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Jackson Release 2.8

Tatu Saloranta edited this page Sep 12, 2019 · 85 revisions

Version 2.8 was released 4th of July, 2016.

2.8 branch is closed and no new releases are planned: it is possible that micro-patch releases could be made but no full release.


Beyond initial 2.8.0 (described here), following patch releases have been made or are planned:

At this point branch is not open any more (that is, no more full patch releases are planned). As usual, micro-patches possible after this point for individual components: these may be made for critical security or stability issues.

Following micro-patches have been released:

  • jackson-databind (11-Feb-2018)
    • #1872: NullPointerException in SubTypeValidator.validateSubType when validating Spring interface
    • #1899: Another two gadgets to exploit default typing issue in jackson-databind
    • #1931: Two more c3p0 gadgets to exploit default typing issue
  • jackson-databind (08-Jun-2018)
    • #1941: TypeFactory.constructFromCanonical() throws NPE for Unparameterized generic canonical strings
    • #2032: CVE-2018-11307: Potential information exfiltration with default typing, serialization gadget from MyBatis
    • #2052: CVE-2018-12022: Block polymorphic deserialization of types from Jodd-db library
    • #2058: CVE-2018-12023: Block polymorphic deserialization of types from Oracle JDBC driver
  • jackson-databind (23-Nov-2018)
    • #2097: Block more classes from polymorphic deserialization (CVE-2018-14718 - CVE-2018-14721)
    • #2109: Canonical string for reference type is built incorrectly
    • #2186: Block more classes from polymorphic deserialization (CVE-2018-19360, CVE-2018-19361, CVE-2018-19362)
  • jackson-databind (25-Jul-2019)
    • #2326: Block class for CVE-2019-12086
    • #2334: Block class for CVE-2019-12384
    • #2341: Block class for CVE-2019-12814
    • #2387: Block class for CVE-2019-14379
    • #2389: Block class for CVE-2019-14439
  • jackson-module-kotlin (10-Feb-2018)
    • Upgrade to work Kotlin 1.2(.21)

and the latest jackson-bom that contains the very latest set including above micro-patches is:

JDK Compatibility

JDK compatibility changed since Jackson 2.7 so that

  • JDK baseline: JDK 7 (up from JDK 6 for 2.7)
  • JDK 6 still for: jackson-annotations, jackson-core
  • JDK 8 still for: Java 8 - specific modules (Java 8 datatypes, parameter names, date/time)

New Modules, status changes

Dataformat: Java Properties

First official version of!

Datatypes: JAX-RS 2 types module

A minor inclusion within JAX-RS providers sub-project, there is now jackson-datatype-jaxrs module, which adds support for compact serialization of

Possible maintenance changes

Support: following modules may become "unsupported" if no maintainers are found:

  • Hibernate
  • JSON Schema

Additionally, following modules are looking for more developers:

  • Date/time modules (JSR-310, Joda)

(note: a new owner was found for Scala module so it is not at risk)

Changes: compatibility

All language features (and Throwable.addSuppressed() for try-catch) of Java 7 will become available for components other than jackson-annotations and jackson-core (streaming). Bytecode target level is now 1.7, so that jar CAN NOT be used on JDK 6 any more, JDK 7 is required. This means that for Android 4, API-level 19 (Android 4.4?) is needed (see this SO entry for details)

Despite initial plans, 2.8 does NOT contain any of Java 8 features embedded, partly due to problems ensuring that Creator handling works without backwards compatibility issues. Creator handling is hoped to be rewritten in 2.9, at which point inclusion could be reconsidered.

Other changes that may have compatibility consequences:

  • Databind:
    • Changes to many JsonMappingException, due to unified handling as part of improvements to DeserializationProblemHandler, including changes to wording of exception message. Code that relies on exact exception message wording of earlier versions may not match new wording. We will try to minimize wording changes going forward; 2.8 should be the new stable baseline
  • JAX-RS:
    • To resolve issue #22 (see below) will remove @JsonProvider annotation from ExceptionMappers, to make it possible to omit mappers Jackson provides. But this will also mean that anyone relying on automatic registration of these mappers via classpath introspection will be missing mappers.
  • XML
    • Made Woodstox Maven dependency compile (instead of test), since Woodstox is superior for XML handling compared to JDK-bundled default Stax implementation.
      • Should not cause significant behavioral changes -- especially no changes to the logical XML content produced -- but may change some aspects like choice of default namespace prefixes, or choice of empty vs open/close tags, or optional escaping, and thereby break unit tests that use exact String comparison for results
  • YAML
    • SnakeYAML dependency not shaded any more (see #31); also now wraps all SnakeYAML exceptions as regular Jackson exceptions
  • JDK types
    • java.nio.Path serialization slightly changed, as per #1235, to support wider range of possible paths.

