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187 lines (163 loc) · 9.4 KB

File metadata and controls

187 lines (163 loc) · 9.4 KB


Access input properties using args.inputs.

Properties Description
last_active This function returns the last active input which will be set to either :keyboard, :mouse, or :controller. The function is helpful when you need to present on screen instructions based on the input the player chose to play with.
locale Returns the ISO 639-1 two-letter langauge code based on OS preferences. Refer to the following link for locale strings: Defaults to "en" if locale can't be retrieved (args.inputs.locale_raw will be nil in this case).
up Returns true if: the up arrow or w key is pressed or held on the keyboard; or if up is pressed or held on controller_one; or if the left_analog on controller_one is tilted upwards.
down Returns true if: the down arrow or s key is pressed or held on the keyboard; or if down is pressed or held on controller_one; or if the left_analog on controller_one is tilted downwards.
left Returns true if: the left arrow or a key is pressed or held on the keyboard; or if left is pressed or held on controller_one; or if the left_analog on controller_one is tilted to the left.
right Returns true if: the right arrow or d key is pressed or held on the keyboard; or if right is pressed or held on controller_one; or if the left_analog on controller_one is tilted to the right.
left_right Returns -1 (left), 0 (neutral), or +1 (right) depending on results of args.inputs.left and args.inputs.right. Example: args.state.player[:x] += args.inputs.left_right * args.state.speed
up_down Returns -1 (down), 0 (neutral), or +1 (up) depending on results of args.inputs.down and args.inputs.up. Example: args.state.player[:y] += args.inputs.up_down * args.state.speed
text Returns a string that represents the last key that was pressed on the keyboard.

last_active Example

def tick args
  if args.inputs.last_active == :controller
    args.outputs.labels << { x: 60, y: 60, text: "Use the D-Pad to move around." }
    args.outputs.labels << { x: 60, y: 60, text: "Use the arrow keys to move around." }


Represents the user's mouse. Accessed using args.inputs.mouse.

Properties Description
has_focus Return's true if the game has mouse focus.
x Returns the current x location of the mouse.
y Returns the current y location of the mouse.
moved Returns true if the mouse has moved on the current frame.
button_left Returns true if the left mouse button is down.
button_middle Returns true if the middle mouse button is down.
button_right Returns true if the right mouse button is down.
button_bits Returns a bitmask for all buttons on the mouse: 1 for a button in the down state, 0 for a button in the up state.
wheel Represents the mouse wheel. Returns nil if no mouse wheel actions occurred. Otherwise args.inputs.mouse.wheel will return a Hash with x, and y (representing movement on each axis).
click OR down, previous_click, up The properties args.inputs.mouse.(click|down|previous_click|up) each return nil if the mouse button event didn't occur. And return an Entity that has an x, y properties along with helper functions to determine collision: inside_rect?, inside_circle. This value will be true if any of the mouse's buttons caused these events. To scope to a specific button use .button_left, .button_middle, .button_right, or .button_bits.
Methods Arguments Description
inside_rect? rec Return. args.inputs.mouse.inside_rect? takes in any primitive that responds to x, y, w, h
inside_circle? center_point, radius Returns true if the mouse is inside of a specified circle. args.inputs.mouse.inside_circle? takes in any primitive that responds to x, y (which represents the circle's center), and takes in a radius.


The following touch apis are available on touch devices (iOS, Android, Mobile Web, Surface). Touch properties are accessed directly from args.inputs.

Properties Description
touch Returns a Hash representing all touch points on a touch device.
finger_left Returns a Hash with x and y denoting a touch point that is on the left side of the screen.
finger_right Returns a Hash with x and y denoting a touch point that is on the right side of the screen.


Represents controllers connected to the usb ports. Accessed using args.inputs.controller_one through args.inputs.controller_four.

