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This section includes information on Umbraco security, it's various security options and configuring how authentication & authorization works in Umbraco

Umbraco Security overview

We have a dedicated security page on our main site which provides most of the details you may need to know about security within the Umbraco CMS including how to report a vulnerability:


We highly encourage the use of HTTPS on Umbraco websites especially in production environments. By using HTTPS you greatly improve the security of your website. There are several benefits of HTTPS:

  • Trust - when your site is delivered over HTTPS your users will see that your site is secured, they are able to view the certificate assigned to your site and know that your site is legitimate
  • Removing an attack vector called "Man in the middle" (or network Sniffing)
  • Gaurds against Phishing, an attacker will have a hard time obtaining an authentic SSL certificate
  • Google likes HTTPS, it may help your site's rankings

Another benefits of HTTPS is that you are able to use the http2 protocol if your web server and browser support it.

UseSSL configuration option

Umbraco allows you to force SSL/HTTPS for all back office communications very easily but using the following appSettings configuration:

<add key="umbracoUseSSL" value="true" />

This options does several things when it is turned on:

  • Ensures that the back office authentication cookie is set to secure only (so it can only be transmitted over https)
  • All non-https requests to any back office controller is redirected to https
  • All self delivered Umbraco requests (i.e. scheduled publishing, keep alive, etc...) are performed over https
  • All Umbraco notification emails with links generated have https links
  • All authorization attempts for back office handlers and services will be denied if the request is not over https

Once you enable HTTPS for your site you should redirect all requests to your site to HTTPS, this can be done with an IIS rewrite rule. The IIS rewrite module needs to be installed for this to work, most hosting providers will have that enabled by default.

In your web.config find or add the <system.webServer><rewrite><rules> section and put the following rule in there. This rule will redirect all requests for the site URL to the secure URL and respond with a permanent redirect status.

<rule name="HTTP to HTTPS redirect" stopProcessing="true">
	<match url="(.*)" />
		<add input="{HTTPS}" pattern="off" ignoreCase="true" />
		<add input="{HTTP_HOST}" pattern="localhost" negate="true" />
	<action type="Redirect" url="https://{HTTP_HOST}/{R:1}" redirectType="Permanent" />

Note that the rule includes an ignore for locahost. If you run your local environment on a different URL than localhost you can add additional ignore rules. Additionally, if you have a staging environment that doesn't run on HTTPS, you can add that to the ignore rules too.

Back office users

Applies to version 7.3.1 and newer

Authentication for back office users in Umbraco uses ASP.Net Identity which is a very flexible and extensible framework for authentication.

Out of the box Umbraco ships with a custom ASP.Net Identity implementation which uses Umbraco's database data. Normally this is fine for most Umbraco developers but in some cases the authentication process needs to be customized. ASP.Net Identity can be easily extended by using custom OAuth providers which is helpful if you want your users to authenticate with a custom OAuth provider like Azure Active Directory, or even Google accounts. ASP.Net identity is also flexible enough for you to override/replace any part of the process of authentication.

Custom OAuth providers

The Umbraco back office supports custom OAuth providers for performing authentication of your users. For example: Any OpenIDConnect provider such as Azure Active Directory or Identity Server, Google, Facebook, Microsoft Account, etc...

To install and configure a custom OAuth provider you should use the Identity Extensions package:

The installation of these packages will install snippets of code with readme files on how to get up and running. Depending on the provider you've configured and it's caption/color, the end result will look similar to:

OAuth login screen

Auto-linking accounts

Traditionally a back office user will need to exist first and then that user can link their user account to an OAuth account in the back office, however in many cases the identity server you choose will be the source of truth for all of your users. In this case you would want to be able to create user accounts in your identity server and then have that user given access to the back office without having to create the user in the back office first. This is done via auto-linking. There are auto-link options you can specify for your OAuth provider (see for other details).

Here's an example of specifying auto link options for your OAuth provider:

//create the options, all parameters are optional but if you wish to enable
//any auto-linking, the autoLinkExternalAccount parameter must be true
var autoLinkOptions = new ExternalSignInAutoLinkOptions(
	defaultUserType: "editor", 
	defaultCulture: "en-US");

//an optional callback you can specify to give you more control over how the 
//back office user is created (auto-linked)
autoLinkOptions.OnAutoLinking = (BackOfficeIdentityUser user, ExternalLoginInfo info) =>
	//this callback will execute when the user is being auto-linked but before it is created
	//so you can modify the user before it's persisted


Replacing the basic username/password check

Having the ability to simply replace the logic to validate a username and password against a custom data store is important to some developers. Normally in ASP.Net Identity this would require you to override the UmbracoBackOfficeUserManager.CheckPasswordAsync implementation and then replace the UmbracoBackOfficeUserManager with your own class during startup. Since this is a common task we've made this process a lot easier with an interface called IBackOfficeUserPasswordChecker.

