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Project Deprecated

Please note that there will not be any updates to this project in the foreseeable future. Please do not add any issues to this repo expecting a fix or explanation. Some of the libraries have had breaking updates (gym) and my requirements.txt did not state the version requirements and its pretty much impossible to reproduce the experiments now. However, there is value in looking at the implementation of the various RL algorithms.

Please consider forking this project if you want to continue working on it and provide support with newer environments and libraries.

Deep RL policies on Pybullet Environments

This repo is a pytorch implementation of various deep RL algorithms, trained and evaluated on pybullet robotic environments.


Implemented Algorithms:

Name Discrete actions Continuous actions Stochastic policy Deterministic policy
DDPG ✔️ ✔️
TD3 ✔️ ✔️
TRPO ✔️ ✔️ ✔️
PPO ✔️ ✔️ ✔️
Option-Critic ✔️ ✔️ ✔️
DAC_PPO ✔️ ✔️ ✔️

Environments Supported

The following gym environments are supported on this repo.

  • OpenAI gym's environments
  • Pybullet gym environments
  • RLBench gym environments

Types of Networks Implemented:

  • Multi-Layered Perceptron (MLP)

  • Convolutional Neural Network (CNN)

  • Variational Autoencoders (VAE)

  • hidden_sizes are the number of neurons in each of the dense layer of the MLP.

  • conv_layer_sizes is a list containing the parameters of each convolutional layer, i.e. [output_channel, kernel_size, stride]

To use mlp neural net, set ac_kwargs['model_type'] to 'mlp'

"ac_kwargs": {
    "model_type": "mlp"
    "hidden_sizes": [256, 256]

To use cnn neural net, set ac_kwargs['model_type'] to 'cnn'

"ac_kwargs": {
    "model_type": "cnn"
    "hidden_sizes": [512, 256],
    "conv_layer_sizes": [[16, 5, 2],
    [32, 5, 2], 
    [64, 5, 2], 
    [64, 3, 1]]

To use cnn neural net, set ac_kwargs['model_type'] to 'vae'.

"ac_kwargs": {
    "model_type": "vae",
    "vae_weights_path": "VAE/output/vae_reach_target-vision-v0_wrist_rgb.pth",
    "hidden_sizes": [512, 256]

VAE network

VAE network needs to be pretrained on the environment's images before being used on the RL algorithm. The data generation and training code are provided at VAE directory

Comparison of results in PyBullet Environments

Environment Learning Curve Episode Recording
CartPole Continuous BulletEnv-v0
Hopper BulletEnv-v0

Results of Option-Critic on RLBench Environments

The agents are trained on the front-rgb camera view to solve the RLBench Manipulation Tasks.

Environment Learning Curve Episode Recording

How to use

  • Clone this repo
  • pip install -r requirements.txt

Training model for openai gym environment

  • Edit training parameters in ./Algorithms//_config.json
usage: [-h] [--env ENV] [--agent {ddpg,trpo,ppo,td3,random}]
                [--arch {mlp,cnn}] --timesteps TIMESTEPS [--seed SEED]
                [--num_trials NUM_TRIALS] [--normalize] [--rlbench] [--image]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --env ENV             environment_id
  --agent {ddpg,trpo,ppo,td3,random}
                        specify type of agent
  --arch {mlp,cnn}      specify architecture of neural net
  --timesteps TIMESTEPS
                        specify number of timesteps to train for
  --seed SEED           seed number for reproducibility
  --num_trials NUM_TRIALS
                        Number of times to train the algo
  --normalize           if true, normalize environment observations
  --rlbench             if true, use rlbench environment wrappers
  --image               if true, use rlbench environment wrappers

Testing trained model performance

usage: [-h] [--env ENV] [--agent {ddpg,trpo,ppo,td3,random}]
               [--arch {mlp,cnn}] [--render] [--gif] [--timesteps TIMESTEPS]
               [--seed SEED] [--normalize] [--rlbench] [--image]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --env ENV             environment_id
  --agent {ddpg,trpo,ppo,td3,random}
                        specify type of agent
  --arch {mlp,cnn}      specify architecture of neural net
  --render              if true, display human renders of the environment
  --gif                 if true, make gif of the trained agent
  --timesteps TIMESTEPS
                        specify number of timesteps to train for
  --seed SEED           seed number for reproducibility
  --normalize           if true, normalize environment observations
  --rlbench             if true, use rlbench environment wrappers
  --image               if true, use rlbench environment wrappers