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Build instructions for Windows

This page describes all necessary steps to build the Firestorm viewer for Windows. For building instructions up to (and including) release 6.5.3, see the archived version for building with Python 2.7.


Please note that we do not give support for compiling the viewer on your own. However, there is a self-compilers group in Second Life that can be joined to ask questions related to compiling the viewer: Firestorm Self Compilers


With the merge of Linden Lab release 6.6.16 it is NOT possible to create 32bit builds anymore! Only 64bit builds are possible going forward!

Install required development tools

This is needed for compiling any viewer based on the Linden Lab open source code and only needs to be done once.

All installations are done with default settings (unless told explicitly) - if you change that, you're on your own!


  • Install Windows 10/11 64bit using your own product key

Microsoft Visual Studio 2022

  • Install Visual Studio 2022
    • Run the installer as Administrator (right click, "Run as administrator")
    • Check "Desktop development with C++" on the "Workloads" tab.
    • All other workload options can be unchecked


If you don't own a copy of a commercial edition of Visual Studio 2022 (e.g. Professional), you might consider installing the Community version

Tortoise Git

  • Download and install TortoiseGit 2.9.0 or newer (64bit)
  • Note: No option available to install as Administrator
  • Use default options (path, components etc.) for Tortoise Git itself
  • At some point, it will ask you to download and install Git for Windows
    • You can install with default options EXCEPT when it asks for "Configuring the line endings conversion": You MUST select "Checkout as-is, commit as-is" here!


  • Download and install at least CMake 3.16.0
    • Note: No option available to install as Administrator
    • At the "Install options" screen, select "Add CMake to the system PATH for all users"
    • For everything else, use the default options (path, etc.)
    • Make sure that the following directory was added to your path: For the 32bit version: C:\Program Files (x86)\CMake\bin For the 64bit version: C:\Program Files\CMake\bin


  • Download and install Cygwin 64 (64bit)
    • Run the installer as Administrator (right click, "Run as administrator")
    • Use default options (path, components etc.) until you get to the "Select Packages" screen
    • Add additional packages:
      • Devel/patch
    • Use default options for everything else
    • Make sure that the following directory was added to your path and that it is placed before "%SystemRoot%\system32": C:\Cygwin64\bin


  • Download and install the most recent version of Python 3
    • Run the installer as Administrator (right click, “Run as administrator”)
    • Tick "Add Python 3.10 to PATH"
    • Choose the "Customize Installation" option.
      • Make sure that "pip" is ticked.
      • "Documentation", "tcl/tk and IDLE", "Python test suite" and "py launcher" are not needed to compile the viewer but can be selected if you wish.
      • On the next screen, the correct options should already be ticked.
      • Set custom install location to: C:\Python3
    • Make sure that the following directory was added to your path: C:\Python3


On Windows 10/11, you also might want to disable the app alias for Python. Open the Windows settings app, search for "Manage app execution aliases" and disable the alias for "python3.exe"

Intermediate check

Confirm things are installed properly so far by opening a Cygwin terminal and enter:

cmake --version
git --version
python --version
pip --version

If they all report sensible values and not "Command not found" errors, then you are in good shape.


The Cygwin terminal is only needed for testing. All commands for actually building the viewer will be run from the Windows command shell.

Set up Autobuild

  • Install Autobuild You can install autobuild and its dependencies using the requirements.txt file that is part of the repo, this will build using the same versions that our official builds use.
    • Open Windows Command Prompt and enter: pip install -r requirements.txt
    • Autobuild will be installed. Earlier versions of Autobuild could be made to work by just putting the source files into your path correctly; this is no longer true - Autobuild must be installed as described here.
    • Open Windows Command Prompt and enter: pip install git+
  • Set environment variable AUTOBUILD_VSVER to 170 (170 = Visual Studio 2022).
  • Check Autobuild version to be "autobuild 3.8" or higher: autobuild --version


  • If you plan to package the viewer and create an installer file, you must install the NSIS from the official website.
  • Not required unless you need to build an actual viewer installer for distribution, or change the NSIS installer package logic itself


If you want to package the viewer built on a revision prior to the Bugsplat merge, you must install the Unicode version of NSIS from here - the installer from the NSIS website WILL NOT work!

Setup viewer build variables

In order to make it easier to build collections of related packages (such as the viewer and all the library packages that it imports) with the same compilation options, Autobuild expects a file of variable definitions. This can be set using the environmenat variable AUTOBUILD_VARIABLES_FILE.

  • Clone the build variables repository: git clone <path-to-your-variables-file>
  • Set the environment variable AUTOBUILD_VARIABLES_FILE to <path-to-your-variables-file>\variables

Configure Visual Studio 2022 (optional)

  • Start the IDE
  • Navigate to Tools > Options > Projects and Solutions > Build and Run and set maximum number of parallel projects builds to 1.

Set up your source code tree

Plan your directory structure ahead of time. If you are going to be producing changes or patches you will be cloning a copy of an unaltered source code tree for every change or patch you make, so you might want to have all this work stored in its own directory. If you are a casual compiler and won't be producing any changes, you can use one directory. For this document, it is assumed that you created a folder c:\firestorm.

cd \firestorm
git clone

Prepare third party libraries

Most third party libraries needed to build the viewer will be automatically downloaded for you and installed into the build directory within your source tree during compilation. Some need to be manually prepared and are not normally required when using an open source configuration (ReleaseFS_open).


If you are manually building the third party libraries, you will have to build the correct version (32bit libraries for a 32bit viewer, 64bit versions for a 64bit viewer)!

FMOD Studio using Autobuild

If you want to use FMOD Studio to play sounds within the viewer, you will have to download your own copy. FMOD Studio can be downloaded here (requires creating an account to access the download section).


