diff --git a/util/addDataFromZib/addDataFromZib.xsl b/util/addDataFromZib/addDataFromZib.xsl index c045e60a7..02436c79d 100644 --- a/util/addDataFromZib/addDataFromZib.xsl +++ b/util/addDataFromZib/addDataFromZib.xsl @@ -1,343 +1,351 @@ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
No narrative is provided for definitional resources. A human-readable rendering can be found in the implementation guide(s) where this resource is used.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - </xsl:when> - <xsl:otherwise> - <xsl:apply-templates select="f:title"/> - </xsl:otherwise> - </xsl:choose> - <xsl:choose> - <xsl:when test="not(f:status)"> - <status value="draft"/> - </xsl:when> - <xsl:otherwise> - <xsl:apply-templates select="f:status"/> - </xsl:otherwise> - </xsl:choose> - - <xsl:apply-templates select="f:experimental | f:date"/> - - <!-- Add publisher, contact, description--> - <xsl:choose> - <xsl:when test="not(f:publisher)"> - <publisher value="Nictiz"/> - </xsl:when> - <xsl:otherwise> - <xsl:apply-templates select="f:publisher"/> - </xsl:otherwise> - </xsl:choose> - <xsl:choose> - <xsl:when test="not(f:contact)"> - <contact> - <name value="Nictiz" /> - <telecom> - <system value="url" /> - <value value="https://www.nictiz.nl" /> - <use value="work" /> - </telecom> - </contact> - </xsl:when> - <xsl:otherwise> - <xsl:apply-templates select="f:contact"/> - </xsl:otherwise> - </xsl:choose> - <!-- Automagical description takes too much time atm. --> - <xsl:apply-templates select="f:description"/> - - <xsl:apply-templates select="f:useContext | f:jurisdiction"/> - - <!-- Add purpose, copyright --> - <xsl:choose> - <xsl:when test="not(f:purpose) and starts-with($id, 'zib-')"> - <xsl:variable name="mapping" select="f:mapping[f:identity/starts-with(@value, 'zib-')][1]"/> - <purpose value="This {f:type/@value} resource represents the Dutch [zib ('Zorginformatiebouwsteen', i.e. Health and Care Information Model) {replace($mapping/f:name/@value, 'zib ','')}]({$mapping/f:uri/@value})."/> - </xsl:when> - <xsl:when test="not(f:purpose) and starts-with($id, 'nl-core-')"> - <purpose value="A derived profile from [{replace($id, 'nl-core-','zib-')}](http://nictiz.nl/fhir/StructureDefinition/{replace($id, 'nl-core-','zib-')}) to provide a version better suited for implementation purposes. This profile augments the base profile with elements found in the various use cases that have adopted the zib."/> - </xsl:when> - <xsl:otherwise> - <xsl:apply-templates select="f:purpose"/> - </xsl:otherwise> - </xsl:choose> - <xsl:choose> - <xsl:when test="not(f:copyright)"> - <copyright value="Copyright and related rights waived via CC0, https://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/. This does not apply to information from third parties, for example a medical terminology system. The implementer alone is responsible for identifying and obtaining any necessary licenses or authorizations to utilize third party IP in connection with the specification or otherwise."/> - </xsl:when> - <xsl:otherwise> - <xsl:apply-templates select="f:copyright"/> - </xsl:otherwise> - </xsl:choose> - - <xsl:apply-templates select="f:keyword | f:fhirVersion | f:mapping | f:kind"/> - - <!