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Build Server Protocol

This document is the specification of the Build Server Protocol (BSP).

Edits to this specification can be made via a pull request against this markdown document, see "edit" button at the top of this page on the website.


The goal of BSP is to reduce the effort required by tooling developers to integrate between available IDEs and build tools. Currently, every IDE must implement a custom integration for each supported build tool in order to extract information such as source directory layouts or compiler options. Likewise, new build tools are expected to integrate with all available IDEs. The growing number of IDEs and build tools in the wider programming community means tooling developers spend a lot of time working on these integrations.

The Build Server Protocol defines common functionality that both build tools (servers) and IDEs (clients) understand. This common functionality enables tooling developers to provide their end users the best developer experience while supporting build tools and language servers with less effort and time.


The Build Server Protocol takes inspiration from the Language Server Protocol (LSP). Unlike in the Language Server Protocol, the language server or IDE is referred to as the “client” and a build tool such as sbt/Gradle/Bazel is referred to as the “server”.

The best way to read this document is by considering it as a wishlist from the perspective of an IDE developer.

The code listings in this document are written using TypeScript syntax. Every data strucuture in this document has a direct translation to JSON and Protobuf.

Relationship with LSP

BSP can be used together with LSP in the same architecture. The diagram below illustrates an example how an LSP server can also act as a BSP client.

BSP can also be used without LSP. In the example above, IntelliJ acts as a BSP client even if IntelliJ does not use LSP.


The Build Server Protocol is not an approved standard. Everything in this document is subject to change and open for discussions, including core data structures.

The creation of BSP clients and servers is under active development.

In the clients space, IntelliJ has been the first language server to implement BSP. The integration is available in the nightly releases of the Scala plugin. Other language servers, like Dotty IDE and scalameta/metals, are currently working or planning to work on a BSP integrations.

On the server side,

We're looking for third parties that implement BSP natively in other build tools such as Gradle.

The Build Server Protocol has been designed to be language-agnostic. We're looking for ways to collaborate with other programming language communities and build tool authors.

The best way to share your thoughts on the Build Server Protocol or to get involved in its development is to open an issue or pull request to this repository. Any help on developing integrations will be much appreciated.

Base protocol

The base protocol is identical to the language server base protocol. See for more details.

Like the language server protocol, the build server protocol defines a set of JSON-RPC request, response and notification messages which are exchanged using the base protocol.

Basic Json Structures

In addition to basic data structures in the General section of the Language Server Protocol, the Build Server Protocol defines the following additional data structures.

Build Target

Build target contains metadata about an artifact (for example library, test, or binary artifact). Using vocabulary of other build tools:

  • sbt: a build target is a combined project + config. Example:
    • a regular JVM project with main and test configurations will have 2 build targets, one for main and one for test.
    • a single configuration in a single project that contains both Java and Scala sources maps to one BuildTarget.
    • a project with crossScalaVersions 2.11 and 2.12 containing main and test configuration in each will have 4 build targets.
    • a Scala 2.11 and 2.12 cross-built project for Scala.js and the JVM with main and test configurations will have 8 build targets.
  • Pants: a pants target corresponds one-to-one with a BuildTarget
  • Bazel: a bazel target corresponds one-to-one with a BuildTarget

The general idea is that the BuildTarget data structure should contain only information that is fast or cheap to compute.

export interface BuildTarget {
  /** The target’s unique identifier */
  id: BuildTargetIdentifier;

  /** A human readable name for this target.
   * May be presented in the user interface.
   * Should be unique if possible.
   * The id.uri is used if None. */
  displayName?: String;

  /** The directory where this target belongs to. Multiple build targets are allowed to map
   * to the same base directory, and a build target is not required to have a base directory.
   * A base directory does not determine the sources of a target, see buildTarget/sources. */
  baseDirectory?: Uri;

  /** Free-form string tags to categorize or label this build target.
   * For example, can be used by the client to:
   * - customize how the target should be translated into the client's project model.
   * - group together different but related targets in the user interface.
   * - display icons or colors in the user interface.
   * Pre-defined tags are listed in `BuildTargetTag` but clients and servers
   * are free to define new tags for custom purposes.
  tags: String[];

  /** The capabilities of this build target. */
  capabilities: BuildTargetCapabilities;

