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DOOBNet: Deep Object Occlusion Boundary Detection from an Image (arXiv) accepted by ACCV2018[Oral]

Created by Guoxia Wang.


Object occlusion boundary detection is a fundamental and crucial research problem in computer vision. This is challenging to solve as encountering the extreme boundary/non-boundary class imbalance during training an object occlusion boundary detector. In this paper, we propose to address this class imbalance by up-weighting the loss contribution of false negative and false positive examples with our novel Attention Loss function. We also propose a unified end-to-end multi-task deep object occlusion boundary detection network (DOOBNet) by sharing convolutional features to simultaneously predict object boundary and occlusion orientation. DOOBNet adopts an encoder-decoder structure with skip connection in order to automatically learn multi-scale and multi-level features. We significantly surpass the state-of-the-art on the PIOD dataset (ODS F-score of .702) and the BSDS ownership dataset (ODS F-score of .555), as well as improving the detecting speed to as 0.037s per image on the PIOD dataset.


If you find DOOBNet useful in your research, please consider citing:

  Title = {DOOBNet: Deep Object Occlusion Boundary Detection from an Image},
  Author = {Guoxia Wang and XiaoChuan Wang and Frederick W. B. Li and Xiaohui Liang},
  Journal = {arXiv preprint arXiv:1806.03772},
  Year = {2018}


Here, we assume that you locate in the DOOBNet root directory $DOOBNET_ROOT.

If you want to run our DOOBNet quickly, you need to download our trained model from DOOBNet PIOD and save the doobnet_piod.caffemodel to $DOOBNET_ROOT/examples/doobnet/Models/. Then move to the folder and run the python demo script.

cd $DOOBNET_ROOT/examples/doobnet

Data Preparation

PASCAL Instance Occlusion Dataset (PIOD)

You may download the dataset original images from PASCAL VOC 2010 and annotations from here. Then you should copy or move JPEGImages folder in PASCAL VOC 2010 and Data folder and val_doc_2010.txt in PIOD to data/PIOD/. You will have the following directory structure:

|_ Data
|  |_ <id-1>.mat
|  |_ ...
|  |_ <id-n>.mat
|_ JPEGImages 
|  |_ <id-1>.jpg
|  |_ ...
|  |_ <id-n>.jpg
|_ val_doc_2010.txt

Now, you can use data convert tool to augment and generate HDF5 format data for DOOBNet.

mkdir data/PIOD/Augmentation

python doobscripts/ \
--dataset PIOD \
--label-dir data/PIOD/Data \
--img-dir data/PIOD/JPEGImages \
--piod-val-list-file data/PIOD/val_doc_2010.txt \
--output-dir data/PIOD/Augmentation

BSDS ownership

For BSDS ownership dataset, you may download the dataset original images from BSDS300 and annotations from here. Then you should copy or move BSDS300 folder in BSDS300-images and trainfg and testfg folder in BSDS_theta to data/BSDSownership/. And you will have the following directory structure:

|_ trainfg
|  |_ <id-1>.mat
|  |_ ...
|  |_ <id-n>.mat
|_ testfg
|  |_ <id-1>.mat
|  |_ ...
|  |_ <id-n>.mat
|_ BSDS300
|  |_ images
|     |_ train
|        |_ <id-1>.jpg
|        |_ ...
|        |_ <id-n>.jpg
|     |_ ...
|  |_ ...

Note that BSDS ownership's test set are split from 200 train images (100 for train, 100 for test). More information you can check ids in trainfg and testfg folder and ids in BSDS300/images/train folder, or refer to here

Run the following code for BSDS ownership dataset.

mkdir data/BSDSownership/Augmentation

python doobscripts/ \
--dataset BSDSownership \
--label-dir data/BSDSownership/trainfg \
--img-dir data/BSDSownership/BSDS300/images/train \
--bsdsownership-testfg data/BSDSownership/testfg \
--output-dir data/BSDSownership/Augmentation 


Firstly, you need to download the Res50 weight file from Res50 and save resnet50.caffemodel to the folder $DOOBNET_ROOT/models/resnet/.

PASCAL Instance Occlusion Dataset (PIOD)

For training DOOBNet on PIOD training dataset, you can run:

cd $DOOBNET_ROOT/examples/doobnet/PIOD


When training completed, you need to modify model = '../Models/doobnet_piod.caffemodel' in and then run python to get the results on PIOD testing dataset. For comparation, you can also download our trained model from DOOBNet PIOD.

BSDS ownership

For training DOOBNet on BSDS ownership, you can refer the manner as same as PIOD dataset above. You can download trained DOOBNet on BSDS ownership from here DOOBNet BSDSownership.


Here we provide the PIOD and the BSDS ownership dataset's evaluation and visualization code in doobscripts folder.

Note that you need to config the necessary paths or variables. More information please refers to doobscripts/

To run the evaluation:

run doobscripts/evaluation/EvaluateOcc.m


For visualization, to run the script:

run doobscripts/visulation/PlotAll.m

Third-party re-implementations

  1. Tensorflow, Attention Loss: code. Thanks for Guo Rui's contribution!