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System Requirements

Hiromu Hota edited this page Jan 13, 2017 · 5 revisions


The RAP (the underlying technology for webSpoon) supports most of the latest web browsers, but please note that Internet Explorer 8 is not supported. webSpoon can also be used from smartphone/tablet.

  • Internet Explorer 9+
  • Google Chrome 29+
  • Firefox 23+
  • Safari 6+
  • Microsoft Edge 1.0+
  • Opera 15+
  • iOs 6+ (Safari)
  • Android 4 (stock browser (limited) and Chrome)

This information is originally from here.


Servlet container

Version Compatibility Comments
Tomcat 8.0.30 and higher Yes
Tomcat 8.0.29 and lower Yes Note: http://address:port/spoon is not redirected to http://address:port/spoon/
Tomcat 7.0.28 and higher Yes
Tomcat 7.0.27 and lower No Reason: bug in handling url-pattern of an empty string
Tomcat 6.0.X and lower No Reason: url-pattern of an empty string not supported by servlet 2.5 and lower
Jetty Not well tested Only 9.3.8 was tested and confirmed to be compatible


Here is a list of versions of Java and OS that were verified to be compatible with webSpoon. webSpoon does not work with Java 7 since the dependent library (Eclipse RAP/RWT) is not compatible with Java 7 (see here for the details).

  • Oracle Java SE 8
  • OpenJDK 8

Operating systems

  • Ubuntu 14.04
  • Mac OS X El Capitan
  • Windows 7 Professional
  • Windows 10 Professional