-- Modify abstract --> - <xsl:choose> - <xsl:when test="f:abstract/@value = 'false' and starts-with($id, 'zib-')"> - <abstract value="true"/> - </xsl:when> - <xsl:otherwise> - <xsl:apply-templates select="f:abstract"/> - </xsl:otherwise> - </xsl:choose> - - <xsl:apply-templates select="f:context | f:contextInvariant | f:type"/> - - <!-- Edits the baseDefinition from core to zib if an nl-core profile was not created using the 'Derive' button in Forge --> - <xsl:choose> - <xsl:when test="starts-with($id, 'nl-core-') and (not(f:baseDefinition) or starts-with(f:baseDefinition/@value, 'http://hl7.org'))"> - <baseDefinition value="http://nictiz.nl/fhir/StructureDefinition/{replace($id, 'nl-core-','zib-')}"/> - </xsl:when> - <xsl:otherwise> - <xsl:apply-templates select="f:baseDefinition"/> - </xsl:otherwise> - </xsl:choose> - - <xsl:apply-templates select="f:derivation"/> - - <!-- Add id as alias to root of nl-core profile if no differential or snapshot is found --> - <xsl:choose> - <xsl:when test="not(f:differential) and not(f:snapshot) and starts-with($id, 'nl-core-')"> - <differential> - <element id="{f:type/@value}"> - <path value="{f:type/@value}" /> - <alias value="{$id}" /> - </element> - </differential> - </xsl:when> - <xsl:otherwise> - <xsl:apply-templates select="f:differential | f:snapshot"/> - </xsl:otherwise> - </xsl:choose> - </xsl:copy> - </xsl:template> - - <!-- Remove unused mappings --> - <xsl:template match="f:StructureDefinition/f:mapping"> - <xsl:choose> - <xsl:when test="f:identity/@value = ('workflow','sct-concept','v2','rim','w5','sct-attr')"/> - <!-- Remove zib mapping element in nl-core profiles if it is not used --> - <xsl:when test="starts-with(parent::f:StructureDefinition/f:id/@value, 'nl-core-') and f:identity/@value[starts-with(., 'zib-')][not(. = parent::f:StructureDefinition//f:element/f:mapping/f:identity/@value)]"/> - <xsl:otherwise> - <xsl:copy> - <xsl:apply-templates select="node()|@*"/> - </xsl:copy> - </xsl:otherwise> - </xsl:choose> - </xsl:template> - - <xsl:template match="f:element[f:mapping/f:map[starts-with(@value,'NL-CM:')]]"> - <xsl:variable name="maps" select="f:mapping/f:map[starts-with(@value,'NL-CM:') and not(contains(../f:comment/@value, $implicitIdentifier))]" as="element()*"/> - <xsl:variable name="valuesOid" as="element()*"> - <xsl:for-each select="$maps"> - <map value="{replace(@value,'NL-CM:','2.16.840.1.113883.')}"/> - </xsl:for-each> - </xsl:variable> - <xsl:variable name="concepts" as="element()*"> - <xsl:for-each select="$valuesOid"> - <xsl:variable name="value" select="@value"/> - <xsl:copy-of select="$allDatasets//concept[@id = $value]"/> - </xsl:for-each> - </xsl:variable> - <xsl:choose> - <xsl:when test="count($maps) = 0"> - <!-- When all maps turn out to be implicit, $maps is empty and we shouldn't do anything, just copy --> - <xsl:copy> - <xsl:apply-templates select="node()|@*"/> - </xsl:copy> - </xsl:when> - <xsl:when test="not($concepts)"> - <xsl:message>Could not find a concept with map '<xsl:value-of select="$maps[1]/@value"/>'</xsl:message> - <xsl:copy> - <xsl:apply-templates select="node()|@*"/> - </xsl:copy> - </xsl:when> - <xsl:otherwise> - <xsl:variable name="originalConcepts" as="element()*"> - <xsl:for-each select="$concepts"> - <xsl:copy-of select="loc:getOriginalConcept(.)"