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4/14/2014: 完全更新到CocoaPods 0.31和iOS 7 (Marcelo Fabri首发, Joshua Greene更新).

In this tutorial, you’ll learn how to use a popular dependency management tool called CocoaPods.

在这篇教程中, 你将学习到如何使用非常流行的依赖管理工具 -- CocoaPods.

But wait! What is a dependency management tool and why do you need one?


作为一名iOS开发者,你必定会大量使用到他人的代码以及各式各样的库. 想象一下假如你必须从头开始集成每一个库,这将是一件多么蛋疼的事呐!

假如没有依赖管理工具, 你也许仅仅将每个库的代码添加到你的项目中. 但是,这会有几个弊端:

  • Library code is stored within your project, wasting space.

  • There’s no central place where you can see all libraries that are available.

  • It can be difficult to find and update a library to a new version, especially if several libraries need to be updated together.

  • Downloading and including libraries within your project may tempt you to make changes to the downloaded code and just leave it there (making it harder to update them later).

  • 库代码储存在你的项目内,浪费空间.

  • 没有一个可以让你看到所有可用的库的中央仓库.

  • 查找与更新到库的最新版本会变得特别困难尤其是当你需要同时更新多个库时.

  • 下载、将库包含到你的项目内可能会让你更改下载的代码或者仅仅让它留在那里(使得后续的更新更加困难).

A dependency management tool can help you overcome these issues. It will fetch library source code, resolve dependencies between libraries, and even create and maintain the right environment to build your project with the minimum of hassles.


You’ll get hands on experience using CocoaPods for dependency management in this tutorial. Specifically, you will create an app that uses several open-source libraries to fetch and display information from a popular television and movie information site,

在本教程中,你将获得使用CocoaPods进行依赖管理的实战经验。具体点说, 你将创建一个应用程序, 它使用一些开源库来从一个受欢迎的电视和电影信息网站trakt.tv获取并显示信息。

CocoaPods will make this project much easier. Read on to see for yourself!

CocoaPods将使这一项目更加简单。 读下去,亲眼看看!

Getting Started


Before you begin: This tutorial assumes you are familiar with Xcode, working with the command line, using AFNetworking, and the JSON format. If you’re completely new to any of these (a basic understanding should be okay), you should refer to the other tutorials on this site first.

在你开始前: 本教程假设你已经熟悉Xcode,命令行的使用,AFNetworking的使用,与JSON格式等。 如果你对这些一点也不了解(有一个基本的了解也是可以的),你应该先参考本站上的其他教程.

According to its website, CocoaPods is “the best way to manage library dependencies in Objective-C projects.” And in this case, the advertising is true!

按照其官网上所说,CocoaPods是“管理Objective-C项目依赖的最佳方式。”在这种情况下, 这广告是真的!

Instead of downloading code from GitHub and copying it into your project (and thus making future updates difficult), you can let CocoaPods do it for you.


In this tutorial, you will be building an app that displays upcoming TV episodes using If you haven’t heard of it, trakt helps you keep track of the shows that you watch. Trakt has several other features, but this is the only one that you will be using in this tutorial.

在本教程中, 你将使用trakt.tv构建一个应用程序显示即将播放的电视节目。如果你还没有听说过它, trakt帮助你跟踪显示你的电视节目。Trakt有这些功能, 但是本篇教程中只会使用到这一功能。

You will retrieve show information from a JSON feed provided by trakt. To simplify downloading, parsing, and showing results, you will use AFNetworking and a few other open-source libraries along the way.

你需要从trakt提供的JSON数据中检索要显示的信息。 在此过程中,为了简化下载, 解析,和显示结果,你需要使用AFNetworking与其他一些开源库。

To get started, you first need to install CocoaPods. CocoaPods runs on Ruby, yet that’s the only dependency it has. Fortunately, all recent versions of Mac OS X (since OS X 10.7 Lion) ship with Ruby already installed. So all you need to do is update RubyGems (just to make sure you have a recent version).

开始, 首先你需要安装CocoaPods。 CocoaPods运行在Ruby上,Ruby是其唯一的依赖。幸运的是, Mac OS X (从 OS X 10.7 Lion) 所有近期的版本都预装了Ruby。 所以你只需要更新RubyGems就可以了(只需确保你使用的是最新版本)。

To do so, open Terminal and type the following command:



sudo gem update --system

Enter your password when requested. The Terminal output should look something like this:

当需要时输入你的密码。 终端的输出应该像下面这样:

This update may take a little while, so be patient and give it a few minutes to complete. You can also expect some documentation in the Terminal window about the latest version; you can ignore this for now.

