error should be printed prior to returning false to specify the cause.
        See Also:
        - -
      • -
      • -


        public boolean check(org.bukkit.event.Event e)
        Description copied from class: Condition
        Checks whether this condition is satisfied with the given event. This should not alter the event or the world in any way, as conditions are only checked until one returns - false. All subsequent conditions of the same trigger will then be omitted.
        - You might want to use SimpleExpression.check(Event, Checker)
        Specified by:
        check in class Condition
        e - the event to check
        true if the condition is satisfied, false otherwise or if the condition doesn't apply to this event.
      • -
      • -


        public String toString(@Nullable org.bukkit.event.Event e, - boolean debug)
        e - The event to get information to. This is always null if debug == false.
        debug - If true this should print more information, if false this should print what is shown to the end user
        String representation of this object
      • -
    • -
    - -
    - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/conditions/CondDate.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/conditions/CondDate.html deleted file mode 100644 index d313872ef9..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/conditions/CondDate.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,258 +0,0 @@ - - - - -CondDate (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -
    - -
    - -

    Class CondDate

    - -
    All Implemented Interfaces:
    Debuggable, SyntaxElement
    @Name("Time") -@Description("Tests whether a given <a href=\'classes.html#date\'>real time</a> was more or less than some <a href=\'classes.html#timespan\'>time span</a> ago.") -@Examples({"command /command-with-cooldown:","\ttrigger:","\t\t{command::%player\'s uuid%::last-usage} was less than a minute ago:","\t\t\tmessage \"Please wait a minute between uses of this command.\"","\t\t\tstop","\t\tset {command::%player\'s uuid%::last-usage} to now","\t\t# ... actual command trigger here ..."}) -@Since("2.0") -public class CondDate -extends Condition
    - -
      - -
    • -

      Constructor Details

      • -


        public CondDate()
      • -
    • - -
    • -

      Method Details

      • -


        public boolean init(Expression<?>[] exprs, - int matchedPattern, - Kleenean isDelayed, - SkriptParser.ParseResult parseResult)
        Description copied from interface: SyntaxElement
        Called just after the constructor.
        exprs - all %expr%s included in the matching pattern in the order they appear in the pattern. If an optional value was left out it will still be included in this list - holding the default value of the desired type which usually depends on the event.
        matchedPattern - The index of the pattern which matched
        isDelayed - Whether this expression is used after a delay or not (i.e. if the event has already passed when this expression will be called)
        parseResult - Additional information about the match.
        Whether this expression was initialised successfully. An error should be printed prior to returning false to specify the cause.
        See Also:
        - -
      • -
      • -


        public boolean check(org.bukkit.event.Event e)
        Description copied from class: Condition
        Checks whether this condition is satisfied with the given event. This should not alter the event or the world in any way, as conditions are only checked until one returns - false. All subsequent conditions of the same trigger will then be omitted.
        - You might want to use SimpleExpression.check(Event, Checker)
        Specified by:
        check in class Condition
        e - the event to check
        true if the condition is satisfied, false otherwise or if the condition doesn't apply to this event.
      • -
      • -


        public String toString(@Nullable org.bukkit.event.Event e, - boolean debug)
        e - The event to get information to. This is always null if debug == false.
        debug - If true this should print more information, if false this should print what is shown to the end user
        String representation of this object
      • -
    • -
    - -
    - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/conditions/CondEntityIsInLiquid.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/conditions/CondEntityIsInLiquid.html deleted file mode 100644 index 270245ca3e..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/conditions/CondEntityIsInLiquid.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,263 +0,0 @@ - - - - -CondEntityIsInLiquid (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -
    - -
    - -

    Class CondEntityIsInLiquid

    - -
    All Implemented Interfaces:
    Debuggable, SyntaxElement, Checker<org.bukkit.entity.Entity>
    @Name("Entity is in Liquid") -@Description("Checks whether an entity is in rain, lava, water or a bubble column.") -@Examples({"if player is in rain:","if player is in water:","player is in lava:","player is in bubble column"}) -@RequiredPlugins("Minecraft 1.16+ (in water), Paper 1.16+ (in rain, lava and bubble column)") -@Since("2.6.1") -public class CondEntityIsInLiquid -extends PropertyCondition<org.bukkit.entity.Entity>
    - -
      - -
    • -

      Constructor Details

      • -


        public CondEntityIsInLiquid()
      • -
    • - -
    • -

      Method Details

      • -


        public boolean init(Expression<?>[] exprs, - int matchedPattern, - Kleenean isDelayed, - SkriptParser.ParseResult parseResult)
        Description copied from interface: SyntaxElement
        Called just after the constructor.
        Specified by:
        init in interface SyntaxElement
        init in class PropertyCondition<org.bukkit.entity.Entity>
        exprs - all %expr%s included in the matching pattern in the order they appear in the pattern. If an optional value was left out it will still be included in this list - holding the default value of the desired type which usually depends on the event.
        matchedPattern - The index of the pattern which matched
        isDelayed - Whether this expression is used after a delay or not (i.e. if the event has already passed when this expression will be called)
        parseResult - Additional information about the match.
        Whether this expression was initialised successfully. An error should be printed prior to returning false to specify the cause.
        See Also:
        - -
      • -
      • -


        public boolean check(org.bukkit.entity.Entity entity)
        Specified by:
        check in interface Checker<org.bukkit.entity.Entity>
        Specified by:
        check in class PropertyCondition<org.bukkit.entity.Entity>
      • -
      • -


        protected String getPropertyName()
        Specified by:
        getPropertyName in class PropertyCondition<org.bukkit.entity.Entity>
      • -
    • -
    - -
    - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/conditions/CondEntityIsWet.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/conditions/CondEntityIsWet.html deleted file mode 100644 index c1b3a92b76..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/conditions/CondEntityIsWet.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,224 +0,0 @@ - - - - -CondEntityIsWet (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -
    - -
    - -

    Class CondEntityIsWet

    - -
    All Implemented Interfaces:
    Debuggable, SyntaxElement, Checker<org.bukkit.entity.Entity>
    @Name("Entity is Wet") -@Description("Checks whether an entity is wet or not (in water, rain or a bubble column).") -@Examples("if player is wet:") -@RequiredPlugins("Paper 1.16+") -@Since("2.6.1") -public class CondEntityIsWet -extends PropertyCondition<org.bukkit.entity.Entity>
    - -
      - -
    • -

      Constructor Details

      • -


        public CondEntityIsWet()
      • -
    • - -
    • -

      Method Details

      • -


        public boolean check(org.bukkit.entity.Entity entity)
        Specified by:
        check in interface Checker<org.bukkit.entity.Entity>
        Specified by:
        check in class PropertyCondition<org.bukkit.entity.Entity>
      • -
      • -


        protected String getPropertyName()
        Specified by:
        getPropertyName in class PropertyCondition<org.bukkit.entity.Entity>
      • -
    • -
    - -
    - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/conditions/CondHasClientWeather.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/conditions/CondHasClientWeather.html deleted file mode 100644 index a2e6b987b6..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/conditions/CondHasClientWeather.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,236 +0,0 @@ - - - - -CondHasClientWeather (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -
    - -
    - -

    Class CondHasClientWeather

    - -
    All Implemented Interfaces:
    Debuggable, SyntaxElement, Checker<org.bukkit.entity.Player>
    @Name("Has Client Weather") -@Description("Checks whether the given players have a custom client weather") -@Examples({"if the player has custom weather:","\tmessage \"Your custom weather is %player\'s weather%\""}) -@Since("2.3") -public class CondHasClientWeather -extends PropertyCondition<org.bukkit.entity.Player>
    - -
      - -
    • -

      Constructor Details

      • -


        public CondHasClientWeather()
      • -
    • - -
    • -

      Method Details

      - -
    • -
    - -
    - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/conditions/CondHasCustomModelData.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/conditions/CondHasCustomModelData.html deleted file mode 100644 index ea2c916c3d..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/conditions/CondHasCustomModelData.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,224 +0,0 @@ - - - - -CondHasCustomModelData (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -
    - -
    - -

    Class CondHasCustomModelData

    - -
    All Implemented Interfaces:
    Debuggable, SyntaxElement, Checker<ItemType>
    @Name("Has Custom Model Data") -@Description("Check if an item has a custom model data tag") -@Examples("player\'s tool has custom model data") -@RequiredPlugins("1.14+") -@Since("2.5") -public class CondHasCustomModelData -extends PropertyCondition<ItemType>
    - -
    - -
    - -
    - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/conditions/CondHasItemCooldown.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/conditions/CondHasItemCooldown.html deleted file mode 100644 index 1a9c544033..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/conditions/CondHasItemCooldown.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,258 +0,0 @@ - - - - -CondHasItemCooldown (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -
    - -
    - -

    Class CondHasItemCooldown

    - -
    All Implemented Interfaces:
    Debuggable, SyntaxElement
    @Name("Has Item Cooldown") -@Description("Check whether a cooldown is active on the specified material for a specific player.") -@Examples({"if player has player\'s tool on cooldown:","\tsend \"You can\'t use this item right now. Wait %item cooldown of player\'s tool for player%\""}) -@Since("INSERT VERSION") -public class CondHasItemCooldown -extends Condition
    - -
      - -
    • -

      Constructor Details

      • -


        public CondHasItemCooldown()
      • -
    • - -
    • -

      Method Details

      • -


        public boolean init(Expression<?>[] exprs, - int matchedPattern, - Kleenean isDelayed, - SkriptParser.ParseResult parseResult)
        Description copied from interface: SyntaxElement
        Called just after the constructor.
        exprs - all %expr%s included in the matching pattern in the order they appear in the pattern. If an optional value was left out it will still be included in this list - holding the default value of the desired type which usually depends on the event.
        matchedPattern - The index of the pattern which matched
        isDelayed - Whether this expression is used after a delay or not (i.e. if the event has already passed when this expression will be called)
        parseResult - Additional information about the match.
        Whether this expression was initialised successfully. An error should be printed prior to returning false to specify the cause.
        See Also:
        - -
      • -
      • -


        public boolean check(org.bukkit.event.Event event)
        Description copied from class: Condition
        Checks whether this condition is satisfied with the given event. This should not alter the event or the world in any way, as conditions are only checked until one returns - false. All subsequent conditions of the same trigger will then be omitted.
        - You might want to use SimpleExpression.check(Event, Checker)
        Specified by:
        check in class Condition
        event - the event to check
        true if the condition is satisfied, false otherwise or if the condition doesn't apply to this event.
      • -
      • -


        public String toString(@Nullable org.bukkit.event.Event event, - boolean debug)
        event - The event to get information to. This is always null if debug == false.
        debug - If true this should print more information, if false this should print what is shown to the end user
        String representation of this object
      • -
    • -
    - -
    - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/conditions/CondHasLineOfSight.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/conditions/CondHasLineOfSight.html deleted file mode 100644 index 39981e0616..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/conditions/CondHasLineOfSight.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,258 +0,0 @@ - - - - -CondHasLineOfSight (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -
    - -
    - -

    Class CondHasLineOfSight

    - -
    All Implemented Interfaces:
    Debuggable, SyntaxElement
    @Name("Has Line of Sight") -@Description("Checks whether living entities have an unobstructed line of sight to other entities or locations.") -@Examples({"player has direct line of sight to location 5 blocks to the right of player","victim has line of sight to attacker","player has no line of sight to location 100 blocks in front of player"}) -@Since("INSERT VERSION") -public class CondHasLineOfSight -extends Condition
    - -
      - -
    • -

      Constructor Details

      • -


        public CondHasLineOfSight()
      • -
    • - -
    • -

      Method Details

      • -


        public boolean init(Expression<?>[] exprs, - int matchedPattern, - Kleenean isDelayed, - SkriptParser.ParseResult parseResult)
        Description copied from interface: SyntaxElement
        Called just after the constructor.
        exprs - all %expr%s included in the matching pattern in the order they appear in the pattern. If an optional value was left out it will still be included in this list - holding the default value of the desired type which usually depends on the event.
        matchedPattern - The index of the pattern which matched
        isDelayed - Whether this expression is used after a delay or not (i.e. if the event has already passed when this expression will be called)
        parseResult - Additional information about the match.
        Whether this expression was initialised successfully. An error should be printed prior to returning false to specify the cause.
        See Also:
        - -
      • -
      • -


        public boolean check(org.bukkit.event.Event event)
        Description copied from class: Condition
        Checks whether this condition is satisfied with the given event. This should not alter the event or the world in any way, as conditions are only checked until one returns - false. All subsequent conditions of the same trigger will then be omitted.
        - You might want to use SimpleExpression.check(Event, Checker)
        Specified by:
        check in class Condition
        event - the event to check
        true if the condition is satisfied, false otherwise or if the condition doesn't apply to this event.
      • -
      • -


        public String toString(@Nullable org.bukkit.event.Event event, - boolean debug)
        event - The event to get information to. This is always null if debug == false.
        debug - If true this should print more information, if false this should print what is shown to the end user
        String representation of this object
      • -
    • -
    - -
    - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/conditions/CondHasMetadata.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/conditions/CondHasMetadata.html deleted file mode 100644 index d2c6c93dc8..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/conditions/CondHasMetadata.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,258 +0,0 @@ - - - - -CondHasMetadata (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -
    - -
    - -

    Class CondHasMetadata

    - -
    All Implemented Interfaces:
    Debuggable, SyntaxElement
    @Name("Has Metadata") -@Description("Checks whether a metadata holder has a metadata tag.") -@Examples("if player has metadata value \"healer\":") -@Since("2.2-dev36") -public class CondHasMetadata -extends Condition
    - -
      - -
    • -

      Constructor Details

      • -


        public CondHasMetadata()
      • -
    • - -
    • -

      Method Details

      • -


        public boolean init(Expression<?>[] exprs, - int matchedPattern, - Kleenean isDelayed, - SkriptParser.ParseResult parseResult)
        Description copied from interface: SyntaxElement
        Called just after the constructor.
        exprs - all %expr%s included in the matching pattern in the order they appear in the pattern. If an optional value was left out it will still be included in this list - holding the default value of the desired type which usually depends on the event.
        matchedPattern - The index of the pattern which matched
        isDelayed - Whether this expression is used after a delay or not (i.e. if the event has already passed when this expression will be called)
        parseResult - Additional information about the match.
        Whether this expression was initialised successfully. An error should be printed prior to returning false to specify the cause.
        See Also:
        - -
      • -
      • -


        public boolean check(org.bukkit.event.Event e)
        Description copied from class: Condition
        Checks whether this condition is satisfied with the given event. This should not alter the event or the world in any way, as conditions are only checked until one returns - false. All subsequent conditions of the same trigger will then be omitted.
        - You might want to use SimpleExpression.check(Event, Checker)
        Specified by:
        check in class Condition
        e - the event to check
        true if the condition is satisfied, false otherwise or if the condition doesn't apply to this event.
      • -
      • -


        public String toString(@Nullable org.bukkit.event.Event e, - boolean debug)
        e - The event to get information to. This is always null if debug == false.
        debug - If true this should print more information, if false this should print what is shown to the end user
        String representation of this object
      • -
    • -
    - -
    - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/conditions/CondHasPotion.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/conditions/CondHasPotion.html deleted file mode 100644 index 105d1960b9..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/conditions/CondHasPotion.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,258 +0,0 @@ - - - - -CondHasPotion (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -
    - -
    - -

    Class CondHasPotion

    - -
    All Implemented Interfaces:
    Debuggable, SyntaxElement
    @Name("Has Potion") -@Description("Checks whether the given living entities have specific potion effects.") -@Examples({"if player has potion speed:","\tsend \"You are sonic!\"","","if all players have potion effects speed and haste:","\tbroadcast \"You are ready to MINE!\""}) -@Since("2.6.1") -public class CondHasPotion -extends Condition
    - -
      - -
    • -

      Constructor Details

      • -


        public CondHasPotion()
      • -
    • - -
    • -

      Method Details

      • -


        public boolean init(Expression<?>[] exprs, - int matchedPattern, - Kleenean isDelayed, - SkriptParser.ParseResult parseResult)
        Description copied from interface: SyntaxElement
        Called just after the constructor.
        exprs - all %expr%s included in the matching pattern in the order they appear in the pattern. If an optional value was left out it will still be included in this list - holding the default value of the desired type which usually depends on the event.
        matchedPattern - The index of the pattern which matched
        isDelayed - Whether this expression is used after a delay or not (i.e. if the event has already passed when this expression will be called)
        parseResult - Additional information about the match.
        Whether this expression was initialised successfully. An error should be printed prior to returning false to specify the cause.
        See Also:
        - -
      • -
      • -


        public boolean check(org.bukkit.event.Event e)
        Description copied from class: Condition
        Checks whether this condition is satisfied with the given event. This should not alter the event or the world in any way, as conditions are only checked until one returns - false. All subsequent conditions of the same trigger will then be omitted.
        - You might want to use SimpleExpression.check(Event, Checker)
        Specified by:
        check in class Condition
        e - the event to check
        true if the condition is satisfied, false otherwise or if the condition doesn't apply to this event.
      • -
      • -


        public String toString(@Nullable org.bukkit.event.Event e, - boolean debug)
        e - The event to get information to. This is always null if debug == false.
        debug - If true this should print more information, if false this should print what is shown to the end user
        String representation of this object
      • -
    • -
    - -
    - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/conditions/CondHasResourcePack.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/conditions/CondHasResourcePack.html deleted file mode 100644 index a1d2707373..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/conditions/CondHasResourcePack.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,237 +0,0 @@ - - - - -CondHasResourcePack (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -
    - -
    - -

    Class CondHasResourcePack

    - -
    All Implemented Interfaces:
    Debuggable, SyntaxElement, Checker<org.bukkit.entity.Player>
    @Name("Has Resource Pack") -@Description("Checks whether the given players have a server resource pack loaded. Please note that this can\'t detect player\'s own resource pack, only the resource pack that sent by the server.") -@Examples("if the player has a resource pack loaded:") -@Since("2.4") -@RequiredPlugins("Paper 1.9 or newer") -public class CondHasResourcePack -extends PropertyCondition<org.bukkit.entity.Player>
    - -
      - -
    • -

      Constructor Details

      • -


        public CondHasResourcePack()
      • -
    • - -
    • -

      Method Details

      - -
    • -
    - -
    - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/conditions/CondHasScoreboardTag.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/conditions/CondHasScoreboardTag.html deleted file mode 100644 index 3ef84414af..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/conditions/CondHasScoreboardTag.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,258 +0,0 @@ - - - - -CondHasScoreboardTag (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -
    - -
    - -

    Class CondHasScoreboardTag

    - -
    All Implemented Interfaces:
    Debuggable, SyntaxElement
    @Name("Has Scoreboard Tag") -@Description("Checks whether the given entities has the given <a href=\'expressions.html#ExprScoreboardTags\'>scoreboard tags</a>.") -@Examples("if the targeted armor stand has the scoreboard tag \"test tag\":") -@Since("2.3") -public class CondHasScoreboardTag -extends Condition
    - -
      - -
    • -

      Constructor Details

      • -


        public CondHasScoreboardTag()
      • -
    • - -
    • -

      Method Details

      • -


        public boolean init(Expression<?>[] exprs, - int matchedPattern, - Kleenean isDelayed, - SkriptParser.ParseResult parseResult)
        Description copied from interface: SyntaxElement
        Called just after the constructor.
        exprs - all %expr%s included in the matching pattern in the order they appear in the pattern. If an optional value was left out it will still be included in this list - holding the default value of the desired type which usually depends on the event.
        matchedPattern - The index of the pattern which matched
        isDelayed - Whether this expression is used after a delay or not (i.e. if the event has already passed when this expression will be called)
        parseResult - Additional information about the match.
        Whether this expression was initialised successfully. An error should be printed prior to returning false to specify the cause.
        See Also:
        - -
      • -
      • -


        public boolean check(org.bukkit.event.Event e)
        Description copied from class: Condition
        Checks whether this condition is satisfied with the given event. This should not alter the event or the world in any way, as conditions are only checked until one returns - false. All subsequent conditions of the same trigger will then be omitted.
        - You might want to use SimpleExpression.check(Event, Checker)
        Specified by:
        check in class Condition
        e - the event to check
        true if the condition is satisfied, false otherwise or if the condition doesn't apply to this event.
      • -
      • -


        public String toString(@Nullable org.bukkit.event.Event e, - boolean debug)
        e - The event to get information to. This is always null if debug == false.
        debug - If true this should print more information, if false this should print what is shown to the end user
        String representation of this object
      • -
    • -
    - -
    - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/conditions/CondIgnitionProcess.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/conditions/CondIgnitionProcess.html deleted file mode 100644 index fdc5c0d529..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/conditions/CondIgnitionProcess.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,263 +0,0 @@ - - - - -CondIgnitionProcess (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -
    - -
    - -

    Class CondIgnitionProcess

    - -
    All Implemented Interfaces:
    Debuggable, SyntaxElement, Checker<org.bukkit.entity.LivingEntity>
    @Name("Ignition Process") -@Description("Checks if a creeper is going to explode.") -@Examples({"if the last spawned creeper is going to explode:","\tloop all players in radius 3 of the last spawned creeper","\t\tsend \"RUN!!!\" to the loop-player"}) -@Since("2.5") -@RequiredPlugins("Paper 1.13 or newer") -public class CondIgnitionProcess -extends PropertyCondition<org.bukkit.entity.LivingEntity>
    - -
      - -
    • -

      Constructor Details

      • -


        public CondIgnitionProcess()
      • -
    • - -
    • -

      Method Details

      • -


        public boolean init(Expression<?>[] exprs, - int matchedPattern, - Kleenean isDelayed, - SkriptParser.ParseResult parseResult)
        Description copied from interface: SyntaxElement
        Called just after the constructor.
        Specified by:
        init in interface SyntaxElement
        init in class PropertyCondition<org.bukkit.entity.LivingEntity>
        exprs - all %expr%s included in the matching pattern in the order they appear in the pattern. If an optional value was left out it will still be included in this list - holding the default value of the desired type which usually depends on the event.
        matchedPattern - The index of the pattern which matched
        isDelayed - Whether this expression is used after a delay or not (i.e. if the event has already passed when this expression will be called)
        parseResult - Additional information about the match.
        Whether this expression was initialised successfully. An error should be printed prior to returning false to specify the cause.
        See Also:
        - -
      • -
      • -


        public boolean check(org.bukkit.entity.LivingEntity e)
        Specified by:
        check in interface Checker<org.bukkit.entity.LivingEntity>
        Specified by:
        check in class PropertyCondition<org.bukkit.entity.LivingEntity>
      • -
      • -


        protected String getPropertyName()
        Specified by:
        getPropertyName in class PropertyCondition<org.bukkit.entity.LivingEntity>
      • -
    • -
    - -
    - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/conditions/CondIncendiary.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/conditions/CondIncendiary.html deleted file mode 100644 index 01f488c801..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/conditions/CondIncendiary.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,258 +0,0 @@ - - - - -CondIncendiary (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -
    - -
    - -

    Class CondIncendiary

    - -
    All Implemented Interfaces:
    Debuggable, SyntaxElement
    @Name("Is Incendiary") -@Description("Checks if an entity will create fire when it explodes. This condition is also usable in an explosion prime event.") -@Examples({"on explosion prime:","\tif the explosion is fiery:","\t\tbroadcast \"A fiery explosive has been ignited!\""}) -@Since("2.5") -public class CondIncendiary -extends Condition
    - -
      - -
    • -

      Constructor Details

      • -


        public CondIncendiary()
      • -
    • - -
    • -

      Method Details

      • -


        public boolean init(Expression<?>[] exprs, - int matchedPattern, - Kleenean isDelayed, - SkriptParser.ParseResult parseResult)
        Description copied from interface: SyntaxElement
        Called just after the constructor.
        exprs - all %expr%s included in the matching pattern in the order they appear in the pattern. If an optional value was left out it will still be included in this list - holding the default value of the desired type which usually depends on the event.
        matchedPattern - The index of the pattern which matched
        isDelayed - Whether this expression is used after a delay or not (i.e. if the event has already passed when this expression will be called)
        parseResult - Additional information about the match.
        Whether this expression was initialised successfully. An error should be printed prior to returning false to specify the cause.
        See Also:
        - -
      • -
      • -


        public boolean check(org.bukkit.event.Event e)
        Description copied from class: Condition
        Checks whether this condition is satisfied with the given event. This should not alter the event or the world in any way, as conditions are only checked until one returns - false. All subsequent conditions of the same trigger will then be omitted.
        - You might want to use SimpleExpression.check(Event, Checker)
        Specified by:
        check in class Condition
        e - the event to check
        true if the condition is satisfied, false otherwise or if the condition doesn't apply to this event.
      • -
      • -


        public String toString(@Nullable org.bukkit.event.Event e, - boolean debug)
        e - The event to get information to. This is always null if debug == false.
        debug - If true this should print more information, if false this should print what is shown to the end user
        String representation of this object
      • -
    • -
    - -
    - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/conditions/CondIsAlive.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/conditions/CondIsAlive.html deleted file mode 100644 index 86ca4f48be..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/conditions/CondIsAlive.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,262 +0,0 @@ - - - - -CondIsAlive (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -
    - -
    - -

    Class CondIsAlive

    - -
    All Implemented Interfaces:
    Debuggable, SyntaxElement, Checker<org.bukkit.entity.Entity>
    @Name("Is Alive") -@Description("Checks whether an entity is alive. Works for non-living entities too.") -@Examples({"if {villager-buddy::%player\'s uuid%} is not dead:","","on shoot:","\twhile the projectile is alive:"}) -@Since("2.0, 2.4-alpha4 (non-living entity support)") -public class CondIsAlive -extends PropertyCondition<org.bukkit.entity.Entity>
    - -
      - -
    • -

      Constructor Details

      • -


        public CondIsAlive()
      • -
    • - -
    • -

      Method Details

      • -


        public boolean init(Expression<?>[] exprs, - int matchedPattern, - Kleenean isDelayed, - SkriptParser.ParseResult parseResult)
        Description copied from interface: SyntaxElement
        Called just after the constructor.
        Specified by:
        init in interface SyntaxElement
        init in class PropertyCondition<org.bukkit.entity.Entity>
        exprs - all %expr%s included in the matching pattern in the order they appear in the pattern. If an optional value was left out it will still be included in this list - holding the default value of the desired type which usually depends on the event.
        matchedPattern - The index of the pattern which matched
        isDelayed - Whether this expression is used after a delay or not (i.e. if the event has already passed when this expression will be called)
        parseResult - Additional information about the match.
        Whether this expression was initialised successfully. An error should be printed prior to returning false to specify the cause.
        See Also:
        - -
      • -
      • -


        public boolean check(org.bukkit.entity.Entity e)
        Specified by:
        check in interface Checker<org.bukkit.entity.Entity>
        Specified by:
        check in class PropertyCondition<org.bukkit.entity.Entity>
      • -
      • -


        protected String getPropertyName()
        Specified by:
        getPropertyName in class PropertyCondition<org.bukkit.entity.Entity>
      • -
    • -
    - -
    - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/conditions/CondIsBanned.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/conditions/CondIsBanned.html deleted file mode 100644 index ca7f1e552d..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/conditions/CondIsBanned.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,262 +0,0 @@ - - - - -CondIsBanned (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -
    - -
    - -

    Class CondIsBanned

    - -
    All Implemented Interfaces:
    Debuggable, SyntaxElement, Checker<Object>
    @Name("Is Banned") -@Description("Checks whether a player or IP is banned.") -@Examples({"player is banned","victim is not IP-banned","\"\" is banned"}) -@Since("1.4") -public class CondIsBanned -extends PropertyCondition<Object>
    - -
      - -
    • -

      Constructor Details

      • -


        public CondIsBanned()
      • -
    • - -
    • -

      Method Details

      • -


        public boolean init(Expression<?>[] exprs, - int matchedPattern, - Kleenean isDelayed, - SkriptParser.ParseResult parseResult)
        Description copied from interface: SyntaxElement
        Called just after the constructor.
        Specified by:
        init in interface SyntaxElement
        init in class PropertyCondition<Object>
        exprs - all %expr%s included in the matching pattern in the order they appear in the pattern. If an optional value was left out it will still be included in this list - holding the default value of the desired type which usually depends on the event.
        matchedPattern - The index of the pattern which matched
        isDelayed - Whether this expression is used after a delay or not (i.e. if the event has already passed when this expression will be called)
        parseResult - Additional information about the match.
        Whether this expression was initialised successfully. An error should be printed prior to returning false to specify the cause.
        See Also:
        - -
      • -
      • -


        public boolean check(Object obj)
        Specified by:
        check in interface Checker<Object>
        Specified by:
        check in class PropertyCondition<Object>
      • -
      • -


        protected String getPropertyName()
        Specified by:
        getPropertyName in class PropertyCondition<Object>
      • -
    • -
    - -
    - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/conditions/CondIsBlock.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/conditions/CondIsBlock.html deleted file mode 100644 index e87e31f54c..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/conditions/CondIsBlock.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,223 +0,0 @@ - - - - -CondIsBlock (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -
    - -
    - -

    Class CondIsBlock

    - -
    All Implemented Interfaces:
    Debuggable, SyntaxElement, Checker<ItemType>
    @Name("Is Block") -@Description("Checks whether an item is a block.") -@Examples({"player\'s held item is a block","{list::*} are blocks"}) -@Since("2.4") -public class CondIsBlock -extends PropertyCondition<ItemType>
    - -
    - -
    - -
    - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/conditions/CondIsBlockRedstonePowered.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/conditions/CondIsBlockRedstonePowered.html deleted file mode 100644 index 6dffa4c9d4..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/conditions/CondIsBlockRedstonePowered.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,258 +0,0 @@ - - - - -CondIsBlockRedstonePowered (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -
    - -
    - -

    Class CondIsBlockRedstonePowered

    - -
    All Implemented Interfaces:
    Debuggable, SyntaxElement
    @Name("Is Block Redstone Powered") -@Description("Checks if a block is indirectly or directly powered by redstone") -@Examples({"if clicked block is redstone powered:","\tsend \"This block is well-powered by redstone!\"","if clicked block is indirectly redstone powered:","\tsend \"This block is indirectly redstone powered.\""}) -@Since("2.5") -public class CondIsBlockRedstonePowered -extends Condition
    - -
      - -
    • -

      Constructor Details

      • -


        public CondIsBlockRedstonePowered()
      • -
    • - -
    • -

      Method Details

      • -


        public boolean init(Expression<?>[] exprs, - int matchedPattern, - Kleenean isDelayed, - SkriptParser.ParseResult parseResult)
        Description copied from interface: SyntaxElement
        Called just after the constructor.
        exprs - all %expr%s included in the matching pattern in the order they appear in the pattern. If an optional value was left out it will still be included in this list - holding the default value of the desired type which usually depends on the event.
        matchedPattern - The index of the pattern which matched
        isDelayed - Whether this expression is used after a delay or not (i.e. if the event has already passed when this expression will be called)
        parseResult - Additional information about the match.
        Whether this expression was initialised successfully. An error should be printed prior to returning false to specify the cause.
        See Also:
        - -
      • -
      • -


        public boolean check(org.bukkit.event.Event e)
        Description copied from class: Condition
        Checks whether this condition is satisfied with the given event. This should not alter the event or the world in any way, as conditions are only checked until one returns - false. All subsequent conditions of the same trigger will then be omitted.
        - You might want to use SimpleExpression.check(Event, Checker)
        Specified by:
        check in class Condition
        e - the event to check
        true if the condition is satisfied, false otherwise or if the condition doesn't apply to this event.
      • -
      • -


        public String toString(@Nullable org.bukkit.event.Event e, - boolean debug)
        e - The event to get information to. This is always null if debug == false.
        debug - If true this should print more information, if false this should print what is shown to the end user
        String representation of this object
      • -
    • -
    - -
    - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/conditions/CondIsBlocking.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/conditions/CondIsBlocking.html deleted file mode 100644 index 912f8cb615..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/conditions/CondIsBlocking.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,223 +0,0 @@ - - - - -CondIsBlocking (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -
    - -
    - -

    Class CondIsBlocking

    - -
    All Implemented Interfaces:
    Debuggable, SyntaxElement, Checker<org.bukkit.entity.Player>
    @Name("Is Blocking") -@Description("Checks whether a player is blocking with their shield.") -@Examples({"on damage of player:","\tvictim is blocking","\tdamage attacker by 0.5 hearts"}) -@Since("<i>unknown</i> (before 2.1)") -public class CondIsBlocking -extends PropertyCondition<org.bukkit.entity.Player>
    - -
      - -
    • -

      Constructor Details

      • -


        public CondIsBlocking()
      • -
    • - -
    • -

      Method Details

      • -


        public boolean check(org.bukkit.entity.Player p)
        Specified by:
        check in interface Checker<org.bukkit.entity.Player>
        Specified by:
        check in class PropertyCondition<org.bukkit.entity.Player>
      • -
      • -


        protected String getPropertyName()
        Specified by:
        getPropertyName in class PropertyCondition<org.bukkit.entity.Player>
      • -
    • -
    - -
    - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/conditions/CondIsBurning.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/conditions/CondIsBurning.html deleted file mode 100644 index 556c9299be..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/conditions/CondIsBurning.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,223 +0,0 @@ - - - - -CondIsBurning (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -
    - -
    - -

    Class CondIsBurning

    - -
    All Implemented Interfaces:
    Debuggable, SyntaxElement, Checker<org.bukkit.entity.Entity>
    @Name("Is Burning") -@Description("Checks whether an entity is on fire, e.g. a zombie due to being in sunlight, or any entity after falling into lava.") -@Examples({"# increased attack against burning targets","victim is burning:","\tincrease damage by 2"}) -@Since("1.4.4") -public class CondIsBurning -extends PropertyCondition<org.bukkit.entity.Entity>
    - -
      - -
    • -

      Constructor Details

      • -


        public CondIsBurning()
      • -
    • - -
    • -

      Method Details

      • -


        public boolean check(org.bukkit.entity.Entity e)
        Specified by:
        check in interface Checker<org.bukkit.entity.Entity>
        Specified by:
        check in class PropertyCondition<org.bukkit.entity.Entity>
      • -
      • -


        protected String getPropertyName()
        Specified by:
        getPropertyName in class PropertyCondition<org.bukkit.entity.Entity>
      • -
    • -
    - -
    - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/conditions/CondIsCharged.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/conditions/CondIsCharged.html deleted file mode 100644 index 18b7293139..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/conditions/CondIsCharged.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,223 +0,0 @@ - - - - -CondIsCharged (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -
    - -
    - -

    Class CondIsCharged

    - -
    All Implemented Interfaces:
    Debuggable, SyntaxElement, Checker<org.bukkit.entity.LivingEntity>
    @Name("Is Charged") -@Description("Checks if a creeper is charged (powered).") -@Examples({"if the last spawned creeper is charged:","\tbroadcast \"A charged creeper is at %location of last spawned creeper%\""}) -@Since("2.5") -public class CondIsCharged -extends PropertyCondition<org.bukkit.entity.LivingEntity>
    - -
      - -
    • -

      Constructor Details

      • -


        public CondIsCharged()
      • -
    • - -
    • -

      Method Details

      • -


        public boolean check(org.bukkit.entity.LivingEntity e)
        Specified by:
        check in interface Checker<org.bukkit.entity.LivingEntity>
        Specified by:
        check in class PropertyCondition<org.bukkit.entity.LivingEntity>
      • -
      • -


        protected String getPropertyName()
        Specified by:
        getPropertyName in class PropertyCondition<org.bukkit.entity.LivingEntity>
      • -
    • -
    - -
    - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/conditions/CondIsClimbing.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/conditions/CondIsClimbing.html deleted file mode 100644 index de7e58ed35..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/conditions/CondIsClimbing.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,224 +0,0 @@ - - - - -CondIsClimbing (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -
    - -
    - -

    Class CondIsClimbing

    - -
    All Implemented Interfaces:
    Debuggable, SyntaxElement, Checker<org.bukkit.entity.LivingEntity>
    @Name("Is Climbing") -@Description("Whether a living entity is climbing, such as a spider up a wall or a player on a ladder.") -@Examples({"spawn a spider at location of spawn","wait a second","if the last spawned spider is climbing:","\tmessage\"The spider is now climbing!\""}) -@RequiredPlugins("Minecraft 1.17+") -@Since("INSERT VERSION") -public class CondIsClimbing -extends PropertyCondition<org.bukkit.entity.LivingEntity>
    - -
      - -
    • -

      Constructor Details

      • -


        public CondIsClimbing()
      • -
    • - -
    • -

      Method Details

      • -


        public boolean check(org.bukkit.entity.LivingEntity entity)
        Specified by:
        check in interface Checker<org.bukkit.entity.LivingEntity>
        Specified by:
        check in class PropertyCondition<org.bukkit.entity.LivingEntity>
      • -
      • -


        protected String getPropertyName()
        Specified by:
        getPropertyName in class PropertyCondition<org.bukkit.entity.LivingEntity>
      • -
    • -
    - -
    - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/conditions/CondIsEdible.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/conditions/CondIsEdible.html deleted file mode 100644 index cae25a30f7..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/conditions/CondIsEdible.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,223 +0,0 @@ - - - - -CondIsEdible (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -
    - -
    - -

    Class CondIsEdible

    - -
    All Implemented Interfaces:
    Debuggable, SyntaxElement, Checker<ItemType>
    @Name("Is Edible") -@Description("Checks whether an item is edible.") -@Examples({"steak is edible","player\'s tool is edible"}) -@Since("2.2-dev36") -public class CondIsEdible -extends PropertyCondition<ItemType>
    - -
    - -
    - -
    - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/conditions/CondIsEmpty.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/conditions/CondIsEmpty.html deleted file mode 100644 index f48f5dfff9..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/conditions/CondIsEmpty.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,223 +0,0 @@ - - - - -CondIsEmpty (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -
    - -
    - -

    Class CondIsEmpty

    - -
    All Implemented Interfaces:
    Debuggable, SyntaxElement, Checker<Object>
    @Name("Is Empty") -@Description("Checks whether an inventory, an inventory slot, or a text is empty.") -@Examples("player\'s inventory is empty") -@Since("<i>unknown</i> (before 2.1)") -public class CondIsEmpty -extends PropertyCondition<Object>
    - -
    - -
    - -
    - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/conditions/CondIsEnchanted.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/conditions/CondIsEnchanted.html deleted file mode 100644 index 6ac793ffee..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/conditions/CondIsEnchanted.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,258 +0,0 @@ - - - - -CondIsEnchanted (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -
    - -
    - -

    Class CondIsEnchanted

    - -
    All Implemented Interfaces:
    Debuggable, SyntaxElement
    @Name("Is Enchanted") -@Description("Checks whether an item is enchanted.") -@Examples({"tool of the player is enchanted with efficiency 2","helm, chestplate, leggings or boots are enchanted"}) -@Since("1.4.6") -public class CondIsEnchanted -extends Condition
    - -
      - -
    • -

      Constructor Details

      • -


        public CondIsEnchanted()
      • -
    • - -
    • -

      Method Details

      • -


        public boolean init(Expression<?>[] exprs, - int matchedPattern, - Kleenean isDelayed, - SkriptParser.ParseResult parseResult)
        Description copied from interface: SyntaxElement
        Called just after the constructor.
        exprs - all %expr%s included in the matching pattern in the order they appear in the pattern. If an optional value was left out it will still be included in this list - holding the default value of the desired type which usually depends on the event.
        matchedPattern - The index of the pattern which matched
        isDelayed - Whether this expression is used after a delay or not (i.e. if the event has already passed when this expression will be called)
        parseResult - Additional information about the match.
        Whether this expression was initialised successfully. An error should be printed prior to returning false to specify the cause.
        See Also:
        - -
      • -
      • -


        public boolean check(org.bukkit.event.Event e)
        Description copied from class: Condition
        Checks whether this condition is satisfied with the given event. This should not alter the event or the world in any way, as conditions are only checked until one returns - false. All subsequent conditions of the same trigger will then be omitted.
        - You might want to use SimpleExpression.check(Event, Checker)
        Specified by:
        check in class Condition
        e - the event to check
        true if the condition is satisfied, false otherwise or if the condition doesn't apply to this event.
      • -
      • -


        public String toString(@Nullable org.bukkit.event.Event e, - boolean debug)
        e - The event to get information to. This is always null if debug == false.
        debug - If true this should print more information, if false this should print what is shown to the end user
        String representation of this object
      • -
    • -
    - -
    - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/conditions/CondIsFlammable.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/conditions/CondIsFlammable.html deleted file mode 100644 index 2a80525258..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/conditions/CondIsFlammable.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,223 +0,0 @@ - - - - -CondIsFlammable (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -
    - -
    - -

    Class CondIsFlammable

    - -
    All Implemented Interfaces:
    Debuggable, SyntaxElement, Checker<ItemType>
    @Name("Is Flammable") -@Description("Checks whether an item is flammable.") -@Examples({"wood is flammable","player\'s tool is flammable"}) -@Since("2.2-dev36") -public class CondIsFlammable -extends PropertyCondition<ItemType>
    - -
    - -
    - -
    - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/conditions/CondIsFlying.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/conditions/CondIsFlying.html deleted file mode 100644 index 25789d98ed..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/conditions/CondIsFlying.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,223 +0,0 @@ - - - - -CondIsFlying (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -
    - -
    - -

    Class CondIsFlying

    - -
    All Implemented Interfaces:
    Debuggable, SyntaxElement, Checker<org.bukkit.entity.Player>
    @Name("Is Flying") -@Description("Checks whether a player is flying.") -@Examples("player is not flying") -@Since("1.4.4") -public class CondIsFlying -extends PropertyCondition<org.bukkit.entity.Player>
    - -
      - -
    • -

      Constructor Details

      • -


        public CondIsFlying()
      • -
    • - -
    • -

      Method Details

      • -


        public boolean check(org.bukkit.entity.Player p)
        Specified by:
        check in interface Checker<org.bukkit.entity.Player>
        Specified by:
        check in class PropertyCondition<org.bukkit.entity.Player>
      • -
      • -


        protected String getPropertyName()
        Specified by:
        getPropertyName in class PropertyCondition<org.bukkit.entity.Player>
      • -
    • -
    - -
    - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/conditions/CondIsFrozen.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/conditions/CondIsFrozen.html deleted file mode 100644 index b6e3243ac1..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/conditions/CondIsFrozen.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,223 +0,0 @@ - - - - -CondIsFrozen (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -
    - -
    - -

    Class CondIsFrozen

    - -
    All Implemented Interfaces:
    Debuggable, SyntaxElement, Checker<org.bukkit.entity.Entity>
    @Name("Is Frozen") -@Description("Checks whether an entity is frozen.") -@Examples({"if player is frozen:","\tkill player"}) -@Since("2.7") -public class CondIsFrozen -extends PropertyCondition<org.bukkit.entity.Entity>
    - -
      - -
    • -

      Constructor Details

      • -


        public CondIsFrozen()
      • -
    • - -
    • -

      Method Details

      • -


        public boolean check(org.bukkit.entity.Entity entity)
        Specified by:
        check in interface Checker<org.bukkit.entity.Entity>
        Specified by:
        check in class PropertyCondition<org.bukkit.entity.Entity>
      • -
      • -


        protected String getPropertyName()
        Specified by:
        getPropertyName in class PropertyCondition<org.bukkit.entity.Entity>
      • -
    • -
    - -
    - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/conditions/CondIsFuel.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/conditions/CondIsFuel.html deleted file mode 100644 index ca825c319d..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/conditions/CondIsFuel.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,224 +0,0 @@ - - - - -CondIsFuel (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -
    - -
    - -

    Class CondIsFuel

    - -
    All Implemented Interfaces:
    Debuggable, SyntaxElement, Checker<ItemType>
    @Name("Is Fuel") -@Description("Checks whether an item can be used as fuel in a furnace.") -@Examples({"on right click on furnace:","\tif player\'s tool is not fuel:","\t\tsend \"Please hold a valid fuel item in your hand\"","\t\tcancel event"}) -@Since("2.5.1") -@RequiredPlugins("Minecraft 1.11.2+") -public class CondIsFuel -extends PropertyCondition<ItemType>
    - -
    - -
    - -
    - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/conditions/CondIsGliding.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/conditions/CondIsGliding.html deleted file mode 100644 index a509bf8770..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/conditions/CondIsGliding.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,223 +0,0 @@ - - - - -CondIsGliding (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -
    - -
    - -

    Class CondIsGliding

    - -
    All Implemented Interfaces:
    Debuggable, SyntaxElement, Checker<org.bukkit.entity.LivingEntity>
    @Name("Is Gliding") -@Description("Checks whether a living entity is gliding.") -@Examples("if player is gliding") -@Since("2.7") -public class CondIsGliding -extends PropertyCondition<org.bukkit.entity.LivingEntity>
    - -
      - -
    • -

      Constructor Details

      • -


        public CondIsGliding()
      • -
    • - -
    • -

      Method Details

      • -


        public boolean check(org.bukkit.entity.LivingEntity entity)
        Specified by:
        check in interface Checker<org.bukkit.entity.LivingEntity>
        Specified by:
        check in class PropertyCondition<org.bukkit.entity.LivingEntity>
      • -
      • -


        protected String getPropertyName()
        Specified by:
        getPropertyName in class PropertyCondition<org.bukkit.entity.LivingEntity>
      • -
    • -
    - -
    - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/conditions/CondIsInteractable.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/conditions/CondIsInteractable.html deleted file mode 100644 index 962bb0e203..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/conditions/CondIsInteractable.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,224 +0,0 @@ - - - - -CondIsInteractable (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -
    - -
    - -

    Class CondIsInteractable

    - -
    All Implemented Interfaces:
    Debuggable, SyntaxElement, Checker<ItemType>
    @Name("Is Interactable") -@Description("Checks wether or not a block is interactable.") -@Examples({"on block break:","\tif event-block is interactable:","\t\tcancel event","\t\tsend \"You cannot break interactable blocks!\""}) -@Since("2.5.2") -@RequiredPlugins("Minecraft 1.13+") -public class CondIsInteractable -extends PropertyCondition<ItemType>
    - -
    - -
    - -
    - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/conditions/CondIsInvisible.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/conditions/CondIsInvisible.html deleted file mode 100644 index 4a91df0736..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/conditions/CondIsInvisible.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,262 +0,0 @@ - - - - -CondIsInvisible (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -
    - -
    - -

    Class CondIsInvisible

    - -
    All Implemented Interfaces:
    Debuggable, SyntaxElement, Checker<org.bukkit.entity.LivingEntity>
    @Name("Is Invisible") -@Description("Checks whether a living entity is invisible.") -@Examples("target entity is invisible") -@Since("2.7") -public class CondIsInvisible -extends PropertyCondition<org.bukkit.entity.LivingEntity>
    - -
      - -
    • -

      Constructor Details

      • -


        public CondIsInvisible()
      • -
    • - -
    • -

      Method Details

      • -


        public boolean init(Expression<?>[] exprs, - int matchedPattern, - Kleenean isDelayed, - SkriptParser.ParseResult parseResult)
        Description copied from interface: SyntaxElement
        Called just after the constructor.
        Specified by:
        init in interface SyntaxElement
        init in class PropertyCondition<org.bukkit.entity.LivingEntity>
        exprs - all %expr%s included in the matching pattern in the order they appear in the pattern. If an optional value was left out it will still be included in this list - holding the default value of the desired type which usually depends on the event.
        matchedPattern - The index of the pattern which matched
        isDelayed - Whether this expression is used after a delay or not (i.e. if the event has already passed when this expression will be called)
        parseResult - Additional information about the match.
        Whether this expression was initialised successfully. An error should be printed prior to returning false to specify the cause.
        See Also:
        - -
      • -
      • -


        public boolean check(org.bukkit.entity.LivingEntity livingEntity)
        Specified by:
        check in interface Checker<org.bukkit.entity.LivingEntity>
        Specified by:
        check in class PropertyCondition<org.bukkit.entity.LivingEntity>
      • -
      • -


        protected String getPropertyName()
        Specified by:
        getPropertyName in class PropertyCondition<org.bukkit.entity.LivingEntity>
      • -
    • -
    - -
    - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/conditions/CondIsInvulnerable.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/conditions/CondIsInvulnerable.html deleted file mode 100644 index c64ec20163..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/conditions/CondIsInvulnerable.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,223 +0,0 @@ - - - - -CondIsInvulnerable (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -
    - -
    - -

    Class CondIsInvulnerable

    - -
    All Implemented Interfaces:
    Debuggable, SyntaxElement, Checker<org.bukkit.entity.Entity>
    @Name("Is Invulnerable") -@Description("Checks whether an entity is invulnerable.") -@Examples("target entity is invulnerable") -@Since("2.5") -public class CondIsInvulnerable -extends PropertyCondition<org.bukkit.entity.Entity>
    - -
      - -
    • -

      Constructor Details

      • -


        public CondIsInvulnerable()
      • -
    • - -
    • -

      Method Details

      • -


        public boolean check(org.bukkit.entity.Entity entity)
        Specified by:
        check in interface Checker<org.bukkit.entity.Entity>
        Specified by:
        check in class PropertyCondition<org.bukkit.entity.Entity>
      • -
      • -


        protected String getPropertyName()
        Specified by:
        getPropertyName in class PropertyCondition<org.bukkit.entity.Entity>
      • -
    • -
    - -
    - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/conditions/CondIsJumping.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/conditions/CondIsJumping.html deleted file mode 100644 index 43f4c17e3d..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/conditions/CondIsJumping.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,263 +0,0 @@ - - - - -CondIsJumping (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -
    - -
    - -

    Class CondIsJumping

    - -
    All Implemented Interfaces:
    Debuggable, SyntaxElement, Checker<org.bukkit.entity.LivingEntity>
    @Name("Is Jumping") -@Description("Checks whether a living entity is jumping. This condition does not work on players.") -@Examples({"on spawn of zombie:","\twhile event-entity is not jumping:","\t\twait 5 ticks","\tpush event-entity upwards"}) -@Since("INSERT VERSION") -@RequiredPlugins("Paper 1.15+") -public class CondIsJumping -extends PropertyCondition<org.bukkit.entity.LivingEntity>
    - -
      - -
    • -

      Constructor Details

      • -


        public CondIsJumping()
      • -
    • - -
    • -

      Method Details

      • -


        public boolean init(Expression<?>[] exprs, - int matchedPattern, - Kleenean isDelayed, - SkriptParser.ParseResult parseResult)
        Description copied from interface: SyntaxElement
        Called just after the constructor.
        Specified by:
        init in interface SyntaxElement
        init in class PropertyCondition<org.bukkit.entity.LivingEntity>
        exprs - all %expr%s included in the matching pattern in the order they appear in the pattern. If an optional value was left out it will still be included in this list - holding the default value of the desired type which usually depends on the event.
        matchedPattern - The index of the pattern which matched
        isDelayed - Whether this expression is used after a delay or not (i.e. if the event has already passed when this expression will be called)
        parseResult - Additional information about the match.
        Whether this expression was initialised successfully. An error should be printed prior to returning false to specify the cause.
        See Also:
        - -
      • -
      • -


        public boolean check(org.bukkit.entity.LivingEntity livingEntity)
        Specified by:
        check in interface Checker<org.bukkit.entity.LivingEntity>
        Specified by:
        check in class PropertyCondition<org.bukkit.entity.LivingEntity>
      • -
      • -


        protected String getPropertyName()
        Specified by:
        getPropertyName in class PropertyCondition<org.bukkit.entity.LivingEntity>
      • -
    • -
    - -
    - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/conditions/CondIsLeftHanded.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/conditions/CondIsLeftHanded.html deleted file mode 100644 index 0e892bd479..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/conditions/CondIsLeftHanded.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,263 +0,0 @@ - - - - -CondIsLeftHanded (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -
    - -
    - -

    Class CondIsLeftHanded

    - -
    All Implemented Interfaces:
    Debuggable, SyntaxElement, Checker<org.bukkit.entity.LivingEntity>
    @Name("Left Handed") -@Description({"Checks if living entities or players are left or right-handed. Armor stands are neither right nor left-handed.","Paper 1.17.1+ is required for non-player entities."}) -@Examples({"on damage of player:","\tif victim is left handed:","\t\tcancel event"}) -@Since("INSERT VERSION") -@RequiredPlugins("Paper 1.17.1+ (entities)") -public class CondIsLeftHanded -extends PropertyCondition<org.bukkit.entity.LivingEntity>
    - -
      - -
    • -

      Constructor Details

      • -


        public CondIsLeftHanded()
      • -
    • - -
    • -

      Method Details

      • -


        public boolean init(Expression[] exprs, - int matchedPattern, - Kleenean isDelayed, - SkriptParser.ParseResult parseResult)
        Description copied from interface: SyntaxElement
        Called just after the constructor.
        Specified by:
        init in interface SyntaxElement
        init in class PropertyCondition<org.bukkit.entity.LivingEntity>
        exprs - all %expr%s included in the matching pattern in the order they appear in the pattern. If an optional value was left out it will still be included in this list - holding the default value of the desired type which usually depends on the event.
        matchedPattern - The index of the pattern which matched
        isDelayed - Whether this expression is used after a delay or not (i.e. if the event has already passed when this expression will be called)
        parseResult - Additional information about the match.
        Whether this expression was initialised successfully. An error should be printed prior to returning false to specify the cause.
        See Also:
        - -
      • -
      • -


        public boolean check(org.bukkit.entity.LivingEntity livingEntity)
        Specified by:
        check in interface Checker<org.bukkit.entity.LivingEntity>
        Specified by:
        check in class PropertyCondition<org.bukkit.entity.LivingEntity>
      • -
      • -


        protected String getPropertyName()
        Specified by:
        getPropertyName in class PropertyCondition<org.bukkit.entity.LivingEntity>
      • -
    • -
    - -
    - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/conditions/CondIsLoaded.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/conditions/CondIsLoaded.html deleted file mode 100644 index 30d6139923..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/conditions/CondIsLoaded.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,258 +0,0 @@ - - - - -CondIsLoaded (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -
    - -
    - -

    Class CondIsLoaded

    - -
    All Implemented Interfaces:
    Debuggable, SyntaxElement
    @Name("Is Loaded") -@Description("Checks whether or not a chunk/world is loaded. \'chunk at 1, 1\' uses chunk coords, which are location coords divided by 16.") -@Examples({"if chunk at {home::%player\'s uuid%} is loaded:","if chunk 1, 10 in world \"world\" is loaded:","if world(\"lobby\") is loaded:"}) -@Since("2.3, 2.5 (revamp with chunk at location/coords)") -public class CondIsLoaded -extends Condition
    - -
      - -
    • -

      Constructor Details

      • -


        public CondIsLoaded()
      • -
    • - -
    • -

      Method Details

      • -


        public boolean init(Expression<?>[] exprs, - int matchedPattern, - Kleenean isDelayed, - SkriptParser.ParseResult parseResult)
        Description copied from interface: SyntaxElement
        Called just after the constructor.
        exprs - all %expr%s included in the matching pattern in the order they appear in the pattern. If an optional value was left out it will still be included in this list - holding the default value of the desired type which usually depends on the event.
        matchedPattern - The index of the pattern which matched
        isDelayed - Whether this expression is used after a delay or not (i.e. if the event has already passed when this expression will be called)
        parseResult - Additional information about the match.
        Whether this expression was initialised successfully. An error should be printed prior to returning false to specify the cause.
        See Also:
        - -
      • -
      • -


        public boolean check(org.bukkit.event.Event e)
        Description copied from class: Condition
        Checks whether this condition is satisfied with the given event. This should not alter the event or the world in any way, as conditions are only checked until one returns - false. All subsequent conditions of the same trigger will then be omitted.
        - You might want to use SimpleExpression.check(Event, Checker)
        Specified by:
        check in class Condition
        e - the event to check
        true if the condition is satisfied, false otherwise or if the condition doesn't apply to this event.
      • -
      • -


        public String toString(@Nullable org.bukkit.event.Event e, - boolean d)
        e - The event to get information to. This is always null if debug == false.
        d - If true this should print more information, if false this should print what is shown to the end user
        String representation of this object
      • -
    • -
    - -
    - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/conditions/CondIsOccluding.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/conditions/CondIsOccluding.html deleted file mode 100644 index 2edd69ccb1..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/conditions/CondIsOccluding.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,223 +0,0 @@ - - - - -CondIsOccluding (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -
    - -
    - -

    Class CondIsOccluding

    - -
    All Implemented Interfaces:
    Debuggable, SyntaxElement, Checker<ItemType>
    @Name("Is Occluding") -@Description("Checks whether an item is a block and completely blocks vision.") -@Examples("player\'s tool is occluding") -@Since("2.5.1") -public class CondIsOccluding -extends PropertyCondition<ItemType>
    - -
    - -
    - -
    - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/conditions/CondIsOfType.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/conditions/CondIsOfType.html deleted file mode 100644 index 9802a8aaf5..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/conditions/CondIsOfType.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,258 +0,0 @@ - - - - -CondIsOfType (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -
    - -
    - -

    Class CondIsOfType

    - -
    All Implemented Interfaces:
    Debuggable, SyntaxElement
    @Name("Is of Type") -@Description("Checks whether an item of an entity is of the given type. This is mostly useful for variables, as you can use the general \'is\' condition otherwise (e.g. \'victim is a creeper\').") -@Examples({"tool is of type {selected type}","victim is of type {villager type}"}) -@Since("1.4") -public class CondIsOfType -extends Condition
    - -
      - -
    • -

      Constructor Details

      • -


        public CondIsOfType()
      • -
    • - -
    • -

      Method Details

      • -


        public boolean init(Expression<?>[] exprs, - int matchedPattern, - Kleenean isDelayed, - SkriptParser.ParseResult parseResult)
        Description copied from interface: SyntaxElement
        Called just after the constructor.
        exprs - all %expr%s included in the matching pattern in the order they appear in the pattern. If an optional value was left out it will still be included in this list - holding the default value of the desired type which usually depends on the event.
        matchedPattern - The index of the pattern which matched
        isDelayed - Whether this expression is used after a delay or not (i.e. if the event has already passed when this expression will be called)
        parseResult - Additional information about the match.
        Whether this expression was initialised successfully. An error should be printed prior to returning false to specify the cause.
        See Also:
        - -
      • -
      • -


        public boolean check(org.bukkit.event.Event e)
        Description copied from class: Condition
        Checks whether this condition is satisfied with the given event. This should not alter the event or the world in any way, as conditions are only checked until one returns - false. All subsequent conditions of the same trigger will then be omitted.
        - You might want to use SimpleExpression.check(Event, Checker)
        Specified by:
        check in class Condition
        e - the event to check
        true if the condition is satisfied, false otherwise or if the condition doesn't apply to this event.
      • -
      • -


        public String toString(@Nullable org.bukkit.event.Event e, - boolean debug)
        e - The event to get information to. This is always null if debug == false.
        debug - If true this should print more information, if false this should print what is shown to the end user
        String representation of this object
      • -
    • -
    - -
    - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/conditions/CondIsOnGround.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/conditions/CondIsOnGround.html deleted file mode 100644 index a0e94e4eef..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/conditions/CondIsOnGround.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,223 +0,0 @@ - - - - -CondIsOnGround (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -
    - -
    - -

    Class CondIsOnGround

    - -
    All Implemented Interfaces:
    Debuggable, SyntaxElement, Checker<org.bukkit.entity.Entity>
    @Name("Is on Ground") -@Description("Checks whether an entity is on ground.") -@Examples("player is not on ground") -@Since("2.2-dev26") -public class CondIsOnGround -extends PropertyCondition<org.bukkit.entity.Entity>
    - -
      - -
    • -

      Constructor Details

      • -


        public CondIsOnGround()
      • -
    • - -
    • -

      Method Details

      • -


        public boolean check(org.bukkit.entity.Entity entity)
        Specified by:
        check in interface Checker<org.bukkit.entity.Entity>
        Specified by:
        check in class PropertyCondition<org.bukkit.entity.Entity>
      • -
      • -


        protected String getPropertyName()
        Specified by:
        getPropertyName in class PropertyCondition<org.bukkit.entity.Entity>
      • -
    • -
    - -
    - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/conditions/CondIsOnline.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/conditions/CondIsOnline.html deleted file mode 100644 index 69d62d3b6a..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/conditions/CondIsOnline.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,262 +0,0 @@ - - - - -CondIsOnline (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -
    - -
    - -

    Class CondIsOnline

    - -
    All Implemented Interfaces:
    Debuggable, SyntaxElement, Checker<org.bukkit.OfflinePlayer>
    @Name("Is Online") -@Description("Checks whether a player is online.") -@Examples({"player is online","player-argument is offline"}) -@Since("1.4") -public class CondIsOnline -extends PropertyCondition<org.bukkit.OfflinePlayer>
    - -
      - -
    • -

      Constructor Details

      • -


        public CondIsOnline()
      • -
    • - -
    • -

      Method Details

      • -


        public boolean init(Expression<?>[] exprs, - int matchedPattern, - Kleenean isDelayed, - SkriptParser.ParseResult parseResult)
        Description copied from interface: SyntaxElement
        Called just after the constructor.
        Specified by:
        init in interface SyntaxElement
        init in class PropertyCondition<org.bukkit.OfflinePlayer>
        exprs - all %expr%s included in the matching pattern in the order they appear in the pattern. If an optional value was left out it will still be included in this list - holding the default value of the desired type which usually depends on the event.
        matchedPattern - The index of the pattern which matched
        isDelayed - Whether this expression is used after a delay or not (i.e. if the event has already passed when this expression will be called)
        parseResult - Additional information about the match.
        Whether this expression was initialised successfully. An error should be printed prior to returning false to specify the cause.
        See Also:
        - -
      • -
      • -


        public boolean check(org.bukkit.OfflinePlayer op)
        Specified by:
        check in interface Checker<org.bukkit.OfflinePlayer>
        Specified by:
        check in class PropertyCondition<org.bukkit.OfflinePlayer>
      • -
      • -


        protected String getPropertyName()
        Specified by:
        getPropertyName in class PropertyCondition<org.bukkit.OfflinePlayer>
      • -
    • -
    - -
    - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/conditions/CondIsOp.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/conditions/CondIsOp.html deleted file mode 100644 index fd670e0519..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/conditions/CondIsOp.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,223 +0,0 @@ - - - - -CondIsOp (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -
    - -
    - -

    Class CondIsOp

    - -
    All Implemented Interfaces:
    Debuggable, SyntaxElement, Checker<org.bukkit.OfflinePlayer>
    @Name("Is Operator") -@Description("Checks whether a player is a server operator.") -@Examples("player is an operator") -@Since("2.7") -public class CondIsOp -extends PropertyCondition<org.bukkit.OfflinePlayer>
    - -
      - -
    • -

      Constructor Details

      • -


        public CondIsOp()
      • -
    • - -
    • -

      Method Details

      • -


        public boolean check(org.bukkit.OfflinePlayer player)
        Specified by:
        check in interface Checker<org.bukkit.OfflinePlayer>
        Specified by:
        check in class PropertyCondition<org.bukkit.OfflinePlayer>
      • -
      • -


        protected String getPropertyName()
        Specified by:
        getPropertyName in class PropertyCondition<org.bukkit.OfflinePlayer>
      • -
    • -
    - -
    - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/conditions/CondIsPassable.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/conditions/CondIsPassable.html deleted file mode 100644 index aef5dbc025..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/conditions/CondIsPassable.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,224 +0,0 @@ - - - - -CondIsPassable (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -
    - -
    - -

    Class CondIsPassable

    - -
    All Implemented Interfaces:
    Debuggable, SyntaxElement, Checker<org.bukkit.block.Block>
    @Name("Is Passable") -@Description({"Checks whether a block is passable.","A block is passable if it has no colliding parts that would prevent players from moving through it.","Blocks like tall grass, flowers, signs, etc. are passable, but open doors, fence gates, trap doors, etc. are not because they still have parts that can be collided with."}) -@Examples("if player\'s targeted block is passable") -@Since("2.5.1") -@RequiredPlugins("Minecraft 1.13.2+") -public class CondIsPassable -extends PropertyCondition<org.bukkit.block.Block>
    - -
      - -
    • -

      Constructor Details

      • -


        public CondIsPassable()
      • -
    • - -
    • -

      Method Details

      • -


        public boolean check(org.bukkit.block.Block block)
        Specified by:
        check in interface Checker<org.bukkit.block.Block>
        Specified by:
        check in class PropertyCondition<org.bukkit.block.Block>
      • -
      • -


        protected String getPropertyName()
        Specified by:
        getPropertyName in class PropertyCondition<org.bukkit.block.Block>
      • -
    • -
    - -
    - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/conditions/CondIsPluginEnabled.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/conditions/CondIsPluginEnabled.html deleted file mode 100644 index 34f25a511d..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/conditions/CondIsPluginEnabled.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,258 +0,0 @@ - - - - -CondIsPluginEnabled (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -
    - -
    - -

    Class CondIsPluginEnabled

    - -
    All Implemented Interfaces:
    Debuggable, SyntaxElement
    @Name("Is Plugin Enabled") -@Description({"Check if a plugin is enabled/disabled on the server.","Plugin names can be found in the plugin\'s \'plugin.yml\' file or by using the \'/plugins\' command, they are NOT the name of the plugin\'s jar file.","When checking if a plugin is not enabled, this will return true if the plugin is either disabled or not on the server. ","When checking if a plugin is disabled, this will return true if the plugin is on the server and is disabled."}) -@Examples({"if plugin \"Vault\" is enabled:","if plugin \"WorldGuard\" is not enabled:","if plugins \"Essentials\" and \"Vault\" are enabled:","if plugin \"MyBrokenPlugin\" is disabled:"}) -@Since("2.6") -public class CondIsPluginEnabled -extends Condition
    - -
      - -
    • -

      Constructor Details

      • -


        public CondIsPluginEnabled()
      • -
    • - -
    • -

      Method Details

      • -


        public boolean init(Expression<?>[] exprs, - int matchedPattern, - Kleenean isDelayed, - SkriptParser.ParseResult parseResult)
        Description copied from interface: SyntaxElement
        Called just after the constructor.
        exprs - all %expr%s included in the matching pattern in the order they appear in the pattern. If an optional value was left out it will still be included in this list - holding the default value of the desired type which usually depends on the event.
        matchedPattern - The index of the pattern which matched
        isDelayed - Whether this expression is used after a delay or not (i.e. if the event has already passed when this expression will be called)
        parseResult - Additional information about the match.
        Whether this expression was initialised successfully. An error should be printed prior to returning false to specify the cause.
        See Also:
        - -
      • -
      • -


        public boolean check(org.bukkit.event.Event e)
        Description copied from class: Condition
        Checks whether this condition is satisfied with the given event. This should not alter the event or the world in any way, as conditions are only checked until one returns - false. All subsequent conditions of the same trigger will then be omitted.
        - You might want to use SimpleExpression.check(Event, Checker)
        Specified by:
        check in class Condition
        e - the event to check
        true if the condition is satisfied, false otherwise or if the condition doesn't apply to this event.
      • -
      • -


        public String toString(@Nullable org.bukkit.event.Event e, - boolean debug)
        e - The event to get information to. This is always null if debug == false.
        debug - If true this should print more information, if false this should print what is shown to the end user
        String representation of this object
      • -
    • -
    - -
    - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/conditions/CondIsPoisoned.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/conditions/CondIsPoisoned.html deleted file mode 100644 index cc3e712d85..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/conditions/CondIsPoisoned.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,223 +0,0 @@ - - - - -CondIsPoisoned (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -
    - -
    - -

    Class CondIsPoisoned

    - -
    All Implemented Interfaces:
    Debuggable, SyntaxElement, Checker<org.bukkit.entity.LivingEntity>
    @Name("Is Poisoned") -@Description("Checks whether an entity is poisoned.") -@Examples({"player is poisoned:","\tcure the player from poison","\tmessage \"You have been cured!\""}) -@Since("1.4.4") -public class CondIsPoisoned -extends PropertyCondition<org.bukkit.entity.LivingEntity>
    - -
      - -
    • -

      Constructor Details

      • -


        public CondIsPoisoned()
      • -
    • - -
    • -

      Method Details

      • -


        public boolean check(org.bukkit.entity.LivingEntity e)
        Specified by:
        check in interface Checker<org.bukkit.entity.LivingEntity>
        Specified by:
        check in class PropertyCondition<org.bukkit.entity.LivingEntity>
      • -
      • -


        protected String getPropertyName()
        Specified by:
        getPropertyName in class PropertyCondition<org.bukkit.entity.LivingEntity>
      • -
    • -
    - -
    - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/conditions/CondIsPreferredTool.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/conditions/CondIsPreferredTool.html deleted file mode 100644 index d325fdc859..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/conditions/CondIsPreferredTool.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,259 +0,0 @@ - - - - -CondIsPreferredTool (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -
    - -
    - -

    Class CondIsPreferredTool

    - -
    All Implemented Interfaces:
    Debuggable, SyntaxElement
    @Name("Is Preferred Tool") -@Description("Checks whether an item is the preferred tool for a block. A preferred tool is one that will drop the block\'s item when used. For example, a wooden pickaxe is a preferred tool for grass and stone blocks, but not for iron ore.") -@Examples({"on left click:","\tevent-block is set","\tif player\'s tool is the preferred tool for event-block:","\t\tbreak event-block naturally using player\'s tool","\telse:","\t\tcancel event"}) -@Since("2.7") -@RequiredPlugins("1.16.5+, Paper 1.19.2+ (blockdata)") -public class CondIsPreferredTool -extends Condition
    - -
      - -
    • -

      Constructor Details

      • -


        public CondIsPreferredTool()
      • -
    • - -
    • -

      Method Details

      • -


        public boolean init(Expression<?>[] exprs, - int matchedPattern, - Kleenean isDelayed, - SkriptParser.ParseResult parseResult)
        Description copied from interface: SyntaxElement
        Called just after the constructor.
        exprs - all %expr%s included in the matching pattern in the order they appear in the pattern. If an optional value was left out it will still be included in this list - holding the default value of the desired type which usually depends on the event.
        matchedPattern - The index of the pattern which matched
        isDelayed - Whether this expression is used after a delay or not (i.e. if the event has already passed when this expression will be called)
        parseResult - Additional information about the match.
        Whether this expression was initialised successfully. An error should be printed prior to returning false to specify the cause.
        See Also:
        - -
      • -
      • -


        public boolean check(org.bukkit.event.Event event)
        Description copied from class: Condition
        Checks whether this condition is satisfied with the given event. This should not alter the event or the world in any way, as conditions are only checked until one returns - false. All subsequent conditions of the same trigger will then be omitted.
        - You might want to use SimpleExpression.check(Event, Checker)
        Specified by:
        check in class Condition
        event - the event to check
        true if the condition is satisfied, false otherwise or if the condition doesn't apply to this event.
      • -
      • -


        public String toString(@Nullable org.bukkit.event.Event event, - boolean debug)
        event - The event to get information to. This is always null if debug == false.
        debug - If true this should print more information, if false this should print what is shown to the end user
        String representation of this object
      • -
    • -
    - -
    - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/conditions/CondIsRiding.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/conditions/CondIsRiding.html deleted file mode 100644 index e07bc055ed..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/conditions/CondIsRiding.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,258 +0,0 @@ - - - - -CondIsRiding (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -
    - -
    - -

    Class CondIsRiding

    - -
    All Implemented Interfaces:
    Debuggable, SyntaxElement
    @Name("Is Riding") -@Description("Tests whether an entity is riding another or is in a vehicle.") -@Examples("player is riding a saddled pig") -@Since("2.0") -public class CondIsRiding -extends Condition
    - -
      - -
    • -

      Constructor Details

      • -


        public CondIsRiding()
      • -
    • - -
    • -

      Method Details

      • -


        public boolean init(Expression<?>[] exprs, - int matchedPattern, - Kleenean isDelayed, - SkriptParser.ParseResult parseResult)
        Description copied from interface: SyntaxElement
        Called just after the constructor.
        exprs - all %expr%s included in the matching pattern in the order they appear in the pattern. If an optional value was left out it will still be included in this list - holding the default value of the desired type which usually depends on the event.
        matchedPattern - The index of the pattern which matched
        isDelayed - Whether this expression is used after a delay or not (i.e. if the event has already passed when this expression will be called)
        parseResult - Additional information about the match.
        Whether this expression was initialised successfully. An error should be printed prior to returning false to specify the cause.
        See Also:
        - -
      • -
      • -


        public boolean check(org.bukkit.event.Event e)
        Description copied from class: Condition
        Checks whether this condition is satisfied with the given event. This should not alter the event or the world in any way, as conditions are only checked until one returns - false. All subsequent conditions of the same trigger will then be omitted.
        - You might want to use SimpleExpression.check(Event, Checker)
        Specified by:
        check in class Condition
        e - the event to check
        true if the condition is satisfied, false otherwise or if the condition doesn't apply to this event.
      • -
      • -


        public String toString(@Nullable org.bukkit.event.Event e, - boolean debug)
        e - The event to get information to. This is always null if debug == false.
        debug - If true this should print more information, if false this should print what is shown to the end user
        String representation of this object
      • -
    • -
    - -
    - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/conditions/CondIsRiptiding.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/conditions/CondIsRiptiding.html deleted file mode 100644 index 026e04f611..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/conditions/CondIsRiptiding.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,223 +0,0 @@ - - - - -CondIsRiptiding (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -
    - -
    - -

    Class CondIsRiptiding

    - -
    All Implemented Interfaces:
    Debuggable, SyntaxElement, Checker<org.bukkit.entity.LivingEntity>
    @Name("Is Riptiding") -@Description("Checks to see if an entity is currently using the Riptide enchantment.") -@Examples("target entity is riptiding") -@Since("2.5") -public class CondIsRiptiding -extends PropertyCondition<org.bukkit.entity.LivingEntity>
    - -
      - -
    • -

      Constructor Details

      • -


        public CondIsRiptiding()
      • -
    • - -
    • -

      Method Details

      • -


        public boolean check(org.bukkit.entity.LivingEntity entity)
        Specified by:
        check in interface Checker<org.bukkit.entity.LivingEntity>
        Specified by:
        check in class PropertyCondition<org.bukkit.entity.LivingEntity>
      • -
      • -


        protected String getPropertyName()
        Specified by:
        getPropertyName in class PropertyCondition<org.bukkit.entity.LivingEntity>
      • -
    • -
    - -
    - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/conditions/CondIsSet.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/conditions/CondIsSet.html deleted file mode 100644 index eb1c90fb00..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/conditions/CondIsSet.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,258 +0,0 @@ - - - - -CondIsSet (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -
    - -
    - -

    Class CondIsSet

    - -
    All Implemented Interfaces:
    Debuggable, SyntaxElement
    @Name("Exists/Is Set") -@Description("Checks whether a given expression or variable is set.") -@Examples({"{teams::%player\'s uuid%::preferred-team} is not set","on damage:","\tprojectile exists","\tbroadcast \"%attacker% used a %projectile% to attack %victim%!\""}) -@Since("1.2") -public class CondIsSet -extends Condition
    - -
      - -
    • -

      Constructor Details

      • -


        public CondIsSet()
      • -
    • - -
    • -

      Method Details

      • -


        public boolean init(Expression<?>[] exprs, - int matchedPattern, - Kleenean isDelayed, - SkriptParser.ParseResult parseResult)
        Description copied from interface: SyntaxElement
        Called just after the constructor.
        exprs - all %expr%s included in the matching pattern in the order they appear in the pattern. If an optional value was left out it will still be included in this list - holding the default value of the desired type which usually depends on the event.
        matchedPattern - The index of the pattern which matched
        isDelayed - Whether this expression is used after a delay or not (i.e. if the event has already passed when this expression will be called)
        parseResult - Additional information about the match.
        Whether this expression was initialised successfully. An error should be printed prior to returning false to specify the cause.
        See Also:
        - -
      • -
      • -


        public boolean check(org.bukkit.event.Event e)
        Description copied from class: Condition
        Checks whether this condition is satisfied with the given event. This should not alter the event or the world in any way, as conditions are only checked until one returns - false. All subsequent conditions of the same trigger will then be omitted.
        - You might want to use SimpleExpression.check(Event, Checker)
        Specified by:
        check in class Condition
        e - the event to check
        true if the condition is satisfied, false otherwise or if the condition doesn't apply to this event.
      • -
      • -


        public String toString(@Nullable org.bukkit.event.Event e, - boolean debug)
        e - The event to get information to. This is always null if debug == false.
        debug - If true this should print more information, if false this should print what is shown to the end user
        String representation of this object
      • -
    • -
    - -
    - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/conditions/CondIsSilent.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/conditions/CondIsSilent.html deleted file mode 100644 index 8102a1ccd0..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/conditions/CondIsSilent.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,223 +0,0 @@ - - - - -CondIsSilent (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -
    - -
    - -

    Class CondIsSilent

    - -
    All Implemented Interfaces:
    Debuggable, SyntaxElement, Checker<org.bukkit.entity.Entity>
    @Name("Is Silent") -@Description("Checks whether an entity is silent i.e. its sounds are disabled.") -@Examples("target entity is silent") -@Since("2.5") -public class CondIsSilent -extends PropertyCondition<org.bukkit.entity.Entity>
    - -
      - -
    • -

      Constructor Details

      • -


        public CondIsSilent()
      • -
    • - -
    • -

      Method Details

      • -


        public boolean check(org.bukkit.entity.Entity entity)
        Specified by:
        check in interface Checker<org.bukkit.entity.Entity>
        Specified by:
        check in class PropertyCondition<org.bukkit.entity.Entity>
      • -
      • -


        protected String getPropertyName()
        Specified by:
        getPropertyName in class PropertyCondition<org.bukkit.entity.Entity>
      • -
    • -
    - -
    - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/conditions/CondIsSkriptCommand.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/conditions/CondIsSkriptCommand.html deleted file mode 100644 index b479866f11..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/conditions/CondIsSkriptCommand.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,223 +0,0 @@ - - - - -CondIsSkriptCommand (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -
    - -
    - -

    Class CondIsSkriptCommand

    - -
    All Implemented Interfaces:
    Debuggable, SyntaxElement, Checker<String>
    @Name("Is a Skript command") -@Description("Checks whether a command/string is a custom Skript command.") -@Examples({"# Example 1","on command:","\tcommand is a skript command","","# Example 2","\"sometext\" is a skript command"}) -@Since("2.6") -public class CondIsSkriptCommand -extends PropertyCondition<String>
    - -
    - -
    - -
    - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/conditions/CondIsSleeping.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/conditions/CondIsSleeping.html deleted file mode 100644 index 340c85e7f1..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/conditions/CondIsSleeping.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,223 +0,0 @@ - - - - -CondIsSleeping (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -
    - -
    - -

    Class CondIsSleeping

    - -
    All Implemented Interfaces:
    Debuggable, SyntaxElement, Checker<org.bukkit.entity.Player>
    @Name("Is Sleeping") -@Description("Checks whether a player is sleeping.") -@Examples({"# cut your enemies\' throats in their sleep >=)","on attack:","\tattacker is holding a sword","\tvictim is sleeping","\tincrease the damage by 1000"}) -@Since("1.4.4") -public class CondIsSleeping -extends PropertyCondition<org.bukkit.entity.Player>
    - -
      - -
    • -

      Constructor Details

      • -


        public CondIsSleeping()
      • -
    • - -
    • -

      Method Details

      • -


        public boolean check(org.bukkit.entity.Player p)
        Specified by:
        check in interface Checker<org.bukkit.entity.Player>
        Specified by:
        check in class PropertyCondition<org.bukkit.entity.Player>
      • -
      • -


        protected String getPropertyName()
        Specified by:
        getPropertyName in class PropertyCondition<org.bukkit.entity.Player>
      • -
    • -
    - -
    - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/conditions/CondIsSlimeChunk.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/conditions/CondIsSlimeChunk.html deleted file mode 100644 index 62beab145e..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/conditions/CondIsSlimeChunk.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,223 +0,0 @@ - - - - -CondIsSlimeChunk (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -
    - -
    - -

    Class CondIsSlimeChunk

    - -
    All Implemented Interfaces:
    Debuggable, SyntaxElement, Checker<org.bukkit.Chunk>
    @Name("Is Slime Chunk") -@Description({"Tests whether a chunk is a so-called slime chunk.","Slimes can generally spawn in the swamp biome and in slime chunks.","For more info, see <a href=\'https://minecraft.gamepedia.com/Slime#.22Slime_chunks.22\'>the Minecraft wiki</a>."}) -@Examples({"command /slimey:","\ttrigger:","\t\tif chunk at player is a slime chunk:","\t\t\tsend \"Yeah, it is!\"","\t\telse:","\t\t\tsend \"Nope, it isn\'t\""}) -@Since("2.3") -public class CondIsSlimeChunk -extends PropertyCondition<org.bukkit.Chunk>
    - -
      - -
    • -

      Constructor Details

      • -


        public CondIsSlimeChunk()
      • -
    • - -
    • -

      Method Details

      - -
    • -
    - -
    - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/conditions/CondIsSneaking.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/conditions/CondIsSneaking.html deleted file mode 100644 index e8ef921eea..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/conditions/CondIsSneaking.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,223 +0,0 @@ - - - - -CondIsSneaking (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -
    - -
    - -

    Class CondIsSneaking

    - -
    All Implemented Interfaces:
    Debuggable, SyntaxElement, Checker<org.bukkit.entity.Player>
    @Name("Is Sneaking") -@Description("Checks whether a player is sneaking.") -@Examples({"# prevent mobs from seeing sneaking players if they are at least 4 meters apart","on target:","\ttarget is sneaking","\tdistance of target and the entity is bigger than 4","\tcancel the event"}) -@Since("1.4.4") -public class CondIsSneaking -extends PropertyCondition<org.bukkit.entity.Player>
    - -
      - -
    • -

      Constructor Details

      • -


        public CondIsSneaking()
      • -
    • - -
    • -

      Method Details

      • -


        public boolean check(org.bukkit.entity.Player p)
        Specified by:
        check in interface Checker<org.bukkit.entity.Player>
        Specified by:
        check in class PropertyCondition<org.bukkit.entity.Player>
      • -
      • -


        protected String getPropertyName()
        Specified by:
        getPropertyName in class PropertyCondition<org.bukkit.entity.Player>
      • -
    • -
    - -
    - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/conditions/CondIsSolid.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/conditions/CondIsSolid.html deleted file mode 100644 index 4fde4f4bcc..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/conditions/CondIsSolid.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,223 +0,0 @@ - - - - -CondIsSolid (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -
    - -
    - -

    Class CondIsSolid

    - -
    All Implemented Interfaces:
    Debuggable, SyntaxElement, Checker<ItemType>
    @Name("Is Solid") -@Description("Checks whether an item is solid.") -@Examples({"grass block is solid","player\'s tool isn\'t solid"}) -@Since("2.2-dev36") -public class CondIsSolid -extends PropertyCondition<ItemType>
    - -
    - -
    - -
    - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/conditions/CondIsSprinting.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/conditions/CondIsSprinting.html deleted file mode 100644 index 9f35c273c1..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/conditions/CondIsSprinting.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,223 +0,0 @@ - - - - -CondIsSprinting (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -
    - -
    - -

    Class CondIsSprinting

    - -
    All Implemented Interfaces:
    Debuggable, SyntaxElement, Checker<org.bukkit.entity.Player>
    @Name("Is Sprinting") -@Description("Checks whether a player is sprinting.") -@Examples("player is not sprinting") -@Since("1.4.4") -public class CondIsSprinting -extends PropertyCondition<org.bukkit.entity.Player>
    - -
      - -
    • -

      Constructor Details

      • -


        public CondIsSprinting()
      • -
    • - -
    • -

      Method Details

      • -


        public boolean check(org.bukkit.entity.Player p)
        Specified by:
        check in interface Checker<org.bukkit.entity.Player>
        Specified by:
        check in class PropertyCondition<org.bukkit.entity.Player>
      • -
      • -


        protected String getPropertyName()
        Specified by:
        getPropertyName in class PropertyCondition<org.bukkit.entity.Player>
      • -
    • -
    - -
    - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/conditions/CondIsStackable.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/conditions/CondIsStackable.html deleted file mode 100644 index 584c8bdf7c..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/conditions/CondIsStackable.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,223 +0,0 @@ - - - - -CondIsStackable (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -
    - -
    - -

    Class CondIsStackable

    - -
    All Implemented Interfaces:
    Debuggable, SyntaxElement, Checker<org.bukkit.inventory.ItemStack>
    @Name("Is Stackable") -@Description("Checks whether an item is stackable.") -@Examples({"diamond axe is stackable","birch wood is stackable","torch is stackable"}) -@Since("2.7") -public class CondIsStackable -extends PropertyCondition<org.bukkit.inventory.ItemStack>
    - -
      - -
    • -

      Constructor Details

      • -


        public CondIsStackable()
      • -
    • - -
    • -

      Method Details

      • -


        public boolean check(org.bukkit.inventory.ItemStack item)
        Specified by:
        check in interface Checker<org.bukkit.inventory.ItemStack>
        Specified by:
        check in class PropertyCondition<org.bukkit.inventory.ItemStack>
      • -
      • -


        protected String getPropertyName()
        Specified by:
        getPropertyName in class PropertyCondition<org.bukkit.inventory.ItemStack>
      • -
    • -
    - -
    - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/conditions/CondIsSwimming.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/conditions/CondIsSwimming.html deleted file mode 100644 index 213ce42f4e..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/conditions/CondIsSwimming.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,224 +0,0 @@ - - - - -CondIsSwimming (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -
    - -
    - -

    Class CondIsSwimming

    - -
    All Implemented Interfaces:
    Debuggable, SyntaxElement, Checker<org.bukkit.entity.LivingEntity>
    @Name("Is Swimming") -@Description("Checks whether a living entity is swimming.") -@Examples("player is swimming") -@RequiredPlugins("1.13 or newer") -@Since("2.3") -public class CondIsSwimming -extends PropertyCondition<org.bukkit.entity.LivingEntity>
    - -
      - -
    • -

      Constructor Details

      • -


        public CondIsSwimming()
      • -
    • - -
    • -

      Method Details

      • -


        public boolean check(org.bukkit.entity.LivingEntity e)
        Specified by:
        check in interface Checker<org.bukkit.entity.LivingEntity>
        Specified by:
        check in class PropertyCondition<org.bukkit.entity.LivingEntity>
      • -
      • -


        protected String getPropertyName()
        Specified by:
        getPropertyName in class PropertyCondition<org.bukkit.entity.LivingEntity>
      • -
    • -
    - -
    - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/conditions/CondIsTameable.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/conditions/CondIsTameable.html deleted file mode 100644 index c863353b4a..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/conditions/CondIsTameable.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,223 +0,0 @@ - - - - -CondIsTameable (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -
    - -
    - -

    Class CondIsTameable

    - -
    All Implemented Interfaces:
    Debuggable, SyntaxElement, Checker<org.bukkit.entity.LivingEntity>
    @Name("Is Tameable") -@Description("Check if an entity is tameable.") -@Examples({"on damage:","\tif victim is tameable:","\t\tcancel event"}) -@Since("2.5") -public class CondIsTameable -extends PropertyCondition<org.bukkit.entity.LivingEntity>
    - -
      - -
    • -

      Constructor Details

      • -


        public CondIsTameable()
      • -
    • - -
    • -

      Method Details

      • -


        public boolean check(org.bukkit.entity.LivingEntity entity)
        Specified by:
        check in interface Checker<org.bukkit.entity.LivingEntity>
        Specified by:
        check in class PropertyCondition<org.bukkit.entity.LivingEntity>
      • -
      • -


        protected String getPropertyName()
        Specified by:
        getPropertyName in class PropertyCondition<org.bukkit.entity.LivingEntity>
      • -
    • -
    - -
    - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/conditions/CondIsTransparent.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/conditions/CondIsTransparent.html deleted file mode 100644 index ab928895cc..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/conditions/CondIsTransparent.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,223 +0,0 @@ - - - - -CondIsTransparent (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -
    - -
    - -

    Class CondIsTransparent

    - -
    All Implemented Interfaces:
    Debuggable, SyntaxElement, Checker<ItemType>
    @Name("Is Transparent") -@Description("Checks whether an item is transparent. Note that this condition may not work for all blocks, due to the transparency list used by Spigot not being completely accurate.") -@Examples("player\'s tool is transparent.") -@Since("2.2-dev36") -public class CondIsTransparent -extends PropertyCondition<ItemType>
    - -
    - -
    - -
    - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/conditions/CondIsUnbreakable.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/conditions/CondIsUnbreakable.html deleted file mode 100644 index 6e2c774989..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/conditions/CondIsUnbreakable.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,224 +0,0 @@ - - - - -CondIsUnbreakable (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -
    - -
    - -

    Class CondIsUnbreakable

    - -
    All Implemented Interfaces:
    Debuggable, SyntaxElement, Checker<ItemType>
    @Name("Is Unbreakable") -@Description("Checks whether an item is unbreakable.") -@Examples("if event-item is unbreakable") -@Since("2.5.1") -@RequiredPlugins("Minecraft 1.11+") -public class CondIsUnbreakable -extends PropertyCondition<ItemType>
    - -
    - -
    - -
    - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/conditions/CondIsValid.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/conditions/CondIsValid.html deleted file mode 100644 index b7014fed54..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/conditions/CondIsValid.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,223 +0,0 @@ - - - - -CondIsValid (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -
    - -
    - -

    Class CondIsValid

    - -
    All Implemented Interfaces:
    Debuggable, SyntaxElement, Checker<org.bukkit.entity.Entity>
    @Name("Is Valid") -@Description("Checks whether an entity has died or been despawned for some other reason.") -@Examples("if event-entity is valid") -@Since("2.7") -public class CondIsValid -extends PropertyCondition<org.bukkit.entity.Entity>
    - -
      - -
    • -

      Constructor Details

      • -


        public CondIsValid()
      • -
    • - -
    • -

      Method Details

      • -


        public boolean check(org.bukkit.entity.Entity entity)
        Specified by:
        check in interface Checker<org.bukkit.entity.Entity>
        Specified by:
        check in class PropertyCondition<org.bukkit.entity.Entity>
      • -
      • -


        protected String getPropertyName()
        Specified by:
        getPropertyName in class PropertyCondition<org.bukkit.entity.Entity>
      • -
    • -
    - -
    - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/conditions/CondIsVectorNormalized.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/conditions/CondIsVectorNormalized.html deleted file mode 100644 index dc53dcc3ed..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/conditions/CondIsVectorNormalized.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,224 +0,0 @@ - - - - -CondIsVectorNormalized (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -
    - -
    - -

    Class CondIsVectorNormalized

    - -
    All Implemented Interfaces:
    Debuggable, SyntaxElement, Checker<org.bukkit.util.Vector>
    @Name("Is Normalized") -@Description("Checks whether a vector is normalized i.e. length of 1") -@Examples("vector of player\'s location is normalized") -@Since("2.5.1") -@RequiredPlugins("Minecraft 1.13.2+") -public class CondIsVectorNormalized -extends PropertyCondition<org.bukkit.util.Vector>
    - -
      - -
    • -

      Constructor Details

      • -


        public CondIsVectorNormalized()
      • -
    • - -
    • -

      Method Details

      • -


        public boolean check(org.bukkit.util.Vector vector)
        Specified by:
        check in interface Checker<org.bukkit.util.Vector>
        Specified by:
        check in class PropertyCondition<org.bukkit.util.Vector>
      • -
      • -


        protected String getPropertyName()
        Specified by:
        getPropertyName in class PropertyCondition<org.bukkit.util.Vector>
      • -
    • -
    - -
    - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/conditions/CondIsWearing.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/conditions/CondIsWearing.html deleted file mode 100644 index 44c17ba3c7..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/conditions/CondIsWearing.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,258 +0,0 @@ - - - - -CondIsWearing (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -
    - -
    - -

    Class CondIsWearing

    - -
    All Implemented Interfaces:
    Debuggable, SyntaxElement
    @Name("Is Wearing") -@Description("Checks whether a player is wearing some armour.") -@Examples({"player is wearing an iron chestplate and iron leggings","player is wearing all diamond armour"}) -@Since("1.0") -public class CondIsWearing -extends Condition
    - -
      - -
    • -

      Constructor Details

      • -


        public CondIsWearing()
      • -
    • - -
    • -

      Method Details

      • -


        public boolean init(Expression<?>[] vars, - int matchedPattern, - Kleenean isDelayed, - SkriptParser.ParseResult parseResult)
        Description copied from interface: SyntaxElement
        Called just after the constructor.
        vars - all %expr%s included in the matching pattern in the order they appear in the pattern. If an optional value was left out it will still be included in this list - holding the default value of the desired type which usually depends on the event.
        matchedPattern - The index of the pattern which matched
        isDelayed - Whether this expression is used after a delay or not (i.e. if the event has already passed when this expression will be called)
        parseResult - Additional information about the match.
        Whether this expression was initialised successfully. An error should be printed prior to returning false to specify the cause.
        See Also:
        - -
      • -
      • -


        public boolean check(org.bukkit.event.Event e)
        Description copied from class: Condition
        Checks whether this condition is satisfied with the given event. This should not alter the event or the world in any way, as conditions are only checked until one returns - false. All subsequent conditions of the same trigger will then be omitted.
        - You might want to use SimpleExpression.check(Event, Checker)
        Specified by:
        check in class Condition
        e - the event to check
        true if the condition is satisfied, false otherwise or if the condition doesn't apply to this event.
      • -
      • -


        public String toString(@Nullable org.bukkit.event.Event e, - boolean debug)
        e - The event to get information to. This is always null if debug == false.
        debug - If true this should print more information, if false this should print what is shown to the end user
        String representation of this object
      • -
    • -
    - -
    - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/conditions/CondIsWhitelisted.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/conditions/CondIsWhitelisted.html deleted file mode 100644 index a9118992dc..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/conditions/CondIsWhitelisted.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,258 +0,0 @@ - - - - -CondIsWhitelisted (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -
    - -
    - -

    Class CondIsWhitelisted

    - -
    All Implemented Interfaces:
    Debuggable, SyntaxElement
    @Name("Is Whitelisted") -@Description("Whether or not the server or a player is whitelisted.") -@Examples({"if server is whitelisted:","if player is whitelisted"}) -@Since("2.5.2") -public class CondIsWhitelisted -extends Condition
    - -
      - -
    • -

      Constructor Details

      • -


        public CondIsWhitelisted()
      • -
    • - -
    • -

      Method Details

      • -


        public boolean init(Expression<?>[] exprs, - int matchedPattern, - Kleenean isDelayed, - SkriptParser.ParseResult parseResult)
        Description copied from interface: SyntaxElement
        Called just after the constructor.
        exprs - all %expr%s included in the matching pattern in the order they appear in the pattern. If an optional value was left out it will still be included in this list - holding the default value of the desired type which usually depends on the event.
        matchedPattern - The index of the pattern which matched
        isDelayed - Whether this expression is used after a delay or not (i.e. if the event has already passed when this expression will be called)
        parseResult - Additional information about the match.
        Whether this expression was initialised successfully. An error should be printed prior to returning false to specify the cause.
        See Also:
        - -
      • -
      • -


        public boolean check(org.bukkit.event.Event e)
        Description copied from class: Condition
        Checks whether this condition is satisfied with the given event. This should not alter the event or the world in any way, as conditions are only checked until one returns - false. All subsequent conditions of the same trigger will then be omitted.
        - You might want to use SimpleExpression.check(Event, Checker)
        Specified by:
        check in class Condition
        e - the event to check
        true if the condition is satisfied, false otherwise or if the condition doesn't apply to this event.
      • -
      • -


        public String toString(@Nullable org.bukkit.event.Event e, - boolean debug)
        e - The event to get information to. This is always null if debug == false.
        debug - If true this should print more information, if false this should print what is shown to the end user
        String representation of this object
      • -
    • -
    - -
    - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/conditions/CondIsWithin.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/conditions/CondIsWithin.html deleted file mode 100644 index fab7c717f8..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/conditions/CondIsWithin.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,259 +0,0 @@ - - - - -CondIsWithin (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -
    - -
    - -

    Class CondIsWithin

    - -
    All Implemented Interfaces:
    Debuggable, SyntaxElement
    @Name("Is Within") -@Description({"Whether a location is within something else. The \"something\" can be a block, an entity, a chunk, a world, or a cuboid formed by two other locations.","Note that using the <a href=\'conditions.html#CondCompare\'>is between</a> condition will refer to a straight line between locations, while this condition will refer to the cuboid between locations."}) -@Examples({"if player\'s location is within {_loc1} and {_loc2}:","\tsend \"You are in a PvP zone!\" to player","","if player is in world(\"world\"):","\tsend \"You are in the overworld!\" to player","","if attacker\'s location is inside of victim:","\tcancel event","\tsend \"Back up!\" to attacker and victim"}) -@Since("2.7") -@RequiredPlugins("MC 1.17+ (within block)") -public class CondIsWithin -extends Condition
    - -
      - -
    • -

      Constructor Details

      • -


        public CondIsWithin()
      • -
    • - -
    • -

      Method Details

      • -


        public boolean init(Expression<?>[] exprs, - int matchedPattern, - Kleenean isDelayed, - SkriptParser.ParseResult parseResult)
        Description copied from interface: SyntaxElement
        Called just after the constructor.
        exprs - all %expr%s included in the matching pattern in the order they appear in the pattern. If an optional value was left out it will still be included in this list - holding the default value of the desired type which usually depends on the event.
        matchedPattern - The index of the pattern which matched
        isDelayed - Whether this expression is used after a delay or not (i.e. if the event has already passed when this expression will be called)
        parseResult - Additional information about the match.
        Whether this expression was initialised successfully. An error should be printed prior to returning false to specify the cause.
        See Also:
        - -
      • -
      • -


        public boolean check(org.bukkit.event.Event event)
        Description copied from class: Condition
        Checks whether this condition is satisfied with the given event. This should not alter the event or the world in any way, as conditions are only checked until one returns - false. All subsequent conditions of the same trigger will then be omitted.
        - You might want to use SimpleExpression.check(Event, Checker)
        Specified by:
        check in class Condition
        event - the event to check
        true if the condition is satisfied, false otherwise or if the condition doesn't apply to this event.
      • -
      • -


        public String toString(@Nullable org.bukkit.event.Event event, - boolean debug)
        event - The event to get information to. This is always null if debug == false.
        debug - If true this should print more information, if false this should print what is shown to the end user
        String representation of this object
      • -
    • -
    - -
    - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/conditions/CondItemInHand.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/conditions/CondItemInHand.html deleted file mode 100644 index 3d4aa9c547..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/conditions/CondItemInHand.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,258 +0,0 @@ - - - - -CondItemInHand (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -
    - -
    - -

    Class CondItemInHand

    - -
    All Implemented Interfaces:
    Debuggable, SyntaxElement
    @Name("Is Holding") -@Description("Checks whether a player is holding a specific item. Cannot be used with endermen, use \'entity is [not] an enderman holding &lt;item type&gt;\' instead.") -@Examples({"player is holding a stick","victim isn\'t holding a sword of sharpness"}) -@Since("1.0") -public class CondItemInHand -extends Condition
    - -
      - -
    • -

      Constructor Details

      • -


        public CondItemInHand()
      • -
    • - -
    • -

      Method Details

      • -


        public boolean init(Expression<?>[] exprs, - int matchedPattern, - Kleenean isDelayed, - SkriptParser.ParseResult parseResult)
        Description copied from interface: SyntaxElement
        Called just after the constructor.
        exprs - all %expr%s included in the matching pattern in the order they appear in the pattern. If an optional value was left out it will still be included in this list - holding the default value of the desired type which usually depends on the event.
        matchedPattern - The index of the pattern which matched
        isDelayed - Whether this expression is used after a delay or not (i.e. if the event has already passed when this expression will be called)
        parseResult - Additional information about the match.
        Whether this expression was initialised successfully. An error should be printed prior to returning false to specify the cause.
        See Also:
        - -
      • -
      • -


        public boolean check(org.bukkit.event.Event e)
        Description copied from class: Condition
        Checks whether this condition is satisfied with the given event. This should not alter the event or the world in any way, as conditions are only checked until one returns - false. All subsequent conditions of the same trigger will then be omitted.
        - You might want to use SimpleExpression.check(Event, Checker)
        Specified by:
        check in class Condition
        e - the event to check
        true if the condition is satisfied, false otherwise or if the condition doesn't apply to this event.
      • -
      • -


        public String toString(@Nullable org.bukkit.event.Event e, - boolean debug)
        e - The event to get information to. This is always null if debug == false.
        debug - If true this should print more information, if false this should print what is shown to the end user
        String representation of this object
      • -
    • -
    - -
    - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/conditions/CondLeashed.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/conditions/CondLeashed.html deleted file mode 100644 index cd136bbadc..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/conditions/CondLeashed.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,223 +0,0 @@ - - - - -CondLeashed (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -
    - -
    - -

    Class CondLeashed

    - -
    All Implemented Interfaces:
    Debuggable, SyntaxElement, Checker<org.bukkit.entity.LivingEntity>
    @Name("Is Leashed") -@Description("Checks to see if an entity is currently leashed.") -@Examples("target entity is leashed") -@Since("2.5") -public class CondLeashed -extends PropertyCondition<org.bukkit.entity.LivingEntity>
    - -
      - -
    • -

      Constructor Details

      • -


        public CondLeashed()
      • -
    • - -
    • -

      Method Details

      • -


        public boolean check(org.bukkit.entity.LivingEntity entity)
        Specified by:
        check in interface Checker<org.bukkit.entity.LivingEntity>
        Specified by:
        check in class PropertyCondition<org.bukkit.entity.LivingEntity>
      • -
      • -


        protected String getPropertyName()
        Specified by:
        getPropertyName in class PropertyCondition<org.bukkit.entity.LivingEntity>
      • -
    • -
    - -
    - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/conditions/CondMatches.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/conditions/CondMatches.html deleted file mode 100644 index 095ef47691..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/conditions/CondMatches.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,269 +0,0 @@ - - - - -CondMatches (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -
    - -
    - -

    Class CondMatches

    - -
    All Implemented Interfaces:
    Debuggable, SyntaxElement
    @Name("Matches") -@Description("Checks whether the defined strings match the input regexes (Regular expressions).") -@Examples({"on chat:","\tif message partially matches \"\\d\":","\t\tsend \"Message contains a digit!\"","\tif message doesn\'t match \"[A-Za-z]+\":","\t\tsend \"Message doesn\'t only contain letters!\""}) -@Since("2.5.2") -public class CondMatches -extends Condition
    - -
      - -
    • -

      Constructor Details

      • -


        public CondMatches()
      • -
    • - -
    • -

      Method Details

      • -


        public boolean init(Expression<?>[] exprs, - int matchedPattern, - Kleenean isDelayed, - SkriptParser.ParseResult parseResult)
        Description copied from interface: SyntaxElement
        Called just after the constructor.
        exprs - all %expr%s included in the matching pattern in the order they appear in the pattern. If an optional value was left out it will still be included in this list - holding the default value of the desired type which usually depends on the event.
        matchedPattern - The index of the pattern which matched
        isDelayed - Whether this expression is used after a delay or not (i.e. if the event has already passed when this expression will be called)
        parseResult - Additional information about the match.
        Whether this expression was initialised successfully. An error should be printed prior to returning false to specify the cause.
        See Also:
        - -
      • -
      • -


        public boolean check(org.bukkit.event.Event e)
        Description copied from class: Condition
        Checks whether this condition is satisfied with the given event. This should not alter the event or the world in any way, as conditions are only checked until one returns - false. All subsequent conditions of the same trigger will then be omitted.
        - You might want to use SimpleExpression.check(Event, Checker)
        Specified by:
        check in class Condition
        e - the event to check
        true if the condition is satisfied, false otherwise or if the condition doesn't apply to this event.
      • -
      • -


        public boolean matches(String str, - Pattern pattern)
      • -
      • -


        public String toString(@Nullable org.bukkit.event.Event e, - boolean debug)
        e - The event to get information to. This is always null if debug == false.
        debug - If true this should print more information, if false this should print what is shown to the end user
        String representation of this object
      • -
    • -
    - -
    - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/conditions/CondPermission.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/conditions/CondPermission.html deleted file mode 100644 index 3bb0463cd5..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/conditions/CondPermission.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,258 +0,0 @@ - - - - -CondPermission (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -
    - -
    - -

    Class CondPermission

    - -
    All Implemented Interfaces:
    Debuggable, SyntaxElement
    @Name("Has Permission") -@Description("Test whether a player has a certain permission.") -@Examples({"player has permission \"skript.tree\"","victim has the permission \"admin\":","\tsend \"You\'re attacking an admin!\" to attacker"}) -@Since("1.0") -public class CondPermission -extends Condition
    - -
      - -
    • -

      Constructor Details

      • -


        public CondPermission()
      • -
    • - -
    • -

      Method Details

      • -


        public boolean init(Expression<?>[] exprs, - int matchedPattern, - Kleenean isDelayed, - SkriptParser.ParseResult parseResult)
        Description copied from interface: SyntaxElement
        Called just after the constructor.
        exprs - all %expr%s included in the matching pattern in the order they appear in the pattern. If an optional value was left out it will still be included in this list - holding the default value of the desired type which usually depends on the event.
        matchedPattern - The index of the pattern which matched
        isDelayed - Whether this expression is used after a delay or not (i.e. if the event has already passed when this expression will be called)
        parseResult - Additional information about the match.
        Whether this expression was initialised successfully. An error should be printed prior to returning false to specify the cause.
        See Also:
        - -
      • -
      • -


        public boolean check(org.bukkit.event.Event e)
        Description copied from class: Condition
        Checks whether this condition is satisfied with the given event. This should not alter the event or the world in any way, as conditions are only checked until one returns - false. All subsequent conditions of the same trigger will then be omitted.
        - You might want to use SimpleExpression.check(Event, Checker)
        Specified by:
        check in class Condition
        e - the event to check
        true if the condition is satisfied, false otherwise or if the condition doesn't apply to this event.
      • -
      • -


        public String toString(@Nullable org.bukkit.event.Event e, - boolean debug)
        e - The event to get information to. This is always null if debug == false.
        debug - If true this should print more information, if false this should print what is shown to the end user
        String representation of this object
      • -
    • -
    - -
    - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/conditions/CondPlayedBefore.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/conditions/CondPlayedBefore.html deleted file mode 100644 index 311684344d..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/conditions/CondPlayedBefore.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,258 +0,0 @@ - - - - -CondPlayedBefore (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -
    - -
    - -

    Class CondPlayedBefore

    - -
    All Implemented Interfaces:
    Debuggable, SyntaxElement
    @Name("Has Played Before") -@Description("Checks whether a player has played on this server before. You can also use <a href=\'events.html#first_join\'>on first join</a> if you want to make triggers for new players.") -@Examples({"player has played on this server before","player hasn\'t played before"}) -@Since("1.4, 2.7 (multiple players)") -public class CondPlayedBefore -extends Condition
    - -
      - -
    • -

      Constructor Details

      • -


        public CondPlayedBefore()
      • -
    • - -
    • -

      Method Details

      • -


        public boolean init(Expression<?>[] exprs, - int matchedPattern, - Kleenean isDelayed, - SkriptParser.ParseResult parseResult)
        Description copied from interface: SyntaxElement
        Called just after the constructor.
        exprs - all %expr%s included in the matching pattern in the order they appear in the pattern. If an optional value was left out it will still be included in this list - holding the default value of the desired type which usually depends on the event.
        matchedPattern - The index of the pattern which matched
        isDelayed - Whether this expression is used after a delay or not (i.e. if the event has already passed when this expression will be called)
        parseResult - Additional information about the match.
        Whether this expression was initialised successfully. An error should be printed prior to returning false to specify the cause.
        See Also:
        - -
      • -
      • -


        public boolean check(org.bukkit.event.Event e)
        Description copied from class: Condition
        Checks whether this condition is satisfied with the given event. This should not alter the event or the world in any way, as conditions are only checked until one returns - false. All subsequent conditions of the same trigger will then be omitted.
        - You might want to use SimpleExpression.check(Event, Checker)
        Specified by:
        check in class Condition
        e - the event to check
        true if the condition is satisfied, false otherwise or if the condition doesn't apply to this event.
      • -
      • -


        public String toString(@Nullable org.bukkit.event.Event e, - boolean debug)
        e - The event to get information to. This is always null if debug == false.
        debug - If true this should print more information, if false this should print what is shown to the end user
        String representation of this object
      • -
    • -
    - -
    - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/conditions/CondProjectileCanBounce.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/conditions/CondProjectileCanBounce.html deleted file mode 100644 index 887b153863..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/conditions/CondProjectileCanBounce.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,223 +0,0 @@ - - - - -CondProjectileCanBounce (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -
    - -
    - -

    Class CondProjectileCanBounce

    - -
    All Implemented Interfaces:
    Debuggable, SyntaxElement, Checker<org.bukkit.entity.Projectile>
    @Name("Projectile Can Bounce") -@Description("Whether or not a projectile can bounce.") -@Examples({"on shoot:","\tsend \"Boing!\" to all players if projectile can bounce"}) -@Since("2.5.1") -public class CondProjectileCanBounce -extends PropertyCondition<org.bukkit.entity.Projectile>
    - -
      - -
    • -

      Constructor Details

      • -


        public CondProjectileCanBounce()
      • -
    • - -
    • -

      Method Details

      • -


        public boolean check(org.bukkit.entity.Projectile projectile)
        Specified by:
        check in interface Checker<org.bukkit.entity.Projectile>
        Specified by:
        check in class PropertyCondition<org.bukkit.entity.Projectile>
      • -
      • -


        public String getPropertyName()
        Specified by:
        getPropertyName in class PropertyCondition<org.bukkit.entity.Projectile>
      • -
    • -
    - -
    - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/conditions/CondPvP.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/conditions/CondPvP.html deleted file mode 100644 index 20812fd3c5..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/conditions/CondPvP.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,258 +0,0 @@ - - - - -CondPvP (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -
    - -
    - -

    Class CondPvP

    - -
    All Implemented Interfaces:
    Debuggable, SyntaxElement
    @Name("PvP") -@Description("Checks the PvP state of a world.") -@Examples({"PvP is enabled","PvP is disabled in \"world\""}) -@Since("1.3.4") -public class CondPvP -extends Condition
    - -
      - -
    • -

      Constructor Details

      • -


        public CondPvP()
      • -
    • - -
    • -

      Method Details

      • -


        public boolean init(Expression<?>[] exprs, - int matchedPattern, - Kleenean isDelayed, - SkriptParser.ParseResult parseResult)
        Description copied from interface: SyntaxElement
        Called just after the constructor.
        exprs - all %expr%s included in the matching pattern in the order they appear in the pattern. If an optional value was left out it will still be included in this list - holding the default value of the desired type which usually depends on the event.
        matchedPattern - The index of the pattern which matched
        isDelayed - Whether this expression is used after a delay or not (i.e. if the event has already passed when this expression will be called)
        parseResult - Additional information about the match.
        Whether this expression was initialised successfully. An error should be printed prior to returning false to specify the cause.
        See Also:
        - -
      • -
      • -


        public boolean check(org.bukkit.event.Event e)
        Description copied from class: Condition
        Checks whether this condition is satisfied with the given event. This should not alter the event or the world in any way, as conditions are only checked until one returns - false. All subsequent conditions of the same trigger will then be omitted.
        - You might want to use SimpleExpression.check(Event, Checker)
        Specified by:
        check in class Condition
        e - the event to check
        true if the condition is satisfied, false otherwise or if the condition doesn't apply to this event.
      • -
      • -


        public String toString(@Nullable org.bukkit.event.Event e, - boolean debug)
        e - The event to get information to. This is always null if debug == false.
        debug - If true this should print more information, if false this should print what is shown to the end user
        String representation of this object
      • -
    • -
    - -
    - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/conditions/CondResourcePack.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/conditions/CondResourcePack.html deleted file mode 100644 index 47d40c89fa..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/conditions/CondResourcePack.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,259 +0,0 @@ - - - - -CondResourcePack (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -
    - -
    - -

    Class CondResourcePack

    - -
    All Implemented Interfaces:
    Debuggable, SyntaxElement
    @Name("Resource Pack") -@Description("Checks state of the resource pack in a <a href=\'events.html#resource_pack_request_action\'>resource pack request response</a> event.") -@Examples({"on resource pack response:","\tif the resource pack wasn\'t accepted:","\t\tkick the player due to \"You have to install the resource pack to play in this server!\""}) -@Since("2.4") -@Events("resource pack request response") -public class CondResourcePack -extends Condition
    - -
      - -
    • -

      Constructor Details

      • -


        public CondResourcePack()
      • -
    • - -
    • -

      Method Details

      • -


        public boolean init(Expression<?>[] exprs, - int matchedPattern, - Kleenean isDelayed, - SkriptParser.ParseResult parseResult)
        Description copied from interface: SyntaxElement
        Called just after the constructor.
        exprs - all %expr%s included in the matching pattern in the order they appear in the pattern. If an optional value was left out it will still be included in this list - holding the default value of the desired type which usually depends on the event.
        matchedPattern - The index of the pattern which matched
        isDelayed - Whether this expression is used after a delay or not (i.e. if the event has already passed when this expression will be called)
        parseResult - Additional information about the match.
        Whether this expression was initialised successfully. An error should be printed prior to returning false to specify the cause.
        See Also:
        - -
      • -
      • -


        public boolean check(org.bukkit.event.Event e)
        Description copied from class: Condition
        Checks whether this condition is satisfied with the given event. This should not alter the event or the world in any way, as conditions are only checked until one returns - false. All subsequent conditions of the same trigger will then be omitted.
        - You might want to use SimpleExpression.check(Event, Checker)
        Specified by:
        check in class Condition
        e - the event to check
        true if the condition is satisfied, false otherwise or if the condition doesn't apply to this event.
      • -
      • -


        public String toString(@Nullable org.bukkit.event.Event e, - boolean debug)
        e - The event to get information to. This is always null if debug == false.
        debug - If true this should print more information, if false this should print what is shown to the end user
        String representation of this object
      • -
    • -
    - -
    - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/conditions/CondRespawnLocation.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/conditions/CondRespawnLocation.html deleted file mode 100644 index a4643680ce..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/conditions/CondRespawnLocation.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,260 +0,0 @@ - - - - -CondRespawnLocation (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -
    - -
    - -

    Class CondRespawnLocation

    - -
    All Implemented Interfaces:
    Debuggable, SyntaxElement
    @Name("Is Bed/Anchor Spawn") -@Description("Checks what the respawn location of a player in the respawn event is.") -@Examples({"on respawn:","\tthe respawn location is a bed","\tbroadcast \"%player% is respawning in their bed! So cozy!\""}) -@RequiredPlugins("Minecraft 1.16+") -@Since("2.7") -@Events("respawn") -public class CondRespawnLocation -extends Condition
    - -
      - -
    • -

      Constructor Details

      • -


        public CondRespawnLocation()
      • -
    • - -
    • -

      Method Details

      • -


        public boolean init(Expression<?>[] exprs, - int matchedPattern, - Kleenean isDelayed, - SkriptParser.ParseResult parseResult)
        Description copied from interface: SyntaxElement
        Called just after the constructor.
        exprs - all %expr%s included in the matching pattern in the order they appear in the pattern. If an optional value was left out it will still be included in this list - holding the default value of the desired type which usually depends on the event.
        matchedPattern - The index of the pattern which matched
        isDelayed - Whether this expression is used after a delay or not (i.e. if the event has already passed when this expression will be called)
        parseResult - Additional information about the match.
        Whether this expression was initialised successfully. An error should be printed prior to returning false to specify the cause.
        See Also:
        - -
      • -
      • -


        public boolean check(org.bukkit.event.Event event)
        Description copied from class: Condition
        Checks whether this condition is satisfied with the given event. This should not alter the event or the world in any way, as conditions are only checked until one returns - false. All subsequent conditions of the same trigger will then be omitted.
        - You might want to use SimpleExpression.check(Event, Checker)
        Specified by:
        check in class Condition
        event - the event to check
        true if the condition is satisfied, false otherwise or if the condition doesn't apply to this event.
      • -
      • -


        public String toString(@Nullable org.bukkit.event.Event event, - boolean debug)
        event - The event to get information to. This is always null if debug == false.
        debug - If true this should print more information, if false this should print what is shown to the end user
        String representation of this object
      • -
    • -
    - -
    - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/conditions/CondScriptLoaded.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/conditions/CondScriptLoaded.html deleted file mode 100644 index dd3367f5f9..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/conditions/CondScriptLoaded.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,258 +0,0 @@ - - - - -CondScriptLoaded (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -
    - -
    - -

    Class CondScriptLoaded

    - -
    All Implemented Interfaces:
    Debuggable, SyntaxElement
    @Name("Is Script Loaded") -@Description("Check if the current script, or another script, is currently loaded.") -@Examples({"script is loaded","script \"example.sk\" is loaded"}) -@Since("2.2-dev31") -public class CondScriptLoaded -extends Condition
    - -
      - -
    • -

      Constructor Details

      • -


        public CondScriptLoaded()
      • -
    • - -
    • -

      Method Details

      • -


        public boolean init(Expression<?>[] exprs, - int matchedPattern, - Kleenean isDelayed, - SkriptParser.ParseResult parseResult)
        Description copied from interface: SyntaxElement
        Called just after the constructor.
        exprs - all %expr%s included in the matching pattern in the order they appear in the pattern. If an optional value was left out it will still be included in this list - holding the default value of the desired type which usually depends on the event.
        matchedPattern - The index of the pattern which matched
        isDelayed - Whether this expression is used after a delay or not (i.e. if the event has already passed when this expression will be called)
        parseResult - Additional information about the match.
        Whether this expression was initialised successfully. An error should be printed prior to returning false to specify the cause.
        See Also:
        - -
      • -
      • -


        public boolean check(org.bukkit.event.Event event)
        Description copied from class: Condition
        Checks whether this condition is satisfied with the given event. This should not alter the event or the world in any way, as conditions are only checked until one returns - false. All subsequent conditions of the same trigger will then be omitted.
        - You might want to use SimpleExpression.check(Event, Checker)
        Specified by:
        check in class Condition
        event - the event to check
        true if the condition is satisfied, false otherwise or if the condition doesn't apply to this event.
      • -
      • -


        public String toString(@Nullable org.bukkit.event.Event event, - boolean debug)
        event - The event to get information to. This is always null if debug == false.
        debug - If true this should print more information, if false this should print what is shown to the end user
        String representation of this object
      • -
    • -
    - -
    - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/conditions/CondStartsEndsWith.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/conditions/CondStartsEndsWith.html deleted file mode 100644 index 016b0a4ccc..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/conditions/CondStartsEndsWith.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,258 +0,0 @@ - - - - -CondStartsEndsWith (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -
    - -
    - -

    Class CondStartsEndsWith

    - -
    All Implemented Interfaces:
    Debuggable, SyntaxElement
    @Name("Starts/Ends With") -@Description("Checks if a text starts or ends with another.") -@Examples({"if the argument starts with \"test\" or \"debug\":","\tsend \"Stop!\""}) -@Since("2.2-dev36, 2.5.1 (multiple strings support)") -public class CondStartsEndsWith -extends Condition
    - -
      - -
    • -

      Constructor Details

      • -


        public CondStartsEndsWith()
      • -
    • - -
    • -

      Method Details

      • -


        public boolean init(Expression<?>[] exprs, - int matchedPattern, - Kleenean isDelayed, - SkriptParser.ParseResult parseResult)
        Description copied from interface: SyntaxElement
        Called just after the constructor.
        exprs - all %expr%s included in the matching pattern in the order they appear in the pattern. If an optional value was left out it will still be included in this list - holding the default value of the desired type which usually depends on the event.
        matchedPattern - The index of the pattern which matched
        isDelayed - Whether this expression is used after a delay or not (i.e. if the event has already passed when this expression will be called)
        parseResult - Additional information about the match.
        Whether this expression was initialised successfully. An error should be printed prior to returning false to specify the cause.
        See Also:
        - -
      • -
      • -


        public boolean check(org.bukkit.event.Event e)
        Description copied from class: Condition
        Checks whether this condition is satisfied with the given event. This should not alter the event or the world in any way, as conditions are only checked until one returns - false. All subsequent conditions of the same trigger will then be omitted.
        - You might want to use SimpleExpression.check(Event, Checker)
        Specified by:
        check in class Condition
        e - the event to check
        true if the condition is satisfied, false otherwise or if the condition doesn't apply to this event.
      • -
      • -


        public String toString(@Nullable org.bukkit.event.Event e, - boolean debug)
        e - The event to get information to. This is always null if debug == false.
        debug - If true this should print more information, if false this should print what is shown to the end user
        String representation of this object
      • -
    • -
    - -
    - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/conditions/CondWillHatch.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/conditions/CondWillHatch.html deleted file mode 100644 index 7d83b793a2..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/conditions/CondWillHatch.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,259 +0,0 @@ - - - - -CondWillHatch (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -
    - -
    - -

    Class CondWillHatch

    - -
    All Implemented Interfaces:
    Debuggable, SyntaxElement
    @Name("Egg Will Hatch") -@Description("Whether the egg will hatch in a Player Egg Throw event.") -@Examples({"on player egg throw:","\tif an entity won\'t hatch:","\t\tsend \"Better luck next time!\" to the player"}) -@Events("Egg Throw") -@Since("2.7") -public class CondWillHatch -extends Condition
    - -
      - -
    • -

      Constructor Details

      • -


        public CondWillHatch()
      • -
    • - -
    • -

      Method Details

      • -


        public boolean init(Expression<?>[] exprs, - int matchedPattern, - Kleenean isDelayed, - SkriptParser.ParseResult parseResult)
        Description copied from interface: SyntaxElement
        Called just after the constructor.
        exprs - all %expr%s included in the matching pattern in the order they appear in the pattern. If an optional value was left out it will still be included in this list - holding the default value of the desired type which usually depends on the event.
        matchedPattern - The index of the pattern which matched
        isDelayed - Whether this expression is used after a delay or not (i.e. if the event has already passed when this expression will be called)
        parseResult - Additional information about the match.
        Whether this expression was initialised successfully. An error should be printed prior to returning false to specify the cause.
        See Also:
        - -
      • -
      • -


        public boolean check(org.bukkit.event.Event event)
        Description copied from class: Condition
        Checks whether this condition is satisfied with the given event. This should not alter the event or the world in any way, as conditions are only checked until one returns - false. All subsequent conditions of the same trigger will then be omitted.
        - You might want to use SimpleExpression.check(Event, Checker)
        Specified by:
        check in class Condition
        event - the event to check
        true if the condition is satisfied, false otherwise or if the condition doesn't apply to this event.
      • -
      • -


        public String toString(@Nullable org.bukkit.event.Event event, - boolean debug)
        event - The event to get information to. This is always null if debug == false.
        debug - If true this should print more information, if false this should print what is shown to the end user
        String representation of this object
      • -
    • -
    - -
    - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/conditions/CondWithinRadius.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/conditions/CondWithinRadius.html deleted file mode 100644 index 5af8c06923..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/conditions/CondWithinRadius.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,258 +0,0 @@ - - - - -CondWithinRadius (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -
    - -
    - -

    Class CondWithinRadius

    - -
    All Implemented Interfaces:
    Debuggable, SyntaxElement
    @Name("Is Within Radius") -@Description("Checks whether a location is within a certain radius of another location.") -@Examples({"on damage:","\tif attacker\'s location is within 10 blocks around {_spawn}:","\t\tcancel event","\t\tsend \"You can\'t PVP in spawn.\""}) -@Since("2.7") -public class CondWithinRadius -extends Condition
    - -
      - -
    • -

      Constructor Details

      • -


        public CondWithinRadius()
      • -
    • - -
    • -

      Method Details

      • -


        public boolean init(Expression<?>[] exprs, - int matchedPattern, - Kleenean isDelayed, - SkriptParser.ParseResult parseResult)
        Description copied from interface: SyntaxElement
        Called just after the constructor.
        exprs - all %expr%s included in the matching pattern in the order they appear in the pattern. If an optional value was left out it will still be included in this list - holding the default value of the desired type which usually depends on the event.
        matchedPattern - The index of the pattern which matched
        isDelayed - Whether this expression is used after a delay or not (i.e. if the event has already passed when this expression will be called)
        parseResult - Additional information about the match.
        Whether this expression was initialised successfully. An error should be printed prior to returning false to specify the cause.
        See Also:
        - -
      • -
      • -


        public boolean check(org.bukkit.event.Event event)
        Description copied from class: Condition
        Checks whether this condition is satisfied with the given event. This should not alter the event or the world in any way, as conditions are only checked until one returns - false. All subsequent conditions of the same trigger will then be omitted.
        - You might want to use SimpleExpression.check(Event, Checker)
        Specified by:
        check in class Condition
        event - the event to check
        true if the condition is satisfied, false otherwise or if the condition doesn't apply to this event.
      • -
      • -


        public String toString(@Nullable org.bukkit.event.Event event, - boolean debug)
        event - The event to get information to. This is always null if debug == false.
        debug - If true this should print more information, if false this should print what is shown to the end user
        String representation of this object
      • -
    • -
    - -
    - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/conditions/base/PropertyCondition.PropertyType.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/conditions/base/PropertyCondition.PropertyType.html deleted file mode 100644 index 16f579e17e..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/conditions/base/PropertyCondition.PropertyType.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,245 +0,0 @@ - - - - -PropertyCondition.PropertyType (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -
    - -
    - -

    Enum Class PropertyCondition.PropertyType

    java.lang.Object -
    java.lang.Enum<PropertyCondition.PropertyType> -
    All Implemented Interfaces:
    Serializable, Comparable<PropertyCondition.PropertyType>, Constable
    Enclosing class:
    public static enum PropertyCondition.PropertyType -extends Enum<PropertyCondition.PropertyType>
    See PropertyCondition for more info
    - -
      - -
    • -

      Enum Constant Details

      • -


        public static final PropertyCondition.PropertyType BE
        Indicates that the condition is in a form of something is/are something, - also possibly in the negated form
      • -
      • -


        public static final PropertyCondition.PropertyType CAN
        Indicates that the condition is in a form of something can something, - also possibly in the negated form
      • -
      • -


        public static final PropertyCondition.PropertyType HAVE
        Indicates that the condition is in a form of something has/have something, - also possibly in the negated form
      • -
    • - -
    • -

      Method Details

      • -


        public static PropertyCondition.PropertyType[] values()
        Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in -the order they are declared.
        an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared
      • -
      • -


        public static PropertyCondition.PropertyType valueOf(String name)
        Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name. -The string must match exactly an identifier used to declare an -enum constant in this class. (Extraneous whitespace characters are -not permitted.)
        name - the name of the enum constant to be returned.
        the enum constant with the specified name
        IllegalArgumentException - if this enum class has no constant with the specified name
        NullPointerException - if the argument is null
      • -
    • -
    - -
    - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/conditions/base/PropertyCondition.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/conditions/base/PropertyCondition.html deleted file mode 100644 index 332e2d012d..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/conditions/base/PropertyCondition.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,408 +0,0 @@ - - - - -PropertyCondition (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -
    - -
    - -

    Class PropertyCondition<T>

    - -
    All Implemented Interfaces:
    Debuggable, SyntaxElement, Checker<T>
    Direct Known Subclasses:
    CondAI, CondCanFly, CondCanPickUpItems, CondEntityIsInLiquid, CondEntityIsWet, CondHasClientWeather, CondHasCustomModelData, CondHasResourcePack, CondIgnitionProcess, CondIsAlive, CondIsBanned, CondIsBlock, CondIsBlocking, CondIsBurning, CondIsCharged, CondIsClimbing, CondIsEdible, CondIsEmpty, CondIsFlammable, CondIsFlying, CondIsFrozen, CondIsFuel, CondIsGliding, CondIsInteractable, CondIsInvisible, CondIsInvulnerable, CondIsJumping, CondIsLeftHanded, CondIsOccluding, CondIsOnGround, CondIsOnline, CondIsOp, CondIsPassable, CondIsPoisoned, CondIsRiptiding, CondIsSilent, CondIsSkriptCommand, CondIsSleeping, CondIsSlimeChunk, CondIsSneaking, CondIsSolid, CondIsSprinting, CondIsStackable, CondIsSwimming, CondIsTameable, CondIsTransparent, CondIsUnbreakable, CondIsValid, CondIsVectorNormalized, CondLeashed, CondMethodExists, CondProjectileCanBounce
    public abstract class PropertyCondition<T> -extends Condition -implements Checker<T>
    This class can be used for an easier writing of conditions that contain only one type in the pattern, - and are in one of the following forms: -
    • something is something
    • -
    • something can something
    • -
    • something has something
    • -
    - The plural and negated forms are also supported. - - The gains of using this class: - - - Note: if you choose to register this class in any other way than by calling - register(Class, PropertyType, String, String) or - register(Class, String, String), be aware that there can only be two patterns - - the first one needs to be a non-negated one and a negated one.
    - -
      - -
    • -

      Constructor Details

      • -


        public PropertyCondition()
      • -
    • - -
    • -

      Method Details

      • -


        public static void register(Class<? extends Condition> c, - String property, - String type)
        c - the class to register
        property - the property name, for example fly in players can fly
        type - must be plural, for example players in players can fly
      • -
      • -


        public static void register(Class<? extends Condition> c, - PropertyCondition.PropertyType propertyType, - String property, - String type)
        c - the class to register
        propertyType - the property type, see PropertyCondition.PropertyType
        property - the property name, for example fly in players can fly
        type - must be plural, for example players in players can fly
      • -
      • -


        public boolean init(Expression<?>[] exprs, - int matchedPattern, - Kleenean isDelayed, - SkriptParser.ParseResult parseResult)
        Description copied from interface: SyntaxElement
        Called just after the constructor.
        Specified by:
        init in interface SyntaxElement
        exprs - all %expr%s included in the matching pattern in the order they appear in the pattern. If an optional value was left out it will still be included in this list - holding the default value of the desired type which usually depends on the event.
        matchedPattern - The index of the pattern which matched
        isDelayed - Whether this expression is used after a delay or not (i.e. if the event has already passed when this expression will be called)
        parseResult - Additional information about the match.
        Whether this expression was initialised successfully. An error should be printed prior to returning false to specify the cause.
        See Also:
        - -
      • -
      • -


        public final boolean check(org.bukkit.event.Event e)
        Description copied from class: Condition
        Checks whether this condition is satisfied with the given event. This should not alter the event or the world in any way, as conditions are only checked until one returns - false. All subsequent conditions of the same trigger will then be omitted.
        - You might want to use SimpleExpression.check(Event, Checker)
        Specified by:
        check in class Condition
        e - the event to check
        true if the condition is satisfied, false otherwise or if the condition doesn't apply to this event.
      • -
      • -


        public abstract boolean check(T t)
        Specified by:
        check in interface Checker<T>
      • -
      • -


        protected abstract String getPropertyName()
      • -
      • -


        protected PropertyCondition.PropertyType getPropertyType()
      • -
      • -


        protected final void setExpr(Expression<? extends T> expr)
        Sets the expression this condition checks a property of. No reference to the expression should be kept.
        expr -
      • -
      • -


        public String toString(@Nullable org.bukkit.event.Event e, - boolean debug)
        Specified by:
        toString in interface Debuggable
        e - The event to get information to. This is always null if debug == false.
        debug - If true this should print more information, if false this should print what is shown to the end user
        String representation of this object
      • -
      • -


        public static String toString(Condition condition, - PropertyCondition.PropertyType propertyType, - @Nullable org.bukkit.event.Event e, - boolean debug, - Expression<?> expr, - String property)
      • -
    • -
    - -
    - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/conditions/base/package-summary.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/conditions/base/package-summary.html deleted file mode 100644 index 5e1cfc89d8..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/conditions/base/package-summary.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,115 +0,0 @@ - - - - -ch.njol.skript.conditions.base (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -

    Package ch.njol.skript.conditions.base

    @NonNullByDefault({PARAMETER,RETURN_TYPE,FIELD}) -package ch.njol.skript.conditions.base
    • - -
    • -
    • -
      - -
      This class can be used for an easier writing of conditions that contain only one type in the pattern, - and are in one of the following forms: - - something is something - something can something - something has something - - The plural and negated forms are also supported.
      - -
      See PropertyCondition for more info
    • -
    - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/conditions/base/package-tree.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/conditions/base/package-tree.html deleted file mode 100644 index 60558c5724..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/conditions/base/package-tree.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,97 +0,0 @@ - - - - -ch.njol.skript.conditions.base Class Hierarchy (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -

    Hierarchy For Package ch.njol.skript.conditions.base

    -Package Hierarchies: - -

    Class Hierarchy

    - -

    Enum Class Hierarchy

    - -
    - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/conditions/package-summary.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/conditions/package-summary.html deleted file mode 100644 index 856ceb61db..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/conditions/package-summary.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,277 +0,0 @@ - - - - -ch.njol.skript.conditions (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -

    Package ch.njol.skript.conditions

    @NonNullByDefault({PARAMETER,RETURN_TYPE,FIELD}) -package ch.njol.skript.conditions
    Contains the default conditions of Skript.
    - -
    - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/conditions/package-tree.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/conditions/package-tree.html deleted file mode 100644 index 7cf3d91d16..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/conditions/package-tree.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,175 +0,0 @@ - - - - -ch.njol.skript.conditions Class Hierarchy (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -

    Hierarchy For Package ch.njol.skript.conditions

    -Package Hierarchies: - -

    Class Hierarchy

    - -
    - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/config/Config.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/config/Config.html index 1e32993593..6ffea5fe54 100644 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/config/Config.html +++ b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/config/Config.html @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ -Config (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) +Config (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-235b97a API) diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/config/ConfigReader.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/config/ConfigReader.html index edb3169f5d..8f95d4c549 100644 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/config/ConfigReader.html +++ b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/config/ConfigReader.html @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ -ConfigReader (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) +ConfigReader (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-235b97a API) diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/config/EntryNode.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/config/EntryNode.html index 590a5c6cb4..9b87742039 100644 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/config/EntryNode.html +++ b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/config/EntryNode.html @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ -EntryNode (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) +EntryNode (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-235b97a API) diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/config/EnumParser.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/config/EnumParser.html index 79e3ec4817..7cfa3154fb 100644 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/config/EnumParser.html +++ 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+Keywords (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-235b97a API) diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/doc/Name.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/doc/Name.html index d442f1f31d..167b067a2e 100644 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/doc/Name.html +++ b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/doc/Name.html @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ -Name (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) +Name (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-235b97a API) diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/doc/NoDoc.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/doc/NoDoc.html index 5396c24211..5091423e00 100644 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/doc/NoDoc.html +++ b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/doc/NoDoc.html @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ -NoDoc (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) +NoDoc (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-235b97a API) diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/doc/RequiredPlugins.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/doc/RequiredPlugins.html index 6b6e8975ba..7e5f0b148e 100644 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/doc/RequiredPlugins.html +++ b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/doc/RequiredPlugins.html @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ -RequiredPlugins (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) +RequiredPlugins (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-235b97a API) diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/doc/Since.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/doc/Since.html index 9f096e5431..7ec42ec99f 100644 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/doc/Since.html +++ b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/doc/Since.html @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ -Since (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) +Since (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-235b97a API) diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/doc/package-summary.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/doc/package-summary.html index 69e5db0f0e..db85ce7178 100644 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/doc/package-summary.html +++ b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/doc/package-summary.html @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ -ch.njol.skript.doc (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) +ch.njol.skript.doc (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-235b97a API) diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/doc/package-tree.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/doc/package-tree.html index 9e0e16ea42..a5bf17ad07 100644 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/doc/package-tree.html +++ b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/doc/package-tree.html @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ -ch.njol.skript.doc Class Hierarchy (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) +ch.njol.skript.doc Class Hierarchy (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-235b97a API) diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/effects/Delay.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/effects/Delay.html deleted file mode 100644 index 72dc21a480..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/effects/Delay.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,333 +0,0 @@ - - - - -Delay (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -
    - -
    - -

    Class Delay

    - -
    All Implemented Interfaces:
    Debuggable, SyntaxElement
    Direct Known Subclasses:
    @Name("Delay") -@Description("Delays the script\'s execution by a given timespan. Please note that delays are not persistent, e.g. trying to create a tempban script with <code>ban player \u2192 wait 7 days \u2192 unban player</code> will not work if you restart your server anytime within these 7 days. You also have to be careful even when using small delays!") -@Examples({"wait 2 minutes","halt for 5 minecraft hours","wait a tick"}) -@Since("1.4") -public class Delay -extends Effect
    - -
      - -
    • -

      Field Details

      - -
    • - -
    • -

      Constructor Details

      • -


        public Delay()
      • -
    • - -
    • -

      Method Details

      • -


        public boolean init(Expression<?>[] exprs, - int matchedPattern, - Kleenean isDelayed, - SkriptParser.ParseResult parseResult)
        Description copied from interface: SyntaxElement
        Called just after the constructor.
        exprs - all %expr%s included in the matching pattern in the order they appear in the pattern. If an optional value was left out it will still be included in this list - holding the default value of the desired type which usually depends on the event.
        matchedPattern - The index of the pattern which matched
        isDelayed - Whether this expression is used after a delay or not (i.e. if the event has already passed when this expression will be called)
        parseResult - Additional information about the match.
        Whether this expression was initialised successfully. An error should be printed prior to returning false to specify the cause.
        See Also:
        - -
      • -
      • -


        protected @Nullable TriggerItem walk(org.bukkit.event.Event event)
        Description copied from class: TriggerItem
        Executes this item and returns the next item to run. -

        - Overriding classes must call TriggerItem.debug(Event, boolean). If this method is overridden, TriggerItem.run(Event) is not used anymore and can be ignored.

        walk in class TriggerItem
        The next item to run or null to stop execution
      • -
      • -


        protected void execute(org.bukkit.event.Event event)
        Description copied from class: Effect
        Executes this effect.
        Specified by:
        execute in class Effect
      • -
      • -


        public String toString(@Nullable org.bukkit.event.Event event, - boolean debug)
        event - The event to get information to. This is always null if debug == false.
        debug - If true this should print more information, if false this should print what is shown to the end user
        String representation of this object
      • -
      • -


        public static boolean isDelayed(org.bukkit.event.Event event)
        The main method for checking if the execution of TriggerItems has been delayed.
        event - The event to check for a delay.
        Whether TriggerItem execution has been delayed.
      • -
      • -


        public static void addDelayedEvent(org.bukkit.event.Event event)
        The main method for marking the execution of TriggerItems as delayed.
        event - The event to mark as delayed.
      • -
    • -
    - -
    - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/effects/EffActionBar.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/effects/EffActionBar.html deleted file mode 100644 index 8529f5cac9..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/effects/EffActionBar.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,251 +0,0 @@ - - - - -EffActionBar (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -
    - -
    - -

    Class EffActionBar

    - -
    All Implemented Interfaces:
    Debuggable, SyntaxElement
    @Name("Action Bar") -@Description("Sends an action bar message to the given player(s).") -@Examples("send action bar \"Hello player!\" to player") -@Since("2.3") -public class EffActionBar -extends Effect
    - -
      - -
    • -

      Constructor Details

      • -


        public EffActionBar()
      • -
    • - -
    • -

      Method Details

      • -


        public boolean init(Expression<?>[] exprs, - int matchedPattern, - Kleenean isDelayed, - SkriptParser.ParseResult parseResult)
        Description copied from interface: SyntaxElement
        Called just after the constructor.
        exprs - all %expr%s included in the matching pattern in the order they appear in the pattern. If an optional value was left out it will still be included in this list - holding the default value of the desired type which usually depends on the event.
        matchedPattern - The index of the pattern which matched
        isDelayed - Whether this expression is used after a delay or not (i.e. if the event has already passed when this expression will be called)
        parseResult - Additional information about the match.
        Whether this expression was initialised successfully. An error should be printed prior to returning false to specify the cause.
        See Also:
        - -
      • -
      • -


        protected void execute(org.bukkit.event.Event event)
        Description copied from class: Effect
        Executes this effect.
        Specified by:
        execute in class Effect
      • -
      • -


        public String toString(@Nullable org.bukkit.event.Event event, - boolean debug)
        event - The event to get information to. This is always null if debug == false.
        debug - If true this should print more information, if false this should print what is shown to the end user
        String representation of this object
      • -
    • -
    - -
    - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/effects/EffBan.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/effects/EffBan.html deleted file mode 100644 index 383fb9b795..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/effects/EffBan.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,251 +0,0 @@ - - - - -EffBan (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -
    - -
    - -

    Class EffBan

    - -
    All Implemented Interfaces:
    Debuggable, SyntaxElement
    @Name("Ban") -@Description({"Bans or unbans a player or an IP address.","If a reason is given, it will be shown to the player when they try to join the server while banned.","A length of ban may also be given to apply a temporary ban. If it is absent for any reason, a permanent ban will be used instead.","We recommend that you test your scripts so that no accidental permanent bans are applied.","","Note that banning people does not kick them from the server.","Consider using the <a href=\'effects.html#EffKick\'>kick effect</a> after applying a ban."}) -@Examples({"unban player","ban \"\"","IP-ban the player because \"he is an idiot\"","ban player due to \"inappropriate language\" for 2 days"}) -@Since("1.4, 2.1.1 (ban reason), 2.5 (timespan)") -public class EffBan -extends Effect
    - -
      - -
    • -

      Constructor Details

      • -


        public EffBan()
      • -
    • - -
    • -

      Method Details

      • -


        public boolean init(Expression<?>[] exprs, - int matchedPattern, - Kleenean isDelayed, - SkriptParser.ParseResult parseResult)
        Description copied from interface: SyntaxElement
        Called just after the constructor.
        exprs - all %expr%s included in the matching pattern in the order they appear in the pattern. If an optional value was left out it will still be included in this list - holding the default value of the desired type which usually depends on the event.
        matchedPattern - The index of the pattern which matched
        isDelayed - Whether this expression is used after a delay or not (i.e. if the event has already passed when this expression will be called)
        parseResult - Additional information about the match.
        Whether this expression was initialised successfully. An error should be printed prior to returning false to specify the cause.
        See Also:
        - -
      • -
      • -


        protected void execute(org.bukkit.event.Event e)
        Description copied from class: Effect
        Executes this effect.
        Specified by:
        execute in class Effect
      • -
      • -


        public String toString(@Nullable org.bukkit.event.Event e, - boolean debug)
        e - The event to get information to. This is always null if debug == false.
        debug - If true this should print more information, if false this should print what is shown to the end user
        String representation of this object
      • -
    • -
    - -
    - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/effects/EffBreakNaturally.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/effects/EffBreakNaturally.html deleted file mode 100644 index ca052de789..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/effects/EffBreakNaturally.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,251 +0,0 @@ - - - - -EffBreakNaturally (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -
    - -
    - -

    Class EffBreakNaturally

    - -
    All Implemented Interfaces:
    Debuggable, SyntaxElement
    @Name("Break Block") -@Description({"Breaks the block and spawns items as if a player had mined it","\nYou can add a tool, which will spawn items based on how that tool would break the block ","(ie: When using a hand to break stone, it drops nothing, whereas with a pickaxe it drops cobblestone)"}) -@Examples({"on right click:","\tbreak clicked block naturally","loop blocks in radius 10 around player:","\tbreak loop-block using player\'s tool","loop blocks in radius 10 around player:","\tbreak loop-block naturally using diamond pickaxe"}) -@Since("2.4") -public class EffBreakNaturally -extends Effect
    - -
      - -
    • -

      Constructor Details

      • -


        public EffBreakNaturally()
      • -
    • - -
    • -

      Method Details

      • -


        public boolean init(Expression<?>[] exprs, - int matchedPattern, - Kleenean isDelayed, - SkriptParser.ParseResult parser)
        Description copied from interface: SyntaxElement
        Called just after the constructor.
        exprs - all %expr%s included in the matching pattern in the order they appear in the pattern. If an optional value was left out it will still be included in this list - holding the default value of the desired type which usually depends on the event.
        matchedPattern - The index of the pattern which matched
        isDelayed - Whether this expression is used after a delay or not (i.e. if the event has already passed when this expression will be called)
        parser - Additional information about the match.
        Whether this expression was initialised successfully. An error should be printed prior to returning false to specify the cause.
        See Also:
        - -
      • -
      • -


        protected void execute(org.bukkit.event.Event e)
        Description copied from class: Effect
        Executes this effect.
        Specified by:
        execute in class Effect
      • -
      • -


        public String toString(@Nullable org.bukkit.event.Event e, - boolean debug)
        e - The event to get information to. This is always null if debug == false.
        debug - If true this should print more information, if false this should print what is shown to the end user
        String representation of this object
      • -
    • -
    - -
    - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/effects/EffBroadcast.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/effects/EffBroadcast.html deleted file mode 100644 index 9fe784fd8f..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/effects/EffBroadcast.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,251 +0,0 @@ - - - - -EffBroadcast (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -
    - -
    - -

    Class EffBroadcast

    - -
    All Implemented Interfaces:
    Debuggable, SyntaxElement
    @Name("Broadcast") -@Description("Broadcasts a message to the server.") -@Examples({"broadcast \"Welcome %player% to the server!\"","broadcast \"Woah! It\'s a message!\""}) -@Since("1.0, 2.6 (broadcasting objects), 2.6.1 (using advanced formatting)") -public class EffBroadcast -extends Effect
    - -
      - -
    • -

      Constructor Details

      • -


        public EffBroadcast()
      • -
    • - -
    • -

      Method Details

      • -


        public boolean init(Expression<?>[] exprs, - int matchedPattern, - Kleenean isDelayed, - SkriptParser.ParseResult parseResult)
        Description copied from interface: SyntaxElement
        Called just after the constructor.
        exprs - all %expr%s included in the matching pattern in the order they appear in the pattern. If an optional value was left out it will still be included in this list - holding the default value of the desired type which usually depends on the event.
        matchedPattern - The index of the pattern which matched
        isDelayed - Whether this expression is used after a delay or not (i.e. if the event has already passed when this expression will be called)
        parseResult - Additional information about the match.
        Whether this expression was initialised successfully. An error should be printed prior to returning false to specify the cause.
        See Also:
        - -
      • -
      • -


        public void execute(org.bukkit.event.Event e)
        Description copied from class: Effect
        Executes this effect.
        Specified by:
        execute in class Effect
      • -
      • -


        public String toString(@Nullable org.bukkit.event.Event e, - boolean debug)
        e - The event to get information to. This is always null if debug == false.
        debug - If true this should print more information, if false this should print what is shown to the end user
        String representation of this object
      • -
    • -
    - -
    - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/effects/EffCancelCooldown.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/effects/EffCancelCooldown.html deleted file mode 100644 index f8bd2442cd..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/effects/EffCancelCooldown.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,251 +0,0 @@ - - - - -EffCancelCooldown (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -
    - -
    - -

    Class EffCancelCooldown

    - -
    All Implemented Interfaces:
    Debuggable, SyntaxElement
    @Name("Cancel Command Cooldown") -@Description("Only usable in commands. Makes it so the current command usage isn\'t counted towards the cooldown.") -@Examples({"command /nick &lt;text&gt;:","\texecutable by: players","\tcooldown: 10 seconds","\ttrigger:","\t\tif length of arg-1 is more than 16:","\t\t\t# Makes it so that invalid arguments don\'t make you wait for the cooldown again","\t\t\tcancel the cooldown","\t\t\tsend \"Your nickname may be at most 16 characters.\"","\t\t\tstop","\t\tset the player\'s display name to arg-1"}) -@Since("2.2-dev34") -public class EffCancelCooldown -extends Effect
    - -
      - -
    • -

      Constructor Details

      • -


        public EffCancelCooldown()
      • -
    • - -
    • -

      Method Details

      • -


        public boolean init(Expression<?>[] exprs, - int matchedPattern, - Kleenean isDelayed, - SkriptParser.ParseResult parseResult)
        Description copied from interface: SyntaxElement
        Called just after the constructor.
        exprs - all %expr%s included in the matching pattern in the order they appear in the pattern. If an optional value was left out it will still be included in this list - holding the default value of the desired type which usually depends on the event.
        matchedPattern - The index of the pattern which matched
        isDelayed - Whether this expression is used after a delay or not (i.e. if the event has already passed when this expression will be called)
        parseResult - Additional information about the match.
        Whether this expression was initialised successfully. An error should be printed prior to returning false to specify the cause.
        See Also:
        - -
      • -
      • -


        protected void execute(org.bukkit.event.Event e)
        Description copied from class: Effect
        Executes this effect.
        Specified by:
        execute in class Effect
      • -
      • -


        public String toString(@Nullable org.bukkit.event.Event e, - boolean debug)
        e - The event to get information to. This is always null if debug == false.
        debug - If true this should print more information, if false this should print what is shown to the end user
        String representation of this object
      • -
    • -
    - -
    - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/effects/EffCancelDrops.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/effects/EffCancelDrops.html deleted file mode 100644 index 8c5250ce73..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/effects/EffCancelDrops.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,253 +0,0 @@ - - - - -EffCancelDrops (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -
    - -
    - -

    Class EffCancelDrops

    - -
    All Implemented Interfaces:
    Debuggable, SyntaxElement
    @Name("Cancel Drops") -@Description("Cancels drops of items or experiences in a death or block break event. Please note that this doesn\'t keep items or experiences of a dead player. If you want to do that, use the <a href=\'effects.html#EffKeepInventory\'>Keep Inventory / Experience</a> effect.") -@Examples({"on death of a zombie:","\tif name of the entity is \"&cSpecial\":","\t\tcancel drops of items","","on break of a coal ore:","\tcancel the experience drops"}) -@Since("2.4") -@RequiredPlugins("1.12.2 or newer (cancelling item drops of blocks)") -@Events({"death","break / mine"}) -public class EffCancelDrops -extends Effect
    - -
      - -
    • -

      Constructor Details

      • -


        public EffCancelDrops()
      • -
    • - -
    • -

      Method Details

      • -


        public boolean init(Expression<?>[] exprs, - int matchedPattern, - Kleenean isDelayed, - SkriptParser.ParseResult parseResult)
        Description copied from interface: SyntaxElement
        Called just after the constructor.
        exprs - all %expr%s included in the matching pattern in the order they appear in the pattern. If an optional value was left out it will still be included in this list - holding the default value of the desired type which usually depends on the event.
        matchedPattern - The index of the pattern which matched
        isDelayed - Whether this expression is used after a delay or not (i.e. if the event has already passed when this expression will be called)
        parseResult - Additional information about the match.
        Whether this expression was initialised successfully. An error should be printed prior to returning false to specify the cause.
        See Also:
        - -
      • -
      • -


        protected void execute(org.bukkit.event.Event e)
        Description copied from class: Effect
        Executes this effect.
        Specified by:
        execute in class Effect
      • -
      • -


        public String toString(@Nullable org.bukkit.event.Event e, - boolean debug)
        e - The event to get information to. This is always null if debug == false.
        debug - If true this should print more information, if false this should print what is shown to the end user
        String representation of this object
      • -
    • -
    - -
    - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/effects/EffCancelEvent.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/effects/EffCancelEvent.html deleted file mode 100644 index 8eddb5de1a..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/effects/EffCancelEvent.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,251 +0,0 @@ - - - - -EffCancelEvent (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -
    - -
    - -

    Class EffCancelEvent

    - -
    All Implemented Interfaces:
    Debuggable, SyntaxElement
    @Name("Cancel Event") -@Description("Cancels the event (e.g. prevent blocks from being placed, or damage being taken).") -@Examples({"on damage:","\tvictim is a player","\tvictim has the permission \"skript.god\"","\tcancel the event"}) -@Since("1.0") -public class EffCancelEvent -extends Effect
    - -
      - -
    • -

      Constructor Details

      • -


        public EffCancelEvent()
      • -
    • - -
    • -

      Method Details

      • -


        public boolean init(Expression<?>[] vars, - int matchedPattern, - Kleenean isDelayed, - SkriptParser.ParseResult parser)
        Description copied from interface: SyntaxElement
        Called just after the constructor.
        vars - all %expr%s included in the matching pattern in the order they appear in the pattern. If an optional value was left out it will still be included in this list - holding the default value of the desired type which usually depends on the event.
        matchedPattern - The index of the pattern which matched
        isDelayed - Whether this expression is used after a delay or not (i.e. if the event has already passed when this expression will be called)
        parser - Additional information about the match.
        Whether this expression was initialised successfully. An error should be printed prior to returning false to specify the cause.
        See Also:
        - -
      • -
      • -


        public void execute(org.bukkit.event.Event e)
        Description copied from class: Effect
        Executes this effect.
        Specified by:
        execute in class Effect
      • -
      • -


        public String toString(@Nullable org.bukkit.event.Event e, - boolean debug)
        e - The event to get information to. This is always null if debug == false.
        debug - If true this should print more information, if false this should print what is shown to the end user
        String representation of this object
      • -
    • -
    - -
    - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/effects/EffChange.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/effects/EffChange.html deleted file mode 100644 index 3dae35ff32..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/effects/EffChange.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,251 +0,0 @@ - - - - -EffChange (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -
    - -
    - -

    Class EffChange

    - -
    All Implemented Interfaces:
    Debuggable, SyntaxElement
    @Name("Change: Set/Add/Remove/Delete/Reset") -@Description("A very general effect that can change many <a href=\'./expressions\'>expressions</a>. Many expressions can only be set and/or deleted, while some can have things added to or removed from them.") -@Examples({"# set:","Set the player\'s display name to \"&lt;red&gt;%name of player%\"","set the block above the victim to lava","# add:","add 2 to the player\'s health # preferably use \'<a href=\'#EffHealth\'>heal</a>\' for this","add argument to {blacklist::*}","give a diamond pickaxe of efficiency 5 to the player","increase the data value of the clicked block by 1","# remove:","remove 2 pickaxes from the victim","subtract 2.5 from {points::%uuid of player%}","# remove all:","remove every iron tool from the player","remove all minecarts from {entitylist::*}","# delete:","delete the block below the player","clear drops","delete {variable}","# reset:","reset walk speed of player","reset chunk at the targeted block"}) -@Since("1.0 (set, add, remove, delete), 2.0 (remove all)") -public class EffChange -extends Effect
    - -
      - -
    • -

      Constructor Details

      • -


        public EffChange()
      • -
    • - -
    • -

      Method Details

      • -


        public boolean init(Expression<?>[] exprs, - int matchedPattern, - Kleenean isDelayed, - SkriptParser.ParseResult parser)
        Description copied from interface: SyntaxElement
        Called just after the constructor.
        exprs - all %expr%s included in the matching pattern in the order they appear in the pattern. If an optional value was left out it will still be included in this list - holding the default value of the desired type which usually depends on the event.
        matchedPattern - The index of the pattern which matched
        isDelayed - Whether this expression is used after a delay or not (i.e. if the event has already passed when this expression will be called)
        parser - Additional information about the match.
        Whether this expression was initialised successfully. An error should be printed prior to returning false to specify the cause.
        See Also:
        - -
      • -
      • -


        protected void execute(org.bukkit.event.Event e)
        Description copied from class: Effect
        Executes this effect.
        Specified by:
        execute in class Effect
      • -
      • -


        public String toString(@Nullable org.bukkit.event.Event e, - boolean debug)
        e - The event to get information to. This is always null if debug == false.
        debug - If true this should print more information, if false this should print what is shown to the end user
        String representation of this object
      • -
    • -
    - -
    - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/effects/EffChargeCreeper.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/effects/EffChargeCreeper.html deleted file mode 100644 index a775c49742..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/effects/EffChargeCreeper.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,251 +0,0 @@ - - - - -EffChargeCreeper (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -
    - -
    - -

    Class EffChargeCreeper

    - -
    All Implemented Interfaces:
    Debuggable, SyntaxElement
    @Name("Charge Creeper") -@Description("Charges or uncharges a creeper. A creeper is charged when it has been struck by lightning.") -@Examples({"on spawn of creeper:","\tcharge the event-entity"}) -@Since("2.5") -public class EffChargeCreeper -extends Effect
    - -
      - -
    • -

      Constructor Details

      • -


        public EffChargeCreeper()
      • -
    • - -
    • -

      Method Details

      • -


        public boolean init(Expression<?>[] exprs, - int matchedPattern, - Kleenean isDelayed, - SkriptParser.ParseResult parseResult)
        Description copied from interface: SyntaxElement
        Called just after the constructor.
        exprs - all %expr%s included in the matching pattern in the order they appear in the pattern. If an optional value was left out it will still be included in this list - holding the default value of the desired type which usually depends on the event.
        matchedPattern - The index of the pattern which matched
        isDelayed - Whether this expression is used after a delay or not (i.e. if the event has already passed when this expression will be called)
        parseResult - Additional information about the match.
        Whether this expression was initialised successfully. An error should be printed prior to returning false to specify the cause.
        See Also:
        - -
      • -
      • -


        protected void execute(org.bukkit.event.Event e)
        Description copied from class: Effect
        Executes this effect.
        Specified by:
        execute in class Effect
      • -
      • -


        public String toString(@Nullable org.bukkit.event.Event e, - boolean debug)
        e - The event to get information to. This is always null if debug == false.
        debug - If true this should print more information, if false this should print what is shown to the end user
        String representation of this object
      • -
    • -
    - -
    - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/effects/EffColorItems.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/effects/EffColorItems.html deleted file mode 100644 index 02df3c9339..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/effects/EffColorItems.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,251 +0,0 @@ - - - - -EffColorItems (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -
    - -
    - -

    Class EffColorItems

    - -
    All Implemented Interfaces:
    Debuggable, SyntaxElement
    @Name("Color Items") -@Description("Colors items in a given <a href=\'classes.html#color\'>color</a>. You can also use RGB codes if you feel limited with the 16 default colors. RGB codes are three numbers from 0 to 255 in the order <code>(red, green, blue)</code>, where <code>(0,0,0)</code> is black and <code>(255,255,255)</code> is white. Armor is colorable for all Minecraft versions. With Minecraft 1.11 or newer you can also color potions and maps. Note that the colors might not look exactly how you\'d expect.") -@Examples({"dye player\'s helmet blue","color the player\'s tool red"}) -@Since("2.0, 2.2-dev26 (maps and potions)") -public class EffColorItems -extends Effect
    - -
      - -
    • -

      Constructor Details

      • -


        public EffColorItems()
      • -
    • - -
    • -

      Method Details

      • -


        public boolean init(Expression<?>[] exprs, - int matchedPattern, - Kleenean isDelayed, - SkriptParser.ParseResult parser)
        Description copied from interface: SyntaxElement
        Called just after the constructor.
        exprs - all %expr%s included in the matching pattern in the order they appear in the pattern. If an optional value was left out it will still be included in this list - holding the default value of the desired type which usually depends on the event.
        matchedPattern - The index of the pattern which matched
        isDelayed - Whether this expression is used after a delay or not (i.e. if the event has already passed when this expression will be called)
        parser - Additional information about the match.
        Whether this expression was initialised successfully. An error should be printed prior to returning false to specify the cause.
        See Also:
        - -
      • -
      • -


        protected void execute(org.bukkit.event.Event e)
        Description copied from class: Effect
        Executes this effect.
        Specified by:
        execute in class Effect
      • -
      • -


        public String toString(@Nullable org.bukkit.event.Event e, - boolean debug)
        e - The event to get information to. This is always null if debug == false.
        debug - If true this should print more information, if false this should print what is shown to the end user
        String representation of this object
      • -
    • -
    - -
    - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/effects/EffCommand.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/effects/EffCommand.html deleted file mode 100644 index e138e0666a..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/effects/EffCommand.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,282 +0,0 @@ - - - - -EffCommand (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -
    - -
    - -

    Class EffCommand

    - -
    All Implemented Interfaces:
    Debuggable, SyntaxElement
    @Name("Command") -@Description({"Executes a command. This can be useful to use other plugins in triggers.","If the command is a bungeecord side command, you can use the [bungeecord] option to execute command on the proxy."}) -@Examples({"make player execute command \"/home\"","execute console command \"/say Hello everyone!\"","execute player bungeecord command \"/alert &6Testing Announcement!\""}) -@Since("1.0, INSERT VERSION (bungeecord command)") -public class EffCommand -extends Effect
    - -
      - -
    • -

      Field Details

      - -
    • - -
    • -

      Constructor Details

      • -


        public EffCommand()
      • -
    • - -
    • -

      Method Details

      • -


        public boolean init(Expression<?>[] exprs, - int matchedPattern, - Kleenean isDelayed, - SkriptParser.ParseResult parseResult)
        Description copied from interface: SyntaxElement
        Called just after the constructor.
        exprs - all %expr%s included in the matching pattern in the order they appear in the pattern. If an optional value was left out it will still be included in this list - holding the default value of the desired type which usually depends on the event.
        matchedPattern - The index of the pattern which matched
        isDelayed - Whether this expression is used after a delay or not (i.e. if the event has already passed when this expression will be called)
        parseResult - Additional information about the match.
        Whether this expression was initialised successfully. An error should be printed prior to returning false to specify the cause.
        See Also:
        - -
      • -
      • -


        public void execute(org.bukkit.event.Event event)
        Description copied from class: Effect
        Executes this effect.
        Specified by:
        execute in class Effect
      • -
      • -


        public String toString(@Nullable org.bukkit.event.Event event, - boolean debug)
        event - The event to get information to. This is always null if debug == false.
        debug - If true this should print more information, if false this should print what is shown to the end user
        String representation of this object
      • -
    • -
    - -
    - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/effects/EffConnect.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/effects/EffConnect.html deleted file mode 100644 index d2b5126067..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/effects/EffConnect.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,316 +0,0 @@ - - - - -EffConnect (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -
    - -
    - -

    Class EffConnect

    - -
    All Implemented Interfaces:
    Debuggable, SyntaxElement
    @Name("Connect") -@Description("Connects a player to another bungeecord server") -@Examples("connect all players to \"hub\"") -@Since("2.3") -public class EffConnect -extends Effect
    - -
      - -
    • -

      Field Details

      - -
    • - -
    • -

      Constructor Details

      • -


        public EffConnect()
      • -
    • - -
    • -

      Method Details

      • -


        protected void execute(org.bukkit.event.Event e)
        Description copied from class: Effect
        Executes this effect.
        Specified by:
        execute in class Effect
      • -
      • -


        public String toString(@Nullable org.bukkit.event.Event e, - boolean debug)
        e - The event to get information to. This is always null if debug == false.
        debug - If true this should print more information, if false this should print what is shown to the end user
        String representation of this object
      • -
      • -


        public boolean init(Expression<?>[] exprs, - int matchedPattern, - Kleenean isDelayed, - SkriptParser.ParseResult parseResult)
        Description copied from interface: SyntaxElement
        Called just after the constructor.
        exprs - all %expr%s included in the matching pattern in the order they appear in the pattern. If an optional value was left out it will still be included in this list - holding the default value of the desired type which usually depends on the event.
        matchedPattern - The index of the pattern which matched
        isDelayed - Whether this expression is used after a delay or not (i.e. if the event has already passed when this expression will be called)
        parseResult - Additional information about the match.
        Whether this expression was initialised successfully. An error should be printed prior to returning false to specify the cause.
        See Also:
        - -
      • -
    • -
    - -
    - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/effects/EffContinue.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/effects/EffContinue.html deleted file mode 100644 index 855eaeb2e7..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/effects/EffContinue.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,272 +0,0 @@ - - - - -EffContinue (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -
    - -
    - -

    Class EffContinue

    - -
    All Implemented Interfaces:
    Debuggable, SyntaxElement
    @Name("Continue") -@Description("Immediately moves the (while) loop on to the next iteration.") -@Examples({"# Broadcast online moderators","loop all players:","\tif loop-value does not have permission \"moderator\":","\t\tcontinue # filter out non moderators","\tbroadcast \"%loop-player% is a moderator!\" # Only moderators get broadcast"," ","# Game starting counter","set {_counter} to 11","while {_counter} > 0:","\tremove 1 from {_counter}","\twait a second","\tif {_counter} != 1, 2, 3, 5 or 10:","\t\tcontinue # only print when counter is 1, 2, 3, 5 or 10","\tbroadcast \"Game starting in %{_counter}% second(s)\""}) -@Since("2.2-dev37, 2.7 (while loops)") -public class EffContinue -extends Effect
    - -
      - -
    • -

      Constructor Details

      • -


        public EffContinue()
      • -
    • - -
    • -

      Method Details

      • -


        public boolean init(Expression<?>[] exprs, - int matchedPattern, - Kleenean isDelayed, - SkriptParser.ParseResult parseResult)
        Description copied from interface: SyntaxElement
        Called just after the constructor.
        exprs - all %expr%s included in the matching pattern in the order they appear in the pattern. If an optional value was left out it will still be included in this list - holding the default value of the desired type which usually depends on the event.
        matchedPattern - The index of the pattern which matched
        isDelayed - Whether this expression is used after a delay or not (i.e. if the event has already passed when this expression will be called)
        parseResult - Additional information about the match.
        Whether this expression was initialised successfully. An error should be printed prior to returning false to specify the cause.
        See Also:
        - -
      • -
      • -


        protected void execute(org.bukkit.event.Event event)
        Description copied from class: Effect
        Executes this effect.
        Specified by:
        execute in class Effect
      • -
      • -


        protected @Nullable TriggerItem walk(org.bukkit.event.Event event)
        Description copied from class: TriggerItem
        Executes this item and returns the next item to run. -

        - Overriding classes must call TriggerItem.debug(Event, boolean). If this method is overridden, TriggerItem.run(Event) is not used anymore and can be ignored.

        walk in class TriggerItem
        The next item to run or null to stop execution
      • -
      • -


        public String toString(@Nullable org.bukkit.event.Event event, - boolean debug)
        event - The event to get information to. This is always null if debug == false.
        debug - If true this should print more information, if false this should print what is shown to the end user
        String representation of this object
      • -
    • -
    - -
    - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/effects/EffDoIf.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/effects/EffDoIf.html deleted file mode 100644 index 5ffcc3c299..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/effects/EffDoIf.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,272 +0,0 @@ - - - - -EffDoIf (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -
    - -
    - -

    Class EffDoIf

    - -
    All Implemented Interfaces:
    Debuggable, SyntaxElement
    @Name("Do If") -@Description("Execute an effect if a condition is true.") -@Examples({"on join:","\tgive a diamond to the player if the player has permission \"rank.vip\""}) -@Since("2.3") -public class EffDoIf -extends Effect
    - -
      - -
    • -

      Constructor Details

      • -


        public EffDoIf()
      • -
    • - -
    • -

      Method Details

      • -


        public boolean init(Expression<?>[] exprs, - int matchedPattern, - Kleenean isDelayed, - SkriptParser.ParseResult parseResult)
        Description copied from interface: SyntaxElement
        Called just after the constructor.
        exprs - all %expr%s included in the matching pattern in the order they appear in the pattern. If an optional value was left out it will still be included in this list - holding the default value of the desired type which usually depends on the event.
        matchedPattern - The index of the pattern which matched
        isDelayed - Whether this expression is used after a delay or not (i.e. if the event has already passed when this expression will be called)
        parseResult - Additional information about the match.
        Whether this expression was initialised successfully. An error should be printed prior to returning false to specify the cause.
        See Also:
        - -
      • -
      • -


        protected void execute(org.bukkit.event.Event e)
        Description copied from class: Effect
        Executes this effect.
        Specified by:
        execute in class Effect
      • -
      • -


        public @Nullable TriggerItem walk(org.bukkit.event.Event e)
        Description copied from class: TriggerItem
        Executes this item and returns the next item to run. -

        - Overriding classes must call TriggerItem.debug(Event, boolean). If this method is overridden, TriggerItem.run(Event) is not used anymore and can be ignored.

        walk in class TriggerItem
        The next item to run or null to stop execution
      • -
      • -


        public String toString(@Nullable org.bukkit.event.Event e, - boolean debug)
        e - The event to get information to. This is always null if debug == false.
        debug - If true this should print more information, if false this should print what is shown to the end user
        String representation of this object
      • -
    • -
    - -
    - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/effects/EffDrop.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/effects/EffDrop.html deleted file mode 100644 index 89bf709e05..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/effects/EffDrop.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,274 +0,0 @@ - - - - -EffDrop (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -
    - -
    - -

    Class EffDrop

    - -
    All Implemented Interfaces:
    Debuggable, SyntaxElement
    @Name("Drop") -@Description("Drops one or more items.") -@Examples({"on death of creeper:","\tdrop 1 TNT"}) -@Since("1.0") -public class EffDrop -extends Effect
    - -
      - -
    • -

      Field Details

      • -


        public static @Nullable org.bukkit.entity.Entity lastSpawned
      • -
    • - -
    • -

      Constructor Details

      • -


        public EffDrop()
      • -
    • - -
    • -

      Method Details

      • -


        public boolean init(Expression<?>[] exprs, - int matchedPattern, - Kleenean isDelayed, - SkriptParser.ParseResult parseResult)
        Description copied from interface: SyntaxElement
        Called just after the constructor.
        exprs - all %expr%s included in the matching pattern in the order they appear in the pattern. If an optional value was left out it will still be included in this list - holding the default value of the desired type which usually depends on the event.
        matchedPattern - The index of the pattern which matched
        isDelayed - Whether this expression is used after a delay or not (i.e. if the event has already passed when this expression will be called)
        parseResult - Additional information about the match.
        Whether this expression was initialised successfully. An error should be printed prior to returning false to specify the cause.
        See Also:
        - -
      • -
      • -


        public void execute(org.bukkit.event.Event e)
        Description copied from class: Effect
        Executes this effect.
        Specified by:
        execute in class Effect
      • -
      • -


        public String toString(@Nullable org.bukkit.event.Event e, - boolean debug)
        e - The event to get information to. This is always null if debug == false.
        debug - If true this should print more information, if false this should print what is shown to the end user
        String representation of this object
      • -
    • -
    - -
    - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/effects/EffEnchant.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/effects/EffEnchant.html deleted file mode 100644 index d0130843d7..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/effects/EffEnchant.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,251 +0,0 @@ - - - - -EffEnchant (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -
    - -
    - -

    Class EffEnchant

    - -
    All Implemented Interfaces:
    Debuggable, SyntaxElement
    @Name("Enchant/Disenchant") -@Description("Enchant or disenchant an existing item.") -@Examples({"enchant the player\'s tool with sharpness 5","disenchant the player\'s tool"}) -@Since("2.0") -public class EffEnchant -extends Effect
    - -
      - -
    • -

      Constructor Details

      • -


        public EffEnchant()
      • -
    • - -
    • -

      Method Details

      • -


        public boolean init(Expression<?>[] exprs, - int matchedPattern, - Kleenean isDelayed, - SkriptParser.ParseResult parseResult)
        Description copied from interface: SyntaxElement
        Called just after the constructor.
        exprs - all %expr%s included in the matching pattern in the order they appear in the pattern. If an optional value was left out it will still be included in this list - holding the default value of the desired type which usually depends on the event.
        matchedPattern - The index of the pattern which matched
        isDelayed - Whether this expression is used after a delay or not (i.e. if the event has already passed when this expression will be called)
        parseResult - Additional information about the match.
        Whether this expression was initialised successfully. An error should be printed prior to returning false to specify the cause.
        See Also:
        - -
      • -
      • -


        protected void execute(org.bukkit.event.Event event)
        Description copied from class: Effect
        Executes this effect.
        Specified by:
        execute in class Effect
      • -
      • -


        public String toString(@Nullable org.bukkit.event.Event event, - boolean debug)
        event - The event to get information to. This is always null if debug == false.
        debug - If true this should print more information, if false this should print what is shown to the end user
        String representation of this object
      • -
    • -
    - -
    - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/effects/EffEquip.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/effects/EffEquip.html deleted file mode 100644 index 2c21ad2923..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/effects/EffEquip.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,251 +0,0 @@ - - - - -EffEquip (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -
    - -
    - -

    Class EffEquip

    - -
    All Implemented Interfaces:
    Debuggable, SyntaxElement
    @Name("Equip") -@Description("Equips or unequips an entity with some given armor. This will replace any armor that the entity is wearing.") -@Examples({"equip player with diamond helmet","equip player with all diamond armor","unequip diamond chestplate from player","unequip all armor from player","unequip player\'s armor"}) -@Since("1.0, 2.7 (multiple entities, unequip)") -public class EffEquip -extends Effect
    - -
      - -
    • -

      Constructor Details

      • -


        public EffEquip()
      • -
    • - -
    • -

      Method Details

      • -


        public boolean init(Expression<?>[] exprs, - int matchedPattern, - Kleenean isDelayed, - SkriptParser.ParseResult parser)
        Description copied from interface: SyntaxElement
        Called just after the constructor.
        exprs - all %expr%s included in the matching pattern in the order they appear in the pattern. If an optional value was left out it will still be included in this list - holding the default value of the desired type which usually depends on the event.
        matchedPattern - The index of the pattern which matched
        isDelayed - Whether this expression is used after a delay or not (i.e. if the event has already passed when this expression will be called)
        parser - Additional information about the match.
        Whether this expression was initialised successfully. An error should be printed prior to returning false to specify the cause.
        See Also:
        - -
      • -
      • -


        protected void execute(org.bukkit.event.Event event)
        Description copied from class: Effect
        Executes this effect.
        Specified by:
        execute in class Effect
      • -
      • -


        public String toString(@Nullable org.bukkit.event.Event event, - boolean debug)
        event - The event to get information to. This is always null if debug == false.
        debug - If true this should print more information, if false this should print what is shown to the end user
        String representation of this object
      • -
    • -
    - -
    - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/effects/EffExceptionDebug.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/effects/EffExceptionDebug.html deleted file mode 100644 index bbd9b26fd9..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/effects/EffExceptionDebug.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,248 +0,0 @@ - - - - -EffExceptionDebug (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -
    - -
    - -

    Class EffExceptionDebug

    - -
    All Implemented Interfaces:
    Debuggable, SyntaxElement
    @NoDoc -public class EffExceptionDebug -extends Effect
    - -
      - -
    • -

      Constructor Details

      • -


        public EffExceptionDebug()
      • -
    • - -
    • -

      Method Details

      • -


        public boolean init(Expression<?>[] exprs, - int matchedPattern, - Kleenean isDelayed, - SkriptParser.ParseResult parseResult)
        Description copied from interface: SyntaxElement
        Called just after the constructor.
        exprs - all %expr%s included in the matching pattern in the order they appear in the pattern. If an optional value was left out it will still be included in this list - holding the default value of the desired type which usually depends on the event.
        matchedPattern - The index of the pattern which matched
        isDelayed - Whether this expression is used after a delay or not (i.e. if the event has already passed when this expression will be called)
        parseResult - Additional information about the match.
        Whether this expression was initialised successfully. An error should be printed prior to returning false to specify the cause.
        See Also:
        - -
      • -
      • -


        protected void execute(org.bukkit.event.Event e)
        Description copied from class: Effect
        Executes this effect.
        Specified by:
        execute in class Effect
      • -
      • -


        public String toString(@Nullable org.bukkit.event.Event e, - boolean debug)
        e - The event to get information to. This is always null if debug == false.
        debug - If true this should print more information, if false this should print what is shown to the end user
        String representation of this object
      • -
    • -
    - -
    - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/effects/EffExit.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/effects/EffExit.html deleted file mode 100644 index 2320716d79..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/effects/EffExit.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,272 +0,0 @@ - - - - -EffExit (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -
    - -
    - -

    Class EffExit

    - -
    All Implemented Interfaces:
    Debuggable, SyntaxElement
    @Name("Exit") -@Description("Exits a given amount of loops and conditionals, or the entire trigger.") -@Examples({"if player has any ore:","\tstop","message \"%player% has no ores!\"","loop blocks above the player:","\tloop-block is not air:","\t\texit 2 sections","\tset loop-block to water"}) -@Since("<i>unknown</i> (before 2.1)") -public class EffExit -extends Effect
    - -
      - -
    • -

      Constructor Details

      • -


        public EffExit()
      • -
    • - -
    • -

      Method Details

      • -


        public boolean init(Expression<?>[] exprs, - int matchedPattern, - Kleenean isDelayed, - SkriptParser.ParseResult parser)
        Description copied from interface: SyntaxElement
        Called just after the constructor.
        exprs - all %expr%s included in the matching pattern in the order they appear in the pattern. If an optional value was left out it will still be included in this list - holding the default value of the desired type which usually depends on the event.
        matchedPattern - The index of the pattern which matched
        isDelayed - Whether this expression is used after a delay or not (i.e. if the event has already passed when this expression will be called)
        parser - Additional information about the match.
        Whether this expression was initialised successfully. An error should be printed prior to returning false to specify the cause.
        See Also:
        - -
      • -
      • -


        protected @Nullable TriggerItem walk(org.bukkit.event.Event event)
        Description copied from class: TriggerItem
        Executes this item and returns the next item to run. -

        - Overriding classes must call TriggerItem.debug(Event, boolean). If this method is overridden, TriggerItem.run(Event) is not used anymore and can be ignored.

        walk in class TriggerItem
        The next item to run or null to stop execution
      • -
      • -


        protected void execute(org.bukkit.event.Event event)
        Description copied from class: Effect
        Executes this effect.
        Specified by:
        execute in class Effect
      • -
      • -


        public String toString(@Nullable org.bukkit.event.Event event, - boolean debug)
        event - The event to get information to. This is always null if debug == false.
        debug - If true this should print more information, if false this should print what is shown to the end user
        String representation of this object
      • -
    • -
    - -
    - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/effects/EffExplodeCreeper.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/effects/EffExplodeCreeper.html deleted file mode 100644 index 39568f3c3d..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/effects/EffExplodeCreeper.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,252 +0,0 @@ - - - - -EffExplodeCreeper (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -
    - -
    - -

    Class EffExplodeCreeper

    - -
    All Implemented Interfaces:
    Debuggable, SyntaxElement
    @Name("Explode Creeper") -@Description("Starts the explosion process of a creeper or instantly explodes it.") -@Examples({"start explosion of the last spawned creeper","stop ignition of the last spawned creeper"}) -@Since("2.5") -@RequiredPlugins("Paper 1.13 or newer/Spigot 1.14 or newer. Ignition can be stopped on Paper 1.13 or newer.") -public class EffExplodeCreeper -extends Effect
    - -
      - -
    • -

      Constructor Details

      • -


        public EffExplodeCreeper()
      • -
    • - -
    • -

      Method Details

      • -


        public boolean init(Expression<?>[] exprs, - int matchedPattern, - Kleenean isDelayed, - SkriptParser.ParseResult parseResult)
        Description copied from interface: SyntaxElement
        Called just after the constructor.
        exprs - all %expr%s included in the matching pattern in the order they appear in the pattern. If an optional value was left out it will still be included in this list - holding the default value of the desired type which usually depends on the event.
        matchedPattern - The index of the pattern which matched
        isDelayed - Whether this expression is used after a delay or not (i.e. if the event has already passed when this expression will be called)
        parseResult - Additional information about the match.
        Whether this expression was initialised successfully. An error should be printed prior to returning false to specify the cause.
        See Also:
        - -
      • -
      • -


        protected void execute(org.bukkit.event.Event e)
        Description copied from class: Effect
        Executes this effect.
        Specified by:
        execute in class Effect
      • -
      • -


        public String toString(@Nullable org.bukkit.event.Event e, - boolean debug)
        e - The event to get information to. This is always null if debug == false.
        debug - If true this should print more information, if false this should print what is shown to the end user
        String representation of this object
      • -
    • -
    - -
    - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/effects/EffExplosion.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/effects/EffExplosion.html deleted file mode 100644 index 46928c9eac..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/effects/EffExplosion.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,251 +0,0 @@ - - - - -EffExplosion (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -
    - -
    - -

    Class EffExplosion

    - -
    All Implemented Interfaces:
    Debuggable, SyntaxElement
    @Name("Explosion") -@Description({"Creates an explosion of a given force. The Minecraft Wiki has an <a href=\'https://www.minecraftwiki.net/wiki/Explosion\'>article on explosions</a> which lists the explosion forces of TNT, creepers, etc.","Hint: use a force of 0 to create a fake explosion that does no damage whatsoever, or use the explosion effect introduced in Skript 2.0.","Starting with Bukkit 1.4.5 and Skript 2.0 you can use safe explosions which will damage entities but won\'t destroy any blocks."}) -@Examples({"create an explosion of force 10 at the player","create an explosion of force 0 at the victim"}) -@Since("1.0") -public class EffExplosion -extends Effect
    - -
      - -
    • -

      Constructor Details

      • -


        public EffExplosion()
      • -
    • - -
    • -

      Method Details

      • -


        public boolean init(Expression<?>[] exprs, - int matchedPattern, - Kleenean isDelayed, - SkriptParser.ParseResult parser)
        Description copied from interface: SyntaxElement
        Called just after the constructor.
        exprs - all %expr%s included in the matching pattern in the order they appear in the pattern. If an optional value was left out it will still be included in this list - holding the default value of the desired type which usually depends on the event.
        matchedPattern - The index of the pattern which matched
        isDelayed - Whether this expression is used after a delay or not (i.e. if the event has already passed when this expression will be called)
        parser - Additional information about the match.
        Whether this expression was initialised successfully. An error should be printed prior to returning false to specify the cause.
        See Also:
        - -
      • -
      • -


        public void execute(org.bukkit.event.Event e)
        Description copied from class: Effect
        Executes this effect.
        Specified by:
        execute in class Effect
      • -
      • -


        public String toString(@Nullable org.bukkit.event.Event e, - boolean debug)
        e - The event to get information to. This is always null if debug == false.
        debug - If true this should print more information, if false this should print what is shown to the end user
        String representation of this object
      • -
    • -
    - -
    - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/effects/EffFeed.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/effects/EffFeed.html deleted file mode 100644 index 0d2d633374..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/effects/EffFeed.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,251 +0,0 @@ - - - - -EffFeed (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -
    - -
    - -

    Class EffFeed

    - -
    All Implemented Interfaces:
    Debuggable, SyntaxElement
    @Name("Feed") -@Description("Feeds the specified players.") -@Examples({"feed all players","feed the player by 5 beefs"}) -@Since("2.2-dev34") -public class EffFeed -extends Effect
    - -
      - -
    • -

      Constructor Details

      • -


        public EffFeed()
      • -
    • - -
    • -

      Method Details

      • -


        public boolean init(Expression<?>[] exprs, - int matchedPattern, - Kleenean isDelayed, - SkriptParser.ParseResult parseResult)
        Description copied from interface: SyntaxElement
        Called just after the constructor.
        exprs - all %expr%s included in the matching pattern in the order they appear in the pattern. If an optional value was left out it will still be included in this list - holding the default value of the desired type which usually depends on the event.
        matchedPattern - The index of the pattern which matched
        isDelayed - Whether this expression is used after a delay or not (i.e. if the event has already passed when this expression will be called)
        parseResult - Additional information about the match.
        Whether this expression was initialised successfully. An error should be printed prior to returning false to specify the cause.
        See Also:
        - -
      • -
      • -


        protected void execute(org.bukkit.event.Event e)
        Description copied from class: Effect
        Executes this effect.
        Specified by:
        execute in class Effect
      • -
      • -


        public String toString(@Nullable org.bukkit.event.Event e, - boolean debug)
        e - The event to get information to. This is always null if debug == false.
        debug - If true this should print more information, if false this should print what is shown to the end user
        String representation of this object
      • -
    • -
    - -
    - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/effects/EffFireworkLaunch.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/effects/EffFireworkLaunch.html deleted file mode 100644 index f59c8cf1c0..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/effects/EffFireworkLaunch.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,274 +0,0 @@ - - - - -EffFireworkLaunch (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -
    - -
    - -

    Class EffFireworkLaunch

    - -
    All Implemented Interfaces:
    Debuggable, SyntaxElement
    @Name("Launch firework") -@Description("Launch firework effects at the given location(s).") -@Examples("launch ball large colored red, purple and white fading to light green and black at player\'s location with duration 1") -@Since("2.4") -public class EffFireworkLaunch -extends Effect
    - -
      - -
    • -

      Field Details

      • -


        public static @Nullable org.bukkit.entity.Entity lastSpawned
      • -
    • - -
    • -

      Constructor Details

      • -


        public EffFireworkLaunch()
      • -
    • - -
    • -

      Method Details

      • -


        public boolean init(Expression<?>[] exprs, - int matchedPattern, - Kleenean isDelayed, - SkriptParser.ParseResult parseResult)
        Description copied from interface: SyntaxElement
        Called just after the constructor.
        exprs - all %expr%s included in the matching pattern in the order they appear in the pattern. If an optional value was left out it will still be included in this list - holding the default value of the desired type which usually depends on the event.
        matchedPattern - The index of the pattern which matched
        isDelayed - Whether this expression is used after a delay or not (i.e. if the event has already passed when this expression will be called)
        parseResult - Additional information about the match.
        Whether this expression was initialised successfully. An error should be printed prior to returning false to specify the cause.
        See Also:
        - -
      • -
      • -


        protected void execute(org.bukkit.event.Event event)
        Description copied from class: Effect
        Executes this effect.
        Specified by:
        execute in class Effect
      • -
      • -


        public String toString(@Nullable org.bukkit.event.Event event, - boolean debug)
        event - The event to get information to. This is always null if debug == false.
        debug - If true this should print more information, if false this should print what is shown to the end user
        String representation of this object
      • -
    • -
    - -
    - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/effects/EffForceAttack.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/effects/EffForceAttack.html deleted file mode 100644 index 7341bb0f6a..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/effects/EffForceAttack.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,252 +0,0 @@ - - - - -EffForceAttack (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -
    - -
    - -

    Class EffForceAttack

    - -
    All Implemented Interfaces:
    Debuggable, SyntaxElement
    @Name("Force Attack") -@Description("Makes a living entity attack an entity with a melee attack.") -@Examples({"spawn a wolf at player\'s location","make last spawned wolf attack player"}) -@Since("2.5.1") -@RequiredPlugins("Minecraft 1.15.2+") -public class EffForceAttack -extends Effect
    - -
      - -
    • -

      Constructor Details

      • -


        public EffForceAttack()
      • -
    • - -
    • -

      Method Details

      • -


        public boolean init(Expression<?>[] exprs, - int matchedPattern, - Kleenean isDelayed, - SkriptParser.ParseResult parseResult)
        Description copied from interface: SyntaxElement
        Called just after the constructor.
        exprs - all %expr%s included in the matching pattern in the order they appear in the pattern. If an optional value was left out it will still be included in this list - holding the default value of the desired type which usually depends on the event.
        matchedPattern - The index of the pattern which matched
        isDelayed - Whether this expression is used after a delay or not (i.e. if the event has already passed when this expression will be called)
        parseResult - Additional information about the match.
        Whether this expression was initialised successfully. An error should be printed prior to returning false to specify the cause.
        See Also:
        - -
      • -
      • -


        protected void execute(org.bukkit.event.Event e)
        Description copied from class: Effect
        Executes this effect.
        Specified by:
        execute in class Effect
      • -
      • -


        public String toString(@Nullable org.bukkit.event.Event e, - boolean debug)
        e - The event to get information to. This is always null if debug == false.
        debug - If true this should print more information, if false this should print what is shown to the end user
        String representation of this object
      • -
    • -
    - -
    - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/effects/EffHandedness.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/effects/EffHandedness.html deleted file mode 100644 index 537b7b0c77..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/effects/EffHandedness.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,252 +0,0 @@ - - - - -EffHandedness (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -
    - -
    - -

    Class EffHandedness

    - -
    All Implemented Interfaces:
    Debuggable, SyntaxElement
    @Name("Handedness") -@Description("Make mobs left or right-handed. This does not affect players.") -@Examples({"spawn skeleton at spawn of world \"world\":","\tmake entity left handed","","make all zombies in radius 10 of player right handed"}) -@Since("INSERT VERSION") -@RequiredPlugins("Paper 1.17.1+") -public class EffHandedness -extends Effect
    - -
      - -
    • -

      Constructor Details

      • -


        public EffHandedness()
      • -
    • - -
    • -

      Method Details

      • -


        public boolean init(Expression<?>[] exprs, - int matchedPattern, - Kleenean isDelayed, - SkriptParser.ParseResult parseResult)
        Description copied from interface: SyntaxElement
        Called just after the constructor.
        exprs - all %expr%s included in the matching pattern in the order they appear in the pattern. If an optional value was left out it will still be included in this list - holding the default value of the desired type which usually depends on the event.
        matchedPattern - The index of the pattern which matched
        isDelayed - Whether this expression is used after a delay or not (i.e. if the event has already passed when this expression will be called)
        parseResult - Additional information about the match.
        Whether this expression was initialised successfully. An error should be printed prior to returning false to specify the cause.
        See Also:
        - -
      • -
      • -


        protected void execute(org.bukkit.event.Event event)
        Description copied from class: Effect
        Executes this effect.
        Specified by:
        execute in class Effect
      • -
      • -


        public String toString(@Nullable org.bukkit.event.Event event, - boolean debug)
        event - The event to get information to. This is always null if debug == false.
        debug - If true this should print more information, if false this should print what is shown to the end user
        String representation of this object
      • -
    • -
    - -
    - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/effects/EffHealth.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/effects/EffHealth.html deleted file mode 100644 index 8944b89fde..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/effects/EffHealth.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,251 +0,0 @@ - - - - -EffHealth (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -
    - -
    - -

    Class EffHealth

    - -
    All Implemented Interfaces:
    Debuggable, SyntaxElement
    @Name("Damage/Heal/Repair") -@Description("Damage/Heal/Repair an entity, or item.") -@Examples({"damage player by 5 hearts","heal the player","repair tool of player"}) -@Since("1.0") -public class EffHealth -extends Effect
    - -
      - -
    • -

      Constructor Details

      • -


        public EffHealth()
      • -
    • - -
    • -

      Method Details

      • -


        public boolean init(Expression<?>[] exprs, - int matchedPattern, - Kleenean isDelayed, - SkriptParser.ParseResult parser)
        Description copied from interface: SyntaxElement
        Called just after the constructor.
        exprs - all %expr%s included in the matching pattern in the order they appear in the pattern. If an optional value was left out it will still be included in this list - holding the default value of the desired type which usually depends on the event.
        matchedPattern - The index of the pattern which matched
        isDelayed - Whether this expression is used after a delay or not (i.e. if the event has already passed when this expression will be called)
        parser - Additional information about the match.
        Whether this expression was initialised successfully. An error should be printed prior to returning false to specify the cause.
        See Also:
        - -
      • -
      • -


        public void execute(org.bukkit.event.Event e)
        Description copied from class: Effect
        Executes this effect.
        Specified by:
        execute in class Effect
      • -
      • -


        public String toString(@Nullable org.bukkit.event.Event e, - boolean debug)
        e - The event to get information to. This is always null if debug == false.
        debug - If true this should print more information, if false this should print what is shown to the end user
        String representation of this object
      • -
    • -
    - -
    - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/effects/EffHidePlayerFromServerList.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/effects/EffHidePlayerFromServerList.html deleted file mode 100644 index a7fabbb700..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/effects/EffHidePlayerFromServerList.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,251 +0,0 @@ - - - - -EffHidePlayerFromServerList (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -
    - -
    - -

    Class EffHidePlayerFromServerList

    - -
    All Implemented Interfaces:
    Debuggable, SyntaxElement
    @Name("Hide Player from Server List") -@Description("Hides a player from the <a href=\'expressions.html#ExprHoverList\'>hover list</a> and decreases the <a href=\'expressions.html#ExprOnlinePlayersCount\'>online players count</a> (only if the player count wasn\'t changed before).") -@Examples({"on server list ping:","\thide {vanished::*} from the server list"}) -@Since("2.3") -public class EffHidePlayerFromServerList -extends Effect
    - -
      - -
    • -

      Constructor Details

      • -


        public EffHidePlayerFromServerList()
      • -
    • - -
    • -

      Method Details

      • -


        public boolean init(Expression<?>[] exprs, - int matchedPattern, - Kleenean isDelayed, - SkriptParser.ParseResult parseResult)
        Description copied from interface: SyntaxElement
        Called just after the constructor.
        exprs - all %expr%s included in the matching pattern in the order they appear in the pattern. If an optional value was left out it will still be included in this list - holding the default value of the desired type which usually depends on the event.
        matchedPattern - The index of the pattern which matched
        isDelayed - Whether this expression is used after a delay or not (i.e. if the event has already passed when this expression will be called)
        parseResult - Additional information about the match.
        Whether this expression was initialised successfully. An error should be printed prior to returning false to specify the cause.
        See Also:
        - -
      • -
      • -


        protected void execute(org.bukkit.event.Event e)
        Description copied from class: Effect
        Executes this effect.
        Specified by:
        execute in class Effect
      • -
      • -


        public String toString(@Nullable org.bukkit.event.Event e, - boolean debug)
        e - The event to get information to. This is always null if debug == false.
        debug - If true this should print more information, if false this should print what is shown to the end user
        String representation of this object
      • -
    • -
    - -
    - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/effects/EffIgnite.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/effects/EffIgnite.html deleted file mode 100644 index 8eda28494d..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/effects/EffIgnite.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,251 +0,0 @@ - - - - -EffIgnite (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -
    - -
    - -

    Class EffIgnite

    - -
    All Implemented Interfaces:
    Debuggable, SyntaxElement
    @Name("Ignite/Extinguish") -@Description("Lights entities on fire or extinguishes them.") -@Examples({"ignite the player","extinguish the player"}) -@Since("1.4") -public class EffIgnite -extends Effect
    - -
      - -
    • -

      Constructor Details

      • -


        public EffIgnite()
      • -
    • - -
    • -

      Method Details

      • -


        public boolean init(Expression<?>[] exprs, - int matchedPattern, - Kleenean isDelayed, - SkriptParser.ParseResult parseResult)
        Description copied from interface: SyntaxElement
        Called just after the constructor.
        exprs - all %expr%s included in the matching pattern in the order they appear in the pattern. If an optional value was left out it will still be included in this list - holding the default value of the desired type which usually depends on the event.
        matchedPattern - The index of the pattern which matched
        isDelayed - Whether this expression is used after a delay or not (i.e. if the event has already passed when this expression will be called)
        parseResult - Additional information about the match.
        Whether this expression was initialised successfully. An error should be printed prior to returning false to specify the cause.
        See Also:
        - -
      • -
      • -


        protected void execute(org.bukkit.event.Event e)
        Description copied from class: Effect
        Executes this effect.
        Specified by:
        execute in class Effect
      • -
      • -


        public String toString(@Nullable org.bukkit.event.Event e, - boolean debug)
        e - The event to get information to. This is always null if debug == false.
        debug - If true this should print more information, if false this should print what is shown to the end user
        String representation of this object
      • -
    • -
    - -
    - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/effects/EffIncendiary.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/effects/EffIncendiary.html deleted file mode 100644 index 95bfda9418..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/effects/EffIncendiary.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,251 +0,0 @@ - - - - -EffIncendiary (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -
    - -
    - -

    Class EffIncendiary

    - -
    All Implemented Interfaces:
    Debuggable, SyntaxElement
    @Name("Make Incendiary") -@Description("Sets if an entity\'s explosion will leave behind fire. This effect is also usable in an explosion prime event.") -@Examples({"on explosion prime:","\tmake the explosion fiery"}) -@Since("2.5") -public class EffIncendiary -extends Effect
    - -
      - -
    • -

      Constructor Details

      • -


        public EffIncendiary()
      • -
    • - -
    • -

      Method Details

      • -


        public boolean init(Expression<?>[] exprs, - int matchedPattern, - Kleenean isDelayed, - SkriptParser.ParseResult parseResult)
        Description copied from interface: SyntaxElement
        Called just after the constructor.
        exprs - all %expr%s included in the matching pattern in the order they appear in the pattern. If an optional value was left out it will still be included in this list - holding the default value of the desired type which usually depends on the event.
        matchedPattern - The index of the pattern which matched
        isDelayed - Whether this expression is used after a delay or not (i.e. if the event has already passed when this expression will be called)
        parseResult - Additional information about the match.
        Whether this expression was initialised successfully. An error should be printed prior to returning false to specify the cause.
        See Also:
        - -
      • -
      • -


        protected void execute(org.bukkit.event.Event e)
        Description copied from class: Effect
        Executes this effect.
        Specified by:
        execute in class Effect
      • -
      • -


        public String toString(@Nullable org.bukkit.event.Event e, - boolean debug)
        e - The event to get information to. This is always null if debug == false.
        debug - If true this should print more information, if false this should print what is shown to the end user
        String representation of this object
      • -
    • -
    - -
    - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/effects/EffInvisible.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/effects/EffInvisible.html deleted file mode 100644 index 9a32f7653f..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/effects/EffInvisible.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,251 +0,0 @@ - - - - -EffInvisible (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -
    - -
    - -

    Class EffInvisible

    - -
    All Implemented Interfaces:
    Debuggable, SyntaxElement
    @Name("Make Invisible") -@Description({"Makes a living entity visible/invisible. This is not a potion and therefore does not have features such as a time limit or particles.","When setting an entity to invisible while using an invisibility potion on it, the potion will be overridden and when it runs out the entity keeps its invisibility."}) -@Examples("make target entity invisible") -@Since("2.7") -public class EffInvisible -extends Effect
    - -
      - -
    • -

      Constructor Details

      • -


        public EffInvisible()
      • -
    • - -
    • -

      Method Details

      • -


        public boolean init(Expression<?>[] exprs, - int matchedPattern, - Kleenean isDelayed, - SkriptParser.ParseResult parseResult)
        Description copied from interface: SyntaxElement
        Called just after the constructor.
        exprs - all %expr%s included in the matching pattern in the order they appear in the pattern. If an optional value was left out it will still be included in this list - holding the default value of the desired type which usually depends on the event.
        matchedPattern - The index of the pattern which matched
        isDelayed - Whether this expression is used after a delay or not (i.e. if the event has already passed when this expression will be called)
        parseResult - Additional information about the match.
        Whether this expression was initialised successfully. An error should be printed prior to returning false to specify the cause.
        See Also:
        - -
      • -
      • -


        protected void execute(org.bukkit.event.Event event)
        Description copied from class: Effect
        Executes this effect.
        Specified by:
        execute in class Effect
      • -
      • -


        public String toString(@Nullable org.bukkit.event.Event event, - boolean debug)
        event - The event to get information to. This is always null if debug == false.
        debug - If true this should print more information, if false this should print what is shown to the end user
        String representation of this object
      • -
    • -
    - -
    - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/effects/EffInvulnerability.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/effects/EffInvulnerability.html deleted file mode 100644 index 4e52848d95..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/effects/EffInvulnerability.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,251 +0,0 @@ - - - - -EffInvulnerability (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -
    - -
    - -

    Class EffInvulnerability

    - -
    All Implemented Interfaces:
    Debuggable, SyntaxElement
    @Name("Make Invulnerable") -@Description("Makes an entity invulnerable/not invulnerable.") -@Examples("make target entity invulnerable") -@Since("2.5") -public class EffInvulnerability -extends Effect
    - -
      - -
    • -

      Constructor Details

      • -


        public EffInvulnerability()
      • -
    • - -
    • -

      Method Details

      • -


        public boolean init(Expression<?>[] exprs, - int matchedPattern, - Kleenean isDelayed, - SkriptParser.ParseResult parseResult)
        Description copied from interface: SyntaxElement
        Called just after the constructor.
        exprs - all %expr%s included in the matching pattern in the order they appear in the pattern. If an optional value was left out it will still be included in this list - holding the default value of the desired type which usually depends on the event.
        matchedPattern - The index of the pattern which matched
        isDelayed - Whether this expression is used after a delay or not (i.e. if the event has already passed when this expression will be called)
        parseResult - Additional information about the match.
        Whether this expression was initialised successfully. An error should be printed prior to returning false to specify the cause.
        See Also:
        - -
      • -
      • -


        protected void execute(org.bukkit.event.Event e)
        Description copied from class: Effect
        Executes this effect.
        Specified by:
        execute in class Effect
      • -
      • -


        public String toString(@Nullable org.bukkit.event.Event e, - boolean debug)
        e - The event to get information to. This is always null if debug == false.
        debug - If true this should print more information, if false this should print what is shown to the end user
        String representation of this object
      • -
    • -
    - -
    - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/effects/EffKeepInventory.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/effects/EffKeepInventory.html deleted file mode 100644 index cacdca2b75..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/effects/EffKeepInventory.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,252 +0,0 @@ - - - - -EffKeepInventory (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -
    - -
    - -

    Class EffKeepInventory

    - -
    All Implemented Interfaces:
    Debuggable, SyntaxElement
    @Name("Keep Inventory / Experience") -@Description("Keeps the inventory or/and experiences of the dead player in a death event.") -@Examples({"on death of a player:","\tif the victim is an op:","\t\tkeep the inventory and experiences"}) -@Since("2.4") -@Events("death") -public class EffKeepInventory -extends Effect
    - -
      - -
    • -

      Constructor Details

      • -


        public EffKeepInventory()
      • -
    • - -
    • -

      Method Details

      • -


        public boolean init(Expression<?>[] exprs, - int matchedPattern, - Kleenean isDelayed, - SkriptParser.ParseResult parseResult)
        Description copied from interface: SyntaxElement
        Called just after the constructor.
        exprs - all %expr%s included in the matching pattern in the order they appear in the pattern. If an optional value was left out it will still be included in this list - holding the default value of the desired type which usually depends on the event.
        matchedPattern - The index of the pattern which matched
        isDelayed - Whether this expression is used after a delay or not (i.e. if the event has already passed when this expression will be called)
        parseResult - Additional information about the match.
        Whether this expression was initialised successfully. An error should be printed prior to returning false to specify the cause.
        See Also:
        - -
      • -
      • -


        protected void execute(org.bukkit.event.Event e)
        Description copied from class: Effect
        Executes this effect.
        Specified by:
        execute in class Effect
      • -
      • -


        public String toString(@Nullable org.bukkit.event.Event e, - boolean debug)
        e - The event to get information to. This is always null if debug == false.
        debug - If true this should print more information, if false this should print what is shown to the end user
        String representation of this object
      • -
    • -
    - -
    - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/effects/EffKick.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/effects/EffKick.html deleted file mode 100644 index dfa852a31e..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/effects/EffKick.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,251 +0,0 @@ - - - - -EffKick (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -
    - -
    - -

    Class EffKick

    - -
    All Implemented Interfaces:
    Debuggable, SyntaxElement
    @Name("Kick") -@Description("Kicks a player from the server.") -@Examples({"on place of TNT, lava, or obsidian:","\tkick the player due to \"You may not place %block%!\"","\tcancel the event"}) -@Since("1.0") -public class EffKick -extends Effect
    - -
      - -
    • -

      Constructor Details

      • -


        public EffKick()
      • -
    • - -
    • -

      Method Details

      • -


        public boolean init(Expression<?>[] exprs, - int matchedPattern, - Kleenean isDelayed, - SkriptParser.ParseResult parseResult)
        Description copied from interface: SyntaxElement
        Called just after the constructor.
        exprs - all %expr%s included in the matching pattern in the order they appear in the pattern. If an optional value was left out it will still be included in this list - holding the default value of the desired type which usually depends on the event.
        matchedPattern - The index of the pattern which matched
        isDelayed - Whether this expression is used after a delay or not (i.e. if the event has already passed when this expression will be called)
        parseResult - Additional information about the match.
        Whether this expression was initialised successfully. An error should be printed prior to returning false to specify the cause.
        See Also:
        - -
      • -
      • -


        public String toString(@Nullable org.bukkit.event.Event e, - boolean debug)
        e - The event to get information to. This is always null if debug == false.
        debug - If true this should print more information, if false this should print what is shown to the end user
        String representation of this object
      • -
      • -


        protected void execute(org.bukkit.event.Event e)
        Description copied from class: Effect
        Executes this effect.
        Specified by:
        execute in class Effect
      • -
    • -
    - -
    - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/effects/EffKill.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/effects/EffKill.html deleted file mode 100644 index e494899583..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/effects/EffKill.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,282 +0,0 @@ - - - - -EffKill (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -
    - -
    - -

    Class EffKill

    - -
    All Implemented Interfaces:
    Debuggable, SyntaxElement
    @Name("Kill") -@Description({"Kills an entity.","Note: This effect does not set the entity\'s health to 0 (which causes issues), but damages the entity by 100 times its maximum health."}) -@Examples({"kill the player","kill all creepers in the player\'s world","kill all endermen, witches and bats"}) -@Since("1.0") -public class EffKill -extends Effect
    - -
      - -
    • -

      Field Details

      • -


        public static final int DAMAGE_AMOUNT
        See Also:
        - -
      • -
    • - -
    • -

      Constructor Details

      • -


        public EffKill()
      • -
    • - -
    • -

      Method Details

      • -


        public boolean init(Expression<?>[] exprs, - int matchedPattern, - Kleenean isDelayed, - SkriptParser.ParseResult parser)
        Description copied from interface: SyntaxElement
        Called just after the constructor.
        exprs - all %expr%s included in the matching pattern in the order they appear in the pattern. If an optional value was left out it will still be included in this list - holding the default value of the desired type which usually depends on the event.
        matchedPattern - The index of the pattern which matched
        isDelayed - Whether this expression is used after a delay or not (i.e. if the event has already passed when this expression will be called)
        parser - Additional information about the match.
        Whether this expression was initialised successfully. An error should be printed prior to returning false to specify the cause.
        See Also:
        - -
      • -
      • -


        protected void execute(org.bukkit.event.Event e)
        Description copied from class: Effect
        Executes this effect.
        Specified by:
        execute in class Effect
      • -
      • -


        public String toString(@Nullable org.bukkit.event.Event e, - boolean debug)
        e - The event to get information to. This is always null if debug == false.
        debug - If true this should print more information, if false this should print what is shown to the end user
        String representation of this object
      • -
    • -
    - -
    - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/effects/EffKnockback.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/effects/EffKnockback.html deleted file mode 100644 index 5ddeb2a73a..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/effects/EffKnockback.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,252 +0,0 @@ - - - - -EffKnockback (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -
    - -
    - -

    Class EffKnockback

    - -
    All Implemented Interfaces:
    Debuggable, SyntaxElement
    @Name("Knockback") -@Description("Apply the same velocity as a knockback to living entities in a direction. Mechanics such as knockback resistance will be factored in.") -@Examples({"knockback player north","knock victim (vector from attacker to victim) with strength 10"}) -@Since("2.7") -@RequiredPlugins("Paper 1.19.2+") -public class EffKnockback -extends Effect
    - -
      - -
    • -

      Constructor Details

      • -


        public EffKnockback()
      • -
    • - -
    • -

      Method Details

      • -


        public boolean init(Expression<?>[] exprs, - int matchedPattern, - Kleenean isDelayed, - SkriptParser.ParseResult parseResult)
        Description copied from interface: SyntaxElement
        Called just after the constructor.
        exprs - all %expr%s included in the matching pattern in the order they appear in the pattern. If an optional value was left out it will still be included in this list - holding the default value of the desired type which usually depends on the event.
        matchedPattern - The index of the pattern which matched
        isDelayed - Whether this expression is used after a delay or not (i.e. if the event has already passed when this expression will be called)
        parseResult - Additional information about the match.
        Whether this expression was initialised successfully. An error should be printed prior to returning false to specify the cause.
        See Also:
        - -
      • -
      • -


        protected void execute(org.bukkit.event.Event event)
        Description copied from class: Effect
        Executes this effect.
        Specified by:
        execute in class Effect
      • -
      • -


        public String toString(@Nullable org.bukkit.event.Event event, - boolean debug)
        event - The event to get information to. This is always null if debug == false.
        debug - If true this should print more information, if false this should print what is shown to the end user
        String representation of this object
      • -
    • -
    - -
    - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/effects/EffLeash.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/effects/EffLeash.html deleted file mode 100644 index cf43102d88..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/effects/EffLeash.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,251 +0,0 @@ - - - - -EffLeash (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -
    - -
    - -

    Class EffLeash

    - -
    All Implemented Interfaces:
    Debuggable, SyntaxElement
    @Name("Leash entities") -@Description("Leash living entities to other entities.") -@Examples("leash the player to the target entity") -@Since("2.3") -public class EffLeash -extends Effect
    - -
      - -
    • -

      Constructor Details

      • -


        public EffLeash()
      • -
    • - -
    • -

      Method Details

      • -


        public boolean init(Expression<?>[] exprs, - int matchedPattern, - Kleenean isDelayed, - SkriptParser.ParseResult parseResult)
        Description copied from interface: SyntaxElement
        Called just after the constructor.
        exprs - all %expr%s included in the matching pattern in the order they appear in the pattern. If an optional value was left out it will still be included in this list - holding the default value of the desired type which usually depends on the event.
        matchedPattern - The index of the pattern which matched
        isDelayed - Whether this expression is used after a delay or not (i.e. if the event has already passed when this expression will be called)
        parseResult - Additional information about the match.
        Whether this expression was initialised successfully. An error should be printed prior to returning false to specify the cause.
        See Also:
        - -
      • -
      • -


        protected void execute(org.bukkit.event.Event e)
        Description copied from class: Effect
        Executes this effect.
        Specified by:
        execute in class Effect
      • -
      • -


        public String toString(@Nullable org.bukkit.event.Event e, - boolean debug)
        e - The event to get information to. This is always null if debug == false.
        debug - If true this should print more information, if false this should print what is shown to the end user
        String representation of this object
      • -
    • -
    - -
    - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/effects/EffLightning.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/effects/EffLightning.html deleted file mode 100644 index 76760750a4..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/effects/EffLightning.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,274 +0,0 @@ - - - - -EffLightning (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -
    - -
    - -

    Class EffLightning

    - -
    All Implemented Interfaces:
    Debuggable, SyntaxElement
    @Name("Lightning") -@Description("Strike lightning at a given location. Can use \'lightning effect\' to create a lightning that does not harm entities or start fires.") -@Examples({"strike lightning at the player","strike lightning effect at the victim"}) -@Since("1.4") -public class EffLightning -extends Effect
    - -
      - -
    • -

      Field Details

      • -


        public static @Nullable org.bukkit.entity.Entity lastSpawned
      • -
    • - -
    • -

      Constructor Details

      • -


        public EffLightning()
      • -
    • - -
    • -

      Method Details

      • -


        public boolean init(Expression<?>[] exprs, - int matchedPattern, - Kleenean isDelayed, - SkriptParser.ParseResult parseResult)
        Description copied from interface: SyntaxElement
        Called just after the constructor.
        exprs - all %expr%s included in the matching pattern in the order they appear in the pattern. If an optional value was left out it will still be included in this list - holding the default value of the desired type which usually depends on the event.
        matchedPattern - The index of the pattern which matched
        isDelayed - Whether this expression is used after a delay or not (i.e. if the event has already passed when this expression will be called)
        parseResult - Additional information about the match.
        Whether this expression was initialised successfully. An error should be printed prior to returning false to specify the cause.
        See Also:
        - -
      • -
      • -


        protected void execute(org.bukkit.event.Event e)
        Description copied from class: Effect
        Executes this effect.
        Specified by:
        execute in class Effect
      • -
      • -


        public String toString(@Nullable org.bukkit.event.Event e, - boolean debug)
        e - The event to get information to. This is always null if debug == false.
        debug - If true this should print more information, if false this should print what is shown to the end user
        String representation of this object
      • -
    • -
    - -
    - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/effects/EffLoadServerIcon.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/effects/EffLoadServerIcon.html deleted file mode 100644 index 787bf0cacb..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/effects/EffLoadServerIcon.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,280 +0,0 @@ - - - - -EffLoadServerIcon (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -
    - -
    - -

    Class EffLoadServerIcon

    - -
    All Implemented Interfaces:
    Debuggable, SyntaxElement
    @Name("Load Server Icon") -@Description({"Loads server icons from the given files. You can get the loaded icon using the","<a href=\'expressions.html#ExprLastLoadedServerIcon\'>last loaded server icon</a> expression.","Please note that the image must be 64x64 and the file path starts from the server folder."}) -@Examples({"on load:","\tclear {server-icons::*}","\tloop 5 times:","\t\tload server icon from file \"icons/%loop-number%.png\"","\t\tadd the last loaded server icon to {server-icons::*}","","on server list ping:","\tset the icon to a random server icon out of {server-icons::*}"}) -@Since("2.3") -@RequiredPlugins("Paper 1.12.2 or newer") -public class EffLoadServerIcon -extends AsyncEffect
    - -
      - -
    • -

      Field Details

      • -


        public static @Nullable org.bukkit.util.CachedServerIcon lastLoaded
      • -
    • - -
    • -

      Constructor Details

      • -


        public EffLoadServerIcon()
      • -
    • - -
    • -

      Method Details

      • -


        public boolean init(Expression<?>[] exprs, - int matchedPattern, - Kleenean isDelayed, - SkriptParser.ParseResult parseResult)
        Description copied from interface: SyntaxElement
        Called just after the constructor.
        exprs - all %expr%s included in the matching pattern in the order they appear in the pattern. If an optional value was left out it will still be included in this list - holding the default value of the desired type which usually depends on the event.
        matchedPattern - The index of the pattern which matched
        isDelayed - Whether this expression is used after a delay or not (i.e. if the event has already passed when this expression will be called)
        parseResult - Additional information about the match.
        Whether this expression was initialised successfully. An error should be printed prior to returning false to specify the cause.
        See Also:
        - -
      • -
      • -


        protected void execute(org.bukkit.event.Event e)
        Description copied from class: Effect
        Executes this effect.
        Specified by:
        execute in class Effect
      • -
      • -


        public String toString(@Nullable org.bukkit.event.Event e, - boolean debug)
        e - The event to get information to. This is always null if debug == false.
        debug - If true this should print more information, if false this should print what is shown to the end user
        String representation of this object
      • -
    • -
    - -
    - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/effects/EffLog.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/effects/EffLog.html deleted file mode 100644 index fd47a21829..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/effects/EffLog.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,251 +0,0 @@ - - - - -EffLog (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -
    - -
    - -

    Class EffLog

    - -
    All Implemented Interfaces:
    Debuggable, SyntaxElement
    @Name("Log") -@Description({"Writes text into a .log file. Skript will write these files to /plugins/Skript/logs.","NB: Using \'server.log\' as the log file will write to the default server log. Omitting the log file altogether will log the message as \'[Skript] [&lt;script&gt;.sk] &lt;message&gt;\' in the server log."}) -@Examples({"on place of TNT:","\tlog \"%player% placed TNT in %world% at %location of block%\" to \"tnt/placement.log\""}) -@Since("2.0") -public class EffLog -extends Effect
    - -
      - -
    • -

      Constructor Details

      • -


        public EffLog()
      • -
    • - -
    • -

      Method Details

      • -


        public boolean init(Expression<?>[] exprs, - int matchedPattern, - Kleenean isDelayed, - SkriptParser.ParseResult parser)
        Description copied from interface: SyntaxElement
        Called just after the constructor.
        exprs - all %expr%s included in the matching pattern in the order they appear in the pattern. If an optional value was left out it will still be included in this list - holding the default value of the desired type which usually depends on the event.
        matchedPattern - The index of the pattern which matched
        isDelayed - Whether this expression is used after a delay or not (i.e. if the event has already passed when this expression will be called)
        parser - Additional information about the match.
        Whether this expression was initialised successfully. An error should be printed prior to returning false to specify the cause.
        See Also:
        - -
      • -
      • -


        protected void execute(org.bukkit.event.Event e)
        Description copied from class: Effect
        Executes this effect.
        Specified by:
        execute in class Effect
      • -
      • -


        public String toString(@Nullable org.bukkit.event.Event e, - boolean debug)
        e - The event to get information to. This is always null if debug == false.
        debug - If true this should print more information, if false this should print what is shown to the end user
        String representation of this object
      • -
    • -
    - -
    - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/effects/EffLook.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/effects/EffLook.html deleted file mode 100644 index 55fdaeedc0..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/effects/EffLook.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,252 +0,0 @@ - - - - -EffLook (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -
    - -
    - -

    Class EffLook

    - -
    All Implemented Interfaces:
    Debuggable, SyntaxElement
    @Name("Look At") -@Description("Forces the mob(s) or player(s) to look at an entity, vector or location. Vanilla max head pitches range from 10 to 50.") -@Examples({"force the head of the player to look towards event-entity\'s feet","","on entity explosion:","\tset {_player} to the nearest player","\t{_player} is set","\tdistance between {_player} and the event-location is less than 15","\tmake {_player} look towards vector from the {_player} to location of the event-entity","","force {_enderman} to face the block 3 meters above {_location} at head rotation speed 100.5 and max head pitch -40"}) -@Since("2.7") -@RequiredPlugins("Paper 1.17+, Paper 1.19.1+ (Players & Look Anchors)") -public class EffLook -extends Effect
    - -
      - -
    • -

      Constructor Details

      • -


        public EffLook()
      • -
    • - -
    • -

      Method Details

      • -


        public boolean init(Expression<?>[] exprs, - int matchedPattern, - Kleenean isDelayed, - SkriptParser.ParseResult parseResult)
        Description copied from interface: SyntaxElement
        Called just after the constructor.
        exprs - all %expr%s included in the matching pattern in the order they appear in the pattern. If an optional value was left out it will still be included in this list - holding the default value of the desired type which usually depends on the event.
        matchedPattern - The index of the pattern which matched
        isDelayed - Whether this expression is used after a delay or not (i.e. if the event has already passed when this expression will be called)
        parseResult - Additional information about the match.
        Whether this expression was initialised successfully. An error should be printed prior to returning false to specify the cause.
        See Also:
        - -
      • -
      • -


        protected void execute(org.bukkit.event.Event event)
        Description copied from class: Effect
        Executes this effect.
        Specified by:
        execute in class Effect
      • -
      • -


        public String toString(@Nullable org.bukkit.event.Event event, - boolean debug)
        event - The event to get information to. This is always null if debug == false.
        debug - If true this should print more information, if false this should print what is shown to the end user
        String representation of this object
      • -
    • -
    - -
    - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/effects/EffMakeEggHatch.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/effects/EffMakeEggHatch.html deleted file mode 100644 index 897028d253..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/effects/EffMakeEggHatch.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,252 +0,0 @@ - - - - -EffMakeEggHatch (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -
    - -
    - -

    Class EffMakeEggHatch

    - -
    All Implemented Interfaces:
    Debuggable, SyntaxElement
    @Name("Make Egg Hatch") -@Description("Makes the egg hatch in a Player Egg Throw event.") -@Examples({"on player egg throw:","\t# EGGS FOR DAYZ!","\tmake the egg hatch"}) -@Events("Egg Throw") -@Since("2.7") -public class EffMakeEggHatch -extends Effect
    - -
      - -
    • -

      Constructor Details

      • -


        public EffMakeEggHatch()
      • -
    • - -
    • -

      Method Details

      • -


        public boolean init(Expression<?>[] exprs, - int matchedPattern, - Kleenean isDelayed, - SkriptParser.ParseResult parseResult)
        Description copied from interface: SyntaxElement
        Called just after the constructor.
        exprs - all %expr%s included in the matching pattern in the order they appear in the pattern. If an optional value was left out it will still be included in this list - holding the default value of the desired type which usually depends on the event.
        matchedPattern - The index of the pattern which matched
        isDelayed - Whether this expression is used after a delay or not (i.e. if the event has already passed when this expression will be called)
        parseResult - Additional information about the match.
        Whether this expression was initialised successfully. An error should be printed prior to returning false to specify the cause.
        See Also:
        - -
      • -
      • -


        protected void execute(org.bukkit.event.Event e)
        Description copied from class: Effect
        Executes this effect.
        Specified by:
        execute in class Effect
      • -
      • -


        public String toString(@Nullable org.bukkit.event.Event event, - boolean debug)
        event - The event to get information to. This is always null if debug == false.
        debug - If true this should print more information, if false this should print what is shown to the end user
        String representation of this object
      • -
    • -
    - -
    - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/effects/EffMakeFly.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/effects/EffMakeFly.html deleted file mode 100644 index 49514c3f3d..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/effects/EffMakeFly.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,251 +0,0 @@ - - - - -EffMakeFly (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -
    - -
    - -

    Class EffMakeFly

    - -
    All Implemented Interfaces:
    Debuggable, SyntaxElement
    @Name("Make Fly") -@Description("Forces a player to start/stop flying.") -@Examples({"make player fly","force all players to stop flying"}) -@Since("2.2-dev34") -public class EffMakeFly -extends Effect
    - -
      - -
    • -

      Constructor Details

      • -


        public EffMakeFly()
      • -
    • - -
    • -

      Method Details

      • -


        public boolean init(Expression<?>[] exprs, - int matchedPattern, - Kleenean isDelayed, - SkriptParser.ParseResult parseResult)
        Description copied from interface: SyntaxElement
        Called just after the constructor.
        exprs - all %expr%s included in the matching pattern in the order they appear in the pattern. If an optional value was left out it will still be included in this list - holding the default value of the desired type which usually depends on the event.
        matchedPattern - The index of the pattern which matched
        isDelayed - Whether this expression is used after a delay or not (i.e. if the event has already passed when this expression will be called)
        parseResult - Additional information about the match.
        Whether this expression was initialised successfully. An error should be printed prior to returning false to specify the cause.
        See Also:
        - -
      • -
      • -


        protected void execute(org.bukkit.event.Event e)
        Description copied from class: Effect
        Executes this effect.
        Specified by:
        execute in class Effect
      • -
      • -


        public String toString(@Nullable org.bukkit.event.Event e, - boolean debug)
        e - The event to get information to. This is always null if debug == false.
        debug - If true this should print more information, if false this should print what is shown to the end user
        String representation of this object
      • -
    • -
    - -
    - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/effects/EffMakeSay.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/effects/EffMakeSay.html deleted file mode 100644 index a686532410..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/effects/EffMakeSay.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,251 +0,0 @@ - - - - -EffMakeSay (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -
    - -
    - -

    Class EffMakeSay

    - -
    All Implemented Interfaces:
    Debuggable, SyntaxElement
    @Name("Make Say") -@Description("Forces a player to send a message to the chat. If the message starts with a slash it will force the player to use command.") -@Examples({"make the player say \"Hello.\"","force all players to send the message \"I love this server\""}) -@Since("2.3") -public class EffMakeSay -extends Effect
    - -
      - -
    • -

      Constructor Details

      • -


        public EffMakeSay()
      • -
    • - -
    • -

      Method Details

      • -


        public boolean init(Expression<?>[] exprs, - int matchedPattern, - Kleenean isDelayed, - SkriptParser.ParseResult parseResult)
        Description copied from interface: SyntaxElement
        Called just after the constructor.
        exprs - all %expr%s included in the matching pattern in the order they appear in the pattern. If an optional value was left out it will still be included in this list - holding the default value of the desired type which usually depends on the event.
        matchedPattern - The index of the pattern which matched
        isDelayed - Whether this expression is used after a delay or not (i.e. if the event has already passed when this expression will be called)
        parseResult - Additional information about the match.
        Whether this expression was initialised successfully. An error should be printed prior to returning false to specify the cause.
        See Also:
        - -
      • -
      • -


        protected void execute(org.bukkit.event.Event e)
        Description copied from class: Effect
        Executes this effect.
        Specified by:
        execute in class Effect
      • -
      • -


        public String toString(@Nullable org.bukkit.event.Event e, - boolean debug)
        e - The event to get information to. This is always null if debug == false.
        debug - If true this should print more information, if false this should print what is shown to the end user
        String representation of this object
      • -
    • -
    - -
    - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/effects/EffMessage.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/effects/EffMessage.html deleted file mode 100644 index 2359cf73ed..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/effects/EffMessage.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,252 +0,0 @@ - - - - -EffMessage (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -
    - -
    - -

    Class EffMessage

    - -
    All Implemented Interfaces:
    Debuggable, SyntaxElement
    @Name("Message") -@Description({"Sends a message to the given player. Only styles written","in given string or in <a href=expressions.html#ExprColored>formatted expressions</a> will be parsed.","Adding an optional sender allows the messages to be sent as if a specific player sent them.","This is useful with Minecraft 1.16.4\'s new chat ignore system, in which players can choose to ignore other players,","but for this to work, the message needs to be sent from a player."}) -@Examples({"message \"A wild %player% appeared!\"","message \"This message is a distraction. Mwahaha!\"","send \"Your kill streak is %{kill streak::%uuid of player%}%.\" to player","if the targeted entity exists:","\tmessage \"You\'re currently looking at a %type of the targeted entity%!\"","on chat:","\tcancel event","\tsend \"[%player%] >> %message%\" to all players from player"}) -@RequiredPlugins("Minecraft 1.16.4+ for optional sender") -@Since("1.0, 2.2-dev26 (advanced features), 2.5.2 (optional sender), 2.6 (sending objects)") -public class EffMessage -extends Effect
    - -
      - -
    • -

      Constructor Details

      • -


        public EffMessage()
      • -
    • - -
    • -

      Method Details

      • -


        public boolean init(Expression<?>[] exprs, - int matchedPattern, - Kleenean isDelayed, - SkriptParser.ParseResult parser)
        Description copied from interface: SyntaxElement
        Called just after the constructor.
        exprs - all %expr%s included in the matching pattern in the order they appear in the pattern. If an optional value was left out it will still be included in this list - holding the default value of the desired type which usually depends on the event.
        matchedPattern - The index of the pattern which matched
        isDelayed - Whether this expression is used after a delay or not (i.e. if the event has already passed when this expression will be called)
        parser - Additional information about the match.
        Whether this expression was initialised successfully. An error should be printed prior to returning false to specify the cause.
        See Also:
        - -
      • -
      • -


        protected void execute(org.bukkit.event.Event e)
        Description copied from class: Effect
        Executes this effect.
        Specified by:
        execute in class Effect
      • -
      • -


        public String toString(@Nullable org.bukkit.event.Event e, - boolean debug)
        e - The event to get information to. This is always null if debug == false.
        debug - If true this should print more information, if false this should print what is shown to the end user
        String representation of this object
      • -
    • -
    - -
    - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/effects/EffOp.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/effects/EffOp.html deleted file mode 100644 index 1b72b0bdbd..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/effects/EffOp.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,251 +0,0 @@ - - - - -EffOp (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -
    - -
    - -

    Class EffOp

    - -
    All Implemented Interfaces:
    Debuggable, SyntaxElement
    @Name("op/deop") -@Description("Grant/revoke a user operator state.") -@Examples({"op the player","deop all players"}) -@Since("1.0") -public class EffOp -extends Effect
    - -
      - -
    • -

      Constructor Details

      • -


        public EffOp()
      • -
    • - -
    • -

      Method Details

      • -


        public boolean init(Expression<?>[] exprs, - int matchedPattern, - Kleenean isDelayed, - SkriptParser.ParseResult parseResult)
        Description copied from interface: SyntaxElement
        Called just after the constructor.
        exprs - all %expr%s included in the matching pattern in the order they appear in the pattern. If an optional value was left out it will still be included in this list - holding the default value of the desired type which usually depends on the event.
        matchedPattern - The index of the pattern which matched
        isDelayed - Whether this expression is used after a delay or not (i.e. if the event has already passed when this expression will be called)
        parseResult - Additional information about the match.
        Whether this expression was initialised successfully. An error should be printed prior to returning false to specify the cause.
        See Also:
        - -
      • -
      • -


        protected void execute(org.bukkit.event.Event e)
        Description copied from class: Effect
        Executes this effect.
        Specified by:
        execute in class Effect
      • -
      • -


        public String toString(@Nullable org.bukkit.event.Event e, - boolean debug)
        e - The event to get information to. This is always null if debug == false.
        debug - If true this should print more information, if false this should print what is shown to the end user
        String representation of this object
      • -
    • -
    - -
    - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/effects/EffOpenBook.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/effects/EffOpenBook.html deleted file mode 100644 index d4542f69fa..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/effects/EffOpenBook.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,252 +0,0 @@ - - - - -EffOpenBook (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -
    - -
    - -

    Class EffOpenBook

    - -
    All Implemented Interfaces:
    Debuggable, SyntaxElement
    @Name("Open Book") -@Description("Opens a written book to a player.") -@Examples("open book player\'s tool to player") -@RequiredPlugins("Minecraft 1.14.2+") -@Since("2.5.1") -public class EffOpenBook -extends Effect
    - -
      - -
    • -

      Constructor Details

      • -


        public EffOpenBook()
      • -
    • - -
    • -

      Method Details

      • -


        public boolean init(Expression<?>[] exprs, - int matchedPattern, - Kleenean isDelayed, - SkriptParser.ParseResult parseResult)
        Description copied from interface: SyntaxElement
        Called just after the constructor.
        exprs - all %expr%s included in the matching pattern in the order they appear in the pattern. If an optional value was left out it will still be included in this list - holding the default value of the desired type which usually depends on the event.
        matchedPattern - The index of the pattern which matched
        isDelayed - Whether this expression is used after a delay or not (i.e. if the event has already passed when this expression will be called)
        parseResult - Additional information about the match.
        Whether this expression was initialised successfully. An error should be printed prior to returning false to specify the cause.
        See Also:
        - -
      • -
      • -


        protected void execute(org.bukkit.event.Event e)
        Description copied from class: Effect
        Executes this effect.
        Specified by:
        execute in class Effect
      • -
      • -


        public String toString(@Nullable org.bukkit.event.Event e, - boolean debug)
        e - The event to get information to. This is always null if debug == false.
        debug - If true this should print more information, if false this should print what is shown to the end user
        String representation of this object
      • -
    • -
    - -
    - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/effects/EffOpenInventory.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/effects/EffOpenInventory.html deleted file mode 100644 index 8342479c13..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/effects/EffOpenInventory.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,251 +0,0 @@ - - - - -EffOpenInventory (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -
    - -
    - -

    Class EffOpenInventory

    - -
    All Implemented Interfaces:
    Debuggable, SyntaxElement
    @Name("Open/Close Inventory") -@Description({"Opens an inventory to a player. The player can then access and modify the inventory as if it was a chest that he just opened.","Please note that currently \'show\' and \'open\' have the same effect, but \'show\' will eventually show an unmodifiable view of the inventory in the future."}) -@Examples({"show the victim\'s inventory to the player","open the player\'s inventory for the player"}) -@Since("2.0, 2.1.1 (closing), 2.2-Fixes-V10 (anvil), 2.4 (hopper, dropper, dispenser") -public class EffOpenInventory -extends Effect
    - -
      - -
    • -

      Constructor Details

      • -


        public EffOpenInventory()
      • -
    • - -
    • -

      Method Details

      • -


        public boolean init(Expression<?>[] exprs, - int matchedPattern, - Kleenean isDelayed, - SkriptParser.ParseResult parseResult)
        Description copied from interface: SyntaxElement
        Called just after the constructor.
        exprs - all %expr%s included in the matching pattern in the order they appear in the pattern. If an optional value was left out it will still be included in this list - holding the default value of the desired type which usually depends on the event.
        matchedPattern - The index of the pattern which matched
        isDelayed - Whether this expression is used after a delay or not (i.e. if the event has already passed when this expression will be called)
        parseResult - Additional information about the match.
        Whether this expression was initialised successfully. An error should be printed prior to returning false to specify the cause.
        See Also:
        - -
      • -
      • -


        protected void execute(org.bukkit.event.Event e)
        Description copied from class: Effect
        Executes this effect.
        Specified by:
        execute in class Effect
      • -
      • -


        public String toString(@Nullable org.bukkit.event.Event e, - boolean debug)
        e - The event to get information to. This is always null if debug == false.
        debug - If true this should print more information, if false this should print what is shown to the end user
        String representation of this object
      • -
    • -
    - -
    - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/effects/EffPathfind.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/effects/EffPathfind.html deleted file mode 100644 index 4de97d0508..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/effects/EffPathfind.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,252 +0,0 @@ - - - - -EffPathfind (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -
    - -
    - -

    Class EffPathfind

    - -
    All Implemented Interfaces:
    Debuggable, SyntaxElement
    @Name("Pathfind") -@Description("Make an entity pathfind towards a location or another entity. Not all entities can pathfind. If the pathfinding target is another entity, the entities may or may not continuously follow the target.") -@Examples({"make all creepers pathfind towards player","make all cows stop pathfinding","make event-entity pathfind towards player at speed 1"}) -@Since("2.7") -@RequiredPlugins("Paper") -public class EffPathfind -extends Effect
    - -
      - -
    • -

      Constructor Details

      • -


        public EffPathfind()
      • -
    • - -
    • -

      Method Details

      • -


        public boolean init(Expression<?>[] exprs, - int matchedPattern, - Kleenean isDelayed, - SkriptParser.ParseResult parseResult)
        Description copied from interface: SyntaxElement
        Called just after the constructor.
        exprs - all %expr%s included in the matching pattern in the order they appear in the pattern. If an optional value was left out it will still be included in this list - holding the default value of the desired type which usually depends on the event.
        matchedPattern - The index of the pattern which matched
        isDelayed - Whether this expression is used after a delay or not (i.e. if the event has already passed when this expression will be called)
        parseResult - Additional information about the match.
        Whether this expression was initialised successfully. An error should be printed prior to returning false to specify the cause.
        See Also:
        - -
      • -
      • -


        protected void execute(org.bukkit.event.Event event)
        Description copied from class: Effect
        Executes this effect.
        Specified by:
        execute in class Effect
      • -
      • -


        public String toString(@Nullable org.bukkit.event.Event event, - boolean debug)
        event - The event to get information to. This is always null if debug == false.
        debug - If true this should print more information, if false this should print what is shown to the end user
        String representation of this object
      • -
    • -
    - -
    - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/effects/EffPlaySound.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/effects/EffPlaySound.html deleted file mode 100644 index 9f4b38e9c2..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/effects/EffPlaySound.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,252 +0,0 @@ - - - - -EffPlaySound (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -
    - -
    - -

    Class EffPlaySound

    - -
    All Implemented Interfaces:
    Debuggable, SyntaxElement
    @Name("Play Sound") -@Description({"Plays a sound at given location for everyone or just for given players, or plays a sound to specified players. Both Minecraft sound names and <a href=\"https://hub.spigotmc.org/javadocs/spigot/org/bukkit/Sound.html\">Spigot sound names</a> are supported. Playing resource pack sounds are supported too. The sound category is \'master\' by default. ","","Please note that sound names can get changed in any Minecraft or Spigot version, or even removed from Minecraft itself."}) -@Examples({"play sound \"block.note_block.pling\" # It is block.note.pling in 1.12.2","play sound \"entity.experience_orb.pickup\" with volume 0.5 to the player","play sound \"custom.music.1\" in jukebox category at {speakerBlock}"}) -@Since("2.2-dev28, 2.4 (sound categories)") -public class EffPlaySound -extends Effect
    - -
      - -
    • -

      Constructor Details

      • -


        public EffPlaySound()
      • -
    • - -
    • -

      Method Details

      • -


        public boolean init(Expression<?>[] exprs, - int matchedPattern, - Kleenean isDelayed, - SkriptParser.ParseResult parseResult)
        Description copied from interface: SyntaxElement
        Called just after the constructor.
        exprs - all %expr%s included in the matching pattern in the order they appear in the pattern. If an optional value was left out it will still be included in this list - holding the default value of the desired type which usually depends on the event.
        matchedPattern - The index of the pattern which matched
        isDelayed - Whether this expression is used after a delay or not (i.e. if the event has already passed when this expression will be called)
        parseResult - Additional information about the match.
        Whether this expression was initialised successfully. An error should be printed prior to returning false to specify the cause.
        See Also:
        - -
      • -
      • -


        protected void execute(org.bukkit.event.Event event)
        Description copied from class: Effect
        Executes this effect.
        Specified by:
        execute in class Effect
      • -
      • -


        public String toString(@Nullable - @Nullable org.bukkit.event.Event event, - boolean debug)
        event - The event to get information to. This is always null if debug == false.
        debug - If true this should print more information, if false this should print what is shown to the end user
        String representation of this object
      • -
    • -
    - -
    - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/effects/EffPlayerInfoVisibility.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/effects/EffPlayerInfoVisibility.html deleted file mode 100644 index 83288307cb..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/effects/EffPlayerInfoVisibility.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,253 +0,0 @@ - - - - -EffPlayerInfoVisibility (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -
    - -
    - -

    Class EffPlayerInfoVisibility

    - -
    All Implemented Interfaces:
    Debuggable, SyntaxElement
    @Name("Player Info Visibility") -@Description({"Sets whether all player related information is hidden in the server list.","The Vanilla Minecraft client will display ??? (dark gray) instead of player counts and will not show the","<a href=\'expressions.html#ExprHoverList\'>hover hist</a> when hiding player info.","<a href=\'expressions.html#ExprVersionString\'>The version string</a> can override the ???.","Also the <a href=\'expressions.html#ExprOnlinePlayersCount\'>Online Players Count</a> and","<a href=\'expressions.html#ExprMaxPlayers\'>Max Players</a> expressions will return -1 when hiding player info."}) -@Examples({"hide player info","hide player related information in the server list","reveal all player related info"}) -@Since("2.3") -@RequiredPlugins("Paper 1.12.2 or newer") -@Events("server list ping") -public class EffPlayerInfoVisibility -extends Effect
    - -
      - -
    • -

      Constructor Details

      • -


        public EffPlayerInfoVisibility()
      • -
    • - -
    • -

      Method Details

      • -


        public boolean init(Expression<?>[] exprs, - int matchedPattern, - Kleenean isDelayed, - SkriptParser.ParseResult parseResult)
        Description copied from interface: SyntaxElement
        Called just after the constructor.
        exprs - all %expr%s included in the matching pattern in the order they appear in the pattern. If an optional value was left out it will still be included in this list - holding the default value of the desired type which usually depends on the event.
        matchedPattern - The index of the pattern which matched
        isDelayed - Whether this expression is used after a delay or not (i.e. if the event has already passed when this expression will be called)
        parseResult - Additional information about the match.
        Whether this expression was initialised successfully. An error should be printed prior to returning false to specify the cause.
        See Also:
        - -
      • -
      • -


        protected void execute(org.bukkit.event.Event e)
        Description copied from class: Effect
        Executes this effect.
        Specified by:
        execute in class Effect
      • -
      • -


        public String toString(@Nullable org.bukkit.event.Event e, - boolean debug)
        e - The event to get information to. This is always null if debug == false.
        debug - If true this should print more information, if false this should print what is shown to the end user
        String representation of this object
      • -
    • -
    - -
    - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/effects/EffPlayerVisibility.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/effects/EffPlayerVisibility.html deleted file mode 100644 index ad362b5e69..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/effects/EffPlayerVisibility.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,251 +0,0 @@ - - - - -EffPlayerVisibility (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -
    - -
    - -

    Class EffPlayerVisibility

    - -
    All Implemented Interfaces:
    Debuggable, SyntaxElement
    @Name("Player Visibility") -@Description({"Change visibility of a player for the given players.","When reveal is used in combination of the <a href=\'expressions.html#ExprHiddenPlayers\'>hidden players</a> expression and the viewers are not specified, this will default it to the given player in the hidden players expression.","","Note: if a player was hidden and relogs, this player will be visible again."}) -@Examples({"on join:","\tif {vanished::%player\'s uuid%} is true:","\t\thide the player from all players","","reveal hidden players of {_player}"}) -@Since("2.3") -public class EffPlayerVisibility -extends Effect
    - -
      - -
    • -

      Constructor Details

      • -


        public EffPlayerVisibility()
      • -
    • - -
    • -

      Method Details

      • -


        public boolean init(Expression<?>[] exprs, - int matchedPattern, - Kleenean isDelayed, - SkriptParser.ParseResult parseResult)
        Description copied from interface: SyntaxElement
        Called just after the constructor.
        exprs - all %expr%s included in the matching pattern in the order they appear in the pattern. If an optional value was left out it will still be included in this list - holding the default value of the desired type which usually depends on the event.
        matchedPattern - The index of the pattern which matched
        isDelayed - Whether this expression is used after a delay or not (i.e. if the event has already passed when this expression will be called)
        parseResult - Additional information about the match.
        Whether this expression was initialised successfully. An error should be printed prior to returning false to specify the cause.
        See Also:
        - -
      • -
      • -


        protected void execute(org.bukkit.event.Event e)
        Description copied from class: Effect
        Executes this effect.
        Specified by:
        execute in class Effect
      • -
      • -


        public String toString(@Nullable org.bukkit.event.Event e, - boolean debug)
        e - The event to get information to. This is always null if debug == false.
        debug - If true this should print more information, if false this should print what is shown to the end user
        String representation of this object
      • -
    • -
    - -
    - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/effects/EffPoison.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/effects/EffPoison.html deleted file mode 100644 index c00c265bac..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/effects/EffPoison.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,251 +0,0 @@ - - - - -EffPoison (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -
    - -
    - -

    Class EffPoison

    - -
    All Implemented Interfaces:
    Debuggable, SyntaxElement
    @Name("Poison/Cure") -@Description("Poison or cure a creature.") -@Examples({"poison the player","poison the victim for 20 seconds","cure the player from poison"}) -@Since("1.3.2") -public class EffPoison -extends Effect
    - -
      - -
    • -

      Constructor Details

      • -


        public EffPoison()
      • -
    • - -
    • -

      Method Details

      • -


        public boolean init(Expression<?>[] exprs, - int matchedPattern, - Kleenean isDelayed, - SkriptParser.ParseResult parseResult)
        Description copied from interface: SyntaxElement
        Called just after the constructor.
        exprs - all %expr%s included in the matching pattern in the order they appear in the pattern. If an optional value was left out it will still be included in this list - holding the default value of the desired type which usually depends on the event.
        matchedPattern - The index of the pattern which matched
        isDelayed - Whether this expression is used after a delay or not (i.e. if the event has already passed when this expression will be called)
        parseResult - Additional information about the match.
        Whether this expression was initialised successfully. An error should be printed prior to returning false to specify the cause.
        See Also:
        - -
      • -
      • -


        public String toString(@Nullable org.bukkit.event.Event e, - boolean debug)
        e - The event to get information to. This is always null if debug == false.
        debug - If true this should print more information, if false this should print what is shown to the end user
        String representation of this object
      • -
      • -


        protected void execute(org.bukkit.event.Event e)
        Description copied from class: Effect
        Executes this effect.
        Specified by:
        execute in class Effect
      • -
    • -
    - -
    - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/effects/EffPotion.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/effects/EffPotion.html deleted file mode 100644 index 616f30875a..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/effects/EffPotion.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,251 +0,0 @@ - - - - -EffPotion (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -
    - -
    - -

    Class EffPotion

    - -
    All Implemented Interfaces:
    Debuggable, SyntaxElement
    @Name("Potion Effects") -@Description("Apply or remove potion effects to/from entities.") -@Examples({"apply swiftness 2 to the player","remove haste from the victim","on join:","\tapply potion of strength of tier {strength.%player%} to the player for 999 days","apply potion effects of player\'s tool to player"}) -@Since("2.0, 2.2-dev27 (ambient and particle-less potion effects), 2.5 (replacing existing effect), 2.5.2 (potion effects)") -public class EffPotion -extends Effect
    - -
      - -
    • -

      Constructor Details

      • -


        public EffPotion()
      • -
    • - -
    • -

      Method Details

      • -


        public boolean init(Expression<?>[] exprs, - int matchedPattern, - Kleenean isDelayed, - SkriptParser.ParseResult parseResult)
        Description copied from interface: SyntaxElement
        Called just after the constructor.
        exprs - all %expr%s included in the matching pattern in the order they appear in the pattern. If an optional value was left out it will still be included in this list - holding the default value of the desired type which usually depends on the event.
        matchedPattern - The index of the pattern which matched
        isDelayed - Whether this expression is used after a delay or not (i.e. if the event has already passed when this expression will be called)
        parseResult - Additional information about the match.
        Whether this expression was initialised successfully. An error should be printed prior to returning false to specify the cause.
        See Also:
        - -
      • -
      • -


        protected void execute(org.bukkit.event.Event e)
        Description copied from class: Effect
        Executes this effect.
        Specified by:
        execute in class Effect
      • -
      • -


        public String toString(@Nullable org.bukkit.event.Event e, - boolean debug)
        e - The event to get information to. This is always null if debug == false.
        debug - If true this should print more information, if false this should print what is shown to the end user
        String representation of this object
      • -
    • -
    - -
    - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/effects/EffPush.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/effects/EffPush.html deleted file mode 100644 index 2ee6f160a7..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/effects/EffPush.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,251 +0,0 @@ - - - - -EffPush (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -
    - -
    - -

    Class EffPush

    - -
    All Implemented Interfaces:
    Debuggable, SyntaxElement
    @Name("Push") -@Description("Push entities around.") -@Examples({"push the player upwards","push the victim downwards at speed 0.5"}) -@Since("1.4.6") -public class EffPush -extends Effect
    - -
      - -
    • -

      Constructor Details

      • -


        public EffPush()
      • -
    • - -
    • -

      Method Details

      • -


        public boolean init(Expression<?>[] exprs, - int matchedPattern, - Kleenean isDelayed, - SkriptParser.ParseResult parseResult)
        Description copied from interface: SyntaxElement
        Called just after the constructor.
        exprs - all %expr%s included in the matching pattern in the order they appear in the pattern. If an optional value was left out it will still be included in this list - holding the default value of the desired type which usually depends on the event.
        matchedPattern - The index of the pattern which matched
        isDelayed - Whether this expression is used after a delay or not (i.e. if the event has already passed when this expression will be called)
        parseResult - Additional information about the match.
        Whether this expression was initialised successfully. An error should be printed prior to returning false to specify the cause.
        See Also:
        - -
      • -
      • -


        protected void execute(org.bukkit.event.Event e)
        Description copied from class: Effect
        Executes this effect.
        Specified by:
        execute in class Effect
      • -
      • -


        public String toString(@Nullable org.bukkit.event.Event e, - boolean debug)
        e - The event to get information to. This is always null if debug == false.
        debug - If true this should print more information, if false this should print what is shown to the end user
        String representation of this object
      • -
    • -
    - -
    - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/effects/EffPvP.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/effects/EffPvP.html deleted file mode 100644 index 0e13707267..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/effects/EffPvP.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,251 +0,0 @@ - - - - -EffPvP (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -
    - -
    - -

    Class EffPvP

    - -
    All Implemented Interfaces:
    Debuggable, SyntaxElement
    @Name("PvP") -@Description("Set the PvP state for a given world.") -@Examples({"enable PvP #(current world only)","disable PvP in all worlds"}) -@Since("1.3.4") -public class EffPvP -extends Effect
    - -
      - -
    • -

      Constructor Details

      • -


        public EffPvP()
      • -
    • - -
    • -

      Method Details

      • -


        public boolean init(Expression<?>[] exprs, - int matchedPattern, - Kleenean isDelayed, - SkriptParser.ParseResult parseResult)
        Description copied from interface: SyntaxElement
        Called just after the constructor.
        exprs - all %expr%s included in the matching pattern in the order they appear in the pattern. If an optional value was left out it will still be included in this list - holding the default value of the desired type which usually depends on the event.
        matchedPattern - The index of the pattern which matched
        isDelayed - Whether this expression is used after a delay or not (i.e. if the event has already passed when this expression will be called)
        parseResult - Additional information about the match.
        Whether this expression was initialised successfully. An error should be printed prior to returning false to specify the cause.
        See Also:
        - -
      • -
      • -


        protected void execute(org.bukkit.event.Event e)
        Description copied from class: Effect
        Executes this effect.
        Specified by:
        execute in class Effect
      • -
      • -


        public String toString(@Nullable org.bukkit.event.Event e, - boolean debug)
        e - The event to get information to. This is always null if debug == false.
        debug - If true this should print more information, if false this should print what is shown to the end user
        String representation of this object
      • -
    • -
    - -
    - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/effects/EffReplace.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/effects/EffReplace.html deleted file mode 100644 index 51f6c82057..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/effects/EffReplace.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,251 +0,0 @@ - - - - -EffReplace (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -
    - -
    - -

    Class EffReplace

    - -
    All Implemented Interfaces:
    Debuggable, SyntaxElement
    @Name("Replace") -@Description("Replaces all occurrences of a given text with another text. Please note that you can only change variables and a few expressions, e.g. a <a href=\'./expressions.html#ExprMessage\'>message</a> or a line of a sign.") -@Examples({"replace \"<item>\" in {textvar} with \"%item%\"","replace every \"&\" with \"\u00a7\" in line 1","# The following acts as a simple chat censor, but it will e.g. censor mass, hassle, assassin, etc. as well:","on chat:","\treplace all \"kys\", \"idiot\" and \"noob\" with \"****\" in the message"," ","replace all stone and dirt in player\'s inventory and player\'s top inventory with diamond"}) -@Since("2.0, 2.2-dev24 (replace in multiple strings and replace items in inventory), 2.5 (replace first, case sensitivity)") -public class EffReplace -extends Effect
    - -
      - -
    • -

      Constructor Details

      • -


        public EffReplace()
      • -
    • - -
    • -

      Method Details

      • -


        public boolean init(Expression<?>[] exprs, - int matchedPattern, - Kleenean isDelayed, - SkriptParser.ParseResult parseResult)
        Description copied from interface: SyntaxElement
        Called just after the constructor.
        exprs - all %expr%s included in the matching pattern in the order they appear in the pattern. If an optional value was left out it will still be included in this list - holding the default value of the desired type which usually depends on the event.
        matchedPattern - The index of the pattern which matched
        isDelayed - Whether this expression is used after a delay or not (i.e. if the event has already passed when this expression will be called)
        parseResult - Additional information about the match.
        Whether this expression was initialised successfully. An error should be printed prior to returning false to specify the cause.
        See Also:
        - -
      • -
      • -


        protected void execute(org.bukkit.event.Event event)
        Description copied from class: Effect
        Executes this effect.
        Specified by:
        execute in class Effect
      • -
      • -


        public String toString(@Nullable org.bukkit.event.Event event, - boolean debug)
        event - The event to get information to. This is always null if debug == false.
        debug - If true this should print more information, if false this should print what is shown to the end user
        String representation of this object
      • -
    • -
    - -
    - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/effects/EffResetTitle.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/effects/EffResetTitle.html deleted file mode 100644 index cd8b40cc74..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/effects/EffResetTitle.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,251 +0,0 @@ - - - - -EffResetTitle (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -
    - -
    - -

    Class EffResetTitle

    - -
    All Implemented Interfaces:
    Debuggable, SyntaxElement
    @Name("Title - Reset") -@Description("Resets the title of the player to the default values.") -@Examples({"reset the titles of all players","reset the title"}) -@Since("2.3") -public class EffResetTitle -extends Effect
    - -
      - -
    • -

      Constructor Details

      • -


        public EffResetTitle()
      • -
    • - -
    • -

      Method Details

      • -


        public boolean init(Expression<?>[] exprs, - int matchedPattern, - Kleenean isDelayed, - SkriptParser.ParseResult parseResult)
        Description copied from interface: SyntaxElement
        Called just after the constructor.
        exprs - all %expr%s included in the matching pattern in the order they appear in the pattern. If an optional value was left out it will still be included in this list - holding the default value of the desired type which usually depends on the event.
        matchedPattern - The index of the pattern which matched
        isDelayed - Whether this expression is used after a delay or not (i.e. if the event has already passed when this expression will be called)
        parseResult - Additional information about the match.
        Whether this expression was initialised successfully. An error should be printed prior to returning false to specify the cause.
        See Also:
        - -
      • -
      • -


        protected void execute(org.bukkit.event.Event e)
        Description copied from class: Effect
        Executes this effect.
        Specified by:
        execute in class Effect
      • -
      • -


        public String toString(@Nullable org.bukkit.event.Event e, - boolean debug)
        e - The event to get information to. This is always null if debug == false.
        debug - If true this should print more information, if false this should print what is shown to the end user
        String representation of this object
      • -
    • -
    - -
    - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/effects/EffRespawn.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/effects/EffRespawn.html deleted file mode 100644 index eeafc808c2..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/effects/EffRespawn.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,251 +0,0 @@ - - - - -EffRespawn (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -
    - -
    - -

    Class EffRespawn

    - -
    All Implemented Interfaces:
    Debuggable, SyntaxElement
    @Name("Force Respawn") -@Description("Forces player(s) to respawn if they are dead. If this is called without delay from death event, one tick is waited before respawn attempt.") -@Examples({"on death of player:","\tforce event-player to respawn"}) -@Since("2.2-dev21") -public class EffRespawn -extends Effect
    - -
      - -
    • -

      Constructor Details

      • -


        public EffRespawn()
      • -
    • - -
    • -

      Method Details

      • -


        public boolean init(Expression<?>[] exprs, - int matchedPattern, - Kleenean isDelayed, - SkriptParser.ParseResult parseResult)
        Description copied from interface: SyntaxElement
        Called just after the constructor.
        exprs - all %expr%s included in the matching pattern in the order they appear in the pattern. If an optional value was left out it will still be included in this list - holding the default value of the desired type which usually depends on the event.
        matchedPattern - The index of the pattern which matched
        isDelayed - Whether this expression is used after a delay or not (i.e. if the event has already passed when this expression will be called)
        parseResult - Additional information about the match.
        Whether this expression was initialised successfully. An error should be printed prior to returning false to specify the cause.
        See Also:
        - -
      • -
      • -


        protected void execute(org.bukkit.event.Event e)
        Description copied from class: Effect
        Executes this effect.
        Specified by:
        execute in class Effect
      • -
      • -


        public String toString(@Nullable org.bukkit.event.Event e, - boolean debug)
        e - The event to get information to. This is always null if debug == false.
        debug - If true this should print more information, if false this should print what is shown to the end user
        String representation of this object
      • -
    • -
    - -
    - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/effects/EffReturn.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/effects/EffReturn.html deleted file mode 100644 index 8f86d24817..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/effects/EffReturn.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,272 +0,0 @@ - - - - -EffReturn (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -
    - -
    - -

    Class EffReturn

    - -
    All Implemented Interfaces:
    Debuggable, SyntaxElement
    @Name("Return") -@Description("Makes a function return a value") -@Examples({"function double(i: number) :: number:","\treturn 2 * {_i}","","function divide(i: number) returns number:","\treturn {_i} / 2"}) -@Since("2.2, INSERT VERSION (returns aliases)") -public class EffReturn -extends Effect
    - -
      - -
    • -

      Constructor Details

      • -


        public EffReturn()
      • -
    • - -
    • -

      Method Details

      • -


        public boolean init(Expression<?>[] exprs, - int matchedPattern, - Kleenean isDelayed, - SkriptParser.ParseResult parseResult)
        Description copied from interface: SyntaxElement
        Called just after the constructor.
        exprs - all %expr%s included in the matching pattern in the order they appear in the pattern. If an optional value was left out it will still be included in this list - holding the default value of the desired type which usually depends on the event.
        matchedPattern - The index of the pattern which matched
        isDelayed - Whether this expression is used after a delay or not (i.e. if the event has already passed when this expression will be called)
        parseResult - Additional information about the match.
        Whether this expression was initialised successfully. An error should be printed prior to returning false to specify the cause.
        See Also:
        - -
      • -
      • -


        protected @Nullable TriggerItem walk(org.bukkit.event.Event event)
        Description copied from class: TriggerItem
        Executes this item and returns the next item to run. -

        - Overriding classes must call TriggerItem.debug(Event, boolean). If this method is overridden, TriggerItem.run(Event) is not used anymore and can be ignored.

        walk in class TriggerItem
        The next item to run or null to stop execution
      • -
      • -


        protected void execute(org.bukkit.event.Event event)
        Description copied from class: Effect
        Executes this effect.
        Specified by:
        execute in class Effect
      • -
      • -


        public String toString(@Nullable org.bukkit.event.Event event, - boolean debug)
        event - The event to get information to. This is always null if debug == false.
        debug - If true this should print more information, if false this should print what is shown to the end user
        String representation of this object
      • -
    • -
    - -
    - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/effects/EffScriptFile.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/effects/EffScriptFile.html deleted file mode 100644 index 40ae26541d..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/effects/EffScriptFile.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,251 +0,0 @@ - - - - -EffScriptFile (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -
    - -
    - -

    Class EffScriptFile

    - -
    All Implemented Interfaces:
    Debuggable, SyntaxElement
    @Name("Enable/Disable/Reload Script File") -@Description("Enables, disables, or reloads a script file.") -@Examples({"reload script \"test\"","enable script file \"testing\"","unload script file \"script.sk\""}) -@Since("2.4") -public class EffScriptFile -extends Effect
    - -
      - -
    • -

      Constructor Details

      • -


        public EffScriptFile()
      • -
    • - -
    • -

      Method Details

      • -


        public boolean init(Expression<?>[] exprs, - int matchedPattern, - Kleenean isDelayed, - SkriptParser.ParseResult parseResult)
        Description copied from interface: SyntaxElement
        Called just after the constructor.
        exprs - all %expr%s included in the matching pattern in the order they appear in the pattern. If an optional value was left out it will still be included in this list - holding the default value of the desired type which usually depends on the event.
        matchedPattern - The index of the pattern which matched
        isDelayed - Whether this expression is used after a delay or not (i.e. if the event has already passed when this expression will be called)
        parseResult - Additional information about the match.
        Whether this expression was initialised successfully. An error should be printed prior to returning false to specify the cause.
        See Also:
        - -
      • -
      • -


        protected void execute(org.bukkit.event.Event e)
        Description copied from class: Effect
        Executes this effect.
        Specified by:
        execute in class Effect
      • -
      • -


        public String toString(@Nullable org.bukkit.event.Event e, - boolean debug)
        e - The event to get information to. This is always null if debug == false.
        debug - If true this should print more information, if false this should print what is shown to the end user
        String representation of this object
      • -
    • -
    - -
    - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/effects/EffSendBlockChange.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/effects/EffSendBlockChange.html deleted file mode 100644 index 45fa893ba0..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/effects/EffSendBlockChange.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,251 +0,0 @@ - - - - -EffSendBlockChange (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -
    - -
    - -

    Class EffSendBlockChange

    - -
    All Implemented Interfaces:
    Debuggable, SyntaxElement
    @Name("Send Block Change") -@Description("Makes a player see a block as something it really isn\'t. BlockData support is only for MC 1.13+") -@Examples({"make player see block at player as dirt","make player see target block as campfire[facing=south]"}) -@Since("2.2-dev37c, 2.5.1 (block data support)") -public class EffSendBlockChange -extends Effect
    - -
      - -
    • -

      Constructor Details

      • -


        public EffSendBlockChange()
      • -
    • - -
    • -

      Method Details

      • -


        public boolean init(Expression<?>[] exprs, - int matchedPattern, - Kleenean isDelayed, - SkriptParser.ParseResult parseResult)
        Description copied from interface: SyntaxElement
        Called just after the constructor.
        exprs - all %expr%s included in the matching pattern in the order they appear in the pattern. If an optional value was left out it will still be included in this list - holding the default value of the desired type which usually depends on the event.
        matchedPattern - The index of the pattern which matched
        isDelayed - Whether this expression is used after a delay or not (i.e. if the event has already passed when this expression will be called)
        parseResult - Additional information about the match.
        Whether this expression was initialised successfully. An error should be printed prior to returning false to specify the cause.
        See Also:
        - -
      • -
      • -


        protected void execute(org.bukkit.event.Event e)
        Description copied from class: Effect
        Executes this effect.
        Specified by:
        execute in class Effect
      • -
      • -


        public String toString(@Nullable org.bukkit.event.Event e, - boolean debug)
        e - The event to get information to. This is always null if debug == false.
        debug - If true this should print more information, if false this should print what is shown to the end user
        String representation of this object
      • -
    • -
    - -
    - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/effects/EffSendResourcePack.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/effects/EffSendResourcePack.html deleted file mode 100644 index 1136821d04..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/effects/EffSendResourcePack.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,251 +0,0 @@ - - - - -EffSendResourcePack (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -
    - -
    - -

    Class EffSendResourcePack

    - -
    All Implemented Interfaces:
    Debuggable, SyntaxElement
    @Name("Send Resource Pack") -@Description({"Request that the player\'s client download and switch resource packs. The client will download ","the resource pack in the background, and will automatically switch to it once the download is complete. ","The URL must be a direct download link.","","The hash is used for caching, the player won\'t have to re-download the resource pack that way. ","The hash must be SHA-1, you can get SHA-1 hash of your resource pack using ","<a href=\"https://emn178.github.io/online-tools/sha1_checksum.html\">this online tool</a>.","","The <a href=\'events.html#resource_pack_request_action\'>resource pack request action</a> can be used to check ","status of the sent resource pack request."}) -@Examples({"on join:","\tsend the resource pack from \"URL\" with hash \"hash\" to the player"}) -@Since("2.4") -public class EffSendResourcePack -extends Effect
    - -
      - -
    • -

      Constructor Details

      • -


        public EffSendResourcePack()
      • -
    • - -
    • -

      Method Details

      • -


        public boolean init(Expression<?>[] exprs, - int matchedPattern, - Kleenean isDelayed, - SkriptParser.ParseResult parseResult)
        Description copied from interface: SyntaxElement
        Called just after the constructor.
        exprs - all %expr%s included in the matching pattern in the order they appear in the pattern. If an optional value was left out it will still be included in this list - holding the default value of the desired type which usually depends on the event.
        matchedPattern - The index of the pattern which matched
        isDelayed - Whether this expression is used after a delay or not (i.e. if the event has already passed when this expression will be called)
        parseResult - Additional information about the match.
        Whether this expression was initialised successfully. An error should be printed prior to returning false to specify the cause.
        See Also:
        - -
      • -
      • -


        protected void execute(org.bukkit.event.Event e)
        Description copied from class: Effect
        Executes this effect.
        Specified by:
        execute in class Effect
      • -
      • -


        public String toString(@Nullable org.bukkit.event.Event e, - boolean debug)
        e - The event to get information to. This is always null if debug == false.
        debug - If true this should print more information, if false this should print what is shown to the end user
        String representation of this object
      • -
    • -
    - -
    - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/effects/EffSendTitle.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/effects/EffSendTitle.html deleted file mode 100644 index 783b342c8f..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/effects/EffSendTitle.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,251 +0,0 @@ - - - - -EffSendTitle (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -
    - -
    - -

    Class EffSendTitle

    - -
    All Implemented Interfaces:
    Debuggable, SyntaxElement
    @Name("Title - Send") -@Description({"Sends a title/subtitle to the given player(s) with optional fadein/stay/fadeout times for Minecraft versions 1.11 and above. ","","If you\'re sending only the subtitle, it will be shown only if there\'s a title displayed at the moment, otherwise it will be sent with the next title. To show only the subtitle, use: <code>send title \" \" with subtitle \"yourtexthere\" to player</code>.","","Note: if no input is given for the times, it will keep the ones from the last title sent, use the <a href=\'effects.html#EffResetTitle\'>reset title</a> effect to restore the default values."}) -@Examples({"send title \"Competition Started\" with subtitle \"Have fun, Stay safe!\" to player for 5 seconds","send title \"Hi %player%\" to player","send title \"Loot Drop\" with subtitle \"starts in 3 minutes\" to all players","send title \"Hello %player%!\" with subtitle \"Welcome to our server\" to player for 5 seconds with fadein 1 second and fade out 1 second","send subtitle \"Party!\" to all players"}) -@Since("2.3") -public class EffSendTitle -extends Effect
    - -
      - -
    • -

      Constructor Details

      • -


        public EffSendTitle()
      • -
    • - -
    • -

      Method Details

      • -


        public boolean init(Expression<?>[] exprs, - int matchedPattern, - Kleenean isDelayed, - SkriptParser.ParseResult parser)
        Description copied from interface: SyntaxElement
        Called just after the constructor.
        exprs - all %expr%s included in the matching pattern in the order they appear in the pattern. If an optional value was left out it will still be included in this list - holding the default value of the desired type which usually depends on the event.
        matchedPattern - The index of the pattern which matched
        isDelayed - Whether this expression is used after a delay or not (i.e. if the event has already passed when this expression will be called)
        parser - Additional information about the match.
        Whether this expression was initialised successfully. An error should be printed prior to returning false to specify the cause.
        See Also:
        - -
      • -
      • -


        protected void execute(org.bukkit.event.Event e)
        Description copied from class: Effect
        Executes this effect.
        Specified by:
        execute in class Effect
      • -
      • -


        public String toString(@Nullable org.bukkit.event.Event e, - boolean debug)
        e - The event to get information to. This is always null if debug == false.
        debug - If true this should print more information, if false this should print what is shown to the end user
        String representation of this object
      • -
    • -
    - -
    - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/effects/EffShear.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/effects/EffShear.html deleted file mode 100644 index 3b5b1a45e9..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/effects/EffShear.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,251 +0,0 @@ - - - - -EffShear (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -
    - -
    - -

    Class EffShear

    - -
    All Implemented Interfaces:
    Debuggable, SyntaxElement
    @Name("Shear") -@Description("Shears or \'un-shears\' a sheep. Please note that no wool is dropped, this only sets the \'sheared\' state of the sheep.") -@Examples({"on rightclick on a sheep holding a sword:","\tshear the clicked sheep"}) -@Since("2.0") -public class EffShear -extends Effect
    - -
      - -
    • -

      Constructor Details

      • -


        public EffShear()
      • -
    • - -
    • -

      Method Details

      • -


        public boolean init(Expression<?>[] exprs, - int matchedPattern, - Kleenean isDelayed, - SkriptParser.ParseResult parseResult)
        Description copied from interface: SyntaxElement
        Called just after the constructor.
        exprs - all %expr%s included in the matching pattern in the order they appear in the pattern. If an optional value was left out it will still be included in this list - holding the default value of the desired type which usually depends on the event.
        matchedPattern - The index of the pattern which matched
        isDelayed - Whether this expression is used after a delay or not (i.e. if the event has already passed when this expression will be called)
        parseResult - Additional information about the match.
        Whether this expression was initialised successfully. An error should be printed prior to returning false to specify the cause.
        See Also:
        - -
      • -
      • -


        protected void execute(org.bukkit.event.Event e)
        Description copied from class: Effect
        Executes this effect.
        Specified by:
        execute in class Effect
      • -
      • -


        public String toString(@Nullable org.bukkit.event.Event e, - boolean debug)
        e - The event to get information to. This is always null if debug == false.
        debug - If true this should print more information, if false this should print what is shown to the end user
        String representation of this object
      • -
    • -
    - -
    - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/effects/EffShoot.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/effects/EffShoot.html deleted file mode 100644 index fe068e3db7..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/effects/EffShoot.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,274 +0,0 @@ - - - - -EffShoot (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -
    - -
    - -

    Class EffShoot

    - -
    All Implemented Interfaces:
    Debuggable, SyntaxElement
    @Name("Shoot") -@Description("Shoots a projectile (or any other entity) from a given entity.") -@Examples({"shoot an arrow","make the player shoot a creeper at speed 10","shoot a pig from the creeper"}) -@Since("1.4") -public class EffShoot -extends Effect
    - -
      - -
    • -

      Field Details

      • -


        public static @Nullable org.bukkit.entity.Entity lastSpawned
      • -
    • - -
    • -

      Constructor Details

      • -


        public EffShoot()
      • -
    • - -
    • -

      Method Details

      • -


        public boolean init(Expression<?>[] exprs, - int matchedPattern, - Kleenean isDelayed, - SkriptParser.ParseResult parseResult)
        Description copied from interface: SyntaxElement
        Called just after the constructor.
        exprs - all %expr%s included in the matching pattern in the order they appear in the pattern. If an optional value was left out it will still be included in this list - holding the default value of the desired type which usually depends on the event.
        matchedPattern - The index of the pattern which matched
        isDelayed - Whether this expression is used after a delay or not (i.e. if the event has already passed when this expression will be called)
        parseResult - Additional information about the match.
        Whether this expression was initialised successfully. An error should be printed prior to returning false to specify the cause.
        See Also:
        - -
      • -
      • -


        protected void execute(org.bukkit.event.Event e)
        Description copied from class: Effect
        Executes this effect.
        Specified by:
        execute in class Effect
      • -
      • -


        public String toString(@Nullable org.bukkit.event.Event e, - boolean debug)
        e - The event to get information to. This is always null if debug == false.
        debug - If true this should print more information, if false this should print what is shown to the end user
        String representation of this object
      • -
    • -
    - -
    - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/effects/EffSilence.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/effects/EffSilence.html deleted file mode 100644 index 1f38743edc..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/effects/EffSilence.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,251 +0,0 @@ - - - - -EffSilence (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -
    - -
    - -

    Class EffSilence

    - -
    All Implemented Interfaces:
    Debuggable, SyntaxElement
    @Name("Silence Entity") -@Description("Controls whether or not an entity is silent.") -@Examples("make target entity silent") -@Since("2.5") -public class EffSilence -extends Effect
    - -
      - -
    • -

      Constructor Details

      • -


        public EffSilence()
      • -
    • - -
    • -

      Method Details

      • -


        public boolean init(Expression<?>[] exprs, - int matchedPattern, - Kleenean isDelayed, - SkriptParser.ParseResult parseResult)
        Description copied from interface: SyntaxElement
        Called just after the constructor.
        exprs - all %expr%s included in the matching pattern in the order they appear in the pattern. If an optional value was left out it will still be included in this list - holding the default value of the desired type which usually depends on the event.
        matchedPattern - The index of the pattern which matched
        isDelayed - Whether this expression is used after a delay or not (i.e. if the event has already passed when this expression will be called)
        parseResult - Additional information about the match.
        Whether this expression was initialised successfully. An error should be printed prior to returning false to specify the cause.
        See Also:
        - -
      • -
      • -


        protected void execute(org.bukkit.event.Event e)
        Description copied from class: Effect
        Executes this effect.
        Specified by:
        execute in class Effect
      • -
      • -


        public String toString(@Nullable org.bukkit.event.Event e, - boolean debug)
        e - The event to get information to. This is always null if debug == false.
        debug - If true this should print more information, if false this should print what is shown to the end user
        String representation of this object
      • -
    • -
    - -
    - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/effects/EffStopServer.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/effects/EffStopServer.html deleted file mode 100644 index 58a45e5293..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/effects/EffStopServer.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,251 +0,0 @@ - - - - -EffStopServer (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -
    - -
    - -

    Class EffStopServer

    - -
    All Implemented Interfaces:
    Debuggable, SyntaxElement
    @Name("Stop Server") -@Description("Stops or restarts the server. If restart is used when the restart-script spigot.yml option isn\'t defined, the server will stop instead.") -@Examples({"stop the server","restart server"}) -@Since("2.5") -public class EffStopServer -extends Effect
    - -
      - -
    • -

      Constructor Details

      • -


        public EffStopServer()
      • -
    • - -
    • -

      Method Details

      • -


        public boolean init(Expression<?>[] exprs, - int matchedPattern, - Kleenean isDelayed, - SkriptParser.ParseResult parseResult)
        Description copied from interface: SyntaxElement
        Called just after the constructor.
        exprs - all %expr%s included in the matching pattern in the order they appear in the pattern. If an optional value was left out it will still be included in this list - holding the default value of the desired type which usually depends on the event.
        matchedPattern - The index of the pattern which matched
        isDelayed - Whether this expression is used after a delay or not (i.e. if the event has already passed when this expression will be called)
        parseResult - Additional information about the match.
        Whether this expression was initialised successfully. An error should be printed prior to returning false to specify the cause.
        See Also:
        - -
      • -
      • -


        protected void execute(org.bukkit.event.Event e)
        Description copied from class: Effect
        Executes this effect.
        Specified by:
        execute in class Effect
      • -
      • -


        public String toString(@Nullable org.bukkit.event.Event e, - boolean debug)
        e - The event to get information to. This is always null if debug == false.
        debug - If true this should print more information, if false this should print what is shown to the end user
        String representation of this object
      • -
    • -
    - -
    - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/effects/EffStopSound.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/effects/EffStopSound.html deleted file mode 100644 index a9d09ca513..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/effects/EffStopSound.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,252 +0,0 @@ - - - - -EffStopSound (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -
    - -
    - -

    Class EffStopSound

    - -
    All Implemented Interfaces:
    Debuggable, SyntaxElement
    @Name("Stop Sound") -@Description({"Stops specific or all sounds from playing to a group of players. Both Minecraft sound names and <a href=\"https://hub.spigotmc.org/javadocs/spigot/org/bukkit/Sound.html\">Spigot sound names</a> are supported. Resource pack sounds are supported too. The sound category is \'master\' by default. A sound can\'t be stopped from a different category. ","","Please note that sound names can get changed in any Minecraft or Spigot version, or even removed from Minecraft itself."}) -@Examples({"stop sound \"block.chest.open\" for the player","stop playing sounds \"ambient.underwater.loop\" and \"ambient.underwater.loop.additions\" to the player","stop all sound for all players","stop sound in record category"}) -@Since("2.4, 2.7 (stop all sounds)") -@RequiredPlugins("MC 1.17.1 (stop all sounds)") -public class EffStopSound -extends Effect
    - -
      - -
    • -

      Constructor Details

      • -


        public EffStopSound()
      • -
    • - -
    • -

      Method Details

      • -


        public boolean init(Expression<?>[] exprs, - int matchedPattern, - Kleenean isDelayed, - SkriptParser.ParseResult parseResult)
        Description copied from interface: SyntaxElement
        Called just after the constructor.
        exprs - all %expr%s included in the matching pattern in the order they appear in the pattern. If an optional value was left out it will still be included in this list - holding the default value of the desired type which usually depends on the event.
        matchedPattern - The index of the pattern which matched
        isDelayed - Whether this expression is used after a delay or not (i.e. if the event has already passed when this expression will be called)
        parseResult - Additional information about the match.
        Whether this expression was initialised successfully. An error should be printed prior to returning false to specify the cause.
        See Also:
        - -
      • -
      • -


        protected void execute(org.bukkit.event.Event event)
        Description copied from class: Effect
        Executes this effect.
        Specified by:
        execute in class Effect
      • -
      • -


        public String toString(@Nullable org.bukkit.event.Event event, - boolean debug)
        event - The event to get information to. This is always null if debug == false.
        debug - If true this should print more information, if false this should print what is shown to the end user
        String representation of this object
      • -
    • -
    - -
    - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/effects/EffSuppressWarnings.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/effects/EffSuppressWarnings.html deleted file mode 100644 index d0454418ac..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/effects/EffSuppressWarnings.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,251 +0,0 @@ - - - - -EffSuppressWarnings (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -
    - -
    - -

    Class EffSuppressWarnings

    - -
    All Implemented Interfaces:
    Debuggable, SyntaxElement
    @Name("Locally Suppress Warning") -@Description("Suppresses target warnings from the current script.") -@Examples({"locally suppress missing conjunction warnings","suppress the variable save warnings"}) -@Since("2.3") -public class EffSuppressWarnings -extends Effect
    - -
      - -
    • -

      Constructor Details

      • -


        public EffSuppressWarnings()
      • -
    • - -
    • -

      Method Details

      • -


        public boolean init(Expression<?>[] exprs, - int matchedPattern, - Kleenean isDelayed, - SkriptParser.ParseResult parseResult)
        Description copied from interface: SyntaxElement
        Called just after the constructor.
        exprs - all %expr%s included in the matching pattern in the order they appear in the pattern. If an optional value was left out it will still be included in this list - holding the default value of the desired type which usually depends on the event.
        matchedPattern - The index of the pattern which matched
        isDelayed - Whether this expression is used after a delay or not (i.e. if the event has already passed when this expression will be called)
        parseResult - Additional information about the match.
        Whether this expression was initialised successfully. An error should be printed prior to returning false to specify the cause.
        See Also:
        - -
      • -
      • -


        protected void execute(org.bukkit.event.Event event)
        Description copied from class: Effect
        Executes this effect.
        Specified by:
        execute in class Effect
      • -
      • -


        public String toString(@Nullable org.bukkit.event.Event event, - boolean debug)
        event - The event to get information to. This is always null if debug == false.
        debug - If true this should print more information, if false this should print what is shown to the end user
        String representation of this object
      • -
    • -
    - -
    - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/effects/EffSwingHand.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/effects/EffSwingHand.html deleted file mode 100644 index 52cc6ed497..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/effects/EffSwingHand.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,252 +0,0 @@ - - - - -EffSwingHand (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -
    - -
    - -

    Class EffSwingHand

    - -
    All Implemented Interfaces:
    Debuggable, SyntaxElement
    @Name("Swing Hand") -@Description("Makes an entity swing their hand. This does nothing if the entity does not have an animation for swinging their hand.") -@Examples("make player swing their main hand") -@Since("2.5.1") -@RequiredPlugins("Minecraft 1.15.2+") -public class EffSwingHand -extends Effect
    - -
      - -
    • -

      Constructor Details

      • -


        public EffSwingHand()
      • -
    • - -
    • -

      Method Details

      • -


        public boolean init(Expression<?>[] exprs, - int matchedPattern, - Kleenean isDelayed, - SkriptParser.ParseResult parseResult)
        Description copied from interface: SyntaxElement
        Called just after the constructor.
        exprs - all %expr%s included in the matching pattern in the order they appear in the pattern. If an optional value was left out it will still be included in this list - holding the default value of the desired type which usually depends on the event.
        matchedPattern - The index of the pattern which matched
        isDelayed - Whether this expression is used after a delay or not (i.e. if the event has already passed when this expression will be called)
        parseResult - Additional information about the match.
        Whether this expression was initialised successfully. An error should be printed prior to returning false to specify the cause.
        See Also:
        - -
      • -
      • -


        protected void execute(org.bukkit.event.Event e)
        Description copied from class: Effect
        Executes this effect.
        Specified by:
        execute in class Effect
      • -
      • -


        public String toString(@Nullable org.bukkit.event.Event e, - boolean debug)
        e - The event to get information to. This is always null if debug == false.
        debug - If true this should print more information, if false this should print what is shown to the end user
        String representation of this object
      • -
    • -
    - -
    - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/effects/EffTeleport.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/effects/EffTeleport.html deleted file mode 100644 index 2dfc00e399..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/effects/EffTeleport.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,272 +0,0 @@ - - - - -EffTeleport (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -
    - -
    - -

    Class EffTeleport

    - -
    All Implemented Interfaces:
    Debuggable, SyntaxElement
    @Name("Teleport") -@Description({"Teleport an entity to a specific location. ","This effect is delayed by default on Paper, meaning certain syntax such as the return effect for functions cannot be used after this effect.","The keyword \'force\' indicates this effect will not be delayed, ","which may cause lag spikes or server crashes when using this effect to teleport entities to unloaded chunks."}) -@Examples({"teleport the player to {homes.%player%}","teleport the attacker to the victim"}) -@Since("1.0") -public class EffTeleport -extends Effect
    - -
      - -
    • -

      Constructor Details

      • -


        public EffTeleport()
      • -
    • - -
    • -

      Method Details

      • -


        public boolean init(Expression<?>[] exprs, - int matchedPattern, - Kleenean isDelayed, - SkriptParser.ParseResult parseResult)
        Description copied from interface: SyntaxElement
        Called just after the constructor.
        exprs - all %expr%s included in the matching pattern in the order they appear in the pattern. If an optional value was left out it will still be included in this list - holding the default value of the desired type which usually depends on the event.
        matchedPattern - The index of the pattern which matched
        isDelayed - Whether this expression is used after a delay or not (i.e. if the event has already passed when this expression will be called)
        parseResult - Additional information about the match.
        Whether this expression was initialised successfully. An error should be printed prior to returning false to specify the cause.
        See Also:
        - -
      • -
      • -


        protected @Nullable TriggerItem walk(org.bukkit.event.Event e)
        Description copied from class: TriggerItem
        Executes this item and returns the next item to run. -

        - Overriding classes must call TriggerItem.debug(Event, boolean). If this method is overridden, TriggerItem.run(Event) is not used anymore and can be ignored.

        walk in class TriggerItem
        The next item to run or null to stop execution
      • -
      • -


        protected void execute(org.bukkit.event.Event e)
        Description copied from class: Effect
        Executes this effect.
        Specified by:
        execute in class Effect
      • -
      • -


        public String toString(@Nullable org.bukkit.event.Event e, - boolean debug)
        e - The event to get information to. This is always null if debug == false.
        debug - If true this should print more information, if false this should print what is shown to the end user
        String representation of this object
      • -
    • -
    - -
    - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/effects/EffToggle.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/effects/EffToggle.html deleted file mode 100644 index cdfdb0f3c4..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/effects/EffToggle.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,251 +0,0 @@ - - - - -EffToggle (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -
    - -
    - -

    Class EffToggle

    - -
    All Implemented Interfaces:
    Debuggable, SyntaxElement
    @Name("Toggle") -@Description("Toggle the state of a block.") -@Examples({"# use arrows to toggle switches, doors, etc.","on projectile hit:","\tprojectile is arrow","\ttoggle the block at the arrow"}) -@Since("1.4") -public class EffToggle -extends Effect
    - -
      - -
    • -

      Constructor Details

      • -


        public EffToggle()
      • -
    • - -
    • -

      Method Details

      • -


        public boolean init(Expression<?>[] vars, - int matchedPattern, - Kleenean isDelayed, - SkriptParser.ParseResult parseResult)
        Description copied from interface: SyntaxElement
        Called just after the constructor.
        vars - all %expr%s included in the matching pattern in the order they appear in the pattern. If an optional value was left out it will still be included in this list - holding the default value of the desired type which usually depends on the event.
        matchedPattern - The index of the pattern which matched
        isDelayed - Whether this expression is used after a delay or not (i.e. if the event has already passed when this expression will be called)
        parseResult - Additional information about the match.
        Whether this expression was initialised successfully. An error should be printed prior to returning false to specify the cause.
        See Also:
        - -
      • -
      • -


        protected void execute(org.bukkit.event.Event e)
        Description copied from class: Effect
        Executes this effect.
        Specified by:
        execute in class Effect
      • -
      • -


        public String toString(@Nullable org.bukkit.event.Event e, - boolean debug)
        e - The event to get information to. This is always null if debug == false.
        debug - If true this should print more information, if false this should print what is shown to the end user
        String representation of this object
      • -
    • -
    - -
    - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/effects/EffToggleCanPickUpItems.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/effects/EffToggleCanPickUpItems.html deleted file mode 100644 index 051f8a9e8e..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/effects/EffToggleCanPickUpItems.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,251 +0,0 @@ - - - - -EffToggleCanPickUpItems (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -
    - -
    - -

    Class EffToggleCanPickUpItems

    - -
    All Implemented Interfaces:
    Debuggable, SyntaxElement
    @Name("Toggle Picking Up Items") -@Description("Determines whether living entities are able to pick up items or not") -@Examples({"forbid player from picking up items","send \"You can no longer pick up items!\" to player","","on drop:","\tif player can\'t pick\tup items:","\t\tallow player to pick up items"}) -@Since("INSERT VERSION") -public class EffToggleCanPickUpItems -extends Effect
    - -
      - -
    • -

      Constructor Details

      • -


        public EffToggleCanPickUpItems()
      • -
    • - -
    • -

      Method Details

      • -


        public boolean init(Expression<?>[] exprs, - int matchedPattern, - Kleenean isDelayed, - SkriptParser.ParseResult parseResult)
        Description copied from interface: SyntaxElement
        Called just after the constructor.
        exprs - all %expr%s included in the matching pattern in the order they appear in the pattern. If an optional value was left out it will still be included in this list - holding the default value of the desired type which usually depends on the event.
        matchedPattern - The index of the pattern which matched
        isDelayed - Whether this expression is used after a delay or not (i.e. if the event has already passed when this expression will be called)
        parseResult - Additional information about the match.
        Whether this expression was initialised successfully. An error should be printed prior to returning false to specify the cause.
        See Also:
        - -
      • -
      • -


        protected void execute(org.bukkit.event.Event event)
        Description copied from class: Effect
        Executes this effect.
        Specified by:
        execute in class Effect
      • -
      • -


        public String toString(@Nullable org.bukkit.event.Event event, - boolean debug)
        event - The event to get information to. This is always null if debug == false.
        debug - If true this should print more information, if false this should print what is shown to the end user
        String representation of this object
      • -
    • -
    - -
    - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/effects/EffToggleFlight.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/effects/EffToggleFlight.html deleted file mode 100644 index ff241bc409..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/effects/EffToggleFlight.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,251 +0,0 @@ - - - - -EffToggleFlight (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -
    - -
    - -

    Class EffToggleFlight

    - -
    All Implemented Interfaces:
    Debuggable, SyntaxElement
    @Name("Toggle Flight") -@Description("Toggle the <a href=\'expressions.html#ExprFlightMode\'>flight mode</a> of a player.") -@Examples("allow flight to event-player") -@Since("2.3") -public class EffToggleFlight -extends Effect
    - -
      - -
    • -

      Constructor Details

      • -


        public EffToggleFlight()
      • -
    • - -
    • -

      Method Details

      • -


        public boolean init(Expression<?>[] exprs, - int matchedPattern, - Kleenean isDelayed, - SkriptParser.ParseResult parseResult)
        Description copied from interface: SyntaxElement
        Called just after the constructor.
        exprs - all %expr%s included in the matching pattern in the order they appear in the pattern. If an optional value was left out it will still be included in this list - holding the default value of the desired type which usually depends on the event.
        matchedPattern - The index of the pattern which matched
        isDelayed - Whether this expression is used after a delay or not (i.e. if the event has already passed when this expression will be called)
        parseResult - Additional information about the match.
        Whether this expression was initialised successfully. An error should be printed prior to returning false to specify the cause.
        See Also:
        - -
      • -
      • -


        protected void execute(org.bukkit.event.Event e)
        Description copied from class: Effect
        Executes this effect.
        Specified by:
        execute in class Effect
      • -
      • -


        public String toString(@Nullable org.bukkit.event.Event e, - boolean debug)
        e - The event to get information to. This is always null if debug == false.
        debug - If true this should print more information, if false this should print what is shown to the end user
        String representation of this object
      • -
    • -
    - -
    - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/effects/EffTree.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/effects/EffTree.html deleted file mode 100644 index 63eec34f6b..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/effects/EffTree.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,251 +0,0 @@ - - - - -EffTree (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -
    - -
    - -

    Class EffTree

    - -
    All Implemented Interfaces:
    Debuggable, SyntaxElement
    @Name("Tree") -@Description({"Creates a tree.","This may require that there is enough space above the given location and that the block below is dirt/grass, but it is possible that the tree will just grow anyways, possibly replacing every block in its path."}) -@Examples("grow a tall redwood tree above the clicked block") -@Since("1.0") -public class EffTree -extends Effect
    - -
      - -
    • -

      Constructor Details

      • -


        public EffTree()
      • -
    • - -
    • -

      Method Details

      • -


        public boolean init(Expression<?>[] exprs, - int matchedPattern, - Kleenean isDelayed, - SkriptParser.ParseResult parser)
        Description copied from interface: SyntaxElement
        Called just after the constructor.
        exprs - all %expr%s included in the matching pattern in the order they appear in the pattern. If an optional value was left out it will still be included in this list - holding the default value of the desired type which usually depends on the event.
        matchedPattern - The index of the pattern which matched
        isDelayed - Whether this expression is used after a delay or not (i.e. if the event has already passed when this expression will be called)
        parser - Additional information about the match.
        Whether this expression was initialised successfully. An error should be printed prior to returning false to specify the cause.
        See Also:
        - -
      • -
      • -


        public void execute(org.bukkit.event.Event e)
        Description copied from class: Effect
        Executes this effect.
        Specified by:
        execute in class Effect
      • -
      • -


        public String toString(@Nullable org.bukkit.event.Event e, - boolean debug)
        e - The event to get information to. This is always null if debug == false.
        debug - If true this should print more information, if false this should print what is shown to the end user
        String representation of this object
      • -
    • -
    - -
    - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/effects/EffVectorRotateAroundAnother.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/effects/EffVectorRotateAroundAnother.html deleted file mode 100644 index cfed0369f4..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/effects/EffVectorRotateAroundAnother.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,251 +0,0 @@ - - - - -EffVectorRotateAroundAnother (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -
    - -
    - -

    Class EffVectorRotateAroundAnother

    - -
    All Implemented Interfaces:
    Debuggable, SyntaxElement
    @Name("Vectors - Rotate Around Vector") -@Description("Rotates a vector around another vector") -@Examples("rotate {_v} around vector 1, 0, 0 by 90") -@Since("2.2-dev28") -public class EffVectorRotateAroundAnother -extends Effect
    - -
      - -
    • -

      Constructor Details

      • -


        public EffVectorRotateAroundAnother()
      • -
    • - -
    • -

      Method Details

      • -


        public boolean init(Expression<?>[] exprs, - int matchedPattern, - Kleenean kleenean, - SkriptParser.ParseResult parseResult)
        Description copied from interface: SyntaxElement
        Called just after the constructor.
        exprs - all %expr%s included in the matching pattern in the order they appear in the pattern. If an optional value was left out it will still be included in this list - holding the default value of the desired type which usually depends on the event.
        matchedPattern - The index of the pattern which matched
        kleenean - Whether this expression is used after a delay or not (i.e. if the event has already passed when this expression will be called)
        parseResult - Additional information about the match.
        Whether this expression was initialised successfully. An error should be printed prior to returning false to specify the cause.
        See Also:
        - -
      • -
      • -


        protected void execute(org.bukkit.event.Event e)
        Description copied from class: Effect
        Executes this effect.
        Specified by:
        execute in class Effect
      • -
      • -


        public String toString(@Nullable org.bukkit.event.Event e, - boolean debug)
        e - The event to get information to. This is always null if debug == false.
        debug - If true this should print more information, if false this should print what is shown to the end user
        String representation of this object
      • -
    • -
    - -
    - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/effects/EffVectorRotateXYZ.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/effects/EffVectorRotateXYZ.html deleted file mode 100644 index 71ea70e962..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/effects/EffVectorRotateXYZ.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,251 +0,0 @@ - - - - -EffVectorRotateXYZ (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -
    - -
    - -

    Class EffVectorRotateXYZ

    - -
    All Implemented Interfaces:
    Debuggable, SyntaxElement
    @Name("Vectors - Rotate around XYZ") -@Description("Rotates a vector around x, y, or z axis by some degrees") -@Examples({"rotate {_v} around x-axis by 90","rotate {_v} around y-axis by 90","rotate {_v} around z-axis by 90 degrees"}) -@Since("2.2-dev28") -public class EffVectorRotateXYZ -extends Effect
    - -
      - -
    • -

      Constructor Details

      • -


        public EffVectorRotateXYZ()
      • -
    • - -
    • -

      Method Details

      • -


        public boolean init(Expression<?>[] expressions, - int matchedPattern, - Kleenean isDelayed, - SkriptParser.ParseResult parseResult)
        Description copied from interface: SyntaxElement
        Called just after the constructor.
        expressions - all %expr%s included in the matching pattern in the order they appear in the pattern. If an optional value was left out it will still be included in this list - holding the default value of the desired type which usually depends on the event.
        matchedPattern - The index of the pattern which matched
        isDelayed - Whether this expression is used after a delay or not (i.e. if the event has already passed when this expression will be called)
        parseResult - Additional information about the match.
        Whether this expression was initialised successfully. An error should be printed prior to returning false to specify the cause.
        See Also:
        - -
      • -
      • -


        protected void execute(org.bukkit.event.Event e)
        Description copied from class: Effect
        Executes this effect.
        Specified by:
        execute in class Effect
      • -
      • -


        public String toString(@Nullable org.bukkit.event.Event e, - boolean debug)
        e - The event to get information to. This is always null if debug == false.
        debug - If true this should print more information, if false this should print what is shown to the end user
        String representation of this object
      • -
    • -
    - -
    - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/effects/EffVehicle.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/effects/EffVehicle.html deleted file mode 100644 index 1cf2cfc84b..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/effects/EffVehicle.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,251 +0,0 @@ - - - - -EffVehicle (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -
    - -
    - -

    Class EffVehicle

    - -
    All Implemented Interfaces:
    Debuggable, SyntaxElement
    @Name("Vehicle") -@Description("Makes an entity ride another entity, e.g. a minecart, a saddled pig, an arrow, etc.") -@Examples({"make the player ride a saddled pig","make the attacker ride the victim"}) -@Since("2.0") -public class EffVehicle -extends Effect
    - -
      - -
    • -

      Constructor Details

      • -


        public EffVehicle()
      • -
    • - -
    • -

      Method Details

      • -


        public boolean init(Expression<?>[] exprs, - int matchedPattern, - Kleenean isDelayed, - SkriptParser.ParseResult parseResult)
        Description copied from interface: SyntaxElement
        Called just after the constructor.
        exprs - all %expr%s included in the matching pattern in the order they appear in the pattern. If an optional value was left out it will still be included in this list - holding the default value of the desired type which usually depends on the event.
        matchedPattern - The index of the pattern which matched
        isDelayed - Whether this expression is used after a delay or not (i.e. if the event has already passed when this expression will be called)
        parseResult - Additional information about the match.
        Whether this expression was initialised successfully. An error should be printed prior to returning false to specify the cause.
        See Also:
        - -
      • -
      • -


        protected void execute(org.bukkit.event.Event e)
        Description copied from class: Effect
        Executes this effect.
        Specified by:
        execute in class Effect
      • -
      • -


        public String toString(@Nullable org.bukkit.event.Event e, - boolean debug)
        e - The event to get information to. This is always null if debug == false.
        debug - If true this should print more information, if false this should print what is shown to the end user
        String representation of this object
      • -
    • -
    - -
    - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/effects/EffVisualEffect.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/effects/EffVisualEffect.html deleted file mode 100644 index e52188a6a9..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/effects/EffVisualEffect.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,251 +0,0 @@ - - - - -EffVisualEffect (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -
    - -
    - -

    Class EffVisualEffect

    - -
    All Implemented Interfaces:
    Debuggable, SyntaxElement
    @Name("Play Effect") -@Description({"Plays a <a href=\'classes.html#visualeffect\'>visual effect</a> at a given location or on a given entity.","Please note that some effects can only be played on entities, e.g. wolf hearts or the hurt effect, and that these are always visible to all players."}) -@Examples({"play wolf hearts on the clicked wolf","show mob spawner flames at the targeted block to the player"}) -@Since("2.1") -public class EffVisualEffect -extends Effect
    - -
      - -
    • -

      Constructor Details

      • -


        public EffVisualEffect()
      • -
    • - -
    • -

      Method Details

      • -


        public boolean init(Expression<?>[] exprs, - int matchedPattern, - Kleenean isDelayed, - SkriptParser.ParseResult parseResult)
        Description copied from interface: SyntaxElement
        Called just after the constructor.
        exprs - all %expr%s included in the matching pattern in the order they appear in the pattern. If an optional value was left out it will still be included in this list - holding the default value of the desired type which usually depends on the event.
        matchedPattern - The index of the pattern which matched
        isDelayed - Whether this expression is used after a delay or not (i.e. if the event has already passed when this expression will be called)
        parseResult - Additional information about the match.
        Whether this expression was initialised successfully. An error should be printed prior to returning false to specify the cause.
        See Also:
        - -
      • -
      • -


        protected void execute(org.bukkit.event.Event e)
        Description copied from class: Effect
        Executes this effect.
        Specified by:
        execute in class Effect
      • -
      • -


        public String toString(@Nullable org.bukkit.event.Event e, - boolean debug)
        e - The event to get information to. This is always null if debug == false.
        debug - If true this should print more information, if false this should print what is shown to the end user
        String representation of this object
      • -
    • -
    - -
    - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/effects/IndeterminateDelay.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/effects/IndeterminateDelay.html deleted file mode 100644 index c0e61532a5..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/effects/IndeterminateDelay.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,228 +0,0 @@ - - - - -IndeterminateDelay (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -
    - -
    - -

    Class IndeterminateDelay

    - -
    All Implemented Interfaces:
    Debuggable, SyntaxElement
    public class IndeterminateDelay -extends Delay
    - -
      - -
    • -

      Constructor Details

      • -


        public IndeterminateDelay()
      • -
    • - -
    • -

      Method Details

      • -


        protected @Nullable TriggerItem walk(org.bukkit.event.Event event)
        Description copied from class: TriggerItem
        Executes this item and returns the next item to run. -

        - Overriding classes must call TriggerItem.debug(Event, boolean). If this method is overridden, TriggerItem.run(Event) is not used anymore and can be ignored.

        walk in class Delay
        The next item to run or null to stop execution
      • -
      • -


        public String toString(@Nullable org.bukkit.event.Event event, - boolean debug)
        Specified by:
        toString in interface Debuggable
        toString in class Delay
        event - The event to get information to. This is always null if debug == false.
        debug - If true this should print more information, if false this should print what is shown to the end user
        String representation of this object
      • -
    • -
    - -
    - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/effects/package-summary.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/effects/package-summary.html deleted file mode 100644 index 13c9d1ec17..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/effects/package-summary.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,259 +0,0 @@ - - - - -ch.njol.skript.effects (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -

    Package ch.njol.skript.effects

    @NonNullByDefault({PARAMETER,RETURN_TYPE,FIELD}) -package ch.njol.skript.effects
    Contains the default effects of Skript.
    - -
    - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/effects/package-tree.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/effects/package-tree.html deleted file mode 100644 index 44cb8e6e70..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/effects/package-tree.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,170 +0,0 @@ - - - - -ch.njol.skript.effects Class Hierarchy (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -

    Hierarchy For Package ch.njol.skript.effects

    -Package Hierarchies: - -

    Class Hierarchy

    - -
    - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/entity/AxolotlData.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/entity/AxolotlData.html index 336536f9cf..91d051ae2d 100644 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/entity/AxolotlData.html +++ b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/entity/AxolotlData.html @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ -AxolotlData (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) +AxolotlData (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-235b97a API) diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/entity/BeeData.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/entity/BeeData.html index 595a809378..4b457c9452 100644 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/entity/BeeData.html +++ b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/entity/BeeData.html @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ -BeeData (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) +BeeData (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-235b97a API) diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/entity/BoatChestData.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/entity/BoatChestData.html index 51a5d56a94..1983fd5e1a 100644 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/entity/BoatChestData.html +++ b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/entity/BoatChestData.html @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ -BoatChestData (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) +BoatChestData (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-235b97a API) diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/entity/BoatData.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/entity/BoatData.html index eed3e94b44..192ac3faea 100644 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/entity/BoatData.html +++ b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/entity/BoatData.html @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ -BoatData (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) +BoatData (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-235b97a API) diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/entity/CatData.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/entity/CatData.html index db5cb6e28c..f81a29621c 100644 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/entity/CatData.html +++ b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/entity/CatData.html @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ -CatData (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) +CatData (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-235b97a API) diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/entity/CreeperData.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/entity/CreeperData.html index 695fbfb253..807931dd96 100644 --- 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b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/entity/EndermanData.html index f9ac154449..672bb2719f 100644 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/entity/EndermanData.html +++ b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/entity/EndermanData.html @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ -EndermanData (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) +EndermanData (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-235b97a API) diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/entity/EntityData.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/entity/EntityData.html index dd5a35d314..4b0c3aaf12 100644 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/entity/EntityData.html +++ b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/entity/EntityData.html @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ -EntityData (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) +EntityData (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-235b97a API) diff --git 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-FallingBlockData (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) +FallingBlockData (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-235b97a API) diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/entity/FishData.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/entity/FishData.html index ed412c6bd5..0101679e79 100644 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/entity/FishData.html +++ b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/entity/FishData.html @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ -FishData (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) +FishData (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-235b97a API) diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/entity/FoxData.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/entity/FoxData.html index d58e2057bb..a5e33ffec1 100644 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/entity/FoxData.html +++ 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b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/entity/MinecartData.html index 350ec0a40b..fbcdcce9c2 100644 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/entity/MinecartData.html +++ b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/entity/MinecartData.html @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ -MinecartData (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) +MinecartData (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-235b97a API) diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/entity/MooshroomData.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/entity/MooshroomData.html index 3d184cd50f..eee6924fcb 100644 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/entity/MooshroomData.html +++ b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/entity/MooshroomData.html @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ -MooshroomData (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) +MooshroomData (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-235b97a API) diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/entity/OcelotData.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/entity/OcelotData.html index a3ada524fd..9f07f1a9f6 100644 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/entity/OcelotData.html +++ b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/entity/OcelotData.html @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ -OcelotData (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) +OcelotData (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-235b97a API) diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/entity/PandaData.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/entity/PandaData.html index ab21e38eaa..22b8506ccd 100644 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/entity/PandaData.html +++ b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/entity/PandaData.html @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ -PandaData (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) +PandaData (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-235b97a API) diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/entity/ParrotData.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/entity/ParrotData.html index e6b6d64fd6..7719cacfb8 100644 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/entity/ParrotData.html +++ b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/entity/ParrotData.html @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ -ParrotData (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) +ParrotData (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-235b97a API) diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/entity/PigData.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/entity/PigData.html index fdc5843d87..a0bcaa57b6 100644 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/entity/PigData.html +++ 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a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/entity/SheepData.html +++ b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/entity/SheepData.html @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ -SheepData (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) +SheepData (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-235b97a API) diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/entity/SimpleEntityData.SimpleEntityDataInfo.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/entity/SimpleEntityData.SimpleEntityDataInfo.html index 3994564305..edd0cfbc08 100644 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/entity/SimpleEntityData.SimpleEntityDataInfo.html +++ b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/entity/SimpleEntityData.SimpleEntityDataInfo.html @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ -SimpleEntityData.SimpleEntityDataInfo (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) +SimpleEntityData.SimpleEntityDataInfo (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-235b97a API) diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/entity/SimpleEntityData.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/entity/SimpleEntityData.html index 74816c513b..8b95ab34e3 100644 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/entity/SimpleEntityData.html +++ b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/entity/SimpleEntityData.html @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ -SimpleEntityData (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) +SimpleEntityData (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-235b97a API) diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/entity/ThrownPotionData.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/entity/ThrownPotionData.html index d86c5070aa..8dff1bc1e6 100644 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/entity/ThrownPotionData.html +++ b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/entity/ThrownPotionData.html @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ -ThrownPotionData (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) +ThrownPotionData (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-235b97a API) diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/entity/TropicalFishData.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/entity/TropicalFishData.html index f74be12b18..337b575ef4 100644 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/entity/TropicalFishData.html +++ b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/entity/TropicalFishData.html @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ -TropicalFishData (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) +TropicalFishData (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-235b97a API) diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/entity/VillagerData.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/entity/VillagerData.html index 9d66d37c48..7f31ef2847 100644 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/entity/VillagerData.html +++ b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/entity/VillagerData.html @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ -VillagerData (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) +VillagerData (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-235b97a API) diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/entity/WolfData.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/entity/WolfData.html index 7c363b76e8..feefd4e85f 100644 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/entity/WolfData.html +++ b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/entity/WolfData.html @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ -WolfData (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) +WolfData (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-235b97a API) diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/entity/XpOrbData.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/entity/XpOrbData.html index eb5a890115..c3de646348 100644 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/entity/XpOrbData.html +++ b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/entity/XpOrbData.html @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ -XpOrbData (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) +XpOrbData (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-235b97a API) diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/entity/ZombieVillagerData.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/entity/ZombieVillagerData.html index 79372ca4a5..df1977e02d 100644 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/entity/ZombieVillagerData.html +++ b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/entity/ZombieVillagerData.html @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ -ZombieVillagerData (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) +ZombieVillagerData (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-235b97a API) diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/entity/package-summary.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/entity/package-summary.html index 350e7e30d6..6cf79a21d6 100644 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/entity/package-summary.html +++ b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/entity/package-summary.html @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ -ch.njol.skript.entity (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) +ch.njol.skript.entity (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-235b97a API) diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/entity/package-tree.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/entity/package-tree.html index fb8cd7c541..06d15bcf05 100644 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/entity/package-tree.html +++ b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/entity/package-tree.html @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ -ch.njol.skript.entity Class Hierarchy (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) +ch.njol.skript.entity Class Hierarchy (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-235b97a API) diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/events/EvtAtTime.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/events/EvtAtTime.html deleted file mode 100644 index 7390c130e1..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/events/EvtAtTime.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,315 +0,0 @@ - - - - -EvtAtTime (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -
    - -
    - -

    Class EvtAtTime

    - -
    All Implemented Interfaces:
    Debuggable, SyntaxElement, Comparable<EvtAtTime>
    public class EvtAtTime -extends SkriptEvent -implements Comparable<EvtAtTime>
    - -
      - -
    • -

      Constructor Details

      • -


        public EvtAtTime()
      • -
    • - -
    • -

      Method Details

      • -


        public boolean init(Literal<?>[] args, - int matchedPattern, - SkriptParser.ParseResult parseResult)
        Description copied from class: SkriptEvent
        Called just after the constructor
        Specified by:
        init in class SkriptEvent
      • -
      • -


        public boolean postLoad()
        Description copied from class: SkriptEvent
        This method handles the registration of this event with Skript and Bukkit. - Only override this method if you know what you are doing!
        postLoad in class SkriptEvent
        Whether postLoading was successful. An error should be printed prior to returning false to specify the cause.
      • -
      • -


        public void unload()
        Description copied from class: SkriptEvent
        This method handles the unregistration of this event with Skript and Bukkit. - Only override this method if you know what you are doing!
        unload in class SkriptEvent
      • -
      • -


        public boolean check(org.bukkit.event.Event event)
        Description copied from class: SkriptEvent
        Checks whether the given Event applies, e.g. the leftclick event is only part of the PlayerInteractEvent, and this checks whether the player leftclicked or not. This method - will only be called for events this SkriptEvent is registered for.
        Specified by:
        check in class SkriptEvent
        true if this is SkriptEvent is represented by the Bukkit Event or false if not
      • -
      • -


        public boolean isEventPrioritySupported()
        isEventPrioritySupported in class SkriptEvent
        whether this SkriptEvent supports event priorities
      • -
      • -


        public String toString(@Nullable org.bukkit.event.Event event, - boolean debug)
        Specified by:
        toString in interface Debuggable
        event - The event to get information to. This is always null if debug == false.
        debug - If true this should print more information, if false this should print what is shown to the end user
        String representation of this object
      • -
      • -


        public int compareTo(@Nullable EvtAtTime event)
        Specified by:
        compareTo in interface Comparable<EvtAtTime>
      • -
    • -
    - -
    - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/events/EvtBlock.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/events/EvtBlock.html deleted file mode 100644 index 7816a24210..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/events/EvtBlock.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,246 +0,0 @@ - - - - -EvtBlock (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -
    - -
    - -

    Class EvtBlock

    - -
    All Implemented Interfaces:
    Debuggable, SyntaxElement
    public class EvtBlock -extends SkriptEvent
    - -
      - -
    • -

      Constructor Details

      • -


        public EvtBlock()
      • -
    • - -
    • -

      Method Details

      • -


        public boolean init(Literal<?>[] args, - int matchedPattern, - SkriptParser.ParseResult parser)
        Description copied from class: SkriptEvent
        Called just after the constructor
        Specified by:
        init in class SkriptEvent
      • -
      • -


        public boolean check(org.bukkit.event.Event e)
        Description copied from class: SkriptEvent
        Checks whether the given Event applies, e.g. the leftclick event is only part of the PlayerInteractEvent, and this checks whether the player leftclicked or not. This method - will only be called for events this SkriptEvent is registered for.
        Specified by:
        check in class SkriptEvent
        true if this is SkriptEvent is represented by the Bukkit Event or false if not
      • -
      • -


        public String toString(@Nullable org.bukkit.event.Event e, - boolean debug)
        e - The event to get information to. This is always null if debug == false.
        debug - If true this should print more information, if false this should print what is shown to the end user
        String representation of this object
      • -
    • -
    - -
    - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/events/EvtBookEdit.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/events/EvtBookEdit.html deleted file mode 100644 index 737eac2cf0..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/events/EvtBookEdit.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,246 +0,0 @@ - - - - -EvtBookEdit (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -
    - -
    - -

    Class EvtBookEdit

    - -
    All Implemented Interfaces:
    Debuggable, SyntaxElement
    public class EvtBookEdit -extends SkriptEvent
    - -
      - -
    • -

      Constructor Details

      • -


        public EvtBookEdit()
      • -
    • - -
    • -

      Method Details

      • -


        public boolean init(Literal<?>[] args, - int matchedPattern, - SkriptParser.ParseResult parseResult)
        Description copied from class: SkriptEvent
        Called just after the constructor
        Specified by:
        init in class SkriptEvent
      • -
      • -


        public boolean check(org.bukkit.event.Event e)
        Description copied from class: SkriptEvent
        Checks whether the given Event applies, e.g. the leftclick event is only part of the PlayerInteractEvent, and this checks whether the player leftclicked or not. This method - will only be called for events this SkriptEvent is registered for.
        Specified by:
        check in class SkriptEvent
        true if this is SkriptEvent is represented by the Bukkit Event or false if not
      • -
      • -


        public String toString(@Nullable org.bukkit.event.Event e, - boolean debug)
        e - The event to get information to. This is always null if debug == false.
        debug - If true this should print more information, if false this should print what is shown to the end user
        String representation of this object
      • -
    • -
    - -
    - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/events/EvtBookSign.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/events/EvtBookSign.html deleted file mode 100644 index 283fb76b45..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/events/EvtBookSign.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,246 +0,0 @@ - - - - -EvtBookSign (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -
    - -
    - -

    Class EvtBookSign

    - -
    All Implemented Interfaces:
    Debuggable, SyntaxElement
    public class EvtBookSign -extends SkriptEvent
    - -
      - -
    • -

      Constructor Details

      • -


        public EvtBookSign()
      • -
    • - -
    • -

      Method Details

      • -


        public boolean init(Literal<?>[] args, - int matchedPattern, - SkriptParser.ParseResult parseResult)
        Description copied from class: SkriptEvent
        Called just after the constructor
        Specified by:
        init in class SkriptEvent
      • -
      • -


        public boolean check(org.bukkit.event.Event e)
        Description copied from class: SkriptEvent
        Checks whether the given Event applies, e.g. the leftclick event is only part of the PlayerInteractEvent, and this checks whether the player leftclicked or not. This method - will only be called for events this SkriptEvent is registered for.
        Specified by:
        check in class SkriptEvent
        true if this is SkriptEvent is represented by the Bukkit Event or false if not
      • -
      • -


        public String toString(@Nullable org.bukkit.event.Event e, - boolean debug)
        e - The event to get information to. This is always null if debug == false.
        debug - If true this should print more information, if false this should print what is shown to the end user
        String representation of this object
      • -
    • -
    - -
    - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/events/EvtClick.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/events/EvtClick.html deleted file mode 100644 index 01870c6eeb..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/events/EvtClick.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,272 +0,0 @@ - - - - -EvtClick (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -
    - -
    - -

    Class EvtClick

    - -
    All Implemented Interfaces:
    Debuggable, SyntaxElement
    public class EvtClick -extends SkriptEvent
    - -
      - -
    • -

      Field Details

      • -


        public static final ClickEventTracker interactTracker
        Tracks PlayerInteractEvents to deduplicate them.
      • -
    • - -
    • -

      Constructor Details

      • -


        public EvtClick()
      • -
    • - -
    • -

      Method Details

      • -


        public boolean init(Literal<?>[] args, - int matchedPattern, - SkriptParser.ParseResult parseResult)
        Description copied from class: SkriptEvent
        Called just after the constructor
        Specified by:
        init in class SkriptEvent
      • -
      • -


        public boolean check(org.bukkit.event.Event event)
        Description copied from class: SkriptEvent
        Checks whether the given Event applies, e.g. the leftclick event is only part of the PlayerInteractEvent, and this checks whether the player leftclicked or not. This method - will only be called for events this SkriptEvent is registered for.
        Specified by:
        check in class SkriptEvent
        true if this is SkriptEvent is represented by the Bukkit Event or false if not
      • -
      • -


        public String toString(@Nullable org.bukkit.event.Event e, - boolean debug)
        e - The event to get information to. This is always null if debug == false.
        debug - If true this should print more information, if false this should print what is shown to the end user
        String representation of this object
      • -
    • -
    - -
    - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/events/EvtCommand.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/events/EvtCommand.html deleted file mode 100644 index d5348058da..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/events/EvtCommand.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,246 +0,0 @@ - - - - -EvtCommand (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -
    - -
    - -

    Class EvtCommand

    - -
    All Implemented Interfaces:
    Debuggable, SyntaxElement
    public class EvtCommand -extends SkriptEvent
    - -
      - -
    • -

      Constructor Details

      • -


        public EvtCommand()
      • -
    • - -
    • -

      Method Details

      • -


        public boolean init(Literal<?>[] args, - int matchedPattern, - SkriptParser.ParseResult parser)
        Description copied from class: SkriptEvent
        Called just after the constructor
        Specified by:
        init in class SkriptEvent
      • -
      • -


        public boolean check(org.bukkit.event.Event e)
        Description copied from class: SkriptEvent
        Checks whether the given Event applies, e.g. the leftclick event is only part of the PlayerInteractEvent, and this checks whether the player leftclicked or not. This method - will only be called for events this SkriptEvent is registered for.
        Specified by:
        check in class SkriptEvent
        true if this is SkriptEvent is represented by the Bukkit Event or false if not
      • -
      • -


        public String toString(@Nullable org.bukkit.event.Event e, - boolean debug)
        e - The event to get information to. This is always null if debug == false.
        debug - If true this should print more information, if false this should print what is shown to the end user
        String representation of this object
      • -
    • -
    - -
    - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/events/EvtDamage.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/events/EvtDamage.html deleted file mode 100644 index 4ab633c06f..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/events/EvtDamage.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,246 +0,0 @@ - - - - -EvtDamage (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -
    - -
    - -

    Class EvtDamage

    - -
    All Implemented Interfaces:
    Debuggable, SyntaxElement
    public class EvtDamage -extends SkriptEvent
    - -
      - -
    • -

      Constructor Details

      • -


        public EvtDamage()
      • -
    • - -
    • -

      Method Details

      • -


        public boolean init(Literal<?>[] args, - int matchedPattern, - SkriptParser.ParseResult parser)
        Description copied from class: SkriptEvent
        Called just after the constructor
        Specified by:
        init in class SkriptEvent
      • -
      • -


        public boolean check(org.bukkit.event.Event evt)
        Description copied from class: SkriptEvent
        Checks whether the given Event applies, e.g. the leftclick event is only part of the PlayerInteractEvent, and this checks whether the player leftclicked or not. This method - will only be called for events this SkriptEvent is registered for.
        Specified by:
        check in class SkriptEvent
        true if this is SkriptEvent is represented by the Bukkit Event or false if not
      • -
      • -


        public String toString(@Nullable org.bukkit.event.Event e, - boolean debug)
        e - The event to get information to. This is always null if debug == false.
        debug - If true this should print more information, if false this should print what is shown to the end user
        String representation of this object
      • -
    • -
    - -
    - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/events/EvtEntity.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/events/EvtEntity.html deleted file mode 100644 index 2c9d88979f..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/events/EvtEntity.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,246 +0,0 @@ - - - - -EvtEntity (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -
    - -
    - -

    Class EvtEntity

    - -
    All Implemented Interfaces:
    Debuggable, SyntaxElement
    public final class EvtEntity -extends SkriptEvent
    - -
      - -
    • -

      Constructor Details

      • -


        public EvtEntity()
      • -
    • - -
    • -

      Method Details

      • -


        public boolean init(Literal<?>[] args, - int matchedPattern, - SkriptParser.ParseResult parser)
        Description copied from class: SkriptEvent
        Called just after the constructor
        Specified by:
        init in class SkriptEvent
      • -
      • -


        public boolean check(org.bukkit.event.Event e)
        Description copied from class: SkriptEvent
        Checks whether the given Event applies, e.g. the leftclick event is only part of the PlayerInteractEvent, and this checks whether the player leftclicked or not. This method - will only be called for events this SkriptEvent is registered for.
        Specified by:
        check in class SkriptEvent
        true if this is SkriptEvent is represented by the Bukkit Event or false if not
      • -
      • -


        public String toString(@Nullable org.bukkit.event.Event e, - boolean debug)
        e - The event to get information to. This is always null if debug == false.
        debug - If true this should print more information, if false this should print what is shown to the end user
        String representation of this object
      • -
    • -
    - -
    - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/events/EvtEntityBlockChange.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/events/EvtEntityBlockChange.html deleted file mode 100644 index 9430431dfc..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/events/EvtEntityBlockChange.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,246 +0,0 @@ - - - - -EvtEntityBlockChange (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -
    - -
    - -

    Class EvtEntityBlockChange

    - -
    All Implemented Interfaces:
    Debuggable, SyntaxElement
    public class EvtEntityBlockChange -extends SkriptEvent
    - -
      - -
    • -

      Constructor Details

      • -


        public EvtEntityBlockChange()
      • -
    • - -
    • -

      Method Details

      • -


        public boolean init(Literal<?>[] args, - int matchedPattern, - SkriptParser.ParseResult parser)
        Description copied from class: SkriptEvent
        Called just after the constructor
        Specified by:
        init in class SkriptEvent
      • -
      • -


        public boolean check(org.bukkit.event.Event event)
        Description copied from class: SkriptEvent
        Checks whether the given Event applies, e.g. the leftclick event is only part of the PlayerInteractEvent, and this checks whether the player leftclicked or not. This method - will only be called for events this SkriptEvent is registered for.
        Specified by:
        check in class SkriptEvent
        true if this is SkriptEvent is represented by the Bukkit Event or false if not
      • -
      • -


        public String toString(@Nullable org.bukkit.event.Event event, - boolean debug)
        event - The event to get information to. This is always null if debug == false.
        debug - If true this should print more information, if false this should print what is shown to the end user
        String representation of this object
      • -
    • -
    - -
    - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/events/EvtEntityTarget.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/events/EvtEntityTarget.html deleted file mode 100644 index 6fbc28f55f..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/events/EvtEntityTarget.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,246 +0,0 @@ - - - - -EvtEntityTarget (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -
    - -
    - -

    Class EvtEntityTarget

    - -
    All Implemented Interfaces:
    Debuggable, SyntaxElement
    public class EvtEntityTarget -extends SkriptEvent
    - -
      - -
    • -

      Constructor Details

      • -


        public EvtEntityTarget()
      • -
    • - -
    • -

      Method Details

      • -


        public boolean init(Literal<?>[] args, - int matchedPattern, - SkriptParser.ParseResult parser)
        Description copied from class: SkriptEvent
        Called just after the constructor
        Specified by:
        init in class SkriptEvent
      • -
      • -


        public boolean check(org.bukkit.event.Event e)
        Description copied from class: SkriptEvent
        Checks whether the given Event applies, e.g. the leftclick event is only part of the PlayerInteractEvent, and this checks whether the player leftclicked or not. This method - will only be called for events this SkriptEvent is registered for.
        Specified by:
        check in class SkriptEvent
        true if this is SkriptEvent is represented by the Bukkit Event or false if not
      • -
      • -


        public String toString(@Nullable org.bukkit.event.Event e, - boolean debug)
        e - The event to get information to. This is always null if debug == false.
        debug - If true this should print more information, if false this should print what is shown to the end user
        String representation of this object
      • -
    • -
    - -
    - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/events/EvtExperienceChange.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/events/EvtExperienceChange.html deleted file mode 100644 index ee538e18f8..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/events/EvtExperienceChange.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,246 +0,0 @@ - - - - -EvtExperienceChange (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -
    - -
    - -

    Class EvtExperienceChange

    - -
    All Implemented Interfaces:
    Debuggable, SyntaxElement
    public class EvtExperienceChange -extends SkriptEvent
    - -
      - -
    • -

      Constructor Details

      • -


        public EvtExperienceChange()
      • -
    • - -
    • -

      Method Details

      • -


        public boolean init(Literal<?>[] args, - int matchedPattern, - SkriptParser.ParseResult parseResult)
        Description copied from class: SkriptEvent
        Called just after the constructor
        Specified by:
        init in class SkriptEvent
      • -
      • -


        public boolean check(org.bukkit.event.Event event)
        Description copied from class: SkriptEvent
        Checks whether the given Event applies, e.g. the leftclick event is only part of the PlayerInteractEvent, and this checks whether the player leftclicked or not. This method - will only be called for events this SkriptEvent is registered for.
        Specified by:
        check in class SkriptEvent
        true if this is SkriptEvent is represented by the Bukkit Event or false if not
      • -
      • -


        public String toString(@Nullable org.bukkit.event.Event event, - boolean debug)
        event - The event to get information to. This is always null if debug == false.
        debug - If true this should print more information, if false this should print what is shown to the end user
        String representation of this object
      • -
    • -
    - -
    - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/events/EvtExperienceSpawn.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/events/EvtExperienceSpawn.html deleted file mode 100644 index 0be418c6c3..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/events/EvtExperienceSpawn.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,299 +0,0 @@ - - - - -EvtExperienceSpawn (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -
    - -
    - -

    Class EvtExperienceSpawn

    - -
    All Implemented Interfaces:
    Debuggable, SyntaxElement
    public class EvtExperienceSpawn -extends SkriptEvent
    - -
      - -
    • -

      Constructor Details

      • -


        public EvtExperienceSpawn()
      • -
    • - -
    • -

      Method Details

      • -


        public boolean init(Literal<?>[] args, - int matchedPattern, - SkriptParser.ParseResult parseResult)
        Description copied from class: SkriptEvent
        Called just after the constructor
        Specified by:
        init in class SkriptEvent
      • -
      • -


        public boolean postLoad()
        Description copied from class: SkriptEvent
        This method handles the registration of this event with Skript and Bukkit. - Only override this method if you know what you are doing!
        postLoad in class SkriptEvent
        Whether postLoading was successful. An error should be printed prior to returning false to specify the cause.
      • -
      • -


        public void unload()
        Description copied from class: SkriptEvent
        This method handles the unregistration of this event with Skript and Bukkit. - Only override this method if you know what you are doing!
        unload in class SkriptEvent
      • -
      • -


        public boolean check(org.bukkit.event.Event event)
        Description copied from class: SkriptEvent
        Checks whether the given Event applies, e.g. the leftclick event is only part of the PlayerInteractEvent, and this checks whether the player leftclicked or not. This method - will only be called for events this SkriptEvent is registered for.
        Specified by:
        check in class SkriptEvent
        true if this is SkriptEvent is represented by the Bukkit Event or false if not
      • -
      • -


        public boolean isEventPrioritySupported()
        isEventPrioritySupported in class SkriptEvent
        whether this SkriptEvent supports event priorities
      • -
      • -


        public String toString(@Nullable org.bukkit.event.Event event, - boolean debug)
        event - The event to get information to. This is always null if debug == false.
        debug - If true this should print more information, if false this should print what is shown to the end user
        String representation of this object
      • -
    • -
    - -
    - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/events/EvtFirework.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/events/EvtFirework.html deleted file mode 100644 index 09eb09eeec..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/events/EvtFirework.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,246 +0,0 @@ - - - - -EvtFirework (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -
    - -
    - -

    Class EvtFirework

    - -
    All Implemented Interfaces:
    Debuggable, SyntaxElement
    public class EvtFirework -extends SkriptEvent
    - -
      - -
    • -

      Constructor Details

      • -


        public EvtFirework()
      • -
    • - -
    • -

      Method Details

      • -


        public boolean init(Literal<?>[] args, - int matchedPattern, - SkriptParser.ParseResult parseResult)
        Description copied from class: SkriptEvent
        Called just after the constructor
        Specified by:
        init in class SkriptEvent
      • -
      • -


        public boolean check(org.bukkit.event.Event e)
        Description copied from class: SkriptEvent
        Checks whether the given Event applies, e.g. the leftclick event is only part of the PlayerInteractEvent, and this checks whether the player leftclicked or not. This method - will only be called for events this SkriptEvent is registered for.
        Specified by:
        check in class SkriptEvent
        true if this is SkriptEvent is represented by the Bukkit Event or false if not
      • -
      • -


        public String toString(@Nullable org.bukkit.event.Event e, - boolean debug)
        e - The event to get information to. This is always null if debug == false.
        debug - If true this should print more information, if false this should print what is shown to the end user
        String representation of this object
      • -
    • -
    - -
    - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/events/EvtFirstJoin.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/events/EvtFirstJoin.html deleted file mode 100644 index 994a53c8bc..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/events/EvtFirstJoin.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,246 +0,0 @@ - - - - -EvtFirstJoin (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -
    - -
    - -

    Class EvtFirstJoin

    - -
    All Implemented Interfaces:
    Debuggable, SyntaxElement
    public class EvtFirstJoin -extends SkriptEvent
    - -
      - -
    • -

      Constructor Details

      • -


        public EvtFirstJoin()
      • -
    • - -
    • -

      Method Details

      • -


        public boolean init(Literal<?>[] args, - int matchedPattern, - SkriptParser.ParseResult parser)
        Description copied from class: SkriptEvent
        Called just after the constructor
        Specified by:
        init in class SkriptEvent
      • -
      • -


        public boolean check(org.bukkit.event.Event e)
        Description copied from class: SkriptEvent
        Checks whether the given Event applies, e.g. the leftclick event is only part of the PlayerInteractEvent, and this checks whether the player leftclicked or not. This method - will only be called for events this SkriptEvent is registered for.
        Specified by:
        check in class SkriptEvent
        true if this is SkriptEvent is represented by the Bukkit Event or false if not
      • -
      • -


        public String toString(@Nullable org.bukkit.event.Event e, - boolean debug)
        e - The event to get information to. This is always null if debug == false.
        debug - If true this should print more information, if false this should print what is shown to the end user
        String representation of this object
      • -
    • -
    - -
    - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/events/EvtGameMode.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/events/EvtGameMode.html deleted file mode 100644 index 99e5519200..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/events/EvtGameMode.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,246 +0,0 @@ - - - - -EvtGameMode (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -
    - -
    - -

    Class EvtGameMode

    - -
    All Implemented Interfaces:
    Debuggable, SyntaxElement
    public final class EvtGameMode -extends SkriptEvent
    - -
      - -
    • -

      Constructor Details

      • -


        public EvtGameMode()
      • -
    • - -
    • -

      Method Details

      • -


        public boolean init(Literal<?>[] args, - int matchedPattern, - SkriptParser.ParseResult parser)
        Description copied from class: SkriptEvent
        Called just after the constructor
        Specified by:
        init in class SkriptEvent
      • -
      • -


        public boolean check(org.bukkit.event.Event e)
        Description copied from class: SkriptEvent
        Checks whether the given Event applies, e.g. the leftclick event is only part of the PlayerInteractEvent, and this checks whether the player leftclicked or not. This method - will only be called for events this SkriptEvent is registered for.
        Specified by:
        check in class SkriptEvent
        true if this is SkriptEvent is represented by the Bukkit Event or false if not
      • -
      • -


        public String toString(@Nullable org.bukkit.event.Event e, - boolean debug)
        e - The event to get information to. This is always null if debug == false.
        debug - If true this should print more information, if false this should print what is shown to the end user
        String representation of this object
      • -
    • -
    - -
    - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/events/EvtGrow.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/events/EvtGrow.html deleted file mode 100644 index eac2ae01ed..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/events/EvtGrow.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,332 +0,0 @@ - - - - -EvtGrow (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -
    - -
    - -

    Class EvtGrow

    - -
    All Implemented Interfaces:
    Debuggable, SyntaxElement
    public class EvtGrow -extends SkriptEvent
    - -
      - -
    • -

      Field Details

      • -


        public static final int ANY
        Growth event restriction. - - ANY means any grow event goes. - - Structure/block restrict for structure/block grow events only.
        See Also:
        - -
      • -
      • -


        public static final int STRUCTURE
        Growth event restriction. - - ANY means any grow event goes. - - Structure/block restrict for structure/block grow events only.
        See Also:
        - -
      • -
      • -


        public static final int BLOCK
        Growth event restriction. - - ANY means any grow event goes. - - Structure/block restrict for structure/block grow events only.
        See Also:
        - -
      • -
    • - -
    • -

      Constructor Details

      • -


        public EvtGrow()
      • -
    • - -
    • -

      Method Details

      • -


        public boolean init(Literal<?>[] args, - int matchedPattern, - SkriptParser.ParseResult parser)
        Description copied from class: SkriptEvent
        Called just after the constructor
        Specified by:
        init in class SkriptEvent
      • -
      • -


        public boolean check(org.bukkit.event.Event e)
        Description copied from class: SkriptEvent
        Checks whether the given Event applies, e.g. the leftclick event is only part of the PlayerInteractEvent, and this checks whether the player leftclicked or not. This method - will only be called for events this SkriptEvent is registered for.
        Specified by:
        check in class SkriptEvent
        true if this is SkriptEvent is represented by the Bukkit Event or false if not
      • -
      • -


        public String toString(@Nullable org.bukkit.event.Event e, - boolean debug)
        e - The event to get information to. This is always null if debug == false.
        debug - If true this should print more information, if false this should print what is shown to the end user
        String representation of this object
      • -
    • -
    - -
    - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/events/EvtItem.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/events/EvtItem.html deleted file mode 100644 index 591eb155ab..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/events/EvtItem.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,246 +0,0 @@ - - - - -EvtItem (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -
    - -
    - -

    Class EvtItem

    - -
    All Implemented Interfaces:
    Debuggable, SyntaxElement
    public class EvtItem -extends SkriptEvent
    - -
      - -
    • -

      Constructor Details

      • -


        public EvtItem()
      • -
    • - -
    • -

      Method Details

      • -


        public boolean init(Literal<?>[] args, - int matchedPattern, - SkriptParser.ParseResult parser)
        Description copied from class: SkriptEvent
        Called just after the constructor
        Specified by:
        init in class SkriptEvent
      • -
      • -


        public boolean check(org.bukkit.event.Event event)
        Description copied from class: SkriptEvent
        Checks whether the given Event applies, e.g. the leftclick event is only part of the PlayerInteractEvent, and this checks whether the player leftclicked or not. This method - will only be called for events this SkriptEvent is registered for.
        Specified by:
        check in class SkriptEvent
        true if this is SkriptEvent is represented by the Bukkit Event or false if not
      • -
      • -


        public String toString(@Nullable org.bukkit.event.Event event, - boolean debug)
        event - The event to get information to. This is always null if debug == false.
        debug - If true this should print more information, if false this should print what is shown to the end user
        String representation of this object
      • -
    • -
    - -
    - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/events/EvtLevel.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/events/EvtLevel.html deleted file mode 100644 index 8ec807a6a8..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/events/EvtLevel.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,246 +0,0 @@ - - - - -EvtLevel (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -
    - -
    - -

    Class EvtLevel

    - -
    All Implemented Interfaces:
    Debuggable, SyntaxElement
    public class EvtLevel -extends SkriptEvent
    - -
      - -
    • -

      Constructor Details

      • -


        public EvtLevel()
      • -
    • - -
    • -

      Method Details

      • -


        public boolean init(Literal<?>[] args, - int matchedPattern, - SkriptParser.ParseResult parseResult)
        Description copied from class: SkriptEvent
        Called just after the constructor
        Specified by:
        init in class SkriptEvent
      • -
      • -


        public boolean check(org.bukkit.event.Event e)
        Description copied from class: SkriptEvent
        Checks whether the given Event applies, e.g. the leftclick event is only part of the PlayerInteractEvent, and this checks whether the player leftclicked or not. This method - will only be called for events this SkriptEvent is registered for.
        Specified by:
        check in class SkriptEvent
        true if this is SkriptEvent is represented by the Bukkit Event or false if not
      • -
      • -


        public String toString(@Nullable org.bukkit.event.Event e, - boolean debug)
        e - The event to get information to. This is always null if debug == false.
        debug - If true this should print more information, if false this should print what is shown to the end user
        String representation of this object
      • -
    • -
    - -
    - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/events/EvtMove.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/events/EvtMove.html deleted file mode 100644 index 2b1aa3b06f..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/events/EvtMove.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,261 +0,0 @@ - - - - -EvtMove (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -
    - -
    - -

    Class EvtMove

    - -
    All Implemented Interfaces:
    Debuggable, SyntaxElement
    public class EvtMove -extends SkriptEvent
    - -
      - -
    • -

      Constructor Details

      • -


        public EvtMove()
      • -
    • - -
    • -

      Method Details

      • -


        public boolean init(Literal<?>[] args, - int matchedPattern, - SkriptParser.ParseResult parseResult)
        Description copied from class: SkriptEvent
        Called just after the constructor
        Specified by:
        init in class SkriptEvent
      • -
      • -


        public boolean check(org.bukkit.event.Event event)
        Description copied from class: SkriptEvent
        Checks whether the given Event applies, e.g. the leftclick event is only part of the PlayerInteractEvent, and this checks whether the player leftclicked or not. This method - will only be called for events this SkriptEvent is registered for.
        Specified by:
        check in class SkriptEvent
        true if this is SkriptEvent is represented by the Bukkit Event or false if not
      • -
      • -


        public @Nullable Class<? extends org.bukkit.event.Event>[] getEventClasses()
        getEventClasses in class SkriptEvent
        the Event classes to use in ParserInstance.
      • -
      • -


        public String toString(@Nullable org.bukkit.event.Event e, - boolean debug)
        e - The event to get information to. This is always null if debug == false.
        debug - If true this should print more information, if false this should print what is shown to the end user
        String representation of this object
      • -
    • -
    - -
    - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/events/EvtMoveOn.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/events/EvtMoveOn.html deleted file mode 100644 index fa0797757a..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/events/EvtMoveOn.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,299 +0,0 @@ - - - - -EvtMoveOn (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -
    - -
    - -

    Class EvtMoveOn

    - -
    All Implemented Interfaces:
    Debuggable, SyntaxElement
    public class EvtMoveOn -extends SkriptEvent
    - -
      - -
    • -

      Constructor Details

      • -


        public EvtMoveOn()
      • -
    • - -
    • -

      Method Details

      • -


        public boolean init(Literal<?>[] args, - int matchedPattern, - SkriptParser.ParseResult parseResult)
        Description copied from class: SkriptEvent
        Called just after the constructor
        Specified by:
        init in class SkriptEvent
      • -
      • -


        public boolean postLoad()
        Description copied from class: SkriptEvent
        This method handles the registration of this event with Skript and Bukkit. - Only override this method if you know what you are doing!
        postLoad in class SkriptEvent
        Whether postLoading was successful. An error should be printed prior to returning false to specify the cause.
      • -
      • -


        public void unload()
        Description copied from class: SkriptEvent
        This method handles the unregistration of this event with Skript and Bukkit. - Only override this method if you know what you are doing!
        unload in class SkriptEvent
      • -
      • -


        public boolean check(org.bukkit.event.Event event)
        Description copied from class: SkriptEvent
        Checks whether the given Event applies, e.g. the leftclick event is only part of the PlayerInteractEvent, and this checks whether the player leftclicked or not. This method - will only be called for events this SkriptEvent is registered for.
        Specified by:
        check in class SkriptEvent
        true if this is SkriptEvent is represented by the Bukkit Event or false if not
      • -
      • -


        public boolean isEventPrioritySupported()
        isEventPrioritySupported in class SkriptEvent
        whether this SkriptEvent supports event priorities
      • -
      • -


        public String toString(@Nullable org.bukkit.event.Event event, - boolean debug)
        event - The event to get information to. This is always null if debug == false.
        debug - If true this should print more information, if false this should print what is shown to the end user
        String representation of this object
      • -
    • -
    - -
    - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/events/EvtPeriodical.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/events/EvtPeriodical.html deleted file mode 100644 index 6974ac552e..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/events/EvtPeriodical.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,299 +0,0 @@ - - - - -EvtPeriodical (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -
    - -
    - -

    Class EvtPeriodical

    - -
    All Implemented Interfaces:
    Debuggable, SyntaxElement
    public class EvtPeriodical -extends SkriptEvent
    - -
      - -
    • -

      Constructor Details

      • -


        public EvtPeriodical()
      • -
    • - -
    • -

      Method Details

      • -


        public boolean init(Literal<?>[] args, - int matchedPattern, - SkriptParser.ParseResult parseResult)
        Description copied from class: SkriptEvent
        Called just after the constructor
        Specified by:
        init in class SkriptEvent
      • -
      • -


        public boolean postLoad()
        Description copied from class: SkriptEvent
        This method handles the registration of this event with Skript and Bukkit. - Only override this method if you know what you are doing!
        postLoad in class SkriptEvent
        Whether postLoading was successful. An error should be printed prior to returning false to specify the cause.
      • -
      • -


        public void unload()
        Description copied from class: SkriptEvent
        This method handles the unregistration of this event with Skript and Bukkit. - Only override this method if you know what you are doing!
        unload in class SkriptEvent
      • -
      • -


        public boolean check(org.bukkit.event.Event event)
        Description copied from class: SkriptEvent
        Checks whether the given Event applies, e.g. the leftclick event is only part of the PlayerInteractEvent, and this checks whether the player leftclicked or not. This method - will only be called for events this SkriptEvent is registered for.
        Specified by:
        check in class SkriptEvent
        true if this is SkriptEvent is represented by the Bukkit Event or false if not
      • -
      • -


        public boolean isEventPrioritySupported()
        isEventPrioritySupported in class SkriptEvent
        whether this SkriptEvent supports event priorities
      • -
      • -


        public String toString(@Nullable org.bukkit.event.Event event, - boolean debug)
        event - The event to get information to. This is always null if debug == false.
        debug - If true this should print more information, if false this should print what is shown to the end user
        String representation of this object
      • -
    • -
    - -
    - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/events/EvtPlantGrowth.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/events/EvtPlantGrowth.html deleted file mode 100644 index b547e61c05..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/events/EvtPlantGrowth.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,246 +0,0 @@ - - - - -EvtPlantGrowth (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -
    - -
    - -

    Class EvtPlantGrowth

    - -
    All Implemented Interfaces:
    Debuggable, SyntaxElement
    public class EvtPlantGrowth -extends SkriptEvent
    - -
      - -
    • -

      Constructor Details

      • -


        public EvtPlantGrowth()
      • -
    • - -
    • -

      Method Details

      • -


        public boolean init(Literal<?>[] args, - int matchedPattern, - SkriptParser.ParseResult parseResult)
        Description copied from class: SkriptEvent
        Called just after the constructor
        Specified by:
        init in class SkriptEvent
      • -
      • -


        public boolean check(org.bukkit.event.Event e)
        Description copied from class: SkriptEvent
        Checks whether the given Event applies, e.g. the leftclick event is only part of the PlayerInteractEvent, and this checks whether the player leftclicked or not. This method - will only be called for events this SkriptEvent is registered for.
        Specified by:
        check in class SkriptEvent
        true if this is SkriptEvent is represented by the Bukkit Event or false if not
      • -
      • -


        public String toString(@Nullable org.bukkit.event.Event e, - boolean debug)
        e - The event to get information to. This is always null if debug == false.
        debug - If true this should print more information, if false this should print what is shown to the end user
        String representation of this object
      • -
    • -
    - -
    - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/events/EvtPlayerChunkEnter.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/events/EvtPlayerChunkEnter.html deleted file mode 100644 index 36238dd24f..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/events/EvtPlayerChunkEnter.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,246 +0,0 @@ - - - - -EvtPlayerChunkEnter (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -
    - -
    - -

    Class EvtPlayerChunkEnter

    - -
    All Implemented Interfaces:
    Debuggable, SyntaxElement
    public class EvtPlayerChunkEnter -extends SkriptEvent
    - -
      - -
    • -

      Constructor Details

      • -


        public EvtPlayerChunkEnter()
      • -
    • - -
    • -

      Method Details

      • -


        public boolean init(Literal<?>[] args, - int matchedPattern, - SkriptParser.ParseResult parseResult)
        Description copied from class: SkriptEvent
        Called just after the constructor
        Specified by:
        init in class SkriptEvent
      • -
      • -


        public boolean check(org.bukkit.event.Event event)
        Description copied from class: SkriptEvent
        Checks whether the given Event applies, e.g. the leftclick event is only part of the PlayerInteractEvent, and this checks whether the player leftclicked or not. This method - will only be called for events this SkriptEvent is registered for.
        Specified by:
        check in class SkriptEvent
        true if this is SkriptEvent is represented by the Bukkit Event or false if not
      • -
      • -


        public String toString(@Nullable org.bukkit.event.Event event, - boolean debug)
        event - The event to get information to. This is always null if debug == false.
        debug - If true this should print more information, if false this should print what is shown to the end user
        String representation of this object
      • -
    • -
    - -
    - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/events/EvtPressurePlate.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/events/EvtPressurePlate.html deleted file mode 100644 index 0ec4e57b76..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/events/EvtPressurePlate.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,246 +0,0 @@ - - - - -EvtPressurePlate (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -
    - -
    - -

    Class EvtPressurePlate

    - -
    All Implemented Interfaces:
    Debuggable, SyntaxElement
    public class EvtPressurePlate -extends SkriptEvent
    - -
      - -
    • -

      Constructor Details

      • -


        public EvtPressurePlate()
      • -
    • - -
    • -

      Method Details

      • -


        public boolean init(Literal<?>[] args, - int matchedPattern, - SkriptParser.ParseResult parser)
        Description copied from class: SkriptEvent
        Called just after the constructor
        Specified by:
        init in class SkriptEvent
      • -
      • -


        public boolean check(org.bukkit.event.Event e)
        Description copied from class: SkriptEvent
        Checks whether the given Event applies, e.g. the leftclick event is only part of the PlayerInteractEvent, and this checks whether the player leftclicked or not. This method - will only be called for events this SkriptEvent is registered for.
        Specified by:
        check in class SkriptEvent
        true if this is SkriptEvent is represented by the Bukkit Event or false if not
      • -
      • -


        public String toString(@Nullable org.bukkit.event.Event e, - boolean debug)
        e - The event to get information to. This is always null if debug == false.
        debug - If true this should print more information, if false this should print what is shown to the end user
        String representation of this object
      • -
    • -
    - -
    - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/events/EvtResourcePackResponse.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/events/EvtResourcePackResponse.html deleted file mode 100644 index 59e0e79524..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/events/EvtResourcePackResponse.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,246 +0,0 @@ - - - - -EvtResourcePackResponse (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -
    - -
    - -

    Class EvtResourcePackResponse

    - -
    All Implemented Interfaces:
    Debuggable, SyntaxElement
    public class EvtResourcePackResponse -extends SkriptEvent
    - -
      - -
    • -

      Constructor Details

      • -


        public EvtResourcePackResponse()
      • -
    • - -
    • -

      Method Details

      • -


        public boolean init(Literal<?>[] args, - int matchedPattern, - SkriptParser.ParseResult parser)
        Description copied from class: SkriptEvent
        Called just after the constructor
        Specified by:
        init in class SkriptEvent
      • -
      • -


        public boolean check(org.bukkit.event.Event e)
        Description copied from class: SkriptEvent
        Checks whether the given Event applies, e.g. the leftclick event is only part of the PlayerInteractEvent, and this checks whether the player leftclicked or not. This method - will only be called for events this SkriptEvent is registered for.
        Specified by:
        check in class SkriptEvent
        true if this is SkriptEvent is represented by the Bukkit Event or false if not
      • -
      • -


        public String toString(@Nullable org.bukkit.event.Event e, - boolean debug)
        e - The event to get information to. This is always null if debug == false.
        debug - If true this should print more information, if false this should print what is shown to the end user
        String representation of this object
      • -
    • -
    - -
    - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/events/EvtScript.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/events/EvtScript.html deleted file mode 100644 index 1c42df18ef..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/events/EvtScript.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,299 +0,0 @@ - - - - -EvtScript (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -
    - -
    - -

    Class EvtScript

    - -
    All Implemented Interfaces:
    Debuggable, SyntaxElement
    public class EvtScript -extends SkriptEvent
    - -
      - -
    • -

      Constructor Details

      • -


        public EvtScript()
      • -
    • - -
    • -

      Method Details

      • -


        public boolean init(Literal<?>[] args, - int matchedPattern, - SkriptParser.ParseResult parseResult)
        Description copied from class: SkriptEvent
        Called just after the constructor
        Specified by:
        init in class SkriptEvent
      • -
      • -


        public boolean postLoad()
        Description copied from class: SkriptEvent
        This method handles the registration of this event with Skript and Bukkit. - Only override this method if you know what you are doing!
        postLoad in class SkriptEvent
        Whether postLoading was successful. An error should be printed prior to returning false to specify the cause.
      • -
      • -


        public void unload()
        Description copied from class: SkriptEvent
        This method handles the unregistration of this event with Skript and Bukkit. - Only override this method if you know what you are doing!
        unload in class SkriptEvent
      • -
      • -


        public boolean check(org.bukkit.event.Event event)
        Description copied from class: SkriptEvent
        Checks whether the given Event applies, e.g. the leftclick event is only part of the PlayerInteractEvent, and this checks whether the player leftclicked or not. This method - will only be called for events this SkriptEvent is registered for.
        Specified by:
        check in class SkriptEvent
        true if this is SkriptEvent is represented by the Bukkit Event or false if not
      • -
      • -


        public boolean isEventPrioritySupported()
        isEventPrioritySupported in class SkriptEvent
        whether this SkriptEvent supports event priorities
      • -
      • -


        public String toString(@Nullable org.bukkit.event.Event event, - boolean debug)
        event - The event to get information to. This is always null if debug == false.
        debug - If true this should print more information, if false this should print what is shown to the end user
        String representation of this object
      • -
    • -
    - -
    - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/events/EvtSkript.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/events/EvtSkript.html deleted file mode 100644 index 0fce43913f..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/events/EvtSkript.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,317 +0,0 @@ - - - - -EvtSkript (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -
    - -
    - -

    Class EvtSkript

    - -
    All Implemented Interfaces:
    Debuggable, SyntaxElement
    public class EvtSkript -extends SkriptEvent
    - -
      - -
    • -

      Constructor Details

      • -


        public EvtSkript()
      • -
    • - -
    • -

      Method Details

      • -


        public static void onSkriptStart()
      • -
      • -


        public static void onSkriptStop()
      • -
      • -


        public boolean init(Literal<?>[] args, - int matchedPattern, - SkriptParser.ParseResult parseResult)
        Description copied from class: SkriptEvent
        Called just after the constructor
        Specified by:
        init in class SkriptEvent
      • -
      • -


        public boolean postLoad()
        Description copied from class: SkriptEvent
        This method handles the registration of this event with Skript and Bukkit. - Only override this method if you know what you are doing!
        postLoad in class SkriptEvent
        Whether postLoading was successful. An error should be printed prior to returning false to specify the cause.
      • -
      • -


        public void unload()
        Description copied from class: SkriptEvent
        This method handles the unregistration of this event with Skript and Bukkit. - Only override this method if you know what you are doing!
        unload in class SkriptEvent
      • -
      • -


        public boolean check(org.bukkit.event.Event event)
        Description copied from class: SkriptEvent
        Checks whether the given Event applies, e.g. the leftclick event is only part of the PlayerInteractEvent, and this checks whether the player leftclicked or not. This method - will only be called for events this SkriptEvent is registered for.
        Specified by:
        check in class SkriptEvent
        true if this is SkriptEvent is represented by the Bukkit Event or false if not
      • -
      • -


        public boolean isEventPrioritySupported()
        isEventPrioritySupported in class SkriptEvent
        whether this SkriptEvent supports event priorities
      • -
      • -


        public String toString(@Nullable org.bukkit.event.Event event, - boolean debug)
        event - The event to get information to. This is always null if debug == false.
        debug - If true this should print more information, if false this should print what is shown to the end user
        String representation of this object
      • -
    • -
    - -
    - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/events/EvtSpectate.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/events/EvtSpectate.html deleted file mode 100644 index a37e807d7a..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/events/EvtSpectate.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,246 +0,0 @@ - - - - -EvtSpectate (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -
    - -
    - -

    Class EvtSpectate

    - -
    All Implemented Interfaces:
    Debuggable, SyntaxElement
    public class EvtSpectate -extends SkriptEvent
    - -
      - -
    • -

      Constructor Details

      • -


        public EvtSpectate()
      • -
    • - -
    • -

      Method Details

      • -


        public boolean init(Literal<?>[] args, - int matchedPattern, - SkriptParser.ParseResult parseResult)
        Description copied from class: SkriptEvent
        Called just after the constructor
        Specified by:
        init in class SkriptEvent
      • -
      • -


        public boolean check(org.bukkit.event.Event event)
        Description copied from class: SkriptEvent
        Checks whether the given Event applies, e.g. the leftclick event is only part of the PlayerInteractEvent, and this checks whether the player leftclicked or not. This method - will only be called for events this SkriptEvent is registered for.
        Specified by:
        check in class SkriptEvent
        true if this is SkriptEvent is represented by the Bukkit Event or false if not
      • -
      • -


        public String toString(@Nullable org.bukkit.event.Event event, - boolean debug)
        event - The event to get information to. This is always null if debug == false.
        debug - If true this should print more information, if false this should print what is shown to the end user
        String representation of this object
      • -
    • -
    - -
    - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/events/EvtWeatherChange.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/events/EvtWeatherChange.html deleted file mode 100644 index 0751351297..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/events/EvtWeatherChange.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,246 +0,0 @@ - - - - -EvtWeatherChange (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -
    - -
    - -

    Class EvtWeatherChange

    - -
    All Implemented Interfaces:
    Debuggable, SyntaxElement
    public class EvtWeatherChange -extends SkriptEvent
    - -
      - -
    • -

      Constructor Details

      • -


        public EvtWeatherChange()
      • -
    • - -
    • -

      Method Details

      • -


        public boolean init(Literal<?>[] args, - int matchedPattern, - SkriptParser.ParseResult parser)
        Description copied from class: SkriptEvent
        Called just after the constructor
        Specified by:
        init in class SkriptEvent
      • -
      • -


        public boolean check(org.bukkit.event.Event e)
        Description copied from class: SkriptEvent
        Checks whether the given Event applies, e.g. the leftclick event is only part of the PlayerInteractEvent, and this checks whether the player leftclicked or not. This method - will only be called for events this SkriptEvent is registered for.
        Specified by:
        check in class SkriptEvent
        true if this is SkriptEvent is represented by the Bukkit Event or false if not
      • -
      • -


        public String toString(@Nullable org.bukkit.event.Event e, - boolean debug)
        e - The event to get information to. This is always null if debug == false.
        debug - If true this should print more information, if false this should print what is shown to the end user
        String representation of this object
      • -
    • -
    - -
    - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/events/SimpleEvents.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/events/SimpleEvents.html deleted file mode 100644 index 0f99e0d0c1..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/events/SimpleEvents.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,127 +0,0 @@ - - - - -SimpleEvents (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -
    - -
    - -

    Class SimpleEvents

    java.lang.Object -
    public class SimpleEvents -extends Object
    - -
      - -
    • -

      Constructor Details

      • -


        public SimpleEvents()
      • -
    • -
    - -
    - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/events/bukkit/ExperienceSpawnEvent.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/events/bukkit/ExperienceSpawnEvent.html deleted file mode 100644 index a0c86a879b..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/events/bukkit/ExperienceSpawnEvent.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,245 +0,0 @@ - - - - -ExperienceSpawnEvent (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -
    - -
    - -

    Class ExperienceSpawnEvent

    java.lang.Object -
    org.bukkit.event.Event -
    All Implemented Interfaces:
    public class ExperienceSpawnEvent -extends org.bukkit.event.Event -implements org.bukkit.event.Cancellable
      - -
    • -

      Nested Class Summary


      Nested classes/interfaces inherited from class org.bukkit.event.Event

    • - -
    • -

      Constructor Summary

      ExperienceSpawnEvent(int exp, - org.bukkit.Location location)
    • - -
    • -

      Method Summary

      Modifier and Type
      static org.bukkit.event.HandlerList
      - -
      - -
      - -
      - -
      - -
      setCancelled(boolean cancel)
      setSpawnedXP(int xp)

      Methods inherited from class org.bukkit.event.Event

      -callEvent, getEventName, isAsynchronous

      Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

      -clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
    • -
      - -
    • -

      Constructor Details

      • -


        public ExperienceSpawnEvent(int exp, - org.bukkit.Location location)
      • -
    • - -
    • -

      Method Details

      • -


        public int getSpawnedXP()
      • -
      • -


        public void setSpawnedXP(int xp)
      • -
      • -


        public org.bukkit.Location getLocation()
      • -
      • -


        public boolean isCancelled()
        Specified by:
        isCancelled in interface org.bukkit.event.Cancellable
      • -
      • -


        public void setCancelled(boolean cancel)
        Specified by:
        setCancelled in interface org.bukkit.event.Cancellable
      • -
      • -


        public org.bukkit.event.HandlerList getHandlers()
        Specified by:
        getHandlers in class org.bukkit.event.Event
      • -
      • -


        public static org.bukkit.event.HandlerList getHandlerList()
      • -
    • -
    - -
    - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/events/bukkit/PreScriptLoadEvent.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/events/bukkit/PreScriptLoadEvent.html deleted file mode 100644 index 6ab07fdcd9..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/events/bukkit/PreScriptLoadEvent.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,196 +0,0 @@ - - - - -PreScriptLoadEvent (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -
    - -
    - -

    Class PreScriptLoadEvent

    java.lang.Object -
    org.bukkit.event.Event -
    public class PreScriptLoadEvent -extends org.bukkit.event.Event
    This event has no guarantee of being on the main thread. - Please do not use bukkit api before checking Bukkit.isPrimaryThread()
      - -
    • -

      Nested Class Summary


      Nested classes/interfaces inherited from class org.bukkit.event.Event

    • - -
    • -

      Constructor Summary

      - -
    • - -
    • -

      Method Summary

      Modifier and Type
      static org.bukkit.event.HandlerList
      - -
      - -
      - - -

      Methods inherited from class org.bukkit.event.Event

      -callEvent, getEventName, isAsynchronous

      Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

      -clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
    • -
      - -
    • -

      Constructor Details

      • -


        public PreScriptLoadEvent(List<Config> scripts)
      • -
    • - -
    • -

      Method Details

      • -


        public org.bukkit.event.HandlerList getHandlers()
        Specified by:
        getHandlers in class org.bukkit.event.Event
      • -
      • -


        public static org.bukkit.event.HandlerList getHandlerList()
      • -
      • -


        public List<Config> getScripts()
      • -
    • -
    - -
    - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/events/bukkit/ScheduledEvent.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/events/bukkit/ScheduledEvent.html deleted file mode 100644 index 3d845fee73..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/events/bukkit/ScheduledEvent.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,198 +0,0 @@ - - - - -ScheduledEvent (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -
    - -
    - -

    Class ScheduledEvent

    java.lang.Object -
    org.bukkit.event.Event -
    Direct Known Subclasses:
    public class ScheduledEvent -extends org.bukkit.event.Event
      - -
    • -

      Nested Class Summary


      Nested classes/interfaces inherited from class org.bukkit.event.Event

    • - -
    • -

      Constructor Summary

      ScheduledEvent(@Nullable org.bukkit.World world)
    • - -
    • -

      Method Summary

      Modifier and Type
      static org.bukkit.event.HandlerList
      - -
      - -
      final @Nullable org.bukkit.World
      - -

      Methods inherited from class org.bukkit.event.Event

      -callEvent, getEventName, isAsynchronous

      Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

      -clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
    • -
      - -
    • -

      Constructor Details

      • -


        public ScheduledEvent(@Nullable org.bukkit.World world)
      • -
    • - -
    • -

      Method Details

      • -


        public final @Nullable org.bukkit.World getWorld()
      • -
      • -


        public org.bukkit.event.HandlerList getHandlers()
        Specified by:
        getHandlers in class org.bukkit.event.Event
      • -
      • -


        public static org.bukkit.event.HandlerList getHandlerList()
      • -
    • -
    - -
    - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/events/bukkit/ScheduledNoWorldEvent.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/events/bukkit/ScheduledNoWorldEvent.html deleted file mode 100644 index fe6c94be4b..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/events/bukkit/ScheduledNoWorldEvent.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,190 +0,0 @@ - - - - -ScheduledNoWorldEvent (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -
    - -
    - -

    Class ScheduledNoWorldEvent

    java.lang.Object -
    org.bukkit.event.Event -
    ch.njol.skript.events.bukkit.ScheduledEvent -
    public class ScheduledNoWorldEvent -extends ScheduledEvent
      - -
    • -

      Nested Class Summary


      Nested classes/interfaces inherited from class org.bukkit.event.Event

    • - -
    • -

      Constructor Summary

      - -
    • - -
    • -

      Method Summary

      Modifier and Type
      static org.bukkit.event.HandlerList
      - -
      - -

      Methods inherited from class ch.njol.skript.events.bukkit.ScheduledEvent


      Methods inherited from class org.bukkit.event.Event

      -callEvent, getEventName, isAsynchronous

      Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

      -clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
    • -
      - -
    • -

      Constructor Details

      • -


        public ScheduledNoWorldEvent()
      • -
    • - -
    • -

      Method Details

      • -


        public org.bukkit.event.HandlerList getHandlers()
        getHandlers in class ScheduledEvent
      • -
      • -


        public static org.bukkit.event.HandlerList getHandlerList()
      • -
    • -
    - -
    - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/events/bukkit/ScriptEvent.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/events/bukkit/ScriptEvent.html deleted file mode 100644 index 4e7006f935..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/events/bukkit/ScriptEvent.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,185 +0,0 @@ - - - - -ScriptEvent (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -
    - -
    - -

    Class ScriptEvent

    java.lang.Object -
    org.bukkit.event.Event -
    public class ScriptEvent -extends org.bukkit.event.Event
      - -
    • -

      Nested Class Summary


      Nested classes/interfaces inherited from class org.bukkit.event.Event

    • - -
    • -

      Constructor Summary

      - -
    • - -
    • -

      Method Summary

      Modifier and Type
      static org.bukkit.event.HandlerList
      - -
      - -

      Methods inherited from class org.bukkit.event.Event

      -callEvent, getEventName, isAsynchronous

      Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

      -clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
    • -
      - -
    • -

      Constructor Details

      • -


        public ScriptEvent()
      • -
    • - -
    • -

      Method Details

      • -


        public org.bukkit.event.HandlerList getHandlers()
        Specified by:
        getHandlers in class org.bukkit.event.Event
      • -
      • -


        public static org.bukkit.event.HandlerList getHandlerList()
      • -
    • -
    - -
    - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/events/bukkit/SkriptParseEvent.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/events/bukkit/SkriptParseEvent.html deleted file mode 100644 index ab1ac0a291..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/events/bukkit/SkriptParseEvent.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,186 +0,0 @@ - - - - -SkriptParseEvent (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -
    - -
    - -

    Class SkriptParseEvent

    java.lang.Object -
    org.bukkit.event.Event -
    public class SkriptParseEvent -extends org.bukkit.event.Event
    Internally used for parsing `parse if` sections
      - -
    • -

      Nested Class Summary


      Nested classes/interfaces inherited from class org.bukkit.event.Event

    • - -
    • -

      Constructor Summary

      - -
    • - -
    • -

      Method Summary

      Modifier and Type
      static org.bukkit.event.HandlerList
      - -
      - -

      Methods inherited from class org.bukkit.event.Event

      -callEvent, getEventName, isAsynchronous

      Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

      -clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
    • -
      - -
    • -

      Constructor Details

      • -


        public SkriptParseEvent()
      • -
    • - -
    • -

      Method Details

      • -


        public org.bukkit.event.HandlerList getHandlers()
        Specified by:
        getHandlers in class org.bukkit.event.Event
      • -
      • -


        public static org.bukkit.event.HandlerList getHandlerList()
      • -
    • -
    - -
    - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/events/bukkit/SkriptStartEvent.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/events/bukkit/SkriptStartEvent.html deleted file mode 100644 index af69677ae5..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/events/bukkit/SkriptStartEvent.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,186 +0,0 @@ - - - - -SkriptStartEvent (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -
    - -
    - -

    Class SkriptStartEvent

    java.lang.Object -
    org.bukkit.event.Event -
    public class SkriptStartEvent -extends org.bukkit.event.Event
    Called when Skript starts (after everything was loaded)
      - -
    • -

      Nested Class Summary


      Nested classes/interfaces inherited from class org.bukkit.event.Event

    • - -
    • -

      Constructor Summary

      - -
    • - -
    • -

      Method Summary

      Modifier and Type
      static org.bukkit.event.HandlerList
      - -
      - -

      Methods inherited from class org.bukkit.event.Event

      -callEvent, getEventName, isAsynchronous

      Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

      -clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
    • -
      - -
    • -

      Constructor Details

      • -


        public SkriptStartEvent()
      • -
    • - -
    • -

      Method Details

      • -


        public org.bukkit.event.HandlerList getHandlers()
        Specified by:
        getHandlers in class org.bukkit.event.Event
      • -
      • -


        public static org.bukkit.event.HandlerList getHandlerList()
      • -
    • -
    - -
    - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/events/bukkit/SkriptStopEvent.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/events/bukkit/SkriptStopEvent.html deleted file mode 100644 index 5ce06dee16..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/events/bukkit/SkriptStopEvent.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,186 +0,0 @@ - - - - -SkriptStopEvent (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -
    - -
    - -

    Class SkriptStopEvent

    java.lang.Object -
    org.bukkit.event.Event -
    public class SkriptStopEvent -extends org.bukkit.event.Event
    Called when Skript stops (before anything is unloaded)
      - -
    • -

      Nested Class Summary


      Nested classes/interfaces inherited from class org.bukkit.event.Event

    • - -
    • -

      Constructor Summary

      - -
    • - -
    • -

      Method Summary

      Modifier and Type
      static org.bukkit.event.HandlerList
      - -
      - -

      Methods inherited from class org.bukkit.event.Event

      -callEvent, getEventName, isAsynchronous

      Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

      -clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
    • -
      - -
    • -

      Constructor Details

      • -


        public SkriptStopEvent()
      • -
    • - -
    • -

      Method Details

      • -


        public org.bukkit.event.HandlerList getHandlers()
        Specified by:
        getHandlers in class org.bukkit.event.Event
      • -
      • -


        public static org.bukkit.event.HandlerList getHandlerList()
      • -
    • -
    - -
    - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/events/bukkit/package-summary.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/events/bukkit/package-summary.html deleted file mode 100644 index ee3970aafa..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/events/bukkit/package-summary.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,121 +0,0 @@ - - - - -ch.njol.skript.events.bukkit (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -

    Package ch.njol.skript.events.bukkit

    @NonNullByDefault({PARAMETER,RETURN_TYPE,FIELD}) -package ch.njol.skript.events.bukkit
    Custom Bukkit events.
    - -
    - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/events/bukkit/package-tree.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/events/bukkit/package-tree.html deleted file mode 100644 index 48c5ff48a8..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/events/bukkit/package-tree.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,85 +0,0 @@ - - - - -ch.njol.skript.events.bukkit Class Hierarchy (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -

    Hierarchy For Package ch.njol.skript.events.bukkit

    -Package Hierarchies: - -

    Class Hierarchy

    - -
    - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/events/package-summary.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/events/package-summary.html deleted file mode 100644 index 41be2d7041..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/events/package-summary.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,161 +0,0 @@ - - - - -ch.njol.skript.events (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -

    Package ch.njol.skript.events

    @NonNullByDefault({PARAMETER,RETURN_TYPE,FIELD}) -package ch.njol.skript.events
    Contains the default events of Skript.
    - -
    - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/events/package-tree.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/events/package-tree.html deleted file mode 100644 index 0869ddb04a..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/events/package-tree.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,108 +0,0 @@ - - - - -ch.njol.skript.events Class Hierarchy (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -

    Hierarchy For Package ch.njol.skript.events

    -Package Hierarchies: - -

    Class Hierarchy

    - -
    - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprAI.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprAI.html deleted file mode 100644 index 2b1e090bf2..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprAI.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,313 +0,0 @@ - - - - -ExprAI (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -
    - -
    - -

    Class ExprAI

    - -
    All Implemented Interfaces:
    Converter<org.bukkit.entity.LivingEntity,Boolean>, Debuggable, Expression<Boolean>, SyntaxElement
    @Name("Entity AI") -@Description("Returns whether an entity has AI.") -@Examples("set artificial intelligence of target entity to false") -@Since("2.5") -public class ExprAI -extends SimplePropertyExpression<org.bukkit.entity.LivingEntity,Boolean>
    - -
    - -
    - -
    - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprAbsorbedBlocks.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprAbsorbedBlocks.html deleted file mode 100644 index 15f0e81bab..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprAbsorbedBlocks.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,298 +0,0 @@ - - - - -ExprAbsorbedBlocks (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -
    - -
    - -

    Class ExprAbsorbedBlocks

    java.lang.Object -
    ch.njol.skript.lang.util.SimpleExpression<BlockStateBlock> -
    All Implemented Interfaces:
    Debuggable, Expression<BlockStateBlock>, SyntaxElement
    @Name("Absorbed blocks") -@Description("The blocks absorbed by a sponge block.") -@Events("sponge absorb") -@Examples("the absorbed blocks") -@Since("2.5") -public class ExprAbsorbedBlocks -extends SimpleExpression<BlockStateBlock>
    - -
      - -
    • -

      Constructor Details

      • -


        public ExprAbsorbedBlocks()
      • -
    • - -
    • -

      Method Details

      • -


        public boolean init(Expression<?>[] exprs, - int matchedPattern, - Kleenean isDelayed, - SkriptParser.ParseResult parseResult)
        Description copied from interface: SyntaxElement
        Called just after the constructor.
        exprs - all %expr%s included in the matching pattern in the order they appear in the pattern. If an optional value was left out it will still be included in this list - holding the default value of the desired type which usually depends on the event.
        matchedPattern - The index of the pattern which matched
        isDelayed - Whether this expression is used after a delay or not (i.e. if the event has already passed when this expression will be called)
        parseResult - Additional information about the match.
        Whether this expression was initialised successfully. An error should be printed prior to returning false to specify the cause.
        See Also:
        - -
      • -
      • -


        protected @Nullable BlockStateBlock[] get(org.bukkit.event.Event e)
        Description copied from class: SimpleExpression
        This is the internal method to get an expression's values.
        - To get the expression's value from the outside use SimpleExpression.getSingle(Event) or SimpleExpression.getArray(Event).
        Specified by:
        get in class SimpleExpression<BlockStateBlock>
        e - The event
        An array of values for this event. May not contain nulls.
      • -
      • -


        public @Nullable Iterator<BlockStateBlock> iterator(org.bukkit.event.Event e)
        Description copied from interface: Expression
        Returns the same as Expression.getArray(Event) but as an iterator. This method should be overriden by expressions intended to be looped to increase performance.
        Specified by:
        iterator in interface Expression<BlockStateBlock>
        iterator in class SimpleExpression<BlockStateBlock>
        e - The event
        An iterator to iterate over all values of this expression which may be empty and/or null, but must not return null elements.
      • -
      • -


        public Class<? extends BlockStateBlock> getReturnType()
        Description copied from interface: Expression
        Gets the return type of this expression.
        A supertype of any objects returned by Expression.getSingle(Event) and the component type of any arrays returned by Expression.getArray(Event)
      • -
      • -


        public boolean isSingle()
        true if this expression will ever only return one value at most, false if it can return multiple values.
      • -
      • -


        public String toString(@Nullable org.bukkit.event.Event e, - boolean debug)
        e - The event to get information to. This is always null if debug == false.
        debug - If true this should print more information, if false this should print what is shown to the end user
        String representation of this object
      • -
    • -
    - -
    - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprAffectedEntities.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprAffectedEntities.html deleted file mode 100644 index 922fbd6bcf..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprAffectedEntities.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,320 +0,0 @@ - - - - -ExprAffectedEntities (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -
    - -
    - -

    Class ExprAffectedEntities

    java.lang.Object -
    ch.njol.skript.lang.util.SimpleExpression<org.bukkit.entity.LivingEntity> -
    All Implemented Interfaces:
    Debuggable, Expression<org.bukkit.entity.LivingEntity>, SyntaxElement
    @Name("Affected Entities") -@Description("The affected entities in the <a href=\'events.html#aoe_cloud_effect\'>area cloud effect</a> event.") -@Examples({"on area cloud effect:","\tloop affected entities:","\t\tif loop-value is a player:","\t\t\tsend \"WARNING: you\'ve step on an area effect cloud!\" to loop-value"}) -@Since("2.4") -public class ExprAffectedEntities -extends SimpleExpression<org.bukkit.entity.LivingEntity>
    - -
      - -
    • -

      Constructor Details

      • -


        public ExprAffectedEntities()
      • -
    • - -
    • -

      Method Details

      • -


        public boolean init(Expression<?>[] exprs, - int matchedPattern, - Kleenean isDelayed, - SkriptParser.ParseResult parser)
        Description copied from interface: SyntaxElement
        Called just after the constructor.
        exprs - all %expr%s included in the matching pattern in the order they appear in the pattern. If an optional value was left out it will still be included in this list - holding the default value of the desired type which usually depends on the event.
        matchedPattern - The index of the pattern which matched
        isDelayed - Whether this expression is used after a delay or not (i.e. if the event has already passed when this expression will be called)
        parser - Additional information about the match.
        Whether this expression was initialised successfully. An error should be printed prior to returning false to specify the cause.
        See Also:
        - -
      • -
      • -


        protected @Nullable org.bukkit.entity.LivingEntity[] get(org.bukkit.event.Event e)
        Description copied from class: SimpleExpression
        This is the internal method to get an expression's values.
        - To get the expression's value from the outside use SimpleExpression.getSingle(Event) or SimpleExpression.getArray(Event).
        Specified by:
        get in class SimpleExpression<org.bukkit.entity.LivingEntity>
        e - The event
        An array of values for this event. May not contain nulls.
      • -
      • -


        public @Nullable Iterator<? extends org.bukkit.entity.LivingEntity> iterator(org.bukkit.event.Event e)
        Description copied from interface: Expression
        Returns the same as Expression.getArray(Event) but as an iterator. This method should be overriden by expressions intended to be looped to increase performance.
        Specified by:
        iterator in interface Expression<org.bukkit.entity.LivingEntity>
        iterator in class SimpleExpression<org.bukkit.entity.LivingEntity>
        e - The event
        An iterator to iterate over all values of this expression which may be empty and/or null, but must not return null elements.
      • -
      • -


        public boolean isSingle()
        true if this expression will ever only return one value at most, false if it can return multiple values.
      • -
      • -


        public boolean isDefault()
        Description copied from interface: Expression
        Returns whether this value represents the default value of its type for the event, i.e. it can be replaced with a call to event.getXyz() if one knows the event & value type. -

        - This method might be removed in the future as it's better to check whether value == event.getXyz() for every value an expression returns.

