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File metadata and controls

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Table of Contents

Practical: The Community Analysis Pipeline (CAP)

Recap: CAP is a Python toolkit designed to simplify post-processing and plotting MGCM output. CAP consists of five Python executables:

  1. for accessing MGCM output
  2. for reducing the files
  3. for performing variable operations
  4. for interpolating the vertical grid
  5. for visualizing the MGCM output

It is useful to divide these functions into three categories and explore them in order:

  1. Retrieving Data ->
  2. File Manipulations ->,, &
  3. Plotting Routines ->

You already have experience using for retrieving data, which was covered at the end of We will build on that knowledge in this tutorial. You may revisit the installation instructions at any time during the tutorial.

Begin by Activating CAP

As always with CAP, you must activate the amesCAP virtual environment to access the Python executables:

(local)>$ source ~/amesCAP/bin/activate      # bash
(local)>$ source ~/amesCAP/bin/activate.csh  # csh/tcsh
# ................... OR ...................
(local)>$ source ~/amesCAP/Scripts/activate  # Windows

Your prompt should change to confirm you're in the virtual environment. Before continuing, make sure you're using the most up-to-date version of CAP by running:

(AmesCAP)>$ pip install git+ --upgrade

Then, confirm that CAP's executables are accessible by typing:

(AmesCAP)>$ -h

This is the --help argument, which shows the documentation for any of the Mars*.py executables.

Let's begin with a review of the data retrieval process you performed when installing CAP (

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1. Retrieving Data

1.1 Download MGCM Output with

MarsPull is used to access and download MGCM output files from the MCMC Data portal.

Choose a directory in which to store these MGCM output files on your machine (we will name it CAP_tutorial). We will also create two sub- directories, one named INERTCLDS for an MGCM simulation with radiatively inert clouds (RIC) and one named ACTIVECLDS for an MGCM simulation with radiatively active clouds (RAC):

(AmesCAP)>$ mkdir CAP_tutorial
(AmesCAP)>$ cd CAP_tutorial

Then, download the corresponding fort.11 with solar longitudes spanning from Ls 255° to 285° in each directory using MarsPull:

(AmesCAP)>$ -id INERTCLDS -ls 255 285
(AmesCAP)>$ cd ../ACTIVECLDS
(AmesCAP)>$ -id ACTIVECLDS -ls 255 285

You should have the following 5 fort.11 files in each directory:

│   └── fort.11_0719  fort.11_0720  fort.11_0721  fort.11_0722  fort.11_0723
    └── fort.11_0719  fort.11_0720  fort.11_0721  fort.11_0722  fort.11_0723

Finally, check for files integrity using the disk use command:

cd ..
du -h INERTCLDS/fort.11*
du -h ACTIVECLDS/fort.11*
> 433M	fort.11_0719

The files should be 433Mb each.

If you encounter an issue during the download process or if the files are not 433Mb, please verify the files availability on the MCMC Data Portal and try again later. You can re-attempt to download specific files as follows: -id ACTIVECLDS -f fort.11_0720 fort.11_0723 (make sure to navigate to the appropriate simulation directory first on your computer), or simply download the 10 files listed above manually from the website.

If you have any fort.11 files other than the ones listed above in either directory, we recommend you delete them before processing to the rest of the exercises to stay consistent with the command-line instructions.

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2. File Manipulations

We've retrieved the fort.11 files from the data portal and we can now begin processing the data.

CAP's post-processing capabilities include interpolating and regridding data to different vertical coordinate systems, adding derived variables to the files, and converting between filetypes, just to name a few examples.

The following exercises are designed to demonstrate how CAP can be used for post-processing MGCM output. Please follow along with the demonstration. We will use the files created here to make plots with MarsPlot later, so do not delete anything!

