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OpenVPN 3 D-Bus API: Backend VPN client process

The VPN backend client process (openvpn-service-client) is the core VPN client in the OpenVPN 3 Linux implementation. This process represents a single TUN/TAP adapter on the system and is the process which implements the OpenVPN 3 Core library's VPN client object.

This process is started by the net.openvpn.v3.backends service. The session manager (net.openvpn.v3.sessions) is the service which calls the net.openvpn.v3.backends.StartClient method with a token value, which results in a new VPN backend client process being started.

Upon initialisation, the VPN backend process asks for a well-known bus name starting with and then appends its own PID value. This is to ensure each VPN backend client process can be reached by the session manager. For the session manager to know which session object is related to which backend client process, the VPN backend client issues the net.openvpn.v3.backends.RegistrationRequest signal where it provides its own well-known bus name in the signal. The session manager listens for these signals and once received, the session manager responds back by calling backend process' net.openvpn.v3.backends.RegistrationConfirmation method where the token value the backend process was started with is validated, to ensure the proper session object is tied to the proper session object.

By design, it is only the openvpn user account which is allowed to contact and call methods in the backend VPN client processes and it is intended that only the session manager is the service which establishes contact with this service. Any other process or user should do all calls via the session manager. The session manager will proxy those calls to the proper backend. And signals from the backend will be proxied back via the session manager.

D-Bus destination:${PID} - Object path: /net/openvpn/v3/backends/session

node /net/openvpn/v3/backends/session {
  interface net.openvpn.v3.backends {
      RegistrationConfirmation(in  s token,
                               in  o config_path,
                               out s config_name);
      Ping(out b alive);
      Pause(in  s reason);
      UserInputQueueGetTypeGroup(out a(uu) type_group_list);
      UserInputQueueFetch(in  u type,
                          in  u group,
                          in  u id,
                          out u type,
                          out u group,
                          out u id,
                          out s name,
                          out s description,
                          out b hidden_input);
      UserInputQueueCheck(in  u type,
                          in  u group,
                          out au indexes);
      UserInputProvide(in  u type,
                       in  u group,
                       in  u id,
                       in  s value);
      StatusChange(u code_major,
                   u code_minor,
                   s message);
      Log(u group,
          u level,
          s session_token,
          s message);
      AttentionRequired(u type,
                        u group,
                        s message);
      RegistrationRequest(s busname,
                          s token);
      readwrite u log_level;
      readonly s session_name;
      readonly a{sx} statistics;
      readonly (uus) status;
      readwrite b dco;
      readonly o device_path;
      readonly s device_name;

Method: net.openvpn.v3.backends.RegistrationConfirmation

This method must be called by the session manager after the backend VPN client process have issued the RegistrationRequest signal. The backend client will verify the token value with the token value the process was started with. If it matches, this call will return boolean true.


Direction Name Type Description
In token string This token is used to verify that the session manager have connected the proper backend client service with the correct session object
In config_path object path Contains the VPN configuration profile path to use for this connection
Out config_name string On success, contains the configuration profile name used in the configuration manager when fetching the profile

Method: net.openvpn.v3.backends.Ping

Used to check if the backend process is alive and responsive. This Ping method is going a bit deeper than the org.freedesktop.DBus.Peer.Ping, as it ensures the response comes from within the OpenVPN 3 code base.


Direction Name Type Description
Out alive boolean This should always return true.

Method: net.openvpn.v3.backends.Ready

Used to check if the backend process is ready to connect to the server. This function does not return anything if it is ready. If it is not ready, it will result in a D-Bus error response.


(No arguments)

Method: net.openvpn.v3.backends.Connect

This method starts the connect process to the remote server.


(No arguments)

Method: net.openvpn.v3.backends.Pause

Pauses an on-going VPN connection. If connection have not started or it have already been paused, it will result in a D-Bus error response.


Direction Name Type Description
In reason string A string used for log purposes primarily, describing why the tunnel was paused

Method: net.openvpn.v3.backends.Resume

Resumes a paused VPN connection. If the connection have not been paused already, it will result in a D-Bus error response.


(No arguments)

Method: net.openvpn.v3.backends.Disconnect

Disconnects from a server. If there is no active connection running, it will result in a D-Bus error response. This will also do a graceful shutdown of the VPN backend process.


(No arguments)

Method: net.openvpn.v3.backends.ForceShutdown

Forces the background VPN client process to stop running. It will either shutdown properly or do a kill() by itself, depending on what is possible. It can be expected that calling this method once will result in the backend client process to be stopped.


(No arguments)

Method: net.openvpn.v3.backends.UserInputQueueGetTypeGroup

This will return information about various ClientAttentionType and ClientAttentionGroup tuples which contains requests for the front-end application. This information is used when checking the request queue via UserInputQueueCheck.

Valid ClientAttentionType values are:

Identifier ID Description
UNSET 0 This is an invalid value, used for initialization only
CREDENTIALS 1 User credentials are requested
PKCS11 2 PKCS#11/Smart card operation

Valid ClientAttentionGroup values are:

Identifier ID Description
UNSET 0 This is an invalid value, used for initialization only
USER_PASSWORD 1 Classic username/password authentication
HTTP_PROXY_CREDS 2 Credentials for authenticating to the HTTP proxy
PK_PASSPHRASE 3 Passphrase for the user's private key
CHALLENGE_STATIC 4 Static challenge/response authentication, typically acquired before a connection starts
CHALLENGE_DYNAMIC 5 Dynamic challenge/response authentication, requested by the VPN server
PKCS11_SIGN 6 PKCS#11 signature operation
PKCS11_DECRYPT 7 PKCS#11 decrypt operation
OPEN_URL 8 URL for web authentication

All of these references are declared in src/dbus/constants.hpp.