  /** The set of languages that this target contains.
   * The ID string for each language is defined in the LSP. */
  languageIds: String[];

  /** The direct upstream build target dependencies of this build target */
  dependencies: BuildTargetIdentifier[];

  /** Kind of data to expect in the `data` field. If this field is not set, the kind of data is not specified. */
  dataKind?: String;

  /** Language-specific metadata about this target.
   * See ScalaBuildTarget as an example. */
  data?: any;

export namespace BuildTargetDataKind {
  /** The `data` field contains a `ScalaBuildTarget` object. */
  export const Scala = "scala";

  /** The `data` field contains a `SbtBuildTarget` object. */
  export const Sbt = "sbt";

export namespace BuildTargetTag {
  /** Target contains re-usable functionality for downstream targets. May have any
   * combination of capabilities. */
  export const Library = "library";

  /** Target contains source code for producing any kind of application, may have
   * but does not require the `canRun` capability. */
  export const Application = "application";

  /** Target contains source code for testing purposes, may have but does not
   * require the `canTest` capability. */
  export const Test = "test";

  /** Target contains source code for integration testing purposes, may have
   * but does not require the `canTest` capability.
   * The difference between "test" and "integration-test" is that
   * integration tests traditionally run slower compared to normal tests
   * and require more computing resources to execute.
  export const IntegrationTest = "integration-test";

  /** Target contains source code to measure performance of a program, may have
   * but does not require the `canRun` build target capability.
  export const Benchmark = "benchmark";

  /** Target should be ignored by IDEs. */
  export const NoIDE = "no-ide";

  /** Actions on the target such as build and test should only be invoked manually
   * and explicitly. For example, triggering a build on all targets in the workspace
   * should by default not include this target.
   * The original motivation to add the "manual" tag comes from a similar functionality
   * that exists in Bazel, where targets with this tag have to be specified explicitly
   * on the command line.
  export const Manual = "manual";

export interface BuildTargetCapabilities {
  /** This target can be compiled by the BSP server. */
  canCompile: Boolean;
  /** This target can be tested by the BSP server. */
  canTest: Boolean;
  /** This target can be run by the BSP server. */
  canRun: Boolean;
  /** This target can be debugged by the BSP server. */
  canDebug: Boolean;

Build Target Identifier

A unique identifier for a target, can use any URI-compatible encoding as long as it is unique within the workspace. Clients should not infer metadata out of the URI structure such as the path or query parameters, use BuildTarget instead.

export interface BuildTargetIdentifier {
  /** The target’s Uri */
  uri: Uri;

Task Id

The Task Id allows clients to uniquely identify a BSP task and establish a client-parent relationship with another task id.

export interface TaskId {
  /** A unique identifier */
  id: String;

  /** The parent task ids, if any. A non-empty parents field means
   * this task is a sub-task of every parent task id. The child-parent
   * relationship of tasks makes it possible to render tasks in
   * a tree-like user interface or inspect what caused a certain task
   * execution. */
  parents?: String[];

Status Code

Included in notifications of tasks or requests to signal the completion state.

export namespace StatusCode {
  /** Execution was successful. */
  export const Ok = 1;
  /** Execution failed. */
  export const Error = 2;
  /** Execution was cancelled. */
  export const Cancelled = 3;


/**  A resource identifier that is a valid URI according
 * to rfc3986: * */
type Uri = String;

Actual Protocol

Unlike the language server protocol, the build server protocol does not support dynamic registration of capabilities. The motivation for this change is simplicity. If a motivating example for dynamic registration comes up this decision can be reconsidered. The server and client capabilities must be communicated through the initialize request.

Server Lifetime

Like the language server protocol, the current protocol specification defines that the lifetime of a build server is managed by the client (e.g. a language server like Dotty IDE). It is up to the client to decide when to start (process-wise) and when to shutdown a server.

Initialize Build Request

Like the language server protocol, the initialize request is sent as the first request from the client to the server. If the server receives a request or notification before the initialize request it should act as follows:

  • For a request the response should be an error with code: -32002. The message can be picked by the server.

  • Notifications should be dropped, except for the exit notification. This will allow the exit of a server without an initialize request.

Until the server has responded to the initialize request with an InitializeBuildResult, the client must not send any additional requests or notifications to the server.