该更新需要花费一点时间。 你需要有耐心并给它几分钟时间来完成,你也可以期待终端窗口会打印关于最新版本的文档信息;目前你可以忽略它。

Next, you need to install CocoaPods. Type this command in Terminal to do so:


sudo gem install cocoapods

You may get this prompt during the install process:


rake's executable "rake" conflicts with /usr/bin/rake
Overwrite the executable? [yN]

If so, just enter y to continue. (This warning is raised because the rake gem is updated as part of the install process. You can safely ignore it.)

如果是这样,只需要输入y继续。(这个警告因为更新rake gem是安装过程的一部分。你可以安全地忽略它。)

Lastly, enter this command in Terminal to complete the setup of CocoaPods:

最后, 在终端输入这个命令完成CocoaPods的设置:

pod setup

This process will likely take a while as this command clones the CocoaPods Specs repository into ~/.cocoapods/ on your computer. Great, you’re now setup to use CocoaPods!

这个过程也需要花费一点时间,因为这个命令会克隆CocoaPods Specs库 into ~/.cocoapods/ 到你的计算机上。

太好了, 你现在已经完成了使用CocoaPods的准备工作!

介绍“Show Tracker”应用程序

Download the starter project for this tutorial here. This provides a basic UI to get you started – no dependencies have been added yet.

这里下载本教程的起步项目。 这提供了一个基本的UI让你开始——目前为止没有添加依赖关系。

Open Main.storyboard, and you will see just one view controller:

打开Main.storyboard, 接着你会看到只有一个view controller:

This is the initial view controller, simply called ViewController.

这是初始化的view controller,,简单的称为ViewController

It has a UIScrollView connected via an IBOutlet to its showsScrollView property and a UIPageControl connected to showsPageControl.


It is also set as the delegate for showsScrollView and currently has a single method, pageChanged:, which is connected to the value changed event of showsPageControl.


Now, close Xcode.

现在, 关闭Xcode

Yeah, you read that right! It’s time to create your pod file.




cd ~/Path/To/Folder/Containing/ShowTracker


pod init

This will create a default Podfile for your project. The Podfile is where you define the dependencies your project relies on.


Type this command to open Podfile using Xcode for editing:


open -a Xcode Podfile

Note: You shouldn’t use TextEdit to edit the pod file because TextEdit likes to replace standard quotes with more graphically appealing quotes. This can cause CocoaPods to get confused and display errors, so it’s best to just use Xcode or another programming text editor.

注意:你不应该使用文本编辑器来编辑pod文件,因为文本编辑器喜欢替换标准的引号为更生动吸引人的引号。这会使CocoaPods感到困惑并且报错, 所以最好只使用Xcode或另一个编程文本编辑器。

The default Podfile should look like this:


# Uncomment this line to define a global platform for your project
# platform :ios, "6.0"
target "ShowTracker" do

Replace # platform :ios, "6.0" with the following:

替换# platform :ios,"6.0"如下:

platform :ios, "7.0"

This tells CocoaPods that your project is targeting iOS 7.

这告诉CocoaPods你的项目是基于iOS 7的。

Many libraries – AFNetworking included – have a minimum iOS version requirement. If you omit this line, CocoaPods assumes a default target version (currently iOS 4.3).

许多库 – 包括AFNetworking都有一个最低的iOS版本要求.如果你忽略了这一行, CocoaPods假定为默认的目标版本(目前是iOS 4.3).

If you’ve only ever programmed in Objective-C, this may look a bit strange to you – that’s because the pod file is actually written in Ruby. You don’t need to know Ruby to use CocoaPods, but you should be aware that even minor text errors will typically cause CocoaPods to throw an error.

如果你只用过Objective-C编程, 这可能会使你感到有点奇怪 – 这是因为pod文件实际上是用Ruby编写的. 使用CocoaPods你不需要知道Ruby, 但你应该意识到,即使是很小的文本错误通常也会导致CocoaPods抛出一个错误.

这将是你用CocoaPods添加第一依赖的最后一步了!复制粘贴下面的文本到你的pod文件中,放在target "ShowTracker" do的后面:

pod 'AFNetworking', '2.2.1'

这会告诉CocoaPods你想要包含AFNetworking 2.2.1版本(本教程编写时的最新版)作为项目的依赖.