Begin in the /INERTCLDS directory and complete exercises 2.1-2.10:

(AmesCAP)>$ cd ~/CAP_tutorial/INERTCLDS

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2.1 Convert the fort.11 files into netCDF files

In the /INERTCLDS directory, type:

(AmesCAP)>$ fort.11_* -fv3 fixed average daily diurn

Several netCDF files were created from the fort.11 files:

(AmesCAP)>$ ls

Remember, the netCDF filetypes are:

Type Description
* static variables that do not change over time
* 5-day averages of MGCM output
* files contain hourly MGCM output averaged over 5 days
* continuous time series of the MGCM output

NOTE: the 5-digit sol number at the begining of each netCDF file indicates when the file's records begin. These files are pulled from a simulation that was warm-started from a 10 year run. 10 years x ~668 sols/year = 6680 sols. The earliest date on these files is 07180 (the middle of the year).

For easier post-processing and plotting, concatenate like-filetypes along the time axis:

(AmesCAP)>$ * -c
(AmesCAP)>$ * -c
(AmesCAP)>$ * -c
(AmesCAP)>$ * -c

Our directory now contains four netCDF files in addition to the fort.11 files:

(AmesCAP)>$ ls
>    fort.11_0719    fort.11_0723
>  fort.11_0720
>    fort.11_0721
>    fort.11_0722

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2.2 Interpolate atmos_average to standard pressure coordinates

This step uses MarsInterp, and the documentation can be viewed using the --help argument:

(AmesCAP)>$ -h

Use the --type (-t) argument to interpolate the file to standard pressure coordinates (pstd):

(AmesCAP)>$ -t pstd

A new pressure-interpolated file called was created and the original file was preserved.

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2.3 Add mass stream function (msf) to the pressure-interpolated file

This step uses MarsVars, and the documentation can be viewed using the --help argument:

(AmesCAP)>$ -h

Adding or removing variables from files is done using the -add and -rem arguments in the call to MarsVars. msf is a variable derived from the meridional wind (vcomp), so we must first confirm that vcomp is indeed a variable in by using the --inspect (-i) command to list the variables in the file:

(AmesCAP)>$ -i

> ===================DIMENSIONS==========================
> ['lat', 'lon', 'phalf', 'time', 'pstd']
> .. (etc) ..
> ====================CONTENT==========================
> .. (etc) ..
> vcomp          : ('time', 'pstd', 'lat', 'lon')= (10, 36, 36, 60), meridional wind  [m/s]
> .. (etc) ..
> Ls ranging from 255.42 to 284.19: 45.00 days
>                (MY 01)   (MY 01)
> =====================================================

We can see that vcomp is a variable in the file and therefore msf can be derived and added:

(AmesCAP)>$ -add msf

Note: msf should not be added before pressure-interpolating the file because it is derived on pressure coordinates. -i works on any netCDF file, not just the ones created with CAP!

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2.4 Add density (rho) and mid-point altitude (zfull) to atmos_average

This step also uses the -add function from MarsVars:

(AmesCAP)>$ -add rho zfull

Density (rho) is derived from pressure (pfull) and temperature (temp), and mid-point altitude (zfull) is obtained via hydrostatic integration.

Note: rho and zfull must be added to a file before interpolating to another vertical coordinate. Unlike msf, these variables are computed on the native model grid and will not be properly calculated on any other vertical grid.

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2.5 Interpolate atmos_average to standard altitude

Now that rho and zfull have been added to, interpolating the file to standard altitude will include those variables in the new file (

(AmesCAP)>$ -t zstd

Your /INERTCLDS directory should now contain the fort.11 files and six netCDF files:

>    fort.11_0721
>    fort.11_0722
>    fort.11_0719                   fort.11_0723
>    fort.11_0720

Use the inspect ( -i) function to confirm that:

  • The original file ( contains rho and zfull but not msf.
  • The altitude-interpolated file ( contains rho and zfull but not msf.
  • The pressure-interpolated file ( contains msf but not rho or zfull.
(AmesCAP)>$ -i          # contains rho, zfull, not msf
(AmesCAP)>$ -i     # contains rho, zfull, not msf
(AmesCAP)>$ -i     # contains msf

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2.6 Time-shift and pressure-interpolate the diurn file

The time-shift function is part of MarsFiles and pressure-interpolating is, as we know, part of MarsInterp. We'll start by pressure-interpolating the file, but note that these functions can be used in either order.