  • method: ‘build/initialize’

  • params: InitializeBuildParams defined as follows

export interface InitializeBuildParams {
  /** Name of the client */
  displayName: String;

  /** The version of the client */
  version: String;

  /** The BSP version that the client speaks */
  bspVersion: String;

  /** The rootUri of the workspace */
  rootUri: Uri;

  /** The capabilities of the client */
  capabilities: BuildClientCapabilities;

  /** Additional metadata about the client */
  data?: any;

export interface BuildClientCapabilities {
  /** The languages that this client supports.
   * The ID strings for each language is defined in the LSP.
   * The server must never respond with build targets for other
   * languages than those that appear in this list. */
  languageIds: String[];


  • result: InitializeBuildResult defined as follows
export interface InitializeBuildResult {
  /** Name of the server */
  displayName: String;

  /** The version of the server */
  version: String;

  /** The BSP version that the server speaks */
  bspVersion: String;

  /** The capabilities of the build server */
  capabilities: BuildServerCapabilities;

  /** Additional metadata about the server */
  data?: any;

export interface BuildServerCapabilities {
  /** The languages the server supports compilation via method buildTarget/compile. */
  compileProvider?: CompileProvider;

  /** The languages the server supports test execution via method buildTarget/test */
  testProvider?: TestProvider;

  /** The languages the server supports run via method buildTarget/run */
  runProvider?: RunProvider;

  /** The languages the server supports debugging via method debugSession/start */
  debugProvider?: DebugProvider;

  /** The server can provide a list of targets that contain a
   * single text document via the method buildTarget/inverseSources */
  inverseSourcesProvider?: Boolean;

  /** The server provides sources for library dependencies
   * via method buildTarget/dependencySources */
  dependencySourcesProvider?: Boolean;

  /** The server cam provide a list of dependency modules (libraries with meta information)
   * via method buildTarget/dependencyModules */
  dependencyModulesProvider?: Boolean;

  /** The server provides all the resource dependencies
   * via method buildTarget/resources */
  resourcesProvider?: Boolean;

  /** Reloading the build state through workspace/reload is supported */
  canReload?: Boolean

  /** The server sends notifications to the client on build
   * target change events via buildTarget/didChange */
  buildTargetChangedProvider?: Boolean;

export interface CompileProvider {
  languageIds: String[];

export interface RunProvider {
  languageIds: String[];

export interface DebugProvider {
  languageIds: String[];

export interface TestProvider {
  languageIds: String[];

Clients can use these capabilities to notify users what BSP endpoints can and cannot be used and why.

Initialized Build Notification

Like the language server protocol, the initialized notification is sent from the client to the server after the client received the result of the initialize request but before the client is sending any other request or notification to the server. The server can use the initialized notification for example to initialize intensive computation such as dependency resolution or compilation. The initialized notification may only be sent once.


  • method: ‘build/initialized’
  • params: InitializedBuildParams defined as follows
export interface InitializedBuildParams {}

Shutdown Build Request

Like the language server protocol, the shutdown build request is sent from the client to the server. It asks the server to shut down, but to not exit (otherwise the response might not be delivered correctly to the client). There is a separate exit notification that asks the server to exit.


  • method: build/shutdown
  • params: null


  • result: null
  • error: code and message set in case an exception happens during shutdown request.

Exit Build Notification

Like the language server protocol, a notification to ask the server to exit its process. The server should exit with success code 0 if the shutdown request has been received before; otherwise with error code 1.


  • method: build/exit
  • params: null

Show message

The show message notification is sent from a server to a client to ask the client to display a particular message in the user interface.


  • method: build/showMessage
  • params: ShowMessageParams defined as follows:
export interface ShowMessageParams {
  /** The message type. See {@link MessageType}. */
  type: Int;

  /** The task id if any. */
  task?: TaskId;

  /** The request id that originated this notification. */
  originId?: String;

  /** The actual message. */
  message: String;

where MessageType is defined as follows:

export namespace MessageType {
  /** An error message. */
  export const Error = 1;
  /** A warning message. */
  export const Warning = 2;
  /** An information message. */
  export const Info = 3;
  /** A log message. */
  export const Log = 4;

A build/showMessage notification is similar to LSP's window/showMessage, except for a few additions like id and originId.

The originId field helps clients know which request originated a notification in case several requests are handled by the client at the same time. It will only be populated if the client defined it in the request that triggered this notification.

