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Web components (+lit dependency)

General information

About components and the dependency

I could not use frameworks (like React or Vue) on every project, so I started creating these components. This way it is more flexible and convenient for me, because I don't have an opportunity to always use Node.js and to build projects in module bundlers (like Webpack). There are a lot of small buisinesses that use php or other server programming languages. And there is less entry threshold in using native web components, than in frontend frameworks.

To make web-components more comfortable, I used the lit library. It adds some syntactic sugar to skip the boilerplate and other useful features on top of standard web-components. You don't need to build or compile code. It is progressive enhancement and already ready to use.

There is no minify version. I use these components for my work and I want keep it in a readable state. You can minify files in your project if you want.

How to install dependency

There are two ways to install and use these components:

First way

In html document declare script tag with the importmap type. And after that paste the script with components. In html file

<script type="importmap">
    "imports": {
      "lit": ""
<script defer type='modal' src='web-component-path'></script>

In js file

import {LitElement, html, css} from 'lit';

Second way

Just declare the dependency right in the js file. In html file

<script defer type='modal' src='web-component-path'></script>

In js file

import {LitElement, html, css} from '';

// here component code...

How to use components

Generally web component consists of three elements:

  1. component tag (<my-modal></my-modal>)
  2. attributes (to control modal: <my-modal opened></my-modal>)
  3. entries (pasted into <slot>...elements</slot> element);

There is an example:

<my-modal opened>
  <div slot='modal-header'>
    <!-- elements -->
    <!-- elements -->

In this example I use the slot attribute to place an element to a certain place in the web component In the web component it looks like this:

<slot name='modal-header'></slot> <!-- there will be "<div slot='modal-header'>" -->
<slot></slot> <!-- there will be other no named elements -->

For more examples you can explore the code of web components.

Also some web components can trigger custom events. For example, a modal component triggers opened and closed events. You can set a listener to the web component and get data from event.detail.

document.querySelector('p-modal').addEventListener('opened', (event) => {

How to style components

In the web components you can give an access to contol styles. And there are two main ways to do it.

  1. use global css custom properties inside the web component
  2. declare in a web component part attribute and style it from css using ::part() function


First way

Global styles

:root {
  --button-bg-color: #fff;

Web component style

.button {
  background-color: var(--button-bg-color, #000);

Second way

Web component html

<button part='button'>Click me!</button>

Global styles

::part(button) {
  background-color: #fff;

Important! When page is loading and js file with web component code have not executed yet, you will face to FOAC (flash of unstyled content). And for a moment you will see usual html inside web-component. Here is an example:

    <option value="first">
      first option
    <option value="second">
      second option
    <option value="third">
      third option

In this example a browser starts rendering usual select. And when js code executes, select will be replaced by stylized web-component. Try it and you will see. To avoid it, you should add these lines to css:

:not(:defined) {
  opacity: 0;

Instead the opacity property you can use another way to hide an element. It will select all undefined web components on the page and hide them until web components initialize.

Other information

For more comfortable using web components, vs code has two plugins: lit-plugin and lit-html

Also you can download basic-template files and make from them snippets for your IDE.



Interactive example

Path to component code

  <select> <!-- ::part(custom-select__list) -->
    <option value="first"> <!-- ::part(custom-select__trigger) -->
      first option
    <option value="second">
      second option
    <option value="third">
      third option


attribute description default value
needsearch add search field for filtering options false


event description return
change triggering when a custom option is clicked and chosen clicked element with data- attributes


css-property description default value
--border-color border color of list, options and search #eee
--hover-color background-color when option is hovered #eee
--arrow-color background-color when option is hovered #000
--element-padding padding of a trigger, a search field and options 1rem
--font-size font size of all elements 1rem
--top-list-offset top list offset from top of a trigger element 3rem

Multiple select

Interactive example

Path to component code


attribute description default value
nostyle remove default styles and add an opportunity to style tabs by own false
delimiter character to concatenate multiple values ','
<p-multiple-select delimiter="|">
  <select name="select" slot="select">
    <option selected value="1">
      Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Perferendis sapiente quos sequi?
    <option selected value="2">
      Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.
    <option disabled value="3">
      Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Blanditiis repellat asperiores vel aliquam quis, exercitationem itaque! Earum nulla a eius!
    <option value="4">
    <option value="5">


Interactive example

Path to component code

There is a focus trap in this component for more a11y. The modal adds to the root html element class p-block after opening. You can add blocking styles to your css code if you want. Like html.p-block { overflow: hidden }.