The diurn file is organized by time-of-day assuming universal time beginning at the Martian prime meridian. Time-shifting the file converts the file to uniform local time, which is useful for comparing MGCM output to observations from satellites in fixed local time orbit, for example. Time-shifting can only be done on the diurn files because these contain a local time dimension (ltst).

For this exercise, include only the surface pressure (ps), surface temperature (ts), and atmospheric temperature (temp) variables. This will minimize file size and processing time.

Time-shift ps, ts, and temp using MarsFiles:

(AmesCAP)>$ -t --include ts ps temp

This created a new file ending in and containing only ts, ps, temp, and their relevant dimensions. Now, pressure-interpolate the file using MarsInterp:

(AmesCAP)>$ -t pstd

This should take just over a minute.

Note: Interpolating large files (such as daily or diurn files) with CAP can take a long time because the code is written in Python. That's why we are only including three variables (ps, ts, and temp) in this particular demonstration.

After time-shifting and pressure-interpolating, /INERTCLDS should contain three diurn files:


Note: We will not do this here, but you can create custom vertical grids that you want CAP to interpolate to. See the documentation for MarsInterp for more information.

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2.7 Apply a low-pass filter (-lpf) to the surface pressure (ps) and temperature (ts) in the daily file

Temporal filtering and tidal analyses are functions of MarsFiles. The low-pass filter argument requires a cutoff frequency, sol_max. Here, we use a 2-sol cut-off frequency to isolate synoptic-scale features. Include only ps and ts in the new file:

(AmesCAP)>$ -lpf 2 -include ps ts

This created containing only ps, ts, and their relevant dimensions.

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2.8 Estimate the magnitude of the wind shear using CAP

This can be done by vertically-differentiating the zonal (U) and meridional (V) winds, i.e. computing dU/dz and dV/dz. The U and V winds are output by the model as ucomp and vcomp, respectively.

You already know that MarsVars is used for adding variables, however, the -add argument will not work here. Instead, there is a call specifically for vertical differentiation called -zdiff.

Compute and add dU/dz and dV/dz to using -zdiff:

(AmesCAP)>$ -zdiff ucomp vcomp

Using the inspect ( -i) function, we can see the new variables in the file:

(AmesCAP)>$ -i
> ===================DIMENSIONS==========================
> ['lat', 'lon', 'phalf', 'time', 'zstd']
> .. (etc) ..
> ====================CONTENT==========================
> .. (etc) ..
> d_dz_ucomp     : ('time', 'zstd', 'lat', 'lon')= (10, 45, 36, 60), vertical gradient of zonal wind  [m/s/m]]
> d_dz_vcomp     : ('time', 'zstd', 'lat', 'lon')= (10, 45, 36, 60), vertical gradient of meridional wind  [m/m]]
> .. (etc) ..
> Ls ranging from 255.42 to 284.19: 45.00 days
>                (MY 01)   (MY 01)
> =====================================================

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2.9 Calculate the column-integrated dust, water ice, and water vapor mixing ratios in the daily file

Similar to the -zdiff function, MarsVars has a -col function that performs a column integration on specified variables.

Column-integrate the dust, water ice, and water vapor mixing ratios like so:

(AmesCAP)>$ -col dst_mass ice_mass vap_mass

Using the inspect ( -i) function, we can see the new variables in the file:

(AmesCAP)>$ -i
> ===================DIMENSIONS==========================
> ['lat', 'lon', 'pfull', 'phalf', 'zgrid', 'scalar_axis', 'time']
> .. (etc) ..
> ====================CONTENT==========================
> .. (etc) ..
> dst_mass_col   : ('time', 'lat', 'lon')= (800, 36, 60), column integration of dust aerosol mass mixing ratio  [kg/m2]
> ice_mass_col   : ('time', 'lat', 'lon')= (800, 36, 60), column integration of water ice aerosol mass mixing ratio  [kg/m2]
> vap_mass_col   : ('time', 'lat', 'lon')= (800, 36, 60), column integration of water vapor mass mixing ratio  [kg/m2]
> dst_mass       : ('time', 'pfull', 'lat', 'lon')= (800, 24, 36, 60), dust aerosol mass mixing ratio  [kg/kg]
> ice_mass       : ('time', 'pfull', 'lat', 'lon')= (800, 24, 36, 60), water ice aerosol mass mixing ratio  [kg/kg]
> vap_mass       : ('time', 'pfull', 'lat', 'lon')= (800, 24, 36, 60), water vapor mass mixing ratio  [kg/kg]
> Ls ranging from 254.12 to 286.06: 49.94 days
>                (MY 01)   (MY 01)
> =====================================================

