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63 lines (58 loc) · 3.61 KB

File metadata and controls

63 lines (58 loc) · 3.61 KB




  • Stability:
    • Full support for all versions, starting at 1.8.8
    • Better support for modern versions (1.13+)
    • Full support for legacy Essentials and EssentialsX
    • Clean and modular code-base
    • Lightweight, no bullshit included
    • Multi-threading support (less stress on your main thread -> almost no effect on the TPS)
  • Functionality:
    • It just works
    • Pretty straightforward, don't waste time by configuring tons of things
    • Does not replace the warps functionality of Essentials. Builds on top of it
    • No need to recreate the warps. This plugin automatically detects them
    • Each warp is being stored in its own file -> easily migrate and modify them
    • Fully customizable (even all the messages)
    • Multi-page support. Add as many warps as you want
    • Cute sounds that get played at certain events (can be disabled)
    • GUI looks decent, can be easily and fully customized as well
    • Hex colors support (1.16+ only, e.g. &#FF00FF)
  • Warp button customizations
    • Change the display name in the GUI
    • Modify the icon
    • Add lore (text below the name)
    • Forcefully move the warps around where ever you like


Screenshot 1 Screenshot 2 Screenshot 3


  • Essentials permissions aren't being touched by this plugin.
  • However, the player won't see the warps for which he doesn't have the permissions for in the GUI.
  • This means, that players must either have essentials.warps.<warpname> (grants access to specific warps) or essentials.warps.* (grants access to all warps).
  • There is also an Essentials configuration with which you are able to check the permission check completely (called per-warp-permission).
  • For further help, look at this permissions list or contact Essentials's support.
  • To access the /warpcfg command, you will need the warpcfg.cfg permission.

Item Syntax

  • There is a specific syntax required for the icon parameter of the /kitcfg icon command.
  • Following features are available with it:
    • It is possible to use legacy material ids that were used past 1.12 (Not recommended)
    • It is possible to use material names, even from newer or past versions
    • Ability to have custom head textures:
      • player_head:
      • player_head:
    • Ability to dye leather armor using HEX colors:
      • leather_chestplate:#FF00FF
  • Examples:
    • stone
    • 1 (turns into stone)
    • 1:1 (turns into granite)
    • iron_pickaxe:50 (adds some damage to the pickaxe)
    • player_head:Notch (Notch's head)
    • player_head:eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvYjA0ODMxZjdhN2Q4ZjYyNGM5NjMzOTk2ZTM3OThlZGFkNDlhNWQ5YmNkMThlY2Y3NWJmYWU2NmJlNDhhMGE2YiJ9fX0= (displays a globe, taken from the "other -> value" section at
    • leather_chestplate:#FFFF00 (yellow chestplate)
  • You may look at e.g. this website for a list of all available materials. Materials that do not exist with your Minecraft version obviously won't work.


We are open for contributions! For that, simply create a pull request for the master branch. Any pull request for any other branch will be rejected.