This link has more information about the Podfile format and syntax. If you want to do more complicated stuff (like specifying “any version higher than” a specific version of a library), you should definitely check it out.



You now need to tell CocoaPods to “install” the dependencies for your project. Enter the following command in Terminal to do so (making sure that you’re still in the directory containing the ShowTracker project and Podfile):


pod install


Analyzing dependencies
Downloading dependencies
Installing AFNetworking (2.2.1)
Generating Pods project
Integrating client project


[!] From now on use `ShowTracker.xcworkspace`.

如果你现在输入ls(或者使用Finder浏览你的项目文件夹),您将看到CocoaPods创建了一个Pods文件夹 -- 它储存了所有的依赖项, 还有ShowTracker.xcworkspace.


从现在开始, 如命令行所提示的那样, 你必须打开这个工作区(ShowTracker.xcworkspace) 而不是原本的项目!



在你使用Trakt APIs之前, 你首先需要注册一个免费的账号. 不要担心 – 这会很快而且很简单!

After registering, go to the Settings -> API page to get your API key. Go ahead and leave this page open as you’ll need it soon.

注册之后, 去到Settings -> API页面获取你的API key. 继续操作,并保持这个页面打开,因为你不久之后还会用到它.


To verify that AFNetworking was successfully added, create a new file with the iOS -> Cocoa Touch -> Objective-C 类的模版.

验证AFNetworking是否被成功添加,通过iOS -> Cocoa Touch -> Objective-C类的模版,创建一个新文件。

Name the class TraktAPIClient, and make it a subclass of NSObject.

给这个类命名为TraktAPIClient, 并将其作为NSObject的子类。

确保你将新文件添加到ShowTracker项目而不是Pods项目中 --如果你看看你的项目导航栏, 你将会看到在你的工作区中现在有两个分开的项目.


// 1
#import <AFNetworking/AFNetworking.h>
// 2
extern NSString * const kTraktAPIKey;
extern NSString * const kTraktBaseURLString;
// 3
@interface TraktAPIClient : AFHTTPSessionManager
// 4
+ (TraktAPIClient *)sharedClient;
// 5
- (void)getShowsForDate:(NSDate *)date
               username:(NSString *)username
                success:(void(^)(NSURLSessionDataTask *task, id responseObject))success
                failure:(void(^)(NSURLSessionDataTask *task, NSError *error))failure;


  1. 首先导入AFNetworking头文件, 也就是AFNetworking.h. 这其中包括了 AFHTTPSessionManager, 也就是将会作为TraktAPIClient的父类, 和一些其他相关的网络处理类.
  2. 接下来, 声明两个extern修饰符修饰的字符串常量。 这意味着这些字符串是全局可用的.
  3. 修改TraktAPIClient去继承AFHTTPSessionManager 而不是NSObject, 这在第一步提到了.
  4. 声明sharedClient方法, 这个方法将会返回一个单例TraktAPIClient对象.
  5. 最后, 声明一个辅助方法来使得能很容易地使用trakt API来显示为一个特定的日期,用户名和天数.

You might be wondering, “why did I create TraktAPIClient when AFHTTPSessionManager already handles HTTP requests?”


TraktAPIClient will make it easier to access the trakt API and make a lot of requests to the same base URL, using the same API key. This also encapsulates all the networking calls and responsibility into a single class.

TraktAPIClient可以使访问trakt API更简单,并且使用同一API密钥将大量的请求转到同一基URL。同时,这也将所有的网络请求和响应封装为一个单独类.