Major features of 2.8

Configuration Overrides

One major improvement area that was not tackled in 2.7 was the ability to specify per-type configuration settings for things like formatting and serialization inclusion, such that settings:

  1. Do override global defaults (such as default date format)
  2. Are based on declared property type
  3. May be further overridden by per-property annotations (direct or mix-ins)

Some examples include:

  • Ability to specify DateFormat to use only for java.util.Date but not Java 8 or Joda date types (or vice versa)
  • Ability to specify that every String[] valued property allows "deserialize single value as Array"
  • Inclusion criteria for POJO type MyType so that properties with that type are not included if they are null
  • Enable "ignore unknown properties" for LooseType-valued properties
  • Specify InternalType as "ignored type", similar to having been annotated with @JsonIgnoreType

Chosen implementation mechanism is the new "type config overrides" mechanism, which may be used like so

ObjectMapper mapper = ...;

to handle the last listed use case: in this case, make sure that all properties of type Wrapped will be excluded from serialization and deserialization.

Other examples include:


This new "configuration override" mechanism supports a subset of Class annotations, and does not yet have anything for per-property annotations. It should, however, be relatively straight-forward to extend similar approach to overrides of actual property. Loose equivalence is included for following annotation types:

  • @JsonFormat
  • @JsonInclude
  • @JsonIgnoreType
  • @JsonIgnoreProperties

Major additions to DeserializationProblemHandler

(and related changes in DeserializationContext)

One are of improvement that was added recently (and not "inherited" from 2.7) is that of explicit error recovery. Jackson already had pluggable handler, DeserializationProblemHandler for application code to use, but it only contained one handling method (handleUnknownProperty) and was only capable of recovering from that one type of issue.

With 2.8 things were radically refactored to add following handler methods:

  • handleWeirdKey: called when key for Map valued property can not be mapped to expected key type
  • handleWeirdStringValue: called when specific JSON String can not be deserialized into value, in cases where other String values are acceptable
  • handleWeirdNumberValue: called when specific JSON Number can not be deserialized into value, in cases where other String values are acceptable
  • handleUnexpectedToken: called when specific JsonToken is not of supported type for target Java type (like START_ARRAY for Java String
  • handleInstantiationProblem / handleMissingInstantiator: when either call via constructor/factory method failed, or no instantiator was available
  • handleUnknownTypeId: called when Type Id (for polymorphic deserialization) can not be converted (missing mapping, for example)

These methods will get invoked via DeserializationContext that has similarly named methods that are called by actual deserializers; support for handling therefore requires some co-operation of deserializer implementations.

Handler methods may try to recover from the failure (either for full processing, or to keep track of all failure types), or provide more meaningful exception messages based on contextual information. It is possible that with future versions we may try to add some form of "do not fail on first problem", aggregation of multiple failures, but with 2.8 this is just foundational support for building such support externally.

Parser support DataInput source (for some formats)

One potentially significant improvement is possibility of using as input source. Due to strict limitations with look-ahead, this input source can only be supported for some formats; and with 2.8 following formats now support it:

  • JSON

In addition it seems plausible that at least following format backends may be retrofitted if there is demand:

  • Avro
  • CBOR
  • Smile
  • XML (but only theoretically as this requires XML parser support)

As to others, following are unlikely to be supported due to format limitations:

  • Protobuf (no framing for main-level records)
  • CSV, Properties, YAML (similarly open-ended, no end marker)

Generator support for DataOutput

As opposed to DataInput, adding ability to write using DataOutput is trivial, so support has been added for all backends

Generator support for "array writes": int[], long[], double[]

Since some binary data formats have optimized handling for things like packed numeric arrays, a small set of extension methods (name writeArray()) were added in JsonGenerator, along with default implementation that simply delegates to matching write methods.