        Specified by:
        isDefault in interface Expression<org.bukkit.entity.LivingEntity>
        isDefault in class SimpleExpression<org.bukkit.entity.LivingEntity>
        Whether is is the return types' default expression
      • -
      • -


        public Class<? extends org.bukkit.entity.LivingEntity> getReturnType()
        Description copied from interface: Expression
        Gets the return type of this expression.
        A supertype of any objects returned by Expression.getSingle(Event) and the component type of any arrays returned by Expression.getArray(Event)
      • -
      • -


        public String toString(@Nullable org.bukkit.event.Event e, - boolean debug)
        e - The event to get information to. This is always null if debug == false.
        debug - If true this should print more information, if false this should print what is shown to the end user
        String representation of this object
      • -
    • -
    - -
    - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprAge.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprAge.html deleted file mode 100644 index ccefb6ef0c..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprAge.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,352 +0,0 @@ - - - - -ExprAge (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -
    - -
    - -

    Class ExprAge

    - -
    All Implemented Interfaces:
    Converter<Object,Integer>, Debuggable, Expression<Integer>, SyntaxElement
    @Name("Age of Block/Entity") -@Description({"Returns the age or maximum age of blocks and age for entities (there in no maximum age for entities).","For blocks, \'Age\' represents the different growth stages that a crop-like block can go through. A value of 0 indicates that the crop was freshly planted, whilst a value equal to \'maximum age\' indicates that the crop is ripe and ready to be harvested.","For entities, \'Age\' represents the time left for them to become adults and it\'s in minus increasing to be 0 which means they\'re adults, e.g. A baby cow needs 20 minutes to become an adult which equals to 24,000 ticks so their age will be -24000 once spawned."}) -@Examples({"# Set targeted crop to fully grown crop","set age of targeted block to maximum age of targeted block"," ","# Spawn a baby cow that will only need 1 minute to become an adult","spawn a baby cow at player","set age of last spawned entity to -1200 # in ticks = 60 seconds"}) -@Since("2.7") -public class ExprAge -extends SimplePropertyExpression<Object,Integer>
    - -
    - -
    - -
    - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprAllBannedEntries.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprAllBannedEntries.html deleted file mode 100644 index dcffb869fc..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprAllBannedEntries.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,274 +0,0 @@ - - - - -ExprAllBannedEntries (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -
    - -
    - -

    Class ExprAllBannedEntries

    java.lang.Object -
    ch.njol.skript.lang.util.SimpleExpression<Object> -
    All Implemented Interfaces:
    Debuggable, Expression<Object>, SyntaxElement
    @Name("All Banned Players/IPs") -@Description("Obtains the list of all banned players or IP addresses.") -@Examples({"command /banlist:","\ttrigger:","\t\tsend all the banned players"}) -@Since("2.7") -public class ExprAllBannedEntries -extends SimpleExpression<Object>
    - -
      - -
    • -

      Constructor Details

      • -


        public ExprAllBannedEntries()
      • -
    • - -
    • -

      Method Details

      • -


        public boolean init(Expression<?>[] exprs, - int matchedPattern, - Kleenean isDelayed, - SkriptParser.ParseResult parseResult)
        Description copied from interface: SyntaxElement
        Called just after the constructor.
        exprs - all %expr%s included in the matching pattern in the order they appear in the pattern. If an optional value was left out it will still be included in this list - holding the default value of the desired type which usually depends on the event.
        matchedPattern - The index of the pattern which matched
        isDelayed - Whether this expression is used after a delay or not (i.e. if the event has already passed when this expression will be called)
        parseResult - Additional information about the match.
        Whether this expression was initialised successfully. An error should be printed prior to returning false to specify the cause.
        See Also:
        - -
      • -
      • -


        protected @Nullable Object[] get(org.bukkit.event.Event event)
        Description copied from class: SimpleExpression
        This is the internal method to get an expression's values.
        - To get the expression's value from the outside use SimpleExpression.getSingle(Event) or SimpleExpression.getArray(Event).
        Specified by:
        get in class SimpleExpression<Object>
        event - The event
        An array of values for this event. May not contain nulls.
      • -
      • -


        public boolean isSingle()
        true if this expression will ever only return one value at most, false if it can return multiple values.
      • -
      • -


        public Class<?> getReturnType()
        Description copied from interface: Expression
        Gets the return type of this expression.
        A supertype of any objects returned by Expression.getSingle(Event) and the component type of any arrays returned by Expression.getArray(Event)
      • -
      • -


        public String toString(@Nullable org.bukkit.event.Event event, - boolean debug)
        event - The event to get information to. This is always null if debug == false.
        debug - If true this should print more information, if false this should print what is shown to the end user
        String representation of this object
      • -
    • -
    - -
    - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprAllCommands.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprAllCommands.html deleted file mode 100644 index 936a180cdd..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprAllCommands.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,274 +0,0 @@ - - - - -ExprAllCommands (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -
    - -
    - -

    Class ExprAllCommands

    java.lang.Object -
    ch.njol.skript.lang.util.SimpleExpression<String> -
    All Implemented Interfaces:
    Debuggable, Expression<String>, SyntaxElement
    @Name("All commands") -@Description("Returns all registered commands or all script commands.") -@Examples({"send \"Number of all commands: %size of all commands%\"","send \"Number of all script commands: %size of all script commands%\""}) -@Since("2.6") -public class ExprAllCommands -extends SimpleExpression<String>
    - -
      - -
    • -

      Constructor Details

      • -


        public ExprAllCommands()
      • -
    • - -
    • -

      Method Details

      • -


        public boolean init(Expression<?>[] exprs, - int matchedPattern, - Kleenean isDelayed, - SkriptParser.ParseResult parseResult)
        Description copied from interface: SyntaxElement
        Called just after the constructor.
        exprs - all %expr%s included in the matching pattern in the order they appear in the pattern. If an optional value was left out it will still be included in this list - holding the default value of the desired type which usually depends on the event.
        matchedPattern - The index of the pattern which matched
        isDelayed - Whether this expression is used after a delay or not (i.e. if the event has already passed when this expression will be called)
        parseResult - Additional information about the match.
        Whether this expression was initialised successfully. An error should be printed prior to returning false to specify the cause.
        See Also:
        - -
      • -
      • -


        protected @Nullable String[] get(org.bukkit.event.Event e)
        Description copied from class: SimpleExpression
        This is the internal method to get an expression's values.
        - To get the expression's value from the outside use SimpleExpression.getSingle(Event) or SimpleExpression.getArray(Event).
        Specified by:
        get in class SimpleExpression<String>
        e - The event
        An array of values for this event. May not contain nulls.
      • -
      • -


        public boolean isSingle()
        true if this expression will ever only return one value at most, false if it can return multiple values.
      • -
      • -


        public Class<? extends String> getReturnType()
        Description copied from interface: Expression
        Gets the return type of this expression.
        A supertype of any objects returned by Expression.getSingle(Event) and the component type of any arrays returned by Expression.getArray(Event)
      • -
      • -


        public String toString(@Nullable org.bukkit.event.Event e, - boolean debug)
        e - The event to get information to. This is always null if debug == false.
        debug - If true this should print more information, if false this should print what is shown to the end user
        String representation of this object
      • -
    • -
    - -
    - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprAlphabetList.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprAlphabetList.html deleted file mode 100644 index eb049ed655..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprAlphabetList.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,274 +0,0 @@ - - - - -ExprAlphabetList (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -
    - -
    - -

    Class ExprAlphabetList

    java.lang.Object -
    ch.njol.skript.lang.util.SimpleExpression<String> -
    All Implemented Interfaces:
    Debuggable, Expression<String>, SyntaxElement
    @Name("Alphabetical Sort") -@Description("Sorts given strings in alphabetical order.") -@Examples("set {_list::*} to alphabetically sorted {_strings::*}") -@Since("2.2-dev18b") -public class ExprAlphabetList -extends SimpleExpression<String>
    - -
      - -
    • -

      Constructor Details

      • -


        public ExprAlphabetList()
      • -
    • - -
    • -

      Method Details

      • -


        public boolean init(Expression<?>[] exprs, - int matchedPattern, - Kleenean isDelayed, - SkriptParser.ParseResult parseResult)
        Description copied from interface: SyntaxElement
        Called just after the constructor.
        exprs - all %expr%s included in the matching pattern in the order they appear in the pattern. If an optional value was left out it will still be included in this list - holding the default value of the desired type which usually depends on the event.
        matchedPattern - The index of the pattern which matched
        isDelayed - Whether this expression is used after a delay or not (i.e. if the event has already passed when this expression will be called)
        parseResult - Additional information about the match.
        Whether this expression was initialised successfully. An error should be printed prior to returning false to specify the cause.
        See Also:
        - -
      • -
      • -


        protected @Nullable String[] get(org.bukkit.event.Event e)
        Description copied from class: SimpleExpression
        This is the internal method to get an expression's values.
        - To get the expression's value from the outside use SimpleExpression.getSingle(Event) or SimpleExpression.getArray(Event).
        Specified by:
        get in class SimpleExpression<String>
        e - The event
        An array of values for this event. May not contain nulls.
      • -
      • -


        public Class<? extends String> getReturnType()
        Description copied from interface: Expression
        Gets the return type of this expression.
        A supertype of any objects returned by Expression.getSingle(Event) and the component type of any arrays returned by Expression.getArray(Event)
      • -
      • -


        public boolean isSingle()
        true if this expression will ever only return one value at most, false if it can return multiple values.
      • -
      • -


        public String toString(@Nullable org.bukkit.event.Event e, - boolean debug)
        e - The event to get information to. This is always null if debug == false.
        debug - If true this should print more information, if false this should print what is shown to the end user
        String representation of this object
      • -
    • -
    - -
    - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprAltitude.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprAltitude.html deleted file mode 100644 index 4c63c29b0c..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprAltitude.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,256 +0,0 @@ - - - - -ExprAltitude (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -
    - -
    - -

    Class ExprAltitude

    - -
    All Implemented Interfaces:
    Converter<org.bukkit.Location,Number>, Debuggable, Expression<Number>, SyntaxElement
    @Name("Altitude") -@Description("Effectively an alias of \'y-<a href=\'#ExprCoordinate\'>coordinate</a> of \u2026\', it represents the height of some object above bedrock.") -@Examples({"on damage:","\taltitude of the attacker is higher than the altitude of the victim","\tset damage to damage * 1.2"}) -@Since("1.4.3") -public class ExprAltitude -extends SimplePropertyExpression<org.bukkit.Location,Number>
    - -
      - -
    • -

      Constructor Details

      • -


        public ExprAltitude()
      • -
    • - -
    • -

      Method Details

      • -


        public Number convert(org.bukkit.Location l)
        Description copied from interface: Converter
        Converts an object from the given to the desired type.
        Specified by:
        convert in interface Converter<org.bukkit.Location,Number>
        Specified by:
        convert in class SimplePropertyExpression<org.bukkit.Location,Number>
        l - The object to convert.
        the converted object
      • -
      • -


        protected String getPropertyName()
        Description copied from class: SimplePropertyExpression
        Used to collect the property type used in the register method. - This forms the toString of this SimplePropertyExpression.
        Specified by:
        getPropertyName in class SimplePropertyExpression<org.bukkit.Location,Number>
        The name of the type used when registering this SimplePropertyExpression.
      • -
      • -


        public Class<? extends Number> getReturnType()
        Description copied from interface: Expression
        Gets the return type of this expression.
        A supertype of any objects returned by Expression.getSingle(Event) and the component type of any arrays returned by Expression.getArray(Event)
      • -
    • -
    - -
    - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprAmount.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprAmount.html deleted file mode 100644 index 4cfb205c61..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprAmount.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,274 +0,0 @@ - - - - -ExprAmount (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -
    - -
    - -

    Class ExprAmount

    java.lang.Object -
    ch.njol.skript.lang.util.SimpleExpression<Long> -
    All Implemented Interfaces:
    Debuggable, Expression<Long>, SyntaxElement
    @Name("Amount") -@Description({"The amount of something.","Please note that <code>amount of %items%</code> will not return the number of items, but the number of stacks, e.g. 1 for a stack of 64 torches. To get the amount of items in a stack, see the <a href=\'#ExprItemAmount\'>item amount</a> expression.","","Also, you can get the recursive size of a list, which will return the recursive size of the list with sublists included, e.g.","","<pre>","{list::*} Structure<br>"," \u251c\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500 {list::1}: 1<br>"," \u251c\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500 {list::2}: 2<br>"," \u2502 \u251c\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500 {list::2::1}: 3<br>"," \u2502 \u2502 \u2514\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500 {list::2::1::1}: 4<br>"," \u2502 \u2514\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500 {list::2::2}: 5<br>"," \u2514\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500 {list::3}: 6","</pre>","","Where using %size of {list::*}% will only return 3 (the first layer of indices only), while %recursive size of {list::*}% will return 6 (the entire list)","Please note that getting a list\'s recursive size can cause lag if the list is large, so only use this expression if you need to!"}) -@Examples("message \"There are %number of all players% players online!\"") -@Since("1.0") -public class ExprAmount -extends SimpleExpression<Long>
    - -
      - -
    • -

      Constructor Details

      • -


        public ExprAmount()
      • -
    • - -
    • -

      Method Details

      • -


        public boolean init(Expression<?>[] exprs, - int matchedPattern, - Kleenean isDelayed, - SkriptParser.ParseResult parseResult)
        Description copied from interface: SyntaxElement
        Called just after the constructor.
        exprs - all %expr%s included in the matching pattern in the order they appear in the pattern. If an optional value was left out it will still be included in this list - holding the default value of the desired type which usually depends on the event.
        matchedPattern - The index of the pattern which matched
        isDelayed - Whether this expression is used after a delay or not (i.e. if the event has already passed when this expression will be called)
        parseResult - Additional information about the match.
        Whether this expression was initialised successfully. An error should be printed prior to returning false to specify the cause.
        See Also:
        - -
      • -
      • -


        protected Long[] get(org.bukkit.event.Event e)
        Description copied from class: SimpleExpression
        This is the internal method to get an expression's values.
        - To get the expression's value from the outside use SimpleExpression.getSingle(Event) or SimpleExpression.getArray(Event).
        Specified by:
        get in class SimpleExpression<Long>
        e - The event
        An array of values for this event. May not contain nulls.
      • -
      • -


        public boolean isSingle()
        true if this expression will ever only return one value at most, false if it can return multiple values.
      • -
      • -


        public Class<? extends Long> getReturnType()
        Description copied from interface: Expression
        Gets the return type of this expression.
        A supertype of any objects returned by Expression.getSingle(Event) and the component type of any arrays returned by Expression.getArray(Event)
      • -
      • -


        public String toString(@Nullable org.bukkit.event.Event e, - boolean debug)
        e - The event to get information to. This is always null if debug == false.
        debug - If true this should print more information, if false this should print what is shown to the end user
        String representation of this object
      • -
    • -
    - -
    - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprAmountOfItems.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprAmountOfItems.html deleted file mode 100644 index 1beb23ede8..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprAmountOfItems.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,274 +0,0 @@ - - - - -ExprAmountOfItems (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -
    - -
    - -

    Class ExprAmountOfItems

    java.lang.Object -
    ch.njol.skript.lang.util.SimpleExpression<Long> -
    All Implemented Interfaces:
    Debuggable, Expression<Long>, SyntaxElement
    @Name("Amount of Items") -@Description("Counts how many of a particular <a href=\'./classes.html#itemtype\'>item type</a> are in a given inventory.") -@Examples("message \"You have %number of ores in the player\'s inventory% ores in your inventory.\"") -@Since("2.0") -public class ExprAmountOfItems -extends SimpleExpression<Long>
    - -
      - -
    • -

      Constructor Details

      • -


        public ExprAmountOfItems()
      • -
    • - -
    • -

      Method Details

      • -


        public boolean init(Expression<?>[] exprs, - int matchedPattern, - Kleenean isDelayed, - SkriptParser.ParseResult parseResult)
        Description copied from interface: SyntaxElement
        Called just after the constructor.
        exprs - all %expr%s included in the matching pattern in the order they appear in the pattern. If an optional value was left out it will still be included in this list - holding the default value of the desired type which usually depends on the event.
        matchedPattern - The index of the pattern which matched
        isDelayed - Whether this expression is used after a delay or not (i.e. if the event has already passed when this expression will be called)
        parseResult - Additional information about the match.
        Whether this expression was initialised successfully. An error should be printed prior to returning false to specify the cause.
        See Also:
        - -
      • -
      • -


        protected Long[] get(org.bukkit.event.Event e)
        Description copied from class: SimpleExpression
        This is the internal method to get an expression's values.
        - To get the expression's value from the outside use SimpleExpression.getSingle(Event) or SimpleExpression.getArray(Event).
        Specified by:
        get in class SimpleExpression<Long>
        e - The event
        An array of values for this event. May not contain nulls.
      • -
      • -


        public Class<? extends Long> getReturnType()
        Description copied from interface: Expression
        Gets the return type of this expression.
        A supertype of any objects returned by Expression.getSingle(Event) and the component type of any arrays returned by Expression.getArray(Event)
      • -
      • -


        public boolean isSingle()
        true if this expression will ever only return one value at most, false if it can return multiple values.
      • -
      • -


        public String toString(@Nullable org.bukkit.event.Event e, - boolean debug)
        e - The event to get information to. This is always null if debug == false.
        debug - If true this should print more information, if false this should print what is shown to the end user
        String representation of this object
      • -
    • -
    - -
    - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprAnvilRepairCost.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprAnvilRepairCost.html deleted file mode 100644 index 934daedcd0..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprAnvilRepairCost.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,352 +0,0 @@ - - - - -ExprAnvilRepairCost (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -
    - -
    - -

    Class ExprAnvilRepairCost

    - -
    All Implemented Interfaces:
    Converter<org.bukkit.inventory.Inventory,Integer>, Debuggable, Expression<Integer>, SyntaxElement
    @Name("Anvil Repair Cost") -@Description({"Returns the experience cost (in levels) to complete the current repair or the maximum experience cost (in levels) to be allowed by the current repair.","The default value of max cost set by vanilla Minecraft is 40."}) -@Examples({"on inventory click:","\tif {AnvilRepairSaleActive} = true:","\t\twait a tick # recommended, to avoid client bugs","\t\tset anvil repair cost to anvil repair cost * 50%","\t\tsend \"Anvil repair sale is ON!\" to player","","on inventory click:","\tplayer have permission \"anvil.repair.max.bypass\"","\tset max repair cost of event-inventory to 99999"}) -@Since("INSERT VERSION") -public class ExprAnvilRepairCost -extends SimplePropertyExpression<org.bukkit.inventory.Inventory,Integer>
    - -
    - -
    - -
    - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprAnvilText.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprAnvilText.html deleted file mode 100644 index 2eb5baeedb..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprAnvilText.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,295 +0,0 @@ - - - - -ExprAnvilText (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -
    - -
    - -

    Class ExprAnvilText

    - -
    All Implemented Interfaces:
    Converter<org.bukkit.inventory.Inventory,String>, Debuggable, Expression<String>, SyntaxElement
    @Name("Anvil Text Input") -@Description("An expression to get the name to be applied to an item in an anvil inventory.") -@Examples({"on inventory click:","\ttype of event-inventory is anvil inventory","\tif the anvil input text of the event-inventory is \"FREE OP\":","\t\tban player"}) -@Since("2.7") -public class ExprAnvilText -extends SimplePropertyExpression<org.bukkit.inventory.Inventory,String>
    - -
      - -
    • -

      Constructor Details

      • -


        public ExprAnvilText()
      • -
    • - -
    • -

      Method Details

      • -


        public boolean init(Expression<?>[] exprs, - int matchedPattern, - Kleenean isDelayed, - SkriptParser.ParseResult parseResult)
        Description copied from interface: SyntaxElement
        Called just after the constructor.
        Specified by:
        init in interface SyntaxElement
        init in class SimplePropertyExpression<org.bukkit.inventory.Inventory,String>
        exprs - all %expr%s included in the matching pattern in the order they appear in the pattern. If an optional value was left out it will still be included in this list - holding the default value of the desired type which usually depends on the event.
        matchedPattern - The index of the pattern which matched
        isDelayed - Whether this expression is used after a delay or not (i.e. if the event has already passed when this expression will be called)
        parseResult - Additional information about the match.
        Whether this expression was initialised successfully. An error should be printed prior to returning false to specify the cause.
        See Also:
        - -
      • -
      • -


        public @Nullable String convert(org.bukkit.inventory.Inventory inv)
        Description copied from interface: Converter
        Converts an object from the given to the desired type.
        Specified by:
        convert in interface Converter<org.bukkit.inventory.Inventory,String>
        Specified by:
        convert in class SimplePropertyExpression<org.bukkit.inventory.Inventory,String>
        inv - The object to convert.
        the converted object
      • -
      • -


        public Class<? extends String> getReturnType()
        Description copied from interface: Expression
        Gets the return type of this expression.
        A supertype of any objects returned by Expression.getSingle(Event) and the component type of any arrays returned by Expression.getArray(Event)
      • -
      • -


        public String getPropertyName()
        Description copied from class: SimplePropertyExpression
        Used to collect the property type used in the register method. - This forms the toString of this SimplePropertyExpression.
        Specified by:
        getPropertyName in class SimplePropertyExpression<org.bukkit.inventory.Inventory,String>
        The name of the type used when registering this SimplePropertyExpression.
      • -
    • -
    - -
    - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprAppliedEnchantments.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprAppliedEnchantments.html deleted file mode 100644 index af9c98c08e..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprAppliedEnchantments.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,332 +0,0 @@ - - - - -ExprAppliedEnchantments (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -
    - -
    - -

    Class ExprAppliedEnchantments

    java.lang.Object -
    ch.njol.skript.lang.util.SimpleExpression<EnchantmentType> -
    All Implemented Interfaces:
    Debuggable, Expression<EnchantmentType>, SyntaxElement
    @Name("Applied Enchantments") -@Description({"The applied enchantments in an enchant event."," Deleting or removing the applied enchantments will prevent the item\'s enchantment."}) -@Examples({"on enchant:","\tset the applied enchantments to sharpness 10 and fire aspect 5"}) -@Events("enchant") -@Since("2.5") -public class ExprAppliedEnchantments -extends SimpleExpression<EnchantmentType>
    - -
    - -
    - -
    - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprArgument.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprArgument.html deleted file mode 100644 index d0d6f2391a..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprArgument.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,300 +0,0 @@ - - - - -ExprArgument (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -
    - -
    - -

    Class ExprArgument

    java.lang.Object -
    ch.njol.skript.lang.util.SimpleExpression<Object> -
    All Implemented Interfaces:
    Debuggable, Expression<Object>, SyntaxElement
    @Name("Argument") -@Description({"Usable in script commands and command events. Holds the value of an argument given to the command, e.g. if the command \"/tell &lt;player&gt; &lt;text&gt;\" is used like \"/tell Njol Hello Njol!\" argument 1 is the player named \"Njol\" and argument 2 is \"Hello Njol!\".","One can also use the type of the argument instead of its index to address the argument, e.g. in the above example \'player-argument\' is the same as \'argument 1\'.","Please note that specifying the argument type is only supported in script commands."}) -@Examples({"give the item-argument to the player-argument","damage the player-argument by the number-argument","give a diamond pickaxe to the argument","add argument 1 to argument 2","heal the last argument"}) -@Since("1.0, 2.7 (support for command events)") -public class ExprArgument -extends SimpleExpression<Object>
    - -
      - -
    • -

      Constructor Details

      • -


        public ExprArgument()
      • -
    • - -
    • -

      Method Details

      • -


        public boolean init(Expression<?>[] exprs, - int matchedPattern, - Kleenean isDelayed, - SkriptParser.ParseResult parseResult)
        Description copied from interface: SyntaxElement
        Called just after the constructor.
        exprs - all %expr%s included in the matching pattern in the order they appear in the pattern. If an optional value was left out it will still be included in this list - holding the default value of the desired type which usually depends on the event.
        matchedPattern - The index of the pattern which matched
        isDelayed - Whether this expression is used after a delay or not (i.e. if the event has already passed when this expression will be called)
        parseResult - Additional information about the match.
        Whether this expression was initialised successfully. An error should be printed prior to returning false to specify the cause.
        See Also:
        - -
      • -
      • -


        protected @Nullable Object[] get(org.bukkit.event.Event e)
        Description copied from class: SimpleExpression
        This is the internal method to get an expression's values.
        - To get the expression's value from the outside use SimpleExpression.getSingle(Event) or SimpleExpression.getArray(Event).
        Specified by:
        get in class SimpleExpression<Object>
        e - The event
        An array of values for this event. May not contain nulls.
      • -
      • -


        public boolean isSingle()
        true if this expression will ever only return one value at most, false if it can return multiple values.
      • -
      • -


        public Class<?> getReturnType()
        Description copied from interface: Expression
        Gets the return type of this expression.
        A supertype of any objects returned by Expression.getSingle(Event) and the component type of any arrays returned by Expression.getArray(Event)
      • -
      • -


        public boolean isLoopOf(String s)
        Description copied from interface: Expression
        Checks whether the given 'loop-...' expression should match this loop, e.g. loop-block matches any loops that loop through blocks and loop-argument matches an - argument loop. -

        - You should usually just return false as e.g. loop-block will automatically match the expression if its returnType is Block or a subtype of it.

        Specified by:
        isLoopOf in interface Expression<Object>
        isLoopOf in class SimpleExpression<Object>
        s - The entered string
        Whether this loop matches the given string
      • -
      • -


        public String toString(@Nullable org.bukkit.event.Event e, - boolean debug)
        e - The event to get information to. This is always null if debug == false.
        debug - If true this should print more information, if false this should print what is shown to the end user
        String representation of this object
      • -
    • -
    - -
    - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprArmorSlot.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprArmorSlot.html deleted file mode 100644 index a0b5c0c6db..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprArmorSlot.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,295 +0,0 @@ - - - - -ExprArmorSlot (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -
    - -
    - -

    Class ExprArmorSlot

    - -
    All Implemented Interfaces:
    Converter<org.bukkit.entity.LivingEntity,Slot>, Debuggable, Expression<Slot>, SyntaxElement
    @Name("Armour Slot") -@Description("A part of a player\'s armour, i.e. the boots, leggings, chestplate or helmet.") -@Examples({"set chestplate of the player to a diamond chestplate","helmet of player is neither a helmet nor air # player is wearing a block, e.g. from another plugin"}) -@Since("1.0") -public class ExprArmorSlot -extends SimplePropertyExpression<org.bukkit.entity.LivingEntity,Slot>
    - -
      - -
    • -

      Constructor Details

      • -


        public ExprArmorSlot()
      • -
    • - -
    • -

      Method Details

      • -


        public boolean init(Expression<?>[] exprs, - int matchedPattern, - Kleenean isDelayed, - SkriptParser.ParseResult parseResult)
        Description copied from interface: SyntaxElement
        Called just after the constructor.
        Specified by:
        init in interface SyntaxElement
        init in class SimplePropertyExpression<org.bukkit.entity.LivingEntity,Slot>
        exprs - all %expr%s included in the matching pattern in the order they appear in the pattern. If an optional value was left out it will still be included in this list - holding the default value of the desired type which usually depends on the event.
        matchedPattern - The index of the pattern which matched
        isDelayed - Whether this expression is used after a delay or not (i.e. if the event has already passed when this expression will be called)
        parseResult - Additional information about the match.
        Whether this expression was initialised successfully. An error should be printed prior to returning false to specify the cause.
        See Also:
        - -
      • -
      • -


        public @Nullable Slot convert(org.bukkit.entity.LivingEntity e)
        Description copied from interface: Converter
        Converts an object from the given to the desired type.
        Specified by:
        convert in interface Converter<org.bukkit.entity.LivingEntity,Slot>
        Specified by:
        convert in class SimplePropertyExpression<org.bukkit.entity.LivingEntity,Slot>
        e - The object to convert.
        the converted object
      • -
      • -


        protected String getPropertyName()
        Description copied from class: SimplePropertyExpression
        Used to collect the property type used in the register method. - This forms the toString of this SimplePropertyExpression.
        Specified by:
        getPropertyName in class SimplePropertyExpression<org.bukkit.entity.LivingEntity,Slot>
        The name of the type used when registering this SimplePropertyExpression.
      • -
      • -


        public Class<Slot> getReturnType()
        Description copied from interface: Expression
        Gets the return type of this expression.
        A supertype of any objects returned by Expression.getSingle(Event) and the component type of any arrays returned by Expression.getArray(Event)
      • -
    • -
    - -
    - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprArrowKnockbackStrength.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprArrowKnockbackStrength.html deleted file mode 100644 index 2f8e6f0582..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprArrowKnockbackStrength.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,313 +0,0 @@ - - - - -ExprArrowKnockbackStrength (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -
    - -
    - -

    Class ExprArrowKnockbackStrength

    - -
    All Implemented Interfaces:
    Converter<org.bukkit.entity.Projectile,Long>, Debuggable, Expression<Long>, SyntaxElement
    @Name("Arrow Knockback Strength") -@Description("An arrow\'s knockback strength.") -@Examples({"on shoot:","\tevent-projectile is an arrow","\tset arrow knockback strength of event-projectile to 10"}) -@Since("2.5.1") -public class ExprArrowKnockbackStrength -extends SimplePropertyExpression<org.bukkit.entity.Projectile,Long>
    - -
    - -
    - -
    - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprArrowPierceLevel.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprArrowPierceLevel.html deleted file mode 100644 index f3a448eb97..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprArrowPierceLevel.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,314 +0,0 @@ - - - - -ExprArrowPierceLevel (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -
    - -
    - -

    Class ExprArrowPierceLevel

    - -
    All Implemented Interfaces:
    Converter<org.bukkit.entity.Projectile,Long>, Debuggable, Expression<Long>, SyntaxElement
    @Name("Arrow Pierce Level") -@Description("An arrow\'s pierce level.") -@Examples({"on shoot:","\tevent-projectile is an arrow","\tset arrow pierce level of event-projectile to 5"}) -@RequiredPlugins("Minecraft 1.14+") -@Since("2.5.1") -public class ExprArrowPierceLevel -extends SimplePropertyExpression<org.bukkit.entity.Projectile,Long>
    - -
    - -
    - -
    - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprArrowsStuck.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprArrowsStuck.html deleted file mode 100644 index 7d8d59be62..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprArrowsStuck.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,313 +0,0 @@ - - - - -ExprArrowsStuck (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -
    - -
    - -

    Class ExprArrowsStuck

    - -
    All Implemented Interfaces:
    Converter<org.bukkit.entity.LivingEntity,Long>, Debuggable, Expression<Long>, SyntaxElement
    @Name("Arrows Stuck") -@Description("The number of arrows stuck in a living entity.") -@Examples("set arrows stuck in player to 5") -@Since("2.5") -public class ExprArrowsStuck -extends SimplePropertyExpression<org.bukkit.entity.LivingEntity,Long>
    - -
    - -
    - -
    - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprAttachedBlock.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprAttachedBlock.html deleted file mode 100644 index 0d9b0e2c83..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprAttachedBlock.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,257 +0,0 @@ - - - - -ExprAttachedBlock (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -
    - -
    - -

    Class ExprAttachedBlock

    java.lang.Object -
    ch.njol.skript.lang.util.SimpleExpression<T> -
    ch.njol.skript.expressions.base.PropertyExpression<F,T> -
    ch.njol.skript.expressions.base.SimplePropertyExpression<org.bukkit.entity.Projectile,org.bukkit.block.Block> -
    All Implemented Interfaces:
    Converter<org.bukkit.entity.Projectile,org.bukkit.block.Block>, Debuggable, Expression<org.bukkit.block.Block>, SyntaxElement
    @Name("Arrow Attached Block") -@Description("Returns the attached block of an arrow.") -@Examples("set hit block of last shot arrow to diamond block") -@Since("INSERT VERSION") -public class ExprAttachedBlock -extends SimplePropertyExpression<org.bukkit.entity.Projectile,org.bukkit.block.Block>
    - -
      - -
    • -

      Constructor Details

      • -


        public ExprAttachedBlock()
      • -
    • - -
    • -

      Method Details

      • -


        @Nullable -public @Nullable org.bukkit.block.Block convert(org.bukkit.entity.Projectile projectile)
        Description copied from interface: Converter
        Converts an object from the given to the desired type.
        Specified by:
        convert in interface Converter<org.bukkit.entity.Projectile,org.bukkit.block.Block>
        Specified by:
        convert in class SimplePropertyExpression<org.bukkit.entity.Projectile,org.bukkit.block.Block>
        projectile - The object to convert.
        the converted object
      • -
      • -


        public Class<? extends org.bukkit.block.Block> getReturnType()
        Description copied from interface: Expression
        Gets the return type of this expression.
        A supertype of any objects returned by Expression.getSingle(Event) and the component type of any arrays returned by Expression.getArray(Event)
      • -
      • -


        public String getPropertyName()
        Description copied from class: SimplePropertyExpression
        Used to collect the property type used in the register method. - This forms the toString of this SimplePropertyExpression.
        Specified by:
        getPropertyName in class SimplePropertyExpression<org.bukkit.entity.Projectile,org.bukkit.block.Block>
        The name of the type used when registering this SimplePropertyExpression.
      • -
    • -
    - -
    - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprAttackCooldown.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprAttackCooldown.html deleted file mode 100644 index 420b91f691..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprAttackCooldown.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,257 +0,0 @@ - - - - -ExprAttackCooldown (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -
    - -
    - -

    Class ExprAttackCooldown

    - -
    All Implemented Interfaces:
    Converter<org.bukkit.entity.HumanEntity,Float>, Debuggable, Expression<Float>, SyntaxElement
    @Name("Attack Cooldown") -@Description({"Returns the current cooldown for a player\'s attack. This is used to calculate damage, with 1.0 representing a fully charged attack and 0.0 representing a non-charged attack.","NOTE: Currently this can not be set to anything."}) -@Examples({"on damage:","\tif attack cooldown of attacker < 1:","\t\tset damage to 0","\t\tsend \"Your hit was too weak! wait until your weapon is fully charged next time.\" to attacker"}) -@Since("2.6.1") -@RequiredPlugins("Minecraft 1.15+") -public class ExprAttackCooldown -extends SimplePropertyExpression<org.bukkit.entity.HumanEntity,Float>
    - -
      - -
    • -

      Constructor Details

      • -


        public ExprAttackCooldown()
      • -
    • - -
    • -

      Method Details

      • -


        public @Nullable Float convert(org.bukkit.entity.HumanEntity e)
        Description copied from interface: Converter
        Converts an object from the given to the desired type.
        Specified by:
        convert in interface Converter<org.bukkit.entity.HumanEntity,Float>
        Specified by:
        convert in class SimplePropertyExpression<org.bukkit.entity.HumanEntity,Float>
        e - The object to convert.
        the converted object
      • -
      • -


        public Class<? extends Float> getReturnType()
        Description copied from interface: Expression
        Gets the return type of this expression.
        A supertype of any objects returned by Expression.getSingle(Event) and the component type of any arrays returned by Expression.getArray(Event)
      • -
      • -


        protected String getPropertyName()
        Description copied from class: SimplePropertyExpression
        Used to collect the property type used in the register method. - This forms the toString of this SimplePropertyExpression.
        Specified by:
        getPropertyName in class SimplePropertyExpression<org.bukkit.entity.HumanEntity,Float>
        The name of the type used when registering this SimplePropertyExpression.
      • -
    • -
    - -
    - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprAttacked.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprAttacked.html deleted file mode 100644 index 46576fa902..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprAttacked.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,275 +0,0 @@ - - - - -ExprAttacked (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -
    - -
    - -

    Class ExprAttacked

    java.lang.Object -
    ch.njol.skript.lang.util.SimpleExpression<org.bukkit.entity.Entity> -
    All Implemented Interfaces:
    Debuggable, Expression<org.bukkit.entity.Entity>, SyntaxElement
    @Name("Attacked") -@Description("The victim of a damage event, e.g. when a player attacks a zombie this expression represents the zombie. When using Minecraft 1.11+, this also covers the hit entity in a projectile hit event.") -@Examples({"on damage:","\tvictim is a creeper","\tdamage the attacked by 1 heart"}) -@Since("1.3, 2.6.1 (projectile hit event)") -@Events({"damage","death","projectile hit"}) -public class ExprAttacked -extends SimpleExpression<org.bukkit.entity.Entity>
    - -
      - -
    • -

      Constructor Details

      • -


        public ExprAttacked()
      • -
    • - -
    • -

      Method Details

      • -


        public boolean init(Expression<?>[] vars, - int matchedPattern, - Kleenean isDelayed, - SkriptParser.ParseResult parser)
        Description copied from interface: SyntaxElement
        Called just after the constructor.
        vars - all %expr%s included in the matching pattern in the order they appear in the pattern. If an optional value was left out it will still be included in this list - holding the default value of the desired type which usually depends on the event.
        matchedPattern - The index of the pattern which matched
        isDelayed - Whether this expression is used after a delay or not (i.e. if the event has already passed when this expression will be called)
        parser - Additional information about the match.
        Whether this expression was initialised successfully. An error should be printed prior to returning false to specify the cause.
        See Also:
        - -
      • -
      • -


        protected @Nullable org.bukkit.entity.Entity[] get(org.bukkit.event.Event e)
        Description copied from class: SimpleExpression
        This is the internal method to get an expression's values.
        - To get the expression's value from the outside use SimpleExpression.getSingle(Event) or SimpleExpression.getArray(Event).
        Specified by:
        get in class SimpleExpression<org.bukkit.entity.Entity>
        e - The event
        An array of values for this event. May not contain nulls.
      • -
      • -


        public boolean isSingle()
        true if this expression will ever only return one value at most, false if it can return multiple values.
      • -
      • -


        public Class<? extends org.bukkit.entity.Entity> getReturnType()
        Description copied from interface: Expression
        Gets the return type of this expression.
        A supertype of any objects returned by Expression.getSingle(Event) and the component type of any arrays returned by Expression.getArray(Event)
      • -
      • -


        public String toString(@Nullable org.bukkit.event.Event e, - boolean debug)
        e - The event to get information to. This is always null if debug == false.
        debug - If true this should print more information, if false this should print what is shown to the end user
        String representation of this object
      • -
    • -
    - -
    - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprAttacker.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprAttacker.html deleted file mode 100644 index 8756184cd6..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprAttacker.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,275 +0,0 @@ - - - - -ExprAttacker (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -
    - -
    - -

    Class ExprAttacker

    java.lang.Object -
    ch.njol.skript.lang.util.SimpleExpression<org.bukkit.entity.Entity> -
    All Implemented Interfaces:
    Debuggable, Expression<org.bukkit.entity.Entity>, SyntaxElement
    @Name("Attacker") -@Description({"The attacker of a damage event, e.g. when a player attacks a zombie this expression represents the player.","Please note that the attacker can also be a block, e.g. a cactus or lava, but this expression will not be set in these cases."}) -@Examples({"on damage:","\tattacker is a player","\thealth of attacker is less than or equal to 2","\tdamage victim by 1 heart"}) -@Since("1.3") -@Events({"damage","death","destroy"}) -public class ExprAttacker -extends SimpleExpression<org.bukkit.entity.Entity>
    - -
      - -
    • -

      Constructor Details

      • -


        public ExprAttacker()
      • -
    • - -
    • -

      Method Details

      • -


        public boolean init(Expression<?>[] exprs, - int matchedPattern, - Kleenean isDelayed, - SkriptParser.ParseResult parser)
        Description copied from interface: SyntaxElement
        Called just after the constructor.
        exprs - all %expr%s included in the matching pattern in the order they appear in the pattern. If an optional value was left out it will still be included in this list - holding the default value of the desired type which usually depends on the event.
        matchedPattern - The index of the pattern which matched
        isDelayed - Whether this expression is used after a delay or not (i.e. if the event has already passed when this expression will be called)
        parser - Additional information about the match.
        Whether this expression was initialised successfully. An error should be printed prior to returning false to specify the cause.
        See Also:
        - -
      • -
      • -


        protected org.bukkit.entity.Entity[] get(org.bukkit.event.Event e)
        Description copied from class: SimpleExpression
        This is the internal method to get an expression's values.
        - To get the expression's value from the outside use SimpleExpression.getSingle(Event) or SimpleExpression.getArray(Event).
        Specified by:
        get in class SimpleExpression<org.bukkit.entity.Entity>
        e - The event
        An array of values for this event. May not contain nulls.
      • -
      • -


        public Class<? extends org.bukkit.entity.Entity> getReturnType()
        Description copied from interface: Expression
        Gets the return type of this expression.
        A supertype of any objects returned by Expression.getSingle(Event) and the component type of any arrays returned by Expression.getArray(Event)
      • -
      • -


        public String toString(@Nullable org.bukkit.event.Event e, - boolean debug)
        e - The event to get information to. This is always null if debug == false.
        debug - If true this should print more information, if false this should print what is shown to the end user
        String representation of this object
      • -
      • -


        public boolean isSingle()
        true if this expression will ever only return one value at most, false if it can return multiple values.
      • -
    • -
    - -
    - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprBed.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprBed.html deleted file mode 100644 index 13d5663363..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprBed.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,352 +0,0 @@ - - - - -ExprBed (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -
    - -
    - -

    Class ExprBed

    - -
    All Implemented Interfaces:
    Converter<org.bukkit.OfflinePlayer,org.bukkit.Location>, Debuggable, Expression<org.bukkit.Location>, SyntaxElement
    @Name("Bed") -@Description({"Returns the bed location of a player, i.e. the spawn point of a player if they ever slept in a bed and the bed still exists and is unobstructed however, you can set the unsafe bed location of players and they will respawn there even if it has been obstructed or doesn\'t exist anymore and that\'s the default behavior of this expression otherwise you will need to be specific i.e. <code>safe bed location</code>.","","NOTE: Offline players can not have their bed location changed, only online players."}) -@Examples({"if bed of player exists:","\tteleport player the the player\'s bed","else:","\tteleport the player to the world\'s spawn point","","set the bed location of player to spawn location of world(\"world\") # unsafe/invalid bed location","set the safe bed location of player to spawn location of world(\"world\") # safe/valid bed location"}) -@Since("2.0, 2.7 (offlineplayers, safe bed)") -public class ExprBed -extends SimplePropertyExpression<org.bukkit.OfflinePlayer,org.bukkit.Location>
    - -
      - -
    • -

      Constructor Details

      • -


        public ExprBed()
      • -
    • - -
    • -

      Method Details

      • -


        public boolean init(Expression<?>[] exprs, - int matchedPattern, - Kleenean isDelayed, - SkriptParser.ParseResult parseResult)
        Description copied from interface: SyntaxElement
        Called just after the constructor.
        Specified by:
        init in interface SyntaxElement
        init in class SimplePropertyExpression<org.bukkit.OfflinePlayer,org.bukkit.Location>
        exprs - all %expr%s included in the matching pattern in the order they appear in the pattern. If an optional value was left out it will still be included in this list - holding the default value of the desired type which usually depends on the event.
        matchedPattern - The index of the pattern which matched
        isDelayed - Whether this expression is used after a delay or not (i.e. if the event has already passed when this expression will be called)
        parseResult - Additional information about the match.
        Whether this expression was initialised successfully. An error should be printed prior to returning false to specify the cause.
        See Also:
        - -
      • -
      • -


        public @Nullable org.bukkit.Location convert(org.bukkit.OfflinePlayer p)
        Description copied from interface: Converter
        Converts an object from the given to the desired type.
        Specified by:
        convert in interface Converter<org.bukkit.OfflinePlayer,org.bukkit.Location>
        Specified by:
        convert in class SimplePropertyExpression<org.bukkit.OfflinePlayer,org.bukkit.Location>
        p - The object to convert.
        the converted object
      • -
      • -


        public @Nullable Class<?>[] acceptChange(Changer.ChangeMode mode)
        Description copied from interface: Expression
        Tests whether this expression supports the given mode, and if yes what type it expects the delta to be. -

        - Use Changer.ChangerUtils.acceptsChange(Expression, ChangeMode, Class...) to test whether an expression supports changing, don't directly use this method! -

        - Please note that if a changer is registered for this expression's returnType this method does not have to be overridden. If you override it though - make sure to return super.acceptChange(mode), and to handle the appropriate ChangeMode(s) in Expression.change(Event, Object[], ChangeMode) with - super.change(...). -

        - Unlike Changer.acceptChange(ChangeMode) this method may print errors.

        Specified by:
        acceptChange in interface Expression<org.bukkit.Location>
        acceptChange in class SimpleExpression<org.bukkit.Location>
        An array of types that Expression.change(Event, Object[], ChangeMode) accepts as its delta parameter (which can be arrays to denote that multiple of - that type are accepted), or null if the given mode is not supported. For Changer.ChangeMode.DELETE and Changer.ChangeMode.RESET this can return any non-null array to - mark them as supported.
      • -
      • -


        public void change(org.bukkit.event.Event e, - @Nullable Object[] delta, - Changer.ChangeMode mode)
        Description copied from interface: Expression
        Changes the expression's value by the given amount. This will only be called on supported modes and with the desired delta type as returned by - Expression.acceptChange(ChangeMode)
        Specified by:
        change in interface Expression<org.bukkit.Location>
        change in class SimpleExpression<org.bukkit.Location>
        delta - An array with one or more instances of one or more of the the classes returned by Expression.acceptChange(ChangeMode) for the given change mode (null for - Changer.ChangeMode.DELETE and Changer.ChangeMode.RESET). This can be a Object[], thus casting is not allowed.
      • -
      • -


        protected String getPropertyName()
        Description copied from class: SimplePropertyExpression
        Used to collect the property type used in the register method. - This forms the toString of this SimplePropertyExpression.
        Specified by:
        getPropertyName in class SimplePropertyExpression<org.bukkit.OfflinePlayer,org.bukkit.Location>
        The name of the type used when registering this SimplePropertyExpression.
      • -
      • -


        public Class<? extends org.bukkit.Location> getReturnType()
        Description copied from interface: Expression
        Gets the return type of this expression.
        A supertype of any objects returned by Expression.getSingle(Event) and the component type of any arrays returned by Expression.getArray(Event)
      • -
    • -
    - -
    - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprBiome.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprBiome.html deleted file mode 100644 index d8411e38c8..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprBiome.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,371 +0,0 @@ - - - - -ExprBiome (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -
    - -
    - -

    Class ExprBiome

    java.lang.Object -
    ch.njol.skript.lang.util.SimpleExpression<T> -
    ch.njol.skript.expressions.base.PropertyExpression<org.bukkit.Location,org.bukkit.block.Biome> -
    All Implemented Interfaces:
    Debuggable, Expression<org.bukkit.block.Biome>, SyntaxElement
    @Name("Biome") -@Description({"The biome at a certain location. Please note that biomes are only defined for x/z-columns","(i.e. the <a href=\'#ExprAltitude\'>altitude</a> (y-coordinate) doesn\'t matter), up until Minecraft 1.15.x.","As of Minecraft 1.16, biomes are now 3D (per block vs column)."}) -@Examples({"# damage player in deserts constantly","every real minute:","\tloop all players:","\t\tbiome at loop-player is desert","\t\tdamage the loop-player by 1"}) -@Since("1.4.4, 2.6.1 (3D biomes)") -public class ExprBiome -extends PropertyExpression<org.bukkit.Location,org.bukkit.block.Biome>
    - -
      - -
    • -

      Constructor Details

      • -


        public ExprBiome()
      • -
    • - -
    • -

      Method Details

      • -


        public boolean init(Expression<?>[] exprs, - int matchedPattern, - Kleenean isDelayed, - SkriptParser.ParseResult parseResult)
        Description copied from interface: SyntaxElement
        Called just after the constructor.
        exprs - all %expr%s included in the matching pattern in the order they appear in the pattern. If an optional value was left out it will still be included in this list - holding the default value of the desired type which usually depends on the event.
        matchedPattern - The index of the pattern which matched
        isDelayed - Whether this expression is used after a delay or not (i.e. if the event has already passed when this expression will be called)
        parseResult - Additional information about the match.
        Whether this expression was initialised successfully. An error should be printed prior to returning false to specify the cause.
        See Also:
        - -
      • -
      • -


        protected org.bukkit.block.Biome[] get(org.bukkit.event.Event event, - org.bukkit.Location[] source)
        Description copied from class: PropertyExpression
        Converts the given source object(s) to the correct type. -

        - Please note that the returned array must neither be null nor contain any null elements!

        Specified by:
        get in class PropertyExpression<org.bukkit.Location,org.bukkit.block.Biome>
        event - the event involved at the time of runtime calling.
        source - the array of the objects from the expressions.
        An array of the converted objects, which may contain less elements than the source array, but must not be null.
        See Also:
        - -
      • -
      • -


        public @Nullable Class<?>[] acceptChange(Changer.ChangeMode mode)
        Description copied from interface: Expression
        Tests whether this expression supports the given mode, and if yes what type it expects the delta to be. -

        - Use Changer.ChangerUtils.acceptsChange(Expression, ChangeMode, Class...) to test whether an expression supports changing, don't directly use this method! -

        - Please note that if a changer is registered for this expression's returnType this method does not have to be overridden. If you override it though - make sure to return super.acceptChange(mode), and to handle the appropriate ChangeMode(s) in Expression.change(Event, Object[], ChangeMode) with - super.change(...). -

        - Unlike Changer.acceptChange(ChangeMode) this method may print errors.

        Specified by:
        acceptChange in interface Expression<org.bukkit.block.Biome>
        acceptChange in class SimpleExpression<org.bukkit.block.Biome>
        An array of types that Expression.change(Event, Object[], ChangeMode) accepts as its delta parameter (which can be arrays to denote that multiple of - that type are accepted), or null if the given mode is not supported. For Changer.ChangeMode.DELETE and Changer.ChangeMode.RESET this can return any non-null array to - mark them as supported.
      • -
      • -


        public void change(org.bukkit.event.Event event, - @Nullable Object[] delta, - Changer.ChangeMode mode)
        Description copied from interface: Expression
        Changes the expression's value by the given amount. This will only be called on supported modes and with the desired delta type as returned by - Expression.acceptChange(ChangeMode)
        Specified by:
        change in interface Expression<org.bukkit.block.Biome>
        change in class SimpleExpression<org.bukkit.block.Biome>
        delta - An array with one or more instances of one or more of the the classes returned by Expression.acceptChange(ChangeMode) for the given change mode (null for - Changer.ChangeMode.DELETE and Changer.ChangeMode.RESET). This can be a Object[], thus casting is not allowed.
      • -
      • -


        public Class<? extends org.bukkit.block.Biome> getReturnType()
        Description copied from interface: Expression
        Gets the return type of this expression.
        A supertype of any objects returned by Expression.getSingle(Event) and the component type of any arrays returned by Expression.getArray(Event)
      • -
      • -


        public String toString(@Nullable org.bukkit.event.Event event, - boolean debug)
        event - The event to get information to. This is always null if debug == false.
        debug - If true this should print more information, if false this should print what is shown to the end user
        String representation of this object
      • -
      • -


        public boolean setTime(int time)
        Description copied from class: SimpleExpression
        Sets the time of this expression, i.e. whether the returned value represents this expression before or after the event. -

        - This method will not be called if this expression is guaranteed to be used after a delay (an error will be printed immediately), but will be called if - it only can be after a delay (e.g. if the preceding delay is in an if or a loop) as well as if there's no delay involved. -

        - If this method returns false the expression will be discarded and an error message is printed. Custom error messages must be of ErrorQuality.SEMANTIC_ERROR to be - printed (NB: Skript.error(String) always creates semantic errors). -

        - This implementation sets the time but returns false.

        Specified by:
        setTime in interface Expression<org.bukkit.block.Biome>
        setTime in class SimpleExpression<org.bukkit.block.Biome>
        time - -1 for past or 1 for future. 0 is never passed to this method as it represents the default state.
        Whether this expression has distinct time states, e.g. a player never changes but a block can. This should be sensitive for the event (using - ParserInstance.isCurrentEvent(Class)).
        See Also:
        - -
      • -
    • -
    - -
    - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprBlock.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprBlock.html deleted file mode 100644 index 67288846a9..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprBlock.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,226 +0,0 @@ - - - - -ExprBlock (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -
    - -
    - -

    Class ExprBlock

    java.lang.Object -
    ch.njol.skript.lang.util.SimpleExpression<T> -
    ch.njol.skript.expressions.base.WrapperExpression<org.bukkit.block.Block> -
    All Implemented Interfaces:
    Debuggable, Expression<org.bukkit.block.Block>, SyntaxElement
    @Name("Block") -@Description({"The block involved in the event, e.g. the clicked block or the placed block.","Can optionally include a direction as well, e.g. \'block above\' or \'block in front of the player\'."}) -@Examples({"block is ore","set block below to air","spawn a creeper above the block","loop blocks in radius 4:","\tloop-block is obsidian","\tset loop-block to water","block is a chest:","\tclear the inventory of the block"}) -@Since("1.0") -public class ExprBlock -extends WrapperExpression<org.bukkit.block.Block>
    - -
      - -
    • -

      Constructor Details

      • -


        public ExprBlock()
      • -
    • - -
    • -

      Method Details

      • -


        public boolean init(Expression<?>[] exprs, - int matchedPattern, - Kleenean isDelayed, - SkriptParser.ParseResult parser)
        Description copied from interface: SyntaxElement
        Called just after the constructor.
        exprs - all %expr%s included in the matching pattern in the order they appear in the pattern. If an optional value was left out it will still be included in this list - holding the default value of the desired type which usually depends on the event.
        matchedPattern - The index of the pattern which matched
        isDelayed - Whether this expression is used after a delay or not (i.e. if the event has already passed when this expression will be called)
        parser - Additional information about the match.
        Whether this expression was initialised successfully. An error should be printed prior to returning false to specify the cause.
        See Also:
        - -
      • -
      • -


        public String toString(@Nullable org.bukkit.event.Event e, - boolean debug)
        e - The event to get information to. This is always null if debug == false.
        debug - If true this should print more information, if false this should print what is shown to the end user
        String representation of this object
      • -
    • -
    - -
    - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprBlockData.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprBlockData.html deleted file mode 100644 index 5505333690..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprBlockData.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,314 +0,0 @@ - - - - -ExprBlockData (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -
    - -
    - -

    Class ExprBlockData

    java.lang.Object -
    ch.njol.skript.lang.util.SimpleExpression<T> -
    ch.njol.skript.expressions.base.PropertyExpression<F,T> -
    ch.njol.skript.expressions.base.SimplePropertyExpression<org.bukkit.block.Block,org.bukkit.block.data.BlockData> -
    All Implemented Interfaces:
    Converter<org.bukkit.block.Block,org.bukkit.block.data.BlockData>, Debuggable, Expression<org.bukkit.block.data.BlockData>, SyntaxElement
    @Name("Block Data") -@Description("Get the <a href=\'classes.html#blockdata\'>block data</a> associated with a block. This data can also be used to set blocks.") -@Examples({"set {data} to block data of target block","set block at player to {data}","set block data of target block to oak_stairs[facing=south;waterlogged=true]"}) -@RequiredPlugins("Minecraft 1.13+") -@Since("2.5, 2.5.2 (set)") -public class ExprBlockData -extends SimplePropertyExpression<org.bukkit.block.Block,org.bukkit.block.data.BlockData>
    - -
    - -
    - -
    - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprBlockHardness.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprBlockHardness.html deleted file mode 100644 index bbaf9d1820..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprBlockHardness.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,258 +0,0 @@ - - - - -ExprBlockHardness (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -
    - -
    - -

    Class ExprBlockHardness

    - -
    All Implemented Interfaces:
    Converter<ItemType,Number>, Debuggable, Expression<Number>, SyntaxElement
    @Name("Block Hardness") -@Description("Obtains the block\'s hardness level (also known as \"strength\"). This number is used to calculate the time required to break each block.") -@Examples({"set {_hard} to block hardness of target block","if block hardness of target block > 5:"}) -@RequiredPlugins("Minecraft 1.13+") -@Since("2.6") -public class ExprBlockHardness -extends SimplePropertyExpression<ItemType,Number>
    - -
      - -
    • -

      Constructor Details

      • -


        public ExprBlockHardness()
      • -
    • - -
    • -

      Method Details

      - -
    • -
    - -
    - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprBlockSphere.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprBlockSphere.html deleted file mode 100644 index 0625dd36b8..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprBlockSphere.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,323 +0,0 @@ - - - - -ExprBlockSphere (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -
    - -
    - -

    Class ExprBlockSphere

    java.lang.Object -
    ch.njol.skript.lang.util.SimpleExpression<org.bukkit.block.Block> -
    All Implemented Interfaces:
    Debuggable, Expression<org.bukkit.block.Block>, SyntaxElement
    @Name("Block Sphere") -@Description("All blocks in a sphere around a center, mostly useful for looping.") -@Examples({"loop blocks in radius 5 around the player:","\tset loop-block to air"}) -@Since("1.0") -public class ExprBlockSphere -extends SimpleExpression<org.bukkit.block.Block>
    - -
      - -
    • -

      Constructor Details

      • -


        public ExprBlockSphere()
      • -
    • - -
    • -

      Method Details

      • -


        public boolean init(Expression<?>[] exprs, - int matchedPattern, - Kleenean isDelayed, - SkriptParser.ParseResult parser)
        Description copied from interface: SyntaxElement
        Called just after the constructor.
        exprs - all %expr%s included in the matching pattern in the order they appear in the pattern. If an optional value was left out it will still be included in this list - holding the default value of the desired type which usually depends on the event.
        matchedPattern - The index of the pattern which matched
        isDelayed - Whether this expression is used after a delay or not (i.e. if the event has already passed when this expression will be called)
        parser - Additional information about the match.
        Whether this expression was initialised successfully. An error should be printed prior to returning false to specify the cause.
        See Also:
        - -
      • -
      • -


        public Iterator<org.bukkit.block.Block> iterator(org.bukkit.event.Event e)
        Description copied from interface: Expression
        Returns the same as Expression.getArray(Event) but as an iterator. This method should be overriden by expressions intended to be looped to increase performance.
        Specified by:
        iterator in interface Expression<org.bukkit.block.Block>
        iterator in class SimpleExpression<org.bukkit.block.Block>
        e - The event
        An iterator to iterate over all values of this expression which may be empty and/or null, but must not return null elements.
      • -
      • -


        protected @Nullable org.bukkit.block.Block[] get(org.bukkit.event.Event e)
        Description copied from class: SimpleExpression
        This is the internal method to get an expression's values.
        - To get the expression's value from the outside use SimpleExpression.getSingle(Event) or SimpleExpression.getArray(Event).
        Specified by:
        get in class SimpleExpression<org.bukkit.block.Block>
        e - The event
        An array of values for this event. May not contain nulls.
      • -
      • -


        public Class<? extends org.bukkit.block.Block> getReturnType()
        Description copied from interface: Expression
        Gets the return type of this expression.
        A supertype of any objects returned by Expression.getSingle(Event) and the component type of any arrays returned by Expression.getArray(Event)
      • -
      • -


        public String toString(@Nullable org.bukkit.event.Event e, - boolean debug)
        e - The event to get information to. This is always null if debug == false.
        debug - If true this should print more information, if false this should print what is shown to the end user
        String representation of this object
      • -
      • -


        public boolean isLoopOf(String s)
        Description copied from interface: Expression
        Checks whether the given 'loop-...' expression should match this loop, e.g. loop-block matches any loops that loop through blocks and loop-argument matches an - argument loop. -

        - You should usually just return false as e.g. loop-block will automatically match the expression if its returnType is Block or a subtype of it.

        Specified by:
        isLoopOf in interface Expression<org.bukkit.block.Block>
        isLoopOf in class SimpleExpression<org.bukkit.block.Block>
        s - The entered string
        Whether this loop matches the given string
      • -
      • -


        public boolean isSingle()
        true if this expression will ever only return one value at most, false if it can return multiple values.
      • -
    • -
    - -
    - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprBlocks.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprBlocks.html deleted file mode 100644 index 30ad5edc76..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprBlocks.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,297 +0,0 @@ - - - - -ExprBlocks (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -
    - -
    - -

    Class ExprBlocks

    java.lang.Object -
    ch.njol.skript.lang.util.SimpleExpression<org.bukkit.block.Block> -
    All Implemented Interfaces:
    Debuggable, Expression<org.bukkit.block.Block>, SyntaxElement
    @Name("Blocks") -@Description({"Blocks relative to other blocks or between other blocks. Can be used to get blocks relative to other blocks or for looping.","Blocks from/to and between will return a straight line whereas blocks within will return a cuboid."}) -@Examples({"loop blocks above the player:","loop blocks between the block below the player and the targeted block:","set the blocks below the player, the victim and the targeted block to air","set all blocks within {loc1} and {loc2} to stone","set all blocks within chunk at player to air"}) -@Since("1.0, 2.5.1 (within/cuboid/chunk)") -public class ExprBlocks -extends SimpleExpression<org.bukkit.block.Block>
    - -
      - -
    • -

      Constructor Details

      • -


        public ExprBlocks()
      • -
    • - -
    • -

      Method Details

      • -


        public boolean init(Expression<?>[] exprs, - int matchedPattern, - Kleenean isDelayed, - SkriptParser.ParseResult parser)
        Description copied from interface: SyntaxElement
        Called just after the constructor.
        exprs - all %expr%s included in the matching pattern in the order they appear in the pattern. If an optional value was left out it will still be included in this list - holding the default value of the desired type which usually depends on the event.
        matchedPattern - The index of the pattern which matched
        isDelayed - Whether this expression is used after a delay or not (i.e. if the event has already passed when this expression will be called)
        parser - Additional information about the match.
        Whether this expression was initialised successfully. An error should be printed prior to returning false to specify the cause.
        See Also:
        - -
      • -
      • -


        protected @Nullable org.bukkit.block.Block[] get(org.bukkit.event.Event event)
        Description copied from class: SimpleExpression
        This is the internal method to get an expression's values.
        - To get the expression's value from the outside use SimpleExpression.getSingle(Event) or SimpleExpression.getArray(Event).
        Specified by:
        get in class SimpleExpression<org.bukkit.block.Block>
        event - The event
        An array of values for this event. May not contain nulls.
      • -
      • -


        public @Nullable Iterator<org.bukkit.block.Block> iterator(org.bukkit.event.Event event)
        Description copied from interface: Expression
        Returns the same as Expression.getArray(Event) but as an iterator. This method should be overriden by expressions intended to be looped to increase performance.
        Specified by:
        iterator in interface Expression<org.bukkit.block.Block>
        iterator in class SimpleExpression<org.bukkit.block.Block>
        event - The event
        An iterator to iterate over all values of this expression which may be empty and/or null, but must not return null elements.
      • -
      • -


        public Class<? extends org.bukkit.block.Block> getReturnType()
        Description copied from interface: Expression
        Gets the return type of this expression.
        A supertype of any objects returned by Expression.getSingle(Event) and the component type of any arrays returned by Expression.getArray(Event)
      • -
      • -


        public boolean isSingle()
        true if this expression will ever only return one value at most, false if it can return multiple values.
      • -
      • -


        public String toString(@Nullable org.bukkit.event.Event event, - boolean debug)
        event - The event to get information to. This is always null if debug == false.
        debug - If true this should print more information, if false this should print what is shown to the end user
        String representation of this object
      • -
    • -
    - -
    - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprBookAuthor.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprBookAuthor.html deleted file mode 100644 index 48fa62ca00..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprBookAuthor.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,313 +0,0 @@ - - - - -ExprBookAuthor (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -
    - -
    - -

    Class ExprBookAuthor

    - -
    All Implemented Interfaces:
    Converter<ItemType,String>, Debuggable, Expression<String>, SyntaxElement
    @Name("Book Author") -@Description("The author of a book.") -@Examples({"on book sign:","\tmessage \"Book Title: %author of event-item%\""}) -@Since("2.2-dev31") -public class ExprBookAuthor -extends SimplePropertyExpression<ItemType,String>
    - -
    - -
    - -
    - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprBookPages.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprBookPages.html deleted file mode 100644 index e9a815a4bd..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprBookPages.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,331 +0,0 @@ - - - - -ExprBookPages (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -
    - -
    - -

    Class ExprBookPages

    java.lang.Object -
    ch.njol.skript.lang.util.SimpleExpression<String> -
    All Implemented Interfaces:
    Debuggable, Expression<String>, SyntaxElement
    @Name("Book Pages") -@Description({"The pages of a book (Supports Skript\'s chat format)","Note: In order to modify the pages of a new written book, you must have the title and author","of the book set. Skript will do this for you, but if you want your own, please set those values."}) -@Examples({"on book sign:","\tmessage \"Book Pages: %pages of event-item%\"","\tmessage \"Book Page 1: %page 1 of event-item%\"","","set page 1 of player\'s held item to \"Book writing\""}) -@Since("2.2-dev31, 2.7 (changers)") -public class ExprBookPages -extends SimpleExpression<String>
    - -
      - -
    • -

      Constructor Details

      • -


        public ExprBookPages()
      • -
    • - -
    • -

      Method Details

      • -


        public boolean init(Expression<?>[] exprs, - int matchedPattern, - Kleenean isDelayed, - SkriptParser.ParseResult parseResult)
        Description copied from interface: SyntaxElement
        Called just after the constructor.
        exprs - all %expr%s included in the matching pattern in the order they appear in the pattern. If an optional value was left out it will still be included in this list - holding the default value of the desired type which usually depends on the event.
        matchedPattern - The index of the pattern which matched
        isDelayed - Whether this expression is used after a delay or not (i.e. if the event has already passed when this expression will be called)
        parseResult - Additional information about the match.
        Whether this expression was initialised successfully. An error should be printed prior to returning false to specify the cause.
        See Also:
        - -
      • -
      • -


        protected @Nullable String[] get(org.bukkit.event.Event event)
        Description copied from class: SimpleExpression
        This is the internal method to get an expression's values.
        - To get the expression's value from the outside use SimpleExpression.getSingle(Event) or SimpleExpression.getArray(Event).
        Specified by:
        get in class SimpleExpression<String>
        event - The event
        An array of values for this event. May not contain nulls.
      • -
      • -


        public @Nullable Class<?>[] acceptChange(Changer.ChangeMode mode)
        Description copied from interface: Expression
        Tests whether this expression supports the given mode, and if yes what type it expects the delta to be. -

        - Use Changer.ChangerUtils.acceptsChange(Expression, ChangeMode, Class...) to test whether an expression supports changing, don't directly use this method! -

        - Please note that if a changer is registered for this expression's returnType this method does not have to be overridden. If you override it though - make sure to return super.acceptChange(mode), and to handle the appropriate ChangeMode(s) in Expression.change(Event, Object[], ChangeMode) with - super.change(...). -

        - Unlike Changer.acceptChange(ChangeMode) this method may print errors.

        Specified by:
        acceptChange in interface Expression<String>
        acceptChange in class SimpleExpression<String>
        An array of types that Expression.change(Event, Object[], ChangeMode) accepts as its delta parameter (which can be arrays to denote that multiple of - that type are accepted), or null if the given mode is not supported. For Changer.ChangeMode.DELETE and Changer.ChangeMode.RESET this can return any non-null array to - mark them as supported.
      • -
      • -


        public void change(org.bukkit.event.Event event, - Object @Nullable [] delta, - Changer.ChangeMode mode)
        Description copied from interface: Expression
        Changes the expression's value by the given amount. This will only be called on supported modes and with the desired delta type as returned by - Expression.acceptChange(ChangeMode)
        Specified by:
        change in interface Expression<String>
        change in class SimpleExpression<String>
        delta - An array with one or more instances of one or more of the the classes returned by Expression.acceptChange(ChangeMode) for the given change mode (null for - Changer.ChangeMode.DELETE and Changer.ChangeMode.RESET). This can be a Object[], thus casting is not allowed.
      • -
      • -


        public boolean isSingle()
        true if this expression will ever only return one value at most, false if it can return multiple values.
      • -
      • -


        public Class<? extends String> getReturnType()
        Description copied from interface: Expression
        Gets the return type of this expression.
        A supertype of any objects returned by Expression.getSingle(Event) and the component type of any arrays returned by Expression.getArray(Event)
      • -
      • -


        public String toString(@Nullable org.bukkit.event.Event event, - boolean debug)
        event - The event to get information to. This is always null if debug == false.
        debug - If true this should print more information, if false this should print what is shown to the end user
        String representation of this object
      • -
    • -
    - -
    - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprBookTitle.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprBookTitle.html deleted file mode 100644 index 008d589273..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprBookTitle.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,313 +0,0 @@ - - - - -ExprBookTitle (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -
    - -
    - -

    Class ExprBookTitle

    - -
    All Implemented Interfaces:
    Converter<ItemType,String>, Debuggable, Expression<String>, SyntaxElement
    @Name("Book Title") -@Description("The title of a book.") -@Examples({"on book sign:","\tmessage \"Book Title: %title of event-item%\""}) -@Since("2.2-dev31") -public class ExprBookTitle -extends SimplePropertyExpression<ItemType,String>
    - -
    - -
    - -
    - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprBreakSpeed.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprBreakSpeed.html deleted file mode 100644 index baf26253f0..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprBreakSpeed.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,275 +0,0 @@ - - - - -ExprBreakSpeed (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -
    - -
    - -

    Class ExprBreakSpeed

    java.lang.Object -
    ch.njol.skript.lang.util.SimpleExpression<Float> -
    All Implemented Interfaces:
    Debuggable, Expression<Float>, SyntaxElement
    @Name("Block Break Speed") -@Description("Gets the speed at which the given player would break this block, taking into account tools, potion effects, whether or not the player is in water, enchantments, etc. The returned value is the amount of progress made in breaking the block each tick. When the total breaking progress reaches 1.0, the block is broken. Note that the break speed can change in the course of breaking a block, e.g. if a potion effect is applied or expires, or the player jumps/enters water.") -@Examples({"on left click using diamond pickaxe:","\tevent-block is set","\tsend \"Break Speed: %break speed for player%\" to player"}) -@Since("2.7") -@RequiredPlugins("1.17+") -public class ExprBreakSpeed -extends SimpleExpression<Float>
    - -
      - -
    • -

      Constructor Details

      • -


        public ExprBreakSpeed()
      • -
    • - -
    • -

      Method Details

      • -


        public boolean init(Expression<?>[] exprs, - int matchedPattern, - Kleenean isDelayed, - SkriptParser.ParseResult parseResult)
        Description copied from interface: SyntaxElement
        Called just after the constructor.
        exprs - all %expr%s included in the matching pattern in the order they appear in the pattern. If an optional value was left out it will still be included in this list - holding the default value of the desired type which usually depends on the event.
        matchedPattern - The index of the pattern which matched
        isDelayed - Whether this expression is used after a delay or not (i.e. if the event has already passed when this expression will be called)
        parseResult - Additional information about the match.
        Whether this expression was initialised successfully. An error should be printed prior to returning false to specify the cause.
        See Also:
        - -
      • -
      • -


        protected @Nullable Float[] get(org.bukkit.event.Event event)
        Description copied from class: SimpleExpression
        This is the internal method to get an expression's values.
        - To get the expression's value from the outside use SimpleExpression.getSingle(Event) or SimpleExpression.getArray(Event).
        Specified by:
        get in class SimpleExpression<Float>
        event - The event
        An array of values for this event. May not contain nulls.
      • -
      • -


        public boolean isSingle()
        true if this expression will ever only return one value at most, false if it can return multiple values.
      • -
      • -


        public Class<? extends Float> getReturnType()
        Description copied from interface: Expression
        Gets the return type of this expression.
        A supertype of any objects returned by Expression.getSingle(Event) and the component type of any arrays returned by Expression.getArray(Event)
      • -
      • -


        public String toString(@Nullable org.bukkit.event.Event event, - boolean debug)
        event - The event to get information to. This is always null if debug == false.
        debug - If true this should print more information, if false this should print what is shown to the end user
        String representation of this object
      • -
    • -
    - -
    - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprBurnCookTime.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprBurnCookTime.html deleted file mode 100644 index a29a88864a..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprBurnCookTime.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,332 +0,0 @@ - - - - -ExprBurnCookTime (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -
    - -
    - -

    Class ExprBurnCookTime

    java.lang.Object -
    ch.njol.skript.lang.util.SimpleExpression<T> -
    ch.njol.skript.expressions.base.PropertyExpression<org.bukkit.block.Block,Timespan> -
    All Implemented Interfaces:
    Debuggable, Expression<Timespan>, SyntaxElement
    @Name("Burn/Cook Time") -@Description({"The time a furnace takes to burn an item in a <a href=\'events.html#fuel_burn\'>fuel burn</a> event.","Can also be used to change the burn/cook time of a placed furnace."}) -@Examples({"on fuel burn:","\tif fuel slot is coal:","\t\tset burning time to 1 tick"}) -@Since("2.3") -public class ExprBurnCookTime -extends PropertyExpression<org.bukkit.block.Block,Timespan>
    - -
      - -
    • -

      Constructor Details

      • -


        public ExprBurnCookTime()
      • -
    • - -
    • -

      Method Details

      • -


        public boolean init(Expression<?>[] exprs, - int matchedPattern, - Kleenean isDelayed, - SkriptParser.ParseResult parseResult)
        Description copied from interface: SyntaxElement
        Called just after the constructor.
        exprs - all %expr%s included in the matching pattern in the order they appear in the pattern. If an optional value was left out it will still be included in this list - holding the default value of the desired type which usually depends on the event.
        matchedPattern - The index of the pattern which matched
        isDelayed - Whether this expression is used after a delay or not (i.e. if the event has already passed when this expression will be called)
        parseResult - Additional information about the match.
        Whether this expression was initialised successfully. An error should be printed prior to returning false to specify the cause.
        See Also:
        - -
      • -
      • -


        protected Timespan[] get(org.bukkit.event.Event e, - org.bukkit.block.Block[] source)
        Description copied from class: PropertyExpression
        Converts the given source object(s) to the correct type. -

        - Please note that the returned array must neither be null nor contain any null elements!

        Specified by:
        get in class PropertyExpression<org.bukkit.block.Block,Timespan>
        e - the event involved at the time of runtime calling.
        source - the array of the objects from the expressions.
        An array of the converted objects, which may contain less elements than the source array, but must not be null.
        See Also:
        - -
      • -
      • -


        public String toString(@Nullable org.bukkit.event.Event e, - boolean debug)
        e - The event to get information to. This is always null if debug == false.
        debug - If true this should print more information, if false this should print what is shown to the end user
        String representation of this object
      • -
      • -


        public Class<? extends Timespan> getReturnType()
        Description copied from interface: Expression
        Gets the return type of this expression.
        A supertype of any objects returned by Expression.getSingle(Event) and the component type of any arrays returned by Expression.getArray(Event)
      • -
      • -


        public @Nullable Class<?>[] acceptChange(Changer.ChangeMode mode)
        Description copied from interface: Expression
        Tests whether this expression supports the given mode, and if yes what type it expects the delta to be. -

        - Use Changer.ChangerUtils.acceptsChange(Expression, ChangeMode, Class...) to test whether an expression supports changing, don't directly use this method! -

        - Please note that if a changer is registered for this expression's returnType this method does not have to be overridden. If you override it though - make sure to return super.acceptChange(mode), and to handle the appropriate ChangeMode(s) in Expression.change(Event, Object[], ChangeMode) with - super.change(...). -

        - Unlike Changer.acceptChange(ChangeMode) this method may print errors.

        Specified by:
        acceptChange in interface Expression<Timespan>
        acceptChange in class SimpleExpression<Timespan>
        An array of types that Expression.change(Event, Object[], ChangeMode) accepts as its delta parameter (which can be arrays to denote that multiple of - that type are accepted), or null if the given mode is not supported. For Changer.ChangeMode.DELETE and Changer.ChangeMode.RESET this can return any non-null array to - mark them as supported.
      • -
      • -


        public void change(org.bukkit.event.Event e, - @Nullable Object[] delta, - Changer.ChangeMode mode)
        Description copied from interface: Expression
        Changes the expression's value by the given amount. This will only be called on supported modes and with the desired delta type as returned by - Expression.acceptChange(ChangeMode)
        Specified by:
        change in interface Expression<Timespan>
        change in class SimpleExpression<Timespan>
        delta - An array with one or more instances of one or more of the the classes returned by Expression.acceptChange(ChangeMode) for the given change mode (null for - Changer.ChangeMode.DELETE and Changer.ChangeMode.RESET). This can be a Object[], thus casting is not allowed.
      • -
    • -
    - -
    - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprCharges.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprCharges.html deleted file mode 100644 index b828e29e10..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprCharges.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,353 +0,0 @@ - - - - -ExprCharges (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -
    - -
    - -

    Class ExprCharges

    - -
    All Implemented Interfaces:
    Converter<org.bukkit.block.Block,Integer>, Debuggable, Expression<Integer>, SyntaxElement
    @Name("Respawn Anchor Charges") -@Description("The charges of a respawn anchor.") -@Examples("set the charges of event-block to 3") -@RequiredPlugins("Minecraft 1.16+") -@Since("2.7") -public class ExprCharges -extends SimplePropertyExpression<org.bukkit.block.Block,Integer>
    - -
    - -
    - -
    - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprChatFormat.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprChatFormat.html deleted file mode 100644 index 8799caf75b..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprChatFormat.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,331 +0,0 @@ - - - - -ExprChatFormat (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -
    - -
    - -

    Class ExprChatFormat

    java.lang.Object -
    ch.njol.skript.lang.util.SimpleExpression<String> -
    All Implemented Interfaces:
    Debuggable, Expression<String>, SyntaxElement
    @Name("Chat Format") -@Description("Can be used to get/retrieve the chat format. The sender of a message is represented by [player] or [sender], and the message by [message] or [msg].") -@Examples("set the chat format to \"&lt;yellow&gt;[player]&lt;light gray&gt;: &lt;green&gt;[message]\"") -@Since("2.2-dev31") -public class ExprChatFormat -extends SimpleExpression<String>
    - -
      - -
    • -

      Constructor Details

      • -


        public ExprChatFormat()
      • -
    • - -
    • -

      Method Details

      • -


        public boolean isSingle()
        true if this expression will ever only return one value at most, false if it can return multiple values.
      • -
      • -


        public Class<? extends String> getReturnType()
        Description copied from interface: Expression
        Gets the return type of this expression.
        A supertype of any objects returned by Expression.getSingle(Event) and the component type of any arrays returned by Expression.getArray(Event)
      • -
      • -


        public @Nullable Class<?>[] acceptChange(Changer.ChangeMode mode)
        Description copied from interface: Expression
        Tests whether this expression supports the given mode, and if yes what type it expects the delta to be. -

        - Use Changer.ChangerUtils.acceptsChange(Expression, ChangeMode, Class...) to test whether an expression supports changing, don't directly use this method! -

        - Please note that if a changer is registered for this expression's returnType this method does not have to be overridden. If you override it though - make sure to return super.acceptChange(mode), and to handle the appropriate ChangeMode(s) in Expression.change(Event, Object[], ChangeMode) with - super.change(...). -

        - Unlike Changer.acceptChange(ChangeMode) this method may print errors.

        Specified by:
        acceptChange in interface Expression<String>
        acceptChange in class SimpleExpression<String>
        An array of types that Expression.change(Event, Object[], ChangeMode) accepts as its delta parameter (which can be arrays to denote that multiple of - that type are accepted), or null if the given mode is not supported. For Changer.ChangeMode.DELETE and Changer.ChangeMode.RESET this can return any non-null array to - mark them as supported.
      • -
      • -


        public boolean init(Expression<?>[] exprs, - int matchedPattern, - Kleenean isDelayed, - SkriptParser.ParseResult parseResult)
        Description copied from interface: SyntaxElement
        Called just after the constructor.
        exprs - all %expr%s included in the matching pattern in the order they appear in the pattern. If an optional value was left out it will still be included in this list - holding the default value of the desired type which usually depends on the event.
        matchedPattern - The index of the pattern which matched
        isDelayed - Whether this expression is used after a delay or not (i.e. if the event has already passed when this expression will be called)
        parseResult - Additional information about the match.
        Whether this expression was initialised successfully. An error should be printed prior to returning false to specify the cause.
        See Also:
        - -
      • -
      • -


        public String toString(@Nullable org.bukkit.event.Event e, - boolean debug)
        e - The event to get information to. This is always null if debug == false.
        debug - If true this should print more information, if false this should print what is shown to the end user
        String representation of this object
      • -
      • -


        protected @Nullable String[] get(org.bukkit.event.Event e)
        Description copied from class: SimpleExpression
        This is the internal method to get an expression's values.
        - To get the expression's value from the outside use SimpleExpression.getSingle(Event) or SimpleExpression.getArray(Event).
        Specified by:
        get in class SimpleExpression<String>
        e - The event
        An array of values for this event. May not contain nulls.
      • -
      • -


        public void change(org.bukkit.event.Event e, - @Nullable Object[] delta, - Changer.ChangeMode mode)
        Description copied from interface: Expression
        Changes the expression's value by the given amount. This will only be called on supported modes and with the desired delta type as returned by - Expression.acceptChange(ChangeMode)
        Specified by:
        change in interface Expression<String>
        change in class SimpleExpression<String>
        delta - An array with one or more instances of one or more of the the classes returned by Expression.acceptChange(ChangeMode) for the given change mode (null for - Changer.ChangeMode.DELETE and Changer.ChangeMode.RESET). This can be a Object[], thus casting is not allowed.
      • -
    • -
    - -
    - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprChatRecipients.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprChatRecipients.html deleted file mode 100644 index c538645200..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprChatRecipients.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,331 +0,0 @@ - - - - -ExprChatRecipients (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -
    - -
    - -

    Class ExprChatRecipients

    java.lang.Object -
    ch.njol.skript.lang.util.SimpleExpression<org.bukkit.entity.Player> -
    All Implemented Interfaces:
    Debuggable, Expression<org.bukkit.entity.Player>, SyntaxElement
    @Name("Chat Recipients") -@Description("Recipients of chat events where this is called.") -@Examples("chat recipients") -@Since("2.2-Fixes-v7, 2.2-dev35 (clearing recipients)") -public class ExprChatRecipients -extends SimpleExpression<org.bukkit.entity.Player>
    - -
      - -
    • -

      Constructor Details

      • -


        public ExprChatRecipients()
      • -
    • - -
    • -

      Method Details

      • -


        public boolean isSingle()
        true if this expression will ever only return one value at most, false if it can return multiple values.
      • -
      • -


        public Class<org.bukkit.entity.Player> getReturnType()
        Description copied from interface: Expression
        Gets the return type of this expression.
        A supertype of any objects returned by Expression.getSingle(Event) and the component type of any arrays returned by Expression.getArray(Event)
      • -
      • -


        public Class<?>[] acceptChange(Changer.ChangeMode mode)
        Description copied from interface: Expression
        Tests whether this expression supports the given mode, and if yes what type it expects the delta to be. -

        - Use Changer.ChangerUtils.acceptsChange(Expression, ChangeMode, Class...) to test whether an expression supports changing, don't directly use this method! -

        - Please note that if a changer is registered for this expression's returnType this method does not have to be overridden. If you override it though - make sure to return super.acceptChange(mode), and to handle the appropriate ChangeMode(s) in Expression.change(Event, Object[], ChangeMode) with - super.change(...). -

        - Unlike Changer.acceptChange(ChangeMode) this method may print errors.

        Specified by:
        acceptChange in interface Expression<org.bukkit.entity.Player>
        acceptChange in class SimpleExpression<org.bukkit.entity.Player>
        An array of types that Expression.change(Event, Object[], ChangeMode) accepts as its delta parameter (which can be arrays to denote that multiple of - that type are accepted), or null if the given mode is not supported. For Changer.ChangeMode.DELETE and Changer.ChangeMode.RESET this can return any non-null array to - mark them as supported.
      • -
      • -


        public boolean init(Expression<?>[] exprs, - int matchedPattern, - Kleenean isDelayed, - SkriptParser.ParseResult parseResult)
        Description copied from interface: SyntaxElement
        Called just after the constructor.
        exprs - all %expr%s included in the matching pattern in the order they appear in the pattern. If an optional value was left out it will still be included in this list - holding the default value of the desired type which usually depends on the event.
        matchedPattern - The index of the pattern which matched
        isDelayed - Whether this expression is used after a delay or not (i.e. if the event has already passed when this expression will be called)
        parseResult - Additional information about the match.
        Whether this expression was initialised successfully. An error should be printed prior to returning false to specify the cause.
        See Also:
        - -
      • -
      • -


        public String toString(@Nullable org.bukkit.event.Event event, - boolean debug)
        event - The event to get information to. This is always null if debug == false.
        debug - If true this should print more information, if false this should print what is shown to the end user
        String representation of this object
      • -
      • -


        protected @Nullable org.bukkit.entity.Player[] get(org.bukkit.event.Event event)
        Description copied from class: SimpleExpression
        This is the internal method to get an expression's values.
        - To get the expression's value from the outside use SimpleExpression.getSingle(Event) or SimpleExpression.getArray(Event).
        Specified by:
        get in class SimpleExpression<org.bukkit.entity.Player>
        event - The event
        An array of values for this event. May not contain nulls.
      • -
      • -


        public void change(org.bukkit.event.Event event, - @Nullable Object[] delta, - Changer.ChangeMode mode)
        Description copied from interface: Expression
        Changes the expression's value by the given amount. This will only be called on supported modes and with the desired delta type as returned by - Expression.acceptChange(ChangeMode)
        Specified by:
        change in interface Expression<org.bukkit.entity.Player>
        change in class SimpleExpression<org.bukkit.entity.Player>
        delta - An array with one or more instances of one or more of the the classes returned by Expression.acceptChange(ChangeMode) for the given change mode (null for - Changer.ChangeMode.DELETE and Changer.ChangeMode.RESET). This can be a Object[], thus casting is not allowed.
      • -
    • -
    - -
    - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprChestInventory.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprChestInventory.html deleted file mode 100644 index 0ca44c1d40..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprChestInventory.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,274 +0,0 @@ - - - - -ExprChestInventory (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -
    - -
    - -

    Class ExprChestInventory

    java.lang.Object -
    ch.njol.skript.lang.util.SimpleExpression<org.bukkit.inventory.Inventory> -
    All Implemented Interfaces:
    Debuggable, Expression<org.bukkit.inventory.Inventory>, SyntaxElement
    @Name("Custom Chest Inventory") -@Description("Returns a chest inventory with the given amount of rows and the name. Use the <a href=effects.html#EffOpenInventory>open inventory</a> effect to open it.") -@Examples({"open chest inventory with 1 row named \"test\" to player","set {_inventory} to chest inventory with 1 row"}) -@Since("2.2-dev34") -public class ExprChestInventory -extends SimpleExpression<org.bukkit.inventory.Inventory>
    - -
      - -
    • -

      Constructor Details

      • -


        public ExprChestInventory()
      • -
    • - -
    • -

      Method Details

      • -


        public boolean init(Expression<?>[] exprs, - int matchedPattern, - Kleenean isDelayed, - SkriptParser.ParseResult parseResult)
        Description copied from interface: SyntaxElement
        Called just after the constructor.
        exprs - all %expr%s included in the matching pattern in the order they appear in the pattern. If an optional value was left out it will still be included in this list - holding the default value of the desired type which usually depends on the event.
        matchedPattern - The index of the pattern which matched
        isDelayed - Whether this expression is used after a delay or not (i.e. if the event has already passed when this expression will be called)
        parseResult - Additional information about the match.
        Whether this expression was initialised successfully. An error should be printed prior to returning false to specify the cause.
        See Also:
        - -
      • -
      • -


        protected org.bukkit.inventory.Inventory[] get(org.bukkit.event.Event e)
        Description copied from class: SimpleExpression
        This is the internal method to get an expression's values.
        - To get the expression's value from the outside use SimpleExpression.getSingle(Event) or SimpleExpression.getArray(Event).
        Specified by:
        get in class SimpleExpression<org.bukkit.inventory.Inventory>
        e - The event
        An array of values for this event. May not contain nulls.
      • -
      • -


        public boolean isSingle()
        true if this expression will ever only return one value at most, false if it can return multiple values.
      • -
      • -


        public Class<? extends org.bukkit.inventory.Inventory> getReturnType()
        Description copied from interface: Expression
        Gets the return type of this expression.
        A supertype of any objects returned by Expression.getSingle(Event) and the component type of any arrays returned by Expression.getArray(Event)
      • -
      • -


        public String toString(@Nullable org.bukkit.event.Event e, - boolean debug)
        e - The event to get information to. This is always null if debug == false.
        debug - If true this should print more information, if false this should print what is shown to the end user
        String representation of this object
      • -
    • -
    - -
    - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprChunk.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprChunk.html deleted file mode 100644 index ad9794a030..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprChunk.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,333 +0,0 @@ - - - - -ExprChunk (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -
    - -
    - -

    Class ExprChunk

    java.lang.Object -
    ch.njol.skript.lang.util.SimpleExpression<org.bukkit.Chunk> -
    All Implemented Interfaces:
    Debuggable, Expression<org.bukkit.Chunk>, SyntaxElement
    @Name("Chunk") -@Description("Returns the <a href=\'./classes.html#chunk\'>chunk</a> of a block, location or entity is in, or a list of the loaded chunks of a world.") -@Examples({"add the chunk at the player to {protected chunks::*}","set {_chunks::*} to the loaded chunks of the player\'s world"}) -@Since("2.0, INSERT VERSION (loaded chunks)") -public class ExprChunk -extends SimpleExpression<org.bukkit.Chunk>
    - -
      - -
    • -

      Constructor Details

      • -


        public ExprChunk()
      • -
    • - -
    • -

      Method Details

      • -


        public boolean init(Expression<?>[] exprs, - int matchedPattern, - Kleenean isDelayed, - SkriptParser.ParseResult parseResult)
        Description copied from interface: SyntaxElement
        Called just after the constructor.
        exprs - all %expr%s included in the matching pattern in the order they appear in the pattern. If an optional value was left out it will still be included in this list - holding the default value of the desired type which usually depends on the event.
        matchedPattern - The index of the pattern which matched
        isDelayed - Whether this expression is used after a delay or not (i.e. if the event has already passed when this expression will be called)
        parseResult - Additional information about the match.
        Whether this expression was initialised successfully. An error should be printed prior to returning false to specify the cause.
        See Also:
        - -
      • -
      • -


        protected org.bukkit.Chunk[] get(org.bukkit.event.Event event)
        Description copied from class: SimpleExpression
        This is the internal method to get an expression's values.
        - To get the expression's value from the outside use SimpleExpression.getSingle(Event) or SimpleExpression.getArray(Event).
        Specified by:
        get in class SimpleExpression<org.bukkit.Chunk>
        event - The event
        An array of values for this event. May not contain nulls.
      • -
      • -


        @Nullable -public @Nullable Class<?>[] acceptChange(Changer.ChangeMode mode)
        Description copied from interface: Expression
        Tests whether this expression supports the given mode, and if yes what type it expects the delta to be. -

        - Use Changer.ChangerUtils.acceptsChange(Expression, ChangeMode, Class...) to test whether an expression supports changing, don't directly use this method! -

        - Please note that if a changer is registered for this expression's returnType this method does not have to be overridden. If you override it though - make sure to return super.acceptChange(mode), and to handle the appropriate ChangeMode(s) in Expression.change(Event, Object[], ChangeMode) with - super.change(...). -

        - Unlike Changer.acceptChange(ChangeMode) this method may print errors.

        Specified by:
        acceptChange in interface Expression<org.bukkit.Chunk>
        acceptChange in class SimpleExpression<org.bukkit.Chunk>
        An array of types that Expression.change(Event, Object[], ChangeMode) accepts as its delta parameter (which can be arrays to denote that multiple of - that type are accepted), or null if the given mode is not supported. For Changer.ChangeMode.DELETE and Changer.ChangeMode.RESET this can return any non-null array to - mark them as supported.
      • -
      • -


        public void change(org.bukkit.event.Event event, - Object @Nullable [] delta, - Changer.ChangeMode mode)
        Description copied from interface: Expression
        Changes the expression's value by the given amount. This will only be called on supported modes and with the desired delta type as returned by - Expression.acceptChange(ChangeMode)
        Specified by:
        change in interface Expression<org.bukkit.Chunk>
        change in class SimpleExpression<org.bukkit.Chunk>
        delta - An array with one or more instances of one or more of the the classes returned by Expression.acceptChange(ChangeMode) for the given change mode (null for - Changer.ChangeMode.DELETE and Changer.ChangeMode.RESET). This can be a Object[], thus casting is not allowed.
      • -
      • -


        public boolean isSingle()
        true if this expression will ever only return one value at most, false if it can return multiple values.
      • -
      • -


        public Class<? extends org.bukkit.Chunk> getReturnType()
        Description copied from interface: Expression
        Gets the return type of this expression.
        A supertype of any objects returned by Expression.getSingle(Event) and the component type of any arrays returned by Expression.getArray(Event)
      • -
      • -


        public String toString(@Nullable - @Nullable org.bukkit.event.Event event, - boolean debug)
        event - The event to get information to. This is always null if debug == false.
        debug - If true this should print more information, if false this should print what is shown to the end user
        String representation of this object
      • -
    • -
    - -
    - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprClicked.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprClicked.html deleted file mode 100644 index 1b380c4c44..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprClicked.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,275 +0,0 @@ - - - - -ExprClicked (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -
    - -
    - -

    Class ExprClicked

    java.lang.Object -
    ch.njol.skript.lang.util.SimpleExpression<Object> -
    All Implemented Interfaces:
    Debuggable, Expression<Object>, SyntaxElement
    @Name("Clicked Block/Entity/Inventory/Slot") -@Description("The clicked block, entity, inventory, inventory slot, inventory click type or inventory action.") -@Examples({"message \"You clicked on a %type of clicked entity%!\"","if the clicked block is a chest:","\tshow the inventory of the clicked block to the player"}) -@Since("1.0, 2.2-dev35 (more clickable things)") -@Events({"click","inventory click"}) -public class ExprClicked -extends SimpleExpression<Object>
    - -
      - -
    • -

      Constructor Details

      • -


        public ExprClicked()
      • -
    • - -
    • -

      Method Details

      • -


        public boolean init(Expression<?>[] exprs, - int matchedPattern, - Kleenean isDelayed, - SkriptParser.ParseResult parseResult)
        Description copied from interface: SyntaxElement
        Called just after the constructor.
        exprs - all %expr%s included in the matching pattern in the order they appear in the pattern. If an optional value was left out it will still be included in this list - holding the default value of the desired type which usually depends on the event.
        matchedPattern - The index of the pattern which matched
        isDelayed - Whether this expression is used after a delay or not (i.e. if the event has already passed when this expression will be called)
        parseResult - Additional information about the match.
        Whether this expression was initialised successfully. An error should be printed prior to returning false to specify the cause.
        See Also:
        - -
      • -
      • -


        public boolean isSingle()
        true if this expression will ever only return one value at most, false if it can return multiple values.
      • -
      • -


        public Class<? extends Object> getReturnType()
        Description copied from interface: Expression
        Gets the return type of this expression.
        A supertype of any objects returned by Expression.getSingle(Event) and the component type of any arrays returned by Expression.getArray(Event)
      • -
      • -


        protected @Nullable Object[] get(org.bukkit.event.Event e)
        Description copied from class: SimpleExpression
        This is the internal method to get an expression's values.
        - To get the expression's value from the outside use SimpleExpression.getSingle(Event) or SimpleExpression.getArray(Event).
        Specified by:
        get in class SimpleExpression<Object>
        e - The event
        An array of values for this event. May not contain nulls.
      • -
      • -


        public String toString(@Nullable org.bukkit.event.Event e, - boolean debug)
        e - The event to get information to. This is always null if debug == false.
        debug - If true this should print more information, if false this should print what is shown to the end user
        String representation of this object
      • -
    • -
    - -
    - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprClientViewDistance.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprClientViewDistance.html deleted file mode 100644 index 0294ba7e17..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprClientViewDistance.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,257 +0,0 @@ - - - - -ExprClientViewDistance (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -
    - -
    - -

    Class ExprClientViewDistance

    - -
    All Implemented Interfaces:
    Converter<org.bukkit.entity.Player,Long>, Debuggable, Expression<Long>, SyntaxElement
    @Name("View Distance of Client") -@Description("The view distance of the client. Can not be changed. This differs from the server side view distance of player as this will retrieve the view distance the player has set on their client.") -@Examples({"set {_clientView} to the client view distance of player","set view distance of player to client view distance of player"}) -@RequiredPlugins("1.13.2+") -@Since("2.5") -public class ExprClientViewDistance -extends SimplePropertyExpression<org.bukkit.entity.Player,Long>
    - -
      - -
    • -

      Constructor Details

      • -


        public ExprClientViewDistance()
      • -
    • - -
    • -

      Method Details

      • -


        public @Nullable Long convert(org.bukkit.entity.Player player)
        Description copied from interface: Converter
        Converts an object from the given to the desired type.
        Specified by:
        convert in interface Converter<org.bukkit.entity.Player,Long>
        Specified by:
        convert in class SimplePropertyExpression<org.bukkit.entity.Player,Long>
        player - The object to convert.
        the converted object
      • -
      • -


        public Class<? extends Long> getReturnType()
        Description copied from interface: Expression
        Gets the return type of this expression.
        A supertype of any objects returned by Expression.getSingle(Event) and the component type of any arrays returned by Expression.getArray(Event)
      • -
      • -


        protected String getPropertyName()
        Description copied from class: SimplePropertyExpression
        Used to collect the property type used in the register method. - This forms the toString of this SimplePropertyExpression.
        Specified by:
        getPropertyName in class SimplePropertyExpression<org.bukkit.entity.Player,Long>
        The name of the type used when registering this SimplePropertyExpression.
      • -
    • -
    - -
    - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprCmdCooldownInfo.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprCmdCooldownInfo.html deleted file mode 100644 index 0987b3b0f3..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprCmdCooldownInfo.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,331 +0,0 @@ - - - - -ExprCmdCooldownInfo (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -
    - -
    - -

    Class ExprCmdCooldownInfo

    java.lang.Object -
    ch.njol.skript.lang.util.SimpleExpression<Object> -
    All Implemented Interfaces:
    Debuggable, Expression<Object>, SyntaxElement
    @Name("Cooldown Time/Remaining Time/Elapsed Time/Last Usage/Bypass Permission") -@Description({"Only usable in command events. Represents the cooldown time, the remaining time, the elapsed time,","the last usage date, or the cooldown bypass permission."}) -@Examples({"command /home:","\tcooldown: 10 seconds","\tcooldown message: You last teleported home %elapsed time% ago, you may teleport home again in %remaining time%.","\ttrigger:","\t\tteleport player to {home::%player%}"}) -@Since("2.2-dev33") -public class ExprCmdCooldownInfo -extends SimpleExpression<Object>
    - -
      - -
    • -

      Constructor Details

      • -


        public ExprCmdCooldownInfo()
      • -
    • - -
    • -

      Method Details

      • -


        public boolean init(Expression<?>[] exprs, - int matchedPattern, - Kleenean isDelayed, - SkriptParser.ParseResult parseResult)
        Description copied from interface: SyntaxElement
        Called just after the constructor.
        exprs - all %expr%s included in the matching pattern in the order they appear in the pattern. If an optional value was left out it will still be included in this list - holding the default value of the desired type which usually depends on the event.
        matchedPattern - The index of the pattern which matched
        isDelayed - Whether this expression is used after a delay or not (i.e. if the event has already passed when this expression will be called)
        parseResult - Additional information about the match.
        Whether this expression was initialised successfully. An error should be printed prior to returning false to specify the cause.
        See Also:
        - -
      • -
      • -


        protected @Nullable Object[] get(org.bukkit.event.Event e)
        Description copied from class: SimpleExpression
        This is the internal method to get an expression's values.
        - To get the expression's value from the outside use SimpleExpression.getSingle(Event) or SimpleExpression.getArray(Event).
        Specified by:
        get in class SimpleExpression<Object>
        e - The event
        An array of values for this event. May not contain nulls.
      • -
      • -


        public @Nullable Class<?>[] acceptChange(Changer.ChangeMode mode)
        Description copied from interface: Expression
        Tests whether this expression supports the given mode, and if yes what type it expects the delta to be. -

        - Use Changer.ChangerUtils.acceptsChange(Expression, ChangeMode, Class...) to test whether an expression supports changing, don't directly use this method! -

        - Please note that if a changer is registered for this expression's returnType this method does not have to be overridden. If you override it though - make sure to return super.acceptChange(mode), and to handle the appropriate ChangeMode(s) in Expression.change(Event, Object[], ChangeMode) with - super.change(...). -

        - Unlike Changer.acceptChange(ChangeMode) this method may print errors.

        Specified by:
        acceptChange in interface Expression<Object>
        acceptChange in class SimpleExpression<Object>
        An array of types that Expression.change(Event, Object[], ChangeMode) accepts as its delta parameter (which can be arrays to denote that multiple of - that type are accepted), or null if the given mode is not supported. For Changer.ChangeMode.DELETE and Changer.ChangeMode.RESET this can return any non-null array to - mark them as supported.
      • -
      • -


        public void change(org.bukkit.event.Event e, - @Nullable Object[] delta, - Changer.ChangeMode mode)
        Description copied from interface: Expression
        Changes the expression's value by the given amount. This will only be called on supported modes and with the desired delta type as returned by - Expression.acceptChange(ChangeMode)
        Specified by:
        change in interface Expression<Object>
        change in class SimpleExpression<Object>
        delta - An array with one or more instances of one or more of the the classes returned by Expression.acceptChange(ChangeMode) for the given change mode (null for - Changer.ChangeMode.DELETE and Changer.ChangeMode.RESET). This can be a Object[], thus casting is not allowed.
      • -
      • -


        public boolean isSingle()
        true if this expression will ever only return one value at most, false if it can return multiple values.
      • -
      • -


        public Class<?> getReturnType()
        Description copied from interface: Expression
        Gets the return type of this expression.
        A supertype of any objects returned by Expression.getSingle(Event) and the component type of any arrays returned by Expression.getArray(Event)
      • -
      • -


        public String toString(@Nullable org.bukkit.event.Event e, - boolean debug)
        e - The event to get information to. This is always null if debug == false.
        debug - If true this should print more information, if false this should print what is shown to the end user
        String representation of this object
      • -
    • -
    - -
    - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprColorOf.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprColorOf.html deleted file mode 100644 index e810effd0f..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprColorOf.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,332 +0,0 @@ - - - - -ExprColorOf (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -
    - -
    - -

    Class ExprColorOf

    - -
    All Implemented Interfaces:
    Debuggable, Expression<Color>, SyntaxElement
    @Name("Color of") -@Description("The <a href=\'./classes.html#color\'>color</a> of an item, can also be used to color chat messages with \"&lt;%color of ...%&gt;this text is colored!\".") -@Examples({"on click on wool:","\tmessage \"This wool block is <%color of block%>%color of block%<reset>!\"","\tset the color of the block to black"}) -@Since("1.2") -public class ExprColorOf -extends PropertyExpression<Object,Color>
    - -
      - -
    • -

      Constructor Details

      • -


        public ExprColorOf()
      • -
    • - -
    • -

      Method Details

      • -


        public boolean init(Expression<?>[] exprs, - int matchedPattern, - Kleenean isDelayed, - SkriptParser.ParseResult parseResult)
        Description copied from interface: SyntaxElement
        Called just after the constructor.
        exprs - all %expr%s included in the matching pattern in the order they appear in the pattern. If an optional value was left out it will still be included in this list - holding the default value of the desired type which usually depends on the event.
        matchedPattern - The index of the pattern which matched
        isDelayed - Whether this expression is used after a delay or not (i.e. if the event has already passed when this expression will be called)
        parseResult - Additional information about the match.
        Whether this expression was initialised successfully. An error should be printed prior to returning false to specify the cause.
        See Also:
        - -
      • -
      • -


        protected Color[] get(org.bukkit.event.Event e, - Object[] source)
        Description copied from class: PropertyExpression
        Converts the given source object(s) to the correct type. -

        - Please note that the returned array must neither be null nor contain any null elements!

        Specified by:
        get in class PropertyExpression<Object,Color>
        e - the event involved at the time of runtime calling.
        source - the array of the objects from the expressions.
        An array of the converted objects, which may contain less elements than the source array, but must not be null.
        See Also:
        - -
      • -
      • -


        public Class<? extends Color> getReturnType()
        Description copied from interface: Expression
        Gets the return type of this expression.
        A supertype of any objects returned by Expression.getSingle(Event) and the component type of any arrays returned by Expression.getArray(Event)
      • -
      • -


        public String toString(@Nullable org.bukkit.event.Event e, - boolean debug)
        e - The event to get information to. This is always null if debug == false.
        debug - If true this should print more information, if false this should print what is shown to the end user
        String representation of this object
      • -
      • -


        public @Nullable Class<?>[] acceptChange(Changer.ChangeMode mode)
        Description copied from interface: Expression
        Tests whether this expression supports the given mode, and if yes what type it expects the delta to be. -

        - Use Changer.ChangerUtils.acceptsChange(Expression, ChangeMode, Class...) to test whether an expression supports changing, don't directly use this method! -

        - Please note that if a changer is registered for this expression's returnType this method does not have to be overridden. If you override it though - make sure to return super.acceptChange(mode), and to handle the appropriate ChangeMode(s) in Expression.change(Event, Object[], ChangeMode) with - super.change(...). -

        - Unlike Changer.acceptChange(ChangeMode) this method may print errors.

        Specified by:
        acceptChange in interface Expression<Color>
        acceptChange in class SimpleExpression<Color>
        An array of types that Expression.change(Event, Object[], ChangeMode) accepts as its delta parameter (which can be arrays to denote that multiple of - that type are accepted), or null if the given mode is not supported. For Changer.ChangeMode.DELETE and Changer.ChangeMode.RESET this can return any non-null array to - mark them as supported.
      • -
      • -


        public void change(org.bukkit.event.Event e, - @Nullable Object[] delta, - Changer.ChangeMode mode)
        Description copied from interface: Expression
        Changes the expression's value by the given amount. This will only be called on supported modes and with the desired delta type as returned by - Expression.acceptChange(ChangeMode)
        Specified by:
        change in interface Expression<Color>
        change in class SimpleExpression<Color>
        delta - An array with one or more instances of one or more of the the classes returned by Expression.acceptChange(ChangeMode) for the given change mode (null for - Changer.ChangeMode.DELETE and Changer.ChangeMode.RESET). This can be a Object[], thus casting is not allowed.
      • -
    • -
    - -
    - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprColoured.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprColoured.html deleted file mode 100644 index 535317f8b7..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprColoured.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,293 +0,0 @@ - - - - -ExprColoured (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -
    - -
    - -

    Class ExprColoured

    - -
    All Implemented Interfaces:
    Debuggable, Expression<String>, SyntaxElement
    @Name("Colored / Uncolored") -@Description({"Parses &lt;color&gt;s and, optionally, chat styles in a message or removes","any colors <i>and</i> chat styles from the message. Parsing all","chat styles requires this expression to be used in same line with","the <a href=effects.html#EffSend>send effect</a>."}) -@Examples({"on chat:","\tset message to colored message # Safe; only colors get parsed","command /fade &lt;player&gt;:","\ttrigger:","\t\tset display name of the player-argument to uncolored display name of the player-argument","command /format &lt;text&gt;:","\ttrigger:","\t\tmessage formatted text-argument # Safe, because we\'re sending to whoever used this command"}) -@Since("2.0") -public class ExprColoured -extends PropertyExpression<String,String>
    - -
      - -
    • -

      Constructor Details

      • -


        public ExprColoured()
      • -
    • - -
    • -

      Method Details

      • -


        public boolean init(Expression<?>[] exprs, - int matchedPattern, - Kleenean isDelayed, - SkriptParser.ParseResult parseResult)
        Description copied from interface: SyntaxElement
        Called just after the constructor.
        exprs - all %expr%s included in the matching pattern in the order they appear in the pattern. If an optional value was left out it will still be included in this list - holding the default value of the desired type which usually depends on the event.
        matchedPattern - The index of the pattern which matched
        isDelayed - Whether this expression is used after a delay or not (i.e. if the event has already passed when this expression will be called)
        parseResult - Additional information about the match.
        Whether this expression was initialised successfully. An error should be printed prior to returning false to specify the cause.
        See Also:
        - -
      • -
      • -


        protected String[] get(org.bukkit.event.Event e, - String[] source)
        Description copied from class: PropertyExpression
        Converts the given source object(s) to the correct type. -

        - Please note that the returned array must neither be null nor contain any null elements!

        Specified by:
        get in class PropertyExpression<String,String>
        e - the event involved at the time of runtime calling.
        source - the array of the objects from the expressions.
        An array of the converted objects, which may contain less elements than the source array, but must not be null.
        See Also:
        - -
      • -
      • -


        public Class<? extends String> getReturnType()
        Description copied from interface: Expression
        Gets the return type of this expression.
        A supertype of any objects returned by Expression.getSingle(Event) and the component type of any arrays returned by Expression.getArray(Event)
      • -
      • -


        public String toString(@Nullable org.bukkit.event.Event e, - boolean debug)
        e - The event to get information to. This is always null if debug == false.
        debug - If true this should print more information, if false this should print what is shown to the end user
        String representation of this object
      • -
      • -


        public boolean isUnsafeFormat()
        If parent of this expression should try to parse all styles instead of - just colors. This is unsafe to do with untrusted user input.
        If unsafe formatting was requested in script.
      • -
    • -
    - -
    - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprCommand.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprCommand.html deleted file mode 100644 index 5b10895fbc..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprCommand.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,275 +0,0 @@ - - - - -ExprCommand (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -
    - -
    - -

    Class ExprCommand

    java.lang.Object -
    ch.njol.skript.lang.util.SimpleExpression<String> -
    All Implemented Interfaces:
    Debuggable, Expression<String>, SyntaxElement
    @Name("Command") -@Description("The command that caused an \'on command\' event (excluding the leading slash and all arguments)") -@Examples({"# prevent any commands except for the /exit command during some game","on command:","\tif {game::%player%::playing} is true:","\t\tif the command is not \"exit\":","\t\t\tmessage \"You\'re not allowed to use commands during the game\"","\t\t\tcancel the event"}) -@Since("2.0, 2.7 (support for script commands)") -@Events("command") -public class ExprCommand -extends SimpleExpression<String>
    - -
      - -
    • -

      Constructor Details

      • -


        public ExprCommand()
      • -
    • - -
    • -

      Method Details

      • -


        public boolean init(Expression<?>[] exprs, - int matchedPattern, - Kleenean isDelayed, - SkriptParser.ParseResult parseResult)
        Description copied from interface: SyntaxElement
        Called just after the constructor.
        exprs - all %expr%s included in the matching pattern in the order they appear in the pattern. If an optional value was left out it will still be included in this list - holding the default value of the desired type which usually depends on the event.
        matchedPattern - The index of the pattern which matched
        isDelayed - Whether this expression is used after a delay or not (i.e. if the event has already passed when this expression will be called)
        parseResult - Additional information about the match.
        Whether this expression was initialised successfully. An error should be printed prior to returning false to specify the cause.
        See Also:
        - -
      • -
      • -


        protected @Nullable String[] get(org.bukkit.event.Event e)
        Description copied from class: SimpleExpression
        This is the internal method to get an expression's values.
        - To get the expression's value from the outside use SimpleExpression.getSingle(Event) or SimpleExpression.getArray(Event).
        Specified by:
        get in class SimpleExpression<String>
        e - The event
        An array of values for this event. May not contain nulls.
      • -
      • -


        public boolean isSingle()
        true if this expression will ever only return one value at most, false if it can return multiple values.
      • -
      • -


        public Class<? extends String> getReturnType()
        Description copied from interface: Expression
        Gets the return type of this expression.
        A supertype of any objects returned by Expression.getSingle(Event) and the component type of any arrays returned by Expression.getArray(Event)
      • -
      • -


        public String toString(@Nullable org.bukkit.event.Event e, - boolean debug)
        e - The event to get information to. This is always null if debug == false.
        debug - If true this should print more information, if false this should print what is shown to the end user
        String representation of this object
      • -
    • -
    - -
    - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprCommandInfo.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprCommandInfo.html deleted file mode 100644 index 10a5ea17cf..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprCommandInfo.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,274 +0,0 @@ - - - - -ExprCommandInfo (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -
    - -
    - -

    Class ExprCommandInfo

    java.lang.Object -
    ch.njol.skript.lang.util.SimpleExpression<String> -
    All Implemented Interfaces:
    Debuggable, Expression<String>, SyntaxElement
    @Name("Command Info") -@Description("Get information about a command.") -@Examples({"main name of command \"skript\"","description of command \"help\"","label of command \"pl\"","usage of command \"help\"","aliases of command \"bukkit:help\"","permission of command \"/op\"","command \"op\"\'s permission message","command \"sk\"\'s plugin owner"}) -@Since("2.6") -public class ExprCommandInfo -extends SimpleExpression<String>
    - -
      - -
    • -

      Constructor Details

      • -


        public ExprCommandInfo()
      • -
    • - -
    • -

      Method Details

      • -


        public boolean init(Expression<?>[] exprs, - int matchedPattern, - Kleenean isDelayed, - SkriptParser.ParseResult parseResult)
        Description copied from interface: SyntaxElement
        Called just after the constructor.
        exprs - all %expr%s included in the matching pattern in the order they appear in the pattern. If an optional value was left out it will still be included in this list - holding the default value of the desired type which usually depends on the event.
        matchedPattern - The index of the pattern which matched
        isDelayed - Whether this expression is used after a delay or not (i.e. if the event has already passed when this expression will be called)
        parseResult - Additional information about the match.
        Whether this expression was initialised successfully. An error should be printed prior to returning false to specify the cause.
        See Also:
        - -
      • -
      • -


        protected @Nullable String[] get(org.bukkit.event.Event e)
        Description copied from class: SimpleExpression
        This is the internal method to get an expression's values.
        - To get the expression's value from the outside use SimpleExpression.getSingle(Event) or SimpleExpression.getArray(Event).
        Specified by:
        get in class SimpleExpression<String>
        e - The event
        An array of values for this event. May not contain nulls.
      • -
      • -


        public boolean isSingle()
        true if this expression will ever only return one value at most, false if it can return multiple values.
      • -
      • -


        public Class<? extends String> getReturnType()
        Description copied from interface: Expression
        Gets the return type of this expression.
        A supertype of any objects returned by Expression.getSingle(Event) and the component type of any arrays returned by Expression.getArray(Event)
      • -
      • -


        public String toString(@Nullable org.bukkit.event.Event e, - boolean debug)
        e - The event to get information to. This is always null if debug == false.
        debug - If true this should print more information, if false this should print what is shown to the end user
        String representation of this object
      • -
    • -
    - -
    - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprCommandSender.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprCommandSender.html deleted file mode 100644 index 541fab37ba..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprCommandSender.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,199 +0,0 @@ - - - - -ExprCommandSender (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -
    - -
    - -

    Class ExprCommandSender

    java.lang.Object -
    ch.njol.skript.lang.util.SimpleExpression<T> -
    ch.njol.skript.expressions.base.EventValueExpression<org.bukkit.command.CommandSender> -
    All Implemented Interfaces:
    Debuggable, DefaultExpression<org.bukkit.command.CommandSender>, Expression<org.bukkit.command.CommandSender>, SyntaxElement
    @Name("Command Sender") -@Description({"The player or the console who sent a command. Mostly useful in <a href=\'commands\'>commands</a> and <a href=\'events.html#command\'>command events</a>.","If the command sender is a command block, its location can be retrieved by using %block\'s location%"}) -@Examples({"make the command sender execute \"/say hi!\"","on command:","\tlog \"%executor% used command /%command% %arguments%\" to \"commands.log\""}) -@Since("2.0") -@Events("command") -public class ExprCommandSender -extends EventValueExpression<org.bukkit.command.CommandSender>
    - -
      - -
    • -

      Constructor Details

      • -


        public ExprCommandSender()
      • -
    • - -
    • -

      Method Details

      • -


        public String toString(@Nullable org.bukkit.event.Event e, - boolean debug)
        Specified by:
        toString in interface Debuggable
        toString in class EventValueExpression<org.bukkit.command.CommandSender>
        e - The event to get information to. This is always null if debug == false.
        debug - If true this should print more information, if false this should print what is shown to the end user
        String representation of this object
      • -
    • -
    - -
    - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprCompassTarget.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprCompassTarget.html deleted file mode 100644 index 13ec52dd53..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprCompassTarget.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,316 +0,0 @@ - - - - -ExprCompassTarget (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -
    - -
    - -

    Class ExprCompassTarget

    java.lang.Object -
    ch.njol.skript.lang.util.SimpleExpression<T> -
    ch.njol.skript.expressions.base.PropertyExpression<F,T> -
    ch.njol.skript.expressions.base.SimplePropertyExpression<org.bukkit.entity.Player,org.bukkit.Location> -
    All Implemented Interfaces:
    Converter<org.bukkit.entity.Player,org.bukkit.Location>, Debuggable, Expression<org.bukkit.Location>, SyntaxElement
    @Name("Compass Target") -@Description("The location a player\'s compass is pointing at.") -@Examples({"# make all player\'s compasses target a player stored in {compass::target::%player%}","every 5 seconds:","\tloop all players:","\t\tset the loop-player\'s compass target to location of {compass::target::%%loop-player%}"}) -@Since("2.0") -public class ExprCompassTarget -extends SimplePropertyExpression<org.bukkit.entity.Player,org.bukkit.Location>
    - -
    - -
    - -
    - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprCoordinate.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprCoordinate.html deleted file mode 100644 index c804f79bfb..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprCoordinate.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,355 +0,0 @@ - - - - -ExprCoordinate (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -
    - -
    - -

    Class ExprCoordinate

    - -
    All Implemented Interfaces:
    Converter<org.bukkit.Location,Number>, Debuggable, Expression<Number>, SyntaxElement
    @Name("Coordinate") -@Description("Represents a given coordinate of a location. ") -@Examples({"player\'s y-coordinate is smaller than 40:","\tmessage \"Watch out for lava!\""}) -@Since("1.4.3") -public class ExprCoordinate -extends SimplePropertyExpression<org.bukkit.Location,Number>
    - -
    - -
    - -
    - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprCreeperMaxFuseTicks.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprCreeperMaxFuseTicks.html deleted file mode 100644 index ada4f56f39..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprCreeperMaxFuseTicks.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,313 +0,0 @@ - - - - -ExprCreeperMaxFuseTicks (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -
    - -
    - -

    Class ExprCreeperMaxFuseTicks

    - -
    All Implemented Interfaces:
    Converter<org.bukkit.entity.LivingEntity,Long>, Debuggable, Expression<Long>, SyntaxElement
    @Name("Creeper Max Fuse Ticks") -@Description("The max fuse ticks that a creeper has.") -@Examples("set target entity\'s max fuse ticks to 20 #1 second") -@Since("2.5") -public class ExprCreeperMaxFuseTicks -extends SimplePropertyExpression<org.bukkit.entity.LivingEntity,Long>
    - -
    - -
    - -
    - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprCursorSlot.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprCursorSlot.html deleted file mode 100644 index e3886d9fb9..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprCursorSlot.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,258 +0,0 @@ - - - - -ExprCursorSlot (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -
    - -
    - -

    Class ExprCursorSlot

    - -
    All Implemented Interfaces:
    Converter<org.bukkit.entity.Player,Slot>, Debuggable, Expression<Slot>, SyntaxElement
    @Name("Cursor Slot") -@Description("The item which the player has on their cursor. This slot is always empty if player has no inventories open.") -@Examples({"cursor slot of player is dirt","set cursor slot of player to 64 diamonds"}) -@Since("2.2-dev17") -public class ExprCursorSlot -extends SimplePropertyExpression<org.bukkit.entity.Player,Slot>
    Cursor item slot is not actually an inventory slot, but an item which the player - has in their cursor when any inventory is open for them.
    - -
      - -
    • -

      Constructor Details

      • -


        public ExprCursorSlot()
      • -
    • - -
    • -

      Method Details

      • -


        public Class<? extends Slot> getReturnType()
        Description copied from interface: Expression
        Gets the return type of this expression.
        A supertype of any objects returned by Expression.getSingle(Event) and the component type of any arrays returned by Expression.getArray(Event)
      • -
      • -


        protected String getPropertyName()
        Description copied from class: SimplePropertyExpression
        Used to collect the property type used in the register method. - This forms the toString of this SimplePropertyExpression.
        Specified by:
        getPropertyName in class SimplePropertyExpression<org.bukkit.entity.Player,Slot>
        The name of the type used when registering this SimplePropertyExpression.
      • -
      • -


        public @Nullable Slot convert(org.bukkit.entity.Player player)
        Description copied from interface: Converter
        Converts an object from the given to the desired type.
        Specified by:
        convert in interface Converter<org.bukkit.entity.Player,Slot>
        Specified by:
        convert in class SimplePropertyExpression<org.bukkit.entity.Player,Slot>
        player - The object to convert.
        the converted object
      • -
    • -
    - -
    - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprCustomModelData.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprCustomModelData.html deleted file mode 100644 index aba0781a9d..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprCustomModelData.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,336 +0,0 @@ - - - - -ExprCustomModelData (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -
    - -
    - -

    Class ExprCustomModelData

    - -
    All Implemented Interfaces:
    Converter<ItemType,Long>, Debuggable, Expression<Long>, SyntaxElement
    @Name("Custom Model Data") -@Description("Get/set the CustomModelData tag for an item. (Value is an integer between 0 and 99999999)") -@Examples({"set custom model data of player\'s tool to 3","set {_model} to custom model data of player\'s tool"}) -@RequiredPlugins("1.14+") -@Since("2.5") -public class ExprCustomModelData -extends SimplePropertyExpression<ItemType,Long>
    - -
    - -
    - -
    - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprDamage.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprDamage.html deleted file mode 100644 index 12b47a0c07..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprDamage.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,335 +0,0 @@ - - - - -ExprDamage (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -
    - -
    - -

    Class ExprDamage

    java.lang.Object -
    ch.njol.skript.lang.util.SimpleExpression<Number> -
    All Implemented Interfaces:
    Debuggable, Expression<Number>, SyntaxElement
    @Name("Damage") -@Description("How much damage is done in a damage event, possibly ignoring armour, criticals and/or enchantments. Can be changed (remember that in Skript \'1\' is one full heart, not half a heart).") -@Examples("increase the damage by 2") -@Since("1.3.5") -@Events("damage") -public class ExprDamage -extends SimpleExpression<Number>
    - -
      - -
    • -

      Constructor Details

      • -


        public ExprDamage()
      • -
    • - -
    • -

      Method Details

      - -
    • -
    - -
    - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprDamageCause.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprDamageCause.html deleted file mode 100644 index f7c6347735..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprDamageCause.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,237 +0,0 @@ - - - - -ExprDamageCause (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -
    - -
    - -

    Class ExprDamageCause

    java.lang.Object -
    ch.njol.skript.lang.util.SimpleExpression<T> -
    ch.njol.skript.expressions.base.EventValueExpression<org.bukkit.event.entity.EntityDamageEvent.DamageCause> -
    All Implemented Interfaces:
    Debuggable, DefaultExpression<org.bukkit.event.entity.EntityDamageEvent.DamageCause>, Expression<org.bukkit.event.entity.EntityDamageEvent.DamageCause>, SyntaxElement
    @Name("Damage Cause") -@Description("The <a href=\'./classes.html#damagecause\'>damage cause</a> of a damage event. Please click on the link for more information.") -@Examples("damage cause is lava, fire or burning") -@Since("2.0") -public class ExprDamageCause -extends EventValueExpression<org.bukkit.event.entity.EntityDamageEvent.DamageCause>
    - -
      - -
    • -

      Constructor Details

      • -


        public ExprDamageCause()
      • -
    • - -
    • -

      Method Details

      • -


        public boolean setTime(int time)
        Description copied from class: SimpleExpression
        Sets the time of this expression, i.e. whether the returned value represents this expression before or after the event. -

        - This method will not be called if this expression is guaranteed to be used after a delay (an error will be printed immediately), but will be called if - it only can be after a delay (e.g. if the preceding delay is in an if or a loop) as well as if there's no delay involved. -

        - If this method returns false the expression will be discarded and an error message is printed. Custom error messages must be of ErrorQuality.SEMANTIC_ERROR to be - printed (NB: Skript.error(String) always creates semantic errors). -

        - This implementation sets the time but returns false.

        Specified by:
        setTime in interface Expression<org.bukkit.event.entity.EntityDamageEvent.DamageCause>
        setTime in class EventValueExpression<org.bukkit.event.entity.EntityDamageEvent.DamageCause>
        time - -1 for past or 1 for future. 0 is never passed to this method as it represents the default state.
        Whether this expression has distinct time states, e.g. a player never changes but a block can. This should be sensitive for the event (using - ParserInstance.isCurrentEvent(Class)).
        See Also:
        - -
      • -
      • -


        public String toString(@Nullable org.bukkit.event.Event e, - boolean debug)
        Specified by:
        toString in interface Debuggable
        toString in class EventValueExpression<org.bukkit.event.entity.EntityDamageEvent.DamageCause>
        e - The event to get information to. This is always null if debug == false.
        debug - If true this should print more information, if false this should print what is shown to the end user
        String representation of this object
      • -
    • -
    - -
    - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprDamagedItem.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprDamagedItem.html deleted file mode 100644 index 56e74ba707..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprDamagedItem.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,275 +0,0 @@ - - - - -ExprDamagedItem (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -
    - -
    - -

    Class ExprDamagedItem

    - -
    All Implemented Interfaces:
    Debuggable, Expression<ItemType>, SyntaxElement
    @Name("Damaged Item") -@Description("Directly damages an item. In MC versions 1.12.2 and lower, this can be used to apply data values to items/blocks") -@Examples({"give player diamond sword with damage value 100","set player\'s tool to diamond hoe damaged by 250","give player diamond sword with damage 700 named \"BROKEN SWORD\"","set {_item} to diamond hoe with damage value 50 named \"SAD HOE\"","set target block of player to wool with data value 1","set target block of player to potato plant with data value 7"}) -@Since("2.4") -public class ExprDamagedItem -extends PropertyExpression<ItemType,ItemType>
    - -
      - -
    • -

      Constructor Details

      • -


        public ExprDamagedItem()
      • -
    • - -
    • -

      Method Details

      • -


        public boolean init(Expression<?>[] exprs, - int matchedPattern, - Kleenean isDelayed, - SkriptParser.ParseResult parseResult)
        Description copied from interface: SyntaxElement
        Called just after the constructor.
        exprs - all %expr%s included in the matching pattern in the order they appear in the pattern. If an optional value was left out it will still be included in this list - holding the default value of the desired type which usually depends on the event.
        matchedPattern - The index of the pattern which matched
        isDelayed - Whether this expression is used after a delay or not (i.e. if the event has already passed when this expression will be called)
        parseResult - Additional information about the match.
        Whether this expression was initialised successfully. An error should be printed prior to returning false to specify the cause.
        See Also:
        - -
      • -
      • -


        protected ItemType[] get(org.bukkit.event.Event e, - ItemType[] source)
        Description copied from class: PropertyExpression
        Converts the given source object(s) to the correct type. -

        - Please note that the returned array must neither be null nor contain any null elements!

        Specified by:
        get in class PropertyExpression<ItemType,ItemType>
        e - the event involved at the time of runtime calling.
        source - the array of the objects from the expressions.
        An array of the converted objects, which may contain less elements than the source array, but must not be null.
        See Also:
        - -
      • -
      • -


        public Class<? extends ItemType> getReturnType()
        Description copied from interface: Expression
        Gets the return type of this expression.
        A supertype of any objects returned by Expression.getSingle(Event) and the component type of any arrays returned by Expression.getArray(Event)
      • -
      • -


        public String toString(@Nullable org.bukkit.event.Event e, - boolean debug)
        e - The event to get information to. This is always null if debug == false.
        debug - If true this should print more information, if false this should print what is shown to the end user
        String representation of this object
      • -
    • -
    - -
    - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprDateAgoLater.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprDateAgoLater.html deleted file mode 100644 index 2836a455a6..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprDateAgoLater.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,274 +0,0 @@ - - - - -ExprDateAgoLater (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -
    - -
    - -

    Class ExprDateAgoLater

    java.lang.Object -
    ch.njol.skript.lang.util.SimpleExpression<Date> -
    All Implemented Interfaces:
    Debuggable, Expression<Date>, SyntaxElement
    @Name("Date Ago/Later") -@Description("A date the specified timespan before/after another date.") -@Examples({"set {_yesterday} to 1 day ago","set {_hourAfter} to 1 hour after {someOtherDate}","set {_hoursBefore} to 5 hours before {someOtherDate}"}) -@Since("2.2-dev33") -public class ExprDateAgoLater -extends SimpleExpression<Date>
    - -
      - -
    • -

      Constructor Details

      • -


        public ExprDateAgoLater()
      • -
    • - -
    • -

      Method Details

      • -


        public boolean init(Expression<?>[] exprs, - int matchedPattern, - Kleenean isDelayed, - SkriptParser.ParseResult parseResult)
        Description copied from interface: SyntaxElement
        Called just after the constructor.
        exprs - all %expr%s included in the matching pattern in the order they appear in the pattern. If an optional value was left out it will still be included in this list - holding the default value of the desired type which usually depends on the event.
        matchedPattern - The index of the pattern which matched
        isDelayed - Whether this expression is used after a delay or not (i.e. if the event has already passed when this expression will be called)
        parseResult - Additional information about the match.
        Whether this expression was initialised successfully. An error should be printed prior to returning false to specify the cause.
        See Also:
        - -
      • -
      • -


        protected @Nullable Date[] get(org.bukkit.event.Event e)
        Description copied from class: SimpleExpression
        This is the internal method to get an expression's values.
        - To get the expression's value from the outside use SimpleExpression.getSingle(Event) or SimpleExpression.getArray(Event).
        Specified by:
        get in class SimpleExpression<Date>
        e - The event
        An array of values for this event. May not contain nulls.
      • -
      • -


        public boolean isSingle()
        true if this expression will ever only return one value at most, false if it can return multiple values.
      • -
      • -


        public Class<? extends Date> getReturnType()
        Description copied from interface: Expression
        Gets the return type of this expression.
        A supertype of any objects returned by Expression.getSingle(Event) and the component type of any arrays returned by Expression.getArray(Event)
      • -
      • -


        public String toString(@Nullable org.bukkit.event.Event e, - boolean debug)
        e - The event to get information to. This is always null if debug == false.
        debug - If true this should print more information, if false this should print what is shown to the end user
        String representation of this object
      • -
    • -
    - -
    - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprDefaultValue.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprDefaultValue.html deleted file mode 100644 index af1e95b33d..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprDefaultValue.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,330 +0,0 @@ - - - - -ExprDefaultValue (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -
    - -
    - -

    Class ExprDefaultValue<T>

    java.lang.Object -
    ch.njol.skript.lang.util.SimpleExpression<T> -
    All Implemented Interfaces:
    Debuggable, Expression<T>, SyntaxElement
    @Name("Default Value") -@Description("A shorthand expression for giving things a default value. If the first thing isn\'t set, the second thing will be returned.") -@Examples("broadcast {score::%player\'s uuid%} otherwise \"%player% has no score!\"") -@Since("2.2-dev36") -public class ExprDefaultValue<T> -extends SimpleExpression<T>
    - -
      - -
    • -

      Constructor Details

      • -


        public ExprDefaultValue()
      • -
    • - -
    • -

      Method Details

      • -


        public boolean init(Expression<?>[] exprs, - int matchedPattern, - Kleenean isDelayed, - SkriptParser.ParseResult parseResult)
        Description copied from interface: SyntaxElement
        Called just after the constructor.
        exprs - all %expr%s included in the matching pattern in the order they appear in the pattern. If an optional value was left out it will still be included in this list - holding the default value of the desired type which usually depends on the event.
        matchedPattern - The index of the pattern which matched
        isDelayed - Whether this expression is used after a delay or not (i.e. if the event has already passed when this expression will be called)
        parseResult - Additional information about the match.
        Whether this expression was initialised successfully. An error should be printed prior to returning false to specify the cause.
        See Also:
        - -
      • -
      • -


        protected T[] get(org.bukkit.event.Event e)
        Description copied from class: SimpleExpression
        This is the internal method to get an expression's values.
        - To get the expression's value from the outside use SimpleExpression.getSingle(Event) or SimpleExpression.getArray(Event).
        Specified by:
        get in class SimpleExpression<T>
        e - The event
        An array of values for this event. May not contain nulls.
      • -
      • -


        public <R> Expression<? extends R> getConvertedExpression(Class<R>... to)
        Description copied from class: SimpleExpression
        Usually, you want to override SimpleExpression.getConvertedExpr(Class[]). - However, it may be useful to override this method if you have an expression with a return - type that is unknown until runtime (like variables). Usually, you'll be fine with just - the default implementation. This method is final on versions below 2.2-dev36.
        Specified by:
        getConvertedExpression in interface Expression<T>
        getConvertedExpression in class SimpleExpression<T>
        to - The desired return type of the returned expression
        The converted expression
        See Also:
        - -
      • -
      • -


        public Expression<?> getSource()
        Description copied from interface: Expression
        Returns the original expression that was parsed, i.e. without any conversions done. -

        - This method is undefined for simplified expressions.

        Specified by:
        getSource in interface Expression<T>
        getSource in class SimpleExpression<T>
        The unconverted source expression of this expression or this expression itself if it was never converted.
      • -
      • -


        public Class<? extends T> getReturnType()
        Description copied from interface: Expression
        Gets the return type of this expression.
        A supertype of any objects returned by Expression.getSingle(Event) and the component type of any arrays returned by Expression.getArray(Event)
      • -
      • -


        public boolean isSingle()
        true if this expression will ever only return one value at most, false if it can return multiple values.
      • -
      • -


        public String toString(org.bukkit.event.Event e, - boolean debug)
        e - The event to get information to. This is always null if debug == false.
        debug - If true this should print more information, if false this should print what is shown to the end user
        String representation of this object
      • -
    • -
    - -
    - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprDifference.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprDifference.html deleted file mode 100644 index e45cad7eb4..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprDifference.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,274 +0,0 @@ - - - - -ExprDifference (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -
    - -
    - -

    Class ExprDifference

    java.lang.Object -
    ch.njol.skript.lang.util.SimpleExpression<Object> -
    All Implemented Interfaces:
    Debuggable, Expression<Object>, SyntaxElement
    @Name("Difference") -@Description("The difference between two values, e.g. <a href=\'./classes.html#number\'>numbers</a>, <a href=\'./classes/#date\'>dates</a> or <a href=\'./classes/#time\'>times</a>.") -@Examples({"if difference between {command::%player%::lastuse} and now is smaller than a minute:","\tmessage \"You have to wait a minute before using this command again!\""}) -@Since("1.4") -public class ExprDifference -extends SimpleExpression<Object>
    - -
      - -
    • -

      Constructor Details

      • -


        public ExprDifference()
      • -
    • - -
    • -

      Method Details

      • -


        public boolean init(Expression<?>[] exprs, - int matchedPattern, - Kleenean isDelayed, - SkriptParser.ParseResult parseResult)
        Description copied from interface: SyntaxElement
        Called just after the constructor.
        exprs - all %expr%s included in the matching pattern in the order they appear in the pattern. If an optional value was left out it will still be included in this list - holding the default value of the desired type which usually depends on the event.
        matchedPattern - The index of the pattern which matched
        isDelayed - Whether this expression is used after a delay or not (i.e. if the event has already passed when this expression will be called)
        parseResult - Additional information about the match.
        Whether this expression was initialised successfully. An error should be printed prior to returning false to specify the cause.
        See Also:
        - -
      • -
      • -


        protected @Nullable Object[] get(org.bukkit.event.Event e)
        Description copied from class: SimpleExpression
        This is the internal method to get an expression's values.
        - To get the expression's value from the outside use SimpleExpression.getSingle(Event) or SimpleExpression.getArray(Event).
        Specified by:
        get in class SimpleExpression<Object>
        e - The event
        An array of values for this event. May not contain nulls.
      • -
      • -


        public Class<? extends Object> getReturnType()
        Description copied from interface: Expression
        Gets the return type of this expression.
        A supertype of any objects returned by Expression.getSingle(Event) and the component type of any arrays returned by Expression.getArray(Event)
      • -
      • -


        public String toString(@Nullable org.bukkit.event.Event e, - boolean debug)
        e - The event to get information to. This is always null if debug == false.
        debug - If true this should print more information, if false this should print what is shown to the end user
        String representation of this object
      • -
      • -


        public boolean isSingle()
        true if this expression will ever only return one value at most, false if it can return multiple values.
      • -
    • -
    - -
    - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprDifficulty.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprDifficulty.html deleted file mode 100644 index 2727feb8e0..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprDifficulty.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,313 +0,0 @@ - - - - -ExprDifficulty (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -
    - -
    - -

    Class ExprDifficulty

    - -
    All Implemented Interfaces:
    Converter<org.bukkit.World,org.bukkit.Difficulty>, Debuggable, Expression<org.bukkit.Difficulty>, SyntaxElement
    @Name("Difficulty") -@Description("The difficulty of a world.") -@Examples("set the difficulty of \"world\" to hard") -@Since("2.3") -public class ExprDifficulty -extends SimplePropertyExpression<org.bukkit.World,org.bukkit.Difficulty>
    - -
    - -
    - -
    - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprDirection.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprDirection.html deleted file mode 100644 index f898f211bd..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprDirection.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,274 +0,0 @@ - - - - -ExprDirection (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -
    - -
    - -

    Class ExprDirection

    java.lang.Object -
    ch.njol.skript.lang.util.SimpleExpression<Direction> -
    All Implemented Interfaces:
    Debuggable, Expression<Direction>, SyntaxElement
    @Name("Direction") -@Description("A helper expression for the <a href=\'classes.html#direction\'>direction type</a>.") -@Examples({"thrust the player upwards","set the block behind the player to water","loop blocks above the player:","\tset {_rand} to a random integer between 1 and 10","\tset the block {_rand} meters south east of the loop-block to stone","block in horizontal facing of the clicked entity from the player is air","spawn a creeper 1.5 meters horizontally behind the player","spawn a TNT 5 meters above and 2 meters horizontally behind the player","thrust the last spawned TNT in the horizontal direction of the player with speed 0.2","push the player upwards and horizontally forward at speed 0.5","push the clicked entity in in the direction of the player at speed -0.5","open the inventory of the block 2 blocks below the player to the player","teleport the clicked entity behind the player","grow a regular tree 2 meters horizontally behind the player"}) -@Since("1.0 (basic), 2.0 (extended)") -public class ExprDirection -extends SimpleExpression<Direction>
    - -
      - -
    • -

      Constructor Details

      • -


        public ExprDirection()
      • -
    • - -
    • -

      Method Details

      • -


        public boolean init(Expression<?>[] exprs, - int matchedPattern, - Kleenean isDelayed, - SkriptParser.ParseResult parseResult)
        Description copied from interface: SyntaxElement
        Called just after the constructor.
        exprs - all %expr%s included in the matching pattern in the order they appear in the pattern. If an optional value was left out it will still be included in this list - holding the default value of the desired type which usually depends on the event.
        matchedPattern - The index of the pattern which matched
        isDelayed - Whether this expression is used after a delay or not (i.e. if the event has already passed when this expression will be called)
        parseResult - Additional information about the match.
        Whether this expression was initialised successfully. An error should be printed prior to returning false to specify the cause.
        See Also:
        - -
      • -
      • -


        protected @Nullable Direction[] get(org.bukkit.event.Event e)
        Description copied from class: SimpleExpression
        This is the internal method to get an expression's values.
        - To get the expression's value from the outside use SimpleExpression.getSingle(Event) or SimpleExpression.getArray(Event).
        Specified by:
        get in class SimpleExpression<Direction>
        e - The event
        An array of values for this event. May not contain nulls.
      • -
      • -


        public boolean isSingle()
        true if this expression will ever only return one value at most, false if it can return multiple values.
      • -
      • -


        public Class<? extends Direction> getReturnType()
        Description copied from interface: Expression
        Gets the return type of this expression.
        A supertype of any objects returned by Expression.getSingle(Event) and the component type of any arrays returned by Expression.getArray(Event)
      • -
      • -


        public String toString(@Nullable org.bukkit.event.Event e, - boolean debug)
        e - The event to get information to. This is always null if debug == false.
        debug - If true this should print more information, if false this should print what is shown to the end user
        String representation of this object
      • -
    • -
    - -
    - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprDistance.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprDistance.html deleted file mode 100644 index f9d891d507..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprDistance.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,274 +0,0 @@ - - - - -ExprDistance (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -
    - -
    - -

    Class ExprDistance

    java.lang.Object -
    ch.njol.skript.lang.util.SimpleExpression<Number> -
    All Implemented Interfaces:
    Debuggable, Expression<Number>, SyntaxElement
    @Name("Distance") -@Description("The distance between two points.") -@Examples({"if the distance between the player and {home::%uuid of player%} is smaller than 20:","\tmessage \"You\'re very close to your home!\""}) -@Since("1.0") -public class ExprDistance -extends SimpleExpression<Number>
    - -
      - -
    • -

      Constructor Details

      • -


        public ExprDistance()
      • -
    • - -
    • -

      Method Details

      • -


        public boolean init(Expression<?>[] vars, - int matchedPattern, - Kleenean isDelayed, - SkriptParser.ParseResult parseResult)
        Description copied from interface: SyntaxElement
        Called just after the constructor.
        vars - all %expr%s included in the matching pattern in the order they appear in the pattern. If an optional value was left out it will still be included in this list - holding the default value of the desired type which usually depends on the event.
        matchedPattern - The index of the pattern which matched
        isDelayed - Whether this expression is used after a delay or not (i.e. if the event has already passed when this expression will be called)
        parseResult - Additional information about the match.
        Whether this expression was initialised successfully. An error should be printed prior to returning false to specify the cause.
        See Also:
        - -
      • -
      • -


        protected @Nullable Number[] get(org.bukkit.event.Event e)
        Description copied from class: SimpleExpression
        This is the internal method to get an expression's values.
        - To get the expression's value from the outside use SimpleExpression.getSingle(Event) or SimpleExpression.getArray(Event).
        Specified by:
        get in class SimpleExpression<Number>
        e - The event
        An array of values for this event. May not contain nulls.
      • -
      • -


        public String toString(@Nullable org.bukkit.event.Event e, - boolean debug)
        e - The event to get information to. This is always null if debug == false.
        debug - If true this should print more information, if false this should print what is shown to the end user
        String representation of this object
      • -
      • -


        public boolean isSingle()
        true if this expression will ever only return one value at most, false if it can return multiple values.
      • -
      • -


        public Class<? extends Number> getReturnType()
        Description copied from interface: Expression
        Gets the return type of this expression.
        A supertype of any objects returned by Expression.getSingle(Event) and the component type of any arrays returned by Expression.getArray(Event)
      • -
    • -
    - -
    - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprDrops.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprDrops.html deleted file mode 100644 index 6651dc8573..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprDrops.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,332 +0,0 @@ - - - - -ExprDrops (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -
    - -
    - -

    Class ExprDrops

    java.lang.Object -
    ch.njol.skript.lang.util.SimpleExpression<ItemType> -
    All Implemented Interfaces:
    Debuggable, Expression<ItemType>, SyntaxElement
    @Name("Drops") -@Description("Only works in death events. Holds the drops of the dying creature. Drops can be prevented by removing them with \"remove ... from drops\", e.g. \"remove all pickaxes from the drops\", or \"clear drops\" if you don\'t want any drops at all.") -@Examples({"clear drops","remove 4 planks from the drops"}) -@Since("1.0") -@Events("death") -public class ExprDrops -extends SimpleExpression<ItemType>
    - -
      - -
    • -

      Constructor Details

      • -


        public ExprDrops()
      • -
    • - -
    • -

      Method Details

      • -


        public boolean init(Expression<?>[] exprs, - int matchedPattern, - Kleenean isDelayed, - SkriptParser.ParseResult parseResult)
        Description copied from interface: SyntaxElement
        Called just after the constructor.
        exprs - all %expr%s included in the matching pattern in the order they appear in the pattern. If an optional value was left out it will still be included in this list - holding the default value of the desired type which usually depends on the event.
        matchedPattern - The index of the pattern which matched
        isDelayed - Whether this expression is used after a delay or not (i.e. if the event has already passed when this expression will be called)
        parseResult - Additional information about the match.
        Whether this expression was initialised successfully. An error should be printed prior to returning false to specify the cause.
        See Also:
        - -
      • -
      • -


        protected @Nullable ItemType[] get(org.bukkit.event.Event e)
        Description copied from class: SimpleExpression
        This is the internal method to get an expression's values.
        - To get the expression's value from the outside use SimpleExpression.getSingle(Event) or SimpleExpression.getArray(Event).
        Specified by:
        get in class SimpleExpression<ItemType>
        e - The event
        An array of values for this event. May not contain nulls.
      • -
      • -


        public @Nullable Class<?>[] acceptChange(Changer.ChangeMode mode)
        Description copied from interface: Expression
        Tests whether this expression supports the given mode, and if yes what type it expects the delta to be. -

        - Use Changer.ChangerUtils.acceptsChange(Expression, ChangeMode, Class...) to test whether an expression supports changing, don't directly use this method! -

        - Please note that if a changer is registered for this expression's returnType this method does not have to be overridden. If you override it though - make sure to return super.acceptChange(mode), and to handle the appropriate ChangeMode(s) in Expression.change(Event, Object[], ChangeMode) with - super.change(...). -

        - Unlike Changer.acceptChange(ChangeMode) this method may print errors.

        Specified by:
        acceptChange in interface Expression<ItemType>
        acceptChange in class SimpleExpression<ItemType>
        An array of types that Expression.change(Event, Object[], ChangeMode) accepts as its delta parameter (which can be arrays to denote that multiple of - that type are accepted), or null if the given mode is not supported. For Changer.ChangeMode.DELETE and Changer.ChangeMode.RESET this can return any non-null array to - mark them as supported.
      • -
      • -


        public void change(org.bukkit.event.Event e, - @Nullable Object[] delta, - Changer.ChangeMode mode)
        Description copied from interface: Expression
        Changes the expression's value by the given amount. This will only be called on supported modes and with the desired delta type as returned by - Expression.acceptChange(ChangeMode)
        Specified by:
        change in interface Expression<ItemType>
        change in class SimpleExpression<ItemType>
        delta - An array with one or more instances of one or more of the the classes returned by Expression.acceptChange(ChangeMode) for the given change mode (null for - Changer.ChangeMode.DELETE and Changer.ChangeMode.RESET). This can be a Object[], thus casting is not allowed.
      • -
      • -


        public boolean isSingle()
        true if this expression will ever only return one value at most, false if it can return multiple values.
      • -
      • -


        public Class<? extends ItemType> getReturnType()
        Description copied from interface: Expression
        Gets the return type of this expression.
        A supertype of any objects returned by Expression.getSingle(Event) and the component type of any arrays returned by Expression.getArray(Event)
      • -
      • -


        public String toString(@Nullable org.bukkit.event.Event e, - boolean debug)
        e - The event to get information to. This is always null if debug == false.
        debug - If true this should print more information, if false this should print what is shown to the end user
        String representation of this object
      • -
    • -
    - -
    - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprDropsOfBlock.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprDropsOfBlock.html deleted file mode 100644 index 4dc82d33fd..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprDropsOfBlock.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,275 +0,0 @@ - - - - -ExprDropsOfBlock (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -
    - -
    - -

    Class ExprDropsOfBlock

    java.lang.Object -
    ch.njol.skript.lang.util.SimpleExpression<ItemType> -
    All Implemented Interfaces:
    Debuggable, Expression<ItemType>, SyntaxElement
    @Name("Drops Of Block") -@Description("A list of the items that will drop when a block is broken.") -@RequiredPlugins("Minecraft 1.15+ (\'as %entity%\')") -@Examples({"on break of block:","\tgive drops of block using player\'s tool to player"}) -@Since("2.5.1") -public class ExprDropsOfBlock -extends SimpleExpression<ItemType>
    - -
      - -
    • -

      Constructor Details

      • -


        public ExprDropsOfBlock()
      • -
    • - -
    • -

      Method Details

      • -


        public boolean init(Expression<?>[] exprs, - int matchedPattern, - Kleenean isDelayed, - SkriptParser.ParseResult parseResult)
        Description copied from interface: SyntaxElement
        Called just after the constructor.
        exprs - all %expr%s included in the matching pattern in the order they appear in the pattern. If an optional value was left out it will still be included in this list - holding the default value of the desired type which usually depends on the event.
        matchedPattern - The index of the pattern which matched
        isDelayed - Whether this expression is used after a delay or not (i.e. if the event has already passed when this expression will be called)
        parseResult - Additional information about the match.
        Whether this expression was initialised successfully. An error should be printed prior to returning false to specify the cause.
        See Also:
        - -
      • -
      • -


        protected @Nullable ItemType[] get(org.bukkit.event.Event e)
        Description copied from class: SimpleExpression
        This is the internal method to get an expression's values.
        - To get the expression's value from the outside use SimpleExpression.getSingle(Event) or SimpleExpression.getArray(Event).
        Specified by:
        get in class SimpleExpression<ItemType>
        e - The event
        An array of values for this event. May not contain nulls.
      • -
      • -


        public boolean isSingle()
        true if this expression will ever only return one value at most, false if it can return multiple values.
      • -
      • -


        public Class<? extends ItemType> getReturnType()
        Description copied from interface: Expression
        Gets the return type of this expression.
        A supertype of any objects returned by Expression.getSingle(Event) and the component type of any arrays returned by Expression.getArray(Event)
      • -
      • -


        public String toString(@Nullable org.bukkit.event.Event e, - boolean debug)
        e - The event to get information to. This is always null if debug == false.
        debug - If true this should print more information, if false this should print what is shown to the end user
        String representation of this object
      • -
    • -
    - -
    - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprDurability.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprDurability.html deleted file mode 100644 index e83ba3910c..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprDurability.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,352 +0,0 @@ - - - - -ExprDurability (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -
    - -
    - -

    Class ExprDurability

    - -
    All Implemented Interfaces:
    Converter<Object,Long>, Debuggable, Expression<Long>, SyntaxElement
    @Name("Damage Value/Durability") -@Description("The damage value/durability of an item.") -@Examples({"set damage value of player\'s tool to 10","reset the durability of {_item}","set durability of player\'s held item to 0"}) -@Since("1.2, 2.7 (durability reversed)") -public class ExprDurability -extends SimplePropertyExpression<Object,Long>
    - -
    - -
    - -
    - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprEgg.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprEgg.html deleted file mode 100644 index 5fb13b4974..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprEgg.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,199 +0,0 @@ - - - - -ExprEgg (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -
    - -
    - -

    Class ExprEgg

    - -
    All Implemented Interfaces:
    Debuggable, DefaultExpression<org.bukkit.entity.Egg>, Expression<org.bukkit.entity.Egg>, SyntaxElement
    @Name("The Egg") -@Description("The egg thrown in a Player Egg Throw event.") -@Examples("spawn an egg at the egg") -@Events("Egg Throw") -@Since("2.7") -public class ExprEgg -extends EventValueExpression<org.bukkit.entity.Egg>
    - -
      - -
    • -

      Constructor Details

      • -


        public ExprEgg()
      • -
    • - -
    • -

      Method Details

      • -


        public String toString(@Nullable org.bukkit.event.Event event, - boolean debug)
        Specified by:
        toString in interface Debuggable
        toString in class EventValueExpression<org.bukkit.entity.Egg>
        event - The event to get information to. This is always null if debug == false.
        debug - If true this should print more information, if false this should print what is shown to the end user
        String representation of this object
      • -
    • -
    - -
    - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprElement.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprElement.html deleted file mode 100644 index 814cce6c23..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprElement.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,307 +0,0 @@ - - - - -ExprElement (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -
    - -
    - -

    Class ExprElement

    java.lang.Object -
    ch.njol.skript.lang.util.SimpleExpression<Object> -
    All Implemented Interfaces:
    Debuggable, Expression<Object>, SyntaxElement
    @Name("Element of") -@Description({"The first, last or a random element of a set, e.g. a list variable.","See also: <a href=\'#ExprRandom\'>random</a>"}) -@Examples("give a random element out of {free items::*} to the player") -@Since("2.0, 2.7 (relative to last element)") -public class ExprElement -extends SimpleExpression<Object>
    - -
      - -
    • -

      Constructor Details

      • -


        public ExprElement()
      • -
    • - -
    • -

      Method Details

      • -


        public boolean init(Expression<?>[] exprs, - int matchedPattern, - Kleenean isDelayed, - SkriptParser.ParseResult parseResult)
        Description copied from interface: SyntaxElement
        Called just after the constructor.
        exprs - all %expr%s included in the matching pattern in the order they appear in the pattern. If an optional value was left out it will still be included in this list - holding the default value of the desired type which usually depends on the event.
        matchedPattern - The index of the pattern which matched
        isDelayed - Whether this expression is used after a delay or not (i.e. if the event has already passed when this expression will be called)
        parseResult - Additional information about the match.
        Whether this expression was initialised successfully. An error should be printed prior to returning false to specify the cause.
        See Also:
        - -
      • -
      • -


        protected @Nullable Object[] get(org.bukkit.event.Event event)
        Description copied from class: SimpleExpression
        This is the internal method to get an expression's values.
        - To get the expression's value from the outside use SimpleExpression.getSingle(Event) or SimpleExpression.getArray(Event).
        Specified by:
        get in class SimpleExpression<Object>
        event - The event
        An array of values for this event. May not contain nulls.
      • -
      • -


        public <R> @Nullable Expression<? extends R> getConvertedExpression(Class<R>... to)
        Description copied from class: SimpleExpression
        Usually, you want to override SimpleExpression.getConvertedExpr(Class[]). - However, it may be useful to override this method if you have an expression with a return - type that is unknown until runtime (like variables). Usually, you'll be fine with just - the default implementation. This method is final on versions below 2.2-dev36.
        Specified by:
        getConvertedExpression in interface Expression<Object>
        getConvertedExpression in class SimpleExpression<Object>
        to - The desired return type of the returned expression
        The converted expression
        See Also:
        - -
      • -
      • -


        public boolean isSingle()
        true if this expression will ever only return one value at most, false if it can return multiple values.
      • -
      • -


        public Class<?> getReturnType()
        Description copied from interface: Expression
        Gets the return type of this expression.
        A supertype of any objects returned by Expression.getSingle(Event) and the component type of any arrays returned by Expression.getArray(Event)
      • -
      • -


        public String toString(@Nullable org.bukkit.event.Event e, - boolean debug)
        e - The event to get information to. This is always null if debug == false.
        debug - If true this should print more information, if false this should print what is shown to the end user
        String representation of this object
      • -
    • -
    - -
    - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprEnchantItem.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprEnchantItem.html deleted file mode 100644 index a2ee2838b8..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprEnchantItem.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,332 +0,0 @@ - - - - -ExprEnchantItem (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -
    - -
    - -

    Class ExprEnchantItem

    java.lang.Object -
    ch.njol.skript.lang.util.SimpleExpression<ItemType> -
    All Implemented Interfaces:
    Debuggable, Expression<ItemType>, SyntaxElement
    @Name("Enchant Item") -@Description({"The enchant item in an enchant prepare event or enchant event.","It can be modified, but enchantments will still be applied in the enchant event."}) -@Examples({"on enchant:","\tset the enchanted item to a diamond chestplate","on enchant prepare:","\tset the enchant item to a wooden sword"}) -@Events({"enchant prepare","enchant"}) -@Since("2.5") -public class ExprEnchantItem -extends SimpleExpression<ItemType>
    - -
      - -
    • -

      Constructor Details

      • -


        public ExprEnchantItem()
      • -
    • - -
    • -

      Method Details

      • -


        public boolean init(Expression<?>[] exprs, - int matchedPattern, - Kleenean isDelayed, - SkriptParser.ParseResult parseResult)
        Description copied from interface: SyntaxElement
        Called just after the constructor.
        exprs - all %expr%s included in the matching pattern in the order they appear in the pattern. If an optional value was left out it will still be included in this list - holding the default value of the desired type which usually depends on the event.
        matchedPattern - The index of the pattern which matched
        isDelayed - Whether this expression is used after a delay or not (i.e. if the event has already passed when this expression will be called)
        parseResult - Additional information about the match.
        Whether this expression was initialised successfully. An error should be printed prior to returning false to specify the cause.
        See Also:
        - -
      • -
      • -


        protected @Nullable ItemType[] get(org.bukkit.event.Event e)
        Description copied from class: SimpleExpression
        This is the internal method to get an expression's values.
        - To get the expression's value from the outside use SimpleExpression.getSingle(Event) or SimpleExpression.getArray(Event).
        Specified by:
        get in class SimpleExpression<ItemType>
        e - The event
        An array of values for this event. May not contain nulls.
      • -
      • -


        public @Nullable Class<?>[] acceptChange(Changer.ChangeMode mode)
        Description copied from interface: Expression
        Tests whether this expression supports the given mode, and if yes what type it expects the delta to be. -

        - Use Changer.ChangerUtils.acceptsChange(Expression, ChangeMode, Class...) to test whether an expression supports changing, don't directly use this method! -

        - Please note that if a changer is registered for this expression's returnType this method does not have to be overridden. If you override it though - make sure to return super.acceptChange(mode), and to handle the appropriate ChangeMode(s) in Expression.change(Event, Object[], ChangeMode) with - super.change(...). -

        - Unlike Changer.acceptChange(ChangeMode) this method may print errors.

        Specified by:
        acceptChange in interface Expression<ItemType>
        acceptChange in class SimpleExpression<ItemType>
        An array of types that Expression.change(Event, Object[], ChangeMode) accepts as its delta parameter (which can be arrays to denote that multiple of - that type are accepted), or null if the given mode is not supported. For Changer.ChangeMode.DELETE and Changer.ChangeMode.RESET this can return any non-null array to - mark them as supported.
      • -
      • -


        public void change(org.bukkit.event.Event event, - @Nullable Object[] delta, - Changer.ChangeMode mode)
        Description copied from interface: Expression
        Changes the expression's value by the given amount. This will only be called on supported modes and with the desired delta type as returned by - Expression.acceptChange(ChangeMode)
        Specified by:
        change in interface Expression<ItemType>
        change in class SimpleExpression<ItemType>
        delta - An array with one or more instances of one or more of the the classes returned by Expression.acceptChange(ChangeMode) for the given change mode (null for - Changer.ChangeMode.DELETE and Changer.ChangeMode.RESET). This can be a Object[], thus casting is not allowed.
      • -
      • -


        public boolean isSingle()
        true if this expression will ever only return one value at most, false if it can return multiple values.
      • -
      • -


        public Class<? extends ItemType> getReturnType()
        Description copied from interface: Expression
        Gets the return type of this expression.
        A supertype of any objects returned by Expression.getSingle(Event) and the component type of any arrays returned by Expression.getArray(Event)
      • -
      • -


        public String toString(@Nullable org.bukkit.event.Event e, - boolean debug)
        e - The event to get information to. This is always null if debug == false.
        debug - If true this should print more information, if false this should print what is shown to the end user
        String representation of this object
      • -
    • -
    - -
    - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprEnchantingExpCost.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprEnchantingExpCost.html deleted file mode 100644 index b3c1a24029..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprEnchantingExpCost.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,332 +0,0 @@ - - - - -ExprEnchantingExpCost (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -
    - -
    - -

    Class ExprEnchantingExpCost

    java.lang.Object -
    ch.njol.skript.lang.util.SimpleExpression<Long> -
    All Implemented Interfaces:
    Debuggable, Expression<Long>, SyntaxElement
    @Name("Enchanting Experience Cost") -@Description({"The cost of enchanting in an enchant event.","This is number that was displayed in the enchantment table, not the actual number of levels removed."}) -@Examples({"on enchant:","\tsend \"Cost: %the displayed enchanting cost%\" to player"}) -@Events("enchant") -@Since("2.5") -public class ExprEnchantingExpCost -extends SimpleExpression<Long>
    - -
      - -
    • -

      Constructor Details

      • -


        public ExprEnchantingExpCost()
      • -
    • - -
    • -

      Method Details

      • -


        public boolean init(Expression<?>[] exprs, - int matchedPattern, - Kleenean isDelayed, - SkriptParser.ParseResult parseResult)
        Description copied from interface: SyntaxElement
        Called just after the constructor.
        exprs - all %expr%s included in the matching pattern in the order they appear in the pattern. If an optional value was left out it will still be included in this list - holding the default value of the desired type which usually depends on the event.
        matchedPattern - The index of the pattern which matched
        isDelayed - Whether this expression is used after a delay or not (i.e. if the event has already passed when this expression will be called)
        parseResult - Additional information about the match.
        Whether this expression was initialised successfully. An error should be printed prior to returning false to specify the cause.
        See Also:
        - -
      • -
      • -


        protected @Nullable Long[] get(org.bukkit.event.Event e)
        Description copied from class: SimpleExpression
        This is the internal method to get an expression's values.
        - To get the expression's value from the outside use SimpleExpression.getSingle(Event) or SimpleExpression.getArray(Event).
        Specified by:
        get in class SimpleExpression<Long>
        e - The event
        An array of values for this event. May not contain nulls.
      • -
      • -


        public @Nullable Class<?>[] acceptChange(Changer.ChangeMode mode)
        Description copied from interface: Expression
        Tests whether this expression supports the given mode, and if yes what type it expects the delta to be. -

        - Use Changer.ChangerUtils.acceptsChange(Expression, ChangeMode, Class...) to test whether an expression supports changing, don't directly use this method! -

        - Please note that if a changer is registered for this expression's returnType this method does not have to be overridden. If you override it though - make sure to return super.acceptChange(mode), and to handle the appropriate ChangeMode(s) in Expression.change(Event, Object[], ChangeMode) with - super.change(...). -

        - Unlike Changer.acceptChange(ChangeMode) this method may print errors.

        Specified by:
        acceptChange in interface Expression<Long>
        acceptChange in class SimpleExpression<Long>
        An array of types that Expression.change(Event, Object[], ChangeMode) accepts as its delta parameter (which can be arrays to denote that multiple of - that type are accepted), or null if the given mode is not supported. For Changer.ChangeMode.DELETE and Changer.ChangeMode.RESET this can return any non-null array to - mark them as supported.
      • -
      • -


        public void change(org.bukkit.event.Event event, - @Nullable Object[] delta, - Changer.ChangeMode mode)
        Description copied from interface: Expression
        Changes the expression's value by the given amount. This will only be called on supported modes and with the desired delta type as returned by - Expression.acceptChange(ChangeMode)
        Specified by:
        change in interface Expression<Long>
        change in class SimpleExpression<Long>
        delta - An array with one or more instances of one or more of the the classes returned by Expression.acceptChange(ChangeMode) for the given change mode (null for - Changer.ChangeMode.DELETE and Changer.ChangeMode.RESET). This can be a Object[], thus casting is not allowed.
      • -
      • -


        public boolean isSingle()
        true if this expression will ever only return one value at most, false if it can return multiple values.
      • -
      • -


        public Class<? extends Long> getReturnType()
        Description copied from interface: Expression
        Gets the return type of this expression.
        A supertype of any objects returned by Expression.getSingle(Event) and the component type of any arrays returned by Expression.getArray(Event)
      • -
      • -


        public String toString(@Nullable org.bukkit.event.Event e, - boolean debug)
        e - The event to get information to. This is always null if debug == false.
        debug - If true this should print more information, if false this should print what is shown to the end user
        String representation of this object
      • -
    • -
    - -
    - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprEnchantmentBonus.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprEnchantmentBonus.html deleted file mode 100644 index d8d4ce9889..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprEnchantmentBonus.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,275 +0,0 @@ - - - - -ExprEnchantmentBonus (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -
    - -
    - -

    Class ExprEnchantmentBonus

    java.lang.Object -
    ch.njol.skript.lang.util.SimpleExpression<Long> -
    All Implemented Interfaces:
    Debuggable, Expression<Long>, SyntaxElement
    @Name("Enchantment Bonus") -@Description("The enchantment bonus in an enchant prepare event. This represents the number of bookshelves affecting/surrounding the enchantment table.") -@Examples({"on enchant:","\tsend \"There are %enchantment bonus% bookshelves surrounding this enchantment table!\" to player"}) -@Events("enchant prepare") -@Since("2.5") -public class ExprEnchantmentBonus -extends SimpleExpression<Long>
    - -
      - -
    • -

      Constructor Details

      • -


        public ExprEnchantmentBonus()
      • -
    • - -
    • -

      Method Details

      • -


        public boolean init(Expression<?>[] exprs, - int matchedPattern, - Kleenean isDelayed, - SkriptParser.ParseResult parseResult)
        Description copied from interface: SyntaxElement
        Called just after the constructor.
        exprs - all %expr%s included in the matching pattern in the order they appear in the pattern. If an optional value was left out it will still be included in this list - holding the default value of the desired type which usually depends on the event.
        matchedPattern - The index of the pattern which matched
        isDelayed - Whether this expression is used after a delay or not (i.e. if the event has already passed when this expression will be called)
        parseResult - Additional information about the match.
        Whether this expression was initialised successfully. An error should be printed prior to returning false to specify the cause.
        See Also:
        - -
      • -
      • -


        protected @Nullable Long[] get(org.bukkit.event.Event e)
        Description copied from class: SimpleExpression
        This is the internal method to get an expression's values.
        - To get the expression's value from the outside use SimpleExpression.getSingle(Event) or SimpleExpression.getArray(Event).
        Specified by:
        get in class SimpleExpression<Long>
        e - The event
        An array of values for this event. May not contain nulls.
      • -
      • -


        public boolean isSingle()
        true if this expression will ever only return one value at most, false if it can return multiple values.
      • -
      • -


        public Class<? extends Long> getReturnType()
        Description copied from interface: Expression
        Gets the return type of this expression.
        A supertype of any objects returned by Expression.getSingle(Event) and the component type of any arrays returned by Expression.getArray(Event)
      • -
      • -


        public String toString(@Nullable org.bukkit.event.Event e, - boolean debug)
        e - The event to get information to. This is always null if debug == false.
        debug - If true this should print more information, if false this should print what is shown to the end user
        String representation of this object
      • -
    • -
    - -
    - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprEnchantmentLevel.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprEnchantmentLevel.html deleted file mode 100644 index 62ca17f80b..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprEnchantmentLevel.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,331 +0,0 @@ - - - - -ExprEnchantmentLevel (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -
    - -
    - -

    Class ExprEnchantmentLevel

    java.lang.Object -
    ch.njol.skript.lang.util.SimpleExpression<Long> -
    All Implemented Interfaces:
    Debuggable, Expression<Long>, SyntaxElement
    @Name("Enchantment Level") -@Description("The level of a particular <a href=\'classes.html#enchantment\'>enchantment</a> on an item.") -@Examples({"player\'s tool is a sword of sharpness:","\tmessage \"You have a sword of sharpness %level of sharpness of the player\'s tool% equipped\""}) -@Since("2.0") -public class ExprEnchantmentLevel -extends SimpleExpression<Long>
    - -
      - -
    • -

      Constructor Details

      • -


        public ExprEnchantmentLevel()
      • -
    • - -
    • -

      Method Details

      • -


        public boolean init(Expression<?>[] exprs, - int matchedPattern, - Kleenean isDelayed, - SkriptParser.ParseResult parseResult)
        Description copied from interface: SyntaxElement
        Called just after the constructor.
        exprs - all %expr%s included in the matching pattern in the order they appear in the pattern. If an optional value was left out it will still be included in this list - holding the default value of the desired type which usually depends on the event.
        matchedPattern - The index of the pattern which matched
        isDelayed - Whether this expression is used after a delay or not (i.e. if the event has already passed when this expression will be called)
        parseResult - Additional information about the match.
        Whether this expression was initialised successfully. An error should be printed prior to returning false to specify the cause.
        See Also:
        - -
      • -
      • -


        protected Long[] get(org.bukkit.event.Event e)
        Description copied from class: SimpleExpression
        This is the internal method to get an expression's values.
        - To get the expression's value from the outside use SimpleExpression.getSingle(Event) or SimpleExpression.getArray(Event).
        Specified by:
        get in class SimpleExpression<Long>
        e - The event
        An array of values for this event. May not contain nulls.
      • -
      • -


        public @Nullable Class<?>[] acceptChange(Changer.ChangeMode mode)
        Description copied from interface: Expression
        Tests whether this expression supports the given mode, and if yes what type it expects the delta to be. -

        - Use Changer.ChangerUtils.acceptsChange(Expression, ChangeMode, Class...) to test whether an expression supports changing, don't directly use this method! -

        - Please note that if a changer is registered for this expression's returnType this method does not have to be overridden. If you override it though - make sure to return super.acceptChange(mode), and to handle the appropriate ChangeMode(s) in Expression.change(Event, Object[], ChangeMode) with - super.change(...). -

        - Unlike Changer.acceptChange(ChangeMode) this method may print errors.

        Specified by:
        acceptChange in interface Expression<Long>
        acceptChange in class SimpleExpression<Long>
        An array of types that Expression.change(Event, Object[], ChangeMode) accepts as its delta parameter (which can be arrays to denote that multiple of - that type are accepted), or null if the given mode is not supported. For Changer.ChangeMode.DELETE and Changer.ChangeMode.RESET this can return any non-null array to - mark them as supported.
      • -
      • -


        public void change(org.bukkit.event.Event e, - @Nullable Object[] delta, - Changer.ChangeMode mode)
        Description copied from interface: Expression
        Changes the expression's value by the given amount. This will only be called on supported modes and with the desired delta type as returned by - Expression.acceptChange(ChangeMode)
        Specified by:
        change in interface Expression<Long>
        change in class SimpleExpression<Long>
        delta - An array with one or more instances of one or more of the the classes returned by Expression.acceptChange(ChangeMode) for the given change mode (null for - Changer.ChangeMode.DELETE and Changer.ChangeMode.RESET). This can be a Object[], thus casting is not allowed.
      • -
      • -


        public boolean isSingle()
        true if this expression will ever only return one value at most, false if it can return multiple values.
      • -
      • -


        public Class<? extends Long> getReturnType()
        Description copied from interface: Expression
        Gets the return type of this expression.
        A supertype of any objects returned by Expression.getSingle(Event) and the component type of any arrays returned by Expression.getArray(Event)
      • -
      • -


        public String toString(@Nullable org.bukkit.event.Event e, - boolean debug)
        e - The event to get information to. This is always null if debug == false.
        debug - If true this should print more information, if false this should print what is shown to the end user
        String representation of this object
      • -
    • -
    - -
    - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprEnchantmentOffer.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprEnchantmentOffer.html deleted file mode 100644 index 1e5a391aca..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprEnchantmentOffer.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,354 +0,0 @@ - - - - -ExprEnchantmentOffer (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -
    - -
    - -

    Class ExprEnchantmentOffer

    java.lang.Object -
    ch.njol.skript.lang.util.SimpleExpression<org.bukkit.enchantments.EnchantmentOffer> -
    All Implemented Interfaces:
    Debuggable, Expression<org.bukkit.enchantments.EnchantmentOffer>, SyntaxElement
    @Name("Enchantment Offer") -@Description("The enchantment offer in enchant prepare events.") -@Examples({"on enchant prepare:","\tsend \"Your enchantment offers are: %the enchantment offers%\" to player"}) -@Since("2.5") -@Events("enchant prepare") -@RequiredPlugins("1.11 or newer") -public class ExprEnchantmentOffer -extends SimpleExpression<org.bukkit.enchantments.EnchantmentOffer>
    - -
      - -
    • -

      Constructor Details

      • -


        public ExprEnchantmentOffer()
      • -
    • - -
    • -

      Method Details

      • -


        public boolean init(Expression<?>[] exprs, - int matchedPattern, - Kleenean isDelayed, - SkriptParser.ParseResult parseResult)
        Description copied from interface: SyntaxElement
        Called just after the constructor.
        exprs - all %expr%s included in the matching pattern in the order they appear in the pattern. If an optional value was left out it will still be included in this list - holding the default value of the desired type which usually depends on the event.
        matchedPattern - The index of the pattern which matched
        isDelayed - Whether this expression is used after a delay or not (i.e. if the event has already passed when this expression will be called)
        parseResult - Additional information about the match.
        Whether this expression was initialised successfully. An error should be printed prior to returning false to specify the cause.
        See Also:
        - -
      • -
      • -


        protected @Nullable org.bukkit.enchantments.EnchantmentOffer[] get(org.bukkit.event.Event e)
        Description copied from class: SimpleExpression
        This is the internal method to get an expression's values.
        - To get the expression's value from the outside use SimpleExpression.getSingle(Event) or SimpleExpression.getArray(Event).
        Specified by:
        get in class SimpleExpression<org.bukkit.enchantments.EnchantmentOffer>
        e - The event
        An array of values for this event. May not contain nulls.
      • -
      • -


        public @Nullable Class<?>[] acceptChange(Changer.ChangeMode mode)
        Description copied from interface: Expression
        Tests whether this expression supports the given mode, and if yes what type it expects the delta to be. -

        - Use Changer.ChangerUtils.acceptsChange(Expression, ChangeMode, Class...) to test whether an expression supports changing, don't directly use this method! -

        - Please note that if a changer is registered for this expression's returnType this method does not have to be overridden. If you override it though - make sure to return super.acceptChange(mode), and to handle the appropriate ChangeMode(s) in Expression.change(Event, Object[], ChangeMode) with - super.change(...). -

        - Unlike Changer.acceptChange(ChangeMode) this method may print errors.

        Specified by:
        acceptChange in interface Expression<org.bukkit.enchantments.EnchantmentOffer>
        acceptChange in class SimpleExpression<org.bukkit.enchantments.EnchantmentOffer>
        An array of types that Expression.change(Event, Object[], ChangeMode) accepts as its delta parameter (which can be arrays to denote that multiple of - that type are accepted), or null if the given mode is not supported. For Changer.ChangeMode.DELETE and Changer.ChangeMode.RESET this can return any non-null array to - mark them as supported.
      • -
      • -


        public void change(org.bukkit.event.Event event, - @Nullable Object[] delta, - Changer.ChangeMode mode)
        Description copied from interface: Expression
        Changes the expression's value by the given amount. This will only be called on supported modes and with the desired delta type as returned by - Expression.acceptChange(ChangeMode)
        Specified by:
        change in interface Expression<org.bukkit.enchantments.EnchantmentOffer>
        change in class SimpleExpression<org.bukkit.enchantments.EnchantmentOffer>
        delta - An array with one or more instances of one or more of the the classes returned by Expression.acceptChange(ChangeMode) for the given change mode (null for - Changer.ChangeMode.DELETE and Changer.ChangeMode.RESET). This can be a Object[], thus casting is not allowed.
      • -
      • -


        public boolean isSingle()
        true if this expression will ever only return one value at most, false if it can return multiple values.
      • -
      • -


        public Class<? extends org.bukkit.enchantments.EnchantmentOffer> getReturnType()
        Description copied from interface: Expression
        Gets the return type of this expression.
        A supertype of any objects returned by Expression.getSingle(Event) and the component type of any arrays returned by Expression.getArray(Event)
      • -
      • -


        public String toString(@Nullable org.bukkit.event.Event e, - boolean debug)
        e - The event to get information to. This is always null if debug == false.
        debug - If true this should print more information, if false this should print what is shown to the end user
        String representation of this object
      • -
      • -


        public int getCost(int slot, - int bookshelves)
        Returns an enchantment cost from an enchantment button and number of bookshelves.
        slot - The enchantment button slot (1, 2, or 3).
        bookshelves - The number of bookshelves around the enchantment table.
        A cost for that enchantment button with the number of bookshelves, or 1 if 'slot' is not an integer from 1 to 3.
      • -
    • -
    - -
    - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprEnchantmentOfferCost.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprEnchantmentOfferCost.html deleted file mode 100644 index e3d3bda817..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprEnchantmentOfferCost.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,314 +0,0 @@ - - - - -ExprEnchantmentOfferCost (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -
    - -
    - -

    Class ExprEnchantmentOfferCost

    java.lang.Object -
    ch.njol.skript.lang.util.SimpleExpression<T> -
    ch.njol.skript.expressions.base.PropertyExpression<F,T> -
    ch.njol.skript.expressions.base.SimplePropertyExpression<org.bukkit.enchantments.EnchantmentOffer,Long> -
    All Implemented Interfaces:
    Converter<org.bukkit.enchantments.EnchantmentOffer,Long>, Debuggable, Expression<Long>, SyntaxElement
    @Name("Enchantment Offer Cost") -@Description({"The cost of an enchantment offer. This is displayed to the right of an enchantment offer.","If the cost is changed, it will always be at least 1.","This changes how many levels are required to enchant, but does not change the number of levels removed.","To change the number of levels removed, use the enchant event."}) -@Examples("set cost of enchantment offer 1 to 50") -@Since("2.5") -@RequiredPlugins("1.11 or newer") -public class ExprEnchantmentOfferCost -extends SimplePropertyExpression<org.bukkit.enchantments.EnchantmentOffer,Long>
    - -
    - -
    - -
    - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprEnchantments.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprEnchantments.html deleted file mode 100644 index 65571094ae..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprEnchantments.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,331 +0,0 @@ - - - - -ExprEnchantments (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -
    - -
    - -

    Class ExprEnchantments

    java.lang.Object -
    ch.njol.skript.lang.util.SimpleExpression<EnchantmentType> -
    All Implemented Interfaces:
    Debuggable, Expression<EnchantmentType>, SyntaxElement
    @Name("Item Enchantments") -@Description("All the enchantments an <a href=\'classes.html#itemtype\'>item type</a> has.") -@Examples("clear enchantments of event-item") -@Since("2.2-dev36") -public class ExprEnchantments -extends SimpleExpression<EnchantmentType>
    - -
    - -
    - -
    - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprEnderChest.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprEnderChest.html deleted file mode 100644 index 1151d4e7e8..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprEnderChest.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,256 +0,0 @@ - - - - -ExprEnderChest (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -
    - -
    - -

    Class ExprEnderChest

    java.lang.Object -
    ch.njol.skript.lang.util.SimpleExpression<T> -
    ch.njol.skript.expressions.base.PropertyExpression<F,T> -
    ch.njol.skript.expressions.base.SimplePropertyExpression<org.bukkit.entity.Player,org.bukkit.inventory.Inventory> -
    All Implemented Interfaces:
    Converter<org.bukkit.entity.Player,org.bukkit.inventory.Inventory>, Debuggable, Expression<org.bukkit.inventory.Inventory>, SyntaxElement
    @Name("Ender Chest") -@Description("The ender chest of a player.") -@Examples("open the player\'s ender chest to the player") -@Since("2.0") -public class ExprEnderChest -extends SimplePropertyExpression<org.bukkit.entity.Player,org.bukkit.inventory.Inventory>
    - -
      - -
    • -

      Constructor Details

      • -


        public ExprEnderChest()
      • -
    • - -
    • -

      Method Details

      • -


        public @Nullable org.bukkit.inventory.Inventory convert(org.bukkit.entity.Player p)
        Description copied from interface: Converter
        Converts an object from the given to the desired type.
        Specified by:
        convert in interface Converter<org.bukkit.entity.Player,org.bukkit.inventory.Inventory>
        Specified by:
        convert in class SimplePropertyExpression<org.bukkit.entity.Player,org.bukkit.inventory.Inventory>
        p - The object to convert.
        the converted object
      • -
      • -


        public Class<? extends org.bukkit.inventory.Inventory> getReturnType()
        Description copied from interface: Expression
        Gets the return type of this expression.
        A supertype of any objects returned by Expression.getSingle(Event) and the component type of any arrays returned by Expression.getArray(Event)
      • -
      • -


        protected String getPropertyName()
        Description copied from class: SimplePropertyExpression
        Used to collect the property type used in the register method. - This forms the toString of this SimplePropertyExpression.
        Specified by:
        getPropertyName in class SimplePropertyExpression<org.bukkit.entity.Player,org.bukkit.inventory.Inventory>
        The name of the type used when registering this SimplePropertyExpression.
      • -
    • -
    - -
    - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprEntities.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprEntities.html deleted file mode 100644 index d4ec4640d5..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprEntities.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,323 +0,0 @@ - - - - -ExprEntities (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -
    - -
    - -

    Class ExprEntities

    java.lang.Object -
    ch.njol.skript.lang.util.SimpleExpression<org.bukkit.entity.Entity> -
    All Implemented Interfaces:
    Debuggable, Expression<org.bukkit.entity.Entity>, SyntaxElement
    @Name("Entities") -@Description("All entities in all worlds, in a specific world, in a chunk or in a radius around a certain location, e.g. <code>all players</code>, <code>all creepers in the player\'s world</code>, or <code>players in radius 100 of the player</code>.") -@Examples({"kill all creepers in the player\'s world","send \"Psst!\" to all players within 100 meters of the player","give a diamond to all ops","heal all tamed wolves in radius 2000 around {town center}","delete all monsters in chunk at player"}) -@Since("1.2.1, 2.5 (chunks)") -public class ExprEntities -extends SimpleExpression<org.bukkit.entity.Entity>
    - -
      - -
    • -

      Constructor Details

      • -


        public ExprEntities()
      • -
    • - -
    • -

      Method Details

      • -


        public boolean init(Expression<?>[] exprs, - int matchedPattern, - Kleenean isDelayed, - SkriptParser.ParseResult parseResult)
        Description copied from interface: SyntaxElement
        Called just after the constructor.
        exprs - all %expr%s included in the matching pattern in the order they appear in the pattern. If an optional value was left out it will still be included in this list - holding the default value of the desired type which usually depends on the event.
        matchedPattern - The index of the pattern which matched
        isDelayed - Whether this expression is used after a delay or not (i.e. if the event has already passed when this expression will be called)
        parseResult - Additional information about the match.
        Whether this expression was initialised successfully. An error should be printed prior to returning false to specify the cause.
        See Also:
        - -
      • -
      • -


        public boolean isLoopOf(String s)
        Description copied from interface: Expression
        Checks whether the given 'loop-...' expression should match this loop, e.g. loop-block matches any loops that loop through blocks and loop-argument matches an - argument loop. -

        - You should usually just return false as e.g. loop-block will automatically match the expression if its returnType is Block or a subtype of it.

        Specified by:
        isLoopOf in interface Expression<org.bukkit.entity.Entity>
        isLoopOf in class SimpleExpression<org.bukkit.entity.Entity>
        s - The entered string
        Whether this loop matches the given string
      • -
      • -


        protected @Nullable org.bukkit.entity.Entity[] get(org.bukkit.event.Event e)
        Description copied from class: SimpleExpression
        This is the internal method to get an expression's values.
        - To get the expression's value from the outside use SimpleExpression.getSingle(Event) or SimpleExpression.getArray(Event).
        Specified by:
        get in class SimpleExpression<org.bukkit.entity.Entity>
        e - The event
        An array of values for this event. May not contain nulls.
      • -
      • -


        public @Nullable Iterator<? extends org.bukkit.entity.Entity> iterator(org.bukkit.event.Event e)
        Description copied from interface: Expression
        Returns the same as Expression.getArray(Event) but as an iterator. This method should be overriden by expressions intended to be looped to increase performance.
        Specified by:
        iterator in interface Expression<org.bukkit.entity.Entity>
        iterator in class SimpleExpression<org.bukkit.entity.Entity>
        e - The event
        An iterator to iterate over all values of this expression which may be empty and/or null, but must not return null elements.
      • -
      • -


        public boolean isSingle()
        true if this expression will ever only return one value at most, false if it can return multiple values.
      • -
      • -


        public Class<? extends org.bukkit.entity.Entity> getReturnType()
        Description copied from interface: Expression
        Gets the return type of this expression.
        A supertype of any objects returned by Expression.getSingle(Event) and the component type of any arrays returned by Expression.getArray(Event)
      • -
      • -


        public String toString(@Nullable org.bukkit.event.Event e, - boolean debug)
        e - The event to get information to. This is always null if debug == false.
        debug - If true this should print more information, if false this should print what is shown to the end user
        String representation of this object
      • -
    • -
    - -
    - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprEntity.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprEntity.html deleted file mode 100644 index 0fa2d69e20..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprEntity.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,307 +0,0 @@ - - - - -ExprEntity (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -
    - -
    - -

    Class ExprEntity

    java.lang.Object -
    ch.njol.skript.lang.util.SimpleExpression<org.bukkit.entity.Entity> -
    All Implemented Interfaces:
    Debuggable, Expression<org.bukkit.entity.Entity>, SyntaxElement
    @Name("Creature/Entity/Player/Projectile/Villager/Powered Creeper/etc.") -@Description({"The entity involved in an event (an entity is a player, a creature or an inanimate object like ignited TNT, a dropped item or an arrow).","You can use the specific type of the entity that\'s involved in the event, e.g. in a \'death of a creeper\' event you can use \'the creeper\' instead of \'the entity\'."}) -@Examples({"give a diamond sword of sharpness 3 to the player","kill the creeper","kill all powered creepers in the wolf\'s world","projectile is an arrow"}) -@Since("1.0") -public class ExprEntity -extends SimpleExpression<org.bukkit.entity.Entity>
    - -
      - -
    • -

      Constructor Details

      • -


        public ExprEntity()
      • -
    • - -
    • -

      Method Details

      • -


        public boolean init(Expression<?>[] exprs, - int matchedPattern, - Kleenean isDelayed, - SkriptParser.ParseResult parseResult)
        Description copied from interface: SyntaxElement
        Called just after the constructor.
        exprs - all %expr%s included in the matching pattern in the order they appear in the pattern. If an optional value was left out it will still be included in this list - holding the default value of the desired type which usually depends on the event.
        matchedPattern - The index of the pattern which matched
        isDelayed - Whether this expression is used after a delay or not (i.e. if the event has already passed when this expression will be called)
        parseResult - Additional information about the match.
        Whether this expression was initialised successfully. An error should be printed prior to returning false to specify the cause.
        See Also:
        - -
      • -
      • -


        public boolean isSingle()
        true if this expression will ever only return one value at most, false if it can return multiple values.
      • -
      • -


        public Class<? extends org.bukkit.entity.Entity> getReturnType()
        Description copied from interface: Expression
        Gets the return type of this expression.
        A supertype of any objects returned by Expression.getSingle(Event) and the component type of any arrays returned by Expression.getArray(Event)
      • -
      • -


        protected @Nullable org.bukkit.entity.Entity[] get(org.bukkit.event.Event e)
        Description copied from class: SimpleExpression
        This is the internal method to get an expression's values.
        - To get the expression's value from the outside use SimpleExpression.getSingle(Event) or SimpleExpression.getArray(Event).
        Specified by:
        get in class SimpleExpression<org.bukkit.entity.Entity>
        e - The event
        An array of values for this event. May not contain nulls.
      • -
      • -


        public <R> @Nullable Expression<? extends R> getConvertedExpression(Class<R>... to)
        Description copied from class: SimpleExpression
        Usually, you want to override SimpleExpression.getConvertedExpr(Class[]). - However, it may be useful to override this method if you have an expression with a return - type that is unknown until runtime (like variables). Usually, you'll be fine with just - the default implementation. This method is final on versions below 2.2-dev36.
        Specified by:
        getConvertedExpression in interface Expression<org.bukkit.entity.Entity>
        getConvertedExpression in class SimpleExpression<org.bukkit.entity.Entity>
        to - The desired return type of the returned expression
        The converted expression
        See Also:
        - -
      • -
      • -


        public String toString(@Nullable org.bukkit.event.Event e, - boolean debug)
        e - The event to get information to. This is always null if debug == false.
        debug - If true this should print more information, if false this should print what is shown to the end user
        String representation of this object
      • -
    • -
    - -
    - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprEntityAttribute.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprEntityAttribute.html deleted file mode 100644 index c5e79a3e5a..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprEntityAttribute.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,332 +0,0 @@ - - - - -ExprEntityAttribute (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -
    - -
    - -

    Class ExprEntityAttribute

    java.lang.Object -
    ch.njol.skript.lang.util.SimpleExpression<T> -
    ch.njol.skript.expressions.base.PropertyExpression<org.bukkit.entity.Entity,Number> -
    All Implemented Interfaces:
    Debuggable, Expression<Number>, SyntaxElement
    @Name("Entity Attribute") -@Description({"The numerical value of an entity\'s particular attribute.","Note that the movement speed attribute cannot be reliably used for players. For that purpose, use the speed expression instead.","Resetting an entity\'s attribute is only available in Minecraft 1.11 and above."}) -@Examples({"on damage of player:","\tsend \"You are wounded!\"","\tset victim\'s attack speed attribute to 2"}) -@Since("2.5, 2.6.1 (final attribute value)") -public class ExprEntityAttribute -extends PropertyExpression<org.bukkit.entity.Entity,Number>
    - -
      - -
    • -

      Constructor Details

      • -


        public ExprEntityAttribute()
      • -
    • - -
    • -

      Method Details

      • -


        public boolean init(Expression<?>[] exprs, - int matchedPattern, - Kleenean isDelayed, - SkriptParser.ParseResult parseResult)
        Description copied from interface: SyntaxElement
        Called just after the constructor.
        exprs - all %expr%s included in the matching pattern in the order they appear in the pattern. If an optional value was left out it will still be included in this list - holding the default value of the desired type which usually depends on the event.
        matchedPattern - The index of the pattern which matched
        isDelayed - Whether this expression is used after a delay or not (i.e. if the event has already passed when this expression will be called)
        parseResult - Additional information about the match.
        Whether this expression was initialised successfully. An error should be printed prior to returning false to specify the cause.
        See Also:
        - -
      • -
      • -


        protected Number[] get(org.bukkit.event.Event e, - org.bukkit.entity.Entity[] entities)
        Description copied from class: PropertyExpression
        Converts the given source object(s) to the correct type. -

        - Please note that the returned array must neither be null nor contain any null elements!

        Specified by:
        get in class PropertyExpression<org.bukkit.entity.Entity,Number>
        e - the event involved at the time of runtime calling.
        entities - the array of the objects from the expressions.
        An array of the converted objects, which may contain less elements than the source array, but must not be null.
        See Also:
        - -
      • -
      • -


        public @Nullable Class<?>[] acceptChange(Changer.ChangeMode mode)
        Description copied from interface: Expression
        Tests whether this expression supports the given mode, and if yes what type it expects the delta to be. -

        - Use Changer.ChangerUtils.acceptsChange(Expression, ChangeMode, Class...) to test whether an expression supports changing, don't directly use this method! -

        - Please note that if a changer is registered for this expression's returnType this method does not have to be overridden. If you override it though - make sure to return super.acceptChange(mode), and to handle the appropriate ChangeMode(s) in Expression.change(Event, Object[], ChangeMode) with - super.change(...). -

        - Unlike Changer.acceptChange(ChangeMode) this method may print errors.

        Specified by:
        acceptChange in interface Expression<Number>
        acceptChange in class SimpleExpression<Number>
        An array of types that Expression.change(Event, Object[], ChangeMode) accepts as its delta parameter (which can be arrays to denote that multiple of - that type are accepted), or null if the given mode is not supported. For Changer.ChangeMode.DELETE and Changer.ChangeMode.RESET this can return any non-null array to - mark them as supported.
      • -
      • -


        public void change(org.bukkit.event.Event e, - @Nullable Object[] delta, - Changer.ChangeMode mode)
        Description copied from interface: Expression
        Changes the expression's value by the given amount. This will only be called on supported modes and with the desired delta type as returned by - Expression.acceptChange(ChangeMode)
        Specified by:
        change in interface Expression<Number>
        change in class SimpleExpression<Number>
        delta - An array with one or more instances of one or more of the the classes returned by Expression.acceptChange(ChangeMode) for the given change mode (null for - Changer.ChangeMode.DELETE and Changer.ChangeMode.RESET). This can be a Object[], thus casting is not allowed.
      • -
      • -


        public Class<? extends Number> getReturnType()
        Description copied from interface: Expression
        Gets the return type of this expression.
        A supertype of any objects returned by Expression.getSingle(Event) and the component type of any arrays returned by Expression.getArray(Event)
      • -
      • -


        public String toString(@Nullable org.bukkit.event.Event e, - boolean debug)
        e - The event to get information to. This is always null if debug == false.
        debug - If true this should print more information, if false this should print what is shown to the end user
        String representation of this object
      • -
    • -
    - -
    - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprEntityTamer.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprEntityTamer.html deleted file mode 100644 index 605bb0020a..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprEntityTamer.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,335 +0,0 @@ - - - - -ExprEntityTamer (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -
    - -
    - -

    Class ExprEntityTamer

    java.lang.Object -
    ch.njol.skript.lang.util.SimpleExpression<T> -
    ch.njol.skript.expressions.base.PropertyExpression<F,T> -
    ch.njol.skript.expressions.base.SimplePropertyExpression<org.bukkit.entity.LivingEntity,org.bukkit.OfflinePlayer> -
    All Implemented Interfaces:
    Converter<org.bukkit.entity.LivingEntity,org.bukkit.OfflinePlayer>, Debuggable, Expression<org.bukkit.OfflinePlayer>, SyntaxElement
    @Name("Entity Owner") -@Description("The owner of a tameable entity, such as a horse or wolf.") -@Examples({"set owner of target entity to player","delete owner of target entity","set {_t} to uuid of tamer of target entity"}) -@Since("2.5") -public class ExprEntityTamer -extends SimplePropertyExpression<org.bukkit.entity.LivingEntity,org.bukkit.OfflinePlayer>
    - -
      - -
    • -

      Constructor Details

      • -


        public ExprEntityTamer()
      • -
    • - -
    • -

      Method Details

      • -


        public @Nullable Class<?>[] acceptChange(Changer.ChangeMode mode)
        Description copied from interface: Expression
        Tests whether this expression supports the given mode, and if yes what type it expects the delta to be. -

        - Use Changer.ChangerUtils.acceptsChange(Expression, ChangeMode, Class...) to test whether an expression supports changing, don't directly use this method! -

        - Please note that if a changer is registered for this expression's returnType this method does not have to be overridden. If you override it though - make sure to return super.acceptChange(mode), and to handle the appropriate ChangeMode(s) in Expression.change(Event, Object[], ChangeMode) with - super.change(...). -

        - Unlike Changer.acceptChange(ChangeMode) this method may print errors.

        Specified by:
        acceptChange in interface Expression<org.bukkit.OfflinePlayer>
        acceptChange in class SimpleExpression<org.bukkit.OfflinePlayer>
        An array of types that Expression.change(Event, Object[], ChangeMode) accepts as its delta parameter (which can be arrays to denote that multiple of - that type are accepted), or null if the given mode is not supported. For Changer.ChangeMode.DELETE and Changer.ChangeMode.RESET this can return any non-null array to - mark them as supported.
      • -
      • -


        public @Nullable org.bukkit.OfflinePlayer convert(org.bukkit.entity.LivingEntity entity)
        Description copied from interface: Converter
        Converts an object from the given to the desired type.
        Specified by:
        convert in interface Converter<org.bukkit.entity.LivingEntity,org.bukkit.OfflinePlayer>
        Specified by:
        convert in class SimplePropertyExpression<org.bukkit.entity.LivingEntity,org.bukkit.OfflinePlayer>
        entity - The object to convert.
        the converted object
      • -
      • -


        public void change(org.bukkit.event.Event e, - @Nullable Object[] delta, - Changer.ChangeMode mode)
        Description copied from interface: Expression
        Changes the expression's value by the given amount. This will only be called on supported modes and with the desired delta type as returned by - Expression.acceptChange(ChangeMode)
        Specified by:
        change in interface Expression<org.bukkit.OfflinePlayer>
        change in class SimpleExpression<org.bukkit.OfflinePlayer>
        delta - An array with one or more instances of one or more of the the classes returned by Expression.acceptChange(ChangeMode) for the given change mode (null for - Changer.ChangeMode.DELETE and Changer.ChangeMode.RESET). This can be a Object[], thus casting is not allowed.
      • -
      • -


        public Class<? extends org.bukkit.OfflinePlayer> getReturnType()
        Description copied from interface: Expression
        Gets the return type of this expression.
        A supertype of any objects returned by Expression.getSingle(Event) and the component type of any arrays returned by Expression.getArray(Event)
      • -
      • -


        protected String getPropertyName()
        Description copied from class: SimplePropertyExpression
        Used to collect the property type used in the register method. - This forms the toString of this SimplePropertyExpression.
        Specified by:
        getPropertyName in class SimplePropertyExpression<org.bukkit.entity.LivingEntity,org.bukkit.OfflinePlayer>
        The name of the type used when registering this SimplePropertyExpression.
      • -
      • -


        public String toString(@Nullable org.bukkit.event.Event e, - boolean d)
        Specified by:
        toString in interface Debuggable
        toString in class SimplePropertyExpression<org.bukkit.entity.LivingEntity,org.bukkit.OfflinePlayer>
        e - The event to get information to. This is always null if debug == false.
        d - If true this should print more information, if false this should print what is shown to the end user
        String representation of this object
      • -
    • -
    - -
    - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprEventCancelled.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprEventCancelled.html deleted file mode 100644 index aea65adfe4..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprEventCancelled.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,329 +0,0 @@ - - - - -ExprEventCancelled (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -
    - -
    - -

    Class ExprEventCancelled

    java.lang.Object -
    ch.njol.skript.lang.util.SimpleExpression<Boolean> -
    All Implemented Interfaces:
    Debuggable, Expression<Boolean>, SyntaxElement
    @NoDoc -public class ExprEventCancelled -extends SimpleExpression<Boolean>
    TODO actually allow to have triggers execute for cancelled events
    - -
      - -
    • -

      Constructor Details

      • -


        public ExprEventCancelled()
      • -
    • - -
    • -

      Method Details

      • -


        public boolean init(Expression<?>[] vars, - int matchedPattern, - Kleenean isDelayed, - SkriptParser.ParseResult parser)
        Description copied from interface: SyntaxElement
        Called just after the constructor.
        vars - all %expr%s included in the matching pattern in the order they appear in the pattern. If an optional value was left out it will still be included in this list - holding the default value of the desired type which usually depends on the event.
        matchedPattern - The index of the pattern which matched
        isDelayed - Whether this expression is used after a delay or not (i.e. if the event has already passed when this expression will be called)
        parser - Additional information about the match.
        Whether this expression was initialised successfully. An error should be printed prior to returning false to specify the cause.
        See Also:
        - -
      • -
      • -


        public boolean isSingle()
        true if this expression will ever only return one value at most, false if it can return multiple values.
      • -
      • -


        protected @Nullable Boolean[] get(org.bukkit.event.Event e)
        Description copied from class: SimpleExpression
        This is the internal method to get an expression's values.
        - To get the expression's value from the outside use SimpleExpression.getSingle(Event) or SimpleExpression.getArray(Event).
        Specified by:
        get in class SimpleExpression<Boolean>
        e - The event
        An array of values for this event. May not contain nulls.
      • -
      • -


        public Class<? extends Boolean> getReturnType()
        Description copied from interface: Expression
        Gets the return type of this expression.
        A supertype of any objects returned by Expression.getSingle(Event) and the component type of any arrays returned by Expression.getArray(Event)
      • -
      • -


        public String toString(@Nullable org.bukkit.event.Event e, - boolean debug)
        e - The event to get information to. This is always null if debug == false.
        debug - If true this should print more information, if false this should print what is shown to the end user
        String representation of this object
      • -
      • -


        public @Nullable Class<?>[] acceptChange(Changer.ChangeMode mode)
        Description copied from interface: Expression
        Tests whether this expression supports the given mode, and if yes what type it expects the delta to be. -

        - Use Changer.ChangerUtils.acceptsChange(Expression, ChangeMode, Class...) to test whether an expression supports changing, don't directly use this method! -

        - Please note that if a changer is registered for this expression's returnType this method does not have to be overridden. If you override it though - make sure to return super.acceptChange(mode), and to handle the appropriate ChangeMode(s) in Expression.change(Event, Object[], ChangeMode) with - super.change(...). -

        - Unlike Changer.acceptChange(ChangeMode) this method may print errors.

        Specified by:
        acceptChange in interface Expression<Boolean>
        acceptChange in class SimpleExpression<Boolean>
        An array of types that Expression.change(Event, Object[], ChangeMode) accepts as its delta parameter (which can be arrays to denote that multiple of - that type are accepted), or null if the given mode is not supported. For Changer.ChangeMode.DELETE and Changer.ChangeMode.RESET this can return any non-null array to - mark them as supported.
      • -
      • -


        public void change(org.bukkit.event.Event e, - @Nullable Object[] delta, - Changer.ChangeMode mode)
        Description copied from interface: Expression
        Changes the expression's value by the given amount. This will only be called on supported modes and with the desired delta type as returned by - Expression.acceptChange(ChangeMode)
        Specified by:
        change in interface Expression<Boolean>
        change in class SimpleExpression<Boolean>
        delta - An array with one or more instances of one or more of the the classes returned by Expression.acceptChange(ChangeMode) for the given change mode (null for - Changer.ChangeMode.DELETE and Changer.ChangeMode.RESET). This can be a Object[], thus casting is not allowed.
      • -
    • -
    - -
    - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprEventExpression.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprEventExpression.html deleted file mode 100644 index 394ff11270..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprEventExpression.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,224 +0,0 @@ - - - - -ExprEventExpression (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -
    - -
    - -

    Class ExprEventExpression

    - -
    All Implemented Interfaces:
    Debuggable, Expression<Object>, SyntaxElement
    @NoDoc -public class ExprEventExpression -extends WrapperExpression<Object>
    Provided for convenience: one can write 'event-world' instead of only 'world' to distinguish between the event-world and the loop-world.
    - -
      - -
    • -

      Constructor Details

      • -


        public ExprEventExpression()
      • -
    • - -
    • -

      Method Details

      • -


        public boolean init(Expression<?>[] exprs, - int matchedPattern, - Kleenean isDelayed, - SkriptParser.ParseResult parser)
        Description copied from interface: SyntaxElement
        Called just after the constructor.
        exprs - all %expr%s included in the matching pattern in the order they appear in the pattern. If an optional value was left out it will still be included in this list - holding the default value of the desired type which usually depends on the event.
        matchedPattern - The index of the pattern which matched
        isDelayed - Whether this expression is used after a delay or not (i.e. if the event has already passed when this expression will be called)
        parser - Additional information about the match.
        Whether this expression was initialised successfully. An error should be printed prior to returning false to specify the cause.
        See Also:
        - -
      • -
      • -


        public String toString(@Nullable org.bukkit.event.Event event, - boolean debug)
        event - The event to get information to. This is always null if debug == false.
        debug - If true this should print more information, if false this should print what is shown to the end user
        String representation of this object
      • -
    • -
    - -
    - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprEvtInitiator.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprEvtInitiator.html deleted file mode 100644 index b268f1051a..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprEvtInitiator.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,232 +0,0 @@ - - - - -ExprEvtInitiator (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -
    - -
    - -

    Class ExprEvtInitiator

    java.lang.Object -
    ch.njol.skript.lang.util.SimpleExpression<T> -
    ch.njol.skript.expressions.base.EventValueExpression<org.bukkit.inventory.Inventory> -
    All Implemented Interfaces:
    Debuggable, DefaultExpression<org.bukkit.inventory.Inventory>, Expression<org.bukkit.inventory.Inventory>, SyntaxElement
    @Name("Initiator Inventory") -@Description("Returns the initiator inventory in an on <a href=\"./events.html?search=#inventory_item_move\">inventory item move</a> event.") -@Examples({"on inventory item move:","\tif holder of event-initiator-inventory is a chest:","broadcast \"Item transport requested at %location at holder of event-initiator-inventory%...\""}) -@Events("Inventory Item Move") -@Since("INSERT VERSION") -public class ExprEvtInitiator -extends EventValueExpression<org.bukkit.inventory.Inventory>
    - -
      - -
    • -

      Constructor Details

      • -


        public ExprEvtInitiator()
      • -
    • - -
    • -

      Method Details

      • -


        public boolean init(Expression<?>[] exprs, - int matchedPattern, - Kleenean isDelayed, - SkriptParser.ParseResult parseResult)
        Description copied from interface: SyntaxElement
        Called just after the constructor.
        Specified by:
        init in interface SyntaxElement
        init in class EventValueExpression<org.bukkit.inventory.Inventory>
        exprs - all %expr%s included in the matching pattern in the order they appear in the pattern. If an optional value was left out it will still be included in this list - holding the default value of the desired type which usually depends on the event.
        matchedPattern - The index of the pattern which matched
        isDelayed - Whether this expression is used after a delay or not (i.e. if the event has already passed when this expression will be called)
        parseResult - Additional information about the match.
        Whether this expression was initialised successfully. An error should be printed prior to returning false to specify the cause.
        See Also:
        - -
      • -
      • -


        public String toString()
        Description copied from interface: Debuggable
        Should return toString(null, false)
        Specified by:
        toString in interface Debuggable
        toString in class SimpleExpression<org.bukkit.inventory.Inventory>
      • -
    • -
    - -
    - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprExhaustion.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprExhaustion.html deleted file mode 100644 index d14c979603..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprExhaustion.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,313 +0,0 @@ - - - - -ExprExhaustion (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -
    - -
    - -

    Class ExprExhaustion

    - -
    All Implemented Interfaces:
    Converter<org.bukkit.entity.Player,Number>, Debuggable, Expression<Number>, SyntaxElement
    @Name("Exhaustion") -@Description("The exhaustion of a player. This is mainly used to determine the rate of hunger depletion.") -@Examples("set exhaustion of all players to 1") -@Since("2.2-dev35") -public class ExprExhaustion -extends SimplePropertyExpression<org.bukkit.entity.Player,Number>
    - -
    - -
    - -
    - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprExperience.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprExperience.html deleted file mode 100644 index eb98ac03b2..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprExperience.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,332 +0,0 @@ - - - - -ExprExperience (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -
    - -
    - -

    Class ExprExperience

    java.lang.Object -
    ch.njol.skript.lang.util.SimpleExpression<Experience> -
    All Implemented Interfaces:
    Debuggable, Expression<Experience>, SyntaxElement
    @Name("Experience") -@Description("How much experience was spawned in an experience spawn or block break event. Can be changed.") -@Examples({"on experience spawn:","\tadd 5 to the spawned experience","on break of coal ore:","\tclear dropped experience","on break of diamond ore:","\tif tool of player = diamond pickaxe:","\t\tadd 100 to dropped experience"}) -@Since("2.1, 2.5.3 (block break event), 2.7 (experience change event)") -@Events({"experience spawn","break / mine","experience change"}) -public class ExprExperience -extends SimpleExpression<Experience>
    - -
      - -
    • -

      Constructor Details

      • -


        public ExprExperience()
      • -
    • - -
    • -

      Method Details

      • -


        public boolean init(Expression<?>[] exprs, - int matchedPattern, - Kleenean isDelayed, - SkriptParser.ParseResult parseResult)
        Description copied from interface: SyntaxElement
        Called just after the constructor.
        exprs - all %expr%s included in the matching pattern in the order they appear in the pattern. If an optional value was left out it will still be included in this list - holding the default value of the desired type which usually depends on the event.
        matchedPattern - The index of the pattern which matched
        isDelayed - Whether this expression is used after a delay or not (i.e. if the event has already passed when this expression will be called)
        parseResult - Additional information about the match.
        Whether this expression was initialised successfully. An error should be printed prior to returning false to specify the cause.
        See Also:
        - -
      • -
      • -


        protected @Nullable Experience[] get(org.bukkit.event.Event e)
        Description copied from class: SimpleExpression
        This is the internal method to get an expression's values.
        - To get the expression's value from the outside use SimpleExpression.getSingle(Event) or SimpleExpression.getArray(Event).
        Specified by:
        get in class SimpleExpression<Experience>
        e - The event
        An array of values for this event. May not contain nulls.
      • -
      • -


        public @Nullable Class<?>[] acceptChange(Changer.ChangeMode mode)
        Description copied from interface: Expression
        Tests whether this expression supports the given mode, and if yes what type it expects the delta to be. -

        - Use Changer.ChangerUtils.acceptsChange(Expression, ChangeMode, Class...) to test whether an expression supports changing, don't directly use this method! -

        - Please note that if a changer is registered for this expression's returnType this method does not have to be overridden. If you override it though - make sure to return super.acceptChange(mode), and to handle the appropriate ChangeMode(s) in Expression.change(Event, Object[], ChangeMode) with - super.change(...). -

        - Unlike Changer.acceptChange(ChangeMode) this method may print errors.

        Specified by:
        acceptChange in interface Expression<Experience>
        acceptChange in class SimpleExpression<Experience>
        An array of types that Expression.change(Event, Object[], ChangeMode) accepts as its delta parameter (which can be arrays to denote that multiple of - that type are accepted), or null if the given mode is not supported. For Changer.ChangeMode.DELETE and Changer.ChangeMode.RESET this can return any non-null array to - mark them as supported.
      • -
      • -


        public void change(org.bukkit.event.Event e, - @Nullable Object[] delta, - Changer.ChangeMode mode)
        Description copied from interface: Expression
        Changes the expression's value by the given amount. This will only be called on supported modes and with the desired delta type as returned by - Expression.acceptChange(ChangeMode)
        Specified by:
        change in interface Expression<Experience>
        change in class SimpleExpression<Experience>
        delta - An array with one or more instances of one or more of the the classes returned by Expression.acceptChange(ChangeMode) for the given change mode (null for - Changer.ChangeMode.DELETE and Changer.ChangeMode.RESET). This can be a Object[], thus casting is not allowed.
      • -
      • -


        public boolean isSingle()
        true if this expression will ever only return one value at most, false if it can return multiple values.
      • -
      • -


        public Class<? extends Experience> getReturnType()
        Description copied from interface: Expression
        Gets the return type of this expression.
        A supertype of any objects returned by Expression.getSingle(Event) and the component type of any arrays returned by Expression.getArray(Event)
      • -
      • -


        public String toString(@Nullable org.bukkit.event.Event e, - boolean debug)
        e - The event to get information to. This is always null if debug == false.
        debug - If true this should print more information, if false this should print what is shown to the end user
        String representation of this object
      • -
    • -
    - -
    - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprExplodedBlocks.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprExplodedBlocks.html deleted file mode 100644 index 517dc520b8..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprExplodedBlocks.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,275 +0,0 @@ - - - - -ExprExplodedBlocks (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -
    - -
    - -

    Class ExprExplodedBlocks

    java.lang.Object -
    ch.njol.skript.lang.util.SimpleExpression<org.bukkit.block.Block> -
    All Implemented Interfaces:
    Debuggable, Expression<org.bukkit.block.Block>, SyntaxElement
    @Name("Exploded Blocks") -@Description("Get all the blocks that were destroyed in an explode event") -@Examples({"on explode:","\tloop exploded blocks:","\t\tadd loop-block to {exploded::blocks::*}"}) -@Events("explode") -@Since("2.5") -public class ExprExplodedBlocks -extends SimpleExpression<org.bukkit.block.Block>
    - -
      - -
    • -

      Constructor Details

      • -


        public ExprExplodedBlocks()
      • -
    • - -
    • -

      Method Details

      • -


        public boolean init(Expression<?>[] exprs, - int matchedPattern, - Kleenean isDelayed, - SkriptParser.ParseResult parseResult)
        Description copied from interface: SyntaxElement
        Called just after the constructor.
        exprs - all %expr%s included in the matching pattern in the order they appear in the pattern. If an optional value was left out it will still be included in this list - holding the default value of the desired type which usually depends on the event.
        matchedPattern - The index of the pattern which matched
        isDelayed - Whether this expression is used after a delay or not (i.e. if the event has already passed when this expression will be called)
        parseResult - Additional information about the match.
        Whether this expression was initialised successfully. An error should be printed prior to returning false to specify the cause.
        See Also:
        - -
      • -
      • -


        protected @Nullable org.bukkit.block.Block[] get(org.bukkit.event.Event e)
        Description copied from class: SimpleExpression
        This is the internal method to get an expression's values.
        - To get the expression's value from the outside use SimpleExpression.getSingle(Event) or SimpleExpression.getArray(Event).
        Specified by:
        get in class SimpleExpression<org.bukkit.block.Block>
        e - The event
        An array of values for this event. May not contain nulls.
      • -
      • -


        public boolean isSingle()
        true if this expression will ever only return one value at most, false if it can return multiple values.
      • -
      • -


        public Class<? extends org.bukkit.block.Block> getReturnType()
        Description copied from interface: Expression
        Gets the return type of this expression.
        A supertype of any objects returned by Expression.getSingle(Event) and the component type of any arrays returned by Expression.getArray(Event)
      • -
      • -


        public String toString(@Nullable org.bukkit.event.Event e, - boolean d)
        e - The event to get information to. This is always null if debug == false.
        d - If true this should print more information, if false this should print what is shown to the end user
        String representation of this object
      • -
    • -
    - -
    - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprExplosionBlockYield.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprExplosionBlockYield.html deleted file mode 100644 index 1a6199276a..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprExplosionBlockYield.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,332 +0,0 @@ - - - - -ExprExplosionBlockYield (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -
    - -
    - -

    Class ExprExplosionBlockYield

    java.lang.Object -
    ch.njol.skript.lang.util.SimpleExpression<Number> -
    All Implemented Interfaces:
    Debuggable, Expression<Number>, SyntaxElement
    @Name("Explosion Block Yield") -@Description({"The percentage of exploded blocks dropped in an explosion event.","When changing the yield, a value greater than 1 will function the same as using 1.","Attempting to change the yield to a value less than 0 will have no effect."}) -@Examples({"on explode:","set the explosion\'s block yield to 10%"}) -@Events("explosion") -@Since("2.5") -public class ExprExplosionBlockYield -extends SimpleExpression<Number>
    - -
      - -
    • -

      Constructor Details

      • -


        public ExprExplosionBlockYield()
      • -
    • - -
    • -

      Method Details

      • -


        public boolean init(Expression<?>[] exprs, - int matchedPattern, - Kleenean isDelayed, - SkriptParser.ParseResult parseResult)
        Description copied from interface: SyntaxElement
        Called just after the constructor.
        exprs - all %expr%s included in the matching pattern in the order they appear in the pattern. If an optional value was left out it will still be included in this list - holding the default value of the desired type which usually depends on the event.
        matchedPattern - The index of the pattern which matched
        isDelayed - Whether this expression is used after a delay or not (i.e. if the event has already passed when this expression will be called)
        parseResult - Additional information about the match.
        Whether this expression was initialised successfully. An error should be printed prior to returning false to specify the cause.
        See Also:
        - -
      • -
      • -


        protected @Nullable Number[] get(org.bukkit.event.Event e)
        Description copied from class: SimpleExpression
        This is the internal method to get an expression's values.
        - To get the expression's value from the outside use SimpleExpression.getSingle(Event) or SimpleExpression.getArray(Event).
        Specified by:
        get in class SimpleExpression<Number>
        e - The event
        An array of values for this event. May not contain nulls.
      • -
      • -


        public @Nullable Class<?>[] acceptChange(Changer.ChangeMode mode)
        Description copied from interface: Expression
        Tests whether this expression supports the given mode, and if yes what type it expects the delta to be. -

        - Use Changer.ChangerUtils.acceptsChange(Expression, ChangeMode, Class...) to test whether an expression supports changing, don't directly use this method! -

        - Please note that if a changer is registered for this expression's returnType this method does not have to be overridden. If you override it though - make sure to return super.acceptChange(mode), and to handle the appropriate ChangeMode(s) in Expression.change(Event, Object[], ChangeMode) with - super.change(...). -

        - Unlike Changer.acceptChange(ChangeMode) this method may print errors.

        Specified by:
        acceptChange in interface Expression<Number>
        acceptChange in class SimpleExpression<Number>
        An array of types that Expression.change(Event, Object[], ChangeMode) accepts as its delta parameter (which can be arrays to denote that multiple of - that type are accepted), or null if the given mode is not supported. For Changer.ChangeMode.DELETE and Changer.ChangeMode.RESET this can return any non-null array to - mark them as supported.
      • -
      • -


        public void change(org.bukkit.event.Event event, - @Nullable Object[] delta, - Changer.ChangeMode mode)
        Description copied from interface: Expression
        Changes the expression's value by the given amount. This will only be called on supported modes and with the desired delta type as returned by - Expression.acceptChange(ChangeMode)
        Specified by:
        change in interface Expression<Number>
        change in class SimpleExpression<Number>
        delta - An array with one or more instances of one or more of the the classes returned by Expression.acceptChange(ChangeMode) for the given change mode (null for - Changer.ChangeMode.DELETE and Changer.ChangeMode.RESET). This can be a Object[], thus casting is not allowed.
      • -
      • -


        public boolean isSingle()
        true if this expression will ever only return one value at most, false if it can return multiple values.
      • -
      • -


        public Class<? extends Number> getReturnType()
        Description copied from interface: Expression
        Gets the return type of this expression.
        A supertype of any objects returned by Expression.getSingle(Event) and the component type of any arrays returned by Expression.getArray(Event)
      • -
      • -


        public String toString(@Nullable org.bukkit.event.Event e, - boolean debug)
        e - The event to get information to. This is always null if debug == false.
        debug - If true this should print more information, if false this should print what is shown to the end user
        String representation of this object
      • -
    • -
    - -
    - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprExplosionYield.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprExplosionYield.html deleted file mode 100644 index b8338fae4d..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprExplosionYield.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,332 +0,0 @@ - - - - -ExprExplosionYield (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -
    - -
    - -

    Class ExprExplosionYield

    java.lang.Object -
    ch.njol.skript.lang.util.SimpleExpression<Number> -
    All Implemented Interfaces:
    Debuggable, Expression<Number>, SyntaxElement
    @Name("Explosion Yield") -@Description({"The yield of the explosion in an explosion prime event. This is how big the explosion is."," When changing the yield, values less than 0 will be ignored."," Read <a href=\'https://minecraft.gamepedia.com/Explosion\'>this wiki page</a> for more information"}) -@Examples({"on explosion prime:","\tset the yield of the explosion to 10"}) -@Events("explosion prime") -@Since("2.5") -public class ExprExplosionYield -extends SimpleExpression<Number>
    - -
      - -
    • -

      Constructor Details

      • -


        public ExprExplosionYield()
      • -
    • - -
    • -

      Method Details

      • -


        public boolean init(Expression<?>[] exprs, - int matchedPattern, - Kleenean isDelayed, - SkriptParser.ParseResult parseResult)
        Description copied from interface: SyntaxElement
        Called just after the constructor.
        exprs - all %expr%s included in the matching pattern in the order they appear in the pattern. If an optional value was left out it will still be included in this list - holding the default value of the desired type which usually depends on the event.
        matchedPattern - The index of the pattern which matched
        isDelayed - Whether this expression is used after a delay or not (i.e. if the event has already passed when this expression will be called)
        parseResult - Additional information about the match.
        Whether this expression was initialised successfully. An error should be printed prior to returning false to specify the cause.
        See Also:
        - -
      • -
      • -


        protected @Nullable Number[] get(org.bukkit.event.Event e)
        Description copied from class: SimpleExpression
        This is the internal method to get an expression's values.
        - To get the expression's value from the outside use SimpleExpression.getSingle(Event) or SimpleExpression.getArray(Event).
        Specified by:
        get in class SimpleExpression<Number>
        e - The event
        An array of values for this event. May not contain nulls.
      • -
      • -


        public @Nullable Class<?>[] acceptChange(Changer.ChangeMode mode)
        Description copied from interface: Expression
        Tests whether this expression supports the given mode, and if yes what type it expects the delta to be. -

        - Use Changer.ChangerUtils.acceptsChange(Expression, ChangeMode, Class...) to test whether an expression supports changing, don't directly use this method! -

        - Please note that if a changer is registered for this expression's returnType this method does not have to be overridden. If you override it though - make sure to return super.acceptChange(mode), and to handle the appropriate ChangeMode(s) in Expression.change(Event, Object[], ChangeMode) with - super.change(...). -

        - Unlike Changer.acceptChange(ChangeMode) this method may print errors.

        Specified by:
        acceptChange in interface Expression<Number>
        acceptChange in class SimpleExpression<Number>
        An array of types that Expression.change(Event, Object[], ChangeMode) accepts as its delta parameter (which can be arrays to denote that multiple of - that type are accepted), or null if the given mode is not supported. For Changer.ChangeMode.DELETE and Changer.ChangeMode.RESET this can return any non-null array to - mark them as supported.
      • -
      • -


        public void change(org.bukkit.event.Event event, - @Nullable Object[] delta, - Changer.ChangeMode mode)
        Description copied from interface: Expression
        Changes the expression's value by the given amount. This will only be called on supported modes and with the desired delta type as returned by - Expression.acceptChange(ChangeMode)
        Specified by:
        change in interface Expression<Number>
        change in class SimpleExpression<Number>
        delta - An array with one or more instances of one or more of the the classes returned by Expression.acceptChange(ChangeMode) for the given change mode (null for - Changer.ChangeMode.DELETE and Changer.ChangeMode.RESET). This can be a Object[], thus casting is not allowed.
      • -
      • -


        public boolean isSingle()
        true if this expression will ever only return one value at most, false if it can return multiple values.
      • -
      • -


        public Class<? extends Number> getReturnType()
        Description copied from interface: Expression
        Gets the return type of this expression.
        A supertype of any objects returned by Expression.getSingle(Event) and the component type of any arrays returned by Expression.getArray(Event)
      • -
      • -


        public String toString(@Nullable org.bukkit.event.Event e, - boolean debug)
        e - The event to get information to. This is always null if debug == false.
        debug - If true this should print more information, if false this should print what is shown to the end user
        String representation of this object
      • -
    • -
    - -
    - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprExplosiveYield.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprExplosiveYield.html deleted file mode 100644 index 947a142a60..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprExplosiveYield.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,314 +0,0 @@ - - - - -ExprExplosiveYield (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -
    - -
    - -

    Class ExprExplosiveYield

    - -
    All Implemented Interfaces:
    Converter<org.bukkit.entity.Entity,Number>, Debuggable, Expression<Number>, SyntaxElement
    @Name("Explosive Yield") -@Description({"The yield of an explosive (creeper, primed tnt, fireball, etc.). This is how big of an explosion is caused by the entity.","Read <a href=\'https://minecraft.gamepedia.com/Explosion\'>this wiki page</a> for more information"}) -@Examples({"on spawn of a creeper:","\tset the explosive yield of the event-entity to 10"}) -@RequiredPlugins("Minecraft 1.12 or newer for creepers") -@Since("2.5") -public class ExprExplosiveYield -extends SimplePropertyExpression<org.bukkit.entity.Entity,Number>
    - -
    - -
    - -
    - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprEyeLocation.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprEyeLocation.html deleted file mode 100644 index 82119e6f8c..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprEyeLocation.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,256 +0,0 @@ - - - - -ExprEyeLocation (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -
    - -
    - -

    Class ExprEyeLocation

    java.lang.Object -
    ch.njol.skript.lang.util.SimpleExpression<T> -
    ch.njol.skript.expressions.base.PropertyExpression<F,T> -
    ch.njol.skript.expressions.base.SimplePropertyExpression<org.bukkit.entity.LivingEntity,org.bukkit.Location> -
    All Implemented Interfaces:
    Converter<org.bukkit.entity.LivingEntity,org.bukkit.Location>, Debuggable, Expression<org.bukkit.Location>, SyntaxElement
    @Name("Head location") -@Description({"The location of an entity\'s head, mostly useful for players and e.g. looping blocks in the player\'s line of sight.","Please note that this location is only accurate for entities whose head is exactly above their center, i.e. players, endermen, zombies, skeletons, etc., but not sheep, pigs or cows."}) -@Examples({"set the block at the player\'s head to air","set the block in front of the player\'s eyes to glass","loop blocks in front of the player\'s head:"}) -@Since("2.0") -public class ExprEyeLocation -extends SimplePropertyExpression<org.bukkit.entity.LivingEntity,org.bukkit.Location>
    - -
      - -
    • -

      Constructor Details

      • -


        public ExprEyeLocation()
      • -
    • - -
    • -

      Method Details

      • -


        public Class<org.bukkit.Location> getReturnType()
        Description copied from interface: Expression
        Gets the return type of this expression.
        A supertype of any objects returned by Expression.getSingle(Event) and the component type of any arrays returned by Expression.getArray(Event)
      • -
      • -


        protected String getPropertyName()
        Description copied from class: SimplePropertyExpression
        Used to collect the property type used in the register method. - This forms the toString of this SimplePropertyExpression.
        Specified by:
        getPropertyName in class SimplePropertyExpression<org.bukkit.entity.LivingEntity,org.bukkit.Location>
        The name of the type used when registering this SimplePropertyExpression.
      • -
      • -


        public @Nullable org.bukkit.Location convert(org.bukkit.entity.LivingEntity e)
        Description copied from interface: Converter
        Converts an object from the given to the desired type.
        Specified by:
        convert in interface Converter<org.bukkit.entity.LivingEntity,org.bukkit.Location>
        Specified by:
        convert in class SimplePropertyExpression<org.bukkit.entity.LivingEntity,org.bukkit.Location>
        e - The object to convert.
        the converted object
      • -
    • -
    - -
    - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprFacing.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprFacing.html deleted file mode 100644 index 5918c3b8ab..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprFacing.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,355 +0,0 @@ - - - - -ExprFacing (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -
    - -
    - -

    Class ExprFacing

    - -
    All Implemented Interfaces:
    Converter<Object,Direction>, Debuggable, Expression<Direction>, SyntaxElement
    @Name("Facing") -@Description("The facing of an entity or block, i.e. exactly north, south, east, west, up or down (unlike <a href=\'#ExprDirection\'>direction</a> which is the exact direction, e.g. \'0.5 south and 0.7 east\')") -@Examples({"# makes a bridge","loop blocks from the block below the player in the horizontal facing of the player:","\tset loop-block to cobblestone"}) -@Since("1.4") -public class ExprFacing -extends SimplePropertyExpression<Object,Direction>
    - -
    - -
    - -
    - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprFallDistance.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprFallDistance.html deleted file mode 100644 index dff3f85a6f..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprFallDistance.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,313 +0,0 @@ - - - - -ExprFallDistance (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -
    - -
    - -

    Class ExprFallDistance

    - -
    All Implemented Interfaces:
    Converter<org.bukkit.entity.Entity,Number>, Debuggable, Expression<Number>, SyntaxElement
    @Name("Fall Distance") -@Description("The distance an entity has fallen for.") -@Examples({"set all entities\' fall distance to 10","on damage:","\tsend \"%victim\'s fall distance%\" to victim"}) -@Since("2.5") -public class ExprFallDistance -extends SimplePropertyExpression<org.bukkit.entity.Entity,Number>
    - -
    - -
    - -
    - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprFertilizedBlocks.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprFertilizedBlocks.html deleted file mode 100644 index 47a200b38c..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprFertilizedBlocks.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,299 +0,0 @@ - - - - -ExprFertilizedBlocks (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -
    - -
    - -

    Class ExprFertilizedBlocks

    java.lang.Object -
    ch.njol.skript.lang.util.SimpleExpression<BlockStateBlock> -
    All Implemented Interfaces:
    Debuggable, Expression<BlockStateBlock>, SyntaxElement
    @Name("Fertilized Blocks") -@Description("The blocks fertilized in block fertilize events.") -@RequiredPlugins("Minecraft 1.13 or newer") -@Events("block fertilize") -@Examples("the fertilized blocks") -@Since("2.5") -public class ExprFertilizedBlocks -extends SimpleExpression<BlockStateBlock>
    - -
      - -
    • -

      Constructor Details

      • -


        public ExprFertilizedBlocks()
      • -
    • - -
    • -

      Method Details

      • -


        public boolean init(Expression<?>[] exprs, - int matchedPattern, - Kleenean isDelayed, - SkriptParser.ParseResult parseResult)
        Description copied from interface: SyntaxElement
        Called just after the constructor.
        exprs - all %expr%s included in the matching pattern in the order they appear in the pattern. If an optional value was left out it will still be included in this list - holding the default value of the desired type which usually depends on the event.
        matchedPattern - The index of the pattern which matched
        isDelayed - Whether this expression is used after a delay or not (i.e. if the event has already passed when this expression will be called)
        parseResult - Additional information about the match.
        Whether this expression was initialised successfully. An error should be printed prior to returning false to specify the cause.
        See Also:
        - -
      • -
      • -


        protected @Nullable BlockStateBlock[] get(org.bukkit.event.Event e)
        Description copied from class: SimpleExpression
        This is the internal method to get an expression's values.
        - To get the expression's value from the outside use SimpleExpression.getSingle(Event) or SimpleExpression.getArray(Event).
        Specified by:
        get in class SimpleExpression<BlockStateBlock>
        e - The event
        An array of values for this event. May not contain nulls.
      • -
      • -


        public @Nullable Iterator<? extends BlockStateBlock> iterator(org.bukkit.event.Event e)
        Description copied from interface: Expression
        Returns the same as Expression.getArray(Event) but as an iterator. This method should be overriden by expressions intended to be looped to increase performance.
        Specified by:
        iterator in interface Expression<BlockStateBlock>
        iterator in class SimpleExpression<BlockStateBlock>
        e - The event
        An iterator to iterate over all values of this expression which may be empty and/or null, but must not return null elements.
      • -
      • -


        public boolean isSingle()
        true if this expression will ever only return one value at most, false if it can return multiple values.
      • -
      • -


        public Class<? extends BlockStateBlock> getReturnType()
        Description copied from interface: Expression
        Gets the return type of this expression.
        A supertype of any objects returned by Expression.getSingle(Event) and the component type of any arrays returned by Expression.getArray(Event)
      • -
      • -


        public String toString(@Nullable org.bukkit.event.Event e, - boolean debug)
        e - The event to get information to. This is always null if debug == false.
        debug - If true this should print more information, if false this should print what is shown to the end user
        String representation of this object
      • -
    • -
    - -
    - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprFilter.ExprInput.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprFilter.ExprInput.html deleted file mode 100644 index f7f62d3530..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprFilter.ExprInput.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,353 +0,0 @@ - - - - -ExprFilter.ExprInput (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -
    - -
    - -

    Class ExprFilter.ExprInput<T>

    java.lang.Object -
    ch.njol.skript.lang.util.SimpleExpression<T> -
    All Implemented Interfaces:
    Debuggable, Expression<T>, SyntaxElement
    Enclosing class:
    @Name("Filter Input") -@Description("Represents the input in a filter expression. For example, if you ran \'broadcast \"something\" and \"something else\" where [input is \"something\"]the condition would be checked twice, using \"something\" and \"something else\" as the inputs.") -@Examples("send \"congrats on being staff!\" to all players where [input has permission \"staff\"]") -@Since("2.2-dev36") -public static class ExprFilter.ExprInput<T> -extends SimpleExpression<T>
    - -
      - -
    • -

      Constructor Details

      • -


        public ExprInput()
      • -
      • -


        public ExprInput(@Nullable ExprFilter.ExprInput<?> source, - Class<? extends T>... types)
      • -
    • - -
    • -

      Method Details

      • -


        public boolean init(Expression<?>[] exprs, - int matchedPattern, - Kleenean isDelayed, - SkriptParser.ParseResult parseResult)
        Description copied from interface: SyntaxElement
        Called just after the constructor.
        exprs - all %expr%s included in the matching pattern in the order they appear in the pattern. If an optional value was left out it will still be included in this list - holding the default value of the desired type which usually depends on the event.
        matchedPattern - The index of the pattern which matched
        isDelayed - Whether this expression is used after a delay or not (i.e. if the event has already passed when this expression will be called)
        parseResult - Additional information about the match.
        Whether this expression was initialised successfully. An error should be printed prior to returning false to specify the cause.
        See Also:
        - -
      • -
      • -


        protected T[] get(org.bukkit.event.Event event)
        Description copied from class: SimpleExpression
        This is the internal method to get an expression's values.
        - To get the expression's value from the outside use SimpleExpression.getSingle(Event) or SimpleExpression.getArray(Event).
        Specified by:
        get in class SimpleExpression<T>
        event - The event
        An array of values for this event. May not contain nulls.
      • -
      • -


        public void setParent(ExprFilter parent)
      • -
      • -


        public <R> Expression<? extends R> getConvertedExpression(Class<R>... to)
        Description copied from class: SimpleExpression
        Usually, you want to override SimpleExpression.getConvertedExpr(Class[]). - However, it may be useful to override this method if you have an expression with a return - type that is unknown until runtime (like variables). Usually, you'll be fine with just - the default implementation. This method is final on versions below 2.2-dev36.
        Specified by:
        getConvertedExpression in interface Expression<T>
        getConvertedExpression in class SimpleExpression<T>
        to - The desired return type of the returned expression
        The converted expression
        See Also:
        - -
      • -
      • -


        public Expression<?> getSource()
        Description copied from interface: Expression
        Returns the original expression that was parsed, i.e. without any conversions done. -

        - This method is undefined for simplified expressions.

        Specified by:
        getSource in interface Expression<T>
        getSource in class SimpleExpression<T>
        The unconverted source expression of this expression or this expression itself if it was never converted.
      • -
      • -


        public Class<? extends T> getReturnType()
        Description copied from interface: Expression
        Gets the return type of this expression.
        A supertype of any objects returned by Expression.getSingle(Event) and the component type of any arrays returned by Expression.getArray(Event)
      • -
      • -


        public boolean isSingle()
        true if this expression will ever only return one value at most, false if it can return multiple values.
      • -
      • -


        public String toString(org.bukkit.event.Event event, - boolean debug)
        event - The event to get information to. This is always null if debug == false.
        debug - If true this should print more information, if false this should print what is shown to the end user
        String representation of this object
      • -
    • -
    - -
    - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprFilter.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprFilter.html deleted file mode 100644 index ca60bfcc53..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprFilter.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,356 +0,0 @@ - - - - -ExprFilter (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -
    - -
    - -

    Class ExprFilter

    java.lang.Object -
    ch.njol.skript.lang.util.SimpleExpression<Object> -
    All Implemented Interfaces:
    Debuggable, Expression<Object>, SyntaxElement
    @Name("Filter") -@Description("Filters a list based on a condition. For example, if you ran \'broadcast \"something\" and \"something else\" where [string input is \"something\"]\', only \"something\" would be broadcast as it is the only string that matched the condition.") -@Examples("send \"congrats on being staff!\" to all players where [player input has permission \"staff\"]") -@Since("2.2-dev36") -public class ExprFilter -extends SimpleExpression<Object>
    - -
      - -
    • -

      Constructor Details

      • -


        public ExprFilter()
      • -
    • - -
    • -

      Method Details

      • -


        public static @Nullable ExprFilter getParsing()
      • -
      • -


        public boolean init(Expression<?>[] exprs, - int matchedPattern, - Kleenean isDelayed, - SkriptParser.ParseResult parseResult)
        Description copied from interface: SyntaxElement
        Called just after the constructor.
        exprs - all %expr%s included in the matching pattern in the order they appear in the pattern. If an optional value was left out it will still be included in this list - holding the default value of the desired type which usually depends on the event.
        matchedPattern - The index of the pattern which matched
        isDelayed - Whether this expression is used after a delay or not (i.e. if the event has already passed when this expression will be called)
        parseResult - Additional information about the match.
        Whether this expression was initialised successfully. An error should be printed prior to returning false to specify the cause.
        See Also:
        - -
      • -
      • -


        public @NonNull Iterator<?> iterator(org.bukkit.event.Event event)
        Description copied from interface: Expression
        Returns the same as Expression.getArray(Event) but as an iterator. This method should be overriden by expressions intended to be looped to increase performance.
        Specified by:
        iterator in interface Expression<Object>
        iterator in class SimpleExpression<Object>
        event - The event
        An iterator to iterate over all values of this expression which may be empty and/or null, but must not return null elements.
      • -
      • -


        protected Object[] get(org.bukkit.event.Event event)
        Description copied from class: SimpleExpression
        This is the internal method to get an expression's values.
        - To get the expression's value from the outside use SimpleExpression.getSingle(Event) or SimpleExpression.getArray(Event).
        Specified by:
        get in class SimpleExpression<Object>
        event - The event
        An array of values for this event. May not contain nulls.
      • -
      • -


        public Object getCurrent()
      • -
      • -


        public Class<?> getReturnType()
        Description copied from interface: Expression
        Gets the return type of this expression.
        A supertype of any objects returned by Expression.getSingle(Event) and the component type of any arrays returned by Expression.getArray(Event)
      • -
      • -


        public boolean isSingle()
        true if this expression will ever only return one value at most, false if it can return multiple values.
      • -
      • -


        public String toString(org.bukkit.event.Event event, - boolean debug)
        event - The event to get information to. This is always null if debug == false.
        debug - If true this should print more information, if false this should print what is shown to the end user
        String representation of this object
      • -
      • -


        public boolean isLoopOf(String s)
        Description copied from interface: Expression
        Checks whether the given 'loop-...' expression should match this loop, e.g. loop-block matches any loops that loop through blocks and loop-argument matches an - argument loop. -

        - You should usually just return false as e.g. loop-block will automatically match the expression if its returnType is Block or a subtype of it.

        Specified by:
        isLoopOf in interface Expression<Object>
        isLoopOf in class SimpleExpression<Object>
        s - The entered string
        Whether this loop matches the given string
      • -
    • -
    - -
    - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprFinalDamage.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprFinalDamage.html deleted file mode 100644 index be51a3d9ab..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprFinalDamage.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,306 +0,0 @@ - - - - -ExprFinalDamage (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -
    - -
    - -

    Class ExprFinalDamage

    java.lang.Object -
    ch.njol.skript.lang.util.SimpleExpression<Number> -
    All Implemented Interfaces:
    Debuggable, Expression<Number>, SyntaxElement
    @Name("Final Damage") -@Description("How much damage is done in a damage event, considering all types of damage reduction. Can NOT be changed.") -@Examples("send \"%final damage%\" to victim") -@Since("2.2-dev19") -@Events("damage") -public class ExprFinalDamage -extends SimpleExpression<Number>
    - -
      - -
    • -

      Constructor Details

      • -


        public ExprFinalDamage()
      • -
    • - -
    • -

      Method Details

      • -


        public boolean init(Expression<?>[] exprs, - int matchedPattern, - Kleenean isDelayed, - SkriptParser.ParseResult parseResult)
        Description copied from interface: SyntaxElement
        Called just after the constructor.
        exprs - all %expr%s included in the matching pattern in the order they appear in the pattern. If an optional value was left out it will still be included in this list - holding the default value of the desired type which usually depends on the event.
        matchedPattern - The index of the pattern which matched
        isDelayed - Whether this expression is used after a delay or not (i.e. if the event has already passed when this expression will be called)
        parseResult - Additional information about the match.
        Whether this expression was initialised successfully. An error should be printed prior to returning false to specify the cause.
        See Also:
        - -
      • -
      • -


        protected @Nullable Number[] get(org.bukkit.event.Event e)
        Description copied from class: SimpleExpression
        This is the internal method to get an expression's values.
        - To get the expression's value from the outside use SimpleExpression.getSingle(Event) or SimpleExpression.getArray(Event).
        Specified by:
        get in class SimpleExpression<Number>
        e - The event
        An array of values for this event. May not contain nulls.
      • -
      • -


        public @Nullable Class<?>[] acceptChange(Changer.ChangeMode mode)
        Description copied from interface: Expression
        Tests whether this expression supports the given mode, and if yes what type it expects the delta to be. -

        - Use Changer.ChangerUtils.acceptsChange(Expression, ChangeMode, Class...) to test whether an expression supports changing, don't directly use this method! -

        - Please note that if a changer is registered for this expression's returnType this method does not have to be overridden. If you override it though - make sure to return super.acceptChange(mode), and to handle the appropriate ChangeMode(s) in Expression.change(Event, Object[], ChangeMode) with - super.change(...). -

        - Unlike Changer.acceptChange(ChangeMode) this method may print errors.

        Specified by:
        acceptChange in interface Expression<Number>
        acceptChange in class SimpleExpression<Number>
        An array of types that Expression.change(Event, Object[], ChangeMode) accepts as its delta parameter (which can be arrays to denote that multiple of - that type are accepted), or null if the given mode is not supported. For Changer.ChangeMode.DELETE and Changer.ChangeMode.RESET this can return any non-null array to - mark them as supported.
      • -
      • -


        public boolean isSingle()
        true if this expression will ever only return one value at most, false if it can return multiple values.
      • -
      • -


        public Class<? extends Number> getReturnType()
        Description copied from interface: Expression
        Gets the return type of this expression.
        A supertype of any objects returned by Expression.getSingle(Event) and the component type of any arrays returned by Expression.getArray(Event)
      • -
      • -


        public String toString(@Nullable org.bukkit.event.Event e, - boolean debug)
        e - The event to get information to. This is always null if debug == false.
        debug - If true this should print more information, if false this should print what is shown to the end user
        String representation of this object
      • -
    • -
    - -
    - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprFireTicks.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprFireTicks.html deleted file mode 100644 index 4add14353a..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprFireTicks.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,313 +0,0 @@ - - - - -ExprFireTicks (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -
    - -
    - -

    Class ExprFireTicks

    - -
    All Implemented Interfaces:
    Converter<org.bukkit.entity.Entity,Timespan>, Debuggable, Expression<Timespan>, SyntaxElement
    @Name("Entity Fire Burn Duration") -@Description("How much time an entity will be burning for.") -@Examples("send \"You will stop burning in %fire time of player%\"") -@Since("2.7") -public class ExprFireTicks -extends SimplePropertyExpression<org.bukkit.entity.Entity,Timespan>
    - -
    - -
    - -
    - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprFireworkEffect.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprFireworkEffect.html deleted file mode 100644 index 26970024ad..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprFireworkEffect.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,274 +0,0 @@ - - - - -ExprFireworkEffect (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -
    - -
    - -

    Class ExprFireworkEffect

    java.lang.Object -
    ch.njol.skript.lang.util.SimpleExpression<org.bukkit.FireworkEffect> -
    All Implemented Interfaces:
    Debuggable, Expression<org.bukkit.FireworkEffect>, SyntaxElement
    @Name("Firework Effect") -@Description("Represents a \'firework effect\' which can be used in the <a href=\'effects.html#EffFireworkLaunch\'>launch firework</a> effect.") -@Examples({"launch flickering trailing burst firework colored blue and green at player","launch trailing flickering star colored purple, yellow, blue, green and red fading to pink at target entity","launch ball large colored red, purple and white fading to light green and black at player\'s location with duration 1"}) -@Since("2.4") -public class ExprFireworkEffect -extends SimpleExpression<org.bukkit.FireworkEffect>
    - -
      - -
    • -

      Constructor Details

      • -


        public ExprFireworkEffect()
      • -
    • - -
    • -

      Method Details

      • -


        public boolean init(Expression<?>[] exprs, - int matchedPattern, - Kleenean isDelayed, - SkriptParser.ParseResult parseResult)
        Description copied from interface: SyntaxElement
        Called just after the constructor.
        exprs - all %expr%s included in the matching pattern in the order they appear in the pattern. If an optional value was left out it will still be included in this list - holding the default value of the desired type which usually depends on the event.
        matchedPattern - The index of the pattern which matched
        isDelayed - Whether this expression is used after a delay or not (i.e. if the event has already passed when this expression will be called)
        parseResult - Additional information about the match.
        Whether this expression was initialised successfully. An error should be printed prior to returning false to specify the cause.
        See Also:
        - -
      • -
      • -


        public boolean isSingle()
        true if this expression will ever only return one value at most, false if it can return multiple values.
      • -
      • -


        public Class<? extends org.bukkit.FireworkEffect> getReturnType()
        Description copied from interface: Expression
        Gets the return type of this expression.
        A supertype of any objects returned by Expression.getSingle(Event) and the component type of any arrays returned by Expression.getArray(Event)
      • -
      • -


        protected @Nullable org.bukkit.FireworkEffect[] get(org.bukkit.event.Event e)
        Description copied from class: SimpleExpression
        This is the internal method to get an expression's values.
        - To get the expression's value from the outside use SimpleExpression.getSingle(Event) or SimpleExpression.getArray(Event).
        Specified by:
        get in class SimpleExpression<org.bukkit.FireworkEffect>
        e - The event
        An array of values for this event. May not contain nulls.
      • -
      • -


        public String toString(@Nullable org.bukkit.event.Event e, - boolean debug)
        e - The event to get information to. This is always null if debug == false.
        debug - If true this should print more information, if false this should print what is shown to the end user
        String representation of this object
      • -
    • -
    - -
    - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprFlightMode.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprFlightMode.html deleted file mode 100644 index 0188c50d3a..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprFlightMode.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,313 +0,0 @@ - - - - -ExprFlightMode (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -
    - -
    - -

    Class ExprFlightMode

    - -
    All Implemented Interfaces:
    Converter<org.bukkit.entity.Player,Boolean>, Debuggable, Expression<Boolean>, SyntaxElement
    @Name("Flight Mode") -@Description("Whether the player(s) are allowed to fly. Use <a href=effects.html#EffMakeFly>Make Fly</a> effect to force player(s) to fly.") -@Examples({"set flight mode of player to true","send \"%flying state of all players%\""}) -@Since("2.2-dev34") -public class ExprFlightMode -extends SimplePropertyExpression<org.bukkit.entity.Player,Boolean>
    - -
    - -
    - -
    - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprFoodLevel.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprFoodLevel.html deleted file mode 100644 index c1cfab75f3..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprFoodLevel.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,371 +0,0 @@ - - - - -ExprFoodLevel (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -
    - -
    - -

    Class ExprFoodLevel

    java.lang.Object -
    ch.njol.skript.lang.util.SimpleExpression<T> -
    ch.njol.skript.expressions.base.PropertyExpression<org.bukkit.entity.Player,Number> -
    All Implemented Interfaces:
    Debuggable, Expression<Number>, SyntaxElement
    @Name("Food Level") -@Description("The food level of a player from 0 to 10. Has several aliases: food/hunger level/meter/bar. ") -@Examples("set the player\'s food level to 10") -@Since("1.0") -public class ExprFoodLevel -extends PropertyExpression<org.bukkit.entity.Player,Number>
    - -
      - -
    • -

      Constructor Details

      • -


        public ExprFoodLevel()
      • -
    • - -
    • -

      Method Details

      • -


        public boolean init(Expression<?>[] vars, - int matchedPattern, - Kleenean isDelayed, - SkriptParser.ParseResult parser)
        Description copied from interface: SyntaxElement
        Called just after the constructor.
        vars - all %expr%s included in the matching pattern in the order they appear in the pattern. If an optional value was left out it will still be included in this list - holding the default value of the desired type which usually depends on the event.
        matchedPattern - The index of the pattern which matched
        isDelayed - Whether this expression is used after a delay or not (i.e. if the event has already passed when this expression will be called)
        parser - Additional information about the match.
        Whether this expression was initialised successfully. An error should be printed prior to returning false to specify the cause.
        See Also:
        - -
      • -
      • -


        protected Number[] get(org.bukkit.event.Event e, - org.bukkit.entity.Player[] source)
        Description copied from class: PropertyExpression
        Converts the given source object(s) to the correct type. -

        - Please note that the returned array must neither be null nor contain any null elements!

        Specified by:
        get in class PropertyExpression<org.bukkit.entity.Player,Number>
        e - the event involved at the time of runtime calling.
        source - the array of the objects from the expressions.
        An array of the converted objects, which may contain less elements than the source array, but must not be null.
        See Also:
        - -
      • -
      • -


        public Class<? extends Number> getReturnType()
        Description copied from interface: Expression
        Gets the return type of this expression.
        A supertype of any objects returned by Expression.getSingle(Event) and the component type of any arrays returned by Expression.getArray(Event)
      • -
      • -


        public String toString(@Nullable org.bukkit.event.Event e, - boolean debug)
        e - The event to get information to. This is always null if debug == false.
        debug - If true this should print more information, if false this should print what is shown to the end user
        String representation of this object
      • -
      • -


        public @Nullable Class<?>[] acceptChange(Changer.ChangeMode mode)
        Description copied from interface: Expression
        Tests whether this expression supports the given mode, and if yes what type it expects the delta to be. -

        - Use Changer.ChangerUtils.acceptsChange(Expression, ChangeMode, Class...) to test whether an expression supports changing, don't directly use this method! -

        - Please note that if a changer is registered for this expression's returnType this method does not have to be overridden. If you override it though - make sure to return super.acceptChange(mode), and to handle the appropriate ChangeMode(s) in Expression.change(Event, Object[], ChangeMode) with - super.change(...). -

        - Unlike Changer.acceptChange(ChangeMode) this method may print errors.

        Specified by:
        acceptChange in interface Expression<Number>
        acceptChange in class SimpleExpression<Number>
        An array of types that Expression.change(Event, Object[], ChangeMode) accepts as its delta parameter (which can be arrays to denote that multiple of - that type are accepted), or null if the given mode is not supported. For Changer.ChangeMode.DELETE and Changer.ChangeMode.RESET this can return any non-null array to - mark them as supported.
      • -
      • -


        public void change(org.bukkit.event.Event e, - @Nullable Object[] delta, - Changer.ChangeMode mode)
        Description copied from interface: Expression
        Changes the expression's value by the given amount. This will only be called on supported modes and with the desired delta type as returned by - Expression.acceptChange(ChangeMode)
        Specified by:
        change in interface Expression<Number>
        change in class SimpleExpression<Number>
        delta - An array with one or more instances of one or more of the the classes returned by Expression.acceptChange(ChangeMode) for the given change mode (null for - Changer.ChangeMode.DELETE and Changer.ChangeMode.RESET). This can be a Object[], thus casting is not allowed.
      • -
      • -


        public boolean setTime(int time)
        Description copied from class: SimpleExpression
        Sets the time of this expression, i.e. whether the returned value represents this expression before or after the event. -

        - This method will not be called if this expression is guaranteed to be used after a delay (an error will be printed immediately), but will be called if - it only can be after a delay (e.g. if the preceding delay is in an if or a loop) as well as if there's no delay involved. -

        - If this method returns false the expression will be discarded and an error message is printed. Custom error messages must be of ErrorQuality.SEMANTIC_ERROR to be - printed (NB: Skript.error(String) always creates semantic errors). -

        - This implementation sets the time but returns false.

        Specified by:
        setTime in interface Expression<Number>
        setTime in class SimpleExpression<Number>
        time - -1 for past or 1 for future. 0 is never passed to this method as it represents the default state.
        Whether this expression has distinct time states, e.g. a player never changes but a block can. This should be sensitive for the event (using - ParserInstance.isCurrentEvent(Class)).
        See Also:
        - -
      • -
    • -
    - -
    - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprFormatDate.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprFormatDate.html deleted file mode 100644 index c968201b0c..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprFormatDate.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,275 +0,0 @@ - - - - -ExprFormatDate (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -
    - -
    - -

    Class ExprFormatDate

    - -
    All Implemented Interfaces:
    Debuggable, Expression<String>, SyntaxElement
    @Name("Formatted Date") -@Description("Converts date to human-readable text format. By default, \'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss z\' (e.g. \'2018-03-30 16:03:12 +01\') will be used. For reference, see this <a href=\"https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO_8601\">Wikipedia article</a>.") -@Examples({"command /date:","\ttrigger:","\t\tsend \"Full date: %now formatted human-readable%\" to sender","\t\tsend \"Short date: %now formatted as \"yyyy-MM-dd\"%\" to sender"}) -@Since("2.2-dev31, 2.7 (support variables in format)") -public class ExprFormatDate -extends PropertyExpression<Date,String>
    - -
      - -
    • -

      Constructor Details

      • -


        public ExprFormatDate()
      • -
    • - -
    • -

      Method Details

      • -


        public boolean init(Expression<?>[] exprs, - int matchedPattern, - Kleenean isDelayed, - SkriptParser.ParseResult parseResult)
        Description copied from interface: SyntaxElement
        Called just after the constructor.
        exprs - all %expr%s included in the matching pattern in the order they appear in the pattern. If an optional value was left out it will still be included in this list - holding the default value of the desired type which usually depends on the event.
        matchedPattern - The index of the pattern which matched
        isDelayed - Whether this expression is used after a delay or not (i.e. if the event has already passed when this expression will be called)
        parseResult - Additional information about the match.
        Whether this expression was initialised successfully. An error should be printed prior to returning false to specify the cause.
        See Also:
        - -
      • -
      • -


        protected String[] get(org.bukkit.event.Event e, - Date[] source)
        Description copied from class: PropertyExpression
        Converts the given source object(s) to the correct type. -

        - Please note that the returned array must neither be null nor contain any null elements!

        Specified by:
        get in class PropertyExpression<Date,String>
        e - the event involved at the time of runtime calling.
        source - the array of the objects from the expressions.
        An array of the converted objects, which may contain less elements than the source array, but must not be null.
        See Also:
        - -
      • -
      • -


        public Class<? extends String> getReturnType()
        Description copied from interface: Expression
        Gets the return type of this expression.
        A supertype of any objects returned by Expression.getSingle(Event) and the component type of any arrays returned by Expression.getArray(Event)
      • -
      • -


        public String toString(@Nullable org.bukkit.event.Event e, - boolean debug)
        e - The event to get information to. This is always null if debug == false.
        debug - If true this should print more information, if false this should print what is shown to the end user
        String representation of this object
      • -
    • -
    - -
    - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprFreezeTicks.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprFreezeTicks.html deleted file mode 100644 index 140fb02978..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprFreezeTicks.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,313 +0,0 @@ - - - - -ExprFreezeTicks (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -
    - -
    - -

    Class ExprFreezeTicks

    - -
    All Implemented Interfaces:
    Converter<org.bukkit.entity.Entity,Timespan>, Debuggable, Expression<Timespan>, SyntaxElement
    @Name("Freeze Time") -@Description("How much time an entity has been in powdered snow for.") -@Examples({"player\'s freeze time is less than 3 seconds:","\tsend \"you\'re about to freeze!\" to the player"}) -@Since("2.7") -public class ExprFreezeTicks -extends SimplePropertyExpression<org.bukkit.entity.Entity,Timespan>
    - -
    - -
    - -
    - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprFurnaceSlot.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprFurnaceSlot.html deleted file mode 100644 index b38610adbb..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprFurnaceSlot.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,315 +0,0 @@ - - - - -ExprFurnaceSlot (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -
    - -
    - -

    Class ExprFurnaceSlot

    java.lang.Object -
    ch.njol.skript.lang.util.SimpleExpression<T> -
    ch.njol.skript.expressions.base.PropertyExpression<org.bukkit.block.Block,Slot> -
    All Implemented Interfaces:
    Debuggable, Expression<Slot>, SyntaxElement
    @Name("Furnace Slot") -@Description({"A slot of a furnace, i.e. either the ore, fuel or result slot.","Remember to use \'<a href=\'#ExprBlock\'>block</a>\' and not \'furnace\', as \'furnace\' is not an existing expression."}) -@Examples({"set the fuel slot of the clicked block to a lava bucket","set the block\'s ore slot to 64 iron ore","give the result of the block to the player","clear the result slot of the block"}) -@Since("1.0") -@Events({"smelt","fuel burn"}) -public class ExprFurnaceSlot -extends PropertyExpression<org.bukkit.block.Block,Slot>
    - -
      - -
    • -

      Constructor Details

      • -


        public ExprFurnaceSlot()
      • -
    • - -
    • -

      Method Details

      • -


        public boolean init(Expression<?>[] exprs, - int matchedPattern, - Kleenean isDelayed, - SkriptParser.ParseResult parseResult)
        Description copied from interface: SyntaxElement
        Called just after the constructor.
        exprs - all %expr%s included in the matching pattern in the order they appear in the pattern. If an optional value was left out it will still be included in this list - holding the default value of the desired type which usually depends on the event.
        matchedPattern - The index of the pattern which matched
        isDelayed - Whether this expression is used after a delay or not (i.e. if the event has already passed when this expression will be called)
        parseResult - Additional information about the match.
        Whether this expression was initialised successfully. An error should be printed prior to returning false to specify the cause.
        See Also:
        - -
      • -
      • -


        protected Slot[] get(org.bukkit.event.Event e, - org.bukkit.block.Block[] source)
        Description copied from class: PropertyExpression
        Converts the given source object(s) to the correct type. -

        - Please note that the returned array must neither be null nor contain any null elements!

        Specified by:
        get in class PropertyExpression<org.bukkit.block.Block,Slot>
        e - the event involved at the time of runtime calling.
        source - the array of the objects from the expressions.
        An array of the converted objects, which may contain less elements than the source array, but must not be null.
        See Also:
        - -
      • -
      • -


        public Class<Slot> getReturnType()
        Description copied from interface: Expression
        Gets the return type of this expression.
        A supertype of any objects returned by Expression.getSingle(Event) and the component type of any arrays returned by Expression.getArray(Event)
      • -
      • -


        public String toString(@Nullable org.bukkit.event.Event e, - boolean debug)
        e - The event to get information to. This is always null if debug == false.
        debug - If true this should print more information, if false this should print what is shown to the end user
        String representation of this object
      • -
      • -


        public boolean setTime(int time)
        Description copied from class: SimpleExpression
        Sets the time of this expression, i.e. whether the returned value represents this expression before or after the event. -

        - This method will not be called if this expression is guaranteed to be used after a delay (an error will be printed immediately), but will be called if - it only can be after a delay (e.g. if the preceding delay is in an if or a loop) as well as if there's no delay involved. -

        - If this method returns false the expression will be discarded and an error message is printed. Custom error messages must be of ErrorQuality.SEMANTIC_ERROR to be - printed (NB: Skript.error(String) always creates semantic errors). -

        - This implementation sets the time but returns false.

        Specified by:
        setTime in interface Expression<Slot>
        setTime in class SimpleExpression<Slot>
        time - -1 for past or 1 for future. 0 is never passed to this method as it represents the default state.
        Whether this expression has distinct time states, e.g. a player never changes but a block can. This should be sensitive for the event (using - ParserInstance.isCurrentEvent(Class)).
        See Also:
        - -
      • -
    • -
    - -
    - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprGameMode.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprGameMode.html deleted file mode 100644 index 99835ab2ee..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprGameMode.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,374 +0,0 @@ - - - - -ExprGameMode (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -
    - -
    - -

    Class ExprGameMode

    java.lang.Object -
    ch.njol.skript.lang.util.SimpleExpression<T> -
    ch.njol.skript.expressions.base.PropertyExpression<org.bukkit.entity.Player,org.bukkit.GameMode> -
    All Implemented Interfaces:
    Debuggable, Expression<org.bukkit.GameMode>, SyntaxElement
    @Name("Game Mode") -@Description("The gamemode of a player. (<a href=\"classes.html#gamemode\">Gamemodes</a>)") -@Examples({"player\'s gamemode is survival","set the player\'s gamemode to creative"}) -@Since("1.0") -public class ExprGameMode -extends PropertyExpression<org.bukkit.entity.Player,org.bukkit.GameMode>
    - -
      - -
    • -

      Constructor Details

      • -


        public ExprGameMode()
      • -
    • - -
    • -

      Method Details

      • -


        public boolean init(Expression<?>[] vars, - int matchedPattern, - Kleenean isDelayed, - SkriptParser.ParseResult parser)
        Description copied from interface: SyntaxElement
        Called just after the constructor.
        vars - all %expr%s included in the matching pattern in the order they appear in the pattern. If an optional value was left out it will still be included in this list - holding the default value of the desired type which usually depends on the event.
        matchedPattern - The index of the pattern which matched
        isDelayed - Whether this expression is used after a delay or not (i.e. if the event has already passed when this expression will be called)
        parser - Additional information about the match.
        Whether this expression was initialised successfully. An error should be printed prior to returning false to specify the cause.
        See Also:
        - -
      • -
      • -


        protected org.bukkit.GameMode[] get(org.bukkit.event.Event e, - org.bukkit.entity.Player[] source)
        Description copied from class: PropertyExpression
        Converts the given source object(s) to the correct type. -

        - Please note that the returned array must neither be null nor contain any null elements!

        Specified by:
        get in class PropertyExpression<org.bukkit.entity.Player,org.bukkit.GameMode>
        e - the event involved at the time of runtime calling.
        source - the array of the objects from the expressions.
        An array of the converted objects, which may contain less elements than the source array, but must not be null.
        See Also:
        - -
      • -
      • -


        public Class<org.bukkit.GameMode> getReturnType()
        Description copied from interface: Expression
        Gets the return type of this expression.
        A supertype of any objects returned by Expression.getSingle(Event) and the component type of any arrays returned by Expression.getArray(Event)
      • -
      • -


        public String toString(@Nullable org.bukkit.event.Event e, - boolean debug)
        e - The event to get information to. This is always null if debug == false.
        debug - If true this should print more information, if false this should print what is shown to the end user
        String representation of this object
      • -
      • -


        public @Nullable Class<?>[] acceptChange(Changer.ChangeMode mode)
        Description copied from interface: Expression
        Tests whether this expression supports the given mode, and if yes what type it expects the delta to be. -

        - Use Changer.ChangerUtils.acceptsChange(Expression, ChangeMode, Class...) to test whether an expression supports changing, don't directly use this method! -

        - Please note that if a changer is registered for this expression's returnType this method does not have to be overridden. If you override it though - make sure to return super.acceptChange(mode), and to handle the appropriate ChangeMode(s) in Expression.change(Event, Object[], ChangeMode) with - super.change(...). -

        - Unlike Changer.acceptChange(ChangeMode) this method may print errors.

        Specified by:
        acceptChange in interface Expression<org.bukkit.GameMode>
        acceptChange in class SimpleExpression<org.bukkit.GameMode>
        An array of types that Expression.change(Event, Object[], ChangeMode) accepts as its delta parameter (which can be arrays to denote that multiple of - that type are accepted), or null if the given mode is not supported. For Changer.ChangeMode.DELETE and Changer.ChangeMode.RESET this can return any non-null array to - mark them as supported.
      • -
      • -


        public void change(org.bukkit.event.Event e, - @Nullable Object[] delta, - Changer.ChangeMode mode) - throws UnsupportedOperationException
        Description copied from interface: Expression
        Changes the expression's value by the given amount. This will only be called on supported modes and with the desired delta type as returned by - Expression.acceptChange(ChangeMode)
        Specified by:
        change in interface Expression<org.bukkit.GameMode>
        change in class SimpleExpression<org.bukkit.GameMode>
        delta - An array with one or more instances of one or more of the the classes returned by Expression.acceptChange(ChangeMode) for the given change mode (null for - Changer.ChangeMode.DELETE and Changer.ChangeMode.RESET). This can be a Object[], thus casting is not allowed.
        UnsupportedOperationException - (optional) - If this method was called on an unsupported ChangeMode.
      • -
      • -


        public boolean setTime(int time)
        Description copied from class: SimpleExpression
        Sets the time of this expression, i.e. whether the returned value represents this expression before or after the event. -

        - This method will not be called if this expression is guaranteed to be used after a delay (an error will be printed immediately), but will be called if - it only can be after a delay (e.g. if the preceding delay is in an if or a loop) as well as if there's no delay involved. -

        - If this method returns false the expression will be discarded and an error message is printed. Custom error messages must be of ErrorQuality.SEMANTIC_ERROR to be - printed (NB: Skript.error(String) always creates semantic errors). -

        - This implementation sets the time but returns false.

        Specified by:
        setTime in interface Expression<org.bukkit.GameMode>
        setTime in class SimpleExpression<org.bukkit.GameMode>
        time - -1 for past or 1 for future. 0 is never passed to this method as it represents the default state.
        Whether this expression has distinct time states, e.g. a player never changes but a block can. This should be sensitive for the event (using - ParserInstance.isCurrentEvent(Class)).
        See Also:
        - -
      • -
    • -
    - -
    - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprGameRule.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprGameRule.html deleted file mode 100644 index 2f0dbee71a..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprGameRule.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,332 +0,0 @@ - - - - -ExprGameRule (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -
    - -
    - -

    Class ExprGameRule

    java.lang.Object -
    ch.njol.skript.lang.util.SimpleExpression<GameruleValue> -
    All Implemented Interfaces:
    Debuggable, Expression<GameruleValue>, SyntaxElement
    @Name("Gamerule Value") -@Description("The gamerule value of a world.") -@Examples("set the gamerule commandBlockOutput of world \"world\" to false") -@Since("2.5") -@RequiredPlugins("Minecraft 1.13+") -public class ExprGameRule -extends SimpleExpression<GameruleValue>
    - -
      - -
    • -

      Constructor Details

      • -


        public ExprGameRule()
      • -
    • - -
    • -

      Method Details

      - -
    • -
    - -
    - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprGlidingState.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprGlidingState.html deleted file mode 100644 index f1412c1f0a..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprGlidingState.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,316 +0,0 @@ - - - - -ExprGlidingState (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -
    - -
    - -

    Class ExprGlidingState

    - -
    All Implemented Interfaces:
    Converter<org.bukkit.entity.LivingEntity,Boolean>, Debuggable, Expression<Boolean>, SyntaxElement
    @Name("Gliding State") -@Description("Sets of gets gliding state of player. It allows you to set gliding state of entity even if they do not have an <a href=\"https://minecraft.gamepedia.com/Elytra\">Elytra</a> equipped.") -@Examples("set gliding of player to off") -@Since("2.2-dev21") -public class ExprGlidingState -extends SimplePropertyExpression<org.bukkit.entity.LivingEntity,Boolean>
    - -
    - -
    - -
    - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprGlowing.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprGlowing.html deleted file mode 100644 index 92b57fa473..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprGlowing.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,316 +0,0 @@ - - - - -ExprGlowing (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -
    - -
    - -

    Class ExprGlowing

    - -
    All Implemented Interfaces:
    Converter<org.bukkit.entity.Entity,Boolean>, Debuggable, Expression<Boolean>, SyntaxElement
    @Name("Glowing") -@Description("Indicates if targeted entity is glowing (new 1.9 effect) or not. Glowing entities can be seen through walls.") -@Examples("set glowing of player to true") -@Since("2.2-dev18") -public class ExprGlowing -extends SimplePropertyExpression<org.bukkit.entity.Entity,Boolean>
    - -
    - -
    - -
    - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprGravity.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprGravity.html deleted file mode 100644 index aff5ae6774..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprGravity.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,316 +0,0 @@ - - - - -ExprGravity (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -
    - -
    - -

    Class ExprGravity

    - -
    All Implemented Interfaces:
    Converter<org.bukkit.entity.Entity,Boolean>, Debuggable, Expression<Boolean>, SyntaxElement
    @Name("Gravity") -@Description("If entity is affected by gravity or not, i.e. if it has Minecraft 1.10+ NoGravity flag.") -@Examples("set gravity of player off") -@Since("2.2-dev21") -public class ExprGravity -extends SimplePropertyExpression<org.bukkit.entity.Entity,Boolean>
    - -
    - -
    - -
    - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprHanging.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprHanging.html deleted file mode 100644 index bcc653c392..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprHanging.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,274 +0,0 @@ - - - - -ExprHanging (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -
    - -
    - -

    Class ExprHanging

    java.lang.Object -
    ch.njol.skript.lang.util.SimpleExpression<org.bukkit.entity.Entity> -
    All Implemented Interfaces:
    Debuggable, Expression<org.bukkit.entity.Entity>, SyntaxElement
    @Name("Hanging Entity/Remover") -@Description("Returns the hanging entity or remover in hanging <a href=\'./events.html#break_mine\'>break</a> and <a href=\'./events.html#place\'>place</a> events.") -@Examples({"on break of item frame:","\tif item of hanging entity is diamond pickaxe:","\t\tcancel event","\t\tif hanging remover is a player:","\t\t\tsend \"You can\'t break that item frame!\" to hanging remover"}) -@Since("2.6.2") -public class ExprHanging -extends SimpleExpression<org.bukkit.entity.Entity>
    - -
      - -
    • -

      Constructor Details

      • -


        public ExprHanging()
      • -
    • - -
    • -

      Method Details

      • -


        public boolean init(Expression<?>[] exprs, - int matchedPattern, - Kleenean isDelayed, - SkriptParser.ParseResult parseResult)
        Description copied from interface: SyntaxElement
        Called just after the constructor.
        exprs - all %expr%s included in the matching pattern in the order they appear in the pattern. If an optional value was left out it will still be included in this list - holding the default value of the desired type which usually depends on the event.
        matchedPattern - The index of the pattern which matched
        isDelayed - Whether this expression is used after a delay or not (i.e. if the event has already passed when this expression will be called)
        parseResult - Additional information about the match.
        Whether this expression was initialised successfully. An error should be printed prior to returning false to specify the cause.
        See Also:
        - -
      • -
      • -


        public @Nullable org.bukkit.entity.Entity[] get(org.bukkit.event.Event e)
        Description copied from class: SimpleExpression
        This is the internal method to get an expression's values.
        - To get the expression's value from the outside use SimpleExpression.getSingle(Event) or SimpleExpression.getArray(Event).
        Specified by:
        get in class SimpleExpression<org.bukkit.entity.Entity>
        e - The event
        An array of values for this event. May not contain nulls.
      • -
      • -


        public boolean isSingle()
        true if this expression will ever only return one value at most, false if it can return multiple values.
      • -
      • -


        public Class<? extends org.bukkit.entity.Entity> getReturnType()
        Description copied from interface: Expression
        Gets the return type of this expression.
        A supertype of any objects returned by Expression.getSingle(Event) and the component type of any arrays returned by Expression.getArray(Event)
      • -
      • -


        public String toString(@Nullable org.bukkit.event.Event e, - boolean debug)
        e - The event to get information to. This is always null if debug == false.
        debug - If true this should print more information, if false this should print what is shown to the end user
        String representation of this object
      • -
    • -
    - -
    - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprHash.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprHash.html deleted file mode 100644 index 11ddd8b23b..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprHash.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,275 +0,0 @@ - - - - -ExprHash (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -
    - -
    - -

    Class ExprHash

    - -
    All Implemented Interfaces:
    Debuggable, Expression<String>, SyntaxElement
    @Name("Hash") -@Description({"Hashes the given text using the MD5 or SHA-256 algorithms. Each algorithm is suitable for different use cases.<p>","MD5 is provided mostly for backwards compatibility, as it is outdated and not secure. ","SHA-256 is more secure, and can used to hash somewhat confidental data like IP addresses and even passwords. ","It is not <i>that</i> secure out of the box, so please consider using salt when dealing with passwords! ","When hashing data, you <strong>must</strong> specify algorithms that will be used for security reasons! ","<p>Please note that a hash cannot be reversed under normal circumstanses. You will not be able to get original value from a hash with Skript."}) -@Examples({"command /setpass &lt;text&gt;:","\ttrigger:","\t\tset {password::%uuid of player%} to text-argument hashed with SHA-256","command /login &lt;text&gt;:","\ttrigger:","\t\tif text-argument hashed with SHA-256 is {password::%uuid of player%}:","\t\t\tmessage \"Login successful.\"","\t\telse:","\t\t\tmessage \"Wrong password!\""}) -@Since("2.0, 2.2-dev32 (SHA-256 algorithm)") -public class ExprHash -extends PropertyExpression<String,String>
    - -
      - -
    • -

      Constructor Details

      • -


        public ExprHash()
      • -
    • - -
    • -

      Method Details

      • -


        public boolean init(Expression<?>[] exprs, - int matchedPattern, - Kleenean isDelayed, - SkriptParser.ParseResult parseResult)
        Description copied from interface: SyntaxElement
        Called just after the constructor.
        exprs - all %expr%s included in the matching pattern in the order they appear in the pattern. If an optional value was left out it will still be included in this list - holding the default value of the desired type which usually depends on the event.
        matchedPattern - The index of the pattern which matched
        isDelayed - Whether this expression is used after a delay or not (i.e. if the event has already passed when this expression will be called)
        parseResult - Additional information about the match.
        Whether this expression was initialised successfully. An error should be printed prior to returning false to specify the cause.
        See Also:
        - -
      • -
      • -


        protected String[] get(org.bukkit.event.Event e, - String[] source)
        Description copied from class: PropertyExpression
        Converts the given source object(s) to the correct type. -

        - Please note that the returned array must neither be null nor contain any null elements!

        Specified by:
        get in class PropertyExpression<String,String>
        e - the event involved at the time of runtime calling.
        source - the array of the objects from the expressions.
        An array of the converted objects, which may contain less elements than the source array, but must not be null.
        See Also:
        - -
      • -
      • -


        public String toString(@Nullable org.bukkit.event.Event e, - boolean debug)
        e - The event to get information to. This is always null if debug == false.
        debug - If true this should print more information, if false this should print what is shown to the end user
        String representation of this object
      • -
      • -


        public Class<? extends String> getReturnType()
        Description copied from interface: Expression
        Gets the return type of this expression.
        A supertype of any objects returned by Expression.getSingle(Event) and the component type of any arrays returned by Expression.getArray(Event)
      • -
    • -
    - -
    - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprHatchingNumber.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprHatchingNumber.html deleted file mode 100644 index abce0d7353..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprHatchingNumber.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,332 +0,0 @@ - - - - -ExprHatchingNumber (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -
    - -
    - -

    Class ExprHatchingNumber

    java.lang.Object -
    ch.njol.skript.lang.util.SimpleExpression<Byte> -
    All Implemented Interfaces:
    Debuggable, Expression<Byte>, SyntaxElement
    @Name("Hatching Number") -@Description({"The number of entities that will be hatched in a Player Egg Throw event.","Please note that no more than 127 entities can be hatched at once."}) -@Examples({"on player egg throw:","\tset the hatching number to 10"}) -@Events("Egg Throw") -@Since("2.7") -public class ExprHatchingNumber -extends SimpleExpression<Byte>
    - -
      - -
    • -

      Constructor Details

      • -


        public ExprHatchingNumber()
      • -
    • - -
    • -

      Method Details

      • -


        public boolean init(Expression<?>[] exprs, - int matchedPattern, - Kleenean isDelayed, - SkriptParser.ParseResult parseResult)
        Description copied from interface: SyntaxElement
        Called just after the constructor.
        exprs - all %expr%s included in the matching pattern in the order they appear in the pattern. If an optional value was left out it will still be included in this list - holding the default value of the desired type which usually depends on the event.
        matchedPattern - The index of the pattern which matched
        isDelayed - Whether this expression is used after a delay or not (i.e. if the event has already passed when this expression will be called)
        parseResult - Additional information about the match.
        Whether this expression was initialised successfully. An error should be printed prior to returning false to specify the cause.
        See Also:
        - -
      • -
      • -


        protected @Nullable Byte[] get(org.bukkit.event.Event event)
        Description copied from class: SimpleExpression
        This is the internal method to get an expression's values.
        - To get the expression's value from the outside use SimpleExpression.getSingle(Event) or SimpleExpression.getArray(Event).
        Specified by:
        get in class SimpleExpression<Byte>
        event - The event
        An array of values for this event. May not contain nulls.
      • -
      • -


        public @Nullable Class<?>[] acceptChange(Changer.ChangeMode mode)
        Description copied from interface: Expression
        Tests whether this expression supports the given mode, and if yes what type it expects the delta to be. -

        - Use Changer.ChangerUtils.acceptsChange(Expression, ChangeMode, Class...) to test whether an expression supports changing, don't directly use this method! -

        - Please note that if a changer is registered for this expression's returnType this method does not have to be overridden. If you override it though - make sure to return super.acceptChange(mode), and to handle the appropriate ChangeMode(s) in Expression.change(Event, Object[], ChangeMode) with - super.change(...). -

        - Unlike Changer.acceptChange(ChangeMode) this method may print errors.

        Specified by:
        acceptChange in interface Expression<Byte>
        acceptChange in class SimpleExpression<Byte>
        An array of types that Expression.change(Event, Object[], ChangeMode) accepts as its delta parameter (which can be arrays to denote that multiple of - that type are accepted), or null if the given mode is not supported. For Changer.ChangeMode.DELETE and Changer.ChangeMode.RESET this can return any non-null array to - mark them as supported.
      • -
      • -


        public void change(org.bukkit.event.Event event, - @Nullable Object[] delta, - Changer.ChangeMode mode)
        Description copied from interface: Expression
        Changes the expression's value by the given amount. This will only be called on supported modes and with the desired delta type as returned by - Expression.acceptChange(ChangeMode)
        Specified by:
        change in interface Expression<Byte>
        change in class SimpleExpression<Byte>
        delta - An array with one or more instances of one or more of the the classes returned by Expression.acceptChange(ChangeMode) for the given change mode (null for - Changer.ChangeMode.DELETE and Changer.ChangeMode.RESET). This can be a Object[], thus casting is not allowed.
      • -
      • -


        public boolean isSingle()
        true if this expression will ever only return one value at most, false if it can return multiple values.
      • -
      • -


        public Class<? extends Byte> getReturnType()
        Description copied from interface: Expression
        Gets the return type of this expression.
        A supertype of any objects returned by Expression.getSingle(Event) and the component type of any arrays returned by Expression.getArray(Event)
      • -
      • -


        public String toString(@Nullable org.bukkit.event.Event event, - boolean debug)
        event - The event to get information to. This is always null if debug == false.
        debug - If true this should print more information, if false this should print what is shown to the end user
        String representation of this object
      • -
    • -
    - -
    - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprHatchingType.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprHatchingType.html deleted file mode 100644 index 2aaaf2a49d..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprHatchingType.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,332 +0,0 @@ - - - - -ExprHatchingType (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -
    - -
    - -

    Class ExprHatchingType

    java.lang.Object -
    ch.njol.skript.lang.util.SimpleExpression<EntityData<?>> -
    All Implemented Interfaces:
    Debuggable, Expression<EntityData<?>>, SyntaxElement
    @Name("Hatching Entity Type") -@Description("The type of the entity that will be hatched in a Player Egg Throw event.") -@Examples({"on player egg throw:","\tset the hatching entity type to a primed tnt"}) -@Events("Egg Throw") -@Since("2.7") -public class ExprHatchingType -extends SimpleExpression<EntityData<?>>
    - -
      - -
    • -

      Constructor Details

      • -


        public ExprHatchingType()
      • -
    • - -
    • -

      Method Details

      • -


        public boolean init(Expression<?>[] exprs, - int matchedPattern, - Kleenean isDelayed, - SkriptParser.ParseResult parseResult)
        Description copied from interface: SyntaxElement
        Called just after the constructor.
        exprs - all %expr%s included in the matching pattern in the order they appear in the pattern. If an optional value was left out it will still be included in this list - holding the default value of the desired type which usually depends on the event.
        matchedPattern - The index of the pattern which matched
        isDelayed - Whether this expression is used after a delay or not (i.e. if the event has already passed when this expression will be called)
        parseResult - Additional information about the match.
        Whether this expression was initialised successfully. An error should be printed prior to returning false to specify the cause.
        See Also:
        - -
      • -
      • -


        protected @Nullable EntityData<?>[] get(org.bukkit.event.Event event)
        Description copied from class: SimpleExpression
        This is the internal method to get an expression's values.
        - To get the expression's value from the outside use SimpleExpression.getSingle(Event) or SimpleExpression.getArray(Event).
        Specified by:
        get in class SimpleExpression<EntityData<?>>
        event - The event
        An array of values for this event. May not contain nulls.
      • -
      • -


        public @Nullable Class<?>[] acceptChange(Changer.ChangeMode mode)
        Description copied from interface: Expression
        Tests whether this expression supports the given mode, and if yes what type it expects the delta to be. -

        - Use Changer.ChangerUtils.acceptsChange(Expression, ChangeMode, Class...) to test whether an expression supports changing, don't directly use this method! -

        - Please note that if a changer is registered for this expression's returnType this method does not have to be overridden. If you override it though - make sure to return super.acceptChange(mode), and to handle the appropriate ChangeMode(s) in Expression.change(Event, Object[], ChangeMode) with - super.change(...). -

        - Unlike Changer.acceptChange(ChangeMode) this method may print errors.

        Specified by:
        acceptChange in interface Expression<EntityData<?>>
        acceptChange in class SimpleExpression<EntityData<?>>
        An array of types that Expression.change(Event, Object[], ChangeMode) accepts as its delta parameter (which can be arrays to denote that multiple of - that type are accepted), or null if the given mode is not supported. For Changer.ChangeMode.DELETE and Changer.ChangeMode.RESET this can return any non-null array to - mark them as supported.
      • -
      • -


        public void change(org.bukkit.event.Event event, - @Nullable Object[] delta, - Changer.ChangeMode mode)
        Description copied from interface: Expression
        Changes the expression's value by the given amount. This will only be called on supported modes and with the desired delta type as returned by - Expression.acceptChange(ChangeMode)
        Specified by:
        change in interface Expression<EntityData<?>>
        change in class SimpleExpression<EntityData<?>>
        delta - An array with one or more instances of one or more of the the classes returned by Expression.acceptChange(ChangeMode) for the given change mode (null for - Changer.ChangeMode.DELETE and Changer.ChangeMode.RESET). This can be a Object[], thus casting is not allowed.
      • -
      • -


        public boolean isSingle()
        true if this expression will ever only return one value at most, false if it can return multiple values.
      • -
      • -


        public Class<? extends EntityData<?>> getReturnType()
        Description copied from interface: Expression
        Gets the return type of this expression.
        A supertype of any objects returned by Expression.getSingle(Event) and the component type of any arrays returned by Expression.getArray(Event)
      • -
      • -


        public String toString(@Nullable org.bukkit.event.Event event, - boolean debug)
        event - The event to get information to. This is always null if debug == false.
        debug - If true this should print more information, if false this should print what is shown to the end user
        String representation of this object
      • -
    • -
    - -
    - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprHealAmount.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprHealAmount.html deleted file mode 100644 index 243bc510ff..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprHealAmount.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,332 +0,0 @@ - - - - -ExprHealAmount (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -
    - -
    - -

    Class ExprHealAmount

    java.lang.Object -
    ch.njol.skript.lang.util.SimpleExpression<Number> -
    All Implemented Interfaces:
    Debuggable, Expression<Number>, SyntaxElement
    @Name("Heal Amount") -@Description("The amount of health healed in a healing event.") -@Examples({"increase heal amount by 2","remove 0.5 from heal amount"}) -@Since("2.5.1") -@Events("heal") -public class ExprHealAmount -extends SimpleExpression<Number>
    - -
      - -
    • -

      Constructor Details

      • -


        public ExprHealAmount()
      • -
    • - -
    • -

      Method Details

      • -


        public boolean init(Expression<?>[] exprs, - int matchedPattern, - Kleenean isDelayed, - SkriptParser.ParseResult parseResult)
        Description copied from interface: SyntaxElement
        Called just after the constructor.
        exprs - all %expr%s included in the matching pattern in the order they appear in the pattern. If an optional value was left out it will still be included in this list - holding the default value of the desired type which usually depends on the event.
        matchedPattern - The index of the pattern which matched
        isDelayed - Whether this expression is used after a delay or not (i.e. if the event has already passed when this expression will be called)
        parseResult - Additional information about the match.
        Whether this expression was initialised successfully. An error should be printed prior to returning false to specify the cause.
        See Also:
        - -
      • -
      • -


        protected @Nullable Number[] get(org.bukkit.event.Event e)
        Description copied from class: SimpleExpression
        This is the internal method to get an expression's values.
        - To get the expression's value from the outside use SimpleExpression.getSingle(Event) or SimpleExpression.getArray(Event).
        Specified by:
        get in class SimpleExpression<Number>
        e - The event
        An array of values for this event. May not contain nulls.
      • -
      • -


        public @Nullable Class<?>[] acceptChange(Changer.ChangeMode mode)
        Description copied from interface: Expression
        Tests whether this expression supports the given mode, and if yes what type it expects the delta to be. -

        - Use Changer.ChangerUtils.acceptsChange(Expression, ChangeMode, Class...) to test whether an expression supports changing, don't directly use this method! -

        - Please note that if a changer is registered for this expression's returnType this method does not have to be overridden. If you override it though - make sure to return super.acceptChange(mode), and to handle the appropriate ChangeMode(s) in Expression.change(Event, Object[], ChangeMode) with - super.change(...). -

        - Unlike Changer.acceptChange(ChangeMode) this method may print errors.

        Specified by:
        acceptChange in interface Expression<Number>
        acceptChange in class SimpleExpression<Number>
        An array of types that Expression.change(Event, Object[], ChangeMode) accepts as its delta parameter (which can be arrays to denote that multiple of - that type are accepted), or null if the given mode is not supported. For Changer.ChangeMode.DELETE and Changer.ChangeMode.RESET this can return any non-null array to - mark them as supported.
      • -
      • -


        public void change(org.bukkit.event.Event e, - @Nullable Object[] delta, - Changer.ChangeMode mode)
        Description copied from interface: Expression
        Changes the expression's value by the given amount. This will only be called on supported modes and with the desired delta type as returned by - Expression.acceptChange(ChangeMode)
        Specified by:
        change in interface Expression<Number>
        change in class SimpleExpression<Number>
        delta - An array with one or more instances of one or more of the the classes returned by Expression.acceptChange(ChangeMode) for the given change mode (null for - Changer.ChangeMode.DELETE and Changer.ChangeMode.RESET). This can be a Object[], thus casting is not allowed.
      • -
      • -


        public boolean isSingle()
        true if this expression will ever only return one value at most, false if it can return multiple values.
      • -
      • -


        public Class<? extends Number> getReturnType()
        Description copied from interface: Expression
        Gets the return type of this expression.
        A supertype of any objects returned by Expression.getSingle(Event) and the component type of any arrays returned by Expression.getArray(Event)
      • -
      • -


        public String toString(@Nullable org.bukkit.event.Event e, - boolean debug)
        e - The event to get information to. This is always null if debug == false.
        debug - If true this should print more information, if false this should print what is shown to the end user
        String representation of this object
      • -
    • -
    - -
    - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprHealReason.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprHealReason.html deleted file mode 100644 index a620923925..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprHealReason.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,274 +0,0 @@ - - - - -ExprHealReason (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -
    - -
    - -

    Class ExprHealReason

    java.lang.Object -
    ch.njol.skript.lang.util.SimpleExpression<org.bukkit.event.entity.EntityRegainHealthEvent.RegainReason> -
    All Implemented Interfaces:
    Debuggable, Expression<org.bukkit.event.entity.EntityRegainHealthEvent.RegainReason>, SyntaxElement
    @Name("Heal Reason") -@Description("The <a href=\'./classes.html#healreason\'>heal reason</a> of a heal event. Please click on the link for more information.") -@Examples({"on heal:","\tif heal reason = satiated:","\t\tsend \"You ate enough food and gained health back!\" to player"}) -@Since("2.5") -public class ExprHealReason -extends SimpleExpression<org.bukkit.event.entity.EntityRegainHealthEvent.RegainReason>
    - -
      - -
    • -

      Constructor Details

      • -


        public ExprHealReason()
      • -
    • - -
    • -

      Method Details

      • -


        public boolean init(Expression<?>[] exprs, - int matchedPattern, - Kleenean isDelayed, - SkriptParser.ParseResult parseResult)
        Description copied from interface: SyntaxElement
        Called just after the constructor.
        exprs - all %expr%s included in the matching pattern in the order they appear in the pattern. If an optional value was left out it will still be included in this list - holding the default value of the desired type which usually depends on the event.
        matchedPattern - The index of the pattern which matched
        isDelayed - Whether this expression is used after a delay or not (i.e. if the event has already passed when this expression will be called)
        parseResult - Additional information about the match.
        Whether this expression was initialised successfully. An error should be printed prior to returning false to specify the cause.
        See Also:
        - -
      • -
      • -


        protected @Nullable org.bukkit.event.entity.EntityRegainHealthEvent.RegainReason[] get(org.bukkit.event.Event e)
        Description copied from class: SimpleExpression
        This is the internal method to get an expression's values.
        - To get the expression's value from the outside use SimpleExpression.getSingle(Event) or SimpleExpression.getArray(Event).
        Specified by:
        get in class SimpleExpression<org.bukkit.event.entity.EntityRegainHealthEvent.RegainReason>
        e - The event
        An array of values for this event. May not contain nulls.
      • -
      • -


        public boolean isSingle()
        true if this expression will ever only return one value at most, false if it can return multiple values.
      • -
      • -


        public Class<? extends org.bukkit.event.entity.EntityRegainHealthEvent.RegainReason> getReturnType()
        Description copied from interface: Expression
        Gets the return type of this expression.
        A supertype of any objects returned by Expression.getSingle(Event) and the component type of any arrays returned by Expression.getArray(Event)
      • -
      • -


        public String toString(@Nullable org.bukkit.event.Event e, - boolean debug)
        e - The event to get information to. This is always null if debug == false.
        debug - If true this should print more information, if false this should print what is shown to the end user
        String representation of this object
      • -
    • -
    - -
    - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprHealth.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprHealth.html deleted file mode 100644 index f03a5b9c01..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprHealth.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,333 +0,0 @@ - - - - -ExprHealth (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -
    - -
    - -

    Class ExprHealth

    java.lang.Object -
    ch.njol.skript.lang.util.SimpleExpression<T> -
    ch.njol.skript.expressions.base.PropertyExpression<org.bukkit.entity.LivingEntity,Number> -
    All Implemented Interfaces:
    Debuggable, Expression<Number>, SyntaxElement
    @Name("Health") -@Description("The health of a creature, e.g. a player, mob, villager, etc. The minimum value is 0, and the maximum is the creature\'s max health (e.g. 10 for players).") -@Examples("message \"You have %health% HP left.\"") -@Since("1.0") -@Events("damage") -public class ExprHealth -extends PropertyExpression<org.bukkit.entity.LivingEntity,Number>
    - -
      - -
    • -

      Constructor Details

      • -


        public ExprHealth()
      • -
    • - -
    • -

      Method Details

      • -


        public boolean init(Expression<?>[] vars, - int matchedPattern, - Kleenean isDelayed, - SkriptParser.ParseResult parser)
        Description copied from interface: SyntaxElement
        Called just after the constructor.
        vars - all %expr%s included in the matching pattern in the order they appear in the pattern. If an optional value was left out it will still be included in this list - holding the default value of the desired type which usually depends on the event.
        matchedPattern - The index of the pattern which matched
        isDelayed - Whether this expression is used after a delay or not (i.e. if the event has already passed when this expression will be called)
        parser - Additional information about the match.
        Whether this expression was initialised successfully. An error should be printed prior to returning false to specify the cause.
        See Also:
        - -
      • -
      • -


        protected Number[] get(org.bukkit.event.Event e, - org.bukkit.entity.LivingEntity[] source)
        Description copied from class: PropertyExpression
        Converts the given source object(s) to the correct type. -

        - Please note that the returned array must neither be null nor contain any null elements!

        Specified by:
        get in class PropertyExpression<org.bukkit.entity.LivingEntity,Number>
        e - the event involved at the time of runtime calling.
        source - the array of the objects from the expressions.
        An array of the converted objects, which may contain less elements than the source array, but must not be null.
        See Also:
        - -
      • -
      • -


        public String toString(@Nullable org.bukkit.event.Event e, - boolean debug)
        e - The event to get information to. This is always null if debug == false.
        debug - If true this should print more information, if false this should print what is shown to the end user
        String representation of this object
      • -
      • -


        public @Nullable Class<?>[] acceptChange(Changer.ChangeMode mode)
        Description copied from interface: Expression
        Tests whether this expression supports the given mode, and if yes what type it expects the delta to be. -

        - Use Changer.ChangerUtils.acceptsChange(Expression, ChangeMode, Class...) to test whether an expression supports changing, don't directly use this method! -

        - Please note that if a changer is registered for this expression's returnType this method does not have to be overridden. If you override it though - make sure to return super.acceptChange(mode), and to handle the appropriate ChangeMode(s) in Expression.change(Event, Object[], ChangeMode) with - super.change(...). -

        - Unlike Changer.acceptChange(ChangeMode) this method may print errors.

        Specified by:
        acceptChange in interface Expression<Number>
        acceptChange in class SimpleExpression<Number>
        An array of types that Expression.change(Event, Object[], ChangeMode) accepts as its delta parameter (which can be arrays to denote that multiple of - that type are accepted), or null if the given mode is not supported. For Changer.ChangeMode.DELETE and Changer.ChangeMode.RESET this can return any non-null array to - mark them as supported.
      • -
      • -


        public void change(org.bukkit.event.Event e, - @Nullable Object[] delta, - Changer.ChangeMode mode)
        Description copied from interface: Expression
        Changes the expression's value by the given amount. This will only be called on supported modes and with the desired delta type as returned by - Expression.acceptChange(ChangeMode)
        Specified by:
        change in interface Expression<Number>
        change in class SimpleExpression<Number>
        delta - An array with one or more instances of one or more of the the classes returned by Expression.acceptChange(ChangeMode) for the given change mode (null for - Changer.ChangeMode.DELETE and Changer.ChangeMode.RESET). This can be a Object[], thus casting is not allowed.
      • -
      • -


        public Class<? extends Number> getReturnType()
        Description copied from interface: Expression
        Gets the return type of this expression.
        A supertype of any objects returned by Expression.getSingle(Event) and the component type of any arrays returned by Expression.getArray(Event)
      • -
    • -
    - -
    - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprHiddenPlayers.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprHiddenPlayers.html deleted file mode 100644 index 60e996bfc6..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprHiddenPlayers.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,283 +0,0 @@ - - - - -ExprHiddenPlayers (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -
    - -
    - -

    Class ExprHiddenPlayers

    java.lang.Object -
    ch.njol.skript.lang.util.SimpleExpression<org.bukkit.entity.Player> -
    All Implemented Interfaces:
    Debuggable, Expression<org.bukkit.entity.Player>, SyntaxElement
    @Name("Hidden Players") -@Description("The players hidden from a player that were hidden using the <a href=\'effects.html#EffPlayerVisibility\'>player visibility</a> effect.") -@Examples("message \"&lt;light red&gt;You are currently hiding: &lt;light gray&gt;%hidden players of the player%\"") -@Since("2.3") -public class ExprHiddenPlayers -extends SimpleExpression<org.bukkit.entity.Player>
    - -
      - -
    • -

      Constructor Details

      • -


        public ExprHiddenPlayers()
      • -
    • - -
    • -

      Method Details

      • -


        public boolean init(Expression<?>[] exprs, - int matchedPattern, - Kleenean isDelayed, - SkriptParser.ParseResult parseResult)
        Description copied from interface: SyntaxElement
        Called just after the constructor.
        exprs - all %expr%s included in the matching pattern in the order they appear in the pattern. If an optional value was left out it will still be included in this list - holding the default value of the desired type which usually depends on the event.
        matchedPattern - The index of the pattern which matched
        isDelayed - Whether this expression is used after a delay or not (i.e. if the event has already passed when this expression will be called)
        parseResult - Additional information about the match.
        Whether this expression was initialised successfully. An error should be printed prior to returning false to specify the cause.
        See Also:
        - -
      • -
      • -


        public boolean isSingle()
        true if this expression will ever only return one value at most, false if it can return multiple values.
      • -
      • -


        public @Nullable org.bukkit.entity.Player[] get(org.bukkit.event.Event e)
        Description copied from class: SimpleExpression
        This is the internal method to get an expression's values.
        - To get the expression's value from the outside use SimpleExpression.getSingle(Event) or SimpleExpression.getArray(Event).
        Specified by:
        get in class SimpleExpression<org.bukkit.entity.Player>
        e - The event
        An array of values for this event. May not contain nulls.
      • -
      • -


        public @Nullable Expression<org.bukkit.entity.Player> getPlayers()
      • -
      • -


        public Class<? extends org.bukkit.entity.Player> getReturnType()
        Description copied from interface: Expression
        Gets the return type of this expression.
        A supertype of any objects returned by Expression.getSingle(Event) and the component type of any arrays returned by Expression.getArray(Event)
      • -
      • -


        public String toString(@Nullable org.bukkit.event.Event e, - boolean debug)
        e - The event to get information to. This is always null if debug == false.
        debug - If true this should print more information, if false this should print what is shown to the end user
        String representation of this object
      • -
    • -
    - -
    - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprHighestSolidBlock.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprHighestSolidBlock.html deleted file mode 100644 index a4c81bd048..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprHighestSolidBlock.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,256 +0,0 @@ - - - - -ExprHighestSolidBlock (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -
    - -
    - -

    Class ExprHighestSolidBlock

    java.lang.Object -
    ch.njol.skript.lang.util.SimpleExpression<T> -
    ch.njol.skript.expressions.base.PropertyExpression<F,T> -
    ch.njol.skript.expressions.base.SimplePropertyExpression<org.bukkit.Location,org.bukkit.block.Block> -
    All Implemented Interfaces:
    Converter<org.bukkit.Location,org.bukkit.block.Block>, Debuggable, Expression<org.bukkit.block.Block>, SyntaxElement
    @Name("Highest Solid Block") -@Description("Returns the highest solid block at the x and z coordinates of the world of a given location.") -@Examples("highest block at location of arg-player") -@Since("2.2-dev34") -public class ExprHighestSolidBlock -extends SimplePropertyExpression<org.bukkit.Location,org.bukkit.block.Block>
    - -
      - -
    • -

      Constructor Details

      • -


        public ExprHighestSolidBlock()
      • -
    • - -
    • -

      Method Details

      • -


        protected String getPropertyName()
        Description copied from class: SimplePropertyExpression
        Used to collect the property type used in the register method. - This forms the toString of this SimplePropertyExpression.
        Specified by:
        getPropertyName in class SimplePropertyExpression<org.bukkit.Location,org.bukkit.block.Block>
        The name of the type used when registering this SimplePropertyExpression.
      • -
      • -


        public @Nullable org.bukkit.block.Block convert(org.bukkit.Location location)
        Description copied from interface: Converter
        Converts an object from the given to the desired type.
        Specified by:
        convert in interface Converter<org.bukkit.Location,org.bukkit.block.Block>
        Specified by:
        convert in class SimplePropertyExpression<org.bukkit.Location,org.bukkit.block.Block>
        location - The object to convert.
        the converted object
      • -
      • -


        public Class<? extends org.bukkit.block.Block> getReturnType()
        Description copied from interface: Expression
        Gets the return type of this expression.
        A supertype of any objects returned by Expression.getSingle(Event) and the component type of any arrays returned by Expression.getArray(Event)
      • -
    • -
    - -
    - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprHostname.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprHostname.html deleted file mode 100644 index 1021eb19e1..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprHostname.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,274 +0,0 @@ - - - - -ExprHostname (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -
    - -
    - -

    Class ExprHostname

    java.lang.Object -
    ch.njol.skript.lang.util.SimpleExpression<String> -
    All Implemented Interfaces:
    Debuggable, Expression<String>, SyntaxElement
    @Name("Hostname") -@Description("The hostname used by the connecting player to connect to the server in a <a href=\'events.html#connect\'>connect</a> event.") -@Examples({"on connect:","\thostname is \"testers.example.com\"","\tsend \"Welcome back tester!\""}) -@Since("2.6.1") -public class ExprHostname -extends SimpleExpression<String>
    - -
      - -
    • -

      Constructor Details

      • -


        public ExprHostname()
      • -
    • - -
    • -

      Method Details

      • -


        public boolean init(Expression<?>[] exprs, - int matchedPattern, - Kleenean isDelayed, - SkriptParser.ParseResult parseResult)
        Description copied from interface: SyntaxElement
        Called just after the constructor.
        exprs - all %expr%s included in the matching pattern in the order they appear in the pattern. If an optional value was left out it will still be included in this list - holding the default value of the desired type which usually depends on the event.
        matchedPattern - The index of the pattern which matched
        isDelayed - Whether this expression is used after a delay or not (i.e. if the event has already passed when this expression will be called)
        parseResult - Additional information about the match.
        Whether this expression was initialised successfully. An error should be printed prior to returning false to specify the cause.
        See Also:
        - -
      • -
      • -


        protected @Nullable String[] get(org.bukkit.event.Event e)
        Description copied from class: SimpleExpression
        This is the internal method to get an expression's values.
        - To get the expression's value from the outside use SimpleExpression.getSingle(Event) or SimpleExpression.getArray(Event).
        Specified by:
        get in class SimpleExpression<String>
        e - The event
        An array of values for this event. May not contain nulls.
      • -
      • -


        public boolean isSingle()
        true if this expression will ever only return one value at most, false if it can return multiple values.
      • -
      • -


        public Class<String> getReturnType()
        Description copied from interface: Expression
        Gets the return type of this expression.
        A supertype of any objects returned by Expression.getSingle(Event) and the component type of any arrays returned by Expression.getArray(Event)
      • -
      • -


        public String toString(@Nullable org.bukkit.event.Event e, - boolean debug)
        e - The event to get information to. This is always null if debug == false.
        debug - If true this should print more information, if false this should print what is shown to the end user
        String representation of this object
      • -
    • -
    - -
    - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprHotbarButton.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprHotbarButton.html deleted file mode 100644 index 3fb08bebf3..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprHotbarButton.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,274 +0,0 @@ - - - - -ExprHotbarButton (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -
    - -
    - -

    Class ExprHotbarButton

    java.lang.Object -
    ch.njol.skript.lang.util.SimpleExpression<Long> -
    All Implemented Interfaces:
    Debuggable, Expression<Long>, SyntaxElement
    @Name("Hotbar Button") -@Description("The hotbar button clicked in an <a href=\'events.html#inventory_click\'>inventory click</a> event.") -@Examples({"on inventory click:","\tsend \"You clicked the hotbar button %hotbar button%!\""}) -@Since("2.5") -public class ExprHotbarButton -extends SimpleExpression<Long>
    - -
      - -
    • -

      Constructor Details

      • -


        public ExprHotbarButton()
      • -
    • - -
    • -

      Method Details

      • -


        public boolean init(Expression<?>[] exprs, - int matchedPattern, - Kleenean isDelayed, - SkriptParser.ParseResult parser)
        Description copied from interface: SyntaxElement
        Called just after the constructor.
        exprs - all %expr%s included in the matching pattern in the order they appear in the pattern. If an optional value was left out it will still be included in this list - holding the default value of the desired type which usually depends on the event.
        matchedPattern - The index of the pattern which matched
        isDelayed - Whether this expression is used after a delay or not (i.e. if the event has already passed when this expression will be called)
        parser - Additional information about the match.
        Whether this expression was initialised successfully. An error should be printed prior to returning false to specify the cause.
        See Also:
        - -
      • -
      • -


        protected @Nullable Long[] get(org.bukkit.event.Event e)
        Description copied from class: SimpleExpression
        This is the internal method to get an expression's values.
        - To get the expression's value from the outside use SimpleExpression.getSingle(Event) or SimpleExpression.getArray(Event).
        Specified by:
        get in class SimpleExpression<Long>
        e - The event
        An array of values for this event. May not contain nulls.
      • -
      • -


        public boolean isSingle()
        true if this expression will ever only return one value at most, false if it can return multiple values.
      • -
      • -


        public Class<? extends Long> getReturnType()
        Description copied from interface: Expression
        Gets the return type of this expression.
        A supertype of any objects returned by Expression.getSingle(Event) and the component type of any arrays returned by Expression.getArray(Event)
      • -
      • -


        public String toString(@Nullable org.bukkit.event.Event e, - boolean debug)
        e - The event to get information to. This is always null if debug == false.
        debug - If true this should print more information, if false this should print what is shown to the end user
        String representation of this object
      • -
    • -
    - -
    - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprHotbarSlot.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprHotbarSlot.html deleted file mode 100644 index 2b1d70cb6e..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprHotbarSlot.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,371 +0,0 @@ - - - - -ExprHotbarSlot (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -
    - -
    - -

    Class ExprHotbarSlot

    java.lang.Object -
    ch.njol.skript.lang.util.SimpleExpression<T> -
    ch.njol.skript.expressions.base.PropertyExpression<org.bukkit.entity.Player,Slot> -
    All Implemented Interfaces:
    Debuggable, Expression<Slot>, SyntaxElement
    @Name("Hotbar Slot") -@Description({"The currently selected hotbar <a href=\'./classes.html#slot\'>slot</a>.","To retrieve its number use <a href=\'#ExprSlotIndex\'>Slot Index</a> expression.","Use future and past tense to grab the previous slot in an item change event, see example."}) -@Examples({"message \"%player\'s current hotbar slot%\"","set player\'s selected hotbar slot to slot 4 of player","","send \"index of player\'s current hotbar slot = 1\" # second slot from the left","","on item held change:","\tif the selected hotbar slot was a diamond:","\t\tset the currently selected hotbar slot to slot 5 of player"}) -@Since("2.2-dev36") -public class ExprHotbarSlot -extends PropertyExpression<org.bukkit.entity.Player,Slot>
    - -
      - -
    • -

      Constructor Details

      • -


        public ExprHotbarSlot()
      • -
    • - -
    • -

      Method Details

      • -


        public boolean init(Expression<?>[] exprs, - int matchedPattern, - Kleenean isDelayed, - SkriptParser.ParseResult parseResult)
        Description copied from interface: SyntaxElement
        Called just after the constructor.
        exprs - all %expr%s included in the matching pattern in the order they appear in the pattern. If an optional value was left out it will still be included in this list - holding the default value of the desired type which usually depends on the event.
        matchedPattern - The index of the pattern which matched
        isDelayed - Whether this expression is used after a delay or not (i.e. if the event has already passed when this expression will be called)
        parseResult - Additional information about the match.
        Whether this expression was initialised successfully. An error should be printed prior to returning false to specify the cause.
        See Also:
        - -
      • -
      • -


        protected Slot[] get(org.bukkit.event.Event event, - org.bukkit.entity.Player[] source)
        Description copied from class: PropertyExpression
        Converts the given source object(s) to the correct type. -

        - Please note that the returned array must neither be null nor contain any null elements!

        Specified by:
        get in class PropertyExpression<org.bukkit.entity.Player,Slot>
        event - the event involved at the time of runtime calling.
        source - the array of the objects from the expressions.
        An array of the converted objects, which may contain less elements than the source array, but must not be null.
        See Also:
        - -
      • -
      • -


        public @Nullable Class<?>[] acceptChange(Changer.ChangeMode mode)
        Description copied from interface: Expression
        Tests whether this expression supports the given mode, and if yes what type it expects the delta to be. -

        - Use Changer.ChangerUtils.acceptsChange(Expression, ChangeMode, Class...) to test whether an expression supports changing, don't directly use this method! -

        - Please note that if a changer is registered for this expression's returnType this method does not have to be overridden. If you override it though - make sure to return super.acceptChange(mode), and to handle the appropriate ChangeMode(s) in Expression.change(Event, Object[], ChangeMode) with - super.change(...). -

        - Unlike Changer.acceptChange(ChangeMode) this method may print errors.

        Specified by:
        acceptChange in interface Expression<Slot>
        acceptChange in class SimpleExpression<Slot>
        An array of types that Expression.change(Event, Object[], ChangeMode) accepts as its delta parameter (which can be arrays to denote that multiple of - that type are accepted), or null if the given mode is not supported. For Changer.ChangeMode.DELETE and Changer.ChangeMode.RESET this can return any non-null array to - mark them as supported.
      • -
      • -


        public void change(org.bukkit.event.Event event, - @Nullable Object[] delta, - Changer.ChangeMode mode)
        Description copied from interface: Expression
        Changes the expression's value by the given amount. This will only be called on supported modes and with the desired delta type as returned by - Expression.acceptChange(ChangeMode)
        Specified by:
        change in interface Expression<Slot>
        change in class SimpleExpression<Slot>
        delta - An array with one or more instances of one or more of the the classes returned by Expression.acceptChange(ChangeMode) for the given change mode (null for - Changer.ChangeMode.DELETE and Changer.ChangeMode.RESET). This can be a Object[], thus casting is not allowed.
      • -
      • -


        public boolean setTime(int time)
        Description copied from class: SimpleExpression
        Sets the time of this expression, i.e. whether the returned value represents this expression before or after the event. -

        - This method will not be called if this expression is guaranteed to be used after a delay (an error will be printed immediately), but will be called if - it only can be after a delay (e.g. if the preceding delay is in an if or a loop) as well as if there's no delay involved. -

        - If this method returns false the expression will be discarded and an error message is printed. Custom error messages must be of ErrorQuality.SEMANTIC_ERROR to be - printed (NB: Skript.error(String) always creates semantic errors). -

        - This implementation sets the time but returns false.