#import "TraktAPIClient.h"
// Set this to your Trakt API Key
NSString * const kTraktAPIKey = @"PASTE YOUR API KEY HERE";
NSString * const kTraktBaseURLString = @"";
@implementation TraktAPIClient
+ (TraktAPIClient *)sharedClient {
    static TraktAPIClient *_sharedClient = nil;
    static dispatch_once_t oncePredicate;
    dispatch_once(&oncePredicate, ^{
        _sharedClient = [[self alloc] initWithBaseURL:[NSURL URLWithString:kTraktBaseURLString]];
    return _sharedClient;
- (instancetype)initWithBaseURL:(NSURL *)url {
    self = [super initWithBaseURL:url];
    if (!self) {
        return nil;
    self.responseSerializer = [AFJSONResponseSerializer serializer];
    self.requestSerializer = [AFJSONRequestSerializer serializer];
    return self;
- (void)getShowsForDate:(NSDate *)date
               username:(NSString *)username
                success:(void(^)(NSURLSessionDataTask *task, id responseObject))success
                failure:(void(^)(NSURLSessionDataTask *task, NSError *error))failure
    NSDateFormatter* formatter = [[NSDateFormatter alloc] init];
    formatter.dateFormat = @"yyyyMMdd";
    NSString* dateString = [formatter stringFromDate:date];
    NSString* path = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"user/calendar/shows.json/%@/%@/%@/%d",
                      kTraktAPIKey, username, dateString, numberOfDays];
    [self GET:path parameters:nil success:^(NSURLSessionDataTask *task, id responseObject) {
        if (success) {
            success(task, responseObject);
    } failure:^(NSURLSessionDataTask *task, NSError *error) {
        if (failure) {
            failure(task, error);


首先,你声明了字符串常量.确保你替换了PASTE YOUR KEY HERE为你实际的trakt API key.

Next, you implement sharedClient, which uses Grand Central Dispatch (GCD) to create a singleton instance.

接下来, 你实现 sharedClient,它使用 Grand Central Dispatch (GCD)来创建一个单例实例.

You then override initWithBaseURL: and set responseSerializer and requestSerializer to the default JSON serializer for each.

然后重写 initWithBaseURL:然后分别设置 responseSerializerrequestSerializer为默认的JSON serializer 。

最后, 创建帮助方法使用trakt要求的格式来获取电视节目.


#import <AFNetworking/AFNetworkActivityIndicatorManager.h>


[AFNetworkActivityIndicatorManager sharedManager].enabled = YES;

This will automatically show the network activity indicator whenever AFNetworking is performing network requests.


Next, open ViewController.m and add the following import right after the last one:

接下来, 打开ViewController.m 然后正确添加如下到import语句的最后:

#import "TraktAPIClient.h"


- (void)viewDidLoad
    [super viewDidLoad];
    TraktAPIClient *client = [TraktAPIClient sharedClient];
    [client getShowsForDate:[NSDate date]
                    success:^(NSURLSessionDataTask *task, id responseObject) {
                        NSLog(@"Success -- %@", responseObject);
                    failure:^(NSURLSessionDataTask *task, NSError *error) {
                        NSLog(@"Failure -- %@", error);


Note: this API queries for tv episodes on a trakt user’s watch list. If you want to use your own username, you will first need to add shows to your watch list from the tv shows category. If you don’t want to do this, use rwtestuser as the username, which already has shows added to it.

注意: 这个API查询用户观看列表上的电视节目. 如果你想使用自己的用户名, 你首先要从TV电视节目分类将电视节目添加到你的观看列表上 . 如果你不想这样做, 使用rwtestuser 作为用户名,该账户预先添加了电视节目.

构建然后运行, 您应该在控制台看到类似如下的输出:


现在你已经在实战中了解了CocoaPods, 现在只剩下一件事了…

Well, actually… you should strive to include as few pods as possible in each of your projects. While CocoaPods makes it easier to update library dependencies, you’re still going to have to update your own code from time to time when you update libraries.

实际上… 你应该努力尽可能减每一个项目中包含的pods。 虽然CocoaPods让你更新依赖库变的更加方便,但每当库更新的时候你仍然要不时的更新自己的代码。




pod 'SAMCategories', '0.5.2'
pod 'Nimbus/AttributedLabel', '1.2.0'

、保存文件,然后安装依赖(像之前一样在终端输入pod install).

你注意到Nimbus/AttributedLabel pod有什么不同吗?在中间那个斜线叫什么名字?



SSToolkit is a handy collection of solutions to common issues faced by iOS developers. In the ShowTracker app, you’ll use it to check if the device has a Retina display.


Nimbus, short for NimbusKit, is another collection of useful categories and classes for iOS. You’ll use it mainly for its AttributedLabel component in this app.

Nimbus, NimbusKit的简称, 是另外一个有用的iOS类别与类的集合. 在这个应用程序中你主要使用其AttributedLabel组件。

为了验证一切是否仍然正常, 继续构建应用程序.现在你应该看到了几个警告信息!

“But wait a minute, I haven’t changed any of my project’s code!”, you might be thinking.