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2.10 Display the values of pfull, then display the minimum, mean, and maximum near-surface temperatures temp over the globe

Here, we build on our knowledge of the inspect ( -i) function. We already know that -i displays the variables in a file and information about the file, but --inspect can be combined with --dump and --stat to show more information about specific variables.

Display values of pfull in using --dump:

(AmesCAP)>$ -i -dump pfull
> pfull=
> [8.7662227e-02 2.5499690e-01 5.4266089e-01 1.0518962e+00 1.9545468e+00
> 3.5580616e+00 6.2466631e+00 1.0509957e+01 1.7400265e+01 2.8756382e+01
> 4.7480076e+01 7.8348366e+01 1.2924281e+02 2.0770235e+02 3.0938846e+02
> 4.1609518e+02 5.1308148e+02 5.9254102e+02 6.4705731e+02 6.7754218e+02
> 6.9152936e+02 6.9731799e+02 6.9994830e+02 7.0082477e+02]
> ______________________________________________________________________

As you can see, --dump is a kind of analog for the NCL command ncdump.

Indexing specific values of pfull is done using quotes and square brackets:

(AmesCAP)>$ -i -dump 'pfull[-1]'
> pfull[-1]=
> 700.8247680664062
> ______________________________________________________________________

Indexing the last array element with -1 (Python syntax), we can see the reference pressure of the first layer above the surface in the MGCM.

Note: quotes '' are necessary when browsing dimensions.

The minimum, mean, and maximum values of a variable are computed and displayed in the terminal with the -stat argument. -stat is better suited for visualizing statistics over large arrays like the four-dimensional temperature variable (temp). Given the dimensions of the temp variable, [time,pfull,lat,lon], use -stat to display the minimum, mean, and maximum near-surface air temperature (over all timesteps and all locations):

(AmesCAP)>$ -i -stat 'temp[:,-1,:,:]'
> __________________________________________________________________________
>            VAR            |      MIN      |      MEAN     |      MAX      |
> __________________________|_______________|_______________|_______________|
>             temp[:,-1,:,:]|        149.016|        202.508|         251.05|
> __________________________|_______________|_______________|_______________|

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and... that's it for post-processing the data in the RIC simulation!

Before moving on to plotting, we need to repeat some of these steps for the RAC simulation. Feel free to repeat all of Steps 2.1-2.10 for the RAC case if you like, but you are only required to repeat Steps 2.1, 2.2, and 2.5 for this tutorial. For simplicity, we've summarized these steps here:

2.1b (for /ACTIVECLDS) Convert fort.11 files into netCDF files

In the /ACTIVECLDS directory, use MarsFiles to convert from fort.11 to netCDF, and then concatenate the files along their time axes:

(AmesCAP)>$ fort.11_* -fv3 fixed average daily diurn
(AmesCAP)>$ * -c
(AmesCAP)>$ * -c
(AmesCAP)>$ * -c
(AmesCAP)>$ * -c

/ACTIVECLDS should now contain the original fort.11 files and just four netCDF files:

>    fort.11_0719    fort.11_0723
>  fort.11_0720
>    fort.11_0721
>    fort.11_0722

2.2b (for /ACTIVECLDS) Interpolate atmos_average to standard pressure

Use MarsInterp's' --type (-t) command to create

(AmesCAP)>$ -t pstd

2.5b (for /ACTIVECLDS) Interpolate atmos_average to standard altitude

Again, use MarsInterp's' --type (-t) command to create

(AmesCAP)>$ -t zstd

Your /ACTIVECLDS directory should now contain the fort.11 files and six netCDF files:

>    fort.11_0721
>    fort.11_0722
>    fort.11_0719                   fort.11_0723
>    fort.11_0720

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Optional: Download the Answer Key for Step 2

  1. Download from the CAP tutorial GitHub page here.
  2. Double-click to unzip the file (do not do this from the command line) -> this should create a KEY/ directory
  3. Open a terminal and run the command:
(AmesCAP)>$ path/to/KEY/

Note: any permission errors can be fixed by running:

(AmesCAP)>$ chmod 766 path/to/KEY/ will prompt you for the path to your /CAP_tutorial directory:

(AmesCAP)>$ path/to/KEY/
> Please type the path to the directory containing CAP_tutorial, i.e. /Users/username:
> Looking in /Users/username/path/to/directory for CAP_tutorial

When the script is done checking your answers, it will notify you which (if any) files or variables are missing from Step 2. Go back to the Step listed and redo them!

If you are really stuck, you can run this shell script that will do all of Step 2 for you. This ensures you can follow along with the plotting routines in Step 3.

To run the answer key, type in your terminal:

(AmesCAP)>$ path/to/KEY/

This will again ask for the path to /CAP_tutorial:

(AmesCAP)>$ path/to/KEY/
> Please type the path to the directory containing CAP_tutorial, i.e. /Users/username:
> Looking in /Users/username/path/to/directory for CAP_tutorial

Note: Optionally, you can move to your /CAP_tutorial/INERTCLDS directory and will do all of Step 2 AND Step 3 for you.

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Once you've completed Step 2, you are welcome to take a 15 minute break from the tutorial.

You can use this time to catch up if you haven't completed Steps 1 and/or 2 already, but we highly encourage you to step away from your machine for these 15 minutes.

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3. Plotting Routines

Time to practice plotting MGCM output with CAP!

CAP's plotting routine is MarsPlot, which can create several plot types:

Type of plot MarsPlot Designation
Longitude v Latitude Plot 2D lon x lat
Longitude v Time Plot 2D lon x time
Longitude v Level Plot 2D lon x lev
Latitude v Level Plot 2D lat x lev
Time v Latitude Plot 2D time x lat
Time v level Plot 2D time x lev
Any 1-D line plot Plot 1D

MarsPlot is customizable. Options include:

  • PDF or image format
  • Landscape or portrait mode
  • 1+ plots per page
  • Overplotting is supported
  • Adjustible axes dimensions, colormaps, map projections, contour levels, etc.

Plotting with CAP requires passing a template to MarsPlot.

Create the default template by typing:

(AmesCAP)>$ -template

The template is called We will edit to create various plots. We highly recommend using a text editor that opens in its own window. Some options include: gvim, sublime text, atom, and pyzo.

If you use vim, you just have to be familiar with copying and pasting in the terminal. You will also benefit from opening another terminal from which to run command-line calls.

Open in your preferred text editor, for example:

(AmesCAP)>$ gvim

Scroll down until you see the first two templates shown in the image below:

By default, is set to create the two plots shown above: a global topographical map and a zonal mean wind cross-section. The plot type is indicated at the top of each template:

> <<<<<<<<<<<<<<| Plot 2D lon X lat = True |>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> <<<<<<<<<<<<<<| Plot 2D lat X lev = True |>>>>>>>>>>>>>

When set to True (as it is here), MarsPlot will draw that plot. If False, MarsPlot will skip that plot.

The variable to be plotted is Main Variable, which requires the variable name and the file containing it as input:

 Main Variable  = fixed.zsurf   # file.variable

Without making any changes to, close the file and pass it back to MarsPlot:


This creates Diagnostics.pdf, a single-page PDF displaying the two plots we just discussed: global topography and zonal mean wind. Open the PDF to see the plots.