Direction Name Type Description
Out type_group_list array(uint, uint) An array of tuples of (ClientAttentionType, ClientAttentionGroup)

Method: net.openvpn.v3.backends.UserInputQueueCheck

This is used to get the proper index values of information requests the backend has asked for and which is not yet satsified. The index list is tied to a specific (ClientAttentionType, ClientAttentionGroup) tuple.


Direction Name Type Description
In type uint ClientAttentionType reference to query for
In group uint ClientAttentionGroup reference to query for
Out indexes array(uint) An array of indexes which needs to be provided

Method: net.openvpn.v3.backends.UserInputQueueFetch

This method returns details about a specific information request from the backend process.


Direction Name Type Description
In type uint ClientAttentionType reference to query for
In group uint ClientAttentionGroup reference to query for
In id uint Request ID to query for, provided by UserInputQueueCheck
Out type uint ClientAttentionType reference
Out group uint ClientAttentionGroup reference
Out id uint Request ID
Out name string An internal variable name
Out description string A description to present to the front-end user
Out hidden_input boolean If true, the user's input should be masked/hidden

Method: net.openvpn.v3.backends.UserInputProvide

This method is used to return information from the front-end application to the backend serivce.


Direction Name Type Description
In type uint ClientAttentionType reference to query for
In group uint ClientAttentionGroup reference to query for
In id uint Request ID to query for, provided by UserInputQueueCheck
In value string The front-end's response to the backend

Signal: net.openvpn.v3.backends.StatusChange

This signal is issued each time specific events occurs. They can both be from the session object itself or StatusChange messages proxied from the VPN client backend process.


Name Type Description
code_major uint Major status group classification. Maps to enum class StatusMajor
code_minor uint Minor status category classification within the status group. Maps to enum class StatusMinor
message string An optional string containing a more descriptive message of the signal

See src/dbus/constants.hpp for more details on valid values.

Signal: net.openvpn.v3.backends.Log

Whenever a specific session want to log something, it issues a Log signal which carries a log group, log verbosity level and a string with the log message itself. The D-Bus path provided in the signal points at the issuing VPN session. See the separate logging documentation for details on this signal.

Beware that the back-end Log signalling differs slightly from the front-end signalling, where the Log signal is extended to carry a session token as well. This is due to the back-end client process cannot separate Log signals via the D-Bus object path.

Signal: net.openvpn.v3.backends.AttentionRequired

This signal is issued whenever the backend needs information, most commonly from the front-end user interface. This can be used to get user credentials or do PKCS#11/SmartCard operations, etc.


Name Type Description
type uint ClientAttentionType reference of the request
group uint ClientAttentionGroup reference of the request
message string A string containing a description of what kind of information being requested

Signal: net.openvpn.v3.backends.RegistrationRequest

This signal is sent once during the start-up of the backend VPN client process initialization phase. The backend requires its net.openvpn.v3.backends.RegistrationConfirmation method to be called by the session manager after this signal have been sent to complete the initialization.


Name Type Description
busname string This contains this backend VPN clients process well-known busname. This is formatted as${PID} where ${PID} references its own process ID
token string Initial start-up token, used by the session manager to verify the VPN backend process relation to the session object


Name Type Read/Write Description
log_level uint read-write Controls the log verbosity of messages intended to be proxied to the user front-end. Note: Not currently implemented
session_name string Read-only Session name generated by the OpenVPN 3 Core library after a successful connection has been established
statistics dictionary Read-only Contains tunnel statistics
status (uint, uint, string) Read-only Last issued StatusChange signal, as a tuple list (StatusMinor, StatusMajor, StatusDescription)
dco boolean read-write Kernel based Data Channel Offload flag. Must be modified before calling Connect() to override the current setting.
device_path object path Read-only D-Bus object path to the net.openvpn.v3.netcfg device object related to this session
device_name string Read-only Virtual network interface name used by this session

Dictionary: statistics

This is dictionary may have few or many fields, it depends on which events have occurred by the OpenVPN 3 Core library for a specific session. The list below is not exhaustive and may change.

Name Type Description
BYTES_IN uint64 Number of bytes received on the TCP/UDP socket
BYTES_OUT uint64 Number of bytes sent from the TCP/UDP socket
PACKETS_IN uint64 Number of packets received on the TCP/UDP socket
PACKETS_OUT uint64 Number of packets sent from the TCP/UDP socket
TUN_BYTES_IN uint64 Number of bytes received on the TUN/TAP interface
TUN_BYTES_OUT uint64 Number of bytes sent from the TUN/TAP interface
TUN_PACKETS_IN uint64 Number of packets received on the TUN/TAP interface
TUN_PACKETS_OUT uint64 Number of packets sent from the TUN/TAP interface
NETWORK_SEND_ERROR uint64 Number of times there where issues sending packets
KEEPALIVE_TIMEOUT uint64 Number of times the tunnel keepalive restart was triggered
N_PAUSE uint64 Number of times the tunnel was paused
N_RECONNECT uint64 Number of times the tunnel needed to do a reconnect