        Specified by:
        setTime in interface Expression<Slot>
        setTime in class SimpleExpression<Slot>
        time - -1 for past or 1 for future. 0 is never passed to this method as it represents the default state.
        Whether this expression has distinct time states, e.g. a player never changes but a block can. This should be sensitive for the event (using - ParserInstance.isCurrentEvent(Class)).
        See Also:
        - -
      • -
      • -


        public Class<? extends Slot> getReturnType()
        Description copied from interface: Expression
        Gets the return type of this expression.
        A supertype of any objects returned by Expression.getSingle(Event) and the component type of any arrays returned by Expression.getArray(Event)
      • -
      • -


        public String toString(@Nullable org.bukkit.event.Event event, - boolean debug)
        event - The event to get information to. This is always null if debug == false.
        debug - If true this should print more information, if false this should print what is shown to the end user
        String representation of this object
      • -
    • -
    - -
    - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprHoverList.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprHoverList.html deleted file mode 100644 index 5a675bf811..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprHoverList.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,333 +0,0 @@ - - - - -ExprHoverList (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -
    - -
    - -

    Class ExprHoverList

    java.lang.Object -
    ch.njol.skript.lang.util.SimpleExpression<String> -
    All Implemented Interfaces:
    Debuggable, Expression<String>, SyntaxElement
    @Name("Hover List") -@Description({"The list when you hover on the player counts of the server in the server list.","This can be changed using texts or players in a <a href=\'events.html#server_list_ping\'>server list ping</a> event only. Adding players to the list means adding the name of the players.","And note that, for example if there are 5 online players (includes <a href=\'#ExprOnlinePlayersCount\'>fake online count</a>) in the server and the hover list is set to 3 values, Minecraft will show \"... and 2 more ...\" at end of the list."}) -@Examples({"on server list ping:","\tclear the hover list","\tadd \"&aWelcome to the &6Minecraft &aserver!\" to the hover list","\tadd \"\" to the hover list # A blank line","\tadd \"&cThere are &6%online players count% &conline players!\" to the hover list"}) -@Since("2.3") -@RequiredPlugins("Paper 1.12.2 or newer") -@Events("server list ping") -public class ExprHoverList -extends SimpleExpression<String>
    - -
      - -
    • -

      Constructor Details

      • -


        public ExprHoverList()
      • -
    • - -
    • -

      Method Details

      • -


        public boolean init(Expression<?>[] exprs, - int matchedPattern, - Kleenean isDelayed, - SkriptParser.ParseResult parseResult)
        Description copied from interface: SyntaxElement
        Called just after the constructor.
        exprs - all %expr%s included in the matching pattern in the order they appear in the pattern. If an optional value was left out it will still be included in this list - holding the default value of the desired type which usually depends on the event.
        matchedPattern - The index of the pattern which matched
        isDelayed - Whether this expression is used after a delay or not (i.e. if the event has already passed when this expression will be called)
        parseResult - Additional information about the match.
        Whether this expression was initialised successfully. An error should be printed prior to returning false to specify the cause.
        See Also:
        - -
      • -
      • -


        public @Nullable String[] get(org.bukkit.event.Event e)
        Description copied from class: SimpleExpression
        This is the internal method to get an expression's values.
        - To get the expression's value from the outside use SimpleExpression.getSingle(Event) or SimpleExpression.getArray(Event).
        Specified by:
        get in class SimpleExpression<String>
        e - The event
        An array of values for this event. May not contain nulls.
      • -
      • -


        public @Nullable Class<?>[] acceptChange(Changer.ChangeMode mode)
        Description copied from interface: Expression
        Tests whether this expression supports the given mode, and if yes what type it expects the delta to be. -

        - Use Changer.ChangerUtils.acceptsChange(Expression, ChangeMode, Class...) to test whether an expression supports changing, don't directly use this method! -

        - Please note that if a changer is registered for this expression's returnType this method does not have to be overridden. If you override it though - make sure to return super.acceptChange(mode), and to handle the appropriate ChangeMode(s) in Expression.change(Event, Object[], ChangeMode) with - super.change(...). -

        - Unlike Changer.acceptChange(ChangeMode) this method may print errors.

        Specified by:
        acceptChange in interface Expression<String>
        acceptChange in class SimpleExpression<String>
        An array of types that Expression.change(Event, Object[], ChangeMode) accepts as its delta parameter (which can be arrays to denote that multiple of - that type are accepted), or null if the given mode is not supported. For Changer.ChangeMode.DELETE and Changer.ChangeMode.RESET this can return any non-null array to - mark them as supported.
      • -
      • -


        public void change(org.bukkit.event.Event e, - @Nullable Object[] delta, - Changer.ChangeMode mode)
        Description copied from interface: Expression
        Changes the expression's value by the given amount. This will only be called on supported modes and with the desired delta type as returned by - Expression.acceptChange(ChangeMode)
        Specified by:
        change in interface Expression<String>
        change in class SimpleExpression<String>
        delta - An array with one or more instances of one or more of the the classes returned by Expression.acceptChange(ChangeMode) for the given change mode (null for - Changer.ChangeMode.DELETE and Changer.ChangeMode.RESET). This can be a Object[], thus casting is not allowed.
      • -
      • -


        public boolean isSingle()
        true if this expression will ever only return one value at most, false if it can return multiple values.
      • -
      • -


        public Class<? extends String> getReturnType()
        Description copied from interface: Expression
        Gets the return type of this expression.
        A supertype of any objects returned by Expression.getSingle(Event) and the component type of any arrays returned by Expression.getArray(Event)
      • -
      • -


        public String toString(@Nullable org.bukkit.event.Event e, - boolean debug)
        e - The event to get information to. This is always null if debug == false.
        debug - If true this should print more information, if false this should print what is shown to the end user
        String representation of this object
      • -
    • -
    - -
    - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprHumidity.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprHumidity.html deleted file mode 100644 index c71c0b86d8..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprHumidity.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,256 +0,0 @@ - - - - -ExprHumidity (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -
    - -
    - -

    Class ExprHumidity

    - -
    All Implemented Interfaces:
    Converter<org.bukkit.block.Block,Number>, Debuggable, Expression<Number>, SyntaxElement
    @Name("Humidity") -@Description("Humidity of given blocks.") -@Examples("set {_humidity} to event-block\'s humidity") -@Since("2.2-dev35") -public class ExprHumidity -extends SimplePropertyExpression<org.bukkit.block.Block,Number>
    - -
      - -
    • -

      Constructor Details

      • -


        public ExprHumidity()
      • -
    • - -
    • -

      Method Details

      • -


        public Number convert(org.bukkit.block.Block block)
        Description copied from interface: Converter
        Converts an object from the given to the desired type.
        Specified by:
        convert in interface Converter<org.bukkit.block.Block,Number>
        Specified by:
        convert in class SimplePropertyExpression<org.bukkit.block.Block,Number>
        block - The object to convert.
        the converted object
      • -
      • -


        protected String getPropertyName()
        Description copied from class: SimplePropertyExpression
        Used to collect the property type used in the register method. - This forms the toString of this SimplePropertyExpression.
        Specified by:
        getPropertyName in class SimplePropertyExpression<org.bukkit.block.Block,Number>
        The name of the type used when registering this SimplePropertyExpression.
      • -
      • -


        public Class<? extends Number> getReturnType()
        Description copied from interface: Expression
        Gets the return type of this expression.
        A supertype of any objects returned by Expression.getSingle(Event) and the component type of any arrays returned by Expression.getArray(Event)
      • -
    • -
    - -
    - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprIP.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprIP.html deleted file mode 100644 index fce14ba760..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprIP.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,274 +0,0 @@ - - - - -ExprIP (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -
    - -
    - -

    Class ExprIP

    java.lang.Object -
    ch.njol.skript.lang.util.SimpleExpression<String> -
    All Implemented Interfaces:
    Debuggable, Expression<String>, SyntaxElement
    @Name("IP") -@Description("The IP address of a player, or the connected player in a <a href=\'events.html#connect\'>connect</a> event, or the pinger in a <a href=\'events.html#server_list_ping\'>server list ping</a> event.") -@Examples({"ban the IP address of the player","broadcast \"Banned the IP %IP of player%\"","","on connect:","\tlog \"[%now%] %player% (%ip%) is connected to the server.\"","","on server list ping:","\tsend \"%IP-address%\" to the console"}) -@Since("1.4, 2.2-dev26 (when used in connect event), 2.3 (when used in server list ping event)") -public class ExprIP -extends SimpleExpression<String>
    - -
      - -
    • -

      Constructor Details

      • -


        public ExprIP()
      • -
    • - -
    • -

      Method Details

      • -


        public boolean init(Expression<?>[] exprs, - int matchedPattern, - Kleenean isDelayed, - SkriptParser.ParseResult parseResult)
        Description copied from interface: SyntaxElement
        Called just after the constructor.
        exprs - all %expr%s included in the matching pattern in the order they appear in the pattern. If an optional value was left out it will still be included in this list - holding the default value of the desired type which usually depends on the event.
        matchedPattern - The index of the pattern which matched
        isDelayed - Whether this expression is used after a delay or not (i.e. if the event has already passed when this expression will be called)
        parseResult - Additional information about the match.
        Whether this expression was initialised successfully. An error should be printed prior to returning false to specify the cause.
        See Also:
        - -
      • -
      • -


        protected @Nullable String[] get(org.bukkit.event.Event e)
        Description copied from class: SimpleExpression
        This is the internal method to get an expression's values.
        - To get the expression's value from the outside use SimpleExpression.getSingle(Event) or SimpleExpression.getArray(Event).
        Specified by:
        get in class SimpleExpression<String>
        e - The event
        An array of values for this event. May not contain nulls.
      • -
      • -


        public boolean isSingle()
        true if this expression will ever only return one value at most, false if it can return multiple values.
      • -
      • -


        public Class<String> getReturnType()
        Description copied from interface: Expression
        Gets the return type of this expression.
        A supertype of any objects returned by Expression.getSingle(Event) and the component type of any arrays returned by Expression.getArray(Event)
      • -
      • -


        public String toString(@Nullable org.bukkit.event.Event e, - boolean debug)
        e - The event to get information to. This is always null if debug == false.
        debug - If true this should print more information, if false this should print what is shown to the end user
        String representation of this object
      • -
    • -
    - -
    - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprIndexOf.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprIndexOf.html deleted file mode 100644 index 85acb3ee9e..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprIndexOf.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,274 +0,0 @@ - - - - -ExprIndexOf (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -
    - -
    - -

    Class ExprIndexOf

    java.lang.Object -
    ch.njol.skript.lang.util.SimpleExpression<Long> -
    All Implemented Interfaces:
    Debuggable, Expression<Long>, SyntaxElement
    @Name("Index Of") -@Description("The first or last index of a character (or text) in a text, or -1 if it doesn\'t occur in the text. Indices range from 1 to the <a href=\'#ExprIndexOf\'>length</a> of the text.") -@Examples({"set {_first} to the first index of \"@\" in the text argument","if {_s} contains \"abc\":","\tset {_s} to the first (index of \"abc\" in {_s} + 3) characters of {_s} # removes everything after the first \"abc\" from {_s}"}) -@Since("2.1") -public class ExprIndexOf -extends SimpleExpression<Long>
    - -
      - -
    • -

      Constructor Details

      • -


        public ExprIndexOf()
      • -
    • - -
    • -

      Method Details

      • -


        public boolean init(Expression<?>[] exprs, - int matchedPattern, - Kleenean isDelayed, - SkriptParser.ParseResult parseResult)
        Description copied from interface: SyntaxElement
        Called just after the constructor.
        exprs - all %expr%s included in the matching pattern in the order they appear in the pattern. If an optional value was left out it will still be included in this list - holding the default value of the desired type which usually depends on the event.
        matchedPattern - The index of the pattern which matched
        isDelayed - Whether this expression is used after a delay or not (i.e. if the event has already passed when this expression will be called)
        parseResult - Additional information about the match.
        Whether this expression was initialised successfully. An error should be printed prior to returning false to specify the cause.
        See Also:
        - -
      • -
      • -


        protected @Nullable Long[] get(org.bukkit.event.Event e)
        Description copied from class: SimpleExpression
        This is the internal method to get an expression's values.
        - To get the expression's value from the outside use SimpleExpression.getSingle(Event) or SimpleExpression.getArray(Event).
        Specified by:
        get in class SimpleExpression<Long>
        e - The event
        An array of values for this event. May not contain nulls.
      • -
      • -


        public boolean isSingle()
        true if this expression will ever only return one value at most, false if it can return multiple values.
      • -
      • -


        public Class<? extends Long> getReturnType()
        Description copied from interface: Expression
        Gets the return type of this expression.
        A supertype of any objects returned by Expression.getSingle(Event) and the component type of any arrays returned by Expression.getArray(Event)
      • -
      • -


        public String toString(@Nullable org.bukkit.event.Event e, - boolean debug)
        e - The event to get information to. This is always null if debug == false.
        debug - If true this should print more information, if false this should print what is shown to the end user
        String representation of this object
      • -
    • -
    - -
    - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprIndices.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprIndices.html deleted file mode 100644 index 7df027ca96..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprIndices.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,274 +0,0 @@ - - - - -ExprIndices (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -
    - -
    - -

    Class ExprIndices

    java.lang.Object -
    ch.njol.skript.lang.util.SimpleExpression<String> -
    All Implemented Interfaces:
    Debuggable, Expression<String>, SyntaxElement
    @Name("Indices of List") -@Description({"Returns all the indices of a list variable, optionally sorted by their values.","To sort the indices, all objects in the list must be comparable;","Otherwise, this expression will just return the unsorted indices."}) -@Examples({"set {l::*} to \"some\", \"cool\" and \"values\"","broadcast \"%indices of {l::*}%\" # result is 1, 2 and 3","","set {_leader-board::first} to 17","set {_leader-board::third} to 30","set {_leader-board::second} to 25","set {_leader-board::fourth} to 42","set {_ascending-indices::*} to sorted indices of {_leader-board::*} in ascending order","broadcast \"%{_ascending-indices::*}%\" #result is first, second, third, fourth","set {_descending-indices::*} to sorted indices of {_leader-board::*} in descending order","broadcast \"%{_descending-indices::*}%\" #result is fourth, third, second, first"}) -@Since("2.4 (indices), 2.6.1 (sorting)") -public class ExprIndices -extends SimpleExpression<String>
    - -
      - -
    • -

      Constructor Details

      • -


        public ExprIndices()
      • -
    • - -
    • -

      Method Details

      • -


        public boolean init(Expression<?>[] exprs, - int matchedPattern, - Kleenean isDelayed, - SkriptParser.ParseResult parseResult)
        Description copied from interface: SyntaxElement
        Called just after the constructor.
        exprs - all %expr%s included in the matching pattern in the order they appear in the pattern. If an optional value was left out it will still be included in this list - holding the default value of the desired type which usually depends on the event.
        matchedPattern - The index of the pattern which matched
        isDelayed - Whether this expression is used after a delay or not (i.e. if the event has already passed when this expression will be called)
        parseResult - Additional information about the match.
        Whether this expression was initialised successfully. An error should be printed prior to returning false to specify the cause.
        See Also:
        - -
      • -
      • -


        protected @Nullable String[] get(org.bukkit.event.Event e)
        Description copied from class: SimpleExpression
        This is the internal method to get an expression's values.
        - To get the expression's value from the outside use SimpleExpression.getSingle(Event) or SimpleExpression.getArray(Event).
        Specified by:
        get in class SimpleExpression<String>
        e - The event
        An array of values for this event. May not contain nulls.
      • -
      • -


        public boolean isSingle()
        true if this expression will ever only return one value at most, false if it can return multiple values.
      • -
      • -


        public Class<? extends String> getReturnType()
        Description copied from interface: Expression
        Gets the return type of this expression.
        A supertype of any objects returned by Expression.getSingle(Event) and the component type of any arrays returned by Expression.getArray(Event)
      • -
      • -


        public String toString(@Nullable org.bukkit.event.Event e, - boolean debug)
        e - The event to get information to. This is always null if debug == false.
        debug - If true this should print more information, if false this should print what is shown to the end user
        String representation of this object
      • -
    • -
    - -
    - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprInventory.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprInventory.html deleted file mode 100644 index 8705ef0ee8..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprInventory.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,274 +0,0 @@ - - - - -ExprInventory (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -
    - -
    - -

    Class ExprInventory

    java.lang.Object -
    ch.njol.skript.lang.util.SimpleExpression<Object> -
    All Implemented Interfaces:
    Debuggable, Expression<Object>, SyntaxElement
    @Name("Inventory") -@Description("The inventory of a block or player. You can usually omit this expression and can directly add or remove items to/from blocks or players.") -@Examples({"add a plank to the player\'s inventory","clear the player\'s inventory","remove 5 wool from the inventory of the clicked block"}) -@Since("1.0") -public class ExprInventory -extends SimpleExpression<Object>
    - -
      - -
    • -

      Constructor Details

      • -


        public ExprInventory()
      • -
    • - -
    • -

      Method Details

      • -


        public boolean init(Expression<?>[] exprs, - int matchedPattern, - Kleenean isDelayed, - SkriptParser.ParseResult parseResult)
        Description copied from interface: SyntaxElement
        Called just after the constructor.
        exprs - all %expr%s included in the matching pattern in the order they appear in the pattern. If an optional value was left out it will still be included in this list - holding the default value of the desired type which usually depends on the event.
        matchedPattern - The index of the pattern which matched
        isDelayed - Whether this expression is used after a delay or not (i.e. if the event has already passed when this expression will be called)
        parseResult - Additional information about the match.
        Whether this expression was initialised successfully. An error should be printed prior to returning false to specify the cause.
        See Also:
        - -
      • -
      • -


        protected Object[] get(org.bukkit.event.Event e)
        Description copied from class: SimpleExpression
        This is the internal method to get an expression's values.
        - To get the expression's value from the outside use SimpleExpression.getSingle(Event) or SimpleExpression.getArray(Event).
        Specified by:
        get in class SimpleExpression<Object>
        e - The event
        An array of values for this event. May not contain nulls.
      • -
      • -


        public boolean isSingle()
        true if this expression will ever only return one value at most, false if it can return multiple values.
      • -
      • -


        public Class<?> getReturnType()
        Description copied from interface: Expression
        Gets the return type of this expression.
        A supertype of any objects returned by Expression.getSingle(Event) and the component type of any arrays returned by Expression.getArray(Event)
      • -
      • -


        public String toString(@Nullable org.bukkit.event.Event e, - boolean debug)
        e - The event to get information to. This is always null if debug == false.
        debug - If true this should print more information, if false this should print what is shown to the end user
        String representation of this object
      • -
    • -
    - -
    - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprInventoryAction.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprInventoryAction.html deleted file mode 100644 index 11a16b2765..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprInventoryAction.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,198 +0,0 @@ - - - - -ExprInventoryAction (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -
    - -
    - -

    Class ExprInventoryAction

    java.lang.Object -
    ch.njol.skript.lang.util.SimpleExpression<T> -
    ch.njol.skript.expressions.base.EventValueExpression<org.bukkit.event.inventory.InventoryAction> -
    All Implemented Interfaces:
    Debuggable, DefaultExpression<org.bukkit.event.inventory.InventoryAction>, Expression<org.bukkit.event.inventory.InventoryAction>, SyntaxElement
    @Name("Inventory Action") -@Description("The <a href=\'./classes.html#inventoryaction\'>inventory action</a> of an inventory event. Please click on the link for more information.") -@Examples("inventory action is pickup all") -@Since("2.2-dev16") -public class ExprInventoryAction -extends EventValueExpression<org.bukkit.event.inventory.InventoryAction>
    - -
      - -
    • -

      Constructor Details

      • -


        public ExprInventoryAction()
      • -
    • - -
    • -

      Method Details

      • -


        public String toString(@Nullable org.bukkit.event.Event e, - boolean debug)
        Specified by:
        toString in interface Debuggable
        toString in class EventValueExpression<org.bukkit.event.inventory.InventoryAction>
        e - The event to get information to. This is always null if debug == false.
        debug - If true this should print more information, if false this should print what is shown to the end user
        String representation of this object
      • -
    • -
    - -
    - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprInventoryCloseReason.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprInventoryCloseReason.html deleted file mode 100644 index f5e01caa1d..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprInventoryCloseReason.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,239 +0,0 @@ - - - - -ExprInventoryCloseReason (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -
    - -
    - -

    Class ExprInventoryCloseReason

    java.lang.Object -
    ch.njol.skript.lang.util.SimpleExpression<T> -
    ch.njol.skript.expressions.base.EventValueExpression<org.bukkit.event.inventory.InventoryCloseEvent.Reason> -
    All Implemented Interfaces:
    Debuggable, DefaultExpression<org.bukkit.event.inventory.InventoryCloseEvent.Reason>, Expression<org.bukkit.event.inventory.InventoryCloseEvent.Reason>, SyntaxElement
    @Name("Inventory Close Reason") -@Description("The <a href=\'/classes.html#inventoryclosereason\'>inventory close reason</a> of an <a href=\'/events.html#inventory_close\'>inventory close event</a>.") -@Examples({"on inventory close:","\tinventory close reason is teleport","\tsend \"Your inventory closed due to teleporting!\" to player"}) -@Events("Inventory Close") -@RequiredPlugins("Paper") -@Since("INSERT VERSION") -public class ExprInventoryCloseReason -extends EventValueExpression<org.bukkit.event.inventory.InventoryCloseEvent.Reason>
    - -
      - -
    • -

      Constructor Details

      • -


        public ExprInventoryCloseReason()
      • -
    • - -
    • -

      Method Details

      • -


        public boolean init(Expression<?>[] exprs, - int matchedPattern, - Kleenean isDelayed, - SkriptParser.ParseResult parseResult)
        Description copied from interface: SyntaxElement
        Called just after the constructor.
        Specified by:
        init in interface SyntaxElement
        init in class EventValueExpression<org.bukkit.event.inventory.InventoryCloseEvent.Reason>
        exprs - all %expr%s included in the matching pattern in the order they appear in the pattern. If an optional value was left out it will still be included in this list - holding the default value of the desired type which usually depends on the event.
        matchedPattern - The index of the pattern which matched
        isDelayed - Whether this expression is used after a delay or not (i.e. if the event has already passed when this expression will be called)
        parseResult - Additional information about the match.
        Whether this expression was initialised successfully. An error should be printed prior to returning false to specify the cause.
        See Also:
        - -
      • -
      • -


        public String toString(@Nullable org.bukkit.event.Event event, - boolean debug)
        Specified by:
        toString in interface Debuggable
        toString in class EventValueExpression<org.bukkit.event.inventory.InventoryCloseEvent.Reason>
        event - The event to get information to. This is always null if debug == false.
        debug - If true this should print more information, if false this should print what is shown to the end user
        String representation of this object
      • -
    • -
    - -
    - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprInventoryInfo.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprInventoryInfo.html deleted file mode 100644 index 9fb02eca32..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprInventoryInfo.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,274 +0,0 @@ - - - - -ExprInventoryInfo (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -
    - -
    - -

    Class ExprInventoryInfo

    java.lang.Object -
    ch.njol.skript.lang.util.SimpleExpression<Object> -
    All Implemented Interfaces:
    Debuggable, Expression<Object>, SyntaxElement
    @Name("Inventory Holder/Viewers/Rows/Slots") -@Description({"Gets the amount of rows/slots, viewers and holder of an inventory.","","NOTE: \'Viewers\' expression returns a list of players viewing the inventory. Note that a player is considered to be viewing their own inventory and internal crafting screen even when said inventory is not open."}) -@Examples({"event-inventory\'s amount of rows","holder of player\'s top inventory","{_inventory}\'s viewers"}) -@Since("2.2-dev34, 2.5 (slots)") -public class ExprInventoryInfo -extends SimpleExpression<Object>
    - -
      - -
    • -

      Constructor Details

      • -


        public ExprInventoryInfo()
      • -
    • - -
    • -

      Method Details

      • -


        public boolean init(Expression<?>[] exprs, - int matchedPattern, - Kleenean isDelayed, - SkriptParser.ParseResult parseResult)
        Description copied from interface: SyntaxElement
        Called just after the constructor.
        exprs - all %expr%s included in the matching pattern in the order they appear in the pattern. If an optional value was left out it will still be included in this list - holding the default value of the desired type which usually depends on the event.
        matchedPattern - The index of the pattern which matched
        isDelayed - Whether this expression is used after a delay or not (i.e. if the event has already passed when this expression will be called)
        parseResult - Additional information about the match.
        Whether this expression was initialised successfully. An error should be printed prior to returning false to specify the cause.
        See Also:
        - -
      • -
      • -


        protected Object[] get(org.bukkit.event.Event e)
        Description copied from class: SimpleExpression
        This is the internal method to get an expression's values.
        - To get the expression's value from the outside use SimpleExpression.getSingle(Event) or SimpleExpression.getArray(Event).
        Specified by:
        get in class SimpleExpression<Object>
        e - The event
        An array of values for this event. May not contain nulls.
      • -
      • -


        public boolean isSingle()
        true if this expression will ever only return one value at most, false if it can return multiple values.
      • -
      • -


        public Class<?> getReturnType()
        Description copied from interface: Expression
        Gets the return type of this expression.
        A supertype of any objects returned by Expression.getSingle(Event) and the component type of any arrays returned by Expression.getArray(Event)
      • -
      • -


        public String toString(@Nullable org.bukkit.event.Event e, - boolean debug)
        e - The event to get information to. This is always null if debug == false.
        debug - If true this should print more information, if false this should print what is shown to the end user
        String representation of this object
      • -
    • -
    - -
    - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprInventorySlot.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprInventorySlot.html deleted file mode 100644 index 08360d8beb..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprInventorySlot.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,274 +0,0 @@ - - - - -ExprInventorySlot (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -
    - -
    - -

    Class ExprInventorySlot

    java.lang.Object -
    ch.njol.skript.lang.util.SimpleExpression<Slot> -
    All Implemented Interfaces:
    Debuggable, Expression<Slot>, SyntaxElement
    @Name("Inventory Slot") -@Description("Represents a slot in an inventory. It can be used to change the item in an inventory too.") -@Examples({"if slot 0 of player is air:","\tset slot 0 of player to 2 stones","\tremove 1 stone from slot 0 of player","\tadd 2 stones to slot 0 of player","\tclear slot 1 of player"}) -@Since("2.2-dev24") -public class ExprInventorySlot -extends SimpleExpression<Slot>
    - -
      - -
    • -

      Constructor Details

      • -


        public ExprInventorySlot()
      • -
    • - -
    • -

      Method Details

      • -


        public boolean init(Expression<?>[] exprs, - int matchedPattern, - Kleenean isDelayed, - SkriptParser.ParseResult parseResult)
        Description copied from interface: SyntaxElement
        Called just after the constructor.
        exprs - all %expr%s included in the matching pattern in the order they appear in the pattern. If an optional value was left out it will still be included in this list - holding the default value of the desired type which usually depends on the event.
        matchedPattern - The index of the pattern which matched
        isDelayed - Whether this expression is used after a delay or not (i.e. if the event has already passed when this expression will be called)
        parseResult - Additional information about the match.
        Whether this expression was initialised successfully. An error should be printed prior to returning false to specify the cause.
        See Also:
        - -
      • -
      • -


        protected @Nullable Slot[] get(org.bukkit.event.Event event)
        Description copied from class: SimpleExpression
        This is the internal method to get an expression's values.
        - To get the expression's value from the outside use SimpleExpression.getSingle(Event) or SimpleExpression.getArray(Event).
        Specified by:
        get in class SimpleExpression<Slot>
        event - The event
        An array of values for this event. May not contain nulls.
      • -
      • -


        public boolean isSingle()
        true if this expression will ever only return one value at most, false if it can return multiple values.
      • -
      • -


        public Class<? extends Slot> getReturnType()
        Description copied from interface: Expression
        Gets the return type of this expression.
        A supertype of any objects returned by Expression.getSingle(Event) and the component type of any arrays returned by Expression.getArray(Event)
      • -
      • -


        public String toString(@Nullable org.bukkit.event.Event e, - boolean debug)
        e - The event to get information to. This is always null if debug == false.
        debug - If true this should print more information, if false this should print what is shown to the end user
        String representation of this object
      • -
    • -
    - -
    - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprItem.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprItem.html deleted file mode 100644 index f2013f1477..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprItem.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,233 +0,0 @@ - - - - -ExprItem (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -
    - -
    - -

    Class ExprItem

    java.lang.Object -
    ch.njol.skript.lang.util.SimpleExpression<T> -
    ch.njol.skript.expressions.base.EventValueExpression<org.bukkit.inventory.ItemStack> -
    All Implemented Interfaces:
    Debuggable, DefaultExpression<org.bukkit.inventory.ItemStack>, Expression<org.bukkit.inventory.ItemStack>, SyntaxElement
    @Name("Item") -@Description("The item involved in an event, e.g. in a drop, dispense, pickup or craft event.") -@Examples({"on dispense:","\titem is a clock","\tset the time to 6:00"}) -@Since("<i>unknown</i> (before 2.1)") -public class ExprItem -extends EventValueExpression<org.bukkit.inventory.ItemStack>
    - -
    - -
    - -
    - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprItemAmount.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprItemAmount.html deleted file mode 100644 index 3406a6f4fe..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprItemAmount.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,313 +0,0 @@ - - - - -ExprItemAmount (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -
    - -
    - -

    Class ExprItemAmount

    - -
    All Implemented Interfaces:
    Converter<Object,Long>, Debuggable, Expression<Long>, SyntaxElement
    @Name("Item Amount") -@Description("The amount of an <a href=\'classes.html#itemstack\'>item stack</a>.") -@Examples("send \"You have got %item amount of player\'s tool% %player\'s tool% in your hand!\" to player") -@Since("2.2-dev24") -public class ExprItemAmount -extends SimplePropertyExpression<Object,Long>
    - -
    - -
    - -
    - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprItemCooldown.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprItemCooldown.html deleted file mode 100644 index fed89c2010..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprItemCooldown.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,331 +0,0 @@ - - - - -ExprItemCooldown (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -
    - -
    - -

    Class ExprItemCooldown

    java.lang.Object -
    ch.njol.skript.lang.util.SimpleExpression<Timespan> -
    All Implemented Interfaces:
    Debuggable, Expression<Timespan>, SyntaxElement
    @Name("Item Cooldown") -@Description("Change the cooldown of a specific material to a certain amount of <a href=\'./classes.html#timespan\'>Timespan</a>.") -@Examples({"on right click using stick:","\tset item cooldown of player\'s tool for player to 1 minute","\tset item cooldown of stone and grass for all players to 20 seconds","\treset item cooldown of cobblestone and dirt for all players"}) -@Since("INSERT VERSION") -public class ExprItemCooldown -extends SimpleExpression<Timespan>
    - -
      - -
    • -

      Constructor Details

      • -


        public ExprItemCooldown()
      • -
    • - -
    • -

      Method Details

      • -


        public boolean init(Expression<?>[] exprs, - int matchedPattern, - Kleenean isDelayed, - SkriptParser.ParseResult parseResult)
        Description copied from interface: SyntaxElement
        Called just after the constructor.
        exprs - all %expr%s included in the matching pattern in the order they appear in the pattern. If an optional value was left out it will still be included in this list - holding the default value of the desired type which usually depends on the event.
        matchedPattern - The index of the pattern which matched
        isDelayed - Whether this expression is used after a delay or not (i.e. if the event has already passed when this expression will be called)
        parseResult - Additional information about the match.
        Whether this expression was initialised successfully. An error should be printed prior to returning false to specify the cause.
        See Also:
        - -
      • -
      • -


        protected Timespan[] get(org.bukkit.event.Event event)
        Description copied from class: SimpleExpression
        This is the internal method to get an expression's values.
        - To get the expression's value from the outside use SimpleExpression.getSingle(Event) or SimpleExpression.getArray(Event).
        Specified by:
        get in class SimpleExpression<Timespan>
        event - The event
        An array of values for this event. May not contain nulls.
      • -
      • -


        public @Nullable Class<?>[] acceptChange(Changer.ChangeMode mode)
        Description copied from interface: Expression
        Tests whether this expression supports the given mode, and if yes what type it expects the delta to be. -

        - Use Changer.ChangerUtils.acceptsChange(Expression, ChangeMode, Class...) to test whether an expression supports changing, don't directly use this method! -

        - Please note that if a changer is registered for this expression's returnType this method does not have to be overridden. If you override it though - make sure to return super.acceptChange(mode), and to handle the appropriate ChangeMode(s) in Expression.change(Event, Object[], ChangeMode) with - super.change(...). -

        - Unlike Changer.acceptChange(ChangeMode) this method may print errors.

        Specified by:
        acceptChange in interface Expression<Timespan>
        acceptChange in class SimpleExpression<Timespan>
        An array of types that Expression.change(Event, Object[], ChangeMode) accepts as its delta parameter (which can be arrays to denote that multiple of - that type are accepted), or null if the given mode is not supported. For Changer.ChangeMode.DELETE and Changer.ChangeMode.RESET this can return any non-null array to - mark them as supported.
      • -
      • -


        public void change(org.bukkit.event.Event event, - Object @Nullable [] delta, - Changer.ChangeMode mode)
        Description copied from interface: Expression
        Changes the expression's value by the given amount. This will only be called on supported modes and with the desired delta type as returned by - Expression.acceptChange(ChangeMode)
        Specified by:
        change in interface Expression<Timespan>
        change in class SimpleExpression<Timespan>
        delta - An array with one or more instances of one or more of the the classes returned by Expression.acceptChange(ChangeMode) for the given change mode (null for - Changer.ChangeMode.DELETE and Changer.ChangeMode.RESET). This can be a Object[], thus casting is not allowed.
      • -
      • -


        public boolean isSingle()
        true if this expression will ever only return one value at most, false if it can return multiple values.
      • -
      • -


        public Class<? extends Timespan> getReturnType()
        Description copied from interface: Expression
        Gets the return type of this expression.
        A supertype of any objects returned by Expression.getSingle(Event) and the component type of any arrays returned by Expression.getArray(Event)
      • -
      • -


        public String toString(@Nullable org.bukkit.event.Event event, - boolean debug)
        event - The event to get information to. This is always null if debug == false.
        debug - If true this should print more information, if false this should print what is shown to the end user
        String representation of this object
      • -
    • -
    - -
    - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprItemFrameSlot.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprItemFrameSlot.html deleted file mode 100644 index c771145ee1..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprItemFrameSlot.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,257 +0,0 @@ - - - - -ExprItemFrameSlot (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -
    - -
    - -

    Class ExprItemFrameSlot

    - -
    All Implemented Interfaces:
    Converter<org.bukkit.entity.Entity,Slot>, Debuggable, Expression<Slot>, SyntaxElement
    @Name("Item of an Entity") -@Description("An item associated with an entity. For dropped item entities, it gets, obviously, the item that was dropped. For item frames, the item inside the frame is returned. For throwable projectiles (snowballs, enderpearls etc.),it gets the displayed item. Other entities do not have items associated with them.") -@Examples("") -@Since("2.2-dev35, 2.2-dev36 (improved), 2.5.2 (throwable projectiles)") -@RequiredPlugins("Minecraft 1.15.2+ (throwable projectiles)") -public class ExprItemFrameSlot -extends SimplePropertyExpression<org.bukkit.entity.Entity,Slot>
    - -
      - -
    • -

      Constructor Details

      • -


        public ExprItemFrameSlot()
      • -
    • - -
    • -

      Method Details

      • -


        public @Nullable Slot convert(org.bukkit.entity.Entity e)
        Description copied from interface: Converter
        Converts an object from the given to the desired type.
        Specified by:
        convert in interface Converter<org.bukkit.entity.Entity,Slot>
        Specified by:
        convert in class SimplePropertyExpression<org.bukkit.entity.Entity,Slot>
        e - The object to convert.
        the converted object
      • -
      • -


        protected String getPropertyName()
        Description copied from class: SimplePropertyExpression
        Used to collect the property type used in the register method. - This forms the toString of this SimplePropertyExpression.
        Specified by:
        getPropertyName in class SimplePropertyExpression<org.bukkit.entity.Entity,Slot>
        The name of the type used when registering this SimplePropertyExpression.
      • -
      • -


        public Class<? extends Slot> getReturnType()
        Description copied from interface: Expression
        Gets the return type of this expression.
        A supertype of any objects returned by Expression.getSingle(Event) and the component type of any arrays returned by Expression.getArray(Event)
      • -
    • -
    - -
    - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprItemWithCustomModelData.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprItemWithCustomModelData.html deleted file mode 100644 index 66ceddc7fd..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprItemWithCustomModelData.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,276 +0,0 @@ - - - - -ExprItemWithCustomModelData (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -
    - -
    - -

    Class ExprItemWithCustomModelData

    - -
    All Implemented Interfaces:
    Debuggable, Expression<ItemType>, SyntaxElement
    @Name("Item with CustomModelData") -@Description("Get an item with a CustomModelData tag. (Value is an integer between 0 and 99999999)") -@Examples({"give player a diamond sword with custom model data 2","set slot 1 of inventory of player to wooden hoe with custom model data 357"}) -@RequiredPlugins("1.14+") -@Since("2.5") -public class ExprItemWithCustomModelData -extends PropertyExpression<ItemType,ItemType>
    - -
      - -
    • -

      Constructor Details

      • -


        public ExprItemWithCustomModelData()
      • -
    • - -
    • -

      Method Details

      • -


        public boolean init(Expression<?>[] exprs, - int i, - Kleenean kleenean, - SkriptParser.ParseResult parseResult)
        Description copied from interface: SyntaxElement
        Called just after the constructor.
        exprs - all %expr%s included in the matching pattern in the order they appear in the pattern. If an optional value was left out it will still be included in this list - holding the default value of the desired type which usually depends on the event.
        i - The index of the pattern which matched
        kleenean - Whether this expression is used after a delay or not (i.e. if the event has already passed when this expression will be called)
        parseResult - Additional information about the match.
        Whether this expression was initialised successfully. An error should be printed prior to returning false to specify the cause.
        See Also:
        - -
      • -
      • -


        protected ItemType[] get(org.bukkit.event.Event e, - ItemType[] source)
        Description copied from class: PropertyExpression
        Converts the given source object(s) to the correct type. -

        - Please note that the returned array must neither be null nor contain any null elements!

        Specified by:
        get in class PropertyExpression<ItemType,ItemType>
        e - the event involved at the time of runtime calling.
        source - the array of the objects from the expressions.
        An array of the converted objects, which may contain less elements than the source array, but must not be null.
        See Also:
        - -
      • -
      • -


        public Class<? extends ItemType> getReturnType()
        Description copied from interface: Expression
        Gets the return type of this expression.
        A supertype of any objects returned by Expression.getSingle(Event) and the component type of any arrays returned by Expression.getArray(Event)
      • -
      • -


        public String toString(@Nullable org.bukkit.event.Event e, - boolean d)
        e - The event to get information to. This is always null if debug == false.
        d - If true this should print more information, if false this should print what is shown to the end user
        String representation of this object
      • -
    • -
    - -
    - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprItemWithLore.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprItemWithLore.html deleted file mode 100644 index 9bfdbc3c29..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprItemWithLore.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,275 +0,0 @@ - - - - -ExprItemWithLore (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -
    - -
    - -

    Class ExprItemWithLore

    - -
    All Implemented Interfaces:
    Debuggable, Expression<ItemType>, SyntaxElement
    @Name("Item with Lore") -@Description({"Returns the given item type with the specified lore added to it.","If multiple strings are passed, each of them will be a separate line in the lore."}) -@Examples({"set {_test} to stone with lore \"line 1\" and \"line 2\"","give {_test} to player"}) -@Since("2.3") -public class ExprItemWithLore -extends PropertyExpression<ItemType,ItemType>
    - -
      - -
    • -

      Constructor Details

      • -


        public ExprItemWithLore()
      • -
    • - -
    • -

      Method Details

      • -


        public boolean init(Expression<?>[] exprs, - int matchedPattern, - Kleenean kleenean, - SkriptParser.ParseResult parseResult)
        Description copied from interface: SyntaxElement
        Called just after the constructor.
        exprs - all %expr%s included in the matching pattern in the order they appear in the pattern. If an optional value was left out it will still be included in this list - holding the default value of the desired type which usually depends on the event.
        matchedPattern - The index of the pattern which matched
        kleenean - Whether this expression is used after a delay or not (i.e. if the event has already passed when this expression will be called)
        parseResult - Additional information about the match.
        Whether this expression was initialised successfully. An error should be printed prior to returning false to specify the cause.
        See Also:
        - -
      • -
      • -


        protected ItemType[] get(org.bukkit.event.Event e, - ItemType[] source)
        Description copied from class: PropertyExpression
        Converts the given source object(s) to the correct type. -

        - Please note that the returned array must neither be null nor contain any null elements!

        Specified by:
        get in class PropertyExpression<ItemType,ItemType>
        e - the event involved at the time of runtime calling.
        source - the array of the objects from the expressions.
        An array of the converted objects, which may contain less elements than the source array, but must not be null.
        See Also:
        - -
      • -
      • -


        public Class<? extends ItemType> getReturnType()
        Description copied from interface: Expression
        Gets the return type of this expression.
        A supertype of any objects returned by Expression.getSingle(Event) and the component type of any arrays returned by Expression.getArray(Event)
      • -
      • -


        public String toString(@Nullable org.bukkit.event.Event e, - boolean debug)
        e - The event to get information to. This is always null if debug == false.
        debug - If true this should print more information, if false this should print what is shown to the end user
        String representation of this object
      • -
    • -
    - -
    - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprItems.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprItems.html deleted file mode 100644 index 57d45e61d8..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprItems.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,323 +0,0 @@ - - - - -ExprItems (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -
    - -
    - -

    Class ExprItems

    java.lang.Object -
    ch.njol.skript.lang.util.SimpleExpression<ItemType> -
    All Implemented Interfaces:
    Debuggable, Expression<ItemType>, SyntaxElement
    @Name("Items") -@Description("Items or blocks of a specific type, useful for looping.") -@Examples({"loop items of type ore and log:","\tblock contains loop-item","\tmessage \"Theres at least one %loop-item% in this block\"","drop all blocks at the player # drops one of every block at the player"}) -@Since("1.0 pre-5") -public class ExprItems -extends SimpleExpression<ItemType>
    - -
      - -
    • -

      Constructor Details

      • -


        public ExprItems()
      • -
    • - -
    • -

      Method Details

      • -


        public boolean init(Expression<?>[] exprs, - int matchedPattern, - Kleenean isDelayed, - SkriptParser.ParseResult parseResult)
        Description copied from interface: SyntaxElement
        Called just after the constructor.
        exprs - all %expr%s included in the matching pattern in the order they appear in the pattern. If an optional value was left out it will still be included in this list - holding the default value of the desired type which usually depends on the event.
        matchedPattern - The index of the pattern which matched
        isDelayed - Whether this expression is used after a delay or not (i.e. if the event has already passed when this expression will be called)
        parseResult - Additional information about the match.
        Whether this expression was initialised successfully. An error should be printed prior to returning false to specify the cause.
        See Also:
        - -
      • -
      • -


        protected @Nullable ItemType[] get(org.bukkit.event.Event event)
        Description copied from class: SimpleExpression
        This is the internal method to get an expression's values.
        - To get the expression's value from the outside use SimpleExpression.getSingle(Event) or SimpleExpression.getArray(Event).
        Specified by:
        get in class SimpleExpression<ItemType>
        event - The event
        An array of values for this event. May not contain nulls.
      • -
      • -


        public @Nullable Iterator<ItemType> iterator(org.bukkit.event.Event event)
        Description copied from interface: Expression
        Returns the same as Expression.getArray(Event) but as an iterator. This method should be overriden by expressions intended to be looped to increase performance.
        Specified by:
        iterator in interface Expression<ItemType>
        iterator in class SimpleExpression<ItemType>
        event - The event
        An iterator to iterate over all values of this expression which may be empty and/or null, but must not return null elements.
      • -
      • -


        public Class<? extends ItemType> getReturnType()
        Description copied from interface: Expression
        Gets the return type of this expression.
        A supertype of any objects returned by Expression.getSingle(Event) and the component type of any arrays returned by Expression.getArray(Event)
      • -
      • -


        public boolean isSingle()
        true if this expression will ever only return one value at most, false if it can return multiple values.
      • -
      • -


        public String toString(@Nullable org.bukkit.event.Event event, - boolean debug)
        event - The event to get information to. This is always null if debug == false.
        debug - If true this should print more information, if false this should print what is shown to the end user
        String representation of this object
      • -
      • -


        public boolean isLoopOf(String string)
        Description copied from interface: Expression
        Checks whether the given 'loop-...' expression should match this loop, e.g. loop-block matches any loops that loop through blocks and loop-argument matches an - argument loop. -

        - You should usually just return false as e.g. loop-block will automatically match the expression if its returnType is Block or a subtype of it.

        Specified by:
        isLoopOf in interface Expression<ItemType>
        isLoopOf in class SimpleExpression<ItemType>
        string - The entered string
        Whether this loop matches the given string
      • -
    • -
    - -
    - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprItemsIn.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprItemsIn.html deleted file mode 100644 index 8bdf07500f..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprItemsIn.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,323 +0,0 @@ - - - - -ExprItemsIn (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -
    - -
    - -

    Class ExprItemsIn

    java.lang.Object -
    ch.njol.skript.lang.util.SimpleExpression<Slot> -
    All Implemented Interfaces:
    Debuggable, Expression<Slot>, SyntaxElement
    @Name("Items In") -@Description({"All items in an inventory. Useful for looping or storing in a list variable.","Please note that the positions of the items in the inventory are not saved, only their order is preserved."}) -@Examples({"loop all items in the player\'s inventory:","\tloop-item is enchanted","\tremove loop-item from the player","set {inventory::%uuid of player%::*} to items in the player\'s inventory"}) -@Since("2.0") -public class ExprItemsIn -extends SimpleExpression<Slot>
    - -
      - -
    • -

      Constructor Details

      • -


        public ExprItemsIn()
      • -
    • - -
    • -

      Method Details

      • -


        public boolean init(Expression<?>[] exprs, - int matchedPattern, - Kleenean isDelayed, - @Nullable SkriptParser.ParseResult parseResult)
        Description copied from interface: SyntaxElement
        Called just after the constructor.
        exprs - all %expr%s included in the matching pattern in the order they appear in the pattern. If an optional value was left out it will still be included in this list - holding the default value of the desired type which usually depends on the event.
        matchedPattern - The index of the pattern which matched
        isDelayed - Whether this expression is used after a delay or not (i.e. if the event has already passed when this expression will be called)
        parseResult - Additional information about the match.
        Whether this expression was initialised successfully. An error should be printed prior to returning false to specify the cause.
        See Also:
        - -
      • -
      • -


        protected Slot[] get(org.bukkit.event.Event e)
        Description copied from class: SimpleExpression
        This is the internal method to get an expression's values.
        - To get the expression's value from the outside use SimpleExpression.getSingle(Event) or SimpleExpression.getArray(Event).
        Specified by:
        get in class SimpleExpression<Slot>
        e - The event
        An array of values for this event. May not contain nulls.
      • -
      • -


        public @Nullable Iterator<Slot> iterator(org.bukkit.event.Event e)
        Description copied from interface: Expression
        Returns the same as Expression.getArray(Event) but as an iterator. This method should be overriden by expressions intended to be looped to increase performance.
        Specified by:
        iterator in interface Expression<Slot>
        iterator in class SimpleExpression<Slot>
        e - The event
        An iterator to iterate over all values of this expression which may be empty and/or null, but must not return null elements.
      • -
      • -


        public boolean isLoopOf(String s)
        Description copied from interface: Expression
        Checks whether the given 'loop-...' expression should match this loop, e.g. loop-block matches any loops that loop through blocks and loop-argument matches an - argument loop. -

        - You should usually just return false as e.g. loop-block will automatically match the expression if its returnType is Block or a subtype of it.

        Specified by:
        isLoopOf in interface Expression<Slot>
        isLoopOf in class SimpleExpression<Slot>
        s - The entered string
        Whether this loop matches the given string
      • -
      • -


        public String toString(@Nullable org.bukkit.event.Event e, - boolean debug)
        e - The event to get information to. This is always null if debug == false.
        debug - If true this should print more information, if false this should print what is shown to the end user
        String representation of this object
      • -
      • -


        public boolean isSingle()
        true if this expression will ever only return one value at most, false if it can return multiple values.
      • -
      • -


        public Class<Slot> getReturnType()
        Description copied from interface: Expression
        Gets the return type of this expression.
        A supertype of any objects returned by Expression.getSingle(Event) and the component type of any arrays returned by Expression.getArray(Event)
      • -
    • -
    - -
    - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprJoinSplit.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprJoinSplit.html deleted file mode 100644 index 82d28adf4e..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprJoinSplit.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,274 +0,0 @@ - - - - -ExprJoinSplit (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -
    - -
    - -

    Class ExprJoinSplit

    java.lang.Object -
    ch.njol.skript.lang.util.SimpleExpression<String> -
    All Implemented Interfaces:
    Debuggable, Expression<String>, SyntaxElement
    @Name("Join & Split") -@Description("Joins several texts with a common delimiter (e.g. \", \"), or splits a text into multiple texts at a given delimiter.") -@Examples({"message \"Online players: %join all players with \"\" | \"\"%\" # %all players% would use the default \"x, y, and z\"","set {_s::*} to the string argument split at \",\""}) -@Since("2.1, 2.5.2 (regex support), 2.7 (case sensitivity)") -public class ExprJoinSplit -extends SimpleExpression<String>
    - -
      - -
    • -

      Constructor Details

      • -


        public ExprJoinSplit()
      • -
    • - -
    • -

      Method Details

      • -


        public boolean init(Expression<?>[] exprs, - int matchedPattern, - Kleenean isDelayed, - SkriptParser.ParseResult parseResult)
        Description copied from interface: SyntaxElement
        Called just after the constructor.
        exprs - all %expr%s included in the matching pattern in the order they appear in the pattern. If an optional value was left out it will still be included in this list - holding the default value of the desired type which usually depends on the event.
        matchedPattern - The index of the pattern which matched
        isDelayed - Whether this expression is used after a delay or not (i.e. if the event has already passed when this expression will be called)
        parseResult - Additional information about the match.
        Whether this expression was initialised successfully. An error should be printed prior to returning false to specify the cause.
        See Also:
        - -
      • -
      • -


        protected @Nullable String[] get(org.bukkit.event.Event event)
        Description copied from class: SimpleExpression
        This is the internal method to get an expression's values.
        - To get the expression's value from the outside use SimpleExpression.getSingle(Event) or SimpleExpression.getArray(Event).
        Specified by:
        get in class SimpleExpression<String>
        event - The event
        An array of values for this event. May not contain nulls.
      • -
      • -


        public boolean isSingle()
        true if this expression will ever only return one value at most, false if it can return multiple values.
      • -
      • -


        public Class<? extends String> getReturnType()
        Description copied from interface: Expression
        Gets the return type of this expression.
        A supertype of any objects returned by Expression.getSingle(Event) and the component type of any arrays returned by Expression.getArray(Event)
      • -
      • -


        public String toString(@Nullable org.bukkit.event.Event event, - boolean debug)
        event - The event to get information to. This is always null if debug == false.
        debug - If true this should print more information, if false this should print what is shown to the end user
        String representation of this object
      • -
    • -
    - -
    - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprLanguage.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprLanguage.html deleted file mode 100644 index a762526bd9..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprLanguage.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,256 +0,0 @@ - - - - -ExprLanguage (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -
    - -
    - -

    Class ExprLanguage

    - -
    All Implemented Interfaces:
    Converter<org.bukkit.entity.Player,String>, Debuggable, Expression<String>, SyntaxElement
    @Name("Language") -@Description({"Currently selected game language of a player. The value of the language is not defined properly.","The vanilla Minecraft client will use lowercase language / country pairs separated by an underscore, but custom resource packs may use any format they wish."}) -@Examples("message player\'s current language") -@Since("2.3") -public class ExprLanguage -extends SimplePropertyExpression<org.bukkit.entity.Player,String>
    - -
      - -
    • -

      Constructor Details

      • -


        public ExprLanguage()
      • -
    • - -
    • -

      Method Details

      • -


        public @Nullable String convert(org.bukkit.entity.Player p)
        Description copied from interface: Converter
        Converts an object from the given to the desired type.
        Specified by:
        convert in interface Converter<org.bukkit.entity.Player,String>
        Specified by:
        convert in class SimplePropertyExpression<org.bukkit.entity.Player,String>
        p - The object to convert.
        the converted object
      • -
      • -


        protected String getPropertyName()
        Description copied from class: SimplePropertyExpression
        Used to collect the property type used in the register method. - This forms the toString of this SimplePropertyExpression.
        Specified by:
        getPropertyName in class SimplePropertyExpression<org.bukkit.entity.Player,String>
        The name of the type used when registering this SimplePropertyExpression.
      • -
      • -


        public Class<? extends String> getReturnType()
        Description copied from interface: Expression
        Gets the return type of this expression.
        A supertype of any objects returned by Expression.getSingle(Event) and the component type of any arrays returned by Expression.getArray(Event)
      • -
    • -
    - -
    - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprLastAttacker.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprLastAttacker.html deleted file mode 100644 index facd02f1fa..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprLastAttacker.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,295 +0,0 @@ - - - - -ExprLastAttacker (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -
    - -
    - -

    Class ExprLastAttacker

    - -
    All Implemented Interfaces:
    Converter<org.bukkit.entity.Entity,Object>, Debuggable, Expression<Object>, SyntaxElement
    @Name("Last Attacker") -@Description("The last block or entity that attacked an entity.") -@Examples("send \"%last attacker of event-entity%\"") -@Since("2.5.1") -public class ExprLastAttacker -extends SimplePropertyExpression<org.bukkit.entity.Entity,Object>
    - -
      - -
    • -

      Constructor Details

      • -


        public ExprLastAttacker()
      • -
    • - -
    • -

      Method Details

      • -


        public boolean init(Expression<?>[] exprs, - int matchedPattern, - Kleenean isDelayed, - SkriptParser.ParseResult parseResult)
        Description copied from interface: SyntaxElement
        Called just after the constructor.
        Specified by:
        init in interface SyntaxElement
        init in class SimplePropertyExpression<org.bukkit.entity.Entity,Object>
        exprs - all %expr%s included in the matching pattern in the order they appear in the pattern. If an optional value was left out it will still be included in this list - holding the default value of the desired type which usually depends on the event.
        matchedPattern - The index of the pattern which matched
        isDelayed - Whether this expression is used after a delay or not (i.e. if the event has already passed when this expression will be called)
        parseResult - Additional information about the match.
        Whether this expression was initialised successfully. An error should be printed prior to returning false to specify the cause.
        See Also:
        - -
      • -
      • -


        public @Nullable Object convert(org.bukkit.entity.Entity entity)
        Description copied from interface: Converter
        Converts an object from the given to the desired type.
        Specified by:
        convert in interface Converter<org.bukkit.entity.Entity,Object>
        Specified by:
        convert in class SimplePropertyExpression<org.bukkit.entity.Entity,Object>
        entity - The object to convert.
        the converted object
      • -
      • -


        public Class<?> getReturnType()
        Description copied from interface: Expression
        Gets the return type of this expression.
        A supertype of any objects returned by Expression.getSingle(Event) and the component type of any arrays returned by Expression.getArray(Event)
      • -
      • -


        protected String getPropertyName()
        Description copied from class: SimplePropertyExpression
        Used to collect the property type used in the register method. - This forms the toString of this SimplePropertyExpression.
        Specified by:
        getPropertyName in class SimplePropertyExpression<org.bukkit.entity.Entity,Object>
        The name of the type used when registering this SimplePropertyExpression.
      • -
    • -
    - -
    - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprLastColor.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprLastColor.html deleted file mode 100644 index 573d7f0601..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprLastColor.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,257 +0,0 @@ - - - - -ExprLastColor (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -
    - -
    - -

    Class ExprLastColor

    - -
    All Implemented Interfaces:
    Converter<String,String>, Debuggable, Expression<String>, SyntaxElement
    @Name("Last Color") -@Description("The colors used at the end of a string. The colors of the returned string will be formatted with their symbols.") -@Examples("set {_color} to the last colors of \"<red>hey<blue>yo\"") -@Since("2.6") -public class ExprLastColor -extends SimplePropertyExpression<String,String>
    - -
      - -
    • -

      Constructor Details

      • -


        public ExprLastColor()
      • -
    • - -
    • -

      Method Details

      - -
    • -
    - -
    - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprLastDamage.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprLastDamage.html deleted file mode 100644 index 83d1fe634e..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprLastDamage.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,352 +0,0 @@ - - - - -ExprLastDamage (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -
    - -
    - -

    Class ExprLastDamage

    - -
    All Implemented Interfaces:
    Converter<org.bukkit.entity.LivingEntity,Number>, Debuggable, Expression<Number>, SyntaxElement
    @Name("Last Damage") -@Description("The last damage that was done to an entity. Note that changing it doesn\'t deal more/less damage.") -@Examples("set last damage of event-entity to 2") -@Since("2.5.1") -public class ExprLastDamage -extends SimplePropertyExpression<org.bukkit.entity.LivingEntity,Number>
    - -
    - -
    - -
    - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprLastDamageCause.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprLastDamageCause.html deleted file mode 100644 index 878fdfa7bc..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprLastDamageCause.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,332 +0,0 @@ - - - - -ExprLastDamageCause (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -
    - -
    - -

    Class ExprLastDamageCause

    java.lang.Object -
    ch.njol.skript.lang.util.SimpleExpression<T> -
    ch.njol.skript.expressions.base.PropertyExpression<org.bukkit.entity.LivingEntity,org.bukkit.event.entity.EntityDamageEvent.DamageCause> -
    All Implemented Interfaces:
    Debuggable, Expression<org.bukkit.event.entity.EntityDamageEvent.DamageCause>, SyntaxElement
    @Name("Last Damage Cause") -@Description("Cause of last damage done to an entity") -@Examples("set last damage cause of event-entity to fire tick") -@Since("2.2-Fixes-V10") -public class ExprLastDamageCause -extends PropertyExpression<org.bukkit.entity.LivingEntity,org.bukkit.event.entity.EntityDamageEvent.DamageCause>
    - -
      - -
    • -

      Constructor Details

      • -


        public ExprLastDamageCause()
      • -
    • - -
    • -

      Method Details

      • -


        public boolean init(Expression<?>[] exprs, - int matchedPattern, - Kleenean isDelayed, - SkriptParser.ParseResult parser)
        Description copied from interface: SyntaxElement
        Called just after the constructor.
        exprs - all %expr%s included in the matching pattern in the order they appear in the pattern. If an optional value was left out it will still be included in this list - holding the default value of the desired type which usually depends on the event.
        matchedPattern - The index of the pattern which matched
        isDelayed - Whether this expression is used after a delay or not (i.e. if the event has already passed when this expression will be called)
        parser - Additional information about the match.
        Whether this expression was initialised successfully. An error should be printed prior to returning false to specify the cause.
        See Also:
        - -
      • -
      • -


        protected org.bukkit.event.entity.EntityDamageEvent.DamageCause[] get(org.bukkit.event.Event e, - org.bukkit.entity.LivingEntity[] source)
        Description copied from class: PropertyExpression
        Converts the given source object(s) to the correct type. -

        - Please note that the returned array must neither be null nor contain any null elements!

        Specified by:
        get in class PropertyExpression<org.bukkit.entity.LivingEntity,org.bukkit.event.entity.EntityDamageEvent.DamageCause>
        e - the event involved at the time of runtime calling.
        source - the array of the objects from the expressions.
        An array of the converted objects, which may contain less elements than the source array, but must not be null.
        See Also:
        - -
      • -
      • -


        public String toString(@Nullable org.bukkit.event.Event e, - boolean debug)
        e - The event to get information to. This is always null if debug == false.
        debug - If true this should print more information, if false this should print what is shown to the end user
        String representation of this object
      • -
      • -


        public @Nullable Class<?>[] acceptChange(Changer.ChangeMode mode)
        Description copied from interface: Expression
        Tests whether this expression supports the given mode, and if yes what type it expects the delta to be. -

        - Use Changer.ChangerUtils.acceptsChange(Expression, ChangeMode, Class...) to test whether an expression supports changing, don't directly use this method! -

        - Please note that if a changer is registered for this expression's returnType this method does not have to be overridden. If you override it though - make sure to return super.acceptChange(mode), and to handle the appropriate ChangeMode(s) in Expression.change(Event, Object[], ChangeMode) with - super.change(...). -

        - Unlike Changer.acceptChange(ChangeMode) this method may print errors.

        Specified by:
        acceptChange in interface Expression<org.bukkit.event.entity.EntityDamageEvent.DamageCause>
        acceptChange in class SimpleExpression<org.bukkit.event.entity.EntityDamageEvent.DamageCause>
        An array of types that Expression.change(Event, Object[], ChangeMode) accepts as its delta parameter (which can be arrays to denote that multiple of - that type are accepted), or null if the given mode is not supported. For Changer.ChangeMode.DELETE and Changer.ChangeMode.RESET this can return any non-null array to - mark them as supported.
      • -
      • -


        public void change(org.bukkit.event.Event e, - @Nullable Object[] delta, - Changer.ChangeMode mode)
        Description copied from interface: Expression
        Changes the expression's value by the given amount. This will only be called on supported modes and with the desired delta type as returned by - Expression.acceptChange(ChangeMode)
        Specified by:
        change in interface Expression<org.bukkit.event.entity.EntityDamageEvent.DamageCause>
        change in class SimpleExpression<org.bukkit.event.entity.EntityDamageEvent.DamageCause>
        delta - An array with one or more instances of one or more of the the classes returned by Expression.acceptChange(ChangeMode) for the given change mode (null for - Changer.ChangeMode.DELETE and Changer.ChangeMode.RESET). This can be a Object[], thus casting is not allowed.
      • -
      • -


        public Class<org.bukkit.event.entity.EntityDamageEvent.DamageCause> getReturnType()
        Description copied from interface: Expression
        Gets the return type of this expression.
        A supertype of any objects returned by Expression.getSingle(Event) and the component type of any arrays returned by Expression.getArray(Event)
      • -
    • -
    - -
    - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprLastLoadedServerIcon.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprLastLoadedServerIcon.html deleted file mode 100644 index eb723ea53b..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprLastLoadedServerIcon.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,275 +0,0 @@ - - - - -ExprLastLoadedServerIcon (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -
    - -
    - -

    Class ExprLastLoadedServerIcon

    java.lang.Object -
    ch.njol.skript.lang.util.SimpleExpression<org.bukkit.util.CachedServerIcon> -
    All Implemented Interfaces:
    Debuggable, Expression<org.bukkit.util.CachedServerIcon>, SyntaxElement
    @Name("Last Loaded Server Icon") -@Description("Returns the last loaded server icon with the <a href=\'effects.html#EffLoadServerIcon\'>load server icon</a> effect.") -@Examples("set {server-icon} to the last loaded server icon") -@Since("2.3") -@RequiredPlugins("Paper 1.12.2 or newer") -public class ExprLastLoadedServerIcon -extends SimpleExpression<org.bukkit.util.CachedServerIcon>
    - -
      - -
    • -

      Constructor Details

      • -


        public ExprLastLoadedServerIcon()
      • -
    • - -
    • -

      Method Details

      • -


        public boolean init(Expression<?>[] exprs, - int matchedPattern, - Kleenean isDelayed, - SkriptParser.ParseResult parseResult)
        Description copied from interface: SyntaxElement
        Called just after the constructor.
        exprs - all %expr%s included in the matching pattern in the order they appear in the pattern. If an optional value was left out it will still be included in this list - holding the default value of the desired type which usually depends on the event.
        matchedPattern - The index of the pattern which matched
        isDelayed - Whether this expression is used after a delay or not (i.e. if the event has already passed when this expression will be called)
        parseResult - Additional information about the match.
        Whether this expression was initialised successfully. An error should be printed prior to returning false to specify the cause.
        See Also:
        - -
      • -
      • -


        public @Nullable org.bukkit.util.CachedServerIcon[] get(org.bukkit.event.Event e)
        Description copied from class: SimpleExpression
        This is the internal method to get an expression's values.
        - To get the expression's value from the outside use SimpleExpression.getSingle(Event) or SimpleExpression.getArray(Event).
        Specified by:
        get in class SimpleExpression<org.bukkit.util.CachedServerIcon>
        e - The event
        An array of values for this event. May not contain nulls.
      • -
      • -


        public boolean isSingle()
        true if this expression will ever only return one value at most, false if it can return multiple values.
      • -
      • -


        public Class<? extends org.bukkit.util.CachedServerIcon> getReturnType()
        Description copied from interface: Expression
        Gets the return type of this expression.
        A supertype of any objects returned by Expression.getSingle(Event) and the component type of any arrays returned by Expression.getArray(Event)
      • -
      • -


        public String toString(@Nullable org.bukkit.event.Event e, - boolean debug)
        e - The event to get information to. This is always null if debug == false.
        debug - If true this should print more information, if false this should print what is shown to the end user
        String representation of this object
      • -
    • -
    - -
    - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprLastLoginTime.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprLastLoginTime.html deleted file mode 100644 index 4e11950236..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprLastLoginTime.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,295 +0,0 @@ - - - - -ExprLastLoginTime (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -
    - -
    - -

    Class ExprLastLoginTime

    - -
    All Implemented Interfaces:
    Converter<org.bukkit.OfflinePlayer,Date>, Debuggable, Expression<Date>, SyntaxElement
    @Name("Last/First Login Time") -@Description("When a player last/first logged in the server. \'last login\' requires paper to get the last login, otherwise it will get the last time they were seen on the server.") -@Examples({"command /onlinefor:","\ttrigger:","\t\tsend \"You have been online for %difference between player\'s last login and now%.\"","\t\tsend \"You first joined the server %difference between player\'s first login and now% ago.\""}) -@Since("2.5") -public class ExprLastLoginTime -extends SimplePropertyExpression<org.bukkit.OfflinePlayer,Date>
    - -
      - -
    • -

      Constructor Details

      • -


        public ExprLastLoginTime()
      • -
    • - -
    • -

      Method Details

      • -


        public boolean init(Expression<?>[] exprs, - int matchedPattern, - Kleenean isDelayed, - SkriptParser.ParseResult parseResult)
        Description copied from interface: SyntaxElement
        Called just after the constructor.
        Specified by:
        init in interface SyntaxElement
        init in class SimplePropertyExpression<org.bukkit.OfflinePlayer,Date>
        exprs - all %expr%s included in the matching pattern in the order they appear in the pattern. If an optional value was left out it will still be included in this list - holding the default value of the desired type which usually depends on the event.
        matchedPattern - The index of the pattern which matched
        isDelayed - Whether this expression is used after a delay or not (i.e. if the event has already passed when this expression will be called)
        parseResult - Additional information about the match.
        Whether this expression was initialised successfully. An error should be printed prior to returning false to specify the cause.
        See Also:
        - -
      • -
      • -


        public @Nullable Date convert(org.bukkit.OfflinePlayer player)
        Description copied from interface: Converter
        Converts an object from the given to the desired type.
        Specified by:
        convert in interface Converter<org.bukkit.OfflinePlayer,Date>
        Specified by:
        convert in class SimplePropertyExpression<org.bukkit.OfflinePlayer,Date>
        player - The object to convert.
        the converted object
      • -
      • -


        public Class<? extends Date> getReturnType()
        Description copied from interface: Expression
        Gets the return type of this expression.
        A supertype of any objects returned by Expression.getSingle(Event) and the component type of any arrays returned by Expression.getArray(Event)
      • -
      • -


        protected String getPropertyName()
        Description copied from class: SimplePropertyExpression
        Used to collect the property type used in the register method. - This forms the toString of this SimplePropertyExpression.
        Specified by:
        getPropertyName in class SimplePropertyExpression<org.bukkit.OfflinePlayer,Date>
        The name of the type used when registering this SimplePropertyExpression.
      • -
    • -
    - -
    - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprLastResourcePackResponse.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprLastResourcePackResponse.html deleted file mode 100644 index a0ce32cc8f..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprLastResourcePackResponse.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,257 +0,0 @@ - - - - -ExprLastResourcePackResponse (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -
    - -
    - -

    Class ExprLastResourcePackResponse

    java.lang.Object -
    ch.njol.skript.lang.util.SimpleExpression<T> -
    ch.njol.skript.expressions.base.PropertyExpression<F,T> -
    ch.njol.skript.expressions.base.SimplePropertyExpression<org.bukkit.entity.Player,org.bukkit.event.player.PlayerResourcePackStatusEvent.Status> -
    All Implemented Interfaces:
    Converter<org.bukkit.entity.Player,org.bukkit.event.player.PlayerResourcePackStatusEvent.Status>, Debuggable, Expression<org.bukkit.event.player.PlayerResourcePackStatusEvent.Status>, SyntaxElement
    @Name("Last Resource Pack Response") -@Description("Returns the last resource pack response received from a player.") -@Examples("if player\'s last resource pack response is deny or download fail:") -@Since("2.4") -@RequiredPlugins("Paper 1.9 or newer") -public class ExprLastResourcePackResponse -extends SimplePropertyExpression<org.bukkit.entity.Player,org.bukkit.event.player.PlayerResourcePackStatusEvent.Status>
    - -
      - -
    • -

      Constructor Details

      • -


        public ExprLastResourcePackResponse()
      • -
    • - -
    • -

      Method Details

      • -


        public @Nullable org.bukkit.event.player.PlayerResourcePackStatusEvent.Status convert(org.bukkit.entity.Player p)
        Description copied from interface: Converter
        Converts an object from the given to the desired type.
        Specified by:
        convert in interface Converter<org.bukkit.entity.Player,org.bukkit.event.player.PlayerResourcePackStatusEvent.Status>
        Specified by:
        convert in class SimplePropertyExpression<org.bukkit.entity.Player,org.bukkit.event.player.PlayerResourcePackStatusEvent.Status>
        p - The object to convert.
        the converted object
      • -
      • -


        protected String getPropertyName()
        Description copied from class: SimplePropertyExpression
        Used to collect the property type used in the register method. - This forms the toString of this SimplePropertyExpression.
        Specified by:
        getPropertyName in class SimplePropertyExpression<org.bukkit.entity.Player,org.bukkit.event.player.PlayerResourcePackStatusEvent.Status>
        The name of the type used when registering this SimplePropertyExpression.
      • -
      • -


        public Class<org.bukkit.event.player.PlayerResourcePackStatusEvent.Status> getReturnType()
        Description copied from interface: Expression
        Gets the return type of this expression.
        A supertype of any objects returned by Expression.getSingle(Event) and the component type of any arrays returned by Expression.getArray(Event)
      • -
    • -
    - -
    - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprLastSpawnedEntity.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprLastSpawnedEntity.html deleted file mode 100644 index 32b1b1418a..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprLastSpawnedEntity.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,274 +0,0 @@ - - - - -ExprLastSpawnedEntity (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -
    - -
    - -

    Class ExprLastSpawnedEntity

    java.lang.Object -
    ch.njol.skript.lang.util.SimpleExpression<org.bukkit.entity.Entity> -
    All Implemented Interfaces:
    Debuggable, Expression<org.bukkit.entity.Entity>, SyntaxElement
    @Name("Last Spawned Entity") -@Description("Holds the entity that was spawned most recently with the spawn effect (section), dropped with the <a href=\'../effects/#EffDrop\'>drop effect</a>, shot with the <a href=\'../effects/#EffShoot\'>shoot effect</a> or created with the <a href=\'../effects/#EffLightning\'>lightning effect</a>. Please note that even though you can spawn multiple mobs simultaneously (e.g. with \'spawn 5 creepers\'), only the last spawned mob is saved and can be used. If you spawn an entity, shoot a projectile and drop an item you can however access all them together.") -@Examples({"spawn a priest","set {healer::%spawned priest%} to true","shoot an arrow from the last spawned entity","ignite the shot projectile","drop a diamond sword","push last dropped item upwards","teleport player to last struck lightning","delete last launched firework"}) -@Since("1.3 (spawned entity), 2.0 (shot entity), 2.2-dev26 (dropped item), 2.7 (struck lightning, firework)") -public class ExprLastSpawnedEntity -extends SimpleExpression<org.bukkit.entity.Entity>
    - -
      - -
    • -

      Constructor Details

      • -


        public ExprLastSpawnedEntity()
      • -
    • - -
    • -

      Method Details

      • -


        public boolean init(Expression<?>[] exprs, - int matchedPattern, - Kleenean isDelayed, - SkriptParser.ParseResult parseResult)
        Description copied from interface: SyntaxElement
        Called just after the constructor.
        exprs - all %expr%s included in the matching pattern in the order they appear in the pattern. If an optional value was left out it will still be included in this list - holding the default value of the desired type which usually depends on the event.
        matchedPattern - The index of the pattern which matched
        isDelayed - Whether this expression is used after a delay or not (i.e. if the event has already passed when this expression will be called)
        parseResult - Additional information about the match.
        Whether this expression was initialised successfully. An error should be printed prior to returning false to specify the cause.
        See Also:
        - -
      • -
      • -


        protected @Nullable org.bukkit.entity.Entity[] get(org.bukkit.event.Event event)
        Description copied from class: SimpleExpression
        This is the internal method to get an expression's values.
        - To get the expression's value from the outside use SimpleExpression.getSingle(Event) or SimpleExpression.getArray(Event).
        Specified by:
        get in class SimpleExpression<org.bukkit.entity.Entity>
        event - The event
        An array of values for this event. May not contain nulls.
      • -
      • -


        public boolean isSingle()
        true if this expression will ever only return one value at most, false if it can return multiple values.
      • -
      • -


        public Class<? extends org.bukkit.entity.Entity> getReturnType()
        Description copied from interface: Expression
        Gets the return type of this expression.
        A supertype of any objects returned by Expression.getSingle(Event) and the component type of any arrays returned by Expression.getArray(Event)
      • -
      • -


        public String toString(@Nullable org.bukkit.event.Event event, - boolean debug)
        event - The event to get information to. This is always null if debug == false.
        debug - If true this should print more information, if false this should print what is shown to the end user
        String representation of this object
      • -
    • -
    - -
    - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprLeashHolder.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprLeashHolder.html deleted file mode 100644 index b46e008009..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprLeashHolder.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,256 +0,0 @@ - - - - -ExprLeashHolder (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -
    - -
    - -

    Class ExprLeashHolder

    java.lang.Object -
    ch.njol.skript.lang.util.SimpleExpression<T> -
    ch.njol.skript.expressions.base.PropertyExpression<F,T> -
    ch.njol.skript.expressions.base.SimplePropertyExpression<org.bukkit.entity.LivingEntity,org.bukkit.entity.Entity> -
    All Implemented Interfaces:
    Converter<org.bukkit.entity.LivingEntity,org.bukkit.entity.Entity>, Debuggable, Expression<org.bukkit.entity.Entity>, SyntaxElement
    @Name("Leash Holder") -@Description("The leash holder of a living entity.") -@Examples("set {_example} to the leash holder of the target mob") -@Since("2.3") -public class ExprLeashHolder -extends SimplePropertyExpression<org.bukkit.entity.LivingEntity,org.bukkit.entity.Entity>
    - -
      - -
    • -

      Constructor Details

      • -


        public ExprLeashHolder()
      • -
    • - -
    • -

      Method Details

      • -


        public @Nullable org.bukkit.entity.Entity convert(org.bukkit.entity.LivingEntity entity)
        Description copied from interface: Converter
        Converts an object from the given to the desired type.
        Specified by:
        convert in interface Converter<org.bukkit.entity.LivingEntity,org.bukkit.entity.Entity>
        Specified by:
        convert in class SimplePropertyExpression<org.bukkit.entity.LivingEntity,org.bukkit.entity.Entity>
        entity - The object to convert.
        the converted object
      • -
      • -


        public Class<org.bukkit.entity.Entity> getReturnType()
        Description copied from interface: Expression
        Gets the return type of this expression.
        A supertype of any objects returned by Expression.getSingle(Event) and the component type of any arrays returned by Expression.getArray(Event)
      • -
      • -


        protected String getPropertyName()
        Description copied from class: SimplePropertyExpression
        Used to collect the property type used in the register method. - This forms the toString of this SimplePropertyExpression.
        Specified by:
        getPropertyName in class SimplePropertyExpression<org.bukkit.entity.LivingEntity,org.bukkit.entity.Entity>
        The name of the type used when registering this SimplePropertyExpression.
      • -
    • -
    - -
    - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprLength.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprLength.html deleted file mode 100644 index 09364228b6..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprLength.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,256 +0,0 @@ - - - - -ExprLength (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -
    - -
    - -

    Class ExprLength

    - -
    All Implemented Interfaces:
    Converter<String,Long>, Debuggable, Expression<Long>, SyntaxElement
    @Name("Length") -@Description("The length of a text, in number of characters.") -@Examples("set {_l} to length of the string argument") -@Since("2.1") -public class ExprLength -extends SimplePropertyExpression<String,Long>
    - -
      - -
    • -

      Constructor Details

      • -


        public ExprLength()
      • -
    • - -
    • -

      Method Details

      - -
    • -
    - -
    - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprLevel.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprLevel.html deleted file mode 100644 index 0b6cb9424f..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprLevel.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,385 +0,0 @@ - - - - -ExprLevel (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -
    - -
    - -

    Class ExprLevel

    - -
    All Implemented Interfaces:
    Converter<org.bukkit.entity.Player,Long>, Debuggable, Expression<Long>, SyntaxElement
    @Name("Level") -@Description("The level of a player.") -@Examples({"reduce the victim\'s level by 1","set the player\'s level to 0"}) -@Since("<i>unknown</i> (before 2.1)") -@Events("level change") -public class ExprLevel -extends SimplePropertyExpression<org.bukkit.entity.Player,Long>
    - -
    - -
    - -
    - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprLevelProgress.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprLevelProgress.html deleted file mode 100644 index 5f6b48a2ee..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprLevelProgress.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,314 +0,0 @@ - - - - -ExprLevelProgress (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -
    - -
    - -

    Class ExprLevelProgress

    - -
    All Implemented Interfaces:
    Converter<org.bukkit.entity.Player,Number>, Debuggable, Expression<Number>, SyntaxElement
    @Name("Level Progress") -@Description({"The player\'s progress in reaching the next level, this represents the experience bar in the game. Please note that this value is between 0 and 1 (e.g. 0.5 = half experience bar).","Changing this value can cause the player\'s level to change if the resulting level progess is negative or larger than 1, e.g. <code>increase the player\'s level progress by 0.5</code> will make the player gain a level if their progress was more than 50%."}) -@Examples({"# use the exp bar as mana","on rightclick with a blaze rod:","\tplayer\'s level progress is larger than 0.2","\tshoot a fireball from the player","\treduce the player\'s level progress by 0.2","every 2 seconds:","\tloop all players:","\t\tlevel progress of loop-player is smaller than 0.9:","\t\t\tincrease level progress of the loop-player by 0.1","\t\telse:","\t\t\tset level progress of the loop-player to 0.99","on xp spawn:","\tcancel event"}) -@Since("2.0") -@Events("level change") -public class ExprLevelProgress -extends SimplePropertyExpression<org.bukkit.entity.Player,Number>
    - -
    - -
    - -
    - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprLightLevel.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprLightLevel.html deleted file mode 100644 index ed5342ef4e..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprLightLevel.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,275 +0,0 @@ - - - - -ExprLightLevel (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -
    - -
    - -

    Class ExprLightLevel

    java.lang.Object -
    ch.njol.skript.lang.util.SimpleExpression<T> -
    ch.njol.skript.expressions.base.PropertyExpression<org.bukkit.Location,Byte> -
    All Implemented Interfaces:
    Debuggable, Expression<Byte>, SyntaxElement
    @Name("Light Level") -@Description({"Gets the light level at a certain location which ranges from 0 to 15.","It can be separated into sunlight (15 = direct sunlight, 1-14 = indirect) and block light (torches, glowstone, etc.). The total light level of a block is the maximum of the two different light types."}) -@Examples({"# set vampire players standing in bright sunlight on fire","every 5 seconds:","\tloop all players:","\t\t{vampire::%uuid of loop-player%} is true","\t\tsunlight level at the loop-player is greater than 10","\t\tignite the loop-player for 5 seconds"}) -@Since("1.3.4") -public class ExprLightLevel -extends PropertyExpression<org.bukkit.Location,Byte>
    - -
      - -
    • -

      Constructor Details

      • -


        public ExprLightLevel()
      • -
    • - -
    • -

      Method Details

      • -


        public boolean init(Expression<?>[] exprs, - int matchedPattern, - Kleenean isDelayed, - SkriptParser.ParseResult parseResult)
        Description copied from interface: SyntaxElement
        Called just after the constructor.
        exprs - all %expr%s included in the matching pattern in the order they appear in the pattern. If an optional value was left out it will still be included in this list - holding the default value of the desired type which usually depends on the event.
        matchedPattern - The index of the pattern which matched
        isDelayed - Whether this expression is used after a delay or not (i.e. if the event has already passed when this expression will be called)
        parseResult - Additional information about the match.
        Whether this expression was initialised successfully. An error should be printed prior to returning false to specify the cause.
        See Also:
        - -
      • -
      • -


        public Class<Byte> getReturnType()
        Description copied from interface: Expression
        Gets the return type of this expression.
        A supertype of any objects returned by Expression.getSingle(Event) and the component type of any arrays returned by Expression.getArray(Event)
      • -
      • -


        protected Byte[] get(org.bukkit.event.Event e, - org.bukkit.Location[] source)
        Description copied from class: PropertyExpression
        Converts the given source object(s) to the correct type. -

        - Please note that the returned array must neither be null nor contain any null elements!

        Specified by:
        get in class PropertyExpression<org.bukkit.Location,Byte>
        e - the event involved at the time of runtime calling.
        source - the array of the objects from the expressions.
        An array of the converted objects, which may contain less elements than the source array, but must not be null.
        See Also:
        - -
      • -
      • -


        public String toString(@Nullable org.bukkit.event.Event e, - boolean debug)
        e - The event to get information to. This is always null if debug == false.
        debug - If true this should print more information, if false this should print what is shown to the end user
        String representation of this object
      • -
    • -
    - -
    - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprLocation.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprLocation.html deleted file mode 100644 index d202ac2063..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprLocation.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,226 +0,0 @@ - - - - -ExprLocation (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -
    - -
    - -

    Class ExprLocation

    java.lang.Object -
    ch.njol.skript.lang.util.SimpleExpression<T> -
    ch.njol.skript.expressions.base.WrapperExpression<org.bukkit.Location> -
    All Implemented Interfaces:
    Debuggable, Expression<org.bukkit.Location>, SyntaxElement
    @Name("Location") -@Description("The location where an event happened (e.g. at an entity or block), or a location <a href=\'#ExprDirection\'>relative</a> to another (e.g. 1 meter above another location).") -@Examples({"drop 5 apples at the event-location # exactly the same as writing \'drop 5 apples\'","set {_loc} to the location 1 meter above the player"}) -@Since("2.0") -public class ExprLocation -extends WrapperExpression<org.bukkit.Location>
    - -
      - -
    • -

      Constructor Details

      • -


        public ExprLocation()
      • -
    • - -
    • -

      Method Details

      • -


        public boolean init(Expression<?>[] exprs, - int matchedPattern, - Kleenean isDelayed, - SkriptParser.ParseResult parseResult)
        Description copied from interface: SyntaxElement
        Called just after the constructor.
        exprs - all %expr%s included in the matching pattern in the order they appear in the pattern. If an optional value was left out it will still be included in this list - holding the default value of the desired type which usually depends on the event.
        matchedPattern - The index of the pattern which matched
        isDelayed - Whether this expression is used after a delay or not (i.e. if the event has already passed when this expression will be called)
        parseResult - Additional information about the match.
        Whether this expression was initialised successfully. An error should be printed prior to returning false to specify the cause.
        See Also:
        - -
      • -
      • -


        public String toString(@Nullable org.bukkit.event.Event e, - boolean debug)
        e - The event to get information to. This is always null if debug == false.
        debug - If true this should print more information, if false this should print what is shown to the end user
        String representation of this object
      • -
    • -
    - -
    - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprLocationAt.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprLocationAt.html deleted file mode 100644 index ee04fcb5b6..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprLocationAt.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,275 +0,0 @@ - - - - -ExprLocationAt (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -
    - -
    - -

    Class ExprLocationAt

    java.lang.Object -
    ch.njol.skript.lang.util.SimpleExpression<org.bukkit.Location> -
    All Implemented Interfaces:
    Debuggable, Expression<org.bukkit.Location>, SyntaxElement
    @Name("Location At") -@Description("Allows to create a <a href=\'./classes.html#location\'>location</a> from three coordinates and a world.") -@Examples({"set {_loc} to the location at arg-1, arg-2, arg-3 of the world arg-4","distance between the player and the location (0, 0, 0) is less than 200"}) -@Since("2.0") -public class ExprLocationAt -extends SimpleExpression<org.bukkit.Location>
    FIXME doesn't parse - update documentation when fixed
    - -
      - -
    • -

      Constructor Details

      • -


        public ExprLocationAt()
      • -
    • - -
    • -

      Method Details

      • -


        public boolean init(Expression<?>[] exprs, - int matchedPattern, - Kleenean isDelayed, - SkriptParser.ParseResult parseResult)
        Description copied from interface: SyntaxElement
        Called just after the constructor.
        exprs - all %expr%s included in the matching pattern in the order they appear in the pattern. If an optional value was left out it will still be included in this list - holding the default value of the desired type which usually depends on the event.
        matchedPattern - The index of the pattern which matched
        isDelayed - Whether this expression is used after a delay or not (i.e. if the event has already passed when this expression will be called)
        parseResult - Additional information about the match.
        Whether this expression was initialised successfully. An error should be printed prior to returning false to specify the cause.
        See Also:
        - -
      • -
      • -


        protected @Nullable org.bukkit.Location[] get(org.bukkit.event.Event e)
        Description copied from class: SimpleExpression
        This is the internal method to get an expression's values.
        - To get the expression's value from the outside use SimpleExpression.getSingle(Event) or SimpleExpression.getArray(Event).
        Specified by:
        get in class SimpleExpression<org.bukkit.Location>
        e - The event
        An array of values for this event. May not contain nulls.
      • -
      • -


        public boolean isSingle()
        true if this expression will ever only return one value at most, false if it can return multiple values.
      • -
      • -


        public Class<? extends org.bukkit.Location> getReturnType()
        Description copied from interface: Expression
        Gets the return type of this expression.
        A supertype of any objects returned by Expression.getSingle(Event) and the component type of any arrays returned by Expression.getArray(Event)
      • -
      • -


        public String toString(@Nullable org.bukkit.event.Event e, - boolean debug)
        e - The event to get information to. This is always null if debug == false.
        debug - If true this should print more information, if false this should print what is shown to the end user
        String representation of this object
      • -
    • -
    - -
    - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprLocationFromVector.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprLocationFromVector.html deleted file mode 100644 index a04ea07d44..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprLocationFromVector.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,274 +0,0 @@ - - - - -ExprLocationFromVector (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -
    - -
    - -

    Class ExprLocationFromVector

    java.lang.Object -
    ch.njol.skript.lang.util.SimpleExpression<org.bukkit.Location> -
    All Implemented Interfaces:
    Debuggable, Expression<org.bukkit.Location>, SyntaxElement
    @Name("Vectors - Create Location from Vector") -@Description("Creates a location from a vector in a world.") -@Examples({"set {_loc} to {_v} to location in world \"world\"","set {_loc} to {_v} to location in world \"world\" with yaw 45 and pitch 90","set {_loc} to location of {_v} in \"world\" with yaw 45 and pitch 90"}) -@Since("2.2-dev28") -public class ExprLocationFromVector -extends SimpleExpression<org.bukkit.Location>
    - -
      - -
    • -

      Constructor Details

      • -


        public ExprLocationFromVector()
      • -
    • - -
    • -

      Method Details

      • -


        public boolean init(Expression<?>[] exprs, - int matchedPattern, - Kleenean isDelayed, - SkriptParser.ParseResult parseResult)
        Description copied from interface: SyntaxElement
        Called just after the constructor.
        exprs - all %expr%s included in the matching pattern in the order they appear in the pattern. If an optional value was left out it will still be included in this list - holding the default value of the desired type which usually depends on the event.
        matchedPattern - The index of the pattern which matched
        isDelayed - Whether this expression is used after a delay or not (i.e. if the event has already passed when this expression will be called)
        parseResult - Additional information about the match.
        Whether this expression was initialised successfully. An error should be printed prior to returning false to specify the cause.
        See Also:
        - -
      • -
      • -


        protected org.bukkit.Location[] get(org.bukkit.event.Event e)
        Description copied from class: SimpleExpression
        This is the internal method to get an expression's values.
        - To get the expression's value from the outside use SimpleExpression.getSingle(Event) or SimpleExpression.getArray(Event).
        Specified by:
        get in class SimpleExpression<org.bukkit.Location>
        e - The event
        An array of values for this event. May not contain nulls.
      • -
      • -


        public boolean isSingle()
        true if this expression will ever only return one value at most, false if it can return multiple values.
      • -
      • -


        public Class<? extends org.bukkit.Location> getReturnType()
        Description copied from interface: Expression
        Gets the return type of this expression.
        A supertype of any objects returned by Expression.getSingle(Event) and the component type of any arrays returned by Expression.getArray(Event)
      • -
      • -


        public String toString(@Nullable org.bukkit.event.Event e, - boolean debug)
        e - The event to get information to. This is always null if debug == false.
        debug - If true this should print more information, if false this should print what is shown to the end user
        String representation of this object
      • -
    • -
    - -
    - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprLocationOf.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprLocationOf.html deleted file mode 100644 index dc95972bc2..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprLocationOf.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,226 +0,0 @@ - - - - -ExprLocationOf (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -
    - -
    - -

    Class ExprLocationOf

    java.lang.Object -
    ch.njol.skript.lang.util.SimpleExpression<T> -
    ch.njol.skript.expressions.base.WrapperExpression<org.bukkit.Location> -
    All Implemented Interfaces:
    Debuggable, Expression<org.bukkit.Location>, SyntaxElement
    @Name("Location") -@Description({"The location of a block or entity. This not only represents the x, y and z coordinates of the location but also includes the world and the direction an entity is looking (e.g. teleporting to a saved location will make the teleported entity face the same saved direction every time).","Please note that the location of an entity is at it\'s feet, use <a href=\'#ExprEyeLocation\'>head location</a> to get the location of the head."}) -@Examples({"set {home::%uuid of player%} to the location of the player","message \"You home was set to %player\'s location% in %player\'s world%.\""}) -@Since("") -public class ExprLocationOf -extends WrapperExpression<org.bukkit.Location>
    - -
      - -
    • -

      Constructor Details

      • -


        public ExprLocationOf()
      • -
    • - -
    • -

      Method Details

      • -


        public boolean init(Expression<?>[] exprs, - int matchedPattern, - Kleenean isDelayed, - SkriptParser.ParseResult parseResult)
        Description copied from interface: SyntaxElement
        Called just after the constructor.
        exprs - all %expr%s included in the matching pattern in the order they appear in the pattern. If an optional value was left out it will still be included in this list - holding the default value of the desired type which usually depends on the event.
        matchedPattern - The index of the pattern which matched
        isDelayed - Whether this expression is used after a delay or not (i.e. if the event has already passed when this expression will be called)
        parseResult - Additional information about the match.
        Whether this expression was initialised successfully. An error should be printed prior to returning false to specify the cause.
        See Also:
        - -
      • -
      • -


        public String toString(@Nullable org.bukkit.event.Event e, - boolean debug)
        e - The event to get information to. This is always null if debug == false.
        debug - If true this should print more information, if false this should print what is shown to the end user
        String representation of this object
      • -
    • -
    - -
    - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprLocationVectorOffset.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprLocationVectorOffset.html deleted file mode 100644 index 94ed5ca3e2..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprLocationVectorOffset.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,274 +0,0 @@ - - - - -ExprLocationVectorOffset (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -
    - -
    - -

    Class ExprLocationVectorOffset

    java.lang.Object -
    ch.njol.skript.lang.util.SimpleExpression<org.bukkit.Location> -
    All Implemented Interfaces:
    Debuggable, Expression<org.bukkit.Location>, SyntaxElement
    @Name("Vectors - Location Vector Offset") -@Description("Returns the location offset by vectors.") -@Examples("set {_loc} to {_loc} ~ {_v}") -@Since("2.2-dev28") -public class ExprLocationVectorOffset -extends SimpleExpression<org.bukkit.Location>
    - -
      - -
    • -

      Constructor Details

      • -


        public ExprLocationVectorOffset()
      • -
    • - -
    • -

      Method Details

      • -


        public boolean init(Expression<?>[] exprs, - int matchedPattern, - Kleenean isDelayed, - SkriptParser.ParseResult parseResult)
        Description copied from interface: SyntaxElement
        Called just after the constructor.
        exprs - all %expr%s included in the matching pattern in the order they appear in the pattern. If an optional value was left out it will still be included in this list - holding the default value of the desired type which usually depends on the event.
        matchedPattern - The index of the pattern which matched
        isDelayed - Whether this expression is used after a delay or not (i.e. if the event has already passed when this expression will be called)
        parseResult - Additional information about the match.
        Whether this expression was initialised successfully. An error should be printed prior to returning false to specify the cause.
        See Also:
        - -
      • -
      • -


        protected org.bukkit.Location[] get(org.bukkit.event.Event e)
        Description copied from class: SimpleExpression
        This is the internal method to get an expression's values.
        - To get the expression's value from the outside use SimpleExpression.getSingle(Event) or SimpleExpression.getArray(Event).
        Specified by:
        get in class SimpleExpression<org.bukkit.Location>
        e - The event
        An array of values for this event. May not contain nulls.
      • -
      • -


        public boolean isSingle()
        true if this expression will ever only return one value at most, false if it can return multiple values.
      • -
      • -


        public Class<? extends org.bukkit.Location> getReturnType()
        Description copied from interface: Expression
        Gets the return type of this expression.
        A supertype of any objects returned by Expression.getSingle(Event) and the component type of any arrays returned by Expression.getArray(Event)
      • -
      • -


        public String toString(@Nullable org.bukkit.event.Event e, - boolean debug)
        e - The event to get information to. This is always null if debug == false.
        debug - If true this should print more information, if false this should print what is shown to the end user
        String representation of this object
      • -
    • -
    - -
    - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprLoopIteration.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprLoopIteration.html deleted file mode 100644 index 297f31a3cd..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprLoopIteration.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,274 +0,0 @@ - - - - -ExprLoopIteration (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -
    - -
    - -

    Class ExprLoopIteration

    java.lang.Object -
    ch.njol.skript.lang.util.SimpleExpression<Long> -
    All Implemented Interfaces:
    Debuggable, Expression<Long>, SyntaxElement
    @Name("Loop Iteration") -@Description("Returns the loop\'s current iteration count (for both normal and while loops).") -@Examples({"while player is online:","\tgive player 1 stone","\twait 5 ticks","\tif loop-counter > 30:","\t\tstop loop","","loop {top-balances::*}:","\tif loop-iteration <= 10:","\t\tbroadcast \"##%loop-iteration% %loop-index% has $%loop-value%\""}) -@Since("INSERT VERSION") -public class ExprLoopIteration -extends SimpleExpression<Long>
    - -
      - -
    • -

      Constructor Details

      • -


        public ExprLoopIteration()
      • -
    • - -
    • -

      Method Details

      • -


        public boolean init(Expression<?>[] exprs, - int matchedPattern, - Kleenean isDelayed, - SkriptParser.ParseResult parseResult)
        Description copied from interface: SyntaxElement
        Called just after the constructor.
        exprs - all %expr%s included in the matching pattern in the order they appear in the pattern. If an optional value was left out it will still be included in this list - holding the default value of the desired type which usually depends on the event.
        matchedPattern - The index of the pattern which matched
        isDelayed - Whether this expression is used after a delay or not (i.e. if the event has already passed when this expression will be called)
        parseResult - Additional information about the match.
        Whether this expression was initialised successfully. An error should be printed prior to returning false to specify the cause.
        See Also:
        - -
      • -
      • -


        protected Long[] get(org.bukkit.event.Event event)
        Description copied from class: SimpleExpression
        This is the internal method to get an expression's values.
        - To get the expression's value from the outside use SimpleExpression.getSingle(Event) or SimpleExpression.getArray(Event).
        Specified by:
        get in class SimpleExpression<Long>
        event - The event
        An array of values for this event. May not contain nulls.
      • -
      • -


        public boolean isSingle()
        true if this expression will ever only return one value at most, false if it can return multiple values.
      • -
      • -


        public Class<? extends Long> getReturnType()
        Description copied from interface: Expression
        Gets the return type of this expression.
        A supertype of any objects returned by Expression.getSingle(Event) and the component type of any arrays returned by Expression.getArray(Event)
      • -
      • -


        public String toString(@Nullable org.bukkit.event.Event event, - boolean debug)
        event - The event to get information to. This is always null if debug == false.
        debug - If true this should print more information, if false this should print what is shown to the end user
        String representation of this object
      • -
    • -
    - -
    - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprLoopValue.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprLoopValue.html deleted file mode 100644 index e1c28f2000..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprLoopValue.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,307 +0,0 @@ - - - - -ExprLoopValue (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -
    - -
    - -

    Class ExprLoopValue

    java.lang.Object -
    ch.njol.skript.lang.util.SimpleExpression<Object> -
    All Implemented Interfaces:
    Debuggable, Expression<Object>, SyntaxElement
    @Name("Loop value") -@Description("Returns the currently looped value.") -@Examples({"# Countdown","loop 10 times:","\tmessage \"%11 - loop-number%\"","\twait a second","","# Generate a 10x10 floor made of randomly colored wool below the player","loop blocks from the block below the player to the block 10 east of the block below the player:","\tloop blocks from the loop-block to the block 10 north of the loop-block:","\t\tset loop-block-2 to any wool","","loop {top-balances::*}:","\tloop-iteration <= 10","\tsend \"##%loop-iteration% %loop-index% has $%loop-value%\""}) -@Since("1.0, INSERT VERSION (loop-counter)") -public class ExprLoopValue -extends SimpleExpression<Object>
    Used to access a loop's current value.
    - -
      - -
    • -

      Constructor Details

      • -


        public ExprLoopValue()
      • -
    • - -
    • -

      Method Details

      • -


        public boolean init(Expression<?>[] vars, - int matchedPattern, - Kleenean isDelayed, - SkriptParser.ParseResult parser)
        Description copied from interface: SyntaxElement
        Called just after the constructor.
        vars - all %expr%s included in the matching pattern in the order they appear in the pattern. If an optional value was left out it will still be included in this list - holding the default value of the desired type which usually depends on the event.
        matchedPattern - The index of the pattern which matched
        isDelayed - Whether this expression is used after a delay or not (i.e. if the event has already passed when this expression will be called)
        parser - Additional information about the match.
        Whether this expression was initialised successfully. An error should be printed prior to returning false to specify the cause.
        See Also:
        - -
      • -
      • -


        public boolean isSingle()
        true if this expression will ever only return one value at most, false if it can return multiple values.
      • -
      • -


        protected <R> -@Nullable ConvertedExpression<Object,? extends R> getConvertedExpr(Class<R>... to)
        Description copied from class: SimpleExpression
        Converts this expression to another type. Unless the expression is special, the default implementation is sufficient. -

        - This method is never called with a supertype of the return type of this expression, or the return type itself.

        getConvertedExpr in class SimpleExpression<Object>
        to - The desired return type of the returned expression
        Expression with the desired return type or null if it can't be converted to the given type
        See Also:
        - -
      • -
      • -


        public Class<? extends Object> getReturnType()
        Description copied from interface: Expression
        Gets the return type of this expression.
        A supertype of any objects returned by Expression.getSingle(Event) and the component type of any arrays returned by Expression.getArray(Event)
      • -
      • -


        protected @Nullable Object[] get(org.bukkit.event.Event e)
        Description copied from class: SimpleExpression
        This is the internal method to get an expression's values.
        - To get the expression's value from the outside use SimpleExpression.getSingle(Event) or SimpleExpression.getArray(Event).
        Specified by:
        get in class SimpleExpression<Object>
        e - The event
        An array of values for this event. May not contain nulls.
      • -
      • -


        public String toString(@Nullable org.bukkit.event.Event e, - boolean debug)
        e - The event to get information to. This is always null if debug == false.
        debug - If true this should print more information, if false this should print what is shown to the end user
        String representation of this object
      • -
    • -
    - -
    - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprLoot.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprLoot.html deleted file mode 100644 index 469c2f3acc..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprLoot.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,332 +0,0 @@ - - - - -ExprLoot (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -
    - -
    - -

    Class ExprLoot

    java.lang.Object -
    ch.njol.skript.lang.util.SimpleExpression<org.bukkit.inventory.ItemStack> -
    All Implemented Interfaces:
    Debuggable, Expression<org.bukkit.inventory.ItemStack>, SyntaxElement
    @Name("Loot") -@Description("The loot that will be generated in a \'loot generate\' event.") -@Examples({"on loot generate:","\tchance of %10","\tadd 64 diamonds","\tsend \"You hit the jackpot!!\""}) -@Since("2.7") -@RequiredPlugins("MC 1.16+") -public class ExprLoot -extends SimpleExpression<org.bukkit.inventory.ItemStack>
    - -
      - -
    • -

      Constructor Details

      • -


        public ExprLoot()
      • -
    • - -
    • -

      Method Details

      • -


        public boolean init(Expression<?>[] exprs, - int matchedPattern, - Kleenean isDelayed, - SkriptParser.ParseResult parseResult)
        Description copied from interface: SyntaxElement
        Called just after the constructor.
        exprs - all %expr%s included in the matching pattern in the order they appear in the pattern. If an optional value was left out it will still be included in this list - holding the default value of the desired type which usually depends on the event.
        matchedPattern - The index of the pattern which matched
        isDelayed - Whether this expression is used after a delay or not (i.e. if the event has already passed when this expression will be called)
        parseResult - Additional information about the match.
        Whether this expression was initialised successfully. An error should be printed prior to returning false to specify the cause.
        See Also:
        - -
      • -
      • -


        protected @Nullable org.bukkit.inventory.ItemStack[] get(org.bukkit.event.Event event)
        Description copied from class: SimpleExpression
        This is the internal method to get an expression's values.
        - To get the expression's value from the outside use SimpleExpression.getSingle(Event) or SimpleExpression.getArray(Event).
        Specified by:
        get in class SimpleExpression<org.bukkit.inventory.ItemStack>
        event - The event
        An array of values for this event. May not contain nulls.
      • -
      • -


        public @Nullable Class<?>[] acceptChange(Changer.ChangeMode mode)
        Description copied from interface: Expression
        Tests whether this expression supports the given mode, and if yes what type it expects the delta to be. -

        - Use Changer.ChangerUtils.acceptsChange(Expression, ChangeMode, Class...) to test whether an expression supports changing, don't directly use this method! -

        - Please note that if a changer is registered for this expression's returnType this method does not have to be overridden. If you override it though - make sure to return super.acceptChange(mode), and to handle the appropriate ChangeMode(s) in Expression.change(Event, Object[], ChangeMode) with - super.change(...). -

        - Unlike Changer.acceptChange(ChangeMode) this method may print errors.

        Specified by:
        acceptChange in interface Expression<org.bukkit.inventory.ItemStack>
        acceptChange in class SimpleExpression<org.bukkit.inventory.ItemStack>
        An array of types that Expression.change(Event, Object[], ChangeMode) accepts as its delta parameter (which can be arrays to denote that multiple of - that type are accepted), or null if the given mode is not supported. For Changer.ChangeMode.DELETE and Changer.ChangeMode.RESET this can return any non-null array to - mark them as supported.
      • -
      • -


        public void change(org.bukkit.event.Event event, - @Nullable Object[] delta, - Changer.ChangeMode mode)
        Description copied from interface: Expression
        Changes the expression's value by the given amount. This will only be called on supported modes and with the desired delta type as returned by - Expression.acceptChange(ChangeMode)
        Specified by:
        change in interface Expression<org.bukkit.inventory.ItemStack>
        change in class SimpleExpression<org.bukkit.inventory.ItemStack>
        delta - An array with one or more instances of one or more of the the classes returned by Expression.acceptChange(ChangeMode) for the given change mode (null for - Changer.ChangeMode.DELETE and Changer.ChangeMode.RESET). This can be a Object[], thus casting is not allowed.
      • -
      • -


        public boolean isSingle()
        true if this expression will ever only return one value at most, false if it can return multiple values.
      • -
      • -


        public Class<? extends org.bukkit.inventory.ItemStack> getReturnType()
        Description copied from interface: Expression
        Gets the return type of this expression.
        A supertype of any objects returned by Expression.getSingle(Event) and the component type of any arrays returned by Expression.getArray(Event)
      • -
      • -


        public String toString(@Nullable org.bukkit.event.Event event, - boolean debug)
        event - The event to get information to. This is always null if debug == false.
        debug - If true this should print more information, if false this should print what is shown to the end user
        String representation of this object
      • -
    • -
    - -
    - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprLore.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprLore.html deleted file mode 100644 index 8e9f85b757..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprLore.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,335 +0,0 @@ - - - - -ExprLore (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -
    - -
    - -

    Class ExprLore

    java.lang.Object -
    ch.njol.skript.lang.util.SimpleExpression<String> -
    All Implemented Interfaces:
    Debuggable, Expression<String>, SyntaxElement
    @Name("Lore") -@Description("An item\'s lore.") -@Examples("set the 1st line of the item\'s lore to \"&lt;orange&gt;Excalibur 2.0\"") -@Since("2.1") -public class ExprLore -extends SimpleExpression<String>
    TODO make a 'line %number% of %text%' expression and figure out how to deal with signs (4 lines, delete = empty, etc...)
    - -
      - -
    • -

      Constructor Details

      • -


        public ExprLore()
      • -
    • - -
    • -

      Method Details

      - -
    • -
    - -
    - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprMOTD.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprMOTD.html deleted file mode 100644 index aa4446ef49..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprMOTD.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,331 +0,0 @@ - - - - -ExprMOTD (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -
    - -
    - -

    Class ExprMOTD

    java.lang.Object -
    ch.njol.skript.lang.util.SimpleExpression<String> -
    All Implemented Interfaces:
    Debuggable, Expression<String>, SyntaxElement
    @Name("MOTD") -@Description({"The message of the day in the server list. This can be changed in a <a href=\'events.html#server_list_ping\'>server list ping</a> event only.","\'default MOTD\' returns the default MOTD always and can\'t be changed."}) -@Examples({"on server list ping:","\tset the motd to \"Join now!\""}) -@Since("2.3") -public class ExprMOTD -extends SimpleExpression<String>
    - -
      - -
    • -

      Constructor Details

      • -


        public ExprMOTD()
      • -
    • - -
    • -

      Method Details

      • -


        public boolean init(Expression<?>[] exprs, - int matchedPattern, - Kleenean isDelayed, - SkriptParser.ParseResult parseResult)
        Description copied from interface: SyntaxElement
        Called just after the constructor.
        exprs - all %expr%s included in the matching pattern in the order they appear in the pattern. If an optional value was left out it will still be included in this list - holding the default value of the desired type which usually depends on the event.
        matchedPattern - The index of the pattern which matched
        isDelayed - Whether this expression is used after a delay or not (i.e. if the event has already passed when this expression will be called)
        parseResult - Additional information about the match.
        Whether this expression was initialised successfully. An error should be printed prior to returning false to specify the cause.
        See Also:
        - -
      • -
      • -


        public @Nullable String[] get(org.bukkit.event.Event e)
        Description copied from class: SimpleExpression
        This is the internal method to get an expression's values.
        - To get the expression's value from the outside use SimpleExpression.getSingle(Event) or SimpleExpression.getArray(Event).
        Specified by:
        get in class SimpleExpression<String>
        e - The event
        An array of values for this event. May not contain nulls.
      • -
      • -


        public @Nullable Class<?>[] acceptChange(Changer.ChangeMode mode)
        Description copied from interface: Expression
        Tests whether this expression supports the given mode, and if yes what type it expects the delta to be. -

        - Use Changer.ChangerUtils.acceptsChange(Expression, ChangeMode, Class...) to test whether an expression supports changing, don't directly use this method! -

        - Please note that if a changer is registered for this expression's returnType this method does not have to be overridden. If you override it though - make sure to return super.acceptChange(mode), and to handle the appropriate ChangeMode(s) in Expression.change(Event, Object[], ChangeMode) with - super.change(...). -

        - Unlike Changer.acceptChange(ChangeMode) this method may print errors.

        Specified by:
        acceptChange in interface Expression<String>
        acceptChange in class SimpleExpression<String>
        An array of types that Expression.change(Event, Object[], ChangeMode) accepts as its delta parameter (which can be arrays to denote that multiple of - that type are accepted), or null if the given mode is not supported. For Changer.ChangeMode.DELETE and Changer.ChangeMode.RESET this can return any non-null array to - mark them as supported.
      • -
      • -


        public void change(org.bukkit.event.Event e, - @Nullable Object[] delta, - Changer.ChangeMode mode)
        Description copied from interface: Expression
        Changes the expression's value by the given amount. This will only be called on supported modes and with the desired delta type as returned by - Expression.acceptChange(ChangeMode)
        Specified by:
        change in interface Expression<String>
        change in class SimpleExpression<String>
        delta - An array with one or more instances of one or more of the the classes returned by Expression.acceptChange(ChangeMode) for the given change mode (null for - Changer.ChangeMode.DELETE and Changer.ChangeMode.RESET). This can be a Object[], thus casting is not allowed.
      • -
      • -


        public boolean isSingle()
        true if this expression will ever only return one value at most, false if it can return multiple values.
      • -
      • -


        public Class<? extends String> getReturnType()
        Description copied from interface: Expression
        Gets the return type of this expression.
        A supertype of any objects returned by Expression.getSingle(Event) and the component type of any arrays returned by Expression.getArray(Event)
      • -
      • -


        public String toString(@Nullable org.bukkit.event.Event e, - boolean debug)
        e - The event to get information to. This is always null if debug == false.
        debug - If true this should print more information, if false this should print what is shown to the end user
        String representation of this object
      • -
    • -
    - -
    - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprMaxDurability.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprMaxDurability.html deleted file mode 100644 index 34d3264e6f..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprMaxDurability.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,256 +0,0 @@ - - - - -ExprMaxDurability (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -
    - -
    - -

    Class ExprMaxDurability

    - -
    All Implemented Interfaces:
    Converter<Object,Long>, Debuggable, Expression<Long>, SyntaxElement
    @Name("Max Durability") -@Description("The maximum durability of an item.") -@Examples({"maximum durability of diamond sword","if max durability of player\'s tool is not 0: # Item is damageable"}) -@Since("2.5") -public class ExprMaxDurability -extends SimplePropertyExpression<Object,Long>
    - -
      - -
    • -

      Constructor Details

      • -


        public ExprMaxDurability()
      • -
    • - -
    • -

      Method Details

      - -
    • -
    - -
    - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprMaxFreezeTicks.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprMaxFreezeTicks.html deleted file mode 100644 index 94eec6d333..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprMaxFreezeTicks.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,256 +0,0 @@ - - - - -ExprMaxFreezeTicks (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -
    - -
    - -

    Class ExprMaxFreezeTicks

    - -
    All Implemented Interfaces:
    Converter<org.bukkit.entity.Entity,Timespan>, Debuggable, Expression<Timespan>, SyntaxElement
    @Name("Maximum Freeze Time") -@Description("The maximum amount of time an entity can spend in powdered snow before taking damage.") -@Examples({"difference between player\'s freeze time and player\'s max freeze time is less than 1 second:","\tsend \"you\'re about to freeze!\" to the player"}) -@Since("2.7") -public class ExprMaxFreezeTicks -extends SimplePropertyExpression<org.bukkit.entity.Entity,Timespan>
    - -
      - -
    • -

      Constructor Details

      • -


        public ExprMaxFreezeTicks()
      • -
    • - -
    • -

      Method Details

      • -


        public @Nullable Timespan convert(org.bukkit.entity.Entity entity)
        Description copied from interface: Converter
        Converts an object from the given to the desired type.
        Specified by:
        convert in interface Converter<org.bukkit.entity.Entity,Timespan>
        Specified by:
        convert in class SimplePropertyExpression<org.bukkit.entity.Entity,Timespan>
        entity - The object to convert.
        the converted object
      • -
      • -


        public Class<? extends Timespan> getReturnType()
        Description copied from interface: Expression
        Gets the return type of this expression.
        A supertype of any objects returned by Expression.getSingle(Event) and the component type of any arrays returned by Expression.getArray(Event)
      • -
      • -


        protected String getPropertyName()
        Description copied from class: SimplePropertyExpression
        Used to collect the property type used in the register method. - This forms the toString of this SimplePropertyExpression.
        Specified by:
        getPropertyName in class SimplePropertyExpression<org.bukkit.entity.Entity,Timespan>
        The name of the type used when registering this SimplePropertyExpression.
      • -
    • -
    - -
    - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprMaxHealth.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprMaxHealth.html deleted file mode 100644 index 26cd14f2c8..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprMaxHealth.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,314 +0,0 @@ - - - - -ExprMaxHealth (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -
    - -
    - -

    Class ExprMaxHealth

    - -
    All Implemented Interfaces:
    Converter<org.bukkit.entity.LivingEntity,Number>, Debuggable, Expression<Number>, SyntaxElement
    @Name("Max Health") -@Description("The maximum health of an entity, e.g. 10 for a player.") -@Examples({"on join:","\tset the maximum health of the player to 100","spawn a giant","set the last spawned entity\'s max health to 1000"}) -@Since("2.0") -@Events({"damage","death"}) -public class ExprMaxHealth -extends SimplePropertyExpression<org.bukkit.entity.LivingEntity,Number>
    - -
    - -
    - -
    - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprMaxMinecartSpeed.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprMaxMinecartSpeed.html deleted file mode 100644 index 5d2e4521ce..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprMaxMinecartSpeed.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,313 +0,0 @@ - - - - -ExprMaxMinecartSpeed (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -
    - -
    - -

    Class ExprMaxMinecartSpeed

    - -
    All Implemented Interfaces:
    Converter<org.bukkit.entity.Entity,Number>, Debuggable, Expression<Number>, SyntaxElement
    @Name("Max Minecart Speed") -@Description("The maximum speed of a minecart.") -@Examples({"on right click on minecart:","\tset max minecart speed of event-entity to 1"}) -@Since("2.5.1") -public class ExprMaxMinecartSpeed -extends SimplePropertyExpression<org.bukkit.entity.Entity,Number>
    - -
    - -
    - -
    - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprMaxPlayers.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprMaxPlayers.html deleted file mode 100644 index 83b81259c1..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprMaxPlayers.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,332 +0,0 @@ - - - - -ExprMaxPlayers (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -
    - -
    - -

    Class ExprMaxPlayers

    java.lang.Object -
    ch.njol.skript.lang.util.SimpleExpression<Integer> -
    All Implemented Interfaces:
    Debuggable, Expression<Integer>, SyntaxElement
    @Name("Max Players") -@Description({"The count of max players. This can be changed in a <a href=\'events.html#server_list_ping\'>server list ping</a> event only.","\'real max players\' returns the real count of max players of the server and can be modified on Paper 1.16 or later."}) -@Examples({"on server list ping:","\tset the max players count to (online players count + 1)"}) -@RequiredPlugins("Paper 1.16+ (modify max real players)") -@Since("2.3, 2.7 (modify max real players)") -public class ExprMaxPlayers -extends SimpleExpression<Integer>
    - -
      - -
    • -

      Constructor Details

      • -


        public ExprMaxPlayers()
      • -
    • - -
    • -

      Method Details

      • -


        public boolean init(Expression<?>[] exprs, - int matchedPattern, - Kleenean isDelayed, - SkriptParser.ParseResult parseResult)
        Description copied from interface: SyntaxElement
        Called just after the constructor.
        exprs - all %expr%s included in the matching pattern in the order they appear in the pattern. If an optional value was left out it will still be included in this list - holding the default value of the desired type which usually depends on the event.
        matchedPattern - The index of the pattern which matched
        isDelayed - Whether this expression is used after a delay or not (i.e. if the event has already passed when this expression will be called)
        parseResult - Additional information about the match.
        Whether this expression was initialised successfully. An error should be printed prior to returning false to specify the cause.
        See Also:
        - -
      • -
      • -


        public @Nullable Integer[] get(org.bukkit.event.Event event)
        Description copied from class: SimpleExpression
        This is the internal method to get an expression's values.
        - To get the expression's value from the outside use SimpleExpression.getSingle(Event) or SimpleExpression.getArray(Event).
        Specified by:
        get in class SimpleExpression<Integer>
        event - The event
        An array of values for this event. May not contain nulls.
      • -
      • -


        public @Nullable Class<?>[] acceptChange(Changer.ChangeMode mode)
        Description copied from interface: Expression
        Tests whether this expression supports the given mode, and if yes what type it expects the delta to be. -

        - Use Changer.ChangerUtils.acceptsChange(Expression, ChangeMode, Class...) to test whether an expression supports changing, don't directly use this method! -

        - Please note that if a changer is registered for this expression's returnType this method does not have to be overridden. If you override it though - make sure to return super.acceptChange(mode), and to handle the appropriate ChangeMode(s) in Expression.change(Event, Object[], ChangeMode) with - super.change(...). -

        - Unlike Changer.acceptChange(ChangeMode) this method may print errors.

        Specified by:
        acceptChange in interface Expression<Integer>
        acceptChange in class SimpleExpression<Integer>
        An array of types that Expression.change(Event, Object[], ChangeMode) accepts as its delta parameter (which can be arrays to denote that multiple of - that type are accepted), or null if the given mode is not supported. For Changer.ChangeMode.DELETE and Changer.ChangeMode.RESET this can return any non-null array to - mark them as supported.
      • -
      • -


        public void change(org.bukkit.event.Event event, - @Nullable Object[] delta, - Changer.ChangeMode mode)
        Description copied from interface: Expression
        Changes the expression's value by the given amount. This will only be called on supported modes and with the desired delta type as returned by - Expression.acceptChange(ChangeMode)
        Specified by:
        change in interface Expression<Integer>
        change in class SimpleExpression<Integer>
        delta - An array with one or more instances of one or more of the the classes returned by Expression.acceptChange(ChangeMode) for the given change mode (null for - Changer.ChangeMode.DELETE and Changer.ChangeMode.RESET). This can be a Object[], thus casting is not allowed.
      • -
      • -


        public boolean isSingle()
        true if this expression will ever only return one value at most, false if it can return multiple values.
      • -
      • -


        public Class<? extends Integer> getReturnType()
        Description copied from interface: Expression
        Gets the return type of this expression.
        A supertype of any objects returned by Expression.getSingle(Event) and the component type of any arrays returned by Expression.getArray(Event)
      • -
      • -


        public String toString(@Nullable org.bukkit.event.Event event, - boolean debug)
        event - The event to get information to. This is always null if debug == false.
        debug - If true this should print more information, if false this should print what is shown to the end user
        String representation of this object
      • -
    • -
    - -
    - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprMaxStack.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprMaxStack.html deleted file mode 100644 index 5c0927e843..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprMaxStack.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,256 +0,0 @@ - - - - -ExprMaxStack (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -
    - -
    - -

    Class ExprMaxStack

    - -
    All Implemented Interfaces:
    Converter<ItemType,Long>, Debuggable, Expression<Long>, SyntaxElement
    @Name("Maximum Stack Size") -@Description("The maximum stack size of the specified material, e.g. 64 for torches, 16 for buckets, and 1 for swords.") -@Examples("send \"You can only pick up %max stack size of player\'s tool% of %type of (player\'s tool)%\" to player") -@Since("2.1") -public class ExprMaxStack -extends SimplePropertyExpression<ItemType,Long>
    - -
    - -
    - -
    - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprMe.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprMe.html deleted file mode 100644 index 87d6e8640c..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprMe.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,274 +0,0 @@ - - - - -ExprMe (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -
    - -
    - -

    Class ExprMe

    java.lang.Object -
    ch.njol.skript.lang.util.SimpleExpression<org.bukkit.entity.Player> -
    All Implemented Interfaces:
    Debuggable, Expression<org.bukkit.entity.Player>, SyntaxElement
    @Name("Me") -@Description("A \'me\' expression that can be used in players\' effect commands only.") -@Examples({"!heal me","!kick myself","!give a diamond axe to me"}) -@Since("2.1.1") -public class ExprMe -extends SimpleExpression<org.bukkit.entity.Player>
    - -
      - -
    • -

      Constructor Details

      • -


        public ExprMe()
      • -
    • - -
    • -

      Method Details

      • -


        public boolean init(Expression<?>[] exprs, - int matchedPattern, - Kleenean isDelayed, - SkriptParser.ParseResult parseResult)
        Description copied from interface: SyntaxElement
        Called just after the constructor.
        exprs - all %expr%s included in the matching pattern in the order they appear in the pattern. If an optional value was left out it will still be included in this list - holding the default value of the desired type which usually depends on the event.
        matchedPattern - The index of the pattern which matched
        isDelayed - Whether this expression is used after a delay or not (i.e. if the event has already passed when this expression will be called)
        parseResult - Additional information about the match.
        Whether this expression was initialised successfully. An error should be printed prior to returning false to specify the cause.
        See Also:
        - -
      • -
      • -


        protected @Nullable org.bukkit.entity.Player[] get(org.bukkit.event.Event e)
        Description copied from class: SimpleExpression
        This is the internal method to get an expression's values.
        - To get the expression's value from the outside use SimpleExpression.getSingle(Event) or SimpleExpression.getArray(Event).
        Specified by:
        get in class SimpleExpression<org.bukkit.entity.Player>
        e - The event
        An array of values for this event. May not contain nulls.
      • -
      • -


        public boolean isSingle()
        true if this expression will ever only return one value at most, false if it can return multiple values.
      • -
      • -


        public Class<? extends org.bukkit.entity.Player> getReturnType()
        Description copied from interface: Expression
        Gets the return type of this expression.
        A supertype of any objects returned by Expression.getSingle(Event) and the component type of any arrays returned by Expression.getArray(Event)
      • -
      • -


        public String toString(@Nullable org.bukkit.event.Event e, - boolean debug)
        e - The event to get information to. This is always null if debug == false.
        debug - If true this should print more information, if false this should print what is shown to the end user
        String representation of this object
      • -
    • -
    - -
    - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprMendingRepairAmount.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprMendingRepairAmount.html deleted file mode 100644 index cb80798259..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprMendingRepairAmount.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,331 +0,0 @@ - - - - -ExprMendingRepairAmount (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -
    - -
    - -

    Class ExprMendingRepairAmount

    java.lang.Object -
    ch.njol.skript.lang.util.SimpleExpression<Long> -
    All Implemented Interfaces:
    Debuggable, Expression<Long>, SyntaxElement
    @Name("Mending Repair Amount") -@Description({"The number of durability points an item is to be repaired in a mending event."," Modifying the repair amount will affect how much experience is given to the player after mending."}) -@Examples({"on item mend:","\tset the mending repair amount to 100"}) -@Since("2.5.1") -public class ExprMendingRepairAmount -extends SimpleExpression<Long>
    - -
      - -
    • -

      Constructor Details

      • -


        public ExprMendingRepairAmount()
      • -
    • - -
    • -

      Method Details

      • -


        public boolean init(Expression<?>[] exprs, - int matchedPattern, - Kleenean isDelayed, - SkriptParser.ParseResult parseResult)
        Description copied from interface: SyntaxElement
        Called just after the constructor.
        exprs - all %expr%s included in the matching pattern in the order they appear in the pattern. If an optional value was left out it will still be included in this list - holding the default value of the desired type which usually depends on the event.
        matchedPattern - The index of the pattern which matched
        isDelayed - Whether this expression is used after a delay or not (i.e. if the event has already passed when this expression will be called)
        parseResult - Additional information about the match.
        Whether this expression was initialised successfully. An error should be printed prior to returning false to specify the cause.
        See Also:
        - -
      • -
      • -


        protected Long[] get(org.bukkit.event.Event e)
        Description copied from class: SimpleExpression
        This is the internal method to get an expression's values.
        - To get the expression's value from the outside use SimpleExpression.getSingle(Event) or SimpleExpression.getArray(Event).
        Specified by:
        get in class SimpleExpression<Long>
        e - The event
        An array of values for this event. May not contain nulls.
      • -
      • -


        public @Nullable Class<?>[] acceptChange(Changer.ChangeMode mode)
        Description copied from interface: Expression
        Tests whether this expression supports the given mode, and if yes what type it expects the delta to be. -

        - Use Changer.ChangerUtils.acceptsChange(Expression, ChangeMode, Class...) to test whether an expression supports changing, don't directly use this method! -

        - Please note that if a changer is registered for this expression's returnType this method does not have to be overridden. If you override it though - make sure to return super.acceptChange(mode), and to handle the appropriate ChangeMode(s) in Expression.change(Event, Object[], ChangeMode) with - super.change(...). -

        - Unlike Changer.acceptChange(ChangeMode) this method may print errors.

        Specified by:
        acceptChange in interface Expression<Long>
        acceptChange in class SimpleExpression<Long>
        An array of types that Expression.change(Event, Object[], ChangeMode) accepts as its delta parameter (which can be arrays to denote that multiple of - that type are accepted), or null if the given mode is not supported. For Changer.ChangeMode.DELETE and Changer.ChangeMode.RESET this can return any non-null array to - mark them as supported.
      • -
      • -


        public void change(org.bukkit.event.Event event, - @Nullable Object[] delta, - Changer.ChangeMode mode)
        Description copied from interface: Expression
        Changes the expression's value by the given amount. This will only be called on supported modes and with the desired delta type as returned by - Expression.acceptChange(ChangeMode)
        Specified by:
        change in interface Expression<Long>
        change in class SimpleExpression<Long>
        delta - An array with one or more instances of one or more of the the classes returned by Expression.acceptChange(ChangeMode) for the given change mode (null for - Changer.ChangeMode.DELETE and Changer.ChangeMode.RESET). This can be a Object[], thus casting is not allowed.
      • -
      • -


        public boolean isSingle()
        true if this expression will ever only return one value at most, false if it can return multiple values.
      • -
      • -


        public Class<? extends Long> getReturnType()
        Description copied from interface: Expression
        Gets the return type of this expression.
        A supertype of any objects returned by Expression.getSingle(Event) and the component type of any arrays returned by Expression.getArray(Event)
      • -
      • -


        public String toString(@Nullable org.bukkit.event.Event e, - boolean debug)
        e - The event to get information to. This is always null if debug == false.
        debug - If true this should print more information, if false this should print what is shown to the end user
        String representation of this object
      • -
    • -
    - -
    - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprMessage.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprMessage.html deleted file mode 100644 index 9237792897..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprMessage.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,332 +0,0 @@ - - - - -ExprMessage (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -
    - -
    - -

    Class ExprMessage

    java.lang.Object -
    ch.njol.skript.lang.util.SimpleExpression<String> -
    All Implemented Interfaces:
    Debuggable, Expression<String>, SyntaxElement
    @Name("Message") -@Description("The (chat) message of a chat event, the join message of a join event, the quit message of a quit event, or the death message on a death event. This expression is mostly useful for being changed.") -@Examples({"on chat:","\tplayer has permission \"admin\"","\tset message to \"&c%message%\"","","on first join:","\tset join message to \"Welcome %player% to our awesome server!\"","","on join:","\tplayer has played before","\tset join message to \"Welcome back, %player%!\"","","on quit:","\tset quit message to \"%player% left this awesome server!\"","","on death:","\tset the death message to \"%player% died!\""}) -@Since("1.4.6 (chat message), 1.4.9 (join & quit messages), 2.0 (death message)") -@Events({"chat","join","quit","death"}) -public class ExprMessage -extends SimpleExpression<String>
    - -
      - -
    • -

      Constructor Details

      • -


        public ExprMessage()
      • -
    • - -
    • -

      Method Details

      • -


        public boolean init(Expression<?>[] exprs, - int matchedPattern, - Kleenean isDelayed, - SkriptParser.ParseResult parseResult)
        Description copied from interface: SyntaxElement
        Called just after the constructor.
        exprs - all %expr%s included in the matching pattern in the order they appear in the pattern. If an optional value was left out it will still be included in this list - holding the default value of the desired type which usually depends on the event.
        matchedPattern - The index of the pattern which matched
        isDelayed - Whether this expression is used after a delay or not (i.e. if the event has already passed when this expression will be called)
        parseResult - Additional information about the match.
        Whether this expression was initialised successfully. An error should be printed prior to returning false to specify the cause.
        See Also:
        - -
      • -
      • -


        protected String[] get(org.bukkit.event.Event e)
        Description copied from class: SimpleExpression
        This is the internal method to get an expression's values.
        - To get the expression's value from the outside use SimpleExpression.getSingle(Event) or SimpleExpression.getArray(Event).
        Specified by:
        get in class SimpleExpression<String>
        e - The event
        An array of values for this event. May not contain nulls.
      • -
      • -


        public @Nullable Class<?>[] acceptChange(Changer.ChangeMode mode)
        Description copied from interface: Expression
        Tests whether this expression supports the given mode, and if yes what type it expects the delta to be. -

        - Use Changer.ChangerUtils.acceptsChange(Expression, ChangeMode, Class...) to test whether an expression supports changing, don't directly use this method! -

        - Please note that if a changer is registered for this expression's returnType this method does not have to be overridden. If you override it though - make sure to return super.acceptChange(mode), and to handle the appropriate ChangeMode(s) in Expression.change(Event, Object[], ChangeMode) with - super.change(...). -

        - Unlike Changer.acceptChange(ChangeMode) this method may print errors.

        Specified by:
        acceptChange in interface Expression<String>
        acceptChange in class SimpleExpression<String>
        An array of types that Expression.change(Event, Object[], ChangeMode) accepts as its delta parameter (which can be arrays to denote that multiple of - that type are accepted), or null if the given mode is not supported. For Changer.ChangeMode.DELETE and Changer.ChangeMode.RESET this can return any non-null array to - mark them as supported.
      • -
      • -


        public void change(org.bukkit.event.Event e, - @Nullable Object[] delta, - Changer.ChangeMode mode)
        Description copied from interface: Expression
        Changes the expression's value by the given amount. This will only be called on supported modes and with the desired delta type as returned by - Expression.acceptChange(ChangeMode)
        Specified by:
        change in interface Expression<String>
        change in class SimpleExpression<String>
        delta - An array with one or more instances of one or more of the the classes returned by Expression.acceptChange(ChangeMode) for the given change mode (null for - Changer.ChangeMode.DELETE and Changer.ChangeMode.RESET). This can be a Object[], thus casting is not allowed.
      • -
      • -


        public boolean isSingle()
        true if this expression will ever only return one value at most, false if it can return multiple values.
      • -
      • -


        public Class<? extends String> getReturnType()
        Description copied from interface: Expression
        Gets the return type of this expression.
        A supertype of any objects returned by Expression.getSingle(Event) and the component type of any arrays returned by Expression.getArray(Event)
      • -
      • -


        public String toString(@Nullable org.bukkit.event.Event e, - boolean debug)
        e - The event to get information to. This is always null if debug == false.
        debug - If true this should print more information, if false this should print what is shown to the end user
        String representation of this object
      • -
    • -
    - -
    - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprMetadata.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprMetadata.html deleted file mode 100644 index af02a96733..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprMetadata.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,387 +0,0 @@ - - - - -ExprMetadata (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -
    - -
    - -

    Class ExprMetadata<T>

    java.lang.Object -
    ch.njol.skript.lang.util.SimpleExpression<T> -
    All Implemented Interfaces:
    Debuggable, Expression<T>, SyntaxElement
    @Name("Metadata") -@Description("Metadata is a way to store temporary data on entities, blocks and more that disappears after a server restart.") -@Examples({"set metadata value \"healer\" of player to true","broadcast \"%metadata value \"\"healer\"\" of player%\"","clear metadata value \"healer\" of player"}) -@Since("2.2-dev36") -public class ExprMetadata<T> -extends SimpleExpression<T>
    - -
      - -
    • -

      Constructor Details

      • -


        public ExprMetadata()
      • -
    • - -
    • -

      Method Details

      • -


        public boolean init(Expression<?>[] exprs, - int matchedPattern, - Kleenean isDelayed, - SkriptParser.ParseResult parseResult)
        Description copied from interface: SyntaxElement
        Called just after the constructor.
        exprs - all %expr%s included in the matching pattern in the order they appear in the pattern. If an optional value was left out it will still be included in this list - holding the default value of the desired type which usually depends on the event.
        matchedPattern - The index of the pattern which matched
        isDelayed - Whether this expression is used after a delay or not (i.e. if the event has already passed when this expression will be called)
        parseResult - Additional information about the match.
        Whether this expression was initialised successfully. An error should be printed prior to returning false to specify the cause.
        See Also:
        - -
      • -
      • -


        protected @Nullable T[] get(org.bukkit.event.Event e)
        Description copied from class: SimpleExpression
        This is the internal method to get an expression's values.
        - To get the expression's value from the outside use SimpleExpression.getSingle(Event) or SimpleExpression.getArray(Event).
        Specified by:
        get in class SimpleExpression<T>
        e - The event
        An array of values for this event. May not contain nulls.
      • -
      • -


        public @Nullable Class<?>[] acceptChange(Changer.ChangeMode mode)
        Description copied from interface: Expression
        Tests whether this expression supports the given mode, and if yes what type it expects the delta to be. -

        - Use Changer.ChangerUtils.acceptsChange(Expression, ChangeMode, Class...) to test whether an expression supports changing, don't directly use this method! -

        - Please note that if a changer is registered for this expression's returnType this method does not have to be overridden. If you override it though - make sure to return super.acceptChange(mode), and to handle the appropriate ChangeMode(s) in Expression.change(Event, Object[], ChangeMode) with - super.change(...). -

        - Unlike Changer.acceptChange(ChangeMode) this method may print errors.

        Specified by:
        acceptChange in interface Expression<T>
        acceptChange in class SimpleExpression<T>
        An array of types that Expression.change(Event, Object[], ChangeMode) accepts as its delta parameter (which can be arrays to denote that multiple of - that type are accepted), or null if the given mode is not supported. For Changer.ChangeMode.DELETE and Changer.ChangeMode.RESET this can return any non-null array to - mark them as supported.
      • -
      • -


        public void change(org.bukkit.event.Event e, - @Nullable Object[] delta, - Changer.ChangeMode mode)
        Description copied from interface: Expression
        Changes the expression's value by the given amount. This will only be called on supported modes and with the desired delta type as returned by - Expression.acceptChange(ChangeMode)
        Specified by:
        change in interface Expression<T>
        change in class SimpleExpression<T>
        delta - An array with one or more instances of one or more of the the classes returned by Expression.acceptChange(ChangeMode) for the given change mode (null for - Changer.ChangeMode.DELETE and Changer.ChangeMode.RESET). This can be a Object[], thus casting is not allowed.
      • -
      • -


        public boolean isSingle()
        true if this expression will ever only return one value at most, false if it can return multiple values.
      • -
      • -


        public Class<? extends T> getReturnType()
        Description copied from interface: Expression
        Gets the return type of this expression.
        A supertype of any objects returned by Expression.getSingle(Event) and the component type of any arrays returned by Expression.getArray(Event)
      • -
      • -


        public <R> Expression<? extends R> getConvertedExpression(Class<R>... to)
        Description copied from class: SimpleExpression
        Usually, you want to override SimpleExpression.getConvertedExpr(Class[]). - However, it may be useful to override this method if you have an expression with a return - type that is unknown until runtime (like variables). Usually, you'll be fine with just - the default implementation. This method is final on versions below 2.2-dev36.
        Specified by:
        getConvertedExpression in interface Expression<T>
        getConvertedExpression in class SimpleExpression<T>
        to - The desired return type of the returned expression
        The converted expression
        See Also:
        - -
      • -
      • -


        public Expression<?> getSource()
        Description copied from interface: Expression
        Returns the original expression that was parsed, i.e. without any conversions done. -

        - This method is undefined for simplified expressions.

        Specified by:
        getSource in interface Expression<T>
        getSource in class SimpleExpression<T>
        The unconverted source expression of this expression or this expression itself if it was never converted.
      • -
      • -


        public String toString(@Nullable org.bukkit.event.Event e, - boolean debug)
        e - The event to get information to. This is always null if debug == false.
        debug - If true this should print more information, if false this should print what is shown to the end user
        String representation of this object
      • -
    • -
    - -
    - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprMiddleOfLocation.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprMiddleOfLocation.html deleted file mode 100644 index c9669d134f..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprMiddleOfLocation.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,256 +0,0 @@ - - - - -ExprMiddleOfLocation (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -
    - -
    - -

    Class ExprMiddleOfLocation

    java.lang.Object -
    ch.njol.skript.lang.util.SimpleExpression<T> -
    ch.njol.skript.expressions.base.PropertyExpression<F,T> -
    ch.njol.skript.expressions.base.SimplePropertyExpression<org.bukkit.Location,org.bukkit.Location> -
    All Implemented Interfaces:
    Converter<org.bukkit.Location,org.bukkit.Location>, Debuggable, Expression<org.bukkit.Location>, SyntaxElement
    @Name("Middle of Location") -@Description("Returns the middle/center of a location. In other words, returns the middle of the X, Z coordinates and the floor value of the Y coordinate of a location.") -@Examples({"command /stuck:","\texecutable by: players","\ttrigger:","\t\tteleport player to the center of player\'s location","\t\tsend \"You\'re no longer stuck.\""}) -@Since("2.6.1") -public class ExprMiddleOfLocation -extends SimplePropertyExpression<org.bukkit.Location,org.bukkit.Location>
    - -
      - -
    • -

      Constructor Details

      • -


        public ExprMiddleOfLocation()
      • -
    • - -
    • -

      Method Details

      • -


        public @Nullable org.bukkit.Location convert(org.bukkit.Location loc)
        Description copied from interface: Converter
        Converts an object from the given to the desired type.
        Specified by:
        convert in interface Converter<org.bukkit.Location,org.bukkit.Location>
        Specified by:
        convert in class SimplePropertyExpression<org.bukkit.Location,org.bukkit.Location>
        loc - The object to convert.
        the converted object
      • -
      • -


        public Class<? extends org.bukkit.Location> getReturnType()
        Description copied from interface: Expression
        Gets the return type of this expression.
        A supertype of any objects returned by Expression.getSingle(Event) and the component type of any arrays returned by Expression.getArray(Event)
      • -
      • -


        protected String getPropertyName()
        Description copied from class: SimplePropertyExpression
        Used to collect the property type used in the register method. - This forms the toString of this SimplePropertyExpression.
        Specified by:
        getPropertyName in class SimplePropertyExpression<org.bukkit.Location,org.bukkit.Location>
        The name of the type used when registering this SimplePropertyExpression.
      • -
    • -
    - -
    - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprMinecartDerailedFlyingVelocity.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprMinecartDerailedFlyingVelocity.html deleted file mode 100644 index 4faebdd946..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprMinecartDerailedFlyingVelocity.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,352 +0,0 @@ - - - - -ExprMinecartDerailedFlyingVelocity (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -
    - -
    - -

    Class ExprMinecartDerailedFlyingVelocity

    java.lang.Object -
    ch.njol.skript.lang.util.SimpleExpression<T> -
    ch.njol.skript.expressions.base.PropertyExpression<F,T> -
    ch.njol.skript.expressions.base.SimplePropertyExpression<org.bukkit.entity.Entity,org.bukkit.util.Vector> -
    All Implemented Interfaces:
    Converter<org.bukkit.entity.Entity,org.bukkit.util.Vector>, Debuggable, Expression<org.bukkit.util.Vector>, SyntaxElement
    @Name("Minecart Derailed / Flying Velocity") -@Description("The velocity of a minecart as soon as it has been derailed or as soon as it starts flying.") -@Examples({"on right click on minecart:","\tset derailed velocity of event-entity to vector 2, 10, 2"}) -@Since("2.5.1") -public class ExprMinecartDerailedFlyingVelocity -extends SimplePropertyExpression<org.bukkit.entity.Entity,org.bukkit.util.Vector>
    - -
      - -
    • -

      Constructor Details

      • -


        public ExprMinecartDerailedFlyingVelocity()
      • -
    • - -
    • -

      Method Details

      • -


        public boolean init(Expression<?>[] exprs, - int matchedPattern, - Kleenean isDelayed, - SkriptParser.ParseResult parseResult)
        Description copied from interface: SyntaxElement
        Called just after the constructor.
        Specified by:
        init in interface SyntaxElement
        init in class SimplePropertyExpression<org.bukkit.entity.Entity,org.bukkit.util.Vector>
        exprs - all %expr%s included in the matching pattern in the order they appear in the pattern. If an optional value was left out it will still be included in this list - holding the default value of the desired type which usually depends on the event.
        matchedPattern - The index of the pattern which matched
        isDelayed - Whether this expression is used after a delay or not (i.e. if the event has already passed when this expression will be called)
        parseResult - Additional information about the match.
        Whether this expression was initialised successfully. An error should be printed prior to returning false to specify the cause.
        See Also:
        - -
      • -
      • -


        public @Nullable org.bukkit.util.Vector convert(org.bukkit.entity.Entity entity)
        Description copied from interface: Converter
        Converts an object from the given to the desired type.
        Specified by:
        convert in interface Converter<org.bukkit.entity.Entity,org.bukkit.util.Vector>
        Specified by:
        convert in class SimplePropertyExpression<org.bukkit.entity.Entity,org.bukkit.util.Vector>
        entity - The object to convert.
        the converted object
      • -
      • -


        public @Nullable Class<?>[] acceptChange(Changer.ChangeMode mode)
        Description copied from interface: Expression
        Tests whether this expression supports the given mode, and if yes what type it expects the delta to be. -

        - Use Changer.ChangerUtils.acceptsChange(Expression, ChangeMode, Class...) to test whether an expression supports changing, don't directly use this method! -

        - Please note that if a changer is registered for this expression's returnType this method does not have to be overridden. If you override it though - make sure to return super.acceptChange(mode), and to handle the appropriate ChangeMode(s) in Expression.change(Event, Object[], ChangeMode) with - super.change(...). -

        - Unlike Changer.acceptChange(ChangeMode) this method may print errors.

        Specified by:
        acceptChange in interface Expression<org.bukkit.util.Vector>
        acceptChange in class SimpleExpression<org.bukkit.util.Vector>
        An array of types that Expression.change(Event, Object[], ChangeMode) accepts as its delta parameter (which can be arrays to denote that multiple of - that type are accepted), or null if the given mode is not supported. For Changer.ChangeMode.DELETE and Changer.ChangeMode.RESET this can return any non-null array to - mark them as supported.
      • -
      • -


        public void change(org.bukkit.event.Event e, - @Nullable Object[] delta, - Changer.ChangeMode mode)
        Description copied from interface: Expression
        Changes the expression's value by the given amount. This will only be called on supported modes and with the desired delta type as returned by - Expression.acceptChange(ChangeMode)
        Specified by:
        change in interface Expression<org.bukkit.util.Vector>
        change in class SimpleExpression<org.bukkit.util.Vector>
        delta - An array with one or more instances of one or more of the the classes returned by Expression.acceptChange(ChangeMode) for the given change mode (null for - Changer.ChangeMode.DELETE and Changer.ChangeMode.RESET). This can be a Object[], thus casting is not allowed.
      • -
      • -


        protected String getPropertyName()
        Description copied from class: SimplePropertyExpression
        Used to collect the property type used in the register method. - This forms the toString of this SimplePropertyExpression.
        Specified by:
        getPropertyName in class SimplePropertyExpression<org.bukkit.entity.Entity,org.bukkit.util.Vector>
        The name of the type used when registering this SimplePropertyExpression.
      • -
      • -


        public Class<? extends org.bukkit.util.Vector> getReturnType()
        Description copied from interface: Expression
        Gets the return type of this expression.
        A supertype of any objects returned by Expression.getSingle(Event) and the component type of any arrays returned by Expression.getArray(Event)
      • -
    • -
    - -
    - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprMoonPhase.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprMoonPhase.html deleted file mode 100644 index 8ef6873ac2..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprMoonPhase.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,257 +0,0 @@ - - - - -ExprMoonPhase (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -
    - -
    - -

    Class ExprMoonPhase

    java.lang.Object -
    ch.njol.skript.lang.util.SimpleExpression<T> -
    ch.njol.skript.expressions.base.PropertyExpression<F,T> -
    ch.njol.skript.expressions.base.SimplePropertyExpression<org.bukkit.World,io.papermc.paper.world.MoonPhase> -
    All Implemented Interfaces:
    Converter<org.bukkit.World,io.papermc.paper.world.MoonPhase>, Debuggable, Expression<io.papermc.paper.world.MoonPhase>, SyntaxElement
    @Name("Moon Phase") -@Description("The current moon phase of a world.") -@Examples({"if moon phase of player\'s world is full moon:","\tsend \"Watch for the wolves!\""}) -@Since("2.7") -@RequiredPlugins("Paper 1.16+") -public class ExprMoonPhase -extends SimplePropertyExpression<org.bukkit.World,io.papermc.paper.world.MoonPhase>
    - -
      - -
    • -

      Constructor Details

      • -


        public ExprMoonPhase()
      • -
    • - -
    • -

      Method Details

      • -


        public @Nullable io.papermc.paper.world.MoonPhase convert(org.bukkit.World world)
        Description copied from interface: Converter
        Converts an object from the given to the desired type.
        Specified by:
        convert in interface Converter<org.bukkit.World,io.papermc.paper.world.MoonPhase>
        Specified by:
        convert in class SimplePropertyExpression<org.bukkit.World,io.papermc.paper.world.MoonPhase>
        world - The object to convert.
        the converted object
      • -
      • -


        public Class<? extends io.papermc.paper.world.MoonPhase> getReturnType()
        Description copied from interface: Expression
        Gets the return type of this expression.
        A supertype of any objects returned by Expression.getSingle(Event) and the component type of any arrays returned by Expression.getArray(Event)
      • -
      • -


        protected String getPropertyName()
        Description copied from class: SimplePropertyExpression
        Used to collect the property type used in the register method. - This forms the toString of this SimplePropertyExpression.
        Specified by:
        getPropertyName in class SimplePropertyExpression<org.bukkit.World,io.papermc.paper.world.MoonPhase>
        The name of the type used when registering this SimplePropertyExpression.
      • -
    • -
    - -
    - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprName.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprName.html deleted file mode 100644 index 79b57505a0..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprName.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,352 +0,0 @@ - - - - -ExprName (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -
    - -
    - -

    Class ExprName

    - -
    All Implemented Interfaces:
    Converter<Object,String>, Debuggable, Expression<String>, SyntaxElement
    @Name("Name / Display Name / Tab List Name") -@Description({"Represents the Minecraft account, display or tab list name of a player, or the custom name of an item, entity, block, inventory, gamerule or world.","","<ul>","\t<li><strong>Players</strong>","\t\t<ul>","\t\t\t<li><strong>Name:</strong> The Minecraft account name of the player. Can\'t be changed, but \'display name\' can be changed.</li>","\t\t\t<li><strong>Display Name:</strong> The name of the player that is displayed in messages. This name can be changed freely and can include color codes, and is shared among all plugins (e.g. chat plugins will use the display name).</li>","\t\t</ul>","\t</li>","\t<li><strong>Entities</strong>","\t\t<ul>","\t\t\t<li><strong>Name:</strong> The custom name of the entity. Can be changed. But for living entities, the players will have to target the entity to see its name tag. For non-living entities, the name will not be visible at all. To prevent this, use \'display name\'.</li>","\t\t\t<li><strong>Display Name:</strong> The custom name of the entity. Can be changed, which will also enable <em>custom name visibility</em> of the entity so name tag of the entity will be visible always.</li>","\t\t</ul>","\t</li>","\t<li><strong>Items</strong>","\t\t<ul>","\t\t\t<li><strong>Name and Display Name:</strong> The <em>custom</em> name of the item (not the Minecraft locale name). Can be changed.</li>","\t\t</ul>","\t</li>","\t<li><strong>Inventories</strong>","\t\t<ul>","\t\t\t<li><strong>Name and Display Name:</strong> The name/title of the inventory. Changing name of an inventory means opening the same inventory with the same contents but with a different name to its current viewers.</li>","\t\t</ul>","\t</li>","\t<li><strong>Gamerules (1.13+)</strong>","\t\t<ul>","\t\t\t<li><strong>Name:</strong> The name of the gamerule. Cannot be changed.</li>","\t\t</ul>","\t</li>","\t<li><strong>Worlds</strong>","\t\t<ul>","\t\t\t<li><strong>Name:</strong> The name of the world. Cannot be changed.</li>","\t\t</ul>","\t</li>","</ul>"}) -@Examples({"on join:","\tplayer has permission \"name.red\"","\tset the player\'s display name to \"&lt;red&gt;[admin] &lt;gold&gt;%name of player%\"","\tset the player\'s tab list name to \"&lt;green&gt;%player\'s name%\"","set the name of the player\'s tool to \"Legendary Sword of Awesomeness\""}) -@Since("before 2.1, 2.2-dev20 (inventory name), 2.4 (non-living entity support, changeable inventory name), 2.7 (worlds)") -public class ExprName -extends SimplePropertyExpression<Object,String>
    - -
    - -
    - -
    - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprNamed.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprNamed.html deleted file mode 100644 index da9e04828a..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprNamed.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,275 +0,0 @@ - - - - -ExprNamed (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -
    - -
    - -

    Class ExprNamed

    - -
    All Implemented Interfaces:
    Debuggable, Expression<Object>, SyntaxElement
    @Name("Named Item/Inventory") -@Description("Directly names an item/inventory, useful for defining a named item/inventory in a script. If you want to (re)name existing items/inventories you can either use this expression or use <code>set <a href=\'#ExprName\'>name of &lt;item/inventory&gt;</a> to &lt;text&gt;</code>.") -@Examples({"give a diamond sword of sharpness 100 named \"&lt;gold&gt;Excalibur\" to the player","set tool of player to the player\'s tool named \"&lt;gold&gt;Wand\"","set the name of the player\'s tool to \"&lt;gold&gt;Wand\"","open hopper inventory named \"Magic Hopper\" to player"}) -@Since("2.0, 2.2-dev34 (inventories)") -public class ExprNamed -extends PropertyExpression<Object,Object>
    - -
      - -
    • -

      Constructor Details

      • -


        public ExprNamed()
      • -
    • - -
    • -

      Method Details

      • -


        public boolean init(Expression<?>[] exprs, - int matchedPattern, - Kleenean isDelayed, - SkriptParser.ParseResult parseResult)
        Description copied from interface: SyntaxElement
        Called just after the constructor.
        exprs - all %expr%s included in the matching pattern in the order they appear in the pattern. If an optional value was left out it will still be included in this list - holding the default value of the desired type which usually depends on the event.
        matchedPattern - The index of the pattern which matched
        isDelayed - Whether this expression is used after a delay or not (i.e. if the event has already passed when this expression will be called)
        parseResult - Additional information about the match.
        Whether this expression was initialised successfully. An error should be printed prior to returning false to specify the cause.
        See Also:
        - -
      • -
      • -


        protected Object[] get(org.bukkit.event.Event e, - Object[] source)
        Description copied from class: PropertyExpression
        Converts the given source object(s) to the correct type. -

        - Please note that the returned array must neither be null nor contain any null elements!

        Specified by:
        get in class PropertyExpression<Object,Object>
        e - the event involved at the time of runtime calling.
        source - the array of the objects from the expressions.
        An array of the converted objects, which may contain less elements than the source array, but must not be null.
        See Also:
        - -
      • -
      • -


        public Class<? extends Object> getReturnType()
        Description copied from interface: Expression
        Gets the return type of this expression.
        A supertype of any objects returned by Expression.getSingle(Event) and the component type of any arrays returned by Expression.getArray(Event)
      • -
      • -


        public String toString(@Nullable org.bukkit.event.Event e, - boolean debug)
        e - The event to get information to. This is always null if debug == false.
        debug - If true this should print more information, if false this should print what is shown to the end user
        String representation of this object
      • -
    • -
    - -
    - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprNearestEntity.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprNearestEntity.html deleted file mode 100644 index 5a7593e76f..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprNearestEntity.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,274 +0,0 @@ - - - - -ExprNearestEntity (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -
    - -
    - -

    Class ExprNearestEntity

    java.lang.Object -
    ch.njol.skript.lang.util.SimpleExpression<org.bukkit.entity.Entity> -
    All Implemented Interfaces:
    Debuggable, Expression<org.bukkit.entity.Entity>, SyntaxElement
    @Name("Nearest Entity") -@Description("Gets the entity nearest to a location or another entity.") -@Examples({"kill the nearest pig and cow relative to player","teleport player to the nearest cow relative to player","teleport player to the nearest entity relative to player","","on click:","\tkill nearest pig"}) -@Since("2.7") -public class ExprNearestEntity -extends SimpleExpression<org.bukkit.entity.Entity>
    - -
      - -
    • -

      Constructor Details

      • -


        public ExprNearestEntity()
      • -
    • - -
    • -

      Method Details

      • -


        public boolean init(Expression<?>[] exprs, - int matchedPattern, - Kleenean isDelayed, - SkriptParser.ParseResult parseResult)
        Description copied from interface: SyntaxElement
        Called just after the constructor.
        exprs - all %expr%s included in the matching pattern in the order they appear in the pattern. If an optional value was left out it will still be included in this list - holding the default value of the desired type which usually depends on the event.
        matchedPattern - The index of the pattern which matched
        isDelayed - Whether this expression is used after a delay or not (i.e. if the event has already passed when this expression will be called)
        parseResult - Additional information about the match.
        Whether this expression was initialised successfully. An error should be printed prior to returning false to specify the cause.
        See Also:
        - -
      • -
      • -


        protected org.bukkit.entity.Entity[] get(org.bukkit.event.Event event)
        Description copied from class: SimpleExpression
        This is the internal method to get an expression's values.
        - To get the expression's value from the outside use SimpleExpression.getSingle(Event) or SimpleExpression.getArray(Event).
        Specified by:
        get in class SimpleExpression<org.bukkit.entity.Entity>
        event - The event
        An array of values for this event. May not contain nulls.
      • -
      • -


        public boolean isSingle()
        true if this expression will ever only return one value at most, false if it can return multiple values.
      • -
      • -


        public Class<? extends org.bukkit.entity.Entity> getReturnType()
        Description copied from interface: Expression
        Gets the return type of this expression.
        A supertype of any objects returned by Expression.getSingle(Event) and the component type of any arrays returned by Expression.getArray(Event)
      • -
      • -


        public String toString(@Nullable org.bukkit.event.Event event, - boolean debug)
        event - The event to get information to. This is always null if debug == false.
        debug - If true this should print more information, if false this should print what is shown to the end user
        String representation of this object
      • -
    • -
    - -
    - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprNoDamageTicks.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprNoDamageTicks.html deleted file mode 100644 index 36e18e5174..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprNoDamageTicks.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,313 +0,0 @@ - - - - -ExprNoDamageTicks (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -
    - -
    - -

    Class ExprNoDamageTicks

    - -
    All Implemented Interfaces:
    Converter<org.bukkit.entity.LivingEntity,Long>, Debuggable, Expression<Long>, SyntaxElement
    @Name("No Damage Ticks") -@Description("The number of ticks that an entity is invulnerable to damage for.") -@Examples({"on damage:","\tset victim\'s invulnerability ticks to 20 #Victim will not take damage for the next second"}) -@Since("2.5") -public class ExprNoDamageTicks -extends SimplePropertyExpression<org.bukkit.entity.LivingEntity,Long>
    - -
    - -
    - -
    - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprNow.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprNow.html deleted file mode 100644 index a2e74126a3..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprNow.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,274 +0,0 @@ - - - - -ExprNow (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -
    - -
    - -

    Class ExprNow

    java.lang.Object -
    ch.njol.skript.lang.util.SimpleExpression<Date> -
    All Implemented Interfaces:
    Debuggable, Expression<Date>, SyntaxElement
    @Name("Now") -@Description("The current <a href=\'classes.html#date\'>system time</a> of the server. Use <a href=\'#ExprTime\'>time</a> to get the <a href=\'classes.html#time\'>Minecraft time</a> of a world.") -@Examples("broadcast \"Current server time: %now%\"") -@Since("1.4") -public class ExprNow -extends SimpleExpression<Date>
    - -
      - -
    • -

      Constructor Details

      • -


        public ExprNow()
      • -
    • - -
    • -

      Method Details

      • -


        public boolean init(Expression<?>[] exprs, - int matchedPattern, - Kleenean isDelayed, - SkriptParser.ParseResult parseResult)
        Description copied from interface: SyntaxElement
        Called just after the constructor.
        exprs - all %expr%s included in the matching pattern in the order they appear in the pattern. If an optional value was left out it will still be included in this list - holding the default value of the desired type which usually depends on the event.
        matchedPattern - The index of the pattern which matched
        isDelayed - Whether this expression is used after a delay or not (i.e. if the event has already passed when this expression will be called)
        parseResult - Additional information about the match.
        Whether this expression was initialised successfully. An error should be printed prior to returning false to specify the cause.
        See Also:
        - -
      • -
      • -


        protected Date[] get(org.bukkit.event.Event e)
        Description copied from class: SimpleExpression
        This is the internal method to get an expression's values.
        - To get the expression's value from the outside use SimpleExpression.getSingle(Event) or SimpleExpression.getArray(Event).
        Specified by:
        get in class SimpleExpression<Date>
        e - The event
        An array of values for this event. May not contain nulls.
      • -
      • -


        public boolean isSingle()
        true if this expression will ever only return one value at most, false if it can return multiple values.
      • -
      • -


        public Class<? extends Date> getReturnType()
        Description copied from interface: Expression
        Gets the return type of this expression.
        A supertype of any objects returned by Expression.getSingle(Event) and the component type of any arrays returned by Expression.getArray(Event)
      • -
      • -


        public String toString(@Nullable org.bukkit.event.Event e, - boolean debug)
        e - The event to get information to. This is always null if debug == false.
        debug - If true this should print more information, if false this should print what is shown to the end user
        String representation of this object
      • -
    • -
    - -
    - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprNumberOfCharacters.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprNumberOfCharacters.html deleted file mode 100644 index 57770a003c..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprNumberOfCharacters.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,274 +0,0 @@ - - - - -ExprNumberOfCharacters (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -
    - -
    - -

    Class ExprNumberOfCharacters

    java.lang.Object -
    ch.njol.skript.lang.util.SimpleExpression<Long> -
    All Implemented Interfaces:
    Debuggable, Expression<Long>, SyntaxElement
    @Name("Number of Characters") -@Description("The number of uppercase, lowercase, or digit characters in a string.") -@Examples({"#Simple Chat Filter","on chat:","\tif number of uppercase chars in message / length of message > 0.5","\t\tcancel event","\t\tsend \"&lt;red&gt;Your message has to many caps!\" to player"}) -@Since("2.5") -public class ExprNumberOfCharacters -extends SimpleExpression<Long>
    - -
      - -
    • -

      Constructor Details

      • -


        public ExprNumberOfCharacters()
      • -
    • - -
    • -

      Method Details

      • -


        public boolean init(Expression<?>[] exprs, - int matchedPattern, - Kleenean isDelayed, - SkriptParser.ParseResult parseResult)
        Description copied from interface: SyntaxElement
        Called just after the constructor.
        exprs - all %expr%s included in the matching pattern in the order they appear in the pattern. If an optional value was left out it will still be included in this list - holding the default value of the desired type which usually depends on the event.
        matchedPattern - The index of the pattern which matched
        isDelayed - Whether this expression is used after a delay or not (i.e. if the event has already passed when this expression will be called)
        parseResult - Additional information about the match.
        Whether this expression was initialised successfully. An error should be printed prior to returning false to specify the cause.
        See Also:
        - -
      • -
      • -


        protected @Nullable Long[] get(org.bukkit.event.Event e)
        Description copied from class: SimpleExpression
        This is the internal method to get an expression's values.
        - To get the expression's value from the outside use SimpleExpression.getSingle(Event) or SimpleExpression.getArray(Event).
        Specified by:
        get in class SimpleExpression<Long>
        e - The event
        An array of values for this event. May not contain nulls.
      • -
      • -


        public boolean isSingle()
        true if this expression will ever only return one value at most, false if it can return multiple values.
      • -
      • -


        public Class<? extends Long> getReturnType()
        Description copied from interface: Expression
        Gets the return type of this expression.
        A supertype of any objects returned by Expression.getSingle(Event) and the component type of any arrays returned by Expression.getArray(Event)
      • -
      • -


        public String toString(@Nullable org.bukkit.event.Event e, - boolean debug)
        e - The event to get information to. This is always null if debug == false.
        debug - If true this should print more information, if false this should print what is shown to the end user
        String representation of this object
      • -
    • -
    - -
    - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprNumbers.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprNumbers.html deleted file mode 100644 index 62504fb74b..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprNumbers.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,323 +0,0 @@ - - - - -ExprNumbers (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -
    - -
    - -

    Class ExprNumbers

    java.lang.Object -
    ch.njol.skript.lang.util.SimpleExpression<Number> -
    All Implemented Interfaces:
    Debuggable, Expression<Number>, SyntaxElement
    @Name("Numbers") -@Description({"All numbers between two given numbers, useful for looping.","Use \'numbers\' if your start is not an integer and you want to keep the fractional part of the start number constant, or use \'integers\' if you only want to loop integers.","You may also use \'decimals\' if you want to use the decimal precision of the start number.","You may want to use the \'times\' expression instead, for instance \'loop 5 times:\'"}) -@Examples({"loop numbers from 2.5 to 5.5: # loops 2.5, 3.5, 4.5, 5.5","loop integers from 2.9 to 5.1: # same as \'3 to 5\', i.e. loops 3, 4, 5","loop decimals from 3.94 to 4: # loops 3.94, 3.95, 3.96, 3.97, 3.98, 3.99, 4"}) -@Since("1.4.6 (integers & numbers), 2.5.1 (decimals)") -public class ExprNumbers -extends SimpleExpression<Number>
    - -
      - -
    • -

      Constructor Details

      • -


        public ExprNumbers()
      • -
    • - -
    • -

      Method Details

      • -


        public boolean init(Expression<?>[] exprs, - int matchedPattern, - Kleenean isDelayed, - SkriptParser.ParseResult parseResult)
        Description copied from interface: SyntaxElement
        Called just after the constructor.
        exprs - all %expr%s included in the matching pattern in the order they appear in the pattern. If an optional value was left out it will still be included in this list - holding the default value of the desired type which usually depends on the event.
        matchedPattern - The index of the pattern which matched
        isDelayed - Whether this expression is used after a delay or not (i.e. if the event has already passed when this expression will be called)
        parseResult - Additional information about the match.
        Whether this expression was initialised successfully. An error should be printed prior to returning false to specify the cause.
        See Also:
        - -
      • -
      • -


        protected @Nullable Number[] get(org.bukkit.event.Event event)
        Description copied from class: SimpleExpression
        This is the internal method to get an expression's values.
        - To get the expression's value from the outside use SimpleExpression.getSingle(Event) or SimpleExpression.getArray(Event).
        Specified by:
        get in class SimpleExpression<Number>
        event - The event
        An array of values for this event. May not contain nulls.
      • -
      • -


        public @Nullable Iterator<Number> iterator(org.bukkit.event.Event event)
        Description copied from interface: Expression
        Returns the same as Expression.getArray(Event) but as an iterator. This method should be overriden by expressions intended to be looped to increase performance.
        Specified by:
        iterator in interface Expression<Number>
        iterator in class SimpleExpression<Number>
        event - The event
        An iterator to iterate over all values of this expression which may be empty and/or null, but must not return null elements.
      • -
      • -


        public boolean isLoopOf(String s)
        Description copied from interface: Expression
        Checks whether the given 'loop-...' expression should match this loop, e.g. loop-block matches any loops that loop through blocks and loop-argument matches an - argument loop. -

        - You should usually just return false as e.g. loop-block will automatically match the expression if its returnType is Block or a subtype of it.

        Specified by:
        isLoopOf in interface Expression<Number>
        isLoopOf in class SimpleExpression<Number>
        s - The entered string
        Whether this loop matches the given string
      • -
      • -


        public boolean isSingle()
        true if this expression will ever only return one value at most, false if it can return multiple values.
      • -
      • -


        public Class<? extends Number> getReturnType()
        Description copied from interface: Expression
        Gets the return type of this expression.
        A supertype of any objects returned by Expression.getSingle(Event) and the component type of any arrays returned by Expression.getArray(Event)
      • -
      • -


        public String toString(@Nullable org.bukkit.event.Event e, - boolean debug)
        e - The event to get information to. This is always null if debug == false.
        debug - If true this should print more information, if false this should print what is shown to the end user
        String representation of this object
      • -
    • -
    - -
    - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprOfflinePlayers.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprOfflinePlayers.html deleted file mode 100644 index 1b3db45717..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprOfflinePlayers.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,274 +0,0 @@ - - - - -ExprOfflinePlayers (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -
    - -
    - -

    Class ExprOfflinePlayers

    java.lang.Object -
    ch.njol.skript.lang.util.SimpleExpression<org.bukkit.OfflinePlayer> -
    All Implemented Interfaces:
    Debuggable, Expression<org.bukkit.OfflinePlayer>, SyntaxElement
    @Name("Offline players") -@Description("All players that have ever joined the server. This includes the players currently online.") -@Examples("send \"Size of all players who have joined the server: %size of all offline players%\"") -@Since("2.2-dev35") -public class ExprOfflinePlayers -extends SimpleExpression<org.bukkit.OfflinePlayer>
    - -
      - -
    • -

      Constructor Details

      • -


        public ExprOfflinePlayers()
      • -
    • - -
    • -

      Method Details

      • -


        public boolean init(Expression<?>[] exprs, - int matchedPattern, - Kleenean isDelayed, - SkriptParser.ParseResult parseResult)
        Description copied from interface: SyntaxElement
        Called just after the constructor.
        exprs - all %expr%s included in the matching pattern in the order they appear in the pattern. If an optional value was left out it will still be included in this list - holding the default value of the desired type which usually depends on the event.
        matchedPattern - The index of the pattern which matched
        isDelayed - Whether this expression is used after a delay or not (i.e. if the event has already passed when this expression will be called)
        parseResult - Additional information about the match.
        Whether this expression was initialised successfully. An error should be printed prior to returning false to specify the cause.
        See Also:
        - -
      • -
      • -


        public boolean isSingle()
        true if this expression will ever only return one value at most, false if it can return multiple values.
      • -
      • -


        public Class<? extends org.bukkit.OfflinePlayer> getReturnType()
        Description copied from interface: Expression
        Gets the return type of this expression.
        A supertype of any objects returned by Expression.getSingle(Event) and the component type of any arrays returned by Expression.getArray(Event)
      • -
      • -


        protected @Nullable org.bukkit.OfflinePlayer[] get(org.bukkit.event.Event event)
        Description copied from class: SimpleExpression
        This is the internal method to get an expression's values.
        - To get the expression's value from the outside use SimpleExpression.getSingle(Event) or SimpleExpression.getArray(Event).
        Specified by:
        get in class SimpleExpression<org.bukkit.OfflinePlayer>
        event - The event
        An array of values for this event. May not contain nulls.
      • -
      • -


        public String toString(@Nullable org.bukkit.event.Event event, - boolean debug)
        event - The event to get information to. This is always null if debug == false.
        debug - If true this should print more information, if false this should print what is shown to the end user
        String representation of this object
      • -
    • -
    - -
    - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprOnlinePlayersCount.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprOnlinePlayersCount.html deleted file mode 100644 index 826d457265..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprOnlinePlayersCount.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,331 +0,0 @@ - - - - -ExprOnlinePlayersCount (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -
    - -
    - -

    Class ExprOnlinePlayersCount

    java.lang.Object -
    ch.njol.skript.lang.util.SimpleExpression<Long> -
    All Implemented Interfaces:
    Debuggable, Expression<Long>, SyntaxElement
    @Name("Online Player Count") -@Description({"The amount of online players. This can be changed in a","<a href=\'events.html#server_list_ping\'>server list ping</a> event only to show fake online player amount.","\'real online player count\' always returns the real count of online players and can\'t be changed.","","Fake online player count requires PaperSpigot 1.12.2+."}) -@Examples({"on server list ping:","\t# This will make the max players count 5 if there are 4 players online.","\tset the fake max players count to (online players count + 1)"}) -@Since("2.3") -public class ExprOnlinePlayersCount -extends SimpleExpression<Long>
    - -
      - -
    • -

      Constructor Details

      • -


        public ExprOnlinePlayersCount()
      • -
    • - -
    • -

      Method Details

      • -


        public boolean init(Expression<?>[] exprs, - int matchedPattern, - Kleenean isDelayed, - SkriptParser.ParseResult parseResult)
        Description copied from interface: SyntaxElement
        Called just after the constructor.
        exprs - all %expr%s included in the matching pattern in the order they appear in the pattern. If an optional value was left out it will still be included in this list - holding the default value of the desired type which usually depends on the event.
        matchedPattern - The index of the pattern which matched
        isDelayed - Whether this expression is used after a delay or not (i.e. if the event has already passed when this expression will be called)
        parseResult - Additional information about the match.
        Whether this expression was initialised successfully. An error should be printed prior to returning false to specify the cause.
        See Also:
        - -
      • -
      • -


        public @Nullable Long[] get(org.bukkit.event.Event e)
        Description copied from class: SimpleExpression
        This is the internal method to get an expression's values.
        - To get the expression's value from the outside use SimpleExpression.getSingle(Event) or SimpleExpression.getArray(Event).
        Specified by:
        get in class SimpleExpression<Long>
        e - The event
        An array of values for this event. May not contain nulls.
      • -
      • -


        public @Nullable Class<?>[] acceptChange(Changer.ChangeMode mode)
        Description copied from interface: Expression
        Tests whether this expression supports the given mode, and if yes what type it expects the delta to be. -

        - Use Changer.ChangerUtils.acceptsChange(Expression, ChangeMode, Class...) to test whether an expression supports changing, don't directly use this method! -

        - Please note that if a changer is registered for this expression's returnType this method does not have to be overridden. If you override it though - make sure to return super.acceptChange(mode), and to handle the appropriate ChangeMode(s) in Expression.change(Event, Object[], ChangeMode) with - super.change(...). -

        - Unlike Changer.acceptChange(ChangeMode) this method may print errors.

        Specified by:
        acceptChange in interface Expression<Long>
        acceptChange in class SimpleExpression<Long>
        An array of types that Expression.change(Event, Object[], ChangeMode) accepts as its delta parameter (which can be arrays to denote that multiple of - that type are accepted), or null if the given mode is not supported. For Changer.ChangeMode.DELETE and Changer.ChangeMode.RESET this can return any non-null array to - mark them as supported.
      • -
      • -


        public void change(org.bukkit.event.Event e, - @Nullable Object[] delta, - Changer.ChangeMode mode)
        Description copied from interface: Expression
        Changes the expression's value by the given amount. This will only be called on supported modes and with the desired delta type as returned by - Expression.acceptChange(ChangeMode)
        Specified by:
        change in interface Expression<Long>
        change in class SimpleExpression<Long>
        delta - An array with one or more instances of one or more of the the classes returned by Expression.acceptChange(ChangeMode) for the given change mode (null for - Changer.ChangeMode.DELETE and Changer.ChangeMode.RESET). This can be a Object[], thus casting is not allowed.
      • -
      • -


        public boolean isSingle()
        true if this expression will ever only return one value at most, false if it can return multiple values.
      • -
      • -


        public Class<? extends Long> getReturnType()
        Description copied from interface: Expression
        Gets the return type of this expression.
        A supertype of any objects returned by Expression.getSingle(Event) and the component type of any arrays returned by Expression.getArray(Event)
      • -
      • -


        public String toString(@Nullable org.bukkit.event.Event e, - boolean debug)
        e - The event to get information to. This is always null if debug == false.
        debug - If true this should print more information, if false this should print what is shown to the end user
        String representation of this object
      • -
    • -
    - -
    - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprOpenedInventory.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprOpenedInventory.html deleted file mode 100644 index eef29043cc..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprOpenedInventory.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,275 +0,0 @@ - - - - -ExprOpenedInventory (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -
    - -
    - -

    Class ExprOpenedInventory

    java.lang.Object -
    ch.njol.skript.lang.util.SimpleExpression<T> -
    ch.njol.skript.expressions.base.PropertyExpression<org.bukkit.entity.Player,org.bukkit.inventory.Inventory> -
    All Implemented Interfaces:
    Debuggable, Expression<org.bukkit.inventory.Inventory>, SyntaxElement
    @Name("Opened Inventory") -@Description({"Return the currently opened inventory of a player.","If no inventory is open, it returns the own player\'s crafting inventory."}) -@Examples("set slot 1 of player\'s current inventory to diamond sword") -@Since("2.2-dev24, 2.2-dev35 (Just \'current inventory\' works in player events)") -public class ExprOpenedInventory -extends PropertyExpression<org.bukkit.entity.Player,org.bukkit.inventory.Inventory>
    - -
      - -
    • -

      Constructor Details

      • -


        public ExprOpenedInventory()
      • -
    • - -
    • -

      Method Details

      • -


        public Class<? extends org.bukkit.inventory.Inventory> getReturnType()
        Description copied from interface: Expression
        Gets the return type of this expression.
        A supertype of any objects returned by Expression.getSingle(Event) and the component type of any arrays returned by Expression.getArray(Event)
      • -
      • -


        public boolean init(Expression<?>[] exprs, - int matchedPattern, - Kleenean isDelayed, - SkriptParser.ParseResult parser)
        Description copied from interface: SyntaxElement
        Called just after the constructor.
        exprs - all %expr%s included in the matching pattern in the order they appear in the pattern. If an optional value was left out it will still be included in this list - holding the default value of the desired type which usually depends on the event.
        matchedPattern - The index of the pattern which matched
        isDelayed - Whether this expression is used after a delay or not (i.e. if the event has already passed when this expression will be called)
        parser - Additional information about the match.
        Whether this expression was initialised successfully. An error should be printed prior to returning false to specify the cause.
        See Also:
        - -
      • -
      • -


        protected org.bukkit.inventory.Inventory[] get(org.bukkit.event.Event event, - org.bukkit.entity.Player[] source)
        Description copied from class: PropertyExpression
        Converts the given source object(s) to the correct type. -

        - Please note that the returned array must neither be null nor contain any null elements!

        Specified by:
        get in class PropertyExpression<org.bukkit.entity.Player,org.bukkit.inventory.Inventory>
        event - the event involved at the time of runtime calling.
        source - the array of the objects from the expressions.
        An array of the converted objects, which may contain less elements than the source array, but must not be null.
        See Also:
        - -
      • -
      • -


        public String toString(@Nullable org.bukkit.event.Event event, - boolean debug)
        event - The event to get information to. This is always null if debug == false.
        debug - If true this should print more information, if false this should print what is shown to the end user
        String representation of this object
      • -
    • -
    - -
    - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprOps.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprOps.html deleted file mode 100644 index df7d2dba67..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprOps.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,331 +0,0 @@ - - - - -ExprOps (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -
    - -
    - -

    Class ExprOps

    java.lang.Object -
    ch.njol.skript.lang.util.SimpleExpression<org.bukkit.OfflinePlayer> -
    All Implemented Interfaces:
    Debuggable, Expression<org.bukkit.OfflinePlayer>, SyntaxElement
    @Name("All Operators") -@Description("The list of operators on the server.") -@Examples("set {_ops::*} to all operators") -@Since("2.7") -public class ExprOps -extends SimpleExpression<org.bukkit.OfflinePlayer>
    - -
      - -
    • -

      Constructor Details

      • -


        public ExprOps()
      • -
    • - -
    • -

      Method Details

      • -


        public boolean init(Expression<?>[] exprs, - int matchedPattern, - Kleenean isDelayed, - SkriptParser.ParseResult parseResult)
        Description copied from interface: SyntaxElement
        Called just after the constructor.
        exprs - all %expr%s included in the matching pattern in the order they appear in the pattern. If an optional value was left out it will still be included in this list - holding the default value of the desired type which usually depends on the event.
        matchedPattern - The index of the pattern which matched
        isDelayed - Whether this expression is used after a delay or not (i.e. if the event has already passed when this expression will be called)
        parseResult - Additional information about the match.
        Whether this expression was initialised successfully. An error should be printed prior to returning false to specify the cause.
        See Also:
        - -
      • -
      • -


        protected org.bukkit.OfflinePlayer[] get(org.bukkit.event.Event event)
        Description copied from class: SimpleExpression
        This is the internal method to get an expression's values.
        - To get the expression's value from the outside use SimpleExpression.getSingle(Event) or SimpleExpression.getArray(Event).
        Specified by:
        get in class SimpleExpression<org.bukkit.OfflinePlayer>
        event - The event
        An array of values for this event. May not contain nulls.
      • -
      • -


        public @Nullable Class<?>[] acceptChange(Changer.ChangeMode mode)
        Description copied from interface: Expression
        Tests whether this expression supports the given mode, and if yes what type it expects the delta to be. -

        - Use Changer.ChangerUtils.acceptsChange(Expression, ChangeMode, Class...) to test whether an expression supports changing, don't directly use this method! -

        - Please note that if a changer is registered for this expression's returnType this method does not have to be overridden. If you override it though - make sure to return super.acceptChange(mode), and to handle the appropriate ChangeMode(s) in Expression.change(Event, Object[], ChangeMode) with - super.change(...). -

        - Unlike Changer.acceptChange(ChangeMode) this method may print errors.

        Specified by:
        acceptChange in interface Expression<org.bukkit.OfflinePlayer>
        acceptChange in class SimpleExpression<org.bukkit.OfflinePlayer>
        An array of types that Expression.change(Event, Object[], ChangeMode) accepts as its delta parameter (which can be arrays to denote that multiple of - that type are accepted), or null if the given mode is not supported. For Changer.ChangeMode.DELETE and Changer.ChangeMode.RESET this can return any non-null array to - mark them as supported.
      • -
      • -


        public void change(org.bukkit.event.Event event, - @Nullable Object[] delta, - Changer.ChangeMode mode)
        Description copied from interface: Expression
        Changes the expression's value by the given amount. This will only be called on supported modes and with the desired delta type as returned by - Expression.acceptChange(ChangeMode)
        Specified by:
        change in interface Expression<org.bukkit.OfflinePlayer>
        change in class SimpleExpression<org.bukkit.OfflinePlayer>
        delta - An array with one or more instances of one or more of the the classes returned by Expression.acceptChange(ChangeMode) for the given change mode (null for - Changer.ChangeMode.DELETE and Changer.ChangeMode.RESET). This can be a Object[], thus casting is not allowed.
      • -
      • -


        public boolean isSingle()
        true if this expression will ever only return one value at most, false if it can return multiple values.
      • -
      • -


        public Class<? extends org.bukkit.OfflinePlayer> getReturnType()
        Description copied from interface: Expression
        Gets the return type of this expression.
        A supertype of any objects returned by Expression.getSingle(Event) and the component type of any arrays returned by Expression.getArray(Event)
      • -
      • -


        public String toString(@Nullable org.bukkit.event.Event event, - boolean debug)
        event - The event to get information to. This is always null if debug == false.
        debug - If true this should print more information, if false this should print what is shown to the end user
        String representation of this object
      • -
    • -
    - -
    - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprParse.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprParse.html deleted file mode 100644 index 6207611b05..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprParse.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,274 +0,0 @@ - - - - -ExprParse (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -
    - -
    - -

    Class ExprParse

    java.lang.Object -
    ch.njol.skript.lang.util.SimpleExpression<Object> -
    All Implemented Interfaces:
    Debuggable, Expression<Object>, SyntaxElement
    @Name("Parse") -@Description({"Parses text as a given type, or as a given pattern.","This expression can be used in two different ways: One which parses the entire text as a single instance of a type, e.g. as a number, and one that parses the text according to a pattern.","If the given text could not be parsed, this expression will return nothing and the <a href=\'#ExprParseError\'>parse error</a> will be set if some information is available.","Some notes about parsing with a pattern:","- The pattern must be a <a href=\'./patterns/\'>Skript pattern</a>, e.g. percent signs are used to define where to parse which types, e.g. put a %number% or %items% in the pattern if you expect a number or some items there.","- You <i>have to</i> save the expression\'s value in a list variable, e.g. <code>set {parsed::*} to message parsed as \"...\"</code>.","- The list variable will contain the parsed values from all %types% in the pattern in order. If a type was plural, e.g. %items%, the variable\'s value at the respective index will be a list variable, e.g. the values will be stored in {parsed::1::*}, not {parsed::1}."}) -@Examples({"set {var} to line 1 parsed as number","on chat:","\tset {var::*} to message parsed as \"buying %items% for %money%\"","\tif parse error is set:","\t\tmessage \"%parse error%\"","\telse if {var::*} is set:","\t\tcancel event","\t\tremove {var::2} from the player\'s balance","\t\tgive {var::1::*} to the player"}) -@Since("2.0") -public class ExprParse -extends SimpleExpression<Object>
    - -
      - -
    • -

      Constructor Details

      • -


        public ExprParse()
      • -
    • - -
    • -

      Method Details

      • -


        public boolean init(Expression<?>[] exprs, - int matchedPattern, - Kleenean isDelayed, - SkriptParser.ParseResult parseResult)
        Description copied from interface: SyntaxElement
        Called just after the constructor.
        exprs - all %expr%s included in the matching pattern in the order they appear in the pattern. If an optional value was left out it will still be included in this list - holding the default value of the desired type which usually depends on the event.
        matchedPattern - The index of the pattern which matched
        isDelayed - Whether this expression is used after a delay or not (i.e. if the event has already passed when this expression will be called)
        parseResult - Additional information about the match.
        Whether this expression was initialised successfully. An error should be printed prior to returning false to specify the cause.
        See Also:
        - -
      • -
      • -


        protected @Nullable Object[] get(org.bukkit.event.Event event)
        Description copied from class: SimpleExpression
        This is the internal method to get an expression's values.
        - To get the expression's value from the outside use SimpleExpression.getSingle(Event) or SimpleExpression.getArray(Event).
        Specified by:
        get in class SimpleExpression<Object>
        event - The event
        An array of values for this event. May not contain nulls.
      • -
      • -


        public boolean isSingle()
        true if this expression will ever only return one value at most, false if it can return multiple values.
      • -
      • -


        public Class<?> getReturnType()
        Description copied from interface: Expression
        Gets the return type of this expression.
        A supertype of any objects returned by Expression.getSingle(Event) and the component type of any arrays returned by Expression.getArray(Event)
      • -
      • -


        public String toString(@Nullable org.bukkit.event.Event e, - boolean debug)
        e - The event to get information to. This is always null if debug == false.
        debug - If true this should print more information, if false this should print what is shown to the end user
        String representation of this object
      • -
    • -
    - -
    - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprParseError.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprParseError.html deleted file mode 100644 index 6dcb7c57b7..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprParseError.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,274 +0,0 @@ - - - - -ExprParseError (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -
    - -
    - -

    Class ExprParseError

    java.lang.Object -
    ch.njol.skript.lang.util.SimpleExpression<String> -
    All Implemented Interfaces:
    Debuggable, Expression<String>, SyntaxElement
    @Name("Parse Error") -@Description("The error which caused the last <a href=\'#ExprParse\'>parse operation</a> to fail, which might not be set if a pattern was used and the pattern didn\'t match the provided text at all.") -@Examples({"set {var} to line 1 parsed as integer","if {var} is not set:","\tparse error is set:","\t\tmessage \"&lt;red&gt;Line 1 is invalid: %last parse error%\"","\telse:","\t\tmessage \"&lt;red&gt;Please put an integer on line 1!\""}) -@Since("2.0") -public class ExprParseError -extends SimpleExpression<String>
    - -
      - -
    • -

      Constructor Details

      • -


        public ExprParseError()
      • -
    • - -
    • -

      Method Details

      • -


        public boolean init(Expression<?>[] exprs, - int matchedPattern, - Kleenean isDelayed, - SkriptParser.ParseResult parseResult)
        Description copied from interface: SyntaxElement
        Called just after the constructor.
        exprs - all %expr%s included in the matching pattern in the order they appear in the pattern. If an optional value was left out it will still be included in this list - holding the default value of the desired type which usually depends on the event.
        matchedPattern - The index of the pattern which matched
        isDelayed - Whether this expression is used after a delay or not (i.e. if the event has already passed when this expression will be called)
        parseResult - Additional information about the match.
        Whether this expression was initialised successfully. An error should be printed prior to returning false to specify the cause.
        See Also:
        - -
      • -
      • -


        protected String[] get(org.bukkit.event.Event e)
        Description copied from class: SimpleExpression
        This is the internal method to get an expression's values.
        - To get the expression's value from the outside use SimpleExpression.getSingle(Event) or SimpleExpression.getArray(Event).
        Specified by:
        get in class SimpleExpression<String>
        e - The event
        An array of values for this event. May not contain nulls.
      • -
      • -


        public boolean isSingle()
        true if this expression will ever only return one value at most, false if it can return multiple values.
      • -
      • -


        public Class<? extends String> getReturnType()
        Description copied from interface: Expression
        Gets the return type of this expression.
        A supertype of any objects returned by Expression.getSingle(Event) and the component type of any arrays returned by Expression.getArray(Event)
      • -
      • -


        public String toString(@Nullable org.bukkit.event.Event e, - boolean debug)
        e - The event to get information to. This is always null if debug == false.
        debug - If true this should print more information, if false this should print what is shown to the end user
        String representation of this object
      • -
    • -
    - -
    - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprPassenger.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprPassenger.html deleted file mode 100644 index e647173e3f..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprPassenger.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,370 +0,0 @@ - - - - -ExprPassenger (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -
    - -
    - -

    Class ExprPassenger

    java.lang.Object -
    ch.njol.skript.lang.util.SimpleExpression<org.bukkit.entity.Entity> -
    All Implemented Interfaces:
    Debuggable, Expression<org.bukkit.entity.Entity>, SyntaxElement
    @Name("Passenger") -@Description({"The passenger of a vehicle, or the rider of a mob.","For 1.11.2 and above, it returns a list of passengers and you can use all changers in it.","See also: <a href=\'#ExprVehicle\'>vehicle</a>"}) -@Examples({"#for 1.11 and lower","passenger of the minecart is a creeper or a cow","the saddled pig\'s passenger is a player","#for 1.11.2+","passengers of the minecart contains a creeper or a cow","the boat\'s passenger contains a pig","add a cow and a zombie to passengers of last spawned boat","set passengers of player\'s vehicle to a pig and a horse","remove all pigs from player\'s vehicle","clear passengers of boat"}) -@Since("2.0, 2.2-dev26 (Multiple passengers for 1.11.2+)") -public class ExprPassenger -extends SimpleExpression<org.bukkit.entity.Entity>
    - -
      - -
    • -

      Constructor Details

      • -


        public ExprPassenger()
      • -
    • - -
    • -

      Method Details

      • -


        protected @Nullable org.bukkit.entity.Entity[] get(org.bukkit.event.Event e)
        Description copied from class: SimpleExpression
        This is the internal method to get an expression's values.
        - To get the expression's value from the outside use SimpleExpression.getSingle(Event) or SimpleExpression.getArray(Event).
        Specified by:
        get in class SimpleExpression<org.bukkit.entity.Entity>
        e - The event
        An array of values for this event. May not contain nulls.
      • -
      • -


        public boolean init(Expression<?>[] exprs, - int matchedPattern, - Kleenean isDelayed, - SkriptParser.ParseResult parseResult)
        Description copied from interface: SyntaxElement
        Called just after the constructor.
        exprs - all %expr%s included in the matching pattern in the order they appear in the pattern. If an optional value was left out it will still be included in this list - holding the default value of the desired type which usually depends on the event.
        matchedPattern - The index of the pattern which matched
        isDelayed - Whether this expression is used after a delay or not (i.e. if the event has already passed when this expression will be called)
        parseResult - Additional information about the match.
        Whether this expression was initialised successfully. An error should be printed prior to returning false to specify the cause.
        See Also:
        - -
      • -
      • -


        public @Nullable Class<?>[] acceptChange(Changer.ChangeMode mode)
        Description copied from interface: Expression
        Tests whether this expression supports the given mode, and if yes what type it expects the delta to be. -

        - Use Changer.ChangerUtils.acceptsChange(Expression, ChangeMode, Class...) to test whether an expression supports changing, don't directly use this method! -

        - Please note that if a changer is registered for this expression's returnType this method does not have to be overridden. If you override it though - make sure to return super.acceptChange(mode), and to handle the appropriate ChangeMode(s) in Expression.change(Event, Object[], ChangeMode) with - super.change(...). -

        - Unlike Changer.acceptChange(ChangeMode) this method may print errors.

        Specified by:
        acceptChange in interface Expression<org.bukkit.entity.Entity>
        acceptChange in class SimpleExpression<org.bukkit.entity.Entity>
        An array of types that Expression.change(Event, Object[], ChangeMode) accepts as its delta parameter (which can be arrays to denote that multiple of - that type are accepted), or null if the given mode is not supported. For Changer.ChangeMode.DELETE and Changer.ChangeMode.RESET this can return any non-null array to - mark them as supported.
      • -
      • -


        public void change(org.bukkit.event.Event e, - @Nullable Object[] delta, - Changer.ChangeMode mode)
        Description copied from interface: Expression
        Changes the expression's value by the given amount. This will only be called on supported modes and with the desired delta type as returned by - Expression.acceptChange(ChangeMode)
        Specified by:
        change in interface Expression<org.bukkit.entity.Entity>
        change in class SimpleExpression<org.bukkit.entity.Entity>
        delta - An array with one or more instances of one or more of the the classes returned by Expression.acceptChange(ChangeMode) for the given change mode (null for - Changer.ChangeMode.DELETE and Changer.ChangeMode.RESET). This can be a Object[], thus casting is not allowed.
      • -
      • -


        public Class<? extends org.bukkit.entity.Entity> getReturnType()
        Description copied from interface: Expression
        Gets the return type of this expression.
        A supertype of any objects returned by Expression.getSingle(Event) and the component type of any arrays returned by Expression.getArray(Event)
      • -
      • -


        public String toString(@Nullable org.bukkit.event.Event e, - boolean debug)
        e - The event to get information to. This is always null if debug == false.
        debug - If true this should print more information, if false this should print what is shown to the end user
        String representation of this object
      • -
      • -


        public boolean isSingle()
        true if this expression will ever only return one value at most, false if it can return multiple values.
      • -
      • -


        public boolean setTime(int time)
        Description copied from class: SimpleExpression
        Sets the time of this expression, i.e. whether the returned value represents this expression before or after the event. -

        - This method will not be called if this expression is guaranteed to be used after a delay (an error will be printed immediately), but will be called if - it only can be after a delay (e.g. if the preceding delay is in an if or a loop) as well as if there's no delay involved. -

        - If this method returns false the expression will be discarded and an error message is printed. Custom error messages must be of ErrorQuality.SEMANTIC_ERROR to be - printed (NB: Skript.error(String) always creates semantic errors). -

        - This implementation sets the time but returns false.

        Specified by:
        setTime in interface Expression<org.bukkit.entity.Entity>
        setTime in class SimpleExpression<org.bukkit.entity.Entity>
        time - -1 for past or 1 for future. 0 is never passed to this method as it represents the default state.
        Whether this expression has distinct time states, e.g. a player never changes but a block can. This should be sensitive for the event (using - ParserInstance.isCurrentEvent(Class)).
        See Also:
        - -
      • -
    • -
    - -
    - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprPermissions.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprPermissions.html deleted file mode 100644 index da89c4abdb..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprPermissions.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,274 +0,0 @@ - - - - -ExprPermissions (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -
    - -
    - -

    Class ExprPermissions

    java.lang.Object -
    ch.njol.skript.lang.util.SimpleExpression<String> -
    All Implemented Interfaces:
    Debuggable, Expression<String>, SyntaxElement
    @Name("All Permissions") -@Description("Returns all permissions of the defined player(s). Note that the modifications to resulting list do not actually change permissions.") -@Examples("set {_permissions::*} to all permissions of the player") -@Since("2.2-dev33") -public class ExprPermissions -extends SimpleExpression<String>
    - -
      - -
    • -

      Constructor Details

      • -


        public ExprPermissions()
      • -
    • - -
    • -

      Method Details

      • -


        public boolean init(Expression<?>[] exprs, - int matchedPattern, - Kleenean isDelayed, - SkriptParser.ParseResult parseResult)
        Description copied from interface: SyntaxElement
        Called just after the constructor.
        exprs - all %expr%s included in the matching pattern in the order they appear in the pattern. If an optional value was left out it will still be included in this list - holding the default value of the desired type which usually depends on the event.
        matchedPattern - The index of the pattern which matched
        isDelayed - Whether this expression is used after a delay or not (i.e. if the event has already passed when this expression will be called)
        parseResult - Additional information about the match.
        Whether this expression was initialised successfully. An error should be printed prior to returning false to specify the cause.
        See Also:
        - -
      • -
      • -


        protected @Nullable String[] get(org.bukkit.event.Event e)
        Description copied from class: SimpleExpression
        This is the internal method to get an expression's values.
        - To get the expression's value from the outside use SimpleExpression.getSingle(Event) or SimpleExpression.getArray(Event).
        Specified by:
        get in class SimpleExpression<String>
        e - The event
        An array of values for this event. May not contain nulls.
      • -
      • -


        public boolean isSingle()
        true if this expression will ever only return one value at most, false if it can return multiple values.
      • -
      • -


        public Class<String> getReturnType()
        Description copied from interface: Expression
        Gets the return type of this expression.
        A supertype of any objects returned by Expression.getSingle(Event) and the component type of any arrays returned by Expression.getArray(Event)
      • -
      • -


        public String toString(@Nullable org.bukkit.event.Event event, - boolean debug)
        event - The event to get information to. This is always null if debug == false.
        debug - If true this should print more information, if false this should print what is shown to the end user
        String representation of this object
      • -
    • -
    - -
    - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprPickupDelay.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprPickupDelay.html deleted file mode 100644 index d1823aae15..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprPickupDelay.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,313 +0,0 @@ - - - - -ExprPickupDelay (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -
    - -
    - -

    Class ExprPickupDelay

    - -
    All Implemented Interfaces:
    Converter<org.bukkit.entity.Entity,Timespan>, Debuggable, Expression<Timespan>, SyntaxElement
    @Name("Pickup Delay") -@Description("The amount of time before a dropped item can be picked up by an entity.") -@Examples({"drop diamond sword at {_location} without velocity","set pickup delay of last dropped item to 5 seconds"}) -@Since("2.7") -public class ExprPickupDelay -extends SimplePropertyExpression<org.bukkit.entity.Entity,Timespan>
    - -
    - -
    - -
    - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprPing.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprPing.html deleted file mode 100644 index be43988d52..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprPing.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,295 +0,0 @@ - - - - -ExprPing (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -
    - -
    - -

    Class ExprPing

    - -
    All Implemented Interfaces:
    Converter<org.bukkit.entity.Player,Long>, Debuggable, Expression<Long>, SyntaxElement
    @Name("Ping") -@Description("Pings of players, as Minecraft server knows them. Note that they will almost certainly be different from the ones you\'d get from using ICMP echo requests. This expression is only supported on some server software (PaperSpigot).") -@Examples({"command /ping <player=%player%>:","\ttrigger:","\t\tsend \"%arg-1%\'s ping is %arg-1\'s ping%\""}) -@Since("2.2-dev36") -public class ExprPing -extends SimplePropertyExpression<org.bukkit.entity.Player,Long>
    - -
      - -
    • -

      Constructor Details

      • -


        public ExprPing()
      • -
    • - -
    • -

      Method Details

      • -


        public boolean init(Expression<?>[] exprs, - int matchedPattern, - Kleenean isDelayed, - SkriptParser.ParseResult parseResult)
        Description copied from interface: SyntaxElement
        Called just after the constructor.
        Specified by:
        init in interface SyntaxElement
        init in class SimplePropertyExpression<org.bukkit.entity.Player,Long>
        exprs - all %expr%s included in the matching pattern in the order they appear in the pattern. If an optional value was left out it will still be included in this list - holding the default value of the desired type which usually depends on the event.
        matchedPattern - The index of the pattern which matched
        isDelayed - Whether this expression is used after a delay or not (i.e. if the event has already passed when this expression will be called)
        parseResult - Additional information about the match.
        Whether this expression was initialised successfully. An error should be printed prior to returning false to specify the cause.
        See Also:
        - -
      • -
      • -


        public Long convert(org.bukkit.entity.Player player)
        Description copied from interface: Converter
        Converts an object from the given to the desired type.
        Specified by:
        convert in interface Converter<org.bukkit.entity.Player,Long>
        Specified by:
        convert in class SimplePropertyExpression<org.bukkit.entity.Player,Long>
        player - The object to convert.
        the converted object
      • -
      • -


        public Class<? extends Long> getReturnType()
        Description copied from interface: Expression
        Gets the return type of this expression.
        A supertype of any objects returned by Expression.getSingle(Event) and the component type of any arrays returned by Expression.getArray(Event)
      • -
      • -


        protected String getPropertyName()
        Description copied from class: SimplePropertyExpression
        Used to collect the property type used in the register method. - This forms the toString of this SimplePropertyExpression.
        Specified by:
        getPropertyName in class SimplePropertyExpression<org.bukkit.entity.Player,Long>
        The name of the type used when registering this SimplePropertyExpression.
      • -
    • -
    - -
    - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprPlain.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprPlain.html deleted file mode 100644 index 26013ce4c7..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprPlain.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,274 +0,0 @@ - - - - -ExprPlain (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -
    - -
    - -

    Class ExprPlain

    java.lang.Object -
    ch.njol.skript.lang.util.SimpleExpression<ItemType> -
    All Implemented Interfaces:
    Debuggable, Expression<ItemType>, SyntaxElement
    @Name("Plain Item") -@Description("A plain item is an item with no modifications. It can be used to convert items to their default state or to match with other default items.") -@Examples({"if the player\'s tool is a plain diamond: # check if player\'s tool has no modifications","\tsend \"You are holding a plain diamond!\""}) -@Since("2.6") -public class ExprPlain -extends SimpleExpression<ItemType>
    - -
      - -
    • -

      Constructor Details

      • -


        public ExprPlain()
      • -
    • - -
    • -

      Method Details

      • -


        public boolean init(Expression<?>[] exprs, - int matchedPattern, - Kleenean isDelayed, - SkriptParser.ParseResult parseResult)
        Description copied from interface: SyntaxElement
        Called just after the constructor.
        exprs - all %expr%s included in the matching pattern in the order they appear in the pattern. If an optional value was left out it will still be included in this list - holding the default value of the desired type which usually depends on the event.
        matchedPattern - The index of the pattern which matched
        isDelayed - Whether this expression is used after a delay or not (i.e. if the event has already passed when this expression will be called)
        parseResult - Additional information about the match.
        Whether this expression was initialised successfully. An error should be printed prior to returning false to specify the cause.
        See Also:
        - -
      • -
      • -


        protected @Nullable ItemType[] get(org.bukkit.event.Event e)
        Description copied from class: SimpleExpression
        This is the internal method to get an expression's values.
        - To get the expression's value from the outside use SimpleExpression.getSingle(Event) or SimpleExpression.getArray(Event).
        Specified by:
        get in class SimpleExpression<ItemType>
        e - The event
        An array of values for this event. May not contain nulls.
      • -
      • -


        public boolean isSingle()
        true if this expression will ever only return one value at most, false if it can return multiple values.
      • -
      • -


        public Class<? extends ItemType> getReturnType()
        Description copied from interface: Expression
        Gets the return type of this expression.
        A supertype of any objects returned by Expression.getSingle(Event) and the component type of any arrays returned by Expression.getArray(Event)
      • -
      • -


        public String toString(@Nullable org.bukkit.event.Event e, - boolean debug)
        e - The event to get information to. This is always null if debug == false.
        debug - If true this should print more information, if false this should print what is shown to the end user
        String representation of this object
      • -
    • -
    - -
    - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprPlayerProtocolVersion.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprPlayerProtocolVersion.html deleted file mode 100644 index 18254bc0c9..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprPlayerProtocolVersion.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,257 +0,0 @@ - - - - -ExprPlayerProtocolVersion (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -
    - -
    - -

    Class ExprPlayerProtocolVersion

    - -
    All Implemented Interfaces:
    Converter<org.bukkit.entity.Player,Integer>, Debuggable, Expression<Integer>, SyntaxElement
    @Name("Player Protocol Version") -@Description("Player\'s protocol version. For more information and list of protocol versions <a href=\'https://wiki.vg/Protocol_version_numbers\'>visit wiki.vg</a>.") -@Examples({"command /protocolversion &ltplayer&gt:","\ttrigger:","\t\tsend \"Protocol version of %arg-1%: %protocol version of arg-1%\""}) -@Since("2.6.2") -@RequiredPlugins("Paper 1.12.2 or newer") -public class ExprPlayerProtocolVersion -extends SimplePropertyExpression<org.bukkit.entity.Player,Integer>
    - -
      - -
    • -

      Constructor Details

      • -


        public ExprPlayerProtocolVersion()
      • -
    • - -
    • -

      Method Details

      • -


        public @Nullable Integer convert(org.bukkit.entity.Player player)
        Description copied from interface: Converter
        Converts an object from the given to the desired type.
        Specified by:
        convert in interface Converter<org.bukkit.entity.Player,Integer>
        Specified by:
        convert in class SimplePropertyExpression<org.bukkit.entity.Player,Integer>
        player - The object to convert.
        the converted object
      • -
      • -


        public Class<? extends Integer> getReturnType()
        Description copied from interface: Expression
        Gets the return type of this expression.
        A supertype of any objects returned by Expression.getSingle(Event) and the component type of any arrays returned by Expression.getArray(Event)
      • -
      • -


        protected String getPropertyName()
        Description copied from class: SimplePropertyExpression
        Used to collect the property type used in the register method. - This forms the toString of this SimplePropertyExpression.
        Specified by:
        getPropertyName in class SimplePropertyExpression<org.bukkit.entity.Player,Integer>
        The name of the type used when registering this SimplePropertyExpression.
      • -
    • -
    - -
    - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprPlayerViewDistance.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprPlayerViewDistance.html deleted file mode 100644 index 26088f2a9c..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprPlayerViewDistance.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,314 +0,0 @@ - - - - -ExprPlayerViewDistance (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -
    - -
    - -

    Class ExprPlayerViewDistance

    - -
    All Implemented Interfaces:
    Converter<org.bukkit.entity.Player,Integer>, Debuggable, Expression<Integer>, SyntaxElement
    @Name("View Distance") -@Description({"The view distance of a player as set by the server. Can be changed.","NOTE: This is the view distance sent by the server to the player.","This has nothing to do with client side view distance settings","NOTE: This may not work on some versions (such as MC 1.14.x).","The return value in this case will be the view distance set in system.properties."}) -@Examples({"set view distance of player to 10","set {_view} to view distance of player","reset view distance of all players","add 2 to view distance of player"}) -@RequiredPlugins("Paper") -@Since("2.4") -public class ExprPlayerViewDistance -extends SimplePropertyExpression<org.bukkit.entity.Player,Integer>
    - -
    - -
    - -
    - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprPlayerWeather.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprPlayerWeather.html deleted file mode 100644 index 01d4439955..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprPlayerWeather.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,313 +0,0 @@ - - - - -ExprPlayerWeather (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -
    - -
    - -

    Class ExprPlayerWeather

    - -
    All Implemented Interfaces:
    Converter<org.bukkit.entity.Player,WeatherType>, Debuggable, Expression<WeatherType>, SyntaxElement
    @Name("Player Weather") -@Description("The weather for a player.") -@Examples({"set weather of arg-player to rainy","reset player\'s weather","if arg-player\'s weather is rainy"}) -@Since("2.2-dev34") -public class ExprPlayerWeather -extends SimplePropertyExpression<org.bukkit.entity.Player,WeatherType>
    - -
    - -
    - -
    - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprPlayerlistHeaderFooter.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprPlayerlistHeaderFooter.html deleted file mode 100644 index 0023ba804e..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprPlayerlistHeaderFooter.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,353 +0,0 @@ - - - - -ExprPlayerlistHeaderFooter (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -
    - -
    - -

    Class ExprPlayerlistHeaderFooter

    - -
    All Implemented Interfaces:
    Converter<org.bukkit.entity.Player,String>, Debuggable, Expression<String>, SyntaxElement
    @Name("Player List Header and Footer") -@Description("The message above and below the player list in the tab menu.") -@Examples({"set all players\' tab list header to \"Welcome to the Server!\"","send \"%the player\'s tab list header%\" to player","reset all players\' tab list header"}) -@Since("2.4") -@RequiredPlugins("Minecraft 1.13 or newer") -public class ExprPlayerlistHeaderFooter -extends SimplePropertyExpression<org.bukkit.entity.Player,String>
    - -
    - -
    - -
    - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprPlugins.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprPlugins.html deleted file mode 100644 index c29a16ae08..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprPlugins.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,274 +0,0 @@ - - - - -ExprPlugins (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -
    - -
    - -

    Class ExprPlugins

    java.lang.Object -
    ch.njol.skript.lang.util.SimpleExpression<String> -
    All Implemented Interfaces:
    Debuggable, Expression<String>, SyntaxElement
    @Name("Loaded Plugins") -@Description("An expression to obtain a list of the names of the server\'s loaded plugins.") -@Examples({"if the loaded plugins contains \"Vault\":","\tbroadcast \"This server uses Vault plugin!\"","","send \"Plugins (%size of loaded plugins%): %plugins%\" to player"}) -@Since("2.7") -public class ExprPlugins -extends SimpleExpression<String>
    - -
      - -
    • -

      Constructor Details

      • -


        public ExprPlugins()
      • -
    • - -
    • -

      Method Details

      • -


        public boolean init(Expression<?>[] exprs, - int matchedPattern, - Kleenean isDelayed, - SkriptParser.ParseResult parseResult)
        Description copied from interface: SyntaxElement
        Called just after the constructor.
        exprs - all %expr%s included in the matching pattern in the order they appear in the pattern. If an optional value was left out it will still be included in this list - holding the default value of the desired type which usually depends on the event.
        matchedPattern - The index of the pattern which matched
        isDelayed - Whether this expression is used after a delay or not (i.e. if the event has already passed when this expression will be called)
        parseResult - Additional information about the match.
        Whether this expression was initialised successfully. An error should be printed prior to returning false to specify the cause.
        See Also:
        - -
      • -
      • -


        protected @Nullable String[] get(org.bukkit.event.Event e)
        Description copied from class: SimpleExpression
        This is the internal method to get an expression's values.
        - To get the expression's value from the outside use SimpleExpression.getSingle(Event) or SimpleExpression.getArray(Event).
        Specified by:
        get in class SimpleExpression<String>
        e - The event
        An array of values for this event. May not contain nulls.
      • -
      • -


        public boolean isSingle()
        true if this expression will ever only return one value at most, false if it can return multiple values.
      • -
      • -


        public Class<? extends String> getReturnType()
        Description copied from interface: Expression
        Gets the return type of this expression.
        A supertype of any objects returned by Expression.getSingle(Event) and the component type of any arrays returned by Expression.getArray(Event)
      • -
      • -


        public String toString(@Nullable org.bukkit.event.Event e, - boolean debug)
        e - The event to get information to. This is always null if debug == false.
        debug - If true this should print more information, if false this should print what is shown to the end user
        String representation of this object
      • -
    • -
    - -
    - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprPortal.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprPortal.html deleted file mode 100644 index da0fb72601..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprPortal.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,321 +0,0 @@ - - - - -ExprPortal (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -
    - -
    - -

    Class ExprPortal

    java.lang.Object -
    ch.njol.skript.lang.util.SimpleExpression<org.bukkit.block.Block> -
    All Implemented Interfaces:
    Debuggable, Expression<org.bukkit.block.Block>, SyntaxElement
    @Name("Portal") -@Description("The blocks associated with a portal in the portal creation event.") -@Examples({"on portal creation:","\tloop portal blocks:","\t\tbroadcast \"%loop-block% is part of a portal!\""}) -@Since("2.4") -@Events("portal_create") -public class ExprPortal -extends SimpleExpression<org.bukkit.block.Block>
    - -
      - -
    • -

      Constructor Details

      • -


        public ExprPortal()
      • -
    • - -
    • -

      Method Details

      • -


        public boolean init(Expression<?>[] exprs, - int matchedPattern, - Kleenean isDelayed, - SkriptParser.ParseResult parser)
        Description copied from interface: SyntaxElement
        Called just after the constructor.
        exprs - all %expr%s included in the matching pattern in the order they appear in the pattern. If an optional value was left out it will still be included in this list - holding the default value of the desired type which usually depends on the event.
        matchedPattern - The index of the pattern which matched
        isDelayed - Whether this expression is used after a delay or not (i.e. if the event has already passed when this expression will be called)
        parser - Additional information about the match.
        Whether this expression was initialised successfully. An error should be printed prior to returning false to specify the cause.
        See Also:
        - -
      • -
      • -


        protected @Nullable org.bukkit.block.Block[] get(org.bukkit.event.Event e)
        Description copied from class: SimpleExpression
        This is the internal method to get an expression's values.
        - To get the expression's value from the outside use SimpleExpression.getSingle(Event) or SimpleExpression.getArray(Event).
        Specified by:
        get in class SimpleExpression<org.bukkit.block.Block>
        e - The event
        An array of values for this event. May not contain nulls.
      • -
      • -


        public @Nullable Iterator<org.bukkit.block.Block> iterator(org.bukkit.event.Event e)
        Description copied from interface: Expression
        Returns the same as Expression.getArray(Event) but as an iterator. This method should be overriden by expressions intended to be looped to increase performance.
        Specified by:
        iterator in interface Expression<org.bukkit.block.Block>
        iterator in class SimpleExpression<org.bukkit.block.Block>
        e - The event
        An iterator to iterate over all values of this expression which may be empty and/or null, but must not return null elements.
      • -
      • -


        public boolean isSingle()
        true if this expression will ever only return one value at most, false if it can return multiple values.
      • -
      • -


        public boolean isDefault()
        Description copied from interface: Expression
        Returns whether this value represents the default value of its type for the event, i.e. it can be replaced with a call to event.getXyz() if one knows the event & value type. -

        - This method might be removed in the future as it's better to check whether value == event.getXyz() for every value an expression returns.

        Specified by:
        isDefault in interface Expression<org.bukkit.block.Block>
        isDefault in class SimpleExpression<org.bukkit.block.Block>
        Whether is is the return types' default expression
      • -
      • -


        public Class<org.bukkit.block.Block> getReturnType()
        Description copied from interface: Expression
        Gets the return type of this expression.
        A supertype of any objects returned by Expression.getSingle(Event) and the component type of any arrays returned by Expression.getArray(Event)
      • -
      • -


        public String toString(@Nullable org.bukkit.event.Event e, - boolean debug)
        e - The event to get information to. This is always null if debug == false.
        debug - If true this should print more information, if false this should print what is shown to the end user
        String representation of this object
      • -
    • -
    - -
    - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprPortalCooldown.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprPortalCooldown.html deleted file mode 100644 index 5179ca18e3..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprPortalCooldown.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,313 +0,0 @@ - - - - -ExprPortalCooldown (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -
    - -
    - -

    Class ExprPortalCooldown

    - -
    All Implemented Interfaces:
    Converter<org.bukkit.entity.Entity,Timespan>, Debuggable, Expression<Timespan>, SyntaxElement
    @Name("Portal Cooldown") -@Description({"The amount of time before an entity can use a portal. By default, it is 15 seconds after exiting a nether portal or end gateway.","Players in survival/adventure get a cooldown of 0.5 seconds, while those in creative get no cooldown.","Resetting will set the cooldown back to the default 15 seconds for non-player entities and 0.5 seconds for players."}) -@Examples({"on portal:","\twait 1 tick","\tset portal cooldown of event-entity to 5 seconds"}) -@Since("INSERT VERSION") -public class ExprPortalCooldown -extends SimplePropertyExpression<org.bukkit.entity.Entity,Timespan>
    - -
    - -
    - -
    - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprPotionEffect.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprPotionEffect.html deleted file mode 100644 index e3d4708bbb..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprPotionEffect.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,274 +0,0 @@ - - - - -ExprPotionEffect (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -
    - -
    - -

    Class ExprPotionEffect

    java.lang.Object -
    ch.njol.skript.lang.util.SimpleExpression<org.bukkit.potion.PotionEffect> -
    All Implemented Interfaces:
    Debuggable, Expression<org.bukkit.potion.PotionEffect>, SyntaxElement
    @Name("Potion Effect") -@Description({"Create a new potion effect to apply to an entity or item type. Do note that when applying potion effects ","to tipped arrows/lingering potions, Minecraft reduces the timespan."}) -@Examples({"set {_p} to potion effect of speed of tier 1 without particles for 10 minutes","add {_p} to potion effects of player\'s tool","add {_p} to potion effects of target entity","add potion effect of speed 1 to potion effects of player"}) -@Since("2.5.2") -public class ExprPotionEffect -extends SimpleExpression<org.bukkit.potion.PotionEffect>
    - -
      - -
    • -

      Constructor Details

      • -


        public ExprPotionEffect()
      • -
    • - -
    • -

      Method Details

      • -


        public boolean init(Expression<?>[] exprs, - int matchedPattern, - Kleenean isDelayed, - SkriptParser.ParseResult parseResult)
        Description copied from interface: SyntaxElement
        Called just after the constructor.
        exprs - all %expr%s included in the matching pattern in the order they appear in the pattern. If an optional value was left out it will still be included in this list - holding the default value of the desired type which usually depends on the event.
        matchedPattern - The index of the pattern which matched
        isDelayed - Whether this expression is used after a delay or not (i.e. if the event has already passed when this expression will be called)
        parseResult - Additional information about the match.
        Whether this expression was initialised successfully. An error should be printed prior to returning false to specify the cause.
        See Also:
        - -
      • -
      • -


        protected @Nullable org.bukkit.potion.PotionEffect[] get(org.bukkit.event.Event e)
        Description copied from class: SimpleExpression
        This is the internal method to get an expression's values.
        - To get the expression's value from the outside use SimpleExpression.getSingle(Event) or SimpleExpression.getArray(Event).
        Specified by:
        get in class SimpleExpression<org.bukkit.potion.PotionEffect>
        e - The event
        An array of values for this event. May not contain nulls.
      • -
      • -


        public boolean isSingle()
        true if this expression will ever only return one value at most, false if it can return multiple values.
      • -
      • -


        public Class<? extends org.bukkit.potion.PotionEffect> getReturnType()
        Description copied from interface: Expression
        Gets the return type of this expression.
        A supertype of any objects returned by Expression.getSingle(Event) and the component type of any arrays returned by Expression.getArray(Event)
      • -
      • -


        public String toString(@Nullable org.bukkit.event.Event e, - boolean debug)
        e - The event to get information to. This is always null if debug == false.
        debug - If true this should print more information, if false this should print what is shown to the end user
        String representation of this object
      • -
    • -
    - -
    - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprPotionEffectTier.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprPotionEffectTier.html deleted file mode 100644 index 9ac09c1fab..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprPotionEffectTier.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,274 +0,0 @@ - - - - -ExprPotionEffectTier (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -
    - -
    - -

    Class ExprPotionEffectTier

    java.lang.Object -
    ch.njol.skript.lang.util.SimpleExpression<Integer> -
    All Implemented Interfaces:
    Debuggable, Expression<Integer>, SyntaxElement
    @Name("Potion Effect Tier") -@Description("An expression to obtain the amplifier of a potion effect applied to an entity.") -@Examples("if the amplifier of haste of player >= 3:") -@Since("2.7") -public class ExprPotionEffectTier -extends SimpleExpression<Integer>
    - -
      - -
    • -

      Constructor Details

      • -


        public ExprPotionEffectTier()
      • -
    • - -
    • -

      Method Details

      • -


        public boolean init(Expression<?>[] exprs, - int matchedPattern, - Kleenean isDelayed, - SkriptParser.ParseResult parseResult)
        Description copied from interface: SyntaxElement
        Called just after the constructor.
        exprs - all %expr%s included in the matching pattern in the order they appear in the pattern. If an optional value was left out it will still be included in this list - holding the default value of the desired type which usually depends on the event.
        matchedPattern - The index of the pattern which matched
        isDelayed - Whether this expression is used after a delay or not (i.e. if the event has already passed when this expression will be called)
        parseResult - Additional information about the match.
        Whether this expression was initialised successfully. An error should be printed prior to returning false to specify the cause.
        See Also:
        - -
      • -
      • -


        protected @Nullable Integer[] get(org.bukkit.event.Event event)
        Description copied from class: SimpleExpression
        This is the internal method to get an expression's values.
        - To get the expression's value from the outside use SimpleExpression.getSingle(Event) or SimpleExpression.getArray(Event).
        Specified by:
        get in class SimpleExpression<Integer>
        event - The event
        An array of values for this event. May not contain nulls.
      • -
      • -


        public boolean isSingle()
        true if this expression will ever only return one value at most, false if it can return multiple values.
      • -
      • -


        public Class<? extends Integer> getReturnType()
        Description copied from interface: Expression
        Gets the return type of this expression.
        A supertype of any objects returned by Expression.getSingle(Event) and the component type of any arrays returned by Expression.getArray(Event)
      • -
      • -


        public String toString(@Nullable org.bukkit.event.Event event, - boolean debug)
        event - The event to get information to. This is always null if debug == false.
        debug - If true this should print more information, if false this should print what is shown to the end user
        String representation of this object
      • -
    • -
    - -
    - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprPotionEffects.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprPotionEffects.html deleted file mode 100644 index ce85dd7313..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprPotionEffects.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,331 +0,0 @@ - - - - -ExprPotionEffects (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -
    - -
    - -

    Class ExprPotionEffects

    java.lang.Object -
    ch.njol.skript.lang.util.SimpleExpression<org.bukkit.potion.PotionEffect> -
    All Implemented Interfaces:
    Debuggable, Expression<org.bukkit.potion.PotionEffect>, SyntaxElement
    @Name("Potion Effects") -@Description({"Represents the active potion effects of entities and itemtypes.","You can clear all potion effects of an entity/itemtype and add/remove a potion effect/type to/from an entity/itemtype.","Do note you will not be able to clear the base potion effects of a potion item. In that case, just set the item to a water bottle.","When adding a potion effect type (rather than a potion effect), it will default to 15 seconds with tier 1."}) -@Examples({"set {_p::*} to active potion effects of player","clear all the potion effects of player","clear all the potion effects of player\'s tool","add potion effects of player to potion effects of player\'s tool","add speed to potion effects of target entity","remove speed and night vision from potion effects of player"}) -@Since("2.5.2") -public class ExprPotionEffects -extends SimpleExpression<org.bukkit.potion.PotionEffect>
    - -
      - -
    • -

      Constructor Details

      • -


        public ExprPotionEffects()
      • -
    • - -
    • -

      Method Details

      • -


        public boolean init(Expression<?>[] exprs, - int matchedPattern, - Kleenean isDelayed, - SkriptParser.ParseResult parseResult)
        Description copied from interface: SyntaxElement
        Called just after the constructor.
        exprs - all %expr%s included in the matching pattern in the order they appear in the pattern. If an optional value was left out it will still be included in this list - holding the default value of the desired type which usually depends on the event.
        matchedPattern - The index of the pattern which matched
        isDelayed - Whether this expression is used after a delay or not (i.e. if the event has already passed when this expression will be called)
        parseResult - Additional information about the match.
        Whether this expression was initialised successfully. An error should be printed prior to returning false to specify the cause.
        See Also:
        - -
      • -
      • -


        protected @Nullable org.bukkit.potion.PotionEffect[] get(org.bukkit.event.Event e)
        Description copied from class: SimpleExpression
        This is the internal method to get an expression's values.
        - To get the expression's value from the outside use SimpleExpression.getSingle(Event) or SimpleExpression.getArray(Event).
        Specified by:
        get in class SimpleExpression<org.bukkit.potion.PotionEffect>
        e - The event
        An array of values for this event. May not contain nulls.
      • -
      • -


        public @Nullable Class<?>[] acceptChange(Changer.ChangeMode mode)
        Description copied from interface: Expression
        Tests whether this expression supports the given mode, and if yes what type it expects the delta to be. -

        - Use Changer.ChangerUtils.acceptsChange(Expression, ChangeMode, Class...) to test whether an expression supports changing, don't directly use this method! -

        - Please note that if a changer is registered for this expression's returnType this method does not have to be overridden. If you override it though - make sure to return super.acceptChange(mode), and to handle the appropriate ChangeMode(s) in Expression.change(Event, Object[], ChangeMode) with - super.change(...). -

        - Unlike Changer.acceptChange(ChangeMode) this method may print errors.

        Specified by:
        acceptChange in interface Expression<org.bukkit.potion.PotionEffect>
        acceptChange in class SimpleExpression<org.bukkit.potion.PotionEffect>
        An array of types that Expression.change(Event, Object[], ChangeMode) accepts as its delta parameter (which can be arrays to denote that multiple of - that type are accepted), or null if the given mode is not supported. For Changer.ChangeMode.DELETE and Changer.ChangeMode.RESET this can return any non-null array to - mark them as supported.
      • -
      • -


        public void change(org.bukkit.event.Event e, - @Nullable Object[] delta, - Changer.ChangeMode mode)
        Description copied from interface: Expression
        Changes the expression's value by the given amount. This will only be called on supported modes and with the desired delta type as returned by - Expression.acceptChange(ChangeMode)
        Specified by:
        change in interface Expression<org.bukkit.potion.PotionEffect>
        change in class SimpleExpression<org.bukkit.potion.PotionEffect>
        delta - An array with one or more instances of one or more of the the classes returned by Expression.acceptChange(ChangeMode) for the given change mode (null for - Changer.ChangeMode.DELETE and Changer.ChangeMode.RESET). This can be a Object[], thus casting is not allowed.
      • -
      • -


        public boolean isSingle()
        true if this expression will ever only return one value at most, false if it can return multiple values.
      • -
      • -


        public Class<? extends org.bukkit.potion.PotionEffect> getReturnType()
        Description copied from interface: Expression
        Gets the return type of this expression.
        A supertype of any objects returned by Expression.getSingle(Event) and the component type of any arrays returned by Expression.getArray(Event)
      • -
      • -


        public String toString(@Nullable org.bukkit.event.Event e, - boolean d)
        e - The event to get information to. This is always null if debug == false.
        d - If true this should print more information, if false this should print what is shown to the end user
        String representation of this object
      • -
    • -
    - -
    - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprProjectileBounceState.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprProjectileBounceState.html deleted file mode 100644 index 9a5ce44997..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprProjectileBounceState.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,313 +0,0 @@ - - - - -ExprProjectileBounceState (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -
    - -
    - -

    Class ExprProjectileBounceState

    - -
    All Implemented Interfaces:
    Converter<org.bukkit.entity.Projectile,Boolean>, Debuggable, Expression<Boolean>, SyntaxElement
    @Name("Projectile Bounce State") -@Description("A projectile\'s bounce state.") -@Examples({"on projectile hit:","\tset projectile bounce mode of event-projectile to true"}) -@Since("2.5.1") -public class ExprProjectileBounceState -extends SimplePropertyExpression<org.bukkit.entity.Projectile,Boolean>
    - -
    - -
    - -
    - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprProjectileCriticalState.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprProjectileCriticalState.html deleted file mode 100644 index 190b5efbeb..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprProjectileCriticalState.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,313 +0,0 @@ - - - - -ExprProjectileCriticalState (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -
    - -
    - -

    Class ExprProjectileCriticalState

    - -
    All Implemented Interfaces:
    Converter<org.bukkit.entity.Projectile,Boolean>, Debuggable, Expression<Boolean>, SyntaxElement
    @Name("Projectile Critical State") -@Description("A projectile\'s critical state. The only currently accepted projectiles are arrows and tridents.") -@Examples({"on shoot:","\tevent-projectile is an arrow","\tset projectile critical mode of event-projectile to true"}) -@Since("2.5.1") -public class ExprProjectileCriticalState -extends SimplePropertyExpression<org.bukkit.entity.Projectile,Boolean>
    - -
    - -
    - -
    - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprProtocolVersion.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprProtocolVersion.html deleted file mode 100644 index 0863bf9501..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprProtocolVersion.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,333 +0,0 @@ - - - - -ExprProtocolVersion (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -
    - -
    - -

    Class ExprProtocolVersion

    java.lang.Object -
    ch.njol.skript.lang.util.SimpleExpression<Long> -
    All Implemented Interfaces:
    Debuggable, Expression<Long>, SyntaxElement
    @Name("Protocol Version") -@Description({"The protocol version that will be sent as the protocol version of the server in a server list ping event. For more information and list of protocol versions <a href=\'https://wiki.vg/Protocol_version_numbers\'>visit wiki.vg</a>.","If this protocol version doesn\'t match with the protocol version of the client, the client will see the <a href=\'#ExprVersionString\'>version string</a>.","But please note that, this expression has no visual effect over the version string. For example if the server uses PaperSpigot 1.12.2, and you make the protocol version 107 (1.9),","the version string will not be \"Paper 1.9\", it will still be \"Paper 1.12.2\".","But then you can customize the <a href=\'#ExprVersionString\'>version string</a> as you wish.","Also if the protocol version of the player is higher than protocol version of the server, it will say","\"Server out of date!\", and if vice-versa \"Client out of date!\" when you hover on the ping bars.","","This can be set in a <a href=\'events.html#server_list_ping\'>server list ping</a> event only","(increase and decrease effects cannot be used because that wouldn\'t make sense)."}) -@Examples({"on server list ping:","\tset the version string to \"&lt;light green&gt;Version: &lt;orange&gt;%minecraft version%\"","\tset the protocol version to 0 # 13w41a (1.7) - so the player will see the custom version string almost always"}) -@Since("2.3") -@RequiredPlugins("Paper 1.12.2 or newer") -@Events("server list ping") -public class ExprProtocolVersion -extends SimpleExpression<Long>
    - -
      - -
    • -

      Constructor Details

      • -


        public ExprProtocolVersion()
      • -
    • - -
    • -

      Method Details

      • -


        public boolean init(Expression<?>[] exprs, - int matchedPattern, - Kleenean isDelayed, - SkriptParser.ParseResult parseResult)
        Description copied from interface: SyntaxElement
        Called just after the constructor.
        exprs - all %expr%s included in the matching pattern in the order they appear in the pattern. If an optional value was left out it will still be included in this list - holding the default value of the desired type which usually depends on the event.
        matchedPattern - The index of the pattern which matched
        isDelayed - Whether this expression is used after a delay or not (i.e. if the event has already passed when this expression will be called)
        parseResult - Additional information about the match.
        Whether this expression was initialised successfully. An error should be printed prior to returning false to specify the cause.
        See Also:
        - -
      • -
      • -


        public @Nullable Long[] get(org.bukkit.event.Event e)
        Description copied from class: SimpleExpression
        This is the internal method to get an expression's values.
        - To get the expression's value from the outside use SimpleExpression.getSingle(Event) or SimpleExpression.getArray(Event).
        Specified by:
        get in class SimpleExpression<Long>
        e - The event
        An array of values for this event. May not contain nulls.
      • -
      • -


        public @Nullable Class<?>[] acceptChange(Changer.ChangeMode mode)
        Description copied from interface: Expression
        Tests whether this expression supports the given mode, and if yes what type it expects the delta to be. -

        - Use Changer.ChangerUtils.acceptsChange(Expression, ChangeMode, Class...) to test whether an expression supports changing, don't directly use this method! -

        - Please note that if a changer is registered for this expression's returnType this method does not have to be overridden. If you override it though - make sure to return super.acceptChange(mode), and to handle the appropriate ChangeMode(s) in Expression.change(Event, Object[], ChangeMode) with - super.change(...). -

        - Unlike Changer.acceptChange(ChangeMode) this method may print errors.

        Specified by:
        acceptChange in interface Expression<Long>
        acceptChange in class SimpleExpression<Long>
        An array of types that Expression.change(Event, Object[], ChangeMode) accepts as its delta parameter (which can be arrays to denote that multiple of - that type are accepted), or null if the given mode is not supported. For Changer.ChangeMode.DELETE and Changer.ChangeMode.RESET this can return any non-null array to - mark them as supported.
      • -
      • -


        public void change(org.bukkit.event.Event e, - @Nullable Object[] delta, - Changer.ChangeMode mode)
        Description copied from interface: Expression
        Changes the expression's value by the given amount. This will only be called on supported modes and with the desired delta type as returned by - Expression.acceptChange(ChangeMode)
        Specified by:
        change in interface Expression<Long>
        change in class SimpleExpression<Long>
        delta - An array with one or more instances of one or more of the the classes returned by Expression.acceptChange(ChangeMode) for the given change mode (null for - Changer.ChangeMode.DELETE and Changer.ChangeMode.RESET). This can be a Object[], thus casting is not allowed.
      • -
      • -


        public boolean isSingle()
        true if this expression will ever only return one value at most, false if it can return multiple values.
      • -
      • -


        public Class<? extends Long> getReturnType()
        Description copied from interface: Expression
        Gets the return type of this expression.
        A supertype of any objects returned by Expression.getSingle(Event) and the component type of any arrays returned by Expression.getArray(Event)
      • -
      • -


        public String toString(@Nullable org.bukkit.event.Event e, - boolean debug)
        e - The event to get information to. This is always null if debug == false.
        debug - If true this should print more information, if false this should print what is shown to the end user
        String representation of this object
      • -
    • -
    - -
    - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprPushedBlocks.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprPushedBlocks.html deleted file mode 100644 index 32a3c92323..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprPushedBlocks.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,274 +0,0 @@ - - - - -ExprPushedBlocks (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -
    - -
    - -

    Class ExprPushedBlocks

    java.lang.Object -
    ch.njol.skript.lang.util.SimpleExpression<org.bukkit.block.Block> -
    All Implemented Interfaces:
    Debuggable, Expression<org.bukkit.block.Block>, SyntaxElement
    @Name("Moved blocks") -@Description("Blocks which are moved in a piston event. Cannot be used outside of piston events.") -@Examples("the moved blocks") -@Since("2.2-dev27") -public class ExprPushedBlocks -extends SimpleExpression<org.bukkit.block.Block>
    - -
      - -
    • -

      Constructor Details

      • -


        public ExprPushedBlocks()
      • -
    • - -
    • -

      Method Details

      • -


        public boolean init(Expression<?>[] exprs, - int matchedPattern, - Kleenean isDelayed, - SkriptParser.ParseResult parseResult)
        Description copied from interface: SyntaxElement
        Called just after the constructor.
        exprs - all %expr%s included in the matching pattern in the order they appear in the pattern. If an optional value was left out it will still be included in this list - holding the default value of the desired type which usually depends on the event.
        matchedPattern - The index of the pattern which matched
        isDelayed - Whether this expression is used after a delay or not (i.e. if the event has already passed when this expression will be called)
        parseResult - Additional information about the match.
        Whether this expression was initialised successfully. An error should be printed prior to returning false to specify the cause.
        See Also:
        - -
      • -
      • -


        protected @Nullable org.bukkit.block.Block[] get(org.bukkit.event.Event e)
        Description copied from class: SimpleExpression
        This is the internal method to get an expression's values.
        - To get the expression's value from the outside use SimpleExpression.getSingle(Event) or SimpleExpression.getArray(Event).
        Specified by:
        get in class SimpleExpression<org.bukkit.block.Block>
        e - The event
        An array of values for this event. May not contain nulls.
      • -
      • -


        public Class<? extends org.bukkit.block.Block> getReturnType()
        Description copied from interface: Expression
        Gets the return type of this expression.
        A supertype of any objects returned by Expression.getSingle(Event) and the component type of any arrays returned by Expression.getArray(Event)
      • -
      • -


        public boolean isSingle()
        true if this expression will ever only return one value at most, false if it can return multiple values.
      • -
      • -


        public String toString(@Nullable org.bukkit.event.Event e, - boolean debug)
        e - The event to get information to. This is always null if debug == false.
        debug - If true this should print more information, if false this should print what is shown to the end user
        String representation of this object
      • -
    • -
    - -
    - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprQuitReason.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprQuitReason.html deleted file mode 100644 index 87262e178a..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprQuitReason.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,238 +0,0 @@ - - - - -ExprQuitReason (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -
    - -
    - -

    Class ExprQuitReason

    java.lang.Object -
    ch.njol.skript.lang.util.SimpleExpression<T> -
    ch.njol.skript.expressions.base.EventValueExpression<org.bukkit.event.player.PlayerQuitEvent.QuitReason> -
    All Implemented Interfaces:
    Debuggable, DefaultExpression<org.bukkit.event.player.PlayerQuitEvent.QuitReason>, Expression<org.bukkit.event.player.PlayerQuitEvent.QuitReason>, SyntaxElement
    @Name("Quit Reason") -@Description("The <a href=\'classes.html#quitreason\'>quit reason</a> as to why a player disconnected in a <a href=\'events.html#quit\'>quit</a> event.") -@Examples({"on quit:","\tquit reason was kicked","\tplayer is banned","\tclear {server::player::%uuid of player%::*}"}) -@RequiredPlugins("Paper 1.16.5+") -@Since("INSERT VERSION") -public class ExprQuitReason -extends EventValueExpression<org.bukkit.event.player.PlayerQuitEvent.QuitReason>
    - -
      - -
    • -

      Constructor Details

      • -


        public ExprQuitReason()
      • -
    • - -
    • -

      Method Details

      • -


        public boolean setTime(int time)
        Description copied from class: SimpleExpression
        Sets the time of this expression, i.e. whether the returned value represents this expression before or after the event. -

        - This method will not be called if this expression is guaranteed to be used after a delay (an error will be printed immediately), but will be called if - it only can be after a delay (e.g. if the preceding delay is in an if or a loop) as well as if there's no delay involved. -

        - If this method returns false the expression will be discarded and an error message is printed. Custom error messages must be of ErrorQuality.SEMANTIC_ERROR to be - printed (NB: Skript.error(String) always creates semantic errors). -

        - This implementation sets the time but returns false.

        Specified by:
        setTime in interface Expression<org.bukkit.event.player.PlayerQuitEvent.QuitReason>
        setTime in class EventValueExpression<org.bukkit.event.player.PlayerQuitEvent.QuitReason>
        time - -1 for past or 1 for future. 0 is never passed to this method as it represents the default state.
        Whether this expression has distinct time states, e.g. a player never changes but a block can. This should be sensitive for the event (using - ParserInstance.isCurrentEvent(Class)).
        See Also:
        - -
      • -
      • -


        public String toString(@Nullable org.bukkit.event.Event event, - boolean debug)
        Specified by:
        toString in interface Debuggable
        toString in class EventValueExpression<org.bukkit.event.player.PlayerQuitEvent.QuitReason>
        event - The event to get information to. This is always null if debug == false.
        debug - If true this should print more information, if false this should print what is shown to the end user
        String representation of this object
      • -
    • -
    - -
    - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprRandom.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprRandom.html deleted file mode 100644 index 39e78e3c0d..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprRandom.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,274 +0,0 @@ - - - - -ExprRandom (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -
    - -
    - -

    Class ExprRandom

    java.lang.Object -
    ch.njol.skript.lang.util.SimpleExpression<Object> -
    All Implemented Interfaces:
    Debuggable, Expression<Object>, SyntaxElement
    @Name("Random") -@Description("Gets a random item out of a set, e.g. a random player out of all players online.") -@Examples({"give a diamond to a random player out of all players","give a random item out of all items to the player"}) -@Since("1.4.9") -public class ExprRandom -extends SimpleExpression<Object>
    - -
      - -
    • -

      Constructor Details

      • -


        public ExprRandom()
      • -
    • - -
    • -

      Method Details

      • -


        public boolean init(Expression<?>[] exprs, - int matchedPattern, - Kleenean isDelayed, - SkriptParser.ParseResult parseResult)
        Description copied from interface: SyntaxElement
        Called just after the constructor.
        exprs - all %expr%s included in the matching pattern in the order they appear in the pattern. If an optional value was left out it will still be included in this list - holding the default value of the desired type which usually depends on the event.
        matchedPattern - The index of the pattern which matched
        isDelayed - Whether this expression is used after a delay or not (i.e. if the event has already passed when this expression will be called)
        parseResult - Additional information about the match.
        Whether this expression was initialised successfully. An error should be printed prior to returning false to specify the cause.
        See Also:
        - -
      • -
      • -


        protected Object[] get(org.bukkit.event.Event event)
        Description copied from class: SimpleExpression
        This is the internal method to get an expression's values.
        - To get the expression's value from the outside use SimpleExpression.getSingle(Event) or SimpleExpression.getArray(Event).
        Specified by:
        get in class SimpleExpression<Object>
        event - The event
        An array of values for this event. May not contain nulls.
      • -
      • -


        public boolean isSingle()
        true if this expression will ever only return one value at most, false if it can return multiple values.
      • -
      • -


        public Class<? extends Object> getReturnType()
        Description copied from interface: Expression
        Gets the return type of this expression.
        A supertype of any objects returned by Expression.getSingle(Event) and the component type of any arrays returned by Expression.getArray(Event)
      • -
      • -


        public String toString(@Nullable org.bukkit.event.Event event, - boolean debug)
        event - The event to get information to. This is always null if debug == false.
        debug - If true this should print more information, if false this should print what is shown to the end user
        String representation of this object
      • -
    • -
    - -
    - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprRandomNumber.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprRandomNumber.html deleted file mode 100644 index a7d3cccc4b..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprRandomNumber.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,274 +0,0 @@ - - - - -ExprRandomNumber (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -
    - -
    - -

    Class ExprRandomNumber

    java.lang.Object -
    ch.njol.skript.lang.util.SimpleExpression<Number> -
    All Implemented Interfaces:
    Debuggable, Expression<Number>, SyntaxElement
    @Name("Random Number") -@Description({"A random number or integer between two given numbers. Use \'number\' if you want any number with decimal parts, or use use \'integer\' if you only want whole numbers.","Please note that the order of the numbers doesn\'t matter, i.e. <code>random number between 2 and 1</code> will work as well as <code>random number between 1 and 2</code>."}) -@Examples({"set the player\'s health to a random number between 5 and 10","send \"You rolled a %random integer from 1 to 6%!\" to the player"}) -@Since("1.4") -public class ExprRandomNumber -extends SimpleExpression<Number>
    - -
      - -
    • -

      Constructor Details

      • -


        public ExprRandomNumber()
      • -
    • - -
    • -

      Method Details

      • -


        public boolean init(Expression<?>[] exprs, - int matchedPattern, - Kleenean isDelayed, - SkriptParser.ParseResult parser)
        Description copied from interface: SyntaxElement
        Called just after the constructor.
        exprs - all %expr%s included in the matching pattern in the order they appear in the pattern. If an optional value was left out it will still be included in this list - holding the default value of the desired type which usually depends on the event.
        matchedPattern - The index of the pattern which matched
        isDelayed - Whether this expression is used after a delay or not (i.e. if the event has already passed when this expression will be called)
        parser - Additional information about the match.
        Whether this expression was initialised successfully. An error should be printed prior to returning false to specify the cause.
        See Also:
        - -
      • -
      • -


        protected @Nullable Number[] get(org.bukkit.event.Event event)
        Description copied from class: SimpleExpression
        This is the internal method to get an expression's values.
        - To get the expression's value from the outside use SimpleExpression.getSingle(Event) or SimpleExpression.getArray(Event).
        Specified by:
        get in class SimpleExpression<Number>
        event - The event
        An array of values for this event. May not contain nulls.
      • -
      • -


        public Class<? extends Number> getReturnType()
        Description copied from interface: Expression
        Gets the return type of this expression.
        A supertype of any objects returned by Expression.getSingle(Event) and the component type of any arrays returned by Expression.getArray(Event)
      • -
      • -


        public String toString(@Nullable org.bukkit.event.Event event, - boolean debug)
        event - The event to get information to. This is always null if debug == false.
        debug - If true this should print more information, if false this should print what is shown to the end user
        String representation of this object
      • -
      • -


        public boolean isSingle()
        true if this expression will ever only return one value at most, false if it can return multiple values.
      • -
    • -
    - -
    - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprRandomUUID.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprRandomUUID.html deleted file mode 100644 index 32ae3630e6..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprRandomUUID.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,274 +0,0 @@ - - - - -ExprRandomUUID (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -
    - -
    - -

    Class ExprRandomUUID

    java.lang.Object -
    ch.njol.skript.lang.util.SimpleExpression<String> -
    All Implemented Interfaces:
    Debuggable, Expression<String>, SyntaxElement
    @Name("Random UUID") -@Description("Returns a random UUID.") -@Examples("set {_uuid} to random uuid") -@Since("2.5.1") -public class ExprRandomUUID -extends SimpleExpression<String>
    - -
      - -
    • -

      Constructor Details

      • -


        public ExprRandomUUID()
      • -
    • - -
    • -

      Method Details

      • -


        public boolean init(Expression<?>[] exprs, - int matchedPattern, - Kleenean isDelayed, - SkriptParser.ParseResult parseResult)
        Description copied from interface: SyntaxElement
        Called just after the constructor.
        exprs - all %expr%s included in the matching pattern in the order they appear in the pattern. If an optional value was left out it will still be included in this list - holding the default value of the desired type which usually depends on the event.
        matchedPattern - The index of the pattern which matched
        isDelayed - Whether this expression is used after a delay or not (i.e. if the event has already passed when this expression will be called)
        parseResult - Additional information about the match.
        Whether this expression was initialised successfully. An error should be printed prior to returning false to specify the cause.
        See Also:
        - -
      • -
      • -


        protected @Nullable String[] get(org.bukkit.event.Event e)
        Description copied from class: SimpleExpression
        This is the internal method to get an expression's values.
        - To get the expression's value from the outside use SimpleExpression.getSingle(Event) or SimpleExpression.getArray(Event).
        Specified by:
        get in class SimpleExpression<String>
        e - The event
        An array of values for this event. May not contain nulls.
      • -
      • -


        public boolean isSingle()
        true if this expression will ever only return one value at most, false if it can return multiple values.
      • -
      • -


        public Class<? extends String> getReturnType()
        Description copied from interface: Expression
        Gets the return type of this expression.
        A supertype of any objects returned by Expression.getSingle(Event) and the component type of any arrays returned by Expression.getArray(Event)
      • -
      • -


        public String toString(@Nullable org.bukkit.event.Event e, - boolean debug)
        e - The event to get information to. This is always null if debug == false.
        debug - If true this should print more information, if false this should print what is shown to the end user
        String representation of this object
      • -
    • -
    - -
    - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprRawName.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprRawName.html deleted file mode 100644 index 53b2bf9aed..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprRawName.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,274 +0,0 @@ - - - - -ExprRawName (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -
    - -
    - -

    Class ExprRawName

    java.lang.Object -
    ch.njol.skript.lang.util.SimpleExpression<String> -
    All Implemented Interfaces:
    Debuggable, Expression<String>, SyntaxElement
    @Name("Raw Name") -@Description("The raw Minecraft material name of the given item. Note that this is not guaranteed to give same results on all servers.") -@Examples("raw name of tool of player") -@Since("unknown (2.2)") -public class ExprRawName -extends SimpleExpression<String>
    - -
      - -
    • -

      Constructor Details

      • -


        public ExprRawName()
      • -
    • - -
    • -

      Method Details

      • -


        public boolean init(Expression<?>[] exprs, - int matchedPattern, - Kleenean isDelayed, - SkriptParser.ParseResult parseResult)
        Description copied from interface: SyntaxElement
        Called just after the constructor.
        exprs - all %expr%s included in the matching pattern in the order they appear in the pattern. If an optional value was left out it will still be included in this list - holding the default value of the desired type which usually depends on the event.
        matchedPattern - The index of the pattern which matched
        isDelayed - Whether this expression is used after a delay or not (i.e. if the event has already passed when this expression will be called)
        parseResult - Additional information about the match.
        Whether this expression was initialised successfully. An error should be printed prior to returning false to specify the cause.
        See Also:
        - -
      • -
      • -


        protected @Nullable String[] get(org.bukkit.event.Event e)
        Description copied from class: SimpleExpression
        This is the internal method to get an expression's values.
        - To get the expression's value from the outside use SimpleExpression.getSingle(Event) or SimpleExpression.getArray(Event).
        Specified by:
        get in class SimpleExpression<String>
        e - The event
        An array of values for this event. May not contain nulls.
      • -
      • -


        public boolean isSingle()
        true if this expression will ever only return one value at most, false if it can return multiple values.
      • -
      • -


        public Class<? extends String> getReturnType()
        Description copied from interface: Expression
        Gets the return type of this expression.
        A supertype of any objects returned by Expression.getSingle(Event) and the component type of any arrays returned by Expression.getArray(Event)
      • -
      • -


        public String toString(@Nullable org.bukkit.event.Event e, - boolean debug)
        e - The event to get information to. This is always null if debug == false.
        debug - If true this should print more information, if false this should print what is shown to the end user
        String representation of this object
      • -
    • -
    - -
    - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprRawString.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprRawString.html deleted file mode 100644 index b981b2a411..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprRawString.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,274 +0,0 @@ - - - - -ExprRawString (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -
    - -
    - -

    Class ExprRawString

    java.lang.Object -
    ch.njol.skript.lang.util.SimpleExpression<String> -
    All Implemented Interfaces:
    Debuggable, Expression<String>, SyntaxElement
    @Name("Raw String") -@Description("Returns the string without formatting (colors etc.) and without stripping them from it, e.g. <code>raw \"&aHello There!\"</code> would output <code>&aHello There!</code>") -@Examples("send raw \"&aThis text is unformatted!\" to all players") -@Since("2.7") -public class ExprRawString -extends SimpleExpression<String>
    - -
      - -
    • -

      Constructor Details

      • -


        public ExprRawString()
      • -
    • - -
    • -

      Method Details

      • -


        public boolean init(Expression<?>[] exprs, - int matchedPattern, - Kleenean isDelayed, - SkriptParser.ParseResult parseResult)
        Description copied from interface: SyntaxElement
        Called just after the constructor.
        exprs - all %expr%s included in the matching pattern in the order they appear in the pattern. If an optional value was left out it will still be included in this list - holding the default value of the desired type which usually depends on the event.
        matchedPattern - The index of the pattern which matched
        isDelayed - Whether this expression is used after a delay or not (i.e. if the event has already passed when this expression will be called)
        parseResult - Additional information about the match.
        Whether this expression was initialised successfully. An error should be printed prior to returning false to specify the cause.
        See Also:
        - -
      • -
      • -


        protected String[] get(org.bukkit.event.Event event)
        Description copied from class: SimpleExpression
        This is the internal method to get an expression's values.
        - To get the expression's value from the outside use SimpleExpression.getSingle(Event) or SimpleExpression.getArray(Event).
        Specified by:
        get in class SimpleExpression<String>
        event - The event
        An array of values for this event. May not contain nulls.
      • -
      • -


        public boolean isSingle()
        true if this expression will ever only return one value at most, false if it can return multiple values.
      • -
      • -


        public Class<? extends String> getReturnType()
        Description copied from interface: Expression
        Gets the return type of this expression.
        A supertype of any objects returned by Expression.getSingle(Event) and the component type of any arrays returned by Expression.getArray(Event)
      • -
      • -


        public String toString(@Nullable org.bukkit.event.Event e, - boolean debug)
        e - The event to get information to. This is always null if debug == false.
        debug - If true this should print more information, if false this should print what is shown to the end user
        String representation of this object
      • -
    • -
    - -
    - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprRedstoneBlockPower.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprRedstoneBlockPower.html deleted file mode 100644 index c1029d5c75..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprRedstoneBlockPower.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,256 +0,0 @@ - - - - -ExprRedstoneBlockPower (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -
    - -
    - -

    Class ExprRedstoneBlockPower

    - -
    All Implemented Interfaces:
    Converter<org.bukkit.block.Block,Long>, Debuggable, Expression<Long>, SyntaxElement
    @Name("Redstone Block Power") -@Description("Power of a redstone block") -@Examples({"if redstone power of targeted block is 15:","\tsend \"This block is very powerful!\""}) -@Since("2.5") -public class ExprRedstoneBlockPower -extends SimplePropertyExpression<org.bukkit.block.Block,Long>
    - -
      - -
    • -

      Constructor Details

      • -


        public ExprRedstoneBlockPower()
      • -
    • - -
    • -

      Method Details

      • -


        public Long convert(org.bukkit.block.Block b)
        Description copied from interface: Converter
        Converts an object from the given to the desired type.
        Specified by:
        convert in interface Converter<org.bukkit.block.Block,Long>
        Specified by:
        convert in class SimplePropertyExpression<org.bukkit.block.Block,Long>
        b - The object to convert.
        the converted object
      • -
      • -


        public Class<? extends Long> getReturnType()
        Description copied from interface: Expression
        Gets the return type of this expression.
        A supertype of any objects returned by Expression.getSingle(Event) and the component type of any arrays returned by Expression.getArray(Event)
      • -
      • -


        protected String getPropertyName()
        Description copied from class: SimplePropertyExpression
        Used to collect the property type used in the register method. - This forms the toString of this SimplePropertyExpression.
        Specified by:
        getPropertyName in class SimplePropertyExpression<org.bukkit.block.Block,Long>
        The name of the type used when registering this SimplePropertyExpression.
      • -
    • -
    - -
    - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprRemainingAir.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprRemainingAir.html deleted file mode 100644 index a1c9c6ec8a..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprRemainingAir.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,313 +0,0 @@ - - - - -ExprRemainingAir (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -
    - -
    - -

    Class ExprRemainingAir

    - -
    All Implemented Interfaces:
    Converter<org.bukkit.entity.LivingEntity,Timespan>, Debuggable, Expression<Timespan>, SyntaxElement
    @Name("Remaining Air") -@Description("How much time a player has left underwater before starting to drown.") -@Examples({"player\'s remaining air is less than 3 seconds:","\tsend \"hurry, get to the surface!\" to the player"}) -@Since("<i>unknown</i> (before 2.1)") -public class ExprRemainingAir -extends SimplePropertyExpression<org.bukkit.entity.LivingEntity,Timespan>
    - -
    - -
    - -
    - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprRespawnLocation.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprRespawnLocation.html deleted file mode 100644 index a8d3b003fd..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprRespawnLocation.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,331 +0,0 @@ - - - - -ExprRespawnLocation (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -
    - -
    - -

    Class ExprRespawnLocation

    java.lang.Object -
    ch.njol.skript.lang.util.SimpleExpression<org.bukkit.Location> -
    All Implemented Interfaces:
    Debuggable, Expression<org.bukkit.Location>, SyntaxElement
    @Name("Respawn location") -@Description("The location that a player should respawn at. This is used within the respawn event.") -@Examples({"on respawn:","\tset respawn location to {example::spawn}"}) -@Since("2.2-dev35") -public class ExprRespawnLocation -extends SimpleExpression<org.bukkit.Location>
    - -
      - -
    • -

      Constructor Details

      • -


        public ExprRespawnLocation()
      • -
    • - -
    • -

      Method Details

      • -


        public boolean init(Expression<?>[] exprs, - int matchedPattern, - Kleenean isDelayed, - SkriptParser.ParseResult parseResult)
        Description copied from interface: SyntaxElement
        Called just after the constructor.
        exprs - all %expr%s included in the matching pattern in the order they appear in the pattern. If an optional value was left out it will still be included in this list - holding the default value of the desired type which usually depends on the event.
        matchedPattern - The index of the pattern which matched
        isDelayed - Whether this expression is used after a delay or not (i.e. if the event has already passed when this expression will be called)
        parseResult - Additional information about the match.
        Whether this expression was initialised successfully. An error should be printed prior to returning false to specify the cause.
        See Also:
        - -
      • -
      • -


        protected @Nullable org.bukkit.Location[] get(org.bukkit.event.Event event)
        Description copied from class: SimpleExpression
        This is the internal method to get an expression's values.
        - To get the expression's value from the outside use SimpleExpression.getSingle(Event) or SimpleExpression.getArray(Event).
        Specified by:
        get in class SimpleExpression<org.bukkit.Location>
        event - The event
        An array of values for this event. May not contain nulls.
      • -
      • -


        public boolean isSingle()
        true if this expression will ever only return one value at most, false if it can return multiple values.
      • -
      • -


        public Class<? extends org.bukkit.Location> getReturnType()
        Description copied from interface: Expression
        Gets the return type of this expression.
        A supertype of any objects returned by Expression.getSingle(Event) and the component type of any arrays returned by Expression.getArray(Event)
      • -
      • -


        public String toString(@Nullable org.bukkit.event.Event event, - boolean debug)
        event - The event to get information to. This is always null if debug == false.
        debug - If true this should print more information, if false this should print what is shown to the end user
        String representation of this object
      • -
      • -


        public @Nullable Class<?>[] acceptChange(Changer.ChangeMode mode)
        Description copied from interface: Expression
        Tests whether this expression supports the given mode, and if yes what type it expects the delta to be. -

        - Use Changer.ChangerUtils.acceptsChange(Expression, ChangeMode, Class...) to test whether an expression supports changing, don't directly use this method! -

        - Please note that if a changer is registered for this expression's returnType this method does not have to be overridden. If you override it though - make sure to return super.acceptChange(mode), and to handle the appropriate ChangeMode(s) in Expression.change(Event, Object[], ChangeMode) with - super.change(...). -

        - Unlike Changer.acceptChange(ChangeMode) this method may print errors.

        Specified by:
        acceptChange in interface Expression<org.bukkit.Location>
        acceptChange in class SimpleExpression<org.bukkit.Location>
        An array of types that Expression.change(Event, Object[], ChangeMode) accepts as its delta parameter (which can be arrays to denote that multiple of - that type are accepted), or null if the given mode is not supported. For Changer.ChangeMode.DELETE and Changer.ChangeMode.RESET this can return any non-null array to - mark them as supported.
      • -
      • -


        public void change(org.bukkit.event.Event event, - @Nullable Object[] delta, - Changer.ChangeMode mode)
        Description copied from interface: Expression
        Changes the expression's value by the given amount. This will only be called on supported modes and with the desired delta type as returned by - Expression.acceptChange(ChangeMode)
        Specified by:
        change in interface Expression<org.bukkit.Location>
        change in class SimpleExpression<org.bukkit.Location>
        delta - An array with one or more instances of one or more of the the classes returned by Expression.acceptChange(ChangeMode) for the given change mode (null for - Changer.ChangeMode.DELETE and Changer.ChangeMode.RESET). This can be a Object[], thus casting is not allowed.
      • -
    • -
    - -
    - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprReversedList.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprReversedList.html deleted file mode 100644 index 1e4ecce0d9..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprReversedList.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,315 +0,0 @@ - - - - -ExprReversedList (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -
    - -
    - -

    Class ExprReversedList

    java.lang.Object -
    ch.njol.skript.lang.util.SimpleExpression<Object> -
    All Implemented Interfaces:
    Debuggable, Expression<Object>, SyntaxElement
    @Name("Reversed List") -@Description("Reverses given list.") -@Examples("set {_list::*} to reversed {_list::*}") -@Since("2.4") -public class ExprReversedList -extends SimpleExpression<Object>
    - -
      - -
    • -

      Constructor Details

      • -


        public ExprReversedList()
      • -
      • -


        public ExprReversedList(Expression<?> list)
      • -
    • - -
    • -

      Method Details

      • -


        public boolean init(Expression<?>[] exprs, - int matchedPattern, - Kleenean isDelayed, - SkriptParser.ParseResult parseResult)
        Description copied from interface: SyntaxElement
        Called just after the constructor.
        exprs - all %expr%s included in the matching pattern in the order they appear in the pattern. If an optional value was left out it will still be included in this list - holding the default value of the desired type which usually depends on the event.
        matchedPattern - The index of the pattern which matched
        isDelayed - Whether this expression is used after a delay or not (i.e. if the event has already passed when this expression will be called)
        parseResult - Additional information about the match.
        Whether this expression was initialised successfully. An error should be printed prior to returning false to specify the cause.
        See Also:
        - -
      • -
      • -


        protected @Nullable Object[] get(org.bukkit.event.Event e)
        Description copied from class: SimpleExpression
        This is the internal method to get an expression's values.
        - To get the expression's value from the outside use SimpleExpression.getSingle(Event) or SimpleExpression.getArray(Event).
        Specified by:
        get in class SimpleExpression<Object>
        e - The event
        An array of values for this event. May not contain nulls.
      • -
      • -


        public <R> @Nullable Expression<? extends R> getConvertedExpression(Class<R>... to)
        Description copied from class: SimpleExpression
        Usually, you want to override SimpleExpression.getConvertedExpr(Class[]). - However, it may be useful to override this method if you have an expression with a return - type that is unknown until runtime (like variables). Usually, you'll be fine with just - the default implementation. This method is final on versions below 2.2-dev36.
        Specified by:
        getConvertedExpression in interface Expression<Object>
        getConvertedExpression in class SimpleExpression<Object>
        to - The desired return type of the returned expression
        The converted expression
        See Also:
        - -
      • -
      • -


        public boolean isSingle()
        true if this expression will ever only return one value at most, false if it can return multiple values.
      • -
      • -


        public Class<?> getReturnType()
        Description copied from interface: Expression
        Gets the return type of this expression.
        A supertype of any objects returned by Expression.getSingle(Event) and the component type of any arrays returned by Expression.getArray(Event)
      • -
      • -


        public String toString(@Nullable org.bukkit.event.Event e, - boolean debug)
        e - The event to get information to. This is always null if debug == false.
        debug - If true this should print more information, if false this should print what is shown to the end user
        String representation of this object
      • -
    • -
    - -
    - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprRound.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprRound.html deleted file mode 100644 index ee1f96423a..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprRound.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,275 +0,0 @@ - - - - -ExprRound (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -
    - -
    - -

    Class ExprRound

    - -
    All Implemented Interfaces:
    Debuggable, Expression<Long>, SyntaxElement
    @Name("Rounding") -@Description("Rounds numbers normally, up (ceiling) or down (floor) respectively.") -@Examples({"set {var} to rounded health of player","set line 1 of the block to rounded \"%(1.5 * player\'s level)%\"","add rounded down argument to the player\'s health"}) -@Since("2.0") -public class ExprRound -extends PropertyExpression<Number,Long>
    - -
      - -
    • -

      Constructor Details

      • -


        public ExprRound()
      • -
    • - -
    • -

      Method Details

      • -


        public boolean init(Expression<?>[] exprs, - int matchedPattern, - Kleenean isDelayed, - SkriptParser.ParseResult parseResult)
        Description copied from interface: SyntaxElement
        Called just after the constructor.
        exprs - all %expr%s included in the matching pattern in the order they appear in the pattern. If an optional value was left out it will still be included in this list - holding the default value of the desired type which usually depends on the event.
        matchedPattern - The index of the pattern which matched
        isDelayed - Whether this expression is used after a delay or not (i.e. if the event has already passed when this expression will be called)
        parseResult - Additional information about the match.
        Whether this expression was initialised successfully. An error should be printed prior to returning false to specify the cause.
        See Also:
        - -
      • -
      • -


        protected Long[] get(org.bukkit.event.Event e, - Number[] source)
        Description copied from class: PropertyExpression
        Converts the given source object(s) to the correct type. -

        - Please note that the returned array must neither be null nor contain any null elements!

        Specified by:
        get in class PropertyExpression<Number,Long>
        e - the event involved at the time of runtime calling.
        source - the array of the objects from the expressions.
        An array of the converted objects, which may contain less elements than the source array, but must not be null.
        See Also:
        - -
      • -
      • -


        public Class<? extends Long> getReturnType()
        Description copied from interface: Expression
        Gets the return type of this expression.
        A supertype of any objects returned by Expression.getSingle(Event) and the component type of any arrays returned by Expression.getArray(Event)
      • -
      • -


        public String toString(@Nullable org.bukkit.event.Event e, - boolean debug)
        e - The event to get information to. This is always null if debug == false.
        debug - If true this should print more information, if false this should print what is shown to the end user
        String representation of this object
      • -
    • -
    - -
    - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprSaturation.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprSaturation.html deleted file mode 100644 index b98a1efd9a..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprSaturation.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,313 +0,0 @@ - - - - -ExprSaturation (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -
    - -
    - -

    Class ExprSaturation

    - -
    All Implemented Interfaces:
    Converter<org.bukkit.entity.Player,Number>, Debuggable, Expression<Number>, SyntaxElement
    @Name("Saturation") -@Description("The saturation of a player. If used in a player event, it can be omitted and will default to event-player.") -@Examples("set saturation of player to 20") -@Since("2.2-Fixes-v10, 2.2-dev35 (fully modifiable), 2.6.2 (syntax pattern changed)") -public class ExprSaturation -extends SimplePropertyExpression<org.bukkit.entity.Player,Number>
    - -
    - -
    - -
    - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprScoreboardTags.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprScoreboardTags.html deleted file mode 100644 index 381b576828..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprScoreboardTags.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,331 +0,0 @@ - - - - -ExprScoreboardTags (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -
    - -
    - -

    Class ExprScoreboardTags

    java.lang.Object -
    ch.njol.skript.lang.util.SimpleExpression<String> -
    All Implemented Interfaces:
    Debuggable, Expression<String>, SyntaxElement
    @Name("Scoreboard Tags") -@Description({"Scoreboard tags are simple list of texts stored directly in the data of an <a href=\'classes.html#entity\'>entity</a>.","So this is a Minecraft related thing, not Bukkit, so the tags will not get removed when the server stops. You can visit <a href=\'https://minecraft.gamepedia.com/Scoreboard#Tags\'>visit Minecraft Wiki</a> for more info.","This is changeable and valid for any type of entity. Also you can use use the <a href=\'conditions.html#CondHasScoreboardTag\'>Has Scoreboard Tag</a> condition to check whether an entity has the given tags.","","Requires Minecraft 1.11+ (actually added in 1.9 to the game, but added in 1.11 to Spigot)."}) -@Examples({"on spawn of a monster:","\tif the spawn reason is mob spawner:","\t\tadd \"spawned by a spawner\" to the scoreboard tags of event-entity","","on death of a monster:","\tif the attacker is a player:","\t\tif the victim doesn\'t have the scoreboard tag \"spawned by a spawner\":","\t\t\tadd 1$ to attacker\'s balance"}) -@Since("2.3") -public class ExprScoreboardTags -extends SimpleExpression<String>
    - -
      - -
    • -

      Constructor Details

      • -


        public ExprScoreboardTags()
      • -
    • - -
    • -

      Method Details

      • -


        public boolean init(Expression<?>[] exprs, - int matchedPattern, - Kleenean isDelayed, - SkriptParser.ParseResult parseResult)
        Description copied from interface: SyntaxElement
        Called just after the constructor.
        exprs - all %expr%s included in the matching pattern in the order they appear in the pattern. If an optional value was left out it will still be included in this list - holding the default value of the desired type which usually depends on the event.
        matchedPattern - The index of the pattern which matched
        isDelayed - Whether this expression is used after a delay or not (i.e. if the event has already passed when this expression will be called)
        parseResult - Additional information about the match.
        Whether this expression was initialised successfully. An error should be printed prior to returning false to specify the cause.
        See Also:
        - -
      • -
      • -


        public @Nullable String[] get(org.bukkit.event.Event e)
        Description copied from class: SimpleExpression
        This is the internal method to get an expression's values.
        - To get the expression's value from the outside use SimpleExpression.getSingle(Event) or SimpleExpression.getArray(Event).
        Specified by:
        get in class SimpleExpression<String>
        e - The event
        An array of values for this event. May not contain nulls.
      • -
      • -


        public @Nullable Class<?>[] acceptChange(Changer.ChangeMode mode)
        Description copied from interface: Expression
        Tests whether this expression supports the given mode, and if yes what type it expects the delta to be. -

        - Use Changer.ChangerUtils.acceptsChange(Expression, ChangeMode, Class...) to test whether an expression supports changing, don't directly use this method! -

        - Please note that if a changer is registered for this expression's returnType this method does not have to be overridden. If you override it though - make sure to return super.acceptChange(mode), and to handle the appropriate ChangeMode(s) in Expression.change(Event, Object[], ChangeMode) with - super.change(...). -

        - Unlike Changer.acceptChange(ChangeMode) this method may print errors.

        Specified by:
        acceptChange in interface Expression<String>
        acceptChange in class SimpleExpression<String>
        An array of types that Expression.change(Event, Object[], ChangeMode) accepts as its delta parameter (which can be arrays to denote that multiple of - that type are accepted), or null if the given mode is not supported. For Changer.ChangeMode.DELETE and Changer.ChangeMode.RESET this can return any non-null array to - mark them as supported.
      • -
      • -


        public void change(org.bukkit.event.Event e, - @Nullable Object[] delta, - Changer.ChangeMode mode)
        Description copied from interface: Expression
        Changes the expression's value by the given amount. This will only be called on supported modes and with the desired delta type as returned by - Expression.acceptChange(ChangeMode)
        Specified by:
        change in interface Expression<String>
        change in class SimpleExpression<String>
        delta - An array with one or more instances of one or more of the the classes returned by Expression.acceptChange(ChangeMode) for the given change mode (null for - Changer.ChangeMode.DELETE and Changer.ChangeMode.RESET). This can be a Object[], thus casting is not allowed.
      • -
      • -


        public boolean isSingle()
        true if this expression will ever only return one value at most, false if it can return multiple values.
      • -
      • -


        public Class<? extends String> getReturnType()
        Description copied from interface: Expression
        Gets the return type of this expression.
        A supertype of any objects returned by Expression.getSingle(Event) and the component type of any arrays returned by Expression.getArray(Event)
      • -
      • -


        public String toString(@Nullable org.bukkit.event.Event e, - boolean debug)
        e - The event to get information to. This is always null if debug == false.
        debug - If true this should print more information, if false this should print what is shown to the end user
        String representation of this object
      • -
    • -
    - -
    - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprScript.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprScript.html deleted file mode 100644 index 466d342492..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprScript.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,275 +0,0 @@ - - - - -ExprScript (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -
    - -
    - -

    Class ExprScript

    java.lang.Object -
    ch.njol.skript.lang.util.SimpleExpression<String> -
    All Implemented Interfaces:
    Debuggable, Expression<String>, SyntaxElement
    @Name("Script Name") -@Description("Holds the current script\'s name (the file name without \'.sk\').") -@Examples({"on script load:","\tset {running::%script%} to true","on script unload:","\tset {running::%script%} to false"}) -@Since("2.0") -@Events("Script Load/Unload") -public class ExprScript -extends SimpleExpression<String>
    - -
      - -
    • -

      Constructor Details

      • -


        public ExprScript()
      • -
    • - -
    • -

      Method Details

      • -


        public boolean init(Expression<?>[] exprs, - int matchedPattern, - Kleenean isDelayed, - SkriptParser.ParseResult parseResult)
        Description copied from interface: SyntaxElement
        Called just after the constructor.
        exprs - all %expr%s included in the matching pattern in the order they appear in the pattern. If an optional value was left out it will still be included in this list - holding the default value of the desired type which usually depends on the event.
        matchedPattern - The index of the pattern which matched
        isDelayed - Whether this expression is used after a delay or not (i.e. if the event has already passed when this expression will be called)
        parseResult - Additional information about the match.
        Whether this expression was initialised successfully. An error should be printed prior to returning false to specify the cause.
        See Also:
        - -
      • -
      • -


        protected String[] get(org.bukkit.event.Event event)
        Description copied from class: SimpleExpression
        This is the internal method to get an expression's values.
        - To get the expression's value from the outside use SimpleExpression.getSingle(Event) or SimpleExpression.getArray(Event).
        Specified by:
        get in class SimpleExpression<String>
        event - The event
        An array of values for this event. May not contain nulls.
      • -
      • -


        public boolean isSingle()
        true if this expression will ever only return one value at most, false if it can return multiple values.
      • -
      • -


        public Class<? extends String> getReturnType()
        Description copied from interface: Expression
        Gets the return type of this expression.
        A supertype of any objects returned by Expression.getSingle(Event) and the component type of any arrays returned by Expression.getArray(Event)
      • -
      • -


        public String toString(@Nullable org.bukkit.event.Event event, - boolean debug)
        event - The event to get information to. This is always null if debug == false.
        debug - If true this should print more information, if false this should print what is shown to the end user
        String representation of this object
      • -
    • -
    - -
    - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprScripts.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprScripts.html deleted file mode 100644 index 03d759ef92..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprScripts.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,274 +0,0 @@ - - - - -ExprScripts (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -
    - -
    - -

    Class ExprScripts

    java.lang.Object -
    ch.njol.skript.lang.util.SimpleExpression<String> -
    All Implemented Interfaces:
    Debuggable, Expression<String>, SyntaxElement
    @Name("All Scripts") -@Description("Returns all of the scripts, or just the enabled or disabled ones.") -@Examples({"command /scripts:","\ttrigger:","\t\tsend \"All Scripts: %scripts%\" to player","\t\tsend \"Loaded Scripts: %enabled scripts%\" to player","\t\tsend \"Unloaded Scripts: %disabled scripts%\" to player"}) -@Since("2.5") -public class ExprScripts -extends SimpleExpression<String>
    - -
      - -
    • -

      Constructor Details

      • -


        public ExprScripts()
      • -
    • - -
    • -

      Method Details

      • -


        public boolean init(Expression<?>[] exprs, - int matchedPattern, - Kleenean isDelayed, - SkriptParser.ParseResult parseResult)
        Description copied from interface: SyntaxElement
        Called just after the constructor.
        exprs - all %expr%s included in the matching pattern in the order they appear in the pattern. If an optional value was left out it will still be included in this list - holding the default value of the desired type which usually depends on the event.
        matchedPattern - The index of the pattern which matched
        isDelayed - Whether this expression is used after a delay or not (i.e. if the event has already passed when this expression will be called)
        parseResult - Additional information about the match.
        Whether this expression was initialised successfully. An error should be printed prior to returning false to specify the cause.
        See Also:
        - -
      • -
      • -


        protected String[] get(org.bukkit.event.Event event)
        Description copied from class: SimpleExpression
        This is the internal method to get an expression's values.
        - To get the expression's value from the outside use SimpleExpression.getSingle(Event) or SimpleExpression.getArray(Event).
        Specified by:
        get in class SimpleExpression<String>
        event - The event
        An array of values for this event. May not contain nulls.
      • -
      • -


        public boolean isSingle()
        true if this expression will ever only return one value at most, false if it can return multiple values.
      • -
      • -


        public Class<? extends String> getReturnType()
        Description copied from interface: Expression
        Gets the return type of this expression.
        A supertype of any objects returned by Expression.getSingle(Event) and the component type of any arrays returned by Expression.getArray(Event)
      • -
      • -


        public String toString(@Nullable org.bukkit.event.Event e, - boolean debug)
        e - The event to get information to. This is always null if debug == false.
        debug - If true this should print more information, if false this should print what is shown to the end user
        String representation of this object
      • -
    • -
    - -
    - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprSeaLevel.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprSeaLevel.html deleted file mode 100644 index 8663b6dd2e..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprSeaLevel.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,256 +0,0 @@ - - - - -ExprSeaLevel (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -
    - -
    - -

    Class ExprSeaLevel

    - -
    All Implemented Interfaces:
    Converter<org.bukkit.World,Long>, Debuggable, Expression<Long>, SyntaxElement
    @Name("Sea Level") -@Description("Gets the sea level of a world.") -@Examples("send \"The sea level in your world is %sea level in player\'s world%\"") -@Since("2.5.1") -public class ExprSeaLevel -extends SimplePropertyExpression<org.bukkit.World,Long>
    - -
      - -
    • -

      Constructor Details

      • -


        public ExprSeaLevel()
      • -
    • - -
    • -

      Method Details

      • -


        public Long convert(org.bukkit.World world)
        Description copied from interface: Converter
        Converts an object from the given to the desired type.
        Specified by:
        convert in interface Converter<org.bukkit.World,Long>
        Specified by:
        convert in class SimplePropertyExpression<org.bukkit.World,Long>
        world - The object to convert.
        the converted object
      • -
      • -


        public Class<? extends Long> getReturnType()
        Description copied from interface: Expression
        Gets the return type of this expression.
        A supertype of any objects returned by Expression.getSingle(Event) and the component type of any arrays returned by Expression.getArray(Event)
      • -
      • -


        protected String getPropertyName()
        Description copied from class: SimplePropertyExpression
        Used to collect the property type used in the register method. - This forms the toString of this SimplePropertyExpression.
        Specified by:
        getPropertyName in class SimplePropertyExpression<org.bukkit.World,Long>
        The name of the type used when registering this SimplePropertyExpression.
      • -
    • -
    - -
    - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprSeaPickles.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprSeaPickles.html deleted file mode 100644 index 7f1a6403eb..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprSeaPickles.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,352 +0,0 @@ - - - - -ExprSeaPickles (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -
    - -
    - -

    Class ExprSeaPickles

    - -
    All Implemented Interfaces:
    Converter<org.bukkit.block.Block,Integer>, Debuggable, Expression<Integer>, SyntaxElement
    @Name("Sea Pickles") -@Description("An expression to obtain or modify data relating to the pickles of a sea pickle block.") -@Examples({"on block break:","\ttype of block is sea pickle","\tsend \"Wow! This stack of sea pickles contained %event-block\'s sea pickle count% pickles!\"","\tsend \"It could\'ve contained a maximum of %event-block\'s maximum sea pickle count% pickles!\"","\tsend \"It had to have contained at least %event-block\'s minimum sea pickle count% pickles!\"","\tcancel event","\tset event-block\'s sea pickle count to event-block\'s maximum sea pickle count","\tsend \"This bad boy is going to hold so many pickles now!!\""}) -@Since("2.7") -public class ExprSeaPickles -extends SimplePropertyExpression<org.bukkit.block.Block,Integer>
    - -
    - -
    - -
    - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprSeed.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprSeed.html deleted file mode 100644 index d7e8faf41c..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprSeed.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,275 +0,0 @@ - - - - -ExprSeed (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -
    - -
    - -

    Class ExprSeed

    - -
    All Implemented Interfaces:
    Debuggable, Expression<Long>, SyntaxElement
    @Name("World Seed") -@Description("The seed of given world. Note that it will be returned as Minecraft internally treats seeds, not as you specified it in world configuration.") -@Examples("broadcast \"Seed: %seed of player\'s world%\"") -@Since("2.2-dev35") -public class ExprSeed -extends PropertyExpression<org.bukkit.World,Long>
    - -
      - -
    • -

      Constructor Details

      • -


        public ExprSeed()
      • -
    • - -
    • -

      Method Details

      • -


        public boolean init(Expression<?>[] exprs, - int matchedPattern, - Kleenean isDelayed, - SkriptParser.ParseResult parser)
        Description copied from interface: SyntaxElement
        Called just after the constructor.
        exprs - all %expr%s included in the matching pattern in the order they appear in the pattern. If an optional value was left out it will still be included in this list - holding the default value of the desired type which usually depends on the event.
        matchedPattern - The index of the pattern which matched
        isDelayed - Whether this expression is used after a delay or not (i.e. if the event has already passed when this expression will be called)
        parser - Additional information about the match.
        Whether this expression was initialised successfully. An error should be printed prior to returning false to specify the cause.
        See Also:
        - -
      • -
      • -


        protected Long[] get(org.bukkit.event.Event event, - org.bukkit.World[] source)
        Description copied from class: PropertyExpression
        Converts the given source object(s) to the correct type. -

        - Please note that the returned array must neither be null nor contain any null elements!

        Specified by:
        get in class PropertyExpression<org.bukkit.World,Long>
        event - the event involved at the time of runtime calling.
        source - the array of the objects from the expressions.
        An array of the converted objects, which may contain less elements than the source array, but must not be null.
        See Also:
        - -
      • -
      • -


        public Class<Long> getReturnType()
        Description copied from interface: Expression
        Gets the return type of this expression.
        A supertype of any objects returned by Expression.getSingle(Event) and the component type of any arrays returned by Expression.getArray(Event)
      • -
      • -


        public String toString(@Nullable org.bukkit.event.Event event, - boolean debug)
        event - The event to get information to. This is always null if debug == false.
        debug - If true this should print more information, if false this should print what is shown to the end user
        String representation of this object
      • -
    • -
    - -
    - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprServerIcon.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprServerIcon.html deleted file mode 100644 index d958223641..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprServerIcon.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,332 +0,0 @@ - - - - -ExprServerIcon (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -
    - -
    - -

    Class ExprServerIcon

    java.lang.Object -
    ch.njol.skript.lang.util.SimpleExpression<org.bukkit.util.CachedServerIcon> -
    All Implemented Interfaces:
    Debuggable, Expression<org.bukkit.util.CachedServerIcon>, SyntaxElement
    @Name("Server Icon") -@Description({"Icon of the server in the server list. Can be set to an icon that loaded using the","<a href=\'effects.html#EffLoadServerIcon\'>load server icon</a> effect,","or can be reset to the default icon in a <a href=\'events.html#server_list_ping\'>server list ping</a>.","\'default server icon\' returns the default server icon (server-icon.png) always and cannot be changed."}) -@Examples({"on script load:","\tset {server-icons::default} to the default server icon"}) -@Since("2.3") -@RequiredPlugins("Paper 1.12.2 or newer") -public class ExprServerIcon -extends SimpleExpression<org.bukkit.util.CachedServerIcon>
    - -
      - -
    • -

      Constructor Details

      • -


        public ExprServerIcon()
      • -
    • - -
    • -

      Method Details

      • -


        public boolean init(Expression<?>[] exprs, - int matchedPattern, - Kleenean isDelayed, - SkriptParser.ParseResult parseResult)
        Description copied from interface: SyntaxElement
        Called just after the constructor.
        exprs - all %expr%s included in the matching pattern in the order they appear in the pattern. If an optional value was left out it will still be included in this list - holding the default value of the desired type which usually depends on the event.
        matchedPattern - The index of the pattern which matched
        isDelayed - Whether this expression is used after a delay or not (i.e. if the event has already passed when this expression will be called)
        parseResult - Additional information about the match.
        Whether this expression was initialised successfully. An error should be printed prior to returning false to specify the cause.
        See Also:
        - -
      • -
      • -


        public @Nullable org.bukkit.util.CachedServerIcon[] get(org.bukkit.event.Event e)
        Description copied from class: SimpleExpression
        This is the internal method to get an expression's values.
        - To get the expression's value from the outside use SimpleExpression.getSingle(Event) or SimpleExpression.getArray(Event).
        Specified by:
        get in class SimpleExpression<org.bukkit.util.CachedServerIcon>
        e - The event
        An array of values for this event. May not contain nulls.
      • -
      • -


        public @Nullable Class<?>[] acceptChange(Changer.ChangeMode mode)
        Description copied from interface: Expression
        Tests whether this expression supports the given mode, and if yes what type it expects the delta to be. -

        - Use Changer.ChangerUtils.acceptsChange(Expression, ChangeMode, Class...) to test whether an expression supports changing, don't directly use this method! -

        - Please note that if a changer is registered for this expression's returnType this method does not have to be overridden. If you override it though - make sure to return super.acceptChange(mode), and to handle the appropriate ChangeMode(s) in Expression.change(Event, Object[], ChangeMode) with - super.change(...). -

        - Unlike Changer.acceptChange(ChangeMode) this method may print errors.

        Specified by:
        acceptChange in interface Expression<org.bukkit.util.CachedServerIcon>
        acceptChange in class SimpleExpression<org.bukkit.util.CachedServerIcon>
        An array of types that Expression.change(Event, Object[], ChangeMode) accepts as its delta parameter (which can be arrays to denote that multiple of - that type are accepted), or null if the given mode is not supported. For Changer.ChangeMode.DELETE and Changer.ChangeMode.RESET this can return any non-null array to - mark them as supported.
      • -
      • -


        public void change(org.bukkit.event.Event e, - @Nullable Object[] delta, - Changer.ChangeMode mode)
        Description copied from interface: Expression
        Changes the expression's value by the given amount. This will only be called on supported modes and with the desired delta type as returned by - Expression.acceptChange(ChangeMode)
        Specified by:
        change in interface Expression<org.bukkit.util.CachedServerIcon>
        change in class SimpleExpression<org.bukkit.util.CachedServerIcon>
        delta - An array with one or more instances of one or more of the the classes returned by Expression.acceptChange(ChangeMode) for the given change mode (null for - Changer.ChangeMode.DELETE and Changer.ChangeMode.RESET). This can be a Object[], thus casting is not allowed.
      • -
      • -


        public boolean isSingle()
        true if this expression will ever only return one value at most, false if it can return multiple values.
      • -
      • -


        public Class<? extends org.bukkit.util.CachedServerIcon> getReturnType()
        Description copied from interface: Expression
        Gets the return type of this expression.
        A supertype of any objects returned by Expression.getSingle(Event) and the component type of any arrays returned by Expression.getArray(Event)
      • -
      • -


        public String toString(@Nullable org.bukkit.event.Event e, - boolean debug)
        e - The event to get information to. This is always null if debug == false.
        debug - If true this should print more information, if false this should print what is shown to the end user
        String representation of this object
      • -
    • -
    - -
    - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprSets.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprSets.html deleted file mode 100644 index 8e4d9313a4..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprSets.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,297 +0,0 @@ - - - - -ExprSets (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -
    - -
    - -

    Class ExprSets

    java.lang.Object -
    ch.njol.skript.lang.util.SimpleExpression<Object> -
    All Implemented Interfaces:
    Debuggable, Expression<Object>, SyntaxElement
    @Name("Sets") -@Description("Returns a list of all the values of a type; useful for looping.") -@Examples({"loop all attribute types:","\tset loop-value attribute of player to 10","\tmessage \"Set attribute %loop-value% to 10!\""}) -@Since("<i>unknown</i> (before 1.4.2), 2.7 (colors)") -public class ExprSets -extends SimpleExpression<Object>
    - -
      - -
    • -

      Constructor Details

      • -


        public ExprSets()
      • -
    • - -
    • -

      Method Details

      • -


        public boolean init(Expression<?>[] exprs, - int matchedPattern, - Kleenean isDelayed, - SkriptParser.ParseResult parser)
        Description copied from interface: SyntaxElement
        Called just after the constructor.
        exprs - all %expr%s included in the matching pattern in the order they appear in the pattern. If an optional value was left out it will still be included in this list - holding the default value of the desired type which usually depends on the event.
        matchedPattern - The index of the pattern which matched
        isDelayed - Whether this expression is used after a delay or not (i.e. if the event has already passed when this expression will be called)
        parser - Additional information about the match.
        Whether this expression was initialised successfully. An error should be printed prior to returning false to specify the cause.
        See Also:
        - -
      • -
      • -


        protected Object[] get(org.bukkit.event.Event event)
        Description copied from class: SimpleExpression
        This is the internal method to get an expression's values.
        - To get the expression's value from the outside use SimpleExpression.getSingle(Event) or SimpleExpression.getArray(Event).
        Specified by:
        get in class SimpleExpression<Object>
        event - The event
        An array of values for this event. May not contain nulls.
      • -
      • -


        public @Nullable Iterator<?> iterator(org.bukkit.event.Event event)
        Description copied from interface: Expression
        Returns the same as Expression.getArray(Event) but as an iterator. This method should be overriden by expressions intended to be looped to increase performance.
        Specified by:
        iterator in interface Expression<Object>
        iterator in class SimpleExpression<Object>
        event - The event
        An iterator to iterate over all values of this expression which may be empty and/or null, but must not return null elements.
      • -
      • -


        public boolean isSingle()
        true if this expression will ever only return one value at most, false if it can return multiple values.
      • -
      • -


        public Class<?> getReturnType()
        Description copied from interface: Expression
        Gets the return type of this expression.
        A supertype of any objects returned by Expression.getSingle(Event) and the component type of any arrays returned by Expression.getArray(Event)
      • -
      • -


        public String toString(@Nullable org.bukkit.event.Event event, - boolean debug)
        event - The event to get information to. This is always null if debug == false.
        debug - If true this should print more information, if false this should print what is shown to the end user
        String representation of this object
      • -
    • -
    - -
    - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprShooter.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprShooter.html deleted file mode 100644 index 73fcbb6919..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprShooter.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,332 +0,0 @@ - - - - -ExprShooter (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -
    - -
    - -

    Class ExprShooter

    java.lang.Object -
    ch.njol.skript.lang.util.SimpleExpression<T> -
    ch.njol.skript.expressions.base.PropertyExpression<org.bukkit.entity.Projectile,org.bukkit.entity.LivingEntity> -
    All Implemented Interfaces:
    Debuggable, Expression<org.bukkit.entity.LivingEntity>, SyntaxElement
    @Name("Shooter") -@Description("The shooter of a projectile.") -@Examples("shooter is a skeleton") -@Since("1.3.7") -public class ExprShooter -extends PropertyExpression<org.bukkit.entity.Projectile,org.bukkit.entity.LivingEntity>
    - -
      - -
    • -

      Constructor Details

      • -


        public ExprShooter()
      • -
    • - -
    • -

      Method Details

      • -


        public boolean init(Expression<?>[] exprs, - int matchedPattern, - Kleenean isDelayed, - SkriptParser.ParseResult parseResult)
        Description copied from interface: SyntaxElement
        Called just after the constructor.
        exprs - all %expr%s included in the matching pattern in the order they appear in the pattern. If an optional value was left out it will still be included in this list - holding the default value of the desired type which usually depends on the event.
        matchedPattern - The index of the pattern which matched
        isDelayed - Whether this expression is used after a delay or not (i.e. if the event has already passed when this expression will be called)
        parseResult - Additional information about the match.
        Whether this expression was initialised successfully. An error should be printed prior to returning false to specify the cause.
        See Also:
        - -
      • -
      • -


        protected org.bukkit.entity.LivingEntity[] get(org.bukkit.event.Event e, - org.bukkit.entity.Projectile[] source)
        Description copied from class: PropertyExpression
        Converts the given source object(s) to the correct type. -

        - Please note that the returned array must neither be null nor contain any null elements!

        Specified by:
        get in class PropertyExpression<org.bukkit.entity.Projectile,org.bukkit.entity.LivingEntity>
        e - the event involved at the time of runtime calling.
        source - the array of the objects from the expressions.
        An array of the converted objects, which may contain less elements than the source array, but must not be null.
        See Also:
        - -
      • -
      • -


        public @Nullable Class<?>[] acceptChange(Changer.ChangeMode mode)
        Description copied from interface: Expression
        Tests whether this expression supports the given mode, and if yes what type it expects the delta to be. -

        - Use Changer.ChangerUtils.acceptsChange(Expression, ChangeMode, Class...) to test whether an expression supports changing, don't directly use this method! -

        - Please note that if a changer is registered for this expression's returnType this method does not have to be overridden. If you override it though - make sure to return super.acceptChange(mode), and to handle the appropriate ChangeMode(s) in Expression.change(Event, Object[], ChangeMode) with - super.change(...). -

        - Unlike Changer.acceptChange(ChangeMode) this method may print errors.

        Specified by:
        acceptChange in interface Expression<org.bukkit.entity.LivingEntity>
        acceptChange in class SimpleExpression<org.bukkit.entity.LivingEntity>
        An array of types that Expression.change(Event, Object[], ChangeMode) accepts as its delta parameter (which can be arrays to denote that multiple of - that type are accepted), or null if the given mode is not supported. For Changer.ChangeMode.DELETE and Changer.ChangeMode.RESET this can return any non-null array to - mark them as supported.
      • -
      • -


        public void change(org.bukkit.event.Event e, - @Nullable Object[] delta, - Changer.ChangeMode mode)
        Description copied from interface: Expression
        Changes the expression's value by the given amount. This will only be called on supported modes and with the desired delta type as returned by - Expression.acceptChange(ChangeMode)
        Specified by:
        change in interface Expression<org.bukkit.entity.LivingEntity>
        change in class SimpleExpression<org.bukkit.entity.LivingEntity>
        delta - An array with one or more instances of one or more of the the classes returned by Expression.acceptChange(ChangeMode) for the given change mode (null for - Changer.ChangeMode.DELETE and Changer.ChangeMode.RESET). This can be a Object[], thus casting is not allowed.
      • -
      • -


        public Class<org.bukkit.entity.LivingEntity> getReturnType()
        Description copied from interface: Expression
        Gets the return type of this expression.
        A supertype of any objects returned by Expression.getSingle(Event) and the component type of any arrays returned by Expression.getArray(Event)
      • -
      • -


        public String toString(@Nullable org.bukkit.event.Event e, - boolean debug)
        e - The event to get information to. This is always null if debug == false.
        debug - If true this should print more information, if false this should print what is shown to the end user
        String representation of this object
      • -
    • -
    - -
    - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprShuffledList.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprShuffledList.html deleted file mode 100644 index 8e4cec86e2..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprShuffledList.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,315 +0,0 @@ - - - - -ExprShuffledList (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -
    - -
    - -

    Class ExprShuffledList

    java.lang.Object -
    ch.njol.skript.lang.util.SimpleExpression<Object> -
    All Implemented Interfaces:
    Debuggable, Expression<Object>, SyntaxElement
    @Name("Shuffled List") -@Description("Shuffles given list randomly. This is done by replacing indices by random numbers in resulting list.") -@Examples("set {_list::*} to shuffled {_list::*}") -@Since("2.2-dev32") -public class ExprShuffledList -extends SimpleExpression<Object>
    - -
      - -
    • -

      Constructor Details

      • -


        public ExprShuffledList()
      • -
      • -


        public ExprShuffledList(Expression<?> list)
      • -
    • - -
    • -

      Method Details

      • -


        public boolean init(Expression<?>[] exprs, - int matchedPattern, - Kleenean isDelayed, - SkriptParser.ParseResult parseResult)
        Description copied from interface: SyntaxElement
        Called just after the constructor.
        exprs - all %expr%s included in the matching pattern in the order they appear in the pattern. If an optional value was left out it will still be included in this list - holding the default value of the desired type which usually depends on the event.
        matchedPattern - The index of the pattern which matched
        isDelayed - Whether this expression is used after a delay or not (i.e. if the event has already passed when this expression will be called)
        parseResult - Additional information about the match.
        Whether this expression was initialised successfully. An error should be printed prior to returning false to specify the cause.
        See Also:
        - -
      • -
      • -


        protected @Nullable Object[] get(org.bukkit.event.Event e)
        Description copied from class: SimpleExpression
        This is the internal method to get an expression's values.
        - To get the expression's value from the outside use SimpleExpression.getSingle(Event) or SimpleExpression.getArray(Event).
        Specified by:
        get in class SimpleExpression<Object>
        e - The event
        An array of values for this event. May not contain nulls.
      • -
      • -


        public <R> @Nullable Expression<? extends R> getConvertedExpression(Class<R>... to)
        Description copied from class: SimpleExpression
        Usually, you want to override SimpleExpression.getConvertedExpr(Class[]). - However, it may be useful to override this method if you have an expression with a return - type that is unknown until runtime (like variables). Usually, you'll be fine with just - the default implementation. This method is final on versions below 2.2-dev36.
        Specified by:
        getConvertedExpression in interface Expression<Object>
        getConvertedExpression in class SimpleExpression<Object>
        to - The desired return type of the returned expression
        The converted expression
        See Also:
        - -
      • -
      • -


        public Class<?> getReturnType()
        Description copied from interface: Expression
        Gets the return type of this expression.
        A supertype of any objects returned by Expression.getSingle(Event) and the component type of any arrays returned by Expression.getArray(Event)
      • -
      • -


        public boolean isSingle()
        true if this expression will ever only return one value at most, false if it can return multiple values.
      • -
      • -


        public String toString(@Nullable org.bukkit.event.Event e, - boolean debug)
        e - The event to get information to. This is always null if debug == false.
        debug - If true this should print more information, if false this should print what is shown to the end user
        String representation of this object
      • -
    • -
    - -
    - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprSignText.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprSignText.html deleted file mode 100644 index 5cb2486015..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprSignText.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,373 +0,0 @@ - - - - -ExprSignText (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -
    - -
    - -

    Class ExprSignText

    java.lang.Object -
    ch.njol.skript.lang.util.SimpleExpression<String> -
    All Implemented Interfaces:
    Debuggable, Expression<String>, SyntaxElement
    @Name("Sign Text") -@Description("A line of text on a sign. Can be changed, but remember that there is a 16 character limit per line (including color codes that use 2 characters each).") -@Examples({"on rightclick on sign:","\tline 2 of the clicked block is \"[Heal]\":","\t\theal the player","\tset line 3 to \"%player%\""}) -@Since("1.3") -public class ExprSignText -extends SimpleExpression<String>
    - -
      - -
    • -

      Constructor Details

      • -


        public ExprSignText()
      • -
    • - -
    • -

      Method Details

      • -


        public boolean init(Expression<?>[] exprs, - int matchedPattern, - Kleenean isDelayed, - SkriptParser.ParseResult parseResult)
        Description copied from interface: SyntaxElement
        Called just after the constructor.
        exprs - all %expr%s included in the matching pattern in the order they appear in the pattern. If an optional value was left out it will still be included in this list - holding the default value of the desired type which usually depends on the event.
        matchedPattern - The index of the pattern which matched
        isDelayed - Whether this expression is used after a delay or not (i.e. if the event has already passed when this expression will be called)
        parseResult - Additional information about the match.
        Whether this expression was initialised successfully. An error should be printed prior to returning false to specify the cause.
        See Also:
        - -
      • -
      • -


        public boolean isSingle()
        true if this expression will ever only return one value at most, false if it can return multiple values.
      • -
      • -


        public Class<? extends String> getReturnType()
        Description copied from interface: Expression
        Gets the return type of this expression.
        A supertype of any objects returned by Expression.getSingle(Event) and the component type of any arrays returned by Expression.getArray(Event)
      • -
      • -


        protected @Nullable String[] get(org.bukkit.event.Event e)
        Description copied from class: SimpleExpression
        This is the internal method to get an expression's values.
        - To get the expression's value from the outside use SimpleExpression.getSingle(Event) or SimpleExpression.getArray(Event).
        Specified by:
        get in class SimpleExpression<String>
        e - The event
        An array of values for this event. May not contain nulls.
      • -
      • -


        public String toString(@Nullable org.bukkit.event.Event e, - boolean debug)
        e - The event to get information to. This is always null if debug == false.
        debug - If true this should print more information, if false this should print what is shown to the end user
        String representation of this object
      • -
      • -


        public @Nullable Class<?>[] acceptChange(Changer.ChangeMode mode)
        Description copied from interface: Expression
        Tests whether this expression supports the given mode, and if yes what type it expects the delta to be. -

        - Use Changer.ChangerUtils.acceptsChange(Expression, ChangeMode, Class...) to test whether an expression supports changing, don't directly use this method! -

        - Please note that if a changer is registered for this expression's returnType this method does not have to be overridden. If you override it though - make sure to return super.acceptChange(mode), and to handle the appropriate ChangeMode(s) in Expression.change(Event, Object[], ChangeMode) with - super.change(...). -

        - Unlike Changer.acceptChange(ChangeMode) this method may print errors.

        Specified by:
        acceptChange in interface Expression<String>
        acceptChange in class SimpleExpression<String>
        An array of types that Expression.change(Event, Object[], ChangeMode) accepts as its delta parameter (which can be arrays to denote that multiple of - that type are accepted), or null if the given mode is not supported. For Changer.ChangeMode.DELETE and Changer.ChangeMode.RESET this can return any non-null array to - mark them as supported.
      • -
      • -


        public void change(org.bukkit.event.Event e, - @Nullable Object[] delta, - Changer.ChangeMode mode) - throws UnsupportedOperationException
        Description copied from interface: Expression
        Changes the expression's value by the given amount. This will only be called on supported modes and with the desired delta type as returned by - Expression.acceptChange(ChangeMode)
        Specified by:
        change in interface Expression<String>
        change in class SimpleExpression<String>
        delta - An array with one or more instances of one or more of the the classes returned by Expression.acceptChange(ChangeMode) for the given change mode (null for - Changer.ChangeMode.DELETE and Changer.ChangeMode.RESET). This can be a Object[], thus casting is not allowed.
        UnsupportedOperationException - (optional) - If this method was called on an unsupported ChangeMode.
      • -
      • -


        public boolean setTime(int time)
        Description copied from class: SimpleExpression
        Sets the time of this expression, i.e. whether the returned value represents this expression before or after the event. -

        - This method will not be called if this expression is guaranteed to be used after a delay (an error will be printed immediately), but will be called if - it only can be after a delay (e.g. if the preceding delay is in an if or a loop) as well as if there's no delay involved. -

        - If this method returns false the expression will be discarded and an error message is printed. Custom error messages must be of ErrorQuality.SEMANTIC_ERROR to be - printed (NB: Skript.error(String) always creates semantic errors). -

        - This implementation sets the time but returns false.

        Specified by:
        setTime in interface Expression<String>
        setTime in class SimpleExpression<String>
        time - -1 for past or 1 for future. 0 is never passed to this method as it represents the default state.
        Whether this expression has distinct time states, e.g. a player never changes but a block can. This should be sensitive for the event (using - ParserInstance.isCurrentEvent(Class)).
        See Also:
        - -
      • -
    • -
    - -
    - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprSkull.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprSkull.html deleted file mode 100644 index 47b5fac051..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprSkull.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,295 +0,0 @@ - - - - -ExprSkull (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -
    - -
    - -

    Class ExprSkull

    - -
    All Implemented Interfaces:
    Converter<Object,ItemType>, Debuggable, Expression<ItemType>, SyntaxElement
    @Name("Player Skull") -@Description("Gets a skull item representing a player. Skulls for other entities are provided by the aliases.") -@Examples({"give the victim\'s skull to the attacker","set the block at the entity to the entity\'s skull"}) -@Since("2.0") -public class ExprSkull -extends SimplePropertyExpression<Object,ItemType>
    - -
      - -
    • -

      Constructor Details

      • -


        public ExprSkull()
      • -
    • - -
    • -

      Method Details

      • -


        public boolean init(Expression<?>[] exprs, - int matchedPattern, - Kleenean isDelayed, - SkriptParser.ParseResult parseResult)
        Description copied from interface: SyntaxElement
        Called just after the constructor.
        Specified by:
        init in interface SyntaxElement
        init in class SimplePropertyExpression<Object,ItemType>
        exprs - all %expr%s included in the matching pattern in the order they appear in the pattern. If an optional value was left out it will still be included in this list - holding the default value of the desired type which usually depends on the event.
        matchedPattern - The index of the pattern which matched
        isDelayed - Whether this expression is used after a delay or not (i.e. if the event has already passed when this expression will be called)
        parseResult - Additional information about the match.
        Whether this expression was initialised successfully. An error should be printed prior to returning false to specify the cause.
        See Also:
        - -
      • -
      • -


        public @Nullable ItemType convert(Object o)
        Description copied from interface: Converter
        Converts an object from the given to the desired type.
        Specified by:
        convert in interface Converter<Object,ItemType>
        Specified by:
        convert in class SimplePropertyExpression<Object,ItemType>
        o - The object to convert.
        the converted object
      • -
      • -


        public Class<? extends ItemType> getReturnType()
        Description copied from interface: Expression
        Gets the return type of this expression.
        A supertype of any objects returned by Expression.getSingle(Event) and the component type of any arrays returned by Expression.getArray(Event)
      • -
      • -


        protected String getPropertyName()
        Description copied from class: SimplePropertyExpression
        Used to collect the property type used in the register method. - This forms the toString of this SimplePropertyExpression.
        Specified by:
        getPropertyName in class SimplePropertyExpression<Object,ItemType>
        The name of the type used when registering this SimplePropertyExpression.
      • -
    • -
    - -
    - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprSlotIndex.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprSlotIndex.html deleted file mode 100644 index 34f6e136b9..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprSlotIndex.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,256 +0,0 @@ - - - - -ExprSlotIndex (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -
    - -
    - -

    Class ExprSlotIndex

    - -
    All Implemented Interfaces:
    Converter<Slot,Long>, Debuggable, Expression<Long>, SyntaxElement
    @Name("Slot Index") -@Description("Index of an an inventory slot. Other types of slots may or may not have indices. Note that comparing slots with numbers is also possible; if index of slot is same as the number, comparisonsucceeds. This expression is mainly for the cases where you must for some reason save the slot numbers.") -@Examples({"if index of event-slot is 10:","\tsend \"You bought a pie!\""}) -@Since("2.2-dev35") -public class ExprSlotIndex -extends SimplePropertyExpression<Slot,Long>
    - -
      - -
    • -

      Constructor Details

      • -


        public ExprSlotIndex()
      • -
    • - -
    • -

      Method Details

      - -
    • -
    - -
    - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprSortedList.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprSortedList.html deleted file mode 100644 index 99e6577917..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprSortedList.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,315 +0,0 @@ - - - - -ExprSortedList (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -
    - -
    - -

    Class ExprSortedList

    java.lang.Object -
    ch.njol.skript.lang.util.SimpleExpression<Object> -
    All Implemented Interfaces:
    Debuggable, Expression<Object>, SyntaxElement
    @Name("Sorted List") -@Description({"Sorts given list in natural order. All objects in list must be comparable;","if they\'re not, this expression will return nothing."}) -@Examples("set {_sorted::*} to sorted {_players::*}") -@Since("2.2-dev19") -public class ExprSortedList -extends SimpleExpression<Object>
    - -
      - -
    • -

      Constructor Details

      • -


        public ExprSortedList()
      • -
      • -


        public ExprSortedList(Expression<?> list)
      • -
    • - -
    • -

      Method Details

      • -


        public boolean init(Expression<?>[] exprs, - int matchedPattern, - Kleenean isDelayed, - SkriptParser.ParseResult parseResult)
        Description copied from interface: SyntaxElement
        Called just after the constructor.
        exprs - all %expr%s included in the matching pattern in the order they appear in the pattern. If an optional value was left out it will still be included in this list - holding the default value of the desired type which usually depends on the event.
        matchedPattern - The index of the pattern which matched
        isDelayed - Whether this expression is used after a delay or not (i.e. if the event has already passed when this expression will be called)
        parseResult - Additional information about the match.
        Whether this expression was initialised successfully. An error should be printed prior to returning false to specify the cause.
        See Also:
        - -
      • -
      • -


        protected @Nullable Object[] get(org.bukkit.event.Event e)
        Description copied from class: SimpleExpression
        This is the internal method to get an expression's values.
        - To get the expression's value from the outside use SimpleExpression.getSingle(Event) or SimpleExpression.getArray(Event).
        Specified by:
        get in class SimpleExpression<Object>
        e - The event
        An array of values for this event. May not contain nulls.
      • -
      • -


        public <R> @Nullable Expression<? extends R> getConvertedExpression(Class<R>... to)
        Description copied from class: SimpleExpression
        Usually, you want to override SimpleExpression.getConvertedExpr(Class[]). - However, it may be useful to override this method if you have an expression with a return - type that is unknown until runtime (like variables). Usually, you'll be fine with just - the default implementation. This method is final on versions below 2.2-dev36.
        Specified by:
        getConvertedExpression in interface Expression<Object>
        getConvertedExpression in class SimpleExpression<Object>
        to - The desired return type of the returned expression
        The converted expression
        See Also:
        - -
      • -
      • -


        public boolean isSingle()
        true if this expression will ever only return one value at most, false if it can return multiple values.
      • -
      • -


        public Class<?> getReturnType()
        Description copied from interface: Expression
        Gets the return type of this expression.
        A supertype of any objects returned by Expression.getSingle(Event) and the component type of any arrays returned by Expression.getArray(Event)
      • -
      • -


        public String toString(@Nullable org.bukkit.event.Event e, - boolean debug)
        e - The event to get information to. This is always null if debug == false.
        debug - If true this should print more information, if false this should print what is shown to the end user
        String representation of this object
      • -
    • -
    - -
    - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprSourceBlock.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprSourceBlock.html deleted file mode 100644 index d914bda21a..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprSourceBlock.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,275 +0,0 @@ - - - - -ExprSourceBlock (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -
    - -
    - -

    Class ExprSourceBlock

    java.lang.Object -
    ch.njol.skript.lang.util.SimpleExpression<org.bukkit.block.Block> -
    All Implemented Interfaces:
    Debuggable, Expression<org.bukkit.block.Block>, SyntaxElement
    @Name("Source Block") -@Description("The source block in a spread event.") -@Events("Spread") -@Examples({"on spread:","\tif the source block is a grass block:","\t\tset the source block to a dirt block"}) -@Since("2.7") -public class ExprSourceBlock -extends SimpleExpression<org.bukkit.block.Block>
    - -
      - -
    • -

      Constructor Details

      • -


        public ExprSourceBlock()
      • -
    • - -
    • -

      Method Details

      • -


        public boolean init(Expression<?>[] exprs, - int matchedPattern, - Kleenean isDelayed, - SkriptParser.ParseResult parseResult)
        Description copied from interface: SyntaxElement
        Called just after the constructor.
        exprs - all %expr%s included in the matching pattern in the order they appear in the pattern. If an optional value was left out it will still be included in this list - holding the default value of the desired type which usually depends on the event.
        matchedPattern - The index of the pattern which matched
        isDelayed - Whether this expression is used after a delay or not (i.e. if the event has already passed when this expression will be called)
        parseResult - Additional information about the match.
        Whether this expression was initialised successfully. An error should be printed prior to returning false to specify the cause.
        See Also:
        - -
      • -
      • -


        protected org.bukkit.block.Block[] get(org.bukkit.event.Event event)
        Description copied from class: SimpleExpression
        This is the internal method to get an expression's values.
        - To get the expression's value from the outside use SimpleExpression.getSingle(Event) or SimpleExpression.getArray(Event).
        Specified by:
        get in class SimpleExpression<org.bukkit.block.Block>
        event - The event
        An array of values for this event. May not contain nulls.
      • -
      • -


        public boolean isSingle()
        true if this expression will ever only return one value at most, false if it can return multiple values.
      • -
      • -


        public Class<? extends org.bukkit.block.Block> getReturnType()
        Description copied from interface: Expression
        Gets the return type of this expression.
        A supertype of any objects returned by Expression.getSingle(Event) and the component type of any arrays returned by Expression.getArray(Event)
      • -
      • -


        public String toString(@Nullable org.bukkit.event.Event event, - boolean debug)
        event - The event to get information to. This is always null if debug == false.
        debug - If true this should print more information, if false this should print what is shown to the end user
        String representation of this object
      • -
    • -
    - -
    - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprSpawn.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprSpawn.html deleted file mode 100644 index 19d6231b22..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprSpawn.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,371 +0,0 @@ - - - - -ExprSpawn (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -
    - -
    - -

    Class ExprSpawn

    java.lang.Object -
    ch.njol.skript.lang.util.SimpleExpression<T> -
    ch.njol.skript.expressions.base.PropertyExpression<org.bukkit.World,org.bukkit.Location> -
    All Implemented Interfaces:
    Debuggable, Expression<org.bukkit.Location>, SyntaxElement
    @Name("Spawn") -@Description("The spawn point of a world.") -@Examples({"teleport all players to spawn","set the spawn point of \"world\" to the player\'s location"}) -@Since("1.4.2") -public class ExprSpawn -extends PropertyExpression<org.bukkit.World,org.bukkit.Location>
    - -
      - -
    • -

      Constructor Details

      • -


        public ExprSpawn()
      • -
    • - -
    • -

      Method Details

      • -


        public boolean init(Expression<?>[] exprs, - int matchedPattern, - Kleenean isDelayed, - SkriptParser.ParseResult parseResult)
        Description copied from interface: SyntaxElement
        Called just after the constructor.
        exprs - all %expr%s included in the matching pattern in the order they appear in the pattern. If an optional value was left out it will still be included in this list - holding the default value of the desired type which usually depends on the event.
        matchedPattern - The index of the pattern which matched
        isDelayed - Whether this expression is used after a delay or not (i.e. if the event has already passed when this expression will be called)
        parseResult - Additional information about the match.
        Whether this expression was initialised successfully. An error should be printed prior to returning false to specify the cause.
        See Also:
        - -
      • -
      • -


        protected org.bukkit.Location[] get(org.bukkit.event.Event event, - org.bukkit.World[] source)
        Description copied from class: PropertyExpression
        Converts the given source object(s) to the correct type. -

        - Please note that the returned array must neither be null nor contain any null elements!

        Specified by:
        get in class PropertyExpression<org.bukkit.World,org.bukkit.Location>
        event - the event involved at the time of runtime calling.
        source - the array of the objects from the expressions.
        An array of the converted objects, which may contain less elements than the source array, but must not be null.
        See Also:
        - -
      • -
      • -


        public @Nullable Class<?>[] acceptChange(Changer.ChangeMode mode)
        Description copied from interface: Expression
        Tests whether this expression supports the given mode, and if yes what type it expects the delta to be. -

        - Use Changer.ChangerUtils.acceptsChange(Expression, ChangeMode, Class...) to test whether an expression supports changing, don't directly use this method! -

        - Please note that if a changer is registered for this expression's returnType this method does not have to be overridden. If you override it though - make sure to return super.acceptChange(mode), and to handle the appropriate ChangeMode(s) in Expression.change(Event, Object[], ChangeMode) with - super.change(...). -

        - Unlike Changer.acceptChange(ChangeMode) this method may print errors.

        Specified by:
        acceptChange in interface Expression<org.bukkit.Location>
        acceptChange in class SimpleExpression<org.bukkit.Location>
        An array of types that Expression.change(Event, Object[], ChangeMode) accepts as its delta parameter (which can be arrays to denote that multiple of - that type are accepted), or null if the given mode is not supported. For Changer.ChangeMode.DELETE and Changer.ChangeMode.RESET this can return any non-null array to - mark them as supported.
      • -
      • -


        public void change(org.bukkit.event.Event event, - @Nullable Object[] delta, - Changer.ChangeMode mode)
        Description copied from interface: Expression
        Changes the expression's value by the given amount. This will only be called on supported modes and with the desired delta type as returned by - Expression.acceptChange(ChangeMode)
        Specified by:
        change in interface Expression<org.bukkit.Location>
        change in class SimpleExpression<org.bukkit.Location>
        delta - An array with one or more instances of one or more of the the classes returned by Expression.acceptChange(ChangeMode) for the given change mode (null for - Changer.ChangeMode.DELETE and Changer.ChangeMode.RESET). This can be a Object[], thus casting is not allowed.
      • -
      • -


        public boolean setTime(int time)
        Description copied from class: SimpleExpression
        Sets the time of this expression, i.e. whether the returned value represents this expression before or after the event. -

        - This method will not be called if this expression is guaranteed to be used after a delay (an error will be printed immediately), but will be called if - it only can be after a delay (e.g. if the preceding delay is in an if or a loop) as well as if there's no delay involved. -

        - If this method returns false the expression will be discarded and an error message is printed. Custom error messages must be of ErrorQuality.SEMANTIC_ERROR to be - printed (NB: Skript.error(String) always creates semantic errors). -

        - This implementation sets the time but returns false.

        Specified by:
        setTime in interface Expression<org.bukkit.Location>
        setTime in class SimpleExpression<org.bukkit.Location>
        time - -1 for past or 1 for future. 0 is never passed to this method as it represents the default state.
        Whether this expression has distinct time states, e.g. a player never changes but a block can. This should be sensitive for the event (using - ParserInstance.isCurrentEvent(Class)).
        See Also:
        - -
      • -
      • -


        public Class<? extends org.bukkit.Location> getReturnType()
        Description copied from interface: Expression
        Gets the return type of this expression.
        A supertype of any objects returned by Expression.getSingle(Event) and the component type of any arrays returned by Expression.getArray(Event)
      • -
      • -


        public String toString(@Nullable org.bukkit.event.Event event, - boolean debug)
        event - The event to get information to. This is always null if debug == false.
        debug - If true this should print more information, if false this should print what is shown to the end user
        String representation of this object
      • -
    • -
    - -
    - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprSpawnReason.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprSpawnReason.html deleted file mode 100644 index de6ea4df84..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprSpawnReason.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,198 +0,0 @@ - - - - -ExprSpawnReason (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -
    - -
    - -

    Class ExprSpawnReason

    java.lang.Object -
    ch.njol.skript.lang.util.SimpleExpression<T> -
    ch.njol.skript.expressions.base.EventValueExpression<org.bukkit.event.entity.CreatureSpawnEvent.SpawnReason> -
    All Implemented Interfaces:
    Debuggable, DefaultExpression<org.bukkit.event.entity.CreatureSpawnEvent.SpawnReason>, Expression<org.bukkit.event.entity.CreatureSpawnEvent.SpawnReason>, SyntaxElement
    @Name("Spawn Reason") -@Description("The <a href=\'classes.html#spawnreason\'>spawn reason</a> in a <a href=\'events.html#spawn\'>spawn</a> event.") -@Examples({"on spawn:","\tspawn reason is reinforcements or breeding"}) -@Since("2.3") -public class ExprSpawnReason -extends EventValueExpression<org.bukkit.event.entity.CreatureSpawnEvent.SpawnReason>
    - -
      - -
    • -

      Constructor Details

      • -


        public ExprSpawnReason()
      • -
    • - -
    • -

      Method Details

      • -


        public String toString(@Nullable org.bukkit.event.Event e, - boolean debug)
        Specified by:
        toString in interface Debuggable
        toString in class EventValueExpression<org.bukkit.event.entity.CreatureSpawnEvent.SpawnReason>
        e - The event to get information to. This is always null if debug == false.
        debug - If true this should print more information, if false this should print what is shown to the end user
        String representation of this object
      • -
    • -
    - -
    - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprSpawnerType.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprSpawnerType.html deleted file mode 100644 index 7792a7e805..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprSpawnerType.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,313 +0,0 @@ - - - - -ExprSpawnerType (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -
    - -
    - -

    Class ExprSpawnerType

    - -
    All Implemented Interfaces:
    Converter<org.bukkit.block.Block,EntityData>, Debuggable, Expression<EntityData>, SyntaxElement
    @Name("Spawner Type") -@Description("Retrieves, sets, or resets the spawner\'s entity type") -@Examples({"on right click:","\tif event-block is spawner:","\t\tsend \"Spawner\'s type is %target block\'s entity type%\""}) -@Since("2.4") -public class ExprSpawnerType -extends SimplePropertyExpression<org.bukkit.block.Block,EntityData>
    - -
    - -
    - -
    - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprSpecialNumber.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprSpecialNumber.html deleted file mode 100644 index 590eb61721..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprSpecialNumber.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,274 +0,0 @@ - - - - -ExprSpecialNumber (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -
    - -
    - -

    Class ExprSpecialNumber

    java.lang.Object -
    ch.njol.skript.lang.util.SimpleExpression<Number> -
    All Implemented Interfaces:
    Debuggable, Expression<Number>, SyntaxElement
    @Name("Special Number") -@Description("Special number values, namely NaN, Infinity and -Infinity") -@Examples("if {_number} is NaN value:") -@Since("2.2-dev32d") -public class ExprSpecialNumber -extends SimpleExpression<Number>
    - -
      - -
    • -

      Constructor Details

      • -


        public ExprSpecialNumber()
      • -
    • - -
    • -

      Method Details

      • -


        public boolean init(Expression<?>[] exprs, - int matchedPattern, - Kleenean isDelayed, - SkriptParser.ParseResult parseResult)
        Description copied from interface: SyntaxElement
        Called just after the constructor.
        exprs - all %expr%s included in the matching pattern in the order they appear in the pattern. If an optional value was left out it will still be included in this list - holding the default value of the desired type which usually depends on the event.
        matchedPattern - The index of the pattern which matched
        isDelayed - Whether this expression is used after a delay or not (i.e. if the event has already passed when this expression will be called)
        parseResult - Additional information about the match.
        Whether this expression was initialised successfully. An error should be printed prior to returning false to specify the cause.
        See Also:
        - -
      • -
      • -


        protected Number[] get(org.bukkit.event.Event e)
        Description copied from class: SimpleExpression
        This is the internal method to get an expression's values.
        - To get the expression's value from the outside use SimpleExpression.getSingle(Event) or SimpleExpression.getArray(Event).
        Specified by:
        get in class SimpleExpression<Number>
        e - The event
        An array of values for this event. May not contain nulls.
      • -
      • -


        public Class<? extends Number> getReturnType()
        Description copied from interface: Expression
        Gets the return type of this expression.
        A supertype of any objects returned by Expression.getSingle(Event) and the component type of any arrays returned by Expression.getArray(Event)
      • -
      • -


        public boolean isSingle()
        true if this expression will ever only return one value at most, false if it can return multiple values.
      • -
      • -


        public String toString(@Nullable org.bukkit.event.Event e, - boolean debug)
        e - The event to get information to. This is always null if debug == false.
        debug - If true this should print more information, if false this should print what is shown to the end user
        String representation of this object
      • -
    • -
    - -
    - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprSpectatorTarget.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprSpectatorTarget.html deleted file mode 100644 index 8231d8f231..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprSpectatorTarget.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,371 +0,0 @@ - - - - -ExprSpectatorTarget (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -
    - -
    - -

    Class ExprSpectatorTarget

    java.lang.Object -
    ch.njol.skript.lang.util.SimpleExpression<org.bukkit.entity.Entity> -
    All Implemented Interfaces:
    Debuggable, Expression<org.bukkit.entity.Entity>, SyntaxElement
    @Name("Spectator Target") -@Description("Grabs the spectator target entity of the players.") -@Examples({"on player start spectating of player:","\tmessage \"&c%spectator target% currently has %{game::kills::%spectator target%}% kills!\" to the player","","on player stop spectating:","\tpast spectator target was a zombie","\tset spectator target to the nearest skeleton"}) -@RequiredPlugins("Paper") -@Since("2.4-alpha4, 2.7 (Paper Spectator Event)") -public class ExprSpectatorTarget -extends SimpleExpression<org.bukkit.entity.Entity>
    - -
      - -
    • -

      Constructor Details

      • -


        public ExprSpectatorTarget()
      • -
    • - -
    • -

      Method Details

      • -


        public boolean init(Expression<?>[] expressions, - int matchedPattern, - Kleenean isDelayed, - SkriptParser.ParseResult parseResult)
        Description copied from interface: SyntaxElement
        Called just after the constructor.
        expressions - all %expr%s included in the matching pattern in the order they appear in the pattern. If an optional value was left out it will still be included in this list - holding the default value of the desired type which usually depends on the event.
        matchedPattern - The index of the pattern which matched
        isDelayed - Whether this expression is used after a delay or not (i.e. if the event has already passed when this expression will be called)
        parseResult - Additional information about the match.
        Whether this expression was initialised successfully. An error should be printed prior to returning false to specify the cause.
        See Also:
        - -
      • -
      • -


        protected @Nullable org.bukkit.entity.Entity[] get(org.bukkit.event.Event event)
        Description copied from class: SimpleExpression
        This is the internal method to get an expression's values.
        - To get the expression's value from the outside use SimpleExpression.getSingle(Event) or SimpleExpression.getArray(Event).
        Specified by:
        get in class SimpleExpression<org.bukkit.entity.Entity>
        event - The event
        An array of values for this event. May not contain nulls.
      • -
      • -


        public @Nullable Class<?>[] acceptChange(Changer.ChangeMode mode)
        Description copied from interface: Expression
        Tests whether this expression supports the given mode, and if yes what type it expects the delta to be. -

        - Use Changer.ChangerUtils.acceptsChange(Expression, ChangeMode, Class...) to test whether an expression supports changing, don't directly use this method! -

        - Please note that if a changer is registered for this expression's returnType this method does not have to be overridden. If you override it though - make sure to return super.acceptChange(mode), and to handle the appropriate ChangeMode(s) in Expression.change(Event, Object[], ChangeMode) with - super.change(...). -

        - Unlike Changer.acceptChange(ChangeMode) this method may print errors.

        Specified by:
        acceptChange in interface Expression<org.bukkit.entity.Entity>
        acceptChange in class SimpleExpression<org.bukkit.entity.Entity>
        An array of types that Expression.change(Event, Object[], ChangeMode) accepts as its delta parameter (which can be arrays to denote that multiple of - that type are accepted), or null if the given mode is not supported. For Changer.ChangeMode.DELETE and Changer.ChangeMode.RESET this can return any non-null array to - mark them as supported.
      • -
      • -


        public void change(org.bukkit.event.Event event, - @Nullable Object[] delta, - Changer.ChangeMode mode)
        Description copied from interface: Expression
        Changes the expression's value by the given amount. This will only be called on supported modes and with the desired delta type as returned by - Expression.acceptChange(ChangeMode)
        Specified by:
        change in interface Expression<org.bukkit.entity.Entity>
        change in class SimpleExpression<org.bukkit.entity.Entity>
        delta - An array with one or more instances of one or more of the the classes returned by Expression.acceptChange(ChangeMode) for the given change mode (null for - Changer.ChangeMode.DELETE and Changer.ChangeMode.RESET). This can be a Object[], thus casting is not allowed.
      • -
      • -


        public boolean setTime(int time)
        Description copied from class: SimpleExpression
        Sets the time of this expression, i.e. whether the returned value represents this expression before or after the event. -

        - This method will not be called if this expression is guaranteed to be used after a delay (an error will be printed immediately), but will be called if - it only can be after a delay (e.g. if the preceding delay is in an if or a loop) as well as if there's no delay involved. -

        - If this method returns false the expression will be discarded and an error message is printed. Custom error messages must be of ErrorQuality.SEMANTIC_ERROR to be - printed (NB: Skript.error(String) always creates semantic errors). -

        - This implementation sets the time but returns false.

        Specified by:
        setTime in interface Expression<org.bukkit.entity.Entity>
        setTime in class SimpleExpression<org.bukkit.entity.Entity>
        time - -1 for past or 1 for future. 0 is never passed to this method as it represents the default state.
        Whether this expression has distinct time states, e.g. a player never changes but a block can. This should be sensitive for the event (using - ParserInstance.isCurrentEvent(Class)).
        See Also:
        - -
      • -
      • -


        public boolean isSingle()
        true if this expression will ever only return one value at most, false if it can return multiple values.
      • -
      • -


        public Class<? extends org.bukkit.entity.Entity> getReturnType()
        Description copied from interface: Expression
        Gets the return type of this expression.
        A supertype of any objects returned by Expression.getSingle(Event) and the component type of any arrays returned by Expression.getArray(Event)
      • -
      • -


        public String toString(@Nullable org.bukkit.event.Event event, - boolean debug)
        event - The event to get information to. This is always null if debug == false.
        debug - If true this should print more information, if false this should print what is shown to the end user
        String representation of this object
      • -
    • -
    - -
    - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprSpeed.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprSpeed.html deleted file mode 100644 index 4aefcc1b83..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprSpeed.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,355 +0,0 @@ - - - - -ExprSpeed (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -
    - -
    - -

    Class ExprSpeed

    - -
    All Implemented Interfaces:
    Converter<org.bukkit.entity.Player,Number>, Debuggable, Expression<Number>, SyntaxElement
    @Name("Speed") -@Description({"A player\'s walking or flying speed. Both can be changed, but values must be between -1 and 1 (excessive values will be changed to -1 or 1 respectively). Negative values reverse directions.","Please note that changing a player\'s speed will change their FOV just like potions do."}) -@Examples({"set the player\'s walk speed to 1","increase the argument\'s fly speed by 0.1"}) -@Since("<i>unknown</i> (before 2.1)") -public class ExprSpeed -extends SimplePropertyExpression<org.bukkit.entity.Player,Number>
    - -
    - -
    - -
    - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprStringCase.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprStringCase.html deleted file mode 100644 index c78a87bf57..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprStringCase.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,274 +0,0 @@ - - - - -ExprStringCase (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -
    - -
    - -

    Class ExprStringCase

    java.lang.Object -
    ch.njol.skript.lang.util.SimpleExpression<String> -
    All Implemented Interfaces:
    Debuggable, Expression<String>, SyntaxElement
    @Name("Case Text") -@Description("Copy of given text in Lowercase, Uppercase, Proper Case, camelCase, PascalCase, Snake_Case, and Kebab-Case") -@Examples({"\"Oops!\" in lowercase # oops!","\"oops!\" in uppercase # OOPS!","\"hellO i\'m steve!\" in proper case # HellO I\'m Steve!","\"hellO i\'m steve!\" in strict proper case # Hello I\'m Steve!","\"spAwn neW boSs ()\" in camel case # spAwnNeWBoSs()","\"spAwn neW boSs ()\" in strict camel case # spawnNewBoss()","\"geneRate ranDom numBer ()\" in pascal case # GeneRateRanDomNumBer()","\"geneRate ranDom numBer ()\" in strict pascal case # GenerateRandomNumber()","\"Hello Player!\" in snake case # Hello_Player!","\"Hello Player!\" in lower snake case # hello_player!","\"Hello Player!\" in upper snake case # HELLO_PLAYER!","\"What is your name?\" in kebab case # What-is-your-name?","\"What is your name?\" in lower kebab case # what-is-your-name?","\"What is your name?\" in upper kebab case # WHAT-IS-YOUR-NAME?"}) -@Since("2.2-dev16 (lowercase and uppercase), 2.5 (advanced cases)") -public class ExprStringCase -extends SimpleExpression<String>
    - -
      - -
    • -

      Constructor Details

      • -


        public ExprStringCase()
      • -
    • - -
    • -

      Method Details

      • -


        public boolean init(Expression<?>[] exprs, - int matchedPattern, - Kleenean isDelayed, - SkriptParser.ParseResult parseResult)
        Description copied from interface: SyntaxElement
        Called just after the constructor.
        exprs - all %expr%s included in the matching pattern in the order they appear in the pattern. If an optional value was left out it will still be included in this list - holding the default value of the desired type which usually depends on the event.
        matchedPattern - The index of the pattern which matched
        isDelayed - Whether this expression is used after a delay or not (i.e. if the event has already passed when this expression will be called)
        parseResult - Additional information about the match.
        Whether this expression was initialised successfully. An error should be printed prior to returning false to specify the cause.
        See Also:
        - -
      • -
      • -


        protected @Nullable String[] get(org.bukkit.event.Event e)
        Description copied from class: SimpleExpression
        This is the internal method to get an expression's values.
        - To get the expression's value from the outside use SimpleExpression.getSingle(Event) or SimpleExpression.getArray(Event).
        Specified by:
        get in class SimpleExpression<String>
        e - The event
        An array of values for this event. May not contain nulls.
      • -
      • -


        public boolean isSingle()
        true if this expression will ever only return one value at most, false if it can return multiple values.
      • -
      • -


        public Class<? extends String> getReturnType()
        Description copied from interface: Expression
        Gets the return type of this expression.
        A supertype of any objects returned by Expression.getSingle(Event) and the component type of any arrays returned by Expression.getArray(Event)
      • -
      • -


        public String toString(@Nullable org.bukkit.event.Event e, - boolean debug)
        e - The event to get information to. This is always null if debug == false.
        debug - If true this should print more information, if false this should print what is shown to the end user
        String representation of this object
      • -
    • -
    - -
    - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprSubstring.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprSubstring.html deleted file mode 100644 index 51a5578c83..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprSubstring.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,275 +0,0 @@ - - - - -ExprSubstring (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -
    - -
    - -

    Class ExprSubstring

    java.lang.Object -
    ch.njol.skript.lang.util.SimpleExpression<String> -
    All Implemented Interfaces:
    Debuggable, Expression<String>, SyntaxElement
    @Name("Substring") -@Description("Extracts part of a text. You can either get the first &lt;x&gt; characters, the last &lt;x&gt; characters, the character at index &lt;x&gt;, or the characters between indices &lt;x&gt; and &lt;y&gt;. The indices &lt;x&gt; and &lt;y&gt; should be between 1 and the <a href=\'#ExprLength\'>length</a> of the text (other values will be fit into this range).") -@Keywords({"substring","subtext"}) -@Examples({"set {_s} to the first 5 characters of the text argument","message \"%subtext of {_s} from characters 2 to (the length of {_s} - 1)%\" # removes the first and last character from {_s} and sends it to the player or console","set {_characters::*} to characters at 1, 2 and 7 in player\'s display name","send the last character of all players\' names"}) -@Since("2.1, 2.5.2 (character at, multiple strings support)") -public class ExprSubstring -extends SimpleExpression<String>
    - -
      - -
    • -

      Constructor Details

      • -


        public ExprSubstring()
      • -
    • - -
    • -

      Method Details

      • -


        public boolean init(Expression<?>[] exprs, - int matchedPattern, - Kleenean isDelayed, - SkriptParser.ParseResult parseResult)
        Description copied from interface: SyntaxElement
        Called just after the constructor.
        exprs - all %expr%s included in the matching pattern in the order they appear in the pattern. If an optional value was left out it will still be included in this list - holding the default value of the desired type which usually depends on the event.
        matchedPattern - The index of the pattern which matched
        isDelayed - Whether this expression is used after a delay or not (i.e. if the event has already passed when this expression will be called)
        parseResult - Additional information about the match.
        Whether this expression was initialised successfully. An error should be printed prior to returning false to specify the cause.
        See Also:
        - -
      • -
      • -


        protected @Nullable String[] get(org.bukkit.event.Event e)
        Description copied from class: SimpleExpression
        This is the internal method to get an expression's values.
        - To get the expression's value from the outside use SimpleExpression.getSingle(Event) or SimpleExpression.getArray(Event).
        Specified by:
        get in class SimpleExpression<String>
        e - The event
        An array of values for this event. May not contain nulls.
      • -
      • -


        public boolean isSingle()
        true if this expression will ever only return one value at most, false if it can return multiple values.
      • -
      • -


        public Class<? extends String> getReturnType()
        Description copied from interface: Expression
        Gets the return type of this expression.
        A supertype of any objects returned by Expression.getSingle(Event) and the component type of any arrays returned by Expression.getArray(Event)
      • -
      • -


        public String toString(@Nullable org.bukkit.event.Event e, - boolean debug)
        e - The event to get information to. This is always null if debug == false.
        debug - If true this should print more information, if false this should print what is shown to the end user
        String representation of this object
      • -
    • -
    - -
    - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprTPS.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprTPS.html deleted file mode 100644 index be5ad4354d..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprTPS.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,274 +0,0 @@ - - - - -ExprTPS (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -
    - -
    - -

    Class ExprTPS

    java.lang.Object -
    ch.njol.skript.lang.util.SimpleExpression<Number> -
    All Implemented Interfaces:
    Debuggable, Expression<Number>, SyntaxElement
    @Name("TPS (ticks per second)") -@Description("Returns the 3 most recent TPS readings, like the /tps command. This expression is only supported on some server software (PaperSpigot).") -@Examples("broadcast \"%tps%\"") -@Since("2.2-dev36") -public class ExprTPS -extends SimpleExpression<Number>
    - -
      - -
    • -

      Constructor Details

      • -


        public ExprTPS()
      • -
    • - -
    • -

      Method Details

      • -


        public boolean init(Expression<?>[] exprs, - int matchedPattern, - Kleenean isDelayed, - SkriptParser.ParseResult parseResult)
        Description copied from interface: SyntaxElement
        Called just after the constructor.
        exprs - all %expr%s included in the matching pattern in the order they appear in the pattern. If an optional value was left out it will still be included in this list - holding the default value of the desired type which usually depends on the event.
        matchedPattern - The index of the pattern which matched
        isDelayed - Whether this expression is used after a delay or not (i.e. if the event has already passed when this expression will be called)
        parseResult - Additional information about the match.
        Whether this expression was initialised successfully. An error should be printed prior to returning false to specify the cause.
        See Also:
        - -
      • -
      • -


        protected Number[] get(org.bukkit.event.Event e)
        Description copied from class: SimpleExpression
        This is the internal method to get an expression's values.
        - To get the expression's value from the outside use SimpleExpression.getSingle(Event) or SimpleExpression.getArray(Event).
        Specified by:
        get in class SimpleExpression<Number>
        e - The event
        An array of values for this event. May not contain nulls.
      • -
      • -


        public Class<? extends Number> getReturnType()
        Description copied from interface: Expression
        Gets the return type of this expression.
        A supertype of any objects returned by Expression.getSingle(Event) and the component type of any arrays returned by Expression.getArray(Event)
      • -
      • -


        public boolean isSingle()
        true if this expression will ever only return one value at most, false if it can return multiple values.
      • -
      • -


        public String toString(@Nullable org.bukkit.event.Event e, - boolean debug)
        e - The event to get information to. This is always null if debug == false.
        debug - If true this should print more information, if false this should print what is shown to the end user
        String representation of this object
      • -
    • -
    - -
    - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprTamer.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprTamer.html deleted file mode 100644 index f44bdb8cdb..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprTamer.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,274 +0,0 @@ - - - - -ExprTamer (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -
    - -
    - -

    Class ExprTamer

    java.lang.Object -
    ch.njol.skript.lang.util.SimpleExpression<org.bukkit.entity.Player> -
    All Implemented Interfaces:
    Debuggable, Expression<org.bukkit.entity.Player>, SyntaxElement
    @Name("Tamer") -@Description("The tamer of an entity. Can only be used in entity tame events. You can use \'event-entity\' to refer tamed entity itself.") -@Examples({"on tame:","\tif the tamer is a player:","\t\tsend \"someone tamed something!\" to console"}) -@Since("2.2-dev25") -public class ExprTamer -extends SimpleExpression<org.bukkit.entity.Player>
    - -
      - -
    • -

      Constructor Details

      • -


        public ExprTamer()
      • -
    • - -
    • -

      Method Details

      • -


        public boolean init(Expression<?>[] exprs, - int matchedPattern, - Kleenean isDelayed, - SkriptParser.ParseResult parser)
        Description copied from interface: SyntaxElement
        Called just after the constructor.
        exprs - all %expr%s included in the matching pattern in the order they appear in the pattern. If an optional value was left out it will still be included in this list - holding the default value of the desired type which usually depends on the event.
        matchedPattern - The index of the pattern which matched
        isDelayed - Whether this expression is used after a delay or not (i.e. if the event has already passed when this expression will be called)
        parser - Additional information about the match.
        Whether this expression was initialised successfully. An error should be printed prior to returning false to specify the cause.
        See Also:
        - -
      • -
      • -


        protected org.bukkit.entity.Player[] get(org.bukkit.event.Event e)
        Description copied from class: SimpleExpression
        This is the internal method to get an expression's values.
        - To get the expression's value from the outside use SimpleExpression.getSingle(Event) or SimpleExpression.getArray(Event).
        Specified by:
        get in class SimpleExpression<org.bukkit.entity.Player>
        e - The event
        An array of values for this event. May not contain nulls.
      • -
      • -


        public Class<? extends org.bukkit.entity.Player> getReturnType()
        Description copied from interface: Expression
        Gets the return type of this expression.
        A supertype of any objects returned by Expression.getSingle(Event) and the component type of any arrays returned by Expression.getArray(Event)
      • -
      • -


        public boolean isSingle()
        true if this expression will ever only return one value at most, false if it can return multiple values.
      • -
      • -


        public String toString(@Nullable org.bukkit.event.Event e, - boolean debug)
        e - The event to get information to. This is always null if debug == false.
        debug - If true this should print more information, if false this should print what is shown to the end user
        String representation of this object
      • -
    • -
    - -
    - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprTarget.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprTarget.html deleted file mode 100644 index b3633a980c..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprTarget.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,393 +0,0 @@ - - - - -ExprTarget (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -
    - -
    - -

    Class ExprTarget

    java.lang.Object -
    ch.njol.skript.lang.util.SimpleExpression<T> -
    ch.njol.skript.expressions.base.PropertyExpression<org.bukkit.entity.LivingEntity,org.bukkit.entity.Entity> -
    All Implemented Interfaces:
    Debuggable, Expression<org.bukkit.entity.Entity>, SyntaxElement
    @Name("Target") -@Description({"For players this is the entity at the crosshair.","For mobs and experience orbs this is the entity they are attacking/following (if any)."}) -@Examples({"on entity target:","\tif entity\'s target is a player:","\t\tsend \"You\'re being followed by an %entity%!\" to target of entity","","reset target of entity # Makes the entity target-less","delete targeted entity of player # for players it will delete the target","delete target of last spawned zombie # for entities it will make them target-less"}) -@Since("1.4.2, 2.7 (Reset)") -public class ExprTarget -extends PropertyExpression<org.bukkit.entity.LivingEntity,org.bukkit.entity.Entity>
    - -
      - -
    • -

      Constructor Details

      • -


        public ExprTarget()
      • -
    • - -
    • -

      Method Details

      • -


        public boolean init(Expression<?>[] exprs, - int matchedPattern, - Kleenean isDelayed, - SkriptParser.ParseResult parser)
        Description copied from interface: SyntaxElement
        Called just after the constructor.
        exprs - all %expr%s included in the matching pattern in the order they appear in the pattern. If an optional value was left out it will still be included in this list - holding the default value of the desired type which usually depends on the event.
        matchedPattern - The index of the pattern which matched
        isDelayed - Whether this expression is used after a delay or not (i.e. if the event has already passed when this expression will be called)
        parser - Additional information about the match.
        Whether this expression was initialised successfully. An error should be printed prior to returning false to specify the cause.
        See Also:
        - -
      • -
      • -


        protected org.bukkit.entity.Entity[] get(org.bukkit.event.Event event, - org.bukkit.entity.LivingEntity[] source)
        Description copied from class: PropertyExpression
        Converts the given source object(s) to the correct type. -

        - Please note that the returned array must neither be null nor contain any null elements!

        Specified by:
        get in class PropertyExpression<org.bukkit.entity.LivingEntity,org.bukkit.entity.Entity>
        event - the event involved at the time of runtime calling.
        source - the array of the objects from the expressions.
        An array of the converted objects, which may contain less elements than the source array, but must not be null.
        See Also:
        - -
      • -
      • -


        public @Nullable Class<?>[] acceptChange(Changer.ChangeMode mode)
        Description copied from interface: Expression
        Tests whether this expression supports the given mode, and if yes what type it expects the delta to be. -

        - Use Changer.ChangerUtils.acceptsChange(Expression, ChangeMode, Class...) to test whether an expression supports changing, don't directly use this method! -

        - Please note that if a changer is registered for this expression's returnType this method does not have to be overridden. If you override it though - make sure to return super.acceptChange(mode), and to handle the appropriate ChangeMode(s) in Expression.change(Event, Object[], ChangeMode) with - super.change(...). -

        - Unlike Changer.acceptChange(ChangeMode) this method may print errors.

        Specified by:
        acceptChange in interface Expression<org.bukkit.entity.Entity>
        acceptChange in class SimpleExpression<org.bukkit.entity.Entity>
        An array of types that Expression.change(Event, Object[], ChangeMode) accepts as its delta parameter (which can be arrays to denote that multiple of - that type are accepted), or null if the given mode is not supported. For Changer.ChangeMode.DELETE and Changer.ChangeMode.RESET this can return any non-null array to - mark them as supported.
      • -
      • -


        public void change(org.bukkit.event.Event event, - @Nullable Object[] delta, - Changer.ChangeMode mode)
        Description copied from interface: Expression
        Changes the expression's value by the given amount. This will only be called on supported modes and with the desired delta type as returned by - Expression.acceptChange(ChangeMode)
        Specified by:
        change in interface Expression<org.bukkit.entity.Entity>
        change in class SimpleExpression<org.bukkit.entity.Entity>
        delta - An array with one or more instances of one or more of the the classes returned by Expression.acceptChange(ChangeMode) for the given change mode (null for - Changer.ChangeMode.DELETE and Changer.ChangeMode.RESET). This can be a Object[], thus casting is not allowed.
      • -
      • -


        public boolean setTime(int time)
        Description copied from class: SimpleExpression
        Sets the time of this expression, i.e. whether the returned value represents this expression before or after the event. -

        - This method will not be called if this expression is guaranteed to be used after a delay (an error will be printed immediately), but will be called if - it only can be after a delay (e.g. if the preceding delay is in an if or a loop) as well as if there's no delay involved. -

        - If this method returns false the expression will be discarded and an error message is printed. Custom error messages must be of ErrorQuality.SEMANTIC_ERROR to be - printed (NB: Skript.error(String) always creates semantic errors). -

        - This implementation sets the time but returns false.