But for a small set of dataformats:

  • CBOR
  • Protobuf
  • Smile

additional support was included to make actual operation significantly more efficient (and in case of CBOR, also uses definite count arrays instead of start/end marker). These methods may be called directly (when working directly on Streaming API), but they are also used for properties with value of:

  • int[]
  • long[]
  • double[]

In addition it would be possible to add explicit support for Avro backend; and if/when CBOR specification is augmented with support for "packed arrays", jackson-dataformat-cbor may be augmented to make use of such format improvement.

Postponed Features (at least until 2.9)

Version 2.7 version had ambitious goals, but many of features originally planned had to be postponed to ensure that the main features started could be completed in time. Some of these features did not make it into 2.8 either; here's an overview.

Per-property "merge" option

Currently all property values are newly created "virgin" Objects. But sometimes it would be useful to see if property already had a default value (set by parent POJO in constructor, typically), and if so, modify that value.

Attempt will be made to include this in 2.9.

Add per-property custom Serialization Inclusion mechanism

While it is possible to use @JsonInclude on properties, all choices use pre-defined rules; or, in case of NON_EMPTY (and by extension, NON_ABSENT) require matching JsonSerializer.isEmpty(...) to be implemented.

But it should be possible to have a simpler external exclusion handling. This could work by adding support for something like:

public class POJO {
  @JsonInclude(value=Include.MATCHING, matcher=MyMatcher.class)
  public Value value;

where an instance of MyMatcher will be created, and for each property value, MyMatchr.equals() is called to see if value matches: if it does (return true), value will be included; if not (false), it will be excluded.

Such an approach has the main benefit that since Object.equals() is defined for all types, no new types (interface, class) are needed. We can also easily use something like Void.class as the default value.

There are drawbacks as well:

  1. No context object can be passed so determination must be context-free (note: annotation types also can not refer to DatabindContext, so context, if any, would need to be untyped as well)
  2. Use of equals() is an abuse of semantics of the method.

Another approach would be to just create a new interface to fix the issues. Perhaps that makes more sense.

Attempt will be made to include this in 2.9.

Allow pre-defining Object Ids; pluggable Object Id converters?

One of the things that has turned out problematic is resolution of Object References via Object Ids. There are a few improvements that could be considered:

  1. Allow pre-defining set of Object Id to instance mappings
  2. Allow custom resolution of Object Id references to instances

Fix Creator introspection

Although the hope was to add support for "annotation-less" constructors in 2.6, via implied naming, it turned out that there was one remaining big stumbling block: too-late discovery of "creator-capable" constructors.

Basically while it is possible to detect constructors that may act as Creators, due to all parameters having implicit names, this detection happens too late in processing: currently candidate properties (getters, setters, fields, constructor parameters) are collected first, and during this phase, only explicitly annotation constructors are considered. At a later point, all constructors are scanned again, and they are matched to properties that are backed by constructor. But "implied" creators found at this point can not be matched to properties, since they were not constructed during initial pass.

So discovery needs to be rewritten to either make implied-creator detection happen earlier altogether, or to speculative add properties from constructors first, and then decide which constructor, if any, is the primary; properties attached to other constructors will then be trimmed. Either way could potentially work; neither is trivially easy to implement.

Attempt will be made to include this in 2.9.

Protobuf: Schema generation from POJO, building by hand

Protobuf support added in 2.6 was planned to allow 3 methods for defining protoc schema:

  1. Read from an external representation (File, String)
  2. Generate from POJO
  3. Create programmatically

but due to schedule, only (1) was initially included. 2.8 does include (2), but (3) is still missing.

