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a.yankovich edited this page Feb 14, 2020 · 23 revisions

General rules for using options

cqtdeployer -option1 value1 -option2 list, of, values ​​flag1 flag2 flag3
  • All options must begin with a '-' sign.
  • After specifying the desired option, you must specify the value.
  • Some options support enumerations (arrays of values). When initializing such options, specify the list of values through ',' without prabels. If you use any programming language and call the cqtdeployer process, then the array of values must be passed as 1 parameter.
  • Some options support redistributions with the ability to select the target for which the flag will be applied. Target and values are separated using the ';' sign. Example -libOut target1;value1,target2;value2,defaultValue.
  • To include a flag, simply include the flag name in the list of options.

Description of values in the table

  • -binDir [params] - option without array support.
  • -bin [params,list] - option with support for arrays. The delimiter used is ','.
  • -libOut [package;path,path] - parameter with support for selecting the package for which the flag value is set. As a separator, use ';'. Please note that the rule described above is used to enumerate parameter values. The last parameter does not have a package value, this means that this value will be set for all non-configured packages by default.
  • clear - flag



Option Descriptiion
init will initialize cqtdeployer.json file (configuration file)
For example: "cqtdeployer init" - for initialize single package configuration
"cqtdeployer -init multiPackage" - for initialize multi package configuration
help / h Shows help.
clear Deletes deployable files of the previous session.
force-clear Deletes the destination directory before deployment.
noStrip Skips strip step
noTranslations Skips the translations files.
It doesn't work without qmake and inside a snap package
noOverwrite Prevents replacing existing files.
noCheckRPATH Disables automatic search of paths to qmake in executable files.
noCheckPATH Disables automatic search of paths to qmake in system PATH.
v / version Shows compiled version
extractPlugins This flag will cause cqtdeployer to retrieve dependencies from plugins. Starting with version 1.4, this option has been disabled by default, as it can add low-level graphics libraries to the distribution, which will not be compatible with equipment on users' hosts.
allQmlDependes Extracts all the qml libraries.
(not recommended, as it takes great amount of computer memory)
-qif [params] Create the QIF installer for deployement programm"
Example: cqtdeployer qif" },
deploySystem Deploys all libraries (do not work in snap )
deploySystem-with-libc deploy all libs libs (only linux) (do not work in snap )

Параметры развертывания:

| Option | Descriptiion | | -bin [list, params] | Развертываемый файл или папка. пример -bin /my/project/bin/,/my/project/bin.exe| | -binDir [params] | Папка с развертываемыми файлами (с рекурсивным поиском). | | -confFile [params] | Путь к файлу json со всеми конфигурациями развертывания. С помощью этого файла можно добавить нужные опции, тем самым упрастить вызов комманды в консоле. Однако пораметры в кансоле имеют больший приоритет чем в файле. Для получения дополнительной информации об этом флаге см. Вики | | -qmlDir [params] | Папка qml. пример -qmlDir ~/my/project/qml | | -qmake [params] | Путь к qmake. пример | | | -qmake ~/Qt/5.14.0/gcc_64/bin/qmake | | -ignore [list,params] | Список библиотек для игнорирования | | | Пример -ignore, | | -ignoreEnv [list,params] | Список путей для игнорирования. | | | Пример -ignoreEnv /bad/dir,/my/bad/Dir | | -libDir [list,params] | Устанавливает дополнительные пути к библиотекам | | | Пример -libDir /myLib,/newLibs | | -extraLibs [list,params] | Устанавливает маску имени библиотеки, для принудительного копирования, Пример "-extraLib mySql" - заставит скопировать в папку с проектом все библиотеки чии имена содержат mySql. Данная опция чуствительна к регистру. | | -customScript [scriptCode] | Установит дополнительный код в скрипты запуска. | | -extraPlugin [list,params] | Устанавливает дополнительный путь для extraPlugin приложения| | -recursiveDepth [params] | Устанавливает глубину поиска библиотек (по умолчанию 0) | | -targetDir [params] | Устанавливает целевой каталог (по умолчанию это путь к первому развертываемому файлу)| | -verbose [0-3] | Показывает дебаг лога |

Параметры управлениями пакетами:

Option Descriptiion
-targetpackage [package;tar1,package;tar2] Устанавливает префикс для выбранной цели (по умолчанию это значение пустое)
-qmlOut [package;path,path] Установит путь к папке с qml
-libOut [package;path,path] Установит путь к папке с зависимостями
-trOut [package;path,path] Установит путь к папке с файламми переводов
-pluginOut [package;path,path] Установит путь к папке с плагинами
-binOut [package;path,path] Установит путь к папке с исполняемыми файлами
-recOut [package;path,path] Установит путь к папке с ресурсами
-name [package;val,val] Установит имя префиксу. Если указать значение без префикса, то значение будет установленно префиксу по умолчанию.
-description [package;val,val] Установит описание префиксу
-deployVersion [package;val,val] Установит версию префиксу
-releaseDate [package;val,val] Установит дату выпуска префиксу
-icon [package;val,val] Установит путь к иконке или логотипу префиксу
-publisher [package;val,val] Установит Издательство (автора) префиксу


Option Descriptiion
init will initialize cqtdeployer.json file (configuration file)
For example: "cqtdeployer init" - for initialize single package configuration
"cqtdeployer -init multiPackage" - for initialize multi package configuration
-bin [list, params] Deployable file or folder. For example -bin /my/project/bin/,/my/project/bin.exe
-binDir [params] A folder which includes deployable files (recursive search).
-confFile [params] The path to the json file with all deployment configurations. Using this file, you can add the necessary options, thereby simplifying the command invocation in the console. However, the parameters in Kansol have a higher priority than in the file. For more info about this flag see wiki
-qmlDir [params] Qml data dir. For example -qmlDir ~/my/project/qml
-qmake [params] Qmake path. For example
-qmake ~/Qt/5.14.0/gcc_64/bin/qmake
-ignore [list,params] The list of libs to ignore.
For example -ignore,
-ignoreEnv [list,params] The list of the environment to ignore.
For example -ignoreEnv /bad/dir,/my/bad/Dir
-libDir [list,params] Sets additional paths for extra libs of an app.
For example -libDir /myLib,/newLibs
-extraLibs [list,params] Sets the mask of the library name for forced copying. Example: "-extraLib mySql" - forces to copy all libraries whose names contain mySql to the project folder. This option is case sensitive.
-extraPlugin [list,params] Sets an additional path to extraPlugin of an app
-recursiveDepth [params] Sets the Depth of recursive search of libs (default 0)
-targetDir [params] Sets target directory(by default it is the path to the first deployable file)
-targetPrefix [prefix;tar1,prefix;tar2] Sets prefix for target( by default it is empty value)
-verbose [0-3] Shows debug log
-qmlOut [prefix;path,path] Sets path to qml out directory
-libOut [prefix;path,path] Sets path to libraries out directory
-trOut [prefix;path,path] Sets path to translations out directory
-pluginOut [prefix;path,path] Sets path to plugins out directory
-binOut [prefix;path,path] Sets path to binary out directory
-recOut [prefix;path,path] Sets path to recurses out directory
-name [prefix;val,val] Sets name for prefix. If this if you do not specify a prefix, the value will be assigned to the default prefix ("")
-description [prefix;val,val] Sets description for prefix
-deployVersion [prefix;val,val] Sets version for prefix
-releaseDate [prefix;val,val] Sets release date for prefix
-icon [prefix;val,val] Sets path to icon for prefix
-publisher [prefix;val,val] Sets publisher for prefix
-qif [params] Create the QIF installer for deployement programm"
if skip the [params] then installer weel be created by default'"
Examples:" },
cqtdeployer qif - for use default templates of qt installer framework."
cqtdeployer -qif path/to/folder/with/qifTemplate - for use custom templates of qt installer framework."
-customScript [scriptCode] Insert extra code inTo All run script.
deploySystem Deploys all libraries
clear Deletes deployable files of the previous session.
force-clear Deletes the destination directory before deployment.
allQmlDependes Extracts all the qml libraries.
(not recommended, as it takes great amount of computer memory)
version / v Shows compiled version
deploySystem-with-libc deploy all libs libs (only linux)
noStrip Skips strip step
noTranslations Skips the translations files.
It doesn't work without qmake and inside a snap package
extractPlugins This flag will cause cqtdeployer to retrieve dependencies from plugins. Starting with version 1.4, this option has been disabled by default, as it can add low-level graphics libraries to the distribution, which will not be compatible with equipment on users' hosts.
noOverwrite Prevents replacing existing files.
noCheckRPATH Disables automatic search of paths to qmake in executable files.
noCheckPATH Disables automatic search of paths to qmake in system PATH.
v / version Shows compiled version

Example: cqtdeployer -bin myApp -qmlDir ~/MyAppProject/qml -qmake ~/Qt/5.12.4/gcc_64/bin/qmake clear

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