        Specified by:
        setTime in interface Expression<org.bukkit.entity.Entity>
        setTime in class SimpleExpression<org.bukkit.entity.Entity>
        time - -1 for past or 1 for future. 0 is never passed to this method as it represents the default state.
        Whether this expression has distinct time states, e.g. a player never changes but a block can. This should be sensitive for the event (using - ParserInstance.isCurrentEvent(Class)).
        See Also:
        - -
      • -
      • -


        public Class<? extends org.bukkit.entity.Entity> getReturnType()
        Description copied from interface: Expression
        Gets the return type of this expression.
        A supertype of any objects returned by Expression.getSingle(Event) and the component type of any arrays returned by Expression.getArray(Event)
      • -
      • -


        public String toString(@Nullable org.bukkit.event.Event event, - boolean debug)
        event - The event to get information to. This is always null if debug == false.
        debug - If true this should print more information, if false this should print what is shown to the end user
        String representation of this object
      • -
      • -


        public static <T extends org.bukkit.entity.Entity> -@Nullable T getTarget(org.bukkit.entity.LivingEntity entity, - @Nullable EntityData<T> type)
        Gets an entity's target.
        entity - The entity to get the target of
        type - The exact EntityData to find. Can be null for any entity.
        The entity's target
      • -
    • -
    - -
    - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprTargetedBlock.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprTargetedBlock.html deleted file mode 100644 index f749dd8bdf..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprTargetedBlock.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,314 +0,0 @@ - - - - -ExprTargetedBlock (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -
    - -
    - -

    Class ExprTargetedBlock

    java.lang.Object -
    ch.njol.skript.lang.util.SimpleExpression<T> -
    ch.njol.skript.expressions.base.PropertyExpression<org.bukkit.entity.Player,org.bukkit.block.Block> -
    All Implemented Interfaces:
    Debuggable, Expression<org.bukkit.block.Block>, SyntaxElement
    @Name("Targeted Block") -@Description("The block at the crosshair. This regards all blocks that are not air as fully solid, e.g. torches will be like a solid stone block for this expression.") -@Examples({"# A command to set the block a player looks at to a specific type:","command /setblock &lt;material&gt;:","\ttrigger:","\t\tset targeted block to argument"}) -@Since("1.0") -public class ExprTargetedBlock -extends PropertyExpression<org.bukkit.entity.Player,org.bukkit.block.Block>
    - -
      - -
    • -

      Constructor Details

      • -


        public ExprTargetedBlock()
      • -
    • - -
    • -

      Method Details

      • -


        public boolean init(Expression<?>[] exprs, - int matchedPattern, - Kleenean isDelayed, - SkriptParser.ParseResult parser)
        Description copied from interface: SyntaxElement
        Called just after the constructor.
        exprs - all %expr%s included in the matching pattern in the order they appear in the pattern. If an optional value was left out it will still be included in this list - holding the default value of the desired type which usually depends on the event.
        matchedPattern - The index of the pattern which matched
        isDelayed - Whether this expression is used after a delay or not (i.e. if the event has already passed when this expression will be called)
        parser - Additional information about the match.
        Whether this expression was initialised successfully. An error should be printed prior to returning false to specify the cause.
        See Also:
        - -
      • -
      • -


        protected org.bukkit.block.Block[] get(org.bukkit.event.Event e, - org.bukkit.entity.Player[] source)
        Description copied from class: PropertyExpression
        Converts the given source object(s) to the correct type. -

        - Please note that the returned array must neither be null nor contain any null elements!

        Specified by:
        get in class PropertyExpression<org.bukkit.entity.Player,org.bukkit.block.Block>
        e - the event involved at the time of runtime calling.
        source - the array of the objects from the expressions.
        An array of the converted objects, which may contain less elements than the source array, but must not be null.
        See Also:
        - -
      • -
      • -


        public Class<org.bukkit.block.Block> getReturnType()
        Description copied from interface: Expression
        Gets the return type of this expression.
        A supertype of any objects returned by Expression.getSingle(Event) and the component type of any arrays returned by Expression.getArray(Event)
      • -
      • -


        public boolean setTime(int time)
        Description copied from class: SimpleExpression
        Sets the time of this expression, i.e. whether the returned value represents this expression before or after the event. -

        - This method will not be called if this expression is guaranteed to be used after a delay (an error will be printed immediately), but will be called if - it only can be after a delay (e.g. if the preceding delay is in an if or a loop) as well as if there's no delay involved. -

        - If this method returns false the expression will be discarded and an error message is printed. Custom error messages must be of ErrorQuality.SEMANTIC_ERROR to be - printed (NB: Skript.error(String) always creates semantic errors). -

        - This implementation sets the time but returns false.

        Specified by:
        setTime in interface Expression<org.bukkit.block.Block>
        setTime in class SimpleExpression<org.bukkit.block.Block>
        time - -1 for past or 1 for future. 0 is never passed to this method as it represents the default state.
        Whether this expression has distinct time states, e.g. a player never changes but a block can. This should be sensitive for the event (using - ParserInstance.isCurrentEvent(Class)).
        See Also:
        - -
      • -
      • -


        public String toString(@Nullable org.bukkit.event.Event e, - boolean debug)
        e - The event to get information to. This is always null if debug == false.
        debug - If true this should print more information, if false this should print what is shown to the end user
        String representation of this object
      • -
    • -
    - -
    - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprTeleportCause.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprTeleportCause.html deleted file mode 100644 index 73b56dea37..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprTeleportCause.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,198 +0,0 @@ - - - - -ExprTeleportCause (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -
    - -
    - -

    Class ExprTeleportCause

    java.lang.Object -
    ch.njol.skript.lang.util.SimpleExpression<T> -
    ch.njol.skript.expressions.base.EventValueExpression<org.bukkit.event.player.PlayerTeleportEvent.TeleportCause> -
    All Implemented Interfaces:
    Debuggable, DefaultExpression<org.bukkit.event.player.PlayerTeleportEvent.TeleportCause>, Expression<org.bukkit.event.player.PlayerTeleportEvent.TeleportCause>, SyntaxElement
    @Name("Teleport Cause") -@Description("The <a href=\'classes.html#teleportcause\'>teleport cause</a> within a player <a href=\'events.html#teleport\'>teleport</a> event.") -@Examples({"on teleport:","\tteleport cause is nether portal, end portal or end gateway"}) -@Since("2.2-dev35") -public class ExprTeleportCause -extends EventValueExpression<org.bukkit.event.player.PlayerTeleportEvent.TeleportCause>
    - -
      - -
    • -

      Constructor Details

      • -


        public ExprTeleportCause()
      • -
    • - -
    • -

      Method Details

      • -


        public String toString(@Nullable org.bukkit.event.Event event, - boolean debug)
        Specified by:
        toString in interface Debuggable
        toString in class EventValueExpression<org.bukkit.event.player.PlayerTeleportEvent.TeleportCause>
        event - The event to get information to. This is always null if debug == false.
        debug - If true this should print more information, if false this should print what is shown to the end user
        String representation of this object
      • -
    • -
    - -
    - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprTemperature.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprTemperature.html deleted file mode 100644 index 3ff7128ff2..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprTemperature.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,256 +0,0 @@ - - - - -ExprTemperature (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -
    - -
    - -

    Class ExprTemperature

    - -
    All Implemented Interfaces:
    Converter<org.bukkit.block.Block,Number>, Debuggable, Expression<Number>, SyntaxElement
    @Name("Temperature") -@Description("Temperature at given block.") -@Examples("message \"%temperature of the targeted block%\"") -@Since("2.2-dev35") -public class ExprTemperature -extends SimplePropertyExpression<org.bukkit.block.Block,Number>
    - -
      - -
    • -

      Constructor Details

      • -


        public ExprTemperature()
      • -
    • - -
    • -

      Method Details

      • -


        public Number convert(org.bukkit.block.Block block)
        Description copied from interface: Converter
        Converts an object from the given to the desired type.
        Specified by:
        convert in interface Converter<org.bukkit.block.Block,Number>
        Specified by:
        convert in class SimplePropertyExpression<org.bukkit.block.Block,Number>
        block - The object to convert.
        the converted object
      • -
      • -


        protected String getPropertyName()
        Description copied from class: SimplePropertyExpression
        Used to collect the property type used in the register method. - This forms the toString of this SimplePropertyExpression.
        Specified by:
        getPropertyName in class SimplePropertyExpression<org.bukkit.block.Block,Number>
        The name of the type used when registering this SimplePropertyExpression.
      • -
      • -


        public Class<? extends Number> getReturnType()
        Description copied from interface: Expression
        Gets the return type of this expression.
        A supertype of any objects returned by Expression.getSingle(Event) and the component type of any arrays returned by Expression.getArray(Event)
      • -
    • -
    - -
    - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprTernary.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprTernary.html deleted file mode 100644 index 98a8e086d9..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprTernary.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,330 +0,0 @@ - - - - -ExprTernary (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -
    - -
    - -

    Class ExprTernary<T>

    java.lang.Object -
    ch.njol.skript.lang.util.SimpleExpression<T> -
    All Implemented Interfaces:
    Debuggable, Expression<T>, SyntaxElement
    @Name("Ternary") -@Description("A shorthand expression for returning something based on a condition.") -@Examples("set {points} to 500 if {admin::%player\'s uuid%} is set else 100") -@Since("2.2-dev36") -public class ExprTernary<T> -extends SimpleExpression<T>
    - -
      - -
    • -

      Constructor Details

      • -


        public ExprTernary()
      • -
    • - -
    • -

      Method Details

      • -


        public boolean init(Expression<?>[] exprs, - int matchedPattern, - Kleenean isDelayed, - SkriptParser.ParseResult parseResult)
        Description copied from interface: SyntaxElement
        Called just after the constructor.
        exprs - all %expr%s included in the matching pattern in the order they appear in the pattern. If an optional value was left out it will still be included in this list - holding the default value of the desired type which usually depends on the event.
        matchedPattern - The index of the pattern which matched
        isDelayed - Whether this expression is used after a delay or not (i.e. if the event has already passed when this expression will be called)
        parseResult - Additional information about the match.
        Whether this expression was initialised successfully. An error should be printed prior to returning false to specify the cause.
        See Also:
        - -
      • -
      • -


        protected T[] get(org.bukkit.event.Event e)
        Description copied from class: SimpleExpression
        This is the internal method to get an expression's values.
        - To get the expression's value from the outside use SimpleExpression.getSingle(Event) or SimpleExpression.getArray(Event).
        Specified by:
        get in class SimpleExpression<T>
        e - The event
        An array of values for this event. May not contain nulls.
      • -
      • -


        public <R> Expression<? extends R> getConvertedExpression(Class<R>... to)
        Description copied from class: SimpleExpression
        Usually, you want to override SimpleExpression.getConvertedExpr(Class[]). - However, it may be useful to override this method if you have an expression with a return - type that is unknown until runtime (like variables). Usually, you'll be fine with just - the default implementation. This method is final on versions below 2.2-dev36.
        Specified by:
        getConvertedExpression in interface Expression<T>
        getConvertedExpression in class SimpleExpression<T>
        to - The desired return type of the returned expression
        The converted expression
        See Also:
        - -
      • -
      • -


        public Expression<?> getSource()
        Description copied from interface: Expression
        Returns the original expression that was parsed, i.e. without any conversions done. -

        - This method is undefined for simplified expressions.

        Specified by:
        getSource in interface Expression<T>
        getSource in class SimpleExpression<T>
        The unconverted source expression of this expression or this expression itself if it was never converted.
      • -
      • -


        public Class<? extends T> getReturnType()
        Description copied from interface: Expression
        Gets the return type of this expression.
        A supertype of any objects returned by Expression.getSingle(Event) and the component type of any arrays returned by Expression.getArray(Event)
      • -
      • -


        public boolean isSingle()
        true if this expression will ever only return one value at most, false if it can return multiple values.
      • -
      • -


        public String toString(org.bukkit.event.Event e, - boolean debug)
        e - The event to get information to. This is always null if debug == false.
        debug - If true this should print more information, if false this should print what is shown to the end user
        String representation of this object
      • -
    • -
    - -
    - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprTime.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprTime.html deleted file mode 100644 index 6370749ee6..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprTime.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,332 +0,0 @@ - - - - -ExprTime (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -
    - -
    - -

    Class ExprTime

    - -
    All Implemented Interfaces:
    Debuggable, Expression<Time>, SyntaxElement
    @Name("Time") -@Description("The <a href=\'classes.html#time\'>time</a> of a world.") -@Examples({"time in world is between 18:00 and 6:00:","\tbroadcast \"It\'s night-time, watch out for monsters!\""}) -@Since("1.0") -public class ExprTime -extends PropertyExpression<org.bukkit.World,Time>
    - -
      - -
    • -

      Constructor Details

      • -


        public ExprTime()
      • -
    • - -
    • -

      Method Details

      • -


        public boolean init(Expression<?>[] exprs, - int matchedPattern, - Kleenean isDelayed, - SkriptParser.ParseResult parser)
        Description copied from interface: SyntaxElement
        Called just after the constructor.
        exprs - all %expr%s included in the matching pattern in the order they appear in the pattern. If an optional value was left out it will still be included in this list - holding the default value of the desired type which usually depends on the event.
        matchedPattern - The index of the pattern which matched
        isDelayed - Whether this expression is used after a delay or not (i.e. if the event has already passed when this expression will be called)
        parser - Additional information about the match.
        Whether this expression was initialised successfully. An error should be printed prior to returning false to specify the cause.
        See Also:
        - -
      • -
      • -


        protected Time[] get(org.bukkit.event.Event e, - org.bukkit.World[] source)
        Description copied from class: PropertyExpression
        Converts the given source object(s) to the correct type. -

        - Please note that the returned array must neither be null nor contain any null elements!

        Specified by:
        get in class PropertyExpression<org.bukkit.World,Time>
        e - the event involved at the time of runtime calling.
        source - the array of the objects from the expressions.
        An array of the converted objects, which may contain less elements than the source array, but must not be null.
        See Also:
        - -
      • -
      • -


        public @Nullable Class<?>[] acceptChange(Changer.ChangeMode mode)
        Description copied from interface: Expression
        Tests whether this expression supports the given mode, and if yes what type it expects the delta to be. -

        - Use Changer.ChangerUtils.acceptsChange(Expression, ChangeMode, Class...) to test whether an expression supports changing, don't directly use this method! -

        - Please note that if a changer is registered for this expression's returnType this method does not have to be overridden. If you override it though - make sure to return super.acceptChange(mode), and to handle the appropriate ChangeMode(s) in Expression.change(Event, Object[], ChangeMode) with - super.change(...). -

        - Unlike Changer.acceptChange(ChangeMode) this method may print errors.

        Specified by:
        acceptChange in interface Expression<Time>
        acceptChange in class SimpleExpression<Time>
        An array of types that Expression.change(Event, Object[], ChangeMode) accepts as its delta parameter (which can be arrays to denote that multiple of - that type are accepted), or null if the given mode is not supported. For Changer.ChangeMode.DELETE and Changer.ChangeMode.RESET this can return any non-null array to - mark them as supported.
      • -
      • -


        public void change(org.bukkit.event.Event e, - @Nullable Object[] delta, - Changer.ChangeMode mode)
        Description copied from interface: Expression
        Changes the expression's value by the given amount. This will only be called on supported modes and with the desired delta type as returned by - Expression.acceptChange(ChangeMode)
        Specified by:
        change in interface Expression<Time>
        change in class SimpleExpression<Time>
        delta - An array with one or more instances of one or more of the the classes returned by Expression.acceptChange(ChangeMode) for the given change mode (null for - Changer.ChangeMode.DELETE and Changer.ChangeMode.RESET). This can be a Object[], thus casting is not allowed.
      • -
      • -


        public Class<Time> getReturnType()
        Description copied from interface: Expression
        Gets the return type of this expression.
        A supertype of any objects returned by Expression.getSingle(Event) and the component type of any arrays returned by Expression.getArray(Event)
      • -
      • -


        public String toString(@Nullable org.bukkit.event.Event event, - boolean debug)
        event - The event to get information to. This is always null if debug == false.
        debug - If true this should print more information, if false this should print what is shown to the end user
        String representation of this object
      • -
    • -
    - -
    - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprTimePlayed.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprTimePlayed.html deleted file mode 100644 index a8ee878cd5..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprTimePlayed.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,314 +0,0 @@ - - - - -ExprTimePlayed (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -
    - -
    - -

    Class ExprTimePlayed

    - -
    All Implemented Interfaces:
    Converter<org.bukkit.OfflinePlayer,Timespan>, Debuggable, Expression<Timespan>, SyntaxElement
    @Name("Time Played") -@Description({"The amount of time a player has played for on the server. This info is stored in the player\'s statistics in the main world\'s data folder. Changing this will also change the player\'s stats which can be views in the client\'s statistics menu.","Using this expression on offline players on Minecraft 1.14 and below will return nothing <code>&lt;none&gt;</code>."}) -@Examples({"set {_t} to time played of player","if player\'s time played is greater than 10 minutes:","\tgive player a diamond sword","","set player\'s time played to 0 seconds"}) -@RequiredPlugins("MC 1.15+ (offline players)") -@Since("2.5, 2.7 (offline players)") -public class ExprTimePlayed -extends SimplePropertyExpression<org.bukkit.OfflinePlayer,Timespan>
    - -
    - -
    - -
    - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprTimeSince.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprTimeSince.html deleted file mode 100644 index 2bcad7844e..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprTimeSince.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,278 +0,0 @@ - - - - -ExprTimeSince (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -
    - -
    - -

    Class ExprTimeSince

    - -
    All Implemented Interfaces:
    Converter<Date,Timespan>, Debuggable, Expression<Timespan>, SyntaxElement
    @Name("Time Since") -@Description("The time that has passed since a date. If the given date is in the future, a value will not be returned.") -@Examples("send \"%time since 5 minecraft days ago% has passed since 5 minecraft days ago!\" to player") -@Since("2.5") -public class ExprTimeSince -extends SimplePropertyExpression<Date,Timespan>
    - -
      - -
    • -

      Constructor Details

      • -


        public ExprTimeSince()
      • -
    • - -
    • -

      Method Details

      • -


        public @Nullable Timespan convert(Date date)
        Description copied from interface: Converter
        Converts an object from the given to the desired type.
        Specified by:
        convert in interface Converter<Date,Timespan>
        Specified by:
        convert in class SimplePropertyExpression<Date,Timespan>
        date - The object to convert.
        the converted object
      • -
      • -


        public Class<? extends Timespan> getReturnType()
        Description copied from interface: Expression
        Gets the return type of this expression.
        A supertype of any objects returned by Expression.getSingle(Event) and the component type of any arrays returned by Expression.getArray(Event)
      • -
      • -


        protected String getPropertyName()
        Description copied from class: SimplePropertyExpression
        Used to collect the property type used in the register method. - This forms the toString of this SimplePropertyExpression.
        Specified by:
        getPropertyName in class SimplePropertyExpression<Date,Timespan>
        The name of the type used when registering this SimplePropertyExpression.
      • -
      • -


        public String toString(@Nullable org.bukkit.event.Event e, - boolean debug)
        Specified by:
        toString in interface Debuggable
        toString in class SimplePropertyExpression<Date,Timespan>
        e - The event to get information to. This is always null if debug == false.
        debug - If true this should print more information, if false this should print what is shown to the end user
        String representation of this object
      • -
    • -
    - -
    - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprTimeState.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprTimeState.html deleted file mode 100644 index 332f89f8a2..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprTimeState.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,265 +0,0 @@ - - - - -ExprTimeState (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -
    - -
    - -

    Class ExprTimeState

    - -
    All Implemented Interfaces:
    Debuggable, Expression<Object>, SyntaxElement
    @Name("Former/Future State") -@Description({"Represents the value of an expression before an event happened or the value it will have directly after the event, e.g. the old or new level respectively in a <a href=\'./events.html#level_change\'>level change event</a>.","Note: The past, future and present states of an expression are sometimes called \'time states\' of an expression.","Note 2: If you don\'t specify whether to use the past or future state of an expression that has different values, its default value will be used which is usually the value after the event."}) -@Examples({"on teleport:","\tformer world was \"world_nether\" # or \'world was\'","\tworld will be \"world\" # or \'world after the event is\'","on tool change:","\tpast tool is an axe","\tthe tool after the event will be air","on weather change:","\tset {weather::%world%::old} to past weather","\tset {weather::%world%::current} to the new weather"}) -@Since("1.1") -public class ExprTimeState -extends WrapperExpression<Object>
    - -
      - -
    • -

      Constructor Details

      • -


        public ExprTimeState()
      • -
    • - -
    • -

      Method Details

      • -


        public boolean init(Expression<?>[] exprs, - int matchedPattern, - Kleenean isDelayed, - SkriptParser.ParseResult parseResult)
        Description copied from interface: SyntaxElement
        Called just after the constructor.
        exprs - all %expr%s included in the matching pattern in the order they appear in the pattern. If an optional value was left out it will still be included in this list - holding the default value of the desired type which usually depends on the event.
        matchedPattern - The index of the pattern which matched
        isDelayed - Whether this expression is used after a delay or not (i.e. if the event has already passed when this expression will be called)
        parseResult - Additional information about the match.
        Whether this expression was initialised successfully. An error should be printed prior to returning false to specify the cause.
        See Also:
        - -
      • -
      • -


        public String toString(@Nullable org.bukkit.event.Event e, - boolean debug)
        e - The event to get information to. This is always null if debug == false.
        debug - If true this should print more information, if false this should print what is shown to the end user
        String representation of this object
      • -
      • -


        public boolean setTime(int time)
        Description copied from class: SimpleExpression
        Sets the time of this expression, i.e. whether the returned value represents this expression before or after the event. -

        - This method will not be called if this expression is guaranteed to be used after a delay (an error will be printed immediately), but will be called if - it only can be after a delay (e.g. if the preceding delay is in an if or a loop) as well as if there's no delay involved. -

        - If this method returns false the expression will be discarded and an error message is printed. Custom error messages must be of ErrorQuality.SEMANTIC_ERROR to be - printed (NB: Skript.error(String) always creates semantic errors). -

        - This implementation sets the time but returns false.

        Specified by:
        setTime in interface Expression<Object>
        setTime in class WrapperExpression<Object>
        time - -1 for past or 1 for future. 0 is never passed to this method as it represents the default state.
        Whether this expression has distinct time states, e.g. a player never changes but a block can. This should be sensitive for the event (using - ParserInstance.isCurrentEvent(Class)).
        See Also:
        - -
      • -
    • -
    - -
    - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprTimes.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprTimes.html deleted file mode 100644 index 48c87fd0fd..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprTimes.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,297 +0,0 @@ - - - - -ExprTimes (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -
    - -
    - -

    Class ExprTimes

    java.lang.Object -
    ch.njol.skript.lang.util.SimpleExpression<Long> -
    All Implemented Interfaces:
    Debuggable, Expression<Long>, SyntaxElement
    @Name("X Times") -@Description("Integers between 1 and X, used in loops to loop X times.") -@Examples({"loop 20 times:","\tbroadcast \"%21 - loop-number% seconds left..\"","\twait 1 second"}) -@Since("1.4.6") -public class ExprTimes -extends SimpleExpression<Long>
    - -
      - -
    • -

      Constructor Details

      • -


        public ExprTimes()
      • -
    • - -
    • -

      Method Details

      • -


        public boolean init(Expression<?>[] exprs, - int matchedPattern, - Kleenean isDelayed, - SkriptParser.ParseResult parseResult)
        Description copied from interface: SyntaxElement
        Called just after the constructor.
        exprs - all %expr%s included in the matching pattern in the order they appear in the pattern. If an optional value was left out it will still be included in this list - holding the default value of the desired type which usually depends on the event.
        matchedPattern - The index of the pattern which matched
        isDelayed - Whether this expression is used after a delay or not (i.e. if the event has already passed when this expression will be called)
        parseResult - Additional information about the match.
        Whether this expression was initialised successfully. An error should be printed prior to returning false to specify the cause.
        See Also:
        - -
      • -
      • -


        protected @Nullable Long[] get(org.bukkit.event.Event e)
        Description copied from class: SimpleExpression
        This is the internal method to get an expression's values.
        - To get the expression's value from the outside use SimpleExpression.getSingle(Event) or SimpleExpression.getArray(Event).
        Specified by:
        get in class SimpleExpression<Long>
        e - The event
        An array of values for this event. May not contain nulls.
      • -
      • -


        public @Nullable Iterator<? extends Long> iterator(org.bukkit.event.Event e)
        Description copied from interface: Expression
        Returns the same as Expression.getArray(Event) but as an iterator. This method should be overriden by expressions intended to be looped to increase performance.
        Specified by:
        iterator in interface Expression<Long>
        iterator in class SimpleExpression<Long>
        e - The event
        An iterator to iterate over all values of this expression which may be empty and/or null, but must not return null elements.
      • -
      • -


        public boolean isSingle()
        true if this expression will ever only return one value at most, false if it can return multiple values.
      • -
      • -


        public Class<? extends Long> getReturnType()
        Description copied from interface: Expression
        Gets the return type of this expression.
        A supertype of any objects returned by Expression.getSingle(Event) and the component type of any arrays returned by Expression.getArray(Event)
      • -
      • -


        public String toString(@Nullable org.bukkit.event.Event e, - boolean debug)
        e - The event to get information to. This is always null if debug == false.
        debug - If true this should print more information, if false this should print what is shown to the end user
        String representation of this object
      • -
    • -
    - -
    - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprTool.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprTool.html deleted file mode 100644 index 9c6c670fdf..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprTool.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,314 +0,0 @@ - - - - -ExprTool (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -
    - -
    - -

    Class ExprTool

    java.lang.Object -
    ch.njol.skript.lang.util.SimpleExpression<T> -
    ch.njol.skript.expressions.base.PropertyExpression<org.bukkit.entity.LivingEntity,Slot> -
    All Implemented Interfaces:
    Debuggable, Expression<Slot>, SyntaxElement
    @Name("Tool") -@Description("The item an entity is holding in their main or off hand.") -@Examples({"player\'s tool is a pickaxe","player\'s off hand tool is a shield","set tool of all players to a diamond sword","set offhand tool of target entity to a bow"}) -@Since("1.0") -public class ExprTool -extends PropertyExpression<org.bukkit.entity.LivingEntity,Slot>
    - -
      - -
    • -

      Constructor Details

      • -


        public ExprTool()
      • -
    • - -
    • -

      Method Details

      • -


        public boolean init(Expression<?>[] exprs, - int matchedPattern, - Kleenean isDelayed, - SkriptParser.ParseResult parser)
        Description copied from interface: SyntaxElement
        Called just after the constructor.
        exprs - all %expr%s included in the matching pattern in the order they appear in the pattern. If an optional value was left out it will still be included in this list - holding the default value of the desired type which usually depends on the event.
        matchedPattern - The index of the pattern which matched
        isDelayed - Whether this expression is used after a delay or not (i.e. if the event has already passed when this expression will be called)
        parser - Additional information about the match.
        Whether this expression was initialised successfully. An error should be printed prior to returning false to specify the cause.
        See Also:
        - -
      • -
      • -


        protected Slot[] get(org.bukkit.event.Event e, - org.bukkit.entity.LivingEntity[] source)
        Description copied from class: PropertyExpression
        Converts the given source object(s) to the correct type. -

        - Please note that the returned array must neither be null nor contain any null elements!

        Specified by:
        get in class PropertyExpression<org.bukkit.entity.LivingEntity,Slot>
        e - the event involved at the time of runtime calling.
        source - the array of the objects from the expressions.
        An array of the converted objects, which may contain less elements than the source array, but must not be null.
        See Also:
        - -
      • -
      • -


        public Class<Slot> getReturnType()
        Description copied from interface: Expression
        Gets the return type of this expression.
        A supertype of any objects returned by Expression.getSingle(Event) and the component type of any arrays returned by Expression.getArray(Event)
      • -
      • -


        public String toString(@Nullable org.bukkit.event.Event e, - boolean debug)
        e - The event to get information to. This is always null if debug == false.
        debug - If true this should print more information, if false this should print what is shown to the end user
        String representation of this object
      • -
      • -


        public boolean setTime(int time)
        Description copied from class: SimpleExpression
        Sets the time of this expression, i.e. whether the returned value represents this expression before or after the event. -

        - This method will not be called if this expression is guaranteed to be used after a delay (an error will be printed immediately), but will be called if - it only can be after a delay (e.g. if the preceding delay is in an if or a loop) as well as if there's no delay involved. -

        - If this method returns false the expression will be discarded and an error message is printed. Custom error messages must be of ErrorQuality.SEMANTIC_ERROR to be - printed (NB: Skript.error(String) always creates semantic errors). -

        - This implementation sets the time but returns false.

        Specified by:
        setTime in interface Expression<Slot>
        setTime in class SimpleExpression<Slot>
        time - -1 for past or 1 for future. 0 is never passed to this method as it represents the default state.
        Whether this expression has distinct time states, e.g. a player never changes but a block can. This should be sensitive for the event (using - ParserInstance.isCurrentEvent(Class)).
        See Also:
        - -
      • -
    • -
    - -
    - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprTotalExperience.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprTotalExperience.html deleted file mode 100644 index 6644cd9fef..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprTotalExperience.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,313 +0,0 @@ - - - - -ExprTotalExperience (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -
    - -
    - -

    Class ExprTotalExperience

    - -
    All Implemented Interfaces:
    Converter<org.bukkit.entity.Entity,Integer>, Debuggable, Expression<Integer>, SyntaxElement
    @Name("Total Experience") -@Description({"The total experience, in points, of players or experience orbs.","Adding to a player\'s experience will trigger Mending, but setting their experience will not."}) -@Examples({"set total experience of player to 100","","add 100 to player\'s experience","","if player\'s total experience is greater than 100:","\tset player\'s total experience to 0","\tgive player 1 diamond"}) -@Since("2.7") -public class ExprTotalExperience -extends SimplePropertyExpression<org.bukkit.entity.Entity,Integer>
    - -
    - -
    - -
    - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprTypeOf.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprTypeOf.html deleted file mode 100644 index 0d1aa48c97..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprTypeOf.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,288 +0,0 @@ - - - - -ExprTypeOf (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -
    - -
    - -

    Class ExprTypeOf

    - -
    All Implemented Interfaces:
    Converter<Object,Object>, Debuggable, Expression<Object>, SyntaxElement
    @Name("Type of") -@Description({"Type of a block, item, entity, inventory or potion effect.","Types of items, blocks and block datas are item types similar to them but have amounts","of one, no display names and, on Minecraft 1.13 and newer versions, are undamaged.","Types of entities and inventories are entity types and inventory types known to Skript.","Types of potion effects are potion effect types."}) -@Examples({"on rightclick on an entity:","\tmessage \"This is a %type of clicked entity%!\""}) -@Since("1.4, 2.5.2 (potion effect), 2.7 (block datas)") -public class ExprTypeOf -extends SimplePropertyExpression<Object,Object>
    - -
    - -
    - -
    - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprUUID.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprUUID.html deleted file mode 100644 index 67792ac6be..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprUUID.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,256 +0,0 @@ - - - - -ExprUUID (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -
    - -
    - -

    Class ExprUUID

    - -
    All Implemented Interfaces:
    Converter<Object,String>, Debuggable, Expression<String>, SyntaxElement
    @Name("UUID") -@Description({"The UUID of a player, entity or world.","In the future there will be an option to use a player\'s UUID instead of the name in variable names (i.e. when %player% is used), but for now this can be used.","<em>Please note that this expression does not work for offline players if you are under 1.8!</em>"}) -@Examples({"# prevents people from joining the server if they use the name of a player","# who has played on this server at least once since this script has been added","on login:","\tif {uuid::%name of player%} exists:","\t\t{uuid::%name of player%} is not uuid of player","\t\tkick player due to \"Someone with your name has played on this server before\"","\telse:","\t\tset {uuid::%name of player%} to uuid of player"}) -@Since("2.1.2, 2.2 (offline players\' UUIDs), 2.2-dev24 (other entities\' UUIDs)") -public class ExprUUID -extends SimplePropertyExpression<Object,String>
    - -
    - -
    - -
    - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprUnbreakable.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprUnbreakable.html deleted file mode 100644 index 6eaad73868..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprUnbreakable.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,275 +0,0 @@ - - - - -ExprUnbreakable (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -
    - -
    - -

    Class ExprUnbreakable

    - -
    All Implemented Interfaces:
    Debuggable, Expression<ItemType>, SyntaxElement
    @Name("Unbreakable Items") -@Description("Creates unbreakable copies of given items.") -@Examples("unbreakable iron sword #Creates unbreakable iron sword") -@Since("2.2-dev13b") -public class ExprUnbreakable -extends PropertyExpression<ItemType,ItemType>
    - -
      - -
    • -

      Constructor Details

      • -


        public ExprUnbreakable()
      • -
    • - -
    • -

      Method Details

      • -


        public boolean init(Expression<?>[] exprs, - int matchedPattern, - Kleenean isDelayed, - SkriptParser.ParseResult parseResult)
        Description copied from interface: SyntaxElement
        Called just after the constructor.
        exprs - all %expr%s included in the matching pattern in the order they appear in the pattern. If an optional value was left out it will still be included in this list - holding the default value of the desired type which usually depends on the event.
        matchedPattern - The index of the pattern which matched
        isDelayed - Whether this expression is used after a delay or not (i.e. if the event has already passed when this expression will be called)
        parseResult - Additional information about the match.
        Whether this expression was initialised successfully. An error should be printed prior to returning false to specify the cause.
        See Also:
        - -
      • -
      • -


        protected ItemType[] get(org.bukkit.event.Event e, - ItemType[] source)
        Description copied from class: PropertyExpression
        Converts the given source object(s) to the correct type. -

        - Please note that the returned array must neither be null nor contain any null elements!

        Specified by:
        get in class PropertyExpression<ItemType,ItemType>
        e - the event involved at the time of runtime calling.
        source - the array of the objects from the expressions.
        An array of the converted objects, which may contain less elements than the source array, but must not be null.
        See Also:
        - -
      • -
      • -


        public Class<? extends ItemType> getReturnType()
        Description copied from interface: Expression
        Gets the return type of this expression.
        A supertype of any objects returned by Expression.getSingle(Event) and the component type of any arrays returned by Expression.getArray(Event)
      • -
      • -


        public String toString(@Nullable org.bukkit.event.Event e, - boolean debug)
        e - The event to get information to. This is always null if debug == false.
        debug - If true this should print more information, if false this should print what is shown to the end user
        String representation of this object
      • -
    • -
    - -
    - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprUnixDate.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprUnixDate.html deleted file mode 100644 index 57785e1f17..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprUnixDate.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,256 +0,0 @@ - - - - -ExprUnixDate (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -
    - -
    - -

    Class ExprUnixDate

    - -
    All Implemented Interfaces:
    Converter<Number,Date>, Debuggable, Expression<Date>, SyntaxElement
    @Name("Unix Date") -@Description("Converts given Unix timestamp to a date. The Unix timespan represents the number of seconds elapsed since 1 January 1970.") -@Examples("unix date of 946684800 #1 January 2000 12:00 AM (UTC Time)") -@Since("2.5") -public class ExprUnixDate -extends SimplePropertyExpression<Number,Date>
    - -
      - -
    • -

      Constructor Details

      • -


        public ExprUnixDate()
      • -
    • - -
    • -

      Method Details

      - -
    • -
    - -
    - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprUnixTicks.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprUnixTicks.html deleted file mode 100644 index cc88a7f3d3..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprUnixTicks.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,256 +0,0 @@ - - - - -ExprUnixTicks (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -
    - -
    - -

    Class ExprUnixTicks

    - -
    All Implemented Interfaces:
    Converter<Date,Number>, Debuggable, Expression<Number>, SyntaxElement
    @Name("Unix Timestamp") -@Description("Converts given date to Unix timestamp. This is roughly how many seconds have elapsed since 1 January 1970.") -@Examples("unix timestamp of now") -@Since("2.2-dev31") -public class ExprUnixTicks -extends SimplePropertyExpression<Date,Number>
    - -
      - -
    • -

      Constructor Details

      • -


        public ExprUnixTicks()
      • -
    • - -
    • -

      Method Details

      - -
    • -
    - -
    - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprValue.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprValue.html deleted file mode 100644 index 178633f4d9..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprValue.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,270 +0,0 @@ - - - - -ExprValue (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -
    - -
    - -

    Class ExprValue

    java.lang.Object -
    ch.njol.skript.lang.util.SimpleExpression<Unit> -
    All Implemented Interfaces:
    Debuggable, Expression<Unit>, SyntaxElement
    public class ExprValue -extends SimpleExpression<Unit>
    - -
      - -
    • -

      Constructor Details

      • -


        public ExprValue()
      • -
    • - -
    • -

      Method Details

      • -


        public boolean init(Expression<?>[] exprs, - int matchedPattern, - Kleenean isDelayed, - SkriptParser.ParseResult parseResult)
        Description copied from interface: SyntaxElement
        Called just after the constructor.
        exprs - all %expr%s included in the matching pattern in the order they appear in the pattern. If an optional value was left out it will still be included in this list - holding the default value of the desired type which usually depends on the event.
        matchedPattern - The index of the pattern which matched
        isDelayed - Whether this expression is used after a delay or not (i.e. if the event has already passed when this expression will be called)
        parseResult - Additional information about the match.
        Whether this expression was initialised successfully. An error should be printed prior to returning false to specify the cause.
        See Also:
        - -
      • -
      • -


        protected @Nullable Unit[] get(org.bukkit.event.Event e)
        Description copied from class: SimpleExpression
        This is the internal method to get an expression's values.
        - To get the expression's value from the outside use SimpleExpression.getSingle(Event) or SimpleExpression.getArray(Event).
        Specified by:
        get in class SimpleExpression<Unit>
        e - The event
        An array of values for this event. May not contain nulls.
      • -
      • -


        public boolean isSingle()
        true if this expression will ever only return one value at most, false if it can return multiple values.
      • -
      • -


        public Class<? extends Unit> getReturnType()
        Description copied from interface: Expression
        Gets the return type of this expression.
        A supertype of any objects returned by Expression.getSingle(Event) and the component type of any arrays returned by Expression.getArray(Event)
      • -
      • -


        public String toString(@Nullable org.bukkit.event.Event e, - boolean debug)
        e - The event to get information to. This is always null if debug == false.
        debug - If true this should print more information, if false this should print what is shown to the end user
        String representation of this object
      • -
    • -
    - -
    - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprValueWithin.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprValueWithin.html deleted file mode 100644 index 830d1b28ef..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprValueWithin.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,283 +0,0 @@ - - - - -ExprValueWithin (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -
    - -
    - -

    Class ExprValueWithin

    - -
    All Implemented Interfaces:
    Debuggable, Expression<Object>, SyntaxElement
    @Name("Value Within") -@Description("Gets the value within objects. Usually used with variables to get the value they store rather than the variable itself, or with lists to get the values of a type.") -@Examples({"set {_entity} to a random entity out of all entities","delete entity within {_entity} # This deletes the entity itself and not the value stored in the variable","","set {_list::*} to \"something\", 10, \"test\" and a zombie","broadcast the strings within {_list::*} # \"something\", \"test\""}) -@Since("2.7") -public class ExprValueWithin -extends WrapperExpression<Object>
    - -
      - -
    • -

      Constructor Details

      • -


        public ExprValueWithin()
      • -
    • - -
    • -

      Method Details

      • -


        public boolean init(Expression<?>[] exprs, - int matchedPattern, - Kleenean isDelayed, - SkriptParser.ParseResult parseResult)
        Description copied from interface: SyntaxElement
        Called just after the constructor.
        exprs - all %expr%s included in the matching pattern in the order they appear in the pattern. If an optional value was left out it will still be included in this list - holding the default value of the desired type which usually depends on the event.
        matchedPattern - The index of the pattern which matched
        isDelayed - Whether this expression is used after a delay or not (i.e. if the event has already passed when this expression will be called)
        parseResult - Additional information about the match.
        Whether this expression was initialised successfully. An error should be printed prior to returning false to specify the cause.
        See Also:
        - -
      • -
      • -


        public Class<?> @Nullable [] acceptChange(Changer.ChangeMode mode)
        Description copied from interface: Expression
        Tests whether this expression supports the given mode, and if yes what type it expects the delta to be. -

        - Use Changer.ChangerUtils.acceptsChange(Expression, ChangeMode, Class...) to test whether an expression supports changing, don't directly use this method! -

        - Please note that if a changer is registered for this expression's returnType this method does not have to be overridden. If you override it though - make sure to return super.acceptChange(mode), and to handle the appropriate ChangeMode(s) in Expression.change(Event, Object[], ChangeMode) with - super.change(...). -

        - Unlike Changer.acceptChange(ChangeMode) this method may print errors.

        Specified by:
        acceptChange in interface Expression<Object>
        acceptChange in class WrapperExpression<Object>
        An array of types that Expression.change(Event, Object[], ChangeMode) accepts as its delta parameter (which can be arrays to denote that multiple of - that type are accepted), or null if the given mode is not supported. For Changer.ChangeMode.DELETE and Changer.ChangeMode.RESET this can return any non-null array to - mark them as supported.
      • -
      • -


        public void change(org.bukkit.event.Event event, - @Nullable Object[] delta, - Changer.ChangeMode mode)
        Description copied from interface: Expression
        Changes the expression's value by the given amount. This will only be called on supported modes and with the desired delta type as returned by - Expression.acceptChange(ChangeMode)
        Specified by:
        change in interface Expression<Object>
        change in class WrapperExpression<Object>
        delta - An array with one or more instances of one or more of the the classes returned by Expression.acceptChange(ChangeMode) for the given change mode (null for - Changer.ChangeMode.DELETE and Changer.ChangeMode.RESET). This can be a Object[], thus casting is not allowed.
      • -
      • -


        public String toString(@Nullable org.bukkit.event.Event event, - boolean debug)
        event - The event to get information to. This is always null if debug == false.
        debug - If true this should print more information, if false this should print what is shown to the end user
        String representation of this object
      • -
    • -
    - -
    - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprVectorAngleBetween.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprVectorAngleBetween.html deleted file mode 100644 index 532cab3466..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprVectorAngleBetween.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,274 +0,0 @@ - - - - -ExprVectorAngleBetween (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -
    - -
    - -

    Class ExprVectorAngleBetween

    java.lang.Object -
    ch.njol.skript.lang.util.SimpleExpression<Number> -
    All Implemented Interfaces:
    Debuggable, Expression<Number>, SyntaxElement
    @Name("Vectors - Angle Between") -@Description("Gets the angle between two vectors.") -@Examples("send \"%the angle between vector 1, 0, 0 and vector 0, 1, 1%\"") -@Since("2.2-dev28") -public class ExprVectorAngleBetween -extends SimpleExpression<Number>
    - -
      - -
    • -

      Constructor Details

      • -


        public ExprVectorAngleBetween()
      • -
    • - -
    • -

      Method Details

      • -


        public boolean init(Expression<?>[] exprs, - int matchedPattern, - Kleenean isDelayed, - SkriptParser.ParseResult parseResult)
        Description copied from interface: SyntaxElement
        Called just after the constructor.
        exprs - all %expr%s included in the matching pattern in the order they appear in the pattern. If an optional value was left out it will still be included in this list - holding the default value of the desired type which usually depends on the event.
        matchedPattern - The index of the pattern which matched
        isDelayed - Whether this expression is used after a delay or not (i.e. if the event has already passed when this expression will be called)
        parseResult - Additional information about the match.
        Whether this expression was initialised successfully. An error should be printed prior to returning false to specify the cause.
        See Also:
        - -
      • -
      • -


        protected Number[] get(org.bukkit.event.Event e)
        Description copied from class: SimpleExpression
        This is the internal method to get an expression's values.
        - To get the expression's value from the outside use SimpleExpression.getSingle(Event) or SimpleExpression.getArray(Event).
        Specified by:
        get in class SimpleExpression<Number>
        e - The event
        An array of values for this event. May not contain nulls.
      • -
      • -


        public boolean isSingle()
        true if this expression will ever only return one value at most, false if it can return multiple values.
      • -
      • -


        public Class<? extends Number> getReturnType()
        Description copied from interface: Expression
        Gets the return type of this expression.
        A supertype of any objects returned by Expression.getSingle(Event) and the component type of any arrays returned by Expression.getArray(Event)
      • -
      • -


        public String toString(@Nullable org.bukkit.event.Event e, - boolean debug)
        e - The event to get information to. This is always null if debug == false.
        debug - If true this should print more information, if false this should print what is shown to the end user
        String representation of this object
      • -
    • -
    - -
    - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprVectorArithmetic.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprVectorArithmetic.html deleted file mode 100644 index d29b089acd..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprVectorArithmetic.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,274 +0,0 @@ - - - - -ExprVectorArithmetic (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -
    - -
    - -

    Class ExprVectorArithmetic

    java.lang.Object -
    ch.njol.skript.lang.util.SimpleExpression<org.bukkit.util.Vector> -
    All Implemented Interfaces:
    Debuggable, Expression<org.bukkit.util.Vector>, SyntaxElement
    @Name("Vectors - Arithmetic") -@Description("Arithmetic expressions for vectors.") -@Examples({"set {_v} to vector 1, 2, 3 // 5","set {_v} to {_v} ++ {_v}","set {_v} to {_v} ++ 5","set {_v} to {_v} -- {_v}","set {_v} to {_v} -- 5","set {_v} to {_v} ** {_v}","set {_v} to {_v} ** 5","set {_v} to {_v} // {_v}","set {_v} to {_v} // 5"}) -@Since("2.2-dev28") -public class ExprVectorArithmetic -extends SimpleExpression<org.bukkit.util.Vector>
    - -
      - -
    • -

      Constructor Details

      • -


        public ExprVectorArithmetic()
      • -
    • - -
    • -

      Method Details

      • -


        public boolean init(Expression<?>[] exprs, - int matchedPattern, - Kleenean isDelayed, - SkriptParser.ParseResult parseResult)
        Description copied from interface: SyntaxElement
        Called just after the constructor.
        exprs - all %expr%s included in the matching pattern in the order they appear in the pattern. If an optional value was left out it will still be included in this list - holding the default value of the desired type which usually depends on the event.
        matchedPattern - The index of the pattern which matched
        isDelayed - Whether this expression is used after a delay or not (i.e. if the event has already passed when this expression will be called)
        parseResult - Additional information about the match.
        Whether this expression was initialised successfully. An error should be printed prior to returning false to specify the cause.
        See Also:
        - -
      • -
      • -


        protected org.bukkit.util.Vector[] get(org.bukkit.event.Event e)
        Description copied from class: SimpleExpression
        This is the internal method to get an expression's values.
        - To get the expression's value from the outside use SimpleExpression.getSingle(Event) or SimpleExpression.getArray(Event).
        Specified by:
        get in class SimpleExpression<org.bukkit.util.Vector>
        e - The event
        An array of values for this event. May not contain nulls.
      • -
      • -


        public boolean isSingle()
        true if this expression will ever only return one value at most, false if it can return multiple values.
      • -
      • -


        public Class<? extends org.bukkit.util.Vector> getReturnType()
        Description copied from interface: Expression
        Gets the return type of this expression.
        A supertype of any objects returned by Expression.getSingle(Event) and the component type of any arrays returned by Expression.getArray(Event)
      • -
      • -


        public String toString(@Nullable org.bukkit.event.Event e, - boolean debug)
        e - The event to get information to. This is always null if debug == false.
        debug - If true this should print more information, if false this should print what is shown to the end user
        String representation of this object
      • -
    • -
    - -
    - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprVectorBetweenLocations.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprVectorBetweenLocations.html deleted file mode 100644 index 6428d2e828..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprVectorBetweenLocations.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,274 +0,0 @@ - - - - -ExprVectorBetweenLocations (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -
    - -
    - -

    Class ExprVectorBetweenLocations

    java.lang.Object -
    ch.njol.skript.lang.util.SimpleExpression<org.bukkit.util.Vector> -
    All Implemented Interfaces:
    Debuggable, Expression<org.bukkit.util.Vector>, SyntaxElement
    @Name("Vectors - Vector Between Locations") -@Description("Creates a vector between two locations.") -@Examples("set {_v} to vector between {_loc1} and {_loc2}") -@Since("2.2-dev28") -public class ExprVectorBetweenLocations -extends SimpleExpression<org.bukkit.util.Vector>
    - -
      - -
    • -

      Constructor Details

      • -


        public ExprVectorBetweenLocations()
      • -
    • - -
    • -

      Method Details

      • -


        public boolean init(Expression<?>[] exprs, - int matchedPattern, - Kleenean isDelayed, - SkriptParser.ParseResult parseResult)
        Description copied from interface: SyntaxElement
        Called just after the constructor.
        exprs - all %expr%s included in the matching pattern in the order they appear in the pattern. If an optional value was left out it will still be included in this list - holding the default value of the desired type which usually depends on the event.
        matchedPattern - The index of the pattern which matched
        isDelayed - Whether this expression is used after a delay or not (i.e. if the event has already passed when this expression will be called)
        parseResult - Additional information about the match.
        Whether this expression was initialised successfully. An error should be printed prior to returning false to specify the cause.
        See Also:
        - -
      • -
      • -


        protected org.bukkit.util.Vector[] get(org.bukkit.event.Event e)
        Description copied from class: SimpleExpression
        This is the internal method to get an expression's values.
        - To get the expression's value from the outside use SimpleExpression.getSingle(Event) or SimpleExpression.getArray(Event).
        Specified by:
        get in class SimpleExpression<org.bukkit.util.Vector>
        e - The event
        An array of values for this event. May not contain nulls.
      • -
      • -


        public boolean isSingle()
        true if this expression will ever only return one value at most, false if it can return multiple values.
      • -
      • -


        public Class<? extends org.bukkit.util.Vector> getReturnType()
        Description copied from interface: Expression
        Gets the return type of this expression.
        A supertype of any objects returned by Expression.getSingle(Event) and the component type of any arrays returned by Expression.getArray(Event)
      • -
      • -


        public String toString(@Nullable org.bukkit.event.Event e, - boolean debug)
        e - The event to get information to. This is always null if debug == false.
        debug - If true this should print more information, if false this should print what is shown to the end user
        String representation of this object
      • -
    • -
    - -
    - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprVectorCrossProduct.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprVectorCrossProduct.html deleted file mode 100644 index c6178235a7..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprVectorCrossProduct.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,274 +0,0 @@ - - - - -ExprVectorCrossProduct (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -
    - -
    - -

    Class ExprVectorCrossProduct

    java.lang.Object -
    ch.njol.skript.lang.util.SimpleExpression<org.bukkit.util.Vector> -
    All Implemented Interfaces:
    Debuggable, Expression<org.bukkit.util.Vector>, SyntaxElement
    @Name("Vectors - Cross Product") -@Description("Gets the cross product between two vectors.") -@Examples("send \"%vector 1, 0, 0 cross vector 0, 1, 0%\"") -@Since("2.2-dev28") -public class ExprVectorCrossProduct -extends SimpleExpression<org.bukkit.util.Vector>
    - -
      - -
    • -

      Constructor Details

      • -


        public ExprVectorCrossProduct()
      • -
    • - -
    • -

      Method Details

      • -


        public boolean init(Expression<?>[] exprs, - int matchedPattern, - Kleenean isDelayed, - SkriptParser.ParseResult parseResult)
        Description copied from interface: SyntaxElement
        Called just after the constructor.
        exprs - all %expr%s included in the matching pattern in the order they appear in the pattern. If an optional value was left out it will still be included in this list - holding the default value of the desired type which usually depends on the event.
        matchedPattern - The index of the pattern which matched
        isDelayed - Whether this expression is used after a delay or not (i.e. if the event has already passed when this expression will be called)
        parseResult - Additional information about the match.
        Whether this expression was initialised successfully. An error should be printed prior to returning false to specify the cause.
        See Also:
        - -
      • -
      • -


        protected org.bukkit.util.Vector[] get(org.bukkit.event.Event e)
        Description copied from class: SimpleExpression
        This is the internal method to get an expression's values.
        - To get the expression's value from the outside use SimpleExpression.getSingle(Event) or SimpleExpression.getArray(Event).
        Specified by:
        get in class SimpleExpression<org.bukkit.util.Vector>
        e - The event
        An array of values for this event. May not contain nulls.
      • -
      • -


        public boolean isSingle()
        true if this expression will ever only return one value at most, false if it can return multiple values.
      • -
      • -


        public Class<? extends org.bukkit.util.Vector> getReturnType()
        Description copied from interface: Expression
        Gets the return type of this expression.
        A supertype of any objects returned by Expression.getSingle(Event) and the component type of any arrays returned by Expression.getArray(Event)
      • -
      • -


        public String toString(@Nullable org.bukkit.event.Event e, - boolean debug)
        e - The event to get information to. This is always null if debug == false.
        debug - If true this should print more information, if false this should print what is shown to the end user
        String representation of this object
      • -
    • -
    - -
    - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprVectorCylindrical.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprVectorCylindrical.html deleted file mode 100644 index 55387a0faa..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprVectorCylindrical.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,274 +0,0 @@ - - - - -ExprVectorCylindrical (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -
    - -
    - -

    Class ExprVectorCylindrical

    java.lang.Object -
    ch.njol.skript.lang.util.SimpleExpression<org.bukkit.util.Vector> -
    All Implemented Interfaces:
    Debuggable, Expression<org.bukkit.util.Vector>, SyntaxElement
    @Name("Vectors - Cylindrical Shape") -@Description("Forms a \'cylindrical shaped\' vector using yaw to manipulate the current point.") -@Examples({"loop 360 times:","\tset {_v} to cylindrical vector radius 1, yaw loop-value, height 2","set {_v} to cylindrical vector radius 1, yaw 90, height 2"}) -@Since("2.2-dev28") -public class ExprVectorCylindrical -extends SimpleExpression<org.bukkit.util.Vector>
    - -
      - -
    • -

      Constructor Details

      • -


        public ExprVectorCylindrical()
      • -
    • - -
    • -

      Method Details

      • -


        public boolean init(Expression<?>[] exprs, - int matchedPattern, - Kleenean isDelayed, - SkriptParser.ParseResult parseResult)
        Description copied from interface: SyntaxElement
        Called just after the constructor.
        exprs - all %expr%s included in the matching pattern in the order they appear in the pattern. If an optional value was left out it will still be included in this list - holding the default value of the desired type which usually depends on the event.
        matchedPattern - The index of the pattern which matched
        isDelayed - Whether this expression is used after a delay or not (i.e. if the event has already passed when this expression will be called)
        parseResult - Additional information about the match.
        Whether this expression was initialised successfully. An error should be printed prior to returning false to specify the cause.
        See Also:
        - -
      • -
      • -


        protected org.bukkit.util.Vector[] get(org.bukkit.event.Event e)
        Description copied from class: SimpleExpression
        This is the internal method to get an expression's values.
        - To get the expression's value from the outside use SimpleExpression.getSingle(Event) or SimpleExpression.getArray(Event).
        Specified by:
        get in class SimpleExpression<org.bukkit.util.Vector>
        e - The event
        An array of values for this event. May not contain nulls.
      • -
      • -


        public boolean isSingle()
        true if this expression will ever only return one value at most, false if it can return multiple values.
      • -
      • -


        public Class<? extends org.bukkit.util.Vector> getReturnType()
        Description copied from interface: Expression
        Gets the return type of this expression.
        A supertype of any objects returned by Expression.getSingle(Event) and the component type of any arrays returned by Expression.getArray(Event)
      • -
      • -


        public String toString(@Nullable org.bukkit.event.Event e, - boolean debug)
        e - The event to get information to. This is always null if debug == false.
        debug - If true this should print more information, if false this should print what is shown to the end user
        String representation of this object
      • -
    • -
    - -
    - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprVectorDotProduct.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprVectorDotProduct.html deleted file mode 100644 index 0eebf2f471..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprVectorDotProduct.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,274 +0,0 @@ - - - - -ExprVectorDotProduct (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -
    - -
    - -

    Class ExprVectorDotProduct

    java.lang.Object -
    ch.njol.skript.lang.util.SimpleExpression<Number> -
    All Implemented Interfaces:
    Debuggable, Expression<Number>, SyntaxElement
    @Name("Vectors - Dot Product") -@Description("Gets the dot product between two vectors.") -@Examples("set {_v} to {_v2} dot {_v3}") -@Since("2.2-dev28") -public class ExprVectorDotProduct -extends SimpleExpression<Number>
    - -
      - -
    • -

      Constructor Details

      • -


        public ExprVectorDotProduct()
      • -
    • - -
    • -

      Method Details

      • -


        public boolean init(Expression<?>[] exprs, - int matchedPattern, - Kleenean isDelayed, - SkriptParser.ParseResult parseResult)
        Description copied from interface: SyntaxElement
        Called just after the constructor.
        exprs - all %expr%s included in the matching pattern in the order they appear in the pattern. If an optional value was left out it will still be included in this list - holding the default value of the desired type which usually depends on the event.
        matchedPattern - The index of the pattern which matched
        isDelayed - Whether this expression is used after a delay or not (i.e. if the event has already passed when this expression will be called)
        parseResult - Additional information about the match.
        Whether this expression was initialised successfully. An error should be printed prior to returning false to specify the cause.
        See Also:
        - -
      • -
      • -


        protected Number[] get(org.bukkit.event.Event e)
        Description copied from class: SimpleExpression
        This is the internal method to get an expression's values.
        - To get the expression's value from the outside use SimpleExpression.getSingle(Event) or SimpleExpression.getArray(Event).
        Specified by:
        get in class SimpleExpression<Number>
        e - The event
        An array of values for this event. May not contain nulls.
      • -
      • -


        public boolean isSingle()
        true if this expression will ever only return one value at most, false if it can return multiple values.
      • -
      • -


        public Class<? extends Number> getReturnType()
        Description copied from interface: Expression
        Gets the return type of this expression.
        A supertype of any objects returned by Expression.getSingle(Event) and the component type of any arrays returned by Expression.getArray(Event)
      • -
      • -


        public String toString(@Nullable org.bukkit.event.Event e, - boolean debug)
        e - The event to get information to. This is always null if debug == false.
        debug - If true this should print more information, if false this should print what is shown to the end user
        String representation of this object
      • -
    • -
    - -
    - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprVectorFromDirection.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprVectorFromDirection.html deleted file mode 100644 index 8ec7beb1da..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprVectorFromDirection.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,274 +0,0 @@ - - - - -ExprVectorFromDirection (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -
    - -
    - -

    Class ExprVectorFromDirection

    java.lang.Object -
    ch.njol.skript.lang.util.SimpleExpression<org.bukkit.util.Vector> -
    All Implemented Interfaces:
    Debuggable, Expression<org.bukkit.util.Vector>, SyntaxElement
    @Name("Vectors - Create from Direction") -@Description({"Creates vectors from given directions.","Relative directions are relative to the origin, (0, 0, 0). Therefore, the vector from the direction \'forwards\' is (0, 0, 1)."}) -@Examples({"set {_v} to vector from direction upwards","set {_v} to vector in direction of player","set {_v} to vector in horizontal direction of player","set {_v} to vector from facing of player","set {_v::*} to vectors from north, south, east, and west"}) -@Since("INSERT VERSION") -public class ExprVectorFromDirection -extends SimpleExpression<org.bukkit.util.Vector>
    - -
      - -
    • -

      Constructor Details

      • -


        public ExprVectorFromDirection()
      • -
    • - -
    • -

      Method Details

      • -


        public boolean init(Expression<?>[] exprs, - int matchedPattern, - Kleenean isDelayed, - SkriptParser.ParseResult parseResult)
        Description copied from interface: SyntaxElement
        Called just after the constructor.
        exprs - all %expr%s included in the matching pattern in the order they appear in the pattern. If an optional value was left out it will still be included in this list - holding the default value of the desired type which usually depends on the event.
        matchedPattern - The index of the pattern which matched
        isDelayed - Whether this expression is used after a delay or not (i.e. if the event has already passed when this expression will be called)
        parseResult - Additional information about the match.
        Whether this expression was initialised successfully. An error should be printed prior to returning false to specify the cause.
        See Also:
        - -
      • -
      • -


        protected @Nullable org.bukkit.util.Vector[] get(org.bukkit.event.Event event)
        Description copied from class: SimpleExpression
        This is the internal method to get an expression's values.
        - To get the expression's value from the outside use SimpleExpression.getSingle(Event) or SimpleExpression.getArray(Event).
        Specified by:
        get in class SimpleExpression<org.bukkit.util.Vector>
        event - The event
        An array of values for this event. May not contain nulls.
      • -
      • -


        public boolean isSingle()
        true if this expression will ever only return one value at most, false if it can return multiple values.
      • -
      • -


        public Class<? extends org.bukkit.util.Vector> getReturnType()
        Description copied from interface: Expression
        Gets the return type of this expression.
        A supertype of any objects returned by Expression.getSingle(Event) and the component type of any arrays returned by Expression.getArray(Event)
      • -
      • -


        public String toString(@Nullable org.bukkit.event.Event event, - boolean debug)
        event - The event to get information to. This is always null if debug == false.
        debug - If true this should print more information, if false this should print what is shown to the end user
        String representation of this object
      • -
    • -
    - -
    - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprVectorFromXYZ.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprVectorFromXYZ.html deleted file mode 100644 index 9f7de267eb..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprVectorFromXYZ.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,274 +0,0 @@ - - - - -ExprVectorFromXYZ (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -
    - -
    - -

    Class ExprVectorFromXYZ

    java.lang.Object -
    ch.njol.skript.lang.util.SimpleExpression<org.bukkit.util.Vector> -
    All Implemented Interfaces:
    Debuggable, Expression<org.bukkit.util.Vector>, SyntaxElement
    @Name("Vectors - Create from XYZ") -@Description("Creates a vector from x, y and z values.") -@Examples("set {_v} to vector 0, 1, 0") -@Since("2.2-dev28") -public class ExprVectorFromXYZ -extends SimpleExpression<org.bukkit.util.Vector>
    - -
      - -
    • -

      Constructor Details

      • -


        public ExprVectorFromXYZ()
      • -
    • - -
    • -

      Method Details

      • -


        public boolean init(Expression<?>[] exprs, - int matchedPattern, - Kleenean isDelayed, - SkriptParser.ParseResult parseResult)
        Description copied from interface: SyntaxElement
        Called just after the constructor.
        exprs - all %expr%s included in the matching pattern in the order they appear in the pattern. If an optional value was left out it will still be included in this list - holding the default value of the desired type which usually depends on the event.
        matchedPattern - The index of the pattern which matched
        isDelayed - Whether this expression is used after a delay or not (i.e. if the event has already passed when this expression will be called)
        parseResult - Additional information about the match.
        Whether this expression was initialised successfully. An error should be printed prior to returning false to specify the cause.
        See Also:
        - -
      • -
      • -


        protected org.bukkit.util.Vector[] get(org.bukkit.event.Event e)
        Description copied from class: SimpleExpression
        This is the internal method to get an expression's values.
        - To get the expression's value from the outside use SimpleExpression.getSingle(Event) or SimpleExpression.getArray(Event).
        Specified by:
        get in class SimpleExpression<org.bukkit.util.Vector>
        e - The event
        An array of values for this event. May not contain nulls.
      • -
      • -


        public boolean isSingle()
        true if this expression will ever only return one value at most, false if it can return multiple values.
      • -
      • -


        public Class<? extends org.bukkit.util.Vector> getReturnType()
        Description copied from interface: Expression
        Gets the return type of this expression.
        A supertype of any objects returned by Expression.getSingle(Event) and the component type of any arrays returned by Expression.getArray(Event)
      • -
      • -


        public String toString(@Nullable org.bukkit.event.Event e, - boolean debug)
        e - The event to get information to. This is always null if debug == false.
        debug - If true this should print more information, if false this should print what is shown to the end user
        String representation of this object
      • -
    • -
    - -
    - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprVectorFromYawAndPitch.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprVectorFromYawAndPitch.html deleted file mode 100644 index 06f2f51364..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprVectorFromYawAndPitch.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,274 +0,0 @@ - - - - -ExprVectorFromYawAndPitch (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -
    - -
    - -

    Class ExprVectorFromYawAndPitch

    java.lang.Object -
    ch.njol.skript.lang.util.SimpleExpression<org.bukkit.util.Vector> -
    All Implemented Interfaces:
    Debuggable, Expression<org.bukkit.util.Vector>, SyntaxElement
    @Name("Vectors - Vector from Pitch and Yaw") -@Description("Creates a vector from a yaw and pitch value.") -@Examples("set {_v} to vector from yaw 45 and pitch 45") -@Since("2.2-dev28") -public class ExprVectorFromYawAndPitch -extends SimpleExpression<org.bukkit.util.Vector>
    - -
      - -
    • -

      Constructor Details

      • -


        public ExprVectorFromYawAndPitch()
      • -
    • - -
    • -

      Method Details

      • -


        public boolean init(Expression<?>[] exprs, - int matchedPattern, - Kleenean isDelayed, - SkriptParser.ParseResult parseResult)
        Description copied from interface: SyntaxElement
        Called just after the constructor.
        exprs - all %expr%s included in the matching pattern in the order they appear in the pattern. If an optional value was left out it will still be included in this list - holding the default value of the desired type which usually depends on the event.
        matchedPattern - The index of the pattern which matched
        isDelayed - Whether this expression is used after a delay or not (i.e. if the event has already passed when this expression will be called)
        parseResult - Additional information about the match.
        Whether this expression was initialised successfully. An error should be printed prior to returning false to specify the cause.
        See Also:
        - -
      • -
      • -


        protected org.bukkit.util.Vector[] get(org.bukkit.event.Event e)
        Description copied from class: SimpleExpression
        This is the internal method to get an expression's values.
        - To get the expression's value from the outside use SimpleExpression.getSingle(Event) or SimpleExpression.getArray(Event).
        Specified by:
        get in class SimpleExpression<org.bukkit.util.Vector>
        e - The event
        An array of values for this event. May not contain nulls.
      • -
      • -


        public boolean isSingle()
        true if this expression will ever only return one value at most, false if it can return multiple values.
      • -
      • -


        public Class<? extends org.bukkit.util.Vector> getReturnType()
        Description copied from interface: Expression
        Gets the return type of this expression.
        A supertype of any objects returned by Expression.getSingle(Event) and the component type of any arrays returned by Expression.getArray(Event)
      • -
      • -


        public String toString(@Nullable org.bukkit.event.Event e, - boolean debug)
        e - The event to get information to. This is always null if debug == false.
        debug - If true this should print more information, if false this should print what is shown to the end user
        String representation of this object
      • -
    • -
    - -
    - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprVectorLength.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprVectorLength.html deleted file mode 100644 index ca288fe467..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprVectorLength.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,313 +0,0 @@ - - - - -ExprVectorLength (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -
    - -
    - -

    Class ExprVectorLength

    - -
    All Implemented Interfaces:
    Converter<org.bukkit.util.Vector,Number>, Debuggable, Expression<Number>, SyntaxElement
    @Name("Vectors - Length") -@Description("Gets or sets the length of a vector.") -@Examples({"send \"%standard length of vector 1, 2, 3%\"","set {_v} to vector 1, 2, 3","set standard length of {_v} to 2","send \"%standard length of {_v}%\""}) -@Since("2.2-dev28") -public class ExprVectorLength -extends SimplePropertyExpression<org.bukkit.util.Vector,Number>
    - -
    - -
    - -
    - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprVectorNormalize.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprVectorNormalize.html deleted file mode 100644 index fc6c1af89e..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprVectorNormalize.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,274 +0,0 @@ - - - - -ExprVectorNormalize (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -
    - -
    - -

    Class ExprVectorNormalize

    java.lang.Object -
    ch.njol.skript.lang.util.SimpleExpression<org.bukkit.util.Vector> -
    All Implemented Interfaces:
    Debuggable, Expression<org.bukkit.util.Vector>, SyntaxElement
    @Name("Vectors - Normalized") -@Description("Returns the same vector but with length 1.") -@Examples("set {_v} to normalized {_v}") -@Since("2.2-dev28") -public class ExprVectorNormalize -extends SimpleExpression<org.bukkit.util.Vector>
    - -
      - -
    • -

      Constructor Details

      • -


        public ExprVectorNormalize()
      • -
    • - -
    • -

      Method Details

      • -


        public boolean init(Expression<?>[] exprs, - int matchedPattern, - Kleenean isDelayed, - SkriptParser.ParseResult parseResult)
        Description copied from interface: SyntaxElement
        Called just after the constructor.
        exprs - all %expr%s included in the matching pattern in the order they appear in the pattern. If an optional value was left out it will still be included in this list - holding the default value of the desired type which usually depends on the event.
        matchedPattern - The index of the pattern which matched
        isDelayed - Whether this expression is used after a delay or not (i.e. if the event has already passed when this expression will be called)
        parseResult - Additional information about the match.
        Whether this expression was initialised successfully. An error should be printed prior to returning false to specify the cause.
        See Also:
        - -
      • -
      • -


        protected org.bukkit.util.Vector[] get(org.bukkit.event.Event e)
        Description copied from class: SimpleExpression
        This is the internal method to get an expression's values.
        - To get the expression's value from the outside use SimpleExpression.getSingle(Event) or SimpleExpression.getArray(Event).
        Specified by:
        get in class SimpleExpression<org.bukkit.util.Vector>
        e - The event
        An array of values for this event. May not contain nulls.
      • -
      • -


        public boolean isSingle()
        true if this expression will ever only return one value at most, false if it can return multiple values.
      • -
      • -


        public Class<? extends org.bukkit.util.Vector> getReturnType()
        Description copied from interface: Expression
        Gets the return type of this expression.
        A supertype of any objects returned by Expression.getSingle(Event) and the component type of any arrays returned by Expression.getArray(Event)
      • -
      • -


        public String toString(@Nullable org.bukkit.event.Event e, - boolean debug)
        e - The event to get information to. This is always null if debug == false.
        debug - If true this should print more information, if false this should print what is shown to the end user
        String representation of this object
      • -
    • -
    - -
    - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprVectorOfLocation.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprVectorOfLocation.html deleted file mode 100644 index 63acb9a536..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprVectorOfLocation.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,274 +0,0 @@ - - - - -ExprVectorOfLocation (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -
    - -
    - -

    Class ExprVectorOfLocation

    java.lang.Object -
    ch.njol.skript.lang.util.SimpleExpression<org.bukkit.util.Vector> -
    All Implemented Interfaces:
    Debuggable, Expression<org.bukkit.util.Vector>, SyntaxElement
    @Name("Vectors - Vector from Location") -@Description("Creates a vector from a location.") -@Examples("set {_v} to vector of {_loc}") -@Since("2.2-dev28") -public class ExprVectorOfLocation -extends SimpleExpression<org.bukkit.util.Vector>
    - -
      - -
    • -

      Constructor Details

      • -


        public ExprVectorOfLocation()
      • -
    • - -
    • -

      Method Details

      • -


        public boolean init(Expression<?>[] exprs, - int matchedPattern, - Kleenean isDelayed, - SkriptParser.ParseResult parseResult)
        Description copied from interface: SyntaxElement
        Called just after the constructor.
        exprs - all %expr%s included in the matching pattern in the order they appear in the pattern. If an optional value was left out it will still be included in this list - holding the default value of the desired type which usually depends on the event.
        matchedPattern - The index of the pattern which matched
        isDelayed - Whether this expression is used after a delay or not (i.e. if the event has already passed when this expression will be called)
        parseResult - Additional information about the match.
        Whether this expression was initialised successfully. An error should be printed prior to returning false to specify the cause.
        See Also:
        - -
      • -
      • -


        protected org.bukkit.util.Vector[] get(org.bukkit.event.Event e)
        Description copied from class: SimpleExpression
        This is the internal method to get an expression's values.
        - To get the expression's value from the outside use SimpleExpression.getSingle(Event) or SimpleExpression.getArray(Event).
        Specified by:
        get in class SimpleExpression<org.bukkit.util.Vector>
        e - The event
        An array of values for this event. May not contain nulls.
      • -
      • -


        public boolean isSingle()
        true if this expression will ever only return one value at most, false if it can return multiple values.
      • -
      • -


        public Class<? extends org.bukkit.util.Vector> getReturnType()
        Description copied from interface: Expression
        Gets the return type of this expression.
        A supertype of any objects returned by Expression.getSingle(Event) and the component type of any arrays returned by Expression.getArray(Event)
      • -
      • -


        public String toString(@Nullable org.bukkit.event.Event e, - boolean debug)
        e - The event to get information to. This is always null if debug == false.
        debug - If true this should print more information, if false this should print what is shown to the end user
        String representation of this object
      • -
    • -
    - -
    - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprVectorProjection.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprVectorProjection.html deleted file mode 100644 index da1a773ef4..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprVectorProjection.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,274 +0,0 @@ - - - - -ExprVectorProjection (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -
    - -
    - -

    Class ExprVectorProjection

    java.lang.Object -
    ch.njol.skript.lang.util.SimpleExpression<org.bukkit.util.Vector> -
    All Implemented Interfaces:
    Debuggable, Expression<org.bukkit.util.Vector>, SyntaxElement
    @Name("Vectors - Vector Projection") -@Description("An expression to get the vector projection of two vectors.") -@Examples("set {_projection} to vector projection of vector(1, 2, 3) onto vector(4, 4, 4)") -@Since("INSERT VERSION") -public class ExprVectorProjection -extends SimpleExpression<org.bukkit.util.Vector>
    - -
      - -
    • -

      Constructor Details

      • -


        public ExprVectorProjection()
      • -
    • - -
    • -

      Method Details

      • -


        public boolean init(Expression<?>[] exprs, - int matchedPattern, - Kleenean isDelayed, - SkriptParser.ParseResult parseResult)
        Description copied from interface: SyntaxElement
        Called just after the constructor.
        exprs - all %expr%s included in the matching pattern in the order they appear in the pattern. If an optional value was left out it will still be included in this list - holding the default value of the desired type which usually depends on the event.
        matchedPattern - The index of the pattern which matched
        isDelayed - Whether this expression is used after a delay or not (i.e. if the event has already passed when this expression will be called)
        parseResult - Additional information about the match.
        Whether this expression was initialised successfully. An error should be printed prior to returning false to specify the cause.
        See Also:
        - -
      • -
      • -


        protected @Nullable org.bukkit.util.Vector[] get(org.bukkit.event.Event event)
        Description copied from class: SimpleExpression
        This is the internal method to get an expression's values.
        - To get the expression's value from the outside use SimpleExpression.getSingle(Event) or SimpleExpression.getArray(Event).
        Specified by:
        get in class SimpleExpression<org.bukkit.util.Vector>
        event - The event
        An array of values for this event. May not contain nulls.
      • -
      • -


        public boolean isSingle()
        true if this expression will ever only return one value at most, false if it can return multiple values.
      • -
      • -


        public Class<? extends org.bukkit.util.Vector> getReturnType()
        Description copied from interface: Expression
        Gets the return type of this expression.
        A supertype of any objects returned by Expression.getSingle(Event) and the component type of any arrays returned by Expression.getArray(Event)
      • -
      • -


        public String toString(@Nullable org.bukkit.event.Event event, - boolean debug)
        event - The event to get information to. This is always null if debug == false.
        debug - If true this should print more information, if false this should print what is shown to the end user
        String representation of this object
      • -
    • -
    - -
    - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprVectorRandom.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprVectorRandom.html deleted file mode 100644 index ddf3361341..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprVectorRandom.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,274 +0,0 @@ - - - - -ExprVectorRandom (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -
    - -
    - -

    Class ExprVectorRandom

    java.lang.Object -
    ch.njol.skript.lang.util.SimpleExpression<org.bukkit.util.Vector> -
    All Implemented Interfaces:
    Debuggable, Expression<org.bukkit.util.Vector>, SyntaxElement
    @Name("Vectors - Random Vector") -@Description("Creates a random unit vector.") -@Examples("set {_v} to a random vector") -@Since("2.2-dev28, 2.7 (signed components)") -public class ExprVectorRandom -extends SimpleExpression<org.bukkit.util.Vector>
    - -
      - -
    • -

      Constructor Details

      • -


        public ExprVectorRandom()
      • -
    • - -
    • -

      Method Details

      • -


        public boolean init(Expression<?>[] exprs, - int matchedPattern, - Kleenean isDelayed, - SkriptParser.ParseResult parseResult)
        Description copied from interface: SyntaxElement
        Called just after the constructor.
        exprs - all %expr%s included in the matching pattern in the order they appear in the pattern. If an optional value was left out it will still be included in this list - holding the default value of the desired type which usually depends on the event.
        matchedPattern - The index of the pattern which matched
        isDelayed - Whether this expression is used after a delay or not (i.e. if the event has already passed when this expression will be called)
        parseResult - Additional information about the match.
        Whether this expression was initialised successfully. An error should be printed prior to returning false to specify the cause.
        See Also:
        - -
      • -
      • -


        protected org.bukkit.util.Vector[] get(org.bukkit.event.Event event)
        Description copied from class: SimpleExpression
        This is the internal method to get an expression's values.
        - To get the expression's value from the outside use SimpleExpression.getSingle(Event) or SimpleExpression.getArray(Event).
        Specified by:
        get in class SimpleExpression<org.bukkit.util.Vector>
        event - The event
        An array of values for this event. May not contain nulls.
      • -
      • -


        public boolean isSingle()
        true if this expression will ever only return one value at most, false if it can return multiple values.
      • -
      • -


        public Class<? extends org.bukkit.util.Vector> getReturnType()
        Description copied from interface: Expression
        Gets the return type of this expression.
        A supertype of any objects returned by Expression.getSingle(Event) and the component type of any arrays returned by Expression.getArray(Event)
      • -
      • -


        public String toString(@Nullable org.bukkit.event.Event event, - boolean debug)
        event - The event to get information to. This is always null if debug == false.
        debug - If true this should print more information, if false this should print what is shown to the end user
        String representation of this object
      • -
    • -
    - -
    - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprVectorSpherical.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprVectorSpherical.html deleted file mode 100644 index a5dba5d3a9..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprVectorSpherical.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,274 +0,0 @@ - - - - -ExprVectorSpherical (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -
    - -
    - -

    Class ExprVectorSpherical

    java.lang.Object -
    ch.njol.skript.lang.util.SimpleExpression<org.bukkit.util.Vector> -
    All Implemented Interfaces:
    Debuggable, Expression<org.bukkit.util.Vector>, SyntaxElement
    @Name("Vectors - Spherical Shape") -@Description("Forms a \'spherical shaped\' vector using yaw and pitch to manipulate the current point.") -@Examples({"loop 360 times:","\tset {_v} to spherical vector radius 1, yaw loop-value, pitch loop-value","set {_v} to spherical vector radius 1, yaw 45, pitch 90"}) -@Since("2.2-dev28") -public class ExprVectorSpherical -extends SimpleExpression<org.bukkit.util.Vector>
    - -
      - -
    • -

      Constructor Details

      • -


        public ExprVectorSpherical()
      • -
    • - -
    • -

      Method Details

      • -


        public boolean init(Expression<?>[] exprs, - int matchedPattern, - Kleenean isDelayed, - SkriptParser.ParseResult parseResult)
        Description copied from interface: SyntaxElement
        Called just after the constructor.
        exprs - all %expr%s included in the matching pattern in the order they appear in the pattern. If an optional value was left out it will still be included in this list - holding the default value of the desired type which usually depends on the event.
        matchedPattern - The index of the pattern which matched
        isDelayed - Whether this expression is used after a delay or not (i.e. if the event has already passed when this expression will be called)
        parseResult - Additional information about the match.
        Whether this expression was initialised successfully. An error should be printed prior to returning false to specify the cause.
        See Also:
        - -
      • -
      • -


        protected org.bukkit.util.Vector[] get(org.bukkit.event.Event e)
        Description copied from class: SimpleExpression
        This is the internal method to get an expression's values.
        - To get the expression's value from the outside use SimpleExpression.getSingle(Event) or SimpleExpression.getArray(Event).
        Specified by:
        get in class SimpleExpression<org.bukkit.util.Vector>
        e - The event
        An array of values for this event. May not contain nulls.
      • -
      • -


        public boolean isSingle()
        true if this expression will ever only return one value at most, false if it can return multiple values.
      • -
      • -


        public Class<? extends org.bukkit.util.Vector> getReturnType()
        Description copied from interface: Expression
        Gets the return type of this expression.
        A supertype of any objects returned by Expression.getSingle(Event) and the component type of any arrays returned by Expression.getArray(Event)
      • -
      • -


        public String toString(@Nullable org.bukkit.event.Event e, - boolean debug)
        e - The event to get information to. This is always null if debug == false.
        debug - If true this should print more information, if false this should print what is shown to the end user
        String representation of this object
      • -
    • -
    - -
    - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprVectorSquaredLength.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprVectorSquaredLength.html deleted file mode 100644 index d869300e5e..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprVectorSquaredLength.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,256 +0,0 @@ - - - - -ExprVectorSquaredLength (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -
    - -
    - -

    Class ExprVectorSquaredLength

    - -
    All Implemented Interfaces:
    Converter<org.bukkit.util.Vector,Number>, Debuggable, Expression<Number>, SyntaxElement
    @Name("Vectors - Squared Length") -@Description("Gets the squared length of a vector.") -@Examples("send \"%squared length of vector 1, 2, 3%\"") -@Since("2.2-dev28") -public class ExprVectorSquaredLength -extends SimplePropertyExpression<org.bukkit.util.Vector,Number>
    - -
      - -
    • -

      Constructor Details

      • -


        public ExprVectorSquaredLength()
      • -
    • - -
    • -

      Method Details

      • -


        public Number convert(org.bukkit.util.Vector vector)
        Description copied from interface: Converter
        Converts an object from the given to the desired type.
        Specified by:
        convert in interface Converter<org.bukkit.util.Vector,Number>
        Specified by:
        convert in class SimplePropertyExpression<org.bukkit.util.Vector,Number>
        vector - The object to convert.
        the converted object
      • -
      • -


        protected String getPropertyName()
        Description copied from class: SimplePropertyExpression
        Used to collect the property type used in the register method. - This forms the toString of this SimplePropertyExpression.
        Specified by:
        getPropertyName in class SimplePropertyExpression<org.bukkit.util.Vector,Number>
        The name of the type used when registering this SimplePropertyExpression.
      • -
      • -


        public Class<? extends Number> getReturnType()
        Description copied from interface: Expression
        Gets the return type of this expression.
        A supertype of any objects returned by Expression.getSingle(Event) and the component type of any arrays returned by Expression.getArray(Event)
      • -
    • -
    - -
    - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprVectorXYZ.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprVectorXYZ.html deleted file mode 100644 index faa3bf8468..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprVectorXYZ.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,352 +0,0 @@ - - - - -ExprVectorXYZ (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -
    - -
    - -

    Class ExprVectorXYZ

    - -
    All Implemented Interfaces:
    Converter<org.bukkit.util.Vector,Number>, Debuggable, Expression<Number>, SyntaxElement
    @Name("Vectors - XYZ Component") -@Description("Gets or changes the x, y or z component of a vector.") -@Examples({"set {_v} to vector 1, 2, 3","send \"%x of {_v}%, %y of {_v}%, %z of {_v}%\"","add 1 to x of {_v}","add 2 to y of {_v}","add 3 to z of {_v}","send \"%x of {_v}%, %y of {_v}%, %z of {_v}%\"","set x component of {_v} to 1","set y component of {_v} to 2","set z component of {_v} to 3","send \"%x component of {_v}%, %y component of {_v}%, %z component of {_v}%\""}) -@Since("2.2-dev28") -public class ExprVectorXYZ -extends SimplePropertyExpression<org.bukkit.util.Vector,Number>
    - -
    - -
    - -
    - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprVehicle.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprVehicle.html deleted file mode 100644 index 35dfef4756..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprVehicle.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,384 +0,0 @@ - - - - -ExprVehicle (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -
    - -
    - -

    Class ExprVehicle

    java.lang.Object -
    ch.njol.skript.lang.util.SimpleExpression<T> -
    ch.njol.skript.expressions.base.PropertyExpression<F,T> -
    ch.njol.skript.expressions.base.SimplePropertyExpression<org.bukkit.entity.Entity,org.bukkit.entity.Entity> -
    All Implemented Interfaces:
    Converter<org.bukkit.entity.Entity,org.bukkit.entity.Entity>, Debuggable, Expression<org.bukkit.entity.Entity>, SyntaxElement
    @Name("Vehicle") -@Description({"The vehicle an entity is in, if any. This can actually be any entity, e.g. spider jockeys are skeletons that ride on a spider, so the spider is the \'vehicle\' of the skeleton.","See also: <a href=\'#ExprPassenger\'>passenger</a>"}) -@Examples("vehicle of the player is a minecart") -@Since("2.0") -public class ExprVehicle -extends SimplePropertyExpression<org.bukkit.entity.Entity,org.bukkit.entity.Entity>
    - -
      - -
    • -

      Constructor Details

      • -


        public ExprVehicle()
      • -
    • - -
    • -

      Method Details

      • -


        protected org.bukkit.entity.Entity[] get(org.bukkit.event.Event e, - org.bukkit.entity.Entity[] source)
        Description copied from class: PropertyExpression
        Converts the given source object(s) to the correct type. -

        - Please note that the returned array must neither be null nor contain any null elements!

        get in class SimplePropertyExpression<org.bukkit.entity.Entity,org.bukkit.entity.Entity>
        e - the event involved at the time of runtime calling.
        source - the array of the objects from the expressions.
        An array of the converted objects, which may contain less elements than the source array, but must not be null.
        See Also:
        - -
      • -
      • -


        public @Nullable org.bukkit.entity.Entity convert(org.bukkit.entity.Entity e)
        Description copied from interface: Converter
        Converts an object from the given to the desired type.
        Specified by:
        convert in interface Converter<org.bukkit.entity.Entity,org.bukkit.entity.Entity>
        Specified by:
        convert in class SimplePropertyExpression<org.bukkit.entity.Entity,org.bukkit.entity.Entity>
        e - The object to convert.
        the converted object
      • -
      • -


        public Class<? extends org.bukkit.entity.Entity> getReturnType()
        Description copied from interface: Expression
        Gets the return type of this expression.
        A supertype of any objects returned by Expression.getSingle(Event) and the component type of any arrays returned by Expression.getArray(Event)
      • -
      • -


        protected String getPropertyName()
        Description copied from class: SimplePropertyExpression
        Used to collect the property type used in the register method. - This forms the toString of this SimplePropertyExpression.
        Specified by:
        getPropertyName in class SimplePropertyExpression<org.bukkit.entity.Entity,org.bukkit.entity.Entity>
        The name of the type used when registering this SimplePropertyExpression.
      • -
      • -


        public @Nullable Class<?>[] acceptChange(Changer.ChangeMode mode)
        Description copied from interface: Expression
        Tests whether this expression supports the given mode, and if yes what type it expects the delta to be. -

        - Use Changer.ChangerUtils.acceptsChange(Expression, ChangeMode, Class...) to test whether an expression supports changing, don't directly use this method! -

        - Please note that if a changer is registered for this expression's returnType this method does not have to be overridden. If you override it though - make sure to return super.acceptChange(mode), and to handle the appropriate ChangeMode(s) in Expression.change(Event, Object[], ChangeMode) with - super.change(...). -

        - Unlike Changer.acceptChange(ChangeMode) this method may print errors.

        Specified by:
        acceptChange in interface Expression<org.bukkit.entity.Entity>
        acceptChange in class SimpleExpression<org.bukkit.entity.Entity>
        An array of types that Expression.change(Event, Object[], ChangeMode) accepts as its delta parameter (which can be arrays to denote that multiple of - that type are accepted), or null if the given mode is not supported. For Changer.ChangeMode.DELETE and Changer.ChangeMode.RESET this can return any non-null array to - mark them as supported.
      • -
      • -


        public void change(org.bukkit.event.Event e, - @Nullable Object[] delta, - Changer.ChangeMode mode)
        Description copied from interface: Expression
        Changes the expression's value by the given amount. This will only be called on supported modes and with the desired delta type as returned by - Expression.acceptChange(ChangeMode)
        Specified by:
        change in interface Expression<org.bukkit.entity.Entity>
        change in class SimpleExpression<org.bukkit.entity.Entity>
        delta - An array with one or more instances of one or more of the the classes returned by Expression.acceptChange(ChangeMode) for the given change mode (null for - Changer.ChangeMode.DELETE and Changer.ChangeMode.RESET). This can be a Object[], thus casting is not allowed.
      • -
      • -


        public boolean setTime(int time)
        Description copied from class: SimpleExpression
        Sets the time of this expression, i.e. whether the returned value represents this expression before or after the event. -

        - This method will not be called if this expression is guaranteed to be used after a delay (an error will be printed immediately), but will be called if - it only can be after a delay (e.g. if the preceding delay is in an if or a loop) as well as if there's no delay involved. -

        - If this method returns false the expression will be discarded and an error message is printed. Custom error messages must be of ErrorQuality.SEMANTIC_ERROR to be - printed (NB: Skript.error(String) always creates semantic errors). -

        - This implementation sets the time but returns false.

        Specified by:
        setTime in interface Expression<org.bukkit.entity.Entity>
        setTime in class SimpleExpression<org.bukkit.entity.Entity>
        time - -1 for past or 1 for future. 0 is never passed to this method as it represents the default state.
        Whether this expression has distinct time states, e.g. a player never changes but a block can. This should be sensitive for the event (using - ParserInstance.isCurrentEvent(Class)).
        See Also:
        - -
      • -
    • -
    - -
    - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprVelocity.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprVelocity.html deleted file mode 100644 index b37fa7ffe0..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprVelocity.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,313 +0,0 @@ - - - - -ExprVelocity (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -
    - -
    - -

    Class ExprVelocity

    java.lang.Object -
    ch.njol.skript.lang.util.SimpleExpression<T> -
    ch.njol.skript.expressions.base.PropertyExpression<F,T> -
    ch.njol.skript.expressions.base.SimplePropertyExpression<org.bukkit.entity.Entity,org.bukkit.util.Vector> -
    All Implemented Interfaces:
    Converter<org.bukkit.entity.Entity,org.bukkit.util.Vector>, Debuggable, Expression<org.bukkit.util.Vector>, SyntaxElement
    @Name("Vectors - Velocity") -@Description("Gets or changes velocity of an entity.") -@Examples("set player\'s velocity to {_v}") -@Since("2.2-dev31") -public class ExprVelocity -extends SimplePropertyExpression<org.bukkit.entity.Entity,org.bukkit.util.Vector>
    - -
    - -
    - -
    - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprVersion.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprVersion.html deleted file mode 100644 index ae62d71f4e..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprVersion.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,274 +0,0 @@ - - - - -ExprVersion (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -
    - -
    - -

    Class ExprVersion

    java.lang.Object -
    ch.njol.skript.lang.util.SimpleExpression<String> -
    All Implemented Interfaces:
    Debuggable, Expression<String>, SyntaxElement
    @Name("Version") -@Description("The version of Bukkit, Minecraft or Skript respectively.") -@Examples({"message \"This server is running Minecraft %minecraft version% on Bukkit %bukkit version%\"","message \"This server is powered by Skript %skript version%\""}) -@Since("2.0") -public class ExprVersion -extends SimpleExpression<String>
    - -
      - -
    • -

      Constructor Details

      • -


        public ExprVersion()
      • -
    • - -
    • -

      Method Details

      • -


        public boolean init(Expression<?>[] exprs, - int matchedPattern, - Kleenean isDelayed, - SkriptParser.ParseResult parseResult)
        Description copied from interface: SyntaxElement
        Called just after the constructor.
        exprs - all %expr%s included in the matching pattern in the order they appear in the pattern. If an optional value was left out it will still be included in this list - holding the default value of the desired type which usually depends on the event.
        matchedPattern - The index of the pattern which matched
        isDelayed - Whether this expression is used after a delay or not (i.e. if the event has already passed when this expression will be called)
        parseResult - Additional information about the match.
        Whether this expression was initialised successfully. An error should be printed prior to returning false to specify the cause.
        See Also:
        - -
      • -
      • -


        protected String[] get(org.bukkit.event.Event e)
        Description copied from class: SimpleExpression
        This is the internal method to get an expression's values.
        - To get the expression's value from the outside use SimpleExpression.getSingle(Event) or SimpleExpression.getArray(Event).
        Specified by:
        get in class SimpleExpression<String>
        e - The event
        An array of values for this event. May not contain nulls.
      • -
      • -


        public String toString(@Nullable org.bukkit.event.Event e, - boolean debug)
        e - The event to get information to. This is always null if debug == false.
        debug - If true this should print more information, if false this should print what is shown to the end user
        String representation of this object
      • -
      • -


        public boolean isSingle()
        true if this expression will ever only return one value at most, false if it can return multiple values.
      • -
      • -


        public Class<? extends String> getReturnType()
        Description copied from interface: Expression
        Gets the return type of this expression.
        A supertype of any objects returned by Expression.getSingle(Event) and the component type of any arrays returned by Expression.getArray(Event)
      • -
    • -
    - -
    - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprVersionString.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprVersionString.html deleted file mode 100644 index 741eec878c..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprVersionString.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,336 +0,0 @@ - - - - -ExprVersionString (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -
    - -
    - -

    Class ExprVersionString

    java.lang.Object -
    ch.njol.skript.lang.util.SimpleExpression<String> -
    All Implemented Interfaces:
    Debuggable, Expression<String>, SyntaxElement
    @Name("Version String") -@Description({"The text to show if the protocol version of the server doesn\'t match with protocol version of the client. You can check the <a href=\'#ExprProtocolVersion\'>protocol version</a> expression for more information about this.","This can only be set in a <a href=\'events.html#server_list_ping\'>server list ping</a> event."}) -@Examples({"on server list ping:","\tset the protocol version to 0 # 13w41a (1.7), so it will show the version string always","\tset the version string to \"&lt;light green&gt;Version: &lt;orange&gt;%minecraft version%\""}) -@Since("2.3") -@RequiredPlugins("Paper 1.12.2+") -@Events("Server List Ping") -public class ExprVersionString -extends SimpleExpression<String>
    - -
      - -
    • -

      Constructor Details

      • -


        public ExprVersionString()
      • -
    • - -
    • -

      Method Details

      • -


        public boolean init(Expression<?>[] exprs, - int matchedPattern, - Kleenean isDelayed, - SkriptParser.ParseResult parseResult)
        Description copied from interface: SyntaxElement
        Called just after the constructor.
        exprs - all %expr%s included in the matching pattern in the order they appear in the pattern. If an optional value was left out it will still be included in this list - holding the default value of the desired type which usually depends on the event.
        matchedPattern - The index of the pattern which matched
        isDelayed - Whether this expression is used after a delay or not (i.e. if the event has already passed when this expression will be called)
        parseResult - Additional information about the match.
        Whether this expression was initialised successfully. An error should be printed prior to returning false to specify the cause.
        See Also:
        - -
      • -
      • -


        @Nullable -public @Nullable String[] get(org.bukkit.event.Event event)
        Description copied from class: SimpleExpression
        This is the internal method to get an expression's values.
        - To get the expression's value from the outside use SimpleExpression.getSingle(Event) or SimpleExpression.getArray(Event).
        Specified by:
        get in class SimpleExpression<String>
        event - The event
        An array of values for this event. May not contain nulls.
      • -
      • -


        @Nullable -public @Nullable Class<?>[] acceptChange(Changer.ChangeMode mode)
        Description copied from interface: Expression
        Tests whether this expression supports the given mode, and if yes what type it expects the delta to be. -

        - Use Changer.ChangerUtils.acceptsChange(Expression, ChangeMode, Class...) to test whether an expression supports changing, don't directly use this method! -

        - Please note that if a changer is registered for this expression's returnType this method does not have to be overridden. If you override it though - make sure to return super.acceptChange(mode), and to handle the appropriate ChangeMode(s) in Expression.change(Event, Object[], ChangeMode) with - super.change(...). -

        - Unlike Changer.acceptChange(ChangeMode) this method may print errors.

        Specified by:
        acceptChange in interface Expression<String>
        acceptChange in class SimpleExpression<String>
        An array of types that Expression.change(Event, Object[], ChangeMode) accepts as its delta parameter (which can be arrays to denote that multiple of - that type are accepted), or null if the given mode is not supported. For Changer.ChangeMode.DELETE and Changer.ChangeMode.RESET this can return any non-null array to - mark them as supported.
      • -
      • -


        public void change(org.bukkit.event.Event event, - Object @Nullable [] delta, - Changer.ChangeMode mode)
        Description copied from interface: Expression
        Changes the expression's value by the given amount. This will only be called on supported modes and with the desired delta type as returned by - Expression.acceptChange(ChangeMode)
        Specified by:
        change in interface Expression<String>
        change in class SimpleExpression<String>
        delta - An array with one or more instances of one or more of the the classes returned by Expression.acceptChange(ChangeMode) for the given change mode (null for - Changer.ChangeMode.DELETE and Changer.ChangeMode.RESET). This can be a Object[], thus casting is not allowed.
      • -
      • -


        public boolean isSingle()
        true if this expression will ever only return one value at most, false if it can return multiple values.
      • -
      • -


        public Class<? extends String> getReturnType()
        Description copied from interface: Expression
        Gets the return type of this expression.
        A supertype of any objects returned by Expression.getSingle(Event) and the component type of any arrays returned by Expression.getArray(Event)
      • -
      • -


        public String toString(@Nullable - @Nullable org.bukkit.event.Event event, - boolean debug)
        event - The event to get information to. This is always null if debug == false.
        debug - If true this should print more information, if false this should print what is shown to the end user
        String representation of this object
      • -
    • -
    - -
    - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprWeather.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprWeather.html deleted file mode 100644 index ff3775bd38..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprWeather.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,372 +0,0 @@ - - - - -ExprWeather (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -
    - -
    - -

    Class ExprWeather

    - -
    All Implemented Interfaces:
    Debuggable, Expression<WeatherType>, SyntaxElement
    @Name("Weather") -@Description("The weather in the given or the current world.") -@Examples({"set weather to clear","weather in \"world\" is rainy"}) -@Since("1.0") -@Events("weather change") -public class ExprWeather -extends PropertyExpression<org.bukkit.World,WeatherType>
    - -
      - -
    • -

      Constructor Details

      • -


        public ExprWeather()
      • -
    • - -
    • -

      Method Details

      • -


        public boolean init(Expression<?>[] exprs, - int matchedPattern, - Kleenean isDelayed, - SkriptParser.ParseResult parser)
        Description copied from interface: SyntaxElement
        Called just after the constructor.
        exprs - all %expr%s included in the matching pattern in the order they appear in the pattern. If an optional value was left out it will still be included in this list - holding the default value of the desired type which usually depends on the event.
        matchedPattern - The index of the pattern which matched
        isDelayed - Whether this expression is used after a delay or not (i.e. if the event has already passed when this expression will be called)
        parser - Additional information about the match.
        Whether this expression was initialised successfully. An error should be printed prior to returning false to specify the cause.
        See Also:
        - -
      • -
      • -


        protected WeatherType[] get(org.bukkit.event.Event e, - org.bukkit.World[] source)
        Description copied from class: PropertyExpression
        Converts the given source object(s) to the correct type. -

        - Please note that the returned array must neither be null nor contain any null elements!

        Specified by:
        get in class PropertyExpression<org.bukkit.World,WeatherType>
        e - the event involved at the time of runtime calling.
        source - the array of the objects from the expressions.
        An array of the converted objects, which may contain less elements than the source array, but must not be null.
        See Also:
        - -
      • -
      • -


        public String toString(@Nullable org.bukkit.event.Event e, - boolean debug)
        e - The event to get information to. This is always null if debug == false.
        debug - If true this should print more information, if false this should print what is shown to the end user
        String representation of this object
      • -
      • -


        public @Nullable Class<?>[] acceptChange(Changer.ChangeMode mode)
        Description copied from interface: Expression
        Tests whether this expression supports the given mode, and if yes what type it expects the delta to be. -

        - Use Changer.ChangerUtils.acceptsChange(Expression, ChangeMode, Class...) to test whether an expression supports changing, don't directly use this method! -

        - Please note that if a changer is registered for this expression's returnType this method does not have to be overridden. If you override it though - make sure to return super.acceptChange(mode), and to handle the appropriate ChangeMode(s) in Expression.change(Event, Object[], ChangeMode) with - super.change(...). -

        - Unlike Changer.acceptChange(ChangeMode) this method may print errors.

        Specified by:
        acceptChange in interface Expression<WeatherType>
        acceptChange in class SimpleExpression<WeatherType>
        An array of types that Expression.change(Event, Object[], ChangeMode) accepts as its delta parameter (which can be arrays to denote that multiple of - that type are accepted), or null if the given mode is not supported. For Changer.ChangeMode.DELETE and Changer.ChangeMode.RESET this can return any non-null array to - mark them as supported.
      • -
      • -


        public void change(org.bukkit.event.Event e, - @Nullable Object[] delta, - Changer.ChangeMode mode)
        Description copied from interface: Expression
        Changes the expression's value by the given amount. This will only be called on supported modes and with the desired delta type as returned by - Expression.acceptChange(ChangeMode)
        Specified by:
        change in interface Expression<WeatherType>
        change in class SimpleExpression<WeatherType>
        delta - An array with one or more instances of one or more of the the classes returned by Expression.acceptChange(ChangeMode) for the given change mode (null for - Changer.ChangeMode.DELETE and Changer.ChangeMode.RESET). This can be a Object[], thus casting is not allowed.
      • -
      • -


        public Class<WeatherType> getReturnType()
        Description copied from interface: Expression
        Gets the return type of this expression.
        A supertype of any objects returned by Expression.getSingle(Event) and the component type of any arrays returned by Expression.getArray(Event)
      • -
      • -


        public boolean setTime(int time)
        Description copied from class: SimpleExpression
        Sets the time of this expression, i.e. whether the returned value represents this expression before or after the event. -

        - This method will not be called if this expression is guaranteed to be used after a delay (an error will be printed immediately), but will be called if - it only can be after a delay (e.g. if the preceding delay is in an if or a loop) as well as if there's no delay involved. -

        - If this method returns false the expression will be discarded and an error message is printed. Custom error messages must be of ErrorQuality.SEMANTIC_ERROR to be - printed (NB: Skript.error(String) always creates semantic errors). -

        - This implementation sets the time but returns false.

        Specified by:
        setTime in interface Expression<WeatherType>
        setTime in class SimpleExpression<WeatherType>
        time - -1 for past or 1 for future. 0 is never passed to this method as it represents the default state.
        Whether this expression has distinct time states, e.g. a player never changes but a block can. This should be sensitive for the event (using - ParserInstance.isCurrentEvent(Class)).
        See Also:
        - -
      • -
    • -
    - -
    - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprWhitelist.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprWhitelist.html deleted file mode 100644 index aa935c0d58..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprWhitelist.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,331 +0,0 @@ - - - - -ExprWhitelist (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -
    - -
    - -

    Class ExprWhitelist

    java.lang.Object -
    ch.njol.skript.lang.util.SimpleExpression<org.bukkit.OfflinePlayer> -
    All Implemented Interfaces:
    Debuggable, Expression<org.bukkit.OfflinePlayer>, SyntaxElement
    @Name("Whitelist") -@Description("A server\'s whitelist.This expression can be used to add/remove players to/from the whitelist, to enable it and disable it (set whitelist to true / set whitelist to false), and to empty it (reset whitelist)") -@Examples({"set whitelist to false","add all players to whitelist","reset the whitelist"}) -@Since("2.5.2") -public class ExprWhitelist -extends SimpleExpression<org.bukkit.OfflinePlayer>
    - -
      - -
    • -

      Constructor Details

      • -


        public ExprWhitelist()
      • -
    • - -
    • -

      Method Details

      • -


        public boolean init(Expression<?>[] exprs, - int matchedPattern, - Kleenean isDelayed, - SkriptParser.ParseResult parseResult)
        Description copied from interface: SyntaxElement
        Called just after the constructor.
        exprs - all %expr%s included in the matching pattern in the order they appear in the pattern. If an optional value was left out it will still be included in this list - holding the default value of the desired type which usually depends on the event.
        matchedPattern - The index of the pattern which matched
        isDelayed - Whether this expression is used after a delay or not (i.e. if the event has already passed when this expression will be called)
        parseResult - Additional information about the match.
        Whether this expression was initialised successfully. An error should be printed prior to returning false to specify the cause.
        See Also:
        - -
      • -
      • -


        protected @Nullable org.bukkit.OfflinePlayer[] get(org.bukkit.event.Event e)
        Description copied from class: SimpleExpression
        This is the internal method to get an expression's values.
        - To get the expression's value from the outside use SimpleExpression.getSingle(Event) or SimpleExpression.getArray(Event).
        Specified by:
        get in class SimpleExpression<org.bukkit.OfflinePlayer>
        e - The event
        An array of values for this event. May not contain nulls.
      • -
      • -


        public @Nullable Class<?>[] acceptChange(Changer.ChangeMode mode)
        Description copied from interface: Expression
        Tests whether this expression supports the given mode, and if yes what type it expects the delta to be. -

        - Use Changer.ChangerUtils.acceptsChange(Expression, ChangeMode, Class...) to test whether an expression supports changing, don't directly use this method! -

        - Please note that if a changer is registered for this expression's returnType this method does not have to be overridden. If you override it though - make sure to return super.acceptChange(mode), and to handle the appropriate ChangeMode(s) in Expression.change(Event, Object[], ChangeMode) with - super.change(...). -

        - Unlike Changer.acceptChange(ChangeMode) this method may print errors.

        Specified by:
        acceptChange in interface Expression<org.bukkit.OfflinePlayer>
        acceptChange in class SimpleExpression<org.bukkit.OfflinePlayer>
        An array of types that Expression.change(Event, Object[], ChangeMode) accepts as its delta parameter (which can be arrays to denote that multiple of - that type are accepted), or null if the given mode is not supported. For Changer.ChangeMode.DELETE and Changer.ChangeMode.RESET this can return any non-null array to - mark them as supported.
      • -
      • -


        public void change(org.bukkit.event.Event e, - @Nullable Object[] delta, - Changer.ChangeMode mode)
        Description copied from interface: Expression
        Changes the expression's value by the given amount. This will only be called on supported modes and with the desired delta type as returned by - Expression.acceptChange(ChangeMode)
        Specified by:
        change in interface Expression<org.bukkit.OfflinePlayer>
        change in class SimpleExpression<org.bukkit.OfflinePlayer>
        delta - An array with one or more instances of one or more of the the classes returned by Expression.acceptChange(ChangeMode) for the given change mode (null for - Changer.ChangeMode.DELETE and Changer.ChangeMode.RESET). This can be a Object[], thus casting is not allowed.
      • -
      • -


        public boolean isSingle()
        true if this expression will ever only return one value at most, false if it can return multiple values.
      • -
      • -


        public Class<? extends org.bukkit.OfflinePlayer> getReturnType()
        Description copied from interface: Expression
        Gets the return type of this expression.
        A supertype of any objects returned by Expression.getSingle(Event) and the component type of any arrays returned by Expression.getArray(Event)
      • -
      • -


        public String toString(@Nullable org.bukkit.event.Event e, - boolean debug)
        e - The event to get information to. This is always null if debug == false.
        debug - If true this should print more information, if false this should print what is shown to the end user
        String representation of this object
      • -
    • -
    - -
    - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprWorld.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprWorld.html deleted file mode 100644 index 736cd6bb36..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprWorld.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,371 +0,0 @@ - - - - -ExprWorld (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -
    - -
    - -

    Class ExprWorld

    - -
    All Implemented Interfaces:
    Debuggable, Expression<org.bukkit.World>, SyntaxElement
    @Name("World") -@Description("The world the event occurred in.") -@Examples({"world is \"world_nether\"","teleport the player to the world\'s spawn","set the weather in the player\'s world to rain","set {_world} to world of event-chunk"}) -@Since("1.0") -public class ExprWorld -extends PropertyExpression<Object,org.bukkit.World>
    - -
      - -
    • -

      Constructor Details

      • -


        public ExprWorld()
      • -
    • - -
    • -

      Method Details

      • -


        public boolean init(Expression<?>[] exprs, - int matchedPattern, - Kleenean isDelayed, - SkriptParser.ParseResult parser)
        Description copied from interface: SyntaxElement
        Called just after the constructor.
        exprs - all %expr%s included in the matching pattern in the order they appear in the pattern. If an optional value was left out it will still be included in this list - holding the default value of the desired type which usually depends on the event.
        matchedPattern - The index of the pattern which matched
        isDelayed - Whether this expression is used after a delay or not (i.e. if the event has already passed when this expression will be called)
        parser - Additional information about the match.
        Whether this expression was initialised successfully. An error should be printed prior to returning false to specify the cause.
        See Also:
        - -
      • -
      • -


        protected org.bukkit.World[] get(org.bukkit.event.Event e, - Object[] source)
        Description copied from class: PropertyExpression
        Converts the given source object(s) to the correct type. -

        - Please note that the returned array must neither be null nor contain any null elements!

        Specified by:
        get in class PropertyExpression<Object,org.bukkit.World>
        e - the event involved at the time of runtime calling.
        source - the array of the objects from the expressions.
        An array of the converted objects, which may contain less elements than the source array, but must not be null.
        See Also:
        - -
      • -
      • -


        public @Nullable Class<?>[] acceptChange(Changer.ChangeMode mode)
        Description copied from interface: Expression
        Tests whether this expression supports the given mode, and if yes what type it expects the delta to be. -

        - Use Changer.ChangerUtils.acceptsChange(Expression, ChangeMode, Class...) to test whether an expression supports changing, don't directly use this method! -

        - Please note that if a changer is registered for this expression's returnType this method does not have to be overridden. If you override it though - make sure to return super.acceptChange(mode), and to handle the appropriate ChangeMode(s) in Expression.change(Event, Object[], ChangeMode) with - super.change(...). -

        - Unlike Changer.acceptChange(ChangeMode) this method may print errors.

        Specified by:
        acceptChange in interface Expression<org.bukkit.World>
        acceptChange in class SimpleExpression<org.bukkit.World>
        An array of types that Expression.change(Event, Object[], ChangeMode) accepts as its delta parameter (which can be arrays to denote that multiple of - that type are accepted), or null if the given mode is not supported. For Changer.ChangeMode.DELETE and Changer.ChangeMode.RESET this can return any non-null array to - mark them as supported.
      • -
      • -


        public void change(org.bukkit.event.Event e, - @Nullable Object[] delta, - Changer.ChangeMode mode)
        Description copied from interface: Expression
        Changes the expression's value by the given amount. This will only be called on supported modes and with the desired delta type as returned by - Expression.acceptChange(ChangeMode)
        Specified by:
        change in interface Expression<org.bukkit.World>
        change in class SimpleExpression<org.bukkit.World>
        delta - An array with one or more instances of one or more of the the classes returned by Expression.acceptChange(ChangeMode) for the given change mode (null for - Changer.ChangeMode.DELETE and Changer.ChangeMode.RESET). This can be a Object[], thus casting is not allowed.
      • -
      • -


        public boolean setTime(int time)
        Description copied from class: SimpleExpression
        Sets the time of this expression, i.e. whether the returned value represents this expression before or after the event. -

        - This method will not be called if this expression is guaranteed to be used after a delay (an error will be printed immediately), but will be called if - it only can be after a delay (e.g. if the preceding delay is in an if or a loop) as well as if there's no delay involved. -

        - If this method returns false the expression will be discarded and an error message is printed. Custom error messages must be of ErrorQuality.SEMANTIC_ERROR to be - printed (NB: Skript.error(String) always creates semantic errors). -

        - This implementation sets the time but returns false.

        Specified by:
        setTime in interface Expression<org.bukkit.World>
        setTime in class SimpleExpression<org.bukkit.World>
        time - -1 for past or 1 for future. 0 is never passed to this method as it represents the default state.
        Whether this expression has distinct time states, e.g. a player never changes but a block can. This should be sensitive for the event (using - ParserInstance.isCurrentEvent(Class)).
        See Also:
        - -
      • -
      • -


        public Class<org.bukkit.World> getReturnType()
        Description copied from interface: Expression
        Gets the return type of this expression.
        A supertype of any objects returned by Expression.getSingle(Event) and the component type of any arrays returned by Expression.getArray(Event)
      • -
      • -


        public String toString(@Nullable org.bukkit.event.Event e, - boolean debug)
        e - The event to get information to. This is always null if debug == false.
        debug - If true this should print more information, if false this should print what is shown to the end user
        String representation of this object
      • -
    • -
    - -
    - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprWorldEnvironment.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprWorldEnvironment.html deleted file mode 100644 index 163ad36a94..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprWorldEnvironment.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,256 +0,0 @@ - - - - -ExprWorldEnvironment (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -
    - -
    - -

    Class ExprWorldEnvironment

    java.lang.Object -
    ch.njol.skript.lang.util.SimpleExpression<T> -
    ch.njol.skript.expressions.base.PropertyExpression<F,T> -
    ch.njol.skript.expressions.base.SimplePropertyExpression<org.bukkit.World,org.bukkit.World.Environment> -
    All Implemented Interfaces:
    Converter<org.bukkit.World,org.bukkit.World.Environment>, Debuggable, Expression<org.bukkit.World.Environment>, SyntaxElement
    @Name("World Environment") -@Description("The environment of a world") -@Examples({"if environment of player\'s world is nether:","\tapply fire resistance to player for 10 minutes"}) -@Since("2.7") -public class ExprWorldEnvironment -extends SimplePropertyExpression<org.bukkit.World,org.bukkit.World.Environment>
    - -
      - -
    • -

      Constructor Details

      • -


        public ExprWorldEnvironment()
      • -
    • - -
    • -

      Method Details

      • -


        public @Nullable org.bukkit.World.Environment convert(org.bukkit.World world)
        Description copied from interface: Converter
        Converts an object from the given to the desired type.
        Specified by:
        convert in interface Converter<org.bukkit.World,org.bukkit.World.Environment>
        Specified by:
        convert in class SimplePropertyExpression<org.bukkit.World,org.bukkit.World.Environment>
        world - The object to convert.
        the converted object
      • -
      • -


        public Class<? extends org.bukkit.World.Environment> getReturnType()
        Description copied from interface: Expression
        Gets the return type of this expression.
        A supertype of any objects returned by Expression.getSingle(Event) and the component type of any arrays returned by Expression.getArray(Event)
      • -
      • -


        protected String getPropertyName()
        Description copied from class: SimplePropertyExpression
        Used to collect the property type used in the register method. - This forms the toString of this SimplePropertyExpression.
        Specified by:
        getPropertyName in class SimplePropertyExpression<org.bukkit.World,org.bukkit.World.Environment>
        The name of the type used when registering this SimplePropertyExpression.
      • -
    • -
    - -
    - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprWorldFromName.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprWorldFromName.html deleted file mode 100644 index e5b8a7d57c..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprWorldFromName.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,274 +0,0 @@ - - - - -ExprWorldFromName (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -
    - -
    - -

    Class ExprWorldFromName

    java.lang.Object -
    ch.njol.skript.lang.util.SimpleExpression<org.bukkit.World> -
    All Implemented Interfaces:
    Debuggable, Expression<org.bukkit.World>, SyntaxElement
    @Name("World from Name") -@Description("Returns the world from a string.") -@Examples({"world named {game::world-name}","the world \"world\""}) -@Since("2.6.1") -public class ExprWorldFromName -extends SimpleExpression<org.bukkit.World>
    - -
      - -
    • -

      Constructor Details

      • -


        public ExprWorldFromName()
      • -
    • - -
    • -

      Method Details

      • -


        public boolean init(Expression<?>[] exprs, - int matchedPattern, - Kleenean isDelayed, - SkriptParser.ParseResult parseResult)
        Description copied from interface: SyntaxElement
        Called just after the constructor.
        exprs - all %expr%s included in the matching pattern in the order they appear in the pattern. If an optional value was left out it will still be included in this list - holding the default value of the desired type which usually depends on the event.
        matchedPattern - The index of the pattern which matched
        isDelayed - Whether this expression is used after a delay or not (i.e. if the event has already passed when this expression will be called)
        parseResult - Additional information about the match.
        Whether this expression was initialised successfully. An error should be printed prior to returning false to specify the cause.
        See Also:
        - -
      • -
      • -


        protected @Nullable org.bukkit.World[] get(org.bukkit.event.Event e)
        Description copied from class: SimpleExpression
        This is the internal method to get an expression's values.
        - To get the expression's value from the outside use SimpleExpression.getSingle(Event) or SimpleExpression.getArray(Event).
        Specified by:
        get in class SimpleExpression<org.bukkit.World>
        e - The event
        An array of values for this event. May not contain nulls.
      • -
      • -


        public boolean isSingle()
        true if this expression will ever only return one value at most, false if it can return multiple values.
      • -
      • -


        public Class<org.bukkit.World> getReturnType()
        Description copied from interface: Expression
        Gets the return type of this expression.
        A supertype of any objects returned by Expression.getSingle(Event) and the component type of any arrays returned by Expression.getArray(Event)
      • -
      • -


        public String toString(@Nullable org.bukkit.event.Event e, - boolean debug)
        e - The event to get information to. This is always null if debug == false.
        debug - If true this should print more information, if false this should print what is shown to the end user
        String representation of this object
      • -
    • -
    - -
    - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprWorlds.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprWorlds.html deleted file mode 100644 index 2451c4d065..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprWorlds.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,297 +0,0 @@ - - - - -ExprWorlds (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -
    - -
    - -

    Class ExprWorlds

    java.lang.Object -
    ch.njol.skript.lang.util.SimpleExpression<org.bukkit.World> -
    All Implemented Interfaces:
    Debuggable, Expression<org.bukkit.World>, SyntaxElement
    @Name("Worlds") -@Description("All worlds of the server, useful for looping.") -@Examples({"loop all worlds:","\tbroadcast \"You\'re in %loop-world%\" to loop-world"}) -@Since("1.0") -public class ExprWorlds -extends SimpleExpression<org.bukkit.World>
    - -
      - -
    • -

      Constructor Details

      • -


        public ExprWorlds()
      • -
    • - -
    • -

      Method Details

      • -


        public boolean init(Expression<?>[] exprs, - int matchedPattern, - Kleenean isDelayed, - SkriptParser.ParseResult parseResult)
        Description copied from interface: SyntaxElement
        Called just after the constructor.
        exprs - all %expr%s included in the matching pattern in the order they appear in the pattern. If an optional value was left out it will still be included in this list - holding the default value of the desired type which usually depends on the event.
        matchedPattern - The index of the pattern which matched
        isDelayed - Whether this expression is used after a delay or not (i.e. if the event has already passed when this expression will be called)
        parseResult - Additional information about the match.
        Whether this expression was initialised successfully. An error should be printed prior to returning false to specify the cause.
        See Also:
        - -
      • -
      • -


        public boolean isSingle()
        true if this expression will ever only return one value at most, false if it can return multiple values.
      • -
      • -


        public Class<? extends org.bukkit.World> getReturnType()
        Description copied from interface: Expression
        Gets the return type of this expression.
        A supertype of any objects returned by Expression.getSingle(Event) and the component type of any arrays returned by Expression.getArray(Event)
      • -
      • -


        protected @Nullable org.bukkit.World[] get(org.bukkit.event.Event e)
        Description copied from class: SimpleExpression
        This is the internal method to get an expression's values.
        - To get the expression's value from the outside use SimpleExpression.getSingle(Event) or SimpleExpression.getArray(Event).
        Specified by:
        get in class SimpleExpression<org.bukkit.World>
        e - The event
        An array of values for this event. May not contain nulls.
      • -
      • -


        public @Nullable Iterator<org.bukkit.World> iterator(org.bukkit.event.Event e)
        Description copied from interface: Expression
        Returns the same as Expression.getArray(Event) but as an iterator. This method should be overriden by expressions intended to be looped to increase performance.
        Specified by:
        iterator in interface Expression<org.bukkit.World>
        iterator in class SimpleExpression<org.bukkit.World>
        e - The event
        An iterator to iterate over all values of this expression which may be empty and/or null, but must not return null elements.
      • -
      • -


        public String toString(@Nullable org.bukkit.event.Event e, - boolean debug)
        e - The event to get information to. This is always null if debug == false.
        debug - If true this should print more information, if false this should print what is shown to the end user
        String representation of this object
      • -
    • -
    - -
    - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprXOf.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprXOf.html deleted file mode 100644 index d10ef694ff..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprXOf.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,275 +0,0 @@ - - - - -ExprXOf (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -
    - -
    - -

    Class ExprXOf

    - -
    All Implemented Interfaces:
    Debuggable, Expression<Object>, SyntaxElement
    @Name("X of Item") -@Description("An expression to be able to use a certain amount of items where the amount can be any expression. Please note that this expression is not stable and might be replaced in the future.") -@Examples("give level of player of pickaxes to the player") -@Since("1.2") -public class ExprXOf -extends PropertyExpression<Object,Object>
    - -
      - -
    • -

      Constructor Details

      • -


        public ExprXOf()
      • -
    • - -
    • -

      Method Details

      • -


        public boolean init(Expression<?>[] exprs, - int matchedPattern, - Kleenean isDelayed, - SkriptParser.ParseResult parseResult)
        Description copied from interface: SyntaxElement
        Called just after the constructor.
        exprs - all %expr%s included in the matching pattern in the order they appear in the pattern. If an optional value was left out it will still be included in this list - holding the default value of the desired type which usually depends on the event.
        matchedPattern - The index of the pattern which matched
        isDelayed - Whether this expression is used after a delay or not (i.e. if the event has already passed when this expression will be called)
        parseResult - Additional information about the match.
        Whether this expression was initialised successfully. An error should be printed prior to returning false to specify the cause.
        See Also:
        - -
      • -
      • -


        protected Object[] get(org.bukkit.event.Event e, - Object[] source)
        Description copied from class: PropertyExpression
        Converts the given source object(s) to the correct type. -

        - Please note that the returned array must neither be null nor contain any null elements!

        Specified by:
        get in class PropertyExpression<Object,Object>
        e - the event involved at the time of runtime calling.
        source - the array of the objects from the expressions.
        An array of the converted objects, which may contain less elements than the source array, but must not be null.
        See Also:
        - -
      • -
      • -


        public Class<?> getReturnType()
        Description copied from interface: Expression
        Gets the return type of this expression.
        A supertype of any objects returned by Expression.getSingle(Event) and the component type of any arrays returned by Expression.getArray(Event)
      • -
      • -


        public String toString(@Nullable org.bukkit.event.Event e, - boolean debug)
        e - The event to get information to. This is always null if debug == false.
        debug - If true this should print more information, if false this should print what is shown to the end user
        String representation of this object
      • -
    • -
    - -
    - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprYawPitch.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprYawPitch.html deleted file mode 100644 index ebf0960f40..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/ExprYawPitch.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,361 +0,0 @@ - - - - -ExprYawPitch (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -
    - -
    - -

    Class ExprYawPitch

    - -
    All Implemented Interfaces:
    Converter<Object,Number>, Debuggable, Expression<Number>, SyntaxElement
    @Name("Yaw / Pitch") -@Description("The yaw or pitch of a location or vector.") -@Examples({"log \"%player%: %location of player%, %player\'s yaw%, %player\'s pitch%\" to \"playerlocs.log\"","set {_yaw} to yaw of player","set {_p} to pitch of target entity"}) -@Since("2.0, 2.2-dev28 (vector yaw/pitch)") -public class ExprYawPitch -extends SimplePropertyExpression<Object,Number>
    - -
    - -
    - -
    - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/LitAt.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/LitAt.html deleted file mode 100644 index e613f52c25..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/LitAt.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,235 +0,0 @@ - - - - -LitAt (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -
    - -
    - -

    Class LitAt

    java.lang.Object -
    ch.njol.skript.lang.util.SimpleLiteral<Direction> -
    All Implemented Interfaces:
    Debuggable, DefaultExpression<Direction>, Expression<Direction>, Literal<Direction>, SyntaxElement
    @NoDoc -public class LitAt -extends SimpleLiteral<Direction>
    - -
      - -
    • -

      Constructor Details

      • -


        public LitAt()
      • -
    • - -
    • -

      Method Details

      • -


        public boolean init(Expression<?>[] exprs, - int matchedPattern, - Kleenean isDelayed, - SkriptParser.ParseResult parseResult)
        Description copied from interface: SyntaxElement
        Called just after the constructor.
        Specified by:
        init in interface SyntaxElement
        init in class SimpleLiteral<Direction>
        exprs - all %expr%s included in the matching pattern in the order they appear in the pattern. If an optional value was left out it will still be included in this list - holding the default value of the desired type which usually depends on the event.
        matchedPattern - The index of the pattern which matched
        isDelayed - Whether this expression is used after a delay or not (i.e. if the event has already passed when this expression will be called)
        parseResult - Additional information about the match.
        Whether this expression was initialised successfully. An error should be printed prior to returning false to specify the cause.
        See Also:
        - -
      • -
      • -


        public String toString(@Nullable org.bukkit.event.Event e, - boolean debug)
        Specified by:
        toString in interface Debuggable
        toString in class SimpleLiteral<Direction>
        e - The event to get information to. This is always null if debug == false.
        debug - If true this should print more information, if false this should print what is shown to the end user
        String representation of this object
      • -
    • -
    - -
    - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/LitConsole.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/LitConsole.html deleted file mode 100644 index 7dcbe9de3e..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/LitConsole.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,238 +0,0 @@ - - - - -LitConsole (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -
    - -
    - -

    Class LitConsole

    java.lang.Object -
    ch.njol.skript.lang.util.SimpleLiteral<org.bukkit.command.ConsoleCommandSender> -
    All Implemented Interfaces:
    Debuggable, DefaultExpression<org.bukkit.command.ConsoleCommandSender>, Expression<org.bukkit.command.ConsoleCommandSender>, Literal<org.bukkit.command.ConsoleCommandSender>, SyntaxElement
    @Name("Console") -@Description("Represents the server\'s console which can receive messages and execute commands") -@Examples({"execute console command \"/stop\"","send \"message to console\" to the console"}) -@Since("1.3.1") -public class LitConsole -extends SimpleLiteral<org.bukkit.command.ConsoleCommandSender>
    - -
      - -
    • -

      Constructor Details

      • -


        public LitConsole()
      • -
    • - -
    • -

      Method Details

      • -


        public boolean init(Expression<?>[] exprs, - int matchedPattern, - Kleenean isDelayed, - SkriptParser.ParseResult parseResult)
        Description copied from interface: SyntaxElement
        Called just after the constructor.
        Specified by:
        init in interface SyntaxElement
        init in class SimpleLiteral<org.bukkit.command.ConsoleCommandSender>
        exprs - all %expr%s included in the matching pattern in the order they appear in the pattern. If an optional value was left out it will still be included in this list - holding the default value of the desired type which usually depends on the event.
        matchedPattern - The index of the pattern which matched
        isDelayed - Whether this expression is used after a delay or not (i.e. if the event has already passed when this expression will be called)
        parseResult - Additional information about the match.
        Whether this expression was initialised successfully. An error should be printed prior to returning false to specify the cause.
        See Also:
        - -
      • -
      • -


        public String toString(@Nullable org.bukkit.event.Event e, - boolean debug)
        Specified by:
        toString in interface Debuggable
        toString in class SimpleLiteral<org.bukkit.command.ConsoleCommandSender>
        e - The event to get information to. This is always null if debug == false.
        debug - If true this should print more information, if false this should print what is shown to the end user
        String representation of this object
      • -
    • -
    - -
    - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/LitNewLine.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/LitNewLine.html deleted file mode 100644 index 358d35e646..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/LitNewLine.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,238 +0,0 @@ - - - - -LitNewLine (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -
    - -
    - -

    Class LitNewLine

    java.lang.Object -
    ch.njol.skript.lang.util.SimpleLiteral<String> -
    All Implemented Interfaces:
    Debuggable, DefaultExpression<String>, Expression<String>, Literal<String>, SyntaxElement
    @Name("New Line") -@Description("Returns a line break separator.") -@Examples("send \"Hello%nl%Goodbye!\" to player") -@Since("2.5") -public class LitNewLine -extends SimpleLiteral<String>
    - -
      - -
    • -

      Constructor Details

      • -


        public LitNewLine()
      • -
    • - -
    • -

      Method Details

      • -


        public boolean init(Expression<?>[] exprs, - int matchedPattern, - Kleenean isDelayed, - SkriptParser.ParseResult parseResult)
        Description copied from interface: SyntaxElement
        Called just after the constructor.
        Specified by:
        init in interface SyntaxElement
        init in class SimpleLiteral<String>
        exprs - all %expr%s included in the matching pattern in the order they appear in the pattern. If an optional value was left out it will still be included in this list - holding the default value of the desired type which usually depends on the event.
        matchedPattern - The index of the pattern which matched
        isDelayed - Whether this expression is used after a delay or not (i.e. if the event has already passed when this expression will be called)
        parseResult - Additional information about the match.
        Whether this expression was initialised successfully. An error should be printed prior to returning false to specify the cause.
        See Also:
        - -
      • -
      • -


        public String toString(@Nullable org.bukkit.event.Event e, - boolean debug)
        Specified by:
        toString in interface Debuggable
        toString in class SimpleLiteral<String>
        e - The event to get information to. This is always null if debug == false.
        debug - If true this should print more information, if false this should print what is shown to the end user
        String representation of this object
      • -
    • -
    - -
    - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/LitPi.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/LitPi.html deleted file mode 100644 index 80b328107d..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/LitPi.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,239 +0,0 @@ - - - - -LitPi (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -
    - -
    - -

    Class LitPi

    java.lang.Object -
    ch.njol.skript.lang.util.SimpleLiteral<Double> -
    All Implemented Interfaces:
    Debuggable, DefaultExpression<Double>, Expression<Double>, Literal<Double>, SyntaxElement
    @Name("Pi") -@Description("Returns the mathematical constant pi. (approx. 3.1415926535)") -@Examples("set {_tau} to pi * 2") -@Since("2.7") -public class LitPi -extends SimpleLiteral<Double>
    - -
      - -
    • -

      Constructor Details

      • -


        public LitPi()
      • -
    • - -
    • -

      Method Details

      • -


        public boolean init(Expression<?>[] exprs, - int matchedPattern, - Kleenean isDelayed, - SkriptParser.ParseResult parseResult)
        Description copied from interface: SyntaxElement
        Called just after the constructor.
        Specified by:
        init in interface SyntaxElement
        init in class SimpleLiteral<Double>
        exprs - all %expr%s included in the matching pattern in the order they appear in the pattern. If an optional value was left out it will still be included in this list - holding the default value of the desired type which usually depends on the event.
        matchedPattern - The index of the pattern which matched
        isDelayed - Whether this expression is used after a delay or not (i.e. if the event has already passed when this expression will be called)
        parseResult - Additional information about the match.
        Whether this expression was initialised successfully. An error should be printed prior to returning false to specify the cause.
        See Also:
        - -
      • -
      • -


        public String toString(@Nullable - @Nullable org.bukkit.event.Event event, - boolean debug)
        Specified by:
        toString in interface Debuggable
        toString in class SimpleLiteral<Double>
        event - The event to get information to. This is always null if debug == false.
        debug - If true this should print more information, if false this should print what is shown to the end user
        String representation of this object
      • -
    • -
    - -
    - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/arithmetic/ArithmeticChain.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/arithmetic/ArithmeticChain.html deleted file mode 100644 index 402f35bc6e..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/arithmetic/ArithmeticChain.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,182 +0,0 @@ - - - - -ArithmeticChain (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -
    - -
    - -

    Class ArithmeticChain

    java.lang.Object -
    All Implemented Interfaces:
    public class ArithmeticChain -extends Object -implements ArithmeticGettable
    - -
    - -
    - -
    - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/arithmetic/ArithmeticGettable.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/arithmetic/ArithmeticGettable.html deleted file mode 100644 index 71bcc1f7ee..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/arithmetic/ArithmeticGettable.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,130 +0,0 @@ - - - - -ArithmeticGettable (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -
    - -
    - -

    Interface ArithmeticGettable

    All Known Implementing Classes:
    ArithmeticChain, NumberExpressionInfo
    public interface ArithmeticGettable
      - -
    • -

      Method Summary

      Modifier and Type
      - -
      get(org.bukkit.event.Event event, - boolean integer)
    • -
      - -
    • -

      Method Details

      • -


        Number get(org.bukkit.event.Event event, - boolean integer)
      • -
    • -
    - -
    - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/arithmetic/ExprArithmetic.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/arithmetic/ExprArithmetic.html deleted file mode 100644 index 493b3349a2..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/arithmetic/ExprArithmetic.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,300 +0,0 @@ - - - - -ExprArithmetic (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -
    - -
    - -

    Class ExprArithmetic

    java.lang.Object -
    ch.njol.skript.lang.util.SimpleExpression<Number> -
    All Implemented Interfaces:
    Debuggable, Expression<Number>, SyntaxElement
    @Name("Arithmetic") -@Description("Arithmetic expressions, e.g. 1 + 2, (health of player - 2) / 3, etc.") -@Examples({"set the player\'s health to 10 - the player\'s health","loop (argument + 2) / 5 times:","\tmessage \"Two useless numbers: %loop-num * 2 - 5%, %2^loop-num - 1%\"","message \"You have %health of player * 2% half hearts of HP!\""}) -@Since("1.4.2") -public class ExprArithmetic -extends SimpleExpression<Number>
    - -
      - -
    • -

      Constructor Details

      • -


        public ExprArithmetic()
      • -
    • - -
    • -

      Method Details

      • -


        public boolean init(Expression<?>[] exprs, - int matchedPattern, - Kleenean isDelayed, - SkriptParser.ParseResult parseResult)
        Description copied from interface: SyntaxElement
        Called just after the constructor.
        exprs - all %expr%s included in the matching pattern in the order they appear in the pattern. If an optional value was left out it will still be included in this list - holding the default value of the desired type which usually depends on the event.
        matchedPattern - The index of the pattern which matched
        isDelayed - Whether this expression is used after a delay or not (i.e. if the event has already passed when this expression will be called)
        parseResult - Additional information about the match.
        Whether this expression was initialised successfully. An error should be printed prior to returning false to specify the cause.
        See Also:
        - -
      • -
      • -


        protected Number[] get(org.bukkit.event.Event e)
        Description copied from class: SimpleExpression
        This is the internal method to get an expression's values.
        - To get the expression's value from the outside use SimpleExpression.getSingle(Event) or SimpleExpression.getArray(Event).
        Specified by:
        get in class SimpleExpression<Number>
        e - The event
        An array of values for this event. May not contain nulls.
      • -
      • -


        public Class<? extends Number> getReturnType()
        Description copied from interface: Expression
        Gets the return type of this expression.
        A supertype of any objects returned by Expression.getSingle(Event) and the component type of any arrays returned by Expression.getArray(Event)
      • -
      • -


        public boolean isSingle()
        true if this expression will ever only return one value at most, false if it can return multiple values.
      • -
      • -


        public String toString(@Nullable org.bukkit.event.Event e, - boolean debug)
        e - The event to get information to. This is always null if debug == false.
        debug - If true this should print more information, if false this should print what is shown to the end user
        String representation of this object
      • -
      • -


        public Expression<? extends Number> simplify()
        Description copied from interface: Expression
        Simplifies the expression, e.g. if it only contains literals the expression may be simplified to a literal, and wrapped expressions are unwrapped. -

        - After this method was used the toString methods are likely not useful anymore. -

        - This method is not yet used but will be used to improve efficiency in the future.

        Specified by:
        simplify in interface Expression<Number>
        simplify in class SimpleExpression<Number>
        A reference to a simpler version of this expression. Can change this expression directly and return itself if applicable, i.e. no references to the expression before - this method call should be kept!
      • -
    • -
    - -
    - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/arithmetic/NumberExpressionInfo.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/arithmetic/NumberExpressionInfo.html deleted file mode 100644 index ef4d2df711..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/arithmetic/NumberExpressionInfo.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,169 +0,0 @@ - - - - -NumberExpressionInfo (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -
    - -
    - -

    Class NumberExpressionInfo

    java.lang.Object -
    All Implemented Interfaces:
    public class NumberExpressionInfo -extends Object -implements ArithmeticGettable
    - -
      - -
    • -

      Constructor Details

      • -


        public NumberExpressionInfo(Expression<? extends Number> expression)
      • -
    • - -
    • -

      Method Details

      • -


        public Number get(org.bukkit.event.Event event, - boolean integer)
        Specified by:
        get in interface ArithmeticGettable
      • -
    • -
    - -
    - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/arithmetic/Operator.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/arithmetic/Operator.html deleted file mode 100644 index c4a0879f3c..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/arithmetic/Operator.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,267 +0,0 @@ - - - - -Operator (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -
    - -
    - -

    Enum Class Operator

    java.lang.Object -
    java.lang.Enum<Operator> -
    All Implemented Interfaces:
    Serializable, Comparable<Operator>, Constable
    public enum Operator -extends Enum<Operator>
    - -
      - -
    • -

      Enum Constant Details

      • -


        public static final Operator PLUS
      • -
      • -


        public static final Operator MINUS
      • -
      • -


        public static final Operator MULT
      • -
      • -


        public static final Operator DIV
      • -
      • -


        public static final Operator EXP
      • -
    • - -
    • -

      Method Details

      • -


        public static Operator[] values()
        Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in -the order they are declared.
        an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared
      • -
      • -


        public static Operator valueOf(String name)
        Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name. -The string must match exactly an identifier used to declare an -enum constant in this class. (Extraneous whitespace characters are -not permitted.)
        name - the name of the enum constant to be returned.
        the enum constant with the specified name
        IllegalArgumentException - if this enum class has no constant with the specified name
        NullPointerException - if the argument is null
      • -
      • -


        public abstract Number calculate(Number n1, - Number n2, - boolean integer)
      • -
      • -


        public String toString()
        toString in class Enum<Operator>
      • -
    • -
    - -
    - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/arithmetic/package-summary.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/arithmetic/package-summary.html deleted file mode 100644 index eafcc80054..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/arithmetic/package-summary.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,115 +0,0 @@ - - - - -ch.njol.skript.expressions.arithmetic (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -

    Package ch.njol.skript.expressions.arithmetic

    @NonNullByDefault({PARAMETER,RETURN_TYPE,FIELD}) -package ch.njol.skript.expressions.arithmetic
    Contains the default expression of Skript.
    - -
    - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/arithmetic/package-tree.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/arithmetic/package-tree.html deleted file mode 100644 index 93be23704d..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/arithmetic/package-tree.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,97 +0,0 @@ - - - - -ch.njol.skript.expressions.arithmetic Class Hierarchy (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -

    Hierarchy For Package ch.njol.skript.expressions.arithmetic

    -Package Hierarchies: - -

    Class Hierarchy

    - -

    Interface Hierarchy

    - -

    Enum Class Hierarchy

    - -
    - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/base/EventValueExpression.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/base/EventValueExpression.html deleted file mode 100644 index dbe2d04d4c..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/base/EventValueExpression.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,482 +0,0 @@ - - - - -EventValueExpression (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -
    - -
    - -

    Class EventValueExpression<T>

    java.lang.Object -
    ch.njol.skript.lang.util.SimpleExpression<T> -
    All Implemented Interfaces:
    Debuggable, DefaultExpression<T>, Expression<T>, SyntaxElement
    Direct Known Subclasses:
    ExprCommandSender, ExprDamageCause, ExprEgg, ExprEvtInitiator, ExprInventoryAction, ExprInventoryCloseReason, ExprItem, ExprQuitReason, ExprRegion, ExprSpawnReason, ExprTeleportCause
    public class EventValueExpression<T> -extends SimpleExpression<T> -implements DefaultExpression<T>
    A useful class for creating default expressions. It simply returns the event value of the given type. -

    - This class can be used as default expression with new EventValueExpression<T>(T.class) or extended to make it manually placeable in expressions with: - -

    - class MyExpression extends EventValueExpression<SomeClass> {
    -        public MyExpression() {
    -                super(SomeClass.class);
    -        }
    -        // ...
    - }
    See Also:
    - -
    - -
      - -
    • -

      Constructor Details

      • -


        public EventValueExpression(Class<? extends T> c)
      • -
      • -


        public EventValueExpression(Class<? extends T> c, - boolean exact)
        Construct an event value expression.
        c - The class that this event value represents.
        exact - If false, the event value can be a subclass or a converted event value.
      • -
      • -


        public EventValueExpression(Class<? extends T> c, - @Nullable Changer<? super T> changer)
      • -
      • -


        public EventValueExpression(Class<? extends T> c, - @Nullable Changer<? super T> changer, - boolean exact)
      • -
    • - -
    • -

      Method Details

      • -


        protected @Nullable T[] get(org.bukkit.event.Event event)
        Description copied from class: SimpleExpression
        This is the internal method to get an expression's values.
        - To get the expression's value from the outside use SimpleExpression.getSingle(Event) or SimpleExpression.getArray(Event).
        Specified by:
        get in class SimpleExpression<T>
        event - The event
        An array of values for this event. May not contain nulls.
      • -
      • -


        public boolean init(Expression<?>[] exprs, - int matchedPattern, - Kleenean isDelayed, - SkriptParser.ParseResult parser)
        Description copied from interface: SyntaxElement
        Called just after the constructor.
        Specified by:
        init in interface SyntaxElement
        exprs - all %expr%s included in the matching pattern in the order they appear in the pattern. If an optional value was left out it will still be included in this list - holding the default value of the desired type which usually depends on the event.
        matchedPattern - The index of the pattern which matched
        isDelayed - Whether this expression is used after a delay or not (i.e. if the event has already passed when this expression will be called)
        parser - Additional information about the match.
        Whether this expression was initialised successfully. An error should be printed prior to returning false to specify the cause.
        See Also:
        - -
      • -
      • -


        public boolean init()
        Specified by:
        init in interface DefaultExpression<T>
      • -
      • -


        public Class<? extends T> getReturnType()
        Description copied from interface: Expression
        Gets the return type of this expression.
        Specified by:
        getReturnType in interface Expression<T>
        A supertype of any objects returned by Expression.getSingle(Event) and the component type of any arrays returned by Expression.getArray(Event)
      • -
      • -


        public boolean isSingle()
        Specified by:
        isSingle in interface Expression<T>
        true if this expression will ever only return one value at most, false if it can return multiple values.
      • -
      • -


        public String toString(@Nullable org.bukkit.event.Event event, - boolean debug)
        Specified by:
        toString in interface Debuggable
        event - The event to get information to. This is always null if debug == false.
        debug - If true this should print more information, if false this should print what is shown to the end user
        String representation of this object
      • -
      • -


        public @Nullable Class<?>[] acceptChange(Changer.ChangeMode mode)
        Description copied from interface: Expression
        Tests whether this expression supports the given mode, and if yes what type it expects the delta to be. -

        - Use Changer.ChangerUtils.acceptsChange(Expression, ChangeMode, Class...) to test whether an expression supports changing, don't directly use this method! -

        - Please note that if a changer is registered for this expression's returnType this method does not have to be overridden. If you override it though - make sure to return super.acceptChange(mode), and to handle the appropriate ChangeMode(s) in Expression.change(Event, Object[], ChangeMode) with - super.change(...). -

        - Unlike Changer.acceptChange(ChangeMode) this method may print errors.

        Specified by:
        acceptChange in interface Expression<T>
        acceptChange in class SimpleExpression<T>
        An array of types that Expression.change(Event, Object[], ChangeMode) accepts as its delta parameter (which can be arrays to denote that multiple of - that type are accepted), or null if the given mode is not supported. For Changer.ChangeMode.DELETE and Changer.ChangeMode.RESET this can return any non-null array to - mark them as supported.
      • -
      • -


        public void change(org.bukkit.event.Event event, - @Nullable Object[] delta, - Changer.ChangeMode mode)
        Description copied from interface: Expression
        Changes the expression's value by the given amount. This will only be called on supported modes and with the desired delta type as returned by - Expression.acceptChange(ChangeMode)
        Specified by:
        change in interface Expression<T>
        change in class SimpleExpression<T>
        delta - An array with one or more instances of one or more of the the classes returned by Expression.acceptChange(ChangeMode) for the given change mode (null for - Changer.ChangeMode.DELETE and Changer.ChangeMode.RESET). This can be a Object[], thus casting is not allowed.
      • -
      • -


        public boolean setTime(int time)
        Description copied from class: SimpleExpression
        Sets the time of this expression, i.e. whether the returned value represents this expression before or after the event. -

        - This method will not be called if this expression is guaranteed to be used after a delay (an error will be printed immediately), but will be called if - it only can be after a delay (e.g. if the preceding delay is in an if or a loop) as well as if there's no delay involved. -

        - If this method returns false the expression will be discarded and an error message is printed. Custom error messages must be of ErrorQuality.SEMANTIC_ERROR to be - printed (NB: Skript.error(String) always creates semantic errors). -

        - This implementation sets the time but returns false.

        Specified by:
        setTime in interface Expression<T>
        setTime in class SimpleExpression<T>
        time - -1 for past or 1 for future. 0 is never passed to this method as it represents the default state.
        Whether this expression has distinct time states, e.g. a player never changes but a block can. This should be sensitive for the event (using - ParserInstance.isCurrentEvent(Class)).
        See Also:
        - -
      • -
      • -


        public boolean isDefault()
        Description copied from interface: Expression
        Returns whether this value represents the default value of its type for the event, i.e. it can be replaced with a call to event.getXyz() if one knows the event & value type. -

        - This method might be removed in the future as it's better to check whether value == event.getXyz() for every value an expression returns.

        Specified by:
        isDefault in interface DefaultExpression<T>
        Specified by:
        isDefault in interface Expression<T>
        isDefault in class SimpleExpression<T>
      • -
    • -
    - -
    - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/base/PropertyExpression.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/base/PropertyExpression.html deleted file mode 100644 index 8b374871bf..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/base/PropertyExpression.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,422 +0,0 @@ - - - - -PropertyExpression (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -
    - -
    - -

    Class PropertyExpression<F,T>

    java.lang.Object -
    ch.njol.skript.lang.util.SimpleExpression<T> -
    All Implemented Interfaces:
    Debuggable, Expression<T>, SyntaxElement
    Direct Known Subclasses:
    ExprBiome, ExprBurnCookTime, ExprColorOf, ExprColoured, ExprDamagedItem, ExprEntityAttribute, ExprFoodLevel, ExprFormatDate, ExprFurnaceSlot, ExprGameMode, ExprHash, ExprHealth, ExprHotbarSlot, ExprItemWithCustomModelData, ExprItemWithLore, ExprLastDamageCause, ExprLightLevel, ExprNamed, ExprOpenedInventory, ExprRound, ExprSeed, ExprShooter, ExprSpawn, ExprTarget, ExprTargetedBlock, ExprTime, ExprTool, ExprUnbreakable, ExprWeather, ExprWorld, ExprXOf, SimplePropertyExpression
    public abstract class PropertyExpression<F,T> -extends SimpleExpression<T>
    Represents an expression which represents a property of another one. Remember to set the expression with setExpr(Expression) in - init().
    See Also:
    - -
    - -
      - -
    • -

      Constructor Details

      • -


        public PropertyExpression()
      • -
    • - -
    • -

      Method Details

      • -


        public static <T> void register(Class<? extends Expression<T>> c, - Class<T> type, - String property, - String fromType)
        Registers an expression as ExpressionType.PROPERTY with the two default property patterns "property of %types%" and "%types%'[s] property"
        c - the PropertyExpression class being registered.
        type - the main expression type the property is based off of.
        property - the name of the property.
        fromType - should be plural to support multiple objects but doesn't have to be.
      • -
      • -


        public static <T> void registerDefault(Class<? extends Expression<T>> c, - Class<T> type, - String property, - String fromType)
        Registers an expression as ExpressionType.PROPERTY with the two default property patterns "property [of %types%]" and "%types%'[s] property" - This method also makes the expression type optional to force a default expression on the property expression.
        c - the PropertyExpression class being registered.
        type - the main expression type the property is based off of.
        property - the name of the property.
        fromType - should be plural to support multiple objects but doesn't have to be.
      • -
      • -


        protected final void setExpr(Expression<? extends F> expr)
        Sets the expression this expression represents a property of. No reference to the expression should be kept.
        expr -
      • -
      • -


        public final Expression<? extends F> getExpr()
      • -
      • -


        protected final T[] get(org.bukkit.event.Event event)
        Description copied from class: SimpleExpression
        This is the internal method to get an expression's values.
        - To get the expression's value from the outside use SimpleExpression.getSingle(Event) or SimpleExpression.getArray(Event).
        Specified by:
        get in class SimpleExpression<T>
        event - The event
        An array of values for this event. May not contain nulls.
      • -
      • -


        public final T[] getAll(org.bukkit.event.Event event)
        Description copied from class: SimpleExpression
        Gets all possible return values of this expression, i.e. it returns the same as Expression.getArray(Event) if Expression.getAnd() is true, otherwise all possible values for - Expression.getSingle(Event). -

        - Unlike SimpleExpression.get(Event) you have to make sure that the this method's returned array is neither null nor contains null elements.

        Specified by:
        getAll in interface Expression<F>
        getAll in class SimpleExpression<T>
        event - The event
        An array of all possible values of this expression for the given event which must neither be null nor contain nulls, and which must not be an internal array.
      • -
      • -


        protected abstract T[] get(org.bukkit.event.Event event, - F[] source)
        Converts the given source object(s) to the correct type. -

        - Please note that the returned array must neither be null nor contain any null elements!

        event - the event involved at the time of runtime calling.
        source - the array of the objects from the expressions.
        An array of the converted objects, which may contain less elements than the source array, but must not be null.
        See Also:
        - -
      • -
      • -


        protected T[] get(F[] source, - Converter<? super F,? extends T> converter)
        source - the array of the objects from the expressions.
        converter - must return instances of Expression.getReturnType()
        An array containing the converted values
        ArrayStoreException - if the converter returned invalid values
      • -
      • -


        public boolean isSingle()
        true if this expression will ever only return one value at most, false if it can return multiple values.
      • -
      • -


        public final boolean getAnd()
        Description copied from interface: Expression
        Returns true if this expression returns all possible values, false if it only returns some of them. -

        - This method significantly influences Expression.check(Event, Checker), Expression.check(Event, Checker, boolean) and CondIsSet and thus breaks conditions that use this - expression if it returns a wrong value. -

        - This method must return true if this is a single expression. // TODO make this method irrelevant for single expressions

        Specified by:
        getAnd in interface Expression<F>
        getAnd in class SimpleExpression<T>
        Whether this expression returns all values at once or only part of them.
      • -
      • -


        public Expression<? extends T> simplify()
        Description copied from interface: Expression
        Simplifies the expression, e.g. if it only contains literals the expression may be simplified to a literal, and wrapped expressions are unwrapped. -

        - After this method was used the toString methods are likely not useful anymore. -

        - This method is not yet used but will be used to improve efficiency in the future.

        Specified by:
        simplify in interface Expression<F>
        simplify in class SimpleExpression<T>
        A reference to a simpler version of this expression. Can change this expression directly and return itself if applicable, i.e. no references to the expression before - this method call should be kept!
      • -
    • -
    - -
    - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/base/SimplePropertyExpression.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/base/SimplePropertyExpression.html deleted file mode 100644 index 1e432d69af..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/base/SimplePropertyExpression.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,329 +0,0 @@ - - - - -SimplePropertyExpression (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -
    - -
    - -

    Class SimplePropertyExpression<F,T>

    java.lang.Object -
    ch.njol.skript.lang.util.SimpleExpression<T> -
    ch.njol.skript.expressions.base.PropertyExpression<F,T> -
    All Implemented Interfaces:
    Converter<F,T>, Debuggable, Expression<T>, SyntaxElement
    Direct Known Subclasses:
    ExprAge, ExprAI, ExprAltitude, ExprAnvilRepairCost, ExprAnvilText, ExprArmorSlot, ExprArrowKnockbackStrength, ExprArrowPierceLevel, ExprArrowsStuck, ExprAttachedBlock, ExprAttackCooldown, ExprBalance, ExprBed, ExprBlockData, ExprBlockHardness, ExprBookAuthor, ExprBookTitle, ExprCharges, ExprClientViewDistance, ExprCompassTarget, ExprCoordinate, ExprCreeperMaxFuseTicks, ExprCursorSlot, ExprCustomModelData, ExprDifficulty, ExprDurability, ExprEnchantmentOfferCost, ExprEnderChest, ExprEntityTamer, ExprExhaustion, ExprExplosiveYield, ExprEyeLocation, ExprFacing, ExprFallDistance, ExprFireTicks, ExprFlightMode, ExprFreezeTicks, ExprGlidingState, ExprGlowing, ExprGravity, ExprHighestSolidBlock, ExprHumidity, ExprItemAmount, ExprItemFrameSlot, ExprLanguage, ExprLastAttacker, ExprLastColor, ExprLastDamage, ExprLastLoginTime, ExprLastResourcePackResponse, ExprLeashHolder, ExprLength, ExprLevel, ExprLevelProgress, ExprMaxDurability, ExprMaxFreezeTicks, ExprMaxHealth, ExprMaxMinecartSpeed, ExprMaxStack, ExprMiddleOfLocation, ExprMinecartDerailedFlyingVelocity, ExprMoonPhase, ExprName, ExprNoDamageTicks, ExprPickupDelay, ExprPing, ExprPlayerlistHeaderFooter, ExprPlayerProtocolVersion, ExprPlayerViewDistance, ExprPlayerWeather, ExprPortalCooldown, ExprPrefixSuffix, ExprProjectileBounceState, ExprProjectileCriticalState, ExprRedstoneBlockPower, ExprRemainingAir, ExprSaturation, ExprSeaLevel, ExprSeaPickles, ExprSkull, ExprSlotIndex, ExprSpawnerType, ExprSpeed, ExprTemperature, ExprTimePlayed, ExprTimeSince, ExprTotalExperience, ExprTypeOf, ExprUnixDate, ExprUnixTicks, ExprUUID, ExprVectorLength, ExprVectorSquaredLength, ExprVectorXYZ, ExprVehicle, ExprVelocity, ExprWorldEnvironment, ExprYawPitch
    public abstract class SimplePropertyExpression<F,T> -extends PropertyExpression<F,T> -implements Converter<F,T>
    A base class for property expressions that requires only few overridden methods
    See Also:
    - -
    - -
      - -
    • -

      Constructor Details

      • -


        public SimplePropertyExpression()
      • -
    • - -
    • -

      Method Details

      • -


        public boolean init(Expression<?>[] exprs, - int matchedPattern, - Kleenean isDelayed, - SkriptParser.ParseResult parseResult)
        Description copied from interface: SyntaxElement
        Called just after the constructor.
        Specified by:
        init in interface SyntaxElement
        exprs - all %expr%s included in the matching pattern in the order they appear in the pattern. If an optional value was left out it will still be included in this list - holding the default value of the desired type which usually depends on the event.
        matchedPattern - The index of the pattern which matched
        isDelayed - Whether this expression is used after a delay or not (i.e. if the event has already passed when this expression will be called)
        parseResult - Additional information about the match.
        Whether this expression was initialised successfully. An error should be printed prior to returning false to specify the cause.
        See Also:
        - -
      • -
      • -


        public abstract @Nullable T convert(F f)
        Description copied from interface: Converter
        Converts an object from the given to the desired type.
        Specified by:
        convert in interface Converter<F,T>
        f - The object to convert.
        the converted object
      • -
      • -


        protected T[] get(org.bukkit.event.Event event, - F[] source)
        Description copied from class: PropertyExpression
        Converts the given source object(s) to the correct type. -

        - Please note that the returned array must neither be null nor contain any null elements!

        Specified by:
        get in class PropertyExpression<F,T>
        event - the event involved at the time of runtime calling.
        source - the array of the objects from the expressions.
        An array of the converted objects, which may contain less elements than the source array, but must not be null.
        See Also:
        - -
      • -
      • -


        protected abstract String getPropertyName()
        Used to collect the property type used in the register method. - This forms the toString of this SimplePropertyExpression.
        The name of the type used when registering this SimplePropertyExpression.
      • -
      • -


        public String toString(@Nullable org.bukkit.event.Event event, - boolean debug)
        Specified by:
        toString in interface Debuggable
        event - The event to get information to. This is always null if debug == false.
        debug - If true this should print more information, if false this should print what is shown to the end user
        String representation of this object
      • -
    • -
    - -
    - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/base/WrapperExpression.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/base/WrapperExpression.html deleted file mode 100644 index 1e2fc0b0ea..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/base/WrapperExpression.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,540 +0,0 @@ - - - - -WrapperExpression (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -
    - -
    - -

    Class WrapperExpression<T>

    java.lang.Object -
    ch.njol.skript.lang.util.SimpleExpression<T> -
    All Implemented Interfaces:
    Debuggable, Expression<T>, SyntaxElement
    Direct Known Subclasses:
    ExprBlock, ExprEventExpression, ExprLocation, ExprLocationOf, ExprTimeState, ExprValueWithin
    public abstract class WrapperExpression<T> -extends SimpleExpression<T>
    Represents an expression which is a wrapper of another one. Remember to set the wrapped expression in the constructor (WrapperExpression(SimpleExpression)) - or with setExpr(Expression) in init().
    - If you override get(Event) you must override iterator(Event) as well.
    - -
      - -
    • -

      Constructor Details

      • -


        protected WrapperExpression()
      • -
      • -


        public WrapperExpression(SimpleExpression<? extends T> expr)
      • -
    • - -
    • -

      Method Details

      • -


        protected void setExpr(Expression<? extends T> expr)
        Sets wrapped expression. Parser instance is automatically copied from - this expression.
        expr - Wrapped expression.
      • -
      • -


        public Expression<?> getExpr()
      • -
      • -


        protected <R> -@Nullable ConvertedExpression<T,? extends R> getConvertedExpr(Class<R>... to)
        Description copied from class: SimpleExpression
        Converts this expression to another type. Unless the expression is special, the default implementation is sufficient. -

        - This method is never called with a supertype of the return type of this expression, or the return type itself.

        getConvertedExpr in class SimpleExpression<T>
        to - The desired return type of the returned expression
        Expression with the desired return type or null if it can't be converted to the given type
        See Also:
        - -
      • -
      • -


        protected T[] get(org.bukkit.event.Event e)
        Description copied from class: SimpleExpression
        This is the internal method to get an expression's values.
        - To get the expression's value from the outside use SimpleExpression.getSingle(Event) or SimpleExpression.getArray(Event).
        Specified by:
        get in class SimpleExpression<T>
        e - The event
        An array of values for this event. May not contain nulls.
      • -
      • -


        public @Nullable Iterator<? extends T> iterator(org.bukkit.event.Event e)
        Description copied from interface: Expression
        Returns the same as Expression.getArray(Event) but as an iterator. This method should be overriden by expressions intended to be looped to increase performance.
        Specified by:
        iterator in interface Expression<T>
        iterator in class SimpleExpression<T>
        e - The event
        An iterator to iterate over all values of this expression which may be empty and/or null, but must not return null elements.
      • -
      • -


        public boolean isSingle()
        true if this expression will ever only return one value at most, false if it can return multiple values.
      • -
      • -


        public boolean getAnd()
        Description copied from interface: Expression
        Returns true if this expression returns all possible values, false if it only returns some of them. -

        - This method significantly influences Expression.check(Event, Checker), Expression.check(Event, Checker, boolean) and CondIsSet and thus breaks conditions that use this - expression if it returns a wrong value. -

        - This method must return true if this is a single expression. // TODO make this method irrelevant for single expressions

        Specified by:
        getAnd in interface Expression<T>
        getAnd in class SimpleExpression<T>
        Whether this expression returns all values at once or only part of them.
      • -
      • -


        public Class<? extends T> getReturnType()
        Description copied from interface: Expression
        Gets the return type of this expression.
        A supertype of any objects returned by Expression.getSingle(Event) and the component type of any arrays returned by Expression.getArray(Event)
      • -
      • -


        public @Nullable Class<?>[] acceptChange(Changer.ChangeMode mode)
        Description copied from interface: Expression
        Tests whether this expression supports the given mode, and if yes what type it expects the delta to be. -

        - Use Changer.ChangerUtils.acceptsChange(Expression, ChangeMode, Class...) to test whether an expression supports changing, don't directly use this method! -

        - Please note that if a changer is registered for this expression's returnType this method does not have to be overridden. If you override it though - make sure to return super.acceptChange(mode), and to handle the appropriate ChangeMode(s) in Expression.change(Event, Object[], ChangeMode) with - super.change(...). -

        - Unlike Changer.acceptChange(ChangeMode) this method may print errors.

        Specified by:
        acceptChange in interface Expression<T>
        acceptChange in class SimpleExpression<T>
        An array of types that Expression.change(Event, Object[], ChangeMode) accepts as its delta parameter (which can be arrays to denote that multiple of - that type are accepted), or null if the given mode is not supported. For Changer.ChangeMode.DELETE and Changer.ChangeMode.RESET this can return any non-null array to - mark them as supported.
      • -
      • -


        public void change(org.bukkit.event.Event e, - @Nullable Object[] delta, - Changer.ChangeMode mode)
        Description copied from interface: Expression
        Changes the expression's value by the given amount. This will only be called on supported modes and with the desired delta type as returned by - Expression.acceptChange(ChangeMode)
        Specified by:
        change in interface Expression<T>
        change in class SimpleExpression<T>
        delta - An array with one or more instances of one or more of the the classes returned by Expression.acceptChange(ChangeMode) for the given change mode (null for - Changer.ChangeMode.DELETE and Changer.ChangeMode.RESET). This can be a Object[], thus casting is not allowed.
      • -
      • -


        public boolean setTime(int time)
        Description copied from class: SimpleExpression
        Sets the time of this expression, i.e. whether the returned value represents this expression before or after the event. -

        - This method will not be called if this expression is guaranteed to be used after a delay (an error will be printed immediately), but will be called if - it only can be after a delay (e.g. if the preceding delay is in an if or a loop) as well as if there's no delay involved. -

        - If this method returns false the expression will be discarded and an error message is printed. Custom error messages must be of ErrorQuality.SEMANTIC_ERROR to be - printed (NB: Skript.error(String) always creates semantic errors). -

        - This implementation sets the time but returns false.

        Specified by:
        setTime in interface Expression<T>
        setTime in class SimpleExpression<T>
        time - -1 for past or 1 for future. 0 is never passed to this method as it represents the default state.
        Whether this expression has distinct time states, e.g. a player never changes but a block can. This should be sensitive for the event (using - ParserInstance.isCurrentEvent(Class)).
        See Also:
        - -
      • -
      • -


        public int getTime()
        Specified by:
        getTime in interface Expression<T>
        getTime in class SimpleExpression<T>
        The value passed to Expression.setTime(int) or 0 if it was never changed.
        See Also:
        - -
      • -
      • -


        public boolean isDefault()
        Description copied from interface: Expression
        Returns whether this value represents the default value of its type for the event, i.e. it can be replaced with a call to event.getXyz() if one knows the event & value type. -

        - This method might be removed in the future as it's better to check whether value == event.getXyz() for every value an expression returns.

        Specified by:
        isDefault in interface Expression<T>
        isDefault in class SimpleExpression<T>
        Whether is is the return types' default expression
      • -
      • -


        public Expression<? extends T> simplify()
        Description copied from interface: Expression
        Simplifies the expression, e.g. if it only contains literals the expression may be simplified to a literal, and wrapped expressions are unwrapped. -

        - After this method was used the toString methods are likely not useful anymore. -

        - This method is not yet used but will be used to improve efficiency in the future.

        Specified by:
        simplify in interface Expression<T>
        simplify in class SimpleExpression<T>
        A reference to a simpler version of this expression. Can change this expression directly and return itself if applicable, i.e. no references to the expression before - this method call should be kept!
      • -
      • -


        public @Nullable Object[] beforeChange(Expression<?> changed, - @Nullable Object[] delta)
        Description copied from interface: Expression
        This method is called before this expression is set to another one. - The return value is what will be used for change. You can use modified - version of initial delta array or create a new one altogether -

        - Default implementation will convert slots to items when they're set - to variables, as specified in Skript documentation.

        changed - What is about to be set.
        delta - Initial delta array.
        Delta array to use for change.
      • -
    • -
    - -
    - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/base/package-summary.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/base/package-summary.html deleted file mode 100644 index 8d798c4bb8..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/base/package-summary.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,114 +0,0 @@ - - - - -ch.njol.skript.expressions.base (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -

    Package ch.njol.skript.expressions.base

    @NonNullByDefault({PARAMETER,RETURN_TYPE,FIELD}) -package ch.njol.skript.expressions.base
    - -
    - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/base/package-tree.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/base/package-tree.html deleted file mode 100644 index 7046a016f3..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/base/package-tree.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,81 +0,0 @@ - - - - -ch.njol.skript.expressions.base Class Hierarchy (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -

    Hierarchy For Package ch.njol.skript.expressions.base

    -Package Hierarchies: - -

    Class Hierarchy

    - -
    - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/package-summary.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/package-summary.html deleted file mode 100644 index a14bc4240b..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/package-summary.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,706 +0,0 @@ - - - - -ch.njol.skript.expressions (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -

    Package ch.njol.skript.expressions

    @NonNullByDefault({PARAMETER,RETURN_TYPE,FIELD}) -package ch.njol.skript.expressions
    Contains the default expression of Skript.
    - -
    - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/package-tree.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/package-tree.html deleted file mode 100644 index a23d8a560b..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/expressions/package-tree.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,389 +0,0 @@ - - - - -ch.njol.skript.expressions Class Hierarchy (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -

    Hierarchy For Package ch.njol.skript.expressions

    -Package Hierarchies: - -

    Class Hierarchy

    - -
    - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/hooks/Hook.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/hooks/Hook.html deleted file mode 100644 index a74506c4f1..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/hooks/Hook.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,235 +0,0 @@ - - - - -Hook (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -
    - -
    - -

    Class Hook<P extends org.bukkit.plugin.Plugin>

    java.lang.Object -
    Direct Known Subclasses:
    RegionsPlugin, VaultHook
    public abstract class Hook<P extends org.bukkit.plugin.Plugin> -extends Object
      - -
    • -

      Field Summary

      Modifier and Type
      final P
      - -
    • - -
    • -

      Constructor Summary

      - -
    • - -
    • -

      Method Summary

      Modifier and Type
      abstract String
      - -
      final P
      - -
      protected boolean
      - -
      Called when the plugin has been successfully hooked
      protected void
      - -

      Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

      -clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
    • -
      - -
    • -

      Field Details

      • -


        public final P extends org.bukkit.plugin.Plugin plugin
      • -
    • - -
    • -

      Constructor Details

      - -
    • - -
    • -

      Method Details

      • -


        public final P getPlugin()
      • -
      • -


        protected void loadClasses() - throws IOException
      • -
      • -


        public abstract String getName()
        The hooked plugin's exact name
      • -
      • -


        protected boolean init()
        Called when the plugin has been successfully hooked
      • -
    • -
    - -
    - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/hooks/VaultHook.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/hooks/VaultHook.html deleted file mode 100644 index a2330bf679..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/hooks/VaultHook.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,274 +0,0 @@ - - - - -VaultHook (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -
    - -
    - -

    Class VaultHook

    java.lang.Object -
    ch.njol.skript.hooks.Hook<net.milkbowl.vault.Vault> -
    public class VaultHook -extends Hook<net.milkbowl.vault.Vault>
      - -
    • -

      Field Summary

      Modifier and Type
      static net.milkbowl.vault.chat.Chat
      - -
      static net.milkbowl.vault.economy.Economy
      - -
      static final String
      - -
      static net.milkbowl.vault.permission.Permission
      - -

      Fields inherited from class ch.njol.skript.hooks.Hook

    • - -
    • -

      Constructor Summary

      - -
    • - -
    • -

      Method Summary

      Modifier and Type
      - - -
      protected boolean
      - -
      Called when the plugin has been successfully hooked
      protected void
      - -

      Methods inherited from class ch.njol.skript.hooks.Hook


      Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

      -clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
    • -
      - -
    • -

      Field Details

      • -


        public static final String NO_GROUP_SUPPORT
        See Also:
        - -
      • -
      • -


        public static net.milkbowl.vault.economy.Economy economy
      • -
      • -


        public static net.milkbowl.vault.chat.Chat chat
      • -
      • -


        public static net.milkbowl.vault.permission.Permission permission
      • -
    • - -
    • -

      Constructor Details

      - -
    • - -
    • -

      Method Details

      • -


        protected boolean init()
        Description copied from class: Hook
        Called when the plugin has been successfully hooked
        init in class Hook<net.milkbowl.vault.Vault>
      • -
      • -


        protected void loadClasses() - throws IOException
        loadClasses in class Hook<net.milkbowl.vault.Vault>
      • -
      • -


        public String getName()
        Specified by:
        getName in class Hook<net.milkbowl.vault.Vault>
        The hooked plugin's exact name
      • -
    • -
    - -
    - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/hooks/chat/expressions/ExprPrefixSuffix.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/hooks/chat/expressions/ExprPrefixSuffix.html deleted file mode 100644 index 2aea98b4fa..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/hooks/chat/expressions/ExprPrefixSuffix.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,353 +0,0 @@ - - - - -ExprPrefixSuffix (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -
    - -
    - -

    Class ExprPrefixSuffix

    - -
    All Implemented Interfaces:
    Converter<org.bukkit.entity.Player,String>, Debuggable, Expression<String>, SyntaxElement
    @Name("Prefix/Suffix") -@Description("The prefix or suffix as defined in the server\'s chat plugin.") -@Examples({"on chat:","\tcancel event","\tbroadcast \"%player\'s prefix%%player\'s display name%%player\'s suffix%: %message%\" to the player\'s world","","set the player\'s prefix to \"[&lt;red&gt;Admin<reset>] \""}) -@Since("2.0") -@RequiredPlugins({"Vault","a chat plugin that supports Vault"}) -public class ExprPrefixSuffix -extends SimplePropertyExpression<org.bukkit.entity.Player,String>
    - -
    - -
    - -
    - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/hooks/chat/expressions/package-summary.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/hooks/chat/expressions/package-summary.html deleted file mode 100644 index 6fb719b6ae..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/hooks/chat/expressions/package-summary.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,83 +0,0 @@ - - - - -ch.njol.skript.hooks.chat.expressions (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -

    Package ch.njol.skript.hooks.chat.expressions

    @NonNullByDefault({PARAMETER,RETURN_TYPE,FIELD}) -package ch.njol.skript.hooks.chat.expressions
    - -
    - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/hooks/chat/expressions/package-tree.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/hooks/chat/expressions/package-tree.html deleted file mode 100644 index f05f43e916..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/hooks/chat/expressions/package-tree.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,83 +0,0 @@ - - - - -ch.njol.skript.hooks.chat.expressions Class Hierarchy (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -

    Hierarchy For Package ch.njol.skript.hooks.chat.expressions

    -Package Hierarchies: - -

    Class Hierarchy

    - -
    - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/hooks/economy/classes/Money.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/hooks/economy/classes/Money.html deleted file mode 100644 index 388d6016e9..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/hooks/economy/classes/Money.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,180 +0,0 @@ - - - - -Money (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -
    - -
    - -

    Class Money

    java.lang.Object -
    public class Money -extends Object
    - -
      - -
    • -

      Constructor Details

      • -


        public Money(double amount)
      • -
    • - -
    • -

      Method Details

      • -


        public double getAmount()
      • -
      • -


        public static @Nullable Money parse(String s)
      • -
      • -


        public String toString()
        toString in class Object
      • -
    • -
    - -
    - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/hooks/economy/classes/package-summary.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/hooks/economy/classes/package-summary.html deleted file mode 100644 index 601e5ba4e3..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/hooks/economy/classes/package-summary.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,83 +0,0 @@ - - - - -ch.njol.skript.hooks.economy.classes (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -

    Package ch.njol.skript.hooks.economy.classes

    @NonNullByDefault({PARAMETER,RETURN_TYPE,FIELD}) -package ch.njol.skript.hooks.economy.classes
    • -
      - -
    • -
    - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/hooks/economy/classes/package-tree.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/hooks/economy/classes/package-tree.html deleted file mode 100644 index 3b0ad81779..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/hooks/economy/classes/package-tree.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,71 +0,0 @@ - - - - -ch.njol.skript.hooks.economy.classes Class Hierarchy (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -

    Hierarchy For Package ch.njol.skript.hooks.economy.classes

    -Package Hierarchies: - -

    Class Hierarchy

    • java.lang.Object -
      • ch.njol.skript.hooks.economy.classes.Money
      • -
    • -
    - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/hooks/economy/expressions/ExprBalance.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/hooks/economy/expressions/ExprBalance.html deleted file mode 100644 index 13e8620db1..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/hooks/economy/expressions/ExprBalance.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,314 +0,0 @@ - - - - -ExprBalance (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -
    - -
    - -

    Class ExprBalance

    - -
    All Implemented Interfaces:
    Converter<org.bukkit.OfflinePlayer,Money>, Debuggable, Expression<Money>, SyntaxElement
    @Name("Money") -@Description("How much virtual money a player has (can be changed).") -@Examples({"message \"You have %player\'s money%\" # the currency name will be added automatically","remove 20$ from the player\'s balance # replace \'$\' by whatever currency you use","add 200 to the player\'s account # or omit the currency altogether"}) -@Since("2.0, 2.5 (offline players)") -@RequiredPlugins({"Vault","an economy plugin that supports Vault"}) -public class ExprBalance -extends SimplePropertyExpression<org.bukkit.OfflinePlayer,Money>
    - -
    - -
    - -
    - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/hooks/economy/expressions/package-summary.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/hooks/economy/expressions/package-summary.html deleted file mode 100644 index 5fca5f5d01..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/hooks/economy/expressions/package-summary.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,83 +0,0 @@ - - - - -ch.njol.skript.hooks.economy.expressions (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -

    Package ch.njol.skript.hooks.economy.expressions

    @NonNullByDefault({PARAMETER,RETURN_TYPE,FIELD}) -package ch.njol.skript.hooks.economy.expressions
    • -
      - -
    • -
    - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/hooks/economy/expressions/package-tree.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/hooks/economy/expressions/package-tree.html deleted file mode 100644 index 61e8640119..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/hooks/economy/expressions/package-tree.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,83 +0,0 @@ - - - - -ch.njol.skript.hooks.economy.expressions Class Hierarchy (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -

    Hierarchy For Package ch.njol.skript.hooks.economy.expressions

    -Package Hierarchies: - -

    Class Hierarchy

    - -
    - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/hooks/package-summary.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/hooks/package-summary.html deleted file mode 100644 index a45327b64c..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/hooks/package-summary.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,103 +0,0 @@ - - - - -ch.njol.skript.hooks (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -

    Package ch.njol.skript.hooks

    @NonNullByDefault({PARAMETER,RETURN_TYPE,FIELD}) -package ch.njol.skript.hooks
    Hook interface & implementations for specific plugins.
    - -
    - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/hooks/package-tree.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/hooks/package-tree.html deleted file mode 100644 index 51c8ec9cbf..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/hooks/package-tree.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,75 +0,0 @@ - - - - -ch.njol.skript.hooks Class Hierarchy (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -

    Hierarchy For Package ch.njol.skript.hooks

    -Package Hierarchies: - -

    Class Hierarchy

    - -
    - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/hooks/permission/expressions/ExprAllGroups.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/hooks/permission/expressions/ExprAllGroups.html deleted file mode 100644 index aa2155f638..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/hooks/permission/expressions/ExprAllGroups.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,275 +0,0 @@ - - - - -ExprAllGroups (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -
    - -
    - -

    Class ExprAllGroups

    java.lang.Object -
    ch.njol.skript.lang.util.SimpleExpression<String> -
    All Implemented Interfaces:
    Debuggable, Expression<String>, SyntaxElement
    @Name("All Groups") -@Description("All the groups a player can have. This expression requires Vault and a compatible permissions plugin to be installed.") -@Examples({"command /group &lt;text&gt;:","\ttrigger:","\t\tif argument is \"list\":","\t\t\tsend \"%all groups%\""}) -@Since("2.2-dev35") -@RequiredPlugins({"Vault","a permission plugin that supports Vault"}) -public class ExprAllGroups -extends SimpleExpression<String>
    - -
      - -
    • -

      Constructor Details

      • -


        public ExprAllGroups()
      • -
    • - -
    • -

      Method Details

      • -


        public boolean init(Expression<?>[] exprs, - int matchedPattern, - Kleenean isDelayed, - SkriptParser.ParseResult parseResult)
        Description copied from interface: SyntaxElement
        Called just after the constructor.
        exprs - all %expr%s included in the matching pattern in the order they appear in the pattern. If an optional value was left out it will still be included in this list - holding the default value of the desired type which usually depends on the event.
        matchedPattern - The index of the pattern which matched
        isDelayed - Whether this expression is used after a delay or not (i.e. if the event has already passed when this expression will be called)
        parseResult - Additional information about the match.
        Whether this expression was initialised successfully. An error should be printed prior to returning false to specify the cause.
        See Also:
        - -
      • -
      • -


        protected @Nullable String[] get(org.bukkit.event.Event e)
        Description copied from class: SimpleExpression
        This is the internal method to get an expression's values.
        - To get the expression's value from the outside use SimpleExpression.getSingle(Event) or SimpleExpression.getArray(Event).
        Specified by:
        get in class SimpleExpression<String>
        e - The event
        An array of values for this event. May not contain nulls.
      • -
      • -


        public Class<? extends String> getReturnType()
        Description copied from interface: Expression
        Gets the return type of this expression.
        A supertype of any objects returned by Expression.getSingle(Event) and the component type of any arrays returned by Expression.getArray(Event)
      • -
      • -


        public boolean isSingle()
        true if this expression will ever only return one value at most, false if it can return multiple values.
      • -
      • -


        public String toString(@Nullable org.bukkit.event.Event e, - boolean debug)
        e - The event to get information to. This is always null if debug == false.
        debug - If true this should print more information, if false this should print what is shown to the end user
        String representation of this object
      • -
    • -
    - -
    - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/hooks/permission/expressions/ExprGroup.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/hooks/permission/expressions/ExprGroup.html deleted file mode 100644 index b2de1e92e2..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/hooks/permission/expressions/ExprGroup.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,332 +0,0 @@ - - - - -ExprGroup (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -
    - -
    - -

    Class ExprGroup

    java.lang.Object -
    ch.njol.skript.lang.util.SimpleExpression<String> -
    All Implemented Interfaces:
    Debuggable, Expression<String>, SyntaxElement
    @Name("Group") -@Description({"The primary group or all groups of a player. This expression requires Vault and a compatible permissions plugin to be installed.","If you have LuckPerms, ensure you have vault integration enabled in the luck perms configurations."}) -@Examples({"on join:","\tbroadcast \"%group of player%\" # this is the player\'s primary group","\tbroadcast \"%groups of player%\" # this is all of the player\'s groups"}) -@Since("2.2-dev35") -@RequiredPlugins({"Vault","a permission plugin that supports Vault"}) -public class ExprGroup -extends SimpleExpression<String>
    - -
      - -
    • -

      Constructor Details

      • -


        public ExprGroup()
      • -
    • - -
    • -

      Method Details

      • -


        public boolean init(Expression<?>[] exprs, - int matchedPattern, - Kleenean isDelayed, - SkriptParser.ParseResult parseResult)
        Description copied from interface: SyntaxElement
        Called just after the constructor.
        exprs - all %expr%s included in the matching pattern in the order they appear in the pattern. If an optional value was left out it will still be included in this list - holding the default value of the desired type which usually depends on the event.
        matchedPattern - The index of the pattern which matched
        isDelayed - Whether this expression is used after a delay or not (i.e. if the event has already passed when this expression will be called)
        parseResult - Additional information about the match.
        Whether this expression was initialised successfully. An error should be printed prior to returning false to specify the cause.
        See Also:
        - -
      • -
      • -


        protected String[] get(org.bukkit.event.Event e)
        Description copied from class: SimpleExpression
        This is the internal method to get an expression's values.
        - To get the expression's value from the outside use SimpleExpression.getSingle(Event) or SimpleExpression.getArray(Event).
        Specified by:
        get in class SimpleExpression<String>
        e - The event
        An array of values for this event. May not contain nulls.
      • -
      • -


        public @Nullable Class<?>[] acceptChange(Changer.ChangeMode mode)
        Description copied from interface: Expression
        Tests whether this expression supports the given mode, and if yes what type it expects the delta to be. -

        - Use Changer.ChangerUtils.acceptsChange(Expression, ChangeMode, Class...) to test whether an expression supports changing, don't directly use this method! -

        - Please note that if a changer is registered for this expression's returnType this method does not have to be overridden. If you override it though - make sure to return super.acceptChange(mode), and to handle the appropriate ChangeMode(s) in Expression.change(Event, Object[], ChangeMode) with - super.change(...). -

        - Unlike Changer.acceptChange(ChangeMode) this method may print errors.

        Specified by:
        acceptChange in interface Expression<String>
        acceptChange in class SimpleExpression<String>
        An array of types that Expression.change(Event, Object[], ChangeMode) accepts as its delta parameter (which can be arrays to denote that multiple of - that type are accepted), or null if the given mode is not supported. For Changer.ChangeMode.DELETE and Changer.ChangeMode.RESET this can return any non-null array to - mark them as supported.
      • -
      • -


        public void change(org.bukkit.event.Event e, - @Nullable Object[] delta, - Changer.ChangeMode mode)
        Description copied from interface: Expression
        Changes the expression's value by the given amount. This will only be called on supported modes and with the desired delta type as returned by - Expression.acceptChange(ChangeMode)
        Specified by:
        change in interface Expression<String>
        change in class SimpleExpression<String>
        delta - An array with one or more instances of one or more of the the classes returned by Expression.acceptChange(ChangeMode) for the given change mode (null for - Changer.ChangeMode.DELETE and Changer.ChangeMode.RESET). This can be a Object[], thus casting is not allowed.
      • -
      • -


        public boolean isSingle()
        true if this expression will ever only return one value at most, false if it can return multiple values.
      • -
      • -


        public Class<? extends String> getReturnType()
        Description copied from interface: Expression
        Gets the return type of this expression.
        A supertype of any objects returned by Expression.getSingle(Event) and the component type of any arrays returned by Expression.getArray(Event)
      • -
      • -


        public String toString(org.bukkit.event.Event e, - boolean debug)
        e - The event to get information to. This is always null if debug == false.
        debug - If true this should print more information, if false this should print what is shown to the end user
        String representation of this object
      • -
    • -
    - -
    - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/hooks/permission/expressions/package-summary.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/hooks/permission/expressions/package-summary.html deleted file mode 100644 index a627ee19d0..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/hooks/permission/expressions/package-summary.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,85 +0,0 @@ - - - - -ch.njol.skript.hooks.permission.expressions (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -

    Package ch.njol.skript.hooks.permission.expressions

    @NonNullByDefault({PARAMETER,RETURN_TYPE,FIELD}) -package ch.njol.skript.hooks.permission.expressions
    - -
    - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/hooks/permission/expressions/package-tree.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/hooks/permission/expressions/package-tree.html deleted file mode 100644 index 0e70989926..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/hooks/permission/expressions/package-tree.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,76 +0,0 @@ - - - - -ch.njol.skript.hooks.permission.expressions Class Hierarchy (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -

    Hierarchy For Package ch.njol.skript.hooks.permission.expressions

    -Package Hierarchies: - -

    Class Hierarchy

    - -
    - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/hooks/regions/GriefPreventionHook.GriefPreventionRegion.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/hooks/regions/GriefPreventionHook.GriefPreventionRegion.html deleted file mode 100644 index 3b3d006907..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/hooks/regions/GriefPreventionHook.GriefPreventionRegion.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,342 +0,0 @@ - - - - -GriefPreventionHook.GriefPreventionRegion (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -
    - -
    - -

    Class GriefPreventionHook.GriefPreventionRegion

    java.lang.Object -
    ch.njol.skript.hooks.regions.classes.Region -
    All Implemented Interfaces:
    YggdrasilSerializable, YggdrasilSerializable.YggdrasilExtendedSerializable
    Enclosing class:
    @YggdrasilID("GriefPreventionRegion") -public final class GriefPreventionHook.GriefPreventionRegion -extends Region
    - -
      - -
    • -

      Constructor Details

      • -


        public GriefPreventionRegion(me.ryanhamshire.GriefPrevention.Claim c)
      • -
    • - -
    • -

      Method Details

      • -


        public boolean contains(org.bukkit.Location l)
        Specified by:
        contains in class Region
      • -
      • -


        public boolean isMember(org.bukkit.OfflinePlayer p)
        Specified by:
        isMember in class Region
      • -
      • -


        public Collection<org.bukkit.OfflinePlayer> getMembers()
        Specified by:
        getMembers in class Region
      • -
      • -


        public boolean isOwner(org.bukkit.OfflinePlayer p)
        Specified by:
        isOwner in class Region
      • -
      • -


        public Collection<org.bukkit.OfflinePlayer> getOwners()
        Specified by:
        getOwners in class Region
      • -
      • -


        public Iterator<org.bukkit.block.Block> getBlocks()
        Specified by:
        getBlocks in class Region
      • -
      • -


        public String toString()
        Specified by:
        toString in class Region
      • -
      • -


        public Fields serialize()
        Description copied from interface: YggdrasilSerializable.YggdrasilExtendedSerializable
        Serialises this object. Only fields contained in the returned Fields object will be written to stream. -

        - You can use return new Fields(this); to emulate the default behaviour.

        A Fields object containing all fields that should be written to stream
      • -
      • -


        public void deserialize(Fields fields) - throws StreamCorruptedException
        Description copied from interface: YggdrasilSerializable.YggdrasilExtendedSerializable
        Deserialises this object. No fields have been set when this method is called, use fields.setFields(this, yggdrasil) to set all - compatible non-transient and non-static fields (and call incompatible/missing field handlers if applicable – this implies that errors will be thrown if the fields - object is invalid). -

        - You can use fields.setFields(this); to emulate the default behaviour.

        fields - A Fields object containing all fields read from stream
        StreamCorruptedException - If the Fields object is invalid, i.e. was not written by YggdrasilSerializable.YggdrasilExtendedSerializable.serialize() or Yggrdasil's default serialisation.
      • -
      • -


        public RegionsPlugin<?> getPlugin()
        Specified by:
        getPlugin in class Region
      • -
      • -


        public boolean equals(@Nullable Object o)
        Specified by:
        equals in class Region
      • -
      • -


        public int hashCode()
        Specified by:
        hashCode in class Region
      • -
    • -
    - -
    - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/hooks/regions/GriefPreventionHook.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/hooks/regions/GriefPreventionHook.html deleted file mode 100644 index 98b3d55748..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/hooks/regions/GriefPreventionHook.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,292 +0,0 @@ - - - - -GriefPreventionHook (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -
    - -
    - -

    Class GriefPreventionHook

    java.lang.Object -
    ch.njol.skript.hooks.Hook<P> -
    ch.njol.skript.hooks.regions.RegionsPlugin<me.ryanhamshire.GriefPrevention.GriefPrevention> -
    public class GriefPreventionHook -extends RegionsPlugin<me.ryanhamshire.GriefPrevention.GriefPrevention>
    - -
      - -
    • -

      Constructor Details

      - -
    • - -
    • -

      Method Details

      • -


        protected boolean init()
        Description copied from class: Hook
        Called when the plugin has been successfully hooked
        init in class RegionsPlugin<me.ryanhamshire.GriefPrevention.GriefPrevention>
      • -
      • -


        public String getName()
        Specified by:
        getName in class Hook<me.ryanhamshire.GriefPrevention.GriefPrevention>
        The hooked plugin's exact name
      • -
      • -


        public boolean canBuild_i(org.bukkit.entity.Player p, - org.bukkit.Location l)
        Specified by:
        canBuild_i in class RegionsPlugin<me.ryanhamshire.GriefPrevention.GriefPrevention>
      • -
      • -


        public Collection<? extends Region> getRegionsAt_i(org.bukkit.Location l)
        Specified by:
        getRegionsAt_i in class RegionsPlugin<me.ryanhamshire.GriefPrevention.GriefPrevention>
      • -
      • -


        public @Nullable Region getRegion_i(org.bukkit.World world, - String name)
        Specified by:
        getRegion_i in class RegionsPlugin<me.ryanhamshire.GriefPrevention.GriefPrevention>
      • -
      • -


        public boolean hasMultipleOwners_i()
        Specified by:
        hasMultipleOwners_i in class RegionsPlugin<me.ryanhamshire.GriefPrevention.GriefPrevention>
      • -
      • -


        protected Class<? extends Region> getRegionClass()
        Specified by:
        getRegionClass in class RegionsPlugin<me.ryanhamshire.GriefPrevention.GriefPrevention>
      • -
    • -
    - -
    - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/hooks/regions/PreciousStonesHook.PreciousStonesRegion.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/hooks/regions/PreciousStonesHook.PreciousStonesRegion.html deleted file mode 100644 index e5d354fc8f..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/hooks/regions/PreciousStonesHook.PreciousStonesRegion.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,347 +0,0 @@ - - - - -PreciousStonesHook.PreciousStonesRegion (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -
    - -
    - -

    Class PreciousStonesHook.PreciousStonesRegion

    java.lang.Object -
    ch.njol.skript.hooks.regions.classes.Region -
    All Implemented Interfaces:
    YggdrasilSerializable, YggdrasilSerializable.YggdrasilExtendedSerializable
    Enclosing class:
    @YggdrasilID("PreciousStonesRegion") -public final class PreciousStonesHook.PreciousStonesRegion -extends Region
    - -
      - -
    • -

      Constructor Details

      • -


        public PreciousStonesRegion(net.sacredlabyrinth.Phaed.PreciousStones.field.Field field)
      • -
    • - -
    • -

      Method Details

      - -
    • -
    - -
    - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/hooks/regions/PreciousStonesHook.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/hooks/regions/PreciousStonesHook.html deleted file mode 100644 index 4208e3db01..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/hooks/regions/PreciousStonesHook.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,292 +0,0 @@ - - - - -PreciousStonesHook (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -
    - -
    - -

    Class PreciousStonesHook

    java.lang.Object -
    ch.njol.skript.hooks.Hook<P> -
    ch.njol.skript.hooks.regions.RegionsPlugin<net.sacredlabyrinth.Phaed.PreciousStones.PreciousStones> -
    public class PreciousStonesHook -extends RegionsPlugin<net.sacredlabyrinth.Phaed.PreciousStones.PreciousStones>
    - -
      - -
    • -

      Constructor Details

      - -
    • - -
    • -

      Method Details

      • -


        protected boolean init()
        Description copied from class: Hook
        Called when the plugin has been successfully hooked
        init in class RegionsPlugin<net.sacredlabyrinth.Phaed.PreciousStones.PreciousStones>
      • -
      • -


        public String getName()
        Specified by:
        getName in class Hook<net.sacredlabyrinth.Phaed.PreciousStones.PreciousStones>
        The hooked plugin's exact name
      • -
      • -


        public boolean canBuild_i(org.bukkit.entity.Player p, - org.bukkit.Location l)
        Specified by:
        canBuild_i in class RegionsPlugin<net.sacredlabyrinth.Phaed.PreciousStones.PreciousStones>
      • -
      • -


        public Collection<? extends Region> getRegionsAt_i(org.bukkit.Location l)
        Specified by:
        getRegionsAt_i in class RegionsPlugin<net.sacredlabyrinth.Phaed.PreciousStones.PreciousStones>
      • -
      • -


        public @Nullable Region getRegion_i(org.bukkit.World world, - String name)
        Specified by:
        getRegion_i in class RegionsPlugin<net.sacredlabyrinth.Phaed.PreciousStones.PreciousStones>
      • -
      • -


        public boolean hasMultipleOwners_i()
        Specified by:
        hasMultipleOwners_i in class RegionsPlugin<net.sacredlabyrinth.Phaed.PreciousStones.PreciousStones>
      • -
      • -


        protected Class<? extends Region> getRegionClass()
        Specified by:
        getRegionClass in class RegionsPlugin<net.sacredlabyrinth.Phaed.PreciousStones.PreciousStones>
      • -
    • -
    - -
    - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/hooks/regions/RegionsPlugin.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/hooks/regions/RegionsPlugin.html deleted file mode 100644 index 753993ae09..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/hooks/regions/RegionsPlugin.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,310 +0,0 @@ - - - - -RegionsPlugin (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -
    - -
    - -

    Class RegionsPlugin<P extends org.bukkit.plugin.Plugin>

    java.lang.Object -
    ch.njol.skript.hooks.Hook<P> -
    Direct Known Subclasses:
    GriefPreventionHook, PreciousStonesHook, ResidenceHook, WorldGuardHook
    public abstract class RegionsPlugin<P extends org.bukkit.plugin.Plugin> -extends Hook<P>
    - -
      - -
    • -

      Field Details

      - -
    • - -
    • -

      Constructor Details

      - -
    • - -
    • -

      Method Details

      • -


        protected boolean init()
        Description copied from class: Hook
        Called when the plugin has been successfully hooked
        init in class Hook<P extends org.bukkit.plugin.Plugin>
      • -
      • -


        public abstract boolean canBuild_i(org.bukkit.entity.Player p, - org.bukkit.Location l)
      • -
      • -


        public static boolean canBuild(org.bukkit.entity.Player p, - org.bukkit.Location l)
      • -
      • -


        public abstract Collection<? extends Region> getRegionsAt_i(org.bukkit.Location l)
      • -
      • -


        public static Set<? extends Region> getRegionsAt(org.bukkit.Location l)
      • -
      • -


        public abstract @Nullable Region getRegion_i(org.bukkit.World world, - String name)
      • -
      • -


        public static @Nullable Region getRegion(org.bukkit.World world, - String name)
      • -
      • -


        public abstract boolean hasMultipleOwners_i()
      • -
      • -


        public static boolean hasMultipleOwners()
      • -
      • -


        protected abstract Class<? extends Region> getRegionClass()
      • -
      • -


        public static @Nullable RegionsPlugin<?> getPlugin(String name)
      • -
    • -
    - -
    - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/hooks/regions/ResidenceHook.ResidenceRegion.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/hooks/regions/ResidenceHook.ResidenceRegion.html deleted file mode 100644 index f82d384880..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/hooks/regions/ResidenceHook.ResidenceRegion.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,349 +0,0 @@ - - - - -ResidenceHook.ResidenceRegion (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -
    - -
    - -

    Class ResidenceHook.ResidenceRegion

    java.lang.Object -
    ch.njol.skript.hooks.regions.classes.Region -
    All Implemented Interfaces:
    YggdrasilSerializable, YggdrasilSerializable.YggdrasilExtendedSerializable
    Enclosing class:
    @YggdrasilID("ResidenceRegion") -public class ResidenceHook.ResidenceRegion -extends Region
    - -
      - -
    • -

      Constructor Details

      • -


        public ResidenceRegion(org.bukkit.World w, - com.bekvon.bukkit.residence.protection.ClaimedResidence r)
      • -
    • - -
    • -

      Method Details

      - -
    • -
    - -
    - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/hooks/regions/ResidenceHook.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/hooks/regions/ResidenceHook.html deleted file mode 100644 index 24846a6aca..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/hooks/regions/ResidenceHook.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,294 +0,0 @@ - - - - -ResidenceHook (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -
    - -
    - -

    Class ResidenceHook

    java.lang.Object -
    ch.njol.skript.hooks.Hook<P> -
    ch.njol.skript.hooks.regions.RegionsPlugin<com.bekvon.bukkit.residence.Residence> -
    public class ResidenceHook -extends RegionsPlugin<com.bekvon.bukkit.residence.Residence>
    Hook for Residence protection plugin. Currently supports - only basic operations.
    - -
      - -
    • -

      Constructor Details

      - -
    • - -
    • -

      Method Details

      • -


        protected boolean init()
        Description copied from class: Hook
        Called when the plugin has been successfully hooked
        init in class RegionsPlugin<com.bekvon.bukkit.residence.Residence>
      • -
      • -


        public String getName()
        Specified by:
        getName in class Hook<com.bekvon.bukkit.residence.Residence>
        The hooked plugin's exact name
      • -
      • -


        public boolean canBuild_i(org.bukkit.entity.Player p, - org.bukkit.Location l)
        Specified by:
        canBuild_i in class RegionsPlugin<com.bekvon.bukkit.residence.Residence>
      • -
      • -


        public Collection<? extends Region> getRegionsAt_i(org.bukkit.Location l)
        Specified by:
        getRegionsAt_i in class RegionsPlugin<com.bekvon.bukkit.residence.Residence>
      • -
      • -


        public @Nullable Region getRegion_i(org.bukkit.World world, - String name)
        Specified by:
        getRegion_i in class RegionsPlugin<com.bekvon.bukkit.residence.Residence>
      • -
      • -


        public boolean hasMultipleOwners_i()
        Specified by:
        hasMultipleOwners_i in class RegionsPlugin<com.bekvon.bukkit.residence.Residence>
      • -
      • -


        protected Class<? extends Region> getRegionClass()
        Specified by:
        getRegionClass in class RegionsPlugin<com.bekvon.bukkit.residence.Residence>
      • -
    • -
    - -
    - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/hooks/regions/WorldGuardHook.WorldGuardRegion.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/hooks/regions/WorldGuardHook.WorldGuardRegion.html deleted file mode 100644 index 589545639a..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/hooks/regions/WorldGuardHook.WorldGuardRegion.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,349 +0,0 @@ - - - - -WorldGuardHook.WorldGuardRegion (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -
    - -
    - -

    Class WorldGuardHook.WorldGuardRegion

    java.lang.Object -
    ch.njol.skript.hooks.regions.classes.Region -
    All Implemented Interfaces:
    YggdrasilSerializable, YggdrasilSerializable.YggdrasilExtendedSerializable
    Enclosing class:
    @YggdrasilID("WorldGuardRegion") -public final class WorldGuardHook.WorldGuardRegion -extends Region
    - -
      - -
    • -

      Constructor Details

      • -


        public WorldGuardRegion(org.bukkit.World w, - com.sk89q.worldguard.protection.regions.ProtectedRegion r)
      • -
    • - -
    • -

      Method Details

      - -
    • -
    - -
    - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/hooks/regions/WorldGuardHook.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/hooks/regions/WorldGuardHook.html deleted file mode 100644 index eb4ca5e6a4..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/hooks/regions/WorldGuardHook.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,292 +0,0 @@ - - - - -WorldGuardHook (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -
    - -
    - -

    Class WorldGuardHook

    java.lang.Object -
    ch.njol.skript.hooks.Hook<P> -
    ch.njol.skript.hooks.regions.RegionsPlugin<com.sk89q.worldguard.bukkit.WorldGuardPlugin> -
    public class WorldGuardHook -extends RegionsPlugin<com.sk89q.worldguard.bukkit.WorldGuardPlugin>
    - -
      - -
    • -

      Constructor Details

      - -
    • - -
    • -

      Method Details

      • -


        protected boolean init()
        Description copied from class: Hook
        Called when the plugin has been successfully hooked
        init in class RegionsPlugin<com.sk89q.worldguard.bukkit.WorldGuardPlugin>
      • -
      • -


        public String getName()
        Specified by:
        getName in class Hook<com.sk89q.worldguard.bukkit.WorldGuardPlugin>
        The hooked plugin's exact name
      • -
      • -


        public boolean canBuild_i(org.bukkit.entity.Player p, - org.bukkit.Location l)
        Specified by:
        canBuild_i in class RegionsPlugin<com.sk89q.worldguard.bukkit.WorldGuardPlugin>
      • -
      • -


        public Collection<? extends Region> getRegionsAt_i(@Nullable org.bukkit.Location l)
        Specified by:
        getRegionsAt_i in class RegionsPlugin<com.sk89q.worldguard.bukkit.WorldGuardPlugin>
      • -
      • -


        public @Nullable Region getRegion_i(org.bukkit.World world, - String name)
        Specified by:
        getRegion_i in class RegionsPlugin<com.sk89q.worldguard.bukkit.WorldGuardPlugin>
      • -
      • -


        public boolean hasMultipleOwners_i()
        Specified by:
        hasMultipleOwners_i in class RegionsPlugin<com.sk89q.worldguard.bukkit.WorldGuardPlugin>
      • -
      • -


        protected Class<? extends Region> getRegionClass()
        Specified by:
        getRegionClass in class RegionsPlugin<com.sk89q.worldguard.bukkit.WorldGuardPlugin>
      • -
    • -
    - -
    - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/hooks/regions/classes/Region.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/hooks/regions/classes/Region.html deleted file mode 100644 index 36c4ce60f5..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/hooks/regions/classes/Region.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,272 +0,0 @@ - - - - -Region (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -
    - -
    - -

    Class Region

    java.lang.Object -
    All Implemented Interfaces:
    YggdrasilSerializable, YggdrasilSerializable.YggdrasilExtendedSerializable
    Direct Known Subclasses:
    GriefPreventionHook.GriefPreventionRegion, PreciousStonesHook.PreciousStonesRegion, ResidenceHook.ResidenceRegion, WorldGuardHook.WorldGuardRegion
    public abstract class Region -extends Object -implements YggdrasilSerializable.YggdrasilExtendedSerializable
    - -
      - -
    • -

      Constructor Details

      • -


        public Region()
      • -
    • - -
    • -

      Method Details

      • -


        public abstract boolean contains(org.bukkit.Location l)
      • -
      • -


        public abstract boolean isMember(org.bukkit.OfflinePlayer p)
      • -
      • -


        public abstract Collection<org.bukkit.OfflinePlayer> getMembers()
      • -
      • -


        public abstract boolean isOwner(org.bukkit.OfflinePlayer p)
      • -
      • -


        public abstract Collection<org.bukkit.OfflinePlayer> getOwners()
      • -
      • -


        public abstract Iterator<org.bukkit.block.Block> getBlocks()
      • -
      • -


        public abstract String toString()
        toString in class Object
      • -
      • -


        public abstract RegionsPlugin<?> getPlugin()
      • -
      • -


        public abstract boolean equals(@Nullable Object o)
        equals in class Object
      • -
      • -


        public abstract int hashCode()
        hashCode in class Object
      • -
    • -
    - -
    - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/hooks/regions/classes/package-summary.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/hooks/regions/classes/package-summary.html deleted file mode 100644 index cdf6d503a2..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/hooks/regions/classes/package-summary.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,100 +0,0 @@ - - - - -ch.njol.skript.hooks.regions.classes (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -

    Package ch.njol.skript.hooks.regions.classes

    @NonNullByDefault({PARAMETER,RETURN_TYPE,FIELD}) -package ch.njol.skript.hooks.regions.classes
    - -
    - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/hooks/regions/classes/package-tree.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/hooks/regions/classes/package-tree.html deleted file mode 100644 index 3f3859f50b..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/hooks/regions/classes/package-tree.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,71 +0,0 @@ - - - - -ch.njol.skript.hooks.regions.classes Class Hierarchy (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -

    Hierarchy For Package ch.njol.skript.hooks.regions.classes

    -Package Hierarchies: - -

    Class Hierarchy

    - -
    - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/hooks/regions/conditions/CondCanBuild.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/hooks/regions/conditions/CondCanBuild.html deleted file mode 100644 index eacb4ffbad..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/hooks/regions/conditions/CondCanBuild.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,259 +0,0 @@ - - - - -CondCanBuild (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -
    - -
    - -

    Class CondCanBuild

    - -
    All Implemented Interfaces:
    Debuggable, SyntaxElement
    @Name("Can Build") -@Description({"Tests whether a player is allowed to build at a certain location.","This condition requires a supported <a href=\'./classes.html#region\'>regions</a> plugin to be installed."}) -@Examples({"command /setblock &lt;material&gt;:","\tdescription: set the block at your crosshair to a different type","\ttrigger:","\t\tplayer cannot build at the targeted block:","\t\t\tmessage \"You do not have permission to change blocks there!\"","\t\t\tstop","\t\tset the targeted block to argument"}) -@Since("2.0") -@RequiredPlugins("Supported regions plugin") -public class CondCanBuild -extends Condition
    - -
      - -
    • -

      Constructor Details

      • -


        public CondCanBuild()
      • -
    • - -
    • -

      Method Details

      • -


        public boolean init(Expression<?>[] exprs, - int matchedPattern, - Kleenean isDelayed, - SkriptParser.ParseResult parseResult)
        Description copied from interface: SyntaxElement
        Called just after the constructor.
        exprs - all %expr%s included in the matching pattern in the order they appear in the pattern. If an optional value was left out it will still be included in this list - holding the default value of the desired type which usually depends on the event.
        matchedPattern - The index of the pattern which matched
        isDelayed - Whether this expression is used after a delay or not (i.e. if the event has already passed when this expression will be called)
        parseResult - Additional information about the match.
        Whether this expression was initialised successfully. An error should be printed prior to returning false to specify the cause.
        See Also:
        - -
      • -
      • -


        public boolean check(org.bukkit.event.Event e)
        Description copied from class: Condition
        Checks whether this condition is satisfied with the given event. This should not alter the event or the world in any way, as conditions are only checked until one returns - false. All subsequent conditions of the same trigger will then be omitted.
        - You might want to use SimpleExpression.check(Event, Checker)
        Specified by:
        check in class Condition
        e - the event to check
        true if the condition is satisfied, false otherwise or if the condition doesn't apply to this event.
      • -
      • -


        public String toString(@Nullable org.bukkit.event.Event e, - boolean debug)
        e - The event to get information to. This is always null if debug == false.
        debug - If true this should print more information, if false this should print what is shown to the end user
        String representation of this object
      • -
    • -
    - -
    - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/hooks/regions/conditions/CondIsMember.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/hooks/regions/conditions/CondIsMember.html deleted file mode 100644 index 812f48bbab..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/hooks/regions/conditions/CondIsMember.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,259 +0,0 @@ - - - - -CondIsMember (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -
    - -
    - -

    Class CondIsMember

    - -
    All Implemented Interfaces:
    Debuggable, SyntaxElement
    @Name("Is Member/Owner of Region") -@Description({"Checks whether a player is a member or owner of a particular region.","This condition requires a supported regions plugin to be installed."}) -@Examples({"on region enter:","\tplayer is the owner of the region","\tmessage \"Welcome back to %region%!\"","\tsend \"%player% just entered %region%!\" to all members of the region"}) -@Since("2.1") -@RequiredPlugins("Supported regions plugin") -public class CondIsMember -extends Condition
    - -
      - -
    • -

      Constructor Details

      • -


        public CondIsMember()
      • -
    • - -
    • -

      Method Details

      • -


        public boolean init(Expression<?>[] exprs, - int matchedPattern, - Kleenean isDelayed, - SkriptParser.ParseResult parseResult)
        Description copied from interface: SyntaxElement
        Called just after the constructor.
        exprs - all %expr%s included in the matching pattern in the order they appear in the pattern. If an optional value was left out it will still be included in this list - holding the default value of the desired type which usually depends on the event.
        matchedPattern - The index of the pattern which matched
        isDelayed - Whether this expression is used after a delay or not (i.e. if the event has already passed when this expression will be called)
        parseResult - Additional information about the match.
        Whether this expression was initialised successfully. An error should be printed prior to returning false to specify the cause.
        See Also:
        - -
      • -
      • -


        public boolean check(org.bukkit.event.Event e)
        Description copied from class: Condition
        Checks whether this condition is satisfied with the given event. This should not alter the event or the world in any way, as conditions are only checked until one returns - false. All subsequent conditions of the same trigger will then be omitted.
        - You might want to use SimpleExpression.check(Event, Checker)
        Specified by:
        check in class Condition
        e - the event to check
        true if the condition is satisfied, false otherwise or if the condition doesn't apply to this event.
      • -
      • -


        public String toString(@Nullable org.bukkit.event.Event e, - boolean debug)
        e - The event to get information to. This is always null if debug == false.
        debug - If true this should print more information, if false this should print what is shown to the end user
        String representation of this object
      • -
    • -
    - -
    - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/hooks/regions/conditions/CondRegionContains.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/hooks/regions/conditions/CondRegionContains.html deleted file mode 100644 index 3352a9c176..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/hooks/regions/conditions/CondRegionContains.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,259 +0,0 @@ - - - - -CondRegionContains (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -
    - -
    - -

    Class CondRegionContains

    java.lang.Object -
    ch.njol.skript.lang.TriggerItem -
    ch.njol.skript.lang.Statement -
    ch.njol.skript.lang.Condition -
    All Implemented Interfaces:
    Debuggable, SyntaxElement
    @Name("Region Contains") -@Description({"Checks whether a location is contained in a particular <a href=\'./classes.html#region\'>region</a>.","This condition requires a supported regions plugin to be installed."}) -@Examples({"player is in the region {regions::3}","","on region enter:","\tregion contains {flags.%world%.red}","\tmessage \"The red flag is near!\""}) -@Since("2.1") -@RequiredPlugins("Supported regions plugin") -public class CondRegionContains -extends Condition
    - -
      - -
    • -

      Constructor Details

      • -


        public CondRegionContains()
      • -
    • - -
    • -

      Method Details

      • -


        public boolean init(Expression<?>[] exprs, - int matchedPattern, - Kleenean isDelayed, - SkriptParser.ParseResult parseResult)
        Description copied from interface: SyntaxElement
        Called just after the constructor.
        exprs - all %expr%s included in the matching pattern in the order they appear in the pattern. If an optional value was left out it will still be included in this list - holding the default value of the desired type which usually depends on the event.
        matchedPattern - The index of the pattern which matched
        isDelayed - Whether this expression is used after a delay or not (i.e. if the event has already passed when this expression will be called)
        parseResult - Additional information about the match.
        Whether this expression was initialised successfully. An error should be printed prior to returning false to specify the cause.
        See Also:
        - -
      • -
      • -


        public boolean check(org.bukkit.event.Event e)
        Description copied from class: Condition
        Checks whether this condition is satisfied with the given event. This should not alter the event or the world in any way, as conditions are only checked until one returns - false. All subsequent conditions of the same trigger will then be omitted.
        - You might want to use SimpleExpression.check(Event, Checker)
        Specified by:
        check in class Condition
        e - the event to check
        true if the condition is satisfied, false otherwise or if the condition doesn't apply to this event.
      • -
      • -


        public String toString(@Nullable org.bukkit.event.Event e, - boolean debug)
        e - The event to get information to. This is always null if debug == false.
        debug - If true this should print more information, if false this should print what is shown to the end user
        String representation of this object
      • -
    • -
    - -
    - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/hooks/regions/conditions/package-summary.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/hooks/regions/conditions/package-summary.html deleted file mode 100644 index 6622417b12..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/hooks/regions/conditions/package-summary.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,104 +0,0 @@ - - - - -ch.njol.skript.hooks.regions.conditions (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -

    Package ch.njol.skript.hooks.regions.conditions

    @NonNullByDefault({PARAMETER,RETURN_TYPE,FIELD}) -package ch.njol.skript.hooks.regions.conditions
    - -
    - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/hooks/regions/conditions/package-tree.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/hooks/regions/conditions/package-tree.html deleted file mode 100644 index bc2aa8dc6d..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/hooks/regions/conditions/package-tree.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,85 +0,0 @@ - - - - -ch.njol.skript.hooks.regions.conditions Class Hierarchy (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -

    Hierarchy For Package ch.njol.skript.hooks.regions.conditions

    -Package Hierarchies: - -

    Class Hierarchy

    - -
    - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/hooks/regions/events/EvtRegionBorder.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/hooks/regions/events/EvtRegionBorder.html deleted file mode 100644 index 3cd4b4f5b2..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/hooks/regions/events/EvtRegionBorder.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,299 +0,0 @@ - - - - -EvtRegionBorder (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -
    - -
    - -

    Class EvtRegionBorder

    java.lang.Object -
    org.skriptlang.skript.lang.structure.Structure -
    ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptEvent -
    All Implemented Interfaces:
    Debuggable, SyntaxElement
    public class EvtRegionBorder -extends SkriptEvent
    - -
      - -
    • -

      Constructor Details

      • -


        public EvtRegionBorder()
      • -
    • - -
    • -

      Method Details

      • -


        public boolean init(Literal<?>[] args, - int matchedPattern, - SkriptParser.ParseResult parseResult)
        Description copied from class: SkriptEvent
        Called just after the constructor
        Specified by:
        init in class SkriptEvent
      • -
      • -


        public boolean postLoad()
        Description copied from class: SkriptEvent
        This method handles the registration of this event with Skript and Bukkit. - Only override this method if you know what you are doing!
        postLoad in class SkriptEvent
        Whether postLoading was successful. An error should be printed prior to returning false to specify the cause.
      • -
      • -


        public void unload()
        Description copied from class: SkriptEvent
        This method handles the unregistration of this event with Skript and Bukkit. - Only override this method if you know what you are doing!
        unload in class SkriptEvent
      • -
      • -


        public boolean check(org.bukkit.event.Event event)
        Description copied from class: SkriptEvent
        Checks whether the given Event applies, e.g. the leftclick event is only part of the PlayerInteractEvent, and this checks whether the player leftclicked or not. This method - will only be called for events this SkriptEvent is registered for.
        Specified by:
        check in class SkriptEvent
        true if this is SkriptEvent is represented by the Bukkit Event or false if not
      • -
      • -


        public boolean isEventPrioritySupported()
        isEventPrioritySupported in class SkriptEvent
        whether this SkriptEvent supports event priorities
      • -
      • -


        public String toString(@Nullable org.bukkit.event.Event event, - boolean debug)
        event - The event to get information to. This is always null if debug == false.
        debug - If true this should print more information, if false this should print what is shown to the end user
        String representation of this object
      • -
    • -
    - -
    - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/hooks/regions/events/RegionBorderEvent.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/hooks/regions/events/RegionBorderEvent.html deleted file mode 100644 index 50028314e3..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/hooks/regions/events/RegionBorderEvent.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,247 +0,0 @@ - - - - -RegionBorderEvent (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -
    - -
    - -

    Class RegionBorderEvent

    java.lang.Object -
    org.bukkit.event.Event -
    All Implemented Interfaces:
    public class RegionBorderEvent -extends org.bukkit.event.Event -implements org.bukkit.event.Cancellable
      - -
    • -

      Nested Class Summary


      Nested classes/interfaces inherited from class org.bukkit.event.Event

    • - -
    • -

      Constructor Summary

      RegionBorderEvent(Region region, - org.bukkit.entity.Player player, - boolean enter)
    • - -
    • -

      Method Summary

      Modifier and Type
      static org.bukkit.event.HandlerList
      - -
      - -
      - -
      - - -
      - -
      - -
      setCancelled(boolean cancel)

      Methods inherited from class org.bukkit.event.Event

      -callEvent, getEventName, isAsynchronous

      Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

      -clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
    • -
      - -
    • -

      Constructor Details

      • -


        public RegionBorderEvent(Region region, - org.bukkit.entity.Player player, - boolean enter)
      • -
    • - -
    • -

      Method Details

      • -


        public boolean isEntering()
      • -
      • -


        public Region getRegion()
      • -
      • -


        public org.bukkit.entity.Player getPlayer()
      • -
      • -


        public boolean isCancelled()
        Specified by:
        isCancelled in interface org.bukkit.event.Cancellable
      • -
      • -


        public void setCancelled(boolean cancel)
        Specified by:
        setCancelled in interface org.bukkit.event.Cancellable
      • -
      • -


        public org.bukkit.event.HandlerList getHandlers()
        Specified by:
        getHandlers in class org.bukkit.event.Event
      • -
      • -


        public static org.bukkit.event.HandlerList getHandlerList()
      • -
    • -
    - -
    - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/hooks/regions/events/package-summary.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/hooks/regions/events/package-summary.html deleted file mode 100644 index f7d4900fce..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/hooks/regions/events/package-summary.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,102 +0,0 @@ - - - - -ch.njol.skript.hooks.regions.events (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -

    Package ch.njol.skript.hooks.regions.events

    @NonNullByDefault({PARAMETER,RETURN_TYPE,FIELD}) -package ch.njol.skript.hooks.regions.events
    - -
    - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/hooks/regions/events/package-tree.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/hooks/regions/events/package-tree.html deleted file mode 100644 index e4a3a80abb..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/hooks/regions/events/package-tree.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,84 +0,0 @@ - - - - -ch.njol.skript.hooks.regions.events Class Hierarchy (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -

    Hierarchy For Package ch.njol.skript.hooks.regions.events

    -Package Hierarchies: - -

    Class Hierarchy

    - -
    - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/hooks/regions/expressions/ExprBlocksInRegion.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/hooks/regions/expressions/ExprBlocksInRegion.html deleted file mode 100644 index affca4e2ef..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/hooks/regions/expressions/ExprBlocksInRegion.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,298 +0,0 @@ - - - - -ExprBlocksInRegion (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -
    - -
    - -

    Class ExprBlocksInRegion

    java.lang.Object -
    ch.njol.skript.lang.util.SimpleExpression<org.bukkit.block.Block> -
    All Implemented Interfaces:
    Debuggable, Expression<org.bukkit.block.Block>, SyntaxElement
    @Name("Blocks in Region") -@Description({"All blocks in a <a href=\'./classes.html#region\'>region</a>.","This expression requires a supported regions plugin to be installed."}) -@Examples({"loop all blocks in the region {arena.%{faction.%player%}%}:","\tclear the loop-block"}) -@Since("2.1") -@RequiredPlugins("Supported regions plugin") -public class ExprBlocksInRegion -extends SimpleExpression<org.bukkit.block.Block>
    - -
      - -
    • -

      Constructor Details

      • -


        public ExprBlocksInRegion()
      • -
    • - -
    • -

      Method Details

      • -


        public boolean init(Expression<?>[] exprs, - int matchedPattern, - Kleenean isDelayed, - SkriptParser.ParseResult parseResult)
        Description copied from interface: SyntaxElement
        Called just after the constructor.
        exprs - all %expr%s included in the matching pattern in the order they appear in the pattern. If an optional value was left out it will still be included in this list - holding the default value of the desired type which usually depends on the event.
        matchedPattern - The index of the pattern which matched
        isDelayed - Whether this expression is used after a delay or not (i.e. if the event has already passed when this expression will be called)
        parseResult - Additional information about the match.
        Whether this expression was initialised successfully. An error should be printed prior to returning false to specify the cause.
        See Also:
        - -
      • -
      • -


        protected org.bukkit.block.Block[] get(org.bukkit.event.Event e)
        Description copied from class: SimpleExpression
        This is the internal method to get an expression's values.
        - To get the expression's value from the outside use SimpleExpression.getSingle(Event) or SimpleExpression.getArray(Event).
        Specified by:
        get in class SimpleExpression<org.bukkit.block.Block>
        e - The event
        An array of values for this event. May not contain nulls.
      • -
      • -


        public @NonNull Iterator<org.bukkit.block.Block> iterator(org.bukkit.event.Event e)
        Description copied from interface: Expression
        Returns the same as Expression.getArray(Event) but as an iterator. This method should be overriden by expressions intended to be looped to increase performance.
        Specified by:
        iterator in interface Expression<org.bukkit.block.Block>
        iterator in class SimpleExpression<org.bukkit.block.Block>
        e - The event
        An iterator to iterate over all values of this expression which may be empty and/or null, but must not return null elements.
      • -
      • -


        public boolean isSingle()
        true if this expression will ever only return one value at most, false if it can return multiple values.
      • -
      • -


        public Class<? extends org.bukkit.block.Block> getReturnType()
        Description copied from interface: Expression
        Gets the return type of this expression.
        A supertype of any objects returned by Expression.getSingle(Event) and the component type of any arrays returned by Expression.getArray(Event)
      • -
      • -


        public String toString(@Nullable org.bukkit.event.Event e, - boolean debug)
        e - The event to get information to. This is always null if debug == false.
        debug - If true this should print more information, if false this should print what is shown to the end user
        String representation of this object
      • -
    • -
    - -
    - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/hooks/regions/expressions/ExprMembersOfRegion.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/hooks/regions/expressions/ExprMembersOfRegion.html deleted file mode 100644 index 64908e55fb..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/hooks/regions/expressions/ExprMembersOfRegion.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,275 +0,0 @@ - - - - -ExprMembersOfRegion (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -
    - -
    - -

    Class ExprMembersOfRegion

    java.lang.Object -
    ch.njol.skript.lang.util.SimpleExpression<org.bukkit.OfflinePlayer> -
    All Implemented Interfaces:
    Debuggable, Expression<org.bukkit.OfflinePlayer>, SyntaxElement
    @Name("Region Members & Owners") -@Description({"A list of members or owners of a <a href=\'./classes.html#region\'>region</a>.","This expression requires a supported regions plugin to be installed."}) -@Examples({"on entering of a region:","\tmessage \"You\'re entering %region% whose owners are %owners of region%\""}) -@Since("2.1") -@RequiredPlugins("Supported regions plugin") -public class ExprMembersOfRegion -extends SimpleExpression<org.bukkit.OfflinePlayer>
    - -
      - -
    • -

      Constructor Details

      • -


        public ExprMembersOfRegion()
      • -
    • - -
    • -

      Method Details

      • -


        public boolean init(Expression<?>[] exprs, - int matchedPattern, - Kleenean isDelayed, - SkriptParser.ParseResult parseResult)
        Description copied from interface: SyntaxElement
        Called just after the constructor.
        exprs - all %expr%s included in the matching pattern in the order they appear in the pattern. If an optional value was left out it will still be included in this list - holding the default value of the desired type which usually depends on the event.
        matchedPattern - The index of the pattern which matched
        isDelayed - Whether this expression is used after a delay or not (i.e. if the event has already passed when this expression will be called)
        parseResult - Additional information about the match.
        Whether this expression was initialised successfully. An error should be printed prior to returning false to specify the cause.
        See Also:
        - -
      • -
      • -


        protected org.bukkit.OfflinePlayer[] get(org.bukkit.event.Event e)
        Description copied from class: SimpleExpression
        This is the internal method to get an expression's values.
        - To get the expression's value from the outside use SimpleExpression.getSingle(Event) or SimpleExpression.getArray(Event).
        Specified by:
        get in class SimpleExpression<org.bukkit.OfflinePlayer>
        e - The event
        An array of values for this event. May not contain nulls.
      • -
      • -


        public boolean isSingle()
        true if this expression will ever only return one value at most, false if it can return multiple values.
      • -
      • -


        public Class<? extends org.bukkit.OfflinePlayer> getReturnType()
        Description copied from interface: Expression
        Gets the return type of this expression.
        A supertype of any objects returned by Expression.getSingle(Event) and the component type of any arrays returned by Expression.getArray(Event)
      • -
      • -


        public String toString(@Nullable org.bukkit.event.Event e, - boolean debug)
        e - The event to get information to. This is always null if debug == false.
        debug - If true this should print more information, if false this should print what is shown to the end user
        String representation of this object
      • -
    • -
    - -
    - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/hooks/regions/expressions/ExprRegion.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/hooks/regions/expressions/ExprRegion.html deleted file mode 100644 index 49f1d37470..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/hooks/regions/expressions/ExprRegion.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,199 +0,0 @@ - - - - -ExprRegion (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -
    - -
    - -

    Class ExprRegion

    - -
    All Implemented Interfaces:
    Debuggable, DefaultExpression<Region>, Expression<Region>, SyntaxElement
    @Name("Region") -@Description({"The <a href=\'./classes.html#region\'>region</a> involved in an event.","This expression requires a supported regions plugin to be installed."}) -@Examples({"on region enter:","\tregion is {forbidden region}","\tcancel the event"}) -@Since("2.1") -@RequiredPlugins("Supported regions plugin") -public class ExprRegion -extends EventValueExpression<Region>
    - -
      - -
    • -

      Constructor Details

      • -


        public ExprRegion()
      • -
    • - -
    • -

      Method Details

      • -


        public String toString(@Nullable org.bukkit.event.Event e, - boolean debug)
        Specified by:
        toString in interface Debuggable
        toString in class EventValueExpression<Region>
        e - The event to get information to. This is always null if debug == false.
        debug - If true this should print more information, if false this should print what is shown to the end user
        String representation of this object
      • -
    • -
    - -
    - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/hooks/regions/expressions/ExprRegionsAt.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/hooks/regions/expressions/ExprRegionsAt.html deleted file mode 100644 index 6c8c1fea1b..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/hooks/regions/expressions/ExprRegionsAt.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,275 +0,0 @@ - - - - -ExprRegionsAt (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -
    - -
    - -

    Class ExprRegionsAt

    java.lang.Object -
    ch.njol.skript.lang.util.SimpleExpression<Region> -
    All Implemented Interfaces:
    Debuggable, Expression<Region>, SyntaxElement
    @Name("Regions At") -@Description({"All <a href=\'./classes.html#region\'>regions</a> at a particular <a href=\'./classes/#location\'>location</a>.","This expression requires a supported regions plugin to be installed."}) -@Examples({"On click on a sign:","\tline 1 of the clicked block is \"[region info]\"","\tset {_regions::*} to regions at the clicked block","\tif {_regions::*} is empty:","\t\tmessage \"No regions exist at this sign.\"","\telse:","\t\tmessage \"Regions containing this sign: &lt;gold&gt;%{_regions::*}%<r>.\""}) -@Since("2.1") -@RequiredPlugins("Supported regions plugin") -public class ExprRegionsAt -extends SimpleExpression<Region>
    - -
      - -
    • -

      Constructor Details

      • -


        public ExprRegionsAt()
      • -
    • - -
    • -

      Method Details

      • -


        public boolean init(Expression<?>[] exprs, - int matchedPattern, - Kleenean isDelayed, - SkriptParser.ParseResult parseResult)
        Description copied from interface: SyntaxElement
        Called just after the constructor.
        exprs - all %expr%s included in the matching pattern in the order they appear in the pattern. If an optional value was left out it will still be included in this list - holding the default value of the desired type which usually depends on the event.
        matchedPattern - The index of the pattern which matched
        isDelayed - Whether this expression is used after a delay or not (i.e. if the event has already passed when this expression will be called)
        parseResult - Additional information about the match.
        Whether this expression was initialised successfully. An error should be printed prior to returning false to specify the cause.
        See Also:
        - -
      • -
      • -


        protected @Nullable Region[] get(org.bukkit.event.Event e)
        Description copied from class: SimpleExpression
        This is the internal method to get an expression's values.
        - To get the expression's value from the outside use SimpleExpression.getSingle(Event) or SimpleExpression.getArray(Event).
        Specified by:
        get in class SimpleExpression<Region>
        e - The event
        An array of values for this event. May not contain nulls.
      • -
      • -


        public boolean isSingle()
        true if this expression will ever only return one value at most, false if it can return multiple values.
      • -
      • -


        public Class<? extends Region> getReturnType()
        Description copied from interface: Expression
        Gets the return type of this expression.
        A supertype of any objects returned by Expression.getSingle(Event) and the component type of any arrays returned by Expression.getArray(Event)
      • -
      • -


        public String toString(@Nullable org.bukkit.event.Event e, - boolean debug)
        e - The event to get information to. This is always null if debug == false.
        debug - If true this should print more information, if false this should print what is shown to the end user
        String representation of this object
      • -
    • -
    - -
    - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/hooks/regions/expressions/package-summary.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/hooks/regions/expressions/package-summary.html deleted file mode 100644 index a62a7fed42..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/hooks/regions/expressions/package-summary.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,106 +0,0 @@ - - - - -ch.njol.skript.hooks.regions.expressions (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -

    Package ch.njol.skript.hooks.regions.expressions

    @NonNullByDefault({PARAMETER,RETURN_TYPE,FIELD}) -package ch.njol.skript.hooks.regions.expressions
    - -
    - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/hooks/regions/expressions/package-tree.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/hooks/regions/expressions/package-tree.html deleted file mode 100644 index 96074e7d35..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/hooks/regions/expressions/package-tree.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,82 +0,0 @@ - - - - -ch.njol.skript.hooks.regions.expressions Class Hierarchy (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -

    Hierarchy For Package ch.njol.skript.hooks.regions.expressions

    -Package Hierarchies: - -

    Class Hierarchy

    - -
    - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/hooks/regions/package-summary.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/hooks/regions/package-summary.html deleted file mode 100644 index cbcd97824a..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/hooks/regions/package-summary.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,114 +0,0 @@ - - - - -ch.njol.skript.hooks.regions (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -

    Package ch.njol.skript.hooks.regions

    @NonNullByDefault({PARAMETER,RETURN_TYPE,FIELD}) -package ch.njol.skript.hooks.regions
    - -
    - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/hooks/regions/package-tree.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/hooks/regions/package-tree.html deleted file mode 100644 index 8f3dda4950..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/hooks/regions/package-tree.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,90 +0,0 @@ - - - - -ch.njol.skript.hooks.regions Class Hierarchy (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -

    Hierarchy For Package ch.njol.skript.hooks.regions

    -Package Hierarchies: - -

    Class Hierarchy

    - -
    - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/lang/Condition.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/lang/Condition.html index 402c35231b..a730e55fc1 100644 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/lang/Condition.html +++ b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/lang/Condition.html @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ -Condition (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) +Condition (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-235b97a API) @@ -83,10 +83,6 @@

    Class Condition

    All Implemented Interfaces:
    Debuggable, SyntaxElement
    Direct Known Subclasses:
    CondAlphanumeric, CondAnchorWorks, CondCanBuild, CondCancelled, CondCanHold, CondCanSee, CondChance, CondCompare, CondContains, CondDamageCause, CondDate, CondHasItemCooldown, CondHasLineOfSight, CondHasMetadata, CondHasPotion, CondHasScoreboardTag, CondIncendiary, CondIsBlockRedstonePowered, CondIsEnchanted, CondIsLoaded, CondIsMember, CondIsOfType, CondIsPluginEnabled, CondIsPreferredTool, CondIsRiding, CondIsSet, CondIsWearing, CondIsWhitelisted, CondIsWithin, CondItemInHand, CondMatches, CondMinecraftVersion, CondPermission, CondPlayedBefore, CondPvP, CondRegionContains, CondResourcePack, CondRespawnLocation, CondScriptLoaded, CondStartsEndsWith, CondWillHatch, CondWithinRadius, PropertyCondition

    public abstract class Condition extends Statement
    diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/lang/Debuggable.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/lang/Debuggable.html index f50fdbb9fb..3a613b43a3 100644 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/lang/Debuggable.html +++ b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/lang/Debuggable.html @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ -Debuggable (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) +Debuggable (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-235b97a API) @@ -78,7 +78,7 @@

    Interface Debuggable

    All Known Implementing Classes:
    AsyncEffect, ClassInfo, CondAI, CondAlphanumeric, CondAnchorWorks, CondCanBuild, CondCancelled, CondCanFly, CondCanHold, CondCanPickUpItems, CondCanSee, CondChance, CondCompare, CondContains, CondDamageCause, CondDate, CondEntityIsInLiquid, CondEntityIsWet, CondHasClientWeather, CondHasCustomModelData, CondHasItemCooldown, CondHasLineOfSight, CondHasMetadata, CondHasPotion, CondHasResourcePack, CondHasScoreboardTag, CondIgnitionProcess, CondIncendiary, CondIsAlive, CondIsBanned, CondIsBlock, CondIsBlocking, CondIsBlockRedstonePowered, CondIsBurning, CondIsCharged, CondIsClimbing, CondIsEdible, CondIsEmpty, CondIsEnchanted, CondIsFlammable, CondIsFlying, CondIsFrozen, CondIsFuel, CondIsGliding, CondIsInteractable, CondIsInvisible, CondIsInvulnerable, CondIsJumping, CondIsLeftHanded, CondIsLoaded, CondIsMember, CondIsOccluding, CondIsOfType, CondIsOnGround, CondIsOnline, CondIsOp, CondIsPassable, CondIsPluginEnabled, CondIsPoisoned, CondIsPreferredTool, CondIsRiding, CondIsRiptiding, CondIsSet, CondIsSilent, CondIsSkriptCommand, CondIsSleeping, CondIsSlimeChunk, CondIsSneaking, CondIsSolid, CondIsSprinting, CondIsStackable, CondIsSwimming, CondIsTameable, CondIsTransparent, CondIsUnbreakable, CondIsValid, CondIsVectorNormalized, CondIsWearing, CondIsWhitelisted, CondIsWithin, CondItemInHand, Condition, CondLeashed, CondMatches, CondMethodExists, CondMinecraftVersion, CondPermission, CondPlayedBefore, CondProjectileCanBounce, CondPvP, CondRegionContains, CondResourcePack, CondRespawnLocation, CondScriptLoaded, CondStartsEndsWith, CondWillHatch, CondWithinRadius, ContainerExpression, ConvertedExpression, ConvertedLiteral, Converter.ConverterInfo, CursorSlot, Delay, DroppedItemSlot, EffActionBar, EffAssert, EffBan, EffBreakNaturally, EffBroadcast, EffCancelCooldown, EffCancelDrops, EffCancelEvent, EffChange, EffChargeCreeper, EffColorItems, EffCommand, EffConnect, EffContinue, EffDebug, EffDoIf, EffDrop, Effect, EffectSection, EffectSectionEffect, EffEnchant, EffEquip, EffExceptionDebug, EffExit, EffExplodeCreeper, EffExplosion, EffFeed, EffFireworkLaunch, EffForceAttack, EffFunctionCall, EffHandedness, EffHealth, EffHidePlayerFromServerList, EffIgnite, EffIncendiary, EffInvisible, EffInvulnerability, EffKeepInventory, EffKick, EffKill, EffKnockback, EffLeash, EffLightning, EffLoadServerIcon, EffLog, EffLook, EffMakeEggHatch, EffMakeFly, EffMakeSay, EffMessage, EffObjectives, EffOp, EffOpenBook, EffOpenInventory, EffPathfind, EffPlayerInfoVisibility, EffPlayerVisibility, EffPlaySound, EffPoison, EffPotion, EffPush, EffPvP, EffReplace, EffResetTitle, EffRespawn, EffReturn, EffScriptFile, EffSecSpawn, EffSendBlockChange, EffSendResourcePack, EffSendTitle, EffShear, EffShoot, EffSilence, EffStopServer, EffStopSound, EffSuppressWarnings, EffSwingHand, EffTeleport, EffToggle, EffToggleCanPickUpItems, EffToggleFlight, EffTree, EffVectorRotateAroundAnother, EffVectorRotateXYZ, EffVehicle, EffVisualEffect, EnumClassInfo, EquipmentSlot, EventValueExpression, EvtAtTime, EvtBlock, EvtBookEdit, EvtBookSign, EvtClick, EvtCommand, EvtDamage, EvtEntity, EvtEntityBlockChange, EvtEntityTarget, EvtExperienceChange, EvtExperienceSpawn, EvtFirework, EvtFirstJoin, EvtGameMode, EvtGrow, EvtItem, EvtLevel, EvtMove, EvtMoveOn, EvtPeriodical, EvtPlantGrowth, EvtPlayerChunkEnter, EvtPressurePlate, EvtRegionBorder, EvtResourcePackResponse, EvtScript, EvtSkript, EvtSpectate, EvtTestCase, EvtWeatherChange, ExprAbsorbedBlocks, ExprAffectedEntities, ExprAge, ExprAI, ExprAllBannedEntries, ExprAllCommands, ExprAllGroups, ExprAlphabetList, ExprAltitude, ExprAmount, ExprAmountOfItems, ExprAnvilRepairCost, ExprAnvilText, ExprAppliedEnchantments, ExprArgument, ExprArithmetic, ExprArmorSlot, ExprArrowKnockbackStrength, ExprArrowPierceLevel, ExprArrowsStuck, ExprAttachedBlock, ExprAttackCooldown, ExprAttacked, ExprAttacker, ExprBalance, ExprBed, ExprBiome, ExprBlock, ExprBlockData, ExprBlockHardness, ExprBlocks, ExprBlocksInRegion, ExprBlockSphere, ExprBookAuthor, ExprBookPages, ExprBookTitle, ExprBreakSpeed, ExprBurnCookTime, ExprCharges, ExprChatFormat, ExprChatRecipients, ExprChestInventory, ExprChunk, ExprClicked, ExprClientViewDistance, ExprCmdCooldownInfo, ExprColorOf, ExprColoured, ExprCommand, ExprCommandInfo, ExprCommandSender, ExprCompassTarget, ExprCoordinate, ExprCreeperMaxFuseTicks, ExprCursorSlot, ExprCustomModelData, ExprDamage, ExprDamageCause, ExprDamagedItem, ExprDateAgoLater, ExprDefaultValue, ExprDifference, ExprDifficulty, ExprDirection, ExprDistance, ExprDrops, ExprDropsOfBlock, ExprDurability, ExprEgg, ExprElement, ExprEnchantingExpCost, ExprEnchantItem, ExprEnchantmentBonus, ExprEnchantmentLevel, ExprEnchantmentOffer, ExprEnchantmentOfferCost, ExprEnchantments, ExprEnderChest, ExprEntities, ExprEntity, ExprEntityAttribute, ExprEntityTamer, ExpressionList, ExprEventCancelled, ExprEventExpression, ExprEvtInitiator, ExprExhaustion, ExprExperience, ExprExplodedBlocks, ExprExplosionBlockYield, ExprExplosionYield, ExprExplosiveYield, ExprEyeLocation, ExprFacing, ExprFallDistance, ExprFertilizedBlocks, ExprFilter, ExprFilter.ExprInput, ExprFinalDamage, ExprFireTicks, ExprFireworkEffect, ExprFlightMode, ExprFoodLevel, ExprFormatDate, ExprFreezeTicks, ExprFunctionCall, ExprFurnaceSlot, ExprGameMode, ExprGameRule, ExprGlidingState, ExprGlowing, ExprGravity, ExprGroup, ExprHanging, ExprHash, ExprHatchingNumber, ExprHatchingType, ExprHealAmount, ExprHealReason, ExprHealth, ExprHiddenPlayers, ExprHighestSolidBlock, ExprHostname, ExprHotbarButton, ExprHotbarSlot, ExprHoverList, ExprHumidity, ExprIndexOf, ExprIndices, ExprInventory, ExprInventoryAction, ExprInventoryCloseReason, ExprInventoryInfo, ExprInventorySlot, ExprIP, ExprItem, ExprItemAmount, ExprItemCooldown, ExprItemFrameSlot, ExprItems, ExprItemsIn, ExprItemWithCustomModelData, ExprItemWithLore, ExprJoinSplit, ExprJUnitTest, ExprLanguage, ExprLastAttacker, ExprLastColor, ExprLastDamage, ExprLastDamageCause, ExprLastLoadedServerIcon, ExprLastLoginTime, ExprLastResourcePackResponse, ExprLastSpawnedEntity, ExprLeashHolder, ExprLength, ExprLevel, ExprLevelProgress, ExprLightLevel, ExprLocation, ExprLocationAt, ExprLocationFromVector, ExprLocationOf, ExprLocationVectorOffset, ExprLoopIteration, ExprLoopValue, ExprLoot, ExprLore, ExprMaxDurability, ExprMaxFreezeTicks, ExprMaxHealth, ExprMaxMinecartSpeed, ExprMaxPlayers, ExprMaxStack, ExprMe, ExprMembersOfRegion, ExprMendingRepairAmount, ExprMessage, ExprMetadata, ExprMiddleOfLocation, ExprMinecartDerailedFlyingVelocity, ExprMoonPhase, ExprMOTD, ExprName, ExprNamed, ExprNearestEntity, ExprNoDamageTicks, ExprNow, ExprNumberOfCharacters, ExprNumbers, ExprOfflinePlayers, ExprOnlinePlayersCount, ExprOpenedInventory, ExprOps, ExprParse, ExprParseError, ExprPassenger, ExprPermissions, ExprPickupDelay, ExprPing, ExprPlain, ExprPlayerlistHeaderFooter, ExprPlayerProtocolVersion, ExprPlayerViewDistance, ExprPlayerWeather, ExprPlugins, ExprPortal, ExprPortalCooldown, ExprPotionEffect, ExprPotionEffects, ExprPotionEffectTier, ExprPrefixSuffix, ExprProjectileBounceState, ExprProjectileCriticalState, ExprProtocolVersion, ExprPushedBlocks, ExprQuitReason, ExprRandom, ExprRandomNumber, ExprRandomUUID, ExprRawName, ExprRawString, ExprRedstoneBlockPower, ExprRegion, ExprRegionsAt, ExprRemainingAir, ExprRespawnLocation, ExprReversedList, ExprRound, ExprSaturation, ExprScoreboardTags, ExprScript, ExprScripts, ExprSeaLevel, ExprSeaPickles, ExprSeed, ExprServerIcon, ExprSets, ExprShooter, ExprShuffledList, ExprSignText, ExprSkull, ExprSlotIndex, ExprSortedList, ExprSourceBlock, ExprSpawn, ExprSpawnerType, ExprSpawnReason, ExprSpecialNumber, ExprSpectatorTarget, ExprSpeed, ExprStringCase, ExprSubstring, ExprTamer, ExprTarget, ExprTargetedBlock, ExprTeleportCause, ExprTemperature, ExprTernary, ExprTime, ExprTimePlayed, ExprTimes, ExprTimeSince, ExprTimeState, ExprTool, ExprTotalExperience, ExprTPS, ExprTypeOf, ExprUnbreakable, ExprUnixDate, ExprUnixTicks, ExprUUID, ExprValue, ExprValueWithin, ExprVectorAngleBetween, ExprVectorArithmetic, ExprVectorBetweenLocations, ExprVectorCrossProduct, ExprVectorCylindrical, ExprVectorDotProduct, ExprVectorFromDirection, ExprVectorFromXYZ, ExprVectorFromYawAndPitch, ExprVectorLength, ExprVectorNormalize, ExprVectorOfLocation, ExprVectorProjection, ExprVectorRandom, ExprVectorSpherical, ExprVectorSquaredLength, ExprVectorXYZ, ExprVehicle, ExprVelocity, ExprVersion, ExprVersionString, ExprWeather, ExprWhitelist, ExprWorld, ExprWorldEnvironment, ExprWorldFromName, ExprWorlds, ExprXOf, ExprYawPitch, IndeterminateDelay, InventorySlot, ItemFrameSlot, LitAt, LitConsole, LiteralList, LitNewLine, LitPi, LoopSection, PropertyCondition, PropertyExpression, SecConditional, SecLoop, Section, SectionSkriptEvent, SecWhile, SelfRegisteringSkriptEvent, SimpleEvent, SimpleExpression, SimpleLiteral, SimplePropertyExpression, SkriptEvent, Slot, Slot, SlotWithIndex, Statement, StructAliases, StructCommand, StructFunction, StructOptions, Structure, StructVariables, ThrowableProjectileSlot, Trigger, TriggerItem, TriggerSection, UnparsedLiteral, Variable, VariableString, WrapperExpression
    AsyncEffect, ClassInfo, Condition, ContainerExpression, ConvertedExpression, ConvertedLiteral, Converter.ConverterInfo, CursorSlot, DroppedItemSlot, Effect, EffectSection, EffectSectionEffect, EnumClassInfo, EquipmentSlot, ExpressionList, InventorySlot, ItemFrameSlot, LiteralList, LoopSection, Section, SectionSkriptEvent, SelfRegisteringSkriptEvent, SimpleEvent, SimpleExpression, SimpleLiteral, SkriptEvent, Slot, Slot, SlotWithIndex, Statement, Structure, ThrowableProjectileSlot, Trigger, TriggerItem, TriggerSection, UnparsedLiteral, Variable, VariableString

    public interface Debuggable
    diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/lang/DefaultExpression.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/lang/DefaultExpression.html index 35a20645f2..5065899dc2 100644 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/lang/DefaultExpression.html +++ b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/lang/DefaultExpression.html @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ -DefaultExpression (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) +DefaultExpression (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-235b97a API) @@ -78,7 +78,7 @@

    Interface DefaultExpressio
    All Known Implementing Classes:
    EventValueExpression, ExprCommandSender, ExprDamageCause, ExprEgg, ExprEvtInitiator, ExprInventoryAction, ExprInventoryCloseReason, ExprItem, ExprQuitReason, ExprRegion, ExprSpawnReason, ExprTeleportCause, LitAt, LitConsole, LitNewLine, LitPi, SimpleLiteral

    public interface DefaultExpression<T> diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/lang/Effect.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/lang/Effect.html index 38e4d81325..336c2dbef9 100644 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/lang/Effect.html +++ b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/lang/Effect.html @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ -Effect (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) +Effect (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-235b97a API) @@ -85,7 +85,7 @@

    Class Effect

    Direct Known Subclasses:
    AsyncEffect, Delay, EffActionBar, EffAssert, EffBan, EffBreakNaturally, EffBroadcast, EffCancelCooldown, EffCancelDrops, EffCancelEvent, EffChange, EffChargeCreeper, EffColorItems, EffCommand, EffConnect, EffContinue, EffDebug, EffDoIf, EffDrop, EffectSectionEffect, EffEnchant, EffEquip, EffExceptionDebug, EffExit, EffExplodeCreeper, EffExplosion, EffFeed, EffFireworkLaunch, EffForceAttack, EffFunctionCall, EffHandedness, EffHealth, EffHidePlayerFromServerList, EffIgnite, EffIncendiary, EffInvisible, EffInvulnerability, EffKeepInventory, EffKick, EffKill, EffKnockback, EffLeash, EffLightning, EffLog, EffLook, EffMakeEggHatch, EffMakeFly, EffMakeSay, EffMessage, EffObjectives, EffOp, EffOpenBook, EffOpenInventory, EffPathfind, EffPlayerInfoVisibility, EffPlayerVisibility, EffPlaySound, EffPoison, EffPotion, EffPush, EffPvP, EffReplace, EffResetTitle, EffRespawn, EffReturn, EffScriptFile, EffSendBlockChange, EffSendResourcePack, EffSendTitle, EffShear, EffShoot, EffSilence, EffStopServer, EffStopSound, EffSuppressWarnings, EffSwingHand, EffTeleport, EffToggle, EffToggleCanPickUpItems, EffToggleFlight, EffTree, EffVectorRotateAroundAnother, EffVectorRotateXYZ, EffVehicle, EffVisualEffect
    AsyncEffect, EffectSectionEffect

    public abstract class Effect diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/lang/EffectSection.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/lang/EffectSection.html index 7d7f9f9900..c49dccecdb 100644 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/lang/EffectSection.html +++ b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/lang/EffectSection.html @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ -EffectSection (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) +EffectSection (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-235b97a API) @@ -85,10 +85,6 @@

    Class EffectSection

    All Implemented Interfaces:
    Debuggable, SyntaxElement
    Direct Known Subclasses:

    public abstract class EffectSection extends Section
    diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/lang/EffectSectionEffect.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/lang/EffectSectionEffect.html index 7e691b6075..b05643ecf3 100644 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/lang/EffectSectionEffect.html +++ b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/lang/EffectSectionEffect.html @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ -EffectSectionEffect (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) +EffectSectionEffect (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-235b97a API) diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/lang/Expression.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/lang/Expression.html index c10710bcdb..a6307cbc95 100644 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/lang/Expression.html +++ b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/lang/Expression.html @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ -Expression (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) +Expression (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-235b97a API) @@ -82,7 +82,7 @@

    Interface Expression<T>

    All Known Implementing Classes:
    ContainerExpression, ConvertedExpression, ConvertedLiteral, EventValueExpression, ExprAbsorbedBlocks, ExprAffectedEntities, ExprAge, ExprAI, ExprAllBannedEntries, ExprAllCommands, ExprAllGroups, ExprAlphabetList, ExprAltitude, ExprAmount, ExprAmountOfItems, ExprAnvilRepairCost, ExprAnvilText, ExprAppliedEnchantments, ExprArgument, ExprArithmetic, ExprArmorSlot, ExprArrowKnockbackStrength, ExprArrowPierceLevel, ExprArrowsStuck, ExprAttachedBlock, ExprAttackCooldown, ExprAttacked, ExprAttacker, ExprBalance, ExprBed, ExprBiome, ExprBlock, ExprBlockData, ExprBlockHardness, ExprBlocks, ExprBlocksInRegion, ExprBlockSphere, ExprBookAuthor, ExprBookPages, ExprBookTitle, ExprBreakSpeed, ExprBurnCookTime, ExprCharges, ExprChatFormat, ExprChatRecipients, ExprChestInventory, ExprChunk, ExprClicked, ExprClientViewDistance, ExprCmdCooldownInfo, ExprColorOf, ExprColoured, ExprCommand, ExprCommandInfo, ExprCommandSender, ExprCompassTarget, ExprCoordinate, ExprCreeperMaxFuseTicks, ExprCursorSlot, ExprCustomModelData, ExprDamage, ExprDamageCause, ExprDamagedItem, ExprDateAgoLater, ExprDefaultValue, ExprDifference, ExprDifficulty, ExprDirection, ExprDistance, ExprDrops, ExprDropsOfBlock, ExprDurability, ExprEgg, ExprElement, ExprEnchantingExpCost, ExprEnchantItem, ExprEnchantmentBonus, ExprEnchantmentLevel, ExprEnchantmentOffer, ExprEnchantmentOfferCost, ExprEnchantments, ExprEnderChest, ExprEntities, ExprEntity, ExprEntityAttribute, ExprEntityTamer, ExpressionList, ExprEventCancelled, ExprEventExpression, ExprEvtInitiator, ExprExhaustion, ExprExperience, ExprExplodedBlocks, ExprExplosionBlockYield, ExprExplosionYield, ExprExplosiveYield, ExprEyeLocation, ExprFacing, ExprFallDistance, ExprFertilizedBlocks, ExprFilter, ExprFilter.ExprInput, ExprFinalDamage, ExprFireTicks, ExprFireworkEffect, ExprFlightMode, ExprFoodLevel, ExprFormatDate, ExprFreezeTicks, ExprFunctionCall, ExprFurnaceSlot, ExprGameMode, ExprGameRule, ExprGlidingState, ExprGlowing, ExprGravity, ExprGroup, ExprHanging, ExprHash, ExprHatchingNumber, ExprHatchingType, ExprHealAmount, ExprHealReason, ExprHealth, ExprHiddenPlayers, ExprHighestSolidBlock, ExprHostname, ExprHotbarButton, ExprHotbarSlot, ExprHoverList, ExprHumidity, ExprIndexOf, ExprIndices, ExprInventory, ExprInventoryAction, ExprInventoryCloseReason, ExprInventoryInfo, ExprInventorySlot, ExprIP, ExprItem, ExprItemAmount, ExprItemCooldown, ExprItemFrameSlot, ExprItems, ExprItemsIn, ExprItemWithCustomModelData, ExprItemWithLore, ExprJoinSplit, ExprJUnitTest, ExprLanguage, ExprLastAttacker, ExprLastColor, ExprLastDamage, ExprLastDamageCause, ExprLastLoadedServerIcon, ExprLastLoginTime, ExprLastResourcePackResponse, ExprLastSpawnedEntity, ExprLeashHolder, ExprLength, ExprLevel, ExprLevelProgress, ExprLightLevel, ExprLocation, ExprLocationAt, ExprLocationFromVector, ExprLocationOf, ExprLocationVectorOffset, ExprLoopIteration, ExprLoopValue, ExprLoot, ExprLore, ExprMaxDurability, ExprMaxFreezeTicks, ExprMaxHealth, ExprMaxMinecartSpeed, ExprMaxPlayers, ExprMaxStack, ExprMe, ExprMembersOfRegion, ExprMendingRepairAmount, ExprMessage, ExprMetadata, ExprMiddleOfLocation, ExprMinecartDerailedFlyingVelocity, ExprMoonPhase, ExprMOTD, ExprName, ExprNamed, ExprNearestEntity, ExprNoDamageTicks, ExprNow, ExprNumberOfCharacters, ExprNumbers, ExprOfflinePlayers, ExprOnlinePlayersCount, ExprOpenedInventory, ExprOps, ExprParse, ExprParseError, ExprPassenger, ExprPermissions, ExprPickupDelay, ExprPing, ExprPlain, ExprPlayerlistHeaderFooter, ExprPlayerProtocolVersion, ExprPlayerViewDistance, ExprPlayerWeather, ExprPlugins, ExprPortal, ExprPortalCooldown, ExprPotionEffect, ExprPotionEffects, ExprPotionEffectTier, ExprPrefixSuffix, ExprProjectileBounceState, ExprProjectileCriticalState, ExprProtocolVersion, ExprPushedBlocks, ExprQuitReason, ExprRandom, ExprRandomNumber, ExprRandomUUID, ExprRawName, ExprRawString, ExprRedstoneBlockPower, ExprRegion, ExprRegionsAt, ExprRemainingAir, ExprRespawnLocation, ExprReversedList, ExprRound, ExprSaturation, ExprScoreboardTags, ExprScript, ExprScripts, ExprSeaLevel, ExprSeaPickles, ExprSeed, ExprServerIcon, ExprSets, ExprShooter, ExprShuffledList, ExprSignText, ExprSkull, ExprSlotIndex, ExprSortedList, ExprSourceBlock, ExprSpawn, ExprSpawnerType, ExprSpawnReason, ExprSpecialNumber, ExprSpectatorTarget, ExprSpeed, ExprStringCase, ExprSubstring, ExprTamer, ExprTarget, ExprTargetedBlock, ExprTeleportCause, ExprTemperature, ExprTernary, ExprTime, ExprTimePlayed, ExprTimes, ExprTimeSince, ExprTimeState, ExprTool, ExprTotalExperience, ExprTPS, ExprTypeOf, ExprUnbreakable, ExprUnixDate, ExprUnixTicks, ExprUUID, ExprValue, ExprValueWithin, ExprVectorAngleBetween, ExprVectorArithmetic, ExprVectorBetweenLocations, ExprVectorCrossProduct, ExprVectorCylindrical, ExprVectorDotProduct, ExprVectorFromDirection, ExprVectorFromXYZ, ExprVectorFromYawAndPitch, ExprVectorLength, ExprVectorNormalize, ExprVectorOfLocation, ExprVectorProjection, ExprVectorRandom, ExprVectorSpherical, ExprVectorSquaredLength, ExprVectorXYZ, ExprVehicle, ExprVelocity, ExprVersion, ExprVersionString, ExprWeather, ExprWhitelist, ExprWorld, ExprWorldEnvironment, ExprWorldFromName, ExprWorlds, ExprXOf, ExprYawPitch, LitAt, LitConsole, LiteralList, LitNewLine, LitPi, PropertyExpression, SimpleExpression, SimpleLiteral, SimplePropertyExpression, UnparsedLiteral, Variable, VariableString, WrapperExpression
    ContainerExpression, ConvertedExpression, ConvertedLiteral, ExpressionList, LiteralList, SimpleExpression, SimpleLiteral, UnparsedLiteral, Variable, VariableString

    public interface Expression<T> @@ -435,7 +435,7 @@


    boolean getAnd()
    Returns true if this expression returns all possible values, false if it only returns some of them.

    - This method significantly influences check(Event, Checker), check(Event, Checker, boolean) and CondIsSet and thus breaks conditions that use this + This method significantly influences check(Event, Checker), check(Event, Checker, boolean) and CondIsSet and thus breaks conditions that use this expression if it returns a wrong value.

    This method must return true if this is a single expression. // TODO make this method irrelevant for single expressions

    diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/lang/ExpressionInfo.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/lang/ExpressionInfo.html index df528ab38c..2806aad7ce 100644 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/lang/ExpressionInfo.html +++ b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/lang/ExpressionInfo.html @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ -ExpressionInfo (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) +ExpressionInfo (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-235b97a API) diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/lang/ExpressionList.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/lang/ExpressionList.html index 12277c8433..32dcd1ade1 100644 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/lang/ExpressionList.html +++ b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/lang/ExpressionList.html @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ -ExpressionList (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) +ExpressionList (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-235b97a API) @@ -220,7 +220,7 @@

    Method Summary

    For use in CondCompare only.
    For use in CondCompare only.
    @@ -243,7 +243,7 @@

    Method Summary

    setAnd(boolean and)
    For use in CondCompare only.
    For use in CondCompare only.
    setTime(int time)
    @@ -556,7 +556,7 @@


    Description copied from interface: Expression
    Returns true if this expression returns all possible values, false if it only returns some of them.

    - This method significantly influences Expression.check(Event, Checker), Expression.check(Event, Checker, boolean) and CondIsSet and thus breaks conditions that use this + This method significantly influences Expression.check(Event, Checker), Expression.check(Event, Checker, boolean) and CondIsSet and thus breaks conditions that use this expression if it returns a wrong value.

    This method must return true if this is a single expression. // TODO make this method irrelevant for single expressions

    @@ -572,7 +572,7 @@



    public boolean setAnd(boolean and)
    For use in CondCompare only.
    For use in CondCompare only.
    The old 'and' value
    @@ -583,7 +583,7 @@



    public void invertAnd()
    For use in CondCompare only.
    For use in CondCompare only.
  • diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/lang/ExpressionType.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/lang/ExpressionType.html index 2cd18c4142..5fd2ba0d65 100644 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/lang/ExpressionType.html +++ b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/lang/ExpressionType.html @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ -ExpressionType (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) +ExpressionType (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-235b97a API) diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/lang/Literal.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/lang/Literal.html index 6e5a578207..b1a46107e1 100644 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/lang/Literal.html +++ b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/lang/Literal.html @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ -Literal (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) +Literal (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-235b97a API) @@ -78,7 +78,7 @@

    Interface Literal<T>

  • All Known Implementing Classes:
    ConvertedLiteral, LitAt, LitConsole, LiteralList, LitNewLine, LitPi, SimpleLiteral, UnparsedLiteral
    ConvertedLiteral, LiteralList, SimpleLiteral, UnparsedLiteral

    public interface Literal<T> diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/lang/LiteralList.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/lang/LiteralList.html index e01b5f93b2..041d9da302 100644 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/lang/LiteralList.html +++ b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/lang/LiteralList.html @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ -LiteralList (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) +LiteralList (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-235b97a API) diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/lang/LoopSection.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/lang/LoopSection.html index 2a34d30acc..b03d48e772 100644 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/lang/LoopSection.html +++ b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/lang/LoopSection.html @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ -LoopSection (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) +LoopSection (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-235b97a API) @@ -85,10 +85,6 @@

    Class LoopSection

    All Implemented Interfaces:
    Debuggable, SyntaxElement
    Direct Known Subclasses:
    SecLoop, SecWhile

    public abstract class LoopSection extends Section @@ -98,8 +94,8 @@

    Class LoopSection

    See Also:
    diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/lang/ParseContext.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/lang/ParseContext.html index 99d4a50b6a..fc5996b5df 100644 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/lang/ParseContext.html +++ b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/lang/ParseContext.html @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ -ParseContext (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) +ParseContext (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-235b97a API) diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/lang/Section.SectionContext.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/lang/Section.SectionContext.html index 1d53e0406d..87c3929a48 100644 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/lang/Section.SectionContext.html +++ b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/lang/Section.SectionContext.html @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ -Section.SectionContext (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) +Section.SectionContext (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-235b97a API) diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/lang/Section.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/lang/Section.html index b93277d796..ad086a56e9 100644 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/lang/Section.html +++ b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/lang/Section.html @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ -Section (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) +Section (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-235b97a API) @@ -85,7 +85,7 @@

    Class Section

    Direct Known Subclasses:
    EffectSection, LoopSection, SecConditional
    EffectSection, LoopSection

    public abstract class Section diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/lang/SectionSkriptEvent.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/lang/SectionSkriptEvent.html index 0a693ed4cb..5ce3c2fcba 100644 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/lang/SectionSkriptEvent.html +++ b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/lang/SectionSkriptEvent.html @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ -SectionSkriptEvent (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) +SectionSkriptEvent (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-235b97a API) @@ -174,7 +174,7 @@

    Method Summary

    +canExecuteAsynchronously, fixPattern, getEventClasses, getEventPriority, getPriority, init, isEventPrioritySupported, load, postLoad, postUnload, preLoad, shouldLoadEvent, unload

    Methods inherited from class org.skriptlang.skript.lang.structure.Structure

    getEntryContainer, init, parse, toString
    diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/lang/SelfRegisteringSkriptEvent.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/lang/SelfRegisteringSkriptEvent.html index 6d54ad6f8d..526b431eb3 100644 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/lang/SelfRegisteringSkriptEvent.html +++ b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/lang/SelfRegisteringSkriptEvent.html @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ -SelfRegisteringSkriptEvent (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) +SelfRegisteringSkriptEvent (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-235b97a API) @@ -203,7 +203,7 @@

    Method Summary

    Methods inherited from class ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptEvent

    -fixPattern, getEventClasses, getEventPriority, getPriority, init, init, postUnload, preLoad, shouldLoadEvent
    +canExecuteAsynchronously, fixPattern, getEventClasses, getEventPriority, getPriority, init, init, postUnload, preLoad, shouldLoadEvent

    Methods inherited from class org.skriptlang.skript.lang.structure.Structure

    getEntryContainer, init, parse, toString
    diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/lang/SkriptEvent.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/lang/SkriptEvent.html index 385cdcae04..b557093653 100644 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/lang/SkriptEvent.html +++ b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/lang/SkriptEvent.html @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ -SkriptEvent (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) +SkriptEvent (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-235b97a API) @@ -83,14 +83,14 @@

    Class SkriptEvent

    Direct Known Subclasses:
    EvtAtTime, EvtBlock, EvtBookEdit, EvtBookSign, EvtClick, EvtCommand, EvtDamage, EvtEntity, EvtEntityBlockChange, EvtEntityTarget, EvtExperienceChange, EvtExperienceSpawn, EvtFirework, EvtFirstJoin, EvtGameMode, EvtGrow, EvtItem, EvtLevel, EvtMove, EvtMoveOn, EvtPeriodical, EvtPlantGrowth, EvtPlayerChunkEnter, EvtPressurePlate, EvtRegionBorder, EvtResourcePackResponse, EvtScript, EvtSkript, EvtSpectate, EvtTestCase, EvtWeatherChange, SectionSkriptEvent, SelfRegisteringSkriptEvent, SimpleEvent
    SectionSkriptEvent, SelfRegisteringSkriptEvent, SimpleEvent

    public abstract class SkriptEvent extends Structure
    A SkriptEvent is like a condition. It is called when any of the registered events occurs. An instance of this class should then check whether the event applies - (e.g. the rightclick event is included in the PlayerInteractEvent which also includes lefclicks, thus the SkriptEvent EvtClick checks whether it was a rightclick or + (e.g. the rightclick event is included in the PlayerInteractEvent which also includes lefclicks, thus the SkriptEvent EvtClick checks whether it was a rightclick or not).
    It is also needed if the event has parameters.
    @@ -164,72 +164,77 @@

    Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    abstract boolean
    check(org.bukkit.event.Event event)
    + +
    Override this method to allow Skript to not force synchronization.
    abstract boolean
    check(org.bukkit.event.Event event)
    Checks whether the given Event applies, e.g.
    static String
    fixPattern(String pattern)
    static String
    fixPattern(String pattern)
    Fixes patterns in event by modifying every TypePatternElement to be nullable.
    Class<? extends org.bukkit.event.Event>[]
    - -
    - +
    Class<? extends org.bukkit.event.Event>[]
    - - -
    + +
    + + +
    The priority of a Structure determines the order in which it should be loaded.
    abstract boolean
    init(Literal<?>[] args, +
    abstract boolean
    init(Literal<?>[] args, int matchedPattern, SkriptParser.ParseResult parseResult)
    Called just after the constructor
    final boolean
    init(Literal<?>[] args, +
    final boolean
    init(Literal<?>[] args, int matchedPattern, SkriptParser.ParseResult parseResult, EntryContainer entryContainer)
    - -
    This method handles the loading of the Structure's syntax elements.
    + +
    - +
    This method handles the registration of this event with Skript and Bukkit.
    This method handles the loading of the Structure's syntax elements.
    - +
    This method handles the unregistration of this event with Skript and Bukkit.
    This method handles the registration of this event with Skript and Bukkit.
    - +
    This method handles the loading of the Structure's syntax elements.
    This method handles the unregistration of this event with Skript and Bukkit.
    - +
    Script loader checks this before loading items in event.
    This method handles the loading of the Structure's syntax elements.
    - +
    Script loader checks this before loading items in event.
    + +
    This method handles the unregistration of this event with Skript and Bukkit.
    @@ -458,6 +463,13 @@


  • +


    public boolean canExecuteAsynchronously()
    Override this method to allow Skript to not force synchronization.
  • +
  • fixPattern

    public static String fixPattern(String pattern)
    diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/lang/SkriptEventInfo.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/lang/SkriptEventInfo.html index ecf213f828..c8728eabd1 100644 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/lang/SkriptEventInfo.html +++ b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/lang/SkriptEventInfo.html @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ -SkriptEventInfo (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) +SkriptEventInfo (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-235b97a API) diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/lang/SkriptParser.ExprInfo.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/lang/SkriptParser.ExprInfo.html index e6554eeff4..6c46416215 100644 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/lang/SkriptParser.ExprInfo.html +++ b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/lang/SkriptParser.ExprInfo.html @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ -SkriptParser.ExprInfo (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) +SkriptParser.ExprInfo (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-235b97a API) diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/lang/SkriptParser.ParseResult.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/lang/SkriptParser.ParseResult.html index 19f3fdd67a..ecb98e87cd 100644 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/lang/SkriptParser.ParseResult.html +++ b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/lang/SkriptParser.ParseResult.html @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ -SkriptParser.ParseResult (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) +SkriptParser.ParseResult (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-235b97a API) diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/lang/SkriptParser.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/lang/SkriptParser.html index 372a727897..f0198a5be6 100644 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/lang/SkriptParser.html +++ b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/lang/SkriptParser.html @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ -SkriptParser (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) +SkriptParser (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-235b97a API) @@ -270,7 +270,7 @@

    Method Summary

    static @Nullable NonNullPair<String,boolean[]>
    Validates a user-defined pattern (used in ExprParse).
    Validates a user-defined pattern (used in ExprParse).
  • @@ -619,7 +619,7 @@



    public static @Nullable NonNullPair<String,boolean[]> validatePattern(String pattern)
    Validates a user-defined pattern (used in ExprParse).
    Validates a user-defined pattern (used in ExprParse).
    pattern -
    diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/lang/Statement.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/lang/Statement.html index 58ca8096e9..f999b20661 100644 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/lang/Statement.html +++ b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/lang/Statement.html @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ -Statement (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) +Statement (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-235b97a API) diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/lang/SyntaxElement.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/lang/SyntaxElement.html index 7401e300a7..971cc00c24 100644 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/lang/SyntaxElement.html +++ b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/lang/SyntaxElement.html @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ -SyntaxElement (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) +SyntaxElement (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-235b97a API) @@ -78,7 +78,7 @@

    Interface SyntaxElement

    All Known Implementing Classes:
    AsyncEffect, AxolotlData, BeeData, BoatChestData, BoatData, CatData, CondAI, CondAlphanumeric, CondAnchorWorks, CondCanBuild, CondCancelled, CondCanFly, CondCanHold, CondCanPickUpItems, CondCanSee, CondChance, CondCompare, CondContains, CondDamageCause, CondDate, CondEntityIsInLiquid, CondEntityIsWet, CondHasClientWeather, CondHasCustomModelData, CondHasItemCooldown, CondHasLineOfSight, CondHasMetadata, CondHasPotion, CondHasResourcePack, CondHasScoreboardTag, CondIgnitionProcess, CondIncendiary, CondIsAlive, CondIsBanned, CondIsBlock, CondIsBlocking, CondIsBlockRedstonePowered, CondIsBurning, CondIsCharged, CondIsClimbing, CondIsEdible, CondIsEmpty, CondIsEnchanted, CondIsFlammable, CondIsFlying, CondIsFrozen, CondIsFuel, CondIsGliding, CondIsInteractable, CondIsInvisible, CondIsInvulnerable, CondIsJumping, CondIsLeftHanded, CondIsLoaded, CondIsMember, CondIsOccluding, CondIsOfType, CondIsOnGround, CondIsOnline, CondIsOp, CondIsPassable, CondIsPluginEnabled, CondIsPoisoned, CondIsPreferredTool, CondIsRiding, CondIsRiptiding, CondIsSet, CondIsSilent, CondIsSkriptCommand, CondIsSleeping, CondIsSlimeChunk, CondIsSneaking, CondIsSolid, CondIsSprinting, CondIsStackable, CondIsSwimming, CondIsTameable, CondIsTransparent, CondIsUnbreakable, CondIsValid, CondIsVectorNormalized, CondIsWearing, CondIsWhitelisted, CondIsWithin, CondItemInHand, Condition, CondLeashed, CondMatches, CondMethodExists, CondMinecraftVersion, CondPermission, CondPlayedBefore, CondProjectileCanBounce, CondPvP, CondRegionContains, CondResourcePack, CondRespawnLocation, CondScriptLoaded, CondStartsEndsWith, CondWillHatch, CondWithinRadius, ContainerExpression, ConvertedExpression, ConvertedLiteral, CreeperData, Delay, DroppedItemData, EffActionBar, EffAssert, EffBan, EffBreakNaturally, EffBroadcast, EffCancelCooldown, EffCancelDrops, EffCancelEvent, EffChange, EffChargeCreeper, EffColorItems, EffCommand, EffConnect, EffContinue, EffDebug, EffDoIf, EffDrop, Effect, EffectSection, EffectSectionEffect, EffEnchant, EffEquip, EffExceptionDebug, EffExit, EffExplodeCreeper, EffExplosion, EffFeed, EffFireworkLaunch, EffForceAttack, EffFunctionCall, EffHandedness, EffHealth, EffHidePlayerFromServerList, EffIgnite, EffIncendiary, EffInvisible, EffInvulnerability, EffKeepInventory, EffKick, EffKill, EffKnockback, EffLeash, EffLightning, EffLoadServerIcon, EffLog, EffLook, EffMakeEggHatch, EffMakeFly, EffMakeSay, EffMessage, EffObjectives, EffOp, EffOpenBook, EffOpenInventory, EffPathfind, EffPlayerInfoVisibility, EffPlayerVisibility, EffPlaySound, EffPoison, EffPotion, EffPush, EffPvP, EffReplace, EffResetTitle, EffRespawn, EffReturn, EffScriptFile, EffSecSpawn, EffSendBlockChange, EffSendResourcePack, EffSendTitle, EffShear, EffShoot, EffSilence, EffStopServer, EffStopSound, EffSuppressWarnings, EffSwingHand, EffTeleport, EffToggle, EffToggleCanPickUpItems, EffToggleFlight, EffTree, EffVectorRotateAroundAnother, EffVectorRotateXYZ, EffVehicle, EffVisualEffect, EndermanData, EntityData, EventValueExpression, EvtAtTime, EvtBlock, EvtBookEdit, EvtBookSign, EvtClick, EvtCommand, EvtDamage, EvtEntity, EvtEntityBlockChange, EvtEntityTarget, EvtExperienceChange, EvtExperienceSpawn, EvtFirework, EvtFirstJoin, EvtGameMode, EvtGrow, EvtItem, EvtLevel, EvtMove, EvtMoveOn, EvtPeriodical, EvtPlantGrowth, EvtPlayerChunkEnter, EvtPressurePlate, EvtRegionBorder, EvtResourcePackResponse, EvtScript, EvtSkript, EvtSpectate, EvtTestCase, EvtWeatherChange, ExprAbsorbedBlocks, ExprAffectedEntities, ExprAge, ExprAI, ExprAllBannedEntries, ExprAllCommands, ExprAllGroups, ExprAlphabetList, ExprAltitude, ExprAmount, ExprAmountOfItems, ExprAnvilRepairCost, ExprAnvilText, ExprAppliedEnchantments, ExprArgument, ExprArithmetic, ExprArmorSlot, ExprArrowKnockbackStrength, ExprArrowPierceLevel, ExprArrowsStuck, ExprAttachedBlock, ExprAttackCooldown, ExprAttacked, ExprAttacker, ExprBalance, ExprBed, ExprBiome, ExprBlock, ExprBlockData, ExprBlockHardness, ExprBlocks, ExprBlocksInRegion, ExprBlockSphere, ExprBookAuthor, ExprBookPages, ExprBookTitle, ExprBreakSpeed, ExprBurnCookTime, ExprCharges, ExprChatFormat, ExprChatRecipients, ExprChestInventory, ExprChunk, ExprClicked, ExprClientViewDistance, ExprCmdCooldownInfo, ExprColorOf, ExprColoured, ExprCommand, ExprCommandInfo, ExprCommandSender, ExprCompassTarget, ExprCoordinate, ExprCreeperMaxFuseTicks, ExprCursorSlot, ExprCustomModelData, ExprDamage, ExprDamageCause, ExprDamagedItem, ExprDateAgoLater, ExprDefaultValue, ExprDifference, ExprDifficulty, ExprDirection, ExprDistance, ExprDrops, ExprDropsOfBlock, ExprDurability, ExprEgg, ExprElement, ExprEnchantingExpCost, ExprEnchantItem, ExprEnchantmentBonus, ExprEnchantmentLevel, ExprEnchantmentOffer, ExprEnchantmentOfferCost, ExprEnchantments, ExprEnderChest, ExprEntities, ExprEntity, ExprEntityAttribute, ExprEntityTamer, ExpressionList, ExprEventCancelled, ExprEventExpression, ExprEvtInitiator, ExprExhaustion, ExprExperience, ExprExplodedBlocks, ExprExplosionBlockYield, ExprExplosionYield, ExprExplosiveYield, ExprEyeLocation, ExprFacing, ExprFallDistance, ExprFertilizedBlocks, ExprFilter, ExprFilter.ExprInput, ExprFinalDamage, ExprFireTicks, ExprFireworkEffect, ExprFlightMode, ExprFoodLevel, ExprFormatDate, ExprFreezeTicks, ExprFunctionCall, ExprFurnaceSlot, ExprGameMode, ExprGameRule, ExprGlidingState, ExprGlowing, ExprGravity, ExprGroup, ExprHanging, ExprHash, ExprHatchingNumber, ExprHatchingType, ExprHealAmount, ExprHealReason, ExprHealth, ExprHiddenPlayers, ExprHighestSolidBlock, ExprHostname, ExprHotbarButton, ExprHotbarSlot, ExprHoverList, ExprHumidity, ExprIndexOf, ExprIndices, ExprInventory, ExprInventoryAction, ExprInventoryCloseReason, ExprInventoryInfo, ExprInventorySlot, ExprIP, ExprItem, ExprItemAmount, ExprItemCooldown, ExprItemFrameSlot, ExprItems, ExprItemsIn, ExprItemWithCustomModelData, ExprItemWithLore, ExprJoinSplit, ExprJUnitTest, ExprLanguage, ExprLastAttacker, ExprLastColor, ExprLastDamage, ExprLastDamageCause, ExprLastLoadedServerIcon, ExprLastLoginTime, ExprLastResourcePackResponse, ExprLastSpawnedEntity, ExprLeashHolder, ExprLength, ExprLevel, ExprLevelProgress, ExprLightLevel, ExprLocation, ExprLocationAt, ExprLocationFromVector, ExprLocationOf, ExprLocationVectorOffset, ExprLoopIteration, ExprLoopValue, ExprLoot, ExprLore, ExprMaxDurability, ExprMaxFreezeTicks, ExprMaxHealth, ExprMaxMinecartSpeed, ExprMaxPlayers, ExprMaxStack, ExprMe, ExprMembersOfRegion, ExprMendingRepairAmount, ExprMessage, ExprMetadata, ExprMiddleOfLocation, ExprMinecartDerailedFlyingVelocity, ExprMoonPhase, ExprMOTD, ExprName, ExprNamed, ExprNearestEntity, ExprNoDamageTicks, ExprNow, ExprNumberOfCharacters, ExprNumbers, ExprOfflinePlayers, ExprOnlinePlayersCount, ExprOpenedInventory, ExprOps, ExprParse, ExprParseError, ExprPassenger, ExprPermissions, ExprPickupDelay, ExprPing, ExprPlain, ExprPlayerlistHeaderFooter, ExprPlayerProtocolVersion, ExprPlayerViewDistance, ExprPlayerWeather, ExprPlugins, ExprPortal, ExprPortalCooldown, ExprPotionEffect, ExprPotionEffects, ExprPotionEffectTier, ExprPrefixSuffix, ExprProjectileBounceState, ExprProjectileCriticalState, ExprProtocolVersion, ExprPushedBlocks, ExprQuitReason, ExprRandom, ExprRandomNumber, ExprRandomUUID, ExprRawName, ExprRawString, ExprRedstoneBlockPower, ExprRegion, ExprRegionsAt, ExprRemainingAir, ExprRespawnLocation, ExprReversedList, ExprRound, ExprSaturation, ExprScoreboardTags, ExprScript, ExprScripts, ExprSeaLevel, ExprSeaPickles, ExprSeed, ExprServerIcon, ExprSets, ExprShooter, ExprShuffledList, ExprSignText, ExprSkull, ExprSlotIndex, ExprSortedList, ExprSourceBlock, ExprSpawn, ExprSpawnerType, ExprSpawnReason, ExprSpecialNumber, ExprSpectatorTarget, ExprSpeed, ExprStringCase, ExprSubstring, ExprTamer, ExprTarget, ExprTargetedBlock, ExprTeleportCause, ExprTemperature, ExprTernary, ExprTime, ExprTimePlayed, ExprTimes, ExprTimeSince, ExprTimeState, ExprTool, ExprTotalExperience, ExprTPS, ExprTypeOf, ExprUnbreakable, ExprUnixDate, ExprUnixTicks, ExprUUID, ExprValue, ExprValueWithin, ExprVectorAngleBetween, ExprVectorArithmetic, ExprVectorBetweenLocations, ExprVectorCrossProduct, ExprVectorCylindrical, ExprVectorDotProduct, ExprVectorFromDirection, ExprVectorFromXYZ, ExprVectorFromYawAndPitch, ExprVectorLength, ExprVectorNormalize, ExprVectorOfLocation, ExprVectorProjection, ExprVectorRandom, ExprVectorSpherical, ExprVectorSquaredLength, ExprVectorXYZ, ExprVehicle, ExprVelocity, ExprVersion, ExprVersionString, ExprWeather, ExprWhitelist, ExprWorld, ExprWorldEnvironment, ExprWorldFromName, ExprWorlds, ExprXOf, ExprYawPitch, FallingBlockData, FishData, FoxData, FrogData, GoatData, IndeterminateDelay, LitAt, LitConsole, LiteralList, LitNewLine, LitPi, LlamaData, LoopSection, MinecartData, MooshroomData, OcelotData, PandaData, ParrotData, PigData, PropertyCondition, PropertyExpression, RabbitData, SecConditional, SecLoop, Section, SectionSkriptEvent, SecWhile, SelfRegisteringSkriptEvent, SheepData, SimpleEntityData, SimpleEvent, SimpleExpression, SimpleLiteral, SimplePropertyExpression, SkriptEvent, Statement, StructAliases, StructCommand, StructFunction, StructOptions, Structure, StructVariables, ThrownPotionData, TropicalFishData, UnparsedLiteral, Variable, VariableString, VillagerData, VisualEffect, WolfData, WrapperExpression, XpOrbData, ZombieVillagerData
    AsyncEffect, AxolotlData, BeeData, BoatChestData, BoatData, CatData, Condition, ContainerExpression, ConvertedExpression, ConvertedLiteral, CreeperData, DroppedItemData, Effect, EffectSection, EffectSectionEffect, EndermanData, EntityData, ExpressionList, FallingBlockData, FishData, FoxData, FrogData, GoatData, LiteralList, LlamaData, LoopSection, MinecartData, MooshroomData, OcelotData, PandaData, ParrotData, PigData, RabbitData, Section, SectionSkriptEvent, SelfRegisteringSkriptEvent, SheepData, SimpleEntityData, SimpleEvent, SimpleExpression, SimpleLiteral, SkriptEvent, Statement, Structure, ThrownPotionData, TropicalFishData, UnparsedLiteral, Variable, VariableString, VillagerData, VisualEffect, WolfData, XpOrbData, ZombieVillagerData

    public interface SyntaxElement
    diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/lang/SyntaxElementInfo.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/lang/SyntaxElementInfo.html index af528800fb..ed97dc467a 100644 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/lang/SyntaxElementInfo.html +++ b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/lang/SyntaxElementInfo.html @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ -SyntaxElementInfo (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) +SyntaxElementInfo (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-235b97a API) diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/lang/Trigger.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/lang/Trigger.html index bd37b35d11..797715ad7f 100644 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/lang/Trigger.html +++ b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/lang/Trigger.html @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ -Trigger (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) +Trigger (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-235b97a API) diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/lang/TriggerItem.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/lang/TriggerItem.html index e6f44d060e..f90d14ae67 100644 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/lang/TriggerItem.html +++ b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/lang/TriggerItem.html @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ -TriggerItem (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) +TriggerItem (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-235b97a API) diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/lang/TriggerSection.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/lang/TriggerSection.html index bc422804a5..593d204f44 100644 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/lang/TriggerSection.html +++ b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/lang/TriggerSection.html @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ -TriggerSection (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) +TriggerSection (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-235b97a API) diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/lang/Unit.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/lang/Unit.html index 8a2f593c95..0aa75814b6 100644 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/lang/Unit.html +++ b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/lang/Unit.html @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ -Unit (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) +Unit (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-235b97a API) diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/lang/UnparsedLiteral.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/lang/UnparsedLiteral.html index fe2f320102..7c34be912a 100644 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/lang/UnparsedLiteral.html +++ b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/lang/UnparsedLiteral.html @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ -UnparsedLiteral (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) +UnparsedLiteral (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-235b97a API) @@ -411,7 +411,7 @@


    Description copied from interface: Expression
    Returns true if this expression returns all possible values, false if it only returns some of them.

    - This method significantly influences Expression.check(Event, Checker), Expression.check(Event, Checker, boolean) and CondIsSet and thus breaks conditions that use this + This method significantly influences Expression.check(Event, Checker), Expression.check(Event, Checker, boolean) and CondIsSet and thus breaks conditions that use this expression if it returns a wrong value.

    This method must return true if this is a single expression. // TODO make this method irrelevant for single expressions

    diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/lang/Variable.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/lang/Variable.html index 6a87969c57..387522a730 100644 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/lang/Variable.html +++ b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/lang/Variable.html @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ -Variable (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) +Variable (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-235b97a API) @@ -695,7 +695,7 @@


    Description copied from interface: Expression
    Returns true if this expression returns all possible values, false if it only returns some of them.

    - This method significantly influences Expression.check(Event, Checker), Expression.check(Event, Checker, boolean) and CondIsSet and thus breaks conditions that use this + This method significantly influences Expression.check(Event, Checker), Expression.check(Event, Checker, boolean) and CondIsSet and thus breaks conditions that use this expression if it returns a wrong value.

    This method must return true if this is a single expression. // TODO make this method irrelevant for single expressions

    diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/lang/VariableString.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/lang/VariableString.html index bbdb35f185..df6c69d33c 100644 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/lang/VariableString.html +++ b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/lang/VariableString.html @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ -VariableString (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) +VariableString (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-235b97a API) @@ -798,7 +798,7 @@


    Description copied from interface: Expression
    Returns true if this expression returns all possible values, false if it only returns some of them.

    - This method significantly influences Expression.check(Event, Checker), Expression.check(Event, Checker, boolean) and CondIsSet and thus breaks conditions that use this + This method significantly influences Expression.check(Event, Checker), Expression.check(Event, Checker, boolean) and CondIsSet and thus breaks conditions that use this expression if it returns a wrong value.

    This method must return true if this is a single expression. // TODO make this method irrelevant for single expressions

    diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/lang/function/EffFunctionCall.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/lang/function/EffFunctionCall.html deleted file mode 100644 index 21508af897..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/lang/function/EffFunctionCall.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,256 +0,0 @@ - - - - -EffFunctionCall (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -
    - -
    - -

    Class EffFunctionCall

    - -
    All Implemented Interfaces:
    Debuggable, SyntaxElement
    public class EffFunctionCall -extends Effect
    - -
      - -
    • -

      Constructor Details

      - -
    • - -
    • -

      Method Details

      • -


        public static @Nullable EffFunctionCall parse(String line)
      • -
      • -


        protected void execute(org.bukkit.event.Event e)
        Description copied from class: Effect
        Executes this effect.
        Specified by:
        execute in class Effect
      • -
      • -


        public String toString(@Nullable org.bukkit.event.Event e, - boolean debug)
        e - The event to get information to. This is always null if debug == false.
        debug - If true this should print more information, if false this should print what is shown to the end user
        String representation of this object
      • -
      • -


        public boolean init(Expression<?>[] exprs, - int matchedPattern, - Kleenean isDelayed, - SkriptParser.ParseResult parseResult)
        Description copied from interface: SyntaxElement
        Called just after the constructor.
        exprs - all %expr%s included in the matching pattern in the order they appear in the pattern. If an optional value was left out it will still be included in this list - holding the default value of the desired type which usually depends on the event.
        matchedPattern - The index of the pattern which matched
        isDelayed - Whether this expression is used after a delay or not (i.e. if the event has already passed when this expression will be called)
        parseResult - Additional information about the match.
        Whether this expression was initialised successfully. An error should be printed prior to returning false to specify the cause.
        See Also:
        - -
      • -
    • -
    - -
    - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/lang/function/ExprFunctionCall.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/lang/function/ExprFunctionCall.html deleted file mode 100644 index 13b6d34a02..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/lang/function/ExprFunctionCall.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,313 +0,0 @@ - - - - -ExprFunctionCall (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - -
    - -
    - -

    Class ExprFunctionCall<T>

    java.lang.Object -
    ch.njol.skript.lang.util.SimpleExpression<T> -
    All Implemented Interfaces:
    Debuggable, Expression<T>, SyntaxElement
    public class ExprFunctionCall<T> -extends SimpleExpression<T>
    - -
      - -
    • -

      Constructor Details

      • -


        public ExprFunctionCall(FunctionReference<T> function)
      • -
      • -


        public ExprFunctionCall(FunctionReference<?> function, - Class<? extends T>[] expectedReturnTypes)
      • -
    • - -
    • -

      Method Details

      • -


        protected @Nullable T[] get(org.bukkit.event.Event e)
        Description copied from class: SimpleExpression
        This is the internal method to get an expression's values.
        - To get the expression's value from the outside use SimpleExpression.getSingle(Event) or SimpleExpression.getArray(Event).
        Specified by:
        get in class SimpleExpression<T>
        e - The event
        An array of values for this event. May not contain nulls.
      • -
      • -


        public <R> @Nullable Expression<? extends R> getConvertedExpression(Class<R>... to)
        Description copied from class: SimpleExpression
        Usually, you want to override SimpleExpression.getConvertedExpr(Class[]). - However, it may be useful to override this method if you have an expression with a return - type that is unknown until runtime (like variables). Usually, you'll be fine with just - the default implementation. This method is final on versions below 2.2-dev36.
        Specified by:
        getConvertedExpression in interface Expression<T>
        getConvertedExpression in class SimpleExpression<T>
        to - The desired return type of the returned expression
        The converted expression
        See Also:
        - -
      • -
      • -


        public boolean isSingle()
        true if this expression will ever only return one value at most, false if it can return multiple values.
      • -
      • -


        public Class<? extends T> getReturnType()
        Description copied from interface: Expression
        Gets the return type of this expression.
        A supertype of any objects returned by Expression.getSingle(Event) and the component type of any arrays returned by Expression.getArray(Event)
      • -
      • -


        public String toString(@Nullable org.bukkit.event.Event e, - boolean debug)
        e - The event to get information to. This is always null if debug == false.
        debug - If true this should print more information, if false this should print what is shown to the end user
        String representation of this object
      • -
      • -


        public boolean init(Expression<?>[] exprs, - int matchedPattern, - Kleenean isDelayed, - SkriptParser.ParseResult parseResult)
        Description copied from interface: SyntaxElement
        Called just after the constructor.
        exprs - all %expr%s included in the matching pattern in the order they appear in the pattern. If an optional value was left out it will still be included in this list - holding the default value of the desired type which usually depends on the event.
        matchedPattern - The index of the pattern which matched
        isDelayed - Whether this expression is used after a delay or not (i.e. if the event has already passed when this expression will be called)
        parseResult - Additional information about the match.
        Whether this expression was initialised successfully. An error should be printed prior to returning false to specify the cause.
        See Also:
        - -
      • -
    • -
    - -
    - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/lang/function/Function.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/lang/function/Function.html index de4a46e956..4022033aa1 100644 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/lang/function/Function.html +++ b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/lang/function/Function.html @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ -Function (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) +Function (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-235b97a API) diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/lang/function/FunctionEvent.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/lang/function/FunctionEvent.html index 0decadfcf6..c425d345ac 100644 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/lang/function/FunctionEvent.html +++ b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/lang/function/FunctionEvent.html @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ -FunctionEvent (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) +FunctionEvent (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-235b97a API) diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/lang/function/FunctionReference.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/lang/function/FunctionReference.html index 2e6f39289d..5de36d977d 100644 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/lang/function/FunctionReference.html +++ b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/lang/function/FunctionReference.html @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ -FunctionReference (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) +FunctionReference (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-235b97a API) diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/lang/function/Functions.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/lang/function/Functions.html index 7ae3e1b774..96c56f8792 100644 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/lang/function/Functions.html +++ b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/lang/function/Functions.html @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ -Functions (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) +Functions (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-235b97a API) diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/lang/function/JavaFunction.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/lang/function/JavaFunction.html index 3f3f12b4f5..ebaad7fa55 100644 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/lang/function/JavaFunction.html +++ b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/lang/function/JavaFunction.html @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ -JavaFunction (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) +JavaFunction (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-235b97a API) diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/lang/function/Namespace.Key.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/lang/function/Namespace.Key.html index ff1043346d..966cac3c89 100644 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/lang/function/Namespace.Key.html +++ b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/lang/function/Namespace.Key.html @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ -Namespace.Key (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) +Namespace.Key (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-235b97a API) diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/lang/function/Namespace.Origin.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/lang/function/Namespace.Origin.html index 57f0020e38..5d91338233 100644 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/lang/function/Namespace.Origin.html +++ b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/lang/function/Namespace.Origin.html @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ -Namespace.Origin (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) +Namespace.Origin (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-235b97a API) diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/lang/function/Namespace.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/lang/function/Namespace.html index 3907f5cce7..ac2d5d3bc0 100644 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/lang/function/Namespace.html +++ b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/lang/function/Namespace.html @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ -Namespace (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) +Namespace (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-235b97a API) diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/lang/function/Parameter.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/lang/function/Parameter.html index e2c7193ee3..ed53e116e9 100644 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/lang/function/Parameter.html +++ b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/lang/function/Parameter.html @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ -Parameter (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) +Parameter (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-235b97a API) diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/lang/function/ScriptFunction.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/lang/function/ScriptFunction.html index 8af352182e..dab4a3d6c9 100644 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/lang/function/ScriptFunction.html +++ b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/lang/function/ScriptFunction.html @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ -ScriptFunction (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) +ScriptFunction (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-235b97a API) @@ -132,7 +132,7 @@

    Method Summary

    final void
    setReturnValue(@Nullable T[] value)
    Should only be called by EffReturn.
    Should only be called by EffReturn.
    @@ -174,7 +174,7 @@

    Method Details


    public final void setReturnValue(@Nullable T[] value)
    Should only be called by EffReturn.
    Should only be called by EffReturn.
  • diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/lang/function/Signature.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/lang/function/Signature.html index 709f17dd8a..5b7022aaee 100644 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/lang/function/Signature.html +++ b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/lang/function/Signature.html @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ -Signature (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) +Signature (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-235b97a API) diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/lang/function/SimpleJavaFunction.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/lang/function/SimpleJavaFunction.html index dd1333ee0c..29f8543daf 100644 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/lang/function/SimpleJavaFunction.html +++ b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/lang/function/SimpleJavaFunction.html @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ -SimpleJavaFunction (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) +SimpleJavaFunction (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-235b97a API) diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/lang/function/package-summary.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/lang/function/package-summary.html index f8535c3ff1..644d48a08b 100644 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/lang/function/package-summary.html +++ b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/lang/function/package-summary.html @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ -ch.njol.skript.lang.function (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) +ch.njol.skript.lang.function (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-235b97a API) @@ -93,10 +93,6 @@

    Package ch.njol.s
    - -
    - -
    Functions can be called using arguments.
    diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/lang/function/package-tree.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/lang/function/package-tree.html index de96dde916..83093c3ff3 100644 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/lang/function/package-tree.html +++ b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/lang/function/package-tree.html @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ -ch.njol.skript.lang.function Class Hierarchy (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) +ch.njol.skript.lang.function Class Hierarchy (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-235b97a API) @@ -80,24 +80,6 @@

    Class Hierarchy

  • ch.njol.skript.lang.function.Namespace.Key
  • ch.njol.skript.lang.function.Parameter<T>
  • ch.njol.skript.lang.function.Signature<T>
  • -
  • ch.njol.skript.lang.util.SimpleExpression<T> (implements ch.njol.skript.lang.Expression<T>) - -
  • -
  • ch.njol.skript.lang.TriggerItem (implements ch.njol.skript.lang.Debuggable) - -
  • diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/lang/package-summary.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/lang/package-summary.html index 2c6317a20f..ae1d7974a8 100644 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/lang/package-summary.html +++ b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/lang/package-summary.html @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ -ch.njol.skript.lang (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) +ch.njol.skript.lang (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-235b97a API) diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/lang/package-tree.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/lang/package-tree.html index eceef190a6..db324996a0 100644 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/lang/package-tree.html +++ b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/lang/package-tree.html @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ -ch.njol.skript.lang Class Hierarchy (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) +ch.njol.skript.lang Class Hierarchy (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-235b97a API) diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/lang/parser/ParserInstance.Data.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/lang/parser/ParserInstance.Data.html index f4ad066911..df6a0da861 100644 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/lang/parser/ParserInstance.Data.html +++ b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/lang/parser/ParserInstance.Data.html @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ -ParserInstance.Data (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) +ParserInstance.Data (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-235b97a API) diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/lang/parser/ParserInstance.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/lang/parser/ParserInstance.html index c37d14c2a2..741776b3f8 100644 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/lang/parser/ParserInstance.html +++ b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/lang/parser/ParserInstance.html @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ -ParserInstance (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) +ParserInstance (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-235b97a API) @@ -677,7 +677,7 @@


    @Deprecated public HashMap<String,String> getCurrentOptions()
    Deprecated. -
    Use Script.getData(Class) instead. The StructOptions.OptionsData class should be obtained. +
    Use Script.getData(Class) instead. The StructOptions.OptionsData class should be obtained. Example: script.getData(OptionsData.class)
    diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/lang/parser/package-summary.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/lang/parser/package-summary.html index 7440a03a3a..fadaf7291d 100644 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/lang/parser/package-summary.html +++ b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/lang/parser/package-summary.html @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ -ch.njol.skript.lang.parser (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) +ch.njol.skript.lang.parser (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-235b97a API) diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/lang/parser/package-tree.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/lang/parser/package-tree.html index b7890aeeee..dd2a62fd6d 100644 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/lang/parser/package-tree.html +++ b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/lang/parser/package-tree.html @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ -ch.njol.skript.lang.parser Class Hierarchy (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) +ch.njol.skript.lang.parser Class Hierarchy (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-235b97a API) diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/lang/util/ContainerExpression.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/lang/util/ContainerExpression.html index 000154d418..b9b9480a22 100644 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/lang/util/ContainerExpression.html +++ b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/lang/util/ContainerExpression.html @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ -ContainerExpression (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) +ContainerExpression (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-235b97a API) diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/lang/util/ContextlessEvent.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/lang/util/ContextlessEvent.html index cabb4300f7..e1079aff24 100644 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/lang/util/ContextlessEvent.html +++ b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/lang/util/ContextlessEvent.html @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ -ContextlessEvent (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) +ContextlessEvent (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-235b97a API) diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/lang/util/ConvertedExpression.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/lang/util/ConvertedExpression.html index 8519f2e653..5c27d7de01 100644 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/lang/util/ConvertedExpression.html +++ b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/lang/util/ConvertedExpression.html @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ -ConvertedExpression (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) +ConvertedExpression (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-235b97a API) @@ -607,7 +607,7 @@


    Description copied from interface: Expression
    Returns true if this expression returns all possible values, false if it only returns some of them.

    - This method significantly influences Expression.check(Event, Checker), Expression.check(Event, Checker, boolean) and CondIsSet and thus breaks conditions that use this + This method significantly influences Expression.check(Event, Checker), Expression.check(Event, Checker, boolean) and CondIsSet and thus breaks conditions that use this expression if it returns a wrong value.

    This method must return true if this is a single expression. // TODO make this method irrelevant for single expressions

    diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/lang/util/ConvertedLiteral.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/lang/util/ConvertedLiteral.html index 154a09dc65..b5b2815397 100644 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/lang/util/ConvertedLiteral.html +++ b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/lang/util/ConvertedLiteral.html @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ -ConvertedLiteral (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) +ConvertedLiteral (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-235b97a API) diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/lang/util/SimpleEvent.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/lang/util/SimpleEvent.html index 4a8f1e7e41..d2d9750c9c 100644 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/lang/util/SimpleEvent.html +++ b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/lang/util/SimpleEvent.html @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ -SimpleEvent (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) +SimpleEvent (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-235b97a API) @@ -156,7 +156,7 @@

    Method Summary

    +canExecuteAsynchronously, fixPattern, getEventClasses, getEventPriority, getPriority, init, isEventPrioritySupported, load, postLoad, postUnload, preLoad, shouldLoadEvent, unload

    Methods inherited from class org.skriptlang.skript.lang.structure.Structure

    getEntryContainer, init, parse, toString
    diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/lang/util/SimpleExpression.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/lang/util/SimpleExpression.html index 3fcd9c7584..f8c3a35f65 100644 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/lang/util/SimpleExpression.html +++ b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/lang/util/SimpleExpression.html @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ -SimpleExpression (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) +SimpleExpression (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-235b97a API) @@ -81,7 +81,7 @@

    Class SimpleExpression<T>

    Direct Known Subclasses:
    ContainerExpression, EventValueExpression, ExprAbsorbedBlocks, ExprAffectedEntities, ExprAllBannedEntries, ExprAllCommands, ExprAllGroups, ExprAlphabetList, ExprAmount, ExprAmountOfItems, ExprAppliedEnchantments, ExprArgument, ExprArithmetic, ExprAttacked, ExprAttacker, ExprBlocks, ExprBlocksInRegion, ExprBlockSphere, ExprBookPages, ExprBreakSpeed, ExprChatFormat, ExprChatRecipients, ExprChestInventory, ExprChunk, ExprClicked, ExprCmdCooldownInfo, ExprCommand, ExprCommandInfo, ExprDamage, ExprDateAgoLater, ExprDefaultValue, ExprDifference, ExprDirection, ExprDistance, ExprDrops, ExprDropsOfBlock, ExprElement, ExprEnchantingExpCost, ExprEnchantItem, ExprEnchantmentBonus, ExprEnchantmentLevel, ExprEnchantmentOffer, ExprEnchantments, ExprEntities, ExprEntity, ExprEventCancelled, ExprExperience, ExprExplodedBlocks, ExprExplosionBlockYield, ExprExplosionYield, ExprFertilizedBlocks, ExprFilter, ExprFilter.ExprInput, ExprFinalDamage, ExprFireworkEffect, ExprFunctionCall, ExprGameRule, ExprGroup, ExprHanging, ExprHatchingNumber, ExprHatchingType, ExprHealAmount, ExprHealReason, ExprHiddenPlayers, ExprHostname, ExprHotbarButton, ExprHoverList, ExprIndexOf, ExprIndices, ExprInventory, ExprInventoryInfo, ExprInventorySlot, ExprIP, ExprItemCooldown, ExprItems, ExprItemsIn, ExprJoinSplit, ExprJUnitTest, ExprLastLoadedServerIcon, ExprLastSpawnedEntity, ExprLocationAt, ExprLocationFromVector, ExprLocationVectorOffset, ExprLoopIteration, ExprLoopValue, ExprLoot, ExprLore, ExprMaxPlayers, ExprMe, ExprMembersOfRegion, ExprMendingRepairAmount, ExprMessage, ExprMetadata, ExprMOTD, ExprNearestEntity, ExprNow, ExprNumberOfCharacters, ExprNumbers, ExprOfflinePlayers, ExprOnlinePlayersCount, ExprOps, ExprParse, ExprParseError, ExprPassenger, ExprPermissions, ExprPlain, ExprPlugins, ExprPortal, ExprPotionEffect, ExprPotionEffects, ExprPotionEffectTier, ExprProtocolVersion, ExprPushedBlocks, ExprRandom, ExprRandomNumber, ExprRandomUUID, ExprRawName, ExprRawString, ExprRegionsAt, ExprRespawnLocation, ExprReversedList, ExprScoreboardTags, ExprScript, ExprScripts, ExprServerIcon, ExprSets, ExprShuffledList, ExprSignText, ExprSortedList, ExprSourceBlock, ExprSpecialNumber, ExprSpectatorTarget, ExprStringCase, ExprSubstring, ExprTamer, ExprTernary, ExprTimes, ExprTPS, ExprValue, ExprVectorAngleBetween, ExprVectorArithmetic, ExprVectorBetweenLocations, ExprVectorCrossProduct, ExprVectorCylindrical, ExprVectorDotProduct, ExprVectorFromDirection, ExprVectorFromXYZ, ExprVectorFromYawAndPitch, ExprVectorNormalize, ExprVectorOfLocation, ExprVectorProjection, ExprVectorRandom, ExprVectorSpherical, ExprVersion, ExprVersionString, ExprWhitelist, ExprWorldFromName, ExprWorlds, PropertyExpression, WrapperExpression

    public abstract class SimpleExpression<T> @@ -706,7 +706,7 @@


    Description copied from interface: Expression
    Returns true if this expression returns all possible values, false if it only returns some of them.

    - This method significantly influences Expression.check(Event, Checker), Expression.check(Event, Checker, boolean) and CondIsSet and thus breaks conditions that use this + This method significantly influences Expression.check(Event, Checker), Expression.check(Event, Checker, boolean) and CondIsSet and thus breaks conditions that use this expression if it returns a wrong value.

    This method must return true if this is a single expression. // TODO make this method irrelevant for single expressions

    diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/lang/util/SimpleLiteral.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/lang/util/SimpleLiteral.html index 21997a71d6..631a99a1fc 100644 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/lang/util/SimpleLiteral.html +++ b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/lang/util/SimpleLiteral.html @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ -SimpleLiteral (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) +SimpleLiteral (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-235b97a API) @@ -79,10 +79,6 @@

    Class SimpleLiteral<T>

    All Implemented Interfaces:
    Debuggable, DefaultExpression<T>, Expression<T>, Literal<T>, SyntaxElement
    Direct Known Subclasses:
    LitAt, LitConsole, LitNewLine, LitPi

    public class SimpleLiteral<T> extends Object @@ -700,7 +696,7 @@


    Description copied from interface: Expression
    Returns true if this expression returns all possible values, false if it only returns some of them.

    - This method significantly influences Expression.check(Event, Checker), Expression.check(Event, Checker, boolean) and CondIsSet and thus breaks conditions that use this + This method significantly influences Expression.check(Event, Checker), Expression.check(Event, Checker, boolean) and CondIsSet and thus breaks conditions that use this expression if it returns a wrong value.

    This method must return true if this is a single expression. // TODO make this method irrelevant for single expressions

    diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/lang/util/package-summary.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/lang/util/package-summary.html index 0fd851ec23..11b5a2ac38 100644 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/lang/util/package-summary.html +++ b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/lang/util/package-summary.html @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ -ch.njol.skript.lang.util (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) +ch.njol.skript.lang.util (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-235b97a API) diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/lang/util/package-tree.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/lang/util/package-tree.html index 5ab1547436..c53d04792d 100644 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/lang/util/package-tree.html +++ b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/lang/util/package-tree.html @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ -ch.njol.skript.lang.util Class Hierarchy (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) +ch.njol.skript.lang.util Class Hierarchy (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-235b97a API) diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/localization/Adjective.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/localization/Adjective.html index 4e43c73221..b49f418a83 100644 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/localization/Adjective.html +++ b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/localization/Adjective.html @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ -Adjective (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) +Adjective (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-235b97a API) diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/localization/ArgsMessage.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/localization/ArgsMessage.html index 40fdf07998..df94abafa9 100644 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/localization/ArgsMessage.html +++ b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/localization/ArgsMessage.html @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ -ArgsMessage (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) +ArgsMessage (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-235b97a API) diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/localization/FormattedMessage.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/localization/FormattedMessage.html index ccd17fc9b6..5d5d035821 100644 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/localization/FormattedMessage.html +++ b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/localization/FormattedMessage.html @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ -FormattedMessage (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) +FormattedMessage (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-235b97a API) diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/localization/GeneralWords.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/localization/GeneralWords.html index f4e446a195..cf224d18af 100644 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/localization/GeneralWords.html +++ b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/localization/GeneralWords.html @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ -GeneralWords (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) +GeneralWords (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-235b97a API) diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/localization/Language.LanguageListenerPriority.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/localization/Language.LanguageListenerPriority.html index 8be6cb1a79..33f37b0bdb 100644 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/localization/Language.LanguageListenerPriority.html +++ b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/localization/Language.LanguageListenerPriority.html @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ -Language.LanguageListenerPriority (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) +Language.LanguageListenerPriority (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-235b97a API) diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/localization/Language.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/localization/Language.html index 5faa3442c3..10144d158f 100644 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/localization/Language.html +++ b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/localization/Language.html @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ -Language (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) +Language (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-235b97a API) diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/localization/LanguageChangeListener.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/localization/LanguageChangeListener.html index 5736c7082f..0ddb85ff33 100644 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/localization/LanguageChangeListener.html +++ b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/localization/LanguageChangeListener.html @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ -LanguageChangeListener (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) +LanguageChangeListener (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-235b97a API) diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/localization/Message.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/localization/Message.html index c303ba2bf6..d5882dc571 100644 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/localization/Message.html +++ b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/localization/Message.html @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ -Message (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) +Message (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-235b97a API) diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/localization/Noun.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/localization/Noun.html index 680ea18b19..59de071f96 100644 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/localization/Noun.html +++ b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/localization/Noun.html @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ -Noun (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) +Noun (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-235b97a API) diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/localization/PluralizingArgsMessage.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/localization/PluralizingArgsMessage.html index c6be696de2..1cf6142142 100644 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/localization/PluralizingArgsMessage.html +++ b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/localization/PluralizingArgsMessage.html @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ -PluralizingArgsMessage (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) +PluralizingArgsMessage (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-235b97a API) diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/localization/RegexMessage.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/localization/RegexMessage.html index 5943ff2823..ba7a75d3be 100644 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/localization/RegexMessage.html +++ b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/localization/RegexMessage.html @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ -RegexMessage (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) +RegexMessage (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-235b97a API) diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/localization/package-summary.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/localization/package-summary.html index 6b9e301481..ebf38bd775 100644 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/localization/package-summary.html +++ b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/localization/package-summary.html @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ -ch.njol.skript.localization (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) +ch.njol.skript.localization (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-235b97a API) diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/localization/package-tree.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/localization/package-tree.html index 9947c613ad..e8453c839c 100644 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/localization/package-tree.html +++ b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/localization/package-tree.html @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ -ch.njol.skript.localization Class Hierarchy (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) +ch.njol.skript.localization Class Hierarchy (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-235b97a API) diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/log/BlockingLogHandler.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/log/BlockingLogHandler.html index bf778e24a8..3ef88c1da3 100644 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/log/BlockingLogHandler.html +++ b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/log/BlockingLogHandler.html @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ -BlockingLogHandler (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) +BlockingLogHandler (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-235b97a API) diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/log/BukkitLoggerFilter.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/log/BukkitLoggerFilter.html index e0fd999a22..7b38e140a9 100644 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/log/BukkitLoggerFilter.html +++ b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/log/BukkitLoggerFilter.html @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ -BukkitLoggerFilter (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) +BukkitLoggerFilter (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-235b97a API) diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/log/CountingLogHandler.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/log/CountingLogHandler.html index 746a7edd11..8fbfcf3e62 100644 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/log/CountingLogHandler.html +++ b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/log/CountingLogHandler.html @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ -CountingLogHandler (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) +CountingLogHandler (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-235b97a API) diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/log/ErrorDescLogHandler.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/log/ErrorDescLogHandler.html index b8e9c705c9..c2d870da6d 100644 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/log/ErrorDescLogHandler.html +++ b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/log/ErrorDescLogHandler.html @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ -ErrorDescLogHandler (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) +ErrorDescLogHandler (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-235b97a API) diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/log/ErrorQuality.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/log/ErrorQuality.html index bb9d045da5..c734f1e96d 100644 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/log/ErrorQuality.html +++ b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/log/ErrorQuality.html @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ -ErrorQuality (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) +ErrorQuality (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-235b97a API) diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/log/FilteringLogHandler.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/log/FilteringLogHandler.html index 978171ffcb..200cfc80ca 100644 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/log/FilteringLogHandler.html +++ b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/log/FilteringLogHandler.html @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ -FilteringLogHandler (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) +FilteringLogHandler (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-235b97a API) diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/log/HandlerList.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/log/HandlerList.html index 3f424ed960..e064344d09 100644 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/log/HandlerList.html +++ b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/log/HandlerList.html @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ -HandlerList (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) +HandlerList (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-235b97a API) diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/log/LogEntry.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/log/LogEntry.html index 01e24803b7..08acf67cdc 100644 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/log/LogEntry.html +++ b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/log/LogEntry.html @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ -LogEntry (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) +LogEntry (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-235b97a API) diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/log/LogHandler.LogResult.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/log/LogHandler.LogResult.html index efc54b0f39..f2b3848f76 100644 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/log/LogHandler.LogResult.html +++ b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/log/LogHandler.LogResult.html @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ -LogHandler.LogResult (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) +LogHandler.LogResult (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-235b97a API) diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/log/LogHandler.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/log/LogHandler.html index 9670cdc053..417c178f85 100644 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/log/LogHandler.html +++ b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/log/LogHandler.html @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ -LogHandler (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) +LogHandler (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-235b97a API) diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/log/ParseLogHandler.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/log/ParseLogHandler.html index 73e223d451..3c95f2f114 100644 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/log/ParseLogHandler.html +++ b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/log/ParseLogHandler.html @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ -ParseLogHandler (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) +ParseLogHandler (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-235b97a API) diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/log/RedirectingLogHandler.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/log/RedirectingLogHandler.html index 06c1b8e967..3c12e6543c 100644 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/log/RedirectingLogHandler.html +++ b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/log/RedirectingLogHandler.html @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ -RedirectingLogHandler (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) +RedirectingLogHandler (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-235b97a API) diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/log/RetainingLogHandler.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/log/RetainingLogHandler.html index 240e5e409e..05f055b03f 100644 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/log/RetainingLogHandler.html +++ b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/log/RetainingLogHandler.html @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ -RetainingLogHandler (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) +RetainingLogHandler (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-235b97a API) diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/log/SkriptLogger.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/log/SkriptLogger.html index 8fd977250b..fa07663134 100644 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/log/SkriptLogger.html +++ b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/log/SkriptLogger.html @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ -SkriptLogger (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) +SkriptLogger (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-235b97a API) diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/log/TimingLogHandler.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/log/TimingLogHandler.html index 4bb74fd029..5345f03b2f 100644 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/log/TimingLogHandler.html +++ b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/log/TimingLogHandler.html @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ -TimingLogHandler (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) +TimingLogHandler (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-235b97a API) diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/log/Verbosity.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/log/Verbosity.html index c69bbb4b6f..b6757e7a3a 100644 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/log/Verbosity.html +++ b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/log/Verbosity.html @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ -Verbosity (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) +Verbosity (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-235b97a API) diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/log/package-summary.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/log/package-summary.html index 86d700c438..866c0cda73 100644 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/log/package-summary.html +++ b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/log/package-summary.html @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ -ch.njol.skript.log (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) +ch.njol.skript.log (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-235b97a API) diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/log/package-tree.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/log/package-tree.html index fb66368606..76aec88474 100644 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/log/package-tree.html +++ b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/log/package-tree.html @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ -ch.njol.skript.log Class Hierarchy (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) +ch.njol.skript.log Class Hierarchy (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-235b97a API) diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/package-summary.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/package-summary.html index e4e74a2962..64c080cc5e 100644 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/package-summary.html +++ b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/package-summary.html @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ -ch.njol.skript (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) +ch.njol.skript (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-235b97a API) @@ -45,7 +45,7 @@
    @@ -71,6 +71,79 @@

    Package ch.njol.skript

    • + +
    • +
    • diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/package-tree.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/package-tree.html index 5ad66701f0..800e7b0a18 100644 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/package-tree.html +++ b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/package-tree.html @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ -ch.njol.skript Class Hierarchy (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) +ch.njol.skript Class Hierarchy (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-235b97a API) diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/patterns/ChoicePatternElement.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/patterns/ChoicePatternElement.html index 252e1abb81..565a62eb56 100644 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/patterns/ChoicePatternElement.html +++ b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/patterns/ChoicePatternElement.html @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ -ChoicePatternElement (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) +ChoicePatternElement (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-235b97a API) diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/patterns/GroupPatternElement.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/patterns/GroupPatternElement.html index 2b0f1b44e0..0efbeed0d2 100644 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/patterns/GroupPatternElement.html +++ b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/patterns/GroupPatternElement.html @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ -GroupPatternElement (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) +GroupPatternElement (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-235b97a API) diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/patterns/LiteralPatternElement.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/patterns/LiteralPatternElement.html index 7b03b591e3..ffada37d94 100644 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/patterns/LiteralPatternElement.html +++ b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/patterns/LiteralPatternElement.html @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ -LiteralPatternElement (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) +LiteralPatternElement (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-235b97a API) diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/patterns/MalformedPatternException.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/patterns/MalformedPatternException.html index 4d84f1fc13..f45657dc3b 100644 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/patterns/MalformedPatternException.html +++ b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/patterns/MalformedPatternException.html @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ -MalformedPatternException (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) +MalformedPatternException (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-235b97a API) diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/patterns/MatchResult.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/patterns/MatchResult.html index a682816081..038f7aa599 100644 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/patterns/MatchResult.html +++ b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/patterns/MatchResult.html @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ -MatchResult (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) +MatchResult (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-235b97a API) diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/patterns/OptionalPatternElement.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/patterns/OptionalPatternElement.html index e3de5a75d1..945a3b8b05 100644 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/patterns/OptionalPatternElement.html +++ b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/patterns/OptionalPatternElement.html @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ -OptionalPatternElement (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) +OptionalPatternElement (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-235b97a API) diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/patterns/ParseTagPatternElement.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/patterns/ParseTagPatternElement.html index c90887d453..a63abf54ec 100644 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/patterns/ParseTagPatternElement.html +++ b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/patterns/ParseTagPatternElement.html @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ -ParseTagPatternElement (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) +ParseTagPatternElement (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-235b97a API) diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/patterns/PatternCompiler.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/patterns/PatternCompiler.html index 6719d349d1..c516e18c7a 100644 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/patterns/PatternCompiler.html +++ b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/patterns/PatternCompiler.html @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ -PatternCompiler (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) +PatternCompiler (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-235b97a API) diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/patterns/PatternElement.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/patterns/PatternElement.html index 8968d20739..ca9122d2e2 100644 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/patterns/PatternElement.html +++ b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/patterns/PatternElement.html @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ -PatternElement (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) +PatternElement (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-235b97a API) diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/patterns/RegexPatternElement.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/patterns/RegexPatternElement.html index 7ef0b1a9bd..f09af60d77 100644 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/patterns/RegexPatternElement.html +++ b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/patterns/RegexPatternElement.html @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ -RegexPatternElement (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) +RegexPatternElement (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-235b97a API) diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/patterns/SkriptPattern.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/patterns/SkriptPattern.html index 5c148ac6d1..7cc31db3eb 100644 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/patterns/SkriptPattern.html +++ b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/patterns/SkriptPattern.html @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ -SkriptPattern (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) +SkriptPattern (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-235b97a API) diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/patterns/TypePatternElement.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/patterns/TypePatternElement.html index 42da0b9fe0..a20429859d 100644 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/patterns/TypePatternElement.html +++ b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/patterns/TypePatternElement.html @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ -TypePatternElement (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) +TypePatternElement (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-235b97a API) diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/patterns/package-summary.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/patterns/package-summary.html index 7610e1861d..53accde489 100644 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/patterns/package-summary.html +++ b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/patterns/package-summary.html @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ -ch.njol.skript.patterns (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) +ch.njol.skript.patterns (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-235b97a API) diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/patterns/package-tree.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/patterns/package-tree.html index d991ec4faf..fbbb1bb43f 100644 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/patterns/package-tree.html +++ b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/patterns/package-tree.html @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ -ch.njol.skript.patterns Class Hierarchy (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) +ch.njol.skript.patterns Class Hierarchy (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-235b97a API) diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/registrations/Classes.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/registrations/Classes.html index f15e888345..7bd1897a44 100644 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/registrations/Classes.html +++ b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/registrations/Classes.html @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ -Classes (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) +Classes (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-235b97a API) diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/registrations/Comparators.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/registrations/Comparators.html index 5d92531c7b..87b0a2057d 100644 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/registrations/Comparators.html +++ b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/registrations/Comparators.html @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ -Comparators (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) +Comparators (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-235b97a API) diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/registrations/Converters.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/registrations/Converters.html index 1d8b129214..525a7086ea 100644 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/registrations/Converters.html +++ b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/registrations/Converters.html @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ -Converters (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) +Converters (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-235b97a API) diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/registrations/DefaultClasses.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/registrations/DefaultClasses.html index b01b71b6ad..9fcfaf46ce 100644 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/registrations/DefaultClasses.html +++ b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/registrations/DefaultClasses.html @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ -DefaultClasses (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) +DefaultClasses (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-235b97a API) diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/registrations/EventValues.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/registrations/EventValues.html index 0acd7d9f5a..ba9c25c552 100644 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/registrations/EventValues.html +++ b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/registrations/EventValues.html @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ -EventValues (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) +EventValues (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-235b97a API) @@ -316,7 +316,7 @@

      getEventValue int time)

      Gets a specific value from an event. Returns null if the event doesn't have such a value (conversions are done to try and get the desired value).

      - It is recommended to use getEventValueGetter(Class, Class, int) or EventValueExpression(Class) instead of invoking this + It is recommended to use getEventValueGetter(Class, Class, int) or EventValueExpression(Class) instead of invoking this method repeatedly.

      @@ -356,7 +356,7 @@


      @@ -384,7 +384,7 @@


      diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/registrations/package-summary.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/registrations/package-summary.html index 433ed56e6a..7b819948bd 100644 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/registrations/package-summary.html +++ b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/registrations/package-summary.html @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ -ch.njol.skript.registrations (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) +ch.njol.skript.registrations (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-235b97a API) diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/registrations/package-tree.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/registrations/package-tree.html index f981a9fccc..598d8b08ed 100644 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/registrations/package-tree.html +++ b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/registrations/package-tree.html @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ -ch.njol.skript.registrations Class Hierarchy (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) +ch.njol.skript.registrations Class Hierarchy (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-235b97a API) diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/sections/EffSecSpawn.SpawnEvent.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/sections/EffSecSpawn.SpawnEvent.html deleted file mode 100644 index c769276225..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/sections/EffSecSpawn.SpawnEvent.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,190 +0,0 @@ - - - - -EffSecSpawn.SpawnEvent (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
      - -
      - -
      - -

      Class EffSecSpawn.SpawnEvent

      java.lang.Object -
      org.bukkit.event.Event -
      Enclosing class:
      public static class EffSecSpawn.SpawnEvent -extends org.bukkit.event.Event
        - -
      • -

        Nested Class Summary


        Nested classes/interfaces inherited from class org.bukkit.event.Event

      • - -
      • -

        Constructor Summary

        SpawnEvent(org.bukkit.entity.Entity entity)
      • - -
      • -

        Method Summary

        Modifier and Type
        - -
        @NotNull org.bukkit.event.HandlerList
        - -

        Methods inherited from class org.bukkit.event.Event

        -callEvent, getEventName, isAsynchronous

        Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

        -clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
      • -
        - -
      • -

        Constructor Details

        • -


          public SpawnEvent(org.bukkit.entity.Entity entity)
        • -
      • - -
      • -

        Method Details

        • -


          public org.bukkit.entity.Entity getEntity()
        • -
        • -


          @NotNull -public @NotNull org.bukkit.event.HandlerList getHandlers()
          Specified by:
          getHandlers in class org.bukkit.event.Event
        • -
      • -
      - -
      - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/sections/EffSecSpawn.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/sections/EffSecSpawn.html deleted file mode 100644 index b8730b2272..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/sections/EffSecSpawn.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,295 +0,0 @@ - - - - -EffSecSpawn (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
      - -
      - -
      - -

      Class EffSecSpawn

      - -
      All Implemented Interfaces:
      Debuggable, SyntaxElement
      @Name("Spawn") -@Description({"Spawn a creature. This can be used as an effect and as a section.","If it is used as a section, the section is run before the entity is added to the world.","You can modify the entity in this section, using for example \'event-entity\' or \'cow\'. ","Do note that other event values, such as \'player\', won\'t work in this section."}) -@Examples({"spawn 3 creepers at the targeted block","spawn a ghast 5 meters above the player","spawn a zombie at the player:","\tset name of the zombie to \"\""}) -@Since("1.0, 2.6.1 (with section)") -public class EffSecSpawn -extends EffectSection
      - -
        - -
      • -

        Field Details

        • -


          public static @Nullable org.bukkit.entity.Entity lastSpawned
        • -
      • - -
      • -

        Constructor Details

        • -


          public EffSecSpawn()
        • -
      • - -
      • -

        Method Details

        • -


          public boolean init(Expression<?>[] exprs, - int matchedPattern, - Kleenean isDelayed, - SkriptParser.ParseResult parseResult, - @Nullable SectionNode sectionNode, - @Nullable List<TriggerItem> triggerItems)
          Specified by:
          init in class EffectSection
        • -
        • -


          protected @Nullable TriggerItem walk(org.bukkit.event.Event event)
          Description copied from class: TriggerItem
          Executes this item and returns the next item to run. -

          - Overriding classes must call TriggerItem.debug(Event, boolean). If this method is overridden, TriggerItem.run(Event) is not used anymore and can be ignored.

          Specified by:
          walk in class TriggerSection
          The next item to run or null to stop execution
        • -
        • -


          public String toString(@Nullable org.bukkit.event.Event event, - boolean debug)
          event - The event to get information to. This is always null if debug == false.
          debug - If true this should print more information, if false this should print what is shown to the end user
          String representation of this object
        • -
      • -
      - -
      - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/sections/SecConditional.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/sections/SecConditional.html deleted file mode 100644 index c7e9de9383..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/sections/SecConditional.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,280 +0,0 @@ - - - - -SecConditional (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
      - -
      - -
      - -

      Class SecConditional

      - -
      All Implemented Interfaces:
      Debuggable, SyntaxElement
      @Name("Conditionals") -@Description({"Conditional sections","if: executed when its condition is true","else if: executed if all previous chained conditionals weren\'t executed, and its condition is true","else: executed if all previous chained conditionals weren\'t executed","","parse if: a special case of \'if\' condition that its code will not be parsed if the condition is not true","else parse if: another special case of \'else if\' condition that its code will not be parsed if all previous chained conditionals weren\'t executed, and its condition is true"}) -@Examples({"if player\'s health is greater than or equal to 4:","\tsend \"Your health is okay so far but be careful!\"","","else if player\'s health is greater than 2:","\tsend \"You need to heal ASAP, your health is very low!\"","","else: # Less than 2 hearts","\tsend \"You are about to DIE if you don\'t heal NOW. You have only %player\'s health% heart(s)!\"","","parse if plugin \"SomePluginName\" is enabled: # parse if %condition%","\t# This code will only be executed if the condition used is met otherwise Skript will not parse this section therefore will not give any errors/info about this section",""}) -@Since("1.0") -public class SecConditional -extends Section
      - -
        - -
      • -

        Constructor Details

        • -


          public SecConditional()
        • -
      • - -
      • -

        Method Details

        • -


          public boolean init(Expression<?>[] exprs, - int matchedPattern, - Kleenean isDelayed, - SkriptParser.ParseResult parseResult, - SectionNode sectionNode, - List<TriggerItem> triggerItems)
          Specified by:
          init in class Section
        • -
        • -


          public @Nullable TriggerItem getNext()
          getNext in class TriggerItem
        • -
        • -


          public @Nullable TriggerItem getNormalNext()
        • -
        • -


          protected @Nullable TriggerItem walk(org.bukkit.event.Event event)
          Description copied from class: TriggerItem
          Executes this item and returns the next item to run. -

          - Overriding classes must call TriggerItem.debug(Event, boolean). If this method is overridden, TriggerItem.run(Event) is not used anymore and can be ignored.

          Specified by:
          walk in class TriggerSection
          The next item to run or null to stop execution
        • -
        • -


          public String toString(@Nullable org.bukkit.event.Event event, - boolean debug)
          event - The event to get information to. This is always null if debug == false.
          debug - If true this should print more information, if false this should print what is shown to the end user
          String representation of this object
        • -
      • -
      - -
      - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/sections/SecLoop.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/sections/SecLoop.html deleted file mode 100644 index d75a68798e..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/sections/SecLoop.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,334 +0,0 @@ - - - - -SecLoop (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
      - -
      - -
      - -

      Class SecLoop

      - -
      All Implemented Interfaces:
      Debuggable, SyntaxElement
      @Name("Loop") -@Description({"Loop sections repeat their code with multiple values.","","A loop will loop through all elements of the given expression, e.g. all players, worlds, items, etc. The conditions & effects inside the loop will be executed for every of those elements, which can be accessed with \u2018loop-<what>\u2019, e.g. <code>send \"hello\" to loop-player</code>. When a condition inside a loop is not fulfilled the loop will start over with the next element of the loop. You can however use <code>stop loop</code> to exit the loop completely and resume code execution after the end of the loop.","","<b>Loopable Values</b>","All <a href=\"/expressions.html\">expressions</a> that represent more than one value, e.g. \u2018all players\u2019, \u2018worlds\u2019, etc., as well as list variables, can be looped. You can also use a list of expressions, e.g. <code>loop the victim and the attacker</code>, to execute the same code for only a few values.","","<b>List Variables</b>","When looping list variables, you can also use <code>loop-index</code> in addition to <code>loop-value</code> inside the loop. <code>loop-value</code> is the value of the currently looped variable, and <code>loop-index</code> is the last part of the variable\'s name (the part where the list variable has its asterisk *)."}) -@Examples({"loop all players:","\tsend \"Hello %loop-player%!\" to loop-player","","loop items in player\'s inventory:","\tif loop-item is dirt:","\t\tset loop-item to air","","loop 10 times:","\tsend title \"%11 - loop-value%\" and subtitle \"seconds left until the game begins\" to player for 1 second # 10, 9, 8 etc.","\twait 1 second","","loop {Coins::*}:","\tset {Coins::%loop-index%} to loop-value + 5 # Same as \"add 5 to {Coins::%loop-index%}\" where loop-index is the uuid of the player and loop-value is the actually coins value such as 200"}) -@Since("1.0") -public class SecLoop -extends LoopSection
      - -
        - -
      • -

        Constructor Details

        • -


          public SecLoop()
        • -
      • - -
      • -

        Method Details

        • -


          public boolean init(Expression<?>[] exprs, - int matchedPattern, - Kleenean isDelayed, - SkriptParser.ParseResult parseResult, - SectionNode sectionNode, - List<TriggerItem> triggerItems)
          Specified by:
          init in class Section
        • -
        • -


          protected @Nullable TriggerItem walk(org.bukkit.event.Event event)
          Description copied from class: TriggerItem
          Executes this item and returns the next item to run. -

          - Overriding classes must call TriggerItem.debug(Event, boolean). If this method is overridden, TriggerItem.run(Event) is not used anymore and can be ignored.

          Specified by:
          walk in class TriggerSection
          The next item to run or null to stop execution
        • -
        • -


          public String toString(@Nullable org.bukkit.event.Event event, - boolean debug)
          event - The event to get information to. This is always null if debug == false.
          debug - If true this should print more information, if false this should print what is shown to the end user
          String representation of this object
        • -
        • -


          public @Nullable Object getCurrent(org.bukkit.event.Event event)
        • -
        • -


          public Expression<?> getLoopedExpression()
        • -
        • -


          public SecLoop setNext(@Nullable TriggerItem next)
          setNext in class TriggerSection
        • -
        • -


          public @Nullable TriggerItem getActualNext()
          Specified by:
          getActualNext in class LoopSection
          The next TriggerItem after the loop
        • -
        • -


          public void exit(org.bukkit.event.Event event)
          Description copied from class: LoopSection
          Exit the loop, used to reset the loop properties such as iterations counter
          exit in class LoopSection
          event - The event where the loop is used to reset its relevant properties
        • -
      • -
      - -
      - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/sections/SecWhile.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/sections/SecWhile.html deleted file mode 100644 index 1fd41971b9..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/sections/SecWhile.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,316 +0,0 @@ - - - - -SecWhile (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
      - -
      - -
      - -

      Class SecWhile

      - -
      All Implemented Interfaces:
      Debuggable, SyntaxElement
      @Name("While Loop") -@Description("While Loop sections are loops that will just keep repeating as long as a condition is met.") -@Examples({"while size of all players < 5:","\tsend \"More players are needed to begin the adventure\" to all players","\twait 5 seconds","","set {_counter} to 1","do while {_counter} > 1: # false but will increase {_counter} by 1 then get out","\tadd 1 to {_counter}","","# Be careful when using while loops with conditions that are almost ","# always true for a long time without using \'wait %timespan%\' inside it, ","# otherwise it will probably hang and crash your server.","while player is online:","\tgive player 1 dirt","\twait 1 second # without using a delay effect the server will crash"}) -@Since("2.0, 2.6 (do while)") -public class SecWhile -extends LoopSection
      - -
        - -
      • -

        Constructor Details

        • -


          public SecWhile()
        • -
      • - -
      • -

        Method Details

        • -


          public boolean init(Expression<?>[] exprs, - int matchedPattern, - Kleenean isDelayed, - SkriptParser.ParseResult parseResult, - SectionNode sectionNode, - List<TriggerItem> triggerItems)
          Specified by:
          init in class Section
        • -
        • -


          protected @Nullable TriggerItem walk(org.bukkit.event.Event event)
          Description copied from class: TriggerItem
          Executes this item and returns the next item to run. -

          - Overriding classes must call TriggerItem.debug(Event, boolean). If this method is overridden, TriggerItem.run(Event) is not used anymore and can be ignored.