Here are the steps to specify your own logic for validating a username and password for the back office:

  1. Install the UmbracoIdentityExtensions package

  2. Create an implementation of Umbraco.Core.Security.IBackOfficeUserPasswordChecker

    • There is one method in this interface: Task<BackOfficeUserPasswordCheckerResult> CheckPasswordAsync(BackOfficeIdentityUser user, string password);
    • The result of this method can be 3 things:
      • ValidCredentials = The credentials entered are valid and the authorization should proceed
      • InvalidCredentials = The credentials entered are not valid and the authorization process should return an error
      • FallbackToDefaultChecker = This is an optional result which can be used to fallback to Umbraco's default authorization process if the credentials could not be verified by your own custom implementation

    For example, to always allow login when the user enters the password test you could do:

     using System.Threading.Tasks;
     using Umbraco.Core.Models.Identity;
     using Umbraco.Core.Security;
     namespace MyNamespace
         public class MyPasswordChecker : IBackOfficeUserPasswordChecker
             public Task<BackOfficeUserPasswordCheckerResult> CheckPasswordAsync(BackOfficeIdentityUser user, string password)
                 var result = (password == "test") 
                     ? Task.FromResult(BackOfficeUserPasswordCheckerResult.ValidCredentials)
                     : Task.FromResult(BackOfficeUserPasswordCheckerResult.InvalidCredentials);
                 return result;
  3. Modify the ~/App_Start/UmbracoCustomOwinStartup.cs class

    • Replace the app.ConfigureUserManagerForUmbracoBackOffice call with a custom overload to specify your custom IBackOfficeUserPasswordChecker

        var applicationContext = ApplicationContext.Current;
        app.ConfigureUserManagerForUmbracoBackOffice<BackOfficeUserManager, BackOfficeIdentityUser>(
            (options, context) =>
                var membershipProvider = Umbraco.Core.Security.MembershipProviderExtensions.GetUsersMembershipProvider().AsUmbracoMembershipProvider();
                var userManager = BackOfficeUserManager.Create(options, 
                //Set your own custom IBackOfficeUserPasswordChecker   
                userManager.BackOfficeUserPasswordChecker = new MyPasswordChecker();
                return userManager;
  4. Make sure to switch the owin:appStartup appSetting in your web.config file to use UmbracoCustomOwinStartup: <add key="owin:appStartup" value="UmbracoCustomOwinStartup"/>

Note: if the username entered in the login screen does not exist in Umbraco then MyPasswordChecker() does not run, instead Umbraco will immediately fall back to it's internal checks (default Umbraco behavior).

Authenticating with Active Directory credentials

Umbraco 7.5.0+ comes with a built-in IBackOfficeUserPasswordChecker for Active Directory: Umbraco.Core.Security.ActiveDirectoryBackOfficeUserPasswordChecker.

To configure Umbraco to use ActiveDirectoryBackOfficeUserPasswordChecker, first install the Umbraco Identity Extensibility package:

Install-Package UmbracoCms.IdentityExtensions

Then modify ~/App_Start/UmbracoStandardOwinStartup.cs to override UmbracoStandardOwinStartup.Configuration like so:

public override void Configuration(IAppBuilder app)
    //ensure the default options are configured
    // active directory authentication
    app.ConfigureUserManagerForUmbracoBackOffice<BackOfficeUserManager, BackOfficeIdentityUser>(
        (options, context) =>
            var userManager = BackOfficeUserManager.Create(
            userManager.BackOfficeUserPasswordChecker = new ActiveDirectoryBackOfficeUserPasswordChecker();
            return userManager;

The ActiveDirectoryBackOfficeUserPasswordChecker will look in appSettings for the name of your domain. Add this setting to Web.config:

  	<add key="ActiveDirectoryDomain" value="mydomain.local" />

Finally, to use your UmbracoStandardOwinStartup class during startup, add this setting to Web.config:

  	<add key="owin:appStartup" value="UmbracoStandardOwinStartup" />

Note: if the username entered in the login screen does not already exist in Umbraco then ActiveDirectoryBackOfficeUserPasswordChecker() does not run. Umbraco will fall back to the default authentication.

How to configure Umbraco to run on a FIPS compliant server.