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MoonStorm edited this page Feb 14, 2022 · 66 revisions


using Dapper.FastCrud
OrmConfiguration.DefaultDialect = SqlDialect.MsSql|MySql|SqLite|PostgreSql



newEntity will have its properties partially updated with the db generated values on return


Select by primary key(s)

dbConnection.Get(new Asset {Id = 10});

Select All


Select record set

var selectParams = new {
  FirstName = "John"
dbConnection.Find<Entity>(statement => statement  
            .Where($"{nameof(Entity.FirstName):C} = {nameof(selectParams.FirstName):P}")  
            .OrderBy($"{nameof(Entity.LastName):C} DESC")  

:C and :P used here are string formatter specifiers. Please refer to SQL statements and clauses for all the available formatter specifiers.


Update by primary key(s)


updatedEntity will have its properties partially updated with the db generated values on return

Update all

dbConnection.BulkUpdate(new Asset {Name = "Unknown"});

Update record set

  • Option 1: Create a new temporary mapping for partial updating the entities.
var bulkUpdateParams = new {
  AssetName = "workstation"
var partialUpdateMapping = OrmConfiguration.GetDefaultEntityMapping<EmployeeDbEntity>
                                           .UpdatePropertiesExcluding(prop => prop.IncludeInUpdates(false),

dbConnection.BulkUpdate(new Asset {IsLost = true}, statement => statement  
            .Where($"{nameof(Asset.Name):C} = {nameof(bulkUpdateParams.AssetName):P}"))
  • Option 2: Create a new entity pointing to the same table, having just the primary keys and the properties you require for the update, that can be used strictly for bulk updates.

  • Option 3: Create your own statement using FastCrud's built-in SQL formatter and run it straight through Dapper. That way you benefit from all the mappings done through FastCrud and the FastCrud's formatter, while still having the flexibility of creating your own SQL statements.

string statement = Sql.Format<Asset>($@"
     UPDATE {nameof(Asset):T} 
     SET {nameof(Asset.IsLost):C} = 1
     WHERE {nameof(Asset.Name):C} = {nameof(bulkUpdateParams.AssetName):P}


Delete by primary key(s)

dbConnection.Delete(new Asset {Id = 10});

Delete all


Delete record set

dbConnection.BulkDelete<Asset>(statement => statement 


Count all


Count record set

    var countParams = new {
        AssetName = "workstation";

    dbConnection.Count<Asset>(statement => statement  
                .Where($"{nameof(Asset.Name):C} = {nameof(countParams.AssetName:P}")  


Async methods have an identical usage


As you've noticed in the previous examples, a number of options are immediately available for tweaking the statement. Their availability varies by type of operation.

  • WithTimeout()
    • The default timeout can be set instead via OrmConfiguration.DefaultSqlStatementOptions.
  • WithAlias()
    • It is recommended to always use aliases when the statement contains multiple entities.
  • AttachToTransaction()
  • WithEntityMappingOverride()
  • OrderBy()
  • Top&Skip()
    • Don't forget to use OrderBy when using any of these.
  • StreamResults()
  • Where()
  • WithParameters()


dbConnection.Insert(entityToInsert, statement =>statement    