Log message

The log message notification is sent from the server to the client to ask the client to log a particular message.


  • method: ‘build/logMessage’
  • params: LogMessageParams defined as follows:
export interface LogMessageParams {
  /** The message type. See {@link MessageType} */
  type: Int;

  /** The task id if any. */
  task?: TaskId;

  /** The request id that originated this notification. */
  originId?: String;

  /** The actual message */
  message: String;

Where type is defined as build/showMessage.

A build/logMessage notification is similar to LSP's window/logMessage, except for a few additions like id and originId.

The originId field helps clients know which request originated a notification in case several requests are handled by the client at the same time. It will only be populated if the client defined it in the request that triggered this notification.

Publish Diagnostics

The Diagnostics notification are sent from the server to the client to signal results of validation runs.


  • method: build/publishDiagnostics
  • params: PublishDiagnosticsParams defined as follows:
export interface PublishDiagnosticsParams {
  /** The document where the diagnostics are published. */
  textDocument: TextDocumentIdentifier;

  /** The build target where the diagnostics origin.
   * It is valid for one text document to belong to multiple
   * build targets, for example sources that are compiled against multiple
   * platforms (JVM, JavaScript). */
  buildTarget: BuildTargetIdentifier;

  /** The request id that originated this notification. */
  originId?: String;

  /** The diagnostics to be published by the client. */
  diagnostics: Diagnostic[];

  /** Whether the client should clear the previous diagnostics
   * mapped to the same `textDocument` and `buildTarget`. */
  reset: Boolean;

where Diagnostic is defined as it is in LSP.

When reset is true, the client must clean all previous diagnostics associated with the same textDocument and buildTarget and set instead the diagnostics in the request. This is the same behaviour as PublishDiagnosticsParams in the LSP. When reset is false, the diagnostics are added to the last active diagnostics, allowing build tools to stream diagnostics to the client.

It is the server's responsibility to manage the lifetime of the diagnostics by using the appropriate value in the reset field. Clients generate new diagnostics by calling any BSP endpoint that triggers a buildTarget/compile, such as buildTarget/compile, buildTarget/test and buildTarget/run.

The optional originId field in the definition of PublishDiagnosticsParams can be used by clients to know which request originated the notification. This field will be defined if the client defined it in the original request that triggered this notification.

Workspace Build Targets Request

The workspace build targets request is sent from the client to the server to ask for the list of all available build targets in the workspace.


  • method: 'workspace/buildTargets'
  • params: WorkspaceBuildTargetsParams, defined as follows
export interface WorkspaceBuildTargetsParams {}


  • result: WorkspaceBuildTargetsResult, defined as follows
export interface WorkspaceBuildTargetsResult {
  /** The build targets in this workspace that
   * contain sources with the given language ids. */
  targets: BuildTarget[];

Reload request

The reload request is sent from the client to instruct the build server to reload the build configuration. This request should be supported by build tools that keep their state in memory. If the reload request returns with an error, it's expected that other requests respond with the previously known "good" state.


  • method: workspace/reload
  • params: null


  • result: null
  • error: code and message in case an error happens during reload. For example, when the build configuration is invalid.

Build Target Changed Notification

The build target changed notification is sent from the server to the client to signal a change in a build target. The server communicates during the initialize handshake whether this method is supported or not.


  • method: 'buildTarget/didChange'
  • params: DidChangeBuildTargetParams defined as follows:
export interface DidChangeBuildTarget {
  changes: BuildTargetEvent[];

export interface BuildTargetEvent {
  /** The identifier for the changed build target */
  target: BuildTargetIdentifier;

  /** The kind of change for this build target */
  kind?: Int;

  /** Any additional metadata about what information changed. */
  data?: any;

where the kind is defined as follows:

export namespace BuildTargetEventKind {
  /** The build target is new. */
  export const Created = 1;

  /** The build target has changed. */
  export const Changed = 2;

  /** The build target has been deleted. */
  export const Deleted = 3;

The BuildTargetEventKind information can be used by clients to trigger reindexing or update the user interface with the new information.

Build Target Sources Request

The build target sources request is sent from the client to the server to query for the list of text documents and directories that are belong to a build target. The sources response must not include sources that are external to the workspace, see buildTarget/dependencySources.