          Specified by:
          walk in class TriggerSection
          The next item to run or null to stop execution
        • -
        • -


          public SecWhile setNext(@Nullable TriggerItem next)
          setNext in class TriggerSection
        • -
        • -


          public @Nullable TriggerItem getActualNext()
          Specified by:
          getActualNext in class LoopSection
          The next TriggerItem after the loop
        • -
        • -


          public String toString(@Nullable org.bukkit.event.Event event, - boolean debug)
          event - The event to get information to. This is always null if debug == false.
          debug - If true this should print more information, if false this should print what is shown to the end user
          String representation of this object
        • -
        • -


          public void exit(org.bukkit.event.Event event)
          Description copied from class: LoopSection
          Exit the loop, used to reset the loop properties such as iterations counter
          exit in class LoopSection
          event - The event where the loop is used to reset its relevant properties
        • -
      • -
      - -
      - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/sections/package-summary.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/sections/package-summary.html deleted file mode 100644 index e845f3d5c1..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/sections/package-summary.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,107 +0,0 @@ - - - - -ch.njol.skript.sections (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
      - -

      Package ch.njol.skript.sections

      @NonNullByDefault({PARAMETER,RETURN_TYPE,FIELD}) -package ch.njol.skript.sections
      Code related to logging.
      - -
      - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/sections/package-tree.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/sections/package-tree.html deleted file mode 100644 index 7cb8707bea..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/sections/package-tree.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,99 +0,0 @@ - - - - -ch.njol.skript.sections Class Hierarchy (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
      - -

      Hierarchy For Package ch.njol.skript.sections

      -Package Hierarchies: - -

      Class Hierarchy

      - -
      - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/structures/StructAliases.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/structures/StructAliases.html deleted file mode 100644 index 1fa1c64c6e..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/structures/StructAliases.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,285 +0,0 @@ - - - - -StructAliases (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
      - -
      - -
      - -

      Class StructAliases

      java.lang.Object -
      org.skriptlang.skript.lang.structure.Structure -
      All Implemented Interfaces:
      Debuggable, SyntaxElement
      @Name("Aliases") -@Description("Used for registering custom aliases for a script.") -@Examples({"aliases:","\tblacklisted items = TNT, bedrock, obsidian, mob spawner, lava, lava bucket","\tshiny swords = gold sword, iron sword, diamond sword"}) -@Since("1.0") -public class StructAliases -extends Structure
      - -
        - -
      • -

        Field Details

        - -
      • - -
      • -

        Constructor Details

        • -


          public StructAliases()
        • -
      • - -
      • -

        Method Details

        • -


          public boolean init(Literal<?>[] args, - int matchedPattern, - SkriptParser.ParseResult parseResult, - EntryContainer entryContainer)
          Specified by:
          init in class Structure
        • -
        • -


          public boolean load()
          Description copied from class: Structure
          The second phase of Structure loading. - During this phase, Structures are loaded script by script. - The order they are loaded in for each script is based on the Structure's priority.
          Specified by:
          load in class Structure
          Whether loading was successful. An error should be printed prior to returning false to specify the cause.
        • -
        • -


          public Structure.Priority getPriority()
          Description copied from class: Structure
          The priority of a Structure determines the order in which it should be loaded. - For more information, see the javadoc of Structure.Priority.
          getPriority in class Structure
          The priority of this Structure. By default, this is Structure.DEFAULT_PRIORITY.
        • -
        • -


          public String toString(@Nullable - @Nullable org.bukkit.event.Event e, - boolean debug)
          e - The event to get information to. This is always null if debug == false.
          debug - If true this should print more information, if false this should print what is shown to the end user
          String representation of this object
        • -
      • -
      - -
      - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/structures/StructCommand.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/structures/StructCommand.html deleted file mode 100644 index e54e5b0b8a..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/structures/StructCommand.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,342 +0,0 @@ - - - - -StructCommand (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
      - -
      - -
      - -

      Class StructCommand

      java.lang.Object -
      org.skriptlang.skript.lang.structure.Structure -
      All Implemented Interfaces:
      Debuggable, SyntaxElement
      @Name("Command") -@Description("Used for registering custom commands.") -@Examples({"command /broadcast <string>:","\tusage: A command for broadcasting a message to all players.","\tpermission: skript.command.broadcast","\tpermission message: You don\'t have permission to broadcast messages","\taliases: /bc","\texecutable by: players and console","\tcooldown: 15 seconds","\tcooldown message: You last broadcast a message %elapsed time% ago. You can broadcast another message in %remaining time%.","\tcooldown bypass: skript.command.broadcast.admin","\tcooldown storage: {cooldown::%player%}","\ttrigger:","\t\tbroadcast the argument"}) -@Since("1.0") -public class StructCommand -extends Structure
      - -
        - -
      • -

        Field Details

        - -
      • - -
      • -

        Constructor Details

        • -


          public StructCommand()
        • -
      • - -
      • -

        Method Details

        • -


          public boolean init(Literal<?>[] args, - int matchedPattern, - SkriptParser.ParseResult parseResult, - EntryContainer entryContainer)
          Specified by:
          init in class Structure
        • -
        • -


          public boolean load()
          Description copied from class: Structure
          The second phase of Structure loading. - During this phase, Structures are loaded script by script. - The order they are loaded in for each script is based on the Structure's priority.
          Specified by:
          load in class Structure
          Whether loading was successful. An error should be printed prior to returning false to specify the cause.
        • -
        • -


          public boolean postLoad()
          Description copied from class: Structure
          The third and final phase of Structure loading. - The loading order and method is the same as Structure.load(). - This method is primarily designed for Structures that wish to execute actions after - most other Structures have finished loading.
          postLoad in class Structure
          Whether postLoading was successful. An error should be printed prior to returning false to specify the cause.
        • -
        • -


          public void unload()
          Description copied from class: Structure
          Called when this structure is unloaded.
          unload in class Structure
        • -
        • -


          public void postUnload()
          Description copied from class: Structure
          Called when this structure is unloaded. - This method is primarily designed for Structures that wish to execute actions after - most other Structures have finished unloading.
          postUnload in class Structure
        • -
        • -


          public Structure.Priority getPriority()
          Description copied from class: Structure
          The priority of a Structure determines the order in which it should be loaded. - For more information, see the javadoc of Structure.Priority.
          getPriority in class Structure
          The priority of this Structure. By default, this is Structure.DEFAULT_PRIORITY.
        • -
        • -


          public String toString(@Nullable org.bukkit.event.Event e, - boolean debug)
          e - The event to get information to. This is always null if debug == false.
          debug - If true this should print more information, if false this should print what is shown to the end user
          String representation of this object
        • -
      • -
      - -
      - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/structures/StructFunction.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/structures/StructFunction.html deleted file mode 100644 index 7ed0e0bd4d..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/structures/StructFunction.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,344 +0,0 @@ - - - - -StructFunction (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
      - -
      - -
      - -

      Class StructFunction

      java.lang.Object -
      org.skriptlang.skript.lang.structure.Structure -
      All Implemented Interfaces:
      Debuggable, SyntaxElement
      @Name("Function") -@Description({"Functions are structures that can be executed with arguments/parameters to run code.","They can also return a value to the trigger that is executing the function.","Note that local functions come before global functions execution"}) -@Examples({"function sayMessage(message: text):","\tbroadcast {_message} # our message argument is available in \'{_message}\'","","local function giveApple(amount: number) :: item:","\treturn {_amount} of apple","","function getPoints(p: player) returns number:","\treturn {points::%{_p}%}"}) -@Since("2.2, 2.7 (local functions)") -public class StructFunction -extends Structure
      - -
        - -
      • -

        Field Details

        - -
      • - -
      • -

        Constructor Details

        • -


          public StructFunction()
        • -
      • - -
      • -

        Method Details

        • -


          public boolean init(Literal<?>[] literals, - int matchedPattern, - SkriptParser.ParseResult parseResult, - EntryContainer entryContainer)
          Specified by:
          init in class Structure
        • -
        • -


          public boolean preLoad()
          Description copied from class: Structure
          The first phase of Structure loading. - During this phase, all Structures across all loading scripts are loaded with respect to their priorities.
          preLoad in class Structure
          Whether preloading was successful. An error should be printed prior to returning false to specify the cause.
        • -
        • -


          public boolean load()
          Description copied from class: Structure
          The second phase of Structure loading. - During this phase, Structures are loaded script by script. - The order they are loaded in for each script is based on the Structure's priority.
          Specified by:
          load in class Structure
          Whether loading was successful. An error should be printed prior to returning false to specify the cause.
        • -
        • -


          public boolean postLoad()
          Description copied from class: Structure
          The third and final phase of Structure loading. - The loading order and method is the same as Structure.load(). - This method is primarily designed for Structures that wish to execute actions after - most other Structures have finished loading.
          postLoad in class Structure
          Whether postLoading was successful. An error should be printed prior to returning false to specify the cause.
        • -
        • -


          public void unload()
          Description copied from class: Structure
          Called when this structure is unloaded.
          unload in class Structure
        • -
        • -


          public Structure.Priority getPriority()
          Description copied from class: Structure
          The priority of a Structure determines the order in which it should be loaded. - For more information, see the javadoc of Structure.Priority.
          getPriority in class Structure
          The priority of this Structure. By default, this is Structure.DEFAULT_PRIORITY.
        • -
        • -


          public String toString(@Nullable - @Nullable org.bukkit.event.Event e, - boolean debug)
          e - The event to get information to. This is always null if debug == false.
          debug - If true this should print more information, if false this should print what is shown to the end user
          String representation of this object
        • -
      • -
      - -
      - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/structures/StructOptions.OptionsData.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/structures/StructOptions.OptionsData.html deleted file mode 100644 index 18ebc40321..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/structures/StructOptions.OptionsData.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,189 +0,0 @@ - - - - -StructOptions.OptionsData (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
      - -
      - -
      - -

      Class StructOptions.OptionsData

      java.lang.Object -
      All Implemented Interfaces:
      Enclosing class:
      public static final class StructOptions.OptionsData -extends Object -implements ScriptData
      - -
        - -
      • -

        Constructor Details

        • -


          public OptionsData()
        • -
      • - -
      • -

        Method Details

        • -


          public String replaceOptions(String string)
          Replaces all options in the provided String using the options of this data.
          string - The String to replace options in.
          A String with all options replaced, or the original String if the provided Script has no options.
        • -
        • -


          public Map<String,String> getOptions()
          An unmodifiable version of this data's option mappings.
        • -
      • -
      - -
      - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/structures/StructOptions.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/structures/StructOptions.html deleted file mode 100644 index 75fb376ad8..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/structures/StructOptions.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,311 +0,0 @@ - - - - -StructOptions (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
      - -
      - -
      - -

      Class StructOptions

      java.lang.Object -
      org.skriptlang.skript.lang.structure.Structure -
      All Implemented Interfaces:
      Debuggable, SyntaxElement
      @Name("Options") -@Description({"Options are used for replacing parts of a script with something else.","For example, an option may represent a message that appears in multiple locations.","Take a look at the example below that showcases this."}) -@Examples({"options:","\tno_permission: You\'re missing the required permission to execute this command!","","command /ping:","\tpermission: command.ping","\tpermission message: {@no_permission}","\ttrigger:","\t\tmessage \"Pong!\"","","command /pong:","\tpermission: command.pong","\tpermission message: {@no_permission}","\ttrigger:","\t\tmessage \"Ping!\""}) -@Since("1.0") -public class StructOptions -extends Structure
      - -
        - -
      • -

        Field Details

        - -
      • - -
      • -

        Constructor Details

        • -


          public StructOptions()
        • -
      • - -
      • -

        Method Details

        • -


          public boolean init(Literal<?>[] args, - int matchedPattern, - SkriptParser.ParseResult parseResult, - EntryContainer entryContainer)
          Specified by:
          init in class Structure
        • -
        • -


          public boolean load()
          Description copied from class: Structure
          The second phase of Structure loading. - During this phase, Structures are loaded script by script. - The order they are loaded in for each script is based on the Structure's priority.
          Specified by:
          load in class Structure
          Whether loading was successful. An error should be printed prior to returning false to specify the cause.
        • -
        • -


          public void unload()
          Description copied from class: Structure
          Called when this structure is unloaded.
          unload in class Structure
        • -
        • -


          public Structure.Priority getPriority()
          Description copied from class: Structure
          The priority of a Structure determines the order in which it should be loaded. - For more information, see the javadoc of Structure.Priority.
          getPriority in class Structure
          The priority of this Structure. By default, this is Structure.DEFAULT_PRIORITY.
        • -
        • -


          public String toString(@Nullable - @Nullable org.bukkit.event.Event e, - boolean debug)
          e - The event to get information to. This is always null if debug == false.
          debug - If true this should print more information, if false this should print what is shown to the end user
          String representation of this object
        • -
      • -
      - -
      - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/structures/StructVariables.DefaultVariables.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/structures/StructVariables.DefaultVariables.html deleted file mode 100644 index 4cc66eb0b1..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/structures/StructVariables.DefaultVariables.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,229 +0,0 @@ - - - - -StructVariables.DefaultVariables (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
      - -
      - -
      - -

      Class StructVariables.DefaultVariables

      java.lang.Object -
      All Implemented Interfaces:
      Enclosing class:
      public static class StructVariables.DefaultVariables -extends Object -implements ScriptData
      - -
        - -
      • -

        Constructor Details

        - -
      • - -
      • -

        Method Details

        • -


          public void add(String variable, - Class<?>... hints)
        • -
        • -


          public void enterScope()
        • -
        • -


          public void exitScope()
        • -
        • -


          @Nullable -public @Nullable Class<?>[] get(String variable)
          Returns the type hints of a variable. - Can be null if no type hint was saved.
          variable - The variable string of a variable.
          type hints of a variable if found otherwise null.
        • -
        • -


          public boolean hasDefaultVariables()
        • -
        • -


          public @Unmodifiable List<NonNullPair<String,Object>> getVariables()
          an unmodifiable list of all the default variables registered for the script.
        • -
      • -
      - -
      - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/structures/StructVariables.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/structures/StructVariables.html deleted file mode 100644 index 22f50e3ddb..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/structures/StructVariables.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,313 +0,0 @@ - - - - -StructVariables (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
      - -
      - -
      - -

      Class StructVariables

      java.lang.Object -
      org.skriptlang.skript.lang.structure.Structure -
      All Implemented Interfaces:
      Debuggable, SyntaxElement
      @Name("Variables") -@Description({"Used for defining variables present within a script.","This section is not required, but it ensures that a variable has a value if it doesn\'t exist when the script is loaded."}) -@Examples({"variables:","\t{joins} = 0","\t{balance::%player%} = 0","","on join:","\tadd 1 to {joins}","\tmessage \"Your balance is %{balance::%player%}%\"",""}) -@Since("1.0") -public class StructVariables -extends Structure
      - -
        - -
      • -

        Field Details

        - -
      • - -
      • -

        Constructor Details

        • -


          public StructVariables()
        • -
      • - -
      • -

        Method Details

        • -


          public boolean init(Literal<?>[] args, - int matchedPattern, - SkriptParser.ParseResult parseResult, - EntryContainer entryContainer)
          Specified by:
          init in class Structure
        • -
        • -


          public boolean load()
          Description copied from class: Structure
          The second phase of Structure loading. - During this phase, Structures are loaded script by script. - The order they are loaded in for each script is based on the Structure's priority.
          Specified by:
          load in class Structure
          Whether loading was successful. An error should be printed prior to returning false to specify the cause.
        • -
        • -


          public void postUnload()
          Description copied from class: Structure
          Called when this structure is unloaded. - This method is primarily designed for Structures that wish to execute actions after - most other Structures have finished unloading.
          postUnload in class Structure
        • -
        • -


          public Structure.Priority getPriority()
          Description copied from class: Structure
          The priority of a Structure determines the order in which it should be loaded. - For more information, see the javadoc of Structure.Priority.
          getPriority in class Structure
          The priority of this Structure. By default, this is Structure.DEFAULT_PRIORITY.
        • -
        • -


          public String toString(@Nullable - @Nullable org.bukkit.event.Event event, - boolean debug)
          event - The event to get information to. This is always null if debug == false.
          debug - If true this should print more information, if false this should print what is shown to the end user
          String representation of this object
        • -
      • -
      - -
      - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/structures/package-summary.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/structures/package-summary.html deleted file mode 100644 index 1c23be59fa..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/structures/package-summary.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,111 +0,0 @@ - - - - -ch.njol.skript.structures (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
      - -

      Package ch.njol.skript.structures

      @NonNullByDefault({PARAMETER,RETURN_TYPE,FIELD}) -package ch.njol.skript.structures
      Support for script-based testing.
      - -
      - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/structures/package-tree.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/structures/package-tree.html deleted file mode 100644 index 0023db4dcd..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/structures/package-tree.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,81 +0,0 @@ - - - - -ch.njol.skript.structures Class Hierarchy (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
      - -

      Hierarchy For Package ch.njol.skript.structures

      -Package Hierarchies: - -

      Class Hierarchy

      - -
      - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/test/platform/Environment.PaperResource.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/test/platform/Environment.PaperResource.html deleted file mode 100644 index db38518fe9..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/test/platform/Environment.PaperResource.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,173 +0,0 @@ - - - - -Environment.PaperResource (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
      - -
      - -
      - -

      Class Environment.PaperResource

      java.lang.Object -
      ch.njol.skript.test.platform.Environment.Resource -
      Enclosing class:
      public static class Environment.PaperResource -extends Environment.Resource
      - -
        - -
      • -

        Constructor Details

        • -


          public PaperResource(String version, - String target)
        • -
      • - -
      • -

        Method Details

        - -
      • -
      - -
      - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/test/platform/Environment.Resource.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/test/platform/Environment.Resource.html deleted file mode 100644 index b9658691f5..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/test/platform/Environment.Resource.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,178 +0,0 @@ - - - - -Environment.Resource (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
      - -
      - -
      - -

      Class Environment.Resource

      java.lang.Object -
      Direct Known Subclasses:
      Enclosing class:
      public static class Environment.Resource -extends Object
      Resource that needs to be downloaded for the environment.
      - -
        - -
      • -

        Constructor Details

        • -


          public Resource(String url, - String target)
        • -
      • - -
      • -

        Method Details

        • -


          public String getSource()
        • -
        • -


          public String getTarget()
        • -
      • -
      - -
      - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/test/platform/Environment.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/test/platform/Environment.html deleted file mode 100644 index 546902425d..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/test/platform/Environment.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,237 +0,0 @@ - - - - -Environment (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
      - -
      - -
      - -

      Class Environment

      java.lang.Object -
      public class Environment -extends Object
      Test environment information.
      - -
      - -
      - -
      - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/test/platform/PlatformMain.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/test/platform/PlatformMain.html deleted file mode 100644 index 6f787313a0..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/test/platform/PlatformMain.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,167 +0,0 @@ - - - - -PlatformMain (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
      - -
      - -
      - -

      Class PlatformMain

      java.lang.Object -
      public class PlatformMain -extends Object
      Main entry point of test platform. It allows running this Skript on - multiple testing environments.
      - -
      - -
      - -
      - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/test/platform/package-summary.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/test/platform/package-summary.html deleted file mode 100644 index be9ca41631..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/test/platform/package-summary.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,98 +0,0 @@ - - - - -ch.njol.skript.test.platform (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
      - -

      Package ch.njol.skript.test.platform

      @NonNullByDefault({PARAMETER,RETURN_TYPE,FIELD}) -package ch.njol.skript.test.platform
      Support for script-based testing.
      - -
      - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/test/platform/package-tree.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/test/platform/package-tree.html deleted file mode 100644 index cc79c1d2fa..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/test/platform/package-tree.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,77 +0,0 @@ - - - - -ch.njol.skript.test.platform Class Hierarchy (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
      - -

      Hierarchy For Package ch.njol.skript.test.platform

      -Package Hierarchies: - -

      Class Hierarchy

      - -
      - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/test/runner/CondMethodExists.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/test/runner/CondMethodExists.html deleted file mode 100644 index 554d3779be..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/test/runner/CondMethodExists.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,284 +0,0 @@ - - - - -CondMethodExists (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
      - -
      - -
      - -

      Class CondMethodExists

      - -
      All Implemented Interfaces:
      Debuggable, SyntaxElement, Checker<String>
      @Name("Method Exists") -@Description("Checks if a method exists") -@Examples("if method \"org.bukkit.Bukkit#getPluginCommand(java.lang.String)") -@Since("2.7") -public class CondMethodExists -extends PropertyCondition<String>
      - -
        - -
      • -

        Constructor Details

        • -


          public CondMethodExists()
        • -
      • - -
      • -

        Method Details

        • -


          public boolean init(Expression<?>[] exprs, - int matchedPattern, - Kleenean isDelayed, - SkriptParser.ParseResult parseResult)
          Description copied from interface: SyntaxElement
          Called just after the constructor.
          Specified by:
          init in interface SyntaxElement
          init in class PropertyCondition<String>
          exprs - all %expr%s included in the matching pattern in the order they appear in the pattern. If an optional value was left out it will still be included in this list - holding the default value of the desired type which usually depends on the event.
          matchedPattern - The index of the pattern which matched
          isDelayed - Whether this expression is used after a delay or not (i.e. if the event has already passed when this expression will be called)
          parseResult - Additional information about the match.
          Whether this expression was initialised successfully. An error should be printed prior to returning false to specify the cause.
          See Also:
          - -
        • -
        • -


          public boolean check(String signature)
          Specified by:
          check in interface Checker<String>
          Specified by:
          check in class PropertyCondition<String>
        • -
        • -


          protected String getPropertyName()
          Specified by:
          getPropertyName in class PropertyCondition<String>
        • -
        • -


          public String toString(@Nullable org.bukkit.event.Event event, - boolean debug)
          Specified by:
          toString in interface Debuggable
          toString in class PropertyCondition<String>
          event - The event to get information to. This is always null if debug == false.
          debug - If true this should print more information, if false this should print what is shown to the end user
          String representation of this object
        • -
      • -
      - -
      - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/test/runner/CondMinecraftVersion.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/test/runner/CondMinecraftVersion.html deleted file mode 100644 index c4da51d743..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/test/runner/CondMinecraftVersion.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,258 +0,0 @@ - - - - -CondMinecraftVersion (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
      - -
      - -
      - -

      Class CondMinecraftVersion

      - -
      All Implemented Interfaces:
      Debuggable, SyntaxElement
      @Name("Running Minecraft") -@Description("Checks if current Minecraft version is given version or newer.") -@Examples("running minecraft \"1.14\"") -@Since("2.5") -public class CondMinecraftVersion -extends Condition
      - -
        - -
      • -

        Constructor Details

        • -


          public CondMinecraftVersion()
        • -
      • - -
      • -

        Method Details

        • -


          public boolean init(Expression<?>[] exprs, - int matchedPattern, - Kleenean isDelayed, - SkriptParser.ParseResult parseResult)
          Description copied from interface: SyntaxElement
          Called just after the constructor.
          exprs - all %expr%s included in the matching pattern in the order they appear in the pattern. If an optional value was left out it will still be included in this list - holding the default value of the desired type which usually depends on the event.
          matchedPattern - The index of the pattern which matched
          isDelayed - Whether this expression is used after a delay or not (i.e. if the event has already passed when this expression will be called)
          parseResult - Additional information about the match.
          Whether this expression was initialised successfully. An error should be printed prior to returning false to specify the cause.
          See Also:
          - -
        • -
        • -


          public boolean check(org.bukkit.event.Event e)
          Description copied from class: Condition
          Checks whether this condition is satisfied with the given event. This should not alter the event or the world in any way, as conditions are only checked until one returns - false. All subsequent conditions of the same trigger will then be omitted.
          - You might want to use SimpleExpression.check(Event, Checker)
          Specified by:
          check in class Condition
          e - the event to check
          true if the condition is satisfied, false otherwise or if the condition doesn't apply to this event.
        • -
        • -


          public String toString(@Nullable org.bukkit.event.Event e, - boolean debug)
          e - The event to get information to. This is always null if debug == false.
          debug - If true this should print more information, if false this should print what is shown to the end user
          String representation of this object
        • -
      • -
      - -
      - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/test/runner/EffAssert.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/test/runner/EffAssert.html deleted file mode 100644 index 95af82e72e..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/test/runner/EffAssert.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,271 +0,0 @@ - - - - -EffAssert (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
      - -
      - -
      - -

      Class EffAssert

      - -
      All Implemented Interfaces:
      Debuggable, SyntaxElement
      @Name("Assert") -@Description("Assert that condition is true. Test fails when it is not.") -@NoDoc -public class EffAssert -extends Effect
      - -
        - -
      • -

        Constructor Details

        • -


          public EffAssert()
        • -
      • - -
      • -

        Method Details

        • -


          public boolean init(Expression<?>[] exprs, - int matchedPattern, - Kleenean isDelayed, - SkriptParser.ParseResult parseResult)
          Description copied from interface: SyntaxElement
          Called just after the constructor.
          exprs - all %expr%s included in the matching pattern in the order they appear in the pattern. If an optional value was left out it will still be included in this list - holding the default value of the desired type which usually depends on the event.
          matchedPattern - The index of the pattern which matched
          isDelayed - Whether this expression is used after a delay or not (i.e. if the event has already passed when this expression will be called)
          parseResult - Additional information about the match.
          Whether this expression was initialised successfully. An error should be printed prior to returning false to specify the cause.
          See Also:
          - -
        • -
        • -


          protected void execute(org.bukkit.event.Event event)
          Description copied from class: Effect
          Executes this effect.
          Specified by:
          execute in class Effect
        • -
        • -


          public @Nullable TriggerItem walk(org.bukkit.event.Event event)
          Description copied from class: TriggerItem
          Executes this item and returns the next item to run. -

          - Overriding classes must call TriggerItem.debug(Event, boolean). If this method is overridden, TriggerItem.run(Event) is not used anymore and can be ignored.

          walk in class TriggerItem
          The next item to run or null to stop execution
        • -
        • -


          public String toString(@Nullable org.bukkit.event.Event event, - boolean debug)
          event - The event to get information to. This is always null if debug == false.
          debug - If true this should print more information, if false this should print what is shown to the end user
          String representation of this object
        • -
      • -
      - -
      - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/test/runner/EffDebug.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/test/runner/EffDebug.html deleted file mode 100644 index 8d32784c02..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/test/runner/EffDebug.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,251 +0,0 @@ - - - - -EffDebug (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
      - -
      - -
      - -

      Class EffDebug

      - -
      All Implemented Interfaces:
      Debuggable, SyntaxElement
      @Name("Debug") -@Description({"Debug an expression by printing data of it to console.","Can also debug what class an input is parsed as for Conditions and Effects.","Useful for dealing with conflict debugging."}) -@Since("2.7") -@NoDoc -public class EffDebug -extends Effect
      - -
        - -
      • -

        Constructor Details

        • -


          public EffDebug()
        • -
      • - -
      • -

        Method Details

        • -


          public boolean init(Expression<?>[] exprs, - int matchedPattern, - Kleenean isDelayed, - SkriptParser.ParseResult parseResult)
          Description copied from interface: SyntaxElement
          Called just after the constructor.
          exprs - all %expr%s included in the matching pattern in the order they appear in the pattern. If an optional value was left out it will still be included in this list - holding the default value of the desired type which usually depends on the event.
          matchedPattern - The index of the pattern which matched
          isDelayed - Whether this expression is used after a delay or not (i.e. if the event has already passed when this expression will be called)
          parseResult - Additional information about the match.
          Whether this expression was initialised successfully. An error should be printed prior to returning false to specify the cause.
          See Also:
          - -
        • -
        • -


          protected void execute(org.bukkit.event.Event event)
          Description copied from class: Effect
          Executes this effect.
          Specified by:
          execute in class Effect
        • -
        • -


          public String toString(@Nullable org.bukkit.event.Event event, - boolean debug)
          event - The event to get information to. This is always null if debug == false.
          debug - If true this should print more information, if false this should print what is shown to the end user
          String representation of this object
        • -
      • -
      - -
      - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/test/runner/EffObjectives.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/test/runner/EffObjectives.html deleted file mode 100644 index 4c134d4058..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/test/runner/EffObjectives.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,285 +0,0 @@ - - - - -EffObjectives (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
      - -
      - -
      - -

      Class EffObjectives

      - -
      All Implemented Interfaces:
      Debuggable, SyntaxElement
      @Name("Objectives") -@Description("An effect to setup required objectives for JUnit tests to complete.") -@NoDoc -public class EffObjectives -extends Effect
      - -
        - -
      • -

        Constructor Details

        • -


          public EffObjectives()
        • -
      • - -
      • -

        Method Details

        • -


          public boolean init(Expression<?>[] exprs, - int matchedPattern, - Kleenean isDelayed, - SkriptParser.ParseResult parseResult)
          Description copied from interface: SyntaxElement
          Called just after the constructor.
          exprs - all %expr%s included in the matching pattern in the order they appear in the pattern. If an optional value was left out it will still be included in this list - holding the default value of the desired type which usually depends on the event.
          matchedPattern - The index of the pattern which matched
          isDelayed - Whether this expression is used after a delay or not (i.e. if the event has already passed when this expression will be called)
          parseResult - Additional information about the match.
          Whether this expression was initialised successfully. An error should be printed prior to returning false to specify the cause.
          See Also:
          - -
        • -
        • -


          protected void execute(org.bukkit.event.Event event)
          Description copied from class: Effect
          Executes this effect.
          Specified by:
          execute in class Effect
        • -
        • -


          public String toString(@Nullable org.bukkit.event.Event event, - boolean debug)
          event - The event to get information to. This is always null if debug == false.
          debug - If true this should print more information, if false this should print what is shown to the end user
          String representation of this object
        • -
        • -


          public static boolean isJUnitComplete()
          Check if the currently running JUnit test has passed all - it's required objectives that the script test setup.
          boolean true if the test passed.
        • -
        • -


          public static String getFailedObjectivesString()
          Returns an array string containing all the objectives that the current - JUnit test failed to accomplish in the given time.
        • -
      • -
      - -
      - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/test/runner/EvtTestCase.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/test/runner/EvtTestCase.html deleted file mode 100644 index 8aa13b9fae..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/test/runner/EvtTestCase.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,266 +0,0 @@ - - - - -EvtTestCase (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
      - -
      - -
      - -

      Class EvtTestCase

      - -
      All Implemented Interfaces:
      Debuggable, SyntaxElement
      public class EvtTestCase -extends SkriptEvent
      - -
        - -
      • -

        Constructor Details

        • -


          public EvtTestCase()
        • -
      • - -
      • -

        Method Details

        • -


          public boolean init(Literal<?>[] args, - int matchedPattern, - SkriptParser.ParseResult parseResult)
          Description copied from class: SkriptEvent
          Called just after the constructor
          Specified by:
          init in class SkriptEvent
        • -
        • -


          public boolean check(org.bukkit.event.Event event)
          Description copied from class: SkriptEvent
          Checks whether the given Event applies, e.g. the leftclick event is only part of the PlayerInteractEvent, and this checks whether the player leftclicked or not. This method - will only be called for events this SkriptEvent is registered for.
          Specified by:
          check in class SkriptEvent
          true if this is SkriptEvent is represented by the Bukkit Event or false if not
        • -
        • -


          public boolean shouldLoadEvent()
          Description copied from class: SkriptEvent
          Script loader checks this before loading items in event. If false is - returned, they are not parsed and the event is not registered.
          shouldLoadEvent in class SkriptEvent
          If this event should be loaded.
        • -
        • -


          public String toString(@Nullable org.bukkit.event.Event event, - boolean debug)
          event - The event to get information to. This is always null if debug == false.
          debug - If true this should print more information, if false this should print what is shown to the end user
          String representation of this object
        • -
      • -
      - -
      - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/test/runner/ExprJUnitTest.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/test/runner/ExprJUnitTest.html deleted file mode 100644 index b4a705b3c9..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/test/runner/ExprJUnitTest.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,273 +0,0 @@ - - - - -ExprJUnitTest (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
      - -
      - -
      - -

      Class ExprJUnitTest

      java.lang.Object -
      ch.njol.skript.lang.util.SimpleExpression<String> -
      All Implemented Interfaces:
      Debuggable, Expression<String>, SyntaxElement
      @Name("JUnit Test Name") -@Description("Returns the currently running JUnit test name otherwise nothing.") -@NoDoc -public class ExprJUnitTest -extends SimpleExpression<String>
      - -
        - -
      • -

        Constructor Details

        • -


          public ExprJUnitTest()
        • -
      • - -
      • -

        Method Details

        • -


          public boolean init(Expression<?>[] exprs, - int matchedPattern, - Kleenean isDelayed, - SkriptParser.ParseResult parseResult)
          Description copied from interface: SyntaxElement
          Called just after the constructor.
          exprs - all %expr%s included in the matching pattern in the order they appear in the pattern. If an optional value was left out it will still be included in this list - holding the default value of the desired type which usually depends on the event.
          matchedPattern - The index of the pattern which matched
          isDelayed - Whether this expression is used after a delay or not (i.e. if the event has already passed when this expression will be called)
          parseResult - Additional information about the match.
          Whether this expression was initialised successfully. An error should be printed prior to returning false to specify the cause.
          See Also:
          - -
        • -
        • -


          protected @Nullable String[] get(org.bukkit.event.Event event)
          Description copied from class: SimpleExpression
          This is the internal method to get an expression's values.
          - To get the expression's value from the outside use SimpleExpression.getSingle(Event) or SimpleExpression.getArray(Event).
          Specified by:
          get in class SimpleExpression<String>
          event - The event
          An array of values for this event. May not contain nulls.
        • -
        • -


          public boolean isSingle()
          true if this expression will ever only return one value at most, false if it can return multiple values.
        • -
        • -


          public Class<? extends String> getReturnType()
          Description copied from interface: Expression
          Gets the return type of this expression.
          A supertype of any objects returned by Expression.getSingle(Event) and the component type of any arrays returned by Expression.getArray(Event)
        • -
        • -


          public String toString(@Nullable org.bukkit.event.Event event, - boolean debug)
          event - The event to get information to. This is always null if debug == false.
          debug - If true this should print more information, if false this should print what is shown to the end user
          String representation of this object
        • -
      • -
      - -
      - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/test/runner/SkriptJUnitTest.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/test/runner/SkriptJUnitTest.html deleted file mode 100644 index 595c661b63..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/test/runner/SkriptJUnitTest.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,301 +0,0 @@ - - - - -SkriptJUnitTest (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
      - -
      - -
      - -

      Class SkriptJUnitTest

      java.lang.Object -
      public abstract class SkriptJUnitTest -extends Object
      Class that helps the JUnit test communicate with Skript.
      - -
        - -
      • -

        Constructor Details

        • -


          public SkriptJUnitTest()
        • -
      • - -
      • -

        Method Details

        • -


          public static long getShutdownDelay()
          The delay this JUnit test is requiring to run. - Do note this is global to all other tests. The most delay is the final waiting time.
          the delay in Minecraft ticks this junit test is requiring to run for.
        • -
        • -


          public static void setShutdownDelay(long delay)
          delay - Set the delay in Minecraft ticks for this test to run.
        • -
        • -


          public final void cleanup()
        • -
        • -


          public static org.bukkit.World getTestWorld()
          the test world.
        • -
        • -


          public static org.bukkit.Location getTestLocation()
          the testing location at the spawn of the testing world.
        • -
        • -


          public static org.bukkit.entity.Pig spawnTestPig()
          Spawns a testing pig at the spawn location of the testing world.
          Pig that has been spawned.
        • -
        • -


          public static org.bukkit.block.Block setBlock(org.bukkit.Material material)
          Set the type of the block at the testing location.
          material - The material to set the block to.
          the Block after it has been updated.
        • -
        • -


          public static org.bukkit.block.Block getBlock()
          Return the main block for testing in the getTestLocation();
          the Block after it has been updated.
        • -
        • -


          public static String getCurrentJUnitTest()
          Get the currently running JUnit test name.
        • -
        • -


          public static void setCurrentJUnitTest(String currentJUnitTest)
          Used internally.
        • -
        • -


          public static void clearJUnitTest()
          Used internally.
        • -
      • -
      - -
      - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/test/runner/SkriptTestEvent.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/test/runner/SkriptTestEvent.html deleted file mode 100644 index f7f44017dd..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/test/runner/SkriptTestEvent.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,186 +0,0 @@ - - - - -SkriptTestEvent (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
      - -
      - -
      - -

      Class SkriptTestEvent

      java.lang.Object -
      org.bukkit.event.Event -
      public class SkriptTestEvent -extends org.bukkit.event.Event
      Raised by Skript when tests are run.
        - -
      • -

        Nested Class Summary


        Nested classes/interfaces inherited from class org.bukkit.event.Event

      • - -
      • -

        Constructor Summary

        - -
      • - -
      • -

        Method Summary

        Modifier and Type
        static org.bukkit.event.HandlerList
        - -
        - -

        Methods inherited from class org.bukkit.event.Event

        -callEvent, getEventName, isAsynchronous

        Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

        -clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
      • -
        - -
      • -

        Constructor Details

        • -


          public SkriptTestEvent()
        • -
      • - -
      • -

        Method Details

        • -


          public static org.bukkit.event.HandlerList getHandlerList()
        • -
        • -


          public org.bukkit.event.HandlerList getHandlers()
          Specified by:
          getHandlers in class org.bukkit.event.Event
        • -
      • -
      - -
      - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/test/runner/TestFunctions.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/test/runner/TestFunctions.html deleted file mode 100644 index 8296688bc5..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/test/runner/TestFunctions.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,128 +0,0 @@ - - - - -TestFunctions (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
      - -
      - -
      - -

      Class TestFunctions

      java.lang.Object -
      public class TestFunctions -extends Object
      Functions available only to testing scripts.
      - -
        - -
      • -

        Constructor Details

        • -


          public TestFunctions()
        • -
      • -
      - -
      - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/test/runner/TestMode.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/test/runner/TestMode.html deleted file mode 100644 index f4487301e3..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/test/runner/TestMode.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,261 +0,0 @@ - - - - -TestMode (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
      - -
      - -
      - -

      Class TestMode

      java.lang.Object -
      public class TestMode -extends Object
      Static utilities for Skript's 'test mode'.
        - -
      • -

        Field Summary

        Modifier and Type
        static final boolean
        - -
        Enable test development mode.
        static boolean
        - -
        If the docs failed due to templates or other exceptions.
        static final boolean
        - -
        Determines if test mode is enabled.
        static final boolean
        - -
        If Skript should run the gen-docs command.
        static final boolean
        - -
        If this test is for JUnits on the server.
        static @Nullable File
        - -
        In development mode, file that was last run.
        static final Path
        - -
        Path to file where to save results in JSON format.
        static final Path
        - -
        Root path for scripts containing tests.
        static final @Nullable String
        - -
        Overrides the logging verbosity in the config with the property.
      • - -
      • -

        Constructor Summary

        - -
      • - -
      • -

        Method Summary


        Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

        -clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
      • -
        - -
      • -

        Field Details

        • -


          public static final boolean ENABLED
          Determines if test mode is enabled. In test mode, Skript will not load - normal scripts, working with TEST_DIR instead.
        • -
        • -


          public static final Path TEST_DIR
          Root path for scripts containing tests. If DEV_MODE is enabled, - a command will be available to run them individually or collectively. - Otherwise, all tests are run, results are written in JSON format to - RESULTS_FILE as in TestResults.
        • -
        • -


          public static final boolean DEV_MODE
          Enable test development mode. Skript will allow individual test scripts - to be loaded and ran, and prints results to chat or console.
        • -
        • -


          public static final boolean GEN_DOCS
          If Skript should run the gen-docs command.
        • -
        • -


          public static final @Nullable String VERBOSITY
          Overrides the logging verbosity in the config with the property.
        • -
        • -


          public static final Path RESULTS_FILE
          Path to file where to save results in JSON format.
        • -
        • -


          public static final boolean JUNIT
          If this test is for JUnits on the server.
        • -
        • -


          public static @Nullable File lastTestFile
          In development mode, file that was last run.
        • -
        • -


          public static boolean docsFailed
          If the docs failed due to templates or other exceptions. Only updates if TestMode.GEN_DOCS is set.
        • -
      • - -
      • -

        Constructor Details

        • -


          public TestMode()
        • -
      • -
      - -
      - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/test/runner/TestTracker.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/test/runner/TestTracker.html deleted file mode 100644 index 51b1c58ea0..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/test/runner/TestTracker.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,217 +0,0 @@ - - - - -TestTracker (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
      - -
      - -
      - -

      Class TestTracker

      java.lang.Object -
      public class TestTracker -extends Object
      Tracks failed and succeeded tests.
      - -
        - -
      • -

        Constructor Details

        • -


          public TestTracker()
        • -
      • - -
      • -

        Method Details

        • -


          public static void testStarted(String name)
        • -
        • -


          public static void testFailed(String msg)
        • -
        • -


          public static void testFailed(String msg, - Script script)
        • -
        • -


          public static void junitTestFailed(String junit, - String msg)
        • -
        • -


          public static Map<String,String> getFailedTests()
        • -
        • -


          public static Set<String> getSucceededTests()
        • -
        • -


          public static TestResults collectResults()
        • -
      • -
      - -
      - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/test/runner/package-summary.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/test/runner/package-summary.html deleted file mode 100644 index 4a478ea31c..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/test/runner/package-summary.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,118 +0,0 @@ - - - - -ch.njol.skript.test.runner (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
      - -

      Package ch.njol.skript.test.runner

      @NonNullByDefault({PARAMETER,RETURN_TYPE,FIELD}) -package ch.njol.skript.test.runner
      Support for script-based testing.
      - -
      - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/test/runner/package-tree.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/test/runner/package-tree.html deleted file mode 100644 index 57dc14bc1d..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/test/runner/package-tree.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,118 +0,0 @@ - - - - -ch.njol.skript.test.runner Class Hierarchy (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
      - -

      Hierarchy For Package ch.njol.skript.test.runner

      -Package Hierarchies: - -

      Class Hierarchy

      - -
      - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/test/utils/TestResults.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/test/utils/TestResults.html deleted file mode 100644 index 0b148dd4b2..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/test/utils/TestResults.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,191 +0,0 @@ - - - - -TestResults (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
      - -
      - -
      - -

      Class TestResults

      java.lang.Object -
      public class TestResults -extends Object
      Contains test results: successes, failures and doc failure. Will be serialized with Gson - for transfering it between processes of gradle/environment and the actual spigot server.
      - -
        - -
      • -

        Constructor Details

        • -


          public TestResults(Set<String> succeeded, - Map<String,String> failed, - boolean docs_failed)
        • -
      • - -
      • -

        Method Details

        • -


          public Set<String> getSucceeded()
        • -
        • -


          public Map<String,String> getFailed()
        • -
        • -


          public boolean docsFailed()
        • -
        • -


          public String createReport()
        • -
      • -
      - -
      - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/test/utils/package-summary.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/test/utils/package-summary.html deleted file mode 100644 index d58ad181f1..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/test/utils/package-summary.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,88 +0,0 @@ - - - - -ch.njol.skript.test.utils (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
      - -

      Package ch.njol.skript.test.utils

      @NonNullByDefault({PARAMETER,RETURN_TYPE,FIELD}) -package ch.njol.skript.test.utils
      Utils for script-based testing.
      • -
        - -
        Contains test results: successes, failures and doc failure.
      • -
      - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/test/utils/package-tree.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/test/utils/package-tree.html deleted file mode 100644 index 9624b084b1..0000000000 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/test/utils/package-tree.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,71 +0,0 @@ - - - - -ch.njol.skript.test.utils Class Hierarchy (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
      - -

      Hierarchy For Package ch.njol.skript.test.utils

      -Package Hierarchies: - -

      Class Hierarchy

      - -
      - - diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/timings/SkriptTimings.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/timings/SkriptTimings.html index f9915ebc71..805d600d68 100644 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/timings/SkriptTimings.html +++ b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/timings/SkriptTimings.html @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ -SkriptTimings (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) +SkriptTimings (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-235b97a API) diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/timings/package-summary.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/timings/package-summary.html index 7d63dc8449..bf84812da7 100644 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/timings/package-summary.html +++ b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/timings/package-summary.html @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ -ch.njol.skript.timings (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) +ch.njol.skript.timings (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-235b97a API) diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/timings/package-tree.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/timings/package-tree.html index 4fa548f283..d846fcb505 100644 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/timings/package-tree.html +++ b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/timings/package-tree.html @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ -ch.njol.skript.timings Class Hierarchy (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) +ch.njol.skript.timings Class Hierarchy (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-235b97a API) diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/update/GithubChecker.ResponseEntry.AssetsEntry.html 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a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/update/GithubChecker.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/update/GithubChecker.html index 1fc6e2ece9..6dc930899c 100644 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/update/GithubChecker.html +++ b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/update/GithubChecker.html @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ -GithubChecker (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) +GithubChecker (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-235b97a API) diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/update/NoUpdateChecker.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/update/NoUpdateChecker.html index 5155c560a7..f4b8aa30bb 100644 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/update/NoUpdateChecker.html +++ b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/update/NoUpdateChecker.html @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ -NoUpdateChecker (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) +NoUpdateChecker (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-235b97a API) diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/update/ReleaseChannel.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/update/ReleaseChannel.html index 7fa6c5465a..937261b478 100644 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/update/ReleaseChannel.html +++ b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/update/ReleaseChannel.html @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ -ReleaseChannel (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) +ReleaseChannel (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-235b97a API) diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/update/ReleaseManifest.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/update/ReleaseManifest.html index 84d3536a19..fb8c505459 100644 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/update/ReleaseManifest.html +++ b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/update/ReleaseManifest.html @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ -ReleaseManifest (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) +ReleaseManifest (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-235b97a API) diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/update/ReleaseStatus.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/update/ReleaseStatus.html index d826eacd4d..03699837fc 100644 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/update/ReleaseStatus.html +++ b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/update/ReleaseStatus.html @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ -ReleaseStatus (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) +ReleaseStatus (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-235b97a API) diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/update/UpdateChecker.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/update/UpdateChecker.html index b6f137bce4..faaf4dba06 100644 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/update/UpdateChecker.html +++ b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/update/UpdateChecker.html @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ -UpdateChecker (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) +UpdateChecker (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-235b97a API) diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/update/UpdateManifest.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/update/UpdateManifest.html index 122b93759a..3dc7f03e59 100644 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/update/UpdateManifest.html +++ b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/update/UpdateManifest.html @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ -UpdateManifest (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) +UpdateManifest (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-235b97a API) diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/update/Updater.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/update/Updater.html index bcfda60526..31a273d4f4 100644 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/update/Updater.html +++ b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/update/Updater.html @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ -Updater (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) +Updater (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-235b97a API) diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/update/UpdaterState.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/update/UpdaterState.html index 64e851841e..06749ffd43 100644 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/update/UpdaterState.html +++ b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/update/UpdaterState.html @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ -UpdaterState (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) +UpdaterState (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-235b97a API) diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/update/package-summary.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/update/package-summary.html index 28336b2f88..f65d5eb80d 100644 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/update/package-summary.html +++ b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/update/package-summary.html @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ -ch.njol.skript.update (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) +ch.njol.skript.update (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-235b97a API) diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/update/package-tree.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/update/package-tree.html index ff4b9ae1fe..19f0bc4108 100644 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/update/package-tree.html +++ b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/update/package-tree.html @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ -ch.njol.skript.update Class Hierarchy (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) +ch.njol.skript.update Class Hierarchy (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-235b97a API) diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/util/AABB.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/util/AABB.html index af050d393e..c86880c1a6 100644 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/util/AABB.html +++ b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/util/AABB.html @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ -AABB (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) +AABB (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-235b97a API) diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/util/AsyncEffect.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/util/AsyncEffect.html index ffda79345f..168184cdd7 100644 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/util/AsyncEffect.html +++ b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/util/AsyncEffect.html @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ -AsyncEffect (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) +AsyncEffect (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-235b97a API) @@ -85,10 +85,6 @@

      Class AsyncEffect

      All Implemented Interfaces:
      Debuggable, SyntaxElement
      Direct Known Subclasses:

      public abstract class AsyncEffect extends Effect
      diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/util/BlockInventoryHolder.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/util/BlockInventoryHolder.html index ecddf33a61..6e56f02c24 100644 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/util/BlockInventoryHolder.html +++ b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/util/BlockInventoryHolder.html @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ -BlockInventoryHolder (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) +BlockInventoryHolder (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-235b97a API) @@ -85,7 +85,7 @@

      Class BlockInventoryHolder<
      public class BlockInventoryHolder extends BlockStateBlock implements org.bukkit.inventory.InventoryHolder
      Main usage is ExprInventoryInfo +
      Main usage is ExprInventoryInfo This class allows Skript to return a block while being able to recognize it as InventoryHolder, You may only use this class if a expression's return type is an InventoryHolder.

    diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/util/BlockLineIterator.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/util/BlockLineIterator.html index 685ae68cbd..7fd4e9975e 100644 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/util/BlockLineIterator.html +++ b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/util/BlockLineIterator.html @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ -BlockLineIterator (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) +BlockLineIterator (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-235b97a API) diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/util/BlockSphereIterator.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/util/BlockSphereIterator.html index 5d0b030db7..fb04bd411b 100644 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/util/BlockSphereIterator.html +++ 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ac2685ea90..2d07c9aaf2 100644 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/util/BlockUtils.html +++ b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/util/BlockUtils.html @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ -BlockUtils (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) +BlockUtils (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-235b97a API) diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/util/Color.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/util/Color.html index f2aeed4dd0..e1657b81c3 100644 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/util/Color.html +++ b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/util/Color.html @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ -Color (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) +Color (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-235b97a API) diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/util/ColorRGB.html 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2.8.0-dev-nightly-235b97a API) diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/util/Container.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/util/Container.html index a33d60d802..8bf72d49dc 100644 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/util/Container.html +++ b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/util/Container.html @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ -Container (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) +Container (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-235b97a API) diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/util/Date.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/util/Date.html index d9f9980f06..281b436f8d 100644 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/util/Date.html +++ b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/util/Date.html @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ -Date (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) +Date (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-235b97a API) diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/util/DelayedChangeBlock.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/util/DelayedChangeBlock.html index 1446895b57..1ed6cde7d1 100644 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/util/DelayedChangeBlock.html +++ b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/util/DelayedChangeBlock.html @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ -DelayedChangeBlock (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) +DelayedChangeBlock (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-235b97a API) diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/util/Direction.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/util/Direction.html index 1ad74d012f..a45e61fa3c 100644 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/util/Direction.html +++ 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    public static double getBlockHeight(int type, byte data)
    Gets the collision height of solid or partially-solid blocks at the center of the block. - This is mostly for use in the teleport effect. + This is mostly for use in the teleport effect.

    This version operates on numeric ids, thus only working on Minecraft 1.12 or older.

    diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/util/Version.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/util/Version.html index c11b0c933f..788c2aa792 100644 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/util/Version.html +++ b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/util/Version.html @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ -Version (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) +Version (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-235b97a API) diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/util/WeatherType.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/util/WeatherType.html index f1afa2dc93..68953c41df 100644 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/util/WeatherType.html +++ b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/util/WeatherType.html @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ -WeatherType (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) 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a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/util/chat/MessageComponent.ClickEvent.html +++ b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/util/chat/MessageComponent.ClickEvent.html @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ -MessageComponent.ClickEvent (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) +MessageComponent.ClickEvent (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-235b97a API) diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/util/chat/MessageComponent.HoverEvent.Action.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/util/chat/MessageComponent.HoverEvent.Action.html index c0733576ae..9a48f293e8 100644 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/util/chat/MessageComponent.HoverEvent.Action.html +++ b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/util/chat/MessageComponent.HoverEvent.Action.html @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ -MessageComponent.HoverEvent.Action (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) +MessageComponent.HoverEvent.Action (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-235b97a API) diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/util/chat/MessageComponent.HoverEvent.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/util/chat/MessageComponent.HoverEvent.html index 0a19b51497..76ae2d5e1f 100644 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/util/chat/MessageComponent.HoverEvent.html +++ b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/util/chat/MessageComponent.HoverEvent.html @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ -MessageComponent.HoverEvent (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) +MessageComponent.HoverEvent (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-235b97a API) diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/util/chat/MessageComponent.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/util/chat/MessageComponent.html index e8fa3167cf..0b0ba6f1bc 100644 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/util/chat/MessageComponent.html +++ b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/util/chat/MessageComponent.html @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ -MessageComponent (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) +MessageComponent (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-235b97a API) diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/util/chat/SkriptChatCode.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/util/chat/SkriptChatCode.html index dc89d8bc2d..2e520f181e 100644 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/util/chat/SkriptChatCode.html +++ b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/util/chat/SkriptChatCode.html @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ -SkriptChatCode (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) +SkriptChatCode (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-235b97a API) diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/util/chat/package-summary.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/util/chat/package-summary.html index e19962221d..aeb76df0e7 100644 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/util/chat/package-summary.html +++ b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/util/chat/package-summary.html @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ -ch.njol.skript.util.chat (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) +ch.njol.skript.util.chat (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-235b97a API) diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/util/chat/package-tree.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/util/chat/package-tree.html index 6d8bbcdf67..f623307110 100644 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/util/chat/package-tree.html +++ b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/util/chat/package-tree.html @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ -ch.njol.skript.util.chat Class Hierarchy (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) +ch.njol.skript.util.chat Class Hierarchy (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-235b97a API) diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/util/package-summary.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/util/package-summary.html index c804ee36a2..4f8010dd1a 100644 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/util/package-summary.html +++ b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/util/package-summary.html @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ -ch.njol.skript.util (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) +ch.njol.skript.util (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-235b97a API) @@ -110,7 +110,7 @@

    Package ch.njol.skript.uti

    Main usage is ExprInventoryInfo +
    Main usage is ExprInventoryInfo This class allows Skript to return a block while being able to recognize it as InventoryHolder, You may only use this class if a expression's return type is an InventoryHolder.
    diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/util/package-tree.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/util/package-tree.html index 5988bc67f5..3354460ff8 100644 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/util/package-tree.html +++ b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/util/package-tree.html @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ -ch.njol.skript.util Class Hierarchy (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) +ch.njol.skript.util Class Hierarchy (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-235b97a API) diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/util/slot/CursorSlot.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/util/slot/CursorSlot.html index 6937fc4621..c27b9db864 100644 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/util/slot/CursorSlot.html +++ b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/util/slot/CursorSlot.html @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ -CursorSlot (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) +CursorSlot (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-235b97a API) diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/util/slot/DroppedItemSlot.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/util/slot/DroppedItemSlot.html index 58a9dcc6f9..0474d53e01 100644 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/util/slot/DroppedItemSlot.html +++ b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/util/slot/DroppedItemSlot.html @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ -DroppedItemSlot (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) +DroppedItemSlot (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-235b97a API) diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/util/slot/EquipmentSlot.EquipSlot.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/util/slot/EquipmentSlot.EquipSlot.html index e14e7dd46c..966c5d7085 100644 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/util/slot/EquipmentSlot.EquipSlot.html +++ b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/util/slot/EquipmentSlot.EquipSlot.html @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ -EquipmentSlot.EquipSlot (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) +EquipmentSlot.EquipSlot (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-235b97a API) diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/util/slot/EquipmentSlot.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/util/slot/EquipmentSlot.html index ff906b2e80..eed9463d3b 100644 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/util/slot/EquipmentSlot.html +++ b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/util/slot/EquipmentSlot.html @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ -EquipmentSlot (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) +EquipmentSlot (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-235b97a API) @@ -168,7 +168,7 @@

    Method Summary

    Methods inherited from class ch.njol.skript.util.slot.SlotWithIndex

    +getRawIndex, isSameSlot

    Methods inherited from class ch.njol.skript.util.slot.Slot

    diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/util/slot/InventorySlot.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/util/slot/InventorySlot.html index 06f4c5d045..1684a365ce 100644 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/util/slot/InventorySlot.html +++ b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/util/slot/InventorySlot.html @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ -InventorySlot (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) +InventorySlot (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-235b97a API) @@ -101,6 +101,10 @@

    Constructor Summary

    InventorySlot(org.bukkit.inventory.Inventory invi, int index)
    InventorySlot(org.bukkit.inventory.Inventory invi, + int index, + int rawIndex)
    @@ -129,16 +133,21 @@

    Method Summary

    @Nullable org.bukkit.inventory.ItemStack
    setAmount(int amount)
    + +
    Gets the raw index of this slot.
    setItem(@Nullable org.bukkit.inventory.ItemStack item)
    setAmount(int amount)
    - -
    toString(@Nullable org.bukkit.event.Event e, - boolean debug)
    setItem(@Nullable org.bukkit.inventory.ItemStack item)
    + +
    toString(@Nullable org.bukkit.event.Event e, + boolean debug)

    @@ -163,6 +172,14 @@

    Methods inherited from cl

    Constructor Details

    • +


      public InventorySlot(org.bukkit.inventory.Inventory invi, + int index, + int rawIndex)
    • +
    • InventorySlot

      public InventorySlot(org.bukkit.inventory.Inventory invi, @@ -198,6 +215,20 @@


    • +


      public int getRawIndex()
      Description copied from class: SlotWithIndex
      Gets the raw index of this slot.
      getRawIndex in class SlotWithIndex
      Raw index of the slot.
    • +
    • getItem

      public @Nullable org.bukkit.inventory.ItemStack getItem()
      diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/util/slot/ItemFrameSlot.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/util/slot/ItemFrameSlot.html index cc3afddfd9..2ee6b772f9 100644 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/util/slot/ItemFrameSlot.html +++ b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/util/slot/ItemFrameSlot.html @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ -ItemFrameSlot (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) +ItemFrameSlot (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-235b97a API) diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/util/slot/Slot.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/util/slot/Slot.html index 24fc7df353..588a1bc36a 100644 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/util/slot/Slot.html +++ b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/util/slot/Slot.html @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ -Slot (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) +Slot (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-235b97a API) diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/util/slot/SlotWithIndex.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/util/slot/SlotWithIndex.html index 4936e5f37d..caa17fdbf4 100644 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/util/slot/SlotWithIndex.html +++ b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/util/slot/SlotWithIndex.html @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ -SlotWithIndex (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) +SlotWithIndex (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-235b97a API) @@ -121,9 +121,14 @@

      Method Summary

      Gets an index of this slot.
      - +
      Gets the raw index of this slot.
      + +
      Checks if given slot is in same position with this.
    @@ -175,6 +180,17 @@


  • +


    public int getRawIndex()
    Gets the raw index of this slot.
    Raw index of the slot.
  • +
  • isSameSlot

    public boolean isSameSlot(Slot o)
    diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/util/slot/ThrowableProjectileSlot.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/util/slot/ThrowableProjectileSlot.html index 8121959e0b..9dfa1a64ad 100644 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/util/slot/ThrowableProjectileSlot.html +++ b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/util/slot/ThrowableProjectileSlot.html @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ -ThrowableProjectileSlot (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) +ThrowableProjectileSlot (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-235b97a API) diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/util/slot/package-summary.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/util/slot/package-summary.html index a774344af0..07c2acad89 100644 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/util/slot/package-summary.html +++ b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/util/slot/package-summary.html @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ -ch.njol.skript.util.slot (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) +ch.njol.skript.util.slot (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-235b97a API) diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/util/slot/package-tree.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/util/slot/package-tree.html index 98b99c3e4c..231f1d239c 100644 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/util/slot/package-tree.html +++ b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/util/slot/package-tree.html @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ -ch.njol.skript.util.slot Class Hierarchy (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) +ch.njol.skript.util.slot Class Hierarchy (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-235b97a API) diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/util/visual/ParticleOption.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/util/visual/ParticleOption.html index 48cf27312d..78fb454630 100644 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/util/visual/ParticleOption.html +++ b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/util/visual/ParticleOption.html @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ -ParticleOption (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) +ParticleOption (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-235b97a API) diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/util/visual/VisualEffect.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/util/visual/VisualEffect.html index 4642da2bc1..8bd404f316 100644 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/util/visual/VisualEffect.html +++ b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/util/visual/VisualEffect.html @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ -VisualEffect (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) +VisualEffect (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-235b97a API) diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/util/visual/VisualEffectType.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/util/visual/VisualEffectType.html index a936b68e03..dd5475799a 100644 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/util/visual/VisualEffectType.html +++ b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/util/visual/VisualEffectType.html @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ -VisualEffectType (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) +VisualEffectType (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-235b97a API) diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/util/visual/VisualEffects.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/util/visual/VisualEffects.html index 3b394351f9..6e106dda7e 100644 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/util/visual/VisualEffects.html +++ b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/util/visual/VisualEffects.html @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ -VisualEffects (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) +VisualEffects (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-235b97a API) diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/util/visual/package-summary.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/util/visual/package-summary.html index a3b5bdcbfb..d56e2d99a4 100644 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/util/visual/package-summary.html +++ b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/util/visual/package-summary.html @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ -ch.njol.skript.util.visual (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) +ch.njol.skript.util.visual (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-235b97a API) diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/util/visual/package-tree.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/util/visual/package-tree.html index 878d779af2..7490d59630 100644 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/util/visual/package-tree.html +++ b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/util/visual/package-tree.html @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ -ch.njol.skript.util.visual Class Hierarchy (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) +ch.njol.skript.util.visual Class Hierarchy (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-235b97a API) diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/variables/FlatFileStorage.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/variables/FlatFileStorage.html index 41fc45efba..d13e7f3fce 100644 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/variables/FlatFileStorage.html +++ b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/variables/FlatFileStorage.html @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ -FlatFileStorage (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) +FlatFileStorage (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-235b97a API) diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/variables/MySQLStorage.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/variables/MySQLStorage.html index 07f2f93780..b501a5fbfe 100644 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/variables/MySQLStorage.html +++ b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/variables/MySQLStorage.html @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ -MySQLStorage (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) +MySQLStorage (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-235b97a API) diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/variables/SQLStorage.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/skript/variables/SQLStorage.html index d786ee5645..7e5f5d972a 100644 --- 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    Interface Checker<T>

    NullableChecker<T>, SerializableChecker<T>
    All Known Implementing Classes:
    CondAI, CondCanFly, CondCanPickUpItems, CondEntityIsInLiquid, CondEntityIsWet, CondHasClientWeather, CondHasCustomModelData, CondHasResourcePack, CondIgnitionProcess, CondIsAlive, CondIsBanned, CondIsBlock, CondIsBlocking, CondIsBurning, CondIsCharged, CondIsClimbing, CondIsEdible, CondIsEmpty, CondIsFlammable, CondIsFlying, CondIsFrozen, CondIsFuel, CondIsGliding, CondIsInteractable, CondIsInvisible, CondIsInvulnerable, CondIsJumping, CondIsLeftHanded, CondIsOccluding, CondIsOnGround, CondIsOnline, CondIsOp, CondIsPassable, CondIsPoisoned, CondIsRiptiding, CondIsSilent, CondIsSkriptCommand, CondIsSleeping, CondIsSlimeChunk, CondIsSneaking, CondIsSolid, CondIsSprinting, CondIsStackable, CondIsSwimming, CondIsTameable, CondIsTransparent, CondIsUnbreakable, CondIsValid, CondIsVectorNormalized, CondLeashed, CondMethodExists, CondProjectileCanBounce, PropertyCondition
    Functional Interface:
    This is a functional interface and can therefore be used as the assignment target for a lambda expression or method reference.
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--git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/yggdrasil/YggdrasilException.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/yggdrasil/YggdrasilException.html index 0c95bfd4dc..3c7683358a 100644 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/yggdrasil/YggdrasilException.html +++ b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/yggdrasil/YggdrasilException.html @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ -YggdrasilException (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) +YggdrasilException (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-235b97a API) diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/yggdrasil/YggdrasilID.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/yggdrasil/YggdrasilID.html index 11e21f7dc1..5424d90adf 100644 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/yggdrasil/YggdrasilID.html +++ b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/yggdrasil/YggdrasilID.html @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ -YggdrasilID (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) +YggdrasilID (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-235b97a API) diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/yggdrasil/YggdrasilInputStream.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/yggdrasil/YggdrasilInputStream.html index 5e7429a9cd..7a15c839f7 100644 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/yggdrasil/YggdrasilInputStream.html +++ b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/yggdrasil/YggdrasilInputStream.html @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ -YggdrasilInputStream (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) +YggdrasilInputStream (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-235b97a API) diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/yggdrasil/YggdrasilOutputStream.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/yggdrasil/YggdrasilOutputStream.html index e9371843bf..4560141454 100644 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/yggdrasil/YggdrasilOutputStream.html +++ b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/yggdrasil/YggdrasilOutputStream.html @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ -YggdrasilOutputStream (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) +YggdrasilOutputStream (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-235b97a API) diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/yggdrasil/YggdrasilSerializable.YggdrasilExtendedSerializable.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/yggdrasil/YggdrasilSerializable.YggdrasilExtendedSerializable.html index 10c18830e8..8911ad9751 100644 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/yggdrasil/YggdrasilSerializable.YggdrasilExtendedSerializable.html +++ b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/yggdrasil/YggdrasilSerializable.YggdrasilExtendedSerializable.html @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ -YggdrasilSerializable.YggdrasilExtendedSerializable (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) +YggdrasilSerializable.YggdrasilExtendedSerializable (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-235b97a API) @@ -82,7 +82,7 @@

    All Known Implementing Classes:
    AxolotlData, BeeData, BlockValues, BoatChestData, BoatData, CatData, ColorRGB, CreeperData, DroppedItemData, EndermanData, EntityData, FallingBlockData, FishData, FoxData, FrogData, GoatData, GriefPreventionHook.GriefPreventionRegion, ItemData, ItemType, LlamaData, MinecartData, MooshroomData, OcelotData, PandaData, ParrotData, PigData, PreciousStonesHook.PreciousStonesRegion, RabbitData, Region, ResidenceHook.ResidenceRegion, SheepData, SimpleEntityData, SkriptColor, ThrownPotionData, TropicalFishData, VillagerData, WolfData, WorldGuardHook.WorldGuardRegion, XpOrbData, ZombieVillagerData
    AxolotlData, BeeData, BlockValues, BoatChestData, BoatData, CatData, ColorRGB, CreeperData, DroppedItemData, EndermanData, EntityData, FallingBlockData, FishData, FoxData, FrogData, GoatData, ItemData, ItemType, LlamaData, MinecartData, MooshroomData, OcelotData, PandaData, ParrotData, PigData, RabbitData, SheepData, SimpleEntityData, SkriptColor, ThrownPotionData, TropicalFishData, VillagerData, WolfData, XpOrbData, ZombieVillagerData
    Enclosing interface:
    diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/yggdrasil/YggdrasilSerializable.YggdrasilRobustEnum.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/yggdrasil/YggdrasilSerializable.YggdrasilRobustEnum.html index 560e64b255..41b9ec7524 100644 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/yggdrasil/YggdrasilSerializable.YggdrasilRobustEnum.html +++ b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/yggdrasil/YggdrasilSerializable.YggdrasilRobustEnum.html @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ -YggdrasilSerializable.YggdrasilRobustEnum (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) +YggdrasilSerializable.YggdrasilRobustEnum (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-235b97a API) diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/yggdrasil/YggdrasilSerializable.YggdrasilRobustSerializable.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/yggdrasil/YggdrasilSerializable.YggdrasilRobustSerializable.html index 88253cd0a9..f5e6aa9ec5 100644 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/yggdrasil/YggdrasilSerializable.YggdrasilRobustSerializable.html +++ b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/yggdrasil/YggdrasilSerializable.YggdrasilRobustSerializable.html @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ -YggdrasilSerializable.YggdrasilRobustSerializable (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) +YggdrasilSerializable.YggdrasilRobustSerializable (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-235b97a API) diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/yggdrasil/YggdrasilSerializable.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/yggdrasil/YggdrasilSerializable.html index 007d0c3cdf..4d018495b5 100644 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/yggdrasil/YggdrasilSerializable.html +++ b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/yggdrasil/YggdrasilSerializable.html @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ -YggdrasilSerializable (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) +YggdrasilSerializable (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-235b97a API) @@ -74,7 +74,7 @@

    Interface YggdrasilSer

    All Known Implementing Classes:
    AxolotlData, BeeData, BlockValues, BoatChestData, BoatData, CatData, ColorRGB, CreeperData, Date, Direction, DroppedItemData, EnchantmentType, EndermanData, EntityData, EntityType, Experience, FallingBlockData, FishData, FoxData, FrogData, GameruleValue, GoatData, GriefPreventionHook.GriefPreventionRegion, ItemData, ItemType, LlamaData, MinecartData, MooshroomData, OcelotData, PandaData, ParrotData, PigData, PreciousStonesHook.PreciousStonesRegion, RabbitData, Region, ResidenceHook.ResidenceRegion, SheepData, SimpleEntityData, SkriptColor, ThrownPotionData, Time, Timeperiod, Timespan, TropicalFishData, VillagerData, VisualEffect, WolfData, WorldGuardHook.WorldGuardRegion, XpOrbData, ZombieVillagerData
    AxolotlData, BeeData, BlockValues, BoatChestData, BoatData, CatData, ColorRGB, CreeperData, Date, Direction, DroppedItemData, EnchantmentType, EndermanData, EntityData, EntityType, Experience, FallingBlockData, FishData, FoxData, FrogData, GameruleValue, GoatData, ItemData, ItemType, LlamaData, MinecartData, MooshroomData, OcelotData, PandaData, ParrotData, PigData, RabbitData, SheepData, SimpleEntityData, SkriptColor, ThrownPotionData, Time, Timeperiod, Timespan, TropicalFishData, VillagerData, VisualEffect, WolfData, XpOrbData, ZombieVillagerData

    public interface YggdrasilSerializable
    diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/yggdrasil/YggdrasilSerializer.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/yggdrasil/YggdrasilSerializer.html index ab66928468..6c9d8e7e21 100644 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/yggdrasil/YggdrasilSerializer.html +++ b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/yggdrasil/YggdrasilSerializer.html @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ -YggdrasilSerializer (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) +YggdrasilSerializer (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-235b97a API) diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/yggdrasil/package-summary.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/yggdrasil/package-summary.html index d804a8bc79..70a704e42d 100644 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/yggdrasil/package-summary.html +++ b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/yggdrasil/package-summary.html @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ -ch.njol.yggdrasil (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) +ch.njol.yggdrasil (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-235b97a API) diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/yggdrasil/package-tree.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/yggdrasil/package-tree.html index b2882dda39..d66a1db868 100644 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/yggdrasil/package-tree.html +++ b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/yggdrasil/package-tree.html @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ -ch.njol.yggdrasil Class Hierarchy (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) +ch.njol.yggdrasil Class Hierarchy (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-235b97a API) diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/yggdrasil/util/JREFieldHandler.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/yggdrasil/util/JREFieldHandler.html index 6563e56c76..a1a0bd5e9f 100644 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/yggdrasil/util/JREFieldHandler.html +++ b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/yggdrasil/util/JREFieldHandler.html @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ -JREFieldHandler (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) +JREFieldHandler (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-235b97a API) diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/yggdrasil/util/package-summary.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/yggdrasil/util/package-summary.html index ac8b45e238..4125d54517 100644 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/yggdrasil/util/package-summary.html +++ b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/yggdrasil/util/package-summary.html @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ -ch.njol.yggdrasil.util (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) +ch.njol.yggdrasil.util (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-235b97a API) diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/yggdrasil/util/package-tree.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/yggdrasil/util/package-tree.html index ea0969f834..685dd309c4 100644 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/yggdrasil/util/package-tree.html +++ b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/yggdrasil/util/package-tree.html @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ -ch.njol.yggdrasil.util Class Hierarchy (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) +ch.njol.yggdrasil.util Class Hierarchy (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-235b97a API) diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/yggdrasil/xml/YggXMLInputStream.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/yggdrasil/xml/YggXMLInputStream.html index 7e7e977187..c1bd1ff58a 100644 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/yggdrasil/xml/YggXMLInputStream.html +++ b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/yggdrasil/xml/YggXMLInputStream.html @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ -YggXMLInputStream (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) +YggXMLInputStream (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-235b97a API) diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/yggdrasil/xml/YggXMLOutputStream.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/yggdrasil/xml/YggXMLOutputStream.html index 6caa841f16..c8f3705742 100644 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/yggdrasil/xml/YggXMLOutputStream.html +++ b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/yggdrasil/xml/YggXMLOutputStream.html @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ -YggXMLOutputStream (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) +YggXMLOutputStream (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-235b97a API) diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/yggdrasil/xml/package-summary.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/yggdrasil/xml/package-summary.html index 68dd94da26..dbc5a154c4 100644 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/yggdrasil/xml/package-summary.html +++ b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/yggdrasil/xml/package-summary.html @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ -ch.njol.yggdrasil.xml (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) +ch.njol.yggdrasil.xml (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-235b97a API) diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/yggdrasil/xml/package-tree.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/yggdrasil/xml/package-tree.html index 38e746a85a..ca1c851448 100644 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/yggdrasil/xml/package-tree.html +++ b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/ch/njol/yggdrasil/xml/package-tree.html @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ -ch.njol.yggdrasil.xml Class Hierarchy (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) +ch.njol.yggdrasil.xml Class Hierarchy (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-235b97a API) diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/constant-values.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/constant-values.html index 704ec321e4..0634076257 100644 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/constant-values.html +++ b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/constant-values.html @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ -Constant Field Values (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) +Constant Field Values (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-235b97a API) @@ -214,47 +214,6 @@


    • ch.njol.skript.entity.EntityData<E extends org.bukkit.entity.Entity>
      Modifier and Type
      @@ -268,38 +227,6 @@


    • -
      Modifier and Type
      Constant Field
      public static final int
      - -
      public static final int
      - -
      public static final int
      - -
    • -
    • -
      Modifier and Type
      Constant Field
      public static final String
      - -
      "The permissions plugin you are using does not support groups."
    • -
    • ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptEventInfo<E extends SkriptEvent>
      Modifier and Type
      diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/deprecated-list.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/deprecated-list.html index 7c57ab5ac2..b6c19626b2 100644 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/deprecated-list.html +++ b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/deprecated-list.html @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ -Deprecated List (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) +Deprecated List (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-235b97a API) @@ -236,7 +236,7 @@


      Use Script.getData(Class) instead. The StructOptions.OptionsData class should be obtained. +
      Use Script.getData(Class) instead. The StructOptions.OptionsData class should be obtained. Example: script.getData(OptionsData.class)
      diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/element-list b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/element-list index 099e0420d7..a7ce00af49 100644 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/element-list +++ b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/element-list @@ -5,28 +5,10 @@ ch.njol.skript.bukkitutil.block ch.njol.skript.classes ch.njol.skript.classes.data ch.njol.skript.command -ch.njol.skript.conditions -ch.njol.skript.conditions.base ch.njol.skript.config ch.njol.skript.config.validate ch.njol.skript.doc -ch.njol.skript.effects ch.njol.skript.entity -ch.njol.skript.events -ch.njol.skript.events.bukkit -ch.njol.skript.expressions -ch.njol.skript.expressions.arithmetic -ch.njol.skript.expressions.base -ch.njol.skript.hooks -ch.njol.skript.hooks.chat.expressions -ch.njol.skript.hooks.economy.classes -ch.njol.skript.hooks.economy.expressions -ch.njol.skript.hooks.permission.expressions -ch.njol.skript.hooks.regions -ch.njol.skript.hooks.regions.classes -ch.njol.skript.hooks.regions.conditions -ch.njol.skript.hooks.regions.events -ch.njol.skript.hooks.regions.expressions ch.njol.skript.lang ch.njol.skript.lang.function ch.njol.skript.lang.parser @@ -35,11 +17,6 @@ ch.njol.skript.localization ch.njol.skript.log ch.njol.skript.patterns ch.njol.skript.registrations -ch.njol.skript.sections -ch.njol.skript.structures -ch.njol.skript.test.platform -ch.njol.skript.test.runner -ch.njol.skript.test.utils ch.njol.skript.timings ch.njol.skript.update ch.njol.skript.util diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/help-doc.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/help-doc.html index 8495867a1d..b692bcc1d7 100644 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/help-doc.html +++ b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/help-doc.html @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ -API Help (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) +API Help (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-235b97a API) diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/index-all.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/index-all.html index 0d56e1efd9..673b73fadd 100644 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/index-all.html +++ b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/index-all.html @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ -Index (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) +Index (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-235b97a API) @@ -85,250 +85,6 @@


      Tests whether this changer supports the given mode, and if yes what type(s) it expects the elements of delta to be.
      acceptChange(Changer.ChangeMode) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.base.EventValueExpression
      acceptChange(Changer.ChangeMode) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.base.WrapperExpression
      acceptChange(Changer.ChangeMode) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprAge
      acceptChange(Changer.ChangeMode) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprAI
      acceptChange(Changer.ChangeMode) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprAnvilRepairCost
      acceptChange(Changer.ChangeMode) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprAppliedEnchantments
      acceptChange(Changer.ChangeMode) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprArrowKnockbackStrength
      acceptChange(Changer.ChangeMode) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprArrowPierceLevel
      acceptChange(Changer.ChangeMode) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprArrowsStuck
      acceptChange(Changer.ChangeMode) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprBed
      acceptChange(Changer.ChangeMode) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprBiome
      acceptChange(Changer.ChangeMode) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprBlockData
      acceptChange(Changer.ChangeMode) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprBookAuthor
      acceptChange(Changer.ChangeMode) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprBookPages
      acceptChange(Changer.ChangeMode) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprBookTitle
      acceptChange(Changer.ChangeMode) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprBurnCookTime
      acceptChange(Changer.ChangeMode) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprCharges
      acceptChange(Changer.ChangeMode) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprChatFormat
      acceptChange(Changer.ChangeMode) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprChatRecipients
      acceptChange(Changer.ChangeMode) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprChunk
      acceptChange(Changer.ChangeMode) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprCmdCooldownInfo
      acceptChange(Changer.ChangeMode) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprColorOf
      acceptChange(Changer.ChangeMode) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprCompassTarget
      acceptChange(Changer.ChangeMode) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprCoordinate
      acceptChange(Changer.ChangeMode) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprCreeperMaxFuseTicks
      acceptChange(Changer.ChangeMode) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprCustomModelData
      acceptChange(Changer.ChangeMode) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprDamage
      acceptChange(Changer.ChangeMode) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprDifficulty
      acceptChange(Changer.ChangeMode) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprDrops
      acceptChange(Changer.ChangeMode) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprDurability
      acceptChange(Changer.ChangeMode) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprEnchantingExpCost
      acceptChange(Changer.ChangeMode) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprEnchantItem
      acceptChange(Changer.ChangeMode) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprEnchantmentLevel
      acceptChange(Changer.ChangeMode) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprEnchantmentOffer
      acceptChange(Changer.ChangeMode) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprEnchantmentOfferCost
      acceptChange(Changer.ChangeMode) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprEnchantments
      acceptChange(Changer.ChangeMode) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprEntityAttribute
      acceptChange(Changer.ChangeMode) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprEntityTamer
      acceptChange(Changer.ChangeMode) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprEventCancelled
      acceptChange(Changer.ChangeMode) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprExhaustion
      acceptChange(Changer.ChangeMode) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprExperience
      acceptChange(Changer.ChangeMode) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprExplosionBlockYield
      acceptChange(Changer.ChangeMode) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprExplosionYield
      acceptChange(Changer.ChangeMode) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprExplosiveYield
      acceptChange(Changer.ChangeMode) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprFacing
      acceptChange(Changer.ChangeMode) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprFallDistance
      acceptChange(Changer.ChangeMode) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprFinalDamage
      acceptChange(Changer.ChangeMode) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprFireTicks
      acceptChange(Changer.ChangeMode) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprFlightMode
      acceptChange(Changer.ChangeMode) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprFoodLevel
      acceptChange(Changer.ChangeMode) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprFreezeTicks
      acceptChange(Changer.ChangeMode) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprGameMode
      acceptChange(Changer.ChangeMode) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprGameRule
      acceptChange(Changer.ChangeMode) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprGlidingState
      acceptChange(Changer.ChangeMode) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprGlowing
      acceptChange(Changer.ChangeMode) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprGravity
      acceptChange(Changer.ChangeMode) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprHatchingNumber
      acceptChange(Changer.ChangeMode) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprHatchingType
      acceptChange(Changer.ChangeMode) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprHealAmount
      acceptChange(Changer.ChangeMode) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprHealth
      acceptChange(Changer.ChangeMode) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprHotbarSlot
      acceptChange(Changer.ChangeMode) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprHoverList
      acceptChange(Changer.ChangeMode) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprItem
      acceptChange(Changer.ChangeMode) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprItemAmount
      acceptChange(Changer.ChangeMode) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprItemCooldown
      acceptChange(Changer.ChangeMode) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprLastDamage
      acceptChange(Changer.ChangeMode) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprLastDamageCause
      acceptChange(Changer.ChangeMode) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprLevel
      acceptChange(Changer.ChangeMode) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprLevelProgress
      acceptChange(Changer.ChangeMode) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprLoot
      acceptChange(Changer.ChangeMode) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprLore
      acceptChange(Changer.ChangeMode) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprMaxHealth
      acceptChange(Changer.ChangeMode) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprMaxMinecartSpeed
      acceptChange(Changer.ChangeMode) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprMaxPlayers
      acceptChange(Changer.ChangeMode) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprMendingRepairAmount
      acceptChange(Changer.ChangeMode) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprMessage
      acceptChange(Changer.ChangeMode) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprMetadata
      acceptChange(Changer.ChangeMode) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprMinecartDerailedFlyingVelocity
      acceptChange(Changer.ChangeMode) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprMOTD
      acceptChange(Changer.ChangeMode) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprName
      acceptChange(Changer.ChangeMode) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprNoDamageTicks
      acceptChange(Changer.ChangeMode) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprOnlinePlayersCount
      acceptChange(Changer.ChangeMode) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprOps
      acceptChange(Changer.ChangeMode) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprPassenger
      acceptChange(Changer.ChangeMode) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprPickupDelay
      acceptChange(Changer.ChangeMode) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprPlayerlistHeaderFooter
      acceptChange(Changer.ChangeMode) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprPlayerViewDistance
      acceptChange(Changer.ChangeMode) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprPlayerWeather
      acceptChange(Changer.ChangeMode) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprPortalCooldown
      acceptChange(Changer.ChangeMode) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprPotionEffects
      acceptChange(Changer.ChangeMode) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprProjectileBounceState
      acceptChange(Changer.ChangeMode) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprProjectileCriticalState
      acceptChange(Changer.ChangeMode) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprProtocolVersion
      acceptChange(Changer.ChangeMode) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprRemainingAir
      acceptChange(Changer.ChangeMode) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprRespawnLocation
      acceptChange(Changer.ChangeMode) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprSaturation
      acceptChange(Changer.ChangeMode) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprScoreboardTags
      acceptChange(Changer.ChangeMode) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprSeaPickles
      acceptChange(Changer.ChangeMode) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprServerIcon
      acceptChange(Changer.ChangeMode) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprShooter
      acceptChange(Changer.ChangeMode) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprSignText
      acceptChange(Changer.ChangeMode) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprSpawn
      acceptChange(Changer.ChangeMode) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprSpawnerType
      acceptChange(Changer.ChangeMode) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprSpectatorTarget
      acceptChange(Changer.ChangeMode) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprSpeed
      acceptChange(Changer.ChangeMode) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprTarget
      acceptChange(Changer.ChangeMode) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprTime
      acceptChange(Changer.ChangeMode) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprTimePlayed
      acceptChange(Changer.ChangeMode) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprTotalExperience
      acceptChange(Changer.ChangeMode) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprValueWithin
      acceptChange(Changer.ChangeMode) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprVectorLength
      acceptChange(Changer.ChangeMode) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprVectorXYZ
      acceptChange(Changer.ChangeMode) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprVehicle
      acceptChange(Changer.ChangeMode) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprVelocity
      acceptChange(Changer.ChangeMode) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprVersionString
      acceptChange(Changer.ChangeMode) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprWeather
      acceptChange(Changer.ChangeMode) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprWhitelist
      acceptChange(Changer.ChangeMode) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprWorld
      acceptChange(Changer.ChangeMode) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprYawPitch
      acceptChange(Changer.ChangeMode) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.hooks.chat.expressions.ExprPrefixSuffix
      acceptChange(Changer.ChangeMode) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.hooks.economy.expressions.ExprBalance
      acceptChange(Changer.ChangeMode) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.hooks.permission.expressions.ExprGroup
      acceptChange(Changer.ChangeMode) - Method in interface ch.njol.skript.lang.Expression
      Tests whether this expression supports the given mode, and if yes what type it expects the delta to be.
      @@ -389,8 +145,6 @@


      add(String, Class<?>) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.variables.TypeHints
      add(String, Class<?>...) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.structures.StructVariables.DefaultVariables
      add(Vector, Vector) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.classes.VectorArithmethic
      add(T) - Method in class ch.njol.util.coll.ReversedListView
      @@ -415,11 +169,8 @@


      addData(ScriptData) - Method in class org.skriptlang.skript.lang.script.Script
      Adds new ScriptData to this Script's data map.
      addDelayedEvent(Event) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.effects.Delay
      The main method for marking the execution of TriggerItems as delayed.
      This API is experimental and subject to change. + Adds new ScriptData to this Script's data map.
      addEffects(ItemType, Object[]) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.util.PotionEffectUtils
      @@ -614,10 +365,6 @@


      and(Kleenean) - Method in enum class ch.njol.util.Kleenean
      ANY - Static variable in class ch.njol.skript.events.EvtGrow
      Growth event restriction.
      apiSoftExceptions - Static variable in class ch.njol.skript.SkriptConfig
      APPLY_PHYSICS - Static variable in interface ch.njol.skript.bukkitutil.block.BlockSetter
      @@ -650,12 +397,6 @@


      Represents arithmetic for certain two types.
      ArithmeticChain - Class in ch.njol.skript.expressions.arithmetic
      ArithmeticChain(ArithmeticGettable, Operator, ArithmeticGettable) - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.expressions.arithmetic.ArithmeticChain
      ArithmeticGettable - Interface in ch.njol.skript.expressions.arithmetic
      array(T...) - Static method in class ch.njol.util.coll.CollectionUtils
      Creates an array from the given objects.
      @@ -732,11 +473,6 @@


      The backup task, or null if automatic backups are disabled.
      BE - Enum constant in enum class ch.njol.skript.conditions.base.PropertyCondition.PropertyType
      Indicates that the condition is in a form of something is/are something, - also possibly in the negated form
      BeeData - Class in ch.njol.skript.entity
      BeeData() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.entity.BeeData
      @@ -747,8 +483,6 @@


      Sets one or more classes that this class should occur before in the class info list.
      beforeChange(Expression<?>, Object[]) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.base.WrapperExpression
      beforeChange(Expression<?>, Object[]) - Method in interface ch.njol.skript.lang.Expression
      This method is called before this expression is set to another one.
      @@ -785,10 +519,6 @@


      block - Variable in class ch.njol.skript.bukkitutil.BurgerHelper.Blocks
      BLOCK - Static variable in class ch.njol.skript.events.EvtGrow
      Growth event restriction.
      blockChanger - Static variable in class ch.njol.skript.classes.data.DefaultChangers
      BlockCompat - Interface in ch.njol.skript.bukkitutil.block
      @@ -804,7 +534,7 @@


      BlockInventoryHolder - Class in ch.njol.skript.util
      Main usage is ExprInventoryInfo +
      Main usage is ExprInventoryInfo This class allows Skript to return a block while being able to recognize it as InventoryHolder, You may only use this class if a expression's return type is an InventoryHolder.
      @@ -962,8 +692,6 @@


      BukkitUnsafe() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.bukkitutil.BukkitUnsafe
      BUNGEE_CHANNEL - Static variable in class ch.njol.skript.effects.EffConnect
      BungeeConverter - Class in ch.njol.skript.util.chat
      Converts Skript's chat components into Bungee's BaseComponents which Spigot @@ -1021,8 +749,6 @@


      CACHED - Enum constant in enum class ch.njol.skript.log.LogHandler.LogResult
      calculate(Number, Number, boolean) - Method in enum class ch.njol.skript.expressions.arithmetic.Operator
      Callback<R,A> - Interface in ch.njol.util
      callSync(Callable<T>) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.util.Task
      @@ -1033,11 +759,6 @@


      Calls a method on Bukkit's main thread.
      CAN - Enum constant in enum class ch.njol.skript.conditions.base.PropertyCondition.PropertyType
      Indicates that the condition is in a form of something can something, - also possibly in the negated form
      canBeInstantiated() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.classes.ConfigurationSerializer
      canBeInstantiated() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.classes.EnumSerializer
      @@ -1056,18 +777,6 @@


      Whether an instance of the given class can be dynamically created.
      canBuild(Player, Location) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.hooks.regions.RegionsPlugin
      canBuild_i(Player, Location) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.hooks.regions.GriefPreventionHook
      canBuild_i(Player, Location) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.hooks.regions.PreciousStonesHook
      canBuild_i(Player, Location) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.hooks.regions.RegionsPlugin
      canBuild_i(Player, Location) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.hooks.regions.ResidenceHook
      canBuild_i(Player, Location) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.hooks.regions.WorldGuardHook
      cancel() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.Task
      Cancels this task.
      @@ -1089,6 +798,10 @@


      canEat(Player, Material) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.bukkitutil.PlayerUtils
      canExecuteAsynchronously() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptEvent
      Override this method to allow Skript to not force synchronization.
      canGenerateUnsafeDocs() - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.doc.Documentation
      Checks if server java args have 'skript.forceregisterhooks' property set to true and docs template folder is found
      @@ -1166,12 +879,6 @@


      Code related to handling commands, either Skript commands or custom script commands.
      ch.njol.skript.conditions - package ch.njol.skript.conditions
      Contains the default conditions of Skript.
      ch.njol.skript.conditions.base - package ch.njol.skript.conditions.base
      ch.njol.skript.config - package ch.njol.skript.config
      Code for loading & saving Skript's custom configuration files (actual configs & scripts).
      @@ -1182,54 +889,10 @@


      Code related to generation a documentation to be published on a website for example.
      ch.njol.skript.effects - package ch.njol.skript.effects
      Contains the default effects of Skript.
      ch.njol.skript.entity - package ch.njol.skript.entity
      Contains definitions of Minecraft's various entity types.
      ch.njol.skript.events - package ch.njol.skript.events
      Contains the default events of Skript.
      ch.njol.skript.events.bukkit - package ch.njol.skript.events.bukkit
      Custom Bukkit events.
      ch.njol.skript.expressions - package ch.njol.skript.expressions
      Contains the default expression of Skript.
      ch.njol.skript.expressions.arithmetic - package ch.njol.skript.expressions.arithmetic
      Contains the default expression of Skript.
      ch.njol.skript.expressions.base - package ch.njol.skript.expressions.base
      ch.njol.skript.hooks - package ch.njol.skript.hooks
      Hook interface & implementations for specific plugins.
      ch.njol.skript.hooks.chat.expressions - package ch.njol.skript.hooks.chat.expressions
      ch.njol.skript.hooks.economy.classes - package ch.njol.skript.hooks.economy.classes
      ch.njol.skript.hooks.economy.expressions - package ch.njol.skript.hooks.economy.expressions
      ch.njol.skript.hooks.permission.expressions - package ch.njol.skript.hooks.permission.expressions
      ch.njol.skript.hooks.regions - package ch.njol.skript.hooks.regions
      ch.njol.skript.hooks.regions.classes - package ch.njol.skript.hooks.regions.classes
      ch.njol.skript.hooks.regions.conditions - package ch.njol.skript.hooks.regions.conditions
      ch.njol.skript.hooks.regions.events - package ch.njol.skript.hooks.regions.events
      ch.njol.skript.hooks.regions.expressions - package ch.njol.skript.hooks.regions.expressions
      ch.njol.skript.lang - package ch.njol.skript.lang
      Contains all code related to parsing scripts.
      @@ -1258,26 +921,6 @@


      Contains classes used for registering new stuff to Skript.
      ch.njol.skript.sections - package ch.njol.skript.sections
      Code related to logging.
      ch.njol.skript.structures - package ch.njol.skript.structures
      Support for script-based testing.
      ch.njol.skript.test.platform - package ch.njol.skript.test.platform
      Support for script-based testing.
      ch.njol.skript.test.runner - package ch.njol.skript.test.runner
      Support for script-based testing.
      ch.njol.skript.test.utils - package ch.njol.skript.test.utils
      Utils for script-based testing.
      ch.njol.skript.timings - package ch.njol.skript.timings
      Code related to item aliases.
      @@ -1328,17048 +971,9985 @@


      change(Changer<T>, Object[], Object[], Changer.ChangeMode) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.classes.Changer.ChangerUtils
      change(Event, Object[], Changer.ChangeMode) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.base.EventValueExpression
      change(Event, Object[], Changer.ChangeMode) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.base.WrapperExpression
      change(Event, Object[], Changer.ChangeMode) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprAge
      change(Event, Object[], Changer.ChangeMode) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprAI
      change(Event, Object[], Changer.ChangeMode) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprAnvilRepairCost
      change(Event, Object[], Changer.ChangeMode) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprAppliedEnchantments
      change(Event, Object[], Changer.ChangeMode) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprArrowKnockbackStrength
      change(Event, Object[], Changer.ChangeMode) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprArrowPierceLevel
      change(Event, Object[], Changer.ChangeMode) - Method in interface ch.njol.skript.lang.Expression
      Changes the expression's value by the given amount.
      change(Event, Object[], Changer.ChangeMode) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.ExpressionList
      change(Event, Object[], Changer.ChangeMode) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprArrowsStuck
      change(Event, Object[], Changer.ChangeMode) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.UnparsedLiteral
      change(Event, Object[], Changer.ChangeMode) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprBed
      change(Event, Object[], Changer.ChangeMode) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.util.ConvertedExpression
      change(Event, Object[], Changer.ChangeMode) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprBiome
      change(Event, Object[], Changer.ChangeMode) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.util.SimpleExpression
      change(Event, Object[], Changer.ChangeMode) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprBlockData
      change(Event, Object[], Changer.ChangeMode) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.util.SimpleLiteral
      change(Event, Object[], Changer.ChangeMode) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprBookAuthor
      change(Event, Object[], Changer.ChangeMode) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.Variable
      change(Event, Object[], Changer.ChangeMode) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprBookTitle
      change(Event, Object[], Changer.ChangeMode) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.VariableString
      change(Event, Object[], Changer.ChangeMode) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprBurnCookTime
      change(T[], Object[], Changer.ChangeMode) - Method in interface ch.njol.skript.classes.Changer
      change(Event, Object[], Changer.ChangeMode) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprCharges
      change_page - Enum constant in enum class ch.njol.skript.util.chat.MessageComponent.ClickEvent.Action
      change(Event, Object[], Changer.ChangeMode) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprChatFormat
      change_page - Enum constant in enum class ch.njol.skript.util.chat.SkriptChatCode
      change(Event, Object[], Changer.ChangeMode) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprChatRecipients
      CHANGED_DURABILITY - Static variable in class ch.njol.skript.aliases.ItemFlags
      Durability of item changed.
      CHANGED_TAGS - Static variable in class ch.njol.skript.aliases.ItemFlags
      Changed tags other than durability.
      changer(Changer<? super T>) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.classes.ClassInfo
      change(Event, Object[], Changer.ChangeMode) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprCmdCooldownInfo
      changer(SerializableChanger<? super T>) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.classes.ClassInfo
      Changer<T> - Interface in ch.njol.skript.classes
      An interface to declare changeable values.
      Changer.ChangeMode - Enum Class in ch.njol.skript.classes
      change(Event, Object[], Changer.ChangeMode) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprColorOf
      Changer.ChangerUtils - Class in ch.njol.skript.classes
      change(Event, Object[], Changer.ChangeMode) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprCompassTarget
      ChangerUtils() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.classes.Changer.ChangerUtils
      change(Event, Object[], Changer.ChangeMode) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprCoordinate
      changesCheck(CommandSender) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.SkriptUpdater
      Checks for update change log and messages the sender.
      charAt(int) - Method in class ch.njol.util.CaseInsensitiveString
      change(Event, Object[], Changer.ChangeMode) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprCreeperMaxFuseTicks
      ChatCode - Interface in ch.njol.skript.util.chat
      Chat codes; includes color codes (reference) + and also, some formatting codes (mostly this)
      ChatMessages - Class in ch.njol.skript.util.chat
      Handles parsing chat messages.
      ChatMessages() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.util.chat.ChatMessages
      change(Event, Object[], Changer.ChangeMode) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprCustomModelData
      check(T) - Method in interface ch.njol.util.NullableChecker
      change(Event, Object[], Changer.ChangeMode) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprDamage
      check(T[], Checker<? super T>, boolean, boolean) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.util.SimpleExpression
      change(Event, Object[], Changer.ChangeMode) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprDifficulty
      check(ReleaseManifest, ReleaseChannel) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.update.GithubChecker
      change(Event, Object[], Changer.ChangeMode) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprDrops
      check(ReleaseManifest, ReleaseChannel) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.update.NoUpdateChecker
      change(Event, Object[], Changer.ChangeMode) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprDurability
      check(ReleaseManifest, ReleaseChannel) - Method in interface ch.njol.skript.update.UpdateChecker
      Checks for updates.
      check(String) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.update.ReleaseChannel
      Checks whether the release with given name belongs to this channel.
      check(Event) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.Condition
      Checks whether this condition is satisfied with the given event.
      check(Event) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.SectionSkriptEvent
      change(Event, Object[], Changer.ChangeMode) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprEnchantingExpCost
      change(Event, Object[], Changer.ChangeMode) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprEnchantItem
      change(Event, Object[], Changer.ChangeMode) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprEnchantmentLevel
      change(Event, Object[], Changer.ChangeMode) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprEnchantmentOffer
      check(Event) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.SelfRegisteringSkriptEvent
      check(Event) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptEvent
      Checks whether the given Event applies, e.g.
      check(Event) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.util.SimpleEvent
      change(Event, Object[], Changer.ChangeMode) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprEnchantmentOfferCost
      check(Event, Checker<? super Object>) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.UnparsedLiteral
      change(Event, Object[], Changer.ChangeMode) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprEnchantments
      check(Event, Checker<? super Object>, boolean) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.UnparsedLiteral
      change(Event, Object[], Changer.ChangeMode) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprEntityAttribute
      check(Event, Checker<? super String>) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.VariableString
      change(Event, Object[], Changer.ChangeMode) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprEntityTamer
      check(Event, Checker<? super String>, boolean) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.VariableString
      change(Event, Object[], Changer.ChangeMode) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprEventCancelled
      check(Event, Checker<? super T>) - Method in interface ch.njol.skript.lang.Expression
      Checks this expression against the given checker.
      check(Event, Checker<? super T>) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.ExpressionList
      change(Event, Object[], Changer.ChangeMode) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprExhaustion
      check(Event, Checker<? super T>) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.util.ConvertedExpression
      change(Event, Object[], Changer.ChangeMode) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprExperience
      check(Event, Checker<? super T>) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.util.ConvertedLiteral
      change(Event, Object[], Changer.ChangeMode) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprExplosionBlockYield
      check(Event, Checker<? super T>) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.util.SimpleExpression
      change(Event, Object[], Changer.ChangeMode) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprExplosionYield
      check(Event, Checker<? super T>) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.util.SimpleLiteral
      change(Event, Object[], Changer.ChangeMode) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprExplosiveYield
      check(Event, Checker<? super T>) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.Variable
      change(Event, Object[], Changer.ChangeMode) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprFacing
      check(Event, Checker<? super T>, boolean) - Method in interface ch.njol.skript.lang.Expression
      Checks this expression against the given checker.
      check(Event, Checker<? super T>, boolean) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.ExpressionList
      change(Event, Object[], Changer.ChangeMode) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprFallDistance
      check(Event, Checker<? super T>, boolean) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.util.ConvertedExpression
      change(Event, Object[], Changer.ChangeMode) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprFireTicks
      check(Event, Checker<? super T>, boolean) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.util.ConvertedLiteral
      change(Event, Object[], Changer.ChangeMode) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprFlightMode
      check(Event, Checker<? super T>, boolean) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.util.SimpleExpression
      change(Event, Object[], Changer.ChangeMode) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprFoodLevel
      check(Event, Checker<? super T>, boolean) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.util.SimpleLiteral
      change(Event, Object[], Changer.ChangeMode) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprFreezeTicks
      check(Event, Checker<? super T>, boolean) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.Variable
      change(Event, Object[], Changer.ChangeMode) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprGameMode
      check(T) - Method in interface ch.njol.util.Checker
      change(Event, Object[], Changer.ChangeMode) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprGameRule
      checkAcceptRegistrations() - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.Skript
      change(Event, Object[], Changer.ChangeMode) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprGlidingState
      checkDatabase() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.variables.SQLStorage
      change(Event, Object[], Changer.ChangeMode) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprGlowing
      CheckedIterator<T> - Class in ch.njol.util.coll.iterator
      change(Event, Object[], Changer.ChangeMode) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprGravity
      CheckedIterator(Iterator<T>, NullableChecker<T>) - Constructor for class ch.njol.util.coll.iterator.CheckedIterator
      change(Event, Object[], Changer.ChangeMode) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprHatchingNumber
      Checker<T> - Interface in ch.njol.util
      change(Event, Object[], Changer.ChangeMode) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprHatchingType
      checkEvent(Player, Cancellable, EquipmentSlot) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.bukkitutil.ClickEventTracker
      Processes a click event from a player.
      checkIndices(String, int, int) - Static method in class ch.njol.util.StringUtils
      change(Event, Object[], Changer.ChangeMode) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprHealAmount
      CHECKING - Enum constant in enum class ch.njol.skript.update.UpdaterState
      Update check is currently in progress.
      checkPotionType(String) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.util.PotionEffectUtils
      Checks if given string represents a known potion type and returns that type.
      checkUpdates() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.update.Updater
      Checks for updates asynchronously, without blocking the caller.
      CHESTPLATE - Enum constant in enum class ch.njol.skript.util.slot.EquipmentSlot.EquipSlot
      change(Event, Object[], Changer.ChangeMode) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprHealth
      ChoicePatternElement - Class in ch.njol.skript.patterns
      A PatternElement that has multiple options, for example hello|world.
      ChoicePatternElement() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.patterns.ChoicePatternElement
      change(Event, Object[], Changer.ChangeMode) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprHotbarSlot
      classes - Variable in class ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptParser.ExprInfo
      change(Event, Object[], Changer.ChangeMode) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprHoverList
      Classes - Class in ch.njol.skript.registrations
      change(Event, Object[], Changer.ChangeMode) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprItem
      classExists(String) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.Skript
      Tests whether a given class exists in the classpath.
      classForName(String) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.util.Utils
      Gets class for name.
      ClassInfo<T> - Class in ch.njol.skript.classes
      change(Event, Object[], Changer.ChangeMode) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprItemAmount
      ClassInfo(Class<T>, String) - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.classes.ClassInfo
      change(Event, Object[], Changer.ChangeMode) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprLastDamage
      ClassResolver - Interface in ch.njol.yggdrasil
      change(Event, Object[], Changer.ChangeMode) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprLastDamageCause
      cleanPatterns(String) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.doc.Documentation
      change(Event, Object[], Changer.ChangeMode) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprLevel
      cleanPatterns(String, boolean) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.doc.Documentation
      change(Event, Object[], Changer.ChangeMode) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprLevelProgress
      clear() - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.aliases.Aliases
      Clears aliases.
      clear() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.aliases.AliasesMap
      Clears all data from this aliases map.
      clear() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.log.ParseLogHandler
      Clears all log messages except for the error
      clear() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.log.RetainingLogHandler
      Clears the list of retained log messages.
      clear() - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.variables.TypeHints
      change(Event, Object[], Changer.ChangeMode) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprLoot
      clear() - Method in class ch.njol.util.coll.BidiHashMap
      change(Event, Object[], Changer.ChangeMode) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprLore
      clear() - Method in class ch.njol.util.coll.CyclicList
      change(Event, Object[], Changer.ChangeMode) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprMaxHealth
      clear() - Method in class ch.njol.util.coll.ReversedListView
      change(Event, Object[], Changer.ChangeMode) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprMaxMinecartSpeed
      CLEAR - Enum constant in enum class ch.njol.skript.util.WeatherType
      change(Event, Object[], Changer.ChangeMode) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprMaxPlayers
      clearAliases() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.aliases.AliasesProvider
      change(Event, Object[], Changer.ChangeMode) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprMendingRepairAmount
      clearAllEffects(ItemType) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.util.PotionEffectUtils
      Clear all PotionEffects from an ItemType
      clearAllEffects(LivingEntity) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.util.PotionEffectUtils
      Clear all the active PotionEffects from an Entity
      clearChangesQueue() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.variables.VariablesStorage
      Clears the queue of unsaved variables.
      clearData() - Method in class org.skriptlang.skript.lang.script.Script
      This API is experimental and subject to change. + Clears the data stored for this script.
      clearEnchantments() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.aliases.ItemType
      Clears all enchantments from this item type except the ones that are + defined for individual item datas only.
      clearError() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.log.ParseLogHandler
      change(Event, Object[], Changer.ChangeMode) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprMessage
      clearFunctions() - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.function.Functions
      clearFunctions(String) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.function.Functions
      clearItemMeta() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.aliases.ItemType
      Clears item meta from this type.
      clickEvent - Variable in class ch.njol.skript.util.chat.MessageComponent
      change(Event, Object[], Changer.ChangeMode) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprMetadata
      ClickEvent(MessageComponent.ClickEvent.Action, String) - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.util.chat.MessageComponent.ClickEvent
      change(Event, Object[], Changer.ChangeMode) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprMinecartDerailedFlyingVelocity
      ClickEventTracker - Class in ch.njol.skript.bukkitutil
      Tracks click events to remove extraneous events for one player click.
      ClickEventTracker(JavaPlugin) - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.bukkitutil.ClickEventTracker
      change(Event, Object[], Changer.ChangeMode) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprMOTD
      clone() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.aliases.ItemData
      change(Event, Object[], Changer.ChangeMode) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprName
      clone() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.aliases.ItemType
      change(Event, Object[], Changer.ChangeMode) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprNoDamageTicks
      clone() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.EntityType
      change(Event, Object[], Changer.ChangeMode) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprOnlinePlayersCount
      clone() - Method in interface ch.njol.skript.lang.Unit
      change(Event, Object[], Changer.ChangeMode) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprOps
      clone() - Method in class ch.njol.util.coll.BidiHashMap
      change(Event, Object[], Changer.ChangeMode) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprPassenger
      clone() - Method in class ch.njol.util.NonNullPair
      change(Event, Object[], Changer.ChangeMode) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprPickupDelay
      clone() - Method in class ch.njol.util.Pair
      change(Event, Object[], Changer.ChangeMode) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprPlayerlistHeaderFooter
      clone() - Method in class ch.njol.yggdrasil.PseudoEnum
      Prevents cloning of pseudo-enums.
      clone(Object) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.registrations.Classes
      Clones the given object by calling ClassInfo.clone(Object), + getting the ClassInfo from the closest registered superclass + (or the given object's class).
      clone(T) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.classes.ClassInfo
      Clones the given object using ClassInfo.cloner, + returning the given object if no Cloner is registered.
      clone(T) - Method in interface ch.njol.skript.classes.Cloner
      change(Event, Object[], Changer.ChangeMode) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprPlayerViewDistance
      cloner(Cloner<T>) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.classes.ClassInfo
      change(Event, Object[], Changer.ChangeMode) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprPlayerWeather
      Cloner<T> - Interface in ch.njol.skript.classes
      An interface for optionally cloning an object, + should return the given object if no cloning is required.
      close() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.log.LogHandler
      change(Event, Object[], Changer.ChangeMode) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprPortalCooldown
      close() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.Task
      change(Event, Object[], Changer.ChangeMode) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprPotionEffects
      close() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.variables.FlatFileStorage
      change(Event, Object[], Changer.ChangeMode) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprProjectileBounceState
      close() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.variables.SQLStorage
      change(Event, Object[], Changer.ChangeMode) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprProjectileCriticalState
      close() - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.variables.Variables
      Closes the variable systems: + + Process all changes left in the Variables.changeQueue. + Stops the Variables.saveThread. +
      close() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.variables.VariablesStorage
      Called when Skript gets disabled.
      close() - Method in interface ch.njol.util.Closeable
      Closes this object.
      close() - Method in class ch.njol.util.LoggerFilter
      change(Event, Object[], Changer.ChangeMode) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprProtocolVersion
      close() - Method in interface ch.njol.util.OpenCloseable
      change(Event, Object[], Changer.ChangeMode) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprRemainingAir
      close() - Method in class ch.njol.yggdrasil.DefaultYggdrasilInputStream
      change(Event, Object[], Changer.ChangeMode) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprRespawnLocation
      close() - Method in class ch.njol.yggdrasil.DefaultYggdrasilOutputStream
      change(Event, Object[], Changer.ChangeMode) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprSaturation
      close() - Method in class ch.njol.yggdrasil.xml.YggXMLInputStream
      close() - Method in class ch.njol.yggdrasil.xml.YggXMLOutputStream
      Closeable - Interface in ch.njol.util
      Like Closeable, but not used for resources, thus it neither throws checked exceptions nor causes resource leak warnings.
      closed - Variable in class ch.njol.skript.variables.VariablesStorage
      Whether this variable storage has been closed.
      closeOnDisable(Closeable) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.Skript
      Registers a Closeable that should be closed when this plugin is disabled.
      COCOA_TREE - Enum constant in enum class ch.njol.skript.util.StructureType
      change(Event, Object[], Changer.ChangeMode) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprScoreboardTags
      CollectionUtils - Class in ch.njol.util.coll
      Utils for collections and arrays.
      color - Variable in class ch.njol.skript.util.chat.MessageComponent
      Color of this text.
      Color - Interface in ch.njol.skript.util
      change(Event, Object[], Changer.ChangeMode) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprServerIcon
      COLOR - Static variable in class ch.njol.skript.registrations.DefaultClasses
      change(Event, Object[], Changer.ChangeMode) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprShooter
      colorResetCodes - Static variable in class ch.njol.skript.SkriptConfig
      change(Event, Object[], Changer.ChangeMode) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprSignText
      colorResetCodes - Static variable in class ch.njol.skript.util.chat.ChatMessages
      If color codes should also function as reset code.
      ColorRGB - Class in ch.njol.skript.util
      change(Event, Object[], Changer.ChangeMode) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprSpawn
      ColorRGB(int, int, int) - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.util.ColorRGB
      change(Event, Object[], Changer.ChangeMode) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprSpawnerType
      combine(Expression<? extends Direction>, Expression<? extends Location>) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.util.Direction
      change(Event, Object[], Changer.ChangeMode) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprSpectatorTarget
      combine(OpenCloseable...) - Static method in interface ch.njol.util.OpenCloseable
      change(Event, Object[], Changer.ChangeMode) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprSpeed
      COMBINED - Enum constant in enum class ch.njol.skript.lang.ExpressionType
      Expressions that contain other expressions, e.g.
      CombinedIterator<T> - Class in ch.njol.util.coll.iterator
      An iterator that iterates over all elements of several iterables.
      CombinedIterator(Iterator<? extends Iterable<T>>) - Constructor for class ch.njol.util.coll.iterator.CombinedIterator
      change(Event, Object[], Changer.ChangeMode) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprTarget
      CombinedIterator(Iterator<? extends Iterable<T>>, boolean) - Constructor for class ch.njol.util.coll.iterator.CombinedIterator
      change(Event, Object[], Changer.ChangeMode) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprTime
      COMMAND - Enum constant in enum class ch.njol.skript.lang.ParseContext
      Only used for parsing arguments of commands
      COMMAND - Enum constant in enum class ch.njol.skript.util.StringMode
      change(Event, Object[], Changer.ChangeMode) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprTimePlayed
      CommandAliasHelpTopic(String, String, HelpMap) - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.command.Commands.CommandAliasHelpTopic
      change(Event, Object[], Changer.ChangeMode) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprTotalExperience
      CommandEvent - Class in ch.njol.skript.command
      change(Event, Object[], Changer.ChangeMode) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprValueWithin
      CommandEvent(CommandSender, String, String[]) - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.command.CommandEvent
      change(Event, Object[], Changer.ChangeMode) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprVectorLength
      CommandHelp - Class in ch.njol.skript.command
      change(Event, Object[], Changer.ChangeMode) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprVectorXYZ
      CommandHelp(String, SkriptColor) - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.command.CommandHelp
      change(Event, Object[], Changer.ChangeMode) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprVehicle
      CommandHelp(String, SkriptColor, String) - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.command.CommandHelp
      change(Event, Object[], Changer.ChangeMode) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprVelocity
      change(Event, Object[], Changer.ChangeMode) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprWeather
      change(Event, Object[], Changer.ChangeMode) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprWhitelist
      change(Event, Object[], Changer.ChangeMode) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprWorld
      change(Event, Object[], Changer.ChangeMode) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.hooks.chat.expressions.ExprPrefixSuffix
      change(Event, Object[], Changer.ChangeMode) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.hooks.economy.expressions.ExprBalance
      change(Event, Object[], Changer.ChangeMode) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.hooks.permission.expressions.ExprGroup
      change(Event, Object[], Changer.ChangeMode) - Method in interface ch.njol.skript.lang.Expression
      CommandReloader - Class in ch.njol.skript.bukkitutil
      Changes the expression's value by the given amount.
      Utilizes CraftServer with reflection to re-send commands to clients.
      change(Event, Object[], Changer.ChangeMode) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.ExpressionList
      change(Event, Object[], Changer.ChangeMode) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.UnparsedLiteral
      change(Event, Object[], Changer.ChangeMode) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.util.ConvertedExpression
      change(Event, Object[], Changer.ChangeMode) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.util.SimpleExpression
      change(Event, Object[], Changer.ChangeMode) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.util.SimpleLiteral
      change(Event, Object[], Changer.ChangeMode) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.Variable
      change(Event, Object[], Changer.ChangeMode) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.VariableString
      change(Event, Object[], Changer.ChangeMode) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprYawPitch
      change(Event, Object[], Changer.ChangeMode) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprBookPages
      change(Event, Object[], Changer.ChangeMode) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprItemCooldown
      change(Event, Object[], Changer.ChangeMode) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprSeaPickles
      change(Event, Object[], Changer.ChangeMode) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprChunk
      change(Event, Object[], Changer.ChangeMode) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprVersionString
      CommandReloader() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.bukkitutil.CommandReloader
      change(T[], Object[], Changer.ChangeMode) - Method in interface ch.njol.skript.classes.Changer
      Commands - Class in ch.njol.skript.command
      change_page - Enum constant in enum class ch.njol.skript.util.chat.MessageComponent.ClickEvent.Action
      Commands() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.command.Commands
      change_page - Enum constant in enum class ch.njol.skript.util.chat.SkriptChatCode
      Commands.CommandAliasHelpTopic - Class in ch.njol.skript.command
      copied from CraftBukkit (org.bukkit.craftbukkit.help.CommandAliasHelpTopic)
      comment - Variable in class ch.njol.skript.config.Node
      CHANGED_DURABILITY - Static variable in class ch.njol.skript.aliases.ItemFlags
      Comparator<T1,T2> - Interface in ch.njol.skript.classes
      Durability of item changed.
      Deprecated. + +
      CHANGED_TAGS - Static variable in class ch.njol.skript.aliases.ItemFlags
      Comparator<T1,T2> - Interface in org.skriptlang.skript.lang.comparator
      Changed tags other than durability.
      Used to compare two objects of a different or the same type.
      changer(Changer<? super T>) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.classes.ClassInfo
      changer(SerializableChanger<? super T>) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.classes.ClassInfo
      Comparator.ComparatorInfo<T1,T2> - Class in ch.njol.skript.classes
      Changer<T> - Interface in ch.njol.skript.classes
      Comparator.Relation - Enum Class in ch.njol.skript.classes
      An interface to declare changeable values.
      Changer.ChangeMode - Enum Class in ch.njol.skript.classes
      Changer.ChangerUtils - Class in ch.njol.skript.classes
      ChangerUtils() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.classes.Changer.ChangerUtils
      changesCheck(CommandSender) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.SkriptUpdater
      ComparatorInfo<T1,T2> - Class in org.skriptlang.skript.lang.comparator
      Checks for update change log and messages the sender.
      Holds information about a Comparator.
      charAt(int) - Method in class ch.njol.util.CaseInsensitiveString
      chat - Static variable in class ch.njol.skript.hooks.VaultHook
      ChatCode - Interface in ch.njol.skript.util.chat
      ComparatorInfo(Class<T1>, Class<T2>, Comparator<T1, T2>) - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.classes.Comparator.ComparatorInfo
      Chat codes; includes color codes (reference) - and also, some formatting codes (mostly this)
      Comparators - Class in ch.njol.skript.registrations
      Deprecated. + +
      ChatMessages - Class in ch.njol.skript.util.chat
      Comparators - Class in org.skriptlang.skript.lang.comparator
      Handles parsing chat messages.
      Comparators are used to provide Skript with specific instructions for comparing two objects.
      ChatMessages() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.util.chat.ChatMessages
      check(T) - Method in interface ch.njol.util.NullableChecker
      check(T[], Checker<? super T>, boolean, boolean) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.util.SimpleExpression
      check(ItemType) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.conditions.CondHasCustomModelData
      check(ItemType) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.conditions.CondIsBlock
      check(ItemType) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.conditions.CondIsEdible
      check(ItemType) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.conditions.CondIsFlammable
      check(ItemType) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.conditions.CondIsFuel
      compare(Object, Object) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.registrations.Comparators
      compare(T1, T2) - Static method in class org.skriptlang.skript.lang.comparator.Comparators
      Compares two objects to see if a Relation exists between them.
      compare(String, String) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.util.Version
      check(ItemType) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.conditions.CondIsInteractable
      compare(T1, T2) - Method in interface ch.njol.skript.classes.Comparator
      Compares the given objects which may not be null.
      compare(T1, T2) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.classes.InverseComparator
      compare(T1, T2) - Method in interface org.skriptlang.skript.lang.comparator.Comparator
      The main method for this Comparator to determine the Relation between two objects.
      compareTo(int...) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.Version
      check(ItemType) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.conditions.CondIsOccluding
      compareTo(Config) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.config.Config
      check(ItemType) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.conditions.CondIsSolid
      compareTo(Date) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.Date
      check(ItemType) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.conditions.CondIsTransparent
      compareTo(Timespan) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.Timespan
      check(ItemType) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.conditions.CondIsUnbreakable
      compareTo(Version) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.Version
      check(ReleaseManifest, ReleaseChannel) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.update.GithubChecker
      compareTo(CharSequence) - Method in class ch.njol.util.CaseInsensitiveString
      check(ReleaseManifest, ReleaseChannel) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.update.NoUpdateChecker
      compareTo(Structure.Priority) - Method in class org.skriptlang.skript.lang.structure.Structure.Priority
      check(ReleaseManifest, ReleaseChannel) - Method in interface ch.njol.skript.update.UpdateChecker
      compareValues(Config, String...) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.config.Config
      Checks for updates.
      Compares the keys and values of this Config and another.
      check(Object) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.conditions.CondIsBanned
      check(Object) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.conditions.CondIsEmpty
      check(String) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.conditions.CondIsSkriptCommand
      check(String) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.test.runner.CondMethodExists
      check(String) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.update.ReleaseChannel
      compareValues(SectionNode, String...) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.config.SectionNode
      Checks whether the release with given name belongs to this channel.
      Compares the keys and values of this SectionNode and another.
      check(Block) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.conditions.CondIsPassable
      check(Chunk) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.conditions.CondIsSlimeChunk
      check(Entity) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.conditions.CondEntityIsInLiquid
      compile(String) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.patterns.PatternCompiler
      Parses a pattern String into a SkriptPattern.
      Condition - Class in ch.njol.skript.lang
      A condition which must be fulfilled for the trigger to continue.
      Condition() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.lang.Condition
      check(Entity) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.conditions.CondEntityIsWet
      config - Variable in class ch.njol.skript.config.Node
      check(Entity) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.conditions.CondIsAlive
      Config - Class in ch.njol.skript.config
      Represents a config file.
      Config(File, boolean, boolean, String) - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.config.Config
      check(Entity) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.conditions.CondIsBurning
      Config(InputStream, String, boolean, boolean, String) - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.config.Config
      check(Entity) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.conditions.CondIsFrozen
      Config(InputStream, String, File, boolean, boolean, String) - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.config.Config
      check(Entity) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.conditions.CondIsInvulnerable
      Config(String, String, boolean, boolean, String) - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.config.Config
      For testing
      Config(Path, boolean, boolean, String) - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.config.Config
      check(Entity) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.conditions.CondIsOnGround
      CONFIG - Enum constant in enum class ch.njol.skript.lang.ParseContext
      Used for parsing values from a config
      ConfigReader - Class in ch.njol.skript.config
      check(Entity) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.conditions.CondIsSilent
      ConfigReader(InputStream) - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.config.ConfigReader
      check(Entity) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.conditions.CondIsValid
      ConfigurationSerializer<T extends org.bukkit.configuration.serialization.ConfigurationSerializable> - Class in ch.njol.skript.classes
      Uses strings for serialisation because the whole ConfigurationSerializable interface is badly documented, and especially DelegateDeserialization doesn't work well with + Yggdrasil.
      ConfigurationSerializer() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.classes.ConfigurationSerializer
      check(LivingEntity) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.conditions.CondAI
      connect() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.variables.FlatFileStorage
      check(LivingEntity) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.conditions.CondCanPickUpItems
      connect() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.variables.SQLStorage
      check(LivingEntity) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.conditions.CondIgnitionProcess
      connect() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.variables.VariablesStorage
      (Re)connects to the database.
      connectionLock - Variable in class ch.njol.skript.variables.VariablesStorage
      Must be locked after Variables.getReadLock() + (if that lock is used at all).
      CONSOLE - Static variable in class ch.njol.skript.command.ScriptCommand
      check(LivingEntity) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.conditions.CondIsCharged
      ConsumingIterator<E> - Class in ch.njol.util.coll.iterator
      An Iterator that also calls Consumer.accept(Object) on each object provided by the given Iterator.
      ConsumingIterator(Iterator<E>, Consumer<E>) - Constructor for class ch.njol.util.coll.iterator.ConsumingIterator
      check(LivingEntity) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.conditions.CondIsClimbing
      Container<T> - Interface in ch.njol.skript.util
      Represents a class which is a container, i.e.
      Container.ContainerType - Annotation Interface in ch.njol.skript.util
      check(LivingEntity) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.conditions.CondIsGliding
      ContainerExpression - Class in ch.njol.skript.lang.util
      check(LivingEntity) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.conditions.CondIsInvisible
      ContainerExpression(Expression<? extends Container<?>>, Class<?>) - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.lang.util.ContainerExpression
      check(LivingEntity) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.conditions.CondIsJumping
      containerIterator() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.aliases.ItemType
      check(LivingEntity) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.conditions.CondIsLeftHanded
      containerIterator() - Method in interface ch.njol.skript.util.Container
      check(LivingEntity) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.conditions.CondIsPoisoned
      contains(int[], int) - Static method in class ch.njol.util.coll.CollectionUtils
      check(LivingEntity) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.conditions.CondIsRiptiding
      contains(int) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.Timeperiod
      check(LivingEntity) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.conditions.CondIsSwimming
      contains(Object) - Method in class ch.njol.util.coll.ReversedListView
      check(LivingEntity) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.conditions.CondIsTameable
      contains(T[], T) - Static method in class ch.njol.util.coll.CollectionUtils
      check(LivingEntity) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.conditions.CondLeashed
      contains(LogHandler) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.log.HandlerList
      check(Player) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.conditions.CondCanFly
      contains(Time) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.Timeperiod
      check(Player) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.conditions.CondHasClientWeather
      contains(String) - Method in class ch.njol.yggdrasil.Fields
      check(Player) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.conditions.CondHasResourcePack
      contains(String, char, int, int) - Static method in class ch.njol.util.StringUtils
      check(Player) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.conditions.CondIsBlocking
      contains(String, String, boolean) - Static method in class ch.njol.util.StringUtils
      check(Player) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.conditions.CondIsFlying
      contains(Block) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.AABB
      check(Player) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.conditions.CondIsSleeping
      contains(Location) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.AABB
      check(Player) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.conditions.CondIsSneaking
      containsAll(Collection<?>) - Method in class ch.njol.util.coll.ReversedListView
      check(Player) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.conditions.CondIsSprinting
      containsAll(T[], T...) - Static method in class ch.njol.util.coll.CollectionUtils
      check(Projectile) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.conditions.CondProjectileCanBounce
      containsAny(T[], T...) - Static method in class ch.njol.util.coll.CollectionUtils
      check(Event) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.conditions.base.PropertyCondition
      containsAny(String, String) - Static method in class ch.njol.util.StringUtils
      Searches for whether a String contains any of the characters of another string.
      containsAnySuperclass(Class<?>[], Class<?>...) - Static method in class ch.njol.util.coll.CollectionUtils
      check(Event) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.conditions.CondAlphanumeric
      containsIgnoreCase(String[], String) - Static method in class ch.njol.util.coll.CollectionUtils
      check(Event) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.conditions.CondAnchorWorks
      containsKey(Map<T, U>, T) - Static method in class ch.njol.util.coll.CollectionUtils
      check(Event) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.conditions.CondCancelled
      containsKeyIgnoreCase(Map<String, U>, String) - Static method in class ch.njol.util.coll.CollectionUtils
      check(Event) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.conditions.CondCanHold
      containsSuperclass(Class<?>[], Class<?>) - Static method in class ch.njol.util.coll.CollectionUtils
      check(Event) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.conditions.CondCanSee
      containsValue(Object) - Method in class ch.njol.util.coll.BidiHashMap
      check(Event) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.conditions.CondChance
      content - Variable in class ch.njol.skript.aliases.AliasesParser.PatternSlot
      check(Event) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.conditions.CondCompare
      context - Variable in class ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptParser
      check(Event) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.conditions.CondContains
      ContextlessEvent - Class in ch.njol.skript.lang.util
      This class is intended for usage in places of Skript that require an Event.
      convert(F, Class<? extends T>[]) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.registrations.Converters
      Converts an object into one of the given types.
      convert(F, Class<T>) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.registrations.Converters
      Converts the given value to the desired type.
      convert(From, Class<? extends To>[]) - Static method in class org.skriptlang.skript.lang.converter.Converters
      A method for converting an object into one of several provided types.
      convert(From, Class<To>) - Static method in class org.skriptlang.skript.lang.converter.Converters
      Standard method for converting an object into a different type.
      convert(A) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.Getter
      Convenience method to make getter implement converter
      convert(MessageComponent) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.util.chat.BungeeConverter
      check(Event) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.conditions.CondDamageCause
      convert(MessageComponent[]) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.util.chat.BungeeConverter
      check(Event) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.conditions.CondDate
      check(Event) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.conditions.CondHasItemCooldown
      check(Event) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.conditions.CondHasLineOfSight
      check(Event) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.conditions.CondHasMetadata
      check(Event) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.conditions.CondHasPotion
      check(Event) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.conditions.CondHasScoreboardTag
      check(Event) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.conditions.CondIncendiary
      check(Event) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.conditions.CondIsBlockRedstonePowered
      check(Event) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.conditions.CondIsEnchanted
      check(Event) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.conditions.CondIsLoaded
      check(Event) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.conditions.CondIsOfType
      check(Event) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.conditions.CondIsPluginEnabled
      check(Event) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.conditions.CondIsPreferredTool
      check(Event) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.conditions.CondIsRiding
      check(Event) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.conditions.CondIsSet
      check(Event) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.conditions.CondIsWearing
      check(Event) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.conditions.CondIsWhitelisted
      check(Event) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.conditions.CondIsWithin
      check(Event) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.conditions.CondItemInHand
      check(Event) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.conditions.CondMatches
      check(Event) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.conditions.CondPermission
      check(Event) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.conditions.CondPlayedBefore
      check(Event) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.conditions.CondPvP
      check(Event) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.conditions.CondResourcePack
      check(Event) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.conditions.CondRespawnLocation
      check(Event) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.conditions.CondScriptLoaded
      check(Event) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.conditions.CondStartsEndsWith
      check(Event) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.conditions.CondWillHatch
      check(Event) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.conditions.CondWithinRadius
      check(Event) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.events.EvtAtTime
      check(Event) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.events.EvtBlock
      check(Event) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.events.EvtBookEdit
      check(Event) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.events.EvtBookSign
      check(Event) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.events.EvtClick
      check(Event) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.events.EvtCommand
      check(Event) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.events.EvtDamage
      check(Event) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.events.EvtEntity
      check(Event) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.events.EvtEntityBlockChange
      check(Event) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.events.EvtEntityTarget
      check(Event) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.events.EvtExperienceChange
      check(Event) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.events.EvtExperienceSpawn
      check(Event) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.events.EvtFirework
      check(Event) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.events.EvtFirstJoin
      check(Event) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.events.EvtGameMode
      check(Event) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.events.EvtGrow
      check(Event) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.events.EvtItem
      check(Event) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.events.EvtLevel
      check(Event) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.events.EvtMove
      check(Event) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.events.EvtMoveOn
      check(Event) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.events.EvtPeriodical
      check(Event) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.events.EvtPlantGrowth
      check(Event) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.events.EvtPlayerChunkEnter
      check(Event) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.events.EvtPressurePlate
      check(Event) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.events.EvtResourcePackResponse
      check(Event) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.events.EvtScript
      check(Event) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.events.EvtSkript
      check(Event) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.events.EvtSpectate
      check(Event) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.events.EvtWeatherChange
      check(Event) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.hooks.regions.conditions.CondCanBuild
      check(Event) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.hooks.regions.conditions.CondIsMember
      check(Event) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.hooks.regions.conditions.CondRegionContains
      check(Event) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.hooks.regions.events.EvtRegionBorder
      check(Event) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.Condition
      Checks whether this condition is satisfied with the given event.
      check(Event) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.SectionSkriptEvent
      check(Event) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.SelfRegisteringSkriptEvent
      convert(F) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.classes.ChainedConverter
      check(Event) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptEvent
      Checks whether the given Event applies, e.g.
      check(Event) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.util.SimpleEvent
      check(Event) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.test.runner.CondMinecraftVersion
      check(Event) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.test.runner.EvtTestCase
      check(Event, Checker<? super Object>) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.UnparsedLiteral
      check(Event, Checker<? super Object>, boolean) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.UnparsedLiteral
      check(Event, Checker<? super String>) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.VariableString
      check(Event, Checker<? super String>, boolean) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.VariableString
      check(Event, Checker<? super T>) - Method in interface ch.njol.skript.lang.Expression
      Checks this expression against the given checker.
      check(Event, Checker<? super T>) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.ExpressionList
      check(Event, Checker<? super T>) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.util.ConvertedExpression
      check(Event, Checker<? super T>) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.util.ConvertedLiteral
      check(Event, Checker<? super T>) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.util.SimpleExpression
      check(Event, Checker<? super T>) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.util.SimpleLiteral
      check(Event, Checker<? super T>) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.Variable
      check(Event, Checker<? super T>, boolean) - Method in interface ch.njol.skript.lang.Expression
      Checks this expression against the given checker.
      check(Event, Checker<? super T>, boolean) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.ExpressionList
      check(Event, Checker<? super T>, boolean) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.util.ConvertedExpression
      check(Event, Checker<? super T>, boolean) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.util.ConvertedLiteral
      check(Event, Checker<? super T>, boolean) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.util.SimpleExpression
      check(Event, Checker<? super T>, boolean) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.util.SimpleLiteral
      check(Event, Checker<? super T>, boolean) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.Variable
      check(ItemStack) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.conditions.CondIsStackable
      check(OfflinePlayer) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.conditions.CondIsOnline
      check(OfflinePlayer) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.conditions.CondIsOp
      check(Vector) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.conditions.CondIsVectorNormalized
      check(T) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.conditions.base.PropertyCondition
      check(T) - Method in interface ch.njol.util.Checker
      checkAcceptRegistrations() - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.Skript
      checkDatabase() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.variables.SQLStorage
      CheckedIterator<T> - Class in ch.njol.util.coll.iterator
      CheckedIterator(Iterator<T>, NullableChecker<T>) - Constructor for class ch.njol.util.coll.iterator.CheckedIterator
      Checker<T> - Interface in ch.njol.util
      checkEvent(Player, Cancellable, EquipmentSlot) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.bukkitutil.ClickEventTracker
      Processes a click event from a player.
      checkIndices(String, int, int) - Static method in class ch.njol.util.StringUtils
      CHECKING - Enum constant in enum class ch.njol.skript.update.UpdaterState
      Update check is currently in progress.
      checkPotionType(String) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.util.PotionEffectUtils
      Checks if given string represents a known potion type and returns that type.
      checkUpdates() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.update.Updater
      Checks for updates asynchronously, without blocking the caller.
      CHESTPLATE - Enum constant in enum class ch.njol.skript.util.slot.EquipmentSlot.EquipSlot
      ChoicePatternElement - Class in ch.njol.skript.patterns
      A PatternElement that has multiple options, for example hello|world.
      ChoicePatternElement() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.patterns.ChoicePatternElement
      classes - Variable in class ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptParser.ExprInfo
      Classes - Class in ch.njol.skript.registrations
      classExists(String) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.Skript
      Tests whether a given class exists in the classpath.
      classForName(String) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.util.Utils
      Gets class for name.
      ClassInfo<T> - Class in ch.njol.skript.classes
      ClassInfo(Class<T>, String) - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.classes.ClassInfo
      ClassResolver - Interface in ch.njol.yggdrasil
      cleanPatterns(String) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.doc.Documentation
      cleanPatterns(String, boolean) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.doc.Documentation
      cleanup() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.test.runner.SkriptJUnitTest
      clear() - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.aliases.Aliases
      Clears aliases.
      clear() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.aliases.AliasesMap
      Clears all data from this aliases map.
      clear() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.log.ParseLogHandler
      Clears all log messages except for the error
      clear() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.log.RetainingLogHandler
      Clears the list of retained log messages.
      clear() - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.variables.TypeHints
      clear() - Method in class ch.njol.util.coll.BidiHashMap
      clear() - Method in class ch.njol.util.coll.CyclicList
      clear() - Method in class ch.njol.util.coll.ReversedListView
      CLEAR - Enum constant in enum class ch.njol.skript.util.WeatherType
      clearAliases() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.aliases.AliasesProvider
      clearAllEffects(ItemType) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.util.PotionEffectUtils
      Clear all PotionEffects from an ItemType
      clearAllEffects(LivingEntity) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.util.PotionEffectUtils
      Clear all the active PotionEffects from an Entity
      clearChangesQueue() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.variables.VariablesStorage
      Clears the queue of unsaved variables.
      clearData() - Method in class org.skriptlang.skript.lang.script.Script
      Clears the data stored for this script.
      clearEnchantments() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.aliases.ItemType
      Clears all enchantments from this item type except the ones that are - defined for individual item datas only.
      clearError() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.log.ParseLogHandler
      clearFunctions() - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.function.Functions
      clearFunctions(String) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.function.Functions
      convert(F) - Method in interface ch.njol.skript.classes.Converter
      Converts an object from the given to the desired type.
      clearItemMeta() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.aliases.ItemType
      Clears item meta from this type.
      clearJUnitTest() - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.test.runner.SkriptJUnitTest
      convert(F) - Method in interface org.skriptlang.skript.lang.converter.Converter
      Used internally.
      Converts an object using this Converter.
      clickEvent - Variable in class ch.njol.skript.util.chat.MessageComponent
      ClickEvent(MessageComponent.ClickEvent.Action, String) - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.util.chat.MessageComponent.ClickEvent
      ClickEventTracker - Class in ch.njol.skript.bukkitutil
      Tracks click events to remove extraneous events for one player click.
      ClickEventTracker(JavaPlugin) - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.bukkitutil.ClickEventTracker
      clone() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.aliases.ItemData
      clone() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.aliases.ItemType
      clone() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.EntityType
      clone() - Method in interface ch.njol.skript.lang.Unit
      clone() - Method in class ch.njol.util.coll.BidiHashMap
      clone() - Method in class ch.njol.util.NonNullPair
      clone() - Method in class ch.njol.util.Pair
      clone() - Method in class ch.njol.yggdrasil.PseudoEnum
      Prevents cloning of pseudo-enums.
      clone(Object) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.registrations.Classes
      Clones the given object by calling ClassInfo.clone(Object), - getting the ClassInfo from the closest registered superclass - (or the given object's class).
      clone(T) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.classes.ClassInfo
      Clones the given object using ClassInfo.cloner, - returning the given object if no Cloner is registered.
      clone(T) - Method in interface ch.njol.skript.classes.Cloner
      cloner(Cloner<T>) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.classes.ClassInfo
      Cloner<T> - Interface in ch.njol.skript.classes
      An interface for optionally cloning an object, - should return the given object if no cloning is required.
      close() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.log.LogHandler
      close() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.Task
      close() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.variables.FlatFileStorage
      close() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.variables.SQLStorage
      close() - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.variables.Variables
      Closes the variable systems: - - Process all changes left in the Variables.changeQueue. - Stops the Variables.saveThread. -
      close() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.variables.VariablesStorage
      Called when Skript gets disabled.
      close() - Method in interface ch.njol.util.Closeable
      Closes this object.
      close() - Method in class ch.njol.util.LoggerFilter
      close() - Method in interface ch.njol.util.OpenCloseable
      close() - Method in class ch.njol.yggdrasil.DefaultYggdrasilInputStream
      close() - Method in class ch.njol.yggdrasil.DefaultYggdrasilOutputStream
      close() - Method in class ch.njol.yggdrasil.xml.YggXMLInputStream
      close() - Method in class ch.njol.yggdrasil.xml.YggXMLOutputStream
      Closeable - Interface in ch.njol.util
      Like Closeable, but not used for resources, thus it neither throws checked exceptions nor causes resource leak warnings.
      closed - Variable in class ch.njol.skript.variables.VariablesStorage
      Whether this variable storage has been closed.
      closeOnDisable(Closeable) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.Skript
      Registers a Closeable that should be closed when this plugin is disabled.
      COCOA_TREE - Enum constant in enum class ch.njol.skript.util.StructureType
      CollectionUtils - Class in ch.njol.util.coll
      Utils for collections and arrays.
      collectResults() - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.test.runner.TestTracker
      color - Variable in class ch.njol.skript.util.chat.MessageComponent
      Color of this text.
      Color - Interface in ch.njol.skript.util
      COLOR - Static variable in class ch.njol.skript.registrations.DefaultClasses
      colorResetCodes - Static variable in class ch.njol.skript.SkriptConfig
      colorResetCodes - Static variable in class ch.njol.skript.util.chat.ChatMessages
      If color codes should also function as reset code.
      ColorRGB - Class in ch.njol.skript.util
      ColorRGB(int, int, int) - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.util.ColorRGB
      combine(Expression<? extends Direction>, Expression<? extends Location>) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.util.Direction
      combine(OpenCloseable...) - Static method in interface ch.njol.util.OpenCloseable
      COMBINED - Enum constant in enum class ch.njol.skript.lang.ExpressionType
      Expressions that contain other expressions, e.g.
      CombinedIterator<T> - Class in ch.njol.util.coll.iterator
      An iterator that iterates over all elements of several iterables.
      CombinedIterator(Iterator<? extends Iterable<T>>) - Constructor for class ch.njol.util.coll.iterator.CombinedIterator
      CombinedIterator(Iterator<? extends Iterable<T>>, boolean) - Constructor for class ch.njol.util.coll.iterator.CombinedIterator
      COMMAND - Enum constant in enum class ch.njol.skript.lang.ParseContext
      Only used for parsing arguments of commands
      COMMAND - Enum constant in enum class ch.njol.skript.util.StringMode
      CommandAliasHelpTopic(String, String, HelpMap) - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.command.Commands.CommandAliasHelpTopic
      CommandEvent - Class in ch.njol.skript.command
      CommandEvent(CommandSender, String, String[]) - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.command.CommandEvent
      CommandHelp - Class in ch.njol.skript.command
      CommandHelp(String, SkriptColor) - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.command.CommandHelp
      CommandHelp(String, SkriptColor, String) - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.command.CommandHelp
      CommandReloader - Class in ch.njol.skript.bukkitutil
      Utilizes CraftServer with reflection to re-send commands to clients.
      CommandReloader() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.bukkitutil.CommandReloader
      Commands - Class in ch.njol.skript.command
      Commands() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.command.Commands
      Commands.CommandAliasHelpTopic - Class in ch.njol.skript.command
      copied from CraftBukkit (org.bukkit.craftbukkit.help.CommandAliasHelpTopic)
      comment - Variable in class ch.njol.skript.config.Node
      Comparator<T1,T2> - Interface in ch.njol.skript.classes
      Deprecated. - -
      Comparator<T1,T2> - Interface in org.skriptlang.skript.lang.comparator
      Used to compare two objects of a different or the same type.
      Comparator.ComparatorInfo<T1,T2> - Class in ch.njol.skript.classes
      Comparator.Relation - Enum Class in ch.njol.skript.classes
      ComparatorInfo<T1,T2> - Class in org.skriptlang.skript.lang.comparator
      Holds information about a Comparator.
      ComparatorInfo(Class<T1>, Class<T2>, Comparator<T1, T2>) - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.classes.Comparator.ComparatorInfo
      Comparators - Class in ch.njol.skript.registrations
      Deprecated. - -
      Comparators - Class in org.skriptlang.skript.lang.comparator
      Comparators are used to provide Skript with specific instructions for comparing two objects.
      compare(Object, Object) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.registrations.Comparators
      compare(T1, T2) - Static method in class org.skriptlang.skript.lang.comparator.Comparators
      Compares two objects to see if a Relation exists between them.
      compare(String, String) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.util.Version
      compare(T1, T2) - Method in interface ch.njol.skript.classes.Comparator
      Compares the given objects which may not be null.
      compare(T1, T2) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.classes.InverseComparator
      convert(F[], Class<T>, Converter<? super F, ? extends T>) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.registrations.Converters
      compare(T1, T2) - Method in interface org.skriptlang.skript.lang.comparator.Comparator
      The main method for this Comparator to determine the Relation between two objects.
      compareTo(int...) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.Version
      compareTo(Config) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.config.Config
      compareTo(EvtAtTime) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.events.EvtAtTime
      compareTo(Date) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.Date
      compareTo(Timespan) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.Timespan
      compareTo(Version) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.Version
      compareTo(CharSequence) - Method in class ch.njol.util.CaseInsensitiveString
      compareTo(Structure.Priority) - Method in class org.skriptlang.skript.lang.structure.Structure.Priority
      compareValues(Config, String...) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.config.Config
      Compares the keys and values of this Config and another.
      compareValues(SectionNode, String...) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.config.SectionNode
      Compares the keys and values of this SectionNode and another.
      compile(String) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.patterns.PatternCompiler
      Parses a pattern String into a SkriptPattern.
      CondAI - Class in ch.njol.skript.conditions
      CondAI() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.conditions.CondAI
      CondAlphanumeric - Class in ch.njol.skript.conditions
      CondAlphanumeric() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.conditions.CondAlphanumeric
      CondAnchorWorks - Class in ch.njol.skript.conditions
      CondAnchorWorks() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.conditions.CondAnchorWorks
      CondCanBuild - Class in ch.njol.skript.hooks.regions.conditions
      CondCanBuild() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.hooks.regions.conditions.CondCanBuild
      CondCancelled - Class in ch.njol.skript.conditions
      CondCancelled() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.conditions.CondCancelled
      CondCanFly - Class in ch.njol.skript.conditions
      CondCanFly() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.conditions.CondCanFly
      CondCanHold - Class in ch.njol.skript.conditions
      CondCanHold() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.conditions.CondCanHold
      CondCanPickUpItems - Class in ch.njol.skript.conditions
      CondCanPickUpItems() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.conditions.CondCanPickUpItems
      CondCanSee - Class in ch.njol.skript.conditions
      CondCanSee() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.conditions.CondCanSee
      CondChance - Class in ch.njol.skript.conditions
      CondChance() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.conditions.CondChance
      CondCompare - Class in ch.njol.skript.conditions
      CondCompare() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.conditions.CondCompare
      CondContains - Class in ch.njol.skript.conditions
      CondContains() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.conditions.CondContains
      CondDamageCause - Class in ch.njol.skript.conditions
      CondDamageCause() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.conditions.CondDamageCause
      CondDate - Class in ch.njol.skript.conditions
      CondDate() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.conditions.CondDate
      CondEntityIsInLiquid - Class in ch.njol.skript.conditions
      CondEntityIsInLiquid() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.conditions.CondEntityIsInLiquid
      CondEntityIsWet - Class in ch.njol.skript.conditions
      CondEntityIsWet() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.conditions.CondEntityIsWet
      CondHasClientWeather - Class in ch.njol.skript.conditions
      CondHasClientWeather() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.conditions.CondHasClientWeather
      CondHasCustomModelData - Class in ch.njol.skript.conditions
      CondHasCustomModelData() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.conditions.CondHasCustomModelData
      CondHasItemCooldown - Class in ch.njol.skript.conditions
      CondHasItemCooldown() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.conditions.CondHasItemCooldown
      CondHasLineOfSight - Class in ch.njol.skript.conditions
      CondHasLineOfSight() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.conditions.CondHasLineOfSight
      CondHasMetadata - Class in ch.njol.skript.conditions
      CondHasMetadata() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.conditions.CondHasMetadata
      CondHasPotion - Class in ch.njol.skript.conditions
      CondHasPotion() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.conditions.CondHasPotion
      CondHasResourcePack - Class in ch.njol.skript.conditions
      CondHasResourcePack() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.conditions.CondHasResourcePack
      CondHasScoreboardTag - Class in ch.njol.skript.conditions
      CondHasScoreboardTag() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.conditions.CondHasScoreboardTag
      CondIgnitionProcess - Class in ch.njol.skript.conditions
      CondIgnitionProcess() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.conditions.CondIgnitionProcess
      CondIncendiary - Class in ch.njol.skript.conditions
      CondIncendiary() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.conditions.CondIncendiary
      CondIsAlive - Class in ch.njol.skript.conditions
      CondIsAlive() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.conditions.CondIsAlive
      CondIsBanned - Class in ch.njol.skript.conditions
      CondIsBanned() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.conditions.CondIsBanned
      CondIsBlock - Class in ch.njol.skript.conditions
      CondIsBlock() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.conditions.CondIsBlock
      CondIsBlocking - Class in ch.njol.skript.conditions
      CondIsBlocking() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.conditions.CondIsBlocking
      CondIsBlockRedstonePowered - Class in ch.njol.skript.conditions
      CondIsBlockRedstonePowered() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.conditions.CondIsBlockRedstonePowered
      CondIsBurning - Class in ch.njol.skript.conditions
      CondIsBurning() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.conditions.CondIsBurning
      CondIsCharged - Class in ch.njol.skript.conditions
      CondIsCharged() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.conditions.CondIsCharged
      CondIsClimbing - Class in ch.njol.skript.conditions
      CondIsClimbing() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.conditions.CondIsClimbing
      CondIsEdible - Class in ch.njol.skript.conditions
      CondIsEdible() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.conditions.CondIsEdible
      CondIsEmpty - Class in ch.njol.skript.conditions
      CondIsEmpty() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.conditions.CondIsEmpty
      CondIsEnchanted - Class in ch.njol.skript.conditions
      CondIsEnchanted() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.conditions.CondIsEnchanted
      CondIsFlammable - Class in ch.njol.skript.conditions
      CondIsFlammable() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.conditions.CondIsFlammable
      CondIsFlying - Class in ch.njol.skript.conditions
      CondIsFlying() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.conditions.CondIsFlying
      CondIsFrozen - Class in ch.njol.skript.conditions
      CondIsFrozen() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.conditions.CondIsFrozen
      CondIsFuel - Class in ch.njol.skript.conditions
      CondIsFuel() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.conditions.CondIsFuel
      CondIsGliding - Class in ch.njol.skript.conditions
      CondIsGliding() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.conditions.CondIsGliding
      CondIsInteractable - Class in ch.njol.skript.conditions
      CondIsInteractable() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.conditions.CondIsInteractable
      CondIsInvisible - Class in ch.njol.skript.conditions
      CondIsInvisible() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.conditions.CondIsInvisible
      CondIsInvulnerable - Class in ch.njol.skript.conditions
      CondIsInvulnerable() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.conditions.CondIsInvulnerable
      CondIsJumping - Class in ch.njol.skript.conditions
      CondIsJumping() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.conditions.CondIsJumping
      CondIsLeftHanded - Class in ch.njol.skript.conditions
      CondIsLeftHanded() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.conditions.CondIsLeftHanded
      CondIsLoaded - Class in ch.njol.skript.conditions
      CondIsLoaded() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.conditions.CondIsLoaded
      CondIsMember - Class in ch.njol.skript.hooks.regions.conditions
      CondIsMember() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.hooks.regions.conditions.CondIsMember
      CondIsOccluding - Class in ch.njol.skript.conditions
      CondIsOccluding() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.conditions.CondIsOccluding
      CondIsOfType - Class in ch.njol.skript.conditions
      CondIsOfType() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.conditions.CondIsOfType
      CondIsOnGround - Class in ch.njol.skript.conditions
      CondIsOnGround() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.conditions.CondIsOnGround
      CondIsOnline - Class in ch.njol.skript.conditions
      CondIsOnline() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.conditions.CondIsOnline
      CondIsOp - Class in ch.njol.skript.conditions
      CondIsOp() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.conditions.CondIsOp
      CondIsPassable - Class in ch.njol.skript.conditions
      CondIsPassable() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.conditions.CondIsPassable
      CondIsPluginEnabled - Class in ch.njol.skript.conditions
      CondIsPluginEnabled() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.conditions.CondIsPluginEnabled
      CondIsPoisoned - Class in ch.njol.skript.conditions
      CondIsPoisoned() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.conditions.CondIsPoisoned
      CondIsPreferredTool - Class in ch.njol.skript.conditions
      CondIsPreferredTool() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.conditions.CondIsPreferredTool
      CondIsRiding - Class in ch.njol.skript.conditions
      CondIsRiding() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.conditions.CondIsRiding
      CondIsRiptiding - Class in ch.njol.skript.conditions
      CondIsRiptiding() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.conditions.CondIsRiptiding
      CondIsSet - Class in ch.njol.skript.conditions
      CondIsSet() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.conditions.CondIsSet
      CondIsSilent - Class in ch.njol.skript.conditions
      CondIsSilent() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.conditions.CondIsSilent
      CondIsSkriptCommand - Class in ch.njol.skript.conditions
      CondIsSkriptCommand() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.conditions.CondIsSkriptCommand
      CondIsSleeping - Class in ch.njol.skript.conditions
      CondIsSleeping() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.conditions.CondIsSleeping
      CondIsSlimeChunk - Class in ch.njol.skript.conditions
      CondIsSlimeChunk() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.conditions.CondIsSlimeChunk
      CondIsSneaking - Class in ch.njol.skript.conditions
      CondIsSneaking() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.conditions.CondIsSneaking
      CondIsSolid - Class in ch.njol.skript.conditions
      CondIsSolid() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.conditions.CondIsSolid
      CondIsSprinting - Class in ch.njol.skript.conditions
      CondIsSprinting() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.conditions.CondIsSprinting
      CondIsStackable - Class in ch.njol.skript.conditions
      CondIsStackable() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.conditions.CondIsStackable
      CondIsSwimming - Class in ch.njol.skript.conditions
      CondIsSwimming() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.conditions.CondIsSwimming
      CondIsTameable - Class in ch.njol.skript.conditions
      CondIsTameable() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.conditions.CondIsTameable
      CondIsTransparent - Class in ch.njol.skript.conditions
      CondIsTransparent() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.conditions.CondIsTransparent
      CondIsUnbreakable - Class in ch.njol.skript.conditions
      CondIsUnbreakable() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.conditions.CondIsUnbreakable
      CondIsValid - Class in ch.njol.skript.conditions
      CondIsValid() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.conditions.CondIsValid
      CondIsVectorNormalized - Class in ch.njol.skript.conditions
      CondIsVectorNormalized() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.conditions.CondIsVectorNormalized
      CondIsWearing - Class in ch.njol.skript.conditions
      CondIsWearing() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.conditions.CondIsWearing
      CondIsWhitelisted - Class in ch.njol.skript.conditions
      CondIsWhitelisted() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.conditions.CondIsWhitelisted
      CondIsWithin - Class in ch.njol.skript.conditions
      CondIsWithin() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.conditions.CondIsWithin
      CondItemInHand - Class in ch.njol.skript.conditions
      CondItemInHand() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.conditions.CondItemInHand
      Condition - Class in ch.njol.skript.lang
      A condition which must be fulfilled for the trigger to continue.
      Condition() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.lang.Condition
      CondLeashed - Class in ch.njol.skript.conditions
      CondLeashed() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.conditions.CondLeashed
      CondMatches - Class in ch.njol.skript.conditions
      CondMatches() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.conditions.CondMatches
      CondMethodExists - Class in ch.njol.skript.test.runner
      CondMethodExists() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.test.runner.CondMethodExists
      CondMinecraftVersion - Class in ch.njol.skript.test.runner
      CondMinecraftVersion() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.test.runner.CondMinecraftVersion
      CondPermission - Class in ch.njol.skript.conditions
      CondPermission() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.conditions.CondPermission
      CondPlayedBefore - Class in ch.njol.skript.conditions
      CondPlayedBefore() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.conditions.CondPlayedBefore
      CondProjectileCanBounce - Class in ch.njol.skript.conditions
      CondProjectileCanBounce() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.conditions.CondProjectileCanBounce
      CondPvP - Class in ch.njol.skript.conditions
      CondPvP() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.conditions.CondPvP
      CondRegionContains - Class in ch.njol.skript.hooks.regions.conditions
      CondRegionContains() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.hooks.regions.conditions.CondRegionContains
      CondResourcePack - Class in ch.njol.skript.conditions
      CondResourcePack() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.conditions.CondResourcePack
      CondRespawnLocation - Class in ch.njol.skript.conditions
      CondRespawnLocation() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.conditions.CondRespawnLocation
      CondScriptLoaded - Class in ch.njol.skript.conditions
      CondScriptLoaded() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.conditions.CondScriptLoaded
      CondStartsEndsWith - Class in ch.njol.skript.conditions
      CondStartsEndsWith() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.conditions.CondStartsEndsWith
      CondWillHatch - Class in ch.njol.skript.conditions
      CondWillHatch() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.conditions.CondWillHatch
      CondWithinRadius - Class in ch.njol.skript.conditions
      CondWithinRadius() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.conditions.CondWithinRadius
      config - Variable in class ch.njol.skript.config.Node
      Config - Class in ch.njol.skript.config
      Represents a config file.
      Config(File, boolean, boolean, String) - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.config.Config
      Config(InputStream, String, boolean, boolean, String) - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.config.Config
      Config(InputStream, String, File, boolean, boolean, String) - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.config.Config
      Config(String, String, boolean, boolean, String) - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.config.Config
      For testing
      Config(Path, boolean, boolean, String) - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.config.Config
      CONFIG - Enum constant in enum class ch.njol.skript.lang.ParseContext
      Used for parsing values from a config
      ConfigReader - Class in ch.njol.skript.config
      ConfigReader(InputStream) - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.config.ConfigReader
      ConfigurationSerializer<T extends org.bukkit.configuration.serialization.ConfigurationSerializable> - Class in ch.njol.skript.classes
      Uses strings for serialisation because the whole ConfigurationSerializable interface is badly documented, and especially DelegateDeserialization doesn't work well with - Yggdrasil.
      ConfigurationSerializer() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.classes.ConfigurationSerializer
      connect() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.variables.FlatFileStorage
      connect() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.variables.SQLStorage
      connect() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.variables.VariablesStorage
      (Re)connects to the database.
      CONNECT_CHANNEL - Static variable in class ch.njol.skript.effects.EffConnect
      connectionLock - Variable in class ch.njol.skript.variables.VariablesStorage
      Must be locked after Variables.getReadLock() - (if that lock is used at all).
      CONSOLE - Static variable in class ch.njol.skript.command.ScriptCommand
      ConsumingIterator<E> - Class in ch.njol.util.coll.iterator
      An Iterator that also calls Consumer.accept(Object) on each object provided by the given Iterator.
      ConsumingIterator(Iterator<E>, Consumer<E>) - Constructor for class ch.njol.util.coll.iterator.ConsumingIterator
      Container<T> - Interface in ch.njol.skript.util
      Represents a class which is a container, i.e.
      Container.ContainerType - Annotation Interface in ch.njol.skript.util
      ContainerExpression - Class in ch.njol.skript.lang.util
      ContainerExpression(Expression<? extends Container<?>>, Class<?>) - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.lang.util.ContainerExpression
      containerIterator() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.aliases.ItemType
      containerIterator() - Method in interface ch.njol.skript.util.Container
      contains(int[], int) - Static method in class ch.njol.util.coll.CollectionUtils
      contains(int) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.Timeperiod
      contains(Object) - Method in class ch.njol.util.coll.ReversedListView
      contains(T[], T) - Static method in class ch.njol.util.coll.CollectionUtils
      contains(LogHandler) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.log.HandlerList
      contains(Time) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.Timeperiod
      contains(String) - Method in class ch.njol.yggdrasil.Fields
      contains(String, char, int, int) - Static method in class ch.njol.util.StringUtils
      contains(String, String, boolean) - Static method in class ch.njol.util.StringUtils
      contains(Block) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.AABB
      contains(Location) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.hooks.regions.classes.Region
      contains(Location) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.hooks.regions.GriefPreventionHook.GriefPreventionRegion
      contains(Location) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.hooks.regions.PreciousStonesHook.PreciousStonesRegion
      contains(Location) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.hooks.regions.ResidenceHook.ResidenceRegion
      contains(Location) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.hooks.regions.WorldGuardHook.WorldGuardRegion
      contains(Location) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.AABB
      containsAll(Collection<?>) - Method in class ch.njol.util.coll.ReversedListView
      containsAll(T[], T...) - Static method in class ch.njol.util.coll.CollectionUtils
      containsAny(T[], T...) - Static method in class ch.njol.util.coll.CollectionUtils
      containsAny(String, String) - Static method in class ch.njol.util.StringUtils
      Searches for whether a String contains any of the characters of another string.
      containsAnySuperclass(Class<?>[], Class<?>...) - Static method in class ch.njol.util.coll.CollectionUtils
      containsIgnoreCase(String[], String) - Static method in class ch.njol.util.coll.CollectionUtils
      containsKey(Map<T, U>, T) - Static method in class ch.njol.util.coll.CollectionUtils
      containsKeyIgnoreCase(Map<String, U>, String) - Static method in class ch.njol.util.coll.CollectionUtils
      containsSuperclass(Class<?>[], Class<?>) - Static method in class ch.njol.util.coll.CollectionUtils
      containsValue(Object) - Method in class ch.njol.util.coll.BidiHashMap
      content - Variable in class ch.njol.skript.aliases.AliasesParser.PatternSlot
      context - Variable in class ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptParser
      ContextlessEvent - Class in ch.njol.skript.lang.util
      This class is intended for usage in places of Skript that require an Event.
      convert(F, Class<? extends T>[]) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.registrations.Converters
      Converts an object into one of the given types.
      convert(F, Class<T>) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.registrations.Converters
      Converts the given value to the desired type.
      convert(From, Class<? extends To>[]) - Static method in class org.skriptlang.skript.lang.converter.Converters
      A method for converting an object into one of several provided types.
      convert(From, Class<To>) - Static method in class org.skriptlang.skript.lang.converter.Converters
      Standard method for converting an object into a different type.
      convert(A) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.Getter
      Convenience method to make getter implement converter
      convert(ItemType) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprBlockHardness
      convert(ItemType) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprBookAuthor
      convert(ItemType) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprBookTitle
      convert(ItemType) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprCustomModelData
      convert(ItemType) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprMaxStack
      convert(MessageComponent) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.util.chat.BungeeConverter
      convert(MessageComponent[]) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.util.chat.BungeeConverter
      convert(Date) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprTimeSince
      convert(Date) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprUnixTicks
      convert(Slot) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprSlotIndex
      convert(F) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.classes.ChainedConverter
      convert(F) - Method in interface ch.njol.skript.classes.Converter
      Converts an object from the given to the desired type.
      convert(F) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.base.SimplePropertyExpression
      convert(F) - Method in interface org.skriptlang.skript.lang.converter.Converter
      Converts an object using this Converter.
      convert(F[], Class<T>, Converter<? super F, ? extends T>) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.registrations.Converters
      convert(From[], Class<To>, Converter<? super From, ? extends To>) - Static method in class org.skriptlang.skript.lang.converter.Converters
      A method for bulk-converting objects of a specific type using a specific Converter.
      convert(Number) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprUnixDate
      convert(Object) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprAge
      convert(Object) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprDurability
      convert(Object) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprFacing
      convert(Object) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprItemAmount
      convert(Object) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprMaxDurability
      convert(Object) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprName
      convert(Object) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprSkull
      convert(Object) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprTypeOf
      convert(Object) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprUUID
      convert(Object) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprYawPitch
      convert(Object[], Class<? extends To>[], Class<To>) - Static method in class org.skriptlang.skript.lang.converter.Converters
      A method for bulk-conversion of objects into one of several provided types.
      convert(Object[], Class<To>) - Static method in class org.skriptlang.skript.lang.converter.Converters
      Standard method for bulk-conversion of objects into a different type.
      convert(String) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.config.EnumParser
      convert(String) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprLastColor
      convert(String) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprLength
      convert(List<MessageComponent>) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.util.chat.BungeeConverter
      convert(Block) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprBlockData
      convert(Block) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprCharges
      convert(Block) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprHumidity
      convert(Block) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprRedstoneBlockPower
      convert(Block) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprSeaPickles
      convert(Block) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprSpawnerType
      convert(Block) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprTemperature
      convert(EnchantmentOffer) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprEnchantmentOfferCost
      convert(Entity) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprExplosiveYield
      convert(Entity) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprFallDistance
      convert(Entity) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprFireTicks
      convert(Entity) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprFreezeTicks
      convert(Entity) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprGlowing
      convert(Entity) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprGravity
      convert(Entity) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprItemFrameSlot
      convert(Entity) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprLastAttacker
      convert(Entity) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprMaxFreezeTicks
      convert(Entity) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprMaxMinecartSpeed
      convert(Entity) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprMinecartDerailedFlyingVelocity
      convert(Entity) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprPickupDelay
      convert(Entity) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprPortalCooldown
      convert(Entity) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprTotalExperience
      convert(Entity) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprVehicle
      convert(Entity) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprVelocity
      convert(HumanEntity) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprAttackCooldown
      convert(LivingEntity) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprAI
      convert(LivingEntity) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprArmorSlot
      convert(LivingEntity) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprArrowsStuck
      convert(LivingEntity) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprCreeperMaxFuseTicks
      convert(LivingEntity) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprEntityTamer
      convert(LivingEntity) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprEyeLocation
      convert(LivingEntity) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprGlidingState
      convert(LivingEntity) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprLastDamage
      convert(LivingEntity) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprLeashHolder
      convert(LivingEntity) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprMaxHealth
      convert(LivingEntity) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprNoDamageTicks
      convert(LivingEntity) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprRemainingAir
      convert(Player) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprClientViewDistance
      convert(Player) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprCompassTarget
      convert(Player) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprCursorSlot
      convert(Player) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprEnderChest
      convert(Player) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprExhaustion
      convert(Player) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprFlightMode
      convert(Player) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprLanguage
      convert(Player) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprLastResourcePackResponse
      convert(Player) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprLevel
      convert(Player) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprLevelProgress
      convert(Player) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprPing
      convert(Player) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprPlayerlistHeaderFooter
      convert(Player) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprPlayerProtocolVersion
      convert(Player) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprPlayerViewDistance
      convert(Player) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprPlayerWeather
      convert(Player) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprSaturation
      convert(Player) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprSpeed
      convert(Player) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.hooks.chat.expressions.ExprPrefixSuffix
      convert(Projectile) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprArrowKnockbackStrength
      convert(Projectile) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprArrowPierceLevel
      convert(Projectile) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprAttachedBlock
      convert(Projectile) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprProjectileBounceState
      convert(Projectile) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprProjectileCriticalState
      convert(Inventory) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprAnvilRepairCost
      convert(Inventory) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprAnvilText
      convert(Location) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprAltitude
      convert(Location) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprCoordinate
      convert(Location) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprHighestSolidBlock
      convert(Location) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprMiddleOfLocation
      convert(OfflinePlayer) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprBed
      convert(OfflinePlayer) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprLastLoginTime
      convert(OfflinePlayer) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprTimePlayed
      convert(OfflinePlayer) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.hooks.economy.expressions.ExprBalance
      convert(Vector) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprVectorLength
      convert(Vector) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprVectorSquaredLength
      convert(Vector) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprVectorXYZ
      convert(World) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprDifficulty
      convert(World) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprMoonPhase
      convert(World) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprSeaLevel
      convert(World) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprWorldEnvironment
      convertArray(Object[], Class<? extends T>[], Class<T>) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.registrations.Converters
      Converts multiple objects into any of the given classes.
      convertArray(Object[], Class<T>) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.registrations.Converters
      Converts all entries in the given array to the desired type, using Converters.convert(Object, Class) to convert every single value.
      ConvertedExpression<F,T> - Class in ch.njol.skript.lang.util
      Represents a expression converted to another type.
      ConvertedExpression(Expression<? extends F>, Class<T>, ConverterInfo<? super F, ? extends T>) - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.lang.util.ConvertedExpression
      ConvertedLiteral<F,T> - Class in ch.njol.skript.lang.util
      ConvertedLiteral(Literal<F>, T[], Class<T>) - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.lang.util.ConvertedLiteral
      converter - Variable in class ch.njol.skript.classes.Converter.ConverterInfo
      Converter<F,T> - Interface in ch.njol.skript.classes
      Deprecated. - -
      Converter<F,T> - Interface in org.skriptlang.skript.lang.converter
      Used to convert an object to a different type.
      CONVERTER_NO_COMMAND_ARGUMENTS - Static variable in class ch.njol.skript.command.Commands
      A Converter flag declaring that a Converter cannot be used for parsing command arguments.
      Converter.ConverterInfo<F,T> - Class in ch.njol.skript.classes
      holds information about a converter
      Converter.ConverterUtils - Class in ch.njol.skript.classes
      converterExists(Class<?>, Class<?>) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.registrations.Converters
      Tests whether a converter between the given classes exists.
      converterExists(Class<?>, Class<?>) - Static method in class org.skriptlang.skript.lang.converter.Converters
      converterExists(Class<?>, Class<?>...) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.registrations.Converters
      converterExists(Class<?>, Class<?>...) - Static method in class org.skriptlang.skript.lang.converter.Converters
      ConverterInfo<F,T> - Class in org.skriptlang.skript.lang.converter
      Holds information about a Converter.
      ConverterInfo(Converter.ConverterInfo<?, ?>, Converter.ConverterInfo<?, ?>, Converter<F, T>, int) - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.classes.Converter.ConverterInfo
      ConverterInfo(Class<F>, Class<T>, Converter<F, T>, int) - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.classes.Converter.ConverterInfo
      ConverterInfo(Class<F>, Class<T>, Converter<F, T>, int) - Constructor for class org.skriptlang.skript.lang.converter.ConverterInfo
      Converters - Class in ch.njol.skript.registrations
      Deprecated. - -
      Converters - Class in org.skriptlang.skript.lang.converter
      Converters are used to provide Skript with specific instructions for converting an object to a different type.
      ConverterUtils() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.classes.Converter.ConverterUtils
      convertStrictly(Object[], Class<T>) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.registrations.Converters
      Strictly converts an array to a non-null array of the specified class.
      convertStrictly(Object[], Class<To>) - Static method in class org.skriptlang.skript.lang.converter.Converters
      A method for bulk-conversion that guarantees objects of 'toType' are returned.
      convertStrictly(Object, Class<T>) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.registrations.Converters
      Strictly converts an object to the specified class
      convertStrictly(Object, Class<To>) - Static method in class org.skriptlang.skript.lang.converter.Converters
      A method that guarantees an object of 'toType' is returned.
      convertToEntries(int) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.config.SectionNode
      Converts all SimpleNodes in this section to EntryNodes.
      convertToEntries(int, String) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.config.SectionNode
      REMIND breaks saving - separator argument can be different from config.sepator
      convertToPositive(float) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprYawPitch
      convertUnsafe(F[], Class<?>, Converter<? super F, ? extends T>) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.registrations.Converters
      convertUnsafe(From[], Class<?>, Converter<? super From, ? extends To>) - Static method in class org.skriptlang.skript.lang.converter.Converters
      A method for bulk-converting objects of a specific type using a specific Converter.
      copy() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.patterns.MatchResult
      copy() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.chat.MessageComponent
      copy(File, File) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.util.FileUtils
      COPY_SUPPORTED - Static variable in class ch.njol.skript.util.Utils
      copy_to_clipboard - Enum constant in enum class ch.njol.skript.util.chat.MessageComponent.ClickEvent.Action
      copy_to_clipboard - Enum constant in enum class ch.njol.skript.util.chat.SkriptChatCode
      copyLocalVariables(Event) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.variables.Variables
      Creates a copy of the VariablesMap for local variables - in an event.
      copyStyles(MessageComponent, MessageComponent) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.util.chat.ChatMessages
      Copies styles from component to another.
      copyVector(Vector, Vector) - Static method in class ch.njol.util.VectorMath
      Copies vector components of vector2 into vector1.
      count(String, char) - Static method in class ch.njol.util.StringUtils
      count(String, char, int) - Static method in class ch.njol.util.StringUtils
      count(String, char, int, int) - Static method in class ch.njol.util.StringUtils
      CountingLogHandler - Class in ch.njol.skript.log
      Counts logged messages of a certain type
      CountingLogHandler(Level) - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.log.CountingLogHandler
      countNonNullTypes() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.patterns.SkriptPattern
      Count the maximum amount of non-null types in this pattern, - i.e.
      countTypes() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.patterns.SkriptPattern
      createBlockData(String) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.util.BlockUtils
      createBlockValues(Material, Map<String, String>) - Method in interface ch.njol.skript.bukkitutil.block.BlockCompat
      Creates new block values for given material and state.
      createBlockValues(Material, Map<String, String>, ItemStack, int) - Method in interface ch.njol.skript.bukkitutil.block.BlockCompat
      Creates new block values for given material and state.
      createBlockValues(Material, Map<String, String>, ItemStack, int) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.bukkitutil.block.NewBlockCompat
      createChainedConverters() - Static method in class org.skriptlang.skript.lang.converter.Converters
      This method is to be called after Skript has finished registration.
      created_at - Variable in class ch.njol.skript.update.GithubChecker.ResponseEntry
      createDoubleInstanceofConverter(Converter.ConverterInfo<F, ?>, Class<T>) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.classes.Converter.ConverterUtils
      createDoubleInstanceofConverter(Class<F>, Converter<F, ?>, Class<T>) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.classes.Converter.ConverterUtils
      Wraps a converter.
      createInstanceofConverter(Converter.ConverterInfo<F, T>) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.classes.Converter.ConverterUtils
      createInstanceofConverter(Converter<F, ?>, Class<T>) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.classes.Converter.ConverterUtils
      Wraps a converter in a filter that will only accept conversion - results of given type.
      createInstanceofConverter(Class<F>, Converter<F, T>) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.classes.Converter.ConverterUtils
      createMissingConverters() - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.registrations.Converters
      createReport() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.test.utils.TestResults
      createScriptAliases(Script) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.aliases.Aliases
      Creates script aliases for the provided Script.
      createUpdateChecker() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.update.ReleaseManifest
      Creates an instance of the updater used by this type.
      CreeperData - Class in ch.njol.skript.entity
      CreeperData() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.entity.CreeperData
      current() - Method in class ch.njol.util.coll.iterator.ImprovedIterator
      currentArguments - Static variable in class ch.njol.skript.command.Commands
      currentFunction - Static variable in class ch.njol.skript.lang.function.Functions
      currentLoopCounter - Variable in class ch.njol.skript.lang.LoopSection
      CursorSlot - Class in ch.njol.skript.util.slot
      Item that is in player's cursor.
      CursorSlot(Player) - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.util.slot.CursorSlot
      CUSTOM - Enum constant in enum class ch.njol.skript.update.ReleaseStatus
      Updates have been checked, but this release was not found at all.
      CyclicList<E> - Class in ch.njol.util.coll
      A list with fixed size that overrides the oldest elements when new elements are added and no more space is available.
      CyclicList(int) - Constructor for class ch.njol.util.coll.CyclicList
      CyclicList(E[]) - Constructor for class ch.njol.util.coll.CyclicList
      CyclicList(Collection<E>) - Constructor for class ch.njol.util.coll.CyclicList
      - -


      damage(Damageable, double) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.bukkitutil.HealthUtils
      Apply damage to an entity
      DAMAGE_AMOUNT - Static variable in class ch.njol.skript.effects.EffKill
      dark_aqua - Enum constant in enum class ch.njol.skript.util.chat.SkriptChatCode
      dark_blue - Enum constant in enum class ch.njol.skript.util.chat.SkriptChatCode
      DARK_BLUE - Enum constant in enum class ch.njol.skript.util.SkriptColor
      DARK_CYAN - Enum constant in enum class ch.njol.skript.util.SkriptColor
      dark_gray - Enum constant in enum class ch.njol.skript.util.chat.SkriptChatCode
      dark_green - Enum constant in enum class ch.njol.skript.util.chat.SkriptChatCode
      DARK_GREEN - Enum constant in enum class ch.njol.skript.util.SkriptColor
      DARK_GREY - Enum constant in enum class ch.njol.skript.util.SkriptColor
      DARK_OAK - Enum constant in enum class ch.njol.skript.util.StructureType
      dark_purple - Enum constant in enum class ch.njol.skript.util.chat.SkriptChatCode
      DARK_PURPLE - Enum constant in enum class ch.njol.skript.util.SkriptColor
      dark_red - Enum constant in enum class ch.njol.skript.util.chat.SkriptChatCode
      DARK_RED - Enum constant in enum class ch.njol.skript.util.SkriptColor
      data - Variable in class ch.njol.skript.entity.EntityType
      data - Variable in class ch.njol.skript.lang.util.ConvertedLiteral
      data - Variable in class ch.njol.skript.lang.util.SimpleLiteral
      data - Variable in class ch.njol.skript.variables.SerializedVariable.Value
      The serialized value data.
      Data(ParserInstance) - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.lang.parser.ParserInstance.Data
      databaseName - Variable in class ch.njol.skript.variables.VariablesStorage
      The name of the database, i.e.
      databases - Static variable in class ch.njol.skript.SkriptConfig
      dataMax - Variable in class ch.njol.skript.aliases.ItemData.OldItemData
      dataMin - Variable in class ch.njol.skript.aliases.ItemData.OldItemData
      date - Variable in class ch.njol.skript.update.ReleaseManifest
      When the release was published.
      date - Variable in class ch.njol.skript.update.UpdateManifest
      When the release was published.
      Date - Class in ch.njol.skript.util
      Date() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.util.Date
      Date(long) - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.util.Date
      Date(long, TimeZone) - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.util.Date
      DATE - Static variable in class ch.njol.skript.registrations.DefaultClasses
      debug() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.config.Node
      debug() - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.log.SkriptLogger
      debug() - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.Skript
      debug(String) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.Skript
      debug(Event, boolean) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.TriggerItem
      DEBUG - Enum constant in enum class ch.njol.skript.log.Verbosity
      DEBUG - Enum constant in enum class ch.njol.skript.util.StringMode
      DEBUG - Static variable in class ch.njol.skript.log.SkriptLogger
      Debuggable - Interface in ch.njol.skript.lang
      DEFAULT - Enum constant in enum class ch.njol.skript.lang.ParseContext
      Default parse mode
      DEFAULT_ENTRY_SEPARATOR - Static variable in class org.skriptlang.skript.lang.entry.EntryValidator.EntryValidatorBuilder
      The default separator used for all KeyValueEntryData.
      DEFAULT_PRIORITY - Static variable in class org.skriptlang.skript.lang.structure.Structure
      The default Structure.Priority of every registered Structure.
      DefaultChangers - Class in ch.njol.skript.classes.data
      DefaultChangers() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.classes.data.DefaultChangers
      DefaultClasses - Class in ch.njol.skript.registrations
      DefaultClasses() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.registrations.DefaultClasses
      DefaultComparators - Class in ch.njol.skript.classes.data
      DefaultComparators() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.classes.data.DefaultComparators
      DefaultConverters - Class in ch.njol.skript.classes.data
      DefaultConverters() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.classes.data.DefaultConverters
      defaultEventPriority - Static variable in class ch.njol.skript.SkriptConfig
      defaultExpression(DefaultExpression<T>) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.classes.ClassInfo
      DefaultExpression<T> - Interface in ch.njol.skript.lang
      Represents an expression that can be used as the default value of a certain type and event.
      DefaultFunctions - Class in ch.njol.skript.classes.data
      DefaultFunctions() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.classes.data.DefaultFunctions
      DefaultVariables(Collection<NonNullPair<String, Object>>) - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.structures.StructVariables.DefaultVariables
      DefaultYggdrasilInputStream - Class in ch.njol.yggdrasil
      DefaultYggdrasilInputStream(Yggdrasil, InputStream) - Constructor for class ch.njol.yggdrasil.DefaultYggdrasilInputStream
      DefaultYggdrasilOutputStream - Class in ch.njol.yggdrasil
      DefaultYggdrasilOutputStream(Yggdrasil, OutputStream) - Constructor for class ch.njol.yggdrasil.DefaultYggdrasilOutputStream
      defendExpression(Expression<?>) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.util.LiteralUtils
      Checks an Expression for UnparsedLiteral objects - and converts them if found.
      DEG_TO_RAD - Static variable in class ch.njol.util.VectorMath
      Delay - Class in ch.njol.skript.effects
      Delay() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.effects.Delay
      DelayedChangeBlock - Class in ch.njol.skript.util
      A block that gets all data from the world, but either delays - any changes by 1 tick of reflects them on a given BlockState - depending on which constructor is used.
      DelayedChangeBlock(Block) - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.util.DelayedChangeBlock
      DelayedChangeBlock(Block, BlockState) - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.util.DelayedChangeBlock
      DELETE - Enum constant in enum class ch.njol.skript.classes.Changer.ChangeMode
      deleteCurrentEvent() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.parser.ParserInstance
      deleteCurrentEvent() - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.ScriptLoader
      - -
      deleteCurrentSkriptEvent() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.parser.ParserInstance
      Deprecated. - -
      deleteVariable(String, Event, boolean) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.variables.Variables
      Deletes a variable.
      description(String...) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.classes.ClassInfo
      Only used for Skript's documentation.
      description(String...) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.function.JavaFunction
      Only used for Skript's documentation.
      description(String...) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptEventInfo
      Only used for Skript's documentation.
      Description - Annotation Interface in ch.njol.skript.doc
      Provides a description for annotated element in documentation.
      deserialize(Fields) - Method in enum class ch.njol.skript.util.SkriptColor
      deserialize(Fields) - Method in interface ch.njol.yggdrasil.YggdrasilSerializable.YggdrasilExtendedSerializable
      Deserialises this object.
      deserialize(ClassInfo<?>, byte[]) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.registrations.Classes
      deserialize(ClassInfo<?>, InputStream) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.registrations.Classes
      deserialize(Fields) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.aliases.ItemData
      deserialize(Fields) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.aliases.ItemType
      deserialize(Fields) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.classes.ConfigurationSerializer
      deserialize(Fields) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.classes.EnumSerializer
      deserialize(Fields) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.classes.Serializer
      Used to deserialise Bukkit objects and other stuff that cannot be instantiated, e.g.
      deserialize(Fields) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.EntityData
      deserialize(Fields) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.SimpleEntityData
      deserialize(Fields) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.hooks.regions.GriefPreventionHook.GriefPreventionRegion
      deserialize(Fields) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.hooks.regions.PreciousStonesHook.PreciousStonesRegion
      deserialize(Fields) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.hooks.regions.ResidenceHook.ResidenceRegion
      deserialize(Fields) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.hooks.regions.WorldGuardHook.WorldGuardRegion
      deserialize(Fields) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.ColorRGB
      deserialize(Class<E>, Fields) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.classes.Serializer
      deserialize(Class<E>, Fields) - Method in class ch.njol.yggdrasil.JRESerializer
      deserialize(Class<E>, Fields) - Method in class ch.njol.yggdrasil.YggdrasilSerializer
      Deserialises an object.
      deserialize(Object, Fields) - Method in class ch.njol.yggdrasil.JRESerializer
      deserialize(String) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.classes.ConfigurationSerializer
      deserialize(String) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.classes.EnumSerializer
      deserialize(String) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.classes.Serializer
      deserialize(String) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.classes.YggdrasilSerializer
      deserialize(String) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.CreeperData
      deserialize(String) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.DroppedItemData
      deserialize(String) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.EndermanData
      deserialize(String) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.EntityData
      deserialize(String) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.FallingBlockData
      deserialize(String) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.MinecartData
      deserialize(String) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.OcelotData
      deserialize(String) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.PigData
      deserialize(String) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.SheepData
      deserialize(String) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.SimpleEntityData
      deserialize(String) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.ThrownPotionData
      deserialize(String) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.VillagerData
      deserialize(String) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.WolfData
      deserialize(String) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.XpOrbData
      deserialize(String) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.ZombieVillagerData
      deserialize(String) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.util.Direction
      deserialize(String, byte[]) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.registrations.Classes
      deserialize(String, String) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.registrations.Classes
      deserialize(T, Fields) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.classes.ConfigurationSerializer
      deserialize(T, Fields) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.classes.EnumSerializer
      deserialize(T, Fields) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.classes.Serializer
      deserialize(T, Fields) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.classes.YggdrasilSerializer
      deserialize(T, Fields) - Method in class ch.njol.yggdrasil.YggdrasilSerializer
      Deserialises an object.
      deserializeCS(String, Class<T>) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.classes.ConfigurationSerializer
      deserializeCSOld(String, Class<T>) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.classes.ConfigurationSerializer
      DEV_MODE - Static variable in class ch.njol.skript.test.runner.TestMode
      Enable test development mode.
      DEVELOPMENT - Enum constant in enum class ch.njol.skript.update.ReleaseStatus
      Running a developer/nightly build, updates will not be checked.
      difference(A, A) - Method in interface ch.njol.skript.classes.Arithmetic
      difference(Date) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.Date
      difference(Number, Number) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.classes.NumberArithmetic
      difference(Vector, Vector) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.classes.VectorArithmethic
      DIFFERENT - Enum constant in enum class ch.njol.skript.aliases.MatchQuality
      The items share nothing in common.
      Direction - Class in ch.njol.skript.util
      Direction() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.util.Direction
      Direction(double[]) - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.util.Direction
      Direction(double, double, double) - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.util.Direction
      Direction(BlockFace, double) - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.util.Direction
      Direction(Vector) - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.util.Direction
      DISABLED - Enum constant in enum class ch.njol.skript.util.chat.LinkParseMode
      Parses nothing automatically as a link.
      DISABLED_SCRIPT_PREFIX - Static variable in class ch.njol.skript.ScriptLoader
      DISABLED_SCRIPT_PREFIX_LENGTH - Static variable in class ch.njol.skript.ScriptLoader
      disableHookGriefPrevention - Static variable in class ch.njol.skript.SkriptConfig
      disableHookPreciousStones - Static variable in class ch.njol.skript.SkriptConfig
      disableHookRegistration(Class<? extends Hook<?>>...) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.Skript
      Disables the registration for the given hook classes.
      disableHookResidence - Static variable in class ch.njol.skript.SkriptConfig
      disableHookVault - Static variable in class ch.njol.skript.SkriptConfig
      disableHookWorldGuard - Static variable in class ch.njol.skript.SkriptConfig
      disableMissingAndOrWarnings - Static variable in class ch.njol.skript.SkriptConfig
      disableObjectCannotBeSavedWarnings - Static variable in class ch.njol.skript.SkriptConfig
      disableVariableStartingWithExpressionWarnings - Static variable in class ch.njol.skript.SkriptConfig
      disconnect() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.variables.FlatFileStorage
      disconnect() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.variables.SQLStorage
      disconnect() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.variables.VariablesStorage
      Disconnects from the database.
      dispatchCommand(CommandSender, String) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.Skript
      Dispatches a command with calling command events
      display_name - Variable in class ch.njol.skript.bukkitutil.BurgerHelper.ItemOrBlock
      DIV - Enum constant in enum class ch.njol.skript.expressions.arithmetic.Operator
      divide(A, R) - Method in interface ch.njol.skript.classes.Arithmetic
      divide(Number, Number) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.classes.NumberArithmetic
      divide(Vector, Vector) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.classes.VectorArithmethic
      DO_NOT_LOG - Enum constant in enum class ch.njol.skript.log.LogHandler.LogResult
      docsFailed - Static variable in class ch.njol.skript.test.runner.TestMode
      If the docs failed due to templates or other exceptions.
      docsFailed() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.test.utils.TestResults
      Documentation - Class in ch.njol.skript.doc
      TODO list special expressions for events and event values - TODO compare doc in code with changed one of the webserver and warn about differences?
      Documentation() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.doc.Documentation
      documentationId(String) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.classes.ClassInfo
      Overrides default documentation id, which is assigned from class name.
      documentationID(String) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptEventInfo
      A non critical ID remapping for syntax elements register using the same class multiple times.
      DocumentationId - Annotation Interface in ch.njol.skript.doc
      Sets documentation id for the annotated element.
      doesEventValueHaveTimeStates(Class<? extends Event>, Class<?>) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.registrations.EventValues
      doesExactEventValueHaveTimeStates(Class<? extends Event>, Class<?>) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.registrations.EventValues
      download_count - Variable in class ch.njol.skript.update.GithubChecker.ResponseEntry.AssetsEntry
      DOWNLOADING - Enum constant in enum class ch.njol.skript.update.UpdaterState
      An update is currently being downloaded.
      downloadSource - Variable in class ch.njol.skript.update.ReleaseManifest
      Source for downloads.
      downloadUrl - Variable in class ch.njol.skript.update.UpdateManifest
      Download URL for the update.
      draft - Variable in class ch.njol.skript.update.GithubChecker.ResponseEntry
      DroppedItemData - Class in ch.njol.skript.entity
      DroppedItemData() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.entity.DroppedItemData
      DroppedItemData(ItemType[]) - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.entity.DroppedItemData
      DroppedItemSlot - Class in ch.njol.skript.util.slot
      Represents an item of dropped item entity.
      DroppedItemSlot(Item) - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.util.slot.DroppedItemSlot
      duration - Variable in class ch.njol.skript.effects.Delay


      EARLIEST - Enum constant in enum class ch.njol.skript.localization.Language.LanguageListenerPriority
      economy - Static variable in class ch.njol.skript.hooks.VaultHook
      EffActionBar - Class in ch.njol.skript.effects
      EffActionBar() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.effects.EffActionBar
      EffAssert - Class in ch.njol.skript.test.runner
      EffAssert() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.test.runner.EffAssert
      EffBan - Class in ch.njol.skript.effects
      EffBan() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.effects.EffBan
      EffBreakNaturally - Class in ch.njol.skript.effects
      EffBreakNaturally() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.effects.EffBreakNaturally
      EffBroadcast - Class in ch.njol.skript.effects
      EffBroadcast() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.effects.EffBroadcast
      EffCancelCooldown - Class in ch.njol.skript.effects
      EffCancelCooldown() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.effects.EffCancelCooldown
      EffCancelDrops - Class in ch.njol.skript.effects
      EffCancelDrops() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.effects.EffCancelDrops
      EffCancelEvent - Class in ch.njol.skript.effects
      EffCancelEvent() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.effects.EffCancelEvent
      EffChange - Class in ch.njol.skript.effects
      EffChange() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.effects.EffChange
      EffChargeCreeper - Class in ch.njol.skript.effects
      EffChargeCreeper() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.effects.EffChargeCreeper
      EffColorItems - Class in ch.njol.skript.effects
      EffColorItems() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.effects.EffColorItems
      EffCommand - Class in ch.njol.skript.effects
      EffCommand() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.effects.EffCommand
      EffConnect - Class in ch.njol.skript.effects
      EffConnect() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.effects.EffConnect
      EffContinue - Class in ch.njol.skript.effects
      EffContinue() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.effects.EffContinue
      EffDebug - Class in ch.njol.skript.test.runner
      EffDebug() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.test.runner.EffDebug
      EffDoIf - Class in ch.njol.skript.effects
      EffDoIf() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.effects.EffDoIf
      EffDrop - Class in ch.njol.skript.effects
      EffDrop() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.effects.EffDrop
      Effect - Class in ch.njol.skript.lang
      An effect which is unconditionally executed when reached, and execution will usually continue with the next item of the trigger after this effect is executed (the stop effect - for example stops the trigger, i.e.
      Effect() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.lang.Effect
      EffectCommandEvent - Class in ch.njol.skript.command
      EffectCommandEvent(CommandSender, String) - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.command.EffectCommandEvent
      effectCommandToken - Static variable in class ch.njol.skript.SkriptConfig
      EffectSection - Class in ch.njol.skript.lang
      A Section that may also be used as an effect, - meaning there may be no section to parse.
      EffectSection() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.lang.EffectSection
      EffectSectionEffect - Class in ch.njol.skript.lang
      EffectSectionEffect(EffectSection) - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.lang.EffectSectionEffect
      effectToType(PotionEffectType) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.util.PotionEffectUtils
      Wrapper around deprecated API function, in case it gets removed.
      EffEnchant - Class in ch.njol.skript.effects
      EffEnchant() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.effects.EffEnchant
      EffEquip - Class in ch.njol.skript.effects
      EffEquip() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.effects.EffEquip
      EffExceptionDebug - Class in ch.njol.skript.effects
      EffExceptionDebug() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.effects.EffExceptionDebug
      EffExit - Class in ch.njol.skript.effects
      EffExit() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.effects.EffExit
      EffExplodeCreeper - Class in ch.njol.skript.effects
      EffExplodeCreeper() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.effects.EffExplodeCreeper
      EffExplosion - Class in ch.njol.skript.effects
      EffExplosion() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.effects.EffExplosion
      EffFeed - Class in ch.njol.skript.effects
      EffFeed() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.effects.EffFeed
      EffFireworkLaunch - Class in ch.njol.skript.effects
      EffFireworkLaunch() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.effects.EffFireworkLaunch
      EffForceAttack - Class in ch.njol.skript.effects
      EffForceAttack() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.effects.EffForceAttack
      EffFunctionCall - Class in ch.njol.skript.lang.function
      EffFunctionCall(FunctionReference<?>) - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.lang.function.EffFunctionCall
      EffHandedness - Class in ch.njol.skript.effects
      EffHandedness() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.effects.EffHandedness
      EffHealth - Class in ch.njol.skript.effects
      EffHealth() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.effects.EffHealth
      EffHidePlayerFromServerList - Class in ch.njol.skript.effects
      EffHidePlayerFromServerList() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.effects.EffHidePlayerFromServerList
      EffIgnite - Class in ch.njol.skript.effects
      EffIgnite() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.effects.EffIgnite
      EffIncendiary - Class in ch.njol.skript.effects
      EffIncendiary() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.effects.EffIncendiary
      EffInvisible - Class in ch.njol.skript.effects
      EffInvisible() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.effects.EffInvisible
      EffInvulnerability - Class in ch.njol.skript.effects
      EffInvulnerability() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.effects.EffInvulnerability
      EffKeepInventory - Class in ch.njol.skript.effects
      EffKeepInventory() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.effects.EffKeepInventory
      EffKick - Class in ch.njol.skript.effects
      EffKick() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.effects.EffKick
      EffKill - Class in ch.njol.skript.effects
      EffKill() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.effects.EffKill
      EffKnockback - Class in ch.njol.skript.effects
      EffKnockback() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.effects.EffKnockback
      EffLeash - Class in ch.njol.skript.effects
      EffLeash() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.effects.EffLeash
      EffLightning - Class in ch.njol.skript.effects
      EffLightning() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.effects.EffLightning
      EffLoadServerIcon - Class in ch.njol.skript.effects
      EffLoadServerIcon() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.effects.EffLoadServerIcon
      EffLog - Class in ch.njol.skript.effects
      EffLog() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.effects.EffLog
      EffLook - Class in ch.njol.skript.effects
      EffLook() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.effects.EffLook
      EffMakeEggHatch - Class in ch.njol.skript.effects
      EffMakeEggHatch() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.effects.EffMakeEggHatch
      EffMakeFly - Class in ch.njol.skript.effects
      EffMakeFly() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.effects.EffMakeFly
      EffMakeSay - Class in ch.njol.skript.effects
      EffMakeSay() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.effects.EffMakeSay
      EffMessage - Class in ch.njol.skript.effects
      EffMessage() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.effects.EffMessage
      EffObjectives - Class in ch.njol.skript.test.runner
      EffObjectives() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.test.runner.EffObjectives
      EffOp - Class in ch.njol.skript.effects
      EffOp() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.effects.EffOp
      EffOpenBook - Class in ch.njol.skript.effects
      EffOpenBook() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.effects.EffOpenBook
      EffOpenInventory - Class in ch.njol.skript.effects
      EffOpenInventory() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.effects.EffOpenInventory
      EffPathfind - Class in ch.njol.skript.effects
      EffPathfind() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.effects.EffPathfind
      EffPlayerInfoVisibility - Class in ch.njol.skript.effects
      EffPlayerInfoVisibility() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.effects.EffPlayerInfoVisibility
      EffPlayerVisibility - Class in ch.njol.skript.effects
      EffPlayerVisibility() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.effects.EffPlayerVisibility
      EffPlaySound - Class in ch.njol.skript.effects
      EffPlaySound() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.effects.EffPlaySound
      EffPoison - Class in ch.njol.skript.effects
      EffPoison() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.effects.EffPoison
      EffPotion - Class in ch.njol.skript.effects
      EffPotion() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.effects.EffPotion
      EffPush - Class in ch.njol.skript.effects
      EffPush() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.effects.EffPush
      EffPvP - Class in ch.njol.skript.effects
      EffPvP() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.effects.EffPvP
      EffReplace - Class in ch.njol.skript.effects
      EffReplace() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.effects.EffReplace
      EffResetTitle - Class in ch.njol.skript.effects
      EffResetTitle() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.effects.EffResetTitle
      EffRespawn - Class in ch.njol.skript.effects
      EffRespawn() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.effects.EffRespawn
      EffReturn - Class in ch.njol.skript.effects
      EffReturn() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.effects.EffReturn
      EffScriptFile - Class in ch.njol.skript.effects
      EffScriptFile() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.effects.EffScriptFile
      EffSecSpawn - Class in ch.njol.skript.sections
      EffSecSpawn() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.sections.EffSecSpawn
      EffSecSpawn.SpawnEvent - Class in ch.njol.skript.sections
      EffSendBlockChange - Class in ch.njol.skript.effects
      EffSendBlockChange() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.effects.EffSendBlockChange
      EffSendResourcePack - Class in ch.njol.skript.effects
      EffSendResourcePack() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.effects.EffSendResourcePack
      EffSendTitle - Class in ch.njol.skript.effects
      EffSendTitle() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.effects.EffSendTitle
      EffShear - Class in ch.njol.skript.effects
      EffShear() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.effects.EffShear
      EffShoot - Class in ch.njol.skript.effects
      EffShoot() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.effects.EffShoot
      EffSilence - Class in ch.njol.skript.effects
      EffSilence() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.effects.EffSilence
      EffStopServer - Class in ch.njol.skript.effects
      EffStopServer() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.effects.EffStopServer
      EffStopSound - Class in ch.njol.skript.effects
      EffStopSound() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.effects.EffStopSound
      EffSuppressWarnings - Class in ch.njol.skript.effects
      EffSuppressWarnings() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.effects.EffSuppressWarnings
      EffSwingHand - Class in ch.njol.skript.effects
      EffSwingHand() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.effects.EffSwingHand
      EffTeleport - Class in ch.njol.skript.effects
      EffTeleport() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.effects.EffTeleport
      EffToggle - Class in ch.njol.skript.effects
      EffToggle() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.effects.EffToggle
      EffToggleCanPickUpItems - Class in ch.njol.skript.effects
      EffToggleCanPickUpItems() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.effects.EffToggleCanPickUpItems
      EffToggleFlight - Class in ch.njol.skript.effects
      EffToggleFlight() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.effects.EffToggleFlight
      EffTree - Class in ch.njol.skript.effects
      EffTree() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.effects.EffTree
      EffVectorRotateAroundAnother - Class in ch.njol.skript.effects
      EffVectorRotateAroundAnother() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.effects.EffVectorRotateAroundAnother
      EffVectorRotateXYZ - Class in ch.njol.skript.effects
      EffVectorRotateXYZ() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.effects.EffVectorRotateXYZ
      EffVehicle - Class in ch.njol.skript.effects
      EffVehicle() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.effects.EffVehicle
      EffVisualEffect - Class in ch.njol.skript.effects
      EffVisualEffect() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.effects.EffVisualEffect
      EMPTY - Static variable in interface ch.njol.util.OpenCloseable
      An OpenCloseable without effect.
      EmptyIterable<T> - Class in ch.njol.util.coll.iterator
      EmptyIterable() - Constructor for class ch.njol.util.coll.iterator.EmptyIterable
      EmptyIterator<T> - Class in ch.njol.util.coll.iterator
      EmptyIterator() - Constructor for class ch.njol.util.coll.iterator.EmptyIterator
      EmptyStacktraceException - Exception in ch.njol.skript.util
      EmptyStacktraceException() - Constructor for exception ch.njol.skript.util.EmptyStacktraceException
      enabled() - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.timings.SkriptTimings
      ENABLED - Static variable in class ch.njol.skript.test.runner.TestMode
      Determines if test mode is enabled.
      enableEffectCommands - Static variable in class ch.njol.skript.SkriptConfig
      enableFunctionEvents(SkriptAddon) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.function.Functions
      Normally, function calls do not cause actual Bukkit events to be - called.
      enablePlayerVariableFix - Static variable in class ch.njol.skript.SkriptConfig
      enableScriptCaching - Static variable in class ch.njol.skript.SkriptConfig
      enableTimings - Static variable in class ch.njol.skript.SkriptConfig
      EnchantmentType - Class in ch.njol.skript.util
      EnchantmentType(Enchantment) - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.util.EnchantmentType
      EnchantmentType(Enchantment, int) - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.util.EnchantmentType
      EnchantmentUtils - Class in ch.njol.skript.bukkitutil
      Maps enchantments to their keys.
      EnchantmentUtils() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.bukkitutil.EnchantmentUtils
      end - Variable in class ch.njol.skript.util.Timeperiod
      EndermanData - Class in ch.njol.skript.entity
      EndermanData() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.entity.EndermanData
      EndermanData(ItemType[]) - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.entity.EndermanData
      endsWithIgnoreCase(String, String) - Static method in class ch.njol.util.StringUtils
      enterScope() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.structures.StructVariables.DefaultVariables
      enterScope() - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.variables.TypeHints
      entityChanger - Static variable in class ch.njol.skript.classes.data.DefaultChangers
      EntityData<E extends org.bukkit.entity.Entity> - Class in ch.njol.skript.entity
      EntityData() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.entity.EntityData
      entityItemComparator - Static variable in class ch.njol.skript.classes.data.DefaultComparators
      EntityType - Class in ch.njol.skript.entity
      EntityType(EntityData<?>, int) - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.entity.EntityType
      EntityType(EntityType) - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.entity.EntityType
      EntityType(Class<? extends Entity>, int) - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.entity.EntityType
      EntityType(Entity) - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.entity.EntityType
      EntityUtils - Class in ch.njol.skript.bukkitutil
      Utility class for quick Entity methods
      EntityUtils() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.bukkitutil.EntityUtils
      EntryContainer - Class in org.skriptlang.skript.lang.entry
      An EntryContainer is a data container for obtaining the values of the entries of a SectionNode.
      EntryData<T> - Class in org.skriptlang.skript.lang.entry
      EntryData is used for defining the different entries of for a SectionNode.
      EntryData(String, T, boolean) - Constructor for class org.skriptlang.skript.lang.entry.EntryData
      EntryNode - Class in ch.njol.skript.config
      EntryNode(String, String, SectionNode) - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.config.EntryNode
      EntryNode(String, String, String, SectionNode, int) - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.config.EntryNode
      entrySeparator(String) - Method in class org.skriptlang.skript.lang.entry.EntryValidator.EntryValidatorBuilder
      Updates the separator to be used when creating KeyValue entries.
      entrySet() - Method in class ch.njol.util.coll.BidiHashMap
      entryValidator - Variable in class org.skriptlang.skript.lang.structure.StructureInfo
      EntryValidator - Class in ch.njol.skript.config.validate
      EntryValidator - Class in org.skriptlang.skript.lang.entry
      A validator for storing EntryData.
      EntryValidator() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.config.validate.EntryValidator
      EntryValidator(Setter<String>) - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.config.validate.EntryValidator
      EntryValidator.EntryValidatorBuilder - Class in org.skriptlang.skript.lang.entry
      A utility builder for creating an entry validator that can be used to parse and validate a SectionNode.
      EnumClassInfo<T extends Enum<T>> - Class in ch.njol.skript.classes
      This class can be used for an easier writing of ClassInfos that are enums, - it registers a language node with usage, a serializer, default expression and a parser.
      EnumClassInfo(Class<T>, String, String) - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.classes.EnumClassInfo
      EnumClassInfo(Class<T>, String, String, DefaultExpression<T>) - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.classes.EnumClassInfo
      EnumEntryValidator<E extends Enum<E>> - Class in ch.njol.skript.config.validate
      EnumEntryValidator(Class<E>, Setter<E>) - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.config.validate.EnumEntryValidator
      EnumEntryValidator(Class<E>, Setter<E>, String) - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.config.validate.EnumEntryValidator
      EnumerationIterable<T> - Class in ch.njol.util.coll.iterator
      TODO this should actually only be an Iterator
      EnumerationIterable(Enumeration<? extends T>) - Constructor for class ch.njol.util.coll.iterator.EnumerationIterable
      EnumParser<E extends Enum<E>> - Class in ch.njol.skript.config
      EnumParser(Class<E>, String) - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.config.EnumParser
      EnumSerializer<T extends Enum<T>> - Class in ch.njol.skript.classes
      Mainly kept for backwards compatibility, but also serves as ClassResolver for enums.
      EnumSerializer(Class<T>) - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.classes.EnumSerializer
      EnumTypeAdapter<T extends Enum<T>> - Class in ch.njol.util
      EnumTypeAdapter(Class<T>) - Constructor for class ch.njol.util.EnumTypeAdapter
      EnumUtils<E extends Enum<E>> - Class in ch.njol.skript.util
      EnumUtils(Class<E>, String) - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.util.EnumUtils
      Environment - Class in ch.njol.skript.test.platform
      Test environment information.
      Environment(String, List<Environment.Resource>, List<Environment.Resource>, List<Environment.PaperResource>, String, String...) - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.test.platform.Environment
      Environment.PaperResource - Class in ch.njol.skript.test.platform
      Environment.Resource - Class in ch.njol.skript.test.platform
      Resource that needs to be downloaded for the environment.
      EPSILON - Static variable in class ch.njol.skript.Skript
      A small value, useful for comparing doubles or floats.
      EPSILON_MULT - Static variable in class ch.njol.skript.Skript
      A value a bit larger than 1
      EQUAL - Enum constant in enum class ch.njol.skript.classes.Comparator.Relation
      EQUAL - Enum constant in enum class org.skriptlang.skript.lang.comparator.Relation
      equals(Object) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.aliases.ItemData
      equals(Object) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.aliases.ItemType
      equals(Object) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.bukkitutil.block.BlockValues
      equals(Object) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.EntityData
      equals(Object) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.EntityType
      equals(Object) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.SimpleEntityData.SimpleEntityDataInfo
      equals(Object) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.hooks.regions.classes.Region
      equals(Object) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.hooks.regions.GriefPreventionHook.GriefPreventionRegion
      equals(Object) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.hooks.regions.PreciousStonesHook.PreciousStonesRegion
      equals(Object) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.hooks.regions.ResidenceHook.ResidenceRegion
      equals(Object) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.hooks.regions.WorldGuardHook.WorldGuardRegion
      equals(Object) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.AABB
      equals(Object) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.Date
      equals(Object) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.Direction
      equals(Object) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.EnchantmentType
      equals(Object) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.Experience
      equals(Object) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.GameruleValue
      equals(Object) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.Time
      equals(Object) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.Timeperiod
      equals(Object) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.Timespan
      equals(Object) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.Version
      equals(Object) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.visual.VisualEffect
      equals(Object) - Method in class ch.njol.util.coll.iterator.EmptyIterable
      equals(Object) - Method in class ch.njol.util.coll.iterator.EmptyIterator
      equals(Object) - Method in class ch.njol.util.coll.ReversedListView
      equals(Object) - Method in class ch.njol.util.Pair
      Checks for equality with Entries to match Pair.hashCode()
      equals(Object) - Method in class ch.njol.yggdrasil.Fields.FieldContext
      equals(Object) - Method in class ch.njol.yggdrasil.PseudoEnum
      Checks for reference equality (==).
      equals(Object) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.function.Namespace.Key
      equals(Object) - Method in class ch.njol.util.CaseInsensitiveString
      equals(String, String, boolean) - Static method in class ch.njol.util.StringUtils
      equals_i(EntityData<?>) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.AxolotlData
      equals_i(EntityData<?>) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.BeeData
      equals_i(EntityData<?>) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.BoatChestData
      equals_i(EntityData<?>) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.BoatData
      equals_i(EntityData<?>) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.CatData
      equals_i(EntityData<?>) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.CreeperData
      equals_i(EntityData<?>) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.DroppedItemData
      equals_i(EntityData<?>) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.EndermanData
      equals_i(EntityData<?>) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.EntityData
      equals_i(EntityData<?>) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.FallingBlockData
      equals_i(EntityData<?>) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.FishData
      equals_i(EntityData<?>) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.FoxData
      equals_i(EntityData<?>) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.FrogData
      equals_i(EntityData<?>) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.GoatData
      equals_i(EntityData<?>) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.LlamaData
      equals_i(EntityData<?>) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.MinecartData
      equals_i(EntityData<?>) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.MooshroomData
      equals_i(EntityData<?>) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.OcelotData
      equals_i(EntityData<?>) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.PandaData
      equals_i(EntityData<?>) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.ParrotData
      equals_i(EntityData<?>) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.PigData
      equals_i(EntityData<?>) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.RabbitData
      equals_i(EntityData<?>) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.SheepData
      equals_i(EntityData<?>) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.SimpleEntityData
      equals_i(EntityData<?>) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.ThrownPotionData
      equals_i(EntityData<?>) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.TropicalFishData
      equals_i(EntityData<?>) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.VillagerData
      equals_i(EntityData<?>) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.WolfData
      equals_i(EntityData<?>) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.XpOrbData
      equals_i(EntityData<?>) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.ZombieVillagerData
      equalsComparator - Static variable in interface ch.njol.skript.classes.Comparator
      EquipmentSlot - Class in ch.njol.skript.util.slot
      Represents equipment slot of an entity.
      EquipmentSlot(HumanEntity, int) - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.util.slot.EquipmentSlot
      EquipmentSlot(EntityEquipment, EquipmentSlot.EquipSlot) - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.util.slot.EquipmentSlot
      EquipmentSlot(EntityEquipment, EquipmentSlot.EquipSlot, boolean) - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.util.slot.EquipmentSlot
      EquipmentSlot.EquipSlot - Enum Class in ch.njol.skript.util.slot
      error(String) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.Skript
      error(String, ErrorQuality) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.log.ParseLogHandler
      error(String, ErrorQuality) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.Skript
      Use this in SyntaxElement.init(Expression[], int, Kleenean, ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptParser.ParseResult) (and other methods that are called during the parsing) to log - errors with a specific ErrorQuality.
      error(CommandSender, String) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.Skript
      ERROR - Enum constant in enum class ch.njol.skript.update.UpdaterState
      The updater has encountered an error.
      ErrorDescLogHandler - Class in ch.njol.skript.log
      Does nothing but print messages before the first error encountered and/or a message at the end if no error were encountered.
      ErrorDescLogHandler() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.log.ErrorDescLogHandler
      ErrorDescLogHandler(String, String, String) - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.log.ErrorDescLogHandler
      ErrorQuality - Enum Class in ch.njol.skript.log
      The quality of a parse error.
      escape(String) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.command.Commands
      escapeHTML(String) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.doc.Documentation
      escapeHTML(String[]) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.doc.Documentation
      EVENT - Enum constant in enum class ch.njol.skript.lang.ParseContext
      Used for parsing events of triggers.
      EVENT_PRIORITY_SYNTAX - Static variable in class ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptEventInfo
      eventModified(Cancellable) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.bukkitutil.ClickEventTracker
      Records that given event was cancelled or uncancelled.
      eventPriority - Variable in class ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptEvent
      events - Variable in class ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptEventInfo
      Events - Annotation Interface in ch.njol.skript.doc
      EventValueExpression<T> - Class in ch.njol.skript.expressions.base
      A useful class for creating default expressions.
      EventValueExpression(Class<? extends T>) - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.expressions.base.EventValueExpression
      EventValueExpression(Class<? extends T>, boolean) - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.expressions.base.EventValueExpression
      Construct an event value expression.
      EventValueExpression(Class<? extends T>, Changer<? super T>) - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.expressions.base.EventValueExpression
      EventValueExpression(Class<? extends T>, Changer<? super T>, boolean) - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.expressions.base.EventValueExpression
      EventValues - Class in ch.njol.skript.registrations
      EvtAtTime - Class in ch.njol.skript.events
      EvtAtTime() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.events.EvtAtTime
      EvtBlock - Class in ch.njol.skript.events
      EvtBlock() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.events.EvtBlock
      EvtBookEdit - Class in ch.njol.skript.events
      EvtBookEdit() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.events.EvtBookEdit
      EvtBookSign - Class in ch.njol.skript.events
      EvtBookSign() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.events.EvtBookSign
      EvtClick - Class in ch.njol.skript.events
      EvtClick() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.events.EvtClick
      EvtCommand - Class in ch.njol.skript.events
      EvtCommand() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.events.EvtCommand
      EvtDamage - Class in ch.njol.skript.events
      EvtDamage() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.events.EvtDamage
      EvtEntity - Class in ch.njol.skript.events
      EvtEntity() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.events.EvtEntity
      EvtEntityBlockChange - Class in ch.njol.skript.events
      EvtEntityBlockChange() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.events.EvtEntityBlockChange
      EvtEntityTarget - Class in ch.njol.skript.events
      EvtEntityTarget() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.events.EvtEntityTarget
      EvtExperienceChange - Class in ch.njol.skript.events
      EvtExperienceChange() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.events.EvtExperienceChange
      EvtExperienceSpawn - Class in ch.njol.skript.events
      EvtExperienceSpawn() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.events.EvtExperienceSpawn
      EvtFirework - Class in ch.njol.skript.events
      EvtFirework() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.events.EvtFirework
      EvtFirstJoin - Class in ch.njol.skript.events
      EvtFirstJoin() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.events.EvtFirstJoin
      EvtGameMode - Class in ch.njol.skript.events
      EvtGameMode() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.events.EvtGameMode
      EvtGrow - Class in ch.njol.skript.events
      EvtGrow() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.events.EvtGrow
      EvtItem - Class in ch.njol.skript.events
      EvtItem() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.events.EvtItem
      EvtLevel - Class in ch.njol.skript.events
      EvtLevel() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.events.EvtLevel
      EvtMove - Class in ch.njol.skript.events
      EvtMove() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.events.EvtMove
      EvtMoveOn - Class in ch.njol.skript.events
      EvtMoveOn() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.events.EvtMoveOn
      EvtPeriodical - Class in ch.njol.skript.events
      EvtPeriodical() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.events.EvtPeriodical
      EvtPlantGrowth - Class in ch.njol.skript.events
      EvtPlantGrowth() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.events.EvtPlantGrowth
      EvtPlayerChunkEnter - Class in ch.njol.skript.events
      EvtPlayerChunkEnter() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.events.EvtPlayerChunkEnter
      EvtPressurePlate - Class in ch.njol.skript.events
      EvtPressurePlate() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.events.EvtPressurePlate
      EvtRegionBorder - Class in ch.njol.skript.hooks.regions.events
      EvtRegionBorder() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.hooks.regions.events.EvtRegionBorder
      EvtResourcePackResponse - Class in ch.njol.skript.events
      EvtResourcePackResponse() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.events.EvtResourcePackResponse
      EvtScript - Class in ch.njol.skript.events
      EvtScript() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.events.EvtScript
      EvtSkript - Class in ch.njol.skript.events
      EvtSkript() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.events.EvtSkript
      EvtSpectate - Class in ch.njol.skript.events
      EvtSpectate() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.events.EvtSpectate
      EvtTestCase - Class in ch.njol.skript.test.runner
      EvtTestCase() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.test.runner.EvtTestCase
      EvtWeatherChange - Class in ch.njol.skript.events
      EvtWeatherChange() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.events.EvtWeatherChange
      EXACT - Enum constant in enum class ch.njol.skript.aliases.MatchQuality
      Everything matches.
      exactMatch(ItemData) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.aliases.AliasesMap
      Attempts to find an alias that exactly matches the given item.
      examples(String...) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.classes.ClassInfo
      Only used for Skript's documentation.
      examples(String...) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.function.JavaFunction
      Only used for Skript's documentation.
      examples(String...) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptEventInfo
      Only used for Skript's documentation.
      Examples - Annotation Interface in ch.njol.skript.doc
      Provides a list of examples to be used in documentation for annotated - element.
      exception(Throwable, TriggerItem, String...) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.Skript
      exception(Throwable, Thread, TriggerItem, String...) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.Skript
      Used if something happens that shouldn't happen
      exception(Throwable, Thread, String...) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.Skript
      exception(Throwable, String...) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.Skript
      exception(String...) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.Skript
      Used if something happens that shouldn't happen
      ExceptionUtils - Class in ch.njol.skript.util
      excessiveConstant(String) - Method in interface ch.njol.yggdrasil.YggdrasilSerializable.YggdrasilRobustEnum
      Called when an enum constant is read from stream that does not exist in this enum.
      excessiveField(Fields.FieldContext) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.Direction
      excessiveField(Fields.FieldContext) - Method in interface ch.njol.yggdrasil.YggdrasilSerializable.YggdrasilRobustSerializable
      Called if a field was read from stream which does not exist in this class.
      excessiveField(Object, Fields.FieldContext) - Method in interface ch.njol.yggdrasil.FieldHandler
      Called when a loaded field doesn't exist.
      excessiveField(Object, Fields.FieldContext) - Method in class ch.njol.yggdrasil.util.JREFieldHandler
      Not used
      excessiveField(Object, Fields.FieldContext) - Method in class ch.njol.yggdrasil.Yggdrasil
      execute(FunctionEvent<?>, Object[][]) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.function.Function
      Executes this function with given parameters.
      execute(FunctionEvent<?>, Object[][]) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.function.JavaFunction
      execute(FunctionEvent<?>, Object[][]) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.function.ScriptFunction
      execute(FunctionEvent<?>, Object[][]) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.function.SimpleJavaFunction
      execute(Object[][]) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.function.Function
      Executes this function with given parameter.
      execute(CommandSender, String, String) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.command.ScriptCommand
      execute(Event) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.effects.Delay
      execute(Event) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.effects.EffActionBar
      execute(Event) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.effects.EffBan
      execute(Event) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.effects.EffBreakNaturally
      execute(Event) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.effects.EffBroadcast
      execute(Event) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.effects.EffCancelCooldown
      execute(Event) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.effects.EffCancelDrops
      execute(Event) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.effects.EffCancelEvent
      execute(Event) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.effects.EffChange
      execute(Event) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.effects.EffChargeCreeper
      execute(Event) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.effects.EffColorItems
      execute(Event) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.effects.EffCommand
      execute(Event) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.effects.EffConnect
      execute(Event) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.effects.EffContinue
      execute(Event) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.effects.EffDoIf
      execute(Event) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.effects.EffDrop
      execute(Event) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.effects.EffEnchant
      execute(Event) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.effects.EffEquip
      execute(Event) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.effects.EffExceptionDebug
      execute(Event) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.effects.EffExit
      execute(Event) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.effects.EffExplodeCreeper
      execute(Event) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.effects.EffExplosion
      execute(Event) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.effects.EffFeed
      execute(Event) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.effects.EffFireworkLaunch
      execute(Event) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.effects.EffForceAttack
      execute(Event) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.effects.EffHandedness
      execute(Event) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.effects.EffHealth
      execute(Event) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.effects.EffHidePlayerFromServerList
      execute(Event) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.effects.EffIgnite
      execute(Event) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.effects.EffIncendiary
      execute(Event) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.effects.EffInvisible
      execute(Event) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.effects.EffInvulnerability
      execute(Event) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.effects.EffKeepInventory
      execute(Event) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.effects.EffKick
      execute(Event) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.effects.EffKill
      execute(Event) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.effects.EffKnockback
      execute(Event) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.effects.EffLeash
      execute(Event) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.effects.EffLightning
      execute(Event) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.effects.EffLoadServerIcon
      execute(Event) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.effects.EffLog
      execute(Event) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.effects.EffLook
      execute(Event) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.effects.EffMakeEggHatch
      execute(Event) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.effects.EffMakeFly
      execute(Event) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.effects.EffMakeSay
      execute(Event) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.effects.EffMessage
      execute(Event) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.effects.EffOp
      execute(Event) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.effects.EffOpenBook
      execute(Event) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.effects.EffOpenInventory
      execute(Event) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.effects.EffPathfind
      execute(Event) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.effects.EffPlayerInfoVisibility
      execute(Event) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.effects.EffPlayerVisibility
      execute(Event) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.effects.EffPlaySound
      execute(Event) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.effects.EffPoison
      execute(Event) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.effects.EffPotion
      execute(Event) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.effects.EffPush
      execute(Event) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.effects.EffPvP
      execute(Event) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.effects.EffReplace
      execute(Event) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.effects.EffResetTitle
      execute(Event) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.effects.EffRespawn
      execute(Event) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.effects.EffReturn
      execute(Event) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.effects.EffScriptFile
      execute(Event) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.effects.EffSendBlockChange
      execute(Event) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.effects.EffSendResourcePack
      execute(Event) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.effects.EffSendTitle
      execute(Event) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.effects.EffShear
      execute(Event) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.effects.EffShoot
      execute(Event) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.effects.EffSilence
      execute(Event) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.effects.EffStopServer
      execute(Event) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.effects.EffStopSound
      execute(Event) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.effects.EffSuppressWarnings
      execute(Event) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.effects.EffSwingHand
      execute(Event) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.effects.EffTeleport
      execute(Event) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.effects.EffToggle
      execute(Event) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.effects.EffToggleCanPickUpItems
      execute(Event) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.effects.EffToggleFlight
      execute(Event) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.effects.EffTree
      execute(Event) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.effects.EffVectorRotateAroundAnother
      execute(Event) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.effects.EffVectorRotateXYZ
      execute(Event) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.effects.EffVehicle
      execute(Event) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.effects.EffVisualEffect
      execute(Event) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.Effect
      Executes this effect.
      execute(Event) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.EffectSectionEffect
      execute(Event) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.function.EffFunctionCall
      execute(Event) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.function.FunctionReference
      execute(Event) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.Trigger
      Executes this trigger for a certain event.
      execute(Event) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.test.runner.EffAssert
      execute(Event) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.test.runner.EffDebug
      execute(Event) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.test.runner.EffObjectives
      executeFunctionsWithMissingParams - Static variable in class ch.njol.skript.SkriptConfig
      executeSimple(Object[][]) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.function.SimpleJavaFunction
      executeWithNulls - Static variable in class ch.njol.skript.lang.function.Function
      Execute functions even when some parameters are not present.
      executor - Variable in class ch.njol.skript.SkriptEventHandler.PriorityListener
      exit(Event) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.LoopSection
      Exit the loop, used to reset the loop properties such as iterations counter
      exit(Event) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.sections.SecLoop
      exit(Event) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.sections.SecWhile
      exitScope() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.structures.StructVariables.DefaultVariables
      exitScope() - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.variables.TypeHints
      EXP - Enum constant in enum class ch.njol.skript.expressions.arithmetic.Operator
      Experience - Class in ch.njol.skript.util
      Experience() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.util.Experience
      Experience(int) - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.util.Experience
      ExperienceSpawnEvent - Class in ch.njol.skript.events.bukkit
      ExperienceSpawnEvent(int, Location) - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.events.bukkit.ExperienceSpawnEvent
      expr - Variable in class ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptParser.ParseResult
      ExprAbsorbedBlocks - Class in ch.njol.skript.expressions
      ExprAbsorbedBlocks() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprAbsorbedBlocks
      ExprAffectedEntities - Class in ch.njol.skript.expressions
      ExprAffectedEntities() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprAffectedEntities
      ExprAge - Class in ch.njol.skript.expressions
      ExprAge() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprAge
      ExprAI - Class in ch.njol.skript.expressions
      ExprAI() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprAI
      ExprAllBannedEntries - Class in ch.njol.skript.expressions
      ExprAllBannedEntries() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprAllBannedEntries
      ExprAllCommands - Class in ch.njol.skript.expressions
      ExprAllCommands() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprAllCommands
      ExprAllGroups - Class in ch.njol.skript.hooks.permission.expressions
      ExprAllGroups() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.hooks.permission.expressions.ExprAllGroups
      ExprAlphabetList - Class in ch.njol.skript.expressions
      ExprAlphabetList() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprAlphabetList
      ExprAltitude - Class in ch.njol.skript.expressions
      ExprAltitude() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprAltitude
      ExprAmount - Class in ch.njol.skript.expressions
      ExprAmount() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprAmount
      ExprAmountOfItems - Class in ch.njol.skript.expressions
      ExprAmountOfItems() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprAmountOfItems
      ExprAnvilRepairCost - Class in ch.njol.skript.expressions
      ExprAnvilRepairCost() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprAnvilRepairCost
      ExprAnvilText - Class in ch.njol.skript.expressions
      ExprAnvilText() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprAnvilText
      ExprAppliedEnchantments - Class in ch.njol.skript.expressions
      ExprAppliedEnchantments() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprAppliedEnchantments
      ExprArgument - Class in ch.njol.skript.expressions
      ExprArgument() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprArgument
      ExprArithmetic - Class in ch.njol.skript.expressions.arithmetic
      ExprArithmetic() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.expressions.arithmetic.ExprArithmetic
      ExprArmorSlot - Class in ch.njol.skript.expressions
      ExprArmorSlot() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprArmorSlot
      ExprArrowKnockbackStrength - Class in ch.njol.skript.expressions
      ExprArrowKnockbackStrength() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprArrowKnockbackStrength
      ExprArrowPierceLevel - Class in ch.njol.skript.expressions
      ExprArrowPierceLevel() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprArrowPierceLevel
      ExprArrowsStuck - Class in ch.njol.skript.expressions
      ExprArrowsStuck() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprArrowsStuck
      ExprAttachedBlock - Class in ch.njol.skript.expressions
      ExprAttachedBlock() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprAttachedBlock
      ExprAttackCooldown - Class in ch.njol.skript.expressions
      ExprAttackCooldown() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprAttackCooldown
      ExprAttacked - Class in ch.njol.skript.expressions
      ExprAttacked() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprAttacked
      ExprAttacker - Class in ch.njol.skript.expressions
      ExprAttacker() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprAttacker
      ExprBalance - Class in ch.njol.skript.hooks.economy.expressions
      ExprBalance() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.hooks.economy.expressions.ExprBalance
      ExprBed - Class in ch.njol.skript.expressions
      ExprBed() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprBed
      ExprBiome - Class in ch.njol.skript.expressions
      ExprBiome() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprBiome
      ExprBlock - Class in ch.njol.skript.expressions
      ExprBlock() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprBlock
      ExprBlockData - Class in ch.njol.skript.expressions
      ExprBlockData() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprBlockData
      ExprBlockHardness - Class in ch.njol.skript.expressions
      ExprBlockHardness() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprBlockHardness
      ExprBlocks - Class in ch.njol.skript.expressions
      ExprBlocks() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprBlocks
      ExprBlocksInRegion - Class in ch.njol.skript.hooks.regions.expressions
      ExprBlocksInRegion() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.hooks.regions.expressions.ExprBlocksInRegion
      ExprBlockSphere - Class in ch.njol.skript.expressions
      ExprBlockSphere() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprBlockSphere
      ExprBookAuthor - Class in ch.njol.skript.expressions
      ExprBookAuthor() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprBookAuthor
      ExprBookPages - Class in ch.njol.skript.expressions
      ExprBookPages() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprBookPages
      ExprBookTitle - Class in ch.njol.skript.expressions
      ExprBookTitle() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprBookTitle
      ExprBreakSpeed - Class in ch.njol.skript.expressions
      ExprBreakSpeed() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprBreakSpeed
      ExprBurnCookTime - Class in ch.njol.skript.expressions
      ExprBurnCookTime() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprBurnCookTime
      ExprCharges - Class in ch.njol.skript.expressions
      ExprCharges() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprCharges
      ExprChatFormat - Class in ch.njol.skript.expressions
      ExprChatFormat() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprChatFormat
      ExprChatRecipients - Class in ch.njol.skript.expressions
      ExprChatRecipients() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprChatRecipients
      ExprChestInventory - Class in ch.njol.skript.expressions
      ExprChestInventory() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprChestInventory
      ExprChunk - Class in ch.njol.skript.expressions
      ExprChunk() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprChunk
      ExprClicked - Class in ch.njol.skript.expressions
      ExprClicked() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprClicked
      ExprClientViewDistance - Class in ch.njol.skript.expressions
      ExprClientViewDistance() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprClientViewDistance
      ExprCmdCooldownInfo - Class in ch.njol.skript.expressions
      ExprCmdCooldownInfo() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprCmdCooldownInfo
      ExprColorOf - Class in ch.njol.skript.expressions
      ExprColorOf() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprColorOf
      ExprColoured - Class in ch.njol.skript.expressions
      ExprColoured() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprColoured
      ExprCommand - Class in ch.njol.skript.expressions
      ExprCommand() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprCommand
      ExprCommandInfo - Class in ch.njol.skript.expressions
      ExprCommandInfo() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprCommandInfo
      ExprCommandSender - Class in ch.njol.skript.expressions
      ExprCommandSender() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprCommandSender
      ExprCompassTarget - Class in ch.njol.skript.expressions
      ExprCompassTarget() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprCompassTarget
      ExprCoordinate - Class in ch.njol.skript.expressions
      ExprCoordinate() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprCoordinate
      ExprCreeperMaxFuseTicks - Class in ch.njol.skript.expressions
      ExprCreeperMaxFuseTicks() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprCreeperMaxFuseTicks
      ExprCursorSlot - Class in ch.njol.skript.expressions
      Cursor item slot is not actually an inventory slot, but an item which the player - has in their cursor when any inventory is open for them.
      ExprCursorSlot() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprCursorSlot
      ExprCustomModelData - Class in ch.njol.skript.expressions
      ExprCustomModelData() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprCustomModelData
      ExprDamage - Class in ch.njol.skript.expressions
      ExprDamage() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprDamage
      ExprDamageCause - Class in ch.njol.skript.expressions
      ExprDamageCause() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprDamageCause
      ExprDamagedItem - Class in ch.njol.skript.expressions
      ExprDamagedItem() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprDamagedItem
      ExprDateAgoLater - Class in ch.njol.skript.expressions
      ExprDateAgoLater() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprDateAgoLater
      ExprDefaultValue<T> - Class in ch.njol.skript.expressions
      ExprDefaultValue() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprDefaultValue
      ExprDifference - Class in ch.njol.skript.expressions
      ExprDifference() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprDifference
      ExprDifficulty - Class in ch.njol.skript.expressions
      ExprDifficulty() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprDifficulty
      ExprDirection - Class in ch.njol.skript.expressions
      ExprDirection() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprDirection
      ExprDistance - Class in ch.njol.skript.expressions
      ExprDistance() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprDistance
      ExprDrops - Class in ch.njol.skript.expressions
      ExprDrops() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprDrops
      ExprDropsOfBlock - Class in ch.njol.skript.expressions
      ExprDropsOfBlock() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprDropsOfBlock
      ExprDurability - Class in ch.njol.skript.expressions
      ExprDurability() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprDurability
      ExprEgg - Class in ch.njol.skript.expressions
      ExprEgg() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprEgg
      ExprElement - Class in ch.njol.skript.expressions
      ExprElement() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprElement
      ExprEnchantingExpCost - Class in ch.njol.skript.expressions
      ExprEnchantingExpCost() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprEnchantingExpCost
      ExprEnchantItem - Class in ch.njol.skript.expressions
      ExprEnchantItem() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprEnchantItem
      ExprEnchantmentBonus - Class in ch.njol.skript.expressions
      ExprEnchantmentBonus() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprEnchantmentBonus
      ExprEnchantmentLevel - Class in ch.njol.skript.expressions
      ExprEnchantmentLevel() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprEnchantmentLevel
      ExprEnchantmentOffer - Class in ch.njol.skript.expressions
      ExprEnchantmentOffer() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprEnchantmentOffer
      ExprEnchantmentOfferCost - Class in ch.njol.skript.expressions
      ExprEnchantmentOfferCost() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprEnchantmentOfferCost
      ExprEnchantments - Class in ch.njol.skript.expressions
      ExprEnchantments() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprEnchantments
      ExprEnderChest - Class in ch.njol.skript.expressions
      ExprEnderChest() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprEnderChest
      ExprEntities - Class in ch.njol.skript.expressions
      ExprEntities() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprEntities
      ExprEntity - Class in ch.njol.skript.expressions
      ExprEntity() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprEntity
      ExprEntityAttribute - Class in ch.njol.skript.expressions
      ExprEntityAttribute() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprEntityAttribute
      ExprEntityTamer - Class in ch.njol.skript.expressions
      ExprEntityTamer() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprEntityTamer
      Expression<T> - Interface in ch.njol.skript.lang
      Represents an expression.
      ExpressionEntryData<T> - Class in org.skriptlang.skript.lang.entry.util
      A type of KeyValueEntryData designed to parse its value as an Expression.
      ExpressionEntryData(String, Expression<T>, boolean, Class<T>, int, Class<? extends Event>...) - Constructor for class org.skriptlang.skript.lang.entry.util.ExpressionEntryData
      ExpressionEntryData(String, Expression<T>, boolean, Class<T>, Class<? extends Event>...) - Constructor for class org.skriptlang.skript.lang.entry.util.ExpressionEntryData
      ExpressionInfo<E extends Expression<T>,T> - Class in ch.njol.skript.lang
      ExpressionInfo(String[], Class<T>, Class<E>, String) - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.lang.ExpressionInfo
      ExpressionInfo(String[], Class<T>, Class<E>, String, ExpressionType) - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.lang.ExpressionInfo
      ExpressionList<T> - Class in ch.njol.skript.lang
      A list of expressions.
      ExpressionList(Expression<? extends T>[], Class<T>, boolean) - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.lang.ExpressionList
      ExpressionList(Expression<? extends T>[], Class<T>, boolean, ExpressionList<?>) - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.lang.ExpressionList
      expressions - Variable in class ch.njol.skript.lang.ExpressionList
      expressionType - Variable in class ch.njol.skript.lang.ExpressionInfo
      ExpressionType - Enum Class in ch.njol.skript.lang
      Used to define in which order to parse expressions.
      ExprEventCancelled - Class in ch.njol.skript.expressions
      TODO actually allow to have triggers execute for cancelled events
      ExprEventCancelled() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprEventCancelled
      ExprEventExpression - Class in ch.njol.skript.expressions
      Provided for convenience: one can write 'event-world' instead of only 'world' to distinguish between the event-world and the loop-world.
      ExprEventExpression() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprEventExpression
      ExprEvtInitiator - Class in ch.njol.skript.expressions
      ExprEvtInitiator() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprEvtInitiator
      ExprExhaustion - Class in ch.njol.skript.expressions
      ExprExhaustion() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprExhaustion
      ExprExperience - Class in ch.njol.skript.expressions
      ExprExperience() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprExperience
      ExprExplodedBlocks - Class in ch.njol.skript.expressions
      ExprExplodedBlocks() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprExplodedBlocks
      ExprExplosionBlockYield - Class in ch.njol.skript.expressions
      ExprExplosionBlockYield() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprExplosionBlockYield
      ExprExplosionYield - Class in ch.njol.skript.expressions
      ExprExplosionYield() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprExplosionYield
      ExprExplosiveYield - Class in ch.njol.skript.expressions
      ExprExplosiveYield() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprExplosiveYield
      ExprEyeLocation - Class in ch.njol.skript.expressions
      ExprEyeLocation() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprEyeLocation
      ExprFacing - Class in ch.njol.skript.expressions
      ExprFacing() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprFacing
      ExprFallDistance - Class in ch.njol.skript.expressions
      ExprFallDistance() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprFallDistance
      ExprFertilizedBlocks - Class in ch.njol.skript.expressions
      ExprFertilizedBlocks() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprFertilizedBlocks
      ExprFilter - Class in ch.njol.skript.expressions
      ExprFilter() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprFilter
      ExprFilter.ExprInput<T> - Class in ch.njol.skript.expressions
      ExprFinalDamage - Class in ch.njol.skript.expressions
      ExprFinalDamage() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprFinalDamage
      ExprFireTicks - Class in ch.njol.skript.expressions
      ExprFireTicks() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprFireTicks
      ExprFireworkEffect - Class in ch.njol.skript.expressions
      ExprFireworkEffect() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprFireworkEffect
      ExprFlightMode - Class in ch.njol.skript.expressions
      ExprFlightMode() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprFlightMode
      ExprFoodLevel - Class in ch.njol.skript.expressions
      ExprFoodLevel() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprFoodLevel
      ExprFormatDate - Class in ch.njol.skript.expressions
      ExprFormatDate() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprFormatDate
      ExprFreezeTicks - Class in ch.njol.skript.expressions
      ExprFreezeTicks() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprFreezeTicks
      ExprFunctionCall<T> - Class in ch.njol.skript.lang.function
      ExprFunctionCall(FunctionReference<?>, Class<? extends T>[]) - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.lang.function.ExprFunctionCall
      ExprFunctionCall(FunctionReference<T>) - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.lang.function.ExprFunctionCall
      ExprFurnaceSlot - Class in ch.njol.skript.expressions
      ExprFurnaceSlot() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprFurnaceSlot
      ExprGameMode - Class in ch.njol.skript.expressions
      ExprGameMode() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprGameMode
      ExprGameRule - Class in ch.njol.skript.expressions
      ExprGameRule() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprGameRule
      ExprGlidingState - Class in ch.njol.skript.expressions
      ExprGlidingState() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprGlidingState
      ExprGlowing - Class in ch.njol.skript.expressions
      ExprGlowing() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprGlowing
      ExprGravity - Class in ch.njol.skript.expressions
      ExprGravity() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprGravity
      ExprGroup - Class in ch.njol.skript.hooks.permission.expressions
      ExprGroup() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.hooks.permission.expressions.ExprGroup
      ExprHanging - Class in ch.njol.skript.expressions
      ExprHanging() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprHanging
      ExprHash - Class in ch.njol.skript.expressions
      ExprHash() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprHash
      ExprHatchingNumber - Class in ch.njol.skript.expressions
      ExprHatchingNumber() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprHatchingNumber
      ExprHatchingType - Class in ch.njol.skript.expressions
      ExprHatchingType() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprHatchingType
      ExprHealAmount - Class in ch.njol.skript.expressions
      ExprHealAmount() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprHealAmount
      ExprHealReason - Class in ch.njol.skript.expressions
      ExprHealReason() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprHealReason
      ExprHealth - Class in ch.njol.skript.expressions
      ExprHealth() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprHealth
      ExprHiddenPlayers - Class in ch.njol.skript.expressions
      ExprHiddenPlayers() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprHiddenPlayers
      ExprHighestSolidBlock - Class in ch.njol.skript.expressions
      ExprHighestSolidBlock() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprHighestSolidBlock
      ExprHostname - Class in ch.njol.skript.expressions
      ExprHostname() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprHostname
      ExprHotbarButton - Class in ch.njol.skript.expressions
      ExprHotbarButton() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprHotbarButton
      ExprHotbarSlot - Class in ch.njol.skript.expressions
      ExprHotbarSlot() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprHotbarSlot
      ExprHoverList - Class in ch.njol.skript.expressions
      ExprHoverList() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprHoverList
      ExprHumidity - Class in ch.njol.skript.expressions
      ExprHumidity() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprHumidity
      ExprIndexOf - Class in ch.njol.skript.expressions
      ExprIndexOf() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprIndexOf
      ExprIndices - Class in ch.njol.skript.expressions
      ExprIndices() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprIndices
      ExprInfo(int) - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptParser.ExprInfo
      ExprInput() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprFilter.ExprInput
      ExprInput(ExprFilter.ExprInput<?>, Class<? extends T>...) - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprFilter.ExprInput
      ExprInventory - Class in ch.njol.skript.expressions
      ExprInventory() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprInventory
      ExprInventoryAction - Class in ch.njol.skript.expressions
      ExprInventoryAction() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprInventoryAction
      ExprInventoryCloseReason - Class in ch.njol.skript.expressions
      ExprInventoryCloseReason() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprInventoryCloseReason
      ExprInventoryInfo - Class in ch.njol.skript.expressions
      ExprInventoryInfo() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprInventoryInfo
      ExprInventorySlot - Class in ch.njol.skript.expressions
      ExprInventorySlot() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprInventorySlot
      ExprIP - Class in ch.njol.skript.expressions
      ExprIP() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprIP
      ExprItem - Class in ch.njol.skript.expressions
      ExprItem() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprItem
      ExprItemAmount - Class in ch.njol.skript.expressions
      ExprItemAmount() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprItemAmount
      ExprItemCooldown - Class in ch.njol.skript.expressions
      ExprItemCooldown() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprItemCooldown
      ExprItemFrameSlot - Class in ch.njol.skript.expressions
      ExprItemFrameSlot() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprItemFrameSlot
      ExprItems - Class in ch.njol.skript.expressions
      ExprItems() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprItems
      ExprItemsIn - Class in ch.njol.skript.expressions
      ExprItemsIn() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprItemsIn
      ExprItemWithCustomModelData - Class in ch.njol.skript.expressions
      ExprItemWithCustomModelData() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprItemWithCustomModelData
      ExprItemWithLore - Class in ch.njol.skript.expressions
      ExprItemWithLore() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprItemWithLore
      ExprJoinSplit - Class in ch.njol.skript.expressions
      ExprJoinSplit() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprJoinSplit
      ExprJUnitTest - Class in ch.njol.skript.test.runner
      ExprJUnitTest() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.test.runner.ExprJUnitTest
      ExprLanguage - Class in ch.njol.skript.expressions
      ExprLanguage() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprLanguage
      ExprLastAttacker - Class in ch.njol.skript.expressions
      ExprLastAttacker() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprLastAttacker
      ExprLastColor - Class in ch.njol.skript.expressions
      ExprLastColor() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprLastColor
      ExprLastDamage - Class in ch.njol.skript.expressions
      ExprLastDamage() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprLastDamage
      ExprLastDamageCause - Class in ch.njol.skript.expressions
      ExprLastDamageCause() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprLastDamageCause
      ExprLastLoadedServerIcon - Class in ch.njol.skript.expressions
      ExprLastLoadedServerIcon() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprLastLoadedServerIcon
      ExprLastLoginTime - Class in ch.njol.skript.expressions
      ExprLastLoginTime() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprLastLoginTime
      ExprLastResourcePackResponse - Class in ch.njol.skript.expressions
      ExprLastResourcePackResponse() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprLastResourcePackResponse
      ExprLastSpawnedEntity - Class in ch.njol.skript.expressions
      ExprLastSpawnedEntity() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprLastSpawnedEntity
      ExprLeashHolder - Class in ch.njol.skript.expressions
      ExprLeashHolder() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprLeashHolder
      ExprLength - Class in ch.njol.skript.expressions
      ExprLength() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprLength
      ExprLevel - Class in ch.njol.skript.expressions
      ExprLevel() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprLevel
      ExprLevelProgress - Class in ch.njol.skript.expressions
      ExprLevelProgress() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprLevelProgress
      ExprLightLevel - Class in ch.njol.skript.expressions
      ExprLightLevel() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprLightLevel
      ExprLocation - Class in ch.njol.skript.expressions
      ExprLocation() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprLocation
      ExprLocationAt - Class in ch.njol.skript.expressions
      FIXME doesn't parse - update documentation when fixed
      ExprLocationAt() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprLocationAt
      ExprLocationFromVector - Class in ch.njol.skript.expressions
      ExprLocationFromVector() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprLocationFromVector
      ExprLocationOf - Class in ch.njol.skript.expressions
      ExprLocationOf() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprLocationOf
      ExprLocationVectorOffset - Class in ch.njol.skript.expressions
      ExprLocationVectorOffset() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprLocationVectorOffset
      ExprLoopIteration - Class in ch.njol.skript.expressions
      ExprLoopIteration() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprLoopIteration
      ExprLoopValue - Class in ch.njol.skript.expressions
      Used to access a loop's current value.
      ExprLoopValue() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprLoopValue
      ExprLoot - Class in ch.njol.skript.expressions
      ExprLoot() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprLoot
      ExprLore - Class in ch.njol.skript.expressions
      TODO make a 'line %number% of %text%' expression and figure out how to deal with signs (4 lines, delete = empty, etc...)
      ExprLore() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprLore
      ExprMaxDurability - Class in ch.njol.skript.expressions
      ExprMaxDurability() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprMaxDurability
      ExprMaxFreezeTicks - Class in ch.njol.skript.expressions
      ExprMaxFreezeTicks() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprMaxFreezeTicks
      ExprMaxHealth - Class in ch.njol.skript.expressions
      ExprMaxHealth() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprMaxHealth
      ExprMaxMinecartSpeed - Class in ch.njol.skript.expressions
      ExprMaxMinecartSpeed() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprMaxMinecartSpeed
      ExprMaxPlayers - Class in ch.njol.skript.expressions
      ExprMaxPlayers() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprMaxPlayers
      ExprMaxStack - Class in ch.njol.skript.expressions
      ExprMaxStack() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprMaxStack
      ExprMe - Class in ch.njol.skript.expressions
      ExprMe() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprMe
      ExprMembersOfRegion - Class in ch.njol.skript.hooks.regions.expressions
      ExprMembersOfRegion() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.hooks.regions.expressions.ExprMembersOfRegion
      ExprMendingRepairAmount - Class in ch.njol.skript.expressions
      ExprMendingRepairAmount() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprMendingRepairAmount
      ExprMessage - Class in ch.njol.skript.expressions
      ExprMessage() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprMessage
      ExprMetadata<T> - Class in ch.njol.skript.expressions
      ExprMetadata() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprMetadata
      ExprMiddleOfLocation - Class in ch.njol.skript.expressions
      ExprMiddleOfLocation() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprMiddleOfLocation
      ExprMinecartDerailedFlyingVelocity - Class in ch.njol.skript.expressions
      ExprMinecartDerailedFlyingVelocity() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprMinecartDerailedFlyingVelocity
      ExprMoonPhase - Class in ch.njol.skript.expressions
      ExprMoonPhase() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprMoonPhase
      ExprMOTD - Class in ch.njol.skript.expressions
      ExprMOTD() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprMOTD
      ExprName - Class in ch.njol.skript.expressions
      ExprName() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprName
      ExprNamed - Class in ch.njol.skript.expressions
      ExprNamed() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprNamed
      ExprNearestEntity - Class in ch.njol.skript.expressions
      ExprNearestEntity() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprNearestEntity
      ExprNoDamageTicks - Class in ch.njol.skript.expressions
      ExprNoDamageTicks() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprNoDamageTicks
      ExprNow - Class in ch.njol.skript.expressions
      ExprNow() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprNow
      ExprNumberOfCharacters - Class in ch.njol.skript.expressions
      ExprNumberOfCharacters() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprNumberOfCharacters
      ExprNumbers - Class in ch.njol.skript.expressions
      ExprNumbers() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprNumbers
      ExprOfflinePlayers - Class in ch.njol.skript.expressions
      ExprOfflinePlayers() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprOfflinePlayers
      ExprOnlinePlayersCount - Class in ch.njol.skript.expressions
      ExprOnlinePlayersCount() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprOnlinePlayersCount
      ExprOpenedInventory - Class in ch.njol.skript.expressions
      ExprOpenedInventory() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprOpenedInventory
      ExprOps - Class in ch.njol.skript.expressions
      ExprOps() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprOps
      ExprParse - Class in ch.njol.skript.expressions
      ExprParse() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprParse
      ExprParseError - Class in ch.njol.skript.expressions
      ExprParseError() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprParseError
      ExprPassenger - Class in ch.njol.skript.expressions
      ExprPassenger() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprPassenger
      ExprPermissions - Class in ch.njol.skript.expressions
      ExprPermissions() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprPermissions
      ExprPickupDelay - Class in ch.njol.skript.expressions
      ExprPickupDelay() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprPickupDelay
      ExprPing - Class in ch.njol.skript.expressions
      ExprPing() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprPing
      ExprPlain - Class in ch.njol.skript.expressions
      ExprPlain() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprPlain
      ExprPlayerlistHeaderFooter - Class in ch.njol.skript.expressions
      ExprPlayerlistHeaderFooter() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprPlayerlistHeaderFooter
      ExprPlayerProtocolVersion - Class in ch.njol.skript.expressions
      ExprPlayerProtocolVersion() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprPlayerProtocolVersion
      ExprPlayerViewDistance - Class in ch.njol.skript.expressions
      ExprPlayerViewDistance() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprPlayerViewDistance
      ExprPlayerWeather - Class in ch.njol.skript.expressions
      ExprPlayerWeather() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprPlayerWeather
      ExprPlugins - Class in ch.njol.skript.expressions
      ExprPlugins() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprPlugins
      ExprPortal - Class in ch.njol.skript.expressions
      ExprPortal() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprPortal
      ExprPortalCooldown - Class in ch.njol.skript.expressions
      ExprPortalCooldown() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprPortalCooldown
      ExprPotionEffect - Class in ch.njol.skript.expressions
      ExprPotionEffect() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprPotionEffect
      ExprPotionEffects - Class in ch.njol.skript.expressions
      ExprPotionEffects() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprPotionEffects
      ExprPotionEffectTier - Class in ch.njol.skript.expressions
      ExprPotionEffectTier() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprPotionEffectTier
      ExprPrefixSuffix - Class in ch.njol.skript.hooks.chat.expressions
      ExprPrefixSuffix() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.hooks.chat.expressions.ExprPrefixSuffix
      ExprProjectileBounceState - Class in ch.njol.skript.expressions
      ExprProjectileBounceState() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprProjectileBounceState
      ExprProjectileCriticalState - Class in ch.njol.skript.expressions
      ExprProjectileCriticalState() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprProjectileCriticalState
      ExprProtocolVersion - Class in ch.njol.skript.expressions
      ExprProtocolVersion() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprProtocolVersion
      ExprPushedBlocks - Class in ch.njol.skript.expressions
      ExprPushedBlocks() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprPushedBlocks
      ExprQuitReason - Class in ch.njol.skript.expressions
      ExprQuitReason() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprQuitReason
      ExprRandom - Class in ch.njol.skript.expressions
      ExprRandom() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprRandom
      ExprRandomNumber - Class in ch.njol.skript.expressions
      ExprRandomNumber() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprRandomNumber
      ExprRandomUUID - Class in ch.njol.skript.expressions
      ExprRandomUUID() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprRandomUUID
      ExprRawName - Class in ch.njol.skript.expressions
      ExprRawName() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprRawName
      ExprRawString - Class in ch.njol.skript.expressions
      ExprRawString() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprRawString
      ExprRedstoneBlockPower - Class in ch.njol.skript.expressions
      ExprRedstoneBlockPower() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprRedstoneBlockPower
      ExprRegion - Class in ch.njol.skript.hooks.regions.expressions
      ExprRegion() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.hooks.regions.expressions.ExprRegion
      ExprRegionsAt - Class in ch.njol.skript.hooks.regions.expressions
      ExprRegionsAt() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.hooks.regions.expressions.ExprRegionsAt
      ExprRemainingAir - Class in ch.njol.skript.expressions
      ExprRemainingAir() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprRemainingAir
      ExprRespawnLocation - Class in ch.njol.skript.expressions
      ExprRespawnLocation() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprRespawnLocation
      ExprReversedList - Class in ch.njol.skript.expressions
      ExprReversedList() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprReversedList
      ExprReversedList(Expression<?>) - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprReversedList
      ExprRound - Class in ch.njol.skript.expressions
      ExprRound() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprRound
      exprs - Variable in class ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptParser.ParseResult
      ExprSaturation - Class in ch.njol.skript.expressions
      ExprSaturation() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprSaturation
      ExprScoreboardTags - Class in ch.njol.skript.expressions
      ExprScoreboardTags() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprScoreboardTags
      ExprScript - Class in ch.njol.skript.expressions
      ExprScript() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprScript
      ExprScripts - Class in ch.njol.skript.expressions
      ExprScripts() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprScripts
      ExprSeaLevel - Class in ch.njol.skript.expressions
      ExprSeaLevel() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprSeaLevel
      ExprSeaPickles - Class in ch.njol.skript.expressions
      ExprSeaPickles() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprSeaPickles
      ExprSeed - Class in ch.njol.skript.expressions
      ExprSeed() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprSeed
      ExprServerIcon - Class in ch.njol.skript.expressions
      ExprServerIcon() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprServerIcon
      ExprSets - Class in ch.njol.skript.expressions
      ExprSets() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprSets
      ExprShooter - Class in ch.njol.skript.expressions
      ExprShooter() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprShooter
      ExprShuffledList - Class in ch.njol.skript.expressions
      ExprShuffledList() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprShuffledList
      ExprShuffledList(Expression<?>) - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprShuffledList
      ExprSignText - Class in ch.njol.skript.expressions
      ExprSignText() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprSignText
      ExprSkull - Class in ch.njol.skript.expressions
      ExprSkull() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprSkull
      ExprSlotIndex - Class in ch.njol.skript.expressions
      ExprSlotIndex() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprSlotIndex
      ExprSortedList - Class in ch.njol.skript.expressions
      ExprSortedList() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprSortedList
      ExprSortedList(Expression<?>) - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprSortedList
      ExprSourceBlock - Class in ch.njol.skript.expressions
      ExprSourceBlock() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprSourceBlock
      ExprSpawn - Class in ch.njol.skript.expressions
      ExprSpawn() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprSpawn
      ExprSpawnerType - Class in ch.njol.skript.expressions
      ExprSpawnerType() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprSpawnerType
      ExprSpawnReason - Class in ch.njol.skript.expressions
      ExprSpawnReason() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprSpawnReason
      ExprSpecialNumber - Class in ch.njol.skript.expressions
      ExprSpecialNumber() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprSpecialNumber
      ExprSpectatorTarget - Class in ch.njol.skript.expressions
      ExprSpectatorTarget() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprSpectatorTarget
      ExprSpeed - Class in ch.njol.skript.expressions
      ExprSpeed() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprSpeed
      ExprStringCase - Class in ch.njol.skript.expressions
      ExprStringCase() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprStringCase
      ExprSubstring - Class in ch.njol.skript.expressions
      ExprSubstring() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprSubstring
      ExprTamer - Class in ch.njol.skript.expressions
      ExprTamer() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprTamer
      ExprTarget - Class in ch.njol.skript.expressions
      ExprTarget() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprTarget
      ExprTargetedBlock - Class in ch.njol.skript.expressions
      ExprTargetedBlock() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprTargetedBlock
      ExprTeleportCause - Class in ch.njol.skript.expressions
      ExprTeleportCause() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprTeleportCause
      ExprTemperature - Class in ch.njol.skript.expressions
      ExprTemperature() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprTemperature
      ExprTernary<T> - Class in ch.njol.skript.expressions
      ExprTernary() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprTernary
      ExprTime - Class in ch.njol.skript.expressions
      ExprTime() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprTime
      ExprTimePlayed - Class in ch.njol.skript.expressions
      ExprTimePlayed() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprTimePlayed
      ExprTimes - Class in ch.njol.skript.expressions
      ExprTimes() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprTimes
      ExprTimeSince - Class in ch.njol.skript.expressions
      ExprTimeSince() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprTimeSince
      ExprTimeState - Class in ch.njol.skript.expressions
      ExprTimeState() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprTimeState
      ExprTool - Class in ch.njol.skript.expressions
      ExprTool() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprTool
      ExprTotalExperience - Class in ch.njol.skript.expressions
      ExprTotalExperience() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprTotalExperience
      ExprTPS - Class in ch.njol.skript.expressions
      ExprTPS() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprTPS
      ExprTypeOf - Class in ch.njol.skript.expressions
      ExprTypeOf() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprTypeOf
      ExprUnbreakable - Class in ch.njol.skript.expressions
      ExprUnbreakable() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprUnbreakable
      ExprUnixDate - Class in ch.njol.skript.expressions
      ExprUnixDate() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprUnixDate
      ExprUnixTicks - Class in ch.njol.skript.expressions
      ExprUnixTicks() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprUnixTicks
      ExprUUID - Class in ch.njol.skript.expressions
      ExprUUID() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprUUID
      ExprValue - Class in ch.njol.skript.expressions
      ExprValue() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprValue
      ExprValueWithin - Class in ch.njol.skript.expressions
      ExprValueWithin() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprValueWithin
      ExprVectorAngleBetween - Class in ch.njol.skript.expressions
      ExprVectorAngleBetween() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprVectorAngleBetween
      ExprVectorArithmetic - Class in ch.njol.skript.expressions
      ExprVectorArithmetic() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprVectorArithmetic
      ExprVectorBetweenLocations - Class in ch.njol.skript.expressions
      ExprVectorBetweenLocations() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprVectorBetweenLocations
      ExprVectorCrossProduct - Class in ch.njol.skript.expressions
      ExprVectorCrossProduct() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprVectorCrossProduct
      ExprVectorCylindrical - Class in ch.njol.skript.expressions
      ExprVectorCylindrical() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprVectorCylindrical
      ExprVectorDotProduct - Class in ch.njol.skript.expressions
      ExprVectorDotProduct() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprVectorDotProduct
      ExprVectorFromDirection - Class in ch.njol.skript.expressions
      ExprVectorFromDirection() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprVectorFromDirection
      ExprVectorFromXYZ - Class in ch.njol.skript.expressions
      ExprVectorFromXYZ() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprVectorFromXYZ
      ExprVectorFromYawAndPitch - Class in ch.njol.skript.expressions
      ExprVectorFromYawAndPitch() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprVectorFromYawAndPitch
      ExprVectorLength - Class in ch.njol.skript.expressions
      ExprVectorLength() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprVectorLength
      ExprVectorNormalize - Class in ch.njol.skript.expressions
      ExprVectorNormalize() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprVectorNormalize
      ExprVectorOfLocation - Class in ch.njol.skript.expressions
      ExprVectorOfLocation() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprVectorOfLocation
      ExprVectorProjection - Class in ch.njol.skript.expressions
      ExprVectorProjection() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprVectorProjection
      ExprVectorRandom - Class in ch.njol.skript.expressions
      ExprVectorRandom() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprVectorRandom
      ExprVectorSpherical - Class in ch.njol.skript.expressions
      ExprVectorSpherical() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprVectorSpherical
      ExprVectorSquaredLength - Class in ch.njol.skript.expressions
      ExprVectorSquaredLength() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprVectorSquaredLength
      ExprVectorXYZ - Class in ch.njol.skript.expressions
      ExprVectorXYZ() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprVectorXYZ
      ExprVehicle - Class in ch.njol.skript.expressions
      ExprVehicle() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprVehicle
      ExprVelocity - Class in ch.njol.skript.expressions
      ExprVelocity() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprVelocity
      ExprVersion - Class in ch.njol.skript.expressions
      ExprVersion() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprVersion
      ExprVersionString - Class in ch.njol.skript.expressions
      ExprVersionString() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprVersionString
      ExprWeather - Class in ch.njol.skript.expressions
      ExprWeather() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprWeather
      ExprWhitelist - Class in ch.njol.skript.expressions
      ExprWhitelist() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprWhitelist
      ExprWorld - Class in ch.njol.skript.expressions
      ExprWorld() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprWorld
      ExprWorldEnvironment - Class in ch.njol.skript.expressions
      ExprWorldEnvironment() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprWorldEnvironment
      ExprWorldFromName - Class in ch.njol.skript.expressions
      ExprWorldFromName() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprWorldFromName
      ExprWorlds - Class in ch.njol.skript.expressions
      ExprWorlds() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprWorlds
      ExprXOf - Class in ch.njol.skript.expressions
      ExprXOf() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprXOf
      ExprYawPitch - Class in ch.njol.skript.expressions
      ExprYawPitch() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprYawPitch
      extractBlock(Block) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.util.BlockUtils
      Extracts the actual CraftBukkit block from the given argument, - by extracting the block from DelayedChangeBlock if the given argument is a DelayedChangeBlock.


      f(Expression<?>) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.conditions.CondCompare
      F_DEFINITE_ARTICLE - Static variable in class ch.njol.skript.localization.Language
      Some flags
      F_INDEFINITE_ARTICLE - Static variable in class ch.njol.skript.localization.Language
      Some flags
      F_PLURAL - Static variable in class ch.njol.skript.localization.Language
      Some flags
      factory - Static variable in class ch.njol.util.EnumTypeAdapter
      FallingBlockData - Class in ch.njol.skript.entity
      FallingBlockData() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.entity.FallingBlockData
      FallingBlockData(ItemType[]) - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.entity.FallingBlockData
      fallingBlockToState(FallingBlock) - Method in interface ch.njol.skript.bukkitutil.block.BlockCompat
      Creates a block state from a falling block.
      fallingBlockToState(FallingBlock) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.bukkitutil.block.NewBlockCompat
      FALSE - Enum constant in enum class ch.njol.util.Kleenean
      100% false
      fancyOrderNumber(int) - Static method in class ch.njol.util.StringUtils
      Appends the english order suffix to the given number.
      fetchUpdateManifest() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.update.Updater
      Fetches the update manifest.
      fieldExists(Class<?>, String) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.Skript
      Tests whether a field exists in the given class.
      FieldHandler - Interface in ch.njol.yggdrasil
      Fields - Class in ch.njol.yggdrasil
      Fields() - Constructor for class ch.njol.yggdrasil.Fields
      Creates an empty Fields object.
      Fields(Yggdrasil) - Constructor for class ch.njol.yggdrasil.Fields
      Fields(Class<?>, Yggdrasil) - Constructor for class ch.njol.yggdrasil.Fields
      Creates a fields object and initialises it with all non-transient and non-static fields of the given class and its superclasses.
      Fields(Object) - Constructor for class ch.njol.yggdrasil.Fields
      Creates a fields object and initialises it with all non-transient and non-static fields of the given object.
      Fields(Object, Yggdrasil) - Constructor for class ch.njol.yggdrasil.Fields
      Creates a fields object and initialises it with all non-transient and non-static fields of the given object.
      Fields.FieldContext - Class in ch.njol.yggdrasil
      Holds a field's name and value, and throws StreamCorruptedExceptions if primitives or objects are used incorrectly.
      file - Variable in class ch.njol.skript.bukkitutil.BurgerHelper.Source
      file - Variable in class ch.njol.skript.variables.VariablesStorage
      The file associated with this variable storage.
      FILE_CHARSET - Static variable in class ch.njol.skript.variables.FlatFileStorage
      The Charset used in the CSV storage file.
      files - Variable in class ch.njol.skript.ScriptLoader.ScriptInfo
      FileUtils - Class in ch.njol.skript.util
      FilteringLogHandler - Class in ch.njol.skript.log
      FilteringLogHandler(Level) - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.log.FilteringLogHandler
      finalize() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.log.LogEntry
      find(String) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.localization.RegexMessage
      findLastDigit(String, int) - Static method in class ch.njol.util.StringUtils
      Scans the string starting at start for digits.
      findLastIndex(List<T>, Checker<T>) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.util.Utils
      Finds the index of the last in a List that matches the given Checker.
      FIRE_RESISTANCE - Enum constant in enum class ch.njol.skript.util.PotionDataUtils
      FIRE_RESISTANCE_LONG - Enum constant in enum class ch.njol.skript.util.PotionDataUtils
      first - Variable in class ch.njol.skript.lang.TriggerSection
      first - Variable in class ch.njol.util.Pair
      firstToUpper(String) - Static method in class ch.njol.util.StringUtils
      FishData - Class in ch.njol.skript.entity
      FishData() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.entity.FishData
      FishData(int) - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.entity.FishData
      fit(double, double, double) - Static method in class ch.njol.util.Math2
      Fits a double into the given interval.
      fit(float, float, float) - Static method in class ch.njol.util.Math2
      Fits a float into the given interval.
      fit(int, int, int) - Static method in class ch.njol.util.Math2
      Fits an int into the given interval.
      fit(long, long, long) - Static method in class ch.njol.util.Math2
      Fits a long into the given interval.
      fixCapitalization(String) - Static method in class ch.njol.util.StringUtils
      Capitalises the first character of the string and all characters that follow periods, exclamation and question marks.
      fixName(String) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.aliases.AliasesParser
      Fixes an alias name by trimming it and removing all extraneous spaces - between the words or before broken pipe characters (¦).
      fixPattern(String) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptEvent
      Fixes patterns in event by modifying every TypePatternElement - to be nullable.
      flagMask - Variable in class ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptParser.ExprInfo
      FlatFileStorage - Class in ch.njol.skript.variables
      A variable storage that stores its content in a - comma-separated value file (CSV file).
      flavor - Variable in class ch.njol.skript.update.ReleaseManifest
      Flavor of the release.
      floor(double) - Static method in class ch.njol.util.Math2
      Floors the given double and returns the result as a long.
      floor(float) - Static method in class ch.njol.util.Math2
      floorI(double) - Static method in class ch.njol.util.Math2
      flush() - Method in class ch.njol.yggdrasil.DefaultYggdrasilOutputStream
      flush() - Method in class ch.njol.yggdrasil.xml.YggXMLOutputStream
      font - Enum constant in enum class ch.njol.skript.util.chat.SkriptChatCode
      font - Variable in class ch.njol.skript.util.chat.MessageComponent
      Font of the component.
      FORCE_HOOKS_SYSTEM_PROPERTY - Static variable in class ch.njol.skript.doc.Documentation
      Force register hooks even if their plugins are not present in the server
      format(String) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.localization.PluralizingArgsMessage
      format(String, Object...) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.localization.Language
      Gets a string and uses it as format in String.format(String, Object...).
      formatDate(long) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.SkriptConfig
      FormattedMessage - Class in ch.njol.skript.localization
      FormattedMessage(String, Object...) - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.localization.FormattedMessage
      FoxData - Class in ch.njol.skript.entity
      FoxData() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.entity.FoxData
      FoxData(Fox.Type) - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.entity.FoxData
      FrogData - Class in ch.njol.skript.entity
      FrogData() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.entity.FrogData
      FrogData(Frog.Variant) - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.entity.FrogData
      from - Variable in class ch.njol.skript.classes.Converter.ConverterInfo
      fromBukkitColor(Color) - Static method in enum class ch.njol.skript.util.SkriptColor
      fromClass(Class<E>) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.EntityData
      fromCylindricalCoordinates(double, double, double) - Static method in class ch.njol.util.VectorMath
      fromDyeColor(DyeColor) - Static method in enum class ch.njol.skript.util.SkriptColor
      fromDyeData(short) - Static method in enum class ch.njol.skript.util.SkriptColor
      Deprecated. -
      Magic numbers
      fromEntity(E) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.EntityData
      fromEvent(ThunderChangeEvent) - Static method in enum class ch.njol.skript.util.WeatherType
      fromEvent(WeatherChangeEvent) - Static method in enum class ch.njol.skript.util.WeatherType
      fromEvent(WeatherEvent) - Static method in enum class ch.njol.skript.util.WeatherType
      fromName(String) - Static method in enum class ch.njol.skript.util.SkriptColor
      fromName(String) - Static method in enum class ch.njol.skript.util.StructureType
      fromNotchPitch(float) - Static method in class ch.njol.util.VectorMath
      fromNotchYaw(float) - Static method in class ch.njol.util.VectorMath
      fromParsedString(String) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.util.chat.ChatMessages
      Parses a string that may only contain colour codes using the '§' character to a list of components.
      fromPlayer(Player) - Static method in enum class ch.njol.skript.util.WeatherType
      fromSkriptPitch(float) - Static method in class ch.njol.util.VectorMath
      fromSkriptYaw(float) - Static method in class ch.njol.util.VectorMath
      fromSphericalCoordinates(double, double, double) - Static method in class ch.njol.util.VectorMath
      fromString(String) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.util.ColorRGB
      fromString(String, int) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.patterns.TypePatternElement
      fromTicks(int) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.util.Timespan
      Deprecated. -
      Use fromTicks_i(long ticks) instead. Since this method limits timespan to 50 * Integer.MAX_VALUE.
      fromTicks_i(long) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.util.Timespan
      fromWoolData(short) - Static method in enum class ch.njol.skript.util.SkriptColor
      Deprecated. -
      Magic numbers
      fromWorld(World) - Static method in enum class ch.njol.skript.util.WeatherType
      fromYawAndPitch(float, float) - Static method in class ch.njol.util.VectorMath
      Function<T> - Class in ch.njol.skript.lang.function
      Functions can be called using arguments.
      Function(Signature<T>) - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.lang.function.Function
      FunctionEvent<T> - Class in ch.njol.skript.lang.function
      FunctionEvent(Function<? extends T>) - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.lang.function.FunctionEvent
      functionNamePattern - Static variable in class ch.njol.skript.lang.function.Functions
      FunctionReference<T> - Class in ch.njol.skript.lang.function
      Reference to a Skript function.
      FunctionReference(String, Node, String, Class<? extends T>[], Expression<?>[]) - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.lang.function.FunctionReference
      Functions - Class in ch.njol.skript.lang.function
      Static methods to work with functions.


      GameruleValue<T> - Class in ch.njol.skript.util
      GameruleValue(T) - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.util.GameruleValue
      GEN_DOCS - Static variable in class ch.njol.skript.test.runner.TestMode
      If Skript should run the gen-docs command.
      gender - Variable in class ch.njol.skript.aliases.AliasesProvider.AliasName
      Gender of alias name.
      GENDERS_SECTION - Static variable in class ch.njol.skript.localization.Noun
      GeneralWords - Class in ch.njol.skript.localization
      GeneralWords() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.localization.GeneralWords
      generate - Static variable in class ch.njol.skript.doc.Documentation
      generate() - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.doc.Documentation
      generate() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.doc.HTMLGenerator
      Generates documentation using template and output directories - given in the constructor.
      get() - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.parser.ParserInstance
      get() - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.util.ContextlessEvent
      get() - Static method in class ch.njol.util.coll.iterator.EmptyIterable
      get() - Static method in class ch.njol.util.coll.iterator.EmptyIterator
      get() - Method in class ch.njol.util.NotifyingReference
      get() - Method in class ch.njol.util.SynchronizedReference
      get(boolean) - Static method in enum class ch.njol.skript.classes.Comparator.Relation
      Returns EQUAL for true or NOT_EQUAL for false
      get(boolean) - Static method in enum class ch.njol.util.Kleenean
      get(boolean) - Static method in enum class org.skriptlang.skript.lang.comparator.Relation
      get(double) - Static method in enum class ch.njol.skript.classes.Comparator.Relation
      Gets a Relation from a difference: If d is 0, EQUAL is returned, if d is greater than 0, GREATER is returned, otherwise SMALLER.
      get(double) - Static method in enum class ch.njol.util.Kleenean
      get(double) - Static method in enum class org.skriptlang.skript.lang.comparator.Relation
      get(int) - Static method in enum class ch.njol.skript.classes.Comparator.Relation
      Gets a Relation from a difference: If i is 0, EQUAL is returned, if i is greater than 0, GREATER is returned, otherwise SMALLER.
      get(int) - Static method in enum class ch.njol.skript.log.ErrorQuality
      get(int) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.util.visual.VisualEffects
      get(int) - Method in class ch.njol.util.coll.CyclicList
      get(int) - Method in class ch.njol.util.coll.ReversedListView
      get(int) - Static method in enum class ch.njol.util.Kleenean
      get(int) - Static method in enum class org.skriptlang.skript.lang.comparator.Relation
      get(String) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.config.NodeMap
      get(String) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.config.SectionNode
      Gets a subnode (EntryNode or SectionNode) with the specified name.
      get(A) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.Getter
      Gets a value from the given object.
      get(F[], Converter<? super F, ? extends T>) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.base.PropertyExpression
      get(String) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.config.OptionSection
      get(String) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.localization.Language
      Gets a string from the language file with the given key, or the key itself if the key does - not exist.
      get(String) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.structures.StructVariables.DefaultVariables
      Returns the type hints of a variable.
      get(String) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.variables.TypeHints
      get(String...) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.config.Config
      Gets an entry node's value at the designated path
      get(String, boolean) - Method in class org.skriptlang.skript.lang.entry.EntryContainer
      A method for obtaining a non-null entry value with an unknown type.
      get(String, Class<T>, boolean) - Method in class org.skriptlang.skript.lang.entry.EntryContainer
      A method for obtaining a non-null, typed entry value.
      get(String, String) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.config.SectionNode
      Gets an entry's value or the default value if it doesn't exist or is not an EntryNode.
      get(Event) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.arithmetic.ExprArithmetic
      get(Event) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.base.EventValueExpression
      get(Event) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.base.PropertyExpression
      get(Event) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.base.WrapperExpression
      get(Event) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprAbsorbedBlocks
      get(Event) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprAffectedEntities
      get(Event) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprAllBannedEntries
      get(Event) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprAllCommands
      get(Event) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprAlphabetList
      get(Event) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprAmount
      get(Event) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprAmountOfItems
      get(Event) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprAppliedEnchantments
      get(Event) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprArgument
      get(Event) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprAttacked
      get(Event) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprAttacker
      get(Event) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprBlocks
      get(Event) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprBlockSphere
      get(Event) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprBookPages
      get(Event) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprBreakSpeed
      get(Event) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprChatFormat
      get(Event) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprChatRecipients
      get(Event) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprChestInventory
      get(Event) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprChunk
      get(Event) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprClicked
      get(Event) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprCmdCooldownInfo
      get(Event) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprCommand
      get(Event) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprCommandInfo
      get(Event) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprDamage
      get(Event) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprDateAgoLater
      get(Event) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprDefaultValue
      get(Event) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprDifference
      get(Event) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprDirection
      get(Event) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprDistance
      get(Event) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprDrops
      get(Event) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprDropsOfBlock
      get(Event) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprElement
      get(Event) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprEnchantingExpCost
      get(Event) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprEnchantItem
      get(Event) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprEnchantmentBonus
      get(Event) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprEnchantmentLevel
      get(Event) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprEnchantmentOffer
      get(Event) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprEnchantments
      get(Event) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprEntities
      get(Event) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprEntity
      get(Event) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprEventCancelled
      get(Event) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprExperience
      get(Event) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprExplodedBlocks
      get(Event) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprExplosionBlockYield
      get(Event) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprExplosionYield
      get(Event) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprFertilizedBlocks
      get(Event) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprFilter.ExprInput
      get(Event) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprFilter
      get(Event) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprFinalDamage
      get(Event) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprFireworkEffect
      get(Event) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprGameRule
      get(Event) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprHanging
      get(Event) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprHatchingNumber
      get(Event) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprHatchingType
      get(Event) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprHealAmount
      get(Event) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprHealReason
      get(Event) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprHiddenPlayers
      get(Event) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprHostname
      get(Event) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprHotbarButton
      get(Event) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprHoverList
      get(Event) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprIndexOf
      get(Event) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprIndices
      get(Event) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprInventory
      get(Event) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprInventoryInfo
      get(Event) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprInventorySlot
      get(Event) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprIP
      get(Event) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprItemCooldown
      get(Event) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprItems
      get(Event) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprItemsIn
      get(Event) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprJoinSplit
      get(Event) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprLastLoadedServerIcon
      get(Event) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprLastSpawnedEntity
      get(Event) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprLocationAt
      get(Event) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprLocationFromVector
      get(Event) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprLocationVectorOffset
      get(Event) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprLoopIteration
      get(Event) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprLoopValue
      get(Event) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprLoot
      get(Event) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprLore
      get(Event) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprMaxPlayers
      get(Event) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprMe
      get(Event) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprMendingRepairAmount
      get(Event) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprMessage
      get(Event) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprMetadata
      get(Event) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprMOTD
      get(Event) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprNearestEntity
      get(Event) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprNow
      get(Event) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprNumberOfCharacters
      get(Event) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprNumbers
      get(Event) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprOfflinePlayers
      get(Event) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprOnlinePlayersCount
      get(Event) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprOps
      get(Event) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprParse
      get(Event) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprParseError
      get(Event) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprPassenger
      get(Event) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprPermissions
      get(Event) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprPlain
      get(Event) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprPlugins
      get(Event) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprPortal
      get(Event) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprPotionEffect
      get(Event) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprPotionEffects
      get(Event) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprPotionEffectTier
      get(Event) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprProtocolVersion
      get(Event) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprPushedBlocks
      get(Event) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprRandom
      get(Event) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprRandomNumber
      get(Event) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprRandomUUID
      get(Event) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprRawName
      get(Event) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprRawString
      get(Event) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprRespawnLocation
      get(Event) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprReversedList
      get(Event) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprScoreboardTags
      get(Event) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprScript
      get(Event) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprScripts
      get(Event) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprServerIcon
      get(Event) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprSets
      get(Event) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprShuffledList
      get(Event) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprSignText
      get(Event) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprSortedList
      get(Event) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprSourceBlock
      get(Event) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprSpecialNumber
      get(Event) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprSpectatorTarget
      get(Event) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprStringCase
      get(Event) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprSubstring
      get(Event) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprTamer
      get(Event) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprTernary
      get(Event) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprTimes
      get(Event) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprTPS
      get(Event) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprValue
      get(Event) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprVectorAngleBetween
      get(Event) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprVectorArithmetic
      get(Event) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprVectorBetweenLocations
      get(Event) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprVectorCrossProduct
      get(Event) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprVectorCylindrical
      get(Event) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprVectorDotProduct
      get(Event) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprVectorFromDirection
      get(Event) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprVectorFromXYZ
      get(Event) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprVectorFromYawAndPitch
      get(Event) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprVectorNormalize
      get(Event) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprVectorOfLocation
      get(Event) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprVectorProjection
      get(Event) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprVectorRandom
      get(Event) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprVectorSpherical
      get(Event) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprVersion
      get(Event) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprVersionString
      get(Event) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprWhitelist
      get(Event) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprWorldFromName
      get(Event) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprWorlds
      get(Event) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.hooks.permission.expressions.ExprAllGroups
      get(Event) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.hooks.permission.expressions.ExprGroup
      get(Event) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.hooks.regions.expressions.ExprBlocksInRegion
      get(Event) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.hooks.regions.expressions.ExprMembersOfRegion
      get(Event) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.hooks.regions.expressions.ExprRegionsAt
      get(Event) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.function.ExprFunctionCall
      get(Event) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.util.ContainerExpression
      get(Event) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.util.SimpleExpression
      This is the internal method to get an expression's values.
      - To get the expression's value from the outside use SimpleExpression.getSingle(Event) or SimpleExpression.getArray(Event).
      get(Event) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.test.runner.ExprJUnitTest
      get(Event, boolean) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.arithmetic.ArithmeticChain
      get(Event, boolean) - Method in interface ch.njol.skript.expressions.arithmetic.ArithmeticGettable
      get(Event, boolean) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.arithmetic.NumberExpressionInfo
      get(Event, ItemType[]) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprDamagedItem
      get(Event, ItemType[]) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprItemWithCustomModelData
      get(Event, ItemType[]) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprItemWithLore
      get(Event, ItemType[]) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprUnbreakable
      get(Event, Date[]) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprFormatDate
      get(Event, F[]) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.base.PropertyExpression
      Converts the given source object(s) to the correct type.
      get(Event, F[]) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.base.SimplePropertyExpression
      get(Event, Number[]) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprRound
      get(Event, Object[]) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprColorOf
      get(Event, Object[]) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprNamed
      get(Event, Object[]) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprWorld
      get(Event, Object[]) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprXOf
      get(Event, String[]) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprColoured
      get(Event, String[]) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprHash
      get(Event, Block[]) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprBurnCookTime
      get(Event, Block[]) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprFurnaceSlot
      get(Event, Entity[]) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprEntityAttribute
      get(Event, Entity[]) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprVehicle
      get(Event, LivingEntity[]) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprHealth
      get(Event, LivingEntity[]) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprLastDamageCause
      get(Event, LivingEntity[]) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprTarget
      get(Event, LivingEntity[]) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprTool
      get(Event, Player[]) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprFoodLevel
      get(Event, Player[]) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprGameMode
      get(Event, Player[]) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprHotbarSlot
      get(Event, Player[]) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprLevel
      get(Event, Player[]) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprOpenedInventory
      get(Event, Player[]) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprTargetedBlock
      get(Event, Projectile[]) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprShooter
      get(Event, Location[]) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprBiome
      get(Event, Location[]) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprLightLevel
      get(Event, World[]) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprSeed
      get(Event, World[]) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprSpawn
      get(Event, World[]) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprTime
      get(Event, World[]) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprWeather
      get(EntityEquipment) - Method in enum class ch.njol.skript.util.slot.EquipmentSlot.EquipSlot
      get_(String) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.localization.Language
      Equal to Language.get(String), but returns null instead of the key if the key cannot be found.
      GET_SERVERS_CHANNEL - Static variable in class ch.njol.skript.effects.EffConnect
      getAcceptedChangeModes() - Method in interface ch.njol.skript.lang.Expression
      Tests all accepted change modes, and if so what type it expects the delta to be.
      getActiveAliases() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.command.ScriptCommand
      getActualNext() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.LoopSection
      getActualNext() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.sections.SecLoop
      getActualNext() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.sections.SecWhile
      getAddon(String) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.Skript
      getAddon(JavaPlugin) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.Skript
      getAddonInstance() - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.Skript
      getAddonProvider(SkriptAddon) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.aliases.Aliases
      Creates an aliases provider to be used by given addon.
      getAddons() - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.Skript
      getAdjective() - Method in enum class ch.njol.skript.util.SkriptColor
      getAge(Entity) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.bukkitutil.EntityUtils
      Get the age of an ageable entity.
      getAgeAdjective() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.EntityData
      getAlias(String) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.aliases.AliasesProvider
      getAliasCount() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.aliases.AliasesProvider
      getAliasData(ItemData) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.aliases.AliasesProvider
      getAliases() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.command.ScriptCommand
      getAliasPlural(String) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.aliases.AliasesParser
      Gets singular and plural forms for given name.
      getAll() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.aliases.ItemType
      Gets all ItemStacks this ItemType represents.
      getAll() - Method in interface ch.njol.skript.lang.Literal
      getAll() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.LiteralList
      getAll() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.UnparsedLiteral
      getAll() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.util.ConvertedLiteral
      getAll() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.util.SimpleLiteral
      getAll(EntityData<?>[], Class<E>, World[]) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.EntityData
      getAll(EntityData<?>[], Class<E>, Chunk[]) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.EntityData
      getAll(Event) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.base.PropertyExpression
      getAll(Event) - Method in interface ch.njol.skript.lang.Expression
      Gets all possible return values of this expression, i.e.
      getAll(Event) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.ExpressionList
      getAll(Event) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.UnparsedLiteral
      getAll(Event) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.util.ConvertedExpression
      getAll(Event) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.util.SimpleExpression
      Gets all possible return values of this expression, i.e.
      getAll(Event) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.util.SimpleLiteral
      getAll(Event) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.Variable
      getAll(Event) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.VariableString
      getAll(World...) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.EntityData
      getAllNames() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.EnumUtils
      getAllNames() - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.util.SoundUtils
      getAllNames() - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.util.visual.VisualEffects
      getAllSuperClassInfos(Class<T>) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.registrations.Classes
      Gets all the class info of the given class in closest order to ending on object.
      getAmount() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.aliases.ItemType
      Returns amount of the item in stack that this type represents.
      getAmount() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.EntityType
      getAmount() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.hooks.economy.classes.Money
      getAmount() - Method in interface ch.njol.skript.lang.Unit
      getAmount() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.slot.CursorSlot
      getAmount() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.slot.DroppedItemSlot
      getAmount() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.slot.EquipmentSlot
      getAmount() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.slot.InventorySlot
      getAmount() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.slot.ItemFrameSlot
      getAmount() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.slot.Slot
      getAmount() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.slot.ThrowableProjectileSlot
      getAmount(String) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.util.Utils
      getAnd() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.base.PropertyExpression
      getAnd() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.base.WrapperExpression
      getAnd() - Method in interface ch.njol.skript.lang.Expression
      Returns true if this expression returns all possible values, false if it only returns some of them.
      getAnd() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.ExpressionList
      getAnd() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.UnparsedLiteral
      getAnd() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.util.ConvertedExpression
      getAnd() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.util.SimpleExpression
      getAnd() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.util.SimpleLiteral
      getAnd() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.Variable
      getAnd() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.VariableString
      getAndRemoveObject(String, Class<T>) - Method in class ch.njol.yggdrasil.Fields
      getAndRemovePrimitive(String, Class<T>) - Method in class ch.njol.yggdrasil.Fields
      getArgs() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.command.CommandEvent
      getArgsString() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.command.ScriptCommandEvent
      getArguments() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.command.ScriptCommand
      Gets the arguments this command takes.
      getArray() - Method in interface ch.njol.skript.lang.Literal
      getArray() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.LiteralList
      getArray() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.UnparsedLiteral
      getArray() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.util.ConvertedLiteral
      getArray() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.util.SimpleLiteral
      getArray(Event) - Method in interface ch.njol.skript.lang.Expression
      Get all the values of this expression.
      getArray(Event) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.ExpressionList
      getArray(Event) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.UnparsedLiteral
      getArray(Event) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.util.ConvertedExpression
      getArray(Event) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.util.ConvertedLiteral
      getArray(Event) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.util.SimpleExpression
      getArray(Event) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.util.SimpleLiteral
      getArray(Event) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.Variable
      getArray(Event) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.VariableString
      getArticleWithSpace(int) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.localization.Noun
      getArticleWithSpace(int, int) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.localization.Noun
      Returns the article appropriate for the given gender & flags.
      getBackupSuffix() - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.util.FileUtils
      getBaseType() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.aliases.ItemType
      Returns a base item type of this.
      getBiome() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.BlockStateBlock
      getBiome() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.DelayedChangeBlock
      getBlock() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.aliases.ItemType
      getBlock() - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.test.runner.SkriptJUnitTest
      Return the main block for testing in the getTestLocation();
      getBlockData() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.BlockStateBlock
      getBlockData() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.DelayedChangeBlock
      getBlockHeight(int, byte) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.util.Utils
      Gets the collision height of solid or partially-solid blocks at the center of the block.
      getBlockPower() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.BlockStateBlock
      getBlockPower() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.DelayedChangeBlock
      getBlockPower(BlockFace) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.BlockStateBlock
      getBlockPower(BlockFace) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.DelayedChangeBlock
      getBlocks() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.hooks.regions.classes.Region
      getBlocks() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.hooks.regions.GriefPreventionHook.GriefPreventionRegion
      getBlocks() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.hooks.regions.PreciousStonesHook.PreciousStonesRegion
      getBlocks() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.hooks.regions.ResidenceHook.ResidenceRegion
      getBlocks() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.hooks.regions.WorldGuardHook.WorldGuardRegion
      getBlocksAround(Block) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.util.BlockUtils
      getBlockSoundGroup() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.BlockStateBlock
      getBlockSoundGroup() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.DelayedChangeBlock
      getBlockStates() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.aliases.AliasesProvider.Variation
      getBlockValues() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.aliases.ItemData
      getBlockValues(Block) - Method in interface ch.njol.skript.bukkitutil.block.BlockCompat
      Gets block values from a block.
      getBlockValues(BlockState) - Method in interface ch.njol.skript.bukkitutil.block.BlockCompat
      Gets block values from a block state.
      getBlockValues(BlockState) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.bukkitutil.block.NewBlockCompat
      getBlockValues(FallingBlock) - Method in interface ch.njol.skript.bukkitutil.block.BlockCompat
      getBlockValues(ItemStack) - Method in interface ch.njol.skript.bukkitutil.block.BlockCompat
      Gets block values from a item stack.
      getBlockValues(ItemStack) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.bukkitutil.block.NewBlockCompat
      getBlue() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.visual.ParticleOption
      getBoundingBox() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.BlockStateBlock
      getBoundingBox() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.DelayedChangeBlock
      getBreakSpeed(Player) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.BlockStateBlock
      getBreakSpeed(Player) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.DelayedChangeBlock
      getBukkitColor() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.visual.ParticleOption
      getBukkitCommand() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.command.ScriptCommand
      getByKey(String) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.bukkitutil.EnchantmentUtils
      getByPath(String) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.config.Config
      Splits the given path at the dot character and passes the result to Config.get(String...).
      getC() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.classes.ClassInfo
      getChanger() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.classes.ClassInfo
      getChatStyle(String) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.util.Utils
      getChunk() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.BlockStateBlock
      getChunk() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.DelayedChangeBlock
      getClass(String) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.classes.Serializer
      getClass(String) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.registrations.Classes
      Gets a class by its code name
      getClass(String) - Method in interface ch.njol.yggdrasil.ClassResolver
      Resolves a class by its ID.
      getClass(String) - Method in class ch.njol.yggdrasil.JRESerializer
      getClass(String) - Method in class ch.njol.yggdrasil.SimpleClassResolver
      getClass(String) - Method in class ch.njol.yggdrasil.Yggdrasil
      getClass(String) - Method in class ch.njol.yggdrasil.YggdrasilSerializer
      getClasses(Plugin, String, String...) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.util.Utils
      Loads classes of the plugin by package.
      getClassFromUserInput(String) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.registrations.Classes
      As the name implies
      getClassInfo(String) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.registrations.Classes
      This method can be called even while Skript is loading.
      getClassInfoFromUserInput(String) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.registrations.Classes
      As the name implies
      getClassInfoNoError(String) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.registrations.Classes
      This method can be called even while Skript is loading.
      getClassInfos() - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.registrations.Classes
      getCloner() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.classes.ClassInfo
      getCodeName() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.classes.ClassInfo
      getCollisionShape() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.BlockStateBlock
      getCollisionShape() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.DelayedChangeBlock
      getColorChar() - Method in interface ch.njol.skript.util.chat.ChatCode
      Gets the color char that is an alternative way to use this chat code.
      getColorChar() - Method in enum class ch.njol.skript.util.chat.SkriptChatCode
      getColorCode() - Method in interface ch.njol.skript.util.chat.ChatCode
      Gets color code of this chat code.
      getColorCode() - Method in enum class ch.njol.skript.util.chat.SkriptChatCode
      getCommand() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.command.CommandEvent
      getCommandLabel() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.command.ScriptCommandEvent
      getCommandMap() - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.command.Commands
      getComment() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.config.Node
      getComparator() - Method in class org.skriptlang.skript.lang.comparator.ComparatorInfo
      getComparator(Class<F>, Class<S>) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.registrations.Comparators
      getComparator(Class<T1>, Class<T2>) - Static method in class org.skriptlang.skript.lang.comparator.Comparators
      A method for obtaining a Comparator that can compare two objects of 'firstType' and 'secondType'.
      getComparatorInfo(Class<T1>, Class<T2>) - Static method in class org.skriptlang.skript.lang.comparator.Comparators
      A method for obtaining the info of a Comparator that can compare two objects of 'firstType' and 'secondType'.
      getComparatorInfos() - Static method in class org.skriptlang.skript.lang.comparator.Comparators
      getComputedBiome() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.BlockStateBlock
      getComputedBiome() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.DelayedChangeBlock
      getConditions() - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.Skript
      getConfig() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.config.Node
      getConfig() - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.SkriptConfig
      This should only be used in special cases
      getConfig() - Method in class org.skriptlang.skript.lang.script.Script
      getConstant(int) - Method in class ch.njol.yggdrasil.PseudoEnum
      Returns the constant with the given ID.
      getConvertedExpr(Class<R>...) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.base.WrapperExpression
      getConvertedExpr(Class<R>...) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprLoopValue
      getConvertedExpr(Class<R>...) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprTypeOf
      getConvertedExpr(Class<R>...) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.util.SimpleExpression
      Converts this expression to another type.
      getConvertedExpression(ParseContext, Class<? extends R>...) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.UnparsedLiteral
      getConvertedExpression(Class<R>...) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprDefaultValue
      getConvertedExpression(Class<R>...) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprElement
      getConvertedExpression(Class<R>...) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprEntity
      getConvertedExpression(Class<R>...) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprFilter.ExprInput
      getConvertedExpression(Class<R>...) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprMetadata
      getConvertedExpression(Class<R>...) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprReversedList
      getConvertedExpression(Class<R>...) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprShuffledList
      getConvertedExpression(Class<R>...) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprSortedList
      getConvertedExpression(Class<R>...) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprTernary
      getConvertedExpression(Class<R>...) - Method in interface ch.njol.skript.lang.Expression
      Tries to convert this expression to the given type.
      getConvertedExpression(Class<R>...) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.ExpressionList
      getConvertedExpression(Class<R>...) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.function.ExprFunctionCall
      getConvertedExpression(Class<R>...) - Method in interface ch.njol.skript.lang.Literal
      getConvertedExpression(Class<R>...) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.LiteralList
      getConvertedExpression(Class<R>...) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.UnparsedLiteral
      getConvertedExpression(Class<R>...) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.util.ConvertedExpression
      getConvertedExpression(Class<R>...) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.util.ConvertedLiteral
      getConvertedExpression(Class<R>...) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.util.SimpleExpression
      Usually, you want to override SimpleExpression.getConvertedExpr(Class[]).
      getConvertedExpression(Class<R>...) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.util.SimpleLiteral
      getConvertedExpression(Class<R>...) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.Variable
      getConvertedExpression(Class<R>...) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.VariableString
      getConverter() - Method in class org.skriptlang.skript.lang.converter.ConverterInfo
      getConverter(Class<F>, Class<T>) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.registrations.Converters
      Gets a converter
      getConverter(Class<F>, Class<T>) - Static method in class org.skriptlang.skript.lang.converter.Converters
      A method for obtaining a Converter that can convert an object of 'fromType' into an object of 'toType'.
      getConverterInfo(Class<F>, Class<T>) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.registrations.Converters
      Gets a converter that has been registered before.
      getConverterInfo(Class<F>, Class<T>) - Static method in class org.skriptlang.skript.lang.converter.Converters
      A method for obtaining the ConverterInfo of a Converter that can convert - an object of 'fromType' into an object of 'toType'.
      getConverterInfos() - Static method in class org.skriptlang.skript.lang.converter.Converters
      getConverters() - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.registrations.Converters
      getCooldown() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.command.ScriptCommand
      getCooldownBypass() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.command.ScriptCommand
      getCopiedContents(Inventory) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.aliases.ItemType
      getCost(int, int) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprEnchantmentOffer
      Returns an enchantment cost from an enchantment button and number of bookshelves.
      getCount() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.log.CountingLogHandler
      getCumulativeXP(int) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.bukkitutil.PlayerUtils
      Gets the cumulative experience needed to reach the given level, but no further.
      getCurrent() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprFilter
      getCurrent(Event) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.command.Argument
      getCurrent(Event) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.sections.SecLoop
      getCurrentEventName() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.parser.ParserInstance
      getCurrentEventName() - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.ScriptLoader
      - -
      getCurrentEvents() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.parser.ParserInstance
      getCurrentEvents() - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.ScriptLoader
      - -
      getCurrentJUnitTest() - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.test.runner.SkriptJUnitTest
      Get the currently running JUnit test name.
      getCurrentLoops() - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.ScriptLoader
      - -
      getCurrentOptions() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.parser.ParserInstance
      Deprecated. -
      Use Script.getData(Class) instead. The StructOptions.OptionsData class should be obtained. - Example: script.getData(OptionsData.class)
      getCurrentRelease() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.update.Updater
      getCurrentScript() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.parser.ParserInstance
      getCurrentScript() - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.ScriptLoader
      - -
      getCurrentSection(Class<T>) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.parser.ParserInstance
      getCurrentSections() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.parser.ParserInstance
      getCurrentSections() - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.ScriptLoader
      - -
      getCurrentSections(Class<T>) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.parser.ParserInstance
      getCurrentSkriptEvent() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.parser.ParserInstance
      - -
      getCurrentStructure() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.parser.ParserInstance
      getDamage(EntityDamageEvent) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.bukkitutil.HealthUtils
      getDamage(ItemStack) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.bukkitutil.ItemUtils
      Gets damage/durability of an item, or 0 if it does not have damage.
      getData() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.aliases.AliasesMap.Match
      Retrieves the alias data of this match.
      getData() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.UnparsedLiteral
      getData() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.BlockStateBlock
      getData() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.DelayedChangeBlock
      getData(Class<? extends Value>, Supplier<Value>) - Method in class org.skriptlang.skript.lang.script.Script
      A method that always obtains ScriptData matching the specified data type.
      getData(Class<T>) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.parser.ParserInstance
      getData(Class<Type>) - Method in class org.skriptlang.skript.lang.script.Script
      A method to obtain ScriptData matching the specified data type.
      getData(Object, Location) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.visual.VisualEffectType
      getDebugLabel() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.Trigger
      getDebugMessage() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.aliases.ItemType
      getDebugMessage(Object) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.registrations.Classes
      getDebugMessage(T) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.classes.Parser
      Returns a string representation of the given object to be used for debugging.
      - The Parser of 'Block' for example returns the block's type in toString, while this method also returns the coordinates of the block.
      - The default implementation of this method returns toString(o, 0).
      getDeclaringClass() - Method in class ch.njol.yggdrasil.PseudoEnum
      Returns this constant's pseudo-enum class, i.e.
      getDeclaringClass(Class<T>) - Static method in class ch.njol.yggdrasil.PseudoEnum
      Returns the common base class for constants of the given type, i.e.
      getDefaultExpression() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.classes.ClassInfo
      getDefaultExpression() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.function.Parameter
      Get the Expression that will be used to provide the default value of this parameter when the function is called.
      getDefaultExpression(Class<T>) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.registrations.Classes
      Gets the default expression of a class
      getDefaultExpression(String) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.registrations.Classes
      Gets the default of a class
      getDefaultIfNullOrEmpty(String[], String) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.doc.HTMLGenerator
      getDefaultIfNullOrEmpty(String, String) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.doc.HTMLGenerator
      Checks if a string is empty or null then it will return the message provided
      getDefaultValue() - Method in class org.skriptlang.skript.lang.entry.EntryData
      getDefaultVariableNames(String, Event) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.VariableString
      Builds all possible default variable type hints based on the super type of the expression.
      getDefiniteArticle() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.localization.Noun
      getDescription() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.classes.ClassInfo
      getDescription() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.function.JavaFunction
      getDescription() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptEventInfo
      getDestroySpeed(ItemStack, boolean) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.BlockStateBlock
      getDestroySpeed(ItemStack, boolean) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.DelayedChangeBlock
      getDestroySpeed(ItemStack) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.BlockStateBlock
      getDestroySpeed(ItemStack) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.DelayedChangeBlock
      getDimensions() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.AABB
      getDirection() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.Direction
      getDirection(Block) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.Direction
      getDirection(Entity) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.Direction
      getDirection(Location) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.Direction
      getDisabledScripts() - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.ScriptLoader
      getDisabledScriptsFilter() - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.ScriptLoader
      getDocName() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.classes.ClassInfo
      getDocsOutputDirectory() - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.doc.Documentation
      getDocsTemplateDirectory() - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.doc.Documentation
      getDocumentationID() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.classes.ClassInfo
      Gets overridden documentation id of this this type.
      getDocumentationID() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptEventInfo
      getDrops() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.BlockStateBlock
      getDrops() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.DelayedChangeBlock
      getDrops(ItemStack) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.BlockStateBlock
      getDrops(ItemStack) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.DelayedChangeBlock
      getDrops(ItemStack, Entity) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.BlockStateBlock
      getDrops(ItemStack, Entity) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.DelayedChangeBlock
      getDurability() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.aliases.ItemData
      getDyeData() - Method in enum class ch.njol.skript.util.SkriptColor
      getEffect() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.visual.VisualEffectType
      getEffects() - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.Skript
      getEffects(ItemType) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.util.PotionEffectUtils
      Get all the PotionEffects of an ItemType - - This will also include the base potion as well
      getElapsedMilliseconds(UUID, Event) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.command.ScriptCommand
      getElementClass() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.SyntaxElementInfo
      Get the class that represents this element.
      getEnchantments() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.aliases.ItemType
      - -
      getEnchantmentType(Enchantment) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.aliases.ItemType
      Gets the EnchantmentType with the given Enchantment of this item type.
      getEnchantmentTypes() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.aliases.ItemType
      Gets all enchantments of this item.
      getEnglishPlural(String) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.util.Utils
      getEntity() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.sections.EffSecSpawn.SpawnEvent
      getEntityEffect() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.visual.VisualEffectType
      getEntryContainer() - Method in class org.skriptlang.skript.lang.structure.Structure
      getEntryData() - Method in class org.skriptlang.skript.lang.entry.EntryValidator
      getEnumConstant(Class<T>, String) - Static method in class ch.njol.yggdrasil.Yggdrasil
      getEquipSlot() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.slot.EquipmentSlot
      Gets underlying armor slot enum.
      getError() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.log.ParseLogHandler
      getErrors() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.log.RetainingLogHandler
      getEvent() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.Trigger
      getEventClasses() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.events.EvtMove
      getEventClasses() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptEvent
      getEventPriority() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptEvent
      getEvents() - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.Skript
      Modifications made to the returned Collection will not be reflected in the events available for parsing.
      getEvents() - Method in class org.skriptlang.skript.lang.script.Script
      getEvents(Class<T>) - Method in class org.skriptlang.skript.lang.script.Script
      getEventValue(E, Class<T>, int) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.registrations.EventValues
      Gets a specific value from an event.
      getEventValueGetter(Class<E>, Class<T>, int) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.registrations.EventValues
      Returns a getter to get a value from in an event.
      getEventValuesListForTime(int) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.registrations.EventValues
      Get Event Values list for the specified time
      getExactClassInfo(Class<T>) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.registrations.Classes
      Gets the class info for the given class.
      getExactClassName(Class<?>) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.registrations.Classes
      Gets the name a class was registered with.
      getExactEventValueGetter(Class<E>, Class<T>, int) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.registrations.EventValues
      Checks that a getter exists for the exact type.
      getExactParser(Class<T>) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.registrations.Classes
      Gets a parser for an exactly known class.
      getExamples() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.classes.ClassInfo
      getExamples() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.function.JavaFunction
      getExamples() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptEventInfo
      getExperience() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.XpOrbData
      getExpr() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.base.PropertyExpression
      getExpr() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.base.WrapperExpression
      getExpr() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.patterns.MatchResult
      getExpressions() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.ExpressionList
      getExpressions() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.LiteralList
      getExpressions() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.patterns.MatchResult
      getExpressions() - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.Skript
      getExpressions(Class<?>...) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.Skript
      getExpressionType() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.ExpressionInfo
      Get the type of this expression.
      getFace(Block) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.BlockStateBlock
      getFace(Block) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.DelayedChangeBlock
      getFaces() - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.util.BlockUtils
      getFacing(double, double) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.util.Direction
      getFacing(Block) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.util.Direction
      getFacing(Location, boolean) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.util.Direction
      getFacing(Vector, boolean) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.util.Direction
      getFailed() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.test.utils.TestResults
      getFailedObjectivesString() - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.test.runner.EffObjectives
      Returns an array string containing all the objectives that the current - JUnit test failed to accomplish in the given time.
      getFailedTests() - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.test.runner.TestTracker
      getFields(Class<?>) - Static method in class ch.njol.yggdrasil.Fields
      Gets all serialisable fields of the provided class, including superclasses.
      getFile() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.config.Config
      getFile() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.SkriptAddon
      The first invocation of this method uses reflection to invoke the protected method JavaPlugin.getFile() to get the plugin's jar file.
      getFile(String) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.variables.FlatFileStorage
      getFile(String) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.variables.SQLStorage
      getFile(String) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.variables.VariablesStorage
      Gets the file needed for this variable storage from the given file name.
      getFile(Plugin) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.util.Utils
      The first invocation of this method uses reflection to invoke the protected method JavaPlugin.getFile() to get the plugin's jar file.
      getFileName() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.config.Config
      getFinalDamage(EntityDamageEvent) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.bukkitutil.HealthUtils
      getFirst() - Method in class ch.njol.util.NonNullPair
      getFirst() - Method in class ch.njol.util.Pair
      getFirstError() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.log.RetainingLogHandler
      getFirstError(String) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.log.RetainingLogHandler
      getFirstType() - Method in class org.skriptlang.skript.lang.comparator.ComparatorInfo
      getFlags() - Method in class org.skriptlang.skript.lang.converter.ConverterInfo
      getFormattedChat() - Method in enum class ch.njol.skript.util.SkriptColor
      getFormattedCreateQuery() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.variables.SQLStorage
      Retrieve the create query with the tableName in it
      getFrom() - Method in class org.skriptlang.skript.lang.converter.ConverterInfo
      getFullText(CommandSender) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.command.Commands.CommandAliasHelpTopic
      getFunction() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.function.FunctionEvent
      getFunction() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.function.FunctionReference
      getFunction(String) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.function.Functions
      Deprecated. -
      in favour of Functions.getGlobalFunction(String) for proper name.
      getFunction(String) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.function.Namespace
      getFunction(String, boolean) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.function.Namespace
      getFunction(String, String) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.function.Functions
      Gets a local function, if it doesn't exist it'll fall back to a global function, - if it exists.
      getFunctions() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.function.Namespace
      getGameruleValue() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.GameruleValue
      getGender() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.aliases.ItemData
      getGender() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.localization.Noun
      getGender(ItemData) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.aliases.Aliases
      getGender(String, String) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.localization.Noun
      getGenderID(int) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.localization.Noun
      getGlobalFunction(String) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.function.Functions
      Gets a function, if it exists.
      getGlobalSignature(String) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.function.Functions
      Gets a signature of function with given name.
      getGreen() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.visual.ParticleOption
      getHandlerList() - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.command.CommandEvent
      getHandlerList() - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.command.EffectCommandEvent
      getHandlerList() - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.command.ScriptCommandEvent
      getHandlerList() - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.events.bukkit.ExperienceSpawnEvent
      getHandlerList() - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.events.bukkit.PreScriptLoadEvent
      getHandlerList() - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.events.bukkit.ScheduledEvent
      getHandlerList() - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.events.bukkit.ScheduledNoWorldEvent
      getHandlerList() - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.events.bukkit.ScriptEvent
      getHandlerList() - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.events.bukkit.SkriptParseEvent
      getHandlerList() - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.events.bukkit.SkriptStartEvent
      getHandlerList() - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.events.bukkit.SkriptStopEvent
      getHandlerList() - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.hooks.regions.events.RegionBorderEvent
      getHandlerList() - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.function.FunctionEvent
      getHandlerList() - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.test.runner.SkriptTestEvent
      getHandlers() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.command.CommandEvent
      getHandlers() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.command.EffectCommandEvent
      getHandlers() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.command.ScriptCommandEvent
      getHandlers() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.events.bukkit.ExperienceSpawnEvent
      getHandlers() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.events.bukkit.PreScriptLoadEvent
      getHandlers() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.events.bukkit.ScheduledEvent
      getHandlers() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.events.bukkit.ScheduledNoWorldEvent
      getHandlers() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.events.bukkit.ScriptEvent
      getHandlers() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.events.bukkit.SkriptParseEvent
      getHandlers() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.events.bukkit.SkriptStartEvent
      getHandlers() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.events.bukkit.SkriptStopEvent
      getHandlers() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.hooks.regions.events.RegionBorderEvent
      getHandlers() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.function.FunctionEvent
      getHandlers() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.parser.ParserInstance
      You probably shouldn't use this method.
      getHandlers() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.util.ContextlessEvent
      This method should never be called.
      getHandlers() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.sections.EffSecSpawn.SpawnEvent
      getHandlers() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.test.runner.SkriptTestEvent
      getHasDelayBefore() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.parser.ParserInstance
      getHasDelayBefore() - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.ScriptLoader
      - -
      getHealth(Damageable) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.bukkitutil.HealthUtils
      Get the health of an entity
      getHumidity() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.BlockStateBlock
      getHumidity() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.DelayedChangeBlock
      getId() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.aliases.AliasesProvider.Variation
      getId() - Method in exception ch.njol.skript.aliases.InvalidMinecraftIdException
      getId() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptEventInfo
      getId() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.visual.VisualEffectType
      getID() - Method in class ch.njol.yggdrasil.Fields.FieldContext
      getID(Class<?>) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.classes.Serializer
      getID(Class<?>) - Method in interface ch.njol.yggdrasil.ClassResolver
      Gets an ID for a Class.
      getID(Class<?>) - Method in class ch.njol.yggdrasil.JRESerializer
      getID(Class<?>) - Method in class ch.njol.yggdrasil.SimpleClassResolver
      getID(Class<?>) - Method in class ch.njol.yggdrasil.Yggdrasil
      getID(Enum<?>) - Static method in class ch.njol.yggdrasil.Yggdrasil
      getID(Field) - Static method in class ch.njol.yggdrasil.Yggdrasil
      Gets the ID of a field.
      getIndefiniteArticle() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.localization.Noun
      getIndentation() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.config.Node
      getIndentation() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.EffectSectionEffect
      getIndentation() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.parser.ParserInstance
      getIndentation() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.TriggerItem
      getIndex() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.command.Argument
      getIndex() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.slot.EquipmentSlot
      getIndex() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.slot.InventorySlot
      getIndex() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.slot.SlotWithIndex
      Gets an index of this slot.
      getInfo(int) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.Patterns
      getInfo(Class<? extends EntityData<?>>) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.EntityData
      getInfo(String) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.EntityData
      getInsertPoint() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.aliases.AliasesProvider.Variation
      getInstance() - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.Skript
      getInternalAmount() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.aliases.ItemType
      Only use this method if you know what you're doing.
      getInternalExperience() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.XpOrbData
      getInternalLevel() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.EnchantmentType
      getInternalXP() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.Experience
      getInventory() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.BlockInventoryHolder
      getInventory() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.slot.InventorySlot
      getInverse() - Method in enum class ch.njol.skript.classes.Comparator.Relation
      Gets the inverse of this relation, i.e if this relation fulfils X rel Y, then the returned relation fulfils !(X rel Y).
      getInverse() - Method in enum class org.skriptlang.skript.lang.comparator.Relation
      getItem() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.aliases.AliasesMap.AliasData
      getItem() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.aliases.ItemType
      getItem() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.slot.CursorSlot
      getItem() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.slot.DroppedItemSlot
      getItem() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.slot.EquipmentSlot
      getItem() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.slot.InventorySlot
      getItem() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.slot.ItemFrameSlot
      getItem() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.slot.Slot
      getItem() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.slot.ThrowableProjectileSlot
      getItemMeta() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.aliases.ItemData
      getItemMeta() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.aliases.ItemType
      Gets item meta that applies to all items represented by this type.
      getJavaComparator() - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.registrations.Comparators
      getJavaFunctions() - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.function.Functions
      getKey() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.bukkitutil.PaperEntityUtils.LookGoal
      getKey() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.config.EntryNode
      getKey() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.config.Node
      Key of this node.
      getKey() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.config.VoidNode
      getKey() - Method in class ch.njol.util.NonNullPair
      getKey() - Method in class ch.njol.util.Pair
      getKey() - Method in class org.skriptlang.skript.lang.entry.EntryData
      getKey(Enchantment) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.bukkitutil.EnchantmentUtils
      getKey(T2) - Method in class ch.njol.util.coll.BidiHashMap
      getKey(T2) - Method in interface ch.njol.util.coll.BidiMap
      getKeywords() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.function.JavaFunction
      getKeywords() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptEventInfo
      getKeywords(PatternElement) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.patterns.SkriptPattern
      getLabel() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.command.ScriptCommand
      getLangName() - Method in interface ch.njol.skript.util.chat.ChatCode
      Name to be used in scripts.
      getLangName() - Method in enum class ch.njol.skript.util.chat.SkriptChatCode
      getLanguageFileDirectory() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.SkriptAddon
      getLast() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.patterns.ChoicePatternElement
      getLastUsage(UUID, Event) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.command.ScriptCommand
      getLevel() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.log.LogEntry
      getLevel() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.EnchantmentType
      getLevelXP(int) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.bukkitutil.PlayerUtils
      Gets the experience points needed to reach the next level, starting at the given level.
      getLightFromBlocks() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.BlockStateBlock
      getLightFromBlocks() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.DelayedChangeBlock
      getLightFromSky() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.BlockStateBlock
      getLightFromSky() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.DelayedChangeBlock
      getLightLevel() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.BlockStateBlock
      getLightLevel() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.DelayedChangeBlock
      getLine() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.config.ConfigReader
      getLine() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.config.Node
      getLineNum() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.config.ConfigReader
      getLineNumber() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.Trigger
      getList(String) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.localization.Language
      Gets a list of strings.
      getLoadedScripts() - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.ScriptLoader
      getLoadedScriptsFilter() - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.ScriptLoader
      getLocalFunction(String, String) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.function.Functions
      Gets a function, if it exists.
      getLocalSignature(String, String) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.function.Functions
      Gets a signature of function with given name.
      getLocation() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.events.bukkit.ExperienceSpawnEvent
      getLocation() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.BlockStateBlock
      getLocation() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.DelayedChangeBlock
      getLocation(Block) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.util.BlockUtils
      getLocation(Location) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.BlockStateBlock
      getLocation(Location) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.DelayedChangeBlock
      getLog() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.log.RetainingLogHandler
      getLoopCounter(Event) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.LoopSection
      getLoopedExpression() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.sections.SecLoop
      getMainNode() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.config.Config
      getMajor() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.Version
      getMark() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.patterns.MatchResult
      getMaterial() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.aliases.ItemType
      getMaterialFromId(int) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.bukkitutil.BukkitUnsafe
      getMaterialFromMinecraftId(String) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.bukkitutil.BukkitUnsafe
      getMaterialName(ItemData) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.aliases.AliasesProvider
      getMaterialName(ItemData, boolean) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.aliases.Aliases
      getMath() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.classes.ClassInfo
      getMathRelativeType() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.classes.ClassInfo
      getMaxHealth(Damageable) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.bukkitutil.HealthUtils
      Get the max health an entity has
      getMaxParameters() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.function.Signature
      Gets maximum number of parameters that the function described by this - signature is able to take.
      getMembers() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.hooks.regions.classes.Region
      getMembers() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.hooks.regions.GriefPreventionHook.GriefPreventionRegion
      getMembers() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.hooks.regions.PreciousStonesHook.PreciousStonesRegion
      getMembers() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.hooks.regions.ResidenceHook.ResidenceRegion
      getMembers() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.hooks.regions.WorldGuardHook.WorldGuardRegion
      getMessage() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.log.LogEntry
      getMessageComponents(Event) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.VariableString
      Gets message components from this string.
      getMessageComponentsUnsafe(Event) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.VariableString
      Gets message components from this string.
      getMetadata(String) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.BlockStateBlock
      getMetadata(String) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.DelayedChangeBlock
      getMetrics() - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.Skript
      getMilliSeconds() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.Timespan
      getMinecraftId() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.aliases.AliasesMap.AliasData
      getMinecraftId(ItemData) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.aliases.Aliases
      Gets a Vanilla Minecraft material id for given item data.
      getMinecraftId(ItemData) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.aliases.AliasesProvider
      getMinecraftVersion() - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.Skript
      getMinor() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.Version
      getMinParameters() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.function.Signature
      Gets minimum number of parameters that the function described by this - signature is able to take.
      getMode() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.VariableString
      getName() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.aliases.AliasesMap.AliasData
      getName() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.aliases.AliasesParser.VariationSlot
      getName() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.classes.ClassInfo
      getName() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.command.ScriptCommand
      getName() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.EntityData
      getName() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.hooks.Hook
      getName() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.hooks.regions.GriefPreventionHook
      getName() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.hooks.regions.PreciousStonesHook
      getName() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.hooks.regions.ResidenceHook
      getName() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.hooks.regions.WorldGuardHook
      getName() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.hooks.VaultHook
      getName() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.function.Function
      getName() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.function.Parameter
      Get the name of this parameter.
      getName() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.function.Signature
      getName() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptEventInfo
      getName() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.Trigger
      getName() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.Variable
      getName() - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.localization.Language
      getName() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.SkriptAddon
      getName() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.test.platform.Environment
      getName() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.update.ReleaseChannel
      Gets release channel name.
      getName() - Method in interface ch.njol.skript.util.Color
      getName() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.ColorRGB
      getName() - Method in enum class ch.njol.skript.util.SkriptColor
      getName() - Method in enum class ch.njol.skript.util.StructureType
      getName() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.visual.VisualEffectType
      getNames() - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.util.EnchantmentType
      getNames() - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.util.PotionEffectUtils
      getNext() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.EffectSectionEffect
      getNext() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.TriggerItem
      getNext() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.sections.SecConditional
      getNext() - Method in class ch.njol.util.coll.iterator.NonNullIterator
      getNode() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.parser.ParserInstance
      getNode() - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.log.SkriptLogger
      getNormalNext() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.sections.SecConditional
      getNumErrors() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.log.ParseLogHandler
      getNumErrors() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.log.RetainingLogHandler
      getObject() - Method in class ch.njol.yggdrasil.Fields.FieldContext
      getObject(Class<T>) - Method in class ch.njol.yggdrasil.Fields.FieldContext
      getObject(String) - Method in class ch.njol.yggdrasil.Fields
      getObject(String, Class<T>) - Method in class ch.njol.yggdrasil.Fields
      getOnlinePlayers() - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.bukkitutil.PlayerUtils
      Deprecated. -
      use Bukkit.getOnlinePlayers() instead
      getOptional(String, boolean) - Method in class org.skriptlang.skript.lang.entry.EntryContainer
      A method for obtaining a nullable entry value with an unknown type.
      getOptional(String, Class<T>, boolean) - Method in class org.skriptlang.skript.lang.entry.EntryContainer
      A method for obtaining a nullable, typed entry value.
      getOptionalSingle(Event) - Method in interface ch.njol.skript.lang.Expression
      Get an optional of the single value of this expression.
      getOptions() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.structures.StructOptions.OptionsData
      getOrigin() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.function.Namespace.Key
      getOriginClassPath() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.function.Signature
      getOriginClassPath() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.SyntaxElementInfo
      Get the original classpath for this element.
      getOwners() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.hooks.regions.classes.Region
      getOwners() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.hooks.regions.GriefPreventionHook.GriefPreventionRegion
      getOwners() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.hooks.regions.PreciousStonesHook.PreciousStonesRegion
      getOwners() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.hooks.regions.ResidenceHook.ResidenceRegion
      getOwners() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.hooks.regions.WorldGuardHook.WorldGuardRegion
      getParameter(int) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.function.Function
      getParameter(int) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.function.Signature
      getParameters() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.function.Function
      getParameters() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.function.Signature
      getParent() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.config.Node
      getParent() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.TriggerItem
      getParser() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.classes.ClassInfo
      getParser() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.parser.ParserInstance.Data
      getParser() - Method in interface ch.njol.skript.lang.SyntaxElement
      getParser(Class<T>) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.registrations.Classes
      Gets a parser for parsing instances of the desired type from strings.
      getParsing() - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprFilter
      getParticle() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.visual.VisualEffectType
      getPassenger(Entity) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.bukkitutil.PassengerUtils
      getPath() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.config.Config
      getPattern() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.command.ScriptCommand
      getPattern() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.localization.RegexMessage
      getPattern() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.visual.VisualEffectType
      getPatternElement() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.patterns.GroupPatternElement
      getPatternElement() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.patterns.OptionalPatternElement
      getPatternElements() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.patterns.ChoicePatternElement
      getPatterns() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.SyntaxElementInfo
      Get the patterns of this syntax element.
      getPatterns() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.Patterns
      getPistonMoveReaction() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.BlockStateBlock
      getPistonMoveReaction() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.DelayedChangeBlock
      getPitch(double) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.util.Direction
      getPitch(Vector) - Static method in class ch.njol.util.VectorMath
      getPlayer() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.hooks.regions.events.RegionBorderEvent
      getPlayer() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.slot.CursorSlot
      getPlayers() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprHiddenPlayers
      getPlugin() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.hooks.Hook
      getPlugin() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.hooks.regions.classes.Region
      getPlugin() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.hooks.regions.GriefPreventionHook.GriefPreventionRegion
      getPlugin() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.hooks.regions.PreciousStonesHook.PreciousStonesRegion
      getPlugin() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.hooks.regions.ResidenceHook.ResidenceRegion
      getPlugin() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.hooks.regions.WorldGuardHook.WorldGuardRegion
      getPlugin(String) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.hooks.regions.RegionsPlugin
      getPlural() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.localization.Noun
      getPlural(String) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.localization.Noun
      getPotionEffects(PotionData) - Static method in enum class ch.njol.skript.util.PotionDataUtils
      Convert PotionData to a PotionEffect
      getPotionName(PotionEffectType, boolean, boolean) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.util.PotionEffectUtils
      Get potion string representation.
      getPrefix() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.command.ScriptCommand
      getPrimitive() - Method in class ch.njol.yggdrasil.Fields.FieldContext
      getPrimitive() - Method in enum class ch.njol.yggdrasil.Tag
      getPrimitive(Class<T>) - Method in class ch.njol.yggdrasil.Fields.FieldContext
      getPrimitive(String) - Method in class ch.njol.yggdrasil.Fields
      getPrimitive(String, Class<T>) - Method in class ch.njol.yggdrasil.Fields
      getPrimitiveFromWrapper(Class<?>) - Static method in enum class ch.njol.yggdrasil.Tag
      getPriority() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptEvent
      getPriority() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.structures.StructAliases
      getPriority() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.structures.StructCommand
      getPriority() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.structures.StructFunction
      getPriority() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.structures.StructOptions
      getPriority() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.structures.StructVariables
      getPriority() - Method in class org.skriptlang.skript.lang.structure.Structure
      The priority of a Structure determines the order in which it should be loaded.
      getPriority() - Method in class org.skriptlang.skript.lang.structure.Structure.Priority
      getPropertyName() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.conditions.base.PropertyCondition
      getPropertyName() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.conditions.CondAI
      getPropertyName() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.conditions.CondCanFly
      getPropertyName() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.conditions.CondCanPickUpItems
      getPropertyName() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.conditions.CondEntityIsInLiquid
      getPropertyName() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.conditions.CondEntityIsWet
      getPropertyName() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.conditions.CondHasClientWeather
      getPropertyName() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.conditions.CondHasCustomModelData
      getPropertyName() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.conditions.CondHasResourcePack
      getPropertyName() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.conditions.CondIgnitionProcess
      getPropertyName() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.conditions.CondIsAlive
      getPropertyName() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.conditions.CondIsBanned
      getPropertyName() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.conditions.CondIsBlock
      getPropertyName() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.conditions.CondIsBlocking
      getPropertyName() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.conditions.CondIsBurning
      getPropertyName() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.conditions.CondIsCharged
      getPropertyName() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.conditions.CondIsClimbing
      getPropertyName() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.conditions.CondIsEdible
      getPropertyName() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.conditions.CondIsEmpty
      getPropertyName() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.conditions.CondIsFlammable
      getPropertyName() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.conditions.CondIsFlying
      getPropertyName() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.conditions.CondIsFrozen
      getPropertyName() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.conditions.CondIsFuel
      getPropertyName() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.conditions.CondIsGliding
      getPropertyName() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.conditions.CondIsInteractable
      getPropertyName() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.conditions.CondIsInvisible
      getPropertyName() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.conditions.CondIsInvulnerable
      getPropertyName() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.conditions.CondIsJumping
      getPropertyName() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.conditions.CondIsLeftHanded
      getPropertyName() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.conditions.CondIsOccluding
      getPropertyName() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.conditions.CondIsOnGround
      getPropertyName() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.conditions.CondIsOnline
      getPropertyName() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.conditions.CondIsOp
      getPropertyName() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.conditions.CondIsPassable
      getPropertyName() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.conditions.CondIsPoisoned
      getPropertyName() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.conditions.CondIsRiptiding
      getPropertyName() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.conditions.CondIsSilent
      getPropertyName() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.conditions.CondIsSkriptCommand
      getPropertyName() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.conditions.CondIsSleeping
      getPropertyName() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.conditions.CondIsSlimeChunk
      getPropertyName() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.conditions.CondIsSneaking
      getPropertyName() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.conditions.CondIsSolid
      getPropertyName() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.conditions.CondIsSprinting
      getPropertyName() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.conditions.CondIsStackable
      getPropertyName() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.conditions.CondIsSwimming
      getPropertyName() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.conditions.CondIsTameable
      getPropertyName() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.conditions.CondIsTransparent
      getPropertyName() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.conditions.CondIsUnbreakable
      getPropertyName() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.conditions.CondIsValid
      getPropertyName() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.conditions.CondIsVectorNormalized
      getPropertyName() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.conditions.CondLeashed
      getPropertyName() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.conditions.CondProjectileCanBounce
      getPropertyName() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.base.SimplePropertyExpression
      Used to collect the property type used in the register method.
      getPropertyName() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprAge
      getPropertyName() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprAI
      getPropertyName() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprAltitude
      getPropertyName() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprAnvilRepairCost
      getPropertyName() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprAnvilText
      getPropertyName() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprArmorSlot
      getPropertyName() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprArrowKnockbackStrength
      getPropertyName() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprArrowPierceLevel
      getPropertyName() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprArrowsStuck
      getPropertyName() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprAttachedBlock
      getPropertyName() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprAttackCooldown
      getPropertyName() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprBed
      getPropertyName() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprBlockData
      getPropertyName() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprBlockHardness
      getPropertyName() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprBookAuthor
      getPropertyName() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprBookTitle
      getPropertyName() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprCharges
      getPropertyName() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprClientViewDistance
      getPropertyName() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprCompassTarget
      getPropertyName() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprCoordinate
      getPropertyName() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprCreeperMaxFuseTicks
      getPropertyName() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprCursorSlot
      getPropertyName() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprCustomModelData
      getPropertyName() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprDifficulty
      getPropertyName() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprDurability
      getPropertyName() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprEnchantmentOfferCost
      getPropertyName() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprEnderChest
      getPropertyName() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprEntityTamer
      getPropertyName() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprExhaustion
      getPropertyName() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprExplosiveYield
      getPropertyName() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprEyeLocation
      getPropertyName() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprFacing
      getPropertyName() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprFallDistance
      getPropertyName() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprFireTicks
      getPropertyName() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprFlightMode
      getPropertyName() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprFreezeTicks
      getPropertyName() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprGlidingState
      getPropertyName() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprGlowing
      getPropertyName() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprGravity
      getPropertyName() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprHighestSolidBlock
      getPropertyName() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprHumidity
      getPropertyName() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprItemAmount
      getPropertyName() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprItemFrameSlot
      getPropertyName() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprLanguage
      getPropertyName() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprLastAttacker
      getPropertyName() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprLastColor
      getPropertyName() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprLastDamage
      getPropertyName() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprLastLoginTime
      getPropertyName() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprLastResourcePackResponse
      getPropertyName() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprLeashHolder
      getPropertyName() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprLength
      getPropertyName() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprLevel
      getPropertyName() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprLevelProgress
      getPropertyName() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprMaxDurability
      getPropertyName() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprMaxFreezeTicks
      getPropertyName() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprMaxHealth
      getPropertyName() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprMaxMinecartSpeed
      getPropertyName() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprMaxStack
      getPropertyName() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprMiddleOfLocation
      getPropertyName() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprMinecartDerailedFlyingVelocity
      getPropertyName() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprMoonPhase
      getPropertyName() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprName
      getPropertyName() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprNoDamageTicks
      getPropertyName() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprPickupDelay
      getPropertyName() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprPing
      getPropertyName() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprPlayerlistHeaderFooter
      getPropertyName() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprPlayerProtocolVersion
      getPropertyName() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprPlayerViewDistance
      getPropertyName() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprPlayerWeather
      getPropertyName() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprPortalCooldown
      getPropertyName() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprProjectileBounceState
      getPropertyName() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprProjectileCriticalState
      getPropertyName() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprRedstoneBlockPower
      getPropertyName() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprRemainingAir
      getPropertyName() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprSaturation
      getPropertyName() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprSeaLevel
      getPropertyName() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprSeaPickles
      getPropertyName() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprSkull
      getPropertyName() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprSlotIndex
      getPropertyName() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprSpawnerType
      getPropertyName() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprSpeed
      getPropertyName() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprTemperature
      getPropertyName() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprTimePlayed
      getPropertyName() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprTimeSince
      getPropertyName() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprTotalExperience
      getPropertyName() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprTypeOf
      getPropertyName() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprUnixDate
      getPropertyName() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprUnixTicks
      getPropertyName() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprUUID
      getPropertyName() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprVectorLength
      getPropertyName() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprVectorSquaredLength
      getPropertyName() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprVectorXYZ
      getPropertyName() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprVehicle
      getPropertyName() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprVelocity
      getPropertyName() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprWorldEnvironment
      getPropertyName() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprYawPitch
      getPropertyName() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.hooks.chat.expressions.ExprPrefixSuffix
      getPropertyName() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.hooks.economy.expressions.ExprBalance
      getPropertyName() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.test.runner.CondMethodExists
      getPropertyType() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.conditions.base.PropertyCondition
      getPropertyType() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.conditions.CondCanFly
      getPropertyType() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.conditions.CondCanPickUpItems
      getPropertyType() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.conditions.CondHasClientWeather
      getPropertyType() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.conditions.CondHasResourcePack
      getQuality() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.aliases.AliasesMap.Match
      Gets quality of this match.
      getQuality() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.log.LogEntry
      getRandom() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.aliases.ItemType
      getRandom(List<T>) - Static method in class ch.njol.util.coll.CollectionUtils
      getRandom(T[]) - Static method in class ch.njol.util.coll.CollectionUtils
      getRandom(T[], int) - Static method in class ch.njol.util.coll.CollectionUtils
      getRaw(Event) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.Variable
      Gets the value of this variable as stored in the variables map.
      getRawNames() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.aliases.ItemType
      Gets raw item names ("minecraft:some_item").
      getRed() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.visual.ParticleOption
      getRegexResults() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.patterns.MatchResult
      getRegion() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.hooks.regions.events.RegionBorderEvent
      getRegion(World, String) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.hooks.regions.RegionsPlugin
      getRegion_i(World, String) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.hooks.regions.GriefPreventionHook
      getRegion_i(World, String) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.hooks.regions.PreciousStonesHook
      getRegion_i(World, String) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.hooks.regions.RegionsPlugin
      getRegion_i(World, String) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.hooks.regions.ResidenceHook
      getRegion_i(World, String) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.hooks.regions.WorldGuardHook
      getRegionClass() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.hooks.regions.GriefPreventionHook
      getRegionClass() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.hooks.regions.PreciousStonesHook
      getRegionClass() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.hooks.regions.RegionsPlugin
      getRegionClass() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.hooks.regions.ResidenceHook
      getRegionClass() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.hooks.regions.WorldGuardHook
      getRegionsAt(Location) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.hooks.regions.RegionsPlugin
      getRegionsAt_i(Location) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.hooks.regions.WorldGuardHook
      getRegionsAt_i(Location) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.hooks.regions.GriefPreventionHook
      getRegionsAt_i(Location) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.hooks.regions.PreciousStonesHook
      getRegionsAt_i(Location) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.hooks.regions.RegionsPlugin
      getRegionsAt_i(Location) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.hooks.regions.ResidenceHook
      getRelatedEntity() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.aliases.AliasesMap.AliasData
      getRelatedEntity(ItemData) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.aliases.Aliases
      Gets an entity type related to given item.
      getRelatedEntity(ItemData) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.aliases.AliasesProvider
      getRelation() - Method in enum class ch.njol.skript.classes.Comparator.Relation
      getRelation() - Method in enum class org.skriptlang.skript.lang.comparator.Relation
      getRelative(int, int, int) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.BlockStateBlock
      getRelative(int, int, int) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.DelayedChangeBlock
      getRelative(Block) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.Direction
      getRelative(BlockFace) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.BlockStateBlock
      getRelative(BlockFace) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.DelayedChangeBlock
      getRelative(BlockFace, int) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.BlockStateBlock
      getRelative(BlockFace, int) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.DelayedChangeBlock
      getRelative(Entity) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.Direction
      getRelative(Location) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.Direction
      getRelativeMath() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.classes.ClassInfo
      getRelatives(Block[], Direction[]) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.util.Direction
      getRelatives(Location[], Direction[]) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.util.Direction
      getReleaseStatus() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.update.Updater
      getRemainingMilliseconds(UUID, Event) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.command.ScriptCommand
      getRequiredPlugins() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.classes.ClassInfo
      getRequiredPlugins() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptEventInfo
      getReturnType() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.arithmetic.ExprArithmetic
      getReturnType() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.base.EventValueExpression
      getReturnType() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.base.WrapperExpression
      getReturnType() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprAbsorbedBlocks
      getReturnType() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprAffectedEntities
      getReturnType() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprAge
      getReturnType() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprAI
      getReturnType() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprAllBannedEntries
      getReturnType() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprAllCommands
      getReturnType() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprAlphabetList
      getReturnType() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprAltitude
      getReturnType() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprAmount
      getReturnType() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprAmountOfItems
      getReturnType() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprAnvilRepairCost
      getReturnType() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprAnvilText
      getReturnType() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprAppliedEnchantments
      getReturnType() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprArgument
      getReturnType() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprArmorSlot
      getReturnType() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprArrowKnockbackStrength
      getReturnType() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprArrowPierceLevel
      getReturnType() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprArrowsStuck
      getReturnType() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprAttachedBlock
      getReturnType() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprAttackCooldown
      getReturnType() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprAttacked
      getReturnType() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprAttacker
      getReturnType() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprBed
      getReturnType() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprBiome
      getReturnType() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprBlockData
      getReturnType() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprBlockHardness
      getReturnType() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprBlocks
      getReturnType() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprBlockSphere
      getReturnType() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprBookAuthor
      getReturnType() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprBookPages
      getReturnType() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprBookTitle
      getReturnType() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprBreakSpeed
      getReturnType() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprBurnCookTime
      getReturnType() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprCharges
      getReturnType() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprChatFormat
      getReturnType() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprChatRecipients
      getReturnType() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprChestInventory
      getReturnType() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprChunk
      getReturnType() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprClicked
      getReturnType() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprClientViewDistance
      getReturnType() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprCmdCooldownInfo
      getReturnType() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprColorOf
      getReturnType() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprColoured
      getReturnType() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprCommand
      getReturnType() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprCommandInfo
      getReturnType() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprCompassTarget
      getReturnType() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprCoordinate
      getReturnType() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprCreeperMaxFuseTicks
      getReturnType() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprCursorSlot
      getReturnType() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprCustomModelData
      getReturnType() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprDamage
      getReturnType() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprDamagedItem
      getReturnType() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprDateAgoLater
      getReturnType() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprDefaultValue
      getReturnType() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprDifference
      getReturnType() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprDifficulty
      getReturnType() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprDirection
      getReturnType() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprDistance
      getReturnType() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprDrops
      getReturnType() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprDropsOfBlock
      getReturnType() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprDurability
      getReturnType() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprElement
      getReturnType() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprEnchantingExpCost
      getReturnType() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprEnchantItem
      getReturnType() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprEnchantmentBonus
      getReturnType() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprEnchantmentLevel
      getReturnType() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprEnchantmentOffer
      getReturnType() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprEnchantmentOfferCost
      getReturnType() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprEnchantments
      getReturnType() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprEnderChest
      getReturnType() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprEntities
      getReturnType() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprEntity
      getReturnType() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprEntityAttribute
      getReturnType() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprEntityTamer
      getReturnType() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprEventCancelled
      getReturnType() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprExhaustion
      getReturnType() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprExperience
      getReturnType() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprExplodedBlocks
      getReturnType() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprExplosionBlockYield
      getReturnType() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprExplosionYield
      getReturnType() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprExplosiveYield
      getReturnType() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprEyeLocation
      getReturnType() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprFacing
      getReturnType() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprFallDistance
      getReturnType() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprFertilizedBlocks
      getReturnType() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprFilter.ExprInput
      getReturnType() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprFilter
      getReturnType() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprFinalDamage
      getReturnType() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprFireTicks
      getReturnType() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprFireworkEffect
      getReturnType() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprFlightMode
      getReturnType() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprFoodLevel
      getReturnType() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprFormatDate
      getReturnType() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprFreezeTicks
      getReturnType() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprFurnaceSlot
      getReturnType() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprGameMode
      getReturnType() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprGameRule
      getReturnType() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprGlidingState
      getReturnType() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprGlowing
      getReturnType() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprGravity
      getReturnType() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprHanging
      getReturnType() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprHash
      getReturnType() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprHatchingNumber
      getReturnType() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprHatchingType
      getReturnType() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprHealAmount
      getReturnType() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprHealReason
      getReturnType() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprHealth
      getReturnType() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprHiddenPlayers
      getReturnType() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprHighestSolidBlock
      getReturnType() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprHostname
      getReturnType() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprHotbarButton
      getReturnType() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprHotbarSlot
      getReturnType() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprHoverList
      getReturnType() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprHumidity
      getReturnType() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprIndexOf
      getReturnType() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprIndices
      getReturnType() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprInventory
      getReturnType() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprInventoryInfo
      getReturnType() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprInventorySlot
      getReturnType() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprIP
      getReturnType() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprItemAmount
      getReturnType() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprItemCooldown
      getReturnType() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprItemFrameSlot
      getReturnType() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprItems
      getReturnType() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprItemsIn
      getReturnType() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprItemWithCustomModelData
      getReturnType() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprItemWithLore
      getReturnType() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprJoinSplit
      getReturnType() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprLanguage
      getReturnType() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprLastAttacker
      getReturnType() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprLastColor
      getReturnType() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprLastDamage
      getReturnType() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprLastDamageCause
      getReturnType() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprLastLoadedServerIcon
      getReturnType() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprLastLoginTime
      getReturnType() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprLastResourcePackResponse
      getReturnType() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprLastSpawnedEntity
      getReturnType() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprLeashHolder
      getReturnType() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprLength
      getReturnType() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprLevel
      getReturnType() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprLevelProgress
      getReturnType() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprLightLevel
      getReturnType() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprLocationAt
      getReturnType() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprLocationFromVector
      getReturnType() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprLocationVectorOffset
      getReturnType() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprLoopIteration
      getReturnType() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprLoopValue
      getReturnType() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprLoot
      getReturnType() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprLore
      getReturnType() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprMaxDurability
      getReturnType() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprMaxFreezeTicks
      getReturnType() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprMaxHealth
      getReturnType() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprMaxMinecartSpeed
      getReturnType() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprMaxPlayers
      getReturnType() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprMaxStack
      getReturnType() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprMe
      getReturnType() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprMendingRepairAmount
      getReturnType() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprMessage
      getReturnType() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprMetadata
      getReturnType() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprMiddleOfLocation
      getReturnType() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprMinecartDerailedFlyingVelocity
      getReturnType() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprMoonPhase
      getReturnType() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprMOTD
      getReturnType() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprName
      getReturnType() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprNamed
      getReturnType() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprNearestEntity
      getReturnType() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprNoDamageTicks
      getReturnType() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprNow
      getReturnType() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprNumberOfCharacters
      getReturnType() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprNumbers
      getReturnType() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprOfflinePlayers
      getReturnType() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprOnlinePlayersCount
      getReturnType() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprOpenedInventory
      getReturnType() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprOps
      getReturnType() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprParse
      getReturnType() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprParseError
      getReturnType() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprPassenger
      getReturnType() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprPermissions
      getReturnType() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprPickupDelay
      getReturnType() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprPing
      getReturnType() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprPlain
      getReturnType() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprPlayerlistHeaderFooter
      getReturnType() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprPlayerProtocolVersion
      getReturnType() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprPlayerViewDistance
      getReturnType() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprPlayerWeather
      getReturnType() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprPlugins
      getReturnType() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprPortal
      getReturnType() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprPortalCooldown
      getReturnType() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprPotionEffect
      getReturnType() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprPotionEffects
      getReturnType() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprPotionEffectTier
      getReturnType() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprProjectileBounceState
      getReturnType() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprProjectileCriticalState
      getReturnType() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprProtocolVersion
      getReturnType() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprPushedBlocks
      getReturnType() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprRandom
      getReturnType() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprRandomNumber
      getReturnType() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprRandomUUID
      getReturnType() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprRawName
      getReturnType() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprRawString
      getReturnType() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprRedstoneBlockPower
      getReturnType() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprRemainingAir
      getReturnType() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprRespawnLocation
      getReturnType() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprReversedList
      getReturnType() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprRound
      getReturnType() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprSaturation
      getReturnType() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprScoreboardTags
      getReturnType() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprScript
      getReturnType() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprScripts
      getReturnType() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprSeaLevel
      getReturnType() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprSeaPickles
      getReturnType() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprSeed
      getReturnType() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprServerIcon
      getReturnType() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprSets
      getReturnType() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprShooter
      getReturnType() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprShuffledList
      getReturnType() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprSignText
      getReturnType() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprSkull
      getReturnType() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprSlotIndex
      getReturnType() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprSortedList
      getReturnType() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprSourceBlock
      getReturnType() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprSpawn
      getReturnType() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprSpawnerType
      getReturnType() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprSpecialNumber
      getReturnType() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprSpectatorTarget
      getReturnType() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprSpeed
      getReturnType() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprStringCase
      getReturnType() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprSubstring
      getReturnType() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprTamer
      getReturnType() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprTarget
      getReturnType() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprTargetedBlock
      getReturnType() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprTemperature
      getReturnType() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprTernary
      getReturnType() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprTime
      getReturnType() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprTimePlayed
      getReturnType() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprTimes
      getReturnType() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprTimeSince
      getReturnType() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprTool
      getReturnType() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprTotalExperience
      getReturnType() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprTPS
      getReturnType() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprTypeOf
      getReturnType() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprUnbreakable
      getReturnType() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprUnixDate
      getReturnType() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprUnixTicks
      getReturnType() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprUUID
      getReturnType() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprValue
      getReturnType() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprVectorAngleBetween
      getReturnType() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprVectorArithmetic
      getReturnType() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprVectorBetweenLocations
      getReturnType() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprVectorCrossProduct
      getReturnType() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprVectorCylindrical
      getReturnType() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprVectorDotProduct
      getReturnType() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprVectorFromDirection
      getReturnType() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprVectorFromXYZ
      getReturnType() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprVectorFromYawAndPitch
      getReturnType() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprVectorLength
      getReturnType() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprVectorNormalize
      getReturnType() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprVectorOfLocation
      getReturnType() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprVectorProjection
      getReturnType() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprVectorRandom
      getReturnType() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprVectorSpherical
      getReturnType() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprVectorSquaredLength
      getReturnType() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprVectorXYZ
      getReturnType() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprVehicle
      getReturnType() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprVelocity
      getReturnType() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprVersion
      getReturnType() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprVersionString
      getReturnType() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprWeather
      getReturnType() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprWhitelist
      getReturnType() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprWorld
      getReturnType() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprWorldEnvironment
      getReturnType() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprWorldFromName
      getReturnType() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprWorlds
      getReturnType() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprXOf
      getReturnType() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprYawPitch
      getReturnType() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.hooks.chat.expressions.ExprPrefixSuffix
      getReturnType() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.hooks.economy.expressions.ExprBalance
      getReturnType() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.hooks.permission.expressions.ExprAllGroups
      getReturnType() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.hooks.permission.expressions.ExprGroup
      getReturnType() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.hooks.regions.expressions.ExprBlocksInRegion
      getReturnType() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.hooks.regions.expressions.ExprMembersOfRegion
      getReturnType() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.hooks.regions.expressions.ExprRegionsAt
      getReturnType() - Method in interface ch.njol.skript.lang.Expression
      Gets the return type of this expression.
      getReturnType() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.ExpressionInfo
      Get the return type of this expression.
      getReturnType() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.ExpressionList
      getReturnType() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.function.ExprFunctionCall
      getReturnType() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.function.Function
      getReturnType() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.function.FunctionReference
      getReturnType() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.function.Signature
      getReturnType() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.UnparsedLiteral
      getReturnType() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.util.ContainerExpression
      getReturnType() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.util.ConvertedExpression
      getReturnType() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.util.SimpleLiteral
      getReturnType() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.Variable
      getReturnType() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.VariableString
      getReturnType() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.test.runner.ExprJUnitTest
      getReverseView() - Method in class ch.njol.util.coll.BidiHashMap
      getReverseView() - Method in interface ch.njol.util.coll.BidiMap
      getRevision() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.Version
      getSaveSeparator() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.config.Config
      getScript() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.command.ScriptCommand
      getScript() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.Trigger
      getScript(File) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.ScriptLoader
      Searches through the loaded scripts to find the script loaded from the provided file.
      getScriptAliases(Script) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.aliases.Aliases
      Method for obtaining the ScriptAliases instance of a Script.
      getScriptCommand() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.command.ScriptCommandEvent
      getScriptCommand(String) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.command.Commands
      getScriptCommands() - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.command.Commands
      getScriptFromName(String) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.SkriptCommand
      getScriptName() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.function.Namespace.Key
      getScriptNamespace(String) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.function.Functions
      getScripts() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.events.bukkit.PreScriptLoadEvent
      getScripts(File) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.ScriptLoader
      Searches through the loaded scripts to find all scripts loaded from the files contained within the provided directory.
      getScriptsFolder() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.Skript
      getSecond() - Method in class ch.njol.util.NonNullPair
      getSecond() - Method in class ch.njol.util.Pair
      getSecondType() - Method in class org.skriptlang.skript.lang.comparator.ComparatorInfo
      getSection() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.SectionSkriptEvent
      getSections() - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.Skript
      getSender() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.command.CommandEvent
      getSeparator() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.config.Config
      getSeparator() - Method in class org.skriptlang.skript.lang.entry.KeyValueEntryData
      getSerializeAs() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.classes.ClassInfo
      getSerializer() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.classes.ClassInfo
      getServerPlatform() - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.Skript
      getSetter() - Method in interface ch.njol.skript.bukkitutil.block.BlockCompat
      Gets block setter that understands block values produced by this - compatibility layer.
      getSetter() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.bukkitutil.block.NewBlockCompat
      getShutdownDelay() - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.test.runner.SkriptJUnitTest
      The delay this JUnit test is requiring to run.
      getSignature() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.function.Function
      Gets signature of this function that contains all metadata about it.
      getSignature(String) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.function.Functions
      Deprecated. -
      in favour of Functions.getGlobalSignature(String) for proper name.
      getSignature(String) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.function.Namespace
      getSignature(String, boolean) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.function.Namespace
      getSignature(String, String) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.function.Functions
      Gets a signature of local function with the given name, if no signature was found, - it will fall back to a global function.
      getSignatures() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.function.Namespace
      getSince() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.classes.ClassInfo
      getSince() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.function.JavaFunction
      getSince() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptEventInfo
      getSingle() - Method in interface ch.njol.skript.lang.Literal
      getSingle() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.LiteralList
      getSingle() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.UnparsedLiteral
      getSingle() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.util.ConvertedLiteral
      getSingle() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.util.SimpleLiteral
      getSingle(Event) - Method in interface ch.njol.skript.lang.Expression
      Get the single value of this expression.
      getSingle(Event) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.ExpressionList
      getSingle(Event) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.UnparsedLiteral
      getSingle(Event) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.util.ConvertedExpression
      getSingle(Event) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.util.ConvertedLiteral
      getSingle(Event) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.util.SimpleExpression
      getSingle(Event) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.util.SimpleLiteral
      getSingle(Event) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.Variable
      getSingle(Event) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.VariableString
      getSingular() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.localization.Noun
      getSkriptPrefix() - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.Skript
      getSoundGroup() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.BlockStateBlock
      getSoundGroup() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.DelayedChangeBlock
      getSource() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprDefaultValue
      getSource() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprFilter.ExprInput
      getSource() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprMetadata
      getSource() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprTernary
      getSource() - Method in interface ch.njol.skript.lang.Expression
      Returns the original expression that was parsed, i.e.
      getSource() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.ExpressionList
      getSource() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.UnparsedLiteral
      getSource() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.util.ConvertedExpression
      getSource() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.util.SimpleExpression
      getSource() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.util.SimpleLiteral
      getSource() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.Variable
      getSource() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.VariableString
      getSource() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.test.platform.Environment.PaperResource
      getSource() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.test.platform.Environment.Resource
      getSource() - Method in class org.skriptlang.skript.lang.entry.EntryContainer
      getSpaced(String) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.localization.Language
      Gets a localized string surrounded by spaces, or a space if the string is empty
      getSpawnedXP() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.events.bukkit.ExperienceSpawnEvent
      getStack() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.aliases.ItemData
      Returns the ItemStack backing this ItemData.
      getStart() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.log.TimingLogHandler
      getState() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.update.Updater
      getState() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.BlockStateBlock
      getState() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.DelayedChangeBlock
      getState(boolean) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.BlockStateBlock
      getState(boolean) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.DelayedChangeBlock
      getStatements() - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.Skript
      getStorageContents(Inventory) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.aliases.ItemType
      Gets copy of storage contents, i.e.
      getStructureInfo() - Method in class org.skriptlang.skript.lang.structure.Structure.StructureData
      getStructures() - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.Skript
      getStructures() - Method in class org.skriptlang.skript.lang.script.Script
      getSucceeded() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.test.utils.TestResults
      getSucceededTests() - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.test.runner.TestTracker
      getSuperClassInfo(Class<T>) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.registrations.Classes
      Gets the class info of the given class or its closest registered superclass.
      getSuperType() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.AxolotlData
      getSuperType() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.BeeData
      getSuperType() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.BoatChestData
      getSuperType() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.BoatData
      getSuperType() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.CatData
      getSuperType() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.CreeperData
      getSuperType() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.DroppedItemData
      getSuperType() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.EndermanData
      getSuperType() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.EntityData
      Returns the super type of this entity data, e.g.
      getSuperType() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.FallingBlockData
      getSuperType() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.FishData
      getSuperType() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.FoxData
      getSuperType() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.FrogData
      getSuperType() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.GoatData
      getSuperType() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.LlamaData
      getSuperType() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.MinecartData
      getSuperType() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.MooshroomData
      getSuperType() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.OcelotData
      getSuperType() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.PandaData
      getSuperType() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.ParrotData
      getSuperType() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.PigData
      getSuperType() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.RabbitData
      getSuperType() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.SheepData
      getSuperType() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.SimpleEntityData
      getSuperType() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.ThrownPotionData
      getSuperType() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.TropicalFishData
      getSuperType() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.VillagerData
      getSuperType() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.WolfData
      getSuperType() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.XpOrbData
      getSuperType() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.ZombieVillagerData
      getSuperType(Class<?>...) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.util.Utils
      getSupplier() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.classes.ClassInfo
      getSwitched() - Method in enum class ch.njol.skript.classes.Comparator.Relation
      Gets the relation which has switched arguments, i.e.
      getSwitched() - Method in enum class org.skriptlang.skript.lang.comparator.Relation
      getTableName() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.variables.SQLStorage
      getTags() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.aliases.AliasesProvider.Variation
      getTags() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.patterns.MatchResult
      getTarget() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.test.platform.Environment.Resource
      getTarget(LivingEntity, EntityData<T>) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprTarget
      Gets an entity's target.
      getTemperature() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.BlockStateBlock
      getTemperature() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.DelayedChangeBlock
      Getter<R,A> - Class in ch.njol.skript.util
      Used to get a specific value from instances of some type.
      Getter() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.util.Getter
      getTestLocation() - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.test.runner.SkriptJUnitTest
      getTestWorld() - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.test.runner.SkriptJUnitTest
      getTicks() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.Time
      getTicks() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.Timespan
      Deprecated. -
      Use getTicks_i() instead. Since this method limits timespan to Integer.MAX_VALUE.
      getTicks_i() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.Timespan
      getTime() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.base.WrapperExpression
      getTime() - Method in interface ch.njol.skript.lang.Expression
      getTime() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.ExpressionList
      getTime() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.UnparsedLiteral
      getTime() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.util.ConvertedExpression
      getTime() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.util.SimpleExpression
      getTime() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.util.SimpleLiteral
      getTime() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.Variable
      getTime() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.VariableString
      getTime() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.Time
      getTimestamp() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.Date
      convert(From[], Class<To>, Converter<? super From, ? extends To>) - Static method in class org.skriptlang.skript.lang.converter.Converters
      Get the timestamp of this date
      A method for bulk-converting objects of a specific type using a specific Converter.
      getTimeTaken() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.log.TimingLogHandler
      getTo() - Method in class org.skriptlang.skript.lang.converter.ConverterInfo
      getTotalXP(int, double) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.bukkitutil.PlayerUtils
      convert(Object[], Class<? extends To>[], Class<To>) - Static method in class org.skriptlang.skript.lang.converter.Converters
      Gets the total experience points needed to reach the given level, including the given progress.
      A method for bulk-conversion of objects into one of several provided types.
      getTotalXP(Player) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.bukkitutil.PlayerUtils
      convert(Object[], Class<To>) - Static method in class org.skriptlang.skript.lang.converter.Converters
      Gets the total experience points of the given player.
      Standard method for bulk-conversion of objects into a different type.
      getTranslationKey() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.BlockStateBlock
      getTranslationKey() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.DelayedChangeBlock
      getTrigger() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.TriggerItem
      getType() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.aliases.ItemData
      getType() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.command.Argument
      getType() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.AxolotlData
      getType() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.BeeData
      getType() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.BoatChestData
      getType() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.BoatData
      getType() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.CatData
      getType() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.CreeperData
      getType() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.DroppedItemData
      getType() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.EndermanData
      getType() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.EntityData
      getType() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.FallingBlockData
      getType() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.FishData
      getType() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.FoxData
      getType() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.FrogData
      getType() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.GoatData
      getType() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.LlamaData
      getType() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.MinecartData
      getType() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.MooshroomData
      getType() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.OcelotData
      getType() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.PandaData
      getType() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.ParrotData
      getType() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.PigData
      getType() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.RabbitData
      getType() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.SheepData
      getType() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.SimpleEntityData
      getType() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.ThrownPotionData
      getType() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.TropicalFishData
      getType() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.VillagerData
      getType() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.WolfData
      getType() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.XpOrbData
      convert(String) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.config.EnumParser
      getType() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.ZombieVillagerData
      convert(List<MessageComponent>) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.util.chat.BungeeConverter
      getType() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.function.Parameter
      convertArray(Object[], Class<? extends T>[], Class<T>) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.registrations.Converters
      Get the Type of this parameter.
      Converts multiple objects into any of the given classes.
      getType() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.BlockStateBlock
      getType() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.DelayedChangeBlock
      getType() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.EnchantmentType
      getType() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.visual.VisualEffect
      getType() - Method in class ch.njol.yggdrasil.Fields.FieldContext
      getType(boolean) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.classes.Comparator.ComparatorInfo
      convertArray(Object[], Class<T>) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.registrations.Converters
      getType(Class<?>) - Static method in enum class ch.njol.yggdrasil.Tag
      getTypes() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.aliases.ItemType
      getTypes() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.bukkitutil.PaperEntityUtils.LookGoal
      getTypes() - Method in enum class ch.njol.skript.util.StructureType
      getUnhandledNodes() - Method in class org.skriptlang.skript.lang.entry.EntryContainer
      getUpdateManifest() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.update.Updater
      getUpdater() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.Skript
      Gets the updater instance currently used by Skript.
      Converts all entries in the given array to the desired type, using Converters.convert(Object, Class) to convert every single value.
      getUsage() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.classes.ClassInfo
      getUserInputPatterns() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.classes.ClassInfo
      getValue() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.config.EntryNode
      getValue() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.localization.Message
      ConvertedExpression<F,T> - Class in ch.njol.skript.lang.util
      Gets the text this Message refers to.
      Represents a expression converted to another type.
      getValue() - Method in class ch.njol.util.NonNullPair
      ConvertedExpression(Expression<? extends F>, Class<T>, ConverterInfo<? super F, ? extends T>) - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.lang.util.ConvertedExpression
      getValue() - Method in class ch.njol.util.Pair
      ConvertedLiteral<F,T> - Class in ch.njol.skript.lang.util
      getValue(T1) - Method in class ch.njol.util.coll.BidiHashMap
      ConvertedLiteral(Literal<F>, T[], Class<T>) - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.lang.util.ConvertedLiteral
      getValue(Node) - Method in class org.skriptlang.skript.lang.entry.EntryData
      converter - Variable in class ch.njol.skript.classes.Converter.ConverterInfo
      Obtains a value from the provided node using the methods of this entry data.
      getValue(Node) - Method in class org.skriptlang.skript.lang.entry.KeyValueEntryData
      +  +
      Converter<F,T> - Interface in ch.njol.skript.classes
      Used to obtain and parse the value of a SimpleNode.
      Deprecated. + +
      getValue(Node) - Method in class org.skriptlang.skript.lang.entry.SectionEntryData
      Converter<F,T> - Interface in org.skriptlang.skript.lang.converter
      Because this entry data is for SectionNodes, no specific handling needs to be done to obtain the "value".
      Used to convert an object to a different type.
      getValue(Node) - Method in class org.skriptlang.skript.lang.entry.util.TriggerEntryData
      getValue(SectionNode, String) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.variables.VariablesStorage
      CONVERTER_NO_COMMAND_ARGUMENTS - Static variable in class ch.njol.skript.command.Commands
      Gets the string value at the given key of the given section node.
      A Converter flag declaring that a Converter cannot be used for parsing command arguments.
      getValue(SectionNode, String, Class<T>) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.variables.VariablesStorage
      Converter.ConverterInfo<F,T> - Class in ch.njol.skript.classes
      Gets the value at the given key of the given section node, - parsed with the given type.
      holds information about a converter
      getValue(String) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.config.SectionNode
      getValue(String) - Method in class org.skriptlang.skript.lang.entry.KeyValueEntryData
      Converter.ConverterUtils - Class in ch.njol.skript.classes
      Parses a String value using this entry data.
      converterExists(Class<?>, Class<?>) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.registrations.Converters
      Tests whether a converter between the given classes exists.
      getValue(String) - Method in class org.skriptlang.skript.lang.entry.util.ExpressionEntryData
      getValue(String) - Method in class org.skriptlang.skript.lang.entry.util.LiteralEntryData
      converterExists(Class<?>, Class<?>) - Static method in class org.skriptlang.skript.lang.converter.Converters
      getValue(String) - Method in class org.skriptlang.skript.lang.entry.util.VariableStringEntryData
      converterExists(Class<?>, Class<?>...) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.registrations.Converters
      converterExists(Class<?>, Class<?>...) - Static method in class org.skriptlang.skript.lang.converter.Converters
      getValue(T1) - Method in interface ch.njol.util.coll.BidiMap
      ConverterInfo<F,T> - Class in org.skriptlang.skript.lang.converter
      Holds information about a Converter.
      ConverterInfo(Converter.ConverterInfo<?, ?>, Converter.ConverterInfo<?, ?>, Converter<F, T>, int) - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.classes.Converter.ConverterInfo
      ConverterInfo(Class<F>, Class<T>, Converter<F, T>, int) - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.classes.Converter.ConverterInfo
      ConverterInfo(Class<F>, Class<T>, Converter<F, T>, int) - Constructor for class org.skriptlang.skript.lang.converter.ConverterInfo
      getValueOrDefault(String) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.localization.Message
      Converters - Class in ch.njol.skript.registrations
      Gets the text this Message refers to.
      Deprecated. + +
      getVariable(String, Event, boolean) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.variables.Variables
      Converters - Class in org.skriptlang.skript.lang.converter
      Returns the internal value of the requested variable.
      Converters are used to provide Skript with specific instructions for converting an object to a different type.
      getVariables() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.structures.StructVariables.DefaultVariables
      getVariation() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.aliases.AliasesParser.VariationSlot
      getVariationGroup(String) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.aliases.AliasesProvider
      getVersion() - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.Skript
      getWoolData() - Method in enum class ch.njol.skript.util.SkriptColor
      ConverterUtils() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.classes.Converter.ConverterUtils
      convertStrictly(Object[], Class<T>) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.registrations.Converters
      Strictly converts an array to a non-null array of the specified class.
      getWorld() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.events.bukkit.ScheduledEvent
      getWorld() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.AABB
      getWorld() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.BlockStateBlock
      getWorld() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.DelayedChangeBlock
      getWorldMinHeight(World) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.bukkitutil.WorldUtils
      convertStrictly(Object[], Class<To>) - Static method in class org.skriptlang.skript.lang.converter.Converters
      Get the minimum height of a world.
      A method for bulk-conversion that guarantees objects of 'toType' are returned.
      getWrapper() - Method in enum class ch.njol.yggdrasil.Tag
      getWrapperClass(Class<?>) - Static method in enum class ch.njol.yggdrasil.Tag
      getX() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.BlockStateBlock
      getX() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.DelayedChangeBlock
      getXP() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.Experience
      getY() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.BlockStateBlock
      getY() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.DelayedChangeBlock
      getYaw(double) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.util.Direction
      getYaw(Vector) - Static method in class ch.njol.util.VectorMath
      getZ() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.BlockStateBlock
      getZ() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.DelayedChangeBlock
      GithubChecker - Class in ch.njol.skript.update
      convertStrictly(Object, Class<T>) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.registrations.Converters
      Uses Github API to check for updates.
      Strictly converts an object to the specified class
      GithubChecker() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.update.GithubChecker
      GithubChecker.ResponseEntry - Class in ch.njol.skript.update
      convertStrictly(Object, Class<To>) - Static method in class org.skriptlang.skript.lang.converter.Converters
      Github API response for GSON deserialization.
      A method that guarantees an object of 'toType' is returned.
      GithubChecker.ResponseEntry.AssetsEntry - Class in ch.njol.skript.update
      GithubChecker.ResponseEntry.Author - Class in ch.njol.skript.update
      GoatData - Class in ch.njol.skript.entity
      GoatData() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.entity.GoatData
      GoatData(int) - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.entity.GoatData
      gold - Enum constant in enum class ch.njol.skript.util.chat.SkriptChatCode
      gray - Enum constant in enum class ch.njol.skript.util.chat.SkriptChatCode
      GREATER - Enum constant in enum class ch.njol.skript.classes.Comparator.Relation
      convertToEntries(int) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.config.SectionNode
      GREATER - Enum constant in enum class org.skriptlang.skript.lang.comparator.Relation
      GREATER_OR_EQUAL - Enum constant in enum class ch.njol.skript.classes.Comparator.Relation
      Converts all SimpleNodes in this section to EntryNodes.
      + +
      convertToEntries(int, String) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.config.SectionNode
      REMIND breaks saving - separator argument can be different from config.sepator
      convertUnsafe(F[], Class<?>, Converter<? super F, ? extends T>) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.registrations.Converters
      GREATER_OR_EQUAL - Enum constant in enum class org.skriptlang.skript.lang.comparator.Relation
      convertUnsafe(From[], Class<?>, Converter<? super From, ? extends To>) - Static method in class org.skriptlang.skript.lang.converter.Converters
      A method for bulk-converting objects of a specific type using a specific Converter.
      copy() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.patterns.MatchResult
      green - Enum constant in enum class ch.njol.skript.util.chat.SkriptChatCode
      copy() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.chat.MessageComponent
      GriefPreventionHook - Class in ch.njol.skript.hooks.regions
      copy(File, File) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.util.FileUtils
      GriefPreventionHook() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.hooks.regions.GriefPreventionHook
      COPY_SUPPORTED - Static variable in class ch.njol.skript.util.Utils
      GriefPreventionHook.GriefPreventionRegion - Class in ch.njol.skript.hooks.regions
      copy_to_clipboard - Enum constant in enum class ch.njol.skript.util.chat.MessageComponent.ClickEvent.Action
      GriefPreventionRegion(Claim) - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.hooks.regions.GriefPreventionHook.GriefPreventionRegion
      copy_to_clipboard - Enum constant in enum class ch.njol.skript.util.chat.SkriptChatCode
      GroupPatternElement - Class in ch.njol.skript.patterns
      copyLocalVariables(Event) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.variables.Variables
      A PatternElement that represents a group, for example (test).
      Creates a copy of the VariablesMap for local variables + in an event.
      GroupPatternElement(PatternElement) - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.patterns.GroupPatternElement
      grow(Block) - Method in enum class ch.njol.skript.util.StructureType
      grow(Location) - Method in enum class ch.njol.skript.util.StructureType
      guessData(ThrownPotion) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.util.PotionEffectUtils
      copyStyles(MessageComponent, MessageComponent) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.util.chat.ChatMessages
      Copies styles from component to another.
      copyVector(Vector, Vector) - Static method in class ch.njol.util.VectorMath
      Copies vector components of vector2 into vector1.
      count(String, char) - Static method in class ch.njol.util.StringUtils


