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DDNet-HunterN是一个基于DDNet-PvP(传统竞技)(基于DDNet 15.3.2)的DDNet模组项目 提供名为HunterN(猎人杀)的PvP模式


  1. 每局开始时会逐个秘密随机选择玩家成为猎人平民 开局只提示玩家自己身份 猎人的目标是消灭所有平民
  2. 猎人使用高伤武器、瞬杀追踪锤和破片榴弹 而平民没有锤子且只能使用常规武器
  3. 当玩家死时如为猎人死亡则通知其他猎人 玩家死亡原因和死后聊天仅旁观/死人可见


  • 猎人锤子20伤,长按追踪
  • 猎人手枪&霰弹每颗2伤
  • 猎人破片榴弹爆炸6伤(对自己无伤)和16*1伤破片
  • 猎人激光9伤


  1. 使用apt安装
sudo apt install build-essential cmake python3 libsqlite3-dev libcurl4-openssl-dev zlib1g-dev
  1. 转到项目目录编译服务端
cmake .
make -j$(nproc)

Pass the number of threads for compilation to make -j. $(nproc) in this case returns the number of processing units.

DDNet requires additional libraries, that are bundled for the most common platforms (Windows, Mac, Linux, all x86 and x86_64). The bundled libraries are now in the ddnet-libs submodule.

The following is a non-exhaustive list of build arguments that can be passed to the cmake command-line tool in order to enable or disable options in build time:

  • -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=[Release|Debug|RelWithDebInfo|MinSizeRel]
    An optional CMake variable for setting the build type. If not set, defaults to "Release" if -DDEV=ON is not used, and "Debug" if -DDEV=ON is used. See CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE in CMake Documentation for more information.

    Whether to prefer bundled libraries over system libraries. Setting to ON will make DDNet use third party libraries available in the ddnet-libs folder, which is the git-submodule target of the ddnet-libs repository mentioned above -- Useful if you do not have those libraries installed and want to avoid building them. If set to OFF, will only use bundled libraries when system libraries are not found. Default value is OFF.

    Whether to enable WebSocket support for server. Setting to ON requires the libwebsockets-dev library installed. Default value is OFF.

    Whether to enable MySQL/MariaDB support for server. Requires at least MySQL 8.0 or MariaDB 10.2. Setting to ON requires the libmariadbclient-dev, libmysqlcppconn-dev and libboost-dev libraries installed, which are also provided as bundled libraries for the common platforms. Default value is OFF.

    Note that the bundled MySQL libraries might not work properly on your system. If you run into connection problems with the MySQL server, for example that it connects as root while you chose another user, make sure to install your system libraries for the MySQL client and C++ connector. Make sure that the CMake configuration summary says that it found MySQL libs that were not bundled (no "using bundled libs").

    Whether to download and compile GTest. Useful if GTest is not installed and, for Linux users, there is no suitable package providing it. Default value is OFF.

  • -DDEV=[ON|OFF]
    Whether to optimize for development, speeding up the compilation process a little. If enabled, don't generate stuff necessary for packaging. Setting to ON will set CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE to Debug by default. Default value is OFF.

    Whether to enable UPnP support for the server. You need to install libminiupnpc-dev on Debian, miniupnpc on Arch Linux.

  • -GNinja
    Use the Ninja build system instead of Make. This automatically parallizes the build and is generally faster. Compile with ninja instead of make. Install Ninja with sudo apt install ninja-build on Debian, sudo pacman -S --needed ninja on Arch Linux.


  • 关于DDNet-HunterN的一些下载源

  • 关于DDNet-HunterN的一些配置指令

    • sv_room_commands于控制台启用时才能使玩家创建/加入房间
    • room_setting 0于控制台输入可查看0号房间可用的模式指令 使用实例:room_setting 0 timelimit 3 (设置0号房间每局限时3分钟)
    • /setting于(管理员)聊天栏输入可查看所在房间可用的模式指令 使用实例:/setting map dm2 (设置所在房间的子地图为dm2)
  • 关于DDNet-HunterN的一些配置文件

    • 服务端启动时执行/autoexec.cfg
    • 默认HunterN房间启动时执行/room_config/modes/huntern.rcfg
    • huntern_msc.map地图启动时执行/data/maps/
    • 服务器资产定位使用/storage.cfg
  • 关于DDNet-PvP的Mega map生成

    • 使用DDNet-PvP附加工具(一般编译会自动生成)中的map_merge程序进行Mega map的生成
    • 使用用法:map_merge 输出地图名 输入地图1 输入地图2 输入地图3 ... 输入地图n
    • 使用实例:map_merge
    • 程序原理:在Mega地图SpeedUp层里的n号子地图放置最大速度值为n、类型ID为255的Tile
    • 实现片段:
      • TILE_MEGAMAP_INDEX = 255/src/game/mapitems.h:211
      • bool IsMegaMapIndex = SpeedupTile.m_Type == TILE_MEGAMAP_INDEX;/src/game/gamecontext.cpp:3036 <- 2024.3.3
      • pSpeedupTiles[TargetIndex].m_MaxSpeed = MapIndex + 1;/src/tools/map_merge.cpp:648