  • method: buildTarget/sources
  • params: SourcesParams
export interface SourcesParams {
  targets: BuildTargetIdentifier[];


  • result: BuildTargetSourcesResult, defined as follows
export interface SourcesResult {
  items: SourcesItem[];

export interface SourcesItem {
  target: BuildTargetIdentifier;
  /** The text documents or and directories that belong to this build target. */
  sources: SourceItem[];
  /** The root directories from where source files should be relativized.
   * Example: ["file://Users/name/dev/metals/src/main/scala"]
  roots?: Uri[];

export interface SourceItem {
  /** Either a text document or a directory. A directory entry must end with a forward
   * slash "/" and a directory entry implies that every nested text document within the
   * directory belongs to this source item.
  uri: Uri;

  /** Type of file of the source item, such as whether it is file or directory.
  kind: SourceItemKind;

  /** Indicates if this source is automatically generated by the build and is not
   * intended to be manually edited by the user. */
  generated: Boolean;

export namespace SourceItemKind {
  /** The source item references a normal file.  */
  export const File: Int = 1;
  /** The source item references a directory. */
  export const Directory: Int = 2;

Inverse Sources Request

The inverse sources request is sent from the client to the server to query for the list of build targets containing a text document. The server communicates during the initialize handshake whether this method is supported or not. This request can be viewed as the inverse of buildTarget/sources, except it only works for text documents and not directories.

  • method: textDocument/inverseSources
  • params: InverseSourcesParams, defined as follows
export interface InverseSourcesParams {
  textDocument: TextDocumentIdentifier;


  • result: InverseSourcesResult, defined as follows
export interface InverseSourcesResult {
  targets: BuildTargetIdentifier[];

Dependency Sources Request

The build target dependency sources request is sent from the client to the server to query for the sources of build target dependencies that are external to the workspace. The dependency sources response must not include source files that belong to a build target within the workspace, see buildTarget/sources.

The server communicates during the initialize handshake whether this method is supported or not. This method can for example be used by a language server on textDocument/definition to "Go to definition" from project sources to dependency sources.

  • method: buildTarget/dependencySources
  • params: DependencySourcesParams
export interface DependencySourcesParams {
  targets: BuildTargetIdentifier[];


  • result: DependencySourcesResult, defined as follows
export interface DependencySourcesResult {
  items: DependencySourcesItem[];
export interface DependencySourcesItem {
  target: BuildTargetIdentifier;
  /** List of resources containing source files of the
   * target's dependencies.
   * Can be source files, jar files, zip files, or directories. */
  sources: Uri[];

Dependency Modules Request

The build target dependency modules request is sent from the client to the server to query for the libraries of build target dependencies that are external to the workspace including meta information about library and their sources. It's an extended version of buildTarget/sources.

  • method: buildTarget/dependencyModules
  • params: DependencyModulesParams
export interface DependencyModulesParams {
  targets: BuildTargetIdentifier[];


  • result: DependencyModulesResult, defined as follows
export interface DependencyModulesResult {
  items: DependencyModulesItem[];
export interface DependencyModulesItem {
  target: BuildTargetIdentifier;
  modules: DependencyModule[];
export interface DependencyModule {
  /** Module name */
  name: String;

  /** Module version */
  version: String;

  /** Kind of data to expect in the `data` field. If this field is not set, the kind of data is not specified. */
  dataKind?: String;

  /** Language-specific metadata about this module.
   * See MavenDependencyModule as an example. */
  data?: any;

Resources Request

The build target resources request is sent from the client to the server to query for the list of resources of a given list of build targets.

A resource is a data dependency required to be present in the runtime classpath when a build target is run or executed. The server communicates during the initialize handshake whether this method is supported or not.

This request can be used by a client to highlight the resources in a project view, for example.

  • method: buildTarget/resources
  • params: ResourcesParams
export interface ResourcesParams {
  targets: BuildTargetIdentifier[];


  • result: ResourcesResult, defined as follows
export interface ResourcesResult {
  items: ResourcesItem[];
export interface ResourcesItem {
  target: BuildTargetIdentifier;
  /** List of resource files. */
  resources: Uri[];

Task Notifications

The BSP server can inform the client on the execution state of any task in the build tool. The execution of some tasks, such as compilation or tests, must always be reported by the server.