“等一下, 我没对代码做什么啊”,你也许会这么想。


So, if the pod you’re using has a lot of warnings (or worse, doesn’t compile at all), it may be an indicator that the library is no longer maintained.


In such a case, you can look for an alternative library on the CocoaPods website by using the search field. You can find detailed information about pods there too, including links to pods’ websites, documentation, and more.


然而,在这种情况下,警告主要是由于最近在iOS 7过时的方法(主要是调用“sizeWithFont:”),你可以安全地忽略.



再次运行pod install, 构建你的项目, 你不会看到任何警告了.

完成Show Tracker

太好了, 你现在已经拥有了完成Show Tracker的依赖.所以让我们开始吧!

Open **ViewController.m ** and add the following imports, just after the last one:


#import <AFNetworking/UIKit+AFNetworking.h>
#import <Nimbus/NIAttributedLabel.h>
#import <SAMCategories/UIScreen+SAMAdditions.h>

Next, add the following properties right after @interface ViewController ():

接下来,添加以下属性到@interface ViewController ()之后:

@property (nonatomic, strong) NSArray *jsonResponse;
@property (nonatomic) BOOL pageControlUsed;
@property (nonatomic) NSInteger previousPage;



- (void)loadShow:(NSInteger)index 
    // empty for now...

This method will be responsible for presenting a page to the user that displays information about a selected TV show episode.


Now you need to modify viewDidLoad so that it does something useful with the response object instead of simply logging it. First add the following right after [super viewDidLoad];:

现在你需要修改viewDidLoad方法,让它可以通过响应对象做一些有用的事情而不仅仅是记录.首先添加下面一行到[super viewDidLoad];的后面:

self.previousPage = -1;

Then replace the contents of the success block with the following:


// Save response object
self.jsonResponse = responseObject;
// Get the number of shows
NSInteger shows = 0;
for (NSDictionary *day in self.jsonResponse)
    shows += [day[@"episodes"] count];
// Set up page control
self.showsPageControl.numberOfPages = shows;
self.showsPageControl.currentPage = 0;
// Set up scroll view
self.showsScrollView.contentSize = CGSizeMake(CGRectGetWidth(self.view.bounds) * shows, CGRectGetHeight(self.showsScrollView.frame));
// Load first show
[self loadShow:0];

Now the responseObject JSON is stored, the page control and scroll view are setup, and loadShow: is called to load the first show on success.



- (void)loadShow:(NSInteger)index
    // 1 - Find the show for the given index
    NSDictionary *show = nil;
    NSInteger shows = 0;
    for (NSDictionary *day in self.jsonResponse) {
        NSInteger count = [day[@"episodes"] count];
        // 2 - Did you find the right show?
        if (index < shows + count) {
            show = day[@"episodes"][index - shows];
        // 3 - Increment the shows counter
        shows += count;
    // 4 - Load the show information
    NSDictionary *showDict = show[@"show"];
    // 5 - Display the show title
    UILabel *titleLabel = [[UILabel alloc] initWithFrame:CGRectMake(index * CGRectGetWidth(self.showsScrollView.bounds) + 20, 40, CGRectGetWidth(self.showsScrollView.bounds) - 40, 40)];
    titleLabel.text = showDict[@"title"];
    titleLabel.backgroundColor = [UIColor clearColor];
    titleLabel.textColor = [UIColor whiteColor];
    titleLabel.font = [UIFont boldSystemFontOfSize:18];
    titleLabel.textAlignment = NSTextAlignmentCenter;
    // 6 - Add to scroll view
    [self.showsScrollView addSubview:titleLabel];



添加以下代码到**loadShow:**中放在section #6的后面:

// 5.1 - Create formatted airing date
static NSDateFormatter *formatter = nil;
if (!formatter) {
    formatter = [[NSDateFormatter alloc] init];
    formatter.dateStyle = NSDateFormatterLongStyle;
    formatter.timeStyle = NSDateFormatterShortStyle;
    formatter.timeZone = [NSTimeZone timeZoneWithAbbreviation:@"PST"];
NSDictionary *episodeDict = show[@"episode"];
NSTimeInterval showAired = [episodeDict[@"first_aired_localized"] doubleValue];
NSString *showDate = [formatter stringFromDate:[NSDate dateWithTimeIntervalSince1970: showAired]];
// 5.2 - Create label to display episode info
UILabel *episodeLabel = [[UILabel alloc] initWithFrame:CGRectMake(index * CGRectGetWidth(self.showsScrollView.bounds),
                                                         360, CGRectGetWidth(self.showsScrollView.bounds), 40)];
NSString* episode  = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%02dx%02d - \"%@\"",
                      [[episodeDict valueForKey:@"season"] intValue],
                      [[episodeDict valueForKey:@"number"] intValue],
                      [episodeDict objectForKey:@"title"]];
episodeLabel.text = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@\n%@", episode, showDate];
episodeLabel.numberOfLines = 0;
episodeLabel.textAlignment = NSTextAlignmentCenter;
episodeLabel.textColor = [UIColor whiteColor];
episodeLabel.backgroundColor = [UIColor clearColor];
CGSize size = [episodeLabel sizeThatFits:CGSizeMake(CGRectGetWidth(self.view.frame),
                                          CGRectGetHeight(self.view.frame) - CGRectGetMinY(episodeLabel.frame))];
CGRect frame = episodeLabel.frame;
frame.size.width = self.view.frame.size.width;
frame.size.height = size.height;
episodeLabel.frame = frame;
[self.showsScrollView addSubview:episodeLabel];

This creates a label containing info about the episode, including season, episode number, title and a human-readable date and time it’s going to be aired.




还是在**loadShow:**方法中, 添加如下代码到 section #6后面:

// 5.3 - Get image
NSString *posterUrl = showDict[@"images"][@"poster"];
if ([[UIScreen mainScreen] sam_isRetina]) {
    posterUrl = [posterUrl stringByReplacingOccurrencesOfString:@".jpg" withString:@"-300.jpg"];
} else {
    posterUrl = [posterUrl stringByReplacingOccurrencesOfString:@".jpg" withString:@"-138.jpg"];
// 5.4 - Display image using image view
UIImageView *posterImage = [[UIImageView alloc] init];
posterImage.frame = CGRectMake(index * CGRectGetWidth(self.showsScrollView.bounds) + 90, 105, 150, 225);
[self.showsScrollView addSubview:posterImage];
// 5.5 - Asynchronously load the image
[posterImage setImageWithURL:[NSURL URLWithString:posterUrl] placeholderImage:[UIImage imageNamed:@"placeholder.png"]];

This code first determines the image to download based on whether the device has a retina display (since there is no need to download a larger image on a non-retina device). Note that isRetinaDisplay is a helper method included from SSToolkit.



Finally, the image is downloaded and set on the image view, using the convenience method provided by AFNetworking. This method also sets a placeholder image that is displayed until the download is finished.






- (IBAction)pageChanged:(id)sender
    // Set flag
    self.pageControlUsed = YES;
    // Get previous page number
    NSInteger page = self.showsPageControl.currentPage;
    self.previousPage = page;
    // Call loadShow for the new page
    [self loadShow:page];
    // Scroll scroll view to new page
    CGRect frame = self.showsScrollView.frame;
    frame.origin.x = frame.size.width * page;
    frame.origin.y = 0;
    [UIView animateWithDuration:.5 animations:^{
        [self.showsScrollView scrollRectToVisible:frame animated:NO];
    } completion:^(BOOL finished) {
        self.pageControlUsed = NO;

Here pageControlUsed is set to YES, indicating that the new page will be shown because the user selected it with the page control and not by scrolling the scroll view. (You’ll need this later when you handle scrolling using the scroll view.)

这里pageControlUsed被设为 YES,表明新页面被显示是因为用户通过页面控制选择它而不是通过滑动滚动视图。(稍后你需要使用滚动视图处理滚动事件).

Then, the new page is loaded and its frame calculated. Finally, the new page is displayed on the screen.


Build and run. You can now navigate through pages using the page control. Simply tap on the circles in the page control and the screen will navigate to the next or previous page. Cool, isn’t it?


但是,有些东西不见了…当页面滚动的时候发生了什么?如果你这样尝试过,你会发现你得到了空白页, 除非你已经使用视图控制滚动到页面.让我们修复它吧.

