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(~a + 1) : a;\r\nassign yN = b[NH_M1] ? {{NH{1'b1}}, b} : {{NH{1'b0}}, b};\r\nassign yw = yN[N-1] ? (~yN + 1) : yN;\r\n\r\nwire y_less_than_MININT;\r\nwire y_more_than_MAXINT;\r\n\r\nwire signed [NH_M1:0] MININT = {1'b1,{NH_M1{1'b0}}};\r\nwire signed [NH_M1:0] MAXINT = {1'b0,{NH_M1{1'b1}}};\r\n\r\nassign y_less_than_MININT = y[N-1] && (y[N-2:NH-1] != {NH{1'b1}});\r\nassign y_more_than_MAXINT = !y[N-1] && (y[N-2:NH-1] != {NH{1'b0}});\r\n\r\nwire signed [N-1:0] y = qs ? (~q1_next + 1) : q1_next;\r\nwire [NH-1:0] y_coerced = y_less_than_MININT ? MININT : y_more_than_MAXINT ? MAXINT : y[N-1:0];\r\n\r\nalways @(negedge clk) \r\nbegin\r\n if (ac >= {1'b0,y1}) \r\n {ac_next, q1_next} <= {ac_nextw[N-1:0], q1, 1'b1};\r\n else \r\n {ac_next, q1_next} <= {ac, q1} << 1;\r\nend\r\n\r\nalways @(posedge clk) \r\nbegin\r\n prev_start <= start;\r\n if (start && !prev_start) \r\n begin\r\n valid <= 0;\r\n i <= 0;\r\n if (b == 0) // divide by 0? \r\n begin\r\n if (a == 0)\r\n q <= 0;\r\n else\r\n q <= {NH{1'b1}};\r\n r <= 0;\r\n pulse_done <= 1;\r\n busy <= 0;\r\n dbz <= 1;\r\n end \r\n else \r\n begin\r\n busy <= 1;\r\n dbz <= 0;\r\n y1 <= yw;\r\n {ac, q1} <= {{N{1'b0}}, xw, 1'b0};\r\n qs <= a[N-1] ^ b[NH_M1];\r\n xs <= a[N-1];\r\n end\r\n end \r\n else \r\n if (busy) \r\n begin\r\n if (i == N-1) \r\n begin\r\n busy <= 0;\r\n valid <= 1;\r\n \r\n q <= y_coerced;\r\n\r\n if (xs)\r\n r <= ~ac_next[N:1] + 1;\r\n else\r\n r <= ac_next[N:1];\r\n pulse_done <= 1;\r\n end \r\n else \r\n begin\r\n i <= i + 1;\r\n ac <= ac_next;\r\n q1 <= q1_next;\r\n end\r\n end\r\n else\r\n begin\r\n pulse_done <= 0;\r\n end\r\nend\r\n", + "params": [], + "ports": { + "in": [ + { + "name": "clk" + }, + { + "name": "start" + }, + { + "name": "a", + "range": "[31:0]", + "size": 32 + }, + { + "name": "b", + "range": "[15:0]", + "size": 16 + } + ], + "out": [ + { + "name": "pulse_done" + }, + { + "name": "busy" + }, + { + "name": "valid" + }, + { + "name": "dbz" + }, + { + "name": "q", + "range": "[15:0]", + "size": 16 + }, + { + "name": "r", + "range": "[31:0]", + "size": 32 + } + ] + } + }, + "position": { + "x": 488, + "y": 104 + }, + "size": { + "width": 1032, + "height": 728 + } + } + ], + "wires": [ + { + "source": { + "block": "008bc8ae-2c14-480d-ad2a-b595e21d6980", + "port": "out" + }, + "target": { + "block": "396814a2-9764-4311-96f8-10d766e29af3", + "port": "start" + } + }, + { + "source": { + "block": "c52eb53f-45ba-4dc2-a1ed-3471922053c3", + "port": "out" + }, + "target": { + "block": "396814a2-9764-4311-96f8-10d766e29af3", + "port": "clk" + } + }, + { + "source": 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= 0;\r\nreg dbz = 0;\r\nreg signed [NH-1:0] q = 0;\r\nreg signed [N-1:0] r = 0;\r\nreg qs;\r\nreg xs;\r\n\r\nreg prev_start = 0;\r\n\r\nwire [N:0] ac_nextw;\r\n\r\nassign ac_nextw = ac - y1;\r\n\r\nassign xw = (a[N-1]) ? (~a + 1) : a;\r\nassign yN = b[NH_M1] ? {{NH{1'b1}}, b} : {{NH{1'b0}}, b};\r\nassign yw = yN[N-1] ? (~yN + 1) : yN;\r\n\r\nwire y_less_than_MININT;\r\nwire y_more_than_MAXINT;\r\n\r\nwire signed [NH_M1:0] MININT = {1'b1,{NH_M1{1'b0}}};\r\nwire signed [NH_M1:0] MAXINT = {1'b0,{NH_M1{1'b1}}};\r\n\r\nassign y_less_than_MININT = y[N-1] && (y[N-2:NH-1] != {NH{1'b1}});\r\nassign y_more_than_MAXINT = !y[N-1] && (y[N-2:NH-1] != {NH{1'b0}});\r\n\r\nwire signed [N-1:0] y = qs ? (~q1_next + 1) : q1_next;\r\nwire [NH-1:0] y_coerced = y_less_than_MININT ? MININT : y_more_than_MAXINT ? MAXINT : y[N-1:0];\r\n\r\nalways @(negedge clk) \r\nbegin\r\n if (ac >= {1'b0,y1}) \r\n {ac_next, q1_next} <= {ac_nextw[N-1:0], q1, 1'b1};\r\n else \r\n {ac_next, q1_next} <= {ac, q1} << 1;\r\nend\r\n\r\nalways @(posedge clk) \r\nbegin\r\n prev_start <= start;\r\n if (start && !prev_start) \r\n begin\r\n valid <= 0;\r\n i <= 0;\r\n if (b == 0) // divide by 0? \r\n begin\r\n if (a == 0)\r\n q <= 0;\r\n else\r\n q <= {NH{1'b1}};\r\n r <= 0;\r\n pulse_done <= 1;\r\n busy <= 0;\r\n dbz <= 1;\r\n end \r\n else \r\n begin\r\n busy <= 1;\r\n dbz <= 0;\r\n y1 <= yw;\r\n {ac, q1} <= {{N{1'b0}}, xw, 1'b0};\r\n qs <= a[N-1] ^ b[NH_M1];\r\n xs <= a[N-1];\r\n end\r\n end \r\n else \r\n if (busy) \r\n begin\r\n if (i == N-1) \r\n begin\r\n busy <= 0;\r\n valid <= 1;\r\n \r\n q <= y_coerced;\r\n\r\n if (xs)\r\n r <= ~ac_next[N:1] + 1;\r\n else\r\n r <= ac_next[N:1];\r\n pulse_done <= 1;\r\n end \r\n else \r\n begin\r\n i <= i + 1;\r\n ac <= ac_next;\r\n q1 <= q1_next;\r\n end\r\n end\r\n else\r\n begin\r\n pulse_done <= 0;\r\n end\r\nend\r\n", + "params": [], + "ports": { + "in": [ + { + "name": "clk" + }, + { + "name": "start" + }, + { + "name": "a", + "range": "[47:0]", + "size": 48 + }, + { + "name": "b", + "range": "[23:0]", + "size": 24 + } + ], + "out": [ + { + "name": "pulse_done" + }, + { + "name": "busy" + }, + { + "name": "valid" + }, + { + "name": "dbz" + }, + { + "name": "q", + "range": "[23:0]", + "size": 24 + }, + { + "name": "r", + "range": "[47:0]", + "size": 48 + } + ] + } + }, + "position": { + "x": 488, + "y": 104 + }, + "size": { + "width": 1032, + "height": 728 + } + } + ], + "wires": [ + { + "source": { + "block": "008bc8ae-2c14-480d-ad2a-b595e21d6980", + "port": "out" + }, + "target": { + "block": "396814a2-9764-4311-96f8-10d766e29af3", + "port": "start" + } + }, + { + "source": { + "block": "c52eb53f-45ba-4dc2-a1ed-3471922053c3", + "port": "out" + }, + "target": { + "block": "396814a2-9764-4311-96f8-10d766e29af3", + "port": "clk" + } + }, + { + "source": 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{WIDTH{A[0]}} & B;\r\nwire [WIDTH-1:0] pMod1 = {~pp[WIDTH-1], pp[WIDTH-2:0]};\r\nwire [WIDTH-1:0] pMod2 = ~pMod1;\r\nwire [WIDTH:0] sum12 = work + ((state == WIDTH) ? pMod2 : pMod1);\r\nwire [WIDTH:0] sum1 = sum12;\r\nwire [WIDTH:0] sum2 = sum12;\r\n \r\nalways @(posedge clk) \r\nbegin\r\n out_valid <= 0;\r\n A <= {1'bx, A[WIDTH-1:1]}; \r\n case (state)\r\n\t 0:\r\n\t begin \r\n\t pulse_done <= 0;\r\n\t end\r\n\t 1: begin\r\n\t work <= {1'b1, pMod1[WIDTH-1:1]};\r\n\t resultLsb <= {pMod1[0], {WIDTH-2{1'bx}}};\r\n\t state <= state + 1;\r\n\t end\r\n\t default: \r\n\t begin\r\n\t work <= sum1[WIDTH:1];\r\n\t resultLsb <= {sum1[0], resultLsb[WIDTH-2:1]};\t \r\n\t state <= state + 1;\r\n\t end\r\n\t WIDTH: \r\n\t begin\r\n\t y <= {~sum2[WIDTH], sum2[WIDTH-1:0], resultLsb};\r\n\t out_valid <= 1;\r\n\t pulse_done <= 1;\r\n\t busy <= 0;\r\n\t work <= 'bx;\r\n\t state <= 0;\r\n\t resultLsb <= 'bx;\r\n\t B <= 'bx;\r\n\t ready <= 1;\t \r\n\t end\r\n endcase\r\n \r\n if (start) \r\n begin\r\n\t A <= in_a;\r\n\t B <= in_b;\r\n\t state <= 1;\r\n\t ready <= 0;\r\n\t busy <= 1;\r\n end\r\nend", + "params": [ + { + "name": "WIDTH" + } + ], + "ports": { + "in": [ + { + "name": "clk" + }, + { + "name": "start" + }, + { + "name": "in_a", + "range": "[7:0]", + "size": 8 + }, + { + "name": "in_b", + "range": "[7:0]", + "size": 8 + } + ], + "out": [ + { + "name": "pulse_done" + }, + { + "name": "busy" + }, + { + "name": "y", + "range": "[15:0]", + "size": 16 + } + ] + } + }, + "position": { + "x": 488, + "y": 104 + }, + "size": { + "width": 1032, + "height": 728 + } + } + ], + "wires": [ + { + "source": { + "block": "008bc8ae-2c14-480d-ad2a-b595e21d6980", + "port": "out" + }, + "target": { + "block": "396814a2-9764-4311-96f8-10d766e29af3", + "port": "start" + } + }, + { + "source": { + "block": "c52eb53f-45ba-4dc2-a1ed-3471922053c3", + "port": "out" + }, + "target": { + "block": "396814a2-9764-4311-96f8-10d766e29af3", + "port": "clk" + } + }, + { + "source": { + "block": 