You can rename and still pass it to MarsPlot successfully. If the template is named anything other than, MarsPlot will produce a PDF named after the template, i.e. creates myplots.pdf. For example:

(AmesCAP)>$ mv
> Reading
> [----------]  0 % (2D_lon_lat :fixed.zsurf)
> [#####-----] 50 % (2D_lat_lev :atmos_average.ucomp, Ls= (MY 1) 284.19, zonal avg)
> [##########]100 % (Done)
> Merging figures...
> "/username/CAP_tutorial/INERTCLDS/myplots.pdf" was generated

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Those are the basics of plotting with CAP. We'll create several plots in exercises 3.1-3.11 below. Begin by deleting and myplots.pdf (if you have them), and then create a new template:

(AmesCAP)>$ rm myplots.pdf
(AmesCAP)>$ -template

Make sure you're in the /INERTCLDS directory before continuing.

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3.1 Create a global map of surface albedo (alb) with topography (zsurf) contoured on top

Open in your preferred text editor and make the following changes:

  • Set Plot 2D lat X lev to False so that MarsPlot does not draw it
  • On Plot 2D lon X lat, set Main Variable to albedo (alb), which is located in the fixed file. Albedo will be color-filled contours.
  • Set 2nd Variable to topography (zsurf), also located in the fixed file. Topography will be solid contours.
  • Set the Title to reflect the variable(s) being plotted (we like to set the title to reflect the exercise being plotted)

Here is what your template should look like:

> <<<<<<<<<<<<<<| Plot 2D lon X lat = True |>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> Title          = 3.1: Albedo w/Topography Overplotted
> Main Variable  = fixed.alb
> Cmin, Cmax     = None
> Ls 0-360       = None
> Level [Pa/m]   = None
> 2nd Variable   = fixed.zsurf
> Contours Var 2 = None
> Axis Options  : lon = [None,None] | lat = [None,None] | cmap = binary | scale = lin | proj = cart

Save (but don't close it!) and go back to the terminal. Pass back to MarsPlot:


Open Diagnostics.pdf and check to make sure it contains a global map of surface albedo with topography contoured overtop.

Depending on the settings for your specific PDF viewer, you may have to close and reopen the file to view it.

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3.2 Plot the zonal mean zonal wind cross-section at Ls=270° using altitude as the vertical coordinate should still be open in your text editor. If not, open it again.

To use altitude as the vertical coordinate, source the variable from the altitude-interpolated file: atmos_average_zstd.

  • Set the 2D lat X lev template to True
  • Change Main Variable to point to ucomp stored in the atmos_average_zstd file
  • Set Ls to 270°
  • Edit the Title accordingly

Save, and pass it to MarsPlot. Again, view Diagnostics.pdf to see your plots!

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3.3 Add the same plot for the RAC case to the same page

Tip: Copy and paste the lat x lev plot you made in 3.2 so that you have two identical templates.

Point MarsPlot to the /ACTIVECLDS directory. Do this by editing the <<<<<<< Simulations <<<<<<< section so that 2> points to /ACTIVECLDS like so:

> <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Simulations >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> ref> None
> 3>

Edit Main Variable in the duplicate template so that the atmos_average_zstd file in /ACTIVECLDS is sourced:

> Main Variable  = atmos_average_zstd@2.ucomp

Tip: Make use of HOLD ON and HOLD OFF for these.

Save and pass it to MarsPlot. View Diagnostics.pdf to see the results.

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3.4 Overplot temperature in solid contours

Add temp as the 2nd Variable in the plots you created in 3.2 and 3.3:

> <<<<<<<<<<<<<<| Plot 2D lat X lev = True |>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> > 2nd Variable     = atmos_average_zstd.temp
> .. (etc) ..
> <<<<<<<<<<<<<<| Plot 2D lat X lev = True |>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> > 2nd Variable     = atmos_average_zstd@2.temp
> .. (etc) ..

Save and pass it to MarsPlot. View Diagnostics.pdf to see the results.

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3.5 Plot the surface CO2 ice content in g/m2 and compute and plot surface wind speed from the U and V winds

These will be lon X lat plots. Both require variable operations using square brackets []. Plot the results at Ls=270°. Source all of the variables from the atmos_daily file in /INERTCLDS.