Properties Description
active Returns true if any of the controller's buttons were used.
up Returns true if up is pressed or held on the directional or left analog.
down Returns true if down is pressed or held on the directional or left analog.
left Returns true if left is pressed or held on the directional or left analog.
right Returns true if right is pressed or held on the directional or left analog.
left_right Returns -1 (left), 0 (neutral), or +1 (right) depending on results of args.inputs.controller_(one-four).left and args.inputs.controller_(one-four).right.
up_down Returns -1 (down), 0 (neutral), or +1 (up) depending on results of args.inputs.controller_(one-four).up and args.inputs.controller_(one-four).down.
(left right)_analog_x_raw
(left right)_analog_y_raw
(left right)_analog_x_perc
(left right)_analog_y_perc
directional_up Returns true if up is pressed or held on the directional.
directional_down Returns true if down is pressed or held on the directional.
directional_left Returns true if left is pressed or held on the directional.
directional_right Returns true if right is pressed or held on the directional.
( a| b| x| y| l1| r1| l2| r2| l3| r3| start| select ) Returns true if the specific button is pressed or held.
truthy_keys Returns a collection of Symbols that represent all keys that are in the pressed or held state.
key_down Returns true if the specific button was pressed on this frame. args.inputs.controller_(one-four).key_down.BUTTON will only be true on the frame it was pressed.
key_held Returns true if the specific button is being held. args.inputs.controller_(one-four).key_held.BUTTON will be true for all frames after key_down (until released).
key_up Returns true if the specific button was released. args.inputs.controller_(one-four).key_up.BUTTON will be true only on the frame the button was released.


Represents the user's keyboard. Accessed using args.inputs.keyboard.

Properties Description
active Returns true if any keys on the keyboard were pressed.
has_focus Returns true if the game has keyboard focus.
up Returns true if up or w is pressed or held on the keyboard.
down Returns true if down or s is pressed or held on the keyboard.
left Returns true if left or a is pressed or held on the keyboard.
right Returns true if right or d is pressed or held on the keyboard.
left_right Returns -1 (left), 0 (neutral), or +1 (right) depending on results of args.inputs.keyboard.left and args.inputs.keyboard.right.
up_down Returns -1 (left), 0 (neutral), or +1 (right) depending on results of args.inputs.keyboard.up and args.inputs.keyboard.up.

keyboard properties

The following properties represent keys on the keyboard and are available on args.inputs.keyboard.KEY, args.inputs.keyboard.key_down.KEY, args.inputs.keyboard.key_held.KEY, and args.inputs.keyboard.key_up.KEY:

  • alt
  • meta
  • control
  • shift
  • ctrl_KEY (dynamic method, eg args.inputs.keyboard.ctrl_a)
  • exclamation_point
  • zero - nine
  • backspace
  • delete
  • escape
  • enter
  • tab
  • (open|close)_round_brace
  • (open|close)_curly_brace
  • (open|close)_square_brace
  • colon
  • semicolon
  • equal_sign
  • hyphen
  • space
  • dollar_sign
  • double_quotation_mark
  • single_quotation_mark
  • backtick
  • tilde
  • period
  • comma
  • pipe
  • underscore
  • a - z
  • w_scancode (key location for w in WASD layout across regions)
  • a_scancode (key location for a in WASD layout across regions)
  • s_scancode (key location for s in WASD layout across regions)
  • d_scancode (key location for d in WASD layout across regions)
  • shift_left
  • shift_right
  • control, ctrl
  • contro_left, ctrl_left
  • contro_right, ctrl_right
  • alt, option
  • alt_left, option_left
  • alt_right, option_right
  • meta, command
  • meta_left, command_left
  • meta_right, command_right
  • left_arrow, left
  • right_arrow, right
  • up_arrow, up
  • down_arrow, down
  • pageup
  • pagedown
  • char
  • plus
  • at
  • forward_slash
  • back_slash
  • asterisk
  • less_than
  • greater_than
  • carat
  • ampersand
  • superscript_two
  • circumflex
  • question_mark
  • section_sign
  • ordinal_indicator
  • raw_key (unique numeric identifier for key)
  • left_right
  • up_down
  • directional_vector
  • truthy_keys (array of Symbols)


Returns a Hash with all keys on the keyboard in their respective state. The Hash contains the following keys

  • :down
  • :held
  • :down_or_held
  • :up