/> - </xsl:for-each> - </xsl:variable> - <xsl:copy> - <xsl:apply-templates select="@*"/> - <xsl:apply-templates select="f:path | f:representation | f:sliceName | f:sliceIsConstraining | f:label | f:code | f:slicing"/> - <xsl:variable name="calculatedShort" select="string-join($originalConcepts/name[@language='en-US'][text() != '']/text(), ' / ')"/> - <xsl:choose> - <xsl:when test="f:short"> - <xsl:apply-templates select="f:short"/> - <xsl:if test="$showWarnings and not(f:short/@value = $calculatedShort)"> - <xsl:message>Element with id '<xsl:value-of select="@id"/>' has short '<xsl:value-of select="f:short/@value"/>' which does not correspond with Zib2020 value '<xsl:value-of select="$calculatedShort"/>'.</xsl:message> - </xsl:if> - </xsl:when> - <xsl:when test="$calculatedShort"> - <short value="{$calculatedShort}"/> - </xsl:when> - </xsl:choose> - <xsl:variable name="calculatedDefinition"> - <xsl:choose> - <xsl:when test="count($originalConcepts/desc[@language='en-US'][text() != '']) > 1"> - <xsl:copy-of select="concat('* ', string-join($originalConcepts/desc[@language='en-US'][text() != '']/text(), ' * '))"/> - </xsl:when> - <xsl:otherwise> - <xsl:value-of select="$originalConcepts/desc[@language='en-US'][text() != '']"/> - </xsl:otherwise> - </xsl:choose> - </xsl:variable> - <xsl:choose> - <xsl:when test="f:definition"> - <xsl:apply-templates select="f:definition"/> - <xsl:if test="$showWarnings and not(f:definition/@value = $calculatedDefinition)"> - <xsl:message>Element with id '<xsl:value-of select="@id"/>' has definition '<xsl:value-of select="f:definition/@value"/>' which does not correspond with Zib2020 value '<xsl:value-of select="$calculatedDefinition"/>'.</xsl:message> - </xsl:if> - </xsl:when> - <!-- Do not add definition of 'Root concept'. Because root concepts do not always have to be mapped to the root of a profile, we match on the definition text. --> - <xsl:when test="starts-with($calculatedDefinition, concat('Root concept of the ', $calculatedShort, ' information model.'))"/> - <xsl:when test="$originalConcepts/desc[@language='en-US']/text()"> - <definition value="{$calculatedDefinition}"/> - </xsl:when> - </xsl:choose> - <xsl:apply-templates select="f:comment | f:requirements"/> - <xsl:choose> - <xsl:when test="f:alias"> - <xsl:apply-templates select="f:alias"/> - <xsl:if test="$showWarnings and $originalConcepts/name[@language='nl-NL']/text() and not(f:alias/@value = $originalConcepts/name[@language='nl-NL']/text())"> - <xsl:message>Element with id '<xsl:value-of select="@id"/>' has alias '<xsl:value-of select="f:alias/@value"/>' which does not correspond with Zib2020 value '<xsl:value-of select="$originalConcepts/name[@language='nl-NL']/text()"/>'.</xsl:message> - </xsl:if> - </xsl:when> - <xsl:when test="$originalConcepts/name[@language='nl-NL']/text()"> - <xsl:for-each select="$originalConcepts"> - <alias value="{./name[@language='nl-NL']/text()}"/> - </xsl:for-each> - </xsl:when> - </xsl:choose> - <xsl:apply-templates select="f:*[not(local-name() = ('path','representation','sliceName','sliceIsConstraining','label','code','slicing','short','definition','comment','requirements','alias'))]"> - </xsl:apply-templates> - </xsl:copy> - </xsl:otherwise> - </xsl:choose> - </xsl:template> - - <xsl:template match="f:mapping[f:map[starts-with(@value,'NL-CM:')] and not(contains(f:comment/@value, $implicitIdentifier))]"> - <xsl:variable name="map" select="f:map[starts-with(@value,'NL-CM:')]" as="element()"/> - <xsl:variable name="valueOid" as="element()"> - <map value="{replace($map/@value,'NL-CM:','2.16.840.1.113883.')