      HALF_PI - Static variable in class ch.njol.util.VectorMath
      count(String, char, int) - Static method in class ch.njol.util.StringUtils
      HandlerList - Class in ch.njol.skript.log
      count(String, char, int, int) - Static method in class ch.njol.util.StringUtils
      HandlerList() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.log.HandlerList
      CountingLogHandler - Class in ch.njol.skript.log
      Counts logged messages of a certain type
      CountingLogHandler(Level) - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.log.CountingLogHandler
      HARMING - Enum constant in enum class ch.njol.skript.util.PotionDataUtils
      countNonNullTypes() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.patterns.SkriptPattern
      Count the maximum amount of non-null types in this pattern, + i.e.
      countTypes() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.patterns.SkriptPattern
      HARMING_STRONG - Enum constant in enum class ch.njol.skript.util.PotionDataUtils
      createBlockData(String) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.util.BlockUtils
      has(ItemType) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.EnchantmentType
      createBlockValues(Material, Map<String, String>) - Method in interface ch.njol.skript.bukkitutil.block.BlockCompat
      - +
      Creates new block values for given material and state.
      hasAliasForMaterial(Material) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.aliases.AliasesProvider
      createBlockValues(Material, Map<String, String>, ItemStack, int) - Method in interface ch.njol.skript.bukkitutil.block.BlockCompat
      Check if this provider has an alias for the given material.
      Creates new block values for given material and state.
      hasAnyEnchantments(Enchantment...) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.aliases.ItemType
      createBlockValues(Material, Map<String, String>, ItemStack, int) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.bukkitutil.block.NewBlockCompat
      createChainedConverters() - Static method in class org.skriptlang.skript.lang.converter.Converters
      Checks whether this item type contains at most one of the given enchantments.
      This method is to be called after Skript has finished registration.
      hasBlock() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.aliases.ItemType
      hasDefaultVariables() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.structures.StructVariables.DefaultVariables
      hasDocs() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.classes.ClassInfo
      created_at - Variable in class ch.njol.skript.update.GithubChecker.ResponseEntry
      hasEnchantments() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.aliases.ItemType
      createDoubleInstanceofConverter(Converter.ConverterInfo<F, ?>, Class<T>) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.classes.Converter.ConverterUtils
      Checks whether this item type has enchantments.
      createDoubleInstanceofConverter(Class<F>, Converter<F, ?>, Class<T>) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.classes.Converter.ConverterUtils
      Wraps a converter.
      hasEnchantments(EnchantmentType...) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.aliases.ItemType
      createInstanceofConverter(Converter.ConverterInfo<F, T>) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.classes.Converter.ConverterUtils
      Checks whether this item type contains the given enchantments.
      createInstanceofConverter(Converter<F, ?>, Class<T>) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.classes.Converter.ConverterUtils
      Wraps a converter in a filter that will only accept conversion + results of given type.
      hasEnchantments(Enchantment...) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.aliases.ItemType
      createInstanceofConverter(Class<F>, Converter<F, T>) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.classes.Converter.ConverterUtils
      Checks whether this item type has the given enchantments.
      createMissingConverters() - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.registrations.Converters
      createScriptAliases(Script) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.aliases.Aliases
      Creates script aliases for the provided Script.
      hasError() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.log.ParseLogHandler
      hasErrors() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.log.RetainingLogHandler
      hasField(String) - Method in class ch.njol.yggdrasil.Fields
      hashCode() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.aliases.ItemData
      hashCode() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.aliases.ItemType
      hashCode() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.bukkitutil.block.BlockValues
      hashCode() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.EntityData
      hashCode() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.EntityType
      hashCode() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.SimpleEntityData.SimpleEntityDataInfo
      hashCode() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.hooks.regions.classes.Region
      hashCode() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.hooks.regions.GriefPreventionHook.GriefPreventionRegion
      hashCode() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.hooks.regions.PreciousStonesHook.PreciousStonesRegion
      hashCode() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.hooks.regions.ResidenceHook.ResidenceRegion
      hashCode() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.hooks.regions.WorldGuardHook.WorldGuardRegion
      hashCode() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.function.Namespace.Key
      hashCode() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.function.Signature
      hashCode() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.AABB
      hashCode() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.Date
      hashCode() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.Direction
      hashCode() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.EnchantmentType
      hashCode() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.Experience
      hashCode() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.Time
      hashCode() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.Timeperiod
      hashCode() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.Timespan
      createUpdateChecker() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.update.ReleaseManifest
      Creates an instance of the updater used by this type.
      CreeperData - Class in ch.njol.skript.entity
      hashCode() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.Version
      CreeperData() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.entity.CreeperData
      hashCode() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.visual.VisualEffect
      current() - Method in class ch.njol.util.coll.iterator.ImprovedIterator
      hashCode() - Method in class ch.njol.util.CaseInsensitiveString
      currentArguments - Static variable in class ch.njol.skript.command.Commands
      hashCode() - Method in class ch.njol.util.coll.iterator.EmptyIterable
      currentFunction - Static variable in class ch.njol.skript.lang.function.Functions
      hashCode() - Method in class ch.njol.util.coll.iterator.EmptyIterator
      currentLoopCounter - Variable in class ch.njol.skript.lang.LoopSection
      hashCode() - Method in class ch.njol.util.coll.ReversedListView
      CursorSlot - Class in ch.njol.skript.util.slot
      Item that is in player's cursor.
      CursorSlot(Player) - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.util.slot.CursorSlot
      hashCode() - Method in class ch.njol.util.Pair
      CUSTOM - Enum constant in enum class ch.njol.skript.update.ReleaseStatus
      As defined by Map.Entry.hashCode()
      Updates have been checked, but this release was not found at all.
      hashCode() - Method in class ch.njol.yggdrasil.Fields.FieldContext
      CyclicList<E> - Class in ch.njol.util.coll
      A list with fixed size that overrides the oldest elements when new elements are added and no more space is available.
      CyclicList(int) - Constructor for class ch.njol.util.coll.CyclicList
      hashCode() - Method in class ch.njol.yggdrasil.PseudoEnum
      CyclicList(E[]) - Constructor for class ch.njol.util.coll.CyclicList
      CyclicList(Collection<E>) - Constructor for class ch.njol.util.coll.CyclicList


      damage(Damageable, double) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.bukkitutil.HealthUtils
      Returns PseudoEnum.ordinal(), i.e.
      Apply damage to an entity
      hashCode_i() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.AxolotlData
      dark_aqua - Enum constant in enum class ch.njol.skript.util.chat.SkriptChatCode
      hashCode_i() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.BeeData
      dark_blue - Enum constant in enum class ch.njol.skript.util.chat.SkriptChatCode
      hashCode_i() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.BoatChestData
      DARK_BLUE - Enum constant in enum class ch.njol.skript.util.SkriptColor
      hashCode_i() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.BoatData
      DARK_CYAN - Enum constant in enum class ch.njol.skript.util.SkriptColor
      hashCode_i() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.CatData
      dark_gray - Enum constant in enum class ch.njol.skript.util.chat.SkriptChatCode
      hashCode_i() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.CreeperData
      dark_green - Enum constant in enum class ch.njol.skript.util.chat.SkriptChatCode
      hashCode_i() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.DroppedItemData
      DARK_GREEN - Enum constant in enum class ch.njol.skript.util.SkriptColor
      hashCode_i() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.EndermanData
      DARK_GREY - Enum constant in enum class ch.njol.skript.util.SkriptColor
      hashCode_i() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.EntityData
      DARK_OAK - Enum constant in enum class ch.njol.skript.util.StructureType
      hashCode_i() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.FallingBlockData
      dark_purple - Enum constant in enum class ch.njol.skript.util.chat.SkriptChatCode
      hashCode_i() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.FishData
      DARK_PURPLE - Enum constant in enum class ch.njol.skript.util.SkriptColor
      hashCode_i() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.FoxData
      dark_red - Enum constant in enum class ch.njol.skript.util.chat.SkriptChatCode
      hashCode_i() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.FrogData
      DARK_RED - Enum constant in enum class ch.njol.skript.util.SkriptColor
      hashCode_i() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.GoatData
      data - Variable in class ch.njol.skript.entity.EntityType
      hashCode_i() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.LlamaData
      data - Variable in class ch.njol.skript.lang.util.ConvertedLiteral
      hashCode_i() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.MinecartData
      data - Variable in class ch.njol.skript.lang.util.SimpleLiteral
      hashCode_i() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.MooshroomData
      data - Variable in class ch.njol.skript.variables.SerializedVariable.Value
      The serialized value data.
      Data(ParserInstance) - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.lang.parser.ParserInstance.Data
      hashCode_i() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.OcelotData
      databaseName - Variable in class ch.njol.skript.variables.VariablesStorage
      The name of the database, i.e.
      databases - Static variable in class ch.njol.skript.SkriptConfig
      hashCode_i() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.PandaData
      dataMax - Variable in class ch.njol.skript.aliases.ItemData.OldItemData
      hashCode_i() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.ParrotData
      dataMin - Variable in class ch.njol.skript.aliases.ItemData.OldItemData
      hashCode_i() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.PigData
      date - Variable in class ch.njol.skript.update.ReleaseManifest
      When the release was published.
      date - Variable in class ch.njol.skript.update.UpdateManifest
      When the release was published.
      Date - Class in ch.njol.skript.util
      hashCode_i() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.RabbitData
      Date() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.util.Date
      hashCode_i() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.SheepData
      Date(long) - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.util.Date
      hashCode_i() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.SimpleEntityData
      Date(long, TimeZone) - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.util.Date
      hashCode_i() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.ThrownPotionData
      DATE - Static variable in class ch.njol.skript.registrations.DefaultClasses
      hashCode_i() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.TropicalFishData
      debug() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.config.Node
      hashCode_i() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.VillagerData
      debug() - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.log.SkriptLogger
      hashCode_i() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.WolfData
      debug() - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.Skript
      hashCode_i() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.XpOrbData
      debug(String) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.Skript
      hashCode_i() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.ZombieVillagerData
      debug(Event, boolean) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.TriggerItem
      hasItem() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.aliases.ItemType
      DEBUG - Enum constant in enum class ch.njol.skript.log.Verbosity
      hasMetadata(String) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.BlockStateBlock
      DEBUG - Enum constant in enum class ch.njol.skript.util.StringMode
      hasMetadata(String) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.DelayedChangeBlock
      DEBUG - Static variable in class ch.njol.skript.log.SkriptLogger
      hasMultipleOwners() - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.hooks.regions.RegionsPlugin
      Debuggable - Interface in ch.njol.skript.lang
      hasMultipleOwners_i() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.hooks.regions.GriefPreventionHook
      DEFAULT - Enum constant in enum class ch.njol.skript.lang.ParseContext
      Default parse mode
      DEFAULT_ENTRY_SEPARATOR - Static variable in class org.skriptlang.skript.lang.entry.EntryValidator.EntryValidatorBuilder
      The default separator used for all KeyValueEntryData.
      DEFAULT_PRIORITY - Static variable in class org.skriptlang.skript.lang.structure.Structure
      The default Structure.Priority of every registered Structure.
      DefaultChangers - Class in ch.njol.skript.classes.data
      hasMultipleOwners_i() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.hooks.regions.PreciousStonesHook
      DefaultChangers() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.classes.data.DefaultChangers
      hasMultipleOwners_i() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.hooks.regions.RegionsPlugin
      DefaultClasses - Class in ch.njol.skript.registrations
      hasMultipleOwners_i() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.hooks.regions.ResidenceHook
      DefaultClasses() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.registrations.DefaultClasses
      hasMultipleOwners_i() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.hooks.regions.WorldGuardHook
      DefaultComparators - Class in ch.njol.skript.classes.data
      hasMultiplePassenger() - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.bukkitutil.PassengerUtils
      DefaultComparators() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.classes.data.DefaultComparators
      hasNext() - Method in class ch.njol.util.coll.iterator.ArrayIterator
      DefaultConverters - Class in ch.njol.skript.classes.data
      hasNext() - Method in class ch.njol.util.coll.iterator.CheckedIterator
      DefaultConverters() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.classes.data.DefaultConverters
      hasNext() - Method in class ch.njol.util.coll.iterator.CombinedIterator
      defaultEventPriority - Static variable in class ch.njol.skript.SkriptConfig
      hasNext() - Method in class ch.njol.util.coll.iterator.ConsumingIterator
      defaultExpression(DefaultExpression<T>) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.classes.ClassInfo
      hasNext() - Method in class ch.njol.util.coll.iterator.EmptyIterator
      DefaultExpression<T> - Interface in ch.njol.skript.lang
      Represents an expression that can be used as the default value of a certain type and event.
      DefaultFunctions - Class in ch.njol.skript.classes.data
      hasNext() - Method in class ch.njol.util.coll.iterator.ImprovedIterator
      DefaultFunctions() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.classes.data.DefaultFunctions
      hasNext() - Method in class ch.njol.util.coll.iterator.ListRangeIterator
      DefaultYggdrasilInputStream - Class in ch.njol.yggdrasil
      hasNext() - Method in class ch.njol.util.coll.iterator.NonNullIterator
      DefaultYggdrasilInputStream(Yggdrasil, InputStream) - Constructor for class ch.njol.yggdrasil.DefaultYggdrasilInputStream
      hasNext() - Method in class ch.njol.util.coll.iterator.ReversedListIterator
      DefaultYggdrasilOutputStream - Class in ch.njol.yggdrasil
      hasNext() - Method in class ch.njol.util.coll.iterator.SingleItemIterator
      DefaultYggdrasilOutputStream(Yggdrasil, OutputStream) - Constructor for class ch.njol.yggdrasil.DefaultYggdrasilOutputStream
      hasNext() - Method in class ch.njol.util.coll.iterator.StoppableIterator
      defendExpression(Expression<?>) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.util.LiteralUtils
      Checks an Expression for UnparsedLiteral objects + and converts them if found.
      DEG_TO_RAD - Static variable in class ch.njol.util.VectorMath
      hasParam() - Method in interface ch.njol.skript.util.chat.ChatCode
      DelayedChangeBlock - Class in ch.njol.skript.util
      Checks if this chat code takes a string parameter.
      A block that gets all data from the world, but either delays + any changes by 1 tick of reflects them on a given BlockState + depending on which constructor is used.
      hasParam() - Method in enum class ch.njol.skript.util.chat.SkriptChatCode
      DelayedChangeBlock(Block) - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.util.DelayedChangeBlock
      hasPrevious() - Method in class ch.njol.util.coll.iterator.ReversedListIterator
      DelayedChangeBlock(Block, BlockState) - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.util.DelayedChangeBlock
      hasSection() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.EffectSection
      DELETE - Enum constant in enum class ch.njol.skript.classes.Changer.ChangeMode
      hasSpace(Inventory) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.aliases.ItemType
      deleteCurrentEvent() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.parser.ParserInstance
      deleteCurrentEvent() - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.ScriptLoader
      Test whether this ItemType can be put into the given inventory completely.
      hasTag(String) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptParser.ParseResult
      hasType() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.aliases.ItemType
      deleteCurrentSkriptEvent() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.parser.ParserInstance
      Useful for checking if materials represent an item or a block.
      Deprecated. + +
      hasUnparsedLiteral(Expression<?>) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.util.LiteralUtils
      deleteVariable(String, Event, boolean) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.variables.Variables
      Checks if an Expression contains UnparsedLiteral - objects.
      Deletes a variable.
      HAVE - Enum constant in enum class ch.njol.skript.conditions.base.PropertyCondition.PropertyType
      description(String...) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.classes.ClassInfo
      Indicates that the condition is in a form of something has/have something, - also possibly in the negated form
      Only used for Skript's documentation.
      heal(Damageable, double) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.bukkitutil.HealthUtils
      description(String...) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.function.JavaFunction
      Heal an entity
      Only used for Skript's documentation.
      HEALING - Enum constant in enum class ch.njol.skript.util.PotionDataUtils
      HEALING_STRONG - Enum constant in enum class ch.njol.skript.util.PotionDataUtils
      description(String...) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptEventInfo
      Only used for Skript's documentation.
      Description - Annotation Interface in ch.njol.skript.doc
      Provides a description for annotated element in documentation.
      deserialize(Fields) - Method in enum class ch.njol.skript.util.SkriptColor
      HealthUtils - Class in ch.njol.skript.bukkitutil
      deserialize(Fields) - Method in interface ch.njol.yggdrasil.YggdrasilSerializable.YggdrasilExtendedSerializable
      Deserialises this object.
      deserialize(ClassInfo<?>, byte[]) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.registrations.Classes
      HealthUtils() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.bukkitutil.HealthUtils
      deserialize(ClassInfo<?>, InputStream) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.registrations.Classes
      HELMET - Enum constant in enum class ch.njol.skript.util.slot.EquipmentSlot.EquipSlot
      deserialize(Fields) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.aliases.ItemData
      HEX_SUPPORTED - Static variable in class ch.njol.skript.util.Utils
      deserialize(Fields) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.aliases.ItemType
      hexStringToByteArray(String) - Static method in class ch.njol.util.StringUtils
      deserialize(Fields) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.classes.ConfigurationSerializer
      HIGH - Enum constant in enum class ch.njol.skript.log.Verbosity
      deserialize(Fields) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.classes.EnumSerializer
      Hook<P extends org.bukkit.plugin.Plugin> - Class in ch.njol.skript.hooks
      deserialize(Fields) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.classes.Serializer
      Used to deserialise Bukkit objects and other stuff that cannot be instantiated, e.g.
      deserialize(Fields) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.EntityData
      Hook() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.hooks.Hook
      deserialize(Fields) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.SimpleEntityData
      hoverEvent - Variable in class ch.njol.skript.util.chat.MessageComponent
      deserialize(Fields) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.ColorRGB
      HoverEvent(MessageComponent.HoverEvent.Action, String) - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.util.chat.MessageComponent.HoverEvent
      deserialize(Class<E>, Fields) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.classes.Serializer
      html_url - Variable in class ch.njol.skript.update.GithubChecker.ResponseEntry
      deserialize(Class<E>, Fields) - Method in class ch.njol.yggdrasil.JRESerializer
      HTMLGenerator - Class in ch.njol.skript.doc
      deserialize(Class<E>, Fields) - Method in class ch.njol.yggdrasil.YggdrasilSerializer
      Template engine, primarily used for generating Skript documentation - pages by combining data from annotations and templates.
      Deserialises an object.
      HTMLGenerator(File, File) - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.doc.HTMLGenerator


      id - Variable in class ch.njol.skript.update.GithubChecker.ResponseEntry.Author
      id - Variable in class ch.njol.skript.update.GithubChecker.ResponseEntry
      deserialize(Object, Fields) - Method in class ch.njol.yggdrasil.JRESerializer
      id - Variable in class ch.njol.skript.update.ReleaseManifest
      deserialize(String) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.classes.ConfigurationSerializer
      Release id, for example "2.3".
      id - Variable in class ch.njol.skript.update.UpdateManifest
      deserialize(String) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.classes.EnumSerializer
      Release id, for example "2.3".
      IDENTITY - Static variable in class ch.njol.skript.util.Direction
      deserialize(String) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.classes.Serializer
      A direction that points in the direction of the object(s) passed to the various getDirection methods.
      IGNORE_PITCH - Static variable in class ch.njol.skript.util.Direction
      deserialize(String) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.classes.YggdrasilSerializer
      Use this as pitch to force a horizontal direction
      implies(Kleenean) - Method in enum class ch.njol.util.Kleenean
      ImprovedIterator<T> - Class in ch.njol.util.coll.iterator
      ImprovedIterator(Iterator<T>) - Constructor for class ch.njol.util.coll.iterator.ImprovedIterator
      inaccessibleConstructor(Class<?>, IllegalAccessException) - Static method in exception ch.njol.skript.SkriptAPIException
      deserialize(String) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.CreeperData
      INACTIVE - Enum constant in enum class ch.njol.skript.update.UpdaterState
      deserialize(String) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.DroppedItemData
      The updater has done something, but is currently not doing anything.
      incompatibleField(Field, Fields.FieldContext) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.Direction
      incompatibleField(Field, Fields.FieldContext) - Method in interface ch.njol.yggdrasil.YggdrasilSerializable.YggdrasilRobustSerializable
      deserialize(String) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.EndermanData
      Called if a field that was read from stream is of an incompatible type to the existing field in this class.
      incompatibleField(Object, Field, Fields.FieldContext) - Method in interface ch.njol.yggdrasil.FieldHandler
      deserialize(String) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.EntityData
      Called when a loaded value is not compatible with the type of a field.
      incompatibleField(Object, Field, Fields.FieldContext) - Method in class ch.njol.yggdrasil.util.JREFieldHandler
      deserialize(String) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.FallingBlockData
      Converts collection types and non-primitive arrays
      incompatibleField(Object, Field, Fields.FieldContext) - Method in class ch.njol.yggdrasil.Yggdrasil
      increment() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.aliases.AliasesParser.VariationSlot
      IndeterminateDelay - Class in ch.njol.skript.effects
      IndeterminateDelay() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.effects.IndeterminateDelay
      deserialize(String) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.MinecartData
      indexOf(int[], int) - Static method in class ch.njol.util.coll.CollectionUtils
      deserialize(String) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.OcelotData
      indexOf(int[], int, int) - Static method in class ch.njol.util.coll.CollectionUtils
      deserialize(String) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.PigData
      indexOf(int[], int, int, int) - Static method in class ch.njol.util.coll.CollectionUtils
      deserialize(String) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.SheepData
      indexOf(Iterable<T>, T) - Static method in class ch.njol.util.coll.CollectionUtils
      deserialize(String) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.SimpleEntityData
      deserialize(String) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.ThrownPotionData
      Finds an object in an iterable using Object.equals(Object).
      indexOf(Object) - Method in class ch.njol.util.coll.CyclicList
      indexOf(Object) - Method in class ch.njol.util.coll.ReversedListView
      deserialize(String) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.VillagerData
      indexOf(T[], T) - Static method in class ch.njol.util.coll.CollectionUtils
      deserialize(String) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.WolfData
      Finds an object in an array using Object.equals(Object) (can find null elements).
      indexOf(T[], T, int, int) - Static method in class ch.njol.util.coll.CollectionUtils
      deserialize(String) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.XpOrbData
      indexOfIgnoreCase(Iterable<String>, String) - Static method in class ch.njol.util.coll.CollectionUtils
      deserialize(String) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.ZombieVillagerData
      deserialize(String) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.util.Direction
      Finds a string in a collection of strings (ignoring case).
      indexOfIgnoreCase(String[], String) - Static method in class ch.njol.util.coll.CollectionUtils
      deserialize(String, byte[]) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.registrations.Classes
      deserialize(String, String) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.registrations.Classes
      finds a string in an array of strings (ignoring case).
      indexOfOutsideGroup(String, char, char, char, int) - Static method in class ch.njol.util.StringUtils
      info - Variable in class ch.njol.skript.classes.Serializer
      deserialize(T, Fields) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.classes.ConfigurationSerializer
      info(String) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.Skript
      deserialize(T, Fields) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.classes.EnumSerializer
      info(CommandSender, String) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.Skript
      deserialize(T, Fields) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.classes.Serializer
      init() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.base.EventValueExpression
      deserialize(T, Fields) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.classes.YggdrasilSerializer
      init() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.hooks.Hook
      deserialize(T, Fields) - Method in class ch.njol.yggdrasil.YggdrasilSerializer
      Called when the plugin has been successfully hooked
      Deserialises an object.
      init() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.hooks.regions.GriefPreventionHook
      init() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.hooks.regions.PreciousStonesHook
      init() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.hooks.regions.RegionsPlugin
      init() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.hooks.regions.ResidenceHook
      deserializeCS(String, Class<T>) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.classes.ConfigurationSerializer
      init() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.hooks.regions.WorldGuardHook
      deserializeCSOld(String, Class<T>) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.classes.ConfigurationSerializer
      DEVELOPMENT - Enum constant in enum class ch.njol.skript.update.ReleaseStatus
      Running a developer/nightly build, updates will not be checked.
      difference(A, A) - Method in interface ch.njol.skript.classes.Arithmetic
      init() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.hooks.VaultHook
      difference(Date) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.Date
      init() - Method in interface ch.njol.skript.lang.DefaultExpression
      difference(Number, Number) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.classes.NumberArithmetic
      init() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.util.SimpleLiteral
      difference(Vector, Vector) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.classes.VectorArithmethic
      init(Class<? extends E>, E) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.EntityData
      DIFFERENT - Enum constant in enum class ch.njol.skript.aliases.MatchQuality
      The items share nothing in common.
      Direction - Class in ch.njol.skript.util
      init(Class<? extends Bee>, Bee) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.BeeData
      Direction() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.util.Direction
      init(Class<? extends Boat>, Boat) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.BoatData
      Direction(double[]) - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.util.Direction
      init(Class<? extends Cat>, Cat) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.CatData
      Direction(double, double, double) - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.util.Direction
      init(Class<? extends ChestBoat>, ChestBoat) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.BoatChestData
      Direction(BlockFace, double) - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.util.Direction
      init(Class<? extends Creeper>, Creeper) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.CreeperData
      Direction(Vector) - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.util.Direction
      init(Class<? extends Enderman>, Enderman) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.EndermanData
      DISABLED - Enum constant in enum class ch.njol.skript.util.chat.LinkParseMode
      Parses nothing automatically as a link.
      DISABLED_SCRIPT_PREFIX - Static variable in class ch.njol.skript.ScriptLoader
      init(Class<? extends Entity>, Entity) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.SimpleEntityData
      DISABLED_SCRIPT_PREFIX_LENGTH - Static variable in class ch.njol.skript.ScriptLoader
      init(Class<? extends ExperienceOrb>, ExperienceOrb) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.XpOrbData
      disableHookGriefPrevention - Static variable in class ch.njol.skript.SkriptConfig
      init(Class<? extends FallingBlock>, FallingBlock) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.FallingBlockData
      disableHookPreciousStones - Static variable in class ch.njol.skript.SkriptConfig
      init(Class<? extends Fish>, Fish) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.FishData
      disableHookRegistration(Class<? extends Hook<?>>...) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.Skript
      Disables the registration for the given hook classes.
      disableHookResidence - Static variable in class ch.njol.skript.SkriptConfig
      init(Class<? extends Fox>, Fox) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.FoxData
      disableHookVault - Static variable in class ch.njol.skript.SkriptConfig
      init(Class<? extends Frog>, Frog) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.FrogData
      disableHookWorldGuard - Static variable in class ch.njol.skript.SkriptConfig
      init(Class<? extends Item>, Item) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.DroppedItemData
      disableMissingAndOrWarnings - Static variable in class ch.njol.skript.SkriptConfig
      init(Class<? extends Llama>, Llama) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.LlamaData
      disableObjectCannotBeSavedWarnings - Static variable in class ch.njol.skript.SkriptConfig
      init(Class<? extends Minecart>, Minecart) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.MinecartData
      disableVariableStartingWithExpressionWarnings - Static variable in class ch.njol.skript.SkriptConfig
      init(Class<? extends MushroomCow>, MushroomCow) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.MooshroomData
      disconnect() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.variables.FlatFileStorage
      init(Class<? extends Ocelot>, Ocelot) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.OcelotData
      disconnect() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.variables.SQLStorage
      init(Class<? extends Panda>, Panda) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.PandaData
      disconnect() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.variables.VariablesStorage
      Disconnects from the database.
      dispatchCommand(CommandSender, String) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.Skript
      Dispatches a command with calling command events
      display_name - Variable in class ch.njol.skript.bukkitutil.BurgerHelper.ItemOrBlock
      init(Class<? extends Parrot>, Parrot) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.ParrotData
      divide(A, R) - Method in interface ch.njol.skript.classes.Arithmetic
      init(Class<? extends Pig>, Pig) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.PigData
      divide(Number, Number) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.classes.NumberArithmetic
      init(Class<? extends Sheep>, Sheep) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.SheepData
      divide(Vector, Vector) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.classes.VectorArithmethic
      init(Class<? extends ThrownPotion>, ThrownPotion) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.ThrownPotionData
      DO_NOT_LOG - Enum constant in enum class ch.njol.skript.log.LogHandler.LogResult
      init(Class<? extends TropicalFish>, TropicalFish) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.TropicalFishData
      Documentation - Class in ch.njol.skript.doc
      TODO list special expressions for events and event values + TODO compare doc in code with changed one of the webserver and warn about differences?
      Documentation() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.doc.Documentation
      init(Class<? extends Villager>, Villager) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.VillagerData
      documentationId(String) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.classes.ClassInfo
      Overrides default documentation id, which is assigned from class name.
      documentationID(String) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptEventInfo
      A non critical ID remapping for syntax elements register using the same class multiple times.
      DocumentationId - Annotation Interface in ch.njol.skript.doc
      Sets documentation id for the annotated element.
      doesEventValueHaveTimeStates(Class<? extends Event>, Class<?>) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.registrations.EventValues
      init(Class<? extends Wolf>, Wolf) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.WolfData
      doesExactEventValueHaveTimeStates(Class<? extends Event>, Class<?>) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.registrations.EventValues
      init(Class<? extends ZombieVillager>, ZombieVillager) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.ZombieVillagerData
      download_count - Variable in class ch.njol.skript.update.GithubChecker.ResponseEntry.AssetsEntry
      init(Class<? extends Axolotl>, Axolotl) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.AxolotlData
      DOWNLOADING - Enum constant in enum class ch.njol.skript.update.UpdaterState
      An update is currently being downloaded.
      downloadSource - Variable in class ch.njol.skript.update.ReleaseManifest
      Source for downloads.
      downloadUrl - Variable in class ch.njol.skript.update.UpdateManifest
      Download URL for the update.
      draft - Variable in class ch.njol.skript.update.GithubChecker.ResponseEntry
      init(Class<? extends Goat>, Goat) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.GoatData
      DroppedItemData - Class in ch.njol.skript.entity
      init(Expression[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.conditions.CondIsLeftHanded
      DroppedItemData() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.entity.DroppedItemData
      init(Expression<?>[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprItemsIn
      DroppedItemData(ItemType[]) - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.entity.DroppedItemData
      init(Expression<?>[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.conditions.base.PropertyCondition
      DroppedItemSlot - Class in ch.njol.skript.util.slot
      Represents an item of dropped item entity.
      DroppedItemSlot(Item) - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.util.slot.DroppedItemSlot
      init(Expression<?>[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.conditions.CondAlphanumeric


      EARLIEST - Enum constant in enum class ch.njol.skript.localization.Language.LanguageListenerPriority
      init(Expression<?>[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.conditions.CondAnchorWorks
      Effect - Class in ch.njol.skript.lang
      An effect which is unconditionally executed when reached, and execution will usually continue with the next item of the trigger after this effect is executed (the stop effect + for example stops the trigger, i.e.
      Effect() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.lang.Effect
      init(Expression<?>[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.conditions.CondCancelled
      EffectCommandEvent - Class in ch.njol.skript.command
      init(Expression<?>[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.conditions.CondCanHold
      EffectCommandEvent(CommandSender, String) - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.command.EffectCommandEvent
      init(Expression<?>[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.conditions.CondCanSee
      effectCommandToken - Static variable in class ch.njol.skript.SkriptConfig
      init(Expression<?>[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.conditions.CondChance
      EffectSection - Class in ch.njol.skript.lang
      A Section that may also be used as an effect, + meaning there may be no section to parse.
      EffectSection() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.lang.EffectSection
      init(Expression<?>[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.conditions.CondCompare
      EffectSectionEffect - Class in ch.njol.skript.lang
      init(Expression<?>[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.conditions.CondContains
      EffectSectionEffect(EffectSection) - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.lang.EffectSectionEffect
      init(Expression<?>[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.conditions.CondDamageCause
      effectToType(PotionEffectType) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.util.PotionEffectUtils
      Wrapper around deprecated API function, in case it gets removed.
      EMPTY - Static variable in interface ch.njol.util.OpenCloseable
      An OpenCloseable without effect.
      EmptyIterable<T> - Class in ch.njol.util.coll.iterator
      init(Expression<?>[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.conditions.CondDate
      EmptyIterable() - Constructor for class ch.njol.util.coll.iterator.EmptyIterable
      init(Expression<?>[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.conditions.CondEntityIsInLiquid
      EmptyIterator<T> - Class in ch.njol.util.coll.iterator
      init(Expression<?>[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.conditions.CondHasItemCooldown
      EmptyIterator() - Constructor for class ch.njol.util.coll.iterator.EmptyIterator
      init(Expression<?>[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.conditions.CondHasLineOfSight
      EmptyStacktraceException - Exception in ch.njol.skript.util
      init(Expression<?>[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.conditions.CondHasMetadata
      EmptyStacktraceException() - Constructor for exception ch.njol.skript.util.EmptyStacktraceException
      init(Expression<?>[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.conditions.CondHasPotion
      enabled() - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.timings.SkriptTimings
      init(Expression<?>[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.conditions.CondHasScoreboardTag
      enableEffectCommands - Static variable in class ch.njol.skript.SkriptConfig
      init(Expression<?>[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.conditions.CondIgnitionProcess
      enableFunctionEvents(SkriptAddon) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.function.Functions
      Normally, function calls do not cause actual Bukkit events to be + called.
      enablePlayerVariableFix - Static variable in class ch.njol.skript.SkriptConfig
      init(Expression<?>[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.conditions.CondIncendiary
      enableScriptCaching - Static variable in class ch.njol.skript.SkriptConfig
      enableTimings - Static variable in class ch.njol.skript.SkriptConfig
      init(Expression<?>[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.conditions.CondIsAlive
      EnchantmentType - Class in ch.njol.skript.util
      init(Expression<?>[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.conditions.CondIsBanned
      EnchantmentType(Enchantment) - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.util.EnchantmentType
      init(Expression<?>[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.conditions.CondIsBlockRedstonePowered
      EnchantmentType(Enchantment, int) - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.util.EnchantmentType
      init(Expression<?>[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.conditions.CondIsEnchanted
      EnchantmentUtils - Class in ch.njol.skript.bukkitutil
      Maps enchantments to their keys.
      EnchantmentUtils() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.bukkitutil.EnchantmentUtils
      init(Expression<?>[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.conditions.CondIsInvisible
      end - Variable in class ch.njol.skript.util.Timeperiod
      init(Expression<?>[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.conditions.CondIsJumping
      EndermanData - Class in ch.njol.skript.entity
      init(Expression<?>[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.conditions.CondIsLoaded
      EndermanData() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.entity.EndermanData
      init(Expression<?>[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.conditions.CondIsOfType
      EndermanData(ItemType[]) - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.entity.EndermanData
      init(Expression<?>[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.conditions.CondIsOnline
      endsWithIgnoreCase(String, String) - Static method in class ch.njol.util.StringUtils
      init(Expression<?>[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.conditions.CondIsPluginEnabled
      enterScope() - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.variables.TypeHints
      init(Expression<?>[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.conditions.CondIsPreferredTool
      entityChanger - Static variable in class ch.njol.skript.classes.data.DefaultChangers
      init(Expression<?>[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.conditions.CondIsRiding
      EntityData<E extends org.bukkit.entity.Entity> - Class in ch.njol.skript.entity
      init(Expression<?>[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.conditions.CondIsSet
      EntityData() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.entity.EntityData
      init(Expression<?>[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.conditions.CondIsWearing
      entityItemComparator - Static variable in class ch.njol.skript.classes.data.DefaultComparators
      init(Expression<?>[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.conditions.CondIsWhitelisted
      EntityType - Class in ch.njol.skript.entity
      init(Expression<?>[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.conditions.CondIsWithin
      EntityType(EntityData<?>, int) - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.entity.EntityType
      init(Expression<?>[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.conditions.CondItemInHand
      EntityType(EntityType) - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.entity.EntityType
      init(Expression<?>[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.conditions.CondMatches
      EntityType(Class<? extends Entity>, int) - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.entity.EntityType
      init(Expression<?>[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.conditions.CondPermission
      EntityType(Entity) - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.entity.EntityType
      init(Expression<?>[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.conditions.CondPlayedBefore
      EntityUtils - Class in ch.njol.skript.bukkitutil
      Utility class for quick Entity methods
      EntityUtils() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.bukkitutil.EntityUtils
      init(Expression<?>[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.conditions.CondPvP
      EntryContainer - Class in org.skriptlang.skript.lang.entry
      An EntryContainer is a data container for obtaining the values of the entries of a SectionNode.
      EntryData<T> - Class in org.skriptlang.skript.lang.entry
      EntryData is used for defining the different entries of for a SectionNode.
      EntryData(String, T, boolean) - Constructor for class org.skriptlang.skript.lang.entry.EntryData
      init(Expression<?>[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.conditions.CondResourcePack
      EntryNode - Class in ch.njol.skript.config
      init(Expression<?>[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.conditions.CondRespawnLocation
      EntryNode(String, String, SectionNode) - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.config.EntryNode
      init(Expression<?>[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.conditions.CondScriptLoaded
      EntryNode(String, String, String, SectionNode, int) - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.config.EntryNode
      init(Expression<?>[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.conditions.CondStartsEndsWith
      entrySeparator(String) - Method in class org.skriptlang.skript.lang.entry.EntryValidator.EntryValidatorBuilder
      Updates the separator to be used when creating KeyValue entries.
      entrySet() - Method in class ch.njol.util.coll.BidiHashMap
      init(Expression<?>[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.conditions.CondWillHatch
      entryValidator - Variable in class org.skriptlang.skript.lang.structure.StructureInfo
      init(Expression<?>[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.conditions.CondWithinRadius
      EntryValidator - Class in ch.njol.skript.config.validate
      init(Expression<?>[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.effects.Delay
      EntryValidator - Class in org.skriptlang.skript.lang.entry
      A validator for storing EntryData.
      EntryValidator() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.config.validate.EntryValidator
      init(Expression<?>[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.effects.EffActionBar
      EntryValidator(Setter<String>) - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.config.validate.EntryValidator
      init(Expression<?>[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.effects.EffBan
      EntryValidator.EntryValidatorBuilder - Class in org.skriptlang.skript.lang.entry
      A utility builder for creating an entry validator that can be used to parse and validate a SectionNode.
      EnumClassInfo<T extends Enum<T>> - Class in ch.njol.skript.classes
      This class can be used for an easier writing of ClassInfos that are enums, + it registers a language node with usage, a serializer, default expression and a parser.
      EnumClassInfo(Class<T>, String, String) - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.classes.EnumClassInfo
      init(Expression<?>[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.effects.EffBreakNaturally
      EnumClassInfo(Class<T>, String, String, DefaultExpression<T>) - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.classes.EnumClassInfo
      init(Expression<?>[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.effects.EffBroadcast
      EnumEntryValidator<E extends Enum<E>> - Class in ch.njol.skript.config.validate
      init(Expression<?>[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.effects.EffCancelCooldown
      EnumEntryValidator(Class<E>, Setter<E>) - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.config.validate.EnumEntryValidator
      init(Expression<?>[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.effects.EffCancelDrops
      EnumEntryValidator(Class<E>, Setter<E>, String) - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.config.validate.EnumEntryValidator
      init(Expression<?>[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.effects.EffCancelEvent
      EnumerationIterable<T> - Class in ch.njol.util.coll.iterator
      TODO this should actually only be an Iterator
      EnumerationIterable(Enumeration<? extends T>) - Constructor for class ch.njol.util.coll.iterator.EnumerationIterable
      init(Expression<?>[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.effects.EffChange
      EnumParser<E extends Enum<E>> - Class in ch.njol.skript.config
      init(Expression<?>[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.effects.EffChargeCreeper
      EnumParser(Class<E>, String) - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.config.EnumParser
      init(Expression<?>[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.effects.EffColorItems
      EnumSerializer<T extends Enum<T>> - Class in ch.njol.skript.classes
      Mainly kept for backwards compatibility, but also serves as ClassResolver for enums.
      EnumSerializer(Class<T>) - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.classes.EnumSerializer
      init(Expression<?>[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.effects.EffCommand
      EnumTypeAdapter<T extends Enum<T>> - Class in ch.njol.util
      init(Expression<?>[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.effects.EffConnect
      EnumTypeAdapter(Class<T>) - Constructor for class ch.njol.util.EnumTypeAdapter
      init(Expression<?>[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.effects.EffContinue
      EnumUtils<E extends Enum<E>> - Class in ch.njol.skript.util
      init(Expression<?>[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.effects.EffDoIf
      EnumUtils(Class<E>, String) - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.util.EnumUtils
      init(Expression<?>[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.effects.EffDrop
      EPSILON - Static variable in class ch.njol.skript.Skript
      A small value, useful for comparing doubles or floats.
      EPSILON_MULT - Static variable in class ch.njol.skript.Skript
      A value a bit larger than 1
      EQUAL - Enum constant in enum class ch.njol.skript.classes.Comparator.Relation
      EQUAL - Enum constant in enum class org.skriptlang.skript.lang.comparator.Relation
      init(Expression<?>[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.effects.EffEnchant
      equals(Object) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.aliases.ItemData
      init(Expression<?>[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.effects.EffEquip
      equals(Object) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.aliases.ItemType
      init(Expression<?>[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.effects.EffExceptionDebug
      equals(Object) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.bukkitutil.block.BlockValues
      init(Expression<?>[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.effects.EffExit
      equals(Object) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.EntityData
      init(Expression<?>[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.effects.EffExplodeCreeper
      equals(Object) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.EntityType
      init(Expression<?>[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.effects.EffExplosion
      equals(Object) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.SimpleEntityData.SimpleEntityDataInfo
      init(Expression<?>[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.effects.EffFeed
      equals(Object) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.AABB
      init(Expression<?>[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.effects.EffFireworkLaunch
      equals(Object) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.Date
      init(Expression<?>[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.effects.EffForceAttack
      equals(Object) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.Direction
      init(Expression<?>[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.effects.EffHandedness
      equals(Object) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.EnchantmentType
      init(Expression<?>[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.effects.EffHealth
      equals(Object) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.Experience
      init(Expression<?>[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.effects.EffHidePlayerFromServerList
      equals(Object) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.GameruleValue
      init(Expression<?>[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.effects.EffIgnite
      equals(Object) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.Time
      init(Expression<?>[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.effects.EffIncendiary
      equals(Object) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.Timeperiod
      init(Expression<?>[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.effects.EffInvisible
      equals(Object) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.Timespan
      init(Expression<?>[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.effects.EffInvulnerability
      equals(Object) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.Version
      init(Expression<?>[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.effects.EffKeepInventory
      equals(Object) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.visual.VisualEffect
      init(Expression<?>[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.effects.EffKick
      equals(Object) - Method in class ch.njol.util.coll.iterator.EmptyIterable
      init(Expression<?>[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.effects.EffKill
      equals(Object) - Method in class ch.njol.util.coll.iterator.EmptyIterator
      init(Expression<?>[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.effects.EffKnockback
      equals(Object) - Method in class ch.njol.util.coll.ReversedListView
      init(Expression<?>[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.effects.EffLeash
      equals(Object) - Method in class ch.njol.util.Pair
      Checks for equality with Entries to match Pair.hashCode()
      equals(Object) - Method in class ch.njol.yggdrasil.Fields.FieldContext
      init(Expression<?>[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.effects.EffLightning
      equals(Object) - Method in class ch.njol.yggdrasil.PseudoEnum
      Checks for reference equality (==).
      equals(Object) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.function.Namespace.Key
      init(Expression<?>[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.effects.EffLoadServerIcon
      equals(Object) - Method in class ch.njol.util.CaseInsensitiveString
      init(Expression<?>[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.effects.EffLog
      equals(String, String, boolean) - Static method in class ch.njol.util.StringUtils
      init(Expression<?>[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.effects.EffLook
      equals_i(EntityData<?>) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.AxolotlData
      init(Expression<?>[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.effects.EffMakeEggHatch
      equals_i(EntityData<?>) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.BeeData
      init(Expression<?>[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.effects.EffMakeFly
      equals_i(EntityData<?>) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.BoatChestData
      init(Expression<?>[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.effects.EffMakeSay
      equals_i(EntityData<?>) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.BoatData
      init(Expression<?>[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.effects.EffMessage
      equals_i(EntityData<?>) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.CatData
      init(Expression<?>[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.effects.EffOp
      equals_i(EntityData<?>) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.CreeperData
      init(Expression<?>[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.effects.EffOpenBook
      equals_i(EntityData<?>) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.DroppedItemData
      init(Expression<?>[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.effects.EffOpenInventory
      equals_i(EntityData<?>) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.EndermanData
      init(Expression<?>[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.effects.EffPathfind
      equals_i(EntityData<?>) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.EntityData
      init(Expression<?>[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.effects.EffPlayerInfoVisibility
      equals_i(EntityData<?>) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.FallingBlockData
      init(Expression<?>[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.effects.EffPlayerVisibility
      equals_i(EntityData<?>) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.FishData
      init(Expression<?>[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.effects.EffPlaySound
      equals_i(EntityData<?>) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.FoxData
      init(Expression<?>[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.effects.EffPoison
      equals_i(EntityData<?>) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.FrogData
      init(Expression<?>[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.effects.EffPotion
      equals_i(EntityData<?>) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.GoatData
      init(Expression<?>[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.effects.EffPush
      equals_i(EntityData<?>) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.LlamaData
      init(Expression<?>[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.effects.EffPvP
      equals_i(EntityData<?>) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.MinecartData
      init(Expression<?>[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.effects.EffReplace
      equals_i(EntityData<?>) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.MooshroomData
      init(Expression<?>[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.effects.EffResetTitle
      equals_i(EntityData<?>) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.OcelotData
      init(Expression<?>[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.effects.EffRespawn
      equals_i(EntityData<?>) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.PandaData
      init(Expression<?>[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.effects.EffReturn
      equals_i(EntityData<?>) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.ParrotData
      init(Expression<?>[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.effects.EffScriptFile
      equals_i(EntityData<?>) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.PigData
      init(Expression<?>[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.effects.EffSendBlockChange
      equals_i(EntityData<?>) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.RabbitData
      init(Expression<?>[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.effects.EffSendResourcePack
      equals_i(EntityData<?>) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.SheepData
      init(Expression<?>[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.effects.EffSendTitle
      equals_i(EntityData<?>) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.SimpleEntityData
      init(Expression<?>[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.effects.EffShear
      equals_i(EntityData<?>) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.ThrownPotionData
      init(Expression<?>[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.effects.EffShoot
      equals_i(EntityData<?>) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.TropicalFishData
      init(Expression<?>[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.effects.EffSilence
      equals_i(EntityData<?>) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.VillagerData
      init(Expression<?>[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.effects.EffStopServer
      equals_i(EntityData<?>) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.WolfData
      init(Expression<?>[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.effects.EffStopSound
      equals_i(EntityData<?>) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.XpOrbData
      init(Expression<?>[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.effects.EffSuppressWarnings
      equals_i(EntityData<?>) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.ZombieVillagerData
      init(Expression<?>[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.effects.EffSwingHand
      equalsComparator - Static variable in interface ch.njol.skript.classes.Comparator
      EquipmentSlot - Class in ch.njol.skript.util.slot
      Represents equipment slot of an entity.
      EquipmentSlot(HumanEntity, int) - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.util.slot.EquipmentSlot
      init(Expression<?>[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.effects.EffTeleport
      EquipmentSlot(EntityEquipment, EquipmentSlot.EquipSlot) - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.util.slot.EquipmentSlot
      init(Expression<?>[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.effects.EffToggle
      EquipmentSlot(EntityEquipment, EquipmentSlot.EquipSlot, boolean) - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.util.slot.EquipmentSlot
      init(Expression<?>[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.effects.EffToggleCanPickUpItems
      EquipmentSlot.EquipSlot - Enum Class in ch.njol.skript.util.slot
      init(Expression<?>[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.effects.EffToggleFlight
      error(String) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.Skript
      init(Expression<?>[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.effects.EffTree
      error(String, ErrorQuality) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.log.ParseLogHandler
      init(Expression<?>[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.effects.EffVectorRotateAroundAnother
      error(String, ErrorQuality) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.Skript
      Use this in SyntaxElement.init(Expression[], int, Kleenean, ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptParser.ParseResult) (and other methods that are called during the parsing) to log + errors with a specific ErrorQuality.
      error(CommandSender, String) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.Skript
      init(Expression<?>[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.effects.EffVectorRotateXYZ
      ERROR - Enum constant in enum class ch.njol.skript.update.UpdaterState
      The updater has encountered an error.
      ErrorDescLogHandler - Class in ch.njol.skript.log
      Does nothing but print messages before the first error encountered and/or a message at the end if no error were encountered.
      ErrorDescLogHandler() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.log.ErrorDescLogHandler
      init(Expression<?>[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.effects.EffVehicle
      ErrorDescLogHandler(String, String, String) - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.log.ErrorDescLogHandler
      init(Expression<?>[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.effects.EffVisualEffect
      ErrorQuality - Enum Class in ch.njol.skript.log
      The quality of a parse error.
      escape(String) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.command.Commands
      init(Expression<?>[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.EntityData
      escapeHTML(String) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.doc.Documentation
      init(Expression<?>[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.arithmetic.ExprArithmetic
      escapeHTML(String[]) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.doc.Documentation
      init(Expression<?>[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.base.EventValueExpression
      EVENT - Enum constant in enum class ch.njol.skript.lang.ParseContext
      Used for parsing events of triggers.
      EVENT_PRIORITY_SYNTAX - Static variable in class ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptEventInfo
      init(Expression<?>[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.base.SimplePropertyExpression
      eventModified(Cancellable) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.bukkitutil.ClickEventTracker
      Records that given event was cancelled or uncancelled.
      eventPriority - Variable in class ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptEvent
      init(Expression<?>[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprAbsorbedBlocks
      events - Variable in class ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptEventInfo
      init(Expression<?>[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprAffectedEntities
      Events - Annotation Interface in ch.njol.skript.doc
      init(Expression<?>[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprAge
      EventValues - Class in ch.njol.skript.registrations
      init(Expression<?>[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprAllBannedEntries
      EXACT - Enum constant in enum class ch.njol.skript.aliases.MatchQuality
      Everything matches.
      exactMatch(ItemData) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.aliases.AliasesMap
      Attempts to find an alias that exactly matches the given item.
      examples(String...) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.classes.ClassInfo
      Only used for Skript's documentation.
      examples(String...) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.function.JavaFunction
      Only used for Skript's documentation.
      examples(String...) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptEventInfo
      Only used for Skript's documentation.
      Examples - Annotation Interface in ch.njol.skript.doc
      Provides a list of examples to be used in documentation for annotated + element.
      exception(Throwable, TriggerItem, String...) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.Skript
      init(Expression<?>[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprAllCommands
      exception(Throwable, Thread, TriggerItem, String...) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.Skript
      Used if something happens that shouldn't happen
      exception(Throwable, Thread, String...) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.Skript
      init(Expression<?>[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprAlphabetList
      exception(Throwable, String...) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.Skript
      init(Expression<?>[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprAmount
      exception(String...) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.Skript
      Used if something happens that shouldn't happen
      ExceptionUtils - Class in ch.njol.skript.util
      init(Expression<?>[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprAmountOfItems
      excessiveConstant(String) - Method in interface ch.njol.yggdrasil.YggdrasilSerializable.YggdrasilRobustEnum
      Called when an enum constant is read from stream that does not exist in this enum.
      excessiveField(Fields.FieldContext) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.Direction
      init(Expression<?>[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprAnvilRepairCost
      excessiveField(Fields.FieldContext) - Method in interface ch.njol.yggdrasil.YggdrasilSerializable.YggdrasilRobustSerializable
      Called if a field was read from stream which does not exist in this class.
      excessiveField(Object, Fields.FieldContext) - Method in interface ch.njol.yggdrasil.FieldHandler
      Called when a loaded field doesn't exist.
      excessiveField(Object, Fields.FieldContext) - Method in class ch.njol.yggdrasil.util.JREFieldHandler
      Not used
      excessiveField(Object, Fields.FieldContext) - Method in class ch.njol.yggdrasil.Yggdrasil
      init(Expression<?>[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprAnvilText
      execute(FunctionEvent<?>, Object[][]) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.function.Function
      Executes this function with given parameters.
      execute(FunctionEvent<?>, Object[][]) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.function.JavaFunction
      init(Expression<?>[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprAppliedEnchantments
      execute(FunctionEvent<?>, Object[][]) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.function.ScriptFunction
      init(Expression<?>[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprArgument
      execute(FunctionEvent<?>, Object[][]) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.function.SimpleJavaFunction
      init(Expression<?>[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprArmorSlot
      execute(Object[][]) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.function.Function
      Executes this function with given parameter.
      execute(CommandSender, String, String) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.command.ScriptCommand
      init(Expression<?>[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprAttacked
      execute(Event) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.Effect
      Executes this effect.
      execute(Event) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.EffectSectionEffect
      init(Expression<?>[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprAttacker
      execute(Event) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.function.FunctionReference
      init(Expression<?>[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprBed
      execute(Event) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.Trigger
      Executes this trigger for a certain event.
      executeFunctionsWithMissingParams - Static variable in class ch.njol.skript.SkriptConfig
      init(Expression<?>[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprBiome
      executeSimple(Object[][]) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.function.SimpleJavaFunction
      init(Expression<?>[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprBlock
      executeWithNulls - Static variable in class ch.njol.skript.lang.function.Function
      Execute functions even when some parameters are not present.
      executor - Variable in class ch.njol.skript.SkriptEventHandler.PriorityListener
      init(Expression<?>[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprBlocks
      exit(Event) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.LoopSection
      Exit the loop, used to reset the loop properties such as iterations counter
      exitScope() - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.variables.TypeHints
      init(Expression<?>[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprBlockSphere
      Experience - Class in ch.njol.skript.util
      init(Expression<?>[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprBookPages
      Experience() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.util.Experience
      init(Expression<?>[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprBreakSpeed
      Experience(int) - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.util.Experience
      init(Expression<?>[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprBurnCookTime
      expr - Variable in class ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptParser.ParseResult
      init(Expression<?>[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprCharges
      Expression<T> - Interface in ch.njol.skript.lang
      Represents an expression.
      ExpressionEntryData<T> - Class in org.skriptlang.skript.lang.entry.util
      A type of KeyValueEntryData designed to parse its value as an Expression.
      ExpressionEntryData(String, Expression<T>, boolean, Class<T>) - Constructor for class org.skriptlang.skript.lang.entry.util.ExpressionEntryData
      init(Expression<?>[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprChatFormat
      ExpressionEntryData(String, Expression<T>, boolean, Class<T>, int) - Constructor for class org.skriptlang.skript.lang.entry.util.ExpressionEntryData
      init(Expression<?>[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprChatRecipients
      ExpressionInfo<E extends Expression<T>,T> - Class in ch.njol.skript.lang
      init(Expression<?>[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprChestInventory
      ExpressionInfo(String[], Class<T>, Class<E>, String) - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.lang.ExpressionInfo
      init(Expression<?>[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprChunk
      ExpressionInfo(String[], Class<T>, Class<E>, String, ExpressionType) - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.lang.ExpressionInfo
      init(Expression<?>[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprClicked
      ExpressionList<T> - Class in ch.njol.skript.lang
      A list of expressions.
      ExpressionList(Expression<? extends T>[], Class<T>, boolean) - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.lang.ExpressionList
      init(Expression<?>[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprCmdCooldownInfo
      ExpressionList(Expression<? extends T>[], Class<T>, boolean, ExpressionList<?>) - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.lang.ExpressionList
      init(Expression<?>[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprColorOf
      expressions - Variable in class ch.njol.skript.lang.ExpressionList
      init(Expression<?>[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprColoured
      expressionType - Variable in class ch.njol.skript.lang.ExpressionInfo
      init(Expression<?>[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprCommand
      ExpressionType - Enum Class in ch.njol.skript.lang
      Used to define in which order to parse expressions.
      ExprInfo(int) - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptParser.ExprInfo
      init(Expression<?>[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprCommandInfo
      exprs - Variable in class ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptParser.ParseResult
      init(Expression<?>[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprCoordinate
      extractBlock(Block) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.util.BlockUtils
      Extracts the actual CraftBukkit block from the given argument, + by extracting the block from DelayedChangeBlock if the given argument is a DelayedChangeBlock.


      F_DEFINITE_ARTICLE - Static variable in class ch.njol.skript.localization.Language
      Some flags
      F_INDEFINITE_ARTICLE - Static variable in class ch.njol.skript.localization.Language
      Some flags
      F_PLURAL - Static variable in class ch.njol.skript.localization.Language
      Some flags
      factory - Static variable in class ch.njol.util.EnumTypeAdapter
      init(Expression<?>[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprDamage
      FallingBlockData - Class in ch.njol.skript.entity
      init(Expression<?>[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprDamagedItem
      FallingBlockData() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.entity.FallingBlockData
      init(Expression<?>[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprDateAgoLater
      FallingBlockData(ItemType[]) - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.entity.FallingBlockData
      init(Expression<?>[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprDefaultValue
      fallingBlockToState(FallingBlock) - Method in interface ch.njol.skript.bukkitutil.block.BlockCompat
      Creates a block state from a falling block.
      fallingBlockToState(FallingBlock) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.bukkitutil.block.NewBlockCompat
      init(Expression<?>[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprDifference
      FALSE - Enum constant in enum class ch.njol.util.Kleenean
      100% false
      fancyOrderNumber(int) - Static method in class ch.njol.util.StringUtils
      Appends the english order suffix to the given number.
      fetchUpdateManifest() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.update.Updater
      Fetches the update manifest.
      fieldExists(Class<?>, String) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.Skript
      Tests whether a field exists in the given class.
      FieldHandler - Interface in ch.njol.yggdrasil
      init(Expression<?>[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprDirection
      Fields - Class in ch.njol.yggdrasil
      init(Expression<?>[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprDistance
      Fields() - Constructor for class ch.njol.yggdrasil.Fields
      Creates an empty Fields object.
      Fields(Yggdrasil) - Constructor for class ch.njol.yggdrasil.Fields
      init(Expression<?>[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprDrops
      Fields(Class<?>, Yggdrasil) - Constructor for class ch.njol.yggdrasil.Fields
      Creates a fields object and initialises it with all non-transient and non-static fields of the given class and its superclasses.
      Fields(Object) - Constructor for class ch.njol.yggdrasil.Fields
      Creates a fields object and initialises it with all non-transient and non-static fields of the given object.
      Fields(Object, Yggdrasil) - Constructor for class ch.njol.yggdrasil.Fields
      Creates a fields object and initialises it with all non-transient and non-static fields of the given object.
      Fields.FieldContext - Class in ch.njol.yggdrasil
      Holds a field's name and value, and throws StreamCorruptedExceptions if primitives or objects are used incorrectly.
      file - Variable in class ch.njol.skript.bukkitutil.BurgerHelper.Source
      init(Expression<?>[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprDropsOfBlock
      file - Variable in class ch.njol.skript.variables.VariablesStorage
      The file associated with this variable storage.
      FILE_CHARSET - Static variable in class ch.njol.skript.variables.FlatFileStorage
      The Charset used in the CSV storage file.
      files - Variable in class ch.njol.skript.ScriptLoader.ScriptInfo
      init(Expression<?>[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprDurability
      FileUtils - Class in ch.njol.skript.util
      init(Expression<?>[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprElement
      FilteringLogHandler - Class in ch.njol.skript.log
      init(Expression<?>[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprEnchantingExpCost
      FilteringLogHandler(Level) - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.log.FilteringLogHandler
      init(Expression<?>[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprEnchantItem
      finalize() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.log.LogEntry
      init(Expression<?>[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprEnchantmentBonus
      find(String) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.localization.RegexMessage
      init(Expression<?>[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprEnchantmentLevel
      findLastDigit(String, int) - Static method in class ch.njol.util.StringUtils
      Scans the string starting at start for digits.
      findLastIndex(List<T>, Checker<T>) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.util.Utils
      Finds the index of the last in a List that matches the given Checker.
      FIRE_RESISTANCE - Enum constant in enum class ch.njol.skript.util.PotionDataUtils
      init(Expression<?>[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprEnchantmentOffer
      FIRE_RESISTANCE_LONG - Enum constant in enum class ch.njol.skript.util.PotionDataUtils
      init(Expression<?>[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprEnchantments
      first - Variable in class ch.njol.skript.lang.TriggerSection
      init(Expression<?>[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprEntities
      first - Variable in class ch.njol.util.Pair
      init(Expression<?>[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprEntity
      firstToUpper(String) - Static method in class ch.njol.util.StringUtils
      init(Expression<?>[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprEntityAttribute
      FishData - Class in ch.njol.skript.entity
      init(Expression<?>[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprEventCancelled
      FishData() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.entity.FishData
      init(Expression<?>[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprEventExpression
      FishData(int) - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.entity.FishData
      init(Expression<?>[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprEvtInitiator
      fit(double, double, double) - Static method in class ch.njol.util.Math2
      Fits a double into the given interval.
      fit(float, float, float) - Static method in class ch.njol.util.Math2
      Fits a float into the given interval.
      fit(int, int, int) - Static method in class ch.njol.util.Math2
      Fits an int into the given interval.
      fit(long, long, long) - Static method in class ch.njol.util.Math2
      Fits a long into the given interval.
      fixCapitalization(String) - Static method in class ch.njol.util.StringUtils
      Capitalises the first character of the string and all characters that follow periods, exclamation and question marks.
      fixName(String) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.aliases.AliasesParser
      Fixes an alias name by trimming it and removing all extraneous spaces + between the words or before broken pipe characters (¦).
      fixPattern(String) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptEvent
      Fixes patterns in event by modifying every TypePatternElement + to be nullable.
      flagMask - Variable in class ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptParser.ExprInfo
      init(Expression<?>[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprExperience
      FlatFileStorage - Class in ch.njol.skript.variables
      A variable storage that stores its content in a + comma-separated value file (CSV file).
      flavor - Variable in class ch.njol.skript.update.ReleaseManifest
      Flavor of the release.
      floor(double) - Static method in class ch.njol.util.Math2
      Floors the given double and returns the result as a long.
      floor(float) - Static method in class ch.njol.util.Math2
      floorI(double) - Static method in class ch.njol.util.Math2
      flush() - Method in class ch.njol.yggdrasil.DefaultYggdrasilOutputStream
      init(Expression<?>[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprExplodedBlocks
      flush() - Method in class ch.njol.yggdrasil.xml.YggXMLOutputStream
      font - Enum constant in enum class ch.njol.skript.util.chat.SkriptChatCode
      init(Expression<?>[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprExplosionBlockYield
      font - Variable in class ch.njol.skript.util.chat.MessageComponent
      Font of the component.
      FORCE_HOOKS_SYSTEM_PROPERTY - Static variable in class ch.njol.skript.doc.Documentation
      Force register hooks even if their plugins are not present in the server
      format(String) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.localization.PluralizingArgsMessage
      init(Expression<?>[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprExplosionYield
      format(String, Object...) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.localization.Language
      Gets a string and uses it as format in String.format(String, Object...).
      formatDate(long) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.SkriptConfig
      init(Expression<?>[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprFacing
      FormattedMessage - Class in ch.njol.skript.localization
      init(Expression<?>[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprFertilizedBlocks
      FormattedMessage(String, Object...) - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.localization.FormattedMessage
      init(Expression<?>[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprFilter.ExprInput
      FoxData - Class in ch.njol.skript.entity
      init(Expression<?>[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprFilter
      FoxData() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.entity.FoxData
      init(Expression<?>[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprFinalDamage
      FoxData(Fox.Type) - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.entity.FoxData
      init(Expression<?>[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprFireworkEffect
      FrogData - Class in ch.njol.skript.entity
      init(Expression<?>[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprFoodLevel
      FrogData() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.entity.FrogData
      init(Expression<?>[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprFormatDate
      FrogData(Frog.Variant) - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.entity.FrogData
      init(Expression<?>[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprFurnaceSlot
      from - Variable in class ch.njol.skript.classes.Converter.ConverterInfo
      fromBukkitColor(Color) - Static method in enum class ch.njol.skript.util.SkriptColor
      init(Expression<?>[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprGameMode
      fromClass(Class<E>) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.EntityData
      init(Expression<?>[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprGameRule
      fromCylindricalCoordinates(double, double, double) - Static method in class ch.njol.util.VectorMath
      init(Expression<?>[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprHanging
      fromDyeColor(DyeColor) - Static method in enum class ch.njol.skript.util.SkriptColor
      init(Expression<?>[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprHash
      fromDyeData(short) - Static method in enum class ch.njol.skript.util.SkriptColor
      Deprecated. +
      Magic numbers
      fromEntity(E) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.EntityData
      init(Expression<?>[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprHatchingNumber
      fromEvent(ThunderChangeEvent) - Static method in enum class ch.njol.skript.util.WeatherType
      init(Expression<?>[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprHatchingType
      fromEvent(WeatherChangeEvent) - Static method in enum class ch.njol.skript.util.WeatherType
      init(Expression<?>[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprHealAmount
      fromEvent(WeatherEvent) - Static method in enum class ch.njol.skript.util.WeatherType
      init(Expression<?>[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprHealReason
      fromName(String) - Static method in enum class ch.njol.skript.util.SkriptColor
      init(Expression<?>[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprHealth
      fromName(String) - Static method in enum class ch.njol.skript.util.StructureType
      init(Expression<?>[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprHiddenPlayers
      fromNotchPitch(float) - Static method in class ch.njol.util.VectorMath
      init(Expression<?>[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprHostname
      fromNotchYaw(float) - Static method in class ch.njol.util.VectorMath
      init(Expression<?>[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprHotbarButton
      fromParsedString(String) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.util.chat.ChatMessages
      Parses a string that may only contain colour codes using the '§' character to a list of components.
      fromPlayer(Player) - Static method in enum class ch.njol.skript.util.WeatherType
      init(Expression<?>[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprHotbarSlot
      fromSkriptPitch(float) - Static method in class ch.njol.util.VectorMath
      init(Expression<?>[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprHoverList
      fromSkriptYaw(float) - Static method in class ch.njol.util.VectorMath
      init(Expression<?>[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprIndexOf
      fromSphericalCoordinates(double, double, double) - Static method in class ch.njol.util.VectorMath
      init(Expression<?>[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprIndices
      fromString(String) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.util.ColorRGB
      init(Expression<?>[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprInventory
      fromString(String, int) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.patterns.TypePatternElement
      init(Expression<?>[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprInventoryCloseReason
      fromTicks(int) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.util.Timespan
      Deprecated. +
      Use fromTicks_i(long ticks) instead. Since this method limits timespan to 50 * Integer.MAX_VALUE.
      fromTicks_i(long) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.util.Timespan
      init(Expression<?>[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprInventoryInfo
      fromWoolData(short) - Static method in enum class ch.njol.skript.util.SkriptColor
      Deprecated. +
      Magic numbers
      fromWorld(World) - Static method in enum class ch.njol.skript.util.WeatherType
      init(Expression<?>[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprInventorySlot
      fromYawAndPitch(float, float) - Static method in class ch.njol.util.VectorMath
      init(Expression<?>[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprIP
      Function<T> - Class in ch.njol.skript.lang.function
      Functions can be called using arguments.
      Function(Signature<T>) - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.lang.function.Function
      init(Expression<?>[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprItemCooldown
      FunctionEvent<T> - Class in ch.njol.skript.lang.function
      init(Expression<?>[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprItems
      FunctionEvent(Function<? extends T>) - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.lang.function.FunctionEvent
      init(Expression<?>[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprItemWithCustomModelData
      functionNamePattern - Static variable in class ch.njol.skript.lang.function.Functions
      init(Expression<?>[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprItemWithLore
      FunctionReference<T> - Class in ch.njol.skript.lang.function
      Reference to a Skript function.
      FunctionReference(String, Node, String, Class<? extends T>[], Expression<?>[]) - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.lang.function.FunctionReference
      init(Expression<?>[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprJoinSplit
      Functions - Class in ch.njol.skript.lang.function
      Static methods to work with functions.


      GameruleValue<T> - Class in ch.njol.skript.util
      init(Expression<?>[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprLastAttacker
      GameruleValue(T) - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.util.GameruleValue
      init(Expression<?>[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprLastDamage
      gender - Variable in class ch.njol.skript.aliases.AliasesProvider.AliasName
      Gender of alias name.
      GENDERS_SECTION - Static variable in class ch.njol.skript.localization.Noun
      init(Expression<?>[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprLastDamageCause
      GeneralWords - Class in ch.njol.skript.localization
      init(Expression<?>[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprLastLoadedServerIcon
      GeneralWords() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.localization.GeneralWords
      init(Expression<?>[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprLastLoginTime
      generate - Static variable in class ch.njol.skript.doc.Documentation
      init(Expression<?>[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprLastSpawnedEntity
      generate() - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.doc.Documentation
      init(Expression<?>[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprLightLevel
      generate() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.doc.HTMLGenerator
      Generates documentation using template and output directories + given in the constructor.
      get() - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.parser.ParserInstance
      init(Expression<?>[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprLocation
      get() - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.util.ContextlessEvent
      init(Expression<?>[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprLocationAt
      get() - Static method in class ch.njol.util.coll.iterator.EmptyIterable
      init(Expression<?>[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprLocationFromVector
      get() - Static method in class ch.njol.util.coll.iterator.EmptyIterator
      init(Expression<?>[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprLocationOf
      get() - Method in class ch.njol.util.NotifyingReference
      init(Expression<?>[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprLocationVectorOffset
      get() - Method in class ch.njol.util.SynchronizedReference
      init(Expression<?>[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprLoopIteration
      get(boolean) - Static method in enum class ch.njol.skript.classes.Comparator.Relation
      Returns EQUAL for true or NOT_EQUAL for false
      get(boolean) - Static method in enum class ch.njol.util.Kleenean
      init(Expression<?>[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprLoopValue
      get(boolean) - Static method in enum class org.skriptlang.skript.lang.comparator.Relation
      init(Expression<?>[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprLoot
      get(double) - Static method in enum class ch.njol.skript.classes.Comparator.Relation
      Gets a Relation from a difference: If d is 0, EQUAL is returned, if d is greater than 0, GREATER is returned, otherwise SMALLER.
      get(double) - Static method in enum class ch.njol.util.Kleenean
      init(Expression<?>[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprLore
      get(double) - Static method in enum class org.skriptlang.skript.lang.comparator.Relation
      init(Expression<?>[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprMaxPlayers
      get(int) - Static method in enum class ch.njol.skript.classes.Comparator.Relation
      Gets a Relation from a difference: If i is 0, EQUAL is returned, if i is greater than 0, GREATER is returned, otherwise SMALLER.
      get(int) - Static method in enum class ch.njol.skript.log.ErrorQuality
      init(Expression<?>[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprMe
      get(int) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.util.visual.VisualEffects
      init(Expression<?>[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprMendingRepairAmount
      get(int) - Method in class ch.njol.util.coll.CyclicList
      init(Expression<?>[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprMessage
      get(int) - Method in class ch.njol.util.coll.ReversedListView
      init(Expression<?>[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprMetadata
      get(int) - Static method in enum class ch.njol.util.Kleenean
      init(Expression<?>[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprMinecartDerailedFlyingVelocity
      get(int) - Static method in enum class org.skriptlang.skript.lang.comparator.Relation
      init(Expression<?>[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprMOTD
      get(String) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.config.NodeMap
      init(Expression<?>[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprName
      get(String) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.config.SectionNode
      Gets a subnode (EntryNode or SectionNode) with the specified name.
      get(A) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.Getter
      Gets a value from the given object.
      get(String) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.config.OptionSection
      init(Expression<?>[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprNamed
      get(String) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.localization.Language
      Gets a string from the language file with the given key, or the key itself if the key does + not exist.
      get(String) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.variables.TypeHints
      init(Expression<?>[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprNearestEntity
      get(String...) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.config.Config
      Gets an entry node's value at the designated path
      get(String, boolean) - Method in class org.skriptlang.skript.lang.entry.EntryContainer
      A method for obtaining a non-null entry value with an unknown type.
      get(String, Class<E>, boolean) - Method in class org.skriptlang.skript.lang.entry.EntryContainer
      A method for obtaining a non-null, typed entry value.
      get(String, String) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.config.SectionNode
      Gets an entry's value or the default value if it doesn't exist or is not an EntryNode.
      get(Event) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.util.ContainerExpression
      init(Expression<?>[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprNow
      get(Event) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.util.SimpleExpression
      This is the internal method to get an expression's values.
      + To get the expression's value from the outside use SimpleExpression.getSingle(Event) or SimpleExpression.getArray(Event).
      get(EntityEquipment) - Method in enum class ch.njol.skript.util.slot.EquipmentSlot.EquipSlot
      init(Expression<?>[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprNumberOfCharacters
      get_(String) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.localization.Language
      Equal to Language.get(String), but returns null instead of the key if the key cannot be found.
      getAcceptedChangeModes() - Method in interface ch.njol.skript.lang.Expression
      Tests all accepted change modes, and if so what type it expects the delta to be.
      getActiveAliases() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.command.ScriptCommand
      init(Expression<?>[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprNumbers
      getActualNext() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.LoopSection
      init(Expression<?>[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprOfflinePlayers
      getAddon(String) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.Skript
      init(Expression<?>[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprOnlinePlayersCount
      getAddon(JavaPlugin) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.Skript
      init(Expression<?>[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprOpenedInventory
      getAddonInstance() - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.Skript
      init(Expression<?>[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprOps
      getAddonProvider(SkriptAddon) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.aliases.Aliases
      Creates an aliases provider to be used by given addon.
      getAddons() - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.Skript
      init(Expression<?>[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprParse
      getAdjective() - Method in enum class ch.njol.skript.util.SkriptColor
      init(Expression<?>[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprParseError
      getAge(Entity) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.bukkitutil.EntityUtils
      Get the age of an ageable entity.
      getAgeAdjective() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.EntityData
      init(Expression<?>[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprPassenger
      getAlias(String) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.aliases.AliasesProvider
      init(Expression<?>[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprPermissions
      getAliasCount() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.aliases.AliasesProvider
      init(Expression<?>[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprPing
      getAliasData(ItemData) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.aliases.AliasesProvider
      init(Expression<?>[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprPlain
      getAliases() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.command.ScriptCommand
      init(Expression<?>[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprPlayerlistHeaderFooter
      getAliasPlural(String) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.aliases.AliasesParser
      Gets singular and plural forms for given name.
      getAll() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.aliases.ItemType
      Gets all ItemStacks this ItemType represents.
      getAll() - Method in interface ch.njol.skript.lang.Literal
      init(Expression<?>[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprPlugins
      getAll() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.LiteralList
      init(Expression<?>[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprPortal
      getAll() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.UnparsedLiteral
      init(Expression<?>[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprPotionEffect
      getAll() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.util.ConvertedLiteral
      init(Expression<?>[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprPotionEffects
      getAll() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.util.SimpleLiteral
      init(Expression<?>[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprPotionEffectTier
      getAll(EntityData<?>[], Class<E>, World[]) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.EntityData
      init(Expression<?>[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprProtocolVersion
      getAll(EntityData<?>[], Class<E>, Chunk[]) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.EntityData
      init(Expression<?>[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprPushedBlocks
      getAll(Event) - Method in interface ch.njol.skript.lang.Expression
      Gets all possible return values of this expression, i.e.
      getAll(Event) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.ExpressionList
      init(Expression<?>[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprRandom
      getAll(Event) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.UnparsedLiteral
      init(Expression<?>[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprRandomNumber
      getAll(Event) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.util.ConvertedExpression
      init(Expression<?>[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprRandomUUID
      getAll(Event) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.util.SimpleExpression
      Gets all possible return values of this expression, i.e.
      getAll(Event) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.util.SimpleLiteral
      init(Expression<?>[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprRawName
      getAll(Event) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.Variable
      init(Expression<?>[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprRawString
      getAll(Event) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.VariableString
      init(Expression<?>[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprRespawnLocation
      getAll(World...) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.EntityData
      init(Expression<?>[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprReversedList
      getAllNames() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.EnumUtils
      init(Expression<?>[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprRound
      getAllNames() - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.util.SoundUtils
      init(Expression<?>[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprScoreboardTags
      getAllNames() - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.util.visual.VisualEffects
      init(Expression<?>[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprScript
      getAllSuperClassInfos(Class<T>) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.registrations.Classes
      Gets all the class info of the given class in closest order to ending on object.
      getAmount() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.aliases.ItemType
      Returns amount of the item in stack that this type represents.
      getAmount() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.EntityType
      init(Expression<?>[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprScripts
      getAmount() - Method in interface ch.njol.skript.lang.Unit
      init(Expression<?>[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprSeaPickles
      getAmount() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.slot.CursorSlot
      init(Expression<?>[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprSeed
      getAmount() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.slot.DroppedItemSlot
      init(Expression<?>[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprServerIcon
      getAmount() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.slot.EquipmentSlot
      init(Expression<?>[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprSets
      getAmount() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.slot.InventorySlot
      init(Expression<?>[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprShooter
      getAmount() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.slot.ItemFrameSlot
      init(Expression<?>[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprShuffledList
      getAmount() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.slot.Slot
      init(Expression<?>[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprSignText
      getAmount() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.slot.ThrowableProjectileSlot
      init(Expression<?>[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprSkull
      getAmount(String) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.util.Utils
      init(Expression<?>[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprSortedList
      getAnd() - Method in interface ch.njol.skript.lang.Expression
      Returns true if this expression returns all possible values, false if it only returns some of them.
      getAnd() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.ExpressionList
      init(Expression<?>[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprSourceBlock
      getAnd() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.UnparsedLiteral
      init(Expression<?>[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprSpawn
      getAnd() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.util.ConvertedExpression
      init(Expression<?>[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprSpecialNumber
      getAnd() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.util.SimpleExpression
      init(Expression<?>[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprSpectatorTarget
      getAnd() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.util.SimpleLiteral
      init(Expression<?>[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprSpeed
      getAnd() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.Variable
      init(Expression<?>[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprStringCase
      getAnd() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.VariableString
      init(Expression<?>[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprSubstring
      getAndRemoveObject(String, Class<T>) - Method in class ch.njol.yggdrasil.Fields
      init(Expression<?>[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprTamer
      getAndRemovePrimitive(String, Class<T>) - Method in class ch.njol.yggdrasil.Fields
      init(Expression<?>[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprTarget
      getArgs() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.command.CommandEvent
      init(Expression<?>[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprTargetedBlock
      getArgsString() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.command.ScriptCommandEvent
      init(Expression<?>[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprTernary
      getArguments() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.command.ScriptCommand
      Gets the arguments this command takes.
      getArray() - Method in interface ch.njol.skript.lang.Literal
      init(Expression<?>[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprTime
      getArray() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.LiteralList
      init(Expression<?>[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprTimes
      getArray() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.UnparsedLiteral
      init(Expression<?>[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprTimeState
      getArray() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.util.ConvertedLiteral
      init(Expression<?>[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprTool
      getArray() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.util.SimpleLiteral
      init(Expression<?>[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprTPS
      getArray(Event) - Method in interface ch.njol.skript.lang.Expression
      Get all the values of this expression.
      getArray(Event) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.ExpressionList
      init(Expression<?>[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprUnbreakable
      getArray(Event) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.UnparsedLiteral
      init(Expression<?>[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprValue
      getArray(Event) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.util.ConvertedExpression
      init(Expression<?>[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprValueWithin
      getArray(Event) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.util.ConvertedLiteral
      init(Expression<?>[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprVectorAngleBetween
      getArray(Event) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.util.SimpleExpression
      init(Expression<?>[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprVectorArithmetic
      getArray(Event) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.util.SimpleLiteral
      init(Expression<?>[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprVectorBetweenLocations
      getArray(Event) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.Variable
      init(Expression<?>[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprVectorCrossProduct
      getArray(Event) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.VariableString
      init(Expression<?>[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprVectorCylindrical
      getArticleWithSpace(int) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.localization.Noun
      init(Expression<?>[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprVectorDotProduct
      getArticleWithSpace(int, int) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.localization.Noun
      Returns the article appropriate for the given gender & flags.
      getBackupSuffix() - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.util.FileUtils
      init(Expression<?>[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprVectorFromDirection
      getBaseType() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.aliases.ItemType
      Returns a base item type of this.
      getBiome() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.BlockStateBlock
      init(Expression<?>[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprVectorFromXYZ
      getBiome() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.DelayedChangeBlock
      init(Expression<?>[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprVectorFromYawAndPitch
      getBlock() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.aliases.ItemType
      init(Expression<?>[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprVectorNormalize
      getBlockData() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.BlockStateBlock
      init(Expression<?>[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprVectorOfLocation
      getBlockData() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.DelayedChangeBlock
      init(Expression<?>[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprVectorProjection
      getBlockHeight(int, byte) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.util.Utils
      Gets the collision height of solid or partially-solid blocks at the center of the block.
      getBlockPower() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.BlockStateBlock
      init(Expression<?>[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprVectorRandom
      getBlockPower() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.DelayedChangeBlock
      init(Expression<?>[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprVectorSpherical
      getBlockPower(BlockFace) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.BlockStateBlock
      init(Expression<?>[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprVectorXYZ
      getBlockPower(BlockFace) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.DelayedChangeBlock
      init(Expression<?>[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprVersion
      getBlocksAround(Block) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.util.BlockUtils
      init(Expression<?>[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprVersionString
      getBlockSoundGroup() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.BlockStateBlock
      init(Expression<?>[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprWeather
      getBlockSoundGroup() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.DelayedChangeBlock
      init(Expression<?>[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprWhitelist
      getBlockStates() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.aliases.AliasesProvider.Variation
      init(Expression<?>[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprWorld
      getBlockValues() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.aliases.ItemData
      init(Expression<?>[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprWorldFromName
      getBlockValues(Block) - Method in interface ch.njol.skript.bukkitutil.block.BlockCompat
      Gets block values from a block.
      getBlockValues(BlockState) - Method in interface ch.njol.skript.bukkitutil.block.BlockCompat
      Gets block values from a block state.
      getBlockValues(BlockState) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.bukkitutil.block.NewBlockCompat
      init(Expression<?>[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprWorlds
      getBlockValues(FallingBlock) - Method in interface ch.njol.skript.bukkitutil.block.BlockCompat
      init(Expression<?>[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprXOf
      getBlockValues(ItemStack) - Method in interface ch.njol.skript.bukkitutil.block.BlockCompat
      Gets block values from a item stack.
      getBlockValues(ItemStack) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.bukkitutil.block.NewBlockCompat
      init(Expression<?>[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprYawPitch
      getBlue() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.visual.ParticleOption
      init(Expression<?>[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.LitAt
      getBoundingBox() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.BlockStateBlock
      init(Expression<?>[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.LitConsole
      getBoundingBox() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.DelayedChangeBlock
      init(Expression<?>[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.LitNewLine
      getBreakSpeed(Player) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.BlockStateBlock
      init(Expression<?>[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.LitPi
      getBreakSpeed(Player) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.DelayedChangeBlock
      init(Expression<?>[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.hooks.chat.expressions.ExprPrefixSuffix
      getBukkitColor() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.visual.ParticleOption
      init(Expression<?>[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.hooks.permission.expressions.ExprAllGroups
      getBukkitCommand() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.command.ScriptCommand
      init(Expression<?>[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.hooks.permission.expressions.ExprGroup
      getByKey(String) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.bukkitutil.EnchantmentUtils
      init(Expression<?>[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.hooks.regions.conditions.CondCanBuild
      getByPath(String) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.config.Config
      Splits the given path at the dot character and passes the result to Config.get(String...).
      getC() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.classes.ClassInfo
      init(Expression<?>[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.hooks.regions.conditions.CondIsMember
      getChanger() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.classes.ClassInfo
      init(Expression<?>[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.hooks.regions.conditions.CondRegionContains
      getChatStyle(String) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.util.Utils
      init(Expression<?>[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.hooks.regions.expressions.ExprBlocksInRegion
      getChunk() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.BlockStateBlock
      init(Expression<?>[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.hooks.regions.expressions.ExprMembersOfRegion
      getChunk() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.DelayedChangeBlock
      init(Expression<?>[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.hooks.regions.expressions.ExprRegionsAt
      getClass(String) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.classes.Serializer
      init(Expression<?>[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.EffectSection
      getClass(String) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.registrations.Classes
      This method should not be overridden unless you know what you are doing!
      Gets a class by its code name
      init(Expression<?>[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.EffectSectionEffect
      getClass(String) - Method in interface ch.njol.yggdrasil.ClassResolver
      Resolves a class by its ID.
      getClass(String) - Method in class ch.njol.yggdrasil.JRESerializer
      init(Expression<?>[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.ExpressionList
      getClass(String) - Method in class ch.njol.yggdrasil.SimpleClassResolver
      init(Expression<?>[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.function.EffFunctionCall
      getClass(String) - Method in class ch.njol.yggdrasil.Yggdrasil
      init(Expression<?>[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.function.ExprFunctionCall
      getClass(String) - Method in class ch.njol.yggdrasil.YggdrasilSerializer
      init(Expression<?>[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.Section
      getClasses(Plugin, String, String...) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.util.Utils
      This method should not be overridden unless you know what you are doing!
      Loads classes of the plugin by package.
      init(Expression<?>[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult) - Method in interface ch.njol.skript.lang.SyntaxElement
      getClassFromUserInput(String) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.registrations.Classes
      Called just after the constructor.
      As the name implies
      init(Expression<?>[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.UnparsedLiteral
      init(Expression<?>[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.util.ContainerExpression
      init(Expression<?>[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.util.ConvertedExpression
      init(Expression<?>[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.util.SimpleLiteral
      init(Expression<?>[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.Variable
      init(Expression<?>[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.VariableString
      init(Expression<?>[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.test.runner.CondMethodExists
      init(Expression<?>[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.test.runner.CondMinecraftVersion
      init(Expression<?>[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.test.runner.EffAssert
      getClassInfo(String) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.registrations.Classes
      This method can be called even while Skript is loading.
      getClassInfoFromUserInput(String) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.registrations.Classes
      As the name implies
      getClassInfoNoError(String) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.registrations.Classes
      This method can be called even while Skript is loading.
      getClassInfos() - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.registrations.Classes
      init(Expression<?>[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.test.runner.EffDebug
      getCloner() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.classes.ClassInfo
      init(Expression<?>[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.test.runner.EffObjectives
      getCodeName() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.classes.ClassInfo
      init(Expression<?>[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.test.runner.ExprJUnitTest
      getCollisionShape() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.BlockStateBlock
      init(Expression<?>[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.visual.VisualEffect
      getCollisionShape() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.DelayedChangeBlock
      init(Expression<?>[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult) - Method in class org.skriptlang.skript.lang.structure.Structure
      getColorChar() - Method in interface ch.njol.skript.util.chat.ChatCode
      Gets the color char that is an alternative way to use this chat code.
      getColorChar() - Method in enum class ch.njol.skript.util.chat.SkriptChatCode
      init(Expression<?>[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult, SectionNode, List<TriggerItem>) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.EffectSection
      getColorCode() - Method in interface ch.njol.skript.util.chat.ChatCode
      Gets color code of this chat code.
      getColorCode() - Method in enum class ch.njol.skript.util.chat.SkriptChatCode
      init(Expression<?>[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult, SectionNode, List<TriggerItem>) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.sections.EffSecSpawn
      getCommand() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.command.CommandEvent
      init(Expression<?>[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult, SectionNode, List<TriggerItem>) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.Section
      getCommandLabel() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.command.ScriptCommandEvent
      init(Expression<?>[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult, SectionNode, List<TriggerItem>) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.sections.SecConditional
      getCommandMap() - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.command.Commands
      init(Expression<?>[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult, SectionNode, List<TriggerItem>) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.sections.SecLoop
      getComment() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.config.Node
      init(Expression<?>[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult, SectionNode, List<TriggerItem>) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.sections.SecWhile
      getComparator() - Method in class org.skriptlang.skript.lang.comparator.ComparatorInfo
      init(Literal<?>[], int, SkriptParser.ParseResult) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.AxolotlData
      getComparator(Class<F>, Class<S>) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.registrations.Comparators
      getComparator(Class<T1>, Class<T2>) - Static method in class org.skriptlang.skript.lang.comparator.Comparators
      A method for obtaining a Comparator that can compare two objects of 'firstType' and 'secondType'.
      getComparatorInfo(Class<T1>, Class<T2>) - Static method in class org.skriptlang.skript.lang.comparator.Comparators
      A method for obtaining the info of a Comparator that can compare two objects of 'firstType' and 'secondType'.
      getComparatorInfos() - Static method in class org.skriptlang.skript.lang.comparator.Comparators
      init(Literal<?>[], int, SkriptParser.ParseResult) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.BeeData
      getComputedBiome() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.BlockStateBlock
      init(Literal<?>[], int, SkriptParser.ParseResult) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.BoatChestData
      getComputedBiome() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.DelayedChangeBlock
      init(Literal<?>[], int, SkriptParser.ParseResult) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.BoatData
      getConditions() - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.Skript
      init(Literal<?>[], int, SkriptParser.ParseResult) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.CatData
      getConfig() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.config.Node
      init(Literal<?>[], int, SkriptParser.ParseResult) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.CreeperData
      getConfig() - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.SkriptConfig
      This should only be used in special cases
      getConfig() - Method in class org.skriptlang.skript.lang.script.Script
      init(Literal<?>[], int, SkriptParser.ParseResult) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.DroppedItemData
      getConstant(int) - Method in class ch.njol.yggdrasil.PseudoEnum
      Returns the constant with the given ID.
      getConvertedExpr(Class<R>...) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.util.SimpleExpression
      Converts this expression to another type.
      getConvertedExpression(ParseContext, Class<? extends R>...) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.UnparsedLiteral
      init(Literal<?>[], int, SkriptParser.ParseResult) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.EndermanData
      getConvertedExpression(Class<R>...) - Method in interface ch.njol.skript.lang.Expression
      Tries to convert this expression to the given type.
      getConvertedExpression(Class<R>...) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.ExpressionList
      init(Literal<?>[], int, SkriptParser.ParseResult) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.EntityData
      getConvertedExpression(Class<R>...) - Method in interface ch.njol.skript.lang.Literal
      init(Literal<?>[], int, SkriptParser.ParseResult) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.FallingBlockData
      getConvertedExpression(Class<R>...) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.LiteralList
      init(Literal<?>[], int, SkriptParser.ParseResult) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.FishData
      getConvertedExpression(Class<R>...) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.UnparsedLiteral
      init(Literal<?>[], int, SkriptParser.ParseResult) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.FoxData
      getConvertedExpression(Class<R>...) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.util.ConvertedExpression
      init(Literal<?>[], int, SkriptParser.ParseResult) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.FrogData
      getConvertedExpression(Class<R>...) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.util.ConvertedLiteral
      init(Literal<?>[], int, SkriptParser.ParseResult) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.GoatData
      getConvertedExpression(Class<R>...) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.util.SimpleExpression
      Usually, you want to override SimpleExpression.getConvertedExpr(Class[]).
      getConvertedExpression(Class<R>...) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.util.SimpleLiteral
      init(Literal<?>[], int, SkriptParser.ParseResult) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.LlamaData
      getConvertedExpression(Class<R>...) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.Variable
      init(Literal<?>[], int, SkriptParser.ParseResult) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.MinecartData
      getConvertedExpression(Class<R>...) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.VariableString
      init(Literal<?>[], int, SkriptParser.ParseResult) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.MooshroomData
      getConverter() - Method in class org.skriptlang.skript.lang.converter.ConverterInfo
      init(Literal<?>[], int, SkriptParser.ParseResult) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.OcelotData
      getConverter(Class<F>, Class<T>) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.registrations.Converters
      Gets a converter
      getConverter(Class<F>, Class<T>) - Static method in class org.skriptlang.skript.lang.converter.Converters
      A method for obtaining a Converter that can convert an object of 'fromType' into an object of 'toType'.
      getConverterInfo(Class<F>, Class<T>) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.registrations.Converters
      Gets a converter that has been registered before.
      getConverterInfo(Class<F>, Class<T>) - Static method in class org.skriptlang.skript.lang.converter.Converters
      A method for obtaining the ConverterInfo of a Converter that can convert + an object of 'fromType' into an object of 'toType'.
      getConverterInfos() - Static method in class org.skriptlang.skript.lang.converter.Converters
      init(Literal<?>[], int, SkriptParser.ParseResult) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.PandaData
      getConverters() - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.registrations.Converters
      getCooldown() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.command.ScriptCommand
      init(Literal<?>[], int, SkriptParser.ParseResult) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.ParrotData
      getCooldownBypass() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.command.ScriptCommand
      init(Literal<?>[], int, SkriptParser.ParseResult) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.PigData
      getCopiedContents(Inventory) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.aliases.ItemType
      init(Literal<?>[], int, SkriptParser.ParseResult) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.RabbitData
      getCount() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.log.CountingLogHandler
      init(Literal<?>[], int, SkriptParser.ParseResult) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.SheepData
      getCumulativeXP(int) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.bukkitutil.PlayerUtils
      Gets the cumulative experience needed to reach the given level, but no further.
      getCurrent(Event) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.command.Argument
      init(Literal<?>[], int, SkriptParser.ParseResult) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.SimpleEntityData
      getCurrentEventName() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.parser.ParserInstance
      init(Literal<?>[], int, SkriptParser.ParseResult) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.ThrownPotionData
      getCurrentEventName() - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.ScriptLoader
      + +
      getCurrentEvents() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.parser.ParserInstance
      init(Literal<?>[], int, SkriptParser.ParseResult) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.TropicalFishData
      getCurrentEvents() - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.ScriptLoader
      + +
      getCurrentLoops() - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.ScriptLoader
      + +
      getCurrentOptions() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.parser.ParserInstance
      Deprecated. +
      Use Script.getData(Class) instead. The StructOptions.OptionsData class should be obtained. + Example: script.getData(OptionsData.class)
      getCurrentRelease() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.update.Updater
      init(Literal<?>[], int, SkriptParser.ParseResult) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.VillagerData
      getCurrentScript() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.parser.ParserInstance
      init(Literal<?>[], int, SkriptParser.ParseResult) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.WolfData
      getCurrentScript() - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.ScriptLoader
      + +
      getCurrentSection(Class<T>) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.parser.ParserInstance
      init(Literal<?>[], int, SkriptParser.ParseResult) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.XpOrbData
      getCurrentSections() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.parser.ParserInstance
      init(Literal<?>[], int, SkriptParser.ParseResult) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.ZombieVillagerData
      getCurrentSections() - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.ScriptLoader
      + +
      getCurrentSections(Class<T>) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.parser.ParserInstance
      init(Literal<?>[], int, SkriptParser.ParseResult) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.events.EvtAtTime
      getCurrentSkriptEvent() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.parser.ParserInstance
      + +
      getCurrentStructure() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.parser.ParserInstance
      init(Literal<?>[], int, SkriptParser.ParseResult) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.events.EvtBlock
      getDamage(EntityDamageEvent) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.bukkitutil.HealthUtils
      init(Literal<?>[], int, SkriptParser.ParseResult) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.events.EvtBookEdit
      getDamage(ItemStack) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.bukkitutil.ItemUtils
      Gets damage/durability of an item, or 0 if it does not have damage.
      getData() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.aliases.AliasesMap.Match
      Retrieves the alias data of this match.
      getData() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.UnparsedLiteral
      init(Literal<?>[], int, SkriptParser.ParseResult) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.events.EvtBookSign
      getData() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.BlockStateBlock
      init(Literal<?>[], int, SkriptParser.ParseResult) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.events.EvtClick
      getData() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.DelayedChangeBlock
      init(Literal<?>[], int, SkriptParser.ParseResult) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.events.EvtCommand
      getData(Class<? extends Value>, Supplier<Value>) - Method in class org.skriptlang.skript.lang.script.Script
      This API is experimental and subject to change. + A method that always obtains ScriptData matching the specified data type.
      getData(Class<T>) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.parser.ParserInstance
      init(Literal<?>[], int, SkriptParser.ParseResult) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.events.EvtDamage
      getData(Class<Type>) - Method in class org.skriptlang.skript.lang.script.Script
      This API is experimental and subject to change. + A method to obtain ScriptData matching the specified data type.
      getData(Object, Location) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.visual.VisualEffectType
      init(Literal<?>[], int, SkriptParser.ParseResult) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.events.EvtEntity
      getDebugLabel() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.Trigger
      init(Literal<?>[], int, SkriptParser.ParseResult) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.events.EvtEntityBlockChange
      getDebugMessage() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.aliases.ItemType
      init(Literal<?>[], int, SkriptParser.ParseResult) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.events.EvtEntityTarget
      getDebugMessage(Object) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.registrations.Classes
      init(Literal<?>[], int, SkriptParser.ParseResult) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.events.EvtExperienceChange
      getDebugMessage(T) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.classes.Parser
      Returns a string representation of the given object to be used for debugging.
      + The Parser of 'Block' for example returns the block's type in toString, while this method also returns the coordinates of the block.
      + The default implementation of this method returns toString(o, 0).
      getDeclaringClass() - Method in class ch.njol.yggdrasil.PseudoEnum
      Returns this constant's pseudo-enum class, i.e.
      getDeclaringClass(Class<T>) - Static method in class ch.njol.yggdrasil.PseudoEnum
      Returns the common base class for constants of the given type, i.e.
      getDefaultExpression() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.classes.ClassInfo
      init(Literal<?>[], int, SkriptParser.ParseResult) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.events.EvtExperienceSpawn
      getDefaultExpression() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.function.Parameter
      Get the Expression that will be used to provide the default value of this parameter when the function is called.
      getDefaultExpression(Class<T>) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.registrations.Classes
      Gets the default expression of a class
      getDefaultExpression(String) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.registrations.Classes
      Gets the default of a class
      getDefaultIfNullOrEmpty(String[], String) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.doc.HTMLGenerator
      init(Literal<?>[], int, SkriptParser.ParseResult) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.events.EvtFirework
      getDefaultIfNullOrEmpty(String, String) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.doc.HTMLGenerator
      Checks if a string is empty or null then it will return the message provided
      getDefaultValue() - Method in class org.skriptlang.skript.lang.entry.EntryData
      init(Literal<?>[], int, SkriptParser.ParseResult) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.events.EvtFirstJoin
      getDefaultVariableNames(String, Event) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.VariableString
      Builds all possible default variable type hints based on the super type of the expression.
      getDefiniteArticle() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.localization.Noun
      init(Literal<?>[], int, SkriptParser.ParseResult) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.events.EvtGameMode
      getDescription() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.classes.ClassInfo
      init(Literal<?>[], int, SkriptParser.ParseResult) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.events.EvtGrow
      getDescription() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.function.JavaFunction
      init(Literal<?>[], int, SkriptParser.ParseResult) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.events.EvtItem
      getDescription() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptEventInfo
      init(Literal<?>[], int, SkriptParser.ParseResult) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.events.EvtLevel
      getDestroySpeed(ItemStack, boolean) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.BlockStateBlock
      init(Literal<?>[], int, SkriptParser.ParseResult) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.events.EvtMove
      getDestroySpeed(ItemStack, boolean) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.DelayedChangeBlock
      init(Literal<?>[], int, SkriptParser.ParseResult) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.events.EvtMoveOn
      getDestroySpeed(ItemStack) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.BlockStateBlock
      init(Literal<?>[], int, SkriptParser.ParseResult) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.events.EvtPeriodical
      getDestroySpeed(ItemStack) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.DelayedChangeBlock
      init(Literal<?>[], int, SkriptParser.ParseResult) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.events.EvtPlantGrowth
      getDimensions() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.AABB
      init(Literal<?>[], int, SkriptParser.ParseResult) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.events.EvtPlayerChunkEnter
      getDirection() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.Direction
      init(Literal<?>[], int, SkriptParser.ParseResult) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.events.EvtPressurePlate
      getDirection(Block) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.Direction
      init(Literal<?>[], int, SkriptParser.ParseResult) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.events.EvtResourcePackResponse
      getDirection(Entity) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.Direction
      init(Literal<?>[], int, SkriptParser.ParseResult) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.events.EvtScript
      getDirection(Location) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.Direction
      init(Literal<?>[], int, SkriptParser.ParseResult) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.events.EvtSkript
      getDisabledScripts() - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.ScriptLoader
      init(Literal<?>[], int, SkriptParser.ParseResult) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.events.EvtSpectate
      getDisabledScriptsFilter() - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.ScriptLoader
      init(Literal<?>[], int, SkriptParser.ParseResult) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.events.EvtWeatherChange
      getDocName() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.classes.ClassInfo
      init(Literal<?>[], int, SkriptParser.ParseResult) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.hooks.regions.events.EvtRegionBorder
      getDocsOutputDirectory() - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.doc.Documentation
      init(Literal<?>[], int, SkriptParser.ParseResult) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.SectionSkriptEvent
      getDocsTemplateDirectory() - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.doc.Documentation
      init(Literal<?>[], int, SkriptParser.ParseResult) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptEvent
      getDocumentationID() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.classes.ClassInfo
      Called just after the constructor
      Gets overridden documentation id of this this type.
      init(Literal<?>[], int, SkriptParser.ParseResult) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.util.SimpleEvent
      init(Literal<?>[], int, SkriptParser.ParseResult) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.test.runner.EvtTestCase
      init(Literal<?>[], int, SkriptParser.ParseResult, EntryContainer) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptEvent
      init(Literal<?>[], int, SkriptParser.ParseResult, EntryContainer) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.structures.StructAliases
      init(Literal<?>[], int, SkriptParser.ParseResult, EntryContainer) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.structures.StructCommand
      getDocumentationID() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptEventInfo
      init(Literal<?>[], int, SkriptParser.ParseResult, EntryContainer) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.structures.StructFunction
      getDrops() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.BlockStateBlock
      init(Literal<?>[], int, SkriptParser.ParseResult, EntryContainer) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.structures.StructOptions
      getDrops() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.DelayedChangeBlock
      init(Literal<?>[], int, SkriptParser.ParseResult, EntryContainer) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.structures.StructVariables
      getDrops(ItemStack) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.BlockStateBlock
      init(Literal<?>[], int, SkriptParser.ParseResult, EntryContainer) - Method in class org.skriptlang.skript.lang.structure.Structure
      getDrops(ItemStack) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.DelayedChangeBlock
      init(Class<? extends Rabbit>, Rabbit) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.RabbitData
      getDrops(ItemStack, Entity) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.BlockStateBlock
      initialize(SectionNode) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.variables.MySQLStorage
      getDrops(ItemStack, Entity) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.DelayedChangeBlock
      initialize(SectionNode) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.variables.SQLiteStorage
      getDurability() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.aliases.ItemData
      initialize(SectionNode) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.variables.SQLStorage
      getDyeData() - Method in enum class ch.njol.skript.util.SkriptColor
      Initializes an SQL database with the user provided configuration section for loading the database.
      initialize(Path, Path, boolean) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.test.platform.Environment
      getEffect() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.visual.VisualEffectType
      inMap(Node) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.config.NodeMap
      getEffects() - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.Skript
      insert(Node, int) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.config.SectionNode
      getEffects(ItemType) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.util.PotionEffectUtils
      Inserts the given node into this section at the specified position.
      Get all the PotionEffects of an ItemType + + This will also include the base potion as well
      insertId(String) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.aliases.AliasesProvider.Variation
      insertion - Enum constant in enum class ch.njol.skript.util.chat.SkriptChatCode
      getElapsedMilliseconds(UUID, Event) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.command.ScriptCommand
      insertion - Variable in class ch.njol.skript.util.chat.MessageComponent
      getElementClass() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.SyntaxElementInfo
      Value of this, if present, will appended on what player is currently - writing to chat.
      Get the class that represents this element.
      instance - Static variable in class ch.njol.util.coll.iterator.EmptyIterable
      getEnchantments() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.aliases.ItemType
      + +
      getEnchantmentType(Enchantment) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.aliases.ItemType
      Gets the EnchantmentType with the given Enchantment of this item type.
      getEnchantmentTypes() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.aliases.ItemType
      Gets all enchantments of this item.
      getEnglishPlural(String) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.util.Utils
      instance - Static variable in class ch.njol.util.coll.iterator.EmptyIterator
      getEntityEffect() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.visual.VisualEffectType
      INSTANCE - Static variable in interface ch.njol.skript.bukkitutil.block.BlockCompat
      getEntryContainer() - Method in class org.skriptlang.skript.lang.structure.Structure
      getEntryData() - Method in class org.skriptlang.skript.lang.entry.EntryValidator
      getEnumConstant(Class<T>, String) - Static method in class ch.njol.yggdrasil.Yggdrasil
      getEquipSlot() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.slot.EquipmentSlot
      Instance of BlockCompat for current Minecraft version.
      Gets underlying armor slot enum.
      instantiationException(Class<?>, InstantiationException) - Static method in exception ch.njol.skript.SkriptAPIException
      getError() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.log.ParseLogHandler
      instantiationException(String, Class<?>, InstantiationException) - Static method in exception ch.njol.skript.SkriptAPIException
      getErrors() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.log.RetainingLogHandler
      INTEGER_PATTERN - Static variable in class ch.njol.skript.classes.data.JavaClasses
      getEvent() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.Trigger
      getEventClasses() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptEvent
      interactTracker - Static variable in class ch.njol.skript.events.EvtClick
      getEventPriority() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptEvent
      getEvents() - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.Skript
      Tracks PlayerInteractEvents to deduplicate them.
      Modifications made to the returned Collection will not be reflected in the events available for parsing.
      intersection(Set<E>...) - Static method in class ch.njol.util.coll.CollectionUtils
      getEvents() - Method in class org.skriptlang.skript.lang.script.Script
      Gets the intersection of the given sets, i.e.
      This API is experimental and subject to change.
      intersection(ItemData) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.aliases.ItemData
      getEvents(Class<T>) - Method in class org.skriptlang.skript.lang.script.Script
      Computes the intersection of two ItemDatas.
      This API is experimental and subject to change.
      intersection(ItemType) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.aliases.ItemType
      getEventValue(E, Class<T>, int) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.registrations.EventValues
      Intersects all ItemDatas with all ItemDatas of the given ItemType, returning an ItemType with at most n*m ItemDatas, where n = #ItemDatas of this ItemType, and m = - #ItemDatas of the argument.
      Gets a specific value from an event.
      InvalidMinecraftIdException - Exception in ch.njol.skript.aliases
      InvalidMinecraftIdException(String) - Constructor for exception ch.njol.skript.aliases.InvalidMinecraftIdException
      InvalidNode - Class in ch.njol.skript.config
      getEventValueGetter(Class<E>, Class<T>, int) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.registrations.EventValues
      A line of a config that could not be parsed.
      Returns a getter to get a value from in an event.
      InvalidNode(String, String, SectionNode, int) - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.config.InvalidNode
      inventoryChanger - Static variable in class ch.njol.skript.classes.data.DefaultChangers
      InventorySlot - Class in ch.njol.skript.util.slot
      getEventValuesListForTime(int) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.registrations.EventValues
      Represents a slot in some inventory.
      Get Event Values list for the specified time
      InventorySlot(Inventory, int) - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.util.slot.InventorySlot
      InverseComparator<T1,T2> - Class in ch.njol.skript.classes
      getExactClassInfo(Class<T>) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.registrations.Classes
      Deprecated. -
      This class is no longer exposed in newer versions. It should not be used or referenced.
      Gets the class info for the given class.
      InverseComparator(Comparator<? super T2, ? super T1>) - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.classes.InverseComparator
      getExactClassName(Class<?>) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.registrations.Classes
      invertAnd() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.ExpressionList
      Gets the name a class was registered with.
      + +
      getExactEventValueGetter(Class<E>, Class<T>, int) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.registrations.EventValues
      For use in CondCompare only.
      Checks that a getter exists for the exact type.
      INVISIBILITY - Enum constant in enum class ch.njol.skript.util.PotionDataUtils
      INVISIBILITY_LONG - Enum constant in enum class ch.njol.skript.util.PotionDataUtils
      is(Comparator.Relation) - Method in enum class ch.njol.skript.classes.Comparator.Relation
      getExactParser(Class<T>) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.registrations.Classes
      Test whether this relation is fulfilled if another is, i.e.
      Gets a parser for an exactly known class.
      is(Kleenean) - Method in enum class ch.njol.util.Kleenean
      getExamples() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.classes.ClassInfo
      is(TreeType) - Method in enum class ch.njol.skript.util.StructureType
      getExamples() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.function.JavaFunction
      isAcceptRegistrations() - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.Skript
      getExamples() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptEventInfo
      isActive() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.parser.ParserInstance
      getExperience() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.XpOrbData
      isAdult(Entity) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.bukkitutil.EntityUtils
      Quick method to check if entity is an adult.
      isAgeable(Entity) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.bukkitutil.EntityUtils
      Check if an entity is ageable.
      isAir(Material) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.bukkitutil.ItemUtils
      getExpr() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.patterns.MatchResult
      isAlias() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.aliases.ItemData
      Checks if this item is an alias or a clone of one that has not been - modified after loading the aliases.
      isAlive() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.Task
      getExpressions() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.ExpressionList
      isAll() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.aliases.ItemType
      Checks if this item type represents one of its items (OR) or all of - them (AND).
      isAnyInstanceOf(Object, Class<?>...) - Static method in class ch.njol.util.coll.CollectionUtils
      getExpressions() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.LiteralList
      getExpressions() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.patterns.MatchResult
      getExpressions() - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.Skript
      isAsync() - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.ScriptLoader
      getExpressions(Class<?>...) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.Skript
      getExpressionType() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.ExpressionInfo
      Checks if scripts are loaded in separate thread.
      Get the type of this expression.
      isAtLeast(MatchQuality) - Method in enum class ch.njol.skript.aliases.MatchQuality
      getFace(Block) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.BlockStateBlock
      isBaby() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.EntityData
      getFace(Block) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.DelayedChangeBlock
      isBetter(MatchQuality) - Method in enum class ch.njol.skript.aliases.MatchQuality
      getFaces() - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.util.BlockUtils
      isBlockFaceIndirectlyPowered(BlockFace) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.BlockStateBlock
      getFacing(double, double) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.util.Direction
      isBlockFaceIndirectlyPowered(BlockFace) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.DelayedChangeBlock
      getFacing(Block) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.util.Direction
      isBlockFacePowered(BlockFace) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.BlockStateBlock
      getFacing(Location, boolean) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.util.Direction
      isBlockFacePowered(BlockFace) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.DelayedChangeBlock
      getFacing(Vector, boolean) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.util.Direction
      isBlockIndirectlyPowered() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.BlockStateBlock
      getFields(Class<?>) - Static method in class ch.njol.yggdrasil.Fields
      Gets all serialisable fields of the provided class, including superclasses.
      getFile() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.config.Config
      isBlockIndirectlyPowered() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.DelayedChangeBlock
      getFile() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.SkriptAddon
      The first invocation of this method uses reflection to invoke the protected method JavaPlugin.getFile() to get the plugin's jar file.
      getFile(String) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.variables.FlatFileStorage
      isBlockPowered() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.BlockStateBlock
      getFile(String) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.variables.SQLStorage
      isBlockPowered() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.DelayedChangeBlock
      getFile(String) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.variables.VariablesStorage
      Gets the file needed for this variable storage from the given file name.
      getFile(Plugin) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.util.Utils
      The first invocation of this method uses reflection to invoke the protected method JavaPlugin.getFile() to get the plugin's jar file.
      getFileName() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.config.Config
      isBuildable() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.BlockStateBlock
      getFinalDamage(EntityDamageEvent) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.bukkitutil.HealthUtils
      isBuildable() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.DelayedChangeBlock
      getFirst() - Method in class ch.njol.util.NonNullPair
      isBurnable() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.BlockStateBlock
      getFirst() - Method in class ch.njol.util.Pair
      isBurnable() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.DelayedChangeBlock
      getFirstError() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.log.RetainingLogHandler
      isCancelled() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.command.EffectCommandEvent
      getFirstError(String) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.log.RetainingLogHandler
      isCancelled() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.events.bukkit.ExperienceSpawnEvent
      getFirstType() - Method in class org.skriptlang.skript.lang.comparator.ComparatorInfo
      isCancelled() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.hooks.regions.events.RegionBorderEvent
      getFlags() - Method in class org.skriptlang.skript.lang.converter.ConverterInfo
      isCollidable() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.BlockStateBlock
      getFormattedChat() - Method in enum class ch.njol.skript.util.SkriptColor
      isCollidable() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.DelayedChangeBlock
      getFormattedCreateQuery() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.variables.SQLStorage
      Retrieve the create query with the tableName in it
      getFrom() - Method in class org.skriptlang.skript.lang.converter.ConverterInfo
      isColorable() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.visual.VisualEffectType
      getFullText(CommandSender) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.command.Commands.CommandAliasHelpTopic
      isContainedIn(Iterable<ItemStack>) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.aliases.ItemType
      getFunction() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.function.FunctionEvent
      isContainedIn(ItemStack[]) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.aliases.ItemType
      getFunction() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.function.FunctionReference
      isCooldownCancelled() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.command.ScriptCommandEvent
      Only accurate when this event is not delayed (yet)
      isCurrentEvent(Class<? extends Event>) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.ScriptLoader
      getFunction(String) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.function.Functions
      Deprecated. - +
      in favour of Functions.getGlobalFunction(String) for proper name.
      isCurrentEvent(Class<? extends Event>) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.parser.ParserInstance
      getFunction(String) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.function.Namespace
      getFunction(String, boolean) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.function.Namespace
      getFunction(String, String) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.function.Functions
      This method checks whether at least one of the current event classes - is covered by the argument event class (i.e.
      Gets a local function, if it doesn't exist it'll fall back to a global function, + if it exists.
      isCurrentEvent(Class<? extends Event>...) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.parser.ParserInstance
      getFunctions() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.function.Namespace
      getGameruleValue() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.GameruleValue
      getGender() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.aliases.ItemData
      getGender() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.localization.Noun
      getGender(ItemData) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.aliases.Aliases
      getGender(String, String) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.localization.Noun
      getGenderID(int) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.localization.Noun
      getGlobalFunction(String) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.function.Functions
      Same as ParserInstance.isCurrentEvent(Class), but allows for plural argument input.
      Gets a function, if it exists.
      isCurrentEvent(Class<? extends Event>...) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.ScriptLoader
      getGlobalSignature(String) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.function.Functions
      - +
      Gets a signature of function with given name.
      isCurrentSection(Class<? extends TriggerSection>) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.parser.ParserInstance
      getGreen() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.visual.ParticleOption
      isCurrentSection(Class<? extends TriggerSection>...) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.parser.ParserInstance
      getHandlerList() - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.command.CommandEvent
      isCurrentStructure(Class<? extends Structure>) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.parser.ParserInstance
      getHandlerList() - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.command.EffectCommandEvent
      isCurrentStructure(Class<? extends Structure>...) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.parser.ParserInstance
      getHandlerList() - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.command.ScriptCommandEvent
      isDefault() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.aliases.ItemData
      Checks if this item is a 'default' of type.
      isDefault() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.bukkitutil.block.BlockValues
      getHandlerList() - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.function.FunctionEvent
      isDefault() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.base.EventValueExpression
      getHandlers() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.command.CommandEvent
      isDefault() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.base.WrapperExpression
      getHandlers() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.command.EffectCommandEvent
      isDefault() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprAffectedEntities
      getHandlers() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.command.ScriptCommandEvent
      isDefault() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprPortal
      getHandlers() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.function.FunctionEvent
      isDefault() - Method in interface ch.njol.skript.lang.DefaultExpression
      getHandlers() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.parser.ParserInstance
      You probably shouldn't use this method.
      getHandlers() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.util.ContextlessEvent
      This method should never be called.
      getHasDelayBefore() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.parser.ParserInstance
      isDefault() - Method in interface ch.njol.skript.lang.Expression
      getHasDelayBefore() - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.ScriptLoader
      Returns whether this value represents the default value of its type for the event, i.e.
      isDefault() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.ExpressionList
      getHealth(Damageable) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.bukkitutil.HealthUtils
      Get the health of an entity
      getHumidity() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.BlockStateBlock
      isDefault() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.UnparsedLiteral
      getHumidity() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.DelayedChangeBlock
      isDefault() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.util.ConvertedExpression
      getId() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.aliases.AliasesProvider.Variation
      isDefault() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.util.SimpleExpression
      getId() - Method in exception ch.njol.skript.aliases.InvalidMinecraftIdException
      isDefault() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.util.SimpleLiteral
      getId() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptEventInfo
      isDefault() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.Variable
      getId() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.visual.VisualEffectType
      isDefault() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.VariableString
      getID() - Method in class ch.njol.yggdrasil.Fields.FieldContext
      isDefiniteArticle(String) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.localization.Noun
      getID(Class<?>) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.classes.Serializer
      isDelayed(Event) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.effects.Delay
      getID(Class<?>) - Method in interface ch.njol.yggdrasil.ClassResolver
      The main method for checking if the execution of TriggerItems has been delayed.
      Gets an ID for a Class.
      isDocsTemplateFound() - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.doc.Documentation
      getID(Class<?>) - Method in class ch.njol.yggdrasil.JRESerializer
      isEffect() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.visual.VisualEffectType
      getID(Class<?>) - Method in class ch.njol.yggdrasil.SimpleClassResolver
      isEither(T, T...) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.util.Utils
      getID(Class<?>) - Method in class ch.njol.yggdrasil.Yggdrasil
      isEmpty() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.config.Config
      getID(Enum<?>) - Static method in class ch.njol.yggdrasil.Yggdrasil
      isEmpty() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.config.SectionNode
      getID(Field) - Static method in class ch.njol.yggdrasil.Yggdrasil
      Gets the ID of a field.
      getIndefiniteArticle() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.localization.Noun
      isEmpty() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.patterns.LiteralPatternElement
      getIndentation() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.config.Node
      isEmpty() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.BlockStateBlock
      getIndentation() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.EffectSectionEffect
      isEmpty() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.DelayedChangeBlock
      getIndentation() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.parser.ParserInstance
      isEmpty() - Method in class ch.njol.util.coll.CyclicList
      getIndentation() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.TriggerItem
      isEmpty() - Method in class ch.njol.util.coll.ReversedListView
      getIndex() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.command.Argument
      isEmpty(Material) - Method in interface ch.njol.skript.bukkitutil.block.BlockCompat
      getIndex() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.slot.EquipmentSlot
      getIndex() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.slot.InventorySlot
      getIndex() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.slot.SlotWithIndex
      Checks whether the given material implies emptiness.
      Gets an index of this slot.
      isEmpty(Material) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.bukkitutil.block.NewBlockCompat
      isEnabled() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.update.Updater
      getInfo(int) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.Patterns
      isEntering() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.hooks.regions.events.RegionBorderEvent
      getInfo(Class<? extends EntityData<?>>) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.EntityData
      isEntityEffect() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.visual.VisualEffectType
      getInfo(String) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.EntityData
      isEqualOrInverse() - Method in enum class ch.njol.skript.classes.Comparator.Relation
      isEventPrioritySupported() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.events.EvtAtTime
      getInsertPoint() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.aliases.AliasesProvider.Variation
      isEventPrioritySupported() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.events.EvtExperienceSpawn
      getInstance() - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.Skript
      isEventPrioritySupported() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.events.EvtMoveOn
      getInternalAmount() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.aliases.ItemType
      Only use this method if you know what you're doing.
      getInternalExperience() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.XpOrbData
      isEventPrioritySupported() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.events.EvtPeriodical
      getInternalLevel() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.EnchantmentType
      isEventPrioritySupported() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.events.EvtScript
      getInternalXP() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.Experience
      isEventPrioritySupported() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.events.EvtSkript
      getInventory() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.BlockInventoryHolder
      isEventPrioritySupported() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.hooks.regions.events.EvtRegionBorder
      getInventory() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.slot.InventorySlot
      isEventPrioritySupported() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.SelfRegisteringSkriptEvent
      getInverse() - Method in enum class ch.njol.skript.classes.Comparator.Relation
      isEventPrioritySupported() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptEvent
      Gets the inverse of this relation, i.e if this relation fulfils X rel Y, then the returned relation fulfils !(X rel Y).
      + +
      getInverse() - Method in enum class org.skriptlang.skript.lang.comparator.Relation
      isFalse() - Method in enum class ch.njol.util.Kleenean
      getItem() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.aliases.AliasesMap.AliasData
      isFalse(boolean, String) - Static method in class ch.njol.util.Validate
      getItem() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.aliases.ItemType
      isFinishedLoadingHooks() - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.Skript
      getItem() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.slot.CursorSlot
      isHookEnabled(Class<? extends Hook<?>>) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.Skript
      Checks whether a hook has been enabled.
      isImpliedBy(Relation) - Method in enum class org.skriptlang.skript.lang.comparator.Relation
      Test whether this Relation is fulfilled if another is, i.e.
      isImpliedBy(Relation...) - Method in enum class org.skriptlang.skript.lang.comparator.Relation
      getItem() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.slot.DroppedItemSlot
      isIndefiniteArticle(String) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.localization.Noun
      getItem() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.slot.EquipmentSlot
      isIndexLoop(String) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.Variable
      getItem() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.slot.InventorySlot
      isInitialized() - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.localization.Language
      getItem() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.slot.ItemFrameSlot
      isInstance(Entity) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.EntityData
      getItem() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.slot.Slot
      getItem() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.slot.ThrowableProjectileSlot
      isInstance(Entity) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.EntityType
      getItemMeta() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.aliases.ItemData
      isJUnitComplete() - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.test.runner.EffObjectives
      getItemMeta() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.aliases.ItemType
      Check if the currently running JUnit test has passed all - it's required objectives that the script test setup.
      Gets item meta that applies to all items represented by this type.
      isLargerThan(Version) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.Version
      getJavaComparator() - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.registrations.Comparators
      getJavaFunctions() - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.function.Functions
      isLiquid() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.BlockStateBlock
      getKey() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.bukkitutil.PaperEntityUtils.LookGoal
      isLiquid() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.DelayedChangeBlock
      getKey() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.config.EntryNode
      isLiquid(Material) - Method in interface ch.njol.skript.bukkitutil.block.BlockCompat
      getKey() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.config.Node
      Checks whether the given material is a liquid.
      Key of this node.
      isLiquid(Material) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.bukkitutil.block.NewBlockCompat
      isList() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.Variable
      isLocal() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.function.Signature
      getKey() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.config.VoidNode
      isLocal() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.Variable
      getKey() - Method in class ch.njol.util.NonNullPair
      isLocalized() - Method in interface ch.njol.skript.util.chat.ChatCode
      For internal usage.
      isLocalized() - Method in enum class ch.njol.skript.util.chat.SkriptChatCode
      getKey() - Method in class ch.njol.util.Pair
      isLoggable(LogRecord) - Method in class ch.njol.util.LoggerFilter
      getKey() - Method in class org.skriptlang.skript.lang.entry.EntryData
      isLoopOf(String) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprArgument
      getKey(Enchantment) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.bukkitutil.EnchantmentUtils
      isLoopOf(String) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprBlockSphere
      getKey(T2) - Method in class ch.njol.util.coll.BidiHashMap
      isLoopOf(String) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprEntities
      getKey(T2) - Method in interface ch.njol.util.coll.BidiMap
      isLoopOf(String) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprFilter
      getKeywords() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.function.JavaFunction
      isLoopOf(String) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprItems
      getKeywords() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptEventInfo
      isLoopOf(String) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprItemsIn
      getKeywords(PatternElement) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.patterns.SkriptPattern
      isLoopOf(String) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprNumbers
      getLabel() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.command.ScriptCommand
      isLoopOf(String) - Method in interface ch.njol.skript.lang.Expression
      getLangName() - Method in interface ch.njol.skript.util.chat.ChatCode
      Checks whether the given 'loop-...' expression should match this loop, e.g.
      Name to be used in scripts.
      isLoopOf(String) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.ExpressionList
      getLangName() - Method in enum class ch.njol.skript.util.chat.SkriptChatCode
      isLoopOf(String) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.UnparsedLiteral
      getLanguageFileDirectory() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.SkriptAddon
      isLoopOf(String) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.util.ConvertedExpression
      getLast() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.patterns.ChoicePatternElement
      isLoopOf(String) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.util.SimpleExpression
      getLastUsage(UUID, Event) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.command.ScriptCommand
      isLoopOf(String) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.util.SimpleLiteral
      getLevel() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.log.LogEntry
      isLoopOf(String) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.Variable
      getLevel() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.EnchantmentType
      isLoopOf(String) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.VariableString
      getLevelXP(int) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.bukkitutil.PlayerUtils
      Gets the experience points needed to reach the next level, starting at the given level.
      getLightFromBlocks() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.BlockStateBlock
      getLightFromBlocks() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.DelayedChangeBlock
      isMember(OfflinePlayer) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.hooks.regions.classes.Region
      getLightFromSky() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.BlockStateBlock
      isMember(OfflinePlayer) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.hooks.regions.GriefPreventionHook.GriefPreventionRegion
      getLightFromSky() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.DelayedChangeBlock
      isMember(OfflinePlayer) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.hooks.regions.PreciousStonesHook.PreciousStonesRegion
      getLightLevel() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.BlockStateBlock
      isMember(OfflinePlayer) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.hooks.regions.ResidenceHook.ResidenceRegion
      getLightLevel() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.DelayedChangeBlock
      isMember(OfflinePlayer) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.hooks.regions.WorldGuardHook.WorldGuardRegion
      getLine() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.config.ConfigReader
      isNegated() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.Condition
      getLine() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.config.Node
      isOfItemType(ItemType) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.BoatChestData
      getLineNum() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.config.ConfigReader
      isOfItemType(ItemType) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.BoatData
      getLineNumber() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.Trigger
      isOfType(Block) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.aliases.ItemType
      getList(String) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.localization.Language
      Gets a list of strings.
      getLoadedScripts() - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.ScriptLoader
      isOfType(BlockState) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.aliases.ItemType
      getLoadedScriptsFilter() - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.ScriptLoader
      isOfType(ItemStack) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.aliases.ItemData
      getLocalFunction(String, String) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.function.Functions
      Tests whether the given item is of this type.
      Gets a function, if it exists.
      isOfType(ItemStack) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.aliases.ItemType
      getLocalSignature(String, String) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.function.Functions
      Gets a signature of function with given name.
      getLocation() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.BlockStateBlock
      isOfType(ItemData) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.aliases.ItemType
      getLocation() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.DelayedChangeBlock
      isOfType(Material) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.aliases.ItemType
      getLocation(Block) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.util.BlockUtils
      isOfType(Material, String) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.aliases.ItemType
      getLocation(Location) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.BlockStateBlock
      isOptional - Variable in class ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptParser.ExprInfo
      getLocation(Location) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.DelayedChangeBlock
      isOptional() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.command.Argument
      getLog() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.log.RetainingLogHandler
      isOptional() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.config.Option
      getLoopCounter(Event) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.LoopSection
      isOptional() - Method in class org.skriptlang.skript.lang.entry.EntryData
      getMainNode() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.config.Config
      isOwner(OfflinePlayer) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.hooks.regions.classes.Region
      getMajor() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.Version
      getMark() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.patterns.MatchResult
      isOwner(OfflinePlayer) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.hooks.regions.GriefPreventionHook.GriefPreventionRegion
      getMaterial() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.aliases.ItemType
      isOwner(OfflinePlayer) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.hooks.regions.PreciousStonesHook.PreciousStonesRegion
      getMaterialFromId(int) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.bukkitutil.BukkitUnsafe
      isOwner(OfflinePlayer) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.hooks.regions.ResidenceHook.ResidenceRegion
      getMaterialFromMinecraftId(String) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.bukkitutil.BukkitUnsafe
      isOwner(OfflinePlayer) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.hooks.regions.WorldGuardHook.WorldGuardRegion
      getMaterialName(ItemData) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.aliases.AliasesProvider
      isParallel() - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.ScriptLoader
      Checks if scripts are loaded in multiple threads instead of one thread.
      isParticle() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.visual.VisualEffectType
      getMaterialName(ItemData, boolean) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.aliases.Aliases
      isPassable() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.BlockStateBlock
      getMath() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.classes.ClassInfo
      isPassable() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.DelayedChangeBlock
      getMathRelativeType() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.classes.ClassInfo
      isPlain() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.aliases.ItemData
      getMaxHealth(Damageable) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.bukkitutil.HealthUtils
      Checks if this item type was created through ExprPlain - and thus has no modifications made to it.
      Get the max health an entity has
      isPlural - Variable in class ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptParser.ExprInfo
      getMaxParameters() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.function.Signature
      Gets maximum number of parameters that the function described by this + signature is able to take.
      getMessage() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.log.LogEntry
      isPlural() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.EntityData
      getMessageComponents(Event) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.VariableString
      Gets message components from this string.
      getMessageComponentsUnsafe(Event) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.VariableString
      Gets message components from this string.
      getMetadata(String) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.BlockStateBlock
      isPreferredTool(ItemStack) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.BlockStateBlock
      getMetadata(String) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.DelayedChangeBlock
      isPreferredTool(ItemStack) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.DelayedChangeBlock
      getMetrics() - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.Skript
      isPrimitive() - Method in class ch.njol.yggdrasil.Fields.FieldContext
      getMilliSeconds() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.Timespan
      isPrimitive() - Method in enum class ch.njol.yggdrasil.Tag
      getMinecraftId() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.aliases.AliasesMap.AliasData
      isQuotedCorrectly(String, boolean) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.VariableString
      getMinecraftId(ItemData) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.aliases.Aliases
      Tests whether a string is correctly quoted, i.e.
      Gets a Vanilla Minecraft material id for given item data.
      isRegistered(Class<? extends ParserInstance.Data>) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.parser.ParserInstance
      isRelative() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.Direction
      getMinecraftId(ItemData) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.aliases.AliasesProvider
      isReplaceable() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.BlockStateBlock
      getMinecraftVersion() - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.Skript
      isReplaceable() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.DelayedChangeBlock
      getMinor() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.Version
      isRunningCraftBukkit() - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.Skript
      getMinParameters() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.function.Signature
      Gets minimum number of parameters that the function described by this + signature is able to take.
      getMode() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.VariableString
      isRunningMinecraft(int, int) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.Skript
      getName() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.aliases.AliasesMap.AliasData
      isRunningMinecraft(int, int, int) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.Skript
      getName() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.aliases.AliasesParser.VariationSlot
      isRunningMinecraft(Version) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.Skript
      getName() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.classes.ClassInfo
      isSameSlot(Slot) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.slot.CursorSlot
      getName() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.command.ScriptCommand
      isSameSlot(Slot) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.slot.DroppedItemSlot
      getName() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.EntityData
      isSameSlot(Slot) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.slot.ItemFrameSlot
      getName() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.function.Function
      isSameSlot(Slot) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.slot.Slot
      getName() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.function.Parameter
      Checks if given slot is in same position with this.
      Get the name of this parameter.
      isSameSlot(Slot) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.slot.SlotWithIndex
      getName() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.function.Signature
      isSameSlot(Slot) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.slot.ThrowableProjectileSlot
      getName() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptEventInfo
      isSection(Class<? extends Section>) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.SectionSkriptEvent
      getName() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.Trigger
      isSection(Class<? extends Section>...) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.SectionSkriptEvent
      getName() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.Variable
      isSerializable(Class<?>) - Method in class ch.njol.yggdrasil.Yggdrasil
      getName() - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.localization.Language
      isSet() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.localization.Message
      Checks whether this value is set in the current language or the english default.
      isSimilar(ItemType) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.aliases.ItemType
      getName() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.SkriptAddon
      getName() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.update.ReleaseChannel
      Compares two ItemTypes, ignoring stack size.
      Gets release channel name.
      isSimple() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.VariableString
      isSingle() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.command.Argument
      isSingle() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.arithmetic.ExprArithmetic
      isSingle() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.base.EventValueExpression
      isSingle() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.base.PropertyExpression
      isSingle() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.base.WrapperExpression
      isSingle() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprAbsorbedBlocks
      getName() - Method in interface ch.njol.skript.util.Color
      isSingle() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprAffectedEntities
      getName() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.ColorRGB
      isSingle() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprAllBannedEntries
      getName() - Method in enum class ch.njol.skript.util.SkriptColor
      isSingle() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprAllCommands
      getName() - Method in enum class ch.njol.skript.util.StructureType
      isSingle() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprAlphabetList
      getName() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.visual.VisualEffectType
      isSingle() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprAmount
      getNames() - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.util.EnchantmentType
      isSingle() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprAmountOfItems
      getNames() - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.util.PotionEffectUtils
      isSingle() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprAppliedEnchantments
      getNext() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.EffectSectionEffect
      isSingle() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprArgument
      getNext() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.TriggerItem
      isSingle() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprAttacked
      getNext() - Method in class ch.njol.util.coll.iterator.NonNullIterator
      isSingle() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprAttacker
      getNode() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.parser.ParserInstance
      isSingle() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprBlocks
      getNode() - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.log.SkriptLogger
      isSingle() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprBlockSphere
      getNumErrors() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.log.ParseLogHandler
      isSingle() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprBookPages
      getNumErrors() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.log.RetainingLogHandler
      isSingle() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprBreakSpeed
      getObject() - Method in class ch.njol.yggdrasil.Fields.FieldContext
      isSingle() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprChatFormat
      getObject(Class<T>) - Method in class ch.njol.yggdrasil.Fields.FieldContext
      isSingle() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprChatRecipients
      getObject(String) - Method in class ch.njol.yggdrasil.Fields
      isSingle() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprChestInventory
      getObject(String, Class<T>) - Method in class ch.njol.yggdrasil.Fields
      isSingle() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprChunk
      getOnlinePlayers() - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.bukkitutil.PlayerUtils
      Deprecated. +
      use Bukkit.getOnlinePlayers() instead
      getOptional(String, boolean) - Method in class org.skriptlang.skript.lang.entry.EntryContainer
      A method for obtaining a nullable entry value with an unknown type.
      getOptional(String, Class<E>, boolean) - Method in class org.skriptlang.skript.lang.entry.EntryContainer
      A method for obtaining a nullable, typed entry value.
      getOptionalSingle(Event) - Method in interface ch.njol.skript.lang.Expression
      Get an optional of the single value of this expression.
      getOrigin() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.function.Namespace.Key
      isSingle() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprClicked
      getOriginClassPath() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.function.Signature
      isSingle() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprCmdCooldownInfo
      getOriginClassPath() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.SyntaxElementInfo
      Get the original classpath for this element.
      getParameter(int) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.function.Function
      isSingle() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprCommand
      getParameter(int) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.function.Signature
      isSingle() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprCommandInfo
      getParameters() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.function.Function
      isSingle() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprDamage
      getParameters() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.function.Signature
      isSingle() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprDateAgoLater
      getParent() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.config.Node
      isSingle() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprDefaultValue
      getParent() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.TriggerItem
      isSingle() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprDifference
      getParser() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.classes.ClassInfo
      isSingle() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprDirection
      getParser() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.parser.ParserInstance.Data
      isSingle() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprDistance
      getParser() - Method in interface ch.njol.skript.lang.SyntaxElement
      isSingle() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprDrops
      getParser(Class<T>) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.registrations.Classes
      Gets a parser for parsing instances of the desired type from strings.
      getParticle() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.visual.VisualEffectType
      isSingle() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprDropsOfBlock
      getPassenger(Entity) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.bukkitutil.PassengerUtils
      isSingle() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprElement
      getPath() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.config.Config
      isSingle() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprEnchantingExpCost
      getPattern() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.command.ScriptCommand
      isSingle() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprEnchantItem
      getPattern() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.localization.RegexMessage
      isSingle() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprEnchantmentBonus
      getPattern() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.visual.VisualEffectType
      isSingle() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprEnchantmentLevel
      getPatternElement() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.patterns.GroupPatternElement
      isSingle() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprEnchantmentOffer
      getPatternElement() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.patterns.OptionalPatternElement
      isSingle() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprEnchantments
      getPatternElements() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.patterns.ChoicePatternElement
      isSingle() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprEntities
      getPatterns() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.SyntaxElementInfo
      Get the patterns of this syntax element.
      getPatterns() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.Patterns
      isSingle() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprEntity
      getPistonMoveReaction() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.BlockStateBlock
      isSingle() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprEventCancelled
      getPistonMoveReaction() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.DelayedChangeBlock
      isSingle() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprExperience
      getPitch(double) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.util.Direction
      isSingle() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprExplodedBlocks
      getPitch(Vector) - Static method in class ch.njol.util.VectorMath
      isSingle() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprExplosionBlockYield
      getPlayer() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.slot.CursorSlot
      isSingle() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprExplosionYield
      getPlural() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.localization.Noun
      isSingle() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprFertilizedBlocks
      getPlural(String) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.localization.Noun
      isSingle() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprFilter.ExprInput
      getPotionEffects(PotionData) - Static method in enum class ch.njol.skript.util.PotionDataUtils
      Convert PotionData to a PotionEffect
      getPotionName(PotionEffectType, boolean, boolean) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.util.PotionEffectUtils
      Get potion string representation.
      getPrefix() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.command.ScriptCommand
      isSingle() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprFilter
      getPrimitive() - Method in class ch.njol.yggdrasil.Fields.FieldContext
      isSingle() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprFinalDamage
      getPrimitive() - Method in enum class ch.njol.yggdrasil.Tag
      isSingle() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprFireworkEffect
      getPrimitive(Class<T>) - Method in class ch.njol.yggdrasil.Fields.FieldContext
      isSingle() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprGameRule
      getPrimitive(String) - Method in class ch.njol.yggdrasil.Fields
      isSingle() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprHanging
      getPrimitive(String, Class<T>) - Method in class ch.njol.yggdrasil.Fields
      isSingle() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprHatchingNumber
      getPrimitiveFromWrapper(Class<?>) - Static method in enum class ch.njol.yggdrasil.Tag
      isSingle() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprHatchingType
      getPriority() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptEvent
      isSingle() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprHealAmount
      getPriority() - Method in class org.skriptlang.skript.lang.structure.Structure
      The priority of a Structure determines the order in which it should be loaded.
      getPriority() - Method in class org.skriptlang.skript.lang.structure.Structure.Priority
      isSingle() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprHealReason
      getQuality() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.aliases.AliasesMap.Match
      Gets quality of this match.
      getQuality() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.log.LogEntry
      isSingle() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprHiddenPlayers
      getRandom() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.aliases.ItemType
      isSingle() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprHostname
      getRandom(List<T>) - Static method in class ch.njol.util.coll.CollectionUtils
      isSingle() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprHotbarButton
      getRandom(T[]) - Static method in class ch.njol.util.coll.CollectionUtils
      isSingle() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprHoverList
      getRandom(T[], int) - Static method in class ch.njol.util.coll.CollectionUtils
      isSingle() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprIndexOf
      getRaw(Event) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.Variable
      Gets the value of this variable as stored in the variables map.
      getRawIndex() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.slot.InventorySlot
      isSingle() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprIndices
      getRawIndex() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.slot.SlotWithIndex
      Gets the raw index of this slot.
      getRawNames() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.aliases.ItemType
      Gets raw item names ("minecraft:some_item").
      getRed() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.visual.ParticleOption
      isSingle() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprInventory
      getRegexResults() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.patterns.MatchResult
      isSingle() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprInventoryInfo
      getRelatedEntity() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.aliases.AliasesMap.AliasData
      isSingle() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprInventorySlot
      getRelatedEntity(ItemData) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.aliases.Aliases
      Gets an entity type related to given item.
      getRelatedEntity(ItemData) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.aliases.AliasesProvider
      isSingle() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprIP
      getRelation() - Method in enum class ch.njol.skript.classes.Comparator.Relation
      getRelation() - Method in enum class org.skriptlang.skript.lang.comparator.Relation
      isSingle() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprItemCooldown
      getRelative(int, int, int) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.BlockStateBlock
      isSingle() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprItems
      getRelative(int, int, int) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.DelayedChangeBlock
      isSingle() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprItemsIn
      getRelative(Block) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.Direction
      isSingle() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprJoinSplit
      getRelative(BlockFace) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.BlockStateBlock
      isSingle() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprLastLoadedServerIcon
      getRelative(BlockFace) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.DelayedChangeBlock
      isSingle() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprLastSpawnedEntity
      getRelative(BlockFace, int) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.BlockStateBlock
      isSingle() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprLocationAt
      getRelative(BlockFace, int) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.DelayedChangeBlock
      isSingle() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprLocationFromVector
      getRelative(Entity) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.Direction
      isSingle() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprLocationVectorOffset
      getRelative(Location) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.Direction
      isSingle() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprLoopIteration
      getRelativeMath() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.classes.ClassInfo
      isSingle() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprLoopValue
      getRelatives(Block[], Direction[]) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.util.Direction
      isSingle() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprLoot
      getRelatives(Location[], Direction[]) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.util.Direction
      isSingle() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprLore
      getReleaseStatus() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.update.Updater
      isSingle() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprMaxPlayers
      getRemainingMilliseconds(UUID, Event) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.command.ScriptCommand
      isSingle() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprMe
      getRequiredPlugins() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.classes.ClassInfo
      isSingle() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprMendingRepairAmount
      getRequiredPlugins() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptEventInfo
      isSingle() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprMessage
      getReturnType() - Method in interface ch.njol.skript.lang.Expression
      Gets the return type of this expression.
      getReturnType() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.ExpressionInfo
      Get the return type of this expression.
      getReturnType() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.ExpressionList
      isSingle() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprMetadata
      getReturnType() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.function.Function
      isSingle() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprMOTD
      getReturnType() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.function.FunctionReference
      isSingle() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprNearestEntity
      getReturnType() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.function.Signature
      isSingle() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprNow
      getReturnType() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.UnparsedLiteral
      isSingle() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprNumberOfCharacters
      getReturnType() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.util.ContainerExpression
      isSingle() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprNumbers
      getReturnType() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.util.ConvertedExpression
      isSingle() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprOfflinePlayers
      getReturnType() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.util.SimpleLiteral
      isSingle() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprOnlinePlayersCount
      getReturnType() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.Variable
      isSingle() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprOps
      getReturnType() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.VariableString
      isSingle() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprParse
      getReverseView() - Method in class ch.njol.util.coll.BidiHashMap
      isSingle() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprParseError
      getReverseView() - Method in interface ch.njol.util.coll.BidiMap
      isSingle() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprPassenger
      getRevision() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.Version
      isSingle() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprPermissions
      getSaveSeparator() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.config.Config
      isSingle() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprPlain
      getScript() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.command.ScriptCommand
      isSingle() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprPlugins
      getScript() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.Trigger
      isSingle() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprPortal
      getScript(File) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.ScriptLoader
      Searches through the loaded scripts to find the script loaded from the provided file.
      getScriptAliases(Script) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.aliases.Aliases
      Method for obtaining the ScriptAliases instance of a Script.
      getScriptCommand() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.command.ScriptCommandEvent
      isSingle() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprPotionEffect
      getScriptCommand(String) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.command.Commands
      isSingle() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprPotionEffects
      getScriptCommands() - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.command.Commands
      isSingle() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprPotionEffectTier
      getScriptFromName(String) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.SkriptCommand
      isSingle() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprProtocolVersion
      getScriptName() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.function.Namespace.Key
      isSingle() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprPushedBlocks
      getScriptNamespace(String) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.function.Functions
      isSingle() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprRandom
      getScripts(File) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.ScriptLoader
      Searches through the loaded scripts to find all scripts loaded from the files contained within the provided directory.
      getScriptsFolder() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.Skript
      isSingle() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprRandomNumber
      getSecond() - Method in class ch.njol.util.NonNullPair
      isSingle() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprRandomUUID
      getSecond() - Method in class ch.njol.util.Pair
      isSingle() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprRawName
      getSecondType() - Method in class org.skriptlang.skript.lang.comparator.ComparatorInfo
      isSingle() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprRawString
      getSection() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.SectionSkriptEvent
      isSingle() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprRespawnLocation
      getSections() - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.Skript
      isSingle() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprReversedList
      getSender() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.command.CommandEvent
      isSingle() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprScoreboardTags
      getSeparator() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.config.Config
      isSingle() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprScript
      getSeparator() - Method in class org.skriptlang.skript.lang.entry.KeyValueEntryData
      isSingle() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprScripts
      getSerializeAs() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.classes.ClassInfo
      isSingle() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprServerIcon
      getSerializer() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.classes.ClassInfo
      isSingle() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprSets
      getServerPlatform() - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.Skript
      isSingle() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprShuffledList
      getSetter() - Method in interface ch.njol.skript.bukkitutil.block.BlockCompat
      Gets block setter that understands block values produced by this + compatibility layer.
      getSetter() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.bukkitutil.block.NewBlockCompat
      isSingle() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprSignText
      getSignature() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.function.Function
      Gets signature of this function that contains all metadata about it.
      getSignature(String) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.function.Functions
      Deprecated. +
      in favour of Functions.getGlobalSignature(String) for proper name.
      getSignature(String) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.function.Namespace
      isSingle() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprSortedList
      getSignature(String, boolean) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.function.Namespace
      isSingle() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprSourceBlock
      getSignature(String, String) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.function.Functions
      Gets a signature of local function with the given name, if no signature was found, + it will fall back to a global function.
      getSignatures() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.function.Namespace
      isSingle() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprSpecialNumber
      getSince() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.classes.ClassInfo
      isSingle() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprSpectatorTarget
      getSince() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.function.JavaFunction
      isSingle() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprStringCase
      getSince() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptEventInfo
      isSingle() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprSubstring
      getSingle() - Method in interface ch.njol.skript.lang.Literal
      isSingle() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprTamer
      getSingle() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.LiteralList
      isSingle() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprTernary
      getSingle() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.UnparsedLiteral
      isSingle() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprTimes
      getSingle() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.util.ConvertedLiteral
      isSingle() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprTPS
      getSingle() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.util.SimpleLiteral
      isSingle() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprValue
      getSingle(Event) - Method in interface ch.njol.skript.lang.Expression
      Get the single value of this expression.
      getSingle(Event) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.ExpressionList
      isSingle() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprVectorAngleBetween
      getSingle(Event) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.UnparsedLiteral
      isSingle() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprVectorArithmetic
      getSingle(Event) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.util.ConvertedExpression
      isSingle() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprVectorBetweenLocations
      getSingle(Event) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.util.ConvertedLiteral
      isSingle() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprVectorCrossProduct
      getSingle(Event) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.util.SimpleExpression
      isSingle() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprVectorCylindrical
      getSingle(Event) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.util.SimpleLiteral
      isSingle() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprVectorDotProduct
      getSingle(Event) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.Variable
      isSingle() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprVectorFromDirection
      getSingle(Event) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.VariableString
      isSingle() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprVectorFromXYZ
      getSingular() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.localization.Noun
      isSingle() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprVectorFromYawAndPitch
      getSkriptPrefix() - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.Skript
      isSingle() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprVectorNormalize
      getSoundGroup() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.BlockStateBlock
      isSingle() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprVectorOfLocation
      getSoundGroup() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.DelayedChangeBlock
      isSingle() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprVectorProjection
      getSource() - Method in interface ch.njol.skript.lang.Expression
      Returns the original expression that was parsed, i.e.
      getSource() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.ExpressionList
      isSingle() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprVectorRandom
      getSource() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.UnparsedLiteral
      isSingle() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprVectorSpherical
      getSource() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.util.ConvertedExpression
      isSingle() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprVersion
      getSource() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.util.SimpleExpression
      isSingle() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprVersionString
      getSource() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.util.SimpleLiteral
      isSingle() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprWhitelist
      getSource() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.Variable
      isSingle() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprWorldFromName
      getSource() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.VariableString
      isSingle() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprWorlds
      getSource() - Method in class org.skriptlang.skript.lang.entry.EntryContainer
      isSingle() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.hooks.permission.expressions.ExprAllGroups
      getSpaced(String) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.localization.Language
      Gets a localized string surrounded by spaces, or a space if the string is empty
      getStack() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.aliases.ItemData
      Returns the ItemStack backing this ItemData.
      getStart() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.log.TimingLogHandler
      isSingle() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.hooks.permission.expressions.ExprGroup
      getState() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.update.Updater
      isSingle() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.hooks.regions.expressions.ExprBlocksInRegion
      getState() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.BlockStateBlock
      isSingle() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.hooks.regions.expressions.ExprMembersOfRegion
      getState() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.DelayedChangeBlock
      isSingle() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.hooks.regions.expressions.ExprRegionsAt
      getState(boolean) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.BlockStateBlock
      isSingle() - Method in interface ch.njol.skript.lang.Expression
      getState(boolean) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.DelayedChangeBlock
      isSingle() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.ExpressionList
      getStatements() - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.Skript
      isSingle() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.function.ExprFunctionCall
      getStorageContents(Inventory) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.aliases.ItemType
      Gets copy of storage contents, i.e.
      getStructureInfo() - Method in class org.skriptlang.skript.lang.structure.Structure.StructureData
      isSingle() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.function.Function
      getStructures() - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.Skript
      isSingle() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.function.FunctionReference
      getStructures() - Method in class org.skriptlang.skript.lang.script.Script
      isSingle() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.function.Signature
      getSuperClassInfo(Class<T>) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.registrations.Classes
      Gets the class info of the given class or its closest registered superclass.
      getSuperType() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.AxolotlData
      isSingle() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.UnparsedLiteral
      getSuperType() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.BeeData
      isSingle() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.util.ContainerExpression
      getSuperType() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.BoatChestData
      isSingle() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.util.ConvertedExpression
      getSuperType() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.BoatData
      isSingle() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.util.SimpleLiteral
      getSuperType() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.CatData
      isSingle() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.Variable
      getSuperType() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.CreeperData
      isSingle() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.VariableString
      getSuperType() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.DroppedItemData
      isSingle() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.test.runner.ExprJUnitTest
      getSuperType() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.EndermanData
      isSingleValue() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.function.Parameter
      getSuperType() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.EntityData
      Get whether this parameter takes one or many values.
      Returns the super type of this entity data, e.g.
      isSmallerThan(Version) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.Version
      isSolid() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.BlockStateBlock
      getSuperType() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.FallingBlockData
      isSolid() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.DelayedChangeBlock
      getSuperType() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.FishData
      isStable() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.Version
      getSuperType() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.FoxData
      isStopped() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.log.LogHandler
      getSuperType() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.FrogData
      isSubset(Object[], Object[]) - Static method in class ch.njol.util.coll.CollectionUtils
      getSuperType() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.GoatData
      isSubset(ItemType[], ItemType[]) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.aliases.ItemType
      Tests whether a given set of ItemTypes is a subset of another set of ItemTypes.
      isSupertypeOf(ItemType) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.aliases.ItemType
      Checks if this type represents all the items represented by given - item type.
      isSupertypeOf(EntityData<?>) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.AxolotlData
      getSuperType() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.LlamaData
      isSupertypeOf(EntityData<?>) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.BeeData
      getSuperType() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.MinecartData
      isSupertypeOf(EntityData<?>) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.BoatChestData
      getSuperType() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.MooshroomData
      isSupertypeOf(EntityData<?>) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.BoatData
      getSuperType() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.OcelotData
      isSupertypeOf(EntityData<?>) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.CatData
      getSuperType() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.PandaData
      isSupertypeOf(EntityData<?>) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.CreeperData
      getSuperType() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.ParrotData
      isSupertypeOf(EntityData<?>) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.DroppedItemData
      getSuperType() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.PigData
      isSupertypeOf(EntityData<?>) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.EndermanData
      getSuperType() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.RabbitData
      isSupertypeOf(EntityData<?>) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.EntityData
      getSuperType() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.SheepData
      isSupertypeOf(EntityData<?>) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.FallingBlockData
      getSuperType() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.SimpleEntityData
      isSupertypeOf(EntityData<?>) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.FishData
      getSuperType() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.ThrownPotionData
      isSupertypeOf(EntityData<?>) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.FoxData
      getSuperType() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.TropicalFishData
      isSupertypeOf(EntityData<?>) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.FrogData
      getSuperType() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.VillagerData
      isSupertypeOf(EntityData<?>) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.GoatData
      getSuperType() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.WolfData
      isSupertypeOf(EntityData<?>) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.LlamaData
      getSuperType() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.XpOrbData
      isSupertypeOf(EntityData<?>) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.MinecartData
      getSuperType() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.ZombieVillagerData
      isSupertypeOf(EntityData<?>) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.MooshroomData
      getSuperType(Class<?>...) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.util.Utils
      isSupertypeOf(EntityData<?>) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.OcelotData
      getSupplier() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.classes.ClassInfo
      isSupertypeOf(EntityData<?>) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.PandaData
      getSwitched() - Method in enum class ch.njol.skript.classes.Comparator.Relation
      Gets the relation which has switched arguments, i.e.
      getSwitched() - Method in enum class org.skriptlang.skript.lang.comparator.Relation
      isSupertypeOf(EntityData<?>) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.ParrotData
      getTableName() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.variables.SQLStorage
      isSupertypeOf(EntityData<?>) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.PigData
      getTags() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.aliases.AliasesProvider.Variation
      isSupertypeOf(EntityData<?>) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.RabbitData
      getTags() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.patterns.MatchResult
      isSupertypeOf(EntityData<?>) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.SheepData
      getTemperature() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.BlockStateBlock
      isSupertypeOf(EntityData<?>) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.SimpleEntityData
      getTemperature() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.DelayedChangeBlock
      isSupertypeOf(EntityData<?>) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.ThrownPotionData
      Getter<R,A> - Class in ch.njol.skript.util
      Used to get a specific value from instances of some type.
      Getter() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.util.Getter
      isSupertypeOf(EntityData<?>) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.TropicalFishData
      getTicks() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.Time
      isSupertypeOf(EntityData<?>) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.VillagerData
      getTicks() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.Timespan
      Deprecated. +
      Use getTicks_i() instead. Since this method limits timespan to Integer.MAX_VALUE.
      getTicks_i() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.Timespan
      isSupertypeOf(EntityData<?>) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.WolfData
      getTime() - Method in interface ch.njol.skript.lang.Expression
      isSupertypeOf(EntityData<?>) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.XpOrbData
      getTime() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.ExpressionList
      isSupertypeOf(EntityData<?>) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.ZombieVillagerData
      getTime() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.UnparsedLiteral
      isTrue() - Method in enum class ch.njol.util.Kleenean
      getTime() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.util.ConvertedExpression
      isTrue(boolean, String) - Static method in class ch.njol.util.Validate
      getTime() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.util.SimpleExpression
      isUnknown() - Method in enum class ch.njol.util.Kleenean
      getTime() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.util.SimpleLiteral
      isUnsafeFormat() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprColoured
      If parent of this expression should try to parse all styles instead of - just colors.
      isVaildCodeName(String) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.classes.ClassInfo
      isValidCodeName(String) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.classes.ClassInfo
      getTime() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.Variable
      isValidTool(ItemStack) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.BlockStateBlock
      getTime() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.VariableString
      isValidTool(ItemStack) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.DelayedChangeBlock
      getTime() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.Time
      isValidVariableName(String, boolean, boolean) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.Variable
      getTimestamp() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.Date
      Checks whether a string is a valid variable name.
      Get the timestamp of this date
      isVoid() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.config.Node
      getTimeTaken() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.log.TimingLogHandler
      isWeather(boolean, boolean) - Method in enum class ch.njol.skript.util.WeatherType
      getTo() - Method in class org.skriptlang.skript.lang.converter.ConverterInfo
      isWeather(World) - Method in enum class ch.njol.skript.util.WeatherType
      getTotalXP(int, double) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.bukkitutil.PlayerUtils
      Gets the total experience points needed to reach the given level, including the given progress.
      getTotalXP(Player) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.bukkitutil.PlayerUtils
      Gets the total experience points of the given player.
      getTranslationKey() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.BlockStateBlock
      isWrapper() - Method in enum class ch.njol.yggdrasil.Tag
      getTranslationKey() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.DelayedChangeBlock
      isWrapper(Class<?>) - Static method in enum class ch.njol.yggdrasil.Tag
      getTrigger() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.TriggerItem
      italic - Enum constant in enum class ch.njol.skript.util.chat.SkriptChatCode
      getType() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.aliases.ItemData
      italic - Variable in class ch.njol.skript.util.chat.MessageComponent
      Makes text italic.
      item - Variable in class ch.njol.skript.bukkitutil.BurgerHelper.Items
      getType() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.command.Argument
      itemChanger - Static variable in class ch.njol.skript.classes.data.DefaultChangers
      getType() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.AxolotlData
      ItemData - Class in ch.njol.skript.aliases
      getType() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.BeeData
      ItemData() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.aliases.ItemData
      Only to be used for serialization.
      ItemData(ItemData) - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.aliases.ItemData
      getType() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.BoatChestData
      ItemData(Block) - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.aliases.ItemData
      getType() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.BoatData
      ItemData(BlockState) - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.aliases.ItemData
      getType() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.CatData
      ItemData(ItemStack) - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.aliases.ItemData
      getType() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.CreeperData
      ItemData(ItemStack, BlockValues) - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.aliases.ItemData
      getType() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.DroppedItemData
      ItemData(Material) - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.aliases.ItemData
      getType() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.EndermanData
      ItemData(Material, int) - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.aliases.ItemData
      getType() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.EntityData
      ItemData(Material, String) - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.aliases.ItemData
      getType() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.FallingBlockData
      ItemData.OldItemData - Class in ch.njol.skript.aliases
      Represents old ItemData (before aliases rework and MC 1.13).
      itemDataValues - Static variable in class ch.njol.skript.aliases.ItemData
      Deprecated. -
      before 1.13 is no longer supported
      ItemFlags - Class in ch.njol.skript.aliases
      Contains bit mask flags for some item properties.
      ItemFlags() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.aliases.ItemFlags
      getType() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.FishData
      ItemFrameSlot - Class in ch.njol.skript.util.slot
      Represents contents of an item frame.
      ItemFrameSlot(ItemFrame) - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.util.slot.ItemFrameSlot
      getType() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.FoxData
      ItemOrBlock() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.bukkitutil.BurgerHelper.ItemOrBlock
      getType() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.FrogData
      items - Variable in class ch.njol.skript.bukkitutil.BurgerHelper.Burger
      getType() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.GoatData
      Items() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.bukkitutil.BurgerHelper.Items
      getType() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.LlamaData
      itemStacksEqual(ItemStack, ItemStack) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.bukkitutil.ItemUtils
      Tests whether two item stacks are of the same type, i.e.
      ItemType - Class in ch.njol.skript.aliases
      getType() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.MinecartData
      ItemType() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.aliases.ItemType
      getType() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.MooshroomData
      ItemType(ItemData) - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.aliases.ItemType
      getType() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.OcelotData
      ItemType(Block) - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.aliases.ItemType
      getType() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.PandaData
      ItemType(BlockState) - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.aliases.ItemType
      getType() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.ParrotData
      ItemType(ItemStack) - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.aliases.ItemType
      getType() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.PigData
      ItemType(Material) - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.aliases.ItemType
      getType() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.RabbitData
      ItemType(Material, String) - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.aliases.ItemType
      getType() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.SheepData
      ItemUtils - Class in ch.njol.skript.bukkitutil
      Miscellaneous static utility methods related to items.
      ItemUtils() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.bukkitutil.ItemUtils
      getType() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.SimpleEntityData
      iterator() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.aliases.ItemType
      getType() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.ThrownPotionData
      iterator() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.config.SectionNode
      Iterator over all non-void nodes of this section.
      iterator() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.log.HandlerList
      getType() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.TropicalFishData
      iterator() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.AABB
      Returns an iterator which iterates over all blocks that are in this AABB
      iterator() - Method in class ch.njol.util.coll.iterator.EmptyIterable
      getType() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.VillagerData
      iterator() - Method in class ch.njol.util.coll.iterator.EnumerationIterable
      getType() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.WolfData
      iterator() - Method in class ch.njol.util.coll.iterator.IteratorIterable
      getType() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.XpOrbData
      iterator() - Method in class ch.njol.util.coll.iterator.SingleItemIterable
      getType() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.ZombieVillagerData
      iterator() - Method in class ch.njol.util.coll.ReversedListView
      getType() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.function.Parameter
      Get the Type of this parameter.
      getType() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.BlockStateBlock
      iterator() - Method in class ch.njol.yggdrasil.Fields
      getType() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.DelayedChangeBlock
      iterator(Event) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.base.WrapperExpression
      getType() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.EnchantmentType
      iterator(Event) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprAbsorbedBlocks
      getType() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.visual.VisualEffect
      iterator(Event) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprAffectedEntities
      getType() - Method in class ch.njol.yggdrasil.Fields.FieldContext
      iterator(Event) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprBlocks
      getType(boolean) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.classes.Comparator.ComparatorInfo
      getType(Class<?>) - Static method in enum class ch.njol.yggdrasil.Tag
      iterator(Event) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprBlockSphere
      getTypes() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.aliases.ItemType
      iterator(Event) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprEntities
      getTypes() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.bukkitutil.PaperEntityUtils.LookGoal
      iterator(Event) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprFertilizedBlocks
      getTypes() - Method in enum class ch.njol.skript.util.StructureType
      iterator(Event) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprFilter
      getUnhandledNodes() - Method in class org.skriptlang.skript.lang.entry.EntryContainer
      iterator(Event) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprItems
      getUpdateManifest() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.update.Updater
      iterator(Event) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprItemsIn
      getUpdater() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.Skript
      Gets the updater instance currently used by Skript.
      getUsage() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.classes.ClassInfo
      iterator(Event) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprNumbers
      getUserInputPatterns() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.classes.ClassInfo
      iterator(Event) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprPortal
      getValue() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.config.EntryNode
      iterator(Event) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprSets
      getValue() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.localization.Message
      Gets the text this Message refers to.
      getValue() - Method in class ch.njol.util.NonNullPair
      iterator(Event) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprTimes
      getValue() - Method in class ch.njol.util.Pair
      iterator(Event) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprWorlds
      getValue(T1) - Method in class ch.njol.util.coll.BidiHashMap
      iterator(Event) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.hooks.regions.expressions.ExprBlocksInRegion
      getValue(Node) - Method in class org.skriptlang.skript.lang.entry.EntryData
      Obtains a value from the provided node using the methods of this entry data.
      getValue(Node) - Method in class org.skriptlang.skript.lang.entry.KeyValueEntryData
      Used to obtain and parse the value of a SimpleNode.
      getValue(Node) - Method in class org.skriptlang.skript.lang.entry.SectionEntryData
      Because this entry data is for SectionNodes, no specific handling needs to be done to obtain the "value".
      getValue(Node) - Method in class org.skriptlang.skript.lang.entry.util.TriggerEntryData
      iterator(Event) - Method in interface ch.njol.skript.lang.Expression
      getValue(SectionNode, String) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.variables.VariablesStorage
      Returns the same as Expression.getArray(Event) but as an iterator.
      Gets the string value at the given key of the given section node.
      iterator(Event) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.ExpressionList
      getValue(SectionNode, String, Class<T>) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.variables.VariablesStorage
      Gets the value at the given key of the given section node, + parsed with the given type.
      getValue(String) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.config.SectionNode
      iterator(Event) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.UnparsedLiteral
      getValue(String) - Method in class org.skriptlang.skript.lang.entry.KeyValueEntryData
      Parses a String value using this entry data.
      getValue(String) - Method in class org.skriptlang.skript.lang.entry.util.ExpressionEntryData
      iterator(Event) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.util.ContainerExpression
      getValue(String) - Method in class org.skriptlang.skript.lang.entry.util.LiteralEntryData
      iterator(Event) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.util.ConvertedExpression
      getValue(String) - Method in class org.skriptlang.skript.lang.entry.util.VariableStringEntryData
      iterator(Event) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.util.ConvertedLiteral
      getValue(T1) - Method in interface ch.njol.util.coll.BidiMap
      iterator(Event) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.util.SimpleExpression
      getValueOrDefault(String) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.localization.Message
      Gets the text this Message refers to.
      getVariable(String, Event, boolean) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.variables.Variables
      Returns the internal value of the requested variable.
      getVariation() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.aliases.AliasesParser.VariationSlot
      iterator(Event) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.util.SimpleLiteral
      getVariationGroup(String) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.aliases.AliasesProvider
      iterator(Event) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.Variable
      getVersion() - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.Skript
      iterator(Event) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.VariableString
      getWoolData() - Method in enum class ch.njol.skript.util.SkriptColor
      getWorld() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.AABB
      IteratorIterable<T> - Class in ch.njol.util.coll.iterator
      getWorld() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.BlockStateBlock
      IteratorIterable(Iterator<T>) - Constructor for class ch.njol.util.coll.iterator.IteratorIterable
      getWorld() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.DelayedChangeBlock


      JAVA - Enum constant in enum class ch.njol.skript.lang.function.Namespace.Origin
      getWorldMinHeight(World) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.bukkitutil.WorldUtils
      Functions implemented in Java.
      Get the minimum height of a world.
      JavaClasses - Class in ch.njol.skript.classes.data
      JavaClasses() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.classes.data.JavaClasses
      getWrapper() - Method in enum class ch.njol.yggdrasil.Tag
      JavaFunction<T> - Class in ch.njol.skript.lang.function
      getWrapperClass(Class<?>) - Static method in enum class ch.njol.yggdrasil.Tag
      JavaFunction(Signature<T>) - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.lang.function.JavaFunction
      getX() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.BlockStateBlock
      JavaFunction(String, Parameter<?>[], ClassInfo<T>, boolean) - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.lang.function.JavaFunction
      getX() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.DelayedChangeBlock
      javaItemType(String) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.aliases.Aliases
      Gets an item type that matches the given name.
      join(Iterable<?>) - Static method in class ch.njol.util.StringUtils
      getXP() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.Experience
      join(Iterable<?>, String) - Static method in class ch.njol.util.StringUtils
      getY() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.BlockStateBlock
      join(Object[]) - Static method in class ch.njol.util.StringUtils
      getY() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.DelayedChangeBlock
      join(Object[], String) - Static method in class ch.njol.util.StringUtils
      getYaw(double) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.util.Direction
      join(Object[], String, int, int) - Static method in class ch.njol.util.StringUtils
      getYaw(Vector) - Static method in class ch.njol.util.VectorMath
      join(Iterator<?>, String) - Static method in class ch.njol.util.StringUtils
      getZ() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.BlockStateBlock
      join(Iterable<?>) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.util.Utils
      getZ() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.DelayedChangeBlock
      join(Object[]) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.util.Utils
      GithubChecker - Class in ch.njol.skript.update
      Uses Github API to check for updates.
      GithubChecker() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.update.GithubChecker
      JREFieldHandler - Class in ch.njol.yggdrasil.util
      GithubChecker.ResponseEntry - Class in ch.njol.skript.update
      Handles common JRE-related incompatible field types.
      Github API response for GSON deserialization.
      JREFieldHandler() - Constructor for class ch.njol.yggdrasil.util.JREFieldHandler
      GithubChecker.ResponseEntry.AssetsEntry - Class in ch.njol.skript.update
      JRESerializer - Class in ch.njol.yggdrasil
      GithubChecker.ResponseEntry.Author - Class in ch.njol.skript.update
      JRESerializer() - Constructor for class ch.njol.yggdrasil.JRESerializer
      GoatData - Class in ch.njol.skript.entity
      JUNGLE - Enum constant in enum class ch.njol.skript.util.StructureType
      GoatData() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.entity.GoatData
      JUNGLE_BUSH - Enum constant in enum class ch.njol.skript.util.StructureType
      GoatData(int) - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.entity.GoatData
      JUNIT - Static variable in class ch.njol.skript.test.runner.TestMode
      If this test is for JUnits on the server.
      junitTestFailed(String, String) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.test.runner.TestTracker
      gold - Enum constant in enum class ch.njol.skript.util.chat.SkriptChatCode


      keepConfigsLoaded - Static variable in class ch.njol.skript.SkriptConfig
      gray - Enum constant in enum class ch.njol.skript.util.chat.SkriptChatCode
      keepLastUsageDates - Static variable in class ch.njol.skript.SkriptConfig
      GREATER - Enum constant in enum class ch.njol.skript.classes.Comparator.Relation
      GREATER - Enum constant in enum class org.skriptlang.skript.lang.comparator.Relation
      key - Variable in class ch.njol.skript.config.Node
      GREATER_OR_EQUAL - Enum constant in enum class ch.njol.skript.classes.Comparator.Relation
      GREATER_OR_EQUAL - Enum constant in enum class org.skriptlang.skript.lang.comparator.Relation
      key - Variable in class ch.njol.skript.config.Option
      green - Enum constant in enum class ch.njol.skript.util.chat.SkriptChatCode
      key - Variable in class ch.njol.skript.config.OptionSection
      GroupPatternElement - Class in ch.njol.skript.patterns
      A PatternElement that represents a group, for example (test).
      GroupPatternElement(PatternElement) - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.patterns.GroupPatternElement
      key - Variable in class ch.njol.skript.localization.Message
      grow(Block) - Method in enum class ch.njol.skript.util.StructureType
      Key(Namespace.Origin, String) - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.lang.function.Namespace.Key
      grow(Location) - Method in enum class ch.njol.skript.util.StructureType
      keybind - Enum constant in enum class ch.njol.skript.util.chat.SkriptChatCode
      guessData(ThrownPotion) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.util.PotionEffectUtils
      keybind - Variable in class ch.njol.skript.util.chat.MessageComponent


      HALF_PI - Static variable in class ch.njol.util.VectorMath
      keyExists(String) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.localization.Language
      HandlerList - Class in ch.njol.skript.log
      keyExistsDefault(String) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.localization.Language
      HandlerList() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.log.HandlerList
      keys - Variable in class ch.njol.skript.aliases.AliasesProvider.VariationGroup
      HARMING - Enum constant in enum class ch.njol.skript.util.PotionDataUtils
      keySet() - Method in class ch.njol.util.coll.BidiHashMap
      HARMING_STRONG - Enum constant in enum class ch.njol.skript.util.PotionDataUtils
      KeyValueEntryData<T> - Class in org.skriptlang.skript.lang.entry
      has(ItemType) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.EnchantmentType
      An entry based on SimpleNodes containing a key and a value.
      KeyValueEntryData(String, T, boolean) - Constructor for class org.skriptlang.skript.lang.entry.KeyValueEntryData
      keywords(String...) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.function.JavaFunction
      hasAliasForMaterial(Material) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.aliases.AliasesProvider
      Only used for Skript's documentation.
      Check if this provider has an alias for the given material.
      keywords(String...) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptEventInfo
      hasAnyEnchantments(Enchantment...) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.aliases.ItemType
      Only used for Skript's documentation.
      Checks whether this item type contains at most one of the given enchantments.
      Keywords - Annotation Interface in ch.njol.skript.doc
      hasBlock() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.aliases.ItemType
      hasDocs() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.classes.ClassInfo
      hasEnchantments() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.aliases.ItemType
      Provides a list of keywords that will allow for easier documentation searching.
      Checks whether this item type has enchantments.
      Kleenean - Enum Class in ch.njol.util
      hasEnchantments(EnchantmentType...) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.aliases.ItemType
      A three-valued logic type (true, unknown, false), named after Stephen Cole Kleene.
      Checks whether this item type contains the given enchantments.


      language - Static variable in class ch.njol.skript.SkriptConfig
      hasEnchantments(Enchantment...) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.aliases.ItemType
      Checks whether this item type has the given enchantments.
      hasError() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.log.ParseLogHandler
      Language - Class in ch.njol.skript.localization
      hasErrors() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.log.RetainingLogHandler
      Language() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.localization.Language
      hasField(String) - Method in class ch.njol.yggdrasil.Fields
      LANGUAGE_NODE - Static variable in class ch.njol.skript.entity.EntityData
      hashCode() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.aliases.ItemData
      hashCode() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.aliases.ItemType
      hashCode() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.bukkitutil.block.BlockValues
      hashCode() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.EntityData
      hashCode() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.EntityType
      hashCode() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.SimpleEntityData.SimpleEntityDataInfo
      hashCode() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.function.Namespace.Key
      hashCode() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.function.Signature
      hashCode() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.AABB
      hashCode() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.Date
      Language.LanguageListenerPriority - Enum Class in ch.njol.skript.localization
      hashCode() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.Direction
      LanguageChangeListener - Interface in ch.njol.skript.localization
      hashCode() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.EnchantmentType
      last - Variable in class ch.njol.skript.lang.TriggerSection
      hashCode() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.Experience
      lastIndexOf(Object) - Method in class ch.njol.util.coll.CyclicList
      hashCode() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.Time
      lastIndexOf(Object) - Method in class ch.njol.util.coll.ReversedListView
      hashCode() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.Timeperiod
      lastIndexOf(T[], T) - Static method in class ch.njol.util.coll.CollectionUtils
      hashCode() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.Timespan
      lastLoaded - Static variable in class ch.njol.skript.effects.EffLoadServerIcon
      hashCode() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.Version
      lastSpawned - Static variable in class ch.njol.skript.effects.EffDrop
      hashCode() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.visual.VisualEffect
      lastSpawned - Static variable in class ch.njol.skript.effects.EffFireworkLaunch
      hashCode() - Method in class ch.njol.util.CaseInsensitiveString
      lastSpawned - Static variable in class ch.njol.skript.effects.EffLightning
      hashCode() - Method in class ch.njol.util.coll.iterator.EmptyIterable
      lastSpawned - Static variable in class ch.njol.skript.effects.EffShoot
      hashCode() - Method in class ch.njol.util.coll.iterator.EmptyIterator
      lastSpawned - Static variable in class ch.njol.skript.sections.EffSecSpawn
      hashCode() - Method in class ch.njol.util.coll.ReversedListView
      lastTestFile - Static variable in class ch.njol.skript.test.runner.TestMode
      hashCode() - Method in class ch.njol.util.Pair
      In development mode, file that was last run.
      As defined by Map.Entry.hashCode()
      LATEST - Enum constant in enum class ch.njol.skript.localization.Language.LanguageListenerPriority
      hashCode() - Method in class ch.njol.yggdrasil.Fields.FieldContext
      LATEST - Enum constant in enum class ch.njol.skript.update.ReleaseStatus
      Latest release in channel.
      LATEST_VERSION - Static variable in class ch.njol.yggdrasil.Yggdrasil
      hashCode() - Method in class ch.njol.yggdrasil.PseudoEnum
      latest protocol version
      Returns PseudoEnum.ordinal(), i.e.
      LEAPING - Enum constant in enum class ch.njol.skript.util.PotionDataUtils
      hashCode_i() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.AxolotlData
      LEAPING_LONG - Enum constant in enum class ch.njol.skript.util.PotionDataUtils
      hashCode_i() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.BeeData
      LEAPING_STRONG - Enum constant in enum class ch.njol.skript.util.PotionDataUtils
      hashCode_i() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.BoatChestData
      LEGGINGS - Enum constant in enum class ch.njol.skript.util.slot.EquipmentSlot.EquipSlot
      hashCode_i() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.BoatData
      length() - Method in class ch.njol.util.CaseInsensitiveString
      hashCode_i() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.CatData
      LENIENT - Enum constant in enum class ch.njol.skript.util.chat.LinkParseMode
      Parses everything with "." as a link.
      level - Variable in class ch.njol.skript.log.LogEntry
      hashCode_i() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.CreeperData
      LIGHT_CYAN - Enum constant in enum class ch.njol.skript.util.SkriptColor
      hashCode_i() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.DroppedItemData
      LIGHT_GREEN - Enum constant in enum class ch.njol.skript.util.SkriptColor
      hashCode_i() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.EndermanData
      LIGHT_GREY - Enum constant in enum class ch.njol.skript.util.SkriptColor
      hashCode_i() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.EntityData
      light_purple - Enum constant in enum class ch.njol.skript.util.chat.SkriptChatCode
      hashCode_i() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.FallingBlockData
      LIGHT_PURPLE - Enum constant in enum class ch.njol.skript.util.SkriptColor
      hashCode_i() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.FishData
      LIGHT_RED - Enum constant in enum class ch.njol.skript.util.SkriptColor
      hashCode_i() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.FoxData
      lineNum - Variable in class ch.njol.skript.config.Node
      hashCode_i() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.FrogData
      linkParseMode - Static variable in class ch.njol.skript.util.chat.ChatMessages
      Link parse mode for potential links which are not marked with tags.
      LinkParseMode - Enum Class in ch.njol.skript.util.chat
      Parse mode for links in chat messages.
      LIST_SPLIT_PATTERN - Static variable in class ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptParser
      Matches ',', 'and', 'or', etc.
      listenCancelled - Static variable in class ch.njol.skript.SkriptEventHandler
      Events which are listened even if they are cancelled.
      listIterator() - Method in class ch.njol.util.coll.ReversedListView
      hashCode_i() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.GoatData
      listIterator(int) - Method in class ch.njol.util.coll.ReversedListView
      hashCode_i() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.LlamaData
      ListRangeIterator<T> - Class in ch.njol.util.coll.iterator
      hashCode_i() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.MinecartData
      ListRangeIterator(List<T>, int, int) - Constructor for class ch.njol.util.coll.iterator.ListRangeIterator
      hashCode_i() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.MooshroomData
      listSplitPattern - Static variable in class ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptParser
      Deprecated. -
      due to bad naming conventions, - use SkriptParser.LIST_SPLIT_PATTERN instead.
      LitAt - Class in ch.njol.skript.expressions
      hashCode_i() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.OcelotData
      LitAt() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.expressions.LitAt
      hashCode_i() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.PandaData
      LitConsole - Class in ch.njol.skript.expressions
      hashCode_i() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.ParrotData
      LitConsole() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.expressions.LitConsole
      hashCode_i() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.PigData
      Literal<T> - Interface in ch.njol.skript.lang
      A literal, e.g.
      LiteralEntryData<T> - Class in org.skriptlang.skript.lang.entry.util
      A specific KeyValueEntryData type designed to parse the - entry's value as a supported literal type.
      LiteralEntryData(String, T, boolean, Class<T>) - Constructor for class org.skriptlang.skript.lang.entry.util.LiteralEntryData
      hashCode_i() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.RabbitData
      LiteralList<T> - Class in ch.njol.skript.lang
      A list of literals.
      LiteralList(Literal<? extends T>[], Class<T>, boolean) - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.lang.LiteralList
      hashCode_i() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.SheepData
      LiteralList(Literal<? extends T>[], Class<T>, boolean, LiteralList<?>) - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.lang.LiteralList
      hashCode_i() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.SimpleEntityData
      LiteralPatternElement - Class in ch.njol.skript.patterns
      A PatternElement that contains a literal string to be matched, for example hello world.
      LiteralPatternElement(String) - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.patterns.LiteralPatternElement
      hashCode_i() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.ThrownPotionData
      LiteralUtils - Class in ch.njol.skript.util
      A class that contains methods based around - making it easier to deal with UnparsedLiteral - objects.
      LiteralUtils() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.util.LiteralUtils
      hashCode_i() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.TropicalFishData
      LitNewLine - Class in ch.njol.skript.expressions
      hashCode_i() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.VillagerData
      LitNewLine() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.expressions.LitNewLine
      hashCode_i() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.WolfData
      LitPi - Class in ch.njol.skript.expressions
      hashCode_i() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.XpOrbData
      LitPi() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.expressions.LitPi
      hashCode_i() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.ZombieVillagerData
      LlamaData - Class in ch.njol.skript.entity
      hasItem() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.aliases.ItemType
      LlamaData() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.entity.LlamaData
      hasMetadata(String) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.BlockStateBlock
      LlamaData(Llama.Color, boolean) - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.entity.LlamaData
      hasMetadata(String) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.DelayedChangeBlock
      load() - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.aliases.Aliases
      Loads aliases from Skript's standard locations.
      load() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.SelfRegisteringSkriptEvent
      load() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptEvent
      This method handles the loading of the Structure's syntax elements.
      load() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.structures.StructAliases
      hasMultiplePassenger() - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.bukkitutil.PassengerUtils
      load() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.structures.StructCommand
      hasNext() - Method in class ch.njol.util.coll.iterator.ArrayIterator
      load() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.structures.StructFunction
      hasNext() - Method in class ch.njol.util.coll.iterator.CheckedIterator
      load() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.structures.StructOptions
      hasNext() - Method in class ch.njol.util.coll.iterator.CombinedIterator
      load() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.structures.StructVariables
      hasNext() - Method in class ch.njol.util.coll.iterator.ConsumingIterator
      load() - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.variables.Variables
      Load the variables configuration and all variables.
      load() - Method in class org.skriptlang.skript.lang.structure.Structure
      The second phase of Structure loading.
      load(Config) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.aliases.Aliases
      Loads aliases from configuration.
      load(SectionNode) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.aliases.AliasesParser
      Loads aliases from a section node.
      load(SectionNode) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.variables.VariablesStorage
      Loads the configuration for this variable storage - from the given section node.
      load(Class<?>) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.config.Config
      Sets all static Option fields of the given class to the values from this config
      load(Object) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.config.Config
      Sets all Option fields of the given object to the values from this config
      load(String) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.localization.Language
      hasNext() - Method in class ch.njol.util.coll.iterator.EmptyIterator
      load(String) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.update.ReleaseManifest
      hasNext() - Method in class ch.njol.util.coll.iterator.ImprovedIterator
      hasNext() - Method in class ch.njol.util.coll.iterator.ListRangeIterator
      hasNext() - Method in class ch.njol.util.coll.iterator.NonNullIterator
      hasNext() - Method in class ch.njol.util.coll.iterator.ReversedListIterator
      hasNext() - Method in class ch.njol.util.coll.iterator.SingleItemIterator
      hasNext() - Method in class ch.njol.util.coll.iterator.StoppableIterator
      hasParam() - Method in interface ch.njol.skript.util.chat.ChatCode
      Loads a release manifest from JSON.
      Checks if this chat code takes a string parameter.
      load(Path) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.aliases.Aliases
      hasParam() - Method in enum class ch.njol.skript.util.chat.SkriptChatCode
      hasPrevious() - Method in class ch.njol.util.coll.iterator.ReversedListIterator
      hasSection() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.EffectSection
      hasSpace(Inventory) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.aliases.ItemType
      Loads aliases from given path.
      Test whether this ItemType can be put into the given inventory completely.
      load_i(SectionNode) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.variables.FlatFileStorage
      hasTag(String) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptParser.ParseResult
      hasType() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.aliases.ItemType
      Loads the variables in the CSV file.
      Useful for checking if materials represent an item or a block.
      load_i(SectionNode) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.variables.SQLStorage
      hasUnparsedLiteral(Expression<?>) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.util.LiteralUtils
      Doesn't lock the database for reading (it's not used anywhere else, and locking while loading will interfere with loaded variables being deleted by - Variables.variableLoaded(String, Object, VariablesStorage)).
      Checks if an Expression contains UnparsedLiteral + objects.
      load_i(SectionNode) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.variables.VariablesStorage
      heal(Damageable, double) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.bukkitutil.HealthUtils
      Loads variables stored here.
      Heal an entity
      loadAlias(String, String) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.aliases.AliasesParser
      HEALING - Enum constant in enum class ch.njol.skript.util.PotionDataUtils
      HEALING_STRONG - Enum constant in enum class ch.njol.skript.util.PotionDataUtils
      HealthUtils - Class in ch.njol.skript.bukkitutil
      HealthUtils() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.bukkitutil.HealthUtils
      HELMET - Enum constant in enum class ch.njol.skript.util.slot.EquipmentSlot.EquipSlot
      HEX_SUPPORTED - Static variable in class ch.njol.skript.util.Utils
      hexStringToByteArray(String) - Static method in class ch.njol.util.StringUtils
      HIGH - Enum constant in enum class ch.njol.skript.log.Verbosity
      hoverEvent - Variable in class ch.njol.skript.util.chat.MessageComponent
      HoverEvent(MessageComponent.HoverEvent.Action, String) - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.util.chat.MessageComponent.HoverEvent
      html_url - Variable in class ch.njol.skript.update.GithubChecker.ResponseEntry
      HTMLGenerator - Class in ch.njol.skript.doc
      Loads an alias with given name (key pattern) and data (material id and tags).
      Template engine, primarily used for generating Skript documentation + pages by combining data from annotations and templates.
      loadClasses() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.hooks.Hook
      HTMLGenerator(File, File) - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.doc.HTMLGenerator
      loadClasses() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.hooks.VaultHook


      id - Variable in class ch.njol.skript.update.GithubChecker.ResponseEntry.Author
      loadClasses(String, String...) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.SkriptAddon
      id - Variable in class ch.njol.skript.update.GithubChecker.ResponseEntry
      id - Variable in class ch.njol.skript.update.ReleaseManifest
      Loads classes of the plugin by package.
      Release id, for example "2.3".
      loadCode(SectionNode) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.Section
      id - Variable in class ch.njol.skript.update.UpdateManifest
      Loads the code in the given SectionNode, - appropriately modifying ParserInstance.getCurrentSections().
      Release id, for example "2.3".
      loadCode(SectionNode, String, Runnable, Class<? extends Event>...) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.Section
      IDENTITY - Static variable in class ch.njol.skript.util.Direction
      Loads the code in the given SectionNode, - appropriately modifying ParserInstance.getCurrentSections().
      A direction that points in the direction of the object(s) passed to the various getDirection methods.
      loadCode(SectionNode, String, Class<? extends Event>...) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.Section
      IGNORE_PITCH - Static variable in class ch.njol.skript.util.Direction
      Loads the code in the given SectionNode, - appropriately modifying ParserInstance.getCurrentSections().
      Use this as pitch to force a horizontal direction
      loadDefault(SkriptAddon) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.localization.Language
      implies(Kleenean) - Method in enum class ch.njol.util.Kleenean
      loadDefaultAliases - Static variable in class ch.njol.skript.SkriptConfig
      ImprovedIterator<T> - Class in ch.njol.util.coll.iterator
      loadDirectory(Path) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.aliases.Aliases
      Loads aliases from given directory.
      loadedScripts() - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.ScriptLoader
      Deprecated. - -
      loadedTriggers() - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.ScriptLoader
      Deprecated. -
      Use ScriptLoader.getLoadedScripts() and Script.getStructures().size(). - Please note that a Structure may have multiple triggers, and this is only an estimate.
      loadFromFile(File, Class<T>) - Method in class ch.njol.yggdrasil.Yggdrasil
      ImprovedIterator(Iterator<T>) - Constructor for class ch.njol.util.coll.iterator.ImprovedIterator
      loadFunction(Script, SectionNode, Signature<?>) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.function.Functions
      Loads a script function from given node.
      loadItems(SectionNode) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.ScriptLoader
      Loads a section by converting it to TriggerItems.
      loadOptionalCode(SectionNode) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.Section
      inaccessibleConstructor(Class<?>, IllegalAccessException) - Static method in exception ch.njol.skript.SkriptAPIException
      INACTIVE - Enum constant in enum class ch.njol.skript.update.UpdaterState
      Loads the code using Section.loadCode(SectionNode).
      The updater has done something, but is currently not doing anything.
      loadScripts(Config...) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.ScriptLoader
      incompatibleField(Field, Fields.FieldContext) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.Direction
      incompatibleField(Field, Fields.FieldContext) - Method in interface ch.njol.yggdrasil.YggdrasilSerializable.YggdrasilRobustSerializable
      Deprecated. -
      Callers should not be using configs. Use ScriptLoader.loadScripts(Set, OpenCloseable).
      Called if a field that was read from stream is of an incompatible type to the existing field in this class.
      loadScripts(File, OpenCloseable) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.ScriptLoader
      incompatibleField(Object, Field, Fields.FieldContext) - Method in interface ch.njol.yggdrasil.FieldHandler
      Loads the Script present at the file using ScriptLoader.loadScripts(List, OpenCloseable), - sending info/error messages when done.
      Called when a loaded value is not compatible with the type of a field.
      loadScripts(List<Config>) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.ScriptLoader
      incompatibleField(Object, Field, Fields.FieldContext) - Method in class ch.njol.yggdrasil.util.JREFieldHandler
      Deprecated. -
      Callers should not be using configs. Use ScriptLoader.loadScripts(Set, OpenCloseable).
      Converts collection types and non-primitive arrays
      loadScripts(List<Config>, List<LogEntry>) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.ScriptLoader
      incompatibleField(Object, Field, Fields.FieldContext) - Method in class ch.njol.yggdrasil.Yggdrasil
      increment() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.aliases.AliasesParser.VariationSlot
      indexOf(int[], int) - Static method in class ch.njol.util.coll.CollectionUtils
      indexOf(int[], int, int) - Static method in class ch.njol.util.coll.CollectionUtils
      indexOf(int[], int, int, int) - Static method in class ch.njol.util.coll.CollectionUtils
      indexOf(Iterable<T>, T) - Static method in class ch.njol.util.coll.CollectionUtils
      Deprecated. -
      Callers should not be using configs. Use ScriptLoader.loadScripts(Set, OpenCloseable).
      Finds an object in an iterable using Object.equals(Object).
      loadScripts(Set<File>, OpenCloseable) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.ScriptLoader
      indexOf(Object) - Method in class ch.njol.util.coll.CyclicList
      indexOf(Object) - Method in class ch.njol.util.coll.ReversedListView
      indexOf(T[], T) - Static method in class ch.njol.util.coll.CollectionUtils
      Loads the Scripts present at the files using ScriptLoader.loadScripts(List, OpenCloseable), - sending info/error messages when done.
      Finds an object in an array using Object.equals(Object) (can find null elements).
      loadSingleAlias(Map<String, AliasesProvider.Variation>, String) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.aliases.AliasesParser
      indexOf(T[], T, int, int) - Static method in class ch.njol.util.coll.CollectionUtils
      loadStructure(Config) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.ScriptLoader
      indexOfIgnoreCase(Iterable<String>, String) - Static method in class ch.njol.util.coll.CollectionUtils
      Deprecated. -
      This method has no functionality, it just returns its input.
      Finds a string in a collection of strings (ignoring case).
      loadVariations(SectionNode) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.aliases.AliasesParser
      indexOfIgnoreCase(String[], String) - Static method in class ch.njol.util.coll.CollectionUtils
      Loads variations from a section node.
      finds a string in an array of strings (ignoring case).
      LOCAL_VARIABLE_TOKEN - Static variable in class ch.njol.skript.lang.Variable
      indexOfOutsideGroup(String, char, char, char, int) - Static method in class ch.njol.util.StringUtils
      LOCATION - Static variable in class ch.njol.skript.registrations.DefaultClasses
      info - Variable in class ch.njol.skript.classes.Serializer
      log(LogEntry) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.log.SkriptLogger
      info(String) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.Skript
      log(LogEntry) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.log.BlockingLogHandler
      info(CommandSender, String) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.Skript
      log(LogEntry) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.log.CountingLogHandler
      init() - Method in interface ch.njol.skript.lang.DefaultExpression
      log(LogEntry) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.log.ErrorDescLogHandler
      init() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.util.SimpleLiteral
      log(LogEntry) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.log.FilteringLogHandler
      init(Class<? extends E>, E) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.EntityData
      log(LogEntry) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.log.LogHandler
      init(Class<? extends Bee>, Bee) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.BeeData
      log(LogEntry) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.log.ParseLogHandler
      init(Class<? extends Boat>, Boat) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.BoatData
      log(LogEntry) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.log.RedirectingLogHandler
      init(Class<? extends Cat>, Cat) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.CatData
      log(LogEntry) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.log.RetainingLogHandler
      init(Class<? extends ChestBoat>, ChestBoat) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.BoatChestData
      log(LogEntry) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.log.TimingLogHandler
      init(Class<? extends Creeper>, Creeper) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.CreeperData
      log(Verbosity) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.log.SkriptLogger
      Checks whether messages should be logged for the given verbosity.
      log(Verbosity) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.Skript
      init(Class<? extends Enderman>, Enderman) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.EndermanData
      log(Level, String) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.log.SkriptLogger
      Logging should be done like this:
      LOG - Enum constant in enum class ch.njol.skript.log.LogHandler.LogResult
      init(Class<? extends Entity>, Entity) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.SimpleEntityData
      logAll(Collection<LogEntry>) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.log.SkriptLogger
      init(Class<? extends ExperienceOrb>, ExperienceOrb) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.XpOrbData
      LogEntry - Class in ch.njol.skript.log
      init(Class<? extends FallingBlock>, FallingBlock) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.FallingBlockData
      LogEntry(Level, int, String) - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.log.LogEntry
      init(Class<? extends Fish>, Fish) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.FishData
      LogEntry(Level, int, String, Node) - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.log.LogEntry
      init(Class<? extends Fox>, Fox) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.FoxData
      LogEntry(Level, int, String, Node, boolean) - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.log.LogEntry
      init(Class<? extends Frog>, Frog) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.FrogData
      LogEntry(Level, ErrorQuality, String) - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.log.LogEntry
      init(Class<? extends Item>, Item) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.DroppedItemData
      LogEntry(Level, ErrorQuality, String, Node) - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.log.LogEntry
      init(Class<? extends Llama>, Llama) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.LlamaData
      LogEntry(Level, String) - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.log.LogEntry
      init(Class<? extends Minecart>, Minecart) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.MinecartData
      LogEntry(Level, String, Node) - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.log.LogEntry
      init(Class<? extends MushroomCow>, MushroomCow) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.MooshroomData
      logEventEnd() - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.SkriptEventHandler
      Logs that the last logged Event start has ended.
      logEventStart(Event) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.SkriptEventHandler
      Logs that the provided Event has started.
      LOGGER - Static variable in class ch.njol.skript.log.SkriptLogger
      init(Class<? extends Ocelot>, Ocelot) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.OcelotData
      LoggerFilter - Class in ch.njol.util
      init(Class<? extends Panda>, Panda) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.PandaData
      LoggerFilter(Logger) - Constructor for class ch.njol.util.LoggerFilter
      init(Class<? extends Parrot>, Parrot) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.ParrotData
      LogHandler - Class in ch.njol.skript.log
      A log handler is used to handle Skripts logging.
      LogHandler() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.log.LogHandler
      init(Class<? extends Pig>, Pig) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.PigData
      LogHandler.LogResult - Enum Class in ch.njol.skript.log
      init(Class<? extends Sheep>, Sheep) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.SheepData
      logHigh() - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.Skript
      init(Class<? extends ThrownPotion>, ThrownPotion) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.ThrownPotionData
      login - Variable in class ch.njol.skript.update.GithubChecker.ResponseEntry.Author
      init(Class<? extends TropicalFish>, TropicalFish) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.TropicalFishData
      logNormal() - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.Skript
      init(Class<? extends Villager>, Villager) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.VillagerData
      logPlayerCommands - Static variable in class ch.njol.skript.SkriptConfig
      init(Class<? extends Wolf>, Wolf) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.WolfData
      logTracked(Level, String, ErrorQuality) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.log.SkriptLogger
      init(Class<? extends ZombieVillager>, ZombieVillager) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.ZombieVillagerData
      logTriggerEnd(Trigger) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.SkriptEventHandler
      Logs that the last logged Trigger execution has ended.
      logTriggerStart(Trigger) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.SkriptEventHandler
      Logs that the provided Trigger has begun execution.
      logVeryHigh() - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.Skript
      init(Class<? extends Axolotl>, Axolotl) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.AxolotlData
      LONG - Static variable in class ch.njol.skript.registrations.DefaultClasses
      init(Class<? extends Goat>, Goat) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.GoatData
      longParseTimeWarningThreshold - Static variable in class ch.njol.skript.SkriptConfig
      init(Expression<?>[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.EntityData
      lookAt(LookAnchor, Object, Float, Float, LivingEntity...) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.bukkitutil.PaperEntityUtils
      Instruct a Mob (1.17+) or Players (1.19.1+) to look at a specific vector/location/entity.
      lookAt(Object, Float, Float, LivingEntity...) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.bukkitutil.PaperEntityUtils
      init(Expression<?>[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.EffectSection
      Instruct a Mob (1.17+) to look at a specific vector/location/entity.
      This method should not be overridden unless you know what you are doing!
      lookAt(Object, LivingEntity...) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.bukkitutil.PaperEntityUtils
      init(Expression<?>[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.EffectSectionEffect
      init(Expression<?>[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.ExpressionList
      init(Expression<?>[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.Section
      Instruct a Mob (1.17+) to look at a specific vector/location/entity.
      This method should not be overridden unless you know what you are doing!
      LoopSection - Class in ch.njol.skript.lang
      init(Expression<?>[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult) - Method in interface ch.njol.skript.lang.SyntaxElement
      Represents a loop section.
      Called just after the constructor.
      LoopSection() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.lang.LoopSection
      LOW - Enum constant in enum class ch.njol.skript.log.Verbosity
      init(Expression<?>[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.UnparsedLiteral
      LUCK - Enum constant in enum class ch.njol.skript.util.PotionDataUtils
      init(Expression<?>[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.util.ContainerExpression


      m_adult - Static variable in class ch.njol.skript.entity.EntityData
      init(Expression<?>[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.util.ConvertedExpression
      m_age_pattern - Static variable in class ch.njol.skript.entity.EntityData
      init(Expression<?>[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.util.SimpleLiteral
      m_baby - Static variable in class ch.njol.skript.entity.EntityData
      init(Expression<?>[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.Variable
      m_check_error - Static variable in class ch.njol.skript.SkriptUpdater
      init(Expression<?>[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.VariableString
      m_check_in_progress - Static variable in class ch.njol.skript.SkriptUpdater
      init(Expression<?>[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.visual.VisualEffect
      m_checking - Static variable in class ch.njol.skript.SkriptUpdater
      init(Expression<?>[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult) - Method in class org.skriptlang.skript.lang.structure.Structure
      m_correct_usage - Static variable in class ch.njol.skript.command.Commands
      init(Expression<?>[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult, SectionNode, List<TriggerItem>) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.EffectSection
      m_custom_version - Static variable in class ch.njol.skript.SkriptUpdater
      init(Expression<?>[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult, SectionNode, List<TriggerItem>) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.Section
      m_download_error - Static variable in class ch.njol.skript.SkriptUpdater
      init(Literal<?>[], int, SkriptParser.ParseResult) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.AxolotlData
      m_download_in_progress - Static variable in class ch.njol.skript.SkriptUpdater
      init(Literal<?>[], int, SkriptParser.ParseResult) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.BeeData
      m_downloaded - Static variable in class ch.njol.skript.SkriptUpdater
      init(Literal<?>[], int, SkriptParser.ParseResult) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.BoatChestData
      m_downloading - Static variable in class ch.njol.skript.SkriptUpdater
      init(Literal<?>[], int, SkriptParser.ParseResult) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.BoatData
      m_executable_by_console - Static variable in class ch.njol.skript.command.ScriptCommand
      init(Literal<?>[], int, SkriptParser.ParseResult) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.CatData
      m_executable_by_players - Static variable in class ch.njol.skript.command.ScriptCommand
      init(Literal<?>[], int, SkriptParser.ParseResult) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.CreeperData
      m_finished_loading - Static variable in class ch.njol.skript.Skript
      init(Literal<?>[], int, SkriptParser.ParseResult) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.DroppedItemData
      m_internal_error - Static variable in class ch.njol.skript.command.Commands
      init(Literal<?>[], int, SkriptParser.ParseResult) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.EndermanData
      m_internal_error - Static variable in class ch.njol.skript.SkriptUpdater
      init(Literal<?>[], int, SkriptParser.ParseResult) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.EntityData
      m_invalid_reload - Static variable in class ch.njol.skript.Skript
      init(Literal<?>[], int, SkriptParser.ParseResult) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.FallingBlockData
      m_meter - Static variable in class ch.njol.skript.util.Direction
      init(Literal<?>[], int, SkriptParser.ParseResult) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.FishData
      m_nightly - Static variable in class ch.njol.skript.SkriptUpdater
      init(Literal<?>[], int, SkriptParser.ParseResult) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.FoxData
      m_no_errors - Static variable in class ch.njol.skript.Skript
      init(Literal<?>[], int, SkriptParser.ParseResult) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.FrogData
      m_no_scripts - Static variable in class ch.njol.skript.Skript
      init(Literal<?>[], int, SkriptParser.ParseResult) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.GoatData
      m_not_started - Static variable in class ch.njol.skript.SkriptUpdater
      init(Literal<?>[], int, SkriptParser.ParseResult) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.LlamaData
      m_running_latest_version - Static variable in class ch.njol.skript.SkriptUpdater
      init(Literal<?>[], int, SkriptParser.ParseResult) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.MinecartData
      m_running_latest_version_beta - Static variable in class ch.njol.skript.SkriptUpdater
      init(Literal<?>[], int, SkriptParser.ParseResult) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.MooshroomData
      m_too_many_arguments - Static variable in class ch.njol.skript.command.Commands
      init(Literal<?>[], int, SkriptParser.ParseResult) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.OcelotData
      m_update_available - Static variable in class ch.njol.skript.SkriptUpdater
      init(Literal<?>[], int, SkriptParser.ParseResult) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.PandaData
      m_updater_disabled - Static variable in class ch.njol.skript.SkriptUpdater
      init(Literal<?>[], int, SkriptParser.ParseResult) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.ParrotData
      MAGIC_NUMBER - Static variable in class ch.njol.yggdrasil.Yggdrasil
      Magic Number: "Ygg\0"
      main(String...) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.PatcherTool
      init(Literal<?>[], int, SkriptParser.ParseResult) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.PigData
      main(String...) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.test.platform.PlatformMain
      init(Literal<?>[], int, SkriptParser.ParseResult) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.RabbitData
      main(String[]) - Static method in class ch.njol.yggdrasil.Yggdrasil
      init(Literal<?>[], int, SkriptParser.ParseResult) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.SheepData
      makeStrings(String[]) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.VariableString
      init(Literal<?>[], int, SkriptParser.ParseResult) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.SimpleEntityData
      makeStringsFromQuoted(List<String>) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.VariableString
      init(Literal<?>[], int, SkriptParser.ParseResult) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.ThrownPotionData
      MalformedPatternException - Exception in ch.njol.skript.patterns
      init(Literal<?>[], int, SkriptParser.ParseResult) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.TropicalFishData
      MalformedPatternException(String, String) - Constructor for exception ch.njol.skript.patterns.MalformedPatternException
      init(Literal<?>[], int, SkriptParser.ParseResult) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.VillagerData
      MalformedPatternException(String, String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception ch.njol.skript.patterns.MalformedPatternException
      init(Literal<?>[], int, SkriptParser.ParseResult) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.WolfData
      mapIds() - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.bukkitutil.BurgerHelper
      init(Literal<?>[], int, SkriptParser.ParseResult) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.XpOrbData
      mapMaterials() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.bukkitutil.BurgerHelper
      init(Literal<?>[], int, SkriptParser.ParseResult) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.ZombieVillagerData
      mark - Variable in class ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptParser.ParseResult
      Defaults to 0.
      mark(int) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.config.ConfigReader
      init(Literal<?>[], int, SkriptParser.ParseResult) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.SectionSkriptEvent
      MarkedForRemoval - Annotation Interface in ch.njol.skript.util
      Marks the annotated element as being subject to removal in the future.
      markErrored() - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.Skript
      init(Literal<?>[], int, SkriptParser.ParseResult) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptEvent
      Mark that an exception has occurred at some point during runtime.
      Called just after the constructor
      markSupported() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.config.ConfigReader
      match(BlockValues) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.bukkitutil.block.BlockValues
      match(E) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.EntityData
      match(String) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.patterns.SkriptPattern
      init(Literal<?>[], int, SkriptParser.ParseResult) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.util.SimpleEvent
      match(String, int, ParseContext) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.patterns.SkriptPattern
      init(Literal<?>[], int, SkriptParser.ParseResult, EntryContainer) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptEvent
      match(String, MatchResult) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.patterns.ChoicePatternElement
      init(Literal<?>[], int, SkriptParser.ParseResult, EntryContainer) - Method in class org.skriptlang.skript.lang.structure.Structure
      match(String, MatchResult) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.patterns.GroupPatternElement
      init(Class<? extends Rabbit>, Rabbit) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.RabbitData
      match(String, MatchResult) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.patterns.LiteralPatternElement
      initialize(SectionNode) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.variables.MySQLStorage
      match(String, MatchResult) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.patterns.OptionalPatternElement
      initialize(SectionNode) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.variables.SQLiteStorage
      match(String, MatchResult) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.patterns.ParseTagPatternElement
      initialize(SectionNode) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.variables.SQLStorage
      Initializes an SQL database with the user provided configuration section for loading the database.
      inMap(Node) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.config.NodeMap
      match(String, MatchResult) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.patterns.PatternElement
      insert(Node, int) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.config.SectionNode
      Inserts the given node into this section at the specified position.
      insertId(String) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.aliases.AliasesProvider.Variation
      match(String, MatchResult) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.patterns.RegexPatternElement
      insertion - Enum constant in enum class ch.njol.skript.util.chat.SkriptChatCode
      match(String, MatchResult) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.patterns.TypePatternElement
      insertion - Variable in class ch.njol.skript.util.chat.MessageComponent
      Value of this, if present, will appended on what player is currently + writing to chat.
      instance - Static variable in class ch.njol.util.coll.iterator.EmptyIterable
      match(Axolotl) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.AxolotlData
      instance - Static variable in class ch.njol.util.coll.iterator.EmptyIterator
      match(Bee) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.BeeData
      INSTANCE - Static variable in interface ch.njol.skript.bukkitutil.block.BlockCompat
      Instance of BlockCompat for current Minecraft version.
      instantiationException(Class<?>, InstantiationException) - Static method in exception ch.njol.skript.SkriptAPIException
      match(Boat) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.BoatData
      instantiationException(String, Class<?>, InstantiationException) - Static method in exception ch.njol.skript.SkriptAPIException
      match(Cat) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.CatData
      INTEGER_PATTERN - Static variable in class ch.njol.skript.classes.data.JavaClasses
      match(ChestBoat) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.BoatChestData
      intersection(Set<E>...) - Static method in class ch.njol.util.coll.CollectionUtils
      Gets the intersection of the given sets, i.e.
      intersection(ItemData) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.aliases.ItemData
      Computes the intersection of two ItemDatas.
      intersection(ItemType) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.aliases.ItemType
      Intersects all ItemDatas with all ItemDatas of the given ItemType, returning an ItemType with at most n*m ItemDatas, where n = #ItemDatas of this ItemType, and m = + #ItemDatas of the argument.
      InvalidMinecraftIdException - Exception in ch.njol.skript.aliases
      match(Creeper) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.CreeperData
      InvalidMinecraftIdException(String) - Constructor for exception ch.njol.skript.aliases.InvalidMinecraftIdException
      match(Enderman) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.EndermanData
      InvalidNode - Class in ch.njol.skript.config
      A line of a config that could not be parsed.
      InvalidNode(String, String, SectionNode, int) - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.config.InvalidNode
      match(Entity) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.SimpleEntityData
      inventoryChanger - Static variable in class ch.njol.skript.classes.data.DefaultChangers
      match(ExperienceOrb) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.XpOrbData
      InventorySlot - Class in ch.njol.skript.util.slot
      Represents a slot in some inventory.
      InventorySlot(Inventory, int) - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.util.slot.InventorySlot
      match(FallingBlock) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.FallingBlockData
      InventorySlot(Inventory, int, int) - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.util.slot.InventorySlot
      match(Fish) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.FishData
      InverseComparator<T1,T2> - Class in ch.njol.skript.classes
      Deprecated. +
      This class is no longer exposed in newer versions. It should not be used or referenced.
      InverseComparator(Comparator<? super T2, ? super T1>) - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.classes.InverseComparator
      invertAnd() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.ExpressionList
      For use in CondCompare only.
      INVISIBILITY - Enum constant in enum class ch.njol.skript.util.PotionDataUtils
      match(Fox) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.FoxData
      INVISIBILITY_LONG - Enum constant in enum class ch.njol.skript.util.PotionDataUtils
      match(Frog) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.FrogData
      is(Comparator.Relation) - Method in enum class ch.njol.skript.classes.Comparator.Relation
      Test whether this relation is fulfilled if another is, i.e.
      is(Kleenean) - Method in enum class ch.njol.util.Kleenean
      match(Goat) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.GoatData
      is(TreeType) - Method in enum class ch.njol.skript.util.StructureType
      match(Item) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.DroppedItemData
      isAcceptRegistrations() - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.Skript
      match(Llama) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.LlamaData
      isActive() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.parser.ParserInstance
      match(Minecart) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.MinecartData
      isAdult(Entity) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.bukkitutil.EntityUtils
      Quick method to check if entity is an adult.
      isAgeable(Entity) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.bukkitutil.EntityUtils
      Check if an entity is ageable.
      isAir(Material) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.bukkitutil.ItemUtils
      match(MushroomCow) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.MooshroomData
      isAlias() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.aliases.ItemData
      Checks if this item is an alias or a clone of one that has not been + modified after loading the aliases.
      isAlive() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.Task
      match(Ocelot) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.OcelotData
      isAll() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.aliases.ItemType
      Checks if this item type represents one of its items (OR) or all of + them (AND).
      isAnyInstanceOf(Object, Class<?>...) - Static method in class ch.njol.util.coll.CollectionUtils
      match(Panda) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.PandaData
      isAsync() - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.ScriptLoader
      Checks if scripts are loaded in separate thread.
      isAtLeast(MatchQuality) - Method in enum class ch.njol.skript.aliases.MatchQuality
      match(Parrot) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.ParrotData
      isBaby() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.EntityData
      match(Pig) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.PigData
      isBetter(MatchQuality) - Method in enum class ch.njol.skript.aliases.MatchQuality
      match(Rabbit) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.RabbitData
      isBlockFaceIndirectlyPowered(BlockFace) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.BlockStateBlock
      match(Sheep) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.SheepData
      isBlockFaceIndirectlyPowered(BlockFace) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.DelayedChangeBlock
      match(ThrownPotion) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.ThrownPotionData
      isBlockFacePowered(BlockFace) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.BlockStateBlock
      match(TropicalFish) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.TropicalFishData
      isBlockFacePowered(BlockFace) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.DelayedChangeBlock
      match(Villager) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.VillagerData
      isBlockIndirectlyPowered() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.BlockStateBlock
      match(Wolf) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.WolfData
      isBlockIndirectlyPowered() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.DelayedChangeBlock
      match(ZombieVillager) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.ZombieVillagerData
      isBlockPowered() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.BlockStateBlock
      Match(MatchQuality, AliasesMap.AliasData) - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.aliases.AliasesMap.Match
      isBlockPowered() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.DelayedChangeBlock
      matchAlias(ItemData) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.aliases.AliasesMap
      Attempts to get the closest matching alias for given item.
      matchAlias(ItemData) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.aliases.ItemData
      Checks how well this item matches the given item.
      matchedPattern - Variable in class ch.njol.skript.entity.EntityData
      isBuildable() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.BlockStateBlock
      matcher(String) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.localization.RegexMessage
      isBuildable() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.DelayedChangeBlock
      matches(String) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.localization.RegexMessage
      isBurnable() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.BlockStateBlock
      matches(String, Pattern) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.conditions.CondMatches
      isBurnable() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.DelayedChangeBlock
      matchNext(String, MatchResult) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.patterns.PatternElement
      isCancelled() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.command.EffectCommandEvent
      matchPlain(ItemData) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.aliases.ItemData
      Compares this ItemData with another to determine if they are matching "plain" items.
      MatchQuality - Enum Class in ch.njol.skript.aliases
      How well two items match each other.
      MatchResult - Class in ch.njol.skript.patterns
      A result from pattern matching.
      MatchResult() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.patterns.MatchResult
      isCollidable() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.BlockStateBlock
      math(Class<R>, Arithmetic<? super T, R>) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.classes.ClassInfo
      isCollidable() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.DelayedChangeBlock
      Math2 - Class in ch.njol.util
      isColorable() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.visual.VisualEffectType
      isContainedIn(Iterable<ItemStack>) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.aliases.ItemType
      isContainedIn(ItemStack[]) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.aliases.ItemType
      isCooldownCancelled() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.command.ScriptCommandEvent
      This class is not to be used by addons.
      Only accurate when this event is not delayed (yet)
      max(double...) - Static method in class ch.njol.util.Math2
      isCurrentEvent(Class<? extends Event>) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.ScriptLoader
      max(double, double, double) - Static method in class ch.njol.util.Math2
      isCurrentEvent(Class<? extends Event>) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.parser.ParserInstance
      This method checks whether at least one of the current event classes + is covered by the argument event class (i.e.
      max(int...) - Static method in class ch.njol.util.Math2
      isCurrentEvent(Class<? extends Event>...) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.parser.ParserInstance
      Same as ParserInstance.isCurrentEvent(Class), but allows for plural argument input.
      max(int, int, int) - Static method in class ch.njol.util.Math2
      isCurrentEvent(Class<? extends Event>...) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.ScriptLoader
      MAX_CLASS_CODENAME_LENGTH - Static variable in class ch.njol.skript.variables.SQLStorage
      isCurrentSection(Class<? extends TriggerSection>) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.parser.ParserInstance
      MAX_PRIMITIVE - Static variable in enum class ch.njol.yggdrasil.Tag
      primitive tags are between these value
      MAX_VALUE_SIZE - Static variable in class ch.njol.skript.variables.SQLStorage
      isCurrentSection(Class<? extends TriggerSection>...) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.parser.ParserInstance
      MAX_VARIABLE_NAME_LENGTH - Static variable in class ch.njol.skript.variables.SQLStorage
      isCurrentStructure(Class<? extends Structure>) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.parser.ParserInstance
      MAX_WRAPPER - Static variable in enum class ch.njol.yggdrasil.Tag
      primitive tags are between these value
      MAXBLOCKID - Static variable in class ch.njol.skript.Skript
      isCurrentStructure(Class<? extends Structure>...) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.parser.ParserInstance
      isDefault() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.aliases.ItemData
      The maximum ID a block can have in Minecraft.
      Checks if this item is a 'default' of type.
      MAXDATAVALUE - Static variable in class ch.njol.skript.Skript
      isDefault() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.bukkitutil.block.BlockValues
      isDefault() - Method in interface ch.njol.skript.lang.DefaultExpression
      isDefault() - Method in interface ch.njol.skript.lang.Expression
      The maximum data value of Minecraft, i.e.
      Returns whether this value represents the default value of its type for the event, i.e.
      maxTargetBlockDistance - Static variable in class ch.njol.skript.SkriptConfig
      isDefault() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.ExpressionList
      MEGA_REDWOOD - Enum constant in enum class ch.njol.skript.util.StructureType
      isDefault() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.UnparsedLiteral
      merge(AliasesProvider.Variation) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.aliases.AliasesProvider.Variation
      isDefault() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.util.ConvertedExpression
      message - Variable in class ch.njol.skript.log.LogEntry
      isDefault() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.util.SimpleExpression
      message(CommandSender, String) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.Skript
      Similar to Skript.info(CommandSender, String) but no [Skript] prefix is added.
      Message - Class in ch.njol.skript.localization
      Basic class to get text from the language file(s).
      Message(String) - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.localization.Message
      isDefault() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.util.SimpleLiteral
      MESSAGE - Enum constant in enum class ch.njol.skript.util.StringMode
      isDefault() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.Variable
      MESSAGE_CHANNEL - Static variable in class ch.njol.skript.effects.EffCommand
      isDefault() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.VariableString
      MessageComponent - Class in ch.njol.skript.util.chat
      Component for chat messages.
      MessageComponent() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.util.chat.MessageComponent
      isDefiniteArticle(String) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.localization.Noun
      MessageComponent.BooleanSerializer - Class in ch.njol.skript.util.chat
      isDocsTemplateFound() - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.doc.Documentation
      MessageComponent.ClickEvent - Class in ch.njol.skript.util.chat
      isEffect() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.visual.VisualEffectType
      MessageComponent.ClickEvent.Action - Enum Class in ch.njol.skript.util.chat
      isEither(T, T...) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.util.Utils
      MessageComponent.HoverEvent - Class in ch.njol.skript.util.chat
      isEmpty() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.config.Config
      MessageComponent.HoverEvent.Action - Enum Class in ch.njol.skript.util.chat
      isEmpty() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.config.SectionNode
      methodExists(Class<?>, String, Class<?>...) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.Skript
      Tests whether a method exists in the given class.
      methodExists(Class<?>, String, Class<?>[], Class<?>) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.Skript
      Tests whether a method exists in the given class, and whether the return type matches the expected one.
      min(double...) - Static method in class ch.njol.util.Math2
      min(double, double, double) - Static method in class ch.njol.util.Math2
      isEmpty() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.patterns.LiteralPatternElement
      isEmpty() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.BlockStateBlock
      isEmpty() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.DelayedChangeBlock
      isEmpty() - Method in class ch.njol.util.coll.CyclicList
      isEmpty() - Method in class ch.njol.util.coll.ReversedListView
      isEmpty(Material) - Method in interface ch.njol.skript.bukkitutil.block.BlockCompat
      Checks whether the given material implies emptiness.
      min(int...) - Static method in class ch.njol.util.Math2
      isEmpty(Material) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.bukkitutil.block.NewBlockCompat
      isEnabled() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.update.Updater
      isEntityEffect() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.visual.VisualEffectType
      isEqualOrInverse() - Method in enum class ch.njol.skript.classes.Comparator.Relation
      min(int, int, int) - Static method in class ch.njol.util.Math2
      +  +
      isEventPrioritySupported() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.SelfRegisteringSkriptEvent
      MIN_PRIMITIVE - Static variable in enum class ch.njol.yggdrasil.Tag
      +  +
      isEventPrioritySupported() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptEvent
      isFalse() - Method in enum class ch.njol.util.Kleenean
      isFalse(boolean, String) - Static method in class ch.njol.util.Validate
      isFinishedLoadingHooks() - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.Skript
      isHookEnabled(Class<? extends Hook<?>>) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.Skript
      primitive tags are between these value
      Checks whether a hook has been enabled.
      MIN_WRAPPER - Static variable in enum class ch.njol.yggdrasil.Tag
      isImpliedBy(Relation) - Method in enum class org.skriptlang.skript.lang.comparator.Relation
      primitive tags are between these value
      Test whether this Relation is fulfilled if another is, i.e.
      MinecartData - Class in ch.njol.skript.entity
      isImpliedBy(Relation...) - Method in enum class org.skriptlang.skript.lang.comparator.Relation
      MinecartData() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.entity.MinecartData
      isIndefiniteArticle(String) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.localization.Noun
      MinecartData(MinecartData.MinecartType) - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.entity.MinecartData
      isIndexLoop(String) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.Variable
      minus(Timespan) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.Date
      Get a new instance of this Date with the subtracted timespan
      MINUS - Enum constant in enum class ch.njol.skript.expressions.arithmetic.Operator
      isInitialized() - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.localization.Language
      MISSING_CONJUNCTION - Enum constant in enum class org.skriptlang.skript.lang.script.ScriptWarning
      isInstance(Entity) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.EntityData
      missingEntryError(String) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.localization.Language
      isInstance(Entity) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.EntityType
      missingField(Field) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.Direction
      isLargerThan(Version) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.Version
      missingField(Field) - Method in interface ch.njol.yggdrasil.YggdrasilSerializable.YggdrasilRobustSerializable
      Called if a field was not found in the stream.
      missingField(Object, Field) - Method in interface ch.njol.yggdrasil.FieldHandler
      Called if a field was not found in the stream.
      missingField(Object, Field) - Method in class ch.njol.yggdrasil.util.JREFieldHandler
      Not used
      missingField(Object, Field) - Method in class ch.njol.yggdrasil.Yggdrasil
      isLiquid() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.BlockStateBlock
      missingRequiredEntryMessage(Function<String, String>) - Method in class org.skriptlang.skript.lang.entry.EntryValidator.EntryValidatorBuilder
      A function to be applied when a required Node is missing during validation.
      mod(double, double) - Static method in class ch.njol.util.Math2
      Modulo that returns positive values even for negative arguments.
      mod(float, float) - Static method in class ch.njol.util.Math2
      Modulo that returns positive values even for negative arguments.
      mod(int, int) - Static method in class ch.njol.util.Math2
      Modulo that returns positive values even for negative arguments.
      mod(long, long) - Static method in class ch.njol.util.Math2
      Modulo that returns positive values even for negative arguments.
      modified() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.aliases.ItemType
      Removes the item and block aliases from this alias as it now represents a different item.
      modify(SectionNode, List<TriggerItem>, Supplier<T>) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.Section.SectionContext
      isLiquid() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.DelayedChangeBlock
      isLiquid(Material) - Method in interface ch.njol.skript.bukkitutil.block.BlockCompat
      Modifies this SectionContext temporarily, for the duration of the Supplier.get() call, - reverting the changes afterwards.
      Checks whether the given material is a liquid.
      modifyItemStack(ItemStack, String) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.bukkitutil.BukkitUnsafe
      Money - Class in ch.njol.skript.hooks.economy.classes
      Money(double) - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.hooks.economy.classes.Money
      MooshroomData - Class in ch.njol.skript.entity
      isLiquid(Material) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.bukkitutil.block.NewBlockCompat
      MooshroomData() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.entity.MooshroomData
      isList() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.Variable
      MooshroomData(MushroomCow.Variant) - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.entity.MooshroomData
      isLocal() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.function.Signature
      move(SectionNode) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.config.Node
      isLocal() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.Variable
      move(File, File, boolean) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.util.FileUtils
      isLocalized() - Method in interface ch.njol.skript.util.chat.ChatCode
      For internal usage.
      isLocalized() - Method in enum class ch.njol.skript.util.chat.SkriptChatCode
      MULT - Enum constant in enum class ch.njol.skript.expressions.arithmetic.Operator
      isLoggable(LogRecord) - Method in class ch.njol.util.LoggerFilter
      MULTIPART - Static variable in interface ch.njol.skript.bukkitutil.block.BlockSetter
      isLoopOf(String) - Method in interface ch.njol.skript.lang.Expression
      Takes rotation or direction of the block (depending on the block) - and attempts to place other parts of it according to those.
      Checks whether the given 'loop-...' expression should match this loop, e.g.
      multiply(char, int) - Static method in class ch.njol.util.StringUtils
      multiply(String, int) - Static method in class ch.njol.util.StringUtils
      isLoopOf(String) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.ExpressionList
      multiply(A, R) - Method in interface ch.njol.skript.classes.Arithmetic
      isLoopOf(String) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.UnparsedLiteral
      multiply(Number, Number) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.classes.NumberArithmetic
      isLoopOf(String) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.util.ConvertedExpression
      multiply(Vector, Vector) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.classes.VectorArithmethic
      isLoopOf(String) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.util.SimpleExpression
      MUSHROOM - Enum constant in enum class ch.njol.skript.util.StructureType
      isLoopOf(String) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.util.SimpleLiteral
      mustSyncDeserialization() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.classes.ConfigurationSerializer
      isLoopOf(String) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.Variable
      mustSyncDeserialization() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.classes.EnumSerializer
      isLoopOf(String) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.VariableString
      mustSyncDeserialization() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.classes.Serializer
      Not currently used (everything happens on Bukkit's main thread).
      mustSyncDeserialization() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.classes.YggdrasilSerializer
      isNegated() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.Condition
      MySQLStorage - Class in ch.njol.skript.variables
      isOfItemType(ItemType) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.BoatChestData


      name - Variable in class ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptEventInfo
      isOfItemType(ItemType) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.BoatData
      name - Variable in enum class ch.njol.skript.ServerPlatform
      isOfType(Block) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.aliases.ItemType
      name - Variable in class ch.njol.skript.update.GithubChecker.ResponseEntry
      isOfType(BlockState) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.aliases.ItemType
      name - Variable in class ch.njol.skript.variables.SerializedVariable
      isOfType(ItemStack) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.aliases.ItemData
      The name of the variable.
      Tests whether the given item is of this type.
      name - Variable in enum class ch.njol.yggdrasil.Tag
      isOfType(ItemStack) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.aliases.ItemType
      name() - Method in class ch.njol.yggdrasil.PseudoEnum
      Returns the unique name of this constant.
      name(String) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.classes.ClassInfo
      Only used for Skript's documentation.
      Name - Annotation Interface in ch.njol.skript.doc
      Provides the name of annotated element to be used in documentation.
      Namespace - Class in ch.njol.skript.lang.function
      Contains a set of functions.
      Namespace() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.lang.function.Namespace
      isOfType(ItemData) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.aliases.ItemType
      Namespace.Key - Class in ch.njol.skript.lang.function
      Key to a namespace.
      Namespace.Origin - Enum Class in ch.njol.skript.lang.function
      Origin of functions in namespace.
      NewBlockCompat - Class in ch.njol.skript.bukkitutil.block
      1.13+ block compat.
      NewBlockCompat() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.bukkitutil.block.NewBlockCompat
      isOfType(Material) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.aliases.ItemType
      newInputStream(InputStream) - Method in class ch.njol.yggdrasil.Yggdrasil
      isOfType(Material, String) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.aliases.ItemType
      newInstance(String, ClassInfo<T>, String, int, boolean, boolean) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.command.Argument
      isOptional - Variable in class ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptParser.ExprInfo
      newInstance(Converter<? super F, ?>, Converter<?, ? extends T>) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.classes.ChainedConverter
      newInstance(Expression<F>, Class<T>...) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.util.ConvertedExpression
      isOptional() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.command.Argument
      newInstance(Class<E>) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.classes.ConfigurationSerializer
      isOptional() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.config.Option
      newInstance(Class<E>) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.classes.Serializer
      isOptional() - Method in class org.skriptlang.skript.lang.entry.EntryData
      newInstance(Class<E>) - Method in class ch.njol.yggdrasil.YggdrasilSerializer
      isParallel() - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.ScriptLoader
      Creates a new instance of the given class.
      Checks if scripts are loaded in multiple threads instead of one thread.
      newInstance(Class<T>) - Method in class ch.njol.yggdrasil.JRESerializer
      isParticle() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.visual.VisualEffectType
      newInstance(String) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.VariableString
      Prints errors
      newInstance(String, ClassInfo<T>, boolean, String) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.function.Parameter
      isPassable() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.BlockStateBlock
      newInstance(String, StringMode) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.VariableString
      Creates an instance of VariableString by parsing given string.
      newInstance(String, Class<? extends T>[]) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.Variable
      Prints errors
      newOutputStream(OutputStream) - Method in class ch.njol.yggdrasil.Yggdrasil
      isPassable() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.DelayedChangeBlock
      newThread(Runnable, String) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.Skript
      Creates a new Thread and sets its UncaughtExceptionHandler.
      newXMLInputStream(InputStream) - Method in class ch.njol.yggdrasil.Yggdrasil
      isPlain() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.aliases.ItemData
      Checks if this item type was created through ExprPlain + and thus has no modifications made to it.
      newXMLOutputStream(OutputStream) - Method in class ch.njol.yggdrasil.Yggdrasil
      isPlural - Variable in class ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptParser.ExprInfo
      isPlural() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.EntityData
      isPreferredTool(ItemStack) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.BlockStateBlock
      isPreferredTool(ItemStack) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.DelayedChangeBlock
      isPrimitive() - Method in class ch.njol.yggdrasil.Fields.FieldContext
      isPrimitive() - Method in enum class ch.njol.yggdrasil.Tag
      isQuotedCorrectly(String, boolean) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.VariableString
      Tests whether a string is correctly quoted, i.e.
      next() - Method in class ch.njol.util.coll.iterator.ArrayIterator
      isRegistered(Class<? extends ParserInstance.Data>) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.parser.ParserInstance
      next() - Method in class ch.njol.util.coll.iterator.CheckedIterator
      isRelative() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.Direction
      next() - Method in class ch.njol.util.coll.iterator.CombinedIterator
      isReplaceable() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.BlockStateBlock
      next() - Method in class ch.njol.util.coll.iterator.ConsumingIterator
      isReplaceable() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.DelayedChangeBlock
      next() - Method in class ch.njol.util.coll.iterator.EmptyIterator
      isRunningCraftBukkit() - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.Skript
      next() - Method in class ch.njol.util.coll.iterator.ImprovedIterator
      isRunningMinecraft(int, int) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.Skript
      next() - Method in class ch.njol.util.coll.iterator.ListRangeIterator
      isRunningMinecraft(int, int, int) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.Skript
      next() - Method in class ch.njol.util.coll.iterator.NonNullIterator
      isRunningMinecraft(Version) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.Skript
      next() - Method in class ch.njol.util.coll.iterator.ReversedListIterator
      isSameSlot(Slot) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.slot.CursorSlot
      next() - Method in class ch.njol.util.coll.iterator.SingleItemIterator
      isSameSlot(Slot) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.slot.DroppedItemSlot
      next() - Method in class ch.njol.util.coll.iterator.StoppableIterator
      isSameSlot(Slot) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.slot.ItemFrameSlot
      next(String, int, ParseContext) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptParser
      Returns the next character in the expression, skipping strings, - variables and parentheses - (unless context is ParseContext.COMMAND).
      nextBracket(String, char, char, int, boolean) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptParser
      isSameSlot(Slot) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.slot.Slot
      Finds the closing bracket of the group at start (i.e.
      Checks if given slot is in same position with this.
      nextIndex() - Method in class ch.njol.util.coll.iterator.ReversedListIterator
      isSameSlot(Slot) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.slot.SlotWithIndex
      nextOccurrence(String, String, int, ParseContext, boolean) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptParser
      Returns the next occurrence of the needle in the haystack.
      nextVariableBracket(String, int) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.VariableString
      Copied from SkriptParser#nextBracket(String, char, char, int, boolean), but removed escaping & returns -1 on error.
      NIGHT_VISION - Enum constant in enum class ch.njol.skript.util.PotionDataUtils
      isSameSlot(Slot) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.slot.ThrowableProjectileSlot
      NIGHT_VISION_LONG - Enum constant in enum class ch.njol.skript.util.PotionDataUtils
      isSection(Class<? extends Section>) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.SectionSkriptEvent
      NO_ARTICLE_MASK - Static variable in class ch.njol.skript.localization.Language
      masks out article flags - useful if the article has been added already (e.g.
      NO_CHAINING - Static variable in interface ch.njol.skript.classes.Converter
      Disallow all chaining.
      NO_CHAINING - Static variable in interface org.skriptlang.skript.lang.converter.Converter
      A Converter flag declaring that this Converter cannot be chained in any way with another Converter.
      NO_COMMAND_ARGUMENTS - Static variable in interface ch.njol.skript.classes.Converter
      NO_DOC - Static variable in class ch.njol.skript.classes.ClassInfo
      isSection(Class<? extends Section>...) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.SectionSkriptEvent
      isSerializable(Class<?>) - Method in class ch.njol.yggdrasil.Yggdrasil
      isSet() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.localization.Message
      Use this as ClassInfo.name(String) to suppress warnings about missing documentation.
      Checks whether this value is set in the current language or the english default.
      NO_DOC - Static variable in class ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptEventInfo
      isSimilar(ItemType) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.aliases.ItemType
      Use this as SkriptEventInfo.description(String...) to prevent warnings about missing documentation.
      Compares two ItemTypes, ignoring stack size.
      NO_GENDER - Static variable in class ch.njol.skript.localization.Noun
      isSimple() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.VariableString
      NO_GENDER_TOKEN - Static variable in class ch.njol.skript.localization.Noun
      isSingle() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.command.Argument
      NO_GROUP_SUPPORT - Static variable in class ch.njol.skript.hooks.VaultHook
      isSingle() - Method in interface ch.njol.skript.lang.Expression
      NO_LEFT_CHAINING - Static variable in interface ch.njol.skript.classes.Converter
      Disallow other converters from being chained to this.
      NO_LEFT_CHAINING - Static variable in interface org.skriptlang.skript.lang.converter.Converter
      A Converter flag declaring that another Converter cannot be chained to this Converter.
      NO_RIGHT_CHAINING - Static variable in interface ch.njol.skript.classes.Converter
      Disallow chaining this with other converters.
      NO_RIGHT_CHAINING - Static variable in interface org.skriptlang.skript.lang.converter.Converter
      isSingle() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.ExpressionList
      isSingle() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.function.Function
      isSingle() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.function.FunctionReference
      isSingle() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.function.Signature
      isSingle() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.UnparsedLiteral
      isSingle() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.util.ContainerExpression
      isSingle() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.util.ConvertedExpression
      isSingle() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.util.SimpleLiteral
      isSingle() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.Variable
      isSingle() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.VariableString
      isSingleValue() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.function.Parameter
      A Converter flag declaring this Converter cannot be chained to another Converter.
      Get whether this parameter takes one or many values.
      node - Variable in class ch.njol.skript.log.LogEntry
      isSmallerThan(Version) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.Version
      Node - Class in ch.njol.skript.config
      isSolid() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.BlockStateBlock
      Node(Config) - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.config.Node
      isSolid() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.DelayedChangeBlock
      Node(String, SectionNode) - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.config.Node
      isStable() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.Version
      Node(String, String, SectionNode, int) - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.config.Node
      isStopped() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.log.LogHandler
      NodeMap - Class in ch.njol.skript.config
      isSubset(Object[], Object[]) - Static method in class ch.njol.util.coll.CollectionUtils
      isSubset(ItemType[], ItemType[]) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.aliases.ItemType
      Map for fast access of entry nodes and section nodes within section nodes.
      Tests whether a given set of ItemTypes is a subset of another set of ItemTypes.
      NodeMap() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.config.NodeMap
      NodeValidator - Interface in ch.njol.skript.config.validate
      NoDoc - Annotation Interface in ch.njol.skript.doc
      isSupertypeOf(ItemType) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.aliases.ItemType
      Annotated element will not appear in documentation, nor will missing - documentation about it cause warnings.
      Checks if this type represents all the items represented by given + item type.
      NONE - Enum constant in enum class ch.njol.skript.log.ErrorQuality
      nonLivingEntityChanger - Static variable in class ch.njol.skript.classes.data.DefaultChangers
      isSupertypeOf(EntityData<?>) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.AxolotlData
      NonNullIterator<T> - Class in ch.njol.util.coll.iterator
      isSupertypeOf(EntityData<?>) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.BeeData
      NonNullIterator() - Constructor for class ch.njol.util.coll.iterator.NonNullIterator
      isSupertypeOf(EntityData<?>) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.BoatChestData
      NonNullPair<T1,T2> - Class in ch.njol.util
      isSupertypeOf(EntityData<?>) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.BoatData
      NonNullPair(NonNullPair<T1, T2>) - Constructor for class ch.njol.util.NonNullPair
      isSupertypeOf(EntityData<?>) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.CatData
      NonNullPair(T1, T2) - Constructor for class ch.njol.util.NonNullPair
      isSupertypeOf(EntityData<?>) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.CreeperData
      nop - Static variable in class ch.njol.skript.localization.RegexMessage
      A pattern that doesn't match anything
      NORMAL - Enum constant in enum class ch.njol.skript.lang.ExpressionType
      NORMAL - Enum constant in enum class ch.njol.skript.localization.Language.LanguageListenerPriority
      isSupertypeOf(EntityData<?>) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.DroppedItemData
      NORMAL - Enum constant in enum class ch.njol.skript.log.Verbosity
      isSupertypeOf(EntityData<?>) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.EndermanData
      normalizePluralMarkers(String) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.localization.Noun
      Normalizes plural markers, i.e.
      not - Static variable in class ch.njol.skript.localization.GeneralWords
      isSupertypeOf(EntityData<?>) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.EntityData
      not() - Method in enum class ch.njol.util.Kleenean
      isSupertypeOf(EntityData<?>) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.FallingBlockData
      NOT_AN_EXPRESSION - Enum constant in enum class ch.njol.skript.log.ErrorQuality
      isSupertypeOf(EntityData<?>) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.FishData
      NOT_EQUAL - Enum constant in enum class ch.njol.skript.classes.Comparator.Relation
      NOT_EQUAL - Enum constant in enum class org.skriptlang.skript.lang.comparator.Relation
      isSupertypeOf(EntityData<?>) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.FoxData
      NOT_STARTED - Enum constant in enum class ch.njol.skript.update.UpdaterState
      The updater has not been started.
      notAnEntryError(Node) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.config.validate.EntryValidator
      isSupertypeOf(EntityData<?>) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.FrogData
      notAnEntryError(Node, String) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.config.validate.EntryValidator
      isSupertypeOf(EntityData<?>) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.GoatData
      notASectionError(Node) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.config.validate.SectionValidator
      isSupertypeOf(EntityData<?>) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.LlamaData
      notchPitch(float) - Static method in class ch.njol.util.VectorMath
      isSupertypeOf(EntityData<?>) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.MinecartData
      notchYaw(float) - Static method in class ch.njol.util.VectorMath
      isSupertypeOf(EntityData<?>) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.MooshroomData
      notEmpty(int[], String) - Static method in class ch.njol.util.Validate
      isSupertypeOf(EntityData<?>) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.OcelotData
      notEmpty(String, String) - Static method in class ch.njol.util.Validate
      isSupertypeOf(EntityData<?>) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.PandaData
      notEmpty(Object[], String) - Static method in class ch.njol.util.Validate
      isSupertypeOf(EntityData<?>) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.ParrotData
      NotifyingReference<V> - Class in ch.njol.util
      isSupertypeOf(EntityData<?>) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.PigData
      NotifyingReference() - Constructor for class ch.njol.util.NotifyingReference
      isSupertypeOf(EntityData<?>) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.RabbitData
      NotifyingReference(V) - Constructor for class ch.njol.util.NotifyingReference
      isSupertypeOf(EntityData<?>) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.SheepData
      NotifyingReference(V, boolean) - Constructor for class ch.njol.util.NotifyingReference
      isSupertypeOf(EntityData<?>) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.SimpleEntityData
      notNull(Object, String) - Static method in class ch.njol.util.Validate
      isSupertypeOf(EntityData<?>) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.ThrownPotionData
      notNull(Object...) - Static method in class ch.njol.util.Validate
      isSupertypeOf(EntityData<?>) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.TropicalFishData
      notNullOrEmpty(Object[], String) - Static method in class ch.njol.util.Validate
      isSupertypeOf(EntityData<?>) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.VillagerData
      notNullOrEmpty(String, String) - Static method in class ch.njol.util.Validate
      isSupertypeOf(EntityData<?>) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.WolfData
      notNullOrEmpty(Collection<?>, String) - Static method in class ch.njol.util.Validate
      isSupertypeOf(EntityData<?>) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.XpOrbData
      notOfType(ClassInfo<?>...) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptParser
      isSupertypeOf(EntityData<?>) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.ZombieVillagerData
      notOfType(Class<?>...) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptParser
      isTrue() - Method in enum class ch.njol.util.Kleenean
      Noun - Class in ch.njol.skript.localization
      isTrue(boolean, String) - Static method in class ch.njol.util.Validate
      Noun(String) - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.localization.Noun
      isUnknown() - Method in enum class ch.njol.util.Kleenean
      NoUpdateChecker - Class in ch.njol.skript.update
      isVaildCodeName(String) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.classes.ClassInfo
      An update checker that never reports available updates.
      NoUpdateChecker() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.update.NoUpdateChecker
      isValidCodeName(String) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.classes.ClassInfo
      now() - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.util.Date
      isValidTool(ItemStack) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.BlockStateBlock
      isValidTool(ItemStack) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.DelayedChangeBlock
      isValidVariableName(String, boolean, boolean) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.Variable
      Get a new Date with the current time
      Checks whether a string is a valid variable name.
      NullableChecker<T> - Interface in ch.njol.util
      isVoid() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.config.Node
      nullChecker - Static variable in interface ch.njol.util.NullableChecker
      isWeather(boolean, boolean) - Method in enum class ch.njol.skript.util.WeatherType
      NUMBER - Static variable in class ch.njol.skript.registrations.DefaultClasses
      isWeather(World) - Method in enum class ch.njol.skript.util.WeatherType
      NUMBER_PATTERN - Static variable in class ch.njol.skript.classes.data.JavaClasses
      isWrapper() - Method in enum class ch.njol.yggdrasil.Tag
      numberAccuracy - Static variable in class ch.njol.skript.SkriptConfig
      Maximum number of digits to display after the period for floats and doubles
      numberAfter(CharSequence, int) - Static method in class ch.njol.util.StringUtils
      Shorthand for numberAt(s, index, true)
      NumberArithmetic - Class in ch.njol.skript.classes
      isWrapper(Class<?>) - Static method in enum class ch.njol.yggdrasil.Tag
      NumberArithmetic() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.classes.NumberArithmetic
      italic - Enum constant in enum class ch.njol.skript.util.chat.SkriptChatCode
      numberAt(CharSequence, int, boolean) - Static method in class ch.njol.util.StringUtils
      italic - Variable in class ch.njol.skript.util.chat.MessageComponent
      Finds a positive number in the given CharSequence, starting at the given index, and searching in the given direction.
      Makes text italic.
      numberBefore(CharSequence, int) - Static method in class ch.njol.util.StringUtils
      item - Variable in class ch.njol.skript.bukkitutil.BurgerHelper.Items
      itemChanger - Static variable in class ch.njol.skript.classes.data.DefaultChangers
      ItemData - Class in ch.njol.skript.aliases
      ItemData() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.aliases.ItemData
      Shorthand for numberAt(s, index, false)
      Only to be used for serialization.
      NumberExpressionInfo - Class in ch.njol.skript.expressions.arithmetic
      ItemData(ItemData) - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.aliases.ItemData
      NumberExpressionInfo(Expression<? extends Number>) - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.expressions.arithmetic.NumberExpressionInfo
      ItemData(Block) - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.aliases.ItemData
      numConstants() - Method in class ch.njol.yggdrasil.PseudoEnum
      ItemData(BlockState) - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.aliases.ItemData
      numeric_id - Variable in class ch.njol.skript.bukkitutil.BurgerHelper.ItemOrBlock
      ItemData(ItemStack) - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.aliases.ItemData
      numErrors() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.log.RedirectingLogHandler
      ItemData(ItemStack, BlockValues) - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.aliases.ItemData
      numItems() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.aliases.ItemType
      ItemData(Material) - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.aliases.ItemData
      numTypes() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.aliases.ItemType
      ItemData(Material, int) - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.aliases.ItemData
      numVariables() - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.variables.Variables
      ItemData(Material, String) - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.aliases.ItemData
      ItemData.OldItemData - Class in ch.njol.skript.aliases
      Gets the amount of variables currently on the server.
      Represents old ItemData (before aliases rework and MC 1.13).


      obfuscated - Enum constant in enum class ch.njol.skript.util.chat.SkriptChatCode
      obfuscated - Variable in class ch.njol.skript.util.chat.MessageComponent
      itemDataValues - Static variable in class ch.njol.skript.aliases.ItemData
      Makes text obfuscated, i.e.
      Deprecated. +
      before 1.13 is no longer supported
      OBJECT - Static variable in class ch.njol.skript.registrations.DefaultClasses
      OcelotData - Class in ch.njol.skript.entity
      ItemFlags - Class in ch.njol.skript.aliases
      Contains bit mask flags for some item properties.
      ItemFlags() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.aliases.ItemFlags
      OcelotData() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.entity.OcelotData
      ItemFrameSlot - Class in ch.njol.skript.util.slot
      Represents contents of an item frame.
      ItemFrameSlot(ItemFrame) - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.util.slot.ItemFrameSlot
      OFF_HAND - Enum constant in enum class ch.njol.skript.util.slot.EquipmentSlot.EquipSlot
      ItemOrBlock() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.bukkitutil.BurgerHelper.ItemOrBlock
      OFFLINE_PLAYER - Static variable in class ch.njol.skript.registrations.DefaultClasses
      items - Variable in class ch.njol.skript.bukkitutil.BurgerHelper.Burger
      OldItemData() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.aliases.ItemData.OldItemData
      Items() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.bukkitutil.BurgerHelper.Items
      onActive(Script) - Method in interface org.skriptlang.skript.lang.script.ScriptEvent.ScriptActiveEvent
      itemStacksEqual(ItemStack, ItemStack) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.bukkitutil.ItemUtils
      Called when this Script is made active in a ParserInstance.
      Tests whether two item stacks are of the same type, i.e.
      onAdd(CommandHelp) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.command.CommandHelp
      ItemType - Class in ch.njol.skript.aliases
      onCommand(CommandSender, Command, String, String[]) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.command.ScriptCommand
      ItemType() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.aliases.ItemType
      onCommand(CommandSender, Command, String, String[]) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.SkriptCommand
      ItemType(ItemData) - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.aliases.ItemType
      onCurrentEventsChange(Class<? extends Event>[]) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.parser.ParserInstance.Data
      ItemType(Block) - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.aliases.ItemType
      onCurrentScriptChange(Config) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.parser.ParserInstance.Data
      ItemType(BlockState) - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.aliases.ItemType
      ItemType(ItemStack) - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.aliases.ItemType
      ItemType(Material) - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.aliases.ItemType
      ItemType(Material, String) - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.aliases.ItemType
      ItemUtils - Class in ch.njol.skript.bukkitutil
      Deprecated. - -
      Miscellaneous static utility methods related to items.
      onDisable() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.Skript
      ItemUtils() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.bukkitutil.ItemUtils
      onEnable() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.Skript
      iterator() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.aliases.ItemType
      onInactive(Script) - Method in interface org.skriptlang.skript.lang.script.ScriptEvent.ScriptInactiveEvent
      iterator() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.config.SectionNode
      Called when this Script is made inactive in a ParserInstance.
      Iterator over all non-void nodes of this section.
      onLanguageChange() - Method in interface ch.njol.skript.localization.LanguageChangeListener
      iterator() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.log.HandlerList
      onPluginDisable(PluginDisableEvent) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.Skript
      iterator() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.AABB
      Returns an iterator which iterates over all blocks that are in this AABB
      iterator() - Method in class ch.njol.util.coll.iterator.EmptyIterable
      onRegistrationsStop() - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.registrations.Classes
      iterator() - Method in class ch.njol.util.coll.iterator.EnumerationIterable
      onRegistrationStop() - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.EntityData
      iterator() - Method in class ch.njol.util.coll.iterator.IteratorIterable
      onSkriptStart() - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.events.EvtSkript
      iterator() - Method in class ch.njol.util.coll.iterator.SingleItemIterable
      onSkriptStop() - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.events.EvtSkript
      iterator() - Method in class ch.njol.util.coll.ReversedListView
      onStop() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.log.ErrorDescLogHandler
      iterator() - Method in class ch.njol.yggdrasil.Fields
      onStop() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.log.LogHandler
      iterator(Event) - Method in interface ch.njol.skript.lang.Expression
      Called just after the handler is removed from the active handlers stack.
      Returns the same as Expression.getArray(Event) but as an iterator.
      onStop() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.log.RetainingLogHandler
      onSuccess() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.log.ErrorDescLogHandler
      iterator(Event) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.ExpressionList
      onTabComplete(CommandSender, Command, String, String[]) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.command.ScriptCommand
      iterator(Event) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.UnparsedLiteral
      onTabComplete(CommandSender, Command, String, String[]) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.SkriptCommandTabCompleter
      iterator(Event) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.util.ContainerExpression
      onValueChange() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.config.Option
      iterator(Event) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.util.ConvertedExpression
      onValueChange() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.localization.Adjective
      iterator(Event) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.util.ConvertedLiteral
      onValueChange() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.localization.Message
      Called when this Message's value changes.
      onValueChange() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.localization.Noun
      iterator(Event) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.util.SimpleExpression
      onValueChange() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.localization.RegexMessage
      iterator(Event) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.util.SimpleLiteral
      open() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.log.LogHandler
      iterator(Event) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.Variable
      open() - Method in interface ch.njol.util.OpenCloseable
      iterator(Event) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.VariableString
      open_url - Enum constant in enum class ch.njol.skript.util.chat.MessageComponent.ClickEvent.Action
      IteratorIterable<T> - Class in ch.njol.util.coll.iterator
      open_url - Enum constant in enum class ch.njol.skript.util.chat.SkriptChatCode
      IteratorIterable(Iterator<T>) - Constructor for class ch.njol.util.coll.iterator.IteratorIterable
      OpenCloseable - Interface in ch.njol.util


      JAVA - Enum constant in enum class ch.njol.skript.lang.function.Namespace.Origin
      A object that can both be opened and closed.
      Functions implemented in Java.
      Operator - Enum Class in ch.njol.skript.expressions.arithmetic
      JavaClasses - Class in ch.njol.skript.classes.data
      Option<T> - Class in ch.njol.skript.config
      JavaClasses() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.classes.data.JavaClasses
      Option(String, T) - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.config.Option
      JavaFunction<T> - Class in ch.njol.skript.lang.function
      Option(String, T, Converter<String, ? extends T>) - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.config.Option
      JavaFunction(Signature<T>) - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.lang.function.JavaFunction
      optional(boolean) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.config.Option
      JavaFunction(String, Parameter<?>[], ClassInfo<T>, boolean) - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.lang.function.JavaFunction
      OptionalPatternElement - Class in ch.njol.skript.patterns
      javaItemType(String) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.aliases.Aliases
      A PatternElement that contains an optional part, for example [hello world].
      Gets an item type that matches the given name.
      OptionalPatternElement(PatternElement) - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.patterns.OptionalPatternElement
      options - Variable in class ch.njol.skript.classes.Converter.ConverterInfo
      OptionsData() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.structures.StructOptions.OptionsData
      join(Iterable<?>) - Static method in class ch.njol.util.StringUtils
      OptionSection - Class in ch.njol.skript.config
      join(Iterable<?>, String) - Static method in class ch.njol.util.StringUtils
      OptionSection(String) - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.config.OptionSection
      join(Object[]) - Static method in class ch.njol.util.StringUtils
      or - Static variable in class ch.njol.skript.localization.GeneralWords
      join(Object[], String) - Static method in class ch.njol.util.StringUtils
      or(Kleenean) - Method in enum class ch.njol.util.Kleenean
      join(Object[], String, int, int) - Static method in class ch.njol.util.StringUtils
      OR_PATTERN - Static variable in class ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptParser
      join(Iterator<?>, String) - Static method in class ch.njol.util.StringUtils
      ORANGE - Enum constant in enum class ch.njol.skript.util.SkriptColor
      join(Iterable<?>) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.util.Utils
      ordinal() - Method in class ch.njol.yggdrasil.PseudoEnum
      Returns the unique ID of this constant.
      org.skriptlang.skript.lang.comparator - package org.skriptlang.skript.lang.comparator
      This file is part of Skript.
      org.skriptlang.skript.lang.converter - package org.skriptlang.skript.lang.converter
      This file is part of Skript.
      org.skriptlang.skript.lang.entry - package org.skriptlang.skript.lang.entry
      This file is part of Skript.
      org.skriptlang.skript.lang.entry.util - package org.skriptlang.skript.lang.entry.util
      This file is part of Skript.
      org.skriptlang.skript.lang.script - package org.skriptlang.skript.lang.script
      This file is part of Skript.
      org.skriptlang.skript.lang.structure - package org.skriptlang.skript.lang.structure
      This file is part of Skript.
      originClassPath - Variable in class ch.njol.skript.lang.SyntaxElementInfo
      join(Object[]) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.util.Utils
      OUTDATED - Enum constant in enum class ch.njol.skript.update.ReleaseStatus
      JREFieldHandler - Class in ch.njol.yggdrasil.util
      Old, probably unsupported release.
      Handles common JRE-related incompatible field types.
      outdatedError() - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.Skript
      outdatedError(Exception) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.Skript


      Pair<T1,T2> - Class in ch.njol.util
      Pair() - Constructor for class ch.njol.util.Pair
      JREFieldHandler() - Constructor for class ch.njol.yggdrasil.util.JREFieldHandler
      Pair(T1, T2) - Constructor for class ch.njol.util.Pair
      JRESerializer - Class in ch.njol.yggdrasil
      Pair(Map.Entry<T1, T2>) - Constructor for class ch.njol.util.Pair
      JRESerializer() - Constructor for class ch.njol.yggdrasil.JRESerializer
      PandaData - Class in ch.njol.skript.entity
      JUNGLE - Enum constant in enum class ch.njol.skript.util.StructureType
      PandaData() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.entity.PandaData
      JUNGLE_BUSH - Enum constant in enum class ch.njol.skript.util.StructureType
      PandaData(Panda.Gene, Panda.Gene) - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.entity.PandaData


      keepConfigsLoaded - Static variable in class ch.njol.skript.SkriptConfig
      PaperEntityUtils - Class in ch.njol.skript.bukkitutil
      keepLastUsageDates - Static variable in class ch.njol.skript.SkriptConfig
      PaperEntityUtils() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.bukkitutil.PaperEntityUtils
      key - Variable in class ch.njol.skript.config.Node
      PaperEntityUtils.LookGoal - Class in ch.njol.skript.bukkitutil
      key - Variable in class ch.njol.skript.config.Option
      PaperResource(String, String) - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.test.platform.Environment.PaperResource
      key - Variable in class ch.njol.skript.config.OptionSection
      PARAM_PATTERN - Static variable in class ch.njol.skript.lang.function.Parameter
      key - Variable in class ch.njol.skript.localization.Message
      Parameter<T> - Class in ch.njol.skript.lang.function
      Key(Namespace.Origin, String) - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.lang.function.Namespace.Key
      Parameter(String, ClassInfo<T>, boolean, Expression<? extends T>) - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.lang.function.Parameter
      keybind - Enum constant in enum class ch.njol.skript.util.chat.SkriptChatCode
      parent - Variable in class ch.njol.skript.config.Node
      keybind - Variable in class ch.njol.skript.util.chat.MessageComponent
      parent - Variable in class ch.njol.skript.lang.TriggerItem
      keyExists(String) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.localization.Language
      ParrotData - Class in ch.njol.skript.entity
      keyExistsDefault(String) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.localization.Language
      ParrotData() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.entity.ParrotData
      keys - Variable in class ch.njol.skript.aliases.AliasesProvider.VariationGroup
      ParrotData(int) - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.entity.ParrotData
      keySet() - Method in class ch.njol.util.coll.BidiHashMap
      parse(String) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.EntityData
      KeyValueEntryData<T> - Class in org.skriptlang.skript.lang.entry
      Prints errors.
      An entry based on SimpleNodes containing a key and a value.
      parse(String) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.EntityType
      parse(String) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.hooks.economy.classes.Money
      parse(String) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.function.EffFunctionCall
      KeyValueEntryData(String, T, boolean) - Constructor for class org.skriptlang.skript.lang.entry.KeyValueEntryData
      parse(String) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.function.Parameter
      keywords(String...) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.function.JavaFunction
      Parses function parameters from a string.
      Only used for Skript's documentation.
      parse(String) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.util.chat.ChatMessages
      keywords(String...) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptEventInfo
      Parses a string to list of chat message components.
      Only used for Skript's documentation.
      parse(String) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.util.EnchantmentType
      Keywords - Annotation Interface in ch.njol.skript.doc
      Parses an enchantment type from string.
      Provides a list of keywords that will allow for easier documentation searching.
      parse(String) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.EnumUtils
      Kleenean - Enum Class in ch.njol.util
      A three-valued logic type (true, unknown, false), named after Stephen Cole Kleene.


      language - Static variable in class ch.njol.skript.SkriptConfig
      parse(String) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.util.SoundUtils
      Language - Class in ch.njol.skript.localization
      parse(String) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.util.Time
      Language() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.localization.Language
      parse(String) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.util.Timespan
      LANGUAGE_NODE - Static variable in class ch.njol.skript.entity.EntityData
      parse(String) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.util.visual.VisualEffects
      Language.LanguageListenerPriority - Enum Class in ch.njol.skript.localization
      parse(String) - Static method in enum class ch.njol.skript.util.WeatherType
      LanguageChangeListener - Interface in ch.njol.skript.localization
      parse(String, String) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.Condition
      last - Variable in class ch.njol.skript.lang.TriggerSection
      parse(String, String) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.Effect
      lastIndexOf(Object) - Method in class ch.njol.util.coll.CyclicList
      parse(String, String, SectionNode, List<TriggerItem>) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.EffectSection
      Similar to Section.parse(String, String, SectionNode, List), but will only attempt to parse from other EffectSections.
      parse(String, String, SectionNode, List<TriggerItem>) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.Section
      lastIndexOf(Object) - Method in class ch.njol.util.coll.ReversedListView
      parse(String, SectionNode, String) - Static method in class org.skriptlang.skript.lang.structure.Structure
      lastIndexOf(T[], T) - Static method in class ch.njol.util.coll.CollectionUtils
      parse(String, ParseContext) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.classes.Parser
      Parses the input.
      parse(String, Class<T>, ParseContext) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.registrations.Classes
      LATEST - Enum constant in enum class ch.njol.skript.localization.Language.LanguageListenerPriority
      LATEST - Enum constant in enum class ch.njol.skript.update.ReleaseStatus
      Parses a string to get an object of the desired type.
      Latest release in channel.
      parse(String, String) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptParser
      LATEST_VERSION - Static variable in class ch.njol.yggdrasil.Yggdrasil
      Parses the text as the given pattern as ParseContext.COMMAND.
      latest protocol version
      parse(String, String) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.Statement
      LEAPING - Enum constant in enum class ch.njol.skript.util.PotionDataUtils
      parse(String, Iterator<? extends SyntaxElementInfo<T>>, String) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptParser
      Parses a string as one of the given syntax elements.
      parse(List<Object>) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.arithmetic.ArithmeticChain
      LEAPING_LONG - Enum constant in enum class ch.njol.skript.util.PotionDataUtils
      PARSE_EXPRESSIONS - Static variable in class ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptParser
      LEAPING_STRONG - Enum constant in enum class ch.njol.skript.util.PotionDataUtils
      PARSE_LITERALS - Static variable in class ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptParser
      LEGGINGS - Enum constant in enum class ch.njol.skript.util.slot.EquipmentSlot.EquipSlot
      parseAlias(String) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.aliases.Aliases
      Parses an ItemType to be used as an alias, i.e.
      parseArguments(String, ScriptCommand, ScriptCommandEvent) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptParser
      Prints parse errors (i.e.
      parseBlockStates(String) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.aliases.AliasesParser
      length() - Method in class ch.njol.util.CaseInsensitiveString
      LENIENT - Enum constant in enum class ch.njol.skript.util.chat.LinkParseMode
      Parses block states from string input to a map.
      Parses everything with "." as a link.
      parseByEffectType(PotionEffectType) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.util.PotionEffectUtils
      level - Variable in class ch.njol.skript.log.LogEntry
      ParseContext - Enum Class in ch.njol.skript.lang
      LIGHT_CYAN - Enum constant in enum class ch.njol.skript.util.SkriptColor
      ParsedEntryValidator<T> - Class in ch.njol.skript.config.validate
      LIGHT_GREEN - Enum constant in enum class ch.njol.skript.util.SkriptColor
      ParsedEntryValidator(Parser<? extends T>, Setter<T>) - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.config.validate.ParsedEntryValidator
      LIGHT_GREY - Enum constant in enum class ch.njol.skript.util.SkriptColor
      parseEnchantment(String) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.util.EnchantmentType
      light_purple - Enum constant in enum class ch.njol.skript.util.chat.SkriptChatCode
      parseExpression(SkriptParser.ExprInfo) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptParser
      LIGHT_PURPLE - Enum constant in enum class ch.njol.skript.util.SkriptColor
      parseExpression(Class<? extends T>...) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptParser
      LIGHT_RED - Enum constant in enum class ch.njol.skript.util.SkriptColor
      parseFunction(Class<? extends T>...) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptParser
      lineNum - Variable in class ch.njol.skript.config.Node
      parseHexColor(String) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.util.Utils
      Tries to get a ChatColor from the given string.
      parseInt(String) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.util.Utils
      linkParseMode - Static variable in class ch.njol.skript.util.chat.ChatMessages
      Parses a number that was validated to be an integer but might still result in a NumberFormatException when parsed with Integer.parseInt(String) due to - overflow.
      Link parse mode for potential links which are not marked with tags.
      parseItemType(String) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.aliases.Aliases
      LinkParseMode - Enum Class in ch.njol.skript.util.chat
      Parses an ItemType.
      Parse mode for links in chat messages.
      parseKeyPattern(String) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.aliases.AliasesParser
      LIST_SPLIT_PATTERN - Static variable in class ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptParser
      Parses alias key pattern using some black magic.
      Matches ',', 'and', 'or', etc.
      parseKeyVariations(String) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.aliases.AliasesParser
      listenCancelled - Static variable in class ch.njol.skript.SkriptEventHandler
      Parses all possible variations from given name.
      Events which are listened even if they are cancelled.
      parseLinks - Static variable in class ch.njol.skript.SkriptConfig
      listIterator() - Method in class ch.njol.util.coll.ReversedListView
      parseLiteral(String, Class<T>, ParseContext) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptParser
      Parses a single literal, i.e.
      ParseLogHandler - Class in ch.njol.skript.log
      listIterator(int) - Method in class ch.njol.util.coll.ReversedListView
      ParseLogHandler() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.log.ParseLogHandler
      ListRangeIterator<T> - Class in ch.njol.util.coll.iterator
      parseLong(String) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.util.Utils
      ListRangeIterator(List<T>, int, int) - Constructor for class ch.njol.util.coll.iterator.ListRangeIterator
      listSplitPattern - Static variable in class ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptParser
      Parses a number that was validated to be an integer but might still result in a NumberFormatException when parsed with Long.parseLong(String) due to - overflow.
      Deprecated. +
      due to bad naming conventions, + use SkriptParser.LIST_SPLIT_PATTERN instead.
      parseMojangson(String) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.aliases.AliasesProvider
      Literal<T> - Interface in ch.njol.skript.lang
      Uses GSON to parse Mojang's JSON format to a map.
      A literal, e.g.
      parser - Variable in class ch.njol.skript.aliases.ScriptAliases
      LiteralEntryData<T> - Class in org.skriptlang.skript.lang.entry.util
      Aliases parser linked to our provider.
      A specific KeyValueEntryData type designed to parse the + entry's value as a supported literal type.
      parser(Parser<? extends T>) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.classes.ClassInfo
      LiteralEntryData(String, T, boolean, Class<T>) - Constructor for class org.skriptlang.skript.lang.entry.util.LiteralEntryData
      Parser<T> - Class in ch.njol.skript.classes
      LiteralList<T> - Class in ch.njol.skript.lang
      A parser used to parse data from a string or turn data into a string.
      A list of literals.
      Parser() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.classes.Parser
      LiteralList(Literal<? extends T>[], Class<T>, boolean) - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.lang.LiteralList
      ParseResult(SkriptParser, String) - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptParser.ParseResult
      LiteralList(Literal<? extends T>[], Class<T>, boolean, LiteralList<?>) - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.lang.LiteralList
      ParseResult(String, Expression<?>[]) - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptParser.ParseResult
      LiteralPatternElement - Class in ch.njol.skript.patterns
      A PatternElement that contains a literal string to be matched, for example hello world.
      LiteralPatternElement(String) - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.patterns.LiteralPatternElement
      ParserInstance - Class in ch.njol.skript.lang.parser
      LiteralUtils - Class in ch.njol.skript.util
      A class that contains methods based around + making it easier to deal with UnparsedLiteral + objects.
      LiteralUtils() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.util.LiteralUtils
      ParserInstance() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.lang.parser.ParserInstance
      LlamaData - Class in ch.njol.skript.entity
      ParserInstance.Data - Class in ch.njol.skript.lang.parser
      LlamaData() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.entity.LlamaData
      LlamaData(Llama.Color, boolean) - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.entity.LlamaData
      load() - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.aliases.Aliases
      An abstract class for addons that want to add data bound to a ParserInstance.
      Loads aliases from Skript's standard locations.
      parseSignature(String, String, String, String, boolean) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.function.Functions
      load() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.SelfRegisteringSkriptEvent
      Parses the signature from the given arguments.
      parseSimple(String, Class<T>, ParseContext) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.registrations.Classes
      +  +
      load() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptEvent
      Parses without trying to convert anything.
      This method handles the loading of the Structure's syntax elements.
      parseStatic(String, Iterator<? extends SyntaxElementInfo<? extends T>>, String) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptParser
      parseStatic(String, Iterator<? extends SyntaxElementInfo<? extends T>>, ParseContext, String) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptParser
      ParseTagPatternElement - Class in ch.njol.skript.patterns
      load() - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.variables.Variables
      A PatternElement that applies a parse mark when matched.
      Load the variables configuration and all variables.
      ParseTagPatternElement(int) - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.patterns.ParseTagPatternElement
      ParseTagPatternElement(String) - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.patterns.ParseTagPatternElement
      parseToArray(String) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.util.chat.ChatMessages
      parseType(String) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.util.PotionEffectUtils
      parseVariation(String) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.aliases.AliasesParser
      load() - Method in class org.skriptlang.skript.lang.structure.Structure
      Parses a single variation from a string.
      The second phase of Structure loading.
      parseWithoutIndefiniteArticle(String) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.EntityData
      load(Config) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.aliases.Aliases
      Prints errors.
      Loads aliases from configuration.
      ParticleOption - Class in ch.njol.skript.util.visual
      ParticleOption(Color, float) - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.util.visual.ParticleOption
      PassengerUtils - Class in ch.njol.skript.bukkitutil
      PatcherTool - Class in ch.njol.skript
      load(SectionNode) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.aliases.AliasesParser
      Allows binary-patching old versions of Skript from this jar.
      Loads aliases from a section node.
      patchNotes - Variable in class ch.njol.skript.update.UpdateManifest
      load(SectionNode) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.variables.VariablesStorage
      Patch notes for the update.
      Loads the configuration for this variable storage + from the given section node.
      PATTERN_MATCHES_EVERYTHING - Enum constant in enum class ch.njol.skript.lang.ExpressionType
      load(Class<?>) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.config.Config
      Expressions whose pattern matches (almost) everything, e.g.
      Sets all static Option fields of the given class to the values from this config
      PatternCompiler - Class in ch.njol.skript.patterns
      load(Object) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.config.Config
      The pattern structure is a linked list of PatternElements, - where PatternElement.next points to the next element to be matched, - which can be on an outer level, and where PatternElement.originalNext points - to the next element on the same level.
      Sets all Option fields of the given object to the values from this config
      PatternCompiler() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.patterns.PatternCompiler
      PatternElement - Class in ch.njol.skript.patterns
      PatternElement() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.patterns.PatternElement
      patterns - Variable in class ch.njol.skript.lang.SyntaxElementInfo
      load(String) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.localization.Language
      Patterns<T> - Class in ch.njol.skript.util
      load(String) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.update.ReleaseManifest
      A helper class useful when a expression/condition/effect/etc.
      Loads a release manifest from JSON.
      Patterns(Object[][]) - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.util.Patterns
      PatternSlot(String) - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.aliases.AliasesParser.PatternSlot
      permission - Static variable in class ch.njol.skript.hooks.VaultHook
      permutation(byte, byte) - Static method in class ch.njol.util.coll.CollectionUtils
      load(Path) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.aliases.Aliases
      Creates a permutation of all bytes in the interval [start, end]
      Loads aliases from given path.
      permutation(int) - Static method in class ch.njol.util.coll.CollectionUtils
      load_i(SectionNode) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.variables.FlatFileStorage
      Shorthand for permutation(0, length - 1)
      Loads the variables in the CSV file.
      permutation(int, int) - Static method in class ch.njol.util.coll.CollectionUtils
      load_i(SectionNode) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.variables.SQLStorage
      Creates a permutation of all integers in the interval [start, end]
      Doesn't lock the database for reading (it's not used anywhere else, and locking while loading will interfere with loaded variables being deleted by + Variables.variableLoaded(String, Object, VariablesStorage)).
      PI - Static variable in class ch.njol.util.VectorMath
      PigData - Class in ch.njol.skript.entity
      PigData() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.entity.PigData
      pitchToRadians(float) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.util.Direction
      plainText(String) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.util.chat.ChatMessages
      load_i(SectionNode) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.variables.VariablesStorage
      Constructs plain text only message component.
      Loads variables stored here.
      PlatformMain - Class in ch.njol.skript.test.platform
      loadAlias(String, String) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.aliases.AliasesParser
      Main entry point of test platform.
      Loads an alias with given name (key pattern) and data (material id and tags).
      PlatformMain() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.test.platform.PlatformMain
      play(Player[], Location, Entity, int, int) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.visual.VisualEffect
      PLAYER - Static variable in class ch.njol.skript.registrations.DefaultClasses
      playerChanger - Static variable in class ch.njol.skript.classes.data.DefaultChangers
      playerNameRegexPattern - Static variable in class ch.njol.skript.SkriptConfig
      PLAYERS - Static variable in class ch.njol.skript.command.ScriptCommand
      PlayerUtils - Class in ch.njol.skript.bukkitutil
      loadClasses(String, String...) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.SkriptAddon
      Contains utility methods related to players
      Loads classes of the plugin by package.
      PlayerUtils() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.bukkitutil.PlayerUtils
      plugin - Variable in class ch.njol.skript.hooks.Hook
      plugin - Variable in class ch.njol.skript.SkriptAddon
      plugins - Static variable in class ch.njol.skript.hooks.regions.RegionsPlugin
      plural - Variable in class ch.njol.skript.aliases.AliasesProvider.AliasName
      loadCode(SectionNode) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.Section
      Plural form of alias name.
      Loads the code in the given SectionNode, + appropriately modifying ParserInstance.getCurrentSections().
      PLURAL - Static variable in class ch.njol.skript.localization.Noun
      PLURAL_TOKEN - Static variable in class ch.njol.skript.localization.Noun
      PluralizingArgsMessage - Class in ch.njol.skript.localization
      loadCode(SectionNode, String, Runnable, Class<? extends Event>...) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.Section
      An ArgsMessage that pluralises words following numbers.
      Loads the code in the given SectionNode, + appropriately modifying ParserInstance.getCurrentSections().
      PluralizingArgsMessage(String) - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.localization.PluralizingArgsMessage
      plus(Timespan) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.Date
      loadCode(SectionNode, String, Class<? extends Event>...) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.Section
      Get a new instance of this Date with the added timespan
      Loads the code in the given SectionNode, + appropriately modifying ParserInstance.getCurrentSections().
      PLUS - Enum constant in enum class ch.njol.skript.expressions.arithmetic.Operator
      POISON - Enum constant in enum class ch.njol.skript.util.PotionDataUtils
      POISON_LONG - Enum constant in enum class ch.njol.skript.util.PotionDataUtils
      POISON_STRONG - Enum constant in enum class ch.njol.skript.util.PotionDataUtils
      postLoad() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.events.EvtAtTime
      postLoad() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.events.EvtExperienceSpawn
      postLoad() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.events.EvtMoveOn
      postLoad() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.events.EvtPeriodical
      postLoad() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.events.EvtScript
      postLoad() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.events.EvtSkript
      loadDefault(SkriptAddon) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.localization.Language
      postLoad() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.hooks.regions.events.EvtRegionBorder
      loadDefaultAliases - Static variable in class ch.njol.skript.SkriptConfig
      postLoad() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.SelfRegisteringSkriptEvent
      postLoad() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptEvent
      loadDirectory(Path) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.aliases.Aliases
      This method handles the registration of this event with Skript and Bukkit.
      Loads aliases from given directory.
      postLoad() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.structures.StructCommand
      postLoad() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.structures.StructFunction
      postLoad() - Method in class org.skriptlang.skript.lang.structure.Structure
      loadedScripts() - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.ScriptLoader
      The third and final phase of Structure loading.
      Deprecated. + +
      postUnload() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptEvent
      loadedTriggers() - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.ScriptLoader
      This method handles the unregistration of this event with Skript and Bukkit.
      Deprecated. +
      Use ScriptLoader.getLoadedScripts() and Script.getStructures().size(). + Please note that a Structure may have multiple triggers, and this is only an estimate.
      postUnload() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.structures.StructCommand
      postUnload() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.structures.StructVariables
      loadFromFile(File, Class<T>) - Method in class ch.njol.yggdrasil.Yggdrasil
      postUnload() - Method in class org.skriptlang.skript.lang.structure.Structure
      loadFunction(Script, SectionNode, Signature<?>) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.function.Functions
      Called when this structure is unloaded.
      Loads a script function from given node.
      PotionDataUtils - Enum Class in ch.njol.skript.util
      PotionEffectUtils - Class in ch.njol.skript.util
      power(A, R) - Method in interface ch.njol.skript.classes.Arithmetic
      power(Number, Number) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.classes.NumberArithmetic
      power(Vector, Vector) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.classes.VectorArithmethic
      PreciousStonesHook - Class in ch.njol.skript.hooks.regions
      PreciousStonesHook() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.hooks.regions.PreciousStonesHook
      PreciousStonesHook.PreciousStonesRegion - Class in ch.njol.skript.hooks.regions
      PreciousStonesRegion(Field) - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.hooks.regions.PreciousStonesHook.PreciousStonesRegion
      Predicate<T> - Interface in ch.njol.util
      preLoad() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptEvent
      loadItems(SectionNode) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.ScriptLoader
      This method handles the loading of the Structure's syntax elements.
      Loads a section by converting it to TriggerItems.
      preLoad() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.structures.StructFunction
      preLoad() - Method in class org.skriptlang.skript.lang.structure.Structure
      loadOptionalCode(SectionNode) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.Section
      The first phase of Structure loading.
      Loads the code using Section.loadCode(SectionNode).
      prerelease - Variable in class ch.njol.skript.update.GithubChecker.ResponseEntry
      PreScriptLoadEvent - Class in ch.njol.skript.events.bukkit
      loadScripts(Config...) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.ScriptLoader
      This event has no guarantee of being on the main thread.
      Deprecated. +
      Callers should not be using configs. Use ScriptLoader.loadScripts(Set, OpenCloseable).
      PreScriptLoadEvent(List<Config>) - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.events.bukkit.PreScriptLoadEvent
      previous() - Method in class ch.njol.util.coll.iterator.ReversedListIterator
      previousIndex() - Method in class ch.njol.util.coll.iterator.ReversedListIterator
      printError() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.log.ParseLogHandler
      printError(String) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.log.ParseLogHandler
      loadScripts(File, OpenCloseable) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.ScriptLoader
      Prints the best error or the given error if no error has been logged.
      Loads the Script present at the file using ScriptLoader.loadScripts(List, OpenCloseable), + sending info/error messages when done.
      printError(String, ErrorQuality) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.log.ParseLogHandler
      printErrors() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.log.RetainingLogHandler
      printErrors(String) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.log.RetainingLogHandler
      loadScripts(List<Config>) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.ScriptLoader
      Prints all retained errors or the given one if no errors were retained.
      Deprecated. +
      Callers should not be using configs. Use ScriptLoader.loadScripts(Set, OpenCloseable).
      printErrors(String, ErrorQuality) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.log.RetainingLogHandler
      printErrors(CommandSender, String) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.log.RetainingLogHandler
      loadScripts(List<Config>, List<LogEntry>) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.ScriptLoader
      Sends all retained error messages to the given recipient.
      Deprecated. +
      Callers should not be using configs. Use ScriptLoader.loadScripts(Set, OpenCloseable).
      printLog() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.log.ParseLogHandler
      loadScripts(Set<File>, OpenCloseable) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.ScriptLoader
      Prints the retained log
      Loads the Scripts present at the files using ScriptLoader.loadScripts(List, OpenCloseable), + sending info/error messages when done.
      printLog() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.log.RetainingLogHandler
      loadSingleAlias(Map<String, AliasesProvider.Variation>, String) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.aliases.AliasesParser
      loadStructure(Config) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.ScriptLoader
      Prints all retained log messages.
      Deprecated. +
      This method has no functionality, it just returns its input.
      printLog(boolean) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.log.ParseLogHandler
      loadVariations(SectionNode) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.aliases.AliasesParser
      Loads variations from a section node.
      LOCAL_VARIABLE_TOKEN - Static variable in class ch.njol.skript.lang.Variable
      priority - Variable in class ch.njol.skript.SkriptEventHandler.PriorityListener
      LOCATION - Static variable in class ch.njol.skript.registrations.DefaultClasses
      Priority(int) - Constructor for class org.skriptlang.skript.lang.structure.Structure.Priority
      log(LogEntry) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.log.SkriptLogger
      PRIORITY - Static variable in class ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptEvent
      log(LogEntry) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.log.BlockingLogHandler
      PRIORITY - Static variable in class ch.njol.skript.structures.StructAliases
      log(LogEntry) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.log.CountingLogHandler
      PRIORITY - Static variable in class ch.njol.skript.structures.StructCommand
      log(LogEntry) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.log.ErrorDescLogHandler
      PRIORITY - Static variable in class ch.njol.skript.structures.StructFunction
      log(LogEntry) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.log.FilteringLogHandler
      PRIORITY - Static variable in class ch.njol.skript.structures.StructOptions
      log(LogEntry) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.log.LogHandler
      PRIORITY - Static variable in class ch.njol.skript.structures.StructVariables
      log(LogEntry) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.log.ParseLogHandler
      PriorityListener(EventPriority) - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.SkriptEventHandler.PriorityListener
      log(LogEntry) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.log.RedirectingLogHandler
      PROPERTY - Enum constant in enum class ch.njol.skript.lang.ExpressionType
      Property expressions, e.g.
      PropertyCondition<T> - Class in ch.njol.skript.conditions.base
      This class can be used for an easier writing of conditions that contain only one type in the pattern, - and are in one of the following forms: - - something is something - something can something - something has something - - The plural and negated forms are also supported.
      PropertyCondition() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.conditions.base.PropertyCondition
      log(LogEntry) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.log.RetainingLogHandler
      PropertyCondition.PropertyType - Enum Class in ch.njol.skript.conditions.base
      See PropertyCondition for more info
      PropertyExpression<F,T> - Class in ch.njol.skript.expressions.base
      Represents an expression which represents a property of another one.
      PropertyExpression() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.expressions.base.PropertyExpression
      log(LogEntry) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.log.TimingLogHandler
      provider - Variable in class ch.njol.skript.aliases.AliasesParser
      Aliases provider, which takes the aliases and variations we parse.
      provider - Variable in class ch.njol.skript.aliases.ScriptAliases
      log(Verbosity) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.log.SkriptLogger
      Aliases provider.
      Checks whether messages should be logged for the given verbosity.
      PseudoEnum<T extends PseudoEnum<T>> - Class in ch.njol.yggdrasil
      log(Verbosity) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.Skript
      log(Level, String) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.log.SkriptLogger
      A class that acts as a "pseudo-enum", i.e.
      Logging should be done like this:
      PseudoEnum(String) - Constructor for class ch.njol.yggdrasil.PseudoEnum
      LOG - Enum constant in enum class ch.njol.skript.log.LogHandler.LogResult
      published_at - Variable in class ch.njol.skript.update.GithubChecker.ResponseEntry
      logAll(Collection<LogEntry>) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.log.SkriptLogger
      put(T1, T2) - Method in class ch.njol.util.coll.BidiHashMap
      LogEntry - Class in ch.njol.skript.log
      put(Node) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.config.NodeMap
      LogEntry(Level, int, String) - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.log.LogEntry
      put(String, AliasesProvider.Variation) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.aliases.AliasesProvider.VariationGroup
      LogEntry(Level, int, String, Node) - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.log.LogEntry
      putAll(Map<? extends T1, ? extends T2>) - Method in class ch.njol.util.coll.BidiHashMap
      LogEntry(Level, int, String, Node, boolean) - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.log.LogEntry
      putObject(String, Object) - Method in class ch.njol.yggdrasil.Fields
      LogEntry(Level, ErrorQuality, String) - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.log.LogEntry
      putPrimitive(String, Object) - Method in class ch.njol.yggdrasil.Fields
      LogEntry(Level, ErrorQuality, String, Node) - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.log.LogEntry


      quality - Variable in class ch.njol.skript.log.LogEntry
      LogEntry(Level, String) - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.log.LogEntry
      quality() - Method in enum class ch.njol.skript.log.ErrorQuality
      LogEntry(Level, String, Node) - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.log.LogEntry
      quote(String) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.VariableString
      logEventEnd() - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.SkriptEventHandler
      Attempts to properly quote a string (e.g.
      Logs that the last logged Event start has ended.