Make sure to download the FMOD Studio API and not the FMOD Studio Tool!

cd \firestorm
git clone
  • After you have cloned the repository, copy the downloaded FMOD Studio installer file into the root of the repository
  • Make sure to modify the file in the root of the repository and set the correct version number based on the version you downloaded. Right at the top, you find the version number of FMOD Studio you want to package (one short version without separator and one long version):

Continue on the Windows command line:

cd \firestorm\3p-fmodstudio
autobuild build -A 64 --all
autobuild package -A 64 --results-file result.txt

While running the Autobuild build command, Windows might ask if you want to allow making changes to the computer. This is because of the FMOD Studio installer being executed. Allow these changes to be made.

Near the end of the output you will see the package name written:

wrote  C:\firestorm\3p-fmodstudio\fmodstudio-{version#}-windows64-{build_id}.tar.bz2''

where {version#} is the version of FMOD Studio (like 2.01.02) and {build_id} is an internal build id of the package. Additionally, a file result.txt has been created containing the md5 hash value of the package file, which you will need in the next step.

cd \firestorm\phoenix-firestorm
cp autobuild.xml my_autobuild.xml
set AUTOBUILD_CONFIG_FILE=my_autobuild.xml

Copy the FMOD Studio path and md5 value from the package process into this command:

autobuild installables edit fmodstudio platform=windows64 hash=<md5 value> url=file:///<fmodstudio path>

For example:

autobuild installables edit fmodstudio platform=windows64 hash=a0d1821154e7ce5c418e3cdc2f26f3fc url=file:///C:/firestorm/3p-fmodstudio/fmodstudio-2.01.02-windows-192171947.tar.bz2


Having to copy autobuild.xml and modify the copy from within a cloned repository is a lot of work for every repository you make, but this is the only way to guarantee you pick up upstream changes to autobuild.xml and do not send up a modified autobuild.xml when you do a git push.

Configuring the viewer

Open the Windows command prompt.

If you are building with FMOD Studio and have followed the previous FMOD Studio setup instructions AND you are now using a new terminal you will need to reset the environment variable first by entering

set AUTOBUILD_CONFIG_FILE=my_autobuild.xml

Then enter:

cd \firestorm\phoenix-firestorm
autobuild configure -A 64 -c ReleaseFS_open

This will configure Firestorm to be built with all defaults and without third party libraries.

Available premade firestorm-specific build targets:

ReleaseFS           (includes KDU, FMOD)
ReleaseFS_open      (no KDU, no FMOD)
RelWithDebInfo_open (no KDU, no FMOD)


Configuring the viewer for the first time will take some time to download all the required third-party libraries. The download progress is hidden by default. If you want to watch the download progress, you can use the verbose option to display a more detailed output: autobuild configure -A 64 -v -c ReleaseFS_open

Configuration switches

There are a number of switches you can use to modify the configuration process. The name of each switch is followed by its type and then by the value you want to set.

  • -A <architecture> sets the target architecture, that is if you want to build a 32bit or 64bit viewer (32bit is default if omitted).
  • --fmodstudio controls if the FMOD Studio package is incorporated into the viewer. You must have performed the FMOD Studio installation steps in FMOD Studio using Autobuild for this to work.
  • --package makes sure all files are copied into viewers output directory. You won't be able to start your compiled viewer if you don't enable package or do 'compile' it in VS.
  • --chan <channel name> lets you define a custom channel name for the viewer
  • -LL_TESTS:BOOL=<bool> controls if the tests are compiled and run. There are quite a lot of them so excluding them is recommended unless you have some reason to need one or more of them.


OFF and NO are the same as FALSE; anything else is considered to be TRUE


  • To build a 64bit viewer with FMOD Studio and to create an installer package, run this command in the Windows command window: autobuild configure -A 64 -c ReleaseFS_open -- --fmodstudio --package --chan MyViewer -DLL_TESTS:BOOL=FALSE

  • To build a 64bit viewer without FMOD Studio and without installer package, run this command: autobuild configure -A 64 -c ReleaseFS_open -- --chan MyViewer -DLL_TESTS:BOOL=FALSE

Building the viewer

There are two ways to build the viewer: Via Windows command line or from within Visual Studio.

Building from the Windows command line

If you are building with FMOD Studio and have followed the previous FMOD Studio setup instructions AND you are now using a new terminal you will need to reset the environment variable with

set AUTOBUILD_CONFIG_FILE=my_autobuild.xml

Then run the Autobuild build command. Make sure you include the same architecture parameter you used while configuring the viewer:

autobuild build -A 64 -c ReleaseFS_open --no-configure

Compiling will take quite a bit of time.

Building from within Visual Studio

Inside the Firestorm source folder, you will find a folder named build-vc170-<architecture>, with <architecture> either being 32 or 64, depending on what you chose during the configuration step. Inside the folder is the Visual Studio solution file for Firestorm, called Firestorm.sln.

  • Double-click Firestorm.sln to open the Firestorm solution in Visual Studio.
  • From the menu, choose Build -> Build Solution
  • Wait until the build is finished


SystemRootsystem32: unbound variable

When trying to execute the Autobuild build command, you might encounter an error similar to

../ line 200: SystemRootsystem32: unbound variable

This error is caused by the order of the items in the Windows "path" environment variable. Autobuild exports all paths set in the "path" environment variable into Cygpath names and variables. Since these Windows "paths" can also contain variables like %SystemRoot% and they can also depend on each other, it is important to keep the dependency order intact. Example:


Make sure the ones mentioned are the first items set in the "path" environment variable.