}"/> - </xsl:variable> - <xsl:variable name="concept" as="element()"> - <xsl:copy-of select="$allDatasets//concept[@id = $valueOid/@value]"/> - </xsl:variable> - <xsl:variable name="originalConcept" as="element()"> - <xsl:copy-of select="loc:getOriginalConcept($concept)"/> - </xsl:variable> - <xsl:choose> - <xsl:when test="$originalConcept"> - <xsl:copy> - <xsl:apply-templates select="@*"/> - <xsl:apply-templates select="f:identity | f:language | f:map"/> - <xsl:choose> - <xsl:when test="f:comment"> - <xsl:apply-templates select="f:comment"/> - <xsl:if test="$showWarnings and $originalConcept/name[@language='en-US']/text() and not(f:comment/@value = $originalConcept/name[@language='en-US']/text())"> - <xsl:message>Element with id '<xsl:value-of select="parent::f:element/@id"/>' has mapping.comment '<xsl:value-of select="f:comment/@value"/>' which does not correspond with Zib2020 value '<xsl:value-of select="$originalConcept/name[@language='en-US']/text()"/>'.</xsl:message> - </xsl:if> - </xsl:when> - <xsl:when test="$originalConcept/name[@language='en-US']/text()"> - <comment value="{$originalConcept/name[@language='en-US']/text()}"/> - </xsl:when> - </xsl:choose> - </xsl:copy> - </xsl:when> - <xsl:otherwise> - <xsl:copy> - <xsl:apply-templates select="node()|@*"/> - </xsl:copy> - </xsl:otherwise> - </xsl:choose> - </xsl:template> - - <xsl:function name="loc:getOriginalConcept" as="element()"> - <xsl:param name="elem" as="element()"/> - <xsl:choose> - <xsl:when test="$elem/inherit"> - <xsl:variable name="cid" select="$elem/inherit/@ref"/> - <xsl:variable name="ced" select="$elem/inherit/@effectiveDate"/> - <xsl:variable name="theConcept" select="$allDatasets//concept[not(ancestor::history)][@id=$cid][@effectiveDate=$ced]" as="element()*"/> - <xsl:copy-of select="loc:getOriginalConcept($theConcept)"/> - </xsl:when> - <xsl:when test="$elem/contains"> - <xsl:variable name="cid" select="$elem/contains/@ref"/> - <xsl:variable name="ced" select="$elem/contains/@flexibility"/> - <xsl:variable name="theConcept" select="$allDatasets//concept[not(ancestor::history)][@id=$cid][@effectiveDate=$ced]" as="element()*"/> - <xsl:copy-of select="loc:getOriginalConcept($theConcept)"/> - </xsl:when> - <xsl:otherwise> - <xsl:copy-of select="$elem"/> - </xsl:otherwise> - </xsl:choose> - </xsl:function> - +<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> +<xsl:stylesheet xmlns:xsl="http://www.w3.org/1999/XSL/Transform" + xmlns:xs="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" + xmlns:loc="urn:local:urn" + xmlns:f="http://hl7.org/fhir" + xmlns="http://hl7.org/fhir" + exclude-result-prefixes="#all" + version="2.0"> + + <xsl:output indent="yes"/> + + <!-- Show (optional) warnings to 'validate' content of profile --> + <xsl:param name="showWarnings" select="true()"/> + + <!-- If metadata are present, overwrite them with values from the DECOR defintions file --> + <xsl:param name="overwrite" select="true()"/> + + <!-- Zib decor project file --> + <xsl:param name="allDatasets" select="document('../zib2020bbr-decor.xml')/decor/datasets"/> + + <!-- Unique identification string for when mappings are implicit, as described in the profiling guidelines --> + <xsl:param name="implicitIdentifier" select="' (implicit, main mapping is on '"/> + + <xsl:template match="node()|@*"> + <xsl:copy> + <xsl:apply-templates select="node()|@*"/> + </xsl:copy> + </xsl:template> + + <xsl:template match="f:StructureDefinition"> + <xsl:copy> + <xsl:variable name="id" select="f:id/@value"/> + <xsl:apply-templates select="f:id | f:meta | f:implicitRules | f:language"/> + + <!