Change list

Changes, core

  • #65: Add new choice for JsonFormat.Shape, NATURAL
  • #79: Change @JsonTypeInfo.defaultImpl default value to deprecate JsonTypeInfo.None.class
  • #83: Add @JsonEnumDefaultValue for indicating default enum choice if no real match found
  • #87: Add @JsonEnumDefaultValue for indicating default enum choice if no real match found
  • #95: Add JsonFormat.Feature#ADJUST_DATES_TO_CONTEXT_TIME_ZONE
  • #86: Allow inclusion of request body for JsonParseException
  • #117: Add JsonParser.Feature.ALLOW_MISSING_VALUES to support for missing values
  • #136: Add JsonpCharacterEscapes for easier handling of potential problems with JSONP and rare but technically allowed \u2028 and \u2029 linefeed characters
  • #253: Add JsonGenerator. writeEmbeddedObject() to allow writes of opaque native types
  • #257: Add writeStartObject(Object pojo) to streamline assignment of current value
  • #265: JsonStringEncoder should allow passing CharSequence
  • #276: Add support for serializing using
  • #277: Add new scalar-array write methods for int/long/double cases
  • #279: Support DataInput for parsing
  • #280: Add JsonParser.finishToken() to force full, non-lazy reading of current token
  • #281: Add JsonEOFException as sub-class of JsonParseException
  • #282: Fail to report error for trying to write field name outside Object (root level)
  • #285: Add JsonParser.getText(Writer)
  • #290: Add JsonGenerator.canWriteFormattedNumbers() for introspection
  • #294: Add JsonGenerator.writeFieldId(long) method to support binary formats with non-String keys
  • #296: JsonParserSequence skips a token on a switched Parser
  • [#621](../../jackson-databind/issues/621]: Allow definition of "ignorable types" without annotation (using Mapper.configOverride(type).setIsIgnoredType(true)
  • #867: Support SerializationFeature.WRITE_EMPTY_JSON_ARRAYS for JsonNode
  • #903: Add JsonGenerator reference to SerializerProvider
  • #931: Add new method in Deserializers.Base to support ReferenceType
  • #960: @JsonCreator not working on a factory with no arguments for an enum type
  • #990: Allow failing on null values for creator (add DeserializationFeature.FAIL_ON_NULL_CREATOR_PROPERTIES)
  • #1017: Add new mapping exception type ('InvalidTypeIdException') for subtype resolution errors
  • #1028: Ignore USE_BIG_DECIMAL_FOR_FLOATS for NaN/Infinity
  • #1047: Allow use of @JsonAnySetter on a Map-valued field, no need for setter
  • #1082: Can not use static Creator factory methods for Enums, with JsonCreator.Mode.PROPERTIES
  • #1084: Change TypeDeserializerBase to take JavaType for defaultImpl, not Class
  • #1126: Allow deserialization of unknown Enums using a predefined value (annotated with @JsonEnumDefaultValue)
  • #1136: Implement TokenBuffer.writeEmbeddedObject(Object)
  • #1184: Allow overriding of transient with explicit inclusion with @JsonProperty
  • #1207: Add new method(s) in DeserializationProblemHandler to allow handling of format mismatch problems
  • #1221: Use Throwable.addSuppressed() directly and/or via try-with-resources
  • #1232: Add support for JsonFormat.Feature.ACCEPT_CASE_INSENSITIVE_PROPERTIES
  • #1233: Add support for JsonFormat.Feature.WRITE_SORTED_MAP_ENTRIES
  • #1235: java.nio.file.Path support incomplete
  • #22: Remove @Provider annotation from JsonParseExceptionMapper and JsonMappingExceptionMapper
  • #48: Support compact serialization of, deserialization
  • #82: Upgrade JAX-RS dependency to 2.0

Changes, datatypes

  • #78: output LocalDate JSON Schema format as DATE
  • #80: Add Support for JsonFormat.Feature.ADJUST_DATES_TO_CONTEXT_TIME_ZONE
  • #83: WRITE_DATES_WITH_ZONE_ID feature not working when applied on @JsonFormat annotation
  • #87: Add support for JsonFormat.Feature.ADJUST_DATES_TO_CONTEXT_TIME_ZONE

Changes, data formats

  • #16: Implement JsonGenerator.writeArray() methods added in jackson-core
  • #17: Support parsing of BigInteger, BigDecimal, not just generating
  • #18: Fail to report error for trying to write field name outside Object (root level)
  • #24: Incorrect coercion for int-valued Map keys to String
  • #: Fail to report error for trying to write field name outside Object (root level)
  • #196: Mixed content not supported if there are child elements
  • #31: SnakeYAML is shaded and pulled in transitively)
  • #60: YAML serializer reports wrong exception

Changes, Jackson jr

  • #43: Add convenience read method (treeFrom()) for reading trees via JSON
  • #26: Allow use of public fields for getting/setting values

Changes, Kotlin Module

  • Update to Kotlin 1.0.3
  • #26: Default values for primitive parameters
  • #29: Problems deserializing object when default values for constructor parameters are used
  • Added checks explicitly for nullable values being used in constructor or creator static methods to not allow NULL values into non-nullable types
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