Paste the following UIScrollViewDelegate methods at the end of the file:


- (void)scrollViewDidScroll:(UIScrollView *)sender
    // Was the scrolling initiated via page control?
    if (self.pageControlUsed)
    // Figure out page to scroll to
    CGFloat pageWidth = sender.frame.size.width;
    NSInteger page = floor((sender.contentOffset.x - pageWidth / 2) / pageWidth) + 1;
    // Do not do anything if we're trying to go beyond the available page range
    if (page == self.previousPage || page < 0 || page >= self.showsPageControl.numberOfPages)
    self.previousPage = page;
    // Set the page control page display
    self.showsPageControl.currentPage = page;
    // Load the page
    [self loadShow:page];
- (void)scrollViewDidEndDecelerating:(UIScrollView *)scrollView
    self.pageControlUsed = NO;

Note the use of self.pageControlUsed. That’s because when the scroll view offset is changed in pageChanged (when you change the page using the page control), scrollViewDidScroll: is called, but if you handled the scrolling at that point, you’d be loading the same page twice. So you need to detect when scrolling is initiated via the page control and do nothing.


Build and run, and you can now navigate through the shows by scrolling too!


But what if the user wants to know more about the show? Trakt has a page for every show registered, and its URL is in the information the app has already received.


You can use NIAttributedLabel to present it.

你可以使用NIAttributedLabel 进行表示。

ViewController.m的顶端,替换@interface ViewController ()为如下:

@interface ViewController () <NIAttributedLabelDelegate>

This declares that ViewController conforms to the NIAttributedLabelDelegate protocol.


Now add the following NIAttributedLabelDelegate method at the bottom of ViewController.m:


- (void)attributedLabel:(NIAttributedLabel *)attributedLabel didSelectTextCheckingResult:(NSTextCheckingResult *)result atPoint:(CGPoint)point
    [[UIApplication sharedApplication] openURL:result.URL];

This delegate method is called when a link is selected. It simply requests UIApplication to open the URL, which will result in Safari being launched to open it.


But how can one add a link to the label displayed in the app? Simple, just change the implementation of loadShow: in section #5 so that the label displaying the show title is an NIAttributedLabel instead of a UILabel.


Replace the // 5 - Display the show title section with the following:

替换// 5 - Display the show title部分为如下代码:

// 5 - Display the show title
NIAttributedLabel *titleLabel = [[NIAttributedLabel alloc] initWithFrame:CGRectMake(index * CGRectGetWidth(self.showsScrollView.bounds), 40, CGRectGetWidth(self.showsScrollView.bounds), 40)];
titleLabel.text = showDict[@"title"];
titleLabel.backgroundColor = [UIColor clearColor];
titleLabel.linkColor = [UIColor redColor];
titleLabel.font = [UIFont systemFontOfSize:18];
titleLabel.textAlignment = NSTextAlignmentCenter;
[titleLabel addLink: [NSURL URLWithString:showDict[@"url"]] range:NSMakeRange(0, titleLabel.text.length)];
titleLabel.delegate = self;

The main difference is the existence of linkColor, and addLink:. It’s also important to set the label’s delegate to self, which represents the current instance of the ViewController.

主要的区别是 linkColoraddLink:的存在。这与设置委托标签为self同样重要,表示ViewController当前实例.

Build and run, and you will see the show title in red. If you click it, Safari will open with the show page from trakt!




Now that you know the basics of using CocoaPods, you can read through the CocoaPods Guides to learn the finer details of using CocoaPods, including how to create your own pod spec and submit it to the official repository.

现在你对于CocoaPods的使用有了基本的了解, 你可以通过阅读CocoaPods Guides学习CocoaPods更细节的使用方法,包括如何创建自己的pod说明书与如何提交到官方仓库

To check if CocoaPods already supports a specific library, you can search the CocoaPods website.



You should also check out the trakt API. It’s well-documented, and you can do a lot of things with it.

你也应该看看trakt API文档。文档齐全,而且你也可以用它做很多事情.

Regarding the sample application, there are many improvements you could make, such as:

对于这个案例程序, 有许多地方你可以改进, 例如:

  • What happens if there isn’t a TV show for the given date range?

  • What if there are a lot of shows? None of the pages that are loaded are thrown away, and this can quickly consume a lot of memory!

  • There’s more information to be displayed – like a synopsis, the channel airing the show, etc.

  • 如果给定日期范围内没有电视节目会怎样?

  • 如果有很多节目怎么办?所有的页面都被加载,然后没有页面被丢弃, 这很快就会消耗大量的内存!

  • 有更多的信息需要被展现出来 – 例如简介,显示频道播出的节目等等.

