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Byron Blay edited this page Oct 21, 2022 · 6 revisions

Project documentation is maintained in this wiki and the latest release is documented here.

Project Scope

To design and create a build and extract system for the Met Office’s major scientific applications, specifically LFRic and the UM. Fab will provide a robust, portable and flexible workflow solution for these tasks to replace current tooling which is unable to meet LFRic and the UM’s requirements.


Information relating to the doing of the project.

  • A glossary_ is provided to ensure that when we use a term we mean the same thing.
  • The paper evaluating_ existing solutions which lead to the Fab project.
  • The project's requirements_ so we know what we're trying to build.
  • Investigative work assessing usage of DAG libraries_.
  • Initial thoughts regarding options_ for implementing the build graph.
  • At some point the tool will need a user interface_.
  • We will need to configure fab_.

.. _glossary: Glossary .. _evaluating: FutureExascaleFortranBuildSystem .. _requirements: Requirements .. _DAG libraries: DagLibraries .. _options: GraphImplementationOptions .. _user interface: DesignUI .. _configure fab: Configuration


Fab is managed using 'just enough' project management, using project management devices that are useful and/or mandated by its parent programme.

* `Project Board documents`_
* `Stakeholder analysis`_
* `Risk & Issue log`_
* `Project plan`_ (including highlight reports)
* `Tech Meeting Minutes`_

.. _Project Board documents: Project-Board-Documents
.. _Stakeholder analysis: Stakeholder-Analysis
.. _Risk & Issue log: Risk-and-Issue-Log
.. _Project plan: Project-Plan
.. _Tech Meeting Minutes: Tech-Meeting-Minutes

What's In a Name?

The name "Fab" is a contraction of "fabricate" and is pronounced "fab". It is not an acronym.

Reasons for choosing it include it being short and therefore quick to type. The fact that it is fun doesn't hurt either.

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