-- Add or modify empty narrative --> + <xsl:choose> + <xsl:when test="f:text"> + <xsl:copy-of select="f:text"/> + </xsl:when> + <xsl:otherwise> + <text> + <status value="empty"/> + <div xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">No narrative is provided for definitional resources. A human-readable rendering can be found in the implementation guide(s) where this resource is used.</div> + </text> + </xsl:otherwise> + </xsl:choose> + + <xsl:apply-templates select="f:contained | f:extension | f:modifierExtension"/> + + <!-- Add or modify URL --> + <xsl:choose> + <xsl:when test="(not(f:url) or starts-with(f:url/@value, 'http://example.org/') or starts-with(f:url/@value, 'https://example.org/')) and (starts-with($id, 'zib-') or starts-with($id, 'nl-core-'))"> + <url value="http://nictiz.nl/fhir/StructureDefinition/{$id}"/> + </xsl:when> + <xsl:otherwise> + <xsl:apply-templates select="f:url"/> + </xsl:otherwise> + </xsl:choose> + + <xsl:apply-templates select="f:identifier | f:version"/> + + <!-- Add or modify name, title, status --> + <xsl:choose> + <xsl:when test="not(f:url) or starts-with(f:name/@value, 'My')"> + <name value="{replace(concat(upper-case(substring($id,1,1)), substring($id, 2)),'-','')}"/> + </xsl:when> + <xsl:otherwise> + <xsl:apply-templates select="f:name"/> + </xsl:otherwise> + </xsl:choose> + <xsl:choose> + <xsl:when test="not(f:title)"> + <title value="{replace($id,'-',' ')}"/> + </xsl:when> + <xsl:otherwise> + <xsl:apply-templates select="f:title"/> + </xsl:otherwise> + </xsl:choose> + <xsl:choose> + <xsl:when test="not(f:status)"> + <status value="draft"/> + </xsl:when> + <xsl:otherwise> + <xsl:apply-templates select="f:status"/> + </xsl:otherwise> + </xsl:choose> + + <xsl:apply-templates select="f:experimental | f:date"/> + + <!-- Add publisher, contact, description--> + <xsl:choose> + <xsl:when test="not(f:publisher)"> + <publisher value="Nictiz"/> + </xsl:when> + <xsl:otherwise> + <xsl:apply-templates select="f:publisher"/> + </xsl:otherwise> + </xsl:choose> + <xsl:choose> + <xsl:when test="not(f:contact)"> + <contact> + <name value="Nictiz" /> + <telecom> + <system value="url" /> + <value value="https://www.nictiz.nl" /> + <use value="work" /> + </telecom> + </contact> + </xsl:when> + <xsl:otherwise> + <xsl:apply-templates select="f:contact"/> + </xsl:otherwise> + </xsl:choose> + <!-- Automagical description takes too much time atm. --> + <xsl:apply-templates select="f:description"/> + + <xsl:apply-templates select="f:useContext | f:jurisdiction"/> + + <!-- Add purpose, copyright --> + <xsl:choose> + <xsl:when test="not(f:purpose) and starts-with($id, 'zib-')"> + <xsl:variable name="mapping" select="f:mapping[f:identity/starts-with(@value, 'zib-')][1]"/> + <purpose value="This {f:type/@value} resource represents the Dutch [zib ('Zorginformatiebouwsteen', i.e. Health and Care Information Model) {replace($mapping/f:name/@value, 'zib ','')}]({$mapping/f:uri/@value})."/> + </xsl:when> + <xsl:when test="not(f:purpose) and starts-with($id, 'nl-core-')"> + <purpose value="A derived profile from [{replace($id, 'nl-core-','zib-')}](http://nictiz.nl/fhir/StructureDefinition/{replace($id, 'nl-core-','zib-')}) to provide a version better suited for implementation purposes. This profile augments the base profile with elements found in the various use cases that have adopted the zib."