      RabbitData - Class in ch.njol.skript.entity
      RabbitData() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.entity.RabbitData
      RabbitData(int) - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.entity.RabbitData
      RAD_TO_DEG - Static variable in class ch.njol.util.VectorMath
      logEventStart(Event) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.SkriptEventHandler
      Logs that the provided Event has started.
      LOGGER - Static variable in class ch.njol.skript.log.SkriptLogger
      RAIN - Enum constant in enum class ch.njol.skript.util.WeatherType
      LoggerFilter - Class in ch.njol.util
      random - Static variable in class ch.njol.skript.util.Utils
      LoggerFilter(Logger) - Constructor for class ch.njol.util.LoggerFilter
      random(int, int) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.util.Utils
      LogHandler - Class in ch.njol.skript.log
      Gets a random value between start (inclusive) and end (exclusive)
      A log handler is used to handle Skripts logging.
      randomTick() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.BlockStateBlock
      LogHandler() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.log.LogHandler
      randomTick() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.DelayedChangeBlock
      LogHandler.LogResult - Enum Class in ch.njol.skript.log
      rayTrace(Location, Vector, double, FluidCollisionMode) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.BlockStateBlock
      logHigh() - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.Skript
      rayTrace(Location, Vector, double, FluidCollisionMode) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.DelayedChangeBlock
      login - Variable in class ch.njol.skript.update.GithubChecker.ResponseEntry.Author
      read(JsonReader) - Method in class ch.njol.util.EnumTypeAdapter
      logNormal() - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.Skript
      readArrayComponentType() - Method in class ch.njol.yggdrasil.DefaultYggdrasilInputStream
      logPlayerCommands - Static variable in class ch.njol.skript.SkriptConfig
      readArrayComponentType() - Method in class ch.njol.yggdrasil.xml.YggXMLInputStream
      logTracked(Level, String, ErrorQuality) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.log.SkriptLogger
      logTriggerEnd(Trigger) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.SkriptEventHandler
      readArrayComponentType() - Method in class ch.njol.yggdrasil.YggdrasilInputStream
      Logs that the last logged Trigger execution has ended.
      + +
      logTriggerStart(Trigger) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.SkriptEventHandler
      Logs that the provided Trigger has begun execution.
      logVeryHigh() - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.Skript
      readArrayLength() - Method in class ch.njol.yggdrasil.DefaultYggdrasilInputStream
      LONG - Static variable in class ch.njol.skript.registrations.DefaultClasses
      readArrayLength() - Method in class ch.njol.yggdrasil.xml.YggXMLInputStream
      longParseTimeWarningThreshold - Static variable in class ch.njol.skript.SkriptConfig
      lookAt(LookAnchor, Object, Float, Float, LivingEntity...) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.bukkitutil.PaperEntityUtils
      readArrayLength() - Method in class ch.njol.yggdrasil.YggdrasilInputStream
      Instruct a Mob (1.17+) or Players (1.19.1+) to look at a specific vector/location/entity.
      + +
      lookAt(Object, Float, Float, LivingEntity...) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.bukkitutil.PaperEntityUtils
      Instruct a Mob (1.17+) to look at a specific vector/location/entity.
      lookAt(Object, LivingEntity...) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.bukkitutil.PaperEntityUtils
      Instruct a Mob (1.17+) to look at a specific vector/location/entity.
      LoopSection - Class in ch.njol.skript.lang
      Represents a loop section.
      LoopSection() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.lang.LoopSection
      readClass() - Method in class ch.njol.yggdrasil.DefaultYggdrasilInputStream
      LOW - Enum constant in enum class ch.njol.skript.log.Verbosity
      readClass() - Method in class ch.njol.yggdrasil.xml.YggXMLInputStream
      readClass() - Method in class ch.njol.yggdrasil.YggdrasilInputStream
      LUCK - Enum constant in enum class ch.njol.skript.util.PotionDataUtils


      m_adult - Static variable in class ch.njol.skript.entity.EntityData
      readEnumID() - Method in class ch.njol.yggdrasil.DefaultYggdrasilInputStream
      m_age_pattern - Static variable in class ch.njol.skript.entity.EntityData
      readEnumID() - Method in class ch.njol.yggdrasil.xml.YggXMLInputStream
      readEnumID() - Method in class ch.njol.yggdrasil.YggdrasilInputStream
      m_baby - Static variable in class ch.njol.skript.entity.EntityData
      readEnumType() - Method in class ch.njol.yggdrasil.DefaultYggdrasilInputStream
      m_check_error - Static variable in class ch.njol.skript.SkriptUpdater
      readEnumType() - Method in class ch.njol.yggdrasil.xml.YggXMLInputStream
      readEnumType() - Method in class ch.njol.yggdrasil.YggdrasilInputStream
      m_check_in_progress - Static variable in class ch.njol.skript.SkriptUpdater
      readFieldID() - Method in class ch.njol.yggdrasil.DefaultYggdrasilInputStream
      m_checking - Static variable in class ch.njol.skript.SkriptUpdater
      readFieldID() - Method in class ch.njol.yggdrasil.xml.YggXMLInputStream
      readFieldID() - Method in class ch.njol.yggdrasil.YggdrasilInputStream
      m_correct_usage - Static variable in class ch.njol.skript.command.Commands
      readLine() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.config.ConfigReader
      m_custom_version - Static variable in class ch.njol.skript.SkriptUpdater
      readNumFields() - Method in class ch.njol.yggdrasil.DefaultYggdrasilInputStream
      m_download_error - Static variable in class ch.njol.skript.SkriptUpdater
      readNumFields() - Method in class ch.njol.yggdrasil.xml.YggXMLInputStream
      readNumFields() - Method in class ch.njol.yggdrasil.YggdrasilInputStream
      m_download_in_progress - Static variable in class ch.njol.skript.SkriptUpdater
      readObject() - Method in class ch.njol.yggdrasil.YggdrasilInputStream
      m_downloaded - Static variable in class ch.njol.skript.SkriptUpdater
      readObject(Class<T>) - Method in class ch.njol.yggdrasil.YggdrasilInputStream
      m_downloading - Static variable in class ch.njol.skript.SkriptUpdater
      readObjectType() - Method in class ch.njol.yggdrasil.DefaultYggdrasilInputStream
      m_executable_by_console - Static variable in class ch.njol.skript.command.ScriptCommand
      readObjectType() - Method in class ch.njol.yggdrasil.xml.YggXMLInputStream
      readObjectType() - Method in class ch.njol.yggdrasil.YggdrasilInputStream
      m_executable_by_players - Static variable in class ch.njol.skript.command.ScriptCommand
      readPrimitive(Tag) - Method in class ch.njol.yggdrasil.DefaultYggdrasilInputStream
      m_finished_loading - Static variable in class ch.njol.skript.Skript
      readPrimitive(Tag) - Method in class ch.njol.yggdrasil.xml.YggXMLInputStream
      readPrimitive(Tag) - Method in class ch.njol.yggdrasil.YggdrasilInputStream
      m_internal_error - Static variable in class ch.njol.skript.command.Commands
      readPrimitive_(Tag) - Method in class ch.njol.yggdrasil.DefaultYggdrasilInputStream
      m_internal_error - Static variable in class ch.njol.skript.SkriptUpdater
      readPrimitive_(Tag) - Method in class ch.njol.yggdrasil.xml.YggXMLInputStream
      readPrimitive_(Tag) - Method in class ch.njol.yggdrasil.YggdrasilInputStream
      m_invalid_reload - Static variable in class ch.njol.skript.Skript
      readReference() - Method in class ch.njol.yggdrasil.DefaultYggdrasilInputStream
      m_meter - Static variable in class ch.njol.skript.util.Direction
      readReference() - Method in class ch.njol.yggdrasil.xml.YggXMLInputStream
      readReference() - Method in class ch.njol.yggdrasil.YggdrasilInputStream
      m_nightly - Static variable in class ch.njol.skript.SkriptUpdater
      readString() - Method in class ch.njol.yggdrasil.DefaultYggdrasilInputStream
      m_no_errors - Static variable in class ch.njol.skript.Skript
      readString() - Method in class ch.njol.yggdrasil.xml.YggXMLInputStream
      readString() - Method in class ch.njol.yggdrasil.YggdrasilInputStream
      m_no_scripts - Static variable in class ch.njol.skript.Skript
      readTag() - Method in class ch.njol.yggdrasil.DefaultYggdrasilInputStream
      m_not_started - Static variable in class ch.njol.skript.SkriptUpdater
      readTag() - Method in class ch.njol.yggdrasil.xml.YggXMLInputStream
      readTag() - Method in class ch.njol.yggdrasil.YggdrasilInputStream
      m_running_latest_version - Static variable in class ch.njol.skript.SkriptUpdater
      red - Enum constant in enum class ch.njol.skript.util.chat.SkriptChatCode
      m_running_latest_version_beta - Static variable in class ch.njol.skript.SkriptUpdater
      RED_MUSHROOM - Enum constant in enum class ch.njol.skript.util.StructureType
      m_too_many_arguments - Static variable in class ch.njol.skript.command.Commands
      RedirectingLogHandler - Class in ch.njol.skript.log
      m_update_available - Static variable in class ch.njol.skript.SkriptUpdater
      m_updater_disabled - Static variable in class ch.njol.skript.SkriptUpdater
      MAGIC_NUMBER - Static variable in class ch.njol.yggdrasil.Yggdrasil
      Redirects the log to a CommandSender.
      Magic Number: "Ygg\0"
      RedirectingLogHandler(CommandSender, String) - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.log.RedirectingLogHandler
      REDWOOD - Enum constant in enum class ch.njol.skript.util.StructureType
      main(String...) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.PatcherTool
      REGENERATION - Enum constant in enum class ch.njol.skript.util.PotionDataUtils
      main(String[]) - Static method in class ch.njol.yggdrasil.Yggdrasil
      REGENERATION_LONG - Enum constant in enum class ch.njol.skript.util.PotionDataUtils
      makeStrings(String[]) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.VariableString
      REGENERATION_STRONG - Enum constant in enum class ch.njol.skript.util.PotionDataUtils
      makeStringsFromQuoted(List<String>) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.VariableString
      regexes - Variable in class ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptParser.ParseResult
      MalformedPatternException - Exception in ch.njol.skript.patterns
      RegexMessage - Class in ch.njol.skript.localization
      MalformedPatternException(String, String) - Constructor for exception ch.njol.skript.patterns.MalformedPatternException
      RegexMessage(String) - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.localization.RegexMessage
      MalformedPatternException(String, String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception ch.njol.skript.patterns.MalformedPatternException
      RegexMessage(String, int) - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.localization.RegexMessage
      mapIds() - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.bukkitutil.BurgerHelper
      RegexMessage(String, String, String, int) - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.localization.RegexMessage
      mapMaterials() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.bukkitutil.BurgerHelper
      RegexMessage(String, String, String) - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.localization.RegexMessage
      mark - Variable in class ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptParser.ParseResult
      Defaults to 0.
      mark(int) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.config.ConfigReader
      RegexPatternElement - Class in ch.njol.skript.patterns
      MarkedForRemoval - Annotation Interface in ch.njol.skript.util
      A PatternElement that contains a regex Pattern, for example <.+>.
      Marks the annotated element as being subject to removal in the future.
      RegexPatternElement(Pattern) - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.patterns.RegexPatternElement
      markErrored() - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.Skript
      Mark that an exception has occurred at some point during runtime.
      markSupported() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.config.ConfigReader
      Region - Class in ch.njol.skript.hooks.regions.classes
      match(BlockValues) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.bukkitutil.block.BlockValues
      Region() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.hooks.regions.classes.Region
      match(E) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.EntityData
      RegionBorderEvent - Class in ch.njol.skript.hooks.regions.events
      match(String) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.patterns.SkriptPattern
      RegionBorderEvent(Region, Player, boolean) - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.hooks.regions.events.RegionBorderEvent
      match(String, int, ParseContext) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.patterns.SkriptPattern
      RegionsPlugin<P extends org.bukkit.plugin.Plugin> - Class in ch.njol.skript.hooks.regions
      match(String, MatchResult) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.patterns.ChoicePatternElement
      RegionsPlugin() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.hooks.regions.RegionsPlugin
      match(String, MatchResult) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.patterns.GroupPatternElement
      register(Trigger) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.SelfRegisteringSkriptEvent
      Deprecated. -
      This method's functionality can be replaced by overriding SelfRegisteringSkriptEvent.postLoad(). - Normally, that method would register the parsed trigger with SkriptEventHandler. - A reference to the Trigger is available through SkriptEvent.trigger.
      register(Class<? extends Condition>, PropertyCondition.PropertyType, String, String) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.conditions.base.PropertyCondition
      match(String, MatchResult) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.patterns.LiteralPatternElement
      register(Class<? extends Condition>, String, String) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.conditions.base.PropertyCondition
      match(String, MatchResult) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.patterns.OptionalPatternElement
      register(Class<? extends Expression<T>>, Class<T>, String, String) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.base.PropertyExpression
      Registers an expression as ExpressionType.PROPERTY with the two default property patterns "property of %types%" and "%types%'[s] property"
      register(Class<T>, String, Class<E>, int, String...) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.EntityData
      match(String, MatchResult) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.patterns.ParseTagPatternElement
      register(Class<T>, String, Class<E>, String) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.EntityData
      match(String, MatchResult) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.patterns.PatternElement
      register(SimpleCommandMap, Map<String, Command>, Set<String>) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.command.ScriptCommand
      match(String, MatchResult) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.patterns.RegexPatternElement
      registerAddon(JavaPlugin) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.Skript
      Registers an addon to Skript.
      registerAddonCode(SkriptAddon, ChatCode) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.util.chat.ChatMessages
      Registers a chat code.
      registerBukkitEvent(Trigger, Class<? extends Event>) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.SkriptEventHandler
      Registers a SkriptEventHandler.PriorityListener with Bukkit for the provided Event.
      registerBukkitEvents(Trigger, Class<? extends Event>[]) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.SkriptEventHandler
      A utility method that calls SkriptEventHandler.registerBukkitEvent(Trigger, Class) for each Event class provided.
      registerClass(ClassInfo<T>) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.registrations.Classes
      match(String, MatchResult) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.patterns.TypePatternElement
      registerClass(Class<?>, String) - Method in class ch.njol.yggdrasil.SimpleClassResolver
      match(Axolotl) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.AxolotlData
      registerClassResolver(ClassResolver) - Method in class ch.njol.yggdrasil.Yggdrasil
      match(Bee) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.BeeData
      registerCommand(ScriptCommand) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.command.Commands
      match(Boat) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.BoatData
      registerComparator(Class<T1>, Class<T2>, Comparator<T1, T2>) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.registrations.Comparators
      Registers a Comparator.
      registerComparator(Class<T1>, Class<T2>, Comparator<T1, T2>) - Static method in class org.skriptlang.skript.lang.comparator.Comparators
      Registers a new Comparator with Skript's collection of Comparators.
      registerCondition(Class<E>, String...) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.Skript
      registers a Condition.
      registerCondition(String, Function<String, Boolean>) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.aliases.AliasesParser
      match(Cat) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.CatData
      registerConverter(Class<F>, Class<T>, Converter<F, T>) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.registrations.Converters
      Registers a converter.
      registerConverter(Class<F>, Class<T>, Converter<F, T>, int) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.registrations.Converters
      registerConverter(Class<F>, Class<T>, Converter<F, T>) - Static method in class org.skriptlang.skript.lang.converter.Converters
      Registers a new Converter with Skript's collection of Converters.
      registerConverter(Class<F>, Class<T>, Converter<F, T>, int) - Static method in class org.skriptlang.skript.lang.converter.Converters
      Registers a new Converter with Skript's collection of Converters.
      registerData(Class<T>, Function<ParserInstance, T>) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.parser.ParserInstance
      Registers a data class to all ParserInstances.
      registerDefault(Class<? extends Expression<T>>, Class<T>, String, String) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.base.PropertyExpression
      Registers an expression as ExpressionType.PROPERTY with the two default property patterns "property [of %types%]" and "%types%'[s] property" - This method also makes the expression type optional to force a default expression on the property expression.
      registerEffect(Class<E>, String...) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.Skript
      Registers an Effect.
      registerEvent(Class<T>, T) - Method in class org.skriptlang.skript.lang.script.Script
      Adds the provided event to this Script.
      registerEvent(String, Class<E>, Class<? extends Event>[], String...) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.Skript
      Registers an event.
      registerEvent(String, Class<E>, Class<? extends Event>, String...) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.Skript
      Registers an event.
      registerEvent(ScriptEvent) - Method in class org.skriptlang.skript.lang.script.Script
      Adds the provided event to this Script.
      registerEventValue(Class<E>, Class<T>, Getter<T, E>, int) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.registrations.EventValues
      Registers an event value.
      registerEventValue(Class<E>, Class<T>, Getter<T, E>, int, String, Class<? extends E>...) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.registrations.EventValues
      - -
      registerExpression(Class<E>, Class<T>, ExpressionType, String...) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.Skript
      Registers an expression.
      registerFieldHandler(FieldHandler) - Method in class ch.njol.yggdrasil.Yggdrasil
      match(ChestBoat) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.BoatChestData
      match(Creeper) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.CreeperData
      match(Enderman) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.EndermanData
      registerFunction(JavaFunction<?>) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.function.Functions
      Registers a function written in Java.
      registerHelp() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.command.ScriptCommand
      match(Entity) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.SimpleEntityData
      registerListeners() - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.command.Commands
      match(ExperienceOrb) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.XpOrbData
      registerListeners() - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.util.chat.ChatMessages
      Registers language change listener for chat system.
      registerSection(Class<E>, String...) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.Skript
      Registers a Section.
      registerSignature(Signature<?>) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.function.Functions
      match(FallingBlock) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.FallingBlockData
      match(Fish) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.FishData
      match(Fox) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.FoxData
      match(Frog) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.FrogData
      match(Goat) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.GoatData
      match(Item) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.DroppedItemData
      match(Llama) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.LlamaData
      match(Minecart) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.MinecartData
      match(MushroomCow) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.MooshroomData
      match(Ocelot) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.OcelotData
      match(Panda) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.PandaData
      match(Parrot) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.ParrotData
      match(Pig) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.PigData
      match(Rabbit) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.RabbitData
      match(Sheep) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.SheepData
      match(ThrownPotion) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.ThrownPotionData
      match(TropicalFish) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.TropicalFishData
      match(Villager) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.VillagerData
      match(Wolf) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.WolfData
      match(ZombieVillager) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.ZombieVillagerData
      Match(MatchQuality, AliasesMap.AliasData) - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.aliases.AliasesMap.Match
      matchAlias(ItemData) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.aliases.AliasesMap
      Registers the signature.
      Attempts to get the closest matching alias for given item.
      registerSingleClass(Class<?>) - Method in class ch.njol.yggdrasil.Yggdrasil
      matchAlias(ItemData) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.aliases.ItemData
      Registers a class and uses its YggdrasilID as id.
      Checks how well this item matches the given item.
      registerSingleClass(Class<?>, String) - Method in class ch.njol.yggdrasil.Yggdrasil
      matchedPattern - Variable in class ch.njol.skript.entity.EntityData
      registerStorage(Class<T>, String...) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.variables.Variables
      Register a VariableStorage class for Skript to create if the user config value matches.
      registerStructure(Class<E>, String...) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.Skript
      matcher(String) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.localization.RegexMessage
      registerStructure(Class<E>, EntryValidator, String...) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.Skript
      matches(String) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.localization.RegexMessage
      REGULAR - Enum constant in enum class ch.njol.skript.util.StructureType
      matchNext(String, MatchResult) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.patterns.PatternElement
      Relation - Enum Class in org.skriptlang.skript.lang.comparator
      matchPlain(ItemData) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.aliases.ItemData
      Represents a relation between two objects.
      Compares this ItemData with another to determine if they are matching "plain" items.
      ReleaseChannel - Class in ch.njol.skript.update
      MatchQuality - Enum Class in ch.njol.skript.aliases
      Allows checking whether releases are in this channel or not.
      How well two items match each other.
      ReleaseChannel(Function<String, Boolean>, String) - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.update.ReleaseChannel
      ReleaseManifest - Class in ch.njol.skript.update
      MatchResult - Class in ch.njol.skript.patterns
      Describes a Skript release.
      A result from pattern matching.
      ReleaseManifest(String, String, String, Class<? extends UpdateChecker>, String, String) - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.update.ReleaseManifest
      MatchResult() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.patterns.MatchResult
      ReleaseStatus - Enum Class in ch.njol.skript.update
      math(Class<R>, Arithmetic<? super T, R>) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.classes.ClassInfo
      Math2 - Class in ch.njol.util
      Status of currently installed release.
      This class is not to be used by addons.
      reloadScript(File) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.ScriptLoader
      max(double...) - Static method in class ch.njol.util.Math2
      - +
      reloadScript(File, OpenCloseable) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.ScriptLoader
      max(double, double, double) - Static method in class ch.njol.util.Math2
      - +
      reloadScript(Script, OpenCloseable) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.ScriptLoader
      max(int...) - Static method in class ch.njol.util.Math2
      Reloads a single Script.
      reloadScripts(File) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.ScriptLoader
      max(int, int, int) - Static method in class ch.njol.util.Math2
      - +
      reloadScripts(File, OpenCloseable) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.ScriptLoader
      MAX_CLASS_CODENAME_LENGTH - Static variable in class ch.njol.skript.variables.SQLStorage
      MAX_PRIMITIVE - Static variable in enum class ch.njol.yggdrasil.Tag
      - +
      primitive tags are between these value
      reloadScripts(Set<Script>, OpenCloseable) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.ScriptLoader
      MAX_VALUE_SIZE - Static variable in class ch.njol.skript.variables.SQLStorage
      MAX_VARIABLE_NAME_LENGTH - Static variable in class ch.njol.skript.variables.SQLStorage
      MAX_WRAPPER - Static variable in enum class ch.njol.yggdrasil.Tag
      Reloads all provided Scripts.
      primitive tags are between these value
      remove() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.config.Node
      MAXBLOCKID - Static variable in class ch.njol.skript.Skript
      Removes this node from its parent.
      The maximum ID a block can have in Minecraft.
      remove() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.log.HandlerList
      remove() - Method in class ch.njol.util.coll.iterator.ArrayIterator
      MAXDATAVALUE - Static variable in class ch.njol.skript.Skript
      not supported by arrays.
      The maximum data value of Minecraft, i.e.
      remove() - Method in class ch.njol.util.coll.iterator.CheckedIterator
      remove() - Method in class ch.njol.util.coll.iterator.CombinedIterator
      remove() - Method in class ch.njol.util.coll.iterator.ConsumingIterator
      remove() - Method in class ch.njol.util.coll.iterator.EmptyIterator
      remove() - Method in class ch.njol.util.coll.iterator.ImprovedIterator
      remove() - Method in class ch.njol.util.coll.iterator.ListRangeIterator
      remove() - Method in class ch.njol.util.coll.iterator.NonNullIterator
      remove() - Method in class ch.njol.util.coll.iterator.ReversedListIterator
      remove() - Method in class ch.njol.util.coll.iterator.SingleItemIterator
      remove() - Method in class ch.njol.util.coll.iterator.StoppableIterator
      remove(int) - Method in class ch.njol.util.coll.CyclicList
      remove(int) - Method in class ch.njol.util.coll.ReversedListView
      remove(Object) - Method in class ch.njol.util.coll.BidiHashMap
      remove(Object) - Method in class ch.njol.util.coll.CyclicList
      remove(Object) - Method in class ch.njol.util.coll.ReversedListView
      maxTargetBlockDistance - Static variable in class ch.njol.skript.SkriptConfig
      remove(String) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.config.NodeMap
      MEGA_REDWOOD - Enum constant in enum class ch.njol.skript.util.StructureType
      remove(ItemData) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.aliases.ItemType
      merge(AliasesProvider.Variation) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.aliases.AliasesProvider.Variation
      remove(Node) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.config.NodeMap
      message - Variable in class ch.njol.skript.log.LogEntry
      remove(Node) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.config.SectionNode
      message(CommandSender, String) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.Skript
      Removes the given node from this section.
      Similar to Skript.info(CommandSender, String) but no [Skript] prefix is added.
      remove(String) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.config.SectionNode
      Message - Class in ch.njol.skript.localization
      Removes an entry with the given key.
      Basic class to get text from the language file(s).
      REMOVE - Enum constant in enum class ch.njol.skript.classes.Changer.ChangeMode
      Message(String) - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.localization.Message
      REMOVE_ALL - Enum constant in enum class ch.njol.skript.classes.Changer.ChangeMode
      MESSAGE - Enum constant in enum class ch.njol.skript.util.StringMode
      removeAll(Collection<?>) - Method in class ch.njol.util.coll.CyclicList
      MessageComponent - Class in ch.njol.skript.util.chat
      Component for chat messages.
      MessageComponent() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.util.chat.MessageComponent
      removeAll(Collection<?>) - Method in class ch.njol.util.coll.ReversedListView
      MessageComponent.BooleanSerializer - Class in ch.njol.skript.util.chat
      removeAll(ItemStack) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.aliases.ItemType
      MessageComponent.ClickEvent - Class in ch.njol.skript.util.chat
      removeAll(List<ItemStack>...) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.aliases.ItemType
      MessageComponent.ClickEvent.Action - Enum Class in ch.njol.skript.util.chat
      removeAll(Inventory) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.aliases.ItemType
      MessageComponent.HoverEvent - Class in ch.njol.skript.util.chat
      removeData(Class<? extends ScriptData>) - Method in class org.skriptlang.skript.lang.script.Script
      MessageComponent.HoverEvent.Action - Enum Class in ch.njol.skript.util.chat
      methodExists(Class<?>, String, Class<?>...) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.Skript
      Removes the ScriptData matching the specified data type.
      Tests whether a method exists in the given class.
      removeEffects(ItemType, Object[]) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.util.PotionEffectUtils
      methodExists(Class<?>, String, Class<?>[], Class<?>) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.Skript
      Remove a PotionEffect from an ItemType
      Tests whether a method exists in the given class, and whether the return type matches the expected one.
      removeEffects(LivingEntity, Object[]) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.util.PotionEffectUtils
      min(double...) - Static method in class ch.njol.util.Math2
      Remove a PotionEffect from an entity
      removeEnchantments(EnchantmentType...) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.aliases.ItemType
      min(double, double, double) - Static method in class ch.njol.util.Math2
      Removes the given enchantments from this item type.
      removeField(String) - Method in class ch.njol.yggdrasil.Fields
      min(int...) - Static method in class ch.njol.util.Math2
      Removes a field and its value from this Fields object.
      removeFilter(Filter) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.log.BukkitLoggerFilter
      removeFilter(Filter) - Method in class ch.njol.util.LoggerFilter
      removeFrom(ItemStack) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.aliases.ItemType
      min(int, int, int) - Static method in class ch.njol.util.Math2
      Removes this type from the item stack if appropriate
      removeFrom(List<ItemStack>...) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.aliases.ItemType
      removeFrom(Inventory) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.aliases.ItemType
      MIN_PRIMITIVE - Static variable in enum class ch.njol.yggdrasil.Tag
      Removes this type from the given inventory.
      primitive tags are between these value
      removeLocals(Event) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.variables.Variables
      MIN_WRAPPER - Static variable in enum class ch.njol.yggdrasil.Tag
      Removes local variables associated with given event and returns them, - if they exist.
      primitive tags are between these value
      removeMetadata(String, Plugin) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.BlockStateBlock
      MinecartData - Class in ch.njol.skript.entity
      removeMetadata(String, Plugin) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.DelayedChangeBlock
      MinecartData() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.entity.MinecartData
      MinecartData(MinecartData.MinecartType) - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.entity.MinecartData
      removePassenger(Entity, Entity) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.bukkitutil.PassengerUtils
      minus(Timespan) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.Date
      Remove the passenger from the vehicle.
      Get a new instance of this Date with the subtracted timespan
      removeSignature(Signature<?>) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.function.Namespace
      rename(String) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.config.Node
      MISSING_CONJUNCTION - Enum constant in enum class org.skriptlang.skript.lang.script.ScriptWarning
      renameAll(File, Converter<String, String>) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.util.FileUtils
      missingEntryError(String) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.localization.Language
      replace(String, String, String, boolean) - Static method in class ch.njol.util.StringUtils
      missingField(Field) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.Direction
      replaceAll(CharSequence, String, Callback<String, Matcher>) - Static method in class ch.njol.util.StringUtils
      missingField(Field) - Method in interface ch.njol.yggdrasil.YggdrasilSerializable.YggdrasilRobustSerializable
      Performs regex replacing using a callback.
      Called if a field was not found in the stream.
      replaceAll(CharSequence, Pattern, Callback<String, Matcher>) - Static method in class ch.njol.util.StringUtils
      missingField(Object, Field) - Method in interface ch.njol.yggdrasil.FieldHandler
      Performs regex replacing using a callback.
      Called if a field was not found in the stream.
      replaceChatStyles(String) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.util.Utils
      missingField(Object, Field) - Method in class ch.njol.yggdrasil.util.JREFieldHandler
      Replaces <chat styles> in the message
      Not used
      replaceColorChar(String) - Static method in enum class ch.njol.skript.util.SkriptColor
      missingField(Object, Field) - Method in class ch.njol.yggdrasil.Yggdrasil
      missingRequiredEntryMessage(Function<String, String>) - Method in class org.skriptlang.skript.lang.entry.EntryValidator.EntryValidatorBuilder
      Replace chat color character '§' with '&' - This is an alternative method to ChatColor.stripColor(String) - But does not strip the color code.
      A function to be applied when a required Node is missing during validation.
      replaceEnglishChatStyles(String) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.util.Utils
      mod(double, double) - Static method in class ch.njol.util.Math2
      Replaces english <chat styles> in the message.
      Modulo that returns positive values even for negative arguments.
      replaceFirst(String, String, String, boolean) - Static method in class ch.njol.util.StringUtils
      replaceOptions(String) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.ScriptLoader
      mod(float, float) - Static method in class ch.njol.util.Math2
      Replaces options in a string.
      Modulo that returns positive values even for negative arguments.
      replaceOptions(String) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.structures.StructOptions.OptionsData
      mod(int, int) - Static method in class ch.njol.util.Math2
      Replaces all options in the provided String using the options of this data.
      Modulo that returns positive values even for negative arguments.
      requiredPlugins(String...) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.classes.ClassInfo
      mod(long, long) - Static method in class ch.njol.util.Math2
      Other plugin dependencies for this ClassInfo.
      Modulo that returns positive values even for negative arguments.
      requiredPlugins(String...) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptEventInfo
      modified() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.aliases.ItemType
      Other plugin dependencies for this SkriptEvent.
      Removes the item and block aliases from this alias as it now represents a different item.
      RequiredPlugins - Annotation Interface in ch.njol.skript.doc
      modify(SectionNode, List<TriggerItem>, Supplier<T>) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.Section.SectionContext
      Provides a list of plugins other than Skript that the annotated - element requires to be used.
      Modifies this SectionContext temporarily, for the duration of the Supplier.get() call, + reverting the changes afterwards.
      requiresFile() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.variables.FlatFileStorage
      modifyItemStack(ItemStack, String) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.bukkitutil.BukkitUnsafe
      requiresFile() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.variables.MySQLStorage
      MooshroomData - Class in ch.njol.skript.entity
      requiresFile() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.variables.SQLiteStorage
      MooshroomData() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.entity.MooshroomData
      requiresFile() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.variables.VariablesStorage
      Checks if this storage requires a file for storing its data.
      reset - Enum constant in enum class ch.njol.skript.util.chat.SkriptChatCode
      MooshroomData(MushroomCow.Variant) - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.entity.MooshroomData
      reset - Variable in class ch.njol.skript.util.chat.MessageComponent
      Tells that this component is supposed to reset styling.
      reset() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.config.ConfigReader
      move(SectionNode) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.config.Node
      RESET - Enum constant in enum class ch.njol.skript.classes.Changer.ChangeMode
      move(File, File, boolean) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.util.FileUtils
      resetReturnValue() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.function.Function
      MULTIPART - Static variable in interface ch.njol.skript.bukkitutil.block.BlockSetter
      Resets the return value of the Function.
      Takes rotation or direction of the block (depending on the block) + and attempts to place other parts of it according to those.
      resetReturnValue() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.function.FunctionReference
      multiply(char, int) - Static method in class ch.njol.util.StringUtils
      resetReturnValue() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.function.JavaFunction
      multiply(String, int) - Static method in class ch.njol.util.StringUtils
      resetReturnValue() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.function.ScriptFunction
      multiply(A, R) - Method in interface ch.njol.skript.classes.Arithmetic
      ResidenceHook - Class in ch.njol.skript.hooks.regions
      Hook for Residence protection plugin.
      ResidenceHook() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.hooks.regions.ResidenceHook
      multiply(Number, Number) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.classes.NumberArithmetic
      ResidenceHook.ResidenceRegion - Class in ch.njol.skript.hooks.regions
      multiply(Vector, Vector) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.classes.VectorArithmethic
      ResidenceRegion(World, ClaimedResidence) - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.hooks.regions.ResidenceHook.ResidenceRegion
      MUSHROOM - Enum constant in enum class ch.njol.skript.util.StructureType
      Resource(String, String) - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.test.platform.Environment.Resource
      mustSyncDeserialization() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.classes.ConfigurationSerializer
      ResponseEntry() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.update.GithubChecker.ResponseEntry
      mustSyncDeserialization() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.classes.EnumSerializer
      RESULTS_FILE - Static variable in class ch.njol.skript.test.runner.TestMode
      mustSyncDeserialization() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.classes.Serializer
      Path to file where to save results in JSON format.
      Not currently used (everything happens on Bukkit's main thread).
      retainAll(Collection<?>) - Method in class ch.njol.util.coll.CyclicList
      retainAll(Collection<?>) - Method in class ch.njol.util.coll.ReversedListView
      RetainingLogHandler - Class in ch.njol.skript.log
      RetainingLogHandler() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.log.RetainingLogHandler
      returnType - Variable in class ch.njol.skript.lang.ExpressionInfo
      ReversedListIterator<T> - Class in ch.njol.util.coll.iterator
      ReversedListIterator(List<T>) - Constructor for class ch.njol.util.coll.iterator.ReversedListIterator
      mustSyncDeserialization() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.classes.YggdrasilSerializer
      ReversedListIterator(List<T>, int) - Constructor for class ch.njol.util.coll.iterator.ReversedListIterator
      MySQLStorage - Class in ch.njol.skript.variables
      ReversedListIterator(ListIterator<T>) - Constructor for class ch.njol.util.coll.iterator.ReversedListIterator


      name - Variable in class ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptEventInfo
      ReversedListView<T> - Class in ch.njol.util.coll
      name - Variable in enum class ch.njol.skript.ServerPlatform
      ReversedListView(List<T>) - Constructor for class ch.njol.util.coll.ReversedListView
      name - Variable in class ch.njol.skript.update.GithubChecker.ResponseEntry
      rot(Vector, Vector, double) - Static method in class ch.njol.util.VectorMath
      name - Variable in class ch.njol.skript.variables.SerializedVariable
      The name of the variable.
      name - Variable in enum class ch.njol.yggdrasil.Tag
      ROTATE - Static variable in interface ch.njol.skript.bukkitutil.block.BlockSetter
      name() - Method in class ch.njol.yggdrasil.PseudoEnum
      Attempts to automatically correct rotation and direction of the block - when setting it.
      Returns the unique name of this constant.
      ROTATE_FIX_TYPE - Static variable in interface ch.njol.skript.bukkitutil.block.BlockSetter
      name(String) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.classes.ClassInfo
      Changes type of the block if that is needed to get the correct rotation.
      Only used for Skript's documentation.
      ROTATE_FORCE - Static variable in interface ch.njol.skript.bukkitutil.block.BlockSetter
      Name - Annotation Interface in ch.njol.skript.doc
      Overrides rotation and direction that might have been specified in block - values when BlockSetter.ROTATE is also set.
      Provides the name of annotated element to be used in documentation.
      rotX(Vector, double) - Static method in class ch.njol.util.VectorMath
      rotY(Vector, double) - Static method in class ch.njol.util.VectorMath
      rotZ(Vector, double) - Static method in class ch.njol.util.VectorMath
      Namespace - Class in ch.njol.skript.lang.function
      Contains a set of functions.
      Namespace() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.lang.function.Namespace
      round(double) - Static method in class ch.njol.util.Math2
      Namespace.Key - Class in ch.njol.skript.lang.function
      Rounds the given double (where .5 is rounded up) and returns the result as a long.
      Key to a namespace.
      round(float) - Static method in class ch.njol.util.Math2
      Namespace.Origin - Enum Class in ch.njol.skript.lang.function
      Rounds the given float (where .5 is rounded up) and returns the result as an int.
      Origin of functions in namespace.
      run(A) - Method in interface ch.njol.util.Callback
      NewBlockCompat - Class in ch.njol.skript.bukkitutil.block
      1.13+ block compat.
      NewBlockCompat() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.bukkitutil.block.NewBlockCompat
      run(Event) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.Condition
      newInputStream(InputStream) - Method in class ch.njol.yggdrasil.Yggdrasil
      run(Event) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.Effect
      newInstance(String, ClassInfo<T>, String, int, boolean, boolean) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.command.Argument
      run(Event) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.TriggerItem
      newInstance(Converter<? super F, ?>, Converter<?, ? extends T>) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.classes.ChainedConverter
      Executes this item.
      run(Event) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.TriggerSection
      +  +
      newInstance(Expression<F>, Class<T>...) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.util.ConvertedExpression
      run_command - Enum constant in enum class ch.njol.skript.util.chat.MessageComponent.ClickEvent.Action
      newInstance(Class<E>) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.classes.ConfigurationSerializer
      run_command - Enum constant in enum class ch.njol.skript.util.chat.SkriptChatCode
      newInstance(Class<E>) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.classes.Serializer
      runTests(Path, Path, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, String, Set<String>) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.test.platform.Environment
      newInstance(Class<E>) - Method in class ch.njol.yggdrasil.YggdrasilSerializer
      Creates a new instance of the given class.
      newInstance(Class<T>) - Method in class ch.njol.yggdrasil.JRESerializer


      safe(float) - Static method in class ch.njol.util.Math2
      newInstance(String) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.VariableString
      Guarantees a float is neither NaN nor infinite.
      Prints errors
      SAME_ITEM - Enum constant in enum class ch.njol.skript.aliases.MatchQuality
      newInstance(String, ClassInfo<T>, boolean, String) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.function.Parameter
      newInstance(String, StringMode) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.VariableString
      The matched item has all metadata and block states that matcher has set - to same values that matcher has.
      Creates an instance of VariableString by parsing given string.
      SAME_MATERIAL - Enum constant in enum class ch.njol.skript.aliases.MatchQuality
      newInstance(String, Class<? extends T>[]) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.Variable
      The matched and matcher item share a material.
      Prints errors
      sameType(EntityType) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.EntityType
      save() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.config.Node
      newOutputStream(OutputStream) - Method in class ch.njol.yggdrasil.Yggdrasil
      save(File) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.config.Config
      newThread(Runnable, String) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.Skript
      Saves the config to a file.
      Creates a new Thread and sets its UncaughtExceptionHandler.
      save(InputStream, File) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.util.FileUtils
      newXMLInputStream(InputStream) - Method in class ch.njol.yggdrasil.Yggdrasil
      Saves the contents of an InputStream in a file.
      save(PrintWriter) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.config.Node
      newXMLOutputStream(OutputStream) - Method in class ch.njol.yggdrasil.Yggdrasil
      next() - Method in class ch.njol.util.coll.iterator.ArrayIterator
      save(PrintWriter) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.config.SectionNode
      next() - Method in class ch.njol.util.coll.iterator.CheckedIterator
      save(String, String, byte[]) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.variables.FlatFileStorage
      next() - Method in class ch.njol.util.coll.iterator.CombinedIterator
      save(String, String, byte[]) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.variables.SQLStorage
      next() - Method in class ch.njol.util.coll.iterator.ConsumingIterator
      save(String, String, byte[]) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.variables.VariablesStorage
      next() - Method in class ch.njol.util.coll.iterator.EmptyIterator
      next() - Method in class ch.njol.util.coll.iterator.ImprovedIterator
      next() - Method in class ch.njol.util.coll.iterator.ListRangeIterator
      next() - Method in class ch.njol.util.coll.iterator.NonNullIterator
      next() - Method in class ch.njol.util.coll.iterator.ReversedListIterator
      next() - Method in class ch.njol.util.coll.iterator.SingleItemIterator
      next() - Method in class ch.njol.util.coll.iterator.StoppableIterator
      next(String, int, ParseContext) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptParser
      Saves a variable.
      Returns the next character in the expression, skipping strings, + variables and parentheses + (unless context is ParseContext.COMMAND).
      saveToFile(Object, File) - Method in class ch.njol.yggdrasil.Yggdrasil
      saveVariables(boolean) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.variables.FlatFileStorage
      nextBracket(String, char, char, int, boolean) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptParser
      Completely rewrites the CSV file.
      Finds the closing bracket of the group at start (i.e.
      ScheduledEvent - Class in ch.njol.skript.events.bukkit
      ScheduledEvent(World) - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.events.bukkit.ScheduledEvent
      ScheduledNoWorldEvent - Class in ch.njol.skript.events.bukkit
      ScheduledNoWorldEvent() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.events.bukkit.ScheduledNoWorldEvent
      nextIndex() - Method in class ch.njol.util.coll.iterator.ReversedListIterator
      script - Variable in class ch.njol.skript.lang.function.FunctionReference
      nextOccurrence(String, String, int, ParseContext, boolean) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptParser
      Script in which this reference is found.
      Returns the next occurrence of the needle in the haystack.
      Script - Class in org.skriptlang.skript.lang.script
      nextVariableBracket(String, int) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.VariableString
      Scripts are the primary container of all code.
      Copied from SkriptParser#nextBracket(String, char, char, int, boolean), but removed escaping & returns -1 on error.
      Script(Config, List<Structure>) - Constructor for class org.skriptlang.skript.lang.script.Script
      NIGHT_VISION - Enum constant in enum class ch.njol.skript.util.PotionDataUtils
      NIGHT_VISION_LONG - Enum constant in enum class ch.njol.skript.util.PotionDataUtils
      NO_ARTICLE_MASK - Static variable in class ch.njol.skript.localization.Language
      Creates a new Script to be used across the API.
      masks out article flags - useful if the article has been added already (e.g.
      SCRIPT - Enum constant in enum class ch.njol.skript.lang.function.Namespace.Origin
      NO_CHAINING - Static variable in interface ch.njol.skript.classes.Converter
      Script functions.
      Disallow all chaining.
      SCRIPT - Enum constant in enum class ch.njol.skript.lang.ParseContext
      NO_CHAINING - Static variable in interface org.skriptlang.skript.lang.converter.Converter
      Used for parsing variables in a script's variables section
      A Converter flag declaring that this Converter cannot be chained in any way with another Converter.
      ScriptAliases - Class in ch.njol.skript.aliases
      NO_COMMAND_ARGUMENTS - Static variable in interface ch.njol.skript.classes.Converter
      Per-script aliases provider and parser container.
      ScriptCommand - Class in ch.njol.skript.command
      +  +
      NO_DOC - Static variable in class ch.njol.skript.classes.ClassInfo
      This class is used for user-defined commands.
      Use this as ClassInfo.name(String) to suppress warnings about missing documentation.
      ScriptCommand(Script, String, String, List<Argument<?>>, String, String, String, List<String>, String, VariableString, Timespan, VariableString, String, VariableString, int, SectionNode) - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.command.ScriptCommand
      NO_DOC - Static variable in class ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptEventInfo
      Creates a new SkriptCommand.
      Use this as SkriptEventInfo.description(String...) to prevent warnings about missing documentation.
      ScriptCommandEvent - Class in ch.njol.skript.command
      NO_GENDER - Static variable in class ch.njol.skript.localization.Noun
      ScriptCommandEvent(ScriptCommand, CommandSender, String, String) - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.command.ScriptCommandEvent
      NO_GENDER_TOKEN - Static variable in class ch.njol.skript.localization.Noun
      ScriptData - Interface in org.skriptlang.skript.lang.script
      NO_LEFT_CHAINING - Static variable in interface ch.njol.skript.classes.Converter
      To be implemented on data objects for Script's Data API.
      Disallow other converters from being chained to this.
      ScriptEvent - Class in ch.njol.skript.events.bukkit
      ScriptEvent - Interface in org.skriptlang.skript.lang.script
      NO_LEFT_CHAINING - Static variable in interface org.skriptlang.skript.lang.converter.Converter
      A ScriptEvent is used for listening to and performing actions for different Script events.
      A Converter flag declaring that another Converter cannot be chained to this Converter.
      ScriptEvent() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.events.bukkit.ScriptEvent
      ScriptEvent.ScriptActiveEvent - Interface in org.skriptlang.skript.lang.script
      NO_RIGHT_CHAINING - Static variable in interface ch.njol.skript.classes.Converter
      A ScriptEvent that is called when a Script is made active in a ParserInstance.
      Disallow chaining this with other converters.
      ScriptEvent.ScriptInactiveEvent - Interface in org.skriptlang.skript.lang.script
      NO_RIGHT_CHAINING - Static variable in interface org.skriptlang.skript.lang.converter.Converter
      A ScriptEvent that is called when a Script is made inactive in a ParserInstance.
      A Converter flag declaring this Converter cannot be chained to another Converter.
      ScriptFunction<T> - Class in ch.njol.skript.lang.function
      node - Variable in class ch.njol.skript.log.LogEntry
      ScriptFunction(Signature<T>, Script, SectionNode) - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.lang.function.ScriptFunction
      Node - Class in ch.njol.skript.config
      ScriptInfo() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.ScriptLoader.ScriptInfo
      Node(Config) - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.config.Node
      ScriptInfo(int, int) - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.ScriptLoader.ScriptInfo
      Node(String, SectionNode) - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.config.Node
      ScriptInfo(ScriptLoader.ScriptInfo) - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.ScriptLoader.ScriptInfo
      Copy constructor.
      ScriptLoader - Class in ch.njol.skript
      The main class for loading, unloading and reloading scripts.
      ScriptLoader() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.ScriptLoader
      Node(String, String, SectionNode, int) - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.config.Node
      ScriptLoader.ScriptInfo - Class in ch.njol.skript
      NodeMap - Class in ch.njol.skript.config
      A class for keeping track of the general content of a script: - - The amount of files - The amount of structures -
      Map for fast access of entry nodes and section nodes within section nodes.
      scriptLoaderThreadSize - Static variable in class ch.njol.skript.SkriptConfig
      NodeMap() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.config.NodeMap
      SCRIPTSFOLDER - Static variable in class ch.njol.skript.Skript
      NodeValidator - Interface in ch.njol.skript.config.validate
      ScriptWarning - Enum Class in org.skriptlang.skript.lang.script
      NoDoc - Annotation Interface in ch.njol.skript.doc
      An enum containing Script warnings that can be suppressed.
      Annotated element will not appear in documentation, nor will missing + documentation about it cause warnings.
      SecConditional - Class in ch.njol.skript.sections
      NONE - Enum constant in enum class ch.njol.skript.log.ErrorQuality
      SecConditional() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.sections.SecConditional
      nonLivingEntityChanger - Static variable in class ch.njol.skript.classes.data.DefaultChangers
      SecLoop - Class in ch.njol.skript.sections
      NonNullIterator<T> - Class in ch.njol.util.coll.iterator
      SecLoop() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.sections.SecLoop
      NonNullIterator() - Constructor for class ch.njol.util.coll.iterator.NonNullIterator
      second - Variable in class ch.njol.util.Pair
      NonNullPair<T1,T2> - Class in ch.njol.util
      Section - Class in ch.njol.skript.lang
      NonNullPair(NonNullPair<T1, T2>) - Constructor for class ch.njol.util.NonNullPair
      NonNullPair(T1, T2) - Constructor for class ch.njol.util.NonNullPair
      nop - Static variable in class ch.njol.skript.localization.RegexMessage
      A section that can decide what it does with its contents, as code isn't parsed by default.
      A pattern that doesn't match anything
      Section() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.lang.Section
      Section.SectionContext - Class in ch.njol.skript.lang
      NORMAL - Enum constant in enum class ch.njol.skript.lang.ExpressionType
      NORMAL - Enum constant in enum class ch.njol.skript.localization.Language.LanguageListenerPriority
      SectionContext(ParserInstance) - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.lang.Section.SectionContext
      NORMAL - Enum constant in enum class ch.njol.skript.log.Verbosity
      SectionEntryData - Class in org.skriptlang.skript.lang.entry
      normalizePluralMarkers(String) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.localization.Noun
      A simple entry data class for handling SectionNodes.
      Normalizes plural markers, i.e.
      SectionEntryData(String, SectionNode, boolean) - Constructor for class org.skriptlang.skript.lang.entry.SectionEntryData
      not - Static variable in class ch.njol.skript.localization.GeneralWords
      sectionNode - Variable in class ch.njol.skript.lang.Section.SectionContext
      not() - Method in enum class ch.njol.util.Kleenean
      SectionNode - Class in ch.njol.skript.config
      NOT_AN_EXPRESSION - Enum constant in enum class ch.njol.skript.log.ErrorQuality
      SectionNode(String, String, SectionNode, int) - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.config.SectionNode
      NOT_EQUAL - Enum constant in enum class ch.njol.skript.classes.Comparator.Relation
      NOT_EQUAL - Enum constant in enum class org.skriptlang.skript.lang.comparator.Relation
      SectionSkriptEvent - Class in ch.njol.skript.lang
      NOT_STARTED - Enum constant in enum class ch.njol.skript.update.UpdaterState
      To be used in sections that delay the execution of their code through a Trigger.
      The updater has not been started.
      SectionSkriptEvent(String, Section) - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.lang.SectionSkriptEvent
      notAnEntryError(Node) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.config.validate.EntryValidator
      SectionValidator - Class in ch.njol.skript.config.validate
      notAnEntryError(Node, String) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.config.validate.EntryValidator
      SectionValidator() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.config.validate.SectionValidator
      notASectionError(Node) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.config.validate.SectionValidator
      SecWhile - Class in ch.njol.skript.sections
      notchPitch(float) - Static method in class ch.njol.util.VectorMath
      SecWhile() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.sections.SecWhile
      notchYaw(float) - Static method in class ch.njol.util.VectorMath
      SelfRegisteringSkriptEvent - Class in ch.njol.skript.lang
      Deprecated. -
      Regular Structure methods should be used. - See individual methods for their equivalents.
      SelfRegisteringSkriptEvent() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.lang.SelfRegisteringSkriptEvent
      SEMANTIC_ERROR - Enum constant in enum class ch.njol.skript.log.ErrorQuality
      notEmpty(int[], String) - Static method in class ch.njol.util.Validate
      sendBlockChange(Player, Location) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.aliases.ItemType
      Send a block change to a player
      sendBlockChange(Player, Location, Material, BlockValues) - Method in interface ch.njol.skript.bukkitutil.block.BlockSetter
      Send a block change to a player.
      sendBlockChange(Player, Location, Material, BlockValues) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.util.BlockUtils
      notEmpty(String, String) - Static method in class ch.njol.util.Validate
      sendFormatted(CommandSender, String) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.log.SkriptLogger
      Sends the given formatted message to the given CommandSender.
      sendHelp(CommandSender) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.command.ScriptCommand
      notEmpty(Object[], String) - Static method in class ch.njol.util.Validate
      sendPluginMessage(String, String...) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.util.Utils
      Sends a plugin message using the first player from Bukkit.getOnlinePlayers().
      sendPluginMessage(String, Predicate<ByteArrayDataInput>, String...) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.util.Utils
      Sends a plugin message using the first player from Bukkit.getOnlinePlayers().
      sendPluginMessage(Player, String, String...) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.util.Utils
      Sends a plugin message using the from player.
      sendPluginMessage(Player, String, Predicate<ByteArrayDataInput>, String...) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.util.Utils
      Sends a plugin message.
      SEPARATOR - Static variable in class ch.njol.skript.lang.Variable
      NotifyingReference<V> - Class in ch.njol.util
      SerializableChanger<T> - Interface in ch.njol.skript.classes
      SerializableChecker<T> - Interface in ch.njol.skript.classes
      SerializableGetter<R,A> - Class in ch.njol.skript.classes
      SerializableGetter() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.classes.SerializableGetter
      serialize() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.aliases.ItemData
      NotifyingReference() - Constructor for class ch.njol.util.NotifyingReference
      serialize() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.aliases.ItemType
      NotifyingReference(V) - Constructor for class ch.njol.util.NotifyingReference
      serialize() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.EntityData
      NotifyingReference(V, boolean) - Constructor for class ch.njol.util.NotifyingReference
      serialize() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.SimpleEntityData
      notNull(Object, String) - Static method in class ch.njol.util.Validate
      serialize() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.hooks.regions.GriefPreventionHook.GriefPreventionRegion
      notNull(Object...) - Static method in class ch.njol.util.Validate
      serialize() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.hooks.regions.PreciousStonesHook.PreciousStonesRegion
      notNullOrEmpty(Object[], String) - Static method in class ch.njol.util.Validate
      serialize() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.hooks.regions.ResidenceHook.ResidenceRegion
      notNullOrEmpty(String, String) - Static method in class ch.njol.util.Validate
      serialize() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.hooks.regions.WorldGuardHook.WorldGuardRegion
      notNullOrEmpty(Collection<?>, String) - Static method in class ch.njol.util.Validate
      serialize() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.ColorRGB
      notOfType(ClassInfo<?>...) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptParser
      serialize() - Method in enum class ch.njol.skript.util.SkriptColor
      notOfType(Class<?>...) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptParser
      Noun - Class in ch.njol.skript.localization
      Noun(String) - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.localization.Noun
      NoUpdateChecker - Class in ch.njol.skript.update
      An update checker that never reports available updates.
      NoUpdateChecker() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.update.NoUpdateChecker
      now() - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.util.Date
      Get a new Date with the current time
      NullableChecker<T> - Interface in ch.njol.util
      nullChecker - Static variable in interface ch.njol.util.NullableChecker
      NUMBER - Static variable in class ch.njol.skript.registrations.DefaultClasses
      NUMBER_PATTERN - Static variable in class ch.njol.skript.classes.data.JavaClasses
      serialize() - Method in interface ch.njol.yggdrasil.YggdrasilSerializable.YggdrasilExtendedSerializable
      numberAccuracy - Static variable in class ch.njol.skript.SkriptConfig
      Serialises this object.
      Maximum number of digits to display after the period for floats and doubles
      serialize(Boolean, Type, JsonSerializationContext) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.chat.MessageComponent.BooleanSerializer
      serialize(Object) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.registrations.Classes
      numberAfter(CharSequence, int) - Static method in class ch.njol.util.StringUtils
      Must be called on the appropriate thread for the given value (i.e.
      Shorthand for numberAt(s, index, true)
      serialize(Object) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.variables.Variables
      NumberArithmetic - Class in ch.njol.skript.classes
      NumberArithmetic() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.classes.NumberArithmetic
      numberAt(CharSequence, int, boolean) - Static method in class ch.njol.util.StringUtils
      Serializes the given value.
      Finds a positive number in the given CharSequence, starting at the given index, and searching in the given direction.
      serialize(Object) - Method in class ch.njol.yggdrasil.JRESerializer
      serialize(String, Object) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.variables.Variables
      numberBefore(CharSequence, int) - Static method in class ch.njol.util.StringUtils
      Creates a SerializedVariable from the given variable name - and value.
      Shorthand for numberAt(s, index, false)
      serialize(T) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.classes.ConfigurationSerializer
      numConstants() - Method in class ch.njol.yggdrasil.PseudoEnum
      serialize(T) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.classes.EnumSerializer
      numeric_id - Variable in class ch.njol.skript.bukkitutil.BurgerHelper.ItemOrBlock
      serialize(T) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.classes.Serializer
      numErrors() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.log.RedirectingLogHandler
      numItems() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.aliases.ItemType
      numTypes() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.aliases.ItemType
      numVariables() - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.variables.Variables
      Serialises the given object.
      Gets the amount of variables currently on the server.
      serialize(T) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.classes.YggdrasilSerializer


      obfuscated - Enum constant in enum class ch.njol.skript.util.chat.SkriptChatCode
      serialize(T) - Method in class ch.njol.yggdrasil.YggdrasilSerializer
      obfuscated - Variable in class ch.njol.skript.util.chat.MessageComponent
      Serialises the given object.
      Makes text obfuscated, i.e.
      serializeAs(Class<?>) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.classes.ClassInfo
      OBJECT - Static variable in class ch.njol.skript.registrations.DefaultClasses
      serializeCS(ConfigurationSerializable) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.classes.ConfigurationSerializer
      OcelotData - Class in ch.njol.skript.entity
      SerializedVariable - Class in ch.njol.skript.variables
      OcelotData() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.entity.OcelotData
      OFF_HAND - Enum constant in enum class ch.njol.skript.util.slot.EquipmentSlot.EquipSlot
      OFFLINE_PLAYER - Static variable in class ch.njol.skript.registrations.DefaultClasses
      OldItemData() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.aliases.ItemData.OldItemData
      onActive(Script) - Method in interface org.skriptlang.skript.lang.script.ScriptEvent.ScriptActiveEvent
      An instance of a serialized variable, contains the variable name - and the serialized value.
      Called when this Script is made active in a ParserInstance.
      SerializedVariable(String, SerializedVariable.Value) - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.variables.SerializedVariable
      onAdd(CommandHelp) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.command.CommandHelp
      onCommand(CommandSender, Command, String, String[]) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.command.ScriptCommand
      onCommand(CommandSender, Command, String, String[]) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.SkriptCommand
      onCurrentEventsChange(Class<? extends Event>[]) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.parser.ParserInstance.Data
      onCurrentScriptChange(Config) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.parser.ParserInstance.Data
      Creates a new serialized variable with the given name and value.
      Deprecated. + +
      SerializedVariable.Value - Class in ch.njol.skript.variables
      onDisable() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.Skript
      onEnable() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.Skript
      onInactive(Script) - Method in interface org.skriptlang.skript.lang.script.ScriptEvent.ScriptInactiveEvent
      A serialized value of a variable.
      Called when this Script is made inactive in a ParserInstance.
      serializer - Static variable in class ch.njol.skript.entity.EntityData
      onLanguageChange() - Method in interface ch.njol.skript.localization.LanguageChangeListener
      serializer(Serializer<? super T>) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.classes.ClassInfo
      onPluginDisable(PluginDisableEvent) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.Skript
      Serializer<T> - Class in ch.njol.skript.classes
      onRegistrationsStop() - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.registrations.Classes
      Serializer() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.classes.Serializer
      onRegistrationStop() - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.EntityData
      ServerPlatform - Enum Class in ch.njol.skript
      onStop() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.log.ErrorDescLogHandler
      onStop() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.log.LogHandler
      Represents all server platforms that Skript runs on.
      Called just after the handler is removed from the active handlers stack.
      set(int, E) - Method in class ch.njol.util.coll.CyclicList
      set(int, T) - Method in class ch.njol.util.coll.ReversedListView
      onStop() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.log.RetainingLogHandler
      set(T) - Method in class ch.njol.util.coll.iterator.ReversedListIterator
      onSuccess() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.log.ErrorDescLogHandler
      set(V) - Method in class ch.njol.util.NotifyingReference
      onTabComplete(CommandSender, Command, String, String[]) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.command.ScriptCommand
      set(V) - Method in class ch.njol.util.SynchronizedReference
      onTabComplete(CommandSender, Command, String, String[]) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.SkriptCommandTabCompleter
      set(ScriptCommandEvent, Object[]) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.command.Argument
      onValueChange() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.config.Option
      set(Config, String) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.config.Option
      onValueChange() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.localization.Adjective
      set(E) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.EntityData
      onValueChange() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.localization.Message
      Called when this Message's value changes.
      onValueChange() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.localization.Noun
      set(String) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.config.SimpleNode
      onValueChange() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.localization.RegexMessage
      set(String) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.config.VoidNode
      open() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.log.LogHandler
      set(String, Node) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.config.SectionNode
      open() - Method in interface ch.njol.util.OpenCloseable
      set(String, String) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.config.SectionNode
      open_url - Enum constant in enum class ch.njol.skript.util.chat.MessageComponent.ClickEvent.Action
      set(Block, ItemData, boolean) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.util.BlockUtils
      open_url - Enum constant in enum class ch.njol.skript.util.chat.SkriptChatCode
      set(Block, Material, BlockValues, boolean) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.util.BlockUtils
      OpenCloseable - Interface in ch.njol.util
      Sets the given block.
      A object that can both be opened and closed.
      set(Axolotl) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.AxolotlData
      Option<T> - Class in ch.njol.skript.config
      set(Bee) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.BeeData
      Option(String, T) - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.config.Option
      set(Boat) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.BoatData
      Option(String, T, Converter<String, ? extends T>) - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.config.Option
      set(Cat) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.CatData
      optional(boolean) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.config.Option
      set(ChestBoat) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.BoatChestData
      OptionalPatternElement - Class in ch.njol.skript.patterns
      A PatternElement that contains an optional part, for example [hello world].
      OptionalPatternElement(PatternElement) - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.patterns.OptionalPatternElement
      set(Creeper) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.CreeperData
      options - Variable in class ch.njol.skript.classes.Converter.ConverterInfo
      OptionSection - Class in ch.njol.skript.config
      set(Enderman) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.EndermanData
      OptionSection(String) - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.config.OptionSection
      set(Entity) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.SimpleEntityData
      or - Static variable in class ch.njol.skript.localization.GeneralWords
      set(ExperienceOrb) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.XpOrbData
      or(Kleenean) - Method in enum class ch.njol.util.Kleenean
      set(FallingBlock) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.FallingBlockData
      OR_PATTERN - Static variable in class ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptParser
      set(Fish) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.FishData
      ORANGE - Enum constant in enum class ch.njol.skript.util.SkriptColor
      set(Fox) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.FoxData
      ordinal() - Method in class ch.njol.yggdrasil.PseudoEnum
      Returns the unique ID of this constant.
      org.skriptlang.skript.lang.comparator - package org.skriptlang.skript.lang.comparator
      This file is part of Skript.
      org.skriptlang.skript.lang.converter - package org.skriptlang.skript.lang.converter
      This file is part of Skript.
      org.skriptlang.skript.lang.entry - package org.skriptlang.skript.lang.entry
      This file is part of Skript.
      org.skriptlang.skript.lang.entry.util - package org.skriptlang.skript.lang.entry.util
      This file is part of Skript.
      org.skriptlang.skript.lang.script - package org.skriptlang.skript.lang.script
      This file is part of Skript.
      org.skriptlang.skript.lang.structure - package org.skriptlang.skript.lang.structure
      This file is part of Skript.
      originClassPath - Variable in class ch.njol.skript.lang.SyntaxElementInfo
      set(Frog) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.FrogData
      OUTDATED - Enum constant in enum class ch.njol.skript.update.ReleaseStatus
      Old, probably unsupported release.
      outdatedError() - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.Skript
      set(Goat) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.GoatData
      outdatedError(Exception) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.Skript
      set(Item) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.DroppedItemData


      Pair<T1,T2> - Class in ch.njol.util
      set(Llama) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.LlamaData
      Pair() - Constructor for class ch.njol.util.Pair
      set(Minecart) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.MinecartData
      Pair(T1, T2) - Constructor for class ch.njol.util.Pair
      set(MushroomCow) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.MooshroomData
      Pair(Map.Entry<T1, T2>) - Constructor for class ch.njol.util.Pair
      set(Ocelot) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.OcelotData
      PandaData - Class in ch.njol.skript.entity
      set(Panda) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.PandaData
      PandaData() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.entity.PandaData
      set(Parrot) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.ParrotData
      PandaData(Panda.Gene, Panda.Gene) - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.entity.PandaData
      set(Pig) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.PigData
      PaperEntityUtils - Class in ch.njol.skript.bukkitutil
      set(Rabbit) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.RabbitData
      PaperEntityUtils() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.bukkitutil.PaperEntityUtils
      set(Sheep) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.SheepData
      PaperEntityUtils.LookGoal - Class in ch.njol.skript.bukkitutil
      set(ThrownPotion) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.ThrownPotionData
      PARAM_PATTERN - Static variable in class ch.njol.skript.lang.function.Parameter
      set(TropicalFish) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.TropicalFishData
      Parameter<T> - Class in ch.njol.skript.lang.function
      set(Villager) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.VillagerData
      Parameter(String, ClassInfo<T>, boolean, Expression<? extends T>) - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.lang.function.Parameter
      set(Wolf) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.WolfData
      parent - Variable in class ch.njol.skript.config.Node
      set(ZombieVillager) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.ZombieVillagerData
      parent - Variable in class ch.njol.skript.lang.TriggerItem
      set(EntityEquipment, ItemStack) - Method in enum class ch.njol.skript.util.slot.EquipmentSlot.EquipSlot
      ParrotData - Class in ch.njol.skript.entity
      set(T) - Method in interface ch.njol.util.Setter
      ParrotData() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.entity.ParrotData
      SET - Enum constant in enum class ch.njol.skript.classes.Changer.ChangeMode
      ParrotData(int) - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.entity.ParrotData
      setActive(Script) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.parser.ParserInstance
      parse(String) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.EntityData
      Internal method for updating a ParserInstance's ParserInstance.isActive() status! - You probably don't need to use this method!
      Prints errors.
      setAdult(Entity) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.bukkitutil.EntityUtils
      parse(String) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.EntityType
      parse(String) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.function.Parameter
      Parses function parameters from a string.
      parse(String) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.util.chat.ChatMessages
      Quick method for making an entity an adult.
      Parses a string to list of chat message components.
      setAge(Entity, int) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.bukkitutil.EntityUtils
      parse(String) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.util.EnchantmentType
      Set the age of an entity.
      Parses an enchantment type from string.
      setAll(boolean) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.aliases.ItemType
      setAllowUndefinedEntries(boolean) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.config.validate.SectionValidator
      setAllowUndefinedSections(boolean) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.config.validate.SectionValidator
      setAmount(double) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.aliases.ItemType
      parse(String) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.EnumUtils
      setAmount(double) - Method in interface ch.njol.skript.lang.Unit
      parse(String) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.util.SoundUtils
      setAmount(int) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.aliases.ItemType
      parse(String) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.util.Time
      setAmount(int) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.slot.CursorSlot
      parse(String) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.util.Timespan
      setAmount(int) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.slot.DroppedItemSlot
      parse(String) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.util.visual.VisualEffects
      setAmount(int) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.slot.EquipmentSlot
      parse(String) - Static method in enum class ch.njol.skript.util.WeatherType
      setAmount(int) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.slot.InventorySlot
      parse(String, String) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.Condition
      setAmount(int) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.slot.ItemFrameSlot
      parse(String, String) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.Effect
      setAmount(int) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.slot.Slot
      parse(String, String, SectionNode, List<TriggerItem>) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.EffectSection
      Similar to Section.parse(String, String, SectionNode, List), but will only attempt to parse from other EffectSections.
      parse(String, String, SectionNode, List<TriggerItem>) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.Section
      setAmount(int) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.slot.ThrowableProjectileSlot
      parse(String, SectionNode, String) - Static method in class org.skriptlang.skript.lang.structure.Structure
      setAnd(boolean) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.ExpressionList
      parse(String, ParseContext) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.classes.Parser
      For use in CondCompare only.
      Parses the input.
      setAsyncLoaderSize(int) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.ScriptLoader
      parse(String, Class<T>, ParseContext) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.registrations.Classes
      Sets the amount of async loaders, by updating - ScriptLoader.asyncLoaderSize and ScriptLoader.loaderThreads.
      Parses a string to get an object of the desired type.
      setBaby(Entity) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.bukkitutil.EntityUtils
      parse(String, String) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptParser
      Quick method for making an entity a baby.
      Parses the text as the given pattern as ParseContext.COMMAND.
      setBiome(Biome) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.BlockStateBlock
      parse(String, String) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.Statement
      setBiome(Biome) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.DelayedChangeBlock
      parse(String, Iterator<? extends SyntaxElementInfo<T>>, String) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptParser
      Parses a string as one of the given syntax elements.
      PARSE_EXPRESSIONS - Static variable in class ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptParser
      setBlock(Block, boolean) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.aliases.ItemType
      PARSE_LITERALS - Static variable in class ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptParser
      parseAlias(String) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.aliases.Aliases
      Sets the given block to this ItemType
      Parses an ItemType to be used as an alias, i.e.
      setBlock(Block, Material, BlockValues, int) - Method in interface ch.njol.skript.bukkitutil.block.BlockSetter
      parseArguments(String, ScriptCommand, ScriptCommandEvent) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptParser
      Sets the given block.
      Prints parse errors (i.e.
      setBlock(Material) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.test.runner.SkriptJUnitTest
      parseBlockStates(String) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.aliases.AliasesParser
      Set the type of the block at the testing location.
      Parses block states from string input to a map.
      setBlockData(BlockData) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.BlockStateBlock
      setBlockData(BlockData) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.DelayedChangeBlock
      setBlockData(BlockData, boolean) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.BlockStateBlock
      setBlockData(BlockData, boolean) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.DelayedChangeBlock
      parseByEffectType(PotionEffectType) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.util.PotionEffectUtils
      setCancelled(boolean) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.command.EffectCommandEvent
      ParseContext - Enum Class in ch.njol.skript.lang
      setCancelled(boolean) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.events.bukkit.ExperienceSpawnEvent
      ParsedEntryValidator<T> - Class in ch.njol.skript.config.validate
      setCancelled(boolean) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.hooks.regions.events.RegionBorderEvent
      ParsedEntryValidator(Parser<? extends T>, Setter<T>) - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.config.validate.ParsedEntryValidator
      setCheckFrequency(long) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.update.Updater
      Sets update check frequency.
      setColorable() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.visual.VisualEffectType
      parseEnchantment(String) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.util.EnchantmentType
      setCommand(String) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.command.EffectCommandEvent
      parseExpression(SkriptParser.ExprInfo) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptParser
      setCooldownCancelled(boolean) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.command.ScriptCommandEvent
      parseExpression(Class<? extends T>...) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptParser
      setCurrentEvent(String, Class<? extends Event>...) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.parser.ParserInstance
      parseFunction(Class<? extends T>...) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptParser
      setCurrentEvent(String, Class<? extends Event>...) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.ScriptLoader
      parseHexColor(String) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.util.Utils
      - +
      Tries to get a ChatColor from the given string.
      setCurrentEventName(String) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.parser.ParserInstance
      setCurrentEvents(Class<? extends Event>[]) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.parser.ParserInstance
      setCurrentJUnitTest(String) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.test.runner.SkriptJUnitTest
      parseInt(String) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.util.Utils
      Used internally.
      Parses a number that was validated to be an integer but might still result in a NumberFormatException when parsed with Integer.parseInt(String) due to + overflow.
      setCurrentLoops(List<SecLoop>) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.ScriptLoader
      parseItemType(String) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.aliases.Aliases
      Deprecated. -
      Never use this method, it has no effect.
      Parses an ItemType.
      setCurrentScript(Config) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.parser.ParserInstance
      parseKeyPattern(String) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.aliases.AliasesParser
      Deprecated. -
      Addons should no longer be modifying this.
      Parses alias key pattern using some black magic.
      setCurrentScript(Config) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.ScriptLoader
      parseKeyVariations(String) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.aliases.AliasesParser
      Deprecated. -
      Addons should no longer be modifying this.
      Parses all possible variations from given name.
      setCurrentSections(List<TriggerSection>) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.parser.ParserInstance
      parseLinks - Static variable in class ch.njol.skript.SkriptConfig
      parseLiteral(String, Class<T>, ParseContext) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptParser
      Updates the list of sections currently being handled by this ParserInstance.
      Parses a single literal, i.e.
      setCurrentSections(List<TriggerSection>) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.ScriptLoader
      ParseLogHandler - Class in ch.njol.skript.log
      ParseLogHandler() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.log.ParseLogHandler
      parseLong(String) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.util.Utils
      - +
      Parses a number that was validated to be an integer but might still result in a NumberFormatException when parsed with Long.parseLong(String) due to + overflow.
      setCurrentSkriptEvent(SkriptEvent) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.parser.ParserInstance
      parseMojangson(String) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.aliases.AliasesProvider
      - +
      Uses GSON to parse Mojang's JSON format to a map.
      setCurrentStructure(Structure) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.parser.ParserInstance
      parser - Variable in class ch.njol.skript.aliases.ScriptAliases
      Updates the Structure currently being handled by this ParserInstance.
      Aliases parser linked to our provider.
      setDamage(EntityDamageEvent, double) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.bukkitutil.HealthUtils
      parser(Parser<? extends T>) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.classes.ClassInfo
      setDamage(ItemStack, int) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.bukkitutil.ItemUtils
      Parser<T> - Class in ch.njol.skript.classes
      Sets damage/durability of an item if possible.
      A parser used to parse data from a string or turn data into a string.
      setDamageCause(Damageable, EntityDamageEvent.DamageCause) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.bukkitutil.HealthUtils
      setDebugLabel(String) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.Trigger
      Parser() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.classes.Parser
      setDurability(int) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.aliases.ItemData
      ParseResult(SkriptParser, String) - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptParser.ParseResult
      setElapsedMilliSeconds(UUID, Event, long) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.command.ScriptCommand
      ParseResult(String, Expression<?>[]) - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptParser.ParseResult
      setEnabled(boolean) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.timings.SkriptTimings
      ParserInstance - Class in ch.njol.skript.lang.parser
      setEnabled(boolean) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.update.Updater
      ParserInstance() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.lang.parser.ParserInstance
      setExpr(Expression<? extends F>) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.base.PropertyExpression
      ParserInstance.Data - Class in ch.njol.skript.lang.parser
      Sets the expression this expression represents a property of.
      An abstract class for addons that want to add data bound to a ParserInstance.
      setExpr(Expression<? extends T>) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.conditions.base.PropertyCondition
      parseSignature(String, String, String, String, boolean) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.function.Functions
      Sets the expression this condition checks a property of.
      Parses the signature from the given arguments.
      setExpr(Expression<? extends T>) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.base.WrapperExpression
      parseSimple(String, Class<T>, ParseContext) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.registrations.Classes
      Sets wrapped expression.
      Parses without trying to convert anything.
      setField(Object, Field, Yggdrasil) - Method in class ch.njol.yggdrasil.Fields.FieldContext
      parseStatic(String, Iterator<? extends SyntaxElementInfo<? extends T>>, String) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptParser
      setFields(Object) - Method in class ch.njol.yggdrasil.Fields
      parseStatic(String, Iterator<? extends SyntaxElementInfo<? extends T>>, ParseContext, String) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptParser
      ParseTagPatternElement - Class in ch.njol.skript.patterns
      Sets all fields of the given Object to the values stored in this Fields object.
      A PatternElement that applies a parse mark when matched.
      setFields(Object, Yggdrasil) - Method in class ch.njol.yggdrasil.Fields
      ParseTagPatternElement(int) - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.patterns.ParseTagPatternElement
      ParseTagPatternElement(String) - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.patterns.ParseTagPatternElement
      parseToArray(String) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.util.chat.ChatMessages
      parseType(String) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.util.PotionEffectUtils
      parseVariation(String) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.aliases.AliasesParser
      Parses a single variation from a string.
      setFirst(T1) - Method in class ch.njol.util.Pair
      parseWithoutIndefiniteArticle(String) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.EntityData
      Prints errors.
      ParticleOption - Class in ch.njol.skript.util.visual
      setFirst(T1) - Method in class ch.njol.util.NonNullPair
      ParticleOption(Color, float) - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.util.visual.ParticleOption
      setHasDelayBefore(Kleenean) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.parser.ParserInstance
      PassengerUtils - Class in ch.njol.skript.bukkitutil
      PatcherTool - Class in ch.njol.skript
      This method should be called to indicate that - the trigger will (possibly) be delayed from this point on.
      Allows binary-patching old versions of Skript from this jar.
      setHasDelayBefore(Kleenean) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.ScriptLoader
      patchNotes - Variable in class ch.njol.skript.update.UpdateManifest
      - +
      Patch notes for the update.
      setHealth(Damageable, double) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.bukkitutil.HealthUtils
      PATTERN_MATCHES_EVERYTHING - Enum constant in enum class ch.njol.skript.lang.ExpressionType
      Set the health of an entity
      Expressions whose pattern matches (almost) everything, e.g.
      setInactive() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.parser.ParserInstance
      PatternCompiler - Class in ch.njol.skript.patterns
      Internal method for updating a ParserInstance's ParserInstance.isActive() status! - You probably don't need to use this method!
      The pattern structure is a linked list of PatternElements, + where PatternElement.next points to the next element to be matched, + which can be on an outer level, and where PatternElement.originalNext points + to the next element on the same level.
      setIndentation(String) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.parser.ParserInstance
      setItem(ItemStack) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.slot.CursorSlot
      setItem(ItemStack) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.slot.DroppedItemSlot
      setItem(ItemStack) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.slot.EquipmentSlot
      setItem(ItemStack) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.slot.InventorySlot
      setItem(ItemStack) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.slot.ItemFrameSlot
      PatternCompiler() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.patterns.PatternCompiler
      setItem(ItemStack) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.slot.Slot
      PatternElement - Class in ch.njol.skript.patterns
      setItem(ItemStack) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.slot.ThrowableProjectileSlot
      PatternElement() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.patterns.PatternElement
      setItemMeta(ItemMeta) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.aliases.ItemData
      patterns - Variable in class ch.njol.skript.lang.SyntaxElementInfo
      setItemMeta(ItemMeta) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.aliases.ItemType
      Sets item meta that is applied for everything this type represents.
      setLanguageFileDirectory(String) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.SkriptAddon
      Patterns<T> - Class in ch.njol.skript.util
      Makes Skript load language files from the specified directory, e.g.
      A helper class useful when a expression/condition/effect/etc.
      setLast(PatternElement) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.patterns.ChoicePatternElement
      Patterns(Object[][]) - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.util.Patterns
      setLastUsage(UUID, Event, Date) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.command.ScriptCommand
      PatternSlot(String) - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.aliases.AliasesParser.PatternSlot
      setLineNumber(int) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.Trigger
      permutation(byte, byte) - Static method in class ch.njol.util.coll.CollectionUtils
      Sets line number for this trigger's start.
      Creates a permutation of all bytes in the interval [start, end]
      setLocalVariables(Event, Object) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.variables.Variables
      permutation(int) - Static method in class ch.njol.util.coll.CollectionUtils
      Sets local variables associated with given event.
      Shorthand for permutation(0, length - 1)
      setMaxHealth(Damageable, double) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.bukkitutil.HealthUtils
      permutation(int, int) - Static method in class ch.njol.util.coll.CollectionUtils
      Set the max health an entity can have
      Creates a permutation of all integers in the interval [start, end]
      setMetadata(String, MetadataValue) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.BlockStateBlock
      PI - Static variable in class ch.njol.util.VectorMath
      setMetadata(String, MetadataValue) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.DelayedChangeBlock
      PigData - Class in ch.njol.skript.entity
      setMode(StringMode) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.VariableString
      PigData() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.entity.PigData
      setNegated(boolean) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.Condition
      pitchToRadians(float) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.util.Direction
      plainText(String) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.util.chat.ChatMessages
      Sets the negation state of this condition.
      Constructs plain text only message component.
      setNext(TriggerItem) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.EffectSectionEffect
      play(Player[], Location, Entity, int, int) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.visual.VisualEffect
      setNext(TriggerItem) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.TriggerItem
      PLAYER - Static variable in class ch.njol.skript.registrations.DefaultClasses
      setNext(TriggerItem) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.TriggerSection
      playerChanger - Static variable in class ch.njol.skript.classes.data.DefaultChangers
      setNext(TriggerItem) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.sections.SecLoop
      playerNameRegexPattern - Static variable in class ch.njol.skript.SkriptConfig
      setNext(TriggerItem) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.sections.SecWhile
      PLAYERS - Static variable in class ch.njol.skript.command.ScriptCommand
      setNextExecution(long) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.Task
      PlayerUtils - Class in ch.njol.skript.bukkitutil
      Re-schedules the task to run next after the given delay.
      Contains utility methods related to players
      setNode(Node) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.parser.ParserInstance
      setNode(Node) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.log.SkriptLogger
      setObject(Object) - Method in class ch.njol.yggdrasil.Fields.FieldContext
      setParent(TriggerSection) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.EffectSectionEffect
      setParent(TriggerSection) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.TriggerItem
      setParent(TriggerSection) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.TriggerSection
      PlayerUtils() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.bukkitutil.PlayerUtils
      setParent(ExprFilter) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprFilter.ExprInput
      plugin - Variable in class ch.njol.skript.SkriptAddon
      setPeriod(long) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.Task
      plural - Variable in class ch.njol.skript.aliases.AliasesProvider.AliasName
      Sets the period of this task.
      Plural form of alias name.
      setPitch(Vector, float) - Static method in class ch.njol.util.VectorMath
      setPlain(boolean) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.aliases.ItemData
      setPrimitive(Object) - Method in class ch.njol.yggdrasil.Fields.FieldContext
      setReleaseChannel(ReleaseChannel) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.update.Updater
      PLURAL - Static variable in class ch.njol.skript.localization.Noun
      setRemainingMilliseconds(UUID, Event, long) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.command.ScriptCommand
      PLURAL_TOKEN - Static variable in class ch.njol.skript.localization.Noun
      setReturnValue(T[]) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.function.ScriptFunction
      PluralizingArgsMessage - Class in ch.njol.skript.localization
      Should only be called by EffReturn.
      An ArgsMessage that pluralises words following numbers.
      setSecond(T2) - Method in class ch.njol.util.Pair
      setSecond(T2) - Method in class ch.njol.util.NonNullPair
      setShutdownDelay(long) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.test.runner.SkriptJUnitTest
      PluralizingArgsMessage(String) - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.localization.PluralizingArgsMessage
      setSkript(Skript) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.timings.SkriptTimings
      plus(Timespan) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.Date
      Get a new instance of this Date with the added timespan
      POISON - Enum constant in enum class ch.njol.skript.util.PotionDataUtils
      setSpawnedXP(int) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.events.bukkit.ExperienceSpawnEvent
      POISON_LONG - Enum constant in enum class ch.njol.skript.util.PotionDataUtils
      setStringMode(Expression<T>, StringMode) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.VariableString
      POISON_STRONG - Enum constant in enum class ch.njol.skript.util.PotionDataUtils
      setTableName(String) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.variables.SQLStorage
      postLoad() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.SelfRegisteringSkriptEvent
      postLoad() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptEvent
      This method handles the registration of this event with Skript and Bukkit.
      postLoad() - Method in class org.skriptlang.skript.lang.structure.Structure
      The third and final phase of Structure loading.
      postUnload() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptEvent
      This method handles the unregistration of this event with Skript and Bukkit.
      postUnload() - Method in class org.skriptlang.skript.lang.structure.Structure
      Called when this structure is unloaded.
      PotionDataUtils - Enum Class in ch.njol.skript.util
      setter(Setter<? super T>) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.config.Option
      PotionEffectUtils - Class in ch.njol.skript.util
      Setter<T> - Interface in ch.njol.util
      power(A, R) - Method in interface ch.njol.skript.classes.Arithmetic
      SETTER - Static variable in interface ch.njol.skript.bukkitutil.block.BlockCompat
      power(Number, Number) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.classes.NumberArithmetic
      setTime(int) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.base.EventValueExpression
      power(Vector, Vector) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.classes.VectorArithmethic
      setTime(int) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.base.WrapperExpression
      Predicate<T> - Interface in ch.njol.util
      setTime(int) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprBiome
      preLoad() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptEvent
      This method handles the loading of the Structure's syntax elements.
      preLoad() - Method in class org.skriptlang.skript.lang.structure.Structure
      The first phase of Structure loading.
      prerelease - Variable in class ch.njol.skript.update.GithubChecker.ResponseEntry
      setTime(int) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprDamageCause
      previous() - Method in class ch.njol.util.coll.iterator.ReversedListIterator
      setTime(int) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprFoodLevel
      previousIndex() - Method in class ch.njol.util.coll.iterator.ReversedListIterator
      setTime(int) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprFurnaceSlot
      printError() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.log.ParseLogHandler
      setTime(int) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprGameMode
      printError(String) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.log.ParseLogHandler
      Prints the best error or the given error if no error has been logged.
      printError(String, ErrorQuality) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.log.ParseLogHandler
      setTime(int) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprHotbarSlot
      printErrors() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.log.RetainingLogHandler
      setTime(int) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprLevel
      printErrors(String) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.log.RetainingLogHandler
      Prints all retained errors or the given one if no errors were retained.
      printErrors(String, ErrorQuality) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.log.RetainingLogHandler
      setTime(int) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprPassenger
      printErrors(CommandSender, String) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.log.RetainingLogHandler
      Sends all retained error messages to the given recipient.
      printLog() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.log.ParseLogHandler
      Prints the retained log
      printLog() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.log.RetainingLogHandler
      Prints all retained log messages.
      printLog(boolean) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.log.ParseLogHandler
      setTime(int) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprQuitReason
      priority - Variable in class ch.njol.skript.SkriptEventHandler.PriorityListener
      setTime(int) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprSignText
      Priority(int) - Constructor for class org.skriptlang.skript.lang.structure.Structure.Priority
      setTime(int) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprSpawn
      PRIORITY - Static variable in class ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptEvent
      setTime(int) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprSpectatorTarget
      PriorityListener(EventPriority) - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.SkriptEventHandler.PriorityListener
      setTime(int) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprTarget
      PROPERTY - Enum constant in enum class ch.njol.skript.lang.ExpressionType
      Property expressions, e.g.
      provider - Variable in class ch.njol.skript.aliases.AliasesParser
      Aliases provider, which takes the aliases and variations we parse.
      provider - Variable in class ch.njol.skript.aliases.ScriptAliases
      Aliases provider.
      PseudoEnum<T extends PseudoEnum<T>> - Class in ch.njol.yggdrasil
      A class that acts as a "pseudo-enum", i.e.
      PseudoEnum(String) - Constructor for class ch.njol.yggdrasil.PseudoEnum
      setTime(int) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprTargetedBlock
      published_at - Variable in class ch.njol.skript.update.GithubChecker.ResponseEntry
      setTime(int) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprTimeState
      put(T1, T2) - Method in class ch.njol.util.coll.BidiHashMap
      setTime(int) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprTool
      put(Node) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.config.NodeMap
      setTime(int) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprVehicle
      put(String, AliasesProvider.Variation) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.aliases.AliasesProvider.VariationGroup
      setTime(int) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprWeather
      putAll(Map<? extends T1, ? extends T2>) - Method in class ch.njol.util.coll.BidiHashMap
      setTime(int) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprWorld
      putObject(String, Object) - Method in class ch.njol.yggdrasil.Fields
      setTime(int) - Method in interface ch.njol.skript.lang.Expression
      Sets the time of this expression, i.e.
      setTime(int) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.ExpressionList
      putPrimitive(String, Object) - Method in class ch.njol.yggdrasil.Fields
      setTime(int) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.UnparsedLiteral


      quality - Variable in class ch.njol.skript.log.LogEntry
      setTime(int) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.util.ConvertedExpression
      quality() - Method in enum class ch.njol.skript.log.ErrorQuality
      setTime(int) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.util.SimpleExpression
      quote(String) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.VariableString
      Sets the time of this expression, i.e.
      Attempts to properly quote a string (e.g.
      setTime(int) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.util.SimpleLiteral
      setTime(int) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.Variable
      setTime(int) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.VariableString
      setTime(int, Expression<?>, Class<? extends Event>...) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.util.SimpleExpression


      RabbitData - Class in ch.njol.skript.entity
      setTime(int, Class<? extends Event>) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.util.SimpleExpression
      RabbitData() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.entity.RabbitData
      setTime(int, Class<? extends Event>...) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.util.SimpleExpression
      RabbitData(int) - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.entity.RabbitData
      setTime(int, Class<? extends Event>, Expression<?>...) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.util.SimpleExpression
      RAD_TO_DEG - Static variable in class ch.njol.util.VectorMath
      setTo(ItemType) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.aliases.ItemType
      RAIN - Enum constant in enum class ch.njol.skript.util.WeatherType
      setToDefault(ScriptCommandEvent) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.command.Argument
      random - Static variable in class ch.njol.skript.util.Utils
      setTotalXP(Player, int) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.bukkitutil.PlayerUtils
      Sets the total experience points of the given player.
      setTriggerItems(List<TriggerItem>) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.TriggerSection
      random(int, int) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.util.Utils
      Remember to add this section to ParserInstance.getCurrentSections() before parsing child elements!
      Gets a random value between start (inclusive) and end (exclusive)
      setType(Material) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.BlockStateBlock
      setType(Material) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.DelayedChangeBlock
      randomTick() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.BlockStateBlock
      setType(Material, boolean) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.BlockStateBlock
      randomTick() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.DelayedChangeBlock
      setType(Material, boolean) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.DelayedChangeBlock
      rayTrace(Location, Vector, double, FluidCollisionMode) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.BlockStateBlock
      setValue(String) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.config.EntryNode
      rayTrace(Location, Vector, double, FluidCollisionMode) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.DelayedChangeBlock
      setValue(T2) - Method in class ch.njol.util.Pair
      read(JsonReader) - Method in class ch.njol.util.EnumTypeAdapter
      setValue(T2) - Method in class ch.njol.util.NonNullPair
      readArrayComponentType() - Method in class ch.njol.yggdrasil.DefaultYggdrasilInputStream
      setValues(Config) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.config.Config
      readArrayComponentType() - Method in class ch.njol.yggdrasil.xml.YggXMLInputStream
      Sets this config's values to those in the given config.
      setValues(Config, String...) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.config.Config
      +  +
      readArrayComponentType() - Method in class ch.njol.yggdrasil.YggdrasilInputStream
      setValues(SectionNode, String...) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.config.SectionNode
      Updates the values of this SectionNode based on the values of another SectionNode.
      setVariable(String, Object, Event, boolean) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.variables.Variables
      Sets a variable.
      setVerbosity(Verbosity) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.log.SkriptLogger
      readArrayLength() - Method in class ch.njol.yggdrasil.DefaultYggdrasilInputStream
      setWeather(Player) - Method in enum class ch.njol.skript.util.WeatherType
      readArrayLength() - Method in class ch.njol.yggdrasil.xml.YggXMLInputStream
      readArrayLength() - Method in class ch.njol.yggdrasil.YggdrasilInputStream
      setWeather(World) - Method in enum class ch.njol.skript.util.WeatherType
      readClass() - Method in class ch.njol.yggdrasil.DefaultYggdrasilInputStream
      setYaw(Vector, float) - Static method in class ch.njol.util.VectorMath
      readClass() - Method in class ch.njol.yggdrasil.xml.YggXMLInputStream
      readClass() - Method in class ch.njol.yggdrasil.YggdrasilInputStream
      SEVERE - Static variable in class ch.njol.skript.log.SkriptLogger
      readEnumID() - Method in class ch.njol.yggdrasil.DefaultYggdrasilInputStream
      shareStyles(MessageComponent[]) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.util.chat.ChatMessages
      readEnumID() - Method in class ch.njol.yggdrasil.xml.YggXMLInputStream
      readEnumID() - Method in class ch.njol.yggdrasil.YggdrasilInputStream
      SheepData - Class in ch.njol.skript.entity
      readEnumType() - Method in class ch.njol.yggdrasil.DefaultYggdrasilInputStream
      SheepData() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.entity.SheepData
      readEnumType() - Method in class ch.njol.yggdrasil.xml.YggXMLInputStream
      readEnumType() - Method in class ch.njol.yggdrasil.YggdrasilInputStream
      shouldActivate() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.bukkitutil.PaperEntityUtils.LookGoal
      readFieldID() - Method in class ch.njol.yggdrasil.DefaultYggdrasilInputStream
      shouldLoadEvent() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptEvent
      readFieldID() - Method in class ch.njol.yggdrasil.xml.YggXMLInputStream
      Script loader checks this before loading items in event.
      shouldLoadEvent() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.test.runner.EvtTestCase
      +  +
      readFieldID() - Method in class ch.njol.yggdrasil.YggdrasilInputStream
      show_achievement - Enum constant in enum class ch.njol.skript.util.chat.MessageComponent.HoverEvent.Action
      readLine() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.config.ConfigReader
      show_entity - Enum constant in enum class ch.njol.skript.util.chat.MessageComponent.HoverEvent.Action
      readNumFields() - Method in class ch.njol.yggdrasil.DefaultYggdrasilInputStream
      show_item - Enum constant in enum class ch.njol.skript.util.chat.MessageComponent.HoverEvent.Action
      readNumFields() - Method in class ch.njol.yggdrasil.xml.YggXMLInputStream
      readNumFields() - Method in class ch.njol.yggdrasil.YggdrasilInputStream
      show_text - Enum constant in enum class ch.njol.skript.util.chat.MessageComponent.HoverEvent.Action
      readObject() - Method in class ch.njol.yggdrasil.YggdrasilInputStream
      show_text - Enum constant in enum class ch.njol.skript.util.chat.SkriptChatCode
      readObject(Class<T>) - Method in class ch.njol.yggdrasil.YggdrasilInputStream
      showHelp(CommandSender) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.command.CommandHelp
      readObjectType() - Method in class ch.njol.yggdrasil.DefaultYggdrasilInputStream
      Signature<T> - Class in ch.njol.skript.lang.function
      readObjectType() - Method in class ch.njol.yggdrasil.xml.YggXMLInputStream
      Function signature: name, parameter types and a return type.
      Signature(String, String, Parameter<?>[], boolean, ClassInfo<T>, boolean) - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.lang.function.Signature
      +  +
      readObjectType() - Method in class ch.njol.yggdrasil.YggdrasilInputStream
      Signature(String, String, Parameter<?>[], boolean, ClassInfo<T>, boolean, String) - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.lang.function.Signature
      readPrimitive(Tag) - Method in class ch.njol.yggdrasil.DefaultYggdrasilInputStream
      SIMPLE - Enum constant in enum class ch.njol.skript.lang.ExpressionType
      readPrimitive(Tag) - Method in class ch.njol.yggdrasil.xml.YggXMLInputStream
      Expressions that only match simple text, e.g.
      SimpleClassResolver - Class in ch.njol.yggdrasil
      SimpleClassResolver() - Constructor for class ch.njol.yggdrasil.SimpleClassResolver
      +  +
      readPrimitive(Tag) - Method in class ch.njol.yggdrasil.YggdrasilInputStream
      SimpleEntityData - Class in ch.njol.skript.entity
      readPrimitive_(Tag) - Method in class ch.njol.yggdrasil.DefaultYggdrasilInputStream
      SimpleEntityData() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.entity.SimpleEntityData
      readPrimitive_(Tag) - Method in class ch.njol.yggdrasil.xml.YggXMLInputStream
      readPrimitive_(Tag) - Method in class ch.njol.yggdrasil.YggdrasilInputStream
      SimpleEntityData(Class<? extends Entity>) - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.entity.SimpleEntityData
      readReference() - Method in class ch.njol.yggdrasil.DefaultYggdrasilInputStream
      SimpleEntityData(Entity) - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.entity.SimpleEntityData
      readReference() - Method in class ch.njol.yggdrasil.xml.YggXMLInputStream
      readReference() - Method in class ch.njol.yggdrasil.YggdrasilInputStream
      SimpleEntityData.SimpleEntityDataInfo - Class in ch.njol.skript.entity
      readString() - Method in class ch.njol.yggdrasil.DefaultYggdrasilInputStream
      SimpleEvent - Class in ch.njol.skript.lang.util
      readString() - Method in class ch.njol.yggdrasil.xml.YggXMLInputStream
      A very basic SkriptEvent which returns true for all events (i.e.
      SimpleEvent() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.lang.util.SimpleEvent
      SimpleEvents - Class in ch.njol.skript.events
      +  +
      readString() - Method in class ch.njol.yggdrasil.YggdrasilInputStream
      SimpleEvents() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.events.SimpleEvents
      readTag() - Method in class ch.njol.yggdrasil.DefaultYggdrasilInputStream
      SimpleExpression<T> - Class in ch.njol.skript.lang.util
      readTag() - Method in class ch.njol.yggdrasil.xml.YggXMLInputStream
      An implementation of the Expression interface.
      SimpleExpression() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.lang.util.SimpleExpression
      +  +
      readTag() - Method in class ch.njol.yggdrasil.YggdrasilInputStream
      SimpleJavaFunction<T> - Class in ch.njol.skript.lang.function
      A JavaFunction which doesn't make use of - the FunctionEvent instance and that cannot - accept empty / null parameters.
      SimpleJavaFunction(Signature<T>) - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.lang.function.SimpleJavaFunction
      red - Enum constant in enum class ch.njol.skript.util.chat.SkriptChatCode
      SimpleJavaFunction(String, Parameter<?>[], ClassInfo<T>, boolean) - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.lang.function.SimpleJavaFunction
      RED_MUSHROOM - Enum constant in enum class ch.njol.skript.util.StructureType
      SimpleLiteral<T> - Class in ch.njol.skript.lang.util
      RedirectingLogHandler - Class in ch.njol.skript.log
      Represents a literal, i.e.
      Redirects the log to a CommandSender.
      SimpleLiteral(T[], Class<T>, boolean) - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.lang.util.SimpleLiteral
      RedirectingLogHandler(CommandSender, String) - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.log.RedirectingLogHandler
      SimpleLiteral(T[], Class<T>, boolean, UnparsedLiteral) - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.lang.util.SimpleLiteral
      REDWOOD - Enum constant in enum class ch.njol.skript.util.StructureType
      SimpleLiteral(T, boolean) - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.lang.util.SimpleLiteral
      REGENERATION - Enum constant in enum class ch.njol.skript.util.PotionDataUtils
      SimpleLiteral(T, boolean, UnparsedLiteral) - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.lang.util.SimpleLiteral
      REGENERATION_LONG - Enum constant in enum class ch.njol.skript.util.PotionDataUtils
      SimpleNode - Class in ch.njol.skript.config
      REGENERATION_STRONG - Enum constant in enum class ch.njol.skript.util.PotionDataUtils
      SimpleNode(Config) - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.config.SimpleNode
      regexes - Variable in class ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptParser.ParseResult
      SimpleNode(String, String, int, SectionNode) - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.config.SimpleNode
      RegexMessage - Class in ch.njol.skript.localization
      SimplePropertyExpression<F,T> - Class in ch.njol.skript.expressions.base
      A base class for property expressions that requires only few overridden methods
      SimplePropertyExpression() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.expressions.base.SimplePropertyExpression
      RegexMessage(String) - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.localization.RegexMessage
      simplify() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.arithmetic.ExprArithmetic
      RegexMessage(String, int) - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.localization.RegexMessage
      simplify() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.base.PropertyExpression
      RegexMessage(String, String, String, int) - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.localization.RegexMessage
      simplify() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.base.WrapperExpression
      RegexMessage(String, String, String) - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.localization.RegexMessage
      simplify() - Method in interface ch.njol.skript.lang.Expression
      RegexPatternElement - Class in ch.njol.skript.patterns
      Simplifies the expression, e.g.
      A PatternElement that contains a regex Pattern, for example <.+>.
      simplify() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.ExpressionList
      simplify() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.LiteralList
      simplify() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.UnparsedLiteral
      simplify() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.util.ConvertedExpression
      simplify() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.util.SimpleExpression
      RegexPatternElement(Pattern) - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.patterns.RegexPatternElement
      simplify() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.util.SimpleLiteral
      register(Trigger) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.SelfRegisteringSkriptEvent
      Deprecated. +
      This method's functionality can be replaced by overriding SelfRegisteringSkriptEvent.postLoad(). + Normally, that method would register the parsed trigger with SkriptEventHandler. + A reference to the Trigger is available through SkriptEvent.trigger.
      register(Class<T>, String, Class<E>, int, String...) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.EntityData
      simplify() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.Variable
      register(Class<T>, String, Class<E>, String) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.EntityData
      simplify() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.VariableString
      register(SimpleCommandMap, Map<String, Command>, Set<String>) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.command.ScriptCommand
      since(String) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.classes.ClassInfo
      registerAddon(JavaPlugin) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.Skript
      Only used for Skript's documentation.
      Registers an addon to Skript.
      since(String) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.function.JavaFunction
      registerAddonCode(SkriptAddon, ChatCode) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.util.chat.ChatMessages
      Only used for Skript's documentation.
      Registers a chat code.
      since(String) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptEventInfo
      registerBukkitEvent(Trigger, Class<? extends Event>) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.SkriptEventHandler
      Only used for Skript's documentation.
      Registers a SkriptEventHandler.PriorityListener with Bukkit for the provided Event.
      Since - Annotation Interface in ch.njol.skript.doc
      registerBukkitEvents(Trigger, Class<? extends Event>[]) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.SkriptEventHandler
      Provides the version of plugin when was the annotated element added.
      A utility method that calls SkriptEventHandler.registerBukkitEvent(Trigger, Class) for each Event class provided.
      SingleItemIterable<T> - Class in ch.njol.util.coll.iterator
      registerClass(ClassInfo<T>) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.registrations.Classes
      SingleItemIterable(T) - Constructor for class ch.njol.util.coll.iterator.SingleItemIterable
      registerClass(Class<?>, String) - Method in class ch.njol.yggdrasil.SimpleClassResolver
      SingleItemIterator<T> - Class in ch.njol.util.coll.iterator
      registerClassResolver(ClassResolver) - Method in class ch.njol.yggdrasil.Yggdrasil
      SingleItemIterator(T) - Constructor for class ch.njol.util.coll.iterator.SingleItemIterator
      registerCommand(ScriptCommand) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.command.Commands
      singular - Variable in class ch.njol.skript.aliases.AliasesProvider.AliasName
      registerComparator(Class<T1>, Class<T2>, Comparator<T1, T2>) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.registrations.Comparators
      Singular for of alias name.
      Registers a Comparator.
      size - Variable in class ch.njol.skript.update.GithubChecker.ResponseEntry.AssetsEntry
      size() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.config.SectionNode
      size() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.log.RetainingLogHandler
      size() - Method in class ch.njol.util.coll.CyclicList
      size() - Method in class ch.njol.util.coll.ReversedListView
      size() - Method in class ch.njol.yggdrasil.Fields
      registerComparator(Class<T1>, Class<T2>, Comparator<T1, T2>) - Static method in class org.skriptlang.skript.lang.comparator.Comparators
      Registers a new Comparator with Skript's collection of Comparators.
      registerCondition(Class<E>, String...) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.Skript
      registers a Condition.
      registerCondition(String, Function<String, Boolean>) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.aliases.AliasesParser
      Skript - Class in ch.njol.skript
      registerConverter(Class<F>, Class<T>, Converter<F, T>) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.registrations.Converters
      Registers a converter.
      registerConverter(Class<F>, Class<T>, Converter<F, T>, int) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.registrations.Converters
      registerConverter(Class<F>, Class<T>, Converter<F, T>) - Static method in class org.skriptlang.skript.lang.converter.Converters
      Registers a new Converter with Skript's collection of Converters.
      registerConverter(Class<F>, Class<T>, Converter<F, T>, int) - Static method in class org.skriptlang.skript.lang.converter.Converters
      Registers a new Converter with Skript's collection of Converters.
      registerData(Class<T>, Function<ParserInstance, T>) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.parser.ParserInstance
      Registers a data class to all ParserInstances.
      registerEffect(Class<E>, String...) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.Skript
      Registers an Effect.
      registerEvent(Class<T>, T) - Method in class org.skriptlang.skript.lang.script.Script
      This API is experimental and subject to change. + Adds the provided event to this Script.
      registerEvent(String, Class<E>, Class<? extends Event>[], String...) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.Skript
      Registers an event.
      registerEvent(String, Class<E>, Class<? extends Event>, String...) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.Skript
      Registers an event.
      registerEvent(ScriptEvent) - Method in class org.skriptlang.skript.lang.script.Script
      Skript - A Bukkit plugin to modify how Minecraft behaves without having to write a single line of code (You'll likely be writing some code though if you're reading this - =P)
      This API is experimental and subject to change. + Adds the provided event to this Script.
      Skript() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.Skript
      SkriptAddon - Class in ch.njol.skript
      registerEventValue(Class<E>, Class<T>, Getter<T, E>, int) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.registrations.EventValues
      Utility class for Skript addons.
      Registers an event value.
      SkriptAPIException - Exception in ch.njol.skript
      registerEventValue(Class<E>, Class<T>, Getter<T, E>, int, String, Class<? extends E>...) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.registrations.EventValues
      This exception is thrown if the API is used incorrectly.
      SkriptAPIException(String) - Constructor for exception ch.njol.skript.SkriptAPIException
      SkriptAPIException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception ch.njol.skript.SkriptAPIException
      SkriptChatCode - Enum Class in ch.njol.skript.util.chat
      registerExpression(Class<E>, Class<T>, ExpressionType, String...) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.Skript
      Chat codes that come with Skript by default.
      Registers an expression.
      SkriptClasses - Class in ch.njol.skript.classes.data
      SkriptClasses() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.classes.data.SkriptClasses
      SkriptColor - Enum Class in ch.njol.skript.util
      SkriptCommand - Class in ch.njol.skript
      SkriptCommand() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.SkriptCommand
      skriptCommandExists(String) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.command.Commands
      registerFieldHandler(FieldHandler) - Method in class ch.njol.yggdrasil.Yggdrasil
      SkriptCommandTabCompleter - Class in ch.njol.skript
      registerFunction(JavaFunction<?>) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.function.Functions
      Registers a function written in Java.
      registerHelp() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.command.ScriptCommand
      SkriptCommandTabCompleter() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.SkriptCommandTabCompleter
      registerListeners() - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.command.Commands
      SkriptConfig - Class in ch.njol.skript
      registerListeners() - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.util.chat.ChatMessages
      Important: don't save values from the config, a '/skript reload config/configs/all' won't work correctly otherwise!
      Registers language change listener for chat system.
      SkriptConfig() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.SkriptConfig
      SkriptEvent - Class in ch.njol.skript.lang
      registerSection(Class<E>, String...) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.Skript
      A SkriptEvent is like a condition.
      Registers a Section.
      SkriptEvent() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptEvent
      SkriptEventHandler - Class in ch.njol.skript
      SkriptEventHandler.PriorityListener - Class in ch.njol.skript
      registerSignature(Signature<?>) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.function.Functions
      An event listener for one priority.
      Registers the signature.
      SkriptEventInfo<E extends SkriptEvent> - Class in ch.njol.skript.lang
      SkriptEventInfo(String, String[], Class<E>, String, Class<? extends Event>[]) - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptEventInfo
      registerSingleClass(Class<?>) - Method in class ch.njol.yggdrasil.Yggdrasil
      Registers a class and uses its YggdrasilID as id.
      registerSingleClass(Class<?>, String) - Method in class ch.njol.yggdrasil.Yggdrasil
      SkriptJUnitTest - Class in ch.njol.skript.test.runner
      registerStorage(Class<T>, String...) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.variables.Variables
      Class that helps the JUnit test communicate with Skript.
      Register a VariableStorage class for Skript to create if the user config value matches.
      SkriptJUnitTest() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.test.runner.SkriptJUnitTest
      registerStructure(Class<E>, String...) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.Skript
      SkriptLogger - Class in ch.njol.skript.log
      registerStructure(Class<E>, EntryValidator, String...) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.Skript
      SkriptLogger() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.log.SkriptLogger
      REGULAR - Enum constant in enum class ch.njol.skript.util.StructureType
      SkriptParseEvent - Class in ch.njol.skript.events.bukkit
      Relation - Enum Class in org.skriptlang.skript.lang.comparator
      Internally used for parsing `parse if` sections
      Represents a relation between two objects.
      SkriptParseEvent() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.events.bukkit.SkriptParseEvent
      SkriptParser - Class in ch.njol.skript.lang
      ReleaseChannel - Class in ch.njol.skript.update
      Used for parsing my custom patterns.
      - Note: All parse methods print one error at most xor any amount of warnings and lower level log messages.
      Allows checking whether releases are in this channel or not.
      SkriptParser(SkriptParser, String) - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptParser
      SkriptParser(String) - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptParser
      SkriptParser(String, int) - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptParser
      ReleaseChannel(Function<String, Boolean>, String) - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.update.ReleaseChannel
      SkriptParser(String, int, ParseContext) - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptParser
      ReleaseManifest - Class in ch.njol.skript.update
      Constructs a new SkriptParser object that can be used to parse the given expression.
      Describes a Skript release.
      SkriptParser.ExprInfo - Class in ch.njol.skript.lang
      SkriptParser.ParseResult - Class in ch.njol.skript.lang
      SkriptPattern - Class in ch.njol.skript.patterns
      SkriptPattern(PatternElement, int) - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.patterns.SkriptPattern
      skriptPitch(float) - Static method in class ch.njol.util.VectorMath
      ReleaseManifest(String, String, String, Class<? extends UpdateChecker>, String, String) - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.update.ReleaseManifest
      SkriptStartEvent - Class in ch.njol.skript.events.bukkit
      ReleaseStatus - Enum Class in ch.njol.skript.update
      Called when Skript starts (after everything was loaded)
      Status of currently installed release.
      SkriptStartEvent() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.events.bukkit.SkriptStartEvent
      SkriptStopEvent - Class in ch.njol.skript.events.bukkit
      reloadScript(File) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.ScriptLoader
      Called when Skript stops (before anything is unloaded)
      SkriptStopEvent() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.events.bukkit.SkriptStopEvent
      SkriptTestEvent - Class in ch.njol.skript.test.runner
      reloadScript(File, OpenCloseable) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.ScriptLoader
      Raised by Skript when tests are run.
      SkriptTestEvent() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.test.runner.SkriptTestEvent
      SkriptTimings - Class in ch.njol.skript.timings
      reloadScript(Script, OpenCloseable) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.ScriptLoader
      Static utils for Skript timings.
      Reloads a single Script.
      SkriptTimings() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.timings.SkriptTimings
      SkriptUpdater - Class in ch.njol.skript
      reloadScripts(File) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.ScriptLoader
      Skript's update checker.
      skriptYaw(float) - Static method in class ch.njol.util.VectorMath
      Slot - Class in ch.njol.skript.util
      reloadScripts(File, OpenCloseable) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.ScriptLoader
      Slot - Class in ch.njol.skript.util.slot
      reloadScripts(Set<Script>, OpenCloseable) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.ScriptLoader
      Represents a container for a single item.
      Reloads all provided Scripts.
      Slot() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.util.Slot
      remove() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.config.Node
      Slot() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.util.slot.Slot
      slotNumber - Variable in enum class ch.njol.skript.util.slot.EquipmentSlot.EquipSlot
      Removes this node from its parent.
      + +
      remove() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.log.HandlerList
      SlotWithIndex - Class in ch.njol.skript.util.slot
      remove() - Method in class ch.njol.util.coll.iterator.ArrayIterator
      Represents a slot which has index.
      not supported by arrays.
      SlotWithIndex() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.util.slot.SlotWithIndex
      remove() - Method in class ch.njol.util.coll.iterator.CheckedIterator
      SLOW_FALLING - Enum constant in enum class ch.njol.skript.util.PotionDataUtils
      remove() - Method in class ch.njol.util.coll.iterator.CombinedIterator
      SLOW_FALLING_LONG - Enum constant in enum class ch.njol.skript.util.PotionDataUtils
      remove() - Method in class ch.njol.util.coll.iterator.ConsumingIterator
      SLOWNESS - Enum constant in enum class ch.njol.skript.util.PotionDataUtils
      remove() - Method in class ch.njol.util.coll.iterator.EmptyIterator
      SLOWNESS_LONG - Enum constant in enum class ch.njol.skript.util.PotionDataUtils
      remove() - Method in class ch.njol.util.coll.iterator.ImprovedIterator
      SLOWNESS_STRONG - Enum constant in enum class ch.njol.skript.util.PotionDataUtils
      remove() - Method in class ch.njol.util.coll.iterator.ListRangeIterator
      SMALL_JUNGLE - Enum constant in enum class ch.njol.skript.util.StructureType
      remove() - Method in class ch.njol.util.coll.iterator.NonNullIterator
      SMALL_REDWOOD - Enum constant in enum class ch.njol.skript.util.StructureType
      remove() - Method in class ch.njol.util.coll.iterator.ReversedListIterator
      SMALL_REGULAR - Enum constant in enum class ch.njol.skript.util.StructureType
      remove() - Method in class ch.njol.util.coll.iterator.SingleItemIterator
      SMALLER - Enum constant in enum class ch.njol.skript.classes.Comparator.Relation
      SMALLER - Enum constant in enum class org.skriptlang.skript.lang.comparator.Relation
      remove() - Method in class ch.njol.util.coll.iterator.StoppableIterator
      SMALLER_OR_EQUAL - Enum constant in enum class ch.njol.skript.classes.Comparator.Relation
      SMALLER_OR_EQUAL - Enum constant in enum class org.skriptlang.skript.lang.comparator.Relation
      remove(int) - Method in class ch.njol.util.coll.CyclicList
      SoundUtils - Class in ch.njol.skript.util
      remove(int) - Method in class ch.njol.util.coll.ReversedListView
      source - Variable in class ch.njol.skript.bukkitutil.BurgerHelper.Burger
      remove(Object) - Method in class ch.njol.util.coll.BidiHashMap
      source - Variable in class ch.njol.skript.lang.util.ConvertedExpression
      remove(Object) - Method in class ch.njol.util.coll.CyclicList
      Source() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.bukkitutil.BurgerHelper.Source
      remove(Object) - Method in class ch.njol.util.coll.ReversedListView
      spawn(Location) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.EntityData
      remove(String) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.config.NodeMap
      spawn(Location, Consumer<E>) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.EntityData
      remove(ItemData) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.aliases.ItemType
      spawn(Location, Consumer<ExperienceOrb>) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.XpOrbData
      remove(Node) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.config.NodeMap
      spawn(Location, Consumer<FallingBlock>) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.FallingBlockData
      remove(Node) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.config.SectionNode
      Removes the given node from this section.
      remove(String) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.config.SectionNode
      Removes an entry with the given key.
      REMOVE - Enum constant in enum class ch.njol.skript.classes.Changer.ChangeMode
      spawn(Location, Consumer<ThrownPotion>) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.ThrownPotionData
      REMOVE_ALL - Enum constant in enum class ch.njol.skript.classes.Changer.ChangeMode
      removeAll(Collection<?>) - Method in class ch.njol.util.coll.CyclicList
      SpawnEvent(Entity) - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.sections.EffSecSpawn.SpawnEvent
      removeAll(Collection<?>) - Method in class ch.njol.util.coll.ReversedListView
      spawnTestPig() - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.test.runner.SkriptJUnitTest
      Spawns a testing pig at the spawn location of the testing world.
      spigotName - Variable in enum class ch.njol.skript.util.chat.MessageComponent.ClickEvent.Action
      removeAll(ItemStack) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.aliases.ItemType
      spigotName - Variable in enum class ch.njol.skript.util.chat.MessageComponent.HoverEvent.Action
      removeAll(List<ItemStack>...) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.aliases.ItemType
      splitLine(String) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.config.Node
      removeAll(Inventory) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.aliases.ItemType
      removeData(Class<? extends ScriptData>) - Method in class org.skriptlang.skript.lang.script.Script
      Splits a line into value and comment.
      This API is experimental and subject to change. + Removes the ScriptData matching the specified data type.
      splitVariableName(String) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.variables.Variables
      removeEffects(ItemType, Object[]) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.util.PotionEffectUtils
      Splits the given variable name into its parts, - separated by Variable.SEPARATOR.
      Remove a PotionEffect from an ItemType
      SPONGE - Enum constant in enum class ch.njol.skript.ServerPlatform
      removeEffects(LivingEntity, Object[]) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.util.PotionEffectUtils
      Doesn't work at all currently.
      Remove a PotionEffect from an entity
      SQLiteStorage - Class in ch.njol.skript.variables
      removeEnchantments(EnchantmentType...) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.aliases.ItemType
      Removes the given enchantments from this item type.
      removeField(String) - Method in class ch.njol.yggdrasil.Fields
      Removes a field and its value from this Fields object.
      removeFilter(Filter) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.log.BukkitLoggerFilter
      SQLStorage - Class in ch.njol.skript.variables
      removeFilter(Filter) - Method in class ch.njol.util.LoggerFilter
      removeFrom(ItemStack) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.aliases.ItemType
      TODO create a metadata table to store some properties (e.g.
      Removes this type from the item stack if appropriate
      SQLStorage(String, String) - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.variables.SQLStorage
      removeFrom(List<ItemStack>...) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.aliases.ItemType
      removeFrom(Inventory) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.aliases.ItemType
      Creates a SQLStorage with a create table query.
      Removes this type from the given inventory.
      removeLocals(Event) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.variables.Variables
      Removes local variables associated with given event and returns them, + if they exist.
      start - Variable in class ch.njol.skript.util.Timeperiod
      start() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.log.BlockingLogHandler
      start() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.log.CountingLogHandler
      start() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.log.ErrorDescLogHandler
      removeMetadata(String, Plugin) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.BlockStateBlock
      start() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.log.FilteringLogHandler
      removeMetadata(String, Plugin) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.DelayedChangeBlock
      start() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.log.LogHandler
      removePassenger(Entity, Entity) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.bukkitutil.PassengerUtils
      - +
      Remove the passenger from the vehicle.
      start() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.log.ParseLogHandler
      start() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.log.RedirectingLogHandler
      removeSignature(Signature<?>) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.function.Namespace
      start() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.log.RetainingLogHandler
      rename(String) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.config.Node
      start() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.log.TimingLogHandler
      renameAll(File, Converter<String, String>) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.util.FileUtils
      start(String) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.timings.SkriptTimings
      replace(String, String, String, boolean) - Static method in class ch.njol.util.StringUtils
      startBackupTask(Timespan) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.variables.VariablesStorage
      replaceAll(CharSequence, String, Callback<String, Matcher>) - Static method in class ch.njol.util.StringUtils
      Starts the backup task, with the given backup interval.
      Performs regex replacing using a callback.
      startLogHandler(T) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.log.SkriptLogger
      replaceAll(CharSequence, Pattern, Callback<String, Matcher>) - Static method in class ch.njol.util.StringUtils
      Starts a log handler.
      Performs regex replacing using a callback.
      startParseLogHandler() - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.log.SkriptLogger
      replaceChatStyles(String) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.util.Utils
      Shorthand for startLogHandler(new ParseLogHandler());
      Replaces <chat styles> in the message
      startRetainingLog() - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.log.SkriptLogger
      replaceColorChar(String) - Static method in enum class ch.njol.skript.util.SkriptColor
      Shorthand for startLogHandler(new RetainingLogHandler());
      Replace chat color character '§' with '&' + This is an alternative method to ChatColor.stripColor(String) + But does not strip the color code.
      startsWithIgnoreCase(String, String) - Static method in class ch.njol.util.StringUtils
      startsWithIgnoreCase(String, String, int) - Static method in class ch.njol.util.StringUtils
      Statement - Class in ch.njol.skript.lang
      replaceEnglishChatStyles(String) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.util.Utils
      Supertype of conditions and effects
      Replaces english <chat styles> in the message.
      Statement() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.lang.Statement
      stop() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.log.LogHandler
      stop() - Method in class ch.njol.util.coll.iterator.StoppableIterator
      replaceFirst(String, String, String, boolean) - Static method in class ch.njol.util.StringUtils
      stop(Object) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.timings.SkriptTimings
      replaceOptions(String) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.ScriptLoader
      Replaces options in a string.
      requiredPlugins(String...) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.classes.ClassInfo
      Other plugin dependencies for this ClassInfo.
      requiredPlugins(String...) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptEventInfo
      Other plugin dependencies for this SkriptEvent.
      RequiredPlugins - Annotation Interface in ch.njol.skript.doc
      Provides a list of plugins other than Skript that the annotated + element requires to be used.
      requiresFile() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.variables.FlatFileStorage
      StoppableIterator<T> - Class in ch.njol.util.coll.iterator
      requiresFile() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.variables.MySQLStorage
      StoppableIterator(Iterator<T>, NullableChecker<T>, boolean) - Constructor for class ch.njol.util.coll.iterator.StoppableIterator
      requiresFile() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.variables.SQLiteStorage
      stream(Event) - Method in interface ch.njol.skript.lang.Expression
      requiresFile() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.variables.VariablesStorage
      Gets a non-null stream of this expression's values.
      Checks if this storage requires a file for storing its data.
      STRENGTH - Enum constant in enum class ch.njol.skript.util.PotionDataUtils
      STRENGTH_LONG - Enum constant in enum class ch.njol.skript.util.PotionDataUtils
      STRENGTH_STRONG - Enum constant in enum class ch.njol.skript.util.PotionDataUtils
      reset - Enum constant in enum class ch.njol.skript.util.chat.SkriptChatCode
      STRICT - Enum constant in enum class ch.njol.skript.util.chat.LinkParseMode
      reset - Variable in class ch.njol.skript.util.chat.MessageComponent
      Parses everything that starts with http(s):// as a link.
      Tells that this component is supposed to reset styling.
      strikethrough - Enum constant in enum class ch.njol.skript.util.chat.SkriptChatCode
      reset() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.config.ConfigReader
      strikethrough - Variable in class ch.njol.skript.util.chat.MessageComponent
      RESET - Enum constant in enum class ch.njol.skript.classes.Changer.ChangeMode
      resetReturnValue() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.function.Function
      Makes text strikethrough
      Resets the return value of the Function.
      STRING - Static variable in class ch.njol.skript.registrations.DefaultClasses
      resetReturnValue() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.function.FunctionReference
      stringMatcher - Static variable in class ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptParser
      resetReturnValue() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.function.JavaFunction
      StringMode - Enum Class in ch.njol.skript.util
      resetReturnValue() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.function.ScriptFunction
      StringUtils - Class in ch.njol.util
      ResponseEntry() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.update.GithubChecker.ResponseEntry
      StringUtils() - Constructor for class ch.njol.util.StringUtils
      retainAll(Collection<?>) - Method in class ch.njol.util.coll.CyclicList
      stripGender(String, String) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.localization.Noun
      Strips the gender identifier from given string and returns the used gender.
      stripIndefiniteArticle(String) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.localization.Noun
      retainAll(Collection<?>) - Method in class ch.njol.util.coll.ReversedListView
      stripStyles(String) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.util.chat.ChatMessages
      Strips all styles from given string.
      StructAliases - Class in ch.njol.skript.structures
      RetainingLogHandler - Class in ch.njol.skript.log
      RetainingLogHandler() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.log.RetainingLogHandler
      StructAliases() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.structures.StructAliases
      returnType - Variable in class ch.njol.skript.lang.ExpressionInfo
      StructCommand - Class in ch.njol.skript.structures
      ReversedListIterator<T> - Class in ch.njol.util.coll.iterator
      StructCommand() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.structures.StructCommand
      ReversedListIterator(List<T>) - Constructor for class ch.njol.util.coll.iterator.ReversedListIterator
      StructFunction - Class in ch.njol.skript.structures
      ReversedListIterator(List<T>, int) - Constructor for class ch.njol.util.coll.iterator.ReversedListIterator
      StructFunction() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.structures.StructFunction
      ReversedListIterator(ListIterator<T>) - Constructor for class ch.njol.util.coll.iterator.ReversedListIterator
      StructOptions - Class in ch.njol.skript.structures
      ReversedListView<T> - Class in ch.njol.util.coll
      StructOptions() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.structures.StructOptions
      ReversedListView(List<T>) - Constructor for class ch.njol.util.coll.ReversedListView
      StructOptions.OptionsData - Class in ch.njol.skript.structures
      rot(Vector, Vector, double) - Static method in class ch.njol.util.VectorMath
      Structure - Class in org.skriptlang.skript.lang.structure
      ROTATE - Static variable in interface ch.njol.skript.bukkitutil.block.BlockSetter
      Structures are the root elements in every script.
      Attempts to automatically correct rotation and direction of the block + when setting it.
      Structure() - Constructor for class org.skriptlang.skript.lang.structure.Structure
      STRUCTURE - Static variable in class ch.njol.skript.events.EvtGrow
      ROTATE_FIX_TYPE - Static variable in interface ch.njol.skript.bukkitutil.block.BlockSetter
      Growth event restriction.
      Changes type of the block if that is needed to get the correct rotation.
      Structure.Priority - Class in org.skriptlang.skript.lang.structure
      ROTATE_FORCE - Static variable in interface ch.njol.skript.bukkitutil.block.BlockSetter
      Priorities are used to determine the order in which Structures should be loaded.
      Overrides rotation and direction that might have been specified in block + values when BlockSetter.ROTATE is also set.
      Structure.StructureData - Class in org.skriptlang.skript.lang.structure
      rotX(Vector, double) - Static method in class ch.njol.util.VectorMath
      StructureData(ParserInstance) - Constructor for class org.skriptlang.skript.lang.structure.Structure.StructureData
      rotY(Vector, double) - Static method in class ch.njol.util.VectorMath
      StructureInfo<E extends Structure> - Class in org.skriptlang.skript.lang.structure
      rotZ(Vector, double) - Static method in class ch.njol.util.VectorMath
      round(double) - Static method in class ch.njol.util.Math2
      Special SyntaxElementInfo for Structures that may contain information such as the EntryValidator.
      Rounds the given double (where .5 is rounded up) and returns the result as a long.
      StructureInfo(String[], Class<E>, String) - Constructor for class org.skriptlang.skript.lang.structure.StructureInfo
      StructureInfo(String[], Class<E>, String, EntryValidator) - Constructor for class org.skriptlang.skript.lang.structure.StructureInfo
      structures - Variable in class ch.njol.skript.ScriptLoader.ScriptInfo
      StructureType - Enum Class in ch.njol.skript.util
      round(float) - Static method in class ch.njol.util.Math2
      Rounds the given float (where .5 is rounded up) and returns the result as an int.
      run(A) - Method in interface ch.njol.util.Callback
      StructVariables - Class in ch.njol.skript.structures
      run(Event) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.Condition
      StructVariables() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.structures.StructVariables
      run(Event) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.Effect
      StructVariables.DefaultVariables - Class in ch.njol.skript.structures
      run(Event) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.TriggerItem
      Executes this item.
      run(Event) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.TriggerSection
      subList(int, int) - Method in class ch.njol.util.coll.ReversedListView
      run_command - Enum constant in enum class ch.njol.skript.util.chat.MessageComponent.ClickEvent.Action
      subSequence(int, int) - Method in class ch.njol.util.CaseInsensitiveString
      run_command - Enum constant in enum class ch.njol.skript.util.chat.SkriptChatCode
      substring(String, int, int) - Static method in class ch.njol.util.StringUtils


      safe(float) - Static method in class ch.njol.util.Math2
      Equal to String.substring(int, int), but allows negative indices that are counted from the end of the string.
      Guarantees a float is neither NaN nor infinite.
      subtract(A, R) - Method in interface ch.njol.skript.classes.Arithmetic
      SAME_ITEM - Enum constant in enum class ch.njol.skript.aliases.MatchQuality
      The matched item has all metadata and block states that matcher has set + to same values that matcher has.
      SAME_MATERIAL - Enum constant in enum class ch.njol.skript.aliases.MatchQuality
      The matched and matcher item share a material.
      sameType(EntityType) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.EntityType
      subtract(ScriptLoader.ScriptInfo) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.ScriptLoader.ScriptInfo
      save() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.config.Node
      subtract(Timespan) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.Date
      save(File) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.config.Config
      Subtract a Timespan from this date
      Saves the config to a file.
      subtract(Number, Number) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.classes.NumberArithmetic
      save(InputStream, File) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.util.FileUtils
      Saves the contents of an InputStream in a file.
      save(PrintWriter) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.config.Node
      subtract(Vector, Vector) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.classes.VectorArithmethic
      save(PrintWriter) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.config.SectionNode
      suggest_command - Enum constant in enum class ch.njol.skript.util.chat.MessageComponent.ClickEvent.Action
      save(String, String, byte[]) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.variables.FlatFileStorage
      suggest_command - Enum constant in enum class ch.njol.skript.util.chat.SkriptChatCode
      save(String, String, byte[]) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.variables.SQLStorage
      supplier(Supplier<Iterator<T>>) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.classes.ClassInfo
      save(String, String, byte[]) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.variables.VariablesStorage
      Used for dynamically getting all the possible values of a class
      Saves a variable.
      supplier(T[]) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.classes.ClassInfo
      saveToFile(Object, File) - Method in class ch.njol.yggdrasil.Yggdrasil
      saveVariables(boolean) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.variables.FlatFileStorage
      Used for getting all the possible constants of a class
      Completely rewrites the CSV file.
      supported - Variable in enum class ch.njol.skript.ServerPlatform
      supports(String) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.Skript
      script - Variable in class ch.njol.skript.lang.function.FunctionReference
      Deprecated. - -
      Script in which this reference is found.
      supportsInversion() - Method in interface org.skriptlang.skript.lang.comparator.Comparator
      supportsOrdering() - Method in interface ch.njol.skript.classes.Comparator
      Script - Class in org.skriptlang.skript.lang.script
      supportsOrdering() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.classes.InverseComparator
      Scripts are the primary container of all code.
      + +
      Script(Config, List<Structure>) - Constructor for class org.skriptlang.skript.lang.script.Script
      Creates a new Script to be used across the API.
      SCRIPT - Enum constant in enum class ch.njol.skript.lang.function.Namespace.Origin
      Script functions.
      SCRIPT - Enum constant in enum class ch.njol.skript.lang.ParseContext
      Used for parsing variables in a script's variables section
      ScriptAliases - Class in ch.njol.skript.aliases
      supportsOrdering() - Method in interface org.skriptlang.skript.lang.comparator.Comparator
      suppressesWarning(ScriptWarning) - Method in class org.skriptlang.skript.lang.script.Script
      suppressWarning(ScriptWarning) - Method in class org.skriptlang.skript.lang.script.Script
      SWAMP - Enum constant in enum class ch.njol.skript.util.StructureType
      SWIFTNESS - Enum constant in enum class ch.njol.skript.util.PotionDataUtils
      SWIFTNESS_LONG - Enum constant in enum class ch.njol.skript.util.PotionDataUtils
      SWIFTNESS_STRONG - Enum constant in enum class ch.njol.skript.util.PotionDataUtils
      syncCommands(Server) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.bukkitutil.CommandReloader
      Per-script aliases provider and parser container.
      + +
      ScriptCommand - Class in ch.njol.skript.command
      Attempts to register Bukkit commands to Brigadier and synchronize them - to all clients.
      This class is used for user-defined commands.
      SynchronizedReference<V> - Class in ch.njol.util
      SynchronizedReference() - Constructor for class ch.njol.util.SynchronizedReference
      SynchronizedReference(V) - Constructor for class ch.njol.util.SynchronizedReference
      SyntaxElement - Interface in ch.njol.skript.lang
      ScriptCommand(Script, String, String, List<Argument<?>>, String, String, String, List<String>, String, VariableString, Timespan, VariableString, String, VariableString, int, SectionNode) - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.command.ScriptCommand
      Represents a general part of the syntax.
      Creates a new SkriptCommand.
      SyntaxElementInfo<E extends SyntaxElement> - Class in ch.njol.skript.lang
      ScriptCommandEvent - Class in ch.njol.skript.command
      SyntaxElementInfo(String[], Class<E>, String) - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.lang.SyntaxElementInfo
      ScriptCommandEvent(ScriptCommand, CommandSender, String, String) - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.command.ScriptCommandEvent


      T_ARRAY - Enum constant in enum class ch.njol.yggdrasil.Tag
      ScriptData - Interface in org.skriptlang.skript.lang.script
      To be implemented on data objects for Script's Data API.
      T_BOOLEAN - Enum constant in enum class ch.njol.yggdrasil.Tag
      T_BOOLEAN_OBJ - Enum constant in enum class ch.njol.yggdrasil.Tag
      T_BYTE - Enum constant in enum class ch.njol.yggdrasil.Tag
      ScriptEvent - Interface in org.skriptlang.skript.lang.script
      primitive types
      A ScriptEvent is used for listening to and performing actions for different Script events.
      T_BYTE_OBJ - Enum constant in enum class ch.njol.yggdrasil.Tag
      ScriptEvent.ScriptActiveEvent - Interface in org.skriptlang.skript.lang.script
      wrapper types
      A ScriptEvent that is called when a Script is made active in a ParserInstance.
      T_CHAR - Enum constant in enum class ch.njol.yggdrasil.Tag
      T_CHAR_OBJ - Enum constant in enum class ch.njol.yggdrasil.Tag
      T_CLASS - Enum constant in enum class ch.njol.yggdrasil.Tag
      T_DOUBLE - Enum constant in enum class ch.njol.yggdrasil.Tag
      T_DOUBLE_OBJ - Enum constant in enum class ch.njol.yggdrasil.Tag
      T_ENUM - Enum constant in enum class ch.njol.yggdrasil.Tag
      ScriptEvent.ScriptInactiveEvent - Interface in org.skriptlang.skript.lang.script
      enum constants & class singletons
      A ScriptEvent that is called when a Script is made inactive in a ParserInstance.
      T_FLOAT - Enum constant in enum class ch.njol.yggdrasil.Tag
      T_FLOAT_OBJ - Enum constant in enum class ch.njol.yggdrasil.Tag
      T_INT - Enum constant in enum class ch.njol.yggdrasil.Tag
      ScriptFunction<T> - Class in ch.njol.skript.lang.function
      T_INT_OBJ - Enum constant in enum class ch.njol.yggdrasil.Tag
      ScriptFunction(Signature<T>, Script, SectionNode) - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.lang.function.ScriptFunction
      T_LONG - Enum constant in enum class ch.njol.yggdrasil.Tag
      ScriptInfo() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.ScriptLoader.ScriptInfo
      T_LONG_OBJ - Enum constant in enum class ch.njol.yggdrasil.Tag
      ScriptInfo(int, int) - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.ScriptLoader.ScriptInfo
      T_NULL - Enum constant in enum class ch.njol.yggdrasil.Tag
      ScriptInfo(ScriptLoader.ScriptInfo) - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.ScriptLoader.ScriptInfo
      the null reference
      Copy constructor.
      T_OBJECT - Enum constant in enum class ch.njol.yggdrasil.Tag
      ScriptLoader - Class in ch.njol.skript
      a generic object
      The main class for loading, unloading and reloading scripts.
      T_REFERENCE - Enum constant in enum class ch.njol.yggdrasil.Tag
      ScriptLoader() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.ScriptLoader
      ScriptLoader.ScriptInfo - Class in ch.njol.skript
      must always be 0xFF (check uses)
      A class for keeping track of the general content of a script: + + The amount of files + The amount of structures +
      T_SHORT - Enum constant in enum class ch.njol.yggdrasil.Tag
      scriptLoaderThreadSize - Static variable in class ch.njol.skript.SkriptConfig
      T_SHORT_OBJ - Enum constant in enum class ch.njol.yggdrasil.Tag
      SCRIPTSFOLDER - Static variable in class ch.njol.skript.Skript
      T_STRING - Enum constant in enum class ch.njol.yggdrasil.Tag
      ScriptWarning - Enum Class in org.skriptlang.skript.lang.script
      saved as UTF-8
      An enum containing Script warnings that can be suppressed.
      tag - Variable in enum class ch.njol.yggdrasil.Tag
      second - Variable in class ch.njol.util.Pair
      Tag - Enum Class in ch.njol.yggdrasil
      Section - Class in ch.njol.skript.lang
      A section that can decide what it does with its contents, as code isn't parsed by default.
      Section() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.lang.Section
      tag_name - Variable in class ch.njol.skript.update.GithubChecker.ResponseEntry
      Section.SectionContext - Class in ch.njol.skript.lang
      tags - Variable in class ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptParser.ParseResult
      SectionContext(ParserInstance) - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.lang.Section.SectionContext
      TALL_BIRCH - Enum constant in enum class ch.njol.skript.util.StructureType
      SectionEntryData - Class in org.skriptlang.skript.lang.entry
      A simple entry data class for handling SectionNodes.
      SectionEntryData(String, SectionNode, boolean) - Constructor for class org.skriptlang.skript.lang.entry.SectionEntryData
      target_commitish - Variable in class ch.njol.skript.update.GithubChecker.ResponseEntry
      sectionNode - Variable in class ch.njol.skript.lang.Section.SectionContext
      Task - Class in ch.njol.skript.util
      SectionNode - Class in ch.njol.skript.config
      Task(Plugin, long) - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.util.Task
      SectionNode(String, String, SectionNode, int) - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.config.SectionNode
      Task(Plugin, long, boolean) - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.util.Task
      SectionSkriptEvent - Class in ch.njol.skript.lang
      To be used in sections that delay the execution of their code through a Trigger.
      SectionSkriptEvent(String, Section) - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.lang.SectionSkriptEvent
      Task(Plugin, long, long) - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.util.Task
      SectionValidator - Class in ch.njol.skript.config.validate
      Task(Plugin, long, long, boolean) - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.util.Task
      SectionValidator() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.config.validate.SectionValidator
      teleport(Entity, Location) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.bukkitutil.EntityUtils
      SelfRegisteringSkriptEvent - Class in ch.njol.skript.lang
      Teleports the given entity to the given location.
      Deprecated. +
      Regular Structure methods should be used. + See individual methods for their equivalents.
      test(CommandSender, String[]) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.command.CommandHelp
      test(T) - Method in interface ch.njol.util.Predicate
      SelfRegisteringSkriptEvent() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.lang.SelfRegisteringSkriptEvent
      SEMANTIC_ERROR - Enum constant in enum class ch.njol.skript.log.ErrorQuality
      TEST_DIR - Static variable in class ch.njol.skript.test.runner.TestMode
      sendBlockChange(Player, Location) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.aliases.ItemType
      Root path for scripts containing tests.
      Send a block change to a player
      testFailed(String) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.test.runner.TestTracker
      testFailed(String, Script) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.test.runner.TestTracker
      TestFunctions - Class in ch.njol.skript.test.runner
      sendBlockChange(Player, Location, Material, BlockValues) - Method in interface ch.njol.skript.bukkitutil.block.BlockSetter
      Functions available only to testing scripts.
      Send a block change to a player.
      TestFunctions() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.test.runner.TestFunctions
      testing() - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.Skript
      sendBlockChange(Player, Location, Material, BlockValues) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.util.BlockUtils
      TestMode - Class in ch.njol.skript.test.runner
      sendFormatted(CommandSender, String) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.log.SkriptLogger
      Static utilities for Skript's 'test mode'.
      Sends the given formatted message to the given CommandSender.
      TestMode() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.test.runner.TestMode
      sendHelp(CommandSender) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.command.ScriptCommand
      TestResults - Class in ch.njol.skript.test.utils
      sendPluginMessage(String, String...) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.util.Utils
      Contains test results: successes, failures and doc failure.
      Sends a plugin message using the first player from Bukkit.getOnlinePlayers().
      TestResults(Set<String>, Map<String, String>, boolean) - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.test.utils.TestResults
      testStarted(String) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.test.runner.TestTracker
      TestTracker - Class in ch.njol.skript.test.runner
      sendPluginMessage(String, Predicate<ByteArrayDataInput>, String...) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.util.Utils
      Tracks failed and succeeded tests.
      Sends a plugin message using the first player from Bukkit.getOnlinePlayers().
      TestTracker() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.test.runner.TestTracker
      text - Variable in class ch.njol.skript.util.chat.MessageComponent
      text_id - Variable in class ch.njol.skript.bukkitutil.BurgerHelper.ItemOrBlock
      ThrowableProjectileSlot - Class in ch.njol.skript.util.slot
      sendPluginMessage(Player, String, String...) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.util.Utils
      Represents the displayed item of a throwable projectile.
      Sends a plugin message using the from player.
      ThrowableProjectileSlot(ThrowableProjectile) - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.util.slot.ThrowableProjectileSlot
      ThrownPotionData - Class in ch.njol.skript.entity
      ThrownPotionData() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.entity.ThrownPotionData
      THUNDER - Enum constant in enum class ch.njol.skript.util.WeatherType
      tick() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.bukkitutil.PaperEntityUtils.LookGoal
      tick() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.BlockStateBlock
      tick() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.DelayedChangeBlock
      time - Variable in class ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptParser.ExprInfo
      Time - Class in ch.njol.skript.util
      Time() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.util.Time
      Time(int) - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.util.Time
      TIME_FUTURE - Static variable in class ch.njol.skript.registrations.EventValues
      sendPluginMessage(Player, String, Predicate<ByteArrayDataInput>, String...) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.util.Utils
      The future time of an event value.
      Sends a plugin message.
      TIME_NOW - Static variable in class ch.njol.skript.registrations.EventValues
      SEPARATOR - Static variable in class ch.njol.skript.lang.Variable
      SerializableChanger<T> - Interface in ch.njol.skript.classes
      The current time of an event value.
      TIME_PAST - Static variable in class ch.njol.skript.registrations.EventValues
      SerializableChecker<T> - Interface in ch.njol.skript.classes
      The past time of an event value.
      Timeperiod - Class in ch.njol.skript.util
      Timeperiod() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.util.Timeperiod
      Timeperiod(int) - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.util.Timeperiod
      Timeperiod(int, int) - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.util.Timeperiod
      Timespan - Class in ch.njol.skript.util
      Timespan() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.util.Timespan
      Timespan(long) - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.util.Timespan
      TIMESPAN - Static variable in class ch.njol.skript.registrations.DefaultClasses
      TimingLogHandler - Class in ch.njol.skript.log
      SerializableGetter<R,A> - Class in ch.njol.skript.classes
      A log handler that records the time since its creation.
      TimingLogHandler() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.log.TimingLogHandler
      to - Variable in class ch.njol.skript.classes.Converter.ConverterInfo
      SerializableGetter() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.classes.SerializableGetter
      to - Variable in class ch.njol.skript.lang.util.ConvertedExpression
      serialize() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.aliases.ItemData
      toArray() - Method in class ch.njol.util.coll.CyclicList
      serialize() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.aliases.ItemType
      toArray() - Method in class ch.njol.util.coll.ReversedListView
      serialize() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.EntityData
      serialize() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.SimpleEntityData
      serialize() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.ColorRGB
      serialize() - Method in enum class ch.njol.skript.util.SkriptColor
      toArray(Collection<Integer>) - Static method in class ch.njol.util.coll.CollectionUtils
      serialize() - Method in interface ch.njol.yggdrasil.YggdrasilSerializable.YggdrasilExtendedSerializable
      Converts a collection of integers into a primitive int array.
      Serialises this object.
      toArray(T[]) - Method in class ch.njol.util.coll.CyclicList
      toArray(R[]) - Method in class ch.njol.util.coll.ReversedListView
      serialize(Boolean, Type, JsonSerializationContext) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.chat.MessageComponent.BooleanSerializer
      toBukkitEntityType(EntityData<?>) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.bukkitutil.EntityUtils
      serialize(Object) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.registrations.Classes
      Convert from Skript's EntityData to Bukkit's EntityType
      Must be called on the appropriate thread for the given value (i.e.
      toChatString(Event) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.VariableString
      serialize(Object) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.variables.Variables
      Parses all expressions in the string and returns it in chat JSON format.
      Serializes the given value.
      toCommandString(T) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.classes.Parser
      serialize(Object) - Method in class ch.njol.yggdrasil.JRESerializer
      toEnglishPlural(String) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.util.Utils
      Gets the english plural of a word.
      toEnglishPlural(String, boolean) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.util.Utils
      serialize(String, Object) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.variables.Variables
      Gets the plural of a word (or not if p is false)
      Creates a SerializedVariable from the given variable name + and value.
      toFloats(double[]) - Static method in class ch.njol.util.coll.CollectionUtils
      toFormattedString() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.log.LogEntry
      toFullString() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.patterns.PatternElement
      toJson(String) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.util.chat.ChatMessages
      toJson(List<MessageComponent>) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.util.chat.ChatMessages
      toMap(String) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.config.Config
      TOOL - Enum constant in enum class ch.njol.skript.util.slot.EquipmentSlot.EquipSlot
      serialize(T) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.classes.ConfigurationSerializer
      toParseResult() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.patterns.MatchResult
      serialize(T) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.classes.EnumSerializer
      toSkriptEntityData(EntityType) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.bukkitutil.EntityUtils
      serialize(T) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.classes.Serializer
      Convert from Bukkit's EntityType to Skript's EntityData
      Serialises the given object.
      toString() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.aliases.ItemData
      serialize(T) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.classes.YggdrasilSerializer
      serialize(T) - Method in class ch.njol.yggdrasil.YggdrasilSerializer
      Returns Aliases.getMaterialName(ItemData, boolean) - called with this object and relevant plurarily setting.
      Serialises the given object.
      toString() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.aliases.ItemType
      serializeAs(Class<?>) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.classes.ClassInfo
      toString() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.classes.ChainedConverter
      toString() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.classes.ClassInfo
      serializeCS(ConfigurationSerializable) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.classes.ConfigurationSerializer
      toString() - Method in enum class ch.njol.skript.classes.Comparator.Relation
      SerializedVariable - Class in ch.njol.skript.variables
      Returns this relation's string representation, which is similar to "equal to" or "greater than".
      An instance of a serialized variable, contains the variable name + and the serialized value.
      toString() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.classes.InverseComparator
      SerializedVariable(String, SerializedVariable.Value) - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.variables.SerializedVariable
      toString() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.command.Argument
      Creates a new serialized variable with the given name and value.
      + +
      SerializedVariable.Value - Class in ch.njol.skript.variables
      A serialized value of a variable.
      serializer - Static variable in class ch.njol.skript.entity.EntityData
      toString() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.command.CommandHelp
      serializer(Serializer<? super T>) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.classes.ClassInfo
      toString() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.config.EnumParser
      Serializer<T> - Class in ch.njol.skript.classes
      toString() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.config.Node
      Serializer() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.classes.Serializer
      ServerPlatform - Enum Class in ch.njol.skript
      returns information about this node which looks like the following:
      - node value #including comments (config.sk, line xyz)
      Represents all server platforms that Skript runs on.
      toString() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.EntityData
      set(int, E) - Method in class ch.njol.util.coll.CyclicList
      toString() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.EntityType
      set(int, T) - Method in class ch.njol.util.coll.ReversedListView
      toString() - Method in enum class ch.njol.skript.expressions.arithmetic.Operator
      set(T) - Method in class ch.njol.util.coll.iterator.ReversedListIterator
      toString() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprEvtInitiator
      set(V) - Method in class ch.njol.util.NotifyingReference
      toString() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.hooks.economy.classes.Money
      set(V) - Method in class ch.njol.util.SynchronizedReference
      toString() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.hooks.regions.classes.Region
      set(ScriptCommandEvent, Object[]) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.command.Argument
      toString() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.hooks.regions.GriefPreventionHook.GriefPreventionRegion
      set(Config, String) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.config.Option
      toString() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.hooks.regions.PreciousStonesHook.PreciousStonesRegion
      set(E) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.EntityData
      toString() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.hooks.regions.ResidenceHook.ResidenceRegion
      set(String) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.config.SimpleNode
      toString() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.hooks.regions.WorldGuardHook.WorldGuardRegion
      set(String) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.config.VoidNode
      toString() - Method in interface ch.njol.skript.lang.Debuggable
      Should return toString(null, false)
      toString() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.ExpressionList
      set(String, Node) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.config.SectionNode
      toString() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.function.Function
      set(String, String) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.config.SectionNode
      toString() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.function.Parameter
      set(Block, ItemData, boolean) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.util.BlockUtils
      toString() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.TriggerItem
      set(Block, Material, BlockValues, boolean) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.util.BlockUtils
      Sets the given block.
      set(Axolotl) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.AxolotlData
      toString() - Method in interface ch.njol.skript.lang.Unit
      set(Bee) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.BeeData
      toString() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.UnparsedLiteral
      set(Boat) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.BoatData
      toString() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.util.ConvertedExpression
      set(Cat) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.CatData
      toString() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.util.SimpleExpression
      set(ChestBoat) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.BoatChestData
      toString() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.util.SimpleLiteral
      set(Creeper) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.CreeperData
      toString() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.Variable
      set(Enderman) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.EndermanData
      toString() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.VariableString
      set(Entity) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.SimpleEntityData
      toString() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.localization.Adjective
      set(ExperienceOrb) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.XpOrbData
      toString() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.localization.ArgsMessage
      set(FallingBlock) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.FallingBlockData
      toString() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.localization.FormattedMessage
      set(Fish) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.FishData
      toString() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.localization.Message
      set(Fox) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.FoxData
      toString() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.localization.Noun
      set(Frog) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.FrogData
      toString() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.localization.RegexMessage
      set(Goat) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.GoatData
      toString() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.log.LogEntry
      set(Item) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.DroppedItemData
      toString() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.patterns.ChoicePatternElement
      set(Llama) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.LlamaData
      toString() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.patterns.GroupPatternElement
      set(Minecart) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.MinecartData
      toString() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.patterns.LiteralPatternElement
      set(MushroomCow) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.MooshroomData
      toString() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.patterns.MatchResult
      set(Ocelot) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.OcelotData
      toString() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.patterns.OptionalPatternElement
      set(Panda) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.PandaData
      toString() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.patterns.ParseTagPatternElement
      set(Parrot) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.ParrotData
      toString() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.patterns.PatternElement
      set(Pig) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.PigData
      toString() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.patterns.RegexPatternElement
      set(Rabbit) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.RabbitData
      toString() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.patterns.SkriptPattern
      set(Sheep) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.SheepData
      toString() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.patterns.TypePatternElement
      set(ThrownPotion) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.ThrownPotionData
      toString() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.ScriptLoader.ScriptInfo
      set(TropicalFish) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.TropicalFishData
      toString() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.SkriptAddon
      set(Villager) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.VillagerData
      toString() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.update.GithubChecker.ResponseEntry
      set(Wolf) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.WolfData
      toString() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.Date
      set(ZombieVillager) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.ZombieVillagerData
      toString() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.Direction
      set(EntityEquipment, ItemStack) - Method in enum class ch.njol.skript.util.slot.EquipmentSlot.EquipSlot
      toString() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.EnchantmentType
      set(T) - Method in interface ch.njol.util.Setter
      toString() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.Experience
      SET - Enum constant in enum class ch.njol.skript.classes.Changer.ChangeMode
      toString() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.GameruleValue
      setActive(Script) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.parser.ParserInstance
      Internal method for updating a ParserInstance's ParserInstance.isActive() status! + You probably don't need to use this method!
      setAdult(Entity) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.bukkitutil.EntityUtils
      Quick method for making an entity an adult.
      setAge(Entity, int) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.bukkitutil.EntityUtils
      Set the age of an entity.
      setAll(boolean) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.aliases.ItemType
      toString() - Method in enum class ch.njol.skript.util.SkriptColor
      setAllowUndefinedEntries(boolean) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.config.validate.SectionValidator
      toString() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.slot.Slot
      setAllowUndefinedSections(boolean) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.config.validate.SectionValidator
      toString() - Method in enum class ch.njol.skript.util.StructureType
      setAmount(double) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.aliases.ItemType
      toString() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.Time
      setAmount(double) - Method in interface ch.njol.skript.lang.Unit
      toString() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.Timeperiod
      setAmount(int) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.aliases.ItemType
      toString() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.Timespan
      setAmount(int) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.slot.CursorSlot
      toString() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.Version
      setAmount(int) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.slot.DroppedItemSlot
      toString() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.visual.ParticleOption
      setAmount(int) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.slot.EquipmentSlot
      toString() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.visual.VisualEffect
      setAmount(int) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.slot.InventorySlot
      toString() - Method in enum class ch.njol.skript.util.WeatherType
      setAmount(int) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.slot.ItemFrameSlot
      toString() - Method in class ch.njol.util.CaseInsensitiveString
      setAmount(int) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.slot.Slot
      toString() - Method in enum class ch.njol.util.Kleenean
      setAmount(int) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.slot.ThrowableProjectileSlot
      toString() - Method in class ch.njol.util.Pair
      setAnd(boolean) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.ExpressionList
      For use in CondCompare only.
      setAsyncLoaderSize(int) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.ScriptLoader
      Sets the amount of async loaders, by updating + ScriptLoader.asyncLoaderSize and ScriptLoader.loaderThreads.
      setBaby(Entity) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.bukkitutil.EntityUtils
      Quick method for making an entity a baby.
      setBiome(Biome) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.BlockStateBlock
      toString() - Method in class ch.njol.yggdrasil.PseudoEnum
      setBiome(Biome) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.DelayedChangeBlock
      setBlock(Block, boolean) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.aliases.ItemType
      - +
      Sets the given block to this ItemType
      toString() - Method in enum class ch.njol.yggdrasil.Tag
      setBlock(Block, Material, BlockValues, int) - Method in interface ch.njol.skript.bukkitutil.block.BlockSetter
      Sets the given block.
      setBlockData(BlockData) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.BlockStateBlock
      toString() - Method in class org.skriptlang.skript.lang.comparator.ComparatorInfo
      setBlockData(BlockData) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.DelayedChangeBlock
      toString() - Method in enum class org.skriptlang.skript.lang.comparator.Relation
      setBlockData(BlockData, boolean) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.BlockStateBlock
      setBlockData(BlockData, boolean) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.DelayedChangeBlock
      setCancelled(boolean) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.command.EffectCommandEvent
      setCheckFrequency(long) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.update.Updater
      Returns this Relation's string representation, which is similar to "equal to" or "greater than".
      Sets update check frequency.
      toString() - Method in class org.skriptlang.skript.lang.converter.ConverterInfo
      setColorable() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.visual.VisualEffectType
      toString() - Method in class org.skriptlang.skript.lang.structure.Structure
      setCommand(String) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.command.EffectCommandEvent
      toString(boolean) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.localization.Noun
      setCooldownCancelled(boolean) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.command.ScriptCommandEvent
      toString(boolean, boolean) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.aliases.ItemData
      setCurrentEvent(String, Class<? extends Event>...) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.parser.ParserInstance
      toString(double) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.Skript
      setCurrentEvent(String, Class<? extends Event>...) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.ScriptLoader
      + +
      setCurrentEventName(String) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.parser.ParserInstance
      toString(double[]) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.util.Direction
      setCurrentEvents(Class<? extends Event>[]) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.parser.ParserInstance
      toString(double, double, double) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.util.Direction
      setCurrentLoops(List<SecLoop>) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.ScriptLoader
      Deprecated. +
      Never use this method, it has no effect.
      setCurrentScript(Config) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.parser.ParserInstance
      Deprecated. +
      Addons should no longer be modifying this.
      setCurrentScript(Config) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.ScriptLoader
      Deprecated. +
      Addons should no longer be modifying this.
      setCurrentSections(List<TriggerSection>) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.parser.ParserInstance
      Updates the list of sections currently being handled by this ParserInstance.
      setCurrentSections(List<TriggerSection>) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.ScriptLoader
      + +
      setCurrentSkriptEvent(SkriptEvent) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.parser.ParserInstance
      + +
      setCurrentStructure(Structure) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.parser.ParserInstance
      Updates the Structure currently being handled by this ParserInstance.
      setDamage(EntityDamageEvent, double) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.bukkitutil.HealthUtils
      toString(double, int) - Static method in class ch.njol.util.StringUtils
      setDamage(ItemStack, int) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.bukkitutil.ItemUtils
      Gets a rounded english (##.##) representation of a number
      Sets damage/durability of an item if possible.
      toString(int) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.aliases.ItemType
      setDamageCause(Damageable, EntityDamageEvent.DamageCause) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.bukkitutil.HealthUtils
      toString(int) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.classes.ClassInfo
      setDebugLabel(String) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.Trigger
      toString(int) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.DroppedItemData
      setDurability(int) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.aliases.ItemData
      toString(int) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.EndermanData
      setElapsedMilliSeconds(UUID, Event, long) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.command.ScriptCommand
      toString(int) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.EntityData
      setEnabled(boolean) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.timings.SkriptTimings
      toString(int) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.EntityType
      setEnabled(boolean) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.update.Updater
      toString(int) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.FallingBlockData
      setField(Object, Field, Yggdrasil) - Method in class ch.njol.yggdrasil.Fields.FieldContext
      toString(int) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.PandaData
      setFields(Object) - Method in class ch.njol.yggdrasil.Fields
      Sets all fields of the given Object to the values stored in this Fields object.
      setFields(Object, Yggdrasil) - Method in class ch.njol.yggdrasil.Fields
      setFirst(T1) - Method in class ch.njol.util.Pair
      toString(int) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.SheepData
      setFirst(T1) - Method in class ch.njol.util.NonNullPair
      toString(int) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.ThrownPotionData
      setHasDelayBefore(Kleenean) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.parser.ParserInstance
      This method should be called to indicate that + the trigger will (possibly) be delayed from this point on.
      setHasDelayBefore(Kleenean) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.ScriptLoader
      + +
      setHealth(Damageable, double) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.bukkitutil.HealthUtils
      Set the health of an entity
      setInactive() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.parser.ParserInstance
      Internal method for updating a ParserInstance's ParserInstance.isActive() status! + You probably don't need to use this method!
      setIndentation(String) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.parser.ParserInstance
      toString(int) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.XpOrbData
      setItem(ItemStack) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.slot.CursorSlot
      toString(int) - Method in interface ch.njol.skript.lang.Unit
      setItem(ItemStack) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.slot.DroppedItemSlot
      toString(int) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.localization.Noun
      setItem(ItemStack) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.slot.EquipmentSlot
      toString(int) - Method in enum class ch.njol.skript.util.StructureType
      setItem(ItemStack) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.slot.InventorySlot
      toString(int) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.util.Time
      setItem(ItemStack) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.slot.ItemFrameSlot
      toString(int) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.Timespan
      setItem(ItemStack) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.slot.Slot
      toString(int) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.visual.VisualEffect
      setItem(ItemStack) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.slot.ThrowableProjectileSlot
      toString(int) - Method in enum class ch.njol.skript.util.WeatherType
      setItemMeta(ItemMeta) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.aliases.ItemData
      toString(int, int) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.localization.Adjective
      setItemMeta(ItemMeta) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.aliases.ItemType
      Sets item meta that is applied for everything this type represents.
      setLanguageFileDirectory(String) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.SkriptAddon
      Makes Skript load language files from the specified directory, e.g.
      setLast(PatternElement) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.patterns.ChoicePatternElement
      toString(int, Adjective) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.aliases.ItemType
      setLastUsage(UUID, Event, Date) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.command.ScriptCommand
      toString(long) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.util.Timespan
      setLineNumber(int) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.Trigger
      Sets line number for this trigger's start.
      setLocalVariables(Event, Object) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.variables.Variables
      Sets local variables associated with given event.
      setMaxHealth(Damageable, double) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.bukkitutil.HealthUtils
      Set the max health an entity can have
      setMetadata(String, MetadataValue) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.BlockStateBlock
      toString(long, int) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.util.Timespan
      setMetadata(String, MetadataValue) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.DelayedChangeBlock
      toString(Object) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.registrations.Classes
      setMode(StringMode) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.VariableString
      toString(Event) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.VariableString
      setNegated(boolean) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.Condition
      Parses all expressions in the string and returns it.
      Sets the negation state of this condition.
      toString(Event, boolean) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.classes.ClassInfo
      setNext(TriggerItem) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.EffectSectionEffect
      toString(Event, boolean) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.classes.Converter.ConverterInfo
      setNext(TriggerItem) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.TriggerItem
      setNext(TriggerItem) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.TriggerSection
      setNextExecution(long) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.Task
      toString(Event, boolean) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.conditions.base.PropertyCondition
      Re-schedules the task to run next after the given delay.
      + +
      setNode(Node) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.parser.ParserInstance
      setNode(Node) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.log.SkriptLogger
      setObject(Object) - Method in class ch.njol.yggdrasil.Fields.FieldContext
      setParent(TriggerSection) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.EffectSectionEffect
      toString(Event, boolean) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.conditions.CondAlphanumeric
      setParent(TriggerSection) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.TriggerItem
      toString(Event, boolean) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.conditions.CondAnchorWorks
      setParent(TriggerSection) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.TriggerSection
      toString(Event, boolean) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.conditions.CondCancelled
      setPeriod(long) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.Task
      Sets the period of this task.
      setPitch(Vector, float) - Static method in class ch.njol.util.VectorMath
      toString(Event, boolean) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.conditions.CondCanHold
      setPlain(boolean) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.aliases.ItemData
      toString(Event, boolean) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.conditions.CondCanSee
      setPrimitive(Object) - Method in class ch.njol.yggdrasil.Fields.FieldContext
      toString(Event, boolean) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.conditions.CondChance
      setReleaseChannel(ReleaseChannel) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.update.Updater
      toString(Event, boolean) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.conditions.CondCompare
      setRemainingMilliseconds(UUID, Event, long) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.command.ScriptCommand
      toString(Event, boolean) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.conditions.CondContains
      setReturnValue(T[]) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.function.ScriptFunction
      Should only be called by EffReturn.
      setSecond(T2) - Method in class ch.njol.util.Pair
      toString(Event, boolean) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.conditions.CondDamageCause
      setSecond(T2) - Method in class ch.njol.util.NonNullPair
      toString(Event, boolean) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.conditions.CondDate
      setSkript(Skript) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.timings.SkriptTimings
      toString(Event, boolean) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.conditions.CondHasItemCooldown
      setStringMode(Expression<T>, StringMode) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.VariableString
      toString(Event, boolean) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.conditions.CondHasLineOfSight
      setTableName(String) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.variables.SQLStorage
      toString(Event, boolean) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.conditions.CondHasMetadata
      setter(Setter<? super T>) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.config.Option
      toString(Event, boolean) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.conditions.CondHasPotion
      Setter<T> - Interface in ch.njol.util
      toString(Event, boolean) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.conditions.CondHasScoreboardTag
      SETTER - Static variable in interface ch.njol.skript.bukkitutil.block.BlockCompat
      toString(Event, boolean) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.conditions.CondIncendiary
      setTime(int) - Method in interface ch.njol.skript.lang.Expression
      Sets the time of this expression, i.e.
      setTime(int) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.ExpressionList
      toString(Event, boolean) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.conditions.CondIsBlockRedstonePowered
      setTime(int) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.UnparsedLiteral
      toString(Event, boolean) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.conditions.CondIsEnchanted
      setTime(int) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.util.ConvertedExpression
      toString(Event, boolean) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.conditions.CondIsLoaded
      setTime(int) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.util.SimpleExpression
      Sets the time of this expression, i.e.
      setTime(int) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.util.SimpleLiteral
      toString(Event, boolean) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.conditions.CondIsOfType
      setTime(int) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.Variable
      toString(Event, boolean) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.conditions.CondIsPluginEnabled
      setTime(int) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.VariableString
      toString(Event, boolean) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.conditions.CondIsPreferredTool
      setTime(int, Expression<?>, Class<? extends Event>...) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.util.SimpleExpression
      toString(Event, boolean) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.conditions.CondIsRiding
      setTime(int, Class<? extends Event>) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.util.SimpleExpression
      toString(Event, boolean) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.conditions.CondIsSet
      setTime(int, Class<? extends Event>...) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.util.SimpleExpression
      toString(Event, boolean) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.conditions.CondIsWearing
      setTime(int, Class<? extends Event>, Expression<?>...) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.util.SimpleExpression
      toString(Event, boolean) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.conditions.CondIsWhitelisted
      setTo(ItemType) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.aliases.ItemType
      toString(Event, boolean) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.conditions.CondIsWithin
      setToDefault(ScriptCommandEvent) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.command.Argument
      toString(Event, boolean) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.conditions.CondItemInHand
      setTotalXP(Player, int) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.bukkitutil.PlayerUtils
      Sets the total experience points of the given player.
      setTriggerItems(List<TriggerItem>) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.TriggerSection
      Remember to add this section to ParserInstance.getCurrentSections() before parsing child elements!
      setType(Material) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.BlockStateBlock
      toString(Event, boolean) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.conditions.CondMatches
      setType(Material) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.DelayedChangeBlock
      toString(Event, boolean) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.conditions.CondPermission
      setType(Material, boolean) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.BlockStateBlock
      toString(Event, boolean) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.conditions.CondPlayedBefore
      setType(Material, boolean) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.DelayedChangeBlock
      toString(Event, boolean) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.conditions.CondPvP
      setValue(String) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.config.EntryNode
      toString(Event, boolean) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.conditions.CondResourcePack
      setValue(T2) - Method in class ch.njol.util.Pair
      toString(Event, boolean) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.conditions.CondRespawnLocation
      setValue(T2) - Method in class ch.njol.util.NonNullPair
      toString(Event, boolean) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.conditions.CondScriptLoaded
      setValues(Config) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.config.Config
      Sets this config's values to those in the given config.
      setValues(Config, String...) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.config.Config
      toString(Event, boolean) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.conditions.CondStartsEndsWith
      setValues(SectionNode, String...) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.config.SectionNode
      Updates the values of this SectionNode based on the values of another SectionNode.
      setVariable(String, Object, Event, boolean) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.variables.Variables
      Sets a variable.
      setVerbosity(Verbosity) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.log.SkriptLogger
      toString(Event, boolean) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.conditions.CondWillHatch
      setWeather(Player) - Method in enum class ch.njol.skript.util.WeatherType
      toString(Event, boolean) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.conditions.CondWithinRadius
      setWeather(World) - Method in enum class ch.njol.skript.util.WeatherType
      toString(Event, boolean) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.effects.Delay
      setYaw(Vector, float) - Static method in class ch.njol.util.VectorMath
      toString(Event, boolean) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.effects.EffActionBar
      SEVERE - Static variable in class ch.njol.skript.log.SkriptLogger
      toString(Event, boolean) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.effects.EffBan
      shareStyles(MessageComponent[]) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.util.chat.ChatMessages
      toString(Event, boolean) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.effects.EffBreakNaturally
      SheepData - Class in ch.njol.skript.entity
      toString(Event, boolean) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.effects.EffBroadcast
      SheepData() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.entity.SheepData
      toString(Event, boolean) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.effects.EffCancelCooldown
      shouldActivate() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.bukkitutil.PaperEntityUtils.LookGoal
      toString(Event, boolean) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.effects.EffCancelDrops
      shouldLoadEvent() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptEvent
      Script loader checks this before loading items in event.
      show_achievement - Enum constant in enum class ch.njol.skript.util.chat.MessageComponent.HoverEvent.Action
      toString(Event, boolean) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.effects.EffCancelEvent
      show_entity - Enum constant in enum class ch.njol.skript.util.chat.MessageComponent.HoverEvent.Action
      toString(Event, boolean) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.effects.EffChange
      show_item - Enum constant in enum class ch.njol.skript.util.chat.MessageComponent.HoverEvent.Action
      toString(Event, boolean) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.effects.EffChargeCreeper
      show_text - Enum constant in enum class ch.njol.skript.util.chat.MessageComponent.HoverEvent.Action
      toString(Event, boolean) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.effects.EffColorItems
      show_text - Enum constant in enum class ch.njol.skript.util.chat.SkriptChatCode
      toString(Event, boolean) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.effects.EffCommand
      showHelp(CommandSender) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.command.CommandHelp
      toString(Event, boolean) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.effects.EffConnect
      Signature<T> - Class in ch.njol.skript.lang.function
      Function signature: name, parameter types and a return type.
      Signature(String, String, Parameter<?>[], boolean, ClassInfo<T>, boolean) - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.lang.function.Signature
      toString(Event, boolean) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.effects.EffContinue
      Signature(String, String, Parameter<?>[], boolean, ClassInfo<T>, boolean, String) - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.lang.function.Signature
      toString(Event, boolean) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.effects.EffDoIf
      SIMPLE - Enum constant in enum class ch.njol.skript.lang.ExpressionType
      Expressions that only match simple text, e.g.
      SimpleClassResolver - Class in ch.njol.yggdrasil
      toString(Event, boolean) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.effects.EffDrop
      SimpleClassResolver() - Constructor for class ch.njol.yggdrasil.SimpleClassResolver
      toString(Event, boolean) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.effects.EffEnchant
      SimpleEntityData - Class in ch.njol.skript.entity
      toString(Event, boolean) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.effects.EffEquip
      SimpleEntityData() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.entity.SimpleEntityData
      toString(Event, boolean) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.effects.EffExceptionDebug
      SimpleEntityData(Class<? extends Entity>) - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.entity.SimpleEntityData
      toString(Event, boolean) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.effects.EffExit
      SimpleEntityData(Entity) - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.entity.SimpleEntityData
      toString(Event, boolean) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.effects.EffExplodeCreeper
      SimpleEntityData.SimpleEntityDataInfo - Class in ch.njol.skript.entity
      toString(Event, boolean) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.effects.EffExplosion
      SimpleEvent - Class in ch.njol.skript.lang.util
      A very basic SkriptEvent which returns true for all events (i.e.
      SimpleEvent() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.lang.util.SimpleEvent
      toString(Event, boolean) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.effects.EffFeed
      SimpleExpression<T> - Class in ch.njol.skript.lang.util
      An implementation of the Expression interface.
      SimpleExpression() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.lang.util.SimpleExpression
      toString(Event, boolean) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.effects.EffFireworkLaunch
      SimpleJavaFunction<T> - Class in ch.njol.skript.lang.function
      A JavaFunction which doesn't make use of + the FunctionEvent instance and that cannot + accept empty / null parameters.
      SimpleJavaFunction(Signature<T>) - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.lang.function.SimpleJavaFunction
      toString(Event, boolean) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.effects.EffForceAttack
      SimpleJavaFunction(String, Parameter<?>[], ClassInfo<T>, boolean) - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.lang.function.SimpleJavaFunction
      toString(Event, boolean) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.effects.EffHandedness
      SimpleLiteral<T> - Class in ch.njol.skript.lang.util
      Represents a literal, i.e.
      SimpleLiteral(T[], Class<T>, boolean) - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.lang.util.SimpleLiteral
      toString(Event, boolean) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.effects.EffHealth
      SimpleLiteral(T[], Class<T>, boolean, UnparsedLiteral) - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.lang.util.SimpleLiteral
      toString(Event, boolean) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.effects.EffHidePlayerFromServerList
      SimpleLiteral(T, boolean) - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.lang.util.SimpleLiteral
      toString(Event, boolean) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.effects.EffIgnite
      SimpleLiteral(T, boolean, UnparsedLiteral) - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.lang.util.SimpleLiteral
      toString(Event, boolean) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.effects.EffIncendiary
      SimpleNode - Class in ch.njol.skript.config
      toString(Event, boolean) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.effects.EffInvisible
      SimpleNode(Config) - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.config.SimpleNode
      toString(Event, boolean) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.effects.EffInvulnerability
      SimpleNode(String, String, int, SectionNode) - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.config.SimpleNode
      toString(Event, boolean) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.effects.EffKeepInventory
      simplify() - Method in interface ch.njol.skript.lang.Expression
      Simplifies the expression, e.g.
      simplify() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.ExpressionList
      toString(Event, boolean) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.effects.EffKick
      simplify() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.LiteralList
      toString(Event, boolean) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.effects.EffKill
      simplify() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.UnparsedLiteral
      toString(Event, boolean) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.effects.EffKnockback
      simplify() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.util.ConvertedExpression
      toString(Event, boolean) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.effects.EffLeash
      simplify() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.util.SimpleExpression
      toString(Event, boolean) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.effects.EffLightning
      simplify() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.util.SimpleLiteral
      toString(Event, boolean) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.effects.EffLoadServerIcon
      simplify() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.Variable
      toString(Event, boolean) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.effects.EffLog
      simplify() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.VariableString
      toString(Event, boolean) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.effects.EffLook
      since(String) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.classes.ClassInfo
      Only used for Skript's documentation.
      since(String) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.function.JavaFunction
      Only used for Skript's documentation.
      since(String) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptEventInfo
      Only used for Skript's documentation.
      Since - Annotation Interface in ch.njol.skript.doc
      Provides the version of plugin when was the annotated element added.
      SingleItemIterable<T> - Class in ch.njol.util.coll.iterator
      toString(Event, boolean) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.effects.EffMakeEggHatch
      SingleItemIterable(T) - Constructor for class ch.njol.util.coll.iterator.SingleItemIterable
      toString(Event, boolean) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.effects.EffMakeFly
      SingleItemIterator<T> - Class in ch.njol.util.coll.iterator
      toString(Event, boolean) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.effects.EffMakeSay
      SingleItemIterator(T) - Constructor for class ch.njol.util.coll.iterator.SingleItemIterator
      toString(Event, boolean) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.effects.EffMessage
      singular - Variable in class ch.njol.skript.aliases.AliasesProvider.AliasName
      Singular for of alias name.
      size - Variable in class ch.njol.skript.update.GithubChecker.ResponseEntry.AssetsEntry
      toString(Event, boolean) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.effects.EffOp
      size() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.config.SectionNode
      toString(Event, boolean) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.effects.EffOpenBook
      size() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.log.RetainingLogHandler
      toString(Event, boolean) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.effects.EffOpenInventory
      size() - Method in class ch.njol.util.coll.CyclicList
      toString(Event, boolean) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.effects.EffPathfind
      size() - Method in class ch.njol.util.coll.ReversedListView
      toString(Event, boolean) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.effects.EffPlayerInfoVisibility
      size() - Method in class ch.njol.yggdrasil.Fields
      toString(Event, boolean) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.effects.EffPlayerVisibility
      Skript - Class in ch.njol.skript
      Skript - A Bukkit plugin to modify how Minecraft behaves without having to write a single line of code (You'll likely be writing some code though if you're reading this + =P)
      Skript() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.Skript
      toString(Event, boolean) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.effects.EffPoison
      SkriptAddon - Class in ch.njol.skript
      Utility class for Skript addons.
      SkriptAPIException - Exception in ch.njol.skript
      This exception is thrown if the API is used incorrectly.
      SkriptAPIException(String) - Constructor for exception ch.njol.skript.SkriptAPIException
      toString(Event, boolean) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.effects.EffPotion
      SkriptAPIException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception ch.njol.skript.SkriptAPIException
      toString(Event, boolean) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.effects.EffPush
      SkriptChatCode - Enum Class in ch.njol.skript.util.chat
      Chat codes that come with Skript by default.
      SkriptClasses - Class in ch.njol.skript.classes.data
      toString(Event, boolean) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.effects.EffPvP
      SkriptClasses() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.classes.data.SkriptClasses
      toString(Event, boolean) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.effects.EffReplace
      SkriptColor - Enum Class in ch.njol.skript.util
      toString(Event, boolean) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.effects.EffResetTitle
      SkriptCommand - Class in ch.njol.skript
      toString(Event, boolean) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.effects.EffRespawn
      SkriptCommand() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.SkriptCommand
      toString(Event, boolean) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.effects.EffReturn
      skriptCommandExists(String) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.command.Commands
      toString(Event, boolean) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.effects.EffScriptFile
      SkriptCommandTabCompleter - Class in ch.njol.skript
      toString(Event, boolean) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.effects.EffSendBlockChange
      SkriptCommandTabCompleter() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.SkriptCommandTabCompleter
      toString(Event, boolean) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.effects.EffSendResourcePack
      SkriptConfig - Class in ch.njol.skript
      Important: don't save values from the config, a '/skript reload config/configs/all' won't work correctly otherwise!
      SkriptConfig() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.SkriptConfig
      toString(Event, boolean) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.effects.EffSendTitle
      SkriptEvent - Class in ch.njol.skript.lang
      A SkriptEvent is like a condition.
      SkriptEvent() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptEvent
      toString(Event, boolean) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.effects.EffShear
      SkriptEventHandler - Class in ch.njol.skript
      toString(Event, boolean) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.effects.EffShoot
      SkriptEventHandler.PriorityListener - Class in ch.njol.skript
      An event listener for one priority.
      SkriptEventInfo<E extends SkriptEvent> - Class in ch.njol.skript.lang
      toString(Event, boolean) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.effects.EffSilence
      SkriptEventInfo(String, String[], Class<E>, String, Class<? extends Event>[]) - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptEventInfo
      toString(Event, boolean) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.effects.EffStopServer
      SkriptLogger - Class in ch.njol.skript.log
      toString(Event, boolean) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.effects.EffStopSound
      SkriptLogger() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.log.SkriptLogger
      toString(Event, boolean) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.effects.EffSuppressWarnings
      SkriptParser - Class in ch.njol.skript.lang
      Used for parsing my custom patterns.
      + Note: All parse methods print one error at most xor any amount of warnings and lower level log messages.
      SkriptParser(SkriptParser, String) - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptParser
      toString(Event, boolean) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.effects.EffSwingHand
      SkriptParser(String) - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptParser
      toString(Event, boolean) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.effects.EffTeleport
      SkriptParser(String, int) - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptParser
      toString(Event, boolean) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.effects.EffToggle
      SkriptParser(String, int, ParseContext) - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptParser
      Constructs a new SkriptParser object that can be used to parse the given expression.
      SkriptParser.ExprInfo - Class in ch.njol.skript.lang
      toString(Event, boolean) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.effects.EffToggleCanPickUpItems
      SkriptParser.ParseResult - Class in ch.njol.skript.lang
      toString(Event, boolean) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.effects.EffToggleFlight
      SkriptPattern - Class in ch.njol.skript.patterns
      toString(Event, boolean) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.effects.EffTree
      SkriptPattern(PatternElement, int) - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.patterns.SkriptPattern
      toString(Event, boolean) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.effects.EffVectorRotateAroundAnother
      skriptPitch(float) - Static method in class ch.njol.util.VectorMath
      toString(Event, boolean) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.effects.EffVectorRotateXYZ
      SkriptTimings - Class in ch.njol.skript.timings
      Static utils for Skript timings.
      SkriptTimings() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.timings.SkriptTimings
      toString(Event, boolean) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.effects.EffVehicle
      SkriptUpdater - Class in ch.njol.skript
      Skript's update checker.
      skriptYaw(float) - Static method in class ch.njol.util.VectorMath
      toString(Event, boolean) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.effects.EffVisualEffect
      Slot - Class in ch.njol.skript.util
      Deprecated. +
      Slot stuff got its own package.
      Slot - Class in ch.njol.skript.util.slot
      Represents a container for a single item.
      Slot() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.util.Slot
      Slot() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.util.slot.Slot
      toString(Event, boolean) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.effects.IndeterminateDelay
      slotNumber - Variable in enum class ch.njol.skript.util.slot.EquipmentSlot.EquipSlot
      toString(Event, boolean) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.events.EvtAtTime
      SlotWithIndex - Class in ch.njol.skript.util.slot
      Represents a slot which has index.
      SlotWithIndex() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.util.slot.SlotWithIndex
      toString(Event, boolean) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.events.EvtBlock
      SLOW_FALLING - Enum constant in enum class ch.njol.skript.util.PotionDataUtils
      toString(Event, boolean) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.events.EvtBookEdit
      SLOW_FALLING_LONG - Enum constant in enum class ch.njol.skript.util.PotionDataUtils
      toString(Event, boolean) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.events.EvtBookSign
      SLOWNESS - Enum constant in enum class ch.njol.skript.util.PotionDataUtils
      toString(Event, boolean) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.events.EvtClick
      SLOWNESS_LONG - Enum constant in enum class ch.njol.skript.util.PotionDataUtils
      toString(Event, boolean) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.events.EvtCommand
      SLOWNESS_STRONG - Enum constant in enum class ch.njol.skript.util.PotionDataUtils
      toString(Event, boolean) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.events.EvtDamage
      SMALL_JUNGLE - Enum constant in enum class ch.njol.skript.util.StructureType
      toString(Event, boolean) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.events.EvtEntity
      SMALL_REDWOOD - Enum constant in enum class ch.njol.skript.util.StructureType
      toString(Event, boolean) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.events.EvtEntityBlockChange
      SMALL_REGULAR - Enum constant in enum class ch.njol.skript.util.StructureType
      toString(Event, boolean) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.events.EvtEntityTarget
      SMALLER - Enum constant in enum class ch.njol.skript.classes.Comparator.Relation
      SMALLER - Enum constant in enum class org.skriptlang.skript.lang.comparator.Relation
      toString(Event, boolean) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.events.EvtExperienceChange
      SMALLER_OR_EQUAL - Enum constant in enum class ch.njol.skript.classes.Comparator.Relation
      SMALLER_OR_EQUAL - Enum constant in enum class org.skriptlang.skript.lang.comparator.Relation
      toString(Event, boolean) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.events.EvtExperienceSpawn
      SoundUtils - Class in ch.njol.skript.util
      toString(Event, boolean) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.events.EvtFirework
      source - Variable in class ch.njol.skript.bukkitutil.BurgerHelper.Burger
      toString(Event, boolean) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.events.EvtFirstJoin
      source - Variable in class ch.njol.skript.lang.util.ConvertedExpression
      toString(Event, boolean) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.events.EvtGameMode
      Source() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.bukkitutil.BurgerHelper.Source
      toString(Event, boolean) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.events.EvtGrow
      spawn(Location) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.EntityData
      toString(Event, boolean) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.events.EvtItem
      spawn(Location, Consumer<E>) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.EntityData
      toString(Event, boolean) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.events.EvtLevel
      spawn(Location, Consumer<ExperienceOrb>) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.XpOrbData
      toString(Event, boolean) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.events.EvtMove
      spawn(Location, Consumer<FallingBlock>) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.FallingBlockData
      toString(Event, boolean) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.events.EvtMoveOn
      spawn(Location, Consumer<ThrownPotion>) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.ThrownPotionData
      toString(Event, boolean) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.events.EvtPeriodical
      spigotName - Variable in enum class ch.njol.skript.util.chat.MessageComponent.ClickEvent.Action
      toString(Event, boolean) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.events.EvtPlantGrowth
      spigotName - Variable in enum class ch.njol.skript.util.chat.MessageComponent.HoverEvent.Action
      toString(Event, boolean) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.events.EvtPlayerChunkEnter
      splitLine(String) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.config.Node
      Splits a line into value and comment.
      splitVariableName(String) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.variables.Variables
      Splits the given variable name into its parts, + separated by Variable.SEPARATOR.
      SPONGE - Enum constant in enum class ch.njol.skript.ServerPlatform
      Doesn't work at all currently.
      SQLiteStorage - Class in ch.njol.skript.variables
      toString(Event, boolean) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.events.EvtPressurePlate
      SQLStorage - Class in ch.njol.skript.variables
      TODO create a metadata table to store some properties (e.g.
      SQLStorage(String, String) - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.variables.SQLStorage
      Creates a SQLStorage with a create table query.
      start - Variable in class ch.njol.skript.util.Timeperiod
      toString(Event, boolean) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.events.EvtResourcePackResponse
      start() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.log.BlockingLogHandler
      toString(Event, boolean) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.events.EvtScript
      start() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.log.CountingLogHandler
      toString(Event, boolean) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.events.EvtSkript
      start() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.log.ErrorDescLogHandler
      toString(Event, boolean) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.events.EvtSpectate
      start() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.log.FilteringLogHandler
      toString(Event, boolean) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.events.EvtWeatherChange
      start() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.log.LogHandler
      + +
      start() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.log.ParseLogHandler
      toString(Event, boolean) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.arithmetic.ExprArithmetic
      start() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.log.RedirectingLogHandler
      toString(Event, boolean) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.base.EventValueExpression
      start() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.log.RetainingLogHandler
      toString(Event, boolean) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.base.SimplePropertyExpression
      start() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.log.TimingLogHandler
      toString(Event, boolean) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprAbsorbedBlocks
      start(String) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.timings.SkriptTimings
      toString(Event, boolean) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprAffectedEntities
      startBackupTask(Timespan) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.variables.VariablesStorage
      Starts the backup task, with the given backup interval.
      startLogHandler(T) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.log.SkriptLogger
      Starts a log handler.
      startParseLogHandler() - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.log.SkriptLogger
      Shorthand for startLogHandler(new ParseLogHandler());
      startRetainingLog() - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.log.SkriptLogger
      Shorthand for startLogHandler(new RetainingLogHandler());
      startsWithIgnoreCase(String, String) - Static method in class ch.njol.util.StringUtils
      toString(Event, boolean) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprAllBannedEntries
      startsWithIgnoreCase(String, String, int) - Static method in class ch.njol.util.StringUtils
      toString(Event, boolean) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprAllCommands
      Statement - Class in ch.njol.skript.lang
      Supertype of conditions and effects
      Statement() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.lang.Statement
      toString(Event, boolean) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprAlphabetList
      stop() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.log.LogHandler
      toString(Event, boolean) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprAmount
      stop() - Method in class ch.njol.util.coll.iterator.StoppableIterator
      toString(Event, boolean) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprAmountOfItems
      stop(Object) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.timings.SkriptTimings
      toString(Event, boolean) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprAppliedEnchantments
      StoppableIterator<T> - Class in ch.njol.util.coll.iterator
      toString(Event, boolean) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprArgument
      StoppableIterator(Iterator<T>, NullableChecker<T>, boolean) - Constructor for class ch.njol.util.coll.iterator.StoppableIterator
      toString(Event, boolean) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprAttacked
      stream(Event) - Method in interface ch.njol.skript.lang.Expression
      Gets a non-null stream of this expression's values.
      STRENGTH - Enum constant in enum class ch.njol.skript.util.PotionDataUtils
      toString(Event, boolean) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprAttacker
      STRENGTH_LONG - Enum constant in enum class ch.njol.skript.util.PotionDataUtils
      toString(Event, boolean) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprBiome
      STRENGTH_STRONG - Enum constant in enum class ch.njol.skript.util.PotionDataUtils
      toString(Event, boolean) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprBlock
      STRICT - Enum constant in enum class ch.njol.skript.util.chat.LinkParseMode
      Parses everything that starts with http(s):// as a link.
      strikethrough - Enum constant in enum class ch.njol.skript.util.chat.SkriptChatCode
      toString(Event, boolean) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprBlocks
      strikethrough - Variable in class ch.njol.skript.util.chat.MessageComponent
      Makes text strikethrough
      STRING - Static variable in class ch.njol.skript.registrations.DefaultClasses
      toString(Event, boolean) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprBlockSphere
      stringMatcher - Static variable in class ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptParser
      toString(Event, boolean) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprBookPages
      StringMode - Enum Class in ch.njol.skript.util
      toString(Event, boolean) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprBreakSpeed
      StringUtils - Class in ch.njol.util
      toString(Event, boolean) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprBurnCookTime
      StringUtils() - Constructor for class ch.njol.util.StringUtils
      toString(Event, boolean) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprChatFormat
      stripGender(String, String) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.localization.Noun
      Strips the gender identifier from given string and returns the used gender.
      stripIndefiniteArticle(String) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.localization.Noun
      toString(Event, boolean) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprChatRecipients
      stripStyles(String) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.util.chat.ChatMessages
      Strips all styles from given string.
      Structure - Class in org.skriptlang.skript.lang.structure
      Structures are the root elements in every script.
      Structure() - Constructor for class org.skriptlang.skript.lang.structure.Structure
      toString(Event, boolean) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprChestInventory
      Structure.Priority - Class in org.skriptlang.skript.lang.structure
      Priorities are used to determine the order in which Structures should be loaded.
      Structure.StructureData - Class in org.skriptlang.skript.lang.structure
      toString(Event, boolean) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprClicked
      StructureData(ParserInstance) - Constructor for class org.skriptlang.skript.lang.structure.Structure.StructureData
      toString(Event, boolean) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprCmdCooldownInfo
      StructureInfo<E extends Structure> - Class in org.skriptlang.skript.lang.structure
      Special SyntaxElementInfo for Structures that may contain information such as the EntryValidator.
      StructureInfo(String[], Class<E>, String) - Constructor for class org.skriptlang.skript.lang.structure.StructureInfo
      toString(Event, boolean) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprColorOf
      StructureInfo(String[], Class<E>, String, EntryValidator) - Constructor for class org.skriptlang.skript.lang.structure.StructureInfo
      toString(Event, boolean) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprColoured
      structures - Variable in class ch.njol.skript.ScriptLoader.ScriptInfo
      toString(Event, boolean) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprCommand
      StructureType - Enum Class in ch.njol.skript.util
      toString(Event, boolean) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprCommandInfo
      subList(int, int) - Method in class ch.njol.util.coll.ReversedListView
      toString(Event, boolean) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprCommandSender
      subSequence(int, int) - Method in class ch.njol.util.CaseInsensitiveString
      toString(Event, boolean) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprCustomModelData
      substring(String, int, int) - Static method in class ch.njol.util.StringUtils
      Equal to String.substring(int, int), but allows negative indices that are counted from the end of the string.
      subtract(A, R) - Method in interface ch.njol.skript.classes.Arithmetic
      toString(Event, boolean) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprDamage
      subtract(ScriptLoader.ScriptInfo) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.ScriptLoader.ScriptInfo
      toString(Event, boolean) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprDamageCause
      subtract(Timespan) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.Date
      Subtract a Timespan from this date
      subtract(Number, Number) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.classes.NumberArithmetic
      toString(Event, boolean) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprDamagedItem
      subtract(Vector, Vector) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.classes.VectorArithmethic
      toString(Event, boolean) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprDateAgoLater
      suggest_command - Enum constant in enum class ch.njol.skript.util.chat.MessageComponent.ClickEvent.Action
      toString(Event, boolean) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprDifference
      suggest_command - Enum constant in enum class ch.njol.skript.util.chat.SkriptChatCode
      toString(Event, boolean) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprDirection
      supplier(Supplier<Iterator<T>>) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.classes.ClassInfo
      Used for dynamically getting all the possible values of a class
      supplier(T[]) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.classes.ClassInfo
      Used for getting all the possible constants of a class
      supported - Variable in enum class ch.njol.skript.ServerPlatform
      toString(Event, boolean) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprDistance
      supports(String) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.Skript
      Deprecated. + +
      supportsInversion() - Method in interface org.skriptlang.skript.lang.comparator.Comparator
      toString(Event, boolean) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprDrops
      supportsOrdering() - Method in interface ch.njol.skript.classes.Comparator
      supportsOrdering() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.classes.InverseComparator
      supportsOrdering() - Method in interface org.skriptlang.skript.lang.comparator.Comparator
      toString(Event, boolean) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprDropsOfBlock
      suppressesWarning(ScriptWarning) - Method in class org.skriptlang.skript.lang.script.Script
      toString(Event, boolean) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprEgg
      suppressWarning(ScriptWarning) - Method in class org.skriptlang.skript.lang.script.Script
      toString(Event, boolean) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprElement
      SWAMP - Enum constant in enum class ch.njol.skript.util.StructureType
      toString(Event, boolean) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprEnchantingExpCost
      SWIFTNESS - Enum constant in enum class ch.njol.skript.util.PotionDataUtils
      toString(Event, boolean) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprEnchantItem
      SWIFTNESS_LONG - Enum constant in enum class ch.njol.skript.util.PotionDataUtils
      toString(Event, boolean) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprEnchantmentBonus
      SWIFTNESS_STRONG - Enum constant in enum class ch.njol.skript.util.PotionDataUtils
      toString(Event, boolean) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprEnchantmentLevel
      syncCommands(Server) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.bukkitutil.CommandReloader
      Attempts to register Bukkit commands to Brigadier and synchronize them + to all clients.
      SynchronizedReference<V> - Class in ch.njol.util
      toString(Event, boolean) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprEnchantmentOffer
      SynchronizedReference() - Constructor for class ch.njol.util.SynchronizedReference
      toString(Event, boolean) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprEnchantments
      SynchronizedReference(V) - Constructor for class ch.njol.util.SynchronizedReference
      toString(Event, boolean) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprEntities
      SyntaxElement - Interface in ch.njol.skript.lang
      Represents a general part of the syntax.
      SyntaxElementInfo<E extends SyntaxElement> - Class in ch.njol.skript.lang
      toString(Event, boolean) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprEntity
      SyntaxElementInfo(String[], Class<E>, String) - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.lang.SyntaxElementInfo
      toString(Event, boolean) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprEntityAttribute


      T_ARRAY - Enum constant in enum class ch.njol.yggdrasil.Tag
      T_BOOLEAN - Enum constant in enum class ch.njol.yggdrasil.Tag
      toString(Event, boolean) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprEntityTamer
      T_BOOLEAN_OBJ - Enum constant in enum class ch.njol.yggdrasil.Tag
      toString(Event, boolean) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprEventCancelled
      T_BYTE - Enum constant in enum class ch.njol.yggdrasil.Tag
      primitive types
      T_BYTE_OBJ - Enum constant in enum class ch.njol.yggdrasil.Tag
      wrapper types
      T_CHAR - Enum constant in enum class ch.njol.yggdrasil.Tag
      toString(Event, boolean) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprEventExpression
      T_CHAR_OBJ - Enum constant in enum class ch.njol.yggdrasil.Tag
      toString(Event, boolean) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprExperience
      T_CLASS - Enum constant in enum class ch.njol.yggdrasil.Tag
      toString(Event, boolean) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprExplodedBlocks
      T_DOUBLE - Enum constant in enum class ch.njol.yggdrasil.Tag
      toString(Event, boolean) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprExplosionBlockYield
      T_DOUBLE_OBJ - Enum constant in enum class ch.njol.yggdrasil.Tag
      toString(Event, boolean) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprExplosionYield
      T_ENUM - Enum constant in enum class ch.njol.yggdrasil.Tag
      enum constants & class singletons
      T_FLOAT - Enum constant in enum class ch.njol.yggdrasil.Tag
      toString(Event, boolean) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprFertilizedBlocks
      T_FLOAT_OBJ - Enum constant in enum class ch.njol.yggdrasil.Tag
      toString(Event, boolean) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprFinalDamage
      T_INT - Enum constant in enum class ch.njol.yggdrasil.Tag
      toString(Event, boolean) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprFireworkEffect
      T_INT_OBJ - Enum constant in enum class ch.njol.yggdrasil.Tag
      toString(Event, boolean) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprFoodLevel
      T_LONG - Enum constant in enum class ch.njol.yggdrasil.Tag
      toString(Event, boolean) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprFormatDate
      T_LONG_OBJ - Enum constant in enum class ch.njol.yggdrasil.Tag
      toString(Event, boolean) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprFurnaceSlot
      T_NULL - Enum constant in enum class ch.njol.yggdrasil.Tag
      the null reference
      T_OBJECT - Enum constant in enum class ch.njol.yggdrasil.Tag
      a generic object
      T_REFERENCE - Enum constant in enum class ch.njol.yggdrasil.Tag
      must always be 0xFF (check uses)
      T_SHORT - Enum constant in enum class ch.njol.yggdrasil.Tag
      toString(Event, boolean) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprGameMode
      T_SHORT_OBJ - Enum constant in enum class ch.njol.yggdrasil.Tag
      toString(Event, boolean) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprGameRule
      T_STRING - Enum constant in enum class ch.njol.yggdrasil.Tag
      saved as UTF-8
      tag - Variable in enum class ch.njol.yggdrasil.Tag
      toString(Event, boolean) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprHanging
      Tag - Enum Class in ch.njol.yggdrasil
      toString(Event, boolean) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprHash
      tag_name - Variable in class ch.njol.skript.update.GithubChecker.ResponseEntry
      toString(Event, boolean) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprHatchingNumber
      tags - Variable in class ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptParser.ParseResult
      toString(Event, boolean) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprHatchingType
      TALL_BIRCH - Enum constant in enum class ch.njol.skript.util.StructureType
      toString(Event, boolean) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprHealAmount
      target_commitish - Variable in class ch.njol.skript.update.GithubChecker.ResponseEntry
      toString(Event, boolean) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprHealReason
      Task - Class in ch.njol.skript.util
      toString(Event, boolean) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprHealth
      Task(Plugin, long) - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.util.Task
      toString(Event, boolean) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprHiddenPlayers
      Task(Plugin, long, boolean) - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.util.Task
      toString(Event, boolean) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprHostname
      Task(Plugin, long, long) - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.util.Task
      toString(Event, boolean) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprHotbarButton
      Task(Plugin, long, long, boolean) - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.util.Task
      toString(Event, boolean) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprHotbarSlot
      teleport(Entity, Location) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.bukkitutil.EntityUtils
      Teleports the given entity to the given location.
      test(CommandSender, String[]) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.command.CommandHelp
      toString(Event, boolean) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprHoverList
      test(T) - Method in interface ch.njol.util.Predicate
      toString(Event, boolean) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprIndexOf
      testing() - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.Skript
      toString(Event, boolean) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprIndices
      text - Variable in class ch.njol.skript.util.chat.MessageComponent
      toString(Event, boolean) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprInventory
      text_id - Variable in class ch.njol.skript.bukkitutil.BurgerHelper.ItemOrBlock
      toString(Event, boolean) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprInventoryAction
      ThrowableProjectileSlot - Class in ch.njol.skript.util.slot
      Represents the displayed item of a throwable projectile.
      ThrowableProjectileSlot(ThrowableProjectile) - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.util.slot.ThrowableProjectileSlot
      toString(Event, boolean) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprInventoryCloseReason
      ThrownPotionData - Class in ch.njol.skript.entity
      toString(Event, boolean) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprInventoryInfo
      ThrownPotionData() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.entity.ThrownPotionData
      toString(Event, boolean) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprInventorySlot
      THUNDER - Enum constant in enum class ch.njol.skript.util.WeatherType
      toString(Event, boolean) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprIP
      tick() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.bukkitutil.PaperEntityUtils.LookGoal
      toString(Event, boolean) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprItemCooldown
      tick() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.BlockStateBlock
      toString(Event, boolean) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprItems
      tick() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.DelayedChangeBlock
      toString(Event, boolean) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprItemsIn
      time - Variable in class ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptParser.ExprInfo
      toString(Event, boolean) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprItemWithCustomModelData
      Time - Class in ch.njol.skript.util
      toString(Event, boolean) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprItemWithLore
      Time() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.util.Time
      toString(Event, boolean) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprJoinSplit
      Time(int) - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.util.Time
      toString(Event, boolean) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprLastDamageCause
      TIME_FUTURE - Static variable in class ch.njol.skript.registrations.EventValues
      The future time of an event value.
      TIME_NOW - Static variable in class ch.njol.skript.registrations.EventValues
      The current time of an event value.
      TIME_PAST - Static variable in class ch.njol.skript.registrations.EventValues
      The past time of an event value.
      Timeperiod - Class in ch.njol.skript.util
      toString(Event, boolean) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprLastLoadedServerIcon
      Timeperiod() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.util.Timeperiod
      toString(Event, boolean) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprLastSpawnedEntity
      Timeperiod(int) - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.util.Timeperiod
      toString(Event, boolean) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprLightLevel
      Timeperiod(int, int) - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.util.Timeperiod
      toString(Event, boolean) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprLocation
      Timespan - Class in ch.njol.skript.util
      toString(Event, boolean) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprLocationAt
      Timespan() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.util.Timespan
      toString(Event, boolean) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprLocationFromVector
      Timespan(long) - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.util.Timespan
      toString(Event, boolean) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprLocationOf
      TIMESPAN - Static variable in class ch.njol.skript.registrations.DefaultClasses
      toString(Event, boolean) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprLocationVectorOffset
      TimingLogHandler - Class in ch.njol.skript.log
      A log handler that records the time since its creation.
      TimingLogHandler() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.log.TimingLogHandler
      toString(Event, boolean) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprLoopIteration
      to - Variable in class ch.njol.skript.classes.Converter.ConverterInfo
      to - Variable in class ch.njol.skript.lang.util.ConvertedExpression
      toString(Event, boolean) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprLoopValue
      toArray() - Method in class ch.njol.util.coll.CyclicList
      toString(Event, boolean) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprLoot
      toArray() - Method in class ch.njol.util.coll.ReversedListView
      toString(Event, boolean) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprLore
      toArray(Collection<Integer>) - Static method in class ch.njol.util.coll.CollectionUtils
      Converts a collection of integers into a primitive int array.
      toArray(T[]) - Method in class ch.njol.util.coll.CyclicList
      toString(Event, boolean) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprMaxPlayers
      toArray(R[]) - Method in class ch.njol.util.coll.ReversedListView
      toString(Event, boolean) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprMe
      toBukkitEntityType(EntityData<?>) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.bukkitutil.EntityUtils
      Convert from Skript's EntityData to Bukkit's EntityType
      toChatString(Event) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.VariableString
      Parses all expressions in the string and returns it in chat JSON format.
      toCommandString(T) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.classes.Parser
      toString(Event, boolean) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprMendingRepairAmount
      toEnglishPlural(String) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.util.Utils
      Gets the english plural of a word.
      toEnglishPlural(String, boolean) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.util.Utils
      Gets the plural of a word (or not if p is false)
      toFloats(double[]) - Static method in class ch.njol.util.coll.CollectionUtils
      toString(Event, boolean) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprMessage
      toFormattedString() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.log.LogEntry
      toString(Event, boolean) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprMetadata
      toFullString() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.patterns.PatternElement
      toString(Event, boolean) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprMOTD
      toJson(String) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.util.chat.ChatMessages
      toString(Event, boolean) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprNamed
      toJson(List<MessageComponent>) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.util.chat.ChatMessages
      toString(Event, boolean) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprNearestEntity
      toMap(String) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.config.Config
      toString(Event, boolean) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprNow
      TOOL - Enum constant in enum class ch.njol.skript.util.slot.EquipmentSlot.EquipSlot
      toString(Event, boolean) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprNumberOfCharacters
      toParseResult() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.patterns.MatchResult
      toString(Event, boolean) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprNumbers
      toSkriptEntityData(EntityType) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.bukkitutil.EntityUtils
      Convert from Bukkit's EntityType to Skript's EntityData
      toString() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.aliases.ItemData
      Returns Aliases.getMaterialName(ItemData, boolean) + called with this object and relevant plurarily setting.
      toString() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.aliases.ItemType
      toString(Event, boolean) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprOfflinePlayers
      toString() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.classes.ChainedConverter
      toString() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.classes.ClassInfo
      toString(Event, boolean) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprOnlinePlayersCount
      toString() - Method in enum class ch.njol.skript.classes.Comparator.Relation
      Returns this relation's string representation, which is similar to "equal to" or "greater than".
      toString() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.classes.InverseComparator
      toString() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.command.Argument
      toString(Event, boolean) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprOpenedInventory
      toString() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.command.CommandHelp
      toString(Event, boolean) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprOps
      toString() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.config.EnumParser
      toString(Event, boolean) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprParse
      toString() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.config.Node
      returns information about this node which looks like the following:
      + node value #including comments (config.sk, line xyz)
      toString() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.EntityData
      toString(Event, boolean) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprParseError
      toString() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.EntityType
      toString(Event, boolean) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprPassenger
      toString() - Method in interface ch.njol.skript.lang.Debuggable
      Should return toString(null, false)
      toString() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.ExpressionList
      toString(Event, boolean) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprPermissions
      toString() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.function.Function
      toString(Event, boolean) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprPlain
      toString() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.function.Parameter
      toString(Event, boolean) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprPlugins
      toString() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.TriggerItem
      toString(Event, boolean) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprPortal
      toString() - Method in interface ch.njol.skript.lang.Unit
      toString(Event, boolean) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprPotionEffect
      toString() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.UnparsedLiteral
      toString(Event, boolean) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprPotionEffects
      toString() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.util.ConvertedExpression
      toString(Event, boolean) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprPotionEffectTier
      toString() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.util.SimpleExpression
      toString(Event, boolean) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprProtocolVersion
      toString() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.util.SimpleLiteral
      toString(Event, boolean) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprPushedBlocks
      toString() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.Variable
      toString(Event, boolean) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprQuitReason
      toString() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.VariableString
      toString(Event, boolean) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprRandom
      toString() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.localization.Adjective
      toString(Event, boolean) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprRandomNumber
      toString() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.localization.ArgsMessage
      toString(Event, boolean) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprRandomUUID
      toString() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.localization.FormattedMessage
      toString(Event, boolean) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprRawName
      toString() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.localization.Message
      toString(Event, boolean) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprRawString
      toString() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.localization.Noun
      toString(Event, boolean) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprRespawnLocation
      toString() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.localization.RegexMessage
      toString(Event, boolean) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprReversedList
      toString() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.log.LogEntry
      toString(Event, boolean) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprRound
      toString() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.patterns.ChoicePatternElement
      toString(Event, boolean) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprScoreboardTags
      toString() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.patterns.GroupPatternElement
      toString(Event, boolean) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprScript
      toString() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.patterns.LiteralPatternElement
      toString(Event, boolean) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprScripts
      toString() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.patterns.MatchResult
      toString(Event, boolean) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprSeed
      toString() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.patterns.OptionalPatternElement
      toString(Event, boolean) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprServerIcon
      toString() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.patterns.ParseTagPatternElement
      toString(Event, boolean) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprSets
      toString() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.patterns.PatternElement
      toString(Event, boolean) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprShooter
      toString() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.patterns.RegexPatternElement
      toString(Event, boolean) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprShuffledList
      toString() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.patterns.SkriptPattern
      toString(Event, boolean) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprSignText
      toString() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.patterns.TypePatternElement
      toString(Event, boolean) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprSortedList
      toString() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.ScriptLoader.ScriptInfo
      toString(Event, boolean) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprSourceBlock
      toString() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.SkriptAddon
      toString(Event, boolean) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprSpawn
      toString() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.update.GithubChecker.ResponseEntry
      toString(Event, boolean) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprSpawnReason
      toString() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.Date
      toString(Event, boolean) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprSpecialNumber
      toString() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.Direction
      toString(Event, boolean) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprSpectatorTarget
      toString() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.EnchantmentType
      toString(Event, boolean) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprStringCase
      toString() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.Experience
      toString(Event, boolean) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprSubstring
      toString() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.GameruleValue
      toString(Event, boolean) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprTamer
      toString() - Method in enum class ch.njol.skript.util.SkriptColor
      toString(Event, boolean) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprTarget
      toString() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.slot.Slot
      toString(Event, boolean) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprTargetedBlock
      toString() - Method in enum class ch.njol.skript.util.StructureType
      toString(Event, boolean) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprTeleportCause
      toString() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.Time
      toString(Event, boolean) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprTime
      toString() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.Timeperiod
      toString(Event, boolean) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprTimes
      toString() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.Timespan
      toString(Event, boolean) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprTimeSince
      toString() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.Version
      toString(Event, boolean) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprTimeState
      toString() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.visual.ParticleOption
      toString(Event, boolean) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprTool
      toString() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.visual.VisualEffect
      toString(Event, boolean) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprTPS
      toString() - Method in enum class ch.njol.skript.util.WeatherType
      toString(Event, boolean) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprUnbreakable
      toString() - Method in class ch.njol.util.CaseInsensitiveString
      toString(Event, boolean) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprValue
      toString() - Method in enum class ch.njol.util.Kleenean
      toString(Event, boolean) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprValueWithin
      toString() - Method in class ch.njol.util.Pair
      toString(Event, boolean) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprVectorAngleBetween
      toString() - Method in class ch.njol.yggdrasil.PseudoEnum
      + +
      toString() - Method in enum class ch.njol.yggdrasil.Tag
      toString(Event, boolean) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprVectorArithmetic
      toString() - Method in class org.skriptlang.skript.lang.comparator.ComparatorInfo
      toString(Event, boolean) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprVectorBetweenLocations
      toString() - Method in enum class org.skriptlang.skript.lang.comparator.Relation
      Returns this Relation's string representation, which is similar to "equal to" or "greater than".
      toString() - Method in class org.skriptlang.skript.lang.converter.ConverterInfo
      toString(Event, boolean) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprVectorCrossProduct
      toString() - Method in class org.skriptlang.skript.lang.structure.Structure
      toString(Event, boolean) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprVectorCylindrical
      toString(boolean) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.localization.Noun
      toString(Event, boolean) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprVectorDotProduct
      toString(boolean, boolean) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.aliases.ItemData
      toString(Event, boolean) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprVectorFromDirection
      toString(double) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.Skript
      toString(Event, boolean) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprVectorFromXYZ
      toString(double[]) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.util.Direction
      toString(Event, boolean) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprVectorFromYawAndPitch
      toString(double, double, double) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.util.Direction
      toString(Event, boolean) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprVectorNormalize
      toString(double, int) - Static method in class ch.njol.util.StringUtils
      Gets a rounded english (##.##) representation of a number
      toString(int) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.aliases.ItemType
      toString(Event, boolean) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprVectorOfLocation
      toString(int) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.classes.ClassInfo
      toString(Event, boolean) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprVectorProjection
      toString(int) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.DroppedItemData
      toString(Event, boolean) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprVectorRandom
      toString(int) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.EndermanData
      toString(Event, boolean) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprVectorSpherical
      toString(int) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.EntityData
      toString(Event, boolean) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprVersion
      toString(int) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.EntityType
      toString(Event, boolean) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprWeather
      toString(int) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.FallingBlockData
      toString(Event, boolean) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprWhitelist
      toString(int) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.PandaData
      toString(Event, boolean) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprWorld
      toString(int) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.SheepData
      toString(Event, boolean) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprWorldFromName
      toString(int) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.ThrownPotionData
      toString(Event, boolean) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprWorlds
      toString(int) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.XpOrbData
      toString(Event, boolean) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprXOf
      toString(int) - Method in interface ch.njol.skript.lang.Unit
      toString(Event, boolean) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.LitAt
      toString(int) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.localization.Noun
      toString(Event, boolean) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.LitConsole
      toString(int) - Method in enum class ch.njol.skript.util.StructureType
      toString(Event, boolean) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.LitNewLine
      toString(int) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.util.Time
      toString(Event, boolean) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.hooks.permission.expressions.ExprAllGroups
      toString(int) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.Timespan
      toString(Event, boolean) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.hooks.regions.conditions.CondCanBuild
      toString(int) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.visual.VisualEffect
      toString(Event, boolean) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.hooks.regions.conditions.CondIsMember
      toString(int) - Method in enum class ch.njol.skript.util.WeatherType
      toString(Event, boolean) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.hooks.regions.conditions.CondRegionContains
      toString(int, int) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.localization.Adjective
      toString(Event, boolean) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.hooks.regions.events.EvtRegionBorder
      toString(int, Adjective) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.aliases.ItemType
      toString(Event, boolean) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.hooks.regions.expressions.ExprBlocksInRegion
      toString(long) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.util.Timespan
      toString(Event, boolean) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.hooks.regions.expressions.ExprMembersOfRegion
      toString(long, int) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.util.Timespan
      toString(Event, boolean) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.hooks.regions.expressions.ExprRegion
      toString(Object) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.registrations.Classes
      toString(Event, boolean) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.hooks.regions.expressions.ExprRegionsAt
      toString(Event) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.VariableString
      Parses all expressions in the string and returns it.
      toString(Event, boolean) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.classes.ClassInfo
      toString(Event, boolean) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.classes.Converter.ConverterInfo
      toString(Event, boolean) - Method in interface ch.njol.skript.lang.Debuggable
      toString(Event, boolean) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.EffectSectionEffect
      toString(Event, boolean) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.ExpressionList
      toString(Event, boolean) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.function.EffFunctionCall
      toString(Event, boolean) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.function.ExprFunctionCall
      toString(Event, boolean) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.function.FunctionReference
      toString(Event, boolean) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.SectionSkriptEvent
      @@ -18394,30 +10974,6 @@


      Use VariableString.toString(Event) to get the actual string.
      toString(Event, boolean) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.sections.EffSecSpawn
      toString(Event, boolean) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.sections.SecConditional
      toString(Event, boolean) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.sections.SecLoop
      toString(Event, boolean) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.sections.SecWhile
      toString(Event, boolean) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.structures.StructCommand
      toString(Event, boolean) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.test.runner.CondMethodExists
      toString(Event, boolean) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.test.runner.CondMinecraftVersion
      toString(Event, boolean) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.test.runner.EffAssert
      toString(Event, boolean) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.test.runner.EffDebug
      toString(Event, boolean) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.test.runner.EffObjectives
      toString(Event, boolean) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.test.runner.EvtTestCase
      toString(Event, boolean) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.test.runner.ExprJUnitTest
      toString(Event, boolean) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.slot.CursorSlot
      toString(Event, boolean) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.slot.DroppedItemSlot
      @@ -18432,24 +10988,6 @@


      toString(T, StringMode) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.registrations.Classes
      toString(Event, boolean) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.effects.EffPlaySound
      toString(Event, boolean) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprChunk
      toString(Event, boolean) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprVersionString
      toString(Event, boolean) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.LitPi
      toString(Event, boolean) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.structures.StructAliases
      toString(Event, boolean) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.structures.StructFunction
      toString(Event, boolean) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.structures.StructOptions
      toString(Event, boolean) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.structures.StructVariables
      toString(Condition, PropertyCondition.PropertyType, Event, boolean, Expression<?>, String) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.conditions.base.PropertyCondition
      toString(Adjective[], int, boolean) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.localization.Noun
      toString(Adjective[], int, int, boolean) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.localization.Adjective
      @@ -18490,16 +11028,6 @@


      toString(Entity, int) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.entity.EntityData
      toString(Event, boolean) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprDefaultValue
      toString(Event, boolean) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprFilter.ExprInput
      toString(Event, boolean) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprFilter
      toString(Event, boolean) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.expressions.ExprTernary
      toString(Event, boolean) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.hooks.permission.expressions.ExprGroup
      toString(ItemStack) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.aliases.ItemType
      toString(ItemStack, int) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.aliases.ItemType
      @@ -18552,7 +11080,7 @@


      An entry data class designed to take a SectionNode and parse it into a Trigger.
      TriggerEntryData(String, Trigger, boolean, Class<? extends Event>...) - Constructor for class org.skriptlang.skript.lang.entry.util.TriggerEntryData
      TriggerEntryData(String, Trigger, boolean) - Constructor for class org.skriptlang.skript.lang.entry.util.TriggerEntryData
      TriggerItem - Class in ch.njol.skript.lang
      @@ -18646,20 +11174,6 @@


      Unknown state
      unload() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.events.EvtAtTime
      unload() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.events.EvtExperienceSpawn
      unload() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.events.EvtMoveOn
      unload() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.events.EvtPeriodical
      unload() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.events.EvtScript
      unload() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.events.EvtSkript
      unload() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.hooks.regions.events.EvtRegionBorder
      unload() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.SelfRegisteringSkriptEvent
      @@ -18668,12 +11182,6 @@


      This method handles the unregistration of this event with Skript and Bukkit.
      unload() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.structures.StructCommand
      unload() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.structures.StructFunction
      unload() - Method in class ch.njol.skript.structures.StructOptions
      unload() - Method in class org.skriptlang.skript.lang.structure.Structure
      Called when this structure is unloaded.
      @@ -18733,7 +11241,8 @@


      unregisterEvent(ScriptEvent) - Method in class org.skriptlang.skript.lang.script.Script
      Removes the provided event from this Script.
      This API is experimental and subject to change. + Removes the provided event from this Script.
      unregisterFunction(Signature<?>) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.function.Functions
      @@ -18847,7 +11356,7 @@


      validatePattern(String) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptParser
      Validates a user-defined pattern (used in ExprParse).
      Validates a user-defined pattern (used in ExprParse).
      value - Variable in class ch.njol.skript.util.chat.MessageComponent.ClickEvent
      @@ -18900,14 +11409,6 @@


      Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
      valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class ch.njol.skript.conditions.base.PropertyCondition.PropertyType
      Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
      valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class ch.njol.skript.expressions.arithmetic.Operator
      Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
      valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class ch.njol.skript.lang.ExpressionType
      Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
      @@ -19024,16 +11525,6 @@


      Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
      values() - Static method in enum class ch.njol.skript.conditions.base.PropertyCondition.PropertyType
      Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in -the order they are declared.
      values() - Static method in enum class ch.njol.skript.expressions.arithmetic.Operator
      Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in -the order they are declared.
      values() - Static method in enum class ch.njol.skript.lang.ExpressionType
      Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in @@ -19202,9 +11693,11 @@


      A type of KeyValueEntryData designed to parse its value as a VariableString.
      VariableStringEntryData(String, VariableString, boolean, StringMode, Class<? extends Event>...) - Constructor for class org.skriptlang.skript.lang.entry.util.VariableStringEntryData
      VariableStringEntryData(String, VariableString, boolean, Class<? extends Event>...) - Constructor for class org.skriptlang.skript.lang.entry.util.VariableStringEntryData
      VariableStringEntryData(String, VariableString, boolean) - Constructor for class org.skriptlang.skript.lang.entry.util.VariableStringEntryData
      Uses StringMode.MESSAGE as the default string mode.
      VariableStringEntryData(String, VariableString, boolean, StringMode) - Constructor for class org.skriptlang.skript.lang.entry.util.VariableStringEntryData
      Variation(String, int, Map<String, Object>, Map<String, String>) - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.aliases.AliasesProvider.Variation
      @@ -19216,10 +11709,6 @@


      Variation group.
      VaultHook - Class in ch.njol.skript.hooks
      VaultHook() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.hooks.VaultHook
      VECTOR - Static variable in class ch.njol.skript.registrations.DefaultClasses
      VectorArithmethic - Class in ch.njol.skript.classes
      @@ -19232,10 +11721,6 @@


      Verbosity - Enum Class in ch.njol.skript.log
      VERBOSITY - Static variable in class ch.njol.skript.test.runner.TestMode
      Overrides the logging verbosity in the config with the property.
      version - Variable in class ch.njol.skript.SkriptAddon
      version - Variable in class ch.njol.yggdrasil.Yggdrasil
      @@ -19281,20 +11766,6 @@


      walk(TriggerItem, Event) - Static method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.TriggerItem
      walk(Event) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.effects.Delay
      walk(Event) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.effects.EffContinue
      walk(Event) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.effects.EffDoIf
      walk(Event) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.effects.EffExit
      walk(Event) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.effects.EffReturn
      walk(Event) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.effects.EffTeleport
      walk(Event) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.effects.IndeterminateDelay
      walk(Event) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.EffectSectionEffect
      walk(Event) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.Trigger
      @@ -19305,16 +11776,6 @@


      walk(Event) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.TriggerSection
      walk(Event) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.sections.EffSecSpawn
      walk(Event) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.sections.SecConditional
      walk(Event) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.sections.SecLoop
      walk(Event) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.sections.SecWhile
      walk(Event) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.test.runner.EffAssert
      walk(Event) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.util.AsyncEffect
      walk(Event, boolean) - Method in class ch.njol.skript.lang.TriggerSection
      @@ -19361,14 +11822,6 @@


      WORLD - Static variable in class ch.njol.skript.registrations.DefaultClasses
      WorldGuardHook - Class in ch.njol.skript.hooks.regions
      WorldGuardHook() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.hooks.regions.WorldGuardHook
      WorldGuardHook.WorldGuardRegion - Class in ch.njol.skript.hooks.regions
      WorldGuardRegion(World, ProtectedRegion) - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.hooks.regions.WorldGuardHook.WorldGuardRegion
      WorldUtils - Class in ch.njol.skript.bukkitutil
      Utility class for Bukkit worlds
      @@ -19379,14 +11832,6 @@


      wrapAngleDeg(float) - Static method in class ch.njol.util.VectorMath
      WrapperExpression<T> - Class in ch.njol.skript.expressions.base
      Represents an expression which is a wrapper of another one.
      WrapperExpression() - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.expressions.base.WrapperExpression
      WrapperExpression(SimpleExpression<? extends T>) - Constructor for class ch.njol.skript.expressions.base.WrapperExpression
      write(JsonWriter, T) - Method in class ch.njol.util.EnumTypeAdapter
      writeArrayComponentType(Class<?>) - Method in class ch.njol.yggdrasil.DefaultYggdrasilOutputStream
      diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/index.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/index.html index 2b83634a7c..4d77b7dbcc 100644 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/index.html +++ b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/javadocs/index.html @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ -Overview (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API) +Overview (Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-235b97a API) @@ -48,7 +48,7 @@

      Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API


      Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-235b97a API

      @@ -83,12 +83,6 @@

      Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API

      Code related to handling commands, either Skript commands or custom script commands.
      - -
      Contains the default conditions of Skript.
      - -
      Code for loading & saving Skript's custom configuration files (actual configs & scripts).
      @@ -99,54 +93,10 @@

      Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API

      Code related to generation a documentation to be published on a website for example.
      - +
      Contains the default effects of Skript.
      - -
      Contains definitions of Minecraft's various entity types.
      - -
      Contains the default events of Skript.
      - -
      Custom Bukkit events.
      - -
      Contains the default expression of Skript.
      - -
      Contains the default expression of Skript.
      - -
      - -
      Hook interface & implementations for specific plugins.
      - -
      - -
      - -
      - -
      - -
      - -
      - -
      - -
      - -
      Contains all code related to parsing scripts.
      @@ -175,88 +125,68 @@