The server may also send additional task notifications for actions not covered by the protocol, such as resolution or packaging. BSP clients can then display this information to their users at their discretion.

When beginning a task, the server may send build/taskStart, intermediate updates may be sent in build/taskProgress.

If a build/taskStart notification has been sent, the server must send build/taskFinish on completion of the same task. Conversely, a build/taskFinish notification must always be sent after a build/taskStart with the same taskId was sent.

build/taskStart, build/taskProgress and build/taskFinish notifications for the same task must use the same taskId.

Tasks that are spawned by another task should reference the originating task's taskId in their own taskId's parent field. Tasks spawned directly by a request should reference the request's originId parent.

Task Started


  • method: build/taskStart
  • params: TaskStartParams defined as follows:
export interface TaskStartParams {
  /** Unique id of the task with optional reference to parent task id */
  taskId: TaskId;

  /** Timestamp of when the event started in milliseconds since Epoch. */
  eventTime?: Long;

  /** Message describing the task. */
  message?: String;

  /** Kind of data to expect in the `data` field. If this field is not set, the kind of data is not specified.
   * Kind names for specific tasks like compile, test, etc are specified in the protocol.
  dataKind?: String;

  /** Optional metadata about the task.
   * Objects for specific tasks like compile, test, etc are specified in the protocol.
  data?: any;

Task Progress

After a taskStart and before taskFinish for a taskId, the server may send any number of progress notifications.

  • method: build/taskProgress
  • params: TaskProgressParams defined as follows:
export interface TaskProgressParams {
  /** Unique id of the task with optional reference to parent task id */
  taskId: TaskId;

  /** Timestamp of when the progress event was generated in milliseconds since Epoch. */
  eventTime?: Long;

  /** Message describing the task progress.
   * Information about the state of the task at the time the event is sent. */
  message?: String;

  /** If known, total amount of work units in this task. */
  total?: Long;

  /** If known, completed amount of work units in this task. */
  progress?: Long;

  /** Name of a work unit. For example, "files" or "tests". May be empty. */
  unit?: String;

  /** Kind of data to expect in the `data` field. If this field is not set, the kind of data is not specified.
   * Kind names for specific tasks like compile, test, etc are specified in the protocol.
  dataKind?: String;

  /** Optional metadata about the task.
   * Objects for specific tasks like compile, test, etc are specified in the protocol.
  data?: any;

Task Finished

  • method: build/taskFinish
  • params: TaskFinishParams defined as follows:
export interface TaskFinishParams {
  /** Unique id of the task with optional reference to parent task id */
  taskId: TaskId;

  /** Timestamp of the event in milliseconds. */
  eventTime?: Long;

  /** Message describing the finish event. */
  message?: String;

  /** Task completion status. */
  status: StatusCode;

  /** Kind of data to expect in the `data` field. If this field is not set, the kind of data is not specified.
   * Kind names for specific tasks like compile, test, etc are specified in the protocol.
  dataKind?: String;

  /** Optional metadata about the task.
   * Objects for specific tasks like compile, test, etc are specified in the protocol.
  data?: any;

Task Data

Task progress notifications may contain an arbitrary interface in their data field. The kind of interface that is contained in a notification must be specified in the dataKind field.

There are predefined kinds of objects for test and compile tasks, as described in the Compile Request and Test Request sections. These are declared by predefined dataKind strings in task notifications:

export namespace TaskDataKind {
  /** `data` field must contain a CompileTask object. */
  export const CompileTask = "compile-task";

  /** `data` field must contain a CompileReport object. */
  export const CompileReport = "compile-report";

  /** `data` field must contain a TestTask object. */
  export const TestTask = "test-task";

  /** `data` field must contain a TestReport object. */
  export const TestReport = "test-report";

  /** `data` field must contain a TestStart object. */
  export const TestStart = "test-start";

  /** `data` field must contain a TestFinish object. */
  export const TestFinish = "test-finish";

Compile Request

The compile build target request is sent from the client to the server to compile the given list of build targets. The server communicates during the initialize handshake whether this method is supported or not. This method can for example be used by a language server before textDocument/rename to ensure that all workspace sources typecheck correctly and are up-to-date.