/> + </xsl:when> + <xsl:otherwise> + <xsl:apply-templates select="f:purpose"/> + </xsl:otherwise> + </xsl:choose> + <xsl:choose> + <xsl:when test="not(f:copyright)"> + <copyright value="Copyright and related rights waived via CC0, https://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/. This does not apply to information from third parties, for example a medical terminology system. The implementer alone is responsible for identifying and obtaining any necessary licenses or authorizations to utilize third party IP in connection with the specification or otherwise."/> + </xsl:when> + <xsl:otherwise> + <xsl:apply-templates select="f:copyright"/> + </xsl:otherwise> + </xsl:choose> + + <xsl:apply-templates select="f:keyword | f:fhirVersion | f:mapping | f:kind"/> + + <!-- Modify abstract --> + <xsl:choose> + <xsl:when test="f:abstract/@value = 'false' and starts-with($id, 'zib-')"> + <abstract value="true"/> + </xsl:when> + <xsl:otherwise> + <xsl:apply-templates select="f:abstract"/> + </xsl:otherwise> + </xsl:choose> + + <xsl:apply-templates select="f:context | f:contextInvariant | f:type"/> + + <!-- Edits the baseDefinition from core to zib if an nl-core profile was not created using the 'Derive' button in Forge --> + <xsl:choose> + <xsl:when test="starts-with($id, 'nl-core-') and (not(f:baseDefinition) or starts-with(f:baseDefinition/@value, 'http://hl7.org'))"> + <baseDefinition value="http://nictiz.nl/fhir/StructureDefinition/{replace($id, 'nl-core-','zib-')}"/> + </xsl:when> + <xsl:otherwise> + <xsl:apply-templates select="f:baseDefinition"/> + </xsl:otherwise> + </xsl:choose> + + <xsl:apply-templates select="f:derivation"/> + + <!-- Add id as alias to root of nl-core profile if no differential or snapshot is found --> + <xsl:choose> + <xsl:when test="not(f:differential) and not(f:snapshot) and starts-with($id, 'nl-core-')"> + <differential> + <element id="{f:type/@value}"> + <path value="{f:type/@value}" /> + <alias value="{$id}" /> + </element> + </differential> + </xsl:when> + <xsl:otherwise> + <xsl:apply-templates select="f:differential | f:snapshot"/> + </xsl:otherwise> + </xsl:choose> + </xsl:copy> + </xsl:template> + + <!-- Remove unused mappings --> + <xsl:template match="f:StructureDefinition/f:mapping"> + <xsl:choose> + <xsl:when test="f:identity/@value = ('workflow','sct-concept','v2','rim','w5','sct-attr')"/> + <!-- Remove zib mapping element in nl-core profiles if it is not used --> + <xsl:when test="starts-with(parent::f:StructureDefinition/f:id/@value, 'nl-core-') and f:identity/@value[starts-with(., 'zib-')][not(. = parent::f:StructureDefinition//f:element/f:mapping/f:identity/@value)]"/> + <xsl:otherwise> + <xsl:copy> + <xsl:apply-templates select="node()|@*"/> + </xsl:copy> + </xsl:otherwise> + </xsl:choose> + </xsl:template> + + <xsl:template match="f:element[f:mapping/f:map[starts-with(@value,'NL-CM:')]]"> + <xsl:variable name="maps" select="f:mapping/f:map[starts-with(@value,'NL-CM:') and not(contains(../f:comment/@value, $implicitIdentifier))]" as="element()*"/> + <xsl:variable name="valuesOid" as="element()*"> + <xsl:for-each select="$maps"> + <map value="{replace(@value,'NL-CM:','2.16.840.1.113883.')