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Pradeeban Kathiravelu edited this page Nov 4, 2021 · 26 revisions

History of Niffler

Niffler uses major and minor versions to track its progress and significant updates. Pre-releases are typically released off of the dev branch. They are marked as α in the release notes. Other releases are stable releases and are typically released from the main branch.


  • An experimental NifTi extraction module
  • An experimental Workflows module


  • RTA Extraction module
  • SUVPaR for scanner utilization visualization as a new module


  • Front-end as a service
  • Support a CFIND-ONLY mode for cold-extraction for <PatientID,StudyInstanceUID>, <PatientID,AccessionNumber> extractions.

Niffler-0.8.1 α

  • Support a CFIND-ONLY mode for cold-extraction PatientID-based extractions.


  • Support on-demand extractions based on any 1, 2, or 3 DICOM keywords that support C-FIND and C-MOVE at study level.
  • Not backward-compatible with the previous versions of Niffler's cold-extraction.


  • Refactor cold-extraction to eliminate code duplication.

Niffler-0.7.4 α

  • Refactor meta-extraction module for the experimental test framework.
  • Refactor png-extraction to eliminate code duplication.

Niffler-0.7.3 α

  • Front-end for cold-extraction.

Niffler-0.7.2 α

  • An experimental test framework.
  • An experimental rta-extraction module.
  • Bug-fixes to 0.7.1 png-extraction.

Niffler-0.7.1 α

  • Front-end module with an experimental front-end for png-extraction.
  • An admin mode in the front-end to create accounts.


  • Fix metadata extractor progress tracking.
  • Enhancements to png-extraction
  • Cold-extraction gets cli arguments.
  • Scanner utilization gets an Eaglescope dashboard


  • Add call to process join and close to make sure pool is terminated in png-extraction.

Niffler-0.6.7 α

  • Fix some corner cases on image extraction module in parallel processing.

Niffler-0.6.6 α

  • DICOM Anonymization as the 5th module of Niffler (along with the existing modules: app-layer, cold-extraction, meta-extraction, and png-extraction).

Niffler-0.6.5 α

  • Dicom-anonymization as an experimental module.
  • Sanity check for empty csv entries.


  • Cold-extraction with <EMPI>.


  • Fixes real-time extraction with private tags for scanner utilization project.


  • An installation script for Niffler.

Niffler-0.6.1 α

  • Png-extraction with both 16 and 8 bit.


  • Enable private tag extraction for meta-extraction.


  • Ability to extract from the tag for meta-extraction.


  • Anonymize the file name in png-extraction.
  • Enable flexible hierarchy for the storage of png-extraction.


  • Refactor png-extractor


  • Make split into chunks in png-extraction a configurable parameter.

Niffler-0.4.7 α

  • Optimizations to the png-extraction module.


  • Make the number of processes for the png-extraction configurable.


  • An email sender to inform the completion of cold-extraction and png-extraction.


  • Skip accessions with no valid EMPI.


  • Refactor meta-extraction and png-extraction.

Niffler-0.4.2 α

  • Distributed version of png-extraction with slurm and multiple local processes.
  • Remove hard-coded values from meta-extraction


  • Pickle with a human-readable protocol for png-extraction.


  • Refactor module structure to follow Apache Maven 3 folder style.


  • Allow safe parallel executions of on-demand extraction.


  • More descriptive error logs


  • Automatically stop the on-demand extraction processes when the retrieval is complete.


  • Bug fixes


  • A night-only mode for on-demand extractions
  • Refactor cold-extraction module

Niffler-0.1.1 α

  • On-demand extraction extended to include date-based extractions, <EMPI, date>

Niffler-0.1.0 α

  • Starts from 0.1.0 (rather than 0.0.1) as this is a direct import from an existing Sharmalab private repository.
  • First Alpha Release as a public repository.
  • meta-extraction module for real-time DICOM receiver based on DCM4CHE storescp and pydicom.
  • cold-exraction module for on-demand DICOM receiver with <EMPI, Accession> or <Accession>
  • png-extraction module based on pydicom to convert DICOM to PNG.
  • Scanner utilization scripts
  • Scanner clock-calibration scripts
  • IVC Filter scripts
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