  • method: buildTarget/compile
  • params: CompileParams
export interface CompileParams {
  /** A sequence of build targets to compile. */
  targets: BuildTargetIdentifier[];

  /** A unique identifier generated by the client to identify this request.
   * The server may include this id in triggered notifications or responses. */
  originId?: String;

  /** Optional arguments to the compilation process. */
  arguments?: String[];


  • result: CompileResult, defined as follows
  • error: JSON-RPC code and message set in case an exception happens during the request.
export interface CompileResult {
  /** An optional request id to know the origin of this report. */
  originId?: String;

  /** A status code for the execution. */
  statusCode: Int;

  /** Kind of data to expect in the `data` field. If this field is not set, the kind of data is not specified. */
  dataKind?: String;

  /** A field containing language-specific information, like products
   * of compilation or compiler-specific metadata the client needs to know. */
  data?: any;

Compile Notifications

The beginning of a compilation unit may be signalled to the client with a build/taskStart notification. When the compilation unit is a build target, the notification's dataKind field must be "compile-task" and the data field must include a CompileTask object:

export interface CompileTask {
  target: BuildTargetIdentifier;

The completion of a compilation task should be signalled with a build/taskFinish notification. When the compilation unit is a build target, the notification's dataKind field must be compile-report and the data field must include a CompileReport object:

export interface CompileReport {
  /** The build target that was compiled. */
  target: BuildTargetIdentifier;

  /** An optional request id to know the origin of this report. */
  originId?: String;

  /** The total number of reported errors compiling this target. */
  errors: Int;

  /** The total number of reported warnings compiling the target. */
  warnings: Int;

  /** The total number of milliseconds it took to compile the target. */
  time?: Int;

  /** The compilation was a noOp compilation. */
  noOp?: Boolean;

The server is free to send any number of build/publishDiagnostics and build/logMessage notifications during compilation before completing the response. Any number of tasks triggered by the requests may be communicated with build/task* notifications.

Test Request

The test build target request is sent from the client to the server to test the given list of build targets. The server communicates during the initialize handshake whether this method is supported or not.

  • method: buildTarget/test
  • params: TestParams
export interface TestParams {
  /** A sequence of build targets to test. */
  targets: BuildTargetIdentifier[];

  /** A unique identifier generated by the client to identify this request.
   * The server may include this id in triggered notifications or responses. */
  originId?: String;

  /** Optional arguments to the test execution engine. */
  arguments?: String[];

  /** Kind of data to expect in the `data` field. If this field is not set, the kind of data is not specified. */
  dataKind?: String;

  /** Language-specific metadata about for this test execution.
   * See ScalaTestParams as an example. */
  data?: any;


  • result: TestResult, defined as follows
  • error: JSON-RPC code and message set in case an exception happens during the request.
export interface TestResult {
  /** An optional request id to know the origin of this report. */
  originId?: String;

  /** A status code for the execution. */
  statusCode: Int;

  /** Kind of data to expect in the `data` field. If this field is not set, the kind of data is not specified. */
  dataKind?: String;

  data?: any;

The field data may contain test-related language-specific information.

Test Notifications

The beginning of a testing unit may be signalled to the client with a build/taskStart notification. When the testing unit is a build target, the notification's dataKind field must be test-task and the data field must include a TestTask object.

export interface TestTask {
  target: BuildTargetIdentifier;

The completion of a test task should be signalled with a build/taskFinish notification. When the testing unit is a build target, the notification's dataKind field must be test-report and the data field must include a TestReport object:

export interface TestReport {
  /** The build target that was compiled. */
  target: BuildTargetIdentifier;

  /** The total number of successful tests. */
  passed: Int;

  /** The total number of failed tests. */
  failed: Int;

  /** The total number of ignored tests. */
  ignored: Int;

  /** The total number of cancelled tests. */
  cancelled: Int;

  /** The total number of skipped tests. */
  skipped: Int;

  /** The total number of milliseconds tests take to run (e.g. doesn't include compile times). */
  time?: Int;

This request may trigger a compilation or other tasks on the selected build targets.

The server may send any number of build/task*, build/publishDiagnostics and build/logMessage notifications to communicate about tasks triggered by the request to the client.

Test Notifications

The server may inform about individual tests or groups of tests in task notifications that reference the originating task in their taskId. For example, the server can send a taskStart/taskFinish for each test suite in a target, and likewise for each individual test in the suite. The server's implementation decides the granularity at which tests are reported. For example, if it only has information about all the tests in a suite at a time, it could report a TestFinish for each test once the suite is done.