}"/> + </xsl:for-each> + </xsl:variable> + <xsl:variable name="concepts" as="element()*"> + <xsl:for-each select="$valuesOid"> + <xsl:variable name="value" select="@value"/> + <xsl:copy-of select="$allDatasets//concept[@id = $value]"/> + </xsl:for-each> + </xsl:variable> + <xsl:choose> + <xsl:when test="count($maps) = 0"> + <!-- When all maps turn out to be implicit, $maps is empty and we shouldn't do anything, just copy --> + <xsl:copy> + <xsl:apply-templates select="node()|@*"/> + </xsl:copy> + </xsl:when> + <xsl:when test="not($concepts)"> + <xsl:message>Could not find a concept with map '<xsl:value-of select="$maps[1]/@value"/>'</xsl:message> + <xsl:copy> + <xsl:apply-templates select="node()|@*"/> + </xsl:copy> + </xsl:when> + <xsl:otherwise> + <xsl:variable name="originalConcepts" as="element()*"> + <xsl:for-each select="$concepts"> + <xsl:copy-of select="loc:getOriginalConcept(.)"/> + </xsl:for-each> + </xsl:variable> + <xsl:copy> + <xsl:apply-templates select="@*"/> + <xsl:apply-templates select="f:path | f:representation | f:sliceName | f:sliceIsConstraining | f:label | f:code | f:slicing"/> + <xsl:variable name="calculatedShort" select="string-join(distinct-values($originalConcepts/name[@language='en-US'][text() != '']/text()), ' / ')"/> + + <xsl:choose> + <xsl:when test="f:short and not($overwrite)"> + <xsl:apply-templates select="f:short"/> + <xsl:if test="$showWarnings and not(f:short/@value = $calculatedShort)"> + <xsl:message>Element with id '<xsl:value-of select="@id"/>' has short '<xsl:value-of select="f:short/@value"/>' which does not correspond with zib value '<xsl:value-of select="$calculatedShort"/>'.</xsl:message> + </xsl:if> + </xsl:when> + <xsl:when test="$calculatedShort"> + <short value="{$calculatedShort}"/> + </xsl:when> + </xsl:choose> + + <xsl:variable name="definitions" select="$originalConcepts/desc[@language='en-US'][text() != '' and not(starts-with(text()[1], 'Root concept of the '))]"/><!-- Do not add definition of 'Root concept'. Because root concepts do not always have to be mapped to the root of a profile, we match on the definition text. --> + <xsl:variable name="calculatedDefinition"> + <xsl:choose> + <xsl:when test="count($definitions) > 1"> + <xsl:copy-of select="concat('* ', string-join($definitions/text(), ' * '))"/> + </xsl:when> + <xsl:otherwise> + <xsl:value-of select="$definitions[1]/text()"/> + </xsl:otherwise> + </xsl:choose> + </xsl:variable> + <xsl:choose> + <xsl:when test="f:definition and not($overwrite)"> + <xsl:apply-templates select="f:definition"/> + <xsl:if test="$showWarnings and not(f:definition/@value = $calculatedDefinition)"> + <xsl:message>Element with id '<xsl:value-of select="@id"/>' has definition '<xsl:value-of select="f:definition/@value"/>' which does not correspond with zib value '<xsl:value-of select="$calculatedDefinition"/>'.</xsl:message> + </xsl:if> + </xsl:when> + <xsl:when test="count($definitions) > 0"> + <definition value="{$calculatedDefinition}"/> + </xsl:when> + </xsl:choose> + + <xsl:apply-templates select="f:comment | f:requirements"/> + + <xsl:variable name="aliases" select="distinct-values($originalConcepts/name[@language='nl-NL']/text())"/> + <xsl:choose> + <xsl:when test="f:alias and not($overwrite)"> + <xsl:apply-templates select="f:alias"/> + <xsl:if test="$showWarnings and count($aliases) > 0 and not(f:alias/@value = $aliases)"> + <xsl:message>Element with id '<xsl:value-of select="@id"/>' has alias '<xsl:value-of select="f:alias/@value"/>' which does not correspond with Zib value '<xsl:value-of select="$aliases"/>'.