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This document provides an overview of the different documentation sources to support the XYZ/MAPP project.


The document for the xyz repository landing page is the primary entry point to provide an overview of the project.

Supporting documents for the project LICENCE, in regards to CONTRIBUTING to the project, DEVELOPING, and our CODE_OF_CONDUCT can be found alongside this document in the XYZ repository root directory.


The XYZ repository wiki is intended as a place for workshops, getting started guidelines, process environment and workspace configuration references.


XYZ/MAPP source code is annotated via JSDoc markup language.

We are using the clean-jsdoc-theme which is installed as one of the devDependencies.

The script to build the docs requires the jsdoc_mapp.json and jsdoc_xyz.json config files in the root directory. The script can be executed with npm run generate-docs.

The documentation pages are generated in the local /docs directory. The docs directory is [git] ignored will be built in an automated action.

The built documentation pages can be accessed via the repositories github pages.

MAPP library modules are accessed through


JSDoc comments for modules must include the module path as title and any @requires linking the page to other pages in the docs directory.

A small description should be provided to outline the module's purpose.

## /user/auth

The auth module is required by the XYZ API for request authorization.

A user_sessions{} object is declared in the module to store user sessions.

@requires module:/user/acl
@requires module:/user/fromACL
@requires jsonwebtoken

@module /user/auth


Comments for functions begin with the @function tag. Functions should not be anonymous. @async functions should be commented as such.

Each function comment should include an @description tag. It is recommended to use a new line for multiline descriptions.

The @param tag list should include only params used as function arguments.

Parameter properties should be included if used in the method. Any optional [property] are marked in square brackets.

A global typedef should be created for common Mapp objects.

The @return comment tag should state whether a promise is returned which may return an Error object, eg. @returns {Promise<Object|Error>}

@function fromACL

Creates a request object for the getUser(request) method argument.
The and request.password are taken from the req.body or authorization header.

@param {Object} req The request object.
@property {string} [] The email address of the user.
@property {string} [req.body.password] The password of the user.
@property {string} [req.params.language] The language for the user.
@property {Object} req.headers The request headers.
@property {string} [req.headers.authorization] The authorization header containing the email and password.

@returns {Promise<Object|Error>}
Validated user object or an Error if authentication fails.

Decorator methods

Decorator methods should always return a typedef.

@deprecated methods

Functions no longer in use but kept with a warning for legacy configurations should be marked as @deprecated.

@function Style

The deprectaed mapp.layer.Style() method will warn if use and return the featureStyle() method which supersedes the Style() method.

@param {Object} layer 

@return {Function} featureStyle

function Style(layer) {
  console.warn(`The mapp.layer.Style() method has been superseeded by the mapp.layer.featureStyle() method.`)
  return featureStyle(layer)

@typedef [GLOBAL]

Mapp type object should be defined as global typedefs.

Typedef properties should be defined as typedef using a dash naming convention. eg. The style object property of a layer typedef will be defined as layer-style, the theme object of a layer-style typedef will be type defined as layer-style-theme.

@typedef {Object} layer
A mapp-layer object is a decorated JSON layer object which has been added to a mapview.
@property {boolean} display Whether the layer should be displayed.
@property {layer-style} style The mapp-layer style configuration.
@property {layer-cluster} [cluster] Point layer cluster configuration.


The link tag creates an inline link element which can be used to create a link inline the description.

The link can reference a module and it's inline members like methods. {@link module:/location/decorate~flyTo}


An @example does not require a code block [```JS] definition. At examples should be reserved for codepen examples which can be run. Code blocks should be used for code syntax highlighting in the rendered markdown.

/docs express route

The /docs express route can be used to preview the built pages on http://localhost:3000/docs/

docs in vscode

  • Docs can also be previewed right in vsdocs by right clicking on any .html page in the docs directory. This will provide a live working preview of the docs in the editor.
  • You will need an extension written by microsoft called Live Preview