Where applicable, notifications about tests should use the taskId to reference parent tasks so that the client's user interface can display test execution in a tree view.

Individual test start notifications should specify test-started in the dataKind field and include the TestStart interface and test finish notifications should specify test-finished in the dataKind field and include the TestFinish interface in the data field.

export interface TestStart {
  /** Name or description of the test. */
  displayName: String;

  /** Source location of the test, as LSP location. */
  location?: Location;

export interface TestFinish {
  /** Name or description of the test. */
  displayName: String;

  /** Information about completion of the test, for example an error message. */
  message?: String;

  /** Completion status of the test. */
  status: Int;

  /** Source location of the test, as LSP location. */
  location?: Location;

  /** Kind of data to expect in the `data` field. If this field is not set, the kind of data is not specified. */
  dataKind?: String;

  /** Optionally, structured metadata about the test completion.
   * For example: stack traces, expected/actual values. */
  data?: any;

export namespace TestStatus {
  /** The test passed successfully. */
  export const Passed: Int = 1;

  /** The test failed. */
  export const Failed: Int = 2;

  /** The test was marked as ignored. */
  export const Ignored: Int = 3;

  /** The test execution was cancelled. */
  export const Cancelled: Int = 4;

  /** The was not included in execution. */
  export const Skipped: Int = 5;

Run Request

The run request is sent from the client to the server to run a build target. The server communicates during the initialize handshake whether this method is supported or not.

  • method: buildTarget/run
  • params: RunParams
export interface RunParams {
  /** The build target to run. */
  target: BuildTargetIdentifier;

  /** A unique identifier generated by the client to identify this request.
   * The server may include this id in triggered notifications or responses. */
  originId?: String;

  /** Optional arguments to the executed application. */
  arguments?: String[];

  /** Kind of data to expect in the data field. If this field is not set, the kind of data is not specified. */
  dataKind?: String;

  /** Language-specific metadata for this execution.
   * See ScalaMainClass as an example. */
  data?: any;

Note that an empty run request is valid. Run will be executed in the target as specified in the build tool.


  • result: RunResult, defined as follows
  • error: JSON-RPC code and message set in case an exception happens during the request.
export interface RunResult {
  /** An optional request id to know the origin of this report. */
  originId?: String;

  /** A status code for the execution. */
  statusCode: Int;

This request may trigger a compilation on the selected build targets. The server is free to send any number of build/task*, build/publishDiagnostics and build/logMessage notifications during compilation before completing the response.

The client will get a originId field in RunResult if the originId field in the RunParams is defined.

Debug Request

The debug request is sent from the client to the server to debug build target(s). The server launches a Microsoft DAP server and returns a connection URI for the client to interact with.

  • method: debugSession/start
  • params: DebugSessionParams
export interface DebugSessionParams {
  /** A sequence of build targets affected by the debugging action. */
  targets: List[BuildTargetIdentifier],

  /** The kind of data to expect in the `data` field. */
  dataKind: String;

  /** Language-specific metadata for this execution.
   * See ScalaMainClass as an example. */
  data: any;


  • result: DebugSessionAddress, defined as follows
  • error: JSON-RPC code and message set in case an exception happens during the request.
export interface DebugSessionAddress {
  /** The Debug Adapter Protocol server's connection uri */
  uri: Uri;

Clean Cache Request

The clean cache request is sent from the client to the server to reset any state associated with a given build target. The state can live either in the build tool or in the file system.

The build tool defines the exact semantics of the clean cache request:

  1. Stateless build tools are free to ignore the request and respond with a successful response.
  2. Stateful build tools must ensure that invoking compilation on a target that has been cleaned results in a full compilation.
  • method: buildTarget/cleanCache
  • params: CleanCacheParams
export interface CleanCacheParams {
  /** The build targets to clean. */
  targets: BuildTargetIdentifier[];


  • result: CleanCacheResult, defined as follows
  • error: JSON-RPC code and message set in case an exception happens during the request.
export interface CleanCacheResult {
  /** Optional message to display to the user. */
  message?: String;
  /** Indicates whether the clean cache request was performed or not. */
  cleaned: Boolean;