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266 lines (234 loc) · 7.44 KB

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266 lines (234 loc) · 7.44 KB
 |{[0][0]} |{[0][1]} |{[0][2]} |
 |{[1][0]} |{[1][1]} |{[1][2]} |
 |{[2][0]} |{[2][1]} |{[2][2]} |

SyntaxError: EOL while scanning string literal String literal is unterminated Solution: Put in closing quotation mark

def check_win():

IndentationError: expected an indented block Reason: The function above it, update_board(). was empty, only has pseudo-code comments. Soltuion: Add a line to update_board()

def check_win(): # horizontal win condition (3 variations) # top row if (board[0][0] = 'X' or 'O') & (board[0][1] = 'X' or 'O') & (board[0][2] = 'X' or 'O'): Error: "(" was not closed Reason:

Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 1, in File ".\", line 44, in get_player_move player_move = int(player_move) ValueError: invalid literal for int() with base 10: '1,2 Reason: Cannot apply int() function to string '1,2' into 1 and 2 intergers. int() would work on '54' to 54 intereger, but is thrown off by the comma Solution: To remove the comma, we can use split() text.split(",") Result: ['1','2']

List Comprehension:,x)%20built%2Din%20function.

split() and list comprehension in one line text = "1,2" new_text = [int(x) for x in text.split(",")] print(new_text)

Removing spaces in board Before Beginning of game This is the current board. | | | | | | | | | | | |

After player move
This is the current board.
|X | | |
| | | |
| | | |

After Beginning of game This is the current board. | | | | | | | | | | | |

After player move
This is the current board.
This is the current board.
|X| | |
| | | |
| | | |

Before def print_board(board): print("This is the current board. \n" f"|{board[0][0]}|{board[0][1] |{board[0][2] }| \n" ...

After def print_board(board): print("This is the current board. \n" f"|{board[0][0] or ' '}|{board[0][1] or ' '}|{board[0][2] or ' '}| \n" ...

Achieved by using Truthy or Falsy x or y

Truth Table (documentation: or|T|F| |T|T|F| |F|T|F|

T or T = T (T) or T = (T) T or F = T (T) or F = (T) F or T = T F or (T) = (T) F or F = F F or (F) = (F)

Logic flow of try and except Try and except documentation: Before def get_player_move(): while True: player_move = input("Enter your move: row, column\n") try: player_move = [int(x) for x in player_move.split(",")] return player_move # compare placement of return statement and diff placement effect on loop logic except ValueError: print("Incorrect move.")

After def get_player_move(): while True: player_move = input("Enter your move: row, column\n") try: player_move = [int(x) for x in player_move.split(",")] except ValueError: print("Incorrect move.") return player_move # compare placement of return statement and diff placement effect on loop logic. # bad because line 64 will run line 65 (return player_move) even though it is an incorrect move

True, False with itnergers, strings Using bool() Why use bool()? Because all built-in types have bool because all built-in types are instances of class of str, int, etc

bool(1) True bool(0) False bool(345354) True bool("czxc") True bool("")
False x = "foo" bool(x) True

All built-in types have a bool(""). Because all built-in types have bool because all built-in types are instances of class of str, int, etc

More testing x = foo x has multiple built-in functions that we can check with dir()

dir(x) ['add', 'class', 'contains', 'delattr', 'dir', 'doc', 'eq', 'format', 'ge', 'getattribute', 'getitem', 'getnewargs', 'gt', 'hash', 'init', 'init_subclass', 'iter', 'le', 'len', 'lt', 'mod', 'mul', 'ne', 'new', 'reduce', 'reduce_ex', 'repr', 'rmod', 'rmul', 'setattr', 'sizeof', 'str', 'subclasshook', 'capitalize', 'casefold', 'center', 'count', 'encode', 'endswith', 'expandtabs', 'find', 'format', 'format_map', 'index', 'isalnum', 'isalpha', 'isascii', 'isdecimal', 'isdigit', 'isidentifier', 'islower', 'isnumeric', 'isprintable', 'isspace', 'istitle', 'isupper', 'join', 'ljust', 'lower', 'lstrip', 'maketrans', 'partition', 'removeprefix', 'removesuffix', 'replace', 'rfind', 'rindex', 'rjust', 'rpartition', 'rsplit', 'rstrip', 'split', 'splitlines', 'startswith', 'strip', 'swapcase', 'title', 'translate', 'upper', 'zfill'] x.capitalize() 'Foo' z = str() z '' z = str("sdfsdf") z 'sdfsdf'

Truthy or Falsey with 2 srings

"asdf" or "qwerwerwer" 'asdf' if (True or False): ... print("hi") ... hi if "asdf": ... print("hi") ... hi if "qwerwerwer": ... print("hi") hi if True or exit(): ... print("hi") hi if True or print("!!!"): ... print("???") ... ???

if False or print("!!!"): ... print("???") ... !!! (prints !!! because Truth Table chooses second False obeject if 'False or False') exit()

After def print_board(board): print("This is the current board. \n" f"|{board[0][0] or ' '}|{board[0][1] or ' '}|{board[0][2] or ' '}| \n" ...

board[0][0] or ' ' board[0][0] = 'X' or 'O' or '' Have '' because define board as '' in start_game def start_game(): print(random.choice(quote_repository['start_game'])) board = [["","",""], ["","", ""], ["","",""]] Apply Truth Table to this 'X' or ' ' = 'X' (T) or T = (T) 'O' or ' ' = 'O' (T) or T = (T) '' or ' ' = ' ' F or (T) = (T) ergo, a section with ' ', 1 single space

Checks for draw() before isWin() Problem here is game calls draw instead of win Running updated_board() This is the current board. |X|O|X| |O|X|O| |O|X| |

isWin() is running. They say the only thing you can do is keep going. So... keep going? Enter your move: row, column 2,2 Running updated_board() This is the current board. |X|O|X| |O|X|O| |O|X|X|

Sometimes things are a dead-end. Like this. And many, many other things of yours. Welcome. You might not know, but tic-tac-toe is a pretty simple game. This is the current board. | | | | | | | | | | | |

isWin() is running. They say the only thing you can do is keep going. So... keep going? Enter your move: row, column

def start_game(): print(random.choice(quote_repository['start_game'])) board = [[" "," "," "], [" "," ", " "], [" "," "," "]] isXTurn = True print_board(board) while True: # almighty True print(random.choice(quote_repository['ask_player_for_move'])) player_move = get_player_move() while (not is_valid_move(player_move, board)): print(random.choice(quote_repository['invalid_move'])) player_move = get_player_move() board = update_board(board, player_move, isXTurn) print_board(board) if isWin(board): print(random.choice(quote_repository['win'])) break # break so program doesn't run check_draw() check_draw(board) isXTurn = not isXTurn