You can place this modal element to any DOM node and don't think about positions of parent nodes, their z-indexes. Script will teleport a modal content to the end of the body.


event description return
opened triggering when a modal is opened slotted element named 'modalContent'
closed triggering when a modal is closed slotted element named 'modalContent'


part description
::part(modal-close) to style a modal close button
  <!-- your own button to open a modal -->
  <button slot="openModal">open</button> 

  <!-- place for the modal content -->
  <div slot="modalContent" class="slotted"> 
      <input type="text" name="name">
      <input type="text" name="lastname">
      <input type="submit" value="submit">


Interactive example

Path to component code


attribute description default value
opened you can use this attribute to control state of the loader component false
custom you can paste your loader html with styles (see the below example) false


css-property description default value
--loader-overlay-color background color of the overlay #0000006b
--spiner-color color of spiner elements #fff
<p-loader custom opened>
  <div name='custom'>
    <!-- your loader -->


Interactive example

Path to component code


attribute description default value
nocollapse prevent closing all accordion elements, when one element is chosen false
nostyle remove default styles and add an opportunity to style tabs by own false


part description
::part(p-trigger) to style trigger buttons
::part(p-content) to style content parts
<p-accordion nocollapse>
  <div slot="list">
    <button p-trigger>
      Lorem, ipsum dolor.
      <div p-content>
        Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Non delectus, quidem dolores veniam eveniet rerum a dolorum vero explicabo? Rerum eligendi asperiores ducimus iure velit! Ratione quas dolor amet facilis?
    <button p-trigger>
      Lorem, ipsum dolor.
      <div p-content>
        Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Non delectus, quidem dolores veniam eveniet rerum a dolorum vero explicabo? Rerum eligendi asperiores ducimus iure velit! Ratione quas dolor amet facilis?
    <button p-trigger>
      Lorem, ipsum dolor.
      <div p-content>
        Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Non delectus, quidem dolores veniam eveniet rerum a dolorum vero explicabo? Rerum eligendi asperiores ducimus iure velit! Ratione quas dolor amet facilis?


Interactive example

Path to component code

Attributes (main tag)

attribute description default value
nostyle remove default styles and add an opportunity to style tabs by own false
accordiononmobile change tabs to accordion on mobile screen size (mobilemedia attribute) false
mobilemedia set mobile media size for transforming tabs to accordion 480


part description
::part(p-trigger) to style trigger buttons
::part(p-content) to style content parts


css-property description default value
--custom-main-color background color of triggers and content #eee
--custom-padding padding of triggers and content 1rem
  <div slot="list">
    <button p-trigger>
      <!-- tab title -->
    <div p-content>
      <!-- tab content -->
    <button p-trigger>
      <!-- tab title -->
    <div p-content>
      <!-- tab content -->
    <button p-trigger>
      <!-- tab title -->
    <div p-content>
      <!-- tab content -->


Interactive example

Path to component code

This component without any styling. It just a wrapper for a form. Needs to create a simple validation.

Attributes (main tag)

attribute description default value
successtext (required) text that will appear when the form will be successfully validated and send data to the server ''
failtext (required) text that will appear when the form will not send data to the server ''
backendhandler path to form handler on the server look note 1 ''

Attributes (field tag) - all required

attribute description
data-validate it needs if you want to validate a field
data-type types to validate a field value in different way
data-errormessage the message that set to a parent label tag property data-error (see examples link above how to stylize it)


event description return
afterSuccessValidation example triggered when form validation is succeeded object reference look note 2

Validation types:

  • text (check if a field value is empty)
  • tel (check if a phone value is numbers and consists of 11 numbers)
  • email (check if a email value fits the pattern)
  • checkbox (check if a checkbox is checked)
Form note 1

Backend handler have to return json object with answer property (success|fail):

  "answer": "success",
  // other your props

If backend handler didn't specified you can handle `afterSuccessValidation` event and make your custom form handler.
Form note 2

Object reference with fields:

  form: this.form, // reference to the current form
Form note 3

Event catching example:

  <form class='myForm'>
   <!-- fields -->
  const form = document.querySelector('.myForm')

  form.addEventListener('afterSuccessValidation', (event) => {
    // if backend handler is empty, there will be your form handler logic

IMPORTANT! - any input field must be wrapped by label tag to validate fields properly.

    successtext="Everything is fine" 
    failtext="We have a dangerous situation here" 
          data-errormessage="field should not be emtpy" 
          data-errormessage="phone is incorrect" 
          data-errormessage="email is incorrect" 
          data-errormessage="email is incorrect" 
        <span>Please, agree with our policy</span>
      <input type="submit" value="confirm">

Infinite marquee

Interactive example

Path to component code


attribute description default value
acceleration moving marquee speed 1
gap distance between elements 20
direction move direction `toRight toLeft`
fps framerate 60

IMPORTANT! If you past an image to marquee component, set width and height to this image. To prevent layout shift.

<p-infinite-marquee fps="30" acceleration="3" direction="toRight">
  <p slot="content">Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.</p>