Surface CO2 Ice (snow):

  • Convert kg/m2 -> g/m2
  • Set the plot area to between 50 °N and 90 °N.

Using square brackets, Main Variable is set (and units converted) like:

Main Variable  = [atmos_daily.snow]*1000

Surface Wind Speed (sqrt(u^2 + v^2)):

  • Call both ucomp and vcomp under Main Variable

Using square brackets, Main Variable is set (and computed) like:

Main Variable  = sqrt([atmos_daily.ucomp]**2+[atmos_daily.vcomp]**2)

Use HOLD ON and HOLD OFF again. You can use this syntax multiple times in the same template.

The general format will be:

> <<<<<<| Plot 2D lon X lat = True |>>>>>>
> Title    = Surface CO2 Ice (g/m2)
> .. (etc) ..
> <<<<<<| Plot 2D lon X lat = True |>>>>>>
> Title    = Surface Wind Speed (m/s)
> .. (etc) ..

Name the plots accordingly. Save and pass it to MarsPlot. You should see two plots on one page in Diagnostics.pdf

3.6 Make the following changes to the plots you created in 3.5

For the surface CO2 ice plot:

  • Set the projection type to Npole
  • Change the Y axis limits to 60-90 N

For the surface wind speed plot:

  • Draw contours at 1, 10, and 20, m/s (add a second variable!)
  • Constrain the Y axis limits to the northern hemisphere
  • Constrain the X axis limits to the western hemisphere

Hint: we set the latitude range in the previous plot by editing lat in Axis Options:

Axis Options  : lon = [None,None] | lat = [50,90] | cmap = jet | scale = lin | proj = cart

but this only works for cylindrical projections (cartesian cart, Robinson robin, Mollweide moll ).

When you choose an azimutal projection (North polar Npole, South polar Spole, orthographic ortho), you set the bounding latitude by adding an argument after specifying the projection:

Axis Options  : lon = [None,None] | lat = [None,None] | cmap = jet | scale = lin | proj = Npole 60

For each azimutal projection, acceptable arguments are: proj = Npole lat_max, proj = Spole lat_min, and proj = ortho lon_center lat_center.

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3.7 Create the following zonal mean time X lat plots on a new page

Source all of the variables from the atmos_daily file in /INERTCLDS:

  • Surface Temperature (ts). Set the colormap to nipy_spectral.
  • Column dust mass (dst_mass_col). Set the colormap to Spectral_r.
  • Column water ice mass (ice_mass_col). Set the colormap to Spectral_r.
  • Column water vapor mass (vap_mass_col). Set the colormap to Spectral_r.

NOTE: set the colormap (cmap) in Axis Options:

Axis Options  : sols = [None,None] | lat = [None,None] | cmap = nipy_spectral |scale = lin

The general format will look like:

> <<<<<<| Plot 2D time X lat = True |>>>>>>
> Title    = Zonal Mean Surface Temperature (K)
> .. (etc) ..
> <<<<<<| Plot 2D time X lat = True |>>>>>>
> Title    = Zonal Mean Column Integrated Dust Mass (kg/m2)
> .. (etc) ..
> <<<<<<| Plot 2D time X lat = True |>>>>>>
> Title    = Zonal Mean Column Integrated Water Ice Mass (kg/m2)
> .. (etc) ..
> <<<<<<| Plot 2D time X lat = True |>>>>>>
> Title    = 1Zonal Mean Column Integrated Water Vapor Mass (kg/m2)
> .. (etc) ..

Name the plots accordingly. Save and pass it to MarsPlot.