</xsl:message> + </xsl:if> + </xsl:when> + <xsl:when test="count($aliases) > 0"> + <xsl:for-each select="$aliases"> + <alias value="{.}"/> + </xsl:for-each> + </xsl:when> + </xsl:choose> + <xsl:apply-templates select="f:*[not(local-name() = ('path','representation','sliceName','sliceIsConstraining','label','code','slicing','short','definition','comment','requirements','alias'))]"> + </xsl:apply-templates> + </xsl:copy> + </xsl:otherwise> + </xsl:choose> + </xsl:template> + + <xsl:template match="f:mapping[f:map[starts-with(@value,'NL-CM:')] and not(contains(f:comment/@value, $implicitIdentifier))]"> + <xsl:variable name="map" select="f:map[starts-with(@value,'NL-CM:')]" as="element()"/> + <xsl:variable name="valueOid" as="element()"> + <map value="{replace($map/@value,'NL-CM:','2.16.840.1.113883.')}"/> + </xsl:variable> + <xsl:variable name="concept" as="element()"> + <xsl:copy-of select="$allDatasets//concept[@id = $valueOid/@value]"/> + </xsl:variable> + <xsl:variable name="originalConcept" as="element()"> + <xsl:copy-of select="loc:getOriginalConcept($concept)"/> + </xsl:variable> + <xsl:choose> + <xsl:when test="$originalConcept"> + <xsl:copy> + <xsl:apply-templates select="@*"/> + <xsl:apply-templates select="f:identity | f:language | f:map"/> + <xsl:choose> + <xsl:when test="f:comment and not($overwrite)"> + <xsl:apply-templates select="f:comment"/> + <xsl:if test="$showWarnings and $originalConcept/name[@language='en-US']/text() and not(f:comment/@value = $originalConcept/name[@language='en-US']/text())"> + <xsl:message>Element with id '<xsl:value-of select="parent::f:element/@id"/>' has mapping.comment '<xsl:value-of select="f:comment/@value"/>' which does not correspond with zib0 value '<xsl:value-of select="$originalConcept/name[@language='en-US']/text()"/>'.</xsl:message> + </xsl:if> + </xsl:when> + <xsl:when test="$originalConcept/name[@language='en-US']/text()"> + <comment value="{$originalConcept/name[@language='en-US']/text()}"/> + </xsl:when> + </xsl:choose> + </xsl:copy> + </xsl:when> + <xsl:otherwise> + <xsl:copy> + <xsl:apply-templates select="node()|@*"/> + </xsl:copy> + </xsl:otherwise> + </xsl:choose> + </xsl:template> + + <xsl:function name="loc:getOriginalConcept" as="element()"> + <xsl:param name="elem" as="element()"/> + <xsl:choose> + <xsl:when test="$elem/inherit"> + <xsl:variable name="cid" select="$elem/inherit/@ref"/> + <xsl:variable name="ced" select="$elem/inherit/@effectiveDate"/> + <xsl:variable name="theConcept" select="$allDatasets//concept[not(ancestor::history)][@id=$cid][@effectiveDate=$ced]" as="element()*"/> + <xsl:copy-of select="loc:getOriginalConcept($theConcept)"/> + </xsl:when> + <xsl:when test="$elem/contains"> + <xsl:variable name="cid" select="$elem/contains/@ref"/> + <xsl:variable name="ced" select="$elem/contains/@flexibility"/> + <xsl:variable name="theConcept" select="$allDatasets//concept[not(ancestor::history)][@id=$cid][@effectiveDate=$ced]" as="element()*"/> + <xsl:copy-of select="loc:getOriginalConcept($theConcept)"/> + </xsl:when> + <xsl:otherwise> + <xsl:copy-of select="$elem"/> + </xsl:otherwise> + </xsl:choose> + </xsl:function> + </xsl:stylesheet> \ No newline at end of file