      Skript 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c API

      Contains classes used for registering new stuff to Skript.
      - -
      Code related to logging.
      - -
      Support for script-based testing.
      - +
      Support for script-based testing.
      - -
      Support for script-based testing.
      - -
      Utils for script-based testing.
      Code related to item aliases.
      - +
      Code related to item aliases.
      - +
      Code related to item aliases.
      Various utility classes and methods.
      - +
      Various utility classes and methods.
      - +
      Various utility classes and methods.
      - -
      Various utility classes and methods.
      - -
      - -
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double)","u":"%3Cinit%3E(org.bukkit.Location,double,double,double)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.util","c":"AABB","l":"AABB(Location, Location)","u":"%3Cinit%3E(org.bukkit.Location,org.bukkit.Location)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.util","c":"AABB","l":"AABB(World, Vector, Vector)","u":"%3Cinit%3E(org.bukkit.World,org.bukkit.util.Vector,org.bukkit.util.Vector)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.util","c":"StructureType","l":"ACACIA"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.classes","c":"Changer","l":"acceptChange(Changer.ChangeMode)","u":"acceptChange(ch.njol.skript.classes.Changer.ChangeMode)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions.base","c":"EventValueExpression","l":"acceptChange(Changer.ChangeMode)","u":"acceptChange(ch.njol.skript.classes.Changer.ChangeMode)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions.base","c":"WrapperExpression","l":"acceptChange(Changer.ChangeMode)","u":"acceptChange(ch.njol.skript.classes.Changer.ChangeMode)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprAge","l":"acceptChange(Changer.ChangeMode)","u":"acceptChange(ch.njol.skript.classes.Changer.ChangeMode)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprAI","l":"acceptChange(Changer.ChangeMode)","u":"acceptChange(ch.njol.skript.classes.Changer.ChangeMode)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprAnvilRepairCost","l":"acceptChange(Changer.ChangeMode)","u":"acceptChange(ch.njol.skript.classes.Changer.ChangeMode)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprAppliedEnchantments","l":"acceptChange(Changer.ChangeMode)","u":"acceptChange(ch.njol.skript.classes.Changer.ChangeMode)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprArrowKnockbackStrength","l":"acceptChange(Changer.ChangeMode)","u":"acceptChange(ch.njol.skript.classes.Changer.ChangeMode)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprArrowPierceLevel","l":"acceptChange(Changer.ChangeMode)","u":"acceptChange(ch.njol.skript.classes.Changer.ChangeMode)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprArrowsStuck","l":"acceptChange(Changer.ChangeMode)","u":"acceptChange(ch.njol.skript.classes.Changer.ChangeMode)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprBed","l":"acceptChange(Changer.ChangeMode)","u":"acceptChange(ch.njol.skript.classes.Changer.ChangeMode)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprBiome","l":"acceptChange(Changer.ChangeMode)","u":"acceptChange(ch.njol.skript.classes.Changer.ChangeMode)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprBlockData","l":"acceptChange(Changer.ChangeMode)","u":"acceptChange(ch.njol.skript.classes.Changer.ChangeMode)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprBookAuthor","l":"acceptChange(Changer.ChangeMode)","u":"acceptChange(ch.njol.skript.classes.Changer.ChangeMode)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprBookPages","l":"acceptChange(Changer.ChangeMode)","u":"acceptChange(ch.njol.skript.classes.Changer.ChangeMode)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprBookTitle","l":"acceptChange(Changer.ChangeMode)","u":"acceptChange(ch.njol.skript.classes.Changer.ChangeMode)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprBurnCookTime","l":"acceptChange(Changer.ChangeMode)","u":"acceptChange(ch.njol.skript.classes.Changer.ChangeMode)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprCharges","l":"acceptChange(Changer.ChangeMode)","u":"acceptChange(ch.njol.skript.classes.Changer.ChangeMode)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprChatFormat","l":"acceptChange(Changer.ChangeMode)","u":"acceptChange(ch.njol.skript.classes.Changer.ChangeMode)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprChatRecipients","l":"acceptChange(Changer.ChangeMode)","u":"acceptChange(ch.njol.skript.classes.Changer.ChangeMode)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprChunk","l":"acceptChange(Changer.ChangeMode)","u":"acceptChange(ch.njol.skript.classes.Changer.ChangeMode)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprCmdCooldownInfo","l":"acceptChange(Changer.ChangeMode)","u":"acceptChange(ch.njol.skript.classes.Changer.ChangeMode)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprColorOf","l":"acceptChange(Changer.ChangeMode)","u":"acceptChange(ch.njol.skript.classes.Changer.ChangeMode)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprCompassTarget","l":"acceptChange(Changer.ChangeMode)","u":"acceptChange(ch.njol.skript.classes.Changer.ChangeMode)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprCoordinate","l":"acceptChange(Changer.ChangeMode)","u":"acceptChange(ch.njol.skript.classes.Changer.ChangeMode)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprCreeperMaxFuseTicks","l":"acceptChange(Changer.ChangeMode)","u":"acceptChange(ch.njol.skript.classes.Changer.ChangeMode)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprCustomModelData","l":"acceptChange(Changer.ChangeMode)","u":"acceptChange(ch.njol.skript.classes.Changer.ChangeMode)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprDamage","l":"acceptChange(Changer.ChangeMode)","u":"acceptChange(ch.njol.skript.classes.Changer.ChangeMode)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprDifficulty","l":"acceptChange(Changer.ChangeMode)","u":"acceptChange(ch.njol.skript.classes.Changer.ChangeMode)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprDrops","l":"acceptChange(Changer.ChangeMode)","u":"acceptChange(ch.njol.skript.classes.Changer.ChangeMode)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprDurability","l":"acceptChange(Changer.ChangeMode)","u":"acceptChange(ch.njol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overList","l":"acceptChange(Changer.ChangeMode)","u":"acceptChange(ch.njol.skript.classes.Changer.ChangeMode)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprItem","l":"acceptChange(Changer.ChangeMode)","u":"acceptChange(ch.njol.skript.classes.Changer.ChangeMode)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprItemAmount","l":"acceptChange(Changer.ChangeMode)","u":"acceptChange(ch.njol.skript.classes.Changer.ChangeMode)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprItemCooldown","l":"acceptChange(Changer.ChangeMode)","u":"acceptChange(ch.njol.skript.classes.Changer.ChangeMode)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprLastDamage","l":"acceptChange(Changer.ChangeMode)","u":"acceptChange(ch.njol.skript.classes.Changer.ChangeMode)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprLastDamageCause","l":"acceptChange(Changer.ChangeMode)","u":"acceptChange(ch.njol.skript.classes.Changer.ChangeMode)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprLevel","l":"acceptChange(Changer.ChangeMode)","u":"acceptChange(ch.njol.skript.classes.Changer.ChangeMode)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprLevelProgress","l":"acceptChange(Changer.ChangeMode)","u":"acceptChange(ch.njol.skript.classes.Changer.ChangeMode)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprLoot","l":"acceptChange(Changer.ChangeMode)","u":"acceptChange(ch.njol.skript.classes.Changer.ChangeMode)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprLore","l":"acceptChange(Changer.ChangeMode)","u":"acceptChange(ch.njol.skript.classes.Changer.ChangeMode)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprMaxHealth","l":"acceptChange(Changer.ChangeMode)","u":"acceptChange(ch.njol.skript.classes.Changer.ChangeMode)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprMaxMinecartSpeed","l":"acceptChange(Changer.ChangeMode)","u":"acceptChange(ch.njol.skript.classes.Changer.ChangeMode)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprMaxPlayers","l":"acceptChange(Changer.ChangeMode)","u":"acceptChange(ch.njol.skript.classes.Changer.ChangeMode)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprMendingRepairAmount","l":"acceptChange(Changer.ChangeMode)","u":"acceptChange(ch.njol.skript.classes.Changer.ChangeMode)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprMessage","l":"acceptChange(Changer.ChangeMode)","u":"acceptChange(ch.njol.skript.classes.Changer.ChangeMode)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprMetadata","l":"acceptChange(Changer.ChangeMode)","u":"acceptChange(ch.njol.skript.classes.Changer.ChangeMode)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprMinecartDerailedFlyingVelocity","l":"acceptChange(Changer.ChangeMode)","u":"acceptChange(ch.njol.skript.classes.Changer.ChangeMode)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprMOTD","l":"acceptChange(Changer.ChangeMode)","u":"acceptChange(ch.njol.skript.classes.Changer.ChangeMode)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprName","l":"acceptChange(Changer.ChangeMode)","u":"acceptChange(ch.njol.skript.classes.Changer.ChangeMode)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprNoDamageTicks","l":"acceptChange(Changer.ChangeMode)","u":"acceptChange(ch.njol.skript.classes.Changer.ChangeMode)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprOnlinePlayersCount","l":"acceptChange(Changer.ChangeMode)","u":"acceptChange(ch.njol.skript.classes.Changer.ChangeMode)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprOps","l":"acceptChange(Changer.ChangeMode)","u":"acceptChange(ch.njol.skript.classes.Changer.ChangeMode)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprPassenger","l":"acceptChange(Changer.ChangeMode)","u":"acceptChange(ch.njol.skript.classes.Changer.ChangeMode)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprPickupDelay","l":"acceptChange(Changer.ChangeMode)","u":"acceptChange(ch.njol.skript.classes.Changer.ChangeMode)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprPlayerlistHeaderFooter","l":"acceptChange(Changer.ChangeMode)","u":"acceptChange(ch.njol.skript.classes.Changer.ChangeMode)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprPlayerViewDistance","l":"acceptChange(Changer.ChangeMode)","u":"acceptChange(ch.njol.skript.classes.Changer.ChangeMode)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprPlayerWeather","l":"acceptChange(Changer.ChangeMode)","u":"acceptChange(ch.njol.skript.classes.Changer.ChangeMode)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprPortalCooldown","l":"acceptChange(Changer.ChangeMode)","u":"acceptChange(ch.njol.skript.classes.Changer.ChangeMode)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprPotionEffects","l":"acceptChange(Changer.ChangeMode)","u":"acceptChange(ch.njol.skript.classes.Changer.ChangeMode)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprProjectileBounceState","l":"acceptChange(Changer.ChangeMode)","u":"acceptChange(ch.njol.skript.classes.Changer.ChangeMode)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprProjectileCriticalState","l":"acceptChange(Changer.ChangeMode)","u":"acceptChange(ch.njol.skript.classes.Changer.ChangeMode)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprProtocolVersion","l":"acceptChange(Changer.ChangeMode)","u":"acceptChange(ch.njol.skript.classes.Changer.ChangeMode)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprRemainingAir","l":"acceptChange(Changer.ChangeMode)","u":"acceptChange(ch.njol.skript.classes.Changer.ChangeMode)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprRespawnLocation","l":"acceptChange(Changer.ChangeMode)","u":"acceptChange(ch.njol.skript.classes.Changer.ChangeMode)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprSaturation","l":"acceptChange(Changer.ChangeMode)","u":"acceptChange(ch.njol.skript.classes.Changer.ChangeMode)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprScoreboardTags","l":"acceptChange(Changer.ChangeMode)","u":"acceptChange(ch.njol.skript.classes.Changer.ChangeMode)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprSeaPickles","l":"acceptChange(Changer.ChangeMode)","u":"acceptChange(ch.njol.skript.classes.Changer.ChangeMode)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprServerIcon","l":"acceptChange(Changer.ChangeMode)","u":"acceptChange(ch.njol.skript.classes.Changer.ChangeMode)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprShooter","l":"acceptChange(Changer.ChangeMode)","u":"acceptChange(ch.njol.skript.classes.Changer.ChangeMode)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprSignText","l":"acceptChange(Changer.ChangeMode)","u":"acceptChange(ch.njol.skript.classes.Changer.ChangeMode)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprSpawn","l":"acceptChange(Changer.ChangeMode)","u":"acceptChange(ch.njol.skript.classes.Changer.ChangeMode)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprSpawnerType","l":"acceptChange(Changer.ChangeMode)","u":"acceptChange(ch.njol.skript.classes.Changer.ChangeMode)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprSpectatorTarget","l":"acceptChange(Changer.ChangeMode)","u":"acceptChange(ch.njol.skript.classes.Changer.ChangeMode)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprSpeed","l":"acceptChange(Changer.ChangeMode)","u":"acceptChange(ch.njol.skript.classes.Changer.ChangeMode)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprTarget","l":"acceptChange(Changer.ChangeMode)","u":"acceptChange(ch.njol.skript.classes.Changer.ChangeMode)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprTime","l":"acceptChange(Changer.ChangeMode)","u":"acceptChange(ch.njol.skript.classes.Changer.ChangeMode)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprTimePlayed","l":"acceptChange(Changer.ChangeMode)","u":"acceptChange(ch.njol.skript.classes.Changer.ChangeMode)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprTotalExperience","l":"acceptChange(Changer.ChangeMode)","u":"acceptChange(ch.njol.skript.classes.Changer.ChangeMode)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprValueWithin","l":"acceptChange(Changer.ChangeMode)","u":"acceptChange(ch.njol.skript.classes.Changer.ChangeMode)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprVectorLength","l":"acceptChange(Changer.ChangeMode)","u":"acceptChange(ch.njol.skript.classes.Changer.ChangeMode)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprVectorXYZ","l":"acceptChange(Changer.ChangeMode)","u":"acceptChange(ch.njol.skript.classes.Changer.ChangeMode)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprVehicle","l":"acceptChange(Changer.ChangeMode)","u":"acceptChange(ch.njol.skript.classes.Changer.ChangeMode)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprVelocity","l":"acceptChange(Changer.ChangeMode)","u":"acceptChange(ch.njol.skript.classes.Changer.ChangeMode)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprVersionString","l":"acceptChange(Changer.ChangeMode)","u":"acceptChange(ch.njol.skript.classes.Changer.ChangeMode)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprWeather","l":"acceptChange(Changer.ChangeMode)","u":"acceptChange(ch.njol.skript.classes.Changer.ChangeMode)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprWhitelist","l":"acceptChange(Changer.ChangeMode)","u":"acceptChange(ch.njol.skript.classes.Changer.ChangeMode)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprWorld","l":"acceptChange(Changer.ChangeMode)","u":"acceptChange(ch.njol.skript.classes.Changer.ChangeMode)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprYawPitch","l":"acceptChange(Changer.ChangeMode)","u":"acceptChange(ch.njol.skript.classes.Changer.ChangeMode)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.hooks.chat.expressions","c":"ExprPrefixSuffix","l":"acceptChange(Changer.ChangeMode)","u":"acceptChange(ch.njol.skript.classes.Changer.ChangeMode)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.hooks.economy.expressions","c":"ExprBalance","l":"acceptChange(Changer.ChangeMode)","u":"acceptChange(ch.njol.skript.classes.Changer.ChangeMode)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.hooks.permission.expressions","c":"ExprGroup","l":"acceptChange(Changer.ChangeMode)","u":"acceptChange(ch.njol.skript.classes.Changer.ChangeMode)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.lang","c":"Expression","l":"acceptChange(Changer.ChangeMode)","u":"acceptChange(ch.njol.skript.classes.Changer.ChangeMode)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.lang","c":"ExpressionList","l":"acceptChange(Changer.ChangeMode)","u":"acceptChange(ch.njol.skript.classes.Changer.ChangeMode)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.lang","c":"UnparsedLiteral","l":"acceptChange(Changer.ChangeMode)","u":"acceptChange(ch.njol.skript.classes.Changer.ChangeMode)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.lang.util","c":"ConvertedExpression","l":"acceptChange(Changer.ChangeMode)","u":"acceptChange(ch.njol.skript.classes.Changer.ChangeMode)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.lang.util","c":"SimpleExpression","l":"acceptChange(Changer.ChangeMode)","u":"acceptChange(ch.njol.skript.classes.Changer.ChangeMode)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.lang.util","c":"SimpleLiteral","l":"acceptChange(Changer.ChangeMode)","u":"acceptChange(ch.njol.skript.classes.Changer.ChangeMode)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.lang","c":"Variable","l":"acceptChange(Changer.ChangeMode)","u":"acceptChange(ch.njol.skript.classes.Changer.ChangeMode)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.lang","c":"VariableString","l":"acceptChange(Changer.ChangeMode)","u":"acceptChange(ch.njol.skript.classes.Changer.ChangeMode)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.classes","c":"Changer.ChangerUtils","l":"acceptsChange(Expression, Changer.ChangeMode, Class...)","u":"acceptsChange(ch.njol.skript.lang.Expression,ch.njol.skript.classes.Changer.ChangeMode,java.lang.Class...)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.util.chat","c":"MessageComponent.ClickEvent","l":"action"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.util.chat","c":"MessageComponent.HoverEvent","l":"action"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.classes","c":"Changer.ChangeMode","l":"ADD"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.classes","c":"Arithmetic","l":"add(A, R)","u":"add(A,R)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.command","c":"CommandHelp","l":"add(CommandHelp)","u":"add(ch.njol.skript.command.CommandHelp)"},{"p":"ch.njol.util.coll","c":"CyclicList","l":"add(E)"},{"p":"ch.njol.util.coll","c":"CyclicList","l":"add(int, E)","u":"add(int,E)"},{"p":"ch.njol.util.coll","c":"ReversedListView","l":"add(int, T)","u":"add(int,T)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.aliases","c":"ItemType","l":"add(ItemData)","u":"add(ch.njol.skript.aliases.ItemData)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.log","c":"HandlerList","l":"add(LogHandler)","u":"add(ch.njol.skript.log.LogHandler)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.config","c":"SectionNode","l":"add(Node)","u":"add(ch.njol.skript.config.Node)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.classes","c":"NumberArithmetic","l":"add(Number, Number)","u":"add(java.lang.Number,java.lang.Number)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.patterns","c":"ChoicePatternElement","l":"add(PatternElement)","u":"add(ch.njol.skript.patterns.PatternElement)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript","c":"ScriptLoader.ScriptInfo","l":"add(ScriptLoader.ScriptInfo)","u":"add(ch.njol.skript.ScriptLoader.ScriptInfo)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.command","c":"CommandHelp","l":"add(String)","u":"add(java.lang.String)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.variables","c":"TypeHints","l":"add(String, Class)","u":"add(java.lang.String,java.lang.Class)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.structures","c":"StructVariables.DefaultVariables","l":"add(String, Class...)","u":"add(java.lang.String,java.lang.Class...)"},{"p":"ch.njol.util.coll.iterator","c":"ReversedListIterator","l":"add(T)"},{"p":"ch.njol.util.coll","c":"ReversedListView","l":"add(T)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.util","c":"Date","l":"add(Timespan)","u":"add(ch.njol.skript.util.Timespan)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.classes","c":"VectorArithmethic","l":"add(Vector, Vector)","u":"add(org.bukkit.util.Vector,org.bukkit.util.Vector)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.aliases","c":"AliasesMap","l":"addAlias(AliasesMap.AliasData)","u":"addAlias(ch.njol.skript.aliases.AliasesMap.AliasData)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.aliases","c":"AliasesProvider","l":"addAlias(AliasesProvider.AliasName, String, Map, Map)","u":"addAlias(ch.njol.skript.aliases.AliasesProvider.AliasName,java.lang.String,java.util.Map,java.util.Map)"},{"p":"ch.njol.util.coll","c":"CyclicList","l":"addAll(Collection)","u":"addAll(java.util.Collection)"},{"p":"ch.njol.util.coll","c":"ReversedListView","l":"addAll(Collection)","u":"addAll(java.util.Collection)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.aliases","c":"ItemType","l":"addAll(Collection)","u":"addAll(java.util.Collection)"},{"p":"ch.njol.util.coll","c":"CyclicList","l":"addAll(int, Collection)","u":"addAll(int,java.util.Collection)"},{"p":"ch.njol.util.coll","c":"ReversedListView","l":"addAll(int, Collection)","u":"addAll(int,java.util.Collection)"},{"p":"org.skriptlang.skript.lang.script","c":"Script","l":"addData(ScriptData)","u":"addData(org.skriptlang.skript.lang.script.ScriptData)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.effects","c":"Delay","l":"addDelayedEvent(Event)","u":"addDelayedEvent(org.bukkit.event.Event)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.util","c":"PotionEffectUtils","l":"addEffects(ItemType, Object[])","u":"addEffects(ch.njol.skript.aliases.ItemType,java.lang.Object[])"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.util","c":"PotionEffectUtils","l":"addEffects(LivingEntity, Object[])","u":"addEffects(org.bukkit.entity.LivingEntity,java.lang.Object[])"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.aliases","c":"ItemType","l":"addEnchantments(EnchantmentType...)","u":"addEnchantments(ch.njol.skript.util.EnchantmentType...)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.aliases","c":"ItemType","l":"addEnchantments(Map)","u":"addEnchantments(java.util.Map)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.config.validate","c":"SectionValidator","l":"addEntry(String, boolean)","u":"addEntry(java.lang.String,boolean)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.config.validate","c":"SectionValidator","l":"addEntry(String, Parser, Setter, boolean)","u":"addEntry(java.lang.String,ch.njol.skript.classes.Parser,ch.njol.util.Setter,boolean)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.config.validate","c":"SectionValidator","l":"addEntry(String, Setter, boolean)","u":"addEntry(java.lang.String,ch.njol.util.Setter,boolean)"},{"p":"org.skriptlang.skript.lang.entry","c":"EntryValidator.EntryValidatorBuilder","l":"addEntry(String, String, boolean)","u":"addEntry(java.lang.String,java.lang.String,boolean)"},{"p":"org.skriptlang.skript.lang.entry","c":"EntryValidator.EntryValidatorBuilder","l":"addEntryData(EntryData)","u":"addEntryData(org.skriptlang.skript.lang.entry.EntryData)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.log","c":"BukkitLoggerFilter","l":"addFilter(Filter)","u":"addFilter(java.util.logging.Filter)"},{"p":"ch.njol.util","c":"LoggerFilter","l":"addFilter(Filter)","u":"addFilter(java.util.logging.Filter)"},{"p":"ch.njol.util.coll","c":"CyclicList","l":"addFirst(E)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.lang.function","c":"Namespace","l":"addFunction(Function)","u":"addFunction(ch.njol.skript.lang.function.Function)"},{"p":"ch.njol.util.coll","c":"CyclicList","l":"addLast(E)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.localization","c":"Language","l":"addListener(LanguageChangeListener)","u":"addListener(ch.njol.skript.localization.LanguageChangeListener)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.localization","c":"Language","l":"addListener(LanguageChangeListener, Language.LanguageListenerPriority)","u":"addListener(ch.njol.skript.localization.LanguageChangeListener,ch.njol.skript.localization.Language.LanguageListenerPriority)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.config.validate","c":"SectionValidator","l":"addNode(String, NodeValidator, boolean)","u":"addNode(java.lang.String,ch.njol.skript.config.validate.NodeValidator,boolean)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript","c":"SkriptConfig","l":"addonSafetyChecks"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.bukkitutil","c":"PassengerUtils","l":"addPassenger(Entity, Entity)","u":"addPassenger(org.bukkit.entity.Entity,org.bukkit.entity.Entity)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.config.validate","c":"SectionValidator","l":"addSection(String, boolean)","u":"addSection(java.lang.String,boolean)"},{"p":"org.skriptlang.skript.lang.entry","c":"EntryValidator.EntryValidatorBuilder","l":"addSection(String, boolean)","u":"addSection(java.lang.String,boolean)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript","c":"SkriptEventHandler","l":"addSelfRegisteringTrigger(Trigger)","u":"addSelfRegisteringTrigger(ch.njol.skript.lang.Trigger)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.lang.function","c":"Namespace","l":"addSignature(Signature)","u":"addSignature(ch.njol.skript.lang.function.Signature)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.aliases","c":"ItemType","l":"addTo(Inventory)","u":"addTo(org.bukkit.inventory.Inventory)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.aliases","c":"ItemType","l":"addTo(ItemStack)","u":"addTo(org.bukkit.inventory.ItemStack)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.aliases","c":"ItemType","l":"addTo(ItemStack[])","u":"addTo(org.bukkit.inventory.ItemStack[])"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.aliases","c":"ItemType","l":"addTo(List)","u":"addTo(java.util.List)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.aliases","c":"AliasesProvider","l":"addVariationGroup(String, AliasesProvider.VariationGroup)","u":"addVariationGroup(java.lang.String,ch.njol.skript.aliases.AliasesProvider.VariationGroup)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.util","c":"WeatherType","l":"adjective()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.localization","c":"Adjective","l":"Adjective(String)","u":"%3Cinit%3E(java.lang.String)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript","c":"Skript","l":"adminBroadcast(String)","u":"adminBroadcast(java.lang.String)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.classes","c":"ClassInfo","l":"after()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.classes","c":"ClassInfo","l":"after(String...)","u":"after(java.lang.String...)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.log","c":"ErrorDescLogHandler","l":"afterErrors()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.lang","c":"SelfRegisteringSkriptEvent","l":"afterParse(Config)","u":"afterParse(ch.njol.skript.config.Config)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.aliases","c":"ItemData","l":"aliasCopy()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.aliases","c":"AliasesMap.AliasData","l":"AliasData(ItemData, MaterialName, String, EntityData)","u":"%3Cinit%3E(ch.njol.skript.aliases.ItemData,ch.njol.skript.aliases.MaterialName,java.lang.String,ch.njol.skript.entity.EntityData)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.aliases","c":"Aliases","l":"Aliases()","u":"%3Cinit%3E()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.aliases","c":"AliasesMap","l":"AliasesMap()","u":"%3Cinit%3E()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.aliases","c":"AliasesParser","l":"AliasesParser(AliasesProvider)","u":"%3Cinit%3E(ch.njol.skript.aliases.AliasesProvider)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.aliases","c":"AliasesProvider","l":"AliasesProvider(int, AliasesProvider)","u":"%3Cinit%3E(int,ch.njol.skript.aliases.AliasesProvider)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.aliases","c":"AliasesProvider.AliasName","l":"AliasName(String, String, int)","u":"%3Cinit%3E(java.lang.String,java.lang.String,int)"},{"p":"org.skriptlang.skript.lang.converter","c":"Converter","l":"ALL_CHAINING"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.lang","c":"SkriptParser","l":"ALL_FLAGS"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.variables","c":"FlatFileStorage","l":"allLoaded()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.variables","c":"SQLStorage","l":"allLoaded()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.variables","c":"VariablesStorage","l":"allLoaded()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript","c":"SkriptConfig","l":"allowFunctionsBeforeDefs"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript","c":"SkriptConfig","l":"allowOpsToUseEffectCommands"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript","c":"SkriptConfig","l":"allowUnsafePlatforms"},{"p":"org.skriptlang.skript.lang.script","c":"Script","l":"allowWarning(ScriptWarning)","u":"allowWarning(org.skriptlang.skript.lang.script.ScriptWarning)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.entity","c":"EntityType","l":"amount"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.lang","c":"ExpressionList","l":"and"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.localization","c":"GeneralWords","l":"and"},{"p":"ch.njol.util","c":"Kleenean","l":"and(Kleenean)","u":"and(ch.njol.util.Kleenean)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.events","c":"EvtGrow","l":"ANY"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript","c":"SkriptConfig","l":"apiSoftExceptions"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.bukkitutil.block","c":"BlockSetter","l":"APPLY_PHYSICS"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.util","c":"BlockStateBlock","l":"applyBoneMeal(BlockFace)","u":"applyBoneMeal(org.bukkit.block.BlockFace)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.util","c":"DelayedChangeBlock","l":"applyBoneMeal(BlockFace)","u":"applyBoneMeal(org.bukkit.block.BlockFace)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.aliases","c":"AliasesProvider","l":"applyTags(ItemStack, Map)","u":"applyTags(org.bukkit.inventory.ItemStack,java.util.Map)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.aliases","c":"ItemData","l":"applyTags(String)","u":"applyTags(java.lang.String)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.util.chat","c":"SkriptChatCode","l":"aqua"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.localization","c":"ArgsMessage","l":"ArgsMessage(String)","u":"%3Cinit%3E(java.lang.String)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions.arithmetic","c":"ArithmeticChain","l":"ArithmeticChain(ArithmeticGettable, Operator, ArithmeticGettable)","u":"%3Cinit%3E(ch.njol.skript.expressions.arithmetic.ArithmeticGettable,ch.njol.skript.expressions.arithmetic.Operator,ch.njol.skript.expressions.arithmetic.ArithmeticGettable)"},{"p":"ch.njol.util.coll","c":"CollectionUtils","l":"array(T...)"},{"p":"ch.njol.util.coll.iterator","c":"ArrayIterator","l":"ArrayIterator(T[])","u":"%3Cinit%3E(T[])"},{"p":"ch.njol.util.coll.iterator","c":"ArrayIterator","l":"ArrayIterator(T[], int)","u":"%3Cinit%3E(T[],int)"},{"p":"ch.njol.util.coll","c":"CollectionUtils","l":"arrayType(Class)","u":"arrayType(java.lang.Class)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.bukkitutil","c":"ItemUtils","l":"asBlock(Material)","u":"asBlock(org.bukkit.Material)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.util","c":"Color","l":"asBukkitColor()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.util","c":"ColorRGB","l":"asBukkitColor()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.util","c":"SkriptColor","l":"asBukkitColor()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.util","c":"SkriptColor","l":"asChatColor()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.util","c":"Color","l":"asDyeColor()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.util","c":"ColorRGB","l":"asDyeColor()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.util","c":"SkriptColor","l":"asDyeColor()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.bukkitutil","c":"ItemUtils","l":"asItem(Material)","u":"asItem(org.bukkit.Material)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.update","c":"GithubChecker.ResponseEntry","l":"assets"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.update","c":"GithubChecker.ResponseEntry","l":"assets_url"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.update","c":"GithubChecker.ResponseEntry.AssetsEntry","l":"AssetsEntry()","u":"%3Cinit%3E()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.util","c":"AsyncEffect","l":"AsyncEffect()","u":"%3Cinit%3E()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.update","c":"GithubChecker.ResponseEntry","l":"author"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.update","c":"GithubChecker.ResponseEntry.Author","l":"Author()","u":"%3Cinit%3E()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.entity","c":"AxolotlData","l":"AxolotlData()","u":"%3Cinit%3E()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.entity","c":"AxolotlData","l":"AxolotlData(Axolotl.Variant)","u":"%3Cinit%3E(org.bukkit.entity.Axolotl.Variant)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.util","c":"FileUtils","l":"backup(File)","u":"backup(java.io.File)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.variables","c":"VariablesStorage","l":"backupTask"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.conditions.base","c":"PropertyCondition.PropertyType","l":"BE"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.entity","c":"BeeData","l":"BeeData()","u":"%3Cinit%3E()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.classes","c":"ClassInfo","l":"before()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.classes","c":"ClassInfo","l":"before(String...)","u":"before(java.lang.String...)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions.base","c":"WrapperExpression","l":"beforeChange(Expression, Object[])","u":"beforeChange(ch.njol.skript.lang.Expression,java.lang.Object[])"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.lang","c":"Expression","l":"beforeChange(Expression, Object[])","u":"beforeChange(ch.njol.skript.lang.Expression,java.lang.Object[])"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.lang.util","c":"ConvertedExpression","l":"beforeChange(Expression, Object[])","u":"beforeChange(ch.njol.skript.lang.Expression,java.lang.Object[])"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.log","c":"ErrorDescLogHandler","l":"beforeErrors()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.util","c":"Direction","l":"BF_X"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.util","c":"Direction","l":"BF_Y"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.util","c":"Direction","l":"BF_Z"},{"p":"ch.njol.util.coll","c":"BidiHashMap","l":"BidiHashMap()","u":"%3Cinit%3E()"},{"p":"ch.njol.util.coll","c":"BidiHashMap","l":"BidiHashMap(Map)","u":"%3Cinit%3E(java.util.Map)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.util","c":"StructureType","l":"BIG_JUNGLE"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.util","c":"StructureType","l":"BIG_REDWOOD"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.util","c":"StructureType","l":"BIG_REGULAR"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.util","c":"StructureType","l":"BIRCH"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.util.chat","c":"SkriptChatCode","l":"black"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.util","c":"SkriptColor","l":"BLACK"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.bukkitutil","c":"BurgerHelper.Blocks","l":"block"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.events","c":"EvtGrow","l":"BLOCK"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.classes.data","c":"DefaultChangers","l":"blockChanger"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.log","c":"BlockingLogHandler","l":"BlockingLogHandler()","u":"%3Cinit%3E()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.util","c":"BlockInventoryHolder","l":"BlockInventoryHolder(BlockState)","u":"%3Cinit%3E(org.bukkit.block.BlockState)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.util","c":"BlockLineIterator","l":"BlockLineIterator(Block, Block)","u":"%3Cinit%3E(org.bukkit.block.Block,org.bukkit.block.Block)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.util","c":"BlockLineIterator","l":"BlockLineIterator(Block, Vector, double)","u":"%3Cinit%3E(org.bukkit.block.Block,org.bukkit.util.Vector,double)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.util","c":"BlockLineIterator","l":"BlockLineIterator(Location, Vector, double)","u":"%3Cinit%3E(org.bukkit.Location,org.bukkit.util.Vector,double)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.bukkitutil","c":"BurgerHelper.Burger","l":"blocks"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.bukkitutil","c":"BurgerHelper.Blocks","l":"Blocks()","u":"%3Cinit%3E()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.util","c":"BlockSphereIterator","l":"BlockSphereIterator(Location, double)","u":"%3Cinit%3E(org.bukkit.Location,double)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.util","c":"BlockStateBlock","l":"BlockStateBlock(BlockState)","u":"%3Cinit%3E(org.bukkit.block.BlockState)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.util","c":"BlockStateBlock","l":"BlockStateBlock(BlockState, boolean)","u":"%3Cinit%3E(org.bukkit.block.BlockState,boolean)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.util","c":"BlockUtils","l":"blockToString(Block, int)","u":"blockToString(org.bukkit.block.Block,int)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.util","c":"BlockUtils","l":"BlockUtils()","u":"%3Cinit%3E()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.bukkitutil.block","c":"BlockValues","l":"BlockValues()","u":"%3Cinit%3E()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.util.chat","c":"SkriptChatCode","l":"blue"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.entity","c":"BoatChestData","l":"BoatChestData()","u":"%3Cinit%3E()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.entity","c":"BoatChestData","l":"BoatChestData(TreeSpecies)","u":"%3Cinit%3E(org.bukkit.TreeSpecies)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.entity","c":"BoatData","l":"BoatData()","u":"%3Cinit%3E()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.entity","c":"BoatData","l":"BoatData(TreeSpecies)","u":"%3Cinit%3E(org.bukkit.TreeSpecies)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.update","c":"GithubChecker.ResponseEntry","l":"body"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.util.chat","c":"SkriptChatCode","l":"bold"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.util.chat","c":"MessageComponent","l":"bold"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.registrations","c":"DefaultClasses","l":"BOOLEAN"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.util.chat","c":"MessageComponent.BooleanSerializer","l":"BooleanSerializer()","u":"%3Cinit%3E()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.util.slot","c":"EquipmentSlot.EquipSlot","l":"BOOTS"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.command","c":"ScriptCommand","l":"BOTH"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.util","c":"BlockStateBlock","l":"breakNaturally()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.util","c":"DelayedChangeBlock","l":"breakNaturally()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.util","c":"BlockStateBlock","l":"breakNaturally(boolean)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.util","c":"DelayedChangeBlock","l":"breakNaturally(boolean)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.util","c":"BlockStateBlock","l":"breakNaturally(boolean, boolean)","u":"breakNaturally(boolean,boolean)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.util","c":"DelayedChangeBlock","l":"breakNaturally(boolean, boolean)","u":"breakNaturally(boolean,boolean)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.util","c":"BlockStateBlock","l":"breakNaturally(ItemStack)","u":"breakNaturally(org.bukkit.inventory.ItemStack)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.util","c":"DelayedChangeBlock","l":"breakNaturally(ItemStack)","u":"breakNaturally(org.bukkit.inventory.ItemStack)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.util","c":"BlockStateBlock","l":"breakNaturally(ItemStack, boolean)","u":"breakNaturally(org.bukkit.inventory.ItemStack,boolean)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.util","c":"DelayedChangeBlock","l":"breakNaturally(ItemStack, boolean)","u":"breakNaturally(org.bukkit.inventory.ItemStack,boolean)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.util","c":"BlockStateBlock","l":"breakNaturally(ItemStack, boolean, boolean)","u":"breakNaturally(org.bukkit.inventory.ItemStack,boolean,boolean)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.util","c":"DelayedChangeBlock","l":"breakNaturally(ItemStack, boolean, boolean)","u":"breakNaturally(org.bukkit.inventory.ItemStack,boolean,boolean)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript","c":"Skript","l":"broadcast(String, String)","u":"broadcast(java.lang.String,java.lang.String)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.util","c":"SkriptColor","l":"BROWN"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.util","c":"StructureType","l":"BROWN_MUSHROOM"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.update","c":"GithubChecker.ResponseEntry.AssetsEntry","l":"browser_download_url"},{"p":"org.skriptlang.skript.lang.entry","c":"EntryValidator.EntryValidatorBuilder","l":"build()"},{"p":"org.skriptlang.skript.lang.entry","c":"EntryValidator","l":"builder()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript","c":"ServerPlatform","l":"BUKKIT_CRAFTBUKKIT"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript","c":"ServerPlatform","l":"BUKKIT_GLOWSTONE"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript","c":"ServerPlatform","l":"BUKKIT_PAPER"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript","c":"ServerPlatform","l":"BUKKIT_SPIGOT"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript","c":"ServerPlatform","l":"BUKKIT_UNKNOWN"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.classes.data","c":"BukkitClasses","l":"BukkitClasses()","u":"%3Cinit%3E()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.classes.data","c":"BukkitEventValues","l":"BukkitEventValues()","u":"%3Cinit%3E()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.log","c":"BukkitLoggerFilter","l":"BukkitLoggerFilter()","u":"%3Cinit%3E()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.bukkitutil","c":"BukkitUnsafe","l":"BukkitUnsafe()","u":"%3Cinit%3E()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.effects","c":"EffConnect","l":"BUNGEE_CHANNEL"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.util.chat","c":"BungeeConverter","l":"BungeeConverter()","u":"%3Cinit%3E()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.bukkitutil","c":"BurgerHelper","l":"burger"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.bukkitutil","c":"BurgerHelper.Burger","l":"Burger()","u":"%3Cinit%3E()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.bukkitutil","c":"BurgerHelper","l":"BurgerHelper(String)","u":"%3Cinit%3E(java.lang.String)"},{"p":"ch.njol.yggdrasil","c":"Tag","l":"byID(byte)"},{"p":"ch.njol.yggdrasil","c":"Tag","l":"byID(int)"},{"p":"ch.njol.yggdrasil","c":"Tag","l":"byName(String)","u":"byName(java.lang.String)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.classes","c":"Comparator.ComparatorInfo","l":"c"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.lang","c":"SyntaxElementInfo","l":"c"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.lang.util","c":"SimpleLiteral","l":"c"},{"p":"ch.njol.yggdrasil","c":"Tag","l":"c"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.classes","c":"Comparator.ComparatorInfo","l":"c1"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.classes","c":"Comparator.ComparatorInfo","l":"c2"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.log","c":"LogHandler.LogResult","l":"CACHED"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions.arithmetic","c":"Operator","l":"calculate(Number, Number, boolean)","u":"calculate(java.lang.Number,java.lang.Number,boolean)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.util","c":"Task","l":"callSync(Callable)","u":"callSync(java.util.concurrent.Callable)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.util","c":"Task","l":"callSync(Callable, Plugin)","u":"callSync(java.util.concurrent.Callable,org.bukkit.plugin.Plugin)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.conditions.base","c":"PropertyCondition.PropertyType","l":"CAN"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.classes","c":"ConfigurationSerializer","l":"canBeInstantiated()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.classes","c":"EnumSerializer","l":"canBeInstantiated()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.classes","c":"Serializer","l":"canBeInstantiated()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.classes","c":"YggdrasilSerializer","l":"canBeInstantiated()"},{"p":"ch.njol.yggdrasil","c":"JRESerializer","l":"canBeInstantiated(Class)","u":"canBeInstantiated(java.lang.Class)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.classes","c":"Serializer","l":"canBeInstantiated(Class)","u":"canBeInstantiated(java.lang.Class)"},{"p":"ch.njol.yggdrasil","c":"YggdrasilSerializer","l":"canBeInstantiated(Class)","u":"canBeInstantiated(java.lang.Class)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.hooks.regions","c":"GriefPreventionHook","l":"canBuild_i(Player, Location)","u":"canBuild_i(org.bukkit.entity.Player,org.bukkit.Location)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.hooks.regions","c":"PreciousStonesHook","l":"canBuild_i(Player, Location)","u":"canBuild_i(org.bukkit.entity.Player,org.bukkit.Location)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.hooks.regions","c":"RegionsPlugin","l":"canBuild_i(Player, Location)","u":"canBuild_i(org.bukkit.entity.Player,org.bukkit.Location)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.hooks.regions","c":"ResidenceHook","l":"canBuild_i(Player, Location)","u":"canBuild_i(org.bukkit.entity.Player,org.bukkit.Location)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.hooks.regions","c":"WorldGuardHook","l":"canBuild_i(Player, Location)","u":"canBuild_i(org.bukkit.entity.Player,org.bukkit.Location)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.hooks.regions","c":"RegionsPlugin","l":"canBuild(Player, Location)","u":"canBuild(org.bukkit.entity.Player,org.bukkit.Location)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.util","c":"Task","l":"cancel()"},{"p":"org.skriptlang.skript.lang.entry","c":"EntryData","l":"canCreateWith(Node)","u":"canCreateWith(ch.njol.skript.config.Node)"},{"p":"org.skriptlang.skript.lang.entry","c":"KeyValueEntryData","l":"canCreateWith(Node)","u":"canCreateWith(ch.njol.skript.config.Node)"},{"p":"org.skriptlang.skript.lang.entry","c":"SectionEntryData","l":"canCreateWith(Node)","u":"canCreateWith(ch.njol.skript.config.Node)"},{"p":"org.skriptlang.skript.lang.entry.util","c":"TriggerEntryData","l":"canCreateWith(Node)","u":"canCreateWith(ch.njol.skript.config.Node)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.bukkitutil","c":"PlayerUtils","l":"canEat(Player, Material)","u":"canEat(org.bukkit.entity.Player,org.bukkit.Material)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.doc","c":"Documentation","l":"canGenerateUnsafeDocs()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.util","c":"LiteralUtils","l":"canInitSafely(Expression...)","u":"canInitSafely(ch.njol.skript.lang.Expression...)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.classes","c":"Parser","l":"canParse(ParseContext)","u":"canParse(ch.njol.skript.lang.ParseContext)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.util","c":"BlockStateBlock","l":"canPlace(BlockData)","u":"canPlace(org.bukkit.block.data.BlockData)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.util","c":"DelayedChangeBlock","l":"canPlace(BlockData)","u":"canPlace(org.bukkit.block.data.BlockData)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.command","c":"Commands.CommandAliasHelpTopic","l":"canSee(CommandSender)","u":"canSee(org.bukkit.command.CommandSender)"},{"p":"ch.njol.util","c":"CaseInsensitiveString","l":"CaseInsensitiveString(String)","u":"%3Cinit%3E(java.lang.String)"},{"p":"ch.njol.util","c":"CaseInsensitiveString","l":"CaseInsensitiveString(String, Locale)","u":"%3Cinit%3E(java.lang.String,java.util.Locale)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript","c":"SkriptConfig","l":"caseInsensitiveVariables"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.variables","c":"Variables","l":"caseInsensitiveVariables"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript","c":"SkriptConfig","l":"caseSensitive"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.entity","c":"CatData","l":"CatData()","u":"%3Cinit%3E()"},{"p":"ch.njol.util","c":"Math2","l":"ceil(double)"},{"p":"ch.njol.util","c":"Math2","l":"ceil(float)"},{"p":"ch.njol.util","c":"Math2","l":"ceilI(double)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.classes","c":"ChainedConverter","l":"ChainedConverter(Converter, Converter)","u":"%3Cinit%3E(ch.njol.skript.classes.Converter,ch.njol.skript.classes.Converter)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.util.chat","c":"MessageComponent.ClickEvent.Action","l":"change_page"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.util.chat","c":"SkriptChatCode","l":"change_page"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.classes","c":"Changer.ChangerUtils","l":"change(Changer, Object[], Object[], Changer.ChangeMode)","u":"change(ch.njol.skript.classes.Changer,java.lang.Object[],java.lang.Object[],ch.njol.skript.classes.Changer.ChangeMode)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions.base","c":"EventValueExpression","l":"change(Event, Object[], Changer.ChangeMode)","u":"change(org.bukkit.event.Event,java.lang.Object[],ch.njol.skript.classes.Changer.ChangeMode)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions.base","c":"WrapperExpression","l":"change(Event, Object[], Changer.ChangeMode)","u":"change(org.bukkit.event.Event,java.lang.Object[],ch.njol.skript.classes.Changer.ChangeMode)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprAge","l":"change(Event, Object[], Changer.ChangeMode)","u":"change(org.bukkit.event.Event,java.lang.Object[],ch.njol.skript.classes.Changer.ChangeMode)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprAI","l":"change(Event, Object[], Changer.ChangeMode)","u":"change(org.bukkit.event.Event,java.lang.Object[],ch.njol.skript.classes.Changer.ChangeMode)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprAnvilRepairCost","l":"change(Event, Object[], Changer.ChangeMode)","u":"change(org.bukkit.event.Event,java.lang.Object[],ch.njol.skript.classes.Changer.ChangeMode)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprAppliedEnchantments","l":"change(Event, Object[], Changer.ChangeMode)","u":"change(org.bukkit.event.Event,java.lang.Object[],ch.njol.skript.classes.Changer.ChangeMode)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprArrowKnockbackStrength","l":"change(Event, Object[], Changer.ChangeMode)","u":"change(org.bukkit.event.Event,java.lang.Object[],ch.njol.skript.classes.Changer.ChangeMode)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprArrowPierceLevel","l":"change(Event, Object[], Changer.ChangeMode)","u":"change(org.bukkit.event.Event,java.lang.Object[],ch.njol.skript.classes.Changer.ChangeMode)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprArrowsStuck","l":"change(Event, Object[], Changer.ChangeMode)","u":"change(org.bukkit.event.Event,java.lang.Object[],ch.njol.skript.classes.Changer.ChangeMode)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprBed","l":"change(Event, Object[], Changer.ChangeMode)","u":"change(org.bukkit.event.Event,java.lang.Object[],ch.njol.skript.classes.Changer.ChangeMode)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprBiome","l":"change(Event, Object[], Changer.ChangeMode)","u":"change(org.bukkit.event.Event,java.lang.Object[],ch.njol.skript.classes.Changer.ChangeMode)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprBlockData","l":"change(Event, Object[], Changer.ChangeMode)","u":"change(org.bukkit.event.Event,java.lang.Object[],ch.njol.skript.classes.Changer.ChangeMode)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprBookAuthor","l":"change(Event, Object[], Changer.ChangeMode)","u":"change(org.bukkit.event.Event,java.lang.Object[],ch.njol.skript.classes.Changer.ChangeMode)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprBookTitle","l":"change(Event, Object[], Changer.ChangeMode)","u":"change(org.bukkit.event.Event,java.lang.Object[],ch.njol.skript.classes.Changer.ChangeMode)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprBurnCookTime","l":"change(Event, Object[], Changer.ChangeMode)","u":"change(org.bukkit.event.Event,java.lang.Object[],ch.njol.skript.classes.Changer.ChangeMode)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprCharges","l":"change(Event, Object[], Changer.ChangeMode)","u":"change(org.bukkit.event.Event,java.lang.Object[],ch.njol.skript.classes.Changer.ChangeMode)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprChatFormat","l":"change(Event, Object[], Changer.ChangeMode)","u":"change(org.bukkit.event.Event,java.lang.Object[],ch.njol.skript.classes.Changer.ChangeMode)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprChatRecipients","l":"change(Event, Object[], Changer.ChangeMode)","u":"change(org.bukkit.event.Event,java.lang.Object[],ch.njol.skript.classes.Changer.ChangeMode)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprCmdCooldownInfo","l":"change(Event, Object[], Changer.ChangeMode)","u":"change(org.bukkit.event.Event,java.lang.Object[],ch.njol.skript.classes.Changer.ChangeMode)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprColorOf","l":"change(Event, Object[], Changer.ChangeMode)","u":"change(org.bukkit.event.Event,java.lang.Object[],ch.njol.skript.classes.Changer.ChangeMode)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprCompassTarget","l":"change(Event, Object[], Changer.ChangeMode)","u":"change(org.bukkit.event.Event,java.lang.Object[],ch.njol.skript.classes.Changer.ChangeMode)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprCoordinate","l":"change(Event, Object[], Changer.ChangeMode)","u":"change(org.bukkit.event.Event,java.lang.Object[],ch.njol.skript.classes.Changer.ChangeMode)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprCreeperMaxFuseTicks","l":"change(Event, Object[], Changer.ChangeMode)","u":"change(org.bukkit.event.Event,java.lang.Object[],ch.njol.skript.classes.Changer.ChangeMode)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprCustomModelData","l":"change(Event, Object[], Changer.ChangeMode)","u":"change(org.bukkit.event.Event,java.lang.Object[],ch.njol.skript.classes.Changer.ChangeMode)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprDamage","l":"change(Event, Object[], Changer.ChangeMode)","u":"change(org.bukkit.event.Event,java.lang.Object[],ch.njol.skript.classes.Changer.ChangeMode)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprDifficulty","l":"change(Event, Object[], Changer.ChangeMode)","u":"change(org.bukkit.event.Event,java.lang.Object[],ch.njol.skript.classes.Changer.ChangeMode)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprDrops","l":"change(Event, Object[], Changer.ChangeMode)","u":"change(org.bukkit.event.Event,java.lang.Object[],ch.njol.skript.classes.Changer.ChangeMode)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprDurability","l":"change(Event, Object[], Changer.ChangeMode)","u":"change(org.bukkit.event.Event,java.lang.Object[],ch.njol.skript.classes.Changer.ChangeMode)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprEnchantingExpCost","l":"change(Event, Object[], Changer.ChangeMode)","u":"change(org.bukkit.event.Event,java.lang.Object[],ch.njol.skript.classes.Changer.ChangeMode)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprEnchantItem","l":"change(Event, Object[], Changer.ChangeMode)","u":"change(org.bukkit.event.Event,java.lang.Object[],ch.njol.skript.classes.Changer.ChangeMode)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprEnchantmentLevel","l":"change(Event, Object[], Changer.ChangeMode)","u":"change(org.bukkit.event.Event,java.lang.Object[],ch.njol.skript.classes.Changer.ChangeMode)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprEnchantmentOffer","l":"change(Event, Object[], Changer.ChangeMode)","u":"change(org.bukkit.event.Event,java.lang.Object[],ch.njol.skript.classes.Changer.ChangeMode)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprEnchantmentOfferCost","l":"change(Event, Object[], Changer.ChangeMode)","u":"change(org.bukkit.event.Event,java.lang.Object[],ch.njol.skript.classes.Changer.ChangeMode)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprEnchantments","l":"change(Event, Object[], Changer.ChangeMode)","u":"change(org.bukkit.event.Event,java.lang.Object[],ch.njol.skript.classes.Changer.ChangeMode)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprEntityAttribute","l":"change(Event, Object[], Changer.ChangeMode)","u":"change(org.bukkit.event.Event,java.lang.Object[],ch.njol.skript.classes.Changer.ChangeMode)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprEntityTamer","l":"change(Event, Object[], Changer.ChangeMode)","u":"change(org.bukkit.event.Event,java.lang.Object[],ch.njol.skript.classes.Changer.ChangeMode)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprEventCancelled","l":"change(Event, Object[], Changer.ChangeMode)","u":"change(org.bukkit.event.Event,java.lang.Object[],ch.njol.skript.classes.Changer.ChangeMode)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprExhaustion","l":"change(Event, Object[], Changer.ChangeMode)","u":"change(org.bukkit.event.Event,java.lang.Object[],ch.njol.skript.classes.Changer.ChangeMode)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprExperience","l":"change(Event, Object[], Changer.ChangeMode)","u":"change(org.bukkit.event.Event,java.lang.Object[],ch.njol.skript.classes.Changer.ChangeMode)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprExplosionBlockYield","l":"change(Event, Object[], Changer.ChangeMode)","u":"change(org.bukkit.event.Event,java.lang.Object[],ch.njol.skript.classes.Changer.ChangeMode)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprExplosionYield","l":"change(Event, Object[], Changer.ChangeMode)","u":"change(org.bukkit.event.Event,java.lang.Object[],ch.njol.skript.classes.Changer.ChangeMode)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprExplosiveYield","l":"change(Event, Object[], Changer.ChangeMode)","u":"change(org.bukkit.event.Event,java.lang.Object[],ch.njol.skript.classes.Changer.ChangeMode)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprFacing","l":"change(Event, Object[], Changer.ChangeMode)","u":"change(org.bukkit.event.Event,java.lang.Object[],ch.njol.skript.classes.Changer.ChangeMode)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprFallDistance","l":"change(Event, Object[], Changer.ChangeMode)","u":"change(org.bukkit.event.Event,java.lang.Object[],ch.njol.skript.classes.Changer.ChangeMode)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprFireTicks","l":"change(Event, Object[], Changer.ChangeMode)","u":"change(org.bukkit.event.Event,java.lang.Object[],ch.njol.skript.classes.Changer.ChangeMode)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprFlightMode","l":"change(Event, Object[], Changer.ChangeMode)","u":"change(org.bukkit.event.Event,java.lang.Object[],ch.njol.skript.classes.Changer.ChangeMode)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprFoodLevel","l":"change(Event, Object[], Changer.ChangeMode)","u":"change(org.bukkit.event.Event,java.lang.Object[],ch.njol.skript.classes.Changer.ChangeMode)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprFreezeTicks","l":"change(Event, Object[], Changer.ChangeMode)","u":"change(org.bukkit.event.Event,java.lang.Object[],ch.njol.skript.classes.Changer.ChangeMode)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprGameMode","l":"change(Event, Object[], Changer.ChangeMode)","u":"change(org.bukkit.event.Event,java.lang.Object[],ch.njol.skript.classes.Changer.ChangeMode)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprGameRule","l":"change(Event, Object[], Changer.ChangeMode)","u":"change(org.bukkit.event.Event,java.lang.Object[],ch.njol.skript.classes.Changer.ChangeMode)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprGlidingState","l":"change(Event, Object[], Changer.ChangeMode)","u":"change(org.bukkit.event.Event,java.lang.Object[],ch.njol.skript.classes.Changer.ChangeMode)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprGlowing","l":"change(Event, Object[], Changer.ChangeMode)","u":"change(org.bukkit.event.Event,java.lang.Object[],ch.njol.skript.classes.Changer.ChangeMode)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprGravity","l":"change(Event, Object[], Changer.ChangeMode)","u":"change(org.bukkit.event.Event,java.lang.Object[],ch.njol.skript.classes.Changer.ChangeMode)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprHatchingNumber","l":"change(Event, Object[], Changer.ChangeMode)","u":"change(org.bukkit.event.Event,java.lang.Object[],ch.njol.skript.classes.Changer.ChangeMode)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprHatchingType","l":"change(Event, Object[], Changer.ChangeMode)","u":"change(org.bukkit.event.Event,java.lang.Object[],ch.njol.skript.classes.Changer.ChangeMode)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprHealAmount","l":"change(Event, Object[], Changer.ChangeMode)","u":"change(org.bukkit.event.Event,java.lang.Object[],ch.njol.skript.classes.Changer.ChangeMode)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprHealth","l":"change(Event, Object[], Changer.ChangeMode)","u":"change(org.bukkit.event.Event,java.lang.Object[],ch.njol.skript.classes.Changer.ChangeMode)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprHotbarSlot","l":"change(Event, Object[], Changer.ChangeMode)","u":"change(org.bukkit.event.Event,java.lang.Object[],ch.njol.skript.classes.Changer.ChangeMode)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprHoverList","l":"change(Event, Object[], Changer.ChangeMode)","u":"change(org.bukkit.event.Event,java.lang.Object[],ch.njol.skript.classes.Changer.ChangeMode)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprItem","l":"change(Event, Object[], Changer.ChangeMode)","u":"change(org.bukkit.event.Event,java.lang.Object[],ch.njol.skript.classes.Changer.ChangeMode)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprItemAmount","l":"change(Event, Object[], Changer.ChangeMode)","u":"change(org.bukkit.event.Event,java.lang.Object[],ch.njol.skript.classes.Changer.ChangeMode)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprLastDamage","l":"change(Event, Object[], Changer.ChangeMode)","u":"change(org.bukkit.event.Event,java.lang.Object[],ch.njol.skript.classes.Changer.ChangeMode)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprLastDamageCause","l":"change(Event, Object[], Changer.ChangeMode)","u":"change(org.bukkit.event.Event,java.lang.Object[],ch.njol.skript.classes.Changer.ChangeMode)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprLevel","l":"change(Event, Object[], Changer.ChangeMode)","u":"change(org.bukkit.event.Event,java.lang.Object[],ch.njol.skript.classes.Changer.ChangeMode)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprLevelProgress","l":"change(Event, Object[], Changer.ChangeMode)","u":"change(org.bukkit.event.Event,java.lang.Object[],ch.njol.skript.classes.Changer.ChangeMode)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprLoot","l":"change(Event, Object[], Changer.ChangeMode)","u":"change(org.bukkit.event.Event,java.lang.Object[],ch.njol.skript.classes.Changer.ChangeMode)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprLore","l":"change(Event, Object[], Changer.ChangeMode)","u":"change(org.bukkit.event.Event,java.lang.Object[],ch.njol.skript.classes.Changer.ChangeMode)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprMaxHealth","l":"change(Event, Object[], Changer.ChangeMode)","u":"change(org.bukkit.event.Event,java.lang.Object[],ch.njol.skript.classes.Changer.ChangeMode)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprMaxMinecartSpeed","l":"change(Event, Object[], Changer.ChangeMode)","u":"change(org.bukkit.event.Event,java.lang.Object[],ch.njol.skript.classes.Changer.ChangeMode)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprMaxPlayers","l":"change(Event, Object[], Changer.ChangeMode)","u":"change(org.bukkit.event.Event,java.lang.Object[],ch.njol.skript.classes.Changer.ChangeMode)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprMendingRepairAmount","l":"change(Event, Object[], Changer.ChangeMode)","u":"change(org.bukkit.event.Event,java.lang.Object[],ch.njol.skript.classes.Changer.ChangeMode)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprMessage","l":"change(Event, Object[], Changer.ChangeMode)","u":"change(org.bukkit.event.Event,java.lang.Object[],ch.njol.skript.classes.Changer.ChangeMode)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprMetadata","l":"change(Event, Object[], Changer.ChangeMode)","u":"change(org.bukkit.event.Event,java.lang.Object[],ch.njol.skript.classes.Changer.ChangeMode)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprMinecartDerailedFlyingVelocity","l":"change(Event, Object[], Changer.ChangeMode)","u":"change(org.bukkit.event.Event,java.lang.Object[],ch.njol.skript.classes.Changer.ChangeMode)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprMOTD","l":"change(Event, Object[], Changer.ChangeMode)","u":"change(org.bukkit.event.Event,java.lang.Object[],ch.njol.skript.classes.Changer.ChangeMode)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprName","l":"change(Event, Object[], Changer.ChangeMode)","u":"change(org.bukkit.event.Event,java.lang.Object[],ch.njol.skript.classes.Changer.ChangeMode)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprNoDamageTicks","l":"change(Event, Object[], Changer.ChangeMode)","u":"change(org.bukkit.event.Event,java.lang.Object[],ch.njol.skript.classes.Changer.ChangeMode)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprOnlinePlayersCount","l":"change(Event, Object[], Changer.ChangeMode)","u":"change(org.bukkit.event.Event,java.lang.Object[],ch.njol.skript.classes.Changer.ChangeMode)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprOps","l":"change(Event, Object[], Changer.ChangeMode)","u":"change(org.bukkit.event.Event,java.lang.Object[],ch.njol.skript.classes.Changer.ChangeMode)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprPassenger","l":"change(Event, Object[], Changer.ChangeMode)","u":"change(org.bukkit.event.Event,java.lang.Object[],ch.njol.skript.classes.Changer.ChangeMode)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprPickupDelay","l":"change(Event, Object[], Changer.ChangeMode)","u":"change(org.bukkit.event.Event,java.lang.Object[],ch.njol.skript.classes.Changer.ChangeMode)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprPlayerlistHeaderFooter","l":"change(Event, Object[], Changer.ChangeMode)","u":"change(org.bukkit.event.Event,java.lang.Object[],ch.njol.skript.classes.Changer.ChangeMode)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprPlayerViewDistance","l":"change(Event, Object[], Changer.ChangeMode)","u":"change(org.bukkit.event.Event,java.lang.Object[],ch.njol.skript.classes.Changer.ChangeMode)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprPlayerWeather","l":"change(Event, Object[], Changer.ChangeMode)","u":"change(org.bukkit.event.Event,java.lang.Object[],ch.njol.skript.classes.Changer.ChangeMode)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprPortalCooldown","l":"change(Event, Object[], Changer.ChangeMode)","u":"change(org.bukkit.event.Event,java.lang.Object[],ch.njol.skript.classes.Changer.ChangeMode)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprPotionEffects","l":"change(Event, Object[], Changer.ChangeMode)","u":"change(org.bukkit.event.Event,java.lang.Object[],ch.njol.skript.classes.Changer.ChangeMode)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprProjectileBounceState","l":"change(Event, Object[], Changer.ChangeMode)","u":"change(org.bukkit.event.Event,java.lang.Object[],ch.njol.skript.classes.Changer.ChangeMode)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprProjectileCriticalState","l":"change(Event, Object[], Changer.ChangeMode)","u":"change(org.bukkit.event.Event,java.lang.Object[],ch.njol.skript.classes.Changer.ChangeMode)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprProtocolVersion","l":"change(Event, Object[], Changer.ChangeMode)","u":"change(org.bukkit.event.Event,java.lang.Object[],ch.njol.skript.classes.Changer.ChangeMode)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprRemainingAir","l":"change(Event, Object[], Changer.ChangeMode)","u":"change(org.bukkit.event.Event,java.lang.Object[],ch.njol.skript.classes.Changer.ChangeMode)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprRespawnLocation","l":"change(Event, Object[], Changer.ChangeMode)","u":"change(org.bukkit.event.Event,java.lang.Object[],ch.njol.skript.classes.Changer.ChangeMode)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprSaturation","l":"change(Event, Object[], Changer.ChangeMode)","u":"change(org.bukkit.event.Event,java.lang.Object[],ch.njol.skript.classes.Changer.ChangeMode)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprScoreboardTags","l":"change(Event, Object[], Changer.ChangeMode)","u":"change(org.bukkit.event.Event,java.lang.Object[],ch.njol.skript.classes.Changer.ChangeMode)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprServerIcon","l":"change(Event, Object[], Changer.ChangeMode)","u":"change(org.bukkit.event.Event,java.lang.Object[],ch.njol.skript.classes.Changer.ChangeMode)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprShooter","l":"change(Event, Object[], Changer.ChangeMode)","u":"change(org.bukkit.event.Event,java.lang.Object[],ch.njol.skript.classes.Changer.ChangeMode)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprSignText","l":"change(Event, Object[], Changer.ChangeMode)","u":"change(org.bukkit.event.Event,java.lang.Object[],ch.njol.skript.classes.Changer.ChangeMode)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprSpawn","l":"change(Event, Object[], Changer.ChangeMode)","u":"change(org.bukkit.event.Event,java.lang.Object[],ch.njol.skript.classes.Changer.ChangeMode)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprSpawnerType","l":"change(Event, Object[], Changer.ChangeMode)","u":"change(org.bukkit.event.Event,java.lang.Object[],ch.njol.skript.classes.Changer.ChangeMode)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprSpectatorTarget","l":"change(Event, Object[], Changer.ChangeMode)","u":"change(org.bukkit.event.Event,java.lang.Object[],ch.njol.skript.classes.Changer.ChangeMode)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprSpeed","l":"change(Event, Object[], Changer.ChangeMode)","u":"change(org.bukkit.event.Event,java.lang.Object[],ch.njol.skript.classes.Changer.ChangeMode)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprTarget","l":"change(Event, Object[], Changer.ChangeMode)","u":"change(org.bukkit.event.Event,java.lang.Object[],ch.njol.skript.classes.Changer.ChangeMode)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprTime","l":"change(Event, Object[], Changer.ChangeMode)","u":"change(org.bukkit.event.Event,java.lang.Object[],ch.njol.skript.classes.Changer.ChangeMode)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprTimePlayed","l":"change(Event, Object[], Changer.ChangeMode)","u":"change(org.bukkit.event.Event,java.lang.Object[],ch.njol.skript.classes.Changer.ChangeMode)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprTotalExperience","l":"change(Event, Object[], Changer.ChangeMode)","u":"change(org.bukkit.event.Event,java.lang.Object[],ch.njol.skript.classes.Changer.ChangeMode)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprValueWithin","l":"change(Event, Object[], Changer.ChangeMode)","u":"change(org.bukkit.event.Event,java.lang.Object[],ch.njol.skript.classes.Changer.ChangeMode)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprVectorLength","l":"change(Event, Object[], Changer.ChangeMode)","u":"change(org.bukkit.event.Event,java.lang.Object[],ch.njol.skript.classes.Changer.ChangeMode)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprVectorXYZ","l":"change(Event, Object[], Changer.ChangeMode)","u":"change(org.bukkit.event.Event,java.lang.Object[],ch.njol.skript.classes.Changer.ChangeMode)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprVehicle","l":"change(Event, Object[], Changer.ChangeMode)","u":"change(org.bukkit.event.Event,java.lang.Object[],ch.njol.skript.classes.Changer.ChangeMode)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprVelocity","l":"change(Event, Object[], Changer.ChangeMode)","u":"change(org.bukkit.event.Event,java.lang.Object[],ch.njol.skript.classes.Changer.ChangeMode)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprWeather","l":"change(Event, Object[], Changer.ChangeMode)","u":"change(org.bukkit.event.Event,java.lang.Object[],ch.njol.skript.classes.Changer.ChangeMode)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprWhitelist","l":"change(Event, Object[], Changer.ChangeMode)","u":"change(org.bukkit.event.Event,java.lang.Object[],ch.njol.skript.classes.Changer.ChangeMode)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprWorld","l":"change(Event, Object[], Changer.ChangeMode)","u":"change(org.bukkit.event.Event,java.lang.Object[],ch.njol.skript.classes.Changer.ChangeMode)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.hooks.chat.expressions","c":"ExprPrefixSuffix","l":"change(Event, Object[], Changer.ChangeMode)","u":"change(org.bukkit.event.Event,java.lang.Object[],ch.njol.skript.classes.Changer.ChangeMode)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.hooks.economy.expressions","c":"ExprBalance","l":"change(Event, Object[], Changer.ChangeMode)","u":"change(org.bukkit.event.Event,java.lang.Object[],ch.njol.skript.classes.Changer.ChangeMode)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.hooks.permission.expressions","c":"ExprGroup","l":"change(Event, Object[], Changer.ChangeMode)","u":"change(org.bukkit.event.Event,java.lang.Object[],ch.njol.skript.classes.Changer.ChangeMode)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.lang","c":"Expression","l":"change(Event, Object[], Changer.ChangeMode)","u":"change(org.bukkit.event.Event,java.lang.Object[],ch.njol.skript.classes.Changer.ChangeMode)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.lang","c":"ExpressionList","l":"change(Event, Object[], Changer.ChangeMode)","u":"change(org.bukkit.event.Event,java.lang.Object[],ch.njol.skript.classes.Changer.ChangeMode)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.lang","c":"UnparsedLiteral","l":"change(Event, Object[], Changer.ChangeMode)","u":"change(org.bukkit.event.Event,java.lang.Object[],ch.njol.skript.classes.Changer.ChangeMode)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.lang.util","c":"ConvertedExpression","l":"change(Event, Object[], Changer.ChangeMode)","u":"change(org.bukkit.event.Event,java.lang.Object[],ch.njol.skript.classes.Changer.ChangeMode)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.lang.util","c":"SimpleExpression","l":"change(Event, Object[], Changer.ChangeMode)","u":"change(org.bukkit.event.Event,java.lang.Object[],ch.njol.skript.classes.Changer.ChangeMode)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.lang.util","c":"SimpleLiteral","l":"change(Event, Object[], Changer.ChangeMode)","u":"change(org.bukkit.event.Event,java.lang.Object[],ch.njol.skript.classes.Changer.ChangeMode)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.lang","c":"Variable","l":"change(Event, Object[], Changer.ChangeMode)","u":"change(org.bukkit.event.Event,java.lang.Object[],ch.njol.skript.classes.Changer.ChangeMode)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.lang","c":"VariableString","l":"change(Event, Object[], Changer.ChangeMode)","u":"change(org.bukkit.event.Event,java.lang.Object[],ch.njol.skript.classes.Changer.ChangeMode)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprYawPitch","l":"change(Event, Object[], Changer.ChangeMode)","u":"change(org.bukkit.event.Event,java.lang.Object[],ch.njol.skript.classes.Changer.ChangeMode)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprBookPages","l":"change(Event, Object[], Changer.ChangeMode)","u":"change(org.bukkit.event.Event,java.lang.Object[],ch.njol.skript.classes.Changer.ChangeMode)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprItemCooldown","l":"change(Event, Object[], Changer.ChangeMode)","u":"change(org.bukkit.event.Event,java.lang.Object[],ch.njol.skript.classes.Changer.ChangeMode)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprSeaPickles","l":"change(Event, Object[], Changer.ChangeMode)","u":"change(org.bukkit.event.Event,java.lang.Object[],ch.njol.skript.classes.Changer.ChangeMode)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprChunk","l":"change(Event, Object[], Changer.ChangeMode)","u":"change(org.bukkit.event.Event,java.lang.Object[],ch.njol.skript.classes.Changer.ChangeMode)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprVersionString","l":"change(Event, Object[], Changer.ChangeMode)","u":"change(org.bukkit.event.Event,java.lang.Object[],ch.njol.skript.classes.Changer.ChangeMode)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.classes","c":"Changer","l":"change(T[], Object[], Changer.ChangeMode)","u":"change(T[],java.lang.Object[],ch.njol.skript.classes.Changer.ChangeMode)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.aliases","c":"ItemFlags","l":"CHANGED_DURABILITY"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.aliases","c":"ItemFlags","l":"CHANGED_TAGS"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.classes","c":"ClassInfo","l":"changer(Changer)","u":"changer(ch.njol.skript.classes.Changer)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.classes","c":"ClassInfo","l":"changer(SerializableChanger)","u":"changer(ch.njol.skript.classes.SerializableChanger)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.classes","c":"Changer.ChangerUtils","l":"ChangerUtils()","u":"%3Cinit%3E()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript","c":"SkriptUpdater","l":"changesCheck(CommandSender)","u":"changesCheck(org.bukkit.command.CommandSender)"},{"p":"ch.njol.util","c":"CaseInsensitiveString","l":"charAt(int)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.hooks","c":"VaultHook","l":"chat"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.util.chat","c":"ChatMessages","l":"ChatMessages()","u":"%3Cinit%3E()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.conditions","c":"CondIsPassable","l":"check(Block)","u":"check(org.bukkit.block.Block)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.conditions","c":"CondIsSlimeChunk","l":"check(Chunk)","u":"check(org.bukkit.Chunk)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.conditions","c":"CondEntityIsInLiquid","l":"check(Entity)","u":"check(org.bukkit.entity.Entity)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.conditions","c":"CondEntityIsWet","l":"check(Entity)","u":"check(org.bukkit.entity.Entity)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.conditions","c":"CondIsAlive","l":"check(Entity)","u":"check(org.bukkit.entity.Entity)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.conditions","c":"CondIsBurning","l":"check(Entity)","u":"check(org.bukkit.entity.Entity)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.conditions","c":"CondIsFrozen","l":"check(Entity)","u":"check(org.bukkit.entity.Entity)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.conditions","c":"CondIsInvulnerable","l":"check(Entity)","u":"check(org.bukkit.entity.Entity)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.conditions","c":"CondIsOnGround","l":"check(Entity)","u":"check(org.bukkit.entity.Entity)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.conditions","c":"CondIsSilent","l":"check(Entity)","u":"check(org.bukkit.entity.Entity)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.conditions","c":"CondIsValid","l":"check(Entity)","u":"check(org.bukkit.entity.Entity)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.conditions.base","c":"PropertyCondition","l":"check(Event)","u":"check(org.bukkit.event.Event)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.conditions","c":"CondAlphanumeric","l":"check(Event)","u":"check(org.bukkit.event.Event)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.conditions","c":"CondAnchorWorks","l":"check(Event)","u":"check(org.bukkit.event.Event)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.conditions","c":"CondCancelled","l":"check(Event)","u":"check(org.bukkit.event.Event)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.conditions","c":"CondCanHold","l":"check(Event)","u":"check(org.bukkit.event.Event)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.conditions","c":"CondCanSee","l":"check(Event)","u":"check(org.bukkit.event.Event)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.conditions","c":"CondChance","l":"check(Event)","u":"check(org.bukkit.event.Event)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.conditions","c":"CondCompare","l":"check(Event)","u":"check(org.bukkit.event.Event)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.conditions","c":"CondContains","l":"check(Event)","u":"check(org.bukkit.event.Event)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.conditions","c":"CondDamageCause","l":"check(Event)","u":"check(org.bukkit.event.Event)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.conditions","c":"CondDate","l":"check(Event)","u":"check(org.bukkit.event.Event)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.conditions","c":"CondHasItemCooldown","l":"check(Event)","u":"check(org.bukkit.event.Event)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.conditions","c":"CondHasLineOfSight","l":"check(Event)","u":"check(org.bukkit.event.Event)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.conditions","c":"CondHasMetadata","l":"check(Event)","u":"check(org.bukkit.event.Event)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.conditions","c":"CondHasPotion","l":"check(Event)","u":"check(org.bukkit.event.Event)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.conditions","c":"CondHasScoreboardTag","l":"check(Event)","u":"check(org.bukkit.event.Event)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.conditions","c":"CondIncendiary","l":"check(Event)","u":"check(org.bukkit.event.Event)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.conditions","c":"CondIsBlockRedstonePowered","l":"check(Event)","u":"check(org.bukkit.event.Event)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.conditions","c":"CondIsEnchanted","l":"check(Event)","u":"check(org.bukkit.event.Event)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.conditions","c":"CondIsLoaded","l":"check(Event)","u":"check(org.bukkit.event.Event)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.conditions","c":"CondIsOfType","l":"check(Event)","u":"check(org.bukkit.event.Event)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.conditions","c":"CondIsPluginEnabled","l":"check(Event)","u":"check(org.bukkit.event.Event)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.conditions","c":"CondIsPreferredTool","l":"check(Event)","u":"check(org.bukkit.event.Event)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.conditions","c":"CondIsRiding","l":"check(Event)","u":"check(org.bukkit.event.Event)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.conditions","c":"CondIsSet","l":"check(Event)","u":"check(org.bukkit.event.Event)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.conditions","c":"CondIsWearing","l":"check(Event)","u":"check(org.bukkit.event.Event)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.conditions","c":"CondIsWhitelisted","l":"check(Event)","u":"check(org.bukkit.event.Event)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.conditions","c":"CondIsWithin","l":"check(Event)","u":"check(org.bukkit.event.Event)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.conditions","c":"CondItemInHand","l":"check(Event)","u":"check(org.bukkit.event.Event)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.conditions","c":"CondMatches","l":"check(Event)","u":"check(org.bukkit.event.Event)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.conditions","c":"CondPermission","l":"check(Event)","u":"check(org.bukkit.event.Event)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.conditions","c":"CondPlayedBefore","l":"check(Event)","u":"check(org.bukkit.event.Event)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.conditions","c":"CondPvP","l":"check(Event)","u":"check(org.bukkit.event.Event)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.conditions","c":"CondResourcePack","l":"check(Event)","u":"check(org.bukkit.event.Event)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.conditions","c":"CondRespawnLocation","l":"check(Event)","u":"check(org.bukkit.event.Event)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.conditions","c":"CondScriptLoaded","l":"check(Event)","u":"check(org.bukkit.event.Event)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.conditions","c":"CondStartsEndsWith","l":"check(Event)","u":"check(org.bukkit.event.Event)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.conditions","c":"CondWillHatch","l":"check(Event)","u":"check(org.bukkit.event.Event)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.conditions","c":"CondWithinRadius","l":"check(Event)","u":"check(org.bukkit.event.Event)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.events","c":"EvtAtTime","l":"check(Event)","u":"check(org.bukkit.event.Event)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.events","c":"EvtBlock","l":"check(Event)","u":"check(org.bukkit.event.Event)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.events","c":"EvtBookEdit","l":"check(Event)","u":"check(org.bukkit.event.Event)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.events","c":"EvtBookSign","l":"check(Event)","u":"check(org.bukkit.event.Event)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.events","c":"EvtClick","l":"check(Event)","u":"check(org.bukkit.event.Event)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.events","c":"EvtCommand","l":"check(Event)","u":"check(org.bukkit.event.Event)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.events","c":"EvtDamage","l":"check(Event)","u":"check(org.bukkit.event.Event)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.events","c":"EvtEntity","l":"check(Event)","u":"check(org.bukkit.event.Event)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.events","c":"EvtEntityBlockChange","l":"check(Event)","u":"check(org.bukkit.event.Event)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.events","c":"EvtEntityTarget","l":"check(Event)","u":"check(org.bukkit.event.Event)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.events","c":"EvtExperienceChange","l":"check(Event)","u":"check(org.bukkit.event.Event)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.events","c":"EvtExperienceSpawn","l":"check(Event)","u":"check(org.bukkit.event.Event)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.events","c":"EvtFirework","l":"check(Event)","u":"check(org.bukkit.event.Event)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.events","c":"EvtFirstJoin","l":"check(Event)","u":"check(org.bukkit.event.Event)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.events","c":"EvtGameMode","l":"check(Event)","u":"check(org.bukkit.event.Event)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.events","c":"EvtGrow","l":"check(Event)","u":"check(org.bukkit.event.Event)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.events","c":"EvtItem","l":"check(Event)","u":"check(org.bukkit.event.Event)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.events","c":"EvtLevel","l":"check(Event)","u":"check(org.bukkit.event.Event)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.events","c":"EvtMove","l":"check(Event)","u":"check(org.bukkit.event.Event)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.events","c":"EvtMoveOn","l":"check(Event)","u":"check(org.bukkit.event.Event)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.events","c":"EvtPeriodical","l":"check(Event)","u":"check(org.bukkit.event.Event)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.events","c":"EvtPlantGrowth","l":"check(Event)","u":"check(org.bukkit.event.Event)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.events","c":"EvtPlayerChunkEnter","l":"check(Event)","u":"check(org.bukkit.event.Event)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.events","c":"EvtPressurePlate","l":"check(Event)","u":"check(org.bukkit.event.Event)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.events","c":"EvtResourcePackResponse","l":"check(Event)","u":"check(org.bukkit.event.Event)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.events","c":"EvtScript","l":"check(Event)","u":"check(org.bukkit.event.Event)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.events","c":"EvtSkript","l":"check(Event)","u":"check(org.bukkit.event.Event)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.events","c":"EvtSpectate","l":"check(Event)","u":"check(org.bukkit.event.Event)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.events","c":"EvtWeatherChange","l":"check(Event)","u":"check(org.bukkit.event.Event)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.hooks.regions.conditions","c":"CondCanBuild","l":"check(Event)","u":"check(org.bukkit.event.Event)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.hooks.regions.conditions","c":"CondIsMember","l":"check(Event)","u":"check(org.bukkit.event.Event)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.hooks.regions.conditions","c":"CondRegionContains","l":"check(Event)","u":"check(org.bukkit.event.Event)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.hooks.regions.events","c":"EvtRegionBorder","l":"check(Event)","u":"check(org.bukkit.event.Event)"},{"p":"c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Checker)","u":"check(org.bukkit.event.Event,ch.njol.util.Checker)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.lang","c":"UnparsedLiteral","l":"check(Event, Checker, boolean)","u":"check(org.bukkit.event.Event,ch.njol.util.Checker,boolean)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.lang","c":"VariableString","l":"check(Event, Checker)","u":"check(org.bukkit.event.Event,ch.njol.util.Checker)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.lang","c":"VariableString","l":"check(Event, Checker, boolean)","u":"check(org.bukkit.event.Event,ch.njol.util.Checker,boolean)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.lang","c":"Expression","l":"check(Event, Checker)","u":"check(org.bukkit.event.Event,ch.njol.util.Checker)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.lang","c":"ExpressionList","l":"check(Event, Checker)","u":"check(org.bukkit.event.Event,ch.njol.util.Checker)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.lang.util","c":"ConvertedExpression","l":"check(Event, Checker)","u":"check(org.bukkit.event.Event,ch.njol.util.Checker)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.lang.util","c":"ConvertedLiteral","l":"check(Event, Checker)","u":"check(org.bukkit.event.Event,ch.njol.util.Checker)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.lang.util","c":"SimpleExpression","l":"check(Event, Checker)","u":"check(org.bukkit.event.Event,ch.njol.util.Checker)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.lang.util","c":"SimpleLiteral","l":"check(Event, Checker)","u":"check(org.bukkit.event.Event,ch.njol.util.Checker)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.lang","c":"Variable","l":"check(Event, Checker)","u":"check(org.bukkit.event.Event,ch.njol.util.Checker)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.lang","c":"Expression","l":"check(Event, Checker, boolean)","u":"check(org.bukkit.event.Event,ch.njol.util.Checker,boolean)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.lang","c":"ExpressionList","l":"check(Event, Checker, boolean)","u":"check(org.bukkit.event.Event,ch.njol.util.Checker,boolean)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.lang.util","c":"ConvertedExpression","l":"check(Event, Checker, boolean)","u":"check(org.bukkit.event.Event,ch.njol.util.Checker,boolean)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.lang.util","c":"ConvertedLiteral","l":"check(Event, Checker, boolean)","u":"check(org.bukkit.event.Event,ch.njol.util.Checker,boolean)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.lang.util","c":"SimpleExpression","l":"check(Event, Checker, boolean)","u":"check(org.bukkit.event.Event,ch.njol.util.Checker,boolean)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.lang.util","c":"SimpleLiteral","l":"check(Event, Checker, boolean)","u":"check(org.bukkit.event.Event,ch.njol.util.Checker,boolean)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.lang","c":"Variable","l":"check(Event, Checker, boolean)","u":"check(org.bukkit.event.Event,ch.njol.util.Checker,boolean)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.conditions","c":"CondIsStackable","l":"check(ItemStack)","u":"check(org.bukkit.inventory.ItemStack)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.conditions","c":"CondHasCustomModelData","l":"check(ItemType)","u":"check(ch.njol.skript.aliases.ItemType)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.conditions","c":"CondIsBlock","l":"check(ItemType)","u":"check(ch.njol.skript.aliases.ItemType)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.conditions","c":"CondIsEdible","l":"check(ItemType)","u":"check(ch.njol.skript.aliases.ItemType)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.conditions","c":"CondIsFlammable","l":"check(ItemType)","u":"check(ch.njol.skript.aliases.ItemType)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.conditions","c":"CondIsFuel","l":"check(ItemType)","u":"check(ch.njol.skript.aliases.ItemType)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.conditions","c":"CondIsInteractable","l":"check(ItemType)","u":"check(ch.njol.skript.aliases.ItemType)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.conditions","c":"CondIsOccluding","l":"check(ItemType)","u":"check(ch.njol.skript.aliases.ItemType)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.conditions","c":"CondIsSolid","l":"check(ItemType)","u":"check(ch.njol.skript.aliases.ItemType)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.conditions","c":"CondIsTransparent","l":"check(ItemType)","u":"check(ch.njol.skript.aliases.ItemType)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.conditions","c":"CondIsUnbreakable","l":"check(ItemType)","u":"check(ch.njol.skript.aliases.ItemType)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.conditions","c":"CondAI","l":"check(LivingEntity)","u":"check(org.bukkit.entity.LivingEntity)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.conditions","c":"CondCanPickUpItems","l":"check(LivingEntity)","u":"check(org.bukkit.entity.LivingEntity)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.conditions","c":"CondIgnitionProcess","l":"check(LivingEntity)","u":"check(org.bukkit.entity.LivingEntity)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.conditions","c":"CondIsCharged","l":"check(LivingEntity)","u":"check(org.bukkit.entity.LivingEntity)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.conditions","c":"CondIsClimbing","l":"check(LivingEntity)","u":"check(org.bukkit.entity.LivingEntity)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.conditions","c":"CondIsGliding","l":"check(LivingEntity)","u":"check(org.bukkit.entity.LivingEntity)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.conditions","c":"CondIsInvisible","l":"check(LivingEntity)","u":"check(org.bukkit.entity.LivingEntity)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.conditions","c":"CondIsJumping","l":"check(LivingEntity)","u":"check(org.bukkit.entity.LivingEntity)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.conditions","c":"CondIsLeftHanded","l":"check(LivingEntity)","u":"check(org.bukkit.entity.LivingEntity)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.conditions","c":"CondIsPoisoned","l":"check(LivingEntity)","u":"check(org.bukkit.entity.LivingEntity)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.conditions","c":"CondIsRiptiding","l":"check(LivingEntity)","u":"check(org.bukkit.entity.LivingEntity)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.conditions","c":"CondIsSwimming","l":"check(LivingEntity)","u":"check(org.bukkit.entity.LivingEntity)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.conditions","c":"CondIsTameable","l":"check(LivingEntity)","u":"check(org.bukkit.entity.LivingEntity)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.conditions","c":"CondLeashed","l":"check(LivingEntity)","u":"check(org.bukkit.entity.LivingEntity)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.conditions","c":"CondIsBanned","l":"check(Object)","u":"check(java.lang.Object)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.conditions","c":"CondIsEmpty","l":"check(Object)","u":"check(java.lang.Object)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.conditions","c":"CondIsOnline","l":"check(OfflinePlayer)","u":"check(org.bukkit.OfflinePlayer)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.conditions","c":"CondIsOp","l":"check(OfflinePlayer)","u":"check(org.bukkit.OfflinePlayer)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.conditions","c":"CondCanFly","l":"check(Player)","u":"check(org.bukkit.entity.Player)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.conditions","c":"CondHasClientWeather","l":"check(Player)","u":"check(org.bukkit.entity.Player)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.conditions","c":"CondHasResourcePack","l":"check(Player)","u":"check(org.bukkit.entity.Player)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.conditions","c":"CondIsBlocking","l":"check(Player)","u":"check(org.bukkit.entity.Player)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.conditions","c":"CondIsFlying","l":"check(Player)","u":"check(org.bukkit.entity.Player)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.conditions","c":"CondIsSleeping","l":"check(Player)","u":"check(org.bukkit.entity.Player)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.conditions","c":"CondIsSneaking","l":"check(Player)","u":"check(org.bukkit.entity.Player)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.conditions","c":"CondIsSprinting","l":"check(Player)","u":"check(org.bukkit.entity.Player)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.conditions","c":"CondProjectileCanBounce","l":"check(Projectile)","u":"check(org.bukkit.entity.Projectile)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.update","c":"GithubChecker","l":"check(ReleaseManifest, ReleaseChannel)","u":"check(ch.njol.skript.update.ReleaseManifest,ch.njol.skript.update.ReleaseChannel)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.update","c":"NoUpdateChecker","l":"check(ReleaseManifest, ReleaseChannel)","u":"check(ch.njol.skript.update.ReleaseManifest,ch.njol.skript.update.ReleaseChannel)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.update","c":"UpdateChecker","l":"check(ReleaseManifest, ReleaseChannel)","u":"check(ch.njol.skript.update.ReleaseManifest,ch.njol.skript.update.ReleaseChannel)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.conditions","c":"CondIsSkriptCommand","l":"check(String)","u":"check(java.lang.String)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.test.runner","c":"CondMethodExists","l":"check(String)","u":"check(java.lang.String)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.update","c":"ReleaseChannel","l":"check(String)","u":"check(java.lang.String)"},{"p":"ch.njol.util","c":"NullableChecker","l":"check(T)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.conditions.base","c":"PropertyCondition","l":"check(T)"},{"p":"ch.njol.util","c":"Checker","l":"check(T)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.lang.util","c":"SimpleExpression","l":"check(T[], Checker, boolean, boolean)","u":"check(T[],ch.njol.util.Checker,boolean,boolean)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.conditions","c":"CondIsVectorNormalized","l":"check(Vector)","u":"check(org.bukkit.util.Vector)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript","c":"Skript","l":"checkAcceptRegistrations()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.variables","c":"SQLStorage","l":"checkDatabase()"},{"p":"ch.njol.util.coll.iterator","c":"CheckedIterator","l":"CheckedIterator(Iterator, NullableChecker)","u":"%3Cinit%3E(java.util.Iterator,ch.njol.util.NullableChecker)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.bukkitutil","c":"ClickEventTracker","l":"checkEvent(Player, Cancellable, EquipmentSlot)","u":"checkEvent(org.bukkit.entity.Player,org.bukkit.event.Cancellable,org.bukkit.inventory.EquipmentSlot)"},{"p":"ch.njol.util","c":"StringUtils","l":"checkIndices(String, int, int)","u":"checkIndices(java.lang.String,int,int)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.update","c":"UpdaterState","l":"CHECKING"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.util","c":"PotionEffectUtils","l":"checkPotionType(String)","u":"checkPotionType(java.lang.String)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.update","c":"Updater","l":"checkUpdates()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.util.slot","c":"EquipmentSlot.EquipSlot","l":"CHESTPLATE"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.patterns","c":"ChoicePatternElement","l":"ChoicePatternElement()","u":"%3Cinit%3E()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.lang","c":"SkriptParser.ExprInfo","l":"classes"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript","c":"Skript","l":"classExists(String)","u":"classExists(java.lang.String)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.util","c":"Utils","l":"classForName(String)","u":"classForName(java.lang.String)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.classes","c":"ClassInfo","l":"ClassInfo(Class, String)","u":"%3Cinit%3E(java.lang.Class,java.lang.String)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.doc","c":"Documentation","l":"cleanPatterns(String)","u":"cleanPatterns(java.lang.String)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.doc","c":"Documentation","l":"cleanPatterns(String, boolean)","u":"cleanPatterns(java.lang.String,boolean)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.test.runner","c":"SkriptJUnitTest","l":"cleanup()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.util","c":"WeatherType","l":"CLEAR"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.aliases","c":"Aliases","l":"clear()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.aliases","c":"AliasesMap","l":"clear()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.log","c":"ParseLogHandler","l":"clear()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.log","c":"RetainingLogHandler","l":"clear()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.variables","c":"TypeHints","l":"clear()"},{"p":"ch.njol.util.coll","c":"BidiHashMap","l":"clear()"},{"p":"ch.njol.util.coll","c":"CyclicList","l":"clear()"},{"p":"ch.njol.util.coll","c":"ReversedListView","l":"clear()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.aliases","c":"AliasesProvider","l":"clearAliases()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.util","c":"PotionEffectUtils","l":"clearAllEffects(ItemType)","u":"clearAllEffects(ch.njol.skript.aliases.ItemType)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.util","c":"PotionEffectUtils","l":"clearAllEffects(LivingEntity)","u":"clearAllEffects(org.bukkit.entity.LivingEntity)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.variables","c":"VariablesStorage","l":"clearChangesQueue()"},{"p":"org.skriptlang.skript.lang.script","c":"Script","l":"clearData()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.aliases","c":"ItemType","l":"clearEnchantments()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.log","c":"ParseLogHandler","l":"clearError()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.lang.function","c":"Functions","l":"clearFunctions()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.lang.function","c":"Functions","l":"clearFunctions(String)","u":"clearFunctions(java.lang.String)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.aliases","c":"ItemType","l":"clearItemMeta()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.test.runner","c":"SkriptJUnitTest","l":"clearJUnitTest()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.util.chat","c":"MessageComponent","l":"clickEvent"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.util.chat","c":"MessageComponent.ClickEvent","l":"ClickEvent(MessageComponent.ClickEvent.Action, String)","u":"%3Cinit%3E(ch.njol.skript.util.chat.MessageComponent.ClickEvent.Action,java.lang.String)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.bukkitutil","c":"ClickEventTracker","l":"ClickEventTracker(JavaPlugin)","u":"%3Cinit%3E(org.bukkit.plugin.java.JavaPlugin)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.aliases","c":"ItemData","l":"clone()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.aliases","c":"ItemType","l":"clone()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.entity","c":"EntityType","l":"clone()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.lang","c":"Unit","l":"clone()"},{"p":"ch.njol.util.coll","c":"BidiHashMap","l":"clone()"},{"p":"ch.njol.util","c":"NonNullPair","l":"clone()"},{"p":"ch.njol.util","c":"Pair","l":"clone()"},{"p":"ch.njol.yggdrasil","c":"PseudoEnum","l":"clone()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.registrations","c":"Classes","l":"clone(Object)","u":"clone(java.lang.Object)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.classes","c":"ClassInfo","l":"clone(T)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.classes","c":"Cloner","l":"clone(T)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.classes","c":"ClassInfo","l":"cloner(Cloner)","u":"cloner(ch.njol.skript.classes.Cloner)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.log","c":"LogHandler","l":"close()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.util","c":"Task","l":"close()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.variables","c":"FlatFileStorage","l":"close()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.variables","c":"SQLStorage","l":"close()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.variables","c":"Variables","l":"close()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.variables","c":"VariablesStorage","l":"close()"},{"p":"ch.njol.util","c":"Closeable","l":"close()"},{"p":"ch.njol.util","c":"LoggerFilter","l":"close()"},{"p":"ch.njol.util","c":"OpenCloseable","l":"close()"},{"p":"ch.njol.yggdrasil","c":"DefaultYggdrasilInputStream","l":"close()"},{"p":"ch.njol.yggdrasil","c":"DefaultYggdrasilOutputStream","l":"close()"},{"p":"ch.njol.yggdrasil.xml","c":"YggXMLInputStream","l":"close()"},{"p":"ch.njol.yggdrasil.xml","c":"YggXMLOutputStream","l":"close()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.variables","c":"VariablesStorage","l":"closed"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript","c":"Skript","l":"closeOnDisable(Closeable)","u":"closeOnDisable(ch.njol.util.Closeable)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.util","c":"StructureType","l":"COCOA_TREE"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.test.runner","c":"TestTracker","l":"collectResults()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.util.chat","c":"MessageComponent","l":"color"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.registrations","c":"DefaultClasses","l":"COLOR"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript","c":"SkriptConfig","l":"colorResetCodes"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.util.chat","c":"ChatMessages","l":"colorResetCodes"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.util","c":"ColorRGB","l":"ColorRGB(int, int, int)","u":"%3Cinit%3E(int,int,int)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.util","c":"Direction","l":"combine(Expression, Expression)","u":"combine(ch.njol.skript.lang.Expression,ch.njol.skript.lang.Expression)"},{"p":"ch.njol.util","c":"OpenCloseable","l":"combine(OpenCloseable...)","u":"combine(ch.njol.util.OpenCloseable...)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.lang","c":"ExpressionType","l":"COMBINED"},{"p":"ch.njol.util.coll.iterator","c":"CombinedIterator","l":"CombinedIterator(Iterator>)","u":"%3Cinit%3E(java.util.Iterator)"},{"p":"ch.njol.util.coll.iterator","c":"CombinedIterator","l":"CombinedIterator(Iterator>, boolean)","u":"%3Cinit%3E(java.util.Iterator,boolean)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.lang","c":"ParseContext","l":"COMMAND"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.util","c":"StringMode","l":"COMMAND"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.command","c":"Commands.CommandAliasHelpTopic","l":"CommandAliasHelpTopic(String, String, HelpMap)","u":"%3Cinit%3E(java.lang.String,java.lang.String,org.bukkit.help.HelpMap)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.command","c":"CommandEvent","l":"CommandEvent(CommandSender, String, String[])","u":"%3Cinit%3E(org.bukkit.command.CommandSender,java.lang.String,java.lang.String[])"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.command","c":"CommandHelp","l":"CommandHelp(String, SkriptColor)","u":"%3Cinit%3E(java.lang.String,ch.njol.skript.util.SkriptColor)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.command","c":"CommandHelp","l":"CommandHelp(String, SkriptColor, String)","u":"%3Cinit%3E(java.lang.String,ch.njol.skript.util.SkriptColor,java.lang.String)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.bukkitutil","c":"CommandReloader","l":"CommandReloader()","u":"%3Cinit%3E()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.command","c":"Commands","l":"Commands()","u":"%3Cinit%3E()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.config","c":"Node","l":"comment"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.classes","c":"Comparator.ComparatorInfo","l":"ComparatorInfo(Class, Class, Comparator)","u":"%3Cinit%3E(java.lang.Class,java.lang.Class,ch.njol.skript.classes.Comparator)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.registrations","c":"Comparators","l":"compare(Object, Object)","u":"compare(java.lang.Object,java.lang.Object)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.util","c":"Version","l":"compare(String, String)","u":"compare(java.lang.String,java.lang.String)"},{"p":"org.skriptlang.skript.lang.comparator","c":"Comparators","l":"compare(T1, T2)","u":"compare(T1,T2)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.classes","c":"Comparator","l":"compare(T1, T2)","u":"compare(T1,T2)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.classes","c":"InverseComparator","l":"compare(T1, T2)","u":"compare(T1,T2)"},{"p":"org.skriptlang.skript.lang.comparator","c":"Comparator","l":"compare(T1, T2)","u":"compare(T1,T2)"},{"p":"ch.njol.util","c":"CaseInsensitiveString","l":"compareTo(CharSequence)","u":"compareTo(java.lang.CharSequence)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.config","c":"Config","l":"compareTo(Config)","u":"compareTo(ch.njol.skript.config.Config)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.util","c":"Date","l":"compareTo(Date)","u":"compareTo(ch.njol.skript.util.Date)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.events","c":"EvtAtTime","l":"compareTo(EvtAtTime)","u":"compareTo(ch.njol.skript.events.EvtAtTime)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.util","c":"Version","l":"compareTo(int...)"},{"p":"org.skriptlang.skript.lang.structure","c":"Structure.Priority","l":"compareTo(Structure.Priority)","u":"compareTo(org.skriptlang.skript.lang.structure.Structure.Priority)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.util","c":"Timespan","l":"compareTo(Timespan)","u":"compareTo(ch.njol.skript.util.Timespan)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.util","c":"Version","l":"compareTo(Version)","u":"compareTo(ch.njol.skript.util.Version)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.config","c":"Config","l":"compareValues(Config, String...)","u":"compareValues(ch.njol.skript.config.Config,java.lang.String...)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.config","c":"SectionNode","l":"compareValues(SectionNode, String...)","u":"compareValues(ch.njol.skript.config.SectionNode,java.lang.String...)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.patterns","c":"PatternCompiler","l":"compile(String)","u":"compile(java.lang.String)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.conditions","c":"CondAI","l":"CondAI()","u":"%3Cinit%3E()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.conditions","c":"CondAlphanumeric","l":"CondAlphanumeric()","u":"%3Cinit%3E()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.conditions","c":"CondAnchorWorks","l":"CondAnchorWorks()","u":"%3Cinit%3E()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.hooks.regions.conditions","c":"CondCanBuild","l":"CondCanBuild()","u":"%3Cinit%3E()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.conditions","c":"CondCancelled","l":"CondCancelled()","u":"%3Cinit%3E()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.conditions","c":"CondCanFly","l":"CondCanFly()","u":"%3Cinit%3E()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.conditions","c":"CondCanHold","l":"CondCanHold()","u":"%3Cinit%3E()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.conditions","c":"CondCanPickUpItems","l":"CondCanPickUpItems()","u":"%3Cinit%3E()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.conditions","c":"CondCanSee","l":"CondCanSee()","u":"%3Cinit%3E()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.conditions","c":"CondChance","l":"CondChance()","u":"%3Cinit%3E()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.conditions","c":"CondCompare","l":"CondCompare()","u":"%3Cinit%3E()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.conditions","c":"CondContains","l":"CondContains()","u":"%3Cinit%3E()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.conditions","c":"CondDamageCause","l":"CondDamageCause()","u":"%3Cinit%3E()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.conditions","c":"CondDate","l":"CondDate()","u":"%3Cinit%3E()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.conditions","c":"CondEntityIsInLiquid","l":"CondEntityIsInLiquid()","u":"%3Cinit%3E()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.conditions","c":"CondEntityIsWet","l":"CondEntityIsWet()","u":"%3Cinit%3E()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.conditions","c":"CondHasClientWeather","l":"CondHasClientWeather()","u":"%3Cinit%3E()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.conditions","c":"CondHasCustomModelData","l":"CondHasCustomModelData()","u":"%3Cinit%3E()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.conditions","c":"CondHasItemCooldown","l":"CondHasItemCooldown()","u":"%3Cinit%3E()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.conditions","c":"CondHasLineOfSight","l":"CondHasLineOfSight()","u":"%3Cinit%3E()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.conditions","c":"CondHasMetadata","l":"CondHasMetadata()","u":"%3Cinit%3E()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.conditions","c":"CondHasPotion","l":"CondHasPotion()","u":"%3Cinit%3E()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.conditions","c":"CondHasResourcePack","l":"CondHasResourcePack()","u":"%3Cinit%3E()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.conditions","c":"CondHasScoreboardTag","l":"CondHasScoreboardTag()","u":"%3Cinit%3E()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.conditions","c":"CondIgnitionProcess","l":"CondIgnitionProcess()","u":"%3Cinit%3E()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.conditions","c":"CondIncendiary","l":"CondIncendiary()","u":"%3Cinit%3E()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.conditions","c":"CondIsAlive","l":"CondIsAlive()","u":"%3Cinit%3E()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.conditions","c":"CondIsBanned","l":"CondIsBanned()","u":"%3Cinit%3E()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.conditions","c":"CondIsBlock","l":"CondIsBlock()","u":"%3Cinit%3E()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.conditions","c":"CondIsBlocking","l":"CondIsBlocking()","u":"%3Cinit%3E()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.conditions","c":"CondIsBlockRedstonePowered","l":"CondIsBlockRedstonePowered()","u":"%3Cinit%3E()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.conditions","c":"CondIsBurning","l":"CondIsBurning()","u":"%3Cinit%3E()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.conditions","c":"CondIsCharged","l":"CondIsCharged()","u":"%3Cinit%3E()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.conditions","c":"CondIsClimbing","l":"CondIsClimbing()","u":"%3Cinit%3E()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.conditions","c":"CondIsEdible","l":"CondIsEdible()","u":"%3Cinit%3E()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.conditions","c":"CondIsEmpty","l":"CondIsEmpty()","u":"%3Cinit%3E()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.conditions","c":"CondIsEnchanted","l":"CondIsEnchanted()","u":"%3Cinit%3E()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.conditions","c":"CondIsFlammable","l":"CondIsFlammable()","u":"%3Cinit%3E()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.conditions","c":"CondIsFlying","l":"CondIsFlying()","u":"%3Cinit%3E()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.conditions","c":"CondIsFrozen","l":"CondIsFrozen()","u":"%3Cinit%3E()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.conditions","c":"CondIsFuel","l":"CondIsFuel()","u":"%3Cinit%3E()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.conditions","c":"CondIsGliding","l":"CondIsGliding()","u":"%3Cinit%3E()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.conditions","c":"CondIsInteractable","l":"CondIsInteractable()","u":"%3Cinit%3E()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.conditions","c":"CondIsInvisible","l":"CondIsInvisible()","u":"%3Cinit%3E()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.conditions","c":"CondIsInvulnerable","l":"CondIsInvulnerable()","u":"%3Cinit%3E()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.conditions","c":"CondIsJumping","l":"CondIsJumping()","u":"%3Cinit%3E()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.conditions","c":"CondIsLeftHanded","l":"CondIsLeftHanded()","u":"%3Cinit%3E()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.conditions","c":"CondIsLoaded","l":"CondIsLoaded()","u":"%3Cinit%3E()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.hooks.regions.conditions","c":"CondIsMember","l":"CondIsMember()","u":"%3Cinit%3E()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.conditions","c":"CondIsOccluding","l":"CondIsOccluding()","u":"%3Cinit%3E()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.conditions","c":"CondIsOfType","l":"CondIsOfType()","u":"%3Cinit%3E()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.conditions","c":"CondIsOnGround","l":"CondIsOnGround()","u":"%3Cinit%3E()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.conditions","c":"CondIsOnline","l":"CondIsOnline()","u":"%3Cinit%3E()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.conditions","c":"CondIsOp","l":"CondIsOp()","u":"%3Cinit%3E()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.conditions","c":"CondIsPassable","l":"CondIsPassable()","u":"%3Cinit%3E()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.conditions","c":"CondIsPluginEnabled","l":"CondIsPluginEnabled()","u":"%3Cinit%3E()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.conditions","c":"CondIsPoisoned","l":"CondIsPoisoned()","u":"%3Cinit%3E()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.conditions","c":"CondIsPreferredTool","l":"CondIsPreferredTool()","u":"%3Cinit%3E()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.conditions","c":"CondIsRiding","l":"CondIsRiding()","u":"%3Cinit%3E()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.conditions","c":"CondIsRiptiding","l":"CondIsRiptiding()","u":"%3Cinit%3E()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.conditions","c":"CondIsSet","l":"CondIsSet()","u":"%3Cinit%3E()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.conditions","c":"CondIsSilent","l":"CondIsSilent()","u":"%3Cinit%3E()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.conditions","c":"CondIsSkriptCommand","l":"CondIsSkriptCommand()","u":"%3Cinit%3E()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.conditions","c":"CondIsSleeping","l":"CondIsSleeping()","u":"%3Cinit%3E()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.conditions","c":"CondIsSlimeChunk","l":"CondIsSlimeChunk()","u":"%3Cinit%3E()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.conditions","c":"CondIsSneaking","l":"CondIsSneaking()","u":"%3Cinit%3E()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.conditions","c":"CondIsSolid","l":"CondIsSolid()","u":"%3Cinit%3E()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.conditions","c":"CondIsSprinting","l":"CondIsSprinting()","u":"%3Cinit%3E()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.conditions","c":"CondIsStackable","l":"CondIsStackable()","u":"%3Cinit%3E()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.conditions","c":"CondIsSwimming","l":"CondIsSwimming()","u":"%3Cinit%3E()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.conditions","c":"CondIsTameable","l":"CondIsTameable()","u":"%3Cinit%3E()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.conditions","c":"CondIsTransparent","l":"CondIsTransparent()","u":"%3Cinit%3E()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.conditions","c":"CondIsUnbreakable","l":"CondIsUnbreakable()","u":"%3Cinit%3E()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.conditions","c":"CondIsValid","l":"CondIsValid()","u":"%3Cinit%3E()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.conditions","c":"CondIsVectorNormalized","l":"CondIsVectorNormalized()","u":"%3Cinit%3E()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.conditions","c":"CondIsWearing","l":"CondIsWearing()","u":"%3Cinit%3E()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.conditions","c":"CondIsWhitelisted","l":"CondIsWhitelisted()","u":"%3Cinit%3E()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.conditions","c":"CondIsWithin","l":"CondIsWithin()","u":"%3Cinit%3E()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.conditions","c":"CondItemInHand","l":"CondItemInHand()","u":"%3Cinit%3E()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.lang","c":"Condition","l":"Condition()","u":"%3Cinit%3E()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.conditions","c":"CondLeashed","l":"CondLeashed()","u":"%3Cinit%3E()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.conditions","c":"CondMatches","l":"CondMatches()","u":"%3Cinit%3E()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.test.runner","c":"CondMethodExists","l":"CondMethodExists()","u":"%3Cinit%3E()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.test.runner","c":"CondMinecraftVersion","l":"CondMinecraftVersion()","u":"%3Cinit%3E()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.conditions","c":"CondPermission","l":"CondPermission()","u":"%3Cinit%3E()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.conditions","c":"CondPlayedBefore","l":"CondPlayedBefore()","u":"%3Cinit%3E()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.conditions","c":"CondProjectileCanBounce","l":"CondProjectileCanBounce()","u":"%3Cinit%3E()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.conditions","c":"CondPvP","l":"CondPvP()","u":"%3Cinit%3E()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.hooks.regions.conditions","c":"CondRegionContains","l":"CondRegionContains()","u":"%3Cinit%3E()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.conditions","c":"CondResourcePack","l":"CondResourcePack()","u":"%3Cinit%3E()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.conditions","c":"CondRespawnLocation","l":"CondRespawnLocation()","u":"%3Cinit%3E()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.conditions","c":"CondScriptLoaded","l":"CondScriptLoaded()","u":"%3Cinit%3E()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.conditions","c":"CondStartsEndsWith","l":"CondStartsEndsWith()","u":"%3Cinit%3E()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.conditions","c":"CondWillHatch","l":"CondWillHatch()","u":"%3Cinit%3E()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.conditions","c":"CondWithinRadius","l":"CondWithinRadius()","u":"%3Cinit%3E()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.config","c":"Node","l":"config"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.lang","c":"ParseContext","l":"CONFIG"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.config","c":"Config","l":"Config(File, boolean, boolean, String)","u":"%3Cinit%3E(java.io.File,boolean,boolean,java.lang.String)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.config","c":"Config","l":"Config(InputStream, String, boolean, boolean, String)","u":"%3Cinit%3E(java.io.InputStream,java.lang.String,boolean,boolean,java.lang.String)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.config","c":"Config","l":"Config(InputStream, String, File, boolean, boolean, String)","u":"%3Cinit%3E(java.io.InputStream,java.lang.String,java.io.File,boolean,boolean,java.lang.String)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.config","c":"Config","l":"Config(Path, boolean, boolean, String)","u":"%3Cinit%3E(java.nio.file.Path,boolean,boolean,java.lang.String)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.config","c":"Config","l":"Config(String, String, boolean, boolean, String)","u":"%3Cinit%3E(java.lang.String,java.lang.String,boolean,boolean,java.lang.String)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.config","c":"ConfigReader","l":"ConfigReader(InputStream)","u":"%3Cinit%3E(java.io.InputStream)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.classes","c":"ConfigurationSerializer","l":"ConfigurationSerializer()","u":"%3Cinit%3E()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.effects","c":"EffConnect","l":"CONNECT_CHANNEL"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.variables","c":"FlatFileStorage","l":"connect()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.variables","c":"SQLStorage","l":"connect()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.variables","c":"VariablesStorage","l":"connect()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.variables","c":"VariablesStorage","l":"connectionLock"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.command","c":"ScriptCommand","l":"CONSOLE"},{"p":"ch.njol.util.coll.iterator","c":"ConsumingIterator","l":"ConsumingIterator(Iterator, Consumer)","u":"%3Cinit%3E(java.util.Iterator,java.util.function.Consumer)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.lang.util","c":"ContainerExpression","l":"ContainerExpression(Expression>, Class)","u":"%3Cinit%3E(ch.njol.skript.lang.Expression,java.lang.Class)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.aliases","c":"ItemType","l":"containerIterator()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.util","c":"Container","l":"containerIterator()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.util","c":"AABB","l":"contains(Block)","u":"contains(org.bukkit.block.Block)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.util","c":"Timeperiod","l":"contains(int)"},{"p":"ch.njol.util.coll","c":"CollectionUtils","l":"contains(int[], int)","u":"contains(int[],int)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.hooks.regions.classes","c":"Region","l":"contains(Location)","u":"contains(org.bukkit.Location)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.hooks.regions","c":"GriefPreventionHook.GriefPreventionRegion","l":"contains(Location)","u":"contains(org.bukkit.Location)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.hooks.regions","c":"PreciousStonesHook.PreciousStonesRegion","l":"contains(Location)","u":"contains(org.bukkit.Location)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.hooks.regions","c":"ResidenceHook.ResidenceRegion","l":"contains(Location)","u":"contains(org.bukkit.Location)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.hooks.regions","c":"WorldGuardHook.WorldGuardRegion","l":"contains(Location)","u":"contains(org.bukkit.Location)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.util","c":"AABB","l":"contains(Location)","u":"contains(org.bukkit.Location)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.log","c":"HandlerList","l":"contains(LogHandler)","u":"contains(ch.njol.skript.log.LogHandler)"},{"p":"ch.njol.util.coll","c":"ReversedListView","l":"contains(Object)","u":"contains(java.lang.Object)"},{"p":"ch.njol.yggdrasil","c":"Fields","l":"contains(String)","u":"contains(java.lang.String)"},{"p":"ch.njol.util","c":"StringUtils","l":"contains(String, char, int, int)","u":"contains(java.lang.String,char,int,int)"},{"p":"ch.njol.util","c":"StringUtils","l":"contains(String, String, boolean)","u":"contains(java.lang.String,java.lang.String,boolean)"},{"p":"ch.njol.util.coll","c":"CollectionUtils","l":"contains(T[], T)","u":"contains(T[],T)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.util","c":"Timeperiod","l":"contains(Time)","u":"contains(ch.njol.skript.util.Time)"},{"p":"ch.njol.util.coll","c":"ReversedListView","l":"containsAll(Collection)","u":"containsAll(java.util.Collection)"},{"p":"ch.njol.util.coll","c":"CollectionUtils","l":"containsAll(T[], T...)","u":"containsAll(T[],T...)"},{"p":"ch.njol.util","c":"StringUtils","l":"containsAny(String, String)","u":"containsAny(java.lang.String,java.lang.String)"},{"p":"ch.njol.util.coll","c":"CollectionUtils","l":"containsAny(T[], T...)","u":"containsAny(T[],T...)"},{"p":"ch.njol.util.coll","c":"CollectionUtils","l":"containsAnySuperclass(Class[], Class...)","u":"containsAnySuperclass(java.lang.Class[],java.lang.Class...)"},{"p":"ch.njol.util.coll","c":"CollectionUtils","l":"containsIgnoreCase(String[], String)","u":"containsIgnoreCase(java.lang.String[],java.lang.String)"},{"p":"ch.njol.util.coll","c":"CollectionUtils","l":"containsKey(Map, T)","u":"containsKey(java.util.Map,T)"},{"p":"ch.njol.util.coll","c":"CollectionUtils","l":"containsKeyIgnoreCase(Map, String)","u":"containsKeyIgnoreCase(java.util.Map,java.lang.String)"},{"p":"ch.njol.util.coll","c":"CollectionUtils","l":"containsSuperclass(Class[], Class)","u":"containsSuperclass(java.lang.Class[],java.lang.Class)"},{"p":"ch.njol.util.coll","c":"BidiHashMap","l":"containsValue(Object)","u":"containsValue(java.lang.Object)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.aliases","c":"AliasesParser.PatternSlot","l":"content"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.lang","c":"SkriptParser","l":"context"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.util","c":"Getter","l":"convert(A)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprBlockData","l":"convert(Block)","u":"convert(org.bukkit.block.Block)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprCharges","l":"convert(Block)","u":"convert(org.bukkit.block.Block)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprHumidity","l":"convert(Block)","u":"convert(org.bukkit.block.Block)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprRedstoneBlockPower","l":"convert(Block)","u":"convert(org.bukkit.block.Block)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprSeaPickles","l":"convert(Block)","u":"convert(org.bukkit.block.Block)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprSpawnerType","l":"convert(Block)","u":"convert(org.bukkit.block.Block)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprTemperature","l":"convert(Block)","u":"convert(org.bukkit.block.Block)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprTimeSince","l":"convert(Date)","u":"convert(ch.njol.skript.util.Date)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprUnixTicks","l":"convert(Date)","u":"convert(ch.njol.skript.util.Date)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprEnchantmentOfferCost","l":"convert(EnchantmentOffer)","u":"convert(org.bukkit.enchantments.EnchantmentOffer)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprExplosiveYield","l":"convert(Entity)","u":"convert(org.bukkit.entity.Entity)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprFallDistance","l":"convert(Entity)","u":"convert(org.bukkit.entity.Entity)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprFireTicks","l":"convert(Entity)","u":"convert(org.bukkit.entity.Entity)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprFreezeTicks","l":"convert(Entity)","u":"convert(org.bukkit.entity.Entity)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprGlowing","l":"convert(Entity)","u":"convert(org.bukkit.entity.Entity)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprGravity","l":"convert(Entity)","u":"convert(org.bukkit.entity.Entity)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprItemFrameSlot","l":"convert(Entity)","u":"convert(org.bukkit.entity.Entity)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprLastAttacker","l":"convert(Entity)","u":"convert(org.bukkit.entity.Entity)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprMaxFreezeTicks","l":"convert(Entity)","u":"convert(org.bukkit.entity.Entity)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprMaxMinecartSpeed","l":"convert(Entity)","u":"convert(org.bukkit.entity.Entity)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprMinecartDerailedFlyingVelocity","l":"convert(Entity)","u":"convert(org.bukkit.entity.Entity)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprPickupDelay","l":"convert(Entity)","u":"convert(org.bukkit.entity.Entity)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprPortalCooldown","l":"convert(Entity)","u":"convert(org.bukkit.entity.Entity)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprTotalExperience","l":"convert(Entity)","u":"convert(org.bukkit.entity.Entity)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprVehicle","l":"convert(Entity)","u":"convert(org.bukkit.entity.Entity)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprVelocity","l":"convert(Entity)","u":"convert(org.bukkit.entity.Entity)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.classes","c":"ChainedConverter","l":"convert(F)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.classes","c":"Converter","l":"convert(F)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions.base","c":"SimplePropertyExpression","l":"convert(F)"},{"p":"org.skriptlang.skript.lang.converter","c":"Converter","l":"convert(F)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.registrations","c":"Converters","l":"convert(F, Class[])","u":"convert(F,java.lang.Class[])"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.registrations","c":"Converters","l":"convert(F, Class)","u":"convert(F,java.lang.Class)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.registrations","c":"Converters","l":"convert(F[], Class, Converter)","u":"convert(F[],java.lang.Class,ch.njol.skript.classes.Converter)"},{"p":"org.skriptlang.skript.lang.converter","c":"Converters","l":"convert(From, Class[])","u":"convert(From,java.lang.Class[])"},{"p":"org.skriptlang.skript.lang.converter","c":"Converters","l":"convert(From, Class)","u":"convert(From,java.lang.Class)"},{"p":"org.skriptlang.skript.lang.converter","c":"Converters","l":"convert(From[], Class, Converter)","u":"convert(From[],java.lang.Class,org.skriptlang.skript.lang.converter.Converter)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprAttackCooldown","l":"convert(HumanEntity)","u":"convert(org.bukkit.entity.HumanEntity)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprAnvilRepairCost","l":"convert(Inventory)","u":"convert(org.bukkit.inventory.Inventory)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprAnvilText","l":"convert(Inventory)","u":"convert(org.bukkit.inventory.Inventory)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprBlockHardness","l":"convert(ItemType)","u":"convert(ch.njol.skript.aliases.ItemType)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprBookAuthor","l":"convert(ItemType)","u":"convert(ch.njol.skript.aliases.ItemType)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprBookTitle","l":"convert(ItemType)","u":"convert(ch.njol.skript.aliases.ItemType)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprCustomModelData","l":"convert(ItemType)","u":"convert(ch.njol.skript.aliases.ItemType)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprMaxStack","l":"convert(ItemType)","u":"convert(ch.njol.skript.aliases.ItemType)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.util.chat","c":"BungeeConverter","l":"convert(List)","u":"convert(java.util.List)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprAI","l":"convert(LivingEntity)","u":"convert(org.bukkit.entity.LivingEntity)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprArmorSlot","l":"convert(LivingEntity)","u":"convert(org.bukkit.entity.LivingEntity)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprArrowsStuck","l":"convert(LivingEntity)","u":"convert(org.bukkit.entity.LivingEntity)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprCreeperMaxFuseTicks","l":"convert(LivingEntity)","u":"convert(org.bukkit.entity.LivingEntity)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprEntityTamer","l":"convert(LivingEntity)","u":"convert(org.bukkit.entity.LivingEntity)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprEyeLocation","l":"convert(LivingEntity)","u":"convert(org.bukkit.entity.LivingEntity)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprGlidingState","l":"convert(LivingEntity)","u":"convert(org.bukkit.entity.LivingEntity)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprLastDamage","l":"convert(LivingEntity)","u":"convert(org.bukkit.entity.LivingEntity)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprLeashHolder","l":"convert(LivingEntity)","u":"convert(org.bukkit.entity.LivingEntity)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprMaxHealth","l":"convert(LivingEntity)","u":"convert(org.bukkit.entity.LivingEntity)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprNoDamageTicks","l":"convert(LivingEntity)","u":"convert(org.bukkit.entity.LivingEntity)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprRemainingAir","l":"convert(LivingEntity)","u":"convert(org.bukkit.entity.LivingEntity)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprAltitude","l":"convert(Location)","u":"convert(org.bukkit.Location)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprCoordinate","l":"convert(Location)","u":"convert(org.bukkit.Location)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprHighestSolidBlock","l":"convert(Location)","u":"convert(org.bukkit.Location)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprMiddleOfLocation","l":"convert(Location)","u":"convert(org.bukkit.Location)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.util.chat","c":"BungeeConverter","l":"convert(MessageComponent)","u":"convert(ch.njol.skript.util.chat.MessageComponent)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.util.chat","c":"BungeeConverter","l":"convert(MessageComponent[])","u":"convert(ch.njol.skript.util.chat.MessageComponent[])"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprUnixDate","l":"convert(Number)","u":"convert(java.lang.Number)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprAge","l":"convert(Object)","u":"convert(java.lang.Object)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprDurability","l":"convert(Object)","u":"convert(java.lang.Object)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprFacing","l":"convert(Object)","u":"convert(java.lang.Object)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprItemAmount","l":"convert(Object)","u":"convert(java.lang.Object)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprMaxDurability","l":"convert(Object)","u":"convert(java.lang.Object)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprName","l":"convert(Object)","u":"convert(java.lang.Object)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprSkull","l":"convert(Object)","u":"convert(java.lang.Object)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprTypeOf","l":"convert(Object)","u":"convert(java.lang.Object)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprUUID","l":"convert(Object)","u":"convert(java.lang.Object)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprYawPitch","l":"convert(Object)","u":"convert(java.lang.Object)"},{"p":"org.skriptlang.skript.lang.converter","c":"Converters","l":"convert(Object[], Class[], Class)","u":"convert(java.lang.Object[],java.lang.Class[],java.lang.Class)"},{"p":"org.skriptlang.skript.lang.converter","c":"Converters","l":"convert(Object[], Class)","u":"convert(java.lang.Object[],java.lang.Class)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprBed","l":"convert(OfflinePlayer)","u":"convert(org.bukkit.OfflinePlayer)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprLastLoginTime","l":"convert(OfflinePlayer)","u":"convert(org.bukkit.OfflinePlayer)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprTimePlayed","l":"convert(OfflinePlayer)","u":"convert(org.bukkit.OfflinePlayer)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.hooks.economy.expressions","c":"ExprBalance","l":"convert(OfflinePlayer)","u":"convert(org.bukkit.OfflinePlayer)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprClientViewDistance","l":"convert(Player)","u":"convert(org.bukkit.entity.Player)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprCompassTarget","l":"convert(Player)","u":"convert(org.bukkit.entity.Player)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprCursorSlot","l":"convert(Player)","u":"convert(org.bukkit.entity.Player)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprEnderChest","l":"convert(Player)","u":"convert(org.bukkit.entity.Player)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprExhaustion","l":"convert(Player)","u":"convert(org.bukkit.entity.Player)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprFlightMode","l":"convert(Player)","u":"convert(org.bukkit.entity.Player)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprLanguage","l":"convert(Player)","u":"convert(org.bukkit.entity.Player)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprLastResourcePackResponse","l":"convert(Player)","u":"convert(org.bukkit.entity.Player)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprLevel","l":"convert(Player)","u":"convert(org.bukkit.entity.Player)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprLevelProgress","l":"convert(Player)","u":"convert(org.bukkit.entity.Player)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprPing","l":"convert(Player)","u":"convert(org.bukkit.entity.Player)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprPlayerlistHeaderFooter","l":"convert(Player)","u":"convert(org.bukkit.entity.Player)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprPlayerProtocolVersion","l":"convert(Player)","u":"convert(org.bukkit.entity.Player)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprPlayerViewDistance","l":"convert(Player)","u":"convert(org.bukkit.entity.Player)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprPlayerWeather","l":"convert(Player)","u":"convert(org.bukkit.entity.Player)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprSaturation","l":"convert(Player)","u":"convert(org.bukkit.entity.Player)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprSpeed","l":"convert(Player)","u":"convert(org.bukkit.entity.Player)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.hooks.chat.expressions","c":"ExprPrefixSuffix","l":"convert(Player)","u":"convert(org.bukkit.entity.Player)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprArrowKnockbackStrength","l":"convert(Projectile)","u":"convert(org.bukkit.entity.Projectile)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprArrowPierceLevel","l":"convert(Projectile)","u":"convert(org.bukkit.entity.Projectile)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprAttachedBlock","l":"convert(Projectile)","u":"convert(org.bukkit.entity.Projectile)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprProjectileBounceState","l":"convert(Projectile)","u":"convert(org.bukkit.entity.Projectile)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprProjectileCriticalState","l":"convert(Projectile)","u":"convert(org.bukkit.entity.Projectile)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprSlotIndex","l":"convert(Slot)","u":"convert(ch.njol.skript.util.slot.Slot)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.config","c":"EnumParser","l":"convert(String)","u":"convert(java.lang.String)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprLastColor","l":"convert(String)","u":"convert(java.lang.String)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprLength","l":"convert(String)","u":"convert(java.lang.String)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprVectorLength","l":"convert(Vector)","u":"convert(org.bukkit.util.Vector)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprVectorSquaredLength","l":"convert(Vector)","u":"convert(org.bukkit.util.Vector)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprVectorXYZ","l":"convert(Vector)","u":"convert(org.bukkit.util.Vector)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprDifficulty","l":"convert(World)","u":"convert(org.bukkit.World)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprMoonPhase","l":"convert(World)","u":"convert(org.bukkit.World)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprSeaLevel","l":"convert(World)","u":"convert(org.bukkit.World)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprWorldEnvironment","l":"convert(World)","u":"convert(org.bukkit.World)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.registrations","c":"Converters","l":"convertArray(Object[], Class[], Class)","u":"convertArray(java.lang.Object[],java.lang.Class[],java.lang.Class)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.registrations","c":"Converters","l":"convertArray(Object[], Class)","u":"convertArray(java.lang.Object[],java.lang.Class)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.lang.util","c":"ConvertedExpression","l":"ConvertedExpression(Expression, Class, ConverterInfo)","u":"%3Cinit%3E(ch.njol.skript.lang.Expression,java.lang.Class,org.skriptlang.skript.lang.converter.ConverterInfo)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.lang.util","c":"ConvertedLiteral","l":"ConvertedLiteral(Literal, T[], Class)","u":"%3Cinit%3E(ch.njol.skript.lang.Literal,T[],java.lang.Class)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.classes","c":"Converter.ConverterInfo","l":"converter"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.command","c":"Commands","l":"CONVERTER_NO_COMMAND_ARGUMENTS"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.registrations","c":"Converters","l":"converterExists(Class, Class)","u":"converterExists(java.lang.Class,java.lang.Class)"},{"p":"org.skriptlang.skript.lang.converter","c":"Converters","l":"converterExists(Class, Class)","u":"converterExists(java.lang.Class,java.lang.Class)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.registrations","c":"Converters","l":"converterExists(Class, Class...)","u":"converterExists(java.lang.Class,java.lang.Class...)"},{"p":"org.skriptlang.skript.lang.converter","c":"Converters","l":"converterExists(Class, Class...)","u":"converterExists(java.lang.Class,java.lang.Class...)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.classes","c":"Converter.ConverterInfo","l":"ConverterInfo(Class, Class, Converter, int)","u":"%3Cinit%3E(java.lang.Class,java.lang.Class,ch.njol.skript.classes.Converter,int)"},{"p":"org.skriptlang.skript.lang.converter","c":"ConverterInfo","l":"ConverterInfo(Class, Class, Converter, int)","u":"%3Cinit%3E(java.lang.Class,java.lang.Class,org.skriptlang.skript.lang.converter.Converter,int)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.classes","c":"Converter.ConverterInfo","l":"ConverterInfo(Converter.ConverterInfo, Converter.ConverterInfo, Converter, int)","u":"%3Cinit%3E(ch.njol.skript.classes.Converter.ConverterInfo,ch.njol.skript.classes.Converter.ConverterInfo,ch.njol.skript.classes.Converter,int)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.classes","c":"Converter.ConverterUtils","l":"ConverterUtils()","u":"%3Cinit%3E()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.registrations","c":"Converters","l":"convertStrictly(Object, Class)","u":"convertStrictly(java.lang.Object,java.lang.Class)"},{"p":"org.skriptlang.skript.lang.converter","c":"Converters","l":"convertStrictly(Object, Class)","u":"convertStrictly(java.lang.Object,java.lang.Class)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.registrations","c":"Converters","l":"convertStrictly(Object[], Class)","u":"convertStrictly(java.lang.Object[],java.lang.Class)"},{"p":"org.skriptlang.skript.lang.converter","c":"Converters","l":"convertStrictly(Object[], Class)","u":"convertStrictly(java.lang.Object[],java.lang.Class)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.config","c":"SectionNode","l":"convertToEntries(int)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.config","c":"SectionNode","l":"convertToEntries(int, String)","u":"convertToEntries(int,java.lang.String)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprYawPitch","l":"convertToPositive(float)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.registrations","c":"Converters","l":"convertUnsafe(F[], Class, Converter)","u":"convertUnsafe(F[],java.lang.Class,ch.njol.skript.classes.Converter)"},{"p":"org.skriptlang.skript.lang.converter","c":"Converters","l":"convertUnsafe(From[], Class, Converter)","u":"convertUnsafe(From[],java.lang.Class,org.skriptlang.skript.lang.converter.Converter)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.util","c":"Utils","l":"COPY_SUPPORTED"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.util.chat","c":"MessageComponent.ClickEvent.Action","l":"copy_to_clipboard"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.util.chat","c":"SkriptChatCode","l":"copy_to_clipboard"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.patterns","c":"MatchResult","l":"copy()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.util.chat","c":"MessageComponent","l":"copy()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.util","c":"FileUtils","l":"copy(File, File)","u":"copy(java.io.File,java.io.File)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.variables","c":"Variables","l":"copyLocalVariables(Event)","u":"copyLocalVariables(org.bukkit.event.Event)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.util.chat","c":"ChatMessages","l":"copyStyles(MessageComponent, MessageComponent)","u":"copyStyles(ch.njol.skript.util.chat.MessageComponent,ch.njol.skript.util.chat.MessageComponent)"},{"p":"ch.njol.util","c":"VectorMath","l":"copyVector(Vector, Vector)","u":"copyVector(org.bukkit.util.Vector,org.bukkit.util.Vector)"},{"p":"ch.njol.util","c":"StringUtils","l":"count(String, char)","u":"count(java.lang.String,char)"},{"p":"ch.njol.util","c":"StringUtils","l":"count(String, char, int)","u":"count(java.lang.String,char,int)"},{"p":"ch.njol.util","c":"StringUtils","l":"count(String, char, int, int)","u":"count(java.lang.String,char,int,int)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.log","c":"CountingLogHandler","l":"CountingLogHandler(Level)","u":"%3Cinit%3E(java.util.logging.Level)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.patterns","c":"SkriptPattern","l":"countNonNullTypes()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.patterns","c":"SkriptPattern","l":"countTypes()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.util","c":"BlockUtils","l":"createBlockData(String)","u":"createBlockData(java.lang.String)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.bukkitutil.block","c":"BlockCompat","l":"createBlockValues(Material, Map)","u":"createBlockValues(org.bukkit.Material,java.util.Map)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.bukkitutil.block","c":"BlockCompat","l":"createBlockValues(Material, Map, ItemStack, int)","u":"createBlockValues(org.bukkit.Material,java.util.Map,org.bukkit.inventory.ItemStack,int)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.bukkitutil.block","c":"NewBlockCompat","l":"createBlockValues(Material, Map, ItemStack, int)","u":"createBlockValues(org.bukkit.Material,java.util.Map,org.bukkit.inventory.ItemStack,int)"},{"p":"org.skriptlang.skript.lang.converter","c":"Converters","l":"createChainedConverters()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.update","c":"GithubChecker.ResponseEntry","l":"created_at"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.classes","c":"Converter.ConverterUtils","l":"createDoubleInstanceofConverter(Class, Converter, Class)","u":"createDoubleInstanceofConverter(java.lang.Class,ch.njol.skript.classes.Converter,java.lang.Class)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.classes","c":"Converter.ConverterUtils","l":"createDoubleInstanceofConverter(Converter.ConverterInfo, Class)","u":"createDoubleInstanceofConverter(ch.njol.skript.classes.Converter.ConverterInfo,java.lang.Class)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.classes","c":"Converter.ConverterUtils","l":"createInstanceofConverter(Class, Converter)","u":"createInstanceofConverter(java.lang.Class,ch.njol.skript.classes.Converter)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.classes","c":"Converter.ConverterUtils","l":"createInstanceofConverter(Converter.ConverterInfo)","u":"createInstanceofConverter(ch.njol.skript.classes.Converter.ConverterInfo)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.classes","c":"Converter.ConverterUtils","l":"createInstanceofConverter(Converter, Class)","u":"createInstanceofConverter(ch.njol.skript.classes.Converter,java.lang.Class)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.registrations","c":"Converters","l":"createMissingConverters()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.test.utils","c":"TestResults","l":"createReport()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.aliases","c":"Aliases","l":"createScriptAliases(Script)","u":"createScriptAliases(org.skriptlang.skript.lang.script.Script)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.update","c":"ReleaseManifest","l":"createUpdateChecker()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.entity","c":"CreeperData","l":"CreeperData()","u":"%3Cinit%3E()"},{"p":"ch.njol.util.coll.iterator","c":"ImprovedIterator","l":"current()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.command","c":"Commands","l":"currentArguments"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.lang.function","c":"Functions","l":"currentFunction"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.lang","c":"LoopSection","l":"currentLoopCounter"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.util.slot","c":"CursorSlot","l":"CursorSlot(Player)","u":"%3Cinit%3E(org.bukkit.entity.Player)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.update","c":"ReleaseStatus","l":"CUSTOM"},{"p":"ch.njol.util.coll","c":"CyclicList","l":"CyclicList(Collection)","u":"%3Cinit%3E(java.util.Collection)"},{"p":"ch.njol.util.coll","c":"CyclicList","l":"CyclicList(E[])","u":"%3Cinit%3E(E[])"},{"p":"ch.njol.util.coll","c":"CyclicList","l":"CyclicList(int)","u":"%3Cinit%3E(int)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.effects","c":"EffKill","l":"DAMAGE_AMOUNT"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.bukkitutil","c":"HealthUtils","l":"damage(Damageable, double)","u":"damage(org.bukkit.entity.Damageable,double)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.util.chat","c":"SkriptChatCode","l":"dark_aqua"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.util.chat","c":"SkriptChatCode","l":"dark_blue"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.util","c":"SkriptColor","l":"DARK_BLUE"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.util","c":"SkriptColor","l":"DARK_CYAN"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.util.chat","c":"SkriptChatCode","l":"dark_gray"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.util.chat","c":"SkriptChatCode","l":"dark_green"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.util","c":"SkriptColor","l":"DARK_GREEN"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.util","c":"SkriptColor","l":"DARK_GREY"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.util","c":"StructureType","l":"DARK_OAK"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.util.chat","c":"SkriptChatCode","l":"dark_purple"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.util","c":"SkriptColor","l":"DARK_PURPLE"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.util.chat","c":"SkriptChatCode","l":"dark_red"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.util","c":"SkriptColor","l":"DARK_RED"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.entity","c":"EntityType","l":"data"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.lang.util","c":"ConvertedLiteral","l":"data"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.lang.util","c":"SimpleLiteral","l":"data"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.variables","c":"SerializedVariable.Value","l":"data"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.lang.parser","c":"ParserInstance.Data","l":"Data(ParserInstance)","u":"%3Cinit%3E(ch.njol.skript.lang.parser.ParserInstance)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.variables","c":"VariablesStorage","l":"databaseName"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript","c":"SkriptConfig","l":"databases"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.aliases","c":"ItemData.OldItemData","l":"dataMax"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.aliases","c":"ItemData.OldItemData","l":"dataMin"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.update","c":"ReleaseManifest","l":"date"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.update","c":"UpdateManifest","l":"date"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.registrations","c":"DefaultClasses","l":"DATE"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.util","c":"Date","l":"Date()","u":"%3Cinit%3E()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.util","c":"Date","l":"Date(long)","u":"%3Cinit%3E(long)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.util","c":"Date","l":"Date(long, TimeZone)","u":"%3Cinit%3E(long,java.util.TimeZone)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.log","c":"Verbosity","l":"DEBUG"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.util","c":"StringMode","l":"DEBUG"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.log","c":"SkriptLogger","l":"DEBUG"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.config","c":"Node","l":"debug()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.log","c":"SkriptLogger","l":"debug()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript","c":"Skript","l":"debug()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.lang","c":"TriggerItem","l":"debug(Event, boolean)","u":"debug(org.bukkit.event.Event,boolean)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript","c":"Skript","l":"debug(String)","u":"debug(java.lang.String)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.lang","c":"ParseContext","l":"DEFAULT"},{"p":"org.skriptlang.skript.lang.entry","c":"EntryValidator.EntryValidatorBuilder","l":"DEFAULT_ENTRY_SEPARATOR"},{"p":"org.skriptlang.skript.lang.structure","c":"Structure","l":"DEFAULT_PRIORITY"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.classes.data","c":"DefaultChangers","l":"DefaultChangers()","u":"%3Cinit%3E()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.registrations","c":"DefaultClasses","l":"DefaultClasses()","u":"%3Cinit%3E()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.classes.data","c":"DefaultComparators","l":"DefaultComparators()","u":"%3Cinit%3E()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.classes.data","c":"DefaultConverters","l":"DefaultConverters()","u":"%3Cinit%3E()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript","c":"SkriptConfig","l":"defaultEventPriority"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.classes","c":"ClassInfo","l":"defaultExpression(DefaultExpression)","u":"defaultExpression(ch.njol.skript.lang.DefaultExpression)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.classes.data","c":"DefaultFunctions","l":"DefaultFunctions()","u":"%3Cinit%3E()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.structures","c":"StructVariables.DefaultVariables","l":"DefaultVariables(Collection>)","u":"%3Cinit%3E(java.util.Collection)"},{"p":"ch.njol.yggdrasil","c":"DefaultYggdrasilInputStream","l":"DefaultYggdrasilInputStream(Yggdrasil, InputStream)","u":"%3Cinit%3E(ch.njol.yggdrasil.Yggdrasil,java.io.InputStream)"},{"p":"ch.njol.yggdrasil","c":"DefaultYggdrasilOutputStream","l":"DefaultYggdrasilOutputStream(Yggdrasil, OutputStream)","u":"%3Cinit%3E(ch.njol.yggdrasil.Yggdrasil,java.io.OutputStream)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.util","c":"LiteralUtils","l":"defendExpression(Expression)","u":"defendExpression(ch.njol.skript.lang.Expression)"},{"p":"ch.njol.util","c":"VectorMath","l":"DEG_TO_RAD"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.effects","c":"Delay","l":"Delay()","u":"%3Cinit%3E()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.util","c":"DelayedChangeBlock","l":"DelayedChangeBlock(Block)","u":"%3Cinit%3E(org.bukkit.block.Block)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.util","c":"DelayedChangeBlock","l":"DelayedChangeBlock(Block, BlockState)","u":"%3Cinit%3E(org.bukkit.block.Block,org.bukkit.block.BlockState)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.classes","c":"Changer.ChangeMode","l":"DELETE"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.lang.parser","c":"ParserInstance","l":"deleteCurrentEvent()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript","c":"ScriptLoader","l":"deleteCurrentEvent()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.lang.parser","c":"ParserInstance","l":"deleteCurrentSkriptEvent()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.variables","c":"Variables","l":"deleteVariable(String, Event, boolean)","u":"deleteVariable(java.lang.String,org.bukkit.event.Event,boolean)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.classes","c":"ClassInfo","l":"description(String...)","u":"description(java.lang.String...)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.lang.function","c":"JavaFunction","l":"description(String...)","u":"description(java.lang.String...)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.lang","c":"SkriptEventInfo","l":"description(String...)","u":"description(java.lang.String...)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.classes","c":"Serializer","l":"deserialize(Class, Fields)","u":"deserialize(java.lang.Class,ch.njol.yggdrasil.Fields)"},{"p":"ch.njol.yggdrasil","c":"JRESerializer","l":"deserialize(Class, Fields)","u":"deserialize(java.lang.Class,ch.njol.yggdrasil.Fields)"},{"p":"ch.njol.yggdrasil","c":"YggdrasilSerializer","l":"deserialize(Class, Fields)","u":"deserialize(java.lang.Class,ch.njol.yggdrasil.Fields)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.registrations","c":"Classes","l":"deserialize(ClassInfo, byte[])","u":"deserialize(ch.njol.skript.classes.ClassInfo,byte[])"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.registrations","c":"Classes","l":"deserialize(ClassInfo, InputStream)","u":"deserialize(ch.njol.skript.classes.ClassInfo,java.io.InputStream)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.util","c":"SkriptColor","l":"deserialize(Fields)","u":"deserialize(ch.njol.yggdrasil.Fields)"},{"p":"ch.njol.yggdrasil","c":"YggdrasilSerializable.YggdrasilExtendedSerializable","l":"deserialize(Fields)","u":"deserialize(ch.njol.yggdrasil.Fields)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.aliases","c":"ItemData","l":"deserialize(Fields)","u":"deserialize(ch.njol.yggdrasil.Fields)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.aliases","c":"ItemType","l":"deserialize(Fields)","u":"deserialize(ch.njol.yggdrasil.Fields)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.classes","c":"ConfigurationSerializer","l":"deserialize(Fields)","u":"deserialize(ch.njol.yggdrasil.Fields)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.classes","c":"EnumSerializer","l":"deserialize(Fields)","u":"deserialize(ch.njol.yggdrasil.Fields)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.classes","c":"Serializer","l":"deserialize(Fields)","u":"deserialize(ch.njol.yggdrasil.Fields)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.entity","c":"EntityData","l":"deserialize(Fields)","u":"deserialize(ch.njol.yggdrasil.Fields)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.entity","c":"SimpleEntityData","l":"deserialize(Fields)","u":"deserialize(ch.njol.yggdrasil.Fields)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.hooks.regions","c":"GriefPreventionHook.GriefPreventionRegion","l":"deserialize(Fields)","u":"deserialize(ch.njol.yggdrasil.Fields)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.hooks.regions","c":"PreciousStonesHook.PreciousStonesRegion","l":"deserialize(Fields)","u":"deserialize(ch.njol.yggdrasil.Fields)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.hooks.regions","c":"ResidenceHook.ResidenceRegion","l":"deserialize(Fields)","u":"deserialize(ch.njol.yggdrasil.Fields)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.hooks.regions","c":"WorldGuardHook.WorldGuardRegion","l":"deserialize(Fields)","u":"deserialize(ch.njol.yggdrasil.Fields)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.util","c":"ColorRGB","l":"deserialize(Fields)","u":"deserialize(ch.njol.yggdrasil.Fields)"},{"p":"ch.njol.yggdrasil","c":"JRESerializer","l":"deserialize(Object, Fields)","u":"deserialize(java.lang.Object,ch.njol.yggdrasil.Fields)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.classes","c":"ConfigurationSerializer","l":"deserialize(String)","u":"deserialize(java.lang.String)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.classes","c":"EnumSerializer","l":"deserialize(String)","u":"deserialize(java.lang.String)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.classes","c":"Serializer","l":"deserialize(String)","u":"deserialize(java.lang.String)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.classes","c":"YggdrasilSerializer","l":"deserialize(String)","u":"deserialize(java.lang.String)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.entity","c":"CreeperData","l":"deserialize(String)","u":"deserialize(java.lang.String)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.entity","c":"DroppedItemData","l":"deserialize(String)","u":"deserialize(java.lang.String)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.entity","c":"EndermanData","l":"deserialize(String)","u":"deserialize(java.lang.String)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.entity","c":"EntityData","l":"deserialize(String)","u":"deserialize(java.lang.String)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.entity","c":"FallingBlockData","l":"deserialize(String)","u":"deserialize(java.lang.String)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.entity","c":"MinecartData","l":"deserialize(String)","u":"deserialize(java.lang.String)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.entity","c":"OcelotData","l":"deserialize(String)","u":"deserialize(java.lang.String)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.entity","c":"PigData","l":"deserialize(String)","u":"deserialize(java.lang.String)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.entity","c":"SheepData","l":"deserialize(String)","u":"deserialize(java.lang.String)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.entity","c":"SimpleEntityData","l":"deserialize(String)","u":"deserialize(java.lang.String)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.entity","c":"ThrownPotionData","l":"deserialize(String)","u":"deserialize(java.lang.String)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.entity","c":"VillagerData","l":"deserialize(String)","u":"deserialize(java.lang.String)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.entity","c":"WolfData","l":"deserialize(String)","u":"deserialize(java.lang.String)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.entity","c":"XpOrbData","l":"deserialize(String)","u":"deserialize(java.lang.String)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.entity","c":"ZombieVillagerData","l":"deserialize(String)","u":"deserialize(java.lang.String)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.util","c":"Direction","l":"deserialize(String)","u":"deserialize(java.lang.String)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.registrations","c":"Classes","l":"deserialize(String, byte[])","u":"deserialize(java.lang.String,byte[])"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.registrations","c":"Classes","l":"deserialize(String, String)","u":"deserialize(java.lang.String,java.lang.String)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.classes","c":"ConfigurationSerializer","l":"deserialize(T, Fields)","u":"deserialize(T,ch.njol.yggdrasil.Fields)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.classes","c":"EnumSerializer","l":"deserialize(T, Fields)","u":"deserialize(T,ch.njol.yggdrasil.Fields)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.classes","c":"Serializer","l":"deserialize(T, Fields)","u":"deserialize(T,ch.njol.yggdrasil.Fields)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.classes","c":"YggdrasilSerializer","l":"deserialize(T, Fields)","u":"deserialize(T,ch.njol.yggdrasil.Fields)"},{"p":"ch.njol.yggdrasil","c":"YggdrasilSerializer","l":"deserialize(T, Fields)","u":"deserialize(T,ch.njol.yggdrasil.Fields)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.classes","c":"ConfigurationSerializer","l":"deserializeCS(String, Class)","u":"deserializeCS(java.lang.String,java.lang.Class)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.classes","c":"ConfigurationSerializer","l":"deserializeCSOld(String, Class)","u":"deserializeCSOld(java.lang.String,java.lang.Class)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.test.runner","c":"TestMode","l":"DEV_MODE"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.update","c":"ReleaseStatus","l":"DEVELOPMENT"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.classes","c":"Arithmetic","l":"difference(A, A)","u":"difference(A,A)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.util","c":"Date","l":"difference(Date)","u":"difference(ch.njol.skript.util.Date)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.classes","c":"NumberArithmetic","l":"difference(Number, Number)","u":"difference(java.lang.Number,java.lang.Number)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.classes","c":"VectorArithmethic","l":"difference(Vector, Vector)","u":"difference(org.bukkit.util.Vector,org.bukkit.util.Vector)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.aliases","c":"MatchQuality","l":"DIFFERENT"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.util","c":"Direction","l":"Direction()","u":"%3Cinit%3E()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.util","c":"Direction","l":"Direction(BlockFace, double)","u":"%3Cinit%3E(org.bukkit.block.BlockFace,double)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.util","c":"Direction","l":"Direction(double, double, double)","u":"%3Cinit%3E(double,double,double)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.util","c":"Direction","l":"Direction(double[])","u":"%3Cinit%3E(double[])"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.util","c":"Direction","l":"Direction(Vector)","u":"%3Cinit%3E(org.bukkit.util.Vector)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.util.chat","c":"LinkParseMode","l":"DISABLED"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript","c":"ScriptLoader","l":"DISABLED_SCRIPT_PREFIX"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript","c":"ScriptLoader","l":"DISABLED_SCRIPT_PREFIX_LENGTH"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript","c":"SkriptConfig","l":"disableHookGriefPrevention"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript","c":"SkriptConfig","l":"disableHookPreciousStones"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript","c":"Skript","l":"disableHookRegistration(Class>...)","u":"disableHookRegistration(java.lang.Class...)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript","c":"SkriptConfig","l":"disableHookResidence"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript","c":"SkriptConfig","l":"disableHookVault"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript","c":"SkriptConfig","l":"disableHookWorldGuard"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript","c":"SkriptConfig","l":"disableMissingAndOrWarnings"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript","c":"SkriptConfig","l":"disableObjectCannotBeSavedWarnings"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript","c":"SkriptConfig","l":"disableVariableStartingWithExpressionWarnings"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.variables","c":"FlatFileStorage","l":"disconnect()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.variables","c":"SQLStorage","l":"disconnect()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.variables","c":"VariablesStorage","l":"disconnect()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript","c":"Skript","l":"dispatchCommand(CommandSender, String)","u":"dispatchCommand(org.bukkit.command.CommandSender,java.lang.String)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.bukkitutil","c":"BurgerHelper.ItemOrBlock","l":"display_name"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions.arithmetic","c":"Operator","l":"DIV"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.classes","c":"Arithmetic","l":"divide(A, R)","u":"divide(A,R)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.classes","c":"NumberArithmetic","l":"divide(Number, Number)","u":"divide(java.lang.Number,java.lang.Number)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.classes","c":"VectorArithmethic","l":"divide(Vector, Vector)","u":"divide(org.bukkit.util.Vector,org.bukkit.util.Vector)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.log","c":"LogHandler.LogResult","l":"DO_NOT_LOG"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.test.runner","c":"TestMode","l":"docsFailed"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.test.utils","c":"TestResults","l":"docsFailed()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.doc","c":"Documentation","l":"Documentation()","u":"%3Cinit%3E()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.classes","c":"ClassInfo","l":"documentationId(String)","u":"documentationId(java.lang.String)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.lang","c":"SkriptEventInfo","l":"documentationID(String)","u":"documentationID(java.lang.String)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.registrations","c":"EventValues","l":"doesEventValueHaveTimeStates(Class, Class)","u":"doesEventValueHaveTimeStates(java.lang.Class,java.lang.Class)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.registrations","c":"EventValues","l":"doesExactEventValueHaveTimeStates(Class, Class)","u":"doesExactEventValueHaveTimeStates(java.lang.Class,java.lang.Class)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.update","c":"GithubChecker.ResponseEntry.AssetsEntry","l":"download_count"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.update","c":"UpdaterState","l":"DOWNLOADING"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.update","c":"ReleaseManifest","l":"downloadSource"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.update","c":"UpdateManifest","l":"downloadUrl"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.update","c":"GithubChecker.ResponseEntry","l":"draft"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.entity","c":"DroppedItemData","l":"DroppedItemData()","u":"%3Cinit%3E()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.entity","c":"DroppedItemData","l":"DroppedItemData(ItemType[])","u":"%3Cinit%3E(ch.njol.skript.aliases.ItemType[])"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.util.slot","c":"DroppedItemSlot","l":"DroppedItemSlot(Item)","u":"%3Cinit%3E(org.bukkit.entity.Item)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.effects","c":"Delay","l":"duration"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.localization","c":"Language.LanguageListenerPriority","l":"EARLIEST"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.hooks","c":"VaultHook","l":"economy"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.effects","c":"EffActionBar","l":"EffActionBar()","u":"%3Cinit%3E()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.test.runner","c":"EffAssert","l":"EffAssert()","u":"%3Cinit%3E()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.effects","c":"EffBan","l":"EffBan()","u":"%3Cinit%3E()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.effects","c":"EffBreakNaturally","l":"EffBreakNaturally()","u":"%3Cinit%3E()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.effects","c":"EffBroadcast","l":"EffBroadcast()","u":"%3Cinit%3E()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.effects","c":"EffCancelCooldown","l":"EffCancelCooldown()","u":"%3Cinit%3E()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.effects","c":"EffCancelDrops","l":"EffCancelDrops()","u":"%3Cinit%3E()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.effects","c":"EffCancelEvent","l":"EffCancelEvent()","u":"%3Cinit%3E()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.effects","c":"EffChange","l":"EffChange()","u":"%3Cinit%3E()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.effects","c":"EffChargeCreeper","l":"EffChargeCreeper()","u":"%3Cinit%3E()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.effects","c":"EffColorItems","l":"EffColorItems()","u":"%3Cinit%3E()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.effects","c":"EffCommand","l":"EffCommand()","u":"%3Cinit%3E()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.effects","c":"EffConnect","l":"EffConnect()","u":"%3Cinit%3E()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.effects","c":"EffContinue","l":"EffContinue()","u":"%3Cinit%3E()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.test.runner","c":"EffDebug","l":"EffDebug()","u":"%3Cinit%3E()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.effects","c":"EffDoIf","l":"EffDoIf()","u":"%3Cinit%3E()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.effects","c":"EffDrop","l":"EffDrop()","u":"%3Cinit%3E()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.lang","c":"Effect","l":"Effect()","u":"%3Cinit%3E()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.command","c":"EffectCommandEvent","l":"EffectCommandEvent(CommandSender, String)","u":"%3Cinit%3E(org.bukkit.command.CommandSender,java.lang.String)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript","c":"SkriptConfig","l":"effectCommandToken"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.lang","c":"EffectSection","l":"EffectSection()","u":"%3Cinit%3E()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.lang","c":"EffectSectionEffect","l":"EffectSectionEffect(EffectSection)","u":"%3Cinit%3E(ch.njol.skript.lang.EffectSection)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.util","c":"PotionEffectUtils","l":"effectToType(PotionEffectType)","u":"effectToType(org.bukkit.potion.PotionEffectType)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.effects","c":"EffEnchant","l":"EffEnchant()","u":"%3Cinit%3E()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.effects","c":"EffEquip","l":"EffEquip()","u":"%3Cinit%3E()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.effects","c":"EffExceptionDebug","l":"EffExceptionDebug()","u":"%3Cinit%3E()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.effects","c":"EffExit","l":"EffExit()","u":"%3Cinit%3E()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.effects","c":"EffExplodeCreeper","l":"EffExplodeCreeper()","u":"%3Cinit%3E()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.effects","c":"EffExplosion","l":"EffExplosion()","u":"%3Cinit%3E()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.effects","c":"EffFeed","l":"EffFeed()","u":"%3Cinit%3E()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.effects","c":"EffFireworkLaunch","l":"EffFireworkLaunch()","u":"%3Cinit%3E()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.effects","c":"EffForceAttack","l":"EffForceAttack()","u":"%3Cinit%3E()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.lang.function","c":"EffFunctionCall","l":"EffFunctionCall(FunctionReference)","u":"%3Cinit%3E(ch.njol.skript.lang.function.FunctionReference)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.effects","c":"EffHandedness","l":"EffHandedness()","u":"%3Cinit%3E()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.effects","c":"EffHealth","l":"EffHealth()","u":"%3Cinit%3E()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.effects","c":"EffHidePlayerFromServerList","l":"EffHidePlayerFromServerList()","u":"%3Cinit%3E()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.effects","c":"EffIgnite","l":"EffIgnite()","u":"%3Cinit%3E()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.effects","c":"EffIncendiary","l":"EffIncendiary()","u":"%3Cinit%3E()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.effects","c":"EffInvisible","l":"EffInvisible()","u":"%3Cinit%3E()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.effects","c":"EffInvulnerability","l":"EffInvulnerability()","u":"%3Cinit%3E()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.effects","c":"EffKeepInventory","l":"EffKeepInventory()","u":"%3Cinit%3E()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.effects","c":"EffKick","l":"EffKick()","u":"%3Cinit%3E()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.effects","c":"EffKill","l":"EffKill()","u":"%3Cinit%3E()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.effects","c":"EffKnockback","l":"EffKnockback()","u":"%3Cinit%3E()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.effects","c":"EffLeash","l":"EffLeash()","u":"%3Cinit%3E()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.effects","c":"EffLightning","l":"EffLightning()","u":"%3Cinit%3E()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.effects","c":"EffLoadServerIcon","l":"EffLoadServerIcon()","u":"%3Cinit%3E()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.effects","c":"EffLog","l":"EffLog()","u":"%3Cinit%3E()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.effects","c":"EffLook","l":"EffLook()","u":"%3Cinit%3E()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.effects","c":"EffMakeEggHatch","l":"EffMakeEggHatch()","u":"%3Cinit%3E()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.effects","c":"EffMakeFly","l":"EffMakeFly()","u":"%3Cinit%3E()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.effects","c":"EffMakeSay","l":"EffMakeSay()","u":"%3Cinit%3E()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.effects","c":"EffMessage","l":"EffMessage()","u":"%3Cinit%3E()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.test.runner","c":"EffObjectives","l":"EffObjectives()","u":"%3Cinit%3E()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.effects","c":"EffOp","l":"EffOp()","u":"%3Cinit%3E()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.effects","c":"EffOpenBook","l":"EffOpenBook()","u":"%3Cinit%3E()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.effects","c":"EffOpenInventory","l":"EffOpenInventory()","u":"%3Cinit%3E()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.effects","c":"EffPathfind","l":"EffPathfind()","u":"%3Cinit%3E()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.effects","c":"EffPlayerInfoVisibility","l":"EffPlayerInfoVisibility()","u":"%3Cinit%3E()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.effects","c":"EffPlayerVisibility","l":"EffPlayerVisibility()","u":"%3Cinit%3E()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.effects","c":"EffPlaySound","l":"EffPlaySound()","u":"%3Cinit%3E()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.effects","c":"EffPoison","l":"EffPoison()","u":"%3Cinit%3E()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.effects","c":"EffPotion","l":"EffPotion()","u":"%3Cinit%3E()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.effects","c":"EffPush","l":"EffPush()","u":"%3Cinit%3E()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.effects","c":"EffPvP","l":"EffPvP()","u":"%3Cinit%3E()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.effects","c":"EffReplace","l":"EffReplace()","u":"%3Cinit%3E()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.effects","c":"EffResetTitle","l":"EffResetTitle()","u":"%3Cinit%3E()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.effects","c":"EffRespawn","l":"EffRespawn()","u":"%3Cinit%3E()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.effects","c":"EffReturn","l":"EffReturn()","u":"%3Cinit%3E()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.effects","c":"EffScriptFile","l":"EffScriptFile()","u":"%3Cinit%3E()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.sections","c":"EffSecSpawn","l":"EffSecSpawn()","u":"%3Cinit%3E()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.effects","c":"EffSendBlockChange","l":"EffSendBlockChange()","u":"%3Cinit%3E()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.effects","c":"EffSendResourcePack","l":"EffSendResourcePack()","u":"%3Cinit%3E()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.effects","c":"EffSendTitle","l":"EffSendTitle()","u":"%3Cinit%3E()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.effects","c":"EffShear","l":"EffShear()","u":"%3Cinit%3E()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.effects","c":"EffShoot","l":"EffShoot()","u":"%3Cinit%3E()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.effects","c":"EffSilence","l":"EffSilence()","u":"%3Cinit%3E()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.effects","c":"EffStopServer","l":"EffStopServer()","u":"%3Cinit%3E()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.effects","c":"EffStopSound","l":"EffStopSound()","u":"%3Cinit%3E()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.effects","c":"EffSuppressWarnings","l":"EffSuppressWarnings()","u":"%3Cinit%3E()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.effects","c":"EffSwingHand","l":"EffSwingHand()","u":"%3Cinit%3E()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.effects","c":"EffTeleport","l":"EffTeleport()","u":"%3Cinit%3E()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.effects","c":"EffToggle","l":"EffToggle()","u":"%3Cinit%3E()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.effects","c":"EffToggleCanPickUpItems","l":"EffToggleCanPickUpItems()","u":"%3Cinit%3E()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.effects","c":"EffToggleFlight","l":"EffToggleFlight()","u":"%3Cinit%3E()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.effects","c":"EffTree","l":"EffTree()","u":"%3Cinit%3E()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.effects","c":"EffVectorRotateAroundAnother","l":"EffVectorRotateAroundAnother()","u":"%3Cinit%3E()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.effects","c":"EffVectorRotateXYZ","l":"EffVectorRotateXYZ()","u":"%3Cinit%3E()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.effects","c":"EffVehicle","l":"EffVehicle()","u":"%3Cinit%3E()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.effects","c":"EffVisualEffect","l":"EffVisualEffect()","u":"%3Cinit%3E()"},{"p":"ch.njol.util","c":"OpenCloseable","l":"EMPTY"},{"p":"ch.njol.util.coll.iterator","c":"EmptyIterable","l":"EmptyIterable()","u":"%3Cinit%3E()"},{"p":"ch.njol.util.coll.iterator","c":"EmptyIterator","l":"EmptyIterator()","u":"%3Cinit%3E()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.util","c":"EmptyStacktraceException","l":"EmptyStacktraceException()","u":"%3Cinit%3E()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.test.runner","c":"TestMode","l":"ENABLED"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.timings","c":"SkriptTimings","l":"enabled()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript","c":"SkriptConfig","l":"enableEffectCommands"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.lang.function","c":"Functions","l":"enableFunctionEvents(SkriptAddon)","u":"enableFunctionEvents(ch.njol.skript.SkriptAddon)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript","c":"SkriptConfig","l":"enablePlayerVariableFix"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript","c":"SkriptConfig","l":"enableScriptCaching"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript","c":"SkriptConfig","l":"enableTimings"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.util","c":"EnchantmentType","l":"EnchantmentType(Enchantment)","u":"%3Cinit%3E(org.bukkit.enchantments.Enchantment)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.util","c":"EnchantmentType","l":"EnchantmentType(Enchantment, int)","u":"%3Cinit%3E(org.bukkit.enchantments.Enchantment,int)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.bukkitutil","c":"EnchantmentUtils","l":"EnchantmentUtils()","u":"%3Cinit%3E()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.util","c":"Timeperiod","l":"end"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.entity","c":"EndermanData","l":"EndermanData()","u":"%3Cinit%3E()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.entity","c":"EndermanData","l":"EndermanData(ItemType[])","u":"%3Cinit%3E(ch.njol.skript.aliases.ItemType[])"},{"p":"ch.njol.util","c":"StringUtils","l":"endsWithIgnoreCase(String, String)","u":"endsWithIgnoreCase(java.lang.String,java.lang.String)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.structures","c":"StructVariables.DefaultVariables","l":"enterScope()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.variables","c":"TypeHints","l":"enterScope()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.classes.data","c":"DefaultChangers","l":"entityChanger"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.entity","c":"EntityData","l":"EntityData()","u":"%3Cinit%3E()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.classes.data","c":"DefaultComparators","l":"entityItemComparator"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.entity","c":"EntityType","l":"EntityType(Class, int)","u":"%3Cinit%3E(java.lang.Class,int)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.entity","c":"EntityType","l":"EntityType(Entity)","u":"%3Cinit%3E(org.bukkit.entity.Entity)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.entity","c":"EntityType","l":"EntityType(EntityData, int)","u":"%3Cinit%3E(ch.njol.skript.entity.EntityData,int)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.entity","c":"EntityType","l":"EntityType(EntityType)","u":"%3Cinit%3E(ch.njol.skript.entity.EntityType)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.bukkitutil","c":"EntityUtils","l":"EntityUtils()","u":"%3Cinit%3E()"},{"p":"org.skriptlang.skript.lang.entry","c":"EntryData","l":"EntryData(String, T, boolean)","u":"%3Cinit%3E(java.lang.String,T,boolean)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.config","c":"EntryNode","l":"EntryNode(String, String, SectionNode)","u":"%3Cinit%3E(java.lang.String,java.lang.String,ch.njol.skript.config.SectionNode)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.config","c":"EntryNode","l":"EntryNode(String, String, String, SectionNode, int)","u":"%3Cinit%3E(java.lang.String,java.lang.String,java.lang.String,ch.njol.skript.config.SectionNode,int)"},{"p":"org.skriptlang.skript.lang.entry","c":"EntryValidator.EntryValidatorBuilder","l":"entrySeparator(String)","u":"entrySeparator(java.lang.String)"},{"p":"ch.njol.util.coll","c":"BidiHashMap","l":"entrySet()"},{"p":"org.skriptlang.skript.lang.structure","c":"StructureInfo","l":"entryValidator"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.config.validate","c":"EntryValidator","l":"EntryValidator()","u":"%3Cinit%3E()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.config.validate","c":"EntryValidator","l":"EntryValidator(Setter)","u":"%3Cinit%3E(ch.njol.util.Setter)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.classes","c":"EnumClassInfo","l":"EnumClassInfo(Class, String, String)","u":"%3Cinit%3E(java.lang.Class,java.lang.String,java.lang.String)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.classes","c":"EnumClassInfo","l":"EnumClassInfo(Class, String, String, DefaultExpression)","u":"%3Cinit%3E(java.lang.Class,java.lang.String,java.lang.String,ch.njol.skript.lang.DefaultExpression)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.config.validate","c":"EnumEntryValidator","l":"EnumEntryValidator(Class, Setter)","u":"%3Cinit%3E(java.lang.Class,ch.njol.util.Setter)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.config.validate","c":"EnumEntryValidator","l":"EnumEntryValidator(Class, Setter, String)","u":"%3Cinit%3E(java.lang.Class,ch.njol.util.Setter,java.lang.String)"},{"p":"ch.njol.util.coll.iterator","c":"EnumerationIterable","l":"EnumerationIterable(Enumeration)","u":"%3Cinit%3E(java.util.Enumeration)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.config","c":"EnumParser","l":"EnumParser(Class, String)","u":"%3Cinit%3E(java.lang.Class,java.lang.String)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.classes","c":"EnumSerializer","l":"EnumSerializer(Class)","u":"%3Cinit%3E(java.lang.Class)"},{"p":"ch.njol.util","c":"EnumTypeAdapter","l":"EnumTypeAdapter(Class)","u":"%3Cinit%3E(java.lang.Class)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.util","c":"EnumUtils","l":"EnumUtils(Class, String)","u":"%3Cinit%3E(java.lang.Class,java.lang.String)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.test.platform","c":"Environment","l":"Environment(String, List, List, List, String, String...)","u":"%3Cinit%3E(java.lang.String,java.util.List,java.util.List,java.util.List,java.lang.String,java.lang.String...)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript","c":"Skript","l":"EPSILON"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript","c":"Skript","l":"EPSILON_MULT"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.classes","c":"Comparator.Relation","l":"EQUAL"},{"p":"org.skriptlang.skript.lang.comparator","c":"Relation","l":"EQUAL"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.entity","c":"AxolotlData","l":"equals_i(EntityData)","u":"equals_i(ch.njol.skript.entity.EntityData)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.entity","c":"BeeData","l":"equals_i(EntityData)","u":"equals_i(ch.njol.skript.entity.EntityData)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.entity","c":"BoatChestData","l":"equals_i(EntityData)","u":"equals_i(ch.njol.skript.entity.EntityData)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.entity","c":"BoatData","l":"equals_i(EntityData)","u":"equals_i(ch.njol.skript.entity.EntityData)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.entity","c":"CatData","l":"equals_i(EntityData)","u":"equals_i(ch.njol.skript.entity.EntityData)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.entity","c":"CreeperData","l":"equals_i(EntityData)","u":"equals_i(ch.njol.skript.entity.EntityData)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.entity","c":"DroppedItemData","l":"equals_i(EntityData)","u":"equals_i(ch.njol.skript.entity.EntityData)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.entity","c":"EndermanData","l":"equals_i(EntityData)","u":"equals_i(ch.njol.skript.entity.EntityData)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.entity","c":"EntityData","l":"equals_i(EntityData)","u":"equals_i(ch.njol.skript.entity.EntityData)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.entity","c":"FallingBlockData","l":"equals_i(EntityData)","u":"equals_i(ch.njol.skript.entity.EntityData)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.entity","c":"FishData","l":"equals_i(EntityData)","u":"equals_i(ch.njol.skript.entity.EntityData)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.entity","c":"FoxData","l":"equals_i(EntityData)","u":"equals_i(ch.njol.skript.entity.EntityData)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.entity","c":"FrogData","l":"equals_i(EntityData)","u":"equals_i(ch.njol.skript.entity.EntityData)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.entity","c":"GoatData","l":"equals_i(EntityData)","u":"equals_i(ch.njol.skript.entity.EntityData)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.entity","c":"LlamaData","l":"equals_i(EntityData)","u":"equals_i(ch.njol.skript.entity.EntityData)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.entity","c":"MinecartData","l":"equals_i(EntityData)","u":"equals_i(ch.njol.skript.entity.EntityData)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.entity","c":"MooshroomData","l":"equals_i(EntityData)","u":"equals_i(ch.njol.skript.entity.EntityData)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.entity","c":"OcelotData","l":"equals_i(EntityData)","u":"equals_i(ch.njol.skript.entity.EntityData)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.entity","c":"PandaData","l":"equals_i(EntityData)","u":"equals_i(ch.njol.skript.entity.EntityData)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.entity","c":"ParrotData","l":"equals_i(EntityData)","u":"equals_i(ch.njol.skript.entity.EntityData)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.entity","c":"PigData","l":"equals_i(EntityData)","u":"equals_i(ch.njol.skript.entity.EntityData)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.entity","c":"RabbitData","l":"equals_i(EntityData)","u":"equals_i(ch.njol.skript.entity.EntityData)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.entity","c":"SheepData","l":"equals_i(EntityData)","u":"equals_i(ch.njol.skript.entity.EntityData)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.entity","c":"SimpleEntityData","l":"equals_i(EntityData)","u":"equals_i(ch.njol.skript.entity.EntityData)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.entity","c":"ThrownPotionData","l":"equals_i(EntityData)","u":"equals_i(ch.njol.skript.entity.EntityData)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.entity","c":"TropicalFishData","l":"equals_i(EntityData)","u":"equals_i(ch.njol.skript.entity.EntityData)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.entity","c":"VillagerData","l":"equals_i(EntityData)","u":"equals_i(ch.njol.skript.entity.EntityData)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.entity","c":"WolfData","l":"equals_i(EntityData)","u":"equals_i(ch.njol.skript.entity.EntityData)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.entity","c":"XpOrbData","l":"equals_i(EntityData)","u":"equals_i(ch.njol.skript.entity.EntityData)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.entity","c":"ZombieVillagerData","l":"equals_i(EntityData)","u":"equals_i(ch.njol.skript.entity.EntityData)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.aliases","c":"ItemData","l":"equals(Object)","u":"equals(java.lang.Object)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.aliases","c":"ItemType","l":"equals(Object)","u":"equals(java.lang.Object)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.bukkitutil.block","c":"BlockValues","l":"equals(Object)","u":"equals(java.lang.Object)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.entity","c":"EntityData","l":"equals(Object)","u":"equals(java.lang.Object)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.entity","c":"EntityType","l":"equals(Object)","u":"equals(java.lang.Object)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.entity","c":"SimpleEntityData.SimpleEntityDataInfo","l":"equals(Object)","u":"equals(java.lang.Object)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.hooks.regions.classes","c":"Region","l":"equals(Object)","u":"equals(java.lang.Object)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.hooks.regions","c":"GriefPreventionHook.GriefPreventionRegion","l":"equals(Object)","u":"equals(java.lang.Object)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.hooks.regions","c":"PreciousStonesHook.PreciousStonesRegion","l":"equals(Object)","u":"equals(java.lang.Object)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.hooks.regions","c":"ResidenceHook.ResidenceRegion","l":"equals(Object)","u":"equals(java.lang.Object)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.hooks.regions","c":"WorldGuardHook.WorldGuardRegion","l":"equals(Object)","u":"equals(java.lang.Object)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.util","c":"AABB","l":"equals(Object)","u":"equals(java.lang.Object)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.util","c":"Date","l":"equals(Object)","u":"equals(java.lang.Object)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.util","c":"Direction","l":"equals(Object)","u":"equals(java.lang.Object)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.util","c":"EnchantmentType","l":"equals(Object)","u":"equals(java.lang.Object)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.util","c":"Experience","l":"equals(Object)","u":"equals(java.lang.Object)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.util","c":"GameruleValue","l":"equals(Object)","u":"equals(java.lang.Object)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.util","c":"Time","l":"equals(Object)","u":"equals(java.lang.Object)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.util","c":"Timeperiod","l":"equals(Object)","u":"equals(java.lang.Object)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.util","c":"Timespan","l":"equals(Object)","u":"equals(java.lang.Object)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.util","c":"Version","l":"equals(Object)","u":"equals(java.lang.Object)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.util.visual","c":"VisualEffect","l":"equals(Object)","u":"equals(java.lang.Object)"},{"p":"ch.njol.util.coll.iterator","c":"EmptyIterable","l":"equals(Object)","u":"equals(java.lang.Object)"},{"p":"ch.njol.util.coll.iterator","c":"EmptyIterator","l":"equals(Object)","u":"equals(java.lang.Object)"},{"p":"ch.njol.util.coll","c":"ReversedListView","l":"equals(Object)","u":"equals(java.lang.Object)"},{"p":"ch.njol.util","c":"Pair","l":"equals(Object)","u":"equals(java.lang.Object)"},{"p":"ch.njol.yggdrasil","c":"Fields.FieldContext","l":"equals(Object)","u":"equals(java.lang.Object)"},{"p":"ch.njol.yggdrasil","c":"PseudoEnum","l":"equals(Object)","u":"equals(java.lang.Object)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.lang.function","c":"Namespace.Key","l":"equals(Object)","u":"equals(java.lang.Object)"},{"p":"ch.njol.util","c":"CaseInsensitiveString","l":"equals(Object)","u":"equals(java.lang.Object)"},{"p":"ch.njol.util","c":"StringUtils","l":"equals(String, String, boolean)","u":"equals(java.lang.String,java.lang.String,boolean)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.classes","c":"Comparator","l":"equalsComparator"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.util.slot","c":"EquipmentSlot","l":"EquipmentSlot(EntityEquipment, EquipmentSlot.EquipSlot)","u":"%3Cinit%3E(org.bukkit.inventory.EntityEquipment,ch.njol.skript.util.slot.EquipmentSlot.EquipSlot)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.util.slot","c":"EquipmentSlot","l":"EquipmentSlot(EntityEquipment, EquipmentSlot.EquipSlot, boolean)","u":"%3Cinit%3E(org.bukkit.inventory.EntityEquipment,ch.njol.skript.util.slot.EquipmentSlot.EquipSlot,boolean)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.util.slot","c":"EquipmentSlot","l":"EquipmentSlot(HumanEntity, int)","u":"%3Cinit%3E(org.bukkit.entity.HumanEntity,int)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.update","c":"UpdaterState","l":"ERROR"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript","c":"Skript","l":"error(CommandSender, String)","u":"error(org.bukkit.command.CommandSender,java.lang.String)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript","c":"Skript","l":"error(String)","u":"error(java.lang.String)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.log","c":"ParseLogHandler","l":"error(String, ErrorQuality)","u":"error(java.lang.String,ch.njol.skript.log.ErrorQuality)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript","c":"Skript","l":"error(String, ErrorQuality)","u":"error(java.lang.String,ch.njol.skript.log.ErrorQuality)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.log","c":"ErrorDescLogHandler","l":"ErrorDescLogHandler()","u":"%3Cinit%3E()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.log","c":"ErrorDescLogHandler","l":"ErrorDescLogHandler(String, String, String)","u":"%3Cinit%3E(java.lang.String,java.lang.String,java.lang.String)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.command","c":"Commands","l":"escape(String)","u":"escape(java.lang.String)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.doc","c":"Documentation","l":"escapeHTML(String)","u":"escapeHTML(java.lang.String)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.doc","c":"Documentation","l":"escapeHTML(String[])","u":"escapeHTML(java.lang.String[])"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.lang","c":"ParseContext","l":"EVENT"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.lang","c":"SkriptEventInfo","l":"EVENT_PRIORITY_SYNTAX"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.bukkitutil","c":"ClickEventTracker","l":"eventModified(Cancellable)","u":"eventModified(org.bukkit.event.Cancellable)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.lang","c":"SkriptEvent","l":"eventPriority"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.lang","c":"SkriptEventInfo","l":"events"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions.base","c":"EventValueExpression","l":"EventValueExpression(Class)","u":"%3Cinit%3E(java.lang.Class)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions.base","c":"EventValueExpression","l":"EventValueExpression(Class, boolean)","u":"%3Cinit%3E(java.lang.Class,boolean)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions.base","c":"EventValueExpression","l":"EventValueExpression(Class, Changer)","u":"%3Cinit%3E(java.lang.Class,ch.njol.skript.classes.Changer)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions.base","c":"EventValueExpression","l":"EventValueExpression(Class, Changer, boolean)","u":"%3Cinit%3E(java.lang.Class,ch.njol.skript.classes.Changer,boolean)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.events","c":"EvtAtTime","l":"EvtAtTime()","u":"%3Cinit%3E()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.events","c":"EvtBlock","l":"EvtBlock()","u":"%3Cinit%3E()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.events","c":"EvtBookEdit","l":"EvtBookEdit()","u":"%3Cinit%3E()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.events","c":"EvtBookSign","l":"EvtBookSign()","u":"%3Cinit%3E()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.events","c":"EvtClick","l":"EvtClick()","u":"%3Cinit%3E()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.events","c":"EvtCommand","l":"EvtCommand()","u":"%3Cinit%3E()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.events","c":"EvtDamage","l":"EvtDamage()","u":"%3Cinit%3E()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.events","c":"EvtEntity","l":"EvtEntity()","u":"%3Cinit%3E()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.events","c":"EvtEntityBlockChange","l":"EvtEntityBlockChange()","u":"%3Cinit%3E()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.events","c":"EvtEntityTarget","l":"EvtEntityTarget()","u":"%3Cinit%3E()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.events","c":"EvtExperienceChange","l":"EvtExperienceChange()","u":"%3Cinit%3E()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.events","c":"EvtExperienceSpawn","l":"EvtExperienceSpawn()","u":"%3Cinit%3E()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.events","c":"EvtFirework","l":"EvtFirework()","u":"%3Cinit%3E()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.events","c":"EvtFirstJoin","l":"EvtFirstJoin()","u":"%3Cinit%3E()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.events","c":"EvtGameMode","l":"EvtGameMode()","u":"%3Cinit%3E()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.events","c":"EvtGrow","l":"EvtGrow()","u":"%3Cinit%3E()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.events","c":"EvtItem","l":"EvtItem()","u":"%3Cinit%3E()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.events","c":"EvtLevel","l":"EvtLevel()","u":"%3Cinit%3E()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.events","c":"EvtMove","l":"EvtMove()","u":"%3Cinit%3E()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.events","c":"EvtMoveOn","l":"EvtMoveOn()","u":"%3Cinit%3E()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.events","c":"EvtPeriodical","l":"EvtPeriodical()","u":"%3Cinit%3E()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.events","c":"EvtPlantGrowth","l":"EvtPlantGrowth()","u":"%3Cinit%3E()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.events","c":"EvtPlayerChunkEnter","l":"EvtPlayerChunkEnter()","u":"%3Cinit%3E()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.events","c":"EvtPressurePlate","l":"EvtPressurePlate()","u":"%3Cinit%3E()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.hooks.regions.events","c":"EvtRegionBorder","l":"EvtRegionBorder()","u":"%3Cinit%3E()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.events","c":"EvtResourcePackResponse","l":"EvtResourcePackResponse()","u":"%3Cinit%3E()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.events","c":"EvtScript","l":"EvtScript()","u":"%3Cinit%3E()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.events","c":"EvtSkript","l":"EvtSkript()","u":"%3Cinit%3E()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.events","c":"EvtSpectate","l":"EvtSpectate()","u":"%3Cinit%3E()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.test.runner","c":"EvtTestCase","l":"EvtTestCase()","u":"%3Cinit%3E()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.events","c":"EvtWeatherChange","l":"EvtWeatherChange()","u":"%3Cinit%3E()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.aliases","c":"MatchQuality","l":"EXACT"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.aliases","c":"AliasesMap","l":"exactMatch(ItemData)","u":"exactMatch(ch.njol.skript.aliases.ItemData)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.classes","c":"ClassInfo","l":"examples(String...)","u":"examples(java.lang.String...)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.lang.function","c":"JavaFunction","l":"examples(String...)","u":"examples(java.lang.String...)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.lang","c":"SkriptEventInfo","l":"examples(String...)","u":"examples(java.lang.String...)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript","c":"Skript","l":"exception(String...)","u":"exception(java.lang.String...)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript","c":"Skript","l":"exception(Throwable, String...)","u":"exception(java.lang.Throwable,java.lang.String...)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript","c":"Skript","l":"exception(Throwable, Thread, String...)","u":"exception(java.lang.Throwable,java.lang.Thread,java.lang.String...)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript","c":"Skript","l":"exception(Throwable, Thread, TriggerItem, String...)","u":"exception(java.lang.Throwable,java.lang.Thread,ch.njol.skript.lang.TriggerItem,java.lang.String...)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript","c":"Skript","l":"exception(Throwable, TriggerItem, String...)","u":"exception(java.lang.Throwable,ch.njol.skript.lang.TriggerItem,java.lang.String...)"},{"p":"ch.njol.yggdrasil","c":"YggdrasilSerializable.YggdrasilRobustEnum","l":"excessiveConstant(String)","u":"excessiveConstant(java.lang.String)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.util","c":"Direction","l":"excessiveField(Fields.FieldContext)","u":"excessiveField(ch.njol.yggdrasil.Fields.FieldContext)"},{"p":"ch.njol.yggdrasil","c":"YggdrasilSerializable.YggdrasilRobustSerializable","l":"excessiveField(Fields.FieldContext)","u":"excessiveField(ch.njol.yggdrasil.Fields.FieldContext)"},{"p":"ch.njol.yggdrasil","c":"FieldHandler","l":"excessiveField(Object, Fields.FieldContext)","u":"excessiveField(java.lang.Object,ch.njol.yggdrasil.Fields.FieldContext)"},{"p":"ch.njol.yggdrasil.util","c":"JREFieldHandler","l":"excessiveField(Object, Fields.FieldContext)","u":"excessiveField(java.lang.Object,ch.njol.yggdrasil.Fields.FieldContext)"},{"p":"ch.njol.yggdrasil","c":"Yggdrasil","l":"excessiveField(Object, Fields.FieldContext)","u":"excessiveField(java.lang.Object,ch.njol.yggdrasil.Fields.FieldContext)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.command","c":"ScriptCommand","l":"execute(CommandSender, String, String)","u":"execute(org.bukkit.command.CommandSender,java.lang.String,java.lang.String)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.effects","c":"Delay","l":"execute(Event)","u":"execute(org.bukkit.event.Event)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.effects","c":"EffActionBar","l":"execute(Event)","u":"execute(org.bukkit.event.Event)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.effects","c":"EffBan","l":"execute(Event)","u":"execute(org.bukkit.event.Event)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.effects","c":"EffBreakNaturally","l":"execute(Event)","u":"execute(org.bukkit.event.Event)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.effects","c":"EffBroadcast","l":"execute(Event)","u":"execute(org.bukkit.event.Event)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.effects","c":"EffCancelCooldown","l":"execute(Event)","u":"execute(org.bukkit.event.Event)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.effects","c":"EffCancelDrops","l":"execute(Event)","u":"execute(org.bukkit.event.Event)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.effects","c":"EffCancelEvent","l":"execute(Event)","u":"execute(org.bukkit.event.Event)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.effects","c":"EffChange","l":"execute(Event)","u":"execute(org.bukkit.event.Event)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.effects","c":"EffChargeCreeper","l":"execute(Event)","u":"execute(org.bukkit.event.Event)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.effects","c":"EffColorItems","l":"execute(Event)","u":"execute(org.bukkit.event.Event)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.effects","c":"EffCommand","l":"execute(Event)","u":"execute(org.bukkit.event.Event)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.effects","c":"EffConnect","l":"execute(Event)","u":"execute(org.bukkit.event.Event)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.effects","c":"EffContinue","l":"execute(Event)","u":"execute(org.bukkit.event.Event)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.effects","c":"EffDoIf","l":"execute(Event)","u":"execute(org.bukkit.event.Event)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.effects","c":"EffDrop","l":"execute(Event)","u":"execute(org.bukkit.event.Event)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.effects","c":"EffEnchant","l":"execute(Event)","u":"execute(org.bukkit.event.Event)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.effects","c":"EffEquip","l":"execute(Event)","u":"execute(org.bukkit.event.Event)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.effects","c":"EffExceptionDebug","l":"execute(Event)","u":"execute(org.bukkit.event.Event)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.effects","c":"EffExit","l":"execute(Event)","u":"execute(org.bukkit.event.Event)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.effects","c":"EffExplodeCreeper","l":"execute(Event)","u":"execute(org.bukkit.event.Event)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.effects","c":"EffExplosion","l":"execute(Event)","u":"execute(org.bukkit.event.Event)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.effects","c":"EffFeed","l":"execute(Event)","u":"execute(org.bukkit.event.Event)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.effects","c":"EffFireworkLaunch","l":"execute(Event)","u":"execute(org.bukkit.event.Event)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.effects","c":"EffForceAttack","l":"execute(Event)","u":"execute(org.bukkit.event.Event)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.effects","c":"EffHandedness","l":"execute(Event)","u":"execute(org.bukkit.event.Event)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.effects","c":"EffHealth","l":"execute(Event)","u":"execute(org.bukkit.event.Event)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.effects","c":"EffHidePlayerFromServerList","l":"execute(Event)","u":"execute(org.bukkit.event.Event)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.effects","c":"EffIgnite","l":"execute(Event)","u":"execute(org.bukkit.event.Event)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.effects","c":"EffIncendiary","l":"execute(Event)","u":"execute(org.bukkit.event.Event)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.effects","c":"EffInvisible","l":"execute(Event)","u":"execute(org.bukkit.event.Event)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.effects","c":"EffInvulnerability","l":"execute(Event)","u":"execute(org.bukkit.event.Event)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.effects","c":"EffKeepInventory","l":"execute(Event)","u":"execute(org.bukkit.event.Event)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.effects","c":"EffKick","l":"execute(Event)","u":"execute(org.bukkit.event.Event)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.effects","c":"EffKill","l":"execute(Event)","u":"execute(org.bukkit.event.Event)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.effects","c":"EffKnockback","l":"execute(Event)","u":"execute(org.bukkit.event.Event)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.effects","c":"EffLeash","l":"execute(Event)","u":"execute(org.bukkit.event.Event)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.effects","c":"EffLightning","l":"execute(Event)","u":"execute(org.bukkit.event.Event)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.effects","c":"EffLoadServerIcon","l":"execute(Event)","u":"execute(org.bukkit.event.Event)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.effects","c":"EffLog","l":"execute(Event)","u":"execute(org.bukkit.event.Event)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.effects","c":"EffLook","l":"execute(Event)","u":"execute(org.bukkit.event.Event)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.effects","c":"EffMakeEggHatch","l":"execute(Event)","u":"execute(org.bukkit.event.Event)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.effects","c":"EffMakeFly","l":"execute(Event)","u":"execute(org.bukkit.event.Event)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.effects","c":"EffMakeSay","l":"execute(Event)","u":"execute(org.bukkit.event.Event)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.effects","c":"EffMessage","l":"execute(Event)","u":"execute(org.bukkit.event.Event)"},{"p":"ch.njol.sk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Object[][])","u":"execute(ch.njol.skript.lang.function.FunctionEvent,java.lang.Object[][])"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.lang.function","c":"JavaFunction","l":"execute(FunctionEvent, Object[][])","u":"execute(ch.njol.skript.lang.function.FunctionEvent,java.lang.Object[][])"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.lang.function","c":"ScriptFunction","l":"execute(FunctionEvent, Object[][])","u":"execute(ch.njol.skript.lang.function.FunctionEvent,java.lang.Object[][])"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.lang.function","c":"SimpleJavaFunction","l":"execute(FunctionEvent, Object[][])","u":"execute(ch.njol.skript.lang.function.FunctionEvent,java.lang.Object[][])"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.lang.function","c":"Function","l":"execute(Object[][])","u":"execute(java.lang.Object[][])"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript","c":"SkriptConfig","l":"executeFunctionsWithMissingParams"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.lang.function","c":"SimpleJavaFunction","l":"executeSimple(Object[][])","u":"executeSimple(java.lang.Object[][])"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.lang.function","c":"Function","l":"executeWithNulls"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript","c":"SkriptEventHandler.PriorityListener","l":"executor"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.lang","c":"LoopSection","l":"exit(Event)","u":"exit(org.bukkit.event.Event)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.sections","c":"SecLoop","l":"exit(Event)","u":"exit(org.bukkit.event.Event)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.sections","c":"SecWhile","l":"exit(Event)","u":"exit(org.bukkit.event.Event)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.structures","c":"StructVariables.DefaultVariables","l":"exitScope()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.variables","c":"TypeHints","l":"exitScope()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions.arithmetic","c":"Operator","l":"EXP"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.util","c":"Experience","l":"Experience()","u":"%3Cinit%3E()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.util","c":"Experience","l":"Experience(int)","u":"%3Cinit%3E(int)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.events.bukkit","c":"ExperienceSpawnEvent","l":"ExperienceSpawnEvent(int, 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"%3Cinit%3E()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprCommandInfo","l":"ExprCommandInfo()","u":"%3Cinit%3E()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprCommandSender","l":"ExprCommandSender()","u":"%3Cinit%3E()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprCompassTarget","l":"ExprCompassTarget()","u":"%3Cinit%3E()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprCoordinate","l":"ExprCoordinate()","u":"%3Cinit%3E()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprCreeperMaxFuseTicks","l":"ExprCreeperMaxFuseTicks()","u":"%3Cinit%3E()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprCursorSlot","l":"ExprCursorSlot()","u":"%3Cinit%3E()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprCustomModelData","l":"ExprCustomModelData()","u":"%3Cinit%3E()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprDamage","l":"ExprDamage()","u":"%3Cinit%3E()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprDamageCause","l":"ExprDamageCause()","u":"%3Cinit%3E()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprDamagedItem","l":"ExprDamagedItem()","u":"%3Cinit%3E()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprDateAgoLater","l":"ExprDateAgoLater()","u":"%3Cinit%3E()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprDefaultValue","l":"ExprDefaultValue()","u":"%3Cinit%3E()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprDifference","l":"ExprDifference()","u":"%3Cinit%3E()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprDifficulty","l":"ExprDifficulty()","u":"%3Cinit%3E()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprDirection","l":"ExprDirection()","u":"%3Cinit%3E()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprDistance","l":"ExprDistance()","u":"%3Cinit%3E()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprDrops","l":"ExprDrops()","u":"%3Cinit%3E()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprDropsOfBlock","l":"ExprDropsOfBlock()","u":"%3Cinit%3E()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprDurability","l":"ExprDurability()","u":"%3Cinit%3E()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprEgg","l":"ExprEgg()","u":"%3Cinit%3E()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprElement","l":"ExprElement()","u":"%3Cinit%3E()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprEnchantingExpCost","l":"ExprEnchantingExpCost()","u":"%3Cinit%3E()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprEnchantItem","l":"ExprEnchantItem()","u":"%3Cinit%3E()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprEnchantmentBonus","l":"ExprEnchantmentBonus()","u":"%3Cinit%3E()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprEnchantmentLevel","l":"ExprEnchantmentLevel()","u":"%3Cinit%3E()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprEnchantmentOffer","l":"ExprEnchantmentOffer()","u":"%3Cinit%3E()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprEnchantmentOfferCost","l":"ExprEnchantmentOfferCost()","u":"%3Cinit%3E()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprEnchantments","l":"ExprEnchantments()","u":"%3Cinit%3E()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprEnderChest","l":"ExprEnderChest()","u":"%3Cinit%3E()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprEntities","l":"ExprEntities()","u":"%3Cinit%3E()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprEntity","l":"ExprEntity()","u":"%3Cinit%3E()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprEntityAttribute","l":"ExprEntityAttribute()","u":"%3Cinit%3E()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprEntityTamer","l":"ExprEntityTamer()","u":"%3Cinit%3E()"},{"p":"org.skriptlang.skript.lang.entry.util","c":"ExpressionEntryData","l":"ExpressionEntryData(String, 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%3Cinit%3E()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprVectorAngleBetween","l":"ExprVectorAngleBetween()","u":"%3Cinit%3E()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprVectorArithmetic","l":"ExprVectorArithmetic()","u":"%3Cinit%3E()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprVectorBetweenLocations","l":"ExprVectorBetweenLocations()","u":"%3Cinit%3E()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprVectorCrossProduct","l":"ExprVectorCrossProduct()","u":"%3Cinit%3E()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprVectorCylindrical","l":"ExprVectorCylindrical()","u":"%3Cinit%3E()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprVectorDotProduct","l":"ExprVectorDotProduct()","u":"%3Cinit%3E()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprVectorFromDirection","l":"ExprVectorFromDirection()","u":"%3Cinit%3E()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprVectorFromXYZ","l":"ExprVectorFromXYZ()","u":"%3Cinit%3E()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprVectorFromYawAndPitch","l":"ExprVectorFromYawAndPitch()","u":"%3Cinit%3E()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprVectorLength","l":"ExprVectorLength()","u":"%3Cinit%3E()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprVectorNormalize","l":"ExprVectorNormalize()","u":"%3Cinit%3E()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprVectorOfLocation","l":"ExprVectorOfLocation()","u":"%3Cinit%3E()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprVectorProjection","l":"ExprVectorProjection()","u":"%3Cinit%3E()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprVectorRandom","l":"ExprVectorRandom()","u":"%3Cinit%3E()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprVectorSpherical","l":"ExprVectorSpherical()","u":"%3Cinit%3E()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprVectorSquaredLength","l":"ExprVectorSquaredLength()","u":"%3Cinit%3E()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprVectorXYZ","l":"ExprVectorXYZ()","u":"%3Cinit%3E()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprVehicle","l":"ExprVehicle()","u":"%3Cinit%3E()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprVelocity","l":"ExprVelocity()","u":"%3Cinit%3E()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprVersion","l":"ExprVersion()","u":"%3Cinit%3E()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprVersionString","l":"ExprVersionString()","u":"%3Cinit%3E()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprWeather","l":"ExprWeather()","u":"%3Cinit%3E()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprWhitelist","l":"ExprWhitelist()","u":"%3Cinit%3E()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprWorld","l":"ExprWorld()","u":"%3Cinit%3E()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprWorldEnvironment","l":"ExprWorldEnvironment()","u":"%3Cinit%3E()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprWorldFromName","l":"ExprWorldFromName()","u":"%3Cinit%3E()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprWorlds","l":"ExprWorlds()","u":"%3Cinit%3E()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprXOf","l":"ExprXOf()","u":"%3Cinit%3E()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprYawPitch","l":"ExprYawPitch()","u":"%3Cinit%3E()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.util","c":"BlockUtils","l":"extractBlock(Block)","u":"extractBlock(org.bukkit.block.Block)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.localization","c":"Language","l":"F_DEFINITE_ARTICLE"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.localization","c":"Language","l":"F_INDEFINITE_ARTICLE"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.localization","c":"Language","l":"F_PLURAL"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.conditions","c":"CondCompare","l":"f(Expression)","u":"f(ch.njol.skript.lang.Expression)"},{"p":"ch.njol.util","c":"EnumTypeAdapter","l":"factory"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.entity","c":"FallingBlockData","l":"FallingBlockData()","u":"%3Cinit%3E()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.entity","c":"FallingBlockData","l":"FallingBlockData(ItemType[])","u":"%3Cinit%3E(ch.njol.skript.aliases.ItemType[])"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.bukkitutil.block","c":"BlockCompat","l":"fallingBlockToState(FallingBlock)","u":"fallingBlockToState(org.bukkit.entity.FallingBlock)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.bukkitutil.block","c":"NewBlockCompat","l":"fallingBlockToState(FallingBlock)","u":"fallingBlockToState(org.bukkit.entity.FallingBlock)"},{"p":"ch.njol.util","c":"Kleenean","l":"FALSE"},{"p":"ch.njol.util","c":"StringUtils","l":"fancyOrderNumber(int)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.update","c":"Updater","l":"fetchUpdateManifest()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript","c":"Skript","l":"fieldExists(Class, String)","u":"fieldExists(java.lang.Class,java.lang.String)"},{"p":"ch.njol.yggdrasil","c":"Fields","l":"Fields()","u":"%3Cinit%3E()"},{"p":"ch.njol.yggdrasil","c":"Fields","l":"Fields(Class, Yggdrasil)","u":"%3Cinit%3E(java.lang.Class,ch.njol.yggdrasil.Yggdrasil)"},{"p":"ch.njol.yggdrasil","c":"Fields","l":"Fields(Object)","u":"%3Cinit%3E(java.lang.Object)"},{"p":"ch.njol.yggdrasil","c":"Fields","l":"Fields(Object, 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long)","u":"fit(long,long,long)"},{"p":"ch.njol.util","c":"StringUtils","l":"fixCapitalization(String)","u":"fixCapitalization(java.lang.String)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.aliases","c":"AliasesParser","l":"fixName(String)","u":"fixName(java.lang.String)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.lang","c":"SkriptEvent","l":"fixPattern(String)","u":"fixPattern(java.lang.String)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.lang","c":"SkriptParser.ExprInfo","l":"flagMask"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.update","c":"ReleaseManifest","l":"flavor"},{"p":"ch.njol.util","c":"Math2","l":"floor(double)"},{"p":"ch.njol.util","c":"Math2","l":"floor(float)"},{"p":"ch.njol.util","c":"Math2","l":"floorI(double)"},{"p":"ch.njol.yggdrasil","c":"DefaultYggdrasilOutputStream","l":"flush()"},{"p":"ch.njol.yggdrasil.xml","c":"YggXMLOutputStream","l":"flush()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.util.chat","c":"SkriptChatCode","l":"font"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.util.chat","c":"MessageComponent","l":"font"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.doc","c":"Documentation","l":"FORCE_HOOKS_SYSTEM_PROPERTY"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.localization","c":"PluralizingArgsMessage","l":"format(String)","u":"format(java.lang.String)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.localization","c":"Language","l":"format(String, Object...)","u":"format(java.lang.String,java.lang.Object...)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript","c":"SkriptConfig","l":"formatDate(long)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.localization","c":"FormattedMessage","l":"FormattedMessage(String, Object...)","u":"%3Cinit%3E(java.lang.String,java.lang.Object...)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.entity","c":"FoxData","l":"FoxData()","u":"%3Cinit%3E()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.entity","c":"FoxData","l":"FoxData(Fox.Type)","u":"%3Cinit%3E(org.bukkit.entity.Fox.Type)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.entity","c":"FrogData","l":"FrogData()","u":"%3Cinit%3E()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.entity","c":"FrogData","l":"FrogData(Frog.Variant)","u":"%3Cinit%3E(org.bukkit.entity.Frog.Variant)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.classes","c":"Converter.ConverterInfo","l":"from"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.util","c":"SkriptColor","l":"fromBukkitColor(Color)","u":"fromBukkitColor(org.bukkit.Color)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.entity","c":"EntityData","l":"fromClass(Class)","u":"fromClass(java.lang.Class)"},{"p":"ch.njol.util","c":"VectorMath","l":"fromCylindricalCoordinates(double, double, double)","u":"fromCylindricalCoordinates(double,double,double)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.util","c":"SkriptColor","l":"fromDyeColor(DyeColor)","u":"fromDyeColor(org.bukkit.DyeColor)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.util","c":"SkriptColor","l":"fromDyeData(short)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.entity","c":"EntityData","l":"fromEntity(E)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.util","c":"WeatherType","l":"fromEvent(ThunderChangeEvent)","u":"fromEvent(org.bukkit.event.weather.ThunderChangeEvent)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.util","c":"WeatherType","l":"fromEvent(WeatherChangeEvent)","u":"fromEvent(org.bukkit.event.weather.WeatherChangeEvent)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.util","c":"WeatherType","l":"fromEvent(WeatherEvent)","u":"fromEvent(org.bukkit.event.weather.WeatherEvent)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.util","c":"SkriptColor","l":"fromName(String)","u":"fromName(java.lang.String)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.util","c":"StructureType","l":"fromName(String)","u":"fromName(java.lang.String)"},{"p":"ch.njol.util","c":"VectorMath","l":"fromNotchPitch(float)"},{"p":"ch.njol.util","c":"VectorMath","l":"fromNotchYaw(float)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.util.chat","c":"ChatMessages","l":"fromParsedString(String)","u":"fromParsedString(java.lang.String)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.util","c":"WeatherType","l":"fromPlayer(Player)","u":"fromPlayer(org.bukkit.entity.Player)"},{"p":"ch.njol.util","c":"VectorMath","l":"fromSkriptPitch(float)"},{"p":"ch.njol.util","c":"VectorMath","l":"fromSkriptYaw(float)"},{"p":"ch.njol.util","c":"VectorMath","l":"fromSphericalCoordinates(double, double, double)","u":"fromSphericalCoordinates(double,double,double)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.util","c":"ColorRGB","l":"fromString(String)","u":"fromString(java.lang.String)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.patterns","c":"TypePatternElement","l":"fromString(String, int)","u":"fromString(java.lang.String,int)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.util","c":"Timespan","l":"fromTicks_i(long)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.util","c":"Timespan","l":"fromTicks(int)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.util","c":"SkriptColor","l":"fromWoolData(short)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.util","c":"WeatherType","l":"fromWorld(World)","u":"fromWorld(org.bukkit.World)"},{"p":"ch.njol.util","c":"VectorMath","l":"fromYawAndPitch(float, float)","u":"fromYawAndPitch(float,float)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.lang.function","c":"Function","l":"Function(Signature)","u":"%3Cinit%3E(ch.njol.skript.lang.function.Signature)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.lang.function","c":"FunctionEvent","l":"FunctionEvent(Function)","u":"%3Cinit%3E(ch.njol.skript.lang.function.Function)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.lang.function","c":"Functions","l":"functionNamePattern"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.lang.function","c":"FunctionReference","l":"FunctionReference(String, Node, String, Class[], Expression[])","u":"%3Cinit%3E(java.lang.String,ch.njol.skript.config.Node,java.lang.String,java.lang.Class[],ch.njol.skript.lang.Expression[])"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.util","c":"GameruleValue","l":"GameruleValue(T)","u":"%3Cinit%3E(T)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.test.runner","c":"TestMode","l":"GEN_DOCS"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.aliases","c":"AliasesProvider.AliasName","l":"gender"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.localization","c":"Noun","l":"GENDERS_SECTION"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.localization","c":"GeneralWords","l":"GeneralWords()","u":"%3Cinit%3E()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.doc","c":"Documentation","l":"generate"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.doc","c":"Documentation","l":"generate()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.doc","c":"HTMLGenerator","l":"generate()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.localization","c":"Language","l":"get_(String)","u":"get_(java.lang.String)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.effects","c":"EffConnect","l":"GET_SERVERS_CHANNEL"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.lang.parser","c":"ParserInstance","l":"get()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.lang.util","c":"ContextlessEvent","l":"get()"},{"p":"ch.njol.util.coll.iterator","c":"EmptyIterable","l":"get()"},{"p":"ch.njol.util.coll.iterator","c":"EmptyIterator","l":"get()"},{"p":"ch.njol.util","c":"NotifyingReference","l":"get()"},{"p":"ch.njol.util","c":"SynchronizedReference","l":"get()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.util","c":"Getter","l":"get(A)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.classes","c":"Comparator.Relation","l":"get(boolean)"},{"p":"ch.njol.util","c":"Kleenean","l":"get(boolean)"},{"p":"org.skriptlang.skript.lang.comparator","c":"Relation","l":"get(boolean)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.classes","c":"Comparator.Relation","l":"get(double)"},{"p":"ch.njol.util","c":"Kleenean","l":"get(double)"},{"p":"org.skriptlang.skript.lang.comparator","c":"Relation","l":"get(double)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.util.slot","c":"EquipmentSlot.EquipSlot","l":"get(EntityEquipment)","u":"get(org.bukkit.inventory.EntityEquipment)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions.arithmetic","c":"ExprArithmetic","l":"get(Event)","u":"get(org.bukkit.event.Event)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions.base","c":"EventValueExpression","l":"get(Event)","u":"get(org.bukkit.event.Event)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions.base","c":"PropertyExpression","l":"get(Event)","u":"get(org.bukkit.event.Event)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions.base","c":"WrapperExpression","l":"get(Event)","u":"get(org.bukkit.event.Event)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprAbsorbedBlocks","l":"get(Event)","u":"get(org.bukkit.event.Event)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprAffectedEntities","l":"get(Event)","u":"get(org.bukkit.event.Event)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprAllBannedEntries","l":"get(Event)","u":"get(org.bukkit.event.Event)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprAllCommands","l":"get(Event)","u":"get(org.bukkit.event.Event)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprAlphabetList","l":"get(Event)","u":"get(org.bukkit.event.Event)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprAmount","l":"get(Event)","u":"get(org.bukkit.event.Event)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprAmountOfItems","l":"get(Event)","u":"get(org.bukkit.event.Event)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprAppliedEnchantments","l":"get(Event)","u":"get(org.bukkit.event.Event)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprArgument","l":"get(Event)","u":"get(org.bukkit.event.Event)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprAttacked","l":"get(Event)","u":"get(org.bukkit.event.Event)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprAttacker","l":"get(Event)","u":"get(org.bukkit.event.Event)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprBlocks","l":"get(Event)","u":"get(org.bukkit.event.Event)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprBlockSphere","l":"get(Event)","u":"get(org.bukkit.event.Event)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprBookPages","l":"get(Event)","u":"get(org.bukkit.event.Event)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprBreakSpeed","l":"get(Event)","u":"get(org.bukkit.event.Event)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprChatFormat","l":"get(Event)","u":"get(org.bukkit.event.Event)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprChatRecipients","l":"get(Event)","u":"get(org.bukkit.event.Event)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprChestInventory","l":"get(Event)","u":"get(org.bukkit.event.Event)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprChunk","l":"get(Event)","u":"get(org.bukkit.event.Event)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprClicked","l":"get(Event)","u":"get(org.bukkit.event.Event)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprCmdCooldownInfo","l":"get(Event)","u":"get(org.bukkit.event.Event)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprCommand","l":"get(Event)","u":"get(org.bukkit.event.Event)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprCommandInfo","l":"get(Event)","u":"get(org.bukkit.event.Event)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprDamage","l":"get(Event)","u":"get(org.bukkit.event.Event)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprDateAgoLater","l":"get(Event)","u":"get(org.bukkit.event.Event)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprDefaultValue","l":"get(Event)","u":"get(org.bukkit.event.Event)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprDifference","l":"get(Event)","u":"get(org.bukkit.event.Event)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprDirection","l":"get(Event)","u":"get(org.bukkit.event.Event)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprDistance","l":"get(Event)","u":"get(org.bukkit.event.Event)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprDrops","l":"get(Event)","u":"get(org.bukkit.event.Event)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprDropsOfBlock","l":"get(Event)","u":"get(org.bukkit.event.Event)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprElement","l":"get(Event)","u":"get(org.bukkit.event.Event)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprEnchantingExpCost","l":"get(Event)","u":"get(org.bukkit.event.Event)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprEnchantItem","l":"get(Event)","u":"get(org.bukkit.event.Event)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprEnchantmentBonus","l":"get(Event)","u":"get(org.bukkit.event.Event)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprEnchantmentLevel","l":"get(Event)","u":"get(org.bukkit.event.Event)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprEnchantmentOffer","l":"get(Event)","u":"get(org.bukkit.event.Event)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprEnchantments","l":"get(Event)","u":"get(org.bukkit.event.Event)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprEntities","l":"get(Event)","u":"get(org.bukkit.event.Event)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprEntity","l":"get(Event)","u":"get(org.bukkit.event.Event)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprEventCancelled","l":"get(Event)","u":"get(org.bukkit.event.Event)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprExperience","l":"get(Event)","u":"get(org.bukkit.event.Event)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprExplodedBlocks","l":"get(Event)","u":"get(org.bukkit.event.Event)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprExplosionBlockYield","l":"get(Event)","u":"get(org.bukkit.event.Event)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprExplosionYield","l":"get(Event)","u":"get(org.bukkit.event.Event)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprFertilizedBlocks","l":"get(Event)","u":"get(org.bukkit.event.Event)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprFilter.ExprInput","l":"get(Event)","u":"get(org.bukkit.event.Event)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprFilter","l":"get(Event)","u":"get(org.bukkit.event.Event)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprFinalDamage","l":"get(Event)","u":"get(org.bukkit.event.Event)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprFireworkEffect","l":"get(Event)","u":"get(org.bukkit.event.Event)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprGameRule","l":"get(Event)","u":"get(org.bukkit.event.Event)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprHanging","l":"get(Event)","u":"get(org.bukkit.event.Event)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprHatchingNumber","l":"get(Event)","u":"get(org.bukkit.event.Event)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprHatchingType","l":"get(Event)","u":"get(org.bukkit.event.Event)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprHealAmount","l":"get(Event)","u":"get(org.bukkit.event.Event)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprHealReason","l":"get(Event)","u":"get(org.bukkit.event.Event)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprHiddenPlayers","l":"get(Event)","u":"get(org.bukkit.event.Event)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprHostname","l":"get(Event)","u":"get(org.bukkit.event.Event)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprHotbarButton","l":"get(Event)","u":"get(org.bukkit.event.Event)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprHoverList","l":"get(Event)","u":"get(org.bukkit.event.Event)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprIndexOf","l":"get(Event)","u":"get(org.bukkit.event.Event)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprIndices","l":"get(Event)","u":"get(org.bukkit.event.Event)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprInventory","l":"get(Event)","u":"get(org.bukkit.event.Event)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprInventoryInfo","l":"get(Event)","u":"get(org.bukkit.event.Event)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprInventorySlot","l":"get(Event)","u":"get(org.bukkit.event.Event)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprIP","l":"get(Event)","u":"get(org.bukkit.event.Event)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprItemCooldown","l":"get(Event)","u":"get(org.bukkit.event.Event)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprItems","l":"get(Event)","u":"get(org.bukkit.event.Event)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprItemsIn","l":"get(Event)","u":"get(org.bukkit.event.Event)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprJoinSplit","l":"get(Event)","u":"get(org.bukkit.event.Event)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprLastLoadedServerIcon","l":"get(Event)","u":"get(org.bukkit.event.Event)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprLastSpawnedEntity","l":"get(Event)","u":"get(org.bukkit.event.Event)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprLocationAt","l":"get(Event)","u":"get(org.bukkit.event.Event)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprLocationFromVector","l":"get(Event)","u":"get(org.bukkit.event.Event)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprLocationVectorOffset","l":"get(Event)","u":"get(org.bukkit.event.Event)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprLoopIteration","l":"get(Event)","u":"get(org.bukkit.event.Event)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprLoopValue","l":"get(Event)","u":"get(org.bukkit.event.Event)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprLoot","l":"get(Event)","u":"get(org.bukkit.event.Event)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprLore","l":"get(Event)","u":"get(org.bukkit.event.Event)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprMaxPlayers","l":"get(Event)","u":"get(org.bukkit.event.Event)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprMe","l":"get(Event)","u":"get(org.bukkit.event.Event)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprMendingRepairAmount","l":"get(Event)","u":"get(org.bukkit.event.Event)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprMessage","l":"get(Event)","u":"get(org.bukkit.event.Event)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprMetadata","l":"get(Event)","u":"get(org.bukkit.event.Event)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprMOTD","l":"get(Event)","u":"get(org.bukkit.event.Event)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprNearestEntity","l":"get(Event)","u":"get(org.bukkit.event.Event)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprNow","l":"get(Event)","u":"get(org.bukkit.event.Event)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprNumberOfCharacters","l":"get(Event)","u":"get(org.bukkit.event.Event)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprNumbers","l":"get(Event)","u":"get(org.bukkit.event.Event)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprOfflinePlayers","l":"get(Event)","u":"get(org.bukkit.event.Event)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprOnlinePlayersCount","l":"get(Event)","u":"get(org.bukkit.event.Event)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprOps","l":"get(Event)","u":"get(org.bukkit.event.Event)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprParse","l":"get(Event)","u":"get(org.bukkit.event.Event)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprParseError","l":"get(Event)","u":"get(org.bukkit.event.Event)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprPassenger","l":"get(Event)","u":"get(org.bukkit.event.Event)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprPermissions","l":"get(Event)","u":"get(org.bukkit.event.Event)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprPlain","l":"get(Event)","u":"get(org.bukkit.event.Event)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprPlugins","l":"get(Event)","u":"get(org.bukkit.event.Event)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprPortal","l":"get(Event)","u":"get(org.bukkit.event.Event)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprPotionEffect","l":"get(Event)","u":"get(org.bukkit.event.Event)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprPotionEffects","l":"get(Event)","u":"get(org.bukkit.event.Event)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprPotionEffectTier","l":"get(Event)","u":"get(org.bukkit.event.Event)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprProtocolVersion","l":"get(Event)","u":"get(org.bukkit.event.Event)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprPushedBlocks","l":"get(Event)","u":"get(org.bukkit.event.Event)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprRandom","l":"get(Event)","u":"get(org.bukkit.event.Event)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprRandomNumber","l":"get(Event)","u":"get(org.bukkit.event.Event)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprRandomUUID","l":"get(Event)","u":"get(org.bukkit.event.Event)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprRawName","l":"get(Event)","u":"get(org.bukkit.event.Event)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprRawString","l":"get(Event)","u":"get(org.bukkit.event.Event)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprRespawnLocation","l":"get(Event)","u":"get(org.bukkit.event.Event)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprReversedList","l":"get(Event)","u":"get(org.bukkit.event.Event)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprScoreboardTags","l":"get(Event)","u":"get(org.bukkit.event.Event)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprScript","l":"get(Event)","u":"get(org.bukkit.event.Event)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprScripts","l":"get(Event)","u":"get(org.bukkit.event.Event)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprServerIcon","l":"get(Event)","u":"get(org.bukkit.event.Event)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprSets","l":"get(Event)","u":"get(org.bukkit.event.Event)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprShuffledList","l":"get(Event)","u":"get(org.bukkit.event.Event)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprSignText","l":"get(Event)","u":"get(org.bukkit.event.Event)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprSortedList","l":"get(Event)","u":"get(org.bukkit.event.Event)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprSourceBlock","l":"get(Event)","u":"get(org.bukkit.event.Event)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprSpecialNumber","l":"get(Event)","u":"get(org.bukkit.event.Event)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprSpectatorTarget","l":"get(Event)","u":"get(org.bukkit.event.Event)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprStringCase","l":"get(Event)","u":"get(org.bukkit.event.Event)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprSubstring","l":"get(Event)","u":"get(org.bukkit.event.Event)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprTamer","l":"get(Event)","u":"get(org.bukkit.event.Event)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprTernary","l":"get(Event)","u":"get(org.bukkit.event.Event)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprTimes","l":"get(Event)","u":"get(org.bukkit.event.Event)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprTPS","l":"get(Event)","u":"get(org.bukkit.event.Event)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprValue","l":"get(Event)","u":"get(org.bukkit.event.Event)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprVectorAngleBetween","l":"get(Event)","u":"get(org.bukkit.event.Event)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprVectorArithmetic","l":"get(Event)","u":"get(org.bukkit.event.Event)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprVectorBetweenLocations","l":"get(Event)","u":"get(org.bukkit.event.Event)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprVectorCrossProduct","l":"get(Event)","u":"get(org.bukkit.event.Event)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprVectorCylindrical","l":"get(Event)","u":"get(org.bukkit.event.Event)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprVectorDotProduct","l":"get(Event)","u":"get(org.bukkit.event.Event)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprVectorFromDirection","l":"get(Event)","u":"get(org.bukkit.event.Event)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprVectorFromXYZ","l":"get(Event)","u":"get(org.bukkit.event.Event)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprVectorFromYawAndPitch","l":"get(Event)","u":"get(org.bukkit.event.Event)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprVectorNormalize","l":"get(Event)","u":"get(org.bukkit.event.Event)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprVectorOfLocation","l":"get(Event)","u":"get(org.bukkit.event.Event)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprVectorProjection","l":"get(Event)","u":"get(org.bukkit.event.Event)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprVectorRandom","l":"get(Event)","u":"get(org.bukkit.event.Event)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprVectorSpherical","l":"get(Event)","u":"get(org.bukkit.event.Event)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprVersion","l":"get(Event)","u":"get(org.bukkit.event.Event)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprVersionString","l":"get(Event)","u":"get(org.bukkit.event.Event)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprWhitelist","l":"get(Event)","u":"get(org.bukkit.event.Event)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprWorldFromName","l":"get(Event)","u":"get(org.bukkit.event.Event)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprWorlds","l":"get(Event)","u":"get(org.bukkit.event.Event)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.hooks.permission.expressions","c":"ExprAllGroups","l":"get(Event)","u":"get(org.bukkit.event.Event)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.hooks.permission.expressions","c":"ExprGroup","l":"get(Event)","u":"get(org.bukkit.event.Event)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.hooks.regions.expressions","c":"ExprBlocksInRegion","l":"get(Event)","u":"get(org.bukkit.event.Event)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.hooks.regions.expressions","c":"ExprMembersOfRegion","l":"get(Event)","u":"get(org.bukkit.event.Event)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.hooks.regions.expressions","c":"ExprRegionsAt","l":"get(Event)","u":"get(org.bukkit.event.Event)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.lang.function","c":"ExprFunctionCall","l":"get(Event)","u":"get(org.bukkit.event.Event)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.lang.util","c":"ContainerExpression","l":"get(Event)","u":"get(org.bukkit.event.Event)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.lang.util","c":"SimpleExpression","l":"get(Event)","u":"get(org.bukkit.event.Event)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.test.runner","c":"ExprJUnitTest","l":"get(Event)","u":"get(org.bukkit.event.Event)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprBurnCookTime","l":"get(Event, Block[])","u":"get(org.bukkit.event.Event,org.bukkit.block.Block[])"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprFurnaceSlot","l":"get(Event, Block[])","u":"get(org.bukkit.event.Event,org.bukkit.block.Block[])"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions.arithmetic","c":"ArithmeticChain","l":"get(Event, boolean)","u":"get(org.bukkit.event.Event,boolean)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions.arithmetic","c":"ArithmeticGettable","l":"get(Event, boolean)","u":"get(org.bukkit.event.Event,boolean)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions.arithmetic","c":"NumberExpressionInfo","l":"get(Event, boolean)","u":"get(org.bukkit.event.Event,boolean)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprFormatDate","l":"get(Event, Date[])","u":"get(org.bukkit.event.Event,ch.njol.skript.util.Date[])"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprEntityAttribute","l":"get(Event, Entity[])","u":"get(org.bukkit.event.Event,org.bukkit.entity.Entity[])"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprVehicle","l":"get(Event, Entity[])","u":"get(org.bukkit.event.Event,org.bukkit.entity.Entity[])"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions.base","c":"PropertyExpression","l":"get(Event, F[])","u":"get(org.bukkit.event.Event,F[])"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions.base","c":"SimplePropertyExpression","l":"get(Event, F[])","u":"get(org.bukkit.event.Event,F[])"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprDamagedItem","l":"get(Event, ItemType[])","u":"get(org.bukkit.event.Event,ch.njol.skript.aliases.ItemType[])"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprItemWithCustomModelData","l":"get(Event, ItemType[])","u":"get(org.bukkit.event.Event,ch.njol.skript.aliases.ItemType[])"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprItemWithLore","l":"get(Event, ItemType[])","u":"get(org.bukkit.event.Event,ch.njol.skript.aliases.ItemType[])"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprUnbreakable","l":"get(Event, ItemType[])","u":"get(org.bukkit.event.Event,ch.njol.skript.aliases.ItemType[])"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprHealth","l":"get(Event, LivingEntity[])","u":"get(org.bukkit.event.Event,org.bukkit.entity.LivingEntity[])"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprLastDamageCause","l":"get(Event, LivingEntity[])","u":"get(org.bukkit.event.Event,org.bukkit.entity.LivingEntity[])"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprTarget","l":"get(Event, LivingEntity[])","u":"get(org.bukkit.event.Event,org.bukkit.entity.LivingEntity[])"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprTool","l":"get(Event, LivingEntity[])","u":"get(org.bukkit.event.Event,org.bukkit.entity.LivingEntity[])"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprBiome","l":"get(Event, Location[])","u":"get(org.bukkit.event.Event,org.bukkit.Location[])"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprLightLevel","l":"get(Event, Location[])","u":"get(org.bukkit.event.Event,org.bukkit.Location[])"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprRound","l":"get(Event, Number[])","u":"get(org.bukkit.event.Event,java.lang.Number[])"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprColorOf","l":"get(Event, Object[])","u":"get(org.bukkit.event.Event,java.lang.Object[])"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprNamed","l":"get(Event, Object[])","u":"get(org.bukkit.event.Event,java.lang.Object[])"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprWorld","l":"get(Event, Object[])","u":"get(org.bukkit.event.Event,java.lang.Object[])"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprXOf","l":"get(Event, Object[])","u":"get(org.bukkit.event.Event,java.lang.Object[])"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprFoodLevel","l":"get(Event, Player[])","u":"get(org.bukkit.event.Event,org.bukkit.entity.Player[])"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprGameMode","l":"get(Event, Player[])","u":"get(org.bukkit.event.Event,org.bukkit.entity.Player[])"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprHotbarSlot","l":"get(Event, Player[])","u":"get(org.bukkit.event.Event,org.bukkit.entity.Player[])"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprLevel","l":"get(Event, Player[])","u":"get(org.bukkit.event.Event,org.bukkit.entity.Player[])"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprOpenedInventory","l":"get(Event, Player[])","u":"get(org.bukkit.event.Event,org.bukkit.entity.Player[])"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprTargetedBlock","l":"get(Event, Player[])","u":"get(org.bukkit.event.Event,org.bukkit.entity.Player[])"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprShooter","l":"get(Event, Projectile[])","u":"get(org.bukkit.event.Event,org.bukkit.entity.Projectile[])"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprColoured","l":"get(Event, String[])","u":"get(org.bukkit.event.Event,java.lang.String[])"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprHash","l":"get(Event, String[])","u":"get(org.bukkit.event.Event,java.lang.String[])"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprSeed","l":"get(Event, World[])","u":"get(org.bukkit.event.Event,org.bukkit.World[])"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprSpawn","l":"get(Event, World[])","u":"get(org.bukkit.event.Event,org.bukkit.World[])"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprTime","l":"get(Event, World[])","u":"get(org.bukkit.event.Event,org.bukkit.World[])"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprWeather","l":"get(Event, World[])","u":"get(org.bukkit.event.Event,org.bukkit.World[])"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions.base","c":"PropertyExpression","l":"get(F[], Converter)","u":"get(F[],ch.njol.skript.classes.Converter)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.classes","c":"Comparator.Relation","l":"get(int)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.log","c":"ErrorQuality","l":"get(int)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.util.visual","c":"VisualEffects","l":"get(int)"},{"p":"ch.njol.util.coll","c":"CyclicList","l":"get(int)"},{"p":"ch.njol.util.coll","c":"ReversedListView","l":"get(int)"},{"p":"ch.njol.util","c":"Kleenean","l":"get(int)"},{"p":"org.skriptlang.skript.lang.comparator","c":"Relation","l":"get(int)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.config","c":"NodeMap","l":"get(String)","u":"get(java.lang.String)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.config","c":"SectionNode","l":"get(String)","u":"get(java.lang.String)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.config","c":"OptionSection","l":"get(String)","u":"get(java.lang.String)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.localization","c":"Language","l":"get(String)","u":"get(java.lang.String)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.structures","c":"StructVariables.DefaultVariables","l":"get(String)","u":"get(java.lang.String)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.variables","c":"TypeHints","l":"get(String)","u":"get(java.lang.String)"},{"p":"org.skriptlang.skript.lang.entry","c":"EntryContainer","l":"get(String, boolean)","u":"get(java.lang.String,boolean)"},{"p":"org.skriptlang.skript.lang.entry","c":"EntryContainer","l":"get(String, Class, boolean)","u":"get(java.lang.String,java.lang.Class,boolean)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.config","c":"SectionNode","l":"get(String, String)","u":"get(java.lang.String,java.lang.String)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.config","c":"Config","l":"get(String...)","u":"get(java.lang.String...)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.lang","c":"Expression","l":"getAcceptedChangeModes()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.command","c":"ScriptCommand","l":"getActiveAliases()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.lang","c":"LoopSection","l":"getActualNext()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.sections","c":"SecLoop","l":"getActualNext()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.sections","c":"SecWhile","l":"getActualNext()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript","c":"Skript","l":"getAddon(JavaPlugin)","u":"getAddon(org.bukkit.plugin.java.JavaPlugin)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript","c":"Skript","l":"getAddon(String)","u":"getAddon(java.lang.String)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript","c":"Skript","l":"getAddonInstance()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.aliases","c":"Aliases","l":"getAddonProvider(SkriptAddon)","u":"getAddonProvider(ch.njol.skript.SkriptAddon)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript","c":"Skript","l":"getAddons()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.util","c":"SkriptColor","l":"getAdjective()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.bukkitutil","c":"EntityUtils","l":"getAge(Entity)","u":"getAge(org.bukkit.entity.Entity)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.entity","c":"EntityData","l":"getAgeAdjective()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.aliases","c":"AliasesProvider","l":"getAlias(String)","u":"getAlias(java.lang.String)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.aliases","c":"AliasesProvider","l":"getAliasCount()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.aliases","c":"AliasesProvider","l":"getAliasData(ItemData)","u":"getAliasData(ch.njol.skript.aliases.ItemData)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.command","c":"ScriptCommand","l":"getAliases()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.aliases","c":"AliasesParser","l":"getAliasPlural(String)","u":"getAliasPlural(java.lang.String)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.aliases","c":"ItemType","l":"getAll()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.lang","c":"Literal","l":"getAll()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.lang","c":"LiteralList","l":"getAll()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.lang","c":"UnparsedLiteral","l":"getAll()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.lang.util","c":"ConvertedLiteral","l":"getAll()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.lang.util","c":"SimpleLiteral","l":"getAll()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.entity","c":"EntityData","l":"getAll(EntityData[], Class, Chunk[])","u":"getAll(ch.njol.skript.entity.EntityData[],java.lang.Class,org.bukkit.Chunk[])"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.entity","c":"EntityData","l":"getAll(EntityData[], Class, World[])","u":"getAll(ch.njol.skript.entity.EntityData[],java.lang.Class,org.bukkit.World[])"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions.base","c":"PropertyExpression","l":"getAll(Event)","u":"getAll(org.bukkit.event.Event)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.lang","c":"Expression","l":"getAll(Event)","u":"getAll(org.bukkit.event.Event)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.lang","c":"ExpressionList","l":"getAll(Event)","u":"getAll(org.bukkit.event.Event)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.lang","c":"UnparsedLiteral","l":"getAll(Event)","u":"getAll(org.bukkit.event.Event)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.lang.util","c":"ConvertedExpression","l":"getAll(Event)","u":"getAll(org.bukkit.event.Event)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.lang.util","c":"SimpleExpression","l":"getAll(Event)","u":"getAll(org.bukkit.event.Event)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.lang.util","c":"SimpleLiteral","l":"getAll(Event)","u":"getAll(org.bukkit.event.Event)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.lang","c":"Variable","l":"getAll(Event)","u":"getAll(org.bukkit.event.Event)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.lang","c":"VariableString","l":"getAll(Event)","u":"getAll(org.bukkit.event.Event)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.entity","c":"EntityData","l":"getAll(World...)","u":"getAll(org.bukkit.World...)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.util","c":"EnumUtils","l":"getAllNames()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.util","c":"SoundUtils","l":"getAllNames()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.util.visual","c":"VisualEffects","l":"getAllNames()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.registrations","c":"Classes","l":"getAllSuperClassInfos(Class)","u":"getAllSuperClassInfos(java.lang.Class)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.aliases","c":"ItemType","l":"getAmount()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.entity","c":"EntityType","l":"getAmount()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.hooks.economy.classes","c":"Money","l":"getAmount()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.lang","c":"Unit","l":"getAmount()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.util.slot","c":"CursorSlot","l":"getAmount()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.util.slot","c":"DroppedItemSlot","l":"getAmount()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.util.slot","c":"EquipmentSlot","l":"getAmount()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.util.slot","c":"InventorySlot","l":"getAmount()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.util.slot","c":"ItemFrameSlot","l":"getAmount()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.util.slot","c":"Slot","l":"getAmount()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.util.slot","c":"ThrowableProjectileSlot","l":"getAmount()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.util","c":"Utils","l":"getAmount(String)","u":"getAmount(java.lang.String)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions.base","c":"PropertyExpression","l":"getAnd()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions.base","c":"WrapperExpression","l":"getAnd()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.lang","c":"Expression","l":"getAnd()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.lang","c":"ExpressionList","l":"getAnd()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.lang","c":"UnparsedLiteral","l":"getAnd()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.lang.util","c":"ConvertedExpression","l":"getAnd()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.lang.util","c":"SimpleExpression","l":"getAnd()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.lang.util","c":"SimpleLiteral","l":"getAnd()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.lang","c":"Variable","l":"getAnd()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.lang","c":"VariableString","l":"getAnd()"},{"p":"ch.njol.yggdrasil","c":"Fields","l":"getAndRemoveObject(String, Class)","u":"getAndRemoveObject(java.lang.String,java.lang.Class)"},{"p":"ch.njol.yggdrasil","c":"Fields","l":"getAndRemovePrimitive(String, Class)","u":"getAndRemovePrimitive(java.lang.String,java.lang.Class)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.command","c":"CommandEvent","l":"getArgs()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.command","c":"ScriptCommandEvent","l":"getArgsString()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.command","c":"ScriptCommand","l":"getArguments()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.lang","c":"Literal","l":"getArray()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.lang","c":"LiteralList","l":"getArray()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.lang","c":"UnparsedLiteral","l":"getArray()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.lang.util","c":"ConvertedLiteral","l":"getArray()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.lang.util","c":"SimpleLiteral","l":"getArray()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.lang","c":"Expression","l":"getArray(Event)","u":"getArray(org.bukkit.event.Event)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.lang","c":"ExpressionList","l":"getArray(Event)","u":"getArray(org.bukkit.event.Event)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.lang","c":"UnparsedLiteral","l":"getArray(Event)","u":"getArray(org.bukkit.event.Event)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.lang.util","c":"ConvertedExpression","l":"getArray(Event)","u":"getArray(org.bukkit.event.Event)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.lang.util","c":"ConvertedLiteral","l":"getArray(Event)","u":"getArray(org.bukkit.event.Event)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.lang.util","c":"SimpleExpression","l":"getArray(Event)","u":"getArray(org.bukkit.event.Event)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.lang.util","c":"SimpleLiteral","l":"getArray(Event)","u":"getArray(org.bukkit.event.Event)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.lang","c":"Variable","l":"getArray(Event)","u":"getArray(org.bukkit.event.Event)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.lang","c":"VariableString","l":"getArray(Event)","u":"getArray(org.bukkit.event.Event)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.localization","c":"Noun","l":"getArticleWithSpace(int)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.localization","c":"Noun","l":"getArticleWithSpace(int, int)","u":"getArticleWithSpace(int,int)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.util","c":"FileUtils","l":"getBackupSuffix()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.aliases","c":"ItemType","l":"getBaseType()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.util","c":"BlockStateBlock","l":"getBiome()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.util","c":"DelayedChangeBlock","l":"getBiome()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.aliases","c":"ItemType","l":"getBlock()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.test.runner","c":"SkriptJUnitTest","l":"getBlock()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.util","c":"BlockStateBlock","l":"getBlockData()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.util","c":"DelayedChangeBlock","l":"getBlockData()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.util","c":"Utils","l":"getBlockHeight(int, byte)","u":"getBlockHeight(int,byte)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.util","c":"BlockStateBlock","l":"getBlockPower()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.util","c":"DelayedChangeBlock","l":"getBlockPower()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.util","c":"BlockStateBlock","l":"getBlockPower(BlockFace)","u":"getBlockPower(org.bukkit.block.BlockFace)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.util","c":"DelayedChangeBlock","l":"getBlockPower(BlockFace)","u":"getBlockPower(org.bukkit.block.BlockFace)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.hooks.regions.classes","c":"Region","l":"getBlocks()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.hooks.regions","c":"GriefPreventionHook.GriefPreventionRegion","l":"getBlocks()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.hooks.regions","c":"PreciousStonesHook.PreciousStonesRegion","l":"getBlocks()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.hooks.regions","c":"ResidenceHook.ResidenceRegion","l":"getBlocks()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.hooks.regions","c":"WorldGuardHook.WorldGuardRegion","l":"getBlocks()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.util","c":"BlockUtils","l":"getBlocksAround(Block)","u":"getBlocksAround(org.bukkit.block.Block)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.util","c":"BlockStateBlock","l":"getBlockSoundGroup()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.util","c":"DelayedChangeBlock","l":"getBlockSoundGroup()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.aliases","c":"AliasesProvider.Variation","l":"getBlockStates()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.aliases","c":"ItemData","l":"getBlockValues()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.bukkitutil.block","c":"BlockCompat","l":"getBlockValues(Block)","u":"getBlockValues(org.bukkit.block.Block)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.bukkitutil.block","c":"BlockCompat","l":"getBlockValues(BlockState)","u":"getBlockValues(org.bukkit.block.BlockState)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.bukkitutil.block","c":"NewBlockCompat","l":"getBlockValues(BlockState)","u":"getBlockValues(org.bukkit.block.BlockState)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.bukkitutil.block","c":"BlockCompat","l":"getBlockValues(FallingBlock)","u":"getBlockValues(org.bukkit.entity.FallingBlock)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.bukkitutil.block","c":"BlockCompat","l":"getBlockValues(ItemStack)","u":"getBlockValues(org.bukkit.inventory.ItemStack)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.bukkitutil.block","c":"NewBlockCompat","l":"getBlockValues(ItemStack)","u":"getBlockValues(org.bukkit.inventory.ItemStack)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.util.visual","c":"ParticleOption","l":"getBlue()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.util","c":"BlockStateBlock","l":"getBoundingBox()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.util","c":"DelayedChangeBlock","l":"getBoundingBox()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.util","c":"BlockStateBlock","l":"getBreakSpeed(Player)","u":"getBreakSpeed(org.bukkit.entity.Player)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.util","c":"DelayedChangeBlock","l":"getBreakSpeed(Player)","u":"getBreakSpeed(org.bukkit.entity.Player)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.util.visual","c":"ParticleOption","l":"getBukkitColor()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.command","c":"ScriptCommand","l":"getBukkitCommand()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.bukkitutil","c":"EnchantmentUtils","l":"getByKey(String)","u":"getByKey(java.lang.String)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.config","c":"Config","l":"getByPath(String)","u":"getByPath(java.lang.String)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.classes","c":"ClassInfo","l":"getC()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.classes","c":"ClassInfo","l":"getChanger()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.util","c":"Utils","l":"getChatStyle(String)","u":"getChatStyle(java.lang.String)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.util","c":"BlockStateBlock","l":"getChunk()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.util","c":"DelayedChangeBlock","l":"getChunk()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.classes","c":"Serializer","l":"getClass(String)","u":"getClass(java.lang.String)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.registrations","c":"Classes","l":"getClass(String)","u":"getClass(java.lang.String)"},{"p":"ch.njol.yggdrasil","c":"ClassResolver","l":"getClass(String)","u":"getClass(java.lang.String)"},{"p":"ch.njol.yggdrasil","c":"JRESerializer","l":"getClass(String)","u":"getClass(java.lang.String)"},{"p":"ch.njol.yggdrasil","c":"SimpleClassResolver","l":"getClass(String)","u":"getClass(java.lang.String)"},{"p":"ch.njol.yggdrasil","c":"Yggdrasil","l":"getClass(String)","u":"getClass(java.lang.String)"},{"p":"ch.njol.yggdrasil","c":"YggdrasilSerializer","l":"getClass(String)","u":"getClass(java.lang.String)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.util","c":"Utils","l":"getClasses(Plugin, String, String...)","u":"getClasses(org.bukkit.plugin.Plugin,java.lang.String,java.lang.String...)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.registrations","c":"Classes","l":"getClassFromUserInput(String)","u":"getClassFromUserInput(java.lang.String)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.registrations","c":"Classes","l":"getClassInfo(String)","u":"getClassInfo(java.lang.String)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.registrations","c":"Classes","l":"getClassInfoFromUserInput(String)","u":"getClassInfoFromUserInput(java.lang.String)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.registrations","c":"Classes","l":"getClassInfoNoError(String)","u":"getClassInfoNoError(java.lang.String)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.registrations","c":"Classes","l":"getClassInfos()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.classes","c":"ClassInfo","l":"getCloner()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.classes","c":"ClassInfo","l":"getCodeName()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.util","c":"BlockStateBlock","l":"getCollisionShape()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.util","c":"DelayedChangeBlock","l":"getCollisionShape()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.util.chat","c":"ChatCode","l":"getColorChar()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.util.chat","c":"SkriptChatCode","l":"getColorChar()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.util.chat","c":"ChatCode","l":"getColorCode()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.util.chat","c":"SkriptChatCode","l":"getColorCode()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.command","c":"CommandEvent","l":"getCommand()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.command","c":"ScriptCommandEvent","l":"getCommandLabel()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.command","c":"Commands","l":"getCommandMap()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.config","c":"Node","l":"getComment()"},{"p":"org.skriptlang.skript.lang.comparator","c":"ComparatorInfo","l":"getComparator()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.registrations","c":"Comparators","l":"getComparator(Class, Class)","u":"getComparator(java.lang.Class,java.lang.Class)"},{"p":"org.skriptlang.skript.lang.comparator","c":"Comparators","l":"getComparator(Class, Class)","u":"getComparator(java.lang.Class,java.lang.Class)"},{"p":"org.skriptlang.skript.lang.comparator","c":"Comparators","l":"getComparatorInfo(Class, Class)","u":"getComparatorInfo(java.lang.Class,java.lang.Class)"},{"p":"org.skriptlang.skript.lang.comparator","c":"Comparators","l":"getComparatorInfos()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.util","c":"BlockStateBlock","l":"getComputedBiome()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.util","c":"DelayedChangeBlock","l":"getComputedBiome()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript","c":"Skript","l":"getConditions()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.config","c":"Node","l":"getConfig()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript","c":"SkriptConfig","l":"getConfig()"},{"p":"org.skriptlang.skript.lang.script","c":"Script","l":"getConfig()"},{"p":"ch.njol.yggdrasil","c":"PseudoEnum","l":"getConstant(int)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions.base","c":"WrapperExpression","l":"getConvertedExpr(Class...)","u":"getConvertedExpr(java.lang.Class...)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprLoopValue","l":"getConvertedExpr(Class...)","u":"getConvertedExpr(java.lang.Class...)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprTypeOf","l":"getConvertedExpr(Class...)","u":"getConvertedExpr(java.lang.Class...)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.lang.util","c":"SimpleExpression","l":"getConvertedExpr(Class...)","u":"getConvertedExpr(java.lang.Class...)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprDefaultValue","l":"getConvertedExpression(Class...)","u":"getConvertedExpression(java.lang.Class...)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprElement","l":"getConvertedExpression(Class...)","u":"getConvertedExpression(java.lang.Class...)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprEntity","l":"getConvertedExpression(Class...)","u":"getConvertedExpression(java.lang.Class...)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprFilter.ExprInput","l":"getConvertedExpression(Class...)","u":"getConvertedExpression(java.lang.Class...)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprMetadata","l":"getConvertedExpression(Class...)","u":"getConvertedExpression(java.lang.Class...)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprReversedList","l":"getConvertedExpression(Class...)","u":"getConvertedExpression(java.lang.Class...)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprShuffledList","l":"getConvertedExpression(Class...)","u":"getConvertedExpression(java.lang.Class...)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprSortedList","l":"getConvertedExpression(Class...)","u":"getConvertedExpression(java.lang.Class...)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprTernary","l":"getConvertedExpression(Class...)","u":"getConvertedExpression(java.lang.Class...)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.lang","c":"Expression","l":"getConvertedExpression(Class...)","u":"getConvertedExpression(java.lang.Class...)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.lang","c":"ExpressionList","l":"getConvertedExpression(Class...)","u":"getConvertedExpression(java.lang.Class...)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.lang.function","c":"ExprFunctionCall","l":"getConvertedExpression(Class...)","u":"getConvertedExpression(java.lang.Class...)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.lang","c":"Literal","l":"getConvertedExpression(Class...)","u":"getConvertedExpression(java.lang.Class...)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.lang","c":"LiteralList","l":"getConvertedExpression(Class...)","u":"getConvertedExpression(java.lang.Class...)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.lang","c":"UnparsedLiteral","l":"getConvertedExpression(Class...)","u":"getConvertedExpression(java.lang.Class...)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.lang.util","c":"ConvertedExpression","l":"getConvertedExpression(Class...)","u":"getConvertedExpression(java.lang.Class...)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.lang.util","c":"ConvertedLiteral","l":"getConvertedExpression(Class...)","u":"getConvertedExpression(java.lang.Class...)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.lang.util","c":"SimpleExpression","l":"getConvertedExpression(Class...)","u":"getConvertedExpression(java.lang.Class...)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.lang.util","c":"SimpleLiteral","l":"getConvertedExpression(Class...)","u":"getConvertedExpression(java.lang.Class...)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.lang","c":"Variable","l":"getConvertedExpression(Class...)","u":"getConvertedExpression(java.lang.Class...)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.lang","c":"VariableString","l":"getConvertedExpression(Class...)","u":"getConvertedExpression(java.lang.Class...)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.lang","c":"UnparsedLiteral","l":"getConvertedExpression(ParseContext, Class...)","u":"getConvertedExpression(ch.njol.skript.lang.ParseContext,java.lang.Class...)"},{"p":"org.skriptlang.skript.lang.converter","c":"ConverterInfo","l":"getConverter()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.registrations","c":"Converters","l":"getConverter(Class, Class)","u":"getConverter(java.lang.Class,java.lang.Class)"},{"p":"org.skriptlang.skript.lang.converter","c":"Converters","l":"getConverter(Class, Class)","u":"getConverter(java.lang.Class,java.lang.Class)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.registrations","c":"Converters","l":"getConverterInfo(Class, Class)","u":"getConverterInfo(java.lang.Class,java.lang.Class)"},{"p":"org.skriptlang.skript.lang.converter","c":"Converters","l":"getConverterInfo(Class, Class)","u":"getConverterInfo(java.lang.Class,java.lang.Class)"},{"p":"org.skriptlang.skript.lang.converter","c":"Converters","l":"getConverterInfos()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.registrations","c":"Converters","l":"getConverters()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.command","c":"ScriptCommand","l":"getCooldown()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.command","c":"ScriptCommand","l":"getCooldownBypass()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.aliases","c":"ItemType","l":"getCopiedContents(Inventory)","u":"getCopiedContents(org.bukkit.inventory.Inventory)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprEnchantmentOffer","l":"getCost(int, int)","u":"getCost(int,int)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.log","c":"CountingLogHandler","l":"getCount()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.bukkitutil","c":"PlayerUtils","l":"getCumulativeXP(int)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprFilter","l":"getCurrent()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.command","c":"Argument","l":"getCurrent(Event)","u":"getCurrent(org.bukkit.event.Event)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.sections","c":"SecLoop","l":"getCurrent(Event)","u":"getCurrent(org.bukkit.event.Event)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.lang.parser","c":"ParserInstance","l":"getCurrentEventName()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript","c":"ScriptLoader","l":"getCurrentEventName()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.lang.parser","c":"ParserInstance","l":"getCurrentEvents()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript","c":"ScriptLoader","l":"getCurrentEvents()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.test.runner","c":"SkriptJUnitTest","l":"getCurrentJUnitTest()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript","c":"ScriptLoader","l":"getCurrentLoops()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.lang.parser","c":"ParserInstance","l":"getCurrentOptions()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.update","c":"Updater","l":"getCurrentRelease()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.lang.parser","c":"ParserInstance","l":"getCurrentScript()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript","c":"ScriptLoader","l":"getCurrentScript()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.lang.parser","c":"ParserInstance","l":"getCurrentSection(Class)","u":"getCurrentSection(java.lang.Class)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.lang.parser","c":"ParserInstance","l":"getCurrentSections()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript","c":"ScriptLoader","l":"getCurrentSections()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.lang.parser","c":"ParserInstance","l":"getCurrentSections(Class)","u":"getCurrentSections(java.lang.Class)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.lang.parser","c":"ParserInstance","l":"getCurrentSkriptEvent()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.lang.parser","c":"ParserInstance","l":"getCurrentStructure()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.bukkitutil","c":"HealthUtils","l":"getDamage(EntityDamageEvent)","u":"getDamage(org.bukkit.event.entity.EntityDamageEvent)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.bukkitutil","c":"ItemUtils","l":"getDamage(ItemStack)","u":"getDamage(org.bukkit.inventory.ItemStack)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.aliases","c":"AliasesMap.Match","l":"getData()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.lang","c":"UnparsedLiteral","l":"getData()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.util","c":"BlockStateBlock","l":"getData()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.util","c":"DelayedChangeBlock","l":"getData()"},{"p":"org.skriptlang.skript.lang.script","c":"Script","l":"getData(Class, Supplier)","u":"getData(java.lang.Class,java.util.function.Supplier)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.lang.parser","c":"ParserInstance","l":"getData(Class)","u":"getData(java.lang.Class)"},{"p":"org.skriptlang.skript.lang.script","c":"Script","l":"getData(Class)","u":"getData(java.lang.Class)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.util.visual","c":"VisualEffectType","l":"getData(Object, Location)","u":"getData(java.lang.Object,org.bukkit.Location)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.lang","c":"Trigger","l":"getDebugLabel()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.aliases","c":"ItemType","l":"getDebugMessage()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.registrations","c":"Classes","l":"getDebugMessage(Object)","u":"getDebugMessage(java.lang.Object)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.classes","c":"Parser","l":"getDebugMessage(T)"},{"p":"ch.njol.yggdrasil","c":"PseudoEnum","l":"getDeclaringClass()"},{"p":"ch.njol.yggdrasil","c":"PseudoEnum","l":"getDeclaringClass(Class)","u":"getDeclaringClass(java.lang.Class)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.classes","c":"ClassInfo","l":"getDefaultExpression()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.lang.function","c":"Parameter","l":"getDefaultExpression()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.registrations","c":"Classes","l":"getDefaultExpression(Class)","u":"getDefaultExpression(java.lang.Class)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.registrations","c":"Classes","l":"getDefaultExpression(String)","u":"getDefaultExpression(java.lang.String)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.doc","c":"HTMLGenerator","l":"getDefaultIfNullOrEmpty(String, String)","u":"getDefaultIfNullOrEmpty(java.lang.String,java.lang.String)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.doc","c":"HTMLGenerator","l":"getDefaultIfNullOrEmpty(String[], String)","u":"getDefaultIfNullOrEmpty(java.lang.String[],java.lang.String)"},{"p":"org.skriptlang.skript.lang.entry","c":"EntryData","l":"getDefaultValue()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.lang","c":"VariableString","l":"getDefaultVariableNames(String, Event)","u":"getDefaultVariableNames(java.lang.String,org.bukkit.event.Event)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.localization","c":"Noun","l":"getDefiniteArticle()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.classes","c":"ClassInfo","l":"getDescription()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.lang.function","c":"JavaFunction","l":"getDescription()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.lang","c":"SkriptEventInfo","l":"getDescription()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.util","c":"BlockStateBlock","l":"getDestroySpeed(ItemStack)","u":"getDestroySpeed(org.bukkit.inventory.ItemStack)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.util","c":"DelayedChangeBlock","l":"getDestroySpeed(ItemStack)","u":"getDestroySpeed(org.bukkit.inventory.ItemStack)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.util","c":"BlockStateBlock","l":"getDestroySpeed(ItemStack, boolean)","u":"getDestroySpeed(org.bukkit.inventory.ItemStack,boolean)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.util","c":"DelayedChangeBlock","l":"getDestroySpeed(ItemStack, boolean)","u":"getDestroySpeed(org.bukkit.inventory.ItemStack,boolean)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.util","c":"AABB","l":"getDimensions()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.util","c":"Direction","l":"getDirection()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.util","c":"Direction","l":"getDirection(Block)","u":"getDirection(org.bukkit.block.Block)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.util","c":"Direction","l":"getDirection(Entity)","u":"getDirection(org.bukkit.entity.Entity)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.util","c":"Direction","l":"getDirection(Location)","u":"getDirection(org.bukkit.Location)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript","c":"ScriptLoader","l":"getDisabledScripts()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript","c":"ScriptLoader","l":"getDisabledScriptsFilter()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.classes","c":"ClassInfo","l":"getDocName()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.doc","c":"Documentation","l":"getDocsOutputDirectory()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.doc","c":"Documentation","l":"getDocsTemplateDirectory()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.classes","c":"ClassInfo","l":"getDocumentationID()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.lang","c":"SkriptEventInfo","l":"getDocumentationID()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.util","c":"BlockStateBlock","l":"getDrops()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.util","c":"DelayedChangeBlock","l":"getDrops()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.util","c":"BlockStateBlock","l":"getDrops(ItemStack)","u":"getDrops(org.bukkit.inventory.ItemStack)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.util","c":"DelayedChangeBlock","l":"getDrops(ItemStack)","u":"getDrops(org.bukkit.inventory.ItemStack)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.util","c":"BlockStateBlock","l":"getDrops(ItemStack, Entity)","u":"getDrops(org.bukkit.inventory.ItemStack,org.bukkit.entity.Entity)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.util","c":"DelayedChangeBlock","l":"getDrops(ItemStack, Entity)","u":"getDrops(org.bukkit.inventory.ItemStack,org.bukkit.entity.Entity)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.aliases","c":"ItemData","l":"getDurability()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.util","c":"SkriptColor","l":"getDyeData()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.util.visual","c":"VisualEffectType","l":"getEffect()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript","c":"Skript","l":"getEffects()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.util","c":"PotionEffectUtils","l":"getEffects(ItemType)","u":"getEffects(ch.njol.skript.aliases.ItemType)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.command","c":"ScriptCommand","l":"getElapsedMilliseconds(UUID, Event)","u":"getElapsedMilliseconds(java.util.UUID,org.bukkit.event.Event)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.lang","c":"SyntaxElementInfo","l":"getElementClass()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.aliases","c":"ItemType","l":"getEnchantments()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.aliases","c":"ItemType","l":"getEnchantmentType(Enchantment)","u":"getEnchantmentType(org.bukkit.enchantments.Enchantment)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.aliases","c":"ItemType","l":"getEnchantmentTypes()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.util","c":"Utils","l":"getEnglishPlural(String)","u":"getEnglishPlural(java.lang.String)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.sections","c":"EffSecSpawn.SpawnEvent","l":"getEntity()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.util.visual","c":"VisualEffectType","l":"getEntityEffect()"},{"p":"org.skriptlang.skript.lang.structure","c":"Structure","l":"getEntryContainer()"},{"p":"org.skriptlang.skript.lang.entry","c":"EntryValidator","l":"getEntryData()"},{"p":"ch.njol.yggdrasil","c":"Yggdrasil","l":"getEnumConstant(Class, String)","u":"getEnumConstant(java.lang.Class,java.lang.String)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.util.slot","c":"EquipmentSlot","l":"getEquipSlot()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.log","c":"ParseLogHandler","l":"getError()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.log","c":"RetainingLogHandler","l":"getErrors()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.lang","c":"Trigger","l":"getEvent()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.events","c":"EvtMove","l":"getEventClasses()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.lang","c":"SkriptEvent","l":"getEventClasses()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.lang","c":"SkriptEvent","l":"getEventPriority()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript","c":"Skript","l":"getEvents()"},{"p":"org.skriptlang.skript.lang.script","c":"Script","l":"getEvents()"},{"p":"org.skriptlang.skript.lang.script","c":"Script","l":"getEvents(Class)","u":"getEvents(java.lang.Class)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.registrations","c":"EventValues","l":"getEventValue(E, Class, int)","u":"getEventValue(E,java.lang.Class,int)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.registrations","c":"EventValues","l":"getEventValueGetter(Class, Class, int)","u":"getEventValueGetter(java.lang.Class,java.lang.Class,int)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.registrations","c":"EventValues","l":"getEventValuesListForTime(int)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.registrations","c":"Classes","l":"getExactClassInfo(Class)","u":"getExactClassInfo(java.lang.Class)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.registrations","c":"Classes","l":"getExactClassName(Class)","u":"getExactClassName(java.lang.Class)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.registrations","c":"EventValues","l":"getExactEventValueGetter(Class, Class, int)","u":"getExactEventValueGetter(java.lang.Class,java.lang.Class,int)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.registrations","c":"Classes","l":"getExactParser(Class)","u":"getExactParser(java.lang.Class)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.classes","c":"ClassInfo","l":"getExamples()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.lang.function","c":"JavaFunction","l":"getExamples()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.lang","c":"SkriptEventInfo","l":"getExamples()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.entity","c":"XpOrbData","l":"getExperience()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions.base","c":"PropertyExpression","l":"getExpr()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions.base","c":"WrapperExpression","l":"getExpr()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.patterns","c":"MatchResult","l":"getExpr()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.lang","c":"ExpressionList","l":"getExpressions()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.lang","c":"LiteralList","l":"getExpressions()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.patterns","c":"MatchResult","l":"getExpressions()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript","c":"Skript","l":"getExpressions()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript","c":"Skript","l":"getExpressions(Class...)","u":"getExpressions(java.lang.Class...)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.lang","c":"ExpressionInfo","l":"getExpressionType()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.util","c":"BlockStateBlock","l":"getFace(Block)","u":"getFace(org.bukkit.block.Block)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.util","c":"DelayedChangeBlock","l":"getFace(Block)","u":"getFace(org.bukkit.block.Block)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.util","c":"BlockUtils","l":"getFaces()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.util","c":"Direction","l":"getFacing(Block)","u":"getFacing(org.bukkit.block.Block)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.util","c":"Direction","l":"getFacing(double, double)","u":"getFacing(double,double)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.util","c":"Direction","l":"getFacing(Location, boolean)","u":"getFacing(org.bukkit.Location,boolean)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.util","c":"Direction","l":"getFacing(Vector, boolean)","u":"getFacing(org.bukkit.util.Vector,boolean)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.test.utils","c":"TestResults","l":"getFailed()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.test.runner","c":"EffObjectives","l":"getFailedObjectivesString()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.test.runner","c":"TestTracker","l":"getFailedTests()"},{"p":"ch.njol.yggdrasil","c":"Fields","l":"getFields(Class)","u":"getFields(java.lang.Class)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.config","c":"Config","l":"getFile()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript","c":"SkriptAddon","l":"getFile()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.util","c":"Utils","l":"getFile(Plugin)","u":"getFile(org.bukkit.plugin.Plugin)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.variables","c":"FlatFileStorage","l":"getFile(String)","u":"getFile(java.lang.String)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.variables","c":"SQLStorage","l":"getFile(String)","u":"getFile(java.lang.String)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.variables","c":"VariablesStorage","l":"getFile(String)","u":"getFile(java.lang.String)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.config","c":"Config","l":"getFileName()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.bukkitutil","c":"HealthUtils","l":"getFinalDamage(EntityDamageEvent)","u":"getFinalDamage(org.bukkit.event.entity.EntityDamageEvent)"},{"p":"ch.njol.util","c":"NonNullPair","l":"getFirst()"},{"p":"ch.njol.util","c":"Pair","l":"getFirst()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.log","c":"RetainingLogHandler","l":"getFirstError()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.log","c":"RetainingLogHandler","l":"getFirstError(String)","u":"getFirstError(java.lang.String)"},{"p":"org.skriptlang.skript.lang.comparator","c":"ComparatorInfo","l":"getFirstType()"},{"p":"org.skriptlang.skript.lang.converter","c":"ConverterInfo","l":"getFlags()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.util","c":"SkriptColor","l":"getFormattedChat()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.variables","c":"SQLStorage","l":"getFormattedCreateQuery()"},{"p":"org.skriptlang.skript.lang.converter","c":"ConverterInfo","l":"getFrom()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.command","c":"Commands.CommandAliasHelpTopic","l":"getFullText(CommandSender)","u":"getFullText(org.bukkit.command.CommandSender)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.lang.function","c":"FunctionEvent","l":"getFunction()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.lang.function","c":"FunctionReference","l":"getFunction()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.lang.function","c":"Functions","l":"getFunction(String)","u":"getFunction(java.lang.String)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.lang.function","c":"Namespace","l":"getFunction(String)","u":"getFunction(java.lang.String)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.lang.function","c":"Namespace","l":"getFunction(String, 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String)","u":"getGender(java.lang.String,java.lang.String)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.localization","c":"Noun","l":"getGenderID(int)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.lang.function","c":"Functions","l":"getGlobalFunction(String)","u":"getGlobalFunction(java.lang.String)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.lang.function","c":"Functions","l":"getGlobalSignature(String)","u":"getGlobalSignature(java.lang.String)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.util.visual","c":"ParticleOption","l":"getGreen()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.command","c":"CommandEvent","l":"getHandlerList()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.command","c":"EffectCommandEvent","l":"getHandlerList()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.command","c":"ScriptCommandEvent","l":"getHandlerList()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.events.bukkit","c":"ExperienceSpawnEvent","l":"getHandlerList()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.events.bukkit","c":"PreScriptLoadEvent","l":"getHandlerList()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.events.bukkit","c":"ScheduledEvent","l":"getHandlerList()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.events.bukkit","c":"ScheduledNoWorldEvent","l":"getHandlerList()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.events.bukkit","c":"ScriptEvent","l":"getHandlerList()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.events.bukkit","c":"SkriptParseEvent","l":"getHandlerList()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.events.bukkit","c":"SkriptStartEvent","l":"getHandlerList()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.events.bukkit","c":"SkriptStopEvent","l":"getHandlerList()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.hooks.regions.events","c":"RegionBorderEvent","l":"getHandlerList()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.lang.function","c":"FunctionEvent","l":"getHandlerList()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.test.runner","c":"SkriptTestEvent","l":"getHandlerList()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.command","c":"CommandEvent","l":"getHandlers()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.command","c":"EffectCommandEvent","l":"getHandlers()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.command","c":"ScriptCommandEvent","l":"getHandlers()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.events.bukkit","c":"ExperienceSpawnEvent","l":"getHandlers()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.events.bukkit","c":"PreScriptLoadEvent","l":"getHandlers()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.events.bukkit","c":"ScheduledEvent","l":"getHandlers()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.events.bukkit","c":"ScheduledNoWorldEvent","l":"getHandlers()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.events.bukkit","c":"ScriptEvent","l":"getHandlers()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.events.bukkit","c":"SkriptParseEvent","l":"getHandlers()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.events.bukkit","c":"SkriptStartEvent","l":"getHandlers()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.events.bukkit","c":"SkriptStopEvent","l":"getHandlers()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.hooks.regions.events","c":"RegionBorderEvent","l":"getHandlers()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.lang.function","c":"FunctionEvent","l":"getHandlers()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.lang.parser","c":"ParserInstance","l":"getHandlers()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.lang.util","c":"ContextlessEvent","l":"getHandlers()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.sections","c":"EffSecSpawn.SpawnEvent","l":"getHandlers()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.test.runner","c":"SkriptTestEvent","l":"getHandlers()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.lang.parser","c":"ParserInstance","l":"getHasDelayBefore()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript","c":"ScriptLoader","l":"getHasDelayBefore()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.bukkitutil","c":"HealthUtils","l":"getHealth(Damageable)","u":"getHealth(org.bukkit.entity.Damageable)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.util","c":"BlockStateBlock","l":"getHumidity()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.util","c":"DelayedChangeBlock","l":"getHumidity()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.aliases","c":"AliasesProvider.Variation","l":"getId()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.aliases","c":"InvalidMinecraftIdException","l":"getId()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.lang","c":"SkriptEventInfo","l":"getId()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.util.visual","c":"VisualEffectType","l":"getId()"},{"p":"ch.njol.yggdrasil","c":"Fields.FieldContext","l":"getID()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.classes","c":"Serializer","l":"getID(Class)","u":"getID(java.lang.Class)"},{"p":"ch.njol.yggdrasil","c":"ClassResolver","l":"getID(Class)","u":"getID(java.lang.Class)"},{"p":"ch.njol.yggdrasil","c":"JRESerializer","l":"getID(Class)","u":"getID(java.lang.Class)"},{"p":"ch.njol.yggdrasil","c":"SimpleClassResolver","l":"getID(Class)","u":"getID(java.lang.Class)"},{"p":"ch.njol.yggdrasil","c":"Yggdrasil","l":"getID(Class)","u":"getID(java.lang.Class)"},{"p":"ch.njol.yggdrasil","c":"Yggdrasil","l":"getID(Enum)","u":"getID(java.lang.Enum)"},{"p":"ch.njol.yggdrasil","c":"Yggdrasil","l":"getID(Field)","u":"getID(java.lang.reflect.Field)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.localization","c":"Noun","l":"getIndefiniteArticle()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.config","c":"Node","l":"getIndentation()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.lang","c":"EffectSectionEffect","l":"getIndentation()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.lang.parser","c":"ParserInstance","l":"getIndentation()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.lang","c":"TriggerItem","l":"getIndentation()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.command","c":"Argument","l":"getIndex()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.util.slot","c":"EquipmentSlot","l":"getIndex()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.util.slot","c":"InventorySlot","l":"getIndex()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.util.slot","c":"SlotWithI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Class)","u":"getObject(java.lang.String,java.lang.Class)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.bukkitutil","c":"PlayerUtils","l":"getOnlinePlayers()"},{"p":"org.skriptlang.skript.lang.entry","c":"EntryContainer","l":"getOptional(String, boolean)","u":"getOptional(java.lang.String,boolean)"},{"p":"org.skriptlang.skript.lang.entry","c":"EntryContainer","l":"getOptional(String, Class, 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Class)","u":"getPrimitive(java.lang.String,java.lang.Class)"},{"p":"ch.njol.yggdrasil","c":"Tag","l":"getPrimitiveFromWrapper(Class)","u":"getPrimitiveFromWrapper(java.lang.Class)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.lang","c":"SkriptEvent","l":"getPriority()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.structures","c":"StructAliases","l":"getPriority()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.structures","c":"StructCommand","l":"getPriority()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.structures","c":"StructFunction","l":"getPriority()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.structures","c":"StructOptions","l":"getPriority()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.structures","c":"StructVariables","l":"getPriority()"},{"p":"org.skriptlang.skript.lang.structure","c":"Structure","l":"getPriority()"},{"p":"org.skriptlang.skript.lang.structure","c":"Structure.Priority","l":"getPriority()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.conditions.base","c":"PropertyCondition","l":"getPropertyName()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.conditions","c":"CondAI","l":"getPropertyName()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.conditions","c":"CondCanFly","l":"getPropertyName()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.conditions","c":"CondCanPickUpItems","l":"getPropertyName()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.conditions","c":"CondEntityIsInLiquid","l":"getPropertyName()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.conditions","c":"CondEntityIsWet","l":"getPropertyName()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.conditions","c":"CondHasClientWeather","l":"getPropertyName()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.conditions","c":"CondHasCustomModelData","l":"getPropertyName()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.conditions","c":"CondHasResourcePack","l":"getPropertyName()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.conditions","c":"CondIgnitionProcess","l":"getPropertyName()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.conditions","c":"CondIsAlive","l":"getPropertyName()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.conditions","c":"CondIsBanned","l":"getPropertyName()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.conditions","c":"CondIsBlock","l":"getPropertyName()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.conditions","c":"CondIsBlocking","l":"getPropertyName()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.conditions","c":"CondIsBurning","l":"getPropertyName()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.conditions","c":"CondIsCharged","l":"getPropertyName()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.conditions","c":"CondIsClimbing","l":"getPropertyName()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.conditions","c":"CondIsEdible","l":"getPropertyName()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.conditions","c":"CondIsEmpty","l":"getPropertyName()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.conditions","c":"CondIsFlammable","l":"getPropertyName()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.conditions","c":"CondIsFlying","l":"getPropertyName()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.conditions","c":"CondIsFrozen","l":"getPropertyName()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.conditions","c":"CondIsFuel","l":"getPropertyName()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.conditions","c":"CondIsGliding","l":"getPropertyName()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.conditions","c":"CondIsInteractable","l":"getPropertyName()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.conditions","c":"CondIsInvisible","l":"getPropertyName()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.conditions","c":"CondIsInvulnerable","l":"getPropertyName()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.conditions","c":"CondIsJumping","l":"getPropertyName()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.conditions","c":"CondIsLeftHanded","l":"getPropertyName()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.conditions","c":"CondIsOccluding","l":"getPropertyName()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.conditions","c":"CondIsOnGround","l":"getPropertyName()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.conditions","c":"CondIsOnline","l":"getPropertyName()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.conditions","c":"CondIsOp","l":"getPropertyName()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.conditions","c":"CondIsPassable","l":"getPropertyName()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.conditions","c":"CondIsPoisoned","l":"getPropertyName()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.conditions","c":"CondIsRiptiding","l":"getPropertyName()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.conditions","c":"CondIsSilent","l":"getPropertyName()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.conditions","c":"CondIsSkriptCommand","l":"getPropertyName()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.conditions","c":"CondIsSleeping","l":"getPropertyName()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.conditions","c":"CondIsSlimeChunk","l":"getPropertyName()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.conditions","c":"CondIsSneaking","l":"getPropertyName()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.conditions","c":"CondIsSolid","l":"getPropertyName()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.conditions","c":"CondIsSprinting","l":"getPropertyName()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.conditions","c":"CondIsStackable","l":"getPropertyName()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.conditions","c":"CondIsSwimming","l":"getPropertyName()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.conditions","c":"CondIsTameable","l":"getPropertyName()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.conditions","c":"CondIsTransparent","l":"getPropertyName()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.conditions","c":"CondIsUnbreakable","l":"getPropertyName()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.conditions","c":"CondIsValid","l":"getPropertyName()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.conditions","c":"CondIsVectorNormalized","l":"getPropertyName()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.conditions","c":"CondLeashed","l":"getPropertyName()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.conditions","c":"CondProjectileCanBounce","l":"getPropertyName()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions.base","c":"SimplePropertyExpressio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{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprName","l":"getPropertyName()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprNoDamageTicks","l":"getPropertyName()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprPickupDelay","l":"getPropertyName()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprPing","l":"getPropertyName()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprPlayerlistHeaderFooter","l":"getPropertyName()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprPlayerProtocolVersion","l":"getPropertyName()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprPlayerViewDistance","l":"getPropertyName()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprPlayerWeather","l":"getPropertyName()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprPortalCooldown","l":"getPropertyName()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprProjectileBounceState","l":"getPropertyName()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprProjectileCriticalState","l":"getPropertyName()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprRedstoneBlockPower","l":"getPropertyName()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprRemainingAir","l":"getPropertyName()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprSaturation","l":"getPropertyName()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprSeaLevel","l":"getPropertyName()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprSeaPickles","l":"getPropertyName()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprSkull","l":"getPropertyName()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprSlotIndex","l":"getPropertyName()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprSpawnerType","l":"getPropertyName()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprSpeed","l":"getPropertyName()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprTemperature","l":"getPropertyName()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprTimePlayed","l":"getPropertyName()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprTimeSince","l":"getPropertyName()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprTotalExperience","l":"getPropertyName()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprTypeOf","l":"getPropertyName()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprUnixDate","l":"getPropertyName()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprUnixTicks","l":"getPropertyName()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprUUID","l":"getPropertyName()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprVectorLength","l":"getPropertyName()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprVectorSquaredLength","l":"getPropertyName()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprVectorXYZ","l":"getPropertyName()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprVehicle","l":"getPropertyName()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprVelocity","l":"getPropertyName()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprWorldEnvironment","l":"getPropertyName()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprYawPitch","l":"getPropertyName()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.hooks.chat.expressions","c":"ExprPrefixSuffix","l":"getPropertyName()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.hooks.economy.expressions","c":"ExprBalance","l":"getPropertyName()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.test.runner","c":"CondMethodExists","l":"getPropertyName()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.conditions.base","c":"PropertyCondition","l":"getPropertyType()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.conditions","c":"CondCanFly","l":"getPropertyType()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.conditions","c":"CondCanPickUpItems","l":"getPropertyType()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.conditions","c":"CondHasClientWeather","l":"getPropertyType()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.conditions","c":"CondHasResourcePack","l":"getPropertyType()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.aliases","c":"AliasesMap.Match","l":"getQuality()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.log","c":"LogEntry","l":"getQuality()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.aliases","c":"ItemType","l":"getRandom()"},{"p":"ch.njol.util.coll","c":"CollectionUtils","l":"getRandom(List)","u":"getRandom(java.util.List)"},{"p":"ch.njol.util.coll","c":"CollectionUtils","l":"getRandom(T[])"},{"p":"ch.njol.util.coll","c":"CollectionUtils","l":"getRandom(T[], int)","u":"getRandom(T[],int)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.lang","c":"Variable","l":"getRaw(Event)","u":"getRaw(org.bukkit.event.Event)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.aliases","c":"ItemType","l":"getRawNames()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.util.visual","c":"ParticleOption","l":"getRed()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.patterns","c":"MatchResult","l":"getRegexResults()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.hooks.regions","c":"GriefPreventionHook","l":"getRegion_i(World, String)","u":"getRegion_i(org.bukkit.World,java.lang.String)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.hooks.regions","c":"PreciousStonesHook","l":"getRegion_i(World, String)","u":"getRegion_i(org.bukkit.World,java.lang.String)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.hooks.regions","c":"RegionsPlugin","l":"getRegion_i(World, String)","u":"getRegion_i(org.bukkit.World,java.lang.String)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.hooks.regions","c":"ResidenceHook","l":"getRegion_i(World, String)","u":"getRegion_i(org.bukkit.World,java.lang.String)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.hooks.regions","c":"WorldGuardHook","l":"getRegion_i(World, String)","u":"getRegion_i(org.bukkit.World,java.lang.String)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.hooks.regions.events","c":"RegionBorderEvent","l":"getRegion()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.hooks.regions","c":"RegionsPlugin","l":"getRegion(World, String)","u":"getRegion(org.bukkit.World,java.lang.String)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.hooks.regions","c":"GriefPreventionHook","l":"getRegionClass()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.hooks.regions","c":"PreciousStonesHook","l":"getRegionClass()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.hooks.regions","c":"RegionsPlugin","l":"getRegionClass()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.hooks.regions","c":"ResidenceHook","l":"getRegionClass()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.hooks.regions","c":"WorldGuardHook","l":"getRegionClass()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.hooks.regions","c":"WorldGuardHook","l":"getRegionsAt_i(Location)","u":"getRegionsAt_i(org.bukkit.Location)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.hooks.regions","c":"GriefPreventionHook","l":"getRegionsAt_i(Location)","u":"getRegionsAt_i(org.bukkit.Location)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.hooks.regions","c":"PreciousStonesHook","l":"getRegionsAt_i(Location)","u":"getRegionsAt_i(org.bukkit.Location)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.hooks.regions","c":"RegionsPlugin","l":"getRegionsAt_i(Location)","u":"getRegionsAt_i(org.bukkit.Location)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.hooks.regions","c":"ResidenceHook","l":"getRegionsAt_i(Location)","u":"getRegionsAt_i(org.bukkit.Location)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.hooks.regions","c":"RegionsPlugin","l":"getRegionsAt(Location)","u":"getRegionsAt(org.bukkit.Location)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.aliases","c":"AliasesMap.AliasData","l":"getRelatedEntity()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.aliases","c":"Aliases","l":"getRelatedEntity(ItemData)","u":"getRelatedEntity(ch.njol.skript.aliases.ItemData)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.aliases","c":"AliasesProvider","l":"getRelatedEntity(ItemData)","u":"getRelatedEntity(ch.njol.skript.aliases.ItemData)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.classes","c":"Comparator.Relation","l":"getRelation()"},{"p":"org.skriptlang.skript.lang.comparator","c":"Relation","l":"getRelation()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.util","c":"Direction","l":"getRelative(Block)","u":"getRelative(org.bukkit.block.Block)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.util","c":"BlockStateBlock","l":"getRelative(BlockFace)","u":"getRelative(org.bukkit.block.BlockFace)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.util","c":"DelayedChangeBlock","l":"getRelative(BlockFace)","u":"getRelative(org.bukkit.block.BlockFace)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.util","c":"BlockStateBlock","l":"getRelative(BlockFace, 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Event)","u":"getRemainingMilliseconds(java.util.UUID,org.bukkit.event.Event)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.classes","c":"ClassInfo","l":"getRequiredPlugins()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.lang","c":"SkriptEventInfo","l":"getRequiredPlugins()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions.arithmetic","c":"ExprArithmetic","l":"getReturnType()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions.base","c":"EventValueExpression","l":"getReturnType()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions.base","c":"WrapperExpression","l":"getReturnType()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprAbsorbedBlocks","l":"getReturnType()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprAffectedEntities","l":"getReturnType()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprAge","l":"getReturnType()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprAI","l":"getReturnType()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprAllBannedEntries","l":"getReturnType()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprAllCommands","l":"getReturnType()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprAlphabetList","l":"getReturnType()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprAltitude","l":"getReturnType()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprAmount","l":"getReturnType()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprAmountOfItems","l":"getReturnType()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprAnvilRepairCost","l":"getReturnType()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprAnvilText","l":"getReturnType()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprAppliedEnchantments","l":"getReturnType()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprArgument","l":"getReturnType()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprArmorSlot","l":"getReturnType()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprArrowKnockbackStrength","l":"getReturnType()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprArrowPierceLevel","l":"getReturnType()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprArrowsStuck","l":"getReturnType()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprAttachedBlock","l":"getReturnType()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprAttackCooldown","l":"getReturnType()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprAttacked","l":"getReturnType()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprAttacker","l":"getReturnType()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprBed","l":"getReturnType()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprBiome","l":"getReturnType()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprBlockData","l":"getReturnType()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprBlockHardness","l":"getReturnType()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprBlocks","l":"getReturnType()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprBlockSphere","l":"getReturnType()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprBookAuthor","l":"getReturnType()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprBookPages","l":"getReturnType()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprBookTitle","l":"getReturnType()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprBreakSpeed","l":"getReturnType()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprBurnCookTime","l":"getReturnType()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprCharges","l":"getReturnType()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprChatFormat","l":"getReturnType()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprChatRecipients","l":"getReturnType()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprChestInventory","l":"getReturnType()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprChunk","l":"getReturnType()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprClicked","l":"getReturnType()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprClientViewDistance","l":"getReturnType()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprCmdCooldownInfo","l":"getReturnType()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprColorOf","l":"getReturnType()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprColoured","l":"getReturnType()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprCommand","l":"getReturnType()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprCommandInfo","l":"getReturnType()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprCompassTarget","l":"getReturnType()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprCoordinate","l":"getReturnType()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprCreeperMaxFuseTicks","l":"getReturnType()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprCursorSlot","l":"getReturnType()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprCustomModelData","l":"getReturnType()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprDamage","l":"getReturnType()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprDamagedItem","l":"getReturnType()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprDateAgoLater","l":"getReturnType()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprDefaultValue","l":"getReturnType()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprDifference","l":"getReturnType()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprDifficulty","l":"getReturnType()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprDirection","l":"getReturnType()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript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Event, 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double)","u":"heal(org.bukkit.entity.Damageable,double)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.util","c":"PotionDataUtils","l":"HEALING"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.util","c":"PotionDataUtils","l":"HEALING_STRONG"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.bukkitutil","c":"HealthUtils","l":"HealthUtils()","u":"%3Cinit%3E()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.util.slot","c":"EquipmentSlot.EquipSlot","l":"HELMET"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.util","c":"Utils","l":"HEX_SUPPORTED"},{"p":"ch.njol.util","c":"StringUtils","l":"hexStringToByteArray(String)","u":"hexStringToByteArray(java.lang.String)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.log","c":"Verbosity","l":"HIGH"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.hooks","c":"Hook","l":"Hook()","u":"%3Cinit%3E()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.util.chat","c":"MessageComponent","l":"hoverEvent"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.util.chat","c":"MessageComponent.HoverEvent","l":"HoverEvent(MessageComponent.HoverEvent.Action, String)","u":"%3Cinit%3E(ch.njol.skript.util.chat.MessageComponent.HoverEvent.Action,java.lang.String)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.update","c":"GithubChecker.ResponseEntry","l":"html_url"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.doc","c":"HTMLGenerator","l":"HTMLGenerator(File, File)","u":"%3Cinit%3E(java.io.File,java.io.File)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.update","c":"GithubChecker.ResponseEntry.Author","l":"id"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.update","c":"GithubChecker.ResponseEntry","l":"id"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.update","c":"ReleaseManifest","l":"id"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.update","c":"UpdateManifest","l":"id"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.util","c":"Direction","l":"IDENTITY"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.util","c":"Direction","l":"IGNORE_PITCH"},{"p":"ch.njol.util","c":"Kleenean","l":"implies(Kleenean)","u":"implies(ch.njol.util.Kleenean)"},{"p":"ch.njol.util.coll.iterator","c":"ImprovedIterator","l":"ImprovedIterator(Iterator)","u":"%3Cinit%3E(java.util.Iterator)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript","c":"SkriptAPIException","l":"inaccessibleConstructor(Class, IllegalAccessException)","u":"inaccessibleConstructor(java.lang.Class,java.lang.IllegalAccessException)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.update","c":"UpdaterState","l":"INACTIVE"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.util","c":"Direction","l":"incompatibleField(Field, Fields.FieldContext)","u":"incompatibleField(java.lang.reflect.Field,ch.njol.yggdrasil.Fields.FieldContext)"},{"p":"ch.njol.yggdrasil","c":"YggdrasilSerializable.YggdrasilRobustSerializable","l":"incompatibleField(Field, Fields.FieldContext)","u":"incompatibleField(java.lang.reflect.Field,ch.njol.yggdrasil.Fields.FieldContext)"},{"p":"ch.njol.yggdrasil","c":"FieldHandler","l":"incompatibleField(Object, Field, Fields.FieldContext)","u":"incompatibleField(java.lang.Object,java.lang.reflect.Field,ch.njol.yggdrasil.Fields.FieldContext)"},{"p":"ch.njol.yggdrasil.util","c":"JREFieldHandler","l":"incompatibleField(Object, Field, Fields.FieldContext)","u":"incompatibleField(java.lang.Object,java.lang.reflect.Field,ch.njol.yggdrasil.Fields.FieldContext)"},{"p":"ch.njol.yggdrasil","c":"Yggdrasil","l":"incompatibleField(Object, Field, Fields.FieldContext)","u":"incompatibleField(java.lang.Object,java.lang.reflect.Field,ch.njol.yggdrasil.Fields.FieldContext)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.aliases","c":"AliasesParser.VariationSlot","l":"increment()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.effects","c":"IndeterminateDelay","l":"IndeterminateDelay()","u":"%3Cinit%3E()"},{"p":"ch.njol.util.coll","c":"CollectionUtils","l":"indexOf(int[], int)","u":"indexOf(int[],int)"},{"p":"ch.njol.util.coll","c":"CollectionUtils","l":"indexOf(int[], int, int)","u":"indexOf(int[],int,int)"},{"p":"ch.njol.util.coll","c":"CollectionUtils","l":"indexOf(int[], int, int, int)","u":"indexOf(int[],int,int,int)"},{"p":"ch.njol.util.coll","c":"CollectionUtils","l":"indexOf(Iterable, T)","u":"indexOf(java.lang.Iterable,T)"},{"p":"ch.njol.util.coll","c":"CyclicList","l":"indexOf(Object)","u":"indexOf(java.lang.Object)"},{"p":"ch.njol.util.coll","c":"ReversedListView","l":"indexOf(Object)","u":"indexOf(java.lang.Object)"},{"p":"ch.njol.util.coll","c":"CollectionUtils","l":"indexOf(T[], T)","u":"indexOf(T[],T)"},{"p":"ch.njol.util.coll","c":"CollectionUtils","l":"indexOf(T[], T, int, int)","u":"indexOf(T[],T,int,int)"},{"p":"ch.njol.util.coll","c":"CollectionUtils","l":"indexOfIgnoreCase(Iterable, String)","u":"indexOfIgnoreCase(java.lang.Iterable,java.lang.String)"},{"p":"ch.njol.util.coll","c":"CollectionUtils","l":"indexOfIgnoreCase(String[], String)","u":"indexOfIgnoreCase(java.lang.String[],java.lang.String)"},{"p":"ch.njol.util","c":"StringUtils","l":"indexOfOutsideGroup(String, char, char, char, int)","u":"indexOfOutsideGroup(java.lang.String,char,char,char,int)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.classes","c":"Serializer","l":"info"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript","c":"Skript","l":"info(CommandSender, String)","u":"info(org.bukkit.command.CommandSender,java.lang.String)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript","c":"Skript","l":"info(String)","u":"info(java.lang.String)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions.base","c":"EventValueExpression","l":"init()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.hooks","c":"Hook","l":"init()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.hooks.regions","c":"GriefPreventionHook","l":"init()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.hooks.regions","c":"PreciousStonesHook","l":"init()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.hooks.regions","c":"RegionsPlugin","l":"init()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.hooks.regions","c":"ResidenceHook","l":"init()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.hooks.regions","c":"WorldGuardHook","l":"init()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.hooks","c":"VaultHook","l":"init()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.lang","c":"DefaultExpression","l":"init()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.lang.util","c":"SimpleLiteral","l":"init()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.entity","c":"AxolotlData","l":"init(Class, Axolotl)","u":"init(java.lang.Class,org.bukkit.entity.Axolotl)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.entity","c":"BeeData","l":"init(Class, Bee)","u":"init(java.lang.Class,org.bukkit.entity.Bee)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.entity","c":"BoatData","l":"init(Class, Boat)","u":"init(java.lang.Class,org.bukkit.entity.Boat)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.entity","c":"CatData","l":"init(Class, Cat)","u":"init(java.lang.Class,org.bukkit.entity.Cat)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.entity","c":"BoatChestData","l":"init(Class, ChestBoat)","u":"init(java.lang.Class,org.bukkit.entity.ChestBoat)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.entity","c":"CreeperData","l":"init(Class, Creeper)","u":"init(java.lang.Class,org.bukkit.entity.Creeper)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.entity","c":"EntityData","l":"init(Class, E)","u":"init(java.lang.Class,E)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.entity","c":"EndermanData","l":"init(Class, Enderman)","u":"init(java.lang.Class,org.bukkit.entity.Enderman)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.entity","c":"SimpleEntityData","l":"init(Class, Entity)","u":"init(java.lang.Class,org.bukkit.entity.Entity)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.entity","c":"XpOrbData","l":"init(Class, ExperienceOrb)","u":"init(java.lang.Class,org.bukkit.entity.ExperienceOrb)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.entity","c":"FallingBlockData","l":"init(Class, FallingBlock)","u":"init(java.lang.Class,org.bukkit.entity.FallingBlock)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.entity","c":"FishData","l":"init(Class, Fish)","u":"init(java.lang.Class,org.bukkit.entity.Fish)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.entity","c":"FoxData","l":"init(Class, Fox)","u":"init(java.lang.Class,org.bukkit.entity.Fox)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.entity","c":"FrogData","l":"init(Class, Frog)","u":"init(java.lang.Class,org.bukkit.entity.Frog)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.entity","c":"GoatData","l":"init(Class, Goat)","u":"init(java.lang.Class,org.bukkit.entity.Goat)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.entity","c":"DroppedItemData","l":"init(Class, Item)","u":"init(java.lang.Class,org.bukkit.entity.Item)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.entity","c":"LlamaData","l":"init(Class, Llama)","u":"init(java.lang.Class,org.bukkit.entity.Llama)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.entity","c":"MinecartData","l":"init(Class, Minecart)","u":"init(java.lang.Class,org.bukkit.entity.Minecart)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.entity","c":"MooshroomData","l":"init(Class, MushroomCow)","u":"init(java.lang.Class,org.bukkit.entity.MushroomCow)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.entity","c":"OcelotData","l":"init(Class, Ocelot)","u":"init(java.lang.Class,org.bukkit.entity.Ocelot)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.entity","c":"PandaData","l":"init(Class, Panda)","u":"init(java.lang.Class,org.bukkit.entity.Panda)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.entity","c":"ParrotData","l":"init(Class, Parrot)","u":"init(java.lang.Class,org.bukkit.entity.Parrot)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.entity","c":"PigData","l":"init(Class, Pig)","u":"init(java.lang.Class,org.bukkit.entity.Pig)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.entity","c":"RabbitData","l":"init(Class, Rabbit)","u":"init(java.lang.Class,org.bukkit.entity.Rabbit)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.entity","c":"SheepData","l":"init(Class, Sheep)","u":"init(java.lang.Class,org.bukkit.entity.Sheep)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.entity","c":"ThrownPotionData","l":"init(Class, ThrownPotion)","u":"init(java.lang.Class,org.bukkit.entity.ThrownPotion)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.entity","c":"TropicalFishData","l":"init(Class, TropicalFish)","u":"init(java.lang.Class,org.bukkit.entity.TropicalFish)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.entity","c":"VillagerData","l":"init(Class, Villager)","u":"init(java.lang.Class,org.bukkit.entity.Villager)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.entity","c":"WolfData","l":"init(Class, Wolf)","u":"init(java.lang.Class,org.bukkit.entity.Wolf)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.entity","c":"ZombieVillagerData","l":"init(Class, ZombieVillager)","u":"init(java.lang.Class,org.bukkit.entity.ZombieVillager)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.conditions","c":"CondIsLeftHanded","l":"init(Expression[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult)","u":"init(ch.njol.skript.lang.Expression[],int,ch.njol.util.Kleenean,ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptParser.ParseResult)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprItemsIn","l":"init(Expression[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult)","u":"init(ch.njol.skript.lang.Expression[],int,ch.njol.util.Kleenean,ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptParser.ParseResult)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.conditions.base","c":"PropertyCondition","l":"init(Expression[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult)","u":"init(ch.njol.skript.lang.Expression[],int,ch.njol.util.Kleenean,ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptParser.ParseResult)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.conditions","c":"CondAlphanumeric","l":"init(Expression[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult)","u":"init(ch.njol.skript.lang.Expression[],int,ch.njol.util.Kleenean,ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptParser.ParseResult)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.conditions","c":"CondAnchorWorks","l":"init(Expression[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult)","u":"init(ch.njol.skript.lang.Expression[],int,ch.njol.util.Kleenean,ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptParser.ParseResult)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.conditions","c":"CondCancelled","l":"init(Expression[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult)","u":"init(ch.njol.skript.lang.Expression[],int,ch.njol.util.Kleenean,ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptParser.ParseResult)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.conditions","c":"CondCanHold","l":"init(Expression[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult)","u":"init(ch.njol.skript.lang.Expression[],int,ch.njol.util.Kleenean,ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptParser.ParseResult)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.conditions","c":"CondCanSee","l":"init(Expression[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult)","u":"init(ch.njol.skript.lang.Expression[],int,ch.njol.util.Kleenean,ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptParser.ParseResult)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.conditions","c":"CondChance","l":"init(Expression[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult)","u":"init(ch.njol.skript.lang.Expression[],int,ch.njol.util.Kleenean,ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptParser.ParseResult)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.conditions","c":"CondCompare","l":"init(Expression[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult)","u":"init(ch.njol.skript.lang.Expression[],int,ch.njol.util.Kleenean,ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptParser.ParseResult)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.conditions","c":"CondContains","l":"init(Expression[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult)","u":"init(ch.njol.skript.lang.Expression[],int,ch.njol.util.Kleenean,ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptParser.ParseResult)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.conditions","c":"CondDamageCause","l":"init(Expression[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult)","u":"init(ch.njol.skript.lang.Expression[],int,ch.njol.util.Kleenean,ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptParser.ParseResult)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.conditions","c":"CondDate","l":"init(Expression[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult)","u":"init(ch.njol.skript.lang.Expression[],int,ch.njol.util.Kleenean,ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptParser.ParseResult)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.conditions","c":"CondEntityIsInLiquid","l":"init(Expression[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult)","u":"init(ch.njol.skript.lang.Expression[],int,ch.njol.util.Kleenean,ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptParser.ParseResult)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.conditions","c":"CondHasItemCooldown","l":"init(Expression[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult)","u":"init(ch.njol.skript.lang.Expression[],int,ch.njol.util.Kleenean,ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptParser.ParseResult)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.conditions","c":"CondHasLineOfSight","l":"init(Expression[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult)","u":"init(ch.njol.skript.lang.Expression[],int,ch.njol.util.Kleenean,ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptParser.ParseResult)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.conditions","c":"CondHasMetadata","l":"init(Expression[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult)","u":"init(ch.njol.skript.lang.Expression[],int,ch.njol.util.Kleenean,ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptParser.ParseResult)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.conditions","c":"CondHasPotion","l":"init(Expression[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult)","u":"init(ch.njol.skript.lang.Expression[],int,ch.njol.util.Kleenean,ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptParser.ParseResult)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.conditions","c":"CondHasScoreboardTag","l":"init(Expression[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult)","u":"init(ch.njol.skript.lang.Expression[],int,ch.njol.util.Kleenean,ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptParser.ParseResult)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.conditions","c":"CondIgnitionProcess","l":"init(Expression[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult)","u":"init(ch.njol.skript.lang.Expression[],int,ch.njol.util.Kleenean,ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptParser.ParseResult)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.conditions","c":"CondIncendiary","l":"init(Expression[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult)","u":"init(ch.njol.skript.lang.Expression[],int,ch.njol.util.Kleenean,ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptParser.ParseResult)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.conditions","c":"CondIsAlive","l":"init(Expression[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult)","u":"init(ch.njol.skript.lang.Expression[],int,ch.njol.util.Kleenean,ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptParser.ParseResult)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.conditions","c":"CondIsBanned","l":"init(Expression[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult)","u":"init(ch.njol.skript.lang.Expression[],int,ch.njol.util.Kleenean,ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptParser.ParseResult)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.conditions","c":"CondIsBlockRedstonePowered","l":"init(Expression[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult)","u":"init(ch.njol.skript.lang.Expression[],int,ch.njol.util.Kleenean,ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptParser.ParseResult)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.conditions","c":"CondIsEnchanted","l":"init(Expression[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult)","u":"init(ch.njol.skript.lang.Expression[],int,ch.njol.util.Kleenean,ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptParser.ParseResult)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.conditions","c":"CondIsInvisible","l":"init(Expression[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult)","u":"init(ch.njol.skript.lang.Expression[],int,ch.njol.util.Kleenean,ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptParser.ParseResult)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.conditions","c":"CondIsJumping","l":"init(Expression[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult)","u":"init(ch.njol.skript.lang.Expression[],int,ch.njol.util.Kleenean,ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptParser.ParseResult)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.conditions","c":"CondIsLoaded","l":"init(Expression[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult)","u":"init(ch.njol.skript.lang.Expression[],int,ch.njol.util.Kleenean,ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptParser.ParseResult)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.conditions","c":"CondIsOfType","l":"init(Expression[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult)","u":"init(ch.njol.skript.lang.Expression[],int,ch.njol.util.Kleenean,ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptParser.ParseResult)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.conditions","c":"CondIsOnline","l":"init(Expression[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult)","u":"init(ch.njol.skript.lang.Expression[],int,ch.njol.util.Kleenean,ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptParser.ParseResult)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.conditions","c":"CondIsPluginEnabled","l":"init(Expression[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult)","u":"init(ch.njol.skript.lang.Expression[],int,ch.njol.util.Kleenean,ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptParser.ParseResult)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.conditions","c":"CondIsPreferredTool","l":"init(Expression[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult)","u":"init(ch.njol.skript.lang.Expression[],int,ch.njol.util.Kleenean,ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptParser.ParseResult)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.conditions","c":"CondIsRiding","l":"init(Expression[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult)","u":"init(ch.njol.skript.lang.Expression[],int,ch.njol.util.Kleenean,ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptParser.ParseResult)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.conditions","c":"CondIsSet","l":"init(Expression[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult)","u":"init(ch.njol.skript.lang.Expression[],int,ch.njol.util.Kleenean,ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptParser.ParseResult)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.conditions","c":"CondIsWearing","l":"init(Expression[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult)","u":"init(ch.njol.skript.lang.Expression[],int,ch.njol.util.Kleenean,ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptParser.ParseResult)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.conditions","c":"CondIsWhitelisted","l":"init(Expression[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult)","u":"init(ch.njol.skript.lang.Expression[],int,ch.njol.util.Kleenean,ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptParser.ParseResult)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.conditions","c":"CondIsWithin","l":"init(Expression[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult)","u":"init(ch.njol.skript.lang.Expression[],int,ch.njol.util.Kleenean,ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptParser.ParseResult)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.conditions","c":"CondItemInHand","l":"init(Expression[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult)","u":"init(ch.njol.skript.lang.Expression[],int,ch.njol.util.Kleenean,ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptParser.ParseResult)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.conditions","c":"CondMatches","l":"init(Expression[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult)","u":"init(ch.njol.skript.lang.Expression[],int,ch.njol.util.Kleenean,ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptParser.ParseResult)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.conditions","c":"CondPermission","l":"init(Expression[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult)","u":"init(ch.njol.skript.lang.Expression[],int,ch.njol.util.Kleenean,ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptParser.ParseResult)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.conditions","c":"CondPlayedBefore","l":"init(Expression[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult)","u":"init(ch.njol.skript.lang.Expression[],int,ch.njol.util.Kleenean,ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptParser.ParseResult)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.conditions","c":"CondPvP","l":"init(Expression[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult)","u":"init(ch.njol.skript.lang.Expression[],int,ch.njol.util.Kleenean,ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptParser.ParseResult)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.conditions","c":"CondResourcePack","l":"init(Expression[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult)","u":"init(ch.njol.skript.lang.Expression[],int,ch.njol.util.Kleenean,ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptParser.ParseResult)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.conditions","c":"CondRespawnLocation","l":"init(Expression[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult)","u":"init(ch.njol.skript.lang.Expression[],int,ch.njol.util.Kleenean,ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptParser.ParseResult)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.conditions","c":"CondScriptLoaded","l":"init(Expression[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult)","u":"init(ch.njol.skript.lang.Expression[],int,ch.njol.util.Kleenean,ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptParser.ParseResult)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.conditions","c":"CondStartsEndsWith","l":"init(Expression[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult)","u":"init(ch.njol.skript.lang.Expression[],int,ch.njol.util.Kleenean,ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptParser.ParseResult)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.conditions","c":"CondWillHatch","l":"init(Expression[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult)","u":"init(ch.njol.skript.lang.Expression[],int,ch.njol.util.Kleenean,ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptParser.ParseResult)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.conditions","c":"CondWithinRadius","l":"init(Expression[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult)","u":"init(ch.njol.skript.lang.Expression[],int,ch.njol.util.Kleenean,ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptParser.ParseResult)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.effects","c":"Delay","l":"init(Expression[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult)","u":"init(ch.njol.skript.lang.Expression[],int,ch.njol.util.Kleenean,ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptParser.ParseResult)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.effects","c":"EffActionBar","l":"init(Expression[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult)","u":"init(ch.njol.skript.lang.Expression[],int,ch.njol.util.Kleenean,ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptParser.ParseResult)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.effects","c":"EffBan","l":"init(Expression[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult)","u":"init(ch.njol.skript.lang.Expression[],int,ch.njol.util.Kleenean,ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptParser.ParseResult)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.effects","c":"EffBreakNaturally","l":"init(Expression[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult)","u":"init(ch.njol.skript.lang.Expression[],int,ch.njol.util.Kleenean,ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptParser.ParseResult)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.effects","c":"EffBroadcast","l":"init(Expression[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult)","u":"init(ch.njol.skript.lang.Expression[],int,ch.njol.util.Kleenean,ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptParser.ParseResult)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.effects","c":"EffCancelCooldown","l":"init(Expression[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult)","u":"init(ch.njol.skript.lang.Expression[],int,ch.njol.util.Kleenean,ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptParser.ParseResult)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.effects","c":"EffCancelDrops","l":"init(Expression[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult)","u":"init(ch.njol.skript.lang.Expression[],int,ch.njol.util.Kleenean,ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptParser.ParseResult)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.effects","c":"EffCancelEvent","l":"init(Expression[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult)","u":"init(ch.njol.skript.lang.Expression[],int,ch.njol.util.Kleenean,ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptParser.ParseResult)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.effects","c":"EffChange","l":"init(Expression[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult)","u":"init(ch.njol.skript.lang.Expression[],int,ch.njol.util.Kleenean,ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptParser.ParseResult)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.effects","c":"EffChargeCreeper","l":"init(Expression[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult)","u":"init(ch.njol.skript.lang.Expression[],int,ch.njol.util.Kleenean,ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptParser.ParseResult)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.effects","c":"EffColorItems","l":"init(Expression[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult)","u":"init(ch.njol.skript.lang.Expression[],int,ch.njol.util.Kleenean,ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptParser.ParseResult)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.effects","c":"EffCommand","l":"init(Expression[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult)","u":"init(ch.njol.skript.lang.Expression[],int,ch.njol.util.Kleenean,ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptParser.ParseResult)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.effects","c":"EffConnect","l":"init(Expression[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult)","u":"init(ch.njol.skript.lang.Expression[],int,ch.njol.util.Kleenean,ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptParser.ParseResult)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.effects","c":"EffContinue","l":"init(Expression[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult)","u":"init(ch.njol.skript.lang.Expression[],int,ch.njol.util.Kleenean,ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptParser.ParseResult)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.effects","c":"EffDoIf","l":"init(Expression[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult)","u":"init(ch.njol.skript.lang.Expression[],int,ch.njol.util.Kleenean,ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptParser.ParseResult)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.effects","c":"EffDrop","l":"init(Expression[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult)","u":"init(ch.njol.skript.lang.Expression[],int,ch.njol.util.Kleenean,ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptParser.ParseResult)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.effects","c":"EffEnchant","l":"init(Expression[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult)","u":"init(ch.njol.skript.lang.Expression[],int,ch.njol.util.Kleenean,ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptParser.ParseResult)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.effects","c":"EffEquip","l":"init(Expression[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult)","u":"init(ch.njol.skript.lang.Expression[],int,ch.njol.util.Kleenean,ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptParser.ParseResult)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.effects","c":"EffExceptionDebug","l":"init(Expression[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult)","u":"init(ch.njol.skript.lang.Expression[],int,ch.njol.util.Kleenean,ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptParser.ParseResult)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.effects","c":"EffExit","l":"init(Expression[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult)","u":"init(ch.njol.skript.lang.Expression[],int,ch.njol.util.Kleenean,ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptParser.ParseResult)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.effects","c":"EffExplodeCreeper","l":"init(Expression[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult)","u":"init(ch.njol.skript.lang.Expression[],int,ch.njol.util.Kleenean,ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptParser.ParseResult)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.effects","c":"EffExplosion","l":"init(Expression[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult)","u":"init(ch.njol.skript.lang.Expression[],int,ch.njol.util.Kleenean,ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptParser.ParseResult)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.effects","c":"EffFeed","l":"init(Expression[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult)","u":"init(ch.njol.skript.lang.Expression[],int,ch.njol.util.Kleenean,ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptParser.ParseResult)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.effects","c":"EffFireworkLaunch","l":"init(Expression[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult)","u":"init(ch.njol.skript.lang.Expression[],int,ch.njol.util.Kleenean,ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptParser.ParseResult)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.effects","c":"EffForceAttack","l":"init(Expression[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult)","u":"init(ch.njol.skript.lang.Expression[],int,ch.njol.util.Kleenean,ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptParser.ParseResult)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.effects","c":"EffHandedness","l":"init(Expression[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult)","u":"init(ch.njol.skript.lang.Expression[],int,ch.njol.util.Kleenean,ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptParser.ParseResult)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.effects","c":"EffHealth","l":"init(Expression[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult)","u":"init(ch.njol.skript.lang.Expression[],int,ch.njol.util.Kleenean,ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptParser.ParseResult)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.effects","c":"EffHidePlayerFromServerList","l":"init(Expression[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult)","u":"init(ch.njol.skript.lang.Expression[],int,ch.njol.util.Kleenean,ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptParser.ParseResult)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.effects","c":"EffIgnite","l":"init(Expression[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult)","u":"init(ch.njol.skript.lang.Expression[],int,ch.njol.util.Kleenean,ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptParser.ParseResult)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.effects","c":"EffIncendiary","l":"init(Expression[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult)","u":"init(ch.njol.skript.lang.Expression[],int,ch.njol.util.Kleenean,ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptParser.ParseResult)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.effects","c":"EffInvisible","l":"init(Expression[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult)","u":"init(ch.njol.skript.lang.Expression[],int,ch.njol.util.Kleenean,ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptParser.ParseResult)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.effects","c":"EffInvulnerability","l":"init(Expression[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult)","u":"init(ch.njol.skript.lang.Expression[],int,ch.njol.util.Kleenean,ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptParser.ParseResult)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.effects","c":"EffKeepInventory","l":"init(Expression[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult)","u":"init(ch.njol.skript.lang.Expression[],int,ch.njol.util.Kleenean,ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptParser.ParseResult)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.effects","c":"EffKick","l":"init(Expression[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult)","u":"init(ch.njol.skript.lang.Expression[],int,ch.njol.util.Kleenean,ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptParser.ParseResult)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.effects","c":"EffKill","l":"init(Expression[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult)","u":"init(ch.njol.skript.lang.Expression[],int,ch.njol.util.Kleenean,ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptParser.ParseResult)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.effects","c":"EffKnockback","l":"init(Expression[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult)","u":"init(ch.njol.skript.lang.Expression[],int,ch.njol.util.Kleenean,ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptParser.ParseResult)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.effects","c":"EffLeash","l":"init(Expression[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult)","u":"init(ch.njol.skript.lang.Expression[],int,ch.njol.util.Kleenean,ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptParser.ParseResult)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.effects","c":"EffLightning","l":"init(Expression[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult)","u":"init(ch.njol.skript.lang.Expression[],int,ch.njol.util.Kleenean,ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptParser.ParseResult)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.effects","c":"EffLoadServerIcon","l":"init(Expression[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult)","u":"init(ch.njol.skript.lang.Expression[],int,ch.njol.util.Kleenean,ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptParser.ParseResult)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.effects","c":"EffLog","l":"init(Expression[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult)","u":"init(ch.njol.skript.lang.Expression[],int,ch.njol.util.Kleenean,ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptParser.ParseResult)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.effects","c":"EffLook","l":"init(Expression[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult)","u":"init(ch.njol.skript.lang.Expression[],int,ch.njol.util.Kleenean,ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptParser.ParseResult)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.effects","c":"EffMakeEggHatch","l":"init(Expression[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult)","u":"init(ch.njol.skript.lang.Expression[],int,ch.njol.util.Kleenean,ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptParser.ParseResult)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.effects","c":"EffMakeFly","l":"init(Expression[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult)","u":"init(ch.njol.skript.lang.Expression[],int,ch.njol.util.Kleenean,ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptParser.ParseResult)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.effects","c":"EffMakeSay","l":"init(Expression[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult)","u":"init(ch.njol.skript.lang.Expression[],int,ch.njol.util.Kleenean,ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptParser.ParseResult)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.effects","c":"EffMessage","l":"init(Expression[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult)","u":"init(ch.njol.skript.lang.Expression[],int,ch.njol.util.Kleenean,ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptParser.ParseResult)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.effects","c":"EffOp","l":"init(Expression[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult)","u":"init(ch.njol.skript.lang.Expression[],int,ch.njol.util.Kleenean,ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptParser.ParseResult)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.effects","c":"EffOpenBook","l":"init(Expression[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult)","u":"init(ch.njol.skript.lang.Expression[],int,ch.njol.util.Kleenean,ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptParser.ParseResult)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.effects","c":"EffOpenInventory","l":"init(Expression[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult)","u":"init(ch.njol.skript.lang.Expression[],int,ch.njol.util.Kleenean,ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptParser.ParseResult)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.effects","c":"EffPathfind","l":"init(Expression[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult)","u":"init(ch.njol.skript.lang.Expression[],int,ch.njol.util.Kleenean,ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptParser.ParseResult)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.effects","c":"EffPlayerInfoVisibility","l":"init(Expression[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult)","u":"init(ch.njol.skript.lang.Expression[],int,ch.njol.util.Kleenean,ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptParser.ParseResult)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.effects","c":"EffPlayerVisibility","l":"init(Expression[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult)","u":"init(ch.njol.skript.lang.Expression[],int,ch.njol.util.Kleenean,ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptParser.ParseResult)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.effects","c":"EffPlaySound","l":"init(Expression[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult)","u":"init(ch.njol.skript.lang.Expression[],int,ch.njol.util.Kleenean,ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptParser.ParseResult)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.effects","c":"EffPoison","l":"init(Expression[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult)","u":"init(ch.njol.skript.lang.Expression[],int,ch.njol.util.Kleenean,ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptParser.ParseResult)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.effects","c":"EffPotion","l":"init(Expression[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult)","u":"init(ch.njol.skript.lang.Expression[],int,ch.njol.util.Kleenean,ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptParser.ParseResult)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.effects","c":"EffPush","l":"init(Expression[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult)","u":"init(ch.njol.skript.lang.Expression[],int,ch.njol.util.Kleenean,ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptParser.ParseResult)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.effects","c":"EffPvP","l":"init(Expression[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult)","u":"init(ch.njol.skript.lang.Expression[],int,ch.njol.util.Kleenean,ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptParser.ParseResult)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.effects","c":"EffReplace","l":"init(Expression[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult)","u":"init(ch.njol.skript.lang.Expression[],int,ch.njol.util.Kleenean,ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptParser.ParseResult)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.effects","c":"EffResetTitle","l":"init(Expression[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult)","u":"init(ch.njol.skript.lang.Expression[],int,ch.njol.util.Kleenean,ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptParser.ParseResult)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.effects","c":"EffRespawn","l":"init(Expression[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult)","u":"init(ch.njol.skript.lang.Expression[],int,ch.njol.util.Kleenean,ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptParser.ParseResult)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.effects","c":"EffReturn","l":"init(Expression[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult)","u":"init(ch.njol.skript.lang.Expression[],int,ch.njol.util.Kleenean,ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptParser.ParseResult)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.effects","c":"EffScriptFile","l":"init(Expression[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult)","u":"init(ch.njol.skript.lang.Expression[],int,ch.njol.util.Kleenean,ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptParser.ParseResult)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.effects","c":"EffSendBlockChange","l":"init(Expression[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult)","u":"init(ch.njol.skript.lang.Expression[],int,ch.njol.util.Kleenean,ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptParser.ParseResult)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.effects","c":"EffSendResourcePack","l":"init(Expression[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult)","u":"init(ch.njol.skript.lang.Expression[],int,ch.njol.util.Kleenean,ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptParser.ParseResult)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.effects","c":"EffSendTitle","l":"init(Expression[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult)","u":"init(ch.njol.skript.lang.Expression[],int,ch.njol.util.Kleenean,ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptParser.ParseResult)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.effects","c":"EffShear","l":"init(Expression[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult)","u":"init(ch.njol.skript.lang.Expression[],int,ch.njol.util.Kleenean,ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptParser.ParseResult)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.effects","c":"EffShoot","l":"init(Expression[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult)","u":"init(ch.njol.skript.lang.Expression[],int,ch.njol.util.Kleenean,ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptParser.ParseResult)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.effects","c":"EffSilence","l":"init(Expression[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult)","u":"init(ch.njol.skript.lang.Expression[],int,ch.njol.util.Kleenean,ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptParser.ParseResult)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.effects","c":"EffStopServer","l":"init(Expression[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult)","u":"init(ch.njol.skript.lang.Expression[],int,ch.njol.util.Kleenean,ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptParser.ParseResult)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.effects","c":"EffStopSound","l":"init(Expression[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult)","u":"init(ch.njol.skript.lang.Expression[],int,ch.njol.util.Kleenean,ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptParser.ParseResult)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.effects","c":"EffSuppressWarnings","l":"init(Expression[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult)","u":"init(ch.njol.skript.lang.Expression[],int,ch.njol.util.Kleenean,ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptParser.ParseResult)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.effects","c":"EffSwingHand","l":"init(Expression[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult)","u":"init(ch.njol.skript.lang.Expression[],int,ch.njol.util.Kleenean,ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptParser.ParseResult)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.effects","c":"EffTeleport","l":"init(Expression[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult)","u":"init(ch.njol.skript.lang.Expression[],int,ch.njol.util.Kleenean,ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptParser.ParseResult)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.effects","c":"EffToggle","l":"init(Expression[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult)","u":"init(ch.njol.skript.lang.Expression[],int,ch.njol.util.Kleenean,ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptParser.ParseResult)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.effects","c":"EffToggleCanPickUpItems","l":"init(Expression[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult)","u":"init(ch.njol.skript.lang.Expression[],int,ch.njol.util.Kleenean,ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptParser.ParseResult)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.effects","c":"EffToggleFlight","l":"init(Expression[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult)","u":"init(ch.njol.skript.lang.Expression[],int,ch.njol.util.Kleenean,ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptParser.ParseResult)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.effects","c":"EffTree","l":"init(Expression[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult)","u":"init(ch.njol.skript.lang.Expression[],int,ch.njol.util.Kleenean,ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptParser.ParseResult)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.effects","c":"EffVectorRotateAroundAnother","l":"init(Expression[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult)","u":"init(ch.njol.skript.lang.Expression[],int,ch.njol.util.Kleenean,ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptParser.ParseResult)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.effects","c":"EffVectorRotateXYZ","l":"init(Expression[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult)","u":"init(ch.njol.skript.lang.Expression[],int,ch.njol.util.Kleenean,ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptParser.ParseResult)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.effects","c":"EffVehicle","l":"init(Expression[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult)","u":"init(ch.njol.skript.lang.Expression[],int,ch.njol.util.Kleenean,ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptParser.ParseResult)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.effects","c":"EffVisualEffect","l":"init(Expression[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult)","u":"init(ch.njol.skript.lang.Expression[],int,ch.njol.util.Kleenean,ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptParser.ParseResult)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.entity","c":"EntityData","l":"init(Expression[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult)","u":"init(ch.njol.skript.lang.Expression[],int,ch.njol.util.Kleenean,ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptParser.ParseResult)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions.arithmetic","c":"ExprArithmetic","l":"init(Expression[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult)","u":"init(ch.njol.skript.lang.Expression[],int,ch.njol.util.Kleenean,ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptParser.ParseResult)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions.base","c":"EventValueExpression","l":"init(Expression[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult)","u":"init(ch.njol.skript.lang.Expression[],int,ch.njol.util.Kleenean,ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptParser.ParseResult)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions.base","c":"SimplePropertyExpression","l":"init(Expression[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult)","u":"init(ch.njol.skript.lang.Expression[],int,ch.njol.util.Kleenean,ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptParser.ParseResult)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprAbsorbedBlocks","l":"init(Expression[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult)","u":"init(ch.njol.skript.lang.Expression[],int,ch.njol.util.Kleenean,ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptParser.ParseResult)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprAffectedEntities","l":"init(Expression[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult)","u":"init(ch.njol.skript.lang.Expression[],int,ch.njol.util.Kleenean,ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptParser.ParseResult)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprAge","l":"init(Expression[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult)","u":"init(ch.njol.skript.lang.Expression[],int,ch.njol.util.Kleenean,ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptParser.ParseResult)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprAllBannedEntries","l":"init(Expression[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult)","u":"init(ch.njol.skript.lang.Expression[],int,ch.njol.util.Kleenean,ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptParser.ParseResult)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprAllCommands","l":"init(Expression[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult)","u":"init(ch.njol.skript.lang.Expression[],int,ch.njol.util.Kleenean,ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptParser.ParseResult)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprAlphabetList","l":"init(Expression[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult)","u":"init(ch.njol.skript.lang.Expression[],int,ch.njol.util.Kleenean,ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptParser.ParseResult)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprAmount","l":"init(Expression[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult)","u":"init(ch.njol.skript.lang.Expression[],int,ch.njol.util.Kleenean,ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptParser.ParseResult)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprAmountOfItems","l":"init(Expression[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult)","u":"init(ch.njol.skript.lang.Expression[],int,ch.njol.util.Kleenean,ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptParser.ParseResult)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprAnvilRepairCost","l":"init(Expression[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult)","u":"init(ch.njol.skript.lang.Expression[],int,ch.njol.util.Kleenean,ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptParser.ParseResult)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprAnvilText","l":"init(Expression[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult)","u":"init(ch.njol.skript.lang.Expression[],int,ch.njol.util.Kleenean,ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptParser.ParseResult)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprAppliedEnchantments","l":"init(Expression[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult)","u":"init(ch.njol.skript.lang.Expression[],int,ch.njol.util.Kleenean,ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptParser.ParseResult)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprArgument","l":"init(Expression[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult)","u":"init(ch.njol.skript.lang.Expression[],int,ch.njol.util.Kleenean,ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptParser.ParseResult)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprArmorSlot","l":"init(Expression[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult)","u":"init(ch.njol.skript.lang.Expression[],int,ch.njol.util.Kleenean,ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptParser.ParseResult)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprAttacked","l":"init(Expression[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult)","u":"init(ch.njol.skript.lang.Expression[],int,ch.njol.util.Kleenean,ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptParser.ParseResult)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprAttacker","l":"init(Expression[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult)","u":"init(ch.njol.skript.lang.Expression[],int,ch.njol.util.Kleenean,ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptParser.ParseResult)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprBed","l":"init(Expression[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult)","u":"init(ch.njol.skript.lang.Expression[],int,ch.njol.util.Kleenean,ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptParser.ParseResult)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprBiome","l":"init(Expression[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult)","u":"init(ch.njol.skript.lang.Expression[],int,ch.njol.util.Kleenean,ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptParser.ParseResult)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprBlock","l":"init(Expression[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult)","u":"init(ch.njol.skript.lang.Expression[],int,ch.njol.util.Kleenean,ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptParser.ParseResult)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprBlocks","l":"init(Expression[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult)","u":"init(ch.njol.skript.lang.Expression[],int,ch.njol.util.Kleenean,ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptParser.ParseResult)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprBlockSphere","l":"init(Expression[], int, Kleenean, 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SkriptParser.ParseResult)","u":"init(ch.njol.skript.lang.Expression[],int,ch.njol.util.Kleenean,ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptParser.ParseResult)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprChatFormat","l":"init(Expression[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult)","u":"init(ch.njol.skript.lang.Expression[],int,ch.njol.util.Kleenean,ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptParser.ParseResult)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprChatRecipients","l":"init(Expression[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult)","u":"init(ch.njol.skript.lang.Expression[],int,ch.njol.util.Kleenean,ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptParser.ParseResult)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprChestInventory","l":"init(Expression[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult)","u":"init(ch.njol.skript.lang.Expression[],int,ch.njol.util.Kleenean,ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptParser.ParseResult)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprChunk","l":"init(Expression[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult)","u":"init(ch.njol.skript.lang.Expression[],int,ch.njol.util.Kleenean,ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptParser.ParseResult)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprClicked","l":"init(Expression[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult)","u":"init(ch.njol.skript.lang.Expression[],int,ch.njol.util.Kleenean,ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptParser.ParseResult)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprCmdCooldownInfo","l":"init(Expression[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult)","u":"init(ch.njol.skript.lang.Expression[],int,ch.njol.util.Kleenean,ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptParser.ParseResult)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprColorOf","l":"init(Expression[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult)","u":"init(ch.njol.skript.lang.Expression[],int,ch.njol.util.Kleenean,ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptParser.ParseResult)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprColoured","l":"init(Expression[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult)","u":"init(ch.njol.skript.lang.Expression[],int,ch.njol.util.Kleenean,ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptParser.ParseResult)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprCommand","l":"init(Expression[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult)","u":"init(ch.njol.skript.lang.Expression[],int,ch.njol.util.Kleenean,ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptParser.ParseResult)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprCommandInfo","l":"init(Expression[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult)","u":"init(ch.njol.skript.lang.Expression[],int,ch.njol.util.Kleenean,ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptParser.ParseResult)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprCoordinate","l":"init(Expression[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult)","u":"init(ch.njol.skript.lang.Expression[],int,ch.njol.util.Kleenean,ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptParser.ParseResult)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprDamage","l":"init(Expression[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult)","u":"init(ch.njol.skript.lang.Expression[],int,ch.njol.util.Kleenean,ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptParser.ParseResult)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprDamagedItem","l":"init(Expression[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult)","u":"init(ch.njol.skript.lang.Expression[],int,ch.njol.util.Kleenean,ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptParser.ParseResult)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprDateAgoLater","l":"init(Expression[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult)","u":"init(ch.njol.skript.lang.Expression[],int,ch.njol.util.Kleenean,ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptParser.ParseResult)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprDefaultValue","l":"init(Expression[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult)","u":"init(ch.njol.skript.lang.Expression[],int,ch.njol.util.Kleenean,ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptParser.ParseResult)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprDifference","l":"init(Expression[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult)","u":"init(ch.njol.skript.lang.Expression[],int,ch.njol.util.Kleenean,ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptParser.ParseResult)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprDirection","l":"init(Expression[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult)","u":"init(ch.njol.skript.lang.Expression[],int,ch.njol.util.Kleenean,ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptParser.ParseResult)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprDistance","l":"init(Expression[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult)","u":"init(ch.njol.skript.lang.Expression[],int,ch.njol.util.Kleenean,ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptParser.ParseResult)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprDrops","l":"init(Expression[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult)","u":"init(ch.njol.skript.lang.Expression[],int,ch.njol.util.Kleenean,ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptParser.ParseResult)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprDropsOfBlock","l":"init(Expression[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult)","u":"init(ch.njol.skript.lang.Expression[],int,ch.njol.util.Kleenean,ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptParser.ParseResult)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprDurability","l":"init(Expression[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult)","u":"init(ch.njol.skript.lang.Expression[],int,ch.njol.util.Kleenean,ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptParser.ParseResult)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprElement","l":"init(Expression[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult)","u":"init(ch.njol.skript.lang.Expression[],int,ch.njol.util.Kleenean,ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptParser.ParseResult)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprEnchantingExpCost","l":"init(Expression[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult)","u":"init(ch.njol.skript.lang.Expression[],int,ch.njol.util.Kleenean,ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptParser.ParseResult)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprEnchantItem","l":"init(Expression[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult)","u":"init(ch.njol.skript.lang.Expression[],int,ch.njol.util.Kleenean,ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptParser.ParseResult)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprEnchantmentBonus","l":"init(Expression[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult)","u":"init(ch.njol.skript.lang.Expression[],int,ch.njol.util.Kleenean,ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptParser.ParseResult)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprEnchantmentLevel","l":"init(Expression[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult)","u":"init(ch.njol.skript.lang.Expression[],int,ch.njol.util.Kleenean,ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptParser.ParseResult)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprEnchantmentOffer","l":"init(Expression[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult)","u":"init(ch.njol.skript.lang.Expression[],int,ch.njol.util.Kleenean,ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptParser.ParseResult)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprEnchantments","l":"init(Expression[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult)","u":"init(ch.njol.skript.lang.Expression[],int,ch.njol.util.Kleenean,ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptParser.ParseResult)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprEntities","l":"init(Expression[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult)","u":"init(ch.njol.skript.lang.Expression[],int,ch.njol.util.Kleenean,ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptParser.ParseResult)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprEntity","l":"init(Expression[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult)","u":"init(ch.njol.skript.lang.Expression[],int,ch.njol.util.Kleenean,ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptParser.ParseResult)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprEntityAttribute","l":"init(Expression[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult)","u":"init(ch.njol.skript.lang.Expression[],int,ch.njol.util.Kleenean,ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptParser.ParseResult)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprEventCancelled","l":"init(Expression[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult)","u":"init(ch.njol.skript.lang.Expression[],int,ch.njol.util.Kleenean,ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptParser.ParseResult)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprEventExpression","l":"init(Expression[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult)","u":"init(ch.njol.skript.lang.Expression[],int,ch.njol.util.Kleenean,ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptParser.ParseResult)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprEvtInitiator","l":"init(Expression[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult)","u":"init(ch.njol.skript.lang.Expression[],int,ch.njol.util.Kleenean,ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptParser.ParseResult)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprExperience","l":"init(Expression[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult)","u":"init(ch.njol.skript.lang.Expression[],int,ch.njol.util.Kleenean,ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptParser.ParseResult)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprExplodedBlocks","l":"init(Expression[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult)","u":"init(ch.njol.skript.lang.Expression[],int,ch.njol.util.Kleenean,ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptParser.ParseResult)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprExplosionBlockYield","l":"init(Expression[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult)","u":"init(ch.njol.skript.lang.Expression[],int,ch.njol.util.Kleenean,ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptParser.ParseResult)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprExplosionYield","l":"init(Expression[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult)","u":"init(ch.njol.skript.lang.Expression[],int,ch.njol.util.Kleenean,ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptParser.ParseResult)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprFacing","l":"init(Expression[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult)","u":"init(ch.njol.skript.lang.Expression[],int,ch.njol.util.Kleenean,ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptParser.ParseResult)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprFertilizedBlocks","l":"init(Expression[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult)","u":"init(ch.njol.skript.lang.Expression[],int,ch.njol.util.Kleenean,ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptParser.ParseResult)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprFilter.ExprInput","l":"init(Expression[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult)","u":"init(ch.njol.skript.lang.Expression[],int,ch.njol.util.Kleenean,ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptParser.ParseResult)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprFilter","l":"init(Expression[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult)","u":"init(ch.njol.skript.lang.Expression[],int,ch.njol.util.Kleenean,ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptParser.ParseResult)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprFinalDamage","l":"init(Expression[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult)","u":"init(ch.njol.skript.lang.Expression[],int,ch.njol.util.Kleenean,ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptParser.ParseResult)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprFireworkEffect","l":"init(Expression[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult)","u":"init(ch.njol.skript.lang.Expression[],int,ch.njol.util.Kleenean,ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptParser.ParseResult)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprFoodLevel","l":"init(Expression[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult)","u":"init(ch.njol.skript.lang.Expression[],int,ch.njol.util.Kleenean,ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptParser.ParseResult)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprFormatDate","l":"init(Expression[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult)","u":"init(ch.njol.skript.lang.Expression[],int,ch.njol.util.Kleenean,ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptParser.ParseResult)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprFurnaceSlot","l":"init(Expression[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult)","u":"init(ch.njol.skript.lang.Expression[],int,ch.njol.util.Kleenean,ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptParser.ParseResult)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprGameMode","l":"init(Expression[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult)","u":"init(ch.njol.skript.lang.Expression[],int,ch.njol.util.Kleenean,ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptParser.ParseResult)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprGameRule","l":"init(Expression[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult)","u":"init(ch.njol.skript.lang.Expression[],int,ch.njol.util.Kleenean,ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptParser.ParseResult)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprHanging","l":"init(Expression[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult)","u":"init(ch.njol.skript.lang.Expression[],int,ch.njol.util.Kleenean,ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptParser.ParseResult)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprHash","l":"init(Expression[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult)","u":"init(ch.njol.skript.lang.Expression[],int,ch.njol.util.Kleenean,ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptParser.ParseResult)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprHatchingNumber","l":"init(Expression[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult)","u":"init(ch.njol.skript.lang.Expression[],int,ch.njol.util.Kleenean,ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptParser.ParseResult)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprHatchingType","l":"init(Expression[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult)","u":"init(ch.njol.skript.lang.Expression[],int,ch.njol.util.Kleenean,ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptParser.ParseResult)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprHealAmount","l":"init(Expression[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult)","u":"init(ch.njol.skript.lang.Expression[],int,ch.njol.util.Kleenean,ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptParser.ParseResult)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprHealReason","l":"init(Expression[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult)","u":"init(ch.njol.skript.lang.Expression[],int,ch.njol.util.Kleenean,ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptParser.ParseResult)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprHealth","l":"init(Expression[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult)","u":"init(ch.njol.skript.lang.Expression[],int,ch.njol.util.Kleenean,ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptParser.ParseResult)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprHiddenPlayers","l":"init(Expression[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult)","u":"init(ch.njol.skript.lang.Expression[],int,ch.njol.util.Kleenean,ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptParser.ParseResult)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprHostname","l":"init(Expression[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult)","u":"init(ch.njol.skript.lang.Expression[],int,ch.njol.util.Kleenean,ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptParser.ParseResult)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprHotbarButton","l":"init(Expression[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult)","u":"init(ch.njol.skript.lang.Expression[],int,ch.njol.util.Kleenean,ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptParser.ParseResult)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprHotbarSlot","l":"init(Expression[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult)","u":"init(ch.njol.skript.lang.Expression[],int,ch.njol.util.Kleenean,ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptParser.ParseResult)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprHoverList","l":"init(Expression[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult)","u":"init(ch.njol.skript.lang.Expression[],int,ch.njol.util.Kleenean,ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptParser.ParseResult)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprIndexOf","l":"init(Expression[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult)","u":"init(ch.njol.skript.lang.Expression[],int,ch.njol.util.Kleenean,ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptParser.ParseResult)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprIndices","l":"init(Expression[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult)","u":"init(ch.njol.skript.lang.Expression[],int,ch.njol.util.Kleenean,ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptParser.ParseResult)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprInventory","l":"init(Expression[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult)","u":"init(ch.njol.skript.lang.Expression[],int,ch.njol.util.Kleenean,ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptParser.ParseResult)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprInventoryCloseReason","l":"init(Expression[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult)","u":"init(ch.njol.skript.lang.Expression[],int,ch.njol.util.Kleenean,ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptParser.ParseResult)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprInventoryInfo","l":"init(Expression[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult)","u":"init(ch.njol.skript.lang.Expression[],int,ch.njol.util.Kleenean,ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptParser.ParseResult)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprInventorySlot","l":"init(Expression[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult)","u":"init(ch.njol.skript.lang.Expression[],int,ch.njol.util.Kleenean,ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptParser.ParseResult)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprIP","l":"init(Expression[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult)","u":"init(ch.njol.skript.lang.Expression[],int,ch.njol.util.Kleenean,ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptParser.ParseResult)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprItemCooldown","l":"init(Expression[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult)","u":"init(ch.njol.skript.lang.Expression[],int,ch.njol.util.Kleenean,ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptParser.ParseResult)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprItems","l":"init(Expression[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult)","u":"init(ch.njol.skript.lang.Expression[],int,ch.njol.util.Kleenean,ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptParser.ParseResult)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprItemWithCustomModelData","l":"init(Expression[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult)","u":"init(ch.njol.skript.lang.Expression[],int,ch.njol.util.Kleenean,ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptParser.ParseResult)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprItemWithLore","l":"init(Expression[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult)","u":"init(ch.njol.skript.lang.Expression[],int,ch.njol.util.Kleenean,ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptParser.ParseResult)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprJoinSplit","l":"init(Expression[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult)","u":"init(ch.njol.skript.lang.Expression[],int,ch.njol.util.Kleenean,ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptParser.ParseResult)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprLastAttacker","l":"init(Expression[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult)","u":"init(ch.njol.skript.lang.Expression[],int,ch.njol.util.Kleenean,ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptParser.ParseResult)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprLastDamage","l":"init(Expression[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult)","u":"init(ch.njol.skript.lang.Expression[],int,ch.njol.util.Kleenean,ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptParser.ParseResult)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprLastDamageCause","l":"init(Expression[], int, Kleenean, 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SkriptParser.ParseResult)","u":"init(ch.njol.skript.lang.Expression[],int,ch.njol.util.Kleenean,ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptParser.ParseResult)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprLocation","l":"init(Expression[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult)","u":"init(ch.njol.skript.lang.Expression[],int,ch.njol.util.Kleenean,ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptParser.ParseResult)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprLocationAt","l":"init(Expression[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult)","u":"init(ch.njol.skript.lang.Expression[],int,ch.njol.util.Kleenean,ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptParser.ParseResult)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprLocationFromVector","l":"init(Expression[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult)","u":"init(ch.njol.skript.lang.Expression[],int,ch.njol.util.Kleenean,ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptParser.ParseResult)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprLocationOf","l":"init(Expression[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult)","u":"init(ch.njol.skript.lang.Expression[],int,ch.njol.util.Kleenean,ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptParser.ParseResult)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprLocationVectorOffset","l":"init(Expression[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult)","u":"init(ch.njol.skript.lang.Expression[],int,ch.njol.util.Kleenean,ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptParser.ParseResult)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprLoopIteration","l":"init(Expression[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult)","u":"init(ch.njol.skript.lang.Expression[],int,ch.njol.util.Kleenean,ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptParser.ParseResult)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprLoopValue","l":"init(Expression[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult)","u":"init(ch.njol.skript.lang.Expression[],int,ch.njol.util.Kleenean,ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptParser.ParseResult)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprLoot","l":"init(Expression[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult)","u":"init(ch.njol.skript.lang.Expression[],int,ch.njol.util.Kleenean,ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptParser.ParseResult)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprLore","l":"init(Expression[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult)","u":"init(ch.njol.skript.lang.Expression[],int,ch.njol.util.Kleenean,ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptParser.ParseResult)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprMaxPlayers","l":"init(Expression[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult)","u":"init(ch.njol.skript.lang.Expression[],int,ch.njol.util.Kleenean,ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptParser.ParseResult)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprMe","l":"init(Expression[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult)","u":"init(ch.njol.skript.lang.Expression[],int,ch.njol.util.Kleenean,ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptParser.ParseResult)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprMendingRepairAmount","l":"init(Expression[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult)","u":"init(ch.njol.skript.lang.Expression[],int,ch.njol.util.Kleenean,ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptParser.ParseResult)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprMessage","l":"init(Expression[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult)","u":"init(ch.njol.skript.lang.Expression[],int,ch.njol.util.Kleenean,ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptParser.ParseResult)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprMetadata","l":"init(Expression[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult)","u":"init(ch.njol.skript.lang.Expression[],int,ch.njol.util.Kleenean,ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptParser.ParseResult)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprMinecartDerailedFlyingVelocity","l":"init(Expression[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult)","u":"init(ch.njol.skript.lang.Expression[],int,ch.njol.util.Kleenean,ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptParser.ParseResult)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprMOTD","l":"init(Expression[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult)","u":"init(ch.njol.skript.lang.Expression[],int,ch.njol.util.Kleenean,ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptParser.ParseResult)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprName","l":"init(Expression[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult)","u":"init(ch.njol.skript.lang.Expression[],int,ch.njol.util.Kleenean,ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptParser.ParseResult)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprNamed","l":"init(Expression[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult)","u":"init(ch.njol.skript.lang.Expression[],int,ch.njol.util.Kleenean,ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptParser.ParseResult)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprNearestEntity","l":"init(Expression[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult)","u":"init(ch.njol.skript.lang.Expression[],int,ch.njol.util.Kleenean,ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptParser.ParseResult)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprNow","l":"init(Expression[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult)","u":"init(ch.njol.skript.lang.Expression[],int,ch.njol.util.Kleenean,ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptParser.ParseResult)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprNumberOfCharacters","l":"init(Expression[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult)","u":"init(ch.njol.skript.lang.Expression[],int,ch.njol.util.Kleenean,ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptParser.ParseResult)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprNumbers","l":"init(Expression[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult)","u":"init(ch.njol.skript.lang.Expression[],int,ch.njol.util.Kleenean,ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptParser.ParseResult)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprOfflinePlayers","l":"init(Expression[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult)","u":"init(ch.njol.skript.lang.Expression[],int,ch.njol.util.Kleenean,ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptParser.ParseResult)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprOnlinePlayersCount","l":"init(Expression[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult)","u":"init(ch.njol.skript.lang.Expression[],int,ch.njol.util.Kleenean,ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptParser.ParseResult)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprOpenedInventory","l":"init(Expression[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult)","u":"init(ch.njol.skript.lang.Expression[],int,ch.njol.util.Kleenean,ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptParser.ParseResult)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprOps","l":"init(Expression[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult)","u":"init(ch.njol.skript.lang.Expression[],int,ch.njol.util.Kleenean,ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptParser.ParseResult)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprParse","l":"init(Expression[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult)","u":"init(ch.njol.skript.lang.Expression[],int,ch.njol.util.Kleenean,ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptParser.ParseResult)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprParseError","l":"init(Expression[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult)","u":"init(ch.njol.skript.lang.Expression[],int,ch.njol.util.Kleenean,ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptParser.ParseResult)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprPassenger","l":"init(Expression[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult)","u":"init(ch.njol.skript.lang.Expression[],int,ch.njol.util.Kleenean,ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptParser.ParseResult)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprPermissions","l":"init(Expression[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult)","u":"init(ch.njol.skript.lang.Expression[],int,ch.njol.util.Kleenean,ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptParser.ParseResult)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprPing","l":"init(Expression[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult)","u":"init(ch.njol.skript.lang.Expression[],int,ch.njol.util.Kleenean,ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptParser.ParseResult)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprPlain","l":"init(Expression[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult)","u":"init(ch.njol.skript.lang.Expression[],int,ch.njol.util.Kleenean,ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptParser.ParseResult)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprPlayerlistHeaderFooter","l":"init(Expression[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult)","u":"init(ch.njol.skript.lang.Expression[],int,ch.njol.util.Kleenean,ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptParser.ParseResult)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprPlugins","l":"init(Expression[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult)","u":"init(ch.njol.skript.lang.Expression[],int,ch.njol.util.Kleenean,ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptParser.ParseResult)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprPortal","l":"init(Expression[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult)","u":"init(ch.njol.skript.lang.Expression[],int,ch.njol.util.Kleenean,ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptParser.ParseResult)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprPotionEffect","l":"init(Expression[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult)","u":"init(ch.njol.skript.lang.Expression[],int,ch.njol.util.Kleenean,ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptParser.ParseResult)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprPotionEffects","l":"init(Expression[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult)","u":"init(ch.njol.skript.lang.Expression[],int,ch.njol.util.Kleenean,ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptParser.ParseResult)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprPotionEffectTier","l":"init(Expression[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult)","u":"init(ch.njol.skript.lang.Expression[],int,ch.njol.util.Kleenean,ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptParser.ParseResult)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprProtocolVersion","l":"init(Expression[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult)","u":"init(ch.njol.skript.lang.Expression[],int,ch.njol.util.Kleenean,ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptParser.ParseResult)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprPushedBlocks","l":"init(Expression[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult)","u":"init(ch.njol.skript.lang.Expression[],int,ch.njol.util.Kleenean,ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptParser.ParseResult)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprRandom","l":"init(Expression[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult)","u":"init(ch.njol.skript.lang.Expression[],int,ch.njol.util.Kleenean,ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptParser.ParseResult)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprRandomNumber","l":"init(Expression[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult)","u":"init(ch.njol.skript.lang.Expression[],int,ch.njol.util.Kleenean,ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptParser.ParseResult)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprRandomUUID","l":"init(Expression[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult)","u":"init(ch.njol.skript.lang.Expression[],int,ch.njol.util.Kleenean,ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptParser.ParseResult)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprRawName","l":"init(Expression[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult)","u":"init(ch.njol.skript.lang.Expression[],int,ch.njol.util.Kleenean,ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptParser.ParseResult)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprRawString","l":"init(Expression[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult)","u":"init(ch.njol.skript.lang.Expression[],int,ch.njol.util.Kleenean,ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptParser.ParseResult)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprRespawnLocation","l":"init(Expression[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult)","u":"init(ch.njol.skript.lang.Expression[],int,ch.njol.util.Kleenean,ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptParser.ParseResult)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprReversedList","l":"init(Expression[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult)","u":"init(ch.njol.skript.lang.Expression[],int,ch.njol.util.Kleenean,ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptParser.ParseResult)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprRound","l":"init(Expression[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult)","u":"init(ch.njol.skript.lang.Expression[],int,ch.njol.util.Kleenean,ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptParser.ParseResult)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprScoreboardTags","l":"init(Expression[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult)","u":"init(ch.njol.skript.lang.Expression[],int,ch.njol.util.Kleenean,ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptParser.ParseResult)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprScript","l":"init(Expression[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult)","u":"init(ch.njol.skript.lang.Expression[],int,ch.njol.util.Kleenean,ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptParser.ParseResult)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprScripts","l":"init(Expression[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult)","u":"init(ch.njol.skript.lang.Expression[],int,ch.njol.util.Kleenean,ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptParser.ParseResult)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprSeaPickles","l":"init(Expression[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult)","u":"init(ch.njol.skript.lang.Expression[],int,ch.njol.util.Kleenean,ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptParser.ParseResult)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprSeed","l":"init(Expression[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult)","u":"init(ch.njol.skript.lang.Expression[],int,ch.njol.util.Kleenean,ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptParser.ParseResult)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprServerIcon","l":"init(Expression[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult)","u":"init(ch.njol.skript.lang.Expression[],int,ch.njol.util.Kleenean,ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptParser.ParseResult)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprSets","l":"init(Expression[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult)","u":"init(ch.njol.skript.lang.Expression[],int,ch.njol.util.Kleenean,ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptParser.ParseResult)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprShooter","l":"init(Expression[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult)","u":"init(ch.njol.skript.lang.Expression[],int,ch.njol.util.Kleenean,ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptParser.ParseResult)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprShuffledList","l":"init(Expression[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult)","u":"init(ch.njol.skript.lang.Expression[],int,ch.njol.util.Kleenean,ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptParser.ParseResult)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprSignText","l":"init(Expression[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult)","u":"init(ch.njol.skript.lang.Expression[],int,ch.njol.util.Kleenean,ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptParser.ParseResult)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprSkull","l":"init(Expression[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult)","u":"init(ch.njol.skript.lang.Expression[],int,ch.njol.util.Kleenean,ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptParser.ParseResult)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprSortedList","l":"init(Expression[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult)","u":"init(ch.njol.skript.lang.Expression[],int,ch.njol.util.Kleenean,ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptParser.ParseResult)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprSourceBlock","l":"init(Expression[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult)","u":"init(ch.njol.skript.lang.Expression[],int,ch.njol.util.Kleenean,ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptParser.ParseResult)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprSpawn","l":"init(Expression[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult)","u":"init(ch.njol.skript.lang.Expression[],int,ch.njol.util.Kleenean,ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptParser.ParseResult)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprSpecialNumber","l":"init(Expression[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult)","u":"init(ch.njol.skript.lang.Expression[],int,ch.njol.util.Kleenean,ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptParser.ParseResult)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprSpectatorTarget","l":"init(Expression[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult)","u":"init(ch.njol.skript.lang.Expression[],int,ch.njol.util.Kleenean,ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptParser.ParseResult)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprSpeed","l":"init(Expression[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult)","u":"init(ch.njol.skript.lang.Expression[],int,ch.njol.util.Kleenean,ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptParser.ParseResult)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprStringCase","l":"init(Expression[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult)","u":"init(ch.njol.skript.lang.Expression[],int,ch.njol.util.Kleenean,ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptParser.ParseResult)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprSubstring","l":"init(Expression[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult)","u":"init(ch.njol.skript.lang.Expression[],int,ch.njol.util.Kleenean,ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptParser.ParseResult)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprTamer","l":"init(Expression[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult)","u":"init(ch.njol.skript.lang.Expression[],int,ch.njol.util.Kleenean,ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptParser.ParseResult)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprTarget","l":"init(Expression[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult)","u":"init(ch.njol.skript.lang.Expression[],int,ch.njol.util.Kleenean,ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptParser.ParseResult)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprTargetedBlock","l":"init(Expression[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult)","u":"init(ch.njol.skript.lang.Expression[],int,ch.njol.util.Kleenean,ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptParser.ParseResult)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprTernary","l":"init(Expression[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult)","u":"init(ch.njol.skript.lang.Expression[],int,ch.njol.util.Kleenean,ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptParser.ParseResult)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprTime","l":"init(Expression[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult)","u":"init(ch.njol.skript.lang.Expression[],int,ch.njol.util.Kleenean,ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptParser.ParseResult)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprTimes","l":"init(Expression[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult)","u":"init(ch.njol.skript.lang.Expression[],int,ch.njol.util.Kleenean,ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptParser.ParseResult)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprTimeState","l":"init(Expression[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult)","u":"init(ch.njol.skript.lang.Expression[],int,ch.njol.util.Kleenean,ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptParser.ParseResult)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprTool","l":"init(Expression[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult)","u":"init(ch.njol.skript.lang.Expression[],int,ch.njol.util.Kleenean,ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptParser.ParseResult)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprTPS","l":"init(Expression[], int, Kleenean, 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SkriptParser.ParseResult)","u":"init(ch.njol.skript.lang.Expression[],int,ch.njol.util.Kleenean,ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptParser.ParseResult)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprVectorArithmetic","l":"init(Expression[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult)","u":"init(ch.njol.skript.lang.Expression[],int,ch.njol.util.Kleenean,ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptParser.ParseResult)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprVectorBetweenLocations","l":"init(Expression[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult)","u":"init(ch.njol.skript.lang.Expression[],int,ch.njol.util.Kleenean,ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptParser.ParseResult)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprVectorCrossProduct","l":"init(Expression[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult)","u":"init(ch.njol.skript.lang.Expression[],int,ch.njol.util.Kleenean,ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptParser.ParseResult)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprVectorCylindrical","l":"init(Expression[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult)","u":"init(ch.njol.skript.lang.Expression[],int,ch.njol.util.Kleenean,ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptParser.ParseResult)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprVectorDotProduct","l":"init(Expression[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult)","u":"init(ch.njol.skript.lang.Expression[],int,ch.njol.util.Kleenean,ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptParser.ParseResult)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprVectorFromDirection","l":"init(Expression[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult)","u":"init(ch.njol.skript.lang.Expression[],int,ch.njol.util.Kleenean,ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptParser.ParseResult)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprVectorFromXYZ","l":"init(Expression[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult)","u":"init(ch.njol.skript.lang.Expression[],int,ch.njol.util.Kleenean,ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptParser.ParseResult)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprVectorFromYawAndPitch","l":"init(Expression[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult)","u":"init(ch.njol.skript.lang.Expression[],int,ch.njol.util.Kleenean,ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptParser.ParseResult)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprVectorNormalize","l":"init(Expression[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult)","u":"init(ch.njol.skript.lang.Expression[],int,ch.njol.util.Kleenean,ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptParser.ParseResult)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprVectorOfLocation","l":"init(Expression[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult)","u":"init(ch.njol.skript.lang.Expression[],int,ch.njol.util.Kleenean,ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptParser.ParseResult)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprVectorProjection","l":"init(Expression[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult)","u":"init(ch.njol.skript.lang.Expression[],int,ch.njol.util.Kleenean,ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptParser.ParseResult)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprVectorRandom","l":"init(Expression[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult)","u":"init(ch.njol.skript.lang.Expression[],int,ch.njol.util.Kleenean,ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptParser.ParseResult)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprVectorSpherical","l":"init(Expression[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult)","u":"init(ch.njol.skript.lang.Expression[],int,ch.njol.util.Kleenean,ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptParser.ParseResult)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprVectorXYZ","l":"init(Expression[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult)","u":"init(ch.njol.skript.lang.Expression[],int,ch.njol.util.Kleenean,ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptParser.ParseResult)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprVersion","l":"init(Expression[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult)","u":"init(ch.njol.skript.lang.Expression[],int,ch.njol.util.Kleenean,ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptParser.ParseResult)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprVersionString","l":"init(Expression[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult)","u":"init(ch.njol.skript.lang.Expression[],int,ch.njol.util.Kleenean,ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptParser.ParseResult)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprWeather","l":"init(Expression[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult)","u":"init(ch.njol.skript.lang.Expression[],int,ch.njol.util.Kleenean,ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptParser.ParseResult)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprWhitelist","l":"init(Expression[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult)","u":"init(ch.njol.skript.lang.Expression[],int,ch.njol.util.Kleenean,ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptParser.ParseResult)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprWorld","l":"init(Expression[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult)","u":"init(ch.njol.skript.lang.Expression[],int,ch.njol.util.Kleenean,ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptParser.ParseResult)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprWorldFromName","l":"init(Expression[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult)","u":"init(ch.njol.skript.lang.Expression[],int,ch.njol.util.Kleenean,ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptParser.ParseResult)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprWorlds","l":"init(Expression[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult)","u":"init(ch.njol.skript.lang.Expression[],int,ch.njol.util.Kleenean,ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptParser.ParseResult)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprXOf","l":"init(Expression[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult)","u":"init(ch.njol.skript.lang.Expression[],int,ch.njol.util.Kleenean,ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptParser.ParseResult)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprYawPitch","l":"init(Expression[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult)","u":"init(ch.njol.skript.lang.Expression[],int,ch.njol.util.Kleenean,ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptParser.ParseResult)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"LitAt","l":"init(Expression[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult)","u":"init(ch.njol.skript.lang.Expression[],int,ch.njol.util.Kleenean,ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptParser.ParseResult)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"LitConsole","l":"init(Expression[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult)","u":"init(ch.njol.skript.lang.Expression[],int,ch.njol.util.Kleenean,ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptParser.ParseResult)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"LitNewLine","l":"init(Expression[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult)","u":"init(ch.njol.skript.lang.Expression[],int,ch.njol.util.Kleenean,ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptParser.ParseResult)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"LitPi","l":"init(Expression[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult)","u":"init(ch.njol.skript.lang.Expression[],int,ch.njol.util.Kleenean,ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptParser.ParseResult)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.hooks.chat.expressions","c":"ExprPrefixSuffix","l":"init(Expression[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult)","u":"init(ch.njol.skript.lang.Expression[],int,ch.njol.util.Kleenean,ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptParser.ParseResult)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.hooks.permission.expressions","c":"ExprAllGroups","l":"init(Expression[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult)","u":"init(ch.njol.skript.lang.Expression[],int,ch.njol.util.Kleenean,ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptParser.ParseResult)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.hooks.permission.expressions","c":"ExprGroup","l":"init(Expression[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult)","u":"init(ch.njol.skript.lang.Expression[],int,ch.njol.util.Kleenean,ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptParser.ParseResult)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.hooks.regions.conditions","c":"CondCanBuild","l":"init(Expression[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult)","u":"init(ch.njol.skript.lang.Expression[],int,ch.njol.util.Kleenean,ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptParser.ParseResult)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.hooks.regions.conditions","c":"CondIsMember","l":"init(Expression[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult)","u":"init(ch.njol.skript.lang.Expression[],int,ch.njol.util.Kleenean,ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptParser.ParseResult)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.hooks.regions.conditions","c":"CondRegionContains","l":"init(Expression[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult)","u":"init(ch.njol.skript.lang.Expression[],int,ch.njol.util.Kleenean,ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptParser.ParseResult)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.hooks.regions.expressions","c":"ExprBlocksInRegion","l":"init(Expression[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult)","u":"init(ch.njol.skript.lang.Expression[],int,ch.njol.util.Kleenean,ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptParser.ParseResult)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.hooks.regions.expressions","c":"ExprMembersOfRegion","l":"init(Expression[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult)","u":"init(ch.njol.skript.lang.Expression[],int,ch.njol.util.Kleenean,ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptParser.ParseResult)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.hooks.regions.expressions","c":"ExprRegionsAt","l":"init(Expression[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult)","u":"init(ch.njol.skript.lang.Expression[],int,ch.njol.util.Kleenean,ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptParser.ParseResult)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.lang","c":"EffectSection","l":"init(Expression[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult)","u":"init(ch.njol.skript.lang.Expression[],int,ch.njol.util.Kleenean,ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptParser.ParseResult)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.lang","c":"EffectSectionEffect","l":"init(Expression[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult)","u":"init(ch.njol.skript.lang.Expression[],int,ch.njol.util.Kleenean,ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptParser.ParseResult)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.lang","c":"ExpressionList","l":"init(Expression[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult)","u":"init(ch.njol.skript.lang.Expression[],int,ch.njol.util.Kleenean,ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptParser.ParseResult)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.lang.function","c":"EffFunctionCall","l":"init(Expression[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult)","u":"init(ch.njol.skript.lang.Expression[],int,ch.njol.util.Kleenean,ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptParser.ParseResult)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.lang.function","c":"ExprFunctionCall","l":"init(Expression[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult)","u":"init(ch.njol.skript.lang.Expression[],int,ch.njol.util.Kleenean,ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptParser.ParseResult)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.lang","c":"Section","l":"init(Expression[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult)","u":"init(ch.njol.skript.lang.Expression[],int,ch.njol.util.Kleenean,ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptParser.ParseResult)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.lang","c":"SyntaxElement","l":"init(Expression[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult)","u":"init(ch.njol.skript.lang.Expression[],int,ch.njol.util.Kleenean,ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptParser.ParseResult)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.lang","c":"UnparsedLiteral","l":"init(Expression[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult)","u":"init(ch.njol.skript.lang.Expression[],int,ch.njol.util.Kleenean,ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptParser.ParseResult)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.lang.util","c":"ContainerExpression","l":"init(Expression[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult)","u":"init(ch.njol.skript.lang.Expression[],int,ch.njol.util.Kleenean,ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptParser.ParseResult)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.lang.util","c":"ConvertedExpression","l":"init(Expression[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult)","u":"init(ch.njol.skript.lang.Expression[],int,ch.njol.util.Kleenean,ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptParser.ParseResult)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.lang.util","c":"SimpleLiteral","l":"init(Expression[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult)","u":"init(ch.njol.skript.lang.Expression[],int,ch.njol.util.Kleenean,ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptParser.ParseResult)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.lang","c":"Variable","l":"init(Expression[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult)","u":"init(ch.njol.skript.lang.Expression[],int,ch.njol.util.Kleenean,ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptParser.ParseResult)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.lang","c":"VariableString","l":"init(Expression[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult)","u":"init(ch.njol.skript.lang.Expression[],int,ch.njol.util.Kleenean,ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptParser.ParseResult)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.test.runner","c":"CondMethodExists","l":"init(Expression[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult)","u":"init(ch.njol.skript.lang.Expression[],int,ch.njol.util.Kleenean,ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptParser.ParseResult)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.test.runner","c":"CondMinecraftVersion","l":"init(Expression[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult)","u":"init(ch.njol.skript.lang.Expression[],int,ch.njol.util.Kleenean,ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptParser.ParseResult)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.test.runner","c":"EffAssert","l":"init(Expression[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult)","u":"init(ch.njol.skript.lang.Expression[],int,ch.njol.util.Kleenean,ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptParser.ParseResult)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.test.runner","c":"EffDebug","l":"init(Expression[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult)","u":"init(ch.njol.skript.lang.Expression[],int,ch.njol.util.Kleenean,ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptParser.ParseResult)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.test.runner","c":"EffObjectives","l":"init(Expression[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult)","u":"init(ch.njol.skript.lang.Expression[],int,ch.njol.util.Kleenean,ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptParser.ParseResult)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.test.runner","c":"ExprJUnitTest","l":"init(Expression[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult)","u":"init(ch.njol.skript.lang.Expression[],int,ch.njol.util.Kleenean,ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptParser.ParseResult)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.util.visual","c":"VisualEffect","l":"init(Expression[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult)","u":"init(ch.njol.skript.lang.Expression[],int,ch.njol.util.Kleenean,ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptParser.ParseResult)"},{"p":"org.skriptlang.skript.lang.structure","c":"Structure","l":"init(Expression[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult)","u":"init(ch.njol.skript.lang.Expression[],int,ch.njol.util.Kleenean,ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptParser.ParseResult)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.lang","c":"EffectSection","l":"init(Expression[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult, SectionNode, List)","u":"init(ch.njol.skript.lang.Expression[],int,ch.njol.util.Kleenean,ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptParser.ParseResult,ch.njol.skript.config.SectionNode,java.util.List)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.sections","c":"EffSecSpawn","l":"init(Expression[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult, SectionNode, List)","u":"init(ch.njol.skript.lang.Expression[],int,ch.njol.util.Kleenean,ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptParser.ParseResult,ch.njol.skript.config.SectionNode,java.util.List)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.lang","c":"Section","l":"init(Expression[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult, SectionNode, List)","u":"init(ch.njol.skript.lang.Expression[],int,ch.njol.util.Kleenean,ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptParser.ParseResult,ch.njol.skript.config.SectionNode,java.util.List)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.sections","c":"SecConditional","l":"init(Expression[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult, SectionNode, List)","u":"init(ch.njol.skript.lang.Expression[],int,ch.njol.util.Kleenean,ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptParser.ParseResult,ch.njol.skript.config.SectionNode,java.util.List)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.sections","c":"SecLoop","l":"init(Expression[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult, SectionNode, List)","u":"init(ch.njol.skript.lang.Expression[],int,ch.njol.util.Kleenean,ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptParser.ParseResult,ch.njol.skript.config.SectionNode,java.util.List)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.sections","c":"SecWhile","l":"init(Expression[], int, Kleenean, SkriptParser.ParseResult, SectionNode, List)","u":"init(ch.njol.skript.lang.Expression[],int,ch.njol.util.Kleenean,ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptParser.ParseResult,ch.njol.skript.config.SectionNode,java.util.List)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.entity","c":"AxolotlData","l":"init(Literal[], int, SkriptParser.ParseResult)","u":"init(ch.njol.skript.lang.Literal[],int,ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptParser.ParseResult)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.entity","c":"BeeData","l":"init(Literal[], int, SkriptParser.ParseResult)","u":"init(ch.njol.skript.lang.Literal[],int,ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptParser.ParseResult)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.entity","c":"BoatChestData","l":"init(Literal[], int, SkriptParser.ParseResult)","u":"init(ch.njol.skript.lang.Literal[],int,ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptParser.ParseResult)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.entity","c":"BoatData","l":"init(Literal[], int, SkriptParser.ParseResult)","u":"init(ch.njol.skript.lang.Literal[],int,ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptParser.ParseResult)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.entity","c":"CatData","l":"init(Literal[], int, SkriptParser.ParseResult)","u":"init(ch.njol.skript.lang.Literal[],int,ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptParser.ParseResult)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.entity","c":"CreeperData","l":"init(Literal[], int, SkriptParser.ParseResult)","u":"init(ch.njol.skript.lang.Literal[],int,ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptParser.ParseResult)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.entity","c":"DroppedItemData","l":"init(Literal[], int, SkriptParser.ParseResult)","u":"init(ch.njol.skript.lang.Literal[],int,ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptParser.ParseResult)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.entity","c":"EndermanData","l":"init(Literal[], int, SkriptParser.ParseResult)","u":"init(ch.njol.skript.lang.Literal[],int,ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptParser.ParseResult)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.entity","c":"EntityData","l":"init(Literal[], int, SkriptParser.ParseResult)","u":"init(ch.njol.skript.lang.Literal[],int,ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptParser.ParseResult)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.entity","c":"FallingBlockData","l":"init(Literal[], int, SkriptParser.ParseResult)","u":"init(ch.njol.skript.lang.Literal[],int,ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptParser.ParseResult)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.entity","c":"FishData","l":"init(Literal[], int, SkriptParser.ParseResult)","u":"init(ch.njol.skript.lang.Literal[],int,ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptParser.ParseResult)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.entity","c":"FoxData","l":"init(Literal[], int, SkriptParser.ParseResult)","u":"init(ch.njol.skript.lang.Literal[],int,ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptParser.ParseResult)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.entity","c":"FrogData","l":"init(Literal[], int, SkriptParser.ParseResult)","u":"init(ch.njol.skript.lang.Literal[],int,ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptParser.ParseResult)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.entity","c":"GoatData","l":"init(Literal[], int, SkriptParser.ParseResult)","u":"init(ch.njol.skript.lang.Literal[],int,ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptParser.ParseResult)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.entity","c":"LlamaData","l":"init(Literal[], int, SkriptParser.ParseResult)","u":"init(ch.njol.skript.lang.Literal[],int,ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptParser.ParseResult)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.entity","c":"MinecartData","l":"init(Literal[], int, SkriptParser.ParseResult)","u":"init(ch.njol.skript.lang.Literal[],int,ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptParser.ParseResult)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.entity","c":"MooshroomData","l":"init(Literal[], int, SkriptParser.ParseResult)","u":"init(ch.njol.skript.lang.Literal[],int,ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptParser.ParseResult)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.entity","c":"OcelotData","l":"init(Literal[], int, SkriptParser.ParseResult)","u":"init(ch.njol.skript.lang.Literal[],int,ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptParser.ParseResult)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.entity","c":"PandaData","l":"init(Literal[], int, SkriptParser.ParseResult)","u":"init(ch.njol.skript.lang.Literal[],int,ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptParser.ParseResult)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.entity","c":"ParrotData","l":"init(Literal[], int, SkriptParser.ParseResult)","u":"init(ch.njol.skript.lang.Literal[],int,ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptParser.ParseResult)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.entity","c":"PigData","l":"init(Literal[], int, SkriptParser.ParseResult)","u":"init(ch.njol.skript.lang.Literal[],int,ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptParser.ParseResult)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.entity","c":"RabbitData","l":"init(Literal[], int, SkriptParser.ParseResult)","u":"init(ch.njol.skript.lang.Literal[],int,ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptParser.ParseResult)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.entity","c":"SheepData","l":"init(Literal[], int, SkriptParser.ParseResult)","u":"init(ch.njol.skript.lang.Literal[],int,ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptParser.ParseResult)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.entity","c":"SimpleEntityData","l":"init(Literal[], int, SkriptParser.ParseResult)","u":"init(ch.njol.skript.lang.Literal[],int,ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptParser.ParseResult)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.entity","c":"ThrownPotionData","l":"init(Literal[], int, SkriptParser.ParseResult)","u":"init(ch.njol.skript.lang.Literal[],int,ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptParser.ParseResult)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.entity","c":"TropicalFishData","l":"init(Literal[], int, SkriptParser.ParseResult)","u":"init(ch.njol.skript.lang.Literal[],int,ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptParser.ParseResult)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.entity","c":"VillagerData","l":"init(Literal[], int, SkriptParser.ParseResult)","u":"init(ch.njol.skript.lang.Literal[],int,ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptParser.ParseResult)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.entity","c":"WolfData","l":"init(Literal[], int, SkriptParser.ParseResult)","u":"init(ch.njol.skript.lang.Literal[],int,ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptParser.ParseResult)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.entity","c":"XpOrbData","l":"init(Literal[], int, SkriptParser.ParseResult)","u":"init(ch.njol.skript.lang.Literal[],int,ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptParser.ParseResult)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.entity","c":"ZombieVillagerData","l":"init(Literal[], int, SkriptParser.ParseResult)","u":"init(ch.njol.skript.lang.Literal[],int,ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptParser.ParseResult)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.events","c":"EvtAtTime","l":"init(Literal[], int, SkriptParser.ParseResult)","u":"init(ch.njol.skript.lang.Literal[],int,ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptParser.ParseResult)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.events","c":"EvtBlock","l":"init(Literal[], int, SkriptParser.ParseResult)","u":"init(ch.njol.skript.lang.Literal[],int,ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptParser.ParseResult)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.events","c":"EvtBookEdit","l":"init(Literal[], int, SkriptParser.ParseResult)","u":"init(ch.njol.skript.lang.Literal[],int,ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptParser.ParseResult)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.events","c":"EvtBookSign","l":"init(Literal[], int, SkriptParser.ParseResult)","u":"init(ch.njol.skript.lang.Literal[],int,ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptParser.ParseResult)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.events","c":"EvtClick","l":"init(Literal[], int, SkriptParser.ParseResult)","u":"init(ch.njol.skript.lang.Literal[],int,ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptParser.ParseResult)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.events","c":"EvtCommand","l":"init(Literal[], int, SkriptParser.ParseResult)","u":"init(ch.njol.skript.lang.Literal[],int,ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptParser.ParseResult)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.events","c":"EvtDamage","l":"init(Literal[], int, SkriptParser.ParseResult)","u":"init(ch.njol.skript.lang.Literal[],int,ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptParser.ParseResult)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.events","c":"EvtEntity","l":"init(Literal[], int, SkriptParser.ParseResult)","u":"init(ch.njol.skript.lang.Literal[],int,ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptParser.ParseResult)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.events","c":"EvtEntityBlockChange","l":"init(Literal[], int, SkriptParser.ParseResult)","u":"init(ch.njol.skript.lang.Literal[],int,ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptParser.ParseResult)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.events","c":"EvtEntityTarget","l":"init(Literal[], int, SkriptParser.ParseResult)","u":"init(ch.njol.skript.lang.Literal[],int,ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptParser.ParseResult)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.events","c":"EvtExperienceChange","l":"init(Literal[], int, SkriptParser.ParseResult)","u":"init(ch.njol.skript.lang.Literal[],int,ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptParser.ParseResult)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.events","c":"EvtExperienceSpawn","l":"init(Literal[], int, SkriptParser.ParseResult)","u":"init(ch.njol.skript.lang.Literal[],int,ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptParser.ParseResult)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.events","c":"EvtFirework","l":"init(Literal[], int, SkriptParser.ParseResult)","u":"init(ch.njol.skript.lang.Literal[],int,ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptParser.ParseResult)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.events","c":"EvtFirstJoin","l":"init(Literal[], int, SkriptParser.ParseResult)","u":"init(ch.njol.skript.lang.Literal[],int,ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptParser.ParseResult)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.events","c":"EvtGameMode","l":"init(Literal[], int, SkriptParser.ParseResult)","u":"init(ch.njol.skript.lang.Literal[],int,ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptParser.ParseResult)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.events","c":"EvtGrow","l":"init(Literal[], int, SkriptParser.ParseResult)","u":"init(ch.njol.skript.lang.Literal[],int,ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptParser.ParseResult)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.events","c":"EvtItem","l":"init(Literal[], int, SkriptParser.ParseResult)","u":"init(ch.njol.skript.lang.Literal[],int,ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptParser.ParseResult)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.events","c":"EvtLevel","l":"init(Literal[], int, SkriptParser.ParseResult)","u":"init(ch.njol.skript.lang.Literal[],int,ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptParser.ParseResult)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.events","c":"EvtMove","l":"init(Literal[], int, SkriptParser.ParseResult)","u":"init(ch.njol.skript.lang.Literal[],int,ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptParser.ParseResult)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.events","c":"EvtMoveOn","l":"init(Literal[], int, SkriptParser.ParseResult)","u":"init(ch.njol.skript.lang.Literal[],int,ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptParser.ParseResult)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.events","c":"EvtPeriodical","l":"init(Literal[], int, SkriptParser.ParseResult)","u":"init(ch.njol.skript.lang.Literal[],int,ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptParser.ParseResult)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.events","c":"EvtPlantGrowth","l":"init(Literal[], int, SkriptParser.ParseResult)","u":"init(ch.njol.skript.lang.Literal[],int,ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptParser.ParseResult)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.events","c":"EvtPlayerChunkEnter","l":"init(Literal[], int, SkriptParser.ParseResult)","u":"init(ch.njol.skript.lang.Literal[],int,ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptParser.ParseResult)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.events","c":"EvtPressurePlate","l":"init(Literal[], int, SkriptParser.ParseResult)","u":"init(ch.njol.skript.lang.Literal[],int,ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptParser.ParseResult)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.events","c":"EvtResourcePackResponse","l":"init(Literal[], int, SkriptParser.ParseResult)","u":"init(ch.njol.skript.lang.Literal[],int,ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptParser.ParseResult)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.events","c":"EvtScript","l":"init(Literal[], int, SkriptParser.ParseResult)","u":"init(ch.njol.skript.lang.Literal[],int,ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptParser.ParseResult)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.events","c":"EvtSkript","l":"init(Literal[], int, SkriptParser.ParseResult)","u":"init(ch.njol.skript.lang.Literal[],int,ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptParser.ParseResult)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.events","c":"EvtSpectate","l":"init(Literal[], int, SkriptParser.ParseResult)","u":"init(ch.njol.skript.lang.Literal[],int,ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptParser.ParseResult)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.events","c":"EvtWeatherChange","l":"init(Literal[], int, SkriptParser.ParseResult)","u":"init(ch.njol.skript.lang.Literal[],int,ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptParser.ParseResult)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.hooks.regions.events","c":"EvtRegionBorder","l":"init(Literal[], int, SkriptParser.ParseResult)","u":"init(ch.njol.skript.lang.Literal[],int,ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptParser.ParseResult)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.lang","c":"SectionSkriptEvent","l":"init(Literal[], int, SkriptParser.ParseResult)","u":"init(ch.njol.skript.lang.Literal[],int,ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptParser.ParseResult)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.lang","c":"SkriptEvent","l":"init(Literal[], int, SkriptParser.ParseResult)","u":"init(ch.njol.skript.lang.Literal[],int,ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptParser.ParseResult)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.lang.util","c":"SimpleEvent","l":"init(Literal[], int, SkriptParser.ParseResult)","u":"init(ch.njol.skript.lang.Literal[],int,ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptParser.ParseResult)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.test.runner","c":"EvtTestCase","l":"init(Literal[], int, SkriptParser.ParseResult)","u":"init(ch.njol.skript.lang.Literal[],int,ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptParser.ParseResult)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.lang","c":"SkriptEvent","l":"init(Literal[], int, SkriptParser.ParseResult, EntryContainer)","u":"init(ch.njol.skript.lang.Literal[],int,ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptParser.ParseResult,org.skriptlang.skript.lang.entry.EntryContainer)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.structures","c":"StructAliases","l":"init(Literal[], int, SkriptParser.ParseResult, EntryContainer)","u":"init(ch.njol.skript.lang.Literal[],int,ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptParser.ParseResult,org.skriptlang.skript.lang.entry.EntryContainer)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.structures","c":"StructCommand","l":"init(Literal[], int, SkriptParser.ParseResult, EntryContainer)","u":"init(ch.njol.skript.lang.Literal[],int,ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptParser.ParseResult,org.skriptlang.skript.lang.entry.EntryContainer)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.structures","c":"StructFunction","l":"init(Literal[], int, SkriptParser.ParseResult, EntryContainer)","u":"init(ch.njol.skript.lang.Literal[],int,ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptParser.ParseResult,org.skriptlang.skript.lang.entry.EntryContainer)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.structures","c":"StructOptions","l":"init(Literal[], int, SkriptParser.ParseResult, EntryContainer)","u":"init(ch.njol.skript.lang.Literal[],int,ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptParser.ParseResult,org.skriptlang.skript.lang.entry.EntryContainer)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.structures","c":"StructVariables","l":"init(Literal[], int, SkriptParser.ParseResult, EntryContainer)","u":"init(ch.njol.skript.lang.Literal[],int,ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptParser.ParseResult,org.skriptlang.skript.lang.entry.EntryContainer)"},{"p":"org.skriptlang.skript.lang.structure","c":"Structure","l":"init(Literal[], int, SkriptParser.ParseResult, EntryContainer)","u":"init(ch.njol.skript.lang.Literal[],int,ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptParser.ParseResult,org.skriptlang.skript.lang.entry.EntryContainer)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.test.platform","c":"Environment","l":"initialize(Path, Path, boolean)","u":"initialize(java.nio.file.Path,java.nio.file.Path,boolean)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.variables","c":"MySQLStorage","l":"initialize(SectionNode)","u":"initialize(ch.njol.skript.config.SectionNode)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.variables","c":"SQLiteStorage","l":"initialize(SectionNode)","u":"initialize(ch.njol.skript.config.SectionNode)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.variables","c":"SQLStorage","l":"initialize(SectionNode)","u":"initialize(ch.njol.skript.config.SectionNode)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.config","c":"NodeMap","l":"inMap(Node)","u":"inMap(ch.njol.skript.config.Node)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.config","c":"SectionNode","l":"insert(Node, int)","u":"insert(ch.njol.skript.config.Node,int)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.aliases","c":"AliasesProvider.Variation","l":"insertId(String)","u":"insertId(java.lang.String)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.util.chat","c":"SkriptChatCode","l":"insertion"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.util.chat","c":"MessageComponent","l":"insertion"},{"p":"ch.njol.util.coll.iterator","c":"EmptyIterable","l":"instance"},{"p":"ch.njol.util.coll.iterator","c":"EmptyIterator","l":"instance"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.bukkitutil.block","c":"BlockCompat","l":"INSTANCE"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript","c":"SkriptAPIException","l":"instantiationException(Class, InstantiationException)","u":"instantiationException(java.lang.Class,java.lang.InstantiationException)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript","c":"SkriptAPIException","l":"instantiationException(String, Class, InstantiationException)","u":"instantiationException(java.lang.String,java.lang.Class,java.lang.InstantiationException)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.classes.data","c":"JavaClasses","l":"INTEGER_PATTERN"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.events","c":"EvtClick","l":"interactTracker"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.aliases","c":"ItemData","l":"intersection(ItemData)","u":"intersection(ch.njol.skript.aliases.ItemData)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.aliases","c":"ItemType","l":"intersection(ItemType)","u":"intersection(ch.njol.skript.aliases.ItemType)"},{"p":"ch.njol.util.coll","c":"CollectionUtils","l":"intersection(Set...)","u":"intersection(java.util.Set...)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.aliases","c":"InvalidMinecraftIdException","l":"InvalidMinecraftIdException(String)","u":"%3Cinit%3E(java.lang.String)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.config","c":"InvalidNode","l":"InvalidNode(String, String, SectionNode, int)","u":"%3Cinit%3E(java.lang.String,java.lang.String,ch.njol.skript.config.SectionNode,int)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.classes.data","c":"DefaultChangers","l":"inventoryChanger"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.util.slot","c":"InventorySlot","l":"InventorySlot(Inventory, int)","u":"%3Cinit%3E(org.bukkit.inventory.Inventory,int)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.classes","c":"InverseComparator","l":"InverseComparator(Comparator)","u":"%3Cinit%3E(ch.njol.skript.classes.Comparator)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.lang","c":"ExpressionList","l":"invertAnd()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.util","c":"PotionDataUtils","l":"INVISIBILITY"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.util","c":"PotionDataUtils","l":"INVISIBILITY_LONG"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.classes","c":"Comparator.Relation","l":"is(Comparator.Relation)","u":"is(ch.njol.skript.classes.Comparator.Relation)"},{"p":"ch.njol.util","c":"Kleenean","l":"is(Kleenean)","u":"is(ch.njol.util.Kleenean)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.util","c":"StructureType","l":"is(TreeType)","u":"is(org.bukkit.TreeType)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript","c":"Skript","l":"isAcceptRegistrations()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.lang.parser","c":"ParserInstance","l":"isActive()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.bukkitutil","c":"EntityUtils","l":"isAdult(Entity)","u":"isAdult(org.bukkit.entity.Entity)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.bukkitutil","c":"EntityUtils","l":"isAgeable(Entity)","u":"isAgeable(org.bukkit.entity.Entity)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.bukkitutil","c":"ItemUtils","l":"isAir(Material)","u":"isAir(org.bukkit.Material)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.aliases","c":"ItemData","l":"isAlias()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.util","c":"Task","l":"isAlive()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.aliases","c":"ItemType","l":"isAll()"},{"p":"ch.njol.util.coll","c":"CollectionUtils","l":"isAnyInstanceOf(Object, Class...)","u":"isAnyInstanceOf(java.lang.Object,java.lang.Class...)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript","c":"ScriptLoader","l":"isAsync()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.aliases","c":"MatchQuality","l":"isAtLeast(MatchQuality)","u":"isAtLeast(ch.njol.skript.aliases.MatchQuality)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.entity","c":"EntityData","l":"isBaby()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.aliases","c":"MatchQuality","l":"isBetter(MatchQuality)","u":"isBetter(ch.njol.skript.aliases.MatchQuality)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.util","c":"BlockStateBlock","l":"isBlockFaceIndirectlyPowered(BlockFace)","u":"isBlockFaceIndirectlyPowered(org.bukkit.block.BlockFace)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.util","c":"DelayedChangeBlock","l":"isBlockFaceIndirectlyPowered(BlockFace)","u":"isBlockFaceIndirectlyPowered(org.bukkit.block.BlockFace)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.util","c":"BlockStateBlock","l":"isBlockFacePowered(BlockFace)","u":"isBlockFacePowered(org.bukkit.block.BlockFace)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.util","c":"DelayedChangeBlock","l":"isBlockFacePowered(BlockFace)","u":"isBlockFacePowered(org.bukkit.block.BlockFace)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.util","c":"BlockStateBlock","l":"isBlockIndirectlyPowered()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.util","c":"DelayedChangeBlock","l":"isBlockIndirectlyPowered()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.util","c":"BlockStateBlock","l":"isBlockPowered()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.util","c":"DelayedChangeBlock","l":"isBlockPowered()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.util","c":"BlockStateBlock","l":"isBuildable()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.util","c":"DelayedChangeBlock","l":"isBuildable()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.util","c":"BlockStateBlock","l":"isBurnable()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.util","c":"DelayedChangeBlock","l":"isBurnable()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.command","c":"EffectCommandEvent","l":"isCancelled()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.events.bukkit","c":"ExperienceSpawnEvent","l":"isCancelled()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.hooks.regions.events","c":"RegionBorderEvent","l":"isCancelled()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.util","c":"BlockStateBlock","l":"isCollidable()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.util","c":"DelayedChangeBlock","l":"isCollidable()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.util.visual","c":"VisualEffectType","l":"isColorable()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.aliases","c":"ItemType","l":"isContainedIn(ItemStack[])","u":"isContainedIn(org.bukkit.inventory.ItemStack[])"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.aliases","c":"ItemType","l":"isContainedIn(Iterable)","u":"isContainedIn(java.lang.Iterable)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.command","c":"ScriptCommandEvent","l":"isCooldownCancelled()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript","c":"ScriptLoader","l":"isCurrentEvent(Class)","u":"isCurrentEvent(java.lang.Class)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.lang.parser","c":"ParserInstance","l":"isCurrentEvent(Class)","u":"isCurrentEvent(java.lang.Class)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.lang.parser","c":"ParserInstance","l":"isCurrentEvent(Class...)","u":"isCurrentEvent(java.lang.Class...)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript","c":"ScriptLoader","l":"isCurrentEvent(Class...)","u":"isCurrentEvent(java.lang.Class...)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.lang.parser","c":"ParserInstance","l":"isCurrentSection(Class)","u":"isCurrentSection(java.lang.Class)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.lang.parser","c":"ParserInstance","l":"isCurrentSection(Class...)","u":"isCurrentSection(java.lang.Class...)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.lang.parser","c":"ParserInstance","l":"isCurrentStructure(Class)","u":"isCurrentStructure(java.lang.Class)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.lang.parser","c":"ParserInstance","l":"isCurrentStructure(Class...)","u":"isCurrentStructure(java.lang.Class...)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.aliases","c":"ItemData","l":"isDefault()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.bukkitutil.block","c":"BlockValues","l":"isDefault()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions.base","c":"EventValueExpression","l":"isDefault()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions.base","c":"WrapperExpression","l":"isDefault()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprAffectedEntities","l":"isDefault()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprPortal","l":"isDefault()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.lang","c":"DefaultExpression","l":"isDefault()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.lang","c":"Expression","l":"isDefault()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.lang","c":"ExpressionList","l":"isDefault()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.lang","c":"UnparsedLiteral","l":"isDefault()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.lang.util","c":"ConvertedExpression","l":"isDefault()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.lang.util","c":"SimpleExpression","l":"isDefault()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.lang.util","c":"SimpleLiteral","l":"isDefault()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.lang","c":"Variable","l":"isDefault()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.lang","c":"VariableString","l":"isDefault()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.localization","c":"Noun","l":"isDefiniteArticle(String)","u":"isDefiniteArticle(java.lang.String)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.effects","c":"Delay","l":"isDelayed(Event)","u":"isDelayed(org.bukkit.event.Event)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.doc","c":"Documentation","l":"isDocsTemplateFound()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.util.visual","c":"VisualEffectType","l":"isEffect()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.util","c":"Utils","l":"isEither(T, T...)","u":"isEither(T,T...)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.config","c":"Config","l":"isEmpty()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.config","c":"SectionNode","l":"isEmpty()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.patterns","c":"LiteralPatternElement","l":"isEmpty()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.util","c":"BlockStateBlock","l":"isEmpty()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.util","c":"DelayedChangeBlock","l":"isEmpty()"},{"p":"ch.njol.util.coll","c":"CyclicList","l":"isEmpty()"},{"p":"ch.njol.util.coll","c":"ReversedListView","l":"isEmpty()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.bukkitutil.block","c":"BlockCompat","l":"isEmpty(Material)","u":"isEmpty(org.bukkit.Material)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.bukkitutil.block","c":"NewBlockCompat","l":"isEmpty(Material)","u":"isEmpty(org.bukkit.Material)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.update","c":"Updater","l":"isEnabled()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.hooks.regions.events","c":"RegionBorderEvent","l":"isEntering()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.util.visual","c":"VisualEffectType","l":"isEntityEffect()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.classes","c":"Comparator.Relation","l":"isEqualOrInverse()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.events","c":"EvtAtTime","l":"isEventPrioritySupported()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.events","c":"EvtExperienceSpawn","l":"isEventPrioritySupported()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.events","c":"EvtMoveOn","l":"isEventPrioritySupported()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.events","c":"EvtPeriodical","l":"isEventPrioritySupported()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.events","c":"EvtScript","l":"isEventPrioritySupported()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.events","c":"EvtSkript","l":"isEventPrioritySupported()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.hooks.regions.events","c":"EvtRegionBorder","l":"isEventPrioritySupported()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.lang","c":"SelfRegisteringSkriptEvent","l":"isEventPrioritySupported()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.lang","c":"SkriptEvent","l":"isEventPrioritySupported()"},{"p":"ch.njol.util","c":"Kleenean","l":"isFalse()"},{"p":"ch.njol.util","c":"Validate","l":"isFalse(boolean, String)","u":"isFalse(boolean,java.lang.String)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript","c":"Skript","l":"isFinishedLoadingHooks()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript","c":"Skript","l":"isHookEnabled(Class>)","u":"isHookEnabled(java.lang.Class)"},{"p":"org.skriptlang.skript.lang.comparator","c":"Relation","l":"isImpliedBy(Relation)","u":"isImpliedBy(org.skriptlang.skript.lang.comparator.Relation)"},{"p":"org.skriptlang.skript.lang.comparator","c":"Relation","l":"isImpliedBy(Relation...)","u":"isImpliedBy(org.skriptlang.skript.lang.comparator.Relation...)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.localization","c":"Noun","l":"isIndefiniteArticle(String)","u":"isIndefiniteArticle(java.lang.String)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.lang","c":"Variable","l":"isIndexLoop(String)","u":"isIndexLoop(java.lang.String)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.localization","c":"Language","l":"isInitialized()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.entity","c":"EntityData","l":"isInstance(Entity)","u":"isInstance(org.bukkit.entity.Entity)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.entity","c":"EntityType","l":"isInstance(Entity)","u":"isInstance(org.bukkit.entity.Entity)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.test.runner","c":"EffObjectives","l":"isJUnitComplete()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.util","c":"Version","l":"isLargerThan(Version)","u":"isLargerThan(ch.njol.skript.util.Version)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.util","c":"BlockStateBlock","l":"isLiquid()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.util","c":"DelayedChangeBlock","l":"isLiquid()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.bukkitutil.block","c":"BlockCompat","l":"isLiquid(Material)","u":"isLiquid(org.bukkit.Material)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.bukkitutil.block","c":"NewBlockCompat","l":"isLiquid(Material)","u":"isLiquid(org.bukkit.Material)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.lang","c":"Variable","l":"isList()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.lang.function","c":"Signature","l":"isLocal()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.lang","c":"Variable","l":"isLocal()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.util.chat","c":"ChatCode","l":"isLocalized()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.util.chat","c":"SkriptChatCode","l":"isLocalized()"},{"p":"ch.njol.util","c":"LoggerFilter","l":"isLoggable(LogRecord)","u":"isLoggable(java.util.logging.LogRecord)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprArgument","l":"isLoopOf(String)","u":"isLoopOf(java.lang.String)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprBlockSphere","l":"isLoopOf(String)","u":"isLoopOf(java.lang.String)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprEntities","l":"isLoopOf(String)","u":"isLoopOf(java.lang.String)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprFilter","l":"isLoopOf(String)","u":"isLoopOf(java.lang.String)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprItems","l":"isLoopOf(String)","u":"isLoopOf(java.lang.String)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprItemsIn","l":"isLoopOf(String)","u":"isLoopOf(java.lang.String)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprNumbers","l":"isLoopOf(String)","u":"isLoopOf(java.lang.String)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.lang","c":"Expression","l":"isLoopOf(String)","u":"isLoopOf(java.lang.String)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.lang","c":"ExpressionList","l":"isLoopOf(String)","u":"isLoopOf(java.lang.String)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.lang","c":"UnparsedLiteral","l":"isLoopOf(String)","u":"isLoopOf(java.lang.String)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.lang.util","c":"ConvertedExpression","l":"isLoopOf(String)","u":"isLoopOf(java.lang.String)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.lang.util","c":"SimpleExpression","l":"isLoopOf(String)","u":"isLoopOf(java.lang.String)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.lang.util","c":"SimpleLiteral","l":"isLoopOf(String)","u":"isLoopOf(java.lang.String)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.lang","c":"Variable","l":"isLoopOf(String)","u":"isLoopOf(java.lang.String)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.lang","c":"VariableString","l":"isLoopOf(String)","u":"isLoopOf(java.lang.String)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.hooks.regions.classes","c":"Region","l":"isMember(OfflinePlayer)","u":"isMember(org.bukkit.OfflinePlayer)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.hooks.regions","c":"GriefPreventionHook.GriefPreventionRegion","l":"isMember(OfflinePlayer)","u":"isMember(org.bukkit.OfflinePlayer)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.hooks.regions","c":"PreciousStonesHook.PreciousStonesRegion","l":"isMember(OfflinePlayer)","u":"isMember(org.bukkit.OfflinePlayer)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.hooks.regions","c":"ResidenceHook.ResidenceRegion","l":"isMember(OfflinePlayer)","u":"isMember(org.bukkit.OfflinePlayer)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.hooks.regions","c":"WorldGuardHook.WorldGuardRegion","l":"isMember(OfflinePlayer)","u":"isMember(org.bukkit.OfflinePlayer)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.lang","c":"Condition","l":"isNegated()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.entity","c":"BoatChestData","l":"isOfItemType(ItemType)","u":"isOfItemType(ch.njol.skript.aliases.ItemType)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.entity","c":"BoatData","l":"isOfItemType(ItemType)","u":"isOfItemType(ch.njol.skript.aliases.ItemType)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.aliases","c":"ItemType","l":"isOfType(Block)","u":"isOfType(org.bukkit.block.Block)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.aliases","c":"ItemType","l":"isOfType(BlockState)","u":"isOfType(org.bukkit.block.BlockState)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.alias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String)","u":"isOfType(org.bukkit.Material,java.lang.String)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.lang","c":"SkriptParser.ExprInfo","l":"isOptional"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.command","c":"Argument","l":"isOptional()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.config","c":"Option","l":"isOptional()"},{"p":"org.skriptlang.skript.lang.entry","c":"EntryData","l":"isOptional()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.hooks.regions.classes","c":"Region","l":"isOwner(OfflinePlayer)","u":"isOwner(org.bukkit.OfflinePlayer)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.hooks.regions","c":"GriefPreventionHook.GriefPreventionRegion","l":"isOwner(OfflinePlayer)","u":"isOwner(org.bukkit.OfflinePlayer)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.hooks.regions","c":"PreciousStonesHook.PreciousStonesRegion","l":"isOwner(OfflinePlayer)","u":"isOwner(org.bukkit.OfflinePlayer)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.hooks.regions","c":"ResidenceHook.ResidenceRegion","l":"isOwner(OfflinePlayer)","u":"isOwner(org.bukkit.OfflinePlayer)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.hooks.regions","c":"WorldGuardHook.WorldGuardRegion","l":"isOwner(OfflinePlayer)","u":"isOwner(org.bukkit.OfflinePlayer)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript","c":"ScriptLoader","l":"isParallel()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.util.visual","c":"VisualEffectType","l":"isParticle()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.util","c":"BlockStateBlock","l":"isPassable()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.util","c":"DelayedChangeBlock","l":"isPassable()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.aliases","c":"ItemData","l":"isPlain()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.lang","c":"SkriptParser.ExprInfo","l":"isPlural"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.entity","c":"EntityData","l":"isPlural()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.util","c":"BlockStateBlock","l":"isPreferredTool(ItemStack)","u":"isPreferredTool(org.bukkit.inventory.ItemStack)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.util","c":"DelayedChangeBlock","l":"isPreferredTool(ItemStack)","u":"isPreferredTool(org.bukkit.inventory.ItemStack)"},{"p":"ch.njol.yggdrasil","c":"Fields.FieldContext","l":"isPrimitive()"},{"p":"ch.njol.yggdrasil","c":"Tag","l":"isPrimitive()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.lang","c":"VariableString","l":"isQuotedCorrectly(String, 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int)","u":"isRunningMinecraft(int,int,int)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript","c":"Skript","l":"isRunningMinecraft(Version)","u":"isRunningMinecraft(ch.njol.skript.util.Version)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.util.slot","c":"CursorSlot","l":"isSameSlot(Slot)","u":"isSameSlot(ch.njol.skript.util.slot.Slot)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.util.slot","c":"DroppedItemSlot","l":"isSameSlot(Slot)","u":"isSameSlot(ch.njol.skript.util.slot.Slot)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.util.slot","c":"ItemFrameSlot","l":"isSameSlot(Slot)","u":"isSameSlot(ch.njol.skript.util.slot.Slot)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.util.slot","c":"Slot","l":"isSameSlot(Slot)","u":"isSameSlot(ch.njol.skript.util.slot.Slot)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.util.slot","c":"SlotWithIndex","l":"isSameSlot(Slot)","u":"isSameSlot(ch.njol.skript.util.slot.Slot)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.util.slot","c":"ThrowableProjectileSlot","l":"isSameSlot(Slot)","u":"isSameSlot(ch.njol.skript.util.slot.Slot)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.lang","c":"SectionSkriptEvent","l":"isSection(Class)","u":"isSection(java.lang.Class)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.lang","c":"SectionSkriptEvent","l":"isSection(Class...)","u":"isSection(java.lang.Class...)"},{"p":"ch.njol.yggdrasil","c":"Yggdrasil","l":"isSerializable(Class)","u":"isSerializable(java.lang.Class)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.localization","c":"Message","l":"isSet()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.aliases","c":"ItemType","l":"isSimilar(ItemType)","u":"isSimilar(ch.njol.skript.aliases.ItemType)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.lang","c":"VariableString","l":"isSimple()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.command","c":"Argument","l":"isSingle()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions.arithmetic","c":"ExprArithmetic","l":"isSingle()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions.base","c":"EventValueExpression","l":"isSingle()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions.base","c":"PropertyExpression","l":"isSingle()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions.base","c":"WrapperExpression","l":"isSingle()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprAbsorbedBlocks","l":"isSingle()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprAffectedEntities","l":"isSingle()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprAllBannedEntries","l":"isSingle()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprAllCommands","l":"isSingle()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprAlphabetList","l":"isSingle()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprAmount","l":"isSingle()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprAmountOfItems","l":"isSingle()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprAppliedEnchantments","l":"isSingle()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprArgument","l":"isSingle()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprAttacked","l":"isSingle()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprAttacker","l":"isSingle()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprBlocks","l":"isSingle()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprBlockSphere","l":"isSingle()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprBookPages","l":"isSingle()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprBreakSpeed","l":"isSingle()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprChatFormat","l":"isSingle()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprChatRecipients","l":"isSingle()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprChestInventory","l":"isSingle()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprChunk","l":"isSingle()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprClicked","l":"isSingle()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprCmdCooldownInfo","l":"isSingle()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprCommand","l":"isSingle()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprCommandInfo","l":"isSingle()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprDamage","l":"isSingle()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprDateAgoLater","l":"isSingle()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprDefaultValue","l":"isSingle()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprDifference","l":"isSingle()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprDirection","l":"isSingle()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprDistance","l":"isSingle()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprDrops","l":"isSingle()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprDropsOfBlock","l":"isSingle()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprElement","l":"isSingle()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprEnchantingExpCost","l":"isSingle()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprEnchantItem","l":"isSingle()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprEnchantmentBonus","l":"isSingle()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprEnchantmentLevel","l":"isSingle()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprEnchantmentOffer","l":"isSingle()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprEnchantments","l":"isSingle()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprEntities","l":"isSingle()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprEntity","l":"isSingle()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprEventCancelled","l":"isSingle()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprExperience","l":"isSingle()"},{"p":"c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"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprReversedList","l":"isSingle()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprScoreboardTags","l":"isSingle()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprScript","l":"isSingle()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprScripts","l":"isSingle()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprServerIcon","l":"isSingle()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprSets","l":"isSingle()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprShuffledList","l":"isSingle()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprSignText","l":"isSingle()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprSortedList","l":"isSingle()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprSourceBlock","l":"isSingle()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprSpecialNumber","l":"isSingle()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprSpectatorTarget","l":"isSingle()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprStringCase","l":"isSingle()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprSubstring","l":"isSingle()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprTamer","l":"isSingle()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprTernary","l":"isSingle()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprTimes","l":"isSingle()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprTPS","l":"isSingle()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprValue","l":"isSingle()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprVectorAngleBetween","l":"isSingle()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprVectorArithmetic","l":"isSingle()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprVectorBetweenLocations","l":"isSingle()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprVectorCrossProduct","l":"isSingle()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprVectorCylindrical","l":"isSingle()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprVectorDotProduct","l":"isSingle()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprVectorFromDirection","l":"isSingle()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprVectorFromXYZ","l":"isSingle()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprVectorFromYawAndPitch","l":"isSingle()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprVectorNormalize","l":"isSingle()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprVectorOfLocation","l":"isSingle()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprVectorProjection","l":"isSingle()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprVectorRandom","l":"isSingle()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprVectorSpherical","l":"isSingle()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprVersion","l":"isSingle()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprVersionString","l":"isSingle()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprWhitelist","l":"isSingle()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprWorldFromName","l":"isSingle()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprWorlds","l":"isSingle()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.hooks.permission.expressions","c":"ExprAllGroups","l":"isSingle()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.hooks.permission.expressions","c":"ExprGroup","l":"isSingle()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.hooks.regions.expressions","c":"ExprBlocksInRegion","l":"isSingle()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.hooks.regions.expressions","c":"ExprMembersOfRegion","l":"isSingle()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.hooks.regions.expressions","c":"ExprRegionsAt","l":"isSingle()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.lang","c":"Expression","l":"isSingle()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.lang","c":"ExpressionList","l":"isSingle()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.lang.function","c":"ExprFunctionCall","l":"isSingle()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.lang.function","c":"Function","l":"isSingle()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.lang.function","c":"FunctionReference","l":"isSingle()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.lang.function","c":"Signature","l":"isSingle()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.lang","c":"UnparsedLiteral","l":"isSingle()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.lang.util","c":"ContainerExpression","l":"isSingle()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.lang.util","c":"ConvertedExpression","l":"isSingle()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.lang.util","c":"SimpleLiteral","l":"isSingle()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.lang","c":"Variable","l":"isSingle()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.lang","c":"VariableString","l":"isSingle()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.test.runner","c":"ExprJUnitTest","l":"isSingle()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.lang.function","c":"Parameter","l":"isSingleValue()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.util","c":"Version","l":"isSmallerThan(Version)","u":"isSmallerThan(ch.njol.skript.util.Version)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.util","c":"BlockStateBlock","l":"isSolid()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.util","c":"DelayedChangeBlock","l":"isSolid()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.util","c":"Version","l":"isStable()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.log","c":"LogHandler","l":"isStopped()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.aliases","c":"ItemType","l":"isSubset(ItemType[], ItemType[])","u":"isSubset(ch.njol.skript.aliases.ItemType[],ch.njol.skript.aliases.ItemType[])"},{"p":"ch.njol.util.coll","c":"CollectionUtils","l":"isSubset(Object[], Object[])","u":"isSubset(java.lang.Object[],java.lang.Object[])"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.entity","c":"AxolotlData","l":"isSupertypeOf(EntityData)","u":"isSupertypeOf(ch.njol.skript.entity.EntityData)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.entity","c":"BeeData","l":"isSupertypeOf(EntityData)","u":"isSupertypeOf(ch.njol.skript.entity.EntityData)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.entity","c":"BoatChestData","l":"isSupertypeOf(EntityData)","u":"isSupertypeOf(ch.njol.skript.entity.EntityData)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.entity","c":"BoatData","l":"isSupertypeOf(EntityData)","u":"isSupertypeOf(ch.njol.skript.entity.EntityData)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.entity","c":"CatData","l":"isSupertypeOf(EntityData)","u":"isSupertypeOf(ch.njol.skript.entity.EntityData)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.entity","c":"CreeperData","l":"isSupertypeOf(EntityData)","u":"isSupertypeOf(ch.njol.skript.entity.EntityData)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.entity","c":"DroppedItemData","l":"isSupertypeOf(EntityData)","u":"isSupertypeOf(ch.njol.skript.entity.EntityData)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.entity","c":"EndermanData","l":"isSupertypeOf(EntityData)","u":"isSupertypeOf(ch.njol.skript.entity.EntityData)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.entity","c":"EntityData","l":"isSupertypeOf(EntityData)","u":"isSupertypeOf(ch.njol.skript.entity.EntityData)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.entity","c":"FallingBlockData","l":"isSupertypeOf(EntityData)","u":"isSupertypeOf(ch.njol.skript.entity.EntityData)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.entity","c":"FishData","l":"isSupertypeOf(EntityData)","u":"isSupertypeOf(ch.njol.skript.entity.EntityData)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.entity","c":"FoxData","l":"isSupertypeOf(EntityData)","u":"isSupertypeOf(ch.njol.skript.entity.EntityData)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.entity","c":"FrogData","l":"isSupertypeOf(EntityData)","u":"isSupertypeOf(ch.njol.skript.entity.EntityData)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.entity","c":"GoatData","l":"isSupertypeOf(EntityData)","u":"isSupertypeOf(ch.njol.skript.entity.EntityData)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.entity","c":"LlamaData","l":"isSupertypeOf(EntityData)","u":"isSupertypeOf(ch.njol.skript.entity.EntityData)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.entity","c":"MinecartData","l":"isSupertypeOf(EntityData)","u":"isSupertypeOf(ch.njol.skript.entity.EntityData)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.entity","c":"MooshroomData","l":"isSupertypeOf(EntityData)","u":"isSupertypeOf(ch.njol.skript.entity.EntityData)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.entity","c":"OcelotData","l":"isSupertypeOf(EntityData)","u":"isSupertypeOf(ch.njol.skript.entity.EntityData)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.entity","c":"PandaData","l":"isSupertypeOf(EntityData)","u":"isSupertypeOf(ch.njol.skript.entity.EntityData)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.entity","c":"ParrotData","l":"isSupertypeOf(EntityData)","u":"isSupertypeOf(ch.njol.skript.entity.EntityData)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.entity","c":"PigData","l":"isSupertypeOf(EntityData)","u":"isSupertypeOf(ch.njol.skript.entity.EntityData)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.entity","c":"RabbitData","l":"isSupertypeOf(EntityData)","u":"isSupertypeOf(ch.njol.skript.entity.EntityData)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.entity","c":"SheepData","l":"isSupertypeOf(EntityData)","u":"isSupertypeOf(ch.njol.skript.entity.EntityData)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.entity","c":"SimpleEntityData","l":"isSupertypeOf(EntityData)","u":"isSupertypeOf(ch.njol.skript.entity.EntityData)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.entity","c":"ThrownPotionData","l":"isSupertypeOf(EntityData)","u":"isSupertypeOf(ch.njol.skript.entity.EntityData)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.entity","c":"TropicalFishData","l":"isSupertypeOf(EntityData)","u":"isSupertypeOf(ch.njol.skript.entity.EntityData)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.entity","c":"VillagerData","l":"isSupertypeOf(EntityData)","u":"isSupertypeOf(ch.njol.skript.entity.EntityData)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.entity","c":"WolfData","l":"isSupertypeOf(EntityData)","u":"isSupertypeOf(ch.njol.skript.entity.EntityData)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.entity","c":"XpOrbData","l":"isSupertypeOf(EntityData)","u":"isSupertypeOf(ch.njol.skript.entity.EntityData)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.entity","c":"ZombieVillagerData","l":"isSupertypeOf(EntityData)","u":"isSupertypeOf(ch.njol.skript.entity.EntityData)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.aliases","c":"ItemType","l":"isSupertypeOf(ItemType)","u":"isSupertypeOf(ch.njol.skript.aliases.ItemType)"},{"p":"ch.njol.util","c":"Kleenean","l":"isTrue()"},{"p":"ch.njol.util","c":"Validate","l":"isTrue(boolean, String)","u":"isTrue(boolean,java.lang.String)"},{"p":"ch.njol.util","c":"Kleenean","l":"isUnknown()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprColoured","l":"isUnsafeFormat()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.classes","c":"ClassInfo","l":"isVaildCodeName(String)","u":"isVaildCodeName(java.lang.String)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.classes","c":"ClassInfo","l":"isValidCodeName(String)","u":"isValidCodeName(java.lang.String)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.util","c":"BlockStateBlock","l":"isValidTool(ItemStack)","u":"isValidTool(org.bukkit.inventory.ItemStack)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.util","c":"DelayedChangeBlock","l":"isValidTool(ItemStack)","u":"isValidTool(org.bukkit.inventory.ItemStack)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.lang","c":"Variable","l":"isValidVariableName(String, boolean, boolean)","u":"isValidVariableName(java.lang.String,boolean,boolean)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.config","c":"Node","l":"isVoid()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.util","c":"WeatherType","l":"isWeather(boolean, boolean)","u":"isWeather(boolean,boolean)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.util","c":"WeatherType","l":"isWeather(World)","u":"isWeather(org.bukkit.World)"},{"p":"ch.njol.yggdrasil","c":"Tag","l":"isWrapper()"},{"p":"ch.njol.yggdrasil","c":"Tag","l":"isWrapper(Class)","u":"isWrapper(java.lang.Class)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.util.chat","c":"SkriptChatCode","l":"italic"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.util.chat","c":"MessageComponent","l":"italic"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.bukkitutil","c":"BurgerHelper.Items","l":"item"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.classes.data","c":"DefaultChangers","l":"itemChanger"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.aliases","c":"ItemData","l":"ItemData()","u":"%3Cinit%3E()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.aliases","c":"ItemData","l":"ItemData(Block)","u":"%3Cinit%3E(org.bukkit.block.Block)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.aliases","c":"ItemData","l":"ItemData(BlockState)","u":"%3Cinit%3E(org.bukkit.block.BlockState)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.aliases","c":"ItemData","l":"ItemData(ItemData)","u":"%3Cinit%3E(ch.njol.skript.aliases.ItemData)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.aliases","c":"ItemData","l":"ItemData(ItemStack)","u":"%3Cinit%3E(org.bukkit.inventory.ItemStack)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.aliases","c":"ItemData","l":"ItemData(ItemStack, BlockValues)","u":"%3Cinit%3E(org.bukkit.inventory.ItemStack,ch.njol.skript.bukkitutil.block.BlockValues)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.aliases","c":"ItemData","l":"ItemData(Material)","u":"%3Cinit%3E(org.bukkit.Material)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.aliases","c":"ItemData","l":"ItemData(Material, int)","u":"%3Cinit%3E(org.bukkit.Material,int)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.aliases","c":"ItemData","l":"ItemData(Material, String)","u":"%3Cinit%3E(org.bukkit.Material,java.lang.String)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.aliases","c":"ItemData","l":"itemDataValues"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.aliases","c":"ItemFlags","l":"ItemFlags()","u":"%3Cinit%3E()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.util.slot","c":"ItemFrameSlot","l":"ItemFrameSlot(ItemFrame)","u":"%3Cinit%3E(org.bukkit.entity.ItemFrame)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.bukkitutil","c":"BurgerHelper.ItemOrBlock","l":"ItemOrBlock()","u":"%3Cinit%3E()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.bukkitutil","c":"BurgerHelper.Burger","l":"items"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.bukkitutil","c":"BurgerHelper.Items","l":"Items()","u":"%3Cinit%3E()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.bukkitutil","c":"ItemUtils","l":"itemStacksEqual(ItemStack, ItemStack)","u":"itemStacksEqual(org.bukkit.inventory.ItemStack,org.bukkit.inventory.ItemStack)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.aliases","c":"ItemType","l":"ItemType()","u":"%3Cinit%3E()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.aliases","c":"ItemType","l":"ItemType(Block)","u":"%3Cinit%3E(org.bukkit.block.Block)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.aliases","c":"ItemType","l":"ItemType(BlockState)","u":"%3Cinit%3E(org.bukkit.block.BlockState)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.aliases","c":"ItemType","l":"ItemType(ItemData)","u":"%3Cinit%3E(ch.njol.skript.aliases.ItemData)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.aliases","c":"ItemType","l":"ItemType(ItemStack)","u":"%3Cinit%3E(org.bukkit.inventory.ItemStack)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.aliases","c":"ItemType","l":"ItemType(Material)","u":"%3Cinit%3E(org.bukkit.Material)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.aliases","c":"ItemType","l":"ItemType(Material, String)","u":"%3Cinit%3E(org.bukkit.Material,java.lang.String)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.bukkitutil","c":"ItemUtils","l":"ItemUtils()","u":"%3Cinit%3E()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.aliases","c":"ItemType","l":"iterator()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.config","c":"SectionNode","l":"iterator()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.log","c":"HandlerList","l":"iterator()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.util","c":"AABB","l":"iterator()"},{"p":"ch.njol.util.coll.iterator","c":"EmptyIterable","l":"iterator()"},{"p":"ch.njol.util.coll.iterator","c":"EnumerationIterable","l":"iterator()"},{"p":"ch.njol.util.coll.iterator","c":"IteratorIterable","l":"iterator()"},{"p":"ch.njol.util.coll.iterator","c":"SingleItemIterable","l":"iterator()"},{"p":"ch.njol.util.coll","c":"ReversedListView","l":"iterator()"},{"p":"ch.njol.yggdrasil","c":"Fields","l":"iterator()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions.base","c":"WrapperExpression","l":"iterator(Event)","u":"iterator(org.bukkit.event.Event)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprAbsorbedBlocks","l":"iterator(Event)","u":"iterator(org.bukkit.event.Event)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprAffectedEntities","l":"iterator(Event)","u":"iterator(org.bukkit.event.Event)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprBlocks","l":"iterator(Event)","u":"iterator(org.bukkit.event.Event)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprBlockSphere","l":"iterator(Event)","u":"iterator(org.bukkit.event.Event)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprEntities","l":"iterator(Event)","u":"iterator(org.bukkit.event.Event)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprFertilizedBlocks","l":"iterator(Event)","u":"iterator(org.bukkit.event.Event)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprFilter","l":"iterator(Event)","u":"iterator(org.bukkit.event.Event)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprItems","l":"iterator(Event)","u":"iterator(org.bukkit.event.Event)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprItemsIn","l":"iterator(Event)","u":"iterator(org.bukkit.event.Event)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprNumbers","l":"iterator(Event)","u":"iterator(org.bukkit.event.Event)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprPortal","l":"iterator(Event)","u":"iterator(org.bukkit.event.Event)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprSets","l":"iterator(Event)","u":"iterator(org.bukkit.event.Event)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprTimes","l":"iterator(Event)","u":"iterator(org.bukkit.event.Event)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"ExprWorlds","l":"iterator(Event)","u":"iterator(org.bukkit.event.Event)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.hooks.regions.expressions","c":"ExprBlocksInRegion","l":"iterator(Event)","u":"iterator(org.bukkit.event.Event)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.lang","c":"Expression","l":"iterator(Event)","u":"iterator(org.bukkit.event.Event)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.lang","c":"ExpressionList","l":"iterator(Event)","u":"iterator(org.bukkit.event.Event)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.lang","c":"UnparsedLiteral","l":"iterator(Event)","u":"iterator(org.bukkit.event.Event)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.lang.util","c":"ContainerExpression","l":"iterator(Event)","u":"iterator(org.bukkit.event.Event)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.lang.util","c":"ConvertedExpression","l":"iterator(Event)","u":"iterator(org.bukkit.event.Event)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.lang.util","c":"ConvertedLiteral","l":"iterator(Event)","u":"iterator(org.bukkit.event.Event)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.lang.util","c":"SimpleExpression","l":"iterator(Event)","u":"iterator(org.bukkit.event.Event)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.lang.util","c":"SimpleLiteral","l":"iterator(Event)","u":"iterator(org.bukkit.event.Event)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.lang","c":"Variable","l":"iterator(Event)","u":"iterator(org.bukkit.event.Event)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.lang","c":"VariableString","l":"iterator(Event)","u":"iterator(org.bukkit.event.Event)"},{"p":"ch.njol.util.coll.iterator","c":"IteratorIterable","l":"IteratorIterable(Iterator)","u":"%3Cinit%3E(java.util.Iterator)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.lang.function","c":"Namespace.Origin","l":"JAVA"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.classes.data","c":"JavaClasses","l":"JavaClasses()","u":"%3Cinit%3E()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.lang.function","c":"JavaFunction","l":"JavaFunction(Signature)","u":"%3Cinit%3E(ch.njol.skript.lang.function.Signature)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.lang.function","c":"JavaFunction","l":"JavaFunction(String, Parameter[], ClassInfo, boolean)","u":"%3Cinit%3E(java.lang.String,ch.njol.skript.lang.function.Parameter[],ch.njol.skript.classes.ClassInfo,boolean)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.aliases","c":"Aliases","l":"javaItemType(String)","u":"javaItemType(java.lang.String)"},{"p":"ch.njol.util","c":"StringUtils","l":"join(Iterable)","u":"join(java.lang.Iterable)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.util","c":"Utils","l":"join(Iterable)","u":"join(java.lang.Iterable)"},{"p":"ch.njol.util","c":"StringUtils","l":"join(Iterable, String)","u":"join(java.lang.Iterable,java.lang.String)"},{"p":"ch.njol.util","c":"StringUtils","l":"join(Iterator, String)","u":"join(java.util.Iterator,java.lang.String)"},{"p":"ch.njol.util","c":"StringUtils","l":"join(Object[])","u":"join(java.lang.Object[])"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.util","c":"Utils","l":"join(Object[])","u":"join(java.lang.Object[])"},{"p":"ch.njol.util","c":"StringUtils","l":"join(Object[], String)","u":"join(java.lang.Object[],java.lang.String)"},{"p":"ch.njol.util","c":"StringUtils","l":"join(Object[], String, int, int)","u":"join(java.lang.Object[],java.lang.String,int,int)"},{"p":"ch.njol.yggdrasil.util","c":"JREFieldHandler","l":"JREFieldHandler()","u":"%3Cinit%3E()"},{"p":"ch.njol.yggdrasil","c":"JRESerializer","l":"JRESerializer()","u":"%3Cinit%3E()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.util","c":"StructureType","l":"JUNGLE"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.util","c":"StructureType","l":"JUNGLE_BUSH"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.test.runner","c":"TestMode","l":"JUNIT"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.test.runner","c":"TestTracker","l":"junitTestFailed(String, String)","u":"junitTestFailed(java.lang.String,java.lang.String)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript","c":"SkriptConfig","l":"keepConfigsLoaded"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript","c":"SkriptConfig","l":"keepLastUsageDates"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.config","c":"Node","l":"key"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.config","c":"Option","l":"key"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.config","c":"OptionSection","l":"key"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.localization","c":"Message","l":"key"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.lang.function","c":"Namespace.Key","l":"Key(Namespace.Origin, String)","u":"%3Cinit%3E(ch.njol.skript.lang.function.Namespace.Origin,java.lang.String)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.util.chat","c":"SkriptChatCode","l":"keybind"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.util.chat","c":"MessageComponent","l":"keybind"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.localization","c":"Language","l":"keyExists(String)","u":"keyExists(java.lang.String)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.localization","c":"Language","l":"keyExistsDefault(String)","u":"keyExistsDefault(java.lang.String)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.aliases","c":"AliasesProvider.VariationGroup","l":"keys"},{"p":"ch.njol.util.coll","c":"BidiHashMap","l":"keySet()"},{"p":"org.skriptlang.skript.lang.entry","c":"KeyValueEntryData","l":"KeyValueEntryData(String, T, boolean)","u":"%3Cinit%3E(java.lang.String,T,boolean)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.lang.function","c":"JavaFunction","l":"keywords(String...)","u":"keywords(java.lang.String...)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.lang","c":"SkriptEventInfo","l":"keywords(String...)","u":"keywords(java.lang.String...)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript","c":"SkriptConfig","l":"language"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.entity","c":"EntityData","l":"LANGUAGE_NODE"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.localization","c":"Language","l":"Language()","u":"%3Cinit%3E()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.lang","c":"TriggerSection","l":"last"},{"p":"ch.njol.util.coll","c":"CyclicList","l":"lastIndexOf(Object)","u":"lastIndexOf(java.lang.Object)"},{"p":"ch.njol.util.coll","c":"ReversedListView","l":"lastIndexOf(Object)","u":"lastIndexOf(java.lang.Object)"},{"p":"ch.njol.util.coll","c":"CollectionUtils","l":"lastIndexOf(T[], T)","u":"lastIndexOf(T[],T)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.effects","c":"EffLoadServerIcon","l":"lastLoaded"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.effects","c":"EffDrop","l":"lastSpawned"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.effects","c":"EffFireworkLaunch","l":"lastSpawned"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.effects","c":"EffLightning","l":"lastSpawned"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.effects","c":"EffShoot","l":"lastSpawned"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.sections","c":"EffSecSpawn","l":"lastSpawned"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.test.runner","c":"TestMode","l":"lastTestFile"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.localization","c":"Language.LanguageListenerPriority","l":"LATEST"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.update","c":"ReleaseStatus","l":"LATEST"},{"p":"ch.njol.yggdrasil","c":"Yggdrasil","l":"LATEST_VERSION"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.util","c":"PotionDataUtils","l":"LEAPING"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.util","c":"PotionDataUtils","l":"LEAPING_LONG"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.util","c":"PotionDataUtils","l":"LEAPING_STRONG"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.util.slot","c":"EquipmentSlot.EquipSlot","l":"LEGGINGS"},{"p":"ch.njol.util","c":"CaseInsensitiveString","l":"length()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.util.chat","c":"LinkParseMode","l":"LENIENT"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.log","c":"LogEntry","l":"level"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.util","c":"SkriptColor","l":"LIGHT_CYAN"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.util","c":"SkriptColor","l":"LIGHT_GREEN"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.util","c":"SkriptColor","l":"LIGHT_GREY"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.util.chat","c":"SkriptChatCode","l":"light_purple"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.util","c":"SkriptColor","l":"LIGHT_PURPLE"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.util","c":"SkriptColor","l":"LIGHT_RED"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.config","c":"Node","l":"lineNum"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.util.chat","c":"ChatMessages","l":"linkParseMode"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.lang","c":"SkriptParser","l":"LIST_SPLIT_PATTERN"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript","c":"SkriptEventHandler","l":"listenCancelled"},{"p":"ch.njol.util.coll","c":"ReversedListView","l":"listIterator()"},{"p":"ch.njol.util.coll","c":"ReversedListView","l":"listIterator(int)"},{"p":"ch.njol.util.coll.iterator","c":"ListRangeIterator","l":"ListRangeIterator(List, int, int)","u":"%3Cinit%3E(java.util.List,int,int)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.lang","c":"SkriptParser","l":"listSplitPattern"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"LitAt","l":"LitAt()","u":"%3Cinit%3E()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"LitConsole","l":"LitConsole()","u":"%3Cinit%3E()"},{"p":"org.skriptlang.skript.lang.entry.util","c":"LiteralEntryData","l":"LiteralEntryData(String, T, boolean, Class)","u":"%3Cinit%3E(java.lang.String,T,boolean,java.lang.Class)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.lang","c":"LiteralList","l":"LiteralList(Literal[], Class, boolean)","u":"%3Cinit%3E(ch.njol.skript.lang.Literal[],java.lang.Class,boolean)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.lang","c":"LiteralList","l":"LiteralList(Literal[], Class, boolean, LiteralList)","u":"%3Cinit%3E(ch.njol.skript.lang.Literal[],java.lang.Class,boolean,ch.njol.skript.lang.LiteralList)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.patterns","c":"LiteralPatternElement","l":"LiteralPatternElement(String)","u":"%3Cinit%3E(java.lang.String)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.util","c":"LiteralUtils","l":"LiteralUtils()","u":"%3Cinit%3E()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"LitNewLine","l":"LitNewLine()","u":"%3Cinit%3E()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions","c":"LitPi","l":"LitPi()","u":"%3Cinit%3E()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.entity","c":"LlamaData","l":"LlamaData()","u":"%3Cinit%3E()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.entity","c":"LlamaData","l":"LlamaData(Llama.Color, boolean)","u":"%3Cinit%3E(org.bukkit.entity.Llama.Color,boolean)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.variables","c":"FlatFileStorage","l":"load_i(SectionNode)","u":"load_i(ch.njol.skript.config.SectionNode)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.variables","c":"SQLStorage","l":"load_i(SectionNode)","u":"load_i(ch.njol.skript.config.SectionNode)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.variables","c":"VariablesStorage","l":"load_i(SectionNode)","u":"load_i(ch.njol.skript.config.SectionNode)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.aliases","c":"Aliases","l":"load()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.lang","c":"SelfRegisteringSkriptEvent","l":"load()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.lang","c":"SkriptEvent","l":"load()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.structures","c":"StructAliases","l":"load()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.structures","c":"StructCommand","l":"load()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.structures","c":"StructFunction","l":"load()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.structures","c":"StructOptions","l":"load()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.structures","c":"StructVariables","l":"load()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.variables","c":"Variables","l":"load()"},{"p":"org.skriptlang.skript.lang.structure","c":"Structure","l":"load()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.config","c":"Config","l":"load(Class)","u":"load(java.lang.Class)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.aliases","c":"Aliases","l":"load(Config)","u":"load(ch.njol.skript.config.Config)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.config","c":"Config","l":"load(Object)","u":"load(java.lang.Object)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.aliases","c":"Aliases","l":"load(Path)","u":"load(java.nio.file.Path)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.aliases","c":"AliasesParser","l":"load(SectionNode)","u":"load(ch.njol.skript.config.SectionNode)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.variables","c":"VariablesStorage","l":"load(SectionNode)","u":"load(ch.njol.skript.config.SectionNode)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.localization","c":"Language","l":"load(String)","u":"load(java.lang.String)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.update","c":"ReleaseManifest","l":"load(String)","u":"load(java.lang.String)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.aliases","c":"AliasesParser","l":"loadAlias(String, String)","u":"loadAlias(java.lang.String,java.lang.String)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.hooks","c":"Hook","l":"loadClasses()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.hooks","c":"VaultHook","l":"loadClasses()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript","c":"SkriptAddon","l":"loadClasses(String, String...)","u":"loadClasses(java.lang.String,java.lang.String...)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.lang","c":"Section","l":"loadCode(SectionNode)","u":"loadCode(ch.njol.skript.config.SectionNode)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.lang","c":"Section","l":"loadCode(SectionNode, String, Class...)","u":"loadCode(ch.njol.skript.config.SectionNode,java.lang.String,java.lang.Class...)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.lang","c":"Section","l":"loadCode(SectionNode, String, Runnable, Class...)","u":"loadCode(ch.njol.skript.config.SectionNode,java.lang.String,java.lang.Runnable,java.lang.Class...)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.localization","c":"Language","l":"loadDefault(SkriptAddon)","u":"loadDefault(ch.njol.skript.SkriptAddon)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript","c":"SkriptConfig","l":"loadDefaultAliases"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.aliases","c":"Aliases","l":"loadDirectory(Path)","u":"loadDirectory(java.nio.file.Path)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript","c":"ScriptLoader","l":"loadedScripts()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript","c":"ScriptLoader","l":"loadedTriggers()"},{"p":"ch.njol.yggdrasil","c":"Yggdrasil","l":"loadFromFile(File, Class)","u":"loadFromFile(java.io.File,java.lang.Class)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.lang.function","c":"Functions","l":"loadFunction(Script, SectionNode, Signature)","u":"loadFunction(org.skriptlang.skript.lang.script.Script,ch.njol.skript.config.SectionNode,ch.njol.skript.lang.function.Signature)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript","c":"ScriptLoader","l":"loadItems(SectionNode)","u":"loadItems(ch.njol.skript.config.SectionNode)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.lang","c":"Section","l":"loadOptionalCode(SectionNode)","u":"loadOptionalCode(ch.njol.skript.config.SectionNode)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript","c":"ScriptLoader","l":"loadScripts(Config...)","u":"loadScripts(ch.njol.skript.config.Config...)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript","c":"ScriptLoader","l":"loadScripts(File, OpenCloseable)","u":"loadScripts(java.io.File,ch.njol.util.OpenCloseable)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript","c":"ScriptLoader","l":"loadScripts(List)","u":"loadScripts(java.util.List)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript","c":"ScriptLoader","l":"loadScripts(List, List)","u":"loadScripts(java.util.List,java.util.List)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript","c":"ScriptLoader","l":"loadScripts(Set, OpenCloseable)","u":"loadScripts(java.util.Set,ch.njol.util.OpenCloseable)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.aliases","c":"AliasesParser","l":"loadSingleAlias(Map, String)","u":"loadSingleAlias(java.util.Map,java.lang.String)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript","c":"ScriptLoader","l":"loadStructure(Config)","u":"loadStructure(ch.njol.skript.config.Config)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.aliases","c":"AliasesParser","l":"loadVariations(SectionNode)","u":"loadVariations(ch.njol.skript.config.SectionNode)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.lang","c":"Variable","l":"LOCAL_VARIABLE_TOKEN"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.registrations","c":"DefaultClasses","l":"LOCATION"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.log","c":"LogHandler.LogResult","l":"LOG"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.log","c":"SkriptLogger","l":"log(Level, String)","u":"log(java.util.logging.Level,java.lang.String)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.log","c":"SkriptLogger","l":"log(LogEntry)","u":"log(ch.njol.skript.log.LogEntry)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.log","c":"BlockingLogHandler","l":"log(LogEntry)","u":"log(ch.njol.skript.log.LogEntry)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.log","c":"CountingLogHandler","l":"log(LogEntry)","u":"log(ch.njol.skript.log.LogEntry)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.log","c":"ErrorDescLogHandler","l":"log(LogEntry)","u":"log(ch.njol.skript.log.LogEntry)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.log","c":"FilteringLogHandler","l":"log(LogEntry)","u":"log(ch.njol.skript.log.LogEntry)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.log","c":"LogHandler","l":"log(LogEntry)","u":"log(ch.njol.skript.log.LogEntry)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.log","c":"ParseLogHandler","l":"log(LogEntry)","u":"log(ch.njol.skript.log.LogEntry)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.log","c":"RedirectingLogHandler","l":"log(LogEntry)","u":"log(ch.njol.skript.log.LogEntry)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.log","c":"RetainingLogHandler","l":"log(LogEntry)","u":"log(ch.njol.skript.log.LogEntry)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.log","c":"TimingLogHandler","l":"log(LogEntry)","u":"log(ch.njol.skript.log.LogEntry)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.log","c":"SkriptLogger","l":"log(Verbosity)","u":"log(ch.njol.skript.log.Verbosity)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript","c":"Skript","l":"log(Verbosity)","u":"log(ch.njol.skript.log.Verbosity)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.log","c":"SkriptLogger","l":"logAll(Collection)","u":"logAll(java.util.Collection)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.log","c":"LogEntry","l":"LogEntry(Level, ErrorQuality, String)","u":"%3Cinit%3E(java.util.logging.Level,ch.njol.skript.log.ErrorQuality,java.lang.String)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.log","c":"LogEntry","l":"LogEntry(Level, ErrorQuality, String, Node)","u":"%3Cinit%3E(java.util.logging.Level,ch.njol.skript.log.ErrorQuality,java.lang.String,ch.njol.skript.config.Node)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.log","c":"LogEntry","l":"LogEntry(Level, int, String)","u":"%3Cinit%3E(java.util.logging.Level,int,java.lang.String)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.log","c":"LogEntry","l":"LogEntry(Level, int, String, Node)","u":"%3Cinit%3E(java.util.logging.Level,int,java.lang.String,ch.njol.skript.config.Node)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.log","c":"LogEntry","l":"LogEntry(Level, int, String, Node, boolean)","u":"%3Cinit%3E(java.util.logging.Level,int,java.lang.String,ch.njol.skript.config.Node,boolean)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.log","c":"LogEntry","l":"LogEntry(Level, String)","u":"%3Cinit%3E(java.util.logging.Level,java.lang.String)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.log","c":"LogEntry","l":"LogEntry(Level, String, Node)","u":"%3Cinit%3E(java.util.logging.Level,java.lang.String,ch.njol.skript.config.Node)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript","c":"SkriptEventHandler","l":"logEventEnd()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript","c":"SkriptEventHandler","l":"logEventStart(Event)","u":"logEventStart(org.bukkit.event.Event)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.log","c":"SkriptLogger","l":"LOGGER"},{"p":"ch.njol.util","c":"LoggerFilter","l":"LoggerFilter(Logger)","u":"%3Cinit%3E(java.util.logging.Logger)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.log","c":"LogHandler","l":"LogHandler()","u":"%3Cinit%3E()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript","c":"Skript","l":"logHigh()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.update","c":"GithubChecker.ResponseEntry.Author","l":"login"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript","c":"Skript","l":"logNormal()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript","c":"SkriptConfig","l":"logPlayerCommands"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.log","c":"SkriptLogger","l":"logTracked(Level, String, ErrorQuality)","u":"logTracked(java.util.logging.Level,java.lang.String,ch.njol.skript.log.ErrorQuality)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript","c":"SkriptEventHandler","l":"logTriggerEnd(Trigger)","u":"logTriggerEnd(ch.njol.skript.lang.Trigger)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript","c":"SkriptEventHandler","l":"logTriggerStart(Trigger)","u":"logTriggerStart(ch.njol.skript.lang.Trigger)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript","c":"Skript","l":"logVeryHigh()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.registrations","c":"DefaultClasses","l":"LONG"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript","c":"SkriptConfig","l":"longParseTimeWarningThreshold"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.bukkitutil","c":"PaperEntityUtils","l":"lookAt(LookAnchor, Object, Float, Float, LivingEntity...)","u":"lookAt(io.papermc.paper.entity.LookAnchor,java.lang.Object,java.lang.Float,java.lang.Float,org.bukkit.entity.LivingEntity...)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.bukkitutil","c":"PaperEntityUtils","l":"lookAt(Object, Float, Float, LivingEntity...)","u":"lookAt(java.lang.Object,java.lang.Float,java.lang.Float,org.bukkit.entity.LivingEntity...)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.bukkitutil","c":"PaperEntityUtils","l":"lookAt(Object, LivingEntity...)","u":"lookAt(java.lang.Object,org.bukkit.entity.LivingEntity...)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.lang","c":"LoopSection","l":"LoopSection()","u":"%3Cinit%3E()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.log","c":"Verbosity","l":"LOW"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.util","c":"PotionDataUtils","l":"LUCK"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.entity","c":"EntityData","l":"m_adult"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.entity","c":"EntityData","l":"m_age_pattern"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.entity","c":"EntityData","l":"m_baby"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript","c":"SkriptUpdater","l":"m_check_error"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript","c":"SkriptUpdater","l":"m_check_in_progress"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript","c":"SkriptUpdater","l":"m_checking"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.command","c":"Commands","l":"m_correct_usage"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript","c":"SkriptUpdater","l":"m_custom_version"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript","c":"SkriptUpdater","l":"m_download_error"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript","c":"SkriptUpdater","l":"m_download_in_progress"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript","c":"SkriptUpdater","l":"m_downloaded"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript","c":"SkriptUpdater","l":"m_downloading"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.command","c":"ScriptCommand","l":"m_executable_by_console"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.command","c":"ScriptCommand","l":"m_executable_by_players"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript","c":"Skript","l":"m_finished_loading"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.command","c":"Commands","l":"m_internal_error"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript","c":"SkriptUpdater","l":"m_internal_error"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript","c":"Skript","l":"m_invalid_reload"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.util","c":"Direction","l":"m_meter"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript","c":"SkriptUpdater","l":"m_nightly"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript","c":"Skript","l":"m_no_errors"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript","c":"Skript","l":"m_no_scripts"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript","c":"SkriptUpdater","l":"m_not_started"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript","c":"SkriptUpdater","l":"m_running_latest_version"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript","c":"SkriptUpdater","l":"m_running_latest_version_beta"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.command","c":"Commands","l":"m_too_many_arguments"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript","c":"SkriptUpdater","l":"m_update_available"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript","c":"SkriptUpdater","l":"m_updater_disabled"},{"p":"ch.njol.yggdrasil","c":"Yggdrasil","l":"MAGIC_NUMBER"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript","c":"PatcherTool","l":"main(String...)","u":"main(java.lang.String...)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.test.platform","c":"PlatformMain","l":"main(String...)","u":"main(java.lang.String...)"},{"p":"ch.njol.yggdrasil","c":"Yggdrasil","l":"main(String[])","u":"main(java.lang.String[])"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.lang","c":"VariableString","l":"makeStrings(String[])","u":"makeStrings(java.lang.String[])"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.lang","c":"VariableString","l":"makeStringsFromQuoted(List)","u":"makeStringsFromQuoted(java.util.List)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.patterns","c":"MalformedPatternException","l":"MalformedPatternException(String, String)","u":"%3Cinit%3E(java.lang.String,java.lang.String)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.patterns","c":"MalformedPatternException","l":"MalformedPatternException(String, String, Throwable)","u":"%3Cinit%3E(java.lang.String,java.lang.String,java.lang.Throwable)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.bukkitutil","c":"BurgerHelper","l":"mapIds()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.bukkitutil","c":"BurgerHelper","l":"mapMaterials()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.lang","c":"SkriptParser.ParseResult","l":"mark"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.config","c":"ConfigReader","l":"mark(int)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript","c":"Skript","l":"markErrored()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.config","c":"ConfigReader","l":"markSupported()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.entity","c":"AxolotlData","l":"match(Axolotl)","u":"match(org.bukkit.entity.Axolotl)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.entity","c":"BeeData","l":"match(Bee)","u":"match(org.bukkit.entity.Bee)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.bukkitutil.block","c":"BlockValues","l":"match(BlockValues)","u":"match(ch.njol.skript.bukkitutil.block.BlockValues)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.entity","c":"BoatData","l":"match(Boat)","u":"match(org.bukkit.entity.Boat)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.entity","c":"CatData","l":"match(Cat)","u":"match(org.bukkit.entity.Cat)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.entity","c":"BoatChestData","l":"match(ChestBoat)","u":"match(org.bukkit.entity.ChestBoat)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.entity","c":"CreeperData","l":"match(Creeper)","u":"match(org.bukkit.entity.Creeper)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.entity","c":"EntityData","l":"match(E)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.entity","c":"EndermanData","l":"match(Enderman)","u":"match(org.bukkit.entity.Enderman)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.entity","c":"SimpleEntityData","l":"match(Entity)","u":"match(org.bukkit.entity.Entity)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.entity","c":"XpOrbData","l":"match(ExperienceOrb)","u":"match(org.bukkit.entity.ExperienceOrb)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.entity","c":"FallingBlockData","l":"match(FallingBlock)","u":"match(org.bukkit.entity.FallingBlock)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.entity","c":"FishData","l":"match(Fish)","u":"match(org.bukkit.entity.Fish)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.entity","c":"FoxData","l":"match(Fox)","u":"match(org.bukkit.entity.Fox)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.entity","c":"FrogData","l":"match(Frog)","u":"match(org.bukkit.entity.Frog)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.entity","c":"GoatData","l":"match(Goat)","u":"match(org.bukkit.entity.Goat)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.entity","c":"DroppedItemData","l":"match(Item)","u":"match(org.bukkit.entity.Item)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.entity","c":"LlamaData","l":"match(Llama)","u":"match(org.bukkit.entity.Llama)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.aliases","c":"AliasesMap.Match","l":"Match(MatchQuality, AliasesMap.AliasData)","u":"%3Cinit%3E(ch.njol.skript.aliases.MatchQuality,ch.njol.skript.aliases.AliasesMap.AliasData)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.entity","c":"MinecartData","l":"match(Minecart)","u":"match(org.bukkit.entity.Minecart)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.entity","c":"MooshroomData","l":"match(MushroomCow)","u":"match(org.bukkit.entity.MushroomCow)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.entity","c":"OcelotData","l":"match(Ocelot)","u":"match(org.bukkit.entity.Ocelot)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.entity","c":"PandaData","l":"match(Panda)","u":"match(org.bukkit.entity.Panda)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.entity","c":"ParrotData","l":"match(Parrot)","u":"match(org.bukkit.entity.Parrot)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.entity","c":"PigData","l":"match(Pig)","u":"match(org.bukkit.entity.Pig)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.entity","c":"RabbitData","l":"match(Rabbit)","u":"match(org.bukkit.entity.Rabbit)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.entity","c":"SheepData","l":"match(Sheep)","u":"match(org.bukkit.entity.Sheep)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.patterns","c":"SkriptPattern","l":"match(String)","u":"match(java.lang.String)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.patterns","c":"SkriptPattern","l":"match(String, int, ParseContext)","u":"match(java.lang.String,int,ch.njol.skript.lang.ParseContext)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.patterns","c":"ChoicePatternElement","l":"match(String, MatchResult)","u":"match(java.lang.String,ch.njol.skript.patterns.MatchResult)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.patterns","c":"GroupPatternElement","l":"match(String, MatchResult)","u":"match(java.lang.String,ch.njol.skript.patterns.MatchResult)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.patterns","c":"LiteralPatternElement","l":"match(String, MatchResult)","u":"match(java.lang.String,ch.njol.skript.patterns.MatchResult)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.patterns","c":"OptionalPatternElement","l":"match(String, MatchResult)","u":"match(java.lang.String,ch.njol.skript.patterns.MatchResult)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.patterns","c":"ParseTagPatternElement","l":"match(String, MatchResult)","u":"match(java.lang.String,ch.njol.skript.patterns.MatchResult)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.patterns","c":"PatternElement","l":"match(String, MatchResult)","u":"match(java.lang.String,ch.njol.skript.patterns.MatchResult)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.patterns","c":"RegexPatternElement","l":"match(String, MatchResult)","u":"match(java.lang.String,ch.njol.skript.patterns.MatchResult)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.patterns","c":"TypePatternElement","l":"match(String, MatchResult)","u":"match(java.lang.String,ch.njol.skript.patterns.MatchResult)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.entity","c":"ThrownPotionData","l":"match(ThrownPotion)","u":"match(org.bukkit.entity.ThrownPotion)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.entity","c":"TropicalFishData","l":"match(TropicalFish)","u":"match(org.bukkit.entity.TropicalFish)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.entity","c":"VillagerData","l":"match(Villager)","u":"match(org.bukkit.entity.Villager)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.entity","c":"WolfData","l":"match(Wolf)","u":"match(org.bukkit.entity.Wolf)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.entity","c":"ZombieVillagerData","l":"match(ZombieVillager)","u":"match(org.bukkit.entity.ZombieVillager)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.aliases","c":"AliasesMap","l":"matchAlias(ItemData)","u":"matchAlias(ch.njol.skript.aliases.ItemData)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.aliases","c":"ItemData","l":"matchAlias(ItemData)","u":"matchAlias(ch.njol.skript.aliases.ItemData)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.entity","c":"EntityData","l":"matchedPattern"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.localization","c":"RegexMessage","l":"matcher(String)","u":"matcher(java.lang.String)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.localization","c":"RegexMessage","l":"matches(String)","u":"matches(java.lang.String)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.conditions","c":"CondMatches","l":"matches(String, Pattern)","u":"matches(java.lang.String,java.util.regex.Pattern)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.patterns","c":"PatternElement","l":"matchNext(String, MatchResult)","u":"matchNext(java.lang.String,ch.njol.skript.patterns.MatchResult)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.aliases","c":"ItemData","l":"matchPlain(ItemData)","u":"matchPlain(ch.njol.skript.aliases.ItemData)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.patterns","c":"MatchResult","l":"MatchResult()","u":"%3Cinit%3E()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.classes","c":"ClassInfo","l":"math(Class, Arithmetic)","u":"math(java.lang.Class,ch.njol.skript.classes.Arithmetic)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.variables","c":"SQLStorage","l":"MAX_CLASS_CODENAME_LENGTH"},{"p":"ch.njol.yggdrasil","c":"Tag","l":"MAX_PRIMITIVE"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.variables","c":"SQLStorage","l":"MAX_VALUE_SIZE"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.variables","c":"SQLStorage","l":"MAX_VARIABLE_NAME_LENGTH"},{"p":"ch.njol.yggdrasil","c":"Tag","l":"MAX_WRAPPER"},{"p":"ch.njol.util","c":"Math2","l":"max(double, double, double)","u":"max(double,double,double)"},{"p":"ch.njol.util","c":"Math2","l":"max(double...)"},{"p":"ch.njol.util","c":"Math2","l":"max(int, int, int)","u":"max(int,int,int)"},{"p":"ch.njol.util","c":"Math2","l":"max(int...)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript","c":"Skript","l":"MAXBLOCKID"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript","c":"Skript","l":"MAXDATAVALUE"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript","c":"SkriptConfig","l":"maxTargetBlockDistance"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.util","c":"StructureType","l":"MEGA_REDWOOD"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.aliases","c":"AliasesProvider.Variation","l":"merge(AliasesProvider.Variation)","u":"merge(ch.njol.skript.aliases.AliasesProvider.Variation)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.log","c":"LogEntry","l":"message"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.util","c":"StringMode","l":"MESSAGE"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.effects","c":"EffCommand","l":"MESSAGE_CHANNEL"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript","c":"Skript","l":"message(CommandSender, String)","u":"message(org.bukkit.command.CommandSender,java.lang.String)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.localization","c":"Message","l":"Message(String)","u":"%3Cinit%3E(java.lang.String)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.util.chat","c":"MessageComponent","l":"MessageComponent()","u":"%3Cinit%3E()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript","c":"Skript","l":"methodExists(Class, String, Class...)","u":"methodExists(java.lang.Class,java.lang.String,java.lang.Class...)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript","c":"Skript","l":"methodExists(Class, String, Class[], Class)","u":"methodExists(java.lang.Class,java.lang.String,java.lang.Class[],java.lang.Class)"},{"p":"ch.njol.yggdrasil","c":"Tag","l":"MIN_PRIMITIVE"},{"p":"ch.njol.yggdrasil","c":"Tag","l":"MIN_WRAPPER"},{"p":"ch.njol.util","c":"Math2","l":"min(double, double, double)","u":"min(double,double,double)"},{"p":"ch.njol.util","c":"Math2","l":"min(double...)"},{"p":"ch.njol.util","c":"Math2","l":"min(int, int, int)","u":"min(int,int,int)"},{"p":"ch.njol.util","c":"Math2","l":"min(int...)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.entity","c":"MinecartData","l":"MinecartData()","u":"%3Cinit%3E()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.entity","c":"MinecartData","l":"MinecartData(MinecartData.MinecartType)","u":"%3Cinit%3E(ch.njol.skript.entity.MinecartData.MinecartType)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions.arithmetic","c":"Operator","l":"MINUS"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.util","c":"Date","l":"minus(Timespan)","u":"minus(ch.njol.skript.util.Timespan)"},{"p":"org.skriptlang.skript.lang.script","c":"ScriptWarning","l":"MISSING_CONJUNCTION"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.localization","c":"Language","l":"missingEntryError(String)","u":"missingEntryError(java.lang.String)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.util","c":"Direction","l":"missingField(Field)","u":"missingField(java.lang.reflect.Field)"},{"p":"ch.njol.yggdrasil","c":"YggdrasilSerializable.YggdrasilRobustSerializable","l":"missingField(Field)","u":"missingField(java.lang.reflect.Field)"},{"p":"ch.njol.yggdrasil","c":"FieldHandler","l":"missingField(Object, Field)","u":"missingField(java.lang.Object,java.lang.reflect.Field)"},{"p":"ch.njol.yggdrasil.util","c":"JREFieldHandler","l":"missingField(Object, Field)","u":"missingField(java.lang.Object,java.lang.reflect.Field)"},{"p":"ch.njol.yggdrasil","c":"Yggdrasil","l":"missingField(Object, Field)","u":"missingField(java.lang.Object,java.lang.reflect.Field)"},{"p":"org.skriptlang.skript.lang.entry","c":"EntryValidator.EntryValidatorBuilder","l":"missingRequiredEntryMessage(Function)","u":"missingRequiredEntryMessage(java.util.function.Function)"},{"p":"ch.njol.util","c":"Math2","l":"mod(double, double)","u":"mod(double,double)"},{"p":"ch.njol.util","c":"Math2","l":"mod(float, float)","u":"mod(float,float)"},{"p":"ch.njol.util","c":"Math2","l":"mod(int, int)","u":"mod(int,int)"},{"p":"ch.njol.util","c":"Math2","l":"mod(long, long)","u":"mod(long,long)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.aliases","c":"ItemType","l":"modified()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.lang","c":"Section.SectionContext","l":"modify(SectionNode, List, Supplier)","u":"modify(ch.njol.skript.config.SectionNode,java.util.List,java.util.function.Supplier)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.bukkitutil","c":"BukkitUnsafe","l":"modifyItemStack(ItemStack, String)","u":"modifyItemStack(org.bukkit.inventory.ItemStack,java.lang.String)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.hooks.economy.classes","c":"Money","l":"Money(double)","u":"%3Cinit%3E(double)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.entity","c":"MooshroomData","l":"MooshroomData()","u":"%3Cinit%3E()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.entity","c":"MooshroomData","l":"MooshroomData(MushroomCow.Variant)","u":"%3Cinit%3E(org.bukkit.entity.MushroomCow.Variant)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.util","c":"FileUtils","l":"move(File, File, boolean)","u":"move(java.io.File,java.io.File,boolean)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.config","c":"Node","l":"move(SectionNode)","u":"move(ch.njol.skript.config.SectionNode)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions.arithmetic","c":"Operator","l":"MULT"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.bukkitutil.block","c":"BlockSetter","l":"MULTIPART"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.classes","c":"Arithmetic","l":"multiply(A, R)","u":"multiply(A,R)"},{"p":"ch.njol.util","c":"StringUtils","l":"multiply(char, int)","u":"multiply(char,int)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.classes","c":"NumberArithmetic","l":"multiply(Number, Number)","u":"multiply(java.lang.Number,java.lang.Number)"},{"p":"ch.njol.util","c":"StringUtils","l":"multiply(String, int)","u":"multiply(java.lang.String,int)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.classes","c":"VectorArithmethic","l":"multiply(Vector, Vector)","u":"multiply(org.bukkit.util.Vector,org.bukkit.util.Vector)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.util","c":"StructureType","l":"MUSHROOM"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.classes","c":"ConfigurationSerializer","l":"mustSyncDeserialization()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.classes","c":"EnumSerializer","l":"mustSyncDeserialization()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.classes","c":"Serializer","l":"mustSyncDeserialization()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.classes","c":"YggdrasilSerializer","l":"mustSyncDeserialization()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.lang","c":"SkriptEventInfo","l":"name"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript","c":"ServerPlatform","l":"name"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.update","c":"GithubChecker.ResponseEntry","l":"name"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.variables","c":"SerializedVariable","l":"name"},{"p":"ch.njol.yggdrasil","c":"Tag","l":"name"},{"p":"ch.njol.yggdrasil","c":"PseudoEnum","l":"name()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.classes","c":"ClassInfo","l":"name(String)","u":"name(java.lang.String)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.lang.function","c":"Namespace","l":"Namespace()","u":"%3Cinit%3E()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.bukkitutil.block","c":"NewBlockCompat","l":"NewBlockCompat()","u":"%3Cinit%3E()"},{"p":"ch.njol.yggdrasil","c":"Yggdrasil","l":"newInputStream(InputStream)","u":"newInputStream(java.io.InputStream)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.classes","c":"ConfigurationSerializer","l":"newInstance(Class)","u":"newInstance(java.lang.Class)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.classes","c":"Serializer","l":"newInstance(Class)","u":"newInstance(java.lang.Class)"},{"p":"ch.njol.yggdrasil","c":"YggdrasilSerializer","l":"newInstance(Class)","u":"newInstance(java.lang.Class)"},{"p":"ch.njol.yggdrasil","c":"JRESerializer","l":"newInstance(Class)","u":"newInstance(java.lang.Class)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.classes","c":"ChainedConverter","l":"newInstance(Converter, Converter)","u":"newInstance(ch.njol.skript.classes.Converter,ch.njol.skript.classes.Converter)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.lang.util","c":"ConvertedExpression","l":"newInstance(Expression, Class...)","u":"newInstance(ch.njol.skript.lang.Expression,java.lang.Class...)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.lang","c":"VariableString","l":"newInstance(String)","u":"newInstance(java.lang.String)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.lang","c":"Variable","l":"newInstance(String, Class[])","u":"newInstance(java.lang.String,java.lang.Class[])"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.lang.function","c":"Parameter","l":"newInstance(String, ClassInfo, boolean, String)","u":"newInstance(java.lang.String,ch.njol.skript.classes.ClassInfo,boolean,java.lang.String)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.command","c":"Argument","l":"newInstance(String, ClassInfo, String, int, boolean, boolean)","u":"newInstance(java.lang.String,ch.njol.skript.classes.ClassInfo,java.lang.String,int,boolean,boolean)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.lang","c":"VariableString","l":"newInstance(String, StringMode)","u":"newInstance(java.lang.String,ch.njol.skript.util.StringMode)"},{"p":"ch.njol.yggdrasil","c":"Yggdrasil","l":"newOutputStream(OutputStream)","u":"newOutputStream(java.io.OutputStream)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript","c":"Skript","l":"newThread(Runnable, String)","u":"newThread(java.lang.Runnable,java.lang.String)"},{"p":"ch.njol.yggdrasil","c":"Yggdrasil","l":"newXMLInputStream(InputStream)","u":"newXMLInputStream(java.io.InputStream)"},{"p":"ch.njol.yggdrasil","c":"Yggdrasil","l":"newXMLOutputStream(OutputStream)","u":"newXMLOutputStream(java.io.OutputStream)"},{"p":"ch.njol.util.coll.iterator","c":"ArrayIterator","l":"next()"},{"p":"ch.njol.util.coll.iterator","c":"CheckedIterator","l":"next()"},{"p":"ch.njol.util.coll.iterator","c":"CombinedIterator","l":"next()"},{"p":"ch.njol.util.coll.iterator","c":"ConsumingIterator","l":"next()"},{"p":"ch.njol.util.coll.iterator","c":"EmptyIterator","l":"next()"},{"p":"ch.njol.util.coll.iterator","c":"ImprovedIterator","l":"next()"},{"p":"ch.njol.util.coll.iterator","c":"ListRangeIterator","l":"next()"},{"p":"ch.njol.util.coll.iterator","c":"NonNullIterator","l":"next()"},{"p":"ch.njol.util.coll.iterator","c":"ReversedListIterator","l":"next()"},{"p":"ch.njol.util.coll.iterator","c":"SingleItemIterator","l":"next()"},{"p":"ch.njol.util.coll.iterator","c":"StoppableIterator","l":"next()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.lang","c":"SkriptParser","l":"next(String, int, ParseContext)","u":"next(java.lang.String,int,ch.njol.skript.lang.ParseContext)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.lang","c":"SkriptParser","l":"nextBracket(String, char, char, int, boolean)","u":"nextBracket(java.lang.String,char,char,int,boolean)"},{"p":"ch.njol.util.coll.iterator","c":"ReversedListIterator","l":"nextIndex()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.lang","c":"SkriptParser","l":"nextOccurrence(String, String, int, ParseContext, boolean)","u":"nextOccurrence(java.lang.String,java.lang.String,int,ch.njol.skript.lang.ParseContext,boolean)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.lang","c":"VariableString","l":"nextVariableBracket(String, int)","u":"nextVariableBracket(java.lang.String,int)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.util","c":"PotionDataUtils","l":"NIGHT_VISION"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.util","c":"PotionDataUtils","l":"NIGHT_VISION_LONG"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.localization","c":"Language","l":"NO_ARTICLE_MASK"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.classes","c":"Converter","l":"NO_CHAINING"},{"p":"org.skriptlang.skript.lang.converter","c":"Converter","l":"NO_CHAINING"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.classes","c":"Converter","l":"NO_COMMAND_ARGUMENTS"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.classes","c":"ClassInfo","l":"NO_DOC"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.lang","c":"SkriptEventInfo","l":"NO_DOC"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.localization","c":"Noun","l":"NO_GENDER"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.localization","c":"Noun","l":"NO_GENDER_TOKEN"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.hooks","c":"VaultHook","l":"NO_GROUP_SUPPORT"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.classes","c":"Converter","l":"NO_LEFT_CHAINING"},{"p":"org.skriptlang.skript.lang.converter","c":"Converter","l":"NO_LEFT_CHAINING"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.classes","c":"Converter","l":"NO_RIGHT_CHAINING"},{"p":"org.skriptlang.skript.lang.converter","c":"Converter","l":"NO_RIGHT_CHAINING"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.log","c":"LogEntry","l":"node"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.config","c":"Node","l":"Node(Config)","u":"%3Cinit%3E(ch.njol.skript.config.Config)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.config","c":"Node","l":"Node(String, SectionNode)","u":"%3Cinit%3E(java.lang.String,ch.njol.skript.config.SectionNode)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.config","c":"Node","l":"Node(String, String, SectionNode, int)","u":"%3Cinit%3E(java.lang.String,java.lang.String,ch.njol.skript.config.SectionNode,int)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.config","c":"NodeMap","l":"NodeMap()","u":"%3Cinit%3E()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.log","c":"ErrorQuality","l":"NONE"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.classes.data","c":"DefaultChangers","l":"nonLivingEntityChanger"},{"p":"ch.njol.util.coll.iterator","c":"NonNullIterator","l":"NonNullIterator()","u":"%3Cinit%3E()"},{"p":"ch.njol.util","c":"NonNullPair","l":"NonNullPair(NonNullPair)","u":"%3Cinit%3E(ch.njol.util.NonNullPair)"},{"p":"ch.njol.util","c":"NonNullPair","l":"NonNullPair(T1, T2)","u":"%3Cinit%3E(T1,T2)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.localization","c":"RegexMessage","l":"nop"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.lang","c":"ExpressionType","l":"NORMAL"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.localization","c":"Language.LanguageListenerPriority","l":"NORMAL"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.log","c":"Verbosity","l":"NORMAL"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.localization","c":"Noun","l":"normalizePluralMarkers(String)","u":"normalizePluralMarkers(java.lang.String)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.localization","c":"GeneralWords","l":"not"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.log","c":"ErrorQuality","l":"NOT_AN_EXPRESSION"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.classes","c":"Comparator.Relation","l":"NOT_EQUAL"},{"p":"org.skriptlang.skript.lang.comparator","c":"Relation","l":"NOT_EQUAL"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.update","c":"UpdaterState","l":"NOT_STARTED"},{"p":"ch.njol.util","c":"Kleenean","l":"not()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.config.validate","c":"EntryValidator","l":"notAnEntryError(Node)","u":"notAnEntryError(ch.njol.skript.config.Node)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.config.validate","c":"EntryValidator","l":"notAnEntryError(Node, String)","u":"notAnEntryError(ch.njol.skript.config.Node,java.lang.String)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.config.validate","c":"SectionValidator","l":"notASectionError(Node)","u":"notASectionError(ch.njol.skript.config.Node)"},{"p":"ch.njol.util","c":"VectorMath","l":"notchPitch(float)"},{"p":"ch.njol.util","c":"VectorMath","l":"notchYaw(float)"},{"p":"ch.njol.util","c":"Validate","l":"notEmpty(int[], String)","u":"notEmpty(int[],java.lang.String)"},{"p":"ch.njol.util","c":"Validate","l":"notEmpty(Object[], String)","u":"notEmpty(java.lang.Object[],java.lang.String)"},{"p":"ch.njol.util","c":"Validate","l":"notEmpty(String, String)","u":"notEmpty(java.lang.String,java.lang.String)"},{"p":"ch.njol.util","c":"NotifyingReference","l":"NotifyingReference()","u":"%3Cinit%3E()"},{"p":"ch.njol.util","c":"NotifyingReference","l":"NotifyingReference(V)","u":"%3Cinit%3E(V)"},{"p":"ch.njol.util","c":"NotifyingReference","l":"NotifyingReference(V, boolean)","u":"%3Cinit%3E(V,boolean)"},{"p":"ch.njol.util","c":"Validate","l":"notNull(Object, String)","u":"notNull(java.lang.Object,java.lang.String)"},{"p":"ch.njol.util","c":"Validate","l":"notNull(Object...)","u":"notNull(java.lang.Object...)"},{"p":"ch.njol.util","c":"Validate","l":"notNullOrEmpty(Collection, String)","u":"notNullOrEmpty(java.util.Collection,java.lang.String)"},{"p":"ch.njol.util","c":"Validate","l":"notNullOrEmpty(Object[], String)","u":"notNullOrEmpty(java.lang.Object[],java.lang.String)"},{"p":"ch.njol.util","c":"Validate","l":"notNullOrEmpty(String, String)","u":"notNullOrEmpty(java.lang.String,java.lang.String)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.lang","c":"SkriptParser","l":"notOfType(Class...)","u":"notOfType(java.lang.Class...)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.lang","c":"SkriptParser","l":"notOfType(ClassInfo...)","u":"notOfType(ch.njol.skript.classes.ClassInfo...)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.localization","c":"Noun","l":"Noun(String)","u":"%3Cinit%3E(java.lang.String)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.update","c":"NoUpdateChecker","l":"NoUpdateChecker()","u":"%3Cinit%3E()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.util","c":"Date","l":"now()"},{"p":"ch.njol.util","c":"NullableChecker","l":"nullChecker"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.registrations","c":"DefaultClasses","l":"NUMBER"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.classes.data","c":"JavaClasses","l":"NUMBER_PATTERN"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript","c":"SkriptConfig","l":"numberAccuracy"},{"p":"ch.njol.util","c":"StringUtils","l":"numberAfter(CharSequence, int)","u":"numberAfter(java.lang.CharSequence,int)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.classes","c":"NumberArithmetic","l":"NumberArithmetic()","u":"%3Cinit%3E()"},{"p":"ch.njol.util","c":"StringUtils","l":"numberAt(CharSequence, int, boolean)","u":"numberAt(java.lang.CharSequence,int,boolean)"},{"p":"ch.njol.util","c":"StringUtils","l":"numberBefore(CharSequence, int)","u":"numberBefore(java.lang.CharSequence,int)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions.arithmetic","c":"NumberExpressionInfo","l":"NumberExpressionInfo(Expression)","u":"%3Cinit%3E(ch.njol.skript.lang.Expression)"},{"p":"ch.njol.yggdrasil","c":"PseudoEnum","l":"numConstants()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.bukkitutil","c":"BurgerHelper.ItemOrBlock","l":"numeric_id"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.log","c":"RedirectingLogHandler","l":"numErrors()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.aliases","c":"ItemType","l":"numItems()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.aliases","c":"ItemType","l":"numTypes()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.variables","c":"Variables","l":"numVariables()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.util.chat","c":"SkriptChatCode","l":"obfuscated"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.util.chat","c":"MessageComponent","l":"obfuscated"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.registrations","c":"DefaultClasses","l":"OBJECT"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.entity","c":"OcelotData","l":"OcelotData()","u":"%3Cinit%3E()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.util.slot","c":"EquipmentSlot.EquipSlot","l":"OFF_HAND"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.registrations","c":"DefaultClasses","l":"OFFLINE_PLAYER"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.aliases","c":"ItemData.OldItemData","l":"OldItemData()","u":"%3Cinit%3E()"},{"p":"org.skriptlang.skript.lang.script","c":"ScriptEvent.ScriptActiveEvent","l":"onActive(Script)","u":"onActive(org.skriptlang.skript.lang.script.Script)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.command","c":"CommandHelp","l":"onAdd(CommandHelp)","u":"onAdd(ch.njol.skript.command.CommandHelp)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.command","c":"ScriptCommand","l":"onCommand(CommandSender, Command, String, String[])","u":"onCommand(org.bukkit.command.CommandSender,org.bukkit.command.Command,java.lang.String,java.lang.String[])"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript","c":"SkriptCommand","l":"onCommand(CommandSender, Command, String, String[])","u":"onCommand(org.bukkit.command.CommandSender,org.bukkit.command.Command,java.lang.String,java.lang.String[])"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.lang.parser","c":"ParserInstance.Data","l":"onCurrentEventsChange(Class[])","u":"onCurrentEventsChange(java.lang.Class[])"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.lang.parser","c":"ParserInstance.Data","l":"onCurrentScriptChange(Config)","u":"onCurrentScriptChange(ch.njol.skript.config.Config)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript","c":"Skript","l":"onDisable()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript","c":"Skript","l":"onEnable()"},{"p":"org.skriptlang.skript.lang.script","c":"ScriptEvent.ScriptInactiveEvent","l":"onInactive(Script)","u":"onInactive(org.skriptlang.skript.lang.script.Script)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.localization","c":"LanguageChangeListener","l":"onLanguageChange()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript","c":"Skript","l":"onPluginDisable(PluginDisableEvent)","u":"onPluginDisable(org.bukkit.event.server.PluginDisableEvent)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.registrations","c":"Classes","l":"onRegistrationsStop()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.entity","c":"EntityData","l":"onRegistrationStop()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.events","c":"EvtSkript","l":"onSkriptStart()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.events","c":"EvtSkript","l":"onSkriptStop()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.log","c":"ErrorDescLogHandler","l":"onStop()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.log","c":"LogHandler","l":"onStop()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.log","c":"RetainingLogHandler","l":"onStop()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.log","c":"ErrorDescLogHandler","l":"onSuccess()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.command","c":"ScriptCommand","l":"onTabComplete(CommandSender, Command, String, String[])","u":"onTabComplete(org.bukkit.command.CommandSender,org.bukkit.command.Command,java.lang.String,java.lang.String[])"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript","c":"SkriptCommandTabCompleter","l":"onTabComplete(CommandSender, Command, String, String[])","u":"onTabComplete(org.bukkit.command.CommandSender,org.bukkit.command.Command,java.lang.String,java.lang.String[])"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.config","c":"Option","l":"onValueChange()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.localization","c":"Adjective","l":"onValueChange()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.localization","c":"Message","l":"onValueChange()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.localization","c":"Noun","l":"onValueChange()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.localization","c":"RegexMessage","l":"onValueChange()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.util.chat","c":"MessageComponent.ClickEvent.Action","l":"open_url"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.util.chat","c":"SkriptChatCode","l":"open_url"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.log","c":"LogHandler","l":"open()"},{"p":"ch.njol.util","c":"OpenCloseable","l":"open()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.config","c":"Option","l":"Option(String, T)","u":"%3Cinit%3E(java.lang.String,T)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.config","c":"Option","l":"Option(String, T, Converter)","u":"%3Cinit%3E(java.lang.String,T,org.skriptlang.skript.lang.converter.Converter)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.config","c":"Option","l":"optional(boolean)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.patterns","c":"OptionalPatternElement","l":"OptionalPatternElement(PatternElement)","u":"%3Cinit%3E(ch.njol.skript.patterns.PatternElement)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.classes","c":"Converter.ConverterInfo","l":"options"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.structures","c":"StructOptions.OptionsData","l":"OptionsData()","u":"%3Cinit%3E()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.config","c":"OptionSection","l":"OptionSection(String)","u":"%3Cinit%3E(java.lang.String)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.localization","c":"GeneralWords","l":"or"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.lang","c":"SkriptParser","l":"OR_PATTERN"},{"p":"ch.njol.util","c":"Kleenean","l":"or(Kleenean)","u":"or(ch.njol.util.Kleenean)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.util","c":"SkriptColor","l":"ORANGE"},{"p":"ch.njol.yggdrasil","c":"PseudoEnum","l":"ordinal()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.lang","c":"SyntaxElementInfo","l":"originClassPath"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.update","c":"ReleaseStatus","l":"OUTDATED"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript","c":"Skript","l":"outdatedError()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript","c":"Skript","l":"outdatedError(Exception)","u":"outdatedError(java.lang.Exception)"},{"p":"ch.njol.util","c":"Pair","l":"Pair()","u":"%3Cinit%3E()"},{"p":"ch.njol.util","c":"Pair","l":"Pair(Map.Entry)","u":"%3Cinit%3E(java.util.Map.Entry)"},{"p":"ch.njol.util","c":"Pair","l":"Pair(T1, T2)","u":"%3Cinit%3E(T1,T2)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.entity","c":"PandaData","l":"PandaData()","u":"%3Cinit%3E()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.entity","c":"PandaData","l":"PandaData(Panda.Gene, Panda.Gene)","u":"%3Cinit%3E(org.bukkit.entity.Panda.Gene,org.bukkit.entity.Panda.Gene)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.bukkitutil","c":"PaperEntityUtils","l":"PaperEntityUtils()","u":"%3Cinit%3E()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.test.platform","c":"Environment.PaperResource","l":"PaperResource(String, String)","u":"%3Cinit%3E(java.lang.String,java.lang.String)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.lang.function","c":"Parameter","l":"PARAM_PATTERN"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.lang.function","c":"Parameter","l":"Parameter(String, ClassInfo, boolean, Expression)","u":"%3Cinit%3E(java.lang.String,ch.njol.skript.classes.ClassInfo,boolean,ch.njol.skript.lang.Expression)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.config","c":"Node","l":"parent"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.lang","c":"TriggerItem","l":"parent"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.entity","c":"ParrotData","l":"ParrotData()","u":"%3Cinit%3E()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.entity","c":"ParrotData","l":"ParrotData(int)","u":"%3Cinit%3E(int)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.lang","c":"SkriptParser","l":"PARSE_EXPRESSIONS"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.lang","c":"SkriptParser","l":"PARSE_LITERALS"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions.arithmetic","c":"ArithmeticChain","l":"parse(List)","u":"parse(java.util.List)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.entity","c":"EntityData","l":"parse(String)","u":"parse(java.lang.String)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.entity","c":"EntityType","l":"parse(String)","u":"parse(java.lang.String)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.hooks.economy.classes","c":"Money","l":"parse(String)","u":"parse(java.lang.String)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.lang.function","c":"EffFunctionCall","l":"parse(String)","u":"parse(java.lang.String)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.lang.function","c":"Parameter","l":"parse(String)","u":"parse(java.lang.String)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.util.chat","c":"ChatMessages","l":"parse(String)","u":"parse(java.lang.String)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.util","c":"EnchantmentType","l":"parse(String)","u":"parse(java.lang.String)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.util","c":"EnumUtils","l":"parse(String)","u":"parse(java.lang.String)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.util","c":"SoundUtils","l":"parse(String)","u":"parse(java.lang.String)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.util","c":"Time","l":"parse(String)","u":"parse(java.lang.String)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.util","c":"Timespan","l":"parse(String)","u":"parse(java.lang.String)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.util.visual","c":"VisualEffects","l":"parse(String)","u":"parse(java.lang.String)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.util","c":"WeatherType","l":"parse(String)","u":"parse(java.lang.String)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.registrations","c":"Classes","l":"parse(String, Class, ParseContext)","u":"parse(java.lang.String,java.lang.Class,ch.njol.skript.lang.ParseContext)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.lang","c":"SkriptParser","l":"parse(String, Iterator>, String)","u":"parse(java.lang.String,java.util.Iterator,java.lang.String)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.classes","c":"Parser","l":"parse(String, ParseContext)","u":"parse(java.lang.String,ch.njol.skript.lang.ParseContext)"},{"p":"org.skriptlang.skript.lang.structure","c":"Structure","l":"parse(String, SectionNode, String)","u":"parse(java.lang.String,ch.njol.skript.config.SectionNode,java.lang.String)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.lang","c":"Condition","l":"parse(String, String)","u":"parse(java.lang.String,java.lang.String)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.lang","c":"Effect","l":"parse(String, String)","u":"parse(java.lang.String,java.lang.String)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.lang","c":"SkriptParser","l":"parse(String, String)","u":"parse(java.lang.String,java.lang.String)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.lang","c":"Statement","l":"parse(String, String)","u":"parse(java.lang.String,java.lang.String)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.lang","c":"EffectSection","l":"parse(String, String, SectionNode, List)","u":"parse(java.lang.String,java.lang.String,ch.njol.skript.config.SectionNode,java.util.List)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.lang","c":"Section","l":"parse(String, String, SectionNode, List)","u":"parse(java.lang.String,java.lang.String,ch.njol.skript.config.SectionNode,java.util.List)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.aliases","c":"Aliases","l":"parseAlias(String)","u":"parseAlias(java.lang.String)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.lang","c":"SkriptParser","l":"parseArguments(String, ScriptCommand, ScriptCommandEvent)","u":"parseArguments(java.lang.String,ch.njol.skript.command.ScriptCommand,ch.njol.skript.command.ScriptCommandEvent)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.aliases","c":"AliasesParser","l":"parseBlockStates(String)","u":"parseBlockStates(java.lang.String)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.util","c":"PotionEffectUtils","l":"parseByEffectType(PotionEffectType)","u":"parseByEffectType(org.bukkit.potion.PotionEffectType)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.config.validate","c":"ParsedEntryValidator","l":"ParsedEntryValidator(Parser, Setter)","u":"%3Cinit%3E(ch.njol.skript.classes.Parser,ch.njol.util.Setter)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.util","c":"EnchantmentType","l":"parseEnchantment(String)","u":"parseEnchantment(java.lang.String)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.lang","c":"SkriptParser","l":"parseExpression(Class...)","u":"parseExpression(java.lang.Class...)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.lang","c":"SkriptParser","l":"parseExpression(SkriptParser.ExprInfo)","u":"parseExpression(ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptParser.ExprInfo)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.lang","c":"SkriptParser","l":"parseFunction(Class...)","u":"parseFunction(java.lang.Class...)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.util","c":"Utils","l":"parseHexColor(String)","u":"parseHexColor(java.lang.String)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.util","c":"Utils","l":"parseInt(String)","u":"parseInt(java.lang.String)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.aliases","c":"Aliases","l":"parseItemType(String)","u":"parseItemType(java.lang.String)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.aliases","c":"AliasesParser","l":"parseKeyPattern(String)","u":"parseKeyPattern(java.lang.String)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.aliases","c":"AliasesParser","l":"parseKeyVariations(String)","u":"parseKeyVariations(java.lang.String)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript","c":"SkriptConfig","l":"parseLinks"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.lang","c":"SkriptParser","l":"parseLiteral(String, Class, ParseContext)","u":"parseLiteral(java.lang.String,java.lang.Class,ch.njol.skript.lang.ParseContext)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.log","c":"ParseLogHandler","l":"ParseLogHandler()","u":"%3Cinit%3E()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.util","c":"Utils","l":"parseLong(String)","u":"parseLong(java.lang.String)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.aliases","c":"AliasesProvider","l":"parseMojangson(String)","u":"parseMojangson(java.lang.String)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.aliases","c":"ScriptAliases","l":"parser"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.classes","c":"Parser","l":"Parser()","u":"%3Cinit%3E()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.classes","c":"ClassInfo","l":"parser(Parser)","u":"parser(ch.njol.skript.classes.Parser)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.lang","c":"SkriptParser.ParseResult","l":"ParseResult(SkriptParser, String)","u":"%3Cinit%3E(ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptParser,java.lang.String)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.lang","c":"SkriptParser.ParseResult","l":"ParseResult(String, Expression[])","u":"%3Cinit%3E(java.lang.String,ch.njol.skript.lang.Expression[])"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.lang.parser","c":"ParserInstance","l":"ParserInstance()","u":"%3Cinit%3E()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.lang.function","c":"Functions","l":"parseSignature(String, String, String, String, boolean)","u":"parseSignature(java.lang.String,java.lang.String,java.lang.String,java.lang.String,boolean)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.registrations","c":"Classes","l":"parseSimple(String, Class, ParseContext)","u":"parseSimple(java.lang.String,java.lang.Class,ch.njol.skript.lang.ParseContext)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.lang","c":"SkriptParser","l":"parseStatic(String, Iterator>, ParseContext, String)","u":"parseStatic(java.lang.String,java.util.Iterator,ch.njol.skript.lang.ParseContext,java.lang.String)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.lang","c":"SkriptParser","l":"parseStatic(String, Iterator>, String)","u":"parseStatic(java.lang.String,java.util.Iterator,java.lang.String)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.patterns","c":"ParseTagPatternElement","l":"ParseTagPatternElement(int)","u":"%3Cinit%3E(int)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.patterns","c":"ParseTagPatternElement","l":"ParseTagPatternElement(String)","u":"%3Cinit%3E(java.lang.String)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.util.chat","c":"ChatMessages","l":"parseToArray(String)","u":"parseToArray(java.lang.String)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.util","c":"PotionEffectUtils","l":"parseType(String)","u":"parseType(java.lang.String)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.aliases","c":"AliasesParser","l":"parseVariation(String)","u":"parseVariation(java.lang.String)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.entity","c":"EntityData","l":"parseWithoutIndefiniteArticle(String)","u":"parseWithoutIndefiniteArticle(java.lang.String)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.util.visual","c":"ParticleOption","l":"ParticleOption(Color, float)","u":"%3Cinit%3E(ch.njol.skript.util.Color,float)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.update","c":"UpdateManifest","l":"patchNotes"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.lang","c":"ExpressionType","l":"PATTERN_MATCHES_EVERYTHING"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.patterns","c":"PatternCompiler","l":"PatternCompiler()","u":"%3Cinit%3E()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.patterns","c":"PatternElement","l":"PatternElement()","u":"%3Cinit%3E()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.lang","c":"SyntaxElementInfo","l":"patterns"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.util","c":"Patterns","l":"Patterns(Object[][])","u":"%3Cinit%3E(java.lang.Object[][])"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.aliases","c":"AliasesParser.PatternSlot","l":"PatternSlot(String)","u":"%3Cinit%3E(java.lang.String)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.hooks","c":"VaultHook","l":"permission"},{"p":"ch.njol.util.coll","c":"CollectionUtils","l":"permutation(byte, byte)","u":"permutation(byte,byte)"},{"p":"ch.njol.util.coll","c":"CollectionUtils","l":"permutation(int)"},{"p":"ch.njol.util.coll","c":"CollectionUtils","l":"permutation(int, int)","u":"permutation(int,int)"},{"p":"ch.njol.util","c":"VectorMath","l":"PI"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.entity","c":"PigData","l":"PigData()","u":"%3Cinit%3E()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.util","c":"Direction","l":"pitchToRadians(float)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.util.chat","c":"ChatMessages","l":"plainText(String)","u":"plainText(java.lang.String)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.test.platform","c":"PlatformMain","l":"PlatformMain()","u":"%3Cinit%3E()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.util.visual","c":"VisualEffect","l":"play(Player[], Location, Entity, int, int)","u":"play(org.bukkit.entity.Player[],org.bukkit.Location,org.bukkit.entity.Entity,int,int)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.registrations","c":"DefaultClasses","l":"PLAYER"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.classes.data","c":"DefaultChangers","l":"playerChanger"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript","c":"SkriptConfig","l":"playerNameRegexPattern"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.command","c":"ScriptCommand","l":"PLAYERS"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.bukkitutil","c":"PlayerUtils","l":"PlayerUtils()","u":"%3Cinit%3E()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.hooks","c":"Hook","l":"plugin"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript","c":"SkriptAddon","l":"plugin"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.hooks.regions","c":"RegionsPlugin","l":"plugins"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.aliases","c":"AliasesProvider.AliasName","l":"plural"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.localization","c":"Noun","l":"PLURAL"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.localization","c":"Noun","l":"PLURAL_TOKEN"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.localization","c":"PluralizingArgsMessage","l":"PluralizingArgsMessage(String)","u":"%3Cinit%3E(java.lang.String)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions.arithmetic","c":"Operator","l":"PLUS"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.util","c":"Date","l":"plus(Timespan)","u":"plus(ch.njol.skript.util.Timespan)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.util","c":"PotionDataUtils","l":"POISON"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.util","c":"PotionDataUtils","l":"POISON_LONG"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.util","c":"PotionDataUtils","l":"POISON_STRONG"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.events","c":"EvtAtTime","l":"postLoad()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.events","c":"EvtExperienceSpawn","l":"postLoad()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.events","c":"EvtMoveOn","l":"postLoad()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.events","c":"EvtPeriodical","l":"postLoad()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.events","c":"EvtScript","l":"postLoad()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.events","c":"EvtSkript","l":"postLoad()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.hooks.regions.events","c":"EvtRegionBorder","l":"postLoad()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.lang","c":"SelfRegisteringSkriptEvent","l":"postLoad()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.lang","c":"SkriptEvent","l":"postLoad()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.structures","c":"StructCommand","l":"postLoad()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.structures","c":"StructFunction","l":"postLoad()"},{"p":"org.skriptlang.skript.lang.structure","c":"Structure","l":"postLoad()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.lang","c":"SkriptEvent","l":"postUnload()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.structures","c":"StructCommand","l":"postUnload()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.structures","c":"StructVariables","l":"postUnload()"},{"p":"org.skriptlang.skript.lang.structure","c":"Structure","l":"postUnload()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.classes","c":"Arithmetic","l":"power(A, R)","u":"power(A,R)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.classes","c":"NumberArithmetic","l":"power(Number, Number)","u":"power(java.lang.Number,java.lang.Number)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.classes","c":"VectorArithmethic","l":"power(Vector, Vector)","u":"power(org.bukkit.util.Vector,org.bukkit.util.Vector)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.hooks.regions","c":"PreciousStonesHook","l":"PreciousStonesHook()","u":"%3Cinit%3E()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.hooks.regions","c":"PreciousStonesHook.PreciousStonesRegion","l":"PreciousStonesRegion(Field)","u":"%3Cinit%3E(net.sacredlabyrinth.Phaed.PreciousStones.field.Field)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.lang","c":"SkriptEvent","l":"preLoad()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.structures","c":"StructFunction","l":"preLoad()"},{"p":"org.skriptlang.skript.lang.structure","c":"Structure","l":"preLoad()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.update","c":"GithubChecker.ResponseEntry","l":"prerelease"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.events.bukkit","c":"PreScriptLoadEvent","l":"PreScriptLoadEvent(List)","u":"%3Cinit%3E(java.util.List)"},{"p":"ch.njol.util.coll.iterator","c":"ReversedListIterator","l":"previous()"},{"p":"ch.njol.util.coll.iterator","c":"ReversedListIterator","l":"previousIndex()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.log","c":"ParseLogHandler","l":"printError()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.log","c":"ParseLogHandler","l":"printError(String)","u":"printError(java.lang.String)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.log","c":"ParseLogHandler","l":"printError(String, ErrorQuality)","u":"printError(java.lang.String,ch.njol.skript.log.ErrorQuality)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.log","c":"RetainingLogHandler","l":"printErrors()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.log","c":"RetainingLogHandler","l":"printErrors(CommandSender, String)","u":"printErrors(org.bukkit.command.CommandSender,java.lang.String)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.log","c":"RetainingLogHandler","l":"printErrors(String)","u":"printErrors(java.lang.String)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.log","c":"RetainingLogHandler","l":"printErrors(String, ErrorQuality)","u":"printErrors(java.lang.String,ch.njol.skript.log.ErrorQuality)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.log","c":"ParseLogHandler","l":"printLog()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.log","c":"RetainingLogHandler","l":"printLog()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.log","c":"ParseLogHandler","l":"printLog(boolean)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript","c":"SkriptEventHandler.PriorityListener","l":"priority"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.lang","c":"SkriptEvent","l":"PRIORITY"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.structures","c":"StructAliases","l":"PRIORITY"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.structures","c":"StructCommand","l":"PRIORITY"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.structures","c":"StructFunction","l":"PRIORITY"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.structures","c":"StructOptions","l":"PRIORITY"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.structures","c":"StructVariables","l":"PRIORITY"},{"p":"org.skriptlang.skript.lang.structure","c":"Structure.Priority","l":"Priority(int)","u":"%3Cinit%3E(int)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript","c":"SkriptEventHandler.PriorityListener","l":"PriorityListener(EventPriority)","u":"%3Cinit%3E(org.bukkit.event.EventPriority)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.lang","c":"ExpressionType","l":"PROPERTY"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.conditions.base","c":"PropertyCondition","l":"PropertyCondition()","u":"%3Cinit%3E()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions.base","c":"PropertyExpression","l":"PropertyExpression()","u":"%3Cinit%3E()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.aliases","c":"AliasesParser","l":"provider"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.aliases","c":"ScriptAliases","l":"provider"},{"p":"ch.njol.yggdrasil","c":"PseudoEnum","l":"PseudoEnum(String)","u":"%3Cinit%3E(java.lang.String)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.update","c":"GithubChecker.ResponseEntry","l":"published_at"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.config","c":"NodeMap","l":"put(Node)","u":"put(ch.njol.skript.config.Node)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.aliases","c":"AliasesProvider.VariationGroup","l":"put(String, AliasesProvider.Variation)","u":"put(java.lang.String,ch.njol.skript.aliases.AliasesProvider.Variation)"},{"p":"ch.njol.util.coll","c":"BidiHashMap","l":"put(T1, T2)","u":"put(T1,T2)"},{"p":"ch.njol.util.coll","c":"BidiHashMap","l":"putAll(Map)","u":"putAll(java.util.Map)"},{"p":"ch.njol.yggdrasil","c":"Fields","l":"putObject(String, Object)","u":"putObject(java.lang.String,java.lang.Object)"},{"p":"ch.njol.yggdrasil","c":"Fields","l":"putPrimitive(String, Object)","u":"putPrimitive(java.lang.String,java.lang.Object)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.log","c":"LogEntry","l":"quality"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.log","c":"ErrorQuality","l":"quality()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.lang","c":"VariableString","l":"quote(String)","u":"quote(java.lang.String)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.entity","c":"RabbitData","l":"RabbitData()","u":"%3Cinit%3E()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.entity","c":"RabbitData","l":"RabbitData(int)","u":"%3Cinit%3E(int)"},{"p":"ch.njol.util","c":"VectorMath","l":"RAD_TO_DEG"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.util","c":"WeatherType","l":"RAIN"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.util","c":"Utils","l":"random"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.util","c":"Utils","l":"random(int, int)","u":"random(int,int)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.util","c":"BlockStateBlock","l":"randomTick()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.util","c":"DelayedChangeBlock","l":"randomTick()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.util","c":"BlockStateBlock","l":"rayTrace(Location, Vector, double, FluidCollisionMode)","u":"rayTrace(org.bukkit.Location,org.bukkit.util.Vector,double,org.bukkit.FluidCollisionMode)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.util","c":"DelayedChangeBlock","l":"rayTrace(Location, Vector, double, FluidCollisionMode)","u":"rayTrace(org.bukkit.Location,org.bukkit.util.Vector,double,org.bukkit.FluidCollisionMode)"},{"p":"ch.njol.util","c":"EnumTypeAdapter","l":"read(JsonReader)","u":"read(com.google.gson.stream.JsonReader)"},{"p":"ch.njol.yggdrasil","c":"DefaultYggdrasilInputStream","l":"readArrayComponentType()"},{"p":"ch.njol.yggdrasil.xml","c":"YggXMLInputStream","l":"readArrayComponentType()"},{"p":"ch.njol.yggdrasil","c":"YggdrasilInputStream","l":"readArrayComponentType()"},{"p":"ch.njol.yggdrasil","c":"DefaultYggdrasilInputStream","l":"readArrayLength()"},{"p":"ch.njol.yggdrasil.xml","c":"YggXMLInputStream","l":"readArrayLength()"},{"p":"ch.njol.yggdrasil","c":"YggdrasilInputStream","l":"readArrayLength()"},{"p":"ch.njol.yggdrasil","c":"DefaultYggdrasilInputStream","l":"readClass()"},{"p":"ch.njol.yggdrasil.xml","c":"YggXMLInputStream","l":"readClass()"},{"p":"ch.njol.yggdrasil","c":"YggdrasilInputStream","l":"readClass()"},{"p":"ch.njol.yggdrasil","c":"DefaultYggdrasilInputStream","l":"readEnumID()"},{"p":"ch.njol.yggdrasil.xml","c":"YggXMLInputStream","l":"readEnumID()"},{"p":"ch.njol.yggdrasil","c":"YggdrasilInputStream","l":"readEnumID()"},{"p":"ch.njol.yggdrasil","c":"DefaultYggdrasilInputStream","l":"readEnumType()"},{"p":"ch.njol.yggdrasil.xml","c":"YggXMLInputStream","l":"readEnumType()"},{"p":"ch.njol.yggdrasil","c":"YggdrasilInputStream","l":"readEnumType()"},{"p":"ch.njol.yggdrasil","c":"DefaultYggdrasilInputStream","l":"readFieldID()"},{"p":"ch.njol.yggdrasil.xml","c":"YggXMLInputStream","l":"readFieldID()"},{"p":"ch.njol.yggdrasil","c":"YggdrasilInputStream","l":"readFieldID()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.config","c":"ConfigReader","l":"readLine()"},{"p":"ch.njol.yggdrasil","c":"DefaultYggdrasilInputStream","l":"readNumFields()"},{"p":"ch.njol.yggdrasil.xml","c":"YggXMLInputStream","l":"readNumFields()"},{"p":"ch.njol.yggdrasil","c":"YggdrasilInputStream","l":"readNumFields()"},{"p":"ch.njol.yggdrasil","c":"YggdrasilInputStream","l":"readObject()"},{"p":"ch.njol.yggdrasil","c":"YggdrasilInputStream","l":"readObject(Class)","u":"readObject(java.lang.Class)"},{"p":"ch.njol.yggdrasil","c":"DefaultYggdrasilInputStream","l":"readObjectType()"},{"p":"ch.njol.yggdrasil.xml","c":"YggXMLInputStream","l":"readObjectType()"},{"p":"ch.njol.yggdrasil","c":"YggdrasilInputStream","l":"readObjectType()"},{"p":"ch.njol.yggdrasil","c":"DefaultYggdrasilInputStream","l":"readPrimitive_(Tag)","u":"readPrimitive_(ch.njol.yggdrasil.Tag)"},{"p":"ch.njol.yggdrasil.xml","c":"YggXMLInputStream","l":"readPrimitive_(Tag)","u":"readPrimitive_(ch.njol.yggdrasil.Tag)"},{"p":"ch.njol.yggdrasil","c":"YggdrasilInputStream","l":"readPrimitive_(Tag)","u":"readPrimitive_(ch.njol.yggdrasil.Tag)"},{"p":"ch.njol.yggdrasil","c":"DefaultYggdrasilInputStream","l":"readPrimitive(Tag)","u":"readPrimitive(ch.njol.yggdrasil.Tag)"},{"p":"ch.njol.yggdrasil.xml","c":"YggXMLInputStream","l":"readPrimitive(Tag)","u":"readPrimitive(ch.njol.yggdrasil.Tag)"},{"p":"ch.njol.yggdrasil","c":"YggdrasilInputStream","l":"readPrimitive(Tag)","u":"readPrimitive(ch.njol.yggdrasil.Tag)"},{"p":"ch.njol.yggdrasil","c":"DefaultYggdrasilInputStream","l":"readReference()"},{"p":"ch.njol.yggdrasil.xml","c":"YggXMLInputStream","l":"readReference()"},{"p":"ch.njol.yggdrasil","c":"YggdrasilInputStream","l":"readReference()"},{"p":"ch.njol.yggdrasil","c":"DefaultYggdrasilInputStream","l":"readString()"},{"p":"ch.njol.yggdrasil.xml","c":"YggXMLInputStream","l":"readString()"},{"p":"ch.njol.yggdrasil","c":"YggdrasilInputStream","l":"readString()"},{"p":"ch.njol.yggdrasil","c":"DefaultYggdrasilInputStream","l":"readTag()"},{"p":"ch.njol.yggdrasil.xml","c":"YggXMLInputStream","l":"readTag()"},{"p":"ch.njol.yggdrasil","c":"YggdrasilInputStream","l":"readTag()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.util.chat","c":"SkriptChatCode","l":"red"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.util","c":"StructureType","l":"RED_MUSHROOM"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.log","c":"RedirectingLogHandler","l":"RedirectingLogHandler(CommandSender, String)","u":"%3Cinit%3E(org.bukkit.command.CommandSender,java.lang.String)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.util","c":"StructureType","l":"REDWOOD"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.util","c":"PotionDataUtils","l":"REGENERATION"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.util","c":"PotionDataUtils","l":"REGENERATION_LONG"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.util","c":"PotionDataUtils","l":"REGENERATION_STRONG"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.lang","c":"SkriptParser.ParseResult","l":"regexes"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.localization","c":"RegexMessage","l":"RegexMessage(String)","u":"%3Cinit%3E(java.lang.String)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.localization","c":"RegexMessage","l":"RegexMessage(String, int)","u":"%3Cinit%3E(java.lang.String,int)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.localization","c":"RegexMessage","l":"RegexMessage(String, String, String)","u":"%3Cinit%3E(java.lang.String,java.lang.String,java.lang.String)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.localization","c":"RegexMessage","l":"RegexMessage(String, String, String, int)","u":"%3Cinit%3E(java.lang.String,java.lang.String,java.lang.String,int)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.patterns","c":"RegexPatternElement","l":"RegexPatternElement(Pattern)","u":"%3Cinit%3E(java.util.regex.Pattern)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.hooks.regions.classes","c":"Region","l":"Region()","u":"%3Cinit%3E()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.hooks.regions.events","c":"RegionBorderEvent","l":"RegionBorderEvent(Region, Player, boolean)","u":"%3Cinit%3E(ch.njol.skript.hooks.regions.classes.Region,org.bukkit.entity.Player,boolean)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.hooks.regions","c":"RegionsPlugin","l":"RegionsPlugin()","u":"%3Cinit%3E()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.conditions.base","c":"PropertyCondition","l":"register(Class, PropertyCondition.PropertyType, String, String)","u":"register(java.lang.Class,ch.njol.skript.conditions.base.PropertyCondition.PropertyType,java.lang.String,java.lang.String)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.conditions.base","c":"PropertyCondition","l":"register(Class, String, String)","u":"register(java.lang.Class,java.lang.String,java.lang.String)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions.base","c":"PropertyExpression","l":"register(Class>, Class, String, String)","u":"register(java.lang.Class,java.lang.Class,java.lang.String,java.lang.String)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.entity","c":"EntityData","l":"register(Class, String, Class, int, String...)","u":"register(java.lang.Class,java.lang.String,java.lang.Class,int,java.lang.String...)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.entity","c":"EntityData","l":"register(Class, String, Class, String)","u":"register(java.lang.Class,java.lang.String,java.lang.Class,java.lang.String)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.command","c":"ScriptCommand","l":"register(SimpleCommandMap, Map, Set)","u":"register(org.bukkit.command.SimpleCommandMap,java.util.Map,java.util.Set)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.lang","c":"SelfRegisteringSkriptEvent","l":"register(Trigger)","u":"register(ch.njol.skript.lang.Trigger)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript","c":"Skript","l":"registerAddon(JavaPlugin)","u":"registerAddon(org.bukkit.plugin.java.JavaPlugin)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.util.chat","c":"ChatMessages","l":"registerAddonCode(SkriptAddon, ChatCode)","u":"registerAddonCode(ch.njol.skript.SkriptAddon,ch.njol.skript.util.chat.ChatCode)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript","c":"SkriptEventHandler","l":"registerBukkitEvent(Trigger, Class)","u":"registerBukkitEvent(ch.njol.skript.lang.Trigger,java.lang.Class)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript","c":"SkriptEventHandler","l":"registerBukkitEvents(Trigger, Class[])","u":"registerBukkitEvents(ch.njol.skript.lang.Trigger,java.lang.Class[])"},{"p":"ch.njol.yggdrasil","c":"SimpleClassResolver","l":"registerClass(Class, String)","u":"registerClass(java.lang.Class,java.lang.String)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.registrations","c":"Classes","l":"registerClass(ClassInfo)","u":"registerClass(ch.njol.skript.classes.ClassInfo)"},{"p":"ch.njol.yggdrasil","c":"Yggdrasil","l":"registerClassResolver(ClassResolver)","u":"registerClassResolver(ch.njol.yggdrasil.ClassResolver)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.command","c":"Commands","l":"registerCommand(ScriptCommand)","u":"registerCommand(ch.njol.skript.command.ScriptCommand)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.registrations","c":"Comparators","l":"registerComparator(Class, Class, Comparator)","u":"registerComparator(java.lang.Class,java.lang.Class,ch.njol.skript.classes.Comparator)"},{"p":"org.skriptlang.skript.lang.comparator","c":"Comparators","l":"registerComparator(Class, Class, Comparator)","u":"registerComparator(java.lang.Class,java.lang.Class,org.skriptlang.skript.lang.comparator.Comparator)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript","c":"Skript","l":"registerCondition(Class, String...)","u":"registerCondition(java.lang.Class,java.lang.String...)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.aliases","c":"AliasesParser","l":"registerCondition(String, Function)","u":"registerCondition(java.lang.String,java.util.function.Function)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.registrations","c":"Converters","l":"registerConverter(Class, Class, Converter)","u":"registerConverter(java.lang.Class,java.lang.Class,ch.njol.skript.classes.Converter)"},{"p":"org.skriptlang.skript.lang.converter","c":"Converters","l":"registerConverter(Class, Class, Converter)","u":"registerConverter(java.lang.Class,java.lang.Class,org.skriptlang.skript.lang.converter.Converter)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.registrations","c":"Converters","l":"registerConverter(Class, Class, Converter, int)","u":"registerConverter(java.lang.Class,java.lang.Class,ch.njol.skript.classes.Converter,int)"},{"p":"org.skriptlang.skript.lang.converter","c":"Converters","l":"registerConverter(Class, Class, Converter, int)","u":"registerConverter(java.lang.Class,java.lang.Class,org.skriptlang.skript.lang.converter.Converter,int)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.lang.parser","c":"ParserInstance","l":"registerData(Class, Function)","u":"registerData(java.lang.Class,java.util.function.Function)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.expressions.base","c":"PropertyExpression","l":"registerDefault(Class>, Class, String, String)","u":"registerDefault(java.lang.Class,java.lang.Class,java.lang.String,java.lang.String)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript","c":"Skript","l":"registerEffect(Class, String...)","u":"registerEffect(java.lang.Class,java.lang.String...)"},{"p":"org.skriptlang.skript.lang.script","c":"Script","l":"registerEvent(Class, T)","u":"registerEvent(java.lang.Class,T)"},{"p":"org.skriptlang.skript.lang.script","c":"Script","l":"registerEvent(ScriptEvent)","u":"registerEvent(org.skriptlang.skript.lang.script.ScriptEvent)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript","c":"Skript","l":"registerEvent(String, Class, Class, String...)","u":"registerEvent(java.lang.String,java.lang.Class,java.lang.Class,java.lang.String...)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript","c":"Skript","l":"registerEvent(String, Class, Class[], String...)","u":"registerEvent(java.lang.String,java.lang.Class,java.lang.Class[],java.lang.String...)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.registrations","c":"EventValues","l":"registerEventValue(Class, Class, Getter, int)","u":"registerEventValue(java.lang.Class,java.lang.Class,ch.njol.skript.util.Getter,int)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.registrations","c":"EventValues","l":"registerEventValue(Class, Class, Getter, int, String, Class...)","u":"registerEventValue(java.lang.Class,java.lang.Class,ch.njol.skript.util.Getter,int,java.lang.String,java.lang.Class...)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript","c":"Skript","l":"registerExpression(Class, Class, ExpressionType, String...)","u":"registerExpression(java.lang.Class,java.lang.Class,ch.njol.skript.lang.ExpressionType,java.lang.String...)"},{"p":"ch.njol.yggdrasil","c":"Yggdrasil","l":"registerFieldHandler(FieldHandler)","u":"registerFieldHandler(ch.njol.yggdrasil.FieldHandler)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.lang.function","c":"Functions","l":"registerFunction(JavaFunction)","u":"registerFunction(ch.njol.skript.lang.function.JavaFunction)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.command","c":"ScriptCommand","l":"registerHelp()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.command","c":"Commands","l":"registerListeners()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.util.chat","c":"ChatMessages","l":"registerListeners()"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript","c":"Skript","l":"registerSection(Class, String...)","u":"registerSection(java.lang.Class,java.lang.String...)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.lang.function","c":"Functions","l":"registerSignature(Signature)","u":"registerSignature(ch.njol.skript.lang.function.Signature)"},{"p":"ch.njol.yggdrasil","c":"Yggdrasil","l":"registerSingleClass(Class)","u":"registerSingleClass(java.lang.Class)"},{"p":"ch.njol.yggdrasil","c":"Yggdrasil","l":"registerSingleClass(Class, String)","u":"registerSingleClass(java.lang.Class,java.lang.String)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.variables","c":"Variables","l":"registerStorage(Class, String...)","u":"registerStorage(java.lang.Class,java.lang.String...)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript","c":"Skript","l":"registerStructure(Class, EntryValidator, String...)","u":"registerStructure(java.lang.Class,org.skriptlang.skript.lang.entry.EntryValidator,java.lang.String...)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript","c":"Skript","l":"registerStructure(Class, String...)","u":"registerStructure(java.lang.Class,java.lang.String...)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.util","c":"StructureType","l":"REGULAR"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.update","c":"ReleaseChannel","l":"ReleaseChannel(Function, String)","u":"%3Cinit%3E(java.util.function.Function,java.lang.String)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript.update","c":"ReleaseManifest","l":"ReleaseManifest(String, String, String, Class, String, String)","u":"%3Cinit%3E(java.lang.String,java.lang.String,java.lang.String,java.lang.Class,java.lang.String,java.lang.String)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript","c":"ScriptLoader","l":"reloadScript(File)","u":"reloadScript(java.io.File)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript","c":"ScriptLoader","l":"reloadScript(File, OpenCloseable)","u":"reloadScript(java.io.File,ch.njol.util.OpenCloseable)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript","c":"ScriptLoader","l":"reloadScript(Script, OpenCloseable)","u":"reloadScript(org.skriptlang.skript.lang.script.Script,ch.njol.util.OpenCloseable)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript","c":"ScriptLoader","l":"reloadScripts(File)","u":"reloadScripts(java.io.File)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript","c":"ScriptLoader","l":"reloadScripts(File, OpenCloseable)","u":"reloadScripts(java.io.File,ch.njol.util.OpenCloseable)"},{"p":"ch.njol.skript","c":"ScriptLoader","l":"reloadScripts(Set





      • else
      • else [parse] if <.+>
      • else [parse] if (any|at least one [of])
      • else [parse] if [all]
      • [parse] if (any|at least one [of])
      • [parse] if [all]
      • [parse] if <.+>
      • then [run]
      • implicit:<.+>
      Since: 1.0
      Conditional sections if: executed when its condition is true else if: executed if all previous chained conditionals weren't executed, and its condition is true else: executed if all previous chained conditionals weren't executed

      parse if: a special case of 'if' condition that its code will not be parsed if the condition is not true else parse if: another special case of 'else if' condition that its code will not be parsed if all previous chained conditionals weren't executed, and its condition is true


      if player's health is greater than or equal to 4:
          send "Your health is okay so far but be careful!"

      else if player's health is greater than 2:
          send "You need to heal ASAP, your health is very low!"

      else: # Less than 2 hearts
          send "You are about to DIE if you don't heal NOW. You have only %player's health% heart(s)!"

      parse if plugin "SomePluginName" is enabled: # parse if %condition%
          # This code will only be executed if the condition used is met otherwise Skript will not parse this section therefore will not give any errors/info about this section




      Since: 1.0
      Loop sections repeat their code with multiple values.

      A loop will loop through all elements of the given expression, e.g. all players, worlds, items, etc. The conditions & effects inside the loop will be executed for every of those elements, which can be accessed with ‘loop-’, e.g. send "hello" to loop-player. When a condition inside a loop is not fulfilled the loop will start over with the next element of the loop. You can however use stop loop to exit the loop completely and resume code execution after the end of the loop.

      Loopable Values All expressions that represent more than one value, e.g. ‘all players’, ‘worlds’, etc., as well as list variables, can be looped. You can also use a list of expressions, e.g. loop the victim and the attacker, to execute the same code for only a few values.

      List Variables When looping list variables, you can also use loop-index in addition to loop-value inside the loop. loop-value is the value of the currently looped variable, and loop-index is the last part of the variable's name (the part where the list variable has its asterisk *).


      loop all players:
          send "Hello %loop-player%!" to loop-player

      loop items in player's inventory:
          if loop-item is dirt:
              set loop-item to air

      loop 10 times:
          send title "%11 - loop-value%" and subtitle "seconds left until the game begins" to player for 1 second # 10, 9, 8 etc.
          wait 1 second

      loop {Coins::*}:
          set {Coins::%loop-index%} to loop-value + 5 # Same as "add 5 to {Coins::%loop-index%}" where loop-index is the uuid of the player and loop-value is the actually coins value such as 200




      Since: 1.0, 2.6.1 (with section)
      Spawn a creature. This can be used as an effect and as a section. If it is used as a section, the section is run before the entity is added to the world. You can modify the entity in this section, using for example 'event-entity' or 'cow'. Do note that other event values, such as 'player', won't work in this section.


      spawn 3 creepers at the targeted block
      spawn a ghast 5 meters above the player
      spawn a zombie at the player:
          set name of the zombie to ""

      While Loop



      • [do] while <.+>
      Since: 2.0, 2.6 (do while)
      While Loop sections are loops that will just keep repeating as long as a condition is met.


      while size of all players < 5:
          send "More players are needed to begin the adventure" to all players
          wait 5 seconds

      set {_counter} to 1
      do while {_counter} > 1: # false but will increase {_counter} by 1 then get out
          add 1 to {_counter}

      # Be careful when using while loops with conditions that are almost
      # always true for a long time without using 'wait %timespan%' inside it,
      # otherwise it will probably hang and crash your server.
      while player is online:
          give player 1 dirt
          wait 1 second # without using a delay effect the server will crash
      \ No newline at end of file + Skript Documentation - 2.8.0-dev-nightly-235b97a





      • else
      • else [parse] if <.+>
      • else [parse] if (any|at least one [of])
      • else [parse] if [all]
      • [parse] if (any|at least one [of])
      • [parse] if [all]
      • [parse] if <.+>
      • then [run]
      • implicit:<.+>
      Since: 1.0
      Conditional sections if: executed when its condition is true else if: executed if all previous chained conditionals weren't executed, and its condition is true else: executed if all previous chained conditionals weren't executed

      parse if: a special case of 'if' condition that its code will not be parsed if the condition is not true else parse if: another special case of 'else if' condition that its code will not be parsed if all previous chained conditionals weren't executed, and its condition is true


      if player's health is greater than or equal to 4:
          send "Your health is okay so far but be careful!"

      else if player's health is greater than 2:
          send "You need to heal ASAP, your health is very low!"

      else: # Less than 2 hearts
          send "You are about to DIE if you don't heal NOW. You have only %player's health% heart(s)!"

      parse if plugin "SomePluginName" is enabled: # parse if %condition%
          # This code will only be executed if the condition used is met otherwise Skript will not parse this section therefore will not give any errors/info about this section




      Since: 1.0
      Loop sections repeat their code with multiple values.

      A loop will loop through all elements of the given expression, e.g. all players, worlds, items, etc. The conditions & effects inside the loop will be executed for every of those elements, which can be accessed with ‘loop-’, e.g. send "hello" to loop-player. When a condition inside a loop is not fulfilled the loop will start over with the next element of the loop. You can however use stop loop to exit the loop completely and resume code execution after the end of the loop.

      Loopable Values All expressions that represent more than one value, e.g. ‘all players’, ‘worlds’, etc., as well as list variables, can be looped. You can also use a list of expressions, e.g. loop the victim and the attacker, to execute the same code for only a few values.

      List Variables When looping list variables, you can also use loop-index in addition to loop-value inside the loop. loop-value is the value of the currently looped variable, and loop-index is the last part of the variable's name (the part where the list variable has its asterisk *).


      loop all players:
          send "Hello %loop-player%!" to loop-player

      loop items in player's inventory:
          if loop-item is dirt:
              set loop-item to air

      loop 10 times:
          send title "%11 - loop-value%" and subtitle "seconds left until the game begins" to player for 1 second # 10, 9, 8 etc.
          wait 1 second

      loop {Coins::*}:
          set {Coins::%loop-index%} to loop-value + 5 # Same as "add 5 to {Coins::%loop-index%}" where loop-index is the uuid of the player and loop-value is the actually coins value such as 200




      Since: 1.0, 2.6.1 (with section)
      Spawn a creature. This can be used as an effect and as a section. If it is used as a section, the section is run before the entity is added to the world. You can modify the entity in this section, using for example 'event-entity' or 'cow'. Do note that other event values, such as 'player', won't work in this section.


      spawn 3 creepers at the targeted block
      spawn a ghast 5 meters above the player
      spawn a zombie at the player:
          set name of the zombie to ""

      While Loop



      • [do] while <.+>
      Since: 2.0, 2.6 (do while)
      While Loop sections are loops that will just keep repeating as long as a condition is met.


      while size of all players < 5:
          send "More players are needed to begin the adventure" to all players
          wait 5 seconds

      set {_counter} to 1
      do while {_counter} > 1: # false but will increase {_counter} by 1 then get out
          add 1 to {_counter}

      # Be careful when using while loops with conditions that are almost
      # always true for a long time without using 'wait %timespan%' inside it,
      # otherwise it will probably hang and crash your server.
      while player is online:
          give player 1 dirt
          wait 1 second # without using a delay effect the server will crash
      \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/structures.html b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/structures.html index 26224343bb..bf3be8c538 100644 --- a/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/structures.html +++ b/docs/nightly/fix/command-cooldown-storage/structures.html @@ -1 +1 @@ - Skript Documentation - 2.8.0-dev-nightly-173935c





      • aliases
      Since: 1.0
      Used for registering custom aliases for a script.


          blacklisted items = TNT, bedrock, obsidian, mob spawner, lava, lava bucket
          shiny swords = gold sword, iron sword, diamond sword




      • command <.+>
      Required Entries: trigger
      Optional Entries: usage, description, prefix, permission, permission message, aliases, executable by, cooldown, cooldown message, cooldown bypass, cooldown storage
      Since: 1.0
      Used for registering custom commands.


      command /broadcast <string>:
          usage: A command for broadcasting a message to all players.
          permission: skript.command.broadcast
          permission message: You don't have permission to broadcast messages
          aliases: /bc
          executable by: players and console
          cooldown: 15 seconds
          cooldown message: You last broadcast a message %elapsed time% ago. You can broadcast another message in %remaining time%.
          cooldown bypass: skript.command.broadcast.admin
          cooldown storage: {cooldown::%player%}
              broadcast the argument




      • [local] function <([\p{IsAlphabetic}][\p{IsAlphabetic}\p{IsDigit}_]*)\((.*)\)(\s*(::| returns )\s*(.+))?>
      Since: 2.2, 2.7 (local functions)
      Functions are structures that can be executed with arguments/parameters to run code. They can also return a value to the trigger that is executing the function. Note that local functions come before global functions execution


      function sayMessage(message: text):
          broadcast {_message} # our message argument is available in '{_message}'

      local function giveApple(amount: number) :: item:
          return {_amount} of apple

      function getPoints(p: player) returns number:
          return {points::%{_p}%}




      • options
      Since: 1.0
      Options are used for replacing parts of a script with something else. For example, an option may represent a message that appears in multiple locations. Take a look at the example below that showcases this.


          no_permission: You're missing the required permission to execute this command!

      command /ping:
          permission: command.ping
          permission message: {@no_permission}
              message "Pong!"

      command /pong:
          permission: command.pong
          permission message: {@no_permission}
              message "Ping!"




      • variables
      Since: 1.0
      Used for defining variables present within a script. This section is not required, but it ensures that a variable has a value if it doesn't exist when the script is loaded.


          {joins} = 0
          {balance::%player%} = 0

      on join:
          add 1 to {joins}
          message "Your balance is %{balance::%player%}%"
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      • aliases
      Since: 1.0
      Used for registering custom aliases for a script.


          blacklisted items = TNT, bedrock, obsidian, mob spawner, lava, lava bucket
          shiny swords = gold sword, iron sword, diamond sword




      • command <.+>
      Required Entries: trigger
      Optional Entries: usage, description, prefix, permission, permission message, aliases, executable by, cooldown, cooldown message, cooldown bypass, cooldown storage
      Since: 1.0
      Used for registering custom commands.


      command /broadcast <string>:
          usage: A command for broadcasting a message to all players.
          permission: skript.command.broadcast
          permission message: You don't have permission to broadcast messages
          aliases: /bc
          executable by: players and console
          cooldown: 15 seconds
          cooldown message: You last broadcast a message %elapsed time% ago. You can broadcast another message in %remaining time%.
          cooldown bypass: skript.command.broadcast.admin
          cooldown storage: {cooldown::%player%}
              broadcast the argument




      • [local] function <([\p{IsAlphabetic}][\p{IsAlphabetic}\p{IsDigit}_]*)\((.*)\)(\s*(::| returns )\s*(.+))?>
      Since: 2.2, 2.7 (local functions)
      Functions are structures that can be executed with arguments/parameters to run code. They can also return a value to the trigger that is executing the function. Note that local functions come before global functions execution


      function sayMessage(message: text):
          broadcast {_message} # our message argument is available in '{_message}'

      local function giveApple(amount: number) :: item:
          return {_amount} of apple

      function getPoints(p: player) returns number:
          return {points::%{_p}%}




      • options
      Since: 1.0
      Options are used for replacing parts of a script with something else. For example, an option may represent a message that appears in multiple locations. Take a look at the example below that showcases this.


          no_permission: You're missing the required permission to execute this command!

      command /ping:
          permission: command.ping
          permission message: {@no_permission}
              message "Pong!"

      command /pong:
          permission: command.pong
          permission message: {@no_permission}
              message "Ping!"




      • variables
      Since: 1.0
      Used for defining variables present within a script. This section is not required, but it ensures that a variable has a value if it doesn't exist when the script is loaded.


          {joins} = 0
          {balance::%player%} = 0

      on join:
          add 1 to {joins}
          message "Your balance is %{balance::%player%}%"
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      Text in Scripts

      Text (String)

      Skript allows you to write pieces of text (programmers usually call them strings) in the scripts. This is done by putting the text inside double quotes, as follows:

      "this is text"

      Simple, isn't it? If an effect, expression, condition, trigger or function accepts something of type text or string, you can use this format to write it right there!

      Formatting Text

      But isn't just text a bit boring? Worry not, as Minecraft has support for colors, styles and other formatting options in chat. Most of the options also work with item and entity names.


      Minecraft has 16 pre-set color codes to be used in text. Skript supports them in two different ways:

      Color name tags, for example <red> + Skript Documentation - 2.8.0-dev-nightly-235b97a

      Text in Scripts

      Text (String)

      Skript allows you to write pieces of text (programmers usually call them strings) in the scripts. This is done by putting the text inside double quotes, as follows:

      "this is text"

      Simple, isn't it? If an effect, expression, condition, trigger or function accepts something of type text or string, you can use this format to write it right there!

      Formatting Text

      But isn't just text a bit boring? Worry not, as Minecraft has support for colors, styles and other formatting options in chat. Most of the options also work with item and entity names.


      Minecraft has 16 pre-set color codes to be used in text. Skript supports them in two different ways:

      Color name tags, for example <red> Minecraft color codes, like §c; using & works, too

      Here's a table of all colors, including both Skript names and color codes:

      Color Code Name Alternative Names
      §0 black
      §1 blue dark blue
      §2 green dark green
      §3 cyan aqua, dark cyan, dark aqua, dark turquoise, dark turquois
      §4 red dark red
      §5 purple dark purple
      §6 orange orange, gold, dark yellow
      §7 grey light grey, gray, light gray, silver
      §8 dark gray dark grey
      §9 light blue light blue, indigo
      §a light green lime, lime green
      §b light cyan light aqua, turquoise, turquois, light blue
      §c light red pink
      §d magenta light purple
      §e yellow light yellow
      §f white

      In Minecraft 1.16, support was added for 6-digit hexadecimal colors to specify custom colors other than the 16 default color codes. A new tag can be used to format with these colors. The tag looks like this:

      <##hex code>

      Here's what the tag would look like when used in a script:

      send "<##123456>Hey %player%!" to player

      For information not related to Skript, see Minecraft Wiki page concerning colors. Note that depending on Skript configuration, color codes may do more than just change color of text after them. By default, for backwards compatibility, they clear following styles: magic, bold, strikethrough, underlined, italic. Other styles are not affected, and this feature can be toggled of in config.sk.

      Other Styles

      Minecraft also has various other styles available. The following are available everywhere, including item and entity names:

      Code Name Alternative Names
      §k magic test obfuscated
      §l bold b
      §m strikethrough strike, s
      §n underlined underline, u
      §o italic italics, i
      §r reset r

      If it wasn't clear from the table, §r clears all other formatting and colors. You'll probably use it quite often when sending chat messages from scripts.

      Skript also supports certain newer features, which are only available in chat. Those do not have formatting codes, so you must use tags for them.

      Name Alternative Names Description
      link open url, url Opens a link when player clicks on text
      run command command, cmd Makes player execute a chat command when they click on text
      suggest command sgt Adds a command to chat prompt of player when clicked
      tooltip show text, ttp Shows a tooltip when player hovers over text with their mouse
      fontfChange the font of the text (1.16+)
      insertion insert, ins Will append a text at player's current cursor in chat input only while holding SHIFT.

      All of these styles require a parameter, in format


      For link, parameter must be either http or https url if you want clients to recognize it. For others, it can be any text you'd like (you can make player run invalid commands if you wish).

      Text and Variables

      Variable names are text, but obviously formatting that text does no good. However, everything else you can do for text, you can do for variable names. A guide about this is coming... some day.

      Guide written by bensku.

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      Skript Tutorials are coming soon.

      1. Loops
      2. Commands
      3. Functions
      4. Variables
      5. Visual effects

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      Skript Tutorials are coming soon.

      1. Loops
      2. Commands
      3. Functions
      4. Variables
      5. Visual effects

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