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3.8 Plot the following two cross-sections (lat X lev) on the same page

Zonal mean mass streamfunction (msf) at Ls=270°

  • Force symmetrical contouring by setting the colorbar's minimum and maximum values to -150 and 150
  • Overplot solid contours at -100,-50,-10,-5,5,10,50,100 (Hint: set both Main Variable and 2nd Variable to msf)
  • Adjust the Y axis limits to 1,000-1 Pa
  • Change the colormap from jet to RdBu_r

Zonal mean temperature (temp) at Ls=270°

  • Source temp from the same pressure-interpolated file you sourced msf from
  • Overplot (2nd Variable) the zonal mean zonal wind (ucomp)
  • Adjust the Y axis limits to 1,000-1 Pa
  • Set the colormap to jet

Don't forget to use HOLD ON and HOLD OFF and to name your plots accordingly. Save and pass it to MarsPlot.

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3.9 Plot zonal mean temperature from the RIC and RAC cases

Create the plots at Ls=270° from the atmos_average_pstd file, then create a difference plot.

Make use of HOLD ON and HOLD OFF again here. Copy and paste a lat x lev template, edit the first plot, then copy and paste that two more times. For the difference plot, you'll need subtract the two temp variables from one another, so make use of @N to point to the /ACTIVECLDS directory and square brackets [] to subtract one variable from the other:

> Main Variable  = [atmos_average_pstd.temp]-[atmos_average_pstd@2.temp]
  • On the RIC & RAC plots: set the minimum and maximum contour-fill interval (Cmin,Cmax) to 130 and 250 (K)
  • On the difference plot: set the colormap to RdBu
  • On the difference plot: set the minimum and maximum contour-fill interval (Cmin,Cmax) -15 and 15 (K)
  • On all three plots: set the vertical range to 1,000 - 1 Pa
  • On all three plots: set proper titles

Save and pass it to MarsPlot.

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3.10 Generate two 1D temperature profiles (temp) from the RIC case

Draw the 3 AM and 3 PM thermal profiles at 50°N, 150°E at Ls=270°. Call temp from the atmos_diurn_T_pstd file, which is the time-shifted and pressure-interpolated version of the diurn file. 3 AM is index=3, 3 PM is index=15, so Main Variable will be set as:

> Main Variable    = atmos_diurn_T_pstd.temp{ tod=3 }
#                        filename.var{  tod=X }

for the 3 AM line, and

> Main Variable    = atmos_diurn_T_pstd.temp{tod=15}

for the 3 PM line. You will have to specify Level [Pa/m] as the other axis:

> Level [Pa/m]     = AXIS

Note that when you specify level as the AXIS, MarsPlot automatically reverses the axes to draw a vertical profile of the requested variable.

Fnally, change the Y axis limits from None to 1000,1 Pa:

> lat,lon+/-180,[Pa/m],sols = [1000,1]

As a reminder, to draw two lines on one axes, use ADD LINE:

> <<<<<<| Plot 1D = True |>>>>>>
> Main Variable    = var1
> .. (etc) ..
> <<<<<<| Plot 1D = True |>>>>>>
> Main Variable    = var2
> .. (etc) ..

NOTE: You do not use HOLD ON and HOLD OFF to overplot 1D plots. HOLD is always for drawing separate plots on the same page

Save and pass it to MarsPlot. View Diagnostics.pdf.

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3.11 Plot the 1D filtered and unfiltered surface pressure over a 20-sol period

Compare the unfiltered surface pressure ps, which is the original variable in the orginal daily file (atmos_daily), to the filtered surface pressure, which is the time-filtered variable created when we applied a low-pass filter to the daily file (atmos_daily_lpf) in exercise 2.6, at 50°N and 150°E.

  • Both are 1D plots. Use ADD LINE to plot on the same axes
  • Use ps from atmos_daily and atmos_daily_lpf
  • Set Latitude = 50 and Lon +/-180 = 150
  • To show a 20-sol period: under Axis Options, set the X axis range to (Ls = [260, 280])
  • Narrow the Y axis range: under Axis Options, set the Y axis range to (var = [860,980] Pa)

Save and pass it to MarsPlot. View Diagnostics.pdf.

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That's a Wrap

This concludes the practical exercise portion of the CAP tutorial. Please keep these exercises as a reference for the future!

This document was completed in October 2021. Written by Alex Kling, Courtney Batterson, and Victoria Hartwick

Please submit feedback to Alex Kling: [email protected]

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