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pMod1[N-1:1]};\r\n\t resultLsb <= {pMod1[0], {N-2{1'bx}}};\r\n\t state <= state + 1;\r\n\t end\r\n\t default: \r\n\t begin\r\n\t work <= sum1[N:1];\r\n\t resultLsb <= {sum1[0], resultLsb[N-2:1]};\t \r\n\t state <= state + 1;\r\n\t end\r\n\t N: \r\n\t begin\r\n\t y <= {~sum2[N], sum2[N-1:0], resultLsb};\r\n\t out_valid <= 1;\r\n\t pulse_done <= 1;\r\n\t work <= 'bx;\r\n\t state <= 0;\r\n\t resultLsb <= 'bx;\r\n\t B <= 'bx;\r\n\t ready <= 1;\t \r\n\t end\r\n endcase\r\n \r\n if (start && !prev_start) \r\n begin\r\n\t A <= a;\r\n\t B <= b;\r\n\t state <= 1;\r\n\t ready <= 0;\r\n\t busy <= 1;\r\n end\r\n \r\n prev_start <= start;\r\nend", + "params": [], + "ports": { + "in": [ + { + "name": "clk" + }, + { + "name": "start" + }, + { + "name": "a", + "range": "[15:0]", + "size": 16 + }, + { + "name": "b", + "range": "[15:0]", + "size": 16 + } + ], + "out": [ + { + "name": "pulse_done" + }, + { + "name": "busy" + }, + { + "name": "y", + "range": "[31:0]", + "size": 32 + } + ] + } + }, + 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out_valid <= 0;\r\n A <= {1'bx, A[N-1:1]}; \r\n case (state)\r\n\t 0:\r\n\t begin \r\n\t pulse_done <= 0;\r\n\t busy <= 0;\r\n\t end\r\n\t 1: begin\r\n\t work <= {1'b1, pMod1[N-1:1]};\r\n\t resultLsb <= {pMod1[0], {N-2{1'bx}}};\r\n\t state <= state + 1;\r\n\t end\r\n\t default: \r\n\t begin\r\n\t work <= sum1[N:1];\r\n\t resultLsb <= {sum1[0], resultLsb[N-2:1]};\t \r\n\t state <= state + 1;\r\n\t end\r\n\t N: \r\n\t begin\r\n\t y <= {~sum2[N], sum2[N-1:0], resultLsb};\r\n\t out_valid <= 1;\r\n\t pulse_done <= 1;\r\n\t work <= 'bx;\r\n\t state <= 0;\r\n\t resultLsb <= 'bx;\r\n\t B <= 'bx;\r\n\t ready <= 1;\t \r\n\t end\r\n endcase\r\n \r\n if (start && !prev_start) \r\n begin\r\n\t A <= a;\r\n\t B <= b;\r\n\t state <= 1;\r\n\t ready <= 0;\r\n\t busy <= 1;\r\n end\r\n \r\n prev_start <= start;\r\nend", + "params": [], + "ports": { + "in": [ + { + "name": "clk" + }, + { + "name": "start" + }, + { + "name": "a", + "range": "[23:0]", + "size": 24 + }, + { + "name": "b", + "range": "[23:0]", 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[(N+N-1):0] y = 0;\r\nreg out_valid;\r\nreg ready = 1;\r\nreg pulse_done = 0;\r\nreg busy = 0;\r\n\r\nreg [N-1:0] A;\r\nreg [N-1:0] B;\r\nreg [$clog2(N+1)-1:0] state = 0;\r\nreg [N-1:0] work; \r\nreg [N-2:0] resultLsb;\r\n\r\nwire [N-1:0] pp = {N{A[0]}} & B;\r\nwire [N-1:0] pMod1 = {~pp[N-1], pp[N-2:0]};\r\nwire [N-1:0] pMod2 = ~pMod1;\r\nwire [N:0] sum12 = work + ((state == N) ? pMod2 : pMod1);\r\nwire [N:0] sum1 = sum12;\r\nwire [N:0] sum2 = sum12;\r\n \r\nreg prev_start = 0; \r\n \r\nalways @(posedge clk) \r\nbegin\r\n out_valid <= 0;\r\n A <= {1'bx, A[N-1:1]}; \r\n case (state)\r\n\t 0:\r\n\t begin \r\n\t pulse_done <= 0;\r\n\t busy <= 0;\r\n\t end\r\n\t 1: begin\r\n\t work <= {1'b1, pMod1[N-1:1]};\r\n\t resultLsb <= {pMod1[0], {N-2{1'bx}}};\r\n\t state <= state + 1;\r\n\t end\r\n\t default: \r\n\t begin\r\n\t work <= sum1[N:1];\r\n\t resultLsb <= {sum1[0], resultLsb[N-2:1]};\t \r\n\t state <= state + 1;\r\n\t end\r\n\t N: \r\n\t begin\r\n\t y <= {~sum2[N], sum2[N-1:0], resultLsb};\r\n\t out_valid <= 1;\r\n\t pulse_done <= 1;\r\n\t work <= 'bx;\r\n\t state <= 0;\r\n\t resultLsb <= 'bx;\r\n\t B <= 'bx;\r\n\t ready <= 1;\t \r\n\t end\r\n endcase\r\n \r\n if (start && !prev_start) \r\n begin\r\n\t A <= a;\r\n\t B <= b;\r\n\t state <= 1;\r\n\t ready <= 0;\r\n\t busy <= 1;\r\n end\r\n \r\n prev_start <= start;\r\nend", + "params": [], + "ports": { + "in": [ + { + "name": "clk" + }, + { + "name": "start" + }, + { + "name": "a", + "range": "[7:0]", + "size": 8 + }, + { + "name": "b", + "range": "[7:0]", + "size": 8 + } + ], + "out": [ + { + "name": "pulse_done" + }, + { + "name": "busy" + }, + { + "name": "y", + "range": "[15:0]", + "size": 16 + } + ] + } + }, + "position": { + "x": 488, + "y": 104 + }, + "size": { + "width": 1032, + "height": 728 + } + } + ], + "wires": [ + { + "source": { + "block": "008bc8ae-2c14-480d-ad2a-b595e21d6980", + "port": "out" + }, + "target": { + "block": "396814a2-9764-4311-96f8-10d766e29af3", + "port": "start" + } + }, + { + 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sum1[N:1];\r\n\t resultLsb <= {sum1[0], resultLsb[N-2:1]};\t \r\n\t state <= state + 1;\r\n\t end\r\n\t N: \r\n\t begin\r\n\t y <= {~sum2[N], sum2[N-1:0], resultLsb};\r\n\t out_valid <= 1;\r\n\t pulse_done <= 1;\r\n\t work <= 'bx;\r\n\t state <= 0;\r\n\t resultLsb <= 'bx;\r\n\t B <= 'bx;\r\n\t ready <= 1;\t \r\n\t end\r\n endcase\r\n \r\n if (start && !prev_start) \r\n begin\r\n\t A <= a;\r\n\t B <= b;\r\n\t state <= 1;\r\n\t ready <= 0;\r\n\t busy <= 1;\r\n end\r\n \r\n prev_start <= start;\r\nend", + "params": [], + "ports": { + "in": [ + { + "name": "clk" + }, + { + "name": "start" + }, + { + "name": "a", + "range": "[15:0]", + "size": 16 + }, + { + "name": "b", + "range": "[15:0]", + "size": 16 + } + ], + "out": [ + { + "name": "pulse_done" + }, + { + "name": "busy" + }, + { + "name": "y", + "range": "[31:0]", + "size": 32 + } + ] + } + }, + "position": { + "x": 488, + "y": 104 + }, + "size": { + "width": 1032, + "height": 728 + } + } + ], + "wires": [ + { + "source": { + "block": 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xw;\r\nwire [N-1:0] yN;\r\n\r\nwire [N-1:0] yw;\r\n\r\nreg [N-1:0] y1;\r\nreg [N-1:0] q1;\r\nreg [N-1:0] q1_next;\r\nreg [N:0] ac;\r\nreg [N:0] ac_next;\r\nreg [$clog2(N)-1:0] i;\r\n\r\nreg pulse_done = 0;\r\nreg busy = 0;\r\nreg valid = 0;\r\nreg dbz = 0;\r\nreg signed [NH-1:0] q = 0;\r\nreg signed [N-1:0] r = 0;\r\nreg qs;\r\nreg xs;\r\n\r\nreg prev_start = 0;\r\n\r\nwire [N:0] ac_nextw;\r\n\r\nassign ac_nextw = ac - y1;\r\n\r\nassign xw = (a[N-1]) ? (~a + 1) : a;\r\nassign yN = b[NH_M1] ? {{NH{1'b1}}, b} : {{NH{1'b0}}, b};\r\nassign yw = yN[N-1] ? (~yN + 1) : yN;\r\n\r\nwire y_less_than_MININT;\r\nwire y_more_than_MAXINT;\r\n\r\nwire signed [NH_M1:0] MININT = {1'b1,{NH_M1{1'b0}}};\r\nwire signed [NH_M1:0] MAXINT = {1'b0,{NH_M1{1'b1}}};\r\n\r\nassign y_less_than_MININT = y[N-1] && (y[N-2:NH-1] != {NH{1'b1}});\r\nassign y_more_than_MAXINT = !y[N-1] && (y[N-2:NH-1] != {NH{1'b0}});\r\n\r\nwire signed [N-1:0] y = qs ? (~q1_next + 1) : q1_next;\r\nwire [NH-1:0] y_coerced = y_less_than_MININT ? MININT : y_more_than_MAXINT ? MAXINT : y[N-1:0];\r\n\r\nalways @(negedge clk) \r\nbegin\r\n if (ac >= {1'b0,y1}) \r\n {ac_next, q1_next} <= {ac_nextw[N-1:0], q1, 1'b1};\r\n else \r\n {ac_next, q1_next} <= {ac, q1} << 1;\r\nend\r\n\r\nalways @(posedge clk) \r\nbegin\r\n prev_start <= start;\r\n if (start && !prev_start) \r\n begin\r\n valid <= 0;\r\n i <= 0;\r\n if (b == 0) // divide by 0? \r\n begin\r\n if (a == 0)\r\n q <= 0;\r\n else\r\n q <= {NH{1'b1}};\r\n r <= 0;\r\n pulse_done <= 1;\r\n busy <= 0;\r\n dbz <= 1;\r\n end \r\n else \r\n begin\r\n busy <= 1;\r\n dbz <= 0;\r\n y1 <= yw;\r\n {ac, q1} <= {{N{1'b0}}, xw, 1'b0};\r\n qs <= a[N-1] ^ b[NH_M1];\r\n xs <= a[N-1];\r\n end\r\n end \r\n else \r\n if (busy) \r\n begin\r\n if (i == N-1) \r\n begin\r\n busy <= 0;\r\n valid <= 1;\r\n \r\n q <= y_coerced;\r\n\r\n if (xs)\r\n r <= ~ac_next[N:1] + 1;\r\n else\r\n r <= ac_next[N:1];\r\n pulse_done <= 1;\r\n end \r\n else \r\n begin\r\n i <= i + 1;\r\n ac <= ac_next;\r\n q1 <= q1_next;\r\n end\r\n end\r\n else\r\n begin\r\n pulse_done <= 0;\r\n end\r\nend\r\n", + "params": [], + "ports": { + "in": [ + { + "name": "clk" + }, + { + "name": "start" + }, + { + "name": "a", + "range": "[31:0]", + "size": 32 + }, + { + "name": "b", + "range": "[15:0]", + "size": 16 + } + ], + "out": [ + { + "name": "pulse_done" + }, + { + "name": "busy" + }, + { + "name": "valid" + }, + { + "name": "dbz" + }, + { + "name": "q", + "range": "[15:0]", + "size": 16 + }, + { + "name": "r", + "range": "[31:0]", + "size": 32 + } + ] + } + }, + "position": { + "x": 488, + "y": 104 + }, + "size": { + "width": 1032, + "height": 728 + } + } + ], + "wires": [ + { + "source": { + "block": "008bc8ae-2c14-480d-ad2a-b595e21d6980", + "port": "out" + }, + "target": { + "block": "396814a2-9764-4311-96f8-10d766e29af3", + "port": "start" + } + }, + { + "source": { + "block": "c52eb53f-45ba-4dc2-a1ed-3471922053c3", + "port": "out" + }, + "target": { + "block": "396814a2-9764-4311-96f8-10d766e29af3", + "port": "clk" + } + }, + { + "source": 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+ "type": "basic.code", + "data": { + "code": "// y = a * b, signed integers\r\n\r\nlocalparam N = 24;\r\n\r\nreg [(N+N-1):0] y = 0;\r\nreg out_valid;\r\nreg ready = 1;\r\nreg pulse_done = 0;\r\nreg busy = 0;\r\n\r\nreg [N-1:0] A;\r\nreg [N-1:0] B;\r\nreg [$clog2(N+1)-1:0] state = 0;\r\nreg [N-1:0] work; \r\nreg [N-2:0] resultLsb;\r\n\r\nwire [N-1:0] pp = {N{A[0]}} & B;\r\nwire [N-1:0] pMod1 = {~pp[N-1], pp[N-2:0]};\r\nwire [N-1:0] pMod2 = ~pMod1;\r\nwire [N:0] sum12 = work + ((state == N) ? pMod2 : pMod1);\r\nwire [N:0] sum1 = sum12;\r\nwire [N:0] sum2 = sum12;\r\n \r\nreg prev_start = 0; \r\n \r\nalways @(posedge clk) \r\nbegin\r\n out_valid <= 0;\r\n A <= {1'bx, A[N-1:1]}; \r\n case (state)\r\n\t 0:\r\n\t begin \r\n\t pulse_done <= 0;\r\n\t busy <= 0;\r\n\t end\r\n\t 1: begin\r\n\t work <= {1'b1, pMod1[N-1:1]};\r\n\t resultLsb <= {pMod1[0], {N-2{1'bx}}};\r\n\t state <= state + 1;\r\n\t end\r\n\t default: \r\n\t begin\r\n\t work <= sum1[N:1];\r\n\t resultLsb <= {sum1[0], resultLsb[N-2:1]};\t \r\n\t state <= state + 1;\r\n\t end\r\n\t N: \r\n\t begin\r\n\t y <= {~sum2[N], sum2[N-1:0], resultLsb};\r\n\t out_valid <= 1;\r\n\t pulse_done <= 1;\r\n\t work <= 'bx;\r\n\t state <= 0;\r\n\t resultLsb <= 'bx;\r\n\t B <= 'bx;\r\n\t ready <= 1;\t \r\n\t end\r\n endcase\r\n \r\n if (start && !prev_start) \r\n begin\r\n\t A <= a;\r\n\t B <= b;\r\n\t state <= 1;\r\n\t ready <= 0;\r\n\t busy <= 1;\r\n end\r\n \r\n prev_start <= start;\r\nend", + "params": [], + "ports": { + "in": [ + { + "name": "clk" + }, + { + "name": "start" + }, + { + "name": "a", + "range": "[23:0]", + "size": 24 + }, + { + "name": "b", + "range": "[23:0]", + "size": 24 + } + ], + "out": [ + { + "name": "pulse_done" + }, + { + "name": "busy" + }, + { + "name": "y", + "range": "[47:0]", + "size": 48 + } + ] + } + }, + "position": { + "x": 488, + "y": 104 + }, + "size": { + "width": 1032, + "height": 728 + } + } + ], + "wires": [ + { + "source": { + "block": "008bc8ae-2c14-480d-ad2a-b595e21d6980", 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0;\r\nreg busy = 0;\r\nreg valid = 0;\r\nreg dbz = 0;\r\nreg signed [NH-1:0] q = 0;\r\nreg signed [N-1:0] r = 0;\r\nreg qs;\r\nreg xs;\r\n\r\nreg prev_start = 0;\r\n\r\nwire [N:0] ac_nextw;\r\n\r\nassign ac_nextw = ac - y1;\r\n\r\nassign xw = (a[N-1]) ? (~a + 1) : a;\r\nassign yN = b[NH_M1] ? {{NH{1'b1}}, b} : {{NH{1'b0}}, b};\r\nassign yw = yN[N-1] ? (~yN + 1) : yN;\r\n\r\nwire y_less_than_MININT;\r\nwire y_more_than_MAXINT;\r\n\r\nwire signed [NH_M1:0] MININT = {1'b1,{NH_M1{1'b0}}};\r\nwire signed [NH_M1:0] MAXINT = {1'b0,{NH_M1{1'b1}}};\r\n\r\nassign y_less_than_MININT = y[N-1] && (y[N-2:NH-1] != {NH{1'b1}});\r\nassign y_more_than_MAXINT = !y[N-1] && (y[N-2:NH-1] != {NH{1'b0}});\r\n\r\nwire signed [N-1:0] y = qs ? (~q1_next + 1) : q1_next;\r\nwire [NH-1:0] y_coerced = y_less_than_MININT ? MININT : y_more_than_MAXINT ? MAXINT : y[N-1:0];\r\n\r\nalways @(negedge clk) \r\nbegin\r\n if (ac >= {1'b0,y1}) \r\n {ac_next, q1_next} <= {ac_nextw[N-1:0], q1, 1'b1};\r\n else \r\n {ac_next, q1_next} <= {ac, q1} << 1;\r\nend\r\n\r\nalways @(posedge clk) \r\nbegin\r\n prev_start <= start;\r\n if (start && !prev_start) \r\n begin\r\n valid <= 0;\r\n i <= 0;\r\n if (b == 0) // divide by 0? \r\n begin\r\n if (a == 0)\r\n q <= 0;\r\n else\r\n q <= {NH{1'b1}};\r\n r <= 0;\r\n pulse_done <= 1;\r\n busy <= 0;\r\n dbz <= 1;\r\n end \r\n else \r\n begin\r\n busy <= 1;\r\n dbz <= 0;\r\n y1 <= yw;\r\n {ac, q1} <= {{N{1'b0}}, xw, 1'b0};\r\n qs <= a[N-1] ^ b[NH_M1];\r\n xs <= a[N-1];\r\n end\r\n end \r\n else \r\n if (busy) \r\n begin\r\n if (i == N-1) \r\n begin\r\n busy <= 0;\r\n valid <= 1;\r\n \r\n q <= y_coerced;\r\n\r\n if (xs)\r\n r <= ~ac_next[N:1] + 1;\r\n else\r\n r <= ac_next[N:1];\r\n pulse_done <= 1;\r\n end \r\n else \r\n begin\r\n i <= i + 1;\r\n ac <= ac_next;\r\n q1 <= q1_next;\r\n end\r\n end\r\n else\r\n begin\r\n pulse_done <= 0;\r\n end\r\nend\r\n", + "params": [], + "ports": { + "in": [ + { + "name": "clk" + }, + { + "name": "start" + }, + { + "name": "a", + "range": "[47:0]", + "size": 48 + }, + { + "name": "b", + "range": "[23:0]", + "size": 24 + } + ], + "out": [ + { + "name": "pulse_done" + }, + { + "name": "busy" + }, + { + "name": "valid" + }, + { + "name": "dbz" + }, + { + "name": "q", + "range": "[23:0]", + "size": 24 + }, + { + "name": "r", + "range": "[47:0]", + "size": 48 + } + ] + } + }, + "position": { + "x": 488, + "y": 104 + }, + "size": { + "width": 1032, + "height": 728 + } + } + ], + "wires": [ + { + "source": { + "block": "008bc8ae-2c14-480d-ad2a-b595e21d6980", + "port": "out" + }, + "target": { + "block": "396814a2-9764-4311-96f8-10d766e29af3", + "port": "start" + } + }, + { + "source": { + "block": "c52eb53f-45ba-4dc2-a1ed-3471922053c3", + "port": "out" + }, + "target": { + "block": "396814a2-9764-4311-96f8-10d766e29af3", + "port": "clk" + } + }, + { + "source": 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(8'd48 + hex_nibble_in) : (8'd55 + hex_nibble_in))));\n", + "params": [], + "ports": { + "in": [ + { + "name": "hex_nibble_in", + "range": "[3:0]", + "size": 4 + }, + { + "name": "CR" + }, + { + "name": "LF" + }, + { + "name": "space" + } + ], + "out": [ + { + "name": "ascii_char_out", + "range": "[7:0]", + "size": 8 + } + ] + } + }, + "position": { + "x": 3216, + "y": 456 + }, + "size": { + "width": 264, + "height": 192 + } + }, + { + "id": "fae0b134-313f-43eb-b245-6e56e4d06359", + "type": "basic.code", + "data": { + "code": "reg[3:0] state = 0;\nreg [1:0] cnt = 0;\nreg CR = 0;\nreg LF = 0;\nreg space = 0;\nreg txmit = 0;\nreg busyw = 0;\nreg [15:0] latched_input = 0;\nreg [3:0] bus4bits = 0;\n\nalways @(posedge clk)\nbegin\n case (state)\n 0 : begin\n busyw <= 0;\n CR <= 0;\n LF <= 0;\n space <= 0;\n latched_input <= bus16bits;\n if (go && !busy)\n state <= state + 1'b1;\n end\n 1 : begin\n bus4bits[3:0] <= latched_input[15:12];\n latched_input <= {latched_input[11:0], 4'b0000};\n busyw <= 1;\n cnt <= cnt + 1'b1;\n state <= state + 1'b1;\n end\n 2 : begin\n txmit <= 1;\n if (busy)\n state <= state + 1'b1;\n end\n 3 : begin\n txmit <= 0;\n if (!busy)\n begin\n if (cnt == 0)\n state <= state + 1'b1;\n else\n state <= 1;\n end\n end\n 4 : begin\n if (withSpace)\n space <= 1;\n else\n CR <= 1;\n state <= state + 1'b1;\n end\n 5 : begin\n txmit <= 1;\n if (busy)\n state <= state + 1'b1;\n end\n 6 : begin\n txmit <= 0;\n if (!busy)\n begin\n CR <= 0;\n if (withSpace)\n state <= 0;\n else\n begin\n LF <= 1;\n state <= state + 1'b1;\n end\n end\n end \n 7 : begin\n txmit <= 1;\n if (busy)\n state <= state + 1'b1;\n end\n 8 : begin\n txmit <= 0;\n if (!busy)\n begin\n state <= 0;\n LF <= 0;\n end\n end\n default:\n state <= state + 1'b1;\n endcase\nend", + "params": [], + "ports": { + "in": [ + { + "name": "clk" + }, + { + "name": "go" + }, + { + "name": "busy" + }, + { + "name": "bus16bits", + "range": "[15:0]", + "size": 16 + }, + { + "name": "withSpace" + } + ], + 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\nend", + "params": [], + "ports": { + "in": [ + { + "name": "clk" + } + ], + "out": [ + { + "name": "clk500kHz" + } + ] + } + }, + "position": { + "x": -560, + "y": 552 + }, + "size": { + "width": 344, + "height": 280 + } + }, + { + "id": "ae06fd75-484d-47c6-bce7-fb54cb201a0d", + "type": "b959c256104d1064a5ef7b38632ffb6eed3b396f", + "position": { + "x": 80, + "y": 952 + }, + "size": { + "width": 96, + "height": 96 + } + }, + { + "id": "e1a4b752-fb18-48d6-b1b6-1cc6b9d852d2", + "type": "8b7add14c0d293311248cb24892c833df56bfd69", + "position": { + "x": 568, + "y": 200 + }, + "size": { + "width": 96, + "height": 96 + } + }, + { + "id": "2c5c0408-c9c8-485e-8041-ec503d68d48d", + "type": "10797a7f9a560eb8a95fe289334a4cc3d5adbc5b", + "position": { + "x": 952, + "y": -176 + }, + "size": { + "width": 96, + "height": 64 + } + }, + { + "id": "ed30e5a8-2f40-4af4-83f6-bb5884706d43", + "type": "basic.code", + "data": { + "code": "reg[7:0] state = 0;\nreg latch_a=0;\nreg latch_b=0;\nreg gogo=0;\nreg any = 0;\n\n\nalways @(posedge clk)\nbegin\n case (state)\n 0 : begin\n latch_a <= 0;\n latch_b <= 0;\n gogo <= 0;\n if (go)\n begin\n state <= state + 1'b1;\n any <= 1;\n end\n end\n 1 : begin\n latch_a <= 1;\n any <= 0;\n state <= state + 1'b1;\n end\n 2 : begin\n latch_a <= 0;\n if (go)\n begin\n state <= state + 1'b1;\n any <= 1;\n end\n end\n 3 : begin\n latch_b <= 1;\n any <= 0;\n state <= state + 1'b1;\n end\n 4 : begin\n latch_b <= 0;\n if (go)\n begin\n state <= state + 1'b1;\n any <= 1;\n end\n end\n 5 : begin\n any <= 0;\n gogo <= 1;\n state <= state + 1'b1;\n end\n 24: begin\n state <= 0;\n end\n default:\n state <= state + 1'b1;\n endcase\nend", + "params": [], + "ports": { + "in": [ + { + "name": "clk" + }, + { + "name": "go" + } + ], + "out": [ + { + "name": "latch_a" + }, + { + "name": "latch_b" + }, + { + "name": "gogo" + }, + { + "name": "any" + } + ] + } + }, + "position": { + "x": 264, + "y": 528 + }, + "size": { + "width": 512, + "height": 672 + } + }, + { + "id": "23d43e33-74a6-4239-bd93-9422a9115924", + "type": "basic.code", + "data": { + "code": "reg[3:0] state = 0;\nreg txmit = 0;\nreg txWithSpace = 0;\nreg [31:0] latched_input = 0;\nreg [15:0] bus16bits = 0;\nreg prev_go = 0;\n\nalways @(posedge clk)\nbegin\n prev_go <= go;\n case (state)\n 0 : begin\n latched_input <= {bus_in_16bits[15:0],bus_in_16bits2[15:0]};\n txWithSpace <= 1;\n bus16bits[15:0] <= a;\n if (go && !prev_go && !busy)\n state <= state + 1'b1;\n end\n 1: begin\n txmit <= 1;\n if (busy)\n state <= state + 1'b1;\n end\n 2: begin\n txmit <= 0;\n if (!busy)\n state <= state + 1'b1;\n end\n 3: begin\n bus16bits[15:0] <= b;\n state <= state + 1'b1;\n end\n 4: begin\n txmit <= 1;\n if (busy)\n state <= state + 1'b1;\n end\n 5: begin\n txmit <= 0;\n if (!busy)\n state <= state + 1'b1;\n end\n 6: begin\n bus16bits[15:0] <= c;\n state <= state + 1'b1;\n end\n 7: begin\n txmit <= 1;\n if (busy)\n state <= state + 1'b1;\n end\n 8: begin\n txmit <= 0;\n if (!busy)\n state <= state + 1'b1;\n end\n \n 9: begin\n bus16bits[15:0] <= latched_input[31:16];\n state <= state + 1'b1;\n end\n 10 : begin\n txmit <= 1;\n if (busy)\n state <= state + 1'b1;\n end\n 11 : begin\n txmit <= 0;\n if (!busy)\n state <= state + 1'b1;\n end\n 12 : begin\n txWithSpace <= 0;\n bus16bits[15:0] <= latched_input[15:0];\n state <= state + 1'b1;\n end\n 13 : begin\n txmit <= 1;\n if (busy)\n state <= state + 1'b1;\n end\n 14 : begin\n txmit <= 0;\n if (!busy)\n state <= 0;\n end\n \n default:\n state <= state + 1'b1;\n endcase\nend", + "params": [], + "ports": { + "in": [ + { + "name": "clk" + }, + { + "name": "go" + }, + { + "name": "busy" + }, + { + "name": "a", + "range": "[15:0]", + "size": 16 + }, + { + "name": "b", + "range": "[15:0]", + "size": 16 + }, + { + "name": "c", + "range": "[15:0]", + "size": 16 + }, + { + "name": "bus_in_16bits", + "range": "[15:0]", + "size": 16 + }, + { + "name": "bus_in_16bits2", + "range": "[15:0]", + "size": 16 + } + ], + "out": [ + { + "name": "txmit" + 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Transmitiendo dato", + "readonly": true + }, + "position": { + "x": 752, + "y": 472 + }, + "size": { + "width": 256, + "height": 56 + } + }, + { + "id": "c42d6c31-26d7-41ad-99fa-0870c7d9847b", + "type": "basic.info", + "data": { + "info": "**Generador de**\n**Baudios**", + "readonly": true + }, + "position": { + "x": 1200, + "y": 824 + }, + "size": { + "width": 144, + "height": 48 + } + }, + { + "id": "b38b9166-553b-4c30-86bb-d75d8312ceb0", + "type": "basic.info", + "data": { + "info": "Contador de bits \ntransmitidos", + "readonly": true + }, + "position": { + "x": 1392, + "y": 816 + }, + "size": { + "width": 144, + "height": 48 + } + }, + { + "id": "356a6d9d-3ed8-4fe6-b73f-528bbaaeed70", + "type": "basic.info", + "data": { + "info": "El registro de desplazamiento \nes de 9 bits, para almacenar \nlos 8 bits de datos y \nel bit de comienzo (start)", + "readonly": true + }, + "position": { + "x": 1512, + "y": 440 + }, + "size": { + "width": 256, + "height": 80 + } + }, + { + "id": 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B19200 625\n`define B9600 1250\n`define B4800 2500\n`define B2400 5000\n`define B1200 10000\n`define B600 20000\n`define B300 40000\n\n//-- Constante para calcular los baudios\nlocalparam BAUDRATE = (BAUD==115200) ? `B115200 : //-- OK\n (BAUD==57600) ? `B57600 : //-- OK\n (BAUD==38400) ? `B38400 : //-- Ok\n (BAUD==19200) ? `B19200 : //-- OK\n (BAUD==9600) ? `B9600 : //-- OK\n (BAUD==4800) ? `B4800 : //-- OK \n (BAUD==2400) ? `B2400 : //-- OK\n (BAUD==1200) ? `B1200 : //-- OK\n (BAUD==600) ? `B600 : //-- OK\n (BAUD==300) ? `B300 : //-- OK\n `B115200 ; //-- Por defecto 115200 baudios\n\n\n\n\n//-- Calcular el numero dde bits para almacenar el divisor\nlocalparam N = $clog2(BAUDRATE);\n\n//-- Contador para implementar el divisor\n//-- Es un contador modulo BAUDRATE\nreg [N-1:0] divcounter = 0;\n\n//-- Cable de reset para el contador\nwire reset;\n\n//-- Contador con reset\nalways @(posedge clk)\n if (reset)\n divcounter <= 0;\n else\n divcounter <= divcounter + 1;\n\nwire ov;\nassign ov = (divcounter == BAUDRATE-1);\n\n//-- Comparador que resetea el contador cuando se alcanza el tope\nassign reset = ov | (ena == 0);\n\n//-- La salida es la señal de overflow\nassign clk_out = ov;\n\n", + "params": [ + { + "name": "BAUD" + } + ], + "ports": { + "in": [ + { + "name": "clk" + }, + { + "name": "ena" + } + ], + "out": [ + { + "name": "clk_out" + } + ] + } + }, + "position": { + "x": 640, + "y": 176 + }, + "size": { + "width": 576, + "height": 624 + } + } + ], + "wires": [ + { + "source": { + "block": "7ad62a69-c2f1-42ba-8c7e-422babd6351e", + "port": "constant-out" + }, + "target": { + "block": "1fb986cd-d6b4-4109-ab9f-1fe4d80733cb", + "port": "BAUD" + } + }, + { + "source": { + "block": "fd355118-76eb-4396-b0db-3d3580fa2786", + "port": "out" + }, + "target": { + "block": "1fb986cd-d6b4-4109-ab9f-1fe4d80733cb", + "port": "clk" + } + }, + { + "source": { + "block": "685defdf-65c3-4e0f-a59e-30ba761c076d", + "port": "out" + }, + "target": { + "block": 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`B115200 : //-- OK\n (BAUD==57600) ? `B57600 : //-- OK\n (BAUD==38400) ? `B38400 : //-- Ok\n (BAUD==19200) ? `B19200 : //-- OK\n (BAUD==9600) ? `B9600 : //-- OK\n (BAUD==4800) ? `B4800 : //-- OK \n (BAUD==2400) ? `B2400 : //-- OK\n (BAUD==1200) ? `B1200 : //-- OK\n (BAUD==600) ? `B600 : //-- OK\n (BAUD==300) ? `B300 : //-- OK\n `B115200 ; //-- Por defecto 115200 baudios\n\n\n\n\n//-- Calcular el numero de bits para almacenar el divisor\nlocalparam N = $clog2(BAUDRATE);\n\n// Sincronizacion. Evitar \n// problema de la metaestabilidad\n\nreg d1;\nreg din;\n\nalways @(posedge clk)\n d1 <= RX;\n \n//-- Din contiene el dato serie de entrada listo para usarse \nalways @(posedge clk)\n din <= d1;\n \n//------ Detectar el bit de start: flanco de bajada en din\n\n//-- Registro temporal\nreg q_t0 = 0;\n\nalways @(posedge clk)\n q_t0 <= din;\n \n//-- El cable din_fe es un \"tic\" que aparece cuando llega el flanco de \n//-- bajada\nwire din_fe = (q_t0 & ~din);\n\n//-------- ESTADO DEL RECEPTOR\n\n//-- 0: Apagado. Esperando\n//-- 1: Encendido. Activo. Recibiendo dato\nreg state = 0;\n\nalways @(posedge clk)\n //-- Se pasa al estado activo al detectar el flanco de bajada\n //-- del bit de start\n if (din_fe)\n state <= 1'b1;\n \n //-- Se pasa al estado inactivo al detectar la señal rst_state \n else if (rst_state)\n state<=1'b0;\n\n//------------------ GENERADOR DE BAUDIOS -----------------------------\n//-- Se activa cuando el receptor está encendido\n\n\n//-- Calcular la mitad del divisor BAUDRATE/2\nlocalparam BAUD2 = (BAUDRATE >> 1);\n\n//-- Contador del sistema, para esperar un tiempo de \n//-- medio bit (BAUD2)\n\n//-- NOTA: podria tener N-2 bits en principio\nreg [N-1: 0] div2counter = 0;\n\n//-- Se genera primero un retraso de BAUD/2\n//-- El proceso comienza cuando el estado pasa a 1\n\nalways @(posedge clk)\n\n //-- Contar\n if (state) begin\n //-- Solo cuenta hasta BAUD2, luego \n //-- se queda en ese valor hasta que\n //-- ena se desactiva\n if (div2counter < BAUD2) \n div2counter <= div2counter + 1;\n end else\n div2counter <= 0;\n\n//-- Habilitar el generador de baudios principal\n//-- cuando termine este primer contador\nwire ena2 = (div2counter == BAUD2);\n\n\n//------ GENERADOR DE BAUDIOS PRINCIPAL\n\n//-- Contador para implementar el divisor\n//-- Es un contador modulo BAUDRATE\nreg [N-1:0] divcounter = 0;\n\n//-- Cable de reset para el contador\nwire reset;\n\n//-- Contador con reset\nalways @(posedge clk)\n if (reset)\n divcounter <= 0;\n else\n divcounter <= divcounter + 1;\n\n//-- Esta señal contiene el tic\nwire ov = (divcounter == BAUDRATE-1);\n\n//-- Comparador que resetea el contador cuando se alcanza el tope\nassign reset = ov | (ena2 == 0);\n\n//-- El cable con el tic para capturar cada bit lo llamamos\n//-- bit_tic, y es la señal de overflow del contador\nwire bit_tic = ov;\n\n//-------- REGISTRO DE DESPLAZAMIENTO -----------\n//-- Es el componente que pasa los bits recibidos a paralelo\n//-- La señal de desplazamiento usada es bit_tic, pero sólo cuando \n//-- estamos en estado de encendido (state==1)\n//-- Es un registro de 9 bits: 8 bits de datos + bit de stop\n//-- El bit de start no se almacena, es el que ha servido para\n//-- arrancar el receptor\n\nreg [8:0] sr = 0;\n\nalways @(posedge clk)\n //-- Se captura el bit cuando llega y el receptor\n //-- esta activado\n if (bit_tic & state)\n sr <= {din, sr[8:1]};\n \n//-- El dato recibido se encuentran en los 8 bits menos significativos\n//-- una vez recibidos los 9 bits\n\n//-------- CONTADOR de bits recibidos\n\n//-- Internamente usamos un bit mas\n//-- (N+1) bits\nreg [4:0] cont = 0;\n\nalways @(posedge clk)\n\n //-- El contador se pone a 0 si hay un overflow o \n //-- el receptor está apagado \n if ((state==0)| ov2)\n cont <= 0;\n else\n //-- Receptor activado: Si llega un bit se incrementa\n if (bit_tic)\n cont <= cont + 1;\n \n//-- Comprobar overflow\nwire ov2 = (cont == 9);\n \n//-- Esta señal de overflow indica el final de la recepción\nwire fin = ov2;\n\n//-- Se conecta al reset el biestable de estado\nwire rst_state = fin;\n\n//----- REGISTRO DE DATOS -------------------\n//-- Registro de 8 bits que almacena el dato final\n\n//-- Bus de salida con el dato recibido\nreg data = 0;\n\nalways @(posedge clk)\n\n //-- Si se ha recibido el ultimo bit, capturamos el dato\n //-- que se encuentra en los 8 bits de menor peso del\n //-- registro de desplazamiento\n if (fin)\n data <= sr[7:0];\n\n//-- Comunicar que se ha recibido un dato\n//-- Tic de dato recibido\nreg rcv = 0;\nalways @(posedge clk)\n rcv <= fin;\n\n//-- La señal de busy es directamente el estado del receptor\nassign busy = state;\n\n", + "params": [ + { + "name": "BAUD" + } + ], + "ports": { + "in": [ + { + "name": "clk" + }, + { + "name": "RX" + } + ], + "out": [ + { + "name": "data", + "range": "[7:0]", + "size": 8 + }, + { + "name": "busy" + }, + { + "name": "rcv" + } + ] + } + }, + "position": { + "x": 152, + "y": 0 + }, + "size": { + "width": 616, + "height": 768 + } + } + ], + "wires": [ + { + "source": { + 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sum1[N:1];\r\n\t resultLsb <= {sum1[0], resultLsb[N-2:1]};\t \r\n\t state <= state + 1;\r\n\t end\r\n\t N: \r\n\t begin\r\n\t y <= {~sum2[N], sum2[N-1:0], resultLsb};\r\n\t out_valid <= 1;\r\n\t pulse_done <= 1;\r\n\t work <= 'bx;\r\n\t state <= 0;\r\n\t resultLsb <= 'bx;\r\n\t B <= 'bx;\r\n\t ready <= 1;\t \r\n\t end\r\n endcase\r\n \r\n if (start && !prev_start) \r\n begin\r\n\t A <= a;\r\n\t B <= b;\r\n\t state <= 1;\r\n\t ready <= 0;\r\n\t busy <= 1;\r\n end\r\n \r\n prev_start <= start;\r\nend", + "params": [], + "ports": { + "in": [ + { + "name": "clk" + }, + { + "name": "start" + }, + { + "name": "a", + "range": "[15:0]", + "size": 16 + }, + { + "name": "b", + "range": "[15:0]", + "size": 16 + } + ], + "out": [ + { + "name": "pulse_done" + }, + { + "name": "busy" + }, + { + "name": "y", + "range": "[31:0]", + "size": 32 + } + ] + } + }, + "position": { + "x": 488, + "y": 104 + }, + "size": { + "width": 1032, + "height": 728 + } + } + ], + "wires": [ + { + "source": { + "block": 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xw;\r\nwire [N-1:0] yN;\r\n\r\nwire [N-1:0] yw;\r\n\r\nreg [N-1:0] y1;\r\nreg [N-1:0] q1;\r\nreg [N-1:0] q1_next;\r\nreg [N:0] ac;\r\nreg [N:0] ac_next;\r\nreg [$clog2(N)-1:0] i;\r\n\r\nreg pulse_done = 0;\r\nreg busy = 0;\r\nreg valid = 0;\r\nreg dbz = 0;\r\nreg signed [NH-1:0] q = 0;\r\nreg signed [N-1:0] r = 0;\r\nreg qs;\r\nreg xs;\r\n\r\nreg prev_start = 0;\r\n\r\nwire [N:0] ac_nextw;\r\n\r\nassign ac_nextw = ac - y1;\r\n\r\nassign xw = (a[N-1]) ? (~a + 1) : a;\r\nassign yN = b[NH_M1] ? {{NH{1'b1}}, b} : {{NH{1'b0}}, b};\r\nassign yw = yN[N-1] ? (~yN + 1) : yN;\r\n\r\nwire y_less_than_MININT;\r\nwire y_more_than_MAXINT;\r\n\r\nwire signed [NH_M1:0] MININT = {1'b1,{NH_M1{1'b0}}};\r\nwire signed [NH_M1:0] MAXINT = {1'b0,{NH_M1{1'b1}}};\r\n\r\nassign y_less_than_MININT = y[N-1] && (y[N-2:NH-1] != {NH{1'b1}});\r\nassign y_more_than_MAXINT = !y[N-1] && (y[N-2:NH-1] != {NH{1'b0}});\r\n\r\nwire signed [N-1:0] y = qs ? (~q1_next + 1) : q1_next;\r\nwire [NH-1:0] y_coerced = y_less_than_MININT ? MININT : y_more_than_MAXINT ? MAXINT : y[N-1:0];\r\n\r\nalways @(negedge clk) \r\nbegin\r\n if (ac >= {1'b0,y1}) \r\n {ac_next, q1_next} <= {ac_nextw[N-1:0], q1, 1'b1};\r\n else \r\n {ac_next, q1_next} <= {ac, q1} << 1;\r\nend\r\n\r\nalways @(posedge clk) \r\nbegin\r\n prev_start <= start;\r\n if (start && !prev_start) \r\n begin\r\n valid <= 0;\r\n i <= 0;\r\n if (b == 0) // divide by 0? \r\n begin\r\n if (a == 0)\r\n q <= 0;\r\n else\r\n q <= {NH{1'b1}};\r\n r <= 0;\r\n pulse_done <= 1;\r\n busy <= 0;\r\n dbz <= 1;\r\n end \r\n else \r\n begin\r\n busy <= 1;\r\n dbz <= 0;\r\n y1 <= yw;\r\n {ac, q1} <= {{N{1'b0}}, xw, 1'b0};\r\n qs <= a[N-1] ^ b[NH_M1];\r\n xs <= a[N-1];\r\n end\r\n end \r\n else \r\n if (busy) \r\n begin\r\n if (i == N-1) \r\n begin\r\n busy <= 0;\r\n valid <= 1;\r\n \r\n q <= y_coerced;\r\n\r\n if (xs)\r\n r <= ~ac_next[N:1] + 1;\r\n else\r\n r <= ac_next[N:1];\r\n pulse_done <= 1;\r\n end \r\n else \r\n begin\r\n i <= i + 1;\r\n ac <= ac_next;\r\n q1 <= q1_next;\r\n end\r\n end\r\n else\r\n begin\r\n pulse_done <= 0;\r\n end\r\nend\r\n", + "params": [], + "ports": { + "in": [ + { + "name": "clk" + }, + { + "name": "start" + }, + { + "name": "a", + "range": "[31:0]", + "size": 32 + }, + { + "name": "b", + "range": "[15:0]", + "size": 16 + } + ], + "out": [ + { + "name": "pulse_done" + }, + { + "name": "busy" + }, + { + "name": "valid" + }, + { + "name": "dbz" + }, + { + "name": "q", + "range": "[15:0]", + "size": 16 + }, + { + "name": "r", + "range": "[31:0]", + "size": 32 + } + ] + } + }, + "position": { + "x": 488, + "y": 104 + }, + "size": { + "width": 1032, + "height": 728 + } + } + ], + "wires": [ + { + "source": { + "block": "008bc8ae-2c14-480d-ad2a-b595e21d6980", + "port": "out" + }, + "target": { + "block": "396814a2-9764-4311-96f8-10d766e29af3", + "port": "start" + } + }, + { + "source": { + "block": "c52eb53f-45ba-4dc2-a1ed-3471922053c3", + "port": "out" + }, + "target": { + "block": "396814a2-9764-4311-96f8-10d766e29af3", + "port": "clk" + } + }, + { + "source": 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prev_stop = 0;\n\nalways @(posedge clk)\nbegin\n if (start && !prev_start)\n t_start <= counter;\n if (stop && !prev_stop)\n duration <= counter - t_start;\n \n counter <= counter + 1'b1;\n\n prev_start <= start;\n prev_stop <= stop;\n\nend", + "params": [], + "ports": { + "in": [ + { + "name": "clk" + }, + { + "name": "start" + }, + { + "name": "stop" + } + ], + "out": [ + { + "name": "started" + }, + { + "name": "duration", + "range": "[15:0]", + "size": 16 + } + ] + } + }, + "position": { + "x": 240, + "y": 104 + }, + "size": { + "width": 672, + "height": 480 + } + } + ], + "wires": [ + { + "source": { + "block": "d5d8f7b2-c690-45fc-a3fa-6a789817784b", + "port": "duration" + }, + "target": { + "block": "1fe02d66-fdff-40a8-acac-16140eeab328", + "port": "in" + }, + "size": 16 + }, + { + "source": { + "block": "3451bc76-8868-4317-a6fc-effb423a1ca3", + "port": "out" + }, + "target": { + "block": "d5d8f7b2-c690-45fc-a3fa-6a789817784b", + "port": "start" + } + }, + { + "source": { + 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(8'd48 + hex_nibble_in) : (8'd55 + hex_nibble_in))));\n", + "params": [], + "ports": { + "in": [ + { + "name": "hex_nibble_in", + "range": "[3:0]", + "size": 4 + }, + { + "name": "CR" + }, + { + "name": "LF" + }, + { + "name": "space" + } + ], + "out": [ + { + "name": "ascii_char_out", + "range": "[7:0]", + "size": 8 + } + ] + } + }, + "position": { + "x": 3216, + "y": 456 + }, + "size": { + "width": 264, + "height": 192 + } + }, + { + "id": "fae0b134-313f-43eb-b245-6e56e4d06359", + "type": "basic.code", + "data": { + "code": "reg[3:0] state = 0;\nreg [1:0] cnt = 0;\nreg CR = 0;\nreg LF = 0;\nreg space = 0;\nreg txmit = 0;\nreg busyw = 0;\nreg [15:0] latched_input = 0;\nreg [3:0] bus4bits = 0;\n\nalways @(posedge clk)\nbegin\n case (state)\n 0 : begin\n busyw <= 0;\n CR <= 0;\n LF <= 0;\n space <= 0;\n latched_input <= bus16bits;\n if (go && !busy)\n state <= state + 1'b1;\n end\n 1 : begin\n bus4bits[3:0] <= latched_input[15:12];\n latched_input <= {latched_input[11:0], 4'b0000};\n busyw <= 1;\n cnt <= cnt + 1'b1;\n state <= state + 1'b1;\n end\n 2 : begin\n txmit <= 1;\n if (busy)\n state <= state + 1'b1;\n end\n 3 : begin\n txmit <= 0;\n if (!busy)\n begin\n if (cnt == 0)\n state <= state + 1'b1;\n else\n state <= 1;\n end\n end\n 4 : begin\n if (withSpace)\n space <= 1;\n else\n CR <= 1;\n state <= state + 1'b1;\n end\n 5 : begin\n txmit <= 1;\n if (busy)\n state <= state + 1'b1;\n end\n 6 : begin\n txmit <= 0;\n if (!busy)\n begin\n CR <= 0;\n if (withSpace)\n state <= 0;\n else\n begin\n LF <= 1;\n state <= state + 1'b1;\n end\n end\n end \n 7 : begin\n txmit <= 1;\n if (busy)\n state <= state + 1'b1;\n end\n 8 : begin\n txmit <= 0;\n if (!busy)\n begin\n state <= 0;\n LF <= 0;\n end\n end\n default:\n state <= state + 1'b1;\n endcase\nend", + "params": [], + "ports": { + "in": [ + { + "name": "clk" + }, + { + "name": "go" + }, + { + "name": "busy" + }, + { + "name": "bus16bits", + "range": "[15:0]", + "size": 16 + }, + { + "name": "withSpace" + } + ], + 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\nend", + "params": [], + "ports": { + "in": [ + { + "name": "clk" + } + ], + "out": [ + { + "name": "clk500kHz" + } + ] + } + }, + "position": { + "x": -560, + "y": 552 + }, + "size": { + "width": 344, + "height": 280 + } + }, + { + "id": "ae06fd75-484d-47c6-bce7-fb54cb201a0d", + "type": "b959c256104d1064a5ef7b38632ffb6eed3b396f", + "position": { + "x": 80, + "y": 952 + }, + "size": { + "width": 96, + "height": 96 + } + }, + { + "id": "e1a4b752-fb18-48d6-b1b6-1cc6b9d852d2", + "type": "8b7add14c0d293311248cb24892c833df56bfd69", + "position": { + "x": 568, + "y": 200 + }, + "size": { + "width": 96, + "height": 96 + } + }, + { + "id": "2c5c0408-c9c8-485e-8041-ec503d68d48d", + "type": "10797a7f9a560eb8a95fe289334a4cc3d5adbc5b", + "position": { + "x": 952, + "y": -176 + }, + "size": { + "width": 96, + "height": 64 + } + }, + { + "id": "ed30e5a8-2f40-4af4-83f6-bb5884706d43", + "type": "basic.code", + "data": { + "code": "reg[7:0] state = 0;\nreg latch_a=0;\nreg latch_b=0;\nreg gogo=0;\nreg any = 0;\n\n\nalways @(posedge clk)\nbegin\n case (state)\n 0 : begin\n latch_a <= 0;\n latch_b <= 0;\n gogo <= 0;\n if (go)\n begin\n state <= state + 1'b1;\n any <= 1;\n end\n end\n 1 : begin\n latch_a <= 1;\n any <= 0;\n state <= state + 1'b1;\n end\n 2 : begin\n latch_a <= 0;\n if (go)\n begin\n state <= state + 1'b1;\n any <= 1;\n end\n end\n 3 : begin\n latch_b <= 1;\n any <= 0;\n state <= state + 1'b1;\n end\n 4 : begin\n latch_b <= 0;\n if (go)\n begin\n state <= state + 1'b1;\n any <= 1;\n end\n end\n 5 : begin\n any <= 0;\n gogo <= 1;\n state <= state + 1'b1;\n end\n 24: begin\n state <= 0;\n end\n default:\n state <= state + 1'b1;\n endcase\nend", + "params": [], + "ports": { + "in": [ + { + "name": "clk" + }, + { + "name": "go" + } + ], + "out": [ + { + "name": "latch_a" + }, + { + "name": "latch_b" + }, + { + "name": "gogo" + }, + { + "name": "any" + } + ] + } + }, + "position": { + "x": 264, + "y": 528 + }, + "size": { + "width": 512, + "height": 672 + } + }, + { + "id": "23d43e33-74a6-4239-bd93-9422a9115924", + "type": "basic.code", + "data": { + "code": "reg[3:0] state = 0;\nreg txmit = 0;\nreg txWithSpace = 0;\nreg [31:0] latched_input = 0;\nreg [15:0] bus16bits = 0;\nreg prev_go = 0;\n\nalways @(posedge clk)\nbegin\n prev_go <= go;\n case (state)\n 0 : begin\n latched_input <= {bus_in_16bits[15:0],bus_in_16bits2[15:0]};\n txWithSpace <= 1;\n bus16bits[15:0] <= a;\n if (go && !prev_go && !busy)\n state <= state + 1'b1;\n end\n 1: begin\n txmit <= 1;\n if (busy)\n state <= state + 1'b1;\n end\n 2: begin\n txmit <= 0;\n if (!busy)\n state <= state + 1'b1;\n end\n 3: begin\n bus16bits[15:0] <= b;\n state <= state + 1'b1;\n end\n 4: begin\n txmit <= 1;\n if (busy)\n state <= state + 1'b1;\n end\n 5: begin\n txmit <= 0;\n if (!busy)\n state <= state + 1'b1;\n end\n 6: begin\n bus16bits[15:0] <= c;\n state <= state + 1'b1;\n end\n 7: begin\n txmit <= 1;\n if (busy)\n state <= state + 1'b1;\n end\n 8: begin\n txmit <= 0;\n if (!busy)\n state <= state + 1'b1;\n end\n \n 9: begin\n bus16bits[15:0] <= latched_input[31:16];\n state <= state + 1'b1;\n end\n 10 : begin\n txmit <= 1;\n if (busy)\n state <= state + 1'b1;\n end\n 11 : begin\n txmit <= 0;\n if (!busy)\n state <= state + 1'b1;\n end\n 12 : begin\n txWithSpace <= 0;\n bus16bits[15:0] <= latched_input[15:0];\n state <= state + 1'b1;\n end\n 13 : begin\n txmit <= 1;\n if (busy)\n state <= state + 1'b1;\n end\n 14 : begin\n txmit <= 0;\n if (!busy)\n state <= 0;\n end\n \n default:\n state <= state + 1'b1;\n endcase\nend", + "params": [], + "ports": { + "in": [ + { + "name": "clk" + }, + { + "name": "go" + }, + { + "name": "busy" + }, + { + "name": "a", + "range": "[15:0]", + "size": 16 + }, + { + "name": "b", + "range": "[15:0]", + "size": 16 + }, + { + "name": "c", + "range": "[15:0]", + "size": 16 + }, + { + "name": "bus_in_16bits", + "range": "[15:0]", + "size": 16 + }, + { + "name": "bus_in_16bits2", + "range": "[15:0]", + "size": 16 + } + ], + "out": [ + { + "name": "txmit" + 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B19200 625\n`define B9600 1250\n`define B4800 2500\n`define B2400 5000\n`define B1200 10000\n`define B600 20000\n`define B300 40000\n\n//-- Constante para calcular los baudios\nlocalparam BAUDRATE = (BAUD==115200) ? `B115200 : //-- OK\n (BAUD==57600) ? `B57600 : //-- OK\n (BAUD==38400) ? `B38400 : //-- Ok\n (BAUD==19200) ? `B19200 : //-- OK\n (BAUD==9600) ? `B9600 : //-- OK\n (BAUD==4800) ? `B4800 : //-- OK \n (BAUD==2400) ? `B2400 : //-- OK\n (BAUD==1200) ? `B1200 : //-- OK\n (BAUD==600) ? `B600 : //-- OK\n (BAUD==300) ? `B300 : //-- OK\n `B115200 ; //-- Por defecto 115200 baudios\n\n\n\n\n//-- Calcular el numero dde bits para almacenar el divisor\nlocalparam N = $clog2(BAUDRATE);\n\n//-- Contador para implementar el divisor\n//-- Es un contador modulo BAUDRATE\nreg [N-1:0] divcounter = 0;\n\n//-- Cable de reset para el contador\nwire reset;\n\n//-- Contador con reset\nalways @(posedge clk)\n if (reset)\n divcounter <= 0;\n else\n divcounter <= divcounter + 1;\n\nwire ov;\nassign ov = (divcounter == BAUDRATE-1);\n\n//-- Comparador que resetea el contador cuando se alcanza el tope\nassign reset = ov | (ena == 0);\n\n//-- La salida es la señal de overflow\nassign clk_out = ov;\n\n", + "params": [ + { + "name": "BAUD" + } + ], + "ports": { + "in": [ + { + "name": "clk" + }, + { + "name": "ena" + } + ], + "out": [ + { + "name": "clk_out" + } + ] + } + }, + "position": { + "x": 640, + "y": 176 + }, + "size": { + "width": 576, + "height": 624 + } + } + ], + "wires": [ + { + "source": { + "block": "7ad62a69-c2f1-42ba-8c7e-422babd6351e", + "port": "constant-out" + }, + "target": { + "block": "1fb986cd-d6b4-4109-ab9f-1fe4d80733cb", + "port": "BAUD" + } + }, + { + "source": { + "block": "fd355118-76eb-4396-b0db-3d3580fa2786", + "port": "out" + }, + "target": { + "block": "1fb986cd-d6b4-4109-ab9f-1fe4d80733cb", + "port": "clk" + } + }, + { + "source": { + "block": "685defdf-65c3-4e0f-a59e-30ba761c076d", + "port": "out" + }, + "target": { + "block": 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`B115200 : //-- OK\n (BAUD==57600) ? `B57600 : //-- OK\n (BAUD==38400) ? `B38400 : //-- Ok\n (BAUD==19200) ? `B19200 : //-- OK\n (BAUD==9600) ? `B9600 : //-- OK\n (BAUD==4800) ? `B4800 : //-- OK \n (BAUD==2400) ? `B2400 : //-- OK\n (BAUD==1200) ? `B1200 : //-- OK\n (BAUD==600) ? `B600 : //-- OK\n (BAUD==300) ? `B300 : //-- OK\n `B115200 ; //-- Por defecto 115200 baudios\n\n\n\n\n//-- Calcular el numero de bits para almacenar el divisor\nlocalparam N = $clog2(BAUDRATE);\n\n// Sincronizacion. Evitar \n// problema de la metaestabilidad\n\nreg d1;\nreg din;\n\nalways @(posedge clk)\n d1 <= RX;\n \n//-- Din contiene el dato serie de entrada listo para usarse \nalways @(posedge clk)\n din <= d1;\n \n//------ Detectar el bit de start: flanco de bajada en din\n\n//-- Registro temporal\nreg q_t0 = 0;\n\nalways @(posedge clk)\n q_t0 <= din;\n \n//-- El cable din_fe es un \"tic\" que aparece cuando llega el flanco de \n//-- bajada\nwire din_fe = (q_t0 & ~din);\n\n//-------- ESTADO DEL RECEPTOR\n\n//-- 0: Apagado. Esperando\n//-- 1: Encendido. Activo. Recibiendo dato\nreg state = 0;\n\nalways @(posedge clk)\n //-- Se pasa al estado activo al detectar el flanco de bajada\n //-- del bit de start\n if (din_fe)\n state <= 1'b1;\n \n //-- Se pasa al estado inactivo al detectar la señal rst_state \n else if (rst_state)\n state<=1'b0;\n\n//------------------ GENERADOR DE BAUDIOS -----------------------------\n//-- Se activa cuando el receptor está encendido\n\n\n//-- Calcular la mitad del divisor BAUDRATE/2\nlocalparam BAUD2 = (BAUDRATE >> 1);\n\n//-- Contador del sistema, para esperar un tiempo de \n//-- medio bit (BAUD2)\n\n//-- NOTA: podria tener N-2 bits en principio\nreg [N-1: 0] div2counter = 0;\n\n//-- Se genera primero un retraso de BAUD/2\n//-- El proceso comienza cuando el estado pasa a 1\n\nalways @(posedge clk)\n\n //-- Contar\n if (state) begin\n //-- Solo cuenta hasta BAUD2, luego \n //-- se queda en ese valor hasta que\n //-- ena se desactiva\n if (div2counter < BAUD2) \n div2counter <= div2counter + 1;\n end else\n div2counter <= 0;\n\n//-- Habilitar el generador de baudios principal\n//-- cuando termine este primer contador\nwire ena2 = (div2counter == BAUD2);\n\n\n//------ GENERADOR DE BAUDIOS PRINCIPAL\n\n//-- Contador para implementar el divisor\n//-- Es un contador modulo BAUDRATE\nreg [N-1:0] divcounter = 0;\n\n//-- Cable de reset para el contador\nwire reset;\n\n//-- Contador con reset\nalways @(posedge clk)\n if (reset)\n divcounter <= 0;\n else\n divcounter <= divcounter + 1;\n\n//-- Esta señal contiene el tic\nwire ov = (divcounter == BAUDRATE-1);\n\n//-- Comparador que resetea el contador cuando se alcanza el tope\nassign reset = ov | (ena2 == 0);\n\n//-- El cable con el tic para capturar cada bit lo llamamos\n//-- bit_tic, y es la señal de overflow del contador\nwire bit_tic = ov;\n\n//-------- REGISTRO DE DESPLAZAMIENTO -----------\n//-- Es el componente que pasa los bits recibidos a paralelo\n//-- La señal de desplazamiento usada es bit_tic, pero sólo cuando \n//-- estamos en estado de encendido (state==1)\n//-- Es un registro de 9 bits: 8 bits de datos + bit de stop\n//-- El bit de start no se almacena, es el que ha servido para\n//-- arrancar el receptor\n\nreg [8:0] sr = 0;\n\nalways @(posedge clk)\n //-- Se captura el bit cuando llega y el receptor\n //-- esta activado\n if (bit_tic & state)\n sr <= {din, sr[8:1]};\n \n//-- El dato recibido se encuentran en los 8 bits menos significativos\n//-- una vez recibidos los 9 bits\n\n//-------- CONTADOR de bits recibidos\n\n//-- Internamente usamos un bit mas\n//-- (N+1) bits\nreg [4:0] cont = 0;\n\nalways @(posedge clk)\n\n //-- El contador se pone a 0 si hay un overflow o \n //-- el receptor está apagado \n if ((state==0)| ov2)\n cont <= 0;\n else\n //-- Receptor activado: Si llega un bit se incrementa\n if (bit_tic)\n cont <= cont + 1;\n \n//-- Comprobar overflow\nwire ov2 = (cont == 9);\n \n//-- Esta señal de overflow indica el final de la recepción\nwire fin = ov2;\n\n//-- Se conecta al reset el biestable de estado\nwire rst_state = fin;\n\n//----- REGISTRO DE DATOS -------------------\n//-- Registro de 8 bits que almacena el dato final\n\n//-- Bus de salida con el dato recibido\nreg data = 0;\n\nalways @(posedge clk)\n\n //-- Si se ha recibido el ultimo bit, capturamos el dato\n //-- que se encuentra en los 8 bits de menor peso del\n //-- registro de desplazamiento\n if (fin)\n data <= sr[7:0];\n\n//-- Comunicar que se ha recibido un dato\n//-- Tic de dato recibido\nreg rcv = 0;\nalways @(posedge clk)\n rcv <= fin;\n\n//-- La señal de busy es directamente el estado del receptor\nassign busy = state;\n\n", + "params": [ + { + "name": "BAUD" + } + ], + "ports": { + "in": [ + { + "name": "clk" + }, + { + "name": "RX" + } + ], + "out": [ + { + "name": "data", + "range": "[7:0]", + "size": 8 + }, + { + "name": "busy" + }, + { + "name": "rcv" + } + ] + } + }, + "position": { + "x": 152, + "y": 0 + }, + "size": { + "width": 616, + "height": 768 + } + } + ], + "wires": [ + { + "source": { + 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"basic.code", + "data": { + "code": "localparam WIDTH = 16;\r\n\r\nreg prev_start = 0;\r\n\r\nreg pulse_done = 0;\r\nreg busy = 0;\r\nreg valid = 0;\r\nreg [15:0] root = 0;\r\nreg [15:0] rem = 0;\r\n\r\n\r\nreg [WIDTH-1:0] x, x_next; // radicand copy\r\nreg [WIDTH-1:0] q, q_next; // intermediate root (quotient)\r\nreg [WIDTH+1:0] ac, ac_next; // accumulator (2 bits wider)\r\nreg [WIDTH+1:0] test_res; // sign test result (2 bits wider)\r\n\r\nwire [WIDTH+1:0] test_resw;\r\n\r\nlocalparam ITER = WIDTH >> 1; // iterations are half radicand width\r\nreg [$clog2(ITER)-1:0] i; // iteration counter\r\n\r\nassign test_resw = ac - {q, 2'b01};\r\n\r\nalways @(negedge clk) \r\nbegin\r\n if (test_resw[WIDTH+1] == 0) \r\n begin // test_res ≥0? (check MSB)\r\n {ac_next, x_next} <= {test_resw[WIDTH-1:0], x, 2'b0};\r\n q_next = {q[WIDTH-2:0], 1'b1};\r\n end \r\n else \r\n begin\r\n {ac_next, x_next} <= {ac[WIDTH-1:0], x, 2'b0};\r\n q_next <= q << 1;\r\n end\r\nend\r\n\r\nalways @(posedge clk) \r\nbegin\r\n prev_start <= start;\r\n\r\n if (start && !prev_start) \r\n begin\r\n busy <= 1;\r\n valid <= 0;\r\n i <= 0;\r\n q <= 0;\r\n {ac, x} <= {{WIDTH{1'b0}}, rad, 2'b0};\r\n end \r\n else \r\n if (busy) \r\n begin\r\n if (i == ITER-1) \r\n begin // we're done\r\n busy <= 0;\r\n pulse_done <= 1;\r\n valid <= 1;\r\n root <= q_next;\r\n rem <= ac_next[WIDTH+1:2]; // undo final shift\r\n end \r\n else \r\n begin // next iteration\r\n i <= i + 1;\r\n x <= x_next;\r\n ac <= ac_next;\r\n q <= q_next;\r\n end\r\n end\r\n else\r\n pulse_done <= 0;\r\n\r\nend\r\n", + "params": [], + "ports": { + "in": [ + { + "name": "clk" + }, + { + "name": "start" + }, + { + "name": "rad", + "range": "[15:0]", + "size": 16 + } + ], + "out": [ + { + "name": "pulse_done" + }, + { + "name": "busy" + }, + { + "name": "valid" + }, + { + "name": "root", + "range": "[15:0]", + "size": 16 + }, + { + "name": "rem", + "range": "[15:0]", + "size": 16 + } + ] + } + }, + "position": { + "x": 488, + "y": 104 + }, + "size": { + "width": 1008, + "height": 680 + } + } + ], + "wires": [ + { + "source": { + "block": "5264574c-d18b-4650-91e3-281fd14afab6", + "port": "out" + }, + "target": { + "block": "1bc44cb2-7352-42e1-a7ab-3252cb5f72c2", + "port": "clk" + } + }, + { + "source": { + "block": "62d896b7-cfe1-4529-ae11-c609d38e3d2a", + "port": "out" + }, + "target": { + "block": "1bc44cb2-7352-42e1-a7ab-3252cb5f72c2", + "port": "start" + } + }, + { + "source": { + "block": "9a6c6153-791d-43ed-958c-1d938658cbf0", + "port": "out" + }, + "target": { + "block": "1bc44cb2-7352-42e1-a7ab-3252cb5f72c2", + "port": "rad" + }, + "size": 16 + }, + { + "source": { + "block": "1bc44cb2-7352-42e1-a7ab-3252cb5f72c2", + "port": "busy" + }, + "target": { + "block": "02dea73d-c990-4b94-b7b2-7ea483c08117", + "port": "in" + } + }, + { + "source": { + "block": "1bc44cb2-7352-42e1-a7ab-3252cb5f72c2", + "port": "valid" + }, + "target": { + "block": "90b26dcb-350b-4d3a-8067-f5af3241360e", + "port": "in" + } + }, + { + "source": { + "block": "1bc44cb2-7352-42e1-a7ab-3252cb5f72c2", + "port": "root" + }, + "target": { + "block": "573f69e9-a206-45fc-978c-044924976e1c", + "port": "in" + }, + "size": 16 + }, + { + "source": { + "block": "1bc44cb2-7352-42e1-a7ab-3252cb5f72c2", + "port": "rem" + }, + "target": { + "block": "6d836ce7-4491-49e1-ad18-e40c6c47202c", + "port": "in" + }, + "size": 16 + }, + { + "source": { + "block": "1bc44cb2-7352-42e1-a7ab-3252cb5f72c2", + "port": "pulse_done" + }, + "target": { + "block": "809d85b1-c885-4644-8b85-fcd70213c7f5", + "port": "in" + } + } + ] + } + } + } + } +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/timer_16bits.ice b/timer_16bits.ice new file mode 100644 index 0000000..7383931 --- /dev/null +++ b/timer_16bits.ice @@ -0,0 +1,175 @@ +{ + "version": "1.2", + "package": { + "name": "timer_16bits", + "version": "1.0", + "description": "measure time by counting clk periods between start and stop pulse", + "author": "Sicco Dwars", + "image": "" + }, + "design": { + "board": "iCEBreaker", + "graph": { + "blocks": [ + { + "id": "f872dbf6-a8bc-43e0-946e-bbb877972f87", + "type": "basic.input", + "data": { + "name": "clk", + "clock": false, + "virtual": true + }, + "position": { + "x": 72, + "y": 120 + } + }, + { + "id": "c82fe5a1-a7ac-46e2-9ba4-223ffc59c94a", + "type": "basic.output", + "data": { + "name": "started", + "virtual": true + }, + "position": { + "x": 752, + "y": 144 + } + }, + { + "id": "3451bc76-8868-4317-a6fc-effb423a1ca3", + "type": "basic.input", + "data": { + "name": "start", + "clock": false, + "virtual": true + }, + "position": { + "x": 72, + "y": 224 + } + }, + { + "id": "1fe02d66-fdff-40a8-acac-16140eeab328", + "type": "basic.output", + "data": { + "name": "time", + "range": "[15:0]", + "size": 16, + "virtual": true + }, + "position": { + "x": 760, + "y": 296 + } + }, + { + "id": "5ebe452e-2418-415e-aa28-4492100e66a4", + "type": "basic.input", + "data": { + "name": "stop", + "clock": false, + "virtual": true + }, + "position": { + "x": 72, + "y": 320 + } + }, + { + "id": "d5d8f7b2-c690-45fc-a3fa-6a789817784b", + "type": "basic.code", + "data": { + "code": "reg [15:0] counter = 0;\nreg [15:0] t_start = 0;\nreg [15:0] duration = 0;\nreg started = 0;\nreg prev_start = 0;\nreg prev_stop = 0;\n\nalways @(posedge clk)\nbegin\n if (start && !prev_start)\n t_start <= counter;\n if (stop && !prev_stop)\n duration <= counter - t_start;\n \n counter <= counter + 1'b1;\n\n prev_start <= start;\n prev_stop <= stop;\n\nend", + "params": [], + "ports": { + "in": [ + { + "name": "clk" + }, + { + "name": "start" + }, + { + "name": "stop" + } + ], + "out": [ + { + "name": "started" + }, + { + "name": "duration", + "range": "[15:0]", + "size": 16 + } + ] + } + }, + "position": { + "x": 240, + "y": 104 + }, + "size": { + "width": 400, + "height": 296 + } + } + ], + "wires": [ + { + "source": { + "block": "d5d8f7b2-c690-45fc-a3fa-6a789817784b", + "port": "duration" + }, + "target": { + "block": "1fe02d66-fdff-40a8-acac-16140eeab328", + "port": "in" + }, + "size": 16 + }, + { + "source": { + "block": "3451bc76-8868-4317-a6fc-effb423a1ca3", + "port": "out" + }, + "target": { + "block": "d5d8f7b2-c690-45fc-a3fa-6a789817784b", + "port": "start" + } + }, + { + "source": { + "block": "5ebe452e-2418-415e-aa28-4492100e66a4", + "port": "out" + }, + "target": { + "block": "d5d8f7b2-c690-45fc-a3fa-6a789817784b", + "port": "stop" + } + }, + { + "source": { + "block": "d5d8f7b2-c690-45fc-a3fa-6a789817784b", + "port": "started" + }, + "target": { + "block": "c82fe5a1-a7ac-46e2-9ba4-223ffc59c94a", + "port": "in" + } + }, + { + "source": { + "block": "f872dbf6-a8bc-43e0-946e-bbb877972f87", + "port": "out" + }, + "target": { + "block": "d5d8f7b2-c690-45fc-a3fa-6a789817784b", + "port": "clk" + } + } + ] + } + }